Brochure QUANTAX Micro XRF EN
Brochure QUANTAX Micro XRF EN
Brochure QUANTAX Micro XRF EN
Trace element sensitivity with minimal sample preparation
Micro-XRF analysis does not require any The SEM, as the primary imaging instru-
sample preparation, specifically that may ment, provides high-resolution images of the
alter the sample or even destroys it, making it sample surface. In addition to EDS analysis,
suitable for the analysis of valuable or delicate the fully integrated XTrace 2 micro X-ray
samples in various applications. source enables X-ray fluorescence analysis of
the same sample without sample transfer or Figure 2
Photons (X-rays) generated by a microfocus additional sample preparation. Analysis of Rare Earth
X-ray tube are focused via a polycapillary Elements in a high index
X-ray optic onto the sample surface. The optic Utilizing a micro-XRF on a SEM will maximize glass. Major elements such
spot size can range from 10 µm to 35 µm. the full range of an EDS detector’s analytical as La, Ti, Nb, Gd, Zr, Si,
Upon installation, this focused X-ray beam is possibilities, including spectral information up and Zn as well as the minor
aligned with the electron beam at a nominal to 40 keV as well as major, minor and trace element Y were detected
SEM working distance (WD) maximized for element concentrations and their distribution in the energy range from
EDS analysis. This allows the user to seam- within the sample. 0 to 20 keV.
lessly switch between the two excitation
sources to take advantage of both, or to use
them simultaneously to qualitatively examine Y
trace and light elements at the same time.
Ti La Gd
XTrace 2 - Innovative X-ray source for micro-XRF analysis Increased performance and usability
on SEM
High tube power generates X-rays at high
XTrace 2 is the second-generation X-ray source for the QUANTAX energies of 50 kV and beam currents of
micro-XRF system. It enables fast micro-XRF spectral acquisition with 1000 µA for a high-count rate allowing
high-resolution data. Advanced features, such as the FlexiSpot mode, accurate elemental data to be collected
the Aperture Management System, and the motorized wheel for the quickly and efficiently.
selection of various filters facilitate the collection of robust data from Automatically switch between six primary
even the most challenging samples. filters for enhanced background reduction
and precise acquisition of low-count peaks.
Scan topographic samples with high resolu-
tion XRF signal intensity using an Aperture
Management System (AMS) that keeps the
image in focus across variable focal depths.
Analyze inhomogeneous and/or irregular
shaped samples using the FlexiSpot mode,
allowing spectral measurements using a
small or a large spot size.
Extended X-ray tube lifetime with the auto-
matic tube warm-up procedure.
Optimized safety and user functionality
with the motorized linear stage incorporat-
ing automatic source retraction, including
measure, park, and user specified positions
Software capability for saving and cor-
relating photon beam and e-beam mea-
surements (control the analysis, select
filters, and move the linear stage using the
XTrace 2 is designed for use with the Bruker XFlash® EDS detector intuitive ESPRIT software).
series for optimum qualitative and quantitative data analysis and hence
requires no additional X-ray detector. It can be adapted to a variety of
inclined SEM ports. Aperture Management System (AMS)
The optional Rapid Stage, which can be temporarily mounted on the
SEM stage, enables fast elemental X-ray mapping over large areas. XTrace 2 is equipped with a patented Aper-
This analytical setup allows the investigation of very large specimens ture Management System (AMS) to retain
up to 50 mm on a micrometer scale even in a SEM. measurement resolution over a certain depth
range, allowing the examination and visualiza-
Full integration into the ESPRIT software makes QUANTAX micro- tion of topographical samples.
XRF an intuitive system for comprehensive SEM EDS and micro-XRF
The AMS feature allows
scanning of samples with
topography in the SEM
by increasing the focal
depth. The surface of
this pyrite crystal shows
a total intensity X-ray
map collected without
AMS (left) and with AMS
(500 µm, right). Mapping
with AMS can even resolve
the sample structures at a
depth of 2.1 mm.
Any analysis that deviates from the micro- Motorized wheel with six primary
XRF focal plane (nominal working distance) filters and two AMS apertures
will result in a larger spot size. The AMS
keeps the optic in focus at varying working The new XTrace 2 has space for nine different
distances by increasing the depth of field. options within the wheel, located between
This means that any reduction in resolution the X-ray tube and polycapillary optic, allow-
due to deviations in the working distance is ing further background reduction for each
minimized, facilitating the high-resolution individual X-ray energy region.
elemental mapping of topographical samples
and their 3D features. Motorized wheel
Position 0 is left blank for
normal unfiltered X-ray
FlexiSpot mode analysis. Positions 1 to 6
are reserved for several
FlexiSpot allows measurements at different primary filters, whilst-
spot sizes, ranging from 35 µm (standard positions 7 and 8 are for
optic spot size) to 500 µm and even beyond. AMS apertures. Switching
Large spot sizes are used for overall analysis, between positions is auto-
while small spot sizes are used for the ana- matic via software control.
lysis of specific features. Measuring at larger SEM safety features
spot sizes allows more accurate quantifica-
tion of inhomogeneous and irregular shaped Auto source insertion and retraction
samples as well as samples with uneven mode. The polycapillary optic of the X-ray
surfaces. A large spot area provides a more source can be automatically inserted and
representative excitation of the whole sample retracted using XTrace 2’s motorized linear
composition in just one measurement. stage. The source can also be retracted
when the SEM sample chamber is vented
FlexiSpot works by retracting the X-ray for sample change.
source, allowing the X-ray optic to be defo- SEM air-lock integration. The status
cused out of the nominal focal plane. Each information of the SEM air-lock chamber
individual spot size is selected in the ESPRIT (open/closed) can be integrated into the Auto source insertion and
software via an automated process. Multiple XTrace 2’s security circuit for optimal X-ray retraction
individual spot sizes can also be defined. safety purposes. This feature is designed Top: X-ray optic in meas-
for the integration of various SEM air-lock urement position, bottom:
chambers (from different SEM vendors). X-ray optic in parking
The ability to change the spot size from the X-ray optic
spot (10 µm or 35 µm) and larger spot sizes is important
for selecting the most appropriate analytical volume for
sample representativity.
Micro-XRF on SEM has a wide range of applications across various fields.
The elemental composition and distribution in Cultural heritage objects, such as paintings,
a wide range of materials, including metals, sculptures, ceramics and metal artifacts, can
alloys, polymers, ceramics, composites, be studied using micro-XRF on SEM. It pro-
coatings, and thin films can be determined vides valuable information about the elemen-
using micro-XRF on SEM. It is used for quality tal composition of pigments, dyes, glazes,
control, failure analysis, characterization of and corrosion products, which can help in
surface treatments, and investigation of ele- identifying materials, studying artistic tech-
mental segregation and diffusion in materials. niques, and assessing degradation processes.
Environmental science
Excitation High brilliance, air cooled micro spot X-ray tube with polycapillary
X-ray optics, Be side window
- target material Rh, optional Ag on request
- tube parameters max. 50 kV, 1000 μA (50 W)
- standard spot size < 35 μm for Mo Ka (17.5 keV)
- primary filters software-controlled motorized wheel with six primary
X-ray beam filters
Order No. DOC-B82-EXS010 Rev. 2. ©2023 Bruker Nano GmbH, Am Studio 2D, 12489 Berlin, Germany.
Instrument control functions Complete control of tube parameters and filters
Spectra evaluation XRF peak identification, artifact and background correction, peak area calculation, standardless
quantification, combined XRF and EDS quantification, thin film thickness analysis
Dimension and weight XTrace 2 X-ray source: 428 mm x 297 mm x 179 mm, 14 kg
XTrace 2 electronics: 489 mm x 500 mm x 196 mm, 15 kg
Quality and safety XTrace 2 complies with the following safety regulation standards:
- IEC 61010-1 (3.1) Europe, U.S., Canada
- IEC 61010-1 (3.0) Japan
- IEC 61010-1 (2.0) Australia, Korea
*XTrace 2 requires a pre-installed QUANTAX energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS), consisting of XFlash® silicon
drift detector, SVE signal processing unit and system PC.