U R A D C P C: Sing ISK Nalysis To Etermine Onstruction Roject Ontingencies by Stephen Mak and David Picken
U R A D C P C: Sing ISK Nalysis To Etermine Onstruction Roject Ontingencies by Stephen Mak and David Picken
U R A D C P C: Sing ISK Nalysis To Etermine Onstruction Roject Ontingencies by Stephen Mak and David Picken
By Stephen Mak1 and David Picken2
ABSTRACT: A contingency allowance is an amount of money used to provide for uncertainties associated with
a construction project. Traditionally, it is a percentage addition on top of the base estimate. Estimating using
risk analysis (ERA) is a methodology that can be used to substantiate the contingency by identifying uncertainties
and estimating their financial implications. A study of the effect of ERA was carried out to compare the variability
and consistency of the contingency estimates between non-ERA and ERA projects. This paper presents results
of a survey that compares a total of 287 non-ERA and 45 ERA projects. The results show a highly significant
difference in variation and consistency between these groups. It indicates successful use of the ERA method for
public works projects to reduce unnecessary and exaggerated allowance for risk. However, the contingency
allowance for ERA projects was still considered high. Improvement and refinement of the ERA method as well
as recommendations on capital budgeting policy are suggested.
Traditionally, cost estimates are point estimates. That is, sin- To alleviate these usually overexaggerated contingency es-
gle value estimates based on the most likely values of the cost timates, the Hong Kong Government has introduced the tech-
elements. These point estimates may or may not accurately nique of ERA in all public works projects. The Property Ser-
indicate the possible value of the estimate, and they certainly vices Agency (a government agency that manages government
do not indicate the possible range of values an estimate may real estate and property) in the United Kingdom was among
assume (Toakley 1995). When estimating, the most common the first to adopt an ERA style approach that was known as
method of allowing for uncertainty is to add a percentage fig- Multiple Estimating using Risk Analysis (HM Treasury 1993).
ure to the most likely estimate of the final cost of the known ERA is used to estimate the contingency of a project by
works. The amount added is usually called a contingency identifying and costing risk events associated with a project.
(Thompson and Perry 1992). The starting point for the ERA process is a base estimate,
Contingencies are often allowed in cost estimates. The ob- which is an estimate of the known scope and is risk free. The
jective of contingency allocation is to ensure that the estimated contingencies as determined by the ERA process are added to
project cost is realistic and sufficient to contain any cost in- the base estimate. The first step in the ERA process is to iden-
curred by risks and uncertainties. However, Thompson and tify risks by the project team. These risk items are then cate-
Perry (1992) pointed out several weaknesses of using a con- gorized as either (1) fixed; or (2) variable. For each risk event,
tingency amount: an average risk allowance and a maximum risk allowance are
TABLE 1. Relationship between Risk Allowance and Risk Cat- Variable risk events are those events that will occur, but the
egory in ERA extent to which they will occur is uncertain. The cost incurred
Average risk Maximum risk will therefore by uncertain and variable. An example is the
Type of risk allowance allowance depth of piles required to be driven. The maximum risk allow-
(1) (2) (3) ance is estimated by the project team members based on past
Fixed risk Probability ⫻ maximum cost Maximum cost experience or records. This means the most expensive type of
Variable risk Estimated separately Estimated separately piling being required at the maximum length. The Hong Kong
Assumption 50% chance of being exceeded 10% chance of being Government’s ERA method requires an assumption to be made
exceeded that there is only a 10% chance that the actual cost incurred
will exceed this allowance. The average risk allowance is es-
timated with an assumption of a 50% chance of being ex-
calculated. The relationship between risk category and risk al-
ceeded. There can be a mathematical relationship between the
lowance is shown in Table 1.
Fixed risk events are those that either happen in total or not average and maximum risk allowance, but it is also legitimate
at all. If the event happens, the maximum cost will be incurred; for these two allowances to be estimated separately.
if not, then no cost will be incurred. An example is the need The rationale for using a 50% chance of being exceeded in
for an additional access road. At the early stages of a project, the average risk allowance is that it is unusual for all identified
the client might be uncertain as to whether an additional access risks (i.e., the worst case) to occur. The swings and rounda-
road will be required, rendering this as a fixed risk item. The bouts effect of the totality of the risk events identified should
scope of the road, should it be required, can be known and be able to cover the most likely costs incurred.
used to determine the maximum risk allowance. The uncer- Having identified all risk events and calculated their average
tainty is whether the road will be needed or not. The maximum and maximum risk allowances, the summation of the average
risk allowance is the cost of constructing this access. The av- risk allowance of all events will become the contingency
erage risk allowance is the probability of the client requiring of the project concerned. Fig. 1 shows a typical ERA work-
it multiplied by the maximum risk allowance. sheet.
TABLE 2. Summary of Raw Data If the value is higher than 1, then there is surplus in the con-
tingency fund and vice versa. A negative DEVI value means
Statistic Non-ERA ERA that the amount of omissions is larger than additions, that is,
(1) (2) (3) a net reduction in final contract sum.
Number of projects 287 45
Contract sum (minimum) 0.31M 0.99M
Contract sum (maximum) 1,331.01M 208.48M ANALYSIS
Contingency (minimum) 0.15M 0.08M
Contingency (maximum) 110.00M 38.00M It was hypothesized that the ERA process should produce
Contingency/contract sum (minimum) 0.67% 4.02% better project estimates by making more realistic allowances
Contingency/contract sum (maximum) 137.40% 18.23% for contingencies. Better project estimates means the mean and
Final account variation (minimum) 6.00K 41K standard deviation of DEVI should be consistently smaller for
Final account variation (maximum) 85.98M 27.39M projects with ERA than those without ERA.
DEVI (minimum) 0.10 0.30
DEVI (maximum) 45.00 6.64
Table 3 shows that the variance for ERA and non-ERA
projects are 2.9387 and 28.0390, respectively. The variance
for non-ERA projects is surprisingly high. This is contrary to The F-statistic supports the hypothesis that the contingency
the law of large numbers due to its sample size compared with allowance was more variable for non-ERA projects and more
ERA projects. This can be attributable to the fact that a fixed consistent for ERA projects. The t-statistic supports the hy-
or blind percentage was added to the base estimate to arrive pothesis that the contingency allowance was much smaller for
at the contingency amount for non-ERA projects. ERA projects.
An analysis of the F-statistic, which is the ratio between the Having said that, it was considered that, on average, the
two variances, shows that the F value is 9.5412, which is much contingency allowance for ERA projects was still very high.
higher than the critical value of F (1.7998) at the 1% signifi- This can be revealed from the mean value of 2.1490 of the
cance level (p < 0.00001). Thus, the hypothesis that the vari- variable DEVI. That is, the contingency allowance was over-
ances of the two populations are equal is rejected. It can there- estimated by 115%. This certainly will also lead to misallo-
fore be concluded that there is a significant difference between cation of resources. There is an urgent need to further refine
the variances of the two populations, which indicates that the the techniques of ERA. Possible solutions may include (1) the
variability of contingency allowance for non-ERA projects was provision of historical project records for making knowledge-
much higher and that the contingency allowance for ERA able estimates; (2) a review of the policy of capital budgeting;
projects was more consistent. and (3) a study of the effects of positive and negative sanctions
Table 3 also shows the mean values of DEVI of the two on estimators. These will be discussed in greater detail in the
groups of projects. It can be seen that the mean for ERA Recommendations and Conclusions sections.
projects is 2.1490 whereas that of non-ERA projects is 3.1498,
indicating that an average of 115% more funds has been set USERS’ FEEDBACK
aside for uncertainties in ERA projects and an average of
215% more for non-ERA projects. It is not surprising that both Beyond the statistical analysis of contingency funds, varia-
methods resulted in excess funding reserved for uncertainties tions, and contract sums described above, it was also consid-
as estimators are usually conservative, as discussed above ered useful to examine the views of the estimators who were
(Kahnaman and Tversky 1972; Raftery 1994). However, the required to implement ERA. A questionnaire was developed
discrepancy of nearly two times (115% versus 215%) the con- for this. In the questionnaire survey, estimators who have used
tingency allowance in non-ERA projects has resulted in severe ERA were asked to rank on a scale of 1 to 5 the importance
misallocation of resources. When contingencies are exagger- of three factors for their using ERA (they ranked the factors
ated in this way, some projects under consideration in a given independently instead of ranking the relative importance of the
phase of a public works program have to be foregone or de- factors). It was revealed that ERA was applied to all types of
ferred due to insufficient funds. government building projects such as government offices, fire
It was hypothesised that the ERA process should lead to a stations, and airport projects. ERA was used an average of four
smaller DEVI value than the non-ERA process. A one-tail t- times throughout the pretender stage of a project. A severity
test was used to determine whether the means of the two index was used to measure the perceived importance of vari-
groups are different, with the assumption of a different vari- ous factors in motivating the respondents to use ERA. In par-
ance (supported by the F-statistic). The resultant t-value is ticular, three areas were identified, namely, ERA being a policy
2.4788 with 204 degrees of freedom (Table 4). This is larger requirement, ERA helping to identify accountability, and
than the critical value for t (2.3488) at the 1% significance ERA’s potential for accuracy in determining contingency al-
level (p = 0.0070). The hypothesis that the means of DEVI for lowances. Table 5 shows the summary of the findings.
the two groups are equal is rejected. It can therefore be con- It can be seen that the respondents, who were government
cluded that the ERA group had a much smaller DEVI value officials, saw policy as the most important factor for using
than the non-ERA group of projects. The low significance ERA. Achieving accuracy in estimating was ranked least im-
level of <1% reveals that the contingency allowance for non- portant among the three attributes. These results were no sur-
ERA projects was highly exaggerated. prise as one reason for introducing ERA was accountability at
management level due to severe underspending of budgets in
TABLE 3. F -Test Result for Variable DEVI the early 1990s.
The respondents also expressed difficulties in implementing
Statistic Non-ERA ERA ERA due to a lack of data and records for them to determine
(1) (2) (3) the probability of occurrence of risk items and the cost asso-
Mean 3.1498 2.1490 ciated with these items. These would make estimating less
Variance 28.0390 2.9387 realistic. They expected more feedback to be made available
Observations 287 45
from past projects.
df 286 44
F 9.5412 —
P (F ⱕ f ) one-tail 0.0000 — RECOMMENDATIONS
F critical one-tail (1%) 1.7998 —
Although there has been a great deal of improvement in the
estimate of contingency allowance having implemented the
TABLE 4. t -Test Result for Variable DEVI