Canadian Consensus Statement: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery in Bariatric Surgery
Canadian Consensus Statement: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery in Bariatric Surgery
Canadian Consensus Statement: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery in Bariatric Surgery
Background In Canada, bariatric surgery continues to remain the most effective treatment for severe obesity and its comor-
bidities. As the number of bariatric surgeries continues to grow, the need for consensus guidelines for optimal perioperative
care is imperative. In colorectal surgery, enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols were created for this purpose.
The objective of this review is to develop evidence-based ERAS guidelines for bariatric surgery.
Methods A literature search of the MEDLINE database was performed using ERAS-specific search terms. Recently pub-
lished articles with a focus on randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses were included. Quality
of evidence and recommendations were evaluated using the GRADE assessment system.
Results Canadian bariatric surgeons from six provinces and ten bariatric centers performed a review of the evidence sur-
rounding ERAS in bariatric surgery and created consensus guidelines for 14 essential ERAS elements. Our main recom-
mendations were (1) to encourage participation in a presurgical weight loss program; (2) to abstain from tobacco and
excessive alcohol; (3) low-calorie liquid diet for at least 2 weeks prior to surgery; (4) to avoid preanesthetic anxiolytics and
long-acting opioids; (5) unfractionated or low-molecular-weight heparin prior to surgery; (6) antibiotic prophylaxis with
cefazolin ± metronidazole; (7) reduced opioids during surgery; (8) surgeon preference regarding intraoperative leak testing;
(9) nasogastric intubation needed only for Veress access; (10) to avoid abdominal drains and urinary catheters; (11) to pre-
vent ileus by discontinuing intravenous fluids early; (12) postoperative analgesia with acetaminophen, short-term NSAIDS,
and minimal opioids; (13) to resume full fluid diet on first postoperative day; (14) early telephone follow-up with full clinic
follow-up at 3–4 weeks.
Conclusions The purpose of addressing these ERAS elements is to develop guidelines that can be implemented and prac-
ticed clinically. ERAS is an excellent model that improves surgical efficiency and acts as a common perioperative pathway.
In the interim, this multimodal bariatric perioperative guideline serves as a common consensus point for Canadian bariatric
Keywords Bariatric surgery · Roux-en-Y gastric bypass · Sleeve gastrectomy · Enhanced recovery · Fast track
The prevalence of obesity has been increasing in Canada a result, Canadian bariatric programs began expanding to
with obesity affecting an estimated 20% of Canadians [1]. improve access to surgery and have achieved a four-times
Bariatric surgery continues to be the most effective treatment increase in volume between 2007 and 2013 [4]. Currently,
for obesity and obesity-related comorbidities for individuals the two main bariatric procedures offered across Canada are
with severe obesity or a body mass index (BMI) greater than the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) and sleeve gastrec-
35 kg/m2 [2]. However, bariatric surgery has historically tomy (SG).
been underutilized in Canada, with only 0.1% of 1.5 million Although the rate of bariatric surgical complications have
eligible patients receiving bariatric surgery per year [3]. As decreased over time, there are areas in the process of care
that can be improved [5, 6]. Enhanced recovery after surgery
(ERAS) pathways were initially developed for elective colo-
* Jerry T. Dang rectal surgery to improve perioperative outcomes [7–12].
ERAS programs are multimodal approaches that involve
Extended author information available on the last page of the article
Surgical Endoscopy
evidence-based, perioperative interventions that maintain improvement with prehabilitation and limited clinical ben-
physiological function, enhance mobilization, reduce pain, efit [17]. However, in both of these reviews, the majority of
and facilitate early oral nutrition [13]. Despite clear benefits patients were older than 60 years, which is much older than
in colorectal surgery, ERAS for bariatric surgery has not the typical bariatric surgery patient [18]. Further research
been widely implemented in Canada as there is a lack of in prehabilitation specific to bariatric surgery is needed to
consensus on ERAS guidelines. support this recommendation.
This article is an initiative undertaken by expert bariatric Patients are also encouraged to participate in a presurgical
surgeons across all major Canadian centers to develop con- weight loss program. A meta-analysis performed in 2011
sensus guidelines for optimal perioperative care in bariatric [19] and an updated review in 2015 [20] both demonstrated
surgery based on the best available evidence. that preoperative weight loss was associated with a reduc-
tion in postoperative complications. Furthermore, a study
of the Scandinavian Obesity Registry also demonstrated a
Materials and methods reduction in complications [21]. Whether patients should be
required to achieve specific levels of mandatory weight loss
A literature search of the MEDLINE database was per- remains unclear [20].
formed from database inception to August 2018 using search
terms: “bariatric surgery,” “sleeve gastrectomy,” “gastric Patient optimization and bowel preparation
bypass,” “fast track,” and “enhanced recovery.” Search terms
for specific ERAS elements were also included. Particular Tobacco cessation of at least 3 months is highly recom-
emphasis was placed on recently published articles of good mended prior to bariatric surgery. Although studies specific
quality with a focus on systematic reviews, meta-analyses, to bariatric surgery are lacking, tobacco smoking has con-
and randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Conference pro- sistently been demonstrated to increase the risk of pulmo-
ceedings were excluded. Quality of evidence and recommen- nary complications, wound infections, and thromboembo-
dations were evaluated using the Grading of Recommenda- lism after surgery [22]. Specific to bariatric surgery, there
tions, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) is evidence of increased risk of anastomotic ulceration after
system [14]. Ethics approval and consent were not required RYGB in tobacco users [23, 24]. Furthermore, a systematic
for this type of study. review demonstrated that smoking cessation of 4 weeks or
A group of Canadian bariatric surgeons from six different longer decreased the risk of postoperative complications
provinces and ten bariatric centers performed a review of the [22]. To ensure compliance, tobacco testing with urine coti-
evidence surrounding ERAS in bariatric surgery and cre- nine may be considered [25].
ated consensus guidelines for 14 essential ERAS elements Patients are also advised to abstain from excessive alco-
(Table 1). hol intake, including binge drinking. Moderate alcohol con-
sumption below Canada’s low-risk drinking guidelines is
permissible [26]. In elective surgery, alcohol consumption
Results is associated with increased perioperative risk [27]. There is
also a higher risk of alcohol abuse after RYGB, and patients
Recommendations, evidence, and grade of recommendations should be aware of this, especially those with a history of
are summarized in Table 1. alcohol abuse [28].
With Canada’s planned legalization of cannabis, ques-
Preadmission information and counseling tions remain about the safety of cannabis in bariatric surgery.
A review on this topic found little evidence on cannabis in
Information and counseling should be provided well before bariatric surgery patients, although there is some evidence
the bariatric procedure. This can be done through one-on- that chronic cannabis use has negative health effects [29].
one sessions with the patient or through group sessions with Our recommendation is that patients with significant can-
the patient and their relatives. Preparation for bariatric sur- nabis use should be carefully selected.
gery and hospital admission creates realistic expectations Chronic opioid use is common among bariatric surgery
about hospitalization, analgesia, mobilization, and discharge patients due to obesity-related symptoms. A retrospective
[15]. We also recommend offering patients prehabilitation cohort study found that after bariatric surgery in chronic
and exercise counseling, although evidence specific to bari- opioid users, the majority continued to use opioids and at
atric surgery is lacking. A meta-analysis of patients undergo- a higher dose [30], demonstrating that weight loss does
ing cardiac and abdominal surgery found that prehabilitation not appear to reduce opioid usage. These patients should
led to lower complications and a shorter length of stay [16], be assessed by a chronic pain specialist to optimize pain
while another systematic review found no physiological management prior to surgery. Treating postoperative pain in
Surgical Endoscopy
Preadmission information and counseling Set expectations through information and counseling Moderate Strong
Provide prehabilitation and exercise counseling Low Weak
Encourage participation in a pre-surgery weight loss High Strong
Patient optimization and bowel preparation Abstain from tobacco for at least 3–6 months prior to High Strong
surgery Low Strong
Abstain from excessive alcohol intake prior to surgery Low Weak
Chronic opioid users due to weight-related pain should Low Strong
be carefully counseled, consider assessment by a
chronic pain specialist
Mechanical bowel preparation is not necessary
Preoperative fasting and carbohydrate loading Low-calorie diet for two weeks prior to surgery, con- Moderate Strong
sider 3–4 weeks if high BMI Moderate Strong
Clear fluids until 2 h before induction and at least 6-h Low Weak
fast from solid food
Preoperative carbohydrate loading is not recom-
mended at this time given the lack of evidence in
severe obesity patients
Preanesthetic medication Avoid anxiolytics and long-acting opioids as they can Moderate Strong
delay postoperative recovery Low Strong
Consider acetaminophen for pain Low Weak
Dexamethasone before induction to reduce postopera-
tive nausea and vomiting
Thromboprophylaxis Unfractionated heparin of at least 5000 units or low- High Strong
molecular-weight heparin at the time of surgery Low Weak
No consensus on sequential compression devices
Preoperative skin preparation and antimicrobial Clip rather than shave hair to reduce infection High Strong
prophylaxis Chlorhexidine–alcohol is recommended over iodine– High Strong
povidone High Strong
Cefazolin (weight-dependent dosing) administered Low Weak
20 min prior to surgery Low Weak
Metronidazole may be used as an adjunct in RYGB
For penicillin allergy, recommend vancomycin or
Anesthesia Reduced opioid use, balanced fluids, short-acting High Strong
agents, and liberal use of antiemetics Low Strong
No role for epidural analgesia in laparoscopic bariatric Low Weak
Prevention of hypothermia (> 36 °C) is important with
preoperative warming in the holding area
Intraoperative leak testing Not required but recommended for RYGB and consid- Low Weak
ered for SG Low Weak
Test may be performed by endoscopy, methylene blue,
or air injection
Nasogastric intubation No role for routine insertion of nasogastric tubes Low Strong
May be helpful during initial phase of surgery to Low Strong
evacuate air from stomach
Abdominal and urinary drainage Drains are not routinely used to detect postoperative Low Strong
leakage Low Weak
May be considered in complicated or revisional cases Moderate Strong
Foley catheters are not required
Prevention of postoperative ileus Avoid fluid overload by resuming oral fluids early with Low Strong
discontinuation of intravenous fluids Low Weak
Prokinetic agents have not shown benefit Low Weak
Oral magnesium oxide, bisacodyl, and alvimopan may Moderate Strong
have some benefit
Encourage ambulation within 4 h of surgery
Surgical Endoscopy
Table 1 (continued)
Element Recommendation Level of evidence Recom-
Postoperative analgesia and postoperative nausea and Minimize use of opioids Moderate Strong
vomiting Acetaminophen and short-term NSAIDs recommended Low Strong
Patient may be discharged home with short course of Low Weak
oral hydromorphone, Percocet or Tramadol, crush Low Weak
pills or liquid formulation if too large to swallow
Liberal use of antiemetics from two different classes
is recommended, typically dexamethasone and
Postoperative nutrition Patients may sip clear fluids on the night following Low Strong
surgery once fully awake Low Strong
Full fluid diet may be started on postoperative day 1
Discharge and follow-up Criteria for discharge: normal hemodynamics, pain Low Weak
control, diet tolerance, ambulatory, and agreeable Low Weak
Bloodwork as needed on postoperative day one Low Weak
Nurse navigator follow-up phone calls at 24–48 h post- Low Weak
discharge are beneficial
Clinic follow-up at 3–4 weeks and then at 3 months
BMI Body mass index; RYGB, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass; SG Sleeve gastrectomy
chronic opioid users is difficult and preoperative counseling p = 0.04) as well as the surgeon’s perceived difficulty of the
may be necessary to ensure patients are properly educated. procedure [35].
Mechanical bowel preparations are not required prior to For preoperative fasting, our guidelines follow anesthe-
bariatric surgery. Although there is recent evidence support- sia society recommendations of 2 h for clear fluids and 6 h
ing a combination of mechanical bowel preparation with for solids before induction of anesthesia [36]. Carbohydrate
antibiotics to reduce surgical site infection (SSI) in elec- loading prior to surgery has also been a part of the colorec-
tive colorectal surgery [31], this does not apply to bariatric tal ERAS pathway; however, evidence in bariatric surgery
surgery. Combined mechanical bowel and oral antibiotic is limited and not currently recommended, especially in
preparations prevent SSI by reducing fecal bacterial load patients with diabetes where evidence is lacking.
and bacterial concentration within the colon [31]. However,
bariatric surgery is performed only on the upper gastrointes- Preanesthetic medications
tinal tract, which has no fecal load and much lower bacterial
counts [32]. Currently, ERAS guidelines have been published for the
practice of anesthesia in gastrointestinal surgery [37, 38].
Preoperative fasting and carbohydrate loading Based on these guidelines, patients with higher-risk comor-
bidities should be seen at a preadmission clinic by anesthesia
A low-calorie diet (LCD, 1000–1200 kcal/day) or very low- to optimize their perioperative care [37].
calorie diet (VLCD, 400–800 kcal/day) is recommended Preanesthetic administration of long-acting opioids
for at least 2 weeks before surgery and up to 3–4 weeks increases the risk of postoperative respiratory depression
for patients with a higher BMI. The main purpose of this and hypoventilation, especially in patients with obesity who
preoperative diet is to reduce the size of the liver which have a higher incidence of obstructive sleep apnea and obe-
reduces the technical difficulty of the bariatric procedure. sity hypoventilation syndrome [39]. Furthermore, anxiolyt-
This is supported by a systematic review that demonstrated ics such as benzodiazepines should be avoided as evidence
an average reduction in liver volume of 14% with LCDs does not support effectiveness in reducing preoperative anxi-
ranging from 2 to 12 weeks [33]. Another systematic review ety [40]. Our consensus is to avoid long-acting sedatives
which only included VLCDs, ranging from 10 to 63 days, and opioids as their effects can be unpredictable and delay
found that liver volume decreased by 5–20%. However, this postoperative recovery. Furthermore, a RCT comparing non-
meta-analysis found no difference in surgical complications opioid to opioid-based anesthesia during LSG found com-
[34]. Despite this, an RCT on two-week VLCD and RYGB parable efficacy with regard to pain scores [41]. A preopera-
found a reduction in 30-day complications (13.2% vs. 5.8%, tive dose of dexamethasone for postoperative nausea and
Surgical Endoscopy
vomiting is also recommended, although evidence specific allergies, vancomycin or clindamycin can be used as an
to bariatric surgery is lacking [42]. alternative.
Anesthetic considerations are detailed in ERAS guidelines
Patients with obesity have been shown to have an increased
designed for gastrointestinal surgeries [38]. However, the
risk for venous thromboembolism [43]. Thromboembolic
optimal anesthetic protocol should follow the mainstay prin-
complications represent 50% of mortality associated with
ciples of reduced opioid use which will help decrease patient
bariatric surgery [13, 44]. To prevent these events, throm-
recovery time. As well, the use of short-acting agents and the
boembolic prophylaxis is now a common practice in patients
liberal use of antiemetics intraoperatively should decrease
undergoing bariatric surgery. Currently, low-molecular-
postoperative antiemetic therapy and the duration of stay in
weight heparins have been shown to be just as effective, if
hospital [53].
not more effective than unfractionated heparin in preventing
Patients should receive a balanced volume of IV flu-
postoperative venous thromboembolism [45, 46]. Our group
ids intraoperatively. One study examined the outcomes of
consensus recommends the use of unfractionated heparin of
intraoperative fluid replacement in laparoscopic bariatric
at least 5000 units or weight-adjusted low-molecular-weight
surgery and found that conservative (15 mL/kg) versus
heparin prior to surgery. However, the group did not reach
liberal (40 mL/kg) IV fluid administration did not change
consensus on the use of compression stockings or pneumatic
postoperative creatinine or creatine kinase [54]. Therefore,
compression devices in preventing vein thromboembolisms
a conservative volume of IV fluids is recommended over a
liberal approach to prevent fluid overload.
Although there has been some advocacy for combined
Preoperative skin preparation and antimicrobial epidural with general anesthesia for abdominal surgery, our
prophylaxis consensus statement does not recommend epidural analgesia
in primary laparoscopic bariatric surgery. Although there is
Removal of body hair is a preoperative procedure that no evidence in bariatric surgery, a RCT comparing epidural
improves adhesion of the dressing and decreases surgical analgesics with patient-controlled analgesia in laparoscopic
site contamination [48]. However, the process and method colorectal surgery found that epidural analgesia lead to
of removing hair can cause micro-insults to the skin which no improvement in pain but longer hospital stays (3.7 vs.
increases the risk of SSIs. The current group consensus rec- 2.8 days) and slower return of bowel function [55].
ommends removing hair by clipping rather than by shaving, Hypothermia increases a patient’s risk for wound infec-
to reduce the risk of infection as the preferred method. This tion and delays healing; therefore, intraoperative normother-
is supported by a Cochrane systematic review which ana- apy with preoperative warming in the holding area is recom-
lyzed three RCTs (n = 3193) comparing shaving to clipping mended [56]. The use of heated insufflation during surgery
and found higher rates of SSI with shaving compared to is not recommended as a Cochrane systematic review dem-
clipping (RR 2.02, 95% CI, 1.21–3.36) [48]. onstrated minimal increases in core temperatures with no
For preoperative skin preparation, a RCT that included reduction in adverse outcomes [57].
849 participants showed that subjects assigned to the
chlorhexidine–alcohol group had a lower SSI rate overall Intraoperative leak testing
compared to the povidone–iodine group (9.5% vs. 16.1%;
P = 0.004; RR 0.59; 95% CI, 0.41–0.85) [49]. Therefore, There are currently no standard guidelines and requirements
skin preparation with chlorhexidine–alcohol is our current to perform intraoperative leak testing in bariatric surgery.
recommendation. However, early recognition and treatment of anastomotic or
For antimicrobial prophylaxis, our recommendation is staple line leaks are important to reducing complications
cefazolin which should be dosed pre-operatively [50] with and length of stay. In a retrospective cohort study, routine
metronidazole as an adjunct for patients undergoing RYGB intraoperative leak testing was performed in 1329 LSG cases
[51]. A recent study demonstrated that cefazolin 2 g IV but yielded zero positive results [58]. In another prospective
administered prior to skin incision achieves protective adi- series, 342 LRYGB cases underwent air leak testing with six
pose tissue levels for the duration of the bariatric procedure positive cases, requiring reinforcement of the gastrojejunal
[50]. Metronidazole is also recommended as an adjunct for anastomosis [59]. However, there is no evidence support-
patients undergoing RYGB due to increased enteric anaero- ing that intraoperative leak testing reduces the incidence of
bic contamination compared to SG; however, there is no evi- postoperative leaks. Therefore, it is our recommendation that
dence supporting this [52]. For patients with true penicillin routine intraoperative leak testing is not required but is up to
Surgical Endoscopy
the surgeon’s preference. The method in which intraopera- demonstrated insufficient evidence to recommend prokinetic
tive leak testing is performed varies and can be performed by agents for the treatment of postoperative ileus [72]. How-
air or methylene blue during intraoperative endoscopy. The ever, alvimopan, a gamma-opioid receptor antagonist, has
use of an orogastric tube to administer air or methylene blue been shown to improve recovery times in patients postop-
is not recommended as a retrospective study demonstrated a eratively compared to placebo [72–74]. Other agents such
lower rate of leak detection (8 vs. 4%) than with intraopera- as bisacodyl have been found to be effective in accelerating
tive endoscopy [60]. gastrointestinal motility following elective colorectal surgery
and is an option to treat postoperative ileus [75]. Oral mag-
Nasogastric intubation nesium oxide is another intervention that has demonstrated
benefit in preventing postoperative ileus [76, 77]. Our cur-
Historically, routine nasogastric intubation following rent recommendation is to avoid fluid overload by initiating
abdominal surgery was the standard of care. However, early enteral feeds and discontinuation of intravenous infu-
research has shown that there is a limited role for nasogas- sions when possible. Overall, no current prokinetic agent has
tric tubes in abdominal surgery or in bariatric surgery [61, been shown to be effective in the treatment of postoperative
62]. A Cochrane systematic review, which included 37 ileus; however, alvimopan, bisacodyl, or magnesium oxide
studies (n = 5711), demonstrated that patients who were did may be considered.
not have nasogastric tubes had an earlier return of bowel Another method to prevent postoperative ileus is to
function (p < 0.001), lower rates of respiratory complica- encourage early ambulation and the current group consen-
tions (p = 0.09), and lower rates of ventral hernias (p = 0.09) sus is to ambulate within 4 h of surgery. A RCT in patients
[63]. Despite this, nasogastric intubation may be helpful to undergoing laparotomy and intestinal resection demonstrated
decompress the stomach during Veress needle insertion that patients randomized to rehabilitation with early ambu-
[64]. Our recommendation is that nasogastric intubation lation spent fewer days in hospital compared to traditional
may be used during Veress needle access but has no role care (5.4 vs. 7.1 days, p = 0.01) [78]. Another prospective
postoperatively. study showed that early ambulation, as part of a fast-track
care package after bariatric surgery, leads to a shorter length
Abdominal and urinary drainage of stay [69].
Surgical Endoscopy
and dexamethasone has been shown to decrease the risk of collaboration between different developed countries with the
postoperative nausea and vomiting [84]. In summary, post- exception of North America [13]. Overall, ERAS is an excel-
operative pain control can be achieved through a multimodal lent model that improves surgical efficiency and periopera-
pain approach and postoperative nausea and vomiting can be tive complications. In the interim, this bariatric perioperative
managed through the use of various antiemetics. guideline serves as a common consensus point for Canadian
bariatric surgeons.
Postoperative nutrition
Acknowledgements None.
Postoperatively, patients may begin to sip on clear fluids the
Funding None.
evening following the surgery once they are fully awake. A
systematic review and meta-analysis of 13 trials (n = 1173
participants) showed no benefit in keeping a patient NPO
Compliance with ethical standards
following gastrointestinal surgery [85]. Moreover, provid- Disclosure Jerry T. Dang, Vivian G. Szeto, Ahmad Elnahas, James
ing a patient a full diet does not confer increased morbidity Ellsmere, Allan Okrainec, Amy Neville, Samaad Malik, Ekua Yorke,
compared to NPO [86]; therefore, a full fluid diet should be Dennis Hong, Laurent Biertho, Timothy Jackson, and Shahzeer Kar-
initiated on postoperative day one [85, 86]. mali have no conflicts of interest or financial ties to disclose.
Discharge and follow‑up
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