Jitl 1 1 4
Jitl 1 1 4
Jitl 1 1 4
1, 19-24
Available online at http://pubs.sciepub.com/jitl/1/1/4
Published by Science and Education Publishing
Received February 09, 2021; Revised March 10, 2021; Accepted March 15, 2021
Abstract This study developed a training design for Senior High School students and teachers. The design was
composed of four learning packets which were revised and finalized after an on-line try out. The researcher used five
stages in the model to undertake the study. Seels and Glasgow’s (2018) ADDIE model was modified by the
researcher into Needs Analysis, Plan, Create, Try Out and Assess (NAPCTA) and was followed in the duration of
the entire research process. The results of the needs analysis served as basis for the topics in the learning packets.
Specifically, the study determined: (1) the anxiety level of the senior high school respondents, (2) the needs to be
addressed in speech anxiety and (3) the contents of the learning packets as the research product. The paper employed
the Research and Develop (R&D) design.
Keywords: training design, anxiety, public speaking
Cite This Article: Charito G. Ong, and K Marie D. Zambas, “A Training Design for Public Speaking
Anxiety.” Journal of Innovations in Teaching and Learning, vol. 1, no. 1 (2021): 19-24. doi: 10.12691/jitl-1-1-4.
In the Philippine context, Azagra posits that the utmost with the necessary skills and techniques, strengthen their
concern of schools and educational managers for many confidence for them to become engaging audience and
decades is the deteriorating performance of the students in contribute in ensuring to maintain the Filipino’s edge in
all subject areas particularly English, Mathematics, and the spoken English language.
Science where the English language is used [9]. The Generally, this research aimed to identify and
Philippine academe then innovated a milestone through investigate the causes of anxiety among Senior High
the implementation of the K to 12 curriculum. This School students in public speaking. Thereafter, it
responded to the demand of the 21st century education. recommended steps to overcome their anxiety level by
Moreover, it answered the problem of decreasing developing a training design. This is supported by Tanveer
performance of Filipinos academically. Generally, the as he posits that an apt utilization of strategies by language
ultimate goal was to produce holistically developed teachers can help reduce second/foreign language anxiety
students with 21st century skills equipped with operative and can potentially increase students’ confidence to learn
communication skills thus focusing on using English in and speak the target language [11]. Teachers really need to
the area of communication. structure classroom activities so that the amount of learner
It has been known that a skilled oral communicator is talk is increased at the expense of teacher talk. This will
demanded globally. The careers offered by the global motivate students to communicate since they will do
village such as banking, commerce, business, tourism, actual practice in the target language. By providing a rich
education, engineering and medicine among others use the classroom interaction, an avenue that this research
English language as a means of communication. This is designed, a communicative classroom mode was achieved
supported by Kachru, as he cites that English is the among the English classes.
international language of business and banking, aviation, This study developed a training design for students to
tourism, negotiation, scientific research, and intellectual manage public speaking anxiety. It determined: 1.) the
exchange [10]. Hence, Filipino learners should respond to individual anxiety level of Senior High School students in
this demand of the global world; that is to learn and use Kong Hua School, 2.) the needs addressed among the
the English language. Consequently, this paper placed respondents related to speech anxiety, and 3.) the contents
emphasis for learners to develop their speaking skills. of the training design for speech anxiety.
Among senior high school classes in this country, students
usually encounter varied speech problems. These
evidently hinder their ability to communicate and 2. The Theoretical Framework
eventually negatively affect their general proficiency and
academic performance. Therefore, resolving their This research utilized concepts from the theory of Johns
problems in communication and finding out the finest [12], which is the Eight Steps to Planning an Effective
solutions is deemed vital to help these learners in their oral Training Event and the Systematic Approach to Training
language development. (SAT) which is similar to Seels and Glasgow’s [13]
English proficiency, specifically in speaking is a major Instructional System Design Model (ISD). These models
concern not only in the academe but also in economics. begin with Analysis. As the first phase, it rationalizes the
With the ASEAN Integration there are two areas that necessity for the training. This phase can be likened to
should be dealt with; first is for Filipino graduates to keep steps 1 and 2 of John’s model. Next is the Design phase
their edge over their Asian counterparts in the English referred to as the decision-making phase. Also similar to
language. English used to be the Filipinos’ competitive steps 3 and 4 of John’s model, this phase will complete
advantage in the job market. Second, there is a rise in three important activities: (1) deciding what participants
business process outsourcing and influx of foreigners who will learn, (2) what will be taught and (3) the instructional
want to learn English as a second language, therefore there methods to be used and what competency will be required
is a greater demand of English Proficiency in speaking. from the participants. In the Development phase, the
However, the Filipinos’ mastery is fast being eroded by training concept is made into a material in the form of the
rising competition from other countries coupled with training design with different parts. This is step 5 of
declining mastery of the English language by most college John’s model, of developing instructional activities. Both
students. If Filipino graduates cannot regain this edge, it models refer the Implementation phase as the “actual
would mean lesser, rewarding job opportunities and lesser training”. This is where the developed training design will
income. be placed into a realistic context. Step 6 of John’s model
Nonetheless, it is the desire of the researcher to find out also refers to this as the training scheme preparation and
why speech anxiety still commonly occurs in the implementation. Evaluation is listed last in these models.
Philippine classrooms despite the early exposure to It ensures that processes work well and improvements are
English as a second language. The researcher intends to identified right away. Step 8 of Johns model, preparing
discover the perspectives of the English teachers regarding evaluation forms and determining follow-up activities
speaking anxiety in the classrooms and how they handle discusses this also. By combining the different concepts of
these situations, the students’ perspectives on the causes the three theorists cited above, the researcher came up
of these anxieties and address these needs by developing a with her theoretical framework. Although some concepts
speech module that can be implemented to create a low were modified, these were adopted from the key concepts
speech anxiety classroom especially to senior high school gleaned from the three models as subsequently shown in
students. The training design will equip these students Figure 1.
Journal of Innovations in Teaching and Learning 21
42 out of the 78 respondents from grade 11 experienced the committee’s self-survey ratings. This result was also
moderately high and high anxiety level. agreed by the body during the plenary session.
Twenty-five (25) out of forty-six (46) female The areas examined comprised of feelings towards
respondents commented during the written survey that public speaking, manifestations of their anxiety, past
they felt conscious and scared to make mistakes. These experiences, and the needs they have. The highly repeated
reasons made them avoid speaking in front. If forced, for answers in the open-ended survey when asked about their
grades purposes, they tend not to give their all, for feelings towards public speaking is on nervousness and
apprehensions that they may be laughed at. This result is anxiety. This matched the results in the Personal Report on
affirmed in a study by stating that female students get Public Speaking Anxiety (PRPSA). Thirty percent (30%)
more anxious than males while giving speech publicly of the students further shared, their anxiety and
[16]. The same responses are mentioned in the study of nervousness would depend on the audience and topic.
Wicks-Nelson and Israel, who postulate that female When asked about their past experiences in public
students feel more anxious when it comes to oral activities speaking, negative experiences such as mental block,
in class [17]. Accordingly, this is due to the fact that being laughed at, being conscious on how people perceive
female students need to feel secure in class, thus trying to him/her and were repeatedly mentioned. Based on their
avoid any kind of activities that might expose their classroom exposure, they claimed they need help in public
mistakes. Also, some of them are more concerned about speaking which were categorized into encouragement
‘maintaining their faces’ in front of others especially from before, during and after delivery; provision of more
the male students. In addition, five female respondents speaking opportunities and mentoring. These were the
wrote that they feel conscious when all eyes are on them common answers.
on stage. Kankam postulates that the anxiety that usually comes
Female students naturally do not like to appear less with a speaking performance is said to be both personal
proficient and less confident [18], therefore escalating and situational [22]. Researchers have over the years
their anxiety whenever they are asked to get involved with sought to understand how the combined effects of
activities like speaking and listening. This is perceived as personal traits of an individual and situational conditions
a demonstration of weakness in front of others especially such as the nature of the speaking environment, the size of
while presenting in front of the opposite gender [18]. the audience and negative perception over the outcome of
Some male students on the other hand, do have more self- a speech, affects a person’s ability to effectively
control and the ability to detach themselves from communicate. While studies on speech-related anxiety in
unpleasant feeling. In short, some of them might adopt the the academic environment is not new [23-24], the
‘shutting down’ technique where they appear to be more attention of many of these studies has focused on students
laid back and careless exteriorly. Additionally, according rather than lectures/instructors. This study found that out
to the results of the quantitative research of Öztürk and of fear of being negatively evaluated, students became
Gürbüz, female students demonstrate a higher level of highly apprehensive when asked to perform a speech-
foreign language learning motivation than male students related task in the classroom. This, the study found, can
[19]. The results also showed that the female students get potentially have adverse effects on the academic and
more anxious than the male students while speaking in professional performance of students. Most importantly,
English in the classroom. The results of the qualitative the study established the significant role of teachers in
data showed parallelism with the quantitative results managing a friendly and pleasant environment that
which occurred in this study. This is found in the needs facilitate speaking and positive learning outcomes. As
assessment stage when 21% among males or 8 out of 32 Varron asserts, the teacher is the one that facilitates the
experience low anxiety compared to 13% among the whole process of learning and creates a favorable
females or 6 out of 46 only. Apart from this, struggling in environment, where there is a smooth flow of
understanding instruction is too major a problem for communication [25]. The study of Varron proves to be in
female students compared to the male ones. Agitation consistency with this research because the needs raised by
and apprehension are projected when they could the students can be addressed through motivation for
not execute the task according to the instructions, thus encouragement, guidance and feed backing for mentoring,
making them more vulnerable in front of the class. and integration of communicative approach in the
This is consistent with Mclean and Anderson’s paper [21] Language classroom to provide more exposure [25]. The
which found out that females develop greater risk teachers also, can avoid situations that could cause
of anxiety according to their social factor and surrounding. embarrassment to the student speaking by proper
This lowers down their confidence level thus making orientation on the responsibility and decorum of the
them feel more insecure in class. In this paper, it showed audience.
that 10 out of 32 female respondents mentioned “scared” A study conducted by Wu [26] entitled The Relationship
to make mistakes as one of their feelings towards public between Language Learners' Anxiety and Learning
speaking. Strategy in the CLT Classrooms indicated in the results
The open-ended survey conducted among the Senior that most of the participants express a favorable attitude
High School respondents on December 10, 2019 generated toward the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
similar results. The students manifested public speaking approach; however, they also reveal their high level of
anxiety through stuttering and stammering, often leading anxiety in the language classroom. Accordingly, language
to mental block. These manifestations directly affect anxiety is usually reported to have adverse effects on the
spontaneity and clear expression of ideas. The students’ learning of a second language. It is the language
reported experience in public speaking is coherent with instructors' mission to accelerate the language learning of
Journal of Innovations in Teaching and Learning 23
their students. One way is to teach students how to learn For teachers, who are curriculum designers and mentors,
more effectively and efficiently. Language learning it is further recommended that they will undergo more
strategies (LLS) are procedures that learners can use to trainings across levels with the integration of
facilitate learning. Wu’s research results have some Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Approach
bearing to this study as revealed in the needs assessment through professional learning communities. Further
[26]. The Senior High School respondents experience researches on addressing public speaking anxiety starting
anxiety in public speaking but they also identified in their in the primary grades is also recommended.
needs to have more exposure. This shows they want to be
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Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).