1792UOLowerSemester23 12 2020

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APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University



Conduct of Lower Semester Examinations of 2019-20 even lower semesters- Manner and Procedure for Evaluation

and Assessments- Revised Order issued-reg:-


U.O.No. 1792/2020/KTU Thiruvananthapuram, Dated: 23.12.2020

Read:-1. DO No. F.1-1/2020 (Secy) from the University Grants Commission (UGC) Dated: 29.04.2020

2. Letter: No. AICTE/MS office/Special 02/ from the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)

dtd. 01.05.2020

3. Recommendations of the Academic Council meeting of the University held on 11.07.2020

4. Resolution of the Syndicate meeting of the University held on 22.07.2020.

5. University Order No. 1066/2020/KTU dated 28.07.2020

6. Recommendations of the Academic Council meeting held on 29.11.2020

7. Resolution of the Syndicate meeting of the University held on 15.12.2020


In exercise of the powers conferred under sub section (5) of the Section 14 of the APJ Abdul Kalam

Technological University Act, 2015, I hereby issue the following orders:

As per reference read 1 st above, the UGC has issued guidelines for the conduct of lower

semester examinations. The AICTE as per letter read 2 nd above has directed the University to

follow the said guidelines in the conduct of lower semester examinations for all colleges

affiliated to the University. As per reference cited 3 rd above, the Academic Council of the

University has recommended to follow the said guidelines. As per reference 4 th cited above,

the Syndicate of the University, after due consideration, has resolved to accept the

recommendation of the Academic Council. Accordingly, as per reference cited 5 th above, the

‘Manner and Procedure for the evaluation and assessment of lower semester(s)‘ was

published by the University.

The Academic Council meeting held on 29.11.2020, as per reference cited 6 th above,

recommended a revised and detailed manner and procedure for the evaluation and

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assessment of all UG & PG programmes for lower semesters. As per reference 7 th cited above,

the Syndicate of the University, after due consideration, has unanimously resolved to approve

the revised proposal recommended by the Academic Council. Accordingly, the performance

of students in lower semesters (other than final semesters), in the July/August 2020 regular

examinations for B.Tech, M.Tech, MCA, MBA, M.Arch, M.Plan, B.Arch, B.Des and BHMCT

programmes (including all part-time programmes & lateral entry admissions) will be

computed based on their Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) upto the previous

semester(s). For example, for computing the performance of a student in S6: CGPA upto S5

will be considered; for S4: CGPA upto S3 will be considered; and for S2: CGPA of S1 will be

considered. Accordingly, the assessments for the lower semesters (2019-20 even semesters)

should be made on the basis of the following principles:

1. The CGPA upto the previous semester will be converted to percentage of marks based

on the formula approved by academic committees of the University.

2. Percentage of marks thus obtained, rounded off to the nearest integer, will be taken

as the marks scored by the candidate in all the theory courses/subjects of the end-

semester regular University examinations of May/June 2020.

3. A flat moderation of 5% of the maximum marks will be given for each subject for the

end-semester examination.

4. The internal marks in each subject, allotted by the concerned faculty, will be

normalized as per the procedure mentioned in the regulations, with reference to the

University examination mark computed as per the Clauses 2 & 3. Normalized internal

mark is added to the end-semester examination mark (with moderation) to obtain the

total marks of the candidate in each subject. This total marks in a subject defines

the grade of the student, as per regulations, in the respective subject.

5. The grades of students in lower semesters of all programmes will be computed as per

steps 1 to 4 cited above and the same will be recorded as the marks/grades of 2020

May/June examinations of respective semesters. It may be noted that the end

semester marks of students in all subjects in the current semester (to be calculated),

depends on their academic performance in previous semesters, evaluated in terms of


6. The pass of a student in a subject in lower semesters B.Tech 2015 scheme, B.Arch,

M.Tech, M.Arch, M.Plan, MBA and MCA (regular, Integrated, 2nd year direct), B.Tech

(Part-time), MBA (Part-time), M.Tech (Part-time) shall be calculated as follows :

(i) As per regulation, the pass minimum for individual subject is 45%. Since 5%

moderation is already granted as per clause 3, the pass minimum required for end

semester examination becomes 40%. This mark will be computed based on the

student’s CGPA upto the previous semester(s), considering all the available published

results (including revaluation) till the date of processing of the results.

As per regulation, % mark = (CGPA x 10) - 3.75. Hence the CGPA corresponding to
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40% mark is 4.33. It means, all students having a minimum CGPA of 4.33 upto

previous semester(s) will pass the end semester examinations of the current semester.

For such students, the semester grade cards of the current semester will be made

available in their student login. However, if any student fails in examinations wherein

complete evaluations are done at college level (such as practical, Jury, viva-voce etc),

he/she will pass the current semester only after passing the respective examination(s)

conducted at college level.

Obviously, all students having CGPA less than 4.33 upto previous semester(s) will not

pass the end semester examinations of the current semester. They will pass the

current semester as and when their CGPA reaches minimum 4.33. For such students,

the semester grade cards of the current semester will be issued only thereafter.

(ii) It may be noted that B.Tech S6 Comprehensive examination consists of 2 parts; an

internal oral examination for 50 marks & a written examination conducted by

University for 50 marks. As per regulations, separate minimum mark for oral

examination and written examination is not necessary for a ‘pass’ in this subject. So,

the flat moderation of 5% as mentioned in Clause 3 shall not be applicable for this

subject. As per norms, students who fail to score a combined minimum of 45 marks (in

oral & written examinations put together) will fail in this subject. In such cases, result

of the subject will be marked as ‘withheld’. Such students will be declared as ‘passed’

in this subject as and when they obtain the minimum CGPA required for a combined

minimum of 45 marks.

7. The pass of a student in a subject in lower semester for B.Tech 2019 scheme and

B.Des is calculated as follows :

(i) As per regulations of B.Tech & B.Des, the pass minimum for individual subject is

40% for end semester examination (ESA) and 50% for the Continuous Internal

Evaluation & ESA put together. Since 5% moderation is already granted as per clause

3, the pass minimum required for ESA is only 35%. This mark will be computed based

on the student’s CGPA upto the previous semester(s), considering all the available

published results (including revaluation) till the date of processing of the results.

As per regulation, % mark = (CGPA x 10) - 2.50. Hence the CGPA corresponding to

35% ESA mark is 3.70. It means, all students having minimum CGPA of 3.70 upto

previous semester(s) will clear the ESA. If such students also have 50% of Continuous

Internal Evaluation & ESA put together in each subject, they will pass the end

semester examinations of the current semester. For such students, the semester

grade cards of the current semester will be made available in the student login.

However, if any student fails in examinations wherein complete evaluations are done at

college level (such as practical, Jury, viva-voce etc.), he/she will pass the current

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semester, only after passing the respective examination(s) conducted at College level.

As per regulations, students who fail to score a combined minimum of 50% marks in

continuous internal evaluation & ESA put together, will fail in theory subjects. In such

cases, result of these subjects will be marked as ‘withheld’. Such students will be

declared as ‘passed’ in the subjects as and when they obtain the minimum CGPA

required for a combined minimum of 50%.

(ii) It may be noted that as per the above procedure, the end semester marks of S2

solely depend on SGPA of S1. If a student performs badly for one or two subjects in S1,

his/her marks in all subjects of S2 will get badly affected. Considering this issue,

students of 2019 admission shall be permitted to improve any 2 of their passed

subjects in first semester. Students will have the options to select these 2 subjects.

Further, this improvement chance will be available to students (who are presently in

S3) only in the next available examination. Improvement options will not be available

for any other examinations thereafter.

(iii) It is to be mentioned that students having a minimum CGPA of 3.70, but fails to

score 50% of Continuous Internal Evaluation & ESA put together, will not pass the end

semester examinations of the current semester. Obviously this is due to the lower

marks scored in Continuous Internal Evaluation. Such students will have two options to

pass the end semester examinations as:

a. Improve any 2 passed subjects in first semester. Students will have option for selecting

these 2 subjects. Further, this improvement chance will be available to students who

are presently in S3, only in the next available examination. Improvement options will

not be available for any other examinations thereafter.

b. Improve internal assessment marks through their respective institutions for those

subjects in S2 with less internal marks

8. The pass of a student in a subject in the lower semesters of BHMCT program is

calculated as:

(i) As per regulation of BHMCT, the pass minimum for individual subject is 40% for end

semester examination (ESA) and 40% for Continuous Internal Evaluation & ESA put

together. Since 5% moderation is already granted as per clause 3, the pass minimum

required for ESA is only 35%. This mark will be computed based on the student’s CGPA

upto the previous semester(s), considering all the available published results

(including revaluation) till the date of processing of the results.

As per regulation, % mark = (CGPA x 10) – 3.75. Hence the CGPA corresponding to

35% ESA is 3.83. It means all students having minimum CGPA of 3.83 upto previous

semester(s) will clear the ESA. If such students also have 40% of Continuous Internal
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Evaluation & ESA put together in each subject, they will pass the end semester

examinations of the current semester. For such students, the semester grade cards of

the current semester will be made available in the student login. However, if any

student fails in examinations wherein complete evaluations are done at college level

(such as practical, Jury, viva voce etc), he/she will pass the current semester, only

after passing the respective examination(s) conducted at college level.

Students who fail to score the combined minimum of 40% marks in continuous

internal evaluation & ESA put together, will fail in theory subjects. In such cases, result

of the subject will be marked as ‘withheld’. Such students will be declared as ‘passed’

in the subjects as and when they obtain the minimum CGPA required for a combined

minimum of 40%.

(ii) It may be noted that as per the above procedure, the end semester marks of S2

solely depend on SGPA of S1. If a student performs badly for one or two subjects in S1,

his/her marks in all subjects of S2 will get badly affected. Considering this issue,

students of 2019 admission shall be permitted to improve any 2 of their passed

subjects in first semester. Students will have the options to select these 2 subjects.

Further, this improvement chance will be available to students (who are presently in

S3) only in the next available examination. Improvement options will not be available

for any other examinations thereafter.

(iii) In the case of students having a minimum CGPA of 3.83 but fails to score 40% of

Continuous Internal Evaluation & ESA put together, they will not pass the end

semester examinations of the current semester. Obviously this is due to the lower

marks scored in Continuous Internal Evaluation. Such students will have two options to

pass the end semester examinations as cited below:

a. Improve any 2 passed subjects in first semester. Students will have option for selecting

these 2 subjects. Further, this improvement chance will be available to students (who

are presently in S3) only in the next available examination. Improvement options will

not be available for any other examinations thereafter.

b. Improve internal assessment marks through their respective institutions for those

subjects in S2 with internal marks less than the minimum.

9. If a student is not satisfied with the grade obtained in any subject as per the

assessment strategy discussed above, he/she has the option to cancel the

grade of the particular subject and write the examination in the next

available chance. This examination will be considered as their first chance.

However, students of S2 who have applied for improvement of S1 as per clauses 7

(ii)/8 (ii), shall not be eligible for cancellation of grades.

10. Provision to cancel the grade of a particular subject shall not be permitted for students
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who improved their internals as per clauses 7 (iii)(b)/8 (iii)(b).

11. It is proposed to conduct evaluation of projects (based on interim-results, review,

survey, simulation, software-driven, or secondary-data based works due to difficulty in

performing laboratory based experiments and field/survey-based assignments)

internally at respective institutions.

12. Fees: The examination registration/course registration fee, if any, collected from students by

the respective colleges for 2019-20 even (lower) semester regular examinations, shall be

refunded by the colleges concerned.

The E-Governance portal will recalculate the fee for 2019-20 even semester regular

examination as per the following procedure:

(i) Semester registration Fee to be collected from students = Rs.500/-

(ii) Examination/Course registration fee to be collected from students = NIL

Upon recalculation, the amount to be reimbursed will be computed. This amount will

be reflected on the corresponding institution's dashboard against the 'excess amount

paid' tab. The future payments made by Colleges will be adjusted against this 'excess

amount paid' to be displayed in portal. Necessary registers shall be

maintained/receipts filed (in soft/hard form) regarding all transactions related to

reimbursement to students.



Vice Chancellor

Copy to:-

Principals of all affiliated Colleges

All Statutory Officers of the University

Academic/Administrative/Exam sections

* This is a computer system (Digital File) generated letter. Hence there is no need for a physical signature.

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