PowerSystem Set2

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Power Systems (EE31002)

Problem Set –II

(Bus impedance matrix, Symmetrical and Asymmetrical fault analysis,
Economic Operation, Power System Protection, Stability and Load Frequency Control)

Q1. Two identical synchronous machines each rated 60 MVA, 15 kV with a sub transient reactance
of 0.1 p.u. are connected through a line of reactance 0.1 p.u. on the machine base. One machine is
acting as generator and the other is working as motor drawing 40 MW at 0.8 p.f. (lag) with a
terminal voltage of 14.5 kV, when a symmetrical short circuit fault takes place at the motor
terminals. Determine the sub transient currents in the generator, the motor and the total fault
current. Choose a base of 60 MVA, 15 kV in the generator circuit.

Q2. A 3-phase short circuit fault takes place at bus 2 of the system shown in Q2. Neglecting all
pre-fault currents
(a) Calculate the initial symmetrical RMS fault current
(b) Determine the voltages of buses 1 and 3 during the fault
(c) Determine the currents contributed to the fault from bus 4
(d) Find the current flow in the line connecting buses 3 and 1.

1 j 0.4 2

j 0.2
j 0.5
j 0.25

j 1.0
j 1.25
j 0.625
3 4

Fig. Q2
Q3. A 1500 MVA, 20 kV, 60 Hz three-phase synchronous generator has the following reactances
and time constants:
x d′′ = 0.17 pu , x d′ = 0.30 pu , x d = 1.5 pu , Td′′ = 0.05 s, Td′ = 1.0 s, T A = 0.10 s;
The generator is connected to a transformer through a circuit breaker. A three-phase short circuit
fault takes place on the transformer side of the circuit breaker when the generator was under rated
voltage and no load. The breaker interrupts the fault 3 cycles after fault inception. Determine (a)
the maximum sub transient current through the breaker in kA and (b) the rms asymmetrical fault
current interrupted by the breaker, assuming maximum dc offset first by using the expressions
presented in part A. Now recalculate using the approximate relations mentioned in part B and
compare the results.
Some relevant theory
A. The exact expressions for fault current at synchronous generator terminal
For a three-phase fault at the terminal of an unloaded synchronous machine, the instantaneous fault
current is i F (t ) = iac (t ) + idc (t )
 1
The ac part is iac (t ) = 2 E g  −
1  −t Td′′  1
e +  −
1  −t Td′
1 
+  sin ωt + α − tan −1 ωL
( ))
 x d′′ x d′   x d′ x d  x d 
Where Eg is the pre-fault rms line-to-neutral voltage of the unloaded machine.

The dc part of the fault current is idc (t ) = −iac (0 ) e −t TA = − 2

sin α − tan −1 ωL e −t TA
( ))
Where TA is the armature time constant.

Since R is very small, tan −1 ωL ( ) ≈

R 2.
So, the maximum dc offset (i dc_max) occurs for α ≈ 0

idc _ max = 2 e −t TA = 2 I ′′e −t TA , where I′′ is the rms sub transient fault current
x d′′

{I ac (t )}2 + { }
The rms asymmetrical fault current, I rms (t ) = 2 I ′′e − t T A

B. Alternative approximate relations

The maximum momentary current is found by calculating the ac short circuit current using sub-
transient impedances of the generators and motors and then multiplying it by 1.6 to take care of
the dc off-set current.
The breaker interrupting current depends on the interruption time of the circuit breakers and is
obtained by multiplying the sub-transient ac short circuit current by following factors:
Circuit breaker speed Multiplying factor
2 cycles 1.4
3 cycles 1.2
5 cycles 1.1
For CBs having short circuit MVA greater than 500 MVA the multiplying factors are increased by
Q4. Two ideal voltage sources S1 and S2 are connected by a double circuit line having transformers
T1 and T2 at the two ends, as shown in the single-line diagram provided below.
1 2
T1 T3
Line 1

Voltage Line 2 Voltage

Source, S1 Source, S2

On a base of 100 MVA, 400 kV, the voltages and impedances of the system are
Vs1 = Vs2 = (1+ j0 p.u.); Leakage of T1, zT1 = Leakage of T2, zT2 = (0.001 + j0.01) p.u.;
Impedance of line 1, zL1= impedance of line 2, zL2 = (0.006 + j0.06) p.u.
Consider that the circuit is at steady state with no current flowing in the circuit and the reference
phase ‘a’ source voltage is defined as Va(t) = Vmcos (ωot). A symmetrical 3-phase short circuit
fault occurs at the mid-point of transmission line 2 at time t = to. The waveform corresponding to
phase ‘a’ fault current reveals that at t = to, the decaying DC offset current is negative and its
magnitude is equal to the maximum possible initial value. Neglecting pre-fault current,
(a) Determine the instant to.
(b) Determine the magnitude of the steady state fault current.

Q5. The equipment ratings for the four-bus power system shown in Fig. Q5 are as follows:
Gen 1 : 500 MVA, 13.8 kV, x d′′ = 0.20 pu; Transformer 1 : 500 MVA, 13.8 ∆/500 Y kV, x = 0.12 pu;
Gen 2 : 750 MVA, 18 kV, x d′′ = 0.18 pu; Transformer 2 : 750 MVA, 18 ∆/500 Y kV, x = 0.10 pu;
Gen 3 :1000 MVA, 20 kV, x d′′ = 0.17 pu; Transformer 3 :1000 MVA, 20 ∆/500 Y kV, x = 0.10 pu;
Each 500 kV line, xline = 50Ω;
A three-phase short circuit occurs at bus 4, where the pre-fault voltage is 525 kV. All pre-fault
currents are neglected. Determine the (a) Thevenin’s equivalent at the fault, (b) Sub transient fault
current in kA rms and (c) contribution to the fault from lines 1-4, 3-4 and 2-4.
1 4 3
T1 T3

Gen 1 Gen 3


Fig. Q5 Gen 2
Q6. A synchronous generator feeds bus 1 of a system. A power network feeds bus 2 of the system.
Buses 1 and 2 are connected through a transformer and a transmission line. The system is shown
in Fig. Q6. Per unit reactances of the various components are as follows:
Synchronous reactance of the generator (connected to bus 1) = 0.25;
Transformer reactance = 0.12; Positive sequence reactance of the transmission line = 0.28;
Power Network
1 2


Fig. Q6
The power network can be represented by a generator with a reactance (unknown) in series (as
shown in Fig. Q6). The generator is operating under no load and the voltage of each bus is 1.0 p.u.
For this system, a three-phase solid short circuit occurring on bus 1 causes a current of 5.0 p.u to
flow into the fault. Determine the short circuit MVA of bus 2 on 100MVA system base.
Q7. An unbalanced star-connected voltage source with solidly grounded neutral supplies a
balanced delta connected load through a balanced line. The unbalanced phase voltages of the
source are as given below:

VsA   277∠0° 
V  = 260∠ − 120° Volts
 sB   
VsC   295∠115° 

The source is connected to the line through a 75 kVA, 480V ∆/208V Y transformer having solidly
grounded neutral and a leakage reactance of 0.1 p.u.. The self and mutual impedances of the line
are Z s = 1∠85° Ω and Z m = j 0.2 Ω . The impedance of each arm of the delta connected load is
30∠40°Ω. Using the transformer rating as the base, calculate the phase ‘a’ source current.

Q8. A 20 MVA, 6.6 kV, three-phase alternator is connected to a three-phase transmission line.
The per unit positive sequence, negative sequence and zero sequence impedances of the alternator
are j0.12, j0.1 and j0.04 respectively. The neutral of the alternator is connected to ground through
an inductive reactor of j0.01 p.u. The per unit positive sequence, negative sequence and zero
sequence impedances of the transmission line are j0.1, j0.1 and j0.3 respectively. All the per unit
values are based on the machine ratings.

(a) A bolted single line-to-ground fault occurs in phase ‘a’ at the end of the transmission line.
Find out the voltage (in Volts) of the alternator neutral with respect to the ground during
the fault.
(b) It is intended to protect the alternator from the most severe fault by limiting the most severe
fault current to its three phase short circuit current limit. Suggest any correction, if required.
Q9. A Y-connected synchronous generator has per unit sequence reactances x(0) = 0.09, x(1) = 0.22,
x(2) = 0.36. The neutral point of the machine is grounded through a reactance of 0.09 per unit. The
machine is running under no load with rated terminal voltage when it suffers an unbalanced fault.
The fault currents out of the machine are Ia = 0, Ib = 3.75∠150° and Ic = 3.75∠30°, all in per unit
with respect to phase ‘a’ line-to-neutral voltage. Determine
(a) The terminal voltages in each phase of the machine with respect to ground
(b) The voltage of the neutral point of the machine with respect to ground
(c) The type of the fault as evident from the results of part (a)

Q10. Two generators G1 and G2 are connected, respectively, through transformers T1 and T2 to a
high voltage bus (bus 3), as shown in Fig. Q10. This bus is connected to another high voltage bus
(bus 4) by a transmission line, where the voltage is stepped down at bus 5 by transformer T3. Power
is supplied to a 3-phase balanced passive load from bus 5 connected through the switch ‘S’. The
apparatus ratings are as given below:
Generators: G1: 1000 MVA, 20 kV, xS = 100%, x′′d = x(1) = x(2) = 10%, x(0) = 5%
G2: 500 MVA, 22kV, xS = 120%, x′′d = x(1) = x(2) = 15%, x(0) = 8%
Transformers: T1: 1000 MVA, 500 Y/20 ∆ kV, x = 17.5%
T2: 500 MVA, 500 Y/22 Y kV, x = 16%
T3: 1500 MVA, 500 Y/11 ∆ kV, x = 10%
Transmission line: x(1) = x(2) = 15%, x(0) = 40% on a base of 1500 MVA, 500 kV.
The neutral of G1 is grounded through a reactance of 0.04 Ω. The neutral of G2 is not grounded.
Neutrals of all transformers are solidly grounded. Consider the rating of G1 as the base for the
generator 1 circuit. The switch ‘S’ is open when the following faults take place (one at a time).
(i) Find the fault current for a bolted line-to-line short circuit fault among phases ‘b’ and ‘c’ at
bus 5.
(ii) Find the fault current for a bolted double line-to-ground fault at bus 3.
(iii) For the L-L-G fault of part (ii), find currents contributions from G1 and G2. Also find the
current flowing through the transmission line and the transformer under this faulted condition.

G1 T1

xn 3
4 5
T3 S

2 Passive
G2 T2 Load

Fig. Q10
Q11. The power system shown in Fig. Q11 has one 100 MVA, 20 kV alternator supplying power
to a 3-phase balanced passive load. The alternator is connected to the load through a 400km long
345 kV transmission line having two 100MVA, 20kV/345kV transformers (T1 and T2) at its two
ends. The sub-transient reactance (xd″), zero sequence reactance (x0) and neutral grounding
reactance (xn) of the alternator are 20%, 4% and 5% respectively. Both the transformers have
leakage reactance of 10% and the neutral of the star connected windings are solidly grounded. The
positive and zero sequence reactances of the transmission line are 0.9 Ω/km and 2.4 Ω/km
respectively. The transformer T2 is connected to the load through a switch ‘S’. With the switch in
open condition, a bolted single line to ground fault takes place on phase ‘a’ at bus 3.
(i) Draw a complete sequence network of the system with all reactances marked in per unit.
(ii) Find the total fault current and the three line currents coming out of T1 and T2.
(iii) Find the phase ‘b’ voltage at bus 1.

1 2 3 4
T1 T2
xn Passive

Fig. Q11

Q12. Consider a 50 Hz system, single line diagram of which is shown in the figure below.


Fig. Q12
Specifications of system components are as follows:
Generator (G): 50 MVA, 20kV, X1=X2=20%, Xo = 7.5%
Motor (M): 40 MVA, 20kV, X1=X2=20%, Xo =10%, Xn = 5%
Transformers: T1: 50 MVA, 20/110kV, Xeq= 10%
T2: 40 MVA, 110/20kV, Xeq= 8%;
Transmission line: X1=X2=k1 Ω, Xo=k2 Ω
The fault currents corresponding to a bolted LL and LLG fault at bus 2 are 4.81 p.u. and 8.94 p.u.
respectively. Consider the system was unloaded at pre-fault condition. Determine the values of k1
and k2. Take generator rating as base for generator circuit.
Q13. An 11 kV radial system is shown in Fig. Q13. The positive and zero sequence impedances
of line 1-2 are j0.8 Ω and j2.5 Ω respectively. Impedances of line 2-3 are three times as large. The
positive and zero sequence impedances of each of the two transformers are j2.0 Ω and j3.5 Ω
respectively. Under emergency conditions, the system may be operated with one transformer out
of service. Determine the CT ratios, pick-up values, and time-dial settings of the relays (R1 and R2
corresponding to the breakers B1 and B2 respectively) designed to provide single line-to-ground
fault protection for this system. Assume the high tension bus (bus 0) is an infinite bus whose
voltage will provide 11 kV at the low tension bus (bus 1) at no load. The relay characteristic is
provided at the last page (Also can be found in “Elements of Power System Analysis” by W. D.
0 1

2 3
B1 B2

Fig. Q13

Q14. A portion of a 765-kV network is shown in Fig. Q14. The positive and zero sequence
impedances of the transmission lines are (0.02 + j0.6) Ω/mile and (0.1 + j1.8) Ω/mile respectively.
Assume that the generator impedance is j10 Ω for positive and negative sequence and j20 Ω for
the zero sequence.
(a) Determine the fault current needed for setting the pick-up value of an over current relay
R12 used for line-to-ground fault protection. Line resistance may be neglected and the relay
characteristic provided at the last page should be used.
(b) Select CT and CVT ratios for phase distance relays at bus 1. You may assume that the relay
current coils can carry 10 A continuously, and that the emergency loading limit is 2500
MVA. Use standard CT ratios only.
(c) Now if a Mho relay is to be employed with B12 for distance protection, determine the three
zone settings and find if the emergency load (with 0.8 p.f. lag) causes load encroachment.
1 2 3 4
B12 B21 B23 B32 B34 B43

300 miles 150 miles 100 miles

Fig. Q14
Q15. Consider the simple system shown in Fig. Q15 with nominal voltage is 13.8 kV. The positive
and zero sequence impedances of line 1-2 are j5Ω and j10Ω respectively whereas those for line 2-
3 are (4 + j40) Ω and (10 + j90) Ω respectively.
(a) Distance protection is to be provided along with breaker B12 for line-to-line fault. Identify
the CT and CVT ratios and show their connections. Determine the impedances seen by the
arrangement the fasult of following types take place at bus 2.
(i) three-phase fault, (ii) line-to-line fault.
(b) Distance protection is to be provided along with breaker B12 for single line-to-ground
fault. Identify the CT and CVT ratios and show their connections. Determine the
impedances seen by the arrangement the fault of following types take place at bus 2.
(i) three-phase fault, (ii) single line-to-ground fault.
2 3
1 B34
B12 B23

Fig. Q15 5

Q16. A three-phase, 500 MVA, 345 kV (∆)/500 kV (Y) transformer is protected by differential
relays. Select CT ratios, CT connections and relay tap settings. Determine the currents in the
transformer windings and the CTs at rated conditions. Also determine the percentage mismatch
for the selected relay tap settings. Available relay tap settings are given below:
5:5 5:5.5 5:6.6 5:7.3 5:8 5:9 5:10

Q17. The CT ratios for differential relay protection of a 15 MVA, 33 kV (∆)/11 kV (Y) transformer
are 300:5 and 2000:5. Determine the relay currents at full load and calculate the minimum relay
current setting to allow 125% overload.
If the CT ratio is changed from 300:5 to 500:5, compute the relay current setting for faults
drawing up to 200% of rated transformer current.

Q18. A 13.8 kV, 125 MVA star connected alternator has a synchronous reactance of 1.0 p.u./phase
and a negligible resistance. It is protected by a restricted earth fault protection scheme which
operates when the out of balance current exceeds 10% of the full load current. If the neutral point
is earthed through a resistance of 2.0Ω, determine what proportion of the winding is protected
against earth fault. The effect of the reactance of the alternator may be neglected. Find the
minimum value of the resistance in the earthing circuit required for protecting 80% of the winding.
Q19. The incremental fuel cost in $/MWh for three units of a power generating plant are provided
below along with the corresponding limits on power generation. Assuming that all three units
operate to meet the total plant load of (i) 250MW and (ii) 650MW, find the MW output of each
unit and the plant λ for the two cases.
= 0.012 Pg1 + 9.0 ; 50 ≤ Pg1 ≤ 200 ;
df 2
= 0.0096 Pg 2 + 6.0 ; 100 ≤ Pg 2 ≤ 400 ;
dPg 2
df 3
= 0.0072 Pg 3 + 8.0 ; 80 ≤ Pg 3 ≤ 250 ;
dPg 3

Q20. The incremental fuel cost curves in Rs/MWhr (IC1, IC2 and IC3) of the three generating
units (Gen 1, Gen 2 and Gen 3 respectively) of a power system are shown in Fig. Q3(c). The plots
are shown within the limits of generation of respective units. Neglecting transmission losses and
considering that all three units are operating at all times, find (i) the allocation of a load of 850
MW between the units for minimum cost operation, and (ii) the corresponding λ.

Fig. Q20

Q21. A 60 Hz, 4-pole, turbo generator rated 500MVA, 22 kV has an inertia constant of H = 7.5
(a) Find (i) the kinetic energy stored in the rotor at synchronous speed, (ii) the angular acceleration
if the electrical power developed is 400 MW when the net mechanical input is 740000 hp,
(b) If the acceleration computed in part (a)-(ii) is constant for a period of 15 cycles, find the change
in δ in electrical degrees in that period and the speed in revolutions per minute at the end of 15
cycles. Assume that the generator is synchronized with a large system and has no accelerating
torque before the 15 cycle period begins.
Q22. A generator operating at 50Hz delivers 0.5 pu power in the steady state to an infinite bus
through a transmission line of reactance 0.5 pu. The generator no-load voltage is 1.5 pu and the
infinite bus voltage is 1 pu. The inertia constant of the generator is 5MW-s/MVA and the generator
reactance is 1 pu. A three-phase fault occurs at the terminals of the generator which reduces the
generator output to zero. The fault is cleared after tc second. The original network is then restored.
The maximum swing of the rotor angle is found to be δmax = 110 electrical degree.
(a) Determine the rotor angle in electrical degree at t = tc.
(b) Determine the critical clearing angle (δcr) in electrical degree and the corresponding
time (tcr).
Q23. A synchronous generator represented by a transient internal voltage (E′) of 1.2 p.u. behind
the transient reactance is connected through a network to a large power system represented by an
infinite bus having a voltage (V∞) of 1.0 p.u.. The total equivalent reactance (X) between E′ and
V∞ is j0.50 p.u. and the steady state value of generator rotor angle (δ) is 30°. A three-phase
symmetrical fault takes place in the network, resulting in an increase of the reactance (X) to 6.0
p.u.. The line circuit breaker installed for protection of the generator clears the fault at an instant
when the value of δ is 45° and the post fault clearance value of reactance (X) is 0.8.
(i) Determine if the system remains stable or not.
(ii) The circuit breaker has an option of automatic reclosure with a delay after opening. If the
fault is temporary and reclosure results in regaining of the original healthy system (with X=0.5
p.u.) then find the critical (maximum) value of δ at which the reclosure should take place for the
system to remain stable.

Q24. Figure Q24 shows the single line diagram of a single machine infinite bus system. The inertia
constant of the synchronous generator H = 5 MW-s / MVA. Frequency is 50 Hz. Mechanical power
input to the prime mover is 1.0 p.u. The system is operating at the stable equilibrium point with
rotor angle 𝛿𝛿 equal to 300 (electrical). A three-phase short circuit fault occurs at a certain location
on one of the circuits of the double circuit transmission line. During fault, the electrical power in
p.u is Pmax sin𝛿𝛿. If the values of 𝛿𝛿 and 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑
at the instant of fault clearing are 450 (electrical) and
3.762 rad/s respectively. Find Pmax (in p.u).

Fig. Q24: Single Line Diagram of Single Machine Infinite Bus System
Q25. A thermal generating station has four 550 MVA, 24 kV, 60 Hz units. The four units are
represented by a single equivalent generator modelled by the classical model (transient internal
voltage of constant magnitude and angle δ behind transient reactance). The parameters of the
equivalent generator are: x′d = 0.16 pu, H = 5 s, kD = 0. The station is connected to the rest of the
power system (represented by an infinite bus) through a network consisting of 5 buses as shown
in Fig. Q25. The values of reactances of different parts of the network are provided in the figure.
The generator terminal bus (bus 1) voltage is Vt∠θt = 1.0537∠16.8821° and the power output of
the generator at its terminal bus is (P + jQ) = (0.9 + j0.3) pu on a 2200 MVA, 24 kV base.
(a) Calculate the critical clearing angle (CCA) for a self clearing type symmetrical short-circuit
fault at bus 4 without considering the variable shunt susceptance (jBsh) at bus 5. Please note
that self-clearing fault means the fault gets cleared without isolating any line, thus the pre-
fault and post-fault network configuration remains same.
(b) Next, consider that the variable shunt susceptance (jBsh) is connected at bus 5, as shown in
Fig. Q14. Find the nature of Bsh (capacitive or inductive) that will cause an increase in the
CCA. If the magnitude of Bsh is 2.0 p.u., find the resulting change in the CCA.
Vt∠θt 4 V3∠θ3
j0.2 j0.2

Q j0.1 j0.3 j0.3 Infinite
1 5
2 3

Fig. Q25

Q26. An isolated 50 Hz synchronous generator is rated at 15 MW which is also the maximum

continuous power limit of its prime mover. It is equipped with a speed governor with 5% droop.
Initially, the generator is feeding three loads of 3 MW each at 50 Hz. One of these loads are
programmed to trip permanently if the frequency falls below 48.7 Hz. If two additional loads of 4
MW each is connected with the existing loads as mentioned earlier, then what will be the steady-
state system frequency?

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