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Sheetal Case Study

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What Is Case Study :-

A case study is a detailed analysis of a specific person, group, event, or situation, typically
conducted for research or educational purposes. It involves an in-depth examination of
various aspects, aiming to provide insights, solutions, or a better understanding of the subject
under scrutiny.
A case study is a research method used to examine a particular subject or situation in depth
over a specified period. It involves collecting and analyzing comprehensive data about the
case, which can be an individual, group, organization, event, or phenomenon. Case studies
are commonly utilized in various fields, such as business, psychology, sociology, and
education, to understand complex issues, explore real-life situations, and provide practical
insights. They often involve qualitative and/or quantitative data collection methods, including
interviews, observations, surveys, and document analysis, to gain a holistic understanding of
the case and draw conclusions.

 Types Of Case Study focusing on uncovering patterns or

 Illustrative Case Studies: These are
descriptive in nature and aim to
provide a detailed understanding of
a particular situation or
phenomenon.  Collective Case Studies: Involving
multiple cases, these studies
compare similarities and
 Exploratory Case Studies: These differences across cases to draw
are conducted to investigate a new broader conclusions or
or unexplored subject area, often generalizations.
used as a preliminary research
 Intrinsic Case Studies: Conducted
for the sake of understanding a
 Explanatory Case Studies: These particular case in-depth, with no
focus on explaining causal links intention of generalizing the
between variables and outcomes, findings.
aiming to answer the "how" and
"why" questions.
 Instrumental Case Studies: These
studies are performed to gain
 Descriptive Case Studies: These insights into a particular issue or
aim to describe a particular event, problem and provide a basis for
program, or situation, often developing a broader theoretical
Brief note on Different case study

Multiple case studies are used for different Case studies can be divided into the
purposes. The main purpose of case following categories:
studies is to analyse problems within the  Illustrative Case Study
boundaries of a specific organization,  Exploratory Case Study
environment, or situation.  Cumulative Case Study
Many aspects of a case study such as data  Critical Instance Case Study
collection and analysis, qualitative  Descriptive Case Study
research questions, etc. are dependent on  Intrinsic Case Study
the researcher and what the study is  Instrumental Case Study
looking to address. Let’s take a look at the detailed description
of each type of case study

Illustrative Case Study This method is useful in identifying

An illustrative case study is used to research questions and methods for a large

examine a familiar case to help others and complex study.

understand it. It is one of the main types of Cumulative Case Study

case studies in research methodology and A cumulative case study is one of the main
is primarily descriptive. types of case studies in qualitative
In this type of case study, usually, one or research. It is used to collect information
two instances are used to explain what a from different sources at different times.
situation is like. This case study aims to summarize the past

Exploratory Case Study studies without spending additional cost

An exploratory case study is usually done and time on new investigations.

before a larger-scale research. These types Critical Instance Case Study

of case studies are very popular in the Critical instances case studies are used to
social sciences like political science and determine the cause and consequence of an
primarily focus on real-life contexts and event.
situations. The main reason for this type of case study
is to investigate one or more sources with
unique interests and sometimes with no only to understand the subject better but
interest in general. also their history and how they interact

Descriptive Case Study with their environment.

When you have a hypothesis, you can Instrumental Case Study

design a descriptive study. It aims to find This type of case study is mostly used in
connections between the subject being qualitative research. In an instrumental
studied and a theory. case study, the specific case is selected to
After making these connections, the study provide information about the research
can be concluded. The results of the question.
descriptive case study will usually suggest It offers a lens through which researchers
how to develop a theory further. can explore complex concepts, theories, or

Intrinsic Case Study generalizations.

Intrinsic studies are more commonly used

in psychology, healthcare, or social work.
So, if you were looking for types of case
studies in sociology, or types of case
studies in social research, this is it.
The focus of intrinsic studies is on the
individual. The aim of such studies is not

Pros And Cons Of Case Study:-

interviews, observations, documents, and
Pros:- artifacts, which provide a holistic view of
the research topic.
1. In-depth understanding: Case studies
allow for a detailed analysis of a particular
situation, event, or phenomenon, enabling
researchers to gain a comprehensive 3. Contextual analysis: With case studies,
understanding of complex issues. researchers can study a subject within its
real-life context, taking into account
various factors and variables that may
influence the outcomes or behaviour under
2. Rich data collection: Case studies study.
involve collecting a wide range of
qualitative and quantitative data, including
4. Development of theories: Through subjectivity and biases in data collection,
careful analysis and interpretation of data analysis, and interpretation, potentially
from case studies, researchers can develop leading to less objective findings.
or refine theoretical frameworks or
propose new hypotheses for further
3. Time and resource-intensive:
Conducting comprehensive case studies
can be time-consuming and resource-
5. Explanatory power: Case studies can intensive due to the collection, analysis,
effectively explain and highlight the causal and interpretation of a vast amount of data,
relationships, mechanisms, and underlying which may limit the feasibility of
reasons behind specific outcomes or conducting multiple case studies.

4. Lack of causality determination: While

case studies can highlight correlations and
Cons:- associations, they often struggle to
establish definitive causal relationships
1. Limited generalizability: The findings between variables, as they primarily focus
from a case study may not be easily on a single or limited number of cases.
applicable to other contexts or populations
due to the unique characteristics of the
specific case being examined, limiting the
generalizability of results. 5. Ethical considerations: Ethical concerns
may arise when conducting case studies,
particularly in terms of privacy,
confidentiality, potential harm to
2. Subjectivity and bias: Case studies can participants, and informed consent,
be influenced by the researcher's requiring careful attention and adherence
to ethical guidelines.

Case studies are valuable research methods that provide a holistic understanding of specific
phenomena. The choice of the case study type depends on the research question and
objectives. While case studies offer rich insights, they also have limitations, such as potential
bias, lack of generalizability, and the time-consuming nature of in-depth analysis.
Researchers should carefully consider the purpose of their study and select an appropriate
case study type to meet their research goals.



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