Iso 17565
Iso 17565
Iso 17565
First edition
Reference number
ISO 17565:2003(E)
© ISO 2003
ISO 17565:2003(E)
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Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Principle ................................................................................................................................................ 3
5 Apparatus ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Test pieces ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Test piece size ..................................................................................................................................... 9
ISO 17565:2003
6.2 Test piece preparation ...................................................................................................................... 10
7 Procedure ...........................................................................................................................................
370e7d89dd5a/iso-17565-2003 10
8 Calculation ......................................................................................................................................... 13
8.1 Standard formula for the flexural strength in four-point flexure ................................................... 13
8.2 Standard formula for the flexural strength in three-point flexure ................................................. 14
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................... 26
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 17565 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 206, Fine ceramics.
1 Scope
This International Standard describes the method of test for determining the flexural strength of monolithic fine
ceramics and whisker- or particulate-reinforced ceramic composites at elevated temperature. Flexural strength
is one measure of the uniaxial strength of fine ceramics. This test method may be used for materials
development, quality control, characterization and design data generation purposes.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document
(including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3611:1978, Micrometer callipers for external measurement
ISO 7500-1:—1), Metallic materials — Verification ISO 17565:2003of static uniaxial testing machines — Part 1:
testing machines — Verification and calibration of the force-measuring system
ISO 14704:2000, Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Test method for flexural
strength of monolithic ceramics at room temperature
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
flexural strength
maximum nominal stress at fracture of a specified elastic beam loaded in bending
four-point flexure
configuration of flexural strength testing where a test piece is equally loaded by two bearings symmetrically
located between two support bearings
See Figure 1.
c) Three-point flexure
1 loading bearings
2 support bearing
four-point-1/4 point flexure
specific configuration of four-point flexural strength testing where the inner bearings are situated one quarter of
the support span away from the two outer bearings
four-point-1/3 point flexure
specific configuration of four-point flexural strength testing where the inner bearings are situated one third of the
support span away from the two outer bearings
three-point flexure
configuration of flexural strength testing where a test piece is loaded at a location midway between two outer
NOTE Four-point flexure is usually preferred since a larger amount of material is exposed to the maximum stress. See
Bibliography for more information.
4 Principle
A beam test piece with a rectangular cross section is loaded in flexure until fracture. The load at fracture, the
test fixture and test piece dimensions are used to compute the flexural strength, which is a measure of the
uniaxial tensile strength of a ceramic. The material is assumed to be isotropic and linearly-elastic. Testing is
performed at elevated temperature in air or inert atmosphere. Load is monitored versus displacement or time in
order to confirm that the beam test piece fractured under elastic conditions. This International Standard is an
elevated-temperature adaptation of ISO 14704. See Annex A for additional information on this test method.
5 Apparatus
ISO 17565:2003
5.1 Testing machine 370e7d89dd5a/iso-17565-2003
A suitable testing machine capable of applying a uniform crosshead speed shall be used. The testing machine
shall be in accordance with ISO 7500-1:— Class 1 with an accuracy of 1 % of indicated load at fracture.
5.2.1 General
The furnace shall be capable of heating the test fixture and test piece as well as maintaining a uniform and
constant temperature during the strength test. The furnace may have an air, inert gas or vacuum environment,
as required. If an inert gas or vacuum chamber is used, and it is necessary to transmit the load through a seal,
bellows or a fitting, it shall be verified that load losses or errors are less than 1 % of the expected fracture loads.
The furnace may be designed so that test pieces are loaded into either hot or cold furnaces.
The furnace shall be controlled by a device for maintaining a constant temperature within ± 2 ◦ C or better
within the working space of the furnace, during the time that the test piece is loaded to fracture.
The furnace shall be capable of maintaining the test piece temperature uniform. It shall previously be
determined that the temperature of the test piece shall not vary more than 10 ◦ C over its length after a 15 min
hold time at the required test temperature.
The furnace control device shall also be capable of controlling the heating rates of the furnace and preventing
temperature overshoots.
The time for the system to reach thermal equilibrium at test temperature shall be determined for the test
temperature to be used.
5.3.1 General
Thermocouple temperature measuring equipment shall have a resolution of at least 1 ◦ C and an accuracy of
5 ◦ C or better. Optical pyrometers, if used, shall have a resolution of at least 5 ◦ C and an accuracy of 5 ◦ C or
NOTE 1 Resolution should not be confused with accuracy. Beware of instruments that have a resolution (read out) of 1 ◦ C,
◦ ◦ ◦
but have an accuracy of only 10 C; e.g., an instrument with a 1 % accuracy would only be accurate to ± 12 C at 1 200 C.
NOTE 2 Thermocouple temperature measuring instruments typically approximate the temperature-electromotive force
(EMF) tables, but with a few degrees error.
NOTE 2 The thermocouple should not contact the test piece if there is a chance the test piece will be misaligned.
NOTE 3 The thermocouple should not contact the test piece if it will chemically react with the test piece.
Thermocouples shall be checked periodically since calibration may drift with usage or contamination.
Radiation pyrometers (thermometers) may be used in instances wherein suitable thermocouples are not
available, particularly at temperatures above 1 600 ◦ C. Pyrometers may either be of the disappearing filament
type or an automatic type. Pyrometers may either be spectral (operate over a narrow wavelength band), dual
wavelength (operate over two narrow wavelength bands) or total (integrate or average over all wavelengths).
Radiation pyrometry requires special care in order to obtain accurate and precise results. Ensure that blackbody
conditions are obtained, or correct the temperature for the actual emissivity of the test piece in its environment.
The pyrometer should view the test piece at right angles to one of the four long surfaces. The target size (or
viewed area) of the pyrometer shall be less than 3 mm in diameter. Corrections for radiation absorption or
reflectance may be necessary if the furnace has a window. The window shall be sufficiently large such that the
radiation emanating from the window completely fills the objective lens of the radiation thermometer, but the
window should not be so large as to cause appreciable heat loss or thermal gradients in the furnace.
NOTE See ASTM Standard Test Methods E 452, E 639, E 1256, and BS 1041, part 5 for additional information.
5.4.1 General
Three- or four-point flexure configurations shall be used as illustrated in Figures 1 and 2. The four-point-1/4-
point configuration is recommended. The fixtures shall either be semi-articulating or fully-articulating as
specified in ISO 14704 depending upon the condition of the test pieces. If the test pieces meet the parallelism
requirements of 6.1.1 and Figure 3, either a semi-articulating fixture or fully articulating fixture may be used. If
the test pieces do not meet the parallelism requirements of 6.1.1 and Figure 3, a fully-articulating fixture shall be
NOTE 1 Machined test pieces normally have flat and parallel surfaces and semi-articulating fixtures are completely
satisfactory. On the other hand, as-fired, heated treated or oxidized test pieces often do not meet the parallelism
requirements. Twisting of the test piece can cause severe errors in the strength calculation, unless a fully-articulating fixture
is used. The purpose of articulation is to ensure that the bearings have uniform and even contact with the test piece surface.
NOTE 2 A fully-articulating fixture has bearings or rollers that are free to roll to eliminate friction. The bearings articulate
independently to match the test piece surface.
NOTE 3 A semi-articulating fixture has bearings or rollers that are free to roll to eliminate friction. The bearings articulate in
pairs to match the test piece surface.
It is recognized that practical limitations may restrict the design of the test fixture, and oxidation effects may
restrict its function. In such cases, alternatives may be employed, but deviations from the function specified
above shall be reported in the report.
5.4.2 Bearings ISO 17565:2003
Test pieces shall be loaded and supported by bearings. The bearings shall be cylindrical rollers. The bearing
length shall be greater than or equal to 12 mm. The bearing diameter shall be approximately 1,5 times the test
piece thickness, h. Diameters between 4,5 mm and 5,0 mm are recommended. The bearings shall have a
smooth surface and shall have a diameter uniform to ± 0,015 mm. All bearings shall be free to roll in order to
eliminate friction, with the exception of the middle bearing in three point flexure (see Figure 2). For four-point
flexure, the two inner bearings shall be free to roll inwards, and the two outer bearings shall be free to roll
outwards. In three-point flexure, the two outer bearings shall be free to roll outwards, and the inner (middle)
bearing should not roll.
NOTE 1 Friction can cause errors in the stress calculations. The rolling action in elevated temperature fixtures is usually
accomplished by using cylindrical bearings which rest on a flat surface. The bearings are free to roll on the surface as shown
in Figure 2.
NOTE 2 The bearing diameter is specified on the basis of competing requirements. The bearings should not be so large as
to cause excessive change in the moment arm (“a” in Figure 1) as a test piece deflects which can create errors from contact-
point tangency shift. On the other hand, the bearings should not be so small as to create excessive wedging or contact
stresses in the test piece.
All four bearings shall be free to roll. The two inner bearings shall be parallel to each other to within 0,015 mm
over their length ( 12 mm in accordance with 5.4.2). The two outer bearings shall be parallel to each other to
within 0,015 mm over their length. The inner bearings shall be supported independently of the outer bearings.
All four bearings shall rest uniformly and evenly across the test piece surface. The fixture shall be designed to
apply equal loads to all four bearings.
NOTE The parallelism requirement may be met by control of the test fixture dimensions.
The two outer bearings are free to roll outwards in the three-point flexure, but the middle bearing shall be non-
b) Three-point flexure
1 test piece
2 alternative rolling bearings
3 alternatives
Dimensions in millimetres
All four bearings shall be free to roll. Three bearings shall articulate independently to match the test piece's
surface. The fourth bearing need not articulate. All four bearings shall rest uniformly and evenly across the test
piece surfaces. The fixture shall apply equal load to all four bearings.
The two support (outer) bearings shall be free to roll outwards. The middle bearing should be centrally located
and does not need to roll. The two outer bearings shall be parallel to each other to within 0,015 mm over their
length ( 12 mm in accordance with 5.4.2). The two outer bearings shall articulate together to match the test
piece surface or the middle bearing shall articulate to match the test piece surface. All three bearings shall rest
uniformly and evenly across the test piece surface. The fixture shall be designed to apply equal load to the two
outer bearings.
NOTE The parallelism requirement may be met by control of the test fixture dimensions.
The two support (outer) bearings shall be free to roll outwards. The middle bearing should not roll. Any two of
the bearings shall be capable of articulating independently to match the test piece surface. All three bearings
shall rest uniformly and evenly across the test piece surface. The fixture shall be designed to apply equal loads
to the two outer bearings.
NOTE 2 Some fixtures have bearings that fit into square slots with a slight clearance. Of course, the clearance should be
such that the possible spans are within the prescribed limits of this International Standard. Unfortunately, it is usually not
possible to verify whether a bearing sits against an inner or outer shoulder, and thus it is possible that some bearings are
free to roll and others are not. This can lead to the addition of unpredictable, random friction errors. Fixtures with such slots
should be used with caution.
The fixture material shall be as inert as possible for the testing conditions used. The fixture shall be oxidation
resistant if the testing is done in air. The fixture shall have negligible chemical reaction with and shall not
contaminate the test piece. The fixture shall remain elastic over the load and temperature ranges used. The
bearings may be made of a ceramic with an elastic modulus between 200 GPa and 500 GPa and a flexural
strength greater than 275 GPa at elevated temperature.
NOTE 1 Bearings should be cleaned regularly. Silicon carbide papers are helpful in cleaning scale, oxidation products or
chemical reaction products off the fixtures.
NOTE 2 Various grades of silicon carbide or sapphire are suitable. Hot-pressed or sintered silicon carbides with low
additive content are elastic up to temperatures in excess of 1 500 C. Siliconized silicon carbides and high purity aluminas
are less expensive, but may exhibit creep deformation at temperatures over 1 200 C. Recrystallized silicon carbides are
elastic up to temperatures of 2 000 C, but are relatively weak due to porosity. Graphites are extremely refractory but are
restricted to inert atmospheres and are soft and have a low elastic modulus. Graphites may be suitable for loading rams or
portions of fixtures, but they should not be used where there are concentrated loads such as at the loading bearings.