Ap World History 5.1
Ap World History 5.1
Ap World History 5.1
The process of industrialization changed the way in which goods
were produced and consumed, with far-reaching effects on the
global economy, social relations, and culture.
A. A variety of Use the graphic in Freemanpedia to summarize the role each of the
factors that led to following had in the Industrial Revolution.
the rise of The geographical
Situated along the The demographic shifts in
industrial Atlantic Ocean, availability of coal, iron, Europe led to increased
production and Europe's numerous and timber played a agricultural productivity,
eventually ports and harbors crucial role in the early yielding surplus food but
resulted in the Industrial Revolution. requiring fewer farmers,
provided it with Britain, with abundant thereby improving
Industrial access to both and easily accessible nutrition and prompting
Revolution natural resources coal and iron deposits, job relocations. This
included: and markets beyond utilized these two primary population expansion
its borders. raw materials to fueled the demand for
manufacture goods workers and served as a
during this period. driving force behind the
Industrial Revolution.
Improved agricultural Legal protection of
Urbanization became crucial productivity private property.
for industrialization due to
the concentration of labor in Legal safeguards for private
specific areas, facilitated by property and contracts
the establishment of reduced investment risks,
factories. This process relied facilitated industrial growth,
on foreign investment in and facilitated immigration to
societies lacking a robust fulfill the United States' need
bourgeoisie. for industrial labor.
Improvements in agriculture,
especially in England, which
resulted in crop rotation
techniques, increased output,
and decreased agricultural
requirements, made the
Industrial Revolution feasible.
E. The “second Research “Second Industrial Revolution” on your own and summarize the
industrial key differences here.
revolution” led to Between the middle of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, there were major scientific
new methods in the developments, mass manufacturing, urbanization, globalization, and sociological transformations
production of steel, that took place during the Second Industrial Revolution. Manufacturing processes were changed
by new technologies that increased productivity and efficiency, such as electricity, internal
chemicals, combustion engines, and steel production techniques. Globalization increased marketplaces
electricity, and and linked economies, while mass manufacturing made commodities more accessible and
precision machinery inexpe Migration from rural to urban regions caused urbanization, which had significant social
and econo Notwithstanding obstacles like as forced labor, disparities in wealth, and deteriorating
during the second environme
half of the 19th
II. New patterns of global trade and production developed and further integrated
the global economy as industrialists sought raw materials and new markets for
the increasing amount and array of goods produced in their factories.
C. The global
economy of the
19th century
dramatically from
the previous period
due to increased
exchanges of raw
materials and
finished goods in
most parts of the
A. The ideological Use Freemanpedia AND your own research to summarize the economic
inspiration for beliefs of these two men. Be specific.
Adam Smith
changes lies in Scottish economist and philosopher Adam Smith was a pivotal figure in the Scottish
the development Enlightenment and a pioneer in the field of political economics.
of capitalism and
associated with
Adam Smith and
John Stuart Mill.
Use Freemanpedia AND your own research to highlight the innovations and impact of each of
the following.
A. In industrialized Use Freemanpedia AND your own research to summarize these two
states, many concepts. Be specific.
organized Marxism
a social, economic and political philosophy that analyses the impact of the ruling class on the l
themselves, often aborers, leading to uneven distribution of wealth and privileges in the society
in labor unions, to
improve working
conditions, limit
hours, and gain
higher wages.
movements and
political parties
emerged in
different areas, Anarchism
the promoting a political theory advocating the abolition of hierarchical government and
e to force
alternative visions organization of society on a voluntary, cooperative basis without recours
of society, or compulsion.
B. In response to the Use Freemanpedia AND your own research to summarize efforts to
expansion of modernize as well as resistance to their efforts. Be specific.
states, some Ottoman Empire
governments in
Asia and Africa, A reasonably modern conscripted army, changes to the financial
such as the system, the replacement of religious law with secular law, and the
Ottoman Empire replacement of guilds with modern manufacturers were all results of the
and Qing China, government's series of constitutional reforms implemented during the
sought to reform Tanzimat period. On October 23, 1840, the Ottoman Ministry of Post
and modernize was founded in Istanbul.
their economies
and militaries.
Reform efforts
were often
resisted by some
members of
government or
established elite
Qing China
Essentially, the Self-Strengthening Movement was a bold attempt to
advance China by adoption of Western technology and expertise. But it
had a wide-ranging effect, and this movement's legacy is still shaping
China's historical narrative.
Men were supposed to work in distinct fields throughout the industrial revolution, and
B. Family dynamics, women were expected to take care of the family. This led to the domestication of
gender roles, and women.
changed in
response to
Unsanitary Conditions
Urban regions had unsanitary conditions throughout the Industrial Revolution, which
disproportionately affected the working class. The unhygienic conditions were
caused by industries and slaughterhouses, overcrowding in dwellings, and poor
drainage. Health results were further influenced by work dangers, differences in life
expectancy, infant mortality, and health issues such as cholera, typhus, and TB.