Max Marks = 25
General Guidelines to answer the assignment:
• Mention your details and title of your paper clearly on the first page.
• Please mention a title
• Use font Times New Roman, 12 Size, 1.5 space
• Insert page numbers
• Remember to reference material from other authors in the text.
• Keep in mind the allocation of marks as indicated in the rubric.
• Compile a reference list at the end of the assignment using the one referencing
• Please use footnotes1 when required.
• Marks will be allocated for spelling and grammar, as well as the overall neatness and
layout of the assignment.
• Avoid plagiarism
• Word limit: 1200- 1500 words (excluding references)
Assessment Rubric:
· Introduction
· Thesis
· Arguments/analysis
· Grammar and punctuation
· Spelling
· Internal citations
· Conclusion
· References
• Every paper must begin with a good introduction. It is an essential part of your
assignment. Here you introduce your topic; you tell the reader what the assignment
is about. State the focus of your assignment clearly, describe its main parts and
explain the key point/issue of discussion. Plan the word limit for each section of
your essay and follow the word limit strictly.
Footnotes are small notations at the bottom of a page that provide additional information or cite
the source of a passage in the page’s text. A footnote is marked within the text by a superscript
icon, usually an asterisk (*) or number (¹), which corresponds to the matching footnote at the
bottom of the page. (Source: Grammarly Online Blog)
FSS 2 Assignment
• State the objective(s) of your assignment. After the introduction, state what
objectives you want to achieve with your assignment. Your objectives will give you a
guideline of the content in your argumentation/s.
• After the objectives, the main body of your assignment follows. You elaborate on the
topic and connection between the source and the class readings here. It should
contain the facts and your analysis. You must present your work in a logical
sequence in clear paragraphs. One paragraph should lead logically to the next. When
you make a statement or an argument, support it with evidence, examples, or
quotations (from the source). Please do not overquote J You may also paraphrase
lines/evidence from the source readings.
• A good paragraph reflects the unity of thought; in other words, it should only
contain one main idea, and this main idea must be fully developed or explained. A
paragraph is coherent when its sentences are arranged in such a way that their
relationship to each other and the topic sentence is clear to the reader. Avoid using
long sentences. A paragraph shows cohesion when it functions as a unit within a
larger piece of writing. Thoughts must flow smoothly from section to section.
• Avoid jargon led language and excessive adjectives. Try to keep the text simple and
effective. Keep three things in mind while writing and these are clear, concise, and
• Each assignment or piece of writing ends with a conclusion. In your decision, you
sum up the main points of your discussions. Your conclusion must link clearly with
your main arguments/points..
• It is very important that your assignment must be written professionally and avoid
all grammar and spelling mistakes. Use your computer's spell and grammar
checker to assist you or ask somebody to read through your assignment before
submitting it.
The purpose of referencing is the following: {as stated in Van der Walt (2004:5)}
• Reference recognizes the original author from whom the facts are taken.
• The author provides proof of where he got his information and shows whether he
has consulted the most authoritative sources in the field.
• The references to sources can confirm the completeness of the study.
• References render proof to the reader about the provenance of the author's
FSS 2 Assignment
• A source list provides information to the readers so that they can consult the
sources and verify whether the sources have been correctly quoted /interpreted.
• The source list serves as an additional source list about the topic - if the reader
wishes to consult more sources about the topic.
• Information from the internet must also appear in the reference list.
• Students or any other person who takes information from books or articles, rewrite
them in their own words, and then attempts to pass them off as their own work are
guilty of plagiarism; so, are students who copy essays or parts of essays from other
students. Plagiarism includes any unacknowledged use of another person's
phrasing, insights, and a general line of argument, conclusions, or opinions.
Plagiarism is one of the more serious offenses a student/person can commit.
Universities often impose stiff penalties on those who plagiarize, and students guilty
of plagiarism are likely, at the very least, to fail an essay with a zero, or they may
even be excluded from the course altogether.
• In the text of your assignment, you must acknowledge each author from whom you
have obtained information, even if it is not a direct quotation.
It is very important you keep the rubric in mind while writing your assignment.
Good luck!