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Guideline on

ENAS Accreditation Scheme & Process ID. No.: EG 03

Revision No: 8 Revision Date: 23-12-2022 Page 1 of 17

1. Purpose ............................................................................................................................... 2
2. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 2
3. ENAS Accreditation Schemes Requirements ...................................................................... 2
4. ENAS Accreditation Fees .................................................................................................... 3
5. ENAS Accreditation Cycle ................................................................................................... 3
6. ENAS Accreditation Process ............................................................................................... 4
7. Access to Premises and Availability of Documents. .......................................................... 12
8. General Information Obligation ........................................................................................ 13
9. Use of the ENAS Accredited Symbol, and reference to the accreditation. ....................... 13
10. Sanction when failing to comply with ENAS Accreditation conditions & requirements .. 13
11. Transferring of accreditation. ............................................................................................ 15
12. Notice to relinquish/ dissolvement.................................................................................... 16
13. The Right to Appeal against Decisions made by ENAS. ..................................................... 16
14. Outsourcing ........................................................................................................................ 17
15. References ......................................................................................................................... 17
Guideline on
ENAS Accreditation Scheme & Process ID. No.: EG 03
Revision No: 8 Revision Date: 23-12-2022 Page 2 of 17

1. Purpose
This document provides a guideline and a reference for ENAS Accredited CABs, applicants, assessors
and stakeholders on ENAS Accreditation Scheme and Process requirements as per ENAS rules and
procedures for the provision of ENAS Accreditation Services.

2. Introduction
Emirates National Accreditations (ENAS) is the authorized body in UAE to accredit conformity
assessment bodies (CABs) including calibration and testing laboratories, certification bodies,
inspection bodies, medical laboratories and Halal certification bodies.
Accreditation Scheme is defined in ISO/IEC 17011:2017 Standard as follows:
“rules and processes relating to the accreditation of conformity assessment bodies to which the
same requirements apply”.
This document gives an overview of ENAS Accreditation Process and Schemes requirements and the
conditions that an accredited CAB must fulfill. Documents referred to are listed at the end of this
Accreditation will be declined to all CABs, which are unable to document that they comply with the
accreditation requirements.
Documents referred to in ENAS Accreditation Scheme requirements can be found on ENAS Page on
MoIAT website

3. ENAS Accreditation Schemes Requirements

Accredited CABs shall at all times comply with the requirements for accreditation. The CABs shall
adjust to new requirements or alterations in existing requirements within the time limits
determined by ENAS. As a supplement to the requirements described in this document, the
requirements are specified in the documents listed below:

3.1 General requirements:

ENAS Accreditation Schemes general requirements include the international Accreditation standards
as described below for each scheme:
▪ ISO/IEC 17025; General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration

▪ ISO/IEC 17020; Conformity assessment - Requirements for the operation of various types of
bodies performing inspection.

▪ ISO/IEC 17065; Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies certifying products,

processes and services.

▪ ISO 15189; Medical laboratories - Requirements for quality and competence

▪ UAE.S 2055-2; Halal Products – Part 2: General requirements for Halal certification bodies.
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3.2 ENAS requirements:

3.2.1 In addition to the Accreditation standard requirements defined for each conformity
assessment activity above, ENAS has defined addition requirements in the following ENAS
a. ENAS Policy (EP): It is a policy, which describes ENAS response and performance in
reference to requirements and situations stated in/ by ISO/IEC 17011, ILAC/ IAF or other
accreditation cooperation.
b. ENAS Technical Requirement (ETR): It describes ENAS mandatory requirements on certain
areas in which CAB comply with as part of Accreditation process.
3.2.1 All CABs seeking ENAS Accreditation shall comply at all times with ENAS Policy EP 02
regarding the “Conditions for the Use of ENAS Symbol by Accredited CABs”.
3.2.2 CABs shall comply with ENAS technical requirement (ETR) defined for the related
Accreditation Scheme as in the following tables:
Testing and Calibration Laboratories
Document ID ENAS Document Title
ISO/ IEC 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration
ETR 01 Metrological Traceability
ETR 02 Participation on Proficiency Testing
ETR 05 Requirements for Soil Testing - Geotechnical Investigations

ETR 07 ENAS Technical Requirements on Measurement Uncertainty

ETR 08 ENAS Technical Requirements on CMC

Inspection Bodies
Document ID ENAS Document Title
ISO/ IEC 17020 laboratories General requirements for operation of inspection bodies
ETR 01 Metrological Traceability
ETR 02 Participation on Proficiency Testing
ETR 06 Requirements for Inspection Bodies of Lifting Equipment

ETR 07 ENAS Technical Requirements on Measurement Uncertainty

4. ENAS Accreditation Fees

4.1 ENAS refers to enforced Cabinet Decree regarding its fees to be charged for its Accreditation
services. CABs are obliged to pay fees in accordance defined in the applicable fee structure
published in ENAS page on MoIAT website.
4.2 ENAS fees shall be paid through applied methods as per Ministry of Finance circulation regarding
the Federal Government approved payment procedures.

5. ENAS Accreditation Cycle

5.1 ENAS Accreditation cycle is define to be (3) years effective from the Accreditation decision date.
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5.2 CABs who intend to maintain their ENAS Accreditation status shall apply for ENAS Accreditation
renewal by submitting application for renewal at least (4) months before the expiry date of its
Accreditation Certificate.

6. ENAS Accreditation Process

6.1 Application for ENAS Accreditation
6.1.1 General
The following shall be considered when applying for ENAS Accreditation:
▪ The premises of the CAB located in UAE shall be legally registered as per cabinet decision
(35) for the year 2015 or any future applicable amendments.
▪ ENAS at the moment does not provide Accreditation for flexible scope.
▪ Applicants for accreditation or accredited CABs shall inform ENAS if they are applying for
accreditation within the same area, by any other accreditation body, or if their application
has been approved or declined by such body.
▪ If an applicant for accreditation started to apply or got its application rejected by any other
body as described above, ENAS can request for the reason for this and if necessary request
for the relevant assessment report or other relevant information.
▪ Any Certification Body (CB) or Inspection Body (IB) that seek Accreditation should have
completed one certification or at least have application in progress in that particular scope
for which it has applied.
▪ ENAS does not provide Accreditation for permanent subcontracted conformity assessment
▪ Preferably latest standard-methods to be used.
▪ For nonstandard method, the documentation of the validation shall be filed and the
modifications from the standard- method shall be described in the CAB’s own procedure.

6.1.2 Initial Application

All applications to ENAS for Accreditation must be:
▪ Submitted using the Application Form;
▪ include all necessary information and records listed in Application Annex;
▪ include signed copy or online testation on (Agreement between ENAS & Applicant, ACF 10-
▪ include filled ENAS checklist for the cross-reference of applicant’s management system and
related Accreditation criteria.
▪ include proof of payment of the Accreditation fee.

It is the responsibility of ENAS to ensure prior accepting an application the customer’s requirements
are fully understood. If an application is incomplete, or there appears to already be an application
for the same scope of accreditation from the same ENAS customer, ENAS shall contact the applicant
and request further information or clarification.
Once the application is complete (documents and payments), a formal Application acceptance
notification is sent including the following:
▪ ENAS assigned ID.
▪ Program Manager.
▪ ENAS technical requirements.
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6.1.3 Application Cancellation:

Accreditation Application is considered cancelled and applicant is informed by ENAS in the following
▪ If the initial assessment has not been conducted within six months from the application
confirmation date and the delay has been caused primarily by the applicant, application will
be considered cancelled and applicant will be informed.
▪ If CAB did not submit needed required information to ENAS to proceed with Accreditation
▪ If any Accreditation related fees are not paid as required.
▪ At any point in the application or initial assessment process, if there is evidence of
fraudulent behaviour, if the conformity assessment body intentionally provides false
information or if the conformity assessment body conceals information.

6.1.4 Application for Cross-Frontier Accreditation

Further to reception of a request to provide accreditation within another country/economy where
there is an ILAC/IAF MRA signatory or when requested to transfer accreditation from another
accreditation body either within or outside their own economy, ENAS operates according to the
guidance stated in ILAC G21 and in accordance with (EP 03).
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6.2 Assessment of Initial Application for Accreditation

Upon confirmation of application for Accreditation submitted to ENAS Program Manager (PM) will proceed with document review and assessment as
# Stage Purpose ENAS & Assessor Role CAB Role
The purpose of the document review is to ▪ For initial application, Document Review is conducted prior ▪ CAB shall provide the corrective actions needed to close the
ensure the CAB satisfies the requirements initial assessment, and a written report detailing the outcome of non-conformities raised by the documents review within four
of the accreditation scheme including the document review is to be provided to the CAB. weeks.
accreditation standard and ENAS ▪ LA may recommend not proceeding with initial assessment or to ▪ In case not all findings are closed in the first evaluation
requirements and to assist the Lead proceed with pre-assessment based on Document Review conducted by LA, applicant is given another 2 weeks to
6.2.1 Document Review Assessor (LA) to prepare briefing material outcome. submit further documents to close such findings.
for the assessment team. ▪ If the CAB management is unwilling to take its quality system
Consideration should be given to documentation away from its premises, the review shall be
information published on the CAB’s conducted on site, but an additional charge shall be charged
website and promotional material when for travel and expenses.
undertaking a document review.
A pre-assessment visit shall be considered ENAS assgened Lead Assessor shall condutc pre-assessment visit (1 CAB applicant shall consider pre-assessment outcome, take
for all new applicant CABs and for manday), pre-assessment includes the following: necessary action, and inform ENAS once issues are solved to
extensions to scope in new technical areas a. ensuring the CAB understands the nature of accreditation and proceed with initial assessment arrangement.
upon applicant request or LA the form and depth of assessment procedures;
recommendation as a result of Document b. obtains an insight into the reasons for seeking accreditation
Review. and the use to be made of the accreditation;
c. clarifying the scope of the application;
d. establishing any special needs of the CAB such as if there are
Pre Assessment any contractual arrangements or deadlines to be met and
discuss the probability of meeting those;
e. providing an opportunity for CAB staff to clarify issues and seek
f. identifying facilities that are not ready for accreditation;
g. explaining future costs and timeframes associated with the
accreditation process is also appropriate;
h. informing the CAB regarding the various technical
requirements of ENAS/ILAC/IAF.
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# Stage Purpose ENAS & Assessor Role CAB Role

6.2.3 Initial Assessment

The assessment team shall be established ENAS Program Manager (PM) is responsible for selecting and ▪ ENAS PM will seek CAB approval and confirmation. CAB shall
and it include a Lead Assessor (LA) and as appointing the assessment team from ENAS approved assessors declare no conflict of interest with any assessment team
many Technical Assessors/Experts (AT/ database. member.
TE) as are necessary to provide the Important notes: ▪ CABs may object to a particular individual. A maximum of
technical expertise to adequately assess two objections are permitted with acceptable justification.
the competence of the CAB. ▪ For testing labs, when assessment team does not possess
metrological skills, ENAS appoints a metrologist among this team ▪ After formally receiving the rejection from the CAB, If ENAS
to ensure relevant examination of metrological aspects and accepts the rejection request; it shall appoint a new assessor
uncertainty calculations, and ask again the approval of the CAB. The CAB has the right
Assessment Team to reject once again the new assigned assessor and shall
Selection ▪ When testing lab is performing in-house calibrations, suitable
inform ENAS with justification, and the same procedure is
technical assessors/experts (depending on calibration fields) shall
still applicable.
be integrated in the assessment team to make relevant appraisal
of calibration activities to make sure that the delivered results ▪ If the CAB does not agree the refusal of its rejection request,
are as reliable as other accredited external providers, the request will be handled as complaint, according to the
compliant procedure.
▪ Assessment team members shall declare to PM/LA any conflict of
interest when assigned to conduct specific assessment activity. ▪ After confirmation of assessment team members,
assessment date is confirmed with CAB according to the
availability of both CAB and assessment team members.
ENAS PM shall be responsible with Assessment Agenda and Plan (ACF 11-05) is provided to the CAB ▪ CAB shall prepare for activities defined in the assessment
cooperation with LA/ TA for the prepation before the date of assessment. and includes: plan.
of Assessment Cycle Plan and Assessment ▪ Assessment dates, times and locations. ▪ CAB shall provide updated Documentation and provide any
Agenda & Plan. ▪ Assessment team – names, roles and scope of assessment. records as required by the assessment team.
▪ Any observers attending (e.g. for the purposes of training. ▪ CAB shall fill PT Follow up sheet (ACF 11-33) prior assessment
monitoring or peer evaluation), however, attendance of date.
Assessment Plan observers must be agreed with the CAB prior to issue of the ▪ CAB shall provie Treacebility Sheet (ACF 11-34) prior
assessment plan assessment date.
▪ Approximate times of opening and closing meetings
▪ Assessment criteria (standards and any additional requirements)
▪ Activities to be assessed (management system & technical)
▪ Any specific staff that need to be available where applicable
▪ Any information to be submitted prior to the visit.
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# Stage Purpose ENAS & Assessor Role CAB Role

Upon the closure of Document Review The assessment team shall conduct the assessment, in accordance ▪ CAB management and authorised representative should
findings and after pre-assessment is with the assessment plan in order to gather objective evidence that attend the opening and closing meeting.
conducted and needed actions by the CAB is competent and conforms to the relevant standard(s) and ▪ CAB shall assign the escort for assessment team memebers.
applicant are taken (when needed), PM other applicable requirements for the scope applied for. ▪ CAB’s key personnel shall the whole time be available for the
will proceed with planning of initial If during the assessment, it is observed that the conditions, on ▪ CAB has the right to dispute the findings.
assessment. which the visit was based on, are not fulfilled, the lead assessor can
In initial assessment an on-site terminate the assessment-visit, e.g. if key personnel are not
assessment is conducted at premises available as provided, the CAB shows a lacking willingness to co-
where the CAB operates, this may include operate during the assessment or there are serious nonconformities
their customers’ sites (referred to as a so that an performance of the assessment-visit is not appropriate.
witnessed assessment). Initial assessment include:
PM/ LA prior assessment shall confirm to Opening meeting:
the CAB required logistics arrangements
by the assessment team (transportation, ▪ Introduction of cab personnel and assessment team members;
hotel accommodation,…). ▪ explain the purpose and process;
▪ clarify and confirm the accreditation criteria and scope under
assessment; Initial Assessment
▪ confirm detail of assessment agenda and plan;
▪ confirm logistics, guides and facilities required by the team;
▪ confirm any site-specific health and safety issues that the team
need to be aware of;
▪ confirm reporting arrangements ;
▪ confirm confidentiality undertaking.
Following the opening meeting, a tour in CAB premises may be
made by the team to gain an overall understanding of the physical
layout and introductions to the staff.

Private Meeting
The assessment team shall set aside time towards the end of the
assessment before the final meeting to discuss the outcome of the
assessment and agree the recommendation to be put forward by
the team. The Assessment Report may also be completed during
this meeting but if it is not possible summary and recommendation
shall be produced alongside Nonconformity Report to the CAB.
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# Stage Purpose ENAS & Assessor Role CAB Role

Closing Meeting
Before leaving site, the Assessment Team shall hold a closing
meeting with the CAB which shall be chaired by the LA. The
assessment team shall provide the following:
▪ A verbal summary of the outcome of the assessment,
highlighting any areas of concern with the CAB as well as areas
of good performance;
▪ the recommendation from the assessment team in relation to
accreditation for defined scope;
▪ explain ENAS policy on raising and closure of non-conformities;
▪ confirm if extra visit, re-witness or follow up visit is required to
close findings raised in the assessment;
▪ ensure that CAB management understands precisely what
further action is required before accreditation will be granted or
At this closing meeting, any additional effort required for the
closure of corrective actions shall be communicated to the CAB
along with the timescale for submission of the corrective actions
and supporting evidence to demonstrate that appropriate
corrective action has been taken to address the nonconformities
CAB has the right to dispute the findings, a copy of the
nonconformities shall be left with the Authorized Representative of
the CAB unless the assessment team is unable to reach a
conclusion. In that case, the LA should refer back to the PM for
clarification during the assessment or after, the CAB should be
made aware about the potential NCs to be raised.
▪ Assessment report and nonconformity Report shall be completed CABs are required respond to findings raised by the assessment
and submitted by assessment team, which contain commentary and document in the Nonconformity Reports, closure of
on the following: findings will be conducted as follows:
Findings of
a. A summary of the assessment; ▪ Root cause analysis and proposed corrective actions to be assessment and
b. A list of non-conformances found; defined, documented and submitted to assessment team
related closure members with 5 working dates from the assessment.
c. The corrective actions proposed or under taken by the CAB;
d. A conclusion regarding the suitability of those actions; ▪ CAB shall finalise proposed corrective actions considering
assessment team input.
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# Stage Purpose ENAS & Assessor Role CAB Role

e. A statement of general compliance, or otherwise, with ▪ Evidence on corrective actions to be submitted to ENAS PM
requirements; and assessment team members within agreed timescale not
f. Recommendation on accreditation; exceeding time period defined in ENAS guideline (EG 02).
g. Any conditions for accreditation; ▪ Re-witness or follow up visit may be requested by
h. The scope of accreditation to be granted; assessment team for the closure of assessment nom-
i. Any improvements deemed desirable by the assessment team. conformities.
j. LA may update assessment report in case of re-witness; follow ▪ In case assessor did not accept submitted evidences on
up visit is conducted for specific assessment. corrective actions, CAB shall take necessary actions and
submit further evidence needed to close pending findings.
▪ Assessment team members shall follow up with the CAB and ▪ In case CAB exceeds time limited defined by ENAS and
respond to the corrective actions submitted by the CAB. requested for extra time to close findings, LA shall contact
▪ In case assessment finding are not closed satisfactory with time PM and timeframe for submission may be extended if
frame defined and agreed on, LA shall submit final suitable reasons are presented by the CAB/assessor.
recommendation to ENAS PM for further action.
▪ PM shall consider the impact of the actions remaining
outstanding and the risk to the accreditation of the CAB. The PM
shall consider whether a site visit is required to review the
actions or dismiss the application without refunding any
charges. The applicant is bound to pay all accrued costs. The
applicant will get a pre-warning by email to be able to give a
statement before the process will be interrupted.
▪ The applicant needs to apply again after such interruption and
payment of any pending fee.
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6.3 Accreditation Decision

6.3.1 Review & Decision Making
Upon receiving completed assessment deliverables from LA, PM shall proceed with peer
review and decision-making process.
CAB shall respond to PM in case any clarification or further information is required in this
Accreditation Decision will normally be made within one month from submission of
complete assessment deliverables to ENAS.
6.3.1 Granting ENAS Accreditation
CABs shall be accredited for a period of 3 years, subject to satisfactory surveillance
activities. Upon grant of accreditation decision, PM informs the CAB with decision and
send ENAS symbol with ENAS ID.
The CAB shall be issued with an accreditation certificate and associated detailed scope of
accreditation within 10 working days from the date of decision.

6.4 Surveillance Assessment

▪ ENAS shall conduct surveillance assessment to monitor the continued conformity of
accredited CABs, with the applicable standards.
▪ Surveillance visit following granting accreditation shall normally take place 12
months to 18 months after accreditation is granted.
▪ Assessment team selection, assessment plan, conduct of assessment, reporting the
results, and closure of findings shall follow what specified above.
▪ Accredited CABs shall before an ordinary surveillance visit send in updated
versions of relevant documents (Application Form – Annex) and shall be sent
directly to the assessors not later than 4 weeks before a surveillance visit, if
nothing else is agreed on by ENAS.
▪ Activities covered in surveillance assessment are described in ENAS Procedure (ACP

6.5 Re-assessment
▪ CAB shall confirm its intention to continue with ENAS Accreditation by submitting
renewal application 4 months before the expiry of Accreditation Certificate.
▪ CAB can apply for scope extension along with renewal application for Accreditation.
▪ Assessment team selection, assessment plan, conduct of assessment, reporting the
results follow what specified above.
▪ Activities covered in re-assessment visit are described in ENAS Procedure (ACP 15).
▪ Accredited CABs shall before re-assessment visit send in updated versions of
relevant documents (Application Form – Annex) and shall be sent directly to the
assessors not later than 4 weeks before re-assessment date, if nothing else is
agreed on by ENAS.
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6.6 Request for Scope Extension

▪ Extension to scope/ Scope expansion is defined as a request from the CAB to add new
conformity assessment activities to their Accreditation Scope. Requests to add
additional Locations where key activities take place shall also be considered as an
Extension to Scope.
▪ Accredited CAB shall request scope extension through submitting application for
scope expansion. CABs are advised to apply for scope expansion 2 months before the
scheduled surveillance assessment and 4 months in case of applying along with
renewal application.
▪ Scope extension shall require on-site assessment; however, scope extension may be
either conducted in an independent visit or linked to the upcoming surveillance, if it is
due within a few months. In that case, sufficient time will be allocated to cover the
assessment of scope extension.
▪ Activities covered in the onsite assessment that includes scope extension is described
in the procedure (ACP 15).
▪ In case of scope extension, onsite assessment is conducted as described above.

6.7 Unannounced/ Extraordinary visit

▪ On occasions ENAS may conduct unannounced/ extraordinary visits as part of (or in
place of) the planned surveillance/reassessment activity or where an extra visit is
required e.g. as part of a complaint investigation or where specifically required by a
▪ Unannounced visits shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements for on-
site visits although consideration should be given to the potential lack of availability
of key staff, resources and activities.
▪ CAB shall pay charges defined foe the Unannounced/ Extraordinary visit

6.8. Remote Assessment

As part of ENAS Accreditation process, applicants and accredited CABs are subject to
initial and surveillance on-site assessment as per ENAS procedures and CAB’s pre-
scheduled Assessment Program. However, ENAS may proceed for conducting Remote
Assessment in cases or occasions where on-site assessment cannot be possible. Remote
Assessment will then replace a planned on-site assessment and shall be carried out
according to ENAS Remote Assessment Procedure and CAB can refer to ENAS Guideline
(EG 04) for Remote Assessment implementation.

7. Access to Premises and Availability of Documents.

The CAB has a duty to arrange and give ENAS the necessary access to their premises
and to all relevant documentation as and when required by ENAS. For mandatory scope
of accreditation unannounced visits will be made which will vary from CAB to CAB.
Necessary access means access, which is necessary to be able to verify accordance
to the requirements in the relevant requirement-standard.
Relevant documentation means documentation, which gives support in the evaluation
according to relevant requirement-standards. Including is documents, concerning the
work done by the CAB. Relevant documentation shall on request be available for ENAS
as soon as possible.
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During the assessment, the CAB has a duty to adjust their normal activities so that the
assessment team can perform an efficient assessment.
ENAS informs the organization about the visit in suitable time, but when it is required
ENAS’s assessment team shall be given access without the CAB being informed in
Documentation and premises shall be accessible for staff employed in ENAS as well
as the assessors/experts, which is engaged by ENAS and accepted by the CAB.

8. General Information Obligation

Accredited CABs shall at all times keep ENAS informed regarding changes in the
organization which may influence the organization’s ability to comply with the terms of
accreditation. The organization shall inform ENAS immediately if there are changes in:
a. Legal status, ownership, name, E-mail address, phone, fax no, etc.
b. The organization, management and key personnel, i.e., quality manager in
charge, the responsible for validation, the responsible for interpretation (for
accreditation, which includes interpretation and evaluation of results).
c. The m a n a g e m e n t system if significant for the compliance with the terms of
d. For labs, essential calibration and testing facilities, such as equipment,
instruments and laboratory premises (e.g. moving of the laboratory), and other
essential resources. ENAS shall approve such changes before they are
e. Substantial changes in national and international standard-methods which is
used by the CAB in tests/calibrations, or other substantial changes in methods.

9. Use of the ENAS Accredited Symbol, and reference to the accreditation.

Accredited CABs are requested to use ENAS’s symbol. Use of ENAS’s symbol and
reference to accreditation shall be in accordance with ENAS’s requirements of EP 02
which is published in ENAS page on MoIAT website.
The CABs shall have rules for how they refer to the accreditation in advertising
materials and in other connections.

10. Sanction when failing to comply with the ENAS Accreditation conditions and
If the accredited CAB fails to comply with the requirements for accreditation, ENAS can
put in effect one or more of the following sanctions, depending on how serious the non-
compliances are:
▪ Instructions of corrective actions (non-compliances).
▪ Suspend the accreditation or parts of it.
▪ Withdraw the accreditation or parts of it.
▪ Fines as per UAE Cabinet decision no (13) for the year 2021, or any future
applicable amendments.
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ENAS shall evaluate which sanctions to be used. When it is necessary to do

withdrawals, ENAS should give a chance for further corrective actions to be provided by
the CAB or/ and suspension procedure to be followed prior withdrawal.
The sanctions can be described as following:

10.1 Instructions of corrective actions (nonconformities).

ENAS can require that the CAB correct the nonconformities within a specified period. If
the CAB wishes to keep the accreditation, it must prove that the non- compliance is
satisfactory corrected within the time limit.
The instructions may include withdrawal of accredited calibration certificates and test
reports. ENAS may also decide that an extraordinary visit to the CAB is required to
check that the corrections are satisfactory implemented.

10.2 Accreditation Suspension:

If the nonconformity is not corrected within the agreed time, or if the nonconformity is
substantial, the accreditation – or part of it- can be suspended for a limited time. A
suspension is a blocking of the CAB’s accredited activity because of serious deficiency in
fulfilling the requirements set by ENAS.
Changes of the CAB’s premises, regarding moving/rebuilding will normally lead to
suspension. The same can in some cases be the result of changes in the organization.
A CAB can ask to be suspended on voluntary base. An argument for this voluntary
suspension can be i.e. that the CAB itself register that the requirements for accreditation
is not fulfilled, or by moving to new premises.
▪ When the accreditation or parts of this is suspended, the CAB shall not offer or
perform accredited services for the suspended activities as long as the suspension
▪ Accredited calibration-certificates/test reports shall not be issued within the area,
which is included in the suspension.
▪ Suspensions are time limited to 60 days, but ENAS may prolong for practical reasons
such as purchase or installation of an equipment etc.

The accreditation can be re-established by ENAS if the conditions which caused the
suspension are improved in a satisfactory way within the time limit. In most of the cases
this would be done by physical verification of the site. However, in certain cases where
documentary evidence is sufficient, physical verification may not be needed. This would
be decided by the concerned in charge either alone or if needed in consultation with
the recommendations of the lead/technical assessor to lift suspension without a visit.

10.3 Withdrawal of accreditation:

If the CAB does not want to or is unable to correct the nonconformities, within the
time limit, or the nonconformity is so serious that the CAB no longer has the necessary
qualifications to carry out accredited conformity assessment tasks, the accredited scope
or parts of the scope s h a ll be withdrawn. In this case, the CAB’s accreditation is
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terminated by the withdrawal. By termination of the accreditation, the CAB is required

to return the accreditation certificate and the accreditation document to ENAS.
If parts of the accreditation are withdrawn, the CAB shall hand over to ENAS
accreditation documents for destruction or alteration. The CAB shall no longer offer to
carry out accredited services within the areas withdrawn.
If the accreditation is fully or partially withdrawn the CAB shall, inform clients
concerned about the consequences if available. A copy of this information shall be sent
to ENAS.
In the case of withdrawal or suspension, paid fees will not be refunded. The CAB has a
duty to pay all incurred costs. During a period of suspension, the regular fees shall be
paid as normal.
Before a decision to suspend or withdraw accreditation can be made, the CAB must be
given a notice and the possibility of a hearing, except in certain cases, where immediate
suspension is needed due to unsatisfactory performance.
Appeals on decisions concerning sanctions can be made.

10.4 Fines as per UAE Cabinet decision no (13) for the year 2021 or any future
applicable amendments
ENAS may refer to article (3) from the Cabinet decision no (13) for the year 2021 or any
future applicable amendments in case the accredited CAB conduct any of the violations
defined the above referred article.

11. Transferring of accreditation.

In cases where by purchase, merger, and changes of name etc. where accredited CABs
wish to transfer an accreditation from one organization to another. Transfer implies that
an assigned accreditation is transferred from one organization to another. The
accreditation-number will normally be kept. Conditions for approval of transmission are
as follows:
a) The system of performance of the accredited tests/calibrations shall not in principal
be changed, and the changes shall not be in conflict with the accreditation
b) The changes do not lead to weakening of the quality of the work or the integrity of
the organization.
c) The changes have no influence on fulfillment of the requirements of accreditation.
d) The transferring of accreditation does not mislead the market.
e) The organization obliges the responsibility towards customers and ENAS.
(This implies that it at any time in the transmission process there have to be a
clearly defined legal body which is responsible towards customers and ENAS).
f) The changes are not in conflict with UAE’s laws.

If transmission is requested the accredited CAB needs to send an application by letter for
transmission of the accreditation. The application must include:
▪ Complete description of the background of the application.
▪ Clear and precise description of new legal status, when it is relevant.
Guideline on
ENAS Accreditation Scheme & Process ID. No.: EG 03
Revision No: 8 Revision Date: 23-12-2022 Page 16 of 17

▪ Description of possible changes in the quality system.

▪ Company-attestation
▪ Binding statement from the new owner/management that they will fulfill the
requirements for accreditation.
▪ Binding statement from the new owner/management that possible relevant
responsibility is taken over from the one the accreditation was transmitted from
(e.g. abidance of offers which are already contracted make for delivery of
accredited services).
▪ Plan for updating of the quality manual, procedures, catalogues, and other
affected documents (e.g. change of name).
▪ Information regarding updating of necessary contract of employments,
agreement with subcontractors etc. when relevant.

In accordance with the conditions of transmission, ENAS will decide whether verifications must
be done at the location of the applicant or transmission can be declined on behalf of the
received documentations.
In the cases where changes lead to a new accreditation certificate and accreditation
document, the CAB which is accredited has a duty to return the earlier edition of these to ENAS
when the transmission is declined.

12. Notice to termination Accreditation

An accredited CAB may voluntarily terminate its accreditation, in which 60 days notice is
required. If the CAB is dissolved, it has a duty to immediately inform ENAS, which will
withdraw the accreditation at once. The requirements, which are described in section 10
in this document regarding withdrawing, are valid. Clause 12 in the Agreement between
ENAS and Applicant shall be considered.

13. The Right to Appeal against Decisions made by ENAS.

An applicant or accredited body may formally request ENAS to reconsider any adverse
decision ENAS has made related to its desired accreditation status by submitting an
appeal in writing to ENAS within (15) days of the date of official notification of the
decision in question. Decision on appeal shall be achieved within (30) days from receipt of
Adverse decisions include:
▪ Refusal to accept an application;
▪ refusal to proceed with an assessment;
▪ corrective action requests;
▪ changes to accredited scope;
▪ decisions to deny, suspend or withdraw accreditation, and
▪ any other action that impedes the attainment of accreditation.
ENAS Appeal process is published on ENAS page on MoIAT website.
Guideline on
ENAS Accreditation Scheme & Process ID. No.: EG 03
Revision No: 8 Revision Date: 23-12-2022 Page 17 of 17

14. Outsourcing
ENAS normally undertake its accreditation activities, however, in some cases ENAS may
outsources accreditation activities to other Accreditation bodies in which the following
arrangements are implemented and considered:
▪ In all cases, ENAS does not outsource the Accreditation decision-making; including
granting, maintaining, extending, reducing, suspending or withdrawing ENAS
▪ ENAS Assessments are outsourced to accreditation bodies via ILAC/IAF MRA
signatories only. This recognition shall be established generally by signing a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between both accreditation bodies which
shall include evidence of competence of the outsourced body and their personnel
involved in the assessment process as per ENAS requirements and relevant
sections of ISO/IEC 17011 Standard, including confidentiality, conflict of interest
and monitoring measures.
▪ ENAS shall be responsible for informing the CAB and obtain the consent of the
conformity assessment body to use a particular provider of any outsourced parts
of the assessment.
▪ ENAS shall be responsible for the follow up on outsourced activities.

15. References
▪ ISO/IEC 17011 Standard – Conformity assessment -- Requirements for accreditation bodies
accrediting conformity assessment bodies.
▪ ENAS Management System rules and procedures.
▪ ACF 10-02 - Agreement between ENAS and applicant.
▪ Documents published by ENAS are available on Internet (ENAS Page):
▪ Documents published by ILAC are available on Internet:
▪ Documents published by IAF are available on Internet:
▪ Documents published by APAC are available on Internet:
▪ Documents published by ARAC are available on Internet:

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