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Engage 1 2nd Edition - Teacher's Book

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Cheryl Pelteret

Alicia Artusi Gregory J. Manin Claire Thacker


2nd edition @4-§4* _e

,i I







Teacher's Book

Grammar Vocabulary
Welcome page 4

Present progressive (aÍ'.-u- ,: V,/eather

=-: E'¡eryday activities
Present progressive (qrrer :-s

and short answers)

Simple present and prese^: :'::':!; . i I othes
has I have (physicai aopea'a-:. r.rysica I descriptions
page 19

Review A page 27 Study skills: Recording vocabulary

*{ave súme }flsre there is I there are + countabie rlou+s Food

Uncountable nouns; some ! any Food and drink
page 29
How much ...? I Hovt ntar,, ..? - Noun categories
i quantif iers Personal possessions
.. page 3/

E- Whose...7 + possessrve pronou"s

E-# É-g

ReView B page 45 Study skills: Using a dictionary

can (permission) Requests

Suggestions Places to go
page 47

was I were Jobs

Ordinal numbers Adjectives of opinion
page 55

ReVieW C page 63 Studyskills: Learning from your mistakes

"f*ts s*s¡mds sf tmuS§€ Simple past regular verbs (affirmative) Kinds of music I

page 65
Simple past irregular verbs (affirmative) Musical instruments )

Simple past (questions and short Nature fl

o answers) Disaster verbs


É page 73
Simple past (negative)

Review D page 8f Study skills: Using the right language

Magazines pase 8j Puzzles and projects

Workbook pase w?
Reading Listening Speaking Writing

What's happening around Talking about what you are Talking about where you An online chat
the world? doing are and what you are doing Writing skills: Capital letters
What RU talking about? Pronunciation: Elision
Reading skills: Scanning

Follow the money - Part 1 Clothes and physical Describing what you look A personal blog
Follow the money - Part 2 descriptions like and what you are Writing skills: Word order:
Reading skills: Using wearing position of adjectives
pictures Pronunciation: h sound at
the start of words

Fun food facts! Favorite food Making requests A report about a favorite
Healthy eating - your way! Pronunciation: Weak form meal
Reading skills: Reading of some
questions first

Advertisements Radio advertisements Asking for things in a store A consumer profile

Teen trivia quiz Pronunciation: lntonation in Writing skills: Using
questions paragraphs

The sleepover Talking about what to do Making suggestions An e-mailto a friend

Teen trouble on the weekend Pronunciation: Responding
Reading skills: Looking for to suggestions
key words and phrases

Great names Famous politicians Giving personal information A biography of a famous

Famous firsts Pronunciation: th sound in person
Reading skills: Using ordinal numbers Writ¡ng skills: Dates and
readings time expressions

Music past and present Talking about a concert Talking about activities in A profile of your favorite
Music in a virtual world the past band
Reading skills: Getting the Pronunciation: Past tense
general idea -ed endings

Mysteries around the world Easter lsland mystery Taking about yesterday
I An e-mail about a day out
Did he know his name? Pronunciation: lntonation in Writing skills: Ordering
yes / no questions events

L3*Ee SÉ"iffiGf§?*f'"c.'

Countries and nationalities:,4 u s¡ rclti¡ a,
Brazil, Guatemala, )apan, the United
Ki nq dom, th e U n ¡ed States, Am er t ca n,
':',.-.:i :: i:i:1:1.: :-.
Australi a n, B razi li a n, British, Gu atem ala n,
Japanese B words
, Label the objects in the picture with the
below. Then l¡sten, check, and repeat
Feelings: angry, bored, happy, sad, Match the countr¡es with the flags. Then
write the nationalities. L¡sten, check, and repeat. ;: i,c:cl desk amp magazine
scared, tired
Things in your bedroom: uojec L:: Austra ra Brazrl 6uatem¿ a i¡pa¡

the Un ted Kingdom the Un ied St¿tes
cell phone, camputer, lt4P3 player, pencil
ca se, skate boa rd ; Furnitu re: bookcase,
closet, desk, lamp, maqazrne, vvatch
Jobs: actor, athlete, dancer, doctor,
>inqot so(Ce, olaver
Family: b rot her, fat he r, g ra n dfathe r,
g randntother, g ra nd pa rents, mather, si ster

Going out in town: bowling alley,

clothes store, cybercafé, fast food
restauront, movte theater, skate park,
tpo"ls (P.l?' .parts slatc
@ Drr* yow country's flag and write your
Leisure activit¡es: go'onlrne, go out nat¡onality.
with friends, qa shoppinq, play computer
games,talk on the phone,watchTV
'i.:r Fill in the blanks with the words below
o E
nd the words below in the picture. Then fill
the b anks
Then listen, check, and repeat,
Grammar :: i-.'i acrcitef MP3 piayer
(aff¡rmat¡ve, negative, quest¡ons,
angry bored h¿píli iac j:¿--:l t'a:
and short answers) Itl my birthday today. l'm ,-,,:
Possessive adjectives hatw-.
Ssn'5 *,arcd . He dffin't like l."l
Possessive s
horror movies.
this / thot / these / those
there is / there are
can (affi rmative, negative,
o *r:er t* yct*!
lljh¿t s in your room? Where is it? Ask and
questions, and short answers) a¡syrer !vith a parlner.

Imperatives t, ".. ", ,

Simple present (aff rmative, negative,
questions, and short answers)
Question words

Multiculturalism; geography
4 *$,ffier{s

6 Vocabulary practice for things in

Vocabulary your bedroom
3 Review of vocabulary set: . Find the things in the picturé.
Countries and nat¡onal¡t¡es feelings @1.3 . Fill in the blanks.
. Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks.
1 Review of vocabulary set: .
Check answers.
Play the CD. Listen, check, and repeat
countries and nationalities @ 1.2
. Match the countries with the flags and 4 Personalization of feeling I Over to you!
write the nationalities. adjectives
. I Z Personalization of things in
Play the CD. Listen, check, and repeat. . Write down how you feel today. I yourbedroom
2 Personalization of nationalities
. Check answers. I . Work in oairs.

. Draw your country's flag. Write your ÍNBTTMR . Ask and answer questions aboutyour
Students'own answers. partner's rcom.What's ¡n ¡t? Where
nationality. Check answers.
Students'own answers.
Further practice
5 Review of vocabulary set: things
I lllorkbook #E=
in your bedroom @ 1.4
. Labe the objects.
Welcome Going out ¡n town
lobs Going out in town 5 Presentation and review of
<» Ut"t tt places ¡n the picture with the
vocabulary set: go¡ng out in
@ " Thén listen,
words below. town @1.7
check, and repeat.
Label the places.
bowling a iey
ciothes store
fast food restaur¿nt . Play the CD.
movie thealer
sports center
skate park
sporis 5to.e
. Listen, check, and repeat.

6 Personalization of going out in

. Work in pairs.
o Ask and answer to find out where your
partner goes on the weekends.
. Check answers with your partner.
o Check answers as a whole class.

a Students'own answers.

Who's your favorite person? What,s his / her

job? Ask and answer w¡th a partner Leisure activities
Ilf,rusf:p!:.li:.lms,park is a soccer ptayer.
7 Presentation and review
Family of vocabulary set: leisure
§ {) look at ttrtei,s family tree. F¡il ¡n the blanks activities @ 1.8
with the words below. Then l¡sten, check, @ Where do you go on the weekend?
. Match the verbs with the activities.
and repeat. I goto thebowlíng alley with ñy ¡riends.
. Play the CD.
brother father giandf;ihcr gr¿ndmother
grandparents mother sister
Leisure actlvitles . Listen, check, and repeat.
fil {D r,aatcn tne verbs with the activities. Then

Keisuke = Lena
listen, check, and repeat.
Over to you!
1go a on the phone
2 go out b computer games 8 Personalization of leisure
c with friends
d online
. Work in pairs.

f shoppinq . Ask and answer quest¡ons to find
Keisuke is Mei's .qfa\dfLlhpl .. .._, .
" "
Keisuke and Lena are Mei,s glAlldp"i,lellf? tü out how often your partner does the
3 roe is MeiS How often do you do the activ¡ties in exercise 7? activities in exercise 7.
.h.l_o_y!11?:t.... ..... . ".. .

4 Mels !1oth-e:.,,-" ,,.. ,, .. is Ana. Ask and answer w¡th a partnet

5 Norieisveit f,e_1h9]1 ,,-. ,,_. , .
StudentA: How often do you go online?
6 ¡¡s¡5 s_ig-t¿¡ . __.. ,, is Lili. Student B: I go online every day. Extra activity (all classes)
1 Mei3 ,gl?tdm.ol::h9f.-_._ is Luna.
Review countries and nationalities
@ Drawyourfamilytree. . Dlvide the class into two teanns,
. One team says a country, e.g. Brazil.
o The other team responds w¡th the
corresponding nationality, e.g. Brazilian.
Jobs . rhe teams change rores.
. The game can be played with any set
1 Presentation and pract¡ce of 3 Presentation and review of of related words, e.g. familybpposites,,
vocabulary seti jobs @ 1.5 vocabulary set: family @ (mother / father, sister / brother, etc.),
. Write the jobs. . Look at the family tree.
ieisure actlvities - verb and phrase, e.g.
. Play the CD. o Fill in the blanks.
play computer games;watch TV, etc.
a Listen, check, and repeat . Play the CD. Furtherpractice
I Workbook
Check answers. . Listen, check, and repeat. I Hgd,r¡¡Atüsi

. Check answers
Over to you!
2 Personalization
4 Personalization of family words
of words for .
jobs Draw your family tree.

. Think about your favorite person and

. Compare w¡th a partner.
their job.
. Check answers w¡th your partner.
o Ask and answer questions with your . Check answers as a whole class.
pa rtner. AñBñ¡lIitr
Students'own answers.
6e (affirmative and

negative) be (affirmative and negative)

and negative
It Look at the chart. Fill in the blanks with the shoñ affirmatiYe
1 Grammar chart: be (affirmative forms of be.

and negative) Aff¡rmative Negative

. Lookatthechart. Lf) fourteen years old.

Lr)\ : a:¿.

. Fill in the blanks wlth the short You (3) my brother. Yor 1.1j l-::<
(61 :,::
affirmative and negative forms of be'
from Greece.
. Check answers.
we (7)
i lt
a happy family. !\le (8) - :-: s:Te aiaSs

lou (l:, ::::-:: i¡d¿i

Note: You (9) ' best friends.

The! l:l
. teachers. {
Thev(11) ..
ln Eng lsh we use a subject Pronoun
before the verb be, eg I om Akrro' f-ook at the webpage' Read Nikos's message Fill in the
blanks with the
(NOT lrn"r+k¡ro ) affirmative form of be.
. We use be w th age, e.g l am t'ttelve
l§$ r.row read Rudi's message. Fill in the blanks with the corred
form of be'
(N OT fhaYe+we¡r*Years ) affirmative (/) or neqative (/Y)'

2 Review and controlled Practice

*€rs f rier¡ds r* flrl
té Éet f
of be (affirmative and negative) a¡ound the wcrldl
. Read N kos's message. Ur;@;frl
. Flll ln the b anks wlth the af.firmative
form o1'be.
. Check answers.

3 Further Practice of be
(affirmative and negative)
. Read Rudi's message
. Flll rn the blanks with the affirmatlve or
negatlve form of be
. Check answerS.

I further practice t.4 t iie d.

I i,oiorkbook pasew+
fr::r:¿=¡¡;'"¡r-':l- .:'.:'. l: i'l]:¡ loli r':L¡l:rt
t ¡1 ili:;r it :; .¡r -:"¡:lY ¡: :'fliili'
i:e .'i jt l.il l::: :i:r;-' il:i-! :i¡{ ¡i; ilci¡r!!'r;ri'
!':, r.i i::t:. ',

5 €E@
4 Review and controlled practice
Welcome of possessive adject¡ves
6e (questlons and ¡hort answers) Possessive adiectives
¡ ri n rhe blanks w th possessive
lf ritt in the chart with the correct form of óe. § fU"t h th" rrb¡ect pronouns w¡th the correct
. Check answers.
Yes, (2) . I

2 yar our
Llo, I (3)
3he my
- ,vou foufteenl
4 she
5t their Review and controlled practice
(7) I
Yes, he

No, he / she
/ she / it
i it isr't.
6we her of possessive 3
we (9) ,' I
7 you. your
. Look at the sentence skeletons.
Yes, .
8 they his
No, we are¡'t
. Wr'le senterces, using the possessive
you are / fl f¡ll in th" blrnks with possessive ad¡ectives.

No, you aref't. 1 l'mfromtheU.S.,but my motherisJapanese.

Check answers.
Yes, they are. / 2 l'm twelve. ..M.y........ brother is fourteen.
3 We're at school today... !rl:,.... school ls Weston Extra activity (all classes)
High School.
Practice be (affirmative, negative,
-::e (13) you from? 4 lsthatthenewgirl?Yes, ¡e-li.
-:: questions, and short answers), possessive
i 1,1) your name? 5 This isn't Sam! cell phone..H,l-s-, cell phone
: . .rd 5)
11 you? is whit-". adjectives and possess ve i
6 My best friends are in my class. The=i¡i names . Ho d up a student's itern, e.g. Eiiza's
ff write questions with be. Then write the are Sue and Lidia.
penci case, and ask, ls this Robert's
1 where / Nikos / from / ?
Possessive t pencil case? Elicit these responses from
Whar¿'s Nikos-from § write sentences. Use the possessive 3. students: No, it isn't. lt isn't his / Robc,rt's
He'gfrom Greece- .. . - --.._-... -... i Susie/pen/be/new pencil case. lt\ Eliz¡.t's lt's her pencil case
2 his mother and father/teachers / ? .9yoie'o pen is new . Do the activity several times with
At-e_"hizne-r,Israfi_.f ?r_bqrqe\1ptp"" 2 Luca / notebook/ be / small
Yes, tley. q.¡..e-............... Luaa's n"ot ebook is small
different items.
3 Where / Nikos s / brother and sister / 3 Max /skateboard / be /old
I turther
!-l"cr e- ar-e N!Lo-,g)p*b- t-slhpr arl- "
-s" "!e,r,, Max'g skateboard ie pJd. .. ... .... . .

fhey're in the líu-ing roon 4 Kevin/eraser/be/big I llrorKEoúl{ p¿gesW4-W5

4 Where / Rudi / from / ? ..§pyin' p e ryp er. i e"?"ig

Where'sRudilrom "" " " 5 Eva and lvarie / bags / be / new
!9 lp. "t¡ggZy f
cj. 9_:4tzS,1lq:tl
-. "...,... " "...,..,,. E:.e.ar¿.Mp:ip^e bsgg 4te \F:y." ...".. ........... .,, .,. ..,
5 Howold/hisfriends/? 6 Dan / ruler / be / short
How old arehiEfriendg
_fhe.y'refourteen "", "" " , 7 Andy / conpJter / be / expers ve
6 Hakan / a good student/ ? .6.táyl.p..eo-n:?.!!erieetpqt"?j.v-e...............,..,.
ls Hakan a qood sludent 8 Geoff/cat/be/angry
..Y_es,heis ..G.e?tf'p 9at, jo.A!^ry...................,,..,,.,.
7 AIex/ happy/at school / ?
ls Alexhappy af. school
No, he ien't.
8 Alex/ late/ every/ day/ ?
ls Alexlale every day


be (questions and short 2 Review and controlled practice

answers) of be (questions and short answers)
. Look at the sentence skeletons.
1 Grammar chart be (questions o Write questions with the correct form
and short answers) of be.
. Fill in the chart with the correct form . Write the answers using the informatlon
of be. on page 6.
. Check answers. . Check answers.

. useWhereto ask questions about
Fosesslve adjeetives
place or position.
3 Controlled practice of possessive
Use f4lhar when you are asking for adjectives
information about something. . Match the subject pronouns with the
Use How old to ask about the age of correct possessive adjectives.
someone or something. . Check answers.
Demonstratives: this lthat I Welcome
these I those
1 Review and controlled practice
Demonstrat¡ves: thir / that / tres¡e / con (afñrrnatlve and negative)
of demonstratives: fhis I that I O F¡ll ¡n the blanks with th¡s, that, these, ot . We use 6n to talk about ab¡lities.
these I those
I can sw¡m.

S6¡e can'tsk¡.
Fill in the blanks with lhis, that, these, or
Can you iceskate? Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
. Check answers.
1 fhg!, i5 my dad. Z ,ll|s-,, is my @ w.it r"nt"nces. Use can (/) and can't (X).
1 My brother/ski (/)/ ice-skate (r()
Note: cell Phone.
j*yffir_carc!¡ _.

This / That + be + a / an+ singular Myb¡other can't !gp:"e"!p!9, *

2 (/) / dive (¡r)
You / swim
nouns Youanswim __
. These / Those + be + p'urai nouns
3 üggq 4 !@?!: areyour
Youaqfu)ive ._.-_ -
are my
What's + th¡s / that? (Answeri /t3 / Ihis 3 l/ dance (/) / jump high (X)
sneakers. books.
is / That's ...)
the¡ek/ therearc
. What are + these / thosel (Answer: ¿ Yoilr parents/ dance (/) i run fast (X)
They are ...) B look at the picture. blank wiür
F¡ll in the Yaur parents can dance
there is, there are, there isnl, or there arent, Yow parenls can't runfasl
5 (/) / pl¿y tennis
We / play soccer (X)
rlkanplzygoff,¿r __

there is I there are rtlean'apbytennls _

6 She / ride a horse (/) / jump high (¡)
2 Review and controlled practice thecanñdeaboree
Shecank jysp\1gh
of there is I there are 7 Thq I Nim (/l I play
soccer (.X)

Look at the picture. fh6ycangwim _-

. Fill in the blanks.
1 .ll9l9 4!,e-,, --lwo mountains next to the beach
2 thgry4r¿-t!ll any foxes.
. Check answers. z fu.p-,a,fp.,.,,... two butterflies next io the can (questions and short answers)
waterf a ll.
§ Answer the questions. Use the affirmative
4 hq?{C. ten birds in the trees.
(/) or negative (x).
s .l1r,qei9-!tl-t-, a bear
. ln English we use therels / therearelo 6 ,!!H-e_iP,,, , " a lake in front of the waterfall.
1 can you speak Spanish? (/)
Yes,lcqlL _
say that something exists. We do not
Gl Wri1" or"r,'ons about the pidure. Then 2 Can your baby sister throw a ball? (¡)
use have. answer the questions. No, she c_ant

. \,ie use there + o / on + s\ngu\ar

is 1 19.-thep3g9¡gg!n _? (pengürn) 3 Can Ana swim? (/)
j noun, andthereare + plural noun. No, t}e_re isn't
Can your brother drive a car? (r()

i . The short form of there is there's.

2 A!e_f.!,eLej!.y_!,9:x¿^!i, ? (f oxes)
No,.[e caq'!..........
ts No,!,here aren't
5 Can we run {ast? (X)
I fhere\s no shot\\otrn o\ there ore. 3 \!9 -l.be!9-4§l{e99--_-'l (\rees)
\gs§\§erse _
\ (-\\s\\qq-{a\qa.V\
-T>-u\nerpr-t\r§-rrtsi\> -\B=§§-- (4
7 Can they dance?
5 ls-thereachair-
there are ,No,lhereionlt

. Lookatthepicture. 6 A,tg t¡-4"r9,4[v]!s¡!ey,?- ? (monkeys)

8 Can he drive? (r()
No, he c¿nt
. Write questions with ls there / Are there.
Yeg,the¡e are

. Write short answers. 8 €E!@0

. Check answers.

<qn (affirmative and con (questio§s and short

negative) answers) l'',:',*::l'::i;;
4 Review and controlled practice 5 Review and controlled practice of
of con (affirmative and negative) can (questions and short answers)

Take note!
. Write the answers.

. . Use the affirmative (/) or negative (I).

can ts a modal verb. Modal verbs
have the same form for all persons,
. Check answers.
singular or plural.
Extra activity (stronger classes)
. The negative of can is cdnnor (short
Practice con (affirmative, negative,
form can't).
questions, and short answers)
. Write sentences. . Take turns to ask and answer questions
. Use con (/) and cont (X) about ability, using Can you ...?
. Check answers. . Write your partner's answers.
I Take turns to tell the class what your
partner can and can't do, e.g. He can
swim. He con't play Lennis.
Welcome Note:
. We add -s to the verbs to make the
present simple forms for he / she / it
lmperatives complete Mattt e-ma¡l w¡th the simple
present aff¡rmative form of the verbs in . lf the verb ends in -o, -x, -sh, or ch,

We use the imperat¡ve to g¡ve instructions.

I *. add -es (go - goes, relax= relaxes,
Read the e-mail. Don't read the e-mail.
I . wash = woshes, watch = watches).
Watch this TV show Don't watch this TV show,
| 5or. verbs are irregular, and have
o I rneir own forrns fo" he / she / ir, e.g.

Fill in the blanks w¡th the affirmative or
negat¡ve imperative form.
l- have -- has

Ymxa asa* Y'Petr 3 Review and controlled Practice

of simple present (affirmative)
. Complete the e-mai
in roronto, canada
l,l,,Tlll"r rr,,
'''lool, (,)

Iii,?J' io ctnt'ut Hish school'

. Check answe[s.
what r do
?r'* i:;l;);;;:; ani tnstisn Here's

a school daYl
h4y¿ ,
(5) (have) 4 Further practice of simPle
i tr: aelu? (qet uP) at 7 a m ano II
8 a m- mv nom present (affirmative and negative)
i)"iñt, wir",.v tamilv At

§oñes'oll. it i$Fs3l*tilr ¡rd il Itn'1 ¿11húd' :^iffi;; - iJiir.l *.,o ttr'ool with mv brorher' . Correct the sentences: wrlte a negatlve
¡lele's eY a¿?ricei
YIA Á¿t'i*t (siart) at 8:30 a mtuuoriie
and it
sublecl sentence. Then wrlte an afflri¡atlve
vl, ,n

(oet)home¿t4p.m.and 5e ntence.
'_t" l'rl
,r J'r
]iffi I;.li]Xl'"l,Iiá .'**' . Check answers.
: -'iá,r,,i,i']'J:i:,1;p-
:,' ].'-.:.]
iI II t#-,[fJi (send) e-marls or
A{'"' di""''
Extra activity (all classes)
i uzl P"B- -
'),n: wateh
Practice of simp e present (he / she / it),
tiiil;o,,¡ti tt tboul Your school dav
affirmative and negative
Matt -*<4a!*a:.<-+e:
' l:' r'-nrl'"_l . \iVrte three sentences about the thlngs
Gl Correct the sentences about Matt. you do every day.
1 lvlatt speaks French and Spanish.
. Exchange your sentences wrth a

H.e_9pC?-k?f! tglr ?:!|E!sli2| partner.

"" "".
i: :,,l
2 Matt gets up at 6:30 a.m. Tel the c ass somethlng that your
.fig_tldqe?ll!g-?l:!24:r -6":t?Q 4.q' " "" "". " .,..
partner does or doesn't do, e.9. He gets
)1e se19vp ?!""7 a.m.
3 Matt loves math. up at se'r'ert o'clock. He doesn't ¡ttalk to
M ait d o esr' t, ov e rf at h
I school.
. Look at the chart. Fill in the blanks.
.1.9)gvee 4ry... .

I turther
4 I\,4att's school finishes at 4 p.m. practice
Affirmative Negative
j99?\'11lj,?!fi,4?4:....".. Workhoo{
|) (2) atTam
lalinishee at 5ñO ?.m.
I pageW6

5 l\,4¿tt has dinner at 5:30 P.T.

!e (3) m¿th. He (4) math.
V4V lp?p1:7hau-9 dinq?t at, 5 :3 -O^ P.\1 :,,,,,, .

Vle iive I Toronto. U/e (5) in Toronto.
6 On Tuesdays, Matt pl¿Ys soccer
He playsbaeketball

lmperatives Use an affirmative or negative

1 Review and controlled practice Check answers.
of imperatives

. *. use the imperative to give
Simple present (affirmative
and negative)
i n stru ctio n s. 2 Grammar chart: simple Present
. We use the infinitive of the verb for (affirmative and negative)
affirmative instructions, e.g. Be quiet! . Look at the chart.
Read this! Sit! . Fill in the blanks.
. We use the infinitíve of the verb + . Check answers.
Don't for negative instructions, e.g.
Don't be Ouiet! Don't read this! Don't sitl
I. We oo1't use a subject witn
I imperative s, e.g. Look ot the picture.

I tlOrXeu#<-amhe-Piriure.)

. Fill in the blanks.

Simple present (questions
and short answers) \
Question words
1 Grammar chart: simple present L**
(questions and short answers) § at *r" answers. write quest¡ons. Use the
atthechart. Fill in the blanks. questim word in parentheses"
,-* Look
. Look at the chart.
Short answers
. Fill in the blanks.
Yes / No Questions
(1) you I v-" n Yes, d¡.
. Check answers. Tokvo? No, (21

(3) he play Yes. he ri

hasketball? No, le ac:!-:
. We make yes / no quest ons in the
wrr- questions Answers

rere (5) yo! -: -:

slmp e present with do / does + on the weekends?
00:a:i: !':::

subject + verb. (6)

. -leo-.li¿r) .b0o -
Wh€n he
alap 1Lt get up?
At r-:34 ¿

agree with the subject.

write the questions. Then write the anvm
. The verb is always in the lnfinltive ff
in the affirmative (/) or negative (.x).
form, e.g. Does he like l¡¿ (NOT Eú€r '1 you /livei Ottawa/? (/)
. ln short answers, we use the aur liary
2 / study / French / ?,(x)
veró do / does, don't / doesn'¡, and Doea ¡/.ia styly!¡qgL
NOT the main verb, e.g. Yes, he does.
(NoTffi*e) Np,"zt:e 4peelt .

3 your grandparents / come from / M¿la!6¡¿ / ?


2 Review and controlled practice Q o,yp.y¡".gr_4!4etq7pSp-pAps tie@g ¿

1t1 Wheredoyou lilg
of simple present (questions and lgs,tl_t"p,1,.dp..^-_ .
"' ? (where)

short answers) 4 your brother / play tennis / afrer schmr rI ..f **, u*,*.r.,"", r"*t'-'-''''""
¡ Wrlte the questions and then t'vr te .D_o",e L y9 y! ?!9üq-ilry r91il?qrtz::9.tap- You: cool! (2) What do vgr¡ 4p,p,lt-.-".,,".
".",."""-"""- ",-
the answers in the affirmati¡'e (/') or No"Azdp-eSl¡ .
fatie On the weekends, I go to the shopping
¡eqatlve (X) 5 you / get up / at 7 a.m. on Saturdry / ? (/) mall with my friends.
. f heck ai'tswers. Pevplte@ B) Hür do you qo tb-_rje_fidl

volf t351 if eaci .a '-: - : Katie:
-. ,
Nty mom usually drives us to the
. ?(how)

. We form simple present.!4/h- shopping mall.

questions with questlon word + do / Yes-!\ev4o

1 Yil: 1+¡
ttfriat, doyou do inthe eveninqs

does+subject+verb. ..._ ? (what)

7 your sister / go to / college / ? (X)
. We use Whatto askfor information. DoesYour sisler aoLo colleae
I usually go to a dance club in the evenings.
Great! (5) When do. yo"tL"S9-I-o=b9d.

We use Whenlo ask about the time. No,shedoesn't ? (when)

r We use Where to ask about a place or 8 your parents / work / in the city / ? (, I go to bed after the dance club at eleven

positlon. P CJgy y il ent).vtg!!! rh9-9EY- thirty.

. We use Why to ask abou,t a reason for Np,_t¡ey4plt _

. We use How to ask about the way 10 €TE!EE!@
something is done.

Questiom werd§
3 Review and controlled practice
of question words
. Look at the answers.
. Write the quest¡ons.
. Use the question word in parentheses
. Check answers.

I Furtherpractice
I Workbook :¡ag!.wii.
Unit summary

Weather: cold, clor-tdy, hot, raintntl,

s na;:l i ntJ, stc r m )/, 5 u tl t'ly, \,v ¡ n (ly
Everyday activities: babysit chct
get dressed. post
oniine:, cir: h¡:ne::,v¡:rk,
a ao¡tt:aat, sleer, set,-i ts telt tfleiia.J?,
Vocabulary '§& t.,t¡it tor lht !:;t¡S

[ {» uU"t ttr" phoros w¡th
Present progressive (affi rmative and
the words below. Then
listen, checlc and repeat. negative)
co d cloudy hot raining Present progressive (questions and
2 l|'s 9l.o:!tn5....
short answers)
snowing stormy sunny wrndy

I ¿ rtsyrMy Skitls
Reading: i\/iessaq-.s about weather
ercuird the r,rrorld; an ¿rttrie ¿bcui teri
5 lts.-?tl!,ltJ--,, .
' 'l 'J' a'
",f .'-

Listening: I isienii'rg anci identilyincl

, : ,: :': r' l. ,-t.o'¿ u
Speaking: Talt<inq aboui wheri. ycr.r
s are anci wir;t ,vo-r are r1orr,¡; elisioit
Writing: Writlnc ¡n online chat; i,sincr
e rts,bpi- .
6 h's e!-o.If"ry,. ]
Computer science
.: lvrite sentences about the weather

r"*,-: Values and topics

-4 u n.
f, €!er.my.,..,-.-,,- ¡n

, n.
Ir- #. \ -c-q"!{-.........-.,..,.-,, in tokyo.
Environmental science

: r': ,/€}
B *ffi t44ts- inNewYork.
ir r¿ p-.

§ esk and answer about the weather in the

.! t's ¡ lvJo:iori, places in exercise 2.
Student A: What3 the weather Iike in Florida?
5 l:'!: ¡ P¿i¡¿r.¡s Student B: ltb hot.

,..-. 11

lntroducing the topic 1 Presentation of vocabulary set: Extend your vocabulary

words to describe weather @ 1.9
It's cooi lt's foggy lt's freezing
Vocabulary . Look at the photos and label them with
It's warm
the words.
Aim . Play the CD.

Present and practice vocabulary to . Listen, check, and repeat.

Further prad¡ce
describe weather I Workboak
2 Vocabulary practice; exposure to I paffwe

Warm-up adjectives in sentences I muttinout

Ask students to look at the photos and o Write the correct weather vocabulary
the vocabulary for weather Check the lo, each place.
meaning with students and give examples. . Check answers.
Then ask students to use some ofthe
words to describe that day's weather. 3 Speaking: asking and answering
about the weather around the
. Look at the example dialogue.
. ln pairs, ask and answer about the
weather in the places in exercise 2.
Exploring the topic
: . : ::. : -
]l r'.i:i,r :¡ia.:,i l: !l j:
r.: I r - . ..

Present and practice rn;eatl¡er words in
four readrng texts about differ..nt places
l m of the beoch lonighl. lt's hot, but
1 Matching (first reading) @ 1n it isn't windy. l'm wiih my f riencts. We're

. Read a¡d listen to ihe messages.

cloncing, ond we're fraving funl

. Match the texts with the places rn

the photos
. l^ , ¿''. ár

2 Detailed comprehension task

(second reading)
. Read the messages agatn and rr,,r te
the places
o i- o AA..n o ¿.

3 Detailed comprehension task

(third reading) :¡#i<.1
. ReaC the sentences.
. A/t tó \l I I N,a¿,C- ¡ r i:6' .ela
Kang), or L (for Lo a).
. Check a ns\¡;eTS.

lf () neau ana listen to the messages. Match Cl Read the sentences. Write M (for Marcelo),
the texts w¡th the places in the photos. J (for Jenni), K (for Kang), or L (for Lola).
tC zA 2,D,, q._6_.. 1 i'm dancing with my friends. lyl
2 l'm sitting on the beach with my friends. f-
ff neaa tdJ messages again. where is ¡t? J l'm walahrno lV L
1 tr5 hot and sunny. ?^gúi8ee5.h......,,.- 4 l'm not having breakfast. !
2 tr\ cotd. _c"_:!l.va,o 5 J'm do ng my romewor.. K
3 lt's cloudy and it's raining. ?_hafsbgl 6 l'm talking to my friends around the world. :.1

4 ltl hot and it isn'r windy. 9qlv.Ad,9:L _

3 Further practice of present
It's happenl"st progressive (affirmative and
G¡ammar negative)
hre¡srt progresslve (affirmative
Look at the picture. Write what is happen¡n9
or isn't happening right now. Use the verbs
. Look at the picture.
rd negatlve) ¡n parentheses. o Write sentences about what is or isn't
Taiking about th¡ngs that are happening right now happening right now.

t*k th..h"rt.
. Check answers.
I "t
Affirmat¡ve llÍrrm pAGE 83
'm working. . Fast finishers can do Puzzle I A on
re \!alcllng If page 83.
's slning on the bearh.
're dancing
It's rain¡nq here todav.
're having breakfast.
're talk¡ng.

l..egative ,rtr'"*
'm not ..0 .¡ng.

aren't w¿tching TV
isn't sitting on t¡e beach
aren't dancing. 4 Personalization; oral
aren't eating breakfast pract¡ce of present progressive
. aren't t¿ .ing
(affirmative and negative)
Naoki and Kassie da¡cing ,.. (dance)
. Choose a person on page I l.

...=-.*_.flt"_.1*rL-.,. -, 2 Danny and Kassie ili.!9 . a game. Dra\n/ apicture of v,,hat that person

is doinq.
Regular: add -ing 3 Kassie ign'L¡1¡¡¡
,',rrk { work 4 Naoki jat:! !"4llil
. (run)
. (talk)
. .\ ;: (o o\-.1
Consonant+-e: e+-ing 5 Naoki !9lv."A_r.!hil TV (watch) to ),our partner. Use the present
a¿nce + danc 6 Naoki and Danny 9\rsins... . (sins) progress ,,re (affirm¿tive and ¡eqat ve)
0ne vowel and one (onsonant: double the
consonant + -ing
!:.)st Fg¡ggBe paee 83, Púzzre
1A ''$ to SUes.s the pe:so¡ and the action,

Further practi(e
* Write sentences. Use the present progressive.
- ,'lratah
I ltuorkb*¡fu
/ ¿ mov e o¡ TV . Oven lo you! oaoewg

,, ,o o
Choose a person from page I 2. Draw a I r*urr;it*fi
,, e'\o, picture of what the person is doing. Can the
class guess who it ¡s?
I ih-"I / rl¿¡.e / on il¡e beach Student A:
Student B:

Student A: 1


o. a)a--ó. "- ) l

13 t


. W. make the p.esent progressive I
Present and practice present proqressive { with bet+ not) +the-ing rorm olthe
(affirr¡ative and negative) verb.
Present and practrce spellinq rules lor -inq i W. do not use hove in the
forms I Qrogress:ve fo.r'r for physical
Talk and write about th ngs that are ! descript,on , e.g.She ha. tong hoir. I
happen ng rrgh: now I tXo-Shethw,nglonq+ar.1 I
I Grammar re{erence iji¡{*:SB,i
1 Grammar chart: present L--,_*, ._...*_*-*_*_
progressive (affirmative and
2 Controlled practice of present
progressive (affi rmative a nd
. Look at the chart
. Read the sentence skeletons.
. Wr¡te sentences.
. Check answers.

Building the topic the

Vocabulary Vocabulary
Aims Everyday actMt¡et 1.€ it:s: cns Then listen and check.

Present and practice vocabulary for lf {» rrart tr th" words with the pictures. - -: i:..u1,.a.¡Sireet
Then listen, check, and repeat. _.: : I ::::_-_:i:ioe []o,'-.ot
everyday activ¡ties
: : :: t,:.ef't She.s:iee¡i¡q
Model present progressive question form babysrt chat on tne do hsms,,,,s.q
get dressed post ¿ cornmeni s eea
:: : :: : :

5end a text meSsage \ryait forlte aL5

.. : : :, :trg'ornellus,Lua¿sl
Ask students to write a list of things they
do every day. Compare their lists in pairs. I &Flfrih Ave¡ue and Main 5rr-e*_
How many things are the same?
Are you eat¡ng dinnet Poppy?
1 Presentation of vocabulary set:
everyday activities @ '1.1.'[ 2 r{4finroü _

. Match the words with the pictures. f-ti) . a . :- , 't:il fc ilrt5se¡ a¡tr
. B

Write the words next to the pictures.

Play the CD.
a Listen, check, and repeat. :: : ::: a!¡_rl\lko)

2 Vocabulary practice: exposure

to vocabulary for everyday
- : r- :::.::: .¡,,'c!t
activities @ 1)2 bto¡h€t, [,4¿tcos7

. Read the questions and choose the

correct anSwer.
, :::::-t.!til
a Play the CD.
a Listen and check. 6i 's ñúir4 a text mes?pgg ..

3 Vocabulary practice and - aa :..:::¡!c¡ teto(ent¡7

o Write four sentences in the present
' progressive (affirmative or negative). B€a, is Paula posting a comment on my blog?

. Check answers. I Yé,sll€ie

fnñlllf!§ § W.it" ,"nt"nces that are true for you, your
Students'own answers. '' :-:s and your family.

Extend your vocabulary 2 I'm not

3 tvly mom / dad / brother / s¡ster is / isn.t
brush your teeth comb your hair
get ready lor school I l/ly best friend is / isn't
say"Goodbye" wash your face
Workhook .;¡,f§a#,$i

I [::lL','-,'u*::
I ti,tuttlRent
It's happeningl 3 Further practice ofpresent
progressive (questions and short
G¡arnmar answers)
hu¡ent progresrive (questions and . Look at the picture.
rlrort ansurerc) . Write the answers for the questions.
Asking about what is happening now . Check answers.
@ ,-oo* r..n".n"n.
4 Further practice ofpresent
progress¡ve (questions and short
. Look at the picture again.
s -: !f! r it eating? ¡ Write the questions and write short
answers and the correct answers.
. Check answers.

Yes, you are. / No, yo! aren'l.
pAGE 83
. Fast finishers can do puzzle i B on
page 83.
,'/hat are fou doing?
@ Look at the p¡cture again. Write the ls your mom singing in the yard?
ff tOrt.h th" questions with the answer. questions and answers.
Are you sleeping in your bed?
1 Are you doing your homework? {_ 1 Mrs. James ,/ eating d¡nner / ?
ls the dog eating your homework?
2 Where are they waiting for the bus?,i ls_,lltc,,le"np.s_pfriadúlpr
-.:. - -- --

Students'own answers.
What is she doing? -e-.
Are we dancing oh the beach? c_
N-o*?!1ei-5!:I _-- _
gLdeceslilts ditre!:-,_ - -
What are you doing? ,a 2 John and Tim/dotf,uir f,o*"*oif ¡i''-"-- Overto you!
ls he playing soccer in the park? ,.b,.
fue !.ül Ud In d4!!g,!\g:tr hgmework )
a l'm posting a comment on your biog.
lo.!rtwa:etll_ - - ---__--_-:l--. 5 Personalization of present
Yes, he is. f J¡gyLny7hyi¡1Sp-otp:ur,e"rgames
c Yes, we are. 3 Rose / listen to music / ?
progressive (questions and short
d No, l'm not. !s_Rry.e_!!pte-il¡9"!-o.q!t-?!9. answers)
l--*--_ -
e She's sending a text message. Np.eherenl! , -, .
f At Fourth Avenue and Tenth Street. the's lendins a teii iiurs" Choose a verb from the un¡t.
4 Ted / play soccer/ ? ¡ Mime the verb for the class.
§t look at the p¡cture. Write the answers for )e!p-4t!il!q,eqs"s"sr_-.,-
--- " ) . Take turns to ask questions in
the quest¡ons, .Nc,.heiqr1?... ,,. -, :-_ ._,--.
the present progressive to guess
1 Are John and Tim watching TV? .l_e:.s9h?t_ifgl-o,,lia"t|iendsontine
No,they arcn'i the verb, and answer using short
2 Are lohn and Tim playing computer games? answers.
3 ls Ted chatting to his friends online?
Yes,heiE ....
t0 Extra activity (all classes)
4 ls Ted standing in the kitchen?
No, he isnt Choose a verb from the un¡t. Mime the verb for Practice present progressive (questions
5 lhe class. Can the class guess what the verb is?
Is Mrs. James cooking? and short answers)
:StudentA: Are you sending a text message?
6 ls Rose sending a
;Student B: No, l'm not. /yes. I am. Students mime an actlon for other
text message?
,, ", . students to guess.

Either give students actions (on a

piece of pape¡ e.g. swimming, eat¡ng),
or ask them to think of their own action
Grarnmar . to mime.
. We do not use the -ing form in a o Students mime the act¡ons to the class
Aims short answer, e.g. Are you working?
or in groups.
Yes, I am / No, lh not. (NOf :/er)-atrr
Present and practice present progressive . Other students try to guess the action.
(questions and short answers)
wo*rng /\ffiñg)
Ask and answer questlons about things
. We do not contract be in affirmative
Encourage them to use the present
progressive in quest¡ons and short
short answers, e.g.yes, /am. (NOT#e¡
that are happening iight now answers, e.g. Are you swimminq? No, l,m
not. / Yes, lam.
1 Grammar chart: present Grammar reference :1ffi.ffi;..
progressive (questions and short I Workbook
answers) 2 Controlled practice of present
! ¡qg.e. wt:
. ! muttinou
Look at the chart. progressive (questions and short
. We make questions with the present
. Read questions (l-6).
progressive by inverting be and the . Choose answers (a-f).
pronoun, e.g. . Check answers.
He (pronoun) rs (verb ro be) talking
ls (verb to be) he (pronoun) talking?
Living English
Hey, Raou,l
What RU do¡ng7
@ 1.13

Aims l'm sitt¡ng 0n

the skt bs.6
Read about language used in text
Reading skills: scanning to find specific
iniornation !'r'¡ere RU? ican't
- Ar,-_^

Ask Do you send text messages? Who do you
send them to? How often do you sencl or get
text messages?

@ M¡n, where RUi

Text messaging (SMS - short message Joe

service) is a service on most cell phones -. .:--

which allows people to send short hcr3." l'l- t'm wSrng 4
U and
messages to other cell phone users.The Y0u r Fs outsid€ ski.

first text message was sent in 1992 and ¡,'¡o, *n R"tlñ a". t'a
1ea. t
the service quickly became popular. ln @ the dancÉ club.
Where RU? i',. =::1.::-":: I
2009, over 1.5 trillion text messages were
sent around the world. The popularity
of text messaging has led to a special
texting language that is an abbreviated
form of normal language. There are many
examples in the reading texts, Remdárxg.r
&¡j, Read the article. What ¡s ¡t about? What "1-j Write the number of the messages next to the
1 Globalcomprehension task (first unusual about the messages?
(orrect statement.
reading) - _: :a:: e ¿re oenl¡q
. Read the article quickly. What is it
{} loot at the Reading skills box.
: --: ::.::" rce5n't knowvr'here hs mom is.
about? Iteac!i¡g sk!.lls : - : .:::::.e ra k ng about how someone is

. What is unusual about the messages? , You can read the text quickly to find I --: ::::::.e ra k ng aboLt the place lvhere
: --: ::.::- ,.,r-o ¿fswers s do ng two th nqs
They are in an al i;;j Now read the art¡cle again quickly and
called textinq. complete the sentences.
I V"." ." ,

2 Reading skills: scanning (second 2 -^".

reading) 3 ,o.s ^ o
4 Raoll is
. Read the Reading skills box
:' l6 iu).- ,. ,,, -r;-rr:;
, Reading skills: scanning
r . You can re¿d the t..xt qutck v to flnd
rnformation Extra activity (stronger classes) pra(t¡ce
. Remind students that rt is not Exposure to'teal'i language is motivating ! !urther
I +arrtCck pageWt2
' necessary to read every word n order and meaningful to students
o,oo.L ,-geróto oó ¡ Write the following text messages on
a texl.
the board:
1 RU OK?
3 Detailed comprehension task 2 RUzzzz?
(third reading)
3 CU 2moro
. Read the ari c e again qu ck y and
4 Luv U 4eval
complete the sente¡ce..
. 5 RU sk8tng l8r?
Check a ns\'ve[s.
. Students try to wr¡te the messages
4 Detailed comprehension task in full
(fourth reading) fnBr¡t¡lfi|l
. Read a¡d ltsten to the article more
ca refu lly.
. Nlatch the text messages to the .orrect
statements (1 5).
. Check a nsy,/ers.
. Cl-eck a¡s\¡",ei's.
It's happenamor
3 Detailed comprehension
Listening §greak§rsg of the listening task (third
listening) @ 1.14
Llsten to the phone rall. Who is talking? . P ¿y the CD again.
-:: :od B¿rt i* ., l¡rt"n and read. . Choose the correct ans\¡/e[5.
¿¡d Katie
anc R¿chel
Hl, I lt;s . Cl¡ec[. a¡S\,/ers.

Listen aga¡n. Circle the correct words.

. :: : 5 n her bedroom / the living room.
living room kitcl,en.
:::--" s r¡ the living room / her bedroom. Aims
Talk about where you are and what you

are doing
Pronunciation: elision
1 First listening @ 115
P ay the CD.
a Llsten and read.

,"r'--, 2 Presentation of pronunciation

point @1:6
What are you Look at the Pronunciation box.
¡,, . Play the CD.
. Listen to the examples.
{} . Look at the Pronunciat¡on box. Listen to
the example5. Then listen again, and repeat.
Listen aga¡n, Choose the correct answers.
f ro¡¡urrcial.io¡; I Pronunciation: elis¡on
(eie rs n
i. In spoken tnglish we leave out
¿ Ro b Caltfornta c Natal
: <¿tre s .. .
What are you doing? { certal'.l sourds in order to make
words flow into one another more
¿ 'r¿tchrnq a DVD b watch n0 TV What are you reading? I
. seepng ! freely.
: K¿tre says ;t's
¿ sunny b c oudy c rain ng ffi '{)) eractice the questions. Then listen and
Play the CD agaln.
- tsart is .

. lvatrhrng the DVD with Katle I What are you eat ng? Listen aqarn, and repeat.
o reading a book c sleep nq 2 What are tlrey read nq7
r Aoel is.
a stenifg to mus c
What are you doingT 3 Pronunciation practice \, '.i-
b watch ng TV What are you watching?
Practise the quest ons wrth e iston.
. danc nq 5 What are they cookrng?
á i¿chel rs Play the CD. Listen and repeat
a ahatt ng onl ne ffi Practice the dialogue in exercise 1.

ir danc ng rn the lrv ng room

ffi Now change the words in *rr:. Write a new 4 Dialogue practice
c danc ng in her bedroom dialogue. Then practice the dialogue in class. a Pr¿ctice the diaiogue n exercise 1 r¡¡ith
a partner.
. Listen to students'dialogues. Check that
..rl 17
they are using elision.
. Ask stronger students to demonstrate
their dialogues out in front of the class.
Abel: lt's ten otlock. What are you doing,
Aim (atie:
5 Dialogue personalization and
Well, it's raining at the moment. l'm practice
isten and dent fy activ t es people in my bedroom and l'm watching a DVD.
. Change the words in blue ahd write
ioing now Abel: What are you watching? a
new dialogue in pairs.
Katie: l'm watching Kung Fu Panda 2.
1 Global comprehension of the &foel: BoringlWhat's Bart doing? ls he
. Ask students to practice the dialogue in
listening task (first listening) @ 1.14 watching the movie with you? their partners.
. PaytheCD Katie: No, he's reading a book in the . Listen to students'dialogues, Check
. kitchen. What are you doing, Abel? ' the elision.
L sten and decide which two people
are talkrng Abel: l'm listening to music. . Ask stronger students to demonstrate
. Check answers.
Hatie: Really? ls Rachel chatting online to their dialogues out in front of the class.
her rriends?
Afuel: No, she isn't. Shet dancing in the
Audioscript Students'own answers.
Ábe!: Hey, is that K¿tie? iiving room. lt's very funnyl
{atie: Yes. Who's thisT I Further Drad¡ce
2 Detailed comprehens¡on
.{b*i; Ht Katie, thls s Abe I Are vou
of the listening task (second
I mutuxon,r'
sleeping ?

d*ti*;Oh, hi Abel. No, /'m not. lt's six

listening) @ 114
oclock here i¡ Ca ifornra. What tlrne is lt ln . Play th e CD again
Writing Writing
Aims An online chat
Write an online chat @ Look atthe writing skills box

Writing skills: capital letters

Capital letters
.Remember we use capital letters in English
Toñoko, Tokyo 10:00 a.m"
1 Writing skills: capital letters --for Hi, Sara! How are you? lt's '10 a.m. here in

names of people, citiet and countr¡es. Tolryo, Japan, and ¡t's sunny today! Hooray!
Read the Writing skills box. l'm at the shopping mall w¡lh my lriend§.
Now read the online chat and find two We're in the cybercaÍé. We're chatting to

our friends on¡ine, and we're dr¡nking soda.
Writing skills: capital letters names, two c¡ties, and two countries. What are you doing?

. We use capital letters for names of Fill in the chart with ¡nformation about
people, cities, countries, languages, Tomoko. H¡, Tomoko! l'm good, thanks. How are
you? Well, l'm in Porto Alegre, Brail, and
and nationalities. You ít's 10 p.m. lt's cold here! l'm in my

. We also use capitals for names Name fomoko

bedroom. l'm watching a movie on TV.

7f Tomoko, Tokyo 10:03 a.m.

of mountains, seas, and other on. orr lr" you watchino a good movie?
From fokyo,Japan
geographical or historical features, ffi
e.g. the lguazu Falls, the Atacama
desert, the Great Wall of China.

Doing right now

lriends online,
S.m, Porto Alegre
g ffi :il:Y,'"%T:#.il* §ffiJ,1"*"'
10:06 p.m.
. !7i1li1gsoda

Read the online chat and flnd two
Yes, I love thgm! Enioy the movie!
names, two citles, and.two countries. fill in the chart w¡th your informat¡on. SÉ you laler!
§ ruow
. Check answers.
§ lmagine you are chatt¡ng to Tomoko online.
fNBl¡r¡lill| . Write a reply to her message. Use Sara's
Names: Tomoko and Sara; Cities: Tokyo reply and the chart to help you.

and Porto Alegre; Countries: Japan and


2 Detailed analys¡s of model I ca¡¡ ...

writing task
. Complete the chart with information
about Tomoko. E 1
l/chatonl¡ne/tomvfriend l':r!.il !
. Check answers. E fm.chat-tlingonlineto¡1yl¡iend ,],, eakÍ.rst:- 'Í."s, l

I 5.e ¡ :cl ,,,iti' / T\,' . ,,.,,,tq j!..er I i.l.t they

3 Preparation for personalized 3 \,\e/,1 ta//!! E¡q ![ a:.]:jj1r¡C¿f I ;ie,-ciaÍlu:alYe5,rl,e

. Complete the chart with information
f, il ,/tot ]to,,! r.1l /',Eti ito[,
.:: :.:1 .::i r,,1i.n:ai iitii:jtr:ti:! .ii.,ti! rrlr,it
about you.
. Check that students are completing the
i::,1r.::!ii:!li'ii¡i::t_:::i::,,titi.:i,:i:¡,iir: rrjt:-,:
/es. r
- r- I reeo more prrctice.
yes,ican I.eedmoreptactlce.

chart correctly.
Students'own answers. IQ

4 Personalized writing
. Follow the model writing text. Use your
1 Self-assessment of present 2 Self-assessment of present
own informatlon from the chart to
progressive (affirmative and progressive (questions and short
change the text.
negative) answers)
. Write your online chat. ¡ For items (1-4), students read the . For items (1-4), students read the
@ sentences and complete them with the sentences and complete them with the
Students'own answers. correct answers. correct answers.
. Students check (/) Yes, I can. if they . Students check (/) Yes, I can. if they
I can ... thlnk they understand the vocabulary think they understand the vocabulary
or grammar well, or check (/) I need or grammar well, or check (,/) I need
Aims more pract¡ce, ir they thirk lhey need more pract¡ce. if they think they need
Check understandlng ofthe present more practice. more practice.
progresslve (affirmative, negative, . lf students have chosen I need more . lf students have chosen I need more
questions, and short answers); self- pract¡ce., encourage them to review practice., encourage them to review
assessment of own proqress these sections and to do more practice. these sections and to do more practice.

Further pradice
I Pairwork
I :Ug_6ffi;
I Test .SdiiFÉi#o+.
Unit summary
.-j --j -,. ,;.--..--i *r -,","J ;-,...: :.-"ii

Clothes: boats, gIasses, pants, shtrt,

sh¡:es, skirt, socks, Icp

Physical descriptions: Eye-s biq, smalt,

blue, (l i qht) brcwn, q reen, lai'. lontl,
sftart, straight, t¡'iavy, blond, (dark)
brown, red., Other: c oearci, a rnustoct¡e

Simple present and present

*n progressive
hos / have for appearance
have or be for physical description

Reading: A comicbook detecltve stor)i;

ustng p ctitres to he p understancl a

Listening: Listering and identifying

r[.. 1- 1'o'- oiion i " dosrr,ori

Speaking: Describing clothes and

appeara¡ce, h sound at the start of
Writing: lvriting a personal blog; word
hcabulaty § Unscramble the letters. Then f¡ll ¡n the
r:rder: positron of adjectiv.'s
tEdres 1 lvlillys wearing a ,Eki!:f .. . today. (t i k r s)
! <D uU"t tt " p¡ctures with the words below. 2 Look at those.P--o-,o.!q I They're very old.
Then listen and repeat. Gobot)
3 My dad always wears eo.9k9 .. . (c o s k s) Computer science
rurcis g asses pdnts shrrt shoes sk rt 4 Why are you wearing a shiÍ,, today?
!ra(s top (ritsh)
5 lVy mom! wearin g her gl4-9-99o- 1o¿u1.
Values and top¡6
El a, lirr"n and check (/) the clothes the (eslasgs) Citizenship
people are wearing today. 6 I like your ei"o:9a. "... Are they new? (e s h o s)
Carolina: Dsweatpants 0skirt M u lticu ltu ra lism
Csweatshirt LZtop fr| Complete the information about your (lothes. Society
Max: Z panls fll"rnt Clolhes I wear ro school:
]r-tr,;,t Zshirt Popular culture
steve: Üsneakers Zshoes Clothes I wear on the weekends: ldentity
f)giasses flboots
Nicky: f] shoes Z socks Crime
Clothes i wear to parties:
Zboots Oqlasses

§!§$¡§*§,'i¡a.&&]&ri§ü§ te

lntroducing the topic 2 Vocabulary practice; exposure to 3 Checking comprehension of

words for clothes @ 1.19 vocabulary
Vocabulary . Play the CD. . Unscramble the letters and fill in
. Students listen and check (/) the the blanks.
Aim correct words to describe what people . Check answers.
Present and practice words to describe are wearing. Check answers.
4 Personalization
Audioscript . Complete the sentences with
(arolina: l'm Carolina. I usually wear information about your own clothes
sweatpants and a sweatshirt, but today l'm
AskWhat areyou wearing now? What are ÍNEMEIR
your favorite clothesT Encourage students
visiting my grandparents. i'm wearing a
Students'own answers.
red skirt and a white top.
to use a color when appropriate, e.g. d
Max: l'm Max and I love my jeans, but
red shirt. Extend your vocabulary
today l'm at a party with my family. l'm
belt gloves hat jacket sandals scarf
1 Presentation ofvocabulary set: wearinq my gray shirt and black pants.
sunglasses swimsuit
clothes @)118 Steve: l'm Steve. I usually wear sneakers,
Workbook .,#.iffii$l
. Label the pictures with the words in
but l'm wearing my new shoes today. Do
you like them?
the box.
Nic§: Hello. l'm Nicky. l'm wearing my
. Play the CD.
socks and boots today because it's cold
. Listen, check, and repeat. and it's raininq.

trt,3:30 P'n.
t Deniels usuallY votk tn tilett
e following e sus¡ec¡.¡n logl'
Aims is lalking to Agetl Lee'

Present and practice clothes vocabulary

and present progressive in a comic book
detective story

Students look at the picture story. Ask
Whot are the- people's jobsl (They are
detectives.), Whtch other famous detectives
tlo you know from books, moutes, or TVl 7- He's va¡l¡ry al a áus sfop or láe-t-:
corner of Maple Street and fenth Avenue. He\
slanding behind a vonat, Íhe (Qnao's veaing 2
1 ldentifying (first reading) @ 1.2A red skirl, ¿ vhile top, black glasses, and hlaik .
. Play the CD
She hl¿s a brieicase, ioo.
. Listen to and read the text.
. Answer the question.
. Check answers.


2 Detailed comprehension task

(second reading)
. Read the text again and circ eT or F

next to the sentences.

. Cl e, I ilsvvó'\ ¿s a class.

3 Detailed comprehension task

(third reading) Answer the questions.
. Read the text again and answer the {)) Read and listen to the story. What color 1 Who is Agent Lee talking 10?
5h e' e t alki n g to -Alptl! ".D 4.1!919
q uestions. are the suspect's socks?
2 Where is the suspect?
. Check answers. Read again. C¡rcle T (True) or F (False). He'5 o!.Ma-?_le 5treel
1 Agents Lee and Daniels normally work in an
3 What is the suspect carrying?
He's carryinq a bri.t"Zpg..""
Extra activity (all classes) office.O r ",.. ",..
4 What the suspect wearing?
', ''
2 Agent Daniels is watching the suspect.@/
Review and practice of present progressive
J _-^
I ne suspect usuaily w¿tKs. I /(L)
He's w e a4ryqgr ay""p?fi1,. e,.V"lite 9!iiü, . _
(affirmatlve and negat ve); clothes andpinkaocks
4 The suspect never wears jeans. T /@
. Students take turns to describe 5 The suspect is waiting for a bus.@/ F
5 Where is the bus stop?
someone in the c ass usinq the present 6 A woman is waiting at the bus stop.O/ f _

6 What is the woman at the bus stop wearing?

progressive and clothes vocabu ary.
. Can the other students guess who is

being described?
l[iÍÍ7111 pAGE 83
What's he wearing? .
W Fast flnlshers can
page 83.
do Puzzle 2A on

'a.a-' complete the sentencriS with the simple

O flñtlll¡TlE:r
present or present prdgressive.
I Carla and Marcos dg!:tqqou.!on Frid¿y 2 l¡stens 3 reads 4 watches 5 play

::: : ular act v t es and when they happen
evenlnqs. (not qo out) 6 drive 7 sings I get up
2 Right now, cana iP..h?.v"!:Lg . a good time.
Mystery word: sleeping
:: r-.i tn nqs that are happening [!]h1 nolv (have)
3 Marcos normally !vg4l?-.., ,, hjs pajamas at
, -:ok at the chart.
home. (wear) ffiw*r tm yltxx,x§
4 l\,4arcos jgV,eef.i+:9..... his best clothes right
now. (wear) 5 Personalization: oral practice
5 Carla and Marcos normally -g.o- --- -- to
of simple present and present
bed at ten ihiriy. (9o)
6 At the moment. Marcos and Carla
late with their friends. (stay up)
.11P..?1Ay,i.s.yP= . Think of someone you know.

. Write two sentences about what
83' Puzzle they normally do and two sentences
:: -i.work ran about what they are doing right now.
: :.:it oay)?
(Jqrer f() you: . Can the class guess who it is?

Q G*1" the correct time word. Think of someone you know. Write two
' t@r rlght now wear a school uniform. sentences about what they normally do and Further practi(e
7 Mv mom isn't cookinq dirrer every day / two sentences about what they are doing right
(at tne momenu now. Can the class guess who it is?
idí*rkS**k pageWls
3 Tino-ET-ttre mom ent /@o' ays b¿ske I b¿ l. StudentA: She normally works at home. She usually i¡*!f iñ*tui
on the weekends. wears jeans and a T-shirt. R¡ght now she's
sam6-tr-m-]lü/ rioht now wears ora::e..
We ¡rarl s(hool ¿t B a.m.QygryjlgDl now.
teaching a math class. 5he's wearing a
skirt and a top today.
6 sorry, they can't help you. They're doing their
Student B: ls she your mother?
homework(ig[¡gP/ normally.

§ Look at the p¡ctures and read the sentences.

write U (for usually) or RN (for r¡ght now).
Marcos and Carla normally stay at home. U''.,,,

Marcos watches DVDs on Friday evenings. ---U----

Marcos is dancing with his friends. .RN
They eat snacks at home. ---U.

5 They're wearing their best clothes. E!,'1,,,

6 carla calls her friends at ni9ht. -U ,.


§rarm*'¡'¡ar 2 Review of simple present and

present progressive
Aims . Clrc e the aorreat tlrne \¡,,ord.
Present and practice simple present and . Check a¡s\¡,/erS.
present progressive
Talk about regular activities 3 Controlled practice of simple
lalk about things thaL are h¿ppening present and present progress¡ve
r;ght now . Look at the prctures ¿nd read the
se nte ¡ ae5.
1 Grammar chart: S¡mple present . Write U tor-usuaily or RN for r qht now
and present progressive . Check a¡s\¡!ers.
. Look at the chart.
4 Further practice of simple
Note: present and present progressive
. We use the simple present for regular . F in the b anks.
actlvities, habits, and facts. . Check anslve[s.
. We use the present progressive for
things that are happenlng right now.
Grammar referenre ¡i&rli.&,?lr
Building the topic
Vexcabulary :-.,'¡: .;,., ,

Present and practice vocabulary for Look at the faces. Complete labels 1-10.
Use the words below. Then listen and repeat.
physical descriptions
Write physica I descriptions Eyes: brg small b ue iiight) Dro!,rr g.ee: ?
Hair: long short slraight u/av! il orc
(d¿rk) brown red I t hair: d?Ik . b.r.-o,-wn

Other:"be".o o Ls,dLne
2 other: a n\*",apjz,abeari
Ask students to close their eyes. Can they
remember the color of their partner's
eyes? Can they remember the color of
your eyes?


Captain Jack Sparrow is a character

played by Johnny Depp in the The Pirates
of theCaribbean movies.The newest movie
is On Strangerlldes and was released in
Princess Fiona is a character from the
Shrek movies, voiced by Cameron Diaz.
Princess Fiona marries the.ogre Shrek and

they have a family of ogre babies.
Jack Driscoll is a character from the
movie King Kong, and is played by Adrien g:-
Brody.Jack Driscoll is a writer and visits \L .D
the mysterious Skull lsland in search of
:D I
Alice is a character from Tim Burton's 20l O
Alice ln Wonderland. A,lice is played by Mia Í¡ (» Read and l¡sten to the descr¡ptions. Then
Wasikowska. write the corred name on the photos A-D.

Howl 'rom rhe Japanese movie

is a wiz¿rd
1 Jack Driscoll is a writer in the movie King Kong. I
He has shoñ hair and small, green eyes.
Howl\ Moving Castle by Hayao Miyazaki.
Howl is voiced byTakuya Kimura in
2 Captain Jack Sparrow is a pirate. He has long,
wavy, dark brown hair He has a mulache and §7
\1 {
a beard, 1oo. ,t)
Japanese and Christian Bale in English
3 Al¡ce ¡s a girl and has a lot of adventures ¡n
Wonderland. She has small, light brown eyes E Write sentences about your best friend or
II and long, wavy, blond hair someone in your family.
! . We ¿se dark brown. rather rhan btock I 4 Princess Fiona is an ogre. She has long, red hair '1 .He
/ She has ...........,. . _. ._ , eyes.

i to describe eye color. I

and big, blue eyes.
Howl is a wizard. He has big, blue eyes and
2 He/Shehas ,, ... ,,,,.. ,,hain
3 He / She 4as / doesn't h¿ve
straight, blond hair
1 Presentation of vocabulary set:
physicaldescriptions @ 1 21
122 rra;rilE|lxm¡r,lr
. Lock at the faces. Cornp ete labe s
l1 l0) ,¡,lth the words rn the box.
. PaytheCD , Extend your vocabulary
. Check answers.Then tsten, and repeat. I batO gooO looking overweight
I short slim stronq tall {{ilu

2 Vocabulary practice: exposure

lWorkbook ¿#ffi@
to vocabulary for physical
descriptions @ 1.22
a Play the CD. Note:
Read and listen to the descr¡ptions. . We use short and fol/ to describe
Write the correct name on the photos height, (NOTrffir+Erh). f
(A D).

. Listen, repeat, and check answers.

3 Vocabulary practice and f fig§;¡'r*:

. Complete three sentences about
people you know.
. Check answers.

Students'own answers.
2 Controlled practice of has I have
What'¡ heiwearlng,
rc (affirmative and negative)
. Read the text.
Look at the pictures and complete the
descriptions. Use the correct form of be
. Fill in the blanks with hds or hdve. Use
o¡ have. the affirmative or negative.
: . '!l aboul f)hvs.a ¿ppeai¿rce . Check answers.
Look at the chart.
3 Controlled practice of hove I has
It have short halr don't have shon h¿ r.
or be (affirmative and negat¡ve)
,l :

J have wavy ha r

She / lt has ofg


H€ i
don't have
fr'¿vy ha

i lt doesn't have

Look at the pictures.
Complete the descriptions.
'.1 onghar
. Check answers.
: have b ue eyes. We don't have b ue e,1es.

have o g "," . 'o ¿on'1 6urs t. ' "," @ PAGEB3

--a! have straiqht hair. Thev don't have stralght ha L . Fast finishers can do Puzzle 28 on
,.¿i does he i she look ke? page 83.

T*i<* ¡:<¡i+-.i 6Nm

lleight: short liair: long wavy
have+adjective+noun: be + adjettive: llair(Color): red Eyes: big
le He
Eyes{Color}: blue

Read the text about Jack and his friends.

I ou*, ts vou!
Fill in the blanks with has or have, Use the
aff irmative or negat¡ve.
i + Personalization of has / is to
describe someone
1 Corporal Jake Sully i? short. He hae | . I hink of a character lrom your
shoft, brown halr and small, blue eyes. He i favorite movie
d999rjt!:q1u-9-. a beard or a mustache.
I . Wrire senlences that

:'fÍ: *"
Lo i
2 Ney.tiri i9 .. very tall. she h.4"9. big, yellow

a.d long, strarght, black
tall and slim. She .ha-E short. 'n"i:i:: !:'l: !
wavy, red hair and dark brown eyes.
4 Colonel N,4iles Quaritch ig. very big. He Extra activity (all classes)
.dpp9:|:l1.lp-yp lons, blond hair He f;aq .
Review and practice describing people
short, qray halr and qreen eyes.
. Students take turns to describe
someone in the class using is oi has:
28 '
These are my friends. Miguel (1) ha,Í
paqe 83' - She has blue eyes and she's tall.
sho't, w¿vy hair. His sister anya 17r I . The rest ofthe class has to see how
long, straight haiL Miguel and lanya quickly they can guess who it is.
(3) ,t!lv b ond hair. and they
{.'rrr+:s" ?* 5,41¡1
Describe a character from your favorite movie
! Workhook
(4) h?.v. 9reen eyes.

Seth and I (5) ¡4Ye short hair. We Use words from the unit.
(6) 4o!l'f.hav.p - blond hair Seth I Édí.Wt+
tl) laq ... . . brown har., ¿.d | (8) hav¿ brown hair and big, brown eyes.
I ttuninom
black hair We (9) h?.v..e= big, blue eyes

al*}}'i& &;M z¡

and rn,ar bre¿ks out. l"he mor¡re won three

Osca-o¡o'.t o l-to'loró'ro - o-
Aims pla n ned
Present and practice has / have (affirmative
and negative)
1 Grammar chart: has / have
Review be for physical descriptions
. Look at the chart.

Talk about physical appearance

i Note'
i Ir" r'egaL Ve 'otmol has / have

Avataris a movie directed by James I for possessiors ard descriptions is

Cameron and follows the story of Corporal I aont t doesn't hove. He doesn'r have
Jake Sully (played by Sam Worthington) as I btond hair.(NOl |M-b#hair.)
he is chosen to use an avatar to study the I Grummar rafereme ¡.§ltiffl-p;
Na'vi people on the planet of Pandora. He
soon becomes a part of the culture with
the help of Neytiri (played by Zoé Saldana)
and Grace (Sigourney Weaver). Colonel . We use be when we talk about slze
Miles Quaritch (Stephen Lang) tries to and height, but have when we talk
destroy the Na'vi people by taking the about hair and eyes.
precious natural resource unobtanium
Grammar ref*rence :ffi@.-,-
Living English ¡¡r


Present and practice clothes vocabuiary
and present progressive in a comlc book
detective story
Reading skills: using pictures

Look at the photos on page22 or 23. Ask
students to choose a person to describe to
a partner. Can they guess which person is
being described?
Lee: Daniels? Are we lookrng for the suspect? Daniels: 5he's sn't c¿rryrng the br efcase, she's carry ng a L
1 Reading skills: using pictures; Dan¡els: Yes, we are. He has short, \ryavy, blond ha r, black bag

global comprehension task and green eyes He has a beard and a Lee: Where's the man?

. Read the Reading skills box.

lcan't ¡ m.
Daniels: I don't knowl 'm lvatch ng the woman. She's
see ta k nq on ¿ cell phone
Dan¡els: Well, l'm watch:ng the suspect's fr end. Lee: You drotl ts mel Where ¿re the suspects?
I Reading skills: using pictures
Lee: look
. ur. pictures to help yo.r irnde"stand
V,/h¿t does she ke? Daniels: Oh, nol Where are they?
i Daniels: She has long, stra qht, b ack hair. She's wearrng don't know Oh, can see the man. Ne! ¿t the
f. a
a white top, a red skrrt, and b ack boots now.
Whát's 5he carrylng?
tab e next to you. He has a bl¿ck br efcase. l'm
Pictu,es can helo siudents predict comlng. Don't iose h m
I what a texI is about, and interpret a
i.¡:.:::;i: ¡¡:t
I text whlle reading.
* Read again. Answer the questions.
r*, Look at the Reading skills box.
I \¡,/h¿t a'e Agents Lee a¡d D¿n e s dorng?

2 Global comprehension task (f¡rst

reading) Use pictures to help you understand a text.
- .\' " er oo gror
. Look at the plctures and read the text
quickly. Where are Daniels and Lee? What _ Now look at the pictures. Where are Daniels
and Lee? What are they doing? -l !'llral Coes the man look like?
are they doing?
. Check answers. *. Read the text. Match the senten(e halves. .1 li1,1lr¿t aoes i¡e wcmaN loo( lke?
I Agen:s Lee a[d a
fNBfitlitll Dan."ls are¡'t b
the br efc¿se.
the woman.
They are at a shopping mall. 2 Lee can't 5ee c r¡ the s¿me store 5 'ülro j Aqent D¿n ers ook ng at?
They are watching the suspect's friend. 3 Da¡¡eis can see d has a biack
4 Age¡t Lee ano br efcase
ihe llom¿n f¿ve e
3 Detailed comprehension task 5 The wom¿n rsn t
ong, sira g¡1:,
black h¿ r
6 l,ir.ere 5 tle ra¡?
(second reading) .ari)/ rg f the m¿r
. Read and iisten to the story.
6 ihe m¿[

. Match the sentence halves.

. Checkanswers.

4 Detailed comprehension task

(third reading)
. Read the story again and answer the
q uestions.
. Check answers.

I Wotkbook
I puciry*.
3 Detailed comprehension of the
,.¿ listening task
. Fill ln the b anks with the ,,vords in
the box.
. Check answers.

Listen and read.

Descrlbing what you look like and what
you are wearing
Pronunciation: i1"rl sound

1 First listening @ 1.25

a P ay the CD.
- a lsten and read
Hi! l'm Henry. l'm tall. I have 2 Presentation of Pronunciation
short. brown hair, and big, blue point @1.26
Look at the adject¡ves. Listen to the radio
show and (heck (/) the adiectives you hear to
eyes. I usually wear gray sneakers
Today, l'm wearing black shoes.
. Look at the Pronunciation box.
descr¡be the actors' hair.
Hello. l'm Heather I'm short.
. Play the CD.
ir ond lon g stra qht
have lonq, wavy, black hair, and Listen to the examples.
o Tclvn red !!¿vy )rown eyes. I usually wearjeans

i Pronunciation:,ih-l sound
Cark short Today, l'm wearing a skirt.

I . *. pronounce the h/ at the start ol

Listen again. Circle the words you hear.
Look at the Pronunciat¡on box. Listen to
iI' words in Enqlish.
r. rsten Dunst i

-:. n¿ r
sn't blond / red the examples. Then listen again, and repeat. I

jri;1r,rp¿1 1¡g a black / red 5k rt w:th a wh te i Note:

I . Sorut ,"s
--sh rt / top
Lhe h, is silenl, asin hour.
: :-i 5 '!ear nq b ¿tk boots / shoes
, r.a ooks awesome / tall We pronounce the sound at the start of

j'a LaBeouf
words in English.
ill'm enry. ello.l'm eather.
. Play the CD again.
-: f¿5 green / blue eyes. . LisLen again, and repeat.
-: has.l doesn't have ¿ beard Listen and repeat.
: -: ; r,,ealng ¿ vih te sh]rt / T-shirt ton ght 3 Pronunciation practice @1.27
- :: ,.rear fg black pants / shoes tonighl 1 Her pants ¿re blle
2 H s be¿rd is black. . Play the CD.
:lll 3
E in the blanks with the words below.
He has short, b ack hair
Henry has brown halr.
. Listen and repeat.
:: ) or:!l rerl T-:l¡ rt 5 Heather l¡as b ack ha r
4 Dialogue pract¡ce
' :::f Dufst'5 h¿ r s lf the Practice the dialogue in exercise 1.
. Practice the dialogue in exercise 1 with
,.a l'er M¿t mo!, es. Now change the words in . Write a new
a partner.
- -.':krt dialogue. fhen practice the dialogue in class.

: :- a :¿Beoul !,/c¿rs ¡ the lr¿rs/o¡met5 Listen to students'dialogues.

' t., 45
,., ' ,d
. Check the pronunciation of /hi.

5 Dialogue personalization and

. Change the words in blue and write a

top, and b ack shoes. She ooks awesome new dialogue in Pairs.
ton iq ht . Practice the dialogue with their
Aim Oh, lookl There's Shla LaBeoul lle looks partners.

-,sten to the descriptions of

people and amaz ng. le's very ta and hls eyes are . Listen to students'dialogues. Check the
green, and he has a beard. lle has brown pronunciation of /hi.
Jentify adjectives
l¡au. r¡ Transformers, he usuaily wears . Ask stronger students to read their
1 Global comprehension of the jeans, a dirty T-shirt, and sneakers. But
sentences out in front ofthe class.
listening task (first listening) @ 1.24 tonlght he's wearing a l,vhlte shirt and
. Play the CD.
black pants. Look at his red shoes, tool
Students'own answers.
And nor.r \'ve're ...
. Listen to the radio show and check (/)
the adjectives you hear. 2 Detailed comprehens¡on
I Further Dractice
. Check answers. of the listening task (second I mrrtinom'

listening) @ 1.24
Audioscript . P ¿y the CD again.
TY Host: So, l'm here tonight on Broadway
'lr a movie premiere with all the . Listen aga n C rcle the words you hear
-ollywood stars. OK, who can I see? Well, . CheCk anS\¡,/erS.
--ere's Kirsten Dunst. WOW! Look at her
-:ir! Her hair is red in allthe SpiderMan
-cvies, but tonight it's blond. She's
Round-up Round-up '1 '--r All about me!

Writing lllllltlng \T
Aims A pensonal blog
Write a personal blog lf uok at the writing skiils box.
Writing skills: word order: position of
adjectives I v. §urrL(¡ve>
. Adiectives have a specific posit¡on ¡n the
1 Writing skills: word order: I have shon, brown hair /
position of adjectives I have brcvrqsfie* hair
. Read the Wr¡ting skills box.
Now read the text. Find and circle the adjectives.
l-'ill !'lelcome to !¡y blogl N¡v fiame is
Writing skills: word order: position of Fill in the chart with information about Daniel. Daniel Gercia. l m fourteen years old,
adjectives and l:ve ir Bcsion, lllassachuselts. I have
. Adjectives have a spec,fic position in
Dan¡el You shcrt. birown hail ani blg, brclvn,^y95.
.JJi. I - 'foir ¡.1 r7 l:, C"i - T "L r.T .1'
Na me DanlelGarcia
the sentence. leans, ard *., ,"j-"opl
. I have short brown hotr. (NOT lhfte
Dllif g r¡e weeK, I get irp at 7 a.m. eveí.J.
Eyes big,brown
t¡rotr¡ir_s#ot#,..) day. Ater frreakfast, I vüalk to the bus stop
Halr ghorr,b¡own ,riti m_!i frie¡rcls. -fhe school brs atwar-s
. Read the text. Clothes
lavo?ii"ef-shirt, arr ves at 7:45 a.m. lvl,v clesses siart at
leane,red cap 3:30 a.m. isoñeirmes piay basketllall after
. Find and circle the adjectives. School classes gtarl at school
. Check answers.
routine 8:3Oa.m.
l'm n In'y' bedroon righl now. l',n wriiing
Doing at writingblog m_r bióq anc i'Ít litiening to m!s;c
Detailed analysis of model
Fcst a con¡n-or¡t soonl
writing task
. Fill in the chart with information about § fitt in tt
chart with information about you.

Daniel. § Writ" yow blog. Use Daniel's blog and the

. Check answers.

3 Preparation for personalized

. Fill in the chart with information
r Rorwatches@aovorroht
@Completethesentenceswith have,has,
about you.
. Check that students are completing
z Do you watch i@áim..-iÉ@,Tv ar the hair
mome¡t / 2 iustin Bieber tra.?.,_.,.. green eyes. He
the chart correctly. 3 Carme¡ ¿¡d Pectro always gol are always . d.o- -es!1"9 "be,e, snort, b ac
I k h a i r
fnñiilEin ¿1
going to schoo by bus
He gets up / is getting up al I ¿.m
3 Lady Gaga .d.o-e--9-¡ !=hAY-e black eyes. She
i?"?""""....,,..,,,, btond hair
Students'own answers. 4I _..." big eyes. I ,,, ... .",,"_,._ long, wavy
4 Personalized writing
. Foliow the model writing text. Use your Yes, I can. need more practice.

information from the chart to change

the text.
. Wrlte your blog.

Students'own answers. . lf students have chosen lneed more
pract¡ce., encourage them to review
§cmr¡ ,". these sections and to do more pract¡ce.

Aims 2 Self-assessment of has I havefor

Check understanding of simple present
physical appearance
and present progressive; self-assessment . For items (1-4), students read the
of own progress sentences and complete them with the
correct answers.
1 Self-assessment of simple . Students check (/) Yes, I can. if they
present and present progressive think they understand the vocabulary
. For items (1-4), students read the or grammar well, or check (/) I need
sentences and choose the correct more practice. if they think they need
verbs. more practice.
. Students check (/) Yes, I can. if they . lf students have chosen I need more
think they understand the vocabulary practtce., encourage them to review
or grammar well, or check (/) I need these sections and to do more practice.
more pract¡ce. if they th in k they need
more practice.
I Further oractice
! Pairwork *i¿óqs¡Tü'.rfi:'
I r..n .*,*^r";.--¿rir*,
.:::.::' ::i-.,i :_:: :.

Everyday act¡vit¡es

hcabulaty Clothe¡ Clothes

B Physical appearance
*ather L"b"t th" pi.trr"r.

lJ what's the weather like? Unscramble


-:il¡--- =
lüe words.
h3 . (g w n s i n o) Present progressive (affirmative and

rr3 "h_of- _.. . (t o h)
It3 _c_!9!ldJ-._...__..,. (d u I y o c)
It's_Lvj[dy,.-.. . (d iwny) Present progressive (questions)
rr5.g.ll,t"!!J, -.(nyuns)
Simple present and present
6 l|'s ?@!!!"1Y"^-""... (m o r y s t)
7 l|'s !4!lj!4.-...... (n ia r i9 n)
Physical appearance
has I hove
@ write the opposites.
* Look at the p¡ctures. Wr¡te the activit¡es. 1 btond hair .4ael.han.""."".,"..

(':' i-!
2 straight hair W.Aqy-.ll¿.!.r . .. Study skills
3 short hair lplglyif
D 4 Recording vocabulary

rall man,?h-9-r,ü'',41,a!!,"".,"_,...
5 small mustacire f i1-n\!9ra9!9."",
6 bis eyes gq?lL ele?" "-.. .
) Project
Grammar Writing a description based on a
Present progressive (afflrmatlve
.r; ¡{
and negative)
ll ritt in ttre blanks. use the present progressive

4 affirmative and negat¡ve.



-;\ t\t; 1
Cetia :?.iv--,?,r",.c-hilg ,,,_, , TV.
__é' _ ^.
"'.\-' -'. z nyan 1,s-!ie.f9.l1i!19 to music.
8 I eoyd let!4eila his homework.
He :5-9944ilS a text message
4 Max is in the living room. He i_q-Í.!#_fu!!A ,,,,
a book. He .l2-..f-e,pdi¡tS " "" "
a newspapel
5 Tina is in rhe kirchen. she i?7llh4v.íqg
breakfast. She :9dI!!!in"g.. .-,, coffee.


Voeabulary 3 Review of vocabulary set: clothes

. Label the pictures.
Aim . Check answers.
Present and practice words for weathe¡
everyday activities, clothes, and physical 4 Review of vocabulary set:
appearance physical appearance
. lVrlte the opposites.
1 Review of vocabulary set:
. Check answers.

. Unscramble the weather words.

. Check answers.
1 Review of present progressive
2 Review of vocabulary set: (affirmative and negative)
everyday activities
. . Fi i¡ the b anks.
Look at the pictures.
. Check answ.órs.
Wrlte the activit¡es.
. Check answers.
2 Review of Present Progressive .-mt) Review
(questions) --5-/
. Write questlons about the people in Present Progressive (questions)
has / hove
Gl pill in th" bl"nks with have, has, don't have'
exercise 1 on Paqe 27. B Write questions about the people in
- or doesnt have. Then label the pictures: Julie
. Check answers.
exercise 1 on Page 27'
of Lara.
1 BoYd and RYan / sleep / ?
Aie 9-pv4av4 Eva! st -esliltg '-"' -"' - "- ?

3 Review of simPle Present and 2 RYan / sing / ?

present Progressive ieEYqPinsirs

. Label the columns 3 what/BoYd/send/?
lübzt-e?--ot4pstlinq,**""' -.""-*""'-?
. Check answers. 4 what / Celia / do / ?
yli 19 P -c 4 -4?!L' - " - - -.""* -' - - -' - ?
- "' "' "

4 Review of simPle Present and 5 Max / watch^ TV / ?

present progressive h,Aarwqwi!ru'l-u-'--'-'---""'.."''"--"--*?
6 where/Tina / drink coffee/ ?
. Write sentences l! ! :nie Ítz árv\tnq-s "of s p'.'"" "' - "' - - - t "


Check ans\ /ers.

SlmPle Pre§€nt and Present
5 Review of has I have
progreslive -
lulie and Lara h.a-v..q straight hair
columns: sirnple present or hae
. FilLln the blanks. fl un"t ttt" t*o | =,, lono hair.
She ..ha?--.... ,,. ,,. .. dark brown
Present Progressive'
. Look at the Plctures and write the Jut\e 4^9 s?!l'1..b4y9, long hair
(1),?-i:ry:Py.-,, -
(2) ,?t9*L1,,-- She hag,-___'......,,.- -," blond hair.
name5. -., -,, -

-2!99fs?5lv9- .tulie and Lara _d9-!!]1!a.v.q_._ . green eyes

. Check answers.
now )utie.d93?!1,:!1.?vp _ big eyes.
rlqht ncw
Study skills normally
at the moment
every daY Recording vocabulary
by topic
ln your notebook, make a vocabulary section
Recording vocabularY sentences' use the simPle present or
ft write Write a new word. Then draw a picture, write
an example

It is important to encourage students Present Progressive'

to record vocabularY so that they 1 Julio / go/to school / every daY
llliP sP ez 19 e shPAsv" erY-4il--
have their own personal descriptions
2 he / usuallY / wear / sweatpants
of language that they can easilY .Le-y"?lZlllY-Yeaf
g-YSau4nte- big ong short smalL strarght
understand. wavy
jeans and a T-shirt
3 at the moment / he / wear /
1 Recordingvocabulary: ,hlfu.g:-9*-e!7,!deve?rra'J99ne-

ffi,* .*,,
appearance ,il¿a.1-5-li4:
4 riqht now / he / on a school trip / with his art
. Readthrouqh and lookatthe 1lt!.g:!!,\n-e9la-s-c-ho9[9ri2-with-.--
example with the students' ,his.art alub
right now /.Julio / reading about / the
. Wrlte the word long on the board'

@'** 9''*u
Klsht npv, J-u!!q i: -r'94di4s4y9\t!-rle-," "'-
. lnvite students to suggest pictures, pict$ee
6 now/they/walk into the art gallery
examPle sentences, or oPPosites
i which will helP them remember the
s?tl rv
. l\,4ake a "model" notebook entrY on
the board.
. Students start an appearance sect¡or1 28 &ii$§ú4¡
in their notebooks, and list the words'
. Students can compare l¡sts and ways
of recording the new vocabularY in 2 Preparation for writing (first task) @@
Students'own answers.
pa trs. . Find a photo of someone to write
about. (Choose a photo - not a famous Project extens¡on
I turtherPractice person - on the lnlerner, in magaz'nes' lf you have the facilities, ask students
I uuttinou or newspapers.) to post their proflles onto your class or
(second school website. lf students have found
3 Preparation for writing
Froject 1 ffi task)
their own Photos, theY could also
upload them with their Profiles'
Aims . lnvent information about the person
Encourage other students to log on to
Read a descrlptlon of a (fictitious)TV
host in your Photo. lnclude: name, age,
the website, and to read and comPare
nationality,iob, appearance, hobbies'
lnvent information about a Person the profiles.
Write a descriPtion of a Person

1 Reading
Students'own answers.
. Look at the photo and read th" text'
. 4 Writing
Match the headings with the
. Follow the model text.

. Check answers.
. Write a description of the person in
your photo.
Unit surnmary
Food: opples, bananc;s, eEgs, French
't. .n ,mb ,, J.l . FATr]a.. p.-7n
f . tlA'Ae.. A-. ,)e: t.A ,berr'¿.,

Food and d¡ink:b ead, ..Dp D, atiee
l ketch u p, mi lk, otl, pasto, rice, sa !ccl, sa lt,
:i-á;=- Grammar
.5 .r-
. "
Fl'= i, :
there is / there are + countable

,M# 1.:']l\
uncountable nouns (affi rmative,
negative, and questions)

':"rá,{ Skills
Reading: Fun food facts, a text about
-i t"
Vocabulary * | "É"
healthy eating habits; using questions
to help understand the qist of a text
t&" Listening: I isterirq orfl ij€,r¡ifu ¡g
ff < Listen and repeat.
r*, specific informarion in a radio show
¿ooles oandlas eggs F.err" f..es
hamburgers mangoes pizzas potatoes Speaking: Req rFSt rg rood aro d.ink
sausages strawberries tomatoes in d re)ttJ'anr lorr a'some

Writing: W,ir r q a repo.i doo-r d

Take note! r
favorite meal
'.'., ,'4,', :

, Regular: add -s 3 A: l'm making an omelet. Are there any

apple { applo eaaS ) Cross-curricular
. Ending in a vowel: add -es B:
T¿1go Targo t
4 A:
Yes. there are.
i.iá*"t uiologv
, Ending in -y: .¡, add -ies
Let's go
to the ltalian restaurant.
strawberry t strawberl.:
B: Great ideat We can order p_:i#??=,"....,.
5 A: l'm making French fries. Arethere any Valuesand tgpics
p_97?poeP..,,- _ ?
@ <» ritt in the blanks with food words from B: Yes, there are.
exercise f. Then listen and che€k. Health
6 A: Do you like fast food restaurants?
'1 A: Oh yuck! What are those? They look like B: I love rhem ! I always have .hapV,l"f^pfe..,..,,
Food science
fingers. and French fries.
B: Don't be sillyl They're.941¡94qqa .
2 A: l'm making a fruitsalad. Are there any § Ask and answer about thé food ¡n exercise l.
apples? Student A: Do you like eggs?
B: Yes. there are. There are bananas, Student B: Yuck! No, I don't. Do you like apples?
mangoes, ard strawberries ,¡6c .
Student A: Yes, I do. I love apoles.

{i¿eÁt¡qi§t¡j¡rdf@; !¡ig 29

lntroducing the topic 2 Vocabulary pract¡ce; exposure to Extra activity (stronger classes)
words for food @ 1.29 Further practice of food vocabulary
Voeabu§ary . Students fill in the blanks. . Students work in pairs, small groups, or
. Play the CD. as a whole class.
Aim . L¡sten and check. . One student starts the game by saying
Present and practice words for food . Check answers. a food item starting with the f¡rst ietter

Warm-up ofthe alphabet: apple.

3 Personalization . The next student has to repeat that
Ask students what their favorite foods are . ln palrs, students ask and answer about item, and add another with the second
Do they have any unusual tastes? Write
the food in exercise l. (and third, etc.) letters of the alphabet:
new vocabulary on the board.
ÍNF7IEI[:r opple, banana, carrot, elc.
1 Presentation of vocabulary set: Students'own answers. . The game continues until someone a)
food @1.28 forgets an ltem in the alphabetical list,
Extend your vocabulary
. Play the CD. Listen and repeat.
cakes cookies muffin pear
or b) can't think of an item to add.

watermelon I Furtheroractice
¡dñg flofe¡
Wo¡kbook ,ffif@; ! wo*noof iffi.
Model the pronunciation of the plural ! nurtiRou
forms -es (ls/ NOT /es4 and -ies hzl .
Exploring the topic é

Present and practice food vocabulary '*;-;§s;li]:#;::r
through fun facts

The number of calories in an item of food

or drnk is a measure of the energy in that
substance. Our bodies need a certain
number of ca ories from food for moving,
thinking, breathing, and every other bodi y
fu nction.
There is one fruii
thot *:1'i'*15i"::o'''
'' -
1 ldentifying (first reading) @ 13a 'lo,ooo kinds of lomqios
lhe world'
a Play the CD.
a Listen to and read the artlcle.
a Answer the quest on.
a Check answers.

The tomato is a fruit.

2 Detailed comprehension task "nf i+i¿H**}t,T,i-

(second reading) There ore llo cqlolies ino 22'grom poloto
"'''ii'i'*' from the
. Read the article again.
& Reading
orginollv come
Andes mounloi§§
. Match the numbers and facts.
. Check answers as a class. {ffi 't'l ¡""6and listen to the article. ls the ip Correct the fa¡se statements.
tomato a fruit or a vegetable? I Tne tomato s a.;agci¿ll a

3 Detailed comprehension task § Read again. Match the numbers with 2 Árrer aa¡5 e¿t 1 59 fa5t food meals every ilccrr
(third reading) the facts.
. Read the article again. r 10 000 I lrr stfa!,",[]erry has seeds i¡:iCc ¿¡d out:ide
. Correct the false statements. 3
500 .1 TNere ¡ic¡'1 ¿¡y'vt¿mins n mangoes
. Check answers. 42
5 10 5 There af-" lhrcc b lror¡ p zz¿ rest¿ura¡15 n
6 ',t
l0 ih€ U 5.
a mportant vitam ns n a mango
b c¿lo[es n a 22-gram poiato 6 Potatoe5 aTe oT q na y from the Roll<i

c k nds of manqoes mou ntal¡5

d k os of pjzza thaf Americans eai É!e./ ,,,:¿r
e th€ ¡umber of 5eed5 on a strawber"'/
f k nds ol tom¿toes n the wor c
4 Controlled practice oÍ there is I
Have some more there are (questions and short
(Eammar fl
Look at the p¡cture again. Write questions . Look at the plcture again.
dge is / there ore + countable and short answers.
. Write quest¡ons and short answers,
txxrnS 1 Are,abileav,?aaeueg- ? (sausaqes)

-ahng about things that we can count
Nn +.h¿¡e a¿¿n'i. using /s there ...? / Are there ...?
Yee +-hc"e a?c
I (tomatoes) . Check answers.
O rmk at the chart.
fudar Plural
There are some bananas. 4 . Fast finishers can do Puzzle 3A on
--:re is a banana. page 85.
There are four bana¡as.
5 4N b$.¿\[gpre-,,..,,".,? (hamburgers)
- -:re isn't an apple. There aren't any hamburgers. No",lhere aren't

; :¡ere a pzz¿7 Are there any tomatoesT

lslhere a woman pizzas 6 eggs 10 tomatoes 7
mangoes 3 potatoes 8
:i there is. / there are. /
strawberries 5 apples 2

: there isn't. No, there aren't.

: :. :Orie I ;t!
. : + singular noun starting with a consonant sound Over to your!
. :n + singular noun starting with a vowel sound § to
. some + plural noun (affirmative) Look around the classroom for one minute.
5 Personalization: oral practice
. :ny + plural noun (negative, questions) Then close your eyes and tell the class about
the things that are or aren't in the classroom. of there is I there are and
StudentA: There are some desks.
countable nouns
Gl circle the correct word.
1 There is@/ some apple on the table.
StudentA: There
That's true.
is a map. . Students look around the classroom
Teacher: That isn't true.
and memorize what they can see.
2 Are there an /@mangoes? B:
: there are@/
any eggs in the refrigerator.
There aren't any dogs.
That's truel . They close their eyes and take turns
4 There is@/ an potato under the tablel to tell the class about objects that are
5 There a'enI@/ some st'awberr es at
the store.
or aren't in the classroom.
6 ls there@/ an tomato in this recipe?

§ look at the picture. Fill in the blanks, Extra activity (all classes)
1 lhere ?"1"9.?.9!11"9,.. .... strawberries. Further practrce of there is / there are wilá
2 There !.e...a .. mango.
countable nouns
3 There 4!e?oqe -.- Potatoes.
4 There iqqlü-a.-..,. ,, ,,, , banana. . Co ect a number of ltems from
5 There A.Iq,e.9lI--a-,, - tomatoes. students and arrange them in front
6 fherc {Pn'y-ilY"... sausages.
of the c ass. l'lake sure students are
familiar wlth the vocabulary, e.q. one
or more of the lo ow ng: erasers,
pencr s, pens, rulers, notebooks, pencil
cases, etc.
. Give students a few minutes to study
the collection.Tel them that they are
going to p ay a memory game, so they
have to memorlze the number of rtems
¡rqi¡ia!{fi á#¡lüiliiiJi¡fr in the drsplay.
. Cover or remove the iterns from vlew
and see how many students can
Grammar . We do not contract the verb be in
remember exactly what the items were
They shou d ¿se there ts / there are fa
short answers, eg.Yes, ¡hereis. (NOT
Aims describe them: Ihere ls a pencrl case.
Ves¡her*.) -^e', .'" ' Ao D'a P' e
Present and practice there is / there are +
6rammar reference,Éffiffi.fti

countable nouns (afflrmative, negative, furttrer pract¡(e

I Workbook
i nterrogative, short answers)
I p¿sew21

Talk about things that we can count 2 Controlled practice oÍ o, on, I Nur,inona
some, or anywith countable nouns
1 Grammar chart: fhere rs / there . Circle the correct word.
ore with singular and plural . Check answers.
countable nouns
. Look at the chart. 3 Controlled practice oi there
is I there are (affirmative) and
Take note! countable nouns
. We make short answers with the . Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks.
singular or plural form of the verb be . Check answers.
(Yes, there is. / No, there aren't)
Building the topic
Vocabulary Vocabulary
Food and drink
lül <» ru"t.t' the pictures with the words below. Then listen, check, and repeat.
Present and practice vocabulary for food
and drink bread cheese coffee ketchup m lk oil E
pasta r ce sa ad salt soda waler
Write about favorite food and drink
Ask students What's your favorite food and t\
drink for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? \¡(l .'--
What food and drink do you hate? \

1 Presentation of vocabulary set:

food and drink @ 1.31
. Match the words and the pictures.
. E
Play the CD.
. Listen, check, and repeat.

2 Vocabulary practice: exposure

to vocabulary for food and
drink @1.32 ro ni!!s_. _,,,
. Play the CD. 12

. Listen and flll in the b anks.

. Check answers. €I *i Lirt"n and fill in the blanks with food and drink words.
3 Vocabulary practice and
t I t,,: ¿"rilri.rv
. .:r
w" lft;;,is.tal.t'
on French but we always put some
Fill in the blanks [or you.
. Compare with a partner.
,^fl'b ,'&.ffi

&,@ ffi
. Ask students to tell the class about
themselves and their parlner: My
favorite food is pasta. My partner's favorite
food is pizza.
. Check answers.
'or bre¿k'ast, I eat som
saradf --:t:
@EB with

Students'own answers.
§l f itl in tne blanks for you. Compare with a partner.
Extend your vocabulary Tavorite food: -

fruit jurce orange salad sandwlch F¿vo'ited'ink:-..

smooth e soup
Wcrkbotk 6gewzr

I rt,luitiR*t,t
. Fill in the bianks.
ilave some -or* fiiShj . Check answers.

G¡ammar @ look at the picture again. Write true 4 Further practice of countable
lh<ountable nouns sentences about the nouns ¡n parentheses. and uncountable nouns
?iinq about things that we can't count
t .-Ih.g"re-_is_p,e¡je,mt1k.""""."".. _..,,,.,. (mi|k)
. Look at the picture and write sentences.
L+lp"tp !:?t:1"?"ty..Ler!.str,rf-,",,, .. ... (ketchup)
S uok at the chart. 3 gl" rP"?:p,l:!"tv v?-t.s:o""-e.9,-."- . (man goes) . Check answers.
4 th?lg i9,4 !eyaie..",.""-"".."_- . ___.. (romato)
5 fh-etÉ,!?-,p-:?ne"?"Al! ._ -,,,,,,,,. . Galt) @ PAGEBS
6 fts,rs:al"g:t1.?-ty s?:!?9e2..,..,,.". (sausases)
. Fast finishers can do Puzzle 3B on
s fr?¡9j_E_t:j11y'Í,ap34 _-_-,,,,..,.,,,... (pasta)
page 85.

38 ÍNll[Ifir
-::rntable nouns PAZzlg paee85' Puzzre ?, Do you play soccer?
,!'th uncountable nouns, we can't say a number students'own answerS.
and we don't use an article. Uncountable nouns
always take a singular verb.
- ::ri is disgusting. I don't like colfee
tr Th¡nk of a sentence with tl,ere táere are it
1... :.' l:.l ti: t.]',,r.,..;,,: I

a, an, some, or any. Change a / an and some or

ff took at the nouns in blue. write c (for .aryto "Engage". Tell the class the sentence.
5 Personalization; oral practice
countable) or U (for uncountable). Can the class guess the or¡g¡nal word? of countable and uncountable
Student A: There isn't Enqaqe coffee.
1 Give me some milk, please. Ll.
Student B:There isn't some coffee,
nouns with o, an some, o, ony
2 I eat an apple every day. -C-
3 There isn't any salt on my French fries. !"J,.-
StudentA: No. . Think of a sentence with ¡here ts, there
Student C:There isn't any coffee.
4 There is some bread in the bag. U-. are, ard a, an, some, or dny about a
StudentA: Yes. Your turn.
5 Ketchup is good on French fries. U food or drlnk ltem.
6 Do you want a hamburger for lunch? ,Q
7 I don't eat bananas. C
. Saythe sentence to the class,
8 I normally have coffee for breakfast. p-. changlng same, a, arty, ar 0n fo
@ Look at the picture. Fill in the btanks with the
correct form of be and some, any, a, or an.
. Can th.^ class guess which word
'l There !,?'',.e,-o",r,[9.-....._...... rice. should be there rnstead?
2 rhere i?,!_'-t.4ty -..- , , oil.
3 There iq4- ..,,,, .--. tomato.
4 Tlpre 4\?"Í,r,AtrJ- ..... bananas. Extra activity (all classes)
5 There i?,"?9m-e-.-.....-. soda.
Review and practice countable and
6 there ?:"e-5o.lae- - -,-, strawberries.
7 There i9.".0:.I.4,t.ly,,-- -,,-,- cheese. uncountab e nouns (questions and short
8 There 4f?!:!..,ary. - ... potatoes. an swe rs)
. Ask students to write a lrst of at east
ten rtems of food and drink to take on
b a picnrc.

i;# . ln parrs, students ask each other

questions to find out nrhat is on the lst,
e.g. ls there any pizza? (Yes, there ts.) Are

there any apples? ('/es, there are.), efc.

. When both students in a pair have
had a turn to ask questions, have them
á.;iff ¡¡iF§*88¡ii&efl l¡j¡iü¡¡9 cornpare thelr ists to see what ihey
.o1 . .O , r-6
OO., !A ¿11 .O pirri..
Further practice
. Wlth uncountable nouns, we a ways I trl}orkbook pageW2l

use a sinqular verb, e.g. There ts some I muttin+rt,t

Aims milk.(NOTTMk.)
Present and practice uncountable nouns . We don't use a number or an artic e
(affirmative, negative, interrogative, and
with uncountable nouns, e.g.There
short answers)
is n't a ny b read. (NOT t¿terr#ruttra
Review some, any ffi.)
Review ¡here ls / there are Srammarr*f*ren{e page!Y19

Talk about things that we can't count

1 Grammar chart: Uncountable 2 Review and controlled practice

nouns (affirmative, negative, and of countable and uncountable
questions) nouns
. Look at the chart. . Write C or U next to the sentences.
. Check answers.
Take note!
. Uncountable nouns only have a 3 Controlled pract¡ce of be with
singular form. They don't have a countable and uncountable nouns,
plural, e.g. cheese, milk, bread. and rev¡ew o¡ some, ony, a, or on.
. Look at the picture.
Living English


Present and practice some food and

nt' 1 t{l;§ r lF
drink vocabulary in a text about healthy
eating habits

Reading skills: reading questions first

Ask students if they eat healthily or not.
What kind of healthy foods do they eat?
What unhealthy foods do they enjoy
eati ng?

Fast food ls food which is prepared and (We]1, dimostl)

served qu ck y n fast food restaurants. i


The histor¡, of modern fast food started ln :

the U.5. rn 1921, when a restaurant ca ed io-.Io'i.,drinksodo?'i::::,*i::::"Jrt',T""- i
on-ce o
sodds dre OK bul oniY ,{
lr s o s:;altgs rdeo.
V/hrte Castle started sellino hamburqers other dlinks! TrY some wotelt
very cheap y. Whrte Castle h¿s fast st bui it requY i§n't that bad! i
food restaurants all over the U.S.
Snc¡cks *:'.:'t;:::
Super size portlo¡s are offereC at sor.e ;;;;;."*" bod snocks :"q
fastfood restaura¡ts. They are much ;Hi ff # ;; ", l';"^i1.."::.::":,";::
b gqer tnan norma size meals.

1 Global comprehension task (first


. Read the artrc e and choose the best Reading <»

tit e. lfl neaO the arti(le- What is the best title for
. Check a¡swers.
the art¡cle?
a Never Eat This Foodl

2 b Hea thy Eatlng Your Wayl § nead the sentences below. Then read the articte
Reading skills: reading questions c Junk Food ls Hea thyl again. Check (/) the things the writer says. Put
first an X (X) by the things she doesn't say.
. §l Look at the Reading skills box. 1 Don't eat anv fast food.
Read the Reading ski ls box.

R-iding questions l,:t 3 Eat fast food salad, llut don't eat hamburgers.
Reading skills: reading questions first 4 two
. the quest¡ons for a reading text f¡rst,
Drrnk ters of water every day.
. Read ng questions first makes
before you start reading for detail.
5 A I snacks are b¿d.

students "active" readers and he ps Fresh food s good for you.

them find the informatlon more

34 *¡¡¡¡¡,,&¡ü¡¡¿¡
:'1'klv .

3 Detailed comprehension task

(second reading)
. Dord or .l Le, to Lhe ¡e tle I €¡ 't
exerc se 3.
. Read the article agai¡.
. Check (/) or cross (rY) the sentences
. Check answers.

I Further nractire
! Workbook pasewt+
2 Detailed comprehension
Have some more of the listening task (second
listening) @ 1.34
n-istening Speaking . Listen agaln Check (/) the food and
drlnk Brad and Anqela like.

ffi <l) Listen and read.
. Check answers.

3 Detailed comprehension of the

listening task
/W\ .
F l rn the blanks,"vith the r¡ords.
Ask and answer with ¿ partner.
. Ask students to te the c ass sonaethinq
about thelr partner.
F § No, thanks. I don't like

Ü . t-¡tt"n to the radio show. Where is the

radio show host?
; :orda b Texas c Tokyo Aims
Make requests for food and drink in a
E . Lir,"n aga¡n. Check (/) the food and drink
resta u ra nt
Brad and Angela like.
Pronunciatlon: weak torm of some

1 Firstlistening @1.35
Yes, suÍe. HeÍe you are.
a Play the CD
§6,--l And here's some ketchup. a Listen and read.
' --'-r..,1'-l..'-1-1Y W-4 Do you want any?

2 Presentation of pronunciation
@ *,; l-oot at the Pronunciation box. L¡sten to point @1.36
the examples. Then listen aga¡n, and repeat.
. Look at the Pronunciation box.
W€ak fnrñ ¡? §off€
. Play the CD.
. ln sentences, some is pronounced with the . Listen to the examples.
weak iJl sound.

Can I
' a¡1.--''

have:rrl Swlss cheese?

Pronunciation: weak form of some
^il::": l'-ll!l |
In sertences, some is pronotlnced
with the weak form /.:/
§ ,{i Practice the sentences. Then listen and

i-Il in the blanks with the words below. Then

repeat. . Listen again, and repeat.
1 Here's some sa11.
ask and answer with a partner.
2 Can I have some w¿ter7 3 Pronunciation practice @ 1.37
':.ar te food name schoo 3 fhere are some strawbernes in the refrigerator
. Practice the sentences with your partner
.',"r¿t's your 1
ffi eractice the dialogue in exercise 1.
. Dlay the CD. - slen and "epeat.
- ,,ilat's your favorlte 1 S? Now change the words in . Wr¡te a new
: .'lcw often do you eal your

- .',1hat food do you ike to eat after

food? dialogue. Then practice the dialogue in class.
4 Dialogue practice
. Practice the dialogue in exercise 1 with
@*;i¡¡¡¡,úü;* ¡s
a partner.
. Listen to students'dialogues. Make
sure they are pronouncing some in its
LrsrenrnE lnt*rvia$¡e¡: OK, Brad. What's your favorite
weak form.
Aim &rad: Mmm, that's difficult. I guess it's
5 Dialogue personalization and
hamburgers and French fries
-isten to people talking about their practice
:avorite food l*tervi*w*r: OK. How often do vou eat
your favorite food?
. Change the words in blue and write a
new dialogue in pairs.
1 Global comprehension B¡ad: Once a week.
of the listening task (first l*tervi*wer: And your favorlte drink?
. Practice the diaiogue with their partners.

listening) @1.34 §rad; SodalYou can't have hamburgers . Listen to students'dialogues. Make
. Play the CD. Listen and answer the and French fres and no sodal sure they are p'onouncirg iome n its
qLesi ion. Check answer s. lntervirwrr: OK,thanksl ... And now, weak form.
Ange a. What food do you like to eat after . Ask stronger students to read their new
Audioscript schoo ? dialogues out in front of the class.
lnterviewer: Hello from Texas! Today we're &ng*la; Wel , I ove potato chips and

out and about and we're asking people usua y have some when I get home from
Students'own answers.
about their favorite food. schoo with a glass of milk.
leyl Excuse mel Can we ask you about lnterviewer: Potato chips and milk. That's I Further oractice
your favorite food, please? interestingl Welrd evenl I nrut*inou'
Brad: Surel *itge!a; Not weird, it's de iciousl
lnterviewer: OK. First, what's your name? lnte¡riewer: OK, thanksl Next week, we'l
Writing Writing
Aim A report about a favorite meal
Write a report about a favorite meal lf Read the report. What is ¡t about?

1 Global comprehension of model My favorite meal ü l nut a Thonrsgiving dinnet'

;:; :"X":"";r;:';o hn f?on Detro¡t' M¡¿h¡gdn itl rhe Mv t'avorite
writing text ii dn Afler¡tan "olebrati¡'on a¡ tí' ená cf Novenbor' we á[udy5
¿oot' in lho morning fhet
áuntt' u,ntle,;' cous¡n6' and friands Ne al! ral
Read the report quickly and say what it a lal of peopla @frP lo our house: m¡ granlparenlt'
-,"s,,i,Jii,*, and brud'
aftornooo vt' ar*q''r'la'u a'ain'::':::,::::::'i,'i!;."!ii1',';],*!oas'
is about. '#::í:" ;:r;; ¡* ixn' ?unprin í' nt f,lar¡te foodl
,. oriu, p)¡,' ,nd
. o:;;r1,," , P¡e
Check answers.

The report is about Alex's favorite meal: Fill in the chart with the information about Alex's favorite meal.

Thanksgiving dinner.

al€x You
2 Detailed analysis of model Name Alex
writing task lrom Deircit,M.ichigan, in tha U.9.
. Fill in the chart with information tavorite mea lhankagiving dinner
about Alex. Whe¡ atthe end ol November
. Check answers. cookinlhe noming;alol of people come
t o our house: my gran¿?arcr1t s, aunt s,
What they do
3 Preparation for personalized unclee, cousine, and friendsi we all eat
togelher in lhe afternoon
. Fill in the chart with information Food
a big trutkey, con, caffole, ?ot

about you. ptm?kin?ie

Favorite food
Check that students are compieting
the chart correctly.
iÉl Now fill in the chart w¡th information about your favorite specia! meal.
Students'own answers. § write a report about your favorite meal. Use Alex's report and the chart to help you.

4 Personalized writing
. Follow the model writing text. Use your
own information from the chart to
ff circle the correct word. Q| Complete the sentences with so me or any.
change the text.
table? 1 There is i?9llq -..- . rice.
. Write your report.
1 ls there a /6ñapple on the
2There@/aren'tanypizza. 2Thereisn't--?ll)1,,,-,,,,.coffee.
3 Are there@i some hamburgers? 3 Do you have aj!y.. . .. . bread?
fNtltiltltr 4 ls there any @banana in the refrigerator? 4 There is gomq- - - cheese.
Students'own answers.
I (an talk about things we can (ount.
i-l i-
lcan ... Yes, I can. I need more practice.

Check understanding of there rs / there are,
countab e ¡ouns, and uncountab e nouns;
se f-assessment of own llrogress
. Students check (/) Yes, I can. tf they
1 Self-assessment of there is / there think they understand the vocabulary
are and countable nouns or grammar well, or check (/) lneed
. For iiems (1 4), students read the
more pract¡ce. if they thinkthey need

sentences and complete them with the

more practice.
correct ans'vver5. . lf students have chosen lneed more
. Students check (/) /ccn. tfthey
pract¡ce., encourage them to review
these sections and to do more practice
think they u¡derstard the,,,ocabu ¿ry
or grammar r'vell, or check ll) I need
I Furtherpractice
mare pra.tice. if they thrnk they need
I Pairwork ."pueítirlrr
n-rore practice.
I fest ripgirqftli;ÍE:
. lf stude¡ts have chosen I need rnore
practiae., e¡courage them to re,,,ier,v
these sections ¿nd to do rnore practice.

2 Self-assessment of uncountable
. For ltems(1 zl), students read the
se¡tences a¡d comp ete the¡T vi ith the
correct a¡5wers.
! Unit summary
Noun categories: baggaqe, food,
furntture, money, mustc, t¡me, traffic,
Possessions: backpack, belt, bracelet,
earr¡ngs,lD crtrd,key, key rtng, sunqlasses

How much ...? / How mony ...? +

Whose...? + possessive pronoun§

Reading: Advertisements lor products,
a quiz about teenage spending habits
Listening: Listening and identifying
specific inlormation in acivertisements
Speaking: Askrng for things in a store;
,nLor"'ior il oue.f iol,
Wr¡ting: Writing a consumer profile:
using paragraphs

§l f¡U ¡n t¡e blanks w¡th words from exercise 1.

hcabulaty 1 I need some new f!!.!1!,i!t¡l:.q.. for my
bedroom. I want a new desk and a chair. Math
I{oun categorles 2 Those sneakers are expensive. You don't have
any [.1.9Í!.aJ..,,,,- . to buy them.
! <» Urt tr ttt" words with the photos. Then
3 lvy favorite f,99-d..... .... is French fries with Values and top¡cs
fisten, check, and repeat.
some cheese and ketchup. The environment
4 lt's quiet. There isn't much .lf.Aff.lg..--. on the
.¿ggage food furniture' Consumerism
highway today.
: me tr¿ffic travel
5 How much Ul4g4g9! can we take on the Advertisements
airplane? We have three bags.
S Uatch th" *ords 1-8 with the related words 6 Hurry up! We don't have much.fi[g. ..
in exercise 1. The movie starts in five minutes.
1 songs .!t-1.!,ei.9_.--.............,...,
2 bags ,beas?se-"-"_-""".," !f filt in ttre blanks with your own answers.
3 dollars "M9."!1,-ey',,,,-,,,-,, favorite food:
4 hours Furniture,n ry room:
5 vacations !!4!p) Music on my N,4P3 player:
6 cars -t-raffs ". .-.. "

7 meals Travel with my family:

8 tables and chairs fury,ilsr--...... Money in my bag:


lntroducing the topic 2 Vocabulary practice; exposure to Extend your vocabulary

noun categories
billboard department store road sign
V*cabe"r§ary . Match the words (1-B) with the noun
skyscraper sidewalk stop light
cateqories in exercise 'l .
Aim . Check answers.

Present and practlce words for noun

categories 3 Vocabulary practice and Extra activity (stronger classes)
extension -Ult,o.Oo. o . rO,,.o-égofó-
Warm-up . Fill in the blanks with the words from . Students thlnk of tr'vo more words to
Ask students whether they watch exercise 1. wrlte in each category in exerctse l, e.g
advertisements on TV or look at them in . Checkanswers. sofa, bed (furniture), plane, tratn (travell.
magazines. Which advertisements do they . :.d. r .oapotóo \.r .p¿,
like or dislike? Why? 4 Personalization
or groups and add the words to thelr
. Fill in the blanks with your own answers. vocabu ary notebooks.
1 Presentation of vocabulary set:
noun categories @ 1,38
Í!TBTJ¡!I$ I Further Dract¡ce
. Match the words with the photos.
Students'own answers. I Workbook o¿oew:a

. Play the CD, I mrtrixol-l

. Listen, check, and repeat.
Exploring the topic
rc YOUR CEU ii;i;
Present and practice noun categories
through advertisements
i iiiá ti"F-,+i.i1
::#*i:i.*J ¿:#.*.¡:
1 ldentifying (first reading) @ 1.39
teil haurs' !al*
a Play the CD tims a
m:.nth tot onty
a Lrsten to and read the advertrsements. a-lat sf tifie, and
a C he-l /, rr e ,9,.' -
Check answers. Ig TIIERE f, IOI OF
2 Detailed comprehension task
(second reading)
*¿ilqñr ÍRf,FFIE N TOAN EfiT?
. l.¿d .i. "d . o. i .^ e.lLS dgoi. .

. Match the sentence ha ves.

. C' -. - oaS,A/et o> o C.d:r. g

3 Detailed comprehension task §

:= re
(third reading) : re
o D.¿d li-. ¿dt e.t -aténlS d9o t^.
o Wr te the numbers next to the
match ng comnnents.
. Check answers. Reading
"Ec¡l some heallhYlood a
() few
[ Read anU l¡sten to the adveñ¡sements.
Check (/) the things you can see in the tlmes a daY."
computer CDs
ce phone healthy food WP
su tcase TVs
bikes music
Read again. Write the number of the correct
Read the advertisements again. Match the advert¡sement for each comment below.
sentence halves. 1 "There are a ot of cars n my c ty. What can do?
1 How many f"* tir", . duyi 2" don't want to eat a ot of fast food. lvant ia
sonqs -----\
"b u
a lot of traffjc in your city? cook healthy mea s. "
2 Do you spend ) c do you have on your 3 "l ove lsten ng.to mus c My MP3 player on y .
3 How much .- MP3 player? 500 songs and t doesn'i have many v deos."
4 lslhere -----z d baggage do you really 4 " spend a lot of t me on my ce phone. lt's
5 E¿tsome / need for your trip? erpens ve and don't have much money."
healthy food / e a lot of time on your 5" need a nelv bag for my next vacat on."
cell phone each day?
2 Controlled practice of countable
Consumer world
rc and uncountable nouns; rev¡ew of
noun categories

. , Look at the picture of Future City. Complete Write C or |.].

the answers to the questions in ex€rcise 4
with a /lttle, a few, or a lot of.
. Check answers.
: : :1e q!¿!t t es of lh rgs
Review of noun categories
* -:l(atthechart. . Circle the correct words.
:fftable Uncountable . Check answers.
-: -:ny t:is are there? How much traffic is there?

: :.: none There's none. 4 Controlled practice of How

:'e n't There isn't any (trafflc).
much ...? / How many ...?
. :re a few (cars). Therel a liltle (traffic).
. Fill in the blanks.
:ren't many (cars). There isn't much (traffic) ffi'§
. Check answers.
: :re a lot (of There's a lot (of traffic).
5 Controlled practice of quantifiers

á w.ite C (for countable) or U (for uncountable). (a little, a few, a lot ofl

' g
9 meals c . Look at the picture.
10 money u
caÁ ¿,
11 music U ' . Write answers, usi.rg a l¡ttle, a few, or a
j chairs _¿ 12 songs § lot of.
: dollare .-C-, 13 tables -c-
14 time
. Check answers.
¡ tun¡trr"..-Ú-, U

I Íood Ü- 15 traffic U
16 vacations --6-"
3 hours ¿
. Fast finishers can do Puzzle 4Aon
§ Grcle the correct word.
ThereS ,¿,!i!-tl"e , ,,,, . traffic.
page 85.
: I have some newdt¡rmGñ/ chair ,,, ,- - women waiting at
in my There are --¿,fe¡-v'.-
the bus stop.
2 irly sister la'ks on the ohone for two time / 3 The people have 4l!t119.,,. .. baggage. 1 weeks 2 minutes 3 baggage
@erery day. 4 There! A]oJ of , . money in the street. 4, clothes
3 There ¿ren't many@)Ztraffic in the cily today. 5 There are a few men carryrng a bag. Seeret scnteneesl
4 There isn'r ruch@ meals ir rhe
§ Time is money.
,. 44 *+ 3 Travel
l@@ page 8t, light.
I love Lhese rhree music Puzzle
6 we don't have much 6'loñ6Jdollars to go to
the mall.

(l rltt in tne blanks w¡th How mucñ or '':..=" .:.¿'*.*:...

How many, Wr¡te sentences to d"rcribe yow bedioor. 6 Personalization; oral practice
Exchange your sentences in class. Tell the class
1 l'low.!:Lggh . . tráffic is there in Furure city?
about another studentt bedroom.
of there is / there are and
2 ,fr-gfu YA¡]y^. .. women are waiting at the There ¡sn't much furniture. There is a desk. There are quantifiers
bus stop?
two chairs. There are a lot of computer games.
3 H?Y".$:Y?! baggage do the people have? Students write sentences to descrrbe
4 .!19!!ry.y.-c-l .. money is there in the street? their bedrooms.
"fl..o"!\4"1r"...... men are carrying a bag? . They exchange their sentences and
te the c ass about another student's

Extra activity (stronger classes)

Further practice of quantrfiers wrth
Note: countable and uncountab e nouns
. To indlcate zero quantity, we use
. StJdents make as many sentences as
a sinelular verb wlth uncountable
they can about thi¡gs in the c assrooTn,
Dresent and pract ce Ho¡,t muctt ...1 / l--low
nouns (Ihere tsn't 0ny, / There's using There ts / There are, a little, a few,
'.tany ...? + quantiflers (a few, a iittle, a lot: oñ and 0 lat af
none,), and a plural verb with

Revlew of countab e and uncountab e

countable nouns (Ihere d ren't ony. / . Students read out thelr sentences.
'tou ns Which patr has the most sentences?
There are none.).
Describe things in your bedroonn . To ta k about sma quantlties, we use
. Alternative y, say a word Students
a little /
nat much for uncountable ook around the c assroom befor-. they
1 Grammar charti How much ...? / respond: There is / are a little / a fevl / a
nouns (Ihere i5 a l¡ttle water.There
llow many ...7 with countable and
uncountable nouns
isn't much ¡lme ) and a few / not many lot of . . . in the classroom. / There isn't /
for countable nouns (Ihere ú re a few aren't any . . . in rhe classroom.
. Look at the chart. apples. There aren't many people.).
further pract¡(e
. !
To talk about arge quantities, we use I Workbosk paqeW2T

a lot of for all nouns.

I mulrinorur
ürammarr*feren{e pagew25
Building the topic
ÉFe*'galeraÉ gnE¡uses*ff an'c*
Aims backpack be t braceiet earr nqs

Present and practice vocabu ary for O {» Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks with the lD card key key ring sunglass-"s
words in tlfé bóx. Then l¡sten, check, and repeat.
persona possessions I his.
wnose !¡!.lsggp,l - is this? lts 5 whose -e-!¡g!4-?9^e-9-
are these? They're his.

,\ r r. oho.l per oro po,,e sio- z whose.hg-11,........-...... is this? lts hers. 6 whose !L-_- is this? lt's his.
3 Whose ,.,b,.r.4-9.-9!p--t. - is this? lts hers. 7 Whose JQ e.L-- is this? lt's his.
4 Whose !ey41q .,, ,, is this? lt's his. 8 whose g4lllilge are these? They're hers.
Warm-up --
f possible, shor/ students real examples
of some of the key vocabular¡, (,keys, lD
card, surtglosses, etc.) and e lcit or teach
'fó /.OrO)lO -OO,-, ¡ i 5L,Oer -.
rryhich ofthe objects they have in their
schoo bags.

1 Presentation ofvocabulary set:

possessions @ 1.4a
. Look at the picture.
. f=i in the bla¡ks wlth the tn;ords in
the box.
. P ay the CD.
. Listen, check, and repeat.

2 Vocabulary practice: exposure to

vocabulary for possessions @ 1.41
. P ay th.'CD
. _i e- d1d r .' I / t^e po. .) io'ls. fi| <» urt"n and check (/) the correct possessions. Gl Fill in the blanks w¡th words in exercise 1.
1 Mv brother ías an earritq in one ear.
. Check answers.
Name Possession
2 where are ny ,?-Y!9.!?9-*"?- ? lt! very sunny

1 Anna --úá 3
Lookl l'm wearing my new WA99l"{.:",--"., on my

tr Anna. have a wrist today.

Ánna; Flil My name's
yellow be t. 'n'r w th my fr end Mar a
2 Talbass
,1-§,2, 4 wheres )9pa4,,- ,, z I can't travel
without it.

dnoLhsou.be 'le'5. 3 Stefan
@o S your ,Ea--c,!f?,Ag"l-_- Iooks heavy. What's in it?
6 ls this .!9J,Ii!19-.,,,-,, yours? lt has a dog on it.

T*lb*cs: Heyl l'mTa bass. I have some
7 You need a,P-9,8,,,,. .-..... with those pants!
red sung asses They're cool. My frlend
.lrm dcesn't have any sunql asses.
4 M¿y É' 8 Whose,!9y..............-... is this? ls it for your house?

3 Stst*n: He ol 'm Stefan. My frie¡d Paul 5 lulla

&e i/) Et - @ write sentences about you. Use the words in

has a NewYorkYankees key ring. t's exercise 1, Compare with a partner.

b ue and white Thls LA Lakers key ring lhave abluebelt.l don'r,have arry sunglaeaes.

rs mine. lt's purpLe and ¡rellow

6 Ken
4 futay; lil My name's May. have a red
bracelet, N4y friend Nora has ¿ brace et, 40

too. Hers is brown.

5 Julia; lle ol 'm Ju a. have p nk
earrrngs. Look at Sara's earringsl Hers flltltfilfitr
are green. Students'own answers.
S H**: l-leyl 'm Ken. My brother's
ootpo.Ii:blact \,4 - .o¿.. Extend your vocabulary
caculators corns sunblock ,¡;al et
3 Vocabulary practice and watc¡ water bott e
extension tr&orkfuook paqeW2a

. Fi n the b a¡ks.
. Check answers.
I Furtherpractice
4 Personalization: vocabulary
I Wo*book e&ffi1
practice I muttinont
. Wrlte sentences r¡,¡ith the words ln
exercise L
. Compare wlth a partner.
. Ask students to tell the c ass about
themselves and thelr partner: I hove a
black ond whtte backprsck. lily p.-trtner's
backpock is groy.
4 Further practice of Whose ...? +
a Consumer world *
\*31 i j possess¡ve pronouns
. Complete the questions and answers.
'; ,:l:
@ complete the questions and answers. . Check answers.

: :::ic!e5po55es5c¡s soccer ball -i9.,", this? W FAG- 85

. Fast finishers can do Puzzle 48 on
Itt Lionelt soccer ball.
_ -::\atthechart. F:Pbie, page 85.

'::: .:- s rhrs? (singular) ÍNFTItfi§

W!9'?9""- pants .?i-e-., these: Jody: earrings, bracelet, belt, sunglasses
They're Andy's pants.
Hiro: backpack, key, key ring, lD card
!!w1e,hjp'-,, ,

fl[o--s9- pencit i9 this?

It! h-"r pencil. V-'e,be|"e,,...".".. 5 Personalization; oral practice
of Whose...? + possessive

.Whgse--. shoes ,a,lq.- thesez . Students p a,v a qame n groups of
They're your shoes. fou r.
B col" th".orrect word.

. C, P .-,' le- O[ tlei'OO

' Whose backpack i5 this? ll's@i my.

on the desk, then ask anC answer

i Whose radio is lhis¡ 11's her /heri -W-hggg._ cell phones ,4I-4,, these?
They're our cell phones. questions to find out who each item
3 Whose cD is this? lts@/your. Íhey're ours
.1 Whose books are those? They're@/ he's. belongs to.
5 Whose keys are these? they're@/ their.
5 Whose key ring ls this? lt's@i my.
7 Whose MP3 players are these? Extra activity (all classes)
They're our/@ -W'tegg,_ r-thi.t !9,-,, thisz
It's Bob's T-shid. Review anci practlce Whose ...? +
@ Rewrite the sentences with the correct .Etbie* -- possess ve pronouns
possessive pronouns. . Ask students to wrlte a favorite
1 Whose backpack
is this? lt's my backpack.
. 7 Who'ee..5¡s¿ks¡5._{[f..,. ,n"."rÑ posses)ior o ¿oieceo'ooPo
2 Whoseearringsarethese?They'reyourearrings. They'reoursneakers. Encourage them to descrlbe the item
1!svre.v -ovr,p, ",," " .
-e-,pl:f"p..".."-". using adjectives, e.g. a blue and srlver
3 Whose chairs are these? They're our chairs. \/lP Dla)o.ASaa, qadL'. 'rO.

7!-el'rpg:l{"s- "," "" .

Whose soccer ball is this? lt's his soccer ball.

. Coilect all the papers and hand them
lL'shig out randomly.
5 Whose computer is this? lt's their computer . Students take turns to ask questions io
.Vllp !,h -eirp ", "' .. .

" "

Whose keys are these? They're her keys. to flnd out who owns the object on the r
lhey'rehere Play a game. In groups of four, put three of your
possess¡ons on the desk. Ask and answer is this? (lt's mtne.)
quest¡ons about the things on the desk.
StudentA: Whose pencil ¡s this?
. The object of the game is to "get back"
Student B: ll's hers. Whose books are these? your own item.
Student C: They're h¡s.

Further practi(e
I Wotkbook
!.... 41
I pageW2g

I atuttinom

€rammar . With countable or plural nouns, we

always use a plural verb, e.g.Whose
Aims keys are these?
Present and practice Whose ...? + . We can use possessive pronouns
possessive pronouns
instead of nouns when the noun is
Review possessive adjectives obvious from the context, e.g. Whose
Review be, singular and plural CD is this? lú mine. (= ¡¡'5 my CD.).
Tal" about people's possess ons 6 ra m ma r ref ere n{e,t-ffi@$.Ct

1 Grammar chart:Whose ..,? +

possessive pronouns 2Review and controlled practice of
. Whose...7 + possessive pronouns
Look at the chart.
. Clrc e the correct rryord.
. Check anslvers.
We use Whose .. . i to ask who
something belongs to. 3 Controlled practice of possessive
With uncountab e or singular nouns, pfonouns
we always use a singular verb, e.g, . Rer¡rrite the seniences.
Whose backpack is this? Whose money . fheck ans\ /e15
is this?

Present and practice How much ...? /

t¡rhqt do boys like buy¡ng
How many...1with quanttfiers and noun with rh€¡r money?
categories, in a quiz about teenage o compuier gomes
ond dectronic
spending habits godgefs
A lot of teenogers hove cell phones.
b bookondCDs ¡
c DVDs qnd book
Warm-up llow mdny ieensgers hove 6 eell phone?

Ask How many of you have a cell phone?

ó donl buy the some lhings os boys.
Whot ore lfteir fovorite lhiñgs no buy?
How many text messages do you send o
? Hos, many tsxl'
day? What do you ltke to spe-nd yaur maney messoges do
leenogé E¡rl$ send
or¡? How much money do you spend at the
ond receive ecch dcf
shopping mall when you go shopping? Do

you reod mogazinesl What kirtd of thtngs do 3 How mofiy text
messogés do tésdge
you like reading about? boys send ond receive
eo€h dsy?


Teenagers and cell phones: in a study
conducted online tn .lu y 2008 among a
.i=:-!:i':5'¡i= '

natlona y representative samp e of 2,089
teenogers olso buy o lot of mogszin§.
teenaqers (aqe I 3 I 9) across the U S Whci do they like reoding in them?
,,vho have cell phones, t was fcu¡d that
four out of five teens (1/ ml ion) carry a
wire ess devlce such as a ce I phone. More
thar¡ I bil on text rness¿ges were sent
each day, and 1)an ofteens said they cculd
text blrndfolded. The survey was carried
ou b, l^¿rdio 16,'¿ ri.€

1 Global comprehension task (first Read the sentences- Circle T (True) or

reading) .*, Read the quiz. Match the headings with the F (False).

. Read the quiz quest¡ons. ' fvlore than half of Amer can teenaoeTs have a

. Nlatch the headings ,,vlth the questrons. a Ce 1 phones

Tee¡¿qe g rls send and receive more texts th¿n
. Check answers. c
lvloney bcy5 each day T / F

d Shopping 3 Teen3gers go shopprng three times a week. T / F

2 Detailed comprehension task e Text messages

r1 Boys prefer to buy DVDS and books. T / F
5 G rls prefer to buylewe ry and make up. T/
(second reading)

*.. Read again. Mark your answers. Check your 6 Teenagefs don't look at the adverttsements n
. Read the quiz aga n and mark your answers at the bottom of the qu¡z. ¿ m¿g¿z ne. T / F

a nswe[5.

. Check your answers at the bottorn of


the qu z.
. Co¡rpare answers w th a partner.

3 Detailed comprehension task

(third reading)
. Read the sentences and cii'c e T or F.

. Check answers.

I Further Dradi(e
I Workbook paqew:o
2 Detailed comprehension
Consumer vrrorld of the listening task (second
listening) @ 1.43
stefi:ÉS §peaking . P ay the CD aqain.
. Listen aqain. Circle the correct words.
Listen to the radio advert¡sements. Write
:¡e number of the advert¡sements under the
S {} t-isten and read.
. Check answers.
i h otos,
Do you have any
3 Detailed comprehension of the
listening task
. Fi I ln the b anks.

Yes, sure. Here

. Check answers.
they are.

, .- -:11.,:'

Ask for things in a store

Pronunciatron: Lntonatlon n quest or-s

1 First listening @ 1.44

\>f .
,-iall Play the CD.

,- l\
. Llsten and re¿d.

2 Presentation of pronunciation
l'm sorryWe don't
point @ I +s
* -'L'.-; have any belts.
. Look at the Pronunciatlon box.
Talte nr¡te!
0K. Thanks.
P ay the CD.
540 = Look at the Pronunciation box. L¡sten to . L sten to the examp e.
5220 = the example. Then listen again, and repeat. r -'_'_" "

-: ,.. . Pronunciation: intonation in

L¡sten aga¡n. C¡rcle the correct words. : questions
Ai Top Trave, you can go on a¡ ocean lntonat¡on usually goes up ( ) when we ask . ntonatlon usual y rises when ask
adventure / cruise a question.
_ E-óeñdr -L-. -_.e.dS p,9.,-h¡-g'6.1O_r
a question.
home / office.
: Earr nqs cor $20 / $2 n Nelv Br¿nds a P ay the CD again
I Socks / Sneakers cost $l Listen to the questions. Mark the
intonation. Then listen again, and repeat. a Listen agarn, and repeat.
Fill ¡n the blanks. Do you have any magaz nes?
' Top Travel ¡as for everyone Can I have three pens, p ease? 3 Pronunciation practice @ 1.46
: \/¿.¿tionprcesarefrom to$500 C¿n I have a computer magaz ne, please?
a P ay the CD.
i Ai Freeway F!rn ture theae are beds, Do you have any green brace ets?

, tables, and chairs

a Vo' oir ,o o o l-q - o..
Practice the dialogue in exerc¡se I
_ ,a.rrop..o...o $¿0o a P ay the CD again.
. \... B. . d. ,¿ ó érr-r q r.on Now change the words ¡n . Write a new
to ]ewe ry
a Listen again, and repeat
dialogue. Then pract¡(e the dialogue in class.
' o- d^ b. y :ro"t e ro

4 Dialogue practice
. Practice the dialogue in exercise 1 with
a partner.
tables, and chairsl Prices are from S40
to 5200. And you can have it all in your 5 Personalization
Aim home tomorrow! . Change the words in blue and write a

l sten to radio advertisements and flnd 3 How often do you buy new clothes? new dialogue in pairs.
spec fic intormatlon How much do you pay? Come to New . Listen to students'dialogues. Make
Brands today. We have everything sure they are using the correct rising
1 Global comprehension of the from sneakers to jewelry.You can buy intonation on questions.
listening task (first listening) @ 1.43 sneakers for 5 I 5, earrings for $2, socks . Ask stronger students to read their new
. PaytheCD for § 1, and much, much morel dialogues out in front of the class.
. Liste¡ and wrlte the ¡umber of the ftllilt¡:tiR
advertisements under the photos.
I fake note!
. Check answeTs.
I . We say forty dollars (540); rwo
Students'own answers.

I hundred twenty datlors l?)O), one Extra activity (stronger classes)

Audioscript I dollar and nine cents (51.09) or o / one
Review and practice ofvocabuiary
i At Top Travel we have vacatrons lor I dollor nine;two dotlars twenty f¡ve
everyone. An ocean crulse, a ctty break, i (cenrs) (S:.zs). Students work in pairs and write a short
advertisement, including the price, for
a ralnforest adveniure. Come and see
an item they own, e,g. a pair of shoes,
tor yourself. Our pr ces are great, tool
a watch, a belt, a cell phone,
From S50 to 5500.
3 At Freewav Furniture there's everythino I Further practi(e

Aims A consumer proflle
Write a consumer profiie ll Look at the writing skills box.
Writing skilis: using paragraphs
1 Writing skills: using paragraphs ' Paragraphs divide a piece of writing ¡nto
. Read the Writing skllls box.
subjects. A paragraph is one or more
sentences about the same subject.

Writing skills: using paragraphs Now read Jana,s consumer profile. Choose
. Paragraphs divide a piece of writing a heading for each paragraph. Write the
inro s;brecrs. A paragraph ís headings in the gaps.
or more sentences about the same a \ryhal I bly
b When llo Shopp ¡q
subject. c lVhere l shop
. Each paragraph will have one or two :i; fitt in the (hart with information from the
key sentences which contain the
consumer profile about Jana.
main points about that subject.
Jana You
. Read the consumer profile. in the mall, online, slo?e near her
PJaces shop
Choose a heading for each paragraph,
and write it in the gap. clothes, earrings, b ooke,
Things I buy
frusic, and magazineg
Check answers.
When lshop
sho?ping mall - once a noni,;h;
2 Detailed analysis of model oíline - every lwo ot three ¡nonthg
writing task
. Fiil in the chart with information about § ruow add your information to the chart.

Jana. (l Write your consumer profile. Use the text

. Check answers.
and the chart to help you.

3 Preparation for personatized

. Fill in the chart with information Complete the sentences with How much or
about you, How many.
1 Whose shoes are these? They,re my /@
. Check that students are completing
I Ho-wmany studenlsareinyourclass?
2 Howmuch money do you have?
2 Whose surglasses a.e these? they,re heú
the chart correctly. 3 19{..¡,!4ny -.",., songs do you have on your e9
3 Whose pencrls are these? Tney,re@isl our.
fnlrñTíin 4
MP3 player?
4 Whose key .,ng ;5 11.5r tL! your /dw].
"A?:!! !7.t19h.. .... music do you download
Students'own answers. every week? : a ii i,:1'. itfllti::tiri:i!t!illir:
Ya.. (dn. , lped nore o,oc¡,cp
4 Personalized writing

. Follow the model writing text. Use your

own information from the chart to
change the text.
. Wr¡te your consumer profile.
f6frrrrlt!| . Students check (/) yes, I can. if táey . lfstudents have chosen I need more
Students'own answers. think they understand the vocabulary pract¡ce., encourage them to review
or grammar well, or check (/) I need
these sections and to do more practice.
$ qeer ,.. more pract¡ce. if they think they need
more practice. I Further practice
Aims . lfstudents have chosen I need more I Fairwork p4sesj141115.
Check understanding of How much ...? / pract¡ce., encourage them to review I fest prg"r.ea;,r05
How many ...7and quantifiers, and these sections and to do more practice
Whose ...1and possessive adjectives; self-
assessment of own progress 2 Self-assessment of Whose...?
and possessive adjectives
1 Self-assessment of Houz much ,, .? / . For items ('i-4), students read the
How many ...?and quantifiers
sentences and choose the correct
o For items (l -4), students read the answers.
sentences and complete them with the . Students check (/) yes, t can. if they
correct answers.
think they understand the vocabuiary
or grammar well, or check (/) t need
mare pract¡ce. if they think they need
more practice.
Unit summary
Rqffiqrz Vocabulary
Food and drink
Noun categories
t er§oma! po§§e§§lons
hcabulaty Possessions
@ Complete the possessions. Use a, e, i, o, or u.
f.od 1 ke yr i ng
! Cmrc six food words in the word snake. 2 b-e-lt Grammar
3 k.,e-.y there is / thereore + countable
4 b4ckpAck
Ii=eildóesr 5 s ngl 4 ss -¿-s
6 br?c91.?.,1 Uncountable nouns
7 9.. a tr i..ngs
8 I D ca.rd How much ,,,? / How mony .,.? +
vou are shopping. Look at your l¡st. Check
* Grammar
,') the th¡ngs you buy. Whose...? + possessive Pronouns
tkere §s I there sre + (our¡table nour
lf Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks w¡th Study skills
a, an, some, o¡ any, _-a^a- - Using a dictionarY
I án e <- ffi
Tre.e,s . ¿pp
on the table.
{t §
Project 2
Writing a description of diet and
2 There aren't.a,ry .. eating habits

3 fhere are giq!1e-.. pizzas
lomaloos in the refrigeratoI

salad 4 There aren't 4"fY
French fries, but there
orango juice
is á - hamburger.

f,| uatctr the categories with the nouns

\s / - b bags
1 money chatrs ¿nd t¿bles
2 baqgaqe
3 music---\ \f ,-c meals
4 furniture -\l/-d cars
6 i"nJ
There isn,t milk

7foad----/ g songs
8 travel + h do lars

&*g*a;§ +s

3 Review of vocabulary set: noun

Aim . Match lhe t\ /o ao umn5.
Present and practlce words for food. food . Check answers.
and drink, noun cateqories, and personal
possesslo n 5 4 Review of vocabularY set:
personal Possessions
1 Review of vocabularY set: food . Compiete the worcis with the
. Circle the food worCs. . Check answers.

. Check ans\!ets.

2 Review of vocabularY set: food

and drink 1 Review of there is I there dre and
. Look at the piatures. countable nouns
. Check (/) the thlngs in the list. . Fill in the blanks.
. Check answe[s. . Check answers.
2 Review of uncountable nouns
. Look at the plcture and write sentences
. Check ansvrers. Uncountable nouns Itlllrcre ...? + Possesslve Pronoun§

O Look at the p¡cture. Write sentences with @ complete the dialogues.
3Review of How much ..'? I How there is, there isn'¿ some, and any, and the' 1 ltl my backpack.
many,..? and quantifiers words in parentheses. A: Whose"backppckie-,t-hi9 . - -.,,,..... .,..,,...-. . ?

. Complete the quest ons and answers. 2


They're your books.

. Check answers. ¡1 tvhosgb_o-oko a,f .!le.??^..". ,,.,,"..."". , ".?

4 Review oÍ Whose...7 and 3 lt's her bracelet.

A: Whose Ur-acelqt-.i¿r-bi?.,,,..".."". .",,.....--,,,,.?
possessive pronouns g-. ltahe¡s-..-..
. Write questtons and answers to 4 It's his ID card.

.o'l pr''' rrc o,alog' a: )Üno*lD ?

. Check answers.
"' e: Eojis .......

5 They're our keys.

A: Whosg!9ys-a|e r- eee... "" ".. -,,, -. ... -,,, ..- ?

Study skills 6
B: They'te otts-. .
lt! their basketball.
a: Whoae Pes\qtb--41" ]s -r!l!9"-".,,,-.....,,.--, -"".-?
Using a dictionarY e: lt'eth9!I9-,,","..
Dictionaries can help students in many
ways. Students can find the mean;ngs
oI new words; cneck sPelllng; give Using a dictionary
When you look up a word in a dlctionary, think about the
confidence with reading; help students type ofword.Are you looking for a noun (n), verb (v), or
become indePendent learners. 1 !!-9:ei!P?9r,19?_il ,, .. . (o¡D adjective (adj)?
2 flele_i5t4't"aly!ryta .(wst¿)
l[ The words below have two meanings. Look
1 Dictionary skills: classifYing 3 .!"tp_?eip.P:?U9 _. 2Al!_ (eli)
them up in your dictionary. Write n (for noun),
4 .f\?:e i?:t:t ?!jv"Prq4d,- - (treaa\
v (for verb), or adi (for adjective) for each word'
words 5 thereig 99'9"."cj?€_s,p_- (che6e)
1 fish (n) and (y)..
. Read through the instructions with 6 \il i? -?.-o:!!1p- !ge--- . (rice)
and (')
2 book {l)
the students. and la{l)
How much ...? / How manY ...? + 3 lishr fy)..
. Remind them what a noun (n), quantiflers 4 cool la4i and (v)
verb (v), or adjective (adj) is: elicit 5 drink fd and 0)
examples and write them on the
@ Complete the questions and answers.
6 water f¡) and .(n)
1 Howmu,qfi .. traffic iether€-? (a lot)
board. fhe:e'a alol otlrafffc _-. @ Translate the words into your own language.

students complete the task, usinq 2 ,Hey!-r4?-ly bags are thare ? (a few)
fhere are alew bagg-
their dictlonarles. iei!¡qre
3 .t!,stryqtqsh, food ? (a little)
Compare answers in Pa rs before a fhercilalittlefood
whole class check 4 t!q-!y.m.e.!y,,- people 3rffherc ? (not many)
f be Le ar n' t ñ any p99Pl e-

5 furniture jethqre ? (a l¡ttle)

2 Dictionary skills: translation .,1J,o,111¡1.¡9!,r, ..
Therc i á a litt"le f urnit,--ure
a Students ook back at the words in 6 How mary ,, chairs ,eI ihgl ? (not any)

exerclse l. !!-e¡9 arqft anY g|airs

Trans ate the words into your orr,rn
Compare answeTs n Pairs befor-' a
¿o §*UiS**!i$ -
whole class check.

! turtherpractice
2 Preparation for writing (first task) @@
I MultiR0M
. Use the questions in the model Students'own answers.
interview. 5 Presentation
Project 2 {p.ffi, . lnterview a classmate about their diet. . Put your profile in a class magazine for
Aims . Write notes about their answers. other students to read.
Read an interview with someone about
@ . Read other students'profiles.
his diet
lnterview a classmate about their diet
Students'own answers.
Students'own answers.
Write a profile of your classmate's dlet 3 Preparation for writing (second
task) Project extension
1 Reading . Find or draw a picture to illustrate your . lf you have the facilities, ask students tc
. Read the intervlew. classmate's diet. (Use the lnternet, record their interviews using a digital
. Fill in the blanks. magazines, or newsPaPers.) camera.The video files could then be
. Check answers. 4 Wr¡ting
uploaded to the lnternet.
@D . Follow Lhe rrooel text.
You could ask students to share their
partners'proflles on a class or school
What snacks do you have? . Write a profile of your classmate and website. Encourage other students to
What kinds of food do you normally eat? their diet. log on to the website, and to read ani
Do you eat in restaurants?
.^mñ2rc the nrnfiles
*er§t sL§*Y3§T?ery

Verbs for requests: borrov't, buy, drive,
d c. a€t . r h¿l, e 5'.a . ou:
Pfaces to go: amusement park, coffee
the shop, library, museum, park, shopping
mai l, skati ng ri nk. swr mm ng
t pool
: :.t :r' ';o ti'{F :.1

TG# ,3 qet, Grammar

.* atattoo
can (permission)
.*'¿ Suggestions

fr Skills
Reading: a story about a sleepover;
reading about teenage problems in a
sL )r) ¿r d etLe.s '" ¿ teeT -¿q¿
- .e:

iookrng for key words and phrases

+ -

b,q-rrot:l some money

Listening: Listening and identrfying
,pF, ' b.n" .Of :l a LOC\p .¿tio.
Speaking: Va(irg ugges' ors.
r',oo^d rg Io 5-coe.tioas
,"ls Writing: Writlng an e-mail to a friend
the car

#' $b Cross-curricular
#. Geography

B dJ,g , , ,, my hair
Look at the photos. Fill ¡n the blanks with Values and top¡cs
the verbs below. Then listen, check, and repeat.
Respect: respecting that others are
corow buy dr ve dye qet go have different
stay out Personal and family relationships

Circle the correct verb.

, cun *uG-Dl get ¿ s eepover tnis wee'eno ?

2 Can l6vd/ oet mv hair oreen? {r¡ nead the requests in exercise 2 again. What
would your parents say? Choose a reply
3 Can we oo9 toro"owl
Qull drive ¿
below. Write the number of the request next
4 Can l@§l borrow a tatroo on my leg?
to the reply. Then compare with a partner.
S Can wi@l stay gut ro a pa"tv 01 Satu.dav?
6 C¿n I borrow /Q[ifJ)the 1ew car to 'ó ro ' d

o L t"l o.
the beach?
z can *e(áfr@/ get ¿te ron ghr? ab .", . o.. \ ..",
8 C¿n we go--(qrr-o§,o.e roneyz

i; 4i

lntroducing the topic 2 Vocabulary practice; exposure to Extend yourvocabulary

verbs for requests

go clubbir g go f shing go shopping

. Clrc e ti¡e correct woris. srowboarding
go skiirg go

. Check answers. goswirrmirg I

Workbook pageWr:'
Present and practice ,,,erbs fcr reqL-rests 3 Personalization !

a Read the requests in exercise 2.

Warm-up a Choose the reply your parents would I pagew32
Ask students rrhat they ike doing in their
free tlme. Ask whlch thinqs they need their
Write the number of the request next to
parents' perm ssror¡ for. the reply.
Compare answeTs with a partner.
1 Presentation of vocabulary set:
verbs for requests @ 2.2 Íñtrñ¡lf:llr
. Look at the photos. Fi in the blanks Students'own answers
. P a), the CD.
. Listen, check, and repeat.
Exploring the topic

Present and pract ce requests through a
,.r. t ;ú;,
story about ¿ teenager and his parents

Pre-reading task
Look at the p ctures. What do you think
the story is about?

1 ldentifying (first reading) @23

a o c --,
. Read and llsten to the story.
. Answer the question. §'
. Check ans\,vers.

2 Detailed comprehension task

(second reading)
. Fead the story again.
. Write the names.
. LeIdl Ae:o o lo)r.

3 Detailed comprehension task

(third reading)
. Read the story again
. Comp et.. the sentences.
. Check ans\¡,/e[s. lf <) neaa and listen to the story. What is Luis,s

@ He wants to have a sleepover at his house. His mom

doesn't agree.
b He wants to study at a friend's house. His mom
doesn't agree.
c He wants to have a sleepover at his house.
L,J dad
His vqv doesn't oerqs
uvLrr L agree.
§ neao again. complete the sentences.
ff Read the story again. Who says these th¡ngs? 1 Luis can,t have a sleepover because
Write L (for Luis), M (for Mom), or R (for Rafa). .b.p,.lq.? eU|I?Ipt7 y!ee.l..,..,...

1 Absolutely notl t\-y' 2 Luis can have a sleepover at his house

2 can have a sleepover here tonight?.! 4fr9|"..h.!P9\4F? ............... .

3 Thesleepoverisatmyhousetonight. ! 3 !h99l9qP?::v"eL, .. ., , isatRafasho:

4 Youcan'tstayoutlate..!! 4 BradandJack c,,4!:.9.-o.!9."...........
5 Can I go to Rafab house tonight after dinner? L 5 Luis can't stay out after
6 Be home by 10 p.m. M 1QP,ry.".........,...,,.
Does your dad drive you to school?

A good idea? 6 Can I borrow your new computer
Crznmar Where did you buy your goldfish?
rr (permission)
lrrg for permission ffiwer tc yoral
! tmk at the chart. 4 Personalization; oral practice
of making and refusing requests
for permission
. Students work in pairs.
. They take turns to ask for and refuse
perm¡ssion to do the things listed,
. Ask several pairs to demonstrate their
@ r,ut h th" questions and answers.
conversations to the class.
' Can I buy this iacket? q
2 Can.lake sleep over tonight? d
3 Can we stay out until midnight? .? Extra activity (all classes)
¿ Can I borrow your math book? I
[urther practice o'can for pern'ission
5 Can Jane eat dinner with us? b
á Can I dye my hair?.f. . Write the verb borrow on the board,
Answers Add different nouns to make phrases,
¿ Absolutely not! Be home at ten o'clock. or ask students to suggest nouns, e.g.
¡ l'll think about it. but there isn't much food in your pencil / your bike / some money /
the house.
. Sorry you can't. l'm doing my homework now your new jacket / your homework /
I Sure he can, but ask his parents first. your AlPj player / your cell phone / your
? No, you can't. l['s very expens;ve. dictionary, elc.
j No wayl Green hair isn't cool!
. Students take turns to ask lor
@ uot "t tt," pidure. write the children's permission and respond to requests.
: questions. Then complete the mother's
i ansers.
1 ear"l,My-e-?A!e"*"pt"?"94? "-" . .""-""".... "? I $iorkbooh paleW:l
9Yg - you can, but don't drop lt! I naultinom

Sure J.9!:1.9?,111.-..."....., but use your headphones.

PAZile paeeET,
3 ca{.9;o-.9"1¡1_i]4.11y1rg .. """.". .?
Absolutely.!q! - ! lt's cold outside.
4 Can we have a party?
Ask a classmate for permission to do
No,Y.lY- , _. ,,. I lts a lot of work.
s 94!-ye-d4t99t l?v.?fa4Ln!9o-. ., , ?
something. Refuse permission. Use the reasons
below, or your own reasons.
rr¡ ,_i-!Íntf ?_qpg-t-, it.
6 9q"tye?",?:r__r_lip"9?:t'€'-"I9"y_""""
""" "" "" "" " ?
I don'thave... ]'m using my...
sory, Y9\!94n:t . lts for dessert. work. lt's very expensive.
It's a lot of

Student A:
Student B:

StudentA: Sorry you can'1, Sandra's using it,


Grarnmar 2 Controlled pract¡ce of can

(permission - questions and
Aims answers)
Present and practice con (permission) . Match the questions and answers,
Ask for permission . Check answers.

1 Grammar chart: cdn (permission - 3 Further practice ofcan

questions and answers) (permission - questions and
. Look at the chart. answers)
. Look at the picture.
. . Write questions and answers.
We use can to ¿sk for perrission.
. . Check answeTs.
We use different responses to
indicate more or less strength li'ilf7111 PAGE 87
of feeling: Sureyou can (certain, . Fast finlshers can do Puzzle 5A on
positive), l'll think obout it (tess
page 87.
certain), No, you can't (certain,
negative), Abso lutely not (cerfain, very flñri¡Trt|
strong negative). 2 Do you go to a dance club on Fridays?
Gra m ma r ref e rence,jtrii,iiW,r,l
3 Does Dan wear hisjacket every day?
4 l)n vor r \^/ent to dr¡e rror rr hair hlre?
Building the topic
\locabulary 1&reabu§ary
E {» Read and listen to the dialogues. Then
' listen again, and repeat the suggest¡ons
Aims lt:. . ..i,,
in blue.
Present and practice vocabulary for places ffi *'l Look at the pictures. Complete the
dialogues below w¡th the places. Then l¡sten what places do you like to go to? compare
to go §t
check, and repeat. with a partner.
Write about piaces to go
Afuer scl^oo':
park coffee shop
amusement ibrary
On the weekends:
Warm-up museum park shopp ng mall
swimming pool
On vacation:
Look at the pictures. Ask students f4lhlch
of the places rn the pictures do you go to on IJtr
Anna: .
the weekends. What do you do there? What is OK, guys. Wh¿t ¿re
we doing today?
e Anna;
your favoriLe ploce to go to: 1-
& ,
1 Presentation of vocabulary set: Evaj No. Sk¡i.c § l:#:"'l[ff:,T" }{l¡I

go @2.4
places to
. Look at the pictures. '=:+_
. Complete the dialogues with the places
in the box. m
Play the CD.
Listen, check, and repeat. ='

2 Vocabulary practice: exposure to ry

vocabulary for places to go @2.5

Play the CD.
. Read and listen.
. Listen again, and repeat the
sugqestions in blue. d
. Check answers,

3 Vocabulary practice and ,1 cre5

; ..^-
extension dha r .r There! a storyteller
. Write about places you like to go.
onnr, ruo, *..,'^-,. ..; --
there today.

lr,t *uu,. e,e David: No, that's boring
Compare wlth a partner.
. Check answers.


frñBifr,$ s Eval

Studen\ts' own answers. 53 ¡{H

¡l \¡
Let's not There are a
*"%.ffi'ro"",o rhenwe can -
Extend your vocabulary i D lot of peopie iiere on
some coffee

¿ -
ou, p u_
I crazy grear hate ove not b¿d
lstaao rerribre
O( I

let3 qo
d qood
I workbook pEew34

I Further Dract¡ce
I wortuoor "¡¡gd$É4
I trtuttlnol,t


l sood ,r"", ffi.._ Further pract¡ce of making and
responding to suggestions
. Write suggestlons and responses. Use
your own ideas.
. Compare suggestions and responses
: : l::i o¡s
in pairs.
ii.] -: : < at the chart.
Hir¡ns Positive Negative
4 what about -pkyits 9o9c9! !\1\e.p,A1".f;"....."?
Students'own answers.
res¡ronses responses
OK i don't think so. ÉJTzi¡I PAGE 87
That's a qood
Let's not.
. Fast finishers can do Puzzle 58 on
page 87.
Greatl No wayl
1 skating rink
§ ede the corred form of the verb.
' aboLr watch /t6fch-¡iba DVD?
5 Lei's o-
_t:y:4.x. !p.r. _r":1.:?.1.p.
-6.7 2 shopping mall
2 Let'seqD/ eat¡ng in a fasr food restaJrant. & wr¡te suggestions with Let's ..., What 3 coffee shop
I Why don't we havino /6ar-é a pany? about ...?, and Why don't we... ? Use each 4 amusement park
r what about invite /@1!pcara over? suggestion once. Then write the responses. 5 swimming pool
§ t*t "t ttr" pictures. Fill in the blanks w¡th IlU, "oTe leA ol' . do ou' rot.*o'. Mystery word: museum
lrl the correct form of the suggestions below. go to the coffee shop wat#+

a ffi
: have a sleepover play soccer in the park t
Lel's nol
0ver tc youl
5 Personalization; oral practice
L 1-,itl"i:!.::1'j " *_._** "*"-J of making and responding to
J . Students work in pairs.
. They take turns to make and respond
to suggestions, using the ideas glven.
58 @-' .
paee87, Puzzre Ask some pairs to demonstrate their
Wh at a bo ut g-o-![g .?":!!,:imnj!] 5.,.
conversations to the class.

What do you want to do this evening? Make Extra activity (stronger classes)

L suggestions. Use the ideas below

get a pizza go to a movie

Rev ew and precti.e of maklng and
responding to suggestlons
go to the skating nnk p ay video games
) I ot'< have a Sleeoover Draw a blank'week-to-view' diary page
watch a DVD
on the board and ask students to copy
Student A: Let's get a pizza.
Student B: Let's not.
it in their notebooks.
Student C: What about a hamburger? Ask students to write six time activlties
Student Dr That's a good ideal
on different days, morning, afternoon,
or evenilg, e.g. (Wednesday morning:
play tennis; Friday evening: go out for
3 Whydon'twe -c-o"9.\".?9"m,?.f.9 .d..... .,,,,-? dinner).
Students worl. in pairs, making a
suggestion about a place to go
Grammar . Although we can respond to The object of the activity is to find a
suggestions with or No, it's more Yes time when they are both free, and an
Aims polite to use one ofthe suggested activity they both wa¡t to do
Present and practice Let's ... / positive or negative responses in the
What about .. .? / Why don't we .. .? for chart.
I Further oradi(e
suggestions I Workbook puq.w¡s
6ra mma r reference {H&,#& ! nuitinon
Make and respond to suggestions

1 Grammar chart: suggestions and 2 Review and controlled practice of

responses (positive and negative) verb or -ing form after suggestions
. Look at the chart. . Crrc e the correct word.
. Check answe[s.
. We use Le¡3 .. . and Why don't we ...?
3 Controlled practice of
+ verb to make suggestions, e.g. Ler3
ga to the mov¡es. / Why don't we play
. Look ¿t the prctures and fi in the

. We use What about .. .? + -ing form

l¡ia n ks.

to make suggestions, e.g.What about

. Ch..ck a¡s\¡JeTs.
play¡ng tenn¡s?
Living English
Reading I


tee$ tt*ueEe i

Present and practice suggestlons in the

context of a teenage magazine problem
page Deor Morcio,
l'm fourfeen yeors old.l love bosketboll,
Reading skills: looking for key words and Deor Morcio,
ond l'm o good ployelThe problem
lhol my grodes ot school oren,t very good lm
sixel I¡ o good studenl. ond t,m very
phrases responsible.The problem? I wont o fottoo,
- ond now I con,t ploy on ihe schoot bul
my hote them. ond I con,t gel one.
bosketbo¡l teom. My porenfs wonl
oon ?orenls

Warm-up sfudy for my school exoms. qno

me to
noi ploy
t understond lheir problem.
hove ,olioos. Whof,s your odvice?
All my friends
boskelboll oll fhe time. Do you
Ask students what they do when they odvice?
hove ony Modison
Soli Loke C¡iy, Utoh
have a problem. Who do they talk to? Gregg
Son Luis Objspo, Cof ifornio
Do they ever read problem pages in
magazines or on the lnternet?

1 Global comprehension task (first

. Read the problem page and answer the
question. Deor Morcio,
. Check answers.
l'm q fifleen-yeorold g¡rl.
boy. Het sevenieen. He osked
I mei a reolJy cuie
me out, but my
poHts oren't hoppy becouse of my oge,
2 Reading skills: looking for key ,i,,,
My pqrents don,lL T
sixreen. I ,eorty rike i;is Doyr

know him. Whor con I do?

words and phrases Ariono
. Read the Reading skills box.
Birminghom, Alobomo
I Reading skills: looking for key words I

and phrases I
. Looking for key words and phrases
*eae§§rxg u;

' ir lhe te^ I he'p. :1 -dent . ,e r..d S nead the problem page. Where can you find
text like this?
Read again. C¡rcle T (True) or F (False).
rhe le'r mo eqri I r"^d fird rr.
1 Gregg is a very good student. T / F
a in a sports magazine 2
i comprehension answers more b n a teen m¿gaz ne 3
Gregg is on the basketball team now. T /
lvlarc a's

solutlon is for Gregg to study mo:.

! qulckly and accurately. c naschoolbook r'/ F

4 Ariana's parents don't know the seventee.'

ffi Look atthe Reading skills box. yeatrodboy.T/F
3 Detailed comprehension task néa*¡Ág ikiit; 5 [/]arcla thinks a group activlty is a good oe:
(second reading) r/F
Looking for key words and phrases
6 thinks Ar ana's parents are r ght. f
. . lvlarc a I

Read and isten to the prob em page When you answer comprehension questions,
7 N/lad¡son is angrywith her friends. T / F
find the wo¡d or the phrase in the text that
aqain and circle T or F next to the 8 Marc a thinks tattoos are a good idea T / t
tells you the answer.
. Compare answers with a partner.
. Check answers with the class.

I Further oractice
I Workbook pue.wto
A so*d ioear @&,
: i-,:-i ¡ ril (i Spexki;tg Making suggestions
Pronunciation: responding to suggestions
,;il ' ' t-isten and read (with rising or falling intonation)

). ñ) 1 Firstlistening @).8
I tdonl E . PIay the CD. Listen and read.
)--l think so. H

2 Presentation of pronunciation
point @2.9
. Look at the Pronunciation box.
. Play the CD.
. Listen to the examples.

i Pronunciation: responding to I

i suggestions


I . using appropriare intonarion helps i

l have a good
I students sound more natural, and
encourages people ro risten.
h á ti
voice goes up on posltive responses,
and down on negatlve resporses.

Listen to the students. What does Tom
Why not?
suggest theY do? ilr Because it's
. Play the CD again.
: study for the exams 0h,0K l,9br I want to
E ,aaÁ . Listen again, and repeat.
3 have a p¿rty
: qo to the mov es *i¡§ "
Loot at the Pronunciation box. Listen to
the examples. Then listen aga¡n, and repeat 3 Pronunciation practice @2.10
L¡sten again. Cir(le the correct word'
Loia th nks Tom's rde¿ s great / borin-9.
Fro¡runliation . Piay the CD.

2 And w¿nts to go to the amusement park / Write P for positive or N for negative.
0ur voice goes up ( ) on posit¡ve responses,
Lo a likes /
doesn't like the rides. and down ( -.) on negative responses.
. Check answers.
:1 Tom suggests 90 ng to the skating rink / Positive ....r Negative -..
movies. Audioscript
5 And th nks that's a good / bad dea. 1 Gir! Why dont we go to the coffee shop?
5 Lo a lvants to borrow money from Andi / Tom. Bey: I don't think so. I don't have any
L¡sten again. Fill in the blanks with the , l¡t,"n to the §uggestions and responses. money.
aorrect words. Write P for a posit¡ve response and N for a I Boy: What about going to see a movie?
1 Let's have a I negative response. Girl: Yeah, that's a good ldea. What's
2 \rvhy don't we 90 to the ? 1234 playing?
I What about gorng to the
.:i let's do i

(j Practice the dialogue in exercise 1.

3 Boy: Letl go to the skating rink.
Boy: But there are always a lot of people
6} Now change the words in . Write a new there. Let's not.
dialogue. Then practice the dialogue in class'
4 8oy Why don't we stay home and PlaY
computer games?
'*j ...'.]]': ':...' , 53
6irl: No way.That's boring!

4 Dialogue practice
T*m: OK. What about going to the skating . Practice the dialogue ln exercise 1.
nk o¡o L'e I 'o o as"ood Ás-dL ol'
&ndir Now thatt a good idea. Let's do thatl

. Listen to students'dialogues. Make

Aim sure they are using the correct rlsing
Listen to conversations and find specific L¡:ia: No wayL can't skate and don't have
intonation on questions.
information any rnoney. Why don't we iust go and eat?
Ton , bor'o,r .o-e nor')
¿ o.r. to
5 Dialogue personal¡zation and
1 Globalcomprehension of the To*: Oh, Lola, not again ...1
listening task (first listening) @2.7 . Change the words in blue and write
. 2 Detailed comprehens¡on a
Play the CD. Listen and choose the new dialogue in pairs.
of the listening task (second
correct answer. Check answers.
listening) @ 2.7 . Practice the dialogue wlth their

Audioscript . Play the CD aga n. Listen again. Ctrcle


Trm: So, no school, no more exams. Let's the corect word. Check answers. . Listen to students'dialogues. Make sure
have a party! they are using the correct intonation.
lola: No,Tom. That's boring. We alwaYs 3 Detailed comprehension of the . Ask stronger students to read their new
have a party after the exams. listening task (third listening) @ 2.7 dialogues out ln front of the c ass.
Andir Well, why don't we go to the
amusement park? .
P a)¿ the CD again.
Lrsten again and fi in the b anks.
Students'own answerS.
[ola: I don't think so. I don't like the rides. . Check ans\ryers.
They're scary a'd it's exper-sive.
Writing Wrltlng
Aim An e-mall to a friend
Write an e-mail to a friend ll nead eprilS e-ma:l to herfriend Holly. What
is it about?

1 Global comprehension of model ff rilt in the chañ with the informar¡on about " ,-J

writ¡ng text
. Read the e-mail quickly April

. What is it about? Suggestions Re¿sons

. Check answer. take bus to Chic¿go notfaÍalottado

Winter vacation
fnFfJEi¡ lots ofkids golhere;
go ice-sk¿tinq of the lake
The e-mail is about suggestions for il'e really tun
things to do when Holly comes to stay. goto oee Nhey live inYermont - Hi, Holly
granáparentg il's an amazingplae It's great that you're com¡ng to stay with
2 Detailed analysis of model You us for the winter vacation. I'm realiy
writing task Iooking forward to it!

Suggest¡ons Reasons
When you're here, let's take the bus
Fill in the chart with information about ¡nto Chicago for a day. li isn't far, and
April. there's a Iot to do. And why don't we
. Check answers. go ¡ce-skating on the ¡ake near here?
Lots of kids go there, and it's really

3 Preparation for personalized fun. Then whai about going io see my

grandparents? They live in Vermont. lt's
writing an amazing place.
. Fill in the chart with information about §§ ruow fill in the €hart with suggestions and
reasons to do things in or near your city.
See you soon!
things to do in or near your city.
. Check that students are completing the ffi Writ" an e-mail to a fr¡end making your
suggestions and giving reasons. Use the text
chart correctly. and the chart to help you.

Students'own answers. I can ..,

4 Personalized writing Match the sentence halves. ff Circle the correct verb.

. Follow the model writing text. Use your

Can I go shopping with Claudia? d,.,
Can Luke sleep over tonight? 4
1 Whv don't we6h/ ooino out?
2 Whal ¿bour have /6avindpizza To. oinner?
own information from the chart to 3 Can Beatriz come for lunch tomorrow? -?_-- 3 Lets(plaD/ plal['g soccer in the p¿rk.
change the text. 4 Can I borrow your English book? 9-, ¿ why don't weQ9/ doing our homewo.k
. Write your e-mail. a No wayl You have school tomorrow. now?
b Sorry. We're having lunch with your aunt.
fnfqñFrn c Sorry, but l'm readinq it.

Students'own answers. d Sure you can.

i , .on ::i< for prrnris:ion.

!can ... I Ves, t Gn. ' I need more practice, '

Check understandlng of can (permission)
and suggestions; self-assessment of own
. Students check (/) Yes, I can. if they
1 Self-assessment of can think they understand the vocabulary
(permission) or grammar well, or check (/) I need
. For items (1-4), students read the
mare pract¡ce. if they think they need
more practice.
sentences and match them with the
correct responses (a-d).
. lf students have chosen I need more

. Students check (/) Yes, I can. if fhey

pract¡ce., encourage them to review
these sections and to do more practice.
think they understand the vocabulary
or grammar well, or check (/) I need Furtherpractice
! Pairwork
more pract¡ce. if they think they need I -@.t@4
more practice. ! test .+a19g¡¿66
. lf students have chosen I need more
pract¡ce., encourage them to review
these sections and to do more practice.

2 Self-assessment of suggestions
. For items (1-4), students read the
sentences and choose the correct
a nSwers.
Unit summary

)obs: archite,ct, arttst, fashton destgner,

,t tto- ta,.,n-;;,.6r. pal:l:, ioT.,a.Par .l
Adjectives of opinion: awesame,
awiul, boring, delicious, disgusti ng,
fa ntastic, i nteresti ng, terri ble

wos / were
Ordinal numbers

Reading: an article about famous
people; an article about famous firsts;
using headings
Listening: Listening and identifying
specifrc infoi'mation in a hrstory talk
Speaking: Giving personal
lnformation; ¡h sound in ordinal
nu rn bers
Writing: Writinet a biography of
a famous person; dates and time
6 Frank
oyd Wr qht uras
7 Albert Einstein was a
.1eier'!EL, .,,,., 8
hcabulary , Agatha Christie was
. a
an ?t-e.f;.iú-es!,-,,,..... ..- .
wl$eL..... ......"........,.

fob§ Cross-curricular
$ <) loot atttre photos. Write the jobs. Then 5 She designs houses and museums. She's an
listen and €heck.
.4!c_lhite9l Sport
6 I work ln politics. l'm a P9li719i4l
7 fvy aunt paints and draws pictures. She's an
4!7i-s.7. .. ... ... .. ...... . Math
B His mom designs clothes and she makes
El Fill in the blanks with the words ¡n exercise l. perlumes. src', . fashion designe?
'l Istudy physlcs and I make imporlant Values and topics
§l Complete the sentences w¡th your favorite
discoverles about science. l'm a
person. Compare with a partner. Multiculturalism
2 He plays the guitar and he writes songs. He's a 1 94lv4dq1D4l! is my favorite artist. Human achievement
f'ryfli.c-i41...,, .......,,.,. 2 ., is my favorite fashion
3 I write books. I'm ¿ y.4I9| .. . d-"sig ner.

4 My dad invents things. He's an 3 - is my favorite musician.

irv.enw-r.,...".......,... ..
4 ,- is my favorite writeL


lntroducing the topic Newman Darby (born 1928) ls an 2 Vocabulary practice; exposure to
inventor, famous lor designing and vocabulary for jobs
buiding sailing boats. . Fill in the blanks. Check answers.
John Kennedy 0917 1963) was the

Aim 35th President olthe U.5.A., when he was 3 Personalization

Present and practice vocabulary forjobs
assass nated. . Complete the sentences with your
Frank Lloyd Wright (1867 1959) was favorite person.
Warm-up an American archltect. He is reqarded by . Compare answers with a partner.
Ask students to look at the photos. Ask rnany as the greatest American archttect
them ifthey know any ofthe people, or ol a time.
Students'own answers.
why they are famous. Albert Einstein (1819 1955) was a
German scientist. He s ca ed the "father of Extend your vocabulary
modern physlcs'l
basebali player composer exp orer
Pablo Picasso (l 88l I 973) was a Spanls¡ Agatha Christie (1890 1976) was a Brrtish movie director queen racing driver
artist. rnrriter. 5he v,,,rote detect ve nove s.
I$*rkb*ek paseW:a
Christian Dior (1 905 195/) was a French
fashion desicner. 1 Presentation of vocabulary set:
Jimi Hendrix (154) 19/0) was an jobs @2tt Further practice
Amercan muslc an. le was one of the . Look at the photos and wnte the lobs.
SJ*rkilt*k paqeWls

greatesl e ectrr. gultarlsts that ever ived. . P al,the CD. Liste¡ a¡d check.

Present and practice jol¡s ,",ocabu arv .,,:!,.i.:,:: : : ::.n!:'1.?r:!:.::-\

through a text about famous people Mortin Luther King wos

in in Allonto' Georgio
Pre-reading task ond o
He wos o Polilicion'
qreot leoder He wos very
Look at the pictures. Do you knor,v any ol
imoortont in the Africon-
the people? Americon fighl for
hurnon F¡ido Kohlo
wos born,n tgoT

ffi righls.
lilll"'1:" tr'r' M",¡.o si"

Martin Luther King (1929,1968) was a

mrnister ani a eader olthe American c vi EEffi
- a-
rg hts n'ovement.
Frida Kahlo (1907 1954) ,,vas a \4exican Gobrielle ,,Coco,,
;.i €
Chonel wos o
pa inter. ,usrilon des¡gner
She wos bo.. r
pots_ Fronce
in lgg3 She wos ,_e
Coco Chanel (l 883 I 97,1 ) rryas a French otreclor of the
Chonul aorn.,
fashion designe; famous for starting the t'rom tsos rnril
re)r ;#:"
design abel named after her. wos lomoJS then
fo. clo¡hes
peñume. ond jewe/ry
lan Fleming (,1908 1964) r¡¡as a Britlsh ¡omous lodqy.
ond ¡t,s si,rl

writer, famous for h s iames Bond

character. .'l

1 Matching (first reading) @2.12 Readlng

Play the CD. fomous
a lon Fleming wos o
lJ (l neaa ana lisren ro the biograph¡es.
wri'ter He wos born
in Londor
a Bead and iisten to the bloqraphles. Match the people with the jobs.
intheU'K in 1908 Thefomo":
Match the peop e and the jobs 1 [,4artin Luther KinS
\./-a fashion designt is lom':
chorocter in his books
2 Frida K¿hlo ---1/,-.b writer
a Check answers. 3 CocoChanel artif
4 lanFleming.J
-/\-c \d politician
2 Detailed comprehension task
ff Read the blographies aga¡n. comptete the

Read again. Write the name of the person.
(second reading) chart with informaüon in tüe text I il-e r,,¡s born I
o ff.o I -t^ b oo.¿pl .. d9o

. Complete the chart. 2 He was a famous leader.

. I l..: Me"rr,in Lq!her,K!!s.. .,.

Check answeTs as a class. I Krno oeOtAE
Il-_---- I 3 She was French.
| - |
3 Detailed comprehension task lr,,n".,n,n
l99@@- I,n
tMaco I 4

was British.
(third reading) lcococh"r"r
lw'r'a¡* | 'ruo les.Fle-,q!i¡e..,,,,. .,,
ll_l- 5 5he was the friend of writers and artists
. P..d l-.OOoOr_ o.d
. \,Vrlte the narre of the person. f ranrremrns luaeoueu'n I .tuu
. Check answers.
3 Grammar chartzwas lwere
(questions and short answers)
. Look at the chart.
. Look at the chart.

il Note:
-r ¿bout the past Was I a music a¡i Yes, I was. / i . We make questions with vvdi or were
No, I wasn't.
in the past simple, by changing the
_-- Look at the (hart. Were you an lnlentor? Yes, /
yoL were.
No, you weren't. position ofthe verb and subject:
musician. lwasn'ta
Was he / she / t n my Yes, he / she / lt was. i He was here. - Was he here?
lvas a mlSician. class? No. h€ i she i lt wasn't
: Were ¿¡ fve¡toL YoU weren't an inventor. Were /.e a tists Yp . A. were
Grammarreference ffi=
No, lve weren't.
: Sre lt was n my
1 He I She 1 lt wasn't in my
I :ii WeIe yo! rv€ntors? you were. i
4 Controlled practice of wos I were
No, you weren't.
: were artists. weren't
We artlsts.
Were they artists? i
they were. (questions and short answers)
were.' /ó1'ol OL weren't i1 ello,). they weren't.
Write questions and answers about
--:: were \fr teTs fhey weren't writers. wiiters?
Were they Yes, th€y were. / Althea Gibson.

No, the)r

Look at the timeline of

Check answers.
Pelé's professional life. Write questions and answers
Complete the sentences - about Althea G¡bson.

=- ,1 with the correct negative

or affirmative form of be. ;
Fast finishers can do Puzzle 6A on
page 87.
I* in .{ 1956 firstAfrican- t956, 1957, t958
1927 born
Clarendon Countyi=' \ American Grand winner of five
South Carolina, the U.S. Slam champion Grand Slam titles GianniVersace was an ltalian fashion
o l.- 02-. desiqner.
I bo 'L

first African American Grand S am Champion /

tn 1956 / ? 5 Personalization; oral practice
Graná Slam Chamoion in 1 956 of wos / were (affirmative,
questions, and short answers)
J .r n¡er of Gr"fo S
"m le n I 954 / . Students lvork in pairs.
1i7te iltl 9é!._""-.___.._._.___......... ...,." ." ..,.... .._?
. They take turns tc make sentences //

* ,ll-o,.-she-qae¡l! . . ask and answer questlors about ¿

famous person on the page.
W?sj1't born ln the U.S. pr¡zzle 6A .=-l
1 Pelé page 87 '
2 ln 1 958, Pelé and the Brazilian national team
w---e""Ig ln Sweden.
+v*sltyql¡l Extra activity (all classes)
ln 1962, Pelé y!.?P.. .. ..... in the World Cup
in Chile. Think of a famous person. Give three clues to Further pract ce of was / 1,,¡ere (affir¡ratlve,
Pelé and the Brazilian team w_e-r¿_n'ü - in Chile the class. Can the class guess the person? questions, and short answers)
for the Wodd Cup jn A:
Pelé Me in the
United States from
Student She was born in
She was Mexican.
1 907. she was an artis
. Students play a game guess ng true or
1975-1977. Student B: Was she Frida Kahlo? faise facts about other students.
Pdé Y4e!"f. in the World Cup in 2010.
StudentA: Yes, she was. lt's Vour turn.
. Students write frve sentences - three
true and tr,vo false osinq was / were,
e.q. I utas born in 1994. lt,ly grandfather

'¡¡os a famous actor.

. l¡ pairs, stude¡ts read out their
ór rót ó. O.a.l OLI er o-dg a,
1 Grammar chaftiwas I were
(affirmative and negative) whrch are true and which are fa se.
Aims . Look at the chart.
I Further practi(e
Present and practice was / were I Wotkbtok pageWlg

(affirmative and negative, questions, and Note: I muttiR*m

short answers) . The affirmative past tense of be is was
Talk about the past (singular) and were (p ura ).
. The negative past tense of beis was
not (wasn't) ln the singular or were not
Edison "Edson" Arantes do Nascimento, (weren't) in the p ura .

best known by his nickname Pelé (born

Glammarr*ferexe paqeWST
1940) ls a former Brazl lan footbal er. ln his
career, Pele won Ihree Wor d Cups playlng
for Brazi , and ho ds a record of scorrng 2 Controlled practice of was / were
1,281 goa s in 1,363 matches. (affirmative and negat¡ve)
Althea Gibson (1927-2003) was an . Look at the tlr¡e ine.
American tenn s player. She was the first . Fl in the blanks.
Afric¿n Amerlcan woman to win the . Check ans\¡,/eTS.
Grand S am title, in 1956.
Itul Building the topic
;§::+E:1ii;ii lri

Look at the adjectives in the box. What do
Present and practice vocabulary for
they mean ¡n your language? L¡sten and repeat
adjectives of opinion
Ta k about oprnions awesome awful boring del cious
disgusting fantasttc interest ng terrlb e

Look at the photos, and complete the
Ask students What are your favorite comments with an adjective f rom exercise 1.
I'm eating snails
for the first time oE
memoiles of the past? Why are they
vacation in paris.
favorite memories? How do you record your Mmm. (5)
memories - do you k.eep a journal,.or write Here I am on my fourth visit (Evan, Stochholmt
to the Tower of London. It
abaut them in a notebook? ! Comment: Thats
was so (I) . zzzzt i grossl Snails are
(Damon, Londoni
Comment: I love the Tower § them. O (Eduardo
The Tower of London is a building ln of London. It s really Mexico Ci¡r-¡
centra London, which, in ts history, has (z) lrt.:;,.:¡-:,,,,..O
bo- U .O tS , d Oá ¡. ó p.;. lle *OO
(Jin-woo, Seoul)

and a prison. lt r,vas bullt in 1078 and is the

horne of the Crown .lenrels - a co ectlon This is a Picture of me :i

of crowns and other royaljern;elry. t is on mY last school trip i

Ir was (5,
one of London's most famous lourist (Stefano srh grade) :
¿ttra ctio ¡ s. Comment: That isnl :
truel I uas there' The trip
I Presentation ofvocabulary set: was(6):'r : t'ut
rhe ileather wasn't! @ ii
adjectives of opinion @ 213 (Grace. 8'i grade)
. Read the words in the l¡or

. Translate l:hem in your o,iln language.

Here I am on the Train
. Play the CD C¡rcle the correct word. the second trme. It was
of Terror for
. Liste¡ and repeat. 1 Tl^e food aL was@árcr-rcp/ boring
rhe ,partvj..----
lcasper yiam,,
Comment: No rt wasn.t.
2 vJckl This pasta isqi:gl:lDgyfant¿stic. (A) It was
2 Vocabulary practice: exposure to 3 I love the shrek movidlÍ-lreyre@l I(your sister. ivrami)
awf ul.
adjectives of opinion + this is a6iiiilñrterrible book. tts a reatty
. Look at the photos. oood stortr
. ComQ ete the cornnaents [/ith the
5 i¡" ur,.rr"r. i, u u"ry@l Look at the s¡tuations below. Give your
delicious building. opinion. Compare with a partner-
adject ves i¡ exercis.. l. 6 Look at those shoest they took@l I You are eat ng sfa s for the first time
. f heck ansr'!eTs disgusting. 2 You don't like your best fr end's nerv boots.
7 N,4y mo- th ils s( elce 'ictior mov es ¿re 3 You hate shopp ng Your fr ends want to go
delicious 266ñ-ñ
3 Vocabulary pract¡ce and
8 Don't read thliñagazine article. tttG'fu/ 4
the m¿ll
You are read nq a new book. You aren't
extension awesomel e¡joy ng t.
. Circle the corre¡t r,vord
. Check a nswers.

4 Vocabulary practice:
personalization Extra activity (stronger classes)
. Look at the situations. Revrew and practice adjectives of opinron
. Cive your opinion. Use a word from . Write the following on the board:ed¡lng
exercise 1. AA1A d, r L:nA . Otd , ir r..^q O^ A
r .
t --ll,r .'1 i[-o"'t. hot day, doing lots of homevyork, runntng
o race, going on vacotton, watchtng a
t.:-il]:--15 love story movie, qettinq zera tn a test,
wltch¡ng a horror movie.
t.",rd y"*r"."b,rl*y . Ask students to write a sentence !
disappointing exciting exhausting wrth an adjective of opinion for each
romantic scary surprlsing one, e.g. lt\ (bonng / fantasttc /
ry'T:il . ILdorl orrpa c o (,Ae > r pd .
I Further
I U¡orKFooK p¿gew4o

I l,,tultr*oitt
4 Further practice of ordinal

One of a kind ( numbers
. Look at the picture and write the
o, !i Look at the picture. Wr¡te what position ttre- posltions of the people.
people are ¡n.
. Compare answers in pairs.
: :::-: :¡e order of thinqs . Check answers as a class.
-, -: rk at the chart.
@ PAGE 87

. lstfrst lleleven lltheleventh Fast finishers can do Puzzle 68 on

2!d serond I 2 tw-e ve 1 2th :we fth page 87.
.: lrd th rd l3 rhift€en 13th ihirteerth
: 1¡fiolrth 4 foliteen
1 1 4th fourte""nth fnEñEln
: 5rhÍfth l5ffreen l5thffte€nrh 1 terrible
6lh slxth 6 slxteen
. :-

7ti se!'enth l7 seventeen lTth

1 6th srxteenth
2 fantastic
o e91rl 8aq"""1 3."g1,""r,t 3 boring
: 9th n nth 19 n neteen lgth n neteenth
: 'l1f tefth 20 twenty 20th twe¡t eth
4 interesting
30 thlrry 30th thiüieth
40 fory 40th fortieth
100 ¿ h!ndred 100th h!fdredth
5 Personalization;written
T;¡*¿* gp$teF
practice of ordinal numbers and
1 are.giM\ ¡!Ú! adjectives of opinion
I - = 21st=
Sally and Joe
in line. -
-- = 22nd = Students number the order ofthe
t1 -ast means
2 Abdul is -!fud,,--,,,--,,- in line.
: ,',as my day at my old school. 3 N/aggie is -f,9tr.f!"e-,9-n-t-h. in line. sports from 1 (most liked) to 7 (least
4 Maxis ?p"!""?.I!.!"...._. in line. liked).
Wr¡te the numbers in words. 5 Cath and Adam are ,yqlf,üi- and
They take turns to read out their
'125rh tye!u:!!tí\ _ -lh-ir?e-e¡lll, i n I ¡ n e.
order, using ordinal numbers as in
2 seth eishüJ-1t!t!!L' _,, ,
6 Lori is first in line.
3 76th .9.9Y-e,--r,!,:-oi-Y:h""..."..... the example.
4 63rd .,?!¡.ty*hird...........-...-. Puzzle
68 '''l:l Find out how many students have
5 goth !.lwiÉt]1 page 87'
6 47th tp,rtl:e_e,_r-pl_t,\.
7 sSth -tjfr".y:e,9hIh....-.-..

L the same sporting likes and dislikes.

I31st lhi¿Y-f¡rq! - {"ávgr "

q_}u .

s 22nd 7.!!-9!AÉ99914 Put the sports in order from most popular (first)
to least popular (seventh) for your class. Read
Circle the correct word.
1 lt was his leAtr-ó/ two birthdav
your order to the class. Who agrees with your
2 He i'@;ffi-/thirtv-seconá years olci
i I ng golf
b¿seba b¿sketba car rac
3 She wasn't the winner, she was ¡n three / hockey tefn s soccer
4 lt was he. twelve l@ffi§birt'Oay. Student A:
5 there are6¡/ six*riiopláin my family.
6 He was the(§)/ one man in space. Student B:
7 I was in Greece when I w¿s(I4)/ second

vears old.
s irris is tne,@/ four ftoor

tE:¡*g¿*¡¿§r";¡¡L&i¡ii 59

I . *. use ordinal numbers in dates, I

I e.g.Junef¡fthNOrJtr:efive.)

I W. otten use /osr to mean final, and

Present and practice ordinal numbers I
second last to mean penult¡mate.
r I

Bank sports ln order ol popu arity l*'i11"11:i" l

I Grammar chart: cardinal and 2 Review and controlled practice

ordinal numbers of ordinal numbers
. Look at the chart. . Vr/r te the numbers i¡ r,vords.
. Cl¡eck ar'ls\'\iars.

3 Further controlled practice of

ordinal numbers
. Most ordinal numbers are made by . Circle the correct word.
adding th to the numbe¡ with the . Check answers
exceptlons of one (fi rst), two (second,
three (third),five (f¡fth), eighr (eiqhth),
twelve (twelfth).

Present and practice ¡rtas / ntere and C,Y
ord nal numbers ¡n texts about famous
peop e
Reading skills: using headings to help you

u¡dersta¡d what a sect on of text is about

Books closed. Ask students ifthey know 'POBTÍ
Uso¡n Boll wos the f¡rst
othlete to sei lhree world
the fo owing information: records ot on Olympic FTIGHT
Gomes. ln 2008, he wos the The firsl successful flioht of o pi:
the first man in space (,'itLri Gagorin) winner ond record holder wos in 1903. The fl¡ghi wos 37
for the 100 ond 200 meter
the first rnan to walk on the moon (A/eil melers ond the pione wos ¡n ih:
roces ond the 4 x 100 meler for iwelve seconds. lhe p¡lols v,:
Arrnstronq) reloy roce with thre other Orv¡lle ond Wilbur Wriqh'i.
when the flrst successful airplane flight ln 1932, Amelio Eorhortwos lh:
Dot¡ ¡¡ l::' a.. .::: : :' womon to fly ocross the Atloni :
u;as (190J) ¿nd who the pilots were (the wDJnci
wull ! :a
! ."
., a t.
.: Oceon oione. She wos in ihe c
V/right brothers) fOCe ,n i¡i,! t:-::r : filteen hours! ln l935, she wos
-. t:.
,_ _

r0crnc in 2¡,:.a fírst person to fly olone from L.:

the flrst woman to fly across the At antic \¡ros i,r i,ia-::. _ _-: : - Angeles lo Mexico City.
Ocea¡ a one (Amelra Earharü 2009.sn:,.:t:-'.t -':
indicilr: :,: :::
Pre-reading task
Look at the tltle and the photos. Do ¡rou
recognrze any of the people? Compare
rn/ith a part¡er. Look at the title of the article and the
photos. Do you recognize any of these
M people? What were they famous for?
Read the article. First, f¡nd the correct
Usain Bolt rs ¿ Jamalcan sprinter. F-le w¿s Look at the Reading skills box. sect¡on. Then answer the questions.
born in 1986. Fle is the O ympic champion 1 Who was the first woman to walk ln space?
,l00 5o¿cet )t¿tiar , 9avita¡,2t.
in the m, 200 m, and 4 ri O0 m relav
2 When was the flrst man in space?
Headings help you understand what a section it:,:::apr;l |¿ . i9á"
Danica patrick, o- a .to.r o..¿ ,.g of a text
¡s about.
3 How long w¿s the first plane flight?
Flia'¡ t,w1-vú tacaada
drver. She was born in l9B2. The "lndy Look at the headings in the art¡cle. Now read
. :

(lndianapolls) 500'' is a 500 mlle car race 4 Who were the pilots of the first flighi?
the questions below. Which section do you
held annually in lndiar¡a, ln the U.S.The need to read to find the ¡nformation?
5 How long was the f rst fl ght Lry a uiomar
event started in I 91 I ,A,l- o .r ,- -
acrossthe Atlaot.?
rL 2 Who w¿s the f:rsr ath ete rc set tIree ,,tor d
SvetlanaSavitskaya o .'o,
,l948. " O.^.oc _"^..- o A..1 .\d.Ió,.-(oo g, ,o--o,a .

.osmonaut. 5he was born ln rA6.^ ¡a ,

to Vlexrro Crty?
Yuri Gagarin (1931-1968) was a Russian
O-OIoU oad¡lo-¡ I ¡o . Qd .

Orville (1871-1948) and Wilbur il 8ó7-

1912) Wright were American brothers
Amelia Earhart (1897,193/) was an ReadinS skills: using headings 3 Detailed comprehension task
i (second reading)
Americ¿n avtator. She went rn ss ng durrnq
| . Headinqs are briei summaries of the
a flight in I937, and was declared eqally
II contenrs of a oaraqraph or secLion . Re¿cl ¡r¡i iisre¡ io the ¿riicle aqain ar -
dead two years later. ._ srswer tne qr:estions.
or Lexr.
I. . Lompare ¿¡s!1jers with a partfer.
1 Global comprehension task I Reading the headings befo.e readirg
. Look at the tltle of the artic e and the I the rexr wilr help you unde.srand . f hecr artswe[s wrth the c ass.

photos I whaL each section of text is abo.rt.

Further practice
. !
Ask students fthey recognize any of . Look at the headings. I !'i*f¡{bü+k pagew42

the people What were they famous for?

. Read the questions.
. Check answers.
. Write the section where vou can find
2 Reading skills: using headings; the information.
global comprehension task (first . Check answers.
. Read the Readlng ski ls box.
2 Detailed comprehens¡on
of the l¡stening task (second
Iisteníng) @2.15
. Piay the CD aqain
q .
Listen agarn. Circle the correct a¡swer
Check answeTS.

4 3 Deta¡led comprehension
of the listen¡ng task (th¡rd
listening) @2.15
. P ay the CD again.
When's your . Llsten again and fi I in the l-. anks.
er 30'h. l'm
. Ch-.ck answers
years old,

Where were you

F born, Toni? I I was bor¡
ú ¿ Aims

Giving personal information
i!! ("- Pronunciation: fh sound
When's your 1 Firstlistening @216
51i. t',m
a P av the CD.
Guess the answers to these quest¡ons.

years old.
Then listen to the radio show and cherk. a Llsten and re¿d.
r 1 What is the connection between these
two men?
Look at the Pronunc¡ation box. Listen to
the examples" Then listen aga¡n, and repeat.
2 Presentation of pronunciation
a sport b po rtrcs c fllght point @217
2 What do they both have?
a an Olympic medal . Look at the Pronunciatton box.
b a wife named M chelle Most ordinal numbers end in the "th" sound. . PaytheCD
c a Nobel Peace Pr ze November thirtie
March fifteen
. Listen to the examp es.
Llsten again, Circle the correct answer
'l Pronunciation: fh sound
Ne son Mande a was born on luly 18ih / 8th
Listen. Circle the number you hear Then i
2 The first elections for black South African
people were in 1gg¡./ l3g3.
l¡sten again, and repeat
. In .uny languages, the th sound
3 Mandela was president for five! /fifteen yeare.
twelve / twelfth
I doesn't exist, and some students will
Barack Obama was born n Hawaii / Houston.
He wd' oorn on A .gu{ 14 / 4'h
s¡xty-six / sixty-sixth
twenty / twentieth
I need help making the sound.

6 He s the 40th/44ii presdent of the U.5. 4 hundred / hundredth

5 four I fourth
. Play the CD again.
L¡sten again. Fill in the blanks with the . Listen again, and repeaL.
,-., Practice the dialogue in exercise 1.
correct year.
I \e .or M"ade
" wó oorr ir * Now change the words in . Write a new 3 Pronunciation practice @2)8
2 Nelson Mandel¿ was president unt I
d¡alogue. Then practice the dialogue in class. . Play the CD.
J B"rd(t Ob¿T¿ w¿) oor- tl
4 Barack Obama was the w nner of the Nobel . Circle the number you hear.
Pe¿ce Pnze rn
. Play the CD again.
. Listen again, and repeat.
4 Dialogue practice
black African president of South Africa. o Practice the dialogue in exercise I with
There were elections in South Africa in a partner.
Aim 1994. These were the first elections for
. Listen to students'dialogues. Monitor
L sten to a history radio show and find black South Africans. After those elections,
their pronunciation of fh.
specrtic informatton he was the president. He was president of
South Africa until 1999. That's flve years! 5 Dialogue personal¡zation and
1 Global comprehension of the ln 1993, he was the winner of the Nobel practice
listening task (first listening) @ 2.15 Peace Prize. Even today, people say he was
. Change the words in blue and write
. Read the quest cns and guess the a brilliant politician.
new dialogue in pairs.

Barack Obama is the first African-American

a nSwers.
. Practice the dialogue with their
. Play the CD
president of the U.S. He was born on
August 4th, 196,1 in Hawaii, and he is the
. Listen and check . Listen to students'dialogues. Monitor
44ü U.5. pres¡dent. He is also the first U.5.
president born in Hawaii. Before he was their pronunciation of ¡h.
&adio show hast: Today on The History Show
president, he was a lawyer. ln 2009, he was fllB[[fr:R
we conttnue to ook at famous firsts. We're the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. What Students'own answers.
looking at two famous po rt cians and their an achievementl
fantastic achievements in the wor d of 5o, there you are: two amaz¡ng and very I Fufther oractice
politics. interesting politicians! On next week's I urrtinom'
Let's look at Ne son Mandela first. He was
programme ...
Round-up Round-up

Look at the Writing skills box.
Write a blography of a famous person
W"iring skills: dares and time expressiors

@ We use dates and time expressions to make

the order of events clear.
AndyWarhol (1928 1987) was an Dates:

American artist. He is considered by many Time express¡onsl

to be the greatest Amer,can pop artist or

Now read the biography. Circle the dates and
alltime. born on Auts:,6:h';1':::::
i" i" ts ui''"*
time expressions. lfarhol

1 Writing skills: dates and time Fill ¡n the chart w¡th information about :::ffi
'''ilffi * *':

artisr His art is "pop

Andy Warhol.
IIJ;,;;;;; a tamous

I:il itii Popurar to'Iay

. Read the Writing skills box. Date and time Event "iirr,erv
at the Carnegie
\1arhol sas an art student
in Pittsbursh' Iriq nrst
:onAugu7l6'h,1928 wagbñl ;::i'*;;; ;;.t,orosv
Writing skills: dates and time in thc Huso Ganery
in \es \ork
eüllpoVlae :T;;;;;; ""' old
expressions toáay he was 2I vearr
:]lt',r.t,i.;" in 1e52 uhen $ith other arti:ts sN
. l.lse dates and time express cns to in 1952,whenhewae
hisñÉráol@ e*úbilbn ;;'it;;.;'' 6rst exhibition \ork'
make the order of events c ear, 24yeareold ]lodern Art in New
'",i"ii,t"" "t
hisñr€terdt,üiti,nyit;rt people and
. We say on )uly 2''0, but ln luly, and ln in 1955 o¡he¡arllálÉ Hi\ paintings are
pictures of popular
rresret's rat:
980. Vieotpinütlg,w :;;;; '-t;;;', " tlonroe's race' the prite of hr'
:ff"r;t'ano rood cans tn l963
in 1963 $lOOtttilliort
Ilriser was Sl00 million'
. Read the biography. loday lwoñu*uñe or,rU"t
''r't rrl arhol \lu:eums: or
. Circle the dates and times.
Todal , there are tso '\nd¡ ,l!¡l

. §t Now make notes about a famous person you like. in-p"nn'l lt "n¡u' "nd
one in Slor akia'
Check answers.
Wr¡te the biography of the person in exer(ise 3
2 Detailed analysis of model Use the text and chart to helP You.

writing task a
. Fill in the chart with information about
Andy Warhol.
. Check answers. .__ Complete the sentences with was, lvere, --. Circle the correct word.
- i"i',, moiher s forty / fortieth
wasn't, or weren't yeatr o d.

3 Preparation for personalized

2 lr \!¿s my fourteenth / fourteen b rthd¿y
) '.-..
writing 3 AEath¿ C'r si e :ri a' = .' '. 3 l"ly s Ster was born on the eleven / eleventh
. Make notes about a famous person you wt teis
of l!ne
]uan wasthree/third n the race.
I o.oC
I ¿ p¿ nÉ:e. .::.-
Use the chart for ideas.
: Yes, I I need more Practice.
Check that students are completlng the ves, I can. ' laed ao " p' cl ci
notes correctlY.

Students'own answers.

4 Personalized writing . Students check (/) /es, /con. it thev . lf stLrdents have chosen I need mc-tre
. Follow the model writing text and the think they understand the vocabulary pta tiCp.,.'Corrrooe rier Lo re ie¡
chart. Use your own notes to write or grammar well, or check (/) I need these sectlons and to do more practice
about a famous person You like. mare pract¡ce. if they think they need
furttrer pract¡ce
. Write your biography. nnore practice. I
I Pairwork pages'll8-119

filtrñIlrln . lf students have chosen I need more

é,lcoLrdge 16¡ 6 'g ic,^/
I f*tt page5 98-99: 106

Students'own answerS. pra t,,-e ,

---.e s. tions ¿rd lo do . orQ Q oct.e

1q*t§ ¡e1
2 Self-assessment of ordinal
Aims numbers
Check understanding of was / were and
. For items (1 4), students read the

ordinal numbers; self-assessment of own sentences and comp ete then¡ with the
progress correct answers.
. Studentscheck(/) Yes, lcan.if lhey
1 Self-assessment oÍ was I were think they understand the vocabu ary
. For items (1-4), students read the or grarnmar we , or check (/) I need

sentences and complete them with the mare proct¡ce. if they think they need
correct answers. more practice.
f, Requests
to go
lfl caDulary Jobs

the blanks with the jobs. Adjectives of opinion

frestt EB F¡ll in
1 An iI-Y""e'|1}"o"-r,",,,,,,,,,,, lnvents thlngs.
Mat(h the verbs with the expressions.
2 An ú*."."".."""..."..."....",. paints pictures.
1 borrow :- á a new cell Phone
b a s eepover 3 A4??tgryr.. designs c othes.
2 buy- 4 Awugi!4| ,- works in poltics. can (requests and permission)
3 drive c a tattoo
d 5 Anardtif.":fr,,,,,., , designs Suggestions
4 dye- some money from somebody
5 get- e myhar was / were
f 6 A W¡Igr..... ............. wrltes books.
6 have the c¿r
7 A*i9ú?,1,,. ,....,,. d scovers new Ordinal numbers
things about science
8 Aflr.EiSi_4.n.. , ".. . .. .. can p ay, sing,
_ Look at the p¡ctures. Write the places and write music. Study skills
Adiectives of opini Learning from your mistakes
@ Replace the words in lue with the oppos¡te
words below.
[, awesome delicious ffitrd€ interestinq Writing about your hero
Those shoes look teribie. 1?Il
N/mm! That pizza smells disgu
This book is very boring. !!14._!
The new James Bond movie is

con (requests and perrn¡ssl
lf complete the questions. use 6an

1 9?.1.!?:Í4v".q. late? (l ,/ stay out)
2 C4y J1t11t.\ dinner with us?
(Juan / have)
3 c..9!l'!!.epyy .... a neww?(we/buy)
L C.al.l4tye (t/ dye)
my h¿ir blue?
-. 5 Catli:!9AndNb,e,lp,lay.
(Luis and Abel / play)
in my room?

6 ca!..1,d!!1,9,,, , - , -, your new car?

(l / drive)


3 Review of vocabulary set: jobs

. F in the b anks.
Aim . Check answers.
Prese¡t and practrce vocab!lary for
iequests, places to go, joos, adjectives of 4 Review of vocabulary set:
opinion adjectives of opinion
. Write the opposites
1 Review of vocabulary set:
. Check a¡swers.

. M¿tItLo o,O 1¡t r-o.,po.ior

. Check ¿nswe[s.
1 Review ofcon (requests and
2 Review of vocabulary set: places
to go
o 6^ pl.¡.-leq.o5r;6,..
. Look at the pictures.
. Check answers.
o Write the places.
. Check ans\ryers.
2 Review of suggestions ?Á-
aqg§; -Revietñ/
Circle the correcl word. !IÉ¡
a Check a nswers. §uggestions Ordinal numbers
3 Review of was / were A circle the correct word. @ took at the schedule for the soc€er team
1 Ler's@§/ going ro a mov e ronighr. Henry's Heroes.fhen write the dates in
a Fil in the b anks. 2 whaimout have 16il¡n-óa partv'or (erry¡ words,
Cl¡eck ansvvers. 3 Why don't we@§/ going to the coftee snop?
4 Wh¿t aooLr *altcfr l@iñlñDa DVD ronight?
1occer four: APril / MaY
4 Review of ordinal numbers 5 tet's@eat¡ng n uGltood resl¿Lrdnl

a Look at the schedule for the soccer

tea rn.
Why don't we@/ driv¡ng to the new
shopping mall tomorrow?
"''r- ADr'l2f'
M¿\i¿o JolÉ¿a
Write the dates in words. was / were Arue nl ina, I I Ma nufrenré)
Check answers. ),i,nlr*' or", M?rapolia.o
ADdl va
@ filt in ttre blanks in the conversation about
Jia's vacation. Use the correct form of the ll, iio, u,'""'¿adf*n Maruo MaY I
Study skills simple past of óe: affirmative, negative, or

Learning from your mistakes

It very important to make students
aware of their most common mistakes
An Aptll ?:eY-e-fteen!h. .. .
in Brazil.
on April n!!el9"Ci1-¿-h.
... .. , he was

, he was
as they can learn a lot from their rn Uruguay.

On fi/ay Ififd . , he was
in Peru.
on April !wel-t"J:fll5! , he was
1 Error correction: awareness in Mexico.
. Read through the instructions with on npril lhirutelh , he was
n Colombia.
the students.
. Elicit or write the mistakes students
AWI ?W9.17y":?-9,c-9ld , he was
in Argentina.
often make on the board: spelling,
grammat word orde¡ and using the
wrong word. Learning from your mistakes
. Go through the examples and ask You can learn from your mistakes. Find the problem and
try again!
students to correct the mistakes in
each one.
Jannie: Where (1) W?!Lyou last week. Jia? O Coilect the mistakes below. Then tabel them:
. I (2) W"l9-,,,,,, in China with my family. lt grammar, spelling, wrong word, or word order.
Ask them to identiry and label the (3) !-v.e,9,-.- really cool!
spellinq : I reallv lik this sono! like
mistake - spelling, grammar, word . : Let's g€iñg to the mall. g-o-,
Jannie: (4) W9,!:9 you in Beijing?
Yof-4.?l¿?! : l-mhaveasleepove¡ please?
order, or using the wrong word. Jia: No, we (5) lrerelt . We (6) were in
Harbin most of the time. lt (7) wa5 nr9-!9u¡914" -: I wai+ to the library every day
2 Error correction: self- really interest¡ng, but the weather after school. 6Q

assessment (8) !.L2fl-t- very sood. ln fact, it @ fook at the corrections on a piece of
. Ask students to find similar mistakes
(9) !!49 terible! homework. Rewrite the parts that have
problems. Now give yourself a score on a scale
in their own recent homework and to of 1-10.
correct th-óm. 6 ra m Spelling:
. Students evaluate their own work,
Word order: Wrongword: -,_

based on how many correct¡ons they

had to make (i.e. a low mark for a low 64 &s,i&il¡¡¡ü
number of errors in a section).

I turther practice 1 Reading 3 Preparation for writing (second

! uuttinou' . Read the profile. task)
. Match the headings to the paragraphs. . Use the headings in exercise l.
Froject 3 ¡jF#,@¡ . Check answers. o Write notes about your hero under eacl-
Aims ÁI TI¡r.tr ,,Lqu,, ,Y.

2 Family 3 School and college fNBETfit:r

Read a profile of a famous person
4 Career Students'own answers.
Research and write about your hero
Give a preserration ¿bouL a he.o 2 Preparation for writing (first task) 4 Writing and presentation
M . Work in pairs. Make a list of people you . Write about your hero.

Alexander McQueen was a British fashion

admire - think of wriiers, musici¿ns, . Add photos ifyou can.
artists, desig ners, world leaders, I nventors. . Talk aboutyour hero to the class.
designer who worked as chief designer
. Use the ideas in exercise 2, or your own.
Givenchy, and later started his own label, flltilr¡TrEt
Alexander McQueen. He won four Britlsh
. Choose someone to write about.
Students'own answers.
Desig ner of the Year awards (1 996, 1997 , . Ask What do you know about this
2001, 2003) and was weil known for his person? Why is he / she your hero? What Project extension
lavish, unconventional, often shocking more can you frnd out about the person? . lf you have the faciiities, ask students i:
runway shows. His designs were popular fmill!fitr post the¡r profiles of their heroes ontc
with many celebrities. He died in 2010. your class or school website.
{"ün§t suÉnmary
Kinds of music: ..Gr . a, . . .' ..) a
pap, rap, reqqúe, rock,soLt!
Musicaf instruments: ba:,s, Cr,.t ms,
lntroducing the g u ita r, keybaatd, pi a n o, soxopl'ta n e,

't t"'Dl_\ ^1,

Simple past regular verbs
.r.?> ;. I
. 1, Simple past irregular verbs
FIil 4 Bob N,4arley (affirmative)
4.-**: 2 Dlzzee Rasca
rq"P". ","",_^__^" )

Reading: Pe¿o rg d I-.,- ol o-T

different kinds of musrc and musicians;
a text about Habbo, a vii'tual r,vorld;
CéI: 1O rhó O.r.r"l .d-¿
Listening: Listenrn,3 and dentrlying
specific informatlon rn a conversation
Speaking: -oll r g abou' aLr . ii' ;r
lre (¿.,: Oo ' oa e /-^di^9'
\ Writing: llriirng a profile of your
favorte band
6 André Rieu 8 Sheryl Crow
Vocabulary classical K ngs of Leon
.. iali rrli il¡1L:::1i' Music
{§ l;) t-abet the photos with the words below. 4 We were af a .c-1.?.??lc-4! music concert last Computer science
Then listen, check, and repeat. niqht. lt was fantastic.
5 I listened to c9l!t!!ly music for the first
r ó.\r(d ,o-, lr) ¿1r poo rao 'e99ae
tlme yesterday. Values and topic§
'ocl, so¡l 6 My besl frend loves soul rusic. Multiculturalism
7 "What kind of music is that?"
q,) Lir,"n and fill in the blanks with the kinds
MU5 C.,,
Popular culture
of music you hear. B I played a .ll?- song for my parents Famous people
I lrsien to music on m¡/ MPi player yesterday. They hated itl
every day Human achievement
2 My grandfather was from New Orleans. He § Writ" r"nt"nces about the music that you
loved mLs c. like and don't like. Give a reason.
3 Kana watched the music awards
o¡ TV ast n ght

ü;§4ffi§Ílú*Éii¡ii¡a¡¡i** os

lntroducing the topic Demi Lovato (born 1992) is an Anrerlcan

pop singer and actress.
2 Vocabulary practice; exposure
to vocabulary for kinds of
Bob Marley (1945 1981) was a lamaican music @).2a
singer-songwr ter a¡d musician. He ls best . Play the CD.
Aim - -A 'O,i.r-qgd-r (,. . Fill in the blanks. Check answers.
Present and practice vocabulary for kinds Estelle (bor¡ ls a Brltish soul singe;
of music most famous for her song Amencan Boy. 3 Personalization
André Rieu (born 1949) is a Dutch . Write sentences about the music that
Warm-up vio in st, conductor, and composer. you like and don't liLe. Cive a reason.
Ask students to look at the photos. Ask Kings of Leon ¡re an Amerlcan rock band Compare with a partner.
what kinds of music they like, and whether Sheryl Crow (born 1962) ls an Amerlcan ññrilr+ar
they know any of the bands and musicians country srnger. students'own answers.
in the photos.
1 Presentation of vocabulary set: j Extend your vocabulary
kinds of music @2.19

Louis Armstrong (1901 1971) was an

i folk g'u¡qe hip l-op 'ock and roll
. Label the photos rnrith the words from I Workbook priew++
American jazz trurnpeter and singer.
the box. | -**_ __-_-- -_ _*_-__,__
Dizzee Rascal (born 1985) is a Brltish
. P ay the aD.
. Lrsten, check, and repeat.
I Furtherpractice
I Workbook paeiwa+
Exploring the topic

Present and practlce vocabulary for kinds
of music through texts about famous
musicia ns tü,
Pre-reading task
Look at the photos. Do you know any of
the people? NAP
Eminem is a famous
rapper, but rap started

The Rolling Stones are a Britlsh rock ñ when Eminem was very
younq. The Fatback Band

U2 are an lrish rock band (lead singer ¡f
Bono), formed lrt 1976. E 'fl

ArethaFranklin d.^.rp..d . g.r.


born ln I942. 5he is know¡

of Sou '1
as "the Quee¡
"The oueen of

Soul" was Arettlz J
Alicia Keys American singer, born in 0 a» *""0 and listen to the article.
is ¿n
Complete the chart.
Franklin. She
influenced manl
Jay-Z ts an American rapper, born ln 1969. Mu¡íb
luodedt tand /
sinqer ..
band / sinoer
of today's soul
Eminem American rapper and record

is an roak U2 fhe Rolling

producer, born in 1972. Stones

The Fatback Band is an Amercan funk ra? Eminem fheFa¡baak

and dlsco band, which \¡/as very popular n
soul Alicia Keye Aret,haFranklin
the 1 970s and 1 980s, and ls attributed for
creating rap mus c.

1 ldentifying (first reading) @2.21 @ neaO again. Match the sentence

a Plav the CD 1 The Rolling Stones became !
a Read and listen to the artlcle
2 U2 helped f
a Complete the chart.
Rap started ,?,
Eminem was seven years old -9-- g Are the sentences True or False? Correct the false senten(es
a Check answers 5 Alicia Keys performed q 1 TheRollingStoneswasapopbandinthe 1960s. Tl
6 Aretha Franklin was ?
2 Detailed comprehension task a in 1979. 2 The Roll.ng Stones creal.ed ror« mu,ic 1om pop music. O
b "The Queen of Soul".
(second reading) c when rap started. 3 Emirem rerorded lhe lirst rao song. fl
. R..ad the artic e aga n. d the first famous rock band. lhe F3t!49!b_ pyQ rycol4qdt!i9fll?l r4p s9!s

. Nlatch the sentence ha ves.

a soul and rap song.
to cre¿te ¿ new k nd of rock music
4 Alicia Keys used rockand pop music in hersong with]ay-7. TJ

. {¡. (o¡ ..er ) a

3 Detailed comprehension task

(third reading)
. Read the arlrc e aga n.
. Circle T or F nert to the sentences.
¡ Correcr the fa se sentenc.ás.
. Check answers.
The sounds of music
%, a Take note!
. We use certain past time expressions
Gnmmar to talk about when actions
ftrple part regular verbr happened.

(ffrmatlve) . We use in + year, e.g.We moved in
iEft;ng about actions in the past
I 996.
p .
t: /
-ook at the chart. We use (number of) minutes / hours
3 lney arrtved 4 Ke¡a lried ,,,. to days / weeks / months / years + ago,
late for c ass. cheat on an exam.
e.g. We moved ten years ago.
*. .

We use yesrerdayto refer to the

t" .
previous day.
We use last + week / month / year,
e.g. lvisited my aunt last month.
¿ new k nd of rock music. Grammar referen(e .,iffi.ñ.+
5 Harry !elp-ed",...-. 6 Keira and her
his brother with his bo¡lriend "yAlSllpl"
past regular verbs homework. a movie. Further practice of simple past
: ay + played regular verbs (affirmative)
:rive + atrived
Past time express¡ons
. Wrlte true sentences about you.
Double consonant + -ed
:top + stoppeii ¡n 1968 yesterday
. Compare sentences with a partner.
' Consonant + -y: changes to -i + -ed 100 years last year
:',r' + tried fnBrlr¡ln
(l w.ite trre sentences about you, Students'own answers.
@ Complete the seniences with the s¡mple 1 start school
past of the verbs ¡n parentheses. ..1._s,terled.s,sh99.l"p.ey?¡ly]eilpAg9. llÍlDlll pAGE Be
1 rhey .h?k4p:d to the radio last night. (listen)
.-,- 2 learn to swim
o Fast finishers can do PuzzleTAon
2 The concert ftflZ:1ed..,,., at midnight. (finish)
3 Marcus Yi.ejÍgd .. Asia in 2009. (visit) 3 lSten to mus c page 89.
4 Sarah,gludied in Los Angeles. (study)
5 we P.!Ay-e"l 4 watch TV
. soccer in the park yesterday.
2 pop 6 rock
6 Thetrain ?!\PPed " lortwohours.(stop) 5 stay out I jau. 7 country
Look at the p¡ctures and write what
4 reggae 8 soul
O 5 rap
happened to Keira and Harry yesterday.
Ff*gx6e ?
Use the verbs below paeeBe,PuzzreTA
0v*r to ycu!
§§ to 5 Personalization; written
Write a sentence ¡n the s¡mple past, using the practice of simple past regular
ideas ¡n exercise 4. The sentence can be true or
false. Say the sentence to the class. Does the verbs (affirmative)
class think the sentence is true or false? . Students work in pairs or as a whole
Student A:
Student B: c lass.
That isn't true.you started school in 2003.
Ke¡a 4t_o-pp.?_4" 2 rhey gbat"IeA , Students each write a true or false
her books. online last night.
sentence about their past.
They take turns to ,ead thei.
q*ir¡i¿¡i¡§Iu;¿Ü **d* 5z
sentence out aloud, Car the,r
classmates guess ¡f they are true or
§ramn¡ar 2 Controlled practice of simple
past regular verbs (affirmative)
Aims . o-1 o¡ Extra activity (all classes)
.O. Ia-grla S.
Present and practice simple past regular . Check ans\¡,/ers.
Fu.ther practice ol past time expressions
verbs (affirmative) ¡ Write this gapped sentence on the
Taik about act¡ons in the past 3 Further practice of simple past board:The last t¡me I ... was ... .

regular verbs (affirmative) . Read out or wrlte on

the board, a
1 Grammar chart: Simple past . number of phrases with regular past
Look at the pictures.
regular verbs (affirmative)
. Complete the se¡tences with the verbs tense verbs, e.g. watched a movie,
. Lookatthechart. cooked a meal, chatted online, studied for
lr¡ the box.
. Check answers.
a test, v¡s¡ted my grandparents, traveled to
Take note! another ca u ntry, cr¡ ed.
. There are some exceptions to . Students have to compiete the
the spelling rule for verbs ending sentence with a suitable (true) time
in vowel + consonant: if the expression, e.g.The last time I chatted
consonant is J, it is not doubled, online was yesterday.The last time I
e.g.travel = traveled. cooked a meal was a week ago.
Grarnmar referen(e íÉSÉ!t#!
Further practi(e
"lY*rkb**!r pageW45
Building the topic
Present and practice vocabulary for
musical instruments
Taik about musical instruments

Ask students if they can play a musical
instrument, and which one. Ask them if
they would like to learn to play an(other)
lnstrument, and which one?

1 Presentation of vocabulary set:

musical instruments @ 222
. Label the picture with the words in the
. Play the CD.
. Listen, check, and repeat.

2 Vocabulary practice: exposure to

words for musical instruments
. Fill in the blanks.
. Check answers.
Vocabulary T
3 Vocabulary practice: 4 George H¿rr,son boüght ¿ .SUP?r.
Mu¡ical instrunrent§ I
personalization when he was a teenager

. § <» uU"t tt picture with the correct qS

Answer the questions. " 5 Stevie Wonder g ave n,s
-\# UeyVoa"a
¡nstruments. Then listen, che(k, and repeat.
. Compare with a partner.
to a muslc teacher in Haiti.
6 ' the ffi§.J a"rru
La'ry [,4J] en Jr plays
ÍNBNMtr &*gggpry,*wsee*y99. -.,.* J He met Bono in 1 976.
Students'own answers.
ff fitt in the blanks with the correct instrument. 7 Justin Bieber taught himself to play the §
Extend your vocabulary 1 vanessa Mae learned to play the
f § I
I bass player drumme' gu;tarist i
I -Y-is!i!l whel she was five.
8 Darl VcCarrney p.ayed the

I,ikeyboard ptayer silqer 2 Beeihover's i¿ther taught rimto OlaVtne

with the Beatles.

paeewta piano. .. .. f
I Worhhook
t_ __ t § Answer the questions. Compare with a
__*_ ____"_ -.-***_ _.,_,

3 J¿son Freese played tre axophone at partner,

$ 1 Which instruments do you like?
Further practice Green Day's concefts last year
I Workbook 2 Which instruments can you playT
! .paqeW46l

I muttinou
5g ¡:tr,rmq+@
3 Controlled practice of simple
The sounds of music
% past regular and irregular verbs
Grammar @ Look at the photo. Fill in the blanks. Use the . Wr te the simple past form of the verbs
5irnole a!as* i* verbs in exercise 3 in thé simple past.
. Check ans\,vers.
', j about act ons in the past
4 Further practice of simple
O Look at the chart- past regular and irregular verbs
took these photos. . Look at the photo.
the ti(kets in a competition . Fill in the b anks us ng the verbs ln
i?i t for two hours. exerclse 3.
11* CofOpl.y.
. a Compare answers in pairs
met him lasl year
a Check answers as a class.
we!t to a conceft ln ¿008, Shokiro ond m¡guel Bosé (1)
trxo concerts to help 3Z mill¡on children in L0t¡n
Take note! Rmerico. 380,000 fons (¿) eight hours . Fast finishers can do PozzleTB on
rregular verbs don't follow a pattern. You need to l¡stening [o their Fovorite stors. 0ther people
n:na aO
:arn them. There ¡s a list at the back of the book. PqvL
(3) Lhe concert live on TV.
The RLBS concerts (4) ftrlt{lilllliIir
E below
p¡oce in
Fill in the blanks with the simple past verbs
Buenos flires ond fnex¡co Citq ot the some time.

@ ln Buenos Rires, mus¡c fons (5)

had ran ffi soent told went
Rlejondro Sonz, Colle 13, pedro Bznor, ond other
1 I ja1UL_ Tom and Sara at the jazz club fomous s¡ngers ond bonds.
last night. The stors in mexico C¡tU uere Dovid Bisbol, fTlonó,
2 My grandparents had---...- lunch with us
ond Ricku nortin. Rickg (6) Liv¡n' Lo
on Sunday.
3 They Io-"IC",,.- their teacher about the Vido Loco, ond the croud (7) u.rifd!
problem with the test. nillionoire Corlos Slim Helú 0nd businessmon
to the Beyoncé aoncert Houord Buffett (8) more thon
last night.
5 We were Jate. We .fA[ ,,, ,, all the way to the SZ00 millionl
movie theatel
ele\t . 5 Personalization; written
6 You all your money on new sneakers
. practice of simple past regular
E ofWr¡te the simple past of these verbs. Two FgZzle paseEe' Puzzte
78,* : and irregular verbs (affirmative)
, . Write a sentence n the simple past
the verbs are regular. Look at the list of
¡rregular verbs for help.
1 arnrnizo oraanizeá ffi ;.--"--.- . .O.¡eltqi¡il : about you. Don't ,¡¡rlte the verb
2 go !91! . . ."".""......, Write a sentence in the s¡mple past, but don't A -éI01 o'-Ooo-e Oe et 0rf
3 see g?,W,..,,.,.,.,_., .. write the verb. Wr¡te the verb on a different
. n pa rs, exchange your sentences.
4 sing.P?!9...............,..,.. piece of paper
5 spend qPe..!.r......... .......... Exchange your sentence with another student Can you wrlte:he mrssing verb n
6 give qaYP and keep the paper with the verb. Can you com- I ,o:.' s
7 rake _t991..._. plete your partner's sentence? . ::rtner :":t:n,..'
a watch Wa-r,,qhpd.,-, ,
I to Salvador on vacation last year. (go)

Extra activity (all classes)

Further practice of simp e past regu ar and
§¡¡a¡rÍi*El?¡Á€g;i§¡¡i§ü§ 69 irregu ar verbs (affirmative)
. P ay qrat¡n-tar ten¡is.
. Divide the class into teams.Team A caiis
(,rammar out a verb in the present tense, e.g. run.

. . Team B responds b¡r giving the correct

Aims : Regu ar exposure to irregular past
simp e past form (ron) and gets a point
Present and practice slmple past irregular
: tense verbs n,i help students earn
f it s correct. lf t is incorrect, Team A
verbs (affirmative) l them more qurck y.
gets a chance to say the .orrect pasi
Talk about actions ln the past I . The ten verbs lve use most are all
tense verb.
r rregu ar'. be, have, do, say, moke, go,
. The game conti¡ues, with teams taklncl
: toke, came, see,get.
turns to .a
out dllr,erent verbs.
l'he ALAS (Lattn Amertca in Solidarity 6rammar ref erenre pageW4l
/ Further pra(i(e
),ction Fundación Amértca Lattno en ""
I Uüorkbook
,¿cción Solidaria) concerts took place I paqeW4T
2 Review and controlled practice
slmu taneous y rn Buenos Aires and
of simple past irregular verbs
I irauttinoa*
,/exico City in May 2008, and raised
severa mlllion dollars to he p Latin
American children in need. . Flll ln the blanks.
. Check ¿nswers.
1 Grammar chart: Simple past
irregular verbs (affirmative)
. Look at the chart.
Living Énglish
re lUlusitr ¡n a U
@123 '',-;l:,i:,r- j.'i'...1- lr .--
'.t1j ..; . , 1': ." ..-r '-'- -: ' E
My vacation was awesome- I staved
Present and practice simple past regular .'r."' ho¡el ,r irh nr rri, n,1.. ,r", in a
and irregular verbs (affirmatrve) in a text lanrnrrr... u, d rh. re rr¡e a lo. oi -"-.
tlrrngs ru .,,
ilnd Ju ln rh, it,,rcJ Tht re \\crr
about Hobbo, a v rtual world reslrUranr..,¡l.l rr,¡ i,.,d,..,,,,,r0n,..
frrur DrrTj
ñl tJm,,U\ n¡,,1,1(.. I ¡np,irv. r.g s¡¡¡ rni 1n,.
Reading skills: gettlng the genera rdea ¡, ¡ qr,. -s&ElE/
-i..L. B-n , i,,ro I Lrr\tJ ,n, .¡J..r,.n,.
rt, ,r.nr r nuo
'¡r rlr-
iii"li:ii:;:::il': *";,,.i..,i' ;fi: ;'.:J':;.;r¡i
Fdc¡..,nd l.,)r.,\,.d n"
*"¿¿ ,o,? ii.:,#;: ¡;:;,,;,::1:i
we sa* Gorilraz on t¡";t1","1
i''I Habl'o. r,,o: \lrler
":.), t^IJ:,.I"]'T,jIi:"::
]]:.,,,,.'',,, *,,rtieu R,¿ 8,o,t.,,.... .,".; ;;:' ;'.;: :
Ask students lvhat they understa¡d t\ hcr( \\ cl.c s e Ir )\\'e
rr ere in l{¡bho ",.
about the term "virtu¿l worid'l Ask them Le ¡ s to to
Habbo is a ¡ ir¡ual *.orlcl. J.here a¡e H,rbbr¡l
.21)7 million
I they think it means a real wor d, or use¡s in r¡rer f-i0 differelt count¡res.
an imaginary world (rmoginarf . Ask r',nnJnrcsL¡s( Hibl,,,,,,r.ll ru:nrpron,.
rrrs b.rnd..irnJ nls ¡u.... F., .".
them whlch cornputer or video games e1¡,¡¡,,
r. r \ rlLJl \ur Lr,rnrl I r ,,nl! (\r.r.
-I'heir n H. Lo
the¡r knolv ol that feature vlrtual worlds «, ulJ turnnan.. Inl^..nr. .,,p. r
rzeJ ,
'',.'11.cr r(Jm". flr. ...r,._l
(e.9. Ihe 5lms). r,.,m . ,.1 ¡ o,.
,.n,,,,' b:r.,1. Th, n. pe,,rl, ...,rr. o
aDoul J/'¡. anJ thcr i,e, s¡,, pap¡..,, ^ .. J^
Pre-reading task
Look at the title and the photos. Whar is
the text ¿ltoLrtT

M §§ t-ook at the Reading skills box.

* C¡rcle the correct answer
Habbo is a soclal netr,vorking site. t was 1 B;g Broihef
Réááing skiils rs

started in 2000. As it ls aimed spectfrca y at ¿ ¿ TV show b a pop 5tar

teenagers, it attracts many musicians and .


When you first read a text, read it quickiy to

c: record company m
2 labtro s
other celebritles. unde6tand the general idea-
¿ a rea hote b ¿ v rtual wor d
Bono and "the Edge" are members of the c ¿ virtua b¿nc¡
Now read the article quickly. What is it about? 3 Habbo has ...
rlsh rock band, U2 .

¿ Pop bands on vacatron a

207 m¡i on users b I 50 d fferent user:
Gorillaz is a "v rtua band"consrstinq of b Vrtua bardsin¿vrtua !¡roro . 365 m llron p aces
c Modern mustc on the lnternei
four members.
,1 Record.cmpantes use Habbo
¿ to sel mus c
Big Brother is a realityTV show, with S& Read the text again. Match the names w¡th
b to take people on vacation
^ ,'o, ¡ o,{'eteT t .oLt r., S. the actions.
r to tel peop e about new bands
Severa peoc e live together in a house, 1 Bono 5 lnnorents...
2 N1 ey Cyrus
¿ 365's record company b
watched byTV cameras. a new record a.
3 Gor l¿z c U2's record company
Miley Cyrus (born 1992) rs an Amerlcan 4 365 6 n Habbo, Chamlllion¿ire and Akon .. .

actress (she p a¡,ed the ead role tn Honnah a opened an N¡TV stud o there d ¿qog't^'b oo'P' J.'
irlontana) and pop srnger. b had a lvorld tour there c promoted the r musrc
c ¿sked the questons tn a quiz there
Chamillionaire (born 1979) rs an d became popular there
Amerlcan rapper, and Akon (bor¡ '1973) is
a Senega ese A¡¡erican R&B singer ZO W*;,****¡¡*&
'l Reading skills: getting
the general idea; global
comprehension task (first reading)
2 Detailed comprehension task
(second reading)
. Bead the Beadinq ski ls box.
. Read and sten to the artlcle ag¿l¡.
Reading skills: getting the general . \4atch the names with the actions
idea . fleck anslre[s.
: . When you read a text, read it quickiy
I to understand the general idea. 3

Detailed comprehension task

. th. technique of "skin m ng"(reading (third reading) I

q ,,. ooe óo5t.oroó'|óra oód . Beed the art cle aga n.


O o to. i 6:r. ¡qo¡¡t -O. cI_OtrJ L . Clrcle ihe correct ¿ns\ /er.
ro o¡ l. - o. i- reip . I . to .ro^ Check answers.
. io--.reor . tr1e,a.goi^q-o
Further practice
, iiud:a]l lna¡
t wr
lbe lbout l }#*rkb**k pageW4S

. Read the artic e quick y ll

. What is it aboutT Choose the correct


. Check answers.

2 Detailed comprehension
?hc sounds of rr¡usic of the listening task (second
@, _

listening) @l.Z+
i-istening §peaking . Play the CD aq¿l¡.
. ..Le.ogo'. '.lO t.
Ú r Listen to the conversation. Which
sentence is true?
Listen and read
. Check a¡s\ryers.

: ,'rctor went to see Thirty Seconds To Mars last

3 Deta¡led comprehension
: r,/ictor and loe went to see Thirty Seconds To of the l¡stening task (third
)v1ars last weekend. listening) @2.24
. Po, '.C-og it l; ó.oOr
. '.1 . T. ':Ó-.od.
. Check answers.

Talking about activitles in the past
Pronuncration: past tense -eo ending

"Last summe[ I went to a

1 Firstlistening @2.25
concert on the beach. We
listened to some great music.' Play the CD. Llsten and read.

2 Presentation of pronunciation
point @))6
. Look at the Pronunclation box.

e ¡,r L¡sten again. Circle T (True) or F (False). . P ay the CD.

1 Victor! p¿rents bougnt the concert t ckets. §§ 4l Look at the Pronunciat¡on box. Listen to . Lrsten to the exan'rp es.
t/F the examples. fhen l¡sten again, uld
2 lomo payed guitar, volin, ¿nd the piano. T/F Pronunciation i Pronunciation: past tense -ed i
3 Shannon Leto was on b¿ss. T / F
4 lared Leto sang the sonqs. T / F
i' ,?-e. rlL
! endinos

I . There a'e rhree diFferent oasL te.lse

We only pronounce the e in "ed after t or
.¿r"o -ero also p ar"d o .rtd,. T / F
For all other verbs the e is silent. I

{., Listen again. C¡rcle the correct words. We, : r.:i day *l rl ] . endings:
/rd' (waiLed, staned, enoed)
all ;
':,1 :
I Vctor went to the concert last week/ _;
i-l (arrived, PlaYed, listeneo)

ffi ,,1 pr, un X (X) next to the words with a
2 The t ckets were expensive / cheap.
3 H s brother / parent! bought the t ckets.
silent e. Then listen, check, and repeat. .
i ¡' (helpeo, watched, stoPoed)

4 T^e.or -d great. fantastic I started 3 arrived 5 ¿cted L._ I

^¿s 2 moved 4 stopped . Listen again, and repeat.

ffi eractice the dialogue in exercise 1.
3 Pronunciation practice @Z.Zl
ffi Now change the words ¡n . Write a new
dialogue. Thén pract¡ce the dialogue in class.
. Play the CD.
. Put an X (10 next to the words with a

&§d&i4dá¿,i§ 71 sllent e. Listen, check, and rePeat,

4 Dialogue practice
Joel: No waylThe tickets were really . Practice the dlalogue in exercise lwith
expensive. a partner.
Aim Uirtor: Yeah, I know but I was lucky ... my . Monitor students'pronunciation of past
parents bought them for me. tense -ed endings.
Listen to a phone conversation and llnd
speclflc inforr¡atio¡ Ioel: So, what was lt like? Tomo's my
favorite. Was he good? 5 Dialogue personalization and
1 Global comprehension Victor: Good? He was amazing! He played practice
of the listening task (first the guitar, the violln, and the keyboard all . Change the words in blue and write a

listening) @z.Zq nightl new dialogue in palrs.

. Read the sentences.
Joel: Awesomel And were the other band . Practice the dialogue with their partner.
members good, too? .
. P ay the CD and choose the true Listen to students'dialogues. Monitor
lri¡tor: Well, the Leto brothers were
sent.6nce. their pronunciation of past tense -ed
great. Shannon played the drums, and
. Check a nsweTs. Jared sang and played the guitar. lt was

. Ask stronger students to read their new
Audioscript dialogues out in front of the class.
Joeh Wowl Sounds amazing.
Jael: Hellol
Viet*v: Hev,,loe , thls rs Victor
Vittar: lt was! Let's go together next time fnafEltR
they play. Student's own answers.
Jsei: lli, Victor. How are you?
Jeei: Yeah, sure.That's a great idea.
?jet*r; Great, thanksL I went to seeThirty Furtherpractite
I MultiR0M
Seco¡ds To N.4ars last week.'nd. I
Writimg Writing
Aim A pr*f§§e arf ycun fawor§te bane§
Write a profile of your favorite band ip neaa the band profile. How many members
are there in The Killers?
1 Global comprehension of model
B neaa again. Fill ¡n the chart w¡th ¡nformation
writing text about The Killers.
. Read the band profile.
Tte lfilleis '
. Answer the quest¡on.
My favorite bánd

. Check answers.
Type of music rock
)are {euq:nq, o-o 1o.^;.''Vr, -ura,.
fnEñIrir Formed 2002 lrlCü1, BranÁon flov,ery ]et¡i atother
anÁ he *¿l l),av.e Keun;tg.Ther
There are four members in The Killers. Number of
lne¡ i,
four a^¿ Ve^.\ja-i it *a'4s q ,¿6

2 Detailed analysis of model keyboard, guitar,

y.)afs th,e keyboaÁ aqÁ si¡gs, K,
piayt qui+a, aná s,ngis, S+o.,-.,
writing task
bass, drums p¡qt, ¡¡.
aná Va-¡nocci plays Jrums.
. Read the bano profile again. Number
z The;r {irtt albuñ uror llrt
fu¡r ¡n ZA0I.It
. Fill in the chart with information about
of a bums
o117,5A0,0üA copies! Thett other
ave calie¿t Sarys Tonn aná
The Killers. Favorite song Mr.Odghteide Day and A9e.
taror:fe toñg i: 14r. B,ightside.
. Check answers.
§3 "L") o'e hcrki4g oñ
'.^ rl^t :":"t
ruo* make notes about your favorite band.
áffe te tl lhi ngt. Vo ¡ qu cc; q qki
s ng
3 Preparation for personalized

a co-a1,¡
§ Write about your favor¡te band. Use the text ^us,c al5u*,.aá
writing and notes in exercise 3 to help you. ltovrers releaseá o solr'olbr-
. Make notes about your favorite band.
. Use the chart for ideas.
. Check that students are completing the
notes correctly.

5tudents'own answers.
I can ...

4 Personalized writing sentences. ff comprete the sentences with the simpre

Put the words ¡n order to make
'1 pastformsoftheverbsinparentheses.
Follow the model writing text and the
")!!9y"i.fi94?.P-?yla2LwL.---.__"".. 1 I rycl-ü-,-. (go) to chite tasr summer
chart. Use your own notes to wr¡te 2 released,/2010/anewsong/Eminem/in Z We !gp.!_.,,, (take) thebustoschool
about your favorite band. Eminemreleasedanewso.nginZOlO . y"r,arOuf.
. Write your band's profile.
3 He / three / swimming ,/ started ,/ ago / weeks
"tJ-e-,?7?:*:4-6yi:wtri\a7fus9..y-?_e!?.ag-o,_- .
3 She .h,Ad . ..
(have) lunch in a restaurant

fnBir¡Ín 4 last/soccer game/We/a /watched /night 4 He,,E9.qS"h!,,,, (buy) a new pairof sneakers

Students'own answers.
Wewalc.húapossp:s4ry'pla?7"!I:!gt:t ""._. thre-^daysaso.
I aan use time expressions in the past. I .an lalk aboui actions in the past.
ves, , (an. '- -
!ean ...
I need more practice. Yes, I can. I need more practice.l-

Check understanding of simple past
regular verbs (affirmative) and simple
past irregular verbs (affirmative); self- . Students check (/) Yes, I can. if fhey
assessment of own progress
think they understand the vocabulary
or grammar well, or check (/) I need
1 Self-assessment of simpte past
more pract¡ce. if they think they need
reguf ar verbs (affirmative)
more practice.
. For items (1-4), students put the . lf students have chosen lneed more
sentences in the correct order.
pract¡ce., encourage them to review
. Students check (/) Yes, I can. if they these sections and to do more pract¡ce.
think they understand the vocabulary
or grammar well, or check (/) I need I Further Dractice
more pract¡ce. if they think they need I rairwork ]¡Éj1$@
more practice. I Test +ie#4.*ffi
. lfstudents have chosen I need more
pract¡ce., encourage them to review
these sections and to do more practice.

2 Self-assessment of simple past

irregular verbs (affirmative)
. For items (1-4), students read the
sentences and complete them with the
correct answers.

.. t,

Nature: bec:ches, ce:erts, islands,
, ..' ,,
,n ,, t
-- '',

' t(a'o¿
Disaster verbs: bredK, crash, rite,
O At ( A"t.,'

Simple past (questions and short
Simple past (Wh- questions)
Simple past (negative)

Reading: Reading a text about \,,/orld
myster-ies; a rea - ife myster,v
Listening: Lrsteninq and identifylng
spe.ific infoi'matron ir a history talk
"b .r
Speaking: 'e oor
Writing: \,'lrltinq an e ma 1 about a day

; . Look at the photos- Fill in the blanks
with the words below. Then listen and repeat.

beaches deserts slands lung es Values and

mountains oceans r vers volcanoes lop¡ff
ñl {» l¡rt"n to the people (1-4) descr¡be their Multiculturalism
vacations. What did they v¡sit? Wr¡te the
1 sahara, Gobi, Atacama, UIah: de?e-rl.e The environment
correct number in the box,
2 Everest, Fuj i, Acona g ua : ÍIl9 y.Lr3irc. "...""...
beach @ volcano 3J Tourism and travel
3 Amazon rainforest (Brazil), lturi rainforest
(Congo): jytg.le9 island m jungle @
4 Fi , -apan, g6¡¡q6 islands river @ ocean @
5 Pacilc, lndian, Soulhe'r: oceans mountain @
6 Copacabana (Brazil), Bondi (Australia), Khoa
§l f ilt in tt e blanks with places from your
Lak (Thailand) b91ch9s .
7 Nile, Co.or¿do, Tl-¿mes, Mekolg:
1v"-qrc, .,,.,....,.. Beache.:
8 PopocaT¿petl, Vesuvius, K.akatod: Moull¿ins:
volcanoea Rivers:


Introducing the topic 2 Vocabulary practice; exposure to

vocabulary for nature @ 2.29
Boyl: Dld you see any rlvers?
2: Yes, there are a lot of rivers there.

. Play the CD.
We visited one near Cradle Mountain. lt
was lovely.
. Write the correct number in the box.
Aim . Check answers. 3 Personalization
Present and practice vocabulary for nature . Fill in the blanks with places from your
own country.
Warm-up 1 Boy: Where did you go on vacation?
Girl: We went to Hawaii, the Big lsland.
. Compare answers with a partner.
Ask students to look at the pictures. Ask if
they can identify any of the places. It was great. fNEñllf¡n
&oy: Did you see the volcanoes? students'own answers.
1 Presentation ofvocabulary set: Girl: Yes, we did. They're awesomel
nature @2.28 2 lt§an: What did you do on vacation? ! Extend your vocabulary
. Look at the photos. Woman: Well, lwentto the beach every ! caves glacier lakes rainforest
. Fill in the blanks with the words in day, ofcoursel And I swam in the ocean i waterfalls
the box.
3 üirl 1: Did you go into the desert? J

I l,Uorkbook,,lt'ru4$.¡¡q:
Girl 2: No, we didn't, but we did go to
. Play the CD.
the jungle. lt was very hotl
. Listen, check, and repeat. 4 §oy 1: Did you climb any mountains? I Further practice
Boy2: Yes, we did. Cradle Mountain was I Workboolt pagewsg

I uumiRom
Present and practice nature vocabulary Mochu P¡cchu is in the Andes
This rock isneorsóo Conrodo beoch
through a text about world mysteries Mounloins in peru. The lncos buiJl
in Rio de Joneiro, Brozil. porluouése
ihe city in the t5 . century for fheÍ
explorers gove lhe rock ils noÁe
emperor, Pochocuii. The lncos left
Pre-reading task Mochu Pic.hu in 1572
People think the rock looks like tlre
Egyplion Sphinx. people ih¡nk there {
Look at the phoros. Asl Doyou recogntze
Why did they leove? q foce on ihe rock.
When did ihe foce on the rock oppeor?
any of the places? t;

This losf city is in,he iungle ¡n
Combodio. The Combodjon ktng,
The Greoi pyromid ¡s neor fie
Suryovormon ll osfed his people to River
Nile in Egypi. The Egyptjons butil lhe
Machu Picchu means "Old Mountain'in burld the crly Inihe l2 cenluiy. JÚook
pyrom d n 2580 B C. Hou¡ d
cj thev
olmost 30 yeors to build fhere ore
Quechua. lt is a large city built by the lncas stone onimqJs ¡n the .ily.
bur d rf?

(people who lived malnly in Peru, from the

1 2th century to about I 533). About 500,000
people visit the ruins every year.
The lost city of Angkor is a large city built iJ :l

by King Suryavarman Il between 1 1 13 and

1 150 in Cambodia. I
Gávea Rock is 852 meters tall and in one t:: I fl
slde of the rock there is a carving of a face.

i'1"¡ :
1 ldentifying (first reading) @230
. Read and listen to the website text
q u ickly.
. Answer the question.
. Check answers.

The Cambodian people built Angkor in
the 1 2th century.
Read and l¡sten to the website quickly. Read again. Answer the quest¡ons.
When did the Cambodian people build Angkor?
2 Detailed comprehension task 1 Who built
l\,4achu PicchU?

(second reading) Read the website again. Match the possible

2 When did they build Machu Picchu?
. Read the webs.te text again.
answers with the questions ¡n the text.
1 \iVhe¡
inl,helSrhcentury . .

. Match the answers with the questions

d d
I Al.do ier ód.F'
the face on the rork ¿ppear? 3 Where is the lost city of Angkor?
¡n the text. ) o.r.l d 5-,o.r.J.
4 Where is the Gávea Rock?

. Check answers as a class.

rl D d these strange ¿n ma s really ex st? Rio de Janeiro,brazil
a They used 10,000 men and big machines. 5 Who gave the Gávea Rock its name?
b No, they d dn'1. They were anima s from legends. ?orlu.gueoe ex?lorero
3 Detailed comprehension task c Probabv n about 800 B C 6 When did the Egyptians build the Great pyra
(third reading) d Bec¿use there was a war.

. Read Lhe websiLe text agair.

. Answer the questions.
. Check answers.


¡i[Jrr1[l pAGE Be
Mysteries o Fast finishers can do Puzzle BA on
G¡ammar page 89.
§ Writ" th" questions for the quiz. Do you
faple past (questlons and short know the answers? fnBlillt!§
rrwers) 1 island
!s19 and answering questions about thinqs and 2 river
f-l§ inthe past 3 jungle
! uok at the chart. 4 mountain
5 desert
I: Mystery word: drums
visit the Gávea Rork? Yes, did /

: : t- go to lvlach! Pi(chu?

- : -: 5he r'lt ¡earn lnterest nq

4 Personalization; oral practice
No, he / it d¡dn't.
^he of simple past (questions and
1 Brazillwin/theWorld Cup/in 2002
oLd"oraa!l:t¡¡1|h?-!!p¡,14"§yejt short answers)
Ypp,lh-et di4
?og,? """,,,t
. Students work in pairs or small
2 When/they/make/the first "talking,, movie groups. Write questions about last
: r:-.! build the statues? l:!n-et4i4",tl.wrysk-t-lp\ffi iullllleilry-qyiet
ln19?7 I weekend.
3 When / I\ilartin Cooper / invent / the cell phone . ,uo. Lurns io ask and answer

ylhefiÉ!fiirc-ogp,e!!lyen!!j?ge^tlp|]pnp? I
,, ry did the lncas leave lvlachu Berause there was
lt 19ll7-s_ "Y':l':::i?:y'.::l*.:k..1
4 Where / Marco Polo / travel / in the 13'h century

@ Answer the questions about the past. Then

'\7-thcenlury Extra activity (stronger classes)
check your answers below.
..... .'.... _ ?

.frp"7r,a_u,s,lel Í-o-,c\ina,,, ... ",, Further pract ce of slmp e past questions

1 Did people play basketball in the 1700s? 5 people / go on vacation to the moon / jn 1 969
and short answers
No,they didn't
2 Did people take photos in the 'tBOOS?
j1196-9 . Students make a sentence about
Yee,they did ...... N0, i[ey d]dñ:t something they did recent y,
3 Did people watch TV in the 1 95Os?
e.g. lwent shopping.
Yee,they did

Did people listen to rap music in the .1960s? ,oN

E16I U € . Other students ask as many
],uprp,{aql § LZ6t 11
No,t-hey ¿idn't ¿
questlons as they can to find out
5 Did cell phones exist in the lgBOs?
eurq) oi pa a^Pl] aH , p p Áaql 'sa I
slaMSuv more information about the event,
Yes.r,hey did
6 Did people surf the lnternet in 1 965?
e.g. When did you go/ \t/ho dta you qc
No,they didn'a \,vith? What did yau bu),| D¡d yau biry

7 Did people travel by airplane in the 1990s?
Yee,i"hey did
paee Be, Puzzre ,.*., c/o¡heil, etc

8 Did people have cars in the 14OOs? turther practice

No,th_ey didn't !I
*3 ---*-""." "--*"9Y:L!9. rsuf §'c0r$il0+K pageW5'l

,(B / /9
Write some questions about last weekend. Use I mrttlRotrl
L /S the ideas below Ask and answer ¡n class.
xt /t /¿ / L
you / go out? you / play sports?
sraMsuv Where / you / go? What sport / you / play?
you / visit friends? you / have fun?
Who / you visit?

Grammar . *. lorm Wh-qLesriols in the simple

Aims i past oy adding Lne Wh.wo,d to the
beg,r'ning oI the yes / no ouesrion,
Present and practice simple past I . S Why did you go?
l::yy:':YttW __
(questions, short answers, and Wh-
Ask and answer questions about things
and events in the past 2 Controlled practice of simple
past (questions and short answers)
1 Grammar chart: Simple past . Ansr,ver the questtons.
(questions, short answers,
. Check answers at the bottom olthe
Wh- questions)
StL-rde¡t Book page
. Look at the chart.
3 Further practice of simple past
(yes / no, Wh- questions, and short
. We form simple past (yes / no
questions) \,vith Dld + subject + verb,
o l!i'o'eO 7Qr.tO
e.g Did you go? (NOT ed¡ou-m*ari.{
. Then write the ¿nswe[s.
. Check answeTs on the Stude¡t
R¡nI n¡¡o
Building the topic
5J+:c:#leu¡§i*r.-:- §l circle the correct verb.
1 Some people@/ lived when they opened
Aims the tomb.
¡:r+, ' Label the pictures (A-F) with the words
Present and practice verbs for drsasters below. Then listen and repeat.
2 Many people app"ur"d /@in
lalk about myster es
break crash die disappear hit sink :
dangerous expeditions.
ead weather@/ died the Sphinx! nose.
4 The sh,o(ñi'iY sank a small ooat in tne sea. g
Warm-up ,;J Complete the fact files with the verbs in 5 Ihe iit¿ric broke l6á¡-ñin rhe Arlanti( O(ea1
6 An ¿ rp a1e hit /<€:!g»,nlo ¿n isl¿nd rear
Look at the lact fi es and the word legend exercise I in the simple past.
ln each one Ask students if they think
r' a
il o o'¡ ora p,O.e' I'Le 'O'i.r. Of [f look at the fact files again. Which mystery
whether they mlght be untrue? Teach the do you like? Why? Compare with a partner.

meaning of the rnrorC /egend.

The Bermuda Triangle is ¿n area of about
1.2 million square ki onreters between
Bermucla, Puerto Rrco, and the southern ;ii*'r:i[*":3ml::":r'
tip ol Florida, ln the U.S. Tl¡e phrase was lXllli.iJ;"' ltt'(4)*oo ' "i'k
first used i¡ the 1960s by an Amercan
journa ist writ nq about varlous accldents & of a mummY
that had happened rn the area.
The Atlantic Ocean rs the second largest
***,& f,egend; Five airplanes
ocean in the world and covers about 20% ,_rt in the
ofthe earth's surface. *,*n," on December
Ihe Titonic was a Britlsh passenger shrp.
Two days after it set sail o¡ rts first tr p
from Eng ancl to the U.S., it h t an ceberg tnto the
r:iffin t ilriiffi

in the At antlc Ocean and sar¡k On y 706 -..,,

oc.earThey didn,
;;";;;.. D

ofthe 2,223 passengers on board surv ved. &j:

The Great Sphinx ls a statue of a llon wlth I
the head ol a Pharaoh - a k ng of Ancle¡t :: t'

Egypt. t ls near the river Ni e a¡d the Legend: Lord Cünarrcn

Legend:NaPoleon :' (?)
capita of Egypt, Ca ro.
Tutankhamun was a Pharaoh of Ancient 'he SPtrinx
s nose rn r '
""' r, t".*."mun tli.Tl;;
rxptanation: He
l;.o*"o ¡
Egvpt. He ruled between 133,1 BC a¡d f*Pf "'"tioot ":t"".r". (g)

ofpneumonia in 1923.
He didn,i die
I 325 BC. The Brtish archaeo ogrst, N"Potto' Decause he
llor,,rard Carter, rn;ho rnras employed by the It' opened the
didn t break
E!l,vptolog ist, Lord Carnarvon, d I scor¡ered
i¡ir"'::r -
Tutankhan'run's tomb on November I r f ¡:r¡:l+i

4'',1c))). For many vears, there were

rumors of a cLrse on the tomb, r,vhlch
\¡r/as responslb e lor the early death of the
people ,,vho had first entered the tomb

1 Presentation of vocabulary set:

disasterverbs @231
4 Vocabulary practice:
. Labe the p ctures (A F) with the r,vords
. ook at rhe iacl [iles agair'.
in the box.
. P ay the CD.
. Discuss the mystery you like best with
a partner.
. Liste¡ and repeat.
2 Vocabulary practice: exposure to Students'own answers.
disaster verbs ú
. Compiete the fact flles. 1 i rmi

. Check ans\¡/ers.
I dro-ght e¿rthoLal.e [ire llood

ill!:i ry:y:**
3 Vocabulary practice and
extension "

. Crrc e the ccrrect verbs.

I Further practice
. Check answers. I Wotkbook .pas€ús2

I ruuttiRom
2 Review and controlled practice
r# of simple past (negative and
&nple past (negat1fue) . Complete the sentences.
Talk¡n9 aboul things that d¡dn,t happen in the past . Check answers.
tf took at the chan.
3 Controlled practice of simple
past (negative)
didn't break it ,i-¡
Sherlock Hoimes rvorked with hrs brother Write the sentences in the negative.

d¡dn't disappear last n ght.
. Cornpare answers i.r pairs.
i lt d¡e
she didn't n 1852.
Check answers as a class.
didn't sink-, " oo.. o.r
didn't crash the (ar
asr fight. lúlfñfíl pAGE Be
a! didn't hit an ceberq in j 9 I 2. . Fast finishers can do puzzle BB
page 89.
A Complete the sentences about the f¡rst
Sherlock Holmes movie. Use a negat¡ve
form fNrrnliilr
and then an affirmative form of the verbs
¡n hit meet see crash run break
lrene Adler helped Holmes and Watson It sank.
to solve
1 ln the novie, RoberT Downev, Jt the mystery
didn'tplay Tne rote of Wdtson. He
I 19]?! 4t4!1 7 h elp^L1 o-! ¡t
.Pby.9¿ the role of Sherlock Holmes. (play) cn to iolve the mygle
.l 2 Holmes 4|4|'-t_be)tg"vq trene Adler,s story
belie.u.ed .. Blackwood was dead. (believe)

3 Holmes ¿nd Wason didn'tfin4
Biackwood. The police fourd
Lord : practice of simple past (negative)
Blackwood. (find)
. Lord
. .._ó.1.qo.., e ,Old^ td ,o
4 Lord Blackwood {ltnl_t_|!e Holmes and g' -.' ' Ie.o'o , h.bo..
Watson thought Lord Blackwood -.
a -tó
(die) G

*. Make the sentences negat¡ve to tell the

story 4 Lord Blackwood died in London
Extra activity (stronger classes)
from the mov¡e S herlock Holmes. Lordtslackwood di¿ñ'¡. ¿ía in t

Further practice of s¡mple past (affirmative

negative, and yes / na questions)
Pqzz Page
89' Puzzle 88 @ o Choose a student to help you
demonstrate the activity.
fu o Ask the student questions in the simple
Write three things you didn,t do last night. past. They cannot say yes or /Vo
Use in their
the words below. Tell the class. answers, e.g. e: Did you watch TV last
1 Sherlock Holmes lived on Oxford Street
in London. cook do my homework night? A: I watched TV last night. / t didn,t
eat a big meal have extr¿ casses watch TV last night.
re¿d a book 5leep wel study for a test o lnvite other students to ask more
take photos lvrite letters
. After ten questions or when a student
has said yes or No by mistake, change

I Furtheroractice
executed. But a r,vor¡an called Irene Adler
I WortUoot ;+áCEj-Tjj_,

tells Holmes that Blackwood is still alive.

I Multifi0M
Aims It turns oL,tt she is right lvhen Holmes js
Present and practice simple past cal ed by the police ro help them find
(negative) Blackwood.
T¿f k about things that d¡dn,r happen in
the past 1 Grammar chart: Simple past
. Look at the chart.
Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective
created by Scottish author, S¡r Arthur I Note:
Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes lived at

. *. Form the simple past negarive
the fictional address of 22ib Baker Street, with subjecr pronoun + didn l + verl¡,
London. In the 2009 movie, Sherlock ¡
S. ldidn't go. (NOI#n+_vt.ear)
Holmes, Robert DowneyJnr. played i. "
the W. fo., rne si.npte past regative
role of Sherlock Holmes, and lude
Law I
played the role of Dr. Watson, his
I ln the same way lor regular and
rrregular veros,
hand man. The story is about a man
i e.g. He didn,t go. They

Lord Blackwood, who is accused of

I didn't arrive.

five women, and is believed to have 6rammarreferen(e pagg!il4

Living English

Present and practice the simple past in a Al 5 o.m. on Augusl 3l *, 2004, workers ot
o fqsl food reslourqnt in Georgio siorled
text about a real-life mystery
work.They checked lhe ovens, woshed
ond cleoned the reslouront, qnd took
Warm-up out the gorboge. Suddenly, they heord
Ask students ifthey know about any real- o noise.There wos q mon behind the
gorboge cons.They colted 9l l, ond the
life unsolved mysteries, and to tell the class
mon went lo the hospilol.
about any they have heard of

Pre-reading task The mon stqyed ihe hosp;tol, ond the

'n queslions.They
dociors osked him
Look at the title and the photo. Where osked
him his nqme. He thoughi his nqme wos
would you expect to find this kind of text?

Benjomon, buf he didn'l know for sure. He
fl![ll¡lllIrf lhoughl he wos born on Augusl 29ih,1948.
He remembered o ploce colled Denver.
ln a newspaper. He hod memories of o meo¡ with cheese
in lndionopolis. Bui who wos he? Where
did he come from?
The story about Benjaman Kyle is a true
Eight yeors lolel no one knows who
lhe man is. He invented o new nome,
1 Global comprehension task (first Benjomqn Kyle. No one reporled him os
reading) "missing", so he sl¡ll doesn't know who he

. Read the newspaper article quickly.

is. Hefound o job, ond now he's working.

. Answer the question.

. Check answers.

He remembered Denver and
ffi nead again. Answer the questions.
lndianapolis. 1 When d d the r:
Read the newspaper article quickly. Which re5taurant workers f nd the
-,'. places did the man remember?
2 Detailed comprehension task 2 Where was he?

(second reading) ffi nead again. Match the headings with the

. Read and listen to the newspaper

a At the hosp tal
article again. b The mystery continues 4 Whefe d d he go?

. Match the headings with the c A mystery man

5 [/h¿t drd he remember ¿bout ¡d ¿napo :-
pa ragra phs.
. Check answers. 6 Wh¿t s he dorng now?

3 Detailed comprehension task

(third reading) 78 !.i
. Read the newspaper article again.
. Answer the questions,
. Check answers.
I Further Dract¡(e
I lÁrorkbook prq"wx
2 Detailed comprehension
lVlyster!es á§}#,
w of the l¡stening task (second
listening) @)33
. Play the CD agaln.
. Llsten again. Choose the correct
a' s A eis.
l ecl ¿rs ¡ e':

3 Detailed comprehens¡on
of the listening task (third
listening) @2.33
. Llste¡ agarn.
o CornQ ete the questrons wlth the
correct words. Check answers.

:: Look at the photo. Listen to the radio

show. Where are these statues? Talk about yesterday
a On an lsl¿nd. Pronunciation: l¡to¡ation i¡ ves / r¡o
b On a heach
q uestio ns
a ln ¿ lunqle.

= . Listen again. Choose the correct answers. 1 Firstlistening @2.34

1 Ev¿Huntsa.. . P ay the CD Listen and read
a doctor b histori¿n c writer
2 Eva Hunt went to look at the statues
a ast year b yesterday ¿ last week
.. . .
2 Presentation of pronunciat¡on
3 Some of the siatues are . meters t¿ll.
point @235
Look at the Pronunciation box. Listen to
a1A b2A c12 the examples. Then listen again. and repeat. . Lookatthe Pronunciation box.
4 The statues appeared between ...
a 1 250 and 1 500 b I

200 and 1 500

. Play the CD. Listen to the examples.
c 1 250 and I 300
5 Thestatuesa have.. lntonat¡on goes up ( ) at the end ol yes I no Pronunciation: intonation inyes t no i
¿ hands 6 faces c feet questions.
' ; , L¡sten again. Complete the questions with lnronation goes Lp at the e1d ol yes /
the correct words. quesriors.

d d you go there?
2 ¿re the lüoai statues? Practice the quest¡ons. i

3 ddtheyapp-"ar? D d you watch TV7 . tnloralion ofler goes down on I

4 the statues h¿ve faces of rea people? Did she go to the movie theater? qJest ons where we expecr a certa;1 i
Drd he write a book?
arswer, e.g, if we see someone walking i
Dld they do the r homework?
Did make a mistake?
towards tne library, ca'rying books, I
aod asl, Areyou going to the library? ¡
Practice the dialogue ¡n exercise 1.
:^tonalior nray go down, because we i
Now change the words in --
expect rhe answer ro be Yes.
- Write a new
dialogue. Then practice the dialogue in class. t I

Pla¡r the CD again.

'."-j 79
L sten agarn, and repeat.

Pronunciation practice @ 236

L¡§ten¡ns Radio Presenter: Eva, last week you went to Play the CD.
Easter lsland. What did you do there? Do.L.?L*equ..-o C"eci a s. er '
Aim Eva Hunt: Well, I went there to learn more

Listen to a radio show and find speciflc about the Moai [pron: MO-EYE] statues. 4 Dialogue practice
information Radio P¡esenter: What are the Moai statues?
a Practice the d alogr-re ln erercrse L
Eua Hunt: They are enormous stone
Lrsten to students'dialogue s. Mo¡itor
1 Global comprehension statues. Some of them are ten meters tall
their intonation oa yes / nó questlo¡s.
of the listening task (f¡rst and they weigh 75,000 ki ograms.
listening) @233 Radio Presenter: When did they appear?
5 Dialogue personalization and
¡ Look at the photo. [va Hunt: Well, people made the statues
. Play rne CD, Whe'e are Lnese slaLues?
between the years I 250 and 1 500. The real
. Change the words in blue and write a
mystery is that the statues all have faces.
. Check answers.
ftadio Presenter: Do the statues have faces
new dia ogue in pairs.
of real people? . Practice the dialogue with their partner
Radio Presenter: Hi and welcome to the
Eva Hunt: Well, we still don't know the . Listen to students'dialogues. Monitor
answer. the¡r intonation an yes / no questions,
Show.Today, we're talking to Eva
Badio Presenten I see. Weli, tha n ks very
Hunt, a historian. Last week she was on fNBrIEiR
much, Eva. We don't have any more time
Easter lsland. Let's ask her some questions Students'own answers.
today, but next week ...
about what she learned there. 5o, Eva, first,
welcome to the show.
I Further oractice
I n¡ut,¡Rot,l'
-rt '1

Write an e-mail about a day out Look at the Writ¡ng skills box.

Writing skllls: ordering events

i Or,-jering ¡vssts
1 Writing skills: ordering events r * We use adverbs of order to talk about a

. I sefies of events.
Read the Writing skills box. :l-, I'i,si, we went to ,.. L.:ti.r,
Hi. Saml
I lne¡r We ... lt¡¡lli,,
nuu" u gooO weekend? We
wenr to New
i Writing skills: ordering events ::ttef, we went ..,
York CitY for a day out lt
was fun!
I . W. use adveros of order ro talk about Circle the adverbs of order in the e-mail.
;";;";;', and raveled bY train io the

I a series of -^venls
ffi]we visiteo tne Museum of Modern
Art Tl'e
. W" ca1 Jse Then . . . / Next, ... /
Read the e-mail about Tom's day out. Where
Di.á<có naintinqs were so cooll
near the mus
did he go? D¡d he enjoy it? nao luncn in a small café
... / After that,... to Lalk aboul
Bo r^^.1 was deliciousl
j sometl^ing thar happened af te- an Complete the chart with information about lfs enorm
ái")lrn"r,' *" *urked in central Park Broadway'
Eláir" *"n, to u movie theater near

i earlier event.
Tom's day.
Xl*uon"o u 'ouie lt wasn't very
had ¡
ffi, *l at a fasi fmd place and
Your day out "i*o*
§/J ;;;.;;""1 prace went home'
Circle the adverbs of order in the e-mail
lMuseumof lnca were all so tired
a Check answers. Modern Art I pain
What did You do?
2 small café near - 1 for",
2 Global comprehension of model themuseum I Tom
writing text ;;",r^;;-I;,
. Read the e-mail. 4 movielheater, I mov ;* Now fill in the chart about your day
. Answer the questions. Droadway
--1- I ooo" out. Remember to include actions and

. Check answers. st""rt."d opinions-

reoaaufrnl' l5ña'

il----]*Tl ,r Write an e-mail about your day out. Use


fn§!¡fin -I the ¡nformation you wrote in exercise 4

Tom went to New York City. Yes, he did and Tom's e-mail to help you.

enjoy it.
I can
3 Detailed analysis of model
writing task
Write quest¡ons in the simple past. ::;, Write three things thát you didn't do last
1 / i | weekend.
. Fill in the chart with information about
Shakir¿,/ s ng \Alaka l',/ake 2AAg

Tom's day. . a.t.. , .., e.\o, I p . 2

. Check answers. 3 peop e / u:e / lameras ,/ in the I 950s ,i


4 Preparation for personalized J Oo Oi- OO^ O"O ,,, .. .'9

. Ask students to think about a day out , i:: :.i:r:::i.. ri :, i::,1 : :.1
Yes r I reFd more prd(ti.e.

they enjoyed rece.rtly. Yes, I can. I need more practice.

. Fill in the chart about your day out.

. Ínclude places, actions, and opinions.
. Use the chart for ideas.
. Check that students are completing the
chart correctly. 1 Self-assessment of simple past fnBl¡l¡Trll
(questions) Students'own answers.
Students'own answers.
. For items (1-4), students read the . Students check (/) Yes, I can. if they
sentences and wnte questions tn the thlnk they understand the vocabulary
5 Personalized writing slmple past. or grammar well, or check ({) I need
. Follow the model writing text and the . Students check (/) Ies, /can. ifthey more p ract¡ce. if they thin k they neeci

chart. think they understand the vocabulary more practice.

¡ Write an e-mail about your day out. or grammar well, or check (.,/) I need . lfstudents have chosen I need more
more prcct¡ce. if they think they need pract¡ce., encourage them to review
fnBtEt:t!¡ n¡ore practtce. these sections and to do more pract:::
. lf stude¡ts have chosen I need more I Further oractice
practtce., encourage them to revier¡,r
! fairwort -pg.é'.@,@.i
lTest tffi:qffiffi
these secttons and to do more practice.

Aims 2 Self-assessment of simple past

Check understanding of slmple past (negative)
(questions) and simple past (negative); . For items (l zl), students read the
self-assessment of own progress sentences and comp ete thern wtth the
correct answe[s.
Unit summary
Kinds of music
Musical instruments
hlature Nature
§ Complete the words and the information
Disaster verbs
E¡dsof music about the geography of the U.5.

I Complete the kinds of music with a, e, i, o, 1 l\lount Rainier and N,4ount Whitney are
ot u. American m o.lLn-ü,,Ai! .s. Grammar
I r 4..p 5 r q ck 2 The creat Basin is a big de?P*
Simple past regular (affirmative)
2pop §61,a55.i6a.1 The Mississippi, Missouri, Hudson, and Ohio

? t a 77 7 r -?..5 9 .4.. ¿re some o[ the Ame.ican r _-s.ivqf Simple past iregular (affirmative)
q Thebg?9l..
4 s.q. q l 8 c I .!:! ntry .. ,,-es in California are beautiful
Simple past (questions)
and people surf in the ocean there.
hrslcal ln¡truments 5 Kauai is an i"e.l?-14 " .".... in Hawaii. Simple past (negative)
6 Hawaii is the only place in the U.S. with a
@ Look at the pictures, Write the musical
j.etlsl? , . .
Study skills
Disaster verbs Using the right language
@ filt in tt blánks with the simpte past
" of the verbs below.
break crash drsappear ht snk
A vacation
1 Two cars .qI4?"h.il.,,.. ._... in the fog.
2 The ship Genes¡s ¿.!-s.-?,p4.e""et9.d., . in the
Bermuda Triangle on April 23rd. 1 999.
3 Richard .b,to'.\.e-,".,,,. .... his leg in rhe soccer
game yesterday.
4 The ship fítanic ili!-.....,,._,...._.. __, an iceberg,
and it.,934t..,.,_,".,_ ....._- in rhe ocean.

Simple past regular (affirmative)
lf ritt ln ttr" bl"nks with the s¡mpte past
affirmative of the verbs in parentheses.
1 They il)oy.pl ., (enjoy) the concerr
last night.
2 I 1:-tldie¿...,,, ._. (srudy) lasrweekend.
3 He PJAY94 ,,. .. (ptay) the guitar for
three hours.
q you yjsj|e| . (visit) your
grandparents yesterday.
5 we .......,.,
. l9_v_91 (tove) rhe new
1 \pth"e"?rd s y_ielir, , Harry Potter movie.
2 I?\o-:Pl?\q" " , 6 !t:\T?"fr. 6 She !elp-ed_, (help) her brother
3 .b._a9? ............ ."." 7 .9ti!3f " ,",,.."" with his homework.
4 PE.t?,, 8 4rqÍ!-6, _.. , ,

#i¡igl&iiir& 81

Vocabulary 3 Review ofvocabulary set: nature Taylor Lautner (born February I l,r,l 992)
o Ccmp ete the words and lnlormatlon is an Amelcan actor, farnous lor his role as
Aim about the geooraph¡r of the lo.ObBo - ó r^ ,.¡-rO.i
U.S. .

Present and practice vocabulary for kinds . Check ans\ /ers.

of muslc, musical instruments, nature, and 1 Simple past regular (affirmative)
d isasters 4 Review of vocabulary set: . Flll tn the b anks wirh the simple oast
disaster verbs atlirmatrve of the r,,vords in oarenthes-.s.
1 Review of vocabulary set: kinds .
oF in the b anks with the s mp e past Check answers.
of music
. Complete the kinds or.nusic.
attirmative of the words in the box..

. Check answers.
Check ans\,vers.

2Review of vocabulary set:

musical instruments
Look at the pictures.
Iáe Andreo Doria was an lta an
. Write the musical instruments. passenger ship, which co lded w rh a
. Check answers. Swedish ship, tne Stcckholm, ¡ear Ner,v
l-lS, n 195ó 1,660 people
York, in the
were rescued, but 46 died
2 Simple past irregular
(affirmative) Revlew
. Fi in the b anks with the simple
past affirmative form of the verbs n
pa renth eses. Fitl in the blanks w¡th the s¡mple past
affirmative form of the verbs ¡n parentheses.
. Check a nswe[s.
I (l) (go) io lhe mounians lasi weekend
3 Review of simple past (questions) *iil orv prr..t. and two of my friends We siayed
i. , ir*.e ihere and we (e)
(have) a gleat
. Read the statements. 1b-
iimel I §imple past (negatlve¡
. Make quest ons in the simple past. On Saturday morning, we
(6) (swim) in a
ihai we @ Read the sentences about the actor. Taylor
. Check answers. iake, Ii was freezing cold' bui funl After
a Lautner. The information in blue is wrong.
G) (go) for a watk in the foresi \Ve sarü
Correct the sentences.
Lot of beauiiful birds atrd butie¡tues'
4 Review of simple past (negative)
In the evening' we (5) (eai) outside' we 1 Taylor Lautner went to school in ñew

. Read the sentences about the actor, (6) (make) a campflre and we aI1
York until he was eleven. (Michigan)
He.¿i^!t:r sgro
(sii) round ii My dad plaved his guiiar
?_eh9o! in New Y,pr,k
Taylor Lautner. itl
(8) (sing) songs miil midnighlL
r Rewlte the wrong information (in blue),
ana we
Hewent_.loschoolinMíchigan " ". .
. Check answe[s.
He moved to Boston in 2003. (Santa Clarita)
Hq dv_r:1 fi:gr,e ro O
-o-:slot""it ?o_Q? . ... ,. ,,,

§| Read the statements about the Andrea Doria,

He movedto gaata Clarita
Study skills then make questions. Use the simple past.
3 He learned French when he was younq.
Using the right language le di4t:|ile_afl: t r erc!, :r!! e lt \e.yra? y.o_nyL
It is important that students use the
He learned karale
correct language in different sltuations
4 ln 2005, he acted in High School Musical t.
as it may differ from their own language. (Cheaper By the Dozen 2)
b ?Q9?. hs di4Í!:?=cilfr HAh ?rhppJ _
1 Using the correct language !fi1si9at 1_

. Make sure you use the correct

lc ask4 i1.c-Leappr,Ft !t-e-D-eze!12
He played Edward Cullen in ihe Tw¡l¡qht
language lor each situation. movies. (Jacob Black)
. Read through the instructions with Heüúr'7"p_lay,Ayqi--c-c!!en.!r9u__'.,_
the students. 1 4!A,r]1e poq!4 s-jy!- black
. "ylh_en A111¡.q,,a 1 He pl4yeá Jacob .
Students look through their book, fhe Andrea DorÉ sank on luly 25s, 1 956.
using the grammar reference to find 2 where "iiliy?i"l:! __ _ .... ?
It sank near New York City.
the correct language to use in each : wrry4i4jl,s-!n!...,,
LJsing the right language
? Make sure you use the cotrect language for each s¡tuatio:
sltu ation. It hit the Swedish ship, the Stockho/m, because Use the grammar reference at the back of the book to

fñff,rllitl the weather was ¡ad.

q what 4i4 -r-.bseapkirlal!.fue"pepie,",
help you.

1 Use the present progressive. ". " " tf Look at your book.Which language do you use
to do? for each of these situations?
2 Use vocabulary for physical The captain of fhe Andrea Doda told the 1 You want to talk about thinqs that are
people to leave the ship immediately.
description. happening now
s who 44p.ls p^Win d q9 9- Ieckle!fi rak 2
3 Use can for permission and on his ship to New York?
You want to talk about someone's physical
requests. The captain of the Stockho/m took the people 3 You want to ask for permission to do
4 Use the simple past. from the Andrea DorE to New york on
You want to talk about things thal happened in
his ship.
the past.

I Further Drad¡(e @
t ntrttinou'
Project4 ffi 2 Preparation for writing (first task) 4 Writing
Aims . Think of a vacation you went on. (lt o Write about your vacation.
Read about a vacat¡on
cor,ld be a recelr vacation, or one you . Use the text as a model: answer the
went on long ago. lt could be a long questions about your own vacation.
Write about and lllustrate your vacation
vacation or a short trip.)
1 Reading ÍNETT¡Í§ Students'own answers.
. Read the text. Students'own answers.
. Fill in the blanks with the correct
3 Preparation for writing
5 Presentation
(second . Put your description in a class magaz:-:
. Checkanswers.
for other students to read.
Find a photo, or draw a picture to
fnBllf¡ltir iilustrate your vacation, or some of the ftrFinrfilr
2 Who did you go with? things you did. (Look through your own Students'own answers.
3 How did you travel? photos, or look on the lnternet, or in
4 What did you take with you? Project extension
5 Was it a good journey? . lf you have the facilities, ask students
6 What did you do on vacation? to post their vacation descriptions
Students'own answers. and photos onto your class or schoc
website. Encourage other students i:
log on to the website, and to read a- -
Vocabulary 2 Write sentences. Use the present progressive
1 Complete the sentences about the weather.
1 I / not listen / to music
1 lt's h in the summer in Australia.
2 lt's the winter and it's s . .

Look - it's all white I

2 She / not run / fast
3 You can't see the sun because it's gray and

4 It's w and it's stormy today. 3 Rafael/ not do / his homework

5 l'm wearing my jacket today lt's c

6 People go to the beach when rt's s

t12 4 V/e / not chat / online

2 Circle the correct words.

1 sleep / wear / post on the sofa
2 babysit / do / chat homework 5 You / not get / dressed

3 do i walk / get dressed

4 chat / have / wear online
5 post / wait / start for the bus 6 They / not talk / on the phone
6 sleep / do / post a comnrent
7 read / babysit / wait ),our brother
B send I go / do a text message t6
Grammar Write questions. Use the present progressive.

1 Fill in the blanks with the present progressive 1 you / have / breakfast
aff irmative.

1 | (play) soccer
2 You (dance) wrth César. 2 Ana / sleep / on the sofa

3 They (swim) right now.

4 lf (snow)today
5 Sara (watch) a movle. 3 he / soeak / Chinese

6 She (sit) next to Tomrko

4 What / they / do

5 it / rain / today

6 Where /lhey /play soccer

.............. I6
Unit test @
Write answers for the questions in exercise 3 Reading
with the words below.
1 Read the e-mail. Are the sentences True or
yard No, he rsn't No, it isn't False? Correct the false sentences.
ln the
They're dancing Yes, I am Yes, she is
as "s e-mail

From: Maria
2 Date: July 25,
3 I rme: IZ:ó3

4 To: Haku
§ubject: Today

Correct the present progressive questions.

1 Are you watch W?

Am it raining?


What they eat now? 1 lt's cloudy and it's raining. r/t
? , ;.';;; ,;;;; n",. i,..0, u,. u, ,.noor r i F

;" ;, ;;; ; ;;;".,; ;;;; .",0,i.,, ,, ,
lane isn't talkino to Pete. f / F

*;;;;"0 -;#'. ;;;; ;,*;;;:.uiu , ,,

Total: I 60
Vocabulary Grammar
1 Complete the clothes words. 1 F¡ll in the blanks with the simple present or
lt p present progressive of the verb in parentheses.
2p n s 1 (work)
3sk t My mom usually
4s c s in an office.
5sh t But she at
6 gl ss s home today.
7b ts 2 (watch)

t8 at the moment
He normally
2 Unscramble the physical description words.
TV after school.
1 gtihl (not get)
2 dlobn
3 agsithrt today. They're tired.
4 dbare
5 tohrs on the weekends.
6 mlasl (listen)
rock music now?
Fill in the blanks with the words from
exercise 2.
rock music every day?
1 She has eyes. She doesn't
have big eyes.
I always black
2 I have hair, I don't have
shoes to school.
lonq hair.
3 have

You don't brown eyes.

shoes today.
You have dark brown eyes
(not walk)
4 Jed doesn't have hair He has
wavy hair.
school right now.
5 He has hair He doesn't have
Oro*n t u¡l.
on Wednesdays.
6 Our dad doesn't have a . He
........ I 12
only has a mustache.
>. Unit test @
Complete the phone conversation with the Reading
simple present or the present progressive.
Use the verbs in parentheses. 1 Read the text about Desmond. Then fill in the
blanks with words from the text.
Elsa: Hi, Carla. What (1)
(do) right now?
Carla: We're in the krtchen.
David (2) (cook)
dinner, and l(3)
(read) a magazine.

Elsa: (4) David

(cook) every even ng?
Carla: No, only on Tuesdays, because I always
(s) (get) home
late. When (6)
you usually (eat)
d i nner?
Elsa: At seven o'clock, Right now,
| (1) (eat) a

snack because l'm hungry. But usually

I (B) (not eat,
sn acks.


Fill in the blanks with the affirmative or

negative form of have.
1I short hau. (./)
2 They green eyes (/)
3 Anna blond hair. (X) Desmond has two and a

4 Robert wavy hair. (/) brother.

5 You blue eyes. (,x) 2 He doesn't go to by bus.
t5 3 He's taking his ., with him todav.
4 Desmond's finish at two
Fill in the blanks with the affirmative form of
have or be.
At home, he has a radio, but he doesn't have a
1 Lionel long dark hair.
2 His hair very straiqht. lt /10
isn't wavy. Total: I 60
3 He a long straight
beard, too.
4 Lionel and his brother
5 Lionel and his wife
g I asses.
Vocabulary Grammar
1 Unscramble the foods. 1 Circle the correct words.
1 gesg 1 There is a / are some / is any potatoes.
2 zsiapz 2 There aren't any / isn't any / is some bananas.
3 pspale 3 There is a / are a / is an apple.
4 rmbhuarseg 4 There isn't some / isn't a / isn't any
5 tasopeto hamburger.
6 wisarsretrbe 5 There are any / isn't any / are some
t6 strawberries.
2 F¡ll in the blanks wíth the foods from
exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with a, an, some, or any.
1 are normally red 1 There aren't hamburgers.
or green. 2 ls there egg?
2 l'm making French fries. Are there any 3 There are tomatoes.
? 4 There rs mango
3 You use to make 5 Are there pizzas?
an omelet. t5
4 ... ,,,..,,,,,,,,,,, ,, are small and red.
5 You eat ...... .. .... ... in an ltalian Write questions and short answers. Use ls there
a / an or Are there any for the quest¡ons.
6 You eat.. ..... in a fast food 1 fast food restaurant
restaurant. near your school? (/)
......... I 6

----- cvbercafés in
3 Find eight items of food and drink. Put the
;;;;;; ,r;
words in the correct column.

egg in the
;;;;;;;;; ,i
d,*-""'%,%J"'u'uo".a*n", 4 sausage under
your chair? (X)

Food Drink
Italian restaurants
near here? (X)


Unit test @
4 Write C (for countable) or U (for uncountable). Reading
'1 rice
1 Read the blog. Then answer the questions.
2 ketchup
3 apple
4 bread
5 mango
O 5dIL t-ti!
/6 My name is Francesca, and rny sister's name
is Pairizia. Tonight, Fatrizia and I want to
5 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of óe meet our friends in town tar aPizza.
and some ot any. My favorite ltalian restaurant is called
Luigi's.lt's a big new restaurant in the town
1 There milk. (X)
center across from the rnovie theater. I like it
2 There sausages. (/)
because there's a big menu, and the pizzas
3 There French fries. (X)
are delicious. There are some expensive
4 There salt. (/) pizzas, and there are some cheap ones, too.
l4 There is other ltalian food on the menu like
pasta or salad, l¡ut I normally have a pizza.
My favorite one is a Margarita. There's cheese
and tomato on that.
Patrizia's favorite restaurant is called Buana
Sera. §he likes it becauso it's very srnall-
there are only six tables! They're next to the
kitchen and you can watch them cook the
pizzas. lt's fun! lt's a cheap restaurant, and
there are only pizzas on the trienu, but they're
very good.
We can't decide between Luigi's and Suona

1 ls Luigi's a small restaurant?

2 Where exactly is it?

3 Are there any cheap pizzas aI Luigi's?

4 Why does Patrizia like Buona Sera?

5 ls there any pasta on the menu at Buona Sera?

Total: I 60
Vocabulary Grammar
1 Match the nouns (1-8) with the noun 1 Put the words in the correct column.
categories (a-h). #
1 a t beds f urniture minutes music songs time

$s0 time
2 backpack b music
3 bed c furniture Countable Uncountable
zl hlcac d money
5 apple e traffrc
6 song f travel
7 minute g food
B vacation h baggage
2 Fill in the blanks with the words in exercise 1.

2 Unscramble the personal possessions. 1 How many

1 yke ngri are there on your MP3 player?

2 kabpccak 2 How much

3 ltacrebe is there on your MP3 player?

4 grinraes 3 How much

5 nglsasusse is there before classes start?

6 letb 4 How many

/6 are there before classes start?
How many
3 Fill in the blanks with the personal are there in the room?
possessions from exercise 2.
How much
1 lt's sunny today. Where are my is there rn the room?
2 My pants are too b;g. i ".uO u
Look at the answers for the questions ín
exercise 2. Circle the correct words.
3 The key to my house is on my
1 There are a lot/'s a lot.
She's wearing her gold
2 There aren't many / isn't much.

on her wrist. 3 There are none /'s a little.

My is very
4 There are a few /'s a little.

heavy. lt has all my school books in it. 5 There aren't any / isn't any.

My mom has 6 There are a few /'s none.

in both ears.
Unit test @
Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive Reading
1 lt's my book. lt's 1 Read the dialogue. Are the sentences True or
False? Correct the false sentences.
2 lt's your backpack. lt's
3 They're Anna's earrings. They're
4 lt's David's belt. lt's do you eat2 Here's our reporter, Ben.
5 t hey're orr pens. They're Whose house are you at today, Ben?
l'm at the Turner's house today,
6 lt's Li and Kenzo's dog. lt's
Amanda. Mr. and Mrs. Turner have
two children, Sarah and Daniel.
Amanda: And what do the Turners eat? Look
Fill in the blanks with rs this or are these. Then
in the refrigerator! ls there any f resh
write the answer with a possessive pronoun.
1 Whose key ring isLhis ?
Ben: There's a little. There are some
(my key ring) ll'e mine bananas, but they're black. And
2 Whose bags ? there's something green.
(their bags) Amanda: ls it some salad?

Whose money Ben: No, it isn't. lt's some cheese, and it's
very old.
(her money)
Amanda: Oh, that's not good ls there anything
Whose shoes
(our shoes) Ben: Yes, there are a few sausages.
t6 Amanda: OK. And is there any milk or water?
Ben: Well, there is some milk, but it's
strawberry milk. And there are six
bottles of soda. That's all.
Amanda: Are there any vegetables in the
Ben: Sorry. Amanda. I can see some
hamburgers and French fries. But
there aren't any vegetables.
Amanda: So there isn't much food in the
Turner's refrigerator, and the food
that is in the refrigerator isn't very

'l There are some apples T/F

2 There aren't any bananas. T/F

3 There are some sausages. r/F

4 There isn't any water. T /F

There's a lot of very healthy food. f I F

Total: / 60
Vocabulary Grammar
1 Match the verbs (1-6) with the words (a-f). f F¡ll in the blanks with can and the verbs
1go a your hair below
2 stay out b a sleepover
3 dye c your dad's car
borrow buy drive eat come stay out

4 have d late
5 borrow e to a party
your dictiorylry?

6 drive f money from a friend

until 1 a.m.?
2 Unscramble the places to go. Start with the
bold letter. some new clothes on the weekend?

1 riybrla
2 euumms the car to the movie theater?
3 oecf ef ohps I

those potato chips?

nospiphg lmla
to my house on Saturday?
nkgisat krni l6
Match the answers (a-f) with the questions in
6 mwnmgiis olop exercise L Write the correct number.
a not! He can't drive.
............ . Absolutely
7 mfmseeaun kpra
l'll think about it How much money do
you want?
No way! There are only two beds in your
d Sure you can. lt's Saturday tomorrow.
e Sorry you can't. l'm using it.
f Sure you can. Are you very hungry?
I unit test @
Write suggestions. Then circle the correct Reading
'l Read the advertisement. Then fill in the blanks.
1 A: Let / go /to the beach

B: Greatl / No way! ;;;;;;;; Come and have fun at THC

2 A: What about / buy / those jeans ? SUMMER CtUB! lnle're oPen
from Monday to Thursday
B: OK. / I don't think so. I don't have any
evefy ureek in August.
A: Why / we / play / basketball ? Monday: Sports day
Join a teaml What about playing soccer or
B: Greatl / Let's not. I love it. basketball?
A: Let/have/asoda Go sololYou can go swimming, ntnning, or
ride a mountain bike.

B: That's a good idea. / Let's not. l'm not

Tuesday: Amusement park
th i rsty.
Why don't you come with us to FttnWorld
5 A: What about / make / a cake ?
Atnwsernent Park? You can go on the new
roller coaster Fast and Fantastic. Go up
B: OK. / No wayl ;;;;;;;;;;;;; il; ' and down 150 meters four times, in.just 90
ref rigerator. seconds !

110 It's awesome! Then let's have lunch at a fast

food restaurant.
Fill in the blanks with the words below.
Wednesday: Movie morning
l good iOea go shopping great I don't think ',
We have over a hundred movies. Why don't
t, Iet's no not what about you watch a DVD with us? Do you like
old rnovies, new rnovies, or movies about
Amelia: (1) study for animals? We have them alll
LIle te5L.
Felipe: (2) wayl I don't Thursday: A day in the park
want to study. What about spending a relaxing day in the
Amelia: Whv don't we (3) ?
park? You can go on a boat on the lake, play
tennis with a friend, take a walk, or read a
Felipe: (4) so. Shopping
book under a tree. It's your day!
is boring.
Amelia: (s) watchlng rv?
I The Summer Club is open days
Felipe: That's a (6)
a week in August.
Amelia: Let's see what's on TV
2 You can do different on
Felipe: (.7) I lt's soccer.
Why don't we watch this?
3 Fast and Fantastic is a rolier coaster at the
Amelia: Let's (8)
I hate soccer!
/8 4 There are a lot of to watch on
Wednesday mornings.
5 You can go to the on
Thu rsda5,s.
Total: / 60
Vocabulary Grammar
1 Unscramble the jobs. 1 Read the information. Then fill in the blanks
1 stirat with was, weret vlasnt, or weren't.
2 noihsaf egisdnre
: Name: MichaelJordan
', Date of birth: February 171r,, 1903
3 rtiewr I Place of birth: Brooklyn, New York,
4 iclpotaini r United States
5 ctiahretc , Job: professional basketball player
/5 ¡ Club history: Chicago Bulls (1 984-1993,
; 1995-1998); Washington Wizards
Fill in the blanks with the jobs from exercise 1. (200'1 -2003)

1 The Harry Potter books are by J. K. Rowling.

2 That picture is by Picasso. He was a Spanish born in 1966

2 He born in 1963.
3 That's one of Frank Lloyd Wright's buildings. He 3 He born in the
was an American United Kingdom.
4 That dress s by Christian Dior. He was a French He a professional
tennis player.
5 That book is by Nelson Mandela. He is a South His clubs Boston
Af rican Celtics or Los Angeles Lakers.
t5 6 They Chicago
Bulls and Washington Wizards
Complete the adjectives of opinion. t6
1 History is an nt r st g subject.
2 Don't read that book. lt's really b r g
Write the questions with the past form of be.
Then wríte the short answers.
3 Yuckl I can't eat that food
It'sd sg t g. 1 / a soccer player

4 The weather is w I today. lt's cold and

Wae?elé a eo-ccer player ?

yes, hewas
it's raining
5 Can I have some more oasta? 2 you /born /in England

It'sd I c

3 limi Hendrix / a famous inventor

4 you and your family / Guatemala / last month

Unit test @
5 Frida Kahlo / f rom / Mexico
1 Read the interview. Then correct the sentences

6 Michael Jordan's club / the NBA Champion / in


Marie: No, I was born in Sydney, Australia

on August 6th, 1994.
lnterviewer: Australia? But you aren't
7 your grandparents / famous musicians
Marie: No, l'm not. My parents are British,
but they were in Sydney for ten
No, years. My dadS job was there. He
.. 112 was an architect in the city, and
we were there until I was six.
Write the ordinal numbers in words. lnterviewer: What was your house like?
1 1't Marie: It was big, and it was near an
awesome beach called Manly
2 12th
Beach. There were always a Iot
3 2B,h
of surfers there, and there was a
4 46'ñ
swimming poolwith water from
5 7g1r al^-
Lf Ie Sed.

6 93d lnterviewer: And the weather?

l6 Marie: The weather was fantastic! It was
really hot and sunny. lt's dlfferent
4 Fill in the blanks with the words below in London.
Interviewer: Do you like London?
fifth five hundred hundredth § Marie: Yes, of course. I was young when I

second two ,§ was in Sydney. London is my home

now. But my family and I go back
1 A bird has legs. to Australia for a vacation every
2 I wasn't first. I was three years.
3 E js the letter of the English
alphabet. Marie was born in London.
I have brothers - Max, Ed, Joe, lf,ayi g w a9 b o.;yn ip y_dney

Jack, and Kurt Marie's father was an artist.

He's 99 years old. lt's his
birthday next year. 3 Marie's parents are Australian
There were a people at my
birthday party. lt was awesomel 4 Marie was in Sydney until she was ten years old.
5 The weather was awful in Sydney.

6 Marie never goes back to Australia

Total: ..... /60
Vocabulary Grammar
1 Complete the kinds of music. 1 Write the simple past form of the verbs.
lrck 1 listen -
21zz 2 study -
3s I 3 chat -
4c ntry 4 arrive -
5cl ss c I 5 stay -
6p 6 t'y-
Trea 7 watch
8r t l
t8 Fill in the blanks with the simple past forms in
exercise 1.
2 Unscramble the musical instruments. Then fill 1We an awful movie on
in the blanks.
TV yesterday.
1 Vivaldi was a famous
2 The teacher was angry because the students
(i orvnlrplayer.
2 Larry Mullen Jr. plays the
I to music on mv MP3
(mrsud) inU2. player last night.
3 Louis Armstrong was a famous
4 rh^\,
¡,'Ly online for three
hou rs.
Chris N/artin sometimes plays the
5l to eat snarls in the
(anipo) inColdplay.
restaurant, but they were disgusting.
Jimi Hendrix was an American
6 My mom French and
Spanish at college.
6 John Coltrane was a
7 Josh out late last
(nosehxapo) player
Satu rday.
t12 /7
unit test @
Circle the correct simple past form of the verbs' Reading
'l go - goed / went / goes
'l Read the blog. Are the sentences True or
2 see - saw / sawed / seed False? Correct the false sentences.
3 win - wind / wan / won
4 sing - sung / singed / sang
5 spend - spend / spent / spended
6 rell - telled / told / telld
7 give - gave / gove / gived My mom was 40 last SaturdaY so mY dad
organized a special birthday party for her. He
B have - had / haved i haded
/8 invited all her friends and family. There were
about 80 people there. Our house is very
small, so we had the party in a large room at
Fill in the blanks with the simple past forms of
the local sports center. lt was great!
the verbs in exercise 3.
Last July I (1) to a music A band called Rock On played the music.
There are five members in the band. Two girls
festival. My dad (2)
sang, one man played the guitat another
four tickets in a competition, and he played the bass, and a boy played the drums.
(3) them to me and They aren't a famous band, and they don't
my friends There were thousands of people have an album, but they were awesome!They
there, and we (4) three performed a lot of songs from the 1980s when
hours waiting to go in. When it started, we my mom and dad were at school.
(5) a fantastic time. My brother, Ted, plays the saxophone. He
We (6) my favorite raP played Happy Birthday for Mom, and everyone
star, Tinie Tempah. He (7) sang for her. Dad took a lot of photos.
Wr¡tten in the Stars, and it was awesome. After Mom spent all night dancing and chatting to
the festival, I posted a comment online and people. At the end, she told us it was the best
(8) everyone all about it night of her life.
t8 Archie

1 B0 people went to Archie's mom's

birthday party. T/F

The party was in a hotel. T/F

Ted isn't a member iÁ. t".o l..o 1/F


;";il;;; ;;ñ;;; the 1 e'.s

for Archie's mom. T /F

5 Archie's mom danced for an hour. TIF

Total: / 60
Vocabulary Grammar
1 F¡ll in the blanks with the words below 'l Read Harry's agenda for last Friday and
Saturday. Write simple past questions.
i' Oeactr desert isiánA ¡unglá ,orÁtr¡n r¡ver I
pla,¡ aoccer
1 The Amazon is the ¡ongest in bu.¡ some snoaYets
South America. v¡ai¿h a disaster movis r¡¡iih
2 Mount Fuji n Japan is a Mi¿K
3 There are big areas of in South
Saturday go lo lhe beach
do geographl homer^rorK i:':-.
The Atacama is the driest
go io ihe shopping mall vrith .i,..,.,
place in the world 5all1
5 Honshu is the biggest Japanese atal out late v¡ith friends '¡:

, but there are over 6,500 in

6 Copacabana is a famous in Rio
/ basketball / Friday
de Janeiro.
DidHarry pla;y baeketball onFrida;y
I skled on a br9 in my winter
Narry / some sneakers / Friday
Harry and Mick / movie / Saturday
Circle the correct word.
1 The boat had a hole so rt crashed / sank / died llarry / beach / Saturday
in the water
2 We sank / crashed / disappeared into Harry / his math homework / Saturday
another car.
3 A soccer player died / sank / broke his leg Harry /the shopping mall with Sally / Saturday
4 How many people hit / broke / died in
accidents last year?
7 Narry and his friends / late I Saturday

5 The cat disappeared / broke / crashed ?

yesterday. I can't frnd her. t6

6 He sank / crashed / hit a tree with his bike.
/6 Write short answers for the questions in
exercise f .
1 No, he didn't


b. unit test @
Write questions. Use the simple past.
1 Where / you / go / on vacation / last summer
1 Read the blog. Answer the questions.

2 you and your family / have / a good time

How many islands / you / visit

Your questions about ... the Pyramids in
you / learn / about the history of the Bahamas Egypt
) For a long time, the pyramids were one of the
Columbus / discover / the Bahamas world's big mysteries. But today, we know
a little more about them. Dr. Daniel Knowles
from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo answers
What month / he / arrive / there
your questions.
How old are the pyramids?
.... I 6
About 4,600 years old.
Match the answers (a-f) with the quest¡ons in Why did the Egyptians build the pyramids?
exercise 3. Write the correct number (1-6). The ancient Egyptians built them for their
a Yes, he did tn 1492 pharaohs, the kings of Egypt. They were their
b Two. New providence and Eleuthera.
tombs. For example, the Great pyramid was a
tomb for the Pharoah Khufu.
c We went to the Bahamas.
d In October. How long did it take to build one?
e Yes, I did. I learned a lot of things
We think that it took between twenty and
thirty years to build one. They didn,t have any
f Yes, we did. lt was awesome!
machines then.
How many people did it take to build a
Write the negative form of the simple past pyramid?
sentences. We don't know exactly, but thousands and
thousands of people!
1 The Titantc sank in 1 950.
How big is the Great Pyramid?
2 The Romans invented celi ohones
:i's \.,*rf. v*ri: br;. lh*t
lf.*-r * i,e r_::ü_r
r_::ü-r i"'": , r;,i,t¡¡
three tl¡*¡-l*and i:trcks *f :lcr:e ln
th:'ee hurdreC tl¡*r-l*and ln :

3 Botticelli painted Ihe Mona Lisa.

Pelé played basketball.

1 Does Dr. Knowles work in a pyramid?

The lncas built the Great Pyramid.

2 Did the pyramids exist 20,000 years ago?

il;;;;; ;; ;il;; ;;;i;;;; ; i;.,;;;o;

"; , il;;;;il;;;;,;;;---
t6 What was the name of Pharoah Khufu's tomb?

How many people did it take to build a


,,,,,,,, lto
Total: / 60
Notes and answers
to practice the present progressive (affirmative, negative, and questions)
to practice everyday activities and the weather
to review clothes and colors

. Copy and cut up the activity sheet.
. Divide the class into A / B pairs.
. Give out the activity sheet. and explain the activity. Go through the example with
the class.
. Make sure students have some colored pens / pencils.
. Make sure students understand that they have to ask present progressive
questions (Wh- and Yes / No questions) to find out the details of their partner's
picture (what they're doing and what they're wearing). They also need to ask
about the weather (What's the weather like? / ls it raining?).
o Students draw their own picture. Then they ask and answer in pairs and draw
their partner's picture.
. Students compare prctures to see if the details are correct.

Students'own answers.

Extra activity
¡ Students can repeat the activity with the other profile.
What are you doing?
Student A
You're waiting for a bus.
1 Choose a profile (1 or 2). Draw a simple You're watching TV.
You're wearrng black You're sitting on a chair.
picture to illustrate it. Use the correct
shorts, a red T-shirt, You're wearing blue
colors for the clothes. Don't show your
and a blue cap. You're sweatpants and a yellow
picture to Student B.
sending a text message sweatshirt. lt's cloudy
2 Answer Student B's questions about what on your cell phone. lt's outside.
you're doing in your picture. Give Student raining
B time to draw the picture. I

Student B: What are you doing in your Your picture Student B's picture
Student A: l'm waitrng for a bus.
Student B: Are you wearing a jacket?
Student A: No, l'm not. l'm wearing ...
Student B: What else are you doing?
Student A: l'm...
Now ask Student B about his / her picture.
Remember to ask about the weatheL too.
Draw Student B's picture.

Now compare the pictures. Are the details


What are you doing?

§tudent B
You're doing your
Choose a profile (1 or 2). Draw a simple homework. You're
picture to illustrate it. Use the correct sitting at a desk You're You're wearing a blue
colors for the clothes. Don't show your wearing black jeans and jacket. She's wearing a
picture to Student A. an orange T-shirt lt's red one. lt's snowing.
sunny outside.
Ask Student A about his / her picture.
Remember to ask about the weather, too.
Draw Student A's picture.
Student B: What are you doing in your Student A's picture Your picture
p ictu re ?
Student A: l'm waiting for a bus.
Student B: Are you wearing a jacket?
Student A: No, l'm not. l'm wearing ...
Student B: What else are Vou doing?
Student A: l'm...
Answer Student A's questions about what
you're doing in your picture. Give Student
A t¡me to draw the picture,

Now compare the pictures. Are the details

W&#ffiffi&&§#f&g'l§§§l1i9ffiffi§&iffiffi&ffii§*§,*9$iffiffiq&rlffi*i,ñli&fi§*ffiffii W

Notes and answers

to practice has / have for appearance
to practice physical descriptions

. Copy and cut up the activity sheet.
o Divide the class into A / B pairs.
. Give out the activity sheet, and explain the activity. Go through the
example with the class.
' Make sure students understand that they have to use has / doesn't have
to describe the appearance of their six people.
o Students choose names for the people on their activity sheet.
. Then they describe the physical appearance of their people.
. Remind students they have to describe the people in a random order.

' Their partner listens and writes the names under the correct pictures.
. Students compare the pictures to see if the names are correct.

Students' own answers.

Extra activity
' students can describe the physical appearance of someone in the class
without saying his / her name, e.g. This person has long hair. This person
doesn't have glasses. Their partner listens and guesses who it is"
Who's who?
Student A
1 Choose a name for each person below. Label 3 Compare the pictures. Are the names coruect?
the pictures. Don't show Student B.
4 Listen to Student B's descriptions . Labelthe
Barbara Mick Helena Victor Thomas Lurcy pictures with the names below.

ffiffi._ ffi
Han nah Eva Philip Julia

t'; ^ . ffi&
s-ü trS.§
\ \j'
,:i *&§


\s- ,.- J" ,,^\

se' 'G:>*
§*r §
m\ f,E
Choose one of your people. Say his / her name'
Describe his / her appearance to Student B 5 Compare the pictures. Are the names correct?
using has I doesn't have.... Then do the same
with the other people. Don't follow the order
of the pictures.
Student A: Thomas has wavy, blond hair and
small eyes. He has a mustache and a

beard He doesn't have giasses

Whot who?
Student B
1 Listen to Student A's descriptions. Label the 3 Now choose a name for each person below
pictures with the names below Labelthe pictures. Don't show Student A.

Barbara Mick Helena Victor Thomas Lucy Ernesto Joseph Hannah Eva Philip Julia

. i":

l"r ^\.--
': '/!


*.ár- .-l
t'- :

Student A: Thomas has wavy, blond hair and Choose one of your people. Say his / her name.
small eyes. He has a mustache and a Describe his / her appearance to Student A
beard. He doesn't have glasses. using has I doesnt have... . Then do the same
with the other people. Don't follow the order
Compare the pictures. Are the names correct?
of the pictures.

Compare the pictures. Are the names correct?

Notes and answers
to practice asking and answering questions with there is / there are
to practice food and drink

. Copy and cut up the activity sheet.
. Divide the class into A / B pairs.
. Give out the activity sheet, and explain the activity. Go through the example with the
c ia ss.
. lVake sure students understand that they have to ask and answer ts there ...? /
Are there any 2 questions to find out what's on their partner's menu.

' Students choose and write the things on their menu. Then they ask and answer
questions about thelr menus. They write the things on their partner's menu,
. Students compare menus to see if they are correct.

St,de'ts' own answers.

Extra activity
. Stucients can taik about the things on the menu l¡ their school cafeteria.
Whatt on the menu?
Student A
1 Write your menu. Choose from the things below. Don't show Student B.

Main meals: Extras: Drin ks:

Cheese and tomato pizza Cheese pasta Bread French fries Coffee Milk Soda
Hamburgers Rice salad Sausages Fruit salad Tomato salad Water

Answer Student B's questions about

your menu. Tell him / her the price, Your Menu ttudsnt É s Menu
too. Ask questions about Student
B's menu. Write the food and drink Main maalt Main moa\s
on the menu. $¿ $

Student B: ls there any bread on your $3 $

Student A: No, there rsn't.
úxiras *lra¡
Student B: Are there any sausages? $z
Student A: Yes, there are. They're $3. $t $8.
Now compare the menus. Are they DrinKs DrinKt
correct? $t

What's on the menu?

Student B
1 Write your menu. Choose from the things below. Don't show Student A.

Main meals: Extras: Drinks:

Cheese and tomato pizza Cheese pasta Bread French fries Coffee Milk Soda
Hamburgers Rice salad Sausages Fruit salad Tomato salad Water

Ask Student A questions about his /

her menu. Write the food and drink
Your Menu
on the menu. Answer Student A's
Main m¿ale
questions about your menu. Tell him /
her the price, too.
$: s
$+ $
Student B: ls there any bread on your
menu? Orlrat
Student A: No, there isn't.
Student B: Are there any sausages?
$z S
Student A: Yes, there are. They're $3.
Now compare the menus. Are they DrinKe DrinKe
correct? $z
$l $
Notes and answers
to practice questions with Houv much ...? / How many ...?
to practice quantifiers
to practice countable / uncountable nouns

. Copy and cut up the activity sheet
. Divide the class into A / B pairs.
. Give out the activity sheet, and go through the example with the class
. Make sure students understand that they have to ask and answer
questions wilh How much ...? / How many ...2 to find the differences
in their pictures.
. Studenls take turns to ask and answer questions and find the
differences in their prctures.
r Students compare pictures and check their answers.

Student As picture
There are three people at the bus stop.
There's a lot of baggage.
There aren't any cars.
There are three chairs.
There are five hamburgers.
Ihere are four keys.
There are ten strawberries.

Student B's picture

There are five people at the bus stop.
There's a little baggage.
There are two cars,
There's one chair.
There aren't any hamburgers.
There are five keys.
There are six strawberr es.

Extra activity
. Students can add the things below to their pictures. They choose the
quantity. They then ask and answer questions about those things.

eggs bread cheese bananas

Spot the difference
Student A
1 Take turns to ask and answer questions about Student A: How many people are there at the
Student B's picture. Use How much ...? / How bus stop?
many...7 and the words below. Find seven Student B: There are five people at the bus stop.
differences. Circle the things on the picture Student A: That's different. ln my picture, there
that are different. are three people at the bus stop.
Student B: How much money is there in your
baqqaqe cars chairs hamburgers ketchup picture?
keys money people at the bus stop Student A: There's none.
skateboarders strawberries water Student B: That's the same.

§pot the difference

§tudent B
1 Take turns to ask and answer questions about Student A: How many people are there at the
Student As picture. Use How much ...? / How bus stop?
many...7 and the words below. Find seven Student B: There are five people at the bus stop.
differences. Circle the things on the picture Student A: That's different. ln my picture, there
that are different. are three people at the bus stop.
Student B: How much money is there in your
baggage cars chairs hamburgers ketchup picture?
keys money people at the bus stop Student A: There's none.
skateboarders strawberries water Student B: That's the same.

ir:-:r/xlll r-J llii\.<*--á uiL]--j*J,}{

Notes and answers
to practice asking for permission
to practice giving / refusing permission

. Copy and cut up the activity sheet.
. Divide the class into A / B pairs.
. Give out the activity sheet, and explain the activity. Go through the example
. with the class.
. Make sure students understand that thrs is a fun activity where they have to
decide on the answers to the requesls before their partner asks them.
. Encourage students to be enthusiastic with their answers. Some of them should
be sensible, and others should be a bit silly and funny.
. Students take turns to ask for permission and give / refuse permission.
. Ask students how many answers were sensible.

Students' own answers.

Extra activity
. Students can repeat the activity with their own ideas for requests.
Con I ...?
Student A Take it in turns to ask for permission to do
1 Look at the key below. Choose and write something. Use Can I ...7 and the words
an answer for Student Bt requests (1-6). below. Answer according to O or @ in
You don't know what the requests are. exercise 1. Are your I Student B's answers

o = Sure you can.

sensible, or silly?

o = l'll think about it. dye / my hair purple?

borrow / $10?
@ - Sorry, you can'1. eat / your lunch?
get / a tattoo on my arm?
@ @= AbsolutelY not! / No waY!
go / to the park right now?
Request 1
stay out / until 5 a.m.?

Request 2 Student B: Can I borrow a lot of money?

Request 3 Student A: l'll think about it. Can I dye my hatr
Request 4
Student B: Sorry, you can't.
Request 5

Request 6


Can I ...?
§tudent B Take it in turns to ask for permission to do
1 Look at the key below. Choose and write something. Use Can L..? and the words
an answer for Student At requests (1-6). below. Answer according to O or @ in
You don't know what the requests are. exercise 1. Are your I Student A's answers
(, = Sure you can. sensible, or silly?

o = l'llthink about it. borrow / a lot of money?

get / a tattoo on my leg?
@ - Sorry, you can't. go / to the coffee shop right now?
@ 6= Absolutely not! / No wayl have / a party at your house?
use / your cell phone?
Request 1 use / your computer?

Request 2
Student B: Can I borrow a lot of money?
Request 3 Student A: l'll think about it. Can 1 dye my hair
pu rple?
Request 4
Student B: Sorry, you can't,
Request 5

Request 6
Notes and answers
to practice talking about the past
to practice questions and short answers
with r¡zas / were
to practice jobs

' NB: Students have to know some
facts about the famous person they
You could ask students to research
someone for homework. Teil them not to
who their famous person say
. Copy and cut up the activity sheet.
. Divide the class into A / B pairs.
' Give out the activity sheet, and exprain
the activity. Go through the exampre
the class.

' Make sure students understand that

they can onry ask yes / no questions
Were you ... Z to find out information.

' Students take turns to pray the guessing

game. Give them a time rimit.
Students'own answers.

Extra activity
¡ students can repeat the activity, but
this time they can onry ask five questions.
Who am l?
Student A
1 Choose a famous person from the past. Make sure that you know a few things
about this person. Use some of the ideas below, and your own ideas. lmagine
that you are this person. Don't tell Student B who you are.
. r¡¿ie i'e'e ¿le ?

o -21 )'= -:
. _,a:' :' :: -.'
a ^-

. t'--. --=':. --
-- : ..':lQ I
o _ -, _
-- - -- - - -

. .,-'a':ta:-::?

2 Answer Student 83 questions. Can he / she guess who you are?

Student B: Were you female?
Student A: Yes. I was.
Student B: Were you born in the 19th century?
Student A: Yes, lwas.
Student B: Were you a writer?
Student A: No, I wasn't.

3 Ask Student B questions about his / her person. Can you guess who he / she is?

Who am l?
Student B
1 Choose a famous person from the past. Make sure that you know a few things
about this person. Use some of the ideas below, and your own ideas. lmagine that
you are this person, Don't tell Student A who you are.

. n ale i iema,e ?

. .aI ). ¿ -..
o !€dl' of c 't" l
first oerson lo oo something ?

. <nn-Tq e ^a* c c- ?

. winner of a prrze ?

2 Ask Student A questions. Can you guess who he / she is?

Stud e nt B: Aere , ou 'e -a le'
Student A: Yes, I was
Student B: Were you l¡orn in the 191' century?
Student A: Yes, I was.
Student B: Were you a writer?
Student A: No, I wasn't,

3 Answer Student As questions about your person. Can he / she guess who you are?
Notes and answers
to practice simple past (affirmative)
to practice regular and irregular verbs

. Copy and cut up the acttvity sheet.
. Divide the class into A / B pairs.
. Give out the activity sheet, and explain the activity
. Students read therr story to their partner. Their partner
numbers the pictures in the cartoon strip 1-6.

StudentA: 1e 2c 3b 4f 5a 6d
Student B: '1d 2f 3a 4e 5b 6c
Extra activity
. Students can write their own mini-stories in the simple
past. They read the story to their partner, who has
to draw a simple cartoon strip illustrating the story
Students could then vote on which story and comic strip
they think is the best.
. Alternatively, students could write their own stories with
a cartoon strip for homework.
Tell me a story
Student A
1 The pictures in the cartoon strip are in the 2 Now read this story slowly to Student B. Give
wrong order. Listen to Student Bt story and him / her time to number the boxes.
number the boxes'l{. Seth met a girl called Becky at school. He loved
her. He went home and created a song about
Becky. Then he sent his song to a recording studio
They liked h s song! Seth performed his song at a

concert, and Becky watched him. Then Becky and

Seth went to a party together.

Tell me a story
Student B
1 Read this story slowly to Student A. Give The pictures in the cartoon strip are in the
him / her time to number the boxes. wrong order. L¡sten to Student A's story and
Dolores made a cake for a contest at her school. number the boxes 1-6.
She was very happy with it. She carried the cake to
school Then she dropped itl But her cake tasted
good, and she won the contest. The teachers gave
Dolores a pr ze. "Don't drop itl" everyone said.

Notes and answers

to practice simple past (affirmative, negative, questions, short answers)
regular and irregular verbs

. Copy and cut up the activity sheet.
. Divide the class into A / B pairs.
. Give out the activity sheet, and explain the activity. Go through the
example with the class
. Students choose what day they did each activity and fill in their
' students take turns to ask and answer about their activities last week.
v/hen they find out information, they write the activities in the correct
place in their partner's agenda.
. Students compare agendas to see tf they are correct

Studenrs'own a-s\vers

Extra activity
o Students can repeat the actrvit,v, but this time with answers that are
true for the.nse,ves.
What did you do last week?
Student A
'l Look at the activities below. you did alt these
I uesday

things last week, but when? Write the activities Wednesday

in your agenda. Use the símple past form of I hursday
verbs. Don't show your agenda to Student B. Friday

5atu rday
buy some shoes go to a rock concert
have a sleepover make a cake play the guitar Sunday
see fnends take some photos

2 Ask and answer simple past questions about STUDENT B'S AGENDA
what you and your partner did last week. Fill out
Student B's agenda with the activíties he / she
did. Monday
Student A: What dicj you do on Monday?
Student B: I went to a rock concert. Did you go
to a weanáioay
rock concert last week?
Student A: yes, I did. I went on Thursday.
Did you see
friends on Wednesday? Friday
Student No, I djdn't I saw friends on Saturday Satu rday
3 Compare your agendas to see if they are correct. Sunday
Did you do any activities on the same day?


What did you do last week?
Student B Monday
' Look at the activities below. you did all these Tuesday
things last week, but when? Write the activities
in your agenda. Use the simple past form
of the Th u rsday
verbs. Don't show your agenda to Student
buy some shoes go to a rock concert Saturday
have a sleepover make a cake play the gurtar
Su nday
see friends take some photos

. Ask and answer simpfe past questions about

what you and your partner did last week. Fill YOUR AGENDA
Student A's agenda with the activities he /
she did.
S'tudent A: What did you do on Monday? Monday
j:udent B: I went to a rock concert. uesday
Did you go to a

rock concert last week? Wednesday

j:udent A: yes, I did. I went
on Thursday. Did you see Th u rsday
friends on Wednesday?
j:udent B: No, I didn,t. I saw friends on Saturday.

Satu rday
lompare your agendas to see if they are correct.
)id you do any activities on the same day? 5unday
Engaging a new generation
engage 2'd edition captures the imagination of a new generation of teenage
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