PMG Newsletter (Volume 03. Issue 10)
PMG Newsletter (Volume 03. Issue 10)
PMG Newsletter (Volume 03. Issue 10)
10-March 2024
The Official PMG Engineering Newsletter
A. Lightning Protection Unit
B. Transformer
Latest Food Industry News Updates 6-7
A Look Into The Main Events Of The Week 8
Vol .03-Issue .10-March 2024
These devices are designed to protect the All electrical equipment in an electrical system
transmission line, insulations, switchgears, needs to be protected from voltage surges. The
transformers communication line by the effect of rating of arrestor, the class of arrestor and location
lightning strike. They directly installed to power of arrestor all play a important role in the surge
substation , distribution system or protection. In protection of substation, we use
telecommunication line. It has ground termininal different class of lightning arrestors to protect the
and high voltage terminal and whenever lightning electrical equipment and In ships, water is used to
travel along the power line to arrestor then current discharge voltage.
through surges diverted by arrestor to earth. In
telegraphy and telecommunication, it is placed
where wires enter a structure so that preventing
damage to electronic instrument and ensuring
safety near to them. Their purpose is basically to
limit the rise in voltage when power lines are struck
by lightning.
1.Station class
Typically used in power stations or substations and
other high voltages structure and areas. It is
designed to protect equipment above 20MVA range.
2.Intermediate class
Designed to used in medium voltage equuipment
areas, electrical substaions, transformer or other
substation equipment and it is designed in range of
1 to 20 MVA.
3.Distribution class
Most commonly found on transformers and are
commonly used in equipments rated at 1000kva or
4.Secondary class
Found in homes and commercial buildings and
provide least amount of protection to electrical
It is used to step up the level of voltage. This A cylindrical tank plays a key role in transformer. It
transformer increases voltage from primary to is arranged over the main tank roof so that
secondary winding. In this transformer, secondary sufficient space can be provided to expand to
turns are more than primary turns. This transformer oil. Once the temperature increases,
transformer has made long distance transmission then oil volume can also be increases, then oil
power practical because it steps up the voltage and volume can also be increased. Then oil goes to
corresponding it decrease current at same ratio conservator tank after cooling down it returns to
hence, due to decreases the current level there is main tank.
much less power losses in line. This is used
generally for long distribution.
Vol .03-Issue .10-March 2024
Distribution voltages classes and
As a temperature of transformer increases, the
insulating oil in transformer heats up. When oil
standard ratings of transformer
heats up and spreads, the transformer breathes air
in and oil is cooled down and oil level is consumed.
The oil level in chamber rises and reduces as 1.Small transformer
breather brings the air in and out to cool the air.
The air carries moisture, which contaminates oil They are used for stationary, portable or hand held
and thus deteriorates the consistency of oil. The power supply units. They may be used to supply three
breather is packed with silica gel to remove phase power up to 40kva at frequencies up to 1mhz.
moisture content.
2. Distribution Transformer
They are used to distribute power to domestic
The basic function of radiator is to cool down the premises. They may be single phase or three phase.
transformer oil. Oil immersed power transformer is They have rating ranging from16kva up to 2500kva
generally provided with detachable pressed sheet and this type of transformer like 11, 6.6, 3.3, 440 sand
radiator with isolating valves. But in case of small 230V.
size distributing transformer, the radiators are
generally integrated parts of transformer body and 3. Supply Transformer
projected from main tank. The working principle of
radiator is very simple. They are used to supply larger industrial premises or
distribution substations. Ratings ranging from 4mva
5.Bushings to 30mva, with primary winding rated up to 66kv and
secondary up to 36kv.
Bushings are the insulation system in construction
of transformer that enables an electrical conductor 4. Transmission transformer
to safely transfer electrical energy through it. When
a significant volume of electrical energy travel They are among largest and highest voltage
through it, it provides electrical field power to transformer in use. They are used to transmit power
withstand insulation of conductor. between high voltage networks and Rating ranging
from 60mva to 1000mva and winding are rated at 33,
6.Buchholz relay 66,132, 275 and 400kv.
The growing importance of copper in Kingfisher Ultra Max lifts the bar with the
Indian kitchens: Copper is here to stay in release of their premium draught beer in
our kitchens. Karnataka.
With its deep reddish-brown colour, copper has long The release of Kingfisher Ultra Max draught beer in
played a significant role in Indian culture. It has been Karnataka has been announced. The beer is known for its
passed down through the years and is valued in Indian exceptional taste and premium quality. Following its
households for its inherent health benefits and aesthetic tremendous success in Punjab and Chandigarh, Kingfisher
appeal. Ultra Max is poised to improve the Bengaluru and Mysuru
consumer experience.
Recall our grandmothers telling us stories about using
their exquisitely wrought copper pots and plates to hold It is the epitome of sophistication and luxury, expertly and
food and water. The ancient Indian holistic medical thoroughly crafted. Ultra Max Draught Beer is a golden beer
system known as Ayurveda held copper vessels in high with unrivalled taste and strength thanks to its special
regard due to their ability to improve overall health, combination of four hand-selected premium malts that are
strengthen immunity, and facilitate better digestion. expertly roasted and go through a rigorous six-step filtration
Although our knowledge of these advantages has grown, process.
our affection for copper has remained strong.
United Breweries Limited's chief marketing officer, Vikram
The burgeoning trend of health-conscious and Bahl, stated: "Kingfisher Ultra Max Draught Beer's
environmentally sensitive lifestyles has sparked a introduction in Karnataka represents a critical turning point
renewed fascination with copper. in our history.
Because the use of artificial colouring in "Gobi Britain One of the top cookie companies in India, Marie Gold,
Manchurian" and "Cotton Candy" hurts public health, has introduced HerStore, a special online community for
particularly among youngsters, the Karnataka government female entrepreneurs. It is intended to provide a forum for
has outlawed its use in all 31 districts. all Indian women entrepreneurs to receive ongoing
assistance. The brand's dedication to building a positive
The Food Safety and Quality department claims that digital ecosystem where female entrepreneurs gather and
samples of the "Cotton Candy" and "Gobi Manchurian" support one another to achieve more and be more is
items offered here were gathered and examined in labs. encapsulated in the motto "Saath Judo, Saath Udo."
107 of the 171 "Gobi Manchurian" samples collected had
dangerous artificial colours like "Tartrazine," "Sunset It has demonstrated its dedication by taking the lead and
Yellow," and "Carmoisine." launching a distinctive marketplace that features only goods
and services that women own. Soon, the portal will also
Out of the 25 Cotton Candy samples gathered, 15 had provide a full range of workshops, training sessions, and
dangerous artificial colors like tartrazine, sunset yellow, upskilling films designed to provide female entrepreneurs
and rhodamine B. with the know-how and abilities they need to succeed in a
changing market.
Mahashivratri is a Hindu festival celebrated annually in
reverence of Lord Shiva. It marks the night of his cosmic
dance, symbolizing creation, preservation, and
destruction. Devotees observe fasting, offer prayers,
and engage in rituals to seek blessings and spiritual
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