Chapter 5. Vision
Chapter 5. Vision
Chapter 5. Vision
What was Ibn al-Haytham’s evidence that we see only because light
enters the eyes, not by sending out sight rays? → First, you can see
distant objects such as stars far faster than we could imagine any sight rays
reaching them. Second, when light strikes an object, we see only the light
rays that reflect off the object and into the eyes. 1/33
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What makes the blind spot of the retina blind? → The blind spot has no
receptors because it is occupied by exiting axons and blood vessels. 2/33
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Visual Receptors: Rods and Cones
The vertebrate retina contains two types of receptors: rods and cone
The rods, abundant in the periphery of the human retina, respond to faint
light but are not useful in daylight because bright light bleaches them.
Cones, abundant in and near the fovea, are less active in dim light, more
useful in bright light, and essential for color vision. 3/33
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You sometimes find that you can see a faint star on a dark night better if
you look slightly to the side of the star instead of straight at it. Why? → If
you look slightly to the side, the light falls on an area of the retina with more
rods and more convergence of input.
If you found a species with a high ratio of cones to rods in its retina, what
would you predict about its way of life? → We should expect this species
to be highly active during the day and seldom active at night
Color Vision 5/33
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fish, and insects have visual receptors sensitive to what we call ultraviolet
In some species of birds, the male and female look alike to us, but different
to birds, because the male reflects more ultraviolet light. 6/33
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When a television set is off, its screen appears gray. When you watch a
program, parts of the screen appear black, even though more light is
actually showing on the screen than when the set was off. What
accounts for the black perception? → The black experience arises by
contrast with the brighter areas around it.
Figure 5.9 shows light at about 510 nm as green. Why should we
nevertheless not call it “green light”? → Color perception depends not just
on the wavelength of light from a given spot but also the light from
surrounding areas. As in Figure 5.13, the context can change the color
perception. 8/33
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You see because light strikes your retina, causing it to send a message to
your brain. You send no sight rays out to the object.
According to the law of specific nerve energies, the brain interprets any
activity of a given sensory neuron as representing a particular type of
sensory information.
Sensory information is coded so that the brain can process it. The coded
information bears no physical similarity to the stimuli it describes.
Light passes through the pupil of a vertebrate eye and stimulates the
receptors lining the retina at the back of the eye.
The axons from the retina loop around to form the optic nerve, which exits
from the eye at a point called the blind spot
Visual acuity is greatest in the fovea, the central area of the retina.
Because so many receptors in the periphery converge their messages to
their bipolar cells, our peripheral vision is highly sensitive to faint light but
poorly sensitive to detail
The retina has two kinds of receptors: rods and cones. Rods, more
numerous in the periphery of the retina, are more sensitive to faint light.
Cones, more numerous in the fovea, are more useful in bright light
People vary in their number of axons from the retina to the brain. Those
with more axons show a greater ability to detect brief, faint, or rapidly
changing stimuli.
According to the trichromatic (or Young-Helmholtz) theory of color vision,
color perception begins with a given wavelength of light stimulating a
distinctive ratio of responses by the three types of cones
According to the opponent-process theory of color vision, visual system
neurons beyond the receptors respond with an increase in activity to
indicate one color of light and a decrease to indicate the opposite color.
The three pairs of opposites are red-green, yellow-blue, and white-black. 9/33
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According to the retinex theory, the cortex compares the responses across
the retina to determine brightness and color of each object.
For genetic reasons, certain people are unable to distinguish one color from
another. Red-green color deficiency is the most common type.
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Module 5.2 How the Brain Processes Visual
Vision is complicated. We shall go through it in some detail, for two
First, without vision and other senses, you would have no more mental
experience than a tree does. Everything in psychology starts with
Second, neuroscientists have investigated vision in more detail than
anything else that the brain does. Examining the mechanisms of vision
illustrates what it means to explain something in biological terms.
Where does the optic nerve start and where does it end? → It starts with
the ganglion cells in the retina. Most of its axons go to the lateral geniculate
nucleus of the thalamus, but some go to the hypothalamus and superior
colliculus 10/33
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When light strikes a receptor, does the receptor excite or inhibit the
bipolar cells? What effect does it have on horizontal cells? What effect
does the horizontal cell have on bipolar cells? → The receptor excites
both the bipolar cells and the horizontal cell. The horizontal cell inhibits the
same bipolar cell that was excited plus additional bipolar cells in the
If light strikes only one receptor, what is the net effect (excitatory or
inhibitory) on the nearest bipolar cell that is directly connected to that
receptor? What is the effect on bipolar cells to the sides? What causes
that effect? → It produces more excitation than inhibition surround. for
the nearest bipolar cell. For surrounding bipolar cells, it produces only
inhibition. The reason is that the receptor excites a horizontal cell, which
inhibits all bipolar cells in the area.
Examine Figure 5.17. You should see grayish diamonds at the crossroads
among the black squares. Explain why → In the parts of your retina that
look at the in the area. long white arms, each neuron is inhibited by white
input on two of its sides (either above and below or left and right). In the
crossroads, each neuron is in hibited by input on all four sides. Therefore,
the response in the crossroads is decrease compared to that in the arms. 11/33
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Further Processing
Each cell in the visual system of the brain has a receptive field, an area in
visual space that excites or inhibits it.
The receptive field of a rod or cone is simply the point in space from which
light strikes the cell.
Receptive fields The receptive field of any neuron in the visual system is
the area of the visual field that excites or inhibits it. Receptors have tiny
receptive fields and later cells have progressively larger receptive fields
Prime ganglion cells fall into three categories:
The parvocellular neurons, with small cell bodies and small receptive fields,
are mostly in or near the fovea. (Parvocellular means “small celled,” from
the Latin root parv, meaning “small.”)
The magnocellular neurons, with larger cell bodies and receptive fields, are
distributed evenly throughout the retina. (Magnocellular means “large
celled,” from the Latin root magn, meaning “large.” The same root appears
in magnify.)
The koniocellular neurons have small cell bodies, similar to the parvocellular
neurons, but they occur throughout the retina. (Koniocellular means “dust
celled,” from the Greek root meaning “dust.” They got this name because of
their granular appearance.)
The high sensitivity to detail and color relates to the fact that parvocellular
cells are located mostly in and near the fovea, which has many cones
Magnocellular neurons are found throughout the retina, including the
periphery. 12/33
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Axons from the ganglion cells form the optic nerve, which proceeds to the
optic chiasm, where half of the axons (in humans) cross to the opposite
hemisphere. Most of the axons go to the lateral geniculate nucleus of the
thalamus. 13/33
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If you see an optical illusion, the activity in area V1 corresponds to what you
think you see, not what the object really is
People with damage to area V1 report no conscious vision, no visual
imagery, and no visual images in their dreams In contrast, adults who lose
vision because of eye damage continue to have visual imagery and visual
blindsight, the ability to respond in limited ways to visual information
without perceiving it consciously
Even if your brain is intact, you can experience something like blindsight
under certain circumstances .
In this procedure, known as continuous flash suppression, a viewer is
conscious of the rapidly changing stimuli and not the steady picture 14/33
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Figure 5.19 illustrates the receptive field of a simple cell. A simple cell has
a receptive field with fixed excitatory and inhibitory zones. The more light
shines in the excitatory zone, the more the cell responds. The more light
shines in the inhibitory zone, the less the cell responds.
complex cells, located in areas V1 and V2, do not respond to the exact
location of a stimulus. A complex cell responds to a pattern of light in a
particular orientation (e.g., a vertical bar) anywhere within its large
receptive field (see Figure 5.20). Most complex cells respond most strongly
to a stimulus moving in a particular direction—for example, a vertical bar
moving horizontally. The best way to classify a cell as simple or complex is
to present the stimulus in several locations. A cell that responds to a
stimulus in only one location is a simple cell. One that responds equally
throughout a large area is a complex cell
End-stopped, or hypercomplex, cells resemble complex cells with one
exception: An end-stopped cell has a strong inhibitory area at one end of
its bar-shaped receptive field. The cell responds to a bar-shaped pattern of
light anywhere in its broad receptive field, provided the bar does not
extend beyond a certain point 15/33
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Cells with similar properties group together in the visual cortex in columns
perpendicular to the surface.
For example, cells within a given column might respond to only the left eye,
only the right eye, or both eyes about equally. Also, cells within a given
column respond best to lines of a single orientation.
Electrode path B, which is not perpendicular to the surface of the cortex,
crosses through columns and encounters cells with different properties. In
short, the cells within a given column process similar information. 16/33
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What is the effect of closing one eye early in life? What is the effect of
closing both eyes → If one eye is closed during early development, the
cortex becomes unresponsive to it. If both eyes are closed, cortical cells
remain somewhat responsive for several weeks and then gradually become
sluggish and unselective in their responses 18/33
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At first, these children have only a limited idea of what they are seeing. In
one study, children looked at a picture of a toy building block, and another
picture with two blocks. The task was to point to the block in the second
picture that matched the first. Children did well on this task, indicating that
they could see. However, when the task was to feel a building block and
point to which of two choices was the picture of that block, performance
was only a little better than chance. They could see the pictures, but they
didn’t understand them. A week later, without any special training, they did
much better on this task
Within weeks they could start recognizing faces. With much practice, they
began to develop hand–eye coordination. Seeing well enough to ride a
bicycle took a year and a half
One man had normal vision in early childhood until age 3½, when a
chemical explosion destroyed one eye and damaged the cornea of his
other eye so badly that he could see nothing more than light versus dark.
By adulthood, he had no visual memories and no visual imagery.
At age 43, a corneal transplant enabled him to recover vision. Immediately
he could see colors and he could soon identify simple shapes. Eventually
he learned to recognize common household objects, but unlike most people
who identify objects immediately, he had to think about it more carefully
Even 10 years later, he could not identify whether a face was male or
female, happy or sad
Various other aspects of vision remained impaired. For example, when
viewing something like Figure 5.26, he reported seeing three objects,
instead of a partly transparent object overlapping a second one 20/33
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If an infant is born with dense cataracts on both eyes and they are
surgically removed years later, how well does the child see at first → The
child sees well lines more clearly than the other. enough to identify
whether two objects are the same or different, but the child doesn’t
understand what the visual information means. In particular, the child
cannot answer which visual display matches something the child touches.
However, understanding of vision improves with practice
Understanding Vision by Understanding the Wiring Diagram
Your eyes are bombarded with a complex pattern of light emanating from
every source in front of you. Out of all this, your brain needs to extract the
most useful information. The nervous system from the start identifies the
borders between one object and another through lateral inhibition. It
identifies lines and their locations by simple and complex cells in the
primary visual cortex. Researchers have gone a long way toward mapping
out the excitatory and inhibitory connections that make these cells
possible. The visual experiences you have at any moment are the result of
an awe-inspiring complexity of connections and interactions among a huge
number of neurons. Understanding what you see is also the product of
years of experience.
The optic nerves of the two eyes join at the optic chiasm, where half of the
axons from each eye cross to the opposite side of the brain. Most of the
axons then travel to the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus, which
communicates with the visual cortex
Lateral inhibition is a mechanism by which stimulation in any area of the
retina suppresses the responses in neighboring areas, thereby enhancing
the contrast at light–dark borders
Lateral inhibition in the vertebrate retina occurs because receptors
stimulate bipolar cells and also stimulate the much wider horizontal cells,
which inhibit both the stimulated bipolar cells and those to the sides.
Each neuron in the visual system has a receptive field, an area of the visual
field to which it is connected. Light in the receptive field excites or inhibits
a neuron depending on the light’s location, wavelength, and movement 21/33
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Several other patients with temporal lobe damage have similar problems.
One man could not say where objects were in his room, but he could take a
walk, accurately avoiding obstacles in his way. He could reach out to grab
objects, and he could reach out to shake hands.
Another patient had such trouble recognizing objects by sight that she
attached distinctive colored tapes to the important objects she needed to
find in her house.
In short, people with temporal lobe damage can use vision to guide their
actions, but they cannot identify what the objects are.
People with damage to the dorsal stream (parietal cortex) have somewhat
the opposite problem: They see objects but they don’t integrate their vision
well with their arm and leg movements.
They can read, recognize faces, and describe objects in detail but they
cannot accurately reach out to grasp an object. While walking, they can
describe what they see, but they bump into objects, oblivious to their
location. Although they can describe from memory what their furniture
looks like, they cannot remember where it is located in their house
One patient had dorsal stream damage only in his left hemisphere. He
showed low accuracy at aiming his right arm or leg toward an object on the
right side of his body. However, his accuracy was normal when aiming his
left arm or leg toward either side, or when aiming his right arm toward the
left side
So his problem is not with attention, and not exactly vision either. It is
specifically a problem of using vision to control certain arm and leg
Although the distinction between ventral and dorsal pathways is useful, we
should not overstate it. Ordinarily you use both systems in coordination
with each other 25/33
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For example, one patient, when shown a key, said, “I don’t know what that
is. Perhaps a file or a tool of some sort.” When shown a stethoscope, he
said that it was “a long cord with a round thing at the end.” When he could
not identify a smoker’s pipe, the examiner told him what it was. He then
replied, “Yes, I can see it now,” and pointed out the stem and bowl of the
pipe. Then the examiner asked, “Suppose I told you that the last object was
not really a pipe?” The patient replied, “I would take your word for it.
Perhaps it’s not really a pipe” 27/33
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Recognizing Faces 28/33
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One study found that children who devoted at least an hour a day to some
special interest, such as watching soccer or looking at pictures of space
travel, showed fusiform gyrus responses to images related to that interest
Motion Perception
Moving objects often merit immediate attention. A moving object might be
a possible mate, something you could hunt and eat, or something that
wants to eat you. If you are going to respond, you need to identify what the
object is, where it is going, and how fast. The brain is set up to make those
calculations quickly and efficiently 30/33
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Motion Blindness
Given that areas MT and MST respond strongly to moving objects, and
only to moving objects, what would happen after damage to these areas?
The result is motion blindness, being able to see objects but unable to see
whether they are moving or, if so, which direction and how fast
People with motion blindness are better at reaching for a moving object
than at describing its motion but in all aspects of dealing with visual
motion, they are far behind other people
Motion blindness in the absence of other dysfunction is a rare condition.
The best described case, “LM,” reported that she felt uncomfortable when
people walked around because they “were suddenly here or there but I
have not seen them moving.
People would seem to appear or disappear suddenly, even when she was
trying to keep track of them. Someone who was walking would appear to
her as “restless,” but she would not know which direction the person was
She could not cross a street without help, because she could not tell which
cars were moving, or how fast.
Pouring coffee became difficult. The flowing liquid appeared to be frozen
and unmoving, so she did not stop pouring until the cup overfilled
Several patients were reported who apparently became motion blind as a
result of brain damage, but most scientists ignored or disbelieved those
reports. 31/33
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You do not see your own eyes move because area MT and parts of the
parietal cortex decrease their activity during voluntary eye movements,
known as saccade an activity does not decrease while your eyes are
following a moving object
The brain areas that monitor saccades tell area MT and the parietal cortex,
“We’re about to move the eye muscles, so take a rest for the next split
second.” Neural activity and blood flow in MT and part of the parietal
cortex begin to decrease 75 milliseconds (ms) before the eye movement
and remain suppressed during the movement
The general point is that different areas of your brain process different
kinds of visual information, and it is possible to develop many kinds of
When you move your eyes, why does it not seem as if the world is
moving? → Neurons in areas MT and MST respond strongly when an object
moves relative to the background, and not when the object and
background move in the same direction and speed
Researchers distinguish between the ventral visual stream, responsible for
perceiving objects, and the dorsal stream, responsible for visual guidance
of movements.
The inferior temporal cortex detects objects and recognizes them despite
changes in position, size, and so forth
A circuit including the fusiform gyrus of the temporal cortex is specialized
for recognizing faces. People with impairments in this circuit experience
prosopagnosia, a difficulty in recognizing faces despite nearly normal
vision in other regards 32/33
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