Globalization of Technology The Summary by Joshua M.
Globalization of Technology The Summary by Joshua M.
Globalization of Technology The Summary by Joshua M.
Chapter 18
Globalization of Technology
Technology is a technique, a process, or a material good
emerging from the use of science in addressing human
problems. Flow of technologies across borders. If there is
something so profound in our experience of the modern world,
that is the seemingly indispensable role of technology in our
daily lives. Technology as we have been taught in our science
subjects as that which refers to the application of science, is
something that comes forth from using the systematic body of
knowledge we possess to respond to pressing issues and
problems that we face. Wahab, Rose, and Osman (2012) have
surveyed literatures on the matter and found that there are quite
a number of definitions and characteristics of technology. Some
of these definitions are as follows (Wahab, Rose, & Osman.
2012, p. 62): possessing a physical and an informational
component (Kumar et al. 1999), configuration/system (Sahal,
1981), and knowledge (Dunning 1994). Hence, the authors
concluded that technology, in essence, is either a technique or a
way of doing things.
Historically, we can glean that technological advancement has
trodden a long, winding, and often turbulent road-a process
commonly referred to as the industrial revolution (IR)-wherein
humanity has found a way to maximize the available resources
that they can tap toward the advancement of their aspirations
individually and collectively. Priescaru (2016), as cited by Xu,
David, and Kim (2018), summarized the industrial revolution
and divided eras into four. People in the first IR used coal as
their primary source of energy and created the steam engine”
Those in the second IR discovered oil and electricity and
designed the internal combustion engine. Computers and robots
are the main achievements of the third IR, where nuclear energy
and natural gas were found as potential source of energy. And,
nowadays, we are in the era of the fourth IR where the goal is to
maximize the use of green energies, amidst the proliferation of
the Internet.
Technological Diffusion and Globalization, In the age of
globalization, technology also flows in and out across borders.
This process can be referred to as technology diffusion. It is
essential to look at technology diffusion because, the inflow and
outflow of technology is simultaneous to economic, political,
and cultural flows.
Technologies are goods that are bought and sold in the market.
Think about the cars that you see on the streets, which are
mostly produced in China, USA, Japan, and India (International
Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers; OICA, 2018).
Think about the raw materials from other territories which are
Testured to produce particular technologies, and thus are
imported/exported minor metals are being imported to China in
large quantities to produce teel, OECD, 2011), Some
technologies in the market also have political ulidertones.
Between 2014 to 2018, for example, US, Russia, France,
Germany, nd China were found to be the top five arms exporters
in the world, while Saudi Arabia was among the topmost
importers, based on a report by Stockholm International Peace
Research Institute (SIPRI) (Deutsche Well, 2019)