Ica Isdf
Ica Isdf
Ica Isdf
International Standard for Describing Functions
First Edition
2 ISDF, First Edition
Prepared by
The ICA Committee on Best Practices and Professional Standards – Adopted Dresden, 2-4 May 2007
ICA Standard ISDF first edition is distributed free of charge to all members of the International Council
on Archives (ICA). It is made available through the ICA website www.ica.org.
© International Council on Archives, 60, rue des Francs-Bourgeois, 75003 Paris, France.
ISDF, First Edition 3
PREFACE ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1. SCOPE AND PURPOSE ....................................................................................................................................... 7
2. RELATED STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES .................................................................................................. 8
3. GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................... 9
4. STRUCTURE AND USE OF THE STANDARD............................................................................................... 10
5. ELEMENTS OF A FUNCTION DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................... 12
5.1 IDENTITY AREA ....................................................................................................................................... 12
5.1.1 Type ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
5.1.2 Authorised form(s) of name .............................................................................................................. 12
5.1.3 Parallel form(s) of name .................................................................................................................... 12
5.1.4 Other form(s) of name ....................................................................................................................... 13
5.1.5 Classification....................................................................................................................................... 13
5.2 CONTEXT AREA ....................................................................................................................................... 13
5.2.1 Dates .................................................................................................................................................... 13
5.2.2 Description .......................................................................................................................................... 14
5.2.3 History................................................................................................................................................. 14
5.2.4 Legislation........................................................................................................................................... 15
5.3 RELATIONSHIPS AREA ........................................................................................................................... 16
5.3.1 Authorised form of name/Identifier of the related function........................................................... 16
5.3.2 Category of relationship .................................................................................................................... 16
5.3.3 Description of relationship ................................................................................................................ 16
5.3.4 Dates of relationship .......................................................................................................................... 16
5.4 CONTROL AREA ....................................................................................................................................... 17
5.4.1 Function description identifier.......................................................................................................... 17
5.4.2 Institution identifiers.......................................................................................................................... 18
5.4.3 Rules and/or conventions used .......................................................................................................... 18
5.4.4 Status ................................................................................................................................................... 18
5.4.5 Level of detail...................................................................................................................................... 19
5.4.6 Dates of creation, revision or deletion .............................................................................................. 19
5.4.7 Language(s) and script(s) .................................................................................................................. 20
5.4.8 Sources ................................................................................................................................................ 20
5.4.9 Maintenance notes.............................................................................................................................. 20
RESOURCES .............................................................................................................................................................. 21
6.1 Identifier and authorised name/title of related resource .................................................................... 21
6.2 Nature of relationship ............................................................................................................................ 21
6.3 Dates of relationship .............................................................................................................................. 21
BODIES AND ARCHIVAL RESOURCES ................................................................................................................ 25
APPENDIX B: FULL EXAMPLES ............................................................................................................................ 26
Example 1 – Activity description Language of description: English (United Kingdom) ................................. 26
Example 2 – Activity description Language of description: English (United Kingdom) ................................. 30
Example 3 – Function description Language of description: French (France)............................................... 33
Example 4 – Function description Language of description: French (France)............................................... 37
Example 5 – Function description Language of description: French (Côte d’Ivoire) ..................................... 40
Example 6 – Function description Language of description: French (Côte d’Ivoire) ..................................... 43
Example 7 – Function description Language of description: Spanish (Mexico) ............................................. 46
4 ISDF, First Edition
P1. A working document was developed by a group of the Committee on Best Practices and
Professional Standards (ICA/CBPS). The group was established during the meeting of the
provisional Section of Professional Standards and Best Practices in Bern, Switzerland,
June, 2005.
P2. Recognition of the importance of functions in the creation context of records led the
group to propose the development of an international standard for the description of
functions in archival information systems. In carrying out the development of this
standard , the group drew upon models of functional description and analysis currently
being applied in archives and records management in Australia, Canada, Switzerland, the
United Kingdom and the United States as well as international work that has been done
by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) such as ISO 15489
International Standard on Records Management (2001) and ISO 23081 International
Standard on Records management processes -- Metadata for records (2006-2007).The
group completed a first draft document which was discussed, amended, and extended at
its meeting in Paris in May 2006. This draft was circulated to the international archival
community for comment. Comments received during this worldwide review were taken
into account at a plenary of the Committee on Best Practices and Professional Standards
held in Dresden in May 2007. The current document is the result of this process.
ISDF, First Edition 5
The following are the members of the ICA Committee on Best Practices and Professional
Standards who developed the standard and served on the Committee during its 2004-2008 term:
The ICA Committee on Best Practices and Professional Standards (ICA/CBPS) is also composed
The ICA Committee on Best Practices and Professional Standards (ICA/CBPS) gratefully
acknowledges the sponsorship of its plenary meetings by the following institutions:
Without their substantial contributions, both financial and in facilities and logistics for organizing
the meetings, the development of this standard would not have been possible.
ISDF, First Edition 7
1.1 This standard provides guidance for preparing descriptions of functions of corporate
bodies associated with the creation and maintenance of archives.
1.2 The term “function” is used throughout this standard to include not only function but
also any of the subdivisions of a function such as subfunction, business process,
activity, task, transaction or other term in international, national or local usage. The
standard may be used to describe a function or any of these subdivisions.
1.3 Analysis of the functions of corporate bodies is important as the basis for many
recordkeeping activities. Functions are recognised as generally being more stable than
administrative structures, which are often amalgamated or devolved when
restructuring takes place. Functions are therefore well suited to act as:
- a basis for the arrangement, classification and description of records
- a basis for the appraisal of records
- a tool for the retrieval and analysis of records.
1.4 Description of functions plays a vital role in explaining the provenance of records.
Descriptions of functions can help place records more securely in the context of their
creation and use. They can help explain how and why records were created and
subsequently used, the purpose or function within an organisation which the records
were designed to fulfil, and how records fitted in with and related to other records
produced by the same organisation.
Note: This list includes the dates of relevant standards as they existed at the time of
finalization of the 1st edition of the standard in 2008. Future readers are encouraged to refer to
the latest version of each standard.
ISO 639-2 - Codes for the representation of names of languages, Alpha-3 code, Geneva:
International Standards Organization, 1998.
ISO 999 - Information and documentation - Guidelines for the content, organization and
presentation of indexes, Geneva: International Standards Organization, 1996.
ISO 3166 - Codes for the representation of names of countries, Geneva: International
Standards Organization, 1997.
ISO 5963 - Documentation - Methods for examining documents, determining their subjects,
and selecting indexing terms, Geneva: International Standards Organization, 1985.
ISO 15489 - Information and documentation - Records management, parts 1 and 2, Geneva:
International Standards Organization, 2001.
ISO 15511 – Information and documentation – International standard identifier for libraries
and related organizations, Geneva: International Standards Organization, 2003.
ISO 15924 - Codes for the representation of names of scripts, Geneva: International
Standards Organization, 2001.
The following glossary forms an integral part of this standard. The terms are defined in the
context of the rules.
Authority record. The authorised form of name combined with other information elements
that identify and describe the named entity and may also point to other related authority
Creator. Any entity (corporate body, family or person) that created, accumulated and/or
maintained records in the conduct of personal or corporate activity.
Function. Any high level purpose, responsibility or task assigned to the accountability
agenda of a corporate body by legislation, policy or mandate. Functions may be decomposed
into sets of co-ordinated operations such as subfunctions, business processes, activities, tasks
or transactions.
Provenance. The relationships between records and the organizations or individuals that
created, accumulated and/or maintained and used them in the conduct of personal or
corporate activity. Provenance is also the relationship between records and the functions
which produced them.
4.1 This standard determines the type of information that could be included in descriptions of
functions and provides guidance on how such descriptions may be deployed in an archival
information system. The content of the information elements included in the descriptions
will be determined by the conventions and/or rules that the archival institution follows.
4.3 Paragraphs are numbered and are given for citation purposes only. These numbers should
not be used to designate elements of description or to prescribe the order or structure of
descriptive resources.
4.4 The elements of description are organised into four information areas:
1. Identity Area
(where information is conveyed which uniquely identifies the function and
which defines a standardized access point)
2. Context Area
(where information is conveyed about the nature and context of the
3. Relationships Area
(where relationships with other functions are recorded and described)
4. Control Area
(where the description of a function is uniquely identified and information
is recorded on how, when and by which agency the description was created
and maintained)
4.5 This standard also provides in Chapter 6 guidelines for linking descriptions of functions
to authority records that describe records creators and to descriptions of archives. Note
that a given description may be linked to as many authority records and/or descriptions of
archives as required.
4.6 The appendix provides full examples of descriptions of functions compiled in accordance
with this standard. See also 4.10.
4.7 All the elements covered by these rules are available for use, but the following three
elements are essential:
- Type (element 5.1.1)
- Authorised form(s) of name (element 5.1.2); and
- Function description identifier (element 5.4.1).
ISDF, First Edition 11
4.8 The nature of the function and the requirements of the particular system or network within
which the preparer of a description works will determine which of the optional elements
of description are used in a given description of a function, and whether these elements
are presented in a narrative and/or a structured format.
4.10 Examples provided throughout the standard are illustrative and not prescriptive. They
illuminate the provisions of the rules to which they are attached, rather than extend those
provisions. Do not take the examples, or the form in which they are presented as
instructions. To clarify the context, each example is followed by an indication in italic of
the name of the agency that supplied the example. Further explanatory notes may follow,
also in italic, preceded by the word Note.
4.11 This standard is intended to be used in conjunction with ISAD(G) - General International
Standard Archival Description, 2nd edition, ISAAR(CPF) – International Standard
Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families, 2nd edition, , and
with national archival descriptive standards. When these standards are used together
within the context of an archival descriptive system or network, descriptions of functions
will be linked to descriptions of archives and to authority records, and vice versa. See
Chapter 6 for guidance on how these links may be created.
4.12 This standard is intended to be used in conjunction with national standards and
conventions. For example, archivists may be guided by national standards when deciding
which elements may or may not be repeatable.
4.13 This standard addresses only part of the conditions needed to support the exchange of
information about functions. Successful automated exchange of information about
functions over computer networks is dependent upon the adoption of a suitable
communication format by the repositories involved in the exchange. This standard is
intended to be used as the basis for a development of communication and/or data
exchange formats, such as XML DTDs and/or schemas.
12 ISDF, First Edition
5.1.1 Type
To indicate whether the description is a function or one of its subdivisions.
Specify whether the description is a function or one of its subdivisions, in accordance with national or
international terminology.
Business process
Student registration, Trinity College, Glasgow
United Kingdom, University of Glasgow
United Kingdom, University of Glasgow
Note: For the activity Student registration, Trinity College, Glasgow
Career development
Personal management
Staff development
Australia, Australian Governments' Interactive Functions Thesaurus – AGIFT
Note: For the activity Human resources development
5.1.5 Classification
To classify the function according to a classification scheme.
Record any term and/or code from a function classification scheme. Record the
classification scheme used in the element Rules and/or conventions used (5.4.3).
5.2.1 Dates
To identify the date or range of dates of the function.
14 ISDF, First Edition
Provide a date or date span, which covers the dates when the function was started and
when it finished. If a function is ongoing, no end date is needed.
. Examples:
United Kingdom, University of Glasgow
Note: For the activity Student registration, Trinity College, Glasgow
France, Direction des Archives de France
Note: For the activity Gestion des allocataires du revenu minimum d’insertion
01.02.1903 – 31.12.1931
Switzerland, Schweizeriches Bundesarchiv
Note: For the function Behandlung von Rekursen gegen Entscheide der Schätzungskommission
5.2.2 Description
To provide information about the purpose of the function.
Record a narrative description of the purpose of the function.
The registration of students on the College’s taught and research programmes.
United Kingdom, University of Glasgow
Note: For the activity Student registration, Trinity College, Glasgow
Providing and coordinating programs for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease or
injury. Developing policy to support the provision of health care services and medical research.
Administering regulatory schemes for health care products and pharmaceuticals.
Australia, Australian Governments' Interactive Functions Thesaurus - AGIFT
Note: For the function Health care
Le Revenu minimum d’insertion (RMI) est une allocation française gérée par les conseils généraux
et versée par les caisses d’allocations familiales (CAF) ou la mutualité sociale agricole (MSA), aux
personnes en âge de travailler, sans ressources ou ayant des ressources inférieures à un plafond fixé
par décret.
France, Direction des Archives de France
Note: For the activity Gestion des allocataires du revenu minimum d’insertion
5.2.3 History
To provide a concise history of the function.
Record in narrative form or as a chronology the history of the performance of the
function. This may include information on how and why the function was performed,
the roles played by office bearers, departments, organisations and other entities in the
performance of the function and how this may have changed over time. Wherever
possible, supply dates as an integral component of the description.
ISDF, First Edition 15
A student had to produce various certificates before he could be enrolled at the College. These
certificates included a diploma or degree certificate or class tickets, a certificate from his local
presbytery showing he had passed its examinations, a certificate of character from the minister of
the congregation he attended and, up until 1901 an examination board certificate showing he had
passed the College entrance examination. Before enrolment, he also had to matriculate. By
resolution of the Senate in November 1857, the Librarian was charged with handling
matriculations. The student's details were recorded in a register which served jointly as a
matriculation record and a library register. The student also had to pay a prescribed matriculation
fee, initially set at 10 shillings, to the Treasurer. Students had to matriculate each year of their
course. Following matriculation, the Clerk of Senate examined the various certificates and drew
up, presumably using the information in the matriculation albums, a roll of all the matriculated and
enrolled students for the coming session. Students were grouped by year of study and the amounts
of any bursaries they had been awarded were also recorded. This list was submitted to the Senate
and recorded in the minutes between October and December.
Following the union of the College and the Faculty of Divinity at Glasgow University in 1935, all
students of the College henceforth matriculated at the University.
United Kingdom, University of Glasgow
Note: For the activity description: Student registration, Trinity College, Glasgow
Le RMI vit le jour à Besançon en 1968 sous l’appellation « Minimum social garanti ». Des
initiatives locales testèrent le principe, comme à Rennes sous le nom de Complément local de
ressources, expérience conduite sur plusieurs années et qui contribua beaucoup aux dispositions
légales suivantes. La loi n° 88-1088 du 1er décembre 1988 instituant le RMI, fut appliquée à partir
du 15 décembre 1988.
France, Direction des Archives de France
Note: For the activity Gestion des allocataires du revenu minimum d’insertion
5.2.4 Legislation
To identify the legal basis of the function.
Record any law, directive or charter which creates, amends or curtails the function.
La loi du 18 décembre 2003 modifie les modalités de gestion du RMI. Elle transfère notamment la
responsabilité du pilotage du dispositif aux conseils généraux.
France, Direction des Archives de France
Note: For the activity Gestion des allocataires du revenu minimum d’insertion
Art. 52
BG vom 24. Juni 1902 betr. Die elektrischen Schwach- und Starkstromanlagen
Fundstelle: AS 1902-1903 259
Inkrafttreten: 01.02.1903
Aufhebung: -
Gültig: 01.02.1903-
Switzerland, Schweizeriches Bundesarchiv
Note: For the function Behandlung von Entschädigungsansprüchen
16 ISDF, First Edition
GB 0248/C0507-F003-008
United Kingdom, University of Glasgow
Note: For the activity Student registration, Trinity College, Glasgow
18 ISDF, First Edition
France, Direction des Archives de France
Note: For the activity Gestion des allocataires du revenu minimum d’insertion
Switzerland, Schweizeriches Bundesarchiv
AU Australia
CA Canada
ES Spain
FR France
GB United Kingdom
MY Malaysia
SE Sweden
US United States
Direction des Archives de France
ISDF – Norme internationale pour la descriprion des fonctions, 1re édition, Conseil international
des Archives, 2008.
France, Direction des Archives de France
Note: For the activity Gestion des allocataires du revenu minimum d’insertion
5.4.4 Status
ISDF, First Edition 19
To indicate the drafting status of the description so that users can understand the
current status of the description.
Record the current status of the description, indicating whether it is a draft, finalized
and/or revised or deleted.
United Kingdom, University of Glasgow
Note: For the activity Student registration, Trinity College, Glasgow
Notice validée
France, Direction des Archives de France
Note: For the activity Gestion des allocataires du revenu minimum d’insertion
United Kingdom, University of Glasgow
Note: For the activity Student registration, Trinity College, Glasgow
Notice complète
France, Direction des Archives de France
Note: For the activity Gestion des allocataires du revenu minimum d’insertion
Date of creation: 2006-10-19
Date of revision: 2007-05-03
United Kingdom, University of Glasgow
Note: For the activity Student registration, Trinity College, Glasgow
English: eng
United Kingdom, University of Glasgow
Note: For the activity Student registration, Trinity College, Glasgow
français : fre
France, Direction des Archives de France
Note: For the activity Gestion des allocataires du revenu minimum d’insertion
5.4.8 Sources
To indicate the sources consulted in describing the function.
Record the sources consulted in establishing the function description.
College Calendar of the Free Church of Scotland
College Calendar of the United Free Church of Scotland
College Calendar of the Church of Scotland
United Kingdom, University of Glasgow
Note: For the activity Student registration, Trinity College, Glasgow
Swiss Federal Archives Archival Information System AIS: Modul Aktenpläne Ordnungssystem
Switzerland, Schweizeriches Bundesarchiv
Description prepared by Victoria Peters, Glasgow University Archive Services
United Kingdom, University of Glasgow
Note: For the activity Student registration, Trinity College, Glasgow
An understanding of the functions of corporate bodies is essential for a full understanding of the provenance of
records. Records have a fundamental relationship with functions. They are the direct outcome of the fulfilment of
functions. Furthermore, whilst the relationships between records and corporate bodies can fluctuate over time as the
administrative or organisational structure of a corporate body changes, the relationships between records and
functions remain constant. An archival descriptive system which includes descriptions of functions in addition to
descriptions of record creators and records will therefore provide a much richer account of the provenance of those
22 ISDF, First Edition
Relationship 1
6.1 Identifier and/or Authorised Trinity College, Glasgow
authorised name/title name
Identifier C0507
6.2 Nature of Student registration was one of the activities carried
relationship out at Trinity College to fulfil its function of student
6.3 Dates of 1857-1935
Relationship 2
6.1 Identifier and/or Authorised Trinity College, Glasgow | Librarian
authorised name/title name
Identifier C2581
6.2 Nature of The Librarian was charged with handling student
relationship registration.
6.3 Dates of 1857-1935
Relationship 3
6.1 Identifier and/or Authorised Trinity College, Glasgow | Treasurer
authorised name/title name
Identifier C2582
6.2 Nature of The Treasurer was charged with receiving
relationship matriculation fees.
6.3 Dates of 1857-1935
Relationship 4
6.1 Identifier and/or Authorised Trinity College, Glasgow | Clerk of Senate
authorised name/title name
Identifier C2583
6.2 Nature of The Clerk of Senate was charged with drawing up
relationship rolls of all matriculated and enrolled students for the
coming session.
6.3 Dates of 1857-1935
Relationship 5
6.1 Identifier and/or Title Senate minutes
authorised name/title
Identifier GB 0248 DC 84/1/1
6.2 Nature of Archival series
relationship The minutes include annual lists of all matriculated
students between 1860 and 1901. From 1902 a
statistical summary only is included.
6.3 Dates of 1857-1907
Relationship 6
6.1 Identifier and/or Title Scroll or draft Senate minutes
authorised name/title
ISDF, First Edition 23
Relationship 1
6.1 6.1 Identifier Authorised Conseils généraux
and/or authorised name
6.2 Nature of Les Caisses d’allocations familiales ou les caisses de
relationship mutualité sociale agricole versent le RMI, après
l’accord d’ouverture de droits des présidents des
conseils généraux.
6.3 Dates of
Relationship 4
6.1 6.1 Identifier Authorised Versement du Conseil général des Bouches du Rhône
and/or authorised name (services d’action sanitaire et sociale)
name/title Identifier FRAD013/1955 W
6.2 Nature of
6.3 Dates of
France, Direction des Archives de France
Note: For the activity Gestion des allocataires du revenu minimum d’insertion
ISDF, First Edition 25
Examples provided are illustrative and not prescriptive. They illuminate possible applications or
renderings of the rules. Do not take the examples, or the form in which they are presented here as
instructions. The rules in this Standard specify the data inputs into a description of a function, not
the output or presentation formats for that information, for which there are an infinite variety of
possible approaches, all of which may be correct in accordance with the rules.
Please note that additional full examples of ISDF-compliant descriptions can be found on the
ICA website at: http://www.ica.org
Through it, the University kept alumni informed of events and forthcoming
meetings of the General Council, which all graduates were entitled to attend.
Avenue was produced by Publicity Services under the direction of an
Editorial Strategy Committee.
5.2.4 Legislation
First Relation
5.3.1 Authorised Alumni relations management, University of Glasgow (C0740-F012)
form of
name/Identifier of
the related
5.3.2 Category of Hierarchical
5.3.3 Description Alumni communication management was one of the activities performed to
of relationship fulfil the function of alumni relations management.
5.3.4 Dates of 1868-…
ISO 8601 1868/9999
Second Relation
5.3.1 Authorised Alumni data administration, University of Glasgow (C0740-F012-006)
form of
name/Identifier of
the related
5.3.2 Category of Associative
5.3.3 Description Alumni communication management and alumni data administration are both
of relationship activities performed to fulfil the function of alumni relations management.
5.3.4 Dates of 1868-…
ISO 8601 1868/9999
5.4.1 Function C0740-F012-007
5.4.2 Institution University of Glasgow
identifiers ILL Code
5.4.3 Rules and/or ISDF – International Standard for Describing Functions, 1st ed., International
conventions used Council on Archives, 2008.
Second Relation
6.1 Identifier Authorised University of Glasgow | General Council
and/or authorised name
name/title Identifier C1789
6.2 Nature of The General Council was one of the bodies charged with managing alumni
relationship communication.
6.3 Dates of 1868-…
ISO 8601 1868/9999
Third Relation
6.1 Identifier Authorised University of Glasgow | Development Campaign Office
and/or authorised name
name/title Identifier C2580
6.2 Nature of The Development Campaign Office was one of the bodies charged with
relationship managing alumni communication.
6.3 Dates of 1990-1998
relationship ISO 8601 1990/1998
Fourth Relation
6.1 Identifier Authorised University of Glasgow | Development and Alumni Office
and/or authorised name
Identifier C1851
6.2 Nature of The Development and Alumni Office was one of the bodies charged with
relationship managing alumni communication.
6.3 Dates of 1998-
relationship ISO 8601 1998/9999
Fifth Relation
6.1 Identifier Authorised Glasgow University Graduates Association
and/or authorised name
Identifier C0549
ISDF, First Edition 29
6.2 Nature of The Glasgow University Graduates Association was one of the bodies
relationship charged with managing alumni communication.
6.3 Dates of 1948-1985
relationship ISO 8601 1948/1985
Sixth Relation
6.1 Identifier Authorised University of Glasgow | Publicity Services
and/or authorised name
Identifier C1883
6.2 Nature of Publicity Services was one of the bodies charged with managing alumni
relationship communication.
6.3 Dates of 1987-…
ISO 8601 1987/9999
Seventh Relation
6.1 Identifier Title General Council correspondence with graduates
and/or authorised
Identifier GB 0248 DC 183/6/16
6.2 Nature of
6.3 Dates of 1959-1981
5.3.3 Description Fundraising campaign management was one of the activities performed to
of relationship fulfil the function of fundraising.
5.3.4 Dates of 1984-…
ISO 8601 1984/9999
Second Relation
5.3.1 Authorised Financial accounting, University of Glasgow (C0740-F028-007)
form of
name/Identifier of
the related
5.3.2 Category of Associative
5.3.3 Description Incoming funds were handled as part of the activity of financial accounting.
of relationship
5.3.4 Dates of 1984-…
ISO 8601 1984/9999
5.4.1 Function C0740-F013-006
5.4.2 Institution University of Glasgow
identifiers ILL Code
5.4.3 Rules and/or - ISDF – International Standard for Describing Functions, 1st ed.,
conventions used International Council on Archives, 2008.
Second Relation
6.1 Identifier Authorised University of Glasgow | University Trust Office
and/or authorised name
name/title Identifier C2579
6.2 Nature of The University Trust Office was one of the bodies charged with managing
relationship the fundraising campaign.
6.3 Dates of 1984-2000
ISO 8601 1984/2000
Third Relation
6.1 Identifier Authorised University of Glasgow | Development Campaign Office
and/or authorised name
name/title Identifier C2580
6.2 Nature of The Development Campaign Office was one of the bodies charged with
relationship managing alumni communication.
6.3 Dates of 1990-1998
relationship ISO 8601 1990/1998
Fourth Relation
6.1 Identifier Authorised University of Glasgow | Development and Alumni Office
and/or authorised name
Identifier C1851
6.2 Nature of The Development and Alumni Office was one of the bodies charged with
relationship managing the fundraising campaign.
6.3 Dates of 1998-…
relationship ISO 8601 1998/9999
Fifth Relation
6.2 Nature of The Chancellor's Fund Advisory Board was one of the bodies charged with
relationship managing the fundraising campaign.
6.3 Dates of 2000-…
relationship ISO 8601 2000/9999
Sixth Relation
6.1 Identifier Title Avenue
and/or authorised
Identifier GB 0248 GUA IP 5/6
6.2 Nature of Development campaign news was recorded in Avenue, the University's
relationship magazine for alumni and friends.
6.3 Dates of 1987-…
ISO 8601 1987/9999
ISDF, First Edition 33
6.2 Nature de la L’autorité de police générale de l’eau dans le département est le préfet. Il est
relation chargé de nombreuses polices spéciales comme celles concernant la chasse,
la pêche et la protection de l’environnement. Il s’appuie, pour ces missions,
sur les services déconcentrés de l’État.
6.3 Date de la
Deuxième relation
6.1 Identifiant et Forme Directions départementales de l’Agriculture et de la Forêt (DDAF)
forme de nom autorisée de
autorisée ou nom
intitulé de la Identifiant
ressource associée
6.2 Nature de la Les DDAF assurent la police de l’eau avec trois rôles principaux :
relation - rôle de « régulation » : elles délivrent des autorisations ou des « droits »
concernant les activités rurales et les usages du sol et des ressources
naturelles : prélèvements, rejets et travaux dans les milieux aquatiques,
défrichement en forêt privée, gestion des ressources cynégétiques et
piscicoles ... ;
- rôle de « caution juridique » : il est de leur responsabilité de conduire un
certain nombre de procédures touchant au droit de propriété ;
- rôle de « contrôle et de surveillance » : elles s’assurent du respect des
prescriptions, principalement en ce qui concerne la prévention et l’éradication
des maladies animales, la législation sur la protection de la nature, etc.
6.3 Date de la
Troisième relation
6.1 Identifiant et Forme Directions départementales des Affaires Sanitaires et Sociales (DDASS)
forme de nom autorisée de
autorisée de la nom
collectivité associée Identifiant
ou intitulé de la
ressource associée
6.2 Nature de la Les DDASS sont chargées de la salubrité publique (notamment de la qualité
relation des eaux vis-à-vis de la baignade et des activités nautiques).
6.3 Dates de la
Quatrième relation
6.1 Identifiant et Intitulé Mission interservices de l’eau (MISE)
forme de nom
autorisée de la
collectivité associée
ou intitulé de la
ressource associée
6.2 Nature de la La MISE réunit les services déconcentrés départementaux pour la gestion de
relation l’eau.
6.3 Dates de la
Cinquième relation
6.1 Identifiant et Intitulé Bordereau de versement de la direction départementale de l’agriculture et de
forme de nom la forêt du Puy-de-Dôme
autorisée de la
collectivité associée
ou intitulé de la
ressource associée
36 ISDF, First Edition
Identifiant FRAD063/1269 W
6.2 Nature de la Ce versement contient des documents illustrant les attributions de la DDAF
relation du Puy-de-Dôme en matière de police des eaux.
6.3 Dates de la 1957-1965
ISDF, First Edition 37
6.2 Nature de la Les opérations de recouvrement des recettes fiscales sont effectuées par la
relation Direction Générale des Impôts et la Direction Générale des Douanes de Côte
6.3 Date de la
Deuxième relation
6.1 Identifiant et Forme Côte d’Ivoire. Direction générale des douanes
forme de nom autorisée de
autorisée ou nom
intitulé de la Identifiant
ressource associée
6.2 Nature de la Les opérations de recouvrement des recettes fiscales sont effectuées par la
relation Direction Générale des Douanes et la Direction Générale des Impôts de Côte
6.3 Date de la
Troisième relation
6.1 Identifiant et Forme Côte d’Ivoire. Direction générale du Trésor et de la Comptabilité Publique
forme de nom autorisée de
autorisée de la nom
collectivité associée Identifiant CI / DFDC / 000003
ou intitulé de la
ressource associée
6.2 Nature de la L’une des missions de la Direction générale du Trésor et de la Comptabilité
relation Publique de Côte d’Ivoire est d’assurer le recouvrement des recettes de l’État,
des collectivités territoriales et des établissements publics nationaux.
6.3 Dates de la
Quatrième relation
6.1 Identifiant et Intitulé Versement de la Direction générale du Trésor et de la Comptabilité Publique
forme de nom de Côte d’Ivoire
autorisée de la Identifiant
collectivité associée
ou intitulé de la
ressource associée
6.2 Nature de la
6.3 Dates de la 2004 - 2005
ISDF, First Edition 43
Segunda relación
6.1 Identificador y Nombre Secretaría de Gobernación. Dirección general adjunta de juegos y sorteos
nombre autorizado autorizado
de la institución o Identificador
del recurso
6.2 Naturaleza de Asociativa
la relación
6.3 Fechas de la 1947/2007
Tercera relación
6.1 Identificador y Nombre Tesorería de la Federación
nombre autorizado autorizado
de la institución o Identificador MX9TESOFE
del recurso
6.2 Naturaleza de La Tesorería de la Federación recauda los recursos obtenidos en los sorteos
la relación de la Lotería Nacional
Cuarta relación
6.1 Identificador y Nombre Billetes de lotería
nombre autorizado autorizado
de la institución o Identificador MX9AGN67
del recurso
6.2 Naturaleza de Cada sorteo emite sus propios billetes de lotería
la relación
6.3 Fechas de la Desde que se realizó el primer sorteo en 1771 se emiten los billetes