Temperature Effect On Drying and Phytochemicals of Basil Leaves
Temperature Effect On Drying and Phytochemicals of Basil Leaves
Temperature Effect On Drying and Phytochemicals of Basil Leaves
Abstract: Basil is a most popular aromatic and annual herb. Immediately after its harvesting, the highly
perishable raw material, i.e. leaves, have to be preserved against deterioration and spoilage. More often,
during peak period, most of the crop is lost/wasted due to lack of proper post-harvest processing techniques.
Drying is by far the most widely used treatment, which needs to be performed very carefully and preciously so
as to preserve the aroma and color of the leaves. Drying treatment and experimental method fluidized bed
drying was carried out at the temperatures of 45°C, 55°C and 65°C to find and suggest the optimum drying
condition for acquiring quality dried basil leaves and phytochemical like uginol , caryophyll of basil
leaves..Results have revealed that ‘total drying time’ is considerably reduced with the increase in drying air
temperatures from 45°C to 65°C. It could be recommended that for the best drying temperature is 45°C of
basil leaves to retain the various phytochemicals., fluidized bed dryer at 45ºC for 30 seconds steam blanched
sample ensuring the best results in quality and phytochemicals of basil leaves.
Keywords: drying, drying characteristics, basil leaves, fluidized bed drying, phytochemicals
Date of Submission: 05-01-2018 Date of acceptance: 30-01-2018
I. Introduction
The use of basil and other spicy herbs in food preparations are not just only for flavoring from their
strong spicy aroma, but also for other purposes such as their medicinal, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral
or antimicrobial properties (Risch, 1997). Proper drying of this important crop happens to be the most common
and effective method that could vastly increases the shelf life of such spicy herbs by inhibiting the growth of
microorganisms and preventing the onset of some biochemical reactions. It ultimately may alter the organoleptic
and nutritional characteristics of dried leaves. Basil crops stored at high moisture content generally get
deteriorated because of microbiological growth. One of the most common preservation methods to avoid such
conditions or scenarios for herbs and spices remains drying. Proper drying of basil leaves or any such material,
is not only improving the quality of product, but also reducing various costs involved in its processing,
marketing and other in tangible means. For situations like India, the transport and storage costs are amply high,
which could be significantly lowered after proper drying operations of such crops. It happens because of the
reason that weight and volume gets drastically reduced to facilitate the storage and transport of leaves at lower
costs. This altogether established the importance of drying for basil and alike medicinal crops. Since this process
consists simultaneous heat and moisture transfers which inevitably requires various kinds of systems, crops and
their varieties have different structures, shapes and characteristics and therefore, they have altogether different
drying behaviors. Understanding these drying behaviors and their proper planning and conductance undoubtedly
remained one of the biggest needs for the growers and accordingly a big challenge for the researchers. The
major focus for drying such leaves often remained centered around a point where its aroma needs to be
preserved beside the appearance and nutritional characteristics. Researchers (Diaz-Marotoet al., 2002; Brophy et
al., 1986; Fleisher, 1981) have reported that improper drying may cause losses in volatilities or formation of
new volatilities as a result of oxidation and esterification reactions.
The volatile composition of basil is found to be dependent on the variety and/or geographical
cultivation of the basil plant depending upon main components (Linalool, methyl cinnamate, eugenol, methyl
eugenol, and etc.) of this precious herb. The majority of findings have revealed this fact where the drying is
reported to influence changes in the volatile compounds present in basil. If we look from quantitative points of
view, these decreases in the total amounts of essential oils have been reported to varied tune, say being 36% to
45% for sweet basil during drying at ambient temperature (Nykanen and Nykanen, 1987; 1989). A study by
Yousif et al. (1999) showed significant difference in concentrations of linalool and methyl chavicol in air-dried
basil samples compared to those present in fresh samples, while that of vacuum dried samples showed
substantial increase of about 2.5 fold for linalool and 1.5 fold for methyl chavicol, compared to that present in
air-dried samples. Di Cesare et al. (1994; 2000; 2001; 2002; 2003) found microwave drying to retain high
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Temperature Effect On Drying And Phytochemicals Of Basil Leaves
percentages of characteristic volatile compounds (eucalyptol, linalool, eugenol, and methyl eugenol) in basil
(Ocimum basilicum L.) compared to samples dried by air-drying and freeze-drying with blanching, except
freeze-dried unblanched leaves. Other studies on drying methods on volatilities of leaf (Diaz-Maroto et al.,
2002), and spearmint (Diaz-Maroto et al., 2003) too have given such logical variability.
In general type, variety and production practices of the crop, its chemical composition and
susceptibility to heat treatment, pretreatment given, method and conditions of drying and climatic conditions are
important factors affecting drying. Consumers prefer processed products that keep more of their original
characteristics. For that a study on temperature effect in fluidized bed drying for drying and phytochemicals of
basil leaves was carried out .Amin et al. (2013) conducted certain drying experiments at varied air temperatures
and offered a Genetic Algorithm which could find the best Feed-Forward Neural Network (FFNN) structure to
model the moisture content of dried Basil in most of the conditions. This ultimately facilitated better predictions
of moisture content of dried basil leaves, which in turn has direct impacts on drying of basil leaves. Yuparat et
al. (2014) utilized some of the predictive models to evaluate the performances as well as influences of certain
parameters towards drying of leaves and other similar materials by fitting prevailing moisture versus time data
to five different crop drying models. The drying constants were well related to the drying temperatures. The
ultimate findings of Abdollah et al. (2014) reflected the facts that (1) drying temperatures can decrease essential
oil contents of basil, (2) drying methods can change the chemical profile of essential oil of basil, and (3) oven
drying at 400C had the least effect on essential oil.
Looking into plethora of such studies and their findings towards temperature effects on drying and
volatile components of basil leaf, present research was conceived and conducted in India whose preliminary
results are reported herein. The major aim of the work was to examine the influence of various drying methods
and retention of phytochemical on a couple of crop varieties as cultivated in India, in particularly its western
part nearing state of Gujarat. At least two varieties of Ocimum sanctum are mostly found in cultivation, out of
which the green type (Sri Tulsi) is the most widespread. The other one known as Krishna Tulsi, bears purple
leaves (Anon., 1966) and has equal importance and considerations in the region. The results of this study have
provided ample food for visualizing and adopting most effective drying method for basil leaves cultivated in this
specific region of India, to promote its market/utility and also to maintain its nutritional value and other
qualitative parameters in an optimum manner.
In preliminary experiment hot water blanching was carried out using the method described by Ranganna (1986)
for catalase and peroxidase analysis.
Measurement of Variables:
Methods used to measure different variables are described below:
Air temperature:
Air temperature was measured using digital temperature recorder (capacity: 0 – 200 °C, least count:
0.1°C). The air temperature was controlled within ±0.1°C during the experiment by adjusting the thermostat.
Air velocity:
Air velocity was determined by using the digital anemometer (Agrawal Electronics, Mumbai-Model
8903). The velocity range of anemometer was 0.1- 35.0 m/s. Air velocity was kept 2 m/s in the fluidized bed
Moisture content:
The method described in AOAC (1990) was used to determine the moisture content. A metallic dish
was dried in oven at 110 °C for a period of one hour. It was quickly covered, cooled in desiccator and weighed
(W1). A 5 g sample was kept in thin layer on the metallic dish and weighed as quickly as possible to avoid loss
of moisture (W2). The sample was kept in hot air oven maintained at 100 + 5 °C. The sample was dried for
about 4 h until two to three consecutive weights remained constant and final weight was recorded (W 3). The
moisture content was calculated using the formula:
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Temperature Effect On Drying And Phytochemicals Of Basil Leaves
% Moisture content =
W2 W1 W3 W1 100 ………… (3.1)
W3 W1
W1 = Weight of empty metallic dish, g
W2 = Weight of metallic dish with sample, g
W3 = Weight of metallic dish with dried sample, g
Experimental Procedure:
Basil leaves were subjected to drying at various temperatures were studied in term of chlorophyll
content, volatile oil and pH characteristics of dried samples. The flow chart of basil leaves drying is explained in
Fresh basil leaves were taken from the plants grown in campus and thoroughly cleaned before manual
nibbing. The soft stems were removed and basil leaves were separated and cleaned manually to remove soil and
dust particles if any attached to it.
Sample preparation :
Cleaned basil leaves were weighed in digital balance (Simanzu make, Capacity: 220 g, least count: 0.01
g). Samples were prepared and placed in wire basket for fluidized bed dryer.. The sample weight kept in each
temperature was 100 g.
Pretreatment of sample:
Weighed basil leaves were pretreated by steam blanching for 30 seconds by keeping them in a sieve
above the boiled hot water to receive the steam coming from it. Steam blanched samples were placed over a
perforated tray to separate the stuck leaves during steaming. After that weight sample of leaves was loaded into
wire basket in fluidized bed dryer. Fresh sample without pretreatment was used as
wire basket placed in the plenum chamber. The hot air was supplied through the bottom of the plenum chamber
at the specified temperature (45, 55, 65 °C) and at 2 m/s air velocity. This air velocity was maintained using
adjustable flab at the air inlet and measured with digital anemometer. The moisture loss from the leaves was
recorded at every 15 min interval during drying using top pan digital weighing balance. The drying process was
stopped when the moisture content reached to about 4 – 6 % (db). The product was then cooled for 10 minutes
after drying and packed in LDPE bags. All the experiments were conducted in triplicate for each air temperature
and pretreatment. The average values are reported.
GC - MS Conditions:
For the identification of the volatiles compounds, some samples were subjected to GC- MS analysis on
a Perkin Elemer Autosystem Excel with Turbomass. Conditions were as follows:
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Temperature Effect On Drying And Phytochemicals Of Basil Leaves
different dryers.The basil leaves were steamed and thus had some moisture on the surface of basil leaves due to
which blanched shows higher moisture content then actual.
Fig.3.3.1 : Variation In Moisture Content Of Basil Leaves With Drying Time For Fluidized
Bed Drying At 45 °C
Moisture Content, % d.b.
Unblanched Blanched
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Time, min
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Temperature Effect On Drying And Phytochemicals Of Basil Leaves
Fig. 3.3.2 : Variation In Moisture Content Of Basil Leaves With Drying Time For Fluidized Bed Drying At 55
Moisture Content, % d.b.
Unblanched Blanched
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time, min
Fig. 3.3.3 : Variation In Moisture Content Of Basil Leaves With Drying Time For Fluidized Bed
Drying At 65 °C
Maximum chlorophyll content (14.46 mg/100g tissue) was found in the blanched sample dried at 45 °C
and minimum (8.41 mg/100g tissue) was found in unblanched sample dried at 65 °C. The loss in chlorophyll
content compared to fresh sample was in the range of 36.9 to 63.30%, with more losses observed at higher
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Temperature Effect On Drying And Phytochemicals Of Basil Leaves
drying temperature. This may be due to the fact that chlorophyll degradation in basil leaves is temperature
dependent and followed first order reaction kinetics (Ahmed et al. 2001).
Table 3.5.1: Experimental Data On Volatile Oil Content On Dried Basil Leaves
Type of dryer Temperatur Treatment Volatile oil Loss in Volatile oil
e Unblanched (UB) (ml/100 g d.m.) (%)
(°C) / blanched (B)
Fluidized bed 45 UB 0.83 38.98
dryer B 0.82 39.71
55 UB 0.61 55.13
B 0.60 55.89
65 UB 0.55 59.56
B 0.50 63.24
1 Eugenol 61.69
2 Caryophyllene 28.77
The two major volatile compounds in fresh basil leaves samples were eugenol and caryophyllene
usually considered responsible for the typical basil aroma. Similar results were reported by (Anon.,1966). The
area under the chromatographic peaks of the other compounds is small.
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Overall Acceptability:
The maximum value of active ingredients (Eugenol and caryophyllene) corresponds to fluidized bed
drying at 45°C temperature for blanched sample of basil leaves. The volatile oil, at 45 °C for blanched sample
was higher among all the samples. The blanched samples dried at 45 °C in the fluidized bed samples also
resulted into maximum chlorophyll
Storage Behaviour of Dried Basil Leaves:
The blanched sample dried at 45 °C temperature in fluidized bed dryer resulted into maximum
chlorophyll content, volatile oil and eugenol content hence was selected for the storage characteristics to find
out biochemical changes and active ingredient during storage period. The effects of storage period on
biochemical content and active ingredient are presented in table 3.11.1 & 3.11.2. The eugenol and caryophyllene
content were determined by GC and are shown in Fig. 3.11.1.
Table 3.11.2: Active ingredients content of dried basil leaves at room temperature storage.
Active Storage period (in days)
0 15 30 45 60
Fig. 3.11.1 Eugenol and caryophyllene content of dried basil leaves stored at 45°C after different intervals: (A)
15 days; (B) 30 days;(C) 45 days and (D) 60 days
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Temperature Effect On Drying And Phytochemicals Of Basil Leaves
The present investigation entitled “Temperature effect on drying and phytochemicals of basil leaves ”
was carried out to develop dried basil leaves / powder so as to enhance the availability of basil leaves / powder
in lean period. Basil leaves were steam blanched for 30 second for pretreatment. The blanched and unblanched
samples of 100 g weight were loaded in in the fluidized bed dryer at constant air velocity at 2 m/s at temperature
45, 55 and 65 °C. Unblanched basil leaves were dried as control samples. The effect of drying conditions on
chlorophyll content, volatile oil and pH were also investigated. The active ingredients in basil leave viz. eugenol
and caryophyllene were also studied. Storage behaviour of the best sample selected having maximum retention
of volatile oil content and chlorophyll content in the dried basil leaves was studied for a period of 60 days. On
the basis of experimental results and data analysis the following conclusions are drawn given as under.
1. Total drying time considerably reduced with the increase in drying air temperature from 45 °C to 65 ° C
2. The whole drying took place in falling rate period only.
3. Blanched sample took less time for drying compared to unblanched samples in each dryer at every
temperature from 45, 55 and 65 °C temperature.
4. Chlorophyll content was found higher in case of blanched samples then unblanched samples of basil leaves.
5. Volatile oil was found slightly less in the blanched samples in comparison to unblanched samples of basil
6. Volatile oil and chlorophyll content were higher at lower temperature and decreased at higher temperature.
7. Eugenol was found as major active ingredient in the fresh sample of basil leaves, while caryophyllene was
the second major active ingredient.
8. In the dried basil leaves, the caryophyllene increased, while eugenol decreased in most of the dryers at
higher temperatures.
9. Volatile oil, cholorophyll were decreased during storage and pH slightly increased. Eugenol was decreased,
whereas caryophyllene increased during the storage.
10. The product quality in terms of chlorophyll content, volatile oil and pH was found to be most acceptable
when basil leaves blanched with steaming at 30 seconds and dried at 45 °C temperature in the fluidized bed
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