Section I Bullets

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Section-I (History)

1. Reformers

How shah waliullah revived Islam?

1. Translated quean into Persian. Later on his sons shah Abdul qader and shah Rafi translated Quran into
Urdu language, made the understandings of Quran easy.

2. Wrote 51 books on hadish, fiqah for better understanding of Islam in the society.

3. Wrote account of four caliphs acceptable for shias and sunnis, for bringing harmony in the society.

4. Worked for the welfare of craftsmen and peasants.

5. Invited Ahmad shah Abdali of Persia to get rid of Marathas in sub continent.

How Ahmed Shaheed brailvi revived Islam?

1. Organizes mujahedeen force against the non-Muslim element.

2. Defeated Ranjit Singh near hazaroth in1826.

3. Became Imam of all Muslim community in 1827, guided Muslim toward right path.

4. Tried to liberate Kashmir but was martyred in mansehra region.

How Haji shariatullah revived Islam?

1. Started “Faraizi Movement” for guiding Muslims toward real focus of Islam.

2. Decaled India a “Dar-ul-Harb”, forbid to offer Eid and Friday prayer being in area of enemy’s control.

3. Saved the Muslim peasants from economic oppression of the Hindus and the British in east Bengal.

4. After his death his son mohsin ud din carried out his job which finally ended in 1860.

2. Fall of Mughals Empire


· The collapse of the Mansabdari System.

The local rulers that were ruling the parts of Mughals Empire on behalf of the Mughals started rising after the death of
Aurangzeb as there was not strong ruler in Delhi.

· The religious policies of the Aurangzeb

The religious policies of Aurangzeb such as ban on Suttee, Gambling, and drinking wine offended the large Hindu
population of the Mughals Empire.

· Arrival of the British

The British soon became strong as there was no check on their activities from a strong ruler in the centre. They also
attracted the people by bringing new innovations to the infrastructure in India. Not only this they also assisted the local
rulers to rise against the Mughals and weaken the foundation of the Empire.

·Foreign intruders like the Persians Nadir Shah and Ahmad Shah Abdali.

The Persians has been looking forward to the weakening Mughals Empire since the death of Aurangzeb and Nadir Shah
seized the opportunity to plunder the Mughals Empire in 1738. AD

· Wars of Succession between the Mughals Royal Families.

The continuous practice of the Mughals princes to fight with each other for the throne after the death of the emperor
inflicted multiple wounds for the empire includes the loss of precious lives, empire leading to bankruptcy and the
revealing all its weakness to the enemies within and abroad.

3. East India Company:

Why attracted toward sub continent?

1. For trade of silk, cotton and spices.

2. For spreading their religion of Christianity.

3. For competing with their rivals like Dutch, Portuguese, French etc.

When came?

With permission of Queen Elizabeth-I in 1600, landed at Surat port in India.

How many presidencies of EIC?

Three presidencies with their private army at Bombay, Calcutta and Madras.

4. War of Independence 1857

Causes of the war:

· Military Causes
1. Greased Cartridge incident. It was rumored that new rifle introduced by the British authority with greased
cartridges with fats of cow and pig was refused. A Hindus soldier mangal Panday was the first to refuse it, was
trailed through army rules. From there the Indians stood up against the British.

2. Officer ranks were filled with British while sepoys were Indians.

3. Soldiers feared they might be forced to convert into Christianity.

4. Indians Hindus were not ready to fight abroad.

· Religious/Social Problems

1. Resentment of British culture, language and way of life.

2. Indians were treated inferior than the British.

3. Educational reforms, Christianity spread through missionaries schools.

Doctrine of Lapse

A law made by lord Dalhousie to capture the Indian lands in 1852,captured land of Jhansi,Nagpur,Satara states, Indians resisted to
that law when they took the state of Oudh after the death of its ruler, thought it land grabbing by the British authority.

1. Doctrine of Lapse

2. Mistreatment of Emperor (Red fort to Qutub Sahib)

3. Lack of opportunities for the locals of India.

· Economic

1. High taxes, peasants (Indians) found it difficult to pay.

2. Low salary of sepoys (Indians)

3. British textiles – fall in the standard and scale of local goods.

Reason for the failure of the war:

· Lack of Coordination

There was no coordination what so ever among the rebels. The lack of national leaders during the war was yet another
reason for the war to fail. The rebels did not have any coordination and could not communicate and the need of
reinforcements was also not fulfilled when ever required.

· No general plan of action

The rebels were fairly disorganized and therefore did not have contingency plans in case the actual plans failed. On the
other hand the British were very well prepared and far more organized to win the war. The war started and continued in
an abrupt manner and even ended in a disorganized manner.

Uprising at Meerut, Bengal

The simultaneous uprising at the Bengal and Meerut cantonments caused problems for the rebels and forced them to
divert their attention from the main stream of war.
· British were able to conquer Delhi

The British were very quick in responding to the attacks of the rebels and captured Delhi within few month of fighting.
This was a major setback to the rebels as the fall of Delhi was a psychological factor that helped the British to overpower
the rebels.

· British Strength

The British were experienced and had well-equipped troops unlike the rebels. The level of discipline, organization and
planning for counterattacks was far better than the rebels and became a major difference between the two. Diplomacy,
bribery and the communities to fight on another side with British were also some important reason that caused the
failure of the rebels in the war of independence. Furthermore the technology and modern warfare tactics also helped
the British to overpower the rebels in such a small time.

· Lack of Unity

1. Fighting for different objectives.

2. Weak Mughals Emperor had no concern for leading the war.

3. No nationalism (Sind, Punjab, Bengal)

Effects of the war:

For the British

The new rule of Indian occupation started after 1858 through an announcement at Allah abad city. It started a new
regime there for the British .They abolished the EIC and took the direct charge of the Indian peninsula, appointed a
regular administrator in the name of Vice-roy.

For the Muslim

1. All blame of the war on the Muslims.

2. The Muslim refused to get western education, learn their language.
3. Had no share in public office jobs.
4. The British stopped all funding for the Muslim schools.
5. A dark age of education, economy and social set up started for the Muslims.

For the Hindus

1. All the favors went to the Hindus community.

2. Hindus learnt their language, culture.
3. Had more minor jobs in public offices.
4. Their economic conditions improved after the war.

5. Sir syed Ahmed Khan

Works of sir syed:

1. Wrote “The Loyal Mohammadens of India” for mentioning the name and work of some Muslim scholars who
rendered services to the British society.
2. Wrote “Essay on the causes of Indian revolt’ for mentioning the real cause of the war for the British, correcting
their misconception that the Muslim waged that war.
3. Translated the word “Nadarath” into Nasir which means helpful, so decreased the anger of the British against
the Muslims.
4. Wrote a book “Tabiyan-ul-kalam” where he mentioned the similarities of Islam and Christianity for bringing two
communities closer to one another.
5. Started British Indian association for bringing two communities closer.
6. Rectified the book written by an English man about the life of Holy prophet (pbuh) .

Educational efforts:
1. Started journal “Tahzib-bul-Ikhlaq” with articles of Muslim scholars for convincing the Muslim for getting
western education,
2. Started scientific society at Ghazi pur which translated work of different languages into Urdu which made it
easier for the Muslim to understand the modern trends of science.
3. Started MAO school at Aligarh in 1875 which was promoted into a college after 20 years, finally it turned
into an Aligarh university in 1920 after his death.
4. Started Aligarh movement for educating the Muslim society there.
5. Supported the Urdu language in the era of Hindi-Urdu controversy: Urdu became official language of sub
continent in 1825, after the war of independence the Hindus demanded the replacement of Urdu by the
Hindi language, being the language of majority. That continued up to when the British change d the official
language into English in 1875.

Why sir syed important for the Muslims?

1. Reconciled the relations between the Muslims and the British.

2. Convinced the Muslims to get western education.
3. English language capability made the Muslim eligible for jobs in public offices.
4. Rectified the misconception of the British about the reasons of the war.

5. Languages:
Why Urdu flourished?
1. Language of print and electronic media.

2. Language of peots, writers, scholars etc.

3. Syllabus of school, colleges, universities in Urdu.

4. Urdu taught as compulsory subject up grade 12

5. Urdu taught at university level for master degree program.

Why Balochi flourished?

1. Radio Pakistan broadcasting in Balochi language from Karachi station
2. The Balochi literary association.

3. The Quetta television broadcasting in Balochi.

4. Role of poets and writers like Atta Shad and ishaq Shamin for its spread.

Why Pashto flourished?

1. Pashto dictionary by maulan Abdul qader made it easy to understand.

2. Pashto taught as compulsory subject in all school from root level.

3. Pashto is offered on degree and master level in Peshawar University.

4. The role Rahman baba and khushal khan khattak for its progression through their poetry.

Why Sindhi flourished?

1. Role of Sindhi literary board for publishing book, novels etc in Sindhi.

2. Role of “bazm-tailb-ul-maula for progression of that language through literature.

3. Role of “sindhiology” department in sindh university jamshooro.

4. Role of Sarmast Academy for propagation of Sindhi language.

Why Punjabi flourished?

1. Translation of Quran in Punjabi from Muhammad Ali Faiq.

2. Printing of books relevant to medicine .literature, history, philosophy etc in that language.

3. Role of poets like Ustad Daman, Munir Niazi, Ahmad Rahi etc in its progression through
their work.

4. Work of Sufis like Baba Farid, Sultan Bahu, and Bulha Shah made it more famous.

5. Punjabi offered at university level made it more familiar in the country.

Compiled by:

Khawar Jamal

Pakistan studies

Future world school

Gulberg Greens Islamabad.

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