Leroux 2018
Leroux 2018
Leroux 2018
a b,
Carel W. le Roux, MD, PhD , Helen M. Heneghan, MD, PhD *
Obesity Bariatric surgery Metabolic surgery Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Gastric bypass Sleeve gastrectomy
Bariatric surgery is the most effective treatment for severe obesity. It is associated with
significant and sustained weight loss and is more effective than lifestyle or medical man-
agement in achieving glycemic control and reductions in morbidity and mortality from car-
diovascular disease and even cancer.
The most commonly performed bariatric procedures are gastric banding, sleeve gastrec-
tomy, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, and biliopancreatic diversion (BPD), with or without
duodenal switch. Most operations are successfully performed laparoscopically.
Weight loss plays a major role in inducing improved glucose homeostasis following bar-
iatric surgery, but there are several weight-independent mechanisms at play.
Bariatric surgery has a very low mortality (0.04%–0.3%) and morbidity (4.3% incidence of
major adverse events in the early postoperative period).
Nutritional deficiencies are common following some bariatric procedures (gastric bypass
and BPD). Lifelong supplementation of vitamins D and B12, folic acid, iron, and calcium,
among others, is recommended.
The rising prevalence of obesity, along with high numbers of nonresponders to med-
ical weight-reduction programs, has led to the evolution and success of bariatric sur-
gery.1–3 Although this treatment was initially conceived purely for weight loss, bariatric
surgery has since evolved into a treatment for health gain. Several randomized trials
and prospective cohort studies have demonstrated that bariatric surgery is not only
superior to usual medical care for weight loss but also, more importantly, translates
into several health benefits, including improved glycemic control and reductions in
morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease and even cancer.4–9 Observing
and investigating the significant metabolic impact of bariatric procedures have led
to an understanding of several weight-independent mechanisms by which these pro-
cedures affect metabolic health. Indeed, many have embraced the term “metabolic
surgery” to emphasize such effects.10,11 Furthermore, surgical procedures have
evolved and outcomes improved over the last decade, with the widespread adoption
of minimally invasive techniques, enhanced recovery programs, and a commitment to
data reporting.
Gastric banding, sleeve gastrectomy, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) and bilio-
pancreatic diversion (BPD), with or without duodenal switch (DS), are the most
commonly performed bariatric procedures at present. These operations have tradition-
ally been categorized as restrictive (band and sleeve), malabsorptive (BPD, DS), or com-
bined restrictive and malabsorptive (RYGB) procedures. However, this classification is
unscientific, and an increasing body of literature demonstrates that mechanisms other
than restriction and malabsorption are at play. It has emerged that procedure effects are
largely determined by visceral signals, which occur as a result of anatomic alterations to
the gut.12,13 Gastric banding and sleeve gastrectomy only alter stomach anatomy,
whereas RYGB and BPD involve anatomic alterations of both the stomach and the small
bowel. The mechanism of action of each procedure results in unique outcomes and can
give rise to a constellation of procedure-specific risks, merits, and limitations. In this re-
view, the authors summarize the published outcomes of commonly performed bariatric
procedures, including weight loss, perioperative morbidity and mortality, late complica-
tions, as well as the impact of bariatric surgery on comorbidities, cardiovascular risk,
and mortality. The authors also briefly discuss the mechanisms by which bariatric/meta-
bolic surgery causes such significant weight loss and health gain.
The eligibility criteria for bariatric surgery established by the National Institutes of Health
in 1991 are widely used,14 but are now being challenged. According to these criteria, pa-
tients are eligible if they have a body mass index (BMI) between 35 and 40 kg/m2 as well
as an obesity-related complication, such as diabetes mellitus, obstructive sleep apnea,
or cardiovascular risk factors, or a BMI 40 kg/m2, regardless of weight-related comor-
bidities. These criteria were based on risk-benefit evidence (risk of obesity vs surgical
risk-benefit) at the time when most operations were not being done laparoscopically.
The criteria reflect the consensus views of an expert group of surgeons, physicians, psy-
chologists, and others that were expressed more than 25 years ago, whereas many of
today’s commonly used procedures were not in existence. Despite the time elapsed,
many of the fundamental issues of bariatric surgery remain the same, although the wide-
spread adoption of the laparoscopic approach to bariatric surgery and safer anesthetic
techniques in these patients have reduced surgical risk significantly.
More recently, the International Diabetes Federation and more than 50 other organi-
zations interested in the treatment of diabetes have recommended considering bariat-
ric surgery for individuals with BMI less than 35 kg/m2 and poorly controlled type 2
diabetes (T2D) despite best medical care.15 If a candidate meets these eligibility criteria
for surgery, then a multidisciplinary team assessment is made as to the suitability of the
candidate. In some countries, this can be a complex process involving psychological,
surgical, dietetic, and medical review to ensure that the individual is physically and psy-
chologically fit to proceed to surgery16; however, many of these practices have evolved
without an evidence base. There are also no evidence-based exclusion criteria, but the
main contraindications in common use are psychological features that indicate that a
Bariatric Surgery for Obesity 167
patient would not be able to cope with the impact of the procedure, such as personality
disorders, or that the procedures may put the patient at higher risk after surgery, such
as alcohol addiction. Patient’s fitness for surgery is assessed by the anesthetist on a
case-by-case basis. The decision to operate will consider the candidate’s potential
benefit from surgery and the perioperative risks.
Over the last decade, bariatric surgical techniques have evolved and advanced.
Recent data examining the utilization of laparoscopic bariatric procedures at aca-
demic medical centers in the United States reflect changing trends.17 Vertical-
banded gastroplasty was the prototype operation for many years, until acknowledg-
ment of its high failure rates and long-term complications resulted in it being largely
abandoned. Sleeve gastrectomy was initially used as the first component of a 2-stage
DS procedure in high-risk patients, but has since been demonstrated to be effective as
a stand-alone bariatric procedure and has now become the most commonly per-
formed procedure in the United States, where it accounts for approximately 54% of
all bariatric operations. Gastric bypass is the second most commonly performed pro-
cedure at present (approximately 23%), and gastric banding is much less commonly
performed than previously (approximately 6% of all procedures). BPD and DS (Fig. 1)
are infrequently performed in the United States (<1%), and revisional procedures are
becoming increasingly common (13%) (ASMBS [American Society for Metabolic &
Bariatric Surgery] data acquired from BOLD [Bariatric Outcomes Longitudinal Data-
base], ACS/MBSAQIP [American College of Surgeons/Metabolic and Bariatric Sur-
gery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program], National Inpatient Sample
data https://asmbs.org/resources/estimate-of-bariatric-surgery-numbers).
Novel endoscopic procedures are proposed alternatives to bariatric surgery and
include intragastric balloons, duodenojejunal bypass liners such as the EndoBarrier,
and endoscopic suturing platforms.18,19 These largely experimental procedures are
associated with a mean weight loss of 5% to 15% in the short term, and a complica-
tion rate of up to 20%. Given the lack of long-term data at present, the role for such
devices remains to be determined. Most recently, The AspireAssist System has
received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration and is in clinical trials.
This device is a novel endoscopic weight-loss device composed of an endoscopically
placed percutaneous gastrostomy tube and an external device to facilitate drainage of
approximately one-third of the calories consumed in a meal. Pilot data from patients
with this device demonstrate a total body weight loss of 12% at 1-year follow-up.
Fig. 1. Common bariatric procedures. (Reprinted with permission, Cleveland Clinic Center
for Medical Art & Photography ª 2017. All Rights Reserved.)
168 le Roux & Heneghan
Table 1
(continued )
Abbreviations: BPD, Biliopancreatic diversion; DJBm, duodenal-jejunal bypass surgery with minimal gastric resection; LAGB, Laparoscopic adjustable gastric band-
ing; nr, not reported; RYGB, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass; SG, Sleeve Gastrectomy.
The definition of diabetes remission varied in the different studies. Complete remission rates are listed here.
Control group consisted of a medical group with and without exenetide.
Bariatric Surgery for Obesity 171
shorter duration of diabetes (<5 years) and insulin independence at the time of
surgery.57,58 In those who do not achieve remission, bariatric procedures, including
laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB), facilitate better glycemic control
and a reduced medication burden compared with intensive medical therapy.4,37 Up
to 25% of patients with initial resolution of their diabetes will have reoccurrence of
glucose intolerance, insulin resistance, and T2D, although this phenomenon is often
associated with failure to lose a significant amount of weight primarily, or with postop-
erative weight regain.59 Bariatric surgery may also facilitate remission of diabetic
microvascular complications.60,61
Impact on Mortality
Several nonrandomized studies have demonstrated that bariatric surgery signifi-
cantly reduces mortality. The SOS study showed a 30% decrease in mortalities after
10 years of follow-up, mainly from decreases in deaths due to cancer and myocardial
infarction.8 Interestingly, the only predictor of mortality benefit was fasting insulin
levels above the median. Similar results were reported by Adams and colleagues,9
showing a 40% reduction in mortalities for the entire group, but a 92% reduction
in mortality for patients with diabetes. Again, the benefit was driven by reduction
in death due to cancer and cardiovascular disease. A recent systematic review
and meta-analysis has identified 8 studies that reported on long-term mortality,
involving 23,647 operated patients and 89,628 nonoperated obese controls. These
Bariatric Surgery for Obesity 173
Fig. 2. Obesity-associated comorbidities and their resolution rates after bariatric surgery.
GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease. (Reprinted with permission, Cleveland Clinic Cen-
ter for Medical Art & Photography ª 2017. All Rights Reserved.)
data showed a reduction of 41% in all-cause mortality after bariatric surgery. Further-
more, bariatric surgery patients were 0.42 times less likely and 0.47 times less likely
as nonoperated obese controls to die from cardiovascular diseases and cancer,
174 le Roux & Heneghan
Table 2
Complications associated with Roux-En-Y gastric bypass
In addition to achieving substantial and durable weight loss, bariatric surgery is asso-
ciated with favorable metabolic effects far beyond those achieved by lifestyle modifi-
cations and pharmacologic treatments. Perioperative morbidity and mortality have
decreased significantly over the last decade such that the safety profile of bariatric
surgery is better than many well-accepted procedures, such as cholecystectomy
and hysterectomy. In fact, the 0.3% mortality risk of bariatric surgery is one-tenth
that of coronary artery bypass surgery with significantly greater improvement in
long-term mortality. Much of the improvement in perioperative morbidity and mortality
can be attributed to advances in laparoscopic surgery as well as establishment of a
nationwide center of excellence network and required outcome reporting. The current
extensive evidence demonstrating the safety and efficacy of bariatric surgery supports
it as the current standard of care for treatment of severe obesity and its related
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