Computers 1
Computers 1
Computers 1
Uses of a computer
-Typing of documents
-Send emails
--Play game
-Edit,/create spreadsheet
-Create video
🕹Strength of computers 🕹
🕹Types of computers 🕹
-Very fast
-Very expensive
-Specialised computers
-Very expensive
-Needs powerplug in
-Fitness trackers
-Smart watches
-Small phones
-part of a computer that receives input, processes and output into information.
-In most computers the CPU is the computer processing device , the brain of the computer
-To control the use of the memory to Stoer data and instructions
-To give instructions to fill posts of the computer to carry out processing
-The CPU can be divided into two major subunits ie the Control Unit (CU), the Arithmetic logic unit
-Arithmetic unit performs operations like addition, subtraction. Logic unit performs logical operations
stored data eg AND, OR, >
Control Unit CU
-The CU is driven by a clock which is an electronic timer in the CPU and is responsible for timing system
determining whether the correct operation carried out at the correct time. Registers is a high speed
storage area in the CPU Used to temporarily hold small units of programmes and data immediately.
-any device used to send data to another computer. It can be softcopyr, hardcopy or audi
Monitors /screen
- A television shaped devise. The screen can be called Visual Display Unit VDU.Display unformation
without printing.Monitors have immediate output, high speed display ,no noise but needs separate
device to produce hard copy , causes eye problems. There are three main types
1.Cathode ray monitors CRT_these are older and Bulky r version to display content.They are cheap to
buy and maintain but they are bulky and heavy to mount on walls.
2.Liquid Crystal Dispaly LCD. They are thin and do not use beam of electrons. They easily fit on walls , are
light weight, reflect less light but can display limited range of colours.
-Can use continuous paper but produce a lot of noise during printing, very slow and poor quality
Produces output in form of small dots . They are robust , less likely to be affected by dust but have low
resolution and noisy during printing.
2. Inkjet printer- use the print head to propel droplets of ink on sheet of paper. Output is good quality,
cheap to buy, used at home but have a slow printing speed , running costs
3. Laser printers- use light, print at high speed , produce high quality but very expensive and are large
taking up space
GRAPH PLOTTERS- produce high quality drawing in various paper sizes , print sharper and more precise
drawings of maps , buildings
DATA PROJECTOR- uses lenses to project intense light on walls . Surface should be white. Used in
presentations however they are more expensive .
-Keep data and programs for future use . They are two types : primary and secondary storage
- Smaller size
-Fastest access to data
-Main internal memory is of two types Random Accesa MEmory(RAM) and Read Only Memory (ROM)
🕹Secondary storage 🕹-
storage other than RAM AND ROM. Also called backing storage
CD ROMS -used for distribution of music and software. Once recorded cannot be modified, erased.
1. Flash memory- non volatile (it holds its contents when the power is lost)
3. Smart Cards- cards with flash memory. more reliable and has larger storage capacity eg satellite TV
Range from 16mB to 32GB, cheap and portable however cab carry virus and get lost
3.🕹Magnetic storage 🕹-
- Used as back up of data stored on disks, used for bulk processing eg pay roll
- stores large amounts of information up to 1 terabyte, data collection can go on without interruption,
magnetic tops can be reused repeatedly
-they are portable, can be used as a boot device, can be used many times
- however many computer don't have floppy disk drives, have small capacity, can transport viruses
- a non volatile storage device containing magnetic plates rotating at high speeds
c. Magnetic tape