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Soap remains an essential ingredient in modern living, used Soap production in Uganda is a lucrative business that has
daily for medicinal, laundry purposes, household cleaning, attracted several business-minded individuals. This is due
and personal hygiene (Ajao et al., 2011; Chirani et al., 2021; to the ready availability of raw materials (mainly palm
Richardson and Collins, 2023). Soap is a salt of fatty acids oil) in most parts of the country. Much of the Ugandan
obtained worldwide from mainly agricultural products and palm oil is found in the islands of Lake Victoria
by-products such as plant (vegetable) oils (Yahaya et al., (Natawidjaja et al., 2015). Over 20,000 hectares in these
2012). If properly harnessed, majority of plant oils and fat areas are under the plantation of palm oil trees by
can be treated with strong alkaline solutions to obtain soap. Business and Industrial Development Corporations
Some of these materials include palm oil, coconut oil, cocoa, (BIDCO) and an increasing number of wealthier out-
olive oil, and laurel oil with a strong alkaline solution growers (Bigirwa, 2018; Ssemmanda and Opige, 2018).
(Aiwizea & Achebob, 2012; Aminadokiari Samuel, 2023;
Konkol & Rasmussen, 2015). Thus, soap processing activity is Bar soap is the most popular form of soap in Uganda
a vital activity to the agricultural sector in Uganda. The (Nakaweesi, 2018). It is a low-cost cleaning detergent that
process of making soap is called saponification or basic is found in most homes (UNBS, 2011). Mukwano
hydrolysis reaction of fat or oil. Presently, sodium hydroxide Industries and BIDCO Uganda are the main producers of
or sodium carbonate is used to neutralize the fatty acid and laundry bar soap supplying over 37 million consumers on
convert it to salt (Arasaretnam and Venujah, 2019). a daily basis (UBOS, 2016). This is because the majority of
the local investors are small and medium-scale
processors, employing mostly manual and semi-
Soap is manufactured in three forms which are; bar, mechanized production methods. For instance, the mixing
powder, and liquid (TI, 2019; Warra, 2016). In Africa, of ingredients is done manually with a wooden ladle, and
soap making falls into three different scales namely small, the drying of neat soap is done by pouring the material on
medium, and industrial (large) production (Nwankwojike, tarpaulins in still air. It takes about 24 hours to dry soap
2012). The industrial production of soap involves a from 29-35% (w.b.) to the required moisture content of
continuous process that requires the constant addition of 12-15 % (w.b.) for toilet soap and 15% - 21% for laundry
fat and the removal of products. Additionally, small and soap (Luis, 2016; Warra et al., 2011). This greatly slows
medium-scale production involves the traditional batch down the entire production process making it difficult for
manual and semi-mechanized processes respectively. processors to consistently meet their customers’
demands. These methods also involve strenuous human
In Uganda and Africa in general, soap is among the most efforts and time input making it unattractive and less
widely used consumer good besides salt and cooking oil productive for small and medium-scale processors.
(KPMG Africa, 2015).
Available Online at www.ijscia.com | Volume 4 | Issue 3 | May - Jun 2023 451
International Journal of Scientific Advances ISSN: 2708-7972
Soap drying machines have been developed and are The blades rotate towards each other at different speeds
commercially available on the international market (Anon, to produce shearing forces between the two blades and
2018). However, these machines are not easily accessible to between them and the trough walls. Each blade moves the
small and medium-scale processors due to high purchase material in opposite directions providing excellent cross-
prices. Therefore, there was a need to develop a machine for kneading of all raw materials. The kneading action is a
drying soap using locally available materials. combination of bulk movement, stretching, folding,
dividing, and recombining as the material is pulled and
In concern to this, a Mix-kneader machine was developed to squeezed against the blades and side walls. This action is
boost the daily production capacity of small and medium- accelerated by the water jacket for circulating cold water
scale processors. The machine is expected to have a strong around the side walls of the kneading trough. In this case,
impact on the soap industry as it tackles the issues heat is transferred by convection from the hot neat soap
encountered by the small and medium-scale processors in at a temperature between (60 0C – 70 0C) to the inside
Uganda. It also addresses the reduction of the workforce, trough surfaces. This heat is then transferred by
production hours, and energy consumption as well as the conduction through the steel walls and finally, the heat is
cost associated with the overall soap-making process. transferred by convection from the outside walls of the
trough to the cooling water at 20 0C.
Description, principle, and mode of operation of the During operation, neat soap material is loaded into a
Mix-kneader running machine through the top of the trough to
The Mix-kneader (Figure 1) essentially consists of four approximately three-quarters (¾) of its total volumetric
mechanisms namely; the power transmission, kneading, capacity. The tip speed of the Mix-kneader is limited to 45
cooling, and discharge mechanisms. The power rpm. During kneading cold water is poured into the water
transmission mechanism consists of an electric motor as a jacket to facilitate rapid cooling of neat soap. Since the
prime mover, a reduction gearbox, Pinion, and a Gear cooling process is not continuous, hot water is frequently
drive for transmitting motion from the gearbox to the taken out as more cold water is added in order to achieve
sigma blade shafts. The kneading mechanism consists of high heat transfer from the neat soap, hence achieving
basically counter-rotating sigma blades (2) mounted on faster drying. After the soap has achieved the required
horizontal axis shafts in a W-shaped trough and the moisture content (15% - 21% w.b), the exit cute is opened
discharge mechanism consists of the exit cute located while the machine is still running for the sigma blades to
below the trough. discharge the dried soap. The discharge of the material
from the trough is achieved through the bottom exit cute.
The machine uses the shearing and kneading mechanism
to dry neat soap during which the sigma blades create
high shear and kneading action.
Design of the transmission gear drive system Determination of the center distance, C
In the design of a gear drive, the following were The center distance was determined from the width, WT
considered as discussed by Shiva (2022); 1) the power to of the kneading trough as shown in Equation 3.
be transmitted, 2) the speed of the driving gear (pinion) = 2 …………………………………………………………………….(3)
Determination of the diameter of the Pinion and Gear Selection of the reduction gearbox
The diameters of the pinion (driver gear) and the driven The purpose of the reduction gearbox is to reduce the
gear were calculated from the velocity ratio Equation 4. speed (rpm) of the electric motor. A reduction gearbox
This was done by considering a velocity ratio of 3:2 and a with a speed reduction ratio of 30:1 was procured to
maximum tip speed of 45 rpm as recommended by reduce the speed of the electric motor to the required
Connelly & Kokini (2006) and Dickey & Fasano (2004). operating speed.
2 was used.
Determination of the resultant force acting on the shaft To
Power required for kneading determine the resultant force, the loading on the shaft
The power required for mixing and kneading operation was resolved into both horizontal and vertical planes. The
was determined according to; 1) the amount and viscosity horizontal and vertical bending moment and shear force
of neat soap in the kneading trough and 2) the position, diagrams were then constructed and the resultant
type, speed, and size of the sigma blades using Equation 7.
3 5 maximum bending moment, Mmax calculated using
= × …………………………………...…………………..(7)
Equation 14.
Where Po is the power number which is a function of
2 2
= √( + )……………………………………(14)
= √( )2 +( )2………………………..(15)
= ……………………….…………………….(16)
2 . .
Where µs is the viscosity of soap in Pa. An average
viscosity of 400 cp was used as provided by Luis (2016).
Froude Number2
is given by Equation 10.
= ……………………………………………….…………..(10)
Where max is the maximum shear stress on the shaft, d is Where hh is the convective heat-transfer coefficient of
neat soap.
the shaft diameter, per is the permissible shear stress for
the shaft material, Syt is the yield strength under tension, Heat conduction through the trough surface
F.O.S is the factor of safety, Km and Kt are the combined
shock and fatigue factors for bending and torsional
= ( − )= …………………………..(20)
moments respectively. The allowable/permissible shear /( )
= 1 [979.58 3 − 166.67 2]…………………………….(18) The universal heat transfer coefficient UC, was calculated
was calculated considering a circular cross-section for the Design of the frame
shaft. The frame is a structure that supports all the machine
components i.e., the Kneading trough, electric motor and gear
Design of the water jacket box, the gear drive arrangement and the sigma blades. Hence,
Generally, in the design of the water jacket, it was it must be strong enough to carry the weight of all these
desirable to calculate the area of heat exchange required components and as well as withstand the vibration that may
to perform the cooling operation and the outlet arise from the operation of the machine. Also, the machine
temperature of hot water. It was also desired to cool neat must be comfortable in operation for the human operator.
soap from the temperature range of 60 0C – 70 0C to Design for average was adopted to determine the dimensions
around room temperature (25 0C– 28 0C). of the frame as well as the location of the various component
of the machine with respect to the frame. This was to ensure
The cooling process involves hot neat soap at temperature T the comfort of the operators.
(60 0C – 70 0C) which transfers heat to circulating cold water
at temperature t (20 0C), through a steel surface of thickness Material selection
of 3 mm. Heat transfer is carried out from the hot neat soap During material selection, materials which are cheap,
to the cooling water. Initially, heat is transferred by corrosion resistant, chemically stable with soap and locally
convection from the hot neat soap at temperature T to the available were selected. Mild steel (MS) was used for the
inside trough surfaces at temperature TW. This heat is then fabrication of the kneading trough, frame, shafts, and all other
transferred by conduction through the steel walls, so there is protective guards for the exposed machine components
a temperature drop from TW to tW (temperature of the because of its good physical properties such as strength and
outside wall of the trough). Then heat is transferred by hardness. Mild steel also has good workability properties
convection from the outside walls of the trough to the cooling such as easy fabrication. The electric motor was purchased
water at temperature t. The area of the trough inside surface according to the power requirement of the machine. Gears,
in contact with the hot neat soap is called AH, while that in gearbox, and pillow block bearings were also purchased in
contact with the cold water is AC. Since the trough surfaces accordance with the design specifications. Standard items
are flat, these areas coincide, and therefore AH = AC. (nuts, bolts, washers, etc.) were purchased to march the
design specifications.
Three assumptions were made during the design of the water Fabrication of major components and assembling
jacket 1) heat losses to the surroundings are negligible 2) no The prototype of the Mix-kneader was fabricated based
airbags are formed inside the water jacket and 3) the on dimensions obtained from the design calculations.
universal heat-transfer coefficient is constant. Fabrication of the machine parts was done at Waysai
Agricultural Machinery Workshop in Kawempe, Kampala.
The overall heat transfer area and the associated The general fabrication steps were followed that is;
temperatures were calculated through simultaneous measuring and marking out, cutting out, welding, boring,
solving of Equations 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23. Heat filler process, assembling, and then surface finishing.
convection on the side of hot neat soap
Unlike other machine components, the two sigma blades
=ℎ ( − )
ℎ ℎ = 1/(ℎℎ ℎ)……………….……….(19)
The basic steps for casting process were followed that is; Uniformity of dried soap in the different regions of the
pattern making, core making, molding, melting and kneading trough
pouring and surface finishing. The kneading trough was To determine the uniformity of the dry soap produced by
fabricated from MS sheet metal plate of 3 mm thickness. the Mix-kneader, the kneading trough was divided into six
The support frame was fabricated using a 75 mm U – regions. A, B, and C correspond to the left, middle, and
section bar. The fixed type end connection was used in right part of the half cylindrical section of the kneading
holding the frame members together as members were to trough where the high-speed blade (45 rpm) rotates from.
be eventually welded together to give adequate rigidity. D, E, and F correspond to the left, middle, and right part of
the half cylindrical section of the kneading trough where
The frame was adequately loaded at appropriate the slow-moving blade (30 rpm) rotates from. Using the
locations according to the weights of the various optimum operating mass of 180 kg and average kneading
components of the machine it is intended to carry at these time of 15.5 minutes, the moisture content of the dry soap
locations. And finally, all the protective guards and covers from all six sections of the machine was recorded using
were fabricated from Mild Steel plates of 1.5 mm the moisture meter before discharging it. The experiment
thickness. The guards were fabricated to protect delicate was repeated four times using the same operating
and moving components such as the gear drive system, conditions in order to determine the uniformity of dry
gearbox, electric motor, and bearings. soap in the kneading trough.
To determine the optimum machine feed capacity, the Drying rate, = … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . (26) Where mx is the mass of
water/moisture removed.
machine was loaded with 60 kg of neat soap (which is
almost ¼ of the total machine volume) of 32% (w.b) Discharge efficiency= 0
moisture content at a fixed blade speed of 45 rpm and 30 +
FIGURE 4: Shear force and bending moment diagrams, (a) horizontal plane and (b) vertical plane.
Fabrication and assembling of the Mix-kneader Protective guards were fabricated from 1.5 mm thick
Error! Reference source not found. (a) shows the final sheet plates to cover all the delicate machine parts like
assembled prototype of the Mix-kneader developed. The the electric motor, bearings, gears, and the gearbox
volume of the kneading trough was 300 L. A rectangular reducer. Error! Reference source not found. (b) shows
opening of 200 mm x 100 mm was provided at the bottom a pair of surface finished sigma blades which were casted
of the trough. This opening connects to the discharge/exit from Aluminium metal. The mass of each sigma blade was
cute. The water jacket of volume 40 L was attached to the measured as 28.3 kg, making a total mass of 56.6 kg. The
walls of the kneading trough through permanent weld mass of the gearbox and the electric motor was 68 kg and
joints. A water inlet of diameter 32 mm and outlet of 43 kg respectively and the overall weight of the Mix-
diameter 40 mm were attached. kneader with all components assembled was 234 kg.
Rubber rollers of diameter 8” were finally bolted on the
frame for easy moving of the machine.
FIGURE 5: (a) Final fabricated prototype of the Mix-kneader fully assembled (b) Surface finished sigma blades.
Kneading time (s) 0
60 110 160 210
Feed mass (kg)
FIGURE 3: A graph of feed capacity (mass, kg of neat soap) vs kneading time of soap.
Optimum kneading time for drying soap Optimum (desired) moisture content of 15% w.b was
The initial moisture content prior to kneading was 32% achieved after 15 minutes of kneading. Prolongation of the
w.b for the sample used. Error! Reference source not kneading time up to 17 minutes continued to extract
found. shows the percent average moisture content of moisture from soap up to about 13% at a nearly constant
dry soap obtained at different times of kneading from 12 drying rate. However, after 20 minutes of kneading, the
– 20 minutes using a feed mass of 180 kg. Generally, it can moisture content of soap remained almost constant at 11%
be seen that the moisture content of neat soap gradually level. At this level, it was no longer necessary to continue the
decreased with respect to time. This means that, as kneading process since the machine was unable to extract
kneading proceeds, the machine is able to extract water any more moisture. Therefore, the optimum kneading time
from neat soap and hence soap is able to dry. was between 15-16 minutes as shown by the graph in Error!
Reference source not found..
Available Online at www.ijscia.com | Volume 4 | Issue 3 | May-Jun 2023 488
International Journal of Scientific Advances ISSN: 2708-7972
( 22
en 16
oi 14
st 12
12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Kneading time (min)
FIGURE 7: A graph of moisture content (%) vs kneading/drying time (min).
Uniformity of MC of the dried soap in different regions Descriptive statistics of moisture content data series by
of the kneading trough at 15.5 minutes of kneading regions of the kneading trough are summarized in TABLE
From FIGURE 4 and TABLE 2, it can be seen that for each The mean moisture content of the dried soap varies
trial, the moisture content of dry soap in region B and E is between 15.5% and 18.5% with the lowest and highest
low compared to other region as defined in sub-section experienced in regions B and C respectively. The co-
2.5.3 of this manuscript. It can also be seen that the efficient of variation varies between 3.17% and 8.33%.
moisture content of dried soap varies across each region Moisture content values across all regions have standard
for each trial experiment made. deviation varying from ±0.8% to ±1.7%.
TABLE 2: Test results for determining the uniformity of dry soap in different regions of the kneading trough.
Trial No. Mass (kg) Moisture content (%) in different regions of the trough Average moisture
A B C D E F content (%)
1 180 17 15 19 19 16 18 17.2±1.6
2 180 15 14 18 16 15 18 15.8±1.7
3 180 17 16 18 17 16 17 16.5±0.8
4 180 18 17 19 18 16 19 17.8±1.2
Mo 18
istu 16
tent 12
(%) 10
Regions of the kneading trough
FIGURE 4: A bar graph showing moisture content of dried soap inside the different regions of the kneading trough.
TABLE 3: Summary of descriptive statistics of moisture content of dried soap in different regions of the kneading trough.
Region Mean Min Max StDev CV
A 16.75 15 18 1.258 7.51
B 15.50 14 17 1.291 8.33
C 18.5 16 19 0.577 3.12
D 17.5 16 19 1.291 7.38
E 15.75 15 16 0.5 3.17
F 18 17 19 0.816 4.54
StDev: Standard Deviation; CV: Coefficient of Variation.
Available Online at www.ijscia.com | Volume 4 | Issue 3 | May-Jun 2023 489
International Journal of Scientific Advances ISSN: 2708-7972
Initial Final
Mass of Output Undischarged Moisture Initial Final
Trial No Neat Soap, mass Qo soap Content, Temp of Temp of
Qf (kg) (kg) Qr (kg) mci neat soap neat soap
(% w.b.)
(% w.b.)
1 180 114.9 31.6 31 17 66.5 35.9
2 180 105.3 30.5 35 16 64.2 32.3
3 180 109.3 34.9 33 18 63.1 31.6
4 180 116.5 35.7 29 16 65.7 33.5
Average 180 111.5 33.18 32 16.75 64.9 33.3
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