Yts C 0111
Yts C 0111
Yts C 0111
MILLENNIUM® SINGLE PACKAGE This manual covers Simplicity® controls only, for unit installation
ROOFTOP UNITS information please refer to the following.
Millennium® 25-40 Ton Single Package Installation and Operation
Manual - 524158
ISO 9001
Certified Quality
Management System
COMMERCIAL ROOFTOP UNIT EQUIPPED WITH TEMPERATURE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
RECOMMENDED TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIZER OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
INSTALLATION AIDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 DEMAND VENTILATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
THE MILLENNIUM® SIMPLICITY® CONTROL . . . . 3 EXHAUST OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 SCHEDULING OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
DIGITAL LINGO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 COMPRESSOR STATUS MONITORING . . . . . . . . . . . .41
COMMUNICATIONS BUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SIMPLICITY® CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
OPTIONAL Simplicity® LINC TRANSLATOR. . . . . . . . . . 5 STATUS LED CHART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
COMPONENT DESCRIPTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 FAILURE MODES AND DEFAULT OPERATION . . . . . .43
INTERACTING THROUGH THE MILLENNIUM® SYSTEM ERRORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
SIMPLICITY® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
INITIAL STARTUP OPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 LIST OF FIGURES
METRIC OPERATION (ENGLISH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Fig. # Pg. #
SETTABLE SYSTEM PARAMETERS . . . . . . . . . . . 11
MILLENNIUM® SEQUENCE OF OPERATION . . . . 18 1 SIMPLICITY® CONTROLLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2 SIMPLICITY® CONTROLS PUSH BUTTONS . . . . . . 3
RUN SEQUENCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3 ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
UNIT CONTROLS SEQUENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4 VFD CONTROL WIRING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
UNIT CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
HEAD PRESSURE CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 7 SAT CONTROL BAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
CONTROL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 LIST OF TABLES
INTELLI-START . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Tbl. # Pg. #
DEVICES AND RULES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
COMFORT VENTILATION MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 1 ACRONYMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
HYDRONIC HEAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2 INPUT SIGNAL TO Y1 ACTUATOR POSITION . . . . . 8
COOLING LOCKOUT ON OAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3 SIMPLICITY® CONTROL INPUTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
WATER COIL FREEZE STAT (FSI). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 4 SIMPLICITY® CONTROL OUTPUTS . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
CV OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 5 SETTABLE SYSTEM PARAMETERS . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
THERMOSTAT OPERATION FOR COOLING WITH Y1, 6 COOLING STAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Y2, Y3 AND Y4 INPUTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 7 IGNITION CONTROL BOARD FLASH CODES . . . . 23
OPERATION FOR HEATING WITH W1, W2, AND W3 8 MODULATING GAS HEAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
INPUTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 9 MODULATING GAS HEAT CONTROL BOARD FLASH
SENSOR OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 CODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
TYPES OF SPACE SENSORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 10 COMPRESSOR MINIMUM OFF TIMES . . . . . . . . . . 30
VAV OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 11 WEEKLY SCHEDULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
SUPPLY DUCT PRESSURE CONTROL ALGORITHM. 34 12 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
MORNING WARM UP / VAV OCCUPIED HEATING 13 ALARM DEFAULT CODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
CONTROL ALGORITHM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 14 STATUS LED CHART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
THE MILLENNIUM® SIMPLICITY® CONTROL The Millennium® Simplicity® control is resistor-configured for
Constant Volume (CV) units or Variable Air Volume (VAV) units.
INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW The option settings for a specific option configuration will be
made as part of unit test at the factory; however, if there is
Welcome to the new Millennium® Simplicity® control, a digital doubt about how a unit is responding in the field, check the
control system designed specifically for the Millennium® 25 to 40 option setting for the unexplained action.
Ton single package rooftop unit. The Simplicity® is composed of
72 monitored and controlled input and output points. The control If connected to a network, the control requests an address by a
logic of the Simplicity® extends on the rules built in to the press of the Address/Down button.
Synthesys control, and provides character displays in addition to
LED flashes to display information to the technician.
There is an LED on the board that shows the status of the
The Simplicity® digital control performs all of the control and
control and alarms (see Status LED Table). There are two
monitoring functions that were originally done by separate
character displays, one 2-digit and one 4-digit, to indicate
discrete relays, controls, and interlocking hardware. This
details of run conditions and alarms (see Alarms Table in the
reduces manufacturing, service, and maintenance costs. The
Trouble Shooting section of this manual).
Simplicity® digital controller includes sophisticated control of
the individual components of the HVAC cooling/heating unit, When the Alarm / Change Data button (See Figure 2 Simplicity®
and has built-in rules that protect those components and Controller Push Buttons) is pushed and released one time within
optimize the control to its environment. The cooling and heating five seconds, it will re-enunciate the last five alarms on the
modes are protected against frequent cycling, slugging, Display.
multiple restarts, etc.
alarms, it will overwrite the oldest alarm after the history buffer depending on how long the sensed value remains away from its
becomes full. desired setpoint.
Some system errors will initiate a controlling response as well Fortunately, you do not have to determine all of these
as being stored in the error memory buffer. See the parameters since they are pre-programmed at the factory. You
“Troubleshooting” chapter in this manual for a detailed need only to set a desired setpoint and ensure that the inputs
description of how controller errors are handled. and outputs are properly wired and working. This is referred to
as commissioning a system.
Data items stored for maintenance / run history, in addition to
• Accumulated run times for each compressor and heat stage
Computers can only understand a simple binary language.
• Unit model number Remember, “binary” means two states - ON or OFF. Analog
• Unit serial number (continuous) values of voltages, currents, and resistances are
• Unit Name supplied by sensors and transducers to the control. These
values must be converted in to a binary code so that the
DIGITAL LINGO computer can understand them. This conversion process is
performed through a combination of hardware and software.
This training manual is intended to help you with the For example, the 0-5VDC analog value from a static pressure
commissioning process by illustrating the use of tools like the transducer is divided into thousands of steps with a binary
control’s digital input and software engineered specifically for coded number, often called “counts”, assigned to each step.
starting up and servicing a Millennium® rooftop unit.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7------------- n
Another common “digital controls” term is the PI algorithm or
Proportional-Integral control loop. The PI algorithm is a
continuously updated math calculation that the controller uses Figure 3: Analog to Digital Converter
to modulate an analog output point. For example, a variable
speed drive uses a PI loop to maintain a desired setpoint (in this
case, a duct static pressure value). The algorithm takes into A digital controller handles its control functions through software
account several parameters to calculate the output. The PI loop programming rather than with interlocking hardware and wiring.
needs parameters such as the proportional operating The software then becomes key to how controlled functions are
bandwidth, integral time constant, deadband, desired setpoint handled. Software is a set of statements (referred to as the
value, sensed input value(s), start up ramp time, initial start “program”) that define the function of the controller’s internal
value, maximum output control value, a status point to initiate microprocessor computer.
the control action (i.e. a fan ON status), Direct or Reverse
Controlling Action, and several other parameters to calculate a Software procedurally tells the computer the sequence and
simple 0 to 100% analog output control. The PI algorithm is also order of tasks that need to be performed using a language that
called a PI loop because it “loops” the output back to the input the computer can understand.
(feedback) and determines a new output value based on the
“error” or difference between the setpoint value and the sensed Software is stored in a computer’s memory. There are several
input value, and how that difference relates proportionally to the types of memory in a computer. Each type has a specific
0 to 100% output value. Time is the ”integral” constant that is function to perform.
factored in to increase or decrease the controlling output action
EPROM - This is “nonvolatile” memory, meaning it will not be OPTIONAL Simplicity® LINC TRANSLATOR
erased on a power loss. This memory is usually programmed
prior to assembly of the controller. Since this memory is not OVERVIEW
changed during normal operation of the Simplicity® control, only
The Simplicity® LINC translator operates as a Modbus® Client
basic operation instructions are stored in this type of memory.
providing an interface between a BACnet® control system and
EEPROM (Double “E” Prom) - Is also non-volatile, but this devices that communicate using the Modbus® RTU protocol. The
type of memory requires a special process to be written to. This Simplicity® LINC is preconfigured to provide an interface to
memory can be written to and changed by the microprocessor. YORK UPG products equipped with an Intelli-Comfort or
This is the type of memory that the control program is stored in Simplicity Elite™ controller and allows monitoring and control by
the Simplicity® control. a third-party BACnet® Building Automation System (BAS).
ROM - Read Only Memory is non-volatile but can not be written The Simplicity® LINC communicates using the Modbus® RTU
to. This memory is programmed only once before the controller protocol on one port and BACnet® MS/TP. By providing different
is assembled. ROM contains instructions specifically for the communication protocols on the two ports, data can be
internal microprocessor computer in the controller. retrieved from and provided to two different systems.
FIRMWARE - “Firmware” is software, program instructions or The Simplicity® LINC mounts inside the control panel of the
applications, but stored in EPROM or ROM memory. UPG unit and utilizes 24 VAC power from the unit's control
transformer. One port is connected to the UPG controller. The
RAM - Random Access Memory is a volatile memory. It will be other port must be connected to the BACnet® network.
erased when a power fail occurs. This memory is used as a
kind of “scratch pad” for the controller. Temporary instructions The Simplicity® LINC translator is preconfigured to obtain
and information such as an output controlling action like driving operational data points from the controller and expose them on
the economizer dampers open is stored here. When a power a BACnet® network.
loss occurs or if the controller is sent a manual reset using a
"The Simplicity® LINC device is primary a control offered and
control push button, this memory is cleared and initialized.
configured by York's ESG (Engineering Systems Group). The
Other filtered inputs include temperature and humidity sensors. device is designed to tie into and function with a BACnet®
You should be aware of this filtering effect because it will MS/TP network. The device can be used with other BACnet®
appear the controller is not acting as fast as you may think it MS/TP systems, but a qualified controls contractor must be
should. In reality, it is acting and controlling on these time- involved. UPG cannot support the Simplicity® LINC device
averaged and weighted values. beyond its hardware functionality and cannot guarantee
functionality with other third party BAS devices."
FAULT TOLERANCE - Fault Tolerance of the Simplicity® control
involves two issues: Hardware fault tolerance deals specifically Please refer to the Simplicity® LINC Installation Manual P/N
with the electrical characteristics of the controller - how much 514066 and Application Guide Part Number 514067.
over voltage or power surge the controller can withstand before
damage occurs, and whether internal comparisons are verifying COMPONENT DESCRIPTION
that the control is calculating and communicating properly. This section describes the main components of Millennium®
Software fault tolerance in this technology consists of comparing Simplicity® control. These components consist primarily of
results to previous values and to reasonable values. controllers, hardware to handle signal input and control output
and the Tstat interface terminals.
Networked communications may also be new to you. It relates THE Simplicity® CONTROLLER
to connecting several Millennium® rooftop units to a network
Simplicity® is a proprietary, microprocessor-based controller for
that can be monitored and controlled remotely from network
use in HVAC applications. The controller provides monitoring
computer workstations. You will find this typically on large
and control for either VAV or CAV for a total of 22 outputs.
installations where central control, monitoring, and energy
management issues become a critical factor in operating a WIRING AND TERMINATION, COMMUNICATIONS
large complex such as a manufacturing facility.
Most connections to the Simplicity® Control are by wiring
The Simplicity® Control has the ability to be networked into a harnesses. There are also screw terminal connections for
larger system using the MODBUS communication protocol. A thermostat inputs and for communications via an RS-485 port.
communication protocol is simply a set of rules that determine
how two systems communicate with each other over some COMMUNICATION ADDRESS
medium such as a pair of wires, phone line, radio waves, etc.
The transmission medium may also be called a gateway, The communication address button (lower right of the display)
pathway, or bus. An “open” protocol such as MODBUS is a is used to identify a Millennium® rooftop unit to a network, and
publicly published set of rules that any equipment manufacturer “capture” the next available network address for that unit.
can use to network into another manufacturers equipment. Millenniums can be networked together for centralized
monitoring and control. Much like we need a unique street Table 1: Acronyms (Continued)
address in our homes so we can receive our postal mail or
Pushbuttons Description
emergency services, these units also need a unique address so
the central Facilities Management System (FMS) can “talk” to Test/Reset / 'Up 'Test / control reset / Data value increment
each unit individually. The Simplicity® board has the model and Address / 'Down 'Change data / Data value decrement
serial number of the specific unit and has a memory space for a Alarms / Advance data Show alarms / go to next data point
customer name to be applied. So the entire identification for a Program Go to program mode
specific unit available to the network could be, for example, Real Time Clock Incorporated on the board
Y2AC04M3KDGABA, NCNM123456, SOUTH OFFICE. Outputs Description
The one-time commands to Override ASCD timers and/or to Flash to indicate alarm, otherwise
Status LED
start Run Test can be issued by the Test/Reset/Up pushbutton. 'heartbeat'
When this button is pushed and released within five seconds, Digital displays One 2-character and one 4-character
the control will zero all ASCD’s for one cycle. C1-C4 Cooling Outputs 1 through 4
CF1, 2 Cond Fan Bank 1, 2
ECO Economizer damper output
A number of acronyms are used throughout this training EXH Exhaust Fan relay output
manual. These are specific to the Simplicity® control. They are Exhaust Air Damper / Exhaust VFD Signal
also used in the Technical Guide and Installation and Operation Output
manuals. Acronyms are used to refer to input and output Supply Fan relay output [contactor or
hardware points and software parameters such as timing delays permission relay]
and setpoints. H1, 2, 3 Heating Stages 1, 2, and 3 output
HGR Hot gas reheat [future]
Table 1: Acronyms HWV Hot Water Valve output
Inputs Description VFD Supply Fan IGV or VFD Signal Output
APS Air Proving Switch X Alarm signal
IAQ Air Quality (CO2 Sensor) Miscellaneous Description
Passes BAS economizer command through to AI Analog Input
BAS Economizer
Economizer output AO Analog Output
BPS Building Pressure Sensor BI Binary Input same as
C1O-C4O Compressor Status BO Binary Output
DF Dirty Filter Status CAV Constant Air Volume
DPS Duct Pressure Sensor VAV Variable Air Volume
FSI Hot Water Coil Freeze Input VFD Variable Frequency Drive
G Thermostat input for Fan IGV Inlet Guide Vane
GV1-3 Monitors gas valve actuation call IAQ Indoor Air Quality
High pressure switch monitored for PI Proportional-Integral Control
compressor discharge
ASCD Anti Short Cycle Timer (Compressor)
Low pressure switch monitored for compressor
The acronyms used throughout this training manual are listed in
Lim 1-3 Over-temperature limit switch from heat stages the Acronym Table 1. They are described in much more detail
OAT Outside Air Temperature below.
OCC Building Occupied Status
Purge Building Purge input INPUTS
RAT Return Air Temperature There are two types of hardwired input points on the Simplicity®
SAT Supply Air Temperature control: Analog and Binary. These may be sensors, feedback,
SD System Shutdown Connector or adjustable setpoints. Typical analog inputs [AI] include Space
OAH Outside Air Enthalpy Temperature (ST), Supply and Return Air Temperatures (SAT,
RAH Return Air Enthalpy RAT), and Building Pressure Sensor (BPS). The binary inputs
(BI) on the Millennium® Simplicity® use a dry contact input to
SSA Setpoint Adjust
determine the status of a monitored point. Typical BI points are
ST Space Temperature
Fan Status (APS), Filter Status (DFS), and Compressor Status
W1, 2, 3 Heating Stages from Tstat (HPS1-4, LPS1-4, C1O-4O).
Y1,2 3, 4 Cooling Stages from Tstat
ANALOG INPUTS (AI) voltage and drop the contactors and shut down if the voltage
drops below 16 VAC and flash the appropriate flash code.
Analog inputs require parameters that define the input’s
characteristics. Attributes of an AI include the linear range, REMOTE - the control will use 0-10 VDC from third-party
alarm limits, alarm differential, change of state (COS) enable, BAS to control SAT setpoints. Thermostat inputs override if in
and filter weight. The input values may be overridden by a conflict with Remote Control voltage input.
external system command or by using the input buttons on
the Simplicity® board. This is useful to override current SPC TEMP - offset value from the space sensor offset
conditions to test certain control functions or modes. potentiometer.
BAS - Economizer override; if this option is enabled, an CV/VAV - resistive value across terminals, to determine
external BAS system will control the economizer 2-10 VDC which supply fan rules the control will follow.
signal through this pair of terminals.
Demand Ventilation / IAQ - Indoor Air Quality. The IAQ
ST - Space Temperature sensor is a field installed sensor expects a 0-10 VDC signal to the control from a field supplied
(PN: 025-38928-000 - w/ Override Button). The sequence of and installed Carbon Dioxide (CO2) sensor. Indoor air quality
control for space temperature is different depending on is monitored for adequate ventilation. In Demand Ventilation
whether the system is a VAV or CAV. See chapter on Mode, as the CO2 levels in the building rise above the
Sequence of Operation for a detailed description of the ST programmed setpoint, more fresh air must be brought in. The
control modes. economizer is therefore adjusted to a more open position as
necessary. The linear ranging for IAQ sensor input is from 0
SSA - Space Temperature Adjust is field installed. It is a slide to 10,000 ppm. The Demand Ventilation setpoint is adjustable
adjustment located on a space sensor (PN: 025-38927-000) from 0 to 2000 ppm and is set at the factory at 1000 ppm.
with a slide bar potentiometer. It is used to offset the space
temperature setpoint. This slide-bar is a 10K ohm DPS - Duct Pressure Sensor is monitored by a factory-
potentiometer. The programmable range for the Setpoint installed 0-5 VDC transducer (PN: 031-01209-000A). The
adjust is +/- 5 °F. For example, if the Space Temperature high-pressure port sensing tube is installed in the field. The
setpoint is set to 74 °F, the SSA is programmed to +/- 3 °F and sense tube should be located approximately two thirds of the
the SSA is adjusted fully to the + position, the new controlling way down the duct plenum. To prevent an unstable signal
space setpoint will be 78 °F. due to air turbulence, there should be no obstructions, turns
or VAV terminal boxes up or down-stream of the sense tube
OAT - The outside air temperature sensor (PN: 031-01916- location for at least 6 to 10 times the diameter of the duct.
000A) is a factory-installed 10 K NTC sensor. Its linear The sensor is located in the control box just below the
ranging is from -50 °F to 250 °F. Millennium® Simplicity® control.
OAH - Outside Air Humidity (PN: 031-09127-000-A) is a BPS - The Building Pressure Sensor (PN: 031-01262-000A) is
factory-installed sensor manufactured by MAMAO. The OAH a factory-installed Johnson Controls DPT-2640-522 transducer
sensor, installed only with enthalpy economizer, provides a 0- that provides a 0 to 5 VDC signal to the controller over a range
10 VDC signal to the controller over a range of 0 to 100% from -0.25”WC to +0.25”WC. The transducer is located in the
relative humidity. This input is used for the economizer control box just below the Millennium® Simplicity® control. The
calculation to determine whether free cooling is available and sense tubes are field installed with the outside pressure being
to switch between minimum outside air and using outside air sensed external to the unit. To avoid an erratic pressure
as the first stage of cooling. reading, the building pressure sense tube should be mounted
in an area away from the return air grill, discharge diffusers,
SAT - Supply Air Temperature sensor (PN: 031-01915-000A) doors and windows.
is a factory-installed -50 °F to 250 °F, 10 K NTC sensor.
RAT - Return Air Temperature sensor (PN: 031-01917-000A)
is a factory-installed -50 °F to 250 °F, 10 K NTC sensor. APS - Supply Fan status is monitored by an Air Proving
Status switch (PN: 024-27557-000A) installed at the factory.
RAH - Return Air Humidity (PN: 031-09127-000-A) is a The APS monitors the difference in pressure between the
factory-installed sensor manufactured by MAMAO, installed suction and discharge of the fan.
only with dual enthalpy economizer. The control will calculate
the return air enthalpy using the relative humidity and return FOVR - Monitoring loop through the supply fan overload
temperature inputs. module or VFD over torque indication.
LOW VOLTAGE DETECTION - This input monitors the 24 HPS1-4, LPS1-4 - The refrigerant high pressure (HP) and low
VAC for low voltage conditions. The input has two thresholds, pressure (LP) safety switches, are independently monitored
one at 16 VAC and one at 19.2 VAC. If the control needs to by the Millennium® Simplicity®. If any switch opens, the
turn on a contactor, it will look to see if the voltage is control voltage from the control binary output is interrupted
above19.2 VAC before it will turn it on. If the voltage is not and the status is monitored by the control.
above 19.2 VAC, it will hold off the contactor and flash the
appropriate flash code. This flash code is not an alarm. If the G, OCC, P - These signals represent Fan (G), Building
control already has contactors pulled in, it will monitor the Occupancy (OCC), and Building Purge (P) calls from the
thermostat. If a thermostat is installed on the system, these position of the guide vane. If the unit has a factory-installed
inputs are connected to the thermostat interface board just as Variable Frequency Drive, the 2 to 10 VDC signal is wired from
are the cooling/heating calls. These inputs are connected VFD+/- output directly to the VFD’s signal input terminals to
through the Tstat Interface board directly to the respective control fan motor speed.
binary inputs of the Controller. These signals are, however,
each loaded with a resistor to maintain voltage levels and to Table 2: Input Signal to Y1 Actuator Position
prevent “floating” of signals. Thermostat wiring is typically not
Input Signal to Y1 Actuator Position
shielded and may have induced voltages that could cause
errant signal readings by the controller. 10 VDC 90 degrees
9 78
FILT - Dirty Filter switch [customer supplied, field installed on 8 67
factory-provided harness connections] input to provide a filter
7 56
status to the control. The control will alarm only after 24V has
been sensed for ten minutes. 6 45
5 33
GV1-3 - Monitoring that voltage is being supplied to gas valves 4 22
on optional heat stages.
3 11
LIM1-3 - Overtemperature inputs from optional heat stages. 2 0
0 -5
FSI - Freeze Stat is a customer installed temperature switch on
the FSI input to the controller to tell the control that a 8VDC over a 90 degree Span = 11.25 degrees/VDC
temperature has occurred that risks the hot water or steam coil.
Analog Outputs (AO) - Analog outputs provide a 2-10 VDC Figure 4: VFD Control Wiring
signal to operate controlled devices. The Simplicity® is currently
configured to use only 2-10 VDC outputs to the Variable EXD - Power Exhaust Damper Vane or VFD - Power Exhaust
Frequency Drive, Inlet Guide Vane, Economizer Damper, Damper Actuator is a Johnson Controls M9220GGAYK30. It
Power Exhaust Dampers or VFD, and Heating water valves. uses a full open/ Full Closed scheme and operates a 95 degree
Since these outputs are analog, they are continuous between 2 rotation. If VFD Power Exhaust is configured, the same signal
and 10 Volts and are proportional to the 0 to 100% drive controls the exhaust fan motor drive frequency.
position of the device.
HWV - Heating Water Valve - Customer supplied and installed,
ECO - Economizer Actuator - The modulating Economizer uses connect to factory-provided harness.
a Johnson Controls M9220GGAYK30 spring-return actuator
(PN: 025-30869-000A). This actuator uses a 2-10 VDC signal BINARY OUTPUTS (BO)
to drive the dampers open. The actuator drives 95 degree
FAN - Fan Start/Stop Relay, VFD “permission” relay FR
rotation. Note the chart below for a correlation between the
input drive signal at terminal 3 (Y1) of the actuator and the H1-3 - HEAT STAGES 1 TO 3 [OPTIONAL]
corresponding output drive position of the damper:
C1 through C4 - Cooling Stages 1 through 4
VFD - Inlet Guide Vane or VFD - The Inlet Guide Vane uses a
Johnson Controls M9220GGAYK30 spring-return actuator. This CF1 & CF2 - Condenser Fan Banks 1 and 2
actuator uses the 2-10 VDC signal from VFD+/- terminals to
drive the dampers open. The actuator drives 95 degree rotation. X - Controller Alarm is field-wired from the thermostat interface
Note the chart below for a correlation between the input drive board to signify a controller alarm has occurred.
signal at terminal 3 (Y1) and the corresponding output drive
SIMPLICITY® PROGRAMMING OPTIONS setpoints that are specific to your customer’s needs (i.e.
building pressure) or enabling some extended options that are
The paragraphs below provide a definition of, and specify the integrated into the Simplicity control. Also, if there are field
function related to, each of the parameters that are field- changes, i.e. a modulating power exhaust option, the control
adjustable using the interfaces available. The Millennium® Unit configuration will need to be modified for the new option.
is shipped from the factory with the necessary options pre-
programmed as indicated by the model nomenclature. It is METRIC OPERATION (ENGLISH)
always a good practice, though, to verify that the correct The factory default for this option is OFF. The metric (SI)
parameters are properly configured for the unit you are conversions are part of the controller software; when the Metric
commissioning. You can find a complete list of field-adjustable parameter is selected, temperature setpoints and readings will
parameters in the “Settable System Parameters”. convert to Centigrade (°C).
For a description of the parameters, see the Settable System SETTABLE SYSTEM PARAMETERS
Parameters below and Table 5.
The following headings list each parameter’s name and its
default setting. The control is set at the factory for the options of
the specific unit; if a replacement control is being installed, the
SET THE CLOCK entire parameter set must be matched to the unit. The number
in (parentheses) is the value of a parameter in an un-configured
• Power up the unit. control.
• Press the Program button [upper left].
Compressors - (2) - This tells the control the number of
• Press the Test/Up button [upper right]. Hold it in and it will
compressors available. The Factory Default [the value in an
step through the parameters, or push in to advance one
unconfigured replacement control] is 2 and can be adjusted
parameter at a time. Advance to parameter 63, Hours.
from 1 to 4.
• Press Change [lower left] Press Up [upper right] or Down
[lower right] to the correct hour [24 hour time]. Heat Stages - (2) - This tells the control the number of heating
stages available. This parameter may be set from 0 to 3. The
• Press Change to enter the new value.
default setting is 2 stages of heat. When modulating gas heat is
• Press Up to get to parameter 64, Minutes. installed the parameters is always set to 2.
• Press Change.
Hydronic Heat - (OFF) - This tells the control that a Hot Water Coil
• Press Up or Down to get to the correct minute value. Press
is installed. If the control is going to modulate the Hot Water Valve
Change to enter the new value.
it will also turn on the Heat One output. This is to energize the VAV
• If you are done changing parameters, press Program to heat relay for the VAV boxes. The default is OFF for this option. If
exit the program mode. this parameter is enabled, remember to set the Hydronic Heat First
PARAMETER SETTING and Second Stage Setpoints and the Economizer Loading
Setpoint found in the ”Simplicity® Setpoints”.
The buttons allow the operator to go to a specific parameter and
to view and change the data in that parameter. Stage 1 Hydronic Heat SAT Setpoint - (120 °F) - When the
Hydronic Heat option is enabled, the control will maintain this SAT
• To enter the parameter setting mode, press the Program setpoint for a call for first stage Heating, by modulating the Hot
button. The control will display the current parameter num- Water Valve. This is the reset temperature when operating a VAV
ber in the two-digit display, and the present value of that unit in the Heating mode. The reset range for SAT setpoint is from
parameter in the four-digit display. 80 °F to 180 °F with 120 °F shipped as the default.
• To change to another parameter, press the /Up or /Down Hydronic Heat Reverse Actuated Valve - (OFF) - This setting
button to move to the address of the desired parameter. is to allow convenient use of reverse acting water valves;
The present value of that parameter will display. setting this parameter to (ON) will change the signal to 2VDC =
• To change the data, press the /Change button. The value open, 10 VDC = closed.
will flash. While it is flashing, press the /Up or /Down but-
ton to increase or decrease the value. SAT Control for Cooling - (ON) - This tells the control if it is
going to do excessive SAT monitoring and tripping or not, for
• When the desired new value is showing, press the Cooling. The SAT should be maintained in an acceptable
/Change Data button again to tell the control to store the range in order to achieve reliable compressor operation. The
new value. You can verify that the new value is in place compressor trip limits are user adjustable between 40 °F and
when the value stops flashing. 65 °F in one degree increments. The default cooling trip
• To exit Program mode, press the Program button again. limits are 50 °F for stages 2-4, and 45 °F for stage 1. When
the SAT drops below the trip limit for each respective
compressor, that compressor is locked out and a 5 minute
Commissioning a new Millennium® installation requires some ASCD is initiated for that compressor. If this option is
field adjustments to the Simplicity® control program. Most of enabled, remember to set the compressor cooling limits for
these adjustments simply involve setting up the various low limit trip.
Power Exhaust - (ON) - This tells the control if it has the Power Economizer Second Stage Setpoint - (50 °F) - This tells the
Exhaust option installed. control what Supply Air Temperature to maintain for a call for
second stage of cooling. This is used only during Constant
Economizer Damper Position for Exhaust Fan to turn ON
Volume cooling mode with Economizer operation. This setpoint
(Non-Modulating PE Only) - (60%) - This tells the control the
is set at 50 °F with a range from 40 °F to 65 °F.
Economizer Damper position to turn on the Exhaust Fan. This
value is based on the 0%-100% output drive signal from the Outside Air Humidity (OAH) Sensor Enable - (OFF) - This
controller to the economizer damper actuator. setting tells the control that it is expected to use Outside Air
Enthalpy (calculated from Outside Air Temperature and Outside
Economizer Damper Position for Exhaust Fan to turn OFF
Air Relative Humidity sensed values) to decide if Outside Air
(Non-Modulating PE only) - (20%) - This tells the control the
can be used for cooling.
Economizer Damper position to turn off the Exhaust Fan. This
value is based on the 0%-100% output drive signal from the The control is self-configuring to the best available decision
controller to the economizer damper actuator. strategy for free cooling availability. For example, if it detects
that OAT and OAH and RAT and RAH sensors are all
Modulating Exhaust - (OFF) - This tells the control if the
connected and reliable, will self-configure for Differential
Power Exhaust is Modulating or not. A modulating exhaust will
Enthalpy operation. If one of the return air sensors should fail,
be equipped with a Building Pressure Sensor [BPS]. A Non-
the control will reconfigure for Outside Enthalpy operation, etc.
Modulating exhaust will look to the economizer damper position
to energize the EXD output. If the sensor gets disconnected, or If the OAH Sensor Enable option is turned ON, it means that the
fails, an alarm is set. The alarm can be turned off by correcting Outside Enthalpy Operation, or better decision strategy, is
the sensor problem (or; by turning off this option). The control is expected (and supported by installed sensors). If the
not in this case self-configuring. It will not automatically use the appropriate sensors are not installed, or one of them failed, a
Building Pressure Sensor if the sensor is connected. sensor failure alarm is set. The alarm can be turned off by
turning off the OAH Sensor Enable option. Thus, the option
Exhaust VFD Installed - (OFF) - If the unit has a VFD, the EXD
setting is used to reflect the desired operation and mainly to
output will be enabled when the supply fan is ON.
control sensor failure alarms.
Exhaust Damper Position For The Exhaust Fan To Turn On
The option setting can be viewed as specifying that (the self-
(Modulating Only) - (80%) - This tells the control the Exhaust
configured economizer decision strategy has to be at least this,
Damper position at which to turn on the Exhaust Fan. This
or better, otherwise an alarm is set). If the option is OFF, the
value is based on the 0%-100% output drive signal from the
control still may self configure to Outside Enthalpy Operation, or
controller to the damper actuator.
even to Differential Enthalpy Operation (if all needed sensors
Exhaust Damper Position For Exhaust Fan To Turn Off are available), but this option setting will allow also the decision
(Modulating Only) - (20%) - This tells the control the Exhaust strategy based on only OAT (in case other sensors fail, or are
Damper position to turn off the Exhaust Fan. This value is not installed) without setting an alarm.
based on the 0%-100% output drive signal from the controller to
Outside Air Enthalpy Setpoint - (27 BTU/LB) - This tells the
the damper actuator.
control an outside air enthalpy limit. Below this limit, outside air
Building Pressure Setpoint - (+0.100”WG) - This is the is available for cooling. See enthalpy chart. This parameter
pressure setpoint the control will maintain when operating a uses a one BTU/LB hysteresis on each side of the limit. The
Power Exhaust. The Building Pressure Setpoint is adjustable limit is preset to 27 BTU/ LB with an adjustable range from 10 to
from -0.200”WG to +0.200”WG. The factory programmed default 50 BTU/LB.
is +0.100”WC. This setpoint is used when the exhaust control is
Return Air Humidity (RAH) Sensor enable - (OFF) - This tells
implemented as Proportional Control (with a Modulating Exhaust
the control that it will compare Outside Air Enthalpy (calculated
Air Damper or VFD controlled from building static pressure), or
from Outside Air Temperature and Outside Air Relative
as a Two-position Control using building static (Power Exhaust
Humidity sensed values) and Return Air Enthalpy (calculated
Fan controlled on-off from building static pressure).
from Return Air Temperature and Return Air Relative Humidity
Economizer - (ON) - This tells the control that there is an sensed values). The control will use the air stream with the
Economizer Installed. lower enthalpy for cooling.
Economizer Min Position - (20%) - This tells the control what The control is self-configuring to the best available decision
the minimum outdoor damper position will be for the Occupied strategy for free cooling availability. For example, if it detects that
mode. Adjustable from 0-100%, the Economizer Minimum OAT and OAH and RAT and RAH sensors are all connected and
Position default is 20%. reliable, will self-configure for Differential Enthalpy operation. If
one of the return air sensors should fail, the control will stop using
Economizer First Stage Setpoint - (55 °F) - This tells the rules that involve RAH and set an alarm.
control what Supply Air Temperature to maintain for a call for
first stage of cooling. This is used only during Constant Volume If the RAH Sensor Enable option is turned ON (and supported
cooling mode with Economizer operation. The setpoint is set at by installed sensors), Differential Enthalpy Operation can be
55 °F with an adjustable range from 40 °F to 65 °F. enabled. If the appropriate sensors are not installed, or one of
them failed, a sensor failure alarm is set. The RAH alarm can
be turned off by turning off the RAH Sensor Enable option. VAV Low Temperature SAT Setpoint for Cooling - (55 °F) -
Thus, the option setting is used to reflect the desired operation The control will maintain this SAT when operating in VAV mode
and mainly to control sensor failure alarms. with a thermostat that is calling for second stage cooling. This
parameter may also be adjusted from 40 °F to 70 °F with 55 °F
Economizer Loading to Control SAT - (ON) - This tells the
set as the default value.
control if it is going to use Economizer Loading to control
excessive SAT [supplying warmer outside air to keep SAT from VAV SAT Reset Setpoint - (72 °F) - This parameter is used
going too low]. This parameter is only applicable outside the only in VAV mode with a Space Sensor. The control will switch
normal Economizer operation. During the Economizer from the VAV Lower Cooling SAT Setpoint to the VAV Upper
operation, the loading function is always performed and is an Cooling SAT Setpoint when this Space Temperature Setpoint
integral part of the control algorithm. minus 0.5 °F is reached. The control will switch from High
setpoint back to Low setpoint when the space temperature gets
Duct Static Setpoint - (1.5”WG) - This parameter is applicable
2 °F above this setpoint. This is SAT reset based on Space
only to VAV mode of operation. This is the pressure setpoint that
Temperature. The reset occurs in both Occupied and
the control will maintain when operating the fan in a VAV unit.
Unoccupied modes and may be adjusted from 40 °F to 85 °F.
This setpoint is adjustable between 0”WG and 5”WG with the
The factory default is 72 °F.
default set to 1.5”WG.
VAV Occupied Heating - (OFF) - This option applies in VAV
Duct Static High Limit Setpoint - (4.5”WG) - This parameter is
mode with a Space Sensor and does not affect VAV Occupied
applicable only to VAV mode of operation. This tells the control at
heating if requested by a thermostat. When this option is
what Static Pressure to shut down the unit due to a Fan control
toggled on, a VAV unit is able to operate heating in the occupied
failure. This setpoint is to insure that we don't continue to operate
mode as long as it is operating with a Space Sensor. If the
the Fan with an Inlet Guide Vane or VFD problem that could
Space Temperature drops to 2 °F below the VAV SAT Reset
cause the ductwork to fail from duct pressure. When the Static
Setpoint the control will read the RAT. If the RAT is below the
Pressure reaches this setpoint (4.5”WG default), the control will
Morning Warm Up RAT Setpoint the unit will enter the Occupied
drive the supply fan control output to zero. If the static pressure
Heating mode. Operation is the same as Morning Warm Up.
does decrease below the “Duct Static High Limit Setpoint” within
This parameter is factory set to OFF.
3 seconds after decreasing the supply fan control output to zero,
the control will resume normal operation. If there is no change in Comfort Ventilation Mode - (OFF) - Comfort Ventilation is a
static pressure after 3 seconds, the control will generate a High SAT control mode that controls SAT during “satisfied” periods in
Duct Static alarm, shut down all the outputs including the Fan and a fairly wide temperature band, using mostly Outside Air, and
shut down the unit. The alarm is written to the Error History Buffer also cooling and heating stages as necessary. It is available
and will trigger storing a snapshot of Points Screen data along only on the Constant Volume unit.
with a date and time stamp. In networked applications, the alarm
To enable Comfort Ventilation, the programmable parameter
flag is readable by the network. This parameter can be adjusted
“Comfort Ventilation Mode” must be set to ON (default setting is
from 0”WG to 5”WG with the factory default set to 4.5”WG.
The customer must be aware of the duct pressure design limit,
For a detailed explanation of Comfort Ventilation, refer to the
and what the duct pressure sensor will be reading when the peak
Sequence of Operation in this manual.
pressure is reached [the pressure pickup tube may not have
been located at the place of highest pressure in the system]. Comfort Ventilation High Supply Air Setpoint - (80 °F) - This
is the High Limit Setpoint for the Comfort Ventilation mode. For
The alarm must be reset (after the problem that caused the
a stable operation of Comfort Ventilation function, the High
alarm is corrected) by resetting the controller by turning power
Supply Air Setpoint should be set 10.0 °F or more above the
to the unit off and back on, or by reset command issued by an
Low Setpoint.
external connection.
Comfort Ventilation Low Supply Air Setpoint - (70 °F) - This
Morning Warm Up - Is inferred from the entries in
is the Low Limit Setpoint for the Comfort Ventilation mode. For
a stable operation of Comfort Ventilation function, the Low
Occupied - (from settings in Weekly Schedule and Holiday Supply Air Setpoint should be set 10.0 °F or more below the
Schedule Tables 11 and 12.) - See discussion in Sequence of High Setpoint.
Dirty Filter Switch - (OFF) - This tells the control that a Dirty
Unoccupied - (from settings in Weekly Schedule and Holiday Filter Switch is connected to it. The control will wait for ten
Schedule Tables 11 and 12.) - See discussion in Sequence of minutes after the switch has closed before declaring a Dirty
Operation. Filter Alarm. The alarm is written to the Error History Buffer. In
networked applications, the error flag is readable by the
VAV High Temperature SAT Setpoint for Cooling - (60 °F) -
network. The alarm will automatically reset when the error
The control will maintain this SAT when operating in VAV mode
condition is corrected.
with a thermostat that is calling for first stage cooling. This
parameter may be adjusted from 40 °F to 70 °F with 60 °F set The default is OFF.
as the default value.
Heating Lockout on OAT - (75 °F) - This is the Outside Air always be placed on units that use hydronic heating. When the
Temperature Setpoint that the control will use to lock out Heating control senses 24VAC, the control will turn on the Hot Water
when the OAT is above this setpoint. There is a one-degree valve to 100%. The control will continue to drive the valve at
hysteresis on each side of the setpoint. This parameter is 100% until five minutes after the switch has opened. Then the
adjustable between 0 °F and 100 °F with the default set to 75 °F. valve will revert to normal operation. If the control is operating
the Fan, it will close the Economizer fully until the freeze
Heating Lockout on OAT affects only staged heating, it does not
condition is over. If the fan is off and the RAT drops below 40 °F,
affect hydronic heat. If the heating is energized when OAT
the Hot Water Valve will turn on 100%.
reaches this setpoint, the Status LED will indicate the lockout
condition immediately, but the control will finish the heating Supply AirTemp (SAT) Alarm Setpoint for Cooling - (0 °F) - If
mode and then lock out the heating. the SAT does not drive below this setpoint when all stages of
compression are operating and 10 minutes has elapsed since
Note that a Heating Lockout on OAT may occur while the
the last compressor was energized, the control will declare a
control is in a heating mode and there is a demand for heating.
Cooling SAT Failure Alarm.
If the OAT then decreases below the lockout setting while the
The alarm is written to the Error History Buffer. In networked
call for several heat stages exists, the heat stages will turn on
applications, the alarm flag is readable by the network.
simultaneously. This is considered acceptable as this situation
is not expected to occur frequently. The alarm will reset automatically if the SAT does decrease
below the setpoint (the alarm condition no longer exists), or
Cooling Lockout on OAT - (45 °F) - This is the Outside Air
when a compressor is turned off (the control does not request
Temperature Setpoint that the control uses to lock out Cooling
all compressors operate). The SAT Alarm Setpoint for Cooling
when the OAT is below this setpoint. Adjustable from 0 °F to
can be adjusted from 50 °F - 80 °F. If the value is set to 0 °F
100 °F, the default is 45 °F.
(default) this feature is disabled.
Unoccupied Heating Setpoint - (60 °F) - This value is the
Before the control declares an error, it will read the OAT and the
Unoccupied Heating Setpoint. It is used in both CV and VAV
Economizer position. If the OAT is more than 20 °F warmer than
mode of operation (in VAV, it controls Unoccupied heating with
the setpoint and the Economizer is open more than 20%, the
a Space Sensor).
control will close the Economizer for 10 minutes and then read
the SAT. If the SAT falls below the setpoint, the control will
declare an Economizer Minimum Position alarm. The control
will keep the Economizer closed and finish the Cooling mode.
After the Cooling mode has been satisfied, the control will move
the Economizer back to the minimum position.
Supply Air Temp (SAT) Alarm Setpoint for Heating - (0 °F) -
UnOcc. Occ. UnOcc. Occ. The SAT must drive above this setpoint when all stages of heating
Htg. Htg. Clg. Clg. are operating and 10 minutes has elapsed since the last stage was
energized. If this does not happen, the control will declare a
Heating SAT Failure Alarm. The alarm is written to the Error
Figure 5: Sequence Of Setting The Set Points
History Buffer. In networked applications, the alarm flag is readable
The control will attempt to correct wrong temperature overlap by the network. The alarm will reset automatically if the SAT does
settings; for example, if a change is made that would put increase above the setpoint (the alarm condition no longer exists),
Occupied Heating above Occupied Cooling, the Occupied or when a heating stage is turned off (the control does not request
Cooling setting will change to stay above the heating setpoint. all heat stages to operate).
Occupied Heating Setpoint - (68 °F) - This value is the The SAT Alarm Setpoint for Cooling can be adjusted from 70 °F -
Occupied Heating Setpoint. It is used only in CV mode of 120 °F. If the value is set to 0 °F (default) this feature is disabled.
operation. Its relationship to the related setpoints is as defined
Before the control declares an error, it will read the OAT and the
in the Unoccupied Heating Setpoint paragraph above.
Economizer position. If the OAT is more than 20 °F colder than
Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint - (85 °F) - This value is the the setpoint and the Economizer is open more than 20%, the
Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint. It is used in both CV and VAV control will close the Economizer for 10 minutes and then read
mode of operation (in VAV, it controls Unoccupied cooling with a the SAT. If the SAT rises above the setpoint, the control will
Space Sensor). declare an Economizer Minimum Position alarm. The control
will keep the Economizer closed and finish the Heating mode.
Occupied Cooling Setpoint - (72 °F) - This value is the After the Heating mode has been satisfied, the control will move
Occupied Cooling Setpoint. It is used only in CV mode of the Economizer back to the minimum position.
operation. Its relationship to the related setpoints is as defined
in the Unoccupied Heating Setpoint paragraph above. Unoccupied Override Time Period - (60 min) - The
Unoccupied Override Time Limit function will determine how
[Input] FSI (Hot Water Freeze Protection) - (OFF) - This long the unit will operate in the Unoccupied Override mode
option is used only on rooftop units with hydronic heat when the Override button is pressed on the Space Sensor.
(Hydronic Heat Option is turned ON). Freeze protection should
Once the Unoccupied Override mode is initiated, it will continue IAQ Sensor Range - (5,000 ppm) - This tells the control what
until the programmed Unoccupied Override Time Limit is the full range is for a specific IAQ sensor. It can be changed
reached. The Override mode can not be cancelled by, for from 0 to 10,000 ppm.
example, a change of state of the Occupied input to ON
Cooling Mode Enable (ON) - This tells the control if it has
(occupied) and then back to OFF (unoccupied).
Cooling Available (Mode Switch). If this option is turned off,
This parameter is adjustable from 0 to 240 minutes. The default cooling operation is disabled. Note that this parameter does not
is 60 minutes. affect cooling operation in Comfort Ventilation mode.
Fan Delays (ON) & (OFF) - Any time the control starts a Heating Mode Enable - (ON) - This tells the control if it has
compressor it will load the Fan On Delay for Cool with the Heating Available (Mode Switch). If this option is turned off,
programmed value. Any time the control turns off all the heating operation is disabled. Note that this parameter does not
compressors it will load the Fan Off Delay for Cool with the affect heating operation in Comfort Ventilation mode.
programmed value.
Space Setpoint Offset - (3 °F) - The Space Setpoint Offset is
When the control turns on a gas heat stage, it will begin the +/- value the control will use to offset the Space Setpoint
monitoring the gas valve and load the Fan On Delay For Heat when the slidebar Space Sensor is used. For example, if the
with the programmed value when it senses gas valve voltage. If Space Setpoint Offset value is set to 3.0 °F, shifting the slidebar
modulating gas heat is installed, then Fan Off Delay in heating all the way in minus direction will decrease the Space Setpoint
must be set to Off. by 3.0 °F and shifting it all the way in plus direction will increase
the Space Setpoint by 3.0 °F. It is adjustable from 0 °F to 5 °F.
When the thermostat terminates the call for W1 the control will
turn off H1 output and load the Fan Off Delay for Heat with the ASCD Override - This is not an option parameter but rather a
programmed value. one-time command issued by pressing the Test / Reset / Up
button pressed and released within five seconds; the ASCD’s
After the control has turned on heat, it will start monitoring the
will be set to zero for one cycle.
Gas Valve. If at any time the Gas Valve (24 VAC) is not present
for five minutes while H1 is on, the control will flag an Alarm. Run Test (Commissioning Test) - This is not an option
Anytime GV1/H1 goes off during the fan on delay, the control parameter but rather a one-time command, activated by setting
will force the fan on, for the fan off delay period. The control will parameter 1 ON.
wait for GV1 to be on at least 15 seconds before forcing the fan
When the Run Test command is issued, the control will shut the
on. If GV1 has been on for at least 15 seconds, and then goes
unit down if it is running and then start a Run test sequence:
away before the Fan On Delay has finished, the fan will turn on
anyway far a length of time equal to the Fan Off Delay period. 1. Turn on the Fan and then turn on all the compressors, one
at a time, with a 15-second delay between them. Con-
If the control senses this input along with a Y signal, it will not
denser fan #1 turns on with compressor #1, condenser fan
turn on the compressors and it will run the Heating mode.
#2 turns on with compressor #2. After the last compressor
Heating takes priority.
has been turned on, the control will run the compressors
Fan ON Mode with the Sensor Option - (ON) - When this for the programmed minimum run time and then turn them
option is turned ON, the supply fan will continue running when all off. Condenser fans are also turned off.
the zone sensor based temperature control is satisfied. This
2. The control will then turn on the Heat stages, one at a time,
option applies only in systems using a zone sensor and only in
with a 15 second delay between them. The control will run
Occupied mode. With this option turned OFF, or in Unoccupied
each Heat stage for three minutes and then turn all the
mode, the fan will go off when the zone sensor based
Heat off.
temperature control is satisfied and will go on only when there is
a call for heating or cooling. Turning this option ON is an 3. The control will then open the Economizer to the 100%
equivalent of selecting fan ON (rather than AUTO) in systems open position and wait five minutes before closing it to the
with a thermostat. In a thermostat system, the fan control follows Minimum Position. When the economizer is at 100%, the
the thermostat's G signal. In sensor systems and in the Occupied exhaust damper will be open to 100% and the exhaust fan
mode, the fan control follows the Fan ON Mode option. runs for 5 minutes, then shuts down.
Space Sensor Enable - (OFF) (INTERNALLY SET) - The 4. During this Run Test operation the control will read all the
control will use this input if it detects the device. installed sensors and verify that their readings are good. If
any error is detected the control will display the appropriate
RAT Sensor Enable - (OFF) (INTERNALLY SET) - The control error. During the Run Test, the supply fan continues to be
will use this input if it detects the device. monitored via the Air Proving Switch, and a fan failure will
Demand Ventilation (ON) - Setting this parameter on tells the cause a unit shutdown.
control to expect a signal from a 0-10VDC CO2 sensor. The After the control is finished with the Run Test the normal
default setting for CO2 is 1,000 ppm. operation will resume. This command is a good method to use
Demand Ventilation Setpoint - (1000 ppm) - This Setpoint is to ensure the control is operating and all input and output points
the maximum Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) level that the control will are functional.
allow. It is adjustable from 700 ppm to 1500 ppm.
For On/Off functions, 1 is ON and 0 is OFF
Read only items are readings from sensors which only change as the measured condition changes.
MILLENNIUM® SEQUENCE OF OPERATION day of the week, and twenty holidays. In addition to the
programmed schedule, the space sensor allows a single key
OVERVIEW press to provide up to a 4-hour unoccupied override into the
occupied mode.
The Millennium® Simplicity® control has comprehensive rule
sets to respond to heat and cool calls, provide anti-shortcycle OCCUPIED MODE: The supply fan operates continuously in
and other safeties, date / time clock, and other features making the Occupied and Recovery modes. The thermostat cycles
the programmable thermostat unnecessary. The Millennium® cooling / heating to maintain the space temperature to the
Simplicity® extends on the rules of the Synthesys digital control. Occupied setpoints. Simplicity® will enable optional economizer
and power exhaust features.
With an attached (optional) Room Sensor, the control provides
calls for heating and cooling and occupied override. The control UNOCCUPIED MODE: The supply fan operates only with
determines when to start morning warm-up, mechanical cooling / heating calls. The economizer is disabled during the
cooling, or heat based on parameter settings in the Millennium® unoccupied mode except when free cooling may be used to
Simplicity® control, its internal time clock, Occupied and holiday condition the space. Cooling / heating stages are cycled to
schedules, the deviation from the setpoints, and the rate of maintain the space temperature to the Unoccupied setpoints.
temperature change.
RECOVERY MODE: A special unoccupied mode that allows
A separate thermostat cannot determine if an output function is transition to occupied mode. The supply fan operates
available. For example, if the belts on the supply fan were to continuously and the economizer remains disabled. Instead of
break, the thermostat would still call for the fan to operate and, maintaining the unoccupied setpoints, the thermostat ramps the
if space conditions require, call for heating or cooling. Logic in space temperature toward the occupied setpoints. The
the control prevents undesired operation of heating and cooling Millennium® Simplicity® control has an option for the control to
stages, with interlocks and minimum run times. Moreover, the “learn” how long it takes to get the building to the desired
control can report faults on its digital display or on a network to temperature, and adjust its start time to minimize the recovery
a monitoring system. time. Refer to the Intelli-Start section.
Control logic is designed such that airflow must be proven before UNIT CONTROLS SEQUENCE
any heating or cooling stage can operate. Mechanical cooling is
If the thermostat gives a call for G fan, W heating, or Y cooling,
locked out below 40 °F outdoor ambient for all units without head
or the space sensor reading is not within the setpoint range; this
pressure control. The control provides voltage to energize the
is acted upon by unit control according to the sequence outlined
contactors for the supply fan, cooling stages, heating stages, and
below. A thermostat must not be connected anywhere but the
options such as the economizer and power exhaust. The
appropriate labeled terminals. Direct control of compressors
thermostat makes calls for cooling and heating; the Simplicity®
and heaters is not acceptable.
control is responsible for executing the rules putting these calls into
action and protecting the unit through appropriate safety devices. If Abbreviations for various components correspond to the labels
the Millennium® Simplicity® senses low voltage, it will hold any on the wiring diagram.
call that energizes a contactor until the voltage is adequate. It will
not alarm for low voltage, but will provide a flash code. 1. On a call for the supply fan, voltage at terminal G is acted on
by the control. If the supply fan overload is not tripped, volt-
The control also energizes the supply fan and cooling stages
age goes out from the FAN terminal on the control to either
based on external inputs from the thermostat:
contactor 5M (Supply Fan Motor Starter) or relay FR (per-
• G - Supply Fan mission-to-run for the Variable Frequency Drive). Power is
• Y1-1st Stage Cooling applied to the airflow proving switch (APS). If the supply fan
• Y2-2nd Stage Cooling operates correctly (proper rotation), the pressure difference
• Y3-3rd Stage Cooling between the supply fan section and the heating section
increases and APS closes to enable operation.
• Y4-4th Stage Cooling
The air proving switch is monitored by the control 90 sec-
Heating stages are controlled based on inputs: onds after the fan is energized.
• W1-1st Stage Heating
The control also monitors the supply fan overload. The
• W2-2nd Stage Heating
overload circuit is wired directly to the control, not in series
• W3-3rd Stage Heating with the fan contactor. If the supply fan overload trips for
longer than 5 seconds, the control will shut down the unit. If
The economizer is enabled through settings in the control and
the trip clears within 15 minutes, the unit will log an error
operating conditions, or external BAS calls.
and resume operation. If the overload trips three times in
RUN SEQUENCE two hours [or stays tripped longer than 15 minutes], the
control will shut the unit down and report an alarm. In a
The unit operates in one of three modes: Occupied, Unoccupied, VAV unit, the control will shut down the unit if the duct pres-
and Recovery (Warm-up / Cool-down). The control allows none, sure shutdown setpoint is reached or exceeded.
one, or two separate occupied / unoccupied schedules for each
2. Mechanical cooling stages have two monitoring circuits: denser fan 1). On 25 ton units, condenser fan 2 (contactor
low pressure and high pressure. They are connected to the 7M) is brought on by PS5 if discharge pressure on com-
control through the LPSx and HPSx terminals. These allow pressor 1 exceeds 280 psi R22 (360 psi R-410a). Fan 2
the control to track specific error alarms, and let the control drops out if discharge pressure drops below 180 psi R22
energize the next available compressor. (300 psi R410a); condenser fan 4 (contactor 9M) is brought
on by PS6 monitoring discharge pressure on compressor
Table 6: Cooling Stage, R22 (R410a) 2.
In Occupied mode, the economizer is enabled [if installed and With safeties in normal state, IC1 will attempt ignition. IC1
the parameter set in the control]; if free cooling is available, the provides direct spark ignition with flame verification, and
economizer will energize in place of the first cooling stage. controls the GV1 gas valve through manual reset switch
RS1 (rollout switch). If RS1 has tripped, GV1 is locked out
A thermostat call for second stage cooling powers terminal Y2, and IC1 will electronically lockout after three failed ignition
third stage powers Y3 (30 and 40 ton R22 (and all R410a units)) attempts. The Simplicity control monitors voltage to the gas
and fourth stage powers Y4 (40 ton R22 (and all R410a units)). valves through terminals GV1-3.
These thermostat calls are entered into the control's logic, and
When the W1 call is canceled, power is removed from IC1,
available cooling stages brought on to meet the demand.
which directs IC1 to close GV1. As long as APS continues
NOTE: The economizer may function when all mechanical to prove supply fan airflow, IC1 remains powered and
cooling stages are locked out on low ambient. keeps the draft motor contacts closed for 30 seconds to
maintain the operation of Draft Motor 1 for a postpurge of
3. When the control calls for Compressor 1 (25 ton R22), or the heat exchanger.
Compressor 1 or 2 (30 and 40 ton R22 (and all R410a
8. Standard Gas Heat Option, Stages 2 and 3: The Millen-
units)), it will also call condenser fan CF1 stage 1 through
nium Simplicity responds to W2 and W3 similarly to W1, if
CTB1- terminal 13, powering the coil of contactor 6M (con-
the unit is equipped with second and third heat modules.
determined by the status of the internal clock and the internal MORNING WARM-UP [MWUP]
The unit enters a morning warm-up mode going in to the first
OCCUPIED / UNOCCUPIED / MORNING WARM-UP Occupied period of the control’s internal daily schedule. In this
mode, the supply fan is operated at full volume, optional unit
OCCUPIED heating is engaged at full capacity if needed, the optional power
exhaust system is enabled, the economizer outside air dampers
In Occupied mode, all installed options enabled by the
close (return air dampers open), cooling is disabled, and
parameter settings are available. The supply fan is operated
voltage is provided at H1 to signal the remote VAV boxes to
[controlled to the duct pressure setpoint if a VAV], optional unit
open. This operation continues until the return air temperature
heating is available at full capacity, the optional power exhaust
exceeds the adjustable setpoint of the Morning Warm-up bulb
system is enabled, the economizer outside air dampers go to
thermostat (MWUP).
their minimum position or open for free cooling. This operation
continues until the unit enters Unoccupied mode. When the The parameter for MWUP must be turned on. Without Intelli-
control sees an Occupied override button push from the Start, MWUP will start one hour ahead of Occupied. Cooling will
thermostat or space sensor, it will go to Occupied mode for the not start until the Occupied mode starts. In MWUP, the control
length of time set in the parameters, up to four hours. If the unit will operate the fan and energize heat after monitoring RAT five
is in Space Sensor operation, the fan will operate at full speed minutes after going into MWUP, or if RAT goes two degrees
[controlled to the duct pressure setpoint if a VAV]. below the MWUP setpoint.
A VAV standalone unit will run MWUP the first hour of the OCC UNIT CONTROLS
override signal, then go to Occupied. The supply fan will run
continuously. 1. The control reviews parameters, the unit clock, and occupied /
Holiday schedules to select the appropriate mode. In Occu-
UNOCCUPIED pied mode, the unit will look at inputs enabled by parameter
settings. It will default to secondary inputs if necessary.
In Unoccupied mode, the economizer goes to full closed; the
supply fan will only operate if there is a call for heating or When the unit is running in Occupied mode, the duct pres-
cooling [controlled to the duct pressure setpoint if a VAV]. If sure controller, if that option is installed, is activated; the
heating is required, all installed stages will be energized. optional power exhaust system is activated, power is
applied to the airflow proving switch (APS), and to the sup-
ply fan motor contactor (5M) to engage the supply fan. If
the supply fan operates correctly (proper rotation) the pres-
sure difference between the supply fan section and the
The bypass VFD is a standard Variable Frequency heating section increases and APS closes to enable opera-
Drive packaged with a further set of contactors When tion. The control waits 90 seconds for the fan to reach equi-
bypass mode is activated, contactors route power librium, then looks at the APS.
around the VFD, connecting the indoor fan motor For units without optional head pressure control: If the out-
direct to supply voltage. At this point the motor will go side air temperature rises above 50 °F the control enables
to full RPM regardless of the duct pressure signal, all mechanical cooling stages. If the outside air tempera-
because the VFD is out of the loop, and there is a ture falls below 40 °F, then all mechanical cooling stages
potential for over pressuring the ducts. are locked out.
The air balancer must set maximum duct static / CFM For units with head pressure control: Enable third and
to stay within a static pressure that the ductwork of that fourth (40 Ton only) stage mechanical cooling when the
installation can tolerate when the motor is at full RPM, ambient temperature rises above 50 °F. If the outside air
considering that the VAV boxes, if they are part of the temperature falls below 40 °F, mechanical cooling stages 3
system, may not be full open. and 4 (40 Ton only (all R410a)) are locked out. Enable first
and second stage mechanical cooling when the ambient
If the duct system includes VAV boxes, they must be temperature rises above 10 °F. If the outside air tempera-
driven open in Bypass mode in the same manner as ture falls below 0 °F, all mechanical cooling stages are
going to heat mode. The drive indicates being in “bypass” locked out.
mode with normally open contacts wired to terminal block
1, position 5 and 6 across Danfoss relay M3 [refer to 2. While the return air temperature remains below the set-
drawings supplied by Danfoss, packed with the unit]. point of MWUP (Morning Warm-up), engage the unit heat
(optional) at full capacity.
Voltage sufficient to signal the boxes to open must be
wired through this contact. This is a field-install For Inlet Guide Vane VAV: terminal VFD provides a 10VDC
connection. signal for the actuator, thus forcing the inlet guide vane
dampers to fully open during the warm-up cycle. Terminal
H1, heat stage 1, is used to signal the remote VAV boxes to
open. In this warm-up mode, VAV and the economizer
(optional) are disabled, so cooling is disabled and the energized, duct pressure control is activated. The optional
optional economizer outside air dampers are closed. power exhaust system is activated.
3. When the return air temperature climbs above the MWUP In heat mode, cooling is disabled and the optional econo-
setpoint, heating is disabled, VAV and the economizer are mizer outside air dampers are closed. This operation is
enabled. maintained until the space temperature rises above the
heating setpoint or Occupied mode is engaged.
4. A call for first stage cooling initiates the cooling sequence.
The optional economizer is enabled, and drives the 11. Gas Heat Single Stage Module: Each module installed
damper to the minimum open position. If free cooling is has it own ignition control and its own set of safeties. When
available, dampers open to satisfy setpoints. If there is no there is a call for heat from the unit control board (UCB) for
economizer, the control powers terminal C1 to energize each module, the ignition control board (ICB) for that mod-
compressor 1. ule checks the state of the flame sense, the roll out switch,
the pressure switch and the primary temperature limit
The control provides a minimum of 30 seconds between
switch circuits for that module. If they are in the expected
each cooling stage call [see Lead-Lag], a 4 minute mini-
state, then the ICB energizes the draft motor and verifies
mum ON time for each cooling stage and a 5 minute mini-
that the pressure switch closes. After the pressure switch
mum OFF time for each cooling stage.
closes, a 30 second heat exchanger purging period is com-
5. A call for Compressor 1 powers the high pressure safety pleted. After this purging period, the ICB will energize the
switch (HPS1), the low pressure switch (LPS1), the coil of gas valve and the ignition coil for 10 seconds. Once the
contactor 6M (condenser fan 1), and the coil of contactor flame sensor senses a flame is present, the ignition coil is
7M (contactor, condenser fan 2) through condenser fan de-energized. The ICB monitors flame stability for 10 sec-
cycling switch PS5 (PS5 disables condenser fan 2 opera- onds. The ICB will retry 3 times to obtain a stable flame. If
tion based upon the discharge pressure of the Compressor the furnace fails to light 3 times during the same call for
1). If the system pressures are within HPS1 (high refriger- heat, then the ICB will lock out operation of that module
ant pressure) and LPS1 (low refrigerant pressure) switch until the next call for heat exists. The ICB monitors the
settings is not tripped, contactor 1M is engaged to start module's safety devices during that module's operation.
scroll Compressor 1. When the UCB de-energizes the call for heat for a given
module, the ICB closes the gas valve for that module and
6. A call for Compressor 2 powers contactor 2M (contactor, performs a 30 second purging of the heat exchanger by
compressor 2) if HPS2 and LPS2 (high and low refrigerant continuing the operation of the draft motor.
pressure) contacts are closed.
Gas Heat Operation Errors - During furnace operation,
7. 30 and 40 ton only (all R410a): A call for Compressor 3 the ICB monitors the flame sense circuit, the pressure
powers the coils of contactors 8M (contactor, condenser switch, the primary limit switch and the roll out switch. If
fan 3) and 9M (contactor, condenser fan 4 - 40 ton only). If a signal from any of the inputs moves to a fault state,
HPS3 and LPS3 (high and low refrigerant pressure) con- then the ICB immediately closes the main gas valve.
tacts are closed, power is applied to the coil of Contactor The ICB will determine the device that is signaling a fault
3M, which starts compressor 3. and flash a code for that device (Table 7). A primary limit
8. 40 Ton Only (all R410a): A call for Compressor 4 powers trip, pressure switch trip or flame sense fault triggers a
the coils of contactor 4M if HPS4 and LPS4 (high and low temporary lock out. A roll out switch trip requires manual
refrigerant pressure) contacts are closed. reset. Some UCB's installed on Millennium also monitor
the primary limit and/or gas valve for fault conditions to
9. When the internal time clock matches the setting in the hol- set warning flags.
iday and daily schedules, the unit enters Unoccupied
mode. The control disables the supply fan, the optional Temperature Limits - The primary limit is located such
power exhaust, cooling, heating, and the economizer. The that a temperature sensitive switch can sense the tem-
optional outside air dampers are closed with the optional perature of the heat exchanger tubes. The limit is
inlet guide vanes. mounted just above the inlet of the heat exchanger
tubes on the left side. If a primary limit fault occurs (the
10. When the space temperature falls below the heating set- primary limit opens due to excessive heat exchanger
point, the control powers contactor 5M from terminal FAN temperature), then the ICB will flash the appropriate
to engage the supply fan motor. If the supply fan operates code (Table 7) and monitor the primary limit. The ICB will
correctly (proper rotation) the pressure difference between energize the draft motor during the time the primary limit
the heating section and the supply fan section increases is open. When the primary limit closes and the call for
and APS closes to enable heating operation. If heat safe- heat still exists, the ICB will start the ignition sequence
ties are satisfied, the VAV speed signal (VFD or Inlet Guide over.
Vanes) goes to maximum flow [the customer-installed con-
nection will drive the VAV boxes to full open]. The control Gas Valve - The gas valve is of the redundant type such
engages unit heat (optional) at full capacity. Until heat is that if either one of two valves inside the gas valve fails
to shut off the gas flow then the other valve will shut off
the flow.
Pressure Switch - The pressure switch closes on a Table 7: Ignition Control Board Flash Codes
drop below a specific pressure. On a call for heat, the
ICB checks the pressure switch for open state before it Flash Code Description
energizes the draft motor. If it is closed, then the ICB will 4 Flashes Lock Out From Too Many Failed Ignition Tries
lock out the furnace and flash a code (Table 7). If open,
5 Flashes Lock Out From Too Many Flame Losses
then the ICB will energize the draft motor and verify that
the switch closes before initiating the purging and igni- 6 Flashes High Temperature Switch Open
tion sequence. If at any time during furnace operation 7 Flashes Rollout Switch Open
the pressure switch opens, then the ICB will de-energize 8 Flashes Flame Present With Gas Off
the gas valve and monitor the pressure switch. If the
9 Flashes Exceeded Max Limit Trips In One Call For Heat (5)
pressure switch closes and the call for heat still exists,
then the ICB will retry the purging and ignition sequence. 10 Flashes Gas Valve Stuck Off or On
Stages of Gas Control (% of Full Heat Output) Gas Valve Signal for High and Low Fire
Table 9: Modulating Gas Heat Control Board Flash Codes limit. In addition to the primary limit, back-up limits may trip
under these conditions. The back-up limits are one-trip
Flash Code Description devices and will have to be replaced should they trip.
Heart Beat Normal Operation 15. When the space temperature rises above the Unoccupied
1 Flash Not Applicable cooling setpoint, the control enables optional duct pressure
control and optional power exhaust system; power is
2 Quick Flashes Followed By Module Limit Switch Failure
applied to the airflow proving switch (APS) and to the coil
1 Slow Flashes Module 1 Limit Switch of starter 5M to engage the supply fan motor. If the supply
2 Slow Flashes Module 2 Limit Switch fan operates correctly (proper rotation) the pressure differ-
3 Slow Flashes Module 3 Limit Switch ence between the heating section and the supply fan sec-
tion increases and APS closes to allow mechanical cooling
4 Slow Flashes Module 4 Limit Switch
operation. The unit operates as though it were in the Occu-
3 Quick Flashes Followed By Module Gas Valve Failure pied mode (see above) until the space temperature falls
1 Slow Flashes Module 1 Gas Valve below the cooling setpoint or Occupied mode is engaged.
2 Slow Flashes Module 2 Gas Valve 16. Duct Pressure Control - Inlet Guide Vane Option: The
3 Slow Flashes Module 3 Gas Valve duct pressure controls are powered with a call for the sup-
4 Slow Flashes Module 4 Gas Valve ply fan. Once powered, the pressure transducer DPS pro-
vides a voltage signal input to the Simplicity® control. The
4 Quick Flashes Not Applicable
control calculates a 2-10VDC signal to the inlet guide vane
Supply Air Temp. (SAT) Sensor actuator.
5 Quick Flashes
Input Failure
17. Duct Pressure Control - VFD (Variable Frequency
Mixed Air Temp. (MAT) Sensor Input
6 Quick Flashes Drive) Option: The duct pressure controls are powered
with a call for the supply fan. Once powered, the VFD
Air Proving Switch (APS) Input
7 Quick Flashes responds to a VDC control signal from the DPS (Duct Pres-
sure transducer). In the heating mode the VDC, DPS pres-
8 Quick Flashes Low Voltage (Non Failure) sure signal forces the fan to full volume. VAV boxes should
Module Locked Out Due To be tied to the H1 terminal to signal the boxes to full open.
9 Quick Flashes
Mechanical Cooling (Non Failure)
18. Electronic Economizer Option: The control directly con-
trols the position of the outside air / return air dampers
14. Electric Heat Option: A call for heat stages electric heat through a 2-10 VDC signal to ACT1 (economizer actuator).
on. Electric heat is available as 40kW [one stage], 80kW The economizer is powered only after supply fan operation
[two stages], or 108kW [three stages]. There is one over- has been verified (APS closed) and the unit is in Occupied
heat limit for electric heat, regardless of the number of or Recovery mode. When the control is not powered or is in
stages - contrasted with gas heat, which has individual Unoccupied mode, the outside air dampers spring return
over-heat limits on each module. closed. When in Occupied or Recovery mode and there is
On units with the Electric Heat Option, a call for heat (W1) no Y1 call or if free cooling is unavailable, the Simplicity®
will initiate the main blower. The blower will produce static control opens the economizer dampers to the minimum
in the supply and the Air Proving Switch (APS) contacts will position setting made in the parameters.
close. The control recognizes closure of the APS and ener- With a Y1 call where the outside air is appropriate for free
gizes the H1 terminal to complete the circuit to the first cooling (see below), the control modulates the vanes for
stage of electric heat. free cooling in place of first stage cooling. (Please see the
In Occupied mode, if additional heat is required, the W2 compressor staging chart above.) The control modulates
signal will energize the second stage of electric heat the economizer dampers to maintain a Mixed Air Tempera-
through terminal H2; W3 / H3 function similarly. When the ture (Return Air / Outside Air Mixture, sensed between the
W2 call for heat has been satisfied, W2 will be de-ener- filters and the DX coil) between 50 °F and 55 °F (adjustable
gized and will in turn de-energize H2 second stage heat. between 40 °F and 65 °F).
As the call heat (W1) has been satisfied, W1 will be de- The Simplicity® control uses one of three methods to deter-
energized. If the unit is in Unoccupied mode, the fan will mine when free cooling is available. The method used is
shut off and the APS will open. For units in space sensor determined by the option selection.
control, the Simplicity® will stage on heat as required to
maintain space sensor temp, or SAT temp if the space sen- Dry Bulb: The control refers to input from the OAT, and
sor signal is lost. will allow free cooling when the outdoor temperature falls
below the Economizer First Stage temperature setpoint.
All electric heat modules have an auto-reset primary limit Free cooling will be available until the outdoor tempera-
and non-restartable back-up limits. Dirty filters, broken ture rises above the temperature setpoint.
belts, fan motor burn-out or running this unit below 6,000
CFM will cause the limit to trip on the auto-reset primary
Single Enthalpy: the control will consider, along with NOTE: For smoke purge, etc., special connections: for stan-
outside temperature, outside air humidity [OAH sensor; dard controls, consult a controls specialist familiar with
parameter must be set to ON] in enabling free cooling. your local codes.
The outside air enthalpy setpoint parameter [BTU per
pound] must also be set.
Dual Enthalpy (Comparative/Differential Enthalpy):
Both the Outdoor Air Enthalpy and the Return Air
Enthalpy [RAH sensor, option parameter must be set to All power exhaust options require that the customer
ON] are connected to the control. The setpoint when the provide tubing connections to the transducer from a
outdoor air enthalpy is less than the return air enthalpy, representative location in the building; modulating-
free cooling is available. The rules in the control will lock vane and VFD exhausts will open full / power on in
out free cooling and force mechanical cooling when the Purge mode.
outside air temperature exceeds setpoints.
19. Power Exhaust Option with Modulating Dampers: The HEAD PRESSURE CONTROL, R22 (R410A)
power exhaust controls are enabled in Occupied mode. The
building pressure sensor [BSP] provides a signal to the con-
trol. The exhaust dampers are modulated by a 2-10VDC sig- The head pressure control option controls the speed of
nal from the control, proportional to the pressure sensed, to condenser fan 1 for low ambient mechanical cooling operation
the damper actuator. When the actuator opens the damper of systems 1 and 2. This option functions independently of the
more than the parameter “Exhaust Damper Position for Simplicity® control.
Exhaust Fan to Turn ON” setting, the Simplicity® control
powers the 10M starter to engage the power exhaust fan The option includes two pressure transducers and a variable
motor. When the dampers reach the ”Exhaust Damper Posi- frequency drive. The pressure transducers are connected to the
tion for Exhaust Fan to Turn OFF” setting, the control turns discharge line of system 1 and 2. The VFD modulates to the
the motor off. When the power exhaust is disabled, the con- higher signal; if either system 1 or 2 exceeds 280 psi R22 (360
trol closes the exhaust dampers. psi for R410a), a secondary mechanical switch close to turn on
fan 2. Typically the modulated fan will slow down; if both
20. Non-Modulating Power Exhaust Option: The power systems drop below 180 psi, fan 2 drops out.
exhaust controls are enabled by the Simplicity® control.
The control powers the exhaust fan motor by monitoring System 3 on a 30 ton R22 and system 3 and 4 on a 40 ton R22
the position of the economizer damper vanes [“Economizer (and all R410a units) are locked out below 45°F ambient.
Damper Setting for Exhaust Fan to Turn ON [OFF]”]. The
outlet pressure of the power exhaust fan forces the baro- NOTE: Altering the factory settings could result in poor control
metric relief dampers open. Exhaust Fan operation is con- or operation of the system.
tinued until the economizer reaches the % set in the
parameter Gravity closes the barometric relief dampers No special motor is required on three-phase systems; single
when the exhaust fans are off. phase systems will use three phase motors on fan 1. The
Variable Frequency Drive is pre programmed at the factory.
21. Power Exhaust Option with Variable Frequency Drive
(VFD): The power exhaust controls are enabled through SEQUENCE OF OPERATION - FOR HEAD PRESSURE
the Simplicity® control. The variable frequency drive is con- CONTROL
trolled by a signal from the control, based on the Building
Pressure sensor (BPS), located in the control box, which A call for the first stage cooling powers the 6M contactor
translates the building pressure signal to a VDC signal. energizing the variable frequency drive. The drive will ramp to
Fine tuning is accomplished by setting parameters in the the pre programmed minimum speed of 20 Hertz immediately
VFD [ref: separate instruction]. upon start up. As the discharge pressure on system 1 or 2
compressor rises, the transducer output signal to the variable
NOTE: Modulated exhaust: Pressure-tap tubing must be run frequency drive rises. The drive will increase the speed of
from an appropriate location in the building to the condenser 1 fan, maintaining a setpoint of 240 psi R22 (325 psi
"high" port on the BPS transducer. Dampers on the R410a).
VFD power exhaust are gravity-closed and are not
modulated. The BPS signal is proportional with the dif- The scroll compressor produces a rapid rise in discharge
ference between outside ambient pressure and build- pressure upon start up. This usually will result in full speed
ing pressure. The VFD is set for a minimum speed of operation of condenser fan 1. After the discharge pressure has
33% and a maximum of 100%. The VFD parameters settled out, the speed of condenser 1 may decrease especially
are factory set, specific for each control system, and during times when the ambient temperature is below 80 °F. After
are detailed on a sticker by the drive. The drive man- the 1 system has stabilized and compressor 2 is energized, the
ual is shipped with the unit. speed of condenser Fan 1 will increase to compensate for the
discharge pressure rise. Typically, since fan 2 will run at full
speed, fan 1 will slow down when fan 2 energizes.
As the ambient temperature dips below 40 °F the 1 condenser fan associated with manufacturing and servicing equipment with
will slow to the minimum speed. The circuit 2 condenser fan will this level of interacting features - but you can’t see the status of
disengage when the discharge pressure drops below 180 psi R22 interlocked rules as you can with discreet relays.
(300 psi R410a) as the ambient temperature falls. The discharge
pressure of system 1 and/or 2 will increase when condenser fan 2 Several control modes will override other modes of operation.
stops, consequently causing an increase in the speed of
For example, The Demand Ventilation (or, Indoor Air Quality)
condenser fan 1.
control may override Comfort Ventilation / Economizer control
The Millennium® Simplicity® control includes a terminal SD for and drive the OA dampers above the established minimum
the user to wire a signal to shut down, and a Purge terminal to position. The Excessive SAT control will override all
signal the unit to shut off heat or mechanical cooling, open the temperature control modes, Economizer mode, and
economizer and exhaust dampers, and run the exhaust fan compressor operation as well. If you suspect that a problem
[depending on which options are installed on the unit]. exists with the economizer, or the compressors are locked out
when no alarms are set, verify that one of the control modes is
INTELLI-START not overriding the normal mode of operation or the operation
you might expect to see. Another important example is the Air
If Intelli-Start is enabled the control will use that calculation to Proving Switch interlocking mode. If the Air Proving Switch
determine when to start Morning Warm-Up. If the Intelli-Start alarms on a VAV unit, the unit will refer to the duct pressure
option is not enabled, the control will start Morning Warm-Up sensor; if duct pressure is present, the control will assume the
one hour before Occupancy. fan is working even though the APS is not.
When Intelli-Start is enabled, the control will attempt to recover If the fan status [APS] fails, and the duct pressure switch of a
the building to the Occupied Setpoint by the time the Occupied VAV unit sees no duct pressure, all controlling algorithms and
period begins. On the first day when the control has nothing operations, and outputs (except hydronic heat) will cease and
stored for recovery, it will go “Occupied” two hours before the the control will shut down all outputs.
Occupied period. The control will store the beginning demand
and track the time it takes to reach the Occupied Setpoint. AIR PROVING SWITCH
When the Occupied setpoint is reached, the control will store
how long it took, and use that warm-up ability to calculate the When the control starts the supply fan, it waits 90 seconds to
period needed the next time it runs. The control will store the check for closure of the Air Proving Switch (APS). If the APS
recovery value separately for Heating and Cooling. Unoccupied does not close, the control will turn off all outputs except Fan
Recovery will only run on the first Occupied period of the day. It and the VFD speed signal, flag an alarm, and flash an alarm on
will always be operating on the previous day’s performance. the display. If it is a VAV unit, the control will look to the duct
The Economizer will be used if free cooling is available. pressure signal; if it is above .05”, the control will flag a bad
APS and continue operation.
Millennium® Simplicity® will accommodate inputs for water coil
freeze stat, SA sensor, ODA sensor, Space sensor, and Room It will retry the Fan output every 30 minutes for three retries. If
sensor, Building pressure sensor, Duct pressure sensor, after three retries it still cannot qualify the Fan, it will Alarm and
Demand ventilation, RA humidity, OD humidity, RS485 lock all heating and cooling operation out. If the switch closes
communications. after an alarm has been flagged, the control will resume normal
operation and clear the active alarm.
After the control has turned off the fan, it will wait 90 seconds
When this option is set ON, the unit will equalize run time on and verify that the switch opens. If the switch does not open
compressors [except for compressor 1 if the head pressure after 90 seconds, the control will flag a failed switch and flash
control option or hot gas bypass is installed]. the alarm. On the next startup, the control will stage up
equipment normally.
This switch-closed failure mode of the Air Proving Switch can
This chapter describes the many control modes of operation for only be detected with the Supply Fan off. It is important to
Simplicity®. Because of the narrative and detailed descriptions detect because it effectively disables the fan failure alarm
contained in this section, you should only scan this chapter and checking while fan is running, described in the paragraphs
become familiar with the primary topics. Then, use this chapter above. Those checks would always pass as the switch would
as a reference whenever a more detailed understanding of a remain closed. In networked applications, the error flag is
particular mode is needed. readable by the network. The alarm will automatically reset after
the problem that caused it has been corrected.
You should keep in mind that, especially with digital controls,
interlocking between control modes is common and easily When the control is running the fan and the APS has already
achieved. Also, by the very nature of digital control been proven, and then it opens, the control will wait 2 seconds
programming, many simultaneous rules can be implemented before shutting down heating, cooling, and locking out. It will
because they generally require only software programming and alarm and retry as if it happened during start-up.
very little peripheral hardware. This reduces the costs
mizer damper and using more outdoor air. However, if the performs calculations necessary to set its output, that controls
economizer algorithm can not prevent the SAT from the hot water valve, to have the same value on starting the ON-
increasing above the top control band limit by closing the cycle as it had when it went into the OFF-cycle (in spite of some
economizer damper to its programmed minimum position, decrease in the SAT during the OFF-cycle).
one or more compressors may need to be turned on. Simi-
larly, if the economizer algorithm can not prevent the SAT The “bumpless transfer” feature of the hydronic heat control
from dropping below the bottom control band limit by algorithm essentially acts similar to a “memory” that holds the
opening the economizer damper, one or more heating algorithm output during the OFF-cycles. This “memory” is reset
stages may need to be turned on. only on unit shutdown. The effect of this “memory” can be
observed on the action of the hot water valve. After unit startup
• If the OAT is within the SAT control band, i.e. between the
(during the first ON-cycle of the hydronic heat), there is no
programmed "Comfort Ventilation Upper Setpoint" and
“memorized” output value and the valve moves relatively slowly
"Comfort Ventilation Lower Setpoint", the economizer
into a control position required to maintain the SAT setpoint. On
damper is driven to the fully open position. In this case, no
subsequent ON cycles, the valve moves into a control position
other control action needs to be taken to maintain the SAT
much faster as dictated by the output value stored in control
within the specified control band.
algorithm “memory”.
The economizer control alone may not be able to maintain the
This is the Outside Air Temperature Setpoint that the control
SAT within the specified control band. A separate staging
uses to lock out mechanical cooling when the OAT is below this
control algorithm supplements the economizer control and will
setpoint. There is a one-degree hysteresis on each side of the
stage heating, or mechanical cooling as necessary. If the SAT
setpoint. Adjustable from 0 °F to 100 °F, the default is 45 °F.
increases above the "Comfort Ventilation Upper Setpoint" for
more than 5 minutes, the control will destage a heating stage (if The change to 0 °F applies only to compressors # 1 and # 2
any heating stages running), or add a compressor. The control when head pressure control is installed. Cooling Lockout on
will repeat this process every 5 minutes until the SAT gets back OAT may occur while the control is in an Economizer mode and
to within the control band. there is a demand for compressors.
If the SAT drops below the "Comfort Ventilation Low Supply Air WATER COIL FREEZE STAT (FSI)
Setpoint" for more than 5 minutes, the control will destage a
compressor (if any compressors running), or add a heating This option is used only on rooftop units with hydronic heat
stage. The control will repeat this every 5 minutes until the SAT (Hydronic heat option is turned ON). When the FSI terminal
gets back to within the control band. As the heating stages, or sees 24 VAC, the control will open the Hot Water valve to
compressors are staged up, or destaged, the economizer 100%. The control will continue to drive the valve to 100% until
controls continues using the economizer damper to "trim" the five minutes after the switch has closed. If the control is
effect of the staging and to maintain the SAT as near the middle operating the Fan, it will close the Economizer fully until the
of the SAT control band as possible. freeze condition is over. If the fan is off and the RAT drops
below 40 °F, the Hot Water Valve will turn on 100%. This control
If the unit is using hydronic heat, the control modulates the sequence takes place regardless of the supply fan status (it is
water valve to maintain SAT at the programmed "Comfort expected to be used/ needed mostly in situations when the
Ventilation Low Supply Air Setpoint". At this setpoint, the supply fan is not running). A Hot Water Coil Freeze Alarm is
hydronic heat control does not conflict with the economizer generated. The alarm is written to the Error History Buffer. In
control, and will prevent SAT from dropping outside of the networked applications, the alarm flag is readable by the
specified control band when the economizer can no longer network.
maintain the SAT at its middle-of-the-band setpoint.
After the valve override sequence described above is
HYDRONIC HEAT completed, the valve will revert to normal operation and the
alarm is automatically reset. The same sequence is repeated
The Hydronic Heat option requires relocating the SAT sensor
every time the Hot Water Coil Freeze Switch opens (infinite
downstream of the heating coil.
During hydronic heating, the SAT control to the selected
“Hydronic Heat First Stage SAT setpoint”, or “Hydronic Heat CV OPERATION
Second Stage SAT Setpoint” is performed using a Proportional / The paragraphs below identify control modes of CV operation
Integral control algorithm. The control algorithm includes and provide an overview of control methods in all modes. The
special provisions (sometimes referred to as a “bumpless modes include Occupied and Unoccupied Heating and Cooling,
transfer” feature) that allow it to resume control of SAT as fast and differ depending on the method used to control zone
as possible when it is re-activated during the ON / OFF cycling temperature (thermostat, or a space sensor). The heating vs.
of the unit (cycling between a satisfied and a heating state cooling modes are entered under control of the thermostat, or,
under control of a zone thermostat, or zone sensor). In its OFF- in case of space sensor, control algorithm detecting zone
state, the control algorithm continues monitoring the SAT and cooling or heating demand. The "occupied" vs. "unoccupied"
modes are controlled by an internal time clock. If a thermostat is overrun time, or only the supply fan continues to operate (in case
connected in addition to the space sensor, it takes priority over G=ON). The operation of the thermostat's G signal is determined
the space sensor. by the thermostat's fan mode switch
THERMOSTAT OPERATION FOR COOLING WITH Y1, NOTE: During Economizer operation using "Economizer First
Y2, Y3 AND Y4 INPUTS Stage Setpoint" for SAT control, one or more compres-
sors may be running in addition to economizer damper
When connected to a thermostat, the Millennium® Simplicity® partially, or fully open to provide free cooling. The num-
control will apply internal rules to specific G, Y1, W1, etc., ber of compressors running will mainly depend on out-
requests for fan, cooling, or heating; other inputs such as SAT, door air temperature. Therefore, when the thermostat is
economizer availability, etc., will be considered before acting on satisfied and shuts down the cooling, it may be turning
the thermostat request. off more than one compressor (after compressor mini-
mum run time expires). This is acceptable and is not
When stage outputs are de-energized, and when the four time expected to occur frequently. See the section on Com-
delay settings in "Fan ON Delay for Heat, OFF for heat, ON for fort Ventilation. If the outdoor air condition is such that
Cooling, and OFF for Cooling" are made, the Fan output will more than one compressor is needed in addition to free
continue for the set time even if the G input becomes inactive cooling, the Economizer mode is likely to terminate and
along with Y1 and Y2. If G does not terminate, the controller will the unit will switch over to mechanical cooling only.
continue to operate the Fan.
A Minimum Run Time of up to ten minutes applies to all
compressors. There is a built-in five-minute ASCD cycle INPUTS
whenever a compressor is destaged. The minimum run time is W1, W2, and W3 inputs are available on the Millennium®
necessary to ensure that the oil in the refrigerant circuit Simplicity® board.
circulates back to the compressor. A minimum ASCD delay of
five minutes (nominal) applies any time compressor operation is SUPPLY FAN OFF DELAY
started other than destaging. The actual minimum off times for
individual compressors differ by 10 seconds in order to prevent When the Wx thermostat signal is de-energized, the fan output
compressors from turning on simultaneously during certain will continue until the SAT drops below 100 °F with a 5 °F
control mode transfers: differential to prevent fan cycling, i.e. the fan will go off when the
SAT drops below 95 °F. This control sequence will be in effect
GROUPING COMPRESSORS INTO STAGES even if G becomes inactive along with Wx. If G does not
terminate, the Fan will continue to operate. The parameter
In space sensor operation in CV mode: On two compressor “Turn Off Continuous Fan Operation When Starting Heat” can
units, compressor one is first stage and compressor two is be set to the customer’s preference.
second stage. On three compressor units, compressors one
and two are first stage and compressor three is second stage. HEAT STAGE DELAYS
On four compressor units, compressors one and two are first
stage and compressors three and four are second stage. There Three minute Minimum Run Time and two minutes minimum off
is a five-minute delay (cooling interstage delay) between stage- time applies to all heat stages.
one and stage-two operation
Otherwise the system treats each compressor as a stage.
The zone thermostat makes a selection between satisfied state
(W1, W2, and W3 off), heating using a programmed "Hydronic
Table 10: Compressor Minimum Off Times
Heat 1st Stage SAT Setpoint" (W1 is on, W2 is off), or heating
Compressor Min. Off Time using a programmed "Hydronic Heat 2nd Stage SAT Setpoint"
(both W1 and W2 are on). During heating, the SAT control to
#1 4 min. 40 sec
the selected SAT setpoint is performed using a PI algorithm.
#2 4 min. 50 sec
#3 5 min. 00 sec SENSOR OPERATION
#4 5 min. 10 sec
Typically, only a thermostat, or only a space sensor would be
installed. However, there are cases where both could exist. One
ECONOMIZER MODE such case is servicing or troubleshooting the unit. A service
person will typically hardwire the thermostat inputs to check the
In CV cooling with a thermostat and when free cooling is
equipment operation even if the unit is using a space sensor.
available ("economizer suitable"), the SAT controlled by the
The thermostat input will have priority over the Space Sensor. A
economizer control algorithm (see section Economizer Operation
unit using a space sensor will switch to a thermostat control
later in this manual) and the thermostat determines (by 1st and
strategy automatically if a thermostat input is detected and
2nd stage calls) the active economizer SAT setpoint. When the
switch back if the thermostat is no longer detected.
thermostat is satisfied (Y1=OFF, Y2=OFF), then the unit either
shuts down (in case G=OFF) after the specified supply fan
TYPES OF SPACE SENSORS A zone heating demand of -1.5 °F will generate a request for
first stage heat.
No Sensor- The system will internally detect the presence of
space sensors. A zone heating demand of -2.0 °F will generate a request for
second stage heat.
Sensor with Unoccupied Override Button - This Sensor
has a Thermistor and an Override button that shorts the Sensor A zone heating demand of -2.5 °F will generate a request for
when pushed. If the Override button is pushed the unit will go third stage heat. There is a three minute minimum off delay and
into the Unoccupied Override mode for the Unoccupied a thirty second delay between stages.
Override Time (note that the control must not recognize the
short as a sensor failure). Once the Unoccupied Override mode When the zone temperature is -0.1 °F, or less below the zone
is initiated, it will continue until the programmed Unoccupied setpoint for at least 1 minute, the transition to a satisfied state
Override Time Limit is reached. occurs, the heating stops and the supply fan either continues
running, or is turned off after SAT drops below 100 °F. The
Sensor with Space Setpoint Adjust - This Sensor has a supply fan control in the satisfied state and in the occupied
slider potentiometer on it that represents (as a default) +/- 3 °F mode is determined by setting of the programmable parameter
adjustment to the Space Setpoint. The Space Setpoint Offset "Fan ON Mode with the Sensor Option". In the unoccupied
option. If the unit appears to be controlling at a higher or lower mode, the fan is always turned off when the zone is satisfied.
temperature than the setpoint, check the Space Setpoint Adjust
slider. During heating, the SAT control to the selected SAT setpoint is
performed using a PI algorithm. Two minute Minimum Run Time
SUPPLY FAN CONTROL WHEN USING A ZONE SENSOR and Anti Short Cycle delays applies to all heat stages. There is
also a delay of at least one minute between turning on heating
In the Occupied mode, setting of the parameter "Fan ON mode stages.
with the Sensor Option" will determine if the Supply Fan is ON
continuously, or is in "Auto" mode (i.e. cycles with the heating/ COOLING OPERATION WITH THE SENSOR OPTION
cooling cycles). In Unoccupied mode, the fan is always in the
Auto mode. The control will operate as a two-stage unit.
SUPPLY FAN OFF DELAY On two compressor units, compressor one is first stage and
compressor two is second stage.
Uses minimum off time.
On three compressor units, compressors one and two are first
CONTROL OF COMPRESSORS WHEN USING A ZONE stage and compressor three is second stage.
On four compressor units, compressors one and two are first
A Minimum run time of one to ten minutes [default = three] stage and compressors three and four are second stage.
applies to all compressors. The minimum run time is necessary
to ensure that the oil in the refrigerant circuit circulates back to The control uses a minimum 30-second compressor delay
the compressor. between compressors when bringing on a stage with multiple
The Anti Short Cycle delay of five minutes OFF applies any time
compressor operation is terminated. Compressors are turned A zone cooling demand 1.5° makes a call for first stage cooling.
ON and OFF individually during CV operation with a zone A zone cooling demand 2.0° makes a call for second stage
sensor, where the cooling control algorithm is implemented in cooling.
the controller (rather than in a thermostat).
If the unit has a demand greater than 1.5° but less than 2.0°, the
The stage groups are applicable only for control of compressors control will turn on the first compressor of stage one and load a
with external signals, such as from a thermostat. 5-minute timer. If after 5 minutes the Space temperature is not
There is a minimum 30 second delay between compressors moving toward the Setpoint, the control will turn on the second
when bringing on multiple compressors. compressor of stage one, if available, and wait 5 minutes. The
control will continue operating first stage until the Space
HEATING OPERATION WITH THE SENSOR OPTION temperature reaches the Setpoint and then it will turn off the
stage one compressor. If after 5 minutes the Space temperature
The space temperature is controlled to a programmed is not moving toward the Setpoint, the control will turn on the
Unoccupied Heating Setpoint, or to a programmed Occupied first compressor of stage two and wait 5 minutes. The control
Heating Setpoint, as determined by the internal schedule and the will continue to turn on compressors using the 5-minute
state of the Occupied Input (if this input is ON during a scheduled trending timer until the Space Temperature begins to move
unoccupied time, the unit goes to Occupied Override mode). toward the Setpoint. The control will turn off all the second
stage compressors with a 30-second delay between them when
The control will use as many as three stages of heat, depending the demand reaches .5 °F. The control will continue operating
on what heat option is are installed.
first stage until the Space temperature reaches the Setpoint and occupied heating based on comparison of zone temperature to
then it will turn off the entire stage one compressor. a programmed "VAV SAT Reset Setpoint". However, since the
zone is controlled by its own zone thermostat to a temperature
If the unit starts with a demand greater than 2.0 °F, the control will setpoint set independently of the VAV SAT Reset Setpoint, the
stage up first stage and wait 5 minutes. The control will continue setting of the VAV SAT Reset Setpoint should at least roughly
operating first stage until the Space temperature reaches the correlate to the zone temperature setpoint.
Setpoint and then it will turn off all the stage one compressors
with a 30 second delay between them. If after 5 minutes the For example, the VAV SAT Reset Setpoint may be set at, or
Space temperature is not moving toward the Setpoint the control below the lowest zone temperature setpoint selectable on the
will turn on the first compressor of stage two and wait 5 minutes. zone thermostat, in order to prevent a possibility of insufficient
The control will continue to turn on compressors until the Space cooling while other zone(s) in the system still have a high
Temperature begins to move toward the Setpoint using the 5 cooling demand. In unoccupied modes, the Space Sensor
minute trending method. The control will turn off all the second controls the unit based on unoccupied heating and cooling
stage compressors when the demand reaches .5 °F with a 30 setpoints programmed in the unit controller.
second delay between them. The control will continue operating
The use of a Space Sensor is enabled by setting a
first stage until the Space temperature reaches the Setpoint and
programmable parameter "VAV Operation with Thermostat".
then it will turn off the entire stage one using a 30 second delay
When the Space Sensor is enabled, the control self-configures
between compressors if more than one is on.
to a VAV operation with a Space Sensor if the sensor is
VAV OPERATION available, and to a Return Air Temperature operation if the
sensor is not available.
The paragraphs below identifies control modes of VAV
operation and provides an overview of control methods in all STANDALONE VAV OPERATION
modes. The modes include Occupied and Unoccupied Heating
In standalone operation the control unit receives an
and Cooling and differ depending on the method used to control
occupied/unoccupied command from an external source (such
zone temperature (thermostat, or a space sensor). The heating
as a contact closure on the space sensor input). In occupied
vs. cooling modes are entered under control of the thermostat,
cooling mode, it controls to the Low SAT setpoint. In
or, in case of space sensor, by control algorithm detecting zone
unoccupied mode, the unit shuts down. In unoccupied mode, an
cooling, or heating demand. The "occupied" vs. "unoccupied"
external (network) command may be provided to start a
modes are controlled by the internal "Occupied/unoccupied"
Morning Warm-up cycle. The MWU cycle (if enabled) will also
clock and the tables. If a thermostat is connected in addition to
start upon a transition from Unoccupied to Occupied mode.
the space sensor, it takes priority over the space sensor.
Uses fan off delay.
The thermostat is placed in a selected, representative zone of a
VAV system and is used to reset SAT and cycle the VAV unit in OCCUPIED HEATING WITH A THERMOSTAT
cooling and to control heating. It is expected that the thermostat
provide Yx outputs to control cooling and Wx output to control When the unit enters the Occupied mode heating is started by
heating. The thermostat is expected to provide an output to the thermostat turning ON its W1 output. In the Occupied mode
control occupied/unoccupied mode (a contact closure that the thermostat will control to its occupied heating setpoint. The
supplies in the occupied mode 24 VAC to the "OCC" Input). thermostat's occupied heating setpoint should be set well below
the zone thermostat's cooling setpoint, to represent a heating
As the thermostat has a capability to turn off the unit in occupied setpoint typical for all system zones.
cooling mode, it is important to place it in a zone that is
representative of the remaining zones, or in a zone with the In VAV heating, full heating (all heating stages ON) occurs when
highest occupied cooling demand. W1=ON, and no heating (all heating stages OFF) occurs when
W1=OFF (note that in this case, the control will use all available
The VAV zones are controlled by their own zone thermostats to a heating stages, regardless of setting of the programmable
temperature setpoint set independently of the setpoints of the parameter "Heat Stages").
"system control" thermostat; the setting of the occupied cooling
setpoint on the "system control" thermostat should at least The supply fan operates at 100% during heating. Depending on
roughly correlate to the zone temperature setpoint. For example, the control setting, the fan will cycle On/Off with the W1 output,
the occupied cooling setpoint may be set at, or below the lowest or will remain On. On startup, the fan speed is ramped up, or
zone temperature setpoint selectable on the zone thermostat. the inlet vanes ramped open (a "soft start").
The setpoint setting should prevent a possibility of cooling turned
off while other zone(s) in the system still have a cooling demand. During occupied heating, the economizer damper remains at
minimum position and all VAV boxes are fully open - box heat
VAV OPERATION WITH A ZONE SENSOR relays are energized from Heat output of the controller. If
Hydronic heat option is used, the Heat output of the controller is
The Space Sensor is placed in a selected, representative zone also actuated during heating, the SAT is controlled to the 2nd
of a VAV system. It is used to reset SAT in cooling and to control stage hydronic heat setpoint.
UNOCCUPIED HEATING WITH A THERMOSTAT regardless of setting of the programmable parameter "Heat
This operation is identical to the Occupied heating, except the
unit mode is in Unoccupied mode from the internal control The supply fan is controlled to 100% during unoccupied heating
Occupied/Unoccupied table. The economizer damper remains and cycles OFF when the Space Sensor control algorithm is
fully closed in the unoccupied mode. satisfied if there is no other call for the fan. On startup, the fan
speed is ramped up, or the inlet vanes ramped open (a "soft start").
During unoccupied heating, the economizer damper is fully
In this mode, the control uses a thermostat for cooling and fan closed and all VAV boxes go fully open - box heat relays are
operation. The thermostat's occupied cooling setpoint should energized from Heat output of the controller.
be set below the zone thermostat's lowest adjustable cooling
setpoint, to prevent a possibility of cooling turned off while other OCCUPIED COOLING WITH A SPACE SENSOR
zone(s) in the system still have a cooling demand.
This mode is entered when the control sees a Space Sensor
UNOCCUPIED COOLING WITH A THERMOSTAT signal and enters the "occupied" mode. The Space Sensor
requests cooling (to a programmed High, or Low SAT setpoint)
This operation is identical to the Occupied cooling, except when
whenever the zone temperature increases by a specified
operating in the unoccupied mode the control is programmed to
amount above a programmed "VAV SAT Rest Setpoint". The
control to its unoccupied cooling setpoint and the economizer
Space Sensor should be placed in a selected, representative
damper min. position is set to 0%, however the damper may
zone of the VAV system, in addition to the zone thermostat, or
modulate open if outdoor air can be used for free cooling
sensor used to control the zone's VAV box.
(economizer operation).
The "VAV SAT Reset Setpoint" would typically be set at, or
below the lowest zone temperature setpoint selectable on the
The Space Sensor is placed in a selected, representative zone zone thermostat, in order to prevent a possibility of insufficient
of the VAV system, in addition to the zone thermostat, or sensor cooling while other zone(s) in the system still have a high
used to control the zone's VAV box. The heating control cooling demand.
algorithm is enabled whenever the zone temperature drops 2 °F
The supply fan, economizer, VAV boxes operate within their
or more below a programmed "VAV SAT Reset Setpoint", and
normal control rules.
disabled whenever the zone temperature is 1.5 °F, or less
below a programmed “VAV SAT Reset Setpoint". The "VAV SAT UNOCCUPIED COOLING WITH A SPACE SENSOR
Reset Setpoint" would typically be set at, or below the lowest
zone temperature setpoint selectable on the zone thermostat. In this mode, the Space Sensor requests cooling based on
comparing the zone temperature to a programmed
The supply fan is controlled to 100% during occupied heating "Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint". When the Space Sensor control
and cycles OFF when the heating control algorithm is satisfied if algorithm requests cooling, the unit runs cooling controlled to a
there is no other call for the fan. On startup, the fan speed is programmed High SAT setpoint ("VAV Upper Cooling SAT
ramped up, or the inlet vanes ramped open (a "soft start"). Setpoint"), or to a programmed Low SAT Setpoint ("VAV Upper
Cooling SAT Setpoint"), as determined by comparison of zone
When a call for heating (W1 or W2=ON) occurs, the economizer
temperature to a programmed "VAV SAT Reset Setpoint". The
damper remains at its programmed minimum position and all
"VAV SAT Reset Setpoint" would typically be set well below the
VAV boxes go fully open - box heat relays are energized from
"Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint", causing the unoccupied cooling
Heat output of the controller.
to typically use a Low SAT Setpoint.
If Hydronic heat option is used, the Heat output of the controller
There are two different SAT control algorithms, one used when
is also actuated during heating and the SAT is controlled to the
free cooling is available (economizer operation) and the other
2nd stage hydronic heat setpoint.
one for mechanical cooling only. These two SAT control
UNOCCUPIED HEATING WITH A SPACE SENSOR algorithms are described in the “Occupied Cooling in
Standalone Operation” section below. Since the economizer is
When this mode is enabled and the unit enters the unoccupied not active in Unoccupied mode, this will be restricted to
mode, the unit will control heating by comparing the zone mechanical cooling.
temperature to a programmed "Unoccupied Heating Setpoint".
The Space Sensor should be placed in a selected, UNOCCUPIED HEATING IN STANDALONE OPERATION
representative zone of the VAV system, in addition to the zone
Unoccupied heating is never used in standalone operation.
thermostat, or sensor used to control the zone's VAV box.
Full heating (all heating stages ON) occurs when the Space
Sensor algorithm requests heating, no heating (all heating The unit controls cooling to a programmed Low SAT setpoint
stages OFF) when the Space Sensor algorithm is satisfied (note ("VAV Lower Cooling SAT Setpoint") during the occupied mode.
that in this case, the control will use all available heating stages, There are two different SAT control algorithms, one used when
free cooling is available (economizer operation) and the other Unoccupied mode for the first hour after the occupied Override
one for mechanical cooling only. First, when free cooling is input is turned on. Reference the Weekly and Holiday Schedule,
available ("economizer suitable"), the SAT control algorithm is Tables 11 and 12.
as described in the Economizer Operation section later in this
document, except the programmed Economizer First Stage Stage Up If SAT is Above Setpoint
Setpoint and Economizer Second Stage Setpoint are replaced By + 5.00F, or More, For 5 Minutes
by the programmed VAV Upper Cooling SAT Setpoint and VAV
Lower Cooling SAT Setpoint. + 5.00F
When free cooling is not available, the SAT control is performed Active SAT Setpoint
by the following control algorithm: Minimum compressor off
times (ASCD) of 5 minutes and minimum on times of one to ten - 5.00F
minutes [default is three] are maintained and the cycling rate of
the compressors will not exceed maximum 6 cycles/hour. The Stage Down If SAT is Above Setpoint
SAT is controlled in a ±5 °F band around the active SAT By - 5.00F, or More, For 5 Minutes
setpoint. A compressor is allowed to turn on only if the current
Figure 7: SAT Control Band
SAT minus the Predicted SAT Drop is more than 5 °F.
Morning Warm Up controls the RAT to a preprogrammed
The Supply Duct pressure is controlled to a specified setpoint (see
Morning Warm Up RAT Setpoint. An appropriate closed loop
paragraph Duct Pressure Setpoint, section Option Operation
control algorithm is used to control heat stages to accomplish
earlier in this document). An appropriate closed loop control PI
this. The algorithm uses a dead band (i.e. control RAT between
algorithm is used to control the supply duct static pressure by
the MWU RAT Setpoint and two degrees below the setpoint).
modulating Inlet Guide Vanes, or the supply fan VFD.
Non-networked systems: The MWU (Morning Warm Up) option Unoccupied 1 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00
is enabled by setting the option parameter and establishing a
Occupied 2 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00
start and end Occupied time period in the control’s Occupied 1
weekly schedule. Unoccupied 2 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00
Table 12: Holiday Schedule Occupied Heating control algorithm controls RAT between the
MWU RAT Setpoint and two degrees below the setpoint and
Start Day Number cycles the fan the same way as the MWU algorithm.
Holiday Number Start Month Start Time
of Month of Days
The specified Max Morning Warm Up Time is not used to limit
Holiday 1 00 00 00:00 00 the duration of VAV Occupied Heating. During heating for
Holiday 2 00 00 00:00 00 Morning Warm Up, or for VAV Occupied heating function, the
VAV boxes controls will receive an override signal to open the
Holiday 3 00 00 00:00 00 VAV box damper. This is accomplished by wiring the VAV heat
Holiday 4 00 00 00:00 00
relay for the VAV boxes to open, and energizing it from Heat
output of the controller. Note that as the first stage of heat
Holiday 5 00 00 00:00 00 cycles on / off, the VAV box heat relay will cycle with it.
Holiday 7 00 00 00:00 00 ALGORITHM WITH A SPACE SENSOR
Holiday 8 00 00 00:00 00 In the unoccupied mode, the Space Sensor will compare the
temperature in a selected VAV zone to the programmed
Holiday 9 00 00 00:00 00 Unoccupied Heating and Cooling setpoints and request heating
Holiday 10 00 00 00:00 00 or cooling using the following control algorithm:
Holiday 13 00 00 00:00 00
In the occupied mode, the control will compare the temperature
in a selected VAV zone to the programmed "VAV SAT Reset
Holiday 14 00 00 00:00 00 Setpoint" and request heating or cooling using the following
control algorithm: The transition from cooling to occupied
Holiday 15 00 00 00:00 00
heating occurs at 2 °F below the "VAV SAT Reset Setpoint".
Holiday 16 00 00 00:00 00 There is no "satisfied", or "idle" state of the unit between cooling
and occupied heating.
Holiday 17 00 00 00:00 00
Holiday 18 00 00 00:00 00
The above algorithm only requests occupied cooling and
selects a SAT occupied cooling setpoint, or requests occupied
Holiday 19 00 00 00:00 00 heating at a programmed "Morning Warm Up RAT Setpoint".
Holiday 20 00 00 00:00 00 Once requested by this Space Sensor algorithm, the cooling is
controlled by the SAT control algorithm described in paragraph
Full heating (all stages) is ON when RAT drops 2 °F below the "SAT Control Algorithm in VAV Cooling" earlier in this section
setpoint, heating is OFF when RAT is at, or above the setpoint. [not to be found by that name...]. Once requested by this Space
(Note that in this case, the control will use all available heating Sensor algorithm, the occupied heating is controlled by the RAT
stages, regardless of setting of the programmable parameter control algorithm described in paragraph "Morning Warm Up /
"Heat Stages"). Before energizing heat for Morning Warm Up VAV Occupied Heating Control Algorithm" earlier in this section.
the control will start the Fan and operate it for 5 minutes. The
Economizer will stay closed and the Fan will continue to run CONTROLLING EXCESSIVE SAT (SUPPLY AIR
during the Morning Warm Up. The Morning Warm Up will TEMPERATURE)
terminate when the Occupied period begins.
This is required in cooling operation in order to prevent a
If the RAT setpoint is achieved before the MWU period expires, danger of "slugging" and damage to the DX compressors.
Unoccupied cooling is permitted. If further heating is needed Rooftop units do not use accumulators on compressor intake,
during the Occupied period, it is controlled by a VAV Occupied and liquid refrigerant could enter the intake of a compressor in
Heating algorithm (if enabled and if a Space Sensor is used), or case of a low heat transfer on the evaporator coil. In heating
by a space thermostat. operation, the Excessive SAT control is not used.
The same algorithm is also used for VAV Occupied Heating SAT CONTROL CONFIGURATION
(see also paragraph "VAV Occupied heating" in "Option
SAT control for cooling is configurable to enable or disable
Operation" section earlier in this document). In this case, the
(on/off). The default setting for cooling is ON. The user is not
VAV Occupied Heating control algorithm is activated under the
normally expected to turn this mode OFF, but the possibility of
control of the Space Sensor (whenever the zone temperature
turning it OFF is provided mainly for troubleshooting purposes.
sensed by the Space Sensor drops 2 °F or more below a
programmed "VAV SAT Reset Setpoint"). Once activated, the
SAT CONTROL FOR COOLING Unoccupied mode, in case the temperature control to an
unoccupied setpoint can use Outside Air for free cooling).
This control has priority over any other zone temperature or SAT
control and is used at all times, during CV as well as VAV MINIMUM POSITION DURING HEATING AND OCCUPIED
operation. The Excessive SAT Control state is entered any time MODE
the SAT drops below the trip point of a compressor (as the trip
points are programmed in an ascending sequence, the During heating while in Occupied mode, the economizer will be
compressor that trips will always be the highest- numbered one). at its programmed minimum position.
While in this state, the control will continue monitoring the SAT MINIMUM POSITION DURING COOLING AND OCCUPIED
and turning off compressors any time the SAT drops below the MODE
respective trip point. There is a 2 minute time delay between
During cooling while in Occupied Mode, the economizer may be
compressor trips in cases when the SAT drops below trip points
at its programmed minimum or may be modulated between its
of multiple compressors. This assures that multiple
minimum position and 100% open position by the economizer
compressors will not be turned off simultaneously.
As long as the Economizer Operation is enabled and “free
Economizer dampers allow mixing of outdoor and return air. cooling” is available, the economizer will be controlled (with, or
The dampers are coupled and controlled with a single actuator without any compressors running) to maintain the following SAT
such that when the Outdoor Air damper is fully closed, the setpoints: In CV cooling mode:
Return Air damper is fully open (and vice versa). The position of
the Economizer dampers is controlled based on: • With a call for first stage cooling, a programmed Econo-
mizer First Stage Setpoint. This setpoint is programmable
• Energy considerations (“free cooling”) in the range of 40 °F to 65 °F, default setting is 55 °F.
• Ventilation considerations (minimum Outdoor Air damper • With a call for second stage cooling, a programmed Econo-
position and Demand Ventilation) mizer Second Stage Setpoint. This setpoint is programma-
• Space static pressure considerations (minimum Outdoor ble in the range of 40 °F to 65 °F, default setting is 50 °F.
Air damper position). Criteria for Economizer Suitable decision Sensor
Economizer dampers are also controlled in certain situations to availability:
perform “economizer loading” - which minimizes SAT temperature There are three different methods of deciding whether the
swings resulting from turning cooling, or heating stages on / off. economizer is suitable:
This function is separate from normal economizer operation, and is
separately described at the end of this section. • Differential enthalpy (highest preference from energy
• Outside enthalpy (middle preference) and
If the rooftop unit is equipped with an economizer (and that • Outside temperature method (lowest preference)
option is selected), and free cooling is available (“economizer
suitable”), then the Economizer Operation as specified in this The choice of a method with highest preference is automatic
section will be used in the following operation modes: (“self-configuration”) based on availability of appropriate
sensors. If a sensor fails/ goes unreliable, a fault is indicated
CV cooling with thermostat, or zone temperature sensor control and, again, the next highest preference method will be
(note that in the zone sensor mode, the compressor staging automatically selected (“fault tolerance”).
algorithm defined in this Economizer section will replace the
zone sensor based control described in Sensor Operation in CV There are two ON/OFF programmable parameters related to
Operation section, earlier in this document). the choice of an economizer method:
• “OAH Sensor Enable”
• “RAH Sensor Enable”
The minimum position setting represents the minimum opening
of the outdoor air damper (% open). This setting will be These parameters are set to reflect the installed sensors that
maintained any time the unit is in Occupied mode. The can be used by the “self-configuration” feature and control
minimum position setting will be determined by an “Economizer sensor failure alarms.
Min Position” programmable parameter set by a Palm Pilot. The
The OAH sensor, if available, allows use of Outside Enthalpy
minimum position setting will be ignored during the Unoccupied
method for deciding on free cooling availability.
mode. During the Unoccupied mode, the minimum position is
0% (the Economizer may not remain closed during the
The RAH sensor, if available in addition to the OAH sensor, SAT Control with Economizer
allows use of Differential Enthalpy method for deciding on free
cooling availability. If the economizer is “suitable” (free cooling is available) and
cooling is required (the unit is not in satisfied state), the
See paragraphs OAH Sensor Enable and RAH Sensor Enable algorithm will be active and modulate economizer position in
in Settable Parameters, Table 5 in this document. order to control SAT to the active SAT setpoint. If the
economizer is not suitable, the algorithm is deactivated and the
If the selected method is using an enthalpy, the enthalpy is economizer is placed at its programmed minimum position. The
calculated in the controller from sensed temperature and economizer control algorithm will typically be cycled ON/OFF
humidity of the respective air stream. several times an hour (will be activated and deactivated) under
control of a zone thermostat, or a zone sensor. A zone control
Differential Enthalpy Method: is set by parameter and used
algorithm will activate the economizer algorithm when cooling is
only when sensors for Outdoor Air temperature, Outdoor Air
required, and will switch between Economizer 1st and 2nd
humidity, Return Air temperature and Return Air humidity are all
stage SAT setpoints, and will deactivate the economizer
installed and reliable.
algorithm when the zone is satisfied.
Outside Enthalpy Method: will be configured by setting ON
The PI algorithm is direct acting. This economizer control
the parameter for the Outdoor Humidity Sensor [OAH], and will
algorithm is always active during economizer operation (as long
be the default if the unit defined as Differential Enthalpy cannot
as economizer is “suitable”) and will control SAT to an active
read the Return Air Humidity sensor.
(1st or 2nd stage) Economizer setpoint. This means that this
Outside Temperature Method: will be self-configured and control loop not only modulates the Outside Air damper open to
used only when differential enthalpy or outside enthalpy add free cooling and decrease mixed air temperature to
methods are not available, and sensor for Outside Air maintain SAT at setpoint, but, when DX cooling is running, also
temperature is installed and reliable. may modulate the Outside Air damper closed to increase mixed
air temperature (use more return air) and thus add load on the
Economizer is suitable when OAT is less than SAT setpoint + DX coil to maintain SAT at setpoint (“economizer loading”). This
10 °F. Use a 2 °F differential on both sides of this limit. As the represents a trade-off between energy and compressor cycling.
SAT setpoint value, use only one of the programmed 1st or 2nd
stage economizer setpoints (depending on what cooling stage Control of compressors with Economizer
is called), not any “transient” setpoints that may be temporarily
Compressors are turned ON / OFF individually, regardless of
used during process of staging. Note that this rule does not
grouping them into “stages”. The stage groups are used only for
reflect any consideration of geographical location and weather
control of compressors with external signals, such as from a
conditions, but rather reflects the average expected SAT
temperature drop obtained from DX cooling stages, i.e. the
highest outdoor air temperature that the DX cooling can still Turning ON of compressor #1:
reliably reduce to the SAT setpoint
Never operate compression if the Economizer can maintain the
Outside Enthalpy Method: Economizer is suitable when OA SAT setpoint with free cooling. If no compressors are on, and
Enthalpy is less than Outside Enthalpy number AND OAT is less the economizer controller is saturated High (i.e. the economizer
than SAT setpoint + 10 °F: Use a 2 °F and 1 BTU/LB differentials is 100% open and can no longer maintain the SAT setpoint by
respectively on both sides of these limits. The Enthalpy number just free cooling),
is a programmed parameter (range 22-40 BTU/LB, default 30
BTU/LB. The Enthalpy Number can be viewed as the maximum • Temporarily override SAT setpoint to increase it by 5 °F
outdoor air enthalpy with which the outside air can still be • When the SAT is within 0.5 °F of this temporary setpoint,
considered suitable for DX cooling, or, in comparison to the turn on compressor #1
Differential Enthalpy Method described below, as a “best guess”
• Resume SAT control at active setpoint
on actual return air enthalpy (which in this method is not being
sensed). The temperature limit reflects the average expected This is done in order to read and store the SAT temperature
SAT temperature drop obtained from DX cooling stages. differential (drop) due to turning on compressor #1, while
assuring that turning it on will not drop the SAT below
Differential Enthalpy Method: Economizer is suitable when
compressor #1 trip point (where the Excessive SAT control
OA Enthalpy is less than the RA Enthalpy AND OAT is less than
would turn it off again). The same staging sequence is used for
SAT setpoint plus 10 °F (+/- 2° and 1 BTU/LB): Use a 2 °F and
the remaining compressors (see below). Note that the standard
1 BTU/LB differentials respectively on both sides of these limits.
5 minute delay before monitoring SAT after a compressor is
This is similar to the Outside Enthalpy method, except instead
turned on, or off, applies here also.
of a programmed Enthalpy Number, an actually sensed return
air enthalpy is used.
If the economizer controller is saturated High (i.e. the This is a programmable option. The user has the ability to turn
economizer is 100% open while one or more compressors are this function off. It is automatically disabled if the unit does not
running and the control can no longer maintain the active SAT use an economizer. The on/off programming choice is common
setpoint requested by the zone control), to both cooling and heating. The default setting is ON. This
programmable “Economizer Loading” function is used only
• Temporarily override SAT setpoint to increase it by 5 °F outside the normal Economizer operation.
• When the SAT is within 0.5 °F of this temporary setpoint,
During the Economizer operation, the “Loading” function is
turn on the next compressor
always used and is an integral part of the Economizer control
• Resume SAT control at active setpoint algorithm.
NOTE: The pre-staging SAT increase must be done “proac- Economizer loading option in cooling:
tively”, by a temporary override of the active SAT set-
point, rather than by allowing the SAT to “drift” up by 5 °F In cooling, this function causes changes in mixed air
out of control. The time it would take for the SAT to “drift” temperature (as modulated by the economizer dampers) in
up could be fairly long, mostly dependent on the outdoor order to change SAT and keep it at SAT setpoint when only
air temperature change and in the meantime, the zone compressor #1 is running. This makes a trade-off between
temperature may go out of control as the additional energy and compressor cycling and minimizes cycling of
needed cooling is not being delivered. compressor #1. The loading is done by the same type of control
algorithm (PI) as used in the normal Economizer operation.
NOTE: The standard 5 minute delay before monitoring SAT
after a compressor is turned on, or off, and the check- The algorithm will be activated to do this function in following
ing against a stored, predicted SAT temperature drop, conditions:
applies here also.
• Economizer is “not suitable” (i.e. we are not in a normal
Economizer mode)
Turning compressors off:
• The programmable option “Economizer Loading to Control
A highest numbered running compressor is turned off when the SAT” is ON
economizer controller is saturated Low. • Only compressor #1 is running
This method of turning compressor off is considered better than The PI control algorithm in this case has a capability to
using the Excessive SAT Control - turning a compressor OFF automatically change from direct to reverse acting in response
only if SAT reaches its specified trip point. If that method was to difference between OAT and RAT. When OAT is less than
used and the Excessive SAT Control was not selected, there RAT, the algorithm is direct acting, for OAT & RAT, the algorithm
would be no means for turning compressors off. changes to reverse acting. This way, the “loading” of the DX coil
is correctly done with return, or outdoor air, as appropriate, and
NOTE: The compressors also will be turned off in CV systems
there is no need to activate this “loading” function only at higher
with zone thermostat, or zone sensor temperature
outdoor air temperatures (e.g. OAT > 60 °F).
control, when the zone temperature control is satis-
fied. For the case of zone sensor, the compressor The algorithm controls SAT to its specified setpoint (when
destaging is described in section “CV Operation”, applicable, e.g. in VAV operation), or, in control modes where no
paragraph “Control Algorithm for Cooling with the Sen- SAT setpoint is specified (such as in Excessive SAT control state
sor Option, with Economizer”. For the case of zone in cooling), to a fixed temperature deadband of 50 °F to 55 °F.
thermostat, the compressor destaging is described in
section “CV Operation”, paragraph “Thermostat Oper- NOTE: As opposed to the PI algorithm used in economizer
ation for Cooling with Y1 and Y2 inputs”, subpara- control, the PI algorithm used here for economizer
graph “Economizer Mode”. loading function does not need to utilize the High satu-
ration state for any additional control functions. There-
Compressor control when exiting Cooling Lockout on OAT: fore no complications arise when switching between
direct and reverse acting modes.
A situation may arise when in Economizer Mode and one or
more compressors are required in addition to full available free Economizer loading option in heating:
cooling in order to maintain the SAT setpoint, but Cooling
Lockout on OAT prevents the compressors use. This situation In heating, this function uses additional outside air (as
may arise when the SAT setpoint is set very close to, or even modulated by the economizer dampers) in order to decrease
below the temperature set for Cooling Lockout on OAT - a SAT when only the first stage of heating is running and keep the
relatively unusual case. If the OAT then increases above the SAT below the programmed “Economizer Loading Setpoint in
lockout setting while the call for several compressors exists, the Heating”. This prevents heating stage from cycling on its
compressors will turn on with a delay between compressors. internal temperature limit safety switch (which is typically set
about 10 °F above the Economizer Loading Setpoint). A need
for economizer loading arises in Communicating Zoning setpoint (the setpoint is programmable between 100 °F -
System applications (“VVT” systems) using supply air bypass 195 °F, default is 160 °F).
when heating load in the zones is low and a large amount of hot
supply air is bypassed back into return and mixed air In units that use hydronic heat, the Economizer Loading function
temperature is very high. Economizer loading may also be may be enabled in order to be used for cooling (the on/off
needed when supply air flow across the heat exchanger is programming choice for this function is common to both cooling
lower than expected (e.g. wrong setting of fan speed, plugged and heating). In this case, it is important to ensure that the
air filters). A secondary benefit of economizer loading is an programmed value of the “Economizer Loading Setpoint in
improvement in comfort as the supply air temperature is more Heating” is set higher than the value of “Hydronic Heat First Stage
stable and cycling of the unit is minimized. Setpoint”. That, in normal conditions, assures that the Economizer
Loading function in heating is effectively disabled and the
The economizer loading option in heating is not implemented in economizer is closed to its minimum position during heating.
VAV applications as these do not use supply air bypass and (in
case of using a zone thermostat) run all heating stages during VAV
heating (economizer loading applies to only the 1st heating stage).
When is the Economizer operation used? If the rooftop unit is
The economizer loading minimizes cycling of heating stage #1 equipped with an economizer and free cooling is available then
and makes a trade-off between energy and the benefits the Economizer Operation as specified in this section is used in
described above. the following operation modes:
The Economizer Loading in heating option requires a SAT VAV cooling (except the programmed Economizer First Stage
sensor that can sense SAT in heating mode (a sensor placed Setpoint and Economizer Second Stage Setpoint are replaced
downstream of the heating stages). Such a sensor is provided by the programmed VAV Upper Cooling SAT Setpoint and VAV
only as a field-installed accessory, on units equipped with Lower Cooling SAT Setpoint)
heating stages. The SAT sensor that is factory-installed can be
used for cooling mode only. If a field-installed sensor is added, it DEMAND VENTILATION
will replace the factory-installed one and will then be usable for
Demand Ventilation Operation control mode is self-configuring
both heating and cooling modes.
for the use of an Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) sensor - it will
The loading is done by the similar control algorithm as used in automatically detect that an IAQ sensor is connected and use it
the normal economizer operation. The algorithm is activated to any time the IAQ sensor input indicates an IAQ level of 200
do this function in following conditions: ppm, or higher.
programmed Maximum Economizer Position for Demand to turn ON at Economizer 60% open, turn OFF at Economizer
Ventilation. The algorithm is deactivated, and the previous, 20% open. The EF has a minimum run time of 10 seconds and
normal mode of economizer position control resumed when the a minimum off time of 60 seconds.
IAQ level becomes 50 ppm lower than the setpoint.
The programmed "Maximum Economizer Position for Demand EXHAUST AIR DAMPER (EAD) CONTROLLED FROM
Ventilation" is used to minimize the possibility that the Demand BUILDING STATIC PRESSURE)
Ventilation may open the Economizer damper too much, such
that at fairly high OA temperatures, even combined cooling In this mode the Power Exhaust, Modulating Exhaust,
output of all compressors would not provide sufficient cooling Economizer and Building Pressure Sensor Enable options must
(as a rule of thumb, all compressors combined achieve approx. be ON and the Supply Fan must be running. The EAD actuator
20 °F SAT decrease). Similarly, at fairly low OA temperatures, is modulated to maintain building static pressure to a
the combined output of all heating stages may not be able to programmed Building Pressure Setpoint. An appropriate closed
provide sufficient heating. This Economizer max. position limit loop control algorithm is used to accomplish this control.
is simpler to implement than a closed loop SAT low-limit control
that would operate with a programmed high-limit for cooling and The control will modulate from full closed to full open over a 2-
a programmed low limit for heating. minute period. The proportional band is from 0.015 in w.g. (3.7
Pa) below the Building Pressure Setpoint to 0.015-in. w.g. (3.7
NOTE: An added measure of protection against excessive Pa) above the set point.
SAT during Demand Ventilation Operation is provided
by Supply Air Alarm Setpoint for Cooling and Supply The control algorithm is disabled and exhaust air damper
Air Alarm Setpoint for Heating, and the control func- commanded closed whenever the supply fan is off. Building
tion associated with these setpoints (see the respec- pressure is sensed with a -0.250 to +0.250 in. w.g. (-31 to + 31
tive paragraphs in the Option Operation section earlier Pa) 0 - 5V output pressure differential transducer. The
in this document). transducer senses the building pressure as referenced to an
appropriate reference point outside the building. Transducer
EXHAUST OPERATION output signal is filtered (e.g. time averaged over 15 second
period) to compensate for wind gusts.
Building static pressure is controlled through one of three
methods. One method incorporates a fixed speed fan that is The Exhaust Fan (EF) is controlled with a relay output of the
controlled from the position of the Economizer dampers. A controller and "subordinated" to the Exhaust Air Damper
second method uses proportional control that modulates the position. The EF relay is energized whenever the Supply fan is
exhaust damper and operates the fan based on the position of running and the EAD is open more than the programmed
the dampers. A third method uses a variable speed fan control Exhaust Damper Position for Exhaust Fan to turn ON. The EF
that looks at building static pressure. All are dependent on the relay is de-energized when Supply fan is off or when the EAD
supply fan being ON. opening is less than the programmed Exhaust Damper
Position for Exhaust Fan to turn OFF, or 10% open, whichever
TWO-POSITION CONTROL (NON MODULATING POWER is greater. The minimum run time is 10 seconds and minimum
EXHAUST) off time is 60 seconds. (Non-adjustable). Default Setpoint
settings are for the EF to turn ON at Exhaust Air Damper 80%
This mode is a fixed speed, ON/OFF Power exhaust fan, with a open and turn OFF at Exhaust Air Damper 20% open. The
barometric relief damper, controlled from position of the Building Pressure Setpoint default is 0.100" w.g.
Economizer damper. The Power Exhaust and the Economizer
This mode is a fixed speed, ON/OFF Power exhaust fan, with a This is similar to the proportional EAD option, except that the
barometric relief damper, controlled from position of the damper signal is used to control motor speed using a variable
Economizer damper. The Power Exhaust and the Economizer frequency drive.
options must be ON.
The Exhaust Fan (EF) is controlled with a relay output of the BAROMETRIC RELIEF, CONTROLLED FROM BUILDING
controller and "subordinated" to the Economizer damper STATIC PRESSURE)
position value.
In this mode the Power Exhaust, Economizer and Building
The EF relay is energized whenever the Supply Fan is running Pressure Sensor Enable options must be ON. The Exhaust Fan
and the Economizer (Outdoor Air Damper) is commanded open (EF) is controlled with a relay output of the controller. The EF
more than the programmed Economizer Damper Position for relay is energized whenever Supply fan is running and building
Exhaust Fan to turn ON. static pressure is above a programmed Building Pressure
Setpoint + 0.015 “ w.g. (3.7 Pa). The EF relay is de-energized
The EF will be de-energized when supply fan is off or when the when supply fan is off, or when building static pressure is less
OAD opening is less than the EF Turn OFF set point or 10% than a programmed Building Pressure Setpoint - 0.015” w.g.
open, whichever is greater. Default Setpoint settings for the EF (3.7 Pa). The minimum run time is 10 seconds and minimum off
time 60 seconds (Non-adjustable). With this type of control, the does not need to rotate; the wheel will cycle on schedule to
Power Exhaust fan cycle, as its operation directly influences the keep the air passages blown clean.
building static pressure that controls it. The cycling rate is
limited by these minimum ON and OFF time settings. The Also refer to the ERV Installation Instructions packaged with the
Building Pressure Setpoint default is 0.100" w.g. ERV.
During operation, the ERV [Energy Recovery Ventilation] The Millennium® Simplicity® refers to its clock and internal
exhausts return air from the building, but it is not a 'power calendar.
exhaust'; the system is NOT controlled by building pressure. If
building pressure control is required, it must be done by other COMPRESSOR STATUS MONITORING
means - standalone power exhaust, or power exhaust in Compressor status is monitored using two separate 24 VAC
another unit serving the same space. circuits.
The ERV forces high volume fresh air exchange, but captures the Monitoring: low pressure and high pressure.
heat energy of the outgoing air and transfers it to the incoming
stream. ERV blower operation is NOT modulated to a pressure The corresponding compressor status is monitored. If either of
setting; there is no building pressure transducer in the system. The the three safeties is in error, the trip is noted in the alarm history
unit's supply fan pulls air through the inlet side of the ERV wheel. and the next available compressor will be used if needed.
Ducting and demand will vary from one installation to another. The Low Refrigerant Pressure Switch is Normally Open,
Adjusting the unit to achieve fresh air requirements and pressure closed. When the compressor is off and refrigerant
'exhaust-neutral' air flow must be done by the installer, using pressure equalized, the switch under normal conditions is
the manual dampers in the unit. expected to be closed. However, in cold ambient operation, it
may stay open and close only after the compressor starts up.
If the unit is variable air volume, the ERV exhaust motors will be
controlled by a variable frequency drive in the Millennium®, using If an error is detected for a compressor, that compressor’s
the same signal voltage that modulates supply air, either by inlet output is turned off (note that the controller executes the
guide vane or variable frequency drive. This is done to keep application code once every 32ms, with a 30 second startup
supply and exhaust air flow in balance. delay and 5 second minimum error time on low pressure. The
control then declares a "Compressor Locked Out on [ ] Trip"
The exhaust blowers in the ERV use the power and control alarm. The alarm is written to the Error History Buffer.
hardware that otherwise would run the power exhaust. The
EXH output from the Simplicity® runs the ERV motors; if the NOTE: The compressor lockout works as an override of the
unit is VAV, the EXD+/- terminals provide the ERV variable output of the staging algorithm for cooling control. For
frequency drive speed signal. example, the cooling control may ask for compressor
#2 that is locked out, and as this request does not
Where a unit has both ERV and an economizer, the ERV will generate additional cooling, will ask for the next com-
stop wheel rotation when the economizer dampers open far pressor, #3, to satisfy the cooling demand. If, after 10
enough to trigger the user-settable switch in the damper minutes, the requested compressor #2 does start up,
actuator. If free cooling is available, the heat exchange wheel the cooling output now may be exceeding demand,
and the control will turn off compressor #3, etc.
BUILDING PRESSURE SENSOR The conditions under which this failure is declared, and the
follow-up actions of the control when this error occurs are
If this sensor fails, the Power Exhaust control will default to described in a paragraph on Compressor Status Monitoring
operate as a two position Power Exhaust. The Power Exhaust earlier in this document. The error will be written to the Error
Fan will be controlled as a fixed speed, ON/OFF Power exhaust History Buffer. In networked application, the error flag will be
fan, controlled from position of the Economizer damper. If the readable by the network.
unit is equipped with a Modulating Exhaust Air Damper, this
damper will be closed. DIRTY FILTER ALARM
DUCT STATIC PRESSURE SENSOR The conditions under which this failure is declared, and the
follow-up actions of the control when this error occurs are
If this sensor fails, all outputs are turned off and the unit is shut described in a paragraph on Dirty Filter Switch (DFS) option
down. earlier in this document. The error will be written to the Error
History Buffer. In networked application, the error flag will be
IAQ SENSOR readable by the network.
If the IAQ sensor fails, Demand Ventilation mode is de-activated. HIGH DUCT STATIC ALARM
SYSTEM ERRORS The conditions under which this failure is declared, and the
follow-up actions of the control when this error occurs are
described in a paragraph on Duct Static High Limit Setpoint
option earlier in this document. The error will be written to the
In Heating mode and all stages of heating energized, the SAT
Error History Buffer. In networked application, the error flag will
must drive above the Supply Air Alarm Setpoint for Heating
be readable by the network.
within ten minutes or this SAT failure error will be activated. The
error will be written to the Error History Buffer. In networked HOT WATER COIL FREEZE ALARM
application, the error flag will be readable by the network.
The conditions under which this failure is declared, and the
COOLING SAT FAILURE follow-up actions of the control when this error occurs are
described in a paragraph on FSI (Hot Water Freeze Protection)
In Cooling mode and all stages of compression are energized, the option earlier in this document. The error will be written to the
SAT must drive below the Supply Air Alarm Setpoint for Cooling Error History Buffer. In networked application, the error flag will
within ten minutes or this SAT failure error will be activated. The be readable by the network.
error will be written to the Error History Buffer. In networked
application, the error flag will be readable by the network.