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Name of Institution: Federal TVET Agency

Civics and Ethical Education

NTQF Level V

Unit of Competence: Apply Effective leadership Style

Module Title: Applying Effective leadership Style

LG Code: TVETCEEM5 M02 LO1-01

TTLM Code: CEE5TTLM 0215v1

LO1: Basic concepts of leadership

Instruction Sheet Learning Guide #1

This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the
following content coverage and topics –
 Basic concepts of Leadership
 Attributes of Leaders
 Characteristics of leadership
Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015
Ethical Education Level III
Page 1
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
 The Roles of Leaders

This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to –

 Elaborate basic concepts of leadership

 Discuss attributes of leaders are discussed.
 Analyzed leadership characteristics that would make effective leaders.
 Enumerate the roles of leadership.

Learning Instructions:
1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
2. Follow the instructions described in number 3 to 13.
3. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets 1”. Try to understand what are being
discussed. Ask your teacher for assistance if you have hard time to understand them.
4. Accomplish the “Self-check 1” in page 6__.
5. Ask your teacher for the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your teacher to
correct your work. (You can get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-
check 1).
6. If you earn a satisfactory evaluation proceed to “Information Sheet 2”. However, if your
rating is unsatisfactory, see your teacher for further instructions or go back to Learning
Activity #2.
7. Submit your accomplished Self-check. This will form part of your training portfolio.
8. Read the information written in the “Information Sheet 2”. Try to understand what are being
discussed. Ask you teacher for assistance if you have hard time understanding them.
9. Accomplish the “Self-check 2” in page 9.
10. Ask from your teacher the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your teacher to
correct your work. (You are to get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-
check 2).
11. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets 3 and 4”. Try to understand what are
being discussed. Ask you teacher for assistance if you have hard time understanding them.
12. Accomplish the “Self-check 3” in page 11.
13. Ask from your teacher the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your teacher to
correct your work. (You are to get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-
check 3).

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Page 2
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Information Sheet #1
Basic concepts of Leadership

Defining Leadership
Like most others, the concepts leadership, leader and followers appear to be more known than
understood. For example, if you are asked whether or not have ever been leading a group, you
may say yes and list many responsibilities you were once assigned to. You might have been a
trainee’s council president, a coordinator of small business enterprise or other organization, etc.
You are right! You may not even need to have been in charge of these responsibilities to be a
leader. This is what makes the definition of leader, its attributes, and role and leadership
somehow difficult. Now, before we define the leadership as a process, let’s see what the related
concept leader refers to under different conditions. Different people have defined the concept as
 A leader is someone who people choose to follow: nothing more nothing less.
 A leader is influences others to do things that they may not otherwise do.
 Leaders are those people who improve the lives of affiliated individuals and
 Ideally, the effective leader is a person of integrity.
Here are some definitions given by leadership writers and world famous leaders over the last
“Leadership is influence- nothing more, nothing less.” (Maxwell, 2001)
“Leadership is the ability to influence people towards the accomplishment of goals. It is
associated with the determination of the goals. It is a vision for the future and the process of
change to reach the goals the future.” (Chandan, 1997)
“Leadership is a function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated
building trust among colleagues, and taking effective action to realize your own leadership
potential.” (Bennis, 2003)
“Leadership is speaking, listening, and acting in a way that mobilizes self and others to take
effective action to realize vision, possibilities and dreams.” (Friedman, 2005)

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Page 3
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Leadership is simply means giving direction and the quality of good leader comprises of the
personality and style of treatment which influences the behaviour of others. It is the process of
influencing others to work towards the achievement of objectives.

Theories of Leadership
There are several approaches to the study of leadership and is classified into three categories.
A. Trait Leadership Theory
According this theory there are distinctive physical and psychological characteristics accounting
for leadership effectiveness. This theory assumes that leaders are born not made. Professor
Edwin Ghiselli, one of the trait theory advocators, identified the following six traits in order of
importance as significant traits for effective leadership.
1. Supervisory ability: - getting the job done through others.
2. Need for Occupational Achievement:- seeking responsibility and motivation to perform
hard to succeed.
3. Decisiveness: - the ability to solve the problem and make decision competitively.
4. Intelligence:- The ability to use good judgement reasoning and thinking capacity.
5. Self-assurances:- viewing oneself as capable of coping with problems, behaving in a
manner that shows others that you have self –confidence.
6. Initiative :- self –starting in getting the job done with a minimum of supervision from
once boss.
B- Behavioural Leadership Theory
It believes that leaders should develop a distinctive and consistent style while they interact with
group members. It usually credited participatory styles of leadership. The behavioural theorists
contend that a leader style is oriented towards an employee centred or a job centred emphasis.
 Employee Centred Orientation:- The leader at this circumstance emphasizes
developing friendly, open relationship with employees and is very sensitive to their
personal and social needs.
 A Job-Centred Orientation:- Is one in which the leader emphasizes getting the job done
by planning, organizing, delegating, making decisions, evaluating performance and
exercising close management control.
The other leadership theory that emanates from behavioural leadership is:-

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Page 4
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Transformational Leadership Theory: - It directly refers to employee’s centred orientation in
which leaders consider themselves as change agents, and are courageous to face risks. The leader
renders selfless in elevating, mobilizing, inspiring to its subordinate.
C- Contingency (Situational) Leadership theory: - It insists that successful leadership depends
on the relationship between the organizational situation and the leader style. The organizational
style can include such variables as the managers and subordinates values, attitudes and
experience and the nature of the particular work to be accomplished including time and money.
Thus leaders can adopt different styles in accordance to the prevailing situations.

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Page 5
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Self-Check 1 Written Test

Directions 1: Choose the correct answer for the following questions from the given alternative.
Use the Answer sheet provided in the next page: (2 points for each)

1. A trait leadership theory emphasis on personal quality leaders like.

A. Leaders are born not made.
B. Social status and experience.
C. Intelligence and scholarship
D. All are correct.
2. What is the basis of the argument of the behavioral theorists about leadership? They
insisted on that:-
A. A leadership style is oriented towards job centered emphasis.
B. Leadership mainly relies on employee centered orientation.
C. It incorporates transformational leadership theory.
D. All of the above.
3. What is the main purpose of contingency leadership theory?
A. It is more dictated by the physical and psychological traits of leaders.
B. It claims that successful leadership depends on the relationship between the
organizational situation and the leader style.
C. It is restricted to job centered orientation.
D. It is participatory style of leadership.

Directions 2: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next
4. Define the term leader and leadership in your own words? (5 points)
5. Compare and contrast Behavioural Leadership Theory and Situational Leadership theory.
(7 points)

Note: Satisfactory rating - 9 points Unsatisfactory - below 9 points

You can ask you teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions

1. ________________________________________________________________

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Page 6
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0

3. ________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________








Attributes of Leaders
Information Sheet #2

Attributes of leaders refers to characteristics that most leaders commonly possess. Let’s now
consider the following some attributes of leaders given by Gardner (1990). The attributes are not
present in every leader amassed, however.
1. Physical Vitality and Stamina: - a high energy level or physical durability. Top leaders
need have energy to convene meeting after a hard day’s work, to chair long and heated
debates, to represent groups before the city council, and so on.
2. Intelligence and Judgement in Action:- leaders need to be careful observers and be
men/women of not only analysis but also action. Judgement refers to the ability to
combine hard data, questionable data and intuitive guesses to arrive at conclusion that
events prove to be correct. Judgement in action includes effective problem solving, the
design of strategies, the setting of priorities and intuitive as well as rational judgement. It
also includes the capacity to appraise the potentialities of co-workers and opponents.

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Ethical Education Level III
Page 7
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
3. Willingness (Eagerness) to accept Responsibilities:- refers to the impulse to exercise
initiative in social situations, to bear the burden of making the decision, to step forward
when no one else will.
4. Confidence: - leaders need have a sense of assurance in expressing positive influence, a
confidence that others will react affirmatively. It requires confidence to take the risk that
leaders take, and confidence to handle the hostility that leaders must absorb.
5. Skill in dealing with People:- this refers to social perceptiveness. It is the ability to
appraise accurately the readiness or resistance of followers to move in a given direction ,
to know when dissention or confusion is undermining the group’s will to act, to make the
most of the motives that are there, and to understand the sensitivities. For example,
leaders need not make ill-considered hasty promise; should not be bumptious; not be
cowardly; not be obsequious, not to be ungracious to peers; not given to nasty alterations
with subordinates.

6. Adaptability, Flexibility of Approach:- leaders need have stable goals but flexible
tactics. Leaders need have the ability to shift swiftly and without second thought from a
failing tactic to another approach, and if that do not work, to still another. Leaders need
not cling stubbornly to an approach that was not produce results.

The above are among the most important leadership attributes. In any case we should not think
rigidly or mechanically about the attributes of leaders. It all depends on the kind of leadership
being exercised, the context, the nature of followers, etc.

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Page 8
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Self-Check 2 Written Test

Directions: Match the responses under column “B” to the premises under column “A”. Use the
Answer sheet provided in the next page: (2points for each)

Column “A” Column “B”

1. High energy level A. Adaptability, Flexibility of Approach
2. Impulse to exercise initiative in social situations B. Skills in dealing with people
3. Sense of assurance in expressing influence C. Physical vitality and stamina
4. Social perceptiveness D. willingness to accept responsibilities
5. Ability to shift swiftly and without second thought E. Confidence
from a failing tactic to another approach

Note: Satisfactory rating - 5 points Unsatisfactory - below 5 points

You can ask you teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions






Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Page 9
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
The Characteristics of Leadership
Information Sheet #3

 There are different characteristics effective Leadership.

 Maturity
 Abundance Mentality
 Communicator
 People focused
 Visionary

Effective leadership has certain, basic and visionary characteristics. The aim of strong leader is
to translate their “vision” in to reality. So, how is this done? Here are 12 characteristics of an
effective leader to consider.
 Risk taker
 Self- control
 Caring Individual
 Modest
 Balance
 Resolute
 Motivational
 A clear communication
 Visionary
 Sense of Humour
 Ethical
 Dedicated to the “cause”

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Self-Check 3 Written Test

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next
Discuss characteristics effective Leadership. (10 Points)

Note: Satisfactory rating - 5 points Unsatisfactory - below 5 points

You can ask you teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions

1. ________________________________________________________________







Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
The Roles of Leaders
Information Sheet #4

Roles of leaders

A leader motivates, strategizes, enlightens, acts, plans, builds, institutes, produces and serves as a
symbol. Leaders of organizations are persons whose roles are to stimulate and inspire the
employees to contribute willingly, cooperatively and zealously to the achievement of
organizational goals. Leaders are expected to effectively communicate with their followers and
are believed to handle their human resources effectively to achieve goals.
In organizational setting leaders are persons who have technical, managerial, and conceptual
knowledge so that they can act as technical, managerial and institutional level. Leaders are
inevitable symbols. Workers singled out to be supervisors discovered that they are symbols of
managers. Sergeants symbolized chain of command. Religious leaders symbolize their church. In
a group threatened with internal strife/conflict/, the leader may be a crucial symbol of unity.
Most leaders become quite aware of the symbolic aspects of their roles and make effective use of
them. One of the 20th c leaders who did so most skillfully was Gandhi. In the issue he chose to
do battle on, in the way he conducted his campaigns, in the jail terms and the fasting, in his
manner of dress, he symbolized his people, their desperate need, and their struggle against

However, leaders do not always function as being symbol. Sometimes, leaders bound by the
oath of office were lying to the public, lying to the parliament, and lying to one another. Then to
the people they become symbols of all the falsehoods and betrayals committed by a distant and
distrusted government.
Leaders are required to carry on a certain managerial functions like goal setting and delegating.
Thus, the act of leading and managing is different. However, the truth is that the two have a lot in
common and are not as such exclusive of one another. A close study of management and

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
leadership suggests that management is about planning, organizing, leading and controlling
which implies handling financial and material resources, as well as people. On the other hand,
leadership is about setting direction, aligning, people and motivating and inspiring them. It is
purely about people.

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Self-Check 4 Written Test

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next page:

1. Discuss the role of leaders. (5 points)

2. Compare and contrast the function of leadership and management. (5 points)

Note: Satisfactory rating - 5 points Unsatisfactory - below 5 points

You can ask you teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions









Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Name of Institution: Federal TVET Agency

Civics and Ethical Education

NTQF Level V

Unit of Competence: Apply Effective leadership Style

Module Title: Applying Effective leadership Style

LG Code: TVETCEEM5 M02 LO2-02

TTLM Code: CEE5TTLM 0215v1

LO2 Distinguish Leadership styles and models

Instruction Sheet Learning Guide #1

This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following
content coverage and topics –
 Leadership style

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
 Autocratic/Authoritarian
 Bureaucratic
 Charismatic
 Democratic

This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page. Specifically,
upon completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to –

 Recognize various leadership styles

 Discuss the strong and weak sides of each of the different leadership
 Identify the best style of leadership

Learning Instructions:
1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
2. Follow the instructions described in number 3 to 10.
3. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets 1”. Try to understand what are being
discussed. Ask your teacher for assistance if you have hard time to understand them.
4. Accomplish the “Self-check 1” in page 19__.
5. Ask your teacher for the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your teacher to
correct your work. (You can get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-
check 1).
6. If you earn a satisfactory evaluation proceed to “Information Sheet 2”. However, if your rating
is unsatisfactory, see your teacher for further instructions or go back to Learning Activity #2.
7. Submit your accomplished Self-check. This will form part of your training portfolio.
8. Read the information written in the “Information Sheet 2”. Try to understand what are being
discussed. Ask you teacher for assistance if you have hard time understanding them.
9. Accomplish the “Self-check 2” in page 22.
10. Ask from your teacher the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your teacher to
correct your work. (You are to get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-
check 2).

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Information Sheet #1 leadership styles

1. Autocratic /Authoritarian Leadership:- This is often considered the classical approach. It is

one in which the manager retains as much power and decision making authority as possible.
The manager does not consult employees, nor does he /she allow them to give any input. In
most cases, leaders order their employees and need response without giving them any chance to
raise question or suggestions. Employee are expected to obey orders without receiving any
explanation. This is the style of leadership where by leaders centralize every decision under
their control. The motivation environment is produced by creating a structured set of rewards
and punishment.
2. Bureaucratic Leadership: - is where the manager leader manages “by the book.” Everything
must be done according to procedure or policy. If it isn’t covered by the book, the manager
refers to the next level above him or her. This manager is really more of a police officer than a
leader. He/she enforce the rule.
3. Charismatic Leadership:-
This style of leadership rests on the following three basic assumptions:-
 Charm and grace are all that are needed to create followers;
 Self-belief is the fundamental need of leaders;
 People follow others that they personally admire.
The charismatic leader gathers followers through impression of personality and charm, rather
than any form of external power or authority. They are pay a great of attention to scanning and
reading their environment, and re good at picking up the moods and concerns of both individuals
and larger audiences. The charismatic leaders use a wide range of methods to manage their image
and, if they are not naturally charismatic, may practice continuously at developing their skills.
Deliberate charisma is played out in a theatrical sense. Many politicians use a charismatic style,
as they need to gather a large number of followers. The charismatic leader will typically attach
them firmly to identify of the group, such that to join the group is to become one with the leader.
In doing so, they create an unchallengeable position for themselves.
4. Democratic (Participative) Leadership
The democratic leadership style is also called the participative style as it encourages employees
to be a part of the decision making. It keeps .his/her employees informed about everything that
Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015
Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
affects their work and shares decision making and problem solving responsibility. This style
requires the leader to be a coach who has the final say, but gathers information from staff
members before making decision. Typically the democratic leader:-
 Develop plans to help employees evaluate their own performance;
 Allows employees to establish goals;
 Encourage employees to grow on the job and to be promoted;
 Recognizes and encourages achievement.
5. Laissez-fair Leadership
These kinds of leaders take no interest either in production in people. Leaders of this leadership
style “let things drift”. They do not effectively supervise and control the decision making
process. It is also known as the “hand –off” style. All authority or power is given to the
employees and they must determine goals, make decisions, and resolve problem on their own.

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Self-Check 1 Written Test

Directions 1: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next page:
Discuss each leadership styles. ( 10 Points)

Note: Satisfactory rating - 5 points Unsatisfactory - below 5 points

You can ask you teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions

2. ________________________________________________________________











Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
The strong and weak sides of leadership styles
Information Sheet #2 and Identify the best

leadership Strong sides (Sometimes it is effective in weak sides

styles the situation… when :-)
Autocratic  New, untrained employees who  Rely on threats and
/Authoritarian did not know which tasks to punishment to influence
Leadership perform or which procedures to employees;
follow;  Do not trust employees,
 Effective supervision can be  Do not allow for employee
provided only through detailed input;
orders instructions;
 There are high volume of
production needs on a daily
 There is limited time in which
to make a decision;
Bureaucratic  Employees are performing routine tasks  more of a police officer
Leadership over and over; than a leader;
 Employees need to understand certain  Work habit forms that are
standards or procedures; hard to break, especially
 Employees are working with dangerous or if they are no longer
delicate equipment that requires a definite useful.
set of procedures to operate,  Employees lose their
 Safety or security training is being interest in their jobs and
conducted, in their fellow workers.
 Employees are performing tasks that  Employees do only what
require handling cash. is expected of them and
no more.

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Charismatic  Gathers followers through impression of
Leadership personality and charm, rather than any
form of external power or authority.
 They will work on their actions and words
to suit the situation.
 Show great confidence in their followers;
Democratic  Encourage employees to be a part of the  There is not enough time
/participative/ decision making. to get every one’s input;
Leadership  The leader wants to keep employees  It’s easier and more cost –
informed about matters that affect them; effective for the manager
 The leader wants to provide opportunities to make the decision;
for employees to develop a high sense of  The business can’t afford
personal growth and job satisfaction mistakes;
 Employee’s safety is a
critical concern.
Laissez-fair  Employees are highly skilled, experienced,  It makes employees in
Leadership and educated; secure at the
 Employees have pride in their work and unavailability of a leader,
the drive to do is successfully on their  The leader cannot provide
own; regular feedback to let
 Outside experts, such as staff specialists or employees know how
consultants are being used. well they are doing;
 Leaders are unable to
thank employees for their
good work.

Good leadership has its varieties of styles and leaders follow either one or a mix of two or more
approaches in carrying out their function.

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Self-Check 2 Written Test

Directions 1: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next page:
1. Explain the strong and weak side of each leadership styles. (10 Points)
2. Is there any kind of the best leadership style? Give reason for your answer. (5 points)

Note: Satisfactory rating – 7.5 points Unsatisfactory - below 7.5 points

You can ask you teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions





2. ________________________________________________________________





Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Name of Institution: Federal TVET Agency

Civics and Ethical Education

NTQF Level V

Unit of Competence: Apply Effective leadership Style

Module Title: Applying Effective leadership Style

LG Code: TVETCEEM5 M03 LO3-03

TTLM Code: CEE5TTLM 0215v1

LO3 : Leadership skills

 Conceptual
 Technical
 Interdependence
 Successful negotiation skills

Instruction Sheet Learning Guide #3

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the
following content coverage and topics –
Leadership skills
 Conceptual
 Technical
 Interdependence
 Successful negotiation skills

This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to –

 Analyzed leadership duties and responsibilities

 Identified different strategies to motivate subordinates
 Describe successful negotiation skills
 Discuss basic approaches and steps of delegation

Learning Instructions:
1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
2. Follow the instructions described in number 3 to 13.
3. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets 1”. Try to understand what are
being discussed. Ask your teacher for assistance if you have hard time to understand
4. Accomplish the “Self-check 1” in page 28__.
5. Ask your teacher for the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your teacher
to correct your work. (You can get the key answer only after you finished answering the
Self-check 1).
6. If you earn a satisfactory evaluation proceed to “Information Sheet 2”. However, if your
rating is unsatisfactory, see your teacher for further instructions or go back to Learning
Activity #2.
7. Submit your accomplished Self-check. This will form part of your training portfolio.

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
8. Read the information written in the “Information Sheet 2”. Try to understand what are
being discussed. Ask you teacher for assistance if you have hard time understanding
9. Accomplish the “Self-check 2” in page 31.
10. Ask from your teacher the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your
teacher to correct your work. (You are to get the key answer only after you finished
answering the Self-check 2).
11. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets 3 and 4”. Try to understand what
are being discussed. Ask you teacher for assistance if you have hard time understanding
12. Accomplish the “Self-check 3 & 4” in page 33 & 35 respectively..
13. Ask from your teacher the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your
teacher to correct your work. (You are to get the key answer only after you finished
answering the Self-check 3&4 ).

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Information Sheet #1 Leadership skills

Skills, for leaders, refer to their abilities to choose and perform the right techniques at the right
time, successfully, regularly, and with a minimum of effect. Competence is a learnt quality
which refers to the ability to perform tasks and roles to the standard people expect; a set of
personal capabilities or characteristics (Neufeld and Norman, 1985). Whether or not people’s
capabilities or skills make them competent in a particular job depends on their being able to meet
the requirements for that job. The skills though different from one another, have frequent overlap
in that one skill had something to do with the other. For example, a visionary leader and one
having a very good skill of communicating that would quit acceptably are highly motivating to
followers. Likewise a leader who is expert in negotiation will have or no problem of delegating
tasks or building and leading effective teams which are also as equally important title as other
managerial functions and activities.
Leadership is a crucial attributes that many managers lack despite their job title. It is common
practice for companies to promote employees with the best result, but sometimes the best sales
man does make the best manager. True leaders are able to instil trust, provide direction and
delegate responsibility amongst team members.
Leadership skills are generally regarded as competencies that can be learned and developed for
an effective leadership. The Three fundamental skills of leadership are as follows:-
Conceptual Skills: - ability to work with abstractions and hypothetical notions, ability to deal
with ideas and concepts that have potential to shape the organization in the future. People with
conceptual skills have good imagination and ability to stimulate their creativity with the process
of synthesis and analysis. Conceptual skills are central to creating a vision and strategic plans for
an organization.
Human skills: - are people skills; these are ability of the leaders to effectively work with
subordinates, peers, and bosses. The soft skills can be considered as “traits” for people who have
them naturally and “skills” for others who have train themselves consciously to be more effective
in dealing with others.
Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015
Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Technical skills:- The job knowledge required for a particular leadership role can be termed as
technical skills. The leader must understand the output of the organization interims of product
or services, without which he/she cant possibly utilize his/ her conceptual skills to their
maximum ability.

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Self-Check 1 Written Test

Directions 1: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next

1. Explain how leadership skills over lap one on the other. (3points)
2. Elaborate the ability of true leaders. (3points)
3. Discuss the fundamental skills of leadership. (4points)

Note: Satisfactory rating - 5 points Unsatisfactory - below 5 points

You can ask you teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions

3. ________________________________________________________________


3. ________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________





Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015
Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Strategies to motivate subordinates
Information Sheet #2

One of the tasks of leaders is motivation. A leader is someone who succeeds in motivating
individuals or a group to accomplish common goals.
Motivating employees is very important for organizational success. Leaders can use different
mechanisms of motivation. For example, offering attractive salaries, fringe benefits, and working
conditions; creating positive social interaction among groups of workers; and making the work
as interesting as possible. The problem is that different things work for different people,and
leaders face a continuing challenges of tailoring these motivators as closely as they can to the
needs preference, and attitudes of organization members or member group. This is important not
only for accomplishing immediate goals, but also for building cohesiveness in the organization
through members’ satisfaction. It may not be possible, however, to satisfy fully each and every
The leader should encourage employees for better work performance. They have to encourage
group’s performance, morale, and individual job satisfaction. A positive, supportive attitude
toward employees is also important.
The following are also among the commonest ways that leaders employ to motivate their
 Encourage group participation in formulating groups goals, and periodically redefine
these goals;
 Be fair in handling all questions and in distributing responsibility among group
 Develop leadership ability among group members;
 Act as a recourse for the group (share information);
 Encourage members to think and speak;
 Reinforce group members’ ideas with appropriate praise and recognition;
 Help to remove tension by identifying its source and addressing the issue;
 Voice your opinions and accept group decision.etc.

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015
Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Self-Check 2 Written Test

Directions: Choose the correct answer for the following questions from the given alternative. Use the
Answer sheet provided in the next page: (2 points for each)

1. How can leaders motivate their employee?

Note: Satisfactory rating - 5 points Unsatisfactory - below 5 points

You can ask you teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions


Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Successful negotiation skills
Information Sheet #3

Effective negotiation helps you to resolve situations where what you want conflicts with what someone
else wants. The aim of win-win negotiation is to find a solution that is acceptable to both parties, and
leaves both parties feeling that they have won, is some way, after the event.
However, a win-win negotiation is not the only approach to negotiation. These are different styles of
negotiation, depending on circumstances. For example, where you do not expect to deal with people
ever again and you do not need their good will, then it may be appropriate to “play hardball” seeking
to win a negotiation while the other person loses out. Many people go through this when they buy or
sell a house- this is why house-buying can be such a confrontational and unpleasant experience.
Similarly, where there is a great deal at stake in a negotiation, then it may be appropriate to prepare in
detail and legitimate “gamesmanship” to gain advantage. Anyone who has been involved with large
sales negotiations will be familiar with this. Neither of these approaches is usually much good for
resolving disputes with people with whom you have an ongoing relationship: If one person plays
hardball, then this disadvantages the other person- this may, quite fairly, lead to reprisal later.

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Case study
Discuss the case
(Self check 3)

Name: _____________________________ Date: ________________

Time started: ________________________ Time finished: ¼ hour

Instructions: Consider and discuss the following case, and perform the following tasks within 1/2
hours. (10 points )

Think of the negotiation situation that you take part. Let it be somehow serious one and
having a financial interest in it. List down all the necessary preparations emotional,
mental, financial etc- that you need to make for effective negotiation.

Note: Satisfactory rating - 5 points Unsatisfactory - below 5 points

You can ask you teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions

2. ________________________________________________________________







Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Information Sheet #4 Basic approaches and steps of delegation

Delegation derived from Latin, delegate means “send from.” When delegating, you are send the work
“from” you “to” someone else. Delegating involves working with an employee to establish goals,
granting them sufficient authority and responsibility to achieve the goals, often giving them substantial
freedom in deciding how the goals will be achieved, remaining available as a resource to help them
achieve the goals, assessing their performance, and rewarding their performance. Ultimately, the leader
retains responsibility for the attainment of the goals, but chooses to achieve the goals by delegating to
someone else. Effective delegation follows the following basic approaches and steps:

 Clearly specify your preferred result;

 Maintain open lines of communication;
 Select the right person;
 Ask employee to summarize back to you
/ask to hear their impression of the project and the results that you prefer/
 Delegate the whole task to one person;
 Delegate responsibility and authority;
 Get ongoing non-intrusive feedback about progress on the project;
 Evaluate and reward performance;
 If you are not satisfied with the progress, don’t immediately take the project back.
/Continue to work with employees and ensure they perceive the project as their responsibility/

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Self-Check 4 Written Test

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next page:

1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of delegation. (10 points)

Note: Satisfactory rating - 5 points Unsatisfactory - below 5 points

You can ask you teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions








Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Name of Institution: Federal TVET Agency

Civics and Ethical Education

NTQF Level V

Unit of Competence: Apply Effective leadership Style

Module Title: Applying Effective leadership Style

LG Code: TVETCEEM5 M03 LO4-04

TTLM Code: CEE5TTLM 0215v1

LO4: Problem solving Mechanisms in leadership

Instruction Sheet Learning Guide #4

This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following
content coverage and topics –
 Concepts of problem solving
 Methods of solving problem in leadership
 Steps of problem solving

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page. Specifically,
upon completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to –

 Explain the concepts of problem solving

 Discuss methods of solving problem in leadership
 Identify steps of problem solving

Learning Instructions:
1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
2. Follow the instructions described in number 3 to 10.
3. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets 1”. Try to understand what are being
discussed. Ask your teacher for assistance if you have hard time to understand them.
4. Accomplish the “Self-check 1” in page 38__.
5. Ask your teacher for the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your teacher to
correct your work. (You can get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-
check 1).
6. If you earn a satisfactory evaluation proceed to “Information Sheet 2”. However, if your rating
is unsatisfactory, see your teacher for further instructions or go back to Learning Activity #2.
7. Submit your accomplished Self-check. This will form part of your training portfolio.
8. Read the information written in the “Information Sheet 2”. Try to understand what are being
discussed. Ask you teacher for assistance if you have hard time understanding them.
9. Accomplish the “Self-check 2” in page 43.
10. Ask from your teacher the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your teacher to
correct your work. (You are to get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-
check 2).

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Information Sheet #1 Concepts of problem solving

Problem solving is the process of finding the root cause of a deviation (cause analysis). It is a mental
process that involves discovering, analyzing and solving problems. The ultimate goal of problem-
solving is to overcome obstacles and find a solution that best resolves the issue. Problem solving is a
process that requires a technique, a form of a system, or a procedure that are intended to reach a

Self-Check 1 Written Test

Directions 1: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next page:

Explain the concept of problem solving. (10 Points)

Note: Satisfactory rating - 5 points Unsatisfactory - below 5 points

You can ask you teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions

1. ________________________________________________________________
Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015
Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0










Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Information Sheet #2 Methods and Steps of problem solving

Problem solving is one of the highly regarded methods of solving problems in social science follows
the commonest steps of problem identification, gathering of data, analyzing the data and reaching at a
conclusion thereby to suggest some solutions. To be specific the problem solving process in leadership
follows the procedures identifying the problem, define the problem, select people to help you in the
problem solving process, collect problem causes, collect problem solving solutions, prioritize and
select the “best solutions, implement the best solution, evaluate the solution, set up principles or keep
problems from recurring.
1st Identifying the Problem
This is a very important step towards the solution of the problem. The problem however is that most of
us attack the symptoms, not the cause. For example, “why do the staffs leave early?” The leader’s job
should be to identify the real issue that lie beneath the symptom.

2nd Prioritize the Problem

You as would be leaders should never try to solve all the problems at once- you need rather make them
line up for you one by one. Whether you face three problems, thirty or three hundred, “make them
stand in a single file so you face only one at a time.” Approach these problems, not with a view of
finding what you hope will be there, but to get the truth and the realities that must be tackled with. You
may not like what you find. In that case, you are entitled to try a change it. But do not deceive
yourself. What you do find may or may not be the real problem.

3rd Define the Problem

In single sentence, answers the question “what is the problem?” keep in mind the difference between
solving a problem and making decision. A “decision is a choice you make betweentwo or more
alternatives, such as ‘should I fly to Harrar or Gonder?’A problem is a situation that is countered to
your intentions or expectations: ‘I must to fly to Harrar, but I ended up in Gonder,’ or I meant, to have
Birr 400,000 in the bank, but I have Birr 80,000 only.’

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Four-Step process of defining the problem in a single sentence:-
 Ask the Right Questions
 Talk to the Right People
 Get the Hard facts
 Get involved in the process
4th Select People to help you in the problem- solving process
Gather others around the leader should ask for their opinion and logical support to back their opinions
up. Before inviting people to attend a problem-solving meeting, ask these questions:-
 Is it a real problem?
 Is it urgent?
 Is the true nature of the problem known?
 Is it Specific?
 Has the group most competent to discuss the problem been invited and is each
participant about solving the issue?

5th Collect Problem Causes

List all the possible causes of the problem by asking what caused the problem. The more; the better.
Most of the time ways of solving a problem are more than one. Options are essential because a
problem continually shifts and changes. The leader without a backup solution for the primary answer
will soon be in trouble.
6th Prioritize and Select the best Solution
Weigh all the possible solutions before deciding. The following questions should always be asked by
the leader. Which solution:
 Has the greatest potential to be right?
 Is in the best interest of the organization?
 Has momentum and timing on its side?
 The greatest chance for success?
7th Implement the best solution
Once chosen it with doing and thus do it to the best of your capabilities. See the result you would make
a difference. Hopefully, it is in the direction of the desired result.
8th Evaluate the Solution

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Let others test it out and punch holes in it. If they punch intellectual holes (such as, “I do not think it
will continue working because ...”), ignore them. If they point out real operative problems you can
observe, then you must make the adjustments. As these questions to evaluate the responses:
 Were we able to identify in the real causes of the problem?
 Did we make in the right decision?
 Has the problem been resolved?
 Have the key people accepted this solution?
 Did I help people to develop problem solving skills to manage conflict in the future?

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
Case study
Discuss the case
(Self Check 2)

Name: _____________________________ Date: ________________

Time started: ________________________ Time finished: ½ hour

Instructions: Consider and discuss the following case, and perform the following tasks within ½
hours. (10 points)

Go to a nearby governmental or nongovernmental organization and conduct an interview on how they

solve the organization’s problem. In addition to this ask the officials about methods steps of problem

Note: Satisfactory rating - 9 points Unsatisfactory - below 9 points

You can ask you teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions

Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0





Learning Guide for Civics and Date: January 2015

Ethical Education Level III
Author: Federal TVET Agency
Version: 1 Revision: 0
TTLM Development Manual Date: January 2012
Page 45 of 113
Revision: 2 Author: ecbp/MoE – TVET Outcome Based Training Core Process

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