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3 authors, including:
Shashikala B M
Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering
All content following this page was uploaded by Shashikala B M on 18 December 2022.
Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysuru, India
Abstract. Only 40 lakh units of blood is available out of about 4 crore units of blood in each
year in the nation. The direct contact donor and the recipient is not offered by many of the blood
banks. This is critical when there is an emergency in need of blood. This aims to provide a
direct link between the donor and the recipient. In this paper the blood donation management
system (BDMS) which a web based application, which helps to manage the record of donors.
Through web interface a blood bank database is created. In a central server the collected data is
stored. Mobile application is used for sending notification via text message by using bulk
message dispatch technique for providing the communication between the donor and the
recipient. The recipient can also contact the donor with the help of the contact details available.
Blood donors can also be searched from the mobile application, it is accessible only for
registered members. The focus is to find the blood donors in an emergency situation and to
provide direct link between the donor and the recipient.
1 Introduction
Blood saves millions of lives across the world in a variety of situations. Millions of
blood units are collected from donors and still many millions are required to be
collected to meet the requirement of the world [1]. By donating the blood, helps a
needy and save a precious life. The information of the blood donor is required when
there is need of blood.
The blood bank receives large number of blood from donors. The information about
the blood donor needs to be updated. Whenever the information about the donor is
required it is difficult for the blood bank authority’s people to search the records
manually. To solve this problem, we proposed a blood donation management system
in which electronic information about the in the blood bank is created for the donor.
The main objective is to automate the complete process of the blood donation in the
blood bank. At present online databases are available, they did not offer direct link
between the donor and the recipient. This is a limitation in many cases when there is a
need of blood and this communication is overcome by providing a notification
through automated text messagetechnique.
Hospital Information systems provide doctors and support staff timely service.
Hospital Information systems need to be developed based on the requirement of the
hospital [2] [19]. Most of the existing applications of blood donation system are
manual which cannot update and download the latest update of the donor. Retrieval of
information takes a lot of time and accuracy is less. Lot of manpower is required [15].
The coordination between the different application and users is less. It takes lot of
time to generate reports. Mismanagement in handling the data which gives less
security to the system. To debug the existing system a proper approach is required.
The system we present provides a lot of information about the donors. The developed
system is user friendly and makes the blood donation management much easier and
flexible. It provides high level security with authentication [10]. The blood donation
management system we present here is built to serve the society. It provides storing,
managing, retrieving and searching of blood donor information. This web application
allows to access the whole information about blood donation management system and
it is adaptable to meet the requirement of blood donation management system in the
blood bank. Aim of this paper is to provide direct link between the donor and the
recipient via web interface and mobile application short messageservice.
2 Literaturesurvey
The system we proposed here is suitable for storing and searching the blood donor
information and its saves the time and money. All the blood donation details are
automated and with computer system it can be more fast and accurate. This
application serves the user by providing the necessary information about the donor in
case of emergency. User can effortlessly access the information from the system. The
features of the blood donation management systemare:
Centralized database architecture
Information of blood bank is secured by login andpassword
Donor registration
User accesscontrol
Detailed donor database
Search facility for finding blooddonors
Easy adding and updating of donorsdetails
Thorough report formats andregisters
Sends SMS alerts to thedonor
Security to protect blood donor’s potentialinformation
The blood donor data gathered from the blood bank located in the city. The administer
coordinates and manages various activities involved in the blood bank. Most of the
blood bank staff seek information from the blood bank information system other than
manually stored records. All the blood donation and transfusion services of acquiring,
storing, validating and circulating data is done electronically by a computerized blood
bank information system [12-14, 17]. The system provides the top security for blood
transfusion service.
Most of the system issues are information consistency, data integrity and reliability of
the system. The decisions in blood bank are based on the data. A decision support
system was developed for the effective management of blood bank data [3].
To provide a direct link between the donor and the recipient in online blood bank
management, algorithm defined. With other parameters algorithm also includes donor
willingness and the proximity of the donor. The most eligible donor is found based on
the algorithm. The developed system proved most effectiveness in accessibility and
security [4] [16]. In health care and blood banking, blood collection is forced to
provide efficient operations at a minimum cost[11].
Due to lack of efficient operation, the blood collection team need a working method
which demonstrates the efficiency level of cost incurred in the blood collection. The
decision support system addresses the existing situation at a blood bank. Decision
support system is a method to examine operational efficiency. It facilitates the
analysis of data and presents reasonable decision making skill [5]. Inventory
management provides adequate information about the availability of blood group. It
plays a vital role in the blood bank management information system. It also gives the
entire information of the blood bank. In today’s world to get the information about
blood donation a web based blood bank management tool is required to serve the
mankind [6].All the work carried out in blood bank requires being safe and error free.
Blood bank use automation to eliminate errors and provides security in delivering safe
blood for transfusion. For blood bank operations a formal workflow model and
automated tools are used to verify the safety properties[7].
In short we can say that blood donation management system is an online web
application which helps the blood bank and hospitals to look for the blood donor
information and to provide direct link between the donor and recipient. This system
helps Administrator to check the database. It is very flexible for the blood banks,
hospital management and users to retrieve the information and they can have the data
according to the query given bythem.
3 Methodology
When donor arrives at the blood bank the staff of the blood bank will collect the in-
formation about the donor like name, age, sex contact number and address details of
the donor [8]. The staff conducts physical examination of the donor for the eligibility
of blood donation. The registration is easy. All the information about the donor and
the results of physical examination are uploaded into the system by the administrator.
The system provides the unique identification number for every donor at the time of
registration. The administrator can add or delete the information of the donor. The
administrator can view the total account information of the donor. The search option
for donor information is provided. Every blood bank also has a username and pass-
word security. In this way this system helps the blood bank to find the information
about the registered blood donor.
Every donor has their own e-mail address and password with which they will login
into the system. From this they can update their data. If any user request for blood, he
can view the willing donor information. A blood donor database is created by
collection of detail entered by the donor through interface. In a central server the data
is stored. The most eligible donor is found by algorithm. Willingness of the donor,
Location, Last donation date and blood group are the major four components
considered. The architecture of the donation process is shown in figure 1 given below:
Application User
User Interface
Blood Bank Donation Man-
agement system Application
Fig.1: System Architecture for Blood Donation Management System
The proposed system is to create information about the donor and the blood bank
related to the blood donation. The storage of the data for the application has been
planned. The internal server has been selected as SQL server. SQL server provides the
high reliability and security. The user interfaces are designed using JSP technologies.
The connectivity to the database is provided by using SQL connection method [18].
The data storage formats are shown in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3.
The new system manages the present and upcoming requirements of the user. The
new system will operate efficiently. The information of all the users stored in a
database. The users access the application from any computer that has internet
browsing capabilities and an internet connection. Only the available donors are
displayed to the Requester. Users with correct usernames and passwords can enter
into thesystem.
4 Analysis:
5 ModuleStages
Screen shots of various modules are given in figures 8, 9, 10, 11,12,13,14 and 15
Fig. 8: Admin Login
6. Conclusion:
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