TVL Acvv Mark1

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ita Controller Manual TVL 100. A.C. REGULATOR MANUAL We reserve the right to alter without giving prior notice technical data dimensions and weights described in this manual. DI] LiftStore sisi tinint vane Fa nist, Tn Fin CHGSLY Ta. Pa Foc Ons = ‘We reser the ig tak, witot gving ror atc, tia date, dimension and wiht dearted in this mane T.V.L. ALC. 100 DNOEX SECTION Scegecr Introduction to System 1b. Sequence of Events T.V.L.D. 100 Systmes Flow Chart T.V.L.D. 109 Off Board Speed Selection Circuitry & Regulator Connections 2 General Data 102 Top Elevation of T.V.L. 20, T.V.L. 30 150 & T.V.L, 45 Unit, TVL 70 Unit. T.V.L.D. 103 Rear Elevation of T.V.L. 20, T.V.L. 30 " 151 & T.V.L. 45 Unit, TL 70 unit, T.V.L.D. 101 Front Elevation of T.V.L. 20, T.V.L. 30 & T.V.L. 45 Unit, TVL 70 Unit. 3a. Purchasing Information 3.b. Ordering Nomenclature dias Spares 4b. Spares/List T.V.L.D. 104 Card Position/spares T.V.L.D. 105 Component Position/Spares T.V.L.D. 106 Card Position/Spares 5 Recommended Servicing Equipment 6 ‘The Cards § Their Functions T.V.L.D. 107 Regulator Schematic 7 Customer Adjustment Points T.V.L.D. 108 Monitor Indicators & Adjustment Points 8 Visual Monitor Indicators eae Site Trinming 9b. Computer Card Adjustment ecautions When Using Tacho Generators Application The follcwing applies to all TVLC regulator products :sing Tacho Generatczs for velocity feedback. Reason its velocity Zeedback and, via a high’gain amplifier, amp! the difference between the Tacho Generator feedback and t! reference si tor uses the feedback from the Tacho Genereczor as fies The regi 1 to control the speed of the motor. It is of paramount impeztance for the reguiator system, in order te avoid ride and stability problems, that the following procedures are obeyed. 1) The Tachc Generator should be perfectly aligned with che high speed sheit. 2) Wherever 30ssible the drive for the Tacho Generator szould be taken rom the motor high speed shaft via a self eigning coupling. 3) Where be:: drives are used they should be of the searless type, cozzectly tensioned and correctly tracked. 4) The Tachc Generator output ripple voltage due to miss-alicament should not exceed 150 mVolts. Output -ipple voltages 2f this order or greater may be detected by =he regulato: and lead to a bad ride in the lift car. 5) The Tache Generator screened cable should be run directly back to zze controller without a break and routed awey from cables carrying thyristor controlled currents or cab-3s carrying currents of an inductive nature. 6) The Tachc Generator cable screen must be isolated at -he Tacho Gezerator and earthed at the appropriate term the controller. Failing zo comply with the above procedures may lead =o bad rides in the “ift car or system instability. TVL Asc, 100 Section 1 INTRODUCTION TO CONTROL SYSTEM The system is designed to give quality closed loop control of two speed Jift motors when used on lift applications of up to 1.8 m/s (350 F.P.M.) It offers the advantage that the regulator may be bypassed to give a standard two speed resistive control system if desired, providing prior provision has been made to the controller and to the well position detectors. The flow chart of the system is given in TVLD 100, The lift motor, two speed high torque machine, drives a tacho-generator giving @ precision speed feed back signal to minimise errors caused by differing motor characteristics. The speed pattern is derived from a regulated power supply to reduce target speed varintions coused by supply voltage fluctuations, Terget speeds are obtained by m" S " romp aiving stepless transitions between speeds An error summing junction compares the tacho-generator voltage to the remp target voltage to give an error signal which is fed end amplified by the error amplifier. Suitable non-linear rate of chenge feedback is applied to the input of the error amplifier to ensure rate of change stability. Dependent on the output signal from the error amplifier an electronic switch selects drive or brake mode. A control voltage governed by the output of the error amplifier is applied to the thyristor firing circuits giving full phase control of either drive thyristors (three phase inverse parallel configution) or the brake thyristors (half control bridge configuration). To assist the stability network, a small degree of overlap between drive and brake is provided thus ensuring a comfortable ride in the lift car. TVL Asc. 300 Section 1b SEQUENCE OF EVENTS Upon receipt of the signal to start, the brake begins to lift and contacts normally on contactor MC initiates the ramp which starts to rise until target value is reached. The lift thus accelerates smoothly and then runs at target speed. When the lift is signalled to slow, via positional shaft equipment, the remp starts to fall until approach speed is obtained. After a short dwell, levelling speed is selected vie shaft positional indicators and the lift speed slows to the selected levelling speed. At floor level the pattern is alloved to fall to the preset threshold point end hence the lift speed fells to zero, At vero speed, D.C. injection braking is applied to hold the lift until the brake sets. An on borrd timer, initisted when levelling speed is called for, disconnects the thyristor gate sionals after » preset time. Contacts of MC rre then open to remove power from the controller. SeeTViD 109 for controller speed selection circuitry and regulator connections. == Uatay a Ree Aa SCaSe SE Lise aes ey HOE web Ge we [PT eh Oy- $n, You foe Val Sy an nen rue 4 hts maf Sn0c! LL soos ‘aa neon Gases HOR aise, (ma 1h2 Wa) Ox i SCION igh TVL A.C. 100 Section 2 GENERAL DATA Type Motor Full Load Fuse Unit Size Unit weight Current Rating Rating 1/a/H Kgs (Approx) TVL 20-1 20 amps 50 ** kg TVL 30-1 30 amps 63 ee " IVE 45-1 45 amps 100 xe " IVE 70-1 70 amps 160 RK . Details of units above TVL 70-1 are avrilnble on request. Enclosure P00 Amb. temperature range =20°C to +40°% Preferred tacho input volts 90V Dec. * at maximum lift speed Power Supply (STD) 415/3/50 None standard available on request. Fusing Ultra fast acting SIBA type fuses available from the factory Contact ratings of FDR and PFRR 2hOV A.C. 5 amp. res. load ise. Fault: Detect and Phase Fault relay contacts available for use in safety chain circuit. % % For outline of unit see TVLD 101, TVLD 102 and TVLD 103. OR: TVLD 101, TVLD 150 and TVLD 151. Dependent on model. * It is recommended that a high quality tacho-generator is used, coupled to the A.C. motor in such a way as to avoid cyclic oscillations. HI TVLD 103 DATE. 2-8-6 JORAWH. ILLUSTRATION NOT TO SCALE. 470mn Min. CLEARANCE REGD ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO BUILD UP VARIATIONS, 47000 MN. CLEARANCE REQ/D 405 mm 48mm “MY TVLD 101 DATE.9.9.e4 DRAWN. [AULDIMENSIONS _ARE_SUBJECT TO_BUILD_UP_VARIATIONS. TVL A.C. 100 fection 3a PURCHASING INFORMATION To assist in the selection of the units the following information is provided. Current Ratings To accomodate the various motor F.L. currents, the system is available to suit two speed motors preferred poles 4/16, synchronous speeds 1500/375 RIM in the following ranges: 1) Motor full load current % 20 amps 2) "om 830 amps 3) "oom om kas amps a) nm 870 amps 5) " ” " " >70 amps refer to factory Speed Options The standard system is offered with four speed: 1) High Speed 1 2) Approach 3) Levelling 4) Test Two additional high speeds are available as an optional extra. Computer Card In order to ensure that lift floor to floor times are maintained at a minimum, @ computer card is available as an optional extra. This card is offered as a plug in extra and can be purchased later to fit directly into the original basic unit without any regulator wiring change. Speed Monitor Units These are offered as an optional extra since none exist in the basic unit. They may be used in failure to slow circuitry, door vone circuitry or any circuitry where speed sensing, using the seperate winding of the speed monitor tacho- generator, is required. The speed sensing unit is mounted discrete to the regulator. N.B, Included in the requintor as standard are phase sequence, phase failure, thermistor protection and speed error detector devices. 2 TVL A.C. 100 Section 3b ORDERING NOMENCLATURE To ensure that the correct TVL A.C, regulator is provided, the following is the minimum information which must be given to allow selection: 1) Motor full load amps, top speed 2) Motor full load R.P.t. top speed/low speed 3) Supply voltage/phase/frequency 4) Output voltage of tacho at F.L. lift speed Use of the following nomenclature/model number system when ordering will permit orders to be processed with the minimum of delay. TL Jo oe co yo. Ss FilsAs rating Option of Option of nunber of unit Computer card of H.S. 50 tor 30 amp unit___| "cn if required "=~" if not "1" for standard "2" for one additional speed "3" for two additional speeds e.g. TVL 30/C/1. a TVL A.C. Section 4 SPARES Every unit has been thoroughly tested and uses high quality components throughout offering maximum reliability. In the unlikely event of a breakdown, the modular construction of the unit allows for quick board/ component replacement. To minimise "‘shut down" time, all components including built up boards are carried in stock at the factory and to assist in ordering, a spares list is available - see Section 4b. Items such as fuses, diodes and thyristors are not listed but are available as stock items.* N.B, * When ordering replacement discrete components such as thyristors or diodes, full cetails should be supplied to ensure compatability of electrical characteristics and mounting dimensions. Section 4b COMPONENT/SPARES LIST 1) pm Power supply and phase detector card 2) pre Firing and monitor card 3) DTS. Relay drive card 4) pre Target and ramp card 5) prs Control and follow-up card 6) pre Computer card 7) pr Opto isolator card 8) pre Snubber card 9) pr9 R.FsleS. card 10) -DTM1_~—s Card socket mother board a1) DTN2 Transformer mother board 12) PBA Power board with thyristors and heat sinks 13) CON. 1 10 way socket link 14) CON.2 15 way interconnector 15) CON.3. 10 way interconnector Please refer to TVLD 104, 105 and 106 for relative positions of cards and components. The Company reserves the right to despatch component equivelents where a shortage exists. u FIVIS OL LOW NOlivaisn TH gerp ory pero TSOLATOR _ TVL A.C. 100 RECOMMENDED SERVICING EQUIPMENT The A.C. Regulator uses on board visual monitoring devices to minimise the equpment required to monitor its performance. To assist in maintaining the unit, the following tools and instruments are recommended: 1) Small screwdriver or trimmer tool 2) ‘High resistance ( 20K*/V) A.C./D.C./meter 3) Tacho 0 = 2000 R.P.Me 18 TVL AC 100 Section 6 ‘THE CARDS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS. The card chert of the system is illustrated in TVLD 107. A brief description and functions found on esch card is outlined below. Card DIM1 contains the isolating/step down transformers supplying the AC source to the card DT1 and the synchronising voltages required by the triggering card DT2, AC output from each transformer with respect to 0 volt rail is approximately 25 - 28 Ve Card DT1 contains 3f rectifier, unregulated D.C. and 15V D.C. regulated components. The phase sequence phase failure detector for the phases supplying the drive and brake motor windings plus the associated relay, the contacts of which are connected to pin 1 and 2, are fitted on this card. Also on this card is the Opto isolator relay "OIR" controlled by the enable timer on card D5, plus the Opto enable LED which should light up immediately a speed has been registered on board DI3. Card DT3 contains the systems relay speed legic circuitry allowing four basic speeds to be selected plus two additonal high speeds if requestéd at time of order. Switches and push buttons offer the facility of manually inhibiting high speed 1 (HS1) once HS1 has been selected, allowing for the checking of approach speed (APP) and levelling speed (LEVEL) during trimming. For a guide to the reconmended off card controller speed selection circuitry see TVLD 109. Note that the off cerd switching voltage is «pproximately 100V D.C. and is derived from G17 on the regulator. has all the potentiometers required for the adjustment of tarcet speeds, acceleration, deceleration snd threshold. Upon selection of a speed, registered on card DT3, # terget voltace is set and the acceleration ramp is enabled. The rate of rise and rate of decry of = ramps are adjustable by potentiometers shown as ACC and DEC respectively+ Note the pattern may be visually monitored on card DT2. Card DT5 contains the difference amplifier, stability circuits, error detect circuit, control voltage circuitry and enable ‘The ramp signal and tacho-generator signal are received on pin 12 and 10 where upon the tacho signal is rectified, inverted and summed with the ramp signal. The difference 9 Cara pre Card DT7 Cara DT6 TVL. A.C. 100 Section 6 cont. signal is applied to the error amplifier via the stabilising network and dependent on the applifier error polarity, drive or brake mode is selected. Pin 13 and 14 are the output of ‘the drive and brake control amplifiers respectively. Pin 11 and 16 are enable outputs lifting the inhibits off the firing I.C."s on card DT2 end the opto inhibit on card DT1 when instructed to do so by the enable timer. This timer, generally enabled by the contact MC,is maintained over an adjustable length of time after the levelling speed has been released. Should the tacho siqnal deviate from the ramp signal or vice versa by a preset amount, the error detect amplifier operntes a relay with NC contacts connected to pin 18 end 19 which can be used to inmobilise the motor, Note that once the error detect relay hes functioned, manual reset is required by means of the push button provided. has mounted on it special firing 1.C,'s,one/phase plus one for the brake phase. The various phase sensing voltages from DTM1 and control voltages from DT5 are routed to the appropriate 1.Cs, where the duration of the firing pulse is determined by the control voltage to give complete phase control. The output is then modified by the transistor phase sensing logic ciruitry to ensure that the correct thristors are fired each half cycle. Since most of the control signals merge: on this board, it carries visual indicators relating to the appropriate input and output signa! Outputs to the opto isolator cards DT7 are taken from pins 2 to 9%. consists of four cards isolating and amplifing the firing signals before applying them to the appropriate thyristor gate. These cards receive their respective firing signals from card DT2. examines the rate of rise of the ramp, comperes it to the rate of decay of a self generated ramp and at an adjustable determinate, allows the high speed relay (HS1) to release. The consequence of maintaining HS1 by a time determined by thi card is to decrease floor to floor flight times. 20 101 OVAL fra 0-5 NS CUSTOMER ADJUSTMENT POINTS VL A.C. 100 Section 7 The finished unit has been factory tested and has all preset potentiometers set to initial run values. ‘To obtain the best performance from the unit, some site trimming of the following potentiometers may be required. For the location of the potentiometers, please refer to TVD 107. Card Number Identification Function pra HS. " TEST " DEC. Drs ‘TACHO BAL. " sTaB, " ENABLE TIMER " D.C. BIAS Adjusts high speed target speed. Turn C.W. to increase speed. Adjusts approach target speed. ‘Turn C.W. to increase speed. Adjusts test target speed, Turn C.W. to increase speed. Adjust levelling target speed. Turn C.W. to increase speed. May be adjusted to increase braking effect at start and finish of runs. If set too high may cause snatching at start; too low, roll back at finish. Turn C.W. to increase effect. Adjusts the rate of deceleration. Turn C.W. to reduce deceleration time. Adjusts the rate of acceleration. Turn C.W. to reduce acceleration time. Compensates for any asymmetry which may exist in bi-directional tacho-generators. Will only have effect in the direction which causes LED 'TACHO UP to light. Reduces the effect of the systems oscillations and should be adjusted until a smooth ride is obtained. Turn C.W. to increase its effect. Sets an initial value of drive on motor. Adjusted too high will cause snatch on start, ‘too low will cause roll back on start. Turn C.W. to increase effect. Adjusts the time before thyristors are electronically switched off. Must be adjusted to extinguish LED OPTO ENABLE after the brake has set but before contactor MC drops out. Adjusts the amount of D.C. follow up. If adjusted too high will cause motor to overheat, too low may affect stability. Turn anti- clockwise to increase effect. 22 TVL A.C. 100 Sec! cont Card number Identification p16 Hs Prescnles the target range ovér which the computer card is active. Should be set so that LED CHST goes out just previous to the motor achieving maximum speed. Turn C.W, to increase speed before LED CHSI extinguishes +0r6 cus Adjusts the length of time that the computer influences the maintaining of HS1 after HS1 is release by the off board speed control circuitry. Turn C.W. to increase time. For function of SW3, SW2, SW1 and PBA, please refer to Section 9a site trimming procedures. Note that factory set potentiometers are sealed and must not be touched. 23 weed VO! OAL |rasoncdSiva WIS OF LON NOTAVELSATIT Sins aNerusnicay 5 ivdigne EGU Non TVL A.C. 100 Section 8 VISUAL MONITOR INDICATORS To assist in setting up or fault finding, the besic unit is fitted with sixtec? “fell tole’ LED's shown in illustration TVLD 0B in Section 7, which monitor the following: Gard number identification Function prs OPTO ENABLE Lit when thyristors ore ensbled. ” 415¥ SUPrLY Lit when regulated +D.C. supply exists. " -15V SUPPLY Lit when regulated -D.c. supply exists. ” PHASE FAULT When 1it indicates: a) incorrect phase sequence OR b) phase failure OR c) thermistor trip or if thermistors are not fitted, that link between RG19 and RG20 i+ missing. pre PATEERN Illumination is proportional to the ramp/targ:t voltage. Indicates ramp build up on all spee is but particularly HS1. ” ‘TACHO/UP A1lumination semi-proportional to tacho volte 1e+ Will light only if tacho voltage is present eid RG12 is positive with respect to RG13. Tacho balance potentiometer will have effect when Jit. " TACHO/DN. Illumination semi-proportional to tacho volta je+ Will light only if tacho voltage is present oid RG12 is negative with respect to RG13. " V,CONT. BRAKE, Illumination semi-proportional to control vol ‘age Lit when braking mode is off. ” V.CONT. DRIVE Illumination semi-proportional to control vo) .age Lit when driving mode is off. " T.-C. ENABLE Lit when electronic inhibit is removed from 1.C.t Drs START Lit when any speed is selected - relay is eneroised. nd zero speed " APPROACH Lit when IIS has heen selected or when running at appracch speed. Maintained until levelling seed is selected, " TEST Lit when test speed is selected. " LEVEL Lit when levelling speed is sel¥cted. 25 TVLC Asc. 100 Section 9a SITE TRIMMING The instructions which follow are interided as a guide to site testing and trimming yr hes the sole responsibility for taking adequate rety precautions during the carrying out of these procedures. As Preliminary Work 1) Check all safety circuits and ensure all safety switches are in order. 2) Check #11 wiring to the lift motor, tacho-generator and controller. See TVLD 1 for connections to regulator. 3) Check that the mechanical brake mechanism is set up according to the installation instructions. 4) Check that the thermistor terminals, RG19 and RG20 are linked out if motor thermistors are not fitted. Power Up 1) With car top test mode selected, i.e. relay TIR energised, switch on and check tell tale LED's. 2) Inspect "Phase Fault" LED and if lit, ewitch off and change over two input phases at the point of entering the controller thus ensuring the phases going to the brake have also been effected. 3) Re-apply power end if correctly connected the "Phase Foult"LED will remain unlit. Switch off. C. Pre-run Check 1) Ensure lift doors are closed ond remain closed by disconnecting "OL" in the controller. 2) Disconnect the levelling relays by disconnecting "LL" in the controller. D. Motor Rotation Check 1) Select car top test mode. 2) Switch on and signal the lift to move by momentarily shorting the terminals TU to TUD in the controller 3) If the lift car tries to travel down, switch off and change two phase over at the motor's HS terminals. 4) Switch on and re-check direction. 26 TVL Asc. 100 Section Son: SPEED SETTINGS E Fr G H Ie Test Speed 1) With the lift controller as in C, select car top test mode and run the car. Adjust the test speed by means of potentioneter "TEST" on DTM. 2) Ensure LED "UP" on card DT2 lights when the lift is travelling up. If not, change over the leads to RG12 and RG13 on the regulator. Pre-Trimming Checks. 1) Check system is counterweighted correctly. Setting Levelling Speeds. 1) Ensure controller is as C and in normal lift mode. 2) With lift car at a penultimate floor (i.e. next highest floor if checks are being made with an empty car) register a call for the opposite penultimate floor. 3) Once LED HS1 is lit, switch SW1 on card DT3 off, depress push button PB4 and set levelling speed by potentiometer "LEVEL" on card DTS. Recommended lift speed setting is approxiamtely 10F.P.M. Setting Approach Speed. 1) Ensure SW1 is on, that controller is as C and that normal lift mode has been selected. 2) Repeat item G.7. 3) Once LED "HS1" is lit, switch off SW1 on card DT3 and set approach speed by potentiometer APP on card DTh. 4) Reconnect LL and ensure that lift slows end stops correctly Recommended approac speed setting is 50 F.P.M. Setting High Speed, 1) Ensure SWi is on, that controller is as C and that normal lift mode has been selected. 2) peat item G.2. 3) Adjust potentiometer HS1 on card DT4 for the correct contact lift speed. * 4) Check speed in both directions and if required adjust potentioneter "TACHO BAL." when lift is travelling up to obtain the same. * At this speed the motor should be running approximately 20RPN below its rated FL. RM a ANE Bek TUN Section 9a cont. J. Levelling. 1) Connect levelling relays in circuit and with calls registered, check floor levelling. 2) ‘Trim levelling speed potentiometer on board DT4 and make adjustments to the positional shaft equipment if required for best performance. For fine tuning and ride comfort adjust the potentiometers outlined in section 6 to give best ride. Enable Timer Adjustment It is important that upon the completion of a lift trip the sequence of events is as follows: 1) Brake sets 2) Enable Timer times out indicated by the extinguishing of the OPTO ENABLE LED 3) Power is removed from the reguiator via contactor MC ‘The engineer is advised to ensure that a period of a least 1 second elapses between 2) and 3) above. 28 TVL A.C. 100 Section 9b COMFUTER CARD ADJUSTMENT ‘The commissioning engineer hes the sole responsibility for taking adenuate safety precautions during the carrying out of these procedures. 1) When all speeds are set and the system is performing satisfactorily, insert computer card DT6. 2) Ensure lift doors are closed and remain closed by disconnecting "OL" on the controller. 3) With a call registered at penultimate floor, adjust potentioneter H.S. such that LED CHSI goes out when the lift motor reaches approximately 90 of the contrct speed. 4) Register single floor runs and adjust potentiometer CHS until minimum dwell at approach/levelling speed is obtained. LED CHSI should go out very shortly after LED 151. Note if the lift rushes the floor giving an abrupt stop, turn CHS anti-clockwise. 5) Cheek floor to floor runs for levelling at all floors and re-adjust potentioneter CHS as required for best performance. 2 TVL 100 ADD ACVV TROUBLE SHOOTING In order to localize faults with minimum expense: 1) Connect 3 x 60w light bulbs as a star connected load to u, v, w terminals of the regulator. 2) Connect 2 x 60w light bulbs in series connected between + and - terminals of the regulator. These light bulbs will give an instant indication o: 1) the magnitude of the driving voltage 2) the magnitude of the braking voltage 3) the coincidence of the two voltages See TVLD 213 for additional guidance. In cases marked * in the following pages the engineer may: 1) Link out FDR 2) Replace thyristor fuses with cheaper 5 amp HRC fuses 3) Disconnect the brake 4) Disconnect and isolate the wires from the regulator to the motor windings This test procedure will enable checks by substitution without blowing expensive thyristor fuses. Upon finding and repairing the fault the engineer must return the iift circuitry back to its original condition before running the Page 1 of 11 SYMPTOM Amber phase fault LED lit LED Tacho UP lights when lift travels down LED Tacho UP lights when lift travels up * Thyristor fuse blows immediately lift requested to run Thyristor fuse blows shortly after machine has started TVL 100 ADD POSSIBLE CAUSE a) Wrong phase sequence or missing phase (check also thyristor fuses HF1 - HF5 and control fuses Fl - F5). b) Motor thermistors operated. (Allow machine to cool and check for cause of overheating. ¢) Thermistor not in circuit. (Where thermistors are not used link RG19 to RG20 or TH1 and TH2 on panel terminal rail). @) TACHO connections reversed (Interchange RG13 and RG12). a) TACHO connections reversed (Interchange RG13 and RG12). a) Short circuit of earth fault (Disconnect regulator at U, V, W and check wiring and motor for faults. b) HF4 - HF5 blow (Suspect diode or thyristor in DC bridge circuit, check for S/C with ohm meter). ¢) HF1 or HF2 or HF3 blown (Suspect faulty thyristor/s between R-U, S-V or T-W. Check for S/C with ohm meter)* a) Incorrect brake action (Brake does not lift or clear brake drum. Adjust as required). b) Excessive DC overlap (Check if both brake and drive bulbs are lit simultaneously when motor runs under full load conditions. If so potentiometer DC BIAS (DTS) clockwise until brake bulbs extinguish. Use a voltmeter to adjust DC output voltage when motor is runing at correct speed full load to record approximately 0 - 2V DC. If adjustment of DC BIAS potentiometer has no action replace card DTS) Page 2 of 11 SYMPTOM Motor runs noisily DC injection excessively noisy TVL 100 ADD OSSIBLE CAUSE ¢) Excessive low speed operation (Ensure speed selection circuitry is working correctly and that lift is not running at approach or level speeds for an excessive time. d) Shut down sequence incorrect. (Fuses are ageing because contactors are switching off the supply rather than the thyristors. Sequence should be: 1. Level LED (DT3) extinguishes 2. 0.5 - 1.5 sec later brake sets 3. 0.5 - 1.5 sec later OPTO and ENABLE LED's (DT1 and DT2 extinguish) 4.0.5 - 1.5 sec later main contactor MC drops out). e) Defective drive thyristor causing unbalanced drive phase voltages and overloading 2 phases. If unbalanced suspect DT2 and/or DT? and/or 0/C thyristor . a) Phases imbalanced. (Suspect DT2. Check by replacement. Suspect DT7. Monitor the LED's on DT7 to see any major imbalance ie any pair not performing the same. Suspect thyristor open circuit. Check gate leads are secure. Determine the faulty phase by monitoring the light bulbs change suspected thyristor). b) Excessive DC overlap. (Check as Sb), ©) Motor Fault. (Check line to line voltages at motor terminals. If balanced check line current from regulator to motor. If currents unbalanced suspect motor winding fault). a) DC bridge only half wave. (Check DC volts at the end of a trip empty car up immediately before OPTO ENABLE LED (DT1) extinguishes and ensure with unmodified regulator voltage is > 250V. If not suspect O/C diode or thyristor in DC bridge. Locate and change). Page 3 of 11 SYMPTOM Excessive noise experienced in lift car when motor runs Motor does not start although requested Motor does not start Although requested with SW1 (DT3) down and LED’s START (DT3) HS1 (DT3) lit DT3 lit LED FDR illuminates soon after lift is requested to travel but lift does not move (press FDR reset button). Tvl 100 ADD POSSIBLE CAUSE @) Noise isolation pads breached. (Check no resonating surfaces are mechanically coupled to the motor or bed plate. If so remove or dampen. Ensure no rigid component breaches the isolation pads. Use dampening material on lift car panels) a) No direction relays operated. (Check LED FAULT DETECT (DT5) if lit press reset button. Check LED PHASE FAULT. If lit check as in la), b) and c)). b) Direction relays operated. (Check LED START and HS1 (DT3). If start not illuminated suspect fault on 100Vvdc logic voltage. If logic volts 100vde suspect faulty contact between RG6 and RG17. If START (DT3) lit ensure SW1_(DT3) is_in the down (on) position. If lift still does not run ensure LED HSI is lit. If not suspect faulty contact between RG6 and RG14). a) No pattern. (Check voltage between ov (DT1) and test point Vv (DT4). If voltage less than after 2 secs of request to run change DT4). b) Low regulator control voltages. (Check +15V and -15V on DT1). a) No output voltage to motor. (Check using bulbs if motor has voltage at its terminals. If not check OPTO ENABLE and IC ENABLE LED’s (DT1 and DT2) and if lit suspect faulty opto enable relay on DT1 or lose connections between DT7 cards. If IC ENABLE not lit suspect DTS card. If OPTO ENABLE not lit suspect DT5 and/or DT1 card). Page 4 of 11 ‘SYMPTOM LED FDR illuminates soon after lift is requested to travel and lift moves (Press FDR rest button) Nuisance tripping of FDR Motor starts fiercely TVL 100 ADD POSSIBLE CAUSE a) b) ©) a) a) b) ©) a) b) c) Brake impedes motor speed. (Check and adjust brake action). acho voltage missing. (Allow the motor to run by hand releasing the brake and ensure LED TACHO UP or TACHO DOWN is lit. If not suspect 0/C between tacho and regulator or slipping tacho drive or faulty tacho). Wrong tacho scaling. (Tacho voltage for a4 pole machine running at 1380 RPM should be 84 volts. Ensure link TS on DTS is not fitted. Fit link for 6 pole machine where tacho voltage for 920 RPM should be 55V. Other voltage/speed variations refer to works). Pattern value too high. (Adjust potentiometer HS1 (DT4) anti-clockwise until motor speed equals motor nameplate full load speed RPM-20). Too high FDR sensitivity. (Adjust potentiometer FD SETs (DT5) anti-clockwise) Gate locks tipping. (Ensure if gate lock tipping causes FDR to trip than an Anti Quick Starter Timer is fitted) Mal-functioning level detectors. (Check/ change detector heads) Too much precondition. (Turn PRECON potentiometer (DT5) anti clockwise until minimum roll back is experienced and jerk is at a minimum) Acceleration too fierce for system. (Turn ACC potentiometer (DT5) anti clockwise to reduce acceleration) Brake mal-adjusted. (Adjust brake to give gradual smooth lift) Page 5 of 11 SYMPTOM Lift slows with a bump Lift shoots floor TVL 100 ADD Pi E_CAUSE @) Pattern reference too high. (Adjust as in 13d) b) Suspect slack or damaged tacho coupling (Tighten or replace) @) Too slow deceleration rate. (Adjust potentiometer DEC (DT4) such that speeds approach 150 FPM (0.76m/sec) and level 15 FPM (0.08m/sec) are discernible) b) Too high level speed. (Adjust level speed potentiometer to give lift speed or 10 FPM - 15 FPM when LEVEL LED (DT3) is lit) ¢) Suspect incorrect slowing and stopping sequence. (Ensure LED LEVEL (DT3) is extinguished approximately 1" (25mm) from floor level and that the following sequence is adhered to: 1) Loss of LED (DT3) level 2) 0.5 - 1.5 sec later brake sets 3) 0.5 - 1.5 sec later OPTO and IC ENABLE LED's extinguish 4) 0.5 - 1.5 sec later MC releases) d) Suspect regulator switches off before brake sets. (Ensure LED OPTO ENABLE/IC ENABLE LED's do not extinguish before brake sets. If they do increase potentiometer ENABLE TIMER DT5, however, ensure sequence in 7c is observed) e) Suspect a very free system. (DC injection cannot hold zero. Adjust pattern value at test point v (DT4) WRT OV (DT1) to 0.4V with lift at rest. If lift still shoots floor allow brake to set earlier by reducing timer DL1) £) Suspect incorrect distances for slowing and stopping vanes. (Check and adjust) Page 6 of 11 SYMPT. Lift stalls short of floor Lift exhibits instability on acceleration or deceleration TVL 100 ADD POSSIBLE CAUSE a) Level speed too low. (Adjust level speed to 10 - 15 FPM) b) Tacho imbalance. (Check lift speed when approach speed is invoked with empty car up and empty car down. Adjust potentiometer Pl (DTS) TACHO BAL whilst lift is travelling up such that up and down speeds are equal) c) Suspect stopping signals. (Ensure correct levelling relays are invoked ie LRU then LRD in the up direction or LRU then LR4 in the down direction) a) Incorrect stability pot adjustment. (Turn STAB potentiometer (DT5) clockwise to minimise instability) b) Suspect tacho mounting or coupling. (Check tacho shaft and motor shaft are aligned). Check that tacho coupling is not giving cyclic irregularities. Where tacho drive is by belts ensure belts are correctly tensioned and running true. ¢) Mis-alignment of motor to gearbox (Re-align) Page 7 of 11 EQUENCE FOR PB TVL 100 ADD For position of regulator indicators refer to TVLD 108a. REGULATOR INDICATORS TVLC PANEL RELAY +15V supply/-15V supply lit Vcont brake/Vcont drive SRU HSR uP STR BAR DL1 & DL2 BKR uc OPTO ENABLE/IC ENABLE lit APP/HS1 lit VPATT lit UP TACHO lit COMMENTS LIFT WITH NO DIRECTION Brightness of Vcont drive depends on adjustment of PRECON LIFT WITH DIRECTION Processor requests travel High speed travel selected Direction set Prepare to travel Prepare brake lift circuit Brake delay off brake timer pulls in immediately Brake lifts Regulator connected to line Lift starts moving LED illumination semi-proportional to requested speed ie pattern Indicates actual direction of lift Page 8 of 11 Tvl 100 ADD REGULATOR INDICATORS TVLC PANEL RELAY COMMENTS VCONT BRAKE/VCONT DRIVE Illumination inversely proportional to conduction angle with full car up expect VCONT DRIVE to dim when braking expect VCONT BRAKE to dim See TVLD 213 The lift will now ramp up at a rate by potentiometer ACC to a target speed set by potentiometer HS1 LIFT SLOWING TO APPROACH Upon the processor detecting the slow down point for the target floor then to Lose HS1 Lose SRU and HSR Request slow down approach speed The machine will now ramp down at a rate set by potentiometer DEC to a target speed set by potentiometer APP iG TO LEVEL Approximately 10" (250 mm) from target floor LRU Request to slow to levelling speed Lose APP LEVEL lit The machine will now ramp down at a rate set by potentiometer DEC to a target speed set by potentiometer LEVEL Approximately 1" (25 mm) from target floor level Page 9 of 11 EGULATOR INDICATORS VLC PANEL RELAY LRD Loose LEVEL VCONT BRAKE dims Lose BAR Approximately 0.5 - 1 sec later* Lose DLL Lose BKR Approximately 0.5 - 1 sec later* Lose OPTO ENABLE Lose IC ENABLE Approximately 0.5 - 1 sec later* Lose DL2 Lose STR/UP/MC Lose STR The lift has now completed its journey and the regulator is set to standby TVL 100 ADD COMMENTS. LIET PREPARES TO STOP Request to slow to zero speed call DC injection Prepare brake circuit to drop out LIET_STOPS Brake delay off time times out Brake instructed to set Thyristors switched off electronically GUL! Mc delay off timer times out Thyristors disconnected via contacts Electronic inhibits placed on error amplifier and FDR circuit in reg. * It is important that Sequence for down is identical but in place of up substitute down, for LRU substitute LRD and for LRD substitute LRU these timing sequences are adherred to. * PAVE LiGHT IWRNSITY "has set. ACV ACY Drive motor lights RIVE MOTOR 2 OC BRAKING TEST LIGHT BOX Drive Motor Lights o 6 © OC Braking Li U1 IV, U1.2V1_ 24, Slow Speed Fast Speed Winding Winding Winding Winding _, Motor Terminal Connection Box MoToR BRAKING TEST LIGHTS 0c Braki tights. TLlustration for guidance only (Representation for typical application and is not to scale) a 5 i i 5 ls PAGE 1 nF 1

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