Legal Opinion 1
Legal Opinion 1
Legal Opinion 1
Grin S. Kerr
Orin Kerr is a professor of latv at the George Washington University Law School. This essay
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English criminal cases normally ‘will be Rex v. Doe or Regina i’. Doe. Rex and
Regina aren’t the victims: the words are Latin for “King” and “Queen.” During
the reign of a King, English courts use “Rex”; during the reign of a Queen, they
switch to “Regina.”
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“per curiam” instead of a judge’s name. Per curiam means “by the
court.” It signals that the opinion reflects a common view among all
the judges rather than the writings of a specific judge.
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why the court is ruling for one side and against the other.
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attorney, counsel, court, verdict, party, appeal, evidence, and jury.
These words are the everyday language of the American legal sys
tem. And they’re all from the French, brought to you by William
the Conqueror in 1066.
This means that when you read a legal opinion, you’ll come
across a lot of foreign-sounding words to describe the court system.
You need to learn all of these words eventually; you should read
cases with a legal dictionary nearby and shoi.ild look up every word
you don’t know. But this section will give you a head start by intro
ducing you to some of the most common words, many of which
(but not all) are French in origin.
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refer to themselves as “the Court.”
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higher court is called the “respondent.”
Confused yet? You probably are, but don’t worry. You’ll read so
many cases in the next few weeks that you’ll get used to all of this
very soon.
Q kay, so you’ve just read a case for class. You think you under
stand it, but you’re not sure if you learned what your profes
sor wanted you to learn. Here is what professors want students to
know after reading a case assigned for class:
If you don’t believe me, you should take a look at a few law school exams. It
turns out that the most common form of law school exam question presents a
long description of a very particular set of facts, It then asks the student to “spot”
and analyze the legal issues presented by those facts. These exam questions are
known as “issue-spotters,” as they test the student’s ability to understand the facts
and spot the legal issues they raise, As you might imagine, doing well on an issue
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agreement. The lawyers, not the judges, take the lead role in fram
ing the issues raised by a case.
In an appeal, for example, the lawyer for the appellant will ar
ticulate specific ways in which the lower court was wrong. The ap
pellate court will then look at those arguments and either agree or
disagree. (Now you can understand why people pay big bucks for
top lawyers; the best lawyers are highly skilled at identifying and
articulating their arguments to the court.) Because the lawyers take
the lead role in framing the issues, you need to understand exactly
what arguments the two sides were making.
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In your first year, the opinions that you read in your Torts, Con
tracts, and Property classes will mostly interpret the common law.
Opinions in Criminal Law mostly interpret either the common law
or statutes. finally, opinions in your Civil Procedure casebook will
mostly interpret statutory law or the Constitution. The source of
law is very important because American law follows a clear hierar
chy. Constitutional rules trump statutory (statute-based) rules, and
statutory rules trump common law rules.
After you have identified the source of law, you should next
identify the method of reasoning that the court used to justify its
decision. When a case is governed by a statute, for example, the
court usually will simply follow what the statute says. The court’s
role is narrow in such settings because the legislature has settled the
law. Similarly, when past courts have already answered similar
questions before, a court may conclude that it is required to reach a
particular result because it is bound by the past precedents. This is
an application of the judicial practice of “stare decisis,” an abbrevia
tion of a Latin phrase meaning “That which has been already decided
should remain settled.”
In other settings, courts may justify their decisions on public pol
icy grounds. That is, they may pick the rule that they think is the
best rule, and they may explain in the opinion why they think that
rule is best. This is particularly likely in common law cases where
judges are not bound by a statute or constitutional rule. Other
courts will rely on morality, fairness, or notions of justice to justify
The phrase “common law” started being used about a thousand years ago to refer
to laws that were common to all English citizens. Thus, the word “common” in
the phrase “common law” means common in the sense of “shared by all,” not
common in the sense of “not very special.” The “common law” was announced in
judicial opinions. As a result, you will sometimes hear the phrase “common law”
used to refer to areas of judge-made law as opposed to legislatively-made law.
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applying a clear rule of law that is new to that particular case. That
rule is known as the “holding” of the case. Holdings are often con
trasted with “dicta” found in an opinion. Dicta refers to legal state
ments fri the opinion not needed to resolve the dispute of the par
ties; the word is a pluralized abbreviation of the Latin phrase “obiter
dictum,” which means “a remark by the way.”
When a court announces a clear holding, you should take a min
ute to think about how the court’s rule would apply in other situa
tions. During class, professors like to pose “hypotheticals,” new sets
of facts that are different from those found in the cases you have
read. They do this for two reasons. first, it’s hard to understand the
signfficance of a legal rule unless you think about how it might apply
to lots of different situations. A rule might look good in one setting,
but another set of facts might reveal a major problem or ambiguity.
Second, judges often reason by “analogy,” which means a new case
may be governed by an older case when the facts of the new case are
similar to those of the older one. This raises the question, which are
the legally relevant facts for this particular rule? The best way to
evaluate this is to consider new sets of facts. You’ll spend a lot of
time doing this in class, and you can get a head start on your class
discussions by asking the hypotheticals on your own before class
finally, you should accept that some opinions are vague. Some
times a court won’t explain its reasoning very well, and that forces
us to try to figure out what the opinion means. You’ll look for the
holding of the case but become frustrated because you can’t find
one. k’s not your fault; some opinions are written in a narrow way
so that there is no clear holding, and others are just poorly reasoned
or written. Rather than trying to fill in the ambiguity with false cer
tainty, try embracing the ambiguity instead. One of the skills of top
flight lawyers is that they know what they don’t know: they know
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Understand Any Concurring and/or Dissenting Opinions
You probably won’t believe me at first, but concurrences and dis
sents are very important. You need to read them carefully. To un
derstand why, you need to appreciate that law is man-made, and
Anglo-American law has often been judge-made. Learning to “think
like a lawyer” often means learning to think like a judge, which
means learning how to evaluate which rules and explanations are
strong and which are weak. Courts occasionally say things that are
silly, wrongheaded, or confused, and you need to think independ
ently about what judges say.
Concurring and dissenting opinions often do this work for you.
Casebook authors edit out any unimportant concurrences and dis
sents to keep the opinions short. When concurrences and dissents
appear in a casebook, it signals that they offer some valuable insights
and raise important arguments. Disagreement between the majority
opinion and concurring or dissenting opinions often frames the key
issue raised by the case; to understand the case, you need to under
stand the arguments offered in concurring and dissenting opinions.
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The Historical Reason
The legal system that we have inherited from England is largely
judge-focused. The judges have made the law what it is through
their written opinions. To understand that law, we need to study
the actual decisions that the judges have written, further, we need
to learn to look at law the way that judges look at law. In our sys
tem of government, judges can only announce the law when decid
ing real disputes: they can’t just have a press conference and an
nounce a set of legal rules. (This is sometimes referred to as the
“case or controversy” requirement; a court has no power to decide
an issue unless it is presented by an actual case or controversy be
fore the court.) To look at the law the way that judges do, we need
to study actual cases and controversies, just like the judges. In short,
we study real cases and disputes because real cases and disputes his
torically have been the primary source of law.
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ticular facts you’ll encounter as a practicing lawyer.
Good luck!
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