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Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture. Vol. LXVI, No.

2, 2022
Print ISSN 2285-5653, CD-ROM ISSN 2285-5661, Online ISSN 2286-1580, ISSN-L 2285-5653



Mihai FRÎNCU, Andreea BARBU, Violeta Alexandra ION, Andrei PETRE,


Research Center for Studies of Food Quality and Agricultural Products, University of Agronomic
Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, 59 Marasti Blvd, District 1, Bucharest, Romania

Corresponding author emails:,


Due to their compounds and their beneficial properties for the body, vegetables are important ingredients in a balanced
daily diet. By definition, vegetables are edible parts of the plant that can include: stems, roots, tubers, bulbs, leaves,
flowers and beams. It is recommended to eat fresh vegetables, but when this is not possible, they can be preserved in
various forms. One of the oldest techniques for preserving vegetables is drying, which involves reducing the water
content of vegetables by exposing them to the sun or artificial heat sources. Dried vegetables are produced by different
processes. In general, dried vegetables follow the same steps: selection of vegetables according to their shape and
quality, peeling, slicing, preservation, dehydration (natural or artificial), sweating or salting, visual inspection and
packaging. Drying is beneficial because it extends the shelf life, reduces postharvest waste, and massively helps reduce
storage and transportation costs. This article reviews various methods of pre-processing of organic vegetables (cutting
forms, different forms of bleaching, etc.) and different drying methods (classic by varying the temperature, vacuum,

Key words: organic, vegetables, drying, chips.

INTRODUCTION traditional method - frying in a hot oil bath

(Figure 1).
Vegetables are annual or perennial crops with
an important role in human nutrition due to
nutrient content (vitamins, minerals, fibres,
phenolic compounds, etc.). Their consumption
can have beneficial effects in the fight against
obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and
even different types of cancer (Bahceci et al.,
2005; Cruz et al., 2006).
Worldwide, there are approximately 10,000
plants used as vegetables that can be classified Figure 1. Vegetable chips from the market
in their turn, depending on the edible part, as:
green plants (classified as: leafy vegetables
with stems and fruits and vegetables with Besides the classic method of frying in a hot oil
flowers) and roots (classified in their turn in bath, drying is one of the oldest techniques for
legumes, roots, bulbs and tubers) (Erickson, preserving vegetables (Hamid & Mohamed
2015; Farkas & Hubbard, 2000; Garrote et al., Nour, 2018). This involves reducing the water
2004). content of vegetables by exposing them to the
Vegetable can be eaten whole or partially, raw sun or to artificial heat sources, or by
or cooked (Aguero et al., 2008). Although the alternative methods such as freeze drying.
best way to consume most vegetables is in Drying is beneficial because it extends the shelf
fresh form, vegetable chips are becoming an life, reducing microbe development, reduces
increasingly popular snack. On the market postharvest waste, and massively helps reduce
there are chips made from carrots, parsnips, storage and transportation costs (Lenart, 1996).
beets or sweet potatoes, prepared by the Dehydrated vegetables are consumed all over
the world and are generally made from loss of soluble nutrients - sugars, vitamins,
potatoes, carrots, celery, parsnips, beetroot, minerals, etc. (Olivera et al., 2008, Piotr and
pumpkin, beans or tomatoes. Because some Waldemar, 2007, Rungapamestry et al., 2007,
vegetables cannot be dehydrated directly, they Song et al., 2003, Volden et al., 2009).
are processed as a paste with the addition of The lowered moisture content provides the
salt and spices, after which they are formed and chips with good preservation of concentrates
dehydrated (Huang et al., 2011). for a long time. Various methods can be used,
Generally, dried vegetables follow the same such as sublimation, vacuum, convection or
steps: selection of vegetables according to their infrared, as such or combined.
shape and quality, peeling, slicing,
preservation, drying (natural or artificial), Heat drying process
sweating or salting, visual inspection and The classic drying method frequently used, and
packaging (Figure 2). also the simplest, is drying vegetables by
electric or solar convection (Mujumdar, 2006).
PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES The method involves subjecting the samples to
currents of hot air until the amount of water in
In order to obtain chips from vegetables, it is reduced to a minimum. The method comes
several stages must be completed (Figure 2): with many disadvantages, including browning
vegetable selection, peeling and slicing, pre- and the decrease in the amount of nutrients in
processing, drying, etc. (FAO, 2020; Matz, the vegetables due to high temperature air
1984). currents.

Pre-processing Infrared radiation (IR)

An important stage to obtain chips is the IR is a form of electromagnetic waves that
blanching. Blanching is used to maintain the comes from a heat source which requires no
color, freshness and nutritional quality, medium for its emission, and is located at the
stabilize the texture and inactivate the enzymes outer range of the visible red light. The infrared
responsible for producing the unpleasant smell. radiation wavelength varies from 0.75 to 1000
The process involves thermal inactivation of μm. Infrared radiation can be divided into three
unwanted benzenes (peroxidase and different categories, namely near-infrared (NIR
lipoxygenase), decreasing the rate of enzymatic 0.75-2 μm), mid-infrared (MIR 2-4 μm) and
deterioration of vegetables (Aguero et al., far-infrared (FIR 4-1000 μm) (Jain & Pathare,
2008; Bahceci et al., 2005; Cruz et al., 2006; 2004). IR drying method uses energy in the
Garrote et al., 2004; Morales et al., 2002; form of infrared rays to penetrate food products
Nissreen and Helen, 2006; Saldivar et al., 2010; to a small depth, then turning into heat.
Soysal and Soylemez, 2005). Compared to thermal radiation technology,
In the study carried out in 2010, Saldivar et al. infrared rays have the advantage of lower
found that soybean pods retained soluble sugars energy consumption, with increased efficiency.
when steam-blanched for 10 minutes. When The quality of the final product is also higher,
blanched samples were quickly frozen, they due to the shorter treatment time. The
showed minimal microstructural damage due to technology also has the advantage of
the formation of smaller ice crystals compared equipment simplicity, adaptability and easy
to unblanched vegetables (Wang et al., 2007). combination with other heating/treatment
Furthermore, blanching contributes to a better methods.
preservation of pigments and can also limit the In 2021, Ochirov et al. experimented with this
degradation of chlorophylls and carotenoids technique on carrots. Experimental studies
(Lisiewska et al., 2004). were carried out on an experimental infrared
Although blanching seems like a wonderful drying plant, in an oscillating mode "heating -
pretreatment, it also causes unwanted changes cooling" which allows intensifying the drying
to the food. Thus, being a thermal process process and shortening its duration. Recording
carried out at high temperatures, changes may results on the change in weight and size of
occur regarding the thermal processing or the carrot slices along the length was carried out

every ten minutes. The resulting carrot chips changes in color, odor and taste after prolonged
have a high nutritional value, no significant storage in plastic wrap.

Selection of vegetables
according to appearance and
shape, elimination of those
damaged or affected by fungal
Vegetable selection
attacks or sprouted ones. It is
and washing
followed by washing in clean
Source: water, changing water as
drequently as required.

Removing a very thin outer layer

with a knife (home made), with
steam or with the help of a
Peeling D peeling machine (industrial use).
R It is followed by a wash with
Y Source:
drinking water.
N Slicing with a knife (home
Slicing G made) or with a slicing machine

P Washing the slices to remove the

R residues generated during slicing
Pre-processing O or the starch on the surface of
C Source: Mihai Frincu the slices (in the case of those
E rich in starch, such as potatoes).
S Natural drying by exposure to
Drying solar radiation or by drying with
(natural/artificial) the help of hot air currents in the
Source: Mihai Frincu

Visual inspection of the resulting

Visual inspection product and removal of non-
compliant pieces.
Addition of salt or different
Salting or flavoring flavors (such as barbeque flavor,
cheese flavor, etc.)
Source: Mihai Frincu Packaging chips in containers
Packaging (glass or cardboard) or bags and
Figure 2. Process of obtaining chips from vegetable (Matz, S. A., 1985; FAO, 2010; Lenart, A., 1996)

Cold drying processes sublimation. After all moisture sublimes, a very

During lyophilization, the sliced vegetables are fine porous structure remains that is easily
first frozen at a very low temperature, after rehydrated (Fan et al., 2018; Bhatta et al., 2020;
which they are introduced into the device's Liu et al., 2021).
chamber. At low temperature, under the action In 2019, a comparative study between three
of vacuum, the water is transferred from the drying methods (hot-air, combined hot-air-
product to the machine's condenser by microwave, and vacuum-freeze) was conducted

by Jia et al. The effect of drying methods on Chips made from potatoes are generally
sensorial, textural, nutritional, and other quality obtained by frying in oil at high temperatures.
characteristics of persimmon chips was This process generates large amounts of toxic
followed. Their results showed that freeze- compounds. In 2015, Mariotti et al. studied
dried chips and combined hot-air-microwave different forms of blanching aimed at
technique had the best nutritional and quality mitigating the furan and acrylamide formation
scores compared to hot-air dried samples. in potato chips without increasing their oil
Therefore, higher amounts of β-carotene, uptake. Potato slices were blanched between 5
ascorbic acid, total phenol and sugar content and 15 min, varying the temperature from 50°C
were determined in freeze-dried chips. All this to 80°C in order to simultaneously leach out
led to chips with greater flavor and taste and ascorbic acid and reducing sugars, the most
overall acceptability of freeze-dried chips. important precursors of furan and acrylamide
generation in thermally treated starchy foods.
Deep frying After the blanching, potato slices were fried at
In food production, deep frying is one of the 170°C up to 98% DM. The optimal variant was
most used techniques. It lends itself to a wide the one in which the potato slices were
variety of products: from chicken products, fish blanched for 17 min at 64°C, conditions in
products, pastries, vegetable chips to French which a significant reduction of furan (91%),
fries. The method involves cooking food at a acrylamide (54%) and oil content (19%) was
temperature higher than the boiling point of observed.
water in vegetable oil or animal fat (Moreira
2007; Erickson, 2015; Farkas and Hubbard, Carrot chips
2000). The process is based on the Carrots is also part of the root crops grown
simultaneous heat and mass transfers from the worldwide. Annual production exceeds 44
oil to the product, a complex process due to million tons, and the countries with the highest
two mass transfer operations that take place production are: China, Uzbekistan, USA,
between the product and the oil when it is fried Russian Federation, Ukraine, UK and Germany
and vice versa. An example is of products ( Carrots are used for
containing starch (potatoes) where starch and human consumption as well as animal feed;
water pass from the product into oil, oil which they are cooked alone as chips or with other
later takes their place in the product (Ziaiifar, vegetables in the preparation of soups, stews,
2009; Ziaiifar et al., 2008; Oke et al., 2017). curries, and pies; fresh grated roots are used in
salads; tender roots are pickled. Also, Carrots
INFLUENCE OF PROCESSING ON possess many medicinal properties and are used
VEGETABLE QUALITY in Ayurvedic medicine. They are a rich source
of b-carotene and contain appreciable amounts
Vegetable chips of thiamine and riboflavin (Ratnadass et al.,
As specified in the introduction there are 1990).
various vegetables used for chips production, In 2018, Peng et al. studied freezing and its
but the most common are: potato, carrots, effect as a pre-treatment for carrot chips. They
beetroot, parsnips and sweet potato. treated carrots in 5 ways: control (4°C for
12 h), 3 variants with freezing at −18, −40 and
Potatoes chips −80°C for 12 h and a 5th placed in a
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), with a polystyrene container, was treated with liquid
production of 370 million tons in 2021, is one nitrogen for 5 minutes, followed by transfer to
of the major crops grown worldwide. Potato is the freezer and stored at −80°C for 12 h. After
produced all over the world, in a huge variety pretreatment, the carrot pieces were dried by
of soils, the first 10 countries in terms of Instant controlled pressure drop (DIC).
production being: China, India, Ukraine, Freezing as a pretreatment at −18 and −40°C
Russian Federation, United States of America, led to carrot chips with superior porous
Germany, Bangladesh, France, Poland, structure, relatively low hardness and expected
Netherlands (FAO, 2021). high volume expansion after DIC treatment.

Beetroot chips phytochemical content as compared to the
In the specialized literature, there is no traditional methods.
evidence about the origin of the beet, but it is In the next year (2018) Hamid et al. studied the
believed to have originated in the effect of different drying methods on the
Mediterranean regions and near Asia. With an quality of beetroot chips. They were using three
annual production of approximately 280 drying methods (sun, oven and freeze-drying),
tons/year, beet is a widespread plant that is and the chemical composition, minerals,
cultivated throughout the year around the nitrates, betalains, total phenolic, total
globe. The main countries that cultivate it are: flavonoid and color were measured for fresh
Russian federation, France, Germany, USA, slices and dried chips. At all 3 drying options,
Turkey, Poland and China (FAO 2021, the results showed that the chemical composition, total energy, minerals and nitrate
Various studies have been done on the of the dried slices were increased compared to
production process of beetroot chips. Thus, that of fresh slices of beetroot. Sun and oven
Juvvi et al. studied in 2016 the possibility of drying of the slices reduced total betalains and
obtaining beetroot chips with a lower oil betacyanin, instead the content of betaxanthin
content in the laboratory, using a vacuum fryer. was increased. Regarding the content of total
They studied 20 different combinations of polyphenols and antioxidant activity, they
temperature, absolute pressure and frying time. increased after sun and oven drying but total
They obtained the best results when deep flavonoids were decreased. In terms of color of
frying beetroot at a temperature between 101 the chips powder measurements, the color of
and 110ᵒC, pressure between 2.9 and 4.4 kPa the powder obtained from freeze-dried slices
and 6 minutes of cooking time, with oil content was stable compared to other drying methods,
≤ 15.7 (comparing with 28.41% in traditionally the maximum lightness reduction was observed
fried beetroot chips) and an overall in powder of sun-dried beetroot slices.
acceptability ≥ 7.5 compared to 6 for
traditionally fried beetroot chips. Parsnips chips
Raupp et al. (2011) studied the effect of the The parsnip, a plant closely related to carrot
drying process on the antioxidant potential and and parsley, is part of the root vegetables and is
the content of phenolic compounds in beets. To historically dated from the time of the Romans.
obtain chips, the beet slices were dried in a It has an annual production of approximately
dehydrator. The optimal drying variant, with a 40 million tons/year (FAO, 2021). Although
higher content of beneficial compounds, was parsnips are a biennial root vegetable, they are
drying at a high temperature and a shorter time generally grown as an annual. The plant has a
(100 + 90°C/5.6 hours; 90°C/6 hours). cream colored tuberous root used mostly
In 2017, Nistor et al. compared 3 combined boiled, fried, pureed roasted or steamed.
techniques for obtaining beetroot chips: free In 2021, Ledbetter et al. studied some novel
convection (at 50, 60, and 70°C), forced pre-frying treatment applied to potato, beetroot
convection at 40°C and 315 W microwave and parsnip to inhibit the formation of
power. The aim was to investigate the effect of acrylamide, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF),
the drying techniques on the quantity of glyoxal (GO) and methylglyoxal (MGO).
betalains, polyphenol and microstructure Therefore, the slices of vegetables (2 mm for
changes (SEM). A strong thermal shock, potatoes and 3 mm for parsnip and beetroot)
provided by convection at 60°C followed by were treated as follows: cold soak (soaking in 2
microwave wattage 315 W/9 min, leads to a L of cold tap water for 2 min), hot soak
better preservation of bioactive compounds (soaking in 2 L of tap water at 70˚C for 2 min),
content (0.631 ± 0.0042 mg/g of betacyanin cold soak followed by hot soak (soaking in 2 L
and 0.795 ± 0.0019 mg/g betaxanthin) when of cold tap water for 2 min, followed by
compared to convection at 50, 60 and 70˚C. soaking in 2 L of tap water at 70˚C for 2 min)
They concluded that combined drying methods and soaking in 2 L of a 0.01M CaCl2 solution
led to a significant preservation of the for 2 min followed by blanching at 70˚C in
0.1M citric acid for 2 min.

Soaking in additive solutions was proven to be ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
effective in lowering acrylamide in all tested
crisps. However, it significantly increased This work was supported by a grant of the
HMF levels in beetroot and parsnip crisps. University of Agronomic Sciences and
Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, project
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