Reformist and Educational Movements in Sub-Continent

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Reformist and Educational Movements

in The Sub-Continent
Lecture# 4-5

 During the Golden era of Mughal Empire and during the declining era of Mughal Empire, A number of
reformists and educational movements for the uplift of the Muslim population of the Sub-Continent. Among
those movements, some were religious in their orientation and Jihad was their core concept, according to
them accepting and implementing the Deen Islam in its complete form was the only solution for all types of
ills and issues in the Muslim society at that time. E.g. Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi, Shah Waliullah, Syed Ahmad
Shaheed, and some other reformers were from this school of thought.

 Another school of thought that emerged after the downfall of Mughal Empire in 1857, worked for the socio-
religious development of the Muslim society, formulated its objectives around the educational development
of the Muslim society as a sustainable solution to the existing issues in the Muslim society. This school of
thought established a number of religious and contemporary(secular) educational institutions through out the
Sub-continent. E.g. Darul uloom Deabond, Nadwah ul Islam, and Sindh Madrassah tul Islam are kind

 After the complete down fall of the nominal Mughal rule and unsuccessful War of Independence 1857,
Muslims were felt into the spheres of hopelessness and backwardness. Even reformers like Sir Syed were
felt into the sphere of hopelessness for a while after the War of Independence and accepted the harsh and
miserable conditions of the Muslims as an unchangeable feature of the Muslim society. Although later on
Sir Syed came out with a solution to the miserable conditions of the Muslim society and that solution was
the educational development of the Muslim masses. Sir Syed suggested and implemented the acquiring of
modern education as the only solution to the poor and miserable socio-economic conditions of the Muslim
society. E.g. Sir Syed established a number of schools in the different regions of the Sub-continent and the
Aligarh University India is a kind example of the Sir Syed’s contributions to the development of the
Muslim society.
Rise of East India Company

 If East India Company(EIC) did not arrived in the India then the history of Sub-continent would be
different. Although EIC looted the wealth of India and ruled over her Indian subjects with an
oppressive and harsh manner but it also produced movement in the static and traditional Indian
society. EIC basically transformed the Indian society in the socio-political and economical means.

 EIC was formed after the charter for trade with East Indies was granted by the Queen Elizabeth 1 st in
the 31th December 1600 in the London and its basic purpose was trading with the Sub-continent and
brought clothes, spices, Silk, and some other items into Europe and England.

 Thomas Roe successfully got trading charter from the Mughal Emperor Jahangir and EIC became
functional in the second decade of the 17 th century.

 Initially, EIC detached herself from the power struggle in the Sub-continent between the different princes and
the different autonomous kingdoms. EIC focused only to boost up her international trade and increase her
profits. It also employed a larger number of Indians in the lower cadres in the departments of military,
commerce and civil administration to carry out her activities.

 Later on EIC benefited herself from the ongoing power struggle in India at that time. By using the divide and
rule policy EIC captured Bengal in 1757 from Nwab Siraj uddalaw and later on, in the battle of Buxar 1764 EIC
acquired the royal charter from the Shah Alam 2nd to collect revenue from the provinces of Bengal, Bihar, and

 Victory in the battle of Plessey in 1757 initiated the series of victories and EIC until 1857 transformed into a
World-class Empire from a trading company.
War of Independence 1857

 It was considered as one of the most important political and military event in the history of the EIC that
transformed the socio-political and administrative structure of the Sub-continent.
 Historians either local or foreign have analyzed the War of Independence under different perspectives.
Some historians considered it as a military revolt while some considered as a mutiny or rebellion while
some considered it as the first War of Independence.
 It was fought against the EIC’s oppressive and illegitimate rule over India by the Indian people under the
leadership of the Bhadur Shah Zafar the last Mughal Emperor.
 Unfortunately the revolutionary fighters were unsuccessful after initial limited successes against the EIC.
 British official of EIC crushed brutally all of freedom fighters and Delhi once again became the
slaughtering ground in the history.
Causes of the War of Independence 1857

 War of Independence was not mere the result of military issues like use of new cartridges issue.
As Lord Salisbury stated that in the House of Commons “it was impossible to believe that such a
massive and widespread movement was triggered by only the cartridges” ( K. Mansoor, P. 1).

 Actually it was the result of long term injustice, oppression, subordination, extraction of resources,
and the humiliation of Indian people(both common and nobles)by the British officials of the EIC.

 Generally, historians and analysts categorized the different causes into four main categories,
which were political, religious, economical, and military causes.

 We will here analyze one by one all the main causes of the War of Independence.
Political Causes

 Annexation of the different princely states either through force, treaty, or under the laws related towards
annexation of states with EIC. E.g. Sindh and Punjab were annexed through force while State of Jhansi was
annexed under the law of doctrine of lapse. Similarly, State of Hyderabad Deccan came under the umbrella of
EIC through defense treaties. This illegitimate annexation created unrest and hatred in the minds of affected
people(both nobles and commoners) towards British officials.
 Although Bhadur Shah was living on the pension of EIC but Bhadur Shah was regarded as the symbol of Indian
unity, Muslim political prestige, and the successor of the Timur Lane. EIC officials behavior towards Bhadur Shah
was humiliating and not according to the established traditions related towards Mughal emperors in the Indian
Society. That created hatred towards EIC in the Mughal court and the larger segments of the Indian society.
 A long history of political interference and conspiracy policies during war and peace times in the internal and in
the intra-state relations in the India by the EIC officials.
 Biased and humiliating description of the Muslim culture, society, and the political rule over the India in the
different books, generals, and magazines etc. Muslim hatred towards British was also product of that as well.
Religious Causes

 EIC was came to India for the trade purpose but with the growing political and military influence of EIC over the
India encouraged a number of Christian Missionaries to propagate Christianity among the Indian people. That was
supported by the British Government of England as well. E.g. Mangles Chairman of Board of Directors EIC given
statement in the House of Commons in1857 “ providence has bestowed upon us the Empire of India so that the
banner of Christ should be wave triumphant from one end of India to another end” ( K. Mansoor, P. 4).
Missionary schools were opened in the different regions of India and through those schools Christianity was
propagated in the school going children and general masses of India.
Extremist priest like Dr. Pfander wrote books to defame the different Islamic beliefs. That widen the gap between
the Muslim masses and the EIC.
Propagation of the Christian beliefs in the military barracks and in the EIC official places. Non segregation dining
rules, wars beyond the Indian lands, and the use of new cartridge made of peak and cow's fat created feelings of
unrest and revolt in the EIC’s Indian employees.
Economic Causes

 Thousands of people became unemployed due to the annexation of different princely states by the
EIC. E.g. annexation of Oudh unemployed 60,000 people in the 1856.
 Thousands of properties were stanched from the landlords and business owners and those properties
were actioned.
 Indians were employed in the lower ranks of the EIC and paid very less as compared to their British
counter partners.
 Corruption, individual business, and transfer of huge amounts after retirements by the EIC officials
to the England created serve economic conditions in India.
 Taxations beyond the production capacities of the farmers in the different regions and forced or
selective cultivations created hunger, displacement, and even food crisis in the larger parts of the
 local industries were shutdown due to the export of raw material e.g. cotton to the high industrialized
cities of UK. Like Manchester. Due to that export of cloths were deceased very rapidly.
Military Causes

 Flames of the War of Independence were lightened by the Indian soldiers stationed at Barrackpur,
Meerut, and Calcutta in April and in May 1857 and later on the general Indian masses supported
to soldiers rebellion and changed it into a full-scale war against EIC’s rule.
 Indian soldiers were feet-up with the rude and inhumane behavior of their English masters from a
long time.
 Indian soldiers had supposed to perform duties against their beliefs. Like to fought overseas wars
were considered as irreligious by the Brahmans.
 Propagation of Christianity in the army barracks and degradation of the religious beliefs of the
soldiers were increased the feelings of unrest and hatred towards British.
 Low pays of Indian soldiers and no promotion in the commissioned ranks also created altitude of
alienation towards EIC.
Causes of Failure of the War of Independence

 Indians were fought with full zeal and zest under the over matured leadership of Bhadur Shah
Zafar but did not be able to retain their initial achievements and EIC became able to crush the
revolutionaries with a rude and harsh behavior. Their were different reasons behind the failure of
the War of Independence of 1857.
 Firstly, plan was changed from 31st May 1857 and it made impossible to start a planned revolt
country wide.
 Secondly, Sikhs and Gorkhas were aligned themselves with the EIC and fought against their
Indian counter-partners. Sikh rulers of Patiala and Jind provided huge financial support to the EIC.
 Thirdly, lack of an effective, influential, and active leadership made the failure possible. E.g.
Bhadur Shah was over aged and unaware of the political conditions of the India. Zeenat Mahal,
Bakhat khan and others were also lacking the leadership qualities to tackle that mega military

 Means of communication and transport were under the control of the EIC and that facilitation
EIC to coordinate smoothly and quickly. E.g. in the words of Montgomery “India was saved by
the electronic wire”. While the revolutionaries could not be able to coordinate one another to
smoothly due to lack of means of communication and transportation.
 Economic conditions of the revolutionaries were not matching the financial needs of the War of
 Lack of modern and well equipped military was the major cause behind the failure of the War.
Revolutionaries were filled up with the general masses except few retired and court martialed
soldiers of the EIC. The military men were seems like a lashkar not a revolutionary military.
 Lack of national spirit and leadership of War had different plans regarding to the future of India.
Results of War

 EIC rule over India was disbanded by the British Crown and India came under the direct control of
the British Crown through the Act of 1858 and Queen Victoria became the Empress of India
 Positions of Viceroy and Secretary of State for India were created. To assist the Secretary of State
a London based council was also created and to assist an India based council was created in the year
of 1858.
 Through a royal declaration the grantee of the protection of life, dignity, and beliefs was promised.
 Capital was changed from Delhi to Calcutta.
 Muslims were faced harsh, rude, inhumane, and discriminatory behavior from the British colonial
officials after the War of the Independence. On the other hand Hindus who also fought War of
Independence were accommodated in everywhere.
 Muslim nationalism was started with a high spirit and devotion after the War of Independence and
that became the magnacarta for the Muslim political awakening and revival in the Sub-continent.
Reformist and Educational
Movements in Sub-Continent
Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi:
Early life: born in the city of Sirhind Punjab on 26th June,1564. He was also known as Mujadid Alif Sani.
He received early education from his home and leant Quran in the very early age. Later on, Shaikh studied
Hadiths, Tasfeer, Philosophy, Muntaq, and other religious related studies at that time under the guidance of
well known scholars at that time. E.g. got education from Kwaja Baqi Billah. In very young age Shaikh
became famous in the religious circles due to his high caliber of learning and high intellectual level.

Religious Environment at that Time: Tasawawuf occupied dominant place in the Muslim society and
Shariah was not being properly followed by the larger segments of the Sufi circles. Belief in the miracles or
Karamats of saints instead of referring themselves to the will of God in the difficult situations by the general
masses became a dominant tradition of the society.
Theologians, jurists, and scholars were limited towards the Fiqh while studying and interpreting Islam
instead of taking guidance from Quran and Hadiths.
Hindu dominancy in the Mughal Court and Akbar’s Deen Elahi: Due to Emperor Akbar’s unnecessary
liberal/accommodative policies Hindu elite became very influential in the Mughal Court and motivated
Emperor to formulate pro-Hindu policies. Akbar invented a new religion by amalgamating beliefs of
different religions mostly the beliefs of Hinduism and Islam. Deen-I-Elahi(Akbari) was the one of main
challenge for the Shaikh at that time because it distorted the shape of Islam and motivated a number of
people to follow that religion.
Shaikh’s contributions towards the reformation of the Muslim society:
Shaikh prepared a number of disciples to preach the true /correct form of Islam in the India.
He wrote books to explain his view point about the centrality of Quran and Sunnah to follow Islam.
e.g. Ittiba-e-Snnat.
Through his disciples, he established a number of great nobles in the Mughal Court to influence the
Emperor in regarding to royal religious policies. When Shaikh refused to prostrate in front of
Jahangir then he was imprisoned for two years in the Gwalior Fort. When Shaikh was released from
the prison and Emperor called upon him at the Court then Shaikh putted down the following terms
and conditions.
1. Prostration before the Emperor should be abolished.
2. Demolished mosques should be reconstructed.
3. Cow slaughter should be allowed.
4. Posts of Qazis, Muftis, and Muhtasibs should be revived.
5. Jizya should be implemented.
6. Shariah should be enforced and all kinds of innovations should be banned in the Muslim
Shah Waliullah:
Early life: Real name of Shah Waliullah was Qutbuddin Ahmad ibn Abdur Rahim and he was born in
Delhi on 21st February, 1703. Shah Waliullah equipped himself with the knowledge of Quran, Hadiths,
Tasfeer, Philosophy, Fiqh, and Muntaq in very young age. He traveled to Makah-I-Mukarama in to
higher religious education and came back in the year 1732. Shah Waliullah became a great reformer,
jurist, and scholar of the 18th century and even his teachings are relevant to sort out the contemporary
Muslim world’s political and religious issues. His aim was to revive Muslim rule over India by creating
alliance of Ulema and rulers at that time.

Political conditions at that time: Mughal control over India was rapidly deceasing day by day. Sikhs,
Hindu Rajputs, and Marathas were acquiring the political control over the larger parts of the India.
People were facing hardships due to heavy taxations and ruling elite were not much
concerned about the difficulties of the common people. Nadir Shah’s attack(1739) on Delhi
further ruined the riches of India.

Due to over dominancy of tasawwuf and Sufism in the society the role of Shariah became
limited in the lives of the Muslims. Dependency on reason and rationality to sort out
religious issues further shackled very basic foundations of the Islamic principles.

Shah Walliah’s contributions: he worked for the revival of the Muslim rule and restoration
of the true shape of Islam in the Indian Sub-continent through his knowledge and intellect.
Shah Waliullah emphasized about the continuation of the Jihad for the revival of Muslim rule
over India and to eliminate the illegitimate and oppressive rulers.

Shah Waliullah wrote letters to Ahmad Shah to invade India and to crush the Marathas. Ahmad
Shah invaded India in 1761 and crushed the Maratha Empire in the third battle of Panipat.

Shah Waliullah tired to over come Shia-Sunni conflict by inviting both of the sects towards the
teachings of the Holy Quran.

He translated the Holy Quran into Persian for the convenience of the Muslim masses of India
to understand Holy Quran easily.
He classified the traditions and placed the Mutta of Imam Malik, Sahi Buhkri, and the Sahi Muslim in the
first class.

Trained a number of students in the different subjects of the Islam.

He wrote a number of books on the teachings of Islam and on the existing issues among the Muslim
masses. E.g. he wrote books like Hujjatullah-ul-Balighah, Izalat-al-Akhfa, and Fayuz-Al-Kabir etc.

He emphasized on the welfare type of state and talked about the practice of social justice in the society by
the state.

He explained the distribution, consumption, and production of wealth under the light of the necessities of
the society.
Syed Ahmad Shaheed:
Early life: one of the great Muslim religious leader, scholar, and warfare expert Syed Ahmad Shaheed
was born into a Syed family of Rai Braili in 1786. He was a student of Shah Abdul Aziz another
prominent Muslim reformer of that time. Shah Abdul Aziz declared India as Darul Harb(house of war)
after the British occupation of Delhi in 1803. Shah sent Syed Ahmad Barelvi to join the Pathan militant
groups those were fighting against the British. He served in the Army of Nawab of Tonk for seven years
and also visited Makkah to acquire higher religious education as well.

Syed Ahmad’s basic intention and aim of life was to free Muslims from British rule and Hindu dominancy
through launching a holy war(Jihad). After revival of Muslim rule, he wanted to establish a puritan type of
Islamic society through the implementation of Shariah and through the practice of Islamic principles.
Intellectual works in the forms of his compiled books and his intellectual legacy also influenced a number of Muslim
scholars of South Asia after his death.

Launching Jihad against Sikh rule over Punjab and NWFP in 1826: Syed Ahmad set up his headquarter in Nowshera
for Jihad in 1826 and appealed to Muslims of South Asia to join him against the Sikhs. In the year 1826, he launched a
full scale war against Sikhs and achieved unprecedented victory in that campaign. Many Pathan chiefs became his
disciples due to initial victories and his pious attitude. After launching Jihad, he established his Imamate over his
followers and bounded the Pathan chiefs that they would also implement Shariah over their regions of influence or
control. He and his men were crushed by the superior well equipped Army of Ranjit Singh firstly in Peshawar in 1827
and later in the battle of Balakot in 1831. He and his thousands of men embraced Shahadat and left a legacy of bravery,
commitment, and attachment with the Deen-I-Islam in the all types of circumstances in the Muslim populations of India.
Progress in the form of transformation from the
individual based struggle for the Muslim Political
Revival towards institutional based struggle for the
Revival of the Political role of Islam in the Sub-
Darul Uloom Deoband:

Introduction: when individual based efforts against the British rule and Hindu domination could not be
able to achieve their required objectives despite being full devotion and commitment then the Muslim
Scholars, reformers, and religious figures emphasized for the need of collective and institutionalized
efforts to tackle with the issues being faced by the Muslims in India. Darul-Uloom at Deoband was the
product of the collective and institutionalized efforts of the Muslim religious leaders of that time. It was
established in 1866 and its founders were Haji Abid Hussain, Moulana Qasim Nanutavi, and Moulana
Muhammad Yaqub( Teacher of Moulana Shabir Ahmad Usmani). Moulana Qasim became its first
Principal and due to his extraordinary devotion towards Darul Uloom, it was called as Qasim ul Uloom
at that time as well.
Objectives of the Darul Uloom:
British discouraged imparting any type of Islamic education among the Muslim masses of India and
destroyed the existing education system of India. Further more, British after strengthening their
political rule over India started preaching of Christianity and converting the general masses into
Christianity. With the introduction of modern/western education system in India, Muslim religious
leaders felt the negative impacts on the Muslim culture and religious identity. So, therefore, Darul
Uloom’s objectives were imparting the proper religious education among the Muslim masses to
retain the Islamic identity and to counter with negative sides of the British education. Darul Uloom
also would worked for the moral uplift of the Muslims and promoting unity among the different
segments of the Muslim society through the propagation of knowledge and education.
Contributions of Darul Uloom:
Due to devotion and strong commitments of the founding fathers of the Darul Uloom, it achieved a
highly respectable and influential status with in the Islamic world. it became a seat for learning and
center for Islamic education after the prestigious Al-Azhar University of Cairo in the world. Dural
Uloom maintains that status although one and half century have been for its establishment.

Political services: two first religious based political parties were established by the graduates of
the Darul Uloom. These parties were Jamiat-Ulema -I-Hind( lead by Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi and
Moulana Shabir Ahmad Usmani) and Jamat Ulema-I- Islam(lead by Moulana Hussain Ahmad Madani
and Mufti Kifiyat Ullah). These both political parties played a major in the independence movement.
Educational services: Darul Uloom produced a larger number of jurists, scholars, debaters, preachers,
experts of Hadiths, and Tasfeer. These people farther propagated knowledge about the Islam in the
world. Darul Uloom also maintained that legacy till today by producing the hundreds of religious
scholars each year.

Dural Uloom published a number of books on the different aspects and fields of Islamic education and
produced a sizeable Islamic literature.

Dural Uloom adopted Urdu as lingua franca that benefited Urdu at a larger scale.

An academic institution that supported intellectually and practically for the protection of Muslim
civilization and identity in the Sub-continent.
Nadwatul Ulama:

Introduction: it was established in 1898 Lucknow India and its founders were Muhammad Mungeri,

Moulana Fazlur Rahman, Moulana Lutfullah, and some other religious scholars. Before prior to its
establishment a Madarasa named as Faiz Aam was founded at Kanpur for the propagation of religious and
modern/secular education. British administration of India divided the education system of India into two
fields I.e. religious verses secular/ contemporary education. Due to this division educated segments of Indian
society divided into two educational domains. E.g. a religious scholar from Madrasa system was unaware
from the contemporary education while an educated man from secular institution was unaware from the very
basics of Islam. On the other hand, Muslim reformers also more or lessly carried the British policy of
education by dividing the domains of knowledge by the establishment of Madaris and secular schools.

So, therefore, the founders of Nadwah felt it with full intensity that an educational
institution should be develop on urgent basis to bridge this gap. People like Shibli
Noumani detached himself from Aligrah College while people like Moulana Muhammad
Khalil Ahmad detached himself from the Darul Uloom Deoband and joined Nadwah.
With the involvement of people like Shibli Noumani, Nadwah rendered enormous
services to the intellectual development of the Muslim society. Nadwah focused on the
propagation of religious education and the propagation of the secular education in a
balanced manner to uplift the Muslim society morally, religiously, and worldly.

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