6.1 Annexure 1 of Section 6 Meiyankal Channel EMP-L
6.1 Annexure 1 of Section 6 Meiyankal Channel EMP-L
6.1 Annexure 1 of Section 6 Meiyankal Channel EMP-L
APRIL 2023
7.1 General overview
As per the identified potential social and environmental impacts, the Environmental and Social
Management Plan (ESMP) has been prepared in accordance with the ESMF, and the RPF prepared for the
The generated site-specific ESMP and relevant guidelines will be included as a Special Condition in the Bid
Document, and also ESMP will be attached to the contract to form part of the contract requirement. And
also, it is important to consider this ESMP will also be equally applicable to sub-contractors, including
nominated sub-contractors, if any. The Contractor will be responsible for compliance with the requirements
of the ESMP. With the assistance of the Engineer on behalf of the Employer, the Project Proponent (PP) will
monitor the compliance of the ESMP by the Contractor.
The bidders will be advised to carefully consider the ESMP requirements during the construction stage
when preparing the bid and pricing the items of work. In particular, prior to bidding, the associated costs
are to be provided as a provisional sum and/or as part of the engineering cost. The prescriptions and clauses
detailed in the ESMP are integral components of the specifications for relevant items of work unless
separate items are included in the Bill of Quantities. Thus, separate payments will not be made with respect
to compliance with the ESMP.
The Contractor, through an appointed Environmental and Social Officer, will assist the Engineer in
conducting his/her duties as required in the ESMP implementation by:
a) maintaining up-to-date records on actions taken by the Contractor with regard to the
implementation of ESMP recommendations
b) through timely submission of reports, information and data to the employer through the Engineer,
c) via participating in the meetings conveyed by the Engineer or any relevant line agency and
d) any other assistance requested by the Engineer.
In case the Contractor or the sub-contractor/s fails to implement the actions specified in the ESMP, the
Contractor will be informed in writing. If corrective actions are still not taken, the Engineer will take
whatever actions it is deemed necessary to ensure that the ESMP is properly implemented.
Table 7-1 Environmental and Social Management Plan
01 Delays in Before the Implementation of the rehabilitation work, required Included in Contractor: One- IA and reported
mobilization and clearances from the Forest department should be obtained. the design off activities to the PMU
timely Scheduling, coordination, procurement, obtaining approvals, and cost before starting
implementation project implementation should be expedited to the practicable extent. construction
of work program
Standard and good construction practices shall be followed at all times.
& poor
The possibility of simultaneous deployment of several gangs needs to be
pursued, which will allow the work to be completed within the shortest
and extended
possible duration.
duration for
project The five trees which are identified to be removed should be further
completion investigated during the planning stage of the project on the
Finalize construction programs duly considering provisions for the work
The following plans have to be developed during the planning/design
o Construction Work Plan (with the approval of the IA)
o Environmental Management Action Plan (based on this ESMP)
o Material Procurement Plans
o Transportation Plan for material, equipment, and waste and Traffic
Management Plan for each road segment (for haulage routes)
o Health & Safety Plan
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
o Construction Waste Management Plan
o Other plans, such as drainage management and erosion control (if
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
Monitor to ascertain whether programs are moving towards correct
directions or running effectively as planned and achieving the desired
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
Community awareness
• The people in the scheme need to aware of the critical condition
of the dam and the period of the construction activities carrying out,
difficulties that they have to face during the period of rehabilitation
work. If unable to achieve the target under any circumstance due time
period, aware the community about the negative impacts of on their
livelihoods and find solutions to mitigate impacts (such as advancing the
previous cultivation season and delay the commencing next cultivation
season and encourage to cultivate short period verities).
If there is any risk achieve the target expected time period, advancing
Yala cultivation season is the main strategy proposed to minimize the
potential negative impacts caused by disruption of water supply from
the tank. The prime objective of Advance Cultivation Season (ACS)
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
and use short aged seed paddy is to allow a reasonable time period
for the construction work whilst safeguarding the paddy income to
farmer community.
However, there is a water shortage for paddy cultivation in Yala
seasons. In generally cultivated extent is about 40 % of the total
extent. Face to the unavoidable issues need to encourage farmers to
adjust themselves on an advanced calendar of cultivation operations
that would offer chances to earn more or less similar income from
paddy cultivation, ensure household food security and maintain the
food requirement. The PMU and PID need to ensure all stakeholders
would strictly adhere to the proposed calendar of cultivation and
water management operations.
Explore the possibilities of cultivating other field crops (OFC) and
vegetables in the paddy fields if a water shortage situation arises due
to dam rehabilitation work.
Timely cultivation of Maha season with completion of harvesting
before mid-February when rain is comparatively less. Irrigation
facilities are anticipated immediately afterwards to allow land
preparation for Yala paddy cultivation within a short period. Three-
month paddies would be sown and harvesting completed by end
May. Next Maha season land preparation could be delayed by about
2-3 weeks. Then additional 5-6 weeks available for construction
activities. It offered a win-win situation suggesting the practicability
of implementing dam rehabilitation work without disrupting to
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
ACS is community wish; it involves little adjustments in cultivation
calendar and institutional support by way of facilitation and
coordination entailing hardly any additional cost.
the pre-Kanna Meeting of the Maha have to be conducted by
mid-September in the previous year. The need for adjusting
to an advanced Yala programme also should be announced at
this meeting.
Farmers should be informed at the commencement of Yala
that there will no water releases for paddy after end May as
the tank has to be fully drained out for rehabilitation
PMU should take the responsibility for convincing the FOs
about the importance of strict adherence to the calendar of
Conformity by the officials of concerned authorities about
timely input supply and management of the APCS
The monitoring committee should comprise of the
representatives of the involved agencies and two office
bearers from each Farmer Organization for effective
monitoring of the calendar of operations
02 Poor Designate a person to look after environmental and social (E&S officer) Included in Contractor: One- IA and reported
environmental matters who will be responsible for coordination with the IA for the project off during to the PMU
planning by the implementing the EMP and EMoP, including any monitoring actions, etc. cost mobilization and
Contractor The same person can be designated as the Environmental, Health, and continuously
Safety (EHS) Officer, to be appointed towards the end of the planning
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
stage, before the implementation of any project activity. He will select throughout the
locations and facilities for labour camps in consultation with the PHI of contract period
the area. EHS officer will thoroughly review compliance with regulatory
requirements, and a summary requirement will be prepared (one for
workers and another common one for the public, including the workers).
Coordinate with the IA/PMU on confirmatory surveys to be conducted
during the design phase and complete as required with external experts
(only if needed)
Proper planning of activities is needed considering climatic conditions
and local weather patterns: e.g.,
- Rainfall and its run-off in the project area may cause
disruption to construction works.
- Furthermore, climatic conditions play an important role
during the dispersion of noise and air pollutants. Seasonal
climatic conditions shall be considered for the scheduling of
construction activities.
- Pipe upstream is placed at a level enabling full cross-sectional
area of pipe is used for flowing
- water. Adequate Pipe slope to be provided to avoid siltation
inside the pipe.
- The plan dimensions of silt traps to be such that a mamoty or
a showel could be easily insert to remove silt. Elevation height
(depth) of silt trap should be provided to retain silt until
removed without overflowing depending on the duration of
maintenance period.
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
- Spacing of catch pits to be adequate to clean the path of
water flow with provided cleaning rods.
- With the use of historical rain fall data a hydrological analysis
should be based in deciding the sizes of storm water drainage
03 Incorporation of Run-off from the project will produce a highly variable discharge regarding Design Cost Contractor's IA/PMU
Environmental volume and quality and, in most instances, will have no discernible Engineer, in
Design environmental impacts. However, the following mitigation measures are collaboration
Recommendatio needed to minimize any impacts: with the IA/PMU
ns Culverts and canal designs shall be considered to allow overland flow
and sheet flow from paved areas and cross drainage without any
Drainage paths need to be identified and demarcated on the sites and
excavated site areas. For silt traps, designs shall be considered for the
trapping of silt in a proper manner, with facilities for easy removal of
silt, if any.
For catch pits, appropriate designs shall be considered in order to drain
out rainwater without blocking or flooding.
Designed drainage facilities must be made capable of disposing of the
run-off generated in a given water catchment without inundating the
surrounding land for a selected rainfall event.
To minimize erosion and wash off of sediments from spoil heaps, a
waste management plan has to be prepared for the disposal of spoil,
excavated/dredged material and construction debris; Waste shall be
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
disposed of in existing approved sites; new sites shall be developed
considering siting guidelines, maintained and operated accordingly
Efforts shall be taken to minimize the overall material required for the
project by adopting various approaches – balanced cut and fill, re-use
as much excavated material from this project as possible
04 Climate Change Climate change vulnerability checks are needed in compliance with the Included in Contractor: One- IA and reported
Consideration requirements of the Department of Irrigation and adopting proper the project off during to the PMU
and Vulnerability mitigation measures as may be required. e.g., extreme weather cost mobilization and
Screening scenarios such as high rainfall intensities and flooding continuously
Efforts shall be made to plant additional trees to increase the carbon throughout the
sink. The trees may be selected with the help of the Forest Department, contract period
and space for additional planting (if the remaining space within ROW is
not adequate) will be secured with the help of the Forest Department,
Divisional Secretary (DS) and Community-based Organizations (CBOs).
This will partially compensate for the increased carbon emissions
released to the atmosphere during the lifecycle of the project
components, including those during the construction phase.
05 Delays related to The priority of locating labour camps is near subproject locations. Included in Contractor: One- IA/PMU
the selection of Sites to be considered will result in the least damage to property and the project off before
locations for vegetation and the least disturbance to the neighbourhood, including cost starting
project traffic movements. construction
Residential areas are not the best locations to set up worker camps,
e.g., Labour given the possibility of social conflicts.
camps, stockpile
Extreme care should be taken to avoid negative impacts on low-lying
areas, storage,
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
and disposal All locations should be included in design specifications and plan
areas drawings.
Storage areas shall be secured to minimize the risk of trespassing and
theft. They shall also be safe from access by children, animals, etc.
The Contractor shall submit a method statement and plans for the
storage of hazardous materials (fuels, oils, and chemicals) and
emergency/contingency procedures.
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
02 Material The Contractor is required to ensure that all construction materials are Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
Sourcing sourced from the identified sites, which are from the high-ground areas Cost through EO
in the tank bed. Any change to these sites and the identification of new
sites will require prior safeguard approval via the Engineer. These sites
will be developed and restored as per the guidance provided in this
Quarry material shall be purchased from licensed operators. If the
Contractor intends to operate his own quarry site, he will be required
to obtain all licenses, approvals, and consents and provide the details to
the IA for confirmation.
The Contractor is required to maintain the necessary licenses and
environmental clearances for all borrow material, sand and quarry
materials they are using—including soil, fine aggregate, and coarse
Sourcing of any material from protected areas and/or designated
natural areas, including tank beds apart from what has been identified
and approved, is strictly prohibited.
Contractor-operated borrow/quarry sites shall be developed and
remediated per the guidance provided in this ESMP. Site
Remediation/Rehabilitation plans shall be provided as and when it is
directed by the IA.
The Contractor is required to submit in writing all the relevant copies,
numbers, and relevant details of all pre-requisite licenses, etc. and
report on their status to the Engineer on a quarterly basis.
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
03 Construction of When necessary, the Contractor should draft a method statement for Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
Coffer Dams coffer damming for the relevant construction locations, and if one is not Cost
already provided by the project proponent with plans, the Engineer will
have to approve it before construction can begin.
The method statement should include the method of damming,
material requirements and sourcing, access to and from the coffer dam
to the bund area, contingency plans for unforeseen rainfalls, and
removal of the coffer dam.
04 Worksite The Contractor should identify an area on-site (or close to the project Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
management area) to store/stock construction materials and equipment, which will Cost through EO
be approved by the Engineer and demarcated for material storage as
per the site plan. Appropriate safeguards and protection measures are
required, such as covering and fencing of material storage areas.
Fencing to keep wild animals away should also be considered.
Parking, repairing, and storing vehicles, machinery, and equipment shall
be done only at designated areas of the work site and/or in any other
designated areas by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall provide instruction and advice to drivers and
operators (both company-owned and hired) to park vehicles and store
equipment in these designated areas.
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
05 Labour Camps The location, layout, and basic facility provision of labour camps, Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
site offices, and resting facilities to be set up and will be submitted Cost
to the Engineer prior to establishment.
Fencing to keep wild animals away should be considered.
The establishment of labour camps will commence only upon the
written approval of the Engineer. Resting and sanitary facilities
will be provided separately for both male and female labourers.
The Contractor has to maintain necessary living accommodations
and ancillary facilities in a functional and hygienic manner as
approved by the Engineer.
All temporary accommodations will be established and
maintained in such a fashion that safe water supply is available
for drinking, cooking, and washing.
The wastewater collection and disposal system for the camp, if
not available, will be planned and implemented with concurrence
from the Local Public Health Officer (PHI). Collection and disposal
of sewage should not pollute water sources. Any on-site collection
and disposal facility should conform to provisions of SLS745.
An EPL should be obtained from the CEA if the number of
occupants in the camp exceeds 20.
Safety Aspects
The construction site should be barricaded at all times with
adequate marking, safety tape, flags, reflectors etc., for the safety
of individuals using the site on a daily basis.
At all times, the Contractor shall provide safe and convenient
passage for vehicles, pedestrians and livestock. Work that affects
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
the use of existing accesses shall not be undertaken without
providing adequate provisions to the prior satisfaction of the
The construction site should be clearly demarcated by the above
means, and restriction of access to the public to the site will help
the safety of the public.
Safety signboards should be displayed at all necessary locations.
The contractor should obtain a Third-Party Insurance to
compensate for any damages or injuries caused to the public or
labourers during the construction period.
All construction vehicles should be operated by experienced and
trained operators under supervision.
Basic onsite safety training should be conducted for all labourers
during the EMP training prior to the start of the construction
All digging and installation work should be completed in one go.
If this task is not accomplished, the area should be isolated using
luminous safety tape and barricading structures surrounding the
whole area.
Trenches should be progressively rehabilitated once work is
Material loading and unloading should be done in an area well
away from traffic and barricaded
Construction wastes should be removed within 24 hours from the
site to ensure public safety.
Safety Gear
Protective footwear and protective goggles should be provided to
all workers employed in the mixing of materials like cement,
concrete etc.
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
Welder's protective eye shields shall be provided to workers who
are engaged in welding works.
Earplugs shall be provided to workers exposed to loud noise and
workers working in crushing, compaction, or concrete mixing
The contractor shall supply all necessary safety appliances, such
as safety goggles, helmets, safety belts, ear plugs, masks etc., to
workers and staff.
In addition, the contractor shall maintain in stock at the site office
gloves, ear muffs, goggles, dust masks, safety harnesses and any
other equipment considered necessary.
A safety inspection checklist should be prepared, taking into
consideration what the workers are supposed to be wearing and
monitored on a monthly basis and recorded.
06(a) Recruitment of No workers under the age of 18 should be hired for this contract. The
labour contractors must comply with the labour laws of GOSL and should make
sure that there is no child labour and forced labour. The Contractor
should give equal pay for equal work regardless of gender, ethnicity or
caste. No discrimination in job opportunities and inductions has been
given based on gender.
Recruitment of labourers, both unskilled and skilled, from the locality,
will reduce the need for having large labour camps and will lead to lesser
impacts due to such labour camps during the construction stage
06(b) Labour Training Labour awareness programs to educate the labourers about gender- Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
and Awareness based violence (GBV), general conduct, the Environmental and Social Cost
Management Plan, Occupational Health and Safety etc., should be
conducted throughout the contract period as agreed in the contract, as
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
Ensure all site personnel has a basic level of environmental awareness
Heavy vehicles and construction and other operating equipment (such
as excavators, loaders, pneumatic and hydraulic machinery and
equipment, electrical appliances and equipment, etc.) shall be
adequately trained on any potential hazards associated with their task.
No operator shall be permitted to operate major mechanical equipment
without having adequate prior experience and/or having been trained
appropriately by the Contractor.
All employees must undergo safety training.
07 Tree Removal Only a few native trees (5 numbers) are required to be removed for the Engineering Contractor DWC/FD
bund works. (Please refer to annexure 4). The Contractor should adhere Cost
to the guidelines and recommendations made by the safeguards staff
of the project and the CEA/Divisional Secretariat, if any, with regard to
the felling of trees and removal of vegetation.
Prior to clearing, all trees and green cover vegetation removed must be
identified and marked.
Clearing operations must be strictly controlled to ensure minimal
clearance in both the construction area and the material extraction sites
in the catchment.
Protection of existing trees should be considered as much as possible.
Avoid the removal of trees as much as possible.
The removal of trees from temporarily used lands should be avoided to
the extent possible.
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
Removal of trees should be done with minimum disturbances to soil
cover and without damage to adjoining trees
Trees removed need to be compensated on a minimum of a 1:3 basis at
a suitable location on-site or in the tank catchment. Preferred number
is 1:5.
08 Information Discuss about the grievances with the residents in the project affected Engineering Contractor/IA/ IA/PMU
Disclosure area. For the process, rresidents will be briefed immediately once the Cost IA/PMU
among Contractor is mobilized for the project, its purpose, design, and
Stakeholders outcomes via a documented community consultation session.
The Contractor shall take note of all impacts, especially nuisances,
pollution scenarios and safety hazards that will be of concern to the
residents, and take the necessary measures as stipulated in the ESMP
to mitigate them.
The Contractor is required to establish a grievance redress mechanism
for all stakeholders and will need to maintain a log of any grievances or
complaints and the actions taken to resolve them.
A copy of the ESMP shall always be available at the project supervision
office on Site.
Construction/Intervention Phase
01 Site clearance Water spraying should be done at regular intervals to avoid dust Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
and land generation due to site clearance. Cost
development Avoid stockpiling any excess spoils at the Site for long periods. Such
material should be disposed of at approved/designated areas without
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
If disposal is required, the Site shall be selected from barren lands,
no/least vegetated areas; sites should be away from residential areas,
water bodies, and any other sensitive land uses
Spoil/wastes should be properly segregated during collection and
dumped in the designated disposal site; Prohibit burning of vegetative
matter, construction and other waste (including that of labour camps);
Ensure that wastes are not haphazardly thrown in and around the
project site; provide proper collection areas/bins/craters, etc., and
create awareness of proper waste management.
02 Disposal of debris All debris and residual spoil material, including any left earth, shall be Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
and spoil disposed of only at locations approved by the engineer/LAs. The debris Cost
and spoil shall be disposed of in such a manner that waterways and
drainage paths are not blocked. The disposed of material should not be
prone be washed away by run-off, and it should not be a nuisance to
the public.
The debris and residual spoil material, including any left earth, shall be
used to refill the borrow areas as directed by the Engineer and
subjected to laying of topsoil as per recommendations for conservation
and re-use of topsoil in an environmentally acceptable manner.
All spoil, topsoil, demolition waste (if any), and cut vegetation should be
covered by secure tarpaulins whenever transported offsite to prevent
material from being blown away by trucks.
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
03 Conservation and The topsoil of productive areas where it must be removed for the Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
re-use of topsoil purpose of this project shall be stripped to a specified depth of 50 mm Cost
and stored in stockpiles at a height not exceeding 2 m, according to the
direction from the Engineer in writing.
Removed topsoil could be used as productive soil when replanting or
establishing vegetation
Stockpiled topsoil must be returned to cover the areas where the
topsoil has been removed due to project activities. Residual topsoil
must be distributed on adjoining/proximate barren areas as identified
by the Engineer in thin layers as appropriate.
04 Transport and The capacity of the trucks shall not be exceeded when transporting Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
storage of material to construction sites. Cost
construction The Contractor shall minimize the possibility of public nuisance due to
materials traffic congestion during the transportation of materials.
If local roads are used, routes are to be selected based on the axle loads;
loads should be safe to prevent damage to local roads, culverts and
All vehicles used for haulage should be in good condition, and speed
limits as per nationality stipulated for haulage must be maintained.
If there is damage to local roads and other utilities due to hauling in
roads caused by the Contractor, the Contractor shall be responsible for
repairing all damaged infrastructure/roads, if needed, through relevant
Air quality impacts: material haulage, vehicle and equipment use:
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
Vehicles travelling to and from the construction site must adhere to
speed limits to avoid producing excessive air-borne dust.
Use tarpaulin sheets to cover loose material (soil, sand, aggregate)
when transported by trucks
Wheels and undercarriage of haul trucks should be cleaned sufficiently
before leaving the construction site/quarry; Control dust generation
while unloading the loose material (particularly aggregate, soil) at the
Site by sprinkling water, if needed.
Stabilize surface soils where loaders, support equipment, and vehicles
are operated, by using water and maintain surface soils in a stabilized
Access and other cleared surfaces, including backfilled trenches, must
be dampened whenever possible and especially in dry and windy
conditions to avoid excessive dust.
Ensure that all the construction equipment and machinery are fitted
with emission control devices which are operating correctly; ensure that
only those vehicles and equipment in good condition and are in good
maintenance are used for project construction. Vehicles and machinery
are to be kept in good working order and to meet the manufacturer's
specifications for safety, fuel consumption, etc.
Vehicles/equipment should have a valid Vehicle Emission Certificate
(VEC) showcasing emissions below the specified limits; Maintain VEC
records of all vehicles at all times for ready inspection at the work sites
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
05 Emission of dust Storage of construction materials (sand, soil, metal, etc.) in covered Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
during cover areas with plastic sheeting (of about 6 mm minimum thickness) in order Cost
application and to minimize the levels of airborne dust.
construction. Mud patches caused by material transport vehicles on the access road
should be cleaned immediately.
To suppress dust, the Contractor should sprinkle water on exposed soil
and stockpiled material on the Site sufficiently frequently, depending on
the weather
Water sprinkling should be done more frequently on days that are dry
and windy (at least two times a day), as the levels of dust can be
elevated during dry periods.
Control access to the work area and prevent unnecessary movement of
vehicles, workers, and public trespassing into work areas; limiting soil
disturbance will minimize dust generation
06 Prevention of soil Debris material must be disposed of away from waterways and drainage Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
erosion during paths so that it does not clog them. Cost
site preparation Silt traps should be constructed to avoid siltation into waterways where
To avoid siltation, drainage paths should not be directed to any
waterway directly, and they need to be separated.
Embarkment slopes, slopes of cuts, etc., shall not be unduly exposed to
erosive forces. These exposed slopes shall be graded and covered with
grass or other suitable material as per the specifications.
All fills, backfills, and slopes shall be compacted immediately to reach
the specified degree of compaction and establish proper mulch.
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
Most of the impacts can be avoided if construction work can be carried
out during the dry season.
Within the yards and site areas, exposed areas and areas of loose soil
shall be turfed or planted with shrubs. Retention of the ground cover
and vegetation (to the extent as possible) is the most natural and
effective way of protecting soil from erosion by wind and rain; the
feasibility of phasing site clearance in this way in order to reduce these
impacts should be investigated when the construction work is planned
in detail by the Contractor.
Newly-constructed and/or unstable slopes, loose rock and boulders
shall be appropriately protected. Embankment surfaces shall be
compacted and turfed. Proper drainage improvement works shall be
done along with toe areas of embankments and slopes.
Movement of construction vehicles shall be restricted to access roads,
haulage routes and yards to prevent damage to roads and pavements.
07 Borrowing of Extraction and transportation of borrowed materials shall be done Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
earth and only with the approval of the Geological Survey and Mines Bureau. Cost
management of The Contractor shall comply with the environmental requirements
self-operated and guidelines issued by the GSMB, CEA, and the respective local
borrow sites authorities with respect to locating new borrow areas.
All borrow pits and areas have to be rehabilitated at the end of their
use by the Contractor in accordance with the requirements and
guidelines issued by the GSMB, CEA, and the respective local
authorities and guidelines presented in the ESMP.
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
Noise and vibration control methods shall be strictly followed and
shall comply with national regulations and IFC EHS Guidelines on
Occupational Health and Safety.
If earth needs to be burrowed from the tank bed and the burrowing
area is in a protected area, permission from the Forest Department is
The engineer should clearly map the entire burrowing area of the tank
bed and determine the safe depth of burrowing as well as the amount
of soil that needs to be burrowed from the tank bed; this information
should be notified to the PMU.
Any fauna associated with the burrowing area and along the transport
track shall be relocated safely. Any instructions in this regard shall be
obtained from the Department of Wildlife Conservation.
08 Quarry A site operational plan for opening and closing of quarry sites shall be Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
operations and prepared and submitted to the Engineer for clearance with a valid Cost
management of Environmental Protection License (EPL) and Industrial Mining License;
self-operated Prior approval needs to be obtained from GSMB, CEA, and LAs as
quarry sites Pradeshiya Sabha.
Selected quarry sites need to have proper safety measures such as
warnings, safety nets, etc., and third-party insurance cover to protect
external parties that may be affected by blasting.
Quarry sites should not be established within protected and sensitive
Materials shall not be obtained from quarries that have ongoing or
prone to disputes with the community.
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
The maintenance and rehabilitation of the access roads in the event of
damage by the Contractor's operations shall be the responsibility of the
Copies of all relevant licenses have to be maintained by the Contractor
for review and documentation by the Engineer.
Noise and vibration control methods shall be strictly followed and shall
comply with national environmental regulations and IFC EHS Guidelines
on Occupational Health and Safety.
09 Impact on Material extraction activities should be conducted with the guidlines of Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
habitats and wild and recommendations of CEA. /Environme
life New transportation routes, storage yards and other facilities should be ntal cost
located without impact on the environment sensitive sites, terrestrial
habitats and water bodies.
Avoid contamination of water bodies and terrestrial habitats with
construction waste
Construction trash, sediments, and runoff containing oil, fuel, or other
hazardous elements should not be discharged into waterways.
New invasive species should not be introduced to the project area due
to construction related activities.
Restoration of impacted habitats once construction and material
extraction is completed up to their original status.
To minimize any influence on fauna and flora, vegetation clearing
should be kept to a minimum.
Conservation of biodiversity with special attention to endemic and
threatened species
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
For the working population, wildlife poaching is completely illegal.
Fencing of construction areas to protect animal without access to
construction zones.
09 Operation of Only personnel who have prior experience in operating machinery, Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
machinery equipment, and material processing plants should be employed for the Cost
Ensure that all the construction equipment and machinery are fitted
with emission control devices which are operating correctly; ensure that
only those vehicles and equipment in good condition and are in good
maintenance are used for project construction. Vehicles and machinery
are to be kept in good working order and to meet the manufacturer's
specifications for safety, fuel consumption, etc.
Vehicles/equipment should have a valid Vehicle Emission Certificate
(VEC) showcasing emissions below the specified limits; Maintain VEC
records of all vehicles at all times for ready inspection at the work sites
10 Noise from No activities shall be carried out that generate excessive noise during Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
vehicles, the night hours (from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am) Cost
machinery, High noise generating machinery will not be used for the constriction
equipment and activities.
All equipment and machinery should be operated at noise levels that do
not exceed the maximum permissible noise levels at the boundaries of
the land in which the sources of noise are located for construction
activities are 75dB (A) LAeq during daytime and 50 dB (A) LAeq during
night-time (Daytime: 6.00 am – 9.00 pm, night time: from 9.00 pm –
6.00 am).
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
All equipment should be in good working condition. Regular
maintenance of all construction vehicles and machinery to meet noise
control regulations stipulated by the CEA [Gazette Extraordinary, No
924/12 (1996)]
Idling of temporary trucks or other equipment should not be permitted
during periods of loading or unloading or when they are not in active
use. This practice will be ensured, especially near residential and
sensitive areas.
The effectiveness of exhaust silencers shall be checked during routine
servicing operations and, if found defective, will be replaced.
To keep noise levels at a minimum, maintenance of vehicles,
equipment, and machinery should be regular and up to the satisfaction
of the Engineer.
Health Impacts of Noise and Vibration:
If a worker is exposed to noise above a noise exposure limit, the
Contractor must look for options for engineered noise control, such as
using low-noise excavators, jackhammers, drills, and power generators.
Limit the duration of each worker depending on the Exposure Levels and
Time Limits for corresponding exposure levels (follow IFC Occupational
Safety Standards)
If it is not practicable to reduce noise levels to or below noise exposure
limits, the Contractor must post warning signs in the noise hazard areas.
Workers in a posted noise hazard area must wear hearing protection.
Use non-explosive blasting chemicals, silent rock cracking chemicals,
and concrete breaking chemicals are preferred.
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
11 Pollution of soil All construction vehicle parking areas, fuel/lubricant storage areas, Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
and water due to vehicle, machinery, and equipment maintenance and refuelling areas, Cost
fuel, lubricants and vehicle, machinery, and equipment refuelling sites must be located
and other away from the construction area.
hazardous waste Fuel and lubricant spills must not contaminate the ground or water.
The Contractor should arrange for the collection, storing, and disposal
of oily wastes at the pre-identified disposal sites for the approval of the
All spills and collected petroleum products should be disposed of in
accordance with standards set by the CEA.
Oil interceptors shall be provided at appropriate locations (e.g., vehicle
service areas); Residual and hazardous wastes such as asphalt and
bituminous waste (if any), solvents, oils, fuels, and lubricants shall be
disposed of in approved disposal sites approved by the CEA
Hazardous material, including oil and grease to be collected in leak-
proof, properly-labelled containers and stored appropriately. Proper
signs should be displayed for hazardous waste) and should be handed
over to authorized third parties who have CEA licenses
Concrete, slurry, paints, and chemicals such as bituminous products (if
any), fuel, lubricants, paints, solvents, and other chemicals shall be
stored at designated places, well-sheltered and impervious floors
(preferably paved). The paving area of the storage yards be provided
with a gentle slope and shall be made so that any leaks/spills can be
collected into a chamber for safe disposal. Such chemicals shall be well-
managed, and efforts shall be made to minimize waste generation.
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
12 Loss of minor The Contractor should make workers aware of how to minimize and Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
water sources conserve water during construction. Cost
and disruption to Arrange an adequate supply of water for the project's purpose
water users throughout the construction period and, if necessary, obtain water from
ground or surface water bodies, with permission from the Engineer and
relevant authority.
Apply best management practices to control contamination of run-off
water during maintenance and operation of equipment.
The Contractor needs to protect sources of water used by the
community so that continued use of these water sources will not be
disrupted by the work.
If the Contractor's activities adversely affect the quantity or quality of
water, the Contractor will serve notice to the relevant authorities and
downstream users of water sufficiently in advance.
13 Preventing The Contractor needs to take the necessary measures to prevent the Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
siltation into siltation of water. Cost
water bodies Construction materials containing small or fine particles should be
stored in places without being washed away by run-off.
Temporary soil dumps should be placed at least 200–250 m away from
water sources and covered with thick polythene sheets.
All fills, backfills, and slopes should be compacted immediately to reach
the specified degree of compaction and establish proper mulch.
Avoid earthworks during rainy days and monsoon season to prevent soil
run-off and schedule works during the dry season when the water levels
are low
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
Avoid stockpiling of earth fill during the monsoon season unless covered
by tarpaulins or plastic sheets; Install temporary silt traps or
sedimentation basins along drainage leading to water bodies.
14 Preventing To avoid construction-related effluent from immediately contaminating Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
contamination of water sources or irrigation systems, the steps outlined in this ESMP Cost
water from must be followed.
construction The discharge standards, as stipulated in the National Environmental
waste Act, must be strictly adhered to.
Place storage areas for chemicals, fuels & lubricants away from any
drainage leading to water bodies; Store fuel, construction chemicals,
etc., under shelter and on an impervious floor, also avoid spillage
Pump out the water collected in the pits/excavations to a temporary
sedimentation basin and dispose of only clarified water into drainage
Consider safety aspects related to trench/pit collapse due to the
accumulation of water; dispose of any residuals at the identified
disposal site, and stockpile construction material away from water
bodies, floodplains and reservations
No spillage of oil, grease, chemicals, etc., into the wetlands and water
bodies, floodplains and reservations; Ensure that no silt-laden run-off
from nearby construction area enter the water bodies;
Do not clean or wash machinery and equipment near water bodies;
prevent any waste/water from discharging to water bodies.
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
Inspect all vehicles daily for fluid leaks before leaving the vehicle staging
area, and repair any leaks before the vehicle resumes operation
Excess water sprinkling on soil and material to control dust may also
generate run-off, which may enter the water bodies; this should be
avoided by controlled water sprinkling
15 Impacts on The Contractor's activities shall not lead to flooding conditions as a Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
drainage canals, result of blocked drainage paths and drains or any other modifications Cost
natural drainage to be built- and/or natural drainage canals/paths.
paths and The Contractor may not permanently close or block existing canals and
activities that streams. If needed, obtain approval from the relevant agencies, such as
would cause ID/Divisional Secretary, prior to such action being taken.
(local) flooding
The Contractor shall take all measures necessary and as directed by the
IA to keep all drainage paths and drains clear of blockage at all times.
Contractors must return the Site to its original condition once the need
for such a diversion, closure, or blockage has passed.
If flooding or stagnation of water is caused by the Contractor's activities,
contractors shall provide suitable means to (a) prevent loss of access to
any land or property and (b) prevent damage to land and property.
After completing the canal rehabilitation sections, the canal sections
should be cleared of all debris, waste, etc., prior to the water issue so
that no d/s pollution occurs.
Works associated with the gated structures, such as sandblasting and
painting, should be done outside the canal and installed at the
completed gate to avoid any water pollution due to hazardous waste
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
The Contractor shall not select land within flood-prone areas to dispose
of excavated and spoil material, locations for material stockpiles, yards
and other locations where other construction materials are stored
16 Public Safety The Site should always have entrance restrictions for the general public. Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
Restrict public access to all areas where construction works are ongoing Cost
through the use of barricading and security personnel.
Ensure that all material, equipment, workers and all activities are
conducted within the demarcated/barricaded strip of land along the
road; there should be no spillage of any activity outside this zone
In all relevant areas, safety signboards and signboards that forbid entry
and warn of risks should be visible.
To cover any losses or harm to members of the public or construction
workers during the project, the Contractor will secure third-party
Under supervision, only personnel with training and experience shall
drive any construction trucks. The safety of pedestrians shall be made a
priority while hauling material.
Control dust pollution to ensure public safety during material hauling –
implement dust control measures as suggested under air quality
Plan transportation routes to avoid heavily populated areas; Schedule
deliveries to avoid congested areas during morning and evening peak
traffic periods; Astute coordination to combine deliveries where
possible to avoid under-utilization of vehicles and reduce the number of
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
Source materials in close proximity (within Eastern Province) and other
local outlets wherever possible to reduce the length of delivery journeys
17 Safety of workers To the extent that is applicable to this contract, the Contractor should Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
Occupational adhere to the requirements for the workers' safety as outlined in ILO Cost
health & safety Convention No. 62, the Safety & Health Regulations of the Factory
Ordinance of Sri Lanka and IFC EHS Guidelines on Occupational Health
and Safety.
Provide compulsory H&S orientation training to all new workers to
ensure that they are apprised of the H&S Plan, including rules of work,
PPE, preventing injury to fellow workers, etc.; Conduct regular toolbox
safety briefings; tendencies, causes, risks & safe procedures
The Contractor should provide all necessary safety equipment, such as
first aid kits and fire extinguishers, for the work site.
The site office should have signage in the local tongues with instructions
on first aid management, emergency contact information, and
emergency operational protocols.
Prior to the start of the construction activities, all labourers should get
fundamental on-site safety instruction during the ESMP course.
A briefing on the dangers of working on a dam rehabilitation site should
be included in the training provided to labourers.
Workers who are subjected to loud noises and those engaged in
crushing, compaction or concrete mixing processes shall be given
● The Contractor is responsible for providing PPE; safety gear, including
masks, earplugs, safety belts, helmets, Boots shoes, safety goggles as
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
well as insect repellents as required.
● Provide adequate supplies of potable drinking water; Provide clean food
and eating areas where workers are not exposed to hazardous or
noxious substances.
Ensure the visibility of workers through their use of high-visibility vests
when working in or walking through heavy equipment operating areas
Ensure moving equipment is outfitted with audible backup alarms
Mark and provide sign boards for hazardous areas such as energized
electrical devices and lines, service rooms housing high-voltage
equipment, and areas for storage and disposal. Signage shall be in
accordance with international standards and be well known to and
easily understood by workers, visitors, and the general public as
Disallow worker exposure to high noise for more than 8 hours/day
without hearing protection. The use of hearing protection shall be
enforced actively.
Employ workers with adequate experience, training, and know-how.
These workers shall be led by an experienced supervisor or Engineer
who will provide the leadership in daily activities.
General regard for the social and ecological well-being of the Site and
adjacent areas is expected of the site staff. Workers need to be made
aware of the following general rules: (i) no alcohol/drugs on-site; (ii)
prevent excessive noise; (iii) construction staff are to make use of the
facilities provided for them, as opposed to ad-hoc alternatives (e.g., fires
for cooking, the use of surrounding bushes as a toilet facility); (iv) no
fires permitted on-site except if needed for the construction works; (v)
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
trespassing on private/commercial properties adjoining the Site is
forbidden; (vi) other than pre-approved security staff, no workers shall
be permitted to live on the construction site; and (vii) no worker may be
forced to do work that is potentially dangerous or that he/she is not
trained to do.
The Contractor must monitor the performance of construction workers
to ensure that the points relayed during their induction have been
properly understood and are being followed. If necessary, a translator
shall be called to the Site to explain further aspects of environmental or
social behaviour that are unclear.
The rules that are explained in the worker conduct section must be
followed at all times.
18 Prevention of Prevention of accidents involving the public or vehicles or accidents Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
accidents during construction periods will be done via adequate training and Cost
guidance to all workers.
The site office should always have a first aid kit on hand, along with a
sufficient supply of sterile dressing materials and first aid equipment.
The availability of suitable transport to take injured or sick people to the
nearest hospital should also be ensured.
A notice board with names and phone numbers for emergency services
such as ambulance services, hospitals, police, and the fire brigade
should be prepared.
In any case, if it is decided to set up a labour camp or construction
vehicle and equipment parking area adjacent to the tank (under
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
approval of the Engineer), a sentinel person should be stationed there
to monitor any animal or elephant presence in or around the camp.
Provide garbage collection pits in the worker camp areas and waste
should be segregated and stored in the pits until the local authority
collection is done.
(Prevention of crop damages by elephants)
construct temporary electric fences to protect their paddylands
as well as permanent electric fences around the village to protect
the homesteads and perennial crops grown in their home
19 Operation of Avoid/minimize the requirement to establish camps by hiring and Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
labour camps employing local workers as far as possible; the presence of workers Cost
throughout the day and night during the construction work will disturb
the environment, Worker camps should be operated adhering the
General health guidelines or any special conditional guidelines
stipulated by the government during the implementation period.
If necessary, the Contractor to identify a barren, vacant land (preferably
private unused land) to establish the camp nearby; ensure that such
camp is at least 500 m away from habitation, water bodies, scrublands,
etc., and well away from forest reserves
A sufficient quantity of potable water should be provided in each
workplace/labour camp site at suitable and easily accessible locations,
and such provisions will be maintained on a regular basis.
The sewage system for the offsite labour camp, if newly established,
should be designed, built, and operated in such a fashion that no health
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
hazards occur and no pollution to the air, groundwater, or adjacent
water courses takes place.
All urinals and toilets should have an adequate water supply.
A contractor should provide garbage bins in the camps and ensure that
these are regularly emptied and disposed of in a hygienic manner.
Separate the workers' living areas and, material storage areas, work
sites clearly with fencing (electric fencing is needed to keep the wild
animals away)
Ensure conditions of liveability at work camps are maintained at the
high standards possible at all times; living quarters and construction
camps shall be provided with standard materials with proper
ventilation) and facilities constructed with materials like GI sheets,
timber planks, etc.
The camp shall be provided with proper drainage. There shall not be any
water accumulation.
20 Handling of The Contractor shall prepare a detailed Environmental Method Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
environmental Statement (EMS) clearly stating the approach, actions, and way the Cost
and social issues ESMP is implemented. The contractor staff should align to the code of
during conduct guide lines provided in the Bidding document.
construction The Contractor should appoint a suitably qualified person to look after
environmental and social (E&S) aspects of the project following the
award of the contract. This person will be the primary point of contact
for assistance with all environmental issues during the pre-construction
and construction phases. This E&S officer will be responsible for
ensuring the implementation of ESMP. Should the construction staff be
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
approached by members of the public or other stakeholders, the staff
shall assist them in locating the E&S officer or Contractor or provide a
number by which they may contact the environment management
specialist or Contractor.
The Contractor should assign the E&S officer the responsibility to liaise
with the public and to handle public complaints regarding
environmental or socially related matters.
The conduct of the construction staff when dealing with the public or
other stakeholders shall be in a manner that is polite and courteous at
all times. Failure to adhere to this requirement may result in the
removal of staff from the Site by the E&S officer.
A complaints register shall be kept at the site office. This shall be in
carbon copy format, with numbered pages. Any missing pages must be
accounted for by the Contractor. This summary of the register shall be
included in the monthly report to be submitted by the Contractor to IA.
Interested and affected parties need to be made aware of the existence
of the complaints book and the methods of communication available to
The Contractor must address queries and complaints by (i) documenting
details of such communications, (ii) submitting these for inclusion in the
complaints register, (iii) bringing issues to IA's attention immediately,
and (iv) taking remedial action as per IA's instruction.
The Contractor shall immediately take the necessary remedial action on
any complaint/grievance received by him and forward the details of the
grievance, along with the action taken, to the environment
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
management specialist within 48 hours of receipt of such
21 Management of All fossils, coins, articles of the value of antiquity, structures, other Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
chance find of remains or things of geological or archaeological interest, etc., Cost
Archaeological discovered on the Site and/or during construction work shall be the
Property property of the GoSL and shall be dealt with as per provisions of the
Antiquities Ordinance of 1940 (Revised in 1956 & 1998)
The Contractor shall take reasonable precaution to prevent his
workmen or any other person from removing and damaging any such
article or thing and shall, immediately upon discovery thereof and
before removal, acquaint the Engineer with such discovery and carry
out the Engineer's instructions for dealing with the same, awaiting
which all work shall be stopped within 100m in all directions from the
Site of discovery.
If directed by the Engineers, the Contractor should obtain advice and
assistance from the Department of Archaeology of Sri Lanka on
conservation measures to be taken with regard to the artefacts prior to
the recommencement of work in the area.
22 Chance finds of All work shall be carried out in such a manner that the destruction or Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
important disruption to the fauna and their habitats is kept to a minimum. Cost
Flora/Fauna The Contractor must immediately notify the IA/PMU if any rare,
threatened, or endangered flora or fauna species are discovered.
All activities that threaten such flora and fauna and/or their habitat
must be halted immediately. Such activities shall be started only after
obtaining the Engineer's approval. The Contractor shall carry out all
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
activities and plans directed by the Engineer in order to conserve such
flora and/or their habitat.
Construction workers should be instructed to protect fauna, including
birds and aquatic life, as well as their habitats.
23 Site closure and Prior to completing site demobilization, the Contractor should clear the Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
demobilization project site of any extra supplies, tools, and vehicles. Cost
If coffer dams were built, they must be totally removed, together with
any accompanying debris, from the Site.
There should be a complete dismantling and removal of all temporary
site offices.
According to the Engineer's assessment, if the parking areas, material
store/stock areas, machinery and equipment yards, labour camps have
deteriorated in any manner, the Contractor should restore it to its pre-
demobilization state.
Turfing, planting of trees, and stabilization of the surface areas should
be done together with any drainage structures and erosion control
24 Prevention of Avoid or reduce labour influx where possible Engineering Contractor IA/PMU
issues (e.g., GBV) Contractors to implement robust measures to prevent sexual Cost
related to labour harassment and gender-based violence (GBV)
Make the workforce aware of unacceptable conduct.
Include a Worker Code of Conduct as part of the employment contract
and introduce sanctions for non-compliance (e.g., termination).
No Activities and/or Protection and preventive measures Mitigation Responsibility
Associated cost
Implementation Monitoring
01 Greening and Only native species of plants may be used for the planting process. Operational Facility Operator IA, CEA
maintenance of Attempts will be made to identify suitable "living filter" plant species Cost
earthen that are known to minimize the amount of nutrients and sediments
embankment flowing into the aquatic environment.
A supply of water will be available for the routine maintenance of the
vegetation until it establishes naturally.
Routine maintenance of planted species will be conducted to identify
issues with their establishment on Site.
Replacement planting will be conducted as appropriate.
02 Income Providing labour and other services for construction units can be Operational Contractor IA, PMU
generation for allocated to local communities after providing the required training to Cost
beneficiaries ensure enough income for local communities. During training, women
during would be given priority.
03 Provide It is advised that some beneficiary services be provided to community Operational Contractor IA, PMU
adequate organizations through cooperative social responsibility budgets in order Cost
support for social to preserve the goodwill of the community
organizations in
the community
Provincial Irrigation Department
When removing the water while retaining the maximum storage in the tank for carryout construction activities, discharge to the paddy fields
benefit of the farmers.
Take effort to retaining the water to maximum level in the tank to use in emergency case but without disturbing to construction activities.
Agrarian service Department
Provide inputs (fertilizer, chemicals-(weedicide and insecticide etc)
Agriculture Insurance board
To insurance the cultivation to face unexpected risk
Divisional Secretary / Local Council
Arrange drinking water distribution programs for the affected community in any case of drinking water scarcity occurred due to the dam
construction activities.
2. Project Management Unit
Establish effective and efficient monitoring system with the involvement of the relevant parties
Facilitate for marketing the yield
3. Farmer Organizations
Organizing of the field level activities
Encourage the farming community adhere to the cultivation plan and coordinate with other agencies to get their services
4. Farming Community
Follow up the cultivation calendar
Use water in efficiently
Work as a team
Responsibility of the contractor
To complete the task on agreed time schedule and not to disorder by unavoidable reasons or uncertainties, the following action have to be taken;
Scheduling, coordination, procurement, obtaining approvals, and project implementation should be expedited to the practicable extent.
Standard and good construction practices shall be followed at all times.
The possibility of simultaneous deployment of stakeholder agencies needs to be pursued, which will allow the work to be completed within the shortest
possible duration.
Finalize construction programs duly considering provisions for the work schedule
Make it mandatory for the contractor to adhere to the construction schedule but prevail upon him to complete the rip rap and upstream sluices within
the shortest possible time without compromising on quality
Ensure the mobilization of contractor prior to start the construction activities
Once done, start filling the tank so that water will be available for the next Maha season cultivation
Ensure the material transportation, fulfil the machinery and labour requirement prior to start the works.
7.3 Implementation schedules of proposed mitigation
The specific mitigation measures given in Table 7.1 should be implemented by the contractor when each
and every intervention is done. In addition to the specific measures, the contractor must adhere to the civil
engineering best practices as practical as possible. Most of such practices are described in CIDA
specifications, and the contractor is recommended to follow them when appropriate.
The time of the implementation of mitigation measures should be decided by the contractor, and they
should be informed to the Project Engineer in advance, and his approval should be obtained. The key
monitoring parameters and indicators for every mitigation carried out must be worked out (as provided in
the EMoP – See Table 8.1) and should be informed to the Engineer for subsequent checks and balances.
Once the monitoring parameters and indicators (as provided in the EMoP – See Table 8.1) are accepted,
such indicators should be monitored by the Engineer to ensure that measures are taken to minimize or
avoid environmental degradation or pollution that is very likely due to the said project.
It should be necessary that all mitigation measures mentioned in the report be implemented by the
contractor, and for such implementation, the budgetary allocation must be set aside. It has to be done
during the bidding process, and the allocation so kept must be utilized by the contractor in an efficient
Implementation responsibility: all tasks identified below fall under the purview of the contractor. The
contractor is contractually bound to implement the activities outlined in the EMP and EMoP (Table 8.1)
during the implementation of the physical works outlined in the work plan
Supervision responsibility: The Project Proponent, i.e. the project engineer, technical officers of the
respective project management units and will be responsible for the monitoring of all activities and
reporting on the compliance of implementation as well as providing technical guidance to the contractor
and staff on ensuring field level implementation is achieved in a satisfactory manner.
The contractor is required to maintain the necessary licenses and environmental clearances for all borrow
and quarry material they are sourcing to obtain soil, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate. Sourcing of any
material from protected areas and/or designated natural areas is strictly prohibited.
If the contractor uses non-commercial borrow/quarry sites, the sites should be remediated accordingly
once material sourcing has been completed. The Project Supervision Engineer will require to maintain the
numbers and relevant details of all necessary licenses etc., and report their status accordingly.
(b) Management of Borrow Sites (within the project area)
Any earth excavated within the project area arising from construction works may be used as fill
material if the properties of the soil are suitable for such filling.
The material supplier and/or the contractor shall comply with the environmental
requirements/guidelines issued by the CEA and the respective local authorities with respect to
locating borrow areas and with regard to all operations related to excavation and transportation of
earth from such sites.
The material supplier and/or the contractor can also find suitable soil/earth materials from
currently operated licensed borrow pits in the surrounding area, subject to the approval of the
No borrow-sites be used (current approved) or newly established within areas protected under
FFPO and FO, especially within any National Parks.
Borrow areas shall not be operated without a valid mining license from the GSMB. The location,
depth of excavation and the extent of the pit or open cut area shall be as approved by the engineer.
All borrow pits/areas should be rehabilitated at the end of their use by the contractor in accordance
with the requirements/guidelines issued by the CEA and the respective local authority.
The establishment of borrow pits/areas and their operational activities shall not cause any adverse
impact on the nearby properties. Also, shall not be a danger of health hazard to the people.
The contractor shall take all steps necessary to ensure the stability of slopes, including those related to
temporary works and borrow pits.
(c) Quarry Operations and Management of Quarry Sites
Utilizing the existing quarry sites available in the project influential area as much as possible, which
are approved by GSMB with valid EPL and Industrial Mining Licenses;
If new quarries are to be opened, prior approval should be obtained from GSMB, CEA and local
authorities such as Pradeshiya Sabha.
Selected quarry sites should have proper safety measures such as warnings, safety nets etc., and
third-party insurance cover to protect external parties that may be affected due to blasting.
Quarry sites should not be established within protected sites identified under the FFPO and FO
It is recommended not to seek material from quarries that have ongoing disputes with the
The maintenance and rehabilitation of the access roads in the event of damage by the contractor's
operations shall be the responsibility of the contractor.
Copies of all relevant licenses should be maintained by the contractor for review and documentation by the
7.4.4 post-construction activities
Clearing/Closure of Construction Sites/Labour Camps
Site restoration plans have to be formulated for approval by the engineer. The plan is to be
implemented by the contractor prior to demobilization. This includes borrow sites and storage yards
as well.
On completion of the works, all temporary structures will be cleared away, all rubbish cleared,
excreta or other disposal pits or trenches filled in and effectively sealed off, and the site left clean
and tidy, at the contractor’s expense, to the entire satisfaction of the engineer.
Environmental Enhancement/Landscaping
Landscape plantation, including turfing of bund walls, re-vegetation of embankments and other
slopes, and edge treatment of water bodies shall be taken up as per either detailed design or typical
design guidelines given as part of the Bid Documents.
The contractor also shall remove all debris, piles of unwanted earth, and spoiled material away from the
dam site and from other workplaces and dispose at locations designated or acceptable to the Engineer.
Environmental monitoring is required in order to make sure that the anticipated adverse impacts are kept minimal with the implementation of mitigation measures
as and when required. The monitoring objectives are therefore focused on the mitigation of likely impacts. In addition, compliance with the existing regulations
and legislation is also guaranteed. Table 8.1 provides the summary of the monitoring plan (MoP) required for the entire project.
Table 8-1 Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan
Specific Monitoring Monitoring Total Time Responsible Responsible Key The framework of the
Intervention Parameters Frequency Period Months Institution/ Person Persons for Institutional Arrangement to
for Implementation Supervision Incorporate the Findings of EMP
into Project Implementation
*Removal of Material sourcing and At the During material Contractor Project Manager PM is to inform the contractor of
existing spill stockpiling plan beginning of storage and (PM) or his the monitoring requirement and
and disposal of the stockpiling nominee the contractor to submit the
intervention reports as agreed; Reports are to
be submitted to the Project Office
*Removal of (PO), and then the reports are
collapsed rip- evaluated by the World Bank (WB)
rap by and PO for approval.
machinery. Turbidity in the When such During the whole Contractor Project Manager As mentioned above
Construction of section of the tank incidents are activity or his nominee
new rip rap where interventions found
are proposed
*Installation of
(Visual observations)
rip rap
protection The extent to which When such During the Contractor Project Manager
the turbidity plumes incidents occur stockpiling or his nominee
due to erosion in the period
*Strengthening D/S water courses run
and (Visual observations)
Specific Monitoring Monitoring Total Time Responsible Responsible Key The framework of the
Intervention Parameters Frequency Period Months Institution/ Person Persons for Institutional Arrangement to
for Implementation Supervision Incorporate the Findings of EMP
into Project Implementation
Improvements Air-borne dust, noise When such During the whole Contractor Project Manager
of the tank and vibration incidents occur activity or his nominee
bund. (Visual observations
*Improvement for dust in the air,
noise and vibration –
of side drains
*Construction assessment and when
of the filter and complaints are
drain of the received if there are
tank bund on affected parties)
the D/S side Removal of cleared When this When this Contractor Project Manager As mentioned above
vegetation and activity takes activity takes or his nominee
branches place place
Stocks of stumps When this When this Contractor Project Manager As mentioned above
removed activity takes activity takes or his nominee
place place
Number of As and when During the whole Contractor Project Manager As mentioned above
complaints received received intervention or his nominee
on the
caused to the PAPs
and the
neighbourhood due
to any of the project
(Mainly due to
interruption of water
Specific Monitoring Monitoring Total Time Responsible Responsible Key The framework of the
Intervention Parameters Frequency Period Months Institution/ Person Persons for Institutional Arrangement to
for Implementation Supervision Incorporate the Findings of EMP
into Project Implementation
releases and water
level drawdown)
Repairs to RB & Noise levels When the During the Contractor Project Manager As mentioned above
LB sluices drilling is done repairs or his nominee
Construction of
A radial-gated
Vibration levels When the When the drilling Contractor Project Manager
drilling is done is done or his nominee
Construction of Number of As and when During the whole Contractor Project Manager As mentioned above
concrete lining complaints received received intervention or his nominee
of D-1 channel on the
of LB main
caused to the
channel neighbourhood due
Construction of to any of the project
road crossing interventions
structure (Mainly due to
interruption of water
Construction of
Specific Monitoring Monitoring Total Time Responsible Responsible Key The framework of the
Intervention Parameters Frequency Period Months Institution/ Person Persons for Institutional Arrangement to
for Implementation Supervision Incorporate the Findings of EMP
into Project Implementation
farm turn-outs Turbidity in the When such During the whole Contractor Project Manager
in 300 mm section of the incidents are activity or his nominee
diameter canal/channel where found
interventions are
Construction of
RCC pipe
(Visual observations)
outlets in 225
mm diameter – The extent to which When such During the Contractor Project Manager
05 Nos the turbidity plumes incidents occur construction and or his nominee
due to erosion in the material storage
D/S water courses run
(Visual observations)
Removal of The extent to which When turbidity During the whole Contractor Project Manager As mentioned above
vegetation and the turbidity plumes plumes are intervention or his nominee
trees, due to erosion in the found
downstream water
collection and
courses run
disposal of
spoil and Timber logs removed When this When this Contractor Project Manager
activity takes activity takes or his nominee
place place
Removal of cleared When this When this Contractor Project Manager
vegetation and activity takes activity takes or his nominee
branches place place
Material Noise levels When the During the Contractor Project Manager As mentioned above
sourcing, drilling is done borrow/quarry or his nominee
borrow operations
Specific Monitoring Monitoring Total Time Responsible Responsible Key The framework of the
Intervention Parameters Frequency Period Months Institution/ Person Persons for Institutional Arrangement to
for Implementation Supervision Incorporate the Findings of EMP
into Project Implementation
operations, Vibration levels When the When the Contractor Project Manager
quarry drilling is done blasting, drilling, or his nominee
operations, and excavations
operations at are done
the stockyards Airborne dust levels When a During the Contractor Project Manager
and machinery complaint is activity or his nominee
yards received
Cracks that may During this During this Contractor Project Manager As mentioned above
appear in activity activity or his nominee
Material Noise levels When a During the Contractor Project Manager As mentioned above
haulage from complaint is material or his nominee
borrow areas received transport
Airborne dust levels
Vibration levels When a During the Contractor Project Manager As mentioned above
complaint is material or his nominee
received transport
Presence of invasive One in 5 During the Contractor Project Manager As mentioned above
species in materials vehicles of material or his nominee
borrowed transport
brought into
the site
Table 8-2 Cost Estimate to implement the EMP
2. Issue 3. Mitigation 4. Details of Costing 5. Itemized Cost
snake and insect bites, equipment for workers
protection of eyes, ears working in critical
etc during the activities.
6. Required number7. of Garbage should 8. be separate bins should
9. be 10000 rs per one bin
garbage bins to be placed collected properly due to placed to collect organic,
with the labour camps pollution and to protect inorganic
the wild animals. Also,
fragrance of organic food
will attract wild animals
10. Temporary electric 11.
fence Protect the labours 12.
while Cost to construct13.on 700000 rupees per 1
to be placed to protect they are at the campsites. kilometer electric fence. km
workers from wild
14. Communication 16. To have strong
17. Cost per one unit 18. 20,000 rs .
equipment. communication in
between workers and
15. Mobile phones.
Large-scale development projects can affect people in many ways. The problems arising shall include social
and environmental issues and claims relating to entitlement to resettlement benefits. There may also be
concerns related to the construction activities such as site clearing, excavation, and compaction and
blasting. These issues can, to some extent, be resolved by good planning and good project implementation,
and above all, by ensuring full and honest participation and consultation with the people that will be
affected by the project, supported through regular interaction between the community and project staff,
transparency and monitoring. However, it is almost inevitable that there will be some complaints and
grievances that cannot be addressed at this level (i.e., at the site level), and it is strongly recommended that
a formal Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) be set up to resolve these concerns rather than leaving them
to the often time-consuming and expensive procedures of the formal legal system.
The objective of GRM is to avoid adverse impacts of projects on the environment and affected people and
to minimize, mitigate or compensate for such adverse project impacts if they are unavoidable in realizing
the benefits of the projects. Accordingly, as much as possible, this project will comply with the Safeguard
Policy of WB. The GRM is to help project-affected persons/ communities to resolve their problems through
a process of mutual understanding and consensus with the relevant parties.
The proposed three-tier grievance redress system for the project would function at the local GN level, DS
level and regional level (District level), with recourse to a national-level body for appeal and for ensuring
high-level government commitment, policy support and coordination for the process (a three-level GRM).
The Proposed Grievance Redress Mechanism is implemented through Grievance Redress Committees (GRC)
appointed as follows.
Composition of Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) – Grama Niladhari Level
This is the most basic, first-level committee that will operate at a site level, most likely as a committee at
the GN Division level. The Committee will try to resolve the grievances of persons who live in the immediate
project area. The proposed composition of the committee would include a combination of government and
community representatives who would try to resolve grievances in an amicable manner through a process
aimed at achieving consensus.
Table 9-1 Composition of Grievance redress committee
working days and will communicate its decision to the claimants and GN-level committee within five
working days for follow-up actions. The committee consists of the following members:
Table 9-2 Committee
Grama Niladhari of the area from which the grievance was registered Member
Among the issues that could be taken up at different levels of GRC are; Entitlement or eligibility for non-
cash benefits, Dust, noise and vibration nuisance at the construction site, Loss of access, Damages to public
and private property (especially damage caused by vibration/pile driving, Damages to religious shrines,
statues or trees, Storage of construction material obstructing community activities etc. To effective and
transparent GRM mechanism to give optimum benefits to the affected party, it will be necessary to explain
and publicize the procedures. The General Public and other relevant stakeholder agencies should be aware
of the procedures for GRM.
The GRM has to be explained to the relevant stakeholder groups, including people affected by the project,
government agencies, and civil society organizations. If people are aware of the procedures and their
options, the GRM should be more manageable and should help to avoid conflicts and litigation. It will also
be essential to offer clear explanations of the criteria for eligibility for livelihood support benefits, and this
has to be proactively communicated to people living in the project area.
Awareness should include the following components:
Tracking and monitoring grievance resolution processes and their outcomes by different agencies.
Maintaining a central database of complaints received and their current status.
Analyzing data and preparing regular updates and progress reports for involved agencies with
proposed follow-up activities.
Establishing feedback loops with relevant agencies and the APs to communicate and report case
progress and status.
Identifying capacity-building needs of the GRM members and overseeing the conduct of such
capacity-building training.
Identifying awareness-creation needs among relevant agencies and communities and overseeing
the conduct of such awareness-building programs.
Liaising with media and monitoring media reports; and giving feedback to project management
Contractors’ responsibility
Contractor should attend to the GRM meetings and the complaints raise by the public should be
properly documented. The mitigation measures complying with the ESMP should be properly
10.1 Conclusions
The following conclusions could be deduced for the environmental assessment.
The project area does not have any environmentally sensitive features or endemic or threatened flora and
fauna specific to the neighbourhood. No archaeological sites cultural, or religious sites are found in the
project area.
All the interventions are standard construction interventions for small-scale irrigation tank rehabilitation,
renovation and re-construction work. Environmental and social impacts that arise due to the proposed
interventions are found to be not significant, as almost all the impacts are short-term and limited to the
construction period, and the resultant effects are reversible in nature. Therefore, interventions can be
carried out without any specific environmental mitigation measures. Nevertheless, the best practices listed
in the EMP should be implemented as practical as possible. CIDA/ICTAD specifications and other standard
methods of civil engineering practices must be followed as and when applicable.
All the borrow sites need appropriate post-construction rehabilitation measures in order to avoid or
minimize the potential for any adverse impacts, and best practices for managing and closing such sites
should be adopted.
The construction of the bund and the rip-rap needs to be planned so that the negative impacts would be
minimal. The proper construction methods are to be adopted so that negative impacts would be effectively
The proposed project can, therefore, be carried out together with the implementation of mitigation
measures, as stated in this report.
No negative impacts on the farming community are envisaged since the work is carried out during the dry
season off cultivation period, when the water level is lowest. Repair and rehabilitation work will be
undertaken only during the Yala season.
10.2 Recommendations
The following recommendations are imperative to be adhered to for the management of the environment
during the project realization period.
Borrow sites in the tank bed must be utilized with a proper rehabilitation and safety plan for the protection
of fauna inhabiting the area. All the other material sourcing sites, including borrow areas, should be
accepted for material exploitation only if proper approvals from the relevant authorities are obtained.
Engineering best practices must be recommended to be adopted by the contractor for carrying out the
proposed engineering work as outlined in the EMP and monitoring plan.
When complaints are received from the neighbourhood on environmental and social issues, immediate
attention and solutions to such issues are recommended as outlined in the GRM.
The contractors should be strictly requested to mobilize all the material needed for the bund construction
and rip-rap before the construction and store them in close proximity to the upstream of the bank. This
process needs to be carefully managed by the construction supervisors.