Orange Peel A Comprehensive Review On Re
Orange Peel A Comprehensive Review On Re
Orange Peel A Comprehensive Review On Re
Nakul Sonawane Nakul Sonawane, Saloni Patil, Chandrabhan Patil, Sumesh Patil and
Department of Rohit Chinchore
Pharmacognosy, Shastry
Institute of Pharmacy,
DBATU University, Erandol,
Maharashtra, India
Saloni Patil Growing consumer awareness has made it more economical and environmentally friendly to use
Department of renewable resources. Orange fruits, also known as citrus fruits, are rich in various vitamins, minerals,
Pharmacognosy, Shastry folic acid, and antioxidants such carotenoids, flavonoids, anthocyanin’s, and phenolic acids. They also
Institute of Pharmacy, contain linalool, which is present in large amounts (35%), such as fiber to support healthy immunity,
DBATU University, Erandol, which includes the stomach and digestive system; it is also beneficial for expectant mothers as it
Maharashtra, India enhances digestion and promotes waste removal. All these have laxative and low-cholesterol properties
as well as anti-infection, anti-cancer, diabetic, and anti-bacterial effects. Orange peel is thought to be
Chandrabhan Patil
quite useful for a number of medical conditions when consumed regularly. Orange peels can be used in
Assist Prof. Department of
Pharmacognosy, Shastry
an interesting process called anaerobic digestion, which produces biogas from food waste since it has a
Institute of Pharmacy, high energy content. This work has addressed the analysis of in-vitro and in-vivo tests for various
DBATU University, Erandol, purposes. Peels are an excellent natural source of health-promoting phytochemicals and can be used in
Maharashtra, India the food sector as natural, preferred antioxidants and antimicrobials, anti-fungal, and used s for
production of biofuels. More beneficial than Orange fruit is Orange peel. It is applied topically and
Sumesh Patil taken orally, important information that can be helpful in selecting the best extraction technique for
Assist Prof. Department of bioactive chemicals from vegetable sources. The review presents a comprehensive description on the
Pharmacognosy, Shastry Orange peel as various biological properties and other activities.
Institute of Pharmacy,
DBATU University, Erandol, Keywords: Orange peel, antimicrobial, antioxidant, phenolic contents, orange peel extract, orange peel
Maharashtra, India
Rohit Chinchore
Assist Prof. Department of Introduction
Pharmacognosy, Shastry Citrus production reached 122.09 million tons worldwide in 2008. Approximately 60% of the
Institute of Pharmacy, citrus produced worldwide is Orange. Egypt produced 3.23 million tons of citrus fruit in
DBATU University, Erandol, 2008, of which 2.14 million tons were Oranges [1]. The Rutaceous, or Rue family, includes
Maharashtra, India
the genus Citrus, which has 1,300 species and roughly 140 genera. Among the significant
fruits of the Citrus genus are Citrus Sinensis (Orange), Citrus parades (grapefruit), Citrus
Limon (lemon), Citrus reticulate (tangerine), Citrus grandis (shaddock), Citrus aurantium
(sour Orange), Citrus medical (citrus), and Citrus aurantifolia (lime) [2]. The citrus industry is
currently quite interested in studies that examine the presence of polyethoxylated flavones in
byproducts produced from processing citrus fruit, as these advantageous actions point to new
value-added uses for these compounds as nutraceuticals and specialty ingredients. The
concentrations of the primary flavone glycosides in Orange peel molasses were previously
published [3]. The presence of several bioactive components in citrus, including phenolic
compounds, limuloids, flavonoids, and poly-saccharides, which scavenge single oxygen,
hydroxyl radicals, and lipid per-oxyl radicals, is what gives the peel its antioxidant action.
Additionally, it was shown that citrus peels have strong antibacterial action against a number
of food-borne diseases [4]. Peel waste is an issue for the processing businesses and
environmental monitoring agencies because it is particularly perishable and seasonal. The
Corresponding Author: need of turning garbage into valuable products is constantly being highlighted. Materials and
Nakul Sonawane
Department of
leftover Oranges are not an exception. The overall economics of processing facilities can be
Pharmacognosy, Shastry enhanced by recovering products from fruit trash. In addition, environmental contamination
Institute of Pharmacy, is a problem that can be significantly lessened. Citrus peels are nutrient-dense and packed
DBATU University, Erandol, with phytochemicals, making them useful as dietary supplements or medications.
Maharashtra, India
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International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
An alternate medication is always being sought after due to dyslipidemia both in vitro and in vivo when compared to
the rise of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. The citrus flavones (such as hesperidin and naringenin).
creation of novel medications to address the issue of Emerging research conducted in the last five years has
antimicrobial resistance is one potential remedy. If citrus shown that PMFs regulate in vivo lipid and glucose
peels are shown to have antibacterial properties, they can metabolism in addition to the circadian clock and gut micro
also be utilized as food preservatives in the food industry, biome. [11]. Citrus fruits contain citric acid, which aids in the
which produces a lot of peel waste [5]. Appropriate conversion of oxalates into citrates, which are comparatively
techniques must be used to turn Orange pulp and peel into more soluble in water and may be excreted through the
goods with additional value. Reducing environmental urine, lowering the possibility of internal stone formation.
contamination is another possibility. Citrus peels are high in . Fruit peels have the ability to adsorb heavy metals
minerals and phytochemicals, and they can be effectively because of the abundance of polysaccharides in their cell
employed as dietary supplements or medications. Pathogens walls, which are mostly made of cellulose and pectin
that are resistant to antibiotics are becoming more common, molecules. When exposed to an alkaline environment, these
and researchers are always looking for safe substitute compounds ionize and produce negative charges that bind
medications . Citrus peel extract (CPE) metal cations. Orange peels with cellulose bases and both
polymethoxyflavones (PMFs) have anti-inflammatory acidic and alkali treatments have been shown to be
properties that are seen in both gene expression and enzyme adsorbent materials for the adsorption of Cu+2, Zn+2,
function. In our laboratory, we have identified and Co+2, Ni+2, and Pb +.[13].
characterized the main constituents of Orange peel extracts
(OPE), which include sinensetin, negolitin, tangeretin, tetra, What is powdered Orange Peel?
hexa, and hepta-MFs. These six PMFs were supplemented Natural herbal Orange peel powder can be used to treat a
with their 5-demethylated counterparts, which were added variety of illnesses and achieve attractive skin. It has much
as HPLC standards. Using our cell-based biological more vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients than the Orange
screening technique, we discovered that OPE caused the itself. [14].
down regulation of inflammatory genes like COX-2, TNF-a,
ICAM-1, NFkB, IL-1b, IL-6, and IL-8 [7]. Numerous
antioxidants, including those that exhibit metal chelation
and free radical scavenging properties, are found in Orange
peel. Studying the phytochemicals found in C. sinensis is
encouraging because reactive oxygen species (ROS) are
important in a number of diseases, such as cancer, ageing,
cardiovascular dysfunction, and neurodegenerative diseases.
C. sinensis contains a high concentration of GOFA, which
has been shown to have neuro protective and chemo
preventive effects on colon cancer in rats when fed as diet, Fig 1: Orange Peel. [15].
as demonstrated by recent studies using citrus peel extract to
identify 4-gernyloxyferulic acid). Citrus peels have received Phenolic content
a lot of interest since they have a wide range of qualities in Phytochemicals, particularly the phenolic found in fruits and
their poly methyl flavones (PMFs) and alkaloids. [8]. vegetables, are important bioactive substances with proven
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is one of the intriguing health advantages. Studies have shown that plant phenolic
technologies that uses Orange peels since food waste has a are found in both edible and non-edible portions of the
high energy content, is abundantly available, and is a plant, and that these components of the plant can benefit
promising substrate for the production of biogas [9]. Orange from the compounds' numerous biological benefits. The
peel is widely used in the soft drink industry and is typically processes underlying phytophenolics' role in disease
disposed of as waste. Because of its several functional prevention and health promotion include, but are not limited
groups, including hydroxyl and carboxyl, it has the potential to, changes in estrogens metabolism, cell differentiation,
to be an adsorbent material for the removal of metals. DNA repair maintenance, pro-carcinogens deactivation, and
Numerous research regarding the use of modified Orange suppression of N-nitrosamine production. Free radical
trash in conjunction with water-based heavy metal scavenging and metal chelation activities are two important
adsorption have been proposed in the literature. A number processes for the antioxidant impact of phenolic in
of research demonstrate the manufacture of a modified functional meals. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been
Orange peel adsorbent and examine its ability to remove discovered to be supportive in the pathogenesis of humans.
five different heavy metal ions (Cu2+, Cd2+, Pb2+, Zn2+, Examples of ROS include the superoxide radical ̰O}-2 \,
and Ni2+). [10]. A special type of flavonoids known as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), hypochlorous acid (HOCl), and
polymethoxyflavones (PMFs) have at least two the hydroxyl radical (HO). By scavenging free radicals and
methylhydroxy groups on the flavone backbone. Citrus quenching ROS, Phyto phenols offer efficient ways to
seeds, leaves, stems, juice, and peels are all shown to prevent and treat diseases mediated by free radicals,
contain PMFs in significant amounts. Numerous including cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, the
bioactivities, such as neuro protection, anti-inflammatory, aging process, and cardiovascular dysfunction. Furthermore,
anti-cancer, anti-obesity, and anti-atherosclerosis properties, a large number of antioxidants present in plants have a
have been demonstrated by PMFs. For many years, PMFs variety of biological effects, such as antiviral, antibacterial,
have been researched for their potential to protect against anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antithrombotic, and
Mets because of their strong anti-inflammatory properties. vasodilators properties. Numerous potent phytochemicals
PMFs have superior bio-efficiency against obesity and that can safeguard health can be found in citrus, one of the
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International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
most widely grown fruits in the world (Citrus L., Rosacea). substances have anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, and anti-
Additionally, it offers a good amount of potassium, folic atherosclerotic properties [16].
acid, pectin, and vitamin C. The phytochemical makeup of
citrus species has been assessed for its potential to promote Materials and Methods
health from a variety of backgrounds. Primary bioactive Collection and preparation of extract
substances with well-established health advantages are I bought Oranges at the Shah Faisal colony local market in
phytochemicals, particularly the phenolic found in fruits and Karachi. After washing and drying in natural sunshine at
vegetables. Research findings indicate that phenolic found 37±2 °C for six days, the Orange peel was kept in a hot air
in plants are not limited to Several biological impacts of oven for fifteen minutes at 20 °C to eliminate any residual
their existence have been documented in non-edible plant moisture. Six grams of dry peel were macerated in 50
parts in addition to their presence in edible plant parts. milliliters of ethanol for two days at room temperature
Among other things, cell differentiation, pro-carcinogens (25±2 °C) after six days. What man filter paper was used to
deactivation, DNA repair maintenance, inhibition of N- filter the solvent-extracted material, and the extract was
nitrosamine production, and altered estrogen metabolism are stored in the refrigerator until needed [17].
the mechanisms underlying Phyto phenolics' role in
promoting health and preventing disease. The primary Extract preparation
processes via which phenolic in functional foods have an Extraction of soxhlet
antioxidant impact are their ability to scavenge free radicals Using a Soxhlet extractor, the Orange peel powder was
and to chelate metals. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have extracted using a variety of solvents, including hexane,
been discovered to be supportive in the pathogenesis of methanol, and acetone. 100g of powdered Orange peel was
humans. Examples of ROS include the superoxide extracted using the Soxhlet extraction method for five hours
radical O
̰ }-2 \, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), hypochlorous at 50 °C using 750 ml of solvent (hexane, methanol, or
acid (HOCl), and the hydroxyl radical (HO). By scavenging acetone). Following extraction, the extract was filtered using
free radicals and quenching ROS, Phyto phenols offer what man Use filter paper No. 2 to get rid of any peel
efficient ways to prevent and treat diseases mediated by free particles that might be in the extract. A rotary evaporator
radicals, including cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative was used to evaporate the filtered extract until it was
diseases, the aging process, and cardiovascular dysfunction. completely dry under vacuum at 60 °C. Until they were used
Furthermore, a large number of antioxidants present in again, the extracts were kept in a refrigerator at 4 °C. [18].
plants have a variety of biological effects, such as antiviral,
antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, Aqueous extraction
antithrombotic, and vasodilators properties. Citrus (Citrus With few adjustments, the extraction process was used. In
L., Rosaceae), one of the most widely grown fruits in the short, 200 ml of distilled water was used to soak 15g of the
world, has a variety of potent phytochemicals that have powdered plant separately for 24 hours at room temperature
potential health benefits. It also offers a good amount of while shaking. Subsequently, the extract was filtered using
potassium, folic acid, vitamin C, and pectin. Citrus species what man filter paper No. 1 and dried by utilizing a water
from different regions have been assessed for their bath heated to 70 ºC. The extract's yield is measured using a
phytochemical makeup and role in promoting health. [16]. weighing balance. Before being used, each extract was put
into a glass vial and stored at 4 ºC. [19].
Flavonoid content The best way to utilize the phenolic content of citrus peel
Polyphenol substances known as flavonoids have a phenyl should be through a multi-factor extraction process
benzopyrone structure, which is made up of two benzene optimization that considers both extraction efficiency and
rings (C6) connected by a linear three-carbon chain (C3) the preservation activities of phenolic compounds.
and a carbonyl group at position C. Despite the fact that
flavonoids are typically thought of as non-nutritive ASE: Accelerated solvent extraction.
substances, many researchers are interested in learning more CE: Conventional extraction.
about their possible function in the prevention of serious DIC: Instant controlled pressure drop.
chronic diseases. Citrus flavonoids consist of two classes of DIC-UAE: Instant controlled pressure drop and ultrasound
flavones: O-methylated flavones (like nobiletin and tan- assisted extraction.
gratin), which are relatively frequent polyethoxylated DW: Dry weight.
flavones (PMFs), and a class of glycosides like hesperidin EAE: Enzyme assisted extraction.
and naringin. Citrus fruits' peels are said to have the largest FW: Fresh weight.
concentrations of PMFs when compared to the fruit's other HHP: High hydrostatic pressure.
edible sections. Citrus flavonoids have been discovered to MAE: Microwave assisted extraction.
possess health-related properties, such as reducing cervical PEF-pressing extraction: Pulsed electric field-pressing
fragility, inhibiting human platelet aggregation, and having extraction.
anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and anti-cancer properties. It is PFE: Pressurized fluid extraction.
simple to transform some glycosylated flavones into their RT: Room temperature.
equivalent dihydroxy chalcones, which are strong naturally SC-CO2: supercritical CO2 extraction.
occurring sweeteners. The flavonoids in Orange peel have a SWE: subcritical water extraction.
wide range of biochemical roles, which have been UAE: ultrasound assisted extraction.
thoroughly investigated recently. They decreased the UAEE: ultrasound assisted enzymatic extraction.
oxidative stress experienced by the elderly and raised serum US: ultrasonic.
antioxidant capacity against lipid peroxidation. These USFE: ultrasound assisted supercritical fluid extraction. [20].
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International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Fig 2: Flowchart
Composition of Orange peel Test of chemical Extracts for In Vitro & In Vivo
The composition of the volatile oils is significantly different Evaluation of citrus peel and pulp antimicrobial activity
in flowers, leaves and peel. (In vitro)
Linalyl acetate (50%) The bacterial culture was grown on nutrient agar medium
Linalool (35%) (NAM)/broth. The well diffusion method 5 was used to
Limonene gauge the extracts' antibacterial activity. Separate test tubes
Folic acid. were filled with nutrient broth, each sterilized, and injected
D-limonene with a different bacteria. The test tubes were then incubated
Hesperidin for 48 hours at 37 degrees Celsius. Positive controls for
Naringin bacterial cultures were ampicillin (1 mg/ml). The molten
Auraptene. [21] media was added to separate sterilized plates along with 1
ml of an inoculum of several bacterial cultures. After being
stored for a while to harden, the plates were pierced using a
sterile borer or needle. Different peel and pulp solvent
extracts were added to the wells one at a time [19].
In Vivo in mice
The test samples were dissolved in 2% tween 80 and
injected intravenously (IV) into tail veins while the patient
was under a light ether anesthesia: (i) Blood was collected
from 4 groups of mice that received Orange peel extract
solution at doses of 0 (saline), 1.1, 3.3, and 10 mg/kg; (ii) 3
Fig 3: Chemical Structure of Synephrine groups of mice that received Orange peel extract solution or
heparin at a dose of 10 mg/kg or saline; blood was then
collected at 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 hours after the test or vehicle
agents were administered [21].
Antifungal properties
An agar plate approach was used in Paraguay to evaluate
essential oils for antifungal activity (plant pathogens). It is
effective against Lenzites trabea, Lentinus Lepidus, and
Fig 4: Chemical Structure of Synephrine. [21]
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International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Polyporus versicolor. When essential oil was tested in Egypt CPP applied at a with a particle size of 10 mm, the strong
using the agar plate method for antifungal efficacy, it was bio absorption capacity of the CPP produces a highly
discovered to be ineffective against P. Cyclopium and effective decontamination power [23].
Trichoderma varied [21].
Beneficial uses of Orange peels
Antioxidant activity Vitamin C, which is present in Orange peel powder, aids in
DPPH, ABTS, and ORAC assays are three distinct chemical the formation of collagen and elastin, the building blocks of
methods that were used to assess the antioxidant activity of flawless skin.
OPE. The ORAC assay measures the chain-breaking
antioxidant activity since it is based on the hydrogen atom Boost the digestive system
transfer (HAT) reaction. On the other hand, the electron Encourage losing weight.
transfer (ET) reaction is used in the DPPH and ABTS tests Assist in the fight against allergies.
to measure the reducing ability of antioxidants. The three A possible treatment for cancer.
chemical techniques have been extensively employed to Encourage skin care.
evaluate the antioxidant capacity of food and biological Aid in the battle against foul breath.
systems [22]. Assist in lowering inflammation.
Strengthen your heart.
Other applications of Orange peel Serve as a cholagogue.
To enhance the physical and antioxidant properties of edible It stimulates libido.
carboxymethylcellulose films, both the aqueous extract and Beneficial for nursing mothers and expectant mothers.
the powder of CPP have been added to the biofilms. This The management of bronchitis. [14]
has resulted in a formulation that contains a high
concentration of phenolic compounds and battalions, as Scope of the study for Orange peel
1.7% of the aqueous extract and 3.3% of peel powder were The presence of antioxidant bioactive components in citrus
added. Furthermore, the mucilage of CPP is removed to fruit peels may be the cause of their antibacterial properties.
produce a biopolymer that can be used in biodegradable Therefore, via more research, the precise chemical makeup
containers due to its high solubility in water, foam, and of the substances causing them to function against the
emulsion capacity, as well as its thermal stability up to 250 different bacteria may be determined. If this objective is
°C. It has been effective to employ raw CPP as a cleaning soon accomplished, we will be able to create formulations of
agent for wastewaters containing heavy metal ions, dyes, specific chemical compounds from these plant components
pesticides, and high turbidity conditions. With just 0.5 g of that are very accurate and less expensive, or we will be able
to try to create synthetic equivalents of them [5].
Table 1: Method of Extraction and uses of various bioactive compounds recovered from Orange peel. [24]
SL No. Bioactive compound Extraction method Uses
1. Hesperidin flavonoid Subcritical water extraction Antioxidant and antimicrobial capacity, Low risk of cancer types.
Solvent extraction using (CPME) & Cosmetics, pharmaceutical food industry & antioxidant and
2. Limonene
(2-MeTHF) fragrance character.
3. Methane Fermentation/ anaerobic digestion Fertilizer as to generate electricity & used as fuels in vehicles.
4. Narirutin flavonoid Subcritical water extraction Antioxidant properties
5. Pectin Fermentation/ anaerobic digestion Used in pharmaceutical & food industry.
polyphenol compounds Solid-liquid extraction Production cosmetics & paints also used in food & pharmaceutical
(natural antioxidants) industry.
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