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Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue



The vital reference work for Commonwealth collectors

Thousands of price increases By Appointment to
Her Majesty the Queen
Hundreds of new items listed Philatelists
Stanley Gibbons Ltd

Commonwealth Department "=



eg = + is
QOCTi669|-J0vAN 148) ii © |em0br 1669) S0JANt94G) S| © Peocrrass: “s0uanias by

India SG O150d
10r Gandhi ‘Service’, the only multiple in private hands, not previously known to exist.

Cyprus SG 5
Rare and beautiful
plate block from the
J.C. North pane, only
14 sheets printed
; ;
B ose sce IS}


Gibraltar SG 108
Unique imperforate
proof block

Please contact Andrew Mansi on 020 7557 4455 email

or Brian Lucas on 020 7557 4418 email

Est 1856

& STANLEY Stanley Gibbons Limited

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. ‘to any amount; coupled with total honesty and
____intecrity. Satisfaction and confidentiality are an
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David Brandon
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A Tradition for Over Fifty Years
Being one of the World’s leading and most active dealers in Important ee
Investment Quality rare stamps we would be pleased to hear from you,
should you care to obtain major pieces such as the items illustrated.

Finding that ‘SPECIAL’ Item

We have thousands of rare and outstanding items available. Whether you are
looking for that ‘SPECIAL’ stamp to complete or improve your collection or build |
an award winning exhibit, we would be pleased to hear from you.

We are internationally recognised as leaders in Philatelic Expertising
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which has issued Certificates for 35 years and these Certificates are
highly regarded; each Certificate is signed by a minimum of 3 full-
time professional Stamp Dealers with well over 120 years of full-time
professional Stamp Dealing between them. Gertificates enhance the
value and enjoyment of all collections and should you have items
which should have a Certificate and you have never found the time
to send them for expertising, perhaps it Is now time. Further details
on request.

Stamps as an Investment
Rare stamps are big business throughout the World. International demand for rare stamps keeps the value
continually rising. Rare stamps are saleable throughout the World; they can be purchased in one country with
the sure knowledge that there is a ready market for them in a completely different part of the World. So, with |
the growing lack of confidence in stocks, shares and other generally regarded ‘Safe Investments’ it must now
be recognised that rare stamps really can offer a secure and worthwhile investment. First of all, it is of course, |
essential to buy the right stamps at the right price. But what are the right stamps for investment? These days the
‘print run’ of stamps runs into many millions and a wise investor will seek either high value stamps prior to 1937, |
where it is known that the quantities of stamps printed is small and as a consequence the rarity level is high.Or
he could choose in invest in modern stamp issues displaying major printing errors in the design. These can be
most appealing and exact quantities discovered are generally known. For fifty years we have been acknowledged
leaders in supplying philatelic material for investment. Our unrivalled knowledge and resources in this field enable
us to provide the best possible service to the investor. All our material is guaranteed genuine in every respect and
all rare items are supplied with a Certificate of genuineness. Each porfolio supplied is tailored to meet individual |
requirements and our International reputation is your guarantee of satisfaction. For details please contact


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TELEPHONE: 01483 503335 @ FAX: 01483 560812
‘ional Stanley Gibbons
Stamp Catalogue

~ Commonwealth and
British Empire Stamps
1840 — 1970

118th edition 2016


my 1865 - 2015 ——
ibbons Ltd - London and Ringwood
By Appointment to
Her Majesty The Queen
Stanley Gibbons Ltd

Published by Stanley Gibbons Ltd

Editorial and Publications:
7 Parkside, Christchurch Road, Ringwood,
Hants BH24 3SH

© Stanley Gibbons Ltd 2015

Copyright Notice

The contents of this Catalogue, including

the numbering system and illustrations, are
fully protected by copyright. No part of this
publication may be reproduced, stored in a
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British Library Cataloguing in

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A catalogue record for this book is available
from the British Library.

ISBN-13: 978-0-85259-951-8
ISBN-10: 0-85259-951-X

Item No. R 2813-16

Printed and bound in Italy

by Lego SpA


Paper from
responsible sources

FSC* C023419
Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps, 1840-1970
What they said about previous editions:

The latest edition continues to set the high standards for others to aspire to.
- Sam Horton, Stamp & Coin Mart, February 2014

Quite simply an ESSENTIAL volume to sit on the desk of every'll do well to invest in one.
- Glen Stephens, Stamp News Australasia

The prices.....act as a reliable guide to how values have moved.

- Brian Livingstone, Stamp Lover, February 2014

Collectors whose interests extend beyond Great Britain to the British Empire and Commonwealth will find
this impressive catalogue invaluable.
- Mike Jackson, The GB Journal, May/June 2014

This volume is a fine addition to almost 150 years of published catalogues, and should be added to many
- Robert P Odenweller, Collectors Club Philatelist, March-April 2014

The one volume that virtually every collector or dealer in British Empire stamps must have to hand continues
the high standards already set.
- David Rennie, Philatelic Exporter, November 2014

A pricelessly convenient single volume, containing hundreds of hours’ happy reading and enlightenment
for every purchaser.
- Michael Round, Stamp Lover, April 2015

From a production standpoint, the catalogue is a work of art. Ifyou collect the British Commonwealth of
nations, there is no question this catalogue is a necessity.
- Everett Parker, Stamp News Online, April 2015

This magnificent hard-bound volume needs no introduction to regular users. It’s not only a great refererice,
but an informed source for this collecting area.
- Michael O Nowlan, Canadian Stamp News, 28 July 2015

2013 Edition awarded a gold medal at IPHILA, the International Philatelic Literature Exhibition,
held in Mainz, Germany, November 2012

2015 Edition awarded large vermeil medals at London 2015: Europhilex (May 2015) and Singapore
2015 World Stamp Exhibition (August 2015).


Kenya and Uganda 1925 £100 red and black, upper left corner example showing plate
number “1”.One ofjust five examples that we have been able to trace..

Preface to the 2016 Edition
The 150th Anniversary of the Stanley Gibbons Catalogue

|:1855, 15-year-old Edward Stanley Gibbons PRICES Speaking offiscally used high values, more prices
went to work at the Naval Bank in Plymouth and In this period of low-to-zero inflation it is notable have now been provided for these in this edition.
we can well imagine the interest sparked in him that stamp prices continue to rise, sometimes at There have been further additions and
by all those coloured scraps of paper, attached to a considerable pace, fuelled by the seemingly improvements to the colour illustrations — look, for
the letters arriving at the Bank from its naval officer insatiable demand ofthe collectors who want them. example in the South Africa booklet section. Several
clients, stationed around the world in the days when For this catalogue, areas of greatest growth new plate and watermark varieties have been added
Britannia ruled the waves. continue to corne from Australia and States, India and there have been new discoveries to add to the
But a career in banking was not to be his fate, and States and errors and varieties, with Malaya and various‘used abroad listings throughout the catalogue.
for a year later his eldest brother, William, died and many of the former colonies in Africa also making a Once again, we would like to thank Gary Diffen
his father, also William, required the young Edward strong showing. Canada, New Zealand, the West for keeping us up-to-date with new discoveries in
Stanley to return to his chemists shop and take up Indies, the Pacific, Asia and the various ‘outposts of Australian States, where there are a number of new
his brother's apprenticeship. Empire’ also see a substantial number of increases, additions to the listings.
The story goes that the younger Gibbons agreed, though not as many as Australia and India. It is also There have been further Indian Stamps added
but only so long as he had a desk in the shop from noticeable that, throughout the catalogue, definitives to the list of those known used in Bahrain, thanks
which he could trade in stamps and it is from that are in much greater demand than commemoratives. to Thomas Johansen, and in Bechuanaland a new
year, 1856, that Stanley Gibbons Ltd. traces its The Great Britain market is becoming ever more note on Stellaland postal markings explains that
foundation. specialised, with most of the price growth coming in manuscript cancellations are normal on these stamps.
In the early years, Plymouth seems to have been areas which are outside the scope ofthis catalogue; One of the best new varieties added this year is in
a good place from which to run a stamp dealing notably essays, proofs and postal history. Evidence Falkland Islands, where the ‘Break in Cloud’ variety
business, with easy access to the world and even of the growing interest in the first two is more than on the 1%ad. ‘Whale catcher’ stamp in the 1933
easier access to the men who travelled it. We have all adequately demonstrated by the recently published Centenary set was first noted in Upland Goose, the
heard the story of the kitbag full of Cape Triangulars;, ‘Four Kings, volume 2 of the Great Britain Specialised journal ofthe Falkland Islands Philatelic Study Group,
bought by Gibbons for £5 in 1864 from two sailors Catalogue, price revisions for‘regular’ issues in which only in 2013.
who had won them in a raffle in Capetown. Whatever also appear here. In Hong Kong the Crowned Circle handstamps
the exact circumstances of the purchase, there is no One aspect ofGB postal history which does impact are now illustrated and there have been further
doubt that the young philatelic entrepreneur had a on this catalogue is the markings of the overseas post additions to the listings of stamps used in the British
substantial stock of these stamps at the time, which offices —- where there have been a number of rises Post Offices in China.
he was offering by the dozen and the gross to fellow this year. Further varieties have been added to New
dealers. Once again, we are extremely grateful to those Zealand in the form of three well-established flaws
Writing letters was time-consuming and members of the trade who pass on the benefits on the 1d.’‘Dominion’ stamp of 1909 to 1926, where
inefficient, however, and Gibbons hit upon the idea of their wisdom and experience in the form of the ‘Feather’ is now joined by the ‘Globe’ ‘Q’ and ‘N’
of producing a printed price list of the stamps he suggested pricing amendments and we must single flaws — all clearly illustrated of course.
had to offer and his first ‘Descriptive Price List and out Richard Juzwin for particular thanks in respect of There are new varieties in the Rhodesias also, from
Catalogue of British Colonial and Foreign Postage Australia and States, and the three of four specialist the re-entry on the 1908 £2 Arms stamp of Rhodesia
Stamps’ was published in November 1865, price 2d., Great Britain dealers who helped with ‘Four Kings’ and the ‘Giraffe’ re-entry on the King George VI Yad. of
and would be sent post free, ‘to any address in the Others have commented on single countries, single Northern Rhodesia to the Extra landing light’on the
Kingdom: In it, he offered used Penny Blacks for 1d., sets or even single stamp prices, but their suggestions 2s.6d. Airmail Service commemorative of Rhodesia
Cape 1d. ‘Woodblocks’ at 3s. and 1s. triangulars at are no less welcome and we hope that such input and Nyasaland.
2s.6d. a dozen. continues to come. There have been a number of improvements to the
The catalogue appeared monthly until 1879, by It is at this point each year that | am forced to Nevis listings, following the publication of Nevis - The
which time Gibbons had moved to London, where remind all catalogue users — both buyers and sellers — Stamps and Postal History (1661-1890) by Frederico
he established his business, first at Clapham and that the prices in this catalogue are for stamps in fine Borromeo and Charles Freeland.
subsequently at 8 Gower Street. Here, the monthly condition. We continue to be disappointed to see Another well-established variety which finally
price list was replaced by an annual book, with stamps in average to poor condition being offered makes its way into the catalogue is the ‘Barbed
illustrations in an appendix at the back. A new issue at proportions of catalogue price which they do not wire’ flaw on the 1d. Victory stamp of South Africa
supplement continued to be produced and this, of merit. It is a well-accepted fact that many people — and the overprinted versions for Basutoland,
course, still appears each month in Gibbons Stamp ignore the notes at the front of this catalogue, but Bechuanaland, South West Africa and Swaziland.
Monthly. they too are reviewed, revised and updated with Also in South Africa, following the article by
When Charles Phillips purchased the company each new edition and they ought to be read through Alan Drysdall in Gibbons Stamp Monthly, the ‘CSAR’
from Stanley Gibbons in 1890, he rapidly set about by all of us every year, if only to remind ourselves that railway official stamps of Orange River Colony and
preparing it for the 20th century, reorganising the poor quality stamps are seldom the bargain they Transvaal are listed.
catalogue into four handy pocket-sized volumes, may first seem, for, with the odd exception like the There are two new ‘used abroad’ listings towards
covering the British Empire, Foreign Countries, British Guiana 1 cent black on magenta, their value the end of the catalogue, with, following the
Postal Stationery and Local Stamps, the last two of will never rise at the same rate as a stamp in fine publication of Peter van der Molen’s multi-award-
which were soon discontinued, but his‘Part 1’is easily condition. winning Swaziland Philately to 1968, a new section
recognisable as the precursor to the catalogue you covering the ‘colonial’ issues of Transvaal used in
are reading now. REVISIONS TO THIS EDITION Swaziland between 1902 and 1913 and, thanks
By 1900 the Stanley Gibbons Catalogue had Half-way through writing this Preface, the welcome to Tony Howgrave-Graham a priced list of South
grown into an important work of reference, used by news arrives that the previous edition ofthis catalogue African stamps used in South West Africa during
collectors around the world, but, it remained the price had been awarded a large vermeil medal at the and immediately following World War I.
list of its publishers, as, indeed, it still is today. Singapore 2015 World Stamp Exhibition. Publishing As always, | would like to close by thanking my
It is this very fact, of course, which gives it its stamp catalogues, however, is not an occupation that friends and colleagues at Stanley Gibbons, both
credibility; prices have to be accurately reassessed allows any time for resting upon one’s laurels, as we in Ringwood and at the Strand, for their help and
for each new edition, for, in simple terms, if catalogue strive to make each new edition significantly better support in producing this catalogue and to repeat
prices are too high, no one will buy the company’s than the ones that have gone before. my thanks to all those collectors and members of
stamps and ifthey are too low it would be impossible A regrettable result of the recent improvements the stamp trade who have contributed in any way
to replace stocks, once sold. in printing technology has been the arrival on the towards it.
This reassessment is a long, slow and meticulous market of more and more forgeries — particularly of
process, which, for this catalogue, takes place over overprints and cancellations on cleaned, fiscally used
a six-month period, taking into account worldwide high values. Further notes have been added to the Hugh Jefferies
auction realisations, shop sales, collectors’ ‘wants catalogue, drawing users’ attention to the problem, Catalogue Editor
lists; the welcome input from collectors and traders see, for example, the King George V ‘SERVICE’ high August 2015
and in this Internet age, online auction sales. values of India.
The Stanley Gibbons Group Plc

Stanley Gibbons Limited, Stanley Gibbons Publications Overseas Representation

Stanley Gibbons Auctions Stanley Gibbons Publications are represented overseas by the following
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The British Empire Specialist
Aden to Zululand 1840-1935
Stamps, Varieties & Postal History
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We are the leading buyers of both general and specialized collections

of British Commonwealth. We are always on the look out
for rarities from the whole Empire and the World.

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Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue
Complete list of parts

Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1970 Great Britain Catalogues

(118th edition, 2016) Collect British Stamps (65th edition, 2014)
Collect Channel Islands & Isle of Man (29th edition, 2014)
Commonwealth Country Catalogues Great Britain Concise Stamp Catalogue (30th edition, 2015) - _,
Australia & Dependencies (9th edition, 2014)
Bangladesh, Pakistan & Sri Lanka (3rd edition, 2015) Great Britain Specialised
Belize, Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago (2nd edition, 2013) Volume1 Queen Victoria (16th edition, 2012)
Brunei, Malaysia & Singapore (4th edition, 2013) Volume2_ King Edward VII to King George VI (14th edition, 2015)
Canada (sth edition, 2014) Volume3 Queen Elizabeth II Pre-decimal issues
Central Africa (2nd edition, 2008) (12th edition, 2011)
Cyprus, Gibraltar & Malta (4th edition, 2014) Volume 4 Queen Elizabeth II Decimal Definitive Issues -
East Africa with Egypt & Sudan (3rd edition, 2014) Part1 (10th edition, 2008)
Eastern Pacific (3rd edition, 2015) Queen Elizabeth II Decimal Definitives Issues -
Falkland Islands (6th edition, 2013) Part2 (10th edition, 2008)
Hong Kong (sth edition, 2015)
India (including Convention & Feudatory States) Regional Catalogues
(ath edition, 2013) Antarctica (2nd edition, 2012)
Indian Ocean (2nd edition, 2012) North America (ist edition, 2010)
Ireland (6th edition, 2015) North-East Africa (ist edition, 2013)
Leeward Islands (2nd edition, 2012) United Nations (1st edition, 2010)
New Zealand (sth edition, 2014)
Northern Caribbean, Bahamas & Bermuda (3rd edition, 2013)
St. Helena & Dependencies (sth edition, 2014)
Southern Africa (2nd edition, 2008)
Southern & Central Africa (2nd edition, 2014)
West Africa (2nd edition, 2012)
Western Pacific (3rd edition, 2014)
Windward Islands & Barbados (2nd edition, 2012)

Foreign Countries
Austria & Hungary (8th edition, 2014)
Balkans (sth edition, 2009)
Belgium & Luxembourg (1st edition, 2015)
Central America (3rd edition, 2007)
Central Asia (4th edition, 2006)
China (10th edition, 2014)
Czech Republic, Slovakia & Poland (7th edition, 2012)
France, Andorra and Monaco (ist edition, May 2015)
Germany (11th edition, 2014)
Italy & Switzerland (8th edition, 2013)
Japan & Korea (5th edition, 2008)
Middle East (7th edition, 2009)
Portugal & Spain (6th edition, 2011)
Russia (7th edition, 2014)
Scandinavia (7th edition, 2013)
South America (4th edition, 2008)
South-East Asia (sth edition, 2012)
United States of America (8th edition, 2015)

Stamps of the World 2015

Volume1 Abu Dhabi - Charkhari
Volume2_ Chile - Georgia
Volume 3 German Commands - Jasdan
Volume 4 Jersey - New Republic
Volumes New South Wales - Singapore
Volumeé Sirmoor - Zululand
Stamps Added

Great Britain 574ca, 716g, 755b Gold Coast 1a Malta 31b, 31ws, 31ys, 251a
Australia Grenada 79x, 156aa New Zealand 216dab, 216fa, 405e, 405f, 406d, 407b,
New South Wales 180b, 225gb, 300c, 301b, 315c, Hong Kong 93x 408d, 409d, 410d, 410e, 410xc, 410xd, 410xe, 411b,
333bc, O22ba British Post Offices in China Z917a, Z1079 411c,413b, O78b, O78c, O79b, O80b, 081b, O8 1c,
South Australia O18c India 90w 111w, 204a, 323aw, 333cw O81xb, O81xc
Tasmania 128a Used in Iran 22a, Z119, Z147a Antarctic Expeditions A3b
Victoria 81c, 171c, 199a Bundi O6b Niue 76w
Western Australia 54x, 67x, 77y, 82w, 89w, 135a, Cochin 109b Nigeria 92w, 99w
173a Hyderabad 18b North Borneo 93c, 303a, 318b, 320a, 335d, J20a
Commonwealth of Australia 21cz, 314da Soruth 41ba Labuan 24y
New Guinea 110b, O9b Travancore 39ab, 50f, 055e,067Aab, 071d, 075g, Northern Rhodesia 25b
Bahamas 78x, 353w O81c¢,0105c Nyasaland 113g}, 132ab, 133aa
Bahrain Z24a, Z44b, Z60a, Z73b, Z120a, Z131a, Travancore-Cochin O5a Pitcairn Islands Z14a, Z14b
Z131b, Z145 Ireland 14y Rhodesia 91a, 96a, 96ba, 113ca,113da
Barbados 206a, 211c lraq Rhodesia and Nyasaland 19aa, 42a
Basutoland 29a Baghdad 4a, 11a St Helena 56x
Bechuanaland 129a, D7ad Jamaica 131a, 145a St Kitts Nevis
Bermuda 233d Jersey 19c Nevis 22d
British Guiana 217w Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika St Vincent 132x
British Occupation of Italian Colonies TD7a British East Africa Zab, 55a, 73w Singapore 34a
British Solomon Islands 68a Kenya and Uganda 44y South Africa
Canada Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika 127i 132a 134a, Natal 101w
Newfoundland 267b 159a New Republic 3b
Ceylon 281w, T62w, T76w, T103w Leeward Islands 126a, 127a, 128a, 129a, 130a, 131a, South Africa 62b, 108a, 272a, 286aa
Cyprus 4a, 74b, 75a 132a, 133a, 134a, 135a, 136a, 137a, 138a, 139a, South West Africa 131b
Dominica 86sa 140a Sudan 046a
Egypt 42d, 42ed, 43c, 43ed Malaya Swaziland 244/82, 39a, 74ab, D8a
Falkland Islands 129a Straits Settlements 280ab Tanganyika 51y, 63a, 64a, 65a
Fiji 238y British Military Administration 1aa Trinidad and Tobago
Gambia 30w, 124x Johore 9w Tobago 33c
Ghana 384c, 387c Perak 50w Zanzibar 261w, 280w, 280x, 329a, D18a
Gilbert and Ellice Islands 36c Maldive Islands 156w

Catalogue Numbers Altered

The table below is a cross-reference of those catalogue numbers which have been altered in this edition.

Old New Old New

Great Britain 574d 574e India 323a 323b
574da 574ea 323aw 323bw
574e 574f India used in Iran Z119 = Z120
Australia Cochin 109b 109c
New Guinea 94a deleted Travancore O81c O81d
O3b deleted Kenya, Uganda
Bahrain Z60a Z60b and Tanganyika
Bermuda 127dw 127ew British East Africa 55a 55b
127e 127f 55ab 55ba
127ea_ 127fa 55ac 55bb
127f 127g Malta 31b 31bx
127fa 127ga Mauritius 82a deleted
British Occupation of Pitcairn Islands Z14a Z14c
former Italian Colonies TD7a TD7b Rhodesia 96a 96b
Cyprus 20 20a St Kitts, Nevis
20a 20 Nevis 5 1
20ab 20b Sa deleted
74b 74c 6 2
75a 75b 6a deleted
75ab 75ba 7 3
Dominica 85sa deleted 7a deleted
Egypt 42dw 42ew 8 4
43dw 43ew 8a deleted
43e 43f
43ea 43fa
43eb 43fb
43ew 43fw
Ghana 384c 384d
387c 387d
387ca 387da
Gilbert and Ellice Islands 39c deleted

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stamps, collections, accumulations & postal history
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Telephone: 01925 231151 Facsimile: 01925 232204


“EB PEE a ee td vii NIG

GNI acactecssectessseteertestscstessestateeettecietrsseaseaares 458
Stanley Gibbons Publications Overseas NO rth BOnmCObscctescscsscesctscccecsenasee-ceccastorsss 468
FRTSCSCMUALION ccncsccssccscecosscsscessescusscszasees viii Northern Rhodesia.........sssscsssscccsssccsseeeenes 478
BLAIS ACCC ....:ccscccsiecessosssconsocnsccosssecessoaseone xi Nyasaland imertrencnicacorsceseectes 479
Catalogue Numbers Altered... xi PakiStalirceccecosrstectcsctarccone reteset 482
The Importance of Condition «0... XV DAlOSUlI Gircrtecttectacsccatescethctcscesas
aren.cvscerteet 490
General Philatelic Information and
Piteainmslslamc Siemenercsctcerrst-cta-csecreee: 493
HIN @S ec cecccssesceetssccoassssaseiesesonsecaseera¥s xxiii
Atal, sscrcrsecuscaresseroscentaceasentnctacssnesetssncertsvassbes 495
International Philatelic Glossary........... Xxxi
OS laletereatarerrnatcteccetiter.sctcsecinecrettreetevetss 496
Specialist Philatelic Societies ............... XXXV
Rhodesia & Nyasaland .........eessseccsseecesnee 501
Select BibliograPhy.........ssessecsssecseecsees XXXVi
Stallelenlaierscccrscccreccssrcsccettrccccerestecteeee 502
SUAKILISCINGVIS cassrsccesscssecosscssscosteocerocsroctossenss 506
PRECISE ICA ictterccnctescecscrcusceoeeccasiesieneceerasstens GB1
ctceseisceasslecesnscans.onsees 510
British Post Offices Abroad ........... GB38 Gilbert and Ellice Islands
SUA INCOM tyeeessessceceerttsscsesccsstecceastesstenscsassessees Sys
ROUND TAD erecrerceseossessescosnsssasssestviccsinsosesnecscovesees 1
SAM Oa recoseccrsscrcvessstervttvcvscrsscsttertasecasecensiecaisee 518
BM sar ccsycsarsecoovsesosssndosocrbsssonsvssseseresoscs 1
MCL tte eee etter stscccosssscsccossesssesensconssendecroocecse 4 S AV AWK sarccsscesstictsostevenscacescoccssenehtuseansstitoasses bys)

PRDELIULClecctsvscersouseosssscosssassocosestseneocesenscodvoconsecoess 5 SQV GINGUES? ScccrccistctsscasteessvtoasecsscivastcvsersSnes 526

Be eM SION ettesececoseseasscosscasseouascasecossssasecvassenscece 10 SIOM COMO ees scsecrescostenneesseckstchsscoesucctecsets 530

A ccsdcasscsnccerssesacsceconsssorcnsssonconsess 15 SUING
(2)0X0)(Stiretereeet giver en arpncm aerate nc erty 536

OS ETNEIScope Vil Somaliland Protectorate .........scseeseeen 539

27 YVRIA| cccax irae 82 SOUtIA MICA ree. ettcs stews
tenes ere 543
BEANO Serecccctssccvsscoscssetevvicvésecesssseleasonrsscstsss 84 South Arabian Federation... W/5;
BNE RT ss ccc suissnsesccecnsveecesccccossaesesensnveoees 90 SOUUMENMIRMNOGSSlalessssserccsseseetvececseeraeeee IL
TU 01)centro cser oee 93 SOULMIWESTA TI Galceccucen.castessree
SEM GUTH VACA | Chesscsossscsccsseestesccvssecossesttasecoassceées 93 SUG AN eee etertncstesteet
kecteetocmeal chimes 584
NIALORE cfc foscssccronssscnudaeeassseosteesnssecosescass 99 Swazilandisietsute snares
cece: 588
BAA AD ccssescstcveosnsseccteesoyoecussenieonsosbsisos 108 MAN GANYI Karna staccataerreteer terete, 590
British Antarctic Territory... 109
BIRD ZAIN cAsrecteeececssseccessssesnstttcterserseste
croncerrtarts 593
BEESIDGUU AIRAs ssasssconssascesstosscsbssecsonssscauseavess 109
AOC Oercrastescconeceettetsccncessesteceetcttad ersecourtiprantas 595
BPMSIN IOMCUNAS .sccssovessosvnsscsvsccssnsescviseennses 114
MOM Aleeetercctscecvarvovsesceonstvecsisfeasceretecesrereteocssa 596
British Indian Ocean Territory .........000.. 118
AMMeeerssetcscrceccercetececcsceeeertctetcccanexe 602
BMRRIDIPON ANAC feriscssscscottseccescsonsesencsstoncssteeses 118
Mrimidad ama ODAGO scccsretsccscesesreeccceestacs 606
British Occupation of Italian Colonies 121 Maldive'lslandstess-csssncrentmsteee.:
ani Staal GUI Maeeceerrtuessceecceecansessreenscess 612
BTIEISHP.OS IM Crete .......cssesosnsessssesconseseonees 123
MnUClall States: <ccctesscasteccteaccscesseceserePosessesceses 615
British P.O. in Siam (Bangkok)... 123
Turks and Caicos Islands ........sscssesesseeeene 615
British Postal Agencies in
Morocco Agencies GatChakscSeeesescoceen ad otecacnsnctanszsescasensterveetinrcesc 620
BRAMTINEANA DC lscsscosssovscsscssconeeconsecoeareaoers 124
British SOlOMON IslaNnds........sssesscssseesessees 125 (British Post Offices) LANDLateeerecscctesverastecstvsodeocssaeras tteretaessrertoccest 623

BXBELISINVINGIN ISIAMS ..nsscnsesconssccrsescersererese 127 ThENAVAL OFM cores arco rer Creer rE er 625

RE rs en csscccexcsonescroshsestosdesodtbnncers 131 Set Prices for British Empire

ear ooo crcne ese ceessnvnnsiacendessttovovbsspvets 134 QINMHDUSIISSUCS aiecsctttctncsscccorssecteneecvarene 630
RM reac 2 sc cosssbcssscvassosiusgeeassesvcvtrocesesnsees 137 [iNOx Gaeestesteceracastececeveanetsevespecentsconessvereeeerets 635
The Importance of Condition

The Importance of Condition

The prices in the Stanley Gibbons many early issues are extremely rare with gum and Derby stamp (SG 804) is priced at £26.00 and £7.25,
in these cases anything up to full catalogue price respectively. Thus, for most mounted mint post-war
Catalogue are for stamps in ‘fine would be appropriate. Prices for early Western European stamps, one should probably be thinking
condition’— but what exactly does Australia and Sarawak are, for example, without in terms of deducting 75 or 85 per cent from the
gum; gummed stamps being worth a premium. The catalogue price.
‘fine’ mean, and what effect might a first perforated issues of British Guiana are also rarely
slight defect have upon the price? found with gum, so ungummed examples would be
We visit Stanley Gibbons Specialist
Stamp Department to find out
worth a higher proportion of catalogue price than
usual - about one third, or more - while Turks Islands _
provisionals and early New Zealand Chalon heads
without gum might rate half catalogue or above.
To quote in full the relevant paragraph in the As for the premium that should be put on earlier
introduction to the current Stanley Gibbons stamps in unmounted condition, that will vary
Commonwealth and British Empire Stamps from issue to issue and from country to country.
Catalogue; ‘The prices quoted in this catalogue Clearly, the older the stamp the less likely it is that
are the estimated selling prices of Stanley Gibbons it will be easy to find by those seeking ‘unmounted’
Ltd at the time of publication. They are, unless it perfection. The Great Britain Concise catalogue gives
is specifically stated otherwise, for examples in both mounted and unmounted prices for all stamps
fine condition for the issue concerned. Superb issued between 1887 and 1935 and the premium
examples are worth more, those of a lower quality, ranges from zero, up to 100 per cent, or even more,
considerably less’ This single paragraph is probably depending on the relative scarcity of the stamp in
the most significant piece of information in the unmounted condition.
entire catalogue— but one that is frequently ignored
orforgotten. The big question, of course, is just how
much more is ‘more’ and how much less is ‘less’?
Not surprisingly, the ability to answer that
question depends on experience. A knowledgeable
philatelist will be able to assess fairly quickly
what the price of a particular stamp should be Even for King George VI stamps the discount for
in relation to that quoted in the catalogue. Many mounted mint can vary
sellers, however, both professional and collector,
find it simpler to price items for sale by a standard
percentage of ‘catalogue’; probably only marking As suggested earlier, Commonwealth collectors are
down those that are actually damaged. This can fortunate in that the price differential is not nearly
mean that stamps in better than ‘fine’ condition are so dramatic. On average, mounted mint prices for
underpriced, while poorer ones are too expensive; post-war King George VI sets are approximately ‘half
something which buyers need to bear in mind. catalogue’ Again, there are exceptions.To take three
Talking to the experts, it quickly becomes obvious examples; the first King George VI 3d. of Ascension,
that every single feature of a stamp needs to be the black and ultramarine stamp (42), would only
considered separately before a judgement on its rate around 25 per cent of catalogue in mounted
overall condition can be passed. So this article will condition, on the other hand, the 1938 set of Perak
look at each of those features individually, before (103/21) would be more like two thirds, while for
drawing them all together and attempting to assess Some stamps are more acceptable than others some of the Indian Convention States high values
how much more than catalogue price a superb without gum the proportion would be even higher, providing the
example might be worth and, conversely, how low a gum is white and not toned. For the first issues of
price should be put on one of lower quality. the present reign the proportion drops to around a
third, but after about 1965 there is really very little
Gum demand for mounted examples of anything other
This would seem to be a relatively easy one-after than the more expensive sets, even in fine lightly
all it says in the catalogue; ‘The prices for unused hinged condition.
stamps of Queen Victoria to King George V are
for lightly hinged examples. Unused prices for
King Edward VIII to Queen Elizabeth issues are for
unmounted mint! Well, at least the definition of #3) HONGKONG [5
unmounted is pretty clear, while lightly hinged
means, in theory, a single hinge mark, although, The discounts for mounted issues of the Third Reich
apparently, two or three might be acceptable if period can be dramatic
the hinges have been lightly applied and carefully
removed. The stamps printed by De La Rue for the As for post-1935 stamps in lightly mounted
majority of Colonial postal administrations during condition, the story is just as complicated. As it twooouars [f
the first three decades of the twentieth century says in the catalogue; ‘Some stamps from the King
have stood up reasonably well to stamp hinges, so George VI period are often difficult to find in un- Some gum toning can be acceptable on certain King
finding lightly mounted examples of such stamps mounted mint condition. In such instances we would George VI issues
should not be too difficult. However, Canadian expect that collectors would need to pay a high
stamps, for example, which were printed on softer proportion of the price quoted to obtain mounted
paper and had thicker gum, are more difficult to find mint examples. Generally speaking, lightly mounted Whether or not a hinge has been attached to it is
in fine mounted condition and should be valued mint stamps from this reign, issued before 1945, not the only gum feature that can affect the value
accordingly. are in considerable demand: This may hold good of a stamp. Discoloration or toning can also be
Heavier hinging is acceptable for stamps issued for Commonwealth stamps, but on the continent significant. Stamps which have spent time in the
before around 1890 but the majority of the gum the demand for unmounted has severely affected tropics frequently suffer from gum browning and,
should be clear and ‘unblemished’ If the stamp has the market for even lightly mounted specimens. in extreme cases, cracking and ‘crazing, sometimes
been mounted on a number of occasions or if there The current Part 7, Germany, Catalogue provides affecting the face of the stamp as well as the back.
is a heavy hinge still attached, the price would drop some clear examples of this. This catalogue gives The value of such specimens should be marked
to about half catalogue and from there on would unmounted and mounted mint prices for all Third down accordingly. For stamps of King George VI one
decline fairly rapidly. Reich issues, from 1933 to 1945, with unmounted would normally aim for no gum toning at all, but
For a twentieth century stamp without gum prices only for later issues. The differences are quite the first 10s. definitive of Grenada only exists toned,
a price of about one tenth of catalogue would be dramatic, with the 1936 Local Government Congress so that would be considered ‘fine for the issue
more or less the order of the day (unless it was set (SG 614/7) rated at £22.00 unmounted, but concerned’; later stamps in the series should have
normally issued that way, of course!). However, only £4.75 lightly hinged, and the 1942 Hamburg cream or white gum, depending on the original
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The Importance of Condition
issue. Again, the vast majority of the first Hong Kong Annas stamps are for cut-square specimens with If, of course, the perforations pass right through the
definitives have at least some gum toning, so here clear margins and in good condition. Cut-to-shape middle of the stamp, it becomes an error—and that's
the discount for lightly toned examples would be copies are worth from 3% to 20% of these prices a completely different story!
smaller than usual. according to condition’
The demand for unmounted mint, as well as very For more conventionally-shaped imperforate
real concerns that the gum applied to nineteenth issues, a stamp which has lost one of its margins
century issues was, in itself, potentially damaging, might be priced as high as half catalogue if it is fine
has inevitably led to a certain amount of regum- in all other respects, but the price declines rapidly
ming. Stanley Gibbons’ policy is not to sell stamps if more than one side is affected. Of course, there
which have been regummed, especially since the are exceptions; the Penny Black, because of its
new layer of gum may disguise damage or attempts unique desirability, can merit a higher proportion of
at repair. It is important, therefore, that the edges catalogue price, even with no margins at all, than just
of early mint stamps be checked very carefully to about any other stamp-—certainly more than its much isu PENC
make sure that there are no suspicious signs of gum scarcer partner, the Two Pence Blue!
on the surface. (There is one set of stamps, China Early stamps are seldom found perfectly centred,
SG 457/9, which was gummed after printing and especially those printed from plates laid down before
perforating, while stamps printed on top of the gum perforating was introduced
are clearly not a problem -but these are very much
the exceptions.) The moral is that it certainly makes sense to try and
seek out stamps that are perfectly centred, although
Margins in the case of the above issues it would be unlikely
Another feature which has long been a part of the that you would be charged extra for them.
‘Stamp Improver's’ repertoire has been the adding When discussing the problem of finding imperf
of margins to stamps which have been deficient in stamps with good margins, it was noted that the
them. Once again, this’service’ has developed because designs were sometimes placed so close together
of the premium placed by collectors on ‘fine four- on the plate that it required considerable care on the
margin’ examples of stamps like the Penny Black. For part of the post office clerk to separate stamps from
some years now the Part 7 and GB Concise catalogues the sheet without cutting into them. This became
have provided guidance on this matter; illustrating even more of a problem when stamps printed from
‘good; ‘fine; ‘very fine’ and ‘superb’ examples of the first TiAGE
those same plates were required to be perforated. It
postage stamp. As stated, the standard adopted in is not surprising that, in view of the materials they
the catalogue is for stamps described as ‘fine, which, had to work with and the experimental nature of
in terms of margins, means that the area outside the perforating machinery at the time, early stamps are
printed design should be ‘approximately one half MSI, seldom found perfectly centred. For this reason it
of the distance between two adjoining unsevered AIST would be unrealistic to suggest that a slightly off-
stamps’-on all four sides, of course! Anything more centre perforated Penny Red was less than ‘fine;
than this will take the stamp into the ‘very fine’ or although to command full catalogue price, the per-
‘superb’ categories, with the stamp's price rising forations should not touch the design.
accordingly. Ultimately, one arrives at a point where Centring is also an important issue among more
the stamp has’‘stolen’the margins from all of its neigh- modern line-perforated stamps, notably those of
bours, in which case exaggerated expressions such as the USA and Canada-right up to quite recent times.
‘gargantuan or’jumbo’ margins are frequently resorted Here, poorly centred stamps were the norm and
to. Such examples are, indeed, rare and would expect even a slightly off-centre example could merit the
to be valued accordingly; at least double catalogue description ‘fine: Because of the inaccuracy of the
price and probably more, if other aspects of its perforating machines, the stamps can also vary in
condition are‘up to scratch’ size quite a bit, and oversized, well-centred stamps,
What might be described as ‘narrow margins’ for one because of their relative scarcity, can be the subject
stamp could be wide for another of fierce competition when they come up at auction
and can fetch prices vastly in excess of catalogue.
Perforations In the case of cheaper stamps five or ten times
When we look at the influence which perforations catalogue price is not unknown.
have on value, the situation is no less complicated.
Here there are two factors to consider, the condition Nibbled, Short or Pulled?
of the perforations themselves and centring of the Perforations are easily damaged, especially if the
stamp image within them. gauge is coarse and the paper soft. On a De La Rue
keyplate issue, with a standard perforation of 14, one
would expect a ‘fine’ stamp to have all its perfora-
Beware of stamps to which margins have been added tion ‘teeth’ intact. One ‘nibbled’ or‘nibbed’ perf tooth
(slightly short) would call for a slight discount, but
the more teeth affected or the shorter the tooth
the greater the reduction in price. Incidentally, a
‘short perf’ would still show a vestigial ‘tooth’ a
‘missing perf’ shows no tooth at all and a ‘pulled
perf’ signifies that there is a ‘hole’ in the stamp
: where the perforation tooth was pulled away). Even
worse than a short perf on one of the sides is a short
corner. Here again, the more of the corner missing
the lower the price-but if the damage has resulted
It makes sense to seek out stamps that are perfectly in part of the stamp design being torn away then
Stamps with abnormally large margins are worth a centred the stamp would be unlikely to be worth more than
substantial premium a tenth of catalogue and possibly much less.
Centring is easy to understand; in a perfect stamp
One factor which needs to be borne in mind is the space between the edge of the design and the
that the distance between two adjoining unsevered perforations should be equal on all sides. For most
stamps varied quite a lot in the early days. So what modern stamps, perforated on comb machines,
would be considered only ‘fair’, or even ‘narrow; for good centring is normal and perfect centring would
the Indian lithographs or the first issue of Norway not merit a premium. Even 100 years ago the quality
would be ‘enormous’ on the early issues of several controls at De La Rue, where most British and colonial
British colonies whose stamp printing plates were stamps were produced, were such that poorly centred
laid down by Perkins Bacon. Ceylon, Queensland stamps, particularly the keyplate types, are seldom
and Tasmania are typical examples of countries encountered, so once again, it is hardly an issue. The
whose stamps, suffer from this problem — and where attractive engraved pictorials, popular with post Canadian coil stamps with full perfs are far from
narrow margins do not necessarily prevent a stamp offices in the mid-twentieth century and popular with common
being described as ‘fine’ collectors to this day, were more variable —irrespective
Mention of the Indian lithographs raises the of which firm printed and perforated them. A stamp
issue of octagonal stamps which have been cut slightly off-centre could still merit the description ‘fine, Whereas on a perf 14 stamp a damaged perforation
to shape-often to fit into the spaces provided for but if it is visibly off-centre in more than one direction tooth would be considered a defect which would
them by the manufacturers of early stamp albums! or the design touches the perforations, then a force a reduction in the price, on a perf 8 stamp,
Again, the catalogue provides helpful guidance discount from catalogue price could be expected-the such as some of the Canadian coil stamps of the
with a note explaining that ‘catalogue prices for Four clearer the displacement, the bigger the discount. 1920s and 30s, stamps with full perfs are far from
Stanley Gibbons
Commonwealth Department “se-



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The Importance of Condition
common, Here, one or two shortish perfs would
probably be acceptable, providing they were not
too short. Such a stamp with all its perforations
could command a premium over full catalogue
price, especially if it was also well centred. As the
gauge increases, however, the impact of short perfs
increases, so that a King George V ‘Seahorse’ with
one or two short perfs would probably carry a 20
per cent discount, any more than that and the price
would drop to half catalogue.

Today, only a small premium is paid

for plate number examples of most
colonial stamps
e °
e e
° °
e °
e °
e e
° e
. e
e °

Check the perfs on King George V Seahorses Great Britain control numbers are widely available

Booklet stamps
Damaged perforations are not only caused by
careless separation. Until very recently, most stamp
booklets were made up from reels of stamps, bound
into covers by stapling, stitching or gluing and then
guillotined to produce thefinished books. Inevitably,
this cutting was seldom totally accurate, resulting in
the majority of booklet panes being trimmed on be Seessue
at least one side. Prices for stamp booklets in the
Stanley Gibbons catalogues are for examples with
‘average’ perforations —that is, slightly trimmed; the
prices for booklet panes are for examples with full
perforations. If a pane of six has good perforations
at the top and side, but is trimmed along the foot,
then its value should be based on the three stamps
in the top row, the three stamps at the bottom
being virtually discounted.
A single stamp which only occurs in booklet
panes, such as most of the definitive watermark
varieties of Queen Elizabeth Great Britain,
should also have full perforations. Trimmed
perfs bring the price down significantly and if
they are missing completely than even a scarce
variety would only merit a tenth of catalogue. One might expect to pay a premium fora
modern plate block
Wing margins
Another perforation issue is‘wing margins. When De
La Rue began producing the surface-printed stamps eoreeeraresease
of Great Britain, their printing plates were made up
of separate sections which printed as ‘panes’ In
Catalogue prices for booklet panes are for examples with
the case of the 1861 3d., for example, the printed
full perforations
sheet of 240 stamps was made up of 12 panes of
20 stamps. Between each pane there was a ‘gutter’
and where the panes were side-by-side the gutter order to spot ones which have had fake perforations Marginal premium
was perforated down the centre, giving the stamps added. This information is given in both ‘Part 1’and For modern stamps, an intact sheet margin should
at the side of the pane a wide (5mm) margin-the the GB Specialised Catalogue. not add to the value, although one might expect
‘wing margin’ Wing margins were frowned upon by De La Rue printed stamps by the same technique to pay a small premium for a plate block or imprint
early collectors, who liked their stamps to fit exactly for many British colonies; stamps which do not block over the price for a plain block of four. For
into the stamp-size rectangles printed for them have corner letters to allow today’s collectors to most earlier twentieth century stamps, also, a plain
by album manufacturers. As a result, stamps with identify those with ‘dodgy perfs: The early stamps margin will do little for a stamp’s value, but if that
wing margins generally commanded a lower price of Hong Kong are an obvious example and, bearing piece of margin includes a control number, plate
than stamps from the centre of the pane which in mind the prices which these can fetch in fine number or printer's imprint then the difference
had ‘normal’ perforations and many stamps had condition, it behoves us all to be aware of stamps can be very significant indeed! Great Britain control
their wing margins cut off or had fake perforations which may have had wing margins removed numbers were widely collected at the time they
added to provide collectors with stamps of the and to check them carefully before purchase. were current and are widely available to this day.
required shape. Reference to volume 2 of the Great Britain Specialised
Fashions change, and wing margins are now no Catalogue demonstrates that, in spite of the fact that
longer despised, indeed, because of their slightly there was only one control single in a sheet of 240
larger size, they frequently compare well with stamps, apart from a few rare examples, they gen-
a ‘normal’ and they certainly show a postmark erally only merit a premium of between 50 and 100
to better advantage. Thus, there is no longer a per cent over the price of a normal mounted mint
discount for a wing margined stamp, although we example. Plate number singles of colonial stamps
have not yet reached a situation where one has to occurred once or twice a sheet but, judging from
pay a premium for their relative scarcity! the infrequency with which one encounters them,
Sadly, however, those stamps which were they were not sought after at the time of issue and
‘doctored’ in order to appeal to earlier fashions are still undervalued today—again a small premium
are now considered to be considerably devalued, over the price of a fine mint basic stamp is all one
except in the case of a good basic stamp such as should expect.
the 2s. brown, or perhaps where the stamp has However, perhaps the Australian market
some other redeeming feature such as an attractive indicates that this may not always be the case.
cancellation. For more run-of-the-mill stamps a In Australia huge premiums are now being
price of one tenth of catalogue would usually be paid for imprint strips and singles at auction.
appropriate. With this in mind, of course, it pays At a recent sale in Australia a 5s. Kangaroo, third
to be aware of the corner letters of British surface- Wing margins were frowned upon by early collectors watermark, mounted mint ‘CA’ monogram single,
printed stamps which should have wing margins, in but not any longer! catalogue price for a single stamp £250, sold for
The Importance of Condition
A$21,000-getting on for £9000 pounds after tax price of an unperfined stamp. Nevertheless, a set Cancellation quality
and premium were added! of perforated initials would still usually result in an When describing the postmarks of the nineteenth
otherwise fine stamp being worth only about one century, the word ‘obliteration’ is synonymous with
tenth of catalogue. ‘cancellation’— because, of course, that was what they
were designed to do-to ‘obliterate’ the stamp in such
a way as to prevent any opportunity for reuse. The
Maltese cross is an attractive cancellation, especially
when applied in red or one of the ‘fancy’ colours, but
many early Great Britain line-engraved adhesives are
heavily cancelled by over-inked black crosses, which
detract considerably from the beauty of the stamps. A
‘fine’ cancellation should be lightly applied, if possible
leaving a substantial part of the design—ideally
Even a partial marginal inscription can make a great including the Queen's profile—clear of the cancellation.
difference to the price of a Penny Red Also desirable are well centred examples displaying
all, or nearly all of the cancellation on the stamp. This
The first stamps of Great Britain bore an inscription
is particularly true where the cancellation is more
in the sheet margins, advising the public as to the
Perfins can enhance the value of a stamp
significant than the stamp, such as a Wotton-under-
price of the stamps, where they should be placed
Edge Maltese cross. Here, you would want to haye as
on the letter and warning against the removal of
full a cancellation as possible, although it would stillibe
‘the cement’ The early surface-printed stamps also Fading preferable to have it lightly applied.
bore inscriptions in the sheet margins. The latter are One of the reasons why the firm of De La Rue held
not currently considered to impact significantly on such an important position in stamp production
the value of the stamp to which they are attached, in the British Empire at the turn of the last century
but a partial marginal inscription can make a great was the security offered by their fugitive inks.
difference to the price of a Penny Black or Penny The green ink they used, in particular, dissolved
Red, and a complete corner, with plate number into a pale yellow-green upon immersion in
attached, will be very desirable indeed. water. A footnote in the catalogue under the
1883 definitives of Great Britain comments; ‘The
What's the damage? above prices are for stamps in the true dull green
We have looked at some aspects of damage in this colour. Stamps which have been soaked, causing ks CWO PENCE
article, notably in relation to perforations, so let us the colour to run, are virtually worthless’ This
The Maltese cross is an attractive cancellation,
conclude by reviewing other aspects of damage. seems rather harsh, particularly in the case of the
especially when applied in red
All young collectors are advised from the outset difficult 9d., but fairly reflects the current market
to avoid torn stamps, and the advice obviously position. The comment is just as relevant to many
holds good throughout one’s philatelic life. other stamps, both from Britain and the colonies.
However, that is not to say that all torn stamps The same inks were used in the production of
are worthless, because even a torn example of many colonial middle and high values, such as the
a desirable stamp is still collectable and can Federated Malay States ‘elephants. Such stamps,
therefore command a price. In a GB context, a fine when water affected, would be worth from one
used £5 orange or 2s. brown with a 3mm tear, but fifth to one tenth of catalogue, depending on the
otherwise superb, would probably rate about one degree of discolouration.
third of catalogue price. A more common stamp, Water damage is not only a problem for the
such as a 2s.6d. or 5s. value, would be worth much typographed issues of De La Rue. Although it is
less and, naturally, the larger or more obvious the generally recognised that recess-printing inks are
tear, the greater its impact on the price. more stable, there are examples of such stamps Where the cancellation is more important than the
A‘bend’ will generally not be evident on the face which are susceptible to ‘washing’-some of the stamp it should be clear, upright and lightly applied
of a stamp, only on the back, and will result in a Rhodesian ‘double heads’ for example, can be de-
10 or 15 per cent reduction in price; a gum crease valued in this way. This rule remains valid after the arrival of the
is the natural result of gum ageing and its effect Colour change is not, of course, brought about ‘1844’ numeral cancellation. The duplex postmark,
on value will depend upon the damage caused only through immersion in water; sunlight can incorporating a circular datestamp alongside the
to the face of the stamp. A crease is clearly evid- sometimes have a very significant effect and numeral obliterator, was not introduced in London
ent on the surface of the stamp and will result in seriously faded stamps should be viewed in the until early 1853, so for nine years nearly every stamp
a more common stamp being worth between same way as ‘washed’ ones—-more common items continued to be ‘obliterated’ by a barred numeral. On
one fifth and one tenth of catalogue, depending being ‘virtually worthless, rarer ones rating up to the odd occasion where another form of cancellation
on the harshness of the crease and where it is—a one fifth of catalogue, providing that the fading is was used, such as the circular ‘Town’ marks or ‘Penny
crease across a corner will be less significant not too serious. Post’ handstamps, the postmark has become more
than one right across the middle, for example. A Tone spots—the brownish spots encountered desirable than the stamp anyway. For stamps used
‘wrinkle’ gives the appearance of a series of light on many stamps which have been stored in damp during those nine years, therefore, lightly applied
creases, whose effect on value will depend on its conditions—especially in the tropics—will also postmarks which leave a significant part of the design
extent and clarity. Once again, a crease or wrinkle reduce the value of a stamp or cover; the degree clear continue to be desirable and stamps which fall
on a valuable stamp will be less significant in of reduction once again depending upon the short of this will not be categorised as’fine.
percentage terms than one on a more common extent of the toning and the value of the stamp Other countries followed the practices established
one-all other factors being equal. in fine condition. A few toned perforation tips by the British Post Office, using ‘anonymous’ cancels
The impact a thin will have will similarly depend should, say the experts, be viewed in the same which can only be identified by individual peculiarities,
upon its extent and the effect it may have on the way as if they were ‘short’. A small brown spot or numeral postmarks of one form or another.
surface of the stamp; a surface abrasion having a in the centre of a stamp, providing it cannot be
greater impact than a hinge thin. Some of the chalk- seen on the front, would reduce an otherwise fine
surfaced key types of the early twentieth century King George VI stamp to around half catalogue,
are particularly prone to ‘rubbing’ and, again, this or quarter catalogue if it were mounted as well.
will always reduce the price of a stamp, the size of Earlier stamps would require similar discounting
the reduction depending upon the degree of the but toned examples of more modern issues should
damage and the scarcity of the stamp itself. be considered almost valueless. Similarly, any
stamp with extensive or more disfiguring brown
Perfins marks should be avoided, especially as the fault
Stamps bearing perforated initials were at one time can ‘migrate’ to other stamps.
treated as little better than rubbish and many were
destroyed. The fact that there is now a specialist Numeral postmarks which leave a significant part of
society devoted to perfins should indicate that the the design clear are desirable
situation has changed; but it is fair to say that the
majority of collectors avoid them like the plague.
Many official perfins are now listed, in the catalogue
and some of them carry a price higher than they
would as normals. Some, indeed, are very desir-
able, notably the China ‘Large Dragons’ perforated
‘NCH’ by the North China Herald. Demand from
specialist perfin collectors has pushed up the
price for ‘proving covers’ that is, covers which
show which organisation used a particular set
of initials, while some commercial perfins are Fugitive inks were used for many colonial middle and Line-engraved stamps cancelled only by the
sought after and command a premium over the high values datestamp would be rated ‘superb’
The Importance of Condition
Again, stamps with lightly applied cancellations possibility that such partial cancellations may have
should be sought out for preference, although it is been forged, have made clear, centrally applied
necessary to bear in mind the current postal practices or ‘socked-on-the-nose’ cancellations much more
in the country or at the individual post office desirable-although, again, they do need to be
concerned. In spite of the fact that pen cancellations lightly applied.
are not generally popular among collectors, where Towards the end of the nineteenth century,
this was a normal method of cancellation, as on the rubber packet, newspaper and parcel cancellers
first issue of St Helena, for example, they would be began to appear. These, inevitably, obliterated more
acceptable, although in practice most such examples of the stamp’s design than a steel datestamp and
have since been cleaned in an attempt to make any stamp cancelled in this way would fall well short
them appear unused. Indeed, early GB stamps with of ‘fine. The rectangular parcel cancellations which
manuscript cancels, such as the hand-drawn ‘Maltese replaced the old parcel labels in the twentieth It is important that sufficient of the cancel falls on the
cross’ of Dunnet, often fetch high prices at auction if century are also shunned by all, other than postal stamp to guarantee postal use
their provenance is sound. historians seeking particular markings
Telegraphic postmarks
Circular datestamps Manuscript cancellations Generally speaking, just as stamp collectors prefer
With the arrival of the Duplex cancellation, the We have briefly touched upon this issue already, but stamps which have not been fiscally used, they
possibility that a stamp might receive the circular itis worth pursuing in greater depth. The reason why are also not keen on those which have identifiable
dated portion of the handstamp increases, although many collectors eschew stamps cancelled by pen telegraphic cancellations. Often, the same canceller
this was not supposed to happen. Here, we should marks is that they very often suggest fiscal, rather was used for both purposes, in which case a stamp,
perhaps return to the statement in the front of than postal, use. Fiscally used stamps are normally once removed from a telegraph form would be
the Stanley Gibbons catalogue, that: ‘The prices much cheaper than postally used examples, even indistinguishable from a postally used example and
are ... for examples in fine condition for the issue with the significant increase in interest in revenue would therefore be equally acceptable. However,
concerned. Superb examples are worth more, those stamps which has taken place in the last decade. Indian high values that have been used telegraph-
of a lower quality, considerably less’ Thus, a postally However, individual post offices in a number of ically can often be identified by their cancellations
used stamp cancelled by a lightly applied numeral countries have resorted to this form of cancellation which have three concentric arcs in the segments
portion of the postmark would generally be from time to time and examples are sometimes of the postmark immediately above and below
considered ‘fine, while one which showed only the even more desirable than the same stamp with a the band across the centre of the cancellation
dater portion would be rated as ‘superb; especially clear dated postmark. On the other hand, Australian which contains the date of sending. It is noted in
where that datestamp is upright, well-centred and postage due stamps are often found correctly the catalogue, for example, that India SG 147, the
lightly but clearly applied. A stamp in this condition cancelled in manuscript, rather than by a dated Edward VII 25r., can be supplied at one third of the
could rate two or three times the price of a fine postmark. Although these are perfectly collectable, price quoted in the catalogue (currently £1500),
example, all other factors being equal. they are certainly nowhere near as desirable as with a telegraphic cancellation. Other values should
similar examples with a ‘proper’ postmark and be similarly discounted.
would probably rate no more than 20 per cent of
catalogue, if that.

Squared circles are collectable in their own right

As Duplex postmarks were replaced by new forms of 1s. greens from plates 5 and 6 are not worth a premium
cancellation such as squared circle handstamps and
various forms of machine cancellation, new criteria Individual post offices have resorted to manuscript
cancellations from time to time, the Gold Coast stamp In light ofthis, it may seem strange that Great Britain
come into play, but essentially the aim is the same, to Queen Victoria high values which were almost
find stamps which have been attractively cancelled. was used in Dodowah
exclusively used for telegraphic or accounting
Squared circles were designed to combine the date purposes should be more highly priced than any
and place of posting (in the central circle) and the Returning to fiscal cancellations, these take a which were used postally, simply because the
obliteration (in the form of the corner bars) in one number of forms and, since the stamps concerned quality of cancellation was vastly superior and, here,
small and convenient handstamp. Their adoption are often of high face value, some are more desirable the prices quoted in the catalogue would be for
by many postal administrations around the world than others. The early ‘Arms’ high values of Rhodesia telegraphically used examples, since this would be
would seem to indicate what a good idea the were are relatively common fiscally used, cancelled by the only way of obtaining ‘fine used’ Probably, the
felt to be at the time. In the case of squared circles it rubber handstamps in a variety of colours and often vast majority of fine used middle values, from 4d. to
is necessary to make your own judgement, heavily perfined as well. Such examples would rate barely 2s. were also once attached to telegraph forms and
inked bars obscuring the main feature of a stamp’s 5 per cent of the catalogue price of postally used many are relatively common in this form; notably
design would not be ‘fine, but a light but legible examples. The New Zealand ‘long’ Queen Victoria the Is. green from plates 5 and 6, which would not be
postmark which allows the design to show through and ‘Arms’ high values were designed for both worth a premium over catalogue in this condition,
would be. Of course, once again, squared circles postal and fiscal use and the prices given for them while others, notably the 2%2d. rosy mauve or any
are very collectable in their own right, so a clear in the catalogue are for examples with clear postal 9d. value would merit the premiums, sometimes
complete (or almost complete) cancellation would cancellations. However, some revenue cancels are substantial premiums, quoted in the catalogue for
almost certainly outweigh the‘marking down’ which similar in form to postal ones, so it is important ‘well centred, lightly used’
might normally be applied because the stamp itself that sufficient of the cancel falls on the stamp to It has sometimes been remarked upon that some
was almost obscured. guarantee postal use. Again, fiscally used examples GB surface-printed issues are more highly priced in
would generally rate only 5 per cent or so of the price the main GB listing than they are in some ofthe‘used
of postally used ones, while, among stamps which abroad’ sections. An 1873-80 2¥d. rosy mauve (SG
have seen revenue use, clear black ‘Stamp Office’ 141), for example, is priced at £80 in the GB listing,
and other similar types are much more desirable but £28 used in Suez, £24 used in Constantinople,
than purple rubber handstamps, embossed cancels, £21 used in Gibraltar and just £17 used in Malta.
manuscript markings and stamps which have been This is not because there is less interest in GB
perforated through. used abroad, but because the prices are for ‘fine
condition for the issue concerned’ GB stamps used
in Malta are generally fairly heavily cancelled by the
‘A25’ obliterator and the price quoted would be for
an example in this form, whereas the price in the GB
‘Socked on the nose’ cancellations have become more listing would be for a considerably better stamp. The
popular, especially if they show something significant two conclusions which can be drawn from this are
like the misspelling ‘MAURITUS’ that, firstly, a British stamp with a light Malta c.d.s.
should be priced according to the GB listing, where
Just as in the case of wing margins and perfins, that price is higher, and, secondly, that one should
discussed above, fashions are changing in relation expect to pay very considerably less than the price
to cancellations. In the past, the aim was to find in the GB section of the catalogue for a stamp with
stamps on which the cancellation fell across just an ‘average’ numeral cancellation, which would
one corner of the design, leaving the major part only rate between 10 and 20 percent of catalogue,
of it clear. Today, interest in exactly where and Early ‘Arms’ high values of Rhodesia are relatively depending on the scarcity of the stamp and the
when the stamp was cancelled, not to mention the common fiscally used extent to which it is obliterated by the postmark.
The Importance of Condition
is a heavy or disfiguring one. Major rarities would be
less devalued in percentage terms, however, and
could still rate up to about one third the price of an
‘unenhanced’ stamp with the same cancellation.
Many businesses in Asian countries, especially
forwarding agents, were in the habit of cancelling
their stamps with ‘chops, while individuals
frequently wrote across them in manuscript in
row ewwew oe order to discourage theft. Catalogue prices are
for stamps without such endorsements, with a
A British stamp with light Malta c.d.s. should be priced
neat handstamped ‘chop’ reducing the price by
according to the GB listing
at least one third and a handwritten one by
around two thirds.

Cancelled to order
Fiscally used stamps may have their cancellations Prices in the catalogue are, generally, for fine postally
removed and covered up used, but for many modern issues they relate to
cancelled to order examples. This does not refer to
the selling of cancelled stamps for less than face
value for the making up of stamp packets, as was
the practice in many Eastern European countries
between the 1950s and 1990s, and in North Borneo
Wartime Malay States stamps should have up to 1912 or Ghana in the 1950s. These latter
identifiable pre-occupation datestamps (left), not examples are noted in the catalogue, with separate
post-war cancellations, such as that on the 6c. (right) prices for the North Borneo stamps, while it is noted
that catalogue prices for Ghana refer to cancelled to
order, properly postally used stamps being worth a
It is worth mentioning at this point that, to be little more.
worth full catalogue price, a stamp also needs to As the volume of worldwide stamp issues has
be used ‘in period’ There are notes in the catalogue escalated in the last 30 years and the cost of having
(such as that below Perak No. 121 or Muscat ‘Madame Joseph’ cancellations are becoming postally used stamps removed from envelopes,
No. 010) indicating that the price shown is for very collectable soaked, dried and sorted has risen, it is no longer
a stamp with clearly identifiable contemporary practicable for the stamp trade to supply fine ub
cancellation. Stamps used later, in the case of Such stamps are really of ‘spacefiller’ status only and postally used examples of most modern issues.
Malayan States after the Japanese occupation had would usually not merit a price of more than one They are therefore supplied cancelled by the
ended, are worth much less than catalogue price, tenth of catalogue, if that. postal administration concerned at the same price
even though they were still valid for postage in the More sophisticated forged cancellations also as. mint examples, although as new issues they
early post-war period. exist, of course and it is fair to say that the extent may be slightly more expensive, owing to the
Collectors should be wary of any stamp with a of this problem has only recently been recognised. extra handling costs involved. Catalogue price is
non-contemporary cancellation, however fine it Some of them are becoming collectable in their therefore for stamps ‘cancelled to order’ although
may appear in all other respects, and expect to pay own right. However, these have now become of fine postally used examples would merit the same
proportionately less for it. It must be remembered, such interest that a stamp catalogued at less than price. Unfortunately, as collectors in Britain and
of course, that some stamps were in normal use about £10 is often of greater value with a clear the USA are aware, ‘fine’ and ‘postally used’ are two
over prolonged periods, so it pays to be aware of the Madame Joseph cancellation than it would be expressions which are rarely used together when
‘correct’ postmark types for all stamps. genuinely used. Higher value stamps would be discussing modern issues, since our respective
discounted, though, but would still rate around one postal administrations have deliberately returned
third of the price of a genuine example, taking the to the philosophy of their Victorian predecessors
cheaper of the used or unused prices. Thus, a 1933 and ‘obliterated’ rather than ‘cancelled’ any stamp
Falkland Islands Centenary £1 with the famous Port being used to prepay postage. In the circumstances,
Stanley, ‘6 JA 33’ forged postmark sells for about therefore, catalogue price for used twentieth
£750. Other forged cancellations are of less interest, century GB refers to stamps cancelled by a light
especially more modern ones and those which have circular or oval datestamp. Rubber packet or parcel
been drawn in by hand! handstamps, slogan postmarks or wavy lines are
worthy only of a small proportion of catalogue, the
size of that proportion depending, once again, on
the appearance of the stamp and its relative scarcity.

Spe Babich stele dadtetlatnb ecto dhe tipstteSch Aint ong di

Be wary of stamps with non-contemporary
cancellations, however attractive they may seem

Forged cancellations
The problem of forged cancellations has gained
much greater prominence in the last few years. This
is at least partly due to the increased demand for Modern GB prices are for c.d.s. used, wavy lines are
fine quality insofar as mint stamps are concerned. worth only a small proportion of catalogue
Heavily mounted or toned stamps are, as com- Look out for forged cancellations which have been
mented earlier in this series, worth only a small That, indeed, encapsulates the relationship between
drawn by hand! condition and price. In this article we have reviewed
fraction of catalogue price, so there is clearly an
opportunity for the unscrupulous to turn them into the various aspects of ‘condition’ and how they can
‘fine used’, in order to enhance their value. Fiscally vary from country to country and from issue to
used stamps may also have had their cancellations issue. The catalogue price is for ‘fine for the issue
removed and any remains of them covered up concerned; meaning fine in every respect, although
by forged postmarks, while a great many stamps a better than fine cancellation might outweigh a
slight deficiency in centring, to allow a stamp to still
simply command a higher price used than they do
be classified as ‘fine’
mint, having been little used at the time they were
The end result is that, when buying, it is vitally
important to carefully consider the condition of the
The upshot is that we all need to be aware of
‘Chops’ and manuscript endorsements bring down item as well as its price and whether or not you want
stamps which, at first sight, appear to be used,
the value of a used stamp it and, when satisfied on all three counts, make your
but bear cancellations which cannot be identified,
purchase - before anyone else gets in first!
A nice clean ring across the corner of a stamp, an
apparently smeared c.d.s. on which neither the While on the subject of ‘drawn in by hand;
place of posting nor the date can be seen, or a collectors in the past—including some very eminent
general black smudge, reminiscent of many modern ones-were in the habit of ‘enhancing’ slightly
British Post Office operational postmarks, should all unclear postal markings by drawing over them This is an updated version of a series of articles
be avoided, unless they are known to be typical of in Indian ink. Less expensive stamps are seriously published in Gibbons Stamp Monthly in 2003 under
the place and period concerned. devalued in this condition, especially if the postmark the title of “Defining ‘Fine’.
General Philatelic Information and Guidelines

General Philatelic Information and Guidelines to the

Scope of Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth catalogues

These notes reflect current practice in compiling the The use of ‘unified’ designs, that is stamps Repricing. Collectors will be aware that the market
Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Catalogues. inscribed for both postal and fiscal purposes, results factors of supply and demand directly influence
The Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue has in a number of stamps of very high face value. In the prices quoted in this Catalogue. Whatever the
a very long history and the vast quantity of some instances these may not have been primarily scarcity of a particular stamp, if there is no one in
information it contains has been carefully built up intended for postal purposes, but if they are so the market who wishes to buy it cannot be expected
by successive generations through the work of inscribed we include them. We only price such items to achieve a high price. Conversely, the same item
countless individuals. Philately is never static and used, however, where there is evidence of normal actively sought by numerous potential buyers may
the Catalogue has evolved and developed over the postal usage. cause the price to rise.
years. These notes relate to the current criteria upon Cover prices. To assist collectors, cover prices are All the prices in this Catalogue are examined
which a stamp may be listed or priced. These criteria quoted for issues up to 1945 at the beginning of during the preparation of each new edition by
have developed over time and may have differed each country. the expert staff of Stanley Gibbons and repriced
somewhat in the early years of this catalogue. These The system gives a general guide in the form of a as necessary. They take many factors into account,
notes are not intended to suggest that we plan to factor by which the corresponding used price of the including supply and demand, and are in close
make wholesale changes to the listing of classic basic loose stamp should be multiplied when found touch with the international stamp market and the
issues in order to bring them into line with today’s in fine average condition on cover. auction world.
listing policy, they are designed to inform catalogue Care is needed in applying the factors and Commonwealth cover prices and advice on
users as to the policies currently in operation. they relate to a cover which bears a single of the postal history material originally provided by
denomination listed; if more than one denomination Edward B Proud.
is present the most highly priced attracts the
PRICES multiplier and the remainder are priced at the simple
The prices quoted in this Catalogue are the estimated figure for used singles in arriving at a total. GUARANTEE
selling prices of Stanley Gibbons Ltd at the time of The cover should be of non-philatelic origin; All stamps are guaranteed originals in the following
publication. They are, unless it is specifically stated bearing the correct postal rate for the period and terms:
otherwise, for examples in fine condition for the distance involved and cancelled with the markings If not as described, and returned by the pur-
issue concerned. Superb examples are worth more; normal to the offices concerned. Purely philatelic chaser, we undertake to refund the price paid to us
those of a lower quality considerably less. items have a cover value only slightly greater than in the original transaction. If any stamp is certified
All prices are subject to change without prior the catalogue value for the corresponding used as genuine by the Expert Committee of the Royal
notice and Stanley Gibbons Ltd may from time to stamps. This applies generally to those high-value Philatelic Society, London, or by BPA Expertising
time offer stamps below catalogue price. Individual stamps used philatelically rather than in the normal Ltd, the purchaser shall not be entitled to make any
low value stamps sold at 399 Strand are liable to an course of commerce. Low-value stamps, e.g. Yd. and claim against us for any error, omission or mistake
additional handling charge. Purchasers of new issues Yad., are desirable when used as a single rate on cover in such certificate.
should note the prices charged for them contain an and merit an increase in ‘multiplier’ value. Consumers’ statutory rights are not affected by
element for the service rendered and so may exceed First day covers in the period up to 1945 are not the above guarantee.
the prices shown when the stamps are subsequently within the scope of the system and the multiplier The recognised Expert Committees in this country
catalogued. Postage and handling charges are extra. should not be used. As a special category of philatelic are those of the Royal Philatelic Society, 41 Devon-
No guarantee is given to supply all stamps priced, usage, with wide variations in valuation according to shire Place, London WIG, 6JY, and BPA Expertising
since it is not possible to keep every catalogued item scarcity, they require separate treatment. Ltd, PO Box 1141, Guildford, Surrey GU5 OWR. They do
in stock. Commemorative issues may, at times, only Oversized covers, difficult to accommodate on not undertake valuations under any circumstances
be available in complete sets and not as individual an album page, should be reckoned as worth little and fees are payable for their services.
values. more than the corresponding value of the used
Quotation of prices. The prices in the left-hand stamps. The condition of a cover also affects its
column are for unused stamps and those in the value. Except for ‘wreck covers, serious damage or CONDITION GUIDE
right-hand column are for used. soiling reduce the value where the postal markings To assist collectors in assessing the true value of
A dagger (t+) denotes that the item listed does and stamps are ordinary ones. Conversely, visual items they are considering buying or in reviewing
not exist in that condition and a blank, or dash, that appeal adds to the value and this can include stamps already in their collections, we now offer a
it exists, or may exist, but we are unable to quote freshness of appearance, important addresses, more detailed guide to the condition of stamps on
a price. old-fashioned but legible hand-writing, historic which this catalogue's prices are based.
Prices are expressed in pounds and pence sterling. town-names, etc. For a stamp to be described as ‘Fine’ it should
One pound comprises 100 pence (£1 = 100p). The multipliers are a base on which further value be sound in all respects, without creases, bends,
The method of notation is as follows: pence in would be added to take account of the cover's wrinkles, pin holes, thins or tears. If perforated, all
numerals (e.g. 10 denotes ten pence); pounds and postal historical importance in demonstrating such perforation ‘teeth’ should be intact, it should not
pence, up to £100, in numerals (e.g. 4.25 denotes things as unusual, scarce or emergency cancels, suffer from fading, rubbing or toning and it should
four pounds and twenty-five pence); prices above interesting routes, significant postal markings, be of clean, fresh appearance.
£100 are expressed in whole pounds with the ‘£’ combination usage, the development of postal Margins on imperforate stamps: These should
sign shown. rates, and so on. be even on all sides and should be at least as wide
Unused stamps. Great Britain and Commonwealth: Minimum price. The minimum catalogue price as half the distance between that stamp and the
the prices for unused stamps of Queen Victoria quoted is 10p. For individual stamps prices between next. To have one or more margins of less than this
to King George V are for lightly hinged examples. 10p. and 95p. are provided as a guide for catalogue width, would normally preclude a stamp frorn being
Unused prices for King Edward VIII, King George VI users. The lowest price charged for individual stamps described as‘Fine. Some early stamps were positioned
and Queen Elizabeth issues are for unmounted mint. or sets purchased from Stanley Gibbons Ltd is £1 very close together on the printing plate and in such
Some stamps from the King George VI period are Set prices. Set prices are generally for one of each cases ‘Fine’ margins would necessarily be narrow. On
often difficult to find in unmounted mint condition. value, excluding shades and varieties, but including the other hand, some plates were laid down to give
In such instances we would expect that collectors major colour changes. Where there are alternative a substantial gap between individual stamps and in
would need to pay a high proportion of the price shades, etc., the cheapest is usually included. The such cases margins would be expected to be much
quoted to obtain mounted mint examples. Generally number of stamps in the set is always stated for clar- wider.
speaking lightly mounted mint stamps from this ity. The prices for sets containing se-tenant pieces are An ‘average’ four-margin example would have a
reign, issued before 1945, are in considerable demand. based on the prices quoted for such combinations, narrower margin on one or more sides and should
Used stamps. The used prices are normally for and not on those for the individual stamps. be priced accordingly, while a stamp with wider,
stamps postally used but may be for stamps Varieties. Where plate or cylinder varieties are yet even, margins than ‘Fine’ would merit the
cancelled-to-order where this practice exists. priced in used condition the price quoted is for a description ‘Very Fine’ or ‘Superb’ and, if available,
A pen-cancellation on early issues can sometimes fine used example with the cancellation well clear would command a price in excess of that quoted in
correctly denote postal use. Instances are individually of the listed flaw. the catalogue.
noted in the Catalogue in explanation of the used Specimen stamps. The pricing of these items is Gum: Since the prices for stamps of King Edward
price given. explained under that heading. Vill, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth are for
Prices quoted for bisects on cover or large piece Stamp booklets. Prices are for complete assembled ‘unmounted’ or ‘never hinged’ mint, even stamps
are for those dated during the period officially booklets in fine condition with those issued before from these reigns which have been very lightly
authorised. 1945 showing normal wear and tear. Incomplete mounted should be available at a discount from
Stamps not sold unused to the public (e.g. some booklets and those which have been ‘exploded’ catalogue price, the more obvious the hinge marks,
official stamps) are priced used only. will, in general, be worth less than the figure quoted. the greater the discount.
General Philatelic Information and Guidelines

Catalogue prices for stamps issued prior to

King Edward VIII's reign are for mounted mint, so MARGINS ON IMPERFORATE STAMPS
unmounted examples would be worth a premium. ite POSTAGT , mt POSTACT py
Hinge marks on 20th century stamps should not be Ee
too obtrusive, and should be at least in the lightly ‘i

mounted category. For 19th century stamps more

obvious hinging would be acceptable, but stamps
should still carry a large part of their original gum—
‘Large part 0.g/—in order to be described as‘Fine’
Centring; Ideally, the stamp’s image should appearin
the exact centre of the perforated area, giving equal
margins on all sides. ‘Fine’ centring would be close Superb Very fine Fine Average Poor
to this ideal with any deviation having an effect on
the value of the stamp. As in the case of the margins
on imperforate stamps, it should be borne in mind
that the space between some early stamps was very
narrow, so it was very difficult to achieve accurate
perforation, especially when the technology was in
its infancy. Thus, poor centring would have a less
damaging effect on the value of a19th century stamp
than ona 20th century example, but the premium put
ona perfectly centred specimen would be greater.
Cancellations: Early cancellation devices were
designed to ‘obliterate’ the stamp in order to prevent
it being reused and this is still an important objective
for today’s postal administrations. Stamp collectors, on
the other hand, prefer postmarks to be lightly applied, Unmounted Very lightly Lightly mounted Mounted/large Heavily mounted
clear, and to leave as much as possible of the design mounted part original gum small part 0.g
visible. Dated, circular cancellations have long been (0.g.).
‘the postmark of choice’ but the definition of a ‘Fine’
cancellation will depend upon the types of cancellation
in use at the time a stamp was current—it is clearly
illogical to seek a circular datestamp on a Penny Black. CENTRING
‘Fine, by definition, will be superior to ‘Average’,
so, in terms of cancellation quality, if one begins by
identifying what ‘Average’ looks like, then one will be
half way to identifying ‘Fine’ The illustrations will give
some guidance on mid-19th century and mid-20th
century cancellations of Great Britain, but types of
cancellation in general use in each country and in
each period will determine the appearance of‘Fine’.
As for the factors discussed above, anything less
than ‘Fine’ will result in a downgrading of the stamp
concerned, while a very fine or superb cancellation Average
will be worth a premium.
Combining the factors: To merit the description
‘Fine, a stamp should be fine in every respect, but a
small deficiency in one area might be made up for
in another by a factor meriting an ‘Extremely Fine’
Some early issues are so seldom found in what
would normally be considered to be ‘Fine’ condition,
the catalogue prices are for a slightly lower grade,
with ‘Fine’ examples being worth a premium. In such
cases a note to this effect is given in the catalogue,
while elsewhere premiums are given for well-centred,
lightly cancelled examples.
Stamps graded at less than fine remain collect-
able and, in the case of more highly priced stamps,
will continue to hold a value. Nevertheless, buyers
should always bear condition in mind.
Contents. The Catalogue is confined to adhesive
postage stamps, including miniature sheets. For
particular categories the rules are:
(a) Revenue (fiscal) stamps are listed only where they
have been expressly authorised for postal duty.
(b) Stamps issued only precancelled are included,
but normally issued stamps available additionally
with precancel have no separate precancel
listing unless the face value is changed.
(c) Stamps prepared for use but not issued, hitherto
accorded full listing, are nowadays foot-noted
with a price (where possible).
(d) Bisects (trisects, etc.) are only listed where such
usage was Officially authorised.
(e) Stamps issued only on first day covers or in
presentation packs and not available separately
are not listed but may be priced in a footnote.
(f) New printings are only included in this
Catalogue where they show a major philatelic
variety, such as a change in shade, watermark
or paper. Stamps which exist with or without
imprint dates are listed separately; changes in
imprint dates are mentioned in footnotes.
(g) Official and unofficial reprints are dealt with by
(h) Stamps from imperforate printings of modern
issues which occur perforated are covered by 5 ,
footnotes, but are listed where widely available Fine Average Poor
for postal use.
General Philatelic Information and Guidelines

Exclusions. The following are excluded: CONTACTING THE CATALOGUE EDITOR one overprint omitted, e.g. from a radical shift to an
(a) non-postal revenue or fiscal stamps; The editor is always interested in hearing from adjoining stamp; error of colour; error of type fount;
(b). postage stamps used fiscally (although prices people who have new information which will letters inverted or omitted, etc. If the overprint is
are now given for some fiscally used high values); improve or correct the Catalogue. As a general rule handstamped, few of these would qualify and a dis-
(c)es local carriage labels and private local issues; he must see and examine the actual stamps before tinction is drawn. We continue, however, to list pairs
(d) bogus or phantom stamps; they can be considered for listing; photographs or of stamps where one has a handstamped overprint
(e) railway or airline letter fee stamps, bus or photocopies are insufficient evidence. and the other has not.
road transport company labels or the stamps Submissions should be made in writing to the Albino prints or double prints, one of them being
of private postal companies operating under Catalogue Editor, Stanley Gibbons Publications at albino (i.e. showing an uninked impression of the
licence from the national authority; the Ringwood office. The cost of return postage printing plate) are listable unless they are particularly
(f) cut-outs; for items submitted is appreciated, and this should common in this form (see the note below Travancore
(g) all types of non-postal labels and souvenirs; include the registration fee if required. No. 32fa, for example). We do not, however, normally
(h) documentary labels for the postal service, Where information is solicited purely for the list reversed albino overprints, caused by the
e.g. registration, recorded delivery, air-mail benefit of the enquirer, the editor cannot undertake accidental or deliberate folding of sheets prior to
etiquettes, etc.; to reply if the answer is already contained in these overprinting (British Levant Nos. 51/8).
(i) privately applied embellishments to official issues published notes or if return postage is omitted. Varieties occurring in overprints will often take the
and privately commissioned items generally; Written communications are greatly preferred to form of broken letters, slight differences in spacing,
(j) stamps fortraining postal officers. enquiries by telephone or e-mail and the editor rising spaces, etc. Only the most important would be
Full listing. ‘Full listing’ confers our recognition and regrets that he or his staff cannot see personal considered for listing or footnote mention.
implies allotting a catalogue number and (wherever callers without a prior appointment being made. Sheet positions. If space permits we quote sheet
possible) a price quotation. Correspondence may be subject to delay during the positions of listed varieties and authenticated data
In judging status for inclusion in the catalogue production period of each new edition. is solicited for this purpose.
broad considerations are applied to stamps. They must The editor welcomes close contact with study De La Rue plates. The Catalogue classifies the
be issued by a legitimate postal authority, recognised circles and is interested, too, in finding reliable local general plates used by De La Rue for printing British
by the government concerned, and must be adhesives correspondents who will verify and supplement Colonial stamps as follows:*
valid for proper postal use in the class of service for official information in countries where this is deficient. VICTORIAN KEY TYPE
which they are inscribed. Stamps, with the exception
of such categories as postage dues and officials, must We regret we do not give opinions as to the
be available to the general public, at face value, in genuineness of stamps, nor do we identify
reasonable quantities without any artificial restrictions stamps or number them by our Catalogue.
being imposed on their distribution.
For errors and varieties the criterion is legitimate TECHNICAL MATTERS
(albeit inadvertent) sale through a postal administra- The meanings of the technical terms used in the
tion in the normal course of business. Details of catalogue will be found in our Philatelic Terms Illustrated.
provenance are always important; printers’ waste References below to (more specialised) listings are
and deliberately manufactured material are excluded. to be taken to indicate, as appropriate, the Stanley
Certificates. In assessing unlisted items due weight Gibbons Great Britain Specialised Catalogue in five
is given to Certificates from recognised Expert volumes or the Great Britain Concise Catalogue.
Committees and, where appropriate, we will usually
ask to see them. 1. Printing
Date of issue. Where local issue dates differ from Printing errors. Errors in printing are of major interest
dates of release by agencies, ‘date of issue’ is the to the Catalogue. Authenticated items meriting 1. The ball of decoration on the second point of
local date. Fortuitous stray usage before the officially consideration would include: background, centre the crown appears as a dark mass of lines.
intended date is disregarded in listing. or frame inverted or omitted; centre or subject 2. Dark vertical shading separates the front hair
Catalogue numbers. Stamps of each country are transposed; error of colour; error or omission ofvalue; from the bun.
catalogued chronologically by date of issue. Sub- double prints and impressions; printed both sides; 3. The vertical line of colour outlining the front of the
sidiary classes are placed at the end of the country, and so on. Designs téte-béche, whether intentionally throat stops at the sixth line of shading on the neck.
as separate lists, with a distinguishing letter prefix to or by accident, are listable. Se-tenant arrangements 4. The white space in the coil of the hair above the
the catalogue number, e.g. D for postage due, O for of stamps are recognised in the listings or footnotes. curl is roughly the shape of a pin’s head.
official and E for express delivery stamps. Gutter pairs (a pair of stamps separated by blank
The catalogue number appears in the extreme margin) are not included in this volume. Colours only
left-column. The boldface Type numbers in the next partially omitted are not listed. Stamps with embossing
column are merely cross-references to illustrations. omitted are reserved for our more specialised listings.
A catalogue number with a suffix will normally Printing varieties. Listing is accorded to major
relate to the main number, so 137a will be a variant changes in the printing base which lead to
of No. 137, unless the suffix appears as part of the completely new types. In recess-printing this
number in the left-hand column such as Great Britain could be a design re-engraved; in photogravure or
No. 20a, in which case that should be treated as the photolithography a screen altered in whole or in part.
main number. A number with multiple suffixes will It can also encompass flat-bed and rotary printing if
relate to the first letter or letters of that suffix, so the results are readily distinguishable.
137ab will be a variant of 137a and 137aba a variant To be considered at all, varieties must be constant.
of 137ab. The exception is an “aa” suffix, which will Early stamps, produced by primitive methods, were
precede an “a” and always refers to the main number, prone to numerous imperfections; the lists reflect
so 137aa relates to 137, not 137a. this, recognising re-entries, retouches, broken frames, Die II
Once published in the Catalogue, numbers are misshapen letters, and so on. Printing technology has, 1. There are very few lines of colour in the ball and
changed as little as possible; really serious renum- however, radically improved over the years, during which it appears almost white.
bering is reserved for the occasions when a complete time photogravure and lithography have become 2. A white vertical strand of hair appears in place
country or an entire issue is being rewritten. The predominant. Varieties nowadays are more in the nature of the dark shading.
edition first affected includes cross-reference tables of flaws and these, being too specialised for this general 3. The line stops at the eighth line of shading.
of old and new numbers. catalogue, are almost always outside the scope. 4. The white space is oblong, with a line of colour
Our catalogue numbers are universally recognised In no catalogue, however, do we list such items partially dividing it at the left end.
in specifying stamps and as a hallmark of status. as: dry prints, kiss prints, doctor-blade flaws, colour Plates numbered 1 and 2 are both Die |. Plates 3
Illustrations. Stamps are illustrated at three-quarters shifts or registration flaws (unless they lead to the
and 4 are Die ll.
linear size. Stamps not illustrated are the same size complete omission of a colour from an individual
and format as the value shown, unless otherwise stamp), lithographic ring flaws, and so on. Neither GEORGIAN KEY TYPE
indicated. Stamps issued only as miniature sheets do we recognise fortuitous happenings like paper
have the stamp alone illustrated but sheet size is creases or confetti flaws.
also quoted. Overprints, surcharges, watermarks “Varieties of the varieties”. We no longer provide
and postmarks are normally actual size. Illustrations individual listings for combinations of two or more
of varieties are often enlarged to show the detail. varieties; thus a plate variety or overprinting error
Stamp booklet covers are illustrated half-size, unless will not be listed for various watermark orientations.
otherwise indicated. Overprints (and surcharges). Overprints of differ-
Designers. Designers’ names are quoted where ent types qualify for separate listing. These include
known, though space precludes naming every overprints in different colours; overprints from
individual concerned in the production of a set. In different printing processes such as litho and typo;
particular, photographers supplying material are overprints in totally different typefaces, etc. Major
usually named only where they also make an active errors in machine-printed overprints are important
contribution in the design stage; posed photographs and listable. They include: overprint inverted or
of reigning monarchs are, however, an exception omitted; overprint double (treble, etc.); overprint
to this rule. diagonal; overprint double, one inverted; pairs with Die |
General Philatelic Information and Guidelines —

A. The second (thick) line below the name of the Coloured, very white and toned papers. A Yellow papers
country is cut slanting, conforming roughly to coloured paper is one that is coloured right through (1) The original yellow paper (throughout), usually
(front and back of the stamp). In the Catalogue the bright in colour. The gum is often sparse, of
the shape of the crown on each side.
B. The labels of solid colour bearing the words colour of the paper is given in italics, thus: harsh consistency and dull-looking. Used
“POSTAGE” and “& REVENUE” are square at the black/rose = black design on rose paper. 1912-1920.
inner top corners. Papers have been made specially white in recent (2) The white-backs. Used 1913-1914.
C. There is a projecting “bud”on the outer spiral of years by, for example, a very heavy coating of chalk. (3) A bright lemon paper. The colour must have a
the ornament in each of the lower corners. We do not classify shades of whiteness of paper as pronounced greenish tinge, different from the
distinct varieties. There does exist, however, a type of “yellow” in (1). As a rule, the gum on stamps
paper from early days called toned. This is off-white, using this lemon paper is plentiful, smooth
often brownish or buffish, but it cannot be assigned arfd shiny, and the watermark shows distinctly.
any definite colour. A toning effect brought on by Care is needed with stamps printed in green on
climate, incorrect storage or gum staining is disre- yellow paper (1) as it may appear that the paper
garded here, as this was not the state of the paper is this lemon. Used 1914-1916.
when issued. An experimental orange-buff paper. The colour
“Ordinary” and “Chalk-surfaced” papers. The must have a distinct brownish tinge. It is not
availability of many postage stamps for revenue pur- to be confused with a muddy yellow (1) nor
poses made necessary some safeguard against the the misleading appearance (on the surface) of
illegitimate re-use of stamps with removable cancel- stamps printed in red on yellow paper where an
lations. This was at first secured by using fugitive inks engraved plate has been insufficiently wiped.
and later by printing on paper surfaced by coatings Used 1918-1921. ;
containing either chalk or china clay, both of which —una An experimental buff paper. This lacks the
made it difficult to remove any form of obliteration brownish tinge of (4) and the brightness of
Die II without damaging the stamp design. the yellow shades. The gum is shiny when
A. The second line is cut vertically on each side of This catalogue lists these chalk-surfaced paper compared with the matt type used on (4). Used
the crown. varieties from their introduction in 1905. Where no 1919-1920.
B. The labels curve inwards at the top. indication is given, the paper is “ordinary”. (6 aS A pale yellow paper that has a creamy tone to
Cc. There is no“bud” in this position. The “traditional” method of indentifying chalk- the yellow. Used from 1920 onwards.
surfaced papers has been that, when touched with
Unless otherwise stated in the lists, all stamps with a silver wire, a black mark is left on the paper, and Green papers
watermark Multiple Crown CA (w 8) are Die | while the listings in this catalogue are based on that test. (7) The original “green” paper, varying consider-
those with watermark Multiple Crown Script CA (w However, the test itself is now largely discredited, for, ably through shades of blue-green and yellow-
9) are Die ||. The Georgian Die || was introduced in although the mark can be removed by a soft rubber, green, the front and back sometimes differing. ~
April 1921 and was used for Plates 10 to 22 and 26 to some damage to the stamp will result from its use. Used 1912-1916.
28. Plates 23 to 25 were made from Die | by mistake. The difference between chalk-surfaced and pre- (8) The white backs. Used 1913-1914.
war ordinary papers is fairly clear: chalk-surfaced (9) A paper blue-green on the surface with pale
papers being smoother to the touch and showing a olive back. The back must be markedly paler
2. Paper characteristic sheen when light is reflected off their than the front and this and the pronounced
All stamps listed are deemed to be on (ordinary) surface. Under good magnification tiny bubbles or olive tinge to the back distinguish it from (7).
paper of the wove type and white in colour; only pock marks can be seen on the surface of the stamp Used 1916-1920.
departures from this are normally mentioned. and at the tips of the perforations the surfacing (10) Paper with a vivid green surface, commonly
Types. Where classification so requires we dis- appears “broken”. Traces of paper fibres are evident called emerald-green; it has the olive back of (9).
tinguish such other types of paper as, for example, on the surface of ordinary paper and the ink shows Used 1920.
vertically and horizontally laid; wove and laid a degree of absorption into it. (11) Paper with emerald-green both back and front.
batonné; card(board); carton; cartridge; glazed; Initial chalk-surfaced paper printings by De La Rue Used from 1920 onwards.
granite; native; pelure; porous; quadrillé; ribbed; rice; had a thinner coating than subsequently became the
and silk thread. norm. The characteristics described above are less
pronounced in these printings. 3. Perforation and Rouletting
During and after the Second World War, substitute Perforation gauge. The gauge of a perforation is
papers replaced the chalk-surfaced papers, these do the number of holes in a length of 2 cm. For correct
not react to the silver test and are therefore classed classification the size of the holes (large or small) may
as “ordinary’, although differentiating them without need to be distinguished; in a few cases the actual
recourse to it is more difficult, for, although the number of holes on each edge of the stamp needs
characteristics of the chalk-surfaced paper remained to be quoted.
the same, some of the ordinary papers appear much Measurement. The Gibbons /nstanta gauge is the
smoother than earlier papers and many do not standard for measuring perforations. The stamp
Wove paper Laid paper show the watermark clearly. Experience is the only is viewed against a dark background with the
solution to identifying these, and comparison with transparent gauge put on top of it. Though the
stamps whose paper type is without question will gauge measures to decimal accuracy, perforations
be of great help. read from it are generally quoted in the Catalogue
Another type of paper, known as “thin striated” to the nearest half. For example:
was used only for the Bahamas 1s. and 5s. (Nos. Just over perf 12% to just under 13% = perf 13
155a, 156a, 171 and 174) and for several stamps of the Perf 13% exactly, rounded up = perf 13%
Malayan states. Hitherto these have been described Just over perf 13% to just under 13% = perf 13%
as “chalk-surfaced” since they gave some reaction to Perf 13%4 exactly, rounded up = perf 14
the silver test, but they are much thinner than usual However, where classification depends on it, actual
Granite paper Quadrillé paper chalk-surfaced papers, with the watermark showing quarter-perforations are quoted.
clearly. Stamps on this paper show a slightly ‘ribbed’ Notation. Where no perforation is quoted for an
effect when the stamp is held up to the light. Again, issue it is imperforate. Perforations are usually
comparison with a known striated paper stamp, such abbreviated (and spoken) as follows, though
as the 1941 Straits Settlements Die II 2c. orange (No. sometimes they may be spelled out for clarity.
294) will prove invaluable in separating these papers. This notation for rectangular stamps (the majority)
Glazed paper. In 1969 the Crown Agents introduced applies to diamond shapes if“top”isread as the edge
a new general-purpose paper for use in conjunction to the top right.
with all current printing processes. It generally P 14: perforated alike on all sides (read: “perf 14”).
has a marked glossy surface but the degree varies P 14x15: the first figure refers to top and bottom,
according to the process used, being more marked the second to left and right sides (read: “perf 14
Burelé band in recess-printing stamps. As it does not respond by 15”). This is a compound perforation. For an
to the silver test this presents a further test where upright triangular stamp the first figure refers
The various makeshifts for normal paper are listed previous printings were on chalky paper. A change to the two sloping sides and second to the base.
as appropriate. The varieties of double paper and of paper to the glazed variety merits separate listing. In inverted triangulars the base is first and the
joined paper are recognised. The security device of Green and yellow papers. Issues of the First World second figure to the sloping sides.
a printed burelé band on the back of a stamp, as in War and immediate postwar period occur on green P 14-15: perforation measuring anything between
early Queensland, qualifies for listing. and yellow papers and these are given separate 14 and 15: the holes are irregularly spaced, thus
Descriptive terms. The fact that a paper is Catalogue listing. The original coloured papers the gauge may vary along a single line or even
handmade (and thus probably of uneven thickness) (coloured throughout) gave way to surface-coloured along a single edge of the stamp (read: “perf 14
is mentioned where necessary. Such descriptive papers, the stamps having “white backs”; other to 15”).
terms as “hard” and “soft”; “smooth” and “rough”; stamps show one colour on the front and a different P 14 irregular: perforated 14 from a worn perforator,
“thick”, “medium” and “thin” are applied where there one at the back. Because of the numerous variations giving badly aligned holes irregularly spaced
is philatelic merit in classifying papers. a grouping of colours is adopted as follows: (read: “irregular perf 14”).
General Philatelic Information and Guidelines

P comp(ound) 14x15: two gauges in use but not Where several of the rows have escaped perforation 4.Gum
necessarily on opposite sides of the stamp. It the resulting varieties are listable. Thus: All stamps listed are assumed to have gum of some
could be one side in one gauge and three in the Imperf vert (horiz pair): a horizontal pair of stamps kind; if they were issued without gum this is stated.
other; or two adjacent sides with the same gauge. perforated top and bottom; all three vertical Original gum (0.g.) means that which was present
(Read: “perf compound of 14 and 15”) For three directions are imperf—the two outer edges and on the stamp as issued to the public. Deleterious
gauges or more, abbreviated as “P 12, 14%, 15 or between the stamps. climates and the presence of certain chemicals can
compound" for example. Imperf horiz (vert pair): a vertical pair perforated at cause gum to crack and, with early stamps, even
P 14, 14¥2: perforated approximately 14% (read: left and right edges; all three horizontal directions are make the paper deteriorate. Unscrupulous fakers
“perf 14 or 142”). It does not mean two stamps, imperf—the top, bottom and between the stamps. are adept in removing it and regumming the stamp
one perf 14 and the other perf 14%. This Straight edges. Large sheets cut up before issue to meet the unreasoning demand often made for
obsolescent notation is gradually being replaced to post offices can cause stamps with straight “full o.g.” in cases where such a thing is virtually
in the Catalogue. edges, i.e. imperf on one side or on two sides at impossible.
Imperf. imperforate (not perforated) right angles. They are not usually listable in this The gum normally used on stamps has been gum
ImperfxP 14: imperforate at top ad bottom and perf condition and are worth less than corresponding arabic until the late 1960s when synthetic adhesives
14 at sides. stamps properly perforated all round. This does not, were introduced. Harrison and Sons Ltd for instance
P 14ximperf: perf 14 at top and bottom and however, apply to certain stamps, mainly from coils used polyvinyl alcohol known to philatelists as PVA.
imperforate at sides. and booklets, where straight edges on various sides This is almost invisible except for a slight yellowish
Such headings as“P 13x14 (vert) and P 14x13 (horiz)” are the manufacturing norm affecting every stamp. tinge which was incorporated to make it possible
indicate which perforations apply to which stamp The listings and notes make clear which sides are to see that the stamps had been gummed. It has
format—vertical or horizontal. correctly imperf. advantages in hot countries, as stamps do not curl
Some stamps are additionally perforated so Malfunction. Varieties of double, misplaced or and sheets are less likely to stick together. Gum
that a label or tab is detachable; others have partial perforation caused by error or machine mal- arabic and PVA are not distinguished in the lists
been perforated for use as two halves. Listings are function are not listable, neither are freaks, such as except that where a stamp exists in both forms this
normally for whole stamps, unless stated otherwise. perforations placed diagonally from paper folds, nor is indicated in the footnotes. Our more specialised
missing holes caused by broken pins. catalogues provide separate listing of gums for
Types of perforating. Where necessary for Great Britain
ANAS classification, perforation types are distinguished.
= Le These include: 5. Watermarks
Stamps are on unwatermarked paper except where
Line perforation from one line of pins punching the heading to the set says otherwise.
single rows of holes at a time. Detection. Watermarks are detected for Catalogue
Comb perforation from pins disposed across the description by one of four methods: (1) holding
sheet in comb formation, punching out holes at stamps to the light; (2) laying stamps face down on
three sides of the stamp a row at a time. a dark background; (3) adding a few drops of petro-
Harrow perforation applied to a whole pane or sheet leum ether 40/60 to the stamp laid face down in a
Imperfxperf at one stroke. watermark tray; (4) by use of the Stanley Gibbons
Rotary perforation from toothed wheels operating Detectamark, or other equipment, which work by
Other terms. Perforation almost always gives across a sheet, then crosswise. revealing the thinning of the paper at the watermark.
circular holes; where other shapes have been used Sewing machine perforation. The resultant condition, (Note that petroleum ether is highly inflammable in
they are specified, e.g. square holes; lozenge perf. clean-cut or rough, is distinguished where use and can damage photogravure stamps.)
Interrupted perfs are brought about by the omission required. Listable types. Stamps occurring on both water-
of pins at regular intervals. Perforations merely Pin-perforation is the commonly applied term for marked and unwatermarked papers are different
simulated by being printed as part of the design pin-roulette in which, instead of being punched types and both receive full listing.
are of course ignored. With few exceptions, privately out, round holes are pricked by sharp-pointed Single watermarks (devices occurring once on
applied perforations are not listed. pins and no paper is removed. every stamp) can be modified in size and shape as
In the 19th century perforations are often Mixed perforation occurs when stamps with defective between different issues; the types are noted but
described as clean cut (clean, sharply incised holes), perforations are re-perforated in a different not usually separately listed. Fortuitous absence
intermediate or rough (rough holes, imperfectly cut, gauge. of watermark from a single stamp or its gross
often the result of blunt pins). displacement would not be listable.
Perforation errors and varieties. Authenticated Punctured stamps. Perforation holes can be To overcome registration difficulties the device
errors, where a stamp normally perforated is punched into the face of the stamp. Patterns of may be repeated at close intervals (a multiple water-
accidentally issued imperforate, are listed provided small holes, often in the shape of initial letters, mark), single stamps thus showing parts of several
no traces of perforation (blind holes or indentations) are privately applied devices against pilferage. devices. Similarly, a large sheet watermark (or all-over
remain. They must be provided as pairs, both stamps These (perfins) are outside the scope except for watermark) covering numerous stamps can be used.
wholly imperforate, and are only priced in that form. Australia, Canada, Cape of Good Hope, Papua and We give informative notes and illustrations for them.
Stamps imperforate between stamp and sheet Sudan where they were used as official stamps by The designs may be such that numbers of stamps in
margin are not listed in this catalogue, but such the national administration. Identification devices, the sheet automatically lack watermark: this is not
errors on Great Britain stamps will be found in the when officially inspired, are listed or noted; they a listable variety. Multiple and all-over watermarks
Great Britain Specialised Catalogue. can be shapes, or letters or words formed from sometimes undergo modifications, but if the various
Pairs described as “imperforate between” have holes, sometimes converting one class of stamp types are difficult to distinguish from single stamps
the line of perforations between the two stamps into another. notes are given but not separate listings.
omitted. Rouletting. In rouletting the paper is cut, for ease Papermakers’ watermarks are noted where known
Imperf between (horiz pair): a horizontal pair of of separation, but none is removed. The gauge is but not listed separately, since most stamps in the
stamps with perfs all around the edges but none measured, when needed, as for perforations. Tradi- sheet will lack them. Sheet watermarks which are
between the stamps. tional French terms descriptive of the type of cut are nothing more than officially adopted papermakers’
Imperf between (vert pair): a vertical pair of stamps often used and types include: watermarks are, however, given normal listing.
with perfs all around the edges but none between Marginal watermarks, falling outside the pane of
the stamps. Arc roulette (percé en arc). Cuts are minute, spaced stamps, are ignored except where misplacement has
arcs, each roughly a semicircle. caused the adjoining row to be affected, in which
Cross roulette (percé en croix). Cuts are tiny diagonal case they may be footnoted.
crosses. They usually consist of straight or angled lines
Line roulette (percé en ligne or en ligne droite). Short and double-lined capital letters, they are particularly
straight cuts parallel to the frame of the stamp. prevalent on some Crown CC and Crown CA
The commonest basic roulette. Where not watermark stamps.
further described, “roulette” means this type. Watermark errors and varieties. Watermark
Rouletted in colour or coloured roulette (percé en errors are recognised as of major importance. They
lignes colorées or en lignes de coleur). Cuts with comprise stamps intended to be on unwatermarked
coloured edges, arising from notched rule inked paper but issued watermarked by mistake, or stamps
simultaneously with the printing plate. printed on paper with the wrong watermark. Varieties
Saw-tooth roulette (percé en scie). Cuts applied zigzag showing letters omitted from the watermark are also
fashion to resemble the teeth of a saw. included, but broken or deformed bits on the dandy
Serpentine roulette (percé en serpentin). Cuts as roll are not listed unless they represent repairs.
sharply wavy lines. Watermark positions. The diagram shows how
Zigzag roulette (percé en zigzags). Short straight cuts watermark position is described in the Catalogue.
at angles in alternate directions, producing Paper has aside intended for printing and watermarks
sharp points on separation. US usage favours are usually impressed so that they read normally
“serrate(d) roulette” for this type. when looked through from that printed side. How-
Pin-roulette (originally percé en points and now ever, since philatelists customarily detect watermarks
Imperf between Imperf horizontally perforés trous d’epingle) is commonly called by looking at the back of the stamp the watermark
(vertical pair) (vertical pair) pin-perforation in English. diagram also makes clear what is actually seen.
General Philatelic Information and Guidelines
w7_ Crown CA (CA over Sierra Leone No. 54 Two watermarks of Crown CA type were used,
Illustrations in the Catalogue are of watermarks in
normal positions (from the front of the stamps) and Crown), large stamp w 6 being for stamps of ordinary size. The other,
are actual size where possible. w8 Multiple Crown CA Antigua No. 41 w 7, is properly described as CA over Crown. It was
Differences in watermark position are collectable w9 Multiple Seychelles No. 158 specially made for paper on which it was intended
varieties. This Catalogue now lists inverted, sideways Script CA to print long fiscal stamps: that some were used
inverted and reversed watermark varieties on Common- w9a_ do. Error Seychelles No. 158a postally accounts for the appearance of w 7 in the
wealth stamps from the 1860s onwards except where w 9b do. Error Seychelles No, 158b Catalogue. The watermark occupies twice the space
the watermark position is completely haphazard or, due w 10 V over Crown N.S.W. No, 327 of the ordinary Crown CA watermark, w 6. Stamps
to the method of printing, appear in equal quantities, w 11 Crown over A N.S.W. No. 347 of normal size printed on paper with w 7 watermark
upright and inverted (e.g. Papua Nos. 47/83). In such cases show it sideways; it takes a horizontal pair of stamps
it should be assumed that the price is the same, either way. CC in these watermarks is an abbreviation for”Crown to shéw the entire watermark.
Great Britain inverted and sideways inverted Colonies” and CA for“Crown Agents”. Watermarks w 1,
watermarks can be found in the Great Britain Specialised w2andw3areonstamps printed by Perkins, Bacon;w4
Catalogue and the Great Britain Concise Catalogue. onwards on stamps from De La Rue and other
Where a watermark comes indiscriminately in printers.
various positions our policy is to cover this by a
general note:we do not give separate listings because
the watermark position in these circumstances has
no particular philatelic importance.
As shown in the diagram, a watermark described
as ‘sideways’ will normally show the top of the
watermark (as shown in its illustration), pointing to
the left of the stamp, as seen from the front and to w8 w9
the right as seen from the back. Multiple Script CA
Multiple Crown CA
For clarification, or in cases where the ‘normal’ wi
watermark is ‘sideways inverted’ a note is generally Large Star Multiple watermarks began in 1904 with w 8, Multiple
provided at the foot of the relevant listing, particularly Crown CA, changed from 1921 to w 9, Multiple Script
where sideways and sideways inverted varieties exist. CA. On stamps of ordinary size portions of two or three
watermarks appear and on the large-sized stamps a
AS DESCRIBED AS SEEN DURING greater number can be observed. The change to
(Read through WATERMARK letters in script character with w 9 was accompanied
front of stamp) DETECTION by a Crown of distinctly different shape.
(Stamp face down It seems likely that there were at least two dandy
and back examined rolls for each Crown Agents watermark in use at any
one time with a reserve roll being employed when

GvR Normal VO) w2

Small Star
Broad-pointed Star
the normal one was withdrawn for maintenance
or repair.
Both the Mult Crown CA and the Mult Script CA
Watermark w 1, Large Star, measures 15 to 16 mm types exist with one or other of the letters omitted

YAO Inverted
CAB across the star from point to point and about 27 mm
from centre to centre vertically between stars in the
sheet. It was made for long stamps like Ceylon 1857
from individual impressions. It is possible that most
of these occur from the reserve rolls as they have only
been found on certain issues. The MCA watermark
and St. Helena 1856. experienced such problems during the early 1920s
Watermark w 2, Small Star is of similar design but and the Script over a longer period from the early
Avo Reversed
GvR measures 12 to 13'/2mm from point to point and 24
mm from centre to centre vertically. It was for use
1940s until 1951.
During the 1920s damage must also have occurred
with ordinary-size stamps such as Grenada 1863-71. on one of the Crowns as a substituted Crown has
Inverted When the Large Star watermark was used with been found on certain issues. This is smaller than
CAB and
YAO the smaller stamps it only occasionally comes in the
centre of the paper. It is frequently so misplaced as
to show portions of two stars above and below and
the normal and consists of an oval base joined to
two upright ovals with a circle positioned between
their upper ends. The upper line of the Crown’s base
this eccentricity will very often help in determining is omitted, as are the left and right-hand circles at the
the watermark. top and also the cross over the centre circle.
Watermark w 3, Broad-pointed Star, resembles w
Sideways 1 but the points are broader.


Standard types of watermark. Some watermarks

w4 w5 Substituted Crown
have been used generally for various British possessions
rather than exclusively for a single colony. To avoid Crown (over) CC Crown (over) CC
The Multiple Script CA watermark, w 9, is known
repetition the Catalogue classifies 11 general types, as
Two Crown (over) CC watermarks were used: with two errors, recurring among the 1950-52
under, with references in the headings throughout the
w 4.was for stamps of ordinary size and w 5 for those printings of several territories. In the first a crown
listings being given either in words or in the form (“W
of larger size. has fallen away from the dandy-roll that impresses
w 9”) (meaning “watermark type w 9”). In those cases
the watermark into the paper pulp. It gives w 9a,
where watermark illustrations appear in the listings
themselves, the respective reference reads, for example, Crown missing, but this omission has been found in
both “Crown only” (illustrated) and “Crown CA” rows.
W 153, thus indicating that the watermark will be found
in the normal sequence of illustrations as (type) 153. The resulting faulty paper was used for Bahamas,
The general types are as follows, with an example Johore, Seychelles and the postage due stamps of
nine colonies
of each quoted.
Ww Description Example
w1_ Large Star St. Helena No. 1
w2 Small Star Turks Is. No. 4
w3 _ Broad (pointed) Star Grenada No. 24
w4_ Crown (over) CC, Antigua No. 13
small stamp
w5_ Crown (over) CC, Antigua No. 31
large stamp
w6 Crown (over) CA, Antigua No. 21 w 6 w7 =A
small stamp Crown (over) CA CA over Crown W 9a: Error, Crown missing
General Philatelic Information and Guidelines

Errors of colour. Major colour errors in stamps Some of the commoner types of overprints or
or overprints which qualify for listing are: wrong punctures are illustrated here. Collectors are warned
colours; one colour inverted in relation to the rest; that dangerous forgeries of the punctured type exist.
albinos (colourless impressions), where these have The Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Catalogues
Expert Committee certificates; colours completely record those Specimen overprints or perforations
omitted, but only on unused stamps (iffound on used intended for distribution by the UPU to member
stamps the information is footnoted) and with good countries. In addition the Specimen overprints of
credentials, missing colours being frequently faked. Australia and its dependent territories, which were
w 9b: Error, St. Edward's Crown Colours only partially omitted are not recognised, sold to collectors by the Post Office, are also included.
Colour shifts, however spectacular, are not listed. Various Perkins Bacon issues exist obliterated with
When the omission was noticed a second mishap Shades. Shades in philately refer to variations in a “CANCELLED” within an oval of bars handstamp.
occurred, which. was to insert a wrong crown in the intensity of a colour or the presence of differing
the space, giving w 9b, St. Edward’s Crown. This amounts of other colours. They are particularly a
produced varieties in Bahamas, Perlis, St. Kitts-Nevis significant when they can be linked to specific TEETER RAZED,

and Singapore and the incorrect crown likewise printings. In general, shades need to be quite marked
occurs in (Crown only) and (Crown CA) rows. to fall within the scope of this Catalogue; it does
not favour nowadays listing the often numerous
shades of a stamp, but chooses a single applicable
colour name which will indicate particular groups ee
of outstanding shades. Furthermore, the listings
refer to colours as issued; they may deteriorate into Perkins Bacon “CANCELLED”
something different through the passage oftime. Handstamp
Modern colour printing by lithography is prone
to marked differences of shade, even within a single This was applied to six examples of those issues
run, and variations can occur within the same sheet. available in 1861 which were then given to members
Such shades are not listed. of Sir Rowland Hill’s family. 75 different stamps
w 10 w 11 Aniline colours. An aniline colour meant originally (including four from Chile) are recorded with this
V over Crown Crown over A one derived from coal-tar; it now refers more widely handstamp although others may possibly exist. The
to colour of a particular brightness suffused on the unauthorised gift of these “CANCELLED” stamps to
Resuming the general types, two watermarks found surface of a stamp and showing through clearly on the Hill family was a major factor in the loss of the
in issues of several Australian States are: w 10, V over the back. Agent General for the Crown Colonies (the fore-
Crown, and w 11, Crown over A. Colours of overprints and surcharges. All runner of the Crown Agents) contracts by Perkins
overprints and surcharges are in black unless stated Bacon in the following year. Where examples of
otherwise in the heading or after the description these scarce items are known to be in private hands
of the stamp. the catalogue provides a price.
For full details of these stamps see CANCELLED by
Perkins Bacon by Peter Jaffé (published by Spink in
7. Specimen Stamps 1998).
Originally, stamps overprinted SPECIMEN were All other Specimens are outside the scope of this
circulated to postmasters or kept in official records, volume.
but after the establishment of the Universal Postal Specimens are not quoted in Great Britain as they
Union supplies were sent to Berne for distribution are fully listed in the Stanley Gibbons Great Britain
to the postal administrations of member countries. Specialised Catalogue.
During the period 1884 to 1928 most of the stamps In specifying type of specimen for individual high-
of British Crown Colonies required for this purpose value stamps, “H/S” means handstamped, “Optd” is
w 12 w 13 were overprinted SPECIMEN in various shapes and overprinted and “Perf” is punctured. Some sets occur
Multiple St. Edward's Multiple PTM sizes by their printers from typeset formes. Some mixed, e.g. “Optd/Perf”. If unspecified, the type is
locally produced provisionals were handstamped apparent from the date or it is the same as for the
Crown Block CA
locally, as were sets prepared for presentation. From lower values quoted as a set.
1928 stamps were punched with holes forming Prices. Prices for stamps up to £1 are quoted in sets;
The Multiple St. Edward's Crown Block CA watermark, the word SPECIMEN, each firm of printers using higher values are priced singly. Where specimens
w 12, was introduced in 1957 and besides the change a different machine or machines. From 1948 the exist in more than one type the price quoted is for
in the Crown (from that used in Multiple Crown Script stamps supplied for UPU distribution were no longer the cheapest. Specimen stamps have rarely survived
CA, w 9) the letters reverted to block capitals. The punctured. even as pairs; these and. strips of three, four or five
new watermark began to appear sideways in 1966 Stamps of some other Commonwealth territories are worth considerably more than singles.
and these stamps are generally listed as separate sets. were overprinted or handstamped locally, while
The watermark w 13, Multiple PTM, was introduced stamps of Great Britain and those overprinted
for new Malaysian issues in November 1961. for use in overseas postal agencies (mostly of the 8. Luminescence
higher denominations) bore SPECIMEN overprints Machines which sort mail electronically have been
and handstamps applied by the Inland Revenue or introduced in recent years. In consequence some
6. Colours the Post Office. countries have issued stamps on flourescent or
Stamps in two or three colours have these named in phosphorescent papers, while others have marked
order of appearance, from the centre moving outwards. their stamps with phosphor bands.
Four colours or more are usually listed as multicoloured. The various papers can only be distinguished by
In compound colour names the second is the SPECIMEN SPECIMEN ultraviolet lamps emitting particular wavelengths.
predominant one, thus: They are separately listed only when the stamps have
some other means of distinguishing them, visible
orange-red = a red tending towards orange; De La Rue & Co. Ltd.
without the use of these lamps. Where this is not so,
red-orange = an orange containing more red
the papers are recorded in footnotes or headings.
than usual.
For this catalogue we do not consider it
Standard colours used. The 200 colours most used appropriate that collectors be compelled to have
for stamp identification are given in the Stanley SPECIMEN. SPECIMEN. the use of an ultraviolet lamp before being able to
Gibbons Stamp Colour Key. The Catalogue has used ote ee identify stamps by our listings. Some experience will
77? eee
the Stamp Colour Key as standard for describing new Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. Ltd. also be found necessary in interpreting the results
issues for some years. The names are also introduced given by ultraviolet. Collectors using the lamps,
as lists are rewritten, though exceptions are made nevertheless, should exercise great care in their use
for those early issues where traditional names have as exposure to their light is potentially dangerous
become universally established. SPECIMEN
to the eyes.
Determining colours. When comparing actual Phosphor bands are listable, since they are visible
stamps with colour samples in the Stamp Colour Key, to the naked eye (by holding stamps at an angle to
view in a good north daylight (or its best substitute; SPECIMEN the light and looking along them, the bands appear
fluorescent “colour matching’ light). Sunshine is not Waterlow & Sons Ltd. dark). Stamps existing with or without phosphor
recommended. Choose a solid portion of the stamp bands or with differing numbers of bands are given
design; if available, marginal markings such as solid separate listings. Varieties such as double bands,
bars of colour or colour check dots are helpful. bands omitted, misplaced or printed on the back
Shading lines in the design can be misleading as
Ci are not listed.
they appear lighter than solid colour. Postmarked SPECMEN Q@ mm SPECIMEN Detailed descriptions appear at appropriate places
portions of a stamp appear darker than normal. W”) 2 in the listings in explanation of luminescent papers;
If more than one colour is present, mask off the Great Britain overprints see, for example, Australia above No.363, Canada
extraneous ones as the eye tends to mix them. above Nos. 472 and 611, Cook Is. above 249, etc.
For Great Britain, where since 1959 phosphors
have played a prominent and intricate part in
For full details of these see Madame Joseph Forged
Postmarks by Derek Worboys (published by the Royal Abbreviations
stamp issues, the main notes above Nos. 599 and Philatelic Society London and the British Philatelic
723 should be studied, as well as the footnotes to Trust in 1994) or Madame Joseph Revisited by Brian
individual listings where appropriate. In general the Cartwright (published by the Royal Philatelic Society
classification is as follows. London in 2005).
Stamps with phosphor bands are those where
a separate cylinder applies the phosphor after the
stamps are printed. Issues with “all-over” phosphor Fakes. Unwitting fakes are numerous, particularly
have the “band” covering the entire stamp. Parts of “new shades” which are colour changelings brought -
the stamp covered by phosphor bands, or the entire about by exposure to sunlight, soaking in water Printers
surface for“all-over” phosphor versions, appear matt. contaminated with dyes from adherent paper, A.B.N. Co. American Bank Note Co,
Stamps on phosphorised paper have the phosphor contact with oil and dirt from a pocketbook, and so New York.
B.A.B.N. British American Bank Note
added to the paper coating before the stamps are on. Fraudulent operators, in addition, can offer to Co, Ottawa
printed. Issues on this paper have a completely arrange: removal of hinge marks; repairs of thins on B.W. Bradbury Wilkinson & Co, Ltd.
white or coloured papers; replacement of missing C.B.N. Canadian Bank Note Co,
shiny surface. Ottawa.
Further particularisation of phosphor — their margins or perforations; reperforating in true or false Continental Continental Bank Note Co.
methods of printing and the colours they exhibit gauges; removal of fiscal cancellations; rejoining B.N. Co. at
of severed pairs, strips and blocks; and (a major Courvoisier Imprimerie Courvoisier S.A., | j
under ultraviolet - is outside the scope of this La-Chaux-de-Fonds,
catalogue. The more specialised listings should be hazard) regumming. Collectors can only be urged Switzerland.
consulted for this information. to purchase from reputable sources and to insist DLR. De La Rue & Co, Ltd,
upon Expert Committee certification where there is London.
Enschedé Joh. Enschedé en Zonen,
any kind of doubt. Haarlem, Netherlands.
9. Coil Stamps The Catalogue can consider footnotes about Harrison Harrison & Sons, Ltd. London
PB. Perkins Bacon Ltd, London.
Stamps issued only in coil form are given full listing. fakes where these are specific enough to assist in Waterlow Waterlow & Sons, Ltd,
If stamps are issued in both sheets and coils the detection. London.
coil stamps are listed separately only where there
is some feature (e.g. perforation or watermark
sideways) by which singles can be distinguished. General Abbreviations
Alph Alphabet
Coil stamps containing different stamps se-tenant Anniv Anniversary
are also listed. Comp Compound (perforation)
Coil join pairs are too random and too easily faked Des Designer; designed
Diag Diagonal; diagonally
to permit listing; similarly ignored are coil stamps Eng Engraver; engraved
which have accidentally suffered an extra row of F.C. or fic. Fiscal Cancellation
perforations from the claw mechanism in a malfunc- H/S Handstamped
Horiz Horizontal; horizontally
tioning vending machine. Imp, Imperf Imperforate
Inscr Inscribed
L Left
Litho Lithographed
10. Stamp Booklets mm Millimetres
Stamp booklets are now listed in this catalogue. MS Miniature sheet
N.Y. New York
Single stamps from booklets are listed if they are Opt(d) Overprint(ed)
distinguishable in some way (such as watermark or Por P-c Pen-cancelled
perforation) from similar sheet stamps. P, Pf or Perf Perforated
Photo Photogravure
Booklet panes are listed where they contain PI Plate ~
stamps of different denominations se-tenant, where Pr Pair
stamp-size labels are included, or where such panes Ptd Printed
Ptg Printing
are otherwise identifiable. Booklet panes are placed R Right
in the listing under the lowest denomination present. R. Row
Particular perforations (straight edges) are Recess Recess-printed
Roto Rotogravure
covered by appropriate notes. Roul Rouletted
The majority of stamps booklets were made S Specimen (overprint)
up from normal sheets and panes may be bound Surch Surcharge(d)
T.C. Telegraph Cancellation
upright or inverted and booklets may be stapled or T Type
stitched at either the left or right-hand side. Unless Typo Typographed
specifically mentioned in the listings, such variations Un Unused
Us Used
do not command a price premium. Vert Vertical; vertically
W or wmk Watermark
Wmk s Watermark sideways
11. Miniature Sheets and Sheetlets (t) = Does not exist
We distinguish between “miniature sheets” and (-) (or blank price column) = Exists, or may exist, but no
market price is known.
“sheetlets” and this affects the catalogue numbering. / between colours means “on” and the colour following is
An item in sheet form that is postally valid, that of the paper on which the stamp is printed.
containing a single stamp, pair, block or set of
Colours of Stamps i
stamps, with wide, inscribed and/or decorative BI (blue); bik (black); brn (brown); car, carm (carmine);
margins, is a miniature sheet if it is sold at choc (chocolate); clar (claret); emer (emerald); grn
post offices as an indivisable entity. As such the (green); ind (indigo); mag (magenta); mar (maroon); mult
(multicoloured); mve (mauve); ol (olive); orge (orange); pk
Catalogue allots a single MS number and describes (pink); pur (purple); scar (scarlet); sep (sepia); turg (turquoise);
what stamps make it up. The sheetlet or small sheet ultram (ultramarine); verm (vermilion); vio (violet); yell
differs in that the individual stamps are intended
to be purchased separately for postal purposes. Colour of Overprints and Surcharges
For sheetlets, all the component postage stamps (B.) = blue, (Blk.) = black, (Br.) = brown,
are numbered individually and the composition (C.) = carmine, (G.) = green, (Mag.) = magenta, (Mve.) =
mauve, (Ol.) = olive, (O.) = orange,
explained in a footnote. Note that the definitions (P.) = purple, (Pk.) = pink, (R.) = red, (Sil.) = silver, (V) =
refer to post office sale—not how items may be violet, (Vm.) or (Verm.) = vermilion,
subsequently offered by stamp dealers. (W.) = white, (Y,) = yellow.

Arabic Numerals
12. Forgeries and Fakes As in the case of European figures, the details of the Arabic
numerals vary in different stamp designs, but they should be -
Forgeries. Where space permits, notes are

readily recognised with the aid of this illustration.
considered if they can give a concise description
that will permit unequivocal detection of a forgery.
Generalised warnings, lacking detail, are not now-
adays inserted, since their value to the collector is
problematic. 0 7) eee
Forged cancellations have also been applied
to genuine stamps. This catalogue includes notes
regarding those manufactured by “Madame Joseph’,
together with the cancellation dates known to exist.
It should be remembered that these dates also exist
as genuine cancellations.
International Philatelic Glossary

International Philatelic Glossary

English French German Spanish Italian

Agate Agate Achat Agata Agata
Air stamp Timbre de la poste aérienne Flugpostmarke Sello de correo aéreo Francobollo per posta aerea
Apple Green Vert-pomme Apfelgriin Verde manzana Verde mela

Barred Annulé par barres Balkenentwertung Anulado con barras Sbarrato

Bisected Timbre coupé Halbiert Partido en dos Frazionato
Bistre Bistre Bister Bistre Bistro
Bistre-brown Brun-bistre Bisterbraun Castano bistre Bruno-bistro
Black Noir Schwarz Negro Nero
Blackish Brown Brun-noir Schwarzlichbraun Castaho negruzco Bruno nerastro
Blackish Green Vert foncé Schwarzlichgrtin Verde negruzco Verde nerastro
Blackish Olive Olive foncé Schwarzlicholiv Oliva negruzco Oliva nerastro
Block of four Bloc de quatre Viererblock Bloque de cuatro Bloco di quattro
Blue Bleu Blau Azul Azzurro
Blue-green Vert-bleu Blaugrtin Verde azul Verde azzuro
Bluish Violet Violet bleuatre Blaulichviolett Violeta azulado Violtto azzurrastro
Booklet Carnet Heft Cuadernillo Libretto
Bright Blue Bleu vif Lebhaftblau Azul vivo Azzurro vivo
Bright Green Vert vif Lebhaftgrtin Verde vivo Verde vivo
Bright Purple Mauve vif Lebhaftpurpur Purpura vivo Porpora vivo
Bronze Green Vert-bronze Bronzegrun Verde bronce Verde bronzo
Brown Brun Braun Castano Bruno
Brown-lake Carmin-brun Braunlack Laca castano Lacca bruno
Brown-purple Pourpre-brun Braunpurpur Purpura castano Porpora bruno
Brown-red Rouge-brun Braunrot Rojo castano Rosso bruno
Buff Chamois Samisch Anteado Camoscio

Cancellation Oblitération Entwertung Cancelacién Annullamento

Cancelled Annulé Gestempelt Cancelado Annullato
Carmine Carmin Karmin Carmin Carminio
Carmine-red Rouge-carmin Karminrot Rojo carmin Rosso carminio
Centred Centré Zentriert Centrado Centrato
Cerise Rouge-cerise Kirschrot Color de ceresa Color Ciliegia
Chalk-surfaced paper Papier couché Kreidepapier Papel estucado Carta gessata
Chalky Blue Bleu terne Kreideblau Azul turbio Azzurro smorto
Charity stamp Timbre de bienfaisance Wohltatigkeitsmarke Sello de beneficenza Francobollo di beneficenza
Chestnut Marron Kastanienbraun Castano rojo Marrone
Chocolate Chocolat Schokolade Chocolate Cioccolato
Cinnamon Cannelle Zimtbraun Canela Cannella
Claret Grenat Weinrot Rojo vinoso Vinaccia
Cobalt Cobalt Kobalt Cobalto Cobalto
Colour Couleur Farbe Color Colore
Comb-perforation Dentelure en peigne Kammzahnung, Dentado de peine Dentellatura e pettine
Commemorative stamp Timbre commémoratif Gedenkmarke Sello conmemorativo Francobollo commemorativo
Crimson Cramoisi Karmesin Carmesi Cremisi

Deep Blue Blue foncé Dunkelblau Azul oscuro Azzurro scuro

Deep bluish Green Vert-bleu foncé Dunkelblaulichgriin Verde azulado oscuro Verde azzurro scuro
Design Dessin Markenbild Diseno Disegno
Die Matrice Urstempel. Type, Cuno Conio, Matrice
Double Double Doppelt Doble Doppio
Drab Olive terne Truiboliv Oliva turbio Oliva smorto
Dull Green Vert terne Triibgriin Verde turbio Verde smorto
Dull purple Mauve terne Trubpurpur Purpura turbio Porpora smorto

Embossing Impression en relief Pragedruck Impresion en relieve Impressione a relievo

Emerald Vert-eméraude Smaragdgrtin Esmeralda Smeraldo
Engraved Gravé Graviert Grabado Inciso
Error Erreur Fehler, Fehldruck Error Errore
Essay Essai Probedruck Ensayo Saggio
Express letter stamp Timbre pour lettres par Eilmarke Sello de urgencia Francobollo per espresso

Fiscal stamp Timbre fiscal Stempelmarke Sello fiscal Francobollo fiscale

Flesh Chair Fleischfarben Carne Carnicino
Forgery Faux, Falsification Falschung Falsificacion Falso, Falsificazione
Frame Cadre Rahmen Marco Cornice

International Philatelic Glossary —

English French German Spanish Italian

Papier avec fragments Faserpapier Papel con filamentos Carto con fili di seta
Granite paper
de fils de soie
Green Vert Grin Verde Verde
Bleu verdatre Griinlichblau Azul verdoso Azzurro verdastro
Greenish Blue
Greenish Yellow Jaune-vert Griinlichgelb Amarillo verdoso Giallo verdastro
Grey Gris Grau Gris Grigio
Grey-blue Bleu-gris Graublau Azul gris Azzurro grigio
Grey-green Vert gris Graugrtin Verde gris Verde grigio
Gum Gomme Gummi Goma Gomma
Gutter Interpanneau Zwischensteg Espacio blanco entre Ponte
dos grupos

Imperforate Non-dentelé Geschnitten Sin dentar Non dentellato

Indigo Indigo Indigo Azul indigo Indaco
Inscription Inscription Inschrift Inscripcion Dicitura .
Inverted Renversé Kopfstehend Invertido Capovolto
Issue Emission Ausgabe Emision Emissione

Laid Vergé Gestreift Listado Vergato

Lake Lie de vin Lackfarbe Laca Lacca
Lake-brown Brun-carmin Lackbraun Castano laca Bruno lacca
Lavender Bleu-lavande Lavendel Color de alhucema Lavanda
Lemon Jaune-citron Zitrongelb Limon Limone
Light Blue Bleu clair Hellblau Azul claro Azzurro chiaro
Lilac Lilas Lila Lila Lilla
Line perforation Dentelure en lignes Linienzahnung Dentado en linea Dentellatura lineare
Lithography Lithographie Steindruck Litografia Litografia
Local Timbre de poste locale Lokalpostmarke Emision local Emissione locale
Lozenge roulette Percé en losanges Rautenformiger Durchstich Picadura en rombos Perforazione a losanghe

Magenta Magenta Magentarot Magenta Magenta

Margin Marge Rand Borde Margine
Maroon Marron pourpré ‘Dunkelrotpurpur Purpura rojo oscuro Marrone rossastro
Mauve Mauve Malvenfarbe Malva Malva
Multicoloured Polychrome Mehrfarbig Multicolores Policromo
Myrtle Green Vert myrte Myrtengrun Verde mirto Verde mirto

New Blue Bleu ciel vif Neublau Azul nuevo Azzurro nuovo
Newspaper stamp Timbre pour journaux Zeitungsmarke Sello para periddicos Francobollo per giornali

Obliteration Oblitération Abstempelung Matasello Annullamento

Obsolete Hors (de) cours Ausser Kurs Fuera de curso Fuori corso
Ochre Ocre Ocker Ocre Ocra
Official stamp Timbre de service Dienstmarke Sello de servicio Francobollo di
Olive-brown Brun-olive Olivbraun Castano oliva Bruno oliva
Olive-green Vert-olive Olivgrtin Verde oliva Verde oliva
Olive-grey Gris-olive Olivgrau Gris oliva Grigio oliva
Olive-yellow Jaune-olive Olivgelb Amarillo oliva Giallo oliva
Orange Orange Orange Naranja Arancio
Orange-brown Brun-orange Orangebraun Castano naranja Bruno arancio
Orange-red Rouge-orange Orangerot Rojo naranja Rosso arancio
Orange-yellow Jaune-orange Orangegelb Amarillo naranja Giallo arancio
Overprint Surcharge Aufdruck Sobrecarga Soprastampa

Pair Paire Paar Pareja Coppia

Pale Pale Blass Palido Pallido
Pane Panneau Gruppe Grupo Gruppo
Paper Papier Papier Papel Carta
Parcel post stamp Timbre pour colis postaux Paketmarke Sello para paquete postal Francobollo per pacchi
Pen-cancelled Oblitéré a plume Federzugentwertung Cancelado a pluma Annullato a penna
Percé en arc Percé en arc Bogenférmiger Durchstich Picadura en forma de arco Perforazione ad arco
Percé en scie Percé en scie Bogenformiger Durchstich Picado en sierra Foratura a sega
Perforated Dentelé Gezahnt Dentado Dentellato
Perforation Dentelure Zahnung Dentar Dentellatura
Photogravure Photogravure, Heliogravure Rastertiefdruck Fotograbado Rotocalco
Pin perforation Percé en points In Punkten durchstochen Horadado con alfileres Perforato a punti
Plate Planche Platte Plancha Lastra, Tavola
Plum Prune Pflaumenfarbe Color de ciruela Prugna
Postage Due stamp Timbre-taxe Portomarke Sello de tasa Segnatasse
Briefmarke, Freimarke,
Postage stamp Timbre-poste Sello de correos Francobollo postale
Postal fiscal stamp Timbre fiscal-postal Stempelmarke als Sello fiscal-postal Fiscale postale
Postmarke verwendet
Postmark Oblitération postale Poststempel Matasello Bollo
Printing Impression, Tirage Druck Impresién Stampa, Tiratura
Proof Epreuve Druckprobe Prueba de impresién Prova

International Philatelic Glossary

English French ‘German Spanish Italian

Provisionals Timbres provisoires Provisorische Provisionales Provvisori
Marken. Provisorien
Prussian Blue Bleu de Prusse Preussischblau Azul de Prusia Azzurro di Prussia
Purple Pourpre Purpur Purpura Porpora
Purple-brown Brun-pourpre Purpurbraun Castano purpura Bruno porpora

Recess-printing Impression en taille douce Tiefdruck Grabado Incisione

Red Rouge Rot Rojo Rosso
Red-brown Brun-rouge Rotbraun Castano rojizo Bruno rosso
Reddish Lilac Lilas rougeatre Rotlichlila Lila rojizo Lilla rossastro
Reddish Purple Poupre-rouge Rotlichpurpur Purpura rojizo Porpora rossastro
Reddish Violet Violet rougeatre Rotlichviolett Violeta rojizo Violetto rossastro
Red-orange Orange rougeatre Rotorange Naranja rojizo Arancio rosso
Registration stamp Timbre pour lettre Einschreibemarke Sello de certificado lettere Francobollo per raccomandate
chargée (recommandée)
Reprint Réimpression Neudruck Reimpresion Ristampa
Reversed Retourné Umgekehrt Invertido Rovesciato
Rose Rose Rosa Rosa Rosa
Rose-red Rouge rosé Rosarot Rojo rosado Rosso rosa
Rosine Rose vif Lebhaftrosa Rosa vivo Rosa vivo
Roulette Percage Durchstich Picadura Foratura
Rouletted Percé Durchstochen Picado Forato
Royal Blue Bleu-roi K6nigblau Azul real Azzurro reale

Sage green Vert-sauge Salbeigriin Verde salvia Verde salvia

Salmon Saumon Lachs Salmon Salmone
Scarlet Ecarlate Scharlach Escarlata Scarlatto
Sepia Sépia Sepia Sepia Seppia
Serpentine roulette Percé en serpentin Schlangenliniger Durchstich Picado a serpentina Perforazione a serpentina
Shade Nuance Tonung Tono Gradazione de colore
Sheet Feuille Bogen Hoja Foglio
Slate Ardoise Schiefer Pizarra Ardesia
Slate-blue Bleu-ardoise Schieferblau Azul pizarra Azzurro ardesia
Slate-green Vert-ardoise Schiefergriin Verde pizarra Verde ardesia
Slate-lilac Lilas-gris Schierferlila Lila pizarra Lilla ardesia
Slate-purple Mauve-gris Schieferpurpur Purpura pizarra Porpora ardesia
Slate-violet Violet-gris Schieferviolett Violeta pizarra Violetto ardesia
Special delivery stamp Timbre pour expres Eilmarke Sello de urgencia Francobollo per espressi
Specimen Spécimen Muster Muestra Saggio
Steel Blue Bleu acier Stahlblau Azul acero Azzurro acciaio
Strip Bande Streifen Tira Striscia
Surcharge Surcharge Aufdruck Sobrecarga Soprastampa

Téte-béche Téte-béche Kehrdruck Téte-béche Téte-béche

Tinted paper Papier teinté Getontes Papier Papel coloreado Carta tinta
Too-late stamp Timbre pour lettres en retard Verspatungsmarke Sello para cartas retardadas Francobollo per le lettere in
Turquoise-blue Bleu-turquoise Turkisblau Azul turquesa Azzurro turchese
Turquoise-green Vert-turquoise Turkisgriin Verde turquesa Verde turchese
Typography Typographie Buchdruck Tipografia Tipografia

Ultramarine Outremer Ultramarin Ultramar Oltremare

Unused Neuf Ungebraucht Nuevo Nuovo
Used Oblitéré, Usé Gebraucht Usado Usato

Venetian Red Rouge-brun terne Venezianischrot Rojo veneciano Rosso veneziano

Vermilion Vermillon Zinnober Cinabrio Vermiglione
Violet Violet Violett Violeta Violetto
Violet-blue Bleu-violet Violettblau Azul violeta Azzurro violetto

Watermark Filigrane Wasserzeichen Filigrana Filigrana

Watermark sideways Filigrane couché Wasserzeichen Filigrana acostado Filigrana coricata
Wove paper Papier ordinaire, Papier uni Einfaches Papier Papel avitelado Carta unita

Yellow Jaune Gelb Amarillo Giallo

Yellow-brown Brun-jaune Gelbbraun Castano amarillo Bruno giallo
Yellow-green Vert-jaune Gelbgrtin Verde amarillo Verde giallo
Yellow-olive Olive-jaunatre Gelboliv Oliva amarillo Oliva giallastro
Yellow-orange Orange jaunatre Gelborange Naranja amarillo Arancio giallastro

Zig-zag roulette Percé en zigzag Sagezahnartiger Durchstich Picado en zigzag Perforazione a zigzag

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Specialist Philatelic Societies

Specialist Philatelic Societies

Requests for inclusion on this page should be sent Cape and Natal Study Circle New Zealand Society of Great Britain
to the Catalogue Editor. Secretary — Mr J. Dickson, Lismore House, Membership Secretary - Prof D. Diamond
Great Lane, Shepton Beauchamp, 9 Ashley Drive, Walton on Thames,
Great Britain Philatelic Society Somerset TA19 OLJ Surrey KT12 1JL
Membership Secretary — Mr P. Tanner,
“High Standings” 13 Huberts Close, Ceylon Study Circle Orange Free State Study Circle
Gerrards Cross, Bucks SL9 7EN Secretary — Mr R.W.P. Frost Secrertary — Mr J.R. Stroud
42 Lonsdale Road, Cannington, Bridgewater, 28 Oxford Street, Burnham-on-Sea,
Great Britain Collectors Club Somerset TA5 2JS Somerset TA8 1LQ
Secretary - Mr S. McGill
103309 Brookhollow Circle, Cyprus Study Circle Pacific Islands Study Circle
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129, USA Membership Secretary — Mr J. Wigmore Honorary Secretary — Mr J.D. Ray
19 Riversmeet, Appledore, Bideford, 24 Woodvale Avenue, London SE25 4AE
Channel Islands Specialists Society North Devon EX39 1RE
Membership Secretary — Moira Edwards, Pakistan Study Circle
86 Hall Lane, Sandon Chelmsford, Essex East Africa Study Circle Membership Secretary — Mr M. Robinson
CM2 7RQ Secretary — Mr M.D. Vesey-Fitzgerald, 35 Ethelburt Avenue, Bassett Green,
Vernalls Orchard, Gosport Lane, Southampton SO16 3DG
GB Overprints Society Lyndhurst, Hants S043 7BP
Secretary — Mr A. Stanford, Papuan Philatelic Society
P. O. Box 2675, Maidenhead, SL6 9ZN. Egypt Study Circle Membership Secretary — Mr M. Robinson
Secretary - Mr M. Murphy, P.O. Box 3275, Birkdale,
Aden & Somaliland Study Group 109 Chadwick Road, Peckham, London SE15 4PY Queensland 4159, Australia
UK Representative — Mr M. Lacey
P.O. Box 9, Winchester, Hampshire Falklands Islands Study Group Pitcairn Islands Study Group (U.K.)
$022 5RF Membership Secretary —- Mr M. Burton, Honorary Secretary - Mr D. Sleep
16 Bonneycroft Lane, 6 Palace Gardens, 100 Court Road, Eltham,
Ascension Study Circle Easingwold, N Yorkshire YO61 3AW London SE9 5NS
Secretary — Dr. R.C.F. Baker
Greys, Tower Road, Whitstable, Gibraltar Study Circle Rhodesian Study Circle
Kent CT5 3ER Membership Secretary —- Mr E. D. Holmes, Membership Secretary - Mr A. Plumbe
29 Highgate Road, Woodley, Reading RG5 3ND 25 Oakwood Drive, Bingley,
Australian States Study Circle West Yorkshire BD16 4SJ
Royal Sydney Philatelic Club Hong Kong Study Circle
Membership Secretary —- Mr P. Brigden Membership Secretary -- Mr N Halewood Royal Philatelic Society of New Zealand
c/o R.S.P.C., GPO Box 1751, Midoricho 1-9-204, Ashiya-shi Secretary — Mr S. Ferguson
Sydney, NSW 2001, Japan 659-0042 P.O. Box 1269, Wellington, New Zealand
Indian Ocean Study Circle St. Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
British Society of Australian Philately Secretary —- Mrs S. Hopson
Philatelic Society
Secretary — Dr P.G.E. Reid Field Acre, Hoe Benham, Newbury,
Secretary — Mr. Klaus D. Hahn
12 Holly Spring Lane, Bracknell, Berkshire RG20 8PD
P.O. Box 14, 71145 Bondorf,
Berks RG12 2JL Germany
India Study Circle
Society of Australasian Specialists/Oceania Secretary - Mr B.A. Gillham
Sarawak Specialists Society
Secretary —- Mr S. Leven 11 Victorian Crescent, Town Moor
(also Brunei, North Borneo and Labuan)
P.O. Box 24764, San Jose, CA 95154-4764 U.S.A. Doncaster DN2 5BW
Secretary — Dr. J. Higgins
Irish Philatelic Circle 31 Grimston Road, Kings Lynn,
Bechuanalands and Bostwana Society
General Secretary — Mr F. McDonald Norfolk PE30 3HT
Membership Secretary - Mr N. Midwood
69 Porlock Lane, Furzton, 63 Rafters Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12,
Ireland South African Collectors’ Society
Milton Keynes MK4 1JY
General Secretary — Mr C. Oliver
King George V Silver Jubilee Study Circle Telephone 020 8940 9833
Bermuda Collectors Society
Secretary - Mr J. Pare President - Mr N. Donen
405 Perimeter St, Mt. Horeb, 31-4525 Wilkinson Road, Victoria, BC, Philatelic Society of Sri Lanka
Wisconsin 52572, USA V8Z 5C3, Canada Secretary — Mr H. Goonawardena, J.P.
44A Hena Road, Mt. Lavinia 10370, Sri Lanka
British Caribbean Philatelic Study Group King George VI Collectors Society
Overseas Director - Mr D.N. Druett Membership Secretary — Mr M. Axe Sudan Study Group
Pennymead Auctions, 1 Brewerton Street, Barbizon Cottage, Marringdean Road, Secretary — Mr P. Grigg
Knaresborough, North Yorkshire HGS 8AZ Billingshurst RH14 9HQ

British West Indies Study Circle Kiribati & Tuvalu Philatelic Society Transvaal Study Circle
Membership Secretary — Mr S. Jarvis Honorary Secretary - Mr D. Baines Honorary Secretary — Mr J. Woolgar
5 Redbridge Drive, Andover, 18 Silver Way, Wickford, c/o 9 Meadow Road, Gravesend,
Hampshire SP10 2LF Essex SS11 7AP Kent DA11 7LR

Burma (Myanmar) Philatelic Study Circle Malaya Study Group West Africa Study Circle
Secretary — Mr M. Whittaker, Membership Secretary - Mr D. Tett Secretary — Mr P. Quirk
1 Ecton Leys, Rugby, Warwickshire, 16 Broadway, Gustard Wood, 157 Balden Road, Birmingham
CV22 5SL, UK Wheathampstead, Herts AL4 8LN B32 2EL

Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain Malta Study Circle Western Australia Study Circle
Secretary — Mr J. Hillson, Honorary Secretary — Mr D. Crookes Secretary — Mr B. Pope
5 Annanhill, Annan 9a Church Street, P.O Box 423, Claremount
Dumfriesshire DG12 6TN Durham DH1 3DG Western Australia 6910

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Select Bibliography

Select Bibliography

The literature on British Commonwealth stamps is Western Australia. The Stamps and Postal History. The Postal History of St. Lucia and St. Vincent. E.B. Proud
vast, but works are often difficult to obtain once Edited M. Hamilton and B. Pope. (W. Australian and J. C. Aleong (PB, 2006)
they are out of print. The selection of books below Study Group, 1979)
has been made on the basis of authority together Postage Stamps and Postal History of Western Australia. BURMA
with availability to the general reader, either as new Burma Postal History. G. Davis and D Martin. (CRL,
Vols 1-3. M. Juhl. (1981-83)
or secondhand, Very specialised studies, and those 1971 and 1987 Supplement).
The Chapman Collection of Australian Commonwealth
covering aspects of postal history to which there are Stamps. R. Chapman. (Royal Philatelic Society of The Postal History of Burma. E.B. Proud. (PB, 2002)
no references in the catalogue, have been excluded. Victoria, 1999) CAMEROONS
Nauru 1915--1923. K. Buckingham. (The British The Postal Arrangements of the Anglo-French Cameroons
The following abbreviations are used to denote Philatelic Association Expertising Educational Expeditionary Force 1914-1916. R.J. Maddocks. (1996)
publishers: Charity, 2004)
The Postal History of British New Guinea and Papua CANADA
Christie's Robson Lowe; The Postage Stamps and Postal History ofNewfoundland.
HH Harry Hayes; 1885-1942. R. Lee. (CRL, 1983)
Collector's Guide to the Stamps of British New Guinea W.S. Boggs. (Quarterman Publications Inc., 1975)
PB Proud Bailey Co. Ltd. and Postal
and the Territory of Papua, 1884-1942. M.L. Parr and Stamps ofBritish North America. F. Jarrett. (Quarterman
History Publications Co.;
M. Robinson (PnR Publications, 2013) Publications Inc., 1975)
PE Philip Cockrill;
Royal Philatelic Society, London; The Stamps of the Territory of New Guinea, 1952-1932 The Postage Stamps and Postal History of Canada.
SG Stanley Gibbons Ltd. Huts Issues. R. Heward, R. Garratt and D. Heward (2008) W.S. Boggs. (Quarterman Publications Inc., 1974)
Norfolk Island. A Postal and Philatelic History, 1788- The First Decimal Issue of Canada 1859-68. G.
Where no publisher is quoted, the book is published
1969. P. Collas & R. Breckon. (B. & K. Philatelic Whitworth. (RPSL, 1966)
by its author.
Publishing, 1997) The Five Cents Beaver Stamp of Canada. G. Whitworth.
(RPSL, 1985)
GENERAL BAHAMAS The Small Queens of Canada. J. Hillson. (CRL, 1989)
Encylopaedia of British Empire Postage Stamps. Vols The Postage Stamps and Postal History of the Bahamas. Canada Small Queens Re-Appraised. J. Hillson.
1-6. Edited Robson Lowe. (CRL, 1951-1991) H.G.D. Gisburn, (SG, 1950 and later facsimile edition) (Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain, 1999)
Specimen Stamps of the Crown Colonies 1857-1948. BARBADOS Canada’s Postage Stamps of the Small Queen Era,
Marcus Samuel. (RPSL, 1976 and 1984 Supplement) The Stamps of Barbados. E.A. Bayley. (1989) 1870-1897. J. Hillson and J.E. Nixon (Vincent Graves
Cancelled by Perkins Bacon. P. Jaffé. (Spink & Son Advanced Barbados Philately. H.F. Deakin. (B.W.I. Study Greene Philatelic Research Foundation, 2008)
Ltd., 1998) Circle, 1997) The Edward VII Issue of Canada, G.C. Marler, (National
U.P.U. Specimen Stamps. J. Bendon. (1988) Barbados, The Britannia Issues. M.F. Roett. (B.W.I. Study Postal Museum, Canada, 1975)
King George V Key Plates of the Imperium Postage Circle, 2013) The Admiral Issue of Canada. G.C. Marler. (American
and Revenue Design. P. Fernbank. (Second edition, Philatelic Society, 1982)
British West Indies Study Circle, 2013) The Cancellations and Postal Markings of Basutoland/ CEYLON
Silver Jubilee of King George V Stamps Handbook. AJ. The Postal History of Ceylon. E. B. Proud (PB, 2006)
Lesotho Post Offices. A. H. Scott. (Collectors Mail
Ainscough. (Ainweel Developments, 1985)
Auctions (Pty) Ltd., 1980) CYPRUS
The Commemorative Stamps of the British
Commonwealth. H.D.S. Haverbeck. (Faber, 1955) BATUM Cyprus 1353-1986. W. Castle. (CRL 3% edition, 1987)
The Printings of King George VI Colonial Stamps.W.J.W. British Occupation of Batum. P.T. Ashford. (1989)
Potter & Lt-Col R.C.M. Shelton. (1952 and later BECHUANALAND Dominica Postal History, Stamps and Postal Stationery
facsimile edition) The Postage Stamps, Postal Stationery and Postmarks to 1935. E.V. Toeg. (B.W.I. Study Circle, 1994)
King George VI Large Key Type Stamps of Bermuda, of the Bechuanalands. H.R. Holmes. (RPSL, 1971)
Leeward Islands, Nyasaland. R.W. Dickgiesser and EGYPT
E.P. Yendall. (Triad Publications, 1985) BERMUDA Egypt Stamps & Postal History. P.A.S. Smith. (James
The King George VI Large Key Type Revenue and The Postal History and Stamps of Bermuda. M.H. Bendon, 1999)
Postage High Value Stamps 1937-1952. E. Yendall Ludington. (Quarterman Publications Inc., 1978) The Nile Post. J. H. Chalhoub. (2003)
(RPSL, 2008) The King George V High-value Stamps of Bermuda,
1917-1938. M. Glazer. (Calaby Publishers, 1994) FALKLAND ISLANDS
War Tax Stamps of the British Empire, First World War - The Postage Stamps of the Falkland Islands and
The West Indies. J.G.M. Davis (RPSL, 2009) The Postal History of Bermuda. E.B. Proud. (PB, 2003)
Dependencies. B.S.H. Grant. (SG, 1952 and later
Madame Joseph Forged Postmarks. D. Worboys. (RPSL, BRITISH GUIANA facsimile edition)
1994) The Postage Stamps and Postal History of British The Falkland Islands Philatelic Digest. Nos. 1 & 2. M.
Madame Joseph Revisited. B.M. Cartwright. (RPSL, 2005) Guiana. W.A. Townsend & F.G. Howe. (RPSL, 1970) Barton and R Spafford. (HH, 1975 and 1979)
G.B. Used Abroad: Cancellations and Postal Markings. British Guiana: Theprovisionals of 1882. R. Maisel (B.W.I. The De La Rue Definitives of the Falkland Islands 1901-
J. Parmenter. (The Postal History Society, 1993) Study Circle, 2013) 1929. J.P. Bunt. (1986 and 1996 Supplement)
GREAT BRITAIN BRITISH HONDURAS The Falkland Islands. The 1891 Provisionals. M. Barton.
For extensive bibliographies see G.B. Specialised The Postal History of British Honduras. E.B. Proud. (BPA Expertising Educational Trust, 2002)
Catalogues. Vols 1-5. (Stanley Gibbons) (PB, 1999) The War Stamp Overprints of the Falkland Islands 1918-
Stamps and Postal History of the Channel Islands. 1920. J.P. Bunt. (1981)
W. Newport. (Heineman, 1972) BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN The Falkland Islands. Printings of the Pictorial Issue of
The Postal History of B.I.0.T., Maldive Islands and 1938-49. C.E. Glass. (CRL, 1979)
ADEN Seychelles. E. B. Proud (PB, 2006) The Postal History of the Falkland Islands and
The Postal History of British Aden 1839-1967. Major Dependencies. E.B. Proud (PB, 2006)
The Postal History of Aden and Somaliland Protectorate. G.R.I. R.M. Gibbs. (CRL, 1989) FIJI
E. B. Proud. (PB, 2004) BRITISH PACIFIC OCEAN Fiji's Times Express Stamps. D.E. Gillis (Pacific Islands
The Postal History of the British Solomon Islands and Study Circle, 2011)
ASCENSION Fiji Philatelics. D.E.F. Alford. (Pacific Islands Study
Tonga. E.B. Proud (PB, 2006)
Ascension. The Stamps and Postal History. J.H. Attwood. Circle, 1994)
The Postal History of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands and
(CRL, 1981) Fiji Queen Victoria One Shilling and Five Shillings
new Hebrides. E.B. Proud. (PB, 2006)
AUSTRALIA Postage Stamps 1881-1902. R.F. Duberal. (Pacific
The Postal History of New South Wales 1788-1901.
The Postal Agencies in Eastern Arabia and the Gulf. N. The Postal History ofFiji 1911-1952. J.G. Rodger. (Pacific
Edited J.S. White. (Philatelic Association of New
Donaldson. (HH, 1975) and Supplement (Bridger Islands Study Circle, 1991)
South Wales, 1988)
& Kay Guernsey Ltd., 1994)
South, Australia. The Long Stamps 1902-12. J.R.W. GAMBIA
Purves. (Royal Philatelic Society of Victoria, 1978) BRITISH SOLOMON ISLANDS The Stamps and Postal History of the Gambia. Edited
The Departmental Stamps of South Australia. British Solomon Islands Protectorate. \ts Postage
J.O. Andrew. (CRL, 1985)
A.R. Butler. (RPSL, 1978) Stamps and Postal History. H.G.D. Gisburn. The Postal History of the Gambia. E.B. Proud. (PB, 1994)
A Priced Listing of the Departmental Stamps of South (T. Sanders (Philatelist) Ltd., 1956)
Australia. A.D. Presgrave. (2nd edition, 1999) GIBRALTAR
Stamps and Postal History of Tasmania. W.E. Tinsley. Posted in Gibraltar. W. Hine-Haycock. (CRL, 1978 and
The Postal History and Handstamps of British West
(RPSL, 1986) 1983 Supplement)
Africa. C. McCaig. (CRL, 1978)
The Pictorial Stamps of Tasmania 1899-1912. Gibraltar. The Postal History and Postage Stamps. Vol
K.E. Lancaster. (Royal Philatelic Society of Victoria, 1986) BRITISH WEST INDIES 1 to 1885. G. Osborn. (Gibraltar Study Circle, 1995)
The Stamps of Victoria. G. Kellow. (B. & K. Philatelic The Postal History of the Cayman Islands and Turks & The Postal History of Gibraltar. RJ.M. Garcia & E.B.
Publishing, 1990) Caicos Islands. E.B. Proud (PB, 2006) Proud. (PB, 1998)
Select Bibliography
Gibraltar, Collecting King George VI. E. Chambers. (The MONTSERRAT SARAWAK
Gibraltar Study Circle, 2003) . Montserrat to 1965. L.E. Britnor. (B.W.I. Study Circle. The Stamps and Postal History of Sarawak. W.A.
3rd edition, 2010) Forrester-Wood. (Sarawak Specialists Society, 1959
and 1970 Supplement)
The Postal History of the Gold Coast. E.B. Proud. (PB, MOROCCO AGENCIES
Sarawak: The Issues of 1871 and 1875. W. Batty-Smith
1995) British Post Offices and Agencies in Morocco 1857-1907
and W.E.Watterson. (1990)
The Postal Services of the Gold Coast, 1901-1957. Edited and Local Posts 1891-1914. R.K. Clough. (Gibraltar
M.Ensor. (West Africa Study Circle, 1998) Study Circle, 1984) SEYCHELLES
The Postal Services of the Gold Coast to 1901. Edited The Stamps of the Morocco Agencies. Ed. D.A. Stotter Seychelles Postal History and Postage Stamps to 1976.
J. Sacher. (RPSL, 2003) (GB Overprints Society, 2011) S. Hopson & B.M. McCloy. (Indian Ocean Study
Circle, 2002)
HONG KONG NEW ZEALAND The Postal History of B.I.0.T,, Maldive Islands and
The Philatelic History of Hong Kong. Vol 1.(Hong Kong The Postage Stamps of New Zealand. Vols I-VII. (Royal
Seychelles. E.B Proud (PB 2006)
Study Circle, 1984) Philatelic Society of New Zealand. 1939—98)
Hong Kong Postage Stamps of the Queen Victoria The Early Cook Islands Post Office. A.R. Burge SIERRA LEONE
Period. R.N. Gurevitch. (1993) (Hawthorn Pres, 1978) The Postal Service of Sierra Leone. P.O. Beale. (RPSL, 1988)
Hong Kong. The 1898 10c. on 30c. Provisional Issue. The Postal History and Postage Stamps of the Tokelau/ The Postal History ofSierra Leone. E.B. Proud. (PB, 1994)
A.M. Chu. (1998) Union Islands. A.H. Burgess. (Pacific Islands Study Sierra Leone King George VI Definitive Stamps.
The Postal History History of Hong Kong. E.B. Proud Circle, 2nd edition, 1998) F. Walton. (West Africa Study Circle, 2001)
(PB, 2004) A Postal History of the Samoan Islands (Parts | and Il).
British Post Offices in the Far East. E.B. Proud. (PB, 1991) Edited R. Burge. (Royal Philatelic Society of New
Postmarks of the Cape of Good Hope. R. Goldblatt.
Cancellations of the Treaty Ports of Hong Kong. Zealand, 1987-89) (Reijger Publishers (Pty) Ltd., 1984)
H. Schoenfield. (1988) The Stamps and Postal History of Nineteenth Century
Stamps of the Orange Free State. Parts 1-3. G.D. Buckley
The Crown Colony of Wei Hai Wei. M.Goldsmith and Samoa. R.P. Odenweller. (RPSL and The Royal
& W.B. Marriott. (O.F.S. Study Circle, 1967--80)
C.W. Goodwyn. (RPSL, 1985) Philatelic Society of New Zealand, 2004) Transvaal Philately. Edited _1.B. Mathews. (Reijer
The 1893 New Zealand Advertisement Stamps. J.A.
INDIA Publishers (Pty) Ltd., 1986)
Robb (Christchurch (N.Z.) Philatelic Society, 2006)
C.E.F. The China Expeditionary force 1900-1923. D.S. Transvaal. The Provisional Issues of the First British
New Zealand Stamps Overprinted “O.P.S.0% C. Capill
Virk, J.C. Hume, G. Sattin. (Philatelic Congress of Occupation. Dr. A.R. Drysdall. James Bendon, 1994)
(New Zealand Society of Great Britain and Royal
India, 1992) Die Pietersburg-seéls ran die Anglo-Boereoorlog. C.
Philatelic Society of New Zealand, 2010)
India Used Abroad. V.S. Dastur. (Mysore Philatelics, Breedt and J. Groenewald (Philatelic Federation
The Postage Stamps of New Zealand 1855-1873: The
1982) of South Africa, 2007)
Chalon Head Issues and Chalon Sorting Guide R.P.
The Indian Postal Agencies in the Persian Gulf Area. The Wherewithal of Wolmaransstad. H. Birkhead and
Odenweller (RPSL, 2009 and 2014)
A. Parsons. (Sahara Publications Ltd., 2001) J. Groenewald. (Philatelic Foundation of Southern
The 1898 Pictorial Issue of New Zealand its Design,
A Handbook on Gwalior Postal History and Stamps. Africa, 1999)
Printing and Use. D. Diamond (New Zealand Society
V.K. Gupta. (1980) Die Vryburg-sééls van die Anglo-Boereoorlog.
of Great Britian, 2014)
The Stamps of Jammu & Kashmir. F. Staal. (The J Groenewald. (Philatelic Federation of South
NIGERIA Africa, 2010)
Collectors Club, 1983)
The Postal Services of the British Nigeria Region. J. Ince
Sorath Stamps and Postal History. R.A. Malaviya. (Ravi SOUTH WEST AFRICA
and J. Sacher. (RPSL, 1992)
Prakashan, 1999) The Overprinted Stamps of South West Africa to 1930.
The Postal History of Nigeria. E.B. Proud (PB, 1995)
The Oil Rivers and Niger Coast Surcharged Provisionals N. Becker. (Philatelic Holdings (Pty) Ltd., 1990)
The Postal History of Iraq. P.C. Pearson and E.B. Proud. and Bisected Stamps. J. Sacher (RPSL, 2009) SUDAN
(PB, 1996) NORTH BORNEO Sudan. The Stamps and Postal Stationery of 1867 to
A Concise Guide to the Queen Issues of Labuan. R. Price. 1970. E.C.W. Stagg. (HH, 1977)
IRELAND The Camel Postman 1898-1998. R. Stock. (Sudan Study
Irish Stamp Booklets 1931-1991. C.J. Dulin. (1998) (Sarawak Specialists Society, 1991)
The Stamps and Postal History of North Borneo. Parts Group, 2001)
British Stamps Overprinted for use in Ireland during the The Postal History of Sudan. E. B Proud (PB, 2006)
Transitional Period. Barry Cousins (Irish Philatelic 1-3. LH. Shipman and P.K. Cassells. (Sarawak
Circle, 2008) Specialists Society, 1976-88) SWAZILAND
The Postal History of British Borneo. E.B. Proud. (PB, Swaziland Philately to 1968. Ed. P. van der Molen
JAMAICA 2003) (RPSL, 2013)
Encyclopaedia ofJamaican Philately. Vol 1. D.Sutcliffe NORTHERN RHODESIA
& S. Jarvis. (1997); Vol 6. S. Jarvis. (2001) (B.W.I. TANGANYIKA
Northern Rhodesia - The Mkushi Postage Dues and The Postal History of Tanganyika. 1915-1961. E.B.
Study Circle) the renamed Old Mkushi Post Office Otto Peetoom
Jamaica, the Definitive and Commemorative Stamps Proud. (PB, 1989)
and Postal Stationery of the Reign of King George The King George VI Postage and Revenue Stamps of TOGO
VI. H.A.H. James. (The King George VI Collectors Togo-The Postal History of the Anglo-French Occupation
Northern Rhodesia Alan Drysdall, lan Lane and Jean
Society, 1999) Cheston (Rhodesia Study Circle, 2006) 1914-22. J. Martin and F. Walton. (West Africa S.C, 1995)
Togo Overprints on Stamps of the Gold Coast 1915-
KENYA NYASALAND 1920. P. Duggan. (West Africa S.C. 2005)
British East Africa. The Stamps and Postal Stationery. J. The Postal History of Nyasaland. E.B. Proud. (PB, 1997)
Minns. (RPSL, 1982 and 1990 Supplement) (New TRANSJORDAN
edition, revised and updated, GeorgeT. Krieger, 2006) PALESTINE The Stamps of Jordan 1920—1965. A.H. Najjar. (Sahara
The Postal History of Kenya. E.B. Proud. (PB, 1992) The Stamps & Postal Stationery of Palestine Mandate Publications Ltd., 1998)
1918-1948. D. Dorfman. (Edward G. Rosen, 2001)
LEEWARD ISLANDS The Postal History of Palestine and Transjordan. E.B. TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
The Leeward Islands — Notes for Philatelists. M.N. Oliver. Proud. (PB, 2006) The Postal History of Trinidad and Tobago. J.C. Aleong
(B.W.I. Study Circle, second edition, 2011) and E.B. Proud. (PB, 1997)
PITCAIRN ISLANDS Trinidad, a Philatelic History to 1913. Sir J. Marriott,
MALAYA Pitcairn Islands Philately. D.E. Hume. (3rd edition, 2006) KCVO, RDP, M. Medlicott and R.A. Ramkissoon
The Postal History of British Malaya. Vols 1-3. E.B. Proud. RHODESIA (British West Indies Study Circle and British
(PB, 2nd edition, 2000) Mashonaland. A Postal History 1890—96. Dr. A.R. Caribbean Philatelic Study Group, 2010)
The Postage Stamps of Federated Malay States. W.A. Drysdall and D. Collis. (CRL, 1990) Tobago, the Philatelic Story of a Small Island. P.C. Ford,
Reeves. (Malaya Study Group, 1978) Rhodesia. A Postal History. R.C. Smith. (1967 and 1970 C. Freeland and E. Barrow (British West Indies
Kedah and Perlis. D.R.M. Holley. (Malaya Study Group, Supplement) Study Circle, 2014)
1995) The Rhodesia Philatelist. (Ormskirk Stamps)
Kelantan, Its Stamps and Postal History. W.A. Reeves TRISTAN DA CUNHA
and B.E. Dexter. (Malaya Study Group, 1992) ST. HELENA The History and Postal History of Tristan da Cunha. G.
The Postal History of the Occupation of Malaya and St. Helena, Postal History and Stamps. E. Hibbert. Crabb. (1980)
British Borneo 1941-1945. E.B. Proud and M.D. (CRL, 1979) TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS
Rowell. (PB, 1992) The George V Badge Issues of St Helena and Ascension. R. Turks Islands and Caicos Islands to 1950. J.J. Challis.
Pahang 1888 to 1903, The Chersonese Collection (BPA Stanton and W. Thorpe (West Africa Study Circle, 2012) (Roses Caribbean Philatelic Society, 1983)
Expertising Educational Charity, 2009) The Postal History of Ascension, St. Helena & Tristan da
Cunha. E.B. Proud. (PB, 2005) UGANDA
MALTA The Postal History of Uganda and Zanzibar. E.B. Proud.
Malta. The Postal History and Postage Stamps. Edited ST. KITTS-NEVIS (PB, 1993) -
R.E. Martin. (CRL, 1980 and 1985 Supplement)
A Study of the King George VI Stamps of St. Kitts-Nevis.
P.L. Baldwin. (Murray Payne Ltd., 2nd edition, 1997) ZANZIBAR
MAURITIUS The Philately of Nevis. F. Borromeo. (British West Indies Zanzibar 1895 — 1904. T.W. Hall. (Reprint, East Africa
The Postal History and Stamps of Mauritius. P. |bbotson. Study Circle, 2001) Study Circle, 2002)
(RPSL, 1991); Revisions and additions Supplement Nevis-The Stamps and Postal History (1661-1890). The Postage Dues ofZanzibar 1875 — 1964, The Stamps,
(Indian Ocean Study Circle, 1995) F. Borromeo and C. Freeland (British West Indies the Covers and their Story. J. Griffith-Jones (B.P.A.
The Postal History of Mauritius. E.B. Proud. (PB, 2001) Study Circle, 2015) Expertising, 2014)


To be held at the Javits Center in New York City
(MAY 28-JUNE 4, 2016)

of Mca: LO et

We will be accepting select individual items or

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sale on a first come, first serve basis. Space will
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Queen Victoria GREAT BRITAIN
EE | Alphabet|V. 1861. 1d. Die Il, Plates 50 and 51 only. Letters were
h and-engraved instead of being punched on the plate.
Great Britain They are therefore inconsistent in shape and size but
generally larger and outstanding.

Seea De een While the general descriptions and the illustrations of typical letters
given above may be of some assistance, only long experience and
published aids can enable every stamp to be allocated to its particular
| STAMPS ON COVER, Prices are quoted, as a third price column, for
Alphabet without hesitation, as certain letters in each are similar to
those Victorian and Edwardian issues usually found used on cover. those in one of the others.
In general these prices refer to the cheapest version of each basic
stamp with other shades, plates or varieties, together with unusual
Blued Paper. The blueing ofthe paper of the earlier issues is believed
frankings and postmarks, being worth more.
to be due to the presence of prussiate of potash in the printing ink,
or in the paper, which, under certain conditions, tended to colour
the paper when the sheets were damped for printing. An alternative Maltese Cross Type of Town postmark

Corner Letters. The corner letters on the early British stamps were
20 June 1837—22 January 1901 intended as a safeguard against forgery, each stamp in the sheet

Penny Post
PARLIAMENTARY ENVELOPES. When the Uniform Penny Postage having a different combination of letters. Taking the first 1d. stamp,
was introduced on 10 January 1840 the free franking privileges of printed in 20 horizontal rows of 12, as an example, the lettering is
Members of Parliament were abolished. During the same month, as follows:
special envelopes were introduced for mail posted from the Houses
of Parliament and these remained in use until the introduction of Rowl. AA, AB, AC, AL. Type of Penny Post cancellation
stamps and the Mulready stationery in May 1840. Envelopes are Row2. BA, BB, BC, BL. Cepecieneeene’
priced in used condition only. and so on to
Row20. 7 TA; TB.) WG,.etetor TE

Lo be posted at the Hovsr or Lonys only. On the stamps with four corner letters, those in the upper corners are
Pose Paid ONE PENNY.—Weight not to exceed 3 oz, in the reverse positions to those in the lower corners. Thus in a sheet
of 240 (12 x 20) the sequence is: EES
ammneneiecaniaset a
Rowl. AA BA CA LA ae

AA AB AC etcto AL
Example of 1844 type postmark
BA BB BC etcto BL
Postmarks. The so-called “Maltese Cross” design was the first
and so on to
employed for obliterating British postage stamps and was in use from
Row 20. AT BT CT etcto LT 1840 to 1844. Being hand-cut, the obliterating stamps varied greatly in
LAC Te: eG TL detail and some distinctive types can be allotted to particular towns
or offices. Local types, such as those used at Manchester, Norwich,
Placing letters in all four corners was not only an added precaution Leeds, etc., are keenly sought. A red ink was first employed, but was
against forgery but was meant to deter unmarked parts of used superseded by black, after some earlier experiments, in February 1841.
stamps being pieced together and passed off as an unused whole. Maltese Cross obliterations in other colours are rare.
Obliterations of this type, numbered 1 to 12 in the centre, were
Dies. The first die of the 1d. was used for making the original die of used at the London Chief Office in 1843 and 1844.
the 2d., both the No Lines and White Lines issues. In 1855 the 1d. Die Some straight-line cancellations were in use in 1840 at the Penny
Inscribed “Houses of Parliament” in black (16 Jan 1840) | was amended by retouching the head and deepening the lines on Post receiving offices, normally applied on the envelope, the adhesives
PE2 1d. envelope... £18000 a transferred impression of the original. This later version, known to then being obliterated at the Head Office. They are nevertheless
PE3 2d. envelope £45000 collectors as Die Il, was used for making the dies for the 1d. and 2d. known, with or without Maltese Cross, on the early postage stamps.
PE4 4d, envelope... with letters in all four corners and also for the 12d. In 1842 some offices in S.W. England used dated postmarks in place
of the Maltese Cross, usually on the back of the letter since they were
Inscribed “House of Lords” in vermilion (Jan 1840) The two dies are illustrated above No. 17 in the catalogue. not originally intended as obliterators. These town postmarks have
PES 1d. envelope... £25000 likewise been found on adhesives.

PES 2d. envelope... In 1844 the Maltese Cross design was superseded by numbered
obliterators of varied type, one of which is illustrated. They are
Inscribed “House of Commons” in black an 1840) naturally comparatively scarce on the first Id. and 2d. stamps. Like
PES MORENVEHOPCtrecrecreesssesteraemnrtrenssonsenanneen
TOM £6000 the Maltese Cross they are found in various colours, some of which
are rare.
of the designer, William Mulready, were issued concurrently with the Double letter Guide line
first British adhesive stamps in corner

Guide line through value

Double Corner Letters. These are due to the workman placing his
letter-punch in the wrong position at the first attempt, when lettering “Union Jack” re-entry
the plate, and then correcting the mistake; or to a slight shifting of the
punch when struck. If a wrong letter was struck in the first instance, Re-entries. Re-entries on the plate show as a doubling of part of the
traces of a wrong letter may appear in a corner in addition to the design of the stamp generally at top or bottom. Many re-entries are
correct one. A typical example is illustrated. very slight while others are most marked. A typical one is illustrated.
The “Union Jack” re-entry, so called owing to the effect of the re-
Guide Lines and Dots. When laying down the impressions of the entry on the appearance of the corner stars (see illustration) occurs
design on the early plates, fine vertical and horizontal guidelines on stamp L K of Plate 75 of the 1d. red, Die |.
were marked on the plates to assist the operative. These were usually
removed from the gutter margins, but could not be removed from
1d. black the stamp impressions without damage to the plate, so that in such
cases they appear on the printed stamps, sometimes in the corners,
Envelopes. £350 unused; £550 used.
sometimes through “POSTAGE” or the value. Typical examples are
Letter Sheets: £325 unused; £525 used.
Guide dots or cuts were similarly made to indicate the spacing of
2d. blue the guide lines. These too sometimes appear on the stamps.
Envelopes. £450 unused; £2500 used.
Letter Sheets: £425 unused; £2400 used.


GENERAL NOTES Varieties of Large Crown Watermark
Brief notes on some aspects of the line-engraved stamps follow, but
for further information and a full specialist treatment of these issues
collectors are recommended to consult Volume 1 of the Stanley
Gibbons Great Britain Specialised Catalogue.

[el>) [cl [p]

Alphabet | Alphabet Il
“Ivory Head.” The so-called “ivory head” variety is one in which the
Queen’s Head shows white on the back of the stamp. It arises from
the comparative absence of ink in the head portion of the design,
with consequent absence of blueing. (See “Blued Paper” note above.)
Two states of Large Crown Watermark
Line-engraving. In this context “line-engraved” is synonymous with
recess-printing, in which the engraver cuts recesses in a plate and Watermarks. Two watermark varieties, as illustrated, consisting of
Alphabet III Alphabet IV printing (the coloured areas) is from these recesses. “Line-engraved" is crowns of entirely different shape, are found in sheets of the Large
the traditional philatelic description for these stamps; other equivalent Crown paper and fall on stamps lettered M A andT A (or MLandTL
terms found are “engraving in taille-douce" (French) or in “intaglio” when the paper is printed on the wrong side). Both varieties are found
Typical Corner Letters of the four Alphabets on the 1d. rose-red of 1857, while the M A (M L) variety comes also
Alphabets. Four different styles were used for the corner letters on on some plates of the 1d. of 1864 (Nos. 43, 44) up to about Plate 96.
stamps prior to the issue with letters in all four corners, these being Plates. Until the introduction of the stamps with letters in all four On the 2d. theT A (T L) variety is known on plates 8 and 9, and the M
known to collectors as: corners, the number of the plate was not indicated in the design of A (ML) on later prints of plate 9. These varieties may exist inverted,
the stamp, but was printed on the sheet margin. By long study of or inverted reversed, on stamps lettered A A and AL and H A and H
Alphabet |. Used for all plates made from 1840 to the end of 1851. identifiable blocks and the minor variations in the design, coupled L, and some are known.
Letters small. with the position of the corner letters, philatelists are now able to allot In 1861 a minor alteration was made in the Large Crown watermark
AlphabetIi. Plates from 1852 to mid-1855. Letters larger, heavier many of these stamps to their respective plates. Specialist collectors by the removal of the two vertical strokes, representing fleurs-de-lis,
and broader. often endeavour to obtain examples of a given stamp printed from which projected upwards from the uppermost of the three horizontal
Alphabet Ili. Plates from mid-1855 to end of period. Letters tall and its different plates and our catalogue accordingly reflects this depth curves at the base of the Crown. Hence two states are distinguishable,
more slender. of detail. as illustrated.


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Queen Victoria GREAT BRITAIN
CONDITION—IMPERFORATE cc. Large letters in each corner (EJ, 1 L, JC and c. Double letter in corner — 38-00
LINE-ENGRAVED ISSUES P A) (Plate 16) from £13500 £550 d. Double Star (Plate 75) “Union Jack” re- ete £32000 £3000
d. Guide line through value. £13000 £450 e, Guide line in corner. — 32:00
The prices quoted for the 1840 and 1841 imperforate Line-engraved e. Watermark inverted £48000 £2500 f. | Guide line through value — 35-00
issues are for “fine” examples. As condition is most important in g. Obliterated by Maltese Cross g. Thick outer frame to stamp. — 35:00
assessing the value of a stamp, the following definitions will assist In red... = £400 he IVOry Head .nvsssseeseeee £600 35-00
collectors in the evaluation of individual examples. In black — £375 i. Watermark inverted £400
In blue... — £12000 | j. Left corner letter “S” inverted (Plates 78,
Four main factors are relevant when considering quality. In magenta.. — £3000 105, 107)... — £160
(a) Impression. This should be clean and the surface free of In yellow BF _ — k. P converted to
any rubbing or unnatural blurring which would detract from the h. Obliterated by Maltese Cross with number — 80:00
appearance. in centre.. from | Obliterated by Maltese Cross
(b) Margins. This is perhaps the most difficult factor to evaluate. No.te a — £20000 WAG stesssesesentace sropcocvenarenlsciociorceteeaeerteeetere — £4800
Stamps described as “fine”, the standard adopted in this catalogue No. 2.. — £20000 — 60-00
for pricing purposes, should have margins of the recognised width, No. 3.. — £20000 = £675
defined as approximately one half of the distance between two No. 4.. — £20000 m. Obliterated by Maltese Cross with number _
adjoining unsevered stamps. Stamps described as “very fine” or No. 5... — £20000 in centre
“superb” should have margins which are proportionately larger than No. 6.. — £20000 No. 1 = £180
those of a “fine” stamp. Examples with close margins should not, No. 7.. — £20000 No. 2 — £180
generally, be classified as “fine”.
No. 8.. — £20000 No. 3 = £225
(c) Cancellation. On a “fine” stamp this should be reasonably clear
No. 9.. — £20000 No. 4 = £600
and not noticeably smudged. A stamp described as “superb” should
No. 10 — £20000 No. 5 _— £180
have a neat cancellation, preferably centrally placed or to the right.
(d) Appearance. Stamps, at the prices quoted, should always be No. 11 — £20000 No. 6 —= £160
without any tears, creases, bends or thins and should not be toned No. 12... — £20000 No. 7 = £160
on either the front or back. Stamps with such defects are worth only i. Obliterated “Penny Post” in black (without No. 8 — £160
a proportion of the catalogue price. Maltese: Gross) 25 hee coerced from — £5500 No.9 — £180
j. |Obliterated by town postmark (without No. 10. _ £320
Maltese Cross) No. 11. — £350
In black from — £17000 No. 12. 5 = £350
In yellow.. — £60000 n. Obliterated “Penny Post” in black (without
In red... — £18500 Maltese Cross) . s s s s ese is — £1100
k. Obliterated by 1844 type postmark in black o. Obliterated by town postmark (without _
from — £1800 Maltese Cross) -
from — £825
Plates of 2d. blue .from Sey 0U)
Plate Un Used n green. from — £5500
1 Shades from £38000 £900 ee en =e
2 SHEEN COT ENO) cane p. Obliterated by 1844 type postmark
i AGE aoe n blue .from — £250
Varieties of 2d. blue. eee ene — £9750
Un Used n green. .from — £3250
a. Double letter in corner. — £975 n violet. from — £4000
aa. Re-entry... — £1100 n black.. from 25 32:00
b. Guide line in corner =) £925 Stamps with thick outer frame to the design are from plates on
¢. Guide line through value. ese == £029 which the frame-lines have been strengthened or recut, particularly
d. Watermark inverted ...... rom £85000 £6250 Plates 76 and 90.
e. Obliterated by Maltese Cross For “Union Jack” re-entry see General Notes to Line-engraved Issues.
[Tee ese Sree eect tee See pacity — £1000 In”P converted to R” the corner letter”R” is formed from the “P”, the
Very Fine Superb In black. _ £900 distinctive long tail having been hand-cut.
In blue... — £15000
The above actual size illustrations of 1840 1d. blacks show the In magenta.. — £12000
various grades of quality. When comparing these illustrations it should f. | Obliterated by Maltese Cross with number KEY TO LINE-ENGRAVED ISSUES
be assumed that they are all from the same plate and that they are in centre .... from
5 aes 1. fe — £18000 S.G. No. Description Date Wmk Perf Die Alphabet
free of any hidden defects.
PRINTERS. Nos. 1/53a were recess-printed by Perkins, Bacon & Petch, No. 3. — £18000 | 1/3 1d. black 6.5.40 SC Imp | |
known from 1852 as Perkins, Bacon & Co. No. 4. — £18000 | 4/6 2d. no lines 8.5.40 SC Imp | |
No. 5.. — £18000
— £18000 7 1d. red-brown Feb1841 SC Imp | |
— £18000 8/12 jd. red-brown Feb1841 SC Imp | |
— £18000 8/12 1d. red-brown 6.2.52 sc Imp | ll
— £18000 13/15 2d. white lines 13.3.41 sc Imp | |
g. Obliterated “Penny Post” in black (without 16a 1d. red-brown 1848 SC Roul ! !
Maltese Cross)... ete vhs .. from — £16000 16b 1d. red-brown 1850 Se 16 | |
h. Obliterated by town ‘postmark (without 16c 1d. red-brown 1853 SG. 16 | Il
Maltese Cross) in DlaCK..sssssssssessssssssseeceeseseeeee from — £10000 17/18 1d. red-brown Feb1854 SC 16 | TT
la 2 Small Crown i. Obliterated by 1844 type postmark 22 jd. red-brown Jan1855 SC 14 | il
In black. — £2500 | 24/5 1d. red-brown 28.2.55 SC 14 Il I
(Eng Charles and Frederick Heath) In blue.. — £18000 | 21 1d. red-brown ‘1.3.55 SGEELO Il Hl
1840 (6 May). Letters in lower corners. Wmk Small Crown. W 2. Imperf. 26 1d, red-brown 15,.5.55 LG16) i i]
Used on 1841 (10 Feb). Printed from “black” plates. Wmk W 2. Paper more or 29/33 1d. red-brown Aug1855 LC 14 mM tH
Un Used cover less blued. Imperf.
1 1 1d. intense black £17500 £525
Un Used cover 37/41 1d. rose-red Nov 1856 LC 14 Il ul
2 h £12500 £375 £750
3 1d. grey-black (worn plate) £16500 £500 ii 1 1d. red-brown (shades) smn £2700 £130 £240 | 36 Id. rosered 26.12.57 LC 16 M MM
a. “PB” re-entry (Plate 5, 3rd 42 1d. rose-red 1861 Lc 14 i IV
4 1a 2d. deep full blue. £45000 £1150
5 £38000 £900 £2500 state) — £2600 TWO PENCE VALUE
6 £48000 £1000 The first printings of the 1d. in red-brown were made from Plates 19, 20 2d. blue 1.3.54 SG 16 |
The 1d. stamp in black was printed from Plates 1 to 11. Plate 1 exists 1b, 2,5 and 8 to 11 used for the 1d. black. 23 2d. blue 22.2.55 sc 14 Il |
in two states (known to collectors as 1a and 1b), the latter being the 23a 2d. blue 5.7.55 sc 14 | i
result of extensive repairs. 1d. red-brown from “black” plates. 20a 2d. blue 18.8.55 SE 16 | i]
Repairs were also made to Plates 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11, and certain Plate Un Used 27 2d. blue 20.7.55 Lc 16 I
impressions exist in two or more states. 1b £22000 £375 34 2d. blue 20.7.55 tc 614 Il
2 £22000 £325 35 2d. blue 2.7.57 lc 14 | hii
The so-called “Royal reprint” of the Id. black was made in 1864, from 5 £12000 £200 36a 2d. blue 1.2.58 LC. ‘16 | Ml
Plate 66, Die II, on paper with Large Crown watermark, inverted. A 8 £12500 £190
printing was also made in carmine, on paper with the same watermark, LETTERS IN ALL FOUR CORNERS
9 £6250 £190
normal. 48/9 Yad, rose-red 1.10.70 w9 14 —
10 £2800 £190
For 1d. black with “VR” in upper corners see No. VI under Official 43/4 1d. rose-red 1.4.64 tc 14 I
11 £11500 £130
Stamps. 53a l’ad. rosy mauve 1860 LC (14 i]
The 2d. stamps were printed from Plates 1 and 2. 51/3 T’ad. rose-red 1.10.70 LC 14 I
1841 (late Feb). Plate 12 onwards. Wmk W 2, Paper more or less
45 2d. blue July 1858 LC 14 |
blued. Imperf.
Plates of 1d. black 46/7 2d. thinner lines 7.7.69 lc 614 I
Used on
Plate Un Used Un Used cover
la £18500 £375 8 BAGH ed DOWN octet sratecsserecopeectieens £600 32:00 40-00 Watermarks: SC Small Crown,T 2.
LC Large Crown, T 4.
1b £12500 £375 8a 1d. red-brown on very blue
2 £12500 £375 (erlor iaeee e e ere £700 32:00 Dies: See notes above No, 17 in the catalogue.
9 1d. pale red-brown (worn Alphabets: See General Notes to this section.
3 £20000 £500
4 £12500 £375 plates) ie £675 40:00
5 £12500 £375 10 1d. deep red-brow! £900 45-00
6 £13500 £375 11 1d. lake-red £5250 £800
Ee £13500 £400 12 1d. orange-brown . £2000 £275
8 £16500 £525 Error. No letter “A” in right lower corner (Stamp B(A), Plate 77)
9 £21000 £625 V2) 9 AG! VEG-DLOWI Enns cceacasacorasecses — £24000
10 £25000 £950 The error “No letter A in right corner” was due to the omission to
11 £23000 £4600 insert this letter on stamp B A of Plate 77. The error was discovered EIT WOPENCEL)
some months after the plate was registered and was then corrected. 3 White lines added
Varieties of 1d. black. There are innumerable variations in the colour and shade of the
Un Used 1d. “red” and those given in the above list represent colour groups 1841 (13 Mar)-51, White lines added. Wmk W 2. Paper more or less
each covering a wide range. blued. Imperf.
a. On bleuté paper (Plates 1 to 8). .from £775
b. Double letter in corner .from £13000 £400 Used on
Varieties of 1d. red-brown, etc. Un Used cover
BD. RE-CNRrY ....scsessrnnesereeee .from £13500 £450
bc. “PB” re-entry (Plate 5, 3rd state) . . — £10500 13 3 2d. pale blue. £9500 £110
c. Guide line in corner. £13000 £400 Biss NANOn eCRa0 Yotersecesumerensgtatepeeceteceeeertereerers from - 14 2d. blue... £6250 90:00 £350

yl . "|
4 Le AAs
| : ‘ 3 =a

: | , | = =

ee Do -
f | 2


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Queen Victoria GREAT BRITAIN
15 2d. deep full blue £8500 £110 ofa Die | roller die) and the impression was retouched by hand 44 1d. lake-red... 25:00 2:75
15aa 2d. violet-blue (1851). £28000 £1800 engraving by William Humphrys. This retouched die, always a. Imperf from . £8500 £4500
The 2d. stamp with white lines was printed from Plates 3 and 4. known to philatelists as Die ||, was from that time used for *43/4a For well-centred, lightly used +125%.
No. 1Saa came from Plate 4 and the price quoted is for examples preparing all new roller dies.
on thicker, lavender tinted paper. Plate Used Plate Un Used
One Penny. The numbering of the 1d. plates recommenced at 1 on
71 4:00 SO seer 25-00 2-75
Plates of 2d. blue the introduction of Die Il. Plates 1 to 21 were Alphabet II from which
ie des 5:00 1513 11-00
a scarce plum shade exists. Corner letters of Alphabet Ill appear on
Ue 4.00 152. 7:50
Un Used Plate 22 and onwards.
As an experiment, the corner letters were engraved by hand on 74... 275 153. 11:00
£6250 £100
Plates 50 and 51 in 1856, instead of being punched (Alphabet IV), but Vicon 275 154, 2-75
£6250 90:00
punching was again resorted to from Plate 52 onwards. Plates 50 and 77 £600000 155. 3-00
51 were not put into use until 1861. 78 2:75 156, 2:75
Varieties of 2d. blue
ADDeava nts 2:75 157. 2:75
Un Used Two Pence. Unlike the 1d. the old sequence of plate numbers 80.. 2:75 158. 2:75
a. Guide line in corner...... ‘ — £110 continued. Plates 3 and 4 of the 2d. had corner letters of Alphabet |, 81 3-00 159 2:75
b. Guide line through value £6750 £110 Plate 5 Alphabet II and Plate 6 Alphabet III. In Plate 6 the white lines 82 5-00 160 275
bb, Double letter in corner _ £120 are thinner than before. 83.. 9-00 161. 9:00
be. Re-entry... £8250 £200 84.. 3:00 162, 9-00
c. lvory head £6250 £100 1854-57. Paper more or less blued. 85 4.00 163 4-00
d. Watermark inverted . £24000 £875 (a) Wmk Small Crown, W 2. P 16 86 5:00 164...... 65:00 4-00
e. Obliterated by Maltese Used on OU sna 275 165. 2:75
In red... 5 _ — Un Used* cover PePep aay 9-50 166. 7-00
In blac — £275 17 1 1d. red-brown (Die |) 89. 2:75 167. 2:75
In blue — £5000 (24.2.54) vrs. ty £375 35:00 60:00 90. 275 168. 10-00
f. Obliterated by a. Imperf three sides 91.. 7-00 169. 9-00
in centre (horiz pair)........ oh t £7500 92. 2:75 170. 275
No, 1 _ £700 18 1d. yellow brown (Die |)... £450 50:00 93. 2:75 IVAN 275
No. 2 = £700 19 3 2d. deep blue (Plate 4) 94, 6-00 WL 2:75
No, 3 _— £700 (12.3.54) sano £4700) £100) £200 2:75 173. 11-00
No. 4 _— £700 a. Imperf three side: 2-75 174. 2:75
No. 5 = £850 (horiz pair)... i = 4:50 175. 4:50
No. 6 _ £700 20 2d. pale blue (Plate 4). £5500 £110 7:00 176. 3-00
No. 7 — £1200 20a 2d. blue (Plate 5) (18.8.55) £9750 £350 £550 6:00 WEE 275
No. 8 — £1000 21 1 1d. red-brown (Die II) 3-00 178 450
No. 9 Be — £1200 (22.2.55) £550 65:00 £110 11:00 179 3-00
No. 10.. 2 — £1500 a. Imperf... 2-75 180. 6:50
No. 11.. _ £850 4:50 181. 2:75
(6) Wmk Small Crown, W 2. P 14
No. 12.. _— £550 22 1 1d. red-brown (Die |) 6:00 182 6:50
g. Obliterated by town postmark (without (CURSES) feseecetsctesrecesconteacseconters £900 90:00 £160 9:00 183 4-00
Maltese Cross) 23 3 2d. blue (Plate 4) (22.255) £12500 £225 £375 2-75 184. 3-00
from — £3500 9-00 185. 4.00
23a 2d. blue (Plate 5) (4.7.55).. £13500 £350 £525
from — £4500 3-00 186 3-00
b.Imperf (Plate 5) vases
h. Obliterated by 1844 type postmark 4:50 187 2:75
24 1 1d. red-brown (Die 1!)
.from — 90:00 (Q72t55) i
reacctsssvestroncers £675 70:00 £110 11-00 188. 12:00
.from — £1000 24a 1d. deep red-brown (very 3-00 189. 8-50
from — £28000 blue paper) (Die I)....... £825 £110 3-00 190. 7:00
In green.. from — £9000 25 1d. orange-brown (Die Il). £1900 £170 15-00 191. 9-00
In olive-yellow. from — £2000 15:00 192. 2:75
(c) Wk Large Crown, W 4. P 16
3-00 193. 275
1841 (Apr). Trial printing (unissued) on Dickinson silk-thread 26 1 1d, red-brown (Die I!)
11-00 194, 10:00
paper. No wmk. Imperf. (USES an £2200 £130 £240
2-75 195. 10-00
16 11d. red-brown (Plate 11) mer E7750 a. Imperf (Plate 7).
2-75 196. 6:50
Eight sheets were printed on this paper, six being gummed, two 27 3 2d. blue (Plate 5) (20.7.55) £17500 £450 £575
275 197. 11-00
ungummed, but we have only seen examples without gum. A. IM Pe rfan.esccscsssseeeee: ee — £12000
275 198. 7-00
(d) Wmk Large Crown, W 4. P 14 11:00 199, 7-00
1848. Wmk Small Crown, W 2. Rouletted approx 11% by Henry 29 1 1d. red-brown (Die II) 2-75 200. 2:75
Archer. (6.55) vorccterccmcmsaee £240) (22-00) 40:00 2-75 20 Vizerese 45-00 6:00
16a 1 1d, red-brown (Plates 70, 71)... £25000 a, Imperf (shades) (Plates 2-75 QO2E Ras: 75:00 10:00
22, 24, 25, 32, 43) £4000 £3500 2:75 203. 20:00
1850. Wmk Small Crown, W 2. P 16 by Henry Archer. 30 1d. brick-red (Die |!) £375 45-00 3-00 204. 3-00
Used on 31 1d. plum (Die II) (2.56) £3800 £900 10-00 205 4.00
Un Used cover 32 1d. brown-rose (Die Il)....... £375 55-00 3-00 206 11-00
166 1 1d. red-brown (Alph 1) 33 1d. orange-brown (Die Il) 20:00 207. 11:00
(from Plates 90-101) (3.57) wine £725 60:00 27-00 208. 18-00
from £3500 £625 £2000 34 3 2d. blue (Plate 5) (20.7.55) £2850 70:00 £200 11:00 209 10-00
Stamps on cover dated prior to February 1854 are worth a premium 35 2d. blue (Plate 6) (2.7.57).. £3400 70:00 £200 2-75 210 15:00
of 50% over the price on cover quoted above. a. Imperf... — £12000 30-00 Patil 25.00
b. Imperf horiz (vert pair) t _ 24-00 212. 13-00
1853. Government Trial Perforation. Wmk Small Crown. W 2. *17/35a For well-centred, lightly used +125%. 3-00 213% 13-00
Un Used 2:75 214. 23-00
16c 1 1d. red-brown (P 16) (Alph Il) (on 1856-58. Wmk Large Crown, W 4, Paper no longer blued. 20:00 215. 23-00
COVIOL |ens cteiestaorestartecsrenctterhshasapeancoskes t (a) P 16 2-75 216. 23-00
36 1 1d. rose-red (Die Il) (26.12.57)... £2600 70:00 £160 11-00 PAS 9:00
SEPARATION TRIALS. Although the various trials of machines for 36a = 3-_ 2d. blue (Plate 6) (1.2.58) weve £14250 £375 £550 30-00 218. 10-00
rouletting and perforating were unofficial, Archer had the consent of 17:00 219. 85-00
the authorities in making his experiments, and sheets so experimented (b) Die Il.P14
Sv/ 1 1d. red-brown (11.56)... £2400 £375 £1100 25-00 220. 9-00
upon were afterwards used by the Post Office. 3-00 221. 20:00
As Archer ended his experiments in 1850 and plates with corner 38 1d. pale red (9.4.57).. £100 35-00
a. Imperf.... £4600 £3600 5 7:00 222. 50:00
letters Alphabet II did not come into issue until 1852, perforated
39 1d, pale rose (3.57) £110 35-00 NAT ecco 4-00 223. 75-00
stamps with corner letters of Alphabet | may safely be assumed to
40 1d. rose-red (9.57) 50:00 12:00 23-00 148...... 55-00 4-00 PU eres £150 65:00
be Archer productions, if genuine.
a. IMPerF....sesseees £5000 £3800 TAQ scale 55:00 7-00 225 ax £3200 £800
The Government trial perforation is believed to have been done on
Archer's machines after they had been purchased in 1853. As Alphabet b. Imperf vert (horiz pair). + _
The following plate numbers are also known imperf and used (No.
ll was by that time in use, the trials can only be distinguished from the 41 1d. deep rose-red (7.57), £160 20:00
44a); 72, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 96, 97,
perforated stamps listed below by being dated prior to 24 February 98, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 112, 113, 114, 116,
1854, the date when the perforated stamps were officially issued. 1861, Letters engraved on plate instead of punched (Alphabet IV). 117, 120, 121, 122, 136, 137, 142, 146, 148, 158, 162, 164, 166, 171,
Die | Alphabet |, stamps from plates 74 and 113 perforated 14 have 42 1 1d. rose-red (Die II) (Plates 50 174, 191 and 202.
been recorded for many years, but it is now generally recognised that and 51)... .. £250 40:00 70-00 The numbering of this series of 1d. red plates follows after that of
the type of comb machine used, producing one extension hole in the a. Imperf..... — £5750 the previous 1d. stamp, last printed from Plate 68.
side margins, cannot be contemporary with other trials of this period. *36/42a For well-centred, lightly used +125%. Plates 69, 70, 75, 126 and 128 were prepared for this issue but
In both values, varieties may be found as described in the preceding rejected owing to defects, and stamps from these plates do not exist,
issues—ivory heads, inverted watermarks, re-entries, and double so that specimens which appear to be from these plates (like many
letters in corners. of those which optimistic collectors believe to be from Plate 77) bear
The change of perforation from 16 to 14 was decided upon late in other plate numbers. Owing to faulty engraving or printing it is not
1854 since the closer holes of the former gauge tended to cause the always easy to identify the plate number. Plate 77 was also rejected
sheets of stamps to break up when handled, but for a time both gauges but some stamps printed from it were used. One specimen is in the
were in concurrent use. Owing to faulty alignment of the impressions Tapling Collection and six or seven others are known, Plates 226 to
— on the plates and to shrinkage of the paper when damped, badly 228 were made but not used.

— perforated stamps are plentiful in the line-engraved issues. Specimens from most of the plates are known with inverted
t —
— watermark. The variety of watermark described in the General Notes

tii x)
to this section occurs on stamp M A (or M L) on plates up to about

ih) 96 (Prices from £110 used). Re-entries in this issue are few, the best
being on stamps M K and T K of Plate 71 and on S LandT L, Plate 83.

Die! Die II 4 Large Crown HY

45 6 2d. blue (thick lines) (7.58).
Used on
Die |: The features of the portrait are lightly shaded and consequently
a. Imperf (Plate 9) £12500
lack emphasis. 65:00
Die Il: (Die |retouched): The lines of the features have been deepened
and appear stronger. QBIworenc. G
The eye is deeply shaded and made more lifelike. The nostril £140
and lips are more clearly defined..the latter appearing much 6 Showing position of the
thicker. A strong downward stroke of colour marks the corner plate number on the 1d. 46 2d. blue (thin lines) (1.7.69)...... £375 27-00 75:00
and 2d. values. (Plate 47 2d. deep blue (thin lines) 27-00
of the mouth. There is a deep indentation of colour between
lower lip and chin. The band running from the back of the ear 170 shown) a. Imperf (Plate 13).
to the chignon has a bolder horizontal line below it than in Die |. Plate 13.. 30-00
The original die (Die |) was used to provide roller dies for 1858-79. Letters in all four corners. Wmk Large Crown, W 4. Die Il Plate 14... 38-00
the laying down of all the line-engraved stamps from 1840 to (1d. and 2d,). P 14. Plate 15... 38-00
1855. In that year a new master die was laid down (by means 43 5 1d. rose-red (1.4.64) 25:00 275 8-00 *45/7 For well-centred, lightly used +125%.

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Queen Victoria GREAT BRITAIN
Plates 10 and 11 of the 2d. were prepared but rejected. Plates 13 to sheet. Some stamps were removed from time to time for presentation
15 were laid down from a new roller impression on which the white purposes and have come on to the market, but these imperforates are
lines were thinner. = not listed as they were not issued. Full details can be found in Volume
There are some marked re-entries and repairs, particularly on Plates | of the Great Britain Specialised Catalogue.
7, 8, 9 and 12. Stamps with inverted watermark may be found and However, other imperforate stamps are known to have been issued
also the T A (T L) and M A (ML) watermark varieties (see General and these are listed where it has been possible to prove that they
Notes to this section). do not come from the Imprimatur sheets. It is therefore advisable to
Though the paper is normally white, some printings showed purchase these only when acccompanied by an Expert Committee
blueing and stamps showing the “ivory head” may therefore be found. certificate of genuineness.

Plate Numbers. All stamps from No. 75 to No. 163 bear in their
designs either the plate number or, in one or two earlier instances,
some other indication by which one plate can be distinguished from
another. With the aid of these and of the corner letters it is thus
possible to “reconstruct” a sheet of stamps from any plate of any
issue or denomination.

Surface-printing. In this context the traditional designation “surface-

Showing the plate Position of die number printing” is synonymous with typo(graphy)—a philatelic term—or
number (9) letterpress—the printers’ term—as meaning printing from (the surface
(Primary die engraved at the Royal Mint by William Wyon. of) raised type. It is also called relief-printing, as the image is in relief
Stamps printed at Somerset House) (in French, en épargne), unwanted parts of the design having been
cut away. Duplicate impressions can be electrotyped or stereotyped
1847-54. Imperf. (For paper and wmk see footnote.)
from an original die, the resulting clichés being locked together to
Used on
form the printing plate.
Un Used Cover
54 10 1s. pale green (11.9.47) . £22500 £1000 £1900
55 1s. green...... £22500 £1000 Wing Margins. As the vertical gutters (spaces) between the panes,
into which sheets of stamps of most values were divided until the
56 1s. deep green . £27500 £1200
introduction of the Imperial Crown watermark, were perforated
Die 1 (1847). . £22500 £1000
through the centre with a single row of holes, instead of each vertical
1870 (1 Oct). Wmk W 9, extending over three stamps. P 14. Die 2 (1854). £25000 £1100
row of stamps on the inner side of the panes having its own line
48 7 Yad. rose-red.. £115 25-00 70-00 57 11: 10d. brown (6.11.48) £11500 £1500 £3200 of perforation as is now usual, a proportion of the stamps in each
49 Yad. rose. £115 25-00 Die 1 (1848)... . £12000 £1500 sheet have what is called a “wing margin” about 5 mm wide on one
Die 2 (1850)... . £11500 £1500 or other side.
. from £4500 £3200 Die 3 1853). £11500 £1500 The stamps with “wing margins” are the watermark Emblems and
£325 90-00 Die 4 (1854)... £13000 £1750 Spray of Rose series (3d., 6d., 9d., 10d., 1s. and 2s.) with letters D, E, H
£240 50-00 58 12 6d. mauve (1.3.54). . £18500 £1000 or | in S.E. corner, and the watermark Garter series (4d. and 8d.) with
£150 40-00 59 6d. dull lilac... . £18500 £1000 £1900 letters F or G in S.E. corner. Knowledge of this lettering will enable
£110 25-00 60 |. purple £18500 £1000 collectors to guard against stamps with wing margin cut down and
£120 25-00 61 reperforated, but note that wing margin stamps of Nos. 62 to 73 are
£600 £120 also to be found re-perforated.
£6000 £850 a pale blue twisted cotton yarn). The 6d. is on paper watermarked
£130 25-00 V Rin single-lined letters, W 13, which may be found in four ways— ‘Used’ Prices. In the case of high value surface-printed issues, used
£120 25-00 upright, inverted, upright reversed, and inverted reversed, upright prices refer to stamps bearing telegraphic cancellations.
£120 25-00 reversed being the most common.
£120 25-00 The die numbers are indicated on the base ofthe bust. Only Die 1
(1 WW) of the 6d. was used for the adhesive stamps. The 10d. is from PRINTERS. The issues of Queen Victoria, Nos. 62/214, were typo by
£120 25-00 Thomas De La Rue & Co.
2 <A £175 42-00 Die 1 (W.W.1 on stamps), and Dies 2 to 4 (2 W.W., 3 W.W. and, 4 W.W.)
Plate 19... a £300 60:00 but the number and letters on stamps from Die 1 are seldom clear
and many specimens are known without any trace of them. Because PERFORATIONS. All the surface-printed issues of Queen Victoria are
Plate 20... £350 80-00 Perf 14, with the exception of Nos. 126/9.
of this the stamp we previously listed as “No die number” has been
*49/9a For well-centred, lightly used +200%.
deleted. That they are from Die | is proved by the existence of blocks
showing stamps with and without the die number. The 1s. is from
The ‘ad. was printed in sheets of 480 (24 x 20) so that the
Dies 1 and 2 (W.W.1, W.W.2). KEY TO SURFACE-PRINTED ISSUES 1855-83
check letters run from to The normal arrangement of the “silk” threads in the paper was in
AA Pairs running down each vertical row of the sheet, the space between $.G.Nos. Description Watermark Date of Issue
Plates 2, 7, 16, 17 and 18 were not completed while Plates 21 and the threads of each pair being approximately 5 mm and between
22, though made, were not used. Pairs of threads 20 mm. Varieties due to misplacement of the paper NO CORNER LETTERS
Owing to the method of perforating, the outer side of stamps in in printing show a single thread on the first stamp from the sheet 62 4d, carmine Small Garter 31,7.55
either the A or X row (ie the left or right side of the sheet) is imperf. margin and two threads 20 mm apart on the other stamps of the 63/5 4d. carmine Medium Garter 25.2.56
Stamps may be found with watermark inverted or reversed, or row. Faulty manufacture is the cause of stamps with a single thread 66/a 4d. carmine Large Garter Jan 1857
without watermark, the latter due to misplacement of the paper in the middle.
when printing. 69/70 6d. lilac Emblems 21.10.56
Through bad spacing of the impressions, which were handstruck, all 71/3 1s. green Emblems 1.11.56
values may be found with two impressions more or less overlapping.
Owing to the smal! margin allowed for variation of spacing, specimens SMALL WHITE CORNER LETTERS
with good margins on all sides are not common, Double impressions
are known of all values. 75/7 3d. carmine Emblems 1.5.62
Later printings of the 6d. had the gum tinted green to enable the 78 3d. carmine (dots) | Emblems Aug 1862
printer to distinguish the gummed side of the paper. 79/82 4d. red Large Garter 15.1.62
83/5 6d. lilac Emblems 1.12.62
86/8 9d. bistre Emblems 15.1.62
SURFACE-PRINTED ISSUES 89/91 1s. green Emblems 1.12.62
1870 (1 Oct). WmkW 4. P 14. Volume 1 of the Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Specialised Catalogue
92 3d, rose Emblems 1.3.65
51 8 1a. rose-red £500 75:00 £275 gives further detailed information on the surface-printed issues.
102/3 3d. rose Spray July 1867
52 1vad, lake-red..... £600 75-00 93/4 4d. vermilion Large Garter 4.7.65
a. Imperf (Plates 1 and 3)....... “Abnormals”, The majority of the great rarities in the surface-printed 96/7 6d. lilac Emblems 7.3.65
from £9500 5 group of issues are the so-called “abnormals’, whose existence is due 104/7 6d. lilac Spray 21.6.67
to the practice of printing six sheets from every plate as soon as made, 108/9 6d. lilac Spray 8.3.69
£725 £100 one of which was kept for record purposes at Somerset House, while
122/4 6d. chestnut Spray 12.4.72
£500 75-00 the others were perforated and usually issued. If such plates were
125 6d. grey Spray 244.73
not used for general production or if, before they came into full use,
Error of lettering. OP-PC for CP-PC (Plate 1) 98 9d. straw Emblems 30.10.65
a change of watermark or colour took place, the six sheets originally
53 8 12d. rose-red £28000 £2000 £7500
printed would differ from the main issue in plate, colour or watermark 110/11 9d. straw Spray 3.10.67
Prepared for use in 1860 but not issued; blued paper and, if issued, would be extremely rare. 99 10d. brown Emblems 11.11.67
53a 8 1’ad. rosy mauve (Plate 1)............ £8500 —_ The abnormal stamps of this class listed in this Catalogue and 112/14 10d. brown Spray 1.7.67
b. Error of lettering, OP-PC distinguished, where not priced, by an asterisk (*), are: 101 1s. green Emblems 19.1.65
FON GP=PG- ccsesscercesneresserepncnssee — t 115/17 1s. green Spray 13.7.67
No. 118/206 2s. blue Spray 1.7.67
*51/3 For well-centred, lightly used +125%. 78 3d. Plate 3 (with white dots)
Owing to a proposed change in the postal rates, 1/2d. stamps 121 2s. brown Spray 27.2.80
152 4d. vermilion, Plate 16 126/7 5s. rose Cross 1.7.67
were first printed in 1860, in rosy mauve, No. 53a, but the change 153 4d, sage-green, Plate 17
was not approved and the greater part of the stock was destroyed, 128 10s. grey Cross 26.9.78
109 6d. mauve, Plate 10 129 £1 brown-lilac Cross 26.9.78
although three or four postally used examples have been recorded.
124/a 6d. chestnut and 6d. pale chestnut, Plate 12 130,134 5s. rose Anchor 25.11.82
In 1870 a 1¥2d. stamp was required and was issued in rose-red.
Plate 1 did not have the plate number in the design of the stamps, 145 6d. pale buff, Plate 13 131,135 10s. grey-green Anchor Feb 1883
but on stamps from Plate 3 the number will be found in the frame 88 9d. Plate 3 (hair lines) 989d. Plate 5 (see footnote 132,136 £1 brown-lilac Anchor Dec 1882
to No. 98) 133,137 £5 orange Anchor 21.3.82
as shown above.
Plate 2 was defective and was not used. 113 10d, Plate 2 911s. Plate 3 (“Plate 2”)
The error of lettering OP-PC on Plate 1 was apparently not noticed 148/50 1s. green, Plate 14 LARGE COLOURED CORNER LETTERS
by the printers, and therefore not corrected. 120 2s. blue, Plate 3
166 1d, Venetian red Crown 1.1.80
Those which may have been issued, but of which no specimens are 138/9 2’ad. rosy mauve Anchor 1.7.75
known, are 2'2d. wmk Anchor, Plates 4 and 5; 3d. wmk Emblems, Plate 141 2¥ad. rosy mauve Orb 1.5.76
EMBOSSED ISSUES 5; 3d. wmk Spray, Plate 21; 6d. grey, wmk Spray, Plate 18; 8d. orange, 142 2’ad. blue Orb 5.2.80
Volume 1 of the Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Specialised Catalogue Plate 2; 1s. wmk Emblems, Plate 5; 5s. wmk Maltese Cross, Plate 4. 157 2¥ad. blue Crown 23.3.81
gives further detailed information on the embossed issues. The 10d. Plate 1, wmk Emblems (No. 99), is sometimes reckoned 143/4 3d. rose Spray 5.7.73
among the abnormals, but was an error, due to the use of the wrong 158 3d. rose Crown Jan 1881
PRICES. The prices quoted are for cut-square stamps with average paper. 159 3d. on 3d. lilac Crown 1.1.83
to fine embossing. Stamps with exceptionally clear embossing are 152 4d. vermilion Large Garter 1.3.76
worth more. Corner Letters. With the exception of the 4d., 6d. and 1s. of 1855-57, 153 4d. sage-green Large Garter 12.3,77
the Yad., 12d., 2d, and 5d. of 1880, the 1d. lilac of 1881 and the £5 154 4d. brown Large Garter 15.8.80
(which had letters in lower corners only, and in the reverse order to 160 4d. brown Crown 9.12.80
the normal), all the surface-printed stamps issued prior to 1887 had 145 6d. buff Spray 15.3.73
letters in all four corners, as in the later line-engraved stamps. The 146/7 6d. grey Spray 20.3.74
arrangement is the same, the letters running in sequence right across
161 6d. grey Crown 1.1.81
and down the sheets, whether these were divided into ones or not.
The corner letters existing naturally depend on the number of stamps 162 6d. on 6d. lilac Crown 1.1.83
156a 8d, purple-brown Large Garter July 1876
in the sheet and their arrangement.
156 8d. orange Large Garter 11.9.76
Imprimaturs and Imperforate Stamps. The Post Office retained in 148/50 1s. green Spray 1.9.73
their records (now in the National Postal Museum) one imperforate 151 1s. brown Spray 14.10.80
sheet from each plate, known as the Imprimatur (or officially approved) 163 1s. brown Crown 245.81


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Queen Victoria GREAT BRITAIN
Watermarks: Anchor W 40, 47 a
Cross W 39
Crown w49
Emblems W 20
Large Garter W17
Medium Garter W 16
Orb W 48
Small Garter W 15
Spray W 33
Please note that all watermark illustrations are as seen from the
front of the stamp.

A. White dots added B. Hair lines
28 (with hyphen)
1862-64. A small uncoloured letter in each corner, the 4d. wmk
Large Garter. W17, the others Emblems, W20.
75 21 3d. deep carmine-rose
(Plate 2) (1.5.62) ...scseso £4800 £575
76 3d, bright carmine-rose... £2700 £350 £600
a. Error. Wmk W 20b
15 Small Garter (stamp TF) £9000
77 3d. pale carmine-rose £2700 £350
b. Thick paper . £4000 £475
78 3d. rose (with white dots,
Type A, Plate 3) (8.62). £42000 £16000 29 30
a. Imperf (Plate 3) ............. £6750
79 22 4d. bright red (Plate 3) 1865-73. Large uncoloured corner letters. Wmk Large Garter (4d.);
(15.1.62) . £2200 £160 others Emblems.
80 4d. pale red. £2000 £140 £300 92 26 3d, rose (Plate 4) (1.3.65)... £2400 £250 £500
81 4d. bright red a. Error. Wmk W 20a........ £6500 £1250
lines, Type B, Plate 4) b. Thick paper . £3500 £325
(HO TO163)eienanenesca £2300 £175 93 27 4d. dull vermilion (4.7.65). £650 90-00
82 4d, pale red (Hair lines, 94 4d. vermilion 5 A) 75:00 £140
Type B, Plate 4) £140 £300 a, Imperf (Pla £8000
16 Medium Garter 17 Large Garter a. Imperf (Plate 4)... Plate
83 23 6d. deep lilac (Plate 3) 7 (1865). £650 £130
1855-57. No corner letters. (1.12.62) £2800 £150 8 (1866). £600 90-00
(a) Wmk Small Garter, W 15. Highly glazed, deeply blued paper 84 6d. lilac...... £2250 £130 8 =£225 9 (1867). £600 90:00
(31 July 1855) a. Azure paper.. — £1400 10 (1868) £825 £150
Used on b. Thick Paper ciecssssssscsnsess — £375 11 (1869 £625 90:00
Used* cover c. Error. Shamrock 12 (1870) £575 75-00
62 14 = 4d. carmine (shades) .....0000 £450 £780 missing from wmk 13 (1872 £650 75-00
a. Paper slightly blued £450 (Stamp TR) er rece cccsccreser=se 14 (1873)... £775 £100
b. White pape... _— £1100 d. Error. Wmk W 20b 96 28 6d. deep lilac (wi
(b) Wmk Medium Garter, W 16 (stamp TF). r — £8000 hyphen) (7.3.65).. . £1900 £190
e. Hyphen omitte £7500 97 6 a lilac (with hyphen)... £1200 £140 £225
(i) Thick, blued highly glazed paper (25 February 1856) 85 6d. lilac (Hair lines, Plate THICK PAPE ness . £1600 £175
63 14 = 4d. carmine (shades)... £13000 £575 £1100 4) (20.4.64) £225 £350 owStamp doubly printed
a. White paper........ £11000 a. Imperf.... (AiG) ee —_— £15000
(ii) Ordinary thin white paper (September 1856) c. Thick paper... £275 ee Error. Wmk W 20a (PI
64 14 4d. pale CarMiNe nce £12000 £475 £1000 d. Error. Wmk W Bi O)eectecceeeseevesrvesetia from —_— £2400
a. Stamp printed double t (StatONTE) eosccecseereesscces d. Error. Wmk W 20b
86 24 9d. bistre (Plate 2) (Plate 5)..
(iii) Ordinary white paper, specially prepared ink (1 November 1856) (15.1.62) £5800 £550 £1000
65 14 94d. rose or deep rose.......... £12000 £500 £1000 Imperf (p
87 9d. straw... £4000 £450 Plate
(c) Wmk Large Garter, W17. Ordinary white paper (January 1857) a. On azure paper 5 (1865). £1100 £140
66 14 = 4d. rose-carmine.. £2100 £150 £225 b. Thick paper £6000 £550 6 (1867). £3800 £250
k £1750 £150 c. Error. Watermark W 98 29 . straw (Plate 4)
b. Thick glazed paper...... £6500 £350 2Ob (StaMP TF) .eressseeseeee + _ (30.10.65).. £4800 £600 £1250
*62/6b For well-centred, lightly used +125%. 88 9d. bistre (Hair lines, Plate . Thick pape! £5500 £850
BE) OGY) Ere, £30000 £13000 . Error. Wmk W 20a _— £2500
89 25 1s. deep green (Plate No. . Error. Wmk W 20b
1 = Plate 2) (1.12.62)... £4800 £500 (StaMmprll)icrccecsmecesice £12500
90 1s. green (Plate No. 1 . red-brown (PI 1)
Plate 2), £3200 £300 £450 GRU OWA) kearecrcechcesermnsensess AP £55000
a. “K” in lower left corner . green (Plate 4)
in white circle (stamp (19.1.65) £2850 £275 £450
KD) etaseanccccomcteccraes £18500 £2500 . Error. W™mk W20a _ £1600
aa. “K” normal (stamp KD) — £2200 oo. Thick paper... £3500 £380
b. On azure papel... (e Imperf between (vert
c. Error. Wmk 20b Dali) pareecrsenenrnrrercmeccscs — £16000
(stamp TF) .
*92/101c For well-centred, lightly used +100%.
d. Thick pape: SESS) From mid-1866 to about the end of 1871 4d. stamps of this issue
20 Emblems wmk da. Thick paper, “K” in
(normal) appeared generally with watermark inverted.
Circle aS NO. 908 verses. — £3500 Unused examples of No. 98 from Plate 5 exist, but this was never
91 1s. deep green (Plate No. put to press and all evidence points to such stamps originating from
2 = Plate 3) . £34000 a portion of the Imprimatur sheet which was perforated by De La Rue
£7250 in 1887 for insertion in albums to be presented to members of the
*75/91 For well-centred, lightly used +125%. Stamp Committee (Price £18000 un).
The 3d. as Type 21, but with network background in the spandrels The 10d. stamps, No. 99, were printed in error on paper watermarked
which is found overprinted SPECIMEN, was never issued. “Emblems” instead of on “Spray of Rose”.

ape The plates of this issue may be distinguished as follows:

3d. Plate 2. No white dots.
Plate 3. White dots as Illustration A.
20a Wmk error, three
Ad. Plate 3. No hair lines. Roman | next to lower corner letters.
roses and shamrock roses and thistle
Plate 4. Hair lines in corners. (Illustration B.). Roman II.
(d) Wmk Emblems, W 20 6d. Plate 3. No hair lines.
69 18 6d. deep lilac (21.10.56) £1800 Plate 4. Hair lines in corners.
70 6d. pale lilac £1350 £240 9d. Plate 2. No hair lines.
a. Azure paper... £9000 Plate 3. Hair lines in corners. Beware of faked lines.
b. Thick paper... £4000 1s. Plate 2. Numbered 1 on stamps. 33 Spray of Rose
c. Error. Wmk W 20a Plate 3. Numbered 2 on stamps and with hair lines.
71 19 1s. deep green (1.11.56). £5750 1867-80. Wmk Spray of Rose, W 33.
*One used example on piece has been recorded, cancelled by a
72 1s. green...... £3250 £425 102 26 3d, deep rose (12.7.67) ...... £800
Glasgow Duplex postmark dated 06.1.1863.
73 1s. pale green.. £3250 103 3d. Re e525)
The 9d. on azure paper (No. 87a) is very rare, only one confirmed
a. Azure paper... _ a. Imperf (Plates 5, 6, 8)...
example being known. pire eet ches from £11000
b. Thick pape: =
The variety “K”in circle, No. 90a, is believed to be due to a damaged Plate
c. Imperf..... letter having been cut out and replaced. It is probable that the punch
*69/73b For well-centi 4 (1867). £1850
was driven in too deeply, causing the flange to penetrate the surface,
producing an indentation showing as an uncoloured circle.
5 (1868). £525
6 (1870). £550
The watermark variety “three roses and a shamrock” illustrated in
7 (1871). £650
W 20a was evidently due to the substitution of an extra rose for the
8 (1872). £625
thistle in a faulty watermark bit. It is found on stamp TA of Plate 4
of the 3d., Plates 1 (No. 70c), 3, 5 and 6 of the 6d,, Plate 4 of the 9d. 9 (1872). £625
and Plate 4 of the 1s. 10 (1873 £875
Similar problems occurred on stamp TF of the 6d. and 9d. Here the . lilac (with hyphen)
shamrock emblem became detached and a used example of the 6d. (Plate 6) (21.6.67) £1850 £200
(No. 84) is known showing it omitted. It was replaced by a third rose . Imperf
(W 20b) and this variety exists on the 6d. (Nos. 84/5 and 97) and 9d. 105 . deep lilac (with
(Nos. 87 and 98). hyphen) (Plate 6)......... £1850

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Queen Victoria GREAT BRITAIN
106 6d. purple (with hyphen) Plate
KRUG) ierteerca
cre cere £175 11 (1873)... 80-00
107 6d. bright violet (with 80:00
hyphen) (Plate 6) 80:00
(2207/68) erence £175 80:00
108 6d. dull violet (without 80:00
hyphen) (Plate 8) 80-00
(83:69) oe ee, £175 80-00
109 6d. mauve (without 80-00
FyPhein)iextesetacaccedessecesscnse 90:00 £140 £140
a. Imperf (Plate Nos. 8 145 43
and 9... £4750 39 Maltese Cross 40 Large Anchor
Plate 146 £120 £150
8 (1869, mauve)... £140 1867-83. Uncoloured letters in corners.
147 90-00
9 (1870, mauve) 90-00 (a) Wmk Maltese Cross, W39.P 15%x 15
10 (1869, mauve). £35000 90:00
110 29 9d. straw (Plate No. 4) 5s. rose (1.7.67)... 90:00
(BINO.67) Rercessestrtentrecsoct—coee £2500 £325 £525 . pale rose... 90:00
111 9d. pale straw (Plate 90:00
£2400 £300 £180
a. imperf (Plate 4) £22000 1 (1867). 148 44 £225
112 30 . red-brown (1.7.67) ....... £3600 £400 £850 2 (1874). 150 £160 £240
113 . pale red-brown £3600 £400 . greenish grey
114 10d. deep red-brow £5000 £600 £175
a. Imperf (Plate 1)... " £16500 brown-lilac (Plate 1) (26.9.78) £90000 £175
Plate (b) Wmk Anchor, W 40. P 14 £200
1 (1867). £3600
£400 £175
(i) Blued paper
2 (1867). " £55000 £16500 130 35 5s. rose (Plate 4) (25.11.82). . £42000 £4800 £160
115 31 1s. deep green (13.7.67)... £1300 70-00 £160
£800 90-00 131 36 10s. grey-green (Plate 1) (2.8 . £135000 £5200
117 1s. green 45-00 < £40000
132 37 £1 brown-lilac (Plate 1) (12.82) £175000 £10000
133 38 £5 orange (Plate 1) (21.3.82) £70000 £15000 151 1s. orange-brown (Plate
13) (14.10.80) ..sesccsscssecee £4750 £700 £1800
£9250 £5750 (ii) White paper
134 35 5s. rose (Plate 4) £35000 £4200 (d) Wmk Large Garter, W 17
135 36 10s. greenish grey (Plate 1) £160000 £4500 152 45 4d. vermilion (1.3.76)... £3200 £525 £1100
4 (1867). £975 65:00
5 (1871). £800 45-00 136 37 £1 brown-lilac (Plate 1) £200000 £9000 Plate
137 38 £5 orange (Plate 1) £14500 15 (1876)... £3200) £525
6 (1871). £1200 45-00
*126/37 For well-centred, lightly used +75%. 16 (1877)... = * £34000
7 (1873). £1400 90-00
153 4d. sage-green (12.3.77).. £1400 £300 £600
118 32 2s. dull blue (1.7.67). £4000 £225 £825
119 2s. deep blue....... £4800 £240
15 (1877)... £1600 £325
a. Imperf (Plate 1) ; £22000
16 (1877 £1400 £300
120 £4800 £275
. £22000 17 (1877)... a * £20000
120a _ £24000 £3000
154 4d. grey-brown (Plate 17)
120b 2s. milky blue - £22000 £2000
a. Imperf...
. £2800 £550
.. £22000
156 46 = 8d. orange (Plate 1)
1 (1867). £4000 £225 (HTD 7S hee £1850 £350 £625
* £16000
3 (1868)..
*138/56 For well-centred, lightly used +100%.
121 2s. brown (Plate No. 1)
(27.2.80) . £30000 £4200 1876 (July). Prepared for use but not issued.
a. Imperf. £30000 156a 46 8d. purple-brown (Plate 1) £9750
b. No watermark... +
*102/21 For well-centred, lightly used +75%.
Examples of the 1s. from Plates 5 and 6 without watermark are
postal forgeries used at the Stock Exchange Post Office in the early

1872-73. Uncoloured letters in corners. Wmk Spray, W 33.

122 34 6d. deep chestnut (Plate
MN) CT214-7.2) wecssseco crescnese £125
122a 6d. chestnut (Plate I!)
Ne Drei) Neasiecentsecmeccccicuaes 65-00 £150
122b 6d. pale chestnut (Plate » 49 Imperial Crown (50)
(1872) 65-00
123 £125 £250 1880-83. Wmk imperial Crown. W 49.
157 41 2Ved. blue (23.3.81) asessssseseeeee £450 35:00 55-00
11 (1872, pale buff)..... £1100 £125 Plate
12 (1872, pale buff)..... £3400 £350 PWT OHSS1)seseeesnantrecctecess £500 45-00
124 . chestnut (Plate 12) 22 (1881) . £450 45-00
£3800 47 Small Anchor 48 Orb 23 (1881 £450 35-00
124a 2
2. pale chestnut (Plate
1873-80. Large coloured letters in the corners.
158 42 3d. rose (3.81) £500 £100 £175
iA ees £3500 Plate
125 2 . grey (Plate 12) (a) Wmk Anchor, W 47 20 (1881)... £900 £150
(24.4.73) £300 £375 Used on 21 (1881)... = £500) ~£100
a. Imperf.... Un Used* cover 159 50 3d. on 3d. lilac (C.) (Plate
*122/5 For ee contied, lightly used +50%. 41 2%ad. rosy mauve (blued AAD) IRDROS)) ecteesmrseseserssosncy £650 £160 £450
paper) (1.7.75). £875 £190 160 45 4d. grey-brown (8.12.80)... £450 75:00 £190
17 (1880).. 80-00
1 (blued paper) (1875). £875 £190 18 (1882 75-00
2 (blued paper) (1875). £8000 £1650 161 43 6d. grey (1.1.81). 80-00 £120
3 (blued paper) (1875). — £5750 Plate
. rosy mauve (white 17 (1881). £425 80:00
Paper)... £650 £120 18 (1882). . £400 80:00
Plate 162 50 = éd. on éd. lilac (C)) (Plate
1 (white paper) (1875). £650 £120 AS) U1cO3) cecaececorcreree £675 £150 £425
2 (white paper) (1875). £650 £120 a. Slanting dots (various)
3 (white paper) (1875). £1000 £175 ce ee, from £1800 £450
Error of Lettering LH—F L for L H—H L (Plate 2) b. Opt double wu... eee — £12500
41 2%d. rosy mauve £32000 £2750 163 44 1s. orange-brown
ZARSS) lentectomcectonscosrsares £750 £170 £550
(b) Wmk Orb, W 48 Plate
41 2¥ad. rosy mauve (1.5.76) £525 80-00 13 (1881) £875 £170
Plate 14 (1881) £750 £170
3 (1876) £150 *157/63 For well-centred, lightly us: +75%.
4 (1876) 80-00 The 1s. Plate 14 (line perf 14) exists in purple, but was not issued
5 (1876) 80-00 in this shade (Price £8000 unused). Examples were included in a
6 (1876) 80:00 few of the Souvenir Albums prepared for members of the “Stamp
7 (1877) 80-00 Committee of 1884”.
8 (1877) 80:00
9 (1877) 80:00
10 (1878)... 95:00
11 (1878)... 80:00
12 (1878)... 80:00
13 (1878). 80-00
14 (1879)... 80-00
15 (1879)... 80-00
16 (1879)... 80:00
17 (1880)... £300
. blue (5.2.80).. 55-00
17 (1880)... 70:00
18 (1880). 55-00
19 (1880)... 55:00
20 (1880)... 55-00
(c) Wmk Spray, W:33
143 42 3d. tose (5.7.73) 80:00
144 3d. pale rose... 80-00

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Queen Victoria GREAT BRITAIN
1880-81. Wmk Imperial Crown, W 49. a AF prose o
164 52 ‘ad. deep green (14.10.80) 55:00 22:00 30-00
a. IMpPerf sees . £4750
b. No watermark.. £9500
165 Yad. pale green... 55:00 22:00
166 53 1d. Venetian red (1.1.80)... 35-00 15:00 30-00
a. Imperf nee... . £5500
b. Error. Wmk 48.. <, t+ £25000
167 54 1%d. Venetian red (14.10.80) £250 60:00 £160
168 55 2d. pale rose (8.12.80)... £340 £120 £300
1684 2d. deep rose, £360 £120
169 56 5d. indigo (15.3.81).. £725 £175) £325
a £6750 £4500 1883-84. Coloured letters in the corners. Wmk Anchor, W 40.
*164/9 For well-centred, lightly used +75%.
Two used examples of the 1d. value have been reported on the (a) Blued paper
Orb (fiscal) watermark. Un Used
175 58 2s.6d. lilac (2.7.83). .« £6750 £1500
176 59 5s. rose (1.4.84) £18000 £4000
177 60 10s. ultramarine (1.4. £40000 £8250
177a 10s. cobalt (5.84)... « £62000 £13500
(b) White paper
178 58 2s.6d. li .. £600 £160

179 2s.6d. deep lilac. £825 £225
a. On blued paper.. £9000 £3600
180 59 5S. TOSE....00 £1100 £250
Die | 181 5s. crimson £975 £250
182 60 10s. cobalt... £42000 £8250
1881. Wmk Imperial Crown. W 49. 183 10s. ultramarine.. £2250 £525
(a) 14 dots in each corner, Die | (12 July) 183a 10s. pale ultramarine £2500 £550
170 57 ‘aS AER el oA rae £225 40-00 55-00 *175/83a For well-centred, lightly used +50%.
171 Td. Palle VAC sseesssesesesessseseeeoere £225 40-00 For No. 180 perf 12 see second note below No. 196.
(b) 16 dots in each corner, Die Il (13 December)
172 57 1d. lilac a 2:75 2:20 4-00
172a i £475 £150
173 2:75 2:20
. Printed both sides........ £900 t
b. Frame broken at
bottom . =) | £975. £350
c, Printed on g
SC hte seer £900 iti
d. Imperf three sides
cauene tres £8250 t
e. Printed both sides but
impression on back
inverted t
f. No watermark. £8000 t
g. Blued paper. =
174 1d. 2:75 1:70
a. Iperf (Pair) ..ssssseesseseee £7500
*170/4 For well-centred, lightly used +50%. Die |: Square dots to right of “d”.
1d, stamps with the words “PEARS SOAP” printed on the back in Broken frames, Plate 2 Die II: Thin vertical lines to right of “d”.
orange, blue or mauve price from £550, unused.
1887 (1 Jan)-92. “Jubilee” issue. New types. The bicoloured
The variety “frame broken at bottom” (No. 173b) shows a white 1884 (1 Apr). Wmk Three Imperial Crowns, W 49.
stamps have the value tablets, or the frames including the
space just inside the bottom frame-line from between the “N” and 185 61 £1) OWI AG esc a cccnscnninsanseprornrensvans £32000 £2800
value tablets, in the second colour. Wmk Imperial Crown,
“E" of "ONE"to below the first “N” of “PENNY”, breaking the pearls and . Frarme DrOKen .....scsssssrssssecsssesesessee £60000 £5000
W 49 (Three Crowns on £1).
cutting into the lower part of the oval below “PEN”.
197 T1 Vad. VErMIVION....sossesssseseeeeeesneee 1:75 1:20 7-00
1888 (Jan). Wmk Three Orbs, W 48. a. Printed on gummed
186 61 £1 brown-lilac.. .. £72000 £4250 Ci(o (eee sy Ea £3250
KEY TO SURFACE-PRINTED ISSUES a. Frame broken £140000 £9000 b. Printed both sides..
*185/6a For well-centred, lightly use
1880-1900 The December 1887 printing of the £1 brown-lilac was produced
ce, £30000
d. £4750
S.G.Nos. Description Date of Issue on paper watermarked Three Orbs in error. The decision was taken 197e Yad. orange-vermilion.......... 1-75 1-20
164/5 Jad. green 14.10.80 to issue date stamps for normal postal use and the earliest recorded 198 72 14d. dull purple and pale
187 Yad. slate-blue 1.4.84 postmark is 6 January 1888 at Leadenhall Street, London EC. QCM arenes teeta 18:00 8:00 25-00
197/e Yad. vermilion 1.1.8 The broken-frame varieties, Nos. 185a and 186a, are on Plate 2 a. Purple part of design
721 3¥ad. blue-green 17.4.1900 stamps JC and TA, as illustrated. See also No. 212a. double i — £9000
166 1d. Venetian red 1.1.80 199 73 2d. green and scarlet... £425 £260
170/ 11d, lilac, Die 1 12.7.81 200 2d. grey-green and
172/4 1d. lilac, Die 11 12.12.81 carmine.... 35:00 15:00 28-00
167 1d. Venetian red 14.10.80 201 74 2%ad. purple/blue. 25-00 5-00 8-00
188 ad. lilac 1.4.84 a. Printed on gummed i
198 1’ad. purple and green 1.1.87 side... .. £15000
168/a 2d. rose 8.12.80 b. Imperf £9500
189 2d. lilac 1.4.84 C.Iperf... .sscee £12000
199/200 2d. green and red 1.1.87 202 75 3d. purple/yellow. 25:00 5:00 38-00
190 2¥d.lilac 1.4.84 A.IMPerF ereseeeeee £11000
201 2’ad purple on blue paper 1.1.87 203 3d. deep purple/yellow...... 30-00 5-00
191 3d. lilac 1.4.84 204 3d. purple/orange (1890).. £800
202/4 3d. purple on yellow paper 1.1.87 205 76 4d. green and purple-
192 4d. dull green 1.4.84 brown... .- 40:00 18:00 42:00
205/a 4d. green and brown 1.1.87 aa. Imperf... .. £11000
206 4’ad. green and carmine 15.9.92 205a 4d. green and deep
169 5d. indigo 15.3.81 BROWN sceteten ones 40:00 18-00
193 5d, dull green 1.4.84 206 77 4'ad. green and carmine
207 5d. purple and blue, Die | 1.1.87 (15:9192) fees acee 11:00 45-00 £100
207a 5d. purple and blue, Die II 1888 206a 4’ad. green and deep
194 6d, dull green 1.4.84 1883 (1 Aug). (9d.) or 1884 (1 Apr) (others). Wmk Imperial Crown, bright carmine......... £750 £650
208/a 6d. purple on rose-red paper 1.1.87 W 49 (sideways on horiz designs). 207 78 5d. dull purple and blue
195 9d. dull green 1.8.83 Used on (Diew):2..2ee £800 £120 £225
209 9d. purple and blue 1.1.87 Un Used* cover 207a 5d. dull purple and blue
210/b 10d, purple and carmine 24.2.90 187 52 ‘ad. slate-blue. 35:00 10:00 20-00 (Die Il) (1888)... . 42:00 15-00 50:00
196 1s, dull green 1.4.84 a. Imperf £3750 208 79 ~— ‘6d. purple/rose-re ee i 15-00 95-00
211 1s. green 1.1.87 188 62 1%d. lilac... £125 45-00 £120 208a 6d. deep purple/rose-red.. 40:00 15:00
214 1s. green and carmine 11.7.1900 a. Impert £3750 209 80 9d. dull purple and blue... 75-00 48-00 £275
175 2s.6d. lilac on blued paper 2.7.83 189 63 2d. lilac... £230 80:00 £150 210 81 10d. dull purple and
178/9 2s.6d. lilac 1884 a. Imperf £4800 carmine (shades)
190 64 24d. lilac 95:00 20:00 30-00 24,2.90) . 60:00 45:00 £300
176 5s. rose on blued paper 1.4.84
180/1 5s. rose 1884 a. Impert £4800 aa. Impel £17000
177/a 10s. ultramarine on blued paper 1.4.84 191 65 3d. lilac... £280 £100 £180 210a 10d. dull purple a p
a. Impe! £4800 Cull CAPMIME ...sssssssseese0e00 £625 £250
182/3a 10s. ultramarine 1884
192 66 4d. dull green £580 £210 £350 2106 10d. dull purple and
185 £1 brown-lilac, wmk Crowns 1.4.84
a. Imperf. £4800 scarlet 95:00 65-00
186 £1 brown-lilac, wmk Orbs 6.1.88
193 62 5d. dull green £580 £210 £350 211 82 1s. dull green £275 8000 £190
212 £1 green 28.1.91
a. Imperf £5500 212 61 £1 green (28,.1.91) £4000 £800
Note that the £5 value used with the above series is listed as Nos.
194 63 6d. dull green £625 £240 £380 a. Frame broken.. £8500 £2000
133 and 137.
a. Imperf....... £5750 *197/212a For well-centred, lightly used +50%.
195 64 9d. dull green (1.8.83). £1250
£480 £2500 The broken-frame varieties, No. 212a, are on Plate 2 stamps JC or
196 65 1s. dull green £1600 £325 £625
TA, as illustrated above No. 185.
Yad. stamps with “PEARS SOAP" printed on the back in orange, blue
a. Imperf... . £8750
or mauve, price from £525 each. 5
*187/96 For well-centred, lightly used +100% No used price is quoted for No. 204 as it is not possible to
The above prices are for stamps in the true dull green colour.
authenticate the paper colour on stamps in used condition.
Stamps which have been soaked, causing the colour to run, are
virtually worthless.
Stamps of the above set and No. 180 are also found perf 12; these 1900. Colours changed. Wmk Imperial Crown, W 49.
are official perforations, but were never issued. A second variety of 213 71 ~— Yad. blue-green (17.4)... 2:00 2:25 650
the 5d. is known with a line instead of a stop under the “d” in the a. Printed on gummed
value; this was never issued and is therefore only known unused side... if
(Price £28000). b. Impe £7250
Fine Stamps of Great Britain FICE ET SONNE


permeate OT ETI IP SOE enema aS

{ ") Fine Stamps of Great Britain


(4 Fine Stamps of Great Britain

Fine Stamps of Great Britain

e Full Mail Order

e Major Stamp Shows
e |llustrated Monthly
List On Request

ee OTE ve _ Email:

ffordshire B78 3JBEngland
Queen Victoria, King Edward Vil GREAT BRITAIN
214 82 1s. green and carmine 219 1d. scarlet (1.1.02).. 2.00 1:50 2:50 1910 (May). Prepared for use by De La Rue but not issued. Wmk
(11.7)... 65:00 £140 £1000 220 1d. bright scarlet. 1:50 Imperial Crown, W 49. P 14.
197/214 Set of 14. ee tOoO) sais a. Imperf (pair). 266a 97a 2d. Tyrian plum.......... £115000
*213/14 For well-centred, lightly used +50%. 221 84 1%4d. dull purple and green One example of this stamp is known used, but it was never issued
The ‘d., No. 213, in bright blue, is a colour changeling caused by (213102) earearerccaee. 48:00 24-00 to the public.
a constituent of the ink used for some months in 1900. 222 1d. slate-purple and green 50:00 24-00 50-00
223 1¥ed. pale dull pur and ‘ - a: Ae a
green (chalk-surfaced 911. Printed by Harrison ons. Ordinary paper. Wmk Imperial
KING EDWARD VII Paper) (7.05) susessmennsen 45:00 24-00 Crown.
22 Jan Ey 224 Vad. slate-purple and (a) P14
emeyebee tae ad aos0 bluish green (chalk- 267 83 Yad. dull yellow-green
PRINTINGS. Distinguishing De La Rue printings from the provisional SUTFACEd PAPEL) vue 45:00 22-00 (3.5.11) 150 4-00
printings of the same values made by Harrison & Sons Ltd. or at | 225 85 2d. yellowish green and 268 Yad. dull green. 1:50
Somerset House may prove difficult in some cases. For very full carmine-red (25.3.02).. 70:00 25-00 50-00 269 Yad. deep dull green... 6-00
guidance Volume 2 of the Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Specialised 226 2d. grey-grn and carm- 270 Yad. pale bluish green 40-00
Catalogue should prove helpful. TOD (1904) ....eesessncccccseereese 70:00 35-00 a. Booklet pane. Five
Note that stamps perforated 15x14 must be Harrison; the 2%d., 3d. 227 2d. pale grey-green and stamps plus St.
and 4d. in this perforation are useful reference material, their shades carmine-red (chalk- Andrew’s Cross label... .£800
and appearance in most cases matching the Harrison perf 14 printings. surfaced paper) (4.06).. 45:00 32:00 b. Wmk sideways. £35000
Except for the 6d. value, all stamps on chalk-surfaced paper were 228 2d. pale grey-green and c. Imperf (pair) +
printed by De La Rue. scarlet (chalk-surfaced 271 Yad. bright green (fine
Of the stamps on ordinary paper, the De La Rue impressions are PAper) (1909) ....esssseseenese 45:00 32-00 d impression) (6.11) £275 £170
usually clearer and of a higher finish than those of the other printers. 229 2d. dull blue-green and 272 1d. rose-red (3.5 11) 8:00 12:00 18-00
The shades are markedly different except in some printings of the 4d., carm (chalk-surfaced A Nate (brick red) 50.00 wie
6d. and 7d. and in the 5s., 10s. and £1. PAper) (1907) crrsseseresesseeee 90:00 50-00 273 1d. Mcanrocerenl ; \ 12-00
Used stamps in good, clean, unrubbed condition and with dated 230 86 2%2d. ultramarine (1.1.02) 20:00 12:00 25-00 274 1d. TC earilne x 30:00
postmarks can form the basis ofauseful reference collection, the dates 231 2%d. pale ultramarine........... 20-00 12-00 275 1d. anilinetpink (61 1) £375
often assisting in the assignment to the printers. 232 87 3d. dull purple/orange- 275a id. il bas : £180 £
ellow (20.3.02)...
oh iecnriced
50-00 18-00 35-00 276
86 2%d. bright blue (10.7.1)...
38-00 55-00
APS.For well-centred, lightly used examples of King 2. Chalk-surfaced paper 277 = 87_~—«-3d. purple/lemon (12.9.11) £125 £225 £550
amps, add the following percentages to the used 2326 A .we) GR eam 22S OUey 277a 3d. grey/lemon..... £4500
below: og: Sad aie ASG) FRED 278 88 4d. bright orange (12.7.11) £120 55.00 £175
ntings (Nos. 215/66)—3d. values +35%, 4d. orange ¥ ef
75%, 7d. and 1s.5 +25%, 4 all other values + 50%. 232¢ 3d. yell
pale (chalk-surfaced
reddish pur/oBkrge- 279 83 ad. dull
(OR on
green (30.10.11)... 40-00 45-00 £100
tings(Nos. 267/86)—all values and perforations paper) (3.06) winnennomren £225 85-00 279a Yad. deep dull green. : ‘ 45-00
233 3d. dull reddish pur/yell 280 1d. rose-red (4.10.11) 45:00 25-00
eprintings (Nos.287/320)—Is. values +25%, all (lemon bach) (Challe 281 1d. rose-carmine... 15:00 15:00 30:00
0%. surfaced Paper) www... £225 85-00 282 1d, pale rose-carmin 4 15:00
2336 3d. pale purple/lemon 283 86 2%Ad. bright blue (14.10.1 We 22:00 15:00 35:00
(chalk-surfaced paper). 45:00 20-00 284 2d. dull blue... .. 22:00 15-00
234 3d. pur/lemon (chalk- 285 C7: purple/lemon (22:9. 11) 45:00 15:00 40-00
SUPFACED PAPEL) vesesesese- 45:00 20-00 285a Bd. Grey/IOMON .eeseerssssesseeseeeee £3250
235 88 4d. green and grey-brown 286 88 4d. bright orange
(2723.02) ieveireenncrmeereneens 70:00 35-00 (DEAT) ccestcsctmosce 30-00 15:00, 65-00)
236 4d. green and chocolate- 279/86 Set of5... £130 90-00
DROWN) .cississsccatsercessesoroueses 70:00 35-00 No. 272a was probably ;
a. Chalk-surfaced paper
(506) Re eiennntecterttoeence 40:00 20:00 45-00
238 4d. dp green and choc- 1911-13. Printed at Somerset House. Ordinary paper. Wmk as
brn (chalk-surfaced 1902-1910. P 14.
PAPer) (1.06) weesceceseccreeer 40:00 20-00 287 84 1%d. reddish purple and
239 4d. brown-orange bright green (13.7.11), 45:00 38-00
(USVE-O9) lerresacsesessee £180 £140 288 ad. dull purple and green 30-00 30-00 60-00
240 4d. pale orange (12.09) 20:00 18:00 40-00 289 1¥ad, slate-purple and
241 4d. orange-red (12.09).. 20:00 18-00 QrEEN (9.12) esse 30:00 30-00
242 89 5d. dull purple and 290 85 2d. dp dull green and red
ultramarine (14.5.02).. 65:00 22:00 50:00 (8.8.11). aa 28:00 22:00 55-00
a. Chalk-surfaced paper 291 2d. deep dull green and
(S206) Ros ssscatstemteremcneeee 55:00 22-00 carmine.. 28:00 22-00
244 5d. slate-pur and ultram 292 2d. grey- green vand bright
(chalk-surfaced paper) carmine (carmine
(SLOG) erceressvoacceentomeeeecsesare 50:00 22-00 shows clearly on
245 83 6d. pale dull purple (1.1.02) 45:00 22:00 60-00 back) (11.3.12) vrs 28:00 28-00
a. Chalk-surfaced paper 293 89 5d. dull reddish purple
(1.06) . 45:00 22:00 and bright blue
246 6d. slate-purple.. 45:00 22-00 (AED er ees 30:00 22:00 65-00
248 6d. dull purple (cha 294 5d. deep dull reddish
surfaced paper) (1.06).. 45:00 22-00 purple and bright
249 90 7d. grey-black (4.5.10) . 15:00 22:00 £200 [ol(Stent pes 30:00 22-00
249a 7d. deep grey-black... £115 £100 295 83 6d. royal purple (31.10.11) 50:00 90-00
250 91 9d. dull purple and 296 6d. bright magenta
ultramarine (7.4.02)..... £140 75:00 £250 (chalk-surfaced paper)
a. Chalk-surfaced paper (31.10.11).. . £12500
(6.05) eae eee £140 75-00 297 6d. dull purple 30:00 22:00 90-00
251 9d. slate-purple and 298 6d. reddish purple (11. 11) 30-00 28-00
UITTAMATINE ......cccsecssesenene £140 75-00 a. No cross on crown
a. Chalk-surfaced paper (Various ShAdES) sessions £1200
(G05) iacccscccssnsctrccestcosssseeeores £120 75-00 299 6d. very dp reddish
254 92 10d. dull purple and purple (11.11) 55:00 45:00
carmine (3.7.02)... £150 75:00 £225 300 6d. dark purple (3.12 30:00 22-00
a. No cross on crown... £425 £300 301 6d. dull purple
b. Chalk-surfaced paper (“Dickinson” coated
(O06) erate cecteen comet £140 75-00 paper) (3.13) £250 £190
255 10d. slate-purple and carm 303 6d. deep plum (7. 30:00 75-00
(chalk-surfaced popes) a. No cross on crown.. £1250
(9.06) £140 75-00 305 90 7d. slate-grey (1.8.12)... 15-00 22:00 £200
a. No cross on crown.. £450 £275 306 91 9d. reddish purple and
256 10d. dull purple and light blue (24.7.11)...... 95:00 75-00
scarlet (chalk-surfaced 306a 9d. deep dull reddish
paper) (9.10) vss £140 75-00 purple and deep
a. No cross on crown. £425 £250 bright blue (9.1 1)...:000 95:00 75:00
257 93 1s. dull green and 307 9d. dull reddish purple
carmine (24.3.02) £100 40:00 £175 and blue (10.11)........... 60-00 60:00 £190
a. Chalk-surfaced paper 307a 9d. deep plum and blue
(CKO Sy aeerror £100 40-00 7a etettcce Preagaractectaeevases 60:00 60-00
259 1s. dull green and scarlet 308 9d. slate-purple and
(chalk-surfaced paper) cobalt-blue (3.12)... £140 £110
(9.10) £100 55-00 309 92 10d. dull purple and
260 94 25.60. lilac (5.4.02) .secscssssesesceee £280 £150 £1250 scarlet (9.10.11)... 95:00 75-00
261 2s.6d. pale dull purple 310 10d. dull reddish pur a
(chalk-surfaced paper) ANIME PINK were rersvese re £275 £225
(ZOOS) wasdassscststeconsessesee £350 £180 311 10d. dull reddish purple
262 2s.6d. dull purple (chalk- and carm (5.12) 80:00 60:00 £225
(Des E. Fuchs) surfaced paper) £350 £180 a. No cross on crown...... £1800
1902 (1 Jan)-10. Printed by De La Rue & Co. Wmk Imperial 263 95 5s. bright carmine £450 £220 £1750 312 93 1s. dark green and scarlet
Crown (¥4d. to 1s.): Anchor (2s.6d. to 10s.); Three Crowns (£1). 264 5s. deep bright carmine.. £450 £220 TSF) cirsessccnireenmer SD ZU RS MEALOO
Ordinary paper. P 14. 265 96 10s. ultramarine (5.4.02)... £1000 £500 313 1s. dp green and scarlet
2:00 1:50 2:50 266 97 £1 dull blue-green (OSTORM )csecrsssceseesermceneseces 80-00 40-00
215 83 Yad. dull blue-green (1.1.02)
216 Yad. DIUC-GreeM crasssssessssssnseee 2:00 1:50 (16.6.02) £2000 £825 314 1s. green and carmine
Yad. pale yellowish green (15.4.12) .... 60:00 35-00 £200
2:00 1:50 2:50 315 94 2s.6d, dull greyish purp z
Yad. yellowish green 2:00 1:50 (GEEE Bbee = £950 £450
316 2s.6d. dull reddish purple £300 £180 £1700
a. Booklet pane. Five
stamps plus St. 317 2s.6d. dark purple..... £325 £190
Andrew’s Cross label 318 95 5s. carmine (29.2.12) £425 £200 £1750
AG NOG) acces
eee tectbesseh dion £700 319 96 10s. blue (14.1.12) ...... . £1100 £600
b. Doubly printed 320 97 £1 deep green (3.9.11)... £2000 £750
(bottom row on one *No. 301 was on an experimental coated paper which does not
pane) (Control H9)....... £27500 respond to the silver test.
Stanley Gibbons “i=

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Strand, London,WEZIARE
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KING GEORGE V (Des Bertram Mackennal (heads) and G. W. Eve (frames). Coinage
head (2, 1%, 2, 3 and 4d.); large medal head (1d., 2%2d.);
6 May 1910-20 January 1936 intermediate medal head (5d. to 1s.); small medal head used for
Further detailed information on the issues of King George'V will be fiscal stamps. Dies eng J. A. C. Harrison)
found in Volume 2 of the Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Specialised (Typo by Harrison & Sons Ltd., except the 6d. printed by the
Catalogue. Stamping Department of the Board of Inland Revenue, Somerset
House. The latter also made printings of the following which can
PRINTERS. Types 98 to 102 were typographed by Harrison & Sons Ltd, "ae eine
Feb fH i only be distinguished by the controls: Yad. B.13; 1d. A.12; 2d. C.13;
with the exception of certain preliminary printings made at Somerset Hh 2'Ad. A.12; 3d. A.12, B.13, C.13; 4d. B.13; 5d. B.13; 7d. C.13; 8d. C.13;
House and distinguishable by the controls “A.11 ", B.11” or “B.12” (the ny a it 9d. agate B.13; 10d. C.13; 1s. C.13)
Harrison printings do not have a full stop after the letter). The booklet 101 102 103 Multiple Cypher 1912-24. Wmk Royal Cypher, W 100. Chalk-surfaced paper (6d.).
stamps, Nos. 334/7 and 344/5 were printed by Harrisons only.
P 15x14.
WATERMARK VARIETIES. Many British stamps to 1967 exist without B51 “TOS. Bad green (TOMES) iicccerecsccsectemsereesrenen 1-00 1-00
watermark owing to misplacement of the paper, and with either Type differences a. Partial double print (half of
inverted, reversed, or inverted and reversed watermarks. A proportion bottom row from Control G15)... £25000
Yad. In T 98 the ornament above “P” of “HALFPENNY” has two thin lines
of the low-value stamps issued in booklets have the watermark of colour and the beard is undefined. In T 101 the ornament has one b, Gummed both sides.. — _—
inverted in the normal course of printing. thick line and the beard is well defined.1d. In T 99 the body of the 352 Yad. bright green 1-00 1:00
Low values with watermark sideways are normally from stamp rolls lion is unshaded and in T 102 it is shaded. 353 Yad. deep green... 5-00 2:00
used in machines with sideways delivery or, from June 1940, certain 354 Yad. yellow-green 6:00 3:00
booklets. 1912 (1 Jan). Wmk Imperial Crown, W 49. P 15 x 14. 355 Yad. very yellow (Cyprus) green
338 101 ‘ad. deep green 15-00 8-00 (1914) £9000 t
STAMPS WITHOUT WATERMARK. Stamps found without watermark, 339 Yad. green....... 8-00 4.00 356 Yad. blue-green 40:00 25-00
due to misplacement of the sheet in relation to the dandy roll, are not 340 Yad. yellOW-GreeN ove: 8-00 4-00 357. 104 = 1d. bright scarlet (8.10.12). 1:00 1:00
listed here, but will be found in the Great Britain Specialised Catalogue. a. No cross on crown... £100 55:00 a. “Q" for “O” (R. 1/4) (Control E14)... £175 £175
The 1’%’d., and Sd. 1912-22, and 2d. and 2%d., 1924-26, listed here, 341 102 1d. bright scarlet...... 5-00 2:00 ab. “Q” for“O” (R. 4/11) (ControlT22). £350 £190
are from whole sheets completely without watermark. a. No cross on crown.. £110 55-00 ac. Reversed “Q” for “O” (R. 15/9)
b. Printed double, one albino £180 (Control 122)... maccmnnse £300) “£240
342 1d. scarlet... 5:00 2:00 ad. Inverted “Q” for “O" (R. 20/3) £375 £240
343 1d. aniline scarlet*.. £175 £100 b. Téte-béche (pair).. «« £80000 t
a. No cross on crown.. £1400 358 1d. vermilion.... 5-00 2:50
*Our prices for the aniline scarlet 1d. stamps, Nos. 333 and 343, are 359 1d. pale rose-red 20-00 5-00
for specimens in which the colour is suffused on the surface of the 360 1d. carmine-red 11-00 5:00
stamp and shows through clearly on the back. Specimens without
these characteristics but which show “aniline” reactions under the
361 1d.
Printed on backt
quartz lamp are relatively common. 362 105 12d. red-brown (15.10.12) 6:00 1:50
a. “PENCE” (R. 15/12) ininenennnnm £300 £250
1912 (Aug). Wmk Royal Cypher (“Simple”), W 100. P 15x14. b. Booklet pane. Four stamps plus
344 101 Vd. Green enn.eeeeeecsssseceee 7-00 3:00 two printed labels (2.24).. £600
a. No cross on crown.. £200 £125 363 1¥ad. chocolate-brown....... 11-00 2-00
345 102 Tdi Scarlet cic ssccceseere 8:00 4:50 a. Without wmk.. £240 £240
a. No cross on crown.. £100 50-00 364 Tad. chestnut... 3-00 1-00
a. “PENCF” (R. 15/12). £125 £110
1912 (Sept-Oct). Wmk Royal Cypher (“Multiple”), W 103. P 15x14. 365 1'ad. yellow-brown...... .. 20:00 16-00
346 101 Yad. green (OCct).....00.. 12:00 8-00 366 106 2d. orange-yellow (Die |) (20.8.12)...... 8-00 3-00
a. No cross on crown.. £175 £125 367 2d. reddish orange (Die 1) (11.13) 6-00 3-00
DB. IM Perf necessscceccoone £175 368 2d. orange (Die 1)......... 4-00 3:00
c. Wmk sideways t+ £4000 369 2d. bright orange (Die |) 500 3:00
Die A Die B d. Printed on gummed side. = t 370 2d. orange (Die Il) (9.21). 5-00 3-50
347 Yad. yellow-green 15-00 8-00 371 104 2%d. cobalt-blue (18.10.12 12-00 4:00
348 Yad. pale green. 15-00 8-00 371a 2¥ad. bright blue (1914). 12-00 4-00
Dies of Halfpenny 349 102 1d. bright scarlet. 18:00 10-00 372 2%d. blue 12-00 4:00
Die A. The three upper scales on the body of the right hand dolphin 350 1d. scarlet ......0. 18:00 10-00 373 2¥ad. indigo-blue* ( Nt £3500 £2500
form a triangle; the centre jewel of the cross inside the crown a. No cross on crown... £150 60-00 373a 2¥ad. dull Prussian blue* (1921 £1500 £850
is suggested by a comma. b. Imperf. £150 374 106 3d. dull reddish violet (9.10.12) 12-00 3-00
c. Wmk sideways... £190 £220 375 3d. violet... 8-00 3-00
Die B. The three upper scales are incomplete; the centre jewel is
d. Wmk sideways. No cross on 376 3d. bluish violet (11.13).. 9-00 3-00
suggested by a crescent.
COM loam eomniteme ner | 2718) 377 3d. pale violet............ 10-00 3-00
378 4d. deep grey-green (15.1.13 45:00 25-00
379 4d. grey-green... 15:00 2:00
RE\ 380 4d. pale grey-green... 25-00 5:00
381 107 5d. brown (30.6.13).. 15-00 5-00

382 5d. yellow-brown... 15-00 5:00
a. Without wmk.. £1200
383 5d. bistre-brown £185 75-00
Die A 384 6d. dull purple (1.8.13) 25-00 10-00
385 6d. reddish purple (8.13) 15-00 7-00
a. Perf 14 (9.20)........... 90:00 £110
Dies of One Penny 386 6d. deep reddish purple 50:00 5-00
387 7d. olive (1.8.13) wees. 20:00 10:00
Die A. The second line of shading on the ribbon to the right of the 388 7d, bronze-green (1915) 70:00 25-00
crown extends right across the wreath; the line nearest to the 389 7d. sage-green (1917). 70:00 18-00
crown on the right hand ribbon shows as a short line at the 390 8d. black/yellow (1.8.13). ws 32:00 11:00
bottom of the ribbon. 391 8d. black/yellow-buff (granite) (5.17) 40:00 15-00
Die B. The second line of shading is broken in the middle; the first line 392 108 9d. agate (30.6.13).... 15-00 6:00
is little more than a dot.
a. Printed double, one a
(Des Bertram Mackennal and G. W. Eve. Head from photograph by 393 9d, deep agate....... 25-00 6.00
W. & D. Downey. Die eng J. A. C. Harrison) 393a 9d. olive-green (9.22).. £110 30-00
393b 9d. pale olive-green. £120 40:00
1911-12. Wmk Imperial Crown, W 49. P 15x14. 394 10d. turquoise-blue (1.8. 22:00 20:00
Un Used 394a 10d. deep turquoise-blue 90:00 30-00
321 98 ‘Ad. pale green (Die A) (22.6.11) 5:00 4-00 395 1s. bistre (1.8.13). 20-00 4-00
322 Yad. green (Die A) (22.6.11). 4:00 4:00 396 1s. bistre-brown 35:00 12:00
a. Error. Perf 14 (8.11)... £20000 £1000 351/95 Set of15 £250 95-00
323 Yad. bluish green (Die A) .. £300 £180 Imperf stamps of this issue exist but may be war-time colour trials.
324 Yad. yellow-green (Die B). 12:00 1:50 + The impression of No. 361a is set sideways and is very pale.
325 Yad. bright green (Die B 8:00 1-50 Nos. 362a and 364a occur on Plates 12 and 29 and are known
a. Wmk sideways — £5500 from Controls L18, M18, M19, 019 and Q21. The flaws were corrected
326 Yad. bluish green (Die B). £160 £100 by 1921.
327 99 1d. carmine-red (Die A) (22.6.11).. 4:50 2:50 *No, 373 comes from Control 020 and also exists on toned paper.
c. Wmk sideways + £17000 No. 373a comes from Control R21 and also exists on toned paper,
328 1d. pale carmine (Die A) (22.6.11). 14-00 3-00 but both are unlike the rare Prussian blue shade of the 1935 2¥d.
a. No cross on crown £850 £500 Jubilee issue.
329 1d. carmine (Die B)... 10-00 3-00 See also Nos. 418/29.
330 1d. pale carmine (Die B). 10:00 4:00 For the 2d., T 106 bisected, see note under Guernsey, War
a. No cross on crown £800 £500 Occupation Issues.
331 1d. rose-pink (Die B)..... £125 45-00
332 1d. scarlet (Die B) (6.12). 45:00 18-00
333 1d. aniline scarlet (Die B) £240 £110
For note on the aniline scarlet No. 333 see below No. 343. 1913 (1 Aug). Wmk Royal Cypher (“Multiple”). W 103. P 15x14.
397. 105 ad. bright green... £150 £180
a. Wmk sideways t+ £18000
398 104 = 1d. dull scarlet. £225 £225
Both these stamps were originally issued in rolls only. Subsequently
sheets were found, so that horizontal pairs and blocks are known but
are of considerable rarity.

100 Simple Cypher Dies of 2d.

Die |.— Inner frame-line at top and sides close to solid of background.
1912 (28 Sept). Booklet stamps. Wmk Royal Cypher (“Simple”), W Four complete lines of shading between top of head and
100. P 15x14. oval frame-line. These four lines do not extend to the oval
334 98 ‘ad. pale green (Die B). 45:00 40-00 itself. White line round “TWOPENCE" thin.
335 Yad. green (Die 8)... 45:00 40-00 Die |Il— Inner frame-line farther from solid of background.Three lines
336 99 1d. scarlet (Die B)... 30:00 30-00 between top of head and extending to the oval. White line
337 1d. bright scarlet (Die B) 30:00 30-00 round “TWOPENCE”’ thicker.
Ws —
— a
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was no exception. I took the collection to school and joined the
stamp club. When Mr. Armitage (the Chemistry Teacher who ran for links to eBay account ID’s: upa-global, univer-
the club) asked what stamps we collected I said “Wurttemberg” — salphilatelic, upa-collectables, upa-online
much to everybody's surprise. In fact they were from Austria and 5. PRIVATE TREATY: A new UPA selling system — valuable
the page was misclassified. They were those imperforate 1920's collections sold / matched to clients on a commission basis.
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Over following years I found little help in understanding
stamps, so much had to be learned the hard-way, which is why my If You are Selling Please Contact Andrew / Elaine at UPA:
company UPA publishes what I dare to hope are useful articles Valuable Collections wanted: We can use and have clients who
about collecting and buying and selling stamps. It is my hope that require GB collections to £500,000, British Empire / British Com-
these prove valuable to you and that we may serve you if you de- monwealth to £250,000 and Foreign required. Telephone, Fax or
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There are several different types of stamp businesses Why does UPA make Promotional Offers?
In fact no two stamp dealers are alike. What a truism that is. Unlike most other stamp companies we be-
Once in Amsterdam I made the mistake of admit- lieve in giving before hoping to receive. We believe
ting to the owner of the stamp shop I was visiting “We Don’t sell to in proving to YOU that your trust in dealing with
that I was a dealer. In almost perfect English ‘““We UPA is well founded. Proving to YOU in advance
Don’t sell to Dealers” and he turned his back. So Dealers” and he of asking you to purchase from us is much of our
did I - as I left his shop. But over the years I dis- model. Most collector colleagues stay with UPA
covered that the only way to succeed in stamps turned his back which is why we can make you such an extraor
was to create a business of stamp selling systems dinary offer. 1,959 different collectors (and some
and join them all together. This is what allows us dealers) bid in our latest auction, 90% of whom
to handle stamps from literally every single country in the world. won lots. Without pernicious buyer’s premium average regular
Recently in coming articles which I shall call ‘Case Studies’ the collector bidders save £250 a year at UPA. Client loyalty is the
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OFF your Ist auction purchase whether you spend more than $55
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The Old Coalyard, West End Northleach, Glos. GL54 3HE UK
Telephone: 01451 861111 + Fax: 01451 861297
The watermark Type 111a, as compared with Type 111, differs as
follows: Closer spacing of horizontal rows (12% mm instead of 14%
mm). Letters shorter and rounder. Watermark thicker.

(Typo by Waterlow & Sons, Ltd (all values except 6d.) and later,
1934-35, by Harrison & Sons, Ltd (all values), Until 1934 the 6d.
was printed at Somerset House where a printing of the 1¥d. was
also made in 1926 (identifiable only by control E.26). Printings by
Harrisons in 1934-35 can be identified, when in mint condition, by
the fact that the gum shows a streaky appearance vertically, the
Waterlow gum being uniformly applied, but Harrisons also used up
A 110siege Cypher the balance of the Waterlow “smooth gum” paper)
Major Re-entries on 2s.6d. 1924 (Feb)-26. Wmk Block Cypher, W 111. P 15x14.
418 105 ‘ad. green 1:00 1:00
a. Wmk sideways (5.24) 9-00 3-25
b. Doubly printed £12000 i
419 104 1d. 1-00 1:00
20:00 15-00
(Des J. Farleigh (T 113 and 115), E. Linzell (T 114) and H. Nelson
GOEL scree ohortnen aperree
neers 22:00
(T 116). Eng C. G. Lewis (T 113), T. E. Storey (T 115), both at the
c. Partial double print, one Royal Mint; J. A. C. Harrison, of Waterlow (T 114 and 116). Typo
inverted... = => by Waterlow from plates made at the Royal Mint, except T 116,
d. Inverted “Q” for £500 recess by Bradbury, Wilkinson from die and plate of their own
420 105 1%d. red-brown... 1-00 1:00 manufacture)
a. Téte-béche (pair). £500 £800
1929 (10 May). Ninth U.P.U. Congress, London.
b. Wmk sideways (8.24) 10-00 3-50
c. Printed on the gummed side... £750 (a) W111 P 15x14
d. Booklet pane. Four stamps 434 113 ‘ 2:25 2:25
plus two printed labels (3.24)... £225 a.
Wmk sideways 55:00 50:00
f, Ditto. Wmk sideways ps 435 114 1d.scarlet... 2:25 2:25
g. Experimental paper, W 111a a.
Wmk sideways 95:00 90:00
(10.24) £120 £120 436 1d. purple-brown.. 2:25 1:75
h. Double impression = t+ a.
Wmk sideways 60:00 55:00
421 106 2d. orange (Die II) (7.24). 2:50 2:50 b.
Booklet pane. Four stamps plus
A. NO WOK....csssssssseeee £1800 two ese labels. £375
b. Wmk sideways (7.26) £100 £100 437. 115 2%Ad. blue... 10:00 10-00
c. Partial double prin £35000 t ‘o)W117.7p 12
422 104 2%Ad. blue (10.10.24) 5:00 3-00 438 116 £1 black.. £750 £550
a. No wmk........ £2800 434/7 Set of 4 (to 2¥d,).... 15:00 14:50
b. Wmk sideways t+ £16000
423 106 3d. violet (10.10.24) . 10-00 2:50 PRINTERS. All subsequent issues were printed in photogravure by
424 4d. grey-green (23.10.24)... 12:00 2:50 Harrison and Sons Ltd except where otherwise stated.
a. Printed on the gummed side. t
425 107 5d. brown (17.10.24) 20:00 3:00
426 6d. reddish purple!keh surfaced
Nos. 400a and 406/7a No. 415b. paper) (9.24)... tare 1200 2:50
426a 6d. Purple (6.26) setae 400 1-50
(Des Bertram Mackennal. Dies eng J. A. C. Harrison. Recess) 427 +108 9d. olive-green (11.11.24 12-00 3:50
High values, so-called “Sea Horses” design: T109. Background around 428 10d. turquoise-blue (28.11.24) 40:00 40-00
portrait consists of horizontal lines, Type A. Wmk Single Cypher, 429 1s. bistre-brown (10.24).. 22:00 3-00
W 110. P 11x12. 418/29 Set
of 12. £110 60-00
1913 (30 June-Aug). Printed by Waterlow Bros & Layton. There are numer. 118
399 = 2s.6d. deep sepia-brow £400 £200 The 6d. on both chalk-surfaced and ordinary papers was printed
400 2s.6d. sepia-brown. £300 £150 by both Somerset House and Harrisons. The Harrisons printings have
a, Re-entry (R. 2/1)... £1800 £775 streaky gum, differ slightly in shade, and that on chalk-surfaced
paper is printed in a highly fugitive ink. The prices quoted are for the
401 5s. rose-carmine.... £625 £320
commonest (Harrison) printing in cach case.
402 10s. indigo-blue (1 Aug) £1200 £475
The dandy roll to produce watermark Type 111a was provided
403 £1 green (1 Aug)... £3500 £1400
by Somerset House in connection with experiments in paper
404 £1 dull blue-green (1 Aug) £3500 £1600 composition undertaken during 1924-25. These resulted in a change sare Sie
*399/404 For well-centred, lightly use [FIVE PENCE!
from rag only paper to that made from a mixture including esparto
and sulphite. 121
1915 (Sept-Dec). Printed by De La Rue & Co.
405 2s.6d. deep yellow-brown £375 £250 1934-36.W 111. P 15x14.
406 _—2s.6d. yellow-brown £325 £225 439 118 ‘ad. green (17.11.34) 50 50
a. Re-entry (R. 2 £2000 £950 a. Wmk sideways... 10-00 5:00
407 = 2s.6d. grey brown... £400 £300 b. Imperf three sides. £5250
a. Re-entry (R. 2/1)... £2000 £950 440 119 1d. scarlet (24.9.34)...... 50 50
408 2s.6d. sepia (seal-brown £325 £250 . Iperf (Pair) .sesssssssssssseen £5000
409 5s. bright carmine. £650 £400 b. Printed on the gummed side £750
410 5s. pale carmine...... £800 £500 c. Wmk sideways (30.4.35, 20:00 12:00
411 10s. deep blue (Dec).. £3750 £1000 d, Double impression... + £24000
412 10s. blue......... £3250 £875 e. Imperf between (pair).
413 10s. pale blue. £3500 £875 f. Imperf three sides (pair).
*405/13 For well-centred, lightly used + 45%. (Des H. Nelson. Eng J. A. C. Harrison, Recess Waterlow) 441 118 1%d. red-brown (20.8.34).. 50
Nos. 406/7 were produced from the original Waterlow plates as a. Imperf (pair)
1924-25. British Empire Exhibition. W 111. P 14.
were all De La Rue 5s, and 10s. printings. Examples of Nos. 406/7, b. Imperf three sides (lower stamp
410 and 411 occur showing degrees of plate wear. (a) Dated “1924” (23.4.24) in vert pair)... sun £4800
430 112 1d. scarlet. 10:00 11-00
c. Imperf between ‘(horiz pair) ae
1918 (Dec)-19. Printed by Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co, Ltd. 431 Tad. brown... 15:00 15:00
d. Wmk sideways... 10-00 5:00
413a 2s.6d.. olive-brown £190 £100 (b) Dated “1925” (9.5.25) e. Booklet pane. Four: stamps plus
414 —_2s.6d.. chocolate-brown £160 75-00 432 112 1d. scarlet... 30-00 two printed labels (1.35) ..... £200
415 2s.6d.. reddish brown. £160 75-00 433 Yad. brown... 70-00 442 120 2d. orange (19.1.35).... 75 75
415a_2s.6d.. pale brown... £175 75-00 a. Imperf (pair)
b. Major re-entry (R. 1/2 £950 £475 b. Wmk sideways (30.4.35 £125 90-00
416 5s. rose-red (1.19)...... £32515) 443 119 2%Ad. ultramarine (18.3.35) 1:50 1:25
417 10s. dull grey-blue (1.19) £475 £175 444 120 3d. violet (18.3.35)....... 1:50 1-25
399/417 Set of 4 £4000 £1500 445 4d. deep grey-green (2.12.35 2:00 1:25
*413a/17 For well-centred, lightly used +35%. ‘ 446 121 5d. yellow-brown (17.2.36)..... 650 275
447 122 9d. deep olive-green (2.12.35).. 12:00 2:25
DISTINGUISHING PRINTINGS. Note that the £1 value was only printed 448 10d. turquoise-blue (24.2.36).. 15:00 10-00
by Waterlow. 449 1s, bistre-brown (24.2.36) .. 15-00 1:25
Waterlow and De La Rue stamps measure exactly 22 mm vertically. 115 a. Double impression — t
In the De La Rue printings the gum is usually patchy and yellowish, 439/49 Set of 11 50:00 20-00
and the colour of the stamp, particularly in the 5s., tends to show Owing to the need for wider space for the perforations the size
through the back. The holes ofthe perforation are smaller than those of the designs of the Yad. and 2d. were once, and the 1d. and 1%d.
of the other two printers, but there is a thick perforation tooth at the twice, reduced from that of the first printings.
top of each vertical side. There are also numerous minor variations, due to the photographic
In the Bradbury Wilkinson printings the height of the stamp is 22% element in the process.
or 23 mm due to the use of curved plates. On most of the 22% mm The Yd. imperf three sides, No. 439b, is known in a block of four,
high stamps a minute coloured guide dot appears in the margin just from a sheet, to which the bottom pair is imperf at top and sides.
above the middle of the upper frame-line. For No. 442 bisected, see Guernsey, War Occupation Issues.
For (1934) re-engraved Waterlow printings see Nos. 450/2.


116 St. George and the Dragon

BEGINNING OF THIS CATALOGUE? (Eng J. A. C. Harrison. Recess Waterlow)

These often provide answers to the 1934 (16 Oct). T 109 (re-engraved). Background around portrait
consists of horizontal and diagonal lines. Type B. W 110.
enquiries we receive P 11x12,
450 109 25,6d. Chocolate-brOWN vresssssssosseeesesesennss 80:00 40:00
Block Cypher
For all Your British Family of Nations Philatelic Wants please contact

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King George V, King Edward VIII, King George VI GREAT BRITAIN
451 5s. bright rose-red. £175 85-00 b. Téte-béche (horiz pair) £22000 480 1d. scarlet 1-00 75
452 10s. indigo £350 80-00 3d. violet (31.1.38)........ 5-00 1:00 481 1¥ad. red-brown... 50 1:50
450/2 Set of 3 - £575 £190 468 129 4d. grey-green (21.11.38 60 75 482 2d. orange..... 1-00 75
There are numerous other minor differences in the design of this a. Imperf (pair) ....ssss £9000 a. Bisected (on cover). + 40-00
issue, b. Imperf three sides (horiz pair)... £9500 483 2¥ad. ultramarine 2:25 50
469 5d. brown (21.11.38). 3-50 85 484 3d. violet 3-00 3-50
(Des B. Freedman) a. Imperf (pair)... £8500 479/84 Set of6.... 8-75 5:25
1935 (7 May). Silver Jubilee. W 111. P 15x14. b. Imperf three sides (horiz pair) £9000 No. 482a was authorised for use in Guernsey. See notes on War
453 123 ‘ad. green... 1:00 1-00 470 6d. purple (30.1.39) 1:50 60 Occupation Issues.
454 1d. scarlet... 1:50 2:00 471 130 7d, emerald-green (27.2.39)... 5:00 60
455 Vad. red-brown... 1-00 1-00 a. Imperf three sides (horiz pair) £9000 1941-42. Head as Nos. 462/7, but with lighter background to
456 2Vad. DIUC. esses 500 6:50 472 8d. bright carmine (27.2.39).. 7:50 80 provide a more economic use of the printing ink. W 127. P
456a 2¥ad. Prussian blue.. £13500 £15000 473 9d. deep olive-green (1.5.39) 6:50 80 15x14.
453/6 Set of4 7-50 9-50 474 10d. turquoise-blue (1.5.39) 7-00 80 485 128 4d. pale green (1.9.41)... : 30 30
The 1¥ad. and 2%d. values differ from T 123 in the emblem in the aa. Imperf (pair)... a. Téte-béche (horiz pair) £18000
panel at right. 474a 11d. plum (29.12.47).. 3-00 275 b. Imperf (pair) . £8500
Four sheets of No. 456a, printed in the wrong shade, were issued 475 1s. bistre-brown (1.5. 9-00 75 486 1d. pale scarlet (1 Ne 30 30
in error by the Post Office Stores Department on 25 June 1935. It is 462/75 Set of 15 45:00 10-00 a. Wmk sideways (10.42) 5-00 4:50
known that three of the sheets were sold from the sub-office at 134 For later printings of the lower values in apparently lighter shades b. Imperf (pair) £8000
Fore Street, Upper Edmonton, London. between that date and 4 July. and different colours, see Nos. 485/90 and 503/8. c. Imperf three sides ‘(horiz Pair)... £8500
No. 465b was authorised for use in Guernsey. See notes on War 487 1¥ad. pale red-brown (28.9.42 60 80
Occupation Issues. 488 2d. pale orange (6.10.41). 50 50
KING EDWARD VIII Nos. 468b and 469b are perforated at foot only and each occurs in a. Wmk sideways (6.42).. . 28:00 19-00
the same sheet as Nos. 468a and 469a. b. Téte-béche (horiz pair) .. £18000
20 January-10 December 1936 No. 4712 is also perforated at foot only, but occurs on the top c. Imperf (pair).. £7500
Further detailed information on the stamps of King Edward VIII will row of a sheet. d. Imperf pane*. £20000
be found in Volume 2 of the Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Specialised 489 2’ad. light ultramarine (21.7.41) 30 30
Catalogue. a. Wmk sideways (8.42). . 15:00 12:00
b. Téte-béche (horiz pair). £18000
c. Imperf (pair).. £4800
a Imperf pane*. .. £15000
e. Imperf three sides (horiz pair)... £7500
490 3d. pale violet ce 11.41) 2:50 1-00
485/90 Set of6..... 3-50 275
The téte--béche varieties aaree from defectively made-up stamp
Nos. 486c and 489e are perforated at foot only and occur in the
POSTAGE 131 King George VI 132 King George VI same sheets as Nos. 486b and 489c.
*BOOKLET ERRORS. Those listed as “imperf panes” show one row
124 of perforations either at the top or at the bottom of the pane of 6.
(Des H. Brown, adapted Harrison using a photo by Hugh Cecil)
WATERMARK VARIETIES. Please note that inverted watermarks are
1936.W 125. P 15x14. outside the scope of this listing but are fully listed in the Great Britain
457 124 ‘ad. green (1.9.36) 30 30 Specialised and Great Britain Concise Catalogues. See also the notes
a. Double impression. about watermarks at the beginning of the King George V section.
458 1d. scarlet (14.9.36).... 60 50
459 Tad. red-brown (1.9.36: 30 30
a. Booklet pane. Four stamps plus
two printed labels (10.36)............ 85-00
b. Imperf (pair)....... £40000
460 2¥ad. bright blue (1.9.36). 30 85
457/60 Set of4 1:25 1-75

11 December 1936-6 February 1952 136 Symbols of Peace and
Further detailed information on the stamps of King George VI will be Reconstruction
found in Volume 2 of the Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Specialised

Gashed diadem (R. 2/7)

Extra porthole aft (Cyl. Extra porthole fore Seven berries (Cyl. 4
126 King George VI and Queen Colon flaw (Cyl 7 No dot, 11 No dot, R. 16/1) (Cyl. 8 Dot, R. 5/6) No dot, R. 12/5)
Elizabeth R 10/1, later corrected
(Des H. L. Palmer (T 135) and R. Stone (T 136))
(Des E. Dulac) 1946 (11 June). Victory. W 127. P 15x14.
1937 (13 May). Coronation. W 127. P 15x14. 491 135 2%d. ultramarine....... 20 20
461 126 1d. maroon.... 30 30 Y a. Extra porthole aft 95-00
a. Colon flaw... 70:00 b. Extra porthole fore. £120
492 136 3d. violet............
a. Seven berries

Blot on scroll (R. w ean onpetal R 4/6)

127 128 (Des E. Dulac (T 131) and Hon. G. R. Bellew (T 132). Eng J. A. C.
Harrison. Recess Waterlow)
1939-48. W 133. P 14.
476 131 2s.6d. brown (4.9.39). 95-00 8-00
aa. Mark in shield. £190 80:00
ab. Gashed diadem.. £190 80-00
ac. Gashed crown. £190 80-00 138 King George VI and
476b 2s.6d. yellow-green (9.3.42) 15-00 1:50 Queen Elizabeth
477 5s. red (21,8.39).... 20:00 2-00
129 130 478 132 10s. dark blue (30. 10.39).. £260 22:00 (Des G. Knipe and Joan Hassall from photographs
aa. Broken stem £275 75-00 by Dorothy Wilding)
King George VI and National Emblems ab. Blot on scrol £275 75-00 1948 (26 Apr). Royal Silver Wedding. W 127. P 15x14 (2%d.) or
ac. Scratch on scroll £350 £100 14x15 (£1).
(Des T 128/9, E. Dulac (head) and E. Gill (frames).
T 130, E. Dulac (whole stamp)) 478b 10s. ultramarine (30.11.42) .. 45-00 5:00 493 137 2d. ultramarine 35 20
478c £1 brown (1,10.48).. 25:00 26:00 494 138 £1 blue. 40:00 40:00
1937-47. W 127. P 15x14. 476/8c Set of6 es £425 60-00
462 128 ‘ad. green (10.5.37) 30 25
a. Wmk sideways (1.38) . 75 60 1948 (10 May). Stamps of 1d. and 2'%4d. showing seaweed-gathering
ab. Booklet pane of 4 (6.40) £110 547 GEORGE were on sale at eight Head Post Offices in Great Britain, but were
463 1d. scarlet (10.5.37).... 30 25 primarily for use in the Channel Islands and are listed there (see after
a. Wmk sideways (2.38) . 20:00 9-00 Great Britain Postal Fiscals).
ab. Booklet pane of 4 (6.40) £175
464 1’ad. red-brown (30.7.37) 30 25
a. Wmk sideways (2.38). 1:25 1-25
b. Booklet pane. Four stamps plus
two printed labels (8.37) oss... £140 134 OlEER Victoria and
e. Imperf three sides (pair) 5 King George VI.
465 2d. orange (31.1.38)....... ‘ 50
a. Wmk sideways (2.38) . 75:00 40-00 (Des H. L. Palmer)
b. Bisected (on cover) 50-00 1940 (6 May). Centenary of First Adhesive Postage Stamps. =1948 3
466 2'ad. ultramarine (10.5.37).. 25 W 127. P 14%2x14.
a. Wmk sideways (6.40) . 35-00 ATS WABED WGA GKCOI: ceercersressssstacsospsscneergpgeren
etsvtras 30 75 139 Globe and I.aurel Wreath 140 “Speed”

GREAT BRITAIN King George VI, Queen Elizabeth Il
W (Des Mary Adshead (T 147/8), P. Metcalfe (T 149/50).
Recess Waterlow)
1951 (3 May).W 133. P 11x12.
509 147 2s.6d. yellow-green 7:50 1-00
510 148 5s. red 35-00 1-00
511 149 10s. ultramarine 15:00 7:50
512 150 £1 brown 45:00 18-00
509/12 Set OF 4..crccsssarssesen £100 25-00

Crown Flaw (Cyl. 1 No dot,

R. 20/2, later retouched)
151 “Commerce and Prosperity” 152 Festival Symbol
(Des E. Fuller (2%d.), M. Goaman (4d.), E. Dulac (1s.3d.), M. Farrar-
(Des P. Metcalfe (T 139), A. Games (T 140), S. D. Scott (T 141) and
(Des E. Dulac (T 151), A. Games (T 152)) Bell (1s.6d.), Portrait (except 1s.3d.) by Dorothy Wilding)
E. Dulac (T 142))
1951 (3 May). Festival of Britain. W 127. P 15x14. 1953 (3 June). Coronation. W 153. P 15x14.
1948 (29 July). Olympic Games. W 127. P 15x14.
513. 151 2%d. scarlet... 20 15 532 161 2%ed. carmine-red 20 25
495 139 2%d. ultramarine 50 10
514 152 4d. ultramarin 30 35 533 162 4d. ultramarine. 1:10 1:90
496 140 3d. violet....... 50 50
534 163 15s.3d. deep yellow-green 5-00 3-00
a. Crown flaw 75-00 535 164 1s.6d. deep grey-blue.. 10:00 | 4-75
497 141 6d. bright purple. 3-25 75 532/5 Set of 4 16:00 9-00
498 142 1s. brown. 4:50 2-00
495/8 Set OF 4 ecsscsrecerecseees 8-00 3-00
UNIVERSAL ay 6 February 1952
Further detailed information on the stamps of Queen Elizabeth {will
be found in volumes 3, 4 and 5 of the Stanley Gibbons Great Britain
Specialised Catalogue.

USED PRICES. For Nos. 515 onwards the used prices quoted are for
examples with circular dated postmarks.
= POST rE 4
166 Carrickfergus Castle

145 Goddess Concordia, Globe 146 Posthorn and Globe

and Points of Compass

= |i 5
Lake in Asia (Cyl. 3 Dot, Lake in India (Cyl. 2 No Dot,
R. 14/1) R. 18/2)
169 Windsor Castle
(Des Mary Adshead (T 143), P. Metcalfe (T 144), H. Fleury (T 145)
and Hon. G. R. Bellew (T 146)) (Des L. Lamb. Portrait by Dorothy Wilding. Recess Waterlow
1949 (10 Oct). 75th Anniv of Universal Postal Union. W 127. (until 31.12.57) and De La Rue (subsequently)
P 15x14. 1955-58. W 165. P 11x12.
499 143
2%4d. ultramarine.... 25 10 536 166 2s.6d. black-brown (23.9.55) 15:00 2-00
a. Lake in Asia 95:00 a. De La Rue printing (17.7.58).. 30:00 2:50
b. Lake in India. 80-00 537 Ov, 5s, rose-carmine (23.9.55) 40:00 4-00
500 144 3d, violet.......... 25 50 a. De La Rue printing (30.4.58).. 65:00 10-00
501 145 6d. bright purple 50 75 538 168 10s, ultramarine (1.9.55) 90:00 14-00
502 146 1s. brown 1-00 1-25 a. De La Rue printing. Dull
499/502 Setof 4......... 150 2-50 ultramarine (25.4.58) £225 22:00
158 159 160 539 169 £1 black (1.9.55) ss. £140 35-00
1950-52. 4d. as Nos. 468 and others as Nos. 485/9, but colours a. De La Rue printing (28.4.58).. £350 65:00
changed. W 127. P 15x14. 536/9 Set of 4... £250 50-00
503 128 Yad. pale orange (3.5.51)... 5 30 30 536a/9a Set of 4 £600 90:00
Queen Elizabeth II and National Emblems See also Nos. 595/8a and 759/62.
a. Imperf (pair)..... £6500
b. Téte-béche (horiz pair, £18000 On 1 January 1958 the contract for printing the high values, T 166
c. Imperf pane.......... £18000 to 169 was transferred to De La Rue & Co, Ltd.
504 1d. light ultramarine (3.5.51)... 30 30 The work of the two printers is very similar, but the following notes
a. Wmk sideways (5.51). 1:10 1:25 will be helpful to those attempting to identify Waterlow and De La
b. Imperf (pair)..... £4800 Rue stamps of the W 165 issue.
c. Imperf three sides (horiz pair)... £6500 The De La Rue sheets are printed in pairs and have aort shaped
d. Booklet pane. Three stamps plus guide-mark at the centre of one side-margin, opposite the middle row
three printed labels (3.52)... 18:00 of perforations, indicating left- and right-hand sheets respectively.
Types of 2'%d. Type |:—In the frontal cross of the diadem, the top The Waterlow sheets have a small circle (sometimes crossed) instead
e. Ditto, Partial téte-béche pani £8500 line is only half the width of the cross.
505 1’ad. pale green (3.5.51). 65 60 of a“t-"and this is present in both side-margins opposite the 6th row
Type Il:—The top line extends to the full width of the cross and there of stamps, though one is sometimes trimmed off. Short dashes are
a. Wmk sideways (9.51) . 3:25 5:00 are signs of strengthening in other parts of the diadem.
506 2d. pale red-brown (3.5.51). 75 40 also present in the perforation gutter between the marginal stamps
Wmk sideways (5.51). 1-75 2:00 (Des Enid Marx (T 154), M. Farrar-Bell (T 155/6), G. Knipe (T 157), marking the middle of the four sides and a cross is at the centre of
Téte-béche (horiz pair) £18000 Mary Adshead (T 158), E. Dulac (T 159/60). Portrait by Dorothy the sheet. The four corners of the sheet have two lines forming a
Imperf three sides (horiz pair)... £8000 Wilding) right-angle as trimming marks, but some are usually trimmed off.
507 2¥ad,
pale scarlet (3.5.51) a 60 40 All these gutter marks and sheet-trimming marks are absent in the
1952-54, W 153. P 15x14.
De La Rue printings.
Wmk sideways (5.51). 1-75 1:75 515 154 ‘ad. orange-red (31.8.53)... 25 15
Téte-béche (hoiz pair). De La Rue used the Waterlow die and no alterations were made to
516 1d. ultramarine (31.8.53). os 30 20 it, so that no difference exists in the design or its size, but the making
508 129 4d.
light ultramarine (2.10.50) 2-00 1:75 a. Booklet pane. Three stamps plus of new plates at first resulted in slight but measurable variations in
Double impression + £7000 three printed labels « 40:00 the width of the gutters between stamps, particularly the horizontal,
503/8 Set of 6 400 3-25 517 Yad. green (5.12.52)... 25 20 as follows:
No. 504c is perforated at foot only and occurs in the same sheet a. Wmk sideways (15.10.54). 1:20 1:20
as No. 504b.No. 506c is also perforated at foot only. b. Imperf pane’........ Ww. D.LR.
*BOOKLET ERRORS. Those listed as “imperf panes” show one row 518 2d. red-brown (31.8.53) 30 20 Horiz gutters, mm 3.8 to 4.0 3.4 to 3.8
of perforations either at the top or at the bottom of the pane of 6. a. Wmk sideways (8.10. 2:00 2:00 Later D.LR. plates were however less distinguishable in this respect.
519 155 2d. carmine-red (Type 1) (5.12.52) 30 15 For a short time in 1959 the D.L.R. 2s.6d. appeared with one dot in
a. Wmk sideways (15.11.54). 12:00 12-00 the bottom margin below the first stamp.
b. Type II (Booklets) (5,53). 1:30 1:30 It is possible to sort singles with reasonable certainty by general
520 3d. deep lilac (18.1.54). 1:50 90 characteristics. The individual lines of the D.L.R. impression are cleaner
521 156 = 4d. ultramarine (2.11.53)... 3:25 1:30 and devoid of the whiskers of colour of Waterlow’s, and the whole
522 157 Sd. brown (6.7.53)... 1:00 3-50 impression lighter and softer.
523 6d. reddish purple (18.1.54) 4:00 1:00 Owing to the closer setting of the horizontal rows the strokes of the
POSTAGE a. Imperf three sides (pair £3750 perforating comb are closer; this results in the topmost tooth on each
524 7d. bright green (18.1.54) 9-50 5:50 side of De La Rue stamps being narrower than the corresponding teeth
525 158 8d. magenta (6.7.53)... 1:25 85 in Waterlow’s which were more than normally broad.
526 9d. bronze-green (8.2.54) 23-00 4:75 Shades also help. The 2s.6d. D.L.R. is a warmer, more chocolate
527 10d. Prussian blue (8.2.54) 18:00 4-75 shade than the blackish brown of W,; the 5s a lighter red with less
528 11d. brown-purple (8.2.54) 35:00 15-00 carmine than W's; the 10s. more blue and less ultramarine; the £1
529 159 1s. bistre-brown (6.7.53).. 80 50 less intense black.
530 160 1s.3d. green (2.11.53)... 4:50 3-25 The paper of D.L.R. printings is uniformly white, identical with that
531 159 1s.6d. grey-blue (2.11.53). 14:00 3-75 of W. printings from February 1957 onwards, but earlier W, printings
515/31 Set of 17.0... £100 40-00 are on paper which is creamy by comparison.
*BOOKLET ERRORS—This pane of 6 stamps is completely imperf In this and later issues of T166/9 the dates of issue given for
add) a . (see No. 540a etc.). changes of watermark or paper are those on which supplies were first
149 St. George and the Dragon 150 Royal Coat of Arms See also Nos. 540/56, 561/6, 570/94 and 599/618a. sent by the Supplies Department to Postmasters,
Queen Elizabeth! GREAT BRITAIN
1955-58. W 165. P 15x14.
540 154 Yad. orange-red (booklets 8.55,
sheets 12.12.55)
a. Part perf pane’...
No. 564a results from a misplacement of the line and horizontal
pairs exist showing one stamp without line. No. 563a results from a
similar misplacement.
See also Nos, 587/94.
| ttThis “shade” was brought about by making more deeply etched
cylinders, resulting in apparent depth of colour in parts of the design.
There is no difference in the colour of the ink.
Sideways watermark, The 2d,, 2%2d., 3d. and 4d, come from coils
541 1d. ultramarine (19.9.55) 30 15 and the 'ad,, 1d., 1%d., 2¥2d., 3d. and 4d. come from booklets. In coil
a. Booklet pane. Three stamps w \& COMMONWEALTH GAMES stamps the sideways watermark shows the top of the watermark to
plus three printed labels 18-00 the left as seen from the front of the stamp. \n the booklet stamps it
b. Téte-béche (horiz pair)....... comes equally to the left or right.
542 lad. green (booklets 8.55, sheets Nos. 570k and 574k only come from 2s. “Holiday Resort”
LAKONEL) erotics
sateee 7s) 30 Experimental undated booklets issued in 1963, in which one page
a. Wmk sideways (7.3.56) 35 70 contained 1x2%d. se-tenant with 3xYad. (See No. 570m).
b. Téte-béche (horiz pair). _ No. 5741 comes from coils, and the “Holiday Resort” Experimental
543 2d. red-brown (6.9.55)... 25 35 booklets dated “1964” comprising four panes each containing two
aa. Imperf between (vert pair) £4750 176 Welsh Dragon of these 2¥2d. stamps se-tenant vertically with two Yad. No. 570a
a. Wmk sideways (31.7.56)... 55 70 (See No. 570n).
ab. Imperf between (horiz pair).. £4750 2d, imperf No. 574a comes from a booklet with watermark upright.
543b 2d. light red-brown (17.10.56). 30 20 No. 574ea is from a coil with sideways watermark.
ba. Téte-béche (horiz pair). — No. 574f comes from sheets bearing cylinder number 42 and is also
bb. Imperf pane”... £6000 known on vertical delivery coils.
bc. Part perf pane*.. £6000
d. Wmk sideways (5.3. . 800 7-00
544 155 2d. carmine-red (Type |) (28.9.55)... 30 25 vin Phantom “R" varieties
a. Wmk sideways (Type 1) (23.3.56) 1-50 1:80 BRITISH EMPIRE &
b. Type Il (booklets 9.55, sheets 1957). 45 45 178 Welsh Dragon yee
ba. Téte-béche (horiz pair). m —_ POSTA
bb. Imperf pane*.. _ (Des R. Stone (3d.), W. H. Brown (6d.), P. Keely (1s.3d.)) VEN
bc. Part perf pane*..
1958 (18 July). Sixth British Empire and Commonwealth Games,
545 3d. deep lilac (17.7.56) 25
Cardiff. W 165, P 15x14.
aa. Téte-béche (horiz pair).
a. Imperf three sides (pair). £2750 567 176 3d. deepiilac...... 20
b. Wmk sideways (22.11.57 18:00 17-00
568 177 6d, reddish purple 60
546 156 = 4d. ultramarine (14.11.55) 1:25 45 569 178 1s.3d. hae 2:25
567/9 Set of3... 2:50
547 157 Sd. brown (21.9.55)...... 6-00 6-00
548 6d. reddish purple (20.12.55 4:50 1:20
aa. Imperf three sides (pair) £5250
a. Deep claret (8.5.58)....... 4:50 1-40
Nos. 575d and 615a(Cyl41. ——«No. 575Eda
no dot)
ab. Imperf three sides (pair) £5250
549 7d. bright green (23.4.56). 50:00 10-00
550 158 8d. magenta (21.12.55)... 7-00 1:30
551 9d. bronze-green (15.12. 20-00 2:75
552 10d. Prussian blue (22.9.55) 20:00 275
553 11d. brown-purple (28.10.55) 1-00 1:10
554 159 1s. bistre-brown (3.11.55) 22:00 65
555 160 1s.3d. green (27.3.56)...... E 1-60
556 159 1s.6d. grey-blue (27.3.56) 23:00 1:60
540/56 Set of18 £160 27:00
The dates given for Nos. 540/556 are those on which they were first 179 Multiple Crowns
issued by the Supplies Dept to postmasters.
In December 1956 a completely imperforate sheet of No. 5436 was 1958-65. W 179. P 15x14.
noticed by clerks in a Kent post office, one of whom purchased it 570 154 ‘ad. orange-red (25.11.58)... 10 10
against P.O. regulations. In view of this irregularity we do not consider a. Wmk sideways (26.5.61 75 75
it properly issued. c. Part perf pane*. £4500
Types of 2¥ad. In this issue, in 1957, Type II formerly only found k. Chalk-surfaced paper 63). 2:50 275 No. 575e (Cyl 37 no dot)
in stamps from booklets began to replace Type | on sheet stamps. |, Booklet pane. No. 570ax4 anton: 7:50
*BOOKLET ERRORS. Those listed as “imperf panes” show one row m. Booklet pane. No. 570kx3 Nos. 575d and 615a occurred below the last stamp ofthe sheet from
of perforations either at top or bottom of the booklet pane; those Se-tenant With 574k... 9-00 Cyl 41 (no dot), where an incomplete marginal rule revealed an “R”.
as “part perf panes” have one row of 3 stamps imperf on three sides. n. Booklet pane. No. 570ax2 The cylinder was later twice retouched. The stamps listed show the
se-tenant with 5741x2 (1.7.64)... 2:25 original, unretouched “R”. The rare variety, No. 575d, is best collected
571 1d, ultramarine (booklets 11,58, in a block of 4 or 6 with full margins in order to be sure that it is not
sheets 24,3.59) sree 10 10 No. 615a with phosphor lines removed.
aa. Imperf (vert pair from coil). No. 575e is a similar variety but from Cyl. 37 (no dot). The marginal
a. Wmk sideways (26.5.61) 1:50 1:50 tule is much narrower and only a very small part of the” R” is revealed,
b. Part perf pane*. £5000 The cylinder was later retouched. The listed variety is for the original,
c. Imperf pane...... £6500 unretouched state.
d. Téte-béche (horiz pair, No. 575 is known imperforate and téte-béche. These came from
170 Scout Badge and "Rolling 171 “Scouts coming to Britain” |, Booklet pane. No, 571ax4.. 10:00 booklet sheets which were not issued (price £25 per pair).
Hitch” m, Booklet pane. No. 571ax2 se-
tenant with 575ax2 (1d. values WHITER PAPER. On 18 May 1962 the Post Office announced that
at left) (16.8.65) me 12-00 a whiter paper was being used for the current issue (including
ma. Ditto. 1d. values at right... «13-00 Nos. 595/8). This is beyond the scope of this catalogue, but the
572 1d. green (booklets 12.58, sheets | whiter papers are listed in Vol. 3 of the Stanley Gibbons Great Britain
30.8.60).... tr a 10 15 Specialised Catalogue.
a. Imperf three sides ‘( oriz strip
of 3)... 1958 (24 Nov)-61. Graphite-lined issue. Two graphite lines on the
b, Wmk sideways (26.5.61 9-00 back, except 2d. value, which has one line. W 179. P 15x14.
c, Téte-béche (horiz pair)... 587Wi 154 ‘ad. orange-red (15.6.59)t 3-25 4-00
172 Globe within a Compass |. Booklet pane. No, 572bx4.. 40:00 588 1d, ultramarine (18.12.58) 2:00 1:50
573 2d. light red-brown (4.12.58) 10 10 a, Misplaced graphite lin 80 1:20
(Des Mary Adshead (2%d.), P. Keely (4d.), W. H. Brown (1s.3d.)) a, Wmk sideways (3.4.59)... co 1-00 1:00 589Wi Id. green (4.8.59)t.... 75:00 60:00
1957 (1 Aug). World Scout Jubilee Jamboree. W 165. P 15x14. 574 155 2d. carmine-red (Type Il) (booklets 590 2d, light red-brown (24,nN 58) 10-00 3-50
557 170 2%ad. carmine-red 50 50 11.58, sheets 15.9.59)... 10 20 a. Band at extreme left as seen
558 171 = 4d. ultramarine.. 75 1:50 a. Imperf strip of 3. from back £975
559 172 1s.3d. green 550 4:50 b. Téte-béche (horiz pair — 591 155 2%ad. carmine-red (Typ 6. 12:00 10:00
557/9 Set of 3 600 5-75 c. Imperf pane..... 9 592 3d. deep lilac (24.11.58)... tr 90 65
ca, Part perf pane.. a, Misplaced graphite lines (5.61)* £550 £425
e. Wmk sideways (Type |) 593 156 = 4d, ultramarine (29.4,59).....csccscssssees 5:50 5-00
(10.11.60)....... 40 a, Misplaced graphite lines (1961)* £2400
ea. Imperf strip o 594 4’ad. chestnut (3.6.59). ra 6:50 5:00
f. Type | (wmk upright) (4.10.61). 70 587/94 Set of 8... £110 70-00
k. Chalk-surfaced paper (Type y Nos, 587/9 were ‘only issued in booklets or coils (587/8).
(15.7,63) t 50 *No. 588a (in coils), and Nos, 592a and 593a (both in sheets) result
|. Wmk sideways (Typ from the use of a residual stock of graphite-lined paper. As the use
paper (1.7.64)... eget 75 of graphite lines had ceased, the register of the lines in relation to
575 3d. deep lilac (booklets ‘V1.58, the stamps was of no importance and numerous misplacements
Yad. to 1¥ad., 2%d. 2d. sheets 8.12.58) 20 occurred—two lines close together, one line only, etc. No. 588a refers
and 3d. a. Wmk sideways (24.10.58) 50 to two lines at left or at right; No, 592a refers to stamps with twe tines
Graphite-line arrangements b. Imperf pane* £4250 only at left and both clear of the perforations and No. 593a to stamps
(Stamps viewed from back) c, Part perf pane’ £4000 with two lines at left (with left line down perforations) and traces of a
d. Phantom “R” (Cyl 41 no dot) £375 third line down the opposite perforations.
(Adapted F. Langfield) e. Phantom “R” (Cyl 37 no dot)... 55-00 +The prices quoted are for stamps with the watermark inverted
1957 (12 Sept). 46th Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference. |, Booklet pane. No. 575ax4 (Prices for upright watermark Yad. £9 un, £9 us; 1¥d. £90 un, £80 us.)
W 165, P 15x14. (26.5.61)... 3-25
576 156 4d, ultramarine (29. 10.5 Mee 45 (Recess D.L.R. (until 31.12.62), then B. W.)
560 173 4d. UltrarmariMe esses 2:00 1:50
a, Deep ultramarinett (28.4.65). 15 1959-68. W 179. P 11x12.
GRAPHITE-LINED ISSUES. These were used in connection with ab, Wmk sideways (31.5.65 595 166 2s.6d. black-brown (22.7.59).. 10:00 75
automatic sorting machinery, first introduced experimentally at ac. Imperf pane* ey a. BW, printing (1.7.63). 35 40
Southampton in December 1957. ad. Part perf PaMe*..csccssscsscssesseesseeee k. Chalk-surfaced paper 4 50 1:50
al. Booklet pane. No. 576abx4 596 167 5s. scarlet-vermilion (15.6. 59)... 45-00 2:00
The graphite lines were printed in black on the back, beneath the
gum; two lines per stamp, except for the 2d, (16.8.65)... 3-25 a. B, W. ptg. Red (shades) (3.9.63). 1-20 50
577 4’ad, chestnut (9.2.59) 10 ab. Printed on the gummed side... £1600
In November 1959 phosphor bands were introduced (see notes
578 157 5d, brown (10.11.58), 30 597 168 10s. blue (21.7.59) 55:00 5:00
after No. 598). 579 6d. deep claret (23.12.58)... 30 a. B.W. ptg. Bright ultramarine
1957 (19 Nov). Graphite-lined issue. Two graphite lines on the a. Imperf three sides (pair). £4000 (16.10.63)... 450 4:50
back, except 2d. value, which has one line. W 165. P 15x14. b. Imperf (pair)... £4500 598 169 £1 black (23.6.59) £120 12:00
561 154 Yad. orange-red... 50 40 580 7d, bright green (26.11.58) 50 a. B. W. printing (14.11.63). 13-00 8-00
562 1d, ultramarine.. 70 60 581 158 8d. magenta (24.2.60).. 60 k. Chalk-surfaced paper.. £5250
563 Wad. Green vrs 2:00 1:75 582 9d. bronze-green (24.3.59). 60 595/8 Set of4.. £195 17-00
a. Both lines at left. £1600 £600 583 10d. Prussian blue (18.11.58) 1:00 595a/8a Set of 4. 15:00 11-00
564 2d. light red-brown. 240 2-40 584 159 1s. bistre-brown (30.10.58) 75 The B.W. printings have a marginal Plate Number. They are generally
a. Line at left £700 £250 585 160 1s.3d. green (17.6.59).... 75 more deeply engraved than the D.L.R., showing more of the Diadem
565 155 2ad. carmine-re 8:50 7-00 586 159 1s.6d, grey-blue (16.12.58)... 5:00 detail and heavier lines on Her Majesty's face. The vertical perf is 11.9
566 3d. deep lilac 1-40 1:20 570/86 Set of 17... 9:00 to 12 as against D.L.R. 11.8.
561/66 Set of 6 14.00 12:00 *BOOKLET ERRORS. See note after No. 556. See also Nos. 759/62.

GREAT BRITAIN Queen Elizabeth II
PHOSPHOR BAND ISSUES. These are printed on the front and are (Des M. Goaman (doves T. Kurpershoek))
wider than graphite lines. They are not easy to see but show as broad 1961 (18 Sept). European Postal and Telecommunications (CEPT)
vertical bands at certain angles to the light. Conference, Torquay. Chalk-surfaced paper. W 179. P 15x14.
Values representing the rate for printed papers (and when this was 626 186 2d. orange, pink and brown = 15 10
abolished in 1968 for second class mail) have one band and others a. Orange omitted... - £18500
two, three or four bands as stated, according to the size and format. 627 187 4d. buff, mauve and ultramarine..... 15 15
In the small size stamps the bands are on each side with the 628 188 10d. turquoise, pale green and
single band at left (except where otherwise stated). In the large-size Prussian blue 15 50
commemorative stamps the single band may be at left, centre or right, a. Pale green omitted...
varying in different designs. The bands are vertical on both horizontal b. Turquoise omitted <..

and vertical designs except where otherwise stated. 626/8 Set of 3 60
The phosphor was originally applied typographically but later
usually by photogravure and sometimes using flexography, a
typographical process using rubber cylinders. 180 Postboy of 1660 181 Posthorn of
Three different types of phosphor have been used, distinguishable 1660
by the colour emitted under an ultra-violet lamp, the first being green,
then blue and later violet. Different sized bands are also known. All (Des R. Stone (3d.), Faith Jaques (1s.3d.))
these are fully listed in Vol. 3 of the Stanley Gibbons Great Britain 1960 (7 July). Tercentenary of Establishment of General Letter
Specialised Catalogue. Office. W 179 (sideways on 1s.3d.). P 15x14 (3d.) or 14x15 = PARLIAMENTARY CONFERENCE 1961
(1s.3d.) =3 =
Varieties. Misplaced and missing phosphor bands are known but <
such varieties are beyond the scope of this Catalogue. 619 180 3d. deep lilac.. 50 50
620 181 1s.3d. green 3-75 4:25 =
1959 (18 Nov). Phosphor-Graphite issue. Two phosphor bands on Fe -ONEERENCE OF
front and two graphite lines on back, except 2d. value, which ROTEAN AL & >
has one band on front and one line on back. P 15x14. 189 Hammer Beam Roof, 190 Palace of
Westminster Hall Westminster
(a) W165
154 = Yad. orange-red...
1d, ultramarine
og (Des Faith Jaques)
601 1¥ad, green.. 400 400 oe 1961 (25 Sept). Seventh Commonwealth Parliamentary
182 Conference Emblem
Conference. Chalk-surfaced paper. W 179 (sideways on
(b) W179
1s.3d.). P 15x14 (6d.) or 14x15 (1s3d.)
605 154 2d. light red-brown (1 band)... 600 425
a. Error. W 165... £200 £175 (Des R. Stone (emblem, P. Rahikainen)) 629 189 6d. purple and gold 5 25 25
a. Gold omitted... - £2750
606 155 2%ad. carmine-red (Type I). 22:00 18-00 1960 (19 Sept). First Anniv of European Postal and
607 3d. deep lilac... 12:00 8-00
630 190 1s.3d. green and blue... mee 250 2-75
Telecommunications Conference. Chalk-surfaced paper. a. Blue (Queen's head) omitted... £45000
608 156 = 4d. ultramarine 20-00 16:00 W 179. P 15x14.
609 4¥ed, chestnut. 30:00 20-00 621 182 6d. bronze-green and purple... 2-00 50
599/609 Set of 8... 90-00 70:00 622 1s.6d. brown and blue wn... 9.50 5-00
Examples of the 2¥ad., No. 606, exist showing watermark W 165
in error, It is believed that phosphor-graphite stamps of this value
with this watermark were not used by the public for postal purposes.

1960 (22 June)-67. Phosphor issue. Two phosphor bands on

front, except where otherwise stated. W 179. P 15x14.
610 154 ‘ad, orange-red 10 1S
a, Wmk sideways (14.7.61 15:00 15-00
|, Booklet pane. No. 610ax4 40-00
611 Td. UltraMATIMNE ......csesssssereereeee 10 10
a. Wk sideways (14.7.61)... 1:10 110
|, Booklet pane, No, 611ax4 10:00
m, Booklet pane, No. 611ax2
se-tenant with 615dx2 (1d.
183 Thrift Plant 184 “Growth of Savings”
stamps at left) (16.8.65) 000 18:00
ma. Booklet pane. As. No. 611m, 193 “Unified Productivity”
but 1d. stamps at right...» 18-00
n. Booklet pane. No. 611ax2 (Des D. Gentleman)
se-tenant with 615bx2tt
1962 (14 Nov). National Productivity Year. Chalk-surfaced paper.
(11.67) 10:00
W 179 (inverted on 232d. and 3d). P 15x14.
612 1¥ad. green.. 15 15
a. Wk si y: 8 4 18:00 18-00 631 191 2%2d. myrtle-green and carm-red
|. Booklet pane. No, 612ax4 45-00 1506
I2N440 (shades) ee Seater 20 20
613 2d. light red-brown (1 band)... 18:00 18-00 SAVINGS BANK IS 61S 1961 p. One phosphor band... ess es 60 50
613a 154 2d. It red-brown (two bands) 185 Thrift Plant 632 192 3d. light blue and violet (shades) _ 50 25
(4.10.61). 10 15 a. Light blue (Queen's head)
aa. Imperf th Pp = (Des P. Gauld (2%d.), M. Goaman (others)) onitted
ab. Wmk sideways (6.4.67) 1:00 1:00 p. Three phosphor bands. e 1:50 80
1961 (28 Aug). Centenary of Post Office Saving Bank. Chalk- 633 193 1s3d. carmine, light blue and dp
614 155 2%ad. carmine-red (Type Il) (2 surfaced paper. W 179 (sideways on 2¥ed.). P 14x15 (2¥%d.) or
Batis) Pericticcanenmrvaiesen
es 40 30 qe eee 1-50 1-70
15x14 (others).
614a 2yed. carmine-red (Type Il) (1 band) a. Light blue (Queen's head)
(4.10.61). 60 75
A. “Timson* Machine onnitted <n e £17500
6146 2¥ad, carmine-re 623A 183 2%ad. black and red 25 25 p. Three phosphor bands... 35-00 22-00
(4.10.61) . 40-00 a. Black omitted......... £27000 631/3 Set of 3... 2-00 1-90
615 3d. deep lilac (2 bands) 60 55 624A 184 3d. orange-brown and violet. 20 20 631p/3p Set of 35.00 22-00
aa. Phantom “R" (Cyl 41 no dot). 55:00 a. Orange-brown omitted £600
a. Imperf three sides (horiz pair)... £2000 625A 185 1s.6d. red and blue. 2:50 2:25
b. Wk sideways (14.7.61).... 1:80 G23A/SA Set OF3nnnennsanenonscoresors 2-75 2-50
|, Booklet pane. No. 61Sbx4 B. “Thrissell” Machine
615¢ 3d. deep lilac (1 side band) 623B 183 2¥ad. black and red 2:25 2:25
60 55 6248 184 3d. orange-brown and violet. 40 40 AACS
d. Wmk sideways (16,8.65). 5:50 5:00 a. Orange-brown omitted ..... £1600
e. One centre band (8.12.66) 40 45 2¥ad. TIMSON. Cyls 1E-1F. Deeply shaded portrait (brownish black).
ea. Wmk sideways (19.6.67). 1:00 1-00 2'ad. THRISSELL. Cyls 1D-1B or 1D (dot)-18 (dot). Lighter portrait a is i
616 156 4d. ultramarine 3-50 3-50 (grey-black). 194 Campaign Emblem and 195 Children of Three Races
a, Deep ultramarine (28.4.65) 25 25 3d. TIMSON. Cyls 3D-3E. Clear, well-defined portrait with deep Family
aa. Part perf pane = £5500 shadows and bright highlights. 3d, THRISSELL. Cyls 3C-3B or 3C (dot)-
ab, Wmk sideways (16.8.65).... 1:10 1-10 3B (dot). Dull portrait, lacking in contrast. (Des M. Goaman)
al. Booklet pane. No, 616abx4.. 2:50 Sheet marginal examples without single extension perf hole on the 1963 (21 Mar). Freedom from Hunger. Chalk-surfaced paper.
6166 4¥ad. chestnut (13.9.61) 55 30 short side of the stamp are always “Timson’ as are those with large W 1739 (inverted). P 15x14.
616c 157 5d. brown (9.6.67). 55 35 punch-hole not coincident with printed three-sided box guide mark.
634 194 2%d. crimson and pink____. 25 10
617 6d. deep claret (27.6.60) .. = $5 30 The 3d.“Timson” perforated completely through the right-hand side
617a 7d, bright green (15.2.67) 70 §0 p. One phosphor band. oe 3-00 1:20
margin comes from a relatively small part of the printing perforated
6176 158 8d. magenta (28.6.67).. 70 45 on a sheet-fed machine. 635 195 1s.3d. bistre-brown and yellow ____ 1-90 1-90
617¢ 9d. bronze-green (29.12.66) 70 55 p. Three phosphor bands. 30-00 23-00
Normally the “Timsons" were perforated in the reel, with three large
617d 10d. Prussian blue (30.12.66) 1-00 60 punch-holes in both long margins and the perforations completely
617e 159 1s. bistre-brown (28.6.67) 1-00 35 through both short margins. Only one punch-hole coincides with
618 160 1s.3d. green.. 1:90 2:50 the quide-mark.
618a 159 1s.6d. grey-blue( 2-00 2-00 The “Thrissells” have one large punch-hole in one long margin,
610/182 Set OF V7 eves : 10:50 8-00 coinciding with guide-mark and one short margin imperf (except
The automatic facing equipment was brought into use on 6 July sometimes for encroachments).
1960 but the phosphor stamps may have been released a few days
The stamps with watermark sideways are from booklets except
196 “Paris Conference”
Nos. 613ab and 615ea which are from coils. No. 616ab comes from
both booklets and coils.
No. 615aa. See footnote after No. 586, (Des R. Stone)
“No, 614 with two bands on the creamy paper was originally from 1963 (7 May). Paris Postal Conference Centenary. Chalk-surfaced
cylinder SO dot and no dot. When the change in postal rates took paper. W 179 (inverted). P 15x14.
place in 1965 it was reissued from cylinder 57 dot and no dot on 636 196 6d. green and mauve Bo. 50 50
the whiter paper. Some of these latter were also released in error in a. Green omitted... £6500
districts of S. E.London in September 1964. The shade of the reissue
186 CERT. Emblem 187 Doves and Emblem p. Three phosphor bands... 650 7-00
is slightly more carmine.
*"This comes from the bottom row of a sheet which is imperf at
bottom and both sides.
ttBooklet pane No. 611n comes from 2s. booklets of January
and March 1968. The two bands on the 3d. stamp were intentional
because of the technical difficulties in producing one band and two
band stamps se-tenant.
Unlike previous one-banded phosphor stamps. No. 615c has a broad
band extending over two stamps so that alternate stamps have the NATIONAL NATURE WEEK
band at left or right (same prices either way). 188 Doves and Emblem 197 Posy of Flowers 198 Woodland Life
Queen Elizabeth! GREAT BRITAIN
(Des S. Scott (3d.), M. Goaman (4%d.))
1963 (16 May). National Nature Week, Chalk-surfaced paper.
W 179. P 15x14.
637. 197 3d. yellow, green, brown and
black... & 15 15
p. Three phosphor ban 60 60
638 198 44d. black, blue, yellow, magenta
and brown-red ......... 35 35 219 Forth Road Bifdge 220 Forth Road and Railway
p. Three phosphor band 3:25 3-25 210 Hamlet COReaTBLRIG
Yorick’s Skull (Hamlet) and Bridges
Queen Elizabeth II (Des A. Restall)
(Des D. Gentleman. Photo Harrison & Sons (3d,, 6d., 1s.3d., 15.6d.). 1964 (4 Sept). Opening of Forth Road Bridge. Chalk-surfaced
Des C. and R. Ironside. Recess B.W. (2s.6d.)) paper. W 179. P 15x14.
1964 (23 Apr). Shakespeare Festival. Chalk-surfaced paper. W 179. 659 219 3d. black, blue and reddish violet... 10 10
P 11x12 (2s.6d.) or 15x14 (others). p. Three phosphor bands..........00 1:00 1:50
660 220 ~~ éd. blackish lilac, light blue and
646 206 3d. yell-bistre, blk and dp vio-bl
carmine-red....... 40 40
(shades) .... 15 15
a. Light blue omitted... £7500
p. Three phosphor bands 25 30 p. Three phosphor bands.. 4:50 4.75
199 Rescue at Sea 647 207 6d. yellow, orge, blk and ye
olive (shades)... 30 30
p. Three phosphor. bands 75 1:00
648 208 15s.3d. cerise, bl-grn, blk and sepia
(shades) 75 1:00
p. Three phosp 4:00 6:50
649 209 1s.6d. violet, turq, blk and blue
(SHAES) vres cev se 1-00 85
p. Three phosphor bands 8-00 8:00
650 210 2s.6d. deep slate-purple (shades) . 2-75 2:75 221 Sir Winston Churchill
NAL LIFE-BOAT CONFERENCE 646/50 Set of 5.. 450 4:50
201 Tcnebaaeiien 12:00 14:00 (Des D. Gentleman and Rosalind Dease, from photograph by Karsh)
1965 (8 July). Churchill Commemoration. Chalk-surfaced paper.
(Des D. Gentleman) W 179. P 15x14,
1963 (31 May). Ninth International Lifeboat Conference, |. “REMBRANDT” Machine
Edinburgh. Chalk-surfaced paper. W 179. P 15x14. 661 221 4d. black and olive-brown 15 10
639 199 2%Ad. blue, black and red... 25 25 p. Three phosphor band 25 25
p. One phosphor band 50 60
640 200 4d. red, yellow, brown, black a Il. “TIMSON” Machine
blue... 50 50 661a 221 4d. black and olive-brown... 35 35

p. Three phosphor band
201 1s.6d. sepia, yellow and grey-blue.
3-25 4s 662
Ill. “L. & M. 4” Machine
- 1s.3d. black and grey 45 40
p. Three phosphor bands 48:00 28-00 211 Flats near Richmond Park 212 Shipbuilding Yards, Belfast p. Three phosphor band 2-50 3-00
639/41 Set of3.... 3:25 3-50 (“Urban Development”) (“Industrial Activity”) The 15.3d. shows a closer view of Churc!
639p/41p Set of 3
4d. REMBRANDT. Cyls 1A-1B dot and no dot. Lack of shading detail
on Churchill's portrait. Queen’s portrait appears dull and coarse. This
is a rotary machine which is sheet-fed.
4d. TIMSON. Cyls 5A-6B no dot. More detail on Churchill's portrait—
furrow on forehead, his left eyebrow fully drawn and more shading
on cheek. Queen's portrait lighter and sharper. This is a reel-fed, two-
colour 12-in, wide rotary machine and the differences in impression
are due to the greater pressure applied by this machine.
Cantenary 1s.3d. Cyls 1A-1B no dot. The “Linotype and Machinery No. 4” machine
213 Beddgelert Forest Park, 214 Nuclear Reactor, Dounreay is an ordinary sheet-fed rotary press machine. Besides being used for
202 Red Cross Snowdonia (“Forestry”) (‘Technological Development") printing the 1s.3d, stamps it was also employed for overprinting the
phosphor bands on both values.
(Des D. Bailey) Two examples of the 4d. value exist with the Queen's head omitted,
1964 (1 July). 20th International Geographical Congress. London. one due to something adhering to the cylinder and the other due
Chalk-surfaced paper. W 179. P 15x14. to a paper fold. The stamp also exists with Churchill's head omitted,
651 211° 2%Ad. black, olive-yell, ol-grey and also due to a paper fold.
p. One phosphor band.
652 212 4d. orge-brn, red-brn, rose, blk
and violet. 30 30
a. Violet (face £300
204 c. Violet and red-brown (dock
walls) omitted... om £550
(Des H. Bartram) d. Red-brown (dock walls) omitted. 7ooth Anniversen of Parllemene
1963 (15 Aug). Red Cross Centenary Congress. Chalk-surfaced p. Three phosphor bands... 1-20 1:20 222 Simon de Montfort’s Seal
paper. W 179. P 15x14. 653 213 8d. yellow-brown, emerald, green
642 202 3d. red and deep lilac me 25 25 ANd D1aCK.cecccsccssssveee 85
a. Red omitted...... £18500 a. Green (lawn) omitted
p. Three phosphor band: ta 1:10 1-00 p. Three phosphor bands. 3-50
pa. Red omitted .- £46000 654 214 1s.6d. yellow-brn, pale pk, blk and
643 203 1s.3d. red, blue and grey. 3:00 3-00 bane 3-50 3-50
p. Three phosphor band 35:00 30-00 p. Three phosphor bands 28:00 22-00
644 204 1s.6d. red, blue and bistre.. 3-00 3-00 651/4 Set of 4... 4:50 4:50
p. Three phosphor band 35:00 27-00 651p/4p Set of 4 30:00 25-00
642/4 Set of 3.. 5-00 5:75 A used example of the 4d. is known with the red-brown omitted. 223 Parliament Buildings (after engraving by
642p/4p Set of 3.. 65:00 55-00 Hollar, 1647)

(Des S. Black (6d.), R. Guyatt (2s.6d.))

1965 (19 July). 700th Anniv of Simon de Montfort’s Parliament.
Chalk-surfaced paper. W 179. P 15x14.
663 222 ~~ ‘6d, olive-green.... 20 20
p. Three phosphor band 60 1:00
664 223 2s.6d, black, grey and pale drab. 80 1:50

205 Commonwealth Cable

(Des P, Gauld)
1963 (3 Dec). Opening of COMPAC (Trans-Pacific Telephone
Cable), Chalk-surfaced paper. W 179. P 15x14.
645 —-205 15.6, blue and DlaCk.....sssssssnnsssssssssssssseee 2-75 2:50 224 Bandsmen and Banner 225 Three Salvationists
a. Black omitted........:04 £8750
p. Three phosphor band 16-00 16-00 (Des M. Farrar-Bell (3d.), G. Trenaman (1s.6d.))
1965 (9 Aug). Salvation Army Centenary. Chalk-surfaced paper.
W 179. P 15x14.
217 Honea 218 Fringed Water Lily
665 224 3d. indigo, grey-blue, cerise,
(Des M. and Sylvia Goaman) yellow and brown... 25 25
p. One phosphor band 25 40
1964 (5 Aug). Tenth International Botanical Congress, Edinburgh. 666 225 1s.6d. red, blue, yellow and brown 1:00 1:50
Chalk-surfaced paper. W 179. P 15x14. p. Three phosphor bands 2:50 2-75
655 215 3d. violet, blue and sage-green....... 25
a. Blue omitted.......
b, Sage-green omitted..
206 Puck and Bottom (A 207 Feste (Twelfth Night) p. Three phosphor bands. 40 40
Midsummer Night's Dream) 656 216 6d. apple-green, rose, scarlet and
green... 50 50
p. Three phosphor bands. 2-50 275
657. 217 9d. lemon, green, lake and rose- Lister
a. Green (leaves) omitted.. 226 Lister’s Carbolic Spray 227 Lister and Chemical
p. Three phosphor bands.. 4-00 Symbols
658 218 15.3d. yellow, emerald, reddish violet
and grey-green 2:50 2:50
(Des P. Gauld (4d.), F. Ariss (1s.))
a. Yellow (flowers) omitted.. £50000 1965 (1 Sept). Centenary of Joseph Lister's Discovery of Antiseptic
p. Three phosphor bands. 25:00 20:00 Surgery. Chalk-surfaced paper. W 179. P 15x14.
208 Balcony Scene (Romeo 209 “Eve of Agincourt” 655/8 Set of4.... 4:50 4:50 667 226 4d. indigo, brown-red and grey-
and Juliet) (Henry V) 655p/8p Set of 4 30:00 25:00 black... 25 15

GREAT BRITAIN Queen Elizabeth Il
a. Brown-red (tube) omitted... £650 (Des C. Abbott)
b. Indigo omitted .......... £7000 1965 (8 Oct). Opening of Post Office Tower. Chalk-surfaced paper.
p. Three phosphor band 25 25 W 179 (sideways on 3d.). P 14x14 (1s.3d.).
pa. Brown-red (tube) omitted... £7500 679 238 — 3d. olive-yellow, new blue and
668 227 1s. black, purple and new blue.. 1-00 1-10 DFOMZE-GLEON ensscssscsececcerseessnceererenee 15 15
p. Three phosphor bands. 2:00 2:50 a. Olive-yellow (Tower) omitted £6750 £2400
p. One phosphor band. 15 15
680 239 1s.3d. bronze-green, yellow-g 249 Antrim, Northern Ireland
45 45
p. Three phosphor bands. 50 50
The one phosphor band on No. 679p was produced by printing
broad phosphor bands across alternate vertical perforations. Individual
stamps show the band at right or left (same prices either way).

228 Trinidad Carnival Dancers 229 Carisdian Folk-

f dancers

(Des D. Gentleman and Rosalind Dease)

1965 (1 Sept). Commonwealth Arts Festival. Chalk-surfaced paper. wt
W 179. P 15x14.
669 228 6d. black and orange 20 20
p. Three phosphor b: 30 50
670 229 1s.6d. black and light reddish viole 80 1-10
p. Three phosphor bands.....ssssss0 2-50 3-50 240 U.N. Emblem 241 |.C.Y. Emblem

(Des J. Matthews)
BattleofBritain 1940
1965 (25 Oct). 20th Anniv of U.N.O. and_ International
Co-operation Year. Chalk-surfaced paper. W 179. P 15x14.
681 240 3d. black, yellow-orange and light
25 20 251 Cairngorm Mountains,
ee 25 30 Scotland

682 241 1s.6d. black, bright purple and light
blue... a 1:00 80 (Des L. Rosoman. Queen’s portrait, adapted by D. Gentleman from
p. Three phosphor bands 275 3-00 coinage)
230 Flight of Supermarine 231 Pilot in Hawker Hurricane
Spitfires Mk | 1966 (2 May). Landscapes. Chalk-surfaced paper. W 179. P 15x14.
689 248 4d. black, yellow-green and new
10 15
10 15
690 249 6d. black, emerald and new blue 15 20
p. Three phosphor bands. ais 15 20
691 250 1s.3d. black, greenish yellow

Battle of Britain 1940 4: Battle of Britain a As 1865hklete

242 Telecommunications
Qa itsjele) [965
243 Radio Waves and
p. Three phosphor bands.
251 1s.6d. black, orange and Prussian
25 35

232 Wing-tips of Supermarine 233 Supermarine Spitfires Network Switchboard 40 35

Spitfire and Messerschmitt attacking Heinkel HE-111H 40 40
Bf 109 Bomber (Des A. Restall) 80 95
1965 (15 Nov). |.7.U. Centenary. Chalk-surfaced paper. W 179. 80 1.00
Battle of Britain 1940 Battle
ofBritain 1940 P 15x14. A block of four of No. 689 is known with the top right stamp
showing the face value and the bottom right the Queen's head and
683 242 9d. red, ultram, deep slate violet,
black and pink........ 50 40 the face value omitted due to a paper fold.

p. Three phosphor bands 1:00 75
684 243 1s.6d. red, greenish black, indigo,
black and light pink.. 1-50 1-25
a. Light pink omitted
p. Three phosphor bands. 4:25 5:25
234 Supermarine Spitfire 235 Hawker Hurricanes Originally echecluled for issue on 17 May 1965, ‘supplies from the
attacking Junkers Ju 87B Mk 1 over Wreck of Dornier Philatelic Bureau were sent in error to reach a dealer on that date and
“Stuka” Dive-bomber Do-17Z Bomber another dealer received his supply on 27 May.

World Cup 1966,

Battle of Britain 1940 252 Players with 253 Goalmouth Mélée

236 Anti-aircraft Artillery in 237 Air-battle over St. Paul’s
Action Cathedral 244 Robert Burns (after om 245 Robert Burns (after
Skirving chalk drawing) Nasmyth portrait)
(Des D. Gentleman and Rosalind Dease (4d.x6 and
1s.3d,), A. Restall (9d.)) (Des G. Huntly)
1965 (13 Sept). 25th Anniv of Battle of Britain. Chalk-surfaced 1966 (25 Jan). Burns Commemoration. Chalk-surfaced paper.
paper. W 179, P 15x14. W 179. P 15x14.
671 230 4d. yellow-olive and black 25 25 685 244 4d. black, deep violet-blue and
a. Block of 6. Nos. 671/6. 8:00 8-00 new blue... tora 20 15
p. Three phosphor band 50 50 p. Three phosphor bands 50 50
686 245 1s.3d. black, slate-blue and yellow- 254 Sey
saving Goal
pa. Block of 6. Nos. 671p/6p 10:00 12-00
672 231 4d. yellow-olive, olive-grey and orange. 65 70
black.... 25 25 2:25 2:25 (Des D. Gentleman (4d.), W. Kempster (6d.), D. Caplan (15.3d.).
p. Three phosphor band 50 50 Queen's portrait adapted by D. Gentleman from coinage)
673 232 4d. red, new blue, yellow-olive, 1966 (1 June). World Cup Football Championship. Chalk-surfaced
olive-grey and black... 25 25 paper. W 179 (sideways on 4d.). P 14x15 (4d.) or 15x14
p. Three phosphor banda... 50 50 (others).
674 233 4d. olive-grey, yellow-olive a 693 252 4d. red, reddish pur, bright blue,
black... 25 25 flesh and black tin 10 25
p. Three phosphor band 50 50 p. Two phosphor bands e 10 25
675 234 4d. olive-grey, yellow-olive and 694 253 6d. black, sepia, red, apple- green
black... 25 25 and blue aed 15 25
p. Three phosphor band 50 50 a. Black omitted. £225
676 235 4d. olive-grey, yell-olive, new blue
b. Apple-green omitted £7000
and black... 25 25
c. Red omitted ........0 £12500
a, New blue omitte: + £6500
p. Three phosphor bands.. 15 25
p. Three phosphor band . 50 50
pa. Black omitted........ £3000
677 236 9d. bluish violet, orange and slate- 695 254 1s.3d. black, blue, yellow,
tare Q 1:70 1:70
p. 170 2.50 light yellow-olive 50 1:00
678 237 15s.3d. light grey, deep grey, black, a. Blue omitted........ £380
light blue and bright blue.. 1:70 1:70 50 = 1-00
p. Three phosphor bands 1:70 2:50
693/5 Set of 3... 70 =1-25
671/8 Set of8... 10:00 10-00 YSLSNIWLSIM
AdaaV 693p/Sp Set of3. 70 1:25
671p/8p Set of 12:00 14-00 247 Fan Vaulting, iis Vil Chapel
Nos. 671/6 were issued together se-tenant in blocks of 6 (3x2)
within the sheet. (Des Sheila Robinson. Photo Harrison (3d.). Des and eng Bradbury,
No. 676a is only known commercially used on cover from Truro. Wilkinson. Recess (2s.6d.))
1966 (28 Feb). 900th Anniv of Westminster Abbey. Chalk-surfaced
paper (3d.). W 179. P 15x14 (3d,) or 11x12 (2s.6d.).
687 246 3d. black, red-brown and new
p. One phosphor band. 20 25 moana mone Amnon ANS 908A AT
688 — 247 25.6d. DIACK.....sscssesesen 80 80 255 Black-headed Gull

238 Tower and
Georgian Buildings
239 Tower and “Nash” Terrace,
Regent's Park 248 View near Hassoc
256 Blue Tit
anes aN. BAR AYO,
Queen Elizabeth! GREAT BRITAIN
706 + =265 4d. black, olive-green, bistre, deep
blue, orange, mag, grn, blue
and grey... 10 10
p. Three phosphor. bands. en 10 10
707. +266 4d. black, olive-green, bistre, deep
blue, oonge mag, grn, blue
poem weO8
and g 10 10
p. Three phcshor bands... 10 10
257 European Robin 263 Windscale Reactor
708 267 = 4d. black, olive-green, bistre, deep
(Des D. and A. Gillespie (4d., 6d.), A. Restall (others))
blue, magenta, green, blue
BLACKBIRD and grey... te 10 10
1966 (19 Sept). British Technology. Chalk-surfaced paper. W 179. p. Three phosphor bands.. 5 10 10
P 15x14, 709 268 4d. black, olive-green, bistre, deep
701 260 4d. black and lemon.......... blue, orange, mag, grn, blue
p. Three phosphor bands... and grey... 10 10
702. 261 ~ 6d, red, deep blue and orang 20 p. Three phosphor bands. en 10 10
a, Red (Mini-cars) omitted... re 710 269 4d. black, olive-green, bistre, deep
J s00neswea Hane o ANDCOEAID b. Deep blue Jaguar and inscr) blue, orange, mag, grn, blue
258 Blackbird omitted . and grey..... 10 10
p. Three ph fA 25 p. Three phosphor ban Su. 10 10
(Des J. Norris Wood) 703 262 1s.3d. black, orange-red, slate an 711 270
~—éd. black, olive-grn, vio, bl, grn
light greenish blue 50 40 and gold...... 10 10
1966 (8 Aug). British Birds, Chalk-surfaced paper. W 179. P 15x14. p. Three phosphor bands... x 35 40 p. Three phosphor bands. 10 10
696 255 4d. grey, black, red, emerald- 704 263 1s.6d. black, yellow-green, bronze- 712 ~=271 1s.3d. black, lilac, bronze-green,
green, bright blue, greenish green, lilac and deep blue 50 60 rosine, bistre-brown and gold... 20 75
yellow and bistre..... 20 20 p. Three phosphor bands... 50 60 a. Lilac omitted............
a. Block of 4. Nos. 696/9. 1:00 2:00 701/4 Set
of 4... 1-25 1:10 p. Four phosphor bands 20 75
ab. Black (value), etc. omitted* 701p/4p Set of 1:00 1:10 pa. Lilac omitted £1500
(block of four) .....4.. . £20000 705/12 Set of 8..... 2:00 2:25
ac. Black only omitted . £15000
705p/12p Set of 8 2:00 2:75
p. Three phosphor band 20 20
pa. Block of 4. Nos. 696p/9p. 1-00 2-00 Other colours omitted on the 4d. values and the stamps affected:
697 256 4d. black, greenish yellow grey,
b. Olive-green (Nos. 705/10)... 65-00
emer-green, bright blue and
pb. Olive-green (Nos. 705p/10p 65:00
bistre.. 20 20
p. Three phosp| 20 20 c. Bistre (Nos, 705/10)... 65:00
698 257 4d. red, greenish yellow, black, pc. Bistre (Nos. 705p/10). 65:00
of d. Deep blue (Nos. 705/ 75-00
grey, bistre, reddish brown and
emerald-green....... 20 20 pd. Deep blue (Nos. 705p/10p) 75:00
a. Black only omitted... £15000 e. Orange (Nos. 705/7 and 709/10)... 65-00
p. Three phosphor band: 20 20 pe. Orange (Nos. 705p/7 and 709p/10p). 65-00
699 258 4d. black, reddish brown, gr f. Magenta (Nos. 705/10).. 65:00
yellow, grey and bistre** 20 20 pf. Magenta (Nos. 705 /10p).. 65:00
p. Three phosphor band 20 20 g. Green (Nos. 705/10)... 65-00
696/9 Set of4...... 1:00 2:00 pg. Green (Nos. 705/10p) 65-00
696p/9p Set of4. 1:00 2:00 h. Blue (Nos 705/10)... 65:00
Nos. 696/9 were issued together se-tenant in blocks of four within of
1066 ph. Blue (Nos. 705/10p) 65-00
the sheet. j. Grey (Nos. 705/10). 65:00
*In No, 696ab the blue, bistre and reddish brown are also omitted pj. Grey (Nos. 705p/10p) 65:00
but in No. 696ac only the black is omitted. pk. Magenta and green (Nos. 705p/10p) 75-00
** On No. 699 the black was printed over the bistre. The prices quoted are for each stamp.
Nos. 705 and 709, with grey and blue omitted, have been seen
Other colours omitted, and the stamps affected: commercially used, posted from Middleton-in-Teesdale.
d. Greenish yellow (Nos. 696/9).... £1100 Three examples of No. 712 in a right-hand top corner block of ten
pd. Greenish yellow (Nos. 696/9) £2000 (2x5) are known with the Queen's head omitted as a result of a
e. Red (Nos. 696 and 698)...... £1100 double paper fold prior to die-stamping The perforation is normal.
f. Emerald-green (Nos. 696/8).. £200 of
Hastings Of the other seven stamps, four have the Queen’s head misplaced
pf. Emerald-green (Nos. 696p/8p). £200 and three are normal.
g. Bright blue (Nos. 69617)... £700
pg. Bright blue (Nos. 696p/7p) £6000 MISSING GOLD HEADS. The 6d and 1s.3d. were also issued with the
h. Bistre (Nos, 696/9).... £200 die-stamped gold head omitted but as these can also be removed
ph. Bistre (Nos, 696p/9p) .. £2750 by chemical means we are not prepared to list them unless a way is
j. Reddish brown (Nos. 698/9). £125 found of distinguishing the genuine stamps from the fakes which will
pj. Reddish brown (Nos. 698p/9p £175 satisfy the Expert Committees.
The prices quoted are for each stamp. The same remarks apply to Nos. 713/14.


World Cup 1966

Tannen aneOST 272 King of the Orient 273 Brownenm
259 Cup Winners
(Des Tasveer Shemza (3d.), J. Berry (1s.6d.) (winners of children’s
1966 (18 Aug). England's World Cup Football Victory. Chalk- design competition). Photo, Queen’s head die-stamped)
surfaced paper. W 179 (sideways). P 14x15. 1966 (1 Dec). Christmas. Chalk-surfaced paper. W 179 (sideways
700 259 4d. red, reddish pur, brt bl, flesh on 3d.). P 14x15.
and black... 30 30 713 272 3d. black, blue, green, yell, red and
These stamps were only put on sale at‘post “offices in England, the 269 gold... 10 25
Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, and at the Philatelic Bureau in a. Queen's ‘head double. +
London and also, on 22 August, in Edinburgh on the occasion of the ab. Queen’s head double, one
opening of the Edinburgh Festival as well as at Army post offices at All the above show battle scenes and they were issued together
se-tenant in horizontal strips of six within the sheet. AIDINO.... esses £650
home and abroad. b. Green omitted..
p. One phosphor band... 10 25
714 273 1s.6d. blue, red, pink, blacka 30 50
a. Pink (hat) omitted
p. Two phosphor bands.. 30 50
See note below Nos. 679/80 which also applies to No. 713p.


260 Jodrell Bank Radio


271 Norman Horsemen attacking Harold's Troops
261 British Motor-cars (All the above are scenes from the Bayeux Tapestry)
(Des D. Gentleman. Photo, Queen's head die-stamped (6d., 1s.3d.))
1966 (14 Oct). 900th Anniv of Battle of Hastings. Chalk-surfaced 275 Air Freight
paper. W 179 (sideways on 1s.3d.). P 15x14.
705 264 44d. black, olive-green, bistre, deep (Des C. Abbott)
blue, orange, mag, grn, blue 1967 (20 Feb). European Free Trade Association (E.F.T.A.). Chalk-
and grey. 10 10 surfaced paper. W 179. P 15x14.
a. Strip of 6. 1:90 2:25 715 274 9d. deep blue, red, lilac, green,
p. Three phosphor band: 10 10 brown, new blue, yellow and
262 “SRN 6” Hovercraft pa. Strip of6.Nos. 705p/10p.. 1:90 2:25 Dlack<roeerbasssneSiecactiosnoeeerer 25 20

GREAT BRITAIN Queen Elizabeth II
.Reddish purple omitted 8d. light turquoise-blue (6.1.69) .. 1:50
a. Black (Queen's head, etc.), 1-50
.Value omittedt......... 9d. myrtle-green (8.8.67)
brown, new blue and yellow
£1300 p. Three phosphor band: 282 10d. drab (1.7.68)... 1.00
omitted a. Uncoated paper™..
b. Lilac omitted . . £135 .Agate omitted .. a
£135 .Violet omitted... oth 1s. light bluish violet (shades)...... 45
c. Green omitted
95-00 .lavender-grey, green, reddish 1s.6d. greenish blue and deep blue
d. Brown (rail trucks) omitted
£135 violet and orange-yellow.. (shades) (8.8.67) 50
e, . New blue omitted
p. Three phosphor band... a a. Greenish blue omitted.
f.. Yellow omitted.. £135
722 281 1s.9d. lavender-grey, green, greenish c. Phosphorised paper. Prussian
p. Three phosphor ban 25 20
yellow and orange blue and indigo (10.12.69)...... 1:25
pb. Lilac omitted. £225
p. Three phosphor band ca. Prussian blue omitted..
pc. Green omitted £135
95:00 717/22 Set of6.... 744 1s.9d. dull orange and black
pd. Brown omitted.. 1:00
717p/22p Set of6... (shades) .
pe. New blue omitted £135
*The double impression o 723/44 Set of16 8-00
pf. Yellow omitted £180
head, value and inscription. *BOOKLET ERRORS. See note after No. 556.
716 275 1s.6d, violet, red, deep blue, brown,
+No. 720d was caused by something obscuring the face value on **Urfcoated paper. This does not respond to the chalky test, and
green, blue-grey, new bl, yell &
50 45 R. 14/6 during the printing of one sheet. may be further distinguished from the normal chalk-surfaced paper by
a, Red omitted
the fibres which clearly show on the surface, resulting in the printing
b. Deep blue omitte £550 PHOSPHOR BANDS. Issues from No, 723 are normally with phosphor impression being rougher, and by the screening dots which are not
c. Brown omitted... £135 bands only, except for the high values. However, most stamps have so evident. The 1d., 4d. and 5d. come from the £1 “Stamps for Cooks” “4
d. Blue-grey omitted £135 appeared with the phosphor bands omitted in error, but they are Booklet (1970); and the 3d. and 10d. from sheets (1969). The 20p. and
e . New blue omitted £135 outside the scope of this catalogue. They are listed in Volumes 3, 4 50p. high values (Nos. 830/1) exist with similar errors.
and 5 of the Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Specialised Catalogue and +No. 724a occurs in a vertical strip of four, top stamp perforated
f.. Yellow omitted.. £135
in the Great Britain Concise Catalogue. on three sides, bottom stamp imperf three sides and the two middle
g . Green omitted... £3750
stamps completely imperf.
p. Three phosphor bands 25 40 See also further notes after No. X1058.
pa. Red omitted....... +tNo. 735c comes from the original state of cylinder 15 which is
pb. Deep blue omitted £550 PHOSPHORISED PAPER. Following the adoption of phosphor bands identifiable by the screening dots which extend through the gutters
pc, Brown omitted.. 95-00 the Post Office started a series of experiments involving the addition of the stamps and into the margins of the sheet. This must not be
pd. Blue-grey omitte £135 of the phosphor to the paper coating before the stamps were printed. confused with imperforate stamps from cylinder 10, a large quantity
pf. New blue omitted £135 No. 743c was the first of these experiments to be issued for normal of which was stolen from the printers early in 1970.
postal use. See also notes after No. X1058. The 1d. with centre band (725) only came in the September 1968
booklets (PVA gum) and the coil strip (725m) (gum arabic); the 2d.
PVA GUM. Polyvinyl alcohol was introduced by Harrisons in place of with centre band (728) was only issued in the coil strip (725m); the 3d.
gum Arabic in 1968. As it is almost invisible a small amount of pale (No. 730) appeared in booklets on 6.4.68 from coils during December
yellowish colouring was introduced to make it possible to check that 1968 and from sheets in January 1969; and the 4d. with one side band
the stamps had been gummed. Such gum varieties are outside the (734) only in 10s, (band at left) and £1 (band at left or right) booklets.
scope of this catalogue, but they are listed in the Great Britain Concise Gum. The 1d. (725), 3d. (729), 4d. (731 and 733), 9d., 1s,, 1s.6d. and
Catalogue. See further notes re gum after Nos. 744 and 762. 1s.9d. exist with gum arabic as well as the PVA gum; the 2d. (728)
and coil strip (725m) exist only with gum arabic; and the remainder
276 Hawthorn and Bramble exist with PVA gum only.
The 4d. (731) in shades of washed-out grey are colour changelings
which we understand are caused by the concentrated solvents used
in modern dry cleaning methods.
For decimal issue, sec Nos. X841, etc.

277 Larger Bindweed and Viper’s


bs: Bd

Two types of the 2d.

|. Value spaced away from left side of stamp (cylinders 1 no dot
and dot).
Il. Value close to left side from new multipositive used for cylinders o) uses
278 Ox-eye Daisy, Coltsfoot and 5 no dot and dot onwards. The portrait appears in the centre, thus 283 “Master Lambton” 284 “Mares and Foals in a
Buttercup conforming to the other values (Sir Thomas Lawrence) Landscape” (George Stubbs)
(Des after plaster cast by Arnold Machin)
1967 (5 June)-70. Chalk-surfaced paper. Two phosphor bands
except where otherwise stated. No wmk. P 15x14.
723 282 Yad. orange-brown (5.2.68)... 30 75
724 1d. It olive (shades) (2 bands)
(5.2.68) 20 10
im) a. Imperf (coil strip Nhe £3500
ernst aren elt at b.
Part perf pane*..
279 Bluebell, Red Campion and c.
Imperf pane*.. £5750
Wood Anemone d.
Uncoated paper** £150
Booklet pane. No. x2, 285 “Children Coming Out of
The above were issued together se-tenant in blocks of four within se-tenant with 730x2 (6.3.68) 3-00 School” (L. S. Lowry)
the sheet. m. Booklet pane. No. 724x4,
se-tenant with 734x2 (6.1.69) 3.50 (Des S. Rose)
n. Booklet pane. No. 724x6,
731x6 and 735x3 se-tenant 1967 (10 July). British Paintings. Chalk-surfaced paper. Two
(1.12.69) 8:50 phosphor bands. No wmk. P 14x14 (others).
na. Uncoated paper** £925 748 283 4d. rose-red, lemon, brown, black,
725 1d. yellowish olive (1 centre new blue and gold 10
band) (16.9.68).. 40 45
|. Booklet pane. No. ;
se-tenant With 732X2......c 4.00 . New blue omitted.
m. Coil strip. No. 728x2, 749 284 9d. Venetian red, ochre, grey:
se-tenant with 729, 725 and black, new blue, greenish
733 (278.69) csccccssee 1:90 1-90 yellow ANd black.ersesssssseseunsereee 15
726 2d. lake-brown (Type |) (2 ban ) . Black (Queen's head and value)
(522568) errececcer cers ae 15 omitted
727 2d. lake-brn (Type Il) (2bands) ab. Black (Queen y)
(1969) eirepeaeereneescees 40 OMItEEC rcrcccseeonseanssrtenrnis heen
728 2d. lake-brown (Type Il) (1 centre 750 285 1s.6d. greenish yellow, grey, rose,
band) (27.8.69).. 1:50 new blue grey-black and gold.. 35
729 3d. violet (shades) (1 a . Gold (Queen's head) omitted...
281 Primroses b. New blue omitted..
band) (8.8.67). 10
a. Imperf (pair)... ©) Grey (clouds and shading)
(Des Rev. W. Keble Martin (T 276/9), Mary Grierson (others)) omitted .
730 3d. violet (2 bands) (6.4.68)... 45
1967 (24 Apr). British Wild Flowers. Chalk-surfaced paper. W 179. a. Uncoated paper**.... 748/50 Set Of3.0.0... 50
P 15x14. 731 4d. deep sepia (shades) (2 ba 30
717 276 4d, grey, lemon, myrtle-green, red, b. Part perf pane”...
agate and slate-purple 20 732 4d. deep olive-brown (shades)
a. Block of 4. Nos. 717/20. 2:25 (1 centre band) (16.9.68) 30
b. Grey double*. a. Part perf pane)...
c . Red omitted .. |. Booklet pane. Two stamps
f.. Slate-purple omitted .. plus two printed labels...
p. Three phosphor bands 15 733 4d. brt verm (1 centre band)
pa. Block of 4. Nos. 717p/20p.. 2:00 (6.1.69) 10
pd. Agate omitted....... a. Téte-béche (horiz pair).. 286 Gypsy Moth IV
pf. Slate-purple omitted .. 3 b. Uncoated paper**
718 277 4d. grey, lemon, myrtle-green, red, |. Booklet pane. Two ps (Des M, and Sylvia Goaman)
agate and violet 5 20 plus two printed labels
b. Grey double™..... 1967 (24 July). Sir Francis Chichester’s World Voyage. Chalk-
(3.3.69) surfaced paper. Three phosphor bands. No wmk. P 15x14.
p. Three phosphor band 15 734 4d. brt vermilion (1 side band) 751 286 15.9d. black, brown-red, It emer and
pd. Agate omitted (6.1.69) .oaes ses se 2:50 20
pe. Violet omitted a. Uncoated paper*..
719 278 4d. grey, lemon, myrtle-green, 735 d. royal blue (shades) (1.7. 20
red and agate 20 a. Imperf pane*..
b. Grey double*. b. Part perf pane.
p. Three phosphor bands 15 c. Imperf (pair) t . .
pd. Agate omitted........... £4500 d. Uncoated paper**
720 279 4d. grey, lemon, myrtle-green, 736 6d. brt reddish purple (sha es)
reddish purple, agate and (5.2.68)..... 40
20 737 282a 7d. bright emerald (1.7.68) 1:00
738 8d, bright vermilion (1.7.68). 1:50 287 Radar Screen
Queen Elizabeth /| GREAT BRITAIN
PVA GUM. All the following issues from this date have PVA gum except
where footnotes state otherwise.

288 Penicillium notatum

302 “Queen Elizabeth |” 303 “Pinkie” (Lawrence)

(unknown artist)

bros Sanasbon
295 Aberfeldy Bridge
289 Vickers VC-10 Jet Engines 290 Television j

(Des C. Abbott (4d., 1s.), Negus-Sharland team (others))

1967 (19 Sept). British Discovery and Invention. Chalk-surfaced paper.
Three phosphor bands (4d.) or two phosphor bands (others).
W 179 (sideways on 15.9d.). P 14x15 (1s.9d.) or 15x14 (others).
752 287 4d. greenish yellow, black and
vermilion.... a 10 10 304 “Ruins of St. Mary Le 305 “The Hay Wain” (Constable)
753-288 1s. blue-green, ‘light greenish ‘blue, Port” (Piper)
slate purple and bluish violet... 20 20
754 289 1s.6d. black, grey, royal blue, ochre (Des S. Rose)
AN turqUOise-DIUE........s.sesrsesereseee 25 25 1968 (12 Aug). British Paintings. Queen’s head embossed. Chalk-
755 290 1s.9d. black grey-blue, pale olive- surfaced paper. Two phosphor bands. P 15x14 (1s.9d.) or
grey, violet and orange... 30 30 14x15 (others).
a. Pale olive-grey omitted. F £4500
771 302 4d. bik, verm, greenish yellow,
bs range eer’ ts co omitted... £30000
grey and gold... 10 10
752/5 Set of4... sbsehennriees 75 75
a. Gold (value and Queen’s head)
omitted ... £350
WATERMARK. All issues from this date are on unwatermarked paper. 297 M4 Viaduct
b. Vermilion omitted”... £700
(Des A. Restall (9d.), L. Roseman (1s.6d.), J. Matthews (others)) 7/2 sO: 1s. mauve, new blue, gre
yellow, black, magenta and
1968 (29 Apr). British Bridges. Chalk-surfaced paper. Two GONAcoorecestans otsestcessssiseecsoseserone meetin 10 20
phosphor bands. P 15x14. Eb. Gold (value and Queen's ge
763 294 4d. black, bluish violet, turquoise- omitted*... ene 6750
blue and gold a 10 10 773 304 1s.6d. slate, orange, ‘black, mauve,
a. Printed on gummed side. 35-00 greenish yellow, ultramarine
764 295 9d. red-brown, myrtle-green, and gold... 20 25
ultramarine, olive-brown, black a. Gold (value and Queen's head)
and gold... 15 omitted ... SES DO.
a. Gold (Queen's head) omitted... £280 774 305 1s.9d. greenish yellow, ‘black, new
b. Ultramarine omitted... rte t blue, red and gold... a 25 40
765 296 1s.6d. olive-brown, red-orange, a. Gold (value and Queen's head)
bright green, turquoise-green and embossing omitted £1000
291 “The Adoption 292 “Madonna and and gold... - 25 b. Red omitted £13500
of the Sheperds” Child” (Murillo) a. Gold (Quee! £425 771/4 Setof 4... 60 85
(School of Seville) b. Red-orange (roof tops) *The effect of this istoleave the face and hands white and there is
omitted ... ae my) £425) more yellow and olive in the costume.
766 297 1s.9d. olive- brown, “greenish yellow, The 4d., 1s. and 1s.9d. are known with the embossing only omitted.
dull green, deep ultramarine No. 774a is only known with the phosphor also omitted.
and gold... 2 30 30 *No. 772Eb also has the embossing and phosphor omitted. The
a. Gold (Queen's head) omitted... £425 stamp with gold omitted but embossing and phosphor present (No.
763/6 Set of4... 70 70 772a) is £7500.
No. 764b is only known onfirst day covers5 posted from Canterbury,
Kent. or the Philatelic Bureau, Edinburgh.

293 “The Adoration of the
Shepherds” (Louis le Nain)
(Des S. Rose) )Christmas
1967. Christmas. Chalk-surfaced paper. One phosphor band (3d.) or
two phosphor bands (others). P 15x14 (1s.6d.) or 14x15 (others). 306 Boy and Girl with Rocking
298 “T U C” and Trades Unionists
756 291 3d. ol-yell, rose, bl, blk and gold Horse
(27511) ces 10 15
a. Gold (value and Queen’s ead)
MOURNE CArertevatecevezsescxereecsoornecsseossnoeroemse £110
ab. Gold (Queen's head only)
omitted ... ae
b. Printed on the gummed ‘side
c. Rose omitted ‘
757 292 4d. bright purple,g W,
new blue, grey-black and gold 299 Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst
RB CIIO) costes poeta ecctetancsaecccestnece 10 15 (statue)
a. Gold (value and Queen's head)
FOMRNIHEOG eszectsesercceoecocss ccrvsasoscesoceorsnecee 80:00
ab. Gold (Queen’s head only)
b. Gold (“4D y) Christmas
c. Greenish yellow (Child, robe
and Madonna’s face) omitted... £7500 307 Girl with 308 Boy with
d. Greenish yellow and gold Doll's House Train Set
OTRO neattairet cccecnanrtsccrrrecttcrctesmeneers £15000 ROYAL AIR FORCE 1918~1968
AARON (Des Rosalind Dease. Head printed in gold and then embossed)
758 293 1s.6d. brt purple, bistre, lemon, black, 300 Sopwith Camel and English
orange-red, ultram and gold Electric Lightning Fighters
1968 (25 Nov). Christmas. Chalk-surfaced paper. One centre
(CAE) Aa RR ns op oeereorterre 15 15 phosphor band (4d.) or two phosphor bands (others).
a. Gold (value and Queen's head) P 15x14 (4d.) or 14x15 (others).
(OFRILRSe fen ee eens meen cd £18000 775 306 4d. black, orange, vermilion,
ultramarine, bistre and gold 15
a, Gold omitted........
b, Vermilion omitted*
c, Ultramarine omitted .
756/8 Set of 3 30 d. Bistre omitted.
Distinct shades exist of the 3d. and 4d. values ut are not listable as e . Orange omitted...
there are intermediate shades. For the 4d. stamps from one machine id. yellow-olive. black, brown,
show a darker background and give the appearance of the yellow 301 Captain Cook's Endeavour yellow, magenta, orange, turq-
colour being omitted, but this is not so and these should not be and Signature green and gold... 3 15 25
confused with the true missing yellow No. 757c. a. Yellow omitted -
No. 757b comes from stamps in the first vertical row of a sheet. (Des D. Gentleman (4d.), C. Abbott (others)) b. Turquoise-green
The 3d. and 4d. values are known imperforate. They are of proof 1968 (29 May). British Anniversaries. Events described on stamps. omitted ... se £22000
status. Chalk-surfaced paper. Two phosphor bands. P 15x14. 777 308 1s.6d. ultramarine. “yellow- orange, ‘brt
767 298 4d. emerald, olive, blue and black.. 10 10 purple. blue-green, black and
(Recess Bradbury, Wilkinson) 768 299 9d. reddish violet, bluish grey and 15 50
1967-68. No wmk. White paper. P 11x12. black... 15 15 775/7 Set of 3 35) 80
759 166 2s,.6d. black-brown (1.7.68) 30 45 769 300 1s. olive-b *The effect of the missing vermilion is shown on the rocking horse,
760 167 5s. red (10.4.68)....... 70 75 blue and black 15 15 saddle and faces which appear orange instead of red.
761 168 10s. bright ultramarine (10.4.68)... 7:75 4-00 770 301 1s,9d, yellow-ochre and blackish A single used example of the 4d. exists with the bistre omitted.
762 169 £1 black (4.12.67, 7:50 4:50 brown 35 35 No. 775c is only known with the phosphor also omitted. All values
759/62 Set of 4. 15:00 8-00 767/70 Set of4. 65 65 exist with the embossing of Queen's head omitted.

GREAT BRITAIN Queen Elizabeth Il
(Des M. and Sylvia Goaman (4d.), D. Gentleman (9d, 1s.6d.))
1969 (3 Mar). First Flight of Concorde. Chalk-surfaced paper. Two
phosphor bands. P 15x14.
784 315 4d. yellow-orange, violet, greenish
blue, blue-green and pale
green 25 25
a. Violet (value, etc.) omitte: £850 Su awan cATorDaa
b. Yellow-orange omitted £850 324 Durham Cathedral
309 Queen Elizabeth 2 785 316 9d. ultramarine, emerald, re
QVEY-DIUC .essssssssrsseecssensssecnsnsssecsusstene 55 75
a. Face value and inscr omitted.... £40000
Elizabethan galieon
’ 786 317 1s.6d. deep blue, silver-grey and It
aa 75 1-00
a. Silver-grey omitted
784/6 Set of
3... 1:00 1:50
No. 785a is caused ‘by a colour s g y-blue. On the only
known example the top of the Queen's head appears across the
perforations at foot.
No. 786a affects the Queen’s head which appears in the light blue

. re CTT a i
326 St. Giles’ Cathedral, ;
311 East Indiaman

Cutty Sark
318 Queen Elizabeth Il.
(See also Type 357)

(Des after plaster cast by Arnold Machin. Recess Bradbury,

1969 (5 Mar). P 12.
787 318 25,.6d. DrOWN sere 35 30
788 5s. crimson-lake 1-80 60
789 10s. deep ultramarin: 6:00 7:00
790 £1 bluish black 3:25 1:50
787/90 Set of4.... 10:00 8:50
For decimal issue, see ‘Nos. 829/31b and notes after No. 8316.

328 St. Paul’s Cathedral

SS Great Britain
313 Great Britain

319 Page from Daily Mail, and

Vickers FB-27 Vimy Aircraft
329 Liverpool Metropolitan

RMS Mauretania
(Des P. Gauld)
314 Mauretania | 1969 (28 May). British Architecture. Cathedrals. Chalk-surfaced
paper. Two phosphor bands. P 15x14.
(Des D. Gentleman) 796 324 5d. grey-blk, orge, pale bluish vio
1969 (15 Jan). British Ships. Chalk-surfaced paper. Two vertical and black 10 10
phosphor bands at right (1s.), one horizontal phosphor band a. Block of 4. Nos. 796/9.. 1-10 1:25
320 Europa and CEPT
(5d.) or two phosphor bands (9d.). P 15x14. ab. Block of 4. Uncoated papi £1000
778 309 5d. black, grey, red and turquoise... 10 15 b. Pale bluish violet omitted........... £24000
a. Black Queen’s head, value, 797 325 5d. grey-black, pale bluish violet,
(hull and inset) omitted. £3500 new blue and black 10 10
b. Grey (decks, etc.) omitted... £280 b. Pale bluish violet omitte £24000
c. Red (inscription) omitted... £300 798 326 5d. grey-black, purple, green and
779 310 9d, red, blue,ochre, brown, black black 10 10
and 10 25 c. Green omitted*. £100
a, Strip of, Nos. 779/81 1:30 1:50 799 327 5d. grey-black, green, new blue
ab. Red and blue omitted £3800 ANG DIA CKee teoreccerseestereeren
cere 10 10
AC. BlUC OMItted .....ccssssessve £3800 800 328 9d. grey-blk,ochre, pale drab,
780 311 9d. ochre, brown, black and gre 10 25 violet and black 25 30
781 312 9d. ochre, brown, black and grey... 10 25 a, Black (value) omitted £300
782 313 1s. brown, black, grey, green and 801 329 1s.6d. grey-black, pale turquoise,
greenish yellow 40 35 pale reddish violet, pale
a. Pair. Nos, 782/3 1:30 1-50 yellow-olive and black 25 35
ab. Greenish yellow omitted £4800 a. Black (value) omitted £5000
783 314 1s. red, black, brown, carmine b. Black (value) double. £5000
grey... i 40 35 796/801 Set of 6 140 1-70
a. Carmine (hull overlay) ‘omitted. £40000 The 5d. values were issued together se-tenant in blocks of four
b, Red (funnels) omitted... . £30000 throughout the sheet.
c, Carmine and red omitted. . £30000 *The missing green on the roof top is known on R. 2/5, R. 8/5 and
778/83 Set of6..... . 2:40 2:80 R. 10/5, but all from different sheets, and it only occurred in part of
The 9d. and 1s,‘values were arranged inhorizontal strips of three the printing, being “probably caused by a batter on the impression
and pairs respectively throughout the sheet. cylinder". Examples are also known with the green partly omitted.
No. 779ab is known only with the phosphor also omitted. **Uncoated paper. The second note after No. 744 also applies here.

W2Nov 1ODec 1919 FUGHT

323 Vickers FB-27 Vimy Aircraft

and Globe showing Flight

CORMAN (Des P, Sharland (5d., 1s, 1s.6d.), M. and Sylvia Goaman (9d.,
315 Concorde in Flight 1s.9d,))
1969 (2 Apr). Anniversaries. Events described on stamps. Chalk-
surfaced paper. Two phosphor bands. P 15x14.
i Gets Fabs 791 319 5d. black, pale sage-green,
chestnut and new DIVE... 10 15 330 The King's Gate, 331 The Eagle Tower,
792 320 9d. pale turq, dp bl, It emer-grn Caernarvon Castle Caernarvon Castle
and black 15 25
a. Uncoated paper*.. £1800
793 321 1s. bright purple, deep blue and
TTLEMAN. come Hei Grrrsrecrssstiees ce 15 25
316 Plan and Elevation Views 794 322 1s.6d. red, royal ‘blue, ‘yellow-green,
black, lemon and new blue. 15 30
@, Black OMIttEd....ssssssesenee £125
f. Yellow-green (from flags)
omitted .. 90:00
g. Lemon (from. flags) omitted .. t+ £4500
795 323 1s.9d. yellow-olive, greenish yellow
and pale turquoise-green.. 40 40
a. Uncoated paper". £275
791/5 Set
of5... 60 1-00
*Uncoated paper, The second note after No. 744 also applies here. 332 Queen Eleanor’s
317 Concorde’s Nose and Tail 333 Celtic Cross, Margam
No. 794g is only known used on first day cover from Liverpool. Gate, Caernarvon Castle Abbey
Queen Elizabeth I! GREAT BRITAIN
(Des D, Gentleman. Litho De La Rue) (Des D. Gentleman (5d., 9d.), Sheila Robinson (1s., 1s.6d.))
1969 (1 Oct). Post Office Technology Commemoration. Chalk- 1970 (11 Feb). British Rural Architecture. Chalk-surfaced paper.
surfaced paper. Two phosphor bands. P 13%2x14. Two phosphor hands. P 15x14.
808 336 5d. new bl, greenish bl, lavender 815 343 — 5d, grey, grey-blk, blk, lemon,
and black. 10 10 greenish blue, orange-brown,
809 337 9d. emerald, vi f 20 25 ultramarine and green... 10 10
810 338 1s. emerald, lavender and black..... 20 25 a. Lemon omitted £175
811 339 1s.6d. brt purple, It blue, grey-blue b, Grey (Queen's head and
and black.. 50 50 cottage shading) omitted..........
808/11 Set of 4. 90 1:00 c. Greenish blue (door) omitted... t £4800
d. Grey-black (inscription and
face value) OMIttE” ose £20000
e. Grey-black (face value only)
334 H.R.H. The Prince OMItteGesiamns onceteneaeccumate £17000
of Wales (after photo f. Green omitted (cobblestones)
by G. Argent) 816 344 9d. orange-brown, olive-yellow,
bright green, black, grey-black
(Des D. Gentleman)
and grey. 20 25
1969 (1 July). Investiture of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. Chalk- 817 345 1s. dp bl, reddish lilac, drab and
surfaced paper. Two phosphor bands. P 14x15. new blue = 25 25
802 330 5d. deep olive-grey, light olive- a. New blue o £150
grey, deep grey, light grey, red, 818 346 1s.6d. greenish yell, blk, turq-bl and :
pale turquoise-green, black lilac... oe 40
and silver... 10 15 a. Turquoise--blue ‘omitted
a. Strip of 3. Nos. 802/4.. & 50 1-00 815/18 Set of 4. 90
b. Black (value and inscr) omitted £750 Used examples of the Sd. exist, one of which is on piece, with the
c. Red omitted* £1700 greenish blue colour omitted.
d. mm $sys)
e. Pale turquoise-green omitted... £1600
f. Light grey omitted £14000
803 331 5d. deep olive-grey, light olive-
grey, deep grey, light grey, red,
pale turquoise-green, black
and silver... sah 5 10 15
b. Black (value and inscr) omitted £750
c. Red omitted™......... £1700
d. Deep grey omitted = ED TD:
e. Pale turquoise-green omitted... £1600
f, Light grey (marks on walls, 347 Signing the Declaration of
window frames, etc) omitted... £14000 £8000 342 The Three Kings Arbroath
804 332 5d. deep olive-grey, light olive-
grey, deep grey, light grey, red, (Des F. Wegner. Queen's head (and stars 4d,, 5d. and scroll-work
pale turquoise-green, black 1s.6d.) printed in gold and then embossed)
and silver oe 10 15
1969 (26 Nov). Christmas. Chalk-surfaced paper. Two phosphor
b. Black (value and inscr) omitted £750
bands (5d., 1s.6d.) or one centre band (4d.). P 15x14.
c. Red omitted* . £1700
812 340 4d. vermilion, new blue, orange,
d. Deep grey omitted**.. 6 SS
e. Pale turquoise-green omitted... £16000 bright purple, light green,
bluish violet, blackish brown
f. Light grey omitted... . £14000
805 333 9d. deep grey, light grey, ‘black and gold 10 10
a. Gold (Queen's head etc.)
and gold... 15 30 348 Florence Nightingale
806 334 1s. blackish yellow- olive and. gold. 15 30 omitted...
813 341 5d. magenta, light blue, royal blue, attending Patients
8027/6 Set of 5... 7) 1-40
The 5d. values were issued ‘together, 'se-tenant, in strips of three olive-brown, green, greenish
throughout the sheet. yellow, red and gold... 15 15
*The 5d. value is also known with the red misplaced downwards a. Light blue (sheep, etc)‘omitted £110
and where this occurs the red printing does not take very well on b. Red omitted”... Somme PANY)
the silver background and in some cases is so faint that it could be c. Gold (Queen's head) omitted... £1200
mistaken for a missing red. However, the red can be seen under a d, Green omitted... nite we £450
magnifying glass and caution should therefore be exercised when e. Olive-brown, red. and gold
purchasing copies of Nos. 802/4c. omitted... ww. £17000
**The deep grey affects the dark portions of the windows and doors. 814 342 1s.6d. greenish yell,‘bright purple,
No. 803f is only known commercially used on cover. bluish violet, deep slate,
orange, green, new blue and 349 Signing of International
gold... shen 20 20 Co-operative Alliance
a. gold (Queen's head. etc)
omitted .. mp ELOO,
b. Deep slate (value) omitted. £550
c. Greenish yellow omitted £550
e. New blue omitted. £140
812/14 Set
of 3... 40 40
*The effect of the|missing ted is shown on the hat, leggings and
335 Mahatma Gandhi purse which appear as dull orange.
The 5d. and 1s.6d. values are known with the embossing omitted.
(Des B. Mullick) No. 813e was caused by a paper fold and also shows the phosphor
1969 (13 Aug). Gandhi Centenary Year. Chalk-surfaced paper. Two Used copies of the 5d. have been seen with the olive-brown or
phosphor bands. P 15x14. greenish yellow (tunic at left) omitted.
807 335 1s.6d. black, green, red-orange and
gre & 40 30
Fife harling
a. Printed on £1700

343 Fife Harling 351 Sir William Herschel,

Francis Baily, Sir John
Herschel and Telescope
336 National Giro “G” Symbol Cotswold limestone
(Des F. Wegner (5d., 9d., and 1s.6d.), Marjorie Saynor (1s., 1s.9d.).
Queen's head printed in gold and then embossed)
1970 (1 Apr). Anniversaries. Events described on stamps. Chalk-
surfaced paper. Two phosphor bands. P 15x14.
819 347 5d. bik yell-olive, blue, emer,
greenish yellow, rose-red, gold
and orange-red € 10 10
a. Gold (Queen's hi ww £4250
337 Telecommunications— b. Emerald omitted ..csecsesesscsees £550
International Subscriber 820 348 9d. ochre, deep blue, carmine,
Dialling black, blue-green, yellow-olive,
gold and blue 15 15
a. Ochre omitted. 5 SEK)
821 349 1s. green, greenish yellow, brown,
black, cerise, gold and light
blue... "5 20 25
a. Gold (Queen's head) ‘omitted... 90:00
c. Green omitted. £170
d. Brown omitted £320
822 350 1s.6d. greenish yellow, carmine, deep
338 Telecommunications—Pulse yellow-olive, emerald, black,
Code Modulation blue gold and sage-green 20 30
a. Gold (Queen's head) omitt £320
b. Emerald omitted... £170
823 351 1s.9d. blk, slate, lemon, gold and A
right PUrple.evssesscessessssesserssseseeerese 25 30
a. Lemon (trousers and
document) omitted .. £10000 £6000
819/23 Set of5. 80 1:00
The 9d., 1s. and 1s.6d. are known with the embossing omitted.
No. 821¢ also exists with embossing omitted.
339 Postal Mechanisation— Ulster thatch No. 823a is known mint, or used on first day cover postmarked
Automatic Sorting 346 Ulster Thatch London WC.

GREAT BRITAIN Queen Elizabeth Il, Regional Issues

1812/1870 fs if 1812/1870 For Regional issues of Guernsey and Jersey, see after Great Britain
Charles Dickens :
hares Dickens & :
Charles Dickens Postal Fiscals
Printers (£ s. d. stamps of all regions);—Photo Harrison & Sons.
Portrait by Dorothy Wilding Ltd.
DATES OF ISSUE. Conflicting dates of issue have been announced
for some of the regional issues, partly explained by the stamps being
360 Cyclists released on different dates by the Philatelic Bureau in Edinburgh or the
Philatelic Counter in London and in the regions. We have adopoted
(Des A. Restall. Litho D.L.R.) the practice of giving the earliest known dates, since once released
1970 (15 July). Ninth British Commonwealth Games. Chalk- the stamps could have been used anywhere in the U.K.
surfaced paper. Two phosphor bands. P 13¥2x14.
832 358 5d. pk, emer, greenish yell and
352 "Mr. Pickwick 353 “Mr. and Mrs. 354 David deep yellow-green fs 25 25 I. ISLE OF MAN
and Sam" (Pickwick Micawber” (David Copperfield and a. Greenish yellow omitte . £20000
Papers) Copperfield) Betsy Trotwood” 833 359 1s.6d. light greenish blue, lilac, bistre
(David Copperfield) brown and Prussian DIUe wes... 50 50
834 360 1s.9d. yellow-orange, lilac, salmon
and deep red-brow 50 50
V6 4 832/4 Set of 3.... 110 1-10
18121870 i
Charles Dickens ilar Wordsworth 5 O°

Philympia 1970
(Des J. Nicholson. Portrait by Dorothy Wilding Ltd. Photo Harrison)
1958 (18 Aug)-68. W 179. P 15x14. +a |
1 1 2\4d. carmine-red (8.6.64) J 90 11-75
2 2 3d. deep lilac 2 50 20
a. Chalk-surfaced paper (17.5.63). 12:00 12-00
p. One centre phosphor band
(27.6.68) 20 50
3 4d. ultramarine (7.2.66) 150 1:50
355 “Oliver asking 356 “Grasmere” p. Two phosphor bands (5.7.67)...
30 40
for more” (Oliver (from engraving 1840 first engraved issue 1847 first embossed issuo 1/3p Set of 3 Rt
1:00 2:50
Twist) by J. Farrington, 361 1d. Black (1840) 362 1s. Green (1847) No, 2a was released in London sometime after 17 May 1963, this
R.A.) being the date of issue in Douglas.
T 352/5 were issued together se-tenant in blocks of four throughout
the sheet. V6 1968-69. No wmk. Chalk-surfaced paper. PVA gum. One centre
phosphor band (Nos. 5/6) or two phosphor bands (others).
Phitympia 1970
(Des Rosalind Dease. Queen's head printed in gold and then P 15x14.
embossed) 4 2 = 4d. blue (24.6.68)..... 25 30
5 Ad. olive-sepia (4.9.68 25 30
1970 (3 June). Literary Anniversaries. Death Centenary of Charles
6 4d. bright vermilion (26.2. 45 75
Dickens (novelist) (5d.x4) and Birth Bicentenary of William
Wordsworth (poet) (1s.6d.). Chalk-surfaced paper. Two
7 45 75
phosphor bands. P 14x15. 4/7 Set of 4 1:25 2:00
824 352 5d. black, orange, silver, gold and
TTAG ON Celicernescscavceuennia * 10 25
a. Block of 4. Nos. 824/7 75 1:50
ab. Imperf (block of four) £2500 1855 first surface printed issue
ac. Silver (inscr) omitted.. - _— 363 4d. Carmine
825 353 5d. black, magenta, silver, gold (1855)
ANG OFANGC erteoresersssccorterstexserticerires 10 25 ae a
826 354 Sd. black, light greenish blue, (Des D. Gentleman) OKs
silver, gold and yellow-bistre..... 10 25
b. Yellow-bistre (value) omitted .... £10000 1970 (18 Sept). “Philympia 70” Stamp Exhibition. Chalk-surfaced
paper. Two phosphor bands. P 14x14.
E [Revenue
827 355 5d. black, yellow-bistre, silver, gold
and light greenish DIVE... 10 25 835 361 5d. grey-black, brownish bistre, N2 N3
b. Yellow-bistre (background) black and dull purple... 25 10
omitted .. £25000 a. Grey-black (Queen's head) (Des W. Hollywood (3d., 4d., 5d.), L. Pilton (6d., 9d.), T. Collins
c. Lt green OME Naw. cteccenaiesemreesresteose
tesaes = (1s.3d., 1s.6d.))
omitted* £825 836 362 94d. light drab, bluish green, stone, 1958-67. W 179. P 15x14.
d. Light greenish blue and silver black and dull purple.. cea 25 30 Ni N1 3d. deep lilac (18.8.58)......sssscseseessnee 15 15
(inscr at foot) omitted snee £35000 837 363 1s.6d. carmine, It drab, blk an p. One centre phosphor band
828 356 1s.6d. light yellow-olive, black, silver, pu 25 45 25 25
gold and bright blue. Ao) 25 50 835/7; SetiOf3nauseous 70 75
NI2 15 15
a. Gold (Queen's head) omitted... £10000 p. Two phosphor bands (10.67) 15 15
b. Silver (“Grasmere”) omitted........ £250 NI3 N2 6d. deep claret (29.9.58) 50 50
c. Bright blue (face value) NI4 9d. bronze-green (2 phosphor
OME ecerccsseceececsrsasteyerecrmecorctes £22500 bands) (1.3.67).. 30 70
d. bright blue and silver omitted £27500 NIS N3 15s.3d. green (29.9.58). * 30 70
824/8) Set Off5—asnscoapshctncmeteereenacumisnrareen
eater 90 1:80 NI6 1s.6d. grey-blue (2 phosphor bands)
*No 827c (unlike No. 827b) comes from a sheet on which the colour (13.67) ; 30 70
was only partially omitted so that, although No. 827 was completely
without the light greenish blue colour, it was still partially present 1968-69. No wmk. Chalk-surfaced paper. One centre phosphor
on No. 826. band (Nos. NI8/9) or two phosphor bands (others). P 15x14.
The 1s.6d. is known with embossing omitted. NI7 N11 4d. deep bright blue (27.6.68). 25 25
Essays exist of Nos. 824/7 showing the Queen's head in silver and NI8 Ad. olive-sepia (4.9.68)........ 25 25
with different inscriptions. NI9 4d. bright vermilion (26.2.69) . . 30 30
Et NI10 5d. royal blue (4.9.68). 40 40
364 Shepherds and
Nl11 N3 1s.6d. grey-blue (20.5.69)... 225 2:50
365 Mary, Joseph, and No. N17 was only issued in Northern Ireland with gum arabic. After
Apparition of the Angel Christ in the Manger it had been withdrawn from Northern Ireland but whilst still on sale
at the philatelic counters elsewhere, about 50 sheets with PVA gum
were sold over the London Philatelic counter on 23 October 1968, and
some were also on sale at the British Philatelic Exhibition Post Office
in October, without any prior announcement. The other values exist
with PVA gum only.

357 (Value redrawn)

(Des after plaster cast by Arnold Machin. Recess B.W.)

1970 (17 June)-72. Decimal Currency. Chalk-surfaced paper or
phosphorised paper (10p.). P 12.
829 357. 50 5
366 The Wise Men
830 60 25
bearing gifts
831 1:50 40
8316 £1 bluish black (6.12. 3:50 80 (Des Sally Stiff after De Lisle Psalter. Queen's head printed in gold
829/31b Set OF 4 verses 5:50 2:00 and then embossed)
(Des G. Huntly (3d., 4d., 5d), J. Fleming (6d., 9d.), A. Imrie (1s.3d.,
The 20p. and 5Op. exist on thinner, uncoated paper and are listed 1s.6d,))
in the Great Britain Concise Catalogue. 1970 (25 Nov). Christmas. Chalk-surfaced paper. One centre
1958-67. W 179. P 15x14.
A whiter paper was introduced in 1973. The £1 appeared on 27 Sept. phosphor band (4d.) or two phosphor bands (others).
P 14x15. S1 $1 3d. deep lilac (18.8.58) =) 15 15
1973, the 20p. on 30 Nov. 1973 and the 50p. on 20 Feb. 1974.
838 364 4d. brown-red, turquoise-green, p. Two phosphor bands (29.1.63). 13-00 275
The 50p. was issued on 1 Feb. 1973 on phosphorised paper. This
pale chestnut, brn, grey-blk, pa. One side phosphor band
cannot be distinguished from No. 831 with the naked eye.
The £1, T 318, was also issued, on 17 June 1970, in sheets of 100 gold and vermilion.. ia 15 10 (30.4.65) percent gaeeee een 20 25
839 365 5d. emerald, gold, blue, pb. One centre phosphor band
(10x10) instead of panes of 40 (8x5) but it is not easy to distinguish
from No. 790 in singles. It can be readily differentiated when in large ochre, grey-black and violet........ 15 15 (OUTMGZ) Nemecreate 20 25
a. Gold (Queen's head) omitted S2 4d. ultramarine (7.2.66).. 20 20
strips or marginal pieces showing sheet markings or plate numbers. t £3500
b. Emerald omitted £140 p. Two phosphor band: 20 20
c. Imperf (pair)... $3 S2 6d. deep claret (29.9,58)..... 25 25
DXth Baitiol) Commonwealth Games Edinburgh 1470 1Xth British Commonwealth Games Edinburgh 1970 d. Ochre omitted... p. Two phosphor bands (29.1.63). 25 25
S4 9d. bronze-green (2 phosphor
116 840 366 1s.6d. gold, grey-black, pale turq-grn,
bands) (1.3.67)... 35 40
salmon, ultram, ochre and
S5 $3 1s.3d. green (29.9.58).. 40 40
yellow-green... 25 30
a. Salmon omitted £220 Pp. Two phosphor ban 40 40
b. Ochre omitted... £140 S6 1s.6d. grey-blue (2 phosphor ba
838/40 Set Of 3....cccssuee 50 50
(1:3.67) irinesinensaceeneee eee
The 4d. and 5d. are known with embossing omitted, and the 1s.6d,
358 Runners 359 Swimmers is known with embossing and phosphor omitted.
Regional Issues, Postage Dues, Official Stamps GREAT BRITAIN
1967-70. No wmk. Chalk-surfaced paper. One centre phosphor The 1d. is known bisected from various offices between 1925 D78 1p. deep reddish purple (15.2.71)... 15 15
band (S7, $9/10) or two phosphor bands (others). P 15x14. and 1932 and the 2d. exists bisected to make up the 2'd. rate at D079 2p. myrtle-green (15.2.71 20 15
of $1 3d. deep lilac (16.5.68) i 10 15 Perranwell Station, Cornwall, in 1932. D80 3p. ultramarine (15.2.71). 20 15
S8 4d. deep bright blue (28.11.67).. 30° 30 D81 4p. yellow-brown (15.2.71).. 25 15
so Ad, olive-sepia (4.9.68)....... 10 10 D82 5p. violet (15.2.71)...... 25 15
1936-37. W 125 (E 8 R) sideways.
$10 4d. bright vermilion (26.2.69) . 10 10 D83 7p. red-brown (21.8.74) 35 1:00
Di9 D1 ‘ad. emerald (6.37). 15:00 10:50
$11 5d. royal blue (4.9.68)... 25 25 084 D4 = 10p. carmine......... 30 30
$12 $2 9d. bronze-green (28.9.70, 6:00 6:00 D20 1d. carmine (5.37). 2-00 1:75
021 2d. agate (5.37)... 15:00 12:00 D85 11p. slate-green (18.6.75) . 50 1:00
$13 $3 1s.6d. grey-blue (12.12.68)... 1:75 1:50 D86 20p. olive-brown. 60 25
Nos. $7/8 exist with both gum arabic and PVA gum; others with D22 3d, dull violet (3.37). 2-00 2:00
D23 4d. dull grey-green (12.36)... 65:00 34-00 D87 5Op. ultramarine.. 2:00 1:25
PVA gum only. D88 4:00 1:00
D24 5d. brownish cinnamon (11.36) 90:00 30-00
a. Yellow-brown (1937)... 40:00 28-00 D89 £5 orange-yellow and black
(2.4.73 1:50
IV. WALES D25 1s. deep blue (12.36)... 25-00 8-50
D77/89 Set of 13... 7-75
D26 D2 2s.6d. purple/yellow (5.37) £350 12:00 The 2p. was bisected at Exeter on 25 October 1977.
From the inception of the Regional stamps, the Welsh versions were D19/26 Set of 8 (cheapest) £500 90:00
tendered to members of the public at all Post Offices within the former The 1d. is known bisected at Solihull in 1937.
County of Monmouthshire but the national alternatives were available OFFICIAL STAMPS
on request. By August 1961 the policy of “dual stocking” of definitive 1937-38. W 127 (G VI R) sideways.
stamps was only maintained at Abergavenny, Chepstow. Newport and In 1840 the 1d. black (Type 1), with “V R” in the upper corners,
D27 D1 Yad. emerald (5.38)... 13-00 3-75
Pontypool. Offices with a Monmouthshire postal address but situated was prepared for official use, but never issued for postal purposes.
028 1d. carmine (5.38).. 3-00 50
outside the County, namely Beachley, Brockweir. Redbrook. Sedbury, Obliterated specimens are those which were used for experimental
D029 2d, agate (5.38)... 275 30
Tutshill, Welsh Newton and Woodcroft, were not supplied with the trials of obliterating inks, or those that passed through the post by
D30 3d. violet (12.37)... 10-50 30 oversight.
Welsh Regional stamps.
D31 4d. dull grey-green (9.37) £110 10-00
D32 5d. yellow-brown (11.38). 16:50 75
D33 1s. deep blue (10.37)... 78-00 75
D34 D2 2s.6d. purple/yellow (9.38) 85-00 1:25
D27/34 Set of8.... £260 18-00
The 2d. is known isected at various offices between 1951 and

DATES OF ISSUE. The dates for Nos. D35/9 are those on which stamps
were first issued by the Supplies Department to postmasters.
(Des R. Stone) 1951-52. Colours changed and new value (1¥2d.). W 127 (G VI R)
1958-67. W 179. P 15x14. sideways, 1840. Prepared for use but not issued; “V" “R” in upper corners.
Wi W1 3d. deep lilac (18.8.58).....ccseneeeee 15 15 D035 D1 ‘ad. yellow-orange (18.9.51) 3-50 3-50 Imperf.
p. One centre phosphor band a. Bright orange 40-00 Used on
(16.5.67). 20 15 D36 1d. violet-blue (6.6. 1:50 75 Un Used cover
Ww2 4d. ultramari 3 20 25 D37 Yad. green (11.2.52) 2:00 2:00 al vi AGL BlaGKeee ensscssseancioosee
tous £32000 £35000
p.Two phosphor bands (10.67)..... 20 25 D38 4d. blue (14.8.51) 50:00 22:00
W3 W2 6d. deep claret (29.9.58) 35 40 D39 1s. ochre (6.12.51).
W4 9d. bronze-green (2 phosphor The following Official stamps would be more correctly termed
D35/9 Set of 5. . Departmental stamps as they were exclusively for the use of certain
bands) (1.3.67)... 40 50 The 1d. is known government departments. Until 1882 official mail used ordinary
WS5 W3 1s.3d. green (29.9.58). 40 55 Camberley in 1954.
W6 1s.6d. oe MgPhosphor pangs) postage stamps purchased at post offices, the cash being refunded
(1.3.67)... 45 55
once a quarter. Later the government departments obtained Official
1954-55. W 153 (Mult Tudor Crown and E 2 R) sideways. stamps by requisition. Official stamps were on sale to the public for a
1967-69. No wmk. Chalk-surfaced paper. One centre phosphor D40 D1 ‘ad. orange (8.6.55) 7:00 5:25 short time at Somerset House but they were not sold from post offices.
band (W 7, W 9/10) or two phosphor bands (others). D41 2d. agate (28.7.55).. 26:00 23-00 The system of only supplying the Government departments was open
P 15x14. D42 3d. violet (4.5.55) 75:00 60-00 to abuse so that all Official stamps were withdrawn on 13 May 1904.
W7 W1 3d. deep lilac (6.12.67)... 15 20 D43 4d. blue (14.7.55) 26:00 32:00
W8 4d, ultramarine (21.6.68) 15 20 a. Imperf (pair). £250 OVERPRINTS, PERFORATIONS, WATERMARKS. All Official stamps
wg 4d. olive-sepia (4.9.68)... 15 20 D44 5d. yellow-brown 20:00 20:00 were overprinted by Thomas De La Rue & Co. and are perf 14. They
wi0 4d. bright vermilion (26.2.69) .. 15) 20 D45 D2 2s.6d. purple/yellow (11 54). £150 5-75 are on Crown watermarked paper unless otherwise stated.
Wii Sd. royal blue (4.9.68). 15 30 D40/5 Set of 6 £250 = =£120
W12 W3 = 1s.6d. grey-blue (1.8.69) 3-50 3-50 INLAND REVENUE
The 3d. exists with gum arabic only; the remainder with PVA gum 1955-57. W 165 (Mult St. Edward’s Crown and E 2 R) sideways.
only. D46 D1 ‘ad. orange (16.7.56)... 275 3-25 These stamps were used by revenue Officials in the provinces, mail
D47 1d. violet-blue (7.6.56)... 5-00 1:50 to and from Head Office passing without a stamp. The London Office
D48 1¥ad. green (13.2.56) . 8-50 7:00
used these stamps only for foreign mail.
STAMP BOOKLETS D49 2d. agate (22.5.56).. 45-00 3-50
For a full listing of Great Britain stamp booklets see the Great Britain
Concise Catalogue published each Spring.
violet (5.3.56)...
blue (24.4.56)........
6-00 LR. [. R.
D052 5d, brown-ochre (23.3. 26:00 20-00
D53 1s. ochre (22.11.55) esse. 65-00 2:25

D54 D2 2s.6d. purple/yellow (28.6.57 £200 8:25
PERFORATIONS. All postage due stamps to No. D39 are perf 14x15. D55
D46/55 Set of 10
5s. scarlet/yellow (25.1 1.55) £150
£ 425
The 1d. is known bisected in September 1956 and June 1957, the (O 1) (0 2)
2d. in June and July 1956, the 3d. in May 1957 (London S.E.D.0.) and
the 4d. in December 1958 (Poplar). Optd with Types O 1 ('d. to 1s.) or O 2 (others)
1959-63. W 179 (Mult St. Edward’s Crown) sideways. 1882-1901. Stamps of Queen Victoria.
DS56 D1 Yad. orange (18.10.61)... 15 1:25 (a) Issues of 1880-81
D57 1d. violet-blue (9.5.60 15 50 01 Yad. deep green (1.11.82) £135 60:00 £120
D58 1¥ad. green (5.10.60). 2:50 2:50 O02 Yad, pale green...... 90:00 40-00
DS59 2d, agate (14.9.59).. 1:10 50 03 1d. lilac (Die II) (1.10.82) 8-00 600 30-00
(Des G, Eve. Typo Somerset House (early trial printings of Yad., 1d.,
D60 3d. violet (24.3.59).. 30 30 a. Optd in blue-blac! £300 £125
2d. and 5d,; all printings of 1s.) or Harrison (later printings of all
Dé1 4d. blue (17.12.59).. 30 30
values except 1s.)). b. “OFFICIAL” omitted .. — £12500
D062 5d. yellow-brown (6.11.61 45 60
1914 (20 Apr)-22. W 100 (Simple Cypher) sideways. 04 6d. grey (Plate 18) (3.11. £580 £140
D63 6d. purple (29.3.62) 50 30
D1 PRTC EMNCT AG yonccccceecreceoserecevenroreeteecoereseee 50 25 No. 03 with the lines of the overprint transposed is an essay.
D64 1s. ochre (11 .4.60).. 90 30
D2 1d, carmine...... 50 25 D65 D2 2s.6d. purple/yellow(1 3-00 50 (b) Issues of 1884-1888
a. Pale carmin 75 50 D66 5s. scarlet/yellow (8. ih61). 8-25 1-00 OSs Yad. slate-blue (8.5.85) 85:00 35:00 £135
D3 ad. chestnut (1922) 48:00 20-00 D67 10s. blue/yellow (2.9.63)... 11-50 5:75 06 2iAd. lilac (12.3.85)...... £525 £185 £1400
D4 2d. agate........... 50 25 D68 £1 black/yellow (2.9.63) 45-00 8-25 O07 1s. dull green (12.3,85).......... £6000 £1900
DS 3d. violet (1918)... 5-00 75 D56/68 Set of 13 70:00 20-00 08 5s. rose (blued paper) (wmk
a. Bluish violet... 6:00 2-75 Whiter paper. The note after No. 586 also applies to Postage Due Anchor) (12.3.85).. . £17500 £6500
Dow 4d. dull grey-green (12.20) t 40:00 5-00 stamps. o9 5s. rose (wmk Anchor) (3. £9750 £2500
D7 5d. brownish cinnamon 7:00 3-50 The 1d. is known bisected at various offices between November a. Raised stop after “R” £10500 £3200
D8 1s. bright blue (1915) 40-00 5-00 1961 and July 1964. The 2d. is known bisected at Doncaster. b. Optd in blue-black... £11500 £3200
a. Deep bright blue 40-00 5-00 0 9c 10s. cobalt (blued paper) (wmk
1968-69. Typo. No wmk. Chalk-surfaced paper. Anchor) (12.3.85).. . £35000 £9500
D1/8 Set of 8 £120 32-00
The 1d, is known bisected from various offices between 1914 and D69 D1 2d. agate (11.4.68).. 75 1:00 ca. Raised stop after”
1924, the 2d. bisected for use as a 1d. between 1918 and 1923, the D70 3d. violet (9.9.68) 1:00 1:00 cb. White paper .. £22000 £7750
3d, bisected for use as a 1¥%d. in 1922 at Warminster and trisected D71 4d. blue (6.5.68)... 1-00 1:00 0 9d 10s. ultramarine (blued paper)
for use as a 1d, in 1921 at Malvern. D072 5d. orange-brown (3.1.69) 8-00 11:00 (wmk Anchor) (12.3.85)...... £24000 £7500
t The prices quoted for No. D6 are for stamps with sideways D073 6d. purple (9.9.68). 2-25 1-75 010 10s. ultram (wmk Anchor)
inverted watermark (prices for sideways watermark are £150 unused, D74 1s. ochre (19.11.68) 4:00 2:50 (3.90) £11500 £3750
£50 used). 069/74 Set of 6...... 17-00 20-00 a. Raised stop after “R’ £12500 £4500
The 2d. and 4d. exist wi gum arabic a [A gum; remainder b. Optd in blue-black... £12500 £4500
with PVA gum only.
(Typo Waterlow) O11 £1 brown-lilac (wmk Crowns)
The 6d. is known bisected, in October 1968 (Kilburn, London NW).
223 195) raeecerrereer
cere ences £75000 £30000
1924. As 1914-22, but on thick chalk-surfaced paper. a. Frame broken ... £100000
1968-69. Photo. No wmk. Chalk-surfaced paper. PVA gum.
D9 D1 1d, carmine.. 600 6-00 b. Optd in blue-blac! ... £160000
D75. D1 4d. blue (12.6.69) 7:00 675
D76 8d. red (3.10.68)... 50 1:00 012 £1 brown-lilac (wmk Orbs)
(Typo Waterlow and (from 1934) Harrison) Nos. D75/6 are smaller, 21%x17¥2 mm. (3.90) .. £100000 £40000
1924-31. W 111 (Block Cypher) sideways. The 4d. is known bisected in April 1970 (Northampton). a. Frame broken . £150000
D10 D1 ‘ad. emerald (6.25)... 1:25 75 (c)issues of 1887- 92
D11 1d, carmine (4.25) 60 25 013 Yad. vermilion (15.5.88) 15-00 7:00 £110
D12 1d. chestnut (10.24) 47:00 22-00 a. Without “LR £6000
D13 1:00 25 b. Imperf. £6000
D14 1:50 25 c. Opt double (imperf) £8000
£125 hi 014 2'ad. purple/blue (2.92). £175 30:00 £450
. Experimental paper W 111a. 95:00 95-00 LOPAY: O15 1s. dull green (9.89) £1000 £375 £3750
D15 4d, dull grey-green (10.24)... 15:00 4-25 D3 D4 016 £1 green (6.92)... £12500 £2500
D16 Sd. brownish cinnamon (1.31). 65:00 45-00 a. No stop after “R”. — £4000
DI7 1s. deep blue (9.24)... 8:50 50 (Des J. Matthews. Photo Harrison) b. Frame broken...... £20000 £5250
D1I8 D2 2s..6d. purple/yellow (5.24). 85:00 1-75 1970 (17 June)-75. Decimal Currency. Chalk-surfaced paper. Nos. 03, 013, O15 and O16 may be found showing worn
D10/18 Set of 9 £200 60-00 D77. -D3_s ap. turquoise-blue (15.2.71) ve 15 2:50 impressions of the overprints with thicker letters.

GREAT BRITAIN Official Stamps, Postal Fiscal Stamps
a. No dot under “T’ £2750 £500 0108 Udi scarleti(12:03) cree ccereeneeesn 60:00 2500 £160
(d) Issues of 1887 and 1900
b. Dot to left of “T”. £2750 £500 0109 ~—-1%4d. dull purple and green
O17 Yed, blue-green (4.01) 20:00 15:00 £350 (2504) Vasrcrsseansonescetarsretserseadianret £1200 £650
018 6d. purple/rose-red (1.7.01)... £500 £150 064c 1s, orange-brown (P| £3500 £600
ca. No dot under “T” £4500 £850 0110 2d. yellowish green and
019 1s. green and carmine (12.01) £4250 £1800 carmine red (3.04). £900
“01/19 For well-centred, lightly used +35%. cb, Dot to left of “T”.
Q111 _ 2d. ultramarine (3.04).. . £2900 £950
1887-90. Stamps of Queen Victoria. 0112 3d. dull purple/orange-yellow
1902-04, Stamps of King Edward Vil. Ordinary paper. (12,03) secsesssases nocrnvvsssvescerosssssseesa £2600 £400
020 Yad. blue-green (4.2.02 = 32:00 4:50 £150 065 1¥ad. dull purple and pale green
(29.10.87) £160 28:00 Stamps of various issues perforated with a Crown and initials
021 1d. scarlet (4.2.02)... 22:00 3-00 95-00 (“H.M.0.W!, “O.W", “B.1" or “S.O”) or with initials only (“H.M.S.O” or
022 2¥ed. ultramarine (19,2.02)........ £1000 £280 a. No dot under £260 75-00
b. Dot to right of “T’ £260 75:00 "D.S.1.R”) have also been used for official purposes, but these are
023 6d. pale dull purple (14.3,04). £475000 £200000 outside the scope of the catalogue.
024 1s. dull green and carmine c. Dot to left of “T”. £260 75:00
Q9:402)eanunnrennecet OZ oO £900 066 6d. purple/rose-red (19.12.87) £275 75-00
025 5s. bright carmine (29.4.02)... £45000 £11000 a. No dot under “T". £375 £120
b. Dot to right of “T”.. £375 £120 a POSTAL FISCAL STAMPS ~
a. Raised stop after “R” .. £50000 £13000
026 10s. ultramarine (29.4.02) £100000 £48000 c. Dot to left of “T”...... £375 £120 PRICES. Prices in the used column are for stamps with genuine postal
a. Raised stop after “R” .. £125000 £48000 067 9d. dull purple and blue (21.8.88) £425 £120 cancellations dated from the time when they were authorised for use
027 £1 dull blue-green (29.4.02).. £62500 £25000 a. Optd in blue-black... as postage stamps. Beware of stamps with fiscal cancellations removed
068 1s. dull green (25.3.90), £700 £280 and fraudulent postmarks applied. =
a. No dot under "T”. £1000 £500
OFFICE OF WORKS b. Dot to right of “T £1000 £500 VALIDITY. The 1d. Surface-printed stamps were authorised for postal
These were issued to Head and Branch (local) offices in London c. Dot to left of “T”. £1000 £500 use from 1 June 1881 and at the same time the 1d. postage issue, No.
and to Branch (local) offices at Birmingham, Bristol, Edinburgh, d. Optd in blue-bla' 166, was declared valid for fiscal purposes. The 3d. and 6d. values,
Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester and Southampton. The together with the Embossed issues were declared valid for postal
overprints on stamps of value 2d, and upwards were created later 1891-1900. Stamps of Queen Victoria. purposes by another Act effective from 1 January 1883. si
in 1902, the 2d. for registration fees and the rest for overseas mail. 069 1d, lilac (Die II) (18.6.97).. £100 30-00 |
a. No dot under “T” £160 75-00

0.W. b. Dot to left of “T”. £160 75-00 SURFACE-PRINTED ISSUES

c. Opt inverted... £7500 £3500 (Typo Thomas De La Rue & Co)
d. Ditto. Dot to left of “T”. £8500 £4500
070 2d. grey-green and carmine (24.10.91)... £250 50-00
AUNOMO UN Gre Ueaaunensancrteenianens £400 £125
b. Dot to left of “T”
4Yad. green and carmine (29.9.92
b. Dot to right of “T”......
O72 1s. green and carmine (11.00). £650 £275
Optd with Type O 3 a. Opt inverted t + £17500
1896 (24 Mar)-02. Stamps of Queen Victoria. *061/72 For well-centred, lightly
031 Yad. vermilion.....04+ sey £350 £150 £800 The “no dot under T” variety occurred on R, 12/3 and 20/2. The
032 ‘ad. blue-green (2.02 oe £475 £225 "dot to left of T” comes four times in the sheet on R. 2/7, 6/7, 7/9
COREE Wirell URE (SN Sis percents £500 £150 £1000 and 12/9. The best example of the “dot to right ofT”is on R. 20/1. All
034 5d. dull purple and blue (II) three varieties were corrected around 1897.
(2 DYALOD) Ceerercescostesayassaraonsorcteseeare £4000 £1400
035 10d. dull purple and carmine 1902. Stamps of King Edward Vil. Ordinary paper. a

(28:5 .02) 522" wisetoremnnpcralopi EP 2O0N 2250 074 Id, scarlet (30,10.02)....sssussssssese 75:00 22:00
O75 2d. yellowish green and carmine-red
1902 (11 Feb)-03. Stamps of King Edward VII. Ordinary paper. (29.4.02) £225 60-00
036 ‘ad. blue-green (2.02 aa £575 £180 £2000 076 6d. pale dull purple (19.2.02) £275 60:00
037 1d. scarlet j.ccsscss £575 £180 £425 077 9d, dull purple and ultramarine (28.8, £650 £175
038 2d, yellowish green and 078 1s. dull green and carmine (17.12.02)... £1350 £300
carmine-red (27.4.02)... £2000 £450 £3250
039 2%d. ultramarine (29.4.02).... £3400 £675 £4250 BOARD OF EDUCATION
040 10d. dull purple & carmine
(2525103) rexccestcecse £47500 £7000
*031/40 For well-centred, lightly used +25%.

Letters to and from the War Office in London passed without postage.
The overprinted stamps were distributed to District and Station
Paymasters nationwide, including Cox and Co., the Army Agents, who (0 8)
were paymasters to the Household Division.
Optd with Type O 8

ARMY ARMY 1902 (19 Feb). Stamps of Queen Victoria.

Used on i
Un Used* cover INA WN
081 5d. dull purple and blue (lI)... £5000 £1500
082 1s. green and Carmine... £12000 £6000 F 5 Double-lined Anchor F 6 Single-lined inchor

1853-57. P 15%x15.
1902 (19 Feb)-04. Stamps of King Edward VII. Ordinary paper.
Yad. blue-green...
1d. scarlet......
(a) Wmk F 5 (inverted) (1853-55)
Used on
(O 4) (O 5) (0 6) O85 2’ad. ultramarine £4850 £450 Un Used cover
086 5d. dull purple and ultram Fl F1 1d. light blue (10.10.53)... 50:00 65:00 £225
1896 (1 Sept)-01. Stamps of Queen Victoria optd with Type O 4 (‘Ad., (6.2.04) verses £35000 £10000 F2 F2 1d. ochre (10.53) ~» » £130) <£160" £600.
1d.) or O 5 (2’d., 6d.). a. Téte-béche (in block of
087 1s. dull green and carmine
041 Vad, VErMiliOn...cvsesssseeseee 8:00 3:00 65-00 four) £22000
(23.12.02)... £200000
a. “OFFICIAI” (R. 13/7)... £300 £130 Fs F3
1d. pale t
b. Lines of opt transposed..... £4500 (12.53) 38:00 60:00 £350
042 Yad, blue-green (6.00). 10:00 15-00 ROYAL HOUSEHOLD
F4 1d. light blue/blue (12.53) 90:00 95:00 £550

1d. lilac (Die I))........
a. “OFFICIAI” (R. 13/7)...
2vad. purple/bIUe «0 .

RH, FS F4 = 1d. reddish lilac/blue
glazed paper (25.3.55). £130 £160 £450
Only one example is known of No. F2a outside the National Postal
045 6d. purple/rose-red (20.9.01)..... £110 60:00 £1700 Museum and the Royal Collection.
Nos. 041a and 043a occur on sheets overprinted by Forme 1.
(b) Wmk F 6 (1856-57)
1902-03. Stamps of King Edward VII optd with Type O 4 (Nos. 048/50)
or Type O 6 (No. 052). Ordinary paper.
F4 — 1d. reddish lilac (shades)...
1d. reddish lilac/bluish
12:00 950 £180

048 Yad, blue-green (11.2.02) ...rscecs 5:50 225 £100 (0 9) (Shades) (1857) ssssssssese 1200 950 £180
049 1d. scarlet (11.2.02).... 5:50 2:25 £100

az 3
1902. Stamps of King Edward VII optd with Type O 9. Ordinary paper.
a. “ARMY” omitted ... - t =
091 Yad. blue-green (29.4.02) £375 £200 £1100
050 6d. pale dull purple (23.8.02)... £175 80-00
092 1d, scarlet (19.2.02). £325 £175 £1000
O52 6d. pale dull purple (12.03)....... £3000 £1600
These stamps were issued to all departments, including the Head z
Office, for use on parcels weighing over 3 Ib. Below this weight ce
government parcels were sent by letter post to avoid the 55% of the
postage paid from accruing to the railway companies, as laid down (F 7)
by parcel-post regulations. Most government parcels stamps suffered
heavy postmarks in use, 1860 (3 Apr). No. F7 optd with Type F 7, in red
OFFICIAL OFFICIAL F8 F4 1d. dull reddish lilac/blue. £900 £725 £1500
(0 10) (0.11) (with
GOVT different “M’) BLUE PAPER. In the following issues we no longer distinguish between
bluish and white paper. There is a range of papers from white or
PARCELS 1903 (1 Apr). Stamps of King Edward VII optd with Type O 10.
Ordinary paper.
greyish to bluish.
(07) 0101 Yad. blue-green. 30:00 15-00
Optd as Type 07 0102 1d, scarlet..... 20:00 8:00 £300
0103 1'%4d. dull purple and green. £325 £150
1883 (1 Aug)-86. Stamps of Queen Victoria. 0104 2d. yellowish green and
Un Used* carmine-red... £350 £160
061 1%ad, lilac (1.5.86)....... £400 £100 0105. 2%d, ultramarine £475 £150
a. No dot under “T”. £715 E75: 0106 3d. purple/yellow £425 £160
b. Dot to left of ’T”. £775 £175
062 6d, dull green (1.5.86) £3500 £1400 1903-04. Stamps of King Edward Vil optd with Type O 11. Ordinary
063 9d. dull green . £2750 £1200 paper.
064 1s. orange-brown (wmk Crown, PI 13).. £1750 £300 0107 Yad, blue-green (9.03)... 60:00 25:00 £500
Postal FiscalStamps GREAT BRITAIN
=i Ky iis . ia ; m

1860-67. Bluish to white Paper. P 15x15.

(a) Wmk
F 6 (1860)
E9 F8 1d. reddish lilac (May)..... 14.00 18:00 £180
Die 1: Round “O” in “ONE”
F110 F9 3d. reddish lilac (June £550 £340 £550
Small corner ornaments
Fll. F110 6d. reddish lilac (Oct) £220 £220 £450
Four lines of shading in left-hand ribbon
(b) W 40. (Anchor 16 mm high) (1864) Band of crown shaded
Fl2 =F 8 1d. pale reddish lilac (Nov)... 12:00 14:00 £180
F13 F9 3d. pale reddish lilac. £275 £210 £550 Die 2; Round “O” in “ONE”
Fl4 F10 6d. pale reddish lilac.. £240 £210 £550 Small corner ornaments
(c) W 40 (Anchor 18 mm high) (1867) Two lines of shading in left-hand ribbon
F15 F8 1d. reddish lilac... 25:00 27:00 £275 Band of crown shaded
F16 =F 9 3d. reddish lilac £120 £120 £450
Die 3: Round “O” in “ONE”
F17 6d. reddish lilac... £110 95:00 £300
Medium corner ornaments
Three lines of shading in left-hand ribbon
Band of crown unshaded

Die 3: Oval “O” in “ONE”

Large corner ornaments
Heavy shading in both ribbons
Band of crown unshaded at front only

1867-81. White to bluish paper. P 14.

(a) W 47 (Small Anchor)
Fi8 F11 1d. purple (1.9.67) . 22:00 2400 £140

F19 F12 1d. purple (Die 1) (6.68) 7:50 9:00 £140
F20 1d. purple (Die 2) (6.76) 27:00 22:00 £300
F21 1d. purple (Die 3) (3.77) 14:00 1800 £220
F22 1d. purple (Die 4) (7.78)... 850 10:00 £120
Four Dies of Type F 12
(b) W 48 (Orb)
Nos. F19/21 show “O" of “ONE” circular, No. F22 (Die 4) shows a F23. F12 1d. purple (Die4) (1.81)... 8:50 500 £110
horizontal oval
1881. White to bluish paper. P 14.
(a) W 40 (Anchor 18 mm high) (Jan) :
Four Dies of Type F 12 F24 FQ 3d. reddish lilac.. . £850 £525 £1000
F25 F110 6d. reddish lilac.. £400 £225 £450
(b) W 40 (Anchor 20 mm high) (May)
F26 F9 3d. reddish lilac. » £625 £425 £700
F27 F10 6d. reddish lilac. £360 £210 £450


(Made at Somerset House)
The embossed stamps were struck from dies not appropriated to any
special purpose on paper which had the words “INLAND REVENUE"

previously printed, and thus became available for payment of any
duties for which no special stamps had been provided.
The die letters are included in the embossed designs and holes
were drilled for the insertion of plugs showing figures indicating
dates of striking,
Round “O” (Dies 1 to 3)

Oval “O” (Die 4)

(F 16)

1860 (3 Apr)-71. Types F 13/14 and similar types embossed on bluish

paper. No wmk. Imperf.
Un Used
F28 2d. pink (Die A) (1.1.71) £775
F29 3d. pink (Die C) cscs £210
a. Téte-béche (vert pair) £1700
F30 3d. pink (Die D).... £775
; F31 6d. pink (Die T)
fe Poeeetonee - F32 6d. pink (Die U)... £400
Small corner ornaments (Dies 1 and 2) Band of crown shaded (Dies 1 and 2) a. Téte-béche (vert pai
F33 9d. pink (Die C) (1.1.71) £1000
F34 1s. pink (Die E) (28.6.61 £775
: a. Téte-béche (vert pair
F35 1s. pink (Die F) (28.6.61 £300
a. Téte-béche (vert pair £1200
F36 2s. pink (Die K) (6.8.61) £775
F37 2s.6d. pink (Die N) (28.6.61)....
F38 —2s.6d. pink (Die O) (28.6.61)..

1871 (Aug). As last but perf 12’.

F39 2d. pink (Die A) £500
a. Téte-béche (vert pair,
F42 9d. pink (Die C).... £1200
F43 1s. pink (Die E) £775
F44 1s. pink (Die F) £700
Medium corner ornaments (Die 3) Band of crown unshaded (Die 3) F45 —_2s.6d. pink (Die O)... £400

GREAT BRITAIN Postal Fiscal Stamps, Channel Islands
1874 (Nov). Type F 15 embossed on white paper. Underprint Type h. Imperf between (horiz pair). £800
F 16, in green. W 47 (Small Anchor). P 12%. i. Imperf between (vert pair £950
F48 1s. pink (Die F)... = £775 2 1d. scarlet (18.2.41) srs 3-25 2:00
It is possible that the 2d., 9d. and 2s, .may not exist with the thin a. Pale vermilion (7.43) (etc 500 2:00
underprint, Type F 16, in this shade b. Carmine (1943). 3:50 2:00
c. Imperf (pair). £200 90:00
1875 (Nov)-80. Types F 13/15 and similar but colour changed and d. Imperf between (horiz pair)....... £800
underprint as F 15. On white or bluish paper. da. Imperf vert (centre stamp of
FSO 2d. vermilion (Die A) (1880)... £600 horiz strip of 3)
F51 9d. vermilion (Die C) (1876 £775 e. Imperf between (vert pair. £950
F52 1s. vermilion (Die E)........ £500 f Printed double (scarlet shade) £150
F53 1s. vermilion (Die F)........ £1200 3 2ad. ultramarine (12.4.44).. 18:00 15:00
F54 2s.6d. vermilion (Die O) (1878)... £500 a. Pale ultramarine (7.44) 15:00 12-00
b. Imperf (pair)... £550
1882 (Oct). As last but W 48 (Orbs). c. Imperf between (horiz pair)... £1250
F55 2d. vermilion (Die A). t (b) Bluish French bank-note paper. W 1a (sideways)
F56 9d. vermilion (Die C) t 4 1. ‘ad. bright green (11.3.42) . 32:00 25:00
FS7 1s. vermilion (Die E) 1 5 1d. scarlet (9.4.42)... 18:00 25-00 Zz
F58 2s.6d. vermilion (Die 0)... £1000 £775 The dates given for the shades of Nos. 1/3 are the months in which
Although specimen overprints of Nos. F55/7 are known there is 10 Aris of Guernsey and Elizabeth |
they were printed as indicated on the printer’s imprints. Others are
some doubt if these values were issued. issue dates.
The sale of Inland Revenue stamps up to the 2s. value ceased from ft. | aap =
30 December 1882 and stocks were called in and destroyed. The REGIONAL ISSUES
2s.6d. value remained on sale until 2 July 1883 when it was replaced
by the 2s.6d, “Postage & Revenue” stamp. Inland Revenue stamps DATES OF ISSUE. Conflicting dates of issue have been announced
still in the hands of the public continued to be accepted for revenue for some of the regional issues, partly explained by the stamps being
and postal purposes. released on different dates by the Philatelic Bureau in Edinburgh or
the Philatelic Counter in London and in the regions. We have adopted
the practice of giving the earliest known dates, since once released ERATLIWICr
TELEGRAPH STAMPS. A priced listing of the Post Office telegraph
stamps appears in Volume 1 of the Stanley Gibbons Great Britain the stamps could have been used anywhere in the U.K. 11 Arms of Alderney and Charles Il
Specialised Catalogue and in the Great Britian Concise Catalogue. The
last listing for the private telegraph companies in the Part 1 Catalogue
was in the 1940 edition. For military telegraph stamps, see under
Bechuanaland, Egypt and British Field Offices in South Africa.


(Des E. A. Piprell. Portrait by Dorothy Wilding Ltd. Photo Harrison

& Sons)
1958 (18 Aug)-67. W 179 of Great Britain. P 15x14.
6 2 2d. rose-red (8.6.64) 40 50
7 3 3d. deep lilac......... 30 40
p. One centre phosphor band
(24.5.67) 20 30
8 4d. ultramarine (7.2.66). 40 50
p. Two phosphor bands
ce 10.wot 15 25
6/8p Set of3... 70 1:25 13 Arms of Guernsey and Queer
1968-69. No wmk. Chalk-surfaced paper. PVA gum*. One centre
phosphor band (Nos. 10/11) or two phosphor bands (others). GUERNSEY
P 15x14,
Broken Wheel (R. 20/5) 9 3 4d. pale ultramarine (16.4.68).. 10 20
10 4d. olive-sepia (4.9.68)... 10 15
(Des J. R. R. Stobie (1d.) or from drawing by E. Blampied (2'd.). 11 4d, bright vermilion (26.2.69) . 20 25
Photo Harrison) 12 5d. royal blue (4.9.68). 30 40
1948 (10 May). Third Anniv of Liberation. W 127 of Great Britain. 9/12 Set of4... 50 1-00
No, 9 was not issued inGuernsey until 22 Apri st
P 15x14.
* PVA Gum. See note after No. 722 of Great Britain.
ci C1 1d. scarlet....... 25 55
C2 C2. 2%ad, ultramarine 25 60
Supplies of these stamps were also available from eight head post
offices on the mainland of Great Britain. GUE RNS ws

Stamps issued under the authority of the Guernsey States during the
German Occupation
BA DerWwIor
BISECTS. On 24 December 1940 authority was given, by Post Office 4 Castle Cornet and Edward the
notice, that prepayment of penny postage could be effected by using Confessor
half a British 2d. stamp, diagonally bisected. Such stamps were first
used on 27 December 1940.
The 2d. stamps generally available were those of the Postal
Centenary issue, 1940 (S.G. 482) and the first colour of the King
George VI issue (S.G. 465). These are listed under Nos. 482a and 465b.
A number of the 2d. King George V, 1912-22, and of the King George V
photogravure stamp (S.G. 442) which were in the hands of philatelists,
were also bisected and used.

1a Loops (half actual =

(Des E, W. Vaudin. Typo Guernsey Press Co Ltd)

1941-44, Rouletted.
7 Arms of Sark and aryJohn 18 View of Guernsey
(a) White paper. No wmk
1 1 ‘ad. light green (7.4.41)... 6:00 3-50 (Des R. Granger Barrett. Photo Harrison (14d. to 2s.6d,), Delrieu
a. Emerald-green (6.41), 6-00 2:00 (others))
b. Bluish green (11.41).. 35:00 13-00
c. Bright green (2.42) 22:00 10-00 1969 (1 Oct)-70, Perf 14 (Yad. to 2s.6d.) or 12¥2 (others), all comb.
d, Dull green (9.42) 400 2-00 13 4 Yad. deep magenta and black (a) 10 10
e. Olive-green (2.43)... . 45:00 25-00 A. THIN Pape essececsessneresnnserse 60 60
f. Pale yellowish green (7.43 and 14 5 1d. bright blue and black (|) (a). 10 10
later) (shades) 4-00 3-00 a. Thin paper (b) 50 50
g. Imperf (pair) . . £250 146 1d. bright blue and black (thin
8 Arms of Alderney and Edward Ill Paper) (II) (OQ) servsssseseseeccerserresensesnee 30 30
Postal Fiscal Stamps, Channel Islands GREAT BRITAIN
c. Booklet stamp with margins (Des and photo Courvoisier) REGIONAL ISSUES
(thick paper) (C) <tts 40 40 1970 (11 Nov). Christmas. Guernsey Churches (1st series). T 32
15 6 1d. yellow-brown and black (a)...... 10 10 DATES OF ISSUE. The note at the beginning of the Guernsey Regional
and similar multicoloured designs. Granite paper. P 1112.
16 7 2d. gold, brt red, dp blue and blk (a) 10° 10 Issues also applies here
40 4d. St. Anne's Church, Alderney (horiz)... 20 10
. THIN Paper (GQ) srerererrssecseeeseeseeesssssee 40 40 41 Sd. St. Peter’s Church (horiz) 3 20 10
7 8, pale greenish yellow, 42 Odhlypes2 eee 1:20 1.00 INVALIDATION. The regional issues for Jersey were invalidated for
orange-red and black (a) 15 15 43 1s.6d. St. Tugual Chapel, Herm 1-50 1:20 use in Jersey and Guernsey on 1 November 1969 but remained valid
a. Error. Wmk Block CA £1400 40/3 Set of4. 2:50 2:00
for use in the rest of the United Kingdom. Nos. 15/41 (except No. 29)
ai. Wmk inverted £1250 Further stamps in this series appear after 1970. ; and Nos. D1/6 were invalidated on 14 February 1972.
b. Thin paper (g) . . 50 50
18 9 4d. multicoloured (a). 20 25
a. Booklet stamp with margins STAMP BOOKLETS
40 45
For a full listing of Guernsey stamp booklets see Collect Channel Islands
ab. Yellow omitted. £775
and Isle of Man Stamps.
ac. Emerald (stem) omitted.. £775
19 10 5d. gold, bright vermilion, bluish
violet and black (a) ..-sessessssesseseee 20 20 POSTAGE DUE STAMPS
a. Booklet stamp with
margins (C)
b. gold (inscrip :
50 POSTAGE DUE (Des E. Blampied (T 12), W Gardner (T 13) Portrait by Dorothy
(OOK ERS) ii cccsrctvesesnsescsnetessonesvssscace Wilding Ltd. Photo Harrison & Sons)
20 11 6d. gold, pale greenish yellow, light 1958 (18 Aug)-67. W 179 of Great Britain. P 15x14.
bronze-green and black (a)....... 20 30 9 12 2d. carmine-red (8.6.64). 75 1:00
a. Thin paper (g) 45 45 GUERNSEY. BAILIWIGK a. Imperf three sides (pa £3250
21 12 = 9d. gold, brt red, crimso: D 1 Castle Cornet 10 13. 3d. deep lilac 30 40
blk (a) 30 30 p. One centre phosphor band
a. Thin paper (g) .. 3-00 1:70 (Des R. Granger Barrett. Photo Delrieu) (9.6.67)..... 15 25
22 13 1s. gold, brt verm, bistre and 1969 (1 Oct). Value in black; background colour given. No wmk. 11 4d. ultramarine ‘7.D66) m 25 30
DIK (Ga) peseteosvesoortccoreseseasrecetoarttivecstenae 30 30 P 12%x12. p. Two phosphor bands (5.9.67)... 15 25
Ay THIN Paper. (G)) sevssscscesecaracesssesssseanse 1-00 75 D1 D1 1d. plum 2:00 1:20 9/11p Set of3... 80 1:25
23 5 1s.6d. turquoise-grn and blk (I) (a).. 25 30 D2 2d. bright green. 2:00 1:20
a. Thin paper (d) 1:70 3:25 D3 3d. vermilion..... 3-00 4-00 1968-69. No wmk. Chalk-surfaced paper. PVA gum*. One centre
23b 1s.6d. turquoise-green and black (thin D4 4d. ultramarine 4-00 5:00 phosphor band (4d. values) or Bivic phosphor bands (S5d.).
Paper) (Il) (CG) srrvvsesscesescssercorseercseeeee 2:00 1:70 P 15x14.
DS Sd. yellow-ochre 6:00 5:00
24 14 1s.9d. multicoloured (a) 1-00 1:00 D6 i 6:00 5:00 12 13 4d. olive-sepia (4.9.68)...... 15 25
a. Emerald (stem) omitted . £875 10:00 9:00 13 4d, bright vermilion (26.2.69) 15 25
b. Thin paper (g) 2:20 1:90 14 5d. royal blue (4.9.68) 15 50
30:00 29-00
25 15 2s.6d. brt reddish violet and 12/14 Set of3... 40 90
ISSKS (A) feccctteressarctctrccrtvvnssyostnisanee 4-00 3:50 *PVA Gum. See note “after No. 722 of Great Britain.
a. Thin paper (g).... 5-50 4:50
26 16 5s. multicoloured (a). 2:50 2:75 JERSEY
a. Perf 13%2x13 (f) 35:00 36-00
Stamps issued under the authority of the Jersey States during the
28 18 £1 multicoloured (a). 2:20 2:20
German Occupation
a. Perf 13%x13 (fh) 2:20 2:20
13/28a Set of 16 24:00 27-00
The booklet panes consist of single perforated stamps with wide
margins all round intended to fit automatic machines designed for the
Great Britain 2s. booklets. They are therefore found with three margins
when detached from booklets or four margins when complete.
There was no postal need for the Yd. and 1%d. values as the
Yad. coin had been withdrawn prior to their issue in anticipation of
decimalisation. These values were only on sale at the Philatelic Bureau
and the Crown Agents as well as in the U.S.A.
Nos. 146 and 236 are known only on thin paper and Nos. 13, 14, 16,
17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 also exist on thin paper. (Des Major N. V. L. Rybot. Typo Jersey Evening Post, St. Helier)
1941-43. White paper (thin to thick). No wmk. P 11.
ERNSEY 1 5 Yad. bright green (29.1.42).... 6:00
a. Imperf between (vert pair
b. Imperf between (horiz pair). £800
c. Imperf (pair). £300
d. On greyish papi é 12:00 12-00
2 Td. scarlet (1.4.41) sess 8-00 5:00
a. imperf between (vert pair, £900
b. Imperf between (horiz pair). £800
c. Imperf (pair). £325
d. On chalk-surfaced pape 55:00 48-00
e. On greyish paper (1.43) - 14-00
23 Queen Elizabeth nl 27 Queen Elizabet!
Colonel Isaac Brock (after Cecil Beaton) (after Cecil Beaton bese

19 Isaac Brock as 23 H.M.S. L103 (landing craft)
Colonel entering St. Peter's Harbour

(Litho Format)
1969 (1 Dec). Birth Bicentenary of Sir Isaac Brock. T 19 and similar
multicoloured designs. P 13x14 (2s.6d.) or 14x13 (others).
29 4d. Type 19 20 20
30 5d. Sir Isaac Brock as Major-General 20 20
31 1s.9d. Isaac Brock as Ensign 90 75 24 Jersey Airport
32 2s.6d, Arms and flags (horiz 90 75)
29/32 Set of 4 2:00 1:70 (Des V. Whiteley. Photo Harrison (12d. to 1s.9d.); Courvoisier (others))
1969 (1 Oct). T 14/27 and similar horiz designs as T 14 (2d. to
1970 (9 May). 25th Anniv of Liberation. T 23 and similar designs. 1s.6d.) or T 24 (5s., 10s., £1). Multicoloured. Granite paper
Granite paper. P 11%. (2s.6d. to £1). P 14 (2d. to 1s.9d.) or 12 ate
33 4d. blue and pale blue.... 20 20 15 Yad. Type 14... 10 60
34 5d. brown-lake and pale g 40 20 16 1d. La Hougue Bie ‘(prehistoric ‘tomb)
35 1s.6d. bistre-brown and buff. 1:20 1:20 (shades)... = 10 10
33/5 Set of 3 150 1-50 a. Booklet stamp with blank. margins. 75
Designs: Horiz—5d. H.M.S. Bulldog and H.M.S. Beagle (destroyers) 17 2d. Portelet Bay - 10 10
entering St. Peter’s Port. Vert—1s.6d. Brigadier Snow reading 18 3d. La Corbiére Lighthous 10 10
Proclamation. b. Orange omitted ........00 £425
19 4d. Mont Orgueil Castle by night ; 10 10
a. Booklet stamp with blank margins.. 50
2 Mie
c. Gold omitted...
95 20 5d. Arms and Royal Mace. 10 10
21 6d. Jersey Cow. 10 10
10 Mont Orgueil Castle 11 Gathering Vraic 22 9d. Chart of Englis 10 20
(seaweed) 23 1s. Mont Orgueil Castle by da 25 25
24 1s.6d. As 9d... 80 80
(Des E. Blampied. Eng H. Cortot. Typo French Govt Works, Paris) 25 1s.9d. Type 23 1-00 1:00
1943-44. No wmk. P 132. 26 2s.6d. Type 24... 1:60 1:60
3 6 = ‘ad. green (1 June) - 12:00 12:00 27 5s. Legislative Chamber. 6:50 6:50
a. Rough, grey paper (6.10.43)... 15:00 14-00 28 10s. The Royal Court... 14:00 14-00
mnerwas COUAVOUSM EN 4 7 1d. scarlet (1 June)..... 3:00 50 a, Error, Green border £5500
a. On newsprint (28.2.44 3-50 75 29 £1 Type 27 (shades 1:90 1:90
26 Guemsey "Toms" 32 St. Peter Church, 15/29 Set of 15... 20:00 20-00
Sark 5 8 1%d. brown (8 June)......... 8-00 5:75
*During the final printing of the 10s. a sheet was printed in the
6 5 2d. orange-yellow (8 June)... 7:50 2:00
colours of the 50p., No. 56, i.e. green border instead of slate.
(Des and photo Courvoisier) 7 9 2d. blue (29 June)........... 3-00 1:00
The 3d. is known with the orange omitted.
1970 (12 Aug). Agriculture and Horticulture. T 26 and similar horiz a. On newsprint (25.2.44) 1-75 1:00
There was no postal need for the Yad. value as the ‘4d. coin had
designs. Multicoloured. Granite paper. P 11'2. ba. Thin paper™....cceee £225 been withdrawn prior to its issue in anticipation of decimalisation.
36 4d. Type 26 55 20 8 11 3d. violet (29 June). 3-00 2:75 Nos. 16a and 19a come from 2s. booklets for the automatic
37 5d. Guernsey Cow 70 20 3/8 Set of 6 30:00 21:00 machines formerly used for the Great Britain 2s. booklets (see also
38 9d. Guernsey Bull. 2:50 1:30 *On No. 7ba the design shows clearly through the back of the note after Guernsey No. 28).
39 1s.6d. Freesias.. 2:75 2-40 stamp. Various papers were used by Harrisons. The 2d. and 1d. exist on
36/9 Set of 4..,. 5:00 4-00 much thicker paper from 2s. booklets and the 2d. to 1s.9d. exist on
thinner paper having white instead of creamy gum.

For a full listing of Jersey stamp booklets see Collect Channel Islands
and Isle of Man Stamps. British Post Offices Abroad
The origins of the network of Post Offices, Postal Agencies and Packet
Agents can be recognised from the 18th century, but the system did
not become established until the expansion of trade, following the
ONE end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815.
SHINS Many offices were provided in newly acquired dependent territories,
JERSEY and were then, eventually, transferred from the control of the British
D 2 Map Post Office to the evolving local administrations.
Those in foreign countries, nearly always based on existing British
= sae i (Des F. Gudnier. Litho Bradbury, Wilkinson) Consular appointments, were mostly connected to the network of
28 First Day Cover 29 Lord Coutanche, 1969 (1 Oct). P 14x13% British Packet lines which had been re-established in 1814. They
former Bailiff of Jersey DI Biol widibluchviolet 65 140 | tended to survive until the country in which they were situated
lesen p 90 «1-10 established its own efficient postal service or joined the U.P.U. The
(Des R. Sellar. Photo Harrison) Be at eget 1.00 1-10 term “Post Office Agent was Saree Dithe Britishaie and “Packet
i . P14. a ‘ y Agent" by the shipping lines to describe similar functions.
ie : a ess mi 4: 10 15 re ps 2s,a pronpie ee rie Listed in this section are the Crowned-circle handstamps and G.B.
31 5d. multicoloured 20 10 D6 Seeverrnilicnen 15.00 16-00 stamps used in the Post Offices and Agencies situated in foreign
32 1s.6d. multicoloured 50 75 D1/6 Set of 6 : 32.00 35-00 countries. Those for the territories within the scope of this catalogue
33 1s.9d, multicoloured... 80 1-00 cs will be found under the following headings:
30/3 Set Of fers Sar 1-40 1-80 >
peg 2
(Des Rosalind Dease. Photo Courvoisier)
1970 (9 May). 25th Anniv of Liberation. T 29 and similar Ree 10
multicoloured designs. Granite paper. P 11¥2. Baharia 78
34 ACIP Ci2 Dicer csnopractneres . 20 20 Barbados 86
35 5d. Sir Winston Churchil 20 20 Bannuda 99
36 1s.6d. “Liberation” (Edmund Blampied) British Guiana 107
tt ta
(MOTIZ) «sss 90 1-00
90 1-00 ae ae 12
37 1s.9d. S.S. Vega (horiz).
BAsT Set Of A: waecteecnaees 2:00 2-00 peas oe
Cyprus 187
Dominica 193
JERSEY Battle of Klowers’ Egypt 197
ae Gibraltar 228
re Grenada 238
\ Hong Kong 247
lonian Islands . 329
Jamaica 340 “
‘ fi Lagos see Nigeria 451
Malta 399
. ; - Mauritius 408
33 “A Tribute to Enid Blyton” Montserrat 413
re: Newfoundland see Canada 139
(Des Jennifer Toombs. Photo Courvoisier) Newizeaiand 427
1970 (28 July). “Battle of Flowers” Parade. T 33 and similar horiz Niger Coast see Nigeria 451
designs. Multicoloured. Granite paper. P 11¥. Niger Company Territories see Nigeria 453
38 Zh phyoxen ee nettohSeep epeeey 20 10 Nova Scotia see Canada 145
39 5d. “Rags to Riches" (Cinderella and St. Kitts-Nevis 500
PUMPKIN) .sssesnsstsnsesesnetorsnntnnsnernersennene 20 20 St. Lucia 504
40 1s.6d. eee (lobster and ar oer St. Vincent 509
COPNUCOPIA) cresesssscsceseearersnsnensereee A ~
41 1s.9d. “We're the Greatest” (ostriches) 275 2:20 Beare x
EVE Y YS 0) fe ar ree 5-00 4.25 Trinidad &Tobago 509
Turks Islands see Turks and Caicos Islands 609
Virgin Islands 125

Prices. Catalogue prices quoted in this

the volume, covering stamps of Great Br
used examples with the cancellation or|
Poor impressions of the c ar
much less than the prices quoted.
They also take into accot
cancellations of the post office
37 Jersey Airport obliterate in less than ‘fi
listed in this section are priced at lessth
(Des V. Whiteley. Photo Harrison (¥ to 9p.), Courvoisier (others)) in Great Britain, where the prices are’
1970 (1 Oct)-74. Decimal Currency. Designs as Nos. 15/28, but cancelled stamps used in offices abroad v
with values inscr in decimal currency as in T 37, and new over the prices quoted. rae
horiz design as T 14 (6p ). Chalk-surfaced paper (41%, 5, 8p.),
granite paper (10, 20, 50p.). P 14 (Yp. to 9p.) or 12 (others).
42 Yap. Type 14 (15.2.71).. 10 10
a. Booklet stamp wit gins... 20
43 1p. La Corbiére Lighthouse (shades)
44 Vp. eee Says 10 Following the introduction, in 1840, of adhesive stamps in Great Britain
45 2p. Mont Orgueil Castle by night there was considerable pressure from a number of the dependent
AS 271) eee 10 10 territories for the British Post Office to provide something similar
a. Booklet stamp with blank margins. 60 for their use. :
46 2¥p. Arms and Royal Mace (15.2.71).. 10 10 Such suggestions were resisted, however, because of supposed
a. Booklet stamp with blank margins. 60 operational problems, but the decision was taken, in connection
ab. Gold (Mace) omitted. £775 with an expansion of the Packet Service, to issue a uniform series
ac, Gold (Mace) printed double ia aS of handstamps and date stamps to the offices abroad, both in the
47 3p. La Hougue Bie (prehistoric tomb) dependent territories and in foreign countries.
(1527 eee ee 10 10 Under the regulations circulated in December 1841, letters and
a. Booklet stamp with blank margins packets forwarded through these offices to the United Kingdom or any
(1.12.72) . 60 of its territories were to be sent unpaid, the postage being collected on
48 3%2p. Portelet Bay (15.2.71). a 10 10 delivery. Where this was not possible, for example from a British colony
a. Booklet stamp with blank margins to a foreign colony or between two foreign ports, then a crowned-circle
(177A) ee ee eee 25 handstamp was to be applied with the postage, paid in advance, noted
49 4p. Chart of English Channel (15.2.71).. 10 10 alongside in manuscript.
49a 4’p. Arms and Royal Mace (1.11.74) 75 75 Examples of these handstamps were supplied over 20 years from
ab. Uncoated paper. £400 1842, but many continued to fulfil other functions long after the
50 5p. Mont Orgueil Castle by day introduction of adhesive stamps in the colony concerned.
(152257 Dyirercrsaes 10 10 Our listings cover the use of these handstamps for their initial
50a 5¥p. Jersey Cow (1.11.74). 75 75 purpose and the prices quoted are for examples used on cover during
51 6p. Martello Tower, Archirondel the pre-adhesive period.
ey) ey Weel Encl 7 ae 3 In most instances the dates quoted are those on which the
ee Ap.eee, oe ; See Re handstamp appears in the G.P.O. Record Books, but it seems to have
a p. fon oe astle by night : been normal for the handstamps to be sent to the office concerned
a = .West or ie 2B immediately following this registration. The only known examples of
a a ess WEAN ds a certain hanstamps are those in The Record Books; these include St.
= oe Heaeghee a ey Michaels (Azores), Cobija (Bolivia), St Vincent (Cape Verde Islands),
56 50p. ThelRovalicaurt 1-50 120 Cartagena (CC1) and Chagres (Colombia), Cap Haitien (Haiti), Greytown
42/56 Set of 18 450 450 (Nicaragua), Corunna (Spain), and Charleston, Mobile, New Orleans
Original printings of the Yap. to 4p.. 5p. and 6p. to 9p. were with PVA and Savannah (United States of America). ‘
gum; printings from 1974 (including original printings of the 4%2p. and Many of the handstamps were individually cut by hand, so that each |
5¥ap.) have dextrin added (see notes after 1971 Great Britain Decimal has its own characteristics, but for the purposes of the listing they have
Machin issue). The 10p. to 50p. have gum arabic. been grouped into nine Types as shown in the adjacent column. No
The border of No. 56 has been changed from turquoise-blue to attempt has been made to identify them by anything but the most
dull green. major differences, so that minor differences in size and in the type of
> wr the crown have been ignored.
A13 Tortola (Virgin Islands)
A14 Scarborough, Tobago (Trinidad and Tobago)
A15 St. George (Grenada)
A18 English Harbour (Antigua)
A25 Malta
A26 Gibraltar
A27-A78 Jamaica
A80-A99 (Mailboats) Geary
= Abutshi, Niger Company Territories (Nigeria)

Akassa, Niger Company Territories (Nigeria)
Ascension —
B01 Alexandria (Egypt) (10)
B02 Suez (Egypt)
Curved “PAID” B03, B12, B56, B57 (Mailboats)
B32 Buenos Ayres (Argentine Republic)
B53 Mauritius
B62 Hong Kong see note on page Asse REET,
B64 Seychelles
Benin and Benin River, Niger Coast Protectorate (Nigeria)
Bonny and Bonny River, Niger Coast Protectorate (Nigeria)
Brass River, Niger Coast Protectorate (Nigeria) NO 14 (A 25))
British Army Post Office Egypt
Burutu, Niger Company Territories (Nigeria)
C Constantinople (British Levant)
C28 Montevideo (Uruguay)
C30 Valparaiso (Chile)
C35 Panama (Colombia)
G36 Arica (Peru)
C37 Caldera (Chile)
C38 Callao (Peru)
Curved “PAID” C39 Cobija (Bolivia)
C40 Coquimbo (Chile)
C41 Guayaquil (Ecuador)
C42 Islay (Peru)
C43 Paita (Peru)

C51 St. Thomas (Danish West Indies)
C56 (or 65) Carthagena (Colombia)

C57 Greytown (Nicaragua)
C58 Havana (Cuba)
C59 Jacmel (Haiti)

Zopnd C60 La Guayra (Venezuela)

C61 San Juan (Porto Rico)
C62 Santa Martha (Colombia)
C63 Tampico (Mexico)
C65 (see C56)
C79 (Mailboats)
C81 Bahia (Brazil)
SINGLE CIRCLE C82 Pernambuco (Brazil)
C83 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
C86 Porto Plata (Dominican Republic)
C87 St. Domingo (Dominican Republic)
C88 St. Jago de Cuba (Cuba)
Crimea (Army)
D22 Ciudad Bolivar (Venezuela)
D26 (Mailboats)
D65 Pisagua? (Peru)
D74 Pisco and Chincha Islands (Peru)
D87 Iquique (Peru)
E53 Port-au-Prince (Haiti)
E88 Colon (Colombia)
Egypt (Army)
|| Straight “PAID”
F69 Savanilla (Colombia)
F83 Arroyo (Porto Rico)
| F84 Aguadilla (Porto Rico)
| F85 Mayaguez (Porto Rico)
F87 Smyrna (British Levant)

F88 Ponce (Porto Rico)
Forcados River (Niger Coast Protectorate) (Nigeria) 451
G Gibraltar 228
G06 Beyrout (British Levant) 116
lonian Islands 329
Lokoja, Niger Company Territories (Nigeria) 453

M Malta 399
Old Calabar River, Niger Coast Protectorate (Nigeria) 451
Opobo River. Niger Coast Protectorate (Nigeria) 451
S. Stamboul (British Levant) 118
cc5 Salonica (British Levant) 119
Curved “PAID” South Africa (Army) 554
247. Fernando Po GB42
582 Naguabo (Porto Rico) GB44
942, 969, 974, 975, 981, 982 Cyprus 187
Wavy lines Malta 399


CC 6 Straight “PAID” CC7 Curved “PAID” eras
— ee eS


Prices quoted are for single stamps not on cover unless otherwise
stated. Stamps on cover are worth considerably more in most cases. —— ae — nee

In many instances obliterators allocated to post offices abroad were, a

at a later date re-allocated to offices at home, Postmarks on issues later
than those included in our lists can therefore safely be regarded as aa) (2)
not having been “used abroad”.

Page ee Peco
A01 Kingston (Jamaica) 340 aRSE, ERE,
A02 St. John’s (Antigua) 5: SEE, SEES
A03-A04 Georgetown and New Amsterdam (British Guiana) 107
A0S5 Nassau (Bahamas) 78
A06 Belize (British Honduras) 112
A07 Dominica 193
A08 Montserrat 413
A09 Charlestown, Nevis (St. Kitts-Nevis) 500 Lr Oa ea Gomme
A10 Kingstown (St. Vincent) 509 Ee qq
A11 Castries (St. Lucia) 504 = =»
A12 Basse-Terre, St. Christopher (St. Kitts-Nevis) 500 (8) (9)
BRITISH POST OFFICES ABROAD Argentine Republic, Azores, Bolivia, Cape Verde Islands, Chile
Z2 Vd. FOSC-FEC (1864) vssscsssesesssssessescsesseseseceseresesenceeee From 38-00 Z13 6d. grey (1873) (Plate No. 12)... £225
Plate Nos. 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, Z14 6d. grey (1874-76) (Plate No. 13).
82, 85, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, Z15 9d. straw (1865) £425
99, 101, 103, 104, 107, 108, 110, 112, 113, Z16 9d. straw (1867) £250
114, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 125, 127, Z17 1s. green (1865) (Plate No. 4)... ee VAS)

129, 130, 131, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 142, Z18 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7)....From 50:00
143, 145, 147, 149, 150, 151, 155, 159, 163, Z19 1s. green (1873-77) (Plate Nos. 8, 9 90:00
164, 166, 169, 172.. Z20 25, DIUG (1867) .ssssssrreeesrnses £275
Z3 2d. blue (1858-69)... 45:00 Z21 5s, rose (1867) (Plate No. 1 £500
Plate Nos, 8, 9, 12,
Z4 3d. carmine-rose (1862). £270
Z5 3d. rose (1865) (Plate No. 4) £110 PERNAMBUCO
Z6 3d. OSE (1867-73) .cscscsecee 50-00 CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS
Plate Nos, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
CC2 . CC 7 PERNAMBUCO (Black or R.) (6.1.1851) ~
27 4d. TOSCM HG) pessearrertecetomneaeat £120
Price on cover From £3750
28 4d. red (1862) (Plate Nos. 3, 4) £110
z9 4d. Vermilion (1865-73) ....cssse 50:00
Plate Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1 Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 82" as Type 12 or with circular
date stamp as Type 16.
Z10 6d. lilac (1856)... £100 =
Z1 6d. lilac (1862) (Plate Nos. y ). 1866-74.
Z12 6d. lilac (1865-67) (Plate Nos. 5, 6 80-00 Z22 1d. rose-red (1864—-79).....csssserssssssssssvssevnssessssessese From 45-00
Z13 6d. lilac (1867) (Plate No. 6) wesessssssssssseesorsessecesecerseete 90:00 Plate Nos. 85, 108, 111, 130, 131, 132, 149, y
214 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 6, 8, 9) 70-00 157, 159, 160, 187. ae
Z15 6d. buff (1872) (Plate No. 11). 85:00 Z23 2d. biue (1858-69)... From 55:00
Z16 6d. chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11) 50-00 Plate Nos. 9, 12, 13, 14.
Z17 9d. bistre (1862)... £325 Z23a 3d. rose (1865) (Plate No. 4 ' £110
Z18 9d. straw (1862). £300 Z24 3d. rose (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 60:00
Z19 9d. straw (1865). £475 Z25 3d. rose (1873-77) (Plate No. 11)..
220 9d. straw (1867). £300 Z26 4d. vermilion (1865-73)... . From 50-00
221 10d, red-brown (1867, £325 Plate Nos, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
Z22 1s. green (1856)... £275 Z27 6d. lilac (1865-67) (Plate Nos. 5, 6)...
Z23 1s. green (1862)..... £170 228 6d. lilac (1867) (Plate No. 6)....... 80-00
224 1s. green (1865) (Plate No. 4) £160 Z29 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 8, 9) : 70-00
225 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7) 45-00 Z30 6d. buff (1872-73) (Plate Nos. 11, 12).. ..From 75:00
226 1s. green (1873-77) (Plate No. 8). Z31 6d. chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11) 55-00
227 25. DIUC (1867) srssrsssssesoneeeee £175 Z32 6d. grey (1873) (Plate No. 12)
Z28 5s, rose (1867) (Plate No. 1) Ba 5}020) Z33 9d. straw (1865) £425
A“B 32" obliteration was later used by Mauritius on its own stamps. 234 9d. straw (1867) £225
Z35 10d. red-brown (1867)... £325
Z36 1s. green (1865) (Plate No. 4) £170
1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7)....From
2s. blue (1867) at
ST. MICHAELS (SAN MIGUEL) 239 5s. rose (1867-74) (Plate Nos. 1, 2).. . From £500
A British Postal Agency existed at Ponta Delgada, the chief port
of the island, to operate with the services of the Royal Mail Steam RIO DE JANEIRO
Packet Company.
ataradarsnroieeceoncceatgne actiecnasvaeaed Price on coverFrom £850
cc CC Th ST. MICHAELS (27.5.1842)..sscssessssssesses
Although recorded in the G.P.O, Proof Books, no example of No. Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 83” as Type 12.
CCl is known on cover.
Z40 1d. rose-red (1857)... 45-00
Z41 1d, rose-red (1864-7 38-00
BOLIVIA Plate Nos. 71, 76, 80, 82, 86, 94, 103, 113,
COBIJA 117, 119, 123, 130, 132, 134, 135, 146, 148,
159, 161, 166, 185, 200, 204.
It is believed that the British Postal Agency opened in 1862. The Z42 2d. blue (1858-69)... . From 38-00
stamps of Great Britain were used between 1865 and 1878. They can Plate Nos. 9, 12,1 1
be found used in combination with Bolivia adhesive stamps paying Z43 3dL/TOSE (1867—73)..2scscorsesssscsnrsenmeanpeetnaneeeee From 55:00
the local postage. The Agency closed in 1881, the town having been Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
occupied by Chile in 1879 Z44 3d. rose (1873-77) (Plate No. 11)...
Z45 4d. vermilion (1865-73)... From 50-00
CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS Plate Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
cc1 CC 4 COBUA (29,3.1862)
Z46 6d. lilac (1865-67) (Plate No. 5).. £100
Although recorded in the G.P.O. iple of No. Z47 6d. lilac (1867) (Plate No, 6)... 75:00
CC1 is known on cover. Z48 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 6, 8, 9)...... From 70-00
Z49 6d. buff (1872) (Plate No. 11)..... 75:00
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 39" as Types 4, 8 or 12. Z50 6d. chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11) 45.00
Z51 6d. grey (1873) (Plate No. 12)
Z52 9d. straw (1865) £400
Z1 1d. rose-red (Plate Nos. 93, 95, 156). Z53 9d. straw (1867) £200
Z2 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate No. 14).
Z54 10d. red-brown (1867)... £275
Z3 3d, rose (1867-73) (Plate No. 6).... Z55 1s. green (1865) (Plate No. 4) ~. £140
Z4 3d. rose (1873-76) (Plate Nos. 16, 19)... Z56 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7)... From 45-00
Z5 4d. sage-green (1877) (Plate No. 15) £850 Z57 1s. green (1873-77) (Plate Nos. 8, 9). . 70:00
Z6 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate No. 9) . £850
Z58 2s. blue (1867).. £160
Z7 6d. buff (1872) (Plate No. 11)......
Z59 5s. rose (1867-7: £450
Z8 6d. grey (1874-76) (Plate Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16) £700
Z9 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 5) sccsssssees £750
Zi0 1s. green (1873-77) (Plate Nos. 10, 11, 12, 13).. £750
Z11 2S. PIMEL(TS67) srsesseccc ets £1100 CAPE VERDE ISLANDS
Z12 5s. rose (1867-74) (Plate No. 2) £2000
The British Packet Agency at St. Vincent opened in 1851 as part of
the revised service to South America. The agency was closed by 1860.


The first packets ran to Brazil in 1808 when the Portuguese royal

| Late fee
cc1 CC 6 ST. VINCENT C.DELV. (6.1.1851) sssssssssccscessersssnnensee
family went into exile at Rio de Janeiro. The Agencies at Bahia and Although recorded in the G.P.O. Proof Books, no example of No.
Pernambuco did not open until 1851. All three agencies used the CC1 is known on cover.
stamps of Great Britain from 1866 and these can be found used in
combination with Brazil adhesive stamps paying the local postage.
The agencies closed on 30 June 1874
The British Postal Agency at Valparaiso opened on 7 May 1846, to be
CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS followed by further offices at Caldera (1858) and Coquimbo (1863).
ARGENTINE REPUBLIC cc CC 7 BAHIA (Black or B.) (6.1.1851) The stamps of Great Britain were introduced in 1865 and can be found
used in combination with Chile adhesives paying the local postage.
BUENOS AYRES ssearsesnsnnnemernessrstennnnseseesesessennnnn
Ce ON Cover From £3750
All three offices closed on 31 March 1881 when Chile joined the U.P.U.
The first regular monthly British mail packet service was introduced in
1824, replacing a private arrangement which had previously existed Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 81” as Type 12.
for some years. 1866-74.
Great Britain stamps were used from 1860 until the office closed Z1 1d. rose-red (1864-79).....ccseseesseesnsene FrOM 45:00 Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 37” as in Type 4 in black and blue.
at the end of June 1873. Until 1878 the British Consul continued to Plate Nos. 90, 93, 96, 108, 113, 117, 135, 140, 1865-81.
sell stamps which were used in combination with an Argentine value Z1 1d. rose-red (1864-79) From 65-00
prepaying the internal rate. The British stamps on such covers were Z2 1’ad. lake-red (1870-74) (Plate No. 3) £110 Plate Nos. 71, 72, 88, 5, 160, 195.
cancelled on arrival in England. Z3 2d. blue (1858-59) (Plate Nos. 9, 12, 13, 65-00 Z2 1’ad.lake-red (1870-74) (Plate No. 3)
Z4 3d. rose (1865) (Plate No. 4)scccsssscssssssseseeeee Z3 2d,blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 9, 13) 70:00
CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS Z5 3d, rose (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 60-00 Z4 3d.rose (1865) (Plate No. 4)... £100
Z6 3d. rose (1873-79) (Plate No. 11)... Z5 3d.rose (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 5, 7) 70:00
cc CC 7 BUENOS AYRES (Black or B.) (5.1.1851) 27 4d. vermilion (1865-73) wo... 50:00 Z6 3d.rose (1873-76) 65-00
“Shoice series trot Price on cover £850 Plate Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Plate Nos. 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19.
Z8 6d. lilac (1865-67) (Plate No. 5). Z7 4d. red (1862) (Plate No. 4)
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “B 32" as Types 2, 12 or 13 in black
or blue. Z9 6d. lilac (1867) (Plate No. 6)... 90-00 Z8 4d. vermilion (1865-73). 65:00
Z10 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 6, 8, 9 75:00 Plate Nos. 8, 11, 12, 13, 14.
1860-73. Z11 6d. buff (1872-73) (Plate Nos. 11, 12).. £100 z9 Ad. sage-green (1877) (Plate No, 16)
Z1 Idvrosesredi(1857) iarsachysariistrcrsetaameiatcsr me 45500) Z12 6d. chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11)... £100 Z10 6d, lilac (1862) (Plate No. 4) £100
Z11 6d, lilac (1865-67) (Plate Nos. 5, 6)....... .From £130 Z87 2s. brown (1880) £1900 Plate Nos, 107, 121, 122, 123, 125, 127, 130,
Z12 6d, violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 6, 8, 9)........ From 90:00 Z88 5s. rose (1867-74) (Plate Nos. 1, 2 .. From £400 131, 133, 136, 138, 142, 150, 151, 152, 153,
Z13 6d, buff (1872) (Plate No. 11)... Z89 10s. grey-green (1878) (wmk Cross £4000 155, 156, 157, 158, 160, 169, 170, 171, 174,
Z14 6d. chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11). Z90 £1 brown-lilac (1878) (wmk Cross)... £5000 176, 178, 179, 184, 187, 188, 194, 195, 201,
Z15 6d. grey (1873) (Plate No. 12). ey 209, 213, 214, 217.
Z16 6d. grey (1874-80)... .From 60-00 1880. . Venetian red (1880)... £120
Plate Nos. 13, 14,15,‘6! 17. Z91 1d. Venetian red... £100 . lake-red (1870-74) (Plate No. 3) £100
Z17 8d. orange (1876).. £350 Z92 Vad. Venetian red... £150 . blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 14, 15) 50:00
Z18 9d. straw (1867). £280 . Pale FOSE (1880) vassssssssesseseees
Z19 10d. red-brown (1867) £325 . rose (1867-73) (Plate Nos.6, 9)..
Z20 1s. green (1865) (Plate No. 4) 0 . rose (1873-76)... 55:00
Z21 1s. green 1867-73 (Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6)... From 60:00 Plate Nos, 11, 12,16,18, 19, 20.
Z22 VS. QFEEN (1873-77) sevvessecesssssssssesosseseesse .From 90-00 COLOMBIA . vermilion (1865-73). 55-00
Plate Nos, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. The system of British Postal Agencies in the area was inaugurated Plate Nos. 10, 11, 12,
Z23 2s. blue (1867)... £225 by the opening of the Carthagena office in 1825. In 1842 agencies . vermilion (1876) (Plate No. Uae
Z23a 2s. cobalt (1867) at Chagres, Panama and Santa Martha were added to the system. A . sage-green (1877) (Plate Nos. 15,16 £200
Z24 2s. brown (1880) £2250 further office opened at Colon in 1852, this port also being known . grey-brown (1880) wmk Large Garter... £325
Z25 5s. rose (1867-74) (Plate No. 2). £650 as Aspinwall. During 1872 the system was further enlarged by an Plate No. 17.
office at Savanilla, although this agency was later, 1878, transferred « Grey-brown (1880) WMK CrowNveresssssssssssesseesees 75-00
to Barranquilla. Plate No. 17.
COQUIMBO Stamps of Great Britain were supplied to Carthagena, Panama . Violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 6, 8, 9)
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 40" as in Type 4 or with circular and Santa Martha in 1865, Colon in 1870 and Savanilla in 1872. . buff (1872) (Plate No. 11).....
date stamp as Type 16. Combination covers with Colombia stamps paying the local postage . chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11) 65:00
are known from Santa Martha and Savanilla as are similar covers from . grey (1873) (Plate No. 12)
Panama showing Costa Rica and El Salvador stamps. . grey (1874-80)... .. From 55:00
226 Yad, rose-red (1870-79) (Plate No. 14)...
All offices, except Chagres which had ceased to operate in 1855, Plate Nos, 13, 14,as)16, 17.
227 1d, rose-red (1857)... er
closed for public business on 30 June 1881. Colon and Panama Z62 . orange (1876)... £375
Z28 1d, rose-red (1864--79) (Plate Nos. 85, 204) continued to exist as transit offices to deal with the mail across the
Z29 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 9, 14).
263 . straw (1867)... £250
isthmus. Both finally closed on 31 March 1921. Z63a 10d. red-brown (1867)
Z30 Bd, FOSE (1865) sersssssssseseseesee
Z31 3d. rose (1872) (Plate No. 8)
264 1s, green (1867-73). 50:00
Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7.
Z32 3d. rose (1873-76) (Plate Nos. 65:00
CARTHAGENA Z65 1s, green (1873-77). 65:00
Z33 4d, red (1863) (Plate No. 4) (Hair lines) .
CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS Plate Nos. 8, 9, 10, 1, 12, 13.
Z34 4d, vermilion (1865-73) (Plate Nos. 12, 14)... 65:00
Z66 1s, orange-brown (1880) (Plate 13) £375
235 4d. sage-green (1877) (Plate Nos. 15, 16).....From £200 cc CC 1b CARTHAGENA (Black or R.) (15.1.1841) sess 267 Is. orange-brown (1881) (Plate 13) £140
Z36 6d. lilac (1862) (Plate Nos. 3, 4).. From 85-00 cc2 CC 1 CARTHAGENA (1.7.1846)..Price on cover From £1000 Z68 2s. blue (1867)... £175
237 6d. lilac (1865-67) (Plate No. 5).. Although recorded in the G.P.O. Proof Books, no example of No. Z69 2s. brown (1880 £2250
Z38 6d, lilac (1867) (Plate No. 6)..... .. 80-00 CC1 is known on cover. 270 5s. rose (1867) (Plate Nos. £700
Z39 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 6, 8, 9) From 75-00
Z40 6d. buff (1872-73) (Plate Nos. 11, 12)... 80:00 Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 56” as in Type 4.
Z41 6d. chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11).
Z42 6d, grey (1873) (Plate No. 12).. ie) £290 1865-81.
Z43 6d. grey (1874-76) From 60-00 Z1 Yad. rose-red (1870-79) (Plate No. 10)...
Z2 1d. rose-red (1864-79).. oe “From 55:00 CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS
Plate Nos, 13, 14, 15, 16.
Z44 8d. orange (1876)... Plate Nos. 78, 87, 100,111,113, 117, 119,
125, 172, 189, 217... roth (eels CC 1 PANAMA (R.) (24.8.1846) .srvosssessee Price on cover £1900
Z45 9d. straw (1862).. £325
Z46 9d. straw (1867).. £250 Z3 2d, blue (1858-69) (Plate | Nos. 9,14) 55:00
Z4 3d. rose (1865) (Plate No. 4)
Z47 10d. red-brown (1867) £325 Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 35” as in Type 4, 11A, 14B or
248 1s. green (1865) (Plate No. 4).. £170 ZS 3d. rose (1865-68) (Plate Nos. 4, 5 as 21.
Z49 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6). 60-00 Z6 3d. rose (1873-79) (Plate Nos. 12, 17, 18)..... 60:00
Z7 4d. 1865-81.
Z50 1s, green (1873-77). 90-00 vermilion (1865-73) 55:00
Plate Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
271 Yad. rose-red (1870-79)... - 50:00
Plate Nos. 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. Plate Nos. 10, 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 19,
Z51 2s. blue (1867)... £190
Z8 4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15)... £300
Z9 Ad. sage-green (1877) (Plate Nos. 15, 16) 272 1d. rose-red (1864-79)... ese 35-00
Z51a 2s. cobalt (1867) £200
Z10 6d. lilac (1865-67) (Plate Nos. 5, 6)... Plate Nos. 71, 72, 76, 81,85, 87,‘88, 89, 93,
Z52 2s. brown (1880) £2250 95, 96, 101, 104, 114, 122, 124, 130, 138, 139,
Z53 5s. rose (1867-74) (Plate Nos. 1, 2) £650
Z11 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 6, 8)
142, 159, 168, 171, 172, 174, 177, 179, 180,
Z12 6d. grey (1873) (Plate No. 12).
182, 184, 185, 187, 189, 191, 192, 193, 196,
Z13 6d. grey (1874-76)
197, 200, 203, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209, 210,
VALPARAISO Plate Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16. 211, 213, 214, 215, 218, 224.
CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS Z14 8d. orange (1876).. 273 . lake-red (1870-74) (Plate No. 3). 65:00
Z15 9d. straw (1865).. Z74 . blue (1858-69)...
cc CC 1 VALPARAISO (R.) (without stop) (13.1.1846) . From 40:00
Z16 Is, green (1865) Plate Nos. 9, 12, 13,14, 15.
licgnetantceateeensrepegshiniin pie ere Priceoncover £450 Z17 Is. green (1867-73)( ate ‘Nos. 4,45,7
cC2 VALPARAISO. (R.) (with stop) (16.7.1846) 275 . rosy mauve (1875) (Plate No. 1)... ox £250
Z18 1s. green (1873-77)... Ctsiiss Z76 . rosy Mauve (1876-80) (Plate Nos. wsa2) 16). £200
paar onettaeeasersstastctteifarscrorenveerteccsccntirests Priceoncover £500 Plate Nos. 8, 9, 10, ot,na} 13, 277 . blue (1880) (Plate No. 19)
Z19 1s. orange-brown (1880) 278 . blue (1881) (Plate Nos. 22, 23)
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 30", as in Types 12, 14 and 14A Z20 2s. blue (1867)... ae
(without “PAID” before 1870) or with circular date stamp as Type 16. 279 . carmine-rose (1862)... £300
221 5s. rose (1867) (Plate No. 1),
Z80 . rose (1865) (Plate No. 4).
Z81 . rose (1867-73) . From 50:00
Z54 Vad, rOS@-LE (1870—79)....sscscsssssesssssnsssesssccecesseene From 65-00 Cancelled “C 65" (incorrect handstamp, supplied in error) as Type 12.
Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Plate Nos. 6,11, 12, 13, 14. 1866-81. Z82 . rose (1873-76)... we From 38:00
Z55 1d. rose-red (1864-79)... From 35-00 Z22 ad. rose-red (1870-79) (Plate No. 10) Plate Nos. 12, 14,15;46) 17,18, 19,20.
Plate Nos. 80, 84, 85, 1, 106, 113, Z23 1d. rose-red (1864-79) 75-00 Z83 . rose (1881) (Plate Nos. 20, 21)
116, 122, 123, 138, 140, ‘141, 146, 148, 149,
Plate Nos. 100, 106, 111, 123. Z84 . red (1863) (Plate No. 4)Woe lines) £110
152, 157, 158, 162, 167, 175, 178, 181, 185,
186, 187, 189, 190, 195, 197, 198, 199, 200,
Z23a 1vad. lake-red (1870) (Plate No. 3). Z85 . vermilion (1865-73)... sn ina FFOM 50:00
201, 207, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215,
Z24 . blue (1858-69) (Plate No. 9). 75:00 Plate Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12, 13, 14,
217. Z25 . rose (1880)... Z86 . vermilion (1876) (Plate No, 15).... £300
Z56 1¥ad. lake-red (1870-74) (Plate Nos, 1, 3)....From 65-00 Z26 . blue (1880) (Plate No. 19). Z87 . sage-green (1877) (Plate Nos. 15,16) ..From £200
Z57 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 9, 13, 14, 15) 45:00
Z27 . tose (1867-73) (Plate No. 9). Z88 . grey-brown (1880) wmk Crow? .....seseee FLOM 55:00
Z58 2¥ad. rosy mauve (1875), white paper £200 Z28 . tose (1873-79) (Plate Nos. 14, Plate Nos. 17 18.
Plate No. 2. Z29 . vermilion (1865-73)... Z89 . lilac (1862) (Plate Nos. 3, 4) . From 95:00
Z59 2'ad. rosy mauve (1876) (Plate Nos. 4, 8). £180 Plate Nos. 7, 8, 9, 11, 12,1B 14. Z90 . lilac (1865-67) (Plate Nos. 5, 6) 75:00
Z60 3d. carmine-rose (1862)... Z30 . vermilion (1876) (Plate NORIS) sersaamnanestamary Z91 . lilac (1867) (Plate No. 6)
Z61 3d. rose (1865) (Plate No. 4). Z31 . sage-green (1877) (Plate Nos. 15, 16) Z92 . violet (1867-70) (Plate N » O, O, 70:00
Z62 3d. rose (1867-73) 50-00 Z32 . violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 6, 8). 293 . buff (1872-73) (Plate Nos. 11, 12 75-00
Plate Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Z33 . pale buff (1872) (Plate No. 11). Z94 . chestnut (Plate No. 11)... 50:00
263 3d. rose (1873-76)... ie sae From 38-00 Z34 . grey (1873) (Plate No. 12). Z95 . grey (1873) (Plate No. 12). £210
Plate Nos. 11, 12)14,16, 17,18, 19.
Z35) + Grey (1874-80) w.essvsseeeeeeees Z96 . grey (1874-80)... “From 50:00
Z63a 4d. red (1862) (Plate Nos. 3, 4) Plate Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. Plate Nos. 13, 14,
Z64 4d, vermilion (1865-73) 50-00 Z36 . orange (1876)... Z97 . grey (1881) (Plate No. 17). 70-00
Plate Nos. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Z37 . straw (1865). Z98 . orange (1876).. £300
Z65 Ad. vermilion (1876) (Plate No, 15)... £300 Z38 . green (1865) (Plate No. 4). Z99 . straw (1862). £350
Z66 4d. sage-green (1877) (Plate Nos. 15, 16)..From £200 Z39 . green (1867) (Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7)... Z100 |. straw (1867). £250
Z67 4d. grey-brown (1880) wmk Large Garter... Z40 . green (1873-77) Z101 . red-brown (1 £275
Plate No. 17. Plate Nos. 8, 11, 12, 13. Z102 - green (1865) (Plate No. 4) £140
Z68 6d. lilac (1862) (Plate Nos. 3, 4) From £100
741 . orange-brown (1880). Z103 « GFEEN (1867-73) arecsscsecres . From 45:00
Z69 6d, lilac (1865) (Plate Nos. 5, 6) 742 . blue (1867)... Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7.
Z70 6d. lilac (1867) (Plate No. 6)..... be 743 . brown (1880)... Z104 . green (1873-77)... . From 60-00
Z71 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 6, 8, 9). From 70-00 744 . rose (1867) (Plate Nos. Plate Nos. 8, 2, 10,
272 6d. buff (1872-73) (Plate Nos. 11, 12)......... From 80:00 Z105 . orange-brown (1880) (Plate No. 13)... £400
273 6d. chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11)... 45-00 Z106 . orange-brown (1881) (Plate No. 13: £110
Z74 6d. grey (1873) (Plate No. 12. £210 CHAGRES Z107 . blue (1867)... £140
Z75 6d. grey (1874-80) 45-00 Z108 . brown (1880). £1900
CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS Z109 . rose (1867-74) ( rom £450
Plate Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.
Z76 6d. grey (1881) (Plate No. 17).. cc3 CED CHAGRES (16.9.1. 846). rressmssessesorssessscosssnnecnsersreerses
Z77 8d. orange (1876) £300 Although recorded in the G.P.O. Proof Books, no example of No. 1880.
Z78 9d, straw (1862 CC3 is known on cover. Z110 . Venetian red.. 55:00
Z79 9d. straw (1865 Z111 . TOSe.. £110
Z80 9d, straw (1867)... £200 Z112 £190
Z81 10d. red-brown (1867) £275 COLON Later stamps cancelled “C 35” are believed to originate from sailors’
letters or other forms of maritime mail.
Z82 1s. green (1865) (Plate No, CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS
Z83 1s. green (1867-73) 38-00
Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7. cc4 CC 5 COLON (R.) (21.6.1854) ....ssscssseeu Price on cover £4750
Z84 Se GTCON (187377) secceascesesnnnsosesonarsorseortoronpernses From 65-00 SANTA MARTHA
Plate Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “E 88” as in Type 12 or circular date
Z85 1s. orange-brown (1880) (Plate No. 13) £375 stamp as Type 16, 16A and 17A. CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS
Z86 2s. blue (1867) £120 1870-81. CcCc6 CC 1b SANTA MARTHA (R.) (15.12.1841)
Z86a 2s. cobalt (1867). £1500 Z45 1d, TOSE-FEC (1864-79) .sssssccsssessenressnseooreerevnnnenees From 50:00 prrecpsnyodaremeececrecareectcor an ee aro eeAn Price on cover £1900

Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 62" as in Type 4. Z29 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6)...
Z30 1s. green (1873-77) (Plate Nos. 9, 10, 12, 13) Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 87” or circular date stamp as
90:00 Z31 2s. blue (1867) in Types 12 or 16.
Z113 Yad . rose-red (1870-79) (Plate No. 6)...
65-00 Z32 5s. rose (1867) 1876-81.
Z114 1d. rose-red (1864-79) (Plate No. 106)..
Z115 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 9, 13). 90-00 Z16 Vad, TOSC-rEd (1870-79) ecererorsonessnssssssssesesssecsecserses From £110
Z116 4d . vermilion (1865-73) ...... From 60-00 Plate Nos. 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13.

Plate Nos, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14.
4d. sage-green (1877) (Plate No. 15)...... £200
DANISH WEST INDIES Z17 1d. roSe-red (1864-79). ..sserseseseseesersssstnsesssesesssesses From
Plate Nos. 146, 154, 171, 173, 174, 176, 178,

Z118 4d, grey-brown (1880) wmk Large Garter. £375 ST. THOMAS 186, 190, 197, 220.
Plate No. 17. Z18 1’ad. lake-red (1870-74) (Plate No. 3) £120
The British Postal Agency at St. Thomas opened in January 1809
2119 4d. grey-brown (1880) WMK CrowN nescence 75-00 Z19 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 13, 1 £120
and by 1825 was the office around which many of the packet routes
Plate No. 17. Z20 3d. rose (1873-76) (Plate No. 18) as
were organised.
Z120 6d, lilac (1865-67) (Plate No. 5 £100 Great Britain stamps were introduced on 3 July 1865 and can be Z21 4d. vermilion (1865-73) From £120
Z121 6d, grey (1873) (Plate No. 12)... found used in combination with Danish West Indies adhesives paying Plate Nos. 11, 12, 14. =
Z122 6d. grey (1874-76) (Plate No. 14) ) the local postage. 222 ~ — 4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15). £450
Z123 8d. orange (1876) £375 Following a hurricane in October 1867 the main British packet office 223 4d. sage-green (1877) (Plate No. 15)... £300
Z123a_ =O. bistre (1862)... was moved to Colon in Colombia. Z24 6d. grey (1874-76) (Plate No. 15)...
Z124 Is. green (1865) (Plate No, 4).. £160 The British Post Office at St. Thomas closed to the public on Z25 9d, straw (1867) “
Z125 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 5, 7) 75:00 | September 1877, but continued to operate as a transit office for a 226 (1867) (Plate No. 4)..
Z126 1s, green (1873-77) (Plate No. 8 further two years Z27 (1873-77) £120
Z127 2s. blue (1867). £325 Plate Nos. 10, 11, 12, 13. i
Z128 5s. rose (1867) (Plate No. 2). £600 Z28 DSA DME (SO) Srcscececeescesnccoeet
roseseseesevs egretfeaeaten
SAVANILLA (BARRANQUILLA) cc CC 1 ST. THOMAS (R.) (20.2.49) ......:00Price on cover £500

Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “F 69" as in Type 12.

cc2 CC 6 ST. THOMAS (R,) (1.5.1855).......:.Price on cover £1800
1872-81. Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 51” as in Types 4, 12 or 14. GUAYAQUIL
Z129 Yad . rose-red (1870-79) (Plate No. 6) 90-00
1865-79. The first British Postal Agent in Guayaquil was appointed in 1848.
Z130 1d. rose-red (1864-79) (Plate Nos. 122, 171)... 65-00 Great Britain stamps were supplied in 1865 and continued to be
Z1 Yad. rose-red (1870-79)...... 38-00
Z131 Wad. lake-red (1870-74) Plate No. 3) £110 used until the agency closed on 30 June 1880. They can be found
Plate Nos. 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12.
Z132 3d. rose (1867-73) (Plate No. 7).. used in combination with stamps of Ecuador with the latter paying
Z2 1d. rose-red (1857)
Z133 3d. rose (1873-76) (Plate No. 20) £100 the local postage.
Z3 1d. rose-red (1864-79)... From 27-00
Z134 3d, rose (1881) (Plate No. 20 £100
Plate Nos. 71, 72, 79, 81, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88,
Z135 4d. VEFM (1865-73) sreveseserees From 60-00 Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 41” as Type 4.
89, 90, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,
Plate Nos. 12, 13, 14. 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 1865-80.
Z136 4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15)... £300 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, Z1 Yad. rose-red (1870-79) (Plate Nos. 5, 6) sss 60:00
Z137 4d. sage-green (1877) (Plate Nos. 15, 16) .From £225 123, 124, 125, 127, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, Z2 1d. rose-red (1857)...
Z138 4d, grey-brown (1880) wmk Large Garter. £375 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 7A} 1d. rose-red (1864-79) 45-00
Plate No. 17. 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 154, 155, Plate Nos. 74, 78, 85, 92, 94, 105, 110, 115,
Z139 4d. Grey-brown (1880) WK Crown eessssssecsssssesssersees 75-00 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 133, 140, 145, 166, 174, 180, 216.
Plate No. 17. 165, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, Z4 1d. lake-red (1870-74) (Plate No. 3)... 90:00
Z140 éd. buff (1872) (Plate No. 11) 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, Z5 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 9, 13, 14)... 45-00
2141 6d. grey (1878) (Plate Nos. 16, 17).. From 80-00 185, 186, 187, 189, 190, 197. Z6 3d. carmine-rose (1862)......
Z142 8d. OLANGE (1876) cevesssssssssnesnsarneen £375 Z4 1ad. lake-red (1870-74) (Plate Nos. 1, 3) 65-00 Z7 3d. rose (1865) (Plate No. 4)...
Z143 Is. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 5,7)... 75:00 Z5 2d. blue (1858-69) ......sssscessse Rice: 32:00
Z8 3d, rose (1867-73) (Plate Nos.
2144 1s. green (1873-77) (Plate Nos. 8, 11, 12, 13) 80:00 Plate Nos. 9, 12, 13, 14, 15.
| rose (1873-76) 2. ee i
1s. orange-brown (1880)...
2s. DlUe (1867) ...crcesse
3d. rose (1865) (Plate No. 4)
3d. rose (1867-73) ..escssecse
Plate Nos. 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
Z147 5s. rose (1867-74) (Plate No. 2).. £600 Z10 4d. red (1862) (Plate Nos. 3, 4).
Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Z11 4d. vermilion (1865-73)
Z8 3d. rose (1873-76)... 32:00 Plate Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
Plate Nos. 11, 12, 14, 15,
Z12 Ad. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15). £300
4d. red (1862)
Ad. vermilion
(Plate Nos. 3, 4)
Z13 4d. sage-green (1877) (Plate Nos. 15, 16)....From £200
Z14 6d. lilac (1864) (Plate No, 4)...... oO
The British Postal Agency at Havana opened in 1762, the island then Plate Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
Z15 6d. lilac (1865-67) (Plate Nos. 5, 6).. From 75:00
being part of the Spanish Empire. A further office, at St. Jago de Cuba, Z11 4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15) £300
was added in 1841. Z16 6d. lilac (1867) (Plate No. 6)
Z12 4d. sage-green (1877) (Plate Nos. 15, 16)..From £200
Great Britain stamps were supplied to Havana in 1865 and to Z17 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 6, 8, 9). 70-00
Z14 6d. lilac (1864) (Plate No. 4) nee SINE)
St. Jago de Cuba in 1866. They continued in use until the offices Z18 6d, buff (1872-73) (Plate Nos. 11,12).. 80:00
Z15 6d. lilac (1865-67) (Plate Nos. 5, 6) 75-00
closed on 30 May 1877. Z19 6d. chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11
Z16 6d, lilac (1867) (Plate NO. 6) ..scsssssssssesssssssssnsssersseeeser 75-00
Z20 6d. grey (1873) (Plate No. 12)...
Z17 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 6, 8, 9) From 70-00
221 6d. grey (1874-76) 50:00
HAVANA Z18 6d. buff (1872-73) (Plate Nos. 11, 12).. From 75:00
Plate Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16.
Z19 6d. chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11). 45-00
CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS Z22 8d. orange (1876). £350
Z20 6d. grey (1873) (Plate No. 12).. £210
Z23 9d. straw (1862).. £300
1890. 221 6d. grey (1874-76) cereereser 45-00
Z24 9d. straw (1867). £225
cc CC 1b HAVANA (13.11.1841). Price on cover £1200 Plate Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16.
Z25 10d, red-brown (1867)... £325
cc2 CC 1¢ HAVANA (1848)...... Price on cover £1200 222 8d. orange (1876) £275
Z26 1s. green (1865) (Plate No. 4) £160
cc3 CC 2 HAVANA (14.7.1848) Price on cover £1000 Z23 9d. straw (1862 £275
Z27 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7) 45-00
Z24 9d. bistre (1862)... £300
Z28 1s. green (1873-77) From 75-00
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 58" as in Type 4, or as Type 14, Z25 9d. straw (1865)... £375
Plate Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
14B. Z26 9d, straw (1867)...... £200
Z29 2s. blue (1867)... £175
1865-77. Z27 10d. red-brown (1867) £275
Z30 2s. brown (1880, . £2500
Z1 lad. rose-red (1870) (Plate Nos. 6, 12) 228 1s. green (1865) (Plate No. 4). £140
75:00 Z31 5s. rose (1867-74) (Plate Nos. 1, 2). From = £525
Z2 1d. rose-red (1864-79)... Z29 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7 32-00
Plate Nos. 86, 90, 93, 115, 120, 123, 144, 146, Z30 TS OREO (S737
7)srercsorcesssssssorertenccrece 60-00
171, 174, 208. Plate Nos, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
743} 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 9, 14, 15). 75-00 Z31 2s. blue (1867) £130 FERNANDO PO
Z4 3d. rose (1867-73) (Plate No. 4)...... £140 Z32 5s. rose (1867-74) (Plate Nos. 1, 2 £450
The British government leased naval facilities on this Spanish island
Z5 3d. rose (1873-76) (Plate Nos. 18, 19
from 1827 until 1834. A British Consul was appointed in 1849 and a
Z6 4d. . VEFMIlION (1865-73) .ersseessseeeees0 From 65-00 postal agency was opened on 1 April 1858.
27 4d.
Plate Nos. 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
vermilion (1876) (Plate NO. 15). £300
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC The use of Great Britain stainps was authorised in 1858, but a
cancellation was not supplied until 1874. The office remained open
Z8 6d. lilac (1865) (with hyphen) (Plate No. 5) British Postal Agencies may have existed in the area before 1867, but until 1877.
z9 6d. grey (1874-76) (Plate No. 15) ...cssecsssssesesssssseene it is only from that year that details can be found concerning offices
Z10 8d. orange (1876) £375 at Porto Plata and St. Domingo. Both were closed in 1871, but re-
Z11 9d. straw (1867)... £300 opened in 1876. CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS
Z12 10d . red-brown (1867) £325 Although postmarks were supplied in 1866 it seems likely that cc1 CC 4 FERNANDO-PO (R.) (19.2.1859) Price on cover £6500
Z13 Is. green (1865) (Plate No. 4). ne £160 Great Britain stamps were not sent until the offices re-opened in 1876.
Z14 Is. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 5, 7)........From 65:00 Covers exist showing Great Britain stamps used in combination with Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled "247" as Type 9.
Z15 Is. green (1873-77) (Plate Nos. 10, 12, 13) those of Dominican Republic with the latter paying the local postage.
Both agencies finally closed in 1881. 1874-77.
90:00 Z1 4d. vermilion (1865-72) (Plate Nos. 13, 14)..
Z16 2s. blue (1867). £275 Z2 4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15)...
Z17 5s. rose (1867-74) (Plate Nos. 1, 2)... £650 PORTO PLATA Z3 6d. grey (1874-76) (Plate Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16).. £1800
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 86” or circular date stamp as
ST. JAGO DE CUBA in Types 8 or 17.
Z1 Yad, rose-red (1870-79). 90:00
cc4 =CC1b ST JAGO-DE-CUBA (R,) (15.12.1841) Plate Nos. 10, 12, 14. A British Packet Agency was established on Guadeloupe on 1 October
os Rielpisesaniseeeehftmemenacincaead fT CELONICOVEL: £6000 Z2 Td. rose-red (1864-79)...sscssssesssisesasieneseneee FFOM 70-00 1848 and continued to function until 1874.
Plate Nos. 123, 130, 136, 146, 151, 178, 199, No. CC1 is often found used in conjunction with French Colonies
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 88" as Type 12. 200, 205, 217. (General Issues) adhesive stamps.
1866-77. Z3 1¥ad. lake-red (1870-74) (Plate No. 3). £110 A similar packet agency existed on Martinique from 1 October
Z18 Yad. rose-red (1870-79) (Plate Nos. 4, 6, 14) secs Z4 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 14, 15)... 95-00 1848 until 1879, but no crowned-circle handstamp was issued for it.
219 1d. TOSE-FEd (1864—79).ccssrorseessessessseessestsessesssseee FFOM £225 Z5 2Yad. rOSY MAUVE (1876-79) cersssccsssesessen £250
Plate Nos. 100, 105, 106, 109, 111, 120, 123, Plate Nos. 13, 14. CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS
138, 144, 146, 147, 148, 171, 208. Z6 3d. rose (1873-76) (Plate No. 18)... £110
Z20 Vad. lake-red (1870-74) (Plate No. 3)... cc CC 1 GUADALOUPE (R., B. or Black) (9.3.1849)
LT. Ad. vermilion (1873) (Plate No. 14) £110
Z21 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 9, 12, 13, 14) £300 ‘ .. Price on cover £2250 NJ
Z8 4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15) £325
Z22 3d. rose (1867) (Plate No. 5)..
Z9 4d. sage-green (1877) (Plate No. 15) £275
223 4d. vermilion (1865-73)... From £325 Z10 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate No. 8)..
Plate Nos. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15)...... £800
6d. grey (1874-76) (Plate No. 15)..
8d. OFANGE (1876) veesceseeseessereee
225 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 6, 8, 9) £650 The original British Postal Agencies in Haiti date from 1830 when it °
Zi 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 7) £100
226 6d, buff (Plate No. 11) vant Z14 1s. green (1873-77). £100 is known a Packet Agency was established at Jacmel. An office at
227 9d. straw (1865) Plate Nos, 11, 12, 13. Port-au-Prince followed in 1842, both these agencies remaining in
Z27a 9d, straw (1867)...
Z15 2s. blue (1867) £300
operation until 30 June 1881. ;
Z28 10d, red-brown (1867) . £800 Z15a 5s. rose (1867-83) (Plate No. 2). During this period short-lived agencies also operated in the
following Haitian towns: Aux Cayes (1848 to 1863, Cap Haitien (1842
Haiti, Macao, Madiera, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru BRITISH POST OFFICES ABROAD
to 1863), Gonaives (1849 to 1857) and St. Marc (1854 to 1861). A
further agency may have operated at Le Mole around the year 1841. MACAO Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 57” as in Types 4 (issued 1865),
14A (issued 1875), or with circular postmark as Type 16 (issued 1864).
Great Britain stamps were supplied to Jacmel in 1865 and to Port- A British Consular Post Office opened in 1841. It had been preceded
au-Prince in 1869. by the Macao Boat Office, possibly a private venture, which operated 1865-82.
in the 1830s. The office closed when the consulate closed on Z1 Yad. rose-red (1870-79) (Plate Nos. 5, 10, 11). 80-00
30 September 1845, but was back in operation by 1854. Z2 1d. rose-red (1864-79)... se Rape 50:00
The Agency continued to function, in conjunction with the Hong Plate Nos. 180, 197, 210.
CAP HAITIEN Z3 ad. lake-red (1870) (Plate No. 3).....ccsscss 75-00
Kong Post Office, until 28 February 1884 when Portugal joined the
CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS U.P.U. Z4 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 9, 14, 15)..
ZS 3d. rose (1873-76) (Plate Nos. 17, 18, 19, AOE 55:00
CC1 CC Th CAPE-HAITIEN (R.) (31.12.1841) ssessssssssesssssesesseese
Z6 3d. rose (1881) (Plate No. 20).... soscttciheste 2
Although recorded in the G.P.0. Proof Books, no example of No. CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS
CC1 is known on cover. Z7 Ad. Vermilion (1865-73) verssossssssessessseunensssssesssses From 55-00
Plate Nos. 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
Z8 4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15)... aS £300
Z9 4d. sage-green (1877) (Plate Nos. iG,16)From £200
JACMEL Z10 4d. grey-brown (1880) wmk Large Garter. £325
Z11 Ad. grey-brown (1880) WM CrowNlwiesnsaeeene 90-00
CC2 = CC Tb JACMEL (R.) (29.6.1843)....cccssnseee Priceoncover £950 Plate No. 17. :
Z12 6d. grey (1874-76) (Plate Nos. 14, 15, 16,17)... 95:00
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 59” as Type 4 or with circular Z13 8d. orange (1876)... £325
date stamp as Type 16A. Z14 1s. green (1865) (PI:
1865-81. Z15 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 6,7). mn
Zi Yad. TOSe-Ted (1870—79).....-seceeessrereccsesssseessessessns From 60-00 7£e} Z16 1s. green (1873-77). From 65-00
Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15. Plate Nos. 8, 10, 12, 13.
Z2 Td, roS@-red (1864—79).....ssscccssessssssecscsscsseceeeseses From 45-00 cc1 — PAID AT MACAO (crowned-oval 20 mm Z17 1s. orange-brown (1880) (Plate No. 13) £375
Plate Nos. 74, 81, 84, 87, 95, 106, 107, 109, wide) (R.) (1844) Price on cover £32500 Z18 1s. orange-brown (1881) (Plate No. 13) £110
122, 136, 137, 139, 146, 148, 150, 151, 152, cc2 Z 2 Crown and Macao (1881 Z19 2s. blue (1867)..... £180
156, 157, 159, 160, 162, 164, 166, 167, 170, No. CC2 with the Crown removed was used by the Portuguese post Z20 2s. brown (1880).. £2750
171, 179, 181, 183, 184, 186, 187, 189, 192, office in Macao as a cancellation until 1890. 221 5s. rose (1867-74) (Plate Nos. 1, 2) £550
194, 198, 200, 204, 206, 215, 219. A locally-cut mark, as Type CC 2, inscribed “PAGO EM MACAO” is Z22 5s. rose (1882) (Plate No. 4), blue paper. £3000
Z3 ad. lake-red (1870-74) (Plate No. 3) 65:00 known on covers between 1870 and 1877. It was probably used by 223 10s. greenish grey (1878)... re £4500
Z4 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 9, 13, 14, 15). 45-00 the Portuguese postmaster to send letters via the British Post Office
Z5 2%ad, rosy mauve (1876) (Plate No. 4) (Price £10000). 1880. .
Z6 3d. rose (1867-73) 50-00 224 1d. Venetian red.. 80:00
Plate Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Z25 Vad. Venetian red... 80-00
Z7 EA ISON (PST 3-7 ©) sacoersslarecaesdnsttctereree eestecetonveesbnntsetones 50:00
Plate Nos. 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19. MADEIRA
Z8 4d. red (1863) (Plate No. 4) (Hair lines) £120
The British Packet Agency on this Portuguese island was opened
z9 4d, vermilion (1865-73) 50:00
Plate Nos. 7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
in 1767 and was of increased importance from 1808 following the PERU
exile of the Portuguese royal family to Brazil. The South American
Z10 4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15). £300 packets ceased to call in 1858. It appears to have closed sometime British Agencies in Peru date from 1846 when offices were established
Z11 4d. sage-green (1877) (Plate Nos. 15, 16 £200 around 1860. at Arica and Callao. The network was later expanded to include
Z12 4d. grey-brown (1880) wmk Large Garter... £325 agencies at Paita (1848), Pisco (1868) and Iquique and Islay (both 1869).
Plate No. 17. This last office was transferred to Mollendo in 1877.
Z13 4d, grey-brown (1880) WIMK CrOWDN .scssssessssssnsceeeees 55:00 CROWN-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS It is believed that a further agency existed at Pisagua, but no
Plate No. 17. CC1 CC 1b MADEIRA (R,) (28.2.1842)...+ssssseu Price on cover £17500 details exist.
Z14 6d. lilac (1867) (Plate Nos. 5, 6)..... 80-00 Great Britain stamps were supplied from 1865 and are often found
Z15 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 8, 9) 75-00 in combination with Peru adhesives which paid the local postal tax.
Z16 6d. buff (1872-73) (Plate Nos. 11, 12). From 80-00 The Postal Agency at Pisco closed in 1870 and the remainder in
Z17 6d. chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11) MEXICO 1879, the towns of Arica, Iquique and Pisagua passing to Chile by
Z18 6d. grey (1873) (Plate No. 12) treaty in 1883.
Z19 6d. grey (1874-76) 55:00 The British Postal Agency at Vera Cruz opened in 1825, following the
introduction of the Mexican Packet service. No handstamps were
Plate Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.
supplied, however, until 1842, when a similar agency at Tampico ARICA
Z20 8d. orange (1876) £325
was set up.
Z21 9d. straw (1862) £275 Great Britain stamps were used at Tampico from 1867, but, CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS
222 9d, straw (1867)... £200 apparently, were never sent to the Vera Cruz office. Combination cc CC 1 ARICA (Black) (5.11.1850) wovessseees Priceoncover £4750
Z23 10d. red-brown (1867)... £300 covers exist showing the local postage paid by Mexican adhesives.
224 1s. green (1865) (Plate No. 4) £140 The Agency at Vera Cruz closed in 1874 and that at Tampico in 1876. Stamps of Great Britain cancelled “C 36" as Types 4, 12, 14B and 16A
Z25 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 5,6, 7)....From 45-00 in black and blue.
Z26 1s. green (1873-77). < 65-00
Plate Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. TAMPICO 1865-79.
Z27 1s. orange-brown (1880) (Plate No. 13). £375 CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS Z1 Vad. rose-Fed (1870-79) vrs From 75:00
Z28 2s, blue (1867)....... £150 Plate Nos. 5, 6, 10, 11, 13.
ccl CC 1b TAMPICO (R.) (13.11.1841)... Price on cover £1800 22 1d. rose-red (1864-79)... From 60:00
229 2s, brown (1880)....... £2500
No. CC1 may be found on cover, used in conjunction with Mexico Plate Nos. 102, 139, 140, 163, ion
Z30 5s. rose (1867-74) (Plate Nos. 1, 2).. £500 adhesive stamps. Z3 Vad. lake-red (1870-74) (Plate No. 3)
1880. Z4 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate No. 14) 75:00
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 63” as Type 4. Z5 3d. rose (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 5, 9). :
Z31 Yad. green (1880)... 80-00
Z32 . Venetian red 80-00 1867-76. Z6 3d. rose (1873-76)... eta From 60:00
Z33 £110 Z1 1d. rose-red (1864-79) £150 Plate Nos. 11, 12,Wh 18, 19.
Z34 £150 Plate Nos. 81, 89, 96, , 117, 139, 147. Z7 4d. vermilion (1865-73)... srstirnereriseswnes FFOM 60:00
Z2 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 9, 14 £200 Plate Nos. 10, 11, 12, 13,‘14.
Z3 4d, vermilion (1865-73) £150 Z8 4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15)....+.00
Plate Nos. 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. z9 4d. sage-green (1877) (Plate Nos. 15, 16)... £225
PORT-AU-PRINCE Z4 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 5, 7, 8). £200 Z10 6d. lilac (1862) (Plate Nos. 3, 4)
CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS Z5 2s. blue (1867) £600 Z11 6d. lilac (1865-67) (Plate No. 5)
Z12 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 6, 8, 9). 80-00
CC3. CC 1b PORT-AU-PRINCE (R.) (29.6.1843) Z13 6d. buff (1872) (Plate No. 11) ...... £100
(rhe ee Price on cover £2500 VERA CRUZ
Z14 6d. chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11 £100
CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS Z15 6d. grey (1873) (Plate No. 12) £225
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “E 53” as in Types 8, 12 or 16. Z16 6d. grey (1874-76) wunsesnnes 55:00
CC2. CC 1b VERA CRUZ (R.) (13.11.1841) .....Price on cover £2250
1869-81. Plate Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16.
cc3 VERA CRUZ (Black) (circa 1845).Priceon cover £1000
Z35 Vad, TOSC-TE (1870—79)....sssssessssssssrsssserseceseseeseres From 60-00 Z17 8d. orange (1876)
Plate Nos. 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Z18 9d. straw (1862
Z36 1d. rose-red (1864-79). 45-00 Z19 9d. straw (1865
Plate Nos. 87, 134, , 167, 171, NICARAGUA Z20 9d. straw (1867)... £250
173, 174, 177, 181, 183, 187, 189, 193, 199, 221 10d. red-brown (1867) .
200, 201, 202, 206, 209, 210, 218, 219. GREYTOWN Z22 1s. green (1862)...
Z37 1d. lake-red (1870-74) (Plate No. 3)..... 80-00 British involvement on the Mosquito Coast of Nicaragua dates from Z23 1s. green (1865)...
238 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 9, 14, 15) 50-00 1655 when contacts were first made with the indigenous Misquito Z24 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 55-00
Z40 2’ad. rosy mauve (1876-79) (Plate Nos. 3, 9). £150 Indians. A formal alliance was signed in 1740 and the area was Z25 1s. green (1873-77)... a 70-00
Z41 3d. rose (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 6, 7)...... Le considered as a British dependency until the Spanish authorities Plate Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11,12, 13.
Z42 3d. rose (1873-79) (Plate Nos. 17, 18, 20).....From 50-00 negotiated a withdrawal in 1786. 226 2s. blue (1867)... + He £225
243 Ad. Vermilion (1865-73) .eoccssssessserssssosseeseeeeeeeese From 50-00 The Misquitos remained under British protection, however, and, Z27 5s. rose (1867- 74)‘(Plate Nos. 1, 2); £600
Plate Nos. 11, 12, 13, 14. following the revolutionary period in the Spanish dominions, this
244 4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15). £300 eventually led to the appropriation, by the Misquitos with British
Z45 4d. sage-green (1877) (Plate Nos. 15, 16 £200 backing, of the town of San Juan del Norte, later renamed Greytown. CALLAO
Z46 4d. grey-brown (1880) wmk.. £325 The port was included in the Royal West Indian Mail Steam Packet
Large Garter Plate No. 17. Company's mail network from January 1842, forming part of the CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS
ZA7 4d. grey-brown (1880) WOK Crow? .cseesssecessnssreeses 55-00 Jamaica District. This arrangement only lasted until September of cc2 CC 1 CALLAO (R.) (13.1.1846).. ... Priceon cover £800
Plate No. 17. that year, however, although packets were once again calling at A second version of No. CC 2, showing “PAID” more curved, was
Z48 6d, grey (1874-76) (Plate Nos. 15, 16) Greytown by November 1844. Following the discovery of gold in supplied in July 1847.
Z49 Bd. OFANGE (1876) crcssecceesesseeeseeesnesnnnseene £350 California the office increased in importance, owing to the overland No. CC2 can be found used on covers from 1865 showing the local
Z50 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 5,6, 7)....From 45-00 traffic, although the first distinctive postmark is not recorded in use postage paid by a Peru adhesive.
until February 1856.
Z51 FR SMSLONT (LOZ 7/7) scecnccscsncecesvatecuonstecrcontvorecosensre From 65-00
A subsidiary agency, without its own postmark, operated at Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled "C 38" as in Types 4, 12 and 14B,
Plate Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
Bluefields from 1857 to 1863. with circular date stamp as 16A or with boxed handstamp Type 22.
Z52 1s. orange-brown (1880) (Plate No. 13).. £375 The British Protectorate over the Misquitos ended in 1860, but the
Z53 1s. orange-brown (1880) (Plate No. 13)... £120 British Post Office at Greytown continued to operate, being supplied 1865-79.
Z54 2s. blue (1867) £175 with Great Britain stamps in 1865. These are occasionally found used 228 Yad. rose-red (1870-79)... .. From 45:00
Z55 2s. brown (18: £2750 in combination with Nicaragua issues, which had only internal validity. Plate Nos. 5, 6, 10, 11,12, 13,14. -
Z56 5s. rose (1867-74) (Plate Nos. 1, 2)... £550 The British Post Office at Greytown closed on 1 May 1882 when the Z29 1d. rOSE-1Ed (1864-79) .corecessseresevsvseesensperreserssars From 35:00
Z57 10s. greenish grey (1878) £4500 Republic of Nicaragua joined the U.P.U. Plate Nos. 74, 88, 89, 93, 94, 97, 108, 123,
127, 128, 130, 134, 137, 139, 140, 141, 143,
1880. 144, 145, 146, 148, 149, 156, 157, 160, 163,
Z58 Yad. green 80-00 CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS 167, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 180, 181, 182,
Z59 1d. Venetian red 80-00 cc C 4 GREYTOWN (R.) (14.4.1859) ..scsssscssssssssesscsececeeneree 183, 185, 187, 190, 193, 195, 198, 199, 200,
Z60 1d. Venetian red £110 Although recorded in the G.P.O. Proof Books, no example of No. 201, 204, 206, 209, 210, 212, 213, 215.
Z61 2d. £150 CC1 is known on cover. Z30 Vad. lake-red (1870-74) (Plate No. 3) .sssssscssrsssereees
Z104 Ad. Vermilion (1865-73) scesssrssssseeessnuusesssenersrsere From 90-00 Z35 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 13, 14, 15).
. blue (1858-69 Sesion .. From 32:00
ze & eat Boilie 13,oh 5. Plate Nos. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. 236 3d, rose (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10)...
Z37 3d, rose (1873-76) =
Z32 3d. carmine-rose (1862)... Z105 4d. sage-green (1877) (Plate No. 15)
6d, lilac (1862) (Plate No. 3)....... £140 Plate Nos. 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.
3d. rose (1865) (Plate No. 4). £100 Z106 50-00
45:00 Z107 6d. lilac (1865-67) (Plate Nos. 5, 6). From £130 Z38 Ad, Vermilion (1865-73) -rccsseecsssnesnnnnnessseesserseeses From
Z34 3d. rose (1867-73)... ae
Z108 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 6, 8,9)... From £120 Plate Nos. 11, 12, 13, 14.
Plate Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8,‘9,10. Z39 4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15)... £300
45-00 Z109 6d. buff (1872-73) (Plate Nos. 11, 12). From £130
Z35 3d; TOSE (1'873—76) secrscscecoressessoreneceessurebeptseensecesee From 90:00 Z40 4d. sage-green (1877) (Plate No. 15)...
Plate Nos. 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. Z110 6d. chestnut (Plate No. 11)
Z111 6d, Grey (1873) -recscerrrrsseeree Z41 6d. mauve (1870) (Plate No. 9)
Z36 4d. red (1862) (Plate Nos. 3, 4) Z42 6d. buff (1872) (Plate No. 11)... 80-00
237 4d. vermilion (1865-73) crs 38-00 Z112 6d. grey (1874-76) (Plate Nos. 13, 14, 15).
Z43 6d. chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11 70-00
Plate Nos. 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Z113 9d. straw (1862)...
£450 Z44 6d. grey (1873) (Plate No. 12, £200
Z38 4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15)...::0« £300 Z114 10d. red-brown (18
Z45 6d. grey (1874-80) .. 60-00
Z39 4d. sage-green (1877) (Plate Nos. 15, 16). £200 Z115 1s. green (1865) (Plate No. 4)
Z116 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate No. 4) £100 Plate Nos. 13, 14,
Z40 6d, lilac (1862) (Plate Nos, 3, 4)... Z46 - 8d, orange (1876)
Z117 1s. green (1873-77) (Plate Nos. 8, 9, 10, 13). £110
Z40a 6d. lilac (1865) (Plate No. 5). 9d. straw (1867)...
Z118 2s. blue (1867).. £400 Z47
Z41 6d. lilac (1867)..... |
70:00 Z119 5s. rose (1867) (Plate £850 Z48 10d, red-brown (1867).
Z42 6d. violet (1867-70 45-00
Z49 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7).
Plate Nos. 6, 8, 9. 60:00 4
70-00 Z50 1s. green (1873-77)
Z43 6d. buff (1872-73) (Plate Nos. 11, 12) 9, 10, 11, 12.
50-00 PISAGUA(?) a 5 aes
744 6d. chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11)..
£210 79 ; s, blue
a 1
x ae aren fsaNo, 12
Plate 50:00 Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “D 65” as Type 12. 752 5s. rose (1867-74) (Plate Nos. 1, 2).
Plate Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16. Z119a 1d. rose-red (1864-79)
247 8d. OFANGE (1876) vsrcerrienrerenerrn £275 a ee oa a Nees
4 ! 1862). Sells NAGUABO = i
a ot ey ee £400 There is no record of an office opening at Pisagua. The few known
750 Od. straw (1867)... £200 examples of “D 65” in red are on loose stamps. The 2s. blue listing, Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled "582"asType 9.
based on a single cover cancelled “D 65” in black, is without any a
Z51 10d. red-brown (1867) £275
Z52 1s, green (1865)... cake sramnh COMMS Fe Mae 783” Yad, rose-red (1870-79) (Plate Nos. 5.12, 14)
753 1s, green (1867—73)csionnsininesran 38.00 | Wecontinue to list this office pending further research. 754 1d. rose-red (1864-79) (Plate Nos. 150, 159, 165).. £700
a { h
Plate peay oi. ARAB Z55 3d. rose (1873-76) (Plate Nos. 17, 18) ss...
s. green coo ‘ Z56 4d. vermilion (1872-73) (Plate Nos. 13, 14)..
Plate Nos. 8,9, 10, 11,12, 13. PISCOANG CHINAS. 757 4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15)...
Z55 2s. blue (1867)... £120 Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “D 74” as Type 12. 758 6d. grey (1874-76) (Plate Nos. 14, 15)..
Z56 5s. rose (1867-74) (Plate Nos. i 2) Ss £450 1865-70. 759 Qd. straw (1867) wn
Z121 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate No. 9) Z60 10d. red-brown (1867) £1500
Z122 4d. vermilion (1865-73) (Plate Nos. 10, 12 £1200 Z61 1s. green (1873-77) (Plate Nos. 11, 12) £1000
IQUIQUE 2123 6d. violet (1868) (Plate No. 6 £1800 | Z62 2s. dull blue (1867) (Plate No. 1) £1800
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “D 87” as Type 12. 2124 1s. green (1867) (Plate No. 4
1865-79. Z125 Zs. DIUC (1867) q..ccscsessseeesesreeen £2400
Z57 Yad. rose-red (1870-79) (Plate Nos. 5, 6, 13, ae Ts 75:00 PONCE
Z58 1d. rose-red (1864-79)... cemrersarrressaniseresoron |DOHOO)
Plate Nos. 76, 179, 185,"305. Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “F 88” as Type 8. ub
Z59 2d, blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 9, 12, 13, 14) mms 55:00 PORTO RICO 1873-77.
Z60 3d. rose (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)..From 65-00 = Z63 Ved. rose-red (1870) (Plate Nos. 5, 10, 12).
761 3d, rose (1873-76) (Plate Nos. 12, 18, 19) 75-00 A British Postal Agency operated at San Juan from 1844. On 24 October 264 1d. rose-red (1864-79)
762 Ad. vermilion (1865-73) vemesrsimnuananee From 70-00 1872 further offices were opened at Aguadilla, Arroyo, Mayaguez and Plate Nos. 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 146, 148,
Plate Nos. 12, 13, 14. Ponce, with Naguabo added three years later. 154, 156, 157, 158, 160, 167, 171, 174, 175,
263 4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate NO. 15).umsmemnnnnnn — £300 Great Britain stamps were used from 1865 to 1877, but few letters 179, 186, 187.
264 4d, sage-green (1877) (Plate Nos. 15, 16)....From £200 | @ppear to have used the baa poe between 1866 and | 765 1 ¥4d, lake-red (1870-74) (Plate No. 3) senso £110
265 6d. mauve (1869) (Plate NOS. 8, 9). aacs ofthe | 766
1873 Gus sourertolls Nate) Cae ald ie ora 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 13, 14)... 60:00
266 6d. buff (1872-73) (Plate Nos. 11, 12) Fan ON| mecaueuthor tesa Al Relr rts aencies closed. ol ai hey 267 3d. rose (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 7, 8, 9)
Z67 6d. chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11)... Z68 3d. rose (1873-76) 60:00
268 6d. grey (1873) (Plate No. 12)...... e225 AGUADILLA Plate Nos. 12, 16, 17, 18, 19.
Z69 6d. grey (1874-76) (Plate Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16)... 80:00 Z69 4d. vermilion (1865-73).....
Z70 8d. orange (1876)... £350 Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled ”F 84” as Type 8. Plate Nos. 8, 9, 12, 13,
Z7\ 9d. straw (1867). £200 1873-77. Z70 4d, vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 1S) sassveseateeeetiaeeee’ £300 —
Z72 10d. red-brown (1867) Zl Yad. rose-red (1870) (Plate No. 6). £110 Z71 4d. sage-green (1877) (Plate Nos. 15, 16).....From £200
273 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 6, 7). 60:00 22 1d. rose-red (1864-79). 70-00 272 6d. buff (1872-73) (Plate Nos. 11, 12) From 75-00
Z74 PSH GLEGA (ISLS =77)serccorsevaseecrsececestsenesnncnstsosrerees 80-00 Plate Nos. 119, 122, 139, 149, 156, 160. 273 6d. chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11)... 65:00
os ¥ He Oe ONO Mg tenis ZB 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate No. 14)... Z74 6d. grey (1873) (Plate No, 12).......
a = ue ) St £250 74 3d. rose (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 7, 8, 9) Z75 6d. grey (1874-76) (Plate Nos. 13, 14, 15) 60:00
Z75a s. rose (1857) (Plate No.2). Z5 3d. rose (1873-76) (Plate No. 12) Z76 9d. straw (1867)........ £275
26 4d. vermilion (1865-73) 70-00 cds 10d. See te . * £325
Plate Nos. 12, 13, 14. 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 6, 7). 50-00
ISLAY (later MOLLENDO) Z7 4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15) £300 | 279 1s. green (1873-77) 60:00
CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS Z7a 6d. pale buff (1872-73) (Plate No. 11) aah ; Kae een 9.10, 11,12, 13.
: , Z8 6d. grey (1874-76) (Plate Nos. 13, 14 s. blue senna
C4 CC TISLAY (Black) (23.10.1850) ...... Price on cover £5000 | 5g see aus : eee ||Bi 5s, rose (1867-74) (Plate Nos. 1, 2) From £600
eeeiaes of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 42” as Type 4 or with circular oH bee pee A Bae Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7). fom pays
late stamp as Type 16. Z12 1s.. green r
(1873-77) 85-00 SAN JUAN
1865-79. Plate Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. |
Z76 1d. rose-red (1864-79)... eee From 55-00) || @Z13. Ds.iblUe (1867): See eee £300 CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS
Plate Nos, 78, 84, 87, 88, 06, 103, 125,“134,
277 Vad. lake-red (1870-74) (Plate No. 3)... CCl CC 1 SAN JUAN PORTO RICO (R. or Black)
278 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 9, 13, 15). 55.00 ARROYO (25
SS5144) jeer ect tartans eat Priceon cover £650
779 3d. carmine-rose (1862)... No. CC1 may be found on cover, used in conjunction with Spanish
7380 3d rose((1865) se £110 | Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “F 83” as Type 8 (black or red) or | colonial adhesive stamps paying the local postage.
731 3d. rose (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 10) 65-00 with circular date stamps as Types 17 and 17B.
782 4d. red (1862) (Plate Nos. 3, 4) £130 1873-77. Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled "C 61” as in Types 4, 8, 12 or 14A.
Z83 Ad. vermilion (1867-73)
...... 70-00 Z14 Yad. rose-red 1870) (Plate No. 5: 65:00 1865-77.
Plate Nos. 910412513) Z15 1d. rose-red (1864-79). . 65-00 Z82 Yad. rose-red (1870) (Plate Nos. 5, 10, 15) ......From 50-00
Z84 4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15) Plate Nos. 149, 150, 151, 156, 164, 174, 175... Z83 1d. rose-red (1857) eae
Z85 4d, sage-green (1877) (Plate Nos. 15, 16) £200 Z16 1¥ad. lake-red (1870) (Plate Nos. 1, 3) Z84 1d. rose-red (1864-79)... From 38-00
Z86 6d. lilac (1862) (Plate Nos, 3, 4).. 90-00 Z17 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate No. 14)... Plate Nos. 73, 74, 81, 84, 90, 94, 100, 101,
Z87 éd. lilac (1865) (Plate No. 5)... 80-00 Z18 3d. rose (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 5, 7, 10). From 75:00 102, 107, 117, 122, 124, 125, 127, 130, 137,
Z88 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 6, 8, 9) 80-00 Z19 3d TTOSC873=76sracceoscmcmmcernienetees From 80:00 138, 139, 140, 145, 146, 149, 153, 156, 159,
Z88a 6d. chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11). Plate Nos. 11, 12, 14, 16, 18. 160, 162, 163, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175,
Z89 6d. buff (1873) (Plate No. 12). Z20 4d. verm (1865-73) (Plate Nos. 12, 13, 14)....From 70-00 179, 180, 182, 186.
Z90 6d. grey (1873) (Plate No. 12). i 221 4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15). .. £300 Z85 1¥ad. lake-red (1870-74) (Plate Nos. 1, 3)...
Z91 6d. grey (1874-76)... .From 65-00 222 6d. chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11).. 80-00 Z86 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 9, 13, 14).
Plate Nos. 13, 14,15, 16. 223 6d. pale buff (1872) (Plate No. 11)... 90:00 | 287 3d. rose (1865) (Plate No. 4).
Z92 9d. straw (1865). £375 Z23a 6d. grey (1873) (Plate No. 12) sss Z88 3d. rose (1867-73)...
293 9d. straw (1867). £225 224 6d. grey (1874-76) (Plate Nos. 13, 80:00 Plate Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Z94 10d. red-brown (1867 £300 Z25 9d. straw (1867)....... £325 Z89 en From
BO) TOSC.(1873=76) aac ssecteesscress 50-00
Z95 1s. green (1865) (Plate No. 4) 226 10d. red-brown (1867) £350 Plate Nos. 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.
Z96 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7)... 60-00 227 1s. green (1865) (Plate No. 4). Z90 Ad. Vermilion (1865-73) .cscccssscscsccssssssssssnsenssnsssnes From 50-00
Z97 1s. green (1873-77) usa. From 80:00 | Z28 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 70:00 Plate Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
Plate Nos. 8, 10, 12, 13. 229 1s. green (1873-77). 80:00 Z91 4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15).. See | pI)
298 25. DIUC (1867) ..eseveesesescesses Plate Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Z92 6d. lilac (1865-67) (Plate Nos. 5, 6) From 75-00
Z99 5s. rose (1867) (Plate No. 1). Z30 2s. blue (1867) £275 Z93 6d. lilac (1867) (Plate No. 6) ....scssssssseesesssereeseeseenenees 75:00
Z31 5s. rose (1867-74) (Plate No. 2).. 294 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 6, 8, 9) From 70-00
Z95 6d. buff (1872-73) (Plate Nos. 11, 12)
PAITA Z96 6d. chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11)... |
CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS MAYAGUEZ a ee grey (1873) (Plate No. 12)...
CCS. CCAPAITA (lack) (5.11.1850) .u...Priceon cover £6500 | St4mpsof GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “F 85"as Type in blackor blue. | 709 ed. straw(1
862).oe oe ‘Soa
Ete val : Z100 9d. straw (1865)... £375
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 43” as Type4or with circular date BEEN) From 55:00 | Z101 9d. straw (1867). £200
stamp as Type 16A in black or blue. 733 d Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 1 . Z102 10d. red-brown (1867) £275 |
1865-79. 1d. see ese isrrn shcieraegamainetstine From 40-00 Z103 1s. green (1865) (Plate No. 4). £140)
Z100 1d. rose-red (1864-79) (Plate Nos. 127, 147). 90-00 140, 146,149,150, 151, 154 15s 156 13 one 1 sreen el BEE tee peed
7101 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 9, 14) eae AGG AGS. AORTA Eee: Le Z105 1S. green \(1873=77) secsossssusccencoeaaee eam From 60:00
Z102 3d. rose (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 5, 6)... 90.00 51 BEAT B61 SO. aL Plate Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. ;
Z103 3d, . rose (1876) (Plate @ Nos.Nos. 17, 17, 18, 18, 19 19)... cenceras ZC s bei eo)
90-00 Z34 1Yad. lake-red (1870-74) (Plate Nos. 1, 3) 50:00 Z107 5s. rose (1867) (Plate Nos, 1, 2
= Russia to Venezuela, Mail Boat Obliterations BRITISH POST OFFICES ABROAD
RUSSIA MOBILE Z21 4d. sage-green (1877) (Plate Nos. 15, 16) £225
CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS Z22 6d. lilac (1865) (Plate No. 5)
THE BLACK SEA AND CONSTANTINOPLE EPS POGCAD MOBILE (15:12, 1841) ceessonarrenateenomeetoneet Z23 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 6, aa
Z24 6d. buff (1872-73) (Plate Nos. 11, 12)... .From £100
1854-56. Z25 6d. grey (1873) (Plate No. 12)... £210
NEW ORLEANS Z26 6d. grey (1874-76) (Plate Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16) 60:00
Ez EES CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS Z27 8d. orange (1876). £300
Z28 9d. straw (1862).
Cc3. CC 1b NEW ORLEANS (15.12.1841)

(x %) (O30)
Z29 9d. straw (1867).
cCc4 CC 1 NEW ORLEANS (27.4.1848)...
Z30 10d. red-brown (1867,
Z31 1s. green (1865) (Plate No. 4) £160
NEW YORK Z32 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos.4, 7) oe
CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS Z33 1s. green (1873-77)... oy .From 60-00
Reames RESIST Plate Nos. 8, 9, 10, i, 12, 13.
—=—__—— = ccs CC 1b NEW YORK (R.) (15.12.1841) ..... Price on cover £30000
234 2s. blue (1867)... rion MEETS
Z35 5s. rose (1867- 74) (|
(Plate No. iL 2) .From £600
Crown between Stars SAVANNAH
Z1 1d. red-brown (1841), iMperfrssssssessecssesseseuessssssseeee £850 CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS MARACAIBO
Z2 1d. red-brown Die|,wmk Small Crown, CC6 =CC 1b SAVANNAH (15.12.1841)
Although recorded in the G.P.O Proof Books,
Z3 1d. red- brown ((1855), Die I,wmk: Small Crown, CC1/4 or CC6 are known on cover. cc2 CC 1b MARACAIBO (31.12.1841).
perf 16... =e oe £275 No examples of No. CC2 on cover have
Z4 1d. red- brown, Die L wmk ‘Small Crown, perf 14.
Z5 1d. red-brown (1855), Die II, Small Crown, perf
14. a
Z6 2d. blue (1841) imperf... £1700 MONTEVIDEO CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS
Zi 2d. blue, Small Crown (1 British packets commenced calling at Montevideo in 1824 on passage cc3 CC 1b PORTO-CABELLO Meee12.Bee
to and from Buenos Aires. ronchitertttobt
reste eee .. Price on cover £3500
Z8 Is. green (1847), embossed £2750 Great Britain stamps were in use from 1864. Combination covers
Star between Cyphers exist with the local postage paid by Uruguay adhesive stamps. The MAIL BOAT OBLITERATIONS
z9 1d. red-brown (1841), imperf..... Ane % agency was closed on 31 July 1873.
Z10 1d. red-brown (1854), Die|,wmk ‘Small ‘Crown, The following cancellations were supplied to G.P.O. sorters operating
perf 16... Bae .. 85:00 on ships holding mail contracts from the British Post Office. They were
CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS for use on mail posted on board, but most examples occur on letters
Z11 1d. red- brown (1855), Die I,‘wmk ‘Small Crown,
BOEMihigh tee vsrccseccassasesecasnctestceorsscsancaciesnacamaronscocorecceesecrue 85-00 ccl CC 5 MONTEVIDEO (Black) (6.1.1851) Priceon cover £1400 from soldiers and sailors serving overseas which were forwarded to
Z12 1d. red-brown (1855), Die |, wmk Small Crown, the mailboats without postmarks.
[YT eres acer ON an 85-00 Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 28" as Type 4.
Z13 1d. red-brown (1855), Die II, wmk Small Crown, 1864-73. P. & O. MEDITERRANEAN AND FAR EAST MAILBOATS
perf 14... ters ~ 85:00 Z1 Tdi rOSe=red (11864) ieateentescrr
res tctereteecesserconercsese 55:00 The first such cancellation, “A 17” as Type 2, was issued to the
Z14 1d. red- brown (1855), Die I,wk Large ‘Crown, Plate Nos. 73, 92, 93, 94, 119, 148, 154, Southampton-Alexandria packet in April 1858, but no examples
PSONA LUOe aasseasa teccreccrrrtassconcersctecs
ottecmasaaaanass esSagoecoabe £110 IS7AAAS have been recorded.
Z15 1d. red-brown (1855), Die Il, wmk Large Crown, Z2 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 9, 13). 60-00 The G.P.O. Proof Book also records “B 16’, in Type 2, as being
perf 14 . 45:00 Z3 3d. rose (1865) (Plate No. 4) issued for marine sorting in November 1859, but this postmark was
Z16 2d. blue (1841), imperf. £2000 Z4 3d. rose (1867-71) (Plate Nos. 70-00 subsequently used by the Plymouth and Bristol Sorting Carriage.
Z17 2d. blue (1854), wmk Small Crown, perf 16. From £150 Z6 Ad, fOSC (1857) vsoscsssessssseseees Sorting on board P. & O. packets ceased in June 1870 and many
IAECINOS:.4 5s cescectcssresscccsccceceactesscrmesotnccoc = 27 4d. red (1862) (Plate No. 4). si of the cancellation numbers were subsequently reallocated using
Z18 2d. blue (1855), wmk Small Crown, perf 14. £250 Z8 4d. vermilion (1865-70)... From 70-00 Types 9, 11 or 12.
LE) \fot, a re ee Plate Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
Z19 2d. blue (1855), wmk Large Crown, perf 16. £300 z9 6d. lilac (1856)... ery Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 80" as Type 2.
Plate No. 5..... Z10 6d. lilac (1862) (Plate No.4) £160 1859 (Mar)-70.
220 2d. blue (1855), wmk Large Crown, perf 14. £180 Z11 6d. lilac (1865-67) (Plate Nos. 5, 6) 90:00 Z1 1d. rose-red (1857). Die Il, wmk Large Crown,
PIQECINO Sieccscsesapeescoscons Z12 6d. lilac (1867) (Plate No. 6) perf 14 40-00
Z22 6d. violet (1854), embossed £2000 Z13 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 8, 9). 80-00 22 6d. lilac (1856) £160
Z23 1s. green (1847), embossed £2000 Z14 6d. buff (1872)........
On 12 March 1854 Britain, France an y sig an alliance Z15 6d. chestnut (1872) Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 81” as Type 2.
against Russia. A British force arrived in Constantinople in April Z16 9d. straw (1862)... 1859 (Mar)-70.
1854 and the Anglo-French Black Sea Fleet based itself at Varna, Z17 9d. straw (1865)... Z3 1d. rose-red (1857), Die II, wmk Large Crown,
Bulgaria, the following month. “Crown between Stars” obliterators Z18 9d. straw (1867)... £300
were supplied for use at Army Field Post Offices at Constantinople and perf 14 40:00
Z19 10d. red-brown (1867) £350 Z4 1d. rose-red (1864-79). 35:00
Varna from July 1854 and in the Crimea, following the arrival of Allied
Z20 1s. green (1862)...... £160 Plate Nos, 84, 85, 86, 91, 97.
Forces, on 14 September 1854. The “Star between Cyphers” obliterator
was in use from March 1855 in the Crimea and at the British barracks Z21 1s. green (1865) (Plate No. 4). £140 Z5 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate No. 9). 50-00
at Scutari, near Constantinople. Z22 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 5) 75-00 Z6 4d. red (1862) (Plate No. 4)..... £120
223 2s. blue (1867)... Seat £250 Z7 4d. vermilion (1865-73) (Plate No. 8 60:00
Z24 5s. rose (1867) (Plate No. 1). £600 Z8 6d. lilac (1856)... £160
Z9 6d. lilac (1862) (Plate No. 3) £120
lilac (1865-67) (Plate Nos. 5, 6)
lilac (1867) (Plate No. 6) .....cssssssessssccssssssseessssesesensee
Little is known about the operation of British Packet Agencies in Spain, Z12 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 6, 8).. 75-00
other than the dates recorded for the various postal markings in the British Postal Agencies were initially opened at La Guayra and Porto
Z13 10d, red-brown (1867)... £500
G.P.0. Proof Books. The Agency at Corunna is said to date from the Cabello on 1 January 1842. Further offices were added at Maracaibo in
Z14 1s. red-brown (1856)... £275
late 17th century when the Spanish packets for South America were 1842 and Ciudad Bolivar during January 1868. Porto Cabello closed in
based there. No. CC1 was probably issued in connection with the 1858 and Maracaibo was also short-lived. The remaining offices closed
at the end of 1879 when Venezuela joined the U.P.U. Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 82” as Type 2.
inauguration of the P. & O. service to Spain in 1843. The Spanish port
Great Britain stamps were used at La Guayra from 1865 and at 1859 (Mar)-70.
of call was changed to Vigo in 1846 and the office at Corunna was then
closed. Teneriffe became a port-of-call for the South American packets Ciudad Bolivar from its establishment in 1868. They can be found used Z15 1d. rose-red (1857), Die Il, wmk Large Crown,
in 1817 and this arrangement continued until 1858. in combination with Venezuela adhesives paying the local postage. perf 14... Be 50:00
Z16 2d. blue (1858) ‘(Plate No. 7) 55:00
CIUDAD BOLIVAR Z17 4d. rose (1856) £225
CORUNNA Z18 6d. lilac 1856). £200
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “D 22" as Type 12, or circular date
Z19 6d. lilac (1865-67) (Plate Nos. 5. 6) £130
CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS stamps as Types 16 (black) or 17 (red).
Z20 6d. lilac (1867) (Plate No. 6)........ £110
CC1 CC Th CORUNNA (28.2.1842) ..rrccssssesssssssssscsessesessssnsnsseenee 1868-79.
Although recorded in the G.P.O. Proof Books no example of No. Z1 1d. rose-red (1864-79) (Plate No. 133)... £300 Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 83” as Type 2.
CC1 on cover is known. Z2 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate No. 13)
1859 (Apr)-70.
Z3 3d. rose (1867-73) (Plate No. 5)...
Z21 1d. rose-red (1857), Die II, wmk Large Crown,
Z4 3d. rose (1873-79) (Plate No. 11) £375
Z5 4d. vermilion (1865-73) m £375
Z22 1d, rose-red (1864-79)... From 35:00
CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS Plate Nos. 9, 11, 12, 14.
Plate Nos. 73, 74, 84, 91, 92, 109.
Z6 4d. sage-green (1877) (Plate Nos. 15, 16)......From £450
cc2 CC 7 TENERIFFE (6.1.1851).... .. Priceoncover £3750 Z23 3d. carmine-rose (1862) £275
Z7 4d. grey-brown (1880) wmk Crown (Plate
cc3 CC 4 TENERIFFE (23.10.1857 ... Priceoncover £3750 Z24 4d. rose (1857) £200
(Neos WA ene ted £1100
No. CC2/3 can be found used on covers from Spain to South America Z25 4d. red (1862)... £110
Z8 9d. straw (1867)...... £500
with the rate from Spain to Teneriffe paid in Spanish adhesive stamps. Z26 4d. vermilion (1865-73) (Plate Nos. 9, 10) 60:00
Z9 10d. red-brown (1867) o
227 6d. lilac (1856). £160
Z10 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 5, 7). From £375
228 6d. lilac (1862).. £125
Z11 1s. green (1873-77) (Plate Nos. 10, 12, 13)..From £550
Z29 6d, lilac (1865-67) (Plate Nos. 5, 6) £100
Z12 2s. blue (1867) . £1100
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Z13 5s. rose (1867- £2000
violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 6, 8).
red-brown (1867)
From 75:00
The network of British Packet Agencies, to operate the trans-Atlantic Z32 1s. green (1862). £275
Packet system, was re-established in 1814 after the War of 1812. LA GUAYRA
The New York Agency opened in that year to be followed by further CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 84” as Type 2.
offices at Boston, Charleston (South Carolina), New Orleans, Savannah
(Georgia) (all in 1842), Mobile (Alabama) (1848) and San Francisco CC1_ CC 1b LA GUAYRA (Black) (15.12.1841) 1859 (Apr)-70.
(1860). Of these agencies Charleston and Savannah closed the same A ie escsesettcn an a pastieseS Price on cover £3000 Z33 1d. rose-red ey Die II, wmk a Crown,
year (1842) as did New Orleans, although the latter was re-activated perf 14... cha eee SID
from 1848 to 1850. Mobile closed 1850, Boston in 1865, New York Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelledC 60" as Type 4, circular date stamp
in 1882 and San Francisco, for which no postal markings have been as Types 16 and 17 or with No, CC1. Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 85” as Type 2.
recorded, in 1883. 1865-80. 1859 (Apr)-70.
Although recorded in the G.P.O. Proof Books no actual examples of Z14 Yad. rose-red (1870) Plate NO. 6).sssssscsssscccscceccceeseceee Z34 1d. rose-red (1857), Die Il, wmk Large Crown, perf
the Crowned-circle handstamps for Charleston, Mobile, New Orleans Z15 1d. rose-red (1864-79)... From 60:00 14. . 40-00
and Savannah are known on cover. Plate Nos. 81, 92, 96, 5,131, Z35 1d. rose-red ( ee 35-00
The G.P.O. Proof Books record, in error, a Crowned-circle handstamp 138, 144, 145, 154, 177, ‘178, 180, 196. Plate Nos. 79, 97, 103.
for St. Michaels, Maryland. This handstamp was intended for the Z16 ad. lake-red (1870-74) (Plate No. 3)... 236 3d. carmine-rose (1862) £275
agency on San Miguel in the Azores. Z17 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 13, 14 60-00 Z37 4d. red (1862)... £110
Z18 3d. rose (1873-76)... 70-00 Z38 6d. lilac (1856).. £160
CHARLESTON Plate Nos. 14, 15, Z39 6d. lilac (1862) (Plate Nos. 3, £120
Z19 4d. vermilion (1865- 73). 60:00 Z40 6d. lilac (1865-67) (Plate No. 5 £100
CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS Plate Nos. 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14. Z41 6d. lilac (1867) (Plate No. 6). 90-00
CC1 CC Th CHARLESTON (15.12.1841) seccsssssseesecssnsesssrsssnsser Z20 Ad. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15).sssssssssscssesse £300 Z42 1s. green (1862) £300

Specialists in British Commonwealth Stamps




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ay. illustrated oles? 6757

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Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 86” as Type 2. Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C 79” as Type 12.
1859 (Apr)-70. 1866 (June)-70.
243 1d. rose-red (1857), Die I, wmk Large Crown, Z116 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate Nos. 6, 8) . From 95-00
perf 14 ZA) 10d, red-brown (1867) £450
Z44 1d, rose-red (1864-79)...
Plate Nos. 73, 84, 94,97, 114, 118.
Z45 BOR KOSE! (1SG0) lemres aeecccmesecensensonemeunines
Z46 3d, rose (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4, 5)
Z47 Ad, rOSC (1857) sessssessseeens These were all issued in June 1859, No examples arc known used after
Z48 4d, red (1862) (Plate No. 4).. August 1868. “B 61” is recorded as being issued in March 1862, but
Z49 4d. vermilion (1865-73) (Plate No. 10).. no examples are known. Cancellation numbers were subsequently
Z50 STAG 856) ircsretecrsnrcscccresreenss reallocated to offices in Great Britain or, in the case of “A 91”, the
British Virgin Islands.
Z51 6d. lilac (1862) (Plate Nos. 3, 4)..
Z52 6d. lilac (1865-67) (Plate Nos. 5, 6) Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 91” as Type 2.
Z53 6d, lilac (1867) (Plate Nos. 6, 8)
Z54 10d. red-brown (1867) 1859 (June)-68.
Z55 1s. green (1862). Z130 1d. rose-red (1857), Die Il, wmk Large Crown,
perf 14... m 70-00
Z131 1d. rose-red (1864- 79) (Plate ‘No. 121). 60-00
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 87” as Type 2.
Z132 2d. blue (1855), wmk Small Crown, per:
1859 (Apr)-70. 2133 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate Nos. 8, 9 95-00
Z56 1d. rose-red (1857), Die II, wmk Large Crown, eet Z134 4d. rose (1857) £250
Z135 4d. red (1862). £130
Z57 4d, rose (1856) Z136 6d. lilac (1856) £175
Z58 6d. lilac (1867) (Plate No. 6). Z137 6d, lilac (1862) £150
Z138 6d. lilac (1865-67) . £120
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 88" as Type 2. Z139 9d, straw (1862)..
1859 (Apr)-70. Z140 1s. green (1856). £325
Z59 1d, rose-red (1857), Die Il, wmk Large Crown,
perf 14 Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 92” as Type 2.
Z60 1d. rose-red (1864-79 1859 (June)-68.
Plate Nos. 74, 80, 85. Z141 1d. rose-red (1857), Die Il, wmk Large Crown,
Z61 4d. rose (1857) perf 14... 70:00
Z62 4d, red (1862)... Z142 1d. rose-red (1864 79) (Plate ‘Nos. 93,‘97 60-00
Z63 4d. vermilion (1865-73) (Plate No. 8) 2143 6d. lilac(1856)... Fins £175
Z64 6d, Vi1AC (1856) vrsesssssssseseseeeee Z144 6d. lilac (1862) (Plate No. 3). £160
Z65 6d. lilac (1862) (Plate No. 4). Z145 6d. lilac (1865-67) (Plate Nos. £120
Z66 6d. lilac (1865-67) (Plate No.
Z67 6d, lilac (1867) (Plate No. 6)...... Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 93” as Type 2.
Z68 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate No. 8)
1859 (June)-68.
Z69 10d. red-brown (1867)
Z146 1d, rose-red (1857), Die Il, wmk Large Crown,
Z70 1s. green (1856)...
perf 14 70-00
Z147 1d. rose-red (1864-79) (Plate No. 85) 60-00
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 89" as Type 2. Z148 6d. lilac (1856). £175
1859 (Apr)-70. Z149 6d. lilac (1865- £160
Zit 1d, rose-red (1857), Die Il, wmk Large Crown, Z150 10d. red-brown (1867) £525
perf 14... £110
Z72 6d. lilac (1856).. £300 Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 94” as Type 2.
1859 (June)-68.
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled ”A 90" as Type 2.
Z151 1d. rose-red (1857), Die Il, wmk Large Crown, perf
1859 (June)-70. 95:00
273 1d, rose-red (1857), Die II, wmk Large Crown, pet! Z152 70:00
65-00 Z153 4d. vermilion (1865- 73) (Plate No.7) £100
Z74 Ad. rose (1856). Z154 6d. lilac (1856). £200
Z75 6d, lilac (1856).. 4 £250 Z155 6d. lilac (1862). By £160
Z76 6d. lilac (1865-67) fee Nos, 5, 6). From £160 Z156 6d. lilac (1865-67) (Plate Nos. 5, 6)... FrOM £140
Z77 9d. straw (1867)... Rename
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 95” as Type 2.
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 99" as Type 2.
1859 (June)--68.
1859 (June)-70. Z157 1d. rose-red (1857), Die Il, wmk Large Crown,
Z78 1d, rose-red (1857), Die II, wmk Large Crown, perf 14 65-00
Perf 14 nrssessssens 40-00 Z158 1d, rose-red (1864-79). From 55-00
Z79 1d. rose-red (1864-79 35:00 Plate Nos. 72, 89, 97.
Plate Nos. 93, 97, 99, 118. Z159 3d. rose (1867-73) (Plate No. 5).. 95-00
Z80 4d. rose (1857). £200 Z160 Ad. red (1862)... £130
Z81 4d. red (1862)... £110 Z161 4d. vermilion (1865—73) (Plate No.a 70-00
Z82 4d. vermilion (1865-73) (Plate No. 11).. 60-00 Z162 6d. lilac (1862)... fe a8 £190
Z83 6d. lilac (1856) Z163 6d. lilac (1865-67) (Plate No. Sh. £160
Z84 GAIA TSE2) esscrsssessvonecschessesee, a £160 Z164 6d. lilac (1867) (Plate No. 6). £130
Z85 6d, lilac (1865-67) (Plate Nos. 5, 6).. From £120 Z165 TS. GFEOM (1856) ...sccsssccssseree. £275
Z86 10d. red-brown (1867) £500
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 96" as Type 2.
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “B 03" as Type 2. 1859 (June)-68.
1859 (Aug)-70. Z166 1d. rose-red (1857), Die Il, wmk Large Crown,
Z87 ~—_1d. rose-red (1857), Die Il, wmk Large Crown, perf 14... 70-00
perf 14.. 55-00 Z167 4d. vermilion (186 £100
Z88 —_1d. rose-red (1864-79) (Plate Nos. 109, 116)..From 40-00 Z168 6d. lilac (1856)...... £180
Z89 3d. rose (1865) (Plate No. 4) £100 Z169 1s. green (1856). £300
Z90 60. lilac (1856)... scesessssseee £170
Z91__ 6d, lilac (1867) (Plate No. 6) £140 Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 97" as Type 2.
Z92 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate N £100 1859 (June)-68.
Z93 10d. red-brown (1867) £550 Z170 1d. rose-red (1857), Die II, wmk Large Crown,
perf 14... 70:00
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “B 12" as Type 2. Z171 1d. rose- red ( 60-00
1859 (Oct)-70. Z172 4d. Ted (1862) (Plate No. 3)... £140
Z94 1d. rose-red (1857), Die Il, wmk Large Crown, perf
“|he sso hepato Same inner ike eh nana kere aaah 55-00 Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 98" as Type 2.
Z95 1d. rose-red (1864-79) (Plate No. 94) 40-00 1859 (June)-68.
Z96 3d. rose (1865) (Plate No. 4).. £100 Z173 1d. rose-red (1857), Die Il, wmk Large Crown,
297 Ad. 1d (1862) ..ecsscsessssssssseeree £120 perf 14... 70:00
Z98 4d. vermilion (1865-73) (Plate No. 8). 75-00 Z174 4d. red (1862)... £140
z99 6d, lilac (1856)... Z175 6d, lilac (1856). £200
Z100 6d. lilac (1862)... £170 Z176 6d. lilac (1862) (Plate No. 4). £160
Z101 6d. lilac (1865-67) (Plate Nos. 5, 6). £140 Z177 6d. lilac (1865-67) (Plate Nos. 5, 6) From £120
Z102 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate No. 8)..... 95-00

1861 (July)-70. British G.P.O. sorters worked on these Canadian ships between
Z103 1d. rose-red (1864-70) (Plate Nos. 84, 97)... 40-00 November 1859 and April 1860. Cancellations as Type 2 numbered
Z104 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate No. 9) 60-00 “B 17’, "B 18" “B 27’, “B 28", "B 29" and “B 30” were issued to them,
Z105 Ad. red (1862) (Plate No. 4) ...... £120 but have not been reported used on Great Britain stamps during
Z106 4d. vermilion (1865-73) (Plate Nos. 7, 8 65-00 this period. All were subsequently reallocated to British post offices.
Z107 ‘6d. lilac (1862) (Plate Nos. 3, 4)... £140
Z108 6d, lilac (1865-67) (Plate Nos. 5, 6). £120
Z109 6d. violet (1867-71) (Plate Nos. 6, 8 £100 SPANISH WEST INDIES MAILBOATS
“D 26" was supplied for use by British mail clerks employed on ships of
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “B 57” as Type 2. the Herrara Line operating between St. Thomas (Danish West Indies),
1861 (July)-70. Cuba, Dominican Republic and Porto Rico.
Z110 1d. rose-red (1857), DieIl,wmk Large Crown, pert
50-00 Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “D 26” as Type 12.
Z111 1d. rose-red (1864-79) (Plate No. 81). 40-00 1868-71.
Z112 2d. blue (1858-69) (Plate No, 9) 60:00 Z190 1d. rose-red (1864-79) (Plate Nos. 98, 125)...
Z113 AM. FED (1862) cecscsssscssssssscsssereere £120 Z191 4d. vermilion (1865-73) (Plate Nos. 9, 10, 11). £1400
Z114 4d. . vermilion (1865-73) (Plate Nos. 7, 65-00 Z192 6d. violet (1867-70) (Plate No. 8)
Z115 6d. . lilac (1865-67) (Plate Nos. 5, 6) £120 Z193 1s. green (1867) (Plate No. 4)......


yD )es

Quality Stamps like the ones listed below always available.

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Est 1856
Stanley Gibbons Limited

nvgwecs, tanpuie Sega
+44 (0)1425 472 363
20 50f. on 50n.p. bistre 60:00 60-00 ir ar eee ed
21 75f. on 75n.p. black 60:00 60:00
Abu Dhabi 22 3 100f.
a. Surch double, one albino..
on 1r. emerald.
18:00 4-75 Aden
OTA 23
on 2r. black...
on 5r. carmine-red..
on 10r. deep ultramarine.........
a no in
1964. 100 Naye Paise = 1 Rupee 1966. 1000 Fils = 1 Dinar a. Short extra bar below portrait The first post office in Aden opened during January 1839, situated in
£475 what became known as the Crater district. No stamps were initially
Abu Dhabi is the largest of the former Trucial States on the Persian 15/25 Set of 11.. £300 £275
Gulf, which are now combined to form the United Arab Emirates. The available, but, after the office was placed under the Bombay Postal
The 40f., 50f. and 75f. are surcharged “Fils” only, as in Type 8. The Circle, stocks of the 1854 Y2a. and 1a. stamps were placed on sale in
others, which all issued stamps, are Ajman (with Manama), Dubai, remainder have the new value expressed in figures also. On the 1d.
Fujeira, Ras al Khaima, Sharjah and Umm al Qiwain. They were known Aden from 10 October 1854. Supplies of the 2a. and 4a. values did not
the old value is obliterated by bars. arrive until December. Most Indian issues from the 1854 lithographs
as the Trucial States because in May 1853 they all signed the Perpetual No. 18a was quickly corrected. Only five sheets with the error are
Maritime Truce Agreement with the United Kingdom, under which up to 1935 Silver Jubilee set can be found with Aden postmarks.
believed to have been sold.
they undertook to give up piracy and the slave trade. During January 1858 a further office, Aden Steamer Point, was
opened in the harbour area and much of the business was transferred
The Abu Dhabi Post Department took over the postal services on to it by 1869. The original Aden post office, in Crater, was renamed
Shaikh Shakhbut bin Sultan 1 January 1967. Later stamp isssues will be found in Part 19 (Middle Aden Cantonment, later to be changed again to Aden Camp.
1928-6 August 1966 East) of this catalogue. The first cancellation used with the Indian stamps was a plain
diamond of dots. This type was also used elsewhere so that attribution
BRITISH POSTAL ADMINISTRATION to Aden is only possible when on cover. Aden was assigned “124” in
The postal service was established on 30 March 1963 and the the Indian postal number system, with the sub-office at Aden Steamer
stamps of the British Postal Agencies in Eastern Arabia (see British Point being “132” After a short period “124” was used at both offices,
Postal Agencies in Eastern Arabia in this catalogue) were used until cancellations being identifiable by the spacing and shape of the
29 March 1964. numerals. It is possible that “132” was also used at an office in India.

§ Vex
\ Y

HOw M a0
1 Shaikh Shakhbut
bin Sultan

3 Ruler’s Palace 4 Oil Rig and Camels

(Des M. C. Farrar-Bell. Photo Harrison (T 1/2). Des C. T. Kavanagh

(T 3), Miss P. M. Goth (T 4). Recess Bradbury Wilkinson)
1964 (30 Mar). P 14% (T 1/2) or 13x13% (T 3/4).
1 1 Srp. green... 5:00 5-00
2 15n.p. red-brown... 450 3-50
3 20n.p. ultramarine 4:50 2:25
a. Perf 13x13¥ £550
4 30n.p. red-orange. 4:50 2-00
5 2 40n.p. reddish violet 7-50 1-50 1872 Aden Steamer Point Duplex
6 50n.p. bistre 8-00 3-25
7 75n.p. black 10-00 7:00 Both post offices used “124” until 1871 when Aden Cantonment
8 is Ir. emeral 5:50 3:25 was assigned “125”, only to have this swiftly amended to “124A” in
9 2r. black... 10-00 5:50 the same year.
10 4 5r. carmine-red 25:00 14-00
11 10r. deep ultramarine.. 29:00 16-00
£100 55-00

sfLZSI> «(124
1871 Aden Cantonment “125” 1871 Aden Cantonment
Cancellation “124A” Cancellation

Cancellations inscribed “Aden Steamer Point” disappear after 1874

Saker Falcon on Gloved Hand and this office was then known simply as Aden. Following this change
the office was given number “B-22” under the revised Indian P.O.
(Des V. Whiteley. Photo Harrison) scheme and this number appears as a major part of the cancellations
1965 (30 Mar). Falconry. P 14%. from 1875 to 1886, either on its own or as part of aduplex. Aden Camp,
12 5 20n.p. light brown and grey-blue.. 15-00 275 the alternative name for the Cantonment office, became “B-22/1".
13 6 40n.p. light brown and blue....... 18-00 3-00
14 7 2r. sepia and turquoise-green. 32:00 16-00
12/14 Set of 3 60:00 19-00

Shaikh Zaid bin Sultan al Nahayyan
6 August 1966

OCl. >. /_—_[___aE=IEEEE

1875 Aden Duplex
Squared-circle types for Aden and Aden Cantonment were
introduced in 1884 and 1888 to be in turn replaced by standard
Indian double and single circle from 1895 onwards.
Fils ys A number of other post offices were opened between 1891 and
(8) Dthali (opened 1903, initially using “EXPERIMENTAL P.O. B-84”
postmark; closed 1907)
(Surch by Arabian Ptg & Publishing House, Bahrain) Kamaran (opened c 1915, but no civilian postmarks known before
1966 (1 Oct). New Currency. Nos. 1/11 surch as T 8, with bars 1925)
obliterating portrait of deposed Shaikh. P 13x13% (20f), Khormaksar (opened 1892; closed 1915; reopened 1925)
others as before. Maalla (opened 1923; closed 1931)
15 1 5f. on 5n.p. green 14-00 6-50 Nobat-Dakim (opened 1904, initially using “EXPERIMENTAL P.O. B-84”
16 15f. on 15n.p. red-brown 21:00 12-00 postmark; closed 1905) .
17 20f. on 20n.p. ultramarine.. 21:00 850 Perim (opened 1915; closed 1936)
b. Perf 14%.. £250 £275 Sheikh Othman (opened 1891; closed 1915; reopened 1922; closed
£750 £1300 1937)
18 19:00 23-00
a. Arabic “2” for “3”insurch PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER TO 1945
(R. 7/8) £9000 Nos. 1/15 from x 6
b. Surch double, one albino. £400 Nos. 16/27 from x 3
19 2 40f. on 40n.p. reddish violet... 14-00 1-00
ADEN Protectorate States
(Currency. 12 pies = 1 anna; 16 annas = 1 rupee) (New Currency. 100 cents = 1 shilling)

1951 (1 Oct). Nos. 18 and 20/7 surch with new values, in cents
or shillings, as T 12, or in one line between bars (30c.) by
36 5c. on 1a. pale blue.. 25 40
37 10c. on 2a. sepia....... 20 45
38 15c. on 2a. deep ultramarine 45 1-25
(Recess D.L.R.) a. Surch Gouble......-.sscsses £1600
1937 (1 Apr). Wmk Mult Script CA sideways. P 13x12. 39 20c. on 3a. sepia and carmine.. 50 40
1 1 ‘a. yellow-green. 4:50 40 30c. on 8a. red-orange (R.) 65 65
2 9p. deep green 4-25 41 50c. on 8a. red-orange... 1:75 35
3 la. sepia 3-75 a. Surch double, one albino.. £3500
4 2a. scarlet... 6.00 42 70c. on 14a. sepia and light blue 250 1:50
5 2a. bright blue. 8:00 43 1s. on Ir. emerald-Qreen 3-25 30 ™
6 3a. carmine... 11:00 44 2s. on 2r. deep blue and magenta . 3:75
7 3¥%a. grey-blue 8-50 a. Surch albino a e
25c. Crackin wall(R.1/5)
8 8a. pale purple 27-00 45 5s. on 5r. red-brown and olive--green ... 30:00 17-00 (Recess Waterlow, D.L.R. from 5 Dec 1961) /
9 Tr. brown... 60:00 46 10s. on 10r. sepia and violet. . 17-00
36/46 Set of 11 38-00 1953 (15 June)-63. T 14/25. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 13%x13
10 2r. yellow... £120
(No. 72), 12x13% (Nos. 57, 64, 66, 68) or 12 (others).
11 5r. deep purple £300
a. Bright aniline purple... £400 48 14 5c. yellowish green 0 10
1953 (2 June). Coronation. As No. 120 of Antigua. 49 5c. bluish green (1.6.55) . 275, 3:50
12 10r. olive-green.. £750 47 15. black ANG Qre@M esssssssssssssseeccseesersernnyennes 1-75 1:25 a. Perf 12x13% (12.4.56 20 1-25
AMIS CL OF 1D csccrvctesscorecsepeccouectoce £1200
1s/12s Perf”SPECIMEN” Set of 1 £750 50 15 10c. orange.. 40 10
51 10c. vermilion (1.2. 50 30
1937 (12 May). Coronation. As Nos. 95/7 of Antigua, but ptd by 52 16 5c. blue-green........ 1:50 60
D.L.R. P 14. 53 15c. greenish grey (26.4.59). 850 6-00
13 la. sepia. 65 1:25 a. Deep greenish grey (16.1.62) 23:00 24-00
14 2%a. light blue. 75 b. Greenish slate (13.11.62 29:00 20-00
w. Wmk inverted . £1800 54 17 25c. carmine-red 1:00 55
15 3%a. grey-blue. 1-00 a, Crack in wall 60:00 35-00
V3/ASISCHOPS mennneee. 2:25 55 25c. deep rose-red (15.3.56) 600 1-75
13s/15s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of £160 a. Rose-red (13.3.62 21:00 8-50
56 18 35c. deep ultramarine. 250 1:50
57 35c. deep blue (15.10.58). 7:00 5:50
a. Violet-blue (17.2.59 15-00 4:25
58 19 50c. dull blue........ 50 10
59 50c. deep blue (1.7.55). 3:75 1-75
a. Perf 12x13% (12.4.56 1:25 20
aw. Wmk inverted. t £900
60 20 70c. brown-grey.. 70 10°
61 70c. black (20.9.54). 1-75 35
a. Perf 12x13% (12.4. 2:00 20
62 21 1s. sepia and reddish viole 70 10
63 1s. black and violet (1.7.55 1:75 10
64 21a 15.25 blue and black (16.7.56) 13-00 60
a. Dull blue and black (16.1.62) 21-00 1-25
65 22 ~=_2s. sepia and rose-carmine 1:50 50
66 2s. black and carmine-red 15:00 50
aw. Wmk inverted
6. Black and carmine-rose (22.1.63) 48:00 18-00
67 23 5s. Sepia ANd dull DIUC....csecssssssssseeeee 2025 1:00
68 5s. black and deep dull blue
17:00 1:25
a. 45:00 18:00
69 24 10s. sepia and olive 2:25 8-00
70 10s. black and bronze-green
(20.9.54) me 1:75
71 25 20s. chocolate and reddish lilac. 8:00 10:00
72 20s. black and deep lilac (7.1.57)... 65:00 22:00
a. ae black and deep lilac
18 Dhow 27-00
On No. 70 the tribesman’s skirt is shaded with cross-hatching
instead of with mainly diagonal lines as in No. 69.
7 Mukalla 8 “Capture of Aden, 1839”
(Captain Rundle) 1954 (27 Apr). Royal Visit. As No. 62 but inscr “ROYAL VISIT 1954”
at top.
(Recess Waterlow) 73 1s. sepia and reddish violet... 1:00 1:00
1939 (19 Jan)-48. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 12%.
16 3 %a. yellowish green......
a. Bluish green (13.9.48)
17 4 %a, red-brown 3-00 7 CONSTITUTION
5 la. pale blue.
6 1¥%a. scarlet.
1404 1959
20 3 2a. sepia 1:75 20 Salt works 21 Dhow building (26) (27)
21 7 2%a. deep ultramarin 2-00 1959 (26 Jan). Revised Constitution. No. 53 optd with T 26, and
22 8 3a. sepia and carmine 2-00 No. 64 optd with T 27, in red, by Waterlow.
23 7 ‘8a. red-orange.......... 2-50 74 15c. slate-green.... 60 2:50
23a 8 14a. sepia and light blue (15.1.45) 4:50
75 1s.25 blue and black. 1:00 1:50
24 6 Ir. emerald-green.... 5-50
25 5 2r. deep blue and mag 12:00 1963 (4 June). Freedom from Hunger. As No. 146 of Antigua.
26 4 5r. red-brown and olive--green 38-00
76 15.25 bluish green (Protein fOOdS) ssecessssses0e 1-25 2:25
27 8 = 10r. sepia and violet. .
1964 (5 Feb)-65. As Nos. 48, etc. but wmk w 12. P 12 (10c,, 15c.,
25c., 1s.) or 12x13% (others).
77 14 5c. green (16.2.65) 475 12:00
78 15 10c. bright orange... 2:25 1:25
79 16 ==15c. greenish gre 1:00 650
w. Wmk inverted. £120
80 17 = 25c. carmine-red. 3-25 50
81 18 35c. indigo-violet. 800 6:00
82 19 50c. indigo-blue... 150 1:50
a. Pale indigo-blue (16.2.65)... 225 2:50
aw. Wmk inverted.
1%aa. Accent over “D” (R. 7/1)
83 20 70C. blaCK srsseesssonses 300 4:50
1946 (15 Oct). Victory. As Nos. 110/11 of Antigua. a. Brownish grey (16.2.65).. 475 10-00
28 1a. carmine 40 1-75 84 21 1s. black and violet (10.3.64). 12:00 3-50
a. Accent over “D’ 55:00 70-00 85 21a 1s.25 ultramarine and black (10.3. 18:00 2:25
29 2Yaa. DIVC........e.e0000 85 1-00 86 22 2s. black and carmine-rose |
w. Wmk inverted. £1800 (16.2.65) 7:00 3800 |
28s/29s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 2. £140 77/86 Set of 10. 55:00 65-00
Examples of the “Accent over officially corrected by The Stamps of Aden were withdrawn on 31 March 1965 and
scratching out the mark with a sharp point. 23 Crater Pass superseded by those of the South Arabian Federation.


1949 (17 Jan). Royal Silver Wedding. As Nos. 112/13 of Antigua.
30 1a. scarlet (P 14x15)... 40 2-25
31 10r. mauve (P 11%x11). 40-00 55-00 KATHIRI STATE OFRSS
1949 (10 Oct). 75th Anniv of U.RU. As Nos. 114/17 of Antigua,
surch with new values by Waterlow. Thestamps. of ADEN. \
32 2%”a. on 20c. ultramarine... 60 1:50 22 May 1937 until 1942. A furth
33 3a. on 30c, carmine-red.. 2:00 1-50 11 December 1940.
34 8a. on 50c. orange 2-00 2:00
a. “C" of “CA” omitted from watermark £1600
35 Ir. on 1s, blue oh 1:60 5:50
32/35 Set of 4 5:50 9:50 25 “Aden in 1572" (F. Hogenberg) Nos. 1/11

Protectorate States ADEN
1953 (2 June). Coronation. As No. 120 of Antigua.
28 15c. black and deep green (Queen
Elizabeth II) 175

1 Sultan of
Seiyun TATE DF:

14 Sultan vic TORY

(Des Freya Stark and H. Ingram. Recess D.L.R.)
1954 (15 Jan). As Nos. 1/11 (but with portrait of Sultan Hussein as Om JUNE
in T 14/15). Wmk Mult Script CA. T 14, P 12%; others P 12x13
(vert) or 13x12 (horiz).
29 WA. SG.'SOPia wcsccsrcctecssccrectos oeettctacmnccees 10 20
9 Meshhed (10)
30 10c. deep blue........... 15 20
(Recess D.L.R.)
31 2 15c. deep bluish green... 20 20
32 15 25c. carmine-red.. 20 20 1942 (July)-46. 1/9. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 14 (% to 1a), 12x13
33 4 35c. deep blue 20 20 (1%, 2, 3a. and 11.) or 13x12 (others).
34 5 50c. deep brown and carmine-red.. 20 15 1 1 Ya. blue-green 1:75 50
35 6 1s. brown-orange...... 20 15 a. Olive-green (12.46). 30:00 42:00
36 7 2s. deep yellow-green. 425 2-50 2 Ya. brown 2:50 30
37 8 5s. deep blue and violet. 10:00 12-00 3} 1:00 1:00
9 . yellow-brown and violet . . - : 4 2:00 50
5 2:00 1:75
J BESSE 6 50 30
5 Fortress, Tarim 7 1-25 1:00
8 1:25 40
9 7-50 475
a. £1300 £1200
10 2r. blue and purple... 18:00 17-00
1°69 5r. brown and green. 40:00 23-00
DAM ESCCORT ccccoesancctetnees 70:00 45-00
1s/11s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 11 £325
1946 (15 Oct). Victory. No. 4 optd. with T 10 and No. 6 optd
similarly, but in three lines, by De La Rue.
12 laa. carmine.. 15 1:25
13 2¥aa. blue (R.).. 15 20
12s/13s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of2. £120
7 South Gate, Tarim 8 Kathiri House
1949 (17 Jan). Royal Silver Wedding. As Nos. 112/13 of Antigua.
14 1a. scarlet 50 4-50
15 Sr. green.. 17:00 15:00
1949 (10 Oct). 75th Anniv of U.P.U. As Nos. 114/17 of Antigua,
surch with new values by Waterlow.
16 2a. on 20c. ultramarine.... 15 70
VICTORY 17 3a. on 30c. carmine-red 1-40 2:75
18 8a. on 50c. orange 25 275
ISSUE (Recess D.L.R.) 19 Tr. on 1s, blue... 30 50
a. Surch omitted.. £4000
SDF, SE J 8tn JUNE 1946 1964 (1 July). T 16/18. W w 12. P 12x13 (70c.) or 13x12 (others).
N/T SCHOPA aor cctccesnpeatevesteecs 1:90 6:00
9 Mosque Entrance, (10) 39 16 70c. black 3-75 2:50
Tarim 40 17 15.25 blue-green 3-75 10-00 1951 (1 Oct). Currency changed. Surch with new values in cents
41 18 15.50 deep reddish violet 3-75 10-00 or shillings as T 11 (5c.), 12 (10c. (“CTS”), 15¢., 20c. and 50c.)
39/41 Set of 3 10:00 20-00 or 13 (1s. to 5s.) of Seiyun, by Waterlow.
(Recess D.L.R.)
Stamps after this date can be found listed under South Arabia. 20 5c. on 1a. blue (R.) 15 30
1942 (July-Oct). T 1/9 Wmk Mult Script CA. T 1, P 14; others
21 10c. on 2a. sepia.. 15 30
P 12x13 (vert) or 13x12 (horiz).
22 15c. on 2'%a. blue 15 30
1 1. %a. blue-green 20 2:00 QU/AITI STATE IN HADHRAMAUT
2 %a. brown 40 450 23 20c. on 3a. sepia and carmine... 30 1:00
a. Surch double, one albino... £600
3 1a. blue. 70 2:25 The stamps of ADEN were used in Qu’aiti State in Hadhramaut 24 50c. on 8a, red... 50 3:00
4 2 1%a. carmine. 70 275 from 22 April 1937 until 1942. The main post office was at 25 1s. on Ir. green.. 2:25 55
5 3 2a. sepia 40 2-75 Mukalla. Other offices existed at Du’an (opened 1940), Gheil Ba 26 2s. on 2r. blue and purple. 8:50 32:00
6 4 2a. blue. 1:25 2:75 Wazir (opened 1942), Haura (opened 1940), Shibam (opened 1940) 27 5s. on 5r. brown and green. 20:00 45-00
7 5 3a. sepia and carmine.. 1:75 4:50 and Shihr (opened 1939). 20/27 Set of8 | 75-00
8 6 8a. red... 3-25 1:00
9 7 Ir. green... 7:50 5:00 1953 (2 June). Coronation. As No. 120 of Antigua.
10 8 2r. blue and purple 16:00 27-00 PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER TO 1945 28 15c. black and deep blue (Queen
11 9 5r. brown and green.. 38:00 35-00 Nos. 1/11 from
x 15 Elizabethill) pect tanusasstaomesmmeeecss 1:00 55
1/11 Set of 11 60:00 80-00
1s/11s Perf “SP! et o £325
1946 (15 Oct). Victory. No. 4 optd with T 10, and No. 6 optd I, ISSUES INSCR “SHIHR AND MUKALLA’.
similarly but in four lines, by De La Rue.
12 1¥aa. carmine 20 65
13 2a. blue (R.)... 20 35
a. Opt inverted.. £1300
b. Opt double... £1800
12s/13s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 2... £120
A flaw occurred on the plate to the right of the top of the fort on
R. 10/6 (not known on No. 4), all examples of which were officially
scratched out with a sharp point.
1949 (17 Jan). Royal Silver Wedding. As Nos. 112/13 of Antigua.
14 T’&a. scarlet. 30 4-00 11 Metal Work
1 Sultan of Shihr 2 Mukalla Harbour
15 5r. green... 18:00 15-00
and Mukalla
1949 (10 Oct). 75th Anniv of U.P.U. As Nos. 114/17 of Antigua,
surch with new values by Waterlow.
16 2¥a. on 20c. ultramarine.. 15 1-40
17 3a. on 30c. carmine-red 1:25 3-00
18 8a. on 50c. orange... 25 5-00
19 Ir. on 1s. blue. 30 2:25
16/19 Set of 4 1:75 10-50

scrs (11)
90 CENIS (12)
5/ z(13)
13 Weaving

1951 (1 Oct). Currency changed. Nos. 3 and 5/11 surch as T 11

(5c), 12 (10c. (“CTS”), 15c. (“CTS”), 20c. and 50c.) or 13 (1s. to
5s.), by Waterlow.
20 BYPOMM Tek: DULLS (Rs) carenssvrsazsrtenrencesenrsenraesseren 15 2-50
21 10c, on 2a. sepia 5 30 2-00
22 15c. on 2%a. blue. 15 275
23 20c. on 3a. sepia and carmine 20 3-00
24 50c. on 8a. red... 60 1-75
25 1s. on 1r. green 2:75 4:25
26 2s. on 2r. blue and purple. 14:00 42:00
27 5s. on 5r. brown and green.. . 65-00
20/27 Set of 8.... £110 5 Outpost of Mukalla 6 ‘Einat
A DEN Protectorate States - ANGUILLA
LLL I 38 25c. Black-necked Stilt (horiz) 85 20
39 40c. Royal Tern (horiz)... 90 30

Anguilla 36/39 Set of 4... 3:00 75

Following the grant of Associated Statehood to St. Christopher,
Nevis and Anguilla, on 27 February 1967, the Island Council of
Anguilla declared the island independent and the St. Kitts-Nevis
authorities left the island on 30 May 1967. Mail communications,
which had all been via St. Kitts, were severed for four weeks and when
18 Fisheries they were resumed, via St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands,
prepayment was denoted by a rectangular handstamp in violet with
the postage rate incorporated within it. Nos. 1/16 were subsequently e 19 Guides’ Badge and Anniversary .
issued by the Island Council and were accepted for international mail. Years
On 7 July 1969 the Anguilla post office was officially recognised by the
Government of St. Christopher, Nevis and Anguilla and normal postal (Des John Lister Ltd, Litho A. & M.)
communications via St. Christopher were resumed. By the Anguilla 1968 (14 Oct). 35th Anniv of Anguillan Girl Guides. T 19 and ™¢
Act of 21 July 1971, Anguilla was restored to direct British control. similar multicoloured designs. P 13x13% (10, 25c.) or 13%x13
A degree of internal self-government with an Executive Council was (others).
introduced on 10 February 1976 and the links with St. Kitts-Nevis were 40 TOG, TY POs vesrrercecssnesscrvirrsecasei
resmirstien teatam 10 25
officially severed on 18 December 1980. 4) 15c. Badge and silhouettes of Guides
(vert) 15 25
(Currency. 100 cents = 1 Eastern Carribean dollar) 42 25c, Guide: ig lq’ 20 35
43 40c, Association and Proficiency badges U
(vert) é 25 1) 50
4 65 = 1:25

(1) 2 Mahogany Tree, The Quarter

1967 (4 Sept). Nos. 129/44 of St. Kitts-Nevis optd as T 1, by Island

21 Agriculture 22 Metal Work Press Inc, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands.
1 Yac. New lighthouse, Sombrero...... 70:00 26-00
(Des Mme M. de Sturler Raemaekers. Recess D.L.R.) 2 1c. Loading sugar cane, St. Kitts. 80:00 11-00
1955 (1 Sept)-63. T 11/21. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 11%x13-13% 3 2c. Pall Mall Square, Basseterre.... 75-00 2:50 20 The Three Kings
(vert) or 14 (horiz). 4 3c. Gateway, Brimstone Hill Fort,
29 5c. greenish blue 1:00 10 St. Kitts 75:00 7-50 (Des John Lister Ltd. Litho A. & M.)
30 10c, grey-black.. 1:25 10 w. Wmk inverted — 48:00
5 4c. Nelson's Spring, Nevi 80-00 6:50 1968 (18 Nov). Christmas. T 20 and similar designs. P 13.
31 15c. deep green... 1:00 10 44 1c. black and cerise fn 10 10°"
a. Bronze-green 1-00 40 6 5c. Grammar School, St. Kitts £350 50-00
7 6c, Crater, Mt, Misery, St. Kitts... £130 =19-00 45 10c. black and light greenish blue. 10 10
32 25c. carmine-red.. 50 10 46 15c, black and chestnu 15 10
33 35c, blue.......... 1:00 10 8 TOC, HIBISCUS. assesses 75:00 11:00
9 15c, Sea Island cotton, Nevi £150 17-00 47 40c. black and blue... 15 10
34 50c, orange-red 1-50 10 48 50c. black and dull g 20 15
a. Red-orange (9.3.63). 1:00 30 10 20c. Boat building, Anguilla £375 25:00
ifs 25c. White-crowned Pigeon £325 45-00 44/48 Set of 5 5 60 50
35 90c. sepia... 70 15 Designs: Vert—10c. The Wise Men; 15c. Holy Family and manger.
36 1s. black a p 1:00 10 Ww. Wk inverted csv £275 80-00
12 50c. St. George’s Church Tower, Horiz—40c. The Shepherds; 50c. Holy Family and donkey.
37 15.25 black and red-orange. 75 55
38 2s. black and indigo...... 4-00 60 Basseterre oss £5500 £800
39 5s. black and bluish green. 5:00 2:50 13 60c. Alexander Hamilto £8000 £1800
40 10s. black and lak 17:00 8:00 14 $1 Map of St. Kitts-Nevi £4250 £750
29/AO SELF TZ cssrescescbuccscctren 30:00 11-00 15 $2.50 Map of Anguilla... nae £3250 £475
16 $5 Arms of St. Christopher, Nevis and
1963 (20 Oct). As Nos. 29/40 but with inset portrait of Sultan Anguilla £3500 £500
Awadh bin Saleh el-Qu’aiti as in T 22 and wmk w 12. 1/16 Set of 16... £24000 £4000
41 5c. greenish blue 10 1-75 Owing to the printing, the sale of
42 10c. grey-black.. 10 1-50 the above stamps was personally controlled by the Postmaster and INDEPENDENCE
43 15c. bronze-green 10 1:75 no orders from the trade were accepted.
44 25c. i 15 75
45 35c. 15 2:00 (Des John Lister Ltd, Litho A, & M.) 21 Bagging Salt (21a)
46 50c. 9 15 1-00 1967 (27 Nov)-68. T 2 and similar horiz designs. P 12%x13.
(Des John Lister Ltd. Litho A. & M.)
47 70c. deep brown (as 90c. 20 75 17 1c. dull green, bistre-brown and pale
48 1s. black and deep lilac 25 30 Orel Orimenrnama yr ra fut 10 1:00 1969 (4 Jan). Anguillan Salt Industry. T 21 and similar horiz
49 1s.25 black and red-orange. 60 650 18 2c. bluish green and black (21.3.68) 10 3:00 designs. Multicoloured. P 13.
50 2s. black and indigo-blue 3-25 275 19 3c, black and light emerald (10.2.68). 10 10 49 10c. Type 21... 25 30
51 5s. black and bluish green. 15:00 30:00 20 4c. cobalt-blue and black (10.2.68).. 10 10 50 15c. Packing salt 30 35
52 10s. black and lake. 30:00 30-00 21 Ca MUIECOLOUTE iecrecsrssscenscen 10 10 51 40c. Salt pond 35 40
ANI SD SCLOF 1 2isasessxtrcessseetcentoese 45:00 70-00 22 6c, light vermilion and black (21.3.68: 10 10 52 50c. Loading s 35 50
23 10c. multicoloured... 15 10 49/52 Set of 4 1-10 1-40
Stamps after this date can be found listed under South Arabia. 24 15c. multicoloured (10.2.68) 2:75 20
25 20c. multicoloured 1:25 2:75 1969 (17 Jan*). Expiration of Interim Agreement on Status of
26 25c, multicoloured 60 20 Anguilla. Nos. 17/24 and 26/7 optd with T 21a.
27 40c. apple green, light greenish 52a 1c. dull green, bistre-brown and pale
i Aitutaki see Cook Islands AN DlaCK vessersesessseseneee 1-00 25 orange. 10 40
28 60c. multicoloured (10.2.68: 500 5:00 52b 2c. bluish g 10 40
29 $1 multicoloured (10.2.68) 175 3-25 52c 3c. black and light emeral 10 40
30 $2.50 multicoloured (21,3.68) 2:00 7:50 52d Ac. cobalt-blue and black.. 10 40
31 $5 multicoloured (10.2.68) 3:00 4:25 52e 5C. MUITICOLOUTEM ...ssssseree 10 20
17/31 SetiofaSi canada 16:00 25:00 52f 6c. light vermilion and black 10 20
Designs:—2c. Sombrero Lig ; 3c, St. Mary's Church; 4c. Valley 52g 10c, multicoloured... 10 30
Police Station; 5c. Old Plantation House, Mt. Fortune; 6c. Valley Post 52h 15c, multicoloured 90 30
Office; 10c. Methodist Church, West End; 15c. Wall-Blake Airport; 20c. 52 25c. multicoloured 80 30
Beech A90 King Air aircraft over Sandy Ground; 25c, Island Harbour; 52) 40c. apple green, light greenish blue
40c, Map of Anguilla; 60c. Hermit Crab and Starfish; $1 Hibiscus; $2.50, 1:00 40
Local scene; $5, Spiny Lobster. 52a/j Set of 10 3-00 3-00
“Earliest known postmark date. The remaining values of the
1967-68 series, Nos. 17/31, also come with this overprint. The
complete set exists on large first day covers postmarked 9 January
1969, The values listed above have been reported used on commercial
mail from Anguilla.

17 Yachts in Lagoon 18 Purple-throated y
(Des John Lister Ltd. Litho A.& M,)
1968 (11 May). Anguillan Ships. T 17 and similar horiz designs.
Multicoloured, P 14.
32 10c. Type 17......... 35 10 Ml
33 15c, Boat on beach 40 10
34 25c. Warspite (schoon 55 15 22 “The Crucifixion”
35 40c. Atlantic Star (schooner) 65 20
32/35 ‘SetoKa (Studio of Massys) ( |
ations miata: 1:75 50
(Des John Lister Ltd. Litho A, & M,)
(Des John Lister Ltd, Litho Format) Vy
1968 (8 July). Anguillan Birds. T 18 and similar multicoloured 1969 (31 Mar). Easter Commemoration. T 22 and similar vert
design. P 13%. : {
designs. P 14.
36 10c. Type 18...
53 25c. multicoloured 25 15
37 65 15 54 40c. multicoloured.. 35 15
15c, Bananaquit.. 80 20
a Design:—10c. “The Last Supper” (ascribe: berti),
AMmARYAAIE (Des John Lister Ltd. Litho Format) Pie SP SieLSLeaWhSe A PRTC Sg Se Sa
1970 (26 Mar). Easter. T 32 and similar multicoloured designs.

P 13%.
10c. “The Ascent to Calvary” (Tiepolo) Antigua
(horiz) .... ag 15 10
77 20c. Type 32 20 10 EaBRYN AN ALR
78 40c. “Deposition” (Rosso Fiorentino)... 25 15
79 60c. “The Ascent to Calvary” (Murillo) It is believed that the first postmaster for Antigua was appointed under
(horiz) 25 15 Edward Dummer's scheme in 1706. After the failure of his service,
23 Amaryllis 76/79 Set OF 4 serssevore 75 45 control of the overseas mails passed to the British G.P.0. Mail services
before 1850 were somewhat haphazard, until St. John’s was made a
(Des John Lister Ltd, Litho Format) (Des John Lister Ltd. Litho A. & M.) branch office of the British G.P.O. in 1850. A second office, at English
1969 (10 June). Flowers of the Caribbean. T 23 and similar horiz 1970 (10 Aug). 40th Anniv of Scouting in Anguilla. T 33 and Harbour, opened in 1857.
designs, Multicoloured, P 14. similar horiz designs. Multicoloured. P 13. The stamps of Great Britain were used between May 1858 and
55 10c. Type 23...... 15 20 80 10c. Type 33... os ae 15 30 the end of April 1860, when the island postal service became the
56 15c. Bougainvillea 15 25 81 15c. Scout camp and cubs ‘practising. responsibility of the local colonial authorities. In the interim period,
57 40c. Hibiscus... 20 50 first-aid 20 30 between the take-over and the appearance of Antiguan stamps, the
58 50c. Sale aky orchid 1:00 1:60 82 40c, Monkey Bridge 25 40 crowned-circle handstamps were again utilised and No. CC1 can be
55/58 Set of4... 2 1-40 2:25 83 50c. Scout H.Q. Building and Lord found used as late as 1869.
Baden-Powell 35 55
80/83 Set OF 4 vccccssssssssssscessrsesees 85 1-40 For illustrations of the handstamp and postmark types see BRITISH


24 Superb Gaza, Channelled Turban,
Chestnut Turban and Carved Star Shell
34 Boatbuilding
(Des John Lister Ltd. Litho A. & M.)
1969 (22 Sept). Sea Shells, T 24 and similar horiz designs. (Des John Lister Ltd. Litho Format)
Multicoloured. P 14, 1970 (23 Nov). Various horiz designs as T 34. Multicoloured. P 14.
59 10c. Type 24... 20 20 84 1c. Type 34... 30 40 ST. JOHN'S
60 15c. American Thorny Oyster th 20 20 85 2c. Road Construction. 30 40
61 40c. Scotch, Royal and Smooth Scotch 86 3c, Quay, Blowing Poin 30 20 CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS
Bonnets... AY : 30 30 87 Ac. Broadcaster, Radio Anguilla. 30 50 cc1 CC 1 ANTIGUA (St. John's) (9.3.1850) (R.)
62 50c, Atlanticic Trumpet‘Triton... 40 30 88 5c. Cottage Hospital Extension.. 40 50 Price on cover £650
59/62 Set of 4... cea ated 1:00 90 89 6c. Valley Secondary School 30 50
90 10c. Hotel Extension 30 30 Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 02” as Type 2.
91 15c. Sandy Ground.. 30 30
92 20c. Supermarket and Cinema. 70 30
93 25c. Bananas and Mangoes.. 35 1:00 Z1 1d. rose-red (1857), P14... £750
94 40c. Wall Blake Airport... 4:00 3-25 Z2 2d. blue (1855), P 14 (Plate No. 6). £1800
95 60c. Sandy Ground Jetty 65 3-50 Z3 2d. blue (1858) (Plate Nos. 7, 8, 9). £1000
96 $1 Administration Building 1:25 1-40 Z4 4d. rose (1857)... £600
97 $2.50 Livestock. 1-50 4:00 Z5 6d. lilac (1856) £180
98 $5 Sandy Hill Bay.. 3:25 3-75 Z6 1s. green (1856) £3250
CRRIS 84/98 Set of 15..... 13:00 18:00


pres cc2 CC 3 ENGLISH HARBOUR (10.12.1857)

Price on cover £9000
1969 (1 Oct). Christmas. Nos. 17, 25/8 optd with T 25/29.
63 1c, dull green, bistre-brown and light Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 18” as Type 2.
orange 5 10 10 1858-60.
64 20c. multicoloured 20 10 Z6a 1d. rose red (1857) ..ssssssss0»
65 25c. multicoloured... 20 10 Z7 2d. blue (1858) (Plate No. 7) £6000
66 40c. apple-green, light greenish blue Z8 4d. rose (1857) £6000
and black... 25 15 Z9 6d. lilac... £2000
67 60c. multicoloure 40 20 Z10 1s. green (1856)
63/67 Set of 5 1:00 55


No. 1 from x 10
355 "The heleradion of the Nos, 2/4 t
Shepherds” (Reni) Nos. 5/10 from x 20
Nos. 13/14 from x 30
(Des John Lister Ltd. Litho Questa) No. 15 from x 60
1970 (11 Dec). Christmas. T 35 and similar vert designs. Nos, 16/18 from x 50
Multicoloured, P 13%. Nos. 19/23 from x 12
99 1c. Type 35... 10 15 No. 24 from x 50
100 20c. “The Virgin and Child” (Gozzo 30 20 Nos. 25/30 from x 10
101 25c. “Mystic Nativity” (detail, Botticelli) . 30 25 Nos. 31/51 from x 4
10° 102 40c. “The Santa Margherita Madonna Nos. 52/4 from x 10
(detail, Mazzola)....
50c. "The Adoration of the Magi” ‘detail,
40 25 Nos. 55/61
Nos, 62/80
from x 4
from x 3
30 Spotted Goatfish 31 “Morning Glory” Tiepolo).. =3 40 25 Nos. 81/90 from x 4
99/103 Set of 5..... 1-25 1.00 Nos. 91/4 from x 5
(Des John Lister Ltd. Litho A. & M.) Nos. 95/7 from x 4
1969 (1 Dec). Fish. T 30 and similar horiz designs. Multicoloured. . 98/109 from x 3
68 10c. Type 30... 45 (13)
69 15c. Blue-striped Grun 60 15 CROWN COLONY
70 40c. Nassau Grouper... 15: 20
71 50c. Bandedcl Butterfiyish 80 20
68/71 Set of 4... 2.40 65
(Des John Lister Ltd. Litho A. & M.)
1970 (23 Feb). Flowers, T 31 and_ similar vert designs.
Multicoloured. P 14.
72 10c. Type 31... 25 10
ies 15c. Blue Petrea. 35 10
74 40c. Hibiscus... 50 20
75 50c. “Flame Tree’ 60 25 (Eng C. Jeens after drawing by Edward Corbould, Recess P.B.)
72/75 Set of 4 1:50 55 1862 (Aug). No wmk.
(a) Rough ae 14 to 16
1 1 6d. blue-green... £800 £550
(b)P 11 to 12%
2 1 ‘6d. blue-green... ie £7500
(c) P 14to 16x11 to 12%
a 1 6d. blue-green... £3250
(d) P 14 to 16 compound with 11 to 12%
4 1. 6d, blue-green... £3250
Nos, 2/4 may be trial perforations. They/are not known used.
1863 (Jan)-67. Wmk Small Star. W w 2 (sideways on 6d,). Rough
perf 14 to 16.
5 1 1d, rosy mauve 80-00
6 1d, dull rose (1864) £120 55:00
a. Imperf between (vert pair £32000
7 1d. Vermilion (1867)... £250 30-00
a. Imperf between (horiz pair).
32 "The Crucifixion” (Masaccio) 33 Scout Badge and Map b. Wmk sideways. £250 42.00

8 6d. green (shades) .. £700 26-00
a. Wmk upright — £190
9 6d. dark green. £750 26-00
10 6d. yellow-green £4250 £100
Caution is needed in buying No. 10 as some of the shades of No. 8
verge on yellow-green.
The 1d. rosy mauve exists showing trial perforations of 11 to 12%
and 14 to 16 (Price, £8500 unused).

(Recess D.L.R. from P.B. plates) 9 Old Dockyard 10 Government House,

1872. Wmk Crown CC. P 12%. English Harbour St. John’s
13 1. 1d. lake 17-00 (Typo D.L.R.)
w. Wmk inverted. £275 80-00 1903 (July)-07. Wmk Crown CC. Ordinary paper. P 14.
x. Wmk reversed.. £180 17-00
31 4 ‘ad. grey-black and grey-green... 375 6:50
y. Wmk inverted and reversed.
32 1d. grey-black and rose-red.. 13-00 1:25
14 Td, SCarlet eseessees £200 24-00 w. Wink inverted css dpe <£375
w. Wmk inverted... £200 65-00
x. Wmk reversed... — 32:00
33 2d. dull purple and brown 7:50 25:00 =
34 2%d. grey-black and blue... - 16:00 23-00
15 6d. blue-green... £550 11:00 a. Chalk-surfaced paper (1907) Jess 48:00 70:00
w. Wmk inverted... — £120
x. Wmk reversed.. £500 14-00 35 3d. grey-green and orange-brown. 11:00 20:00
y. Wmk inverted and reversed... eS TAG)
36 6d. purple and drab . 32:00 55:00
w. Wmk inverted... £190 £250
37 1s. blue and dull purple - 55:00 65-00 11 Nelson’s Victory 12 Sir Thomas
1876. Wmk Crown CC. P 14. a. Chalk-surfaced paper (1907)... 75:00 £140 Warner's Concepcion,
16 1 VC AKC i
erentscsscisocsteccrscicerectnatiteectetommuansnayt £225 11:00 38 2s. grey-green and pale violet 90:00 £120
(Des Mrs. J. Goodwin (5s.), Waterlow (others). Recess Waterlow)
a. Bisected (Yad.) (1883) (on 39 2s.6d. grey-black and purple 27:00 70:00
40 5 5s. grey-green and violet.. eel). 2160 1932 (27 Jan). Tercentenary. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 12%.
COVEN) cecssvees t+ £8000
x. Wmk reversed.. — 38-00 a. Chalk-surfaced paper (1907)... £190 £250 81 9 ‘ad. 4:50
17 1d. lake-rose.. £225 11:00 31/40 Set of 10. £325 £500 82 1d 6:00
w. Wmk iinverted... £400 £100 31s/40s Optd “SPECIMEN" Set of 10. £200 83 Ad 4:50
x. Wmk reversed... — 35-00 84 10 2d.grey...... 8-50
y. Wmk inverted and reversed.. 85 2’ad.deep blue... 8-50
18 6d. blue-green... £425 21-00 86 8-50
1908-17. Wmk Mult Crown CA. Chalk-surfaced paper (2d., 3d. to 87 11 éd.violet... 15:00
w. Wmk inverted... + £140
2s.). P 14. 88 1s.
olive-green 20-00
x. Wk reversed.. £350 22:00 41 BVA. GOON. sssscrcrneeee 475 475
y. Wmk inverted and reversed... £500 85:00 89 2s.6d. claret...... 55-00
w. Wmk inverted tT £375: 90 12 5s. black and chocolate £120
42 Yad, blue-green (1917) 8:00 7-50 81/90 Set of 10.... £225
(Recess (T 1); typo (T 3) De La Rue & Co). 43 1d. red (1909)....... 12:00 2:25 81s/90s Perf “SPEC et 0} £250
44 1d, scarlet (5.8.15, 8:00 3:25 Examples of all values are known showing a forged St. John’s
1879. Wmk Crown CC. P 14.
w. Wmk inverted... . £425 postmark dated “MY 18 1932”
19 3B QVbd. FEC-DrOWN .v.srecsscceccenservssnsvesseccecereronse £600 £170 45 2d. dull purple and brown (1912).. 475 32:00
a. Large "2" in “2¥2" with slanting
46 2¥ad. ultramarine 23:00 18-00
foot..... £2750 ub
35:00 25-00
20 4d. blue... 13-00
47 3d. grey-green and orange- brown.
(1912). . 650 19:00
48 éd. purple is 7:50 40-00
49 1s. blue and dull purple....... 26:00 70-00
50 2s. grey-green and violet (1912) £110 £130
41/50 Set of8... £170 =£275
41s, 435, 46s Optd SPECIMEN’ Set Of: 90-00
13 Windsor Castle

(Des H. Fleury. Recess D.L.R.)

1913. As T 5, but portrait of George V. Wmk Mult Crown CA. 1935 (6 May). Silver Jubilee. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 13%2x14.
Chalk-surfaced paper. P 14. 91 13 1d. deep blue and carmine. 4-25
51 5s. grey-green and violet. 95:00 £150 f. Diagonal line by turret...
s. Optd “SPECIMEN” 90:00 92 ad. ultramarine and grey. 1-75
Top left triangle detached 93 2%ad. brown and deep blue 1:75
(PI 2 R. 3/3 of right pane) g. Dot to left of chape' £250
94 1s. slate and purple. 8-50 18-00
1882. Wmk Crown CA. P 14. a. Frame printed double, one
21 3 Yad. dull green 475 19-00 albino
a. Top left triangle detached £350 £550 h. Dot by flagstaff £375
22 2)ad. red-brown £190 55-00 OI 94 SCHON crteonsstececarene reece 19-00 23-00
a. Top left triang Es 915/4s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of4... £110
b. Large “2” in “2¥4" with slanting For illustrations of plate varieties se section following
foot... o £1300 WAR STAMP Zanzibar.
23 4d. blue... £275 13-00 (7)
a. Top left triangle detached a e750;
1916 (Sept)-17. No. 41 optd with T 7 by D.L.R.
52 4 Yad. green (BK.) ss... 475 3-50
1884. Wmk Crown CA. P 12.
53 Yad. green (R.) (1.10.17)... 150 3-25
24 11d. carmine-red 60:00 19-00 w. Wmk inverted.......
w. Wmk inverted.
y. Wk inverted and reversed
The 1d. scarlet is a colour changeling.
1918 (July). Optd with T 7. Wmk Mult Crown CA. P 14. 14 King George VI and Queen
54 4 1¥ad. orange... 1-75 1:50 Elizabeth
1884-87. Wmk Crown CA. P 14.
52s/4s Optd “SPECIMEN" Seto1 £120
25 1 1d, carmine-red 2:25 3:75 (Des D.L.R. Recess B.W.)
w. Wmk inverte — £100 1937 (12 May). Coronation. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 11x11¥%.
x. Wmk reversed — 35-00 95 14 1d. carmine 1:00 3:25
y. Wmk inverted and reversed (Typo D.L.R.)
96 Yad. yellow-brow 60 3-00
26 1d. rose.. sen o 12:00 1921-29. P 14. 97 2’ad. blue. 2:25 3-25
27 3 2d. ultramarine (1887) 7:00 14-00 95/7. Set OF B.cvcsscreecsevsses 3:50 8-50
(a) Wmk Mult Crown CA. Chalk-surfaced paper
a. Large “2” in “2¥2” with slanting. 95s/97s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 3.
55 B 3d. purple/pale YellOW.rrrssvserssessesssesss 475 14-00
foot... £160 £250
56 4d. grey-black and red/pale ye
b. Top left triangle detached £400 £475
28 4d. chestnut (1887)... 2:25 3:00 (1922)... 5:50
57 1s. black/emerald... 9-00
a. Top left triangle detache £350 £375
29 1. ‘6d. deep green...... 60:00 £120 y. Wmk inverted a
58 2s. purple and blue/blue.. z
30 3 1s, mauve (1886). £160 £140
59 2s.6d. black and red/blue... 4 5
a. Top left triangle detached£2000 £2000
25/30 Set of S.... £200 £250 60 5s. green and red/pale yellow (1922) 8:50 50:00
27s, 28s, 30s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 3 £150
61 £1 purple and black/red (1922)... £275 £375
Nos. 25 and 26 postmarked “A 12” in place of ‘A.02" were used in S5/Gii Seti Ola/jerusenweccataercenennes £300 £500
St. Christopher.
55s/61s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of7... £200
(b) Wmk Mult Script CA. Chalk-surfaced Paves or (3d. to 4s.)
8 ‘ad. dull green 3-00 50

22 Qe 2Ye 63
1d. carmine-red..
1d. bright violet (1923)
a, Mauve
65 1d, bright scarlet (1929)... 42:00 4:25
67 ad, dull orange (1922). 6:00 6:00
The variety “Large ‘2’ in ‘242’ with slanting foot” occurs on R. 7/1 of 68 Vad. carmine-red (1926) 9:00 1:75
the duty plate on all printings. At this position the “NN” of “PENNY” 69 1¥ad. pale red-brown (1929) 3-00 60
also sustained damage in about 1886, leaving three vertical strokes 70 DON GNCY sressersseseces 4:50 75
shortened. A and B (above) represent two states of the flaw at R. a. Wmk sideways t £3500
7/1. Head plate 2, first used for Antigua in 1886, was a double-pane 71 2¥ad. bright blue........ 950 17-00
plate of 120, but the same 60-set duty plate remained in use, the 72 2¥ad. orange-yellow (1923). 2:50 17-00
variety thus occurring on R. 7/1 of each pane. A very similar flaw 73 2¥ad. ultramarine (1927)...... 15:00 3-75 16a Fort James 16b St. John’s
(C above) appeared at R. 3/1 of the duty plate (on which the “NN” 74 3d. purple/pale yellow (1925). 14-00 6:50 Harbour
was undamaged) early in the life of No. 27 and thus occurs on both 75 6d. dull and bright purple... 8:00 4.25
panes of that stamp. 76 1s. black/emerald (1929) 6:00 3-25 (Recess Waterlow)
79) 2s. purple and blue/b/ue (1 11:00 65-00 1938 (15 Nov)-51. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 12%.
78 2s.6d. black and red/blue (1927) 50:00 42-00 98 15 ‘ad. 40
From 31 October 1890 until July 1903 Leeward Islands general 79 3s. green and violet (1922)... 50:00 £100 99 16 = 1d. 3-50
issues were used. Subsequently both general issues and the 80 4s. grey-black and red (1922) 50:00 75-00 a. Red (8.42 and 11.47).. 5:50
following separate issues were in concurrent use until July 1956, 62/80 Set of 18 .. £200 £300 100 ad. chocolate-brown.... 9:50
when the general Leeward Islands stamps were withdrawn. 62s/80s wieorPerf (Nos.65, “69,
76)“SPECIMEN” a. Dull reddish brown (12.43) 3-00
Setof 18... cor ast | 6. Lake-brown (7.49)... 32:00
101 15 2d. 1:50 1:50 150 15 Ic. slate (13.4.65).. 1-50 1:00
a. 9-50 6:50 151 16 =.2c. green........... 70 30
102 16 2%2d. deep ultramarine. 1-75 . 80 152 3c. black and yellow-orang 45 20
103 16a 3d. orange 1:50 1:00 153 15 4c, brown-red.... 30 3-75
104. 16b ~~ Gd. violet.. 5:50 1:25 154 16 ‘5c. black and slate-lilac 20 10
105 1s. black and brown... 8-00 2:25 a. Black and reddish violet
a. Black and red-brown (7.49) 32:00 11-00 (15.1.65)..... 20 10
ab. Frame ptd double, one albino.. £6000 155 16a 6c. yellow-och 75 30
b. “A” of “CA” missing from wmk.... £1100 156 27 ~—«*8c. deep blue.. 40 20
106 16a 2s.6d. brown-purple.... 55:00 22-00 157 16b = 12c. violet...... 2:50 20
a. Maroon (8.42) 38-00 22-00 158 24c. black and deep chocolate 8-00 70
107. 16b 5s. olive-green..... 18:00 15-00 a. Black and chocolate-brown
108 16 10s. magenta (1.4.48)... 22:00 38-00 26 Queen Elizabeth II 27 Martello Tower (28.4.65) 3-50
109 «16a £1 slate-green (1.4.48). 45:00 70-00 149/158 Set of10..... 7:00
98/109 Set of12.... £130 £140 (Des and eng B.W. Recess D.L.R.)
98s/109s Perf “SPE £300 1953. (2 June). Coronation. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 13%x13.
120 26 =.2c. black and deep yellow-green... 30 75 Gio WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE 1564-1964
(Recess Waterlow until 1961, then D.L.R.)
1953 (2 Nov)-62. Designs previously used for King George VI am
issue, but with portrait of Queen Elizabeth Il as in T 27. Wmk eam
Mult Script CA. P 13x13% (horiz) or 13%x13 (vert).
120a 16a ac. brown (3.7.56) 40 40
121 15 Ic, slate-grey... 30 2:25 te
a, Slate (7.11.61 3-25 475 ANTIGUA 1
17 Houses of Parliament, London 122 16 = 2c. greeN........... 30 10 34 Shakespeare and Memorial (35)
123 3c. black and orange-yellow 40 20 Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon
a. Black and yellow-orange
(Des and recess D.L.R.) (5.12.61) 3-50 3-50 (Des R. Granger Barrett. Photo Harrison)
1946 (1 Nov). Victory. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 13%x14. 124 15 = 4c. scarlet... 1:25 10 1964 (23 Apr). 400th Birth Anniv of William Shakespeare. W w 12.
110 17 14d. brown 30 10 a. Brown-red (11.12.62 1:25 50 P 14x14’.
111 3d. red-orange. 30 50 125 16 5c. black and slate-lilac 2:50 40
164 34 12c. orange-brown.. 10
110s/11s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 2 90-00 126 16a 6c. yellow-ochre...... 2:25 10 w. Wmk inverted..
a. Dull yellow-ochre (5.12.61) 11-00 3-00
127 27 ~—«*8c. deep blue... 2-50 10
128 16b = 12c. violet....... 2-50 10 1965 (1 Apr). No. 157 surch with T 35.
129 24c. black and chocolate 6:00 15 165 SCHON T2GAVIOIGE Serer nnc-sesirateeseessstaeeeerttces 20 10
130 27 48c. purple and deep blue. 13-00 3-50
131 16a 60c. maroon....... 12:00 1:50
132. 16b $1.20 olive green 4:50 70
a. Yellowish olive (10.8.55).. 4-00 1-00
133 16 $2.40 bright reddish purple. 20:00 12:00
134 16a $4.80 slate-blue 28-00 32.00
120a/134 Set of 15 85:00 48-00
See also Nos. 149/58.
sage CENTENARY -1885-1969
18 King George VI il oe maaan 36 I.T.U. Emblem
and Queen Elizabeth COMMEMORATION (Des M. Goaman. Litho Enschedé)
(Des and photo Waterlow (T 18). Design recess; name typo B.W. ANTIGUA 1965. |.T.U. Centenary.W w 12. P 11x11¥%.
(T 19)) CONSTITUTION 166 36 =.2c. light blue and light red............6 25 15
1949 (3 Jan). Royal Silver Wedding. Wmk Mult Script CA. 1960 167 50c. orange-yellow and ultramarine 75 1-25
112 18 =2%d. ultramarine (P 14x15). 1-00 275 28 Federation Map (29)
113 19 5s. grey-olive (P 11%4x11).. 15:00 15-00
(Recess B.W.)
1958 (22 Apr). Inauguration of British Caribbean Federation.
W w 12. P 11%x11.
135 28 3c. deep green 1-40 30
136 6c. blue....... 150 2-75
137 12c. scarlet. 1:75 75
135/137 Set of 3 4:25 3:50 INTERNATIONAL O-OPERATION YEAR Be
1960 (1 Jan). New Constitution. Nos. 123 and 128 optd with T 29. 37 |.C.Y. Emblem
138 3c. black and orange-yellow (R)... 20 15 (Des V. Whiteley. Litho Harrison)
20 Hermes, Globe and Forms 21 Hemispheres, Jet-powered 139 12c, violet 20 15
of Transport Vickers Viking Airliner and 1965 (25 Oct). International Co-operation Year. W w 12. P 14%,
Steamer 168 37 = 4c. reddish purple and turquoise-
\ANTIGUA QhEG Bkorcrtemnanseenaetatettorere 25 10
169 15c, deep bluish green and
LENT Ye(=Poa Se eo ae es 40 20

30 Nelson's Dockyard and 31 Stamp of 1862 and R.M.S.P.

Admiral Nelson Solent |at English Harbour

22 Hermes and Globe 23 U.P.U. Monument (Recess B.W,)

1961 (14 Nov). Restoration of Nelson’s Dockyard. W w 12.
(Recess Waterlow (T 20, 23). Designs recess, name typo B.W. P 11%x11.
(T 21/2)) 140 30 20c. purple and brown 2-00 1-60
1949 (10 Oct). 75th Anniv of Universal Postal Union. Wmk Mult 141 30c. green and blue: 2:00 3-00 38 Sir Winston Churchill, and
Script CA. St. Paul’s Cathedral in Wartime
114 20 2%4d. ultramarine (P 13%-14).. 40 1-00 (Des A. W. Morley. Recess B.W.)
115 21. 3d. orange (P 11x11%).... 2:00 4-00 1962 (1 Aug). Stamp Centenary. W w 12. P 13%. (Des Jennifer Toombs. Photo Harrison)
116 22 ~=6d. purple (P 11x11) 45 3-75 142 31 3c. purple and deep green 90 10 1966 (24 Jan). Churchill Commemoration. Printed in black, cerise
117 23 1s. red-brown (P 13% 45 1:25 143 10c. blue and deep green.. 1-00 10 and gold and with background in colours stated. W w 12.
114/17 Set of 4. 3:00 9-00 144 12c. deep sepia and deep gree! 1-10 10 P14.
145 50c. orange-brown and deep green 1:50 2:25 170 38 = ac. new blue......... 10 2:25
142/145 Set of 4..... 400 2:25 a. Value omitted £850
171 4c. deep green z 65 10
(New Currency. 100 cents = 1 West Indian, 172 25c. brown....... " 1:50 45
later Eastern Caribbean, dollar) 173 1:50 55
1863 170/3 Set of 4 3-25 3-00
[ vy No, 170a was caused by misplacement of the gold and also shows
“ANTIGUA’ moved to the right.


32 Protein Foods 33 Red Cross Emblem

(Des M. Goaman. Photo Harrison)

1963 (4 June). Freedom from Hunger. W w 12. P 14x14%.
146 BZ TV2GADIOISHIGSCOn ree necererrereete 20 15
2 JES OAL ¥. A
(Des V. Whiteley. Litho B.W.) ANTIGUA
24 Arms of 25 Princess Alice
University 1963 (2 Sept). Red Cross Centenary. W w 12. P 13%. 39 Queen Elizabeth || and
147 33 = 3c. red and black 30 1-00 Duke of Edinburgh
(Recess Waterlow) 148 12c. red and blue... 45 1:25
1951 (16 Feb). Inauguration of B.W.|. University College. Wmk Mult (Des H. Baxter. Litho B.W.)
(Recess D.L.R.) 1966 (4 Feb). Royal Visit. W w 12. P 11x12.
Script CA. P 14x14¥2.
118 24 ~— 3c. black and brown... 100 2-25 1963 (16 Sept)-65. As 1953-61 but wmk w 12. 174 39 6c, black and ultramarine 1-50 1:10
119 25 =12c. black and violet 100 2:25 149 16a ‘’c. brown (13.4.65). 2:75 1-00 175 15c. black and magenta.. 1:50 1:40

(Des W. D. Cribbs. Photo Harrison)
1967 (27 Feb). Statehood. T 57 and similar horiz designs.
Multicoloured. W w 12 (sideways*). P 14.
199 4c. Type 57. 10 10
200 15c. stateFlag... 10 20
w. Wmk Crow 1:25
25c. Premier's Office and State Flag. 10 25

202 35c. As 15¢ - 15 25
53¢ Magistrates’ Court 53d St John’s Cathedral 199/202 Set of 4 . 40 70
40 Footballer’s Legs, Ball and *The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CA, as
(Des, eng and recess B.W.) seen from the back of the stamp.
Jules Rimet Cup
1966 (1 Nov)-70. W w 12. Ordinary paper. P 11x11.
(Des V. Whiteley. Litho Harrison) 180 42 ac. green and turquoise-blue 10 1:25
a. Perf 13% (24.6.69) . 10 2:50
1966 (1 July). World Cup Football Championship. W w 12
181 43 1c. purple and cerise.. 10 30
(sideways). P 14.
a. Perf 13% (24.6.69). 10 1-50
176 40 6c. violet, yellow-green, lake and
YONOW-DIOWN vercsssessccccessecsesestteneencee 20 75
ab, Glazed paper (30.9.69) 75 20
177 35c. chocolate, blue-green, lake
182 44 2c. slate-blue and yellow- ut
AN, YelOW-DrOWN .csssssseessescsesssseneee 60 725)
g 10 20
a. Perf 13% (24.6.69) . 10 75
ab. Glazed paper (30.9.69) 1:25 10
183 45 3c. rose-red and black 30 30
a. Perf 13% (24.6.69) .. 15 15
184 46 = 4c. slate-violet and brown 2:50 10
a. Perf 13% (24.6.69)..... 15 30
ab. Glazed paper (6.4.70) 16-00 2:25 {
185 47 5c. ultramarine and yellow-
olive 40 10
a. Perf 13% (24.6.69) . 15 10
ab. Glazed paper (30.9.69) 40 10
186 48 6c. salmon and purple 2-50 30
a. Perf 13% (24.6.69).. 15 1-00
187 49 0c. emerald and rose-red.. 15 10
41 W.H.O. Building a. Perf 13% (24.6.69)...... 15 15
ab. Glazed paper (30.9.69) 4:00 10
(Des M. Goaman. Litho Harrison) 188 50 =15c. brown and new blue... 2:75 10
1966 (20 Sept). Inauguration of W.H.O. Headquarters, Geneva. a. Perf 13% (glazed paper) 4c. Line projecting from near corner of building
W w 12 (sideways), P 14. (30.9.69) 70 10
stretching two thirds way up roof (R. 1/2)
178 41 2c. black, yellow-green and light 189 51. 25c., slate-blue and sepia. 35 20
a. Perf 13% (glazed paper) (Des G. Drummond (from sketches by W. D. Cribbs). Photo
179 15c. black, light purple and yellow- (3 O:9,69) \iicrsfeoosecssscscrpererresers 45 10 Harrison)
brown 5 1:25 25 190 52 35c. cerise and blackish brown... 1:50 BS
a. Perf 13% (glazed paper) 1967 (18 May). Attainment of Autonomy by the Methodist
(S0:9.69) ererrccccceertecees 60 1:00 Church. T 60 and similar horiz designs. W w 12. P 14%x13%2.
191 53 50c. dull green and black 500 2:50 203 4c, black and orange-red 5 10 10 **
a. Perf 13% (glazed paper) a. Roof flaw... a 8-00
(B0;9.69) .trcneartecesenuate 7O\ 2125) 204 25c. black and bright green 15 15
192 53a 75c. greenish blue and 205 35c. black and bright blue.. 15; 1S
ultramarine......... 6:50 3-50 203/205 Set Of 3 ssc... 35 35
193 53b $1 cerise and yellow-olive 15:00 2-50 Designs:—25c. Nathaniel Gilbert's House; 35c. Caribbean and
Ty i a. Carmine and yellow-olive Central American map.
UZisJeupseast orice er senes (E-ASS GS) career yreoeescsesatieectreeers 55:00 17:00
43 Old Post Office, St John’s b. Perf 13% (glazed paper)
(30.9.69) 1:25 5:00
194 53¢ $2.50 black and cerise 14:00 10-00
a. Perf 13% (glazed paper)
(EXC) ke reer ss 1:50 8:00
195 53d $5 olive-green and slate-violet 15:00 6-50
a. Perf 13% (glazed paper) [ S000aVNIVENSARY SETTLEM!
(30.9.69) 14:00 24-00
180/195 Set of 16..... 55:00 25-00
180a/195a Set of 15 18:00 40:00

45 Teachers’ Training College


54 “Education”
46 Martello Tower, Barbuda 47 Ruins of Officers’ Quarters,
Shirley Heights TAS
65 Van Risen’s map of 1665

(Des V. Whiteley (from sketches by W. D. Cribbs). Photo Harrison)

1967 (21 July). 300th Anniv of Treaty of Breda and Grant of New
Arms. W w 12 (sideways*). P 1414x14.
206 63 =15c. multicoloured... 20 10
w. Wmk Crown to right of CA 10:00 10:00
ANTIGUA 25c 207 35C. MUITICOIOULED wevesesesesere 20 10
*The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CA, as
55 “Science” seen from the back of the stamp.
48 Government House,
1967 (14 Dec). 300th Anniv of Barbuda Settlement. T 64/5.
W w 12. P 11%x11.
208 64 4c. deep ultramarine. 45 10
209 65 6c. purple. 45 1:25
210 64 25c. emerald 50 20
211 65 35c. black 55 25
208/11 Set OF 4osccesccescscses 175 1-50
AN OUIKOIN 56 “Culture”
50 Air Terminal Building
(Des Jennifer Toombs. Litho Harrison)
1966 (1 Dec). 20th Anniv of U.N.E.S.C.0. W w 12 (sideways). P 14.
196 54 4c. slate-violet, red, yellow and
orange 20 10
197 55 25c. orange-yellow, violet and deep
olive... 45 10
198 56 $1 black, bright purple and orange 90 2:25
196/198 SC OF3 sivcctesseathscostesconstascisvcasoectsosaasspstrecesssinontannar 1-40 2-25
oe 0 Biere i
52 Clarence House 53 Government House,
St John’s
66 Tracking Station 70 Limbo-dancing
(Des G. Vasarhelyi. Photo Harrison)
1968 (29 Mar). N.A.S.A. Apollo Project. Inauguration of Dow
Hill |
Tracking Station. T 66 and similar vert designs in deep
blue, )
orange yellow and black. W w 12 (sideways). P 14%4x14.
212 4c. Type 66 sae 10 10
213 15c. Antenna and spacecraft taking off.
= Parry (ED) 214 25c. Spacecraft approaching pat :
Be “i s " i
215 50c. Re-entry of space capsul
53a Administration Building 57 State Flag and Maps 30 40
212/215 Seton 4stense 70 60
(Des and photo Harrison) (Des adapted by V. Whiteley. Litho Enschedé) *The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CA as seen
1968 (1 July). Tourism. T 70 and similar horiz designs. 1969 (15 Oct). Christmas. Stained-glass Windows. T 86 and similar from the back of the stamp.
Multicoloured. W w 12, P 14%2x14. é vert design. Multicoloured. W w 12 (sideways*). P 13x14. Stamps in these designs were issued with upright watermark
216 lac. Type 70 10 50 252 GC! TYPOS G ertesascsdtscesctseressa cspeosemmaseenats 10 10 between 1972 and 1974 and the $5 value was issued with a change
217 15c. Water-skiing and bathers. 30 10 253 10c. “The Nativity” (unknown German of watermark in 1975.
218 25c. Yachts and beach....... 30 10 artist, 15th-century) .. ee 10 10
219 35c. Underwater swimming. 30 10 254 35c. Type 86 25 10 (Des G. Drummond. Recess and litho D.L.R.)
220 50c. Type 70.. 35 1:25 255 50c. As 10c... 50 40 1970 (28 Oct). Christmas. T 93 and similar vert design. W w 12.
216/220 Set of5 1-25 1:75 w. Wmk Cro’ 23-00 P 13%x14.
252/255 Set of4... 85 60 286 93 3c. black and turquoise-blue 10 10
*The normal sideways ‘watermark. shows Crown to left of CA, as 287 - 10c. dull purple and pink 10 10
seen from the back of the stamp. 288 93 35c. black and rose-red 30 10
289 - 50c. black and lilac 45 50
1970 (2 Jan). No. 189 surch with T 88. 286/289 Set of 4 85 70
256 20c. on 25c. slate-blue and sepia.. 20 10 Design:—10c., ail) (Durer).

74 Old Harbour in 1768

(Des R. Granger Barrett. Recess B.W.)

1968 (31 Oct). Opening of St. John’s Deep Water Harbour. T 74
and similar horiz designs. W w 12. P 13.
221 2c. light blue and carmine 10 40
222 15c. light yellow-green and sepia 35 10 89 Coat of Arms 90 Sikorsky S-38 Flying Boat
223 25c. olive-yellow and blue 40 10
224 35c. salmon and emerald. 50 10 (Des and photo Harrison)
225 $1 black.. 90 2:00 1970 (30 Jan)-73. Coil Stamps. W w 12. P 14%2x14.
221/225 Set of5 2:00 2:25 A. Chalk-surfaced paper. Wmk upright (30.1.70)
Designs:—15c. Old Harbour in 1829; 25c. Freighter and chart of 257A 89 Sc. blue. 10 40
New Harbour; 35c. New Harbour, 1968; $1, Type 74. 258A 10c. emerald 10 35
94 4th King’s Own Regt,
259A 25c. crimson 20 35
257A/259A Set of3 35 1:00
B. Glazed paper. Wmk sideways (5.3.73) (Des P. W. Kingsland. Litho Questa)
257B 89 5c. blue 1-25 2-50 1970 (14 Dec). Military Uniforms (1st series). T 94 and similar vert
258B 10c, emerald 1:25 2:50 designs. Multicoloured. W w 12. P 14x13.
259B 25c. crimson 1:75 2:25 290 Yac. Type 94... 10 10
257B/9B Set of3 375 650 291 10c. 4th West India Regiment, 1804.. 65 10
These stamps were issued on Multiple Crown CA Diagonal paper 292 20c. 60th Regiment, The Royal
in 1975. American, 1809... Steuer 1-00 10
293 35c. 93rd Regiment, Sutherland—
(Des R. Granger Barrett. Litho J.W.)
Highlanders, 1826-34... 1-25 10
1970 (16 Feb). 40th Anniv of Antiguan Air Services. T 90 and 294 75c. 3rd West India Regiment, 1851. 1:75 2:00
similar designs. Multicoloured. W w 12 (sideways). P 14%. 290/294 Set of 5... 4:25 2:10
78 Parliament Buildings 260 5c. Type 90 50 10 MS295 128x146 mm. “Nos. 290/4 5:50 11:00
261 20c. Dornier Do-X flying boat. 80 10
(Des R. Granger Barrett. Photo Harrison) 262 35c. Hawker Siddeley H.S. 748 1-00 10 STAMP BOOKLET
1969 (3 Feb). Tercentenary of Parliament. T 78 and similar square 263 50c. Douglas C-124C Globemaster II. 1.00 1:50
designs. Multicoloured. W w 12 Sede P 12% 264 75c. Vickerspaisa 10. 1:25 2-40 1968 (2 Oct). Blue cover. Stitched.
226 Ac. Type 78 10 10 260/264 Set of 5... ccs 4:00 3:75 SB1 $1.20 booklet containing 5c., 10c. and
227 15c. Antigua Mace and bearer 20 10 185, 187, 188) in blocks of
4... To vaterte 8:50
228 25c. House of Representatives’ Room 20 10
229 50c. Coat of arms and Seal of Antigua..... 30 1-60
EBS) DDO SEE OA eerreasisstonscpcsrvceserooesosoonoscocersoonsicayovessvocscscvene 70 1-75 BARBUDA


ANTIGUA Nos. 1/11 from x 5

91 Dickens and Scene from

Nicholas Nickleby BARBUDA
(Des Jennifer Toombs. Litho Walsall)
1970 (19 May). Death Centenary of Charles Dickens. T 91 and 1922 (13 July). Stamps of Leeward Islands optd with T 1. All Die II.
82 Freight Transport similar horiz designs. W w 12 (sideways). P 14. Chalk-surfaced paper (3d. to 5s.).
265 5c, bistre, sepia and black... Pca 10 10 (a) Wmk Mult Script CA
(Des Jennifer Toombs. Litho D.L.R.) 266 20c. light turquoise-blue, sepiaand black. 20 10 1 11 ‘ad. deep green... 1:50 13-00
1969 (14 Apr). First Anniv of CARIFTA (Caribbean Free Trade Area). 267 35c, violet-blue, sepia and black 1001 30 10 2 1d. bright scarlet. 1:50 13-00
T 82 and similar design. W w 12 oe Ba
on 4c, 15c). P 13. 268 $1 rosine, sepia and black.. 75 80 x. Wmk reversed £850 £900
230 4c. black and reddish purple. 10 10 265/268 Set of 4 1:25 1:00 3 10 = 2d. slate-grey... 1:50 7:00
231 15c. black and turquoise-blue.. 20 30 Designs:—20c. Dickens and Scene from Pickwick Papers; 35c. x. Wmk reversed 95-00
232 25c. chocolate, black and yellow-ochre... 25 30 Dickens and Scene from Oliver Twist; $1 Dickens and Scene from 4 11. 2%d. bright blue..... 1:50 7-50
233 35c. chocolate, black and yellow-brown... 25 30 David Copperfield, w. Wmk inverted 38:00 £120
ESO) 23SS CU OL otrtsenastetronscPeocevecosvetessaiavoesbbecseeccserssonsaaizesee 70 90 5 6d. dull and bright purple 2:00 18-00
Designs: Horiz—4, 15c. Type 82. Vert—25, 35c. Crate of cargo. 6 10 ~=—2s. purple and blue/blue.. 14:00 55-00
7 3s. bright green and violet.. 35:00 80:00
Nos. 234 to 248 are redundant. 8 4s. black and red (R.) ....s 42:00 80:00
(b) Wmk Mult Crown CA
9 10 3d. purple/pale yellow. 175 14:00
10 12 1s. black/emerald (R.) 1:50 8:00
11 5s. green and red/pale yellow... 65:00 £130
A /ASEL OFT ccissercccercese £150 £375
1s/11s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set o: £225
Examples of all values are known showing a forged Barbuda
postmark of JU 1 23”

Stocks of the overprinted stamps were exhausted by October

84 Island of Redonda (Chart) 1925 and issues of Antigua were then used in Barbuda until 1968.
92 Carib Indian and War Canoe 93 “The Small Passion” The following issues for Barbuda were also valid for use in
(Des R. Granger Barrett. Photo Enschedé) (detail) (Durer) Antigua
1969 (1 Aug). Centenary of Redonda Phosphate Industry. T 84
and similar horiz design. W w 12 (sideways). P 13x13%, (Des J.W. Litho Questa)
249 15c. Type 84... 20 10 1970 (19 Aug)-75. Horiz designs as T 92. Multicoloured. Toned (New Currency. 100 cents = 1 Eastern Caribbean dollar)
250 25c. Redonda from the set 20 10 paper. W w 12 (sideways*), P 14.
251 50c. Type 84 45 75 269 VoCr TY DOF 2 mecrcsssssrace 10 1:50
249/251 Set of 3 75 85 270 1c. Columbus and Nina.. xin 30 1:50
271 2c. Sir Thomas Warner's emblem and
Concepcion... ne ron 40 3-25
a, Whiter paper ‘20. 10.75 1:50 3-25
272 3c. Viscount Hood and H.M.S. Barfleu: 40 1-75
w. Wk Crown to right Of CA... 400 4-00
273 4c. Sir George Rodney and H.M.S.
Formidable... Rees 40 3-00
274 5c. Nelson and H.M.S. Boreas 50 40
275 6c. William IV and H.M.S. Pegas: 1-75 475
276 10c. “Blackbeard” and pirate ketch 80 20
277 15c, Captain Collingwood and H.M.S.
Pelican... 13-00 1-00
278 20c. Nelson and HMS. Victory 1:25 40 2 Map of Barbuda 3 Greater Amberjack
279 25c. Solent |(paddle-steamer)..... 1-25 40
(Des R. Granger Barrett. Litho Format)
280 35c. George V (when Prince George) and
H.M.S. Canada (screw corvette) . . . . 3:50 80 1968 (19 Nov)-70. Designs as T 2/3. P 14.
281 50c. H.M.S. Renown (battle cruiser) 4-00 6:00 12 Yac. brown, black and pink.. 55 3-75
282 75c. Federal Maple (freighter) 5-00 6-00 13) 1c. orange, black and flesh 1-50 35

. E20
aE ‘SC 283 $1 Sol Quest (yacht) and class emblem. 500 2-00 14 2c. blackish brown, rose-red and rose... 2-25 1-25
284 $2.50 H.M.S. London (destroyer) 9-00 7:50 15 3c. blackish brown, orange-yellow and
86 “The Adoration of the Magi” (88) 285 $5 Pathfinder (tug).. 2:50 600 lemo' 1-75 55
(Marcillat) 269/285 Set of 17 42:00 40:00 16 4c. black, en and apple-green 3-00 3-75
7 5c. blue-green, black and pale blue- 59 35c, Richard Ill (2.11.70) .... 10 15
Seta 2:25 20 60 35c. Henry VII (16.11.70) 35 15
10c. black, ultramarine and cobalt..........
Henry Vill (1.12.70)..
Edward VI (15.12.70)...
20 15c, black, blue-green and turquoise- 63 35c. Lady Jane Grey (2.1.7 35 15
g 2:00 4.00 64 35c. Mary | (15.1.71)... 35 15
20a 20c. multicoloured
(22.7,70) 2:00 2:00 65 35c. Elizabeth | (1.2.71)... 35 15
James | (15.2.71)
Charles | (1.3.71)
23 50c. multicoloured
(5.2.69).. 1-00 2:25 68 35c. Charles Il (15.3.71).. 35 15 Ascension, first occupied in 1815, was retained as a Royal Navy
24 75c, multicoloured
(5.2.69). 1:00 80 69 35c. James Il (1.4.71)... 35 15 establishment from 1816 until 20 October 1922 when it became a
25 $1 multicoloured (6.3.69). 50 1:50 70 35c, William Ill (15.4.71). 25 15 dependency of St. Helena by Letters Patent.
26 $2.50 multicoloured (6.3.69). 71 35c. Mary II (1.5.71) 35 15 Under Post Office regulations of 1850 (ratings) and 1854 (officers)
$5 multicoloured (6.3.69). 72 35c. Anne (15.5.71) 35 15 mail from men of the Royal Navy serving abroad had the postage
73 35c. George | (1.6.71) 35 15 prepaid in Great Britain stamps, supplies of which were issued to each
74 35c. George II (15.6.71).. 35 15 ship. Great Britain stamps used on Ascension before 1860 may have
75 35c. George Ill (1.7.71 35 15 been provided by the naval officer in charge of the postal service.
76 35c, George IV (15.7.7 35 15 The British G.P.O. assumed responsibility for such matters in 1860,
77 35c, William IV (2.8.71 35 60
but failed to send any stamps to the island until January 1867.
78 35c. Victoria (16.8.71) 35 60
Until about 1880 naval mail, which made up most early
A2/7B)SEL OF 37 screurvonsenress = 7-50 6:00
correspondence, did not have the stamps cancelled until arrival in
Further values in this series were issued in 1984.
England. The prices quoted for Nos. Z1/3 and Z6 are for examples on
1970 (26 Feb). No. 12 surch with T 20. cover showing the Great Britain stamps cancelled on arrival and an
Ascension postmark struck elsewhere on the front of the envelope.
rowmpics } 79 2 20c. on %c. brown, black and pink... 20 20
The use of British stamps ceased in December 1922. .
a. Surch inverted
i b. Surch double... The following postmarks were used on Great Britain stamps from

10 Sprinting and Aztec Sun-stone 14 “The Ascension”

(Des R. Granger Barrett. Litho Format)
1968 (20 Dec). Olympic Games, Mexico. T 10 and similar horiz
designs. Multicoloured. P 14.
28 DSC) POM O mantecmecmscanusenpceaeetas ech 40 40
29 35c. High-jumping and Aztec statue........ 45 40
(tives pexesting tyHai andUeBans
30 75c. Dinghy-racing and Aztec lion mask. 50 1-40
DB/3O SCH OF, 3 Senssaseccarscoseceosesssstiesmcoeeepes
incanterros seoetsaero 1-25 2-00 | 1870» CHARLES DICKENS 1970
+ |

MS31 85x76 mm. $1 Football and engraved plate. 2-00 3-25 21 “The Way to 22 Oliver is introduced to Fagin
Calvary” (Ugolino) (Oliver Twist) ut
(Des R. Granger Barrett. Litho Format)
1969 (24 Mar). Easter Commemoration. P 14. (Des R. Granger Barrett. Litho Questa)
32 14 25c. black and light blue... 15 45 1970 (16 Mar). Easter Paintings. T 21 and similar vert designs.
33 35c. black and deep carmine. 15 50 Multicoloured. P 14.
34 75c. black and bluish lilac... 15 55 80 AYE AGS? Hi herein 15 35
32/34 SOL OFS |
pores 40 1-40 a. Horiz strip of 3. Nos. 80/2 ee 40 1:00
81 35c. “The Deposition from the Cross”
(Ugolino)... 15 35
82 75c. Crucifix (TI 5 15 40
80/82 Set OF 3 vecsesssesse 40 1:00
Nos. 80/2 were printed together, se-tenant, in horizontal strips of
three throughout the sheet.
(Des R. Granger Barrett. Litho Questa)
1970 (10 July). Death Centenary of Charles Dickens. T 22 and
similar horiz design. Multicoloured. P 14.
83 ZOCRY DC} 2 de nacerca trent emnceencannenate 45 40
84 75c. Dickens and Scene from The Old
(GUROSHY/ SHOP rernccraserecetistensrscrercecressassre
ai spo3
15 Scout Enrolment Ceremony 18 “Sistine Madonna”
(Raphael) @ 1870-1970 Lsoeys\>
(Des R. Granger Barrett. Litho Format) Z5
1969 (7 Aug). Third Caribbean Scout Jamboree. T 15 and similar
horiz designs. Multicoloured. P 14. Postmark Approx Period
35 ZAG Ded a ntrecaiatinieicsanes 35 55 Type of Use Diameter Index Letter
36 35c. Scouts around camp fire 45 65 Zé 1862 20mm A
37 75c. Sea Scouts rowing boat.. 55 1-40 Zé?) 1864-1872 20mm A
B5/ 37 SCHOfiSmecnnrrrmncacnmienstnienty 1-25 2.40 RED
1872-1878 21%zmm A
1879-1889 19%mm A
(Des. R. Granger Barrett. Litho Format)
1891-1894 21%zmm C
1969 (20 Oct). Christmas. P 14. 1894-1902 22mm A
38 18 ~—Yac. multicoloured... 10 30 1903-1907 202mm A
23 “Madonna of the Meadow” 24 Nurse with Patient
39 25c. multicoloured 10 15 1908-1920 21mm Aor none
40 35c. multicoloured 10 20
(Bellini) in Wheelchair
1909-1920 23mm ____Csideways (1909), none
41 75c. multicoloured 20 35 (1910-11), B (1911-20)
(Des R. Granger Barrett. Litho Questa)
SB/ATSCROF Avurrcrcscenmmsertmammeerer 30 90 Z3 1920-1922 24mm none
1970 (15 Oct). Christmas. T 23 and similar horiz designs. Z4 1897-1903 Reg'id 23 mm none
Multicoloured. P 14. Z5 1900-1902 Reg’d 28 mm Cc
85 20c. Type 23 10 25 1903-1904 Reg'd 29mm A
86 50c. “Madonna, Child and Angels" (from Postmark Type Z 1 appears in the G.P.0. proof book for 1858, but
Wilton diptych) .ssssseesssccsesnsesesessesseee 15 35 the first recorded use is 3 November 1862,
87 75c. “The Nativity” (della Francesca 15 50 Forged postmarks exist. Those found most frequently are genuine
85/7 Set of3... 30 1-00 postmarks of the post-1922 period with earlier date slugs fraudulently
inserted, namely a 20 mm postmark as Type Z 2 (because of the shape of
(Des R. Granger Barrett. Litho Questa)
the “O" in “ASCENSION this is often known as the “Square O” postmark)
1970 (21 Dec). Centenary of British Red Cross. T 24 and similar and a 24 mm postmark as Type Z 3 but with the index letter A.
multicoloured designs. P 14.
88 20c. Type 24 15 40 Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled with Types Z 2/5. Prices quoted
BARBUDA A 89 35c. Nurse giving pi agazines for Nos. Z1/6 are for complete covers.
(HOFIZ) orcrsictcttoaneenimmeet: 20 45
90 75c. Nurse and mother weighing baby Line-engraved issues.
19 William | (1066-87) (20) Z1 1d, red-brown (1855)... ay £8500
(horiz) Ya 25 85
88/90 Set OF 3... we 55 1:50 Z2 1d. rose-red (1864-79), From £3250
(Des R. Granger Barrett. Litho Format (Nos. 42/9) or Questa Plate Nos. 71, 74, 76, 78, 83, 85, 96, 100, 102,
103, 104, 122, 134, 138, 154, 155, 157, 160,
1970-71. English Monarchs. T 19 and similar vert designs. 168, 178
Multicoloured. P 14%x14. Surface-printed issues (1856-1883)
42 35c, Type 19 (16.2.70).. 30 15 Z2a 6d, lilac (1856)
43 35c. William Il (2.3.70). 10 15 Z3 6d. lilac (1865) (Plate No. 5) £8500
44 35c. Henry | (16.3.70) 10 15 Z4 1s. green (1865) (Plate No. 4)
45 35c. Stephen (1.4.70) 10 15 Z5 1s. green (1867) (Plate No. 7)...
46 35c. Henry Il (15.4.70).. 10 15 Z6 6d. grey (1874) (Plate Nos. 15, 1 £7000
47 35c. Richard | (1.5.70 10 15 Z6a 6d. on 6d. lilac (1883)...
48 35c. John (15.5.70).... 10 15 27 1d. lilac (1881) (16 dots).
49 35c. Henry Ill (1.6.70) 10 15 90-00
50 35c. Edward | (15.6.70). 10 15 1887-92.
51 35c. Edward Il (1.7.70). 10 15 Z8 Yad, vermilion..
52 35c. Edward Ill (15.7.70).. 10 15 z9 1’ad. purple and g
53 35c, Richard II (1.8.70). 10 15
Z10 2d. green and carmine
54 35c, Henry IV (15.8.70) 10 15
Z11 2’ad. purple/blue.....
55 35c. Henry V (1.9.70) 10 15
74) 3d. purple/yellow..
56 35c. Henry VI (15.9.7 10 15
Z13 4d, green and brown
57 36c. Edward IV (1.10.70).. 10 15
Z14 4¥2d. green and carmine
58 35c, Edward V (15.10.70). 10 15
Z15 5d. dull purple and blu
Z16 6d. purple/rose-red.. 16 6d. grey-black and bright purple... 60-00 £120
Z17 9d. purple and blue..... a. Broken mainmast... £650 £1000
Z17a 10d, dull purple and ca b. Torn flag..... £650 £1000
Z18 1s. green c, Cleft rock... £650 £1000
17 8d. grey-black and bright violet 45:00
1900. a. Broken mainmast £550
Z19 Yad. blue-green b. Torn flag.... £550
Z20 1s. green and carmine.. c. Cleft rock.. £500
d. “Shamrock £550
1902-11. King Edward VII issues. 18 1s. grey-black and brow 55-00
Z21 Yad. green a. Broken mainmast £650
Z22 1d. red... b. Torn flag..... £650
223 1d. purple and green.. c. Cleft rock... £600
Z24 2d. green and carmine... 19 2s. grey-black and blue/blue .. £110
Z25 2Yad. DIUC.....csssseee a. Broken mainmast £950
226 3d. purple/yellow b. Torn flag... £950
227 4d. green and brown... c. Cleft rock... £900
228 4d, orange (1909)... 20 3s, grey-black and black/blue £100
229 5d. purple and ultramarin a. Broken mainmast £900 £1000
Z30 6d, purple. b. Torn flag.... £1000
Z31 7d, grey-bla c. Cleft rock.. £950
Z32 9d. purple and ultramarine (1910)... MO/ZOISCROF TZ sacosesorseonsssnsrssntens £600
Z32a 10d. dull purple and scarlet 10s/20s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 12
Z33 1s. green and carmine........
Z33a_ —_2s.6d. dull reddish purple (1911).
234 5s. carmine
Z35 10s. ultramarin' Broken mainmast. Once on R. 2/1 =
Z35a £1 green all values.
1911-12. T 98/9 of Great Britain.
Z36 Yad. green (Die A)
237 Yad. yellow-green (Die B)
Z38 1d, scarlet (Die B)

1912. T 101/2 of Great Britain.

Z38a Yad. green...
Z386 1d. scarlet.

239 Yad. green (1913)..
Z40 1d. scarlet...
241 1¥ad, red-brown...
Z42 2d. orange (Die |!)
Z42a 2d. orange (Die II) (1921 Torn flag. Occurs on R. 4/6 of all values
243 2’Ad. blue.. except the 5d. Retouched on sheets of
Z44 3d, violet Yad., 1d. and 2d. printed after 1927.
Z45 4d. grey-green (1913)..
Z46 5d. brown (1913).
Z47 6d. purple (1913)
Z47a 7d, green (1913).
Z47b 8d. black/yellow(
Z48 9d. agate (1913).......
Z49 9d. olive-green (1922)
Z50 10d. turquoise-blue (1913).
Z51 1s. bistre (1913)...
Z52 2s.6d. brown (1918)..
Z53 5s. rose-red (1919).
Supplies of some values do not appear to have been sent to the
island and known examples originate from maritime or, in the case 8 Sooty Tern and Wideawake a
of high values, philatelic mail. Fair


Nos. 1/34 from x 5
Nos. 35/7 from x 10
Nos. 38/47 from x 6


8d. “Shamrock” Aa (R. 4/1)

(Typo D.L.R.) “Teardrops” flaw (R. 4/5)

1924 (20 Aug)-33. Wmk Mult Script CA. Chalk-surfaced paper.
i ; ‘ P14, (Des and recess D.L.R.)
Sa ae : 10 2. Yad. grey-black and black. 650 18-00 1934 (2 July). T 3/4 and similar designs. Wmk Mult Script CA.
Alas 2d. Blot on scroll (R. 3/10) a. Broken mainmast £130 £275 P14.
(R. 3/6) b. Torn flag £200 £350 21 3 ’d. black and violet. 90 80
3 c, Cleft rock.. £110 £250 22 4 1d. black and emerald. 1:75 1:50
a. Teardrops flaw..... £150 £170
1922 (2 Nov). Stamps of St. Helena, showing Government House ue Ussoiey,biacrandicespibives
23 5 1%ad. black and scarlet. 1:75 2:25
or the Wharf, , optd
OP! with T 1 byly D.LR
D.LR. a. ren
Broken mainmast oo
£140 UA
£250 24 4 2d. black and orange 1-75 2:50
(a) Wmk Mult Script CA b. Torn flag... £150 52275 a. Teardrops flaw... £275 =£325
1 Yad, black and green 7:50 28-00 c. Cleft rock.. £130 £250 25 6 . black and ultramarine 2:50 1:50
x. Wmk reversed £1400 11d 1d. grey-black 26 7 2:25 3-25
2 1d. green........ 750 27-00 Green (1933) .rssssse. £110 £500 27 4 4.25 6:50
3 ad. rose-scarlet 17:00 48-00 da. Broken mainmast £1000 . Teardrops flaw £475 £600
4 2d. black and gre 17:00 13-00 dc. Cleft rock.. £1000 28 8 1s. black and carmine. 18:00 12:00
a. Line through “P” of “POSTAGE”. £500 £600 12 ad. rose-red..... 10:00 48:00 29 4 2s.6d. black and bright purple 45:00 48-00
b. Blot on scroll. £500 £600 a, Broken mainmast £150 £375 a. Teardrops flaw £1500 £1600
5 3d. bright blue 13-00 28-00 b. Torn flag £160 £375 30 9 5s. black and brow 55:00 60:00
6 8d. black and dull purple.. 27:00 50-00 c. Cleft roc £150 = £375 Bi SOSCL Off Ossett sneer £120 £120
iz 2s. black and blue/blue. £110 £130 d. Broken scroll £170 = £375 21s/30s Perf “SPECIMEN”
Set of 10. £500
8. 3s. black and violet... 2 £160 e. line through “c £170 = £375
, (b) Wmk Mult Crown CA 13 2d. grey-black
and grey... 23:00 12:00 1935 (6 May). Silver Jubilee. As Nos. 91/4 of Antigua, but ptd by
9 1s. black/green (R.).. . 28:00 48-00 a. Broken mainmast £275 £275 Waterlow. P 11x12.
MASSER OF 9 sorecseccssrsorn £325 £475 b. £350 £375 31 1d. deep blue and scarlet... 350 15:00
15/9s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 9 £800 C. £250 £275 |, Kite and horizontal log. £475 £600
Nos. 1, 4 and 6/8 are on special printings which were not issued 14 3d. 8:00 18:00 32 2d. ultramarine and grey. 11:00 38-00
without overprint. a. Broken mainmas' £160 £300 |. Kite and horizontal log. £750
Examples of all values are known showing a forged Ascension b. Torn flag... £160 £300 33 Sd. green and indigo..... 23-00 32-00
postmark dated “MY 24 23” ¢, Cleft rock... £150" £275 k. Kite and vertical log £400 £500
, — - 15 4d. grey-black ‘and black/yellow. 50:00 95:00 |. Kite and horizontal log. £800 £900
ON THE 1924-33 ISSUE. Many constant plate pee
aon ee 34 1s, slate and purple...........
|. Kite and horizontal log.
both the vignette and duty plates of this issue. aiclertrccke BT ABSOR OAs tecerncetseesie
casein sles 55:00 £110
ies are illustrated and listed below. . purple and olive-green (8.27)... 315/4s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of4... £425
ed the same vignette plate as the St. Helena . Broken mainmas' For illustrations of plate varieties see Omnibus section following
so thatthese flaws occur there also. . Cleft rock... Zanzibar.
— a
Fi The first choice for Stamp collectors
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Postal History _(QSTANLEY
- ||
A Stanley Gibbons Publication
1937 (19 May). Coronation. As Nos. 95/7 of Antigua, but printed 41 11. 2d. black and red-orange... ASCENSION
by D.LR. P 14. a. Perf 13 (17.5.44).....
35 1d. green aa, Mountaineer flaw.
36 2d. orange... b. Perf 14 (17.2.49)
37 3d. bright blu ba. Mountaineer flaw.
35/37 Set of 3 41c 2d. black and scarlet, P 14 (1.6.49)
35s/7s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 3. ca. Mountaineer flaw.....
42 14 = 33d. black and ultramarine
42a 3d. black and grey (8.7.40) 27 View of Ascension from
b. Perf 13 (17.5.44) North-west
42c 11. 4d. black and ultramarine (8.7.40)...
d. Perf 13 (17.5.44).... (Recess B.W.)
da. Mountaineer flaw..
1956 (19 Nov). T 19/27. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 13.
43 12 6d. black and blue...
57 15 ‘Ad. black and brown... 10 50
[a 44 10
Perf 13 (17.5.44)
black and sepia 58 16 — 1d. black and magenta.. 450 2-75
11 Green Mountain a. Perf 13 (17.5.44) 59 17 1%d. black and orange....... 1:50 1-00
45 13 2s.6d. black and deep carmine. 60 18 = 2d. black and carmine-red 6-00 3-50
a. Frame printed double, one 61 19 2%Ad. black and orange-brow: 2-25 3-50
albino...... 62 20 3d. black and blue 6-00 1-25
b. Davit flaw 63 21 = 4d. black and deep turquoise-
c. Perf 13 (17.5.44) green 1:25 2:00
ca. Davit flaw....... 64 22 6d. black and indigo... 175° 2:75
cb. Cut mast and railing 65 23 = 7d. black and deep oliv 4:25 1-75
46 14 ‘5s. black and yellow-brown... 66 24 1s. black and vermilion 1:50 1:50
a. Perf 13 (17.5.44)....... 67 25 2s.6d. black and deep dull purp! 30-00 9-00
47 12 10s. black and bright purple.. 68 26 _ 5s. black and blue-green.. 42:00 19-00
a. Perf 13 (17.5.44) 69 27 10s. black and purple.. 55:00 40-00
38b/47a Set OFV6.ccsrscssseeseeseeeeneesee £140 80-00
38s/47s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 13

1946 (21 Oct). Victory. As Nos. 110/11 of Antigua.

48 2d. red-orange...

50 50 30
51 55:00 50-00
28 Brown Booby
1949 (10 Oct). 75th Anniv of Universal Postal Union. As
Nos. 114/17 of Antigua. (Des after photos by N. P. Ashmole. Photo Harrison)
52 3d. carmine... 1-00 2-00 1963 (23 May). T 28 and similar horiz designs. W w 12. P 14x14.
53 4d. deep blue 4-00 1:50 70 1d. black, lemon and new blue. 1-50 30
54 6d. olive... 2-00 3-50 71 Wad. black, cobalt and ochre... 2:00 1-00
55 1s. blue-blac 2:00 1:50 a. Cobalt omitted....... £130
a. “A” of “CA” missing from Wmk. — £1500 72 2d. black, grey and bright blue 1-25 30
(R. 2/3) 52/55 Set of 4 8:00 7-75 73 3d. black, magenta and turquoise-blue 1:75 30
74 Aled. black, bistre-brown and new blue 1-75 30
1953 (2 June). Coronation. As No. 120 of Antigua. w. Wmk inverted £500
56 3d. black and grey-black....csssesesecesseseeee 100 2-75 75 6d. bistre, black and yellow-green... 1:25 30
76 7d. black, brown and reddish violet. 1-25 30
77 10d. black, greenish yellow and blue-
1s. multicoloured
79 1s.6d. multicoloured 4:50 1-75
80 2s.6d. multicoloured 8:50 12-00
81 5s. multicoloured 10:00 13-00
82 10s. multicoloured 1300 15:00
83 £1 multicoloured 21:00 17-00
70/83 Set of 14....... - 60:00 55-00
2d. White-capped Noddy; 2d. White Tern; 3d. Red Billed
Tropic Bird; 4%d. Common Noddy; 6d. Sooty Tern; 7d. Ascension
a oe Ae Frigate Bird; 10d. Blue-faced Booby; 1s. White-tailed Tropic Bird; 1s.6d.
“Mou ntaineer” flaw (R. 4/4) "Davit” flaw (R. 5/1) Red-billed Tropic Bird; 2s.6d. Madeiran Storm Petrel; 5s. Red-footed
(1d., 2d., and 4d. ptgs from (all ptgs of 1¥%d. and Booby (brown phase); 10s. Ascension Frigate Birds; £1 Red-footed
1945) 2s.6d.) Booby (white phase).

1963 (4 June). Freedom from Hunger. As Nos. 146 of Antigua.

84 TSG CANIMNGiseaster oe scatecnsattnesoeesnseccccmecetoee yh 40

1963 (2 Sept). Red Cross Centenary. As Nos. 147/8 of Antigua.

85 3d. red and black 1:00 1-25
86 1s.6d. red and blue... 150 2-25

1965 (17 May). |.7.U. Centenary. As Nos. 166/7 of Antigua.

87 3d. magenta and bluish violet..............0 50 65
88 6d. turquoise-blue and light chestnut... 75 65

1965 (25 Oct). International Co-operation Year. As Nos. 168/9 of

89 1d. reddish purple and turquoise-green 40 60
90 6d. deep bluish green and lavender....... 60 90

1966 (24 Jan). Churchill Commemoration. As Nos. 170/3 of

20 White-tailed Tropic Bird Antigua.
“Cut mast and railings” (R. 3/1) (1¥2d. and (“Boatswain Bird”) 91 1d. new blue 50 75
2s.6d. ptgs from 1946) 92 3d. deep green 1:75 1-00
93 6d. brown....... 2-00 1:25
(Recess D.L.R.) 94 1s.6d. bluish violet 2:50 1-50
1938 (12 May)-53. T 10/14. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 13%. 91/94 Set of 4..... 6:00 4-00
38 10 Yad. black and violet... 7:50
a. Long centre bar to E £300 1966 (1 July). World Cup Football Championship. As Nos. 176/7 of
b. Perf 13. Black and bluish violet Antigua.
(17.5.44) 95 3d. violet, yellow-green, lake and
ba. Long centre bar to E YON OW-DFOWN .ancesssnssserseesersrssnvsnnnsnseseesenee 1:50 1-00
39 11 1d. black and green... 96 6d. chocolate, blue-green, lake and
39a 1d. black and yellow-o yellow-brown 1:50 1:25
21 Yellow-finned Tuna
b. Perf 13 (5.42). 1966 (20 Sept). Inauguration of W.H.O. Headquarters, Geneva. As
ba. Mountaineer flaw. Nos. 178/9 of Antigua.
c. Perf 14 (17.2.49) 97 3d. black, yellow-green and light blue... 1:75 1-00
ca. Mountaineer flaw. 98 1s.6d. black, light purple and yellow-
12 1d. black and green, P brown... 475 2:00
13 1d. black and vermilion..
a. Davit flaw........
b. Perf 13 (17.5.44)
ba. Davit flaw.........
bb. Cut mast and railing: Pin, Nether 5

c.Perf 14 (17.2.49) 23 Young turtles

ca. Davit flaw........
cb. Cut mast and railing
1d. black and rose-carmine, P 14 BEC RELA‘ TATION 1966
da. Davit flaw
db. Cut mast and railing
e. Black and carmine..
ea. Davit flaw.........
eb. Cut mast and railing
f. Perf 13 (25.2.53) SENSION 4 ASCENSION 1D
fa. Davit flaw........
fb. Cut mast and railings.. 36 Satellite Station 37 B.B.C. Emblem

“We are the ae private dealer,
I use in Australia”

We maintain a register of clients’ wants and actively

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Visit our “new” website to view a comprehensive and

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Ph. ey (03) 98180209 Fax. ++67 (03) 9818 3308 Mob. ++61 418 531 659
(Des V. Whiteley. Photo Harrison) 129 2s.3d. Squirrelfish (“Soldier’)........ 5:50 3-50
1966 (7 Nov). Opening of Apollo Communications Satellite Earth w. Wmk Crown to right of CA 2:25 1-50

Station. W w 12. (sideways). P 14x14%.
36 = 4d. black and reddish Violet... 10
126/129W Set Of 4..ccssscsssesssssssesssees
*The normal sideways watermark shows
13-00 8-00
rown to left of CA, as Australia
100 8d. black and deep bluish green 15 15 seen from the back of the stamp.
101 1s.3d. black and olive-brown.... 15 20
(Des L. Curtis. Photo D.L.R.)
ERG Ren eee a OL ee
102 2s.6d. black and turquoise-blue.. 15 20
99/102 Set of 4. 50 60 1970 (7 Sept). Royal Naval Crests (2nd series). Designs as T 46. The Australian colonies of New South Wales, Queensland, South
Multicoloured. W w 12. P 12%. Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia produced their
(Des B.B.C. staff. Photo, Queen's head and emblem die-stamped, 130 4d. H.M.S. Penelope 1:00 1:00 own issues before federation in 1901. Stamps inscribed for the
Harrison) 131 9d. H.M.S. Carlisle 1-25 1-50 individual states continued in use after federation until the end of
1966 (1 Dec). Opening of B.B.C. Relay Station. W w 12. P 14%. 132 1s.6d. H.M.S. Amphion 1:50 1:75 December 1912.
133 2s.6d. H.M.S. Magpie 1:50 1:75
103 37 ~~ 1d. gold and ultramarine.. 10 10
130/133 Set of 4....... 475 5:50
104 3d. gold and myrtle-gree: 15 15
w. Wk inverted ...esss 50 1:25 MS134 153x96 mm. Nos. 750 14-00 WATERMARK VARIETIES. Some stamp printers in the Australian
105 6d. gold and reddish violet.. 15 15
colonies paid little attention to the position of the watermark in the
106 1s.6d. gold and red 15 15
sheets they produced so that some entire printings had the watermark
103/106 Set of 4 50 50
inverted, some 50% upright and 50% inverted while on others
1963 (23 May). Buff cover. Stitched. the inverted watermarks were restricted to odd sheets. Reversed,
1967 (1 Jan). 20th Anniv of U.N.E.S.C.0. As Nos. 196/8 of Antigua. SB1 _—-10s.6d. booklet containing 1d., 1%d., 2d., 3d., inverted and reversed, and on stamps with sideways watermarks,
6d. and 1s.6d, (Nos. 70/3, 75, 79), each in sideways inverted and sideways inverted and reversed watermarks,
107 3d. slate-violet, red, yellow and orange. 2:00 1:50 are frequently encountered, especially on the stamps of New South
DIOCK OF 4.vccsssssssssssnnees on 70:00
108 6d, orange-yellow, violet and deep
Wales and the later issues of Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia.
olive. " 2-50 2:00
In such circumstances it is impossible to provide adequate prices for
109 1s.6d. black, 3:75 2:50
such items, so, generally, only those watermark varieties occurring on
107/109 Set of 3 7:50 5:50
stamps printed in Great Britain are included in the following listings.

DOUBLE PRINTS. Numerous examples of “double prints,’ also

“printed double, one albino” varieties are found on the locally
printed line-engraved stamps of the Australian colonies. These
are particularly prevalent in the stamps of South Australia and
Tasmania. We no longer list such varieties.


Nos, 1/83 from x 2
Nos, 84/7 from x 3
No. 88 _—
44 Human Rights Emblem
Nos. 89/96 from x 2
and Chain Links
Nos. 97/8 —
(Des and litho Harrison) Nos. 99/101 from x 2
1968 (8 July). Human Rights Year. W w 12 (sideways*). P 14%2x14. Nos, 102/13 from x 3
No. 114 from x 10
110 44 6d. light orange, red and black........ 30 15
Nos. 115/17 from x 2
111 1s.6d. light grey-blue, red and black... 40 25
112 2s.6d. light green, red and black.. 40 30 Nos. 118/27 from x 3
w. Wmk Crown to right of CA £750 Nos. 131/53 from x 2
110/112 Set of 3 . 1:00 65 Nos. 154/70 from x 3
*The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CA, as Nos. 171/81 _-
seen from the back of the stamp. Nos. 186/202 from x 2
Nos. 203/6 from x 10
Nos. 207/21 from x 5
Nos. 222/37 from x 6
Nos. 238/42 =
Nos. 243/4 from x 6
Nos. 253/64 from x
Nos. 265/8 from x
Nos. 269/70 from x
Nos. 271/3 from x
Nos. 280/1 from x
Nos. 288/97 from x
Nos. 298/312 from x
Nos, 313/31 from x
No. 332 =
Nos. 333/49 from x 12
No. 350 _
45 Black Durgon (“Ascension 46 H.M.S. Rattlesnake Nos. 351/63 from x 12
No. O1 _
(Des M. Farrar Bell. Litho D.L.R.) Nos. 02/12 from x 4
1968 (23 Oct). Fish (1st series). T 45 and similar horiz designs. Nos. 013/18 —
W w 12 (sideways*). P 13. Nos. 019/34 from x 20
113 Ad. black, slate and turquoise-blue 30 35 Nos. 035/8 _
114 8d. MulticOlOUred ........ccessss00 35 60 Nos. 039/47 from x 40
w. Wmk Crown to right of CA £475 Nos, 048/53 _
115 1s.9d. multicoloured... 40 65 Nos. 054/8 from x 20
116 2s.3d. multicoloured 40 65 No, O59 —
113/116 Set of 4 1:25 2:00
Designs:—8d. Scri eather-jacket”); 1s.9d. Yellow- Nos, D1/7 from x 50
finned Tuna; 2s.3d. Short-finned Mako.
Nos. D8/10 —
*The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CA, as
Nos, D11/15 from x 50
seen from the back of the stamp.
See also Nos. 117/20 and 126/9.

(Des M, Farrar Bell. Litho D.L.R.) EMBOSSED LETTER SHEETS AND ENVELOPES. From 1 November
1838 the Sydney G,P.O. supplied letter sheets pre-stamped with
1969 (3 Mar). Fish (2nd series). Horiz designs as T 45.
an albino embossing, as illustrated, at 12d. each or 1s.3d. per
Multicoloured. W w 12 (sideways). P 13/2x13.
dozen. From January 1841 the price was reduced to 1s. per dozen.
117 ACUTE AN GASI mcascscascicsnsosstasccascocsenert 55 80 The public were also able to present their own stationery for
118 6d. White Seabream (“Old Wife”). 70 1:00 embossing. The circular design measures approximately 29 mm
119 1s.6d. Yellowtail............. 90 2-00 in diameter, and examples are known on laid or wove paper of
120 2s.11d. Rock Hind (“Jack”) 110 92:25 varying colours. Embossing continued until 1 May 1852 after which
WIN /N ZO SCE OLE stertrcccsccasstseeccsesessy 3:00 5-50 the Post Office refused to carry mail which was not franked with
postage stamps. The die was used for reprints in 1870 and 1898
(Des L. Curtis. Photo Harrison)
before it was destroyed later the same year.
1969 (1 Oct). Royal Naval Crests (1st series). T 46 and similar vert
designs. W w 12 (sideways*). P 14x14%.
121 4d, multicoloured... 50 30
122 9d. multicoloured... 60 35
123 1s.9d. deep blue, pale blue and gold... 80 45
124 2s.3d. multicoloured 90 55
121/124 Set OF 4 ...rcscorssssessnve 2:50 1:50
MS125 165x105 mm. Nos. 121/4. P 14% 650 13-00
w. Wmk Crown to right of CA £1200
Designs:—9d, H.M.S. Weston; 1s.9d. H.M.S. Undaunted; 2s.3d, H.M.S.
*The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CA, as
seen from the back of the stamp.
See also Nos. 130/4.
(Des M, Farrar Bell. Litho D.L.R.)
1970 (6 Apr). Fish (3rd series). Horiz designs as T 45.
Multicoloured. W w 12 (sideways*). P 14.
126 4d. Wahoo 4:50 2:75 PRINTERS. The early issues of New South Wales were printed
w. Wmk Crown to right of CA £500 on a press supervised by the Inspector of Stamps, Charles Kay.
127 9d. Ascension Jack (“Coalfish”) 5:00 275 On 1 January 1857 this responsibility passed to the Government
w. Wmk Crown to right of CA 2:25 1:25 printer who produced all subsequent issues, unless otherwise stated.
128 1s.9d. Pompano Dolphin... 5-50 3-50

AUSTRALIA New South Wales
b. Fan as in PI Ill, but without shading,
SPECIMEN OVERPRINTS. Those listed are from U.P.U. distributions and inner circle intersects the fan
between 1892 and 1903. Further “Specimen” overprints exist, but (RY 7) x pe Ph nr Se eae — £600
these were used for other purposes. From 1891 examples of some c. Fan as B, but inner circle intersects
of these Specimens, together with cancelled stamps, were sold to FAN) (Rd /3) sete tneereaneeeer
eeeeeeaorees — £600
collectors by the N.S.W. Post Office. d. No whip and inner circle intersects
FAT (RET/A) cerccrencrsssson — £600
e. No whip (R. 1/8, 2/8). — £475
NEW SOUTH WALES USED IN NEW CALEDONIA. From October f. Pick and shovel omitt b . — £600
1859 mail for Europe from New Caledonia was routed via Sydney g. “CREVIT” omitted (R. 2/1). ee — £950
and franked with New South Wales stamps in combination with
(b) Worn impressions
local issues. Such N.S.W. stamps were cancelled on arrival in Sydney. (Des A. W. Manning from sketch by W. T. Levinge; eng on steel by
25 2d. dull blue... £170
26 2d. Prussian b £200 John Carmichael, Sydney)
a. Fan as in PI Ill, 1851 (18 Dec)-52. Imperf.
outside (R. 1/1) — £425 = (a) Thick yellowish paper
b. Fan as in PI Ill, but without shading, 44 8 1d. carmine... £300
and inner circle intersects the fan a. No leaves rig!
GRES1//2) rercestece ete scetsecereemeeseerer
eee — £425 (REST; 73/1) Saccscaese sseoecercets ene = £2500
c. Fan as B, but inner circle intersects b. Two leaves right of “SOUTH”
Paty (3) tere ecrrcaseccomnaericres
rcseceeret — £425 (R. 2/5) —— EZ o0
d. No whip and inner circle intersects c. “WALE” (R. 1/9) =) 8750
fan (R. 1/4) — £425
e, No whip (R. 1/8, 2/8). £9500 £350 (b) Bluish medium wove paper (1852) ‘
f. Pick and shovel omitted (R. 1/10).. — £425 45 8 = 1d. carmine £1900 £160
(Eng Robert Clayton, Sydney) g. “CREVIT” omitted (R. 2/1) - £12000 £650 46 1d. scarlet... £1900 £160
1850 (1 Jan). T 1. Plate |. No clouds. 47 1d. vermilion. £1800, £140
(c) Bottom row retouched with dots and dashes in lower spandrels
48 1d. brick-red... £1800 £140
(a) Soft yellowish paper (from July)
a. No leaves right of “SOUTH”
1 1d. crimson-lak . £12000 £550 27 2d. Prussian blu £8000 £325
(REA/77- 3/1) siccccwuscevcosnesteneeeteereenee £3750 £350
2 1d. carmine... £12000 £500 28 2d. dull blue....... £8000 £225 b. Two leaves right of “SOUTH”
3 1d. £11000 £475 e, No whip (R. 2/8). —) £375
(R. 2/5) — £450
4 1d. - £12000 £500 g. “CREVIT” omitted —= 9)=I0) c. “WALE" (R. 1/9 — £450
(c) Thick vertically laid bluish paper (18522)
5 1d. pale red... . £11000 £475 (Plate re-engraved a second time by Henry C. Jervis) 49 8 1d. orange-brown £6500 £450
6 1d, dull lak £12000 £500
1850 (Sept). Plate Ill. Bale not dated and single-lined, except on 50 1d. claret £6500 £475
1850 (Aug). T 2. Plate | re-engraved by Henry C. Jervis, commonly No. 30c which is doubled-lined. No dots in stars. a. No leaves right of “SOUTH”
termed Plate Il. With clouds, 29 2d, ultramarine. £8000 £225 (GRAV ABTA) Persie — £850
30 2d. deep blue..... £8000 £225 b. Two leaves right of “SOUTH”
(a) Hard toned white to yellowish paper (R. 2/5) me —= £1100.
a. No whip (R. 2/3, 2/7). — £375
vi 1d. vermilion...... £8500 £375 c. “WALE” (R. 1/ — £1200
b. Fan with 6 segments (R. 2/8 cos OU
8 1d. dull carmine... £8500 £375 Nos. 44/50 were printed in sheets of 50 (10x5).
c. Double lines on bale (R. 1/7, 1/10,
a. No trees on hill (R. £12000 £750
b. Hill unshaded (R. 2/3)... £12000 £750
— £350
(Eng John Carmichael (Nos. 51/9), Henry C. Jervis (Nos. 60/4))
c. Without clouds (R, 3/5) «« £12000 £750
(Plate re-engraved a third time by Henry C. Jervis) 1851 (24 July)-55. Imperf.
(b) Hard greyish or bluish paper
9 1d. crimson-lake... eee LEOOUU) e575) 1851 (Jan). Plate IV. Double-lined bale, and circle in centre of (a) Plate!
10 id. gooseberry-red . £11000 £550 each star. (i) Thick yellowish wove paper
11 1d. dull carmine.... £8500 £375 (a) Hard bluish grey wove paper 51 BDA UNIAN irccrceesesesersceeestocerteeeanee £1800 £120
12 1d. brownish red... £8500 £350 31 2d. ultramarine.. =n e500 e200) (ii) Fine impressions, blue to greyish medium paper
a. No trees on hill (R. 2/2) £12000 £750 32 2d. Prussian blue. £7500 £170 52 8 2d. ultramarine. - £1400 35-00
b. Hill unshaded (R. 2/3).. £12000 £750 33 2d. bright blue... £7500 £190 53 2d. chalky blue. £1300 35:00
c. Without clouds (R. 3/5)..... - £12000 £750 a. Hill not shaded (R. 1/12 — £325 54 2d. dark blue £1300 35:00
(c) Laid paper b. Fan with 6 segments (R. 2/8) — £325 55 2d. greyish blue. £1300 35:00
13 1d. carmine... - £14000 £700 c. No clouds (R. 2/10) — £325 (iii) Worn plate, blue to greyish medium paper
14 1d. vermilion. £15000 £650 d. Retouch (R. 2/1) ...... — £400 56 8 = 2d. ultramarine .- £850 35-00
a, No trees on hill (R. 2/2) — £1200 e, No waves (R. 1/9, 2/5)... as — £275 57 2d. Prussian blue... «= £850 35-00
b. Hill unshaded (R. 2/3).. — £1200 (b) Stout yellowish vertically laid paper
c, Without clouds (R. 3/5) a — £1200 (iv) Worn plate, blue wove medium paper
34 2d. ultramarine.. .- £8500 £250 58 8 2d. ultramarine. £750 35:00
The varieties quoted with the letters “a”, “b’, “c” of course exist in 35 2d. Prussian blue £9500 £275
each shade; the prices quoted are for the commonest shade, and the 59 2d. Prussian blue... «= £750 35-00
a. Hill not shaded (R. 1/12)... — £425
same applies to the following portions of this list. (b) Plate II. Stars in corners (Oct 1853)
b. Fan with 6 segments (R. 2, — £425
Nos, 1/14 were printed in sheets of 25 (5x5). (i) Bluish medium to thick wove paper
c. No clouds (R. 2/10) — £425
d. Retouch (R. 2/1)...... — £500 60 9 2d. deep ultramarine. we £20007 £130
LAID PAPER, Nos. 13/14, 34/5, 38 and 43d/e can be found showing e. No waves (R, 1/9, 2/5) 61 2G! INGOs. srcssccrsanee £2100 £100
parts of the papermaker’s watermark (T. H. SAUNDERS 1847 in f. “PENOE”(R. 1/10, 2/12). Bs — £450 a. “WAEES" (R. 3/3). ott — (£475
double-lined capitals and the figure of Britannia seated in an oval The retouch, Nos. 33d and 35d., occurs outside the left margin (ii) Worn plate, hard blue wove paper
beneath a crown). line on R, 2/1. 62 9 2d. deep Prussian blue .- £2000 £120
a. "WAEES" (R, 3/3) — £475
(c) Plate Ill, being Plate | (T 8) re-engraved by H. C. Jervis.
Background of crossed lines (Sept 1855)
(i) Medium bluish wove paper
63 = 2d. £1000 75-00
a. “WALES” partly covered with
WAVY liM@S (R. 1/3) seccerssssnsesnreseesenese = £275

A (PI 1)
64 =
(ii) Stout white wove paper
2. Prussia’ BIUC:sssscccncnsonscanaeentaee £1000
a. “WALES” partly covered with

D (PIV) wavy lines (R. 1/3). £275

Illustrations A, B, C and D are sketches of the lower part of the inner Nos. 51/64 were printed in sheets o
circular frame, showing the characteristic variations of each plate. (Plate re-engraved a fourth time by Henry C. Jervis)
(Eng John Carmichael)
(Eng John Carmichael) 1851 (Apr). T 6. Plate V. Pearl in fan.
1852 (3 Dec). Imperf.
1850 (1 Jan). Plate |. Vertical-lined background. T 3. (a) Hard greyish wove paper
36 2d. ultramarine.. £7500 £180 (a) Medium greyish blue wove paper
(a) Early impressions, full details of clouds, etc 37 2d. dull blue... £7500 £180
65 8 3d. deep green. | LBTSOR E225
15 2d. greyish blue . £17000 £550 66 3d. green.......... £3250 £160
a. Pick and shovel omitted (R. be — £375
16 2d. deep blue... — £650
b, Fan with 6 segments (R. 2/8) csssssssess = E875 67 3d. dull yellow-green £2750 =£110
a. Double lines on bale (R. 2/7)... — £1100 a. “WAEES" with centre
(6) Stout yellowish vertically laid paper first “E” Missing (R. 4/7) qssssssseesseue — £450
(b) Intermediate impressions
38 2d. dull ultramarine.. £11000 £425
16b 2d. greyish blue. £9000 £325
a. Pick and shovel o — £650 (b) Thick blue wove paper
16c 2d. deep blue.... -- £9500 £400 69 8 3d. emerald-green £250
b. Fan with 6 segments (R. 2/8)... — £650
(c) Later impressions, clouds, etc., mostly gone, T 4 Nos. 15/38 were printed in sheets of 24 (12x2), although the 71 3d. blue-green... £275
17 2d. greyish blue .. £7000 £190 a. “WAEES" wi
existence of an inter-panneau téte-béche pair from Plate II indicates
18 2d. dull blue -- £7000 £180 that the printer applied two impressions of the plate to each sheet first "E” missing (R. 4/7) .essssseseene _ £750
Nos. 65/71 were printed in sheets of 50 (10x5).
(d) Stamps in the lower row partially retouched (end Jan) of paper. The two panes were normally separated before issue.
19 2d. greyish blue .. £8000 £300 The original Plate | was re-cut four times to form Plates II to V. An 1852 (Apr)-53. Imperf.
20 2d. dull blue........ £8500 £350 interesting variety occurs on R. 1/9-11 and 2/7 in all five plates. It
consists of ten loops of the engine-turning on each side of the design (a) Plate!
instead of the normal nine loops. (i) Medium white wove paper
72 8 6d. vandyke-brown.. = £950
(Eng Henry C. Jervis) a. “WALLS” (R. 2/3) . —" £1600
1850 (1 Jan)-51.T 7. (ii) Medium bluish grey wove paper
73 8 6d. vandyke-brow £3750" £250 ©
(a) Soft yellowish wove paper 74 6d. yellow-brown.. £4000 £275

39 3d. yellow-green - £9000 £325
40 3d.
75 6d. chocolate-brow £3750 £250
myrtle green £19000 £1400
41 3d.
76 6d. grey-brown........ £3500 £250
emerald-green. £10000 £350 a. “WALLS” (R, 2/3) ..
B (PI Il) C (PI Ill) a. No whip (R. 4/3-4). os — £750
— £500
b. “SIGIIIUM" for “SIGIL 5/3) aoe — (b) Plate | re-engraved by H. C. Jervis. Coarse background (June 1853)
(Plate entirely re-engraved by Henry C. Jervis) Le -— 6d. brown... . £4250 £300
(6) Bluish to grey wove paper (July 1850) 78 - 6d. grey-brown...
1850 (Apr—uly). T 5. Plate II. Horizontal-lined background, Bale on 42 3d, yellow-green... £4000 £300
left side supporting the seated figure, dated. Dot in centre of
£8500 £275 Examples of the 6d. in vandyke-brown on thick yellowish paper
43 3d. emerald-green. £9500 £275
the star In each corner. are proofs.
b. No whip (R. 4/3-4). — £400
c. “SIGIIIUM” for “SIGIL! Nos. 72/6 and 77/8 were printed in sheets of 25 (5x5).
(a) Early impressions S/S) serese — £600
21 2d. indigo... - £12000 £350 (c) Yellowish to bluish laid paper (Jan 1851) (Eng Henry C. Jervis)
22 2d. lilac-blue.. 1300 43d 3d, bright green... - £14000 £600 1853 (May). Imperf. Medium bluish paper
23 2d, grey-blue. £12000 £300 43e 3d. yellowish green... £12000 £500 79 8d. dull yellow. £12000
24 2d. bright blue... «» £12000 £300 f. No whip (R. 4/3-4).. — £850
a, Fan as in PI Ill, but with shading 80 8d. orange-yello £12000 £600
g. “SIGIIUM "for “SIGILLUM” (R. 5/3)..... — £1200 81 8d. OFANGE ...ccesee
outside (R. 1/1)... = — £550 Nos. 39/43e were printed in sheets of 25 (5x5). £13000 £650
a. No bow at back of head (R. 1/9)... — £1800
b. No leaves right of “SOUTH” (R. 3/1).. _
c. No lines in spandrel (R. 2/2, 3/2,


172 have

2d. Major retouch around neck and

above “TWO PENCE” (Plate II, R. 5/9)
1854 (Jan-Mar). Yellowish wove paper. Wmk double-line “1”, “2” or
“3” as T 10, to match face value. Imperf.
82 8 1d. red-orange (Feb) £450 32:00 1860 (14 Feb)-72. Wmk double-lined figure of value.
83 1d. orange-vermilio' £450 32-00 (a) P12
a. No leaves right of “SOUTH” 131 16 = 1d. orange-red. £325 23-00
(R. 1/7, 3/1). £850 £100 132 1d. scarlet...... £250 23-00
b. Two leaves right of “SOU 133 2d. pale blue (PI I) £650 £140
CREZ/S eres £1200 £150 a. Retouched....... — £1400
c. “WALE” (R. 1/9 £1200 £150 134 2d. greenish blue (PI Il)... £225 13-00
84 - 2d. ultramarine (PI Ill) Jan £350 15-00 136 2d. Prussian blue (PI Il) ... £225 13-00
85 - 2d. Prussian blue (PI III) - £350 15-00 a. Error. Wmk “1”... — £3500
86 — 2d. chalky blue (PI Ill) ...ssscsssccsescseeees £350 12.00 b. Retouched (shades).. — £425
a. “WALES” partly covered by 137 2d, Prussian blue (PI |) (3.61) £250 14-00
wavy lines (R. 1/3).. £900 65:00 138 2d. dull blue (PI I) £225 13-00
87 8 3d. yellow-green (Mar) £600 45-00 139 3d. yellow-green ( £1700 60-00
a. “WAEES’ with centre bar of 140 3d. blue-green... £850 48-00
first “E” missing (R. 4/7) £1500 £180 141 11 5d. dull green (1863)... £400 £110
b. Error. Wmk “2” £6500 £1600 142 5d. yellowish green (1863) £400 £110
Nos. 82/7 were printed in sheets of 50 (10x5). i 143 12 ~~ 6d. grey-brown £700 65-00
144 6d. olive-brown £700 75-00
2d. Major retouch (Plate |, R. 9/8)
145 6d. greenish grey £800 60:00
146 6d. fawn.. £750 85-00
(Printed by New South Wales Govt Ptg Dept from plates engraved
147 £700 38-00
by Perkins, Bacon & Co)
148 a 19-00
1856 (7 Jan)-60. Wmk double-line “1", “2” or “3” to match face 149 13 8d. lemon-yellow — £2000
value. Imperf. 150 8d. orange....... £6000 £1200
(a) Recess 151 8d. red-orange. £6000 £1200
107 16 ~—_1d. orange-vermilion (6.4.56).. £325 24-00 152 14 1s. brownish red. 70:00
a. Error. Wmk “2"...... £8500 153 1s. rose-carmine.. 70:00
108 1d. carmine-vermilion.. 24-00
109 1d, orange-red........ 24:00 (b) P13
a. Printed on both sides £2500 154 16 1d. scarlet (1862). £150 23-00
110 2d, deep turquoise-blue (PI |) £300 14:00 155 1d. dull red........ £150 23:00
111 2d, ultramarine (PI 1). £275 14:00 156 3d. blue-green (12.62) 85:00 12:00
112 2d. blue (PI 1)... £275 14-00 157 3d. yellow-green. £100 9:00
a. Major retouch (1858) £2250 £450 a. Wmk “6” (7.72. £225 14-00
b. Error. Wmk“1"., + £8500 158 3d. dull green... £100 8-50
c. Wmk “5” (3.57).. £850 70:00 a. Wmk “6” (7.72. £250 17-00
113 2d. pale blue (PI 1)... £275 = 14-00 160 11 5d. bluish green (12.63)........ £120 30-00
114 2d. blue (PI Il) (1.60)... £850 65-00 161 5d. bright yellow-green (8.65) £225 75:00
13 14
115 3d. yellow-green (10.10.56) £1500 95:00 162 5d, sea-green (1866)... £140 32.00
(6d. and 1s. des E. H. Corbould after sketches by W. T. Levinge. Printed 116 3d. bluish green . £100 162a 5d. dark bluish green (11.70). 95:00 25-00
by New South Wales Govt Ptg Dept from Perkins Bacon plates) 117 3d. dull green... £100 163 12 6d. reddish purple (PI |) (7.62) £200 6-00
a. Error, Wmk “2 £3750 164 6d. MAUVE... sccsssccsssees £200 6-00
1854 (1 Feb)-59. Wmk double-line “5”, “6”, “8” or “12” to match 165 6d. purple (PI Il) (1864)... £150 475
face value. Imperf. a. Wmk “5” (7.66)... £750 28-00
(0) Lithographic transfer of Plate
88 11 5d. dull green (1.12.55) £1300 £650 ab. Wmk “5” sideways + £1200
118 16 — 2d. pale blUe (3.8.59) ...sressssssssesssuseseee — £800
89 12 6d. deep slate... £1700 35-00 Ai REEOUCHEG nn. cccsccccscersssunascsceressecen — £2500 b. Wmk “12” (12.66 and 1868 £700 23-00
a. Wmk sideways + £1200 For further examples of Type 16 on different watermarks see 166 6d. Violet... £160 6:50
90 6d. greenish grey. £1500 35-00 Nos. 131/40, 154/8, 171/2, 211/12, 226/8 and 327/8. a. Wmk “5” (7.66 — 38-00
91 6d. slate-green.. £1500 35-00 Two plates were used for the 2d. The 2d. Plate | was retouched, on 167 6d. aniline mauve £1300 £140
92 6d. bluish grey.. £1500 55-00 a total of ten positions, Nos. 112a and 133a refer to the third retouch 167a 13 8d, red-orange (1862) £450 55-00
93 6d. fawn....... £1600 95-00 of R. 2/12 and R. 9/8. Earlier retouches of these exist. Stamps from 167b 8d. yellow-orange. £475 45.00
a. Wmk “8” (15.8.59)... £4000 £110 Plate Il are wider apart and are more regularly spaced. There is also ba. Wmk sideway: + £1200
94 6d. £1500 55-00 a white patch between “A” of “WALES” and the back of the Queen's 167¢ 8d. bright yellow.. £450 45:00
95 6d. £1500 35:00 head on later printings from Plate II, but this is not obvious on the 168 14 1s. rose-carmine (1862) £300 7-50
96 6d. £1500 35-00 early printings. 169 TS. CALMING nrv-sasevvsenssseass : 8-00
a, Wmk “8” (15.8.59).... £4000 £110 On the 3d. the value is in block letters on a white background. 170 TS.) CFITSOM*AKC vcctscertctserorseeesesismseeerees, £275) 8:00
ab, Wmk sideways — £500 No. 112c comes from a printing made when supplies of the ”2" paper
97 13 ~~ 8d. golden yellow (1.12. - £16000 £1400 were unavailable. There are only two known of No. 112b one ofwhich (c) Perf compound 12x13
98 8d. dull yellow-orange . £15000 £1300 is in the Royal Collection. Two used examples are known with “8” 171 16 1d. scarlet (1862). ei — £1700
99 14 1s. rosy vermilion (2.54). £4000 70-00 watermark, both of which are in museum collections. 172 2d. dull blue (1.62). £2250 £180
a. Wmk “8” (20.6.57) .. £9000 £180 The 1d. exists privately rouletted 10, a used pair of which is known
100 1s. pale red £3750 70-00 No. 133 was made by perforating a small remaining stock of No. 113.
postmarked 15 May 1861.
101 1s. brownish re £4250 80:00 Nos. 137/8 were printed from the original plate after its return from London,
No. 114 was mainly used at post offices in Queensland.
Nos. 93a, 96a and 99a come from printings made when supplies where it had been repaired.
The lithographic retouches (No. 118a) occur on the three stamps
of the correct numeral watermarks were unavailable. No. 136b refers to the second retouch on R. 5/9, Other retouches to
at the left of the bottom row of the sheet and consist of strong
Plate proofs of the 6d. in red-brown and of the 1s. in deep blue on plate Il exist.
horizontal lines below “TWO PENCE”.
unwatermarked paper exist handstamped “CANCELLED”in oval of bars Nos. 157a, 158a and 165a/b come from printings made when supplies
(see note on Perkins Bacon “CANCELLED” in Catalogue introduction) of paper with the correct face value were unavailable.
(Price £12000 each). The Royal Philatelic Collection contains examples of Nos. 131 and 168
A single used example of No. 91 exists printed on both sides. It is STAMPS WITH STRAIGHT EDGES. Stamps between Nos. 119 in imperf between pairs.
in the Royal Philatelic Collection. and 244 and also Nos. 327/9 can be found with one or two sides For later printings in these types, with different watermarks and
For further examples of Types 11/14 on different watermarks see imperforate. These come from the outside rows which were not perforations, see Nos. 195, 211/2, 215, 218, 226/8, 231/3, 236, 269/70
Nos. 141/53, 160/70, 215, 218, 231/3, 236 and 329. perforated between the stamps and the sheet margins. Being and 327/9.
from the edge of the sheet such stamps are often found without
watermark or showing portions of the double-lined “NEW SOUTH
WALES” marginal watermark.

1860 (Feb)-63. For Registered Letters.

(a) P12
(i) Hard medium bluish wove paper with manufacturer's wmk in
a5 16 sans-serif, double-lined capitals across sheet, showing portions
of letters on a few stamps
(Eng John Carmichael) 119 15 (6d,) orange and Prussian blue £900 70:00
1856 (1 Jan)-59. For Registered Letters. No wmk. Imperf. 120 (6d.) orange and indigo......... £900 75:00
(a) Soft medium yellowish paper (ii) Coarse, yellowish wove paper with manufacturer’s wmk in 24
102 15 (6d.) vermilion and Prussian blue... £1700 £170 Roman capitals (Feb 1860)
a. Frame printed on back. . £12000 £5000 121 15 (6d.) rose-red and Prussian blue... £600 45-00 (Des E. H. Corbould, R.I.)
103 (6d.) salmon and indigo... £1600 £190 122 (6d.) rose-red and indigo. £700 95-00
123 (6d.) salmon and indigo. 1861-88. W 25. Various perfs.
104 (6d.) orange and Prussian blue.. £1600 £225 174 24 5s. dull violet, P 12 (1861). £2000 £325
105 (6d.) orange and indigo £1600 £200 (b) P13 a. Perf 13 (1861) £325 35-00
(b) Hard medium bluish wove paper, with manufacturer's wmk in (i) Coarse, yellowish wove paper with manufacturer's wmk in 175 5s. royal purple, P 13 (1872) £800 70:00
sans-serif, double-lined capitals across sheet and only showing Roman capitals (1862) 176 5s. deep rose-lilac, P 13 (1875 £225 35-00
portions of letters on a few stamps in a sheet 124 15 (6d.) rose-red and Prussian blue......... £700 65-00 177 5s. deep purple, P 13 (1880) £275 50:00
106 15 (6d.) orange and Prussian blue (ii) Yellowish wove paper. Wmk double-line “6” (May 1863) a. Perf 10 (1882) £300 75-00
(4.59) . £2250 £250 125 15 (6d.) rose-red and Prussian blue... £275 24-00 178 5s. rose-lilac, P 10 (1883).. £275 55-00
For further examples of Type 15 on different watermarks see 126 (6d.) rose-red and indigo... £375 30:00 179 5s. purple, P 12 (1885). 5 — 70-00
Nos. 119/27. 127 (6d.) rose-red and pale blue... £250 22:00 a. Perf 10x12 (1885). 3 — £180
AUSTRALIA New South Wales
180 5s. reddish purple, P 10 (1886). £275 60-00 NINEPENCE c. Perf11 (12.85) A — £100
a. Perf 1210 (1887)... £425 65-00 (39) d. Perf 12x11 (12.85)... £100
b. Mixed perfs 10 and 12.. — a e. Perf 10x12 (4.85) 65-00
181 5s. rose-lilac, P 11 (1888)..... i £325 £140 From 1871 to 1903 the 9d. is formed from the 10d. by a black ca. Perf 12x10... £100
This value was replaced by Nos. 261, etc. in 1888 but reissued in surch. (T 39), 15 mm long on Nos. 219 to 220g, and 13% mm long f. Perf 10x11 or f £150
g. Perf 11x12, comb (1.84) 1:00
1897, see Nos. 297c/e. on subsequent issues.
ga. Printed double.......... a t £700
1871-1902. W 36 gb. Imperf three sides (left stamp of
207 26 1d. dull red, P 13 (8.71) 3-25 horizontal pair).....-.-.00+» .« £2000
a. Imperf vert (horiz pair)... + £2750 226 16 3d. yellow-green, P 10 (1886) 28-00 2:25
b. Imperf between (horiz pair) + £2750 b. Wmk sideways.....
208 1d. salmon, P 13 (1878) 35:00 3-50 bs. Optd “Specimen”. 27-00
a. Perf 10 (6.80)... £250 40:00 c. Perf 10x12... £180 42.00
b. Perf 10x13 (6.80) 65-00 8-50 ca. Perf 12x10. £140 18-00
ba. Perf 13X10.....0 32:00 2:50 = d. Perf 11....... 10:00 1:00
c. Scarlet, Perf 10 (4.82)... — £180 da. Imperf vert (horiz pair).. £700
e. Perf 11x12 or 12x11. 600 1-00
209 28 2d. Prussian-blue, P 13 (11.71)
a. Perf 11x12, comb (11.84).
40-00 f, Perf 12... 15:00 2-50
27 c. Imperf between (horiz pair). t+ £3250 g. Imperf (pair) £500 ~
210 2d. pale blue, P 13 (1876)... 40:00 1:75 227 3d. bluish green, P 10... 32:00 2:25
(Printed by De La Rue & Co, Ltd, London and perf at Somerset a. Perf 10 (6.80)..... £250 23-00 60:00 11-00
House, London) b. Perf 10x13 (6.80) £100 16-00 25:00 2-50
1862-65. Surfaced paper. P 14. ba, Perf 13X10... 32:00 1:25
(i) W27 c. Surfaced paper. Perf 13. — £200 c. Perf 10x11... 32:00 3-25
186 26 = 1d. dull red (PI |) (1.4.64). £200 90-00 211 16 3d. yellow-green, P 13 (3.74 75:00 5:00 ca. Perf 11x10... £100 35-00
a. Perf 10 (6.80) 90:00 11:00 d. Perf 11x12 or 12x11. 11000, 2:75
(ii) No wmk b. Perf11 (1902 £160 £100 e. Perf 10x12 or 12x10.. 50:00 | 4:25
187 26 = 1d. dull red (PI Il) (1.65) £200 80-00 c. Perf 12 (5.85)... — £150 228 3d. emerald-green, P 10 (1893). 65:00 10-00
188 28 = 2d, pale blue (25.3.62). £200 95-00 d. Perf 10x12 or 12x10 (5.85 £150 40-00 a. Wmk sideways — 22:00
e. Perf 11X12 (1902)........ £130 40-00 b. Perf 10x11 65:00 6:50
(Printed from the De La Rue plates in the Colony) 212 3d, bright green, P 10 (6.80) £120 18-00 ba. Perf 11x10. £120 42:00
a. Perf 13x10 (6.80) £110 23-00 c. Perf 10x12. 60:00 6-50
1862 (12 Apr). Wmk double-lined “2” (No. 189) or “5” (No. 190).
b. Perf 13 ca. Perf 12x10. 80-00 9-00
213 32 4d. pale red-brown, 22-00 d. Perf 12x11... — 15-00
189 28 2d. blue... £110 30-00
214 4d, red-brown, P 13.. £120 17:00 229 32 4d. red-brown, P 10. £120 5:50
£200 48:00
a. Perf 10 (6.80)... £225 60:00 a. Perf 10x12 (4.85) — £160
£600 £200
b. Perf 10x13 (6.80) £150 24-00 b. Perf 11x12, comb (1.84) £120 3:00
190 £110 32:00
ba, Perf 13X10... £130 7:00 230 4d. dark brown, P 10 £120 4:75
215 11 5d. bluish green, P 10 (8.84) 40:00 40-00 a. Perf 12 (4.85)... £325 £200
a. Perf 12 (5.85) scree: £250 £100 b. Perf 10x12 (4.85) £225 60:00
b. Perf 10x13 or 13x10... ba. Perf 12X10........ £325) £150
c. Perf 10x12 (5.85) £120 65:00 c. Perf 11x12, comb (1.84) 85-00 275
ca. Perf 12X10... 60:00 40:00 231 11. 5d. dull green, P 10 (1890)... 50-00 3-25
216 37 6d. bright mauve, P 13 (1.1.72).. £100 2.25 as. Optd. “Specimen”. 27-00
a. Imperf between (horiz pair). t+ £3000 b. Perf 11x10......... 70:00
217 6d. pale lilac, P 13 (1878). £100 2:25 c. Perf 12x10 (4.85) £100 8:00
a, Perf 10 (6.80)..... £200 12:00 232 5d. bright green, P 10.. 75:00 13-00
b. Perf 10x13 (6.80) £140 16-00 b. Perf 10x11 (12.85)... 80:00 9:00
ba. Perf 13x10......... £120 2:50 ba. Perf 11X10... 80:00 12:00
29 c. Imperf between (horiz pair). c. Perf 10x12 (4.85) £160 42:00
(Perf 13X10)... t+ £3000 a. Perf 12X10... £110 75-00
1863-69, W 29. P 13. 218 13 8d. yellow, P 13 (3.77 £200 17:00 233 5d. blue-green, P 10. 25:00 1:75
191 26 1d. pale red (3.69)..... £225 32:00
a. Wmk sideways. t = a. Perf 12 (4.85)... 2600 1:75
192 28 2d. pale blue (4.63). 55:00 3:00 b. Perf 10 (6.80)... £325 26-00 ab. Wmk sideways.. 80-00
a. Perf 12.. c. Perf 13x10 (6.80) = 24-00 aba. Mixed perfs 12 and 13..
193 2d. cobalt-b' 55:00 3-00
219 34 9d. on 10d. pale red-brown, P 13 b. Perf 11 (12.85). 11:00 = 1-25
194 2d. Prussian blu 60:00 3:75 (S274) rents otasasmarseatcesversenenny 125500) 5:50 c. Perf 10x11 (12.85 50-00 3-25
220 9d. on 10d, red-brown, P 13 (1878) 75:00 ©13-00 d. Perf 11x12 or 12x11 (12.85) 11:00 1-25
a. Perf 10 (6.80) - 13:00 10-00 da. Wmk sideways (P 11x12). 80:00 25:00
1864-65. W 27. P 13. b. Perf 12 (5.85) 20:00 17-00 e. Imperf (pair) £475
195 16 1d. pale red (6.64) £110 50:00 c. Perf 11 (12.85).. 60:00 10-00 234 37 ‘6d. pale lilac, P 10.. 95:00 1:50
196 26 ~— 1d. dark red-brown (PI I). £300 42-00 d. Perf 12x10 (5.85) £275 £180 a. Perf 10x13 or 13x10... — £300
197 1d. brownish red (PI Il). 80:00 8:50 e. Perf 10x11 or 11x10 (12.85) 70:00 18-00 b, Perf 10x12 or 12x10 (4.85 £100 1:75
a. Imperf between (horiz pair) t+ £2500 g. Perf 12x11, comb (1.84) 15-00 6-00 235 6d. mauve, P 10. 95-00 1:50
198 1d. brick-red (PI II)... 80:00 8-50 ga. Perf 11x12 a. Perf 12 (4.85) £130 10:00
a. Highly surfaced pap £300 £180 gs. Optd “Specimen”. 27-00 b. Perf 11 (12.85)... £130 = 8.00
199 28 2d. pale DIUC esses £225 6-00 221 38 1s. black, P 13 (1.4.76)... £160 12-00 c. Perf 10x12 (4.85) £100 = 850
Plates | and Il were made from the same die; they can only be aa. Imperf horiz (vert pair, t+ £3000 ca, Perf 12X10... £100 =-.2:50
distinguished by the colour or by the marginal inscription. a. Perf 10 (6.80)... £225 23-00 cb. Imperf between (horiz pair).. tr -£2750.
b. Perf 10x13 (6.80) £250 48-00 d. Perf 11x12 (12.85). £130 14-00
1865-66. Thin to very thin wove paper. No wmk. P 13. ba. Perf 13x10. £180 13-00 da. Perf 12X11 esses £100 —-.2:00
200 26 ~—_1d. brick-red....... £200 45-00 c. Perf 11... e. Perf 11x10 or 10x11(12.85). £110 2:75
201 1d. brownish red £200 45-00 e. Imperf (pair) . ‘ + £2750 236 138d. yellow, P 10 (1883).. £200 19:00
202 28 2d. pale blue (11.65) £130 6-00
Stamps from this series without watermark are from the edge a. Perf 12 (4.85)... £300 30:00
of the sheet. b. Perf 11 (12.85)... £200 25-00
A used horizontal pair of the 2d. Prussian-blue imperf vertically, is in c. Perf 10x12 (4.85) 60:00
the Royal Philatelic Collection. ca. Perf 12x10..... 55:00
Nos. 211b and 211e were printed in 1902 on wmk 36 paper, left over 236d 34 9d. on 10d. red-brown,
P 11x12
when it was superseded by wmk 40. (28.2.97) B
das. Optd “Specimen”. 27-00
db. Perf 12... 12:00 19:00
Collectors should note that for issues prior to 1888 (other than
those specifically described as “Perf 11x12, comb” our classification de. Perf 11... 11:00 20-00
dca. Surch double £325 £425
of perforations follows the long-standing convention whereby

: J :j3
236e 10d. violet, P 11x1 32:00 24-00
32 “Perf 12" denotes a perforation of 11¥2, 12 and “Perf 13” denotes
one of 12%, 13. eas. Optd “Specimen”. 30:00

eb. Perf 12x11%. 12:00 20-00

ec. Perf 12... 22:00 26-00

BISECTS. Between 1887 and 1913 various 1d. and 2d. stamps can ed. Perf 11... 27:00 28-00
be found vertically or diagonally bisected. This was unauthorised. 2a 38 1s. black, P 10. £140 7:50
a. Perf 11 (12. £275 19-00
b. Perf 10x12. = £250
il c,
Perf 10x13.
Perf 13x10. 28-00
d. Perf 11x12, comb (1.84)

1867 (Sept)-93. W 33 and 35.

203 32 4d. red-brown, P 13........ £120 8-50
204 4d. pale red-brown, P 13 £120 8:50
205 BA TOG MACH PLA Se rescrsssossccissees 50:00 8:50
1882 (Apr)-97. W 40.
a. Imperf between (horiz pair) £3000
222 26 1d. salmon, P 10. 40-00 3-00
s. Optd “Specimen’. 30-00
206 10d. lilac, P 11 (1893). 18-00 9:00 a. Perf 13...
ts PEViEicT Olizartacrestons 19:00 11-00 b. Perf 10x13. + £200
b. Perf 10x11
or 11x10. 27:00 11-00 ba. Perf 13x10. 65-00 275
c =f PERT TZN ooresssseccens 223 1d. orange to scarlet, £850 £450
£160 16-00
See also Nos. 269/70. a: Perfil On scccauuanen » 22:00 2:25
ab. Imperf between (horiz pair)....... t £3750
DipPOrh TOX13 cccssscsesaretmseaics £120 9-50
c. Perf 10x12 or 12x10 (4.85 £275 65-00
d. Perf 11x10 (12.85) £475 £120 1885-86. W 41 (sideways).
e, Perf 12x11 (12.85)... = £120
(i) Optd “POSTAGE" in black
f. Perf 11x12, comb (1.84) 10-00 1:25 238 42 5s. lilac and green, P 13 (15.10.85).
h. Perf 11 (12.85).. — £140 ry
224 28 = 2d.
a. Perf 10 0
pale blue, P 13. £450 90-00 ’
a. Perf 10... 50-00 1:25
b. Perf 12x10. £800 £130
239 10s. lilac and claret, P 13 (17.5.86
b. Perf 10x13. £150 7:50
a. Perf 12 scscwe £1600 £225
ba. Perf 13x10. 70-00 3:25
225 2d. Prussian blue, ab. Opt double — i
60:00 1-00 240 £1 lilac and claret, P 13 (17.5.86 — £7500
b. Perf 12 (4.85) tea a. Perf 12... £9500 £4750
New South Wales AUSTRALIA
(ii) Overprinted in blue 276 10s. violet and aniline crimson,
241 42 10s. mauve and claret, P 10... £1700 £225 P21 cceserssaleocinastecesame
te £325 55:00
as. Optd “Specimen”. 75:00 . a. Chalk-surfaced paper (1903) £375 60:00
b. Perf 12..... £300 70-00 b. Perf 12 £425 85:00
c. Perf 12x11. 277 10s. violet and rosine (chalk-
242 £1 rose-lilac and claret, P 12x10... £8500 £4750 ‘| surfaced paper), P 12 (1904). £375 85-00
a. Perf 11... £425 90-00
b. Perf 12x11. £375 55-00
278 10s. violet and claret (chalk- surfaced
1886-87. W 41. paper), P 12x11 (1904)... £475 95:00
243 26 ~=—1d. scarlet, P 10 (12.86).. 60-00 14-00 279 £1 violet and claret, P 12x1 ‘
a. Perf 11x12, comb. 17-00 8-00 Mua
244 28 2d. deep blue, P 10 (12.87 £100 21-00 53
a. Perf 11x12, comb. 35-00 6:50
b. Imperf (pair) t £3000 1890. W 53 (5s.) or 54 (20s.). P 10.
263 51 5s. lilac...

b. Perf 10x11.
45 View of 47 Captain Cook
(a peering: Prati
ca. Perf 12...
Sydney cb. Perf 11x12 6or12x11.
263s/4s Optd “SPECIMEN” (5s.) or “Sp
SOU Of 2 armmerase cece enetetesstetrcessoxseesssigteaier
aetenttieenren cerned

48 Queen 49 Superb! 50 Eastern Grey 55 Allecorical

Victoria and Lyrebird Kangaroo figure of Australia
Arms of Colony 1890 (22 Dec). W 40.
265 55 2%ad. ultramarine, P 11x12 comb
as. Optd “Specimen”.
b. Perf 12x11¥%2, comb.
c, Perf 12, comb: (Des C. Turner. Litho Govt Printing Office, Sydney)
1897 (22-28 June). Diamond Jubilee and Hospital Charity. T 60/1.
W 40. P 12x11 (1d.) or 11 (2%d.).
WATERMARK VARIETIES: The attention of collectors is drawn to 280 60 1d. (1s.) green and brown (22.6)... 50-00 50-00
the note on inverted and reversed watermarks on the stamps of 281 61 2¥ad. (2s.6d.) gold, carmine and blue
the Australian States at the top of the Australia listings. £250)
280s/1s Optd “Specimen” Set of 2 £300
These stamps, sold at 1s. and 2s.6d. respectively, paid postage of 1d.
1891 (5 Jan). Surch as T 56 and 57. W 40. and 2%2d. only, the difference being given to a Consumptives’ Home.
51 Map of Australia 52 Capt. Arthur 266 26 = Yad. on 1d. grey, P 11x12 comb
b. Surch double..
Phillip, first Governor
and Lord Carrington,
Governor in 1888
267 37 7d,
on 6d. brown,
Perf 11 ea
b, Perf 12...
c, Perf 11x12 or 12x11
(Des M. Tannenberg (1d., 6d.), Miss Devine (2d., 8d.), d, Perf 10x12......
H. Barraclough (4d.), Govt Ptg Office (1s.), C. Turner (5s.), 268 38 122d. on 1s. red, P 10..
Mrs. F. Stoddard (20s.). Eng W. Bell). SOUTH WALES}
1888 (1 May)-89. Centenary of New South Wales. Dy POFEUT re ccececeerere
c. Perf 11x12, comb.
(a) W 40. P 11x12 d. Perf 12x11¥%, comb..
253 45 1d. lilac (9.7.88) e. Perf12,comb
a. Perf 12x11% 266/8s Optd "SPECIMEN" Set of 3..

c. Imperf (pair) 1891 (1 July). Wmk “10” as W 35. P 10.

d. MQUve .vesssse 269 16 3d. green
da. Imperf between (pair).. 270 3d. dark green..
db. Perf 12x11
dc, Perf 12.
254 46 = 2d. Prussian Die | Die Il
a. Imperf (pair)
b. Imperf three sides (right stamp
1d. Die |. The first pearl on the crown on the left side is merged
of horiz pair)...
into the arch, the shading under the fleur-de-lis is indistinct, the “S”
c. Perf 12x11%
of “WALES” is open.
d, Perf 12..
e. Chalkyb Die Il. The first pearl is circular, the vertical shading under the fleur-
ea. Perf 12x11; de-lis clear, the “S” of “WALES” not so open.
eb. Perf 12 sesso Type |. Narrow “H” in “HALF”
255 47 = 4d. purple-brown (8.10.88) Dies of the 2'%4d.
1892 (21 Mar)-99. Type |. W 40.
271 58 ad. grey, P10

da. Perf 12x11% C. Perf 11X12...

db. Perf 12...
e. Orange- brown, P 12x11%
f. Yellow-brown, P 12x11%2..
Perf 12 wee
Imperf (pair).
Die | Die II
256 48 6d. carmine (26.11.88) 272 Yad. slate, P 11x12 (1897
a. Perf 12x11% a. Perf 12x11%.. 2¥ad. Die |. There are 12 radiating lines in the star on the Queen's
b. Perf 12... b. Perf 12 breast.
257 49 = 8d. lilac-rose (17.1.89) c. Imperf three sides (left stamp Die II. There are 16 radiating lines in the star and the eye is nearly
a. Perf 12x11¥% of horiz pair). Perf 12x11¥.... full of colour.
b. Perf 12...... 273 Yad. bluish green, P 11x12 (1.99).
c, Magenta... a. Perf 12x11%.. (Des D. Souter (2d., 2%2d.). Eng W. Amor)
ca. Perf 12x1 b. Perf 12 8-00 1:50 1897 (22 June)-99. W 40 (sideways on 2¥4d,). P 12x11 (2%d.) or
The perforations 11x12, 2, , are from comb machines. 11x12 (others)
258 50 1s, maroon (21.2.89 The die for Type 58 was constructed from an electro taken from 288 62 1d. carmine (Die })... 475
a. Perf 12x11¥% the die of the De La Rue 1d,, Type 26, with “ONE” replaced by “HALF” a. Perf 12x11%.. 475
b. Perf 12..... and two 2" plugs added to the bottom corners. These alterations s. Optd “Specimen 22:00
c. Violet-brown. proved to be less hard-wearing than the remainder of the die and 289 1d. scarlet (Die |). 9-00
ca. Imperf (pair) defects were visible by the 1905 plate of No, 333. It seems likely that a. Perf 12x11%.. 9-00
cb, Perf 12x11 repairs were undertaken before printing from the next plate in late bs Perf2 ss. 9-00
cc, Perf 12... 1907 which produced stamps as Type Il. ba. Imperf horiz (vert pair) . £850
253s/8s Optd “Specimen” Set of 6. 290 1d. rose-carmine (Die II) (10.97)....... 4:75
(b) W 41. P 11x12 a. Perf 12x11¥%.. 4-00
259 45 b. Perf 12 7-00
6-50 c. Imperf (pair)... —
260 46 2d. Prussian blue (1888). 6-50 d. Imperf between (pair)
291 1d, salmon-red (Die Il) (P 12x11%): 7-00
(©) W 25 (sideways on 20s.) P 10 a. Perf 12 . 9:00
261 51 5s. deep purple (13.3.89)... rc 55-00
292 63 2d. deep dull blue... 15-00
a. Deep violet....... 60-00
a. Perf 12x11¥.. 8-00
262 52 20s. cobalt-blue (27.4.88) £160 1894-1904, Optd “POSTAGE” in blue. W 59 (sideways). b. Perf 12 ......« 15-00
Nos. 255¢ and 261/2 are line perforated, the remainder are comb. 274 42 10s, mauve and claret, P 10. £600 £160 s. Optd “Specimen 22:00
A lithographed postal forgery exists of the 2d. on unwatermarked 275 10s. violet and claret, P 12.. £300 50:00 293 2d. cobalt-blue..... 17-00
Paper and perforated 11 (Price £450, used). These were in use in a. Perf 11..... £475 90:00 a. Perf 12x11%.. 7-00
Sydney between March and May 1895. b. Perf 12x11.. £325 60:00 b. Perf 12... 14-00
AUSTRALIA New South Wales
DB. Perf 11 cesssssscees
294 2d. ultramarine (1.12.97, 14-00 50
a. Perf 12x11%.. 4:25 50 ba, Wmk sideways... There are very few surviving examples of Nos. $B1/4. Listings are
b. Perf 12 cess 4-25 50 G PELE TD cerosces provided for those believed to have been issued with prices quoted
s. Optd “Specime: 23-00 ca. Wmk sideway: for those known to still exist.
295 64 2%d. purple (Die |) 26:00 2:50 d. Imperf (pair).
1904 (May)-09. Black on red cover with map of Australia on front
a. Perf 11x12. 27-00 2:50 Stamps from this series without watermark are from the edge
and picture of one of six different State G.P.0’s on back. Stapled.
baPerfriticnin 27:00 3-75 of the sheet. SB1 £1 booklet containing 240x1d. in four blocks of
s. Optd “Specimen”... 22:00 30 and two blocks of 60.
296 2'ad. deep violet (Die II) (11.97). 32:00 2:25 (Typo Victoria Govt Printer, Melbourne)
a. Red on pink cover (1909)
a. Perf 11%x12. 26:00 2:25 1903 (18 July). Wmk double-lined V over Crown. W w 10.
b, Blue on pink cover
Bi POE TD sscseoen 27-00 2:25 330 67 9d. brown and ultramarine,
297 2¥ad. Prussian blue (17.1.99) 25:00 3-25 P 12%4x12¥%, comb 15:00 3-25 1904 (May). Black on grey cover as No. $B1, Stapled.
a. Perf 11%x12. 7-00 3:50 s. Optd “SPECIMEN.”.. 48:00 SB2 £1 booklet containing 120x2d. in four blocks of 30
b. Perf 12 7:00 4:50 331 9d. brown and deep blue,
The perforations 11x12, 12x11% and 12 are from comb machines, P 12%x12%, comb... 15:00 3-25
the perforation 11 is from a single-line machine. 332 9d, brown and blue, P 11.. £4500 £1600
Nos. 288/96 were originally issued in celebration of Queen Victoria's COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA.
Diamond Jubilee.
1897-99. Reissue of T24. W 25. P 11. POSTHASTERS GENERALs’DEPARTMENT,
297¢ 5s. reddish purple (shades)... 48:00 13-00
ca. Imperf between (horiz pair) £9500
d, Perf 12... 70:00 40:00 f Eighteen 1d, Stamps.
e. Perf 11x1 50:00 19-00
Eleven $d. Stamps,
1898-99. W 40. P 11x12.
297f 48 6d. emerald-green. 32:00 26.00 | Price 2s. '
fa. Perf 12x11%. 32:00 16-00 :
fb. Perf 12........ 26:00 16-00
fs, Optd “Specimen”. 24-00 t SasEaeer wees |
297g 6d. orange-yellow (18! 32:00 10-00 Type II. Broad “H” in “HALF” B 1 (Illustration reduced. Actual size 85x57 mm)
ga. Perf 12x11%. 17:00 9:50
gba Pertit2en.. 32:00 9.00 1905 (1 Oct)-10. Chalk-surfaced paper. W 68 (sideways on 2¥d.). 1910 (May). Black on cream. cover 80-85x55-57 mm, as Type B 1.
gc. Yellow, P 12x11%. 17-00 5:00 P 12x11¥% or 11¥%x12 (2'%4d.) comb, unless otherwise stated. SB3 2s. booklet containing 11x’d. (No. 333), either
333 58 ad. blue-green (Type ])... 4:50 1:00 in block of 6 plus block of 5 or block of 11,
1899 (Oct). Chalk-surfaced paper. W 40 (sideways on 2%d,). a. Perf 112x111... 17:00 2:50 and 18x1d. (No, 334), either in three blocks
P 12x11% or 11%x12 (2%4d.), comb. b. Type II (1908).. 2:50 1.00 of 6 or block of 6 plus block of 12 ... £7000
298 58 Yad. blue-green (Type |). 3:50 1-50 ba. Type | (substituted cliché) in pair Unsold stock of No. SB3 was uprated with one additional ‘4d. in
a. Imperf (pair)...... £250 £350 with Die II... orbs E 65:00 May 1911.
299 62 1a carmine (Die Il). 5:50 70 bb. Perf 114x11 3:25 1:00
a. Imperf horiz (vert pair £1000 1911 (Aug). Red on pink cover as No. SB3. Stapled.
bc. Mixed perfs 12x11% and 11..
300 1d. scarlet (Die I!) 5-50 70 SB4 2s. booklet containing 12x’4d. (No. 333), either
334 62 1d. rose-carmine (Die Il). 2:75 10
a. Imperf three sides (block of four) £1200 in two blocks of 6 or block of 12, and 18
a. Double impression £550 £650 1d. (No. 334) either in three blocks of 6 or 1
b. Perf 11... + £1200
c. Mixed pe
335 63
b. Perf 11X11...
=_.2d. deep ultramarin:
block of 6 plus block of 12. <3 £6000,
301 1d. salmon-red (Die 11) 18-00 1-25
. Perf 114x1 2:75 40
a. Imperf (pair) SL. Da eS50, OFFICIAL STAMPS
b. Mixed perfs 12x11% and 11......
336 4:50 20

o sO § Gis
302 63 2d. cobalt-blue..... 5.00 1:00
a. Imperf (pair).. £300 60:00 80:00
. Perf 11¥%2x1 4:50 30
b. Imperf horiz (vert pair) £1800
303 64 2¥ad. Prussian blue (Die II) 8:50 1-00
337 64 2%ad. Prussian blue (Die I!) 4-00 2:50 (01) (0 2) (0 3)
338 47 ~— 4d. orange-brown 10-00 4-00
a. Imperf (pair).. £350
339 4d, red-brown... 12:00 5:00 The space between the letters is normally 7 mm as illustrated,
303b 47 4d. red-brown. 28:00 14-00
340 48 6d. dull yellow... 18-00 4:50 except on the 5d. and 8d. (11-11% mm), 5s. (12 mm) and 20s. (14 mm).
c. Imperf (pair). £600
a. Perf 11%x11 22-00 6:50 Later printings of the 3d., W 40, are 5% mm, and these are listed. A
304 4d. orange-brown.. 15:00 7-50 wide (8.5 mm) variety exists at R. 4/4 on all values other than the 3d.,
305 48 6d. deep orange. 40-00 475 341 6d. orange-yellow. 19:00 2:50
a. Perf 11%x11 28-00 7-00 5d., 8d., 5s., 10s. and 20s.
a. Imperf (pair). £600
342 6d. deep orang 16-00 2:50 Varieties of Type O 1 exist with “O” sideways.
306 6d. orange-yellow. 14.00 8-50
307 6d. emerald-green.. 85:00 25-00 a. Perf 11..... £350 Nos. 01/35 overprinted with Type O 1
343 6d. orange-buff 23-00 275
a. Imperf (pair). £600 1879. Wmk double-lined “6” P 13.
a. Perf 11%x11 32-00 5-50
308 49 8d. magenta... 38-00 5:50 O1 16 = 3d. dull green... — £600
309 34 9d. on 10d. dull brown... 10:00 19-00 344 49 = 8d. magenta... 26:00 8-00
a. Surcharge double. £275 £600 345 8d. lilac-rose.. 55:00 8-00
1879 (Oct)-85. W 36. P 13.
346 34 10d. violet... 15:00 8-50
b. Albino surcharge. £275 02 26 = 1d. . 275
310 10d. violet... 25:00 24-00 a. Perf 11%x11 13-00 5:00
b. Perf 11.. 13-00 6:00 a. Perf 10 (5.81)... £180 38-00
311 50 1s, maroo! 24-00 3-50 b. Perf 13x10 (1881)... 60:00 4:50
312 1s. purple-brown 2400 425 347 50 1s. maroon 27-00 1:75
348 1s, purple-brown ( 40:00 2:75 03 28 2d. blue... 45:00 2:50
a. Imperf (pair)... £700 a. Perf 1 £225 35-00
349 66 2s.6d. blue-green...... 80:00 40-00
a. Perf 11%x11 75:00 18-00 b. Perf 10x13 (1881).
b. Perf 11.. 42:00 23-00 ba. Perf 13x10...
No. 333ba occurred when a block of four units from the Type II d. Perf 11x12 (11.84?
plate (R. 3/5-4/6) were replaced by new clichés, one of which (right 04 16 == 3d. dull green (R,) (12.79)
pane, R. 4/6) was Type I. OS 3d. dull green (3.80)
a. Perf 10 (1881).
b. Yellow-green. Perf 10 (10.81
ba. Perf 13x10 (1881).
bb. Perf 12 (4.85).......
be. Perf 10x12 or 12x10 (4.85).
06 32 4d. red-brown...
a. Perf 10 (1881).
65 The:spacing 66 Superb b. Perf 10x13 (18
between the Crown Lyrebird ba. Perf 13x10.......
and “NSW” is 1 mm O7 11. 5d. green, P 10 (8.84).
in T 65 as against 08 37 6d. pale lilac........
2mm inT 40 a. Perf 10 (1881)..
b. Perf 13x10 (1881).
1902-03. Chalk-surfaced paper. W 65 (sideways on 2¥ed.). A ; 09 13 8d. yellow (R.) (12.79).
P 12x11% or 11%x12 (2¥ad.), comb Theater
010 8d. yellow (1880).
313 58 ‘ad. blue-green (Type }).. 4:75 40 a. Perf 10 (1881).
a. Perf 12x11... 4-75 40 1905 (Dec). W 69. Chalk-surfaced paper. P 11. O11 34 9d. on 10d. brown, P 10 (30.5.80).
b. Mixed perfs 12x1 1h and 11. £650 350 52 20s. cobalt-blue.. s. Optd “Specimen”
£375 80:00
314 62 1d, carmine (Die II). 2:75 20 012 38 1s. black (R.)...
a. Perf 12..... £400 85-00
a, Perf 11 t+ £1100 b. Perf 11x12 or 12x11 a. Perf 10 (1881)...
315 63 2d. cobalt- 6:50 1:50 £375 70-00 b. Perf 10x13 (1881)...
a. Imperf (pair)... £400 ba, Perf 13x10.
BERET acre —_ _ (Typo Victoria Govt Printer, Melbourne) Other stamps are known with red overprint but
c, Mixed perfs 12x11¥% and 11.. in doubt.
1905 (Dec). Wmk double-lined “A” and Crown, W w 11. P 12x12%
316 64 2%ed. dark blue (Die II 14:00 1:00 comb.
317 47 4d. orange-brown.. 55:00 12:00 1880-88. W 25.
351 67 9d. brown and ultramarine 26:00 1:75
318 48 6d, yellow-orange 19-00 7:50 (a) P 13
319 6d, orange... 28:00 3-25 a. Perf 11 £110 70-00
b. Mixed perfs 12x12% and 11 £1600 013 24 5s, deep purple (15.2.80)
320 6d. orange-buff 48:00 3:75 352 9d. yellow-brown and ultramarine. a. Royal purple
321 49 = 8d. magenta..... 22:00 8-50 17:00 1-75
A APATE I ccencnaemmmmnecenimene | ITO 70:00 6. Deep rose-lilac.
322 34 9d. on 10d. brownish orange 10:00 4:25
323 10d, violet... 25:00 22:00 (b) P10
1907 (July-Dec). W w 11 (sideways on 2%d.). P 12x11% or 014 24 5s. deep purple (9.82)
324 50 1s. maroon 70:00 275 11¥%x12 (2%d.), comb, unless otherwise stated a. Opt double.......
325 1s. purple-brown 70:00 2-75 353 58 Yad. blue-green (Type |) 475 5:50 b. Rose-lilac (1883) ..
326 66 2s.6d. green (1903)... 42:00 22:00 354 62 1d. dull rose (Die Il).
s. Optd “SPECIMEN”... 75:00 23-00 4:00 ba. Opt double, one albino...
355 63 2d. cobalt-blue.. 7:50 4:00 (c) P 10x12
1903-08. W 65. a. Wmk sideways se REPS
356 O15 24 5S. purple (10:86) ..csccctaeeanccemereen
64 2Yed. Prussian blue (DieIl).. 70:00 £130
327 16 3d. yellow-green, P11 14:00 1:75 357 47 4d. orange-brown (d) P 12x10
DyPertil 2 ics, 14:00 1:75 27:00 29.00
358 48 6d. orange-buff O16 24 5s. reddish purple (1886) accesses
ba. Imperf betwe: 50:00 45-00
359 6d. dull yellow 50:00 (e) P12
c. Perf 11x12 or 12x11 10:00 1-00 45-00
360 49 = 8d. magenta... 30:00 48.00 017 24 5s.
328 3d, dull green, P 12...... 50-00 4:50 361 34 10d. violet, P 11 (12.07)
a. Perf 11x12 or 12x11 22:00 3-75 35:00 60-00 (f) P11
362 50 1s. purple-brown. 75:00 12:00 018 24 SS. TOS@-L1AC (1888) ..ssecsecneesenreeerntenene
b. Perf 11.. 22:00 3-75 a. Perf 11......
329 11 5d. dark blue--green, "P 11x12 or t+ £1700
363 66 2s.6d. blue--gree £100
12x11... 10-00 1:50 £100 1880 (31 May). W 35. P 13.
Stamps from this series without watermark are from the edge O18a 34 10d. lilac.
a, Wk si 35:00 7:00 of the sheet. ab. Perf
New South Wales,Queensland AUSTRALIA
REET 0 O sieercratretsicocesseree
Opt double, one albino
047 51 5s. deep purple (R,) (9.1.90). £2000 £800 The area which later became Queensland was previously part of New
as. Optd “Specimen”... 048 52 20s. cobalt-blue (10,3,90).... £17000 £1100 South Wales known as the Moreton Bay District. The first post office, at
1882-85. W 40. P 10. 1890 (15 Feb)-91. Optd as Type O 1. W 53 (5s,) or 54 (20s.), P 10. Brisbane, was opened in 1834 and the use of New South Wales stamps
019 - 26 1d, from the District became compulsory from 1 May 1854.
049 51 5s. lilac... £650 £170
a Queensland was proclaimed a separate colony on 10 December 1859,
a, Mauve .. £400 £100
020 1d, but continued to use New South Wales issues until 1 November 1860.
6, Dull lilac, P12 £800 £170
. Perf 10x13... Post Offices opened in the Moreton Bay District before 10 December
050 52 20s. cobalt-blue (3. £18000 £1100
. Perf 11x12, c 1859, and using New South Wales stamps, were
049s/50s Optd "SPECIMEN" Set of 2. £250
. Perf 10x12 or 12x10 (4.85). The used prices quoted for Nos. 048 and 050 are for cancelled- Numeral
. Perf 12x11 (12.85), to-order examples. Office Opened Cancellation
021 28 aang
. Perf 10x13 or 13x10 1891 (Jan). Optd as Type O 1. W 40. Brisbane 1834 95
. Perf 11x12, comb (1.84)... (a) On No, 265, P 11x12 Burnett's Inn/Goode’s Inn/Nanango —‘1850 108
. Opt double ......5 054 55 2%ad, ultramarine... 11:00 Callandoon 1850 74
. Perf 12x11 (12.85). Condamine 1856 151
(b) On Noe"66/8
022 16 . yellow-green (7 mm) O55 26 Yad, on 1d. grey, P 11x12 70:00 Dalby 1854 133
. Opt double, one albino a, Opt double Drayton 1846 85
. Wmk sideways 056 37 7'Ad. on 6d. brown, Gayndah 1850 86
. Perf 12 (4.85 057 38 12%d. on 1s. red, P 11x1
Gladstone 1854 131
D . Opt double,
RDN on 054s/7s Optd “Specimen” Set OF 4 vss Goode’s Inn 1858 108
. Perf 12x10 (4.85) Ipswich 1846 87
a .
N Opt double. 1892 (May). No. 271 optd as Type O 1, P 10. Maryborough 1849 96
. Perf 12x11... 058 58 12:00 19-00 Rockhampton 1858 201
023 w . bluish green (7 mm).. a. Perf 1112... 5:00 15-00 Surat 1852 110
. Perf 12 (4.85)... as. Optd “SPECIMEN”. 32:00 Taroom 1856 152
. Perf 12x10 (4.8 b, Perf 12 sss 9:00 11:00 Toowoomba 1858 214
. Perf 10X11 (12.85). c. Perf 12x11% 30:00 16-00 Warwick 1848 81
024 . yellow-green (52 mm).
. Wik sideways... Official stamps were withdrawn from the government departments
on 31 December 1894. PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER
. Optd “Specimen”
. Perf 10x12 or 12x10 (4.85).
. 1/3 from x 2
Perf 10x11 or 1110 (12.85 POSTAGE DUE STAMPS - 4/56 from x 3
025 w . bluish green (5¥2 mm)..
- 57/8 _
. Wik sidewayS cs . 59/73 from x 4
. Perf 10x12 or 12X10 (4,85). - 74/82 from x 2
. Perf 10X11 or 1110 (12.85 - 83/109 from x 3
026 32 + FEG-DLOWN ssvsssssscessssveees - 110/13 from x2
. Perf 11x12, comb (1.84)... . 116/17 from x3
. Perf 10x12 (4.85) . 118/27 —
027 > . dark brown wu: . 128/50 from x 4
. Perf 11x12, comb (1.84)... . 151/65
. Perf 12 (4.85)... - 166/78 from x 10
. Perf 10x12 (4.85) (Dies eng by A. Collingridge. Typo Govt Printing Office, Sydney) . 179/83 from x 4
028 11 wu . dull green 1891 (1 Jan)-97. W 40. P 10. . 184/206 from x 15
. Perf 12x10 (4. D1 D1 Yad. green (21.1.92).. 11.00 Zor —
029 a) . blue-green... D2 1d. 27-00 . 208/28 from x 15
ans. Perf 12 (4.85,
PoOeaOantTwa9ooe9onT9 . Imperf vert (horiz pair) + 229 from x 100
o a . Optd “Specimen”. . Perf 11 (1896). 19-00 . 230 —
75-00 . 231/54 from x 15
. Perf 12x10 (1892).. 75-00 . 256/62c from x 10
030 37 a . pale lilac Perf 10x11 (1894).. 30-00 . 264a/b from x 2
. Perf 11x12 or 12x11 20:00 . 265/6 from x 20
031 avons 22.00 . 270/4 —
. Perf 12 (4.85) 22-00 . 281/5 from x 10
. Perf 10x12 or 12x10 (4.85).. 75:00 . 286/308 from x 12
. Perf 11x10 (12.85). : a 75:00 - 309/13 —
» PEF T1XT2ocssse . Perf 10x11 (1894). 30:00
. Perf 12x11 (12.85). . Perf 11x12 or 12x11 22.00 SVE
032 13 . YEHOW were . Wmk sideways 60-00
. Opt double..
a2 vooe7o00
. Perf 12 (4.85 . Perf 10x11 ( PERKINS BACON “CANCELLED”. For notes on these handstamps,
. Perf 10x12 or 12x10 (4.85).. . green... showing “CANCELLED” between horizontal bars forming an oval,
como . Opt double. . Perf 1 .
. Perf 11 (12.85). . Perf 10X11 (1893)...
. Opt double. . Perf 10x1
aq. Opt
ow treble . green...

38 . black (R.)... . green
. Perf 10x13... . green
. Perf 11x12, c . Perf 1 .

ba, Opt double a ae . Perf 11x11
. green...
1886-87. W 41. P 10. . Perf 12x1
034 26 . green oo
035 28

a. Perf 12..
b. Perf 12x1
D1s/10s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 10 (incl D3fs SS
1887-90. Nos. 241/2 optd in black. Used prices for 10s. and 20s. are for cancelled-to-order stamps. 1 2 Large Star 3 Small Star
(a) With Type O1 Postally used examples are rare.
036 42 10s. mauve and claret, P 12 (1890)... 1900. Chalk-surfaced paper. W 40. P 11. (Dies eng W. Humphrys. Recess P.B.)
(b) With Type O 2 (30 April 1889) D12 D1 1d, 1860, W 2
037 42 10s. mauve and claret P 12.. £5500 (a) Imperf
as. Optd “Specimen”, £100 1 1 1d. carmine-rose.. » £6500 £800
b. PETE TO) scscesreosese eo £7000 D13 . emerald-green 2 2d. blue.. £16000 £1800
(©) With Type O 3 (7 Jan 1887) » POrf 12 vrs 3 6d. green « £10000 £800
038 42 £1 mauve and claret, P 12X10... £35000 £18000 . Perf 11x12 or 12x11
(b) Clean-cut perf 14-16
Only nine examples of No. 038 are recorded, three of which are D14 . emerald-green, P 11x12 or
4 1 1d. carmine-rose.. £2750 £300
mint. One of the used stamps, in the Royal Collection, shows overprint 57aeee
5 2d. DIUCsssssrsossenees £1400 £110
Type O 3 double. D15 . emerald-g
a. Imperf between (horiz pair) af —
1888 (17 July)-90. Optd as Type O 1. 6 6d. green (15 Nov). £1400 70-00
(a) W 40. P- 11x12
039 45 1d. lilac...
a. Perf 12..
b. Mauve
ba. Perf 12..
46 2d. Prussian blue (15.10.88)
aa, Opt double, one albino
ab. Opt double..
a. Perf 12 wus
041 47 Ad. purple-brown (10.10.89)
. Perf 12...
. Perf 11...
. Red-brown
. Opt double...
. Perf 12...»
042 48 (Des of vignette H, T. Glover. Vignette litho, frame typo Govt Printer)
3d. re-entry 3d. retouch (R.2/8)
1871 (1 Feb). W 41 (sideways). Bluish paper. P 13.
49 . lilac-rose (1890) 1d, black and brownish red £180 The 3d. re-entry which occurs on one stamp in the second row,
2d, black and blue... £275 shows doubling of the left-hand arabesque and the retouch has
50 6d, black and Indian ‘red. £275 redrawn spandrel dots under “EN” of “PENCE’, a single dot in the centre
1s, black and bright blue £400 of the circle under “E” and the bottom outer frame line closer to the
. Purple-brown 2s, black and brown. £750 spandrel's frame line.
. Opt double. 4s, black and mauve £950
6s. black and carmine. £1400 1860-61, W 3.
. Perf 12..
039s/44s Optd “Specimen” Si 8s. black and lilac.. £1700 (a) Clean-cut perf 14-16
a. £1500 vé 1 2d. blue £950 £110
(b) W 41, P-11x12 (1889)
a. Imperf between (horiz pair. t+ £11000
1d. mauve New South Wales became part of the Commonwealth of Australia 8 3d. brown (15.4.61) £750 75:00
on 1 January 1901
AUSTRALIA Queensland
a.Re-entry — £275 1864-65. W 3.
b.Retouch, — £275 (a) P13
9 6d. green £1300 75:00 44 1 1d. orange-vermilion (1.65) £120 55-00
10 1s.violet (15.11.60) (H/S a. Imperf between (horiz pair)... £5500
“CANCELLED” in oval £10000),. £1400 £110 45 2d. pale blue (1.65) £120 17-00
11 “REGISTERED” (6d,) olive-yellow 46 2d. deep blue.. £120 17:00
(1.61) (H/S “CANCELLED” in a. Imperf betw p £8500
Oval £10000) ....crssec £950 £100 b. Imperf between (horiz pair).. t+ £13000
a. Imperf between (pair) £13000 c. Bisected (1d.) (on cover) t+ £4000
(b) Clean-cut perf 14 at Somerset House (7.61) 47 6d. yellow-green (1.65)...... £225 22-00
12 1 1d. carmine-rose (H/S a. Line through design at right. — £160
“CANCELLED” in oval £9500)..... £375 60-00 b. Line through design at left........ — £160
13 2d. blue (H/S “CANCELLED”in oval
EES) seaveunisnccnaeancevetertasrtaner sey £850 65:00
48 6d.
deep green.....
Line through design at right.
a £275

£160 Ae.
(c) Rough perf 14-16 (9.61)
b. Line through design at left........ — £160 2d-PI Il. Dot by “U"
49 “REGISTERED” (6d.) orge-yell (21.6.64) . £170 35-00
14 1 1d. carmine-rose £100 50-00 bu limperticsetenccmoneestescuesnees:
15 2d! DIUG secs cives £300 28-00
1868-74. Wmk small truncated Star, W 4 on each stamp, and the
a. Imperf between (horiz pair)... £10000 (b) P 12%x13 word “QUEENSLAND” in single-lined Roman capitals four times
16 3d. brown (H/S “CANCELLED” in 50 1. 1d. orange-vermilion... £160 80-00 in each sheet. A second plate of the 2d. denomination was =
Oval £11000)... 85:00 32:00 50a 2d. deep blue £275 80-00 sent by Perkins, Bacon to the Colony in 1872 and it was first
a. Imperf vert (horiz pair £10000 The “REGISTERED” stamp was reprinted in 1895. See note below printed from in August of that year. The new plate is helpful
b. Re-Entry weve £400 £140 No, 82. in separating many of the 2d. printings up to 1879. P 13.
c. Retouch (R. 2/8 — £140 59 1 1d. orange-vermilion (18.1.71) ! 95:00 7-50
17 6d. deep green (H/S “CANCELLED 60 2d. pale blue (3.4.68) (PI |) 80:00 5-00
in oval £10000) £550 30-00 1866 (24 Jan). Wmk “QUEENSLAND/POSTAGE — POSTAGE/STAMPS 61 2d. blue (18.1.71) (PI 1) 75-00 3-50
18 6d. yellow-green £650 30:00 — STAMPS" in three lines in script capitals with double wavy 62 2d. bright blue (PI 1)... 85:00 2-75
19 is. violet £1100 90-00 lines above and below the wmk and single wavy lines with 63 2d. greenish blue (PI | £150 | 2-75
20 “REGISTERED” (6d.) orange-yellow.. £110 40-00 projecting sprays between each line of words. There are 64 2d. dark blue (PI I)....... 85:00 2:75
ornaments (“fleurons") between “POSTAGE” “POSTAGE” and 65 3d, olive-green (27.2.71 £190 6-00
The perforation of No. 8 is that known as “intermediate between
clean-cut and rough’, No. 20 can also be found with a similar between “STAMPS” “STAMPS” Single stamps only show a a. — 60-00
portion of one or two letters of this wmk. b. — 60-00
(a) P13 66 3d.
greenish grey 1 eEZ00 0 5-50.
51 1 1d. orange-vermilion.. £200 45-00 a. Re-entry... <i — 55:00
52 £100 17-00 b. Retouch (R. 2/8) — 55:00
(b) P 12%x13 67 3d. brown....... £120 = 550
52a 1 1d. orange-vermilion... £275 75-00 a. Re-entry. — 55:00
52b Ade bless ae £275 75-00 b. Retouch (R. — 55-00
68 6d. yellow-green (10.11.71)... £250 =7:50
69 6d. GreeN nesses £225 10-00
70 6d. deep green £300 17-00
71 1s. greenish grey (13.11.72). £800 50-00
72 1s. brownish grey. £800 50:00
73 1s. mauve (19.2.7: £400 23-00
59s/73s H/S “SPECIMEN” Set of 5 £250
(b) P 12 (about Feb 1874) a
Line through design 74 1 1d. orange-vermilion.. - £500 29:00
75 2d. blue (PI Il) ...... £950 75:00
(Printed and perforated by Thomas Ham, Brisbane) 76 3d. greenish grey — £225
a. Re-entry.......
1862-67. Thick toned paper. No wmk.
b. Retouch (R. 2/8)
(a) P 13 rough perforations (1862-63, iil 3d. £750 £225
21 u 1d . Indian red (16.12.62)... . £500 75-00 a.
22 1d. orange-vermilion (2.63). e stO) 17:00. b.
a. Imperf (pair)...... — £2750 78 6d. £1800 50-00
23 2d. pale blue (16.12.62) £140 27:00 79 1s. £850 55:00
24 Ck BYol|) -ieeeapeee - 85:00 9:00
(c) P 13x12
a. Imperf (pair). : — £2500
80 11d. orange-vermilion.. <0)
b. Imperf between (horiz pair)....... t £15000
c. Imperf between (vert pair) £5000
81 2d. blue (PI Il)... £1600 45-00
25 3d. brown £120 45:00 82 3d. greenish grey = :£350'{
Plate Il of the 2d. may be identified by a smudged dot to the left of
a. Re-entry. — £140
“U" in "QUEEN” and tiny dots near the lower curl of the right arabesque.
b, Retouch (R. 2/8 — £140
26 6d. apple green (17.4.63).. - £180 15:00
Reprints were made in 1895 of all five values on Wmk W 4, and
a. Line through design at right...... — £130
perforated 13; the colours are:-—1d, orange and brownish orange, 2d.
b. Line through design at left. — £130
deep dull blue (PI I!), 3d. brown, 6d green, 1s. red-violet and dull violet.
27 6d. yellow-green £170 12:00 The “Registered” was also reprinted with these on the same paper,
a. Imperf betwe pair)... + £16000 but perforated 12. One sheet of the 2d. reprint is known to have had
b, Line through design at right. — £110 the perforations missing between the fourth and fifth vertical rows.
c. Line through design at left. — £110
28 6d. pale bluish green £275 42:00
a. Imperf (pair)...... eee 50.
b. Line through design at right. — £225 1866-67. Lithographed on thick paper. No wmk, P 13.
c, Line through design at left. — £225 (a) First Transfer (Sept 1866) “FOUR” in taller thin letters
29 TS. Grey (14.7.3) srccsessssesevssecsesn £350 22:00 53 Ad. reddish lilac (shades). «- £400 27-00
a. Imperf between (horiz pair). + £17000 a. Re-entry vnc =! £130.
b. Imperf between (vert pair) tt _ b, Double transfer... £5500 £2500
s. Handstamped “SPECIMEN”... 50:00 54 4d. grey-lilac (shades £400 27-00
The top or bottom row of perforations was sometimes omitted a. Re-entry... = SIE)
from the sheet, resulting in stamps perforated on three sides only. b. Double tra} — £2500
Prior to the plates being printed from in Brisbane, damage occurred
to the 6d. plate in the form of a scratch across two adjoining stamps.
The position of the pair in the plate is not yet recorded. One joined
pair is known,
This flaw was not corrected until around 1869 when, after plate
cleaning, only faint traces remain. These are hard to see,
The Royal Philatelic Collection contains an example of No. 22
imperf between (horizontal pair), used.
(b) P 12%x13 rough (1863-67)
30 1 1d. orange-vermilion.. £120 32-00
Second transfer
31 2d. blue...... £110 20:00
32 3d. brown £130 26-00
(6) Second Transfer (Feb 1867) “FOUR” in shorter letters
a, Re-entry. — £480 55 Ad. lilac (shades)...
b. Retouch (R. 2/8) — £130 £400 20-00
33 6d. apple green... £225 50-00 a. Retouch (R, 2/8). — £120
a. Line through design at right. —= £300 b. “FOUR’ missing.. — £550
56 4d. grey-lilac (shades) £400 20-00
b. Line through design at left. = pst)
34 6d. yellOW-GreeN -ssssssssseeseees £225 50-00 a, Retouch (R. 2/8)... — £120
b. “FOUR” missing... —=T 600) 4d, First transfer 4d. Second transfer
a. Line through design at right. — +£300
b. Line through design at left. — £300 s. Handstamped “SPECIMEN 55:00
57. 5s. bright rose The first transfer of the 4d. was taken from the 3d. plate, identified
35 6d. pale bluish green, £1200 £170
58 5s. pale rose... by the lack of the curl at the foot of the arabesque, the second was
a. Line through desig ght. £1100 £130
a. Imperf between (vert pair) from Plate Il of the 2d. On the first transfer the “P” of "POSTAGE" is to
b. Line through design at left t+ £8500
$s.. Handstamped “SPECIMEN”... 70:00 the right of the centre of the Queen's necklace, on the second transfer
36 VS. QEEY scsssssnvesnasesn £550 40-00 it is to the left of it.
The 4d. was lithographed from two sepa
a. Imperf between (horiz pair)
plate and the 5s. was taken from the 1s. plate.
This paper was used again for a very limited printing in 1867 which The alterations in values were made by hand on the stones and (4d, litho. Other values recess)
can be properly regarded as the First Government Printing. The there are minor varieties in the shape and position of the letters. 1868-78. Wmk Crown and Q. W 5.
perforations were now clean-cut. The designs and the background to (a) P 13 (1868-75)
the head are very well defined, the plates having been cleaned when 83 1 1d, orange-vermilion (10.11.68) £110 6:00
transferred to the Government Printing Office. a. Imperf (pair) .ecsesssu £800
(c) P 13 Clean-cut (1867) 84 1d. pale rose-red (4.11.74). 90:00 15-00
37 1d. orange-vermilio £120 28-00 85 1d. deep rose-red...... £160 15-00
38 2d, blue.......... 90:00 11-00 86 2d. pale blue (20.11.68) (PI 1). 85:00 2:00
40 6d. apple green £225 19-00 87 2d. deep blue (4.11.74) (PI IN)... 80-00 4:50
41 6d. yellow-green... £225 23-00 88 3d. brown (11.6.75).. £130 14-00
42 6d. deep green. a. Re-entry a. — 85-00
b, Retouch (R. 2/8) . oa — 85:00

Previously listed and then removed, the significance of this 89
issue has been reassessed and it is now re-listed under this Paper. 4d. yellow (shades) (1st transfer)
Copies of the 3d. and 1s. have been identified with these (1.1.75) £100
BesGlee S03 but there are no records of them being printed at s, Handstamped “SPECIMEN”... £100
this time. 90 6d. deep green (9.4.69) £200 9:00
91 6d. yellow-green... £190 =6:50
Queensland AUSTRALIA
92 6d. pale apple-green (1.1.75) £225 9-00 ab, “QOEENSLAND”....ssssscsseseee £250 45-00
a. Imperf (pair) £700 ac. Imperf between (horiz pair, t —
93 1s. mauve... £375 . 65:00 136 1d, scarlet (Die |) (7.3.81)... 60:00 9:00
(b)P 12 (1876-78) aa. Imperf vert (horiz pair) + £2250
94 11d. deep orange-vermilion 75:00 600 FF) (9 | eee 65:00 9-00
95 1d. pale orange-vermilion. 85-00 6:00 ab. “QOEENSLAND". £275 38-00
96 1d. rose-red 85:00 11-00 137 2d. blue (Die |) (10.4.79) 85-00 4:00
97 1d. flesh...... £120 13-00 a. £350 50-00 4d. “PENGE” for 4d, “EN” joined in
98 2d. pale blue (PI Il £130 15-00 b. £350 50-00 “PENCE” (R. 9/1) “PENCE” (R. 4/6)
99 2d. bright blue (PI II) 70:00 1:75 GDC eerermreresseces 95-00 6:50
100 2d. deep blue (PI Il). 70:00 2:00 138 2d. 85-00 3:25 1882 (1 Aug)-91. W 6.
101 3d. brown... £120 9:50 4s PENG Ee ccstsees £350 50-00 (a) P12
a. Re-entry... — 70:00 b. £350 50-00 166 11 1d. pale vermilion-red (23.11.82)... 11-00 1:00
b. Retouch (R. 70:00 G 85-00 6:50 a. Double impression...
102 4d. yellow (shades) (1st transfer)... £1600 42-00 139 2d. 90-00 3-00 167 1d. deep vermilion-red.. 11-00 1-00
103 4d. buff-yellow (shades) (2nd a. £350 50-00 168 2d. blue.... ens 23-00 1:00
transfer)... 42:00 b. £350 50-00 a. Imperf ‘between (horiz pair)... t £3000
104 6d. deep green. £250 10-00 CG £2250 £2250 169 4d. pale yellow (18.4.83) 40:00 2-75
105 6d. Green... £225 4:25 Die) Wisdeccones 90-00 6:50 a. “"PENGE” for “PENCE” £275 50-00
106 6d. yellow-green. £250 4-50 140 2d, 90-00 3-25 b, “EN” joined in “PENC! £225 35-00
107 6d. apple-green £275 7:00 a. £350 50-00 c. Imperf (11.91)... it £475
108 1s. mauve... 95-00 9-00 b, £350 50-00 170 6d. green (6.11.82). 29:00 2:00
109 1s. purple... £250 5:00 onl BEEN Petress 80-00 8:50 171 1s. violet (6.2.83) 55:00 10-00
a. Imperf between (vert pair). + = 141 Ad. £350 17:00 172 1S. VIC revssseeee 26-00 6:50
(c) P 13x12 or 12x13 a. Imperf vert (horiz pair) £12000 173 1s. deep mauve.. 23-00 6-50
110 1 1d. orange-vermilion mi — “£150 142 6d. deep green....... £170 7-50 174 1s. pale mauve 13-00 6:50
110a 1d, rose-red...esee £180 143 6d. yellow-green... £180 7-00 a. Imperf..... + =
a. Imperf vertically (
111 2d. deep blue (PI Il)... £1400 £250 (b) P 9%x12 (1884)
144 1s. deep violet (3.80). £170 8-00
112 4d. yellow ...... — £375 176 11 1d. pale red £160 65-00
113 6d. deep green. ee 00; 145 1s. pale lilac £160 14-00
177 2d. blue... £550 85-00
The variety “QO" is No. 48 in the first arrangement, and No. 44 in a
(d) P 12%x13 (1868) later arrangement on the sheets. 178 1s. mauve.. £275 80-00
114 1 1d. orange-vermilion es — £350 The above were printed from plates made up of groups of four
All these values have been seen imperf and unused, but we have
115 2d. deep blue (PI | £350 no evidence that any of them were used in this condition. electrotypes as previously. In the 1d. the words of value are followed
115a 6d, yellow-green... a £1200 by a full stop. There are four types of the 4d., 6d. and 1s., eight types
The above were printed in sheets of 120, from plates made up of
of the 1d., and 12 types of the 2d.
(e) P 12% (1868) 30 groups of four electrotypes. There are four different types in each
group, and two such groups of four are known of the 1d. and 2d., thus No. 169c is from a sheet used at Roma post office and comes
115b 12d. deep blue (PI |)... + £1000
cancelled with the “46” numeral postmark.
115¢ 12d. deep blue (PI Il)... fe £750) giving eight varieties of these two values. There was some resetting
Reprints of the above were made in 1895 on thicker paper, Wmk. of the first plate of the 1d., and there are several plates of the 2d.; 1887 (5 May)-89. W 6.
W 6, perf 12. The colours are:—1d. vermilion-red, 2d. deep dull blue the value in the first plate of the latter value is in thinner letters, and
and pale ultramarine, 3d. brown, 6d, dull yellow-green and 1s. lilac-grey. in the last plate three types in each group of four have the “TW” of (a) P12
The Royal Philatelic Collection contains an example of No. 95 imperf “TWO” joined, the letters of “PENCE” are larger and therefore much 179 12 ‘1d. vermilion-red 16-00 1:00
between (vert pair), used. closer together, and in one type the “O” of “TWO" is oval, that letter 180 2d. DIUC.... sss 16:00 1:00
being circular in the other types. a. Oval white flaw on Queen's
1879. No wmk. P 12. head behind diadem (R. 12/5).. 70-00 9:00

Mf tl
Hi LOG |
181 2s. deep brown (12.3.89 80-00 70-00
116 1 6d. pale emerald-green.. £400 27-00
ifales 1s, mauve (fiscal cancel £: wa £225 £100
| 182 2s. pale brown. 70:00 60-00
No. 117 has a very indistinct lilac burelé band at back.
Nos. 116/17 can be found showing portions of a papermaker’s
ia 183 12 2d. blue...
(b) P 9¥%x12
£425 80-00
watermark, either T. H. Saunders & Co or A. Pirie & Sons. These are from new plates; four types ‘of‘each value grouped as

I Hy
before. The 1d. is without stop. In all values No. 2 in each group of four
1880. Lithographed from transfers from the 1s. die. Wmk Crown has the “L” and “A” of “QUEENSLAND” joined at the foot, and No. 3 of
and Q. W 6. P 12.

the 2d, has “P” of word “PENCE” with a long downstroke.
118 1 2s. pale blue £150 60:00 The 2d. is known bisected and used as a 1d. value.
119 2s. blue (fiscal cancel £4)
a. Imperf vert (horiz pair).
Half-penny CT

120 2s. deep blue (fiscal cancel £4)... £180 60-00 S 10

121 2s.6d. dull scarlet... £325 80:00
122 2s.6d. bright scarlet ‘(fiscal cancel £4)... £325 80-00 1880 (21 Feb). Surch with T 8.
123 5s. pale yellow-ochre.... ae ea Ome eel 20) 151 7 Yad, on 1d, (No, 134) (Die |) £325 £180
124 5s. yellow-ochre (fiscal cancel. £5) £450 £120 a. Die II... £800 £475
125 10s. reddish brown £800 £200 ab. "QOEENSLAND”. «+ £1900 £1300
126 10s. bistre-brown.... £800 £200 Examples with “Half-penny” reading downwards are forged
127 20s. rose (fiscal cancel £7). £1700 £250 surcharges.
Of the 2s. and 20s. stamps there are five types of each, and of the
other values ten types of each. 1890. W 6 (sideways on Yd.). P 12%, 13 (comb machine).
Beware of fiscally used copies that have been cleaned and provided 184 13 ‘Ad. pale green.. 18-00 2:00
with forged postmarks. 185 Yad, deep green 13-00 2-00
186 Yad. deep blue-green. 7-50 2:00
187 12 1d. vermilion-red 8-00 50
a. Imperf (pair). £300 £325
b. Oval broken by tip of bust
(R. 10/3) 45:00 5:00
c. Double impressio +t £650
188 2d. blue (old plate)...... 9:00 50
£1 Re-entry (R. 1/2) £1 {Reesuch (R. 6/4) 189 2d. pale blue (old plate) 9.00 50
190 2d. pale blue (retouched plate) 11-00 1-00
(Eng H. Bourne. Recess Govt Printing Office, Brisbane, from plates a. “FWO" for “TWO” (R. 8/7) — 25:00
made by B.W.) 191 14 2d. carmine 16:00 2:50
1882 (13 Apr)-95. P 12. 192 12 3d. brown... 9-00 4-00
(a) W 5 (twice sideways). Thin popes
193 11 4d. yellow. 17:00 3:50
a. “PENGE” for “PENCE”. £100 28-00
152 9 2s. bright blue (14.4.82).. £250 65-00
b. “EN” joined in “PENCE”. 80-00 24-00
153 2s.6d, vermilion (12.7,82) £130 26-00
194 4d. orange... 25-00 3:50
154 DSi LOSCr occnccees £120 27-00
155 10s. brown (12,7.82).. £250 50:00 a, "PENGE" for“PENCE”. £140 28-00
b. “EN” joined in “PENCE”. £110 24-00
156 £1 deep green (30.5.83) £550 £140
195 Ad. L0MOM i ecsssesssssssesecsees 27-00 5:00
a. Re-entry (R. 1/2) — £325
b. Retouch (R. 6/4) — £325
a. “PENGE” for “PENCE”. £150 38-00
152s/6s (ex 2s. 6d.) H/S “SPECIMEN” Set of £275 b. “EN” joined in “PENCE”. £120 30-00
Die | Die II 196 6d. green........ 11:00 2:00
(b) W 10. Thick paper (10.11. 26) 197 12 2s. red-brown... 42:00 48-00
Dies | and II often occur in the same sheet. 157 9 2s. bright blue.. £275 65:00 198 2s. pale brown. 50:00 55-00
Die |. The white horizontal inner line of the triangle in the upper 158 2s.6d. vermilion.. 50:00 27-00 This issue is perforated by a new vertica comb machine, gauging
right-hand corner merges into the outer white line of the oval 159 5s. rose... 48:00 42-00 about 1234x1234. The 3d. is from a plate similar to those of the last
above the “L”. 160 9 10s. brown.. £130 50-00 issue, No. 2 in each group of four types having “L” and “A” joined at
Die Il. The same line is short and does not touch the inner oval. 161 £1 deep green.. £325 85-00 the foot. The ad. and 2%d. are likewise in groups of four types, but
a, Re-entry (R. 1/2) £850 £200 the differences are very minute. In the retouched plate of the 2d.
1879-81. Typo, P 12. b. Retouch (R, 6/4) we £850 £200 the letters “L’ and “A” no longer touch in No. 2 of each group and the
(a) Wmk Crown andQ.W5 (c) W 6 (twice sideways). Thin paper (1895) “P” in No. 3 is normal.
128 7 1d. reddish brown (Die |) (15.5.79).. £150 42-00 162 9 2s.6d. vermilion. «« 80:00 45-00
a. Die Il - £225 42:00 163 5s. rose... 85:00 26-00 1895. W 10.
ab. Imperf between (horiz pair) t+ £2250 164 10s. brown... £475 £110 A. Thick paper
ac. “QOEENSLAND”.. £1700 £275 165 £1 deep green. £375 £100 (a) P 12%, 13
129 1d. orange-brown (D £200 42:00 a. Re-entry (R. £900 £250 202 12 — 1d. vermilion-red (16.1.95) sores
130 2d. blue (Die 1) (10.4.79)... £140 13-00 b. Retouch (R. 6/4) £900 £250 a. Oval broken by tip of bust
a. “PENGE” (R. 12/6).... £950 £130 The re-entry on the £1 shows as a double bottom frame line and (R. 10/3)... | 6-50
b. “QUEENSbAND” (R. 5/6) — £130 the retouch occurs alongside the bottom right numeral. 203 1d. red-orange.. 4:75 60
C. "QU" JOINED waesessosssese — £130 See also Nos. 270/1, 272/4 and 309/12. a. Oval broken by tip of bust
131 4d. orange-yellow (6.6.79)... £1200 £100 42:00 650
(b) No wmk, with lilac burelé band on back 204 2d. 6:50 60
132 7 1d. reddish brown (Die |) (21.10. 2) £750 £120 a. 80:00 22-00
a. Die ll. £850 £140 (b) P12
ab. “QOEENSLAND”.. — £1900 205 11 1s. mauve (8.95) 38:00 23-00
133 2d, blue (Die !) (21.10. £750 60-00 B. Unwmkd paper; with blue burelé band at back, P 12/2, 13
a. “PENGE” (R. 12/6)... £3750 £700 206 12 1d. vermilion-red (19.2.95) crvvsssesssee 2-50 2:50
b. “QUEENSbAND” (R, 5/6) a. Oval broken by tip of bust
(c) Wmk Crown and Q.W6 (RG1O/3) espe ees Sicrcsiocrsomeessntarosecasece 22:00 22-00
134 7 1d. reddish brown (Die 1) (31.10. ae 85-00 9:00 11 b. “PE” of “PENNY” omitted (R. 1/2) £300 £325
b. Die II £120 = 9-00 206c NAS FED-OANGC oeesserccnsesstassevepscrtedespeeteme 2-50 2:50
ba. “QOEENSLAND £500 60-00 In T 12 the shading lines do not extend entirely across, as in T 11, C. Thin paper. Crown and Q faintly impressed. P 12, 13
135 1d. dull orange (Die |)... 65:00 10:00 thus leaving a white line down the front of the throat and point of 207 12 2d. blue (retouched plate) (6.95)..... 13-00 £160
a. Die Il 70:00 11:00 the bust. a. “FWO" for "TWO" (R, 8/7) . £140

AUSTRALIA Queensland

¢ ig
as ENN

28 A B
Two Dies of 4d.: TWO TYPES OF “QUEENSLAND”. Three different duty plates, each
Die |. Serif of horizontal bar on lower right 4d. is clear of vertical frame 120 (12 x 10), were produced for Type 28. The first contained country’
line. inscriptions as Type A and was only used for No. 265, The second
Die Il. Serif joins vertical frame line. duty plate used for Nos, 265/6 and 282/4 contained 117 examples
as Type B and 3 as Type A occurring on R. 1/6, R. 2/6 and R. 3/6. The
1897-1908. Figures in all corners. W 6 (sideways on Yad.). P 12%, third plate, used for Nos. 266, 283, 284 and 285 had all inscriptions
13 (comb). as Type B.
231 20 ‘4d. deep green 5:00 8-00
a. Perf 12..... — £150 (Typo Victoria Govt Printer, Melbourne) wt
232 21 ‘1d. orange-vermilio 2:50 40 1903 (4 Jul)-O5. W w 10. P 12%.
17 233 1d, vermilion. 2:50 40 265 28 9d. brown and ultramarine (A)....... 50-00 7:50
a. Perf 12 (18! 8:00 3:50 266 9d. brown and ultramarine (B) I
1895-96. 234 Pyefil0)[Sherrer 7:50 40 (1.905) -sevcmscesmeeroccnevarOnaesctpereeeeer
teas 38:00 7:50
A. W 6 (sideways on '4d.) a. Cracked plate.. £180 35:00
b. Perf 12 (1905). £1000 = 7:00 1903 (Oct). As Nos. 162 and 165. W 6 (twice sidewayers P 12%, 13
(a) P 12%, 13 ba. Cracked plate. £2750 £250
208 15 Yad. green (11.5.95) 3:25 1:75 (irregular line). |
235 2d. deep blue... 6:50 40 270 9 2s.6d. vermilion..... vise ' 55:00
a. Double impression... £2000 £2000
a. Cracked plate. £160 35-00 271 £1 deep green £2000 £700
209 Yad. deep green........ 3:25 1-75
236 22 = 2%Ad. rose (10.98)..... 17:00 27-00 a. Re-entry (R. 1/2) £4000 £1400
a. Printed both sides. £275
237 2’ad. purple/biue (20.1.99) 9:50 3:25 b. Retouch (R. 6/4)..... £4000 £1400
210 16 1d. orange-red (28.2.95) 3-50 50
238 2\ad. brown-purple/blue. 9-50 3-25
211 1d. pale red....... 7:50 65
239 2d. slate/blue (5.08). 9:00 8:50 (Litho Govt Ptg Office, Brisbane, from transfers of the recess plates)
212 2d, blue (19.6.95) 35:00 50
240 21 3d. brown (10.98). 10:00 3:00 1905 (Nov)-06. W 6 (twice sideways).
213 17 2¥ad. carmine (8.95) 24-00 5:50
241 3d. deep brown... 8-00 3:00
214 DIA. OSC vrsscssseseeee 24-00 5:50 (a) P 12%, 13 (irregular line)
242 3d. reddish brown 13:00 4:25
215 18 5d. purple-brown (10.95 27:00 5:00 243 3d, grey-brown (1907)... 2400 475 272 9 £1 deep green £1000 £170
(b) P12 244 4d. yellow (Die !) (10.98) 12:00 3-25 a. Re-entry (R. 1/2) £2000 £375
217 16 1d. red (8.95)... 90:00 48-00 ADS Nie ccseeccesrcam: 30:00 10:00 b. Retouch (R. 6/4) £2000 £375
218 2d. blue (8.95)... 80:00 29-00 245 4d. yellow-buff (Die |)... 10:00
3:25 (b) P12
B. Thick paper. W 10 (sideways) (part only on each stamp) a. Die Il. 25:00 10-00 273 9 55. rOSE (7.06) esssse £150 £100
(a) P 12%, 13 246 23 5d. purple 8:50 3-00 274 £1 deep green (7.06).. £550 £130
219 15 Yad. green (6.8.95) 2:75 5:50 247 5d. dull brown (1906).. 9:50 8-50 a. Re-entry (R. 1/2) £300
220 Yad, deep green...... 275 5-50 248 5d. black-brown (1907. 15:00 6:00 b. Retouch (R. 6/4) £300
249 21. 6d. green (1.4.98). 850 2:75
(b) P12 250 6d. yellow-green. 7:00 3-50 ub
221 15 ‘ad. green 42:00 251 24 1s. pale mauve (1.7.99) 14-00 3:75
252 1s. dull mauve.. 14-00 3:75
222 Yad. deep green 42:00
253 1s. bright mauve. 19:00 5:00
C. No wmk; with blue burelé band at back 254 25 2s, turquoise-green. 32:00 45:00
(a) P 12%, 13 Stamps of this issue also exist with the irregular line perforation
223 15 Yad. Green (1.8.95) rss 10:00 6:50 12%, 13.
a. Without bure/lé band 75:00 The 1d. perf 12x9% exists used and unused but their status has
224 Yad. deep green... 10-00 not yet been established (price £120 unused).
(b) P12 The cracked plate variety on the 2d. developed during 1901 and
225 15 ‘Yad. green... 22:00 shows as a white break on the Queen’s head and neck. The electro
was later replaced. Redrawn types of T 21
a. Without burelé ‘band £140
Nos. 223a and 225a are from the margins ofthe sheet, T 30. The head is redrawn, the top of the crown is higher and
touches the frame, as do also the back of the chignon and the point
1897-98. W 6 of the bust. The forehead is filled in with lines of shading, and the
D. Thin paper, with Crown and Q faintly impressed. P 12%, 13. figures in the corners appear to have been redrawn also,
227 15 Yad. green......... 2:00 5:50 (a) Zigzag roulette in black
(ab) Zigzag roulette in green T 32. The forehead is plain (white instead of shaded), and though
228 16 1d, orange- 3-25 2:00
the top of the crown is made higher, it does not touch the frame; but
(b) The same but plain the point of the bust and the chignon still touch. The figure in the
(c) Roulette (a) and also (b) right lower corner does not touch the line below, and has not the
(d) Roulette (b) and perf 1214, 13 battered appearance of that in the first redrawn type. The stamps are
very clearly printed, the lines of shading being distinct.
(e) Roulette (a) and perf 1214, 13
(f) Compound of (a), (b),.and perf 12%, 13 1906 (Sept). W 6. P 12%, 13 (comb).
256 21 Td. VErMiliOn (2) ses s s eses we 17:00 13-00 281 30 2d. dull blue (shades) ..seeessssssreessinnee 10:00 5:50
a. Zigzag roulette iin green ‘(ab). £250
257 1d. vermilion (6) 18-00 750 (Typo Victoria Govt Printer, Melbourne)
258 1d. vermilion (c). 19:00 26-00 1906 (Sept)-10. Wmk Crown and double-lined A, W w 11.
259 1d. vermilion (d) 9-50 6-50
260 1d. vermilion (e) 75:00 95:00 (a) P12x12%
261 1d. vermilion (f) 95:00 £100 282 28 9d. brown and ultramarine (A)........ 75:00 6:00
1896-1902. W 6, P 12%, 13. 283 9d. brown and ultramarine (B).. 23:00 4-50
229 19 = 1d, vermilion.... 19.00 70 283a 9d. pale brown and blue (A)... 70:00 600
284 9d. pale brown and blue (B).. 1400 450
230 6d. green (1902 t+ £16000
Only used examples of No. 230 are known, mostly with readable (b) P11 (1910)
postmarks from 1902. It is suggested that electrotypes of this unissued 285 28 9d. DroWN and blUe (B)...sessesssssersnseee £5000 £800
design were inadvertently entered in a plate of No. 249. (c) Compound perf 12x12% and 11
285a 9d. brown and ultramarine (B) se. t+ £1600

(Des M. Kellar)
1899 (Sept.)-1906. W 6. P 1214, 13 (comb).
262 26 ‘ad. deep green... 3-25 2:50
a. Grey-green.... 2:50 2:50
b. Green (P 12) (1905) £110 60-00
c, Pale green (1906)... 9:00 4:00
Stamps ofT26 without wmk, are proofs.
Stamps of this issue also exist with the irregular line perforation
12%, 12. 1907-11. W 33.
(a) P 12%, 13 (comb)
286 26 ad. deep green........ 200 450
287 Yad. deep blue-green. 2:00 4:50
288 21 1d. vermilion....... 3:00 30
a. Imperf (pair) £400
289 30 © 2d. dull blue... 29:00 3:50
289a 2d. bright blue (3.08) 26:00 17:00
290 32 2d. bright blue (4.08). 3:75 30
291 21 3d, pale brown (8.08) 20:00 2:75
292 3d. bistre-brown 12:00 3-75
293 4d. yellow (Die |) 11:00 450
a. Die Wass 40:00 14.00
294 4d. grey-black (Die !) (4.09). 23-00 6:50
a. Die ll...... 48-00 15-00
295 23 Sd. dull brown 18:00 32:00
295a 5d. sepia (12.09) 22-00 19:00
296 21 6d. yellow-green 4:25 20:00
297 6d. bright green 8-00 18:00
(Des F. Elliott) 298 24 1s, violet (1908) 3:50 20:00
1900 (19 Jun). Anglo-Boer War Patriotic Fund. W 6. P 12. 299 1s, bright mauve.. 19:00 3:50 ©
2644 27 1d. (6d,) claret £140 300 25 2s. turquoise- green (8.08).. 35:00 42:00
264b 27a 2d. (1s.) violet - Stamps of this issue also exist with the irregular line perforation
£350 £275
These stamps, sold at 6d. an p vely, paid postage of 1d. 12%, 13. This was used when the comb perforation was under repair.
and 2d. only, the difference being contributed to The Anglo—Boer
“Cracked plate” (0) P 13x11 to 12% (May 1911)
War Patriotic Fund. 301 26 Yad, CE@P GLOOM cccrsnareesssounsioenatatanaesy 7-00 13-00
Queensland, South Australia AUSTRALIA
302 21 1d. vermilion. 7:50 7-00
303 32 2d. blue........ 10-00 9-00
304 21 3d. bistre-brown.. 18:00 , 25:00
305 4d. grey-black. 70:00 90-00
a. Die Il... £140 £160
306 23 5d. dull brow 26:00 70-00
307 21 ~~ éd. yellow-green... 38:00 55-00
308 23 1s. Violet .....sccsss 60:00 85-00
The perforation (6) is from a machine introduced to help cope with
the demands caused by the introduction of penny postage. The three
rows at top (or bottom) of the sheet show varieties gauging 13x11,
13x11, and 13x12, respectively, these are obtainable in strips of three 4] 2 Large Star
showing the three variations.
(Eng Wm Humphrys. Recess P.B.)
(Litho Govt Ptg Office, Brisbane) F3a 1855 (1 Jan—Oct). Printed in London. W 2. Imperf.
1907 (Oct)-11, W 33 (twice sideways). P 12%, 13eset line). 1 1 1d. dark green (Oct 1855) (H/S
309 9 2s.6d. vermilion 42:00 50-00 1871-72. Litho, Govt Ptg Office. P 12 or 13.
“CANCELLED” in oval £12000)............ £9500 £500
a. Dull orange (1910) 75:00 90:00 A. Wmk Large Crown and Q, Wmk F 3a 2 2d. rose-carmine (shades) (H/S
b. Reddish orange (1911)... £180 £225 F16 d 22:00 “CANCELLED” in oval £11000)... £800 85-00
310 5s. rose (12.07)..... 80:00 65-00 . red-brown... 45:00 3 6d. deep blue (Oct 1855) (H/S
a, Deep rose (1910) £100 90:00 . Imperf vert “CANCELLED”in oval £10000)..........0 £4000 £170
b. Carmine-red (1911) £250 £275 . green 45-00 Prepared and sent to the Colony, but not issued
311 10s. blackish brown.. £140 75-00 . blue... 65-00 4 1 1s. violet (H/S “CANCELLED”in oval
a. Sepia (1911) £425 £300 . brick-red. £140 £20000)... £25000
312 £1 bluish green... £400 =£130 £190 A printing of 500,000 o' ivered, but, as the
a. Re-entry (R. 1/2) £800 £300 . brown. £375 colour was liable to be confused with that of the 6d. stamp, this stock
b. Retouch (R. 6/4) £800 £300 . TOSe.. £550 was destroyed on 5 June 1857. It is believed that surviving examples
c. Deep bluish green (1910). £550 £350 of No. 4 come from Perkins Bacon remainders which came on to the
ca. Re-entry (R. 1/2) £1200 £700 market in the late 1890s.
. Mauve..... 24-00
cb. Retouch (R. 6/4) £1200 £700 Proofs of the 1d. and 6d. without wmk exist, and these are found with
. red-brown... 48-00
d. Deep yellowish green (1911) £1800 £1400 forged star watermarks added, and are sometimes offered as originals.
. Mauve. £150
da. Re-entry (R. 1/2) £4250 £2750 For reprints of the above and later issues, see note after No. 194.
. green 48-00
db. Retouch (R. 6/4) £4250 £2750
. blue. £160 1856-58. Printed by Printer of Stamps, Adelaide, from Perkins,
The 1911 printings are on thinner, whiter paper.
, vermilion £160 Bacon plates. W 2. Imperf.
The lithographic stones used for Nos. 272/4 and 309/12 took the
. yellow-brown £190 5 1 1d, deep yellow-green (15.6.58)....... £9500 £550
| full sheet of 30 so the varieties on the £1 recess-printed version also
1 . brown. £375
appear on the stamps printed by lithography. 6 1d. yellow-green (11.10.58). £8500 £650
£550 7 2d. orange-red (4.58). £2250 80-00
1911. W 33. Perf irregular compound, 102 to 12%. No. F19 is known imperforate horizontally (vert pair), with fiscal 8 2d. blood-red (14.11.56) £3000 60-00
cancellation. a. Printed on both sides. + £1300
313 21 1d. vermilion. ~oe £1500! £700
This was from another co! , formerly used for 9 2d. red (shades) (23.4.56).. £750 40-00
perforating Railway stamps. The perforation was very unsatisfactory. a. Printed on both sides.. + £850
10 6d. slate-blue (7.57)... £4250 £190
sti 1s. red-orange (8.7.57)... 9 — £750
STAMP BOOKLETS 12 1s. orange (11.6.58)... - £11000 £475
There are very few surviving examples of Nos. $B1/4. Listings are
1858-59. Rouletted. (This first rouletted issue has the same
provided for those believed to have been issued with prices quoted
colours as the local imperf issue), W 2.
for those known to still exist.
13 11d. yellow-green (8.1.59)...... . £1000 65-00
1904 (1 Jan)-09. Black on a red cover as No. SB1 of New South 14 1d. light yellow-green (18.3.59)........ £1000 70-00
Wales. Stapled. a. Imperf between (pair)
SB1 £1 booklet containing 240 1d. in four blocks of 15 2d. TED (17.2.59)...ssscscsseseee £350 22-00
30 and two blocks of 60... es a. Printed on both sides... + £850
PENCE. Zz 6d. slate-blue (12.12.58) £800 65-00
a. Red on pink cover (1909).
b. Blue on pink cover. . £15000 18 1s. Orange (18.3.59) ...... £1800 50:00
a, Printed on both sides.. + £1900
1904 (1 Jan). Black on grey cover as No. S$B1. Stapled. 1878-79. Typo.
SB2 £1 booklet containing 120 2d. in four A. No wmk., Lilac burelé band at back. P 12
ESCA SIONS seerereests trea Petia snccczcssacclocaccraactecyad F33 F4 1d, violet
B. Wmk Crown and Q W5. P 12
1910 (May). Black on cream cover as Type B 1 of New South F344 1d. violet a
Wales. Stapled. d. Imperf between (horiz pair) <=)
SB3 2s. booklet containing 11 Yad. (No. 301), either Stamps as Type F 5 may not have been issued until after 1 July
in block of 6 plus block of 5 or block of 11
and 18 1d. (No 302), either in three blocks of
1892 when the proper use of duty stamps for postal service was
terminated but there are several examples which appear to have
6 or block of 6 plus block of 12... genuinely passed through the post during the 1890's. Unless they (5)
Unsold stock of No. SB3 was uprated with onee additional Yad. in are dated during 1892 their postal use was certainly unauthorised The “TEN PENCE” surcharge (T 5) was produced from a setting of six
May 1911. although they may have been accepted. (3x2). There are noticable differences between the six types.
1911 (Aug). Red on pink cover as No. SB3. Stapled. Queensland became part of the Commonwealth of Australia on 1860-69. Second rouletted issue, printed (with the exception of
SB4 2s. booklet containing 12 Yad. (No. 301), either 1 January 1901, No. 24) in colours only found rouletted or perforated. Surch
in two blocks of 6 or block of 12, and 18 1d. with T 5 (Nos. 35/7). W 2.
(No. 302), either in three blocks of 6 or block 19 1 1d. bright yellow-green (22.4.61).. £130 50-00
of 6 plus block of 12 = £6000 SOUTH AUSTRALIA 20 1d. dull blue-green (17.12.63)......... £140 50-00
a. Red on white cover... £5500 21 Td. SAGE-GrEEN ..scssssesesseees £150 50:00
PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER a. Imperf between (horiz pair,
22 1d. pale sage-green (27.5.65) £130
Nos, 1/3 from x 3
POSTAL FISCALS 23 1d. deep green (1864)......... £550 85-00
No. 4 t 24 1d. deep yellow-green (1869)... £275
Authorised for use from 1 January 1880 until 1 July 1892 Nos. 5/12 from x 2 24a 2d. Pale FOC ......sscssssnsssssees £250 4:00
Nos. 13/18 from x 3 b. Printed on both sides. Tt) £550
ONS. |Beware of stamps which have had pen- Nos. 19/43 from x 4 25 2d. pale vermilion (3.2.63) £150 475
cleaned off and then had faked postmarks applied. Nos. 44/9b = 26 2d. bright vermilion (19.8. £150 3:75
‘ edpalsfor postally used examples between the Nos, 50/110 from x 3 a. Imperf between (horiz pair, £3750 £750
No. 111 = 27 3 4d, dull violet (24.1.67).. £160 42:00
Nos. 112/34 from x 6 28 1 6d. violet-blue (19.3.60). £425 7-00
Nos. 135/45 from x 3 29 6d. greenish blue (11.2.63) £250 4.00
Nos. 146/66 from x 5 30 6d. dull ultramarine (25.4.64) £200 4:00
Nos. 167/70a from x 10 a. Imperf between (horiz pa t+ £2250
Nos, 171/24 _ 31 6d, violet-ultramarine (11.4.68) £400 6:00
Nos. 173/944 from x 12 32 6d. dull blue (26.8.65).... £325 6:50
Nos. 195/208 _— a. Imperf between (pair). t+ £3000
Nos. 229/31 from x 12 33 6d. Prussian blue (7.9.69) £1000 50-00
No. 232 — 33a 5 — 70-00
Nos. 233/42 from x 12 34 4 9d. grey-lilac (24.12.60)... £150 200
Nos. 268/75 from x 30 a. Imperf between (horiz pair)..... + £4000
Nos. 276/9 = 35 10d. on 9d, orange-red (B.) (20.7.66) £475 45.00
Nos. 280/8 from x 30 36 10d. on 9d. yellow (B.) (29.7.67)...... £700 30-00
Nos. 289/92 _— 37 10d. on 9d. yellow (Blk.) (14.8.69)... £3500 80:00
Nos. 293/304 from x 15 a. Surch inverted at the top t £7000
No. 305 _ c. Roul x perf 10. t —
38 1 1s. yellow (25.10.6 £1300 32:00
1866-68, Litho, Govt Ptg Office. a. Imperf horiz (vert pair), {£5500
Nos. 01/13 =
A. No wmk. P 13 39 1s. grey-brown (10.4.63).... £425 32:00
Nos. 014/36 from x 20 40 1s. dark grey-brown (26.5.63, £400 32:00
Fl Fi 1d. £120 27-00
Nos. 037/42 from x 5 41 1s. chestnut (25.8.63).... £350 11-00
F2 6d. deep violet.. £140 £110
Nos, 043/4 from x 50 42 1s. lake-brown (27.3.65) £325 12:00
F3 1s. blue-green... £180 80-00
Nos. 045/7 _ a. Imperf between (horiz p. t £2250
F4 2s. brown... £325 £200
F5 2s.6d. dull red. £400 £160 Nos. 048/52 from x 30 43 3 2s, rose-carmine (24.1.67)..... £500 32-00
F6 5s. yellow... £1100 £375 No, 053 — a. Imperf between (vert pair)....... + £2500
Féa 6s. light brown.. £1700 Nos, 054/85 from x 50
F7 10s. green £1300 £550 Nos. 086/7 _ 1868-71. Remainders of old stock subsequently perforated by the
11%-12¥2 machine.
F8 20s. rose... £1900 £850
B. Wmk F 2. P 13 (a) Imperf stamps.P11%-12% -
SPECIMEN OVERPRINTS. Those listed are from U,P.U. distributions 44 1 2d. pale vermilion (Feb 1868 — £1300
FO ra 1d. blue........ 60:00 60-00 between 1889 and 1895. Further “Specimen” overprints exist, but
F10 6d. deep violet.. £140 £130 45 2d. vermilion (18,3.68) — £1400
these were usedfor other Purposes.
Fl 6d. blue........ £550 £350 (b) Rouletted stamps. P 1142-12
F12 1s. blue-green... £170 85-00 46 1 1d. bright green (9.11.69). — £750
F13 2s. brown... £350 £160 47 2d. pale vermilion (15.8.68).. £2500 £650
PERKINS BACON “CANCELLED”. For notes on these handstamps,
Fi3a 5s. yellow £1100 £350 48 6d. Prussian blue (8.11.69)... — £400
showing “CANCELLED” between horizontal bars forming an oval,
Fl4 10s. green £1300 £550 aa. Horiz pair perf all round, roul
see Catalogue Introduction. DQ HCE Sicessestvesretsccucrnain egsrssbarrooe
Fis 20s. rose... £1900 £950

AUSTRALIA South Australia
1 6d. Prussian blue (2.3.70)...cscsssrerseeseses £250 8-00 (e)P 10
= 105
blue (26.10.70). £275 10-00 158 11 1d. blue-green (4.75). £100 8-00
49 4 os i
9d. grey-lila (293.71) £2750 ees
£250 106 i) Prussian
6d. bright
£275 55-00 159 12 ;
2d. brick-red d (4.70).
(4.70 60:00 375
a. Perfx roulette... — £275 107 4 10d. on 9d. yellow (Bik.) (1.70)
108 1 1s. chestnut (17.6.71) £375 80:00 160 2d. orange-red (1.7.70). 22:00 1:00
49b 1 1s. lake-brown (23.5.70 + £425
109 3 2s. rose-pink (24.4.71) — £225 a. Printed on both sides.
1867-70. W 2. P 11%-12% x roulette. 110 2s. carmine (2.3.72) ... £325 65-00 10x11%4-12¥%, 11%4-124X10, or compound
(f) P.
161 11 1d. blue-green (27.8.75) . £190 40-00
50 1 1d. pale bright green (2.11.67) £375 29-00
1d. bright green (1868) £350 24.00 | 1871 (17 July). W 7. P 10. 162. 12 2d. brick-red (19.1.71) £750 30-00
51 29-00 111 3 = 4d. dull lilac . £300 163 2d. orange-red (3.2.71). £200 30:00
52 1d. grey-green (26.1.70) . £400
a. Printed on both sides. £4250 a. Imperf (8.76). £1200 £1100
a. Imperf between (horiz pair)......
aS) 1d. blue-green (29.11.67). £550 65-00
54 3 4d. dull violet July 1868). £3000 £160 1869. Wmk Large Star W 2.
cs isa (a) Rouletted
55 4d. dull purple ee =
56 1. 6d. bright pale blue (29.5.67) £9 5 164 = 12 2d. orange-red (13.3.69).resessreensens £170 23-00
57 6d. poe blue (30.7.67) £850 19-00
a. Printed on both sides.. (b) P.11%-12% x roulette
£950 26-00 165. 12. 2d. OraMge-Fed (1.8.69) .rsvsesnsamnrneee £2000 £120
58 6d. indigo (1.8.69)... ()P11%5-12%
59 4 10d. on 9d. yellow inesree: £1400 en
sides — .
a. Printed on both
60 1 1s. chestnut (April 1868). £450 20-00 165a 12 2d. orange-red (7.69). — £1200
8 Broad Star (9) 1871 (15 July). Wmk V and Crown, W 7. P 10. j
a pease ku!8 eta coe
166 92) Dd brickeve wiiicasercscrcccntinecstemetneettes £180 48-00
NOTE. The stamps perf 11%, 12¥2, or compound of the two, are here
combined in one list, as both perforations are on the one machine, and 1876-1900. Surch with T 9 (Nos. 118/21). W 8.
(a) P11%2-12% 5
all the varieties may be found in each sheet of stamps. This method |
112 3 3d. on 4d. ultramarine (1.6.79)... £160 30:00 il|
of classifying the perforations by the machines is by far the most
simple and convenient. a. Surch double... + £1800 i" ra
113 4d, violet-slate (15.3.79) £160 16.00 ch eu HALF
14 4d, plum (16.4.80) 0m. 90:00 7:50 # i
115 4d. deep mauve (8.6.82, 90:00 6-00 \a
116 1 6d. indigo (2.12.76)... . £180 5:00 5;
a. Imperf between (horiz pair)....... t —_— A |
117 6d. Prussian blue (7.78)... £140 4:50 nit
118 4 8d. on 9d. brown-orange (7.76)... £190 8-50 , i
119 8d. on 9d. burnt umber (1880) £200 950 nl hi Hh
a. Surch double........ t =
3.PENCE 120 8d. on 9d. brown (9.3.80). £200 9-50
a. Imperf between (vert pair) £3000 1876-1904. Wmk Crown SA (close). W 13.
(6) 121 8d. on 9d. grey-brown (10.5.81).. £170 ns (a) P 10 (1876-85)
a. Surch double... ip eA © 2. 4 ce
1868-79. Surch with T 6 (Nos. 66/8). W 2. P 11%2-12%. 122 9d. purple (9.3.80). Soe og) I)ee Ue is raeee aioe aH teed
70-00 a. Printed on both sides — £650 6. Deep green (11.79).. 36.00 30
62 1 1d. pale bright green (8.2.68) . £375
63 1d. grey-green (18.2.68).. £325 70:00 123 9d. rose-lilac (21.8.80)... 450 Bolerintedidouble + ax:
£180 22-00 a. Printed on both sides £600. 168 12 2d. orange-red (8.7 45-00 5
64 1d. dark green (20.3.68
a. Printed on both sid t £1100 | 124 9d. rose-lilac (large holes) (26: 5.00) 15:00 4-50 a. Dull brick-red (21.5. 50.00 _-1.00'
65 1d. deep yellow-green (28.6.72) £170 22-00 125 1 1s, red-brown (3.11.77) s.r 2-75 b, Blood-red (31.10.79) £300 4:25
a. Imperf between (horiz pai) ea + £3250 a. Imperf between (horiz pair). £900 c. Pale red (4.85) 17-00 40
66 3 3d. on 4d. Prussian blue (BIk.) 126 1s. reddish lake-brown (1880) 80:00 3:75 i
(7.2.71). — £850 | 437 1s, lake-brown (9.1.83)... 85:00 3-00: (b) Bs10x11%4-12%, 11%4-12)2x10 or compound (1877-60
£600 18-00 128 1s. Vandyke brown (1891). 95:00 850 169 1d. deep green (11.2.80). 80-00 12:00
67 ‘blue (Bik) (128.70).
3d. on 4d. ic
a. 129 1s. dull brown (1891) 80:00 3:25 a. Blue-green (2.3.80).. 35:00 7-50
b. — £1400 130 1s. chocolate (large holes) (6.5. 26.00 3-50 170 12 2d. orange-red (4.9.77) £180 12:00
68 3d. a. Imperf vert (horiz pair). . £450 a. Dull brick-red (6.80)... £180 12:00
£150 9-00 | 431 1s. sepia (large holes) (22.5.00).. 2600 4-75 (0) P.11%2-12% (1877-84)
Cheatin Seely a. Imperf between (vert pair £600 171 11 1d. blue-green (2.84)... eee 160
b. Additional surch on back. — £3000 | 132 3 2s, carmine (15.2.77) serane 45.00 650 | 172 12 2d. orange-red (14.9.77).. © £160
c. Surch omitted..... £40000 £20000 a. Imperf between (horiz pair). + .£2750 a. Blood-red (1.4.80)... oy E180
70 4d. dull purple (1.2.68) £110 15:00 | 433 25. FOSE-CAFMINE (1885) sausnmnee 55:00 7-00 (d) P15 (1893)
cA 4d, dull violet (1868)... £100 8:00 | 134 2s. rose-carmine (large holes) 173. -11_—_‘1d. green (8.5.93) Sere
’ 1.00
£600 11:00 (6.12.98)... . 38-00 7:00 174 AD od. Sas nice (6.2.93)
72 1. 6d. bright pale blue (23.2.68)
73 6d. Prussian blue (29.9.69) .. £300 7-00 The perforation with larger, clean-cut holes resulted from the fitting aa Orance cca 34.00 1.00
ached Gees Gare Pat: 7 £2250
| of No.
new 123a
the machine.
with the impression on the back either sideways Imperf between (vert pair)
b,sd £950
74 6d. indigo (1869, £325
75 4 9d. claret (7.72). £200 8:00 | or inverted. The Royal Philatelic Collection contains an unused (e)P13 (1895-1903)
76 9d. bright mauv : £200 8-00 marginal pair of the former. 175 11. 1d. pale green (11.1.95) 1:00
+ £900 (b) P10 a. Cash 20
a. Printed on both ‘sides
77 9d. red-purple (15.1.74)... £110 8:00 s b. Imperf between
78 10d. on 9d, yellow (B,) (15.8.68)....... £2000 50.00 | 139
Ws sped einssian pee UTC e
6d. bright blue (1879)...
£200 23-00
18-00 | 176 rosine (8.8.99)
1d,@. Scarlet .n.
(23.12.03) i
600 65
a. Wmk Crown and S A (W 10) 9.00 1:50
(1868) z — £1700 136a 1s. reddish lake-brown Ser e4 75) b, Deep ed vn

79 10d. on 9d. yellow (BIk.) (13.9.69 £425 65:00 (c) P 10X11%2-12%, 11%4-1212x10, or compound 177 12 2d. pale orange (19.1.95) 15:00 10
80 1 1s. lake-brown (9.68)... £225 18:00 137 3 4d. violet-slate (21.5.79).. .. £160 24-00 a. Orange-red (9.5.95) 21:00 10
81 1s. es ie) ; ee 20-00 | 138 4d. dull purple (4.10.79). 7000 275 | 178 2d. bright violet (10.10.99). nG-GO 10
82 1s. dark red-brown. £1 12.00 139 1 6d. Prussian blue (29.12.77) £120 2:75 ;
83 1s, red-brown (6.1.69) £180 1200 | 140 Galbnentbitereas £150 600
| dog? aq ade Ces
tice aio (57. 04
ee ie
84 3 2s. pale rose-pink (10.10.69).. £2000 £180 141 6d. bright ultramarine . £100
2 = deep rose-pink ree a ae a eS 142 1s. reddish lake-brown (9.2.85) £130 11-00 180 12 Aa bright violet (1 1.10.04), 1.00
s. crimson-carmine (16.10. £160

144 3 oaicarning (29.6.86)..)
1s. dull brownpes £170
85.00 14-00
6-50 A Poe the 1d. pale green with thicker lettering come from
87 2s. carmine (1869) .....
x a faite on both sides ee 7 £750 | 145 2s. rose-carmine (1887 80:00 6-00 p
jo. 68c comes from two sheets on which, it is believed, some a. Imperf between (horiz pair' ¥
stamps showed the surcharge omitted and others the surcharge iH : pall we aikise 1882 (1 Jan). No. 167 surch with T 14.
double. One of the used examples of No. 68c is known postmarked MTNA 181 V1 Vad. ON 1d, D]UC-GreeN rsessssrssnseerserne 14:00 11-00
in 1875 and many of the others in 1879. ||I |
No. 78a was a trial printing made to test the perforating machine Hi | HW
on the new D.L.R. paper. ll wy 1
A used example of No. 70 in imperf between horiz pair is in the i ill
Royal Philatelic Collection. :
1870-71. W 2. P 10. ltHal ‘|
88 1 1d. grey-green (6.70).. £325 24.00 Hy le
89 1d. pale bright green (9.8. £325 21-00 nT |
90 1d. bright green (1871) £275 21-00 lt il
91 3 3d. on 4d dull ultramarine Ry | unalla Matt
(6.8.70)... fereseeree EN S00) | eed 1883-99. W 13 (sideways on 14d.).
92 3d. on 4d pale‘ultram (Blk) Se
(14.2. A). £500 35-00 1901-02. Wmk Crown SA (wide). W 10. P 11%-12% (large holes). 182 15 ad eens None oa 16-00 2.25
93 3d. on 4d ultramarine (Blk) 146 4 9d. claret (1.2.02)... 20:00 24:00 a. Imperf between (hi + £1500
(14.8.71) oe £300 40-00 147 1 1s. dark brown (12.6.01) 22:00 16:00 b. Red-brown (4.4.89) 9.00 2-25
93a 3d. on 4d, Prussian blue (BI 148 1s. dark reddish brown ( : 25:00 18-00 c. Brown (1895)... 550 375
(16.12.71) ons — £1000 a. Imperf horiz (vert pair). £2750 £2750 | 183 16 3d. sage-green (12.86) 35.00 2.75
94 4d. dull lilac (1870). £180 11-00 149 1s. red-brown (aniline) (18.7.02). 25:00 35-00 ah Olive-green (6 6.90 24.00 5:00
95 4d. dull purple (1871) £170 11-00 | 150 3 2s. crimson (29.8.01 40-00 15-00 b. Deep green (12.4.93) 22.00 5:00
96 1 6d. bright blue (19.6.70) £350 17:00 | 151 25. CAFMINE enersnn 26:00 11-00 s. Optd “SPECIMEN'...... 40-00
J ce ae a aueii £500 16:00 184. 17 4d. pale violet (3.90) 5500 3-00
Ss. chestnut (4.1./1).. £325 40:00 (Plates and electrotypes by D.LR. Printed in Adelaide) a. Aniline violet (3.1.93). 48:00 7-00
et s. Optd “SPECIMEN”... z
NOTE. Stamps perf 10 all round were produced by a new rotary Ht O 185 18 6d. pus blue (4.87). ne 3-75
machine, introduced early in 1870. This machine was not large (a) Rouletted a. Blue (5.5.87) .... 48:00 1-25
enough to perforate entire sheets, and perforation therefore had to 152 12 2d. deep brick-red (8.68).... £150 650 s. Optd “SPECIMEN”. 40:00
be completed with the perf 112-12% line machine, giving rise to the | 153 2d. pale orange-red (5.10.68) £140 2:75 ;
compound perforations listed as Nos. 99/110. a. Printed
b. on both sides...
Imperf between (horiz p ++ £700
£1300 186 (b)15P 10x12 12%, 11¥4-12%4x10
Yad. red-brown orcompound 32:00
(25.9.91) sss (1891) 10-00 N
1870-73. W 2. P 10X11%2-12%, 11%-12%x10, or compound. c. Imperf horiz (Vert Pair)... + £1700 a. Imperf between (horiz pair £375
99 1 1d. pale bright green (11.10.70)... £325 22-00 (b) P-11%-12% (c) P 11%-12% (1890)
Ba paneedionibotnis\iess : 154.11 1d. blue-green (10.1.75) £170 40.00 | 187 15 Yad. red-brown (12.10.90) veniam 40-00 9.00
1 Me ae green...aa rer pb ae 155 12 2d. pale orange-red (5.5.69). £250 (d) P 15 (1893-94) ’
leep green 2 : i y .
102 3 3d. on 4d. pale ultramarine (Blk) (c) P 11%-12% x roulette ss be Be Paver betoecn eee batons
(9.11.70) £550 80.00 | 156 12 2d. pale orange-red (20.8.69)....... Se s70 G. Deep DOWN ernsessnessnn 1100 1.50
103 4d. dull lilac (11.5.72) — 20:00 (d) P 10 x roulette b. Imperf between (horiz pair £375 |
104 4d. slate-lilac (5.3.73).. £190 19-00 157 12 2d. pale orange-red (7.5.70). £500 38-00 c. Perf 12% between (pair). £300 70:00

South Australia AUSTRALIA
189 17. 4d. purple (1.1.94 40-00 4-00 287 10d. dull yellow (8.07) ....ssssssese 17:00 23-00
a. Slate-violet... 40:00 4:25 a. Imperf between (horiz pair) £2750 £3000
190 18 = 6d. blue (20.11.93 65:00 4-00 b. Imperf between (vert pair) £4000
(e) P 13 (1895-99) 288 15. BrOWN (12,4.04) ...csseeerne 30:00 4:00
191 15 Yad. pale brown (9.95)... 5-00 45 a. Imperf between (vert pair) £2500
a. Imperf between (horiz pair) b. Imperf between (horiz pair, £2750
b. Deep brown (19.3.97)..... 6:00 30 XTiDENCERALEPERNY 289 2s.6d. bright violet (V.) (14.7.05 75:00 38-00
192 16 3d. pale olive-green (26.7.97)... 15-00 3-25 a. Dull violet (X) (8.06)... 75:00 27-00
22 Red Kangaroo 24 G.P.O., Adelaide 290 5s. rose-scarlet (Y) (13.7.04). 75:00 48-00
a, Deep olive-green (27.11.99) 5:50 3:25
193 17. 4d. violet (21.1.96)... 6:00 1-00 a. Scarlet (Z) (8.06) .........s00 75:00 48-00
(Des M. Tannenberg, plates by D.L.R.) b. Pale rose. Perf 12% (small holes) (Z)
194 18 6d. pale blue (3.96). 11-00 1:50
a. Blue 10-00 1:50 1894 (1 Mar)-1906. W 13. (6.10) cesssoe £120 70-00
(a) P15 291 10s. green (26.8.08) ... £200 £150
234 22 =2%ad. violet-blue....... 40:00 6:00 292 £1 blue (29.12.04)... £325 £170
REPRINTS. In 1884, and in later years, reprints on paper wmkd Crown 235 23 5d. brown-purple. 40-00 3-75 a. Perf 12% (small holes) (6.10). £225 £160
SA,W 10, were made of Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 24, 27, 28, 32, 234s/5s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 2... 70:00 The “value closer” variety on the 8d. occurs six times in the sheet
33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 43, 44, 49a, 53, 65, 67, 67 with surcharge in of 60. The value normally measures 16% mm but in the variety it
red, 70, 71, 72, 73, 78, 79, 81, 83, 86, 90, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 155, (b) P13
236 22 =2%Ad. violet-blue (11.2.95). 28-00 1:25 is 15% mm.
158, 159, 164, 181, 182. They are overprinted “REPRINT”. The 9d., 5s. and £1, perf 12% (small holes), are late printings made
In 1889 examples ofthe reprints for Nos. 1/3, 12, 15, 19, 27, 32/8, 44, 237 2¥ad. indigo (25.3.98)...... 9-00 2:00
238 23 5d. Brown-purple (1.96) 10:00 1:75 in 1910-11 to use up the Crown SA paper.
67, 67 surcharged in red, 70/1, 73, 83, 86, 118, 121/2, 158/9, 164 and No. 2866 has the value as Type C of the 9d. on Crown over A paper.
181/2, together with No. 141 overprinted “SPECIMEN”, were supplied CN RUI DIO Sa nateicess 10-00 1:75
to the U.P.U. for distribution. (c) P- 12x11% (comb)
239 22 2¥ad. indigo (4.7.06)... 14-00 4:00
240 23 5d. dull purple (1.05). 19-00 2-00
(Typo D.L.R.)
1899 (27 Dec)-1905. W 13.
(a) P13
241 24 Vad. YeNOW-GFEON crasesssssseorssereeserserennsntee 7-50 1:50
(b) P 12x11% (comb)
242 24 Yad. yellow-green (7.05)... 8-00 2:50

27% ~*
POSTAGE | 1905-12. W 27. P 12x11%2 (new comb machine).
293 24 = ‘ad. pale green (4.07)... 15-00 1-25
coeeth a. Yellow-green. 8-50 1:25
(21) b. Thin ready gummed paper
The measurements given indicate the length of the value inscription (1912)... ee ore 6:00 8:00
(Plates and electrotypes by D.L.R. Printed in Adelaide) in the bottom label. The dates are those of the earliest known ba. Mixed perf 12x11¥5 ‘and 12%... £850
postmarks. 294 11 1d. rosine (2.12.05). 6:50 20
1886 (20 Dec)-96. T 19 (inscr “POSTAGE & REVENUE”). W 13. Parts a. Scarlet (4.11)... 4:00 1-25
of two or more wmks, on each stamp, sometimes sideways. P 10. 1902-04. As T 19, but top tablet as T 25 (thin “POSTAGE”). W 13. 295 12 2d. bright violet (2.2.06) 25:00 30
195 2s.6d. mauve £120 15-00 aa. Imperf three sides (horiz pair) £3000
a. Perf 1 85:00 9:00 (a) P11%-12%
268 3d. olive-green (18% mm) (1.8.02) 1600 2:75 a, Mauve (4.08)... 30 7:50
bb, Bright aniline Violet 90:00 9-00 296 22° 2%d. indigo-blue (14.9.10 9:00 13:00
196 5s. rose-pink..... £140 18-00 a, Wk SID@WAYS...esssseesenee + £1700
269 4d, red-orange (17 mm) (29.11.02). 27-00 4:25 297 23 5d. brown-purple (11.3.08)... 28-00 6:50
a. Perf 11%-12%4. £100 18:00 No. 295aa is perforated at foot.
ab, i £100 21-00 270 6d. blue-green (16-16% mm) (29.11.02) 11-00 2-75
197. 10s. £275 75-00 271 8d. ultramarine (19 mm) (25.4.02) ......s0 8-50 16:00 Three types of the 9d., perf 12%, distinguishable by the distance
a. £250 70:00 272 8d. ultramarine (16% mm) (22.3.04) 12:00 16:00 between “NINE” and “PENCE”
198 15s. brownish pellow £750 = £375 a. “EIGNT” (R.2/9).... £2250 £3000 A, Distance 13%4 mm. B. Distance 2% mm. C. Distance 2/2 mm.
a. Perf 11%-12%2.. £800 £250 273 9d. rosy lake (19.9.02) . 14:00 10-00
199 £1 blue... £550 £180 a. Imperf between (vert pair). £2500 1906-12. T 19 (“POSTAGE” thick as T 26). W 27. P 12 or 12%
a. Perf 11%-12%.. £500 £170 274 10d. dull yellow (29.11.02) 17:00 17:00 (small holes).
200 © Venetian red £3750 £550 275 1s. brown (18.8.02)....... 26-00 8-00 298 3d. sage-green (19 mm) (26.6.06) 15-00 5:50
a. Perf 11%-12%. £3500 £500 a. Imperf between (horiz pair) a. Imperf between (horiz pair)... t £5500
201 50s. dull pink....... £4500 £750 b. Imperf between (vert pair). £2500 b. Perf 12¥2. Sage-green (17 mm)
a. Perf 11%2-12%.. £4250 £650 c. “POSTAGE” and value in red £1200 £1100 (9.12.09)... 16:00 10:00
202 £3 sage green... £5500 £700 276 2s.6d. pale violet (19.9.02).. 80:00 45:00 c. Perf 12%. 2p 3 75:00 11-00
a. Perf 11%2-12%. £5250 £600 a. Bright violet (2.2.03). 38:00 14:00 d. Perf 12%. Yellow-olive (19 sla)
277 5s. rose (17.10.02) £120 75:00 (16.12.11) ves 80:00 60-00
203 £4 lemon £10000
278 10s. green (1.11.02 £200 90-00 da. Perf 12%. Bright olive-green
a. Perf1 £8500 £1400
279 £1 blue (1.11.02). £475 £250 (19-19% mm) Thin ready gummed
204 EBV OV saccsecessstine £8000
(b) P12 Paper (8.9.11) reverses 12:00 24-00
a. Perf 11%2-12%. £8000
e. Perf 11 (17 mm) (1910) £1000 £700
205 £5 brown (P 11%-12%2) (1896). £5000 £1000 280 3d. olive-green (20 mm) (15.4.04) veers 30-00 3-50
299 4d. orange-red (10.9.06). 12-00 3-00
| 206 £10 BrONZe...veess £8500 £1800 a. “POSTAGE” omitted; value below
SAUISTIRANEAteccresnresesereeeremetareteesssecrorrceseg £4250 a. Orange... 12:00 3:00
a. Perf 11%-12%. £8000 £1400
281 Ad. orange-red (172-18 mm) (18.2.03).. 23-00 2:50 b. Perf 12%. ‘Orang 23-00 8:50
207 £15 silver.. £30000
282 6d. blue-green (15 mm) at 11.03)... 26:00 14-00 c. Thin ready gummed paper (19.8.12) 23-00 28-00
i a. Perf 11%- £29000 £2250
283 9d. rosy lake (2.12.03)... £120 26-00 300 6d. blue-green (1.9.06 15-00 2:50
| 208 £20 claret... £38000
No. 280a comes from the bottom row of the sheet. Other stamps a. Perf 12% (21.4.10) 8:00 9:00
a. Perf 11%-12%. £35000 £2500
show the value below “AUSTRALIA” with “POSTAGE” over the bottom ab. Perf 12%. Imperf be’ £2250 £2500
195s/208s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 14* £1200
frame (Price £950, unused). b. Thin ready gummed paper (3. 13) 10-00 17-00
Variations exist in the length of the words and fre of the letters 301 8d. bright ultramarine (P 1212) (8.09).. 10-00 21-00
of the value inscription. A used example of No. 273 in imperf between horiz pair is in the
Royal Philatelic Collection. a. Value closer (8.09) 45-00 85-00
The 2s.6d, dull violet, 5s. rosé-pink, 10s., £1 and £5 brown exist perf 302 9d. brown-lake (3.2.06) 21:00 5-50
11%-12% with either large or small holes; the 2s.6d. aniline, 5s. rose- aa. Imperf between (horiz strip of three) £4750
carmine, 15s., £2 and 50s. with large holes only and the remainder | PRINTER. Stamp printing in Adelaide ceased in 1909 when a. Imperf between (vert pair). £2000
only with small holes. the Printer of Stamps, J. B. Cooke, was appointed head of the b. Deep lake (9.5.08) sr... 48:00 9.00
Stamps perforated 11%2-12%2 small holes, are, generally speaking, Commonwealth Stamp Printing Branch in Melbourne. From c. Perf 12%. Lake (A) (5.9.09 11:00 9-50
rather rarer than those with the 1895 (large holes) gauge. 9 March 1909 further printings of current South Australia stamps d. Perf 12’. Lake (B) (7.09) 40-00 9-50
Stamps perf 10 were issued on 20 Dec 1886. Stamps perf 112-12 were made in Melbourne. e. Perf 12%. Brown-lake.... 40-00 9:50
(small holes) are known with earliest dates covering the period from ea. Perf 12%. Deep lake. Thin paper (C).. 32-00 9:50
June 1890 to Feb 1896. Earliest dates of stamps with large holes range f. Perf11 (1909). + £1500
from July 1896 to May 1902.
*The listing of the “SPECIMEN” set distributed by the UPU comprises
stamps with W 13, perf 10, with an overprint 12% mm long, except No.
POSTAGE 303 1s. brown (30.5.06).
aa. Imperf between (vert pair).
a. Imperf between (horiz pair,

205 which is perf 11%-12%2, with an overprint 15% mm long. These b. Perf 12% (10.3.10).... 10-00 7:50
should not be confused with the same values with other “SPECIMEN” c.
Thin ready gummed Paper(4.8.11). 14:00 14.00
overprints, usually on stamps perf 11%-12%2, and often with W 10, 304 2s.6d.
bright violet (X) (10.6.09) 75:00 30:00
which were prepared for presentation purposes and for inclusion in
sets for sale to collectors.
Perf 12%. Pale violet (X) (6.
Perf 122. Deep purple (X) Thin
75:00 35-00

| AND SIXPENCE. AND SIXPENCE ready gummed paper (15.11.12)... £120 £110
1891 (1 Jan)-93. T 17/18 surch with T 20/1. W 13. Vv xX 305 5s. bright rose (P 12%) (Z) Thin ready
gummed paper (24.4.1 1) £130 £130
(a) P10 In Type X the letters in the bottom line are slightly larger than in The “value closer” variety of the 8d, occurred 11 times in the sheet of
229 17 2%4d. on 4d. pale green (Br.). 7:50 2:50 Type V,epee) the “A’,“S" and “P”. 60 in the later printing only. On No. 301 the value measures 162mm
a. Fraction bar omitted £110 80:00 while on No, 301a it is 15% mm.
b. Deep Green reese 8-00 1:75 The 1s. brown, perf compound of 11% and 12%, formerly listed is
ba. Fraction bar omitted £110 75-00 now omitted, as it must have been perforated by the 12 machine,
bb, “2” and "4" closer together. 26:00 18-00 which in places varied from 11% to 13. The 4d. has also been reported
bc. Imperf between (horiz pair, with a similar perforation.
bd. Imperf between (vert pair). + £3250
s. Optd “SPECIMEN”. 32:00
230 18 5d. on 6d. pale brn (C. 19-00 6-50 In Type Z the letters “S” and “G” are more open than in Type Y.
. Deep DOWN 19-00 6-00 Nos. 196/a and 277 are similar to Type Y with all letters thick and
b. No stop after “5D”. regular and the last “S” has the top curve rounded instead of being There are very few surviving examples of Nos. SB1/4. Listings are
s. Optd “SPECIMEN... slightly flattened. provided for those believed to have been issued with prices quoted
(b) P-10x11%2- 12% or 1114-1214x10 1904-11. As T 19, but top tablet as T 26 (thick “POSTAGE”). W 13. for those known still to exist.
231 17 2%d. on 4d. pale green (Br.). # 6:00 P12.
a. Deep green 6-00
284 6d. blue-green (27.4.04). 38-00 3-00 1904 (1 Jan)-09. Black on red cover as No. SB1 of New South
(c) P-11%4-12% a. Imperf between (vert pair). £4750 Wales. Stapled.
232 17 2Vad. ON 4d. AEEP GFE ererserssssssssesseesere 70:00 80:00 285 8d. bright ultramarine (4.7.05). 16-00 8-50 SB1 £1 booklet containing 240 1d. in four blocks of
a. Value closer (15% mm). 65:00 28:00 30 and two blocks of 60..
(d)P 15
233 17 2¥ad. on 4d. green (14.10.93) 50:00 275 b. Dull ultramarine (2.4.08)... 24-00 6:50 a. Red on pink cover (1909)
a. Fraction bar omitted ba. Ditto. Value closer (15% mm)... £100 20-00 b. Blue on pink cover . £15000
b, “2” and “Yad.” closer... £120 22:00 286 9d. rosy lake (17-17% mm) (18.7.04) 22:00 6:50
a, Value 16%2-16% mm (2.06)....... «» 65-00 7:50 1904 (1 Jan). Black on grey cover as No. SB1. Stapled.
On Nos. 229bb and 233b the base of the “1” of “2” and the back
of the large “2” are 0.5 mm apart. On normal stamps the spacing b. Brown-lake. Perf 12% small holes SB2 £1 booklet containing 120 2d. in four blocks
CTTRS ETL) Pemcesecrereertanner seeeepsceersocsaaaapeersease 16:00 24-00 ERD ssrcecattiettrcrtostetas sisbosasessunndssscaisassatsan ioasensamattTSCT
is 1 mm.
AUSTRALIA South Australia
1910 (May). Black on cream cover as Type B 1 of New South C.L. (Crown Lands) The 2d. and 6d. (both W 2. Roul) with red overprint are known
Wales. Stapled. showing the stop omitted after “T”. The 6d, and 1s. (W 2. Roul) with
Optd in red. W 2. 2d, (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-12¥2), 6d. (Roul), 1s. (Roul) red overprint are known showing “C.T., instead of “G.T/.
SB3 2s. booklet containing 11 Yd. (No. 241), either
in block of 6 plus block of 5 or block of 11, Optd in blue. (a) W 2. Roul. 4d., 6d.
and 18 1d. (No. 176a), either in three blocks (b) W 10. Roul. 2d, D.L.R. H. (Hospitals)
of 6 or block of 6 plus block of 12 Optd in black. (a) W 2. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%2-12%), 4d. (P 10), Optd tn black. (a) W 2, P 10x11%-12¥2. 4d,
Unsold stock of No. SB3 was uprated with one additional Yad. in 4d. (P 10x11%-12%), 6d. (Roul), 6d. (P 11%-12%), 1s, (P 11%-
May 1911. 12¥%2xRoul), 2s. (Roul), 2s. (P. 11-12%) (b) W 7. P 10. 2d. D.L.R.
(b) W 7. P 10. 2d. D.LR., 4d. (c) W 10, 2d. D.L.R. (P 10), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10x11%-12')
1911 (Aug). Red on pink cover as No. SB3. Stapled. (c) W 10. 2d, D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10x11%2-12%)
SB4 2s. booklet containing 12 Yad. (No. 241), either The 2s. (W 2. P 11%-12¥4) with black overprint is known showing H.A. (House of Assembly)
in two blocks of 6 or block of 12, and 18
the stop omitted after “L" Optd in red. W 2. 1d. (Roul), 2d, (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-12%), 6d. (Roul),
1d. (No. 176a), either in three blocks of6 or
1s, (Roul)
block of 6 plus block of 12..... £7000
C.O, (Commissariat Office) Optd in black. (a) W 2. 1d. (P 11%-12%), 1d. (P 10) 1d. —
Optd in red.W 2. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-12%) 6d. (Roul), 1s. (Roul) {P 10x11%-12%), 4d. (P 11%-12'%), 4d. (P 10) 6d. (Roul), 6d.
OFFICIAL STAMPS Optd in black. (a) W 2. 4d. (P 10), 4d. (P 10x11%-12%), 6d. (P 11%- (P 11¥2-12%) 1s. (P 11¥2-12%xRoul), 1s. (P 11%-12'%)
A. Departmentals 12%), 1s. (P 11%4-12¥), 2s. (Roul), 2s, (P 11%-12%) (b) W 10. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10)
Following suspected abuses involving stamps supplied for official
(b) W 10. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10)
The 6d. (W 2. Roul) with red overprint is known showing the error 1.A. (Immigration Agent)
use it was decided by the South Australian authorities that such
supplies were to be overprinted with a letter, or letters, indicating “O" for “C", and the 2s. (W 2. P 11%-12'%) with black overprint with Optd in red. W 2. 1d. (Roul), 2d. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-12%), 6d. (Roul)
the department of the administration to which the stamps had been the stop omitted after “O”.
invoiced. I.E. (Intestate Estates)
The system was introduced on 1 April 1868 using overprints C.P. (Commissioner of Police)
struck in red, Later in the same year the colour of the overprints Optd in red. W 2. 2d. (Roul). 4d. (P 11%2-12%), 6d. (Roul) Optd in black. W 10, P 10, 2d. D.L.R.
was amended blue, and, during the latter months of 1869, to black.
In 1874 the Postmaster-General recommended that this some-what C.S, (Chief Secretary) 1S. (Inspector of Sheep)
cumbersome system be replaced by a general series of “O.S." overprints
with the result that the separate accounting for the Departmentals Optd in red. W 2. 2d. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-12%), 6d. (Roul), 1s. (Roul) Optd in red. W 2. Roul. 2d., 6d.
ceased on 30 June of that year. Existing stocks continued to be used, Optd in blue. (a) W 2. Roul. 4d, 6d. Optd in blue.W 2. P 11%-12¥2, 6d.
however, and it is believed that much of the residue was passed to the (6) W 10, Roul. 2d, DLR. Optd in black. (a) W 2. 2d, D.L.R. (Roul), 6d. (P 11%=-12%xRoul)
Government Printer to pay postage on copies of the Government Gazette. Optd in black. (a) W 2. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 4d. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%- (b) W 10, 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10)
We are now able to provide a check list of these most interesting 12%xRoul), 4d, (P 11%-12'%), 4d. (P 10), 4d. (P 10x11%-12%), 6d.
issues based on the definitive work. The Departmental Stamps of South (P 11%-12¥%xRoul), 6d. (P 11%-12%), 6d. (P 10), 6d. (P 10x11%2—- L.A. (Lunatic Asylum)
Australia by A. R. Butler, FRPSL, RDP, published by the Royal Philatelic 122), 1s. (P 11%-12%xRoul), 1s. (P 11%2-12¥2), 1s. (P 10), 15. (P
Society, London in 1978. 10x11%-12%2), 2s. (P 10x11%-12'4) Optd in red. W 2, 1d. (Roul), 2d. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-12%), 6d. (Roul),
No attempt has been made to assign the various overprints to the (b) W 7, P 10, 2d. 1s. (Roul)
catalogue numbers of the basic stamps, but each is clearly identified Optd in black, (a) W 2. 4d, (P 11%-12%), 4d. (P 10), 4d. (P 10x11%2-12%),
by both watermark and perforation. the colours are similar to those of (c) W 10. 2d, D.L.R, (Roul), 2d. D.L.R, (P 10)
6d. (P 11%-12%), 1. (P 11%-12%), 2s. (Roul)
the contemporary postage stamps, but there can be shade variations. The 6d. and 1s. (W 2. Roul) with red overprint are known showing
the error “G" for “C". (6) W 10, 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10)
Errors of overprint are recorded in footnotes, but not errors occurring
on the basic stamps used,
Most departmental overprints are considered to be scarce to rare C.Sgn. (Colonial Surgeon) L.C. (Legislative Council)
in used condition, with unused examples, used multiples and covers Optd in red. W 2. 2d. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-1214), 6d. (Roul) Optd in red. W 2. Roul. 2d., 6d. ab
being regarded as considerable rarities.
Optd in black. (a) W 2, 2d, D.L.R. (Roul), 4d. (P 10), 4d. (P 10x11%-12%), Optd in black. (a) W 2. Roul. 6d.
Forgeries of a few items do exist, but most can be readily identified
6d. (Roul), 6d. (P 11%-12%xRoul) 6d, (P 11%2-12%) (b) W 10. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10xRoul)
by comparison with genuine examples. A number of forged overprints
on stamps not used for the genuine issues also occur, (6) W 10. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d, D.L.R. (P 11%-12¥2xRoul), 2d. (P 10xRoul), The 2d. and 6d. (both W 2. Roul) with red overprint are known
2d. D.L.R. (P 10) showing the stop omitted after “C".
A. (Architect) Two types of overprint exist on the 2d. D.L.R,, the second type
having block capitals instead of the serifed type used for the other L.L. (Legislative Librarian)
Optd in red with stop. W 2. 2d. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-12¥), 6d. (Roul), values,
1s, (Roul) Optd in red. W 2. 2d. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-12), 6d. (Roul)
Optd in red without stop W 2. Roul. 1d., 2d., 6d., 1s. D.B. (Destitute Board) Optd in black. (a) W 2. P 11%-12%. 6d.
Optd in black. (a) W 2. 4d. (P 10x11¥2-12¥2), 6d. (P 11%-12'4), 2s. (Roul) (b) W 10, P 10. 2d. DLR.
Optd in red. W 2, 1d, (Roul), 2d. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-12%), 6d. (Roul),
(b) W 10. 2d, D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10) 1s. (Roul) The 2d. and 6d. (both W 2. Roul) with red overprint are known
Optd in blue. (a) W 2. 2d. D.L.R, (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-12¥), 6d. (Roul) showing the stop omitted from between the two letters.
A.G, (Attorney-General)
(b) W 10. Roul, 2d, D.L.R.
Optd in red. W 2. Roul. 1d,, 2d., 6d., 15. L.T. (Land Titles)
Optd in black. (a) W 2. 1d. (P 11%-12%), 4d. (P 11%-12%4), 4d. (P 10),
Optd in blue. (a) W 2. Roul. 6d. 6d. (P 10x11¥2-12'4) 1s (P 10) Optd in red. W 2. 2d. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-12%), 6d. (Roul), 1s. (Roul)
(6) W 10, Roul, 2d. D.L.R. (6) W 10. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 112-124), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10), 2d. Optd in blue. W 10. Roul. 2d, D.L.R.
Optd in black. (a) W 2. 1d (P 11%~-12%xRoul), 4d. (P 11%-12%), 4d, D.LR. (P 10x11%-12%) Optd in black, (a) W 2. 4d. (P 11%-12'%), 4d, (P 10), 4d, (P 10x11%-12'%),
(P 10), 6d. (P 11%-12¥axRoul), 6d. (P 11%-121A), 1s. (P 11%4- The 2d. D.L.R. (W 10. P 10) with black overprint is known showing 6d. (P_ 11%-12¥%2xRoul), 6d. (P_ 11¥2-12%), 6d. (P 10), 6d.
12¥%xRoul), 1s. (P 11%-12¥2) 1s. (P 10) the stop omitted after “D" (P 10x11%-12%)
(6) W 10. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10) (6) W 7. P 10. 2d. DLR.
D.R. (Deeds Registration) (c) W 10, 2d. D.LR. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10)
A.O. (Audit Office)
Optd in red. W 2. Roul, 2d., 6d. The 2d. and 6d. (both W 2. Roul) with red overprint are known
Optd in red. W 2. 2d. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%2-12%), 6d. (Roul) showing the stop omitted after “T”. ‘
Optd in blue. (a) W 2. P 112-12. 1d., 6d. E. (Engineer)
(b) W 10. Roul. 2d, D.L.R. M. (Military)
Optd in red. W 2. 2d. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-12%), 6d. (Roul), 1s. (Roul)
Optd in black. (a) W 2. 1d. (P 11%2-12¥2), 1d, (P 10), 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), Optd in blue. (a) W 2. Roul. 1s. Optd in red. W 2. Roul. 2d., 6d., 1s.
Ad. (P 11%-12¥2) 4d. (P 10), 4d. (P 10x11%-12%), 6d. (Roul), 6d. Optd in black. W 2. 6d. (P 11%-12%xRoul), 1s. (P 11%-12%xRoull),
(6) W 10, Roul. 2d, D.L.R.
(P 11%-12%), 1s. (P 11%-1244), 1s, (P 11%-12¥%2xRoul) 2s. (Roul)
(b) W 7. P 10. 4d. Optd in black. (a) W 2. 4d, (P 11%-12'%), 4d. (P 10), 4d. (P 10x11%2-12%),
6d. (P 11¥%2-12%), 1s. (P 11%-12%xRoul), 1s. (P 11%4-12%), 1s.
(c) W 10. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10) (P 10x11%-12¥2) M.B. (Marine Board)
B.D. (Barracks Department)
(6) W 7. P 10. 4d, Optd in red. W 2. 1d. (Roul), 2d. (Roul), 4d. (Roul), 4d, (P 11%-1244),
(c) W 10. P 10. 2d, D.L.R. 6d, (Roul), 1s, (Roul)
Optd in red. W 2. Roul. 2d., 6d., 1s.
Optd in black. (a) W 2. 1d. (Roul), 1d. (P 11%-12%), 2d, DLR.
B.G. (Botanic Garden) E.B. (Education Board) (Roul), 4d, (P 11%-12%xRoul), 4d. (P 11%2-12%A), 4d, (P 10), 4d.
Optd in red. W 2. 2d. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-12%), 6d. (Roul) (P 10x11¥%-12¥%), 6d. (Roul), 6d. (P 11%2-12¥%), 6d. (P 10), 6d.
Optd in black. (a) W 2. 1d. (P 11%-12%xR), 1d. (P 11%4-12%4), 1d. (P (P 10x11%-12'%), 1s. (P 11%-12%xRoul), 1s. (P 11%2-12%) 1s.
10x11%2-12%), 2d. D.LR. (Roul), 6d. (Roul), 6d. (P 11%2-12%xRoul, Optd in blue. (a) W 2. Roul. 4d., 6d. (P 10), 1s. (P 10x11%-12¥4)
6d, (P 11%-12%), 1s. (P 11%-12¥2xRoul), 1s, (P 11%-12%), 15, (P (6) W 10. Roul. 2d. D.L.R. (b) W 7. P 10. 4d.
10), 1s. (P 10x11%-12¥%) Optd in black. (a) W 2. 2d, D.L.R. (Roul), 4d (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-12%), 4d. (c) W 10. Roul. 2d. D.L.R.
(6) W 7. P 10, 2d, D.LR. (P 10), 6d. (P 11%-12%xRoul), 6d. (P 11%x12%)
(c) W 10. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10) (b) W 7. P10. 2d. D.LR.
M.R. (Manager of Railways)
The 6d. (W 2. Roul) is known without stop after “B”, (c) W 10. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10), 2d. DLR.
(P 10x11%-12¥) Optd in red. W 2. Roul. 2d., 6d.
B.M. (Bench of Magistrates) Optd in black. (a) W 2. 1d. (P 11%-12%), 1d. (P 10), 2d. DLR.
Optd in red. W 2. Roul. 2d. G.F. (Gold Fields) (Roul), 4d. (Roul), 4d. (P. 11%-12%), 6d. (P 11%-12%xRoul), 1s.
(P 11%-12¥%2xRoul), 2s. (P 11%2-12% 1, 2s, (P 10%11%-12%)
Optd in black. W 10, Roul. 2d. D.L.R. Optd in black. (a) W 2. Roul. 6d.
(6) W 10. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. DLR. (P 10), 2d. DLR.
(6) W 10, 2d. D.LR. (P 10xRoul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10) (P 10x11%-12%)
C. (Customs)
Optd in red. W 2. 1d. (Roul), 2d. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-12'), 6d, (Roul), G.P. (Government Printer)
1s. (Roul) M.R.G. (Main Roads Gambierton)
Optd in red. W 2. Roul. 1d., 2d., 6d., 1s.
Optd in blue (a) W 2. Roul. 1d., 4d., 6d., 1s., 2s. Optd in red without stops. W 2. Roul. 2d., 6d.
Optd in blue. (a) W 2. Roul. 1d., 6d., 1s., 2s.
(6) W 10. Roul. 2d, D.L.R. Optd in blue without stops. W 10. Roul. 2d. D.L.R.
(6) W 10, Roul. 2d. D.L.R.
Optd in black. (a) W 2. 1d. (Roul), 1d. (P 10), 1d. (P 10x11%-12%), 4d. (P Optdin black. (a) W 2. 1d, (Roul), 1d. (P.11%-12%4xRoul), 1d. (P.11%4-12%) Optd in black without stops, W 10, 2d, D.L.R, (Roul), 2d, D.L.R, (Roul 10)
11%-12¥2), 4d. (P 10), 4d. (P 10x11%-12%), 6d. (Roul), 6d, (P 11%4- 1d, (P 10) 1d. (P 10x11%-12%2), 6d, (P 11%-12%xRoul), Optd in black with stops. W 10. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R, (Roul 10)
12%), 6d. (P 10), 1s. (P 11%-12¥2xRoul), 1s, (P 11%-12'%), 2s. (Roul) 1s.
(P 10x11¥2-12%), 2s. (Roul), 2s. (P 11%2-12%2) 2s. (P 10%11%2-12¥2) The 2d. DLR. (W 10. P 10) with black overprint is known showing
(b) W 7. P 10, 2d. D.L.R. the stops omitted after “M” and “R”
(6) W 10. 2d, D.LR. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10)
(c) W 10. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10xRoul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10), 2d. The 1d. and 1s, (W 2. Roul) with red overprint are known showing
D.L.R. (P 10x11%-12%) “C.P." instead of “G.P”, N.T. (Northern Territory)
The 2d, (W 10. (Roul) with black overprint is known showing the
error “G” for “C". Optd in black (a) W 2. P 11%4-12%. 1d, 3d. on 4d,, 6d, 1s,
G.S. (Government Storekeeper) (6) W 10. 2d, D.L.R, (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10)
C.D. (Convict Department) Optd in red. W 2. Roul. 2d,
Optd in red. W 2, 2d. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-12%), 6d, (Roul), 1s. (Roul) 0.A. (Official Assignee)
Optd in black. (a) W 2. 1d. (P 11%2-12%xRoul), 2d. D.LR. (Roul), 4d, G.T. (Goolwa Tramway) Optd in red.W 2. 2d. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%4-12%)
(P 11¥2-12¥2), 6d. (Roul), 6d. (P 11%-12%xRoul, 1s. (P 11%- Optd in red. W 2. 1d. (Roul), 2d. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-12%), 6d. Optd in blue. W 10. Roul. 2d, D.L.R.
12¥%xRoul) 1s. (Roul)
Optd in black. (a) W 2. P 10. 4d.
(6) W 10. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. DLR. (P 11%4-12%4), 2d. DLR. (P 11%4- Optd in black. (a) W 2. 2d. D.LR. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%4-12%)
12%xRoul) (b) W 7. P10, 2d. D.LR,
(b) W 10. Roul. 2d. D.L.R. (c) W 10. 2d, D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10xroul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10)
South Australia AUSTRALIA
P. (Police) Optd in blue. W 10. Roul. 2d. D.L.R. 023 Ad. violet-slate (14.3.76).... £200 25:00
Optd in blue. (a) W 2. Roul. 6d. Optd in black. (a) W 2. Roul. 2d. D.L.R., 6d. 024 4d. deep mauve (19.8.79). 90-00 11:00
(b) W 10. Roul. 2d. D.L.R. . (6) W 7. P10, 2d. D.L.R. a. “O.S." inverted......... £800
Optd in black. (a) W 2. 6d. (P 11%-12%xRoul), 6d. (P 11%-12%2), 6d. (c) W 10. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10xRoul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10) b. “O,S.’ double, one inverted
(P 10) The 2d. and 6d. (both W 2. Roul) with red overprint are known c. No stop after “S”.... 80-00
showing the stop omitted after “T”. 025 1 6d. Prussian blue (6.77). 7:50
(b) W 7. P10. 2d. D.LR.
a. “O.S. double. £170
(c) W 10. 2d. D.LR. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 11%-12¥2), 2d. DLR. b. “O.S. inverted
(P 11%-12¥2xRoul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10xRoul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10), 2d. T. (Treasury)
026 4 = 8d. on 9d. brown £2500
D.L.R. (P 10x11%2-12%) Optd in red. W 2, 1d. (Roul), 2d. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-12¥%2xRoul), 6d. a. “O.S.” double..
(Roul), 1s. (Roul) b, “O" only.. £2750
P.A. (Protector of Aborigines) Optd in blue. (a) W 2. Roul. 1d., 4d., 6d. O26c 9d. purple......
Optd in red. W 2. Roul. 2d., 6d. (6) W 10. Roul. 2d. D.LR. 027 1 1s. red-brown (12.2.78).
Optd in black. (a) W 2. 1d. (P 10), 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 4d. (Roul), a. “O.S.” inverted
Optd in black. (a) W 2. P. 2d. D.L.R., 6d. b. No stop after ”
Ad. (P 11%-12%), 4d. (P 10), 6d. (Roul), 6d. (P 11%-12%),
(b) W 10, 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10) 028 1s. lake-brown (8.11.83)
1s. (P 11%-12¥%xRoul), 1s. (P_ 10x11%-12%), 2s. (Roul), 2s.
(P 11¥%-12%), 2s. (P 10x11%-12'2) 029 3 2s. rose-carmine (12.8.85)
P.O. (Post Office) a. “O.S." double..
(b) W 7. P 10. 2d. D.L.R.
b. “O.S.” inverted
Optd in red.W 2. Roul. 1d., 2d., 6d., 1s. (c) W 10, 2d. D,L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10) c. No stop after “S’
Optd in blue. (a) W 2. Roul. 2d.
(b) W 10, Roul. 2d. D.L.R. T.R. (Titles Registration) 1891-1902. Optd with Type O 2.
Optd in black. (a)W 2. 1d. (P 10x11%2-12¥), 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. Optd in black. (a) W 2. 4d. (P 11%-12%), 4d. (P 10X11%2-12%), 6d. (a) W8.P11%-12%
(P 11%-12%xRoul), 4d. (P 11%4-12%), 6d, (Roul), 6d. (P 11%x12%), (P 11%-12%), 1s. (P 11%-12%) 030 1 1s, lake-brown (18.4.91)
1s. (P 11%-12'%xRoul, 1s. (P 11%x12%) 1s. (P 11%-1214), 1s. (P 10) (6b) W 10. P 10. 2d. D.L.R. 031 1s. Vandyke brown
1s. (P 10x11%-12%) 032 1s. dull brown (2.7.96,
(6) W 10. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. (P 11%-12%xRoul), 2d. D.L.R. a. No stop after “S”....
V. (Volunteers)
(P 10xRoul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10) 033 1s. sepia (large holes) (4.1.02).
The 4d. (W 2, P 11%-12%) with black overprint is known showing Optd in black. (a) W 2. 4d. (P 10x11%-12%), 6d. (P 11%-12%), 1s. a. “O.S." double..
the stop omitted after “O", (P 11%-12%) b. No stop after “
(6) W 10. P 10, 2d. D.L.R. 034 3 2s. carmine (26.6.00)
PS. (Private Secretary) (c) W 10, 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10xRoul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10) a. No stop after “S"
Optd in red. W 2. 1d. (Roul), 2d. (Roul), 4d. (P 11-12%), 6d, (Roul), The 2d. (W 10. P 10xRoul) overprinted in black is only known (b) W8. P 10x11%4-12%
1s. (Roul) showing the stop omitted after “V" 035 3 2s. rose-carmine (9.11.95) 10-00
a. No stop after “S”
Optd in black. (a) W 2. 1d. (P 11%-12%xRoul), 1d. (P 11%-12%), 1d.
VA. (Valuator of Runs) b. “0.S." double
(P 10), 2d. (Roul), 3d. (in black) on 4d. (P 11%2-12%), 3d. (in red)
on 4d. (P 10), 3d. (in black) on 4d. (P 10), 4d. (P 11%-12%), 4d. Optd in black without stop after “V" (a) W 2, Roul. 4d. (c) W 10. P11%-12%
(P 10), 4d. (P 10x11¥%2-12¥2) 6d. (Roul), 6d. (P 11%-12%xRoul), (b) W 10. P 10. 2d. D.L.R. 036 1 1s. dull DrOWN (1902),.ccsccsscesseessesseees 95-00 42:00
6d, (P 11¥%2-12%), 6d. (P 10), 9d. (Roul), 9d. (P 11%-12%) 10d. on
9d. (P 10), 10d. on 9d. (P 10x11%-12Y4), 1s. (P 11%-12¥2xRoul) VN. (Vaccination) 1874-76. Optd with Type O 1, W 10.
(b) W 7. P 10. 2d. D.L.R. (a) P10
Optd in black without stop after “V” W 2. 4d. (P 10), 4d.
(c) W 10. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10) (P 10x11%-12%) 037 11 1d. blue-green (30.9.75) 35:00
a. “O.S” inverted...
P.W. (Public Works) b. No stop after “S”
W. (Waterworks) 038 12 2d. orange-red (18.2.74) 6-50
Optd in red without stop after “W”. W 2. Roul. 2d., 6d., 1s. Optd in red. W 2. Roul. 2d. a. No stop after “S” 50-00
Optd in black. (a) W 2. 2d, D.L.R. (Roul), 4d. (P 10), 6d. (Roul), 6d. Optd in black. W 10. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10) b. “O.S" double..
(P 11%-12%), 1s. (P 11%-12%xRoul) The 2d. (W 2. Roul) with red overprint is known showing the stop (b) P 10X11%4-12%2, 11%2-124%2x10, or compound
(6) W 10, 2d, D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10) omitted after “W". 039 11 1d, blue-green (16.9.75)
a. No stop after “S”
R.B. (Road Board) 040 12 = _.2d. orange-red (27.9. 27-00
B. General
Optd in red. W 2. 1d. (Roul), 2d. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-12¥2), 6d. (Roul), () P11%-12%
1s. (Roul) 041 11 1d. blue-green (13.8.75) 60:00
Optd in blue without stops. W 10. Roul. 2d D.L.R a. “O.S." inverted
0.S. 0), . b. No stop after”
Optd in black. (a) W 2. 1d. (P 11%-12¥%2xRoul), 1d. (P 10), 4d. (Roul), 042 12 2d. orange-red (20.5.74)
4d. (P 10), 6d. (P 10), 2s. (Roul) (0 1) (O 2) £150
(b) W 7. P 10. 2d. D.L.R.
1874-77. Optd with Type O 1. W 2. 1876-80, Optd with Type O 1. W 13.
(c)W 10, 2d, D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. (D.L.R.) (P 10xRoul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10)
(a) P10 (a) P10
The 6d, (W 2. Roul) with red overprint is known showing the stop 043 11 1 . blue-green (2.10.76) 1:75
| omitted after “B” O01 3 4d. dull purple (18.2.74) cscs £2750 £550
. “O.S" inverted £110
(b) P-11%-124%x10
. “O.S." double.. £110
R.G. (Registrar-General) 02 1. 1d. green (2.1.74) — £450 “O,S." double, one inverted
03 3 4d, dull violet (12.2.75 £120 6:00
Optd in red.W 2. Roul. 2d., 6d., 1s. 04 1. 6d. Prussian blue (20.10.75 £160 11-00
» NO StOPS.....cscssenee 60:00
Optd in blue. (a) W 2. P 11%-12%xRoul. 6d. . No stop after “O
O4a 3 2s. rose-pink.
(b) W 10, 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d, D.L.R. (P 11%-12%xRoul) O05 2s. carmine (3.12. = END)
. No stop after “S” 21-00
. Deep green. 1-00
Optd in black. (a) W 2. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 6d. (P 10), 6d. (P 10%11%-12%), () P-11%4-12% . “OS! doubl £140
1s. (P 11%-12%xRoul), 1s. (P 10) 06 11d. deep yellow-green (30,1.74) ..... 044 12 Na. orange-red (21.9.77) 1:00
(6) W 7. P 10. 2d. D.L.R. a. Printed on both sides.. . "OS. inverted 65:00
(oc) W 10. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d, D.L.R, (P 10xRoul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10), 0O7 3 3d. on 4d. ultramarine (26.6. . “O.S." double.. £120
2d, D.L.R. (P 10x11%2-12%2) a. No stop after “S"..... . "0.8" double, one inverted
The 2d. (W 2. Roul) with red overprint is known showing “C” for “G". 08 4d. dull violet (13.7.74 . “O.S"" double, both inverted £325
a. No stop after “S”..... - NO StOPS.......06. £110
S. (Sheriff) 09 1. (6d. bright blue (31.8.75). . No stop after “O” 28-00
a, “O.S. double... . No stop after “S”
| Optd in red. W 2. Roul. 2d., 6d. 010 6d. Prussian blue( > . Dull brick-red 75-00 1:00
| Optd in blue. W 10. Roul. 2d. D.L.R. a. No stop after “S”......
011 4 9d, red-purple (22.3.76).. (b) P 10x11%4-12%, 11%-124%x10 or compound
| Optd in black. (a) W 2. 6d. (Roul), 6d. (P 11%-12%xRoul), 6d. 045 111d, deep green (14.8.80) 60-00
| (P. 11%-12%), 6d. (P 10) a. No stop after “S”
012 1 1s. red-brown (5.8.74)
a. “O.S." double........
(b) W 10. 2d. D.LR. (Roul), 2d, D.L.R. (P 10xRoul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 10) a. “O.S" double...
046 12 2d. orange-red (6.4.78 28.00
b. No stop after “S” a. "O.S." inverted... £300
S.C. (Supreme Court) b. No stop after “S” £130
013 3 2s. crimson-carmine
Optd in red. W 2. Roul. 2d. 6d. a, No stop after “S” () P11%-12%
Optd in black. W 10, P 10, 2d, D.L.R. b. No Stops... 047 12 2d. orange-red (15.7.80) cece 90-00
c. Stops at top of letter:
1882 (20 Feb). No. 181 optd with Type O 1.
S.G. (Surveyor-General) 1876-85. Optd with Type O 1. W 8. 048 11 ‘Yad. on 1d. blue-green £110 23-00
Optd in red. W 2. 2d. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-12'), 6d. (Roul) (a) P10 a. “O.S. inverted...
Optd in blue. (a) W 2. Roul, 4d. 014 1 6d, bright blue (1879) ....scssneee £170 18:00
(b) W 10. Roul. 2d. D.L.R. 1888 (15 Nov)-91. Nos. 184 and 185a optd with Type O 1 mal;
(b) P 10x11%-12%, 11%4-124%2x10, or compound
| Optd in black. (a) W 2. 2d, D.L.R. (Roul), 4d. (P 11¥%2-12%), 4d. (P 10) 015 3 4d, violet-slate (24.1.78). meet O 8-50 049 17 4d. pale violet (24.1.91).. £120 8-00
4d. (P 10x11%-12%), 6d. (P 11%-12¥%xRoul), 6d. (P 11%-12'2), 016 4d, plum (29.11.81). 70:00 2:75 O50 18) 6d. DlUe... rece 48-00 1:25
6d, (P 10), 6d. (P 10«11%-12%) O17 4d. deep mauve... 70:00 2:50 a. “O.S." double
(b) W 7. P 10. 2d. D.L.R. a. No stop after “S” £225 50-00 b. No stop after “S
(c) W 10. 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 11%-12%), 2d. D.LR. b. No stop after “O”
c. “O.S" double... 1891. Nos. 229b and 231a/2 optd with Type O 1.
(P 10xRoul), 2d. D.L R (P 10)
The 2d. (W 7 and W 10. P 10) with black overprint are known d. “O.S." inverted. — £275 (a) P10
e. Imperf between (horiz pair) 051 17 2%d. on 4d. deep green (Br.) (1 Aug) £130 13-00
showing “C" for “G”.
018 1 6d. bright blue (1877). £140 5-00 a. “2” and “Y2” closer together......... 50:00
a. “O.S" inverted... b. “O.S. inverted...
S.M. (Stipendiary Magistrate)
b. No stop after “O” c. “O.S"" double... rae
| Optd in red. W 2. Roul. 1d., 2d., 4d., 6d., 15. c, Mixed perfs 10 and 11% — if d, “OS. omitted (in vert pair with
| Optd in blue. (a) W 2. Roul. 2d., 4d., 6d. 019 6d. bright ultramarine (27.3.85) £140 5-00 normal)
(6) W 10, Roul. 2d, D.LR, a. “O.S, inverted. e. No stop after “S'
b. “O.S." double...
Optd in black. (a) W 2. 1d. (P 11%-12¥2), 1d. (P 10), 2d. D.L.R. (Roul),
c. “O.S. double, one inverted... — £550
(b) P.10x11%4-12% or 11%4-12%2x10.
4d. (Roul), 4d. (P 11%-12¥2xRoul), 4d. (P 11%-12%), 4d. (P 10), 4d. O52 17° 2d. on 4d, deep green (Br.) (1 Oct).. £140 27:00
d. No stop after “Ss... £550 75-00
(P 10x11%-12'%), 6d. (P 11%-12%2xRoul), 6d. (P 11%2-12%), 6d. () P11%4-12%
e. No stops after “O” and “S”
(P 10), 6d. (P 10x11%-12%), 1s. (P 11%-12%xRoul) 053 17 2d. on 4d. deep green (Br.) (1 June)_ £250 85-00
020 1s, red-brown (27.3.83)... 90-00 7-00
(b) W 7. P 10. 2d, D.LR. a. “OS.” inverted.
(QC) W 10, 2d. D.L.R. (Roul), 2d. D.L.R. (P 11%4-12%), 2d. D.L.R. b. No stop after “O 1891-96. Optd with Type O 2. W 13.
(P 10xRoul) 2d. D.L.R. (P 10), 2d D.L.R. (P 10x11%-12%) c. No stop after “S”. — 80:00 (a)P 10
The 2d. and 4d. (both W 2. Roul) with red overprint are known 021 3 2s. carmine (16.3.81 £275 8-50 054 11 1 . deep green (22.4.91) 70:00 2:00
| showing the stop omitted after “M’. a. “O.S. inverted. — £475 . "OS." double... £180 85-00
b. No stop after “S”. — £110 . "0.8." double, one inverted.
S.T. (Superintendent of Telegraphs) () P11%-12% . No stop after “S” £110 13-00
Optd in red. W 2. Roul, 2d., 6d. O22 3B 3d. OM 4d. UltraMAriNe ....secscecsessesneee £7500 . Blackish blue op
agQnoo2aQa £250 4:50

AUSTRALIA South Australia, Tasmania
O55 12 2d. orange-red (22.4,91).. 60-00 3-50 TASMANIA 22
4d. blue (5.57)
4d. pale blue (5.57). —
a. “O.S." double.......
b. “0.5.” double, both inverted PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER (b) Pelure paper
c. No stop after “S” — 26-00 24 3 1d. deep red-brown (11.56) srvsssssssese £8000 £750
Nos, 1/4 from x 6
Nos. 5/12 from x 5

(b) P15
056 11.‘ 1d. green (8.9.94) 29:00 1:25 Nos. 14/24 from x 3
a. “O.S"" doubl Nos. 25/56 from x5
b. No stop after“ Nos. 57/77 from x 6
c. “O.S’ inverted...... Nos. 78/9 _
057 12 2d. orange-red (16.6.94). 27:00 60 Nos. 80/90 from x 3
a. “O.S." double... — 80-00 No. 91 _
b. “O.S." inverted. “tf — 60:00 Nos. 92/109 from x 3
No. 110 _
(c) P13 Nos. 111/23 from x 3
058 1 1d. green (20,5.95) ... 38-00 1:25
Nos. 124/6 =
a. No stop after “S” £150 10-00
Nos. 127/34 from x 5
O59 12 2d. orange-red (11.2.96).. 42-00 50
Nos. 135/55 from x 4
a. “O.S. double.. £300
Nos. 156/8 from x 20
b. No stop after “S' £140 10-00 (Recess H. Best (August 1857—May 1859), J. Davies (August 1859-
c. “O.S. inverted Nos. 159/66 from x 10
March 1862), J. Birchall (March 1863), M. Hood (October 1863-
Nos. 167/9 from x 15
April 1864), Govt Printer (from July 1864), all from P.B. plates)
Nos. 170/4 from x 6
1891-99. Optd with Type O 2. W 13 (sideways on ¥2d,). Nos, 216/22 from x 15 1857 (Aug) - 67. Wmk double-lined numerals “1”, “2” or “4” as W 4
Nos. 223/5 — on appropriate value. Imperf.
Nos. 226/7 from x 15 25 3 1d. deep red-brown £1000 50-00
060 15. ‘Ad: 50:00 9-50
Nos. 229/36 from x 20 26 1d. pale red-brown.. £600, 40-00
a. 27 1d. brick-red (1863). £425 | 40-00
b. No stop after “S” £140 50:00 Nos. 237/57 from x 10
No. 258 = 28 1d. dull vermilion (1 £350 35:00
061 17 4d. pale violet (13.2.91).. 70-00 4:75
Nos. 259/62 from x 10 29 1d. carmine (1867)...... £350 30-00
a. “O.S." double
30 2d. dull emerald-gree! — £130
b. “S’ omitted — £160
31 2d. Green... — 60:00
c. No stop after “S Nos. F1/25 =
32 2d. yellow-green... £900 £110
d. Aniline violet (31.8.93)... 70:00 11-00 Nos. F26/9 from x 15
33 2d. deep green (1858) £850 70:00
da. “O.S." double.. Nos. F30/9 =
dc. No stop after “S” 34 2d. slate-green (1860) £375 85-00
35 4d. deep blue — 85-00
062 18 = 6d. blue (4.4.93) 42:00 2:50
a. No stop after“ 36 4d. pale blue. £400 26:00
SPECIMEN OVERPRINTS. Those listed are from U.P.U. distributions 37 4d. blue....... £400 28-00
b. Blackish blue opt.. between 1892 and 1904. Further “Specimen” overprints exist, but 38 4d. bright blue. £400 28-00
(b) P 10x11%-12%
these were used for other purposes. a. Printed on both sides... + —
063 15 Yad. DIOWN (26.3.95) wrsmsssrmeninene 45:00 8:00 39 4d. cobalt-blue — 85:00
Printings before July 1864 were all carried out at the Courier printing
() P11%-12% works which changed hands several times during this period.
064 15 Yad. red-brown (13.6.91) ....ccscsseseeee 80:00 15:00
(a) P15 CANCELLATIONS. Beware of early Tasman
065 15 Yad. pale brown (8.6.95)... 75:00 19-00 cancellations cleaned off and faked postme
066 17 4d. slate-violet (4.4.95 95:00 5:50
a. “O.S’ double.. £475 = £120 aN (Recess P.B.)
067 18 6d. blue (20.9.93) 60-00 4.25 a Lyon Ace Tes
1858. Wmk double-lined numerals “6” or “12” as W 4. Imperf.
(e) P13 40 7 6d. dull lilac (H/S “CANCELLED” in oval
068 15 ‘ad. deep brown (17.5.98) 60:00 6-00 £13000))-sccsccscessevesswnnnecsseee nee £1200 90:00
a. Opt triple, twice sideway: £375 (Eng C.W. Coard. Recess H. and C. Best at the Courier newspaper, 41 8 1s. vermilion (shades) (H/S
b. “O.S. inverted. Hobart) “CANCELLED” in oval £12000) werssessesn £800 80:00
069 17 4d. violet (12.96) . £120 3-00 1853 (1 Nov). 24 varieties in four rows of six each. No wmk.
a. “O.S!’ doubl £450 £110 Imperf. (Recess J. Davies (March 1860), J. Birchall (April 1863), Govt Printer
b. No stop after“ £350 55-00 (a) Medium soft yellowish paper with all lines clear and distinct (from February 1865), all from P.B. plates)
070 18 6d. blue (13.9.99) 65:00 275 1 ll 1d. pale blue.. .. £11000 £1500 1860 (Mar)-67. Wmk double-lined “6” as W 4. Imperf.
a. No stop after “ £225 80-00 2 -- £11000 £1500 44 7 £800 85:00
(b) Thin hard white paper with lines of the engraving blurred and worn 45 — 90-00
1891-95. Nos. 229b, 230a and 231a optd with Type O 2. 3 1 1d. pale blue.. .. £10000 £1300 46 £700 85:00
4 1d. blue. - £10000 £1300 47 £1100 £140
(a)P 10
48 6d. slate-violet (2.65)... £800 75:00
071 17 2ad. on 4d. deep green (Br.) (18.8.94) 48:00 25:00 49 6d. reddish mauve (4.67) £1100 £180
a. Fraction bar omitted........
1853 (1 Nov). No wmk. Imperf. In each plate there are 24 varieties
in four rows of six each. In 1871 reprints were made of the 6d. (in mauve) and the 1s.
b, “2” and 2" closer together. £120 55-00 on white wove paper, and perforated 11%. They are found with or
c. “O.S. inverted....... £500 (a) Plate |. Finely engraved. All lines in network and background
thin, clear, and well defined without “REPRINT” In 1889 they were again reprinted on white card,
d. No stop after “S”. — 85-00 imperforate. These later impressions are also found overprinted
072 18 5d. on 6d. deep brown (C.) (2.12.91) 48-00 18:00 (i) First state of the plate, brilliant colours “REPRINT” and perforated 11.
a, No stop after “5D” £250 5 2 4d. bright red-orange £8500 £1000
b. No stop after “S”.... £180 70:00 6 4d. bright brownish orange e5 — £1300
PERFORATED ISSUES. From 1 October 1857 the Tasmania Post Office
(b) P 10x11%-12% (ii) Second state of plate, with blurred lines and worn condition only supplied purchasers requiring five or more complete sheets of
073 17 2%2d. on 4d. deep green (Br,) (17.9.95) — 85-00 of the central background stamps. The public obtained their requirements, at face value, from
drs OS POGUDI OSs mrmantensncarcereiree 7 2 =4d. red-orange.. £6000 £475 licensed stamp vendors, who obtained their stocks at a discount
8 4d, orange....... £5500 £450 from the Post Office.
1897-1901. Nos. 235/6 and 238a optd with Type O 2. 9 4d. pale orange me — £450 From 1863 onwards a number of the stamp vendors applied their
(b) Plate Il. Coarse engraving, lines in network and background own roulettes or perforations. The Hobart firm of J. Walch & Sons
(a) P15 thicker and blurred achieved this so successfully that they were given an official contract
074 23 5d. brown-purple (29.3.01) nus £110 19:00 in July 1869 to perforate sheets for the Post Office. The Government
10 2 4d. orange....... £5500 £425
(b) P13 11 4d, dull orange... £5500 £375 did not obtain a perforating machine until late in 1871.
O75 22 =2%Ad. violet-blue (12.5.97).. £100 7-50 12 Ad. yellowish orange £5500 £375
a. No stop after “S” — 65-00 In the 4d. Plate |, the outer frame-line is thin all round. In Plate II 1863-71. Double-lined numeral watermarks. Various unofficial
076 23 5d, purple (29.9.01).. £110 26-00 it is, by comparison with other parts, thicker in the lower left angle. roulettes and perforations.
a. No stop after “S” The 4d. is known on vertically laid paper from proof sheets. (a) By J. Walch & Sons, Hobart
Examples from Plate | have the lines close together and those from (i) Roulette about 8, often imperf x roul (1863-68)
Plate Il wide apart (Price £10,000 unused). 50 3 1d. brick-red.... : — £475
In 1879 reprints were made of the 1d. in blue and the 4d., Plate |,
51 1d, carmine £900 £300
in brownish yellow, on thin, tough, white wove paper, and perforated 52 2d. yellow-green — £1200
11¥2. In 1887, a reprint from the other plate of the 4d. was made in 53 2d. slate green...
0, S. reddish brown and black on thick white paper, imperforate, and in
(0 3) 1889 of the 1d. in blue and in black, and of the 4d. (both plates) in
yellow and in black on white card, imperforate. As these three plates
1899-1901. Optd with Type O 3. W 13. P 13. 56 1s. vermilion... — £1300
were defaced after the stamps had been superseded, all these reprints
080 24 ‘ad, yellow-green (12.2.00). 21:00 7:50 show two, or three thick strokes across the Queen's head. (ii) P 10 (1864-69)
a. “O.S inverted. £140 All three plates were destroyed in July 1950, 57 3 1d. brick-red £170 60:00
b. No stop after “S” 85-00 58 1d. dull vermilion. £170 50:00
081 11 1d. rosine (22.9.99).. 27-00 1:60 59 1d. carmine.... £140 50:00
a. “O.S." inverted. £140 90-00
PERKINS BACON “CANCELLED”, For notes on these handstamps, 60 2d. yellow-green £800 £150
b. “O.S/ double... + £475 showing “CANCELLED” between horizontal bars forming an oval, 61 2d. slate-green.. £800 £200
see Catalogue Introduction. 62 4d. pale blue.. £375 20-00
c. No stop after ” £100 18-00
082 12 2d. bright violet (1.6.00). 32:00 80 63 4d, blue....... £375 20:00
a. “O.S." inverted. £130 65-00 (Eng W. Humphrys, after water-colour sketch by E. Corbould. Recess PB.) 64 7 ‘6d. grey-viole £550 25:00
b, “O.S"" double... 1855 (17 Aug-16 Sept). Wmk Large Star. W w 1. Imperf. 65 6d. dull cobalt £750 £100
c. No stop after “S”, 90:00 18-00 14 3 1d. carmine (16.9) (H/S 66 6d. slate-violet.. — 48-00
083 22 2%d. indigo (2.10.01). 80:00 19:00 “CANCELLED” in oval £12000)... £10000 £900 67 6d. reddish mauve. £800 £100
a. “O.S." inverted. £425 £170 15 2d. deep Green (16.9) suc £5500 £550 68 8 1s. vermilion...... £550 50-00
b. No stop after“S £300 16 2d. green (16.9) (H/S “CANCELLED” a. Imperf vert (horiz pair).
084 17 ~— 4d, violet (18.11.00) 80:00 5-50 in oval £13000) .. £5500 £450 (ili) P 12 (1865-71—from July 1869 under contract to the Post Office)
a. “O.S’ inverted. £450 17 4d. deep blue... -- £4750 £130 69 3 1d. dull vermilion.. £150
b. No stop after “S” £250 18 4d. blue (H/S “CANCELLED” in oval 70 1d, carmine...... a £1107 2200
085 18 6d. blue (8.10.00). 40:00 5:50 a. Error. Wmkd “2” (pen cancel £300) — £2750
£12000) ieresssssoucssnsss £4750 = £130
a, No stop after “S” £140 Proofs of the 1d. and 4d. on thick paper, without watermark, are 71 2d. yellow-green «- £600 95:00
1891 (May). Optd as Type O 3 but wider. W 13. P 10. sometimes offered as the issued stamps. The 6d. dull lilac on this 72 £300 21:00
O86 19 2s.6d, pale violet... £7000 £5500 watermark was prepared, but not issued. Examples exist from a 73 £300 23-00
087 5s. pale rose. £7500 £6000 creased proof sheet (Price £750 unused). 74 — 60:00
Only one sheet (60) of each of these stamps was printed. 75 7 .slate-violet .. £375 29-00 i
(Recess H. and C. Best, Hobart, from PB. plates) a. Imperf between (vert pair)...
The use of stamps overprinted “O S” was made invalid by the Posts 1856 (Apr)-57. No wmk. Imperf. 76 6d, reddish mauve. . £160 42:00
and Telegraph Act of 1November 1902. (a) Thin white paper a. Imperf between (vert or horiz
19 3 1d. pale brick-red (4.56) pair) (pen cancel £200)...
~ £13000 £650 Ze) 8 1s. vermilion £425 70:00 ©
South Australia became part of the Commonwealth of Australia 20 2d. dull emerald-green (1.57) £16000 £950
on 1 January 1901. 21 4d. deep blue (5.57) b. Imperf between (horiz pair)
£2500 £130 (pen cancel £275)...
(iv) Perf compound 10x12 (1865-69) (Recess P.B.) (Typo Govt Printer, Hobart (some printings of 1d. in 1891
78 3 1d. carmine £3000 1871. Wmk double-lined numeral “12” P 11% by the Post Office. by Mercury Press) from plates made by Victoria Govt Printer,
79 4d, blue... — -£2500 134a Bee LS VENIAM ON iret ennnsistevtsssssinatigtsscrereee Melbourne ('d.) or D.L.R. (others))
(b) P 12% byR.Harris, Launceston (1864-68) 1880 (Apr)-91. W 16.
80 3 1d. brick-red.... £160 50-00 (Recess Govt Printer, Hobart) (a)P 11%
81 1d. dull vermilion £150 50-00 159 11 “Ad. orange (8.3.89) 3-00 3-25
1871-91. Double-lined numeral watermarks as W 4. Perforated by
82 1d, carmine....... 95:00 24-00 the Post Office. a. Deep orange... 3-00 3-25
83 2d. yellow-green. £750 £170 160 1d. dull red (14.2.89).. 14-00 3-25
84 2d. slate-green. £650 £180 (a)P 11% a. Vermilion-red 10:00 2:50
85 4d. blUC.......000 £400 55-00 135 7 6d. dull lilac.. £225 22:00 b. Wedge flaw £120 35:00
86 4d. bright blue. £400 55-00 136 6d. . £200 22-00 161 3d. red-brown .. 23-00 5-00
87 7 ‘6d. dull cobalt.. £750 £100 a. Imperf between (vert pair)......... — £1700 a. Imperf (pair) . £450
88 6d. slate-violet. £550 60-00 b. Imperf between (horiz pair). b. Plate scratch. — 75-00
89 6d. reddish mauv £800 £130 137 6d. deep slate-lilac (3.75)... £200 22-00 162 4d. deep yellow (1.83 75:00 18-00
90 8 1s. vermilion.... £650 £130 a. Imperf (pair)...... =) £1300 a. Chrome-yellow. 75:00 20-00
a. Imperf between (horiz pair) (pen 138 6d, bright violet (5.78) £225 35-00 6. Olive-yellow. £140 27-00
cancel £300)... petit b, Imperf between (horiz pair). £3500 CABULT crcvewcesecer
(©) Imperfxoblique janie 11% at Oatlands (1866) 139 6d, dull reddish lilac (10.79). £190 40-00
140 8 1s. brown-red (1.73)... £300 65:00 (b) P12
91 3 = 4d. blue. — £800 163 11. ‘Yad. orange 5:00 6-50
91a 7 ‘6d. dull cobalt... t — a. Imperf between (ho:
141 1s, orange-red (3.75). £275 65:00 a. Deep orange... 5:00 6-50
(d) Oblique roulette 10-101, possibly at Deloraine (1867) 141a 1s. orange (5.78) ab. Wmk sideways..
92 3 1d. brick-red.. — £750 164 1d. pink (1891) 38:00 14:00
93 1d, carmine.... £2500 £650 (b) P12 a. Imperf (pair) . £400 £425
94 2d. yellow-green. — £1100 142 7 6d. reddish purple (1884). £160 20-00 b. Rosine... 32:00 10-00
95 4d. bright blue. — £850 a. Imperf between (horiz pair)... £2000 c. Dull rosin 32:00 11:00
96 7 ‘6d. grey-violet.. — £1500 143 6d. dull claret (7.91) 50:00 14-00 ca. Imperf (pair).. £375
(e) ae roulette 14-15, probably at Cleveland (1867-69) The perforation machine used on Nos. 142/3 was previously owned d. Wedge flaw £200 65-00
by J. Walch and Sons and passed to the ownership of the Government 165 3d, red-brown. 8:00 8-50

97 1d. brick-red... — £1000
98 1d. dull vermilion — £1000 in 1884. It may have been used to perforate leftover sheets of previous a. Imperf betw £2250
99 1d. carmine.... — £1000 b. Plate scratch.. 95:00 80-00
100 2d. yellow-green... — £1400 166 4d. deep yellow.. £130 29-00
a. Chrome-yellow.. £150 23-00

101 4d. pale blue. — £1000
102 7 6d. grey-violet.. — £1800 ab. Printed both sides..... . £1500
103 8 1s, vermilion. =) £2250
(f) Pin-perf 5% to 9% at Longford (1867)
the 1d., 2d., 3d., 4d. blue, 9d., 10d. and 5s. were reprinted on soft
104 3 = 1d. carmine... £1000 £300
105 2d. yellow-green... white wove paper to be followed, in 1879, by the 4d. yellow and
106 4d. bright blue. — £550 8d, on rough white wove. Both these reprintings were perforated
107 7 ~~ 6d. grey-violet.. — £550 11%. In 1886 it was decided to overprint remaining stocks with the
108 6d, reddish mauv — £1200 word “REPRINT”.
109 8 1s. vermilion In 1889 Tasmania commenced sending sample stamps to the U.P.U.
in Berne and a further printing of the 4d. blue was made, imperforate,
(g) Pin-per 12 at Oatlands iee on white card. This, together with the 5s. in mauve on white card,
110 3 4d. blue. both perforated 11% and overprinted “REPRINT”, were included in
(h) Pin-perf 13
13 tto014% (1867) presentation sets supplied to members of the states’ legislatures
111 3 1d. brick-red.... — £700 in 1901.
112 1d. dull vermilion. — £700
113 1d. carmine .......
114 2d. yellow-green... — £1200
115 4d. pale blue. — £600
116 7 6d. grey-viole — £1200

117 8 1s. vermilion.
LeSerrated perf 19 at Hobart (1868-69)
3 d, carmine (pen-cancel £20)
ad yellow-green...

£750 Halfpenny
120 4d. deep blue... £1700 =£225 (17) (18) (2% mm _ (19) (3% mm
121 4d. cobalt-blue. — £225 between “d’, between “d”
122 7 6d, slate-violet... — £1000 “Wedge” flaw (Right and “2") and “2”)
123 8 1s. vermilion. pane R, 10/6)
1889 (1 Jan). No. 156b surch locally with T 17.
(k) Roul 4%, possibly at Macquarie River (1868)
167 WA) Wed Tom) 12s Carletecccscressscssinceescevesecons 10:00 22-00
124 3 4d. blue... a a. “al” in “Half” printed sideways
125 Zz. Gd. reddish mauve. (R. 1/2)... £1800 £1600
126 8 1s. vermilion No. 167a occurred in a secondprinting and was later corrected.
| An example of the 1d. carmine is known perforated 10 on three A reprint on white card, perforated 11% or imperforate, overprinted
_ sides and serrated 19 on the fourth. “REPRINT” was produced in 1901.
__ These local separations (Nos. 91/126) were sometimes applied only
_ between the horizontal rows or vertical columns of sheets, so that 1891 (1 Jan—June). Surch locally. W 16.
| pairs can be found ‘imperforate vertically’ or ‘imperforate horizontally’
(a) With T18.P 11%
For stamps perforated 11% or 12 by the Post Office see Nos, 134a/43.
Plate scratch (Left pane R. 10/1) 168 11 2%4d. on 9d. pale blue 20-00 4:25
a. Surch double, one inverted £700 £800
(Typo Govt Printer, Hobart, from plates made by D.L.R.) ©. Deep bIUe (May) sesssssssersoreeeee 12:00 7-50
1871 (25 Mar)-78. W 15. (b) With T 19. P12
169 11.
2%ad. on 9d. pale blue June 5:00 3-50
(a)P 11% a. Blue surch
144 11 1d, rose (5.71)... a 15-00 2:25 A reprint, using a third setting, perforated 11% and overprinted
a. Imperf (pair)(pen: cancel £150). — £1300 “REPRINT” was produced in 1901.
b. i
G (Typo Govt Printer, Hobart)
d. 1891 (Apr—Aug). W 15.
e. Vermilion (4.75)..
f. Wedge flaw... (a)P 11%
145 2d. deep green (11.72) a 170 11. Yd. orange 75:00 45-00
12 A. BIUC-Gre@N essere. a. Brown-o) 48:00 42-00

b. Yellow-green (12.75). 171 1d. rosine....... 23:00 10:00
146 3d. pale red-brown.. a. Wedge flaw £225 90-00
a. Imperf (pair)........ (b) P12
b. Imperf horiz (vert pa 172 11. ‘Yad. orange 65:00 42:00
c, Deep red-brown...... a. Imperf (pair)... £300
d. Purple-brown (1.78 173 1d. dull rosine.. 40:00 38:00
da, Plate scratch... 55:00 38-00
e. Brownish purple. £325 - £225
147 4d. pale yellow (8.8.76 174 22:00 30-00
a. Ochre (7.78)
. BUFF ss
148 9d. blue (2.10.71)
a. Imperf (pair,
b. Double print...
(Typo Govt Printer, Hobart, from plates made by D.L.R.) 149 5s. purple (pen cancel £3.75) £325 80-00
| 1870 (1 Nov)-71. Wmk single-lined numerals W 12 (2d.), 13 (1d., 6. Mauve. £300 80-00
| 4d.) or 14 (1d,, 10d,), (b) P12
(a) P 12 byJ.Walch & Sons 150 1 1d, £140 26-00
74 yi. id . rose-red (wmk “10").. £120 19-00 a. £150 28-00
b. Deep rose-red...... £130 14-00 b. — £140 20 21a
128 1d. rose-red (wmk “4") £140 55-00 151 2d. green....... £650 £140
| ; a. Imperf (pair)... t _ 152 3d, red-brown.. £130 21:00 (Typo D.LR.)
129 2d. yellow-green... £180 10-00 a. Deep red-brown... £130 21:00 1892 (12 Feb)-99. W 16, P 14.
b. Blue-green... £190 10:00 153 4d. buff...... £350 23-00 216 20 ‘4d. orange and mauve (11.92) 2-75 1:25
ba. Double prin 154 9d. pale blue. 55:00 217 21 2-75 1:75
130 4d. blue... £1200 £475 a. Imperf between (horiz pair, £3750 218 20 7-00 3-75
131 10d. black. 24:00 48-00 155 5s. purple. £550 219 15-00 475
a. Imperf (pair) wo» £700 a, Mauve .. £450 220 21a 10d. purple-lake and deep green
(b) P 11% by the Post Office (1871) (30.1.99) 11:00 14-00
(Typo D.LR.) 221 20 1s. rose and green (11.92) 12:00 3-00
132 111d, rose-red (wmk"10").. £1100
133 2d. yellow-green... £300 18-00 1878 (28 Oct). W 16, P 14. 222 2s.6d, brown and blue (11.92)... 32:00 32:00
a. Blue-green... £180 9-00 156 11 1d, carmine 10-00 1:00 223 5s. lilac and red (3.2.97)... 90:00 27-00
ab. Double print £5000 £1800 a, Rose-carmine.. 650 1-00 224 10s. mauve and brown (11. £190 £120
134 10d. BIACK -sscssssseee 48:00 48-00 6. Scarlet ...... 16-00 1:25 225 £1 green and yellow (2.97)... £500 £450
aa. Imperf vert (horiz pair).. a 157 2d. pale green... 11-00 1:00 21G{ 2B SehOMO Sous mennenes
res £750 £600
The above were printed on paper obtained from New South Wales. A, GLEN versaees 11-00 1:00 216s/25s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 10 £650
See also Nos. 144/55, 156/8, 159/66, 170/4, 226/7, 242 and 255/6. 158 8d. dull purple-brown 1400 9.00 See also Nos. 243 and 257/8.

(Typo Govt Printer, Hobart) (Litho, using transfers from D.L.R. plates, Victoria Government (Typo, using electrotyped plates, Victoria Govt Ptg Office, Melbourne).
1896. W 16. P 12. Printing Office, Melbourne) 1905 (Aug)-11. Wmk Crown over A, W w 11 (sideways on horiz
226 11. 4d. pale bistre. 1902 (Jan)-05. Wmk V over Crown, W w 10 (sideways on ‘2d., designs). P 122.
227 2d.). P 12%. 249 22 ~~ ‘'ad. yellow-green (10.12.08)... 2:25 75
237 22 ‘Yad. green (2.03) 4:50 1:50 es RET Ueeerteatcteneracs 2:25 75
a. Wmk upright.. 28:00 27-00 b. Perf comp of 12% and 11.. £130 32.00
b. Perf 11 (1904). 650 14-00 c. Perf comp of 11 and 12... £300
c. Perf comp of 12% and 11 £200 £140 d. Wmk upright (1909) 23-00 8-50
d. Perf comp of 12% and 12 £600 da. Perf 11..... £110
s. Optd “SPECIMEN £120 250 23 ~—=—-1d. rose-red 6:00 30
238 23 ~~ 1d. carmine-red........ 19:00 175 a. Perf 11...... 6:00 30
239 24 2d. deep reddish violet.. 13-00 70 b. Perf comp of 12% and 11.. 550 7-00
ae PVT licescosencconrets 13-00 9-00 c. Perf comp of 12% and 12.. £170 60-00
b. Perf comp of 12% and 11 £180 90:00 d. Perf comp of 11 and 12... £200 60:00
c. Wmk upright (2.04)... 90:00 17-00 = e. Wmk sideways (1907). 24:00 ~ 3-00
d. Deep rose-lilac (4.05). 18-00 1-75 CAG PErh i licensees 25:00 4-00
das Perfil ceccmsaner 10-00 2:50 eb. Perf comp of 12% and 11... 95:00 23-00
db. Perf comp of 12% and 11 £225 £100 f. Imperf (pair) ...... £700 £750
s. Optd “SPECIMEN"..... = £130, 2509 1d. carmine-red (3.10) 1400 3-25 a4
As the V and Crown paper was originally prepared for stamps of ga. Perf 11 1400 3-25
smaller size, portions of two or more watermarks appear on each gb. Perf comp o' 2an * 21:00 9:50
stamp. gc. Perf comp of 12% and 12.. £170 55-00
werent list the main groups of shades in this and the following gd. Perf comp of 11 and 12.. £200 60:00
issues. There are variations of shade in all values, particularly in the 2d. i 14-00 3-00
where there is a wide range, also in the 1d. in some issues. 15-00 3-00
gh. Perf comp of 12% and 11... 19:00, 9:00
h. Carmine-vermilion (1911) 18:00 | 12:00
(Typo, using electrotyped plates, Victoria Govt Ptg Office, Fras Bert iii iecesneeerennten
eee 21:00 11-00
Melbourne) hb. Perf comp of 12% and 11 65:00 14-00
1902 (Oct)-04. Wmk V over Crown, W w 10. P 12%. hc. Perf comp of 12% and 12
240 23 1d. pale red (wmk sideways).. 16:00 4:00 hd. Perf comp of 11 and 12..
a. Perf 11. 48:00 11-00 251 24 35-00 70
b. Perf comp 7 £500 £100 42:00 5-50
c, Wmk upright (1.03 27:00 12:00 6-00 30
GCANPOME 1 iceceorsmerececies 65:00 15-00 42:00 5:50
d. Rose-red (wmk upright) (4.03) 14-00 3-75 . Perf comp of 12% and 11 42:00 18-00
da. Perf 11 25:00 3:75 d. Perf comp of 12% and 12 £425 £140
db. Perf comp of 12% and 11 £475 £100 e. Perf comp of 11 and 12.. £250 £110
ds, Optd “SPECIMEN”.....ss0 £120 f. Bright reddish violet (1910)... 1300 4:25
241 1d. scarlet (wmk upright) (9.03) 18:00 3-25 Lee xsn@lipecrenerree i: 12:00 2:25
AAP ONG i eco encaceneementnt 23:00 3:50 fb. Perf comp of 12% and 11 55:00 22-00
b. Perf comp of 12% and 11 — 55:00 fc. Perf comp of 12% and 12 £425 £130
c. Rose-scarlet (1904) 18-00 3:25 253 26 3d. brown (3.09)... 21:00 11-00
ca. Perf 11. 9-00 3-75 a. Wmk upright...
cb. Perf comp £180 55-00 b:Perfi tile ee 29:00 14-00,
The 1d. scarlet of September 1903 was from new electrotyped c. Perf comp of 12% and 11 £425 £450
plates which show less intense shading. 254 29 6d. carmine-lake (12.10). 2400 42:00 —
Perf 11 )sccstsscaanentes 2400 55:00 —
(Typo Victoria Govt Ptg Office, Melbourne)
b. Perf comp of 12% and 11 £450 ]
c. Dull carmine-red (3.11). 25:00 55:00
1903 (Apr—Dec). Wmk V over Crown, W w 10. P 12%. ca. Wmk upright... 60:00 65-00 |
242 11 9d. blue (Apr) 18:00 3:75 Cb. Perf 11 srs 27:00 65:00
IG a. Perf 11...... 8:50 18-00 cc. Perf comp of 12% and 11 £475 £500
b. Perf comp of 12% and 11 £950 £950 The note after No. 248 re perfs compound with perf 12 also applies
28 Mount Gould, Lake 29 Dilston Falls c. Wmk sideways £350) £160. here.
St. Clair d. Pale blue... 18:00 10:00 Nos. 250/f were printed from the same plates as Nos. 241/cb.
e. Bright blue 19:00 12:00 Nos. 250g/hd are from a further pair of new plates and the images
f, Ultramarine. £425 are sharper.
g. INdIGO ....0.0 £225
243 20 1s. rose and green (Dec) 45-00 8:00 (Typo Victoria Govt Printing Office, Melbourne).
a. Perf 11 cesses 90:00 80:00 1906-07. Wmk Crown over A, W w 11. P 12%.
242s/3s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 2. £225 255 11. 8d. purple-brown (1907) 27:00 22-00
a. Perf 11...... 19:00 7:50
256 9d. blue (1907)... 7:50 5-50

a. Perf 11 <a SOOO
b. Perf comp of 12% and 11 (1909) £110
c. Perf comp of 12% and 12(1909) £400
2 ONE PENNY 257 20
d. Perf comp of 11 and 12
1s. rose and green (1907).
oie £500)
1300 9:00 —
(31) (32) a. Perf 11 (1907) sessssssssree 29:00 45:00
(Eng L. Phillips. Recess D.L.R.) b. Perf comp of 12% and 11 23:00 50:00
1904 (29 Dec), No. 218 surch with T 31. c. Perf comp of 12% and 12 £250
1899 (Dec)-1900. W 30 (sideways on vert designs). P 14. 244 20 1%d. on Sd. pale blue and brown 1:50 1:75 258 10s. mauve and brown (1906) £275— 94275
229 22 ‘ad. deep green (31.3.00).... 8-50 6:50 s. Optd “SPECIMEN... 70:00 O: :PETE Uilhsccencorcepecasenttoees £450 £450
230 23 1d. bright lake (13.12.99)*. 5:50 1-75 Stamps with inverted surcharge or without surcharge se-tenant b. Perf comp of 12% and 12 s.. £750
231 24 2d, deep violet (15.12.99)* 21:00 1:75 with stamps with normal surcharge were obtained irregularly and The note after No. 248 re perfs compound with perf12, also applies
232 25 2%Ad. indigo (1900)... 22:00 3:75 were not issued for postal use. here.
233 26 3d. sepia (1900)... 20-00 5:50
234 27 ~~ 4d. deep orange-buff (1900). 24-00 9:00 (Typo, using stereotyped plates, Commonwealth Stamp Ptg
235 28 5d. bright blue (31.3.00). 38:00 11-00 Branch, Melbourne)
PRINTER. The Victoria Govt Ptg Office became the Commonwealth
236 29 6d. lake (31.3.00).. 32:00 32:00 Stamp Printing Branch in March 1909. | 1911 (Jan). Wmk Crown over A, W w 11 (sideways). P 12%.
229/36 Set Of B:nsunstersmeees £150 60-00
229s/36s Optd “Specimen’ Set of 8. 259 24 19:00 7-00
*Earliest known postmark dates. (Litho, using transfers from D.L.R. plates, Victoria Govt Ptg Office, 45:00 12:00 —
See also Nos. 237/9, 240/1, 245/8, 249/54, 259 and 261/2. Melbourne) 950 5:50
40:00 10:00
1905 (Sep)-12. Wmk Crown over A, W w 11 (sideways on horiz c. Perf comp of £130 38-00
stamps). P 12%. d. Perf comp of 12% and 12..ue £475
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LITHOGRAPHED AND TYPOGRAPHED 245 24 2d. deep purple. 17-00 1:00 Stamps from this stereotyped plate differ from No. 251 in the width
PRINTINGS OF TYPES 22/9 a. Perf 11...... 48:00 2:50 of the design (33 to 3334 mm, against just over 32 mm), in the taller,
LITHOGRAPHED b. Perf comp of 12% and 11 30-00 9:00 bolder letters of “TASMANIA’, in the slope of the mountain in the left
c. Perf comp of 12% and 12 £190 £120 background, which is clearly outlined in white, and in the outer vertical —
General appearance fine. Comparatively crude and coarse d. Perf comp of 11 and 12 £350 £200 frame-line at left, which appears “wavy”. Compare Nos. 260, etc, which
appearance. e. Slate-lilac (1906)... 23:00 =-1:25 are always from this plate.
Yad. AllV over Crown” wmk. All“Crown over A” wmk. au Pertilt|tsssanee 60-00 275
eb. Perf comp of 12% and 11 1912 (Oct). No, 259 surch with T 32. P 12%.
1d. The shading on the path The shading on the path is ed. Perf comp of 11 and 12 £325 £200
on the right bank of the river coarser, consisting of large 260 24 1d. on 2d. bright violet (R.) 1:00 1:00
ee. Perf comp of 12% and 12
consists of very fine dots. In dots and small patches of ASPEREM ierecnssconsemerane 1:50 3-50
f. Reddish lilac (1907) 42:00 3-50 b. Perf comp of 12% and 11 £275 £300
printings from worn stones the colour. fa. Perf 11.. 50:00 6:50
dots hardly show. fb. Perf com £160 (Typo, using electrotyped plates, Commonwealth Stamp Ptg
The shading on the white The shading on the mountain 246 26 3d. brown (1906)... 11:00 475 Branch, Melbourne).
mountain is fine (or almost is coarse, and clearly defined. a. Perf 11 (9.05)... 29:00 35:00
absent in many stamps). b. Perf comp of 12% and 11 £275, £275 1912 (Dec). Thin ready gummed paper, white gum (as Victoria, —
247 27 ~— 4d. pale yellow-brown (3.07).. 1912)*. W w 11 (sideways on 3d.). P 12%.
2d. Three rows of windows Two rows of windows. 21:00 4-75
Os RETF M A scscesernvevetee 65:00 18:00 261 23 1d. carmine-vermilion.. 26:00 18-00
in large building on shore, at Qs Perf Tilccrteence 21:00 18-00
extreme left, against inner frame. 6. Orange-buff (5.09).. 65:00 5:50
Dat Beri iecsaceasea 65:00 27-00 b. Perf comp of 12% and 11 t £600
3d. Clouds very white. Clouds dark. bb. Perf comp of 12% and 11 « £475 £475 262 26 3d. brown 70:00 £100
Stars in corner ornaments have Stars have short points. c, Brown-ochre (wmk sideways).
long points. Perf 11 (6.11) 30:00 55:00
Shading of corner ornaments ca. Perf comp of 12% and 11 — £700
Shading of ornaments STAMP BOOKLETS
is defined by a coloured outer d. Orange-yellow (3.12)... 16:00 35-00
terminates against white
line. background, da. Perf 11... 48:00 65-00
db. Perf comp o' £475 £475 There are very few surviving examples of Nos. SB1/4. Listings are
4d. Lithographed only. 248 29 6d. lake (7.08). provided for those believed to have been issued with prices quoted
80-00 9-00
a. Perf 11... for those known to still exist. A
6d. No coloured dots at base of Coloured dots at base of 95:00 9:00
waterfall. waterfall. b. Perf comp of 12% and 11. £500 £500 1904 (1 Jan)-09. Black on red cover as No. SB1 of New South ©
Outer frame of value tablets is Stamps with perf compound of12% and 12 or 11 and 12 are found Wales. Stapled.
Thick line of colour between
formed by outer line of design. on sheets which were sent from Melbourne incompletely perforated SB1 £1 booklet containing 240 1d. in 12 blocks
value tablets and outer line.
along the outside edge of the pane or sheet. The missing perforations Of :20\(5%4) ix
Small break in inner frame below were applied in Hobart using a line machine measuring 12 (11.8 is the
second “A” of “TASMANIA”. a. Red on pink cover (1909)
exact gauge). This perforation can only occur on one side of a stamp. b. Blue on pink cover
Tasmania, Victoria AUSTRALIA
1904 (1 Jan). Black on grey cover No. SB1. Stapled. F334 10s. salmon (No. F17) £800 £750
SB2 £1 booklet containing 120 2d. in four blocks a. “REVFNUE”........ HAM PRINTINGS. The first contractor was Thomas Ham of
Melbourne. He was responsible for the initial printings of the “Half-
ise : ene) On Nos. F27 and F29 Length’ 1d., 2d. and 3d,, together with the replacement “Queen-on-
3 34 FS BaFchesthtitern ceases 40:00 35-00
PAN be eres on white cover as Type B 1. of New South a. Double opt, one vertical £200 £250 Throne” 2d. The first printings were produced from small sheets of
30 (5x6) laid down directly from the engraved die which showed
SB3 2s. booklet containing 11 Yad. (No. 249), either i35 issvos—apink a single example of each value. Subsequent printings, of which
in block of6 plus block of 5 or block of 11, (9) On stamps as Nos. F26/9, but typo locally.w 16.P 12 No. 4a was the first, were in sheets of 120 (two panes of 60) laid
and 18 1d. (No. 250), either in three blocks F36 E52 wid! DUC. rnrrnrsnssen rae . » 25:00 30-00 down using intermediate stones of various sizes. Impressions from
of 6 or block of6plus DIOCK Of 12.ssmesusntae £7500 b. Imperf vert (horiz pair). £550 the first printings were fine and clear, but the quality deteriorated
when intermediate stones were used.
1911. stock No. SB3 was uprated with one additional ¥2d. in c. "REVENUE" inverted
d. “REVENUE” double.
£300 £300
e. Pale blue 25-00
1911 (Aug). Red on pink cover as No. $B3., Stapled. F37 6d. mauve... £120
SB4 2s, booklet containing 12 Yad. (No. 249), either a. Double print £700
in two blocks of 6 or block of 12, and 18 F38 1s. pink... £275 £250
1d. (No. 250), either in three blocks of 6 or (d) On No. 225
block of 6 plus DIOCK Of 12 ccssesssssssssssssscsssseeeesene £6500 F39 20 £1 green and yellow £250 £200
a. Opt double, one vertical... £450 £425
POSTAL FISCAL STAMPS It was not intended that stamps overprinted with Type F 6
should be used for postal purposes, but an ambiguity in regulations cos ~

VALIDITY. Nos. F1/29 were authorised for postal purposes on permitted such usage until all postal fiscal stamps were invalidated 1 Queen Victoria
1 November 1882. for postal purposes on 30 November 1900. (‘Half Length”)
F38 is known with “REVENUE” inverted, fiscally used.
CLEANED STAMPS. Beware of postal fiscal stamps with pen- Printings of some of the above with different watermarks, together (Lithographed by Thomas Ham, Melbourne)
cancellations removed. with a 2d. as Nos. F36/8, did not appear until after the stamps had 1850 (3 Jan)-53. Imperf.
become invalid for postal purposes.

Tasmania became part of the Commonwealth of Australia on

1 January 1901.



Nos. 1/17 from x 2
Nos. 18/22 from x 4
Nos. 23/4 from x 2
No. 25 from x 3
Nos. 26/32 from x 2
No. 33 from x 6
No. 34 from x 8
Nos. 35/9 from x 4
No. 40 from x 3
Nos. 41/53 from x 2
rE 4 No. 54 from x 3 3d. White area to left of orb
No. 55 _
(Recess Alfred Bock, Hobart) No. 56 from x 4 (a) Original state of dies: 1d. (tops of letters of “VICTORIA” reach to
1863-80, Wmk double-lined “1” W 4. Nos. 57/72 from x 2 top of stamp); 2d. (fine border and background); 3d. (thicker white
(a) Imperf No. 73 from x 3 outline around left of orb, central band of orb does not protrude at
Fl F1 3d. green (1.65)... £650 £225 Nos. 74/80 from x 2 left). No frame-lines on dies
F2 F 2 2s.6d. carmine (11.63) £650 £225 No. 81 from x 3 1 1 1d. orange-vermilion . £32000 £10000
F3 2s.6d. lake (5.80).. Nos, 82/7 from x 4 a. Orange-brown.. £2250
F4 F3 5s. brown (1.64)... £1300 £750 Nos. 88/200 from x 3 6. Dull chocolate-brown.. £2500
FS 5s. sage-green (1880) £800 £375 2 2d. lilac-mauve (shades) (Stone A\ £1000
Nos. 201/6 from x 5
F6 F4 10s. orange (1.64).. £1600 £750 3 2d. brown-lilac (shades) (Stone B) £500
Nos. 207/8 from x 10
F7 10s. salmon (5.80) £1300 £750 A. GrOY-liTAC sesescsesssssens — £550
Nos. 209/14 from x 5
4 3d. bright blue (shades). £8000 £600
(b) P10 Nos. 215/19 = a. Blue (shades) £7000 £450
F8 Fl 3d. £375 £140 Nos. 220/6 from x 20 ab. Retouched (b
FO F2 2s.6d. £350 Nos. 227/33 = head and right border) (No. 11
F10 F3 5s. £550 Nos. 234/7 from x 20 in transfer group) (8 varieties)... — £600
Fll F4 10s. £475 Nos. 238/52 — ac. Retouched (under “V”) (No. 10
Nos. 253/6 from x 20 In transfer GrOUP) wuss £14000 £1000
Fi2 Fil 3d. £350 £170 No. 257 from x 10 With the exception of No. 4a the above were printed from small
F13 F2 2s.6d. £325 £160 No. 258 from x 20 stones of 30 (5x6) laid down directly from the engraved die which
F4 eens: £550 No. 259 from x 10 showed a single example of each value. There were two stones of
F1i5 5s. sage-green. £375 £160 Nos. 260/4 _ the 2d. and one for each of the other values. No. 4a is the second
F16 F4 10s. orange £450 £225 Nos. 265/6 from x 20 printing of the 3d. for which the sheet size was increased to 120,
F17 10s. salmon £425 £180 Nos. 267/73 from x 10 the printing stone being constructed from an intermediate stone
(d)P 12% Nos, 274/91 —_— of 15 (5x3).
F18 F1 3d. green... £600 Nos. 292/304 from x 10
Fig F2 2s.6d. carmine £550 Nos. 305/9 from x 5
F20 F3 5s. brown. £850 Nos. 310/23 from x 10
F21 F4 10s. orange-brown £650 Nos. 324/8 _
(e)P 11% No. 329 from x 12
F22 F1 3d. green £700 Nos. 330/50 from x 8
F23 F 2 2s.6d. lake.. £300 £180 Nos. 351/2 _—
F24 F3 5s. sage-green.. £400 £170 Nos, 353/4 from x4
F25 F4 10s. salmon...... £550 £325 No. 355 from x 10
See also No. F30. Nos. 356/73 from x 15
Nos. 374/5 from x3
In 1879, the 3d., 2s.6d., 5s. (brown), and 10s. (orange) were reprinted Nos. 376/98 from x 10
on thin, tough, white paper, and are found with or without “REPRINT”. Nos. 399/400 =
In 1889 another reprint was made on white card, imperforate and Nos. 401/6 from x 10
perforated 12. These are also found with or without “REPRINT”. Nos. 407/15 _
Nos. 416/30 from x 10
Nos. 431/2 _
Nos. 433/43 from x 4
Nos. 444/53 =
Nos, 454/5 from x 10
Nos. 456/63 from x 6
No, 464 = 3d. White area small and band protruding
REVENUE to left of orb
F 5 Duck-billed (F 6)
Platypus Nos. D1/8 from x 30 (b) Second state of dies: 1d. (more colour over top of letters of “VICTORIA");
Nos. D9/10 = 2d. (fine border as (a) but with coarse background); 3d. (thinner
(Typo D.L.R.) Nos, D11/37 from x 30 white outline around left of orb, central band of orb protrudes at left)
1880 (19 Apr). W 16 (sideways). P 14. 5 1 1d. red-brown (shades) (2.50) .. £9500 £450
F26 F5 1d. slate 40:00 8-50 a. Pale dull red-brown... £8000 £450
During the expansion of the Australian settlements in the fourth 6 2d. grey-lilac (shades) (1. . £7000 £200
F27 3d. chestnut.. 2500 475 decade of the nineteenth century the growing population of the Port
F28 6d. mauve... 95-00 2:50 A. Dull Grey -.veessseeee - £13000 £225
Phillip District in the south of New South Wales led to a movement for 7 3d. blue (shades) (6.51 £4750 £190
F29 1s. rose-pink.. £140 27-00 its creation as a separate colony. This aspiration received the approval
a. Perf comp of 14 and 11 a. Retouched (22 varieties) from... £6000 £350
of the British Government in 1849, but the colony ofVictoria, as it was Printed in sheets of 120 (10x12) with the printing stones
All values are known imperf, but not used. to be called, was not to be created until 1 July 1851.
Reprints are known of the 1d. in deep blue and the 6d. in lilac. The constructed from intermediate stones of 30 (5x6) for the 1d. and
In the meantime the New South Wales Legislative Council voted 2d. or 10 (5x2) for the 3d. It is believed that the use of the smaller
former is on yellowish white, the latter on white card. Both values also for the introduction of postal reforms, including the use of postage
exist on wove paper, perf 12, with the word “REPRINT”. intermediate stone for the latter resulted in the many retouches.
stamps, from 1 January 1850, and this act was also to apply to the Port
1888. W 16. P 12. Phillip District where stamps inscribed “VICTORIA” would predate the
F30 F2 2s.6d. lake £130 85-00 creation of that colony by eighteen months. ooV LCL O
a. Imperf between (horiz pair) £2000 Until the end of 1859 the stamps of Victoria, with the exception of Mtee
Nos. 40 and 73, were produced by local contractors working under
1900 (15 Nov). Optd with Type F 6. the supervision of the colonial administration.
(a) On Types F2 andF 4
F32 F 2 2s.6d. lake (No. F30).. £500
a. “REVFNUE".... £750
SPECIMEN OVERPRINTS. Those listed are from U.P.U. distributions
b, Opt inverted £1600
in 1892 and 1897. Further “Specimen” overprints exist, but these
c. Imperf £600 were used for other purposes. Fane tines added

(Lithographed by J. S. Campbell & Co, Melbourne, using transfers The 3d. was produced in sheets of 320 (2 panes of 160) (No. 29),
(oO) Third state of dies: As in (b) but with frame-lines added, very
taken from Ham‘s engraved plate) 200 (No. 30) or 400 (2 panes of 200) (No. 31.) The stone for No. 29 was
close up, on all four sides constructed from transfers taken from the J. S. Campbell intermediate
8 1 1d. dull orange-vermilion (11.50)... £5500 £650 1854 (Jan—Jul). Good quality white or toned paper. Imperf. stone with the retouch on R. 3/5 still present. The panes of 160
a. Dull red (shades)........ £4750 £200 (a) Clear impressions with details around back of throne generally complete contained six transfers of 24 and three of 6 with the last impression
9 1d. deep red-brown (5.51) £12000 £1200 19 2 2d. brownish purple. £500 35-00 in both rows 8 and 9 removed. Quality of impression is generally poor.
a. Brownish red (shades)... £4500 £180 a. Grey-brown £650 35-00 The storie for No. 30, once again taken from the Campbell intermediate
b. Dull rose (shades) . £4500 £180 b. Purple-black.. — 35-00 stone, was laid down in the same combination of transfers as the
10 2d. grey (shades) (8.50). £8000 £200 c. Dull lilac-brown (toned paper 1d. value. Impressions from it were, however, so poor that transfers
a. Olive-grey (shades) £8500 £200 OMT) exces eecsrsstattansotem
brea tetneererentore £700 48-00 from a new intermediate stone were used for No, 31. Impressions
VW 3d. blue (shades) (12.52 £2750 90-00
(b) Poor impressions with details around back of throne not fully defined
from this stone, on which the panes of 200 were in a similar layout
a. Deep blue (shades)... £3250 90:00 to the 1d. were much further apart than those on the stones used to
20 2 2d. violet-black (2.54) £650 42:00 - .
b. Pale greenish blue (shades) . . . £4000 £170 produce Nos. 29/30.
a. Grey-black. £700 42:00
Printed in sheets of 120 (12x10) produced from intermediate The Campbell and Fergusson printings of the Half Lengths” are
b. Grey-lilac... £650 42:00 listed in the order in which they were printed.
stones of 30 (6x5) for No. 8 and 12 (6x2) for the others.
c. Dull brown (on toned) £650 42:00
ca. Substituted transfer (in pair)...... — £3000
CALVERT PRINTINGS. Contracts for the provisior
(c) Weak impressions with background generally white without required by the postal rate changes in 1853 we!
details. Toned paper only Samuel Calvert of Melbourne who used typography
21 2 2d. grey-purple (7.54) .. £450 32:00 process. Calvert continued to print, and later roule’
a. Purple-black £450 32-00 the Victoria Post Office until March 1858 when it wa
(d) Printings using an intermediate stone. Impression flat and that he had placed some of the stockin pawn.
blurred. Background details usually complete. Toned paper only
22 2 2d. grey-drab (shades) (5.54) «- £600 35:00
wi SS a. Black more — £140
White veil Nos. 19/21 were produced using transfers taken directly from the
original Ham engraved plate. It is believed that the different strengths
(d) As (c) but altered to give, for the 1d. and 3d., the so-called “white of the impressions were caused by the amount of pressure exerted
veils” and for the 2d., the effect of vertical drapes to the veil when the transfers were taken. The stamps were printed in sheets
12 1 1d. reddish brown (6.51).. £7000 £170 of 100 (2 panes 10x5). On one stone a block of four at bottom left,
a. Bright pinky red (shades) £2250 £170 lettered “FL GM” over “QV RW”, was damaged and the stone was
13 2d. drab (1.51). £8000 £190 repaired by using a block of four substituted transfers. These were
a. Grey-drab £8000 £180 lettered “VZ WA” over “FL GM”. No. 20ca covers any one of these
6. Lilac-drab £8000 £180 substituted transfers in pair with normal. As horizontal pairs these (Typographed from woodblocks by Samuel Calvert)
c. Red-lilac.. — £1300 are lettered “WA HN” or “GM SX" and as vertical “VZ” over “VZ”" or 1854 (1 Sep)-55. Imperf.
d. Void lower left corner t £22000 “WA" over “WA". 32 4 — 6d. reddish brown (13.9.54).. £1000 75:00
14 3d. blue (shades) (1.53). £1200 80-00 For No. 22 an intermediate stone was used to produce a printing a. Dull orange..... 19:00
a. Deep blue (shades)... £1300 80-00 stone of 300 (6 panes 10x5). The insertion of a further stage into the b. Orange-yellow . £550 19-00
b. Greenish blue (shades) £1600 85-00 process caused the blurred appearance of stamps from this printing. 33 5 6d. (“TOO LATE") lilac and green
c. Retouched (9 varieties). . £2750 £180 No, 22a is believed to come from proof sheets issued to post offices | (11:55) secsecssvesnessssashshacsttessoust
pertepeateem Sa
Printed in sheets of 120 (12x10) produced from intermediate for normal use. Examples are usually cancelled with Barred Oval 108 34 6 1s. (“REGISTERED”) rose-pink and
stones of 12 (6x2) on which the details of the veil were amended and Barred Numerals 1 and 2. DIU (1.12.54) .ssssssoceonsnressscesneetheont ES DOO EOD
as described above. 35 4 2s. dull bluish green/pale yellow... £3750 £200
The “void corner” error occurred on the printing stone. It is believed No. 33 was provided to pay the additional fee on letters posted after
(Lithographed by J.S. Campbell & Co, Melbourne)
that only four examples still exist. the normal closure of the mails. This service was only available in the
1854 (Feb—June). Good quality wove paper. Imperf.
larger towns; examples are usually postmarked Castlemaine, Geelong or **
23 11d. orange-red (shades) £3000 £140 Melbourne. The service was withdrawn on 30 June 1857 and remaining
sey £6500 £750
stocks of the” TOO LATE” stamps were used for normal postal purposes.
24 3d. blue (shades) (6.54, £1100 50-00 No. 34 was issued to pay the registration fee and was so used
a. Retouched under “C” of
until 5 January 1858 after which remaining stocks were used for
“NICTORIA’..... & ==) 6 e150)
The 1d. was produced in sheets of 192 (two panes of 96 (12x8)) normal postage.
and the 3d. in sheets of 320 (two panes of 160 (18x9)). Both printing These four values were produced from individually-engraved boxwood
stones were constructed from transfers taken from intermediate woodblocks. The 6d. was in sheets of 100 printed by two impressions
stones of 24 (6x4). The spacing between stamps is far wider than on from two plates of 25. The 2s. was in sheets of 50 from a single plate of
2d. Coarse border and background 25. The bicoloured “TOO LATE” and “REGISTERED” stamps are unusual in
the Ham printings. The 3d. panes of 160 were constructed using six
complete transfers of 24 and three of 6 with the final impression in that Calvert used a common woodblock “key” plate of 25 for both values
(e) Fourth state of 2d. die only: Coarse border and background. combined with “duty” plates made up from metal stereos. Both values
Veil details as in original die the bottom two rows removed.
were originally in sheets of 50, but the “REGISTERED” later appeared in
1S) 1 2d. red-lilac (shades) (5.50)... £7500 £325 The 1d. Campbell printings have the frame lines almost completely
sheets of 100 for which a second “key” plate of 25 was utilised.
a, Lilac. £7500 £350 absent due to lack of pressure when taking transfers.
For these stamps rouletted or perforated see Nos. 53, 55/8, 60/1
b. Grey. £9500 £425 The 3d. retouch, No. 24a, occurs on R. 3/5 of the intermediate
and 82.
c, Dull brownish lila .. £7500 £180 stone.
d. Retouched lower label—value (Lithographed by Campbell & Fergusson)
OMITTED” weeesessssssetssessssosesseeees (TOM + £15000 1855 (Mar)-56. Poorer quality paper. Imperf.
e, Other retouches (17 varieties) CAMPBELL AND FERGUSSON PRINTINGS. Increased postal rates
5 wun from £9500 £350 in early 1854 led to a requirement for a 1s. value and in April a (a) Printings from stones which were not over-used; background
Printed in sheets of 120 (12x10) produced from an intermediate contract for this stamp was awarded to Campbell and Fergusson around top of throne generally full and detail good
stone of 30 (6x5). (the new corporate style of J. S. Campbell & Co). Further contracts 36 2 2d. lilac (shades) (7.55)... . £450 30-00
(f) 2d. as (e), but with veils altered to give effect of vertical drapes to print the 1d. and 3d. “Half Lengths” and the 2d. “Queen-on- a, Purple (shades). £450 30:00
Throne” followed. All were produced by lithography with the two b. “TVO" for “TWO £9000 £1200
16 12d. lilac-grey (1.51) £5500 £170
a. Deep grey....... £6500 £170 “Half Lengths” using transfers from the original engraved die and (b) Early printings from stones which were over-used. Similar characteristics
6. Brown-lilac (shades) £5000 £110 the 2d.”Queen-on-Throne" transfers from Hams original engraved to those above, though detail is not quite so full. Distinctive shades
17 2d. cinnamon (shades) (2.51).. £3500 £170 plate. 37 2 2d. brown.......... — 80-00
, Drab (SAGES) wsssessssseses £3750 95-00 All Campbell and Fergusson printings were on paper of a poorer a. Brown-purple. £475 27-00
b. Pale dull brown (shades) £3500 £120 quality than that used for the earlier contract. b. Warm purple.. — 27-00
c. Greenish grey ....... £3500 £110 c. Rose-lilac.... — 27-00
d. Olive-drab (shades). £3750 £190 d, Substituted transfer (pair). — £750
e. Buff cesscccssrtsecsacc £12000 £250 (Lithographed by Campbell & Fergusson) (c) Later printings from the same stones used for No. 37 when ina
Printed in sheets of 120 (12x10) p! m two successive 1854 (6 Jul). Poorer quality paper. Imperf. worn condition. Impressions heavy, coarse and overcoloured; details
intermediate stones of 30 (6x5) on which the details of the veil were blurred; generally white background around top of throne
25 3 1s. blue (shades)... £950 38-00
amended as described above. 38 2 2d. dull lilac-mauve (1856).. £475 50:00
a. Greenish blue. £1200 38-00
This was the final printing of the 2d. “Half Length” as the die for a. Dull mauve £475 50-00
b. Indigo-blue.. — £180
this value had been damaged. A replacement 2d. design was ordered No. 25 was produced in sheets of 100 (8x12 with an additional 6. Grey-violet.. — 50:00
from Thomas Ham. stamp appearing at the end of rows 6 to 9). The printing stones c. Red-lilac.. — 50-00
For the later printings of the 1d. and 3d. in this design see Nos. 23/4, used each contained four such sheets. They were constructed from d. Substituted transfer (pair) — e750
26/31, 48/9 and 78/9. an intermediate stone of 40 (8x5) taken from a single engraved die. (d) Printings from a stone giving blotchy and unpleasing results, with poor
Each pane of 100 showed two complete transfers of 40, one of 20, definition. Mainly shows in extra colour patches found on most stamps
and one of a vertical strip of 4. 39 2 2d. dull purple (7.55). — 70-00
For this stamp rouletted or perforated see Nos. 54 and 81. i - £500 70-00
= — £650
(Lithographed by Campbell & Fergusson) The Campbell and Fergusson 2d. “Queen-on-Throne” printings were
1854 (Jul)-57. Poorer quality paper. Imperf. in sheets of 200 (4 panes 10x5) constructed from transfers taken from
26 1 1d. brown (shades)... £3000 £130 the original Ham engraved plate.
a. Brick-red (shades)... £3250 £110 Four separate stones were used. On Stone A a creased transfer
b. Dull red (shades)... ; £3500 £110 running through R. 4/8, 4/9 and 5/8 caused the “TVO” variety on the
2 Queen-on- 27 1d. Orange-brown (shades) (8.55)... £3250 £140 stamp from the bottom row of one pane. On Stone C the impression
Throne a, Dull rose-red (shades) £3750 80-00 in the first vertical row of one pane were found to be so faulty that
6. Bright rose-pink...... £6000 £160 they were replaced by substituted transfers taken from elsewhere on
(Recess-printed by Thomas Ham) c. Retouched (6 varieties £6000 £450 the sheet causing abnormal horizontal pairs lettered “UY BF” “TX MQ"
1852 (27 Dec). Imperf. 28 1d. pink (shades) (2.55)... £1400 48-00 “DIWA’,"SW GM" and “CH RW’. The vertical pairs from the substituted
18 2 = 2d. reddish brown £550 27:00 a. Rose (shades)...... £1400 48-00 transfers are lettered “UY” over “TX” and “DI” over “SW”
a. Chestnut — £140 b. Lilac-rose (shades). £1500 48-00
b. Purple-brow! £650 27-00 c. Dull brown-red (shades £1700 £140 PERKINS BACON “CANCELLED”. For notes on y
Printed in sheets of 50 (10x5) from a hand-engraved plate of the d, Retouched (8 varieties: £2500 £325 showing “CANCELLED” between horizontal bars f
same size. Each stamp in the sheet had individual corner letters made- 29 3d. bright blue (shades) (7.57). £2250 70-00 see Catalogue Introduction,
up of various combinations, none of which contained the letter “)”. a. Greenish blue (shades) £1900 55-00
Reprints were made in 1891 using the original plate, on paper wmk b. Retouch under “C” of
V over Crown, both imperf and perf 12%. EVIGTORIA TsSirscrrccconrscesanmecseeney aitSOOM 2150)
For later printings of this design see Nos. 19/22 and 36/9. 30 3d. Prussian blue (shades) (11.56)... £3000 95:00
es MUU OGG es ccosctncm assteracsssovtiys se s £3750 £150
b. Retouch under “C” of
CAMPBELL & CO PRINTINGS. In May 1853 the Victoria postal “VICTORIA... 5 — £275
authorities placed an order for 1d. and 6d. stamps in the “Queen-on- 31 3d. steel-blue (s:
Throne” design with Perkins, Bacon in London. These would not arrive impression) (5.55) — 65-00
for some time, however, and supplies of Ham's printings were rapidly
a. Greenish blue (shades). £1800 48-00
becoming exhausted. Local tenders were, therefore, solicited for further
b. Blue (shades)....... £1800 48-00
supplies of the 1d. and 3d.”Half Lengths”
and the 2d.Queen-on-Throne”. 7 Queen-on-Throne 8 “Emblems”
That received from J. S. Campbell & Co was accepted. The stamps were c. Deep blue (shades) £1500 48-00
produced by lithography, using transfers from either the “Half Length” d. Indigo (shades)... — 55-00
The 1d. was produced in sheets of 400 (2 panes 20x10) constructed (Recess Perkins, Bacon & Co, London)
engraved die or the 2d. “Queen-on-Throne” engraved plate of 50. Stamps
from the Campbell & Co printings can be distinguished from later from transfers originating from the J. S. Campbell & Co intermediate 1856 (23 Oct). Wmk Large Star. Imperf.
printings in lithography by the good quality paper used. stone. Each pane contained six complete transfers of 24, three of 12, 40 7 1d, yellow-green (H/S “CANCELLED”
two of 8 and one of 4. in oval £12000) £275 40:00 f
Supplies of this stamp, and the accompanying 6d. which was (Typo from electrotypes by Robinson) (Des and eng F. Grosse. Typo from electrotypes)
only issued rouletted (see No. 73), arrived in the colony at the 1858 (May-Dec). 1860 (31 Jan)-66. P 12.
end of 1854, but the 1d. was not placed on sale until almost two (a) Imperf
years later. (a) No wmk
No. 40 was reprinted from the original plate in 1891. Examples) in (i) Coarse quality wove paper 88 9 3d. deep blue (horiz laid paper).. £600 70:00
either dull yellow-green or bright blue-green, are imperforate and on 66 B 4d. dull rose (Oily ik) ..ssssesssesesesensesssee — 80:00 a, Light blue...
V over Crown watermarked paper. 89 4d. rose-pink (thin glazed Bordeaux
(ii) Smooth vertically-laid paper
67 8 = 4d. dull rose (oily ink) : — 55:00 — 32:00
£550 32:00
(Typographed from electrotypes by Calvert) a. Dull rose-red....... — 55-00
ab. Thicker coarser paper (7.60)... £550 32:00
1857 (26 Jan-6 Sept). Imperf. 68 4d. dull rose-red (normal (a
(20 May)... en use £050) 26:00 (b) On paper made by T. H. Saunders of London wmkd with the
(a) Wmk Large Star, Ww 1 appropriate value in words as W 10
41 8 1d. yellow-green (18 Feb). £225 26-00 (b) Rouletted 5 A -
90 9 3d. pale blue (1.61)... £275 7-00
G. DOCD GION cesssessseessseees £325 40-00 (i) Smooth-laid paper a. Bright blue (10.61) £275 8-50
b. Printed on both sides. t+ £2750 69 8 2d. brown-lilac (shades) (horiz laid) 6. Blue (4.63)... £275 6-00
42 ili £500 11-00 (June) S “£275 9-50 c. Deep blue (4.64 £300 6:00
£475 9:50 a. Vert laid paper (21 Sept) £425 12:00 d. “TRREE” for “THREE” in wmk. — £700
b. Printed on both sides. + £2750 70 2d. violet (horiz ‘ (27 Nov). £350 650 91 3d. maroon (13.2.66) £325 30-00
43 4d. dull red (20 July)... £375 8-50 a. Dull violet... = : 18-00 a. Perf 13 £325 32-00
44 4d. dull rose (6 Sept). £475 —-8-50 71 4d. pale dull rose (vert laid)‘( June) £325 3-75 92 4d. rose-pink (1 8.60) — 9.50
a. Horiz laid pape : t £900 a, Rose-red. £160 475
(b) No wmk. Good quality medium wove paper
6. Dull rose-red.. £275 3-75 6. Rose-carmine _ 9:50
45 8 2d. pale lilac (25 May) £600 11-00 c. Rose-red...... £275 3:75
a. Grey-lilac - £600 11-00 c, Dull rose..... £160 4.75
ca, Serrated 19... i DDO d. Printed on “FIVE SHILLINGS’
Nos. 41/5 were produced in sheets of 120, arranged as four panes
of 30 (6x5) (1d. and 4d.) or twelve panes of 10 (2x5) (2d.), using (ii) Good quality wove paper diagonal wmk paper (11.9.62).. £3500 23-00
electrotypes taken from a single engraved die of each value. 72 8 1d. yellow-green (24 Dec)... £475 38-00 93 6d. orange (25.10.60) . £7500 £450
The setting of the 4d. was rearranged before the printing of Nos. 66/72 were produced in sheets of 120, arranged as four panes 94 6d, black (20.8.61).. £375 8-50
Nos. 43/4. of 30 (6x5). a. Grey-black..... £375 8-50
Only two examples of No. 41b and No. 42b have been recorded. For stamps of this issue perforated see Nos. 76 and 80. (c) On paper made by De La Rue wmkd with the appropriate value
For this printing rouletted or perforated see Nos. 46/7, 50/2, 59, as a single-lined numeral as W 11
74 and 77. (Recess Perkins, Bacon & Co, London)
95 9 = 4d. dull rose-pink (9.10.62) .. £190 6:00
1858 (1 Nov). Wmk Large Star, W w-1. Rouletted 52-6. a. Dull rose. £200 6:50
Is OULETTES AND PERFORATIONS. In August 1857 a rouletting 73 7 ‘6d. bright blue . £450 18-00 b. Rose-red. — 6:00
achine was provided at the G.P.O., Melbourne, to enable the a. Light blue... » £475 28-00 c. Roul 8 (28.7.63) £2250 £250
l ount lerks to separate stamp stocks before sale to the public. No. 73 was received from London at the same time as the 1d., d. Imperf (25.7.63 — 75-00
|Thnis machine produced roulettes of 72-9 in one direction across No. 40, but was kept in store until November 1858 when the stock e. Perf 12%2x12
"six rows at a time. There was also a single wheel device which was rouletted by Robinson. When issued the gum was in a poor state. f. Perf 12%... =
ney ed 7-72. Both were in use between the earliest known date Imperforate examples exist from Perkins Bacon remainders. All three values were produ 20, initially as four
12August and the end of 1857. Examples are known handstamped “CANCELLED” in oval of bars. panes of 30 (6x5). Printings of the 3d. from 1864 were in a changed
Price £11000. : format of six panes of 20 (4x5).
F Oe was granted a separate contract in October 1857 to Imperforate reprints, in shades of indigo, were made from the The “TRREE” watermark error comes from early printings of No, 90
oulette the stamps he printed, but only Nos. 57/61 had been original plate in 1891 on V over Crown watermarked paper. on R, 10/7.
produced when it was found, in April 1858, that he had pawned
Two examples of the 4d. on Saunders paper are known bisected in
| quantity |of the sheets. His contracts were terminated and his 1859 (Jan—May). P 12 by Robinson. 1863, but such use was unauthorised.
‘successor, F, W. Robinson, used a roulette machine of a different 74 8 1d. yellow-green (No. 41)..... ss — £500 Nos. 95c/d were issued during July and August 1863 when the
| gauge before switching to a gauge 12 perforating machine in 75 1d, emerald-green (No. 64a) — £500 normal perforating machine had broken down. They are best collected
January ’1859. a. Imperf between (horiz pair)....... used on piece and cancelled within the period (July-September 1863).
76 1d. yellow-green (as No. 72) (11 Jan) £425 18-00 Nos. 95e/f were perforated or part-perforated with a machine
1857 (12 Aug-Sept). Rouletted 7-9 by counter clerks at G.P.O., a. Imperf horiz (vert pair)... — £450 gauging 12%4-12'%, borrowed from the Government Printer in 1863,
Melbourne. b. Thin, glazed (“Bordeaux" "Paper +t £160 while the perf 12 machine was being repaired.
46 8 1d. yellow-green (No. 41). £650 £110 77 2d. pale lilac (No. 45) — £450 Reprints, from new plates, were made ofthe 3d, and 4d. in 1891 on
47 2d. pale lilac (No. 45).. — 50-00 A. GreY-lIAC cosceoeseee — £550 “V over Crown” paper and perforated 12%.
, GreY-LIAC srrrsserssoee — 50:00 78 1 3d. blue (shades) (No. 24) (2 Feb)... £2500 £140
48 1 3d. blue (shades) (No. 24) . £3250) £250 a. Retouch under “C” of “VICTORIA” — £400 1860 (Apr)-63. P 12.
a. Retouch under “C” of “VICTORIA” t £475 79 3d. greenish blue (shades) (No. 29a) + £425
49 3d. bright blue (shades) (No. 29)...... — £250 a. Retouch under “C” of “VICTORIA” + £1200 (a) No wmk
a. Greenish blue (shades) £3250 £225 80 8 4d. dull rose-red (No. 68).... if: — £325 96 8 1d. bright green (horiz laid paper)...
b. Retouch under “C” of “VICTO! + £600 81 3 1s. blue (shades) (No. 25) (4Feb)... £350 15-00 97 1d. bright green (thin, glazed
50 8 = 4d. vermilion (No. 42) c — £100 a. Greenish blue a 12:00 Bordeaux paper) (25.5.60).. — 75:00
51 4d. dull red (No. 43)... — 42.00 b. Indigo-blue.... — 42.00 (b) On paper made by T. H. Saunders of London iti with the
52 4d. dull rose (No. 44) (Sept). — 28-00 c, Retouched (shading omitted at appropriate value in words as W 10
53 4 6d. reddish brown (No. 32).. — £100 left). = 98 8 1d. pale yellowish green (8.7.60) £130 7:50
a. Dull orange..... — 60-00 82 4 2s. dull a. Yellow-green.. £150 7:50
b. Orange-yellow — 70-00 (No. 35) (May) £600 55-00 b. Error. Wmkd t+ £8500
54 3 1s. blue (shades) (No. 25) — £110 The 1s. was reprinted in 1891 using transfers taken from the original 99 2d, brown-lilac (7.7.61) — 60-00
a. Greenish blue... : — £110 die. These reprints were on V over Crown watermarked paper and 100 2d. bluish slate (8.61) £200 6-00
55 6 1s. (/REGISTERED") rose- pink and perforated 12%. a. Greyish lilac (9.61 £225 6:50
blue (No. 34). wwe £8500 £400 For perforated 6d. black and 2s. blue both as Type 4 see Nos. 102 b. Slate-grey (1.62)... — 6:00
56 4 2s. dull bluish gr and 129/30. c. Printed on “THREE PENCE” wmkd
(UNfo.S15) eae hal er £7500 £650 paper. Pale slate (27.12.62)... me
£225, 9927:00
With the exception of the 1s., Nos. 54/a, these stamps are normally (Typo from electrotypes by Robinson) ca. Bluish grey (2.63)... £250 27-00
found rouletted on one or two sides only. 1859 (17 May-23 Dec). P 12. (c) On paper made by De La Rue nok single-“lined“2° W11
(a) Good quality wove paper 101 8 = 2d, dull reddish lilac (24.4.63).... £325 14-00
1857 (Oct). Rouletted by Calvert.
83 8 4d. dull rose... £325 6:50 a. Grey-lilac (10.63).. £325 28-00
(a) Rouletted 7-9 on all four sides and with finer points than No. 53b ab. Error. Wmkd “6”. t £6500
a. Roul 5%-6'2. es +t £850
57 4 6d. orange-yellow (NO. 32) ..sscssss» — 95-00 6. Grey-violet (11.63 £250 27-00
(b) Poorer quality wove paper c. Slate (12.63) £325 38-00
(b) Serpentine roulette 10-10% 84 8 1d. dull green (July). = £275 27-00
58 4 6d. orange-yellow (No. 326)... £170 Only two examples of No. 98b have been recorded, one of which
a. Green (11 Nov)... £275 27-00 is in the Royal Collection.
(c) Serrated 18-19 85 4d, rose-carmine (6 July £325 7-00
59 8 2d. grey-lilac (No. 45a)... £600 a. Rose-pink (thick paper) (30 Nov). == 15:00
60 4 6d. orange-yellow (No. 326) — £150
(¢) Horizontally laid paper with the lines wide apart
(d) Compound of serrated 18-19 and Scnetthe 10-10% 86 8 = 1d. dull green (18 July)... £400 1861 (22 Jun). On paper made by T. H. Saunders of London
61 4 6d. orange-yellow (No, 326) vss. — £600 a. Laid lines close together... — 48-00 wmkd “SIX PENCE” as W 10. P 12.
No. 59 was not covered by the contract given to Calvert, but it is b. Green (shades) (OCt)...-. £300 27-00 102 4 6d. black... an ieee £400) 70:00
believed to be a test run for the rouletting machine. No. 61 always 87 4d. rose-pink (shades) (23 Dec). £275 7:50 No. 102 was produced as an ‘emergency measure after the decision
shows serrated 18-19 on three sides and the serpentine roulette at a. Laid lines close together.. — 10-00 had been taken to change the colour of the current 6d. from orange
the top or bottom of the stamp. (No. 93) to black (No. 94). During the changeover the old Calvert
“woodblock” plates were pressed into service to provide two months’
(Typo from electrotypes by Calvert) STAMP PRINTING BRANCH. On 1 January 1860 F. W. Robinson was supply.
1858 (14 Jan-Apr). Good quality white wove paper. No wmk. appointed Printer of Postage Stamps and his equipment purchased
(a) Rouletted 7-9 on all four sides by the Post Office to establish the Stamp Printing Branch. All later
62 8 1d. pale emerald... £550 29:00 Victoria issues were printed by the Branch which became part
a. Emerald- green... £550 29-00 of the Victoria Government Printing Office in December 1885. In
63 4d. rose-pink (18 Jan) £425 6:00 1909 the Commonwealth Stamp Printing Office under J. B. Cooke
a. Bright rose.. £425 6:00 was established in Melbourne and produced stamps for both the
b. Reddish pink... — 11.00 states and Commonwealth until 1918.
c. Imperf horiz (vert pair).. + £650
(b) Imperf (Apr)
64 8 1d.
pale emerald...

(Des, eng and electrotyped De Gruchy & Leigh, Melbourne. Typo)
65 4d. rose-pink.... £500 23-00
a. Bright ros — 23-00 1861 (1 Oct)-64. P 12.
b. Reddish pink... — 30-00 (a) On paper made by T. H. Saunders of London. Wmk “ONE PENNY”
Nos, 62/5 were produced in sheets of 120, arranged as four panes asW10
of 30 (6x5). 103 12 1d. pale green £170 22:00
The Royal Collection contains a used horizontal pair of the 4d. a, Olive-green... — 23-00
showing the vertical roulettes omitted.
The majority of Nos. 64/5 were issued in April after Calvert’s (b) On paper made by De La Rue, Wmk single-lined “1” as W11
contracts had been terminated, although there is some evidence
104 12 1d. olive-green (1.2.63) £130 25:00
that imperforate sheets of the 4d., at least, were issued earlier.
a. Pale green (9.63).. £130 17:00
For the 1d. of this issue perforated see No. 75.
b. Apple-green (4.64)... £130 16-00
(c) On paper supplied to Tasmania by Perkins, Bacon. Wmk
SON PRINTINGS. Calvert's contracts were cancelled in April double-lined "1", W 4 of Tasmania
the work was then placed with F. W. Robinson, who had 105 12 1d. yellow-green (10.12.63) £225 23.00
fully tendered in 1856. The same electrotypes were used, GQ. DUI! GLOOM essesessesessssen — 23-00
yerforating machine was introduced from January 1859. b. Imperf between (pair)... 10
1 continued to print and perforate stamps under contract All printings were in sheets of 120 containing ‘four panes of 30
at of 1859 when the Victoria Post Office purchased his (6x5).
Reprints from new plates were made in 1891 on paper watermarked
“V over Crown” and perforated 122.
(Frame die eng F. Grosse. Typo from electrotypes) b. Lilac (26.8.68) .... : 3-25
(o) Emergency printings on De La Rue paper as W 11, but showing ba. Wmk sideways... i =
1862 (26 Apr)-64. Centre vignette cut from T 9 with a new frame incorrect single-lined numeral. P 13 c. Dull mauve (shades) (10.68)... 95:00 3-50
as T 13. 115 14 1d. bright yellow-green (wmkd d. Lilac-grey (1.69)... — ore
MS") (27-1266) cases tpecoseonsorsnersvncsararseve £275 26-00
(a) On paper made by T. H. Saunders of London. Wink “SIX PENCE” e. Lilac-rose (2.69) £100 3-25
asW10.P 12
116 1d. bright yellow-green (wmkd f. Mauve (4.69) £120 3-50
“6") (6.67) — 65:00
106 13 6d. grey. £190 18-00 117 2d. grey (wmkd “8") (18.1.67).. £250 6:00
g. Red-lilac (5.69)... £100 3-00
a. Grey-black £190 20-00 h, Dull lilac (6.69) . £100 2:50
118 15 3d. lilac (wmkd “8”) (29.9.66 £250 50-00
b. Jet-black... £200 22-00 i. Silver-grey (9.69)... £190 9:50
119 16 10d. grey (wmkd “8”) (21.10.6 £950 £150
(b) On paper made by De La Rue. Wmk single-lined “6" as W11 a. Grey-black £950 £160 133. 15 3d, lilac (28.8.67).... £450 50-00
107 13 6d. grey (p 12) (18.6.63)... £160 7:00 a. Grey-lilac (6.68)... £475 55-00
a. Jet-black.... _ 9:00 (d) On paper made by T. H. Saunders wmkd with the appropriate 134 3d. yellow-orange (12.6 75:00 12:00
b. Grey-black £160 7-50 value in single-lined numerals as W 11 aa. Wmk sideways...... t _
c. Perf 13. Jet-black. £170 =:9-00 120 14 ‘1d. deep yellow-green (P 12x13) a. Dull orange (6.70) 60:00 8-00
£190 26-00
ca. Grey-black..... £170 900 ab. Wmk sideways. tice
a. Perf 13 (3.66) £110 12-00 b. Orange (3.73)... — 8-00
Printings before August 1863 were in sheets of 120 containing four
b. Perf 12 (7.66)... — 2600 c. Bright orange (3.73) 75:00 8-00
panes of 30 (6x5). For subsequent printings of No. 107 the format
121 4d. rose-red (P 13) (12.12.65). £140 4-00 d. Orange-brown (glazed pap
was changed to six panes of 20 (4xS).
Reprints from new plates were made in 1891 on paper watermarked
aa. Wmk sideways...... it = (10.78) i 20-00
a. Perf 12x13 or 13x12 (2.66 £200 8:50 135 14 — Ad. dull rose (28.11.67) £120 750 ™
"V over Crown” and perforated 12%.
b. — 850 a. Wmk sideways... t 70-00
122 167) 46d; £120 3-00 b. Aniline red (shades) (21.4.69) — 11-00
consignment of this paper, showing watermarks as W 11, arrived in c. Rose-pink (11.69)... — 7-00
b. as? PAS) 4-00 d. Rose (shades) (8.7 £120 3:50
Victoria during October 1862. Five further consignments followed, all 123 10d. dull purple/pink (P 13) (22.3.66) £275 6:50
but the last supplied by De La Rue. e. Dull rose (glazed paper) (5.3. £120 ~— 6-00
a. Perf 12x13... a L525, 7:50 f. Dull rose-red (glazed paper) é
The complexity of the scheme for different watermarks for each b. Blackish brown pin:
value, together with the time required to obtain further supplies from (AGA 9) iresestaernrersertsonetecerater
cartes eras at yy 9-50
(WHEE) nec atame ican arortierctet £275 6:50 g. Bright lilac-rose (aniline) (glazed
Great Britain, resulted in the emergency use of paper obtained from c. Purple-brown/pink (P 13) (11.70)
Tasmania and of the wrong numeral watermark on certain printings. |PAPEH) (2.80) cnacsccorsteansceortncstenneeerreas £130 5:50
124 17 1s. bright blue/blue (P 13) (5.12.70) £140 4:25 h. Rosine (aniline) (glazed paper)
The final order for this paper was placed, in error with the firm a. Pale dull blue/blue (P 12) (1.73). £250 7:50
of T. H. Saunders of London. Although the actual watermarks are the ab, Perf 13.. fe — 16:00
(9.80) 9-00
same (the dandy rolls were the property of the Victoria Government 136 16 6d. deep blue (15.1.68) 6-50
b, Indigo-bl — 11-00 a. Blue (21.12.68) .. 80-00 475
and supplied to each firm in turn) there are considerable differences ba. Perf 13.. £140 6:00
between the two types of paper. That manufactured by Saunders is ab. Wmk sideways.. =>
of a more even quality and is smoother, thicker, less brittle and less (e) Emergency printings on ye aee
paper as W 11, but showing b. Indigo-blue (10.69). 80:00 450
white than the De La Rue type. incorrect single-lined numeral. P 13 c. Prussian blue (9.72) 80:00 5:00
De La Rue supplied white paper watermarked “1, 2", “4", “6” and 125 14 1d. bright yellow-green (wmkd . INdigo (4.73) .eressse 80-00 5:50
“8" blue paper watermarked “1” and green paper watermarked “2”. RA IKOS SOU) eaaitipeestsnreteenoerueerestes £200 45:00 e, Dull blue (worn plate) (3.74).. — 6-00
The Saunders consignment of October 1865 contained white paper 126 1d. bright yellow-green (wmkd f. Dull ultramarine (2.12.75). 95:00 6-00
watermarked "1",“4” and “6” blue paper watermarked “1", green paper “6") (6.67) 55-00 g. Light Prussian blue (12.75) £130 6.00
watermarked “2” and pink paper watermarked “10” 127 2d. grey (wmkd “4”) (21.2.67).. 8-50 h. Dull violet-blue (7.77)... 15-00
It is helpful for comparison purposes to note that all white paper 128 2d. grey (wmkd “6") (13.5.67).. 9:00 i, Blue (glazed paper) (6.78)s.r... £100 6:00
watermarked “2” or “8” can only be De La Rue and all pink paper The 1d., 2d., 4d. and 8d. were originally produced in sheets of 120 j. Dull milky-blue (glazed paper) |
watermarked “10” can only be Saunders. containing eight panes of 15 (3x5). The 3d. and 6d. were in sheets of (Qi.GYNiersssessecceertertenecenersoneaertone
tems £100 6:00
120 (12x10) and the 1d. (from February 1866), 2d. (from July 1866) k, Prussian blue (glazed paper)
and 4d. (from April 1866) subsequently changed to this format. The (ALSO) |
sccsssocsccsccurnsssonenctsonareceaaneesten = 6:00 +)
10d. was in sheets of 120 containing twenty panes of 6 (2x3). The 1s. |. Light blue (glazed paper) (4.81). £100 650 |
was originally in sheets of 60 containing three panes of 20 (4x5), but m. Deep blue (glazed paper) |
this changed to 120 (12x10) in April 1866. (10.81) £100 6:00 }
Nos. 108a, 109ab/ac and 110cb were perforated or part-perforated 137 14 = 8d. lilac-br F £190 5:50 |
with a machine gauging 12'2, borrowed from the Government Printer a. Purple breownioink (2.78) £190 5-50 ]
in September 1864, while the perf 12 machine was being repaired. b. Chocolate/pink (8.78) £200 10-00 |
Only single examples are thought to exist of Nos. 110a, 110ca and ba. Compound perf 13x12. eee325)
113ab and two of No. 108ca. c. Red-brown/pink (12.78) .. 80:00 500 —
For later emergency printings on these papers see Nos. 153/66. d. Wmk sideways..... + £400 |
138 17 1s. light blue/blue (11: £225 20:00
(Typo from composite woodblock and electrotype plate) 139 18 5s. blue/yellow (26.12. 67) £3500 £425
(a) On De La Rue paper. Wmk single-lined “2” as W 11 a. Wmk reversed 2 — £500 @
129 4 2s. light blue/green (P 13) (22.11.64) £400 11-00 140 Ss. indigo-blue and carmine (I)
a. Dark blue/green (P 12) (9.65) £425 20:00 (8.10.68) 55:00
ab. Perf 13 (6.66)... £400 9-50 a. Blue and carmine (4.69) . 2400
b. Blue/green (P 13)6.68). £375 7-00 b. Pale bright blue and carmine ;
c. Greenish blue/green (P 13) (7. 73) £375 9-50 (glazed paper) (24.7.77) rss £750 55:00
CAMP C UPA 2 ierrctersrseveonineniavetecrtcoseelosasctagtry £400 11-00 c. Grey-blue and carmine (glazed |
d, Deep greenish blue/green POPE?) (4.78) nsscssssertenreeaontobereessaneneeee £600 2800
17 18 (P 12%) (7.80).. ee STS 8:50 d. Wmk sideways. Deep lavender- i
(b) On Saunders paper. Wmk single-lined “2” as W 11
blue and carmine (4.6.80) sme £600 48:00
(Des and eng F. Grosse. Typo from electrotypes)
130 4 2s. dark blue/green (P 13) (23.11.67) £400 8-50
141 5s. bright blue and red (II) (glazed |
1863-73. “Laureated” series, paper) (12.5.81).... . £550 28-00
a. Blue/green (P 13) (10.71 . £400 8:50 a. Indigo-blue and red (gi
(a) On paper made by De La Rue wmkd with the appropriate value ab. Perf 12 (8.74) crvssssesssss £425 9:00
PGPDON) sascecconssnernssxctsoeyecetoareeeep
aera — 50:00
in single-lined numerals as W 11 c. Deep greenish blue/green
108 14 1d. pale green (P 12) (9.9.64) £110 14-00 (P 12%) (5.80).. £375 7:00 (b) P12
a, Perf 12%2x12 (9.64) Nos. 129/30 were produced in s containing two panes 142 14 ‘1d. pale green (10.71).. 9:00
b, Perf 13 (10.10.64) £100 8:00 of 15 (3x5). The plate contained eighteen of the original woodblock a. Grass-green (1871)... £100 900 —
c, Bluish green (P 13). 95:00 6:00 impressions and twelve electrotypes taken from them. b. Bluish green (shades) (7.72 — 13-00 |
ca. Printed double... t+ £1500 c. Green (shades) (9.72). £100 7-00
d. Green (P 12) (7.65). £100 6-00 143 15 3d. dull orange (5.72 70:00 650
as Perf 13 remsserinces 95-00 6:50 a. Orange (3.73)... =— 2-50
e. Deep green (P 12) (12.65). £130 6-50 b. Bright orange (3.73). a _ 250 @
ea. Perf 13 — 6:50 c. Dull orange-yellow (glazed 1
eb. Perf 12x1 — 12.00 paper) (12.80) |
f. Bright yellow-green (P 13) — 22:00 144 14 4d. rose (shades) (8.71) £120 3:00
109 2d. violet (P 12) (1.4.64)....... £140 12-00 a. Compound perf 12x13. — £400 @
a. Dull violet (P 12) (10.64) £150 12-00 b. Dull rose (glazed paper) (3. — 325 @
ab. Perf 12%2x12 £750 c. Dull rose-red (glazed paper) |
ac. Perf 12%... (UTE79) erereesettoosshectescpreen cee _— 650 @
ad, Perf 13...... £140 9-00 d. Bright lilac-rose (aniline) (glazed |
6. Dull lilac (P 13) (4.65) £120 9-00 PGDEr) (2.80) \csscccsecessesscsenelseeereee £250 17:00 |
ba. Perf 12 (7.66)....... — 18:00 e. Rosine (aniline) (glazed paper) |
bb. Perf 12x13 (7.66 — 19:00 V OVER CROWN WATERMARKS. The changeover from the numeral (9.80)... £140 14-00
c. Reddish mauve (P 1 £130 19-00 watermarks to a general type to be used for all values was first 145 16 = 6d. deep blue (2.2.
d, Rose-lilac (P 13) (1.66) £120 11-00 suggested at the end of 1865, but the first supplies did not reach a. Prussian blue (9. 72) 85:00 7-50
da. Perf 12x13 or 13x12 £110 11:00 Melbourne until April 1867. Five different versions were used before . INdigO (4.73) sesso 95:00 8-00
e. Grey (P 12) (7.66). £170 14-00 the V over Crown watermark was superseded by the Commonwealth c. Dull blue (worn plate)
Ca. POF 13 \ascssesresvoss £110 5:50 type in 1905. The five versions are listed as follows: d. Blue (glazed paper) (6.78)... _ 7-50
110 4d. deep rose (P 12) (11.9.63) £225 5-50 Type 19 DeLa Rue paper supplied 1867 to 1882. Shows four points e. Dull milky-blue (glazed paper)... = 7-50
a. Printed double.. + £1500 at the top of the crown with the left and right ornaments f. Light blue (glazed paper) (4.81)... _— 850 |
b. Rose-pink (P 12) (9.63). £180 2-75 diamond-shaped 146 14 8d. red-brown/pink (glazed papel ]
c. Pink (P 12) (7.5.64)..... £180 2:75 Type 33 De La Rue paper supplied 1882 to 1895. No points at the (11.80)... » £190 22:00
ca. Error. Wmkd single-lined “8 t £8000 top of the crown with the left and right ornaments oval- 147 17. ‘1s. light blue/blue 6.75). fs — 13:00 @
cb. Perf 12%2x12 (9.64)... shaped 148 18 5s. bright blue and red (II) (glazed ]
d. Dull rose (P 13) (10.64). £160 275 Type 82 Waterlow paper supplied 1896 to 1899. Wide base to crown paper) (5.81)... . £550 15:00 —
e. Dull rose-red (P 13) £160 275 Type 85 Waterlow paper used for postal issues 1899 to 1905. Wide a. Indigo-blue and red £650 19:00 —
ea. Perf 12 (8.65)... £225 75-00 top to crown (c)P 12%
111 16 = 6d. blue (P 12) (13 £120 9-00 Type 104 James Spicer and Sons paper used for postal issues August 149 15 3d. dull orange-yellow (glazed
a. Perf 13..... £120 4:25 and September 1912. Narrow crown
b. Perf 12x1 £110 8-50
paper) (12.80) £100 14-00
(Type from electrotypes) 150 14 4d. rosine (aniline) (glazed pap
112 14 = 8d. orange (P 13) (22.2.65) £750 £110
113 17 1s, blue/blue (P 13) (10.4.65) £250 475 1867-81. Wmk. V over Crown. W 19. (9.80).. ;
151 16 = 6d. Prussia' {
a. Perf 12x13 (4.66)....... £250 4:75 (a)P 13 (4180) |vcsenszetteseyentaoonsace
teat Cee i
ab. Imperf between (vert pair). + £6000 131 14 1d. bright yellow-green (10.8.67)..... £100 3-75 a. Light blue (glazed paper) (4.81). |
6. Bright blue/blue (P 13) (6.67 £200 5:00 a. Bright olive-green (1.69). £160 23-00 b. Deep blue (glazed paper) (10.81) 95:00 8.00 |
c, Indigo-blue/blue (P 13) (3.68). _— 4:00 b. Yellow-green (4.69). £110 3-75 152 14 — 8d. lilac-brown/pink (8.77) screeners £190 22:00 —
d. Dull blue/blue (P 12) (6.74)... a ah75 c. Dull green (3.70). £110 3-50 a. Red-brown/pink (glazed papers |
(6) Emergency printings on Perkins, Bacon paper borrowed from d. Pale green (10.70) £100 =.3-50 (11.80)... + £500 @
Tasmania. Wmk double-lined “4” as W 4 of Tasmania e. Grass-green (1871). £100 3-75 The same electrotypes as the previous issues were used for this |
114 14 4d, deep rose (P 12) (7.1.64). £225 9-00 f. Bluish green (shades) (7.72)... £100 = 4-25 series with the exception of the 5s. which was a new value. The | __
@. Pale rose (P 12)..csssse earn — 9:00 fa. Wmk sideways... ay — 1d, 2d., 3d., 4d., 6d. and 1s. plates were arranged to print sheets
b. Dull reddish rose (P 13) (11.8.65) £225 9:00 g. Green (shades) (9.72). £100 = 3-25 of 120 (12x10) and the 8d. conformed to this when reintroduced
ba. Perf 12..... bens =~ 9-00 ga. Wmk sideways....... t — in 1877. New plates for the 1d. (1868), 2d. (1869) and 6d. (1875)
bb, Perf 12x13.. — 2000 132 2d. slate-grey (shades) (26.8.67) £120 3-50 were constructed by Robinson's successor,J.P. Atkinson, using
c. Red (P 13) (4.12.65). £225 9-50 a, Grey-lilac (29.1.68).. £120 5:00
improved facilities then available. f
Atkinson was also responsible for the printing of the 5s. value. The
original printings in blue on yellow paper were produced in sheets ga 8
of 25, or possibly 50, using a vertical strip of five electrotypes. Due
to its size the 5s. did not exactly fit the watermarked paper and, to
avoid a preprinted sheet number, a proportion of the printing was
made on the back of the paper creating the reversed watermark EIGHTPENCE
variety, No, 139a. These varieties occur in the first printing only as (29)
Atkinson created a plate of 25 for the second printing in March 1868.
1876 (1 Jul). No. 185 surch with T 29 in blue.
191 25 se on 9d. lilac-brown/pin £475 32.00
Two Types of the 5s.: Printings of the 5s. bicoloured to April 1880 (Des and eng W. Bell. Typo from electrotyped plates) —, £500.
were made from electrotypes taken from the monocoloured plate. No. 191a was caused by a broken “E” and it occurred once in each
1873 (25 Mar)-74. Saunders paper. Wmk single-lined “10” as W 11.
These showed a blue line beneath the crown (Type 1). In early 1881 sheet of 120.
this plate was found to be too worn for further use and a new die was 172 25 9d. pale brown/pink (P 13) £180 38-00
made from which a plate of 100 was constructed. Stamps from this a. Red-brown/pink (7.74).. £170 35-00 1877-79. Saunders paper. Wmk “10” as W 11.
plate are without the blue line beneath the crown (Type Il). 173 9d. pale brown/pink (P 12)... £190 38-00 192 14 8d. lilac-brown/pink (P 13).... — £500
a, Purple-brown/pink (2.78). £225 18-00
6. Chocolate/pink (8.78) . . t+ £600
PERFORATIONS 1859-1883. Collectors should note that our c. Red-brown/pink (8.79). 7-50 £180
descriptions of perforations follow a longstanding convention. 193 8d. red-brown/pink (P 12) (8.79). 25-00 £350
“Perf 12” (1859 to mid-1866 and mid-1871 to 1883)-line perf 194 8d. red-brown/pink (P 12%) (8.79)... 60:00 —
machines perforating between 11% and 12. HALP Nos. 192/4 occur amongst the V over Crown printings, the two
types of pink paper having become mixed.
“Perf 13” (1864 to 1881)-line perf machines generally gauging (28)
between 12% and 123/s, two of which were converted to comb 1878(21 Feb-5 Apr). Emergency printings on coloured papers.
1873 (25 Jun). No. 131g surch with T 28 in red. Wmk V over Crown, W 19 (sideways on Yd.). P 13.
perforation in 1871. It should be noted that, following a repair in
174 14 = Yad. on 1d. green (P 13 85:00 19-00 195 22 Yad. rose-red/pink (1.3.78) .erersssssccessers 80:00 40-00
1879, one of these machines produced an irregular gauge varying
a. Grass-green 90:00 19-00 196 23 ~—_1d. yellow-green/yellow (5.3.78)...... £140 30-00
between 12% and13%%.
b. Short
“1” at right (R. 1/3). — £100 197 1d, yellow-green/drab (5.4.78). £250 65:00
“Perf 12%" (1863 and 1864)-a line perforating machine borrowed c. Mixed perf 13 and 12.. t = 198 24 = 2d. dull violet-mauve/ilac (21.2.78)... — £800
from the Government Printer while the perf 12 machine was being 175 Yad. on 1d. green (P 12, £110 19-00 199 2d. dull violet-mauve/green (23.2.78) £325 38-00
repaired. Stamps perforated (or part-perforated) on this machine were G, GFASS-GreN ......00 £110 19-00 a. Mixed perfs 12 and 13 -.ercesvsessssee
Nos. 95e/f, 108a, 109ab/ac and 110cb. All are rare. b. Short “1” at right (R. 1/3). — £100 200 2d. dull violet-mauve/brown
(21.3.78)... £300 38-00
“Perf 12%" (late 1879 onwards)-line or comb machines gauging There was a shortage of w 19, watermarked
exactly 12%. paper in the early months of 1878 and various coloured Papers were
used for printings of the Yad., 1d. and 2d. values until fresh stocks of
“Mixed perforations’-this description covers stamps where both white paper were received.
gauges are present on the same side or sides of the stamp, as a result No. 198 is often misidentified. It can be confused with discoloured
of reperforation. examples of Nos. 178/b, and has often been faked.

(Typo from electrotypes)

Die |
1867-70. Emergency printings on various papers due to
shortages of V over Crown paper. P 13.
Two Dies of 2d.:
(a) Perkins, Bacon paper borrowed from Tasmania. Wmkd double- Die |. Single-lined outer oval
lined numerals as W 4 of Tasmania
153 14 ‘1d. pale yellowish green (wmkd Die II. Double-lined outer oval
“AU QAQIG7) sesccscsserscseis ww» £130 11:00 (Des and eng W. Bell. Typo from electrotyped plates)
a. Deep yellow-green (10.67) £130 11-00
154 1d. pale yellow-green (wmkd 1873-87. Wmk V over Crown, W 19 (sideways on ¥2d.).
(27.5.68) £2750 £130 (a) P13
155 2d. grey-lilac (wmkd “4”) (3.2.68) £250 475 176 22 Yad. rose-red (10.2.74). 30-00 2:75 (Des and eng C. Naish. Typo from electrotyped plates)
a. Slate (4.68)... fin P\0) 3-50 a. Lilac-rose (1874) .... 30-00 3:00 1880 (3 Nov)-82. Wmk V over Crown. W 19.
b. Mauve (7.68) oa 4:50 b. Rosine (shades) (glazed paper)... 29:00 2:75 201 30 1d. green (P 1242) (2.84).... £170 25-00
c. Imperf (pair) + £5500 c. Pale red (glazed paper) (1882)... 30-00 275 202 31 2d. sepia (P 121)..... 65-00 1:50
156 2d. mauve (wmkd £250 5-50 d. Mixed perf 13 and 12.. t £400 a. Sepia-brown (2.8 65:00 1:50
157 15 3d. grey-lilac (wmkd 1”) @.68). £350 80-00 Os Perf 2X13 ses cneasece b. Brown (aniline) (5.81 65-00 1:50
158 14 = 4d. dull rose-red (wmkd “4”) (5.68). £250 5-00 177 23 1d. dull bluish green (14.12.75). 65:00 2:25 c. Dull black-brown (10.81) — 1:50
159 16 6d. blue (wmkd “4”) (20.6.68) £325 38-00 a. Green (shades) (1877)... 65:00 2:25 d. Dull grey-brown (3.82). 55-00 1:50
a. Indigo-blue.... — 40-00 b. Yellow-green (glazed paper) 75:00 2:00 203 2d. sepia (P 13) ..rsssesees
160 6d. blue (wmkd “ " (28.7.68) £180 11-00 c. Mixed perf 13 and 12... a. Mixed perf 13 and 12. + £650
161 6d. dull blue (wmkd “2") (187! + £3750 178 24 ~=2d. deep lilac-mauve (I) (1. 85-00 1-00 204 2d, sepia (P 12)... — £150
(b) Saunders paper. Wmkd in words as W 10 a. Dull violet-mauve.. 85:00 1-00 a, Sepia-brown (2.81 — £150
162 14 ‘1d. pale yellow-green (wmkd “SIX 6, Dull mauve j......... 85-00 1-00 b. Brown (aniline) (5.81 — £150
PENCE”) (23.3.68) £950 75-00 c, Pale mauve (worn plate) (glazed 205 2d. mauve (worn plate) (P 122)
a. Wmk sideways +t es paper) (1.79) 85-00 1-25 (2284) HE ccorcacueantamene
rnc aae £375 14-00
164 16 = 6d. blue (wmkd “S| d. Mixed perf 13 and 12.. £600 £375 206 32 4d. rose-carmine (P 12¥2) (10.81)... £110 8-00
(20.5.68).. £750 60-00 179 2d. lilac-mauve (II) (glazed paper) aa. Wmk sideways... y
a. Indigo-blue .. — 60-00 (17.12.78) 85-00 1:25 a, Rosine (7.82)... £110 7: 50
165 6d. dull blue (wmkd “THREE a. Grey-mauve (1.80). — 275 Nos. 201 and 205 are subsequent printings of stamps first produced
PENCE") (6.12.69) .» £475 29-00 b. Pale mauve (6.80)... £110 2:75 on watermark W 33.
a. Deep blue — 32.00 c. Vert pair, lower stamp imperf
166 6d. dull blue DOrZetesartter snes + £3250
PENCE”) (21.5.70) £750 50-00 180 26 1s. indigo-blue/blue (16.8.76).. £140 4:50
a. Deep blue — 55-00 a. Wmk sideways........ T2750)
b. Deep blue/blue (7.77 £150 3-75
(c) V over Crown, W 19, coloured paper
c. Pale blue/blue (3.80). £150 4:50
167 14 = 2d. mauve/lilac (7.68).. £180 6:50
ca. Wmk sideways........ th 2750)
a. Lilac/lilac £180 6:50
d. Bright blue/blue (9.80)... £160 7:50
(d) Saunders single-lined numeral “4” as W 11 e. Bright blue/blue (glazed paper)
168 16 6d. dull blUe@ (21.5.70) ...rscssssssssesssereesee tT £2250) (21.11.83) £160 5:00
The supply of paper was so short during 1868 that many odds and f. Pale blue/blue (glazed paper)...
ends were utilised. Nos. 161 (five known) and 168 (ten known) are the g. Mixed perf13 and 12.......... + =
rarest of these emergency printings.
The 2d. slate-grey is known watermarked “SIX PENCE” The single (b) P12
example is in the Royal Philatelic Collection, 181 22 ‘Yad. rose-red (1874).. 30:00 5:50 1882-84. Wmk V over Crown W 33 (sideways on Y2d.). P 12%.
a, Lilac-rose (1874) 30:00 5:50 207 22 ~~ ‘Yad. rosine (3.83)... 60:00 18-00
(Printed in Melbourne from a double electrotyped plate of 240 b. Rosine (shades) (glazed paper) 30:00 5:50 a. Perf 12........ — 38-00
supplied by D.L.R.) c. Pale red (glazed paper) (1882)... 30-00 5-50 208 23 ~—_1d. yellow-green (9.82)... 75:00 6-00
1870 (28 Jan)-73. Wmk V over Crown. W 19 182 23 ~— 1d. dull bluish green (1875).. 75:00 8-50 Ae PETE 2 eccascesneste
a. Green (shades) (1877)... 70:00 10:00 209 30 ~—_1d. yellow-green (29.10.83) . 70:00 4:50
169 20 =2d. brown-lilac (P 13)...... £110 3-00
6. Yellow-green (glazed paper) — 950 a. Green (1.84)... 65-00 4:50
a. Dull lilac-mauve (9.70).. 95-00 1-00
183 24 = 2d. deep lilac-mauve (I) (1873) — 12.00 b. Pale green (5.84) 65:00 3-00
6. Mauve (worn plate) (3.7 95:00 1-25 a. Dull violet-mauve.. — 12.00
170 2d. dull lilac-mauve (P 12) (28.7. 71) 95:00 2-50 210 31 =. 2d. dull grey-brown (15.8. 48-00 2-25
6. Dull mauve £110 5:00 a. Chocolate (3.83) 48:00 2-25
a. Mauve (worn plate) (3.73) s.r. 95-00 2-25 c. Pale mauve (worn plate) (glazed ab. Perf 12........ t £425
POPEM ULB LO) tee aceratemtaeressinor £120 6:00 211 2d. mauve (20.12.83). 65-00 425
184 2d. lilac-mauve (II) (glazed paper) a. Worn plate (2.84 65-00 4:25
(1.878) fecerccrstrecpateeecetnnspeeresisatocets £120 5:00 b. Perf 12... th) £750
a, Grey-mauve (glazed paper) c, Mixed perf 12 and 122 t £750
OR SBO)e crstsessesessecsspeeseccmrtc
decane _ 6-00
212 15 3d, yellow-orange (13.4.83). £110 25-00
b. Pale mauve (glazed paper) a, Dull brownish orange. £110 32-00
(1880).. — 7:50
NINEPENCE 185 25 9d. lilac-bro £250 18-00
4d. rose-red (3.83)......
= 6d. dull violet-blue (10.11.82)...
(21) 186 26 1s. deep lise ele (1880). _— 7:50
a. Bright blue/blue (1880) == 7.50) a. Indigo-blue (11.83)... 85:00 5:50
b. Light ultramarine (8.84) ... 85-00 7:50
1871 (22 Apr). No. 123c surch with T 21 in blue. Reprints were made in 1891 of the “Lau d” 1d., 2d., 3d. (in
(c)P 12%
171 16 9d. on 10d. purple-brown/pink......... £750 12-00 yellow), 4d., 6d., 8d, (in orange-yellow), 10d. (in greenish slate) and
187 22 ‘ad. rosine (shades) (glazed paper)
a. Blackish brown/pink.. £800 14-00 SSO) Perecrmerteesesccoeeareceenerrscs 5s. (in blue and red), of the Bell Yad., 1d., 2d. (Die Il), 9d. and 1s. and of
b. Surch double.. + £2750 a. Pale red (glazed paper) (1882)... the Naish 2d. (in brown), 4d. (in pale red) and 2s. With the exception
c. Wmk sideways + = 188 23 ~—_1d. yellow-green (glazed paper) of the Bell 9d., which was watermarked W 19, all were watermarked
(1880).. W 33 and perforated 12%. Some were from new plates.
189 24 2d. grey-ma
(1880) THE POST OFFICE ACT OF 1883. Following official concern as to the
a. Pale mauve (1880) number of different series of adhesive stamps, both fiscal and postal,
190 27 2s. deep blue/green (glazed paper) used in Victoria it was decided that the system should be unified to
(BZB11) Sercsessscestecrenscsscmtecrneeoavene
eemaen £250 22-00 the extent that the postage stamps, Stamp Statute fiscals and Stamp
Duty fiscals should be replaced by a single series valid for all three
purposes. As the Stamp Duty series contained the largest number of
y' £250 22-00 values it was adopted as the basis of the new range.
b. Ultramarine/green (glaze The regulations for the changeover were detailed in the Post Office
paper) (6.84) . . — 2800 Act of 1883 which came into force on 1 January 1884. From that date
ba. Wmk sideway: — 60-00 all existing Stamp Statute (first produced in 1871) and Stamp Duty

(first produced in 1879) issues became valid for postal purposes, and (c) Wmk V over Crown (sideways) W 33
the previous postage stamps could be used for fiscal fees. 231 1d. yellowish green (P 12%)... £120 £110
Until matters could be organised printings of some of the existing 232 2s.6d. pale orange-yellow (P 12) £1600 £275
postage values continued and these will be found included in the 233 £5 black and yellow-green (wmk
listings above. upright) (P 12) (F.C. £300)...ssctessrseine _
Printing of the Stamp Statute series was discontinued in early 1884.
The existing Stamp Duty range was initially supplemented by
postage stamps overprinted “STAMP DUTY” for those values where
the available fiscal design was considered to be too large to be easily
used on mail. These overprints were replaced by smaller designs
inscribed “STAMP DUTY”.
Stamp Statute and Stamp Duty values which became valid for
postal purposes on 1 January 1884 have previously been listed in this
catalogue as Postal Fiscals. Under the circumstances this distinction
appears somewhat arbitrary and all such stamps are now shown in
the main listing. Used prices quoted are for examples with postal
cancellations. In some instances prices are also provided for fiscally
used and these are marked “F.C.

Nos. 215/92 were extensively used for fiscal purposes. Collectors

are warned against the many examples of these stamps which HALF
have been cleaned and provided with fake gum or forged cancels. (38)
In practice, many of these stamps are not known to exist in
genuine unused or postally used condition and only fiscally | 1884 (1 Jan*). No. 220 surch with T 38 in red.
cancelled examples are available. This applies especially to stamps 234 Vad. ON 1d. Pale GreeM .ressrccssesereseseseseresseerseece £110 £100
of high face value such as Nos. 249/52. *The dates quoted are those on which the stamps became valid
for postal purposes. The Yad., 1d., 4d., 6d., 15., 5s. and £1 were issued
for fiscal purposes on 26 April 1871. The 10s. was added to the series
in June 1871, the £5 in September 1871, the 2s.6d. in July 1876 and
the 3d. in October 1879.
All values of the Stamp Statute series were reprinted in 1891 on
paper watermarked W 19 (5s., 10s., £1) or W 33 (others). The £5 was
pulled from the original plate, but the others were produced from
new electrotypes taken from the original dies.

(Des and dies eng J. Turner (3d., 2s.6d.), W. Bell (others).
Typo from electrotypes)
1884 (1 Jan*). Stamp Statute series. Vert designs as T 34/6,
and others showing Queen Victoria within various frames,
pee Dry,
and T 37. P 13.
(a) Wmk single-lined numerals according to face value, as W 11,
(sideways). Paper manufactured by T. H. Saunders unless otherwise stated
215 1s. blue/blue, £200 45-00 (Des H. Samson and F. Oxenbould
a. Perf 12..... £225 50:00 (T 39), C. Jackson and L. Lang (all others except T 40). Dies
216 2s. blue/green (D.L.R. paper)... £275 £100 eng C. Jackson, J. Turner, J. Whipple, A. Williams and other
Cu lacniatcirras £100 employees of Sands & MacDougall. T 40 die eng C. Naish)
217 2s. deep blue/green
a. Perf 12..... £100 1884 (1 Jan*)-96. Existing Stamp Duty series.
b. Wmk upright.. SHELLIN (a) Litho. Wmk V over Crown. W 19 (sideways). P 13
218 10s. brown-olive/pin ee 235 39 1d. blue-green... £140 50:00
219 10s. red-brown/pink. £2250 £400 a. Perf 12. £140 50:00
a. Wmk upright Perf 12... z b. Perf 12%...
(b) Wmk V over Crown W 19 (sideways). P 13 236 43 1s.6d. rosine... £350 60:00
220 Td. Pale QrEOMwrrssisssessnersssearesesseene £110 65:00 a. Perf 12. — 70-00
a. Green (wmk upright) (P 12% Dp £160 £100 b. Perf 12%.. £350
221 3d. mauve. £1700 £500 237 45 3s. purple/blue £850 85:00
222 . TOSe... £1200 £450 a. Perf 12. £850 85-00
a. Wmk upright. £1300 b. Perf 12%.
223 6d. blue.......... £180 45:00 238 46 4s. orange-re £170 21:00
a. Ultramarine £160 35-00 a. Perf 12. £170 21-00
£180 38:00 b. Perf 12%..
224 £170 45-00 239 «48 6s. apple-green £500 70:00
a. Perf 12 £180 50:00 a. Perf 12%...... £500
b. Ultramarine/blue 80:00 240 49 10s. brown/rose (glazed paper, £1600 £120
basiPerfil Quiatsassnsens 65-00 a. Perf12
c. Deep blue/blue (P 12%) £180 45:00 b, Perf 12)
ca, Perf 12... £190 45-00 c. Wmk upright...
225 2s. blue/green.. £325 £100 cb. Perf 12%..
a. Perf 12 £325 241 50 15s. mauve... £5500 £500
6, Deep bl £325 £110 242 «51 £1 red-orange. £1100 £110
ba. Perf 12 £325 £120 a. Perf 12%.. £1100 £110
226 . orange £275 243 52 = £1.5s. dull rose (wmk upright)... £4500 £500
a. Perf 12... 244 53 £1.10s. deep grey-olive. £5500 £350
b. Yellow (glazed paper) £1300 a. Wmk upright —ta75
Bai PEbE V2 eorccescensssesssen £1300 £275 245 - 35s. grey-violet (wmk upright) (F.C.
c. Orange-yellow (glazed paper) (P 122) £275 £375) £14000
ca. Perf 12.... 246 «54 £2 blue. — £225
227 5s. blue/yellow. £650 £120 247 «55 45s. dull brown-lilac.. £9000 £500
a. Perf 12... £650 248 56 £5 rose-red (wmk upright) (F.C.
b. Wmk upright.. £150) ccreercescusssntsnveeseias
eae £13000 £1600
ba. Perf 12......... 249 «57 £6 blue/pink (wmk upright)
c. Ultramarine/lemon (glazed paper) (glazed paper) (F.C. £200) .ssssssssse _
(P 12%) £700 £140 250 58 £7 violet/blue (wmk upright) (F.C.
ca. Wmk upright.
228 . brown/pink.... £2250 £400 eQvICTORIA@e Z| ee y
a. Purple-brown/pink £2250 £400 upright) (glazed paper) (F.C.
abby Plif (l2i are tamtiretees £2250 £200) socssstaregeeersetesn
eR NEE =
229 £1 slate-violet/yellow £2500 £425 252 60 £9 yellow-green/green (wmk
a. Wmk upright.. ae (glazed paper) (F.C.
b. Mauve/yellow
ba. Perf 12... £2500 £400 (b) Typo from electrotypes
. Perf 12%. £2500 £400
230 £5 black and yellow-green...
(i) Wmk V over Crown, W 19 (sideways). P 13
£17000 253 39 1d. yellowish green.. £120 50:00
a, Perf 12
b. Wmk upright. Perf 12% (F.C. £400)... a. Perf 12..... £120 50:00
£17000 b. Perf 12%. £120
£50 dull lilac-mauve (wmk upright) For some of these values used with later watermarks see Nos. 336,
es ft IRE Ce 343, 361 and 369.
a. Black-violet (10.90) (F.C. £160)... £70000 £1200
ab. Wmk upright... a o
£100 crimson (FC. £300) £80000 3 c
: . Perf 12%... a. Wmk upright...... 6 a4
256 42 1s. deep blue/blu b. Perf 12 (F.C. £300). <
c. Aniline crimson (wmk upright) (69)
pS, aon . = £1200 | 1885 (Feb-Nov). Optd with T 69. P 12.
da. Wmk upright — £1400 (a)W19
(b) Litho. Wmk V
over Crown W 33 (sideways). P 12/2 308 1S recone (glazed —
(P 12%) (11.84) 286 62 £25 al yellowish green (1.86) 306 26 1s. pale blue/blue (gla
257 1s. chalky blue/lemon (glazed es Wee eetcRenan £130 45-00
paper) (P 12%) (3.3.85) wusmanns £250 30-00 RRC one Cael = a, Deep blue/blue.. — 48:00
258 44 £350 32-00 . Dull blue-green (9.88) b. Blue opt (F.C. £350).. £4500 £1700
= 4200 hes Wong base 307 27 2s. uiseranine geen (glazed
ree. See rd £50 dullpurple (1:86) (FC. £120). a yeaa : ed AA
. Wmk uprig
EOD OD b. Bright violet (11.89) (F.C. £120) say Wace ere @)w3s
259 45 3s. maroon/blue (glazed paper) 288 ene nO aes
£20 a. Se eRe Re ee E00
(P 12%) (8.8.84) £700 70-00 a. Wk upright 309 32 4d. rose-red (B.) (Nov)... 60-00 80-00
260 47 5s. claret/yellow (glazed paper) £110 7-00 Unauthorised reprints of the 4d. and 1s., both with blue overprints
. Eat 12. £130 19-00 ae prego econ plates. ene Crown, W33.P ee and watermarked W 33, were made during 1895-96. The 4d. reprint,
. Perf 121 ull blue-green _ ener Pepe ‘ Ae ¢ ‘
©. Pale claret/yeliow (P 1294) RO $OOe 290 £50 bright mauve (10.97) = RG which is in pale red, also exists without the overprint.
ca. Perf 12 £140 20-00 291 £100 pink-red (10.1900) — £900
d. Reddish purple/lemon (P 124%) *This is the date on which the stamps became valid for postal use.
(6.87) £100 14.00 All three values were issued for fiscal purposes on 18 December 1879.
e. Brown £160 50-00 Used prices for Nos. 283b, 284a, 285c/d and 289/91 are for examples
261 49 10s. chocolate/rose (glazed paper). E100) from the cancelled-to-order sets described beneath No. 279a. “F.C”
a. Perf 12. indicates that the price quoted is for a stamp with a fiscal cancellation.
b. Perf 121% For the £25 and £50 with watermarkW 82 see Nos. 351/2.
c. Wmk uprigh
262 51 £1 yellow-orange/yellow (P 12) £1300 85-00
a. Orange/yellow (P 12%) (8.84)..... £1200 60:00
6. Reddish orange/yellow (P 12¥2)
(9.88) .. £900 60-00
263 54 £2 deep blue (P 12) — £180
264 61 £10 dull mauve (P 12)...
a, Deep red-lilac (P 12).. . £14000 £400
(ii) Wmk Vover Crown W
33 (sideways). P 12/2.
265 40 1d. ochre... 80:00 17-00
a. Perf 12. 80:00 17-00
266 . ultramarine.. £160 30-00
£160 30-00 ‘ “
267 £275 35-00 (Des and die eng C. Naish. Typo from electrotyped plates)
. Bright rose-carmine (4.86) £300 24-00 1884 (23 Apr)-92. New design inscr “STAMP DUTY”. Wmk V over
268 45 3s. drab (20.10.85)... £130 16-00 Crown, W 33 (sideways). P 12%.
a. Olive-drab (1.93).. £120 16-00 292 63 2s.6d. brown-orange. £170 27-00 eucronra
269 46 4s. red-orange (5.86 £130 16-00 a. Yellow (8.85)... £130 14.00 poe See
a. Yellow-orange (12.94) b. Lemon-yellow (2.92).. £130 21-00 y “i
ab. Wmk upright... £180 15-00 For this design on later watermarks see Nos. and 370. i Hy
270 47 5s. rosine (8.5.96) £150 20-00 ef
271 48 6s. pea-green (12.11.91) £275 65-00 4 4
a. Apple-green (wmk upright). £375 42.00 G ES ES Qasteo un’
272 49 10s. dull bluish green (10.85)... £750 70-00 (anes PENCE. Sis EENce.
a. Grey-green (5.86) £650 38-00 eee
273 50 15s. purple-brown (12. £1600 £100 the
a. Brown (wmk upright) (5.95). £1500 £120
274 52 £1.5s. pink (wmk upright) (6.8.90) £4750 £180
275 53 £1.10s. pale olive (6.88)... £4750 £160
276 54 £2 bright blue... £1900 £130
a. Blue (7.88) £1600 £130
277 55 45s. lilac (15.8.9 £9000 £180
278 56 £5 rose-pink (P 12)... — £1300
a. Pink (P 122) — £1400
279 61 £10 mauve (3.84) £14000 £250
a. Lilac (6.85)... — £250
*This is the date on which the stamps became valid for postal use.
The 1d., 6d., 1s., 15.6d., 2s., 3s., 4s., 5s., 10s., 15s., £1, £1.10s., £2, £5
and £10 were issued for fiscal purposes on 18 December 1879 with
the £1.5s,, 35s., 45s., £6 and £9 added to the range later the same EIGHTEEN-PENGE-
month and the 6s., £7 and £8 in January 1880.
Used prices for the £1.5s., £1.10s., £2 (No. 276a), 45s. and £10 (Des and dies eng C. Naish. Typo from electrotyped plates) 79
watermarked W 33 are for examples from the cancelled-to-order 1885 (1 Jan)-95. New designs inscr “STAMP DUTY”. P 12%. (Des S. Reading (1d.) (No. 313), M. Tannenberg (2%d., 5d,), C. Naish
sets sold to collectors by the Victoria postal authorities between (1s.6d.), P. Astley (others). Dies eng C. Naish (2d., 4d. (both
September 1900 and 30 June 1902. (a)W19
ea ; 293 68 = 8d. rose/pink.... 45:00 9-50 existing dies with lines added behind Queen’s head) and
ae iis. berssa ll eee ee a. Rose- -red/pink 2.88)... 45:00 9-50 1s.6d.), S. Reading (originally as an employee of Fergusson &
BRS eRe iegat 4 aa Ppa 7 = Y 294 66 1s. deep dull blue/lemon (11.85) £170 17-00 Mitchell) (others). Typo from electrotyped plates)
The two different 1d. designs were reprinted in 1891 on W 33 Dull blue/yellow (6.86) £170 18
paper. Seer 8 We i /btuich ely (1285) ‘00 | 1886 (26 Jul)-96. W 33 (sideways on ‘d., 1s., £5, £7 to £9). P 12%.
For these designs with later watermarks see Nos. 345/50 and Pe SILI CNC ve £140 5:00 310 70 = ‘Yad, lilac-grey (28.8.86) 38:00 11-00
369/71. (b) W33 a, Grey-black.... — 45:00
296 64 ‘ad. pale rosine....... a 29-00 2:50 311 Yad. pink (15.2.87) 35-00 2:25
a. Deep rosine (7.85)... 32:00 3-00 a. Rosine (aniline) (1889).. 17:00 1:25
6. Salmon (9.85)..... 32:00 3-00 b. Rose-red (1891). 14-00 1-00
297 65 _—_1d. yellowish green (1.85). 28-00 3-25 c. Vermilion (1896) 17-00 2:75
a. Dull pea-green (2.85) 29:00 3-25 312 TA) “iepele kenreme icy 19:00 3:50
298 66) 2d: lila eens 45:00 2:00 a. Yellow--green (1887). 19:00 3:50
a. Mauve (1886)... 45-00 2-00 313 72 1d. dull chestnut (1.1.90) 27-00 2:25
6. Rosy-mauve (1886) 50-00 2:00 a. Deep red-brown (1890) 27-00 2:25
299 65 3d. yellowish brown 50:00 3-50 b. Orange-brown (1890) 27-00 50
a. Pale ochre (9.86) 12:00 2:25 c. Brown-red (1890) .. 27-00 50
b. Bistre-yellow (9.92) 12:00 2:25 d, Yellow-brown (1891) 27-00 40
300 67 4d. magenta... £110 6:50 e. Bright yellow-orange 90:00 20:00
: a. Bright mauve-rose (12.86) £110 7-00 f. Brownish orange (1894, 13-00 30
(Des C. Jackson and L. Lang. Dies eng C. Jackson) b. Error. Lilac (12.86). £7500 £1300 | 314 73 2d. pale lilac (17.12.86). 32.00 20
1884 (1 Jan*)-00. High value Stamp Duty series. 301 65 6d. eat drs Hee £160 8:50 A faesine Hy Pgs 38-00 20
(a) Recess-printed Fl from the die;
direct a.
b. Bright blue (3.85
Cobalt (7.85) a. £120
£120 397-50
425 c.. Purple
Deep lilac
(1894). , 16-00
12.00 20
(i) Wmk V over Crown W 19 (sideways). P 12% 302. 68 8d. bright scarlet/pink (3.95) 32:00 15:00 d. Violet (1895 12.00 30
280 62 £25 yellow-green (F.C. £140).. 303 2s. olive-green/pale green (1.90)... 55:00 6:50 , IMPeF ens — £1000
304 2s. apple-green (12.8.95).. . - 315 74 2d. red-brown/lemon (1.1.91). 38:00 4-00
a. Blue-green (29.10.95) a. Brown-red/yellow (1892) . 28-00 80
4, The plates for the 1d., 6d., 1s. and 2s. 6. Red/yellow (1893) .. 23-00 70
ca. Wmk upright. of the 2d. (1s.), 3d. (1d. and 6d.) and 8d. (2s.). In each instance lead 316 75 4d. rose-red (1.4.87) 55:00 1:25
281 £50 bright mauve (F.C. moulds of six impressions were taken from the original die and the a. Red (1893) ...... 25:00 1-25
a. Wmk upright... face values altered by hand creating six slightly different versions. 317 76 5d. purple-brown (1.1.91). 32:00 3-50
B. Perf 13 ono Two states of the 2d. die exist with the second showing a break a. Pale reddish brown (1893 14:00 3:25
282 £100 crimson-lake (F.C. £300) in the top frame line near the right-hand corner. This damaged die 318 77 ~~ 6d. bright ultramarine (27.8.86 60:00 4-75
a. Wmk uprigh was used for seven impressions on Plate 1 and all 120 on Plate 2. a. Pale ultramarine (1887) ... 42.00 50
b. Perf 13. No. 300b occurred during the December 1886 printing of the 4d. . Dull blue (1891) sere. 38-00 60
(ii) Wmk V over Crown W 33 (sideways). P 12% when about fifty sheets were printed in the colour of the 2d. by 319 25 9d. apple-green (18.10.92) 30:00 15-00
283 62 £25 yellow-green... mistake. The sheets were issued to Melbourne post offices and used 320 9d. carmine-rose (15.10.95)... 70:00 25-00
a. Perf 12 examples are known postmarked between 21 December 1886 and a. Rosine (aniline) (1896)... 70:00 23-00
b. Deep green (1.85) (F.C. £140) £60000 £1200 4 March 1887. Nine unused are also believed to exist. 321 78 1s. dull purple-brown (14.3.87) £120 4.25
c. Bright blue-green (10.90) (F.C. Reprints of the Y2d., 1d., 2d., 4d., 6d. and 1s. values were made in 1. LAKE (1890) .rscsssesscee 95-00 5:50
1891 from the existing plates. The 1s. was watermarked W 19 and b. Carmine-lake (1892). 55:00 3-00
ca. Wmk upright... the remainder W 33. c. Brownish red (1896) . 5500 5:50
322 79 1s.6d. pale blue (9.88) £180 75-00
323 1s.6d. orange (19.9.89 35:00 25-00
a, Red-orange (1893 « 35:00 ~ 13:00
324 80 £5 pale blue and maroon (7.2.88)t £9000 £160
325 £6 yellow and pale blue (1.10.87)t £10000 £180
326 £7 rosine and black (17.10.89)t...... £11000 £225
327 £8 mauve and brown-orange
(2.8.90) Tossssscessesssssnns ae Noketerene esLe OO) Sema>
328 £9 apple-green and rosin
(21.8.88)F ccseosssesss £13000 £300
+The used prices provided for these stamps are for cancelled-to-
order examples.
Unauthorised reprints of the Yd. lilac-grey and 1s.6d. pale blue 1899 (1 Aug)-1901. W 85 (sideways on ‘ad., 1s. and 2s.6d. to
were made in 1894-95 on W 33 paper and perforated 12%. These 10s.). P 12%.
differ in shade from the originals and have rougher perforations. It 356 JO Vad, Emerald . esers os0 5:00 3-25
should be noted that the original printing of No. 322 does not occur a. Deep blue-green . 6:50 2:00
with inverted watermark, but the reprint does. b. i — 13-00
A single example of No. 314e is known postmarked “737" (Foster). 357 72 1d. 14-00 1-00
A second, postmarked “249” (Mortlake), was reported in 1892. It is a. Rosine (1900)... 6:00 10
known that an imperforate sheet was sold at Mortlake P.O. in 1890. b. Wmk sideways —_— - =
Other examples are believed to be clandestine. 358 1d. olive (6.6.01) 12:00 4:00
Later printings of the £5 to £9 values, as No. 324/8 but on W 85 359 73 2d. violet...... 38-00 1-00
paper perforated 12% or 11, were not valid for postal use (Unused a. Wmk sideways t =
prices, £275 for £5 value, from £400 for £6 to £9 values). 360 74 =2%ad. blue (10.99)... 45.00 275
A £10 value as Type 80 was prepared, but not issued. 361 65 3d. bistre-yellow (9.99) 7:50 8-00
a. Wmk sideways... + —
1891 (17 Jun). W 19. P 12%. 362 3d. slate-green (20.6.01). 38:00 20:00
329 72 1d, orange-brown/pink - 16:00 425 363 75 4d. rose-red (12.99 26:00 8:50
No. 329 was an emergency printing during a shortage of white 364 76 5d. red-brown (10.99)... 42:00 8:50
W 33 paper. 365 77 6d. dull ultramarine (1.00).. 35-00 8-00
366 25 9d. rose-red (9.99) 21-00 3-50
a. Wmk sideways
367 78 1s. brown-red (5.00). 35:00 10-00
368 79 1s.6d. orange (2.00)... 32:00 55-00
369 68 2s. blue-green (6.00) 42:00 42:00
370 63 2s.6d, yellow (1.00)..... £550 32:00
371 45 3s, pale olive (4.00)t+ £225 45-00
372 47 5s. rose-red (4.00) £180 45:00
373 49 10s. green (3.00)t..... £700 45-00
+The used prices provided for these stamps are for cancelled-to-
order examples.
From 1 July 1901 stamps inscribed “STAMP DUTY” could only be
used for fiscal purposes.

(Die eng A. Williams (1%d.). Typo from electrotyped plates).
1896 (11 Jun)-99. W 82 (sideways on ‘d., 1%d., 1s. 2s.6d. to
15s.). P 12%”.
330 70 ad. light scarlet (1.7.96) 950 475 Three die states of 2d.:
a. Carmine-rose (1897) 9:50 3-00 |. Outer vertical line of colour to left of “V” continuous except for a
b. Deep carmine-red (coarse break opposite the top of “V Triangles either end of “VICTORIA”
impression) (1899) _ 6:50 are more or less solid colour.
c. Wmk upright..... £110 65-00 ll. Die re-engraved. Three breaks in outer line of colour left of “V”.
331 Yad. emerald (1.8.99) 30-00 8-00 White lines added to left triangle.
a, Wmk upright... +t £100 NE PENN Ill. Die re-engraved. As Il, but equivalent triangle at right also
332 72 1d. brown-red (13.6.96) 13:00 1.00 86 Victoria Cross contains white lines.
a. Brownish orange (1897).. 10:00 10 South Africa
b. Wmk sideways....... t —
BB3) 81 1%4d. apple-green (7.10.97). 3-00 7:50 (Des Sands and MacDougall (1d.), J. Sutherland (2d.). Dies
334 73 2d. Violet... 26:00 50 eng S. Reading. Typo from electrotyped plates)
a. Wmk sideways.. t . 90-00
335 74 2d, blue (1.8.99)... 23:00 26-00
1900 (22 May). Anglo-Boer War Patriotic Fund. W 85 (sideways).
P 12%.
336 65 3d. ochre (11.96). 22:00 2:75
a. Buff (1898).. 13:00 275 374 86 1d, (1s.) olive-brown....... » £150 85:00
b. Wmk sideways... t — 375 87 2d. (2s.) emerald-green REL Om E22,
337 75 4d. red (6.97)........ 50:00 10:00
These stamps were sold at 1s. and 2s., but only had postal validity
338 76 5d. red-brown (7.97 35:00 2:25
for id, and 2d. with the difference going to the Fund.
339 77 ‘6d, dull blue (9.96). 32:00 1:25
340 25 9d. rosine (8.96; 70-00 7-00 FEDERATION. The six Australian colonies were federated as the
a. Rose-carmine _ 7-00 Commonwealth of Australia on 1 January 1901. Under the terms of
6, Dull rose (1898). 42:00 7-00 the Post and Telegraph Act their postal services were amalgamated
c, Wmk sideways... on 1 March 1901, but other clauses to safeguard the financial position
341 78 1s. brownish red (3.97). 32:00 4:50 of the individual States provided them with a large degree of
a. Wmk upright. — _— independence until 13 October 1910 when issues of each state could
342 79 1s.6d. brown-orange (8. 80:00 60-00 be used throughout Australia. Postage stamps for the Commonwealth
343 68 2s. blue-green (4.97). 80:00 15-00 of Australia did not appear until January 1913.
344 63 2s.6d, yellow (9.96)...... £150 22:00 It was agreed in 1901 that stamp printing should be centralised at
a. Wmk upright (1898) £170 22:00 Melbourne under J. B. Cooke of South Australia who was appointed
345 45 3s. olive-drab (12.96) £110 30-00 Commonwealth Stamp Printer. By 1909 the Commonwealth Stamp
a. Wmk upright (189) £110 30-00 Printing Branch in Melbourne was producing stamps for Papua,
346 46 4s. orange (9.97). £150 45-00 South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia in addition to those
347 47 5s. rosine (2.97)... £160 24-00 ofVictoria.
a. Rose-carmine (1897) £160 24-00 On federation it was decided to separate postal and fiscal stamp
b. Wmk upright. Rosine (1899)... £160 26:00 issues so Victoria needed urgent replacements for the current Stamp
348 48 6s. pale yellow-green (4.99)t. £190 38-00 Duty series which reverted to fiscal use only on 30 June 1901,
349 49 10s. grey-green (4.97).. £750 45-00
a. Blue-green (1898).. £750 26-00 1901 (29 Jan). Re-use of previous designs without “POSTAGE”
350 50 15s. brown (4.97)t.... £750 85-00 inscr, W 82 (2s.) or W 85 (others) (sideways on ‘ad,).
P 12x12%.
35 62 £25 dull bluish green (1897)+ =— £350,
352 £50 dull purple (1897)t ‘ £500) 376 22 ‘ad. bluish green.......... 2:25 3:25
+The used prices provided for these stamps are for cancelled-to- a. “VICTCRIA” (R. 7/19) 42:00 60-00
order examples. 377 312d. reddish violet 1400 4:50
378 15 3d. dull orange 15:00 475
379 32 4d. bistre-yellow. 25:00 28-00
380 16 6d. emerald.. 15-00
381 26 48-00
382 27 75:00
383 18 80-00

! and Il il

Three die states of 1d.:

|. Thick lines fill top of oval above Queen’s head,
ll. Die re-engraved. Lines thinner, showing white space between.
Ill. Die re-engraved. As II, but with bottom left value tablet recut to
show full point separated from both “1” and the circular frame.
(Des M. Tannenberg. Dies eng A. Mitchelhill. Typo from
electrotyped plates) Two die states of 2d.:
|. Frame line complete at top right corner. Bottom right corner
1897 (22 Oct). Diamond Jubilee and Hospital Charity Fund. W 82
(sideways). P 12%. comes to a point.
I. Break in right frame line just below the top corner. Bottom right
353 83 1d. (1s.) blue aR 20:00 23-00 corner is blunted.
354 84 2%Ad. (2s.6d) red-brown. £130 80-00
353s/4s Optd “Specimen” Set of 2..... £200
Two types of 1s.:
These stamps were sold at 1s. and 2s.6d., but only had postal validity A, "POSTAGE" 6mm long (produced by a hand punch applied twice
for 1d. and 2%d, with the difference going to the Fund.
to each impression on the previous 1s. electrotyped plate. Slight
1899 (1 Aug). W 33 (sideways). P 12%. TWOPENCE HALFPENNY] variations in position occur). ;
355 B81 1a. brown-red/yellow .vreessesssssessersrssnees 4:50 6:00 B. “POSTAGE” 7 mm long (produced from new electrotyped plates
incorporating the “POSTAGE” inscriptions),
(Eng S, Reading after photo by W. Stuart (£1, £2)) . Indigo (7.09) 1912 (29 Jun). No. 455 surch with T 103 in red.
1901 (29 Jan)-10. Previous issues with “POSTAGE” added and 420 93 3d. orange-brown (11.11.05 20-00 456 91 1d. OM AAC) aseascecrceos eee 60
new designs (£1, £2). W 85 (sideways on Jad., Wad, £1, £2). a. Yellow-orange (1908)... 16-00
b. Dull orange-buff (1909 8-00 1912 (1 Aug-Sept). W 104.
(a)P12x12% (Yad, to 2s.)or 12% (Yad., 5s. to a)
384 tad. blue-green (I) (26.6.01) 1-00 C. OCHre (1912) cecssssesreree 8-00 (a) P 12% (¥ad.) or 12X12%2
a. Wmk upright (1903) 3-00 421 94 4d. yellow-bistre (15.1.06) 8-50 457 88 ad. bluish green (lI)... 9-00
b. Die state || (6.04) a. Olive-bistre (1908) 8-00 458 89 sid. rose-carmine (Ill). 6:00
ba. Wmk upright... b. Yellow-olive (1912) 7-00 a. Wmk sideways... 50-00
. Die state Ill (6.05)... 422 95 5d. chocolate (14.8.06)... 8:00 459 91 2d. reddish violet (I!) (Sept). 8-50
385 89 - rose (I). a. Dull reddish brown (1908; 7-00 a. Lilac. 12:00
. Dull red (12.0) ... b. Wmk sideways t 460 979d; rose-carmine 42:00
. Wmk sideways... c. Thin, ready gummed paper
(19.10.12) 13-00 (b) P11
. Die state II (4.01) 461 88 lad. bluish green (Ill)... 45-00
. Dull red (12,02)... 423 96 6d. dull green (25.10.05 25-00
a. Dull yellow-green (1907). 15-00 462 89 sid. rose-carmine (Ill).. 30-00
. Wk sideways...
. Die state III. Pale rose-red. b. Emerald (1909)........ 15:00 a. Wmk sue £120
. Wk sideways... c. Yellowish green (1911). 17-00 463 97' 9d. rose-carmine.. 48-00 70-00
386 90 . maroon/yellow (9.7.01) d. Emerald. Thin, ready gummed (c) Compound perfs of12x12% or 12% Prd 11
Paper (11.12)... 35-00 464 97 9d. rose-carmine + £1700
. Wmk upright. Brown-red/yellow
424 97 9d. brown-red (11. 12.05)... 35-00 Nos. 457/64 were emergency p) by the non-arrival
. Dull red--brown/yellow (1906).. a. Orange-brown (1906)... 30-00 of stocks of the thin, ready gummed Crown over A watermarked
b. Red-brown (1908) 45-00 paper. Paper watermarked W 104 had been introduced in 1911 and
. On yellow-buff back (1908)...
c. Pale dull rose (1909). 20-00 was normally used for Victoria fiscal stamps. This watermark can be
387 91 . lilac (I) (26.6.01).
. Die state II........ d. Rose-carmine (1910) 13-00 easily distinguished from the previous W 85 by its narrow crown.
. Reddish violet (1902). e. Wmk sideways... £325
- Die state I... 425 98 1s. orange (B) (13.2.06).. 11-00 STAMP BOOKLETS
. Bright purple (\\) (1905) a. Yellow-orange (1906) 11-00
b. Yellow (1908) 17-00 There are very few surviving examples of Nos. SB1/4. Listings are
|. Rosy mauve (Il) (1905)...
ba. Thin, ready gummed paper provided for those believed to have been issued with prices quoted
e. Wmk sideways for those known to still exist.
388 92 2iad. dull blue.......... CGUVTIS12) See ectteeceeeenemeet
pre Receacet 30-00
. Deep blue (1902) c. Pale orange. Thin, ready
1904 (Mar)-09. Black on red cover as No. SB1 of New South
. Wmk sideways... gummed paper (1913) ...crsssesseee 30-00
Wales. Stapled.
389 93 . dull orange-brown (5.7.01). 430 100 5s. rose-red and ultramarine (12.07) 80-00
a. Rose-red and blue (1911).. 90-00 SB1 £1 booklet containing 240 1d. in four blocks of
. Chestnut (1901) srerssvee 30 and two blocks of 60.
. Yellowish brown (1903) ab. Wmk sideways... £120
431 101 £1 salmon (12.2.07 £325 a. Red on pink cover (1909) £22000
. Wmk sideways........ b. Blue on pink cover... £20000
390 94 . bistre-yellow (26.6.01). a. Dull rose (1910). £325
ab. Wmk upright (1911) £350
. Brownish bistre (1905).. 1904 (Mar). Black on grey cover as No. SB1. Stapled.
391 95 . reddish brown....... 432 102 £2 dull blue (18.7.06)...... £750
SB2 £1 booklet eral 120 2d. in four
. Purple-brown (1903). (b) P11 blocks of 30... Cigtiriee Ramet
392 96 . emerald (5.7.01) 433 88 Yad. blue-green (shades) (III) (1905) . 1-60
. Dull green (1904) a. Wmk upright. Thin, ready 1910 (May). Black on white cover as Type B 1 of New South
393 97 . dull rose-red (5.7.01) gummed paper (1912) 23-00 Wales. Stapled.
. Wmk sideways (1901)... 434 89 1d, rose-red (Ill) (1905)... 8-00 SB3 2s. booklet containing 11 Yad. (No. 426), either in
. Pale red (1901) ..eesscsse a. Pale rose (1907) ..... 4-00 block of 6 plus block of 5 or block of 11, and
. Dull brownish red (1905). 6. Rose-carmine (1911) 7-00 18 1d. (No. 427), either in three blocks of 6 or
394 98 1s. yellow-orange (A) (5.7.01 ba. Wmk sideways 32:00 block of 6 plus block of 12 £5500
a. Yellow (1902)... c. Thin, ready gummed paper a. Black on pale green cover. £6000
b. Type B (4.03 (HO 2) Srccsane 16-00 Unsold stock of No. SB3 was uprated with one additional Yad. in
ba. Orange (1904) 435 91 2d. lilac (II) (1906). t May 1911.
bb. Wmk sideways (1905).. a. Reddish violet (1907) 85-00
395 99 2s. blue/rose (5.7.01 b. Bright mauve (1910). 35:00 1911 (1 Aug). Red on pink cover as No, SB3. Stapled.
a. Wmk sideways... 436 92 2%ad. blue (1908)..... 60:00 SB4 2s, Booklet containing 12 Yad. (No. 426), either
398 100 5S. rose-red and pale blue a, Indigo (1909).. 20-00 in two blocks of 6 or block of 12, and 18
a. Scarlet and deep blue... 437 93 3d. orange-brown (1905 10-00 1d, (No, 427), either in three blocks of6 or
6. Rosine and blue (12.04) a. Yellow-orange (1908) aj block of 6 plus block of 12
399 101 £1 carmine-rose (18.11.01 b. Dull orange-buff (1909 15-00
400 102 £2 deep blue (2.6.02).......... c. Ochre (1912).. 9:00
d. Wmk sideway: t POSTAGE DUE STAMPS
(b) P11 438 94 4d. yellow-bistre (1906). 15-00
401 Yad. blue-green (I) (9.02)..
a. Olive-bistre (1909).
a. Wmk upright (1903). b. Yellow-olive (1912) 8-50
b. Die state II (6.04) 439 95 5d. chocolate (1906)... +
ba. Wmk upright.. a. Dull reddish brown (1908 t
E Die state Ill (6. 96 6d. emerald (1909).......... 10:00
402 89 1d. dull red (I) (12.02)... a. Yellowish green (1911). 20-00
a. Die state II.......
97 9d. rose-carmine (1910) it
ab. Pale red (aniline) (3.03).
98 1s. yellow-orange (B) (1 t
ac. Pale rose (aniline) (1904)...
a. Orange (1910) £1400
b. Die state III. Pale rose-red (7. 05)
100 5s. rose-red and ultramarine (12.07) 85-00
90 vad. dull red-brown/yellow (1910)... 101 £1 salmon (12.2.07) £475 (Dies eng A. Williams (values) and J. McWilliams (frame). Typo)
91 2d. bright purple (II) (1905)
102 £2 dull blue (1.07)... £1300 1890 (1 Nov)-94. Wmk V over Crown, W 33. P 12x12%2.
a. Rosy mauve (II) (1905)...
D1 D1 vd. dull blue and brown-lake
93 3d. yellowish brown (1903) (c) Compound or mixed perfs of 12X12% or 12% and 11
88 Yad. blue-green (shades) (Il) (1905). 28-00 (24.12.90)... 8-00 8-50
a. a. Dull blue and deep claret 6:00
a. Wmk upright. Thin, ready 6:50
96 6d. D2 1d. dull blue and brown-lak 7-00 5
Dull green (190: gummed paper (1912) £200
89 = 1d. rose-red (III) (1905)... 95-00 a. Dull blue and brownish red (1.93)
15-00 2-50
101 £1OSE (5,05)...cee D3 2d, dull blue and brown-lake.......0006
102 £2 deep blue (1905 a. Pale rose (1907)...... —
b. Rose-carmine (1911) _— a. Dull blue and brownish red (3.93)
(c) Compound or mixed perfs of 12x12 or 12% and 11 91 2d. reddish violet (II) (1907)... £650 D4 4d, dull blue and brown-lake.......000
88 Vad. . blue-green (I) (1901) fe 93 3d. orange-brown (1905) t a. Dull blue and pale claret (5.94)...
a. Wmk upright (1903). a. Ochre (1912)... £650 DS 5d. dull blue and brown-lake...
b. Die state II (1904). 450 94 4d. bistre (1908)... t Dé 6d. dull blue and brown-laki 22:00
ba. Wmk upright....... 451 96 6d. emerald (1909).. —_ D7 10d. 75-00
410 1d. dull red (I) (1902 a. Yellowish green ( hn t D8 Is. 50:00
a. Die state II... 452 97 9d. orange-brown (1906 t D9 2s. £140
411 Vad. maroon/yello' a. Red-brown (1908)...... t D10 £190
412 2d. reddish violet (I) (1903) 453 98 sis.yeleveerelge ee £1900 D1/10 Set of 10 £500
413 3d. dull orange-brown (1902) 453a £1 dull rose.. 4E t D1as/10s H/S “Specimen.” Set of 10 £475
414 6d. emerald (1903)... A used example of the 6d. showing compound perforation of
415 100 DS; rosine and blue (12.04) 2 £3500 (d) Rotary ene Det.11%X12% 12x12% and 11 exists in the Royal Collection.
Examples of the 1d. Die state Il perforated 12x12% exist with two 454 MC SCarOteneMdscisccteescescoceesersssrsetertereedec 4:50 1:75
black lines printed across the face of the stamp. These were prepared a. Thin, ready gummed paper 1895 (17 Jan)-96. Co lours changed. Wmk V over Crown. W 33.
in connection with stamp-vending machine trials. (Rose-carmine).. 2:75 P 12x12%.
ab. Rose-red.. 2:75 D11 D1 Yad. rosine and bluish green... 10-00 2:25
ac. Wmk sideway: 35-00 a. Pale scarlet and yellow-green
K VARIETIES: The attention of collectors is drawn to 455 91 2d. lilac (II) (1910)...... 40-00 2:25 (3.96) 5:50 3:75
n inverted and reversed watermarks on the stamps of The original Crown over A watermark paper used by Victoria was of D12 1d, rosine and bluish green. 14-00 1:75
alian States at the top of the Australia listings. medium thickness and had toned gum applied after printing. Stocks of a. Pale scarlet and yellow-green
this paper lasted until 1912 when further supplies were ordered from a (3.96)... 6-00 2:75
1905-13. Wmk Crown over A, W w 11 (sideways on ‘ad, £1, £2). new papermakers, probably W. Joynson and Son. This paper was much D13 2d, rosine a g 27-00 2-75
thinner and was supplied with white gum already applied. The first a. Pale scarlet and yellow-green
(a) P 12x12% (ed. to 15.) or 12% (Yd. 1d., 2¥2d., 6d., 5s. to £2) delivery arrived in June 1912 and a second in September of the same year. (3.96)... 25-00 1:50
416 88 lad, blue-green (shades) (III) The rotary comb perforating machine gauging 11%2x12% was D14 4d, rosine and bluish green.. 12:00 1-50
(21.10.05) 4:25 transferred from South Australia in 1909 when J. B. Cooke moved a, Pale scarlet and yellow-green
a. Wmk upright... aS 15-00 to Melbourne. (3.96) 10:00 2:50
b. Thin, ready gummed paper Examples of the 1d. perforated 12% or 11 exist with two black lines D15 5d, rosine and bluish green.. 32:00 32:00
(6.12) 5:00 across the face of the stamp. These were prepared in connection with a. Pale scarlet and yellow-gr
ba. Wmk upright.. 5:00 stamp-vending machine trials. 18-00 22:00
417 89 1d. rose-red (Ill) (16.7. 475 D16 6d. rosine and bluish green.. 22-00 22-00
. Pale rose (1907) ...... 2:00 D17 10d. rosine and bluish green... 45:00 10-00
. Rose-carmine (1911). 11-00 D18 1s. rosine and bluish green.. 24-00 3-50
. Wmk sideways er 14-00 D19 2s. pale red and yellowish green
. Thin, ready gummed paper (28,3.95) . 90-00 25-00
(10.12). 4:50 D20 5s. pale red a
418 . dull mau 9, 6-00 (28.3.95) . £140 40-00
« LIHAT (1906) serressreeeeee 9:50 D11/20 Set of10 £350 £120
. Reddish violet (1907). 9:50
. Bright mauve (1910)... 5:50 1897 (1 July)-99. Wmk V over Crown. W 82. P 12x12¥2.
ca. Thin, ready gummed paper “| 021 D1 1d. pale scarlet and yellow-green... 20-00 2:00
(8. 40-00 a. Dull red and bluish green (8.99)... 19-00 2:25
419 92 2d. deep dull blue (10.08)... 5:00 D022 2d. pale scarlet and yellow-green... 32-00 2-00
a. Dull blue (11.09) 3-00 a. Dull red and bluish green (6.99)... 32-00 1-75
Selling Your Stamps?
Summary Tip #18:
When it comes to Selling - all collections are Not created Equal
by Andrew McGavin
Dear Colleague,
I will return to the surprisingly large for sale into small/smaller units adds there are too many of — because the
subject of ‘certificates’ in another ‘value’ and profit for the dealer. Post Office has recently printed and
article — but this article is prompted by Some collectors are ‘hoarders’ and sold them. i
developments we have observed over will buy general lots — other collectors Just don’t forget to ask if there is
the past few years when purchasing will buy intermediate sized collections anything ‘better’ in the period’ that
private stamp collections. in order to ‘extract’ the stamps they you are selling — that may command a
want ... and then ‘turn’ the balance higher price.
Traditionally there are 5 different back for resale to dealer or auction. In our next article we'll focus on the
ways to sell your stamps: The idea that collectors will buy merits of the 5 different ways to sell
1. The Stamp Dealer or Stamp Auction large complete intact collections at your stamps ... and which may be best
buying on their own account. retail prices is quaint and outmoded. for you.
In almost 40 years of dealing I have

bo. Dealers ‘runners’.
seen few intact collections purchased Happy collecting from us all,
3. Private Treaty — the idea of Private
by collectors and continued by new
Treaty is that collectors ‘place’ their
collectors. Collectors enjoy creating
collection with a dealer or auction
their own collections. Few collectors PS. If you find this ‘tip’ interesting
that charges a small commission
have the budget to purchase a please forward it to a philatelic
(or the buyer a commission) to
substantial intact collection and friend.
purchase the collection outright.
develop it still further.
Historically ‘Private Treaty’ has Andrew McGavin
acquired notoriety as an excuse Managing Director: Universal Philatelic Auctions,
for the company handling the Know your ‘strengths’ — (know Omniphil & Avon Approvals, Avon Mixtures, Uni-

transaction to ‘buy-in’ the collection the strength of your collection). versal Philatelic (Ebay)

for themselves. Fortunately things Choosing who is best to approach

to sell your stamps or handle them To read the rest of this series ‘SELLING YOUR
are more transparent now. STAMPS?’ see the relevant pages listed below:
depends upon your knowing the
4. Selling through auction on your Summary Tip 18 — page 42 (Australia) 2
‘strength’ and merits of your collection.
own account — the auction house Summary Tip 19 - page 92 (Bechuanaland) _
For example ... on a basic level — if Summary Tip 20 — page 206 (Egypt
charges you a commission and
your collection consists of all different Summary Tip 21 - page 264 (India) _ ae
handling costs. To read the final instalment, Summary Tip 22 — ‘Sell-
modern British sets that you have
ing via Online Auction’ simply e-mail and request to:
or. Finally — the internet now permits bought from the Post Office at ‘face
you to sell your stamps on-line value’ ... the last thing you want to do Also, at the back of this catalogue to see how UPA
upon your own account via internet is send this collection to auction. All can pay you upto 36% more for your collection
giants such as ‘eBay’. you will be doing is paying an auction’s
In selling your stamps there are two commissions — up to 35% for them to
principles to understand. Collectors sell your stamps, most probably, to a
want to buy stamps that are missing in dealer below ‘face value’ — who will
their collections: this is why Dealers use a fair percentage of them upon
exist. Dealers buy collections to ‘break- commercial correspondence.
down’ into usually smaller units that A few phone calls to dealers will
collectors need for their collections: elicit the percentage of ‘face value’
generally speaking breaking down that the trade is paying for stamps that

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f, please contact Elaine or Andrew on 01451 861111
: DoYou 1 Quolify? 1 (PART1) 4 The Old Coalyard, West End
£550) ibaa ies 15/169
INSIDE: See, Northleach, Glos. GL54 3HE UK
Tel: 01451 861111 + Fax: 01451 861297 «
Victoria, Western Australia AUSTRALIA
D23 4d. pale scarlet and yellow-green... 55-00 2-50 In addition to the supplies received from London a further printing, 16 2d. brown-black/Iindian red
a. Dull red and bluish green (8.99).. 55-00 2-50 using the original plate and watermarked paper from Perkins, Bacon, (2622.58) ncn cosssces £7000 £800
D24 Sd. pale scarlet and yellow-green... 55-00 7-00 was made in the colony before the date of issue. a. Printed both sides. £9000 £850
D25 6d. pale scarlet and yellow-green... 15-00 © 7-00 The 1d. is also known pin-perforated. 17 6d. golden bronze.. £19000 £2250
D21/5 Set
of S. £160 18-00 18 6d. black-bronze.. £8000 £650
(Litho H. Samson (later A. Hillman), Government Lithographer) 19 6d. grey-black (1859)... £8000 £550
1900 (1 Jun)-04. Wmk V over Crown. W 85. P 12x12%. 1854 (1 Aug)-55. W 4 (sideways).
D26 D1 Yad. rose-red and pale Green ..eeseessss 23-00 (b) Rouletted 7% to 14 and compound
a. Pale red and deep green (8.01) 7-00 (a) Imperf 20 5 2d. brown-black/red.... £12000 £1800
b. Scarlet and deep green (1.03)...... _ 3 2 = 4d. pale blue. £375 £200 a. Printed both sides — £2000
a. Blue...... £450 £250 21 2d. brown-black/Indian re — £1900
c. Aniline rosine and green (6.04)... 18-00 10-00
027 1d. rose-red and pale greene. 24-00 b. Deep dull blue. £2750 £850 22 6d. black-bronze . £12000 £1100
c. Slate-blue (1855) £4000 £1300 23 6d. grey-black... — £1200
a. Pale red and deep green (9.01) 25-00 1-25
d. “T” of “POSTAGE” shaved off The 2d. and 6d. are known pin-perforated.
b, Scarlet and deep green (2.02)... 25-00 1-00
to a point at foot (R. 7/5, 7/10, Prices quoted for Nos. 15/23 are for “cut-square” examples.
c. Aniline rosine and green (9.03)... 25-00 1-25
TVS 7/20) seers emcee tie £2250 £1000 Collectors are warned against “cut-round” copies with corners added.
D28 2d. rose-red and pale green (7.00).. 15-00 2:25
e. Top of letters of “AUSTRALIA”
a. Pale red and deep green (9.01)... 25-00 3-00 (Recess in the colony from PB. plates)
b. Scarlet and deep green (2.02)...... 25:00 cut off so that they are barely
1 mm high t+ £30000 1860 (11 Aug)-64. W 4 (sideways on 2d. and 6d.).
c. Aniline rosine and green (9.03)... 25-00 2-00
f. “PEICE” instead of “PENCE”. + £35000
D29 4d. rose-red and pale green (5.01)... 48-00 13-00 (a) Imperf
g. “CE” of “Pence” close together... + £30000 24 1 2d. pale orange... £130 80:00
a. Pale red and deep green (9.01)... 48-00 275 h. Frame inverted (R. 8/1, 8/6, 25 2d. orange-vermilion.. £140 80-00
b. Scarlet and deep green (6.03)...... 48-00 4:50 8/Ai1 BHO) Batcemeisneetertentetoee t £140000 a. Wmk upright.
c. Aniline rosine and green (6.04)... 48-00 4-50 i. Tilted border (R. 7/4, 7/9, 7/14,
D30 5d. scarlet and deep green (1.03)... 24-00 11-00 25b 2d. deep vermilion.. £1900 £800
7/19) £3000 £1500
D31 Is. scarlet and deep green (3.02)... 26-00 14:00 26 4d. blue (Wmk uprig £325 £2250
j. “WEST” in squeezed-down
D32 2s. scarlet and deep green (1.03)... £180 95-00 a.
Wmk sideways £700
letters and “F” of “FOUR” with
D33 5s. scarlet and deep green (1.03)... £200 95-00 27 4d.
deep blue (Wmk upright)... £325 £2250
pointed foot (R. 2/17).. £3250 £1600
£475 £200 28 6d.
sage-green (27.7.61) £400
k. “ESTERN” in squeezed-
28a 6d.
deep sage-green....... — £550
1905 (Dec)-09. Wmk Crown over A, W w 11. P 12x12. letters and “U" of “FOUR”
SQUCEZEM UP (R. 3/17) srvseseseresseseere £4750 £2500 (b) Rouletted 7% to 14
D34. D1 ‘ad. aniline rosine and pale green 29 12d. pale orange......... £800 £250
|, Small “S"in“POSTAGE” (R. 4/17) £3250 £1600
UELOG) csccossassovesss tnteeenistssecsoanvcerssecstn 25-00 20-00 30 2d. orange-vermilion.. £850 £250
a. Scarlet and pale yellow-green m. “EN” of “PENCE” shorter (R. 6/4) £2500 £1300
n. “N” of “PENCE” tilted to right 31 4d. deep blue RS eas £5500
(7.07)... bet 5-50 11-00
with thin first downstroke 32 6d. sage-green... ela £700
b. Dull scarlet and pea--green Gi(09) 6:50 12:00
ba. Compound perf 12x12%2and11. £1600 (Ri G/16) Rk cossntsnntecatrerecees £2500 £1300
o. Swan and water above “ENCE” WATERMARK VARIETIES: On several stamps, Nos. 1 to 46,
D35 1d. aniline rosine and pale green.... 70:00 8-50
Garmaged (R. 6/20) -...sssssscssccsesessseee £3500 £1600 watermark W 4 exists with the Swan's head to the left or right
a. Scarlet and pale yellow-green
p. “F” of “FOUR’ slanting to left and reversed in either direction. We do not list these varieties.
1S. OG) eeertence terreeeaeearccrsires evecare 6:50 2:75
(REST Messran remmarcerecotmeeteneect £3000 £1500
b. Dull scarlet and pea-green (1.07) 10-00 275 q. “WESTERN” in squeezed-down
D36 2d. aniline scarlet and deep
letters only 1% mm high PERKINS BACON “CANCELLED”. For notes on these handstamps,
yellOW-Green (5.06) ..rvsssssessseeeeess 42:00 5:50
(RESHAZ) Fetes erceseessoasstsokarsevecssesecteeetara £3500 £1700 showing “CANCELLED” between horizontal bars forming an oval,
a. Dull scarlet and pea-green
r. “P” of “PENCE” with small head see Catalogue Introduction.
(11.07)... 13-00 3-00
(RAQY AS) Borrmcsssccscecesctatot
caste yenreess £3000 £1400
D37 4d. dull scarl 22-00 24-00 s. “RALIA”insqueezed-down
BOR et CRS ONON Ac rsrersze triste sixssonsoevosetevsnsuasenteesssssiginscoustisoees 42.00 38-00 (Recess P.B.)
letters only 1% mm high
Prepared for use but not issued (R. 9/16)... £3250 £1500 1861. W 4 (sideways).
D38 5d. dull scarlet and pea-Green..e.soo. £2750 £1600 t “PE“of “PE (a) Intermediate perf 14-16
The 5d. value on this paper was prepared in 1907-08 but not put (R. 10/15)... Siareesse £3000! £1400 33 1 1d. rose... £750 £140
into use. A few examples were subsequently included in presentation u. “N" of “PENCE” |narrow -
sets, either mint or cancelled-to-order. 34 2d. blue... £250 40-00
(REA O/ TG) ii mate cartenetts eaters £3000 £1400 35 4d. vermilion. £1800 £2000
v. Part of right cross-stroke 36 6d. purple-bri £1100 + £110
and downstroke of “T” of
37 1s. yellow-green... £1800 £250
“POSTAGE” cut off (R. 11/15)... £2500 £1300
Tight limb (R. 11/16) ...ssccssssssesssseee £3000 £1400 38 1
(b) P 14 at Somerset House
1d. rose... £375 65-00
x. Coloured line above “AGE” of 39 2d. blue.. £160 45-00
PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER 40 4d. vermilion. £450 £180
SPOSTAGEFR: 8/6) aercetsstesisscesrecs £3000 £1500
- 1/6 from x6 y. No outer line above “GE” of (0) Perf clean-cut 14-16
- 15/32 from x 4 “POSTAGE” and coloured line 41 1 2d. blue.. £110 24-00
. 33/46 from x5 under “FOU” of “FOUR” (R. 8/11) £3000 £1700 a,Impe' t as
. 49/51 from x 6 4 3 1s. salmon. w« £25000 £4500 42 6d. purple-brown £550 50-00
. 52/62 from x 10 a, Deep red-brown. £2000 £1100 43 1s.yellow-green. £750 80:00
. 63/a from x 8 b. Grey-brown (1.55)... £650 £375 a.Wmk upright. — £150
67 _ c, Pale brown (10.55). we £475 £325
(d) P 14-16 very rough (July)
68/92a from x 10 (6) Rouletted 7% to 14. and compound 44 1 1d. rose-carmine (H/S
- 94/102 from x 40 Gj 2 4d. pale blue. 2 £3500 £650 "CANCELLED" in oval £18000)... £350 50:00
- 103/5 from x 8 . BIUE «1... — £650 45 6d. purple/blued (H/S
107/10a from x 12 b. Slate-blue (1855) — £2500 “CANCELLED” in oval £12000)... £4000 £500
- 111a/b = 6 3 1s. grey-brown (1.55)... £6500 £1200 46 1s. deep green (H/S “CANCELLED”
- 112/16 from x 25 a. Pale brown (10.55). £6000 £1000 in oval £11000).. £4000 £375
- 117/25 from x 10 Both values are also known pin-perforated. Perkins, Bacon experienced con problems with their
. 126/8 — The 4d. value was prepared by Horace Samson from the Perkins, perforating machine during the production of these stamps.
. 129/34 from x & Bacon 1d. plate. A block of 60 (5x12, cols 16-20) was taken as a “plate The initial printing showed intermediate perforation 14-16. Further
. 135/6 = to stone” transfer and each frame was then erased. A new lithographic supplies were then sent, in late December 1860, to Somerset House to
. 138/48 from x 12 frame, drawn on stone, was transferred 60 times to make up the be perforated on their comb 14 machine. The Inland Revenue Board
. 151/63 from x 5 intermediate stone. were only able to process the three lower values, although the 6d.
- 168/9 from x 20 There were a number oftransfer varieties, one of the most prominent purple-brown and 1s. yellow-green are known from this perforation
- 170/1 from x 4 being the “T” of “POSTAGE” shaved at foot (No. 3d). overprinted “SPECIMEN”.
. 172/3 from x 40 Four transfers were taken from the intermediate stone to make The Perkins, Bacon machine was repaired the following month and
printing stone No. | with 240 impressions. Samson printed the initial the 6d., 1s. and a further supply of the 2d. were perforated on it to
. F11/22 from
x 10 supply of 100 sheets in deep dull blue (No. 3b) in July 1854. give a clean-cut 14-16 gauge.
Printing stone No. 1 had three scarce creased transfers whose A final printing was produced in July 1861, but by this time the
positions in the sheet have yet to be established (Nos. 3e/g). machine had deteriorated so that it produced a very rough 14-16.
. 11/2
Further supplies were printed in January 1855 by Alfred Hillman,
Samson’s successor. A severe interruption to printing, almost certainly (Recess D.L.R. from P.B. plates)
a broken stone, occurred when the fourth sheet was being pulled. On 1863 (16 Dec)-64. No wmk. P 13.
cin ree Those listed are from U.P.U, distributions examining the intermediate stone preparatory to making a new
1889 and 1892. Further “Specimen” overprints exist, but 49 1 1d. carmine-rose.. 75-00 4:00
printing stone it was found that the frame of R. 8/1 had been damaged 50 1d. lake........ 75:00 4.00
for other purposes. and needed replacing. 51 6d. deep lilac (15.4.6 £300 50-00
This was done, but in so doing, Hillman accidentally produced the 5la 6d. dull violet (15.4.64)... £375 55-00
transfer error “Inverted Frame” (No. 3h). Printing Stone No. 2 was made Both values exist on thin and on thick papers, "the former being
as before and bore a range of transfer varieties (Nos. 3j/w) along with the scarcer.
four “Inverted Frames”. This printing was in blue (No. 3a). Some time Both grades of paper show a marginal sheet watermark, “T H
after completion of the required 97 sheets, the “Inverted Frame” was SAUNDERS 1860" in double-lined large and small capitals, but narts
corrected on each of the four positions to make printing stone No. 2A. of this watermark rarely occur on the stamps.
All four corrections are identifiable and on two of them, traces of the
inverted frame remain visible (Nos. 3x/y). (Recess D.L.R. from P.B. plates)
Printing stone No. 2A was used for the third printing undertaken 1864 (27 Dec)-79. Wmk Crown CC (sideways* on 1d.). P 12%.
in October 1855, producing 175 sheets of slate-blue (No. 3c,) stamps
52 1 1d. bistre 85-00 9-00
and for the fourth and final printing, totalling 1500 sheets in pale blue
w. Wmk Crown to right of CC. 85-00 9-00
(No. 3), undertaken in December 1855.
x. Wmk sideways reversed... 85:00 9-00
The 1s. value was produced in much the same way, based on a
y. Wmk Crown to right of cc and
transfer of cols. 10-14 from the Perkins, Bacon 1d. plate.
reversed 90:00 11:00
53 1d. yellow-ochre (16.10.74), £110 13-00
w. Wmk Crown to right of CC. £110 13:00
54 2d. chrome-yellow (18.1.65)... 95:00 6:00
x. Wmk reversed £110 7:00
55 2d. yellow ......... £100 7-00
a.Wmk sideways (5.79) £250 24-00
aw. Wmk Crown to right of CC. £250 24-00
b. Error. Mauve (1879)... £20000 £15000
and 1857-59 issues are hardly ever seen with w. Wmk inverted £275 42:00
inused prices quoted are for examples without gum. x. Wmk reversed £100 6-00
y. Wmk inverted and reversed £275 42:00
(Eng W. Humphrys. Recess P.B.) 56 Ad. carmine (18.1.65 £140 7:00
(Litho A. Hillman, Government Lithographer) a. Doubly printe £30000
1854 (1 Aug). W 4 (sideways).
w. Wmk inverted £450 42:00
(a) Imperf 1857 (7 Aug)-59. W 4 (sideways). x. Wmk reversed... £150 8-50
1 1 1d. black... .- £1400 £275 (a) Imperf y. Wmk inverted an — 60-00
(b) Rouletted 7% to 14. and compound 15 5 2d. brown-black/red (26.2.58) £7000 £550 57 6d. violet (18.1.65).... £170 6-00
2 SN Cad ACK ccastesetccareccctoeejeareepesrereeenets
nities £4000 £700 a. Printed both sides £9000 £800 a. Doubly printed... t+ £22000

AUSTRALIA Western Australia
b. Wmk sideways...
bw. Wmk Crown to right of CC 1
2 Id. Id.
w. Wmk inverted...
x. Wmk reversed £170
58 6d. indigo-violet.. £450
w. Wmk inverted (9) (10) (11)
x. Wmk reversed £450
59 6d. lilac (1872). £275 1884 (19 Feb). Surch with T 9, in red, by Govt Printer.
y. Wk invert: £400 89 1 ‘ad. on 1d. yellow-ochre (No. 76)...... 28-00 42:00
60 6d. mauve (12.5.75) £250 £160
(Typo D.L.R.)
Gs TTA Dass cctmnserroasstrrceerrtetat £110
x. Wmk reversed... £250 w. Wmk crown to right of CA.. 28-00 42:00 1898 (Dec)-1907. Wmk W Crown A, W 18. P 14.
y. Wmk inverted and reverse: £400 90 Yad. on 1d. yellow-ochre (No. 82).. 16-00 28-00 112 13. 1d. carmine 8-50
61 1s. bright green (18.1.65) £250 w. Wmk crown to right Of CA... 16.00 28-00 w. Wmk inverted —
s. Handstamped “SPECIMEN.” £225 Inverted or double surcharges are forgeries made in London about 113 14 = 2d. bright yellow (1.99). 29:00
w. Wmk inverted... 1886. w. Wmk inverted =
y. Wmk inverted ai £300 The “Thin bar” varieties occur on R. 12/3, R. 12/8, R. 12/13 and 114 * 19 2%d, blue (1.01)... 16-00
62 1s. sage-green (10.68) £450 35-00 R. 12/18, and show the bar only 0.2 mm thick. w. Wmk inverte £350
*The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CC, as 115 20 6d. bright violet (10.06). 40-00
seen from the back of the stamp. 1885 (May). Nos. 63/a surch, in green, by Govt Printer. w. Wmk inverted... —
Beware of fakes of No. 55b made by altering the value tablet of No. 60. (a) Thick “1” with slanting top, T 10 (Horizontal Rows 1/5) 116 21 1s. olive-green (4.07). 48:00 650 ™
91 1d. on 3d. pale brown. 90:00 29:00 w. Wmk inverted...
A, CINNAMON voresovessees 85-00 28-00
b. Vert pair. Nos. 91/2 £375
(b) Thin “1” with straight top, T 11 (Horizontal Row 6)
92 1d. on 3d. pale brown. ae | £200 75-00
One Penny a. Cinnamon £180 75:00

(Typo D.L.R.)
1871 (29 Oct)-73. Wmk Crown CC (sideways). P 14.
63 7 (3d. pale brown......... 60:00 5:50
a. Cinnamon (1873).. 60:00 4:50
s. Handstamped “SPECIMEN.” £150
1874 (10 Dec). No. 55 surch with T 8 by Govt Printer.
67 1 1d. on 2d. yellow (G.).. £700 55-00
b. Surch triple... if £6500
x. Wmk reversed £700 60:00
y. Wmk inverted and reverse £200
Forged surcharges ofT 8 are known on stamps wmk Crown CC
perf 14, and on Crown CA, perf 12 and 14.
(Recess D.L.R. from P.B, plates)
1876-81. Wmk Crown CC (sideways”). P 14.
68 1 1d. ochre... 80-00 3-75
w. Wmk Crown to‘right of cc 80:00 3-75
69 1d. bistre (1878)... 1 £160 5:50 (Typo D.L.R.)
w. Wmk Crown to tight of CC. _ 6:50
x. Wk sideways reversed... £250 1885 (May)-93. Wmk Crown CA (sideways). P 14.
y. Wmk Crown to right of CC and 94 12 ‘ad. yellow-green... 6:50
reversed... ne £250 20:00 A, GLEN vrssessesnves 4:00
70 1d. yellow--ochre (
(1879). 90:00 275 w. Wmk Crown to right of CA... —
71 2d. chrome-yellow..... £110 1:75 95 13 1d. carmine (2.90)... 40:00
a. Wmk upright (1877) £130 3-00 w. Wmk Crown to right of CA.. —
aw. Wmk inverted... £325 50:00 96 14 = 2d. bluish grey (6.90 30-00
ax. Wmk reversed £275 25:00 A. GreYssrn 28-00
ay. Wmk inverted and reve: w. Wmk Crown. to right of CA.. _—
bw. Wmk Crown to right of CC... £110 2:00 97 15 24d. deep blue (1.5.92), 23-00
by. Wmk Crown to right of CC and Gi BIUC rtrnsnsnsay 23-00
reversed So eS 22:00 w. Wmk Crown to right of CA.. _—
74 4d. carmine (1881).. . £650 £120 98 4d, chestnut (7.90) 14-00
y. Wmk Crown to right of CC and 99 5d, bistre (1.5.92). 17:00
reversed... £150 £650 100 6d. bright violet (1.93) 19-00
75 6d. lilac (1877).. 4-00 £200 w. Wmk Crown to right of CA.. —
a. Wmk uprigh 15-00 £750 101 1s. pale olive-green (4.90) . 38-00 5:50
bw. Wmk Crown to right of CC... 4:00 £200 102 1s. olive-green..... 30:00 5-00
75¢ 6d. reddish lilac (1879) £225 6-00 94s/101s (ex 1d., 6d.) Handstamped “'SPECIMEN’”
*The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CC, as (Nos. 96, 98, 101) or optd “SPECIMEN” Set Of 6sess £550
seen from the back of the stamp. The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CA, as seen
from the back of the stamp.
(Recess D.L.R. from P.B. plates)
1882 (Mar)-85, Wmk Crown CA (sideways*). (Recess D.L.R. from P.B. plates)
(a) P14 1888 (Mar-Apr). Wmk Crown CA (sideways). P 14.
76 1 1d. yellow-ochre.... 29-00 103 1 i « 30:00 3-50
w. Wmk Crown totight ofCA. 29:00 85-00 1:25 (Typo Victoria Govt Printer, Melbourne, Commonwealth Stamp Ptg
x. Wmk sideways reversed.. w. Wmk Crown to right of CA... £120 Branch from March 1909)
y. Wmk Crown to right of CA an y. Wmk Crown to right of CA and 1902 (Oct)-11. Wmk V and Crown, W 33 (sideways on horiz designs).
TEVEFSED vrressesee I — reversed 4 £180
77 2d. chrome-yellow.. 42:00 80-00 30-00 (a) P 12% or 12¥%X12 (horiz), 12x12% bie’
a. Wmk upright.. 1 £120 ile 22 1d. carmine-rose (1.03)... 27:00 1:00
w. Wmk Crown to right of CA.. 48-00 £275 a. Wmk upright (10.02). 25:00 3-00
x. Wmk sideways reversed . . — The watermark shows Crown to right of CA on No. 103 and to the 118 23 2d. yellow (4.1.03)...... 27-00 475
y. Wmk Crown to right of CA and left of CA on 104/5, as seen from the back of the stamp. a. Wmk upright (1903). 55:00 8:00
reversed...... oth _- 119 24 4d. chestnut (4.03) 40-00 4:25
78 4d, carmine (8.82) £190 a. Wmk upright £600 £600
a. Wmk upright (1885). — 120 15 5d. bistre (4.9.05)... £150
aw. Wmk inverted... — ONE PENNY Half-penny 121 25 8d. apple-green (3.03). 20:00
ax. Wmk reversed — (16) (17) 122 26 9d. yellow-orange (5.03). 50:00 30:00
w. Wmk Crown to right of CA.. £190 a. Wmk upright (11.03). £120 29:00
x. Wmk sideways reversed .. — 1893 (Feb). Surch with T 16, in green, by Govt Printer. 123 27 10d. red (3.03) errerssee 32-00 10:00
79 6d. reddish lilac (1882) £130 107 7 1d. on 3d. pale brown (No. 63)... 15-00 8-50 124 28 2s. bright red/yellow 85-00 42:00
80 6d. lilac (1884)... £130 108 1d. on 3d. cinnamon (No. 63a 15:00 8-50 a. Wmk sideways... £250 26:00
s. Handstamped “SPECIMEN.” £150 a. Double surcharge... £2000 b. Orange/yellow (7.06)... 55:00 12:00
w. Wmk Crown to right of CA. £140 109 1d. on 3d. pale brown (No. 86' 85:00 13-00 c. Brown-red/yellow (5.11) 45-00 25-00
x. Wmk sideways reversed e = 125 29 2s.6d. deep blue/rose... 55:00 20:00 —
y. Wmk Crown to right of CA and 1895 (21 Nov). Surch with T 17 by Govt Printer. 126 30 5s. emerald-green 80-00 50:00
reversed .. ee f25 127 31 10s. deep mauve... £170 £100
(a) In green
(b) P 12x14 110 7 Yad. on 3d, pale brown (No. 63)... 10:00 a. Bright purple (1910) £900 £425
38-00 128
81 1 Td. yellow-OChre (2.83) .eresssssssevssesseeee £2750 110a Yad. on 3d. cinnamon (No. 63a’ ~
32 £1 orange-brown (1.11.02) £425 £190
10:00 38-00
(()P 12 b. Surcharge double. a. Orange (10.7.09). £750 £350
82 1 1d. yellow-ochre (2.83) rcs 95-00 5:50 (6) In red and in green (b)P 11
w. Wmk Crown to right of CA. £110 7-00 111a 7 Yad. on 3d. cinnamon (No. 63a)... 129 22 ‘1d. carmine-rose - £400 42:00 ©
£110 £300
83 2d. chrome-yellow (6.83)........ £160 5-00 1116 Yad. on 3d. red-brown (No. 87)... a. Wmk upright (1905) t £500
85:00 £180 130
w. Wmk Crown to right of CA... £160 6:00 Green was the adopted surcharge colour bu a trial had earlier 23 = 2d. yellow.......... £425 60-00
y. Wmk Crown to right of CA and been made in red on stamps watermarked Crown CC. As they proved a. Wmk upright ae £500
reversed.. — 20:00 unsatisfactory they were given another surcharge in green. The trial 131 24 = 4d. chestnut £1400 £425
84 4d. carmine (5. £300 60-00 stamps were inadvertently issued and, to prevent speculation, a 132 15 Sd. bistre...... 48-00 75:00
w. Wmk Crown to right o £300 60-00 further printing of the duplicated surcharge was made, but on both 133 26 9d. yellow-orange... £180 £180
85 6d, lilac (6.83) £550 55:00 Papers, Crown CC (No. 111a) and Crown CA (No. 1116). 134 28 2s. bright red/yellow £300 £180
w. Wmk Crown to right of CA £550 55-00 a. Orange/yellow. £425 £225

y. Wmk Crown to right of CA and
(c) Perf compound of 12% or 12%x12 and 11
reversed... — 85-00 135 22 ‘1d. carmine-rose..... £1300
"The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CA, as £650
seen from the back of the stamp. a. Wmk upright a t £650
136 23 2d. yellow..... £1900 £1100
(Typo DLR.) 137 24 = 4d, chestnut

1882 (July)-95. Wmk Crown CA (sideways). P 14.
86 7 (3d. pale brown... 17-00 3:75
87 3d, red-brown (12:95). . 10-00
The 3d. stamps in other colours, watermark Crown CA and
the note on inverted and reve!
sen O
perforated 12, are colour trials dating from 1883. Australian States at the top ofth
Western Australia, Commonwealth of Australia AUSTRALIA
By the Post and Telegraph Act of 5 September 1893 the current issue No. 63 from x 2
of fiscal stamps up to and including the 1s. value, Nos. F11/15, was . 64 from x 15
authorised for postal use. . 65 from x 5
These stamps had been initially supplied, for fiscal purposes, in . 66 _
February 1882 and had been preceded by a series of “| R” surcharges S73) from x 20
and overprints on postage stamps which were in use for a period of . 74/5 from x 5
about six months, Examples of these 1881-82 provisionals can be . 76/7 from x 4
found postally used under the terms of the 1893 Act but, as they
. 78/81 from x 8
had not been current for fiscal purposes for over eleven years, we
- 82/4 from x 6
no longer list them.
- 85/104 from x 4
. 105 from x 15
1905-12. Wmk Crown and A, W 34 (sideways).
- 106/10 from x 6
(a) P 12% or 12%x12 (horiz), 12x12% a » 111/14 ==
138 12. ‘Yad. green (6.10) 4:25 8-00 Be TES from x 3
139 22 1d. rose-pink (10.05) 21:00 3-50 - 116/18 from x5
a. Wmk upright (1.0 11:00 1:25 - 119/20 from x 8
b. Carmine (1909)... 13-00 1-25 - 121/9 from x 5
c. Carmine-red (1912) 13:00 11:00 . 130/1 from x 25
140 23 2d. yellow (15.11.05).. 7:50 2:00 3. ie from x 3
a. Wmk upright (4.10) +t £350 . 133/5 from x 10
141 7 3d. brown (2.06) 60:00 475 . 136/8 from x 4
142 24 = 4d. bistre-brown he 55:00 16:00 . 139/a from x 3
a. Pale chestnut (1 908)... 40:00 15-00
. 140 from x 8
6. Bright brown-red (14.10.10)... 20:00 4:50
- 141/2 from x 4
143 15 ‘5d. pale olive-bistre (8.05 32:00 24-00
a. Olive-green (1.09)........ 32:00 24-00 143 from x 6
b. Pale greenish yellow (5.12) 60:00 £110 (Typo D.L.R.) . 146 from x 20
144 25 = 8d. apple-green (20.4.12) 75:00 - 147/8 from x 3
1893 (5 Sep). Definitive fiscal stamps of Feb 1882. Wmk CA over . 149 from x 6
145 26 . orange (11.5.06).. 6:00 Crown. P 14.
6:00 - 150/2 from x 3
F1l F3 1d. dull purple.. 28-00 6-00 . 153/a from x 12
32-00 Fl2 2d. dull purple £325 80:00
146 27 27:00 154 from x 15
F13 3d. dull purple £110 9:00
148 30 155 from x 4
F14 6d. dull purple £150 14-00
{SLOT acencente
tasceteametaniteaciciees £180 £130 . 156 from x 15
F15 1s. dull purple... £250 24-00
. 157/8 from x 3
The 1s. value is as Type F 3 but with rectangular outer frame and . 159/60 from x 6
150 12 = ‘ad. green
circular frame surrounding swan. . 161 from x 10
151 22 ~—_1d. rose-pink (1908).. 48:00 28-00
Higher values in this series were not validated by the Act for . 162/3 from x 4
a. Carmine-red . 60:00 27-00 postal use.
b. Wmk upright 90:00 28-00 . 164/211 from x 2
Two varieties of watermark exist on these stamps. Initial supplies
152 23 2d. yellow... 48:00 42-00
showed an indistinct watermark with the base of the “A” 4 mm wide.
153 7 3d. brown 22:00 14.00 . D1/118 from x
From 1896 the paper used showed a clearer watermark on which the
154 24 = 4d. yellow-brow £1200 £275 base of the “A” was 5 mm wide. . O1/3 from x10
a. Pale chestnut. £1500 £400 . 04/6 from x
155 15 5d. pale olive-bistre.. 55:00 10-00 1897. Wmk W Crown A, W 18. P 14. . 07/8 from x10
a. Olive-green 23:00 18-00 - O9/15 —
F19 F3 1d, dull purple... 30:00 6:00
157 26 9d. orange... £200 £200 . 016/18 from x 10
F20 3d, dull purple £110 9:00
a. Red-orange — £200 019 from x 3
F21 6d. dull purple £140 10:00
b. Wmk upright (1912 — £900 F22 1s. dull purple... £250 35:00 020 from x 15
(c) Perf compound of 12% or 12%2x12 oe 11 The above were invalidated for postal purposes from 1 January . O21 from x 3
161 22 ‘1d. rose-pink (wmk upright). =a £1200 £500 1901. - O22/3 from x 10
a. Wmk sideways. £1500 £800 . 024/30 —
162 23 2d. yellow... £1200 £550 . O31/4 from x 10
163 7 3d. brown £1500 £1500 TELEGRAPH STAMPS . 035/7 _
163a 5d. olive-green t+ £1800 - 038/42 from x 15
164 26 9d. red-orange . 043/7 from x 10
The prices provided for Nos, 154/a are for examples perforated “OS” . O48 from x 30
- 049/53 _—
1912 (25 Mar—9 Apr). Wmk Crown and A W 35 (sideways). 054 from x 6
P 11%x12. . O60 from x 4
168 20 = 6d. bright violet (9.4.12 16:00 25:00 . O61 from x 30
169 21 1s. sage-green.... 30:00 40-00 062 —
a. Perf 12% (single line). — £2500 . O63 from x 5
. 064/5 from x 15
1912 (7 Aug). Thin, ready gummed paper with white gum (as 1879 (9 Apr). Wmk Crown CC, P 14. . 066/7 from x 8
Victoria*). W 34 (sideways). T1 pial 1d. bistre 85:00 18-00 . O68 from x 20
170 7 3d. brown (P 12%). 75:00 75-00 85-00 18-00 . O69 from x 10
a. Wmk upright £200 £190 T2 £500 £225 . O70/4 from x 15
171 3d. brown (P 11). The 1d. Telegraph Stamps were authorised for postal purposes . O75 —
a. Wmk upright from 25 October 1886. The 6d. is also known postally used but such . O76/7 from x 15
*See note below Victoria No. 455. use was unauthorised. . O78 —
. 079/84 from x 8
. O85 from x 6
OFFICIAL STAMPS . O86/7 from x 3
From 1 August 1862 stamps of various issues were punched with 088 -
ONE PENNY a circular hole, the earlier size being about 3 mm. in diameter and . O89 from x 15
(36) the latter 4 mm. These were used on official correspondence by the . 090/6 from x 6
Commissariat and Convict Department, branches of the Imperial . O97 from x 20
1912 (6 Nov). Nos. 140 and 162 surch with T 36 in Melbourne. administration separate from the colonial government. This system of . 098/110 from x 6
(a) P 12% x12 punching ceased in March 1886. Subsequently many stamps between . O111 from x 10
172 23 ‘1d. on 2d. yellow... 2:50 3:00 Nos, 94 and 148 may be found punctured, “PWD”, “WA” or “OS’. - 0112/17 from x 20
a. Wmk upright... a 7:00 14-00 - 0118/6 =
(6) Perfcompound of 12%x12 and 11 Western Australia became part of the Commonwealth of Australia - 0119/2 from x 20
173 23 1d. on 2d. yellow... mi) £750) £450 on 1 January 1901. - 0126 from x 100
a. Wmk upright... £750 - 0127 from x 5
. 0128 from x 200
. 0129/31 from x 50
. 0134/6 from x 40
There are very few surviving examples of Nos. $B1/4. Listings are On 1 March 1901 control of the postal service passed to the federal
provided for those believed to have been issued with prices quoted administration although it was not until 13 October 1910 that the
for those known to still exist. issues of the various states became valid for use throughout Australia.
Postal rates were standardised on 1 May 1911. PRINTERS. Except where otherwise stated, all Commonwealth siamps
The first national postage due stamps appeared in July 1902, to No. 581 were printed under Government authority at Melbourne.
1904 (1 Jan)-09. Black on red cover as No. SB1 of New South
but it was not until January 1913 that postage stamps inscribed Until 1918 there were two establishments (both of the Treasury
Wales. Stapled. “AUSTRALIA” were issued.
SBI £1 booklet containing 240 1d. in four blocks of Dept)—the Note Printing Branch and the Stamp Printing Branch.
30 and two blocks of 60 The former printed T 3 and 4.
a. Red on pink cover (1909 . £20000 PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER TO 1945 In 1918 the Stamp Printing Branch was closed and all stamps were
b. blue on pink cover. . 1/3 from x 10 printed by the Note Printing Branch. In 1926 control was transferred
from x 4 from the Treasury to the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, and on
from x 10 14 January 1960 the branch was attached to the newly established
1904 (1 Jan). Black on grey cover as No. SB1. Stapled.
Reserve Bank of Australia.
SB2 £1 Booklet containing 120 2d. in four from x 10
PSIEHRCSS GAO arcseaastectessssooreccessom
sssamernsorees cme cgrareeo Until 1942 stamps bore in the sheet margin the initials or names
from x 10 of successive managers and from 1942 to March 1952 the imprint
from x 8 “Printed by the Authority of the Government of the Commonwealth
1910 (May). Black on cream cover as Type B 1 of New South from x 2 of Australia”. After November 1952 (or Nos. D129/31 for Postage Dues)
Wales. Stapled. from x 8 imprints were discontinued.
SB3 2s. booklet containing 11 Yad. (No. 138), either in
block of 6 plus block of 5 or block of 11, and from x 5
18 1d. (No. 139) either in three blocks of 6 or from x 8 SPECIMEN OVERPRINTS. These come from Specimen sets, first made
block of 6 plus block of 12 £7500 from x 20 available to the public on 15 December 1913. In these sets the lower
Unsold stock of No, SB3 was uprated wi ional ad. in values were cancelled-to-order, but stamps with a face value of over
May 1911. from x 5 5s. or later 50c. were overprinted “SPECIMEN” in different types. These
from x 8 overprints are listed as they could be purchased from the Australian
1911 (1 Aug). Red on pink cover as No. SB3. Stapled. from x 5 Post Office.
SB4 2s. Booklet containing 12 Yad. (No. 138), either from x 10 It is, however, believed that examples of No. 112 overprinted
in two blocks of 6 or block of 12, and 18 from x 8 “SPECIMEN” were distributed by the U.P.U. in 1929. Supplies of the
1d. (No. 139), either in three blocks of 6 or from x 5 1902 and 1902-04 postage due stamps overprinted “SPECIMEN” were
block of 6 plus DIOCK OF 12 ssrseessvsnseeeserseseessoness £7500 supplied to the U.P.U. by some ofthe states.

Sell Stamps. Best Price.
-.. Trade worldwide, get high returns

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. Die Il Olive... ve: £425
. Yellow-olive... £400
. Wk inverted. £900
. orange (Die Il) (19.2.13).. 95:00
. Orange-yellow £475
. chestnut (Die Il) (18.1.13).. 85:00
. ultramarine (Die Il) (18.1.13) 75:00
. Retouched “E” £2500


i £1100
. Violet (Die II) (1.2.13). 80-00
. emerald (Die II) (25.1.13).. 85-00
. Blue-green. £140
. Wk inverted. £1500 Flaw under neck (Plate 4 left
. brown (Die II) (28.1.13).. nee Ap pane R. 7/1)
. grey and yellow (Die Il) (20,3.13) £450
. grey and pink (Die I!) (20.3.13).. £900
brown and ultramarine (Die |!)

£2 black and rose (Die Il) (8.4.13)... £6500

1/16 Set of 15... »» £10000
Die | Die II 14s/16s Handstamped "Specimen" Set of 3... » £1300
The watermark on Nos. 1c, 2a and 2da shows the Crown pointing
Dies of Type 1 (mono-coloured values only):— "RA" ai:(Plate 4 leftpane
to the left and on Nos. 1cw, 2aw and 2daw pointing to the right, as
seen from the back of the stamp. One example of 1¢ and two examples R. 10/6)
Die |. Break in inner frame line at lower left level with top of words
of value. of 1cw are known, all used.
Die ll. Die repaired showing no break. The 3d. was printed from two plates, one of which contained
105 stamps as Die | and 15 as Die Il. The other plate contained Die
Die | was only used for the Yd., 1d., 2d. and 3d. Several plates were | stamps only.
produced for each except the 3d. When the second plate of the 3d. was No, 5a is from the top row of a sheet, with perforations at foot only.
being prepared the damage became aggravated after making 105 out No. Saa is from the bottom two rows of a different sheet.
of the 120 units when the die was returned for repair. This gave rise to See also Nos. 24/30 (W 5), 35/45b (W 6), 73/5 (W 6, new colours),
the se-tenant pairs showing the two states of the die. 107/14 (W 7), 132/8 (W 15), 212 (2s, re-engraved). 4d. Line through “FOUR PENCE” (PI. 2 right
Die Il was used until 1945 and deteriorated progressively with pane R. 2/6)
damage to the frame lines and rounding of the corners.
Specialists recognise seven states of this die, but we only list the 1d, Die Il. The flaw distinguishing the so-called Die Il, a white upward
two most major of the later versions. spur to the right of the base of the “1” in the left value tablet, is now
known to be due to a defective roller-die. It occurred on all stamps
in the second and third vertical rows of upper left plate, right pane.
Each of the twenty defective impressions differs slightly; a typical
example is illustrated above.
(Dies eng PB. Typo J. B. Cooke until May 1918, then T. S. Harrison)
1914 (17 Jul)-20. W 5. P 14%4x14 (comb).
20 Sa ‘Ad. bright green (22.2.15).... 4 3-75 1:00
4 Laughing a. Perf 14% (line) (12.15) £10000 £600
Kookaburra 6. Green (1916) wns 3:75 1:00
c. Yellow-green (1916) 30:00 11:00
(Des R. A. Harrison. Eng and recess T. S. Harrison) d. Thin “1” in fraction at righ £20000 £7500
1913 (9 Dec)-14. No wmk. P 11. e. Cracked electro £8000 £4000
17 1d, red... 4-00 5:00 w. Wmk inverted. 23-00 9-50
a. Imperf ‘between ‘(horiz pair). £5000 21 1d. carmine-red (shades) (Die |)
b. Imperf between (vert pair £2500 (P 14% (line)) +» 42:00 7:50
c. Pale rose-red.. 10-00 15-00 a. Die Wess £15000 £2750
Die IIA. This state is as Die II, but, in addition, shows a break in the ca. Imperf betwe: p £3000 bw. Wmk inverted .. t £13000
inner left-hand frame line, 9 mm from the top of the design (occurs cb. Imperf between aor pair). £5000 c. Perf 14%x14 (comb)... 11-00 1-00
on 1d., 2d. and 6d.). 19 4 6d. claret (26.8.14).... a .« 75:00 55:00 ca. Rusted cliché (PI 2 rt pane +e
All printings from Plate 1 of the 1d. ‘were in the shade of No. 17c. R. 6/4 and 5) (9.16)... vee £16000 £450
This plate shows many retouches. cb, Substituted cliché (PIiDtight
pane R. 6/5) (2.18)... ans £1800 60:00
cc. Pale carmine (shades) (191 7) 13-00 1:00
cd. Rose-red (1917)... 17:00 2:50

a ce. Carmine-pink (191
cf. Carmine (aniline) (1920)
cg. Dot before “1”.. 90:00 12:00
vi iyih
ch. “Secret mark’... 90:00 12:00

‘li “lip ci. Flaw under neck. 90:00 12:00
cj. “RA” joined... 90:00 12:00
Die IIB. As Die IIA, but now also showing break in outer frame line cw. Wmk inverted... 25-00 3:00
above "ST", and (not illustrated) an incomplete corner to the inner cz. Wmk sideways. + £50000
frame line at top right (occurs on 3d., 6d., 9d., 1s. and £1 (No. 75)). d. Die !| Carmine-red (shades bre £425 6:50
db. Substituted cliché (PI 2 right
pane R. 6/4) (2.18)... 60:00
dc. Pale carmine (shades)... £425 7-50
dw. Wmk inverted.. £1200 £100
22 4d. orange (6.1.15) 40-00 2:50
a. Yellow-orange (1915).. 40:00 3:25
6. Lemon-yellow (3.16)... 85:00 14:00
c, Pale orange-yellow (1.17 £110 12:00
d, Dull orange (1920)... 3-25
e, Line through “FOUR PENCE”
(all shades) From £350 £110
w. Wmk inverted... 42:00 12:00
23 5d. brown (P 14% (line)) (22.2.15)... 48:00 7:00
aw. Wmk inverted ....s a £950
b. Perf 14%4x14 (comb)... 4 2:00
No, 9a shows a badly distorted second “E” in “PENCE”, which is ba. Yellow-brown (1920)... 29-00 2-75
unmistakable. It occurs on the upper plate right pane R. 10/6 and was bw. Wmk inverted... £750 £550
replaced by a substitute cliché in Die I/A (No. 9b) in the November The variety No, 20d was caused bythe engraving of a new fraction
1913 printing. Thin “1” in fraction at right Cracked electro (Plate 5 in a defective electro in 1918.
(Plate 5 right pane R. 8/1) left pane R. 8/4) No. 21ca was caused by rusting on two positions of the steel Plate
(Des B. Young. Eng S. Reading. Typo J. B. Cooke) 2 and shows as white patches on the back of the King’s neck and
1913 (2 Jan)-14. W 2. P 12. on, and beside, the top of the right frame (right pane R. 6/4) and
1 1 ‘Yad. green (Die |) (14.1.13). 950 5-50 on the left frame, wattles, head and ears of kangaroo (right pane
bw. Wmk inverted 85:00 29-00 R. 6/5). These were noticed in December 1916 when the damaged
c, Wmk sideways... t £35000 impressions were removed and replaced by a pair of copper electros
cw. Wmk sideways inverted... + £25000 (Die II for R. 6/4 and Die | for R. 6/5), showing rounded corners and
2 1d. red (Die ))..... 17:00 =—:1-75 some frame damage, the former also showing a white spot under tail
a. Wmk sideway: £1600 £275 of emu. In time the tops of the crown quickly wore away.
aw. Wmk sideways inverted.. £1700 £300 One example of No. 21cz has been recorded. It shows wmk crown
b. Carmine ..... 17-00 1:75 to right (as seen from the back of the stamp).
cw. Wmk inverted 85:00 21-00 Most of Nos. 20/3 were perforated 14 by a comb machine
d, Die Il Red (16.1.13 15:00 1:00 (exact gauge 14.25x14), but printings of the Yad. in December
da. Wmk sideways... £1600 £325 1915, of the 1d. in July and August 1914 and of the 5d. until
daw. Wmk sideways inverted... £1700 £350 June 1917 were perforated by a line machine measuring 14.2.
\ db. Carmine ...... 16-00 1-75 See also Nos. 47/k(W 5, rough paper), 48/52 (W 6a), 53/ba (1d. Die
Ill), 56/666 and 76/81 (W 5, new colours), 82 (W 6a), 83/4 (no wmk),
dw. Wmk inverted 90:00 20-00
85/104 (W 7), 124/31 (W 15).
. e, Die IIA. Red (4.14) . 28-00 1.25 1d. Die II Dot before “1” (Plate 3.right pane
eb, Carmine sr... 28-00 1:75 R. 4/3)
ew. Wmk inverted £170 28-00 (Typo J. B. Cooke)
3 2d. grey (Die !) (15.1. 55:00 650 1915 (15 Jan—-Aug). W 5. P 12.
w. Wmk inverted......... £130 35:00 24 12d, grey (Die 1). £100 12:00
4 2¥ad. indigo (Die II) (27.1.13) 50:00 19:00 w. Wmk inverted t £18000
5 3d. olive (Die !) (28.1.13).... 80:00 11-00 25 2%ad. indigo (Die Il) July) 90:00 30-00
a. Imperf three sides (horiz pair)... £75000 26 6d. ultramarine (Die II) (Apr) £200 22-00
aa. Imperf three sides (lower a. Bright blue. £425 70-00
stamp of vert pair) £38000 b. Die IIA. Ultramarine
b. in pair with Die Il. £1200 £600 (substituted cliché) (Upper
c. Yellow-olive .... 85:00 11:00 plate right pane R. 10/6) £7500 £2750
ca. In pair with Die Il.. £1200 £600 “Secret mark” (Plate 4 left pane ba. Bright blue £9000 £3750
dw. Wmk inverted... £190 80-00 R. 1/1) w. Wmk inverted t+ £40000


SBCs dene ory

i) SARL aber aieegwre
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soi Bene nae aye ed lg Yee

Bate nent
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ile Hei Msable>5 aarsccmant —

please fill out and return to:
Apex, 399 Strand, London WC2R OLX


Postcode: =
Tel No: email:
OCOROFO2E8OS SA 000.000 0-0.0.0-0-6:
ae zh liiee

tae 7
27 9d. violet (Die II) (9 July) £200 42-00 *The Die IIA of No. 35a is a substituted cliché introduced to repair a 57 1d. violet (shades) (12.2.22) = 7:50 1-50
w. Wmk inverted....... £4250 £1800 crack which occurred on R. 10/1 of the upper plate left pane. Its Die IIA a. Imperf three sides (horiz pair)... £50000
28 1s. blue-green (Die II) (Apr) £180 32-00 characteristics are more pronounced than on the sheet stamps from b. Red-violet piece 9-50 2:25
29 2s. brown (Die II) (Mar).... £700 =£120 this die, with the break at left extending to the outer, in addition to c. Dot before “1” 60:00 16-00
30 5s. grey and yellow (Die |!) the inner, frame line. d. Secret mark... 60:00 16:00
(12 Feb) £1000 £350 One plate of the 3d. contained mixed Die | and Die II stamps as e. Flaw under neck.. 60:00 16-00
a. Yellow portion doubly printed.. £15000 £4000 described. f. “RA” joined... 60:00 16-00
w. Wmk inverted .. £1300 £500 No. 39c comes from six substituted clichés taken from plate 2 (Die 58 ad. black-brown. 8-50 1:50
£2250 £550 Il) and inserted in plate 4 (Die IIB) at positions left pane R. 1/3-4, 2/3-4 w. Wmk inverted... 60:00 20-00
and 8/6 and right pane R. 2/1 This substitution took place towards the 59 1d. deep red-brown (4.19).. 9:00 70
end of the printings on W 6. The variety can also be found on stamps a. Chocolate (1920).. 9:00 60
with W 7 and W 15, see Nos. 108a and 133a. w. Wmk inverted...... 65:00 30-00
All values were printed by both Cooke and Harrison, and the 9d., 60 1ad. bright red-brown (20.1.22).. 32-00 3-75
1s. and Ss. were also printed by Mullett and Ash. 61 Wad. green (7.3.23) 4-75 1:00
The watermark on No. 40ba shows the Crown printing to the right, a. Coarse unsurfaced paper (1923) £400 £170
that on Nos. 42ba and 43ab shows the Crown pointing to the left as w. Wmk inverted + £18000
seen from the back of the stamp. 62 2d. brown-orange (9.20).. 13-00 1-00
1916 (Nov)-18. Rough, unsurfaced paper, locally gummed. W 5. a. Dull orange (1921) 15-00 1:00
P14. w. Wmk inverted...... t+ £5500
47 5a Tid! scarlet: (Dieil) nccsteccese
cee rnctece 27-00 3-00 63 2d. bright rose-scarlet (19.1.22) 17-00 1-50
a. Deep red (1917)... 27-00 2:50 a. Dull rose-scarlet 17:00 1:50
b. Rose-red (1918)... 35-00 2-75 w. Wmk inverted.. £19000
ba. Substituted cliché (PI 2 rt pane 64 4d. violet (21.6.21)...... 17:00 15-00
R. 6/5) seoseresens 75-00 a. Line through “FOUR PENCE
c. Rosine (1918) 28-00 (PI 2 rt pane R. 2/6) £32000 £8500
ca. Substituted cliché (PI 2 rt pane b. “FOUR PENCE” in thinner
R. 6/5) -escoone £425 letters (PI 2 rt pane R. 2/6)... £475 = £300
d. Dot before “1”. £130 18-00 65 Ad. ultramarine (shades) (23.3. 50:00 8-50
e, Secret mark, £130 18-00 a. “FOUR PENCE” in thinner
f, Flaw under neck £130 18-00 letters (PI 2 rt pane R. 2/6) £475 = £170
g. “RA” joined... £130 18-00 6. Pale milky blue . 90:00 14-00
hw. Wmk inverted. 60:00 12-00 w. Wmk inverted... 90:00 £275
i. Die Il Rose-red (1918) £500 23-00 66 1s.4d. pale blue (2.12.20)... 90:00 30-00
ia. Substituted cliché (PI 2 rt pane a. Dull greenish blue 95:00 27-00
75-00 b. Deep turquoise (1922) £3500 £2750
£150 56/66 Set of 11... £225 55-00
£180 In addition to a number. ‘of mint. Pairs of No. 57a from two
ja. Substituted cliché (PI 2 rt pane sheets purchased at Gumeracha, South Australia, with the bottom
R. 6/4)... £3500 £425 row imperforate on three sides, a single used example of No. 57
k. No wmk. £6500 £4750 imperforate on three sides is known.
All examples ofthe 5d. on this pap ated “OS" and will No. 61a was printed on a batch of coarse unsurfaced paper during
be found listed as No. O60. 1923. Examples may be indentified by a clear vertical mesh in the
2d. No. 35a (Upper plate left 6d. Nos. 38da and 73a paper, with mint stamps having a yellowish gum.
pane R. 10/1) (Upper plate left pane No. 47k is the result of misplacement of the sheet during printing.
To qualify, there should be no trace of the Crown over A or a line The 4d. ultramarine was originally printed from the Cooke plates
R. 1/6) but the plates were worn in mid-1923 and Harrison prepared a new
Pair of plates. Stamps from these plates can only be distinguished by
(Typo J. B. Cooke (to May 1918), T. S. Harrison (to February (Typo J. B, Cooke to May 1918 thereafter T. S. Harrison) the minor flaws which are peculiar to them.
1926), A. J. Mullett (to June 1927) and thereafter J. Ash). 1918 (4 Jan)-20. W 6a (Mult). P 14. The variety of Nos, 64 and 65 with “FOUR PENCE” thinner, was
1915 (8 Oct)-27. W 6 (narrow Crown). P 12. 48 5a ad. green (shades) 8:50 2:00 caused by the correction of the line through “FOUR PENCE” flaw early
35 1 2d. grey (Die |) (11.15). 50-00 8-00 a. Thin 1 in fraction at right £100 £140 in the printing of No. 64.
a. Die IIA substituted cliché b. Wmk sideways.......- t £30000
(upper plate left pane R. 10/1)* £9500 £1800 bw. Wmk sideways inverted + £30000 (Typo T. S. Harrison (to February 1926), A. J. Mullett (to June
bw. Wmk inverted. 75:00 28-00 c. Cracked electro... £300 £325 1927), thereafter J. Ash)
c. Silver-grey (shiny paper) 50:00 20-00 w. Wmk inverted. 28-00 16-00
d. Die IIA. Silver-grey (shiny paper) 1923 (6 Dec)-24. W 6, P 12.
49 1d. carmine-pink (Die |) (23.1.18) £250 £140
(3.18) = 70:00 22-00 73 1 6d. chestnut (Die IB)... 28-00 1:75
aw. Wmk inverted. t+ £27000
daw. Wmk inverted. t+ £10000 a. Leg of kangaroo broken
b. Deep red (1918).. £5500 £3000
dba. Grey (1920) 75:00 26-00 (Upper plate It pane R. 1/6)... 75:00 £120
bw. Wmk inverted. + £40000 w. Wmk inverted... t £22000
36 2d. deep blue (Die II)(9. 26:00 10-00 c. Dot before “1”. £1000 £450
aw. Wmk inverted....... £130 80-00 74 2s. maroon (DieIl) (1.5. 75:00 32:00
d. Secret mark.. £1000 £450 w. Wmk inverted... £2250 £1600
6. Deep indigo (1919).. 50:00 8-50 e. Flaw under n £1000 £450
ba. “1” of fraction omitted (Lower 75 = grey (Die IIB) (1.5.24). £650 £325
f. “RA” joined....... £1000 £450 s. Optd “SPECIMEN’..... £100
plate left pane R. 6/3) £55000 £35000 50 1d. carmine (10.12.19) . 30:00 15-00
37 3d. yellow-olive (Die |). 40:00 4-75 The 6d. and 2s. were printed by all three printers, but the £1 only
aw. Wmk inverted..... £1400 £3000 by Harrison.
a. In pair with Die II £500 £350 6. Deep red (aniline) (1920)... £800 £300
b. Olive-green (1917). 42:00 4:50 No. 73a was corrected during the Ash printing.
c. Dot before “1”. £250 90-00
ba. In pair with Die Il £550 £350 d. Secret mark... £250 90:00
cw. Wmk inverted. 95:00 48-00 (Typo T. S. Harrison (to February 1926), thereafter A. J. Mullett)
e. Flaw under neck £250 90:00
d. Die I! Yellow-olive £225 40:00 f. “RA” joined £250 90:00 1924 (1 May-18 Aug). P 14.
da, Olive-green.... £250 40-00 51 1d. black-brown (30.1.19)... 5-50 3:50
dw. Wmk inverted.. £600 £350 (ws
a. Very thin paper (2.19) 20:00 15-00 76 5a__—id. sage-green 5:00 1:50
e. Die IIB. Light olive (12.22). 60:00 13-00
w. Wmk inverted. 42:00 32:00 a. Dot before “1” 48:00 13:00
38 6d. ultramarine (Die II) (15.12. 80-00 7:50 52 1¥ad. red-brown (4.19).. 12:00 2:25
a. Die IIA (substituted cliché) b. Secret mark..... 48:00 13-00
a. Chocolate (1920). 12-00 2:25 c. Flaw under neck.. 48:00 13-00
(Upper plate rt pane R. 10/6)..... £6500 £1700 w. Wmk inverted.. £120 70-00
6. Dull blue (6.18) 90:00 11-00 d. “RA” joined..... 48-00 13-00
No. 48 was printed by Cooke and Harrison, Nos. 49/b by Cooke only w. Wmk inverted 23:00 10-00
ba. Die IIA (substituted cliché). £6500 £1800 and Nos. 50/2a by Harrison only. Nos. 49/b have rather yellowish gum,
cw. Wmk inverted £450 £100 77 1’ad. scarlet (shades). 2-75 40
that of No, 50 being pure white. a. Very thin paper £110 50-00
d. Die IIB. Bright ultramarine The watermark on No. 48b shows the Crown pointing to the left
(23.7.21) 90:00 21-00 b. “HALEPENCE” (P|
and on No. 48bw pointing to the right, as seen from the back of the FRAY A) eer cescetererortcerersmaceeeromernrs 30:00 38-00
da. Leg of kangaroo broken £2250 £700 stamp. One example of No. 48b and two of No. 48bw are known. c. “RAL” of AUSTRALIA” thin (PI 22
dw. Wmk inverted. £600 £200
39 9d. violet (Die Il) (29.7.16) 65:00 11-00 Left pane R. 5/4)... a 32:00 38-00
d. Curved “1” and thin fraction. at
aw. Wmk inverted.. £325 £100
b. Die IIB. (16.4.19).. 75:00 17:00
left (PI 24 rt pane R. 7/5) 32:00 38-00
w. Wmk inverted 50:00 22:00
bw. Wmk inverted.. £275 90-00
78 2d. red-brown....... 17-00 7:00
c. Die II (substitut
a. Bright red-brown 22:00 8-00
pair with Die IIB £700 =£550
w. Wmk inverted t+ £22000
40 1s. blue-green (Die I!) (6.16) 60-00 7-50
79 3d. dull ultramarin 26-00 2:00
aw. Wmk inverted... £275 £120
a. Imperf three sides (horiz pair)... £12000
b. Die IIB (11.20) 75:00 7-50
80 4d. olive-yellow.... 35:00 5:50
ba. Wmk sideways (13. 60:00 £400
a. Olive-green.. 32-00 6:00
bw. Wmk inverted....... £275 £120
w. Wmk inverted t+ £16000
41 2s. brown (Die II) (6.16) £275 14:00
81 4’d. violet 24-00 3-50
a. Imperf three sides (horiz pair)... £110000
6. Red-brown (aniline) £3000 £500
w. Wmk inverted £3750 £425 (b) W6a
42 Ss. grey and yellow (Die I!) (4.18). £275 £110 82 5a___1d. sage-green (20 May)... 14.00 11-00
a. Grey and orange (1920) £425 £160 a. Dot before “1” 75:00 75-00
6. Grey and deep yellow. £325 £130 b. Secret mark... 75:00 75-00
ba. Wmk sideways £80000 c, Flaw under neck 75:00 75-00
d. “RA” joined...... 75:00 75:00
c. Grey and pale yellow £100
w. Wmk inverted £1100 1d. Die Ill w. Wmk inverted t+ £18000
43 10s. grey and pink (Die Il) (5.2.17)... £550 £350
a. Grey and bright aniline pink 1d. Die Ill. In 1917 a printing (in sheets of 120) was made on (c) No wmk
(10.18) £500 £325 paper originally prepared for printing War Savings Stamps, with 83 5a __—_1d. sage-green (18 Aug) 7:00 11:00
ab. Wmk sideways. £40000 £18000 watermark T 5. A special plate was made for this printing, differing a. Dot before “1” 50:00 75-00
aw. Wmk inverted... .. £2750 £1600 in detail from those previously used, The shading round the head is b. Secret mark..... 50:00 75-00
b. Grey and pale aniline pink (1922) £600 £350 even; the solid background of the words “ONE PENNY”isbounded at c. Flaw under nec 50:00 75-00
44 £1 chocolate and dull blue (Die II) each end by a white vertical line; and there is a horizontal white line d, “RA” joined...... 50:00 75:00
(CNS) ee eee es £3000 £1600 cutting the vertical shading lines at left on the King’s neck. 84 1¥ad. scarlet (14 Aug). 25:00 9-50
a. Chestnut and bright blue (6.1 Ue . £3250 £1800 76/84 Set of9... £140 45-00
ab. Wmk sideways. = + £40000 (Typo J. B. Cooke) Nos. 78/a and 82/4 were printed by Harrison only but the remainder
aw. Wmk inverted... £4500 £3500 1918 (15 Jul). Printed from a new Die Ill plate on white were printed by both Harrison and Mullett.
b. Bistre-brown and bright blue unsurfaced paper, locally gummed. W 5. P 14. In the semi-transparent paper of Nos. 51a and 77a the watermark
RAE) Atte eiten cometstobsorrsetatvassonnerston? £3250 £1800 53 5a__—1d. rose-red 75-00 32:00 is almost indistinguishable.
ba. Frame printed double, one a, Rose-carmine 75:00 32:00 Nos. 77b, 77c and 77d are typical examples of retouching of which
ANIC cssachecesencssocnscvenensenacncos .. £8000 w. Wink inverted... £160 90:00 there are many others in these issues. In No. 77c the letters “RAL” differ
45 £2 black and rose (Die II) (12.19). £5000 £3250 markedly from the normal. There is a white stroke cutting the oval
a. Grey and crimson (1921) z £4750 £3250 (Typo T. S. Harrison or A. J. Mullett (1s.4d. from March 1926))
frame-line above the “L’,and the right-hand outer line of the Crown
b. Purple-black and pale ros £4500 £2750 1918 (9 Nov)-23. W 5. P 14. does not cut the white frame-line above the “A”.
35/45b Set of 11 £8000 £4250 56 5a ‘ad. orange (8.11.23).. 4:75 2:00 It is believed that No. 79a occurs on the bottom row of at least four
43s/5s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 3 £850 w. Wmk inverted.. 8:50 11-00 sheets purchased from post offices in Victoria during 1926.

(Des R. A. Harrison. Die eng J. A. C. Harrison (Waterlow, London). 1930 (28 Jul-2 Aug). T 5a surch as T 12. W 7. P 13%2x12%.
Plates and printing by A. J. Mullett) 119 2d. on 1¥d. golden scarle 2:50 1:00
120 5d. on 41d. violet (2 Aug) 14-00 15-00
1927 (9 May). Opening of Parliament House, Canberra. No wmk. a. Without surcharge... £5500 42-00
Pane No. 120 is from a redrawn die in which the words “FOURPENCE
105 8 Vad. brownish lake 50 50 HALFPENNY” are noticeably thicker than in the original die and the
a. Imperf between (vert pair) £5000 figure “4” has square instead of tapering serifs. The redrawn die also
b. Imperf between (horiz pair)....... £11000 £11000 shows thin white lines to the left and right of the tablet carrying
(Eng H. W. Bell. Recess J. Ash) “FOURPENCE HALFPENNY”.
Stamps from the redrawn die without the surcharge were not
1928 (29 Oct-2 Nov). Fourth National Stamp Exhibition, intended to be issued. Some stamps, cancelled to order, were included
Melbourne. As T 4. No wmk. P 11. in sets supplied by the post office. A few mint copies, which escaped
106 3d. blue (2 Nov)... 450 6-50 the cancellation were found and some may have been used postally.
MS106a 65x70 mm. No. 106: £110 £200
ab. Imperf (pane of four) .. £200000
No. MS106a comes from special sheets of 60 stamps divided into
15 blocks of 4 (5x3) and separated by wide gutters perforated down
the middle, printed and sold at the Exhibition.
(Typo J. Ash)
1929 (Feb)-30. W 7. P 12.
107 1 6d. chestnut (Die IIB) (25.9.29) 35-00 4:50
108 9d. violet (Die IIB) 28-00
a. Die Il (substituted cliché) in
pair with Die IIB... £450
109 1s. blue-green (Die IIB) (12.6.29) 10-00 6d. Re-entry (“FO” and “LD”
w. Wik inverted .cses £22000 double) (PI 1 R. 5/5)
110 2s. maroon (Die II) (3.29).. 85:00 17-00
111 5s. grey and yellow (Die II) (Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess John Ash)*
(30.11.29) £110 1931 (19 Mar). Kingsford Smith's Flights. No wmk. P 11. 1
112 10s. grey and pink (Die Il) . £475 £500 (a) Postage
New Dies 114 £2 black and rose (Die Il) (11.30) £4500 £750 121 132d. rose-red.. 2:00 1:00
MOTTA SCU OFT ame ccecrestierceecrttnerreo £1300 122 850 6-00
1d. For differences see note above No. 20. 112s/14s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of
1'%4d. From new steel plates made from a new die. Nos. 87a and 96a For No. 108a see note below No. 456. (b) Air. Inscr “AIR MAIL SERVICE” at sides
are the Ash printings, the ink of which is shiny. 123 13. 6d. violet.. . 650 17-00
(Des R. A. Harrison and H. Herbert. Eng A. Taylor. Recess J. Ash) a. Re-entry 50:00 £110
2d. Die |. Height of frame 25.6 mm. Left-hand frame-line thick 1929 (20 May). Air. No wmk. P 11. 121/3 Set OF 3... 15-00 22:00
and uneven behind Kangaroo. Pearls in Crown vary in 115 Q 3. GreeM (SHAAES) vresesssaseevssssnnsesssesesssess 9-00 4.25
size. Variations of up to 3% mm in the design size of No. 115 are due to
Die Il. Height of frame 25.6 mm. Left-hand frame-line thin and paper shrinkage on the printings produced by the “wet” process. The
even. Pearls in Crown are all the same size. last printing, in 1935, was printed by the “dry” method.
Die III. Height 25.1 mm; lettering and figures of value bolder
than Die |.
3d. Die Il has bolder letters and figures than Die |, as illustrated
above. et
5d. Die Il has a bolder figure “5” with flat top compared with Die |
of the earlier issues.
15 17 Superb Lyrebird
(Typo A. J. Mullett or J. Ash (from June 1927))
1926-30. W 7. 10 Black Swan 11 “Capt. Charles (Typo John Ash).
Sturt” (J. H. 1931-36. W 15.
(a) P 14
85 5a ‘Yad. orange (10.3.27) 6:00 7-50 (a) P 13%x12%
w. Wmk inverted £110 95-00 124 5a ‘ad. orange (2.33)...
86 1d. sage-green (23.10.26 4:50 1-00 125 1d. green (Die |) (10.
a. Dot before “1” 60:00 20-00 w. Wmk inverted..
b. Secret mark. 60:00 20-00 x. Wmk reversed..
c. Flaw under nec! 85:00 30:00 126 ad. red-brown (10.36)...
d. “RA” joined...... 85:00 30:00 127 2d. golden scarlet (Die II!)
w. Wmk inverted 25:00 12:00 (18.12.31).
87 1¥ad. scarlet (5.11.26). 10:00 2-00 w. Wmk invert eS
a. Golden scarlet (1927) 23-00 2:50 128 3d. ultramarine (Die II) (30.9.32)
w. Wmk inverted 30:00 10-00 w. Wmk inverted......
89 2d. red-brown (Die 8. 38-00 45-00 129 4d. yellow-olive (2.33).. -
90 3d. dull ultramarine (12.26) 28:00 5.00 w. Wmk inverted...... 5 t
w. Wmk inverted......... + £12000 130 5d. orange-brown (Die Il) (25.2.32). 20-00
91 4d. yellow-olive (17.1.28) 55:00 40-00 w. Wmk inverted.. +
92 4d. violet (26.10.27)... 20-00 3-75 131 1s.4d. turquoise (18.8. 50-00
93 1s.4d. pale greenish blue (6.9.27). £130 80-00
w. Wmk inverted. 4;
. Wmk inverted + £23000
124/31 Set of 8. £130
£275 ~=£170 Re-entry (“T" of “AUSTRALIA” (b) P12
(b) P13%x12% clearly double) (PI 2 R. 7/4) 132 1 6d. chestnut (Die IIB) (20.4.32) 40-00
94 Ba Yad. orange (21.11.28) .ecssesssccesee 250 1-00 133 9d. violet (Die IIB) (20.4.32).. 45:00
(Des G. Pitt Morrison. Eng F. D. Manley. Recess J. Ash)
95 1d. sage-green (Die !) (23.12.26) 5-00 70 a. Die II (substituted cliché) in
aa. Dot before “1”... 95:00 40-00 1929 (28 Sep), Centenary of Western Australia. No wmk. P 11. pair with Die IIB EST
ab, Secret mark... £130 65:00 116 10 1%d. dull scarlet. ss 2:00 2-00 134 2s. maroon (Die I!) (6.8.35)... cet TOO!
ac. Flaw under neck.. £130 55-00 a. Re-entry... 60:00 80-00 135 5s. grey and yellow (Die Il) (12.32). £170
ad. “RA" joined... £130 55-00 136 10s. grey and pink (Die Il) (31.7.32).. £425
aw. Wmk inverted.. 28:00 23-00 (Des R. A. Harrison. Eng F. D. Manley. Recess J. Ash) 137 £1 grey (Die IIB) (11.35)... =) OO)
b. Die Il (6.28)... 50:00 80:00 1930 (2 Jun). Centenary of Exploration of River Murray by Capt. 138 £2 black and rose (Die I!) (6.34) £4250
bw. Wmk inverted... £1900 £1800 Sturt. No wmk. P 11. 132/38 Set of7
96 1¥ad. scarlet (14.1.27) 2:50 1-00 117 11 1d. scarlet 1-25 1-00 136s/8s Optd “SPECIMEN”
Set of 3.. « 90-00
a. Golden scarlet (1927)... 4:50 1:00 118 3d. blue... 8-50 9-00 Stamps as No, 127, but without watermark and perforated 11,
w. Wmk inverted... 16-00 2:50 No. 117 with manuscript sur 9g |.paid P ML H |” was are forgeries made in 1932 to defraud the P.O. (Price £350, unused).
97 1d. red-brown (16.9. 6:00 6:00 issued by the Postmaster of Lord Howe Island during a shortage of For re-engraved type of No. 134, see No. 212.
98 2d. red-brown (Die Il) (28.4. 16-00 9:50 2d. stamps between 23 August and 17 October 1930 (Price £700 un. For No. 133a see note below No. 45b.
99 2d. golden scarlet (Die II) (2.8.30 22:00 2:50 or used). A few copies of the 1¥2d. value No. 96a were also endorsed
a. Die Ill (9.9.30 5 (Price £1500 un, or used). These provisionals are not recognized by the
(Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess John Ash)
ab. No wmk...... Australian postal authorities. 1931 (4 Nov). Air Stamp. As T 13 but inscr “AIR MAIL SERVICE” in
ac. Téte-béche (pair). a" bottom tablet. No wmk. P 11.
aw. Wmk inverted (from booklets)... 9-00 1-40 139 6d. sepia - 21:00 17:00 ©
100 3d. dull ultramarine (Die |)
1931 (17 Nov). Air. No. 139 optd with Type O 4.
(28.2.28) 38-00 6:50
aw. Wmk inverted... £190 £3000 139a 6d. sepia... 32:00 60:00
b. Die |! Deep ultramarine This stamp was not restricte oO official use but was on general
(28.9.29) ........ 20-00 1-40 sale to the public.
bw. Wmk inverted... t+ £13000 (Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess John Ash)
102 4d. yellow-olive (19.4.29). 30:00 3:25 1932 (15 Feb). No wmk, P 11.
w. Wmk inverted. + £12000 13 Fokker F. Vila/3m
103 4’ad. violet Die I* (11. s 70:00 30-00 140 17 ‘1s. green 45:00 2-75
Southern Cross above
103a 5d. orange-brown Die Il (27.8.30)..... 42.00 7:00 Hemispheres
a. Yellow-green.. 55:00 450 —
104 1s.4d. turquoise (30.9.28).. £120 26.00
w. Wmk inverted. + £21000
94/104 Set OF 11 csssoressssesserseeee £275 75-00
Owing to defective manufacture, part of the sheet of the 2d. (Die
Ill), discovered in July 1931, escaped unwatermarked; while the
watermark in other parts of the same sheet was faint or normal.
Only one example of No. 99ac is known.
*For the 4¥ad Die Il see No. 120a.

AUSTRAU 18 Sydney Harbour Bridge 19 Laughing

(Des R. A. Harrison. Eng F. D. Manley. Printed John Ash)
1932 (14 Mar). Opening of Sydney Harbour Bridge. nt
(a) Recess. No wmk. P11 vg

8 Parliament House,
141 18 2d. scarlet 700 4:25
9 “DH66" Biplane and
Canberra 4%2d. Redrawn die 142 3d. blue.... 10:00 11-00
Pastoral Scene 143 5s. blue-green £425 £200
(b) Typo. W 15. P 10%
144 18 2d. scarlet.. 6:50 2:00
141/44 Set of 4. £425 £200
Stamps as No. 144 without wmk and perf 11 are HOREHES made in
1932 to defraud the P.O. (Price £700, unused).
The used price for No. 143 is for a cancelled to order example.
Postally used examples are worth more.

(Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess John Ash) 26 Site of Adelaide, 1836;
Old Gum Tree, Glenelg;
1932 (1 June). W 15. P 13%2x12%”.
King William St, Adelaide
146 19 6d. red-brown 18-00 55 2d. Medal flaw (Right
w. Wmk inverted t+ £7000 (Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess John Ash) pane R. 2/5)
1936 (3 Aug). Centenary of South Australia. W 15. P 11%.
161 26 = 2d. carmine.. 3 4-00
162 3d. blue.
163 1s. green
161/63 Set OF B..ccssccssessssove

20 Melbourne and R. Yarra 21 Merino Ram

(Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess John Ash) 6d. “Top hat” flaw (Lower plate, right pane
R. 3/3)
1934 (2 Jul-Aug). Centenary of Victoria. W 15. P 102.
147 20 2d. orange-vermilion.. 4:00 1-75
a. Perf 11% (Aug) 14-00 1-75
28a Queen
148 BA. DIUC....scsssrrsees 4:25 5-50
a. Perf 11% (Aug 7:00 ~=—800
149 15. blaCK sesssssessee 55:00 20:00
a. Perf 11% (Aug 65:00 22-00
147/49 Set of 3... 55:00 25-00
147a/49a Set o1 75:00 28-00 1s. Roller flaw over “o of “one”
Stamps were originally issued perforate: hr,“but the gauge was (Upper plate, right pane R. 1-6/6)
subsequently changed to 11% in August 1934 due to difficulties in
separating stamps in the first perforation. (Des R. A. Harrison (T 28/30), F. D.”Manley (T 27, 31/6), H. Barr
(T 38/9), H. Barr and F. D. Manley (T 40). Eng F. D. Manley and
(Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess John Ash) T. C. Duffell (T 34), T. C. Duffell (revised lettering for T 28a, 30a),
F. D. Manley and E. Broad (T 38/40), F. D. Manley (others). All recess
1934 (1-26 Nov). Death Centenary of Capt. John Macarthur
with John Ash, W. C. G. McCracken or “By Authority ...” imprints)
(founder of Australian sheep farming). W 15. P 11%.
150 21 = 2d. carmine-red (A) 8-00 1:50 1937-49. Chalk-surfaced paper (3d. (No. 168/c), 5s, 10s. £1).
150a 2d. carmine-red (B) (26 Nov) 26:00 3:25 W 15 (sideways on 5d., 9d., 5s. and 10s.).
151 3d. blue... 17:00 18-00 (a) P 13%x14 (vert designs) or 14x13% (horiz)
152 9d. bright purp! 38-00 50-00 164 27 ‘ad. orange (3.10.38) 2:50 50
150/52 Set of 3 (excluding No. 1504) 55:00 60-00 165 28 1d. emerald-green (10.5.37) 1-00 50
Type A of the 2d. shows shading on the hill in the background 166 29 1%d. maroon (20.4.38).. 9:00 5-50
varying from light to dark (as illustrated). Type B has the shading 167 30 2d. scarlet (10.5.37) 1:00 50
32 Koala
almost uniformly dark. 168 31 3d. blue (Die 1!) (2.8.37). 65:00 23-00
a. “White wattles” (from 1st ptg).. £170 85-00
b. Die la = Ld00 8-50
AUSTRALIA’ c. Die Il (3.38) 65-00 7:00
ca. Bright blue (ordinary thin
paper) (20.12.38)... 60-00 4-00
170 32 4d. green (1.2.38)... 7:00 2:25
171 33 Sd. purple (1.12.38) 1:50 60
172 34 = 6d. purple-brown (2.8. 20-00 1:50
173 35 9d. chocolate (1.9.38) 8-50 2:50
34 Laughing Superb 174 36 1s. grey-green (2.8.37).. 50:00 2:75
22 Hermes. 23 Cenotaph, Kookaburra Lyrebird 175 31 1s. 4d. pale magenta (3.10.38). 3-50 2:50
Whitehall a. Deep magenta (1943). 5:00 2:50
(Des F. D. Manley. Eng E. Broad and F. D. Manley. Recess John Ash (b) P- 13%
until April 1940; W. C. G. McCracken thereafter) 176 38 BSH ClANGE (TASS) ssoseroossisagoectiorced
(ecrses 28-00 2:00
a. Thin rough ordinary paper
1934 (1 Dec)-48. (shades) (4.2.48)... 5:00 3-25
(a) No wmk. P11 177 39 10s. dull purple (1.4.38). 50:00 17:00
153 ZI SOG: UII PUPPIES <cccccssseccerussevertssseeoesesoreses 50:00 2:00 a. Thin rough ordinary paper
(11.48) 50:00 35-00
s. Optd “SPECIMEN”. 35-00
(b) W 15. Chalk-surfaced paper. P 13%x14 178 40 £1 bluish slate (1.11.38 70:00 35:00
153a —-22:-15.6d. dull purple (22.10.37)....ssssssseesee 10-00 45 a. Thin rough ordinary paper
b. Thin rough ordinary paper (4.4.49) 70:00 75-00
UD 2Y2UAG) 5 cates cates gssotisernssntetncbues 2:25 1-40 s. Optd “SPECIMEN”. £800
164/78 Set of 14 sus £250 65-00
(Des B Cottier; adapted and eng F. D, Manley. Recess John Ash)
1935 (18 Mar). 20th Anniv of Gallipoli Landing. W 15. P 13%x12% (c) P 15x14 (vert designs) or 14x15 (horiz) (1d. and 2d. redrawn
with background evenly shaded and lettering strengthened)
or 11 (1s.).
179 27 = ‘ad. orange (28.1.42).... 5 55 60
154 23 = 2d. scarlet 3-00 30
a. Line to kangaroo’s 35:00 28:00
155 1s. black (chalk-surfaced).. - 50:00 45-00
b. Coil pair (1942) nesses 20:00 38-00
The 1s. perforated 13%2x12% is a plate proof (Price £1600, unused).
ba, Coil block of four (1943) £950
40 King George VI and 180 28a 1d, emerald-green (1.8.38) 9-00 60
Queen Elizabeth 181 1d. maroon (10.12.41 2-75 80
a. Coil pair (1942) 14.00 28-00
182 29 1¥ad. maroon (21.11.4 750 17-00
Dies of 3d.: 183 1%”ad. emerald-green (10. 2:25 2:25
184 30a 2d. scarlet (11.7.38) 8:50 20

MD a.
Coil pair (10.41)
Medal flaw.....
Wmk inverted (from booklets)...

Ss Sree 185 2d. bright purple (10.12.41).
a. Coil pair (1942)
Die | Die la Die II b, Medal flaw... 80:00 90-00
24 King George V 3d. Apostrophe after second "E” w. Wmk inverted (from coils). £170 £130
on “Anzac” of “GEORGE” (Sheet C, lower Die |.The letters “TA” of “POSTAGE” at right are joined by a white flaw; 186 31 3d. bright blue (Die III) (11.40) 45:00 3-75
pane R. 4/2) the outline of the chin consists of separate strokes. 187 3d. purple-brown (Die III) (10. 12.41) 1:25 10
No. 168a is a preliminary printing made with unsuitable ink and 188 32 4d. green (10.42) 1-00 10
may be detected by the absence of finer details; the King’s face w. Wmk inverted... £5000 £4000
appears whitish and the wattles are blank. The greater part of 189 33 5d. purple (17.12.45) 65 2:25
this printing was distributed to the Press with advance notices 190 34 6d. red-brown (6.42). 3-50 10
of the issue, a. Purple-brown (1944) 1-75 10
Die la. As Die |, but “T” and “A” have been clearly separated by ab. “Top hat” flaw....... £1200 £1500
individual retouches made on the plates. 191 35 9d. chocolate (12.9.43).. 1-00 30
Die II A completely new die. “T” and “A” are separate and a continuous 192 36 1s. grey-green (29.3.41) 275 10
line has been added to the chin. The outline of the cheek extends a. Roller flaw...... 50:00 15-00
25 Amphitrite and to about 1 mm above the lobe of the King’s right ear. w. Wink inverted.. £5000 £4000
Telephone Cable Die lll. Differs from Dies | and II in the King’s left eyebrow which is 179/92 Set of 14 75:00 27-00
shaded downwards from left to right instead of from right to The watermark on No. 191 shows Crown to the left of C of A,on
(Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess John Ash) left. This die also shows more of the epaulette at the right of the Nos. 171, 173 and 189 itis to the right, as seen from the back of the stamp.
1935 (2 May). Silver Jubilee. Chalk-surfaced paper. W 15 stamp, similar to the 1s.4d. value. For unwmkd issue, see Nos. 228/30d.
(sideways). P 11%. Thin paper. Nos. 176a, 177a, 178a. In these varieties the watermark
156 eR EDC SCAREE nenyeeevescencenpsestocertazerss 3-25 30 is more clearly visible on the back and the design is much less sharp.
a, Printed double, one albino. £300 £150 On early printings of No. 176a the paper appears tinted.
157 ia}, |a)[07=Wesel ares 10:00 11-00

a. Apostrophe flaw...
2s. bright viole
48-00 |Seeeeeeerren |
156/58 Set Of B.cssssssssssssseeee 42:00 55:00
(Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess John Ash)
1936 (1 Apr). Opening of Submarine Telephone Link to Tasmania. SPECIAL COIL PERFORATION. This special perforation of large
W 15. P- 11%. and small holes on the narrow sides of the stamps was introduced
159 25 = 2d. scarlet. 275 50 after 1939 for stamps issued in coils and was intended to facilitate
160 3d. blue. 4-50 2:75 Yad. Line to Kangaroo’s ear (Right pane R. 6/8) separation. Where they exist they are listed as “Coil pairs”.

(Des R. A. Harrison. Eng. F. D. Manley. Recess)
The following with “special coil” perforation were placed on
sheets: Nos. 179, 205, 222a (1952), 228, 230, 237, 262 (1953), 309, 311, 1947 (20 Nov)-52. Marriage of Princess Elizabeth. P 14x15.
and 314. These are listed as “Coil blocks of four”. (a) W 15 (sideways)
222 60 ~—1d. purple 15 70
Coils with “normal” perforations also exist for Nos. 180 and 184. (b) No wmk
222a 460 _~—s1d. purple (8.48). 10 10
- b. Coil pair (1-50) —vavrevenreereee Zs 2-25 5-50
Celetnpedtthe epee iss ArnalCpe22i 2d.
ree c. Coil block of four (9.52)... 5-50
Wyad.Newcastic (aso pestthes eles
or imperf vertically).
Also 2%d. Peace, unwatermarked; Dad.2¥4d. King, téte-béche; 3d.
Newcastle, indull ultramarine; 2¥4d. King on “toned” paper.

41 “Governor Phillip at 2d. “Tail” flaw (Left pane 61 pers Bull 61a Hermes and
Sydney Cove” (J. Alcott) R. 7/1. Later retouched) Globe
52 Duke and Duchess
(Des and eng E. Broad and F. D. Manley. Recess J. Ash) of Gloucester
1937 (1 Oct). 150th Anniv of Foundation of New South Wales.
(Des F. D. Manley. Eng F. D. Manley and T. C. Duffell. Recess)
W 15. P 13%x14.
193 41 2d. scatet___—— a 3-75 30 1945 (19 Feb). Arrival of Duke and Duchess of Gloucester in
£700 £140 Australia. W 15. P 14%.
9-50 2-25 209 52 2ed. lake —... 20 10
28-00 14-00 E 40 1-25
38-00 15-00 50 1-25
1-00 2-25

62a Commonwealth
Coat of Arms

Sh A B

1945 (24 Dec). Kangaroo type, as No. 134, but re-engraved as B.

W 15. P 12.
212 1 2s. maroon........... 4-50 7-50
w. Wmk inverted t+ £24000
42 ALF. and Nurse No. 134 has two background lines between the value circle and
“TWO SHILLINGS”; No. 212 has only one line in this position. There ub
(Des and eng F. D. Manley from drawing by Virgil Reilly. are also differences in the shape of the letters.
Recess W. C. G. McCracken)
1940 (15 Jul). Australian Imperial Forces. W 15 (sideways). Roller flaw below “E* of “POSTAGE”
P 14x13. (R. 4/1 and 5/1). Later retouched.
196 42 2-75
197 1-50 (Des G. Seliheim (T 62), F. D. Manley (others). Eng G. Lissenden
198 11-00 (T 62), F. D. Manley (1s.3d., 1s.6d_, 5s.), F. D. Manley and R. J.
199 30-00 Becker (10s., £1, £2). Recess)
196/99 Set of 4 40-00 1948 (16 Feb)-56. W 15.
(a) Wmk sideways. P 14%
223 61 1s.3d. brown-purple.._-_-.---sscee <r ee 1-60

223a 61a 1s.6d. blackish brown (1.9.49)... 1-00 10

224 62 2s. chocolate=> 1-50 10
(6) Wmk upright. P 14%2x13%
(43) (45) 224a 62a Ss. Claret (11-4.49) -e-ens-esrewwensneemnoe 400 20
ab. Thin paper(1951)... £100 70-00
(Opts designed by F. D. Manley) 2246 10s. purple (3.10.49) saeesneseoe 20-00 85
1941 (10 Dec). Nos. 184, 186 and 171 surch with T 43/5. bws. Wmk inverted, optd “SPECIMEN” £3000
200 30a 2%d. on 2d. scarlet (V.)—————-vsvrnonens 1-00 70 224 £1 blue (28.11.49) anveccreeennenrnme 42:00 4-25
a. Pair, one without surcharge. £14000
224d £2 green (16.150)... 85-00 16-00
b. Medal flaw 2 = - £450 £250 da. Roller flaw —....___-..--. £150 £100
201 31 3%d. on 3d. bright blue (Y. on Black) 250 2-25 223/24d Set Of Foorece ——- £140 21-00
55 Angel and 56 Sir Thomas Mitchell 224bs/ds Optd “SPECIMEN* Set of 3... £160
202 33 5%d. on Sd. purple (V.). = 425 650 Queensland
200/2 Set of 3... westacsieti 7-00 8-50 (c) No wmk. P 14%
Nos. 200/2 were . prepared in connection with the imposition of a (Des F. D. Manley (2%2d.), F. D. Manley and G. Lissenden 224e 61a 1s.6d. blackish brown (2.12.56)... 11-00 1-50
‘ad. “war tax” increase on most postage rates. (3%d.), G. Lissenden (S¥d.). Eng F. D. Manley. Recess) 224f 62 —_2s. Chocolate (27.6.56) .........-:sseee mt 8-00 1-00
One sheet of the 2¥4d. on 2d. was discovered showing the surcharge The frames of Nos. 2246 and 224¢/d differ slightly from Type 62a.
1946 (18 Feb). Victory Commemoration. W 15 (sideways on 5¥4d_). No. 224ab is an emergency printing on white Harrison paper instead
omitted on R. 1/4 and R. 1/5.
P 14%.
of the toned paper used for No. 224a.
213 53 2%ad. scarlet... 20 10
214 54 3d. blue..... 75 1-75
215 55 54d. green... az: 1-00
213/15 Set of 3.. oot a eeneeeeneel 1-50 2:50
These designs were re-issued in 1995 with face values in decimal

(Des F. D. Manley. Eng F. D. Manley and T. C. Duffell. Recess)

1946 (14 Oct). Centenary of Mitchell's Exploration of Central
46 Queen 46a Queen 47 ’ King Queensland. W 15. P 141%.
Elizabeth 216 56 2%d. scarlet. 25 10 63 William 64 F. von 65BoyScout
217 3¥ad. blue....... = 75 2-00 J. Farrer Mueller
218 1s. grey-olive... 75 75
(Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess)
216/18 Set of 3... 160 2-50
1948 (12 Jul). William J. Farrer (wheat research) Commemoration.
W 15. P 15x14.
225 63 24d. sare ee 40 10

(Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess)

1948 (13 Sep). Sir Ferdinand von Mueller (botanist)
48 King 49 King 50 Emu Commemoration.W 15. P 15x14.
George Vi George VI 226 64 24d. lake eee 30 10

(Des F. D. Maley. Eng F. D. Manley and T. C. Duffell ~ AUSTRALIA

(T 46/a) or F. D. Manley (others)) (Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess)
57 Lt. John 58 Steel Foundry 59 Coal Carrier/Cranes
1942-50. Recess. W 15. P 15x14. Shortland R.N. 1948 (15 Nov). Pan-Pacific Scout Jamboree, Wonga Park. W 15
203 46 1d. 2-50 10 (sideways). P 14x15.
a. 22:00 42-00 (Des and eng G. Lissenden (5'%d.), F. D. Manley (others). Recess) 227 65° 2d. lake ane 30 10
204 46a 134d. green (1.12.42) .. 3-00 10 1947 (8 Sep). 150th Anniv of City of Newcastle, New South Wales. See also No. 254.
205 47 2d. bright purple (4.12.44)- 1-75 2-00 W 15 (sideways on 3%4d.). P 14% or 15x14 (2%d_).
b. Coil pair (1.49) 90-00 £120 219 57 2\ad. lake... 20 10
ba. Coil block of four (5.50) £2250 220 58 314d. blue 60 1-50
206 48
2%d. scarlet (7.1.42) 10 221 59 5'%d. green 60 75
a. Imperf (pair)* . —_ 219/21 Set of 3. 1-25 2-00
w. Wmk inverted (from booklets) 7-00 2-25
207 49 3%4d. bright blue (3.42) 3-50 60
a. Deep blue... 2:25 60
208 50 5%d. slate-blue (12.2: 1-25 20
PAU) VT lope 10:00 = 2:50
*No. 206a comes in horizontal pair with the right: hand stamp
completely imperforate and the left-hand stamp imperforate at right
Coils with normal perforations exist for 1d. 60 Queen Elizabeth Ii Yed. Sky retouch (normally unshaded near hill) (Rt pane
For stamps as Nos. 204/5 but without watermark see Nos. 229/30. when Princess R. 6/8) (No. 228a retouched in 1951)
Nos. 239/40 were printed alternately in vertical columns throughout 258 83 Sed! SCarleb rceccccccreortecsescunes 30 10
the sheet. a. Strip of 3. Nos. 258/60. 1-60 2:75
259 84 33d. scarlet. 30 10
FOUNDATION or rit Patel elite ot 260 85 3%Ad. scarlet.. 30 10
255/60 Set of6... 3-00 55
The three designs in each denomination appear in rotation, both
horizontally and vertically, throughout the sheet.

74 Sir Edmund 75 Sir Henry

Barton Parkes

86 Queen 87 Queen Elizabeth II

Elizabeth II
1s. “Green mist” retouch.
A large area to the left of (Des F. D. Manley from photograph by Dorothy Wilding Ltd.
the bird's feathers is recut Eng D. Cameron. Recess)
(Upper plate left pane R. 9/3) 1953-56. P 15x14.
76 “Opening First Federal 77 Federal parlanient RGUES
1948-56. No wmk. P 15x14 or 14x15 (9d.). Parliament” (T. Roberts) Canberra (a) No wmk
228 27 ~~ ‘Yad. orange (15.9.49)...... 20 10 261 86 1d. purple (19.8.53). 15 15
(Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess) 261a 2'ad. blue (23.6.54)..... 20 15
a. Line to kangaroo’s ear... 38-00 40-00
262 3d. deep green (17.6.53) 20 10
55:00 60-00 1951 (1 May). 50th Anniv of Commonwealth of Australia. P 15x14.
4a. COI Pair 5:00 8-00
1:00 3-25 241 74 3d. lake... 1:50 10
ab. Coil block of four (9.53; 15:00
ca. Li oe 90-00 a. Horiz pair. 3-00 3:00
cb. Sky retouch (in pair)... £350 242 75 3d. lake... 1:50 10
262a 3¥ad. brown-red (2.7.56) 1:25 30
262b 6’ad. orange (9.56).. 1-75 2.50
d. Coil block of four (1953)... 2:75 243 76 Sid. blue... 65 2:25
229 46a 142d. green (17.8.49) «00. 2:00 2:75 244 77 1s.6d. purple-brown. 1:25 50 (b)W15
230 47 2d. bright purple (20.12.48 1:75 3-00 241/44 Set
of 4. 4:50 2:75 263 86 3d. brown-red (21.4.53)... 20 10
aa. Coil pair 3:50 13-00 Nos. 241/2 were printed alternately in vertical columns throughout 263a 6'ad. orange (23.6.54) 3-00 50
230a 32 8 4d. green (18: 2-00 2:25 the sheet. 261/63a Set of 7 6:00 3-25
230b 34 ~~ éd. purple- brown (18.8.56) 8:00 1-00
230c 35 9d. chocolate (13.12.56). 22:00 4:50
230d = 36 1s. grey-green (13.12.56) 5:00 1:25 (Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess)
da. “Green mist” retouch. £4000 £2750 1953 (25 May). Coronation. P 15x14.
db. Roller flaw... 264 87 3%d. scarlet. 40 10
228/30d Set of 7 265 7d. violet... 75 1-40
266 2s, dull bluish ets 2:50 2:00
QUSTRALI 264/6 Set of3... wire 3-25 3-00

78 E.H. Hargraves 79C. J. tire

(Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess)

MADIAES. 1951 (2 Jul), Centenaries of Discovery of Gold in Australia and of
Responsible Government in Victoria. P 15x14.
66 “Henry 67 Mounted Postman and 245 78 3d. maroon 1:10 10
Lawson” (Sir Convair CV 240 Aircraft a. Horiz pair. 2:25 3-50
Lionel Lindsay) 246 79 3d. maroon. 1-10 10
Nos. 245/6 were printed alternately in vertical columns throughout 88 Young Farmers and
(Des F. D. Manley. Eng. E. R. M. Jones. Recess) the sheet. Calf
1949 (17 Jun), Henry Lawson (poet) Commemoration. P 15x14.
231 HG 220) ITAL OOM scnscconcsceccereneeseenseovnnesvvcreneoreee 40 10 (Des P.O, artist; adapted P. E. Morriss. Eng E. R. M. Jones. Recess)
1953 (3 Sept). 25th Anniv of Australian Young Farmers’ Clubs. P 142.
(Des Sir Daryl Lindsay and F, D. Manley. Eng F. D. Manley. Recess)
267 88 3%d. red-brown and deep green........ 10 10
1949 (10 Oct). 75th Anniv of Founding of U.P.U. P 15x14.
232 67 3%ad. ultramarine 60 1-00
=33, ss

81 King oc vl

(Des E. R. M. Jones (7¥2d.), F. D. Manley (others) Eng. F. D. Manley.

68 John, Lord 69 Queen 70 King 1951-52. W 15 (sideways on 1s.0¥2d.). P 14% (1s.0%d.) or 15x14 89 Lt-Gov. 90 Lt.-Gov.
Forrest of Elizabeth George VI (others). D. Collins
Bunbury : 247 +80 3¥ad. brown-purple (28.11.51)... 10
a. Imperf between (horiz pair,
(Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess) 248 4¥ad. scarlet (20.2.52).. 1:25
249 6¥2d. brown (20.2.52). 1:75
1949 (28 Nov). John, Lord Forrest of Bunbury (explorer and 250 6¥2d. emerald-green (9.4.52) 55
politician) Commemoration. W 15. P 15x14. 251 +81 7¥ad. blUe (31.10.51)....sreereressssssees — 1-00
233 SERIO SAKE 'scinsssascssaccossasstcssocnpsnsnsusssstateslesoseeees 60 10 a. Imperf three sides (vert pair).
(Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess) 252 82 1s,0%d, indigo (19,3.52). 60
247/52 Set of6 4:75
1950 (12 Apr)-52.
No. 251a occurs on the left-hand vertical row of one sheet
(a) W 15. P 15x14 91 Sullivan Cove Hobart, 1804
234 70 2¥ad. scarlet (12.4.50)... 10 10 (Des F. D. Manley. Eng E. R. M. Jones. Recess)
235 3d. scarlet (28.2.51)... 15 25 (Des E. R. M. Jones, eng D. Cameron (T 89/90); des and
aa. Coil pair (4.51)... 17:00 48-00 1952 (19 Mar)-65. P 14%. eng G. Lissenden (T 91). Recess)
(b) No wmk (a) W 15 (sideways*) 1953 (23 Sept). 150th Anniv of Settlement in Tasmania. P 15x14.
236 69 1%d. green (19.6.50) 1:25 40 253 2s.6d. deep brown 2:25 1:00 268 89 34d. brown-purple 50 10
237 2d. yellow-green (28.3.51)... 15 10 aw. Wmk Crown to left of C of A £6000 £3000 a. Horiz pair. Nos. 1:00 1:75
. COI Pair ....ssceccssoseesee 6:50 10-00 (b) No wmk 269 90 3%d. brown-purple 50 10
b. Coil block of four (11.52). 13-00 253b —_2s.6d. deep brown (30.1.57). 475 75 270 91 2s. green 1:25 3-00
237c = =70 2%Ad. purple-brown (23.5.51) 15: 35 ba, SEPia (10.65) vrsssssese 13:00 14-00 268/70 Set of3.... 2:00 3-00
237d 3d. grey-green (14.11.51) 15 10 Design:—2s.6d. As T 71 but larger (21x25¥2 mm). Nos. 268/9 were printed alternately in vertical columns throughout
da. Coil pair (12.51)... 24.00 55-00 *The normal sideways watermark on No. 253 shows Crown to right the sheet.
234/374 Set of 6. 1:75 1:10 of C of A, as seen from the back of the stamp.
On 14 October p le in sheets of 144 No. 2536a was an emergency printing and can easily be
originally intended for use in stamp booklets. These sheets contain 3
panes of 48 (16x3) with horizontal gutter margin between.
distinguished from No. 2536 as it is on white Harrison paper, No, 2536 AUSTRALIA
being on toned paper.

(Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess)

1952 (19 Nov). Pan-Pacific Scout Jamboree, Greystanes. As T 65,
but inscr “1952-53”. W 15 (sideways). P 14x15.
srencerstscsersntnsrcrerseenevcetrerssavenr=n 20 10 Ney
1853 1953
92 Stamp of 1853
71 Aborigine 72 Reproduction 73 Reproduction
of First Stamps of First Stamps (Des R. L. Beck; eng G. Lissenden. Recess)
of New South of Victoria 1953 (11 Nov). Tasmanian Postage Stamp Centenary. P 14%.
Wales 271 D2 3 TOSCO cereturerteantrenesteepissecsiaeocsoreaee 20 40

(Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess)

1950 (14 Aug). W 15. P 15x14. AUSTRALIA mM STRALIA
238 71 =8%ad. brown... 84 Wheat
83 Butter
For T 71 ina larger size, s
(Des and eng G. Lissenden (T 72), E. R. M. Jones (T 73). Recess) (Des P.O. artists; adapted G. Lissenden. Typo)
1950 (27 Sep). Centenary of First Adhesive Postage Stamps in 1953 (11 Feb). Food Production. P 14%.
Australia. P 15x14. 255 83 3d. emerald 30 10
239 50 10 a. Strip of 3. Nos. 255/7 1-60 2-75
1:00 1-25 256 84 3d. emerald... 30 10 93 Queen Elizabeth |] and
240 50 10 257 85 3d. emerald 30 10 Duke of Edinburgh

290 109 4d. carmine-red 25 10
(b) No wmk
291 110 7%4d. deep bright blue 50 1-40
282a .101a 4d. lake (13.3.57)
ab. Booklet pane o' 292. «111 1s. multicoloured.. 60 30
282b 101b 7%d. violet (13.11.57)
293 112 2s. multicoloured. 125 2:00
290/93 Set of 4. 2-40 3:25
ba. Double print.......
282c 101a 10d. deep grey-blue (6.3.57)...
282d 102 1s.7d. red-brown (13.3.57)
No. 282ab from bookle’ ‘ eg ~
imperforate, producing single stamps with one or two adjacent sides
& imperforate. E
yi The doubling on No. 282ba affects the lower part of the design only.
AUSTRALIA 115 South Australia 116 Map of Australia and -
94 Queen Re-entry. Vertical lines doubled Coat of Arms Caduceus \
Elizabeth II in “ROYAL VISIT” and "3%2°." (Des and eng P. E. Morriss. Recess)
(Lower plate left pane R. 8/2)
1957 (17 Apr). Centenary of Responsible Government in South
(Des and eng F. D. Manley; border and lettering on 7d. des Australia. P 14%.
by R. M. Warner. Recess) 296 VAS, 4 TOG-DIOWM isevcvnvecsscorstosvavteccrnesvecseceses 10 10
1954 (2 Feb). Royal Visit. P 14. \
272 93 3%d. scarlet... 20 10 Ova
(Des J. E. Lyle; adapted B. Stewart. Eng D. Cameron. Recess)
a. Re-entr 45:00 21-00 1957 (21 Aug). Flying Doctor Service. P 14%2x14.
273 94 7d. purple... 30 1-25 103 American 104 Cobb & Co. Coach (from
Memorial, Canberra etching by Sir Lionel Lindsay) 297 196) 7d. Ultramarine cnc ccssscecerecessesseneesenet Js ' 10
274 93 2s. dull blui 60 65
272/74 Set of3 1-00 175
(Des R. L. Beck (head by F. D. Manley). Eng F. D. Manley. Recess)
1955 (4 May). Australian-American Friendship. P 14x14%.
283 103 331A, Violet-DIUC..reessscssscessrarasscssserecessnnsese 10 10

(Design adapted and eng by F. D. Manley. Recess)

1955 (6 July). Mail-coach Pioneers Commemoration. P 14¥2x14.
284 104 3%4d. blackish brown a 25 10
285 2s. reddish brown. 1-00 1-40
117 “The Spirit of Christmas” Re-entry. “ISTMAS” and
{ Tex | “TRALI” double. (Upper plate
[AUSTRALIA| left pane R. 10/1)

95 “Telegraphic 96 Red Cross and Globe VW RARWORUR.CENTENNVA KLESH19 5S (Des and eng D. Cameron from a painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds.
(Des R. M. Warner. Eng P. E. Morriss. Recess) 1957 (6 Nov). Christmas. P 14%2x14.
1954 (7 Apr). Australian Telegraph System Centenary. P 14. 298 117 3¥ad. scarlet... 10 20°
275 95 3%d. brown-red 20 10 950 14:00
299 10 10
(Des B. Stewart. Eng P. E. Morriss. Design recess: cross typo)
1954 (9 June). 40th Anniv of Australian Red Cross Society. P 14%. 105 Y.M.C.A. Emblem and Map 106 Florence
276 96 3d. ultramarine and scarlet... 20 10 of the World Nightingale and
Young Nurse
AUSTRALIA (Des E. Thake. Eng P. E. Morriss. Design recess; emblem typo)
1955 (10 Aug). World Centenary of Y.M.C.A. P 14%2x14.
286 105 3%,d. deep bluish green and red.......... 20 10
a. Red (emblem) omitted... £26000
Only one unused example of No. 286a has been reported. A further
defective example exists used on cover. 118 Lockheed L.1049 Super Re-entry on final “A” of
Constellation Airliner “AUSTRALIA” (R. 7/6)
(Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess)
97 Mute Swan 98 Locomotives of 1854 and (Des and eng P. E. Morriss. Recess)
1954 1955 (21 Sept). Nursing Profession Commemoration. P 14x14¥2.
287 =— 106 3 Yad. reddish Violet...sscssessscssenessnsses 10 10 1958 (6 Jan). Inauguration of Australian “Round the World” Air
(Des R. L. Beck. Eng G. Lissenden. Recess) Service. P 14%2x14,
301 118 2s. deep blue. 1-00 1:00
1954 (2 Aug). Western Australian Postage Stamp Centenary.
a. Re-entry... 45:00 45-00
P 14%”,
277 97 3d. black.. 20 10
(Des R. M. Warner. Eng G. Lissenden. Recess)
1954 (13 Sept). Australian Railways Centenary. P 14.
278 98 3%2d. purple-brown. &

107 Queen Victoria 108 Badges of New South

Wales, Victoria and Tasmania
(Des and eng D. Cameron. Recess)
1955 (17 Oct). Centenary of First South Australian Postage
Stamps. P 14%”,
288 107 392d. Gree Marrseseersenns 10 10
120 Sir Charles
Imperf pairs of No. 288 are known. They come from die proof and Airman
blocks of four. Kingsford Smith and
MELBOURNE Fokker F.Vila/3m
NO é
(Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess) Southern Cross
1956 (26 Sept). Centenary of Responsible Government in New (Des and eng G. Lissenden. Recess)
99 Territory Badge 100 Olympic 101 Rotary Symbol, South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. P 14%2x14.
Games Symbol Globe and Flags 1958 (10 Feb). T 119 and similar horiz design. P 14%2x14.
289 108 3Y2d. DrOWN-laKE.secscssstssssssesccssensossessersersn 10 10
302 SVad. DIOWN=FEM .sesscsssssseesnssee r 60 30
(Des F, D. Manley. Eng G. Lissenden. Recess) a. Horiz pair. Nos. 302/303. 1:50 5-50
1954 (17 Nov). Australian Antarctic Research. P 14%2x13%. 303 5¥ad. brown-red 60 30
No. 303 shows a soldier and service-woman respectively in place
279 99° Biad)grey-Dlack:-csvsusntesetsevecssntosenes 20 10
of the sailor and airman. Nos. 302/3 are printed alternately in vertical
columns throughout the sheet.
(Des R. L. Beck. Eng P. E. Morriss. Recess)
1954 (1 Dec)-55. Olympic Games Propaganda. P 14.
280 100 2s, deep bright blue & 1:25 1-00 (Des J. E. Lyle. Eng F. D, Manley. Recess)
280a 2s, deep bluish green (30.11.55)... 2:00 2-50 1958 (27 Aug). 30th Anniv of First Air Crossing of the Tasman Sea.
P 14x14,
(Des and eng D. Cameron. Recess) 304 120 8d. deep UltraMarine...cecosssccsssssssssee 60 1:00
1955 (23 Feb). 50th Anniv of Rotary International. P 14x14.
281 101 3%d. carmine a 10 10
109 Arms of 110 Olympic Torch
Melbourne and Symbol


0 ci re z

121 Silver Mine, Broken Hill 122 The Nativity
101a Queen 101b Queen 102 Queen (Des R. H. Evans; adapted and eng F. D. Manley. Recess)
Elizabeth |! Elizabeth II Elizabeth II 111 Collins Street, Melbourne 112 Melbourne across R. Yarra
1958 (10 Sept). 75th Anniv of Founding of Broken Hill. P 14%x14.
(Des P. E. Morriss; eng F. D. Manley (4d.). Des and eng F. D. 305. 121 4d) chocolate jan nsunecensiereenennen 30 10
(Des F. D. Manley from bas-relief by W. L. Bowles. Eng D. Cameron
Manley (7¥d.) Recess. Des and photo Harrison from photographs
(7%ad.), G. Lissenden (others). Recess)
by M. Murphy and sketches by L. Coles (1s.). Des and photo (Des D. Cameron. Eng P. E. Morriss. Recess)
1955 (9 Mar)-S7. P 15x14 (T 101a/b) or 14% (T 102). Courvoisier from photographs by M. Murphy (2s.))
1958 (5 Nov). Christmas. P 14x15.
(a) W 15 (sideways) 1956 (31 Oct). Olympic Games, Melbourne. P 14% (4d,), 14x14¥%4 306
282 102 1s.0¥ad. deep blue... (7'%d., 1s.) or 11% (2s.).
122 3d, deep scarlet... . 20 30
1-25 1:25 307 4d. deep violet...
Nos. 313ab from booklets SB34/a and 314d from booklets $B35/6a (Des and eng G. Lissenden. Recess and typo)
have the outer edges of the panes imperforate, producing stamps 1959 (5 June). Centenary of Self-Government in Queensland.
with one or two adjacent sides imperforate. P 14x14”.
A single example (imperforate at base) of No.314da is known, 332 144 A. MilAC ANA GreeMeicvesssessssesessensssssesees 10 10
apparently from a miscut booklet pane.
Printings of the 2d. (from March 1965) and of the 3d. (from April > AUSTRALIA
1965), both including coils, were on Helecon paper.

145 “The Approach of 146 Girl Guide ae Lord
the Magi” Baden-Powell
131 Numbat 132 Tiger Cat 133 Eastern
(Des and eng F. D. Manley. Recess)
Grey Kangaroos 1959 (4 Nov). Christmas. P 15x14.
333 «145 = 5d. deep reddish Violet ...........scscceseeeee 10 10
128 Queen
Elizabeth II (Des and eng B, Stewart. Recess)
1960 (18 Aug). 50th Anniv of Girl Guide Movement. P 14%x14.
334 146 = 5d. deep ultramarine....... 15

134 Common 135 Platypus u 36 Thylacine



147 “The Overlanders” 148 “Archer” and

(Sir Daryl Lindsay) Melbourne Cup
Type | Short break in Type II Line unbroken
outer line to bottom right Two types:
of “4”

137 Christmas Bells

anesA Four Type B Five

short lines short lines
inside “5” inside “5”

139 Wattle

1d. Re-entry. Line running through base of “RALIA” (Lower

right plate, right pane R. 1/8).

Major re-entry below rider's

right arm (Lower left plate
R, 4/4). This occurs only on
Type |.

Type Il occurs on Pane A, Row 2 Nos. 8 and 9, Row 4 Nos. 1 to 12,

Row 5 Nos. 10 to 12, and on Pane C, Row 4 Nos. 5 to 12, Row 5 Nos. 1
2s. "T" retouch (Right plate R. 6/8) to 9, and Rows 6 to 10 inclusive; the stamps in Row 4 Nos. 5 to 12
and Row 5 Nos. 1 to 9 are considered to be of an intermediate type
(Des Eileen Mayo (6d., 8d., 9d., 11d., 1s., 1s.2d.), B. Stewart (5s.), with the mane as in Type II but the ear and rein being as in Type |.
Margaret Stones (others). Eng P. Morriss (11d.) F. D. Manley All the rest are Type |.
(1s.), B. Stewart (others). Recess)
1959-64. T 131/42. W 15 (5s.), no wmk (others). P 14x15 (15.2d.),
(Adapted and eng P. E. Morriss. Recess)
15x14 (6d, to 1s.), 14%x14 (5s,) or 14% oe 1960 (21 Sept). Centenary of Northern Territory Exploration.
316 131 6d. brown (30.9.60).... 1:75 10 P 15x14”.
syle “Uch) 8d. red-brown (11.5. 60). 1:00 10 335 147 5d, magenta (|). 50 15
3¥ad. Re-entry to “E” a. Pale red-brown (9.61 1:50 10 a, Major re-entry 50:00
and left frame (R. 1/10) 318 133 9d. deep sepia (21.10.59). 2:00 55 b. Type Il 3:00 1:50
319 134 11d. deep blue (3.5.61) 1:00 15 (Des F. D. Manley. Eng G. Lissenden. Recess)
(Des G, Lissenden from photographs by Baron Studios. Eng F. D. 320 135 1s. deep green (9.9.59). 2:50 40
Manley (2d.), D. Cameron (3d.). P. E. Morriss (others), Recess) 321 136 15.2d. deep purple (21.3.62). 1:00 15 1960 (12 Oct). 100th Melbourne Cup Race Commemoration. P 14%,
322 137 1s.6d. crimson/yellow (3.2.60)... 2:25 1:00 336 148 Sd. sepia. red 20 10
1959-63. P 14x15 (horiz) or 15x14 (vert).
308 123 1d. deep slate-purple (2.2.59) 10 10 323 138 2s. grey-blue (8.4.59) 70 10
a. Deep slate-lilac (1961) 1:75 30 a. “T” FETOUCH vevvvvees 40:00
b. Re-entry........ 24-00 324 139 2s.3d, green/maize (9.9.59). 1:00 10 AUSTRALIA >
309 124 = 2d. brown (21.3.62 60 20 324a 2s.3d. yellow-green (28.10.64) . 2:50 75
a. Coil pair (1962)... 4:50 7:00 325 140 2s.5d. brown/yellow (16.3.60)
b. Coil block of four (1963 13-00 326 141 3s. scarlet (15.7.59).... 20
311 126 3d. blue-green (20.5.59).. 15 10 327. 142 5s, red-brown (26.7, 61). 3-00
a. Coil pair (8.59) 4:00 6:50 a. White paper. Brown-red (17.6. 64) 90:00 7:50
b. Coil block of fo 13-00 316/327 Set of 13Sachestsseett eorteaamesesonteoeeeatenmertererires 32:00 625
312. 127 3%4d. deep green (18.3.59). 15 15 No, 327 is on toned paper. No. 327a was a late printing on the white
paper referred to in the note below No, 360. 149 Queen Victoria 150 Open Bible and
a. Re-entry 5 Candle
313. 128 4d. carmine-lake (Type 1!) (2.2.59)... 2:50 10 An experimental printing of the 11d. was made on Helecon paper
A, CALMINE-1EM sersosseereseenee 10 in December 1963. See note below No. 362.
All printings of the 8d,, 11d,, 1s.2d. and 2s.3d. (No. 324a) were on (Des F. D. Manley. Eng B. Stewart. Recess)
ab. Booklet pane of 6 (18.3.59).. 1960 (2 Nov). Centenary of First Queensland Postage Stamp.
b. Type II 10 Helecon paper from April 1965.
P 14%x15.
ba. Carmine-red.. 10 1859-19: 337 = 149 5d. deep myrtle-GreeMesccen 25 10
314 129 5d. deep blue (Type A or B)
(ETO:59) jsrcresairasensrrseriecorsvccsens ns 1:50 10 — —_--—
a. Vert se-tenant pair (A and B) 350 650
b. Coil pair (18.7.60)..... 10:00 15-00
c. Coil block of four (7, 50-00
d. Booklet pane of 6 (23.3, 11:00
da. Imperf between (horiz pair) £10000
308/14 Set of6 4:50 65
No, 313, Produced in printer's sheets, of 640 split into sheets of 160
for issue. Type | occurs on the two upper sheets from the printers’ Re-entry. “19” of “1960" partially double
sheet and on ten positions from the left pane of the lower right (Lower left plate R. 5/2), On upper left
AUSTRALIA plate R. 10/10 there is a similar partial
sheet. Type II occurs on all stamps from the lower sheets except for
ten positions from the left pane of lower right sheet. 143 Postmaster Isaac Nichols 144 Parliament doubling of “19” but to right of “1”"and
No. 314. Both types occur in alternate horizontal rows in the boarding the brig Experiment House, Brisbane, and inside “9”, Same price for either variety.
sheet (Type A in Row 1, Type B in Row 2, and so on), and their value Arms of Queensland
(Des K. McKay. Adapted and eng B. Stewart. Recess)
is identical. Booklet pane No. 314d from $B35/6a contains two
(Des R. Shackel; adapted and eng F. D. Manley. Recess) 1960 (9 Nov). Christmas, P 15x14”.
Type A and four Type B.
Nos. 309a/b, 311a/b and 314b/c have horizontal coil perforations 1959 (22 Apr). 150th Anniv of the Australian Post Office. P 14%2x14. 338 150 5d, carmine-red 10 10
as described after No. 191. 331 TAS ee esSIAC reer caccarreessurarsonstner orrensreenataearrse 15 10 a, Re-entry nu 18-00

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(Des and eng after portraits by Anthony Buckley, P. E. Morriss
(5d.), B. Stewart (2s.3d.). Recess)
1963 (18 Feb). Royal Visit. P 14%.
AUSIR ALIA 348 160 5d. deep green 35
(ES ‘4 349 =161 2s.3d. brown-lake


167 Tasman and Heemskerk 168 Dampier and


151 Colombo Plan

Bureau Emblem bust by Sir Bertram

(Des and eng G. Lissenden. Recess) AUSTRALIA

1961 (30 June). Colombo Plan. P 14x14%.
339) 151 1s. red-brown 30 10 162 Arms of Canberra 163 Centenary
No. 339 was issued on Helecon paper in April 1965. See note and W. B. Griffin (architect) Emblem
z = )

169 Captain Cook (after

after No. 362, (Des and eng B. Stewart. Recess) Painting by Nathaniel Dance)
(Des and eng B. Stewart. Recess) 1963 (8 Mar). 50th Anniv of Canberra. P 14%2x14.
1961 (20 Sept). Birth Centenary of Dame Nellie Melba (singer).
350 162 5d. deep green
P 14%x15. (Des G. Hamori. Photo)
AG Ran eT SED OEIC Se cetnacaagncscssasscertscoersssspesoacaninneesece 30 15
1963 (8 May). Red Cross Centenary. P 13x13.
351 163 = 5d. red, grey-brown and blue............ 60 10


171 Bass and Tom 172 Admiral King
Thumb (whaleboat) and Mermaid
(survey cutter)

(Des G. Lissenden. Eng P. E. Morriss. Recess)

1961 (8 Nov). Christmas. P 14%2x14. 164 Blaxland, Lawson and
341 HAs ld DOWN rssscerectrescrsscaseciredsvecpseerenectnscre 10 10 Wentworth on Mt. York
(Des T. Alban. Eng P. E. Morriss. Recess)
1963 (28 May). 150th Anniv of First Crossing of Blue Mountains.
P 14%x14.
352-164 5d. ultramarine 15 10

oes 5 eee, ait

oo ON be he eS
Po ee eee
x OP © eRe, Tt
154 J. M. Stuart 155 Flynn’s Grave and Poe cat om, '#
Nursing Sister te pe Mew

(Des W. Jardine. Eng P. E. Morriss. Recess)

1962 (25 July). Centenary of Stuart's Crossing of Australia from _ AUSTRALIA * AUSTRALIA
on™ <

South to North. P 14x15. ira ae elect Bx

165 “Export” 166 Queen aw te me ‘aie >
342 154 5d. brown-red.. 40 10
Elizabeth II £2 Roller flaw, right-hand
(Des F, D. Manley. Photo) frame line at top (R. 1/3).
(Des and eng B. Stewart. Recess)
1962 (5 Sept). 50th Anniv of Australian Inland Mission. P 13%. 1963 (28 Aug). Export Campaign. P 14%2x14. (Des W. Jardine. Eng B. Stewart (4s.), P. E. Morriss (5s., 7s., 6d.,
343. 155 Sd. multicoloured.. 30 15 353 AGS Ny Sire eeeesmecctrinctencsseeesncteesnccrstionrs 10 10 £1), M. Jones (10s). Recess)
a. Red omitted.. t+ £1900
The note below No. 372b also applies to No. 343a. 1963-65. T 167/72. No wmk (4s.) or W 15 (others), (sideways on
(Des and eng P. E. Morriss from photograph by Anthony Buckley. 5s., £1). P 14 or 14% (5s., £1, £2).
355 167 4s. ultramarine (9.10.63)... 3-00 55
1963 (9 Oct)-65. P 15x14. 356 168 5s. red-brown (25.11.64)... 4:50 1:75
354 166 5d. deep green......... 1-00 10 357 169 7s.6d. olive (26.8.64).... 19:00 21:00
a. Booklet pane of 6.. 22:00 358 170 10s. brown-purple (26.2.64).. 25:00 5:00
b. Imperf between (horiz pair) a. White paper. Deep brown-purple
(31.7.64) ssssee 3 1-50 2:50 (14.1.65) Rreremresernert 25-00 8-00
354c 5d. red (30.6.65. 55 10 359) 174 £1 deep reddish violet (26.2.64)........ 35:00 16:00
ca. Coil pair....... 19:00 38-00 a. White paper. Deep bluish violet
cb. Booklet pane of 6. 22:00 (16.11.64)... 48:00 30:00
The 5d. deep green exists from both sheets and booklets on 360 172 £2 sepia (26.8.64) 55:00 75-00
Helecon paper produced in error. a. Roller flaw... £190
AUSTRALIA The 5d. red was issued with or without Helecon added to the ink.
All coil and booklet printings included Helecon in the ink, except for
355/60 Set of6..
357s/60s Optd ” et o

156 “Woman” 157 “Madonna and a small printing produced in error. Examples ofthe sheet and booklet Nos. 358 and 359 were printed on a toned paper but all the other
Child” printings with Helecon ink have been found on Helecon paper. values are on white paper, the unwatermarked paper of the 4s. being
Nos. 354a and 354cb have the outer edges of the panes imperforate rather thicker.
(Des D. Dundas. Eng G. Lissenden. Recess) producing single stamps with one or two adjacent sides imperforate.
1962 (26 Sept). “Associated Country Women of the World” They come from booklets SB37/8a. CHRISTMAS 1963
Conference, Melbourne. P 14x14. n= a
344 156 5d. CEE Gre areccsssssessssssesssscsseesereeeee 10 10

(Des and eng G. Lissenden. Recess)

1962 (17 Oct). Christmas. P 14%.
ese MRM Dlg VIONCEsecarstevecsesenccoscecccvervncereeesnssssnccosce 15 10 LE 2/3
shaseeneosseronsesareswaowsous Onn se nese anes warseseneeneny
ry 173 "Peace on 174 “Commonwealth Cable”
Earth ..””

(Des R. M. Warner. Eng B. Stewart. Recess)

§ 1963 (25 Oct). Christmas. P 14%.
AUSTRALIA $ AUSTRALIA 361 173 5d. Greenish DIUC.cscsssccssccecceseseneseee 10 10
AUSTRALIA secewescossvavsecceest
158 Perth and Kangaroo Paw 159 Arms of Perth and (Des P. E. Morriss. Photo)
(plant) Running Track 1963 (3 Dec). Opening of COMPAC (Trans-Pacific Telephone
Cable). Chalk-surfaced paper. P 13%.
(Des R. M. Warner (5d.), G. Hamori (2s.3d.) Photo Harrison) 362 174 2s.3d. red, blue, black and pale blue... 1-50 2-75
1962 (1 Nov). Seventh British Empire and Commonwealth Games, AUSTRALIA,
ene eneweeawsesaveney
Perth. P 14 (5d.) or 14%2x14 (2s.3d.). HELECON (PHOSPHOR) STAMPS, “Helecon’, a chemical substance
346 158 5d. multicoloured 50 10 of the zinc sulphide group, has been incorporated in stamps in two
a. Red omitted.. £6000 different ways, either in the ink with which the stamps are printed, or
347 159 2s.3d. black, red, blue and green 2:00 2-75 included in the surface coating of the stamp paper.
Owing to the difficulty of identification without the use of a U.V.
lamp we do not list the Helecon stamps separately but when in stock
can supply them after testing under the lamp.
The first stamp to be issued on Helecon was the 11d. Bandicoot
No. 354b comes from sheets of uncut booklet panes containing 288 (No. 319) from an experimental printing of four million released to the
stamps (16x18) with wide margins intersecting the sheet horizontally public in December 1963. The next printing, on ordinary paper, was
below each third row, alternate rows of stamps imperforate between released in September 1964. The experimental printing was coarse,
vertically and the outer left, right and bottom margins imperforate. showing a lot of white dots and the colour is slate-blue, differing from
This means that in each sheet there are 126 pairs of stamps imperf
AUSTRALIA between vertically, plus a number with wide imperforate margins
both the ordinary and the later Helecon paper.
160 Queen 161 Queen attached, as shown in the illustration. Further Helecon printings followed from March 1965. Almost all
Elizabeth II Elizabeth Il and A 5d. in a similar design, printed in blue and brown with vertical issues from No. 378 onwards were on Helecon paper or paper coated
Duke of Edinburgh edges imperforate, was prepared, but not issued. with Derby Luminescence.

a. Red omitted . £5000 £3000
b. Black omitted . £3000
The red ink is soluble and can be removed by bleaching and it is
therefore advisable to obtain a certificate from a recognised expert
committee before purchasing No. 372a. The used price quoted is for
an example on cover.
(Des C. Andrew (after statue, Shrine of Remembrance, Melbourne).
Eng E. R. M, Jones. Recess)
4 AUSTRALIA 1965 (14 Apr). 50th Anniv of Gallipoli Landing. P 14x14’.
175 Yellow-tailed 176 Black-backed 373. 184 5d.drab % 50 10
Thornbill Magpie 374 8d. blue 75 2:50
375 2s.3d. reddish purple. 1:50 2-50
373/75 Set of 3 2:50 4:50

AN :
C\ =

p ge P|
th® vit : <
Nos. 401 (top), 401a (centre) and 401b (bottom).
No. 401b shows the final form of the variety with a
plate crack visible in sky and across sail (Lower sheet
left pane. R. 10/1)

% itera DOE cay Par : (Deses BettyBetty Temple-Watts
Temple-Watts (6c.(6c. (No.(No. 387), , 13c, 13c,, 24c.),24c.), Eileen
Ei Mayoayo (7(7c.
185 "Telecommunications page (No. 358)to'10c)! Recess (T 191, 40c. to $4). Photo (others))
1966 (14 Feb)-73. Decimal currency. T 191/3 ae one igh ao
(Des J. McMahon and G. Hamori.; Photo) some $1),
75c, reused
14% from
(50c, previous
$2, $4) orissues. P 15x14 (T 191), 14 (40c.,
13% (others).
1965 (10 May). I.T.U. Centenary. Chalk-surfaced paper. P 13%. 382 191 1c. deep red-brown... 25 10
376 185 5d. black, brown, orange-brown 383 2c. olive-green 70 10
ALS: Bi ANG DUC rrettsesnseeensatstsntetaeerteccs 60 10 384 3c. slate-green 70 10
“ - a. Black (value and pylon) 385 Ac. es 20 10
180 Scarlet Robin OMITLET wrens £5000 a. Booklet pane. Five stamps plus
(Des P. E. Morriss from photo by Karsh. Photo) 386 175 5c. tasters ieee pore
1965 (24 May). Churchill Commemoration. Chalk-surfaced paper. emerald-green......... 10
Palaver a. Brown (plumage) omi
377. 186 5d. black, pale grey, grey and light 6. Brown, yellow, black and blue-
EUG ecietereascccsostentzosserecesracnreonnansesotd 30 10 green (1.67) ms 25 20
a. Pale grey (facial shading) 386c 191 5c. deep blue (29.9.67), 2 70 10
Mitte deeneensscaesosts £5500 ca. Booklet pane. Five stamps plus
b. Grey (“AUSTRALIA”) omitted...... + £5000 one printed label =
No. 377a occurred on stamps from the bottom row of one sheet. cb. Imperf in horiz strip of 3* a
. . No. 377 exists on ordinary or Helecon paper in approximately 387 192 6c. olive-yellow, black, blue ai
181 Straw-necked Ibis equal quantities. pale grey A 1-00
aa. Blue (eye markings) omitted £3250
(Des Betty Temple-Watts. Photo) 387d 191 GC. OFAMGE (28.9.70) seesesssersnerrneranerees 1-00 10
1964 (11 Mar)-65. Birds. T 175/81 and similar designs. Chalk- 388 193 7c. black, grey, salmon and brown 60 10
surfaced paper. P 132. 388a 191) 7c purple’(1-10:71) unio ncaemecreee 1:25 10
363 175 6d. brown, yellow, black and 389 - 8c. red, yellow, blue-green and
bluish green (19.8.64) .crcsssecssesss 1-50 50 Dlackish Green 60 1:00
a. Brown, yellow, black and 390 - 9c. brown-red, purple-brown,
emer-grn 3:00 2-50 Ubrkeeceshnanave waa55 black and light yellow-olive........ 60 20
364 176 9d. black, grey and pale green.. 100 2-75 ! te = 391 - 10c. orange, blackish brown, pale
365 177 15.6d. pink, grey, dull purple and turquoise blue and olive-brown. 60 10
black..... 75 1-40 a. Orange omitted
366 178 2s. yellow, pink 392 - 13c. red black, grey and lig)
: a 4.65) Ta RET REECE 1-40 50 p 2 = ea Bee os 1:50 25)
367 179 2s.5d. deep royal blue, light violet- eS Ne a. Red omitted..... .. £4000
blue, yellow-orange, grey and E ad AUSTRALIA b. Grey (plumage and legs) omitted. £3750
DICK sesersnsnsennssssnotoneneneenntenee 1:75 3:50 187 General Monash 188 Hargrave and “Multiplane” 393. 177 15c. rose-carmine, black, grey and
a. Ordinary paper. Deep blue, Seaplane (1902) light bluish green..... 25 e225:
light blue, orange-brown, blue- a. Rose-carmine omitted £7500
grey and black (7.65)... 3 700 8-00 (Des O. Foulkes and W. Walters. Photo) b. Grey omitted.......... £4000
368 180 2s.6d. black, red, grey and g 1965 (23 June). Birth Centenary of General Sir John Monash 394 178 20c. yellow, black and pink 1:50 15
(214.65). rcrccrtatncstenermtnerenee 250 4:50 (engineertandisoldlenie ais a. Yellow (plumage) omitted......... £5000
a, Red omitted (white breast)........ £17000 9 Rae 2 395 - 24c. ultramarine, yellow, black and
369 181 3s. black, red, buff and yellow- 378 187 5d. MUItiCOLOUFED -rnrmrnnnnn 15 10 light brown 65 1-25
green (21.4.65) 2-50 2:25 396 180 25c. black, red, grey and green 1:50 30
363/69 Set Of Tiemcinsetecnoater ~ 10-00 14-00 (Des G. Hamori. Photo) a. Red omitted. .. £16000
No. 367a was from a printing, made in 1962, on unsurfaced 1965 (4 Aug). 50th Death Anniv of Lawrence Hargrave (aviation 397 +181 30c. black, red, buff an
Wiggins Teape paper, the rest of the set being on chalk-surfaced pioneer). P 13%. yellow-green 3-50 1-50
Harrison paper. Apart from the differences in shade, the inscriptions, 379 188 5d. purple-brown, black, yellow- a. Red omitted . £4250
particularly “BLUE WREN’, stand out very much more clearly on ochre and purple. f 25 10 398 167 40c. ultramarine 3-00 10
No. 367a. Although two colours are apparent in both stamps, the a. Purple (value) omitted £500 399 168 . red-brown. 3-00 10
grey and black were printed from one cylinder. 400 169 1-00 1:00
The 6d. (No. 363) and 2s.5d. were only issued on ordinary paper. The 401 170 purp! 1:50 20
9d. and 1s.6d. exist on ordinary or Helecon paper. The 6d. (No. 363a), . Recut lines in sky... 85:00 |
1s., 2s.6d. and 3s. were issued on Helecon paper only. b. Recut lines and plate crack... £130 |
c. Perf 15x14t (5.73)... 85:00 22:00
402 171 $2 deep reddish violet 6.00 1:00
403. 172 $4 sepia... 600 6-50
382/403 Set of 25 35:00 15-00
400s/3s Optd “SPECI - 75:00
. . Designs: Vert (as T 193)—8c. Copper-banded Butterflyfish (“Coral
& Hay z Fish’); 9c. Hermit Crab; 10c. Orange Clownfish (“Anemone Fish”).
NUWISTER AWAY ae 189 I.C.Y. Emblem 190 “Nativity Scene” (As T 192)—13c. Red-necked Avocet; 15¢. Galah; 20c. Golden Whistler;
ss 30c. Straw-necked Ibis. Horiz (as T 192)—24c. Azure Kingfisher;
age Lei Xl ficet (type 5d. Re-entry to second (Des H. Fallu from U.N. theme. Photo) Fe Scarlet pebie As u167—75Sc. Captain Cook; $1 Flinders and
lown by M. Guillaux, 1914) “A” of “AUSTRALIA” (Upper ; € : Investigator. As T168—$2 Bass and whaleboat; $4 Admiral King and
right plate, R. 4/4 ts = Nea elas oo eee Year. P 13%. Mermaid (survey cutter). :
subsequently retouched) S.3d, emerald and light blue... 75 1-50 ue shows two stamps imperforate all round and one imperforate
at left only.
(Des K. McKay. Adapted and eng P. E. Morriss. Recess) (Des J. Mason. Photo) tThe exact gauge of No. 401c is 14.8x14.1, No. 401 is 14.25x13.95.
1964 (1 July). 50th Anniv of First Australian Airmail Flight, | 1965 (20 Oct). Christmas. P 13%. Nos, 385a (from booklets SB39/a) and 386ca (from booklets
P 14%x14, 381 190 5d. multicoloured... 15 10 $B42/3a) have the outer edges of the pane imperforate producing
370 182 5d. olive-green 30 10 a. Gold omitted £5500 sindls stamps with one or two adjacent sides imperforate. _ |
a. Re-entry £275 £180 b. Blue omitted £1000 (0. 385 was normally printed in Helecon ink. Early in 1967
371 2s.3d. scarlet... 175-275 c. Brown omitted 5000 experimental printings on different kinds of paper coated with
No. 381a comes from the bottom row of a sheet in which the Helecon or Derby Luminescents phosphor were put on sale. These
gold is completely omitted, the background appearing as black with <ennot beldisHnguished by tsar
“CHRISTMAS 1965” and “AUSTRALIA” omitted. The row above had the
gold missing from the lower two-fifths of the stamp. |
(New Currency. 100 cents = 1 dollar)

oe Ene)
199 Queen
200 “Saving Life” |
a NN = Elizabeth II
183 Child looking at 184 “Simpson and
6° ae 1966 (14 Feb)-67. Coil stamps. Photo. P 15ximperf.
Nativity Scene his Donkey” pe 404 199 3c. black, light brown and green.... 45 1:25¢
Rak en a Finke AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA 405 4c. black, light brown and light :
es P.E. Morriss and J, Mason. Photo) é = NOPOR
191 Queen 192 Blue-fi ; .csessseccsscrareerceostectesvene ‘ 35 1:25 ]
1964 (21 Oct). Christmas. Chalk-surfaced paper. P 13%. Elizabeth II Ratan as mle Doi 05a Se. bac eooariee and new ioe a
372 183 5d. red, blue, buff and black.........0 10 10 (‘Humbug Fish”) 404/Sa Set of 3...... my 110 225 J
(Des L. Mason. Photo)
1966 (6 July). 75th Anniv of Royal Life Saving Society. P 13%. AUSTRALIA
406 200 4c. black, bright blue and blue........ 15 10


brrer=ry ory

201 “Adoration of the 209 Christmas Bells and Gothic 210 Religious 222 Athlete carrying 223 Sunstone Symbol and
Shepherds” Arches Symbols Torch, and Sunstone Mexican Flag
(Des L. Stirling, after medieval engraving. Photo) (Des M. Ripper (5c.), Erica McGilchrist (25c.). Photo)
1967. Christmas. P 13%. (Des H. Williamson. Photo)
1966 (19 Oct). Christmas. P 13%.
415 209 5c. multicoloured (18.10.67) ws. 20 10 1968 (2 Oct). Olympic Games, Mexico City. P 132.
407. 201 4c. black and yellow-olive 10 10
a. Value omitted £3750 a. Imperf three sides (vert pair)..... £13000 428 222 5c. multicoloured 30 10
No, 407a was caused by a partial omission of the yellow-olive so 416 210 25c, multicoloured (27.11.67) 1:00 1:90 429 223 25c. multicoloured 40 1:50
that there was no colour surrounding the white face value. No. 415a show the stamps perforated at left only. a. Green (left-hand panel)
omitted £3000



Savings Societies
season mes
211 Satellite in Orbit 212 World Weather Map
Eleventh Australia

(Des J, Mason. Photo)

(S6-Lat 1968 (20 Mar). World Weather Watch. P 13%. * AUSTRALIA
417-211 5c. orange-brown, pale blue, black
202 Eendracht 203 Open Bible and ochre... 30 10 224 Houses and 225 Church Window
418 212 20c. orange- -brown, ‘blue and black. 1:10 3:00 Dollar Signs and View of Bethlehem
(Des F. Eidlitz. Photo) a. White (radio waves) omitted..... £1500
1966 (24 Oct). 350th Anniv of Dirk Hartog’s Landing in Australia. b. Orange-brown (triangle) (Des Erica McGilchrist. Photo)
P1384: OMMEtEC cereramurassercesntmeimars 4250 1968 (16 Oct). Building and Savings Societies Congress. P 13%.
408 202 4c. multicoloured......... 10 10 430 224 BCH IMNUIICOLOULEC Niosisscmtarcactseceressare 10 60
a. Red (sphere) omitted £4750
b. Gold omitted... £2500 (Des G. Hamori, Photo)
1968 (23 Oct). Christmas. P 13%.
(Des L. Stirling. Photo) 431 225 5c. multicoloured 10 10
1967 (7 Mar). 150th Anniv of British and Foreign Bible Society in a. Green window (gold omitted) £850
Australia. P 13%. b. Red (inscr) OMIttED..... seein
409 203 4C, MUITICOIOUFEM ......eeesssssssseseeesesettteeee 10 10

213 Radar Antenna 214 Kangaroo Paw

(Western Australia)
(Des R. Ingpen. Photo) 226 Edgeworth
‘ naa ry 1968 (20 Mar). World Telecommunications via Intelsat II. P 13%. David (geologist)
204 Ancient Keys and Modern Broken frame between “R” 419 213 25c. greenish ee black andpe (Des Note Ptg Branch (Nos. 432, 434) A. Cook (others). Recess,
Lock and “S” of “YEARS” (Left- DIUC-QreeN oescscsesssssseeee “2 1-00 2:00 background litho)
hand pane, R. 8/1)
1968 (6 Nov). Famous Australians (1st series). T 226 and similar
(Des G. Andrews. Photo) vert portraits, P 15x14.
1967 (5 Apr). 150th Anniv of Australian Banking. P 13%. 432 5c. myrtle-green/pale green.. 25 20
a. Booklet pane. Five stamps p
410 204 4c. black, light blue and emerald... 10 10 printed label... 1:10
a. Broken frame... m3 :50) 433 5c. black/pale blue 25 20
a. Booklet pane. Five stamps plus one
printed label.. oo 1:10
434 5c. blackish brown/pi 25 20
a. Booklet pane. Five stamps plus one
printed label , 1:10
AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA 435 5c. deep violet/pale lilac.
a. Booklet pane. Five stamps plus one
25 20

Type |. Type Il. printed label. 1-10

432/35 Set of4..... 90 70
The 30c. was reprinted in 1971 from new cylinders so that Type II Designs:—No. 432,Type 226; No. 433, A. B. Paterson (poet); No. 434,
shows greater areas of white in the pink tones of the petals. Albert Namatjira (artist); No. 435, Caroline Chisholm (social worker).
Nos. 432/5 were only issued in $1 booklets, Nos. SB44/a, with the
Australia 4. (Des Nell Wilson (6c., 30c.); R. and P. Warner (13c., 25c.); Dorothy outer edges of the pane imperforate so all stamps have one or two
bree nex Thornhill (15c,, 20c.). Photo) adjacent sides imperforate.
205 Lions Badge and 206 Y.W.C.A. Emblem 1968 (10 July)-71. State Floral Emblems. T 214 and similar vert See also Nos. 446/9, 479/82.
50 Stars designs. Multicoloured. P 13%.
420 6c. Type 214... 45 1-25 fap Moca UST CLE eS
(Des M. Ripper. Photo) 421 13c. Pink Heath (Victoria) 50 70
422 15c. Tasmanian Blue Gum (Tasmania)...... 50 40
1967 (7 June). 50th Anniv of Lions International. P 13%. Ragen BSS
423 20c. Sturt's Desert Pea (South Australia) . 1-00 75 Ie) AGSTAM
411-205) 4c. black, gold and DIVE .....secssssssereene 10 10 424 25c. Cooktown Orchid (Queensland 7 1:10 75
425 30c. Waratah (New South Wales) (Type 50 10
(Des H. Williamson. Photo) a. Green (leaves) omitted
1967 (21 Aug). World Y.W.C.A. Council Meeting, Monash b Type Il (29.6.71).
University, Melbourne. P 13%. 420/25 Set of 6
412 206 4c. deep blue, ultramarine, light AU STRALIA
purple and light blue 0... 10 10
230 Macquarie 231 Pioneers and Modern
Lighthouse Building, Darwin

(Des and eng Note Ptg Branch. Recess; background litho)

1968 (27 Nov). 150th Anniv of Macquarie Lighthouse, P 14%2x13%2.
436 230 5c. black and pale yellow... 50 1-00
Used examples are known with the pale yellow background colour
220 Soil Sample Analysis
(Des Marietta Lyon. Photo)
207 Anatomical Figures (Des R. Ingpen. Photo) 1969 (5 Feb). Centenary of Northern Territory Settlement. P 13%.
1968 (6 Aug). International Soil Science Congress and World 437-231 5c. blackish brown, yellow-olive
(Des R. Ingpen. Photo) Medical Association Assembly. T 220 and similar horiz design. and yellow-ochre... 10 10
1967 (20 Sept). Fifth World Gynaecology and Obstetrics Congress, P 13%.
Sydney, P 13%. 426 220 5c. orange-brown, stone, greenish
413. 207 4c. black, blue and light reddish blue and black. 10 10
violet... 10 10 a. Nos. 426/7 se-tenant with
gutter margin between .........006 600 14-00
1967 (29 Sept). No. 385 surch with T 208. 427 - 5c. greenish blue, dull olive-
414 191 5c. on 4c. red 25 10 yellow, rose and black... 10 10
a. Booklet pane. Five stamps plus Design:—No. 427, Rubber-gloved hands, syringe and head of
one printed label 1:00 Hippocrates,
No. 414 was only issued in 50c. or ooklets, Nos. SB40/1ab, The above were printed in sheets of 100 containing a pane of 50
with the outer edges of the pane imperforate so all stamps have of each design. 232 Melbourne Harbour 233 Concentric Circles
one or two adjacent sides imperforate. It only exists printed in The major shades formerly listed have been deleted as there is a (symbolising Management,
range of intermediate shades. Labour and Government)
Helecon ink.
(Des J. Mason. Photo) (Des J. Copeland (5c.), A. Leydin (20c.). Photo) 468 6c.
Type 259 (28.9.70)..... 1:25 1-00
Green (leaves) omitted. £3000
1969 (26 Feb). Sixth Biennial Conference of International 1970 (16 Mar). World Fair, Osaka. T 248 and similar horiz design.
468) 7c.
Sturt’s Desert Pea (1.10.71) 40 70
Association of Ports and Harbours, Melbourne. P 13%. P 13%.
Black (berries, “7c.” and inscr)
438 232 SC. MUILICOIOUTEM vrssesssessessasssssssssnnssnsees 20 10 454 5c, multicoloured > 15 10
omitted £2000
455 20c, orange-red and black. = 35 65
(Des G. Hamori. Photo) Design:—20c. “Southern Cross” and “from the Country of the South bb. Buff (shadows on flowers) o £225
bc. Buff and green (leaves) omitted 80-00
1969 (4 June). SOth Anniv of International Labour Organisation. with warm feelings” (message).
bd. White fluorescent paper (10.73 40
P 13%. (Des P.O. Artists (5c.), J. Mason (30c.). Photo) 468d 10c. As 7c. (15.1.75) 60 2:00
439 233 5. MUItICOIOUTEM ..ccssscsssseesssenens 15 10 1970 (31 Mar). Royal Visit. T 251 and similar horiz design. P 13%. 465a/8d Set OF 6 -reccsossereeee 3:25 5:50
a. Gold (middle circle) omitted £3500 Nos. 465a/8d have horizontal coi pe orations described after
456 5c. black and deep ochre. 3 35 15
457 30c, multicoloured......... 1:10 2:75 No, 191.
Design:—5c, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. One used example of No. 468 is known with the magenta omitted.
Examples of No. 468bb also show the green colour displaced

Stony Mamtare Serene /CAustralia

234 Sugar Cane

(Des R. Ingpen. Photo)

1969 (17 Sept). Primary Industries. T 234 and similar vert designs.
Multicoloured. P 13%.
440 7c. Type 234.. 50 1:50 252 Lucerne Plant, Bull and 253 Captain Cook
44] 15c. Timber...... 75 2:50 Sun and H.M.S. Endeavour
a, Black (“Australia” and value) 264 Snowy Mountains Scheme 265 Rising Flames
omitted £1700
442 20c. Wheat. 30 60
443 25c, Wool.. 50 1:50
440/43 Set of 4 1:90 5:50

7c. Broken pylon leg (Left pane, R. 7/4).

UND (Des L. Mason (7c.), R. Ingpen (8c., 9c.), B, Sadgrove (10c.). Photo)
q & v4 itis a oes |

5c. (No. 459). Red mark on sail at left (Top pane, R. 5/1) 1970 (31 Aug). National Development. T 264 and similar horiz+
238 “The Nativity” 240 Edmund designs. Multicoloured. P 13%.
(stained-glass Barton (Des R. Ingpen. Photo) 469 7c. Type 264. 20 1:50
window) 1970 (13 Apr). Eleventh International Grasslands Congress, a. Broken pylon leg 8-00
Queensland, P 13%. 470 8c. Ord River Scheme.. 10 20
(Des G. Hamori (5c), J. Coburn (25c.). Photo) 458 252 SC. MUITICOOUTE ....sssccccssscsecsecesesnscensoee 10 80 a. Red omitted ..... £4250
1969 (15 Oct). Christmas, T 238 and similar multicoloured 471 9c. Bauxite to aluminium 15 20
(Des R. Ingpen and “Team” (T. Keneally, A. Leydin, J. R. Smith), Photo)
designs. P 13%. 472 10c. Oil and Natural Gas 30 10
444 5c. Type 238. 20 10 1970 (20 Apr). Bicentenary of Captain Cook’s Discovery of Australia’s 469/72 SCUOLAS, ssccrsccssstocectssovsmssestrte 65 1-75
a. Magenta (robe) omitted... £1800 East Coast. T 253 and similar multicoloured designs. P 132.
b. Yellow omitted £1800 459 SGIVDO2S3 sartanasniscc 30 10 (Des G. Hamori, Photo)
445 25c. “Tree of Life” Christ in Crib and a. Strip of 5. Nos. 459/63 1-40 1:50
1970 (2 Oct). 16th Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
Christmas Star (abstract) 0.0... 1:00 2:00 aa. Black omitted...... £16000
Conference, Canberra. P 13%.
b. Red mark on sail 3-00
460 5c. Sextant and H.M.S. Endeavour. 30 10 473 265. ——C. MUILICOLOUTEM” v.areesscsscsccsscscreonncnnnsnces 10 10
(Des from drawings by J. Santry. Recess, background litho)
1969 (22 Oct). Famous Australians (2nd series). Prime 461 5c, Landing at Botany Bay 30 10
Ministers. T 240 and similar vert designs each black on pale 462 5c. Charting and exploring .. 30 10
green. P 15x14. 463 5c. Claiming possession... 30 10
464 30c, Captain Cook, H.M.S. Endeavour,
446 5c. Type 240.. 30 20
a. Booklet pane. sextant, aborigines and kangaroo
printed label 1-40 (63 x 30 mm).. 100 2:50 Australia sinresanest'irmo 6C
447 5c. Alfred Deakin.. 30 20 459/64 Set of6 2:25 275
a. Booklet pane. Five stamps plus one MS465 157x129 mm. Nos. . Imper = 5:50 6:50
printed label... 1-40 The 5c. stamps were issued horizontally se-tenant within the sheet,
448 5c. J. C. Watson.. 30 20 to form a composite design in the order listed.
a. Booklet pane. Five stamps plus one Several used single Sc. stamps are also known with the black
printed label 1-40 omitted.
449 5c. G. H, Reid 30 20 50,000 miniature sheets were made available by the Post Office to 6c AUSTRALIA
a. Booklet pane. Five stamps plus one the organisers of the Australian National Philatelic Exhibition which 266 Milk Analysis and Dairy 267 “The Nativity”
printed label 1-40 overprinted them in the white margin at each side of the 30c. stamp Herd
446/49 Set of 4. 1:10 70 with “Souvenir Sheet AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL PHILATELIC EXHIBITION”
at left and “ANPEX 1970 SYDNEY 27 APRIL-1 MAY" at right in light (Des R. Honisett. Photo)
Nos. 446/9 were only issued in $1 booklets, Nos. SB45/a, with the
outer edges of the pane imperforate so all stamps have one or two red-brown and they were also serially numbered. These were put 1970 (7 Oct). 18th International Dairy Congress, Sydney. P 13%.
adjacent sides imperforate. on sale at the exhibition on the basis of one sheet to each visitor 474 266 — 6. MUIFICOIOULEM ....scrssceseeseensreceeesnnsee 10 10
paying 30c. for admission. Although still valid for postage, since the
CAPT ROSS SMITH. VICKERS VIMY 1919 50 aicews Australia stamps themselves had not been defaced, these sheets were not (Des W, Beasley. Photo)
c sold at post offices. 1970 (14 Oct). Christmas. P 13%.
Subsequently further supplies were purchased and similarly 475 267 6c. multicoloured.
overprinted and numbered by a private firm without the authority 10 10
a. Yellow omitted
of the Post Office and ANPEX took successful legal action to stop their
further sale to the public. This firm also had the unoverprinted sheets
rouletted in colour between the stamps whilst further supplies of the
normal sheets were overprinted with reproductions of old coins and
244 Capt. Ross Smith's Vickers 247 Symbolic Track and Diesel others with an inscription commemorating the opening of Melbourne
Vimy, 1919 Locomotive Airport on 1st July 1970, but all these are private productions. Further
private productions have been reported.
(Des E. Thake. Photo)
1969 (12 Nov). 50th Anniv of First England-Australia Flight. T 244
and similar horiz designs. P 132.
450 5c. olive-green, pale blue, black and
cto Perrot oe 15 10
a. Strip of 3. Nos. 450/2 1-50 2:00
451 5c. black, red and olive-green.. 15 10
452 5c. olive-green, black, pale blue and AUSTRALIA
Dove of Peace
red. 15 10 259 Sturt’s Desert Rose
450/52 Set of3... 1:50 25 (Des Monad Design and Visual Graphics. Photo)
Designs:—No. 450, Type 244; No. 451, Lt. H. Fysh and Lt, PR. McGinness AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA 1970 (19 Oct). 25th Anniv of United Nations. P 13%.
on 1919 survey with Ford Model T runabout; No. 452, Capt. Wrigley I, Il 476 — 26B 6. MUIFICOIOUTEM .....ssscssssssssssrsssssensoneee 15 10
and Sgt. Murphy in Royal Aircraft Factory B.E.2E taking off to meet
the Smiths. Two types of 2c.
The three designs appear se-tenant, both horizontally and vertically, (Des G. Hamori. Photo)
|. "AUSTRALIA" thin: “2c” thin; flower name lightly printed.
throughout the sheet. 1970 (2 Nov). 50th Anniv of QANTAS Airline. T 269 and similar
I. Redrawn. “AUSTRALIA” thicker; “2c” much more heavily printed; horiz design. Multicoloured. P 13%.
(Des B. Sadgrove. Photo) flower name thicker and bolder,
477 6c. Type 269 30 10
1970 (11 Feb). Sydney-Perth Standard Gauge Railway Link. P 13%. (Des Note Ptg Branch. Photo) 478 30c. Avro 504 an 70 1:75
453 247 SC, MUILICOLOULEM .....sssesssvssnscee 15 10
1970-75. Coil Stamps. Vert designs as T 259. Multicoloured. White

ae hd
fluorescent paper (10c.). Perf 15ximperf.
465a 2c. Type 259 (I) (1.10.71)... 40 30
ab, White fluorescent paper. 40
b. Type Il (white fluorescent paper). 1:50 1:25
ba. Yellow omitted
bb. Grey omitted..
degre )
4c. Type 259 (27.4.70)
5c, Golden Wattle (27.4.70)..
85 2:25
ROYAL VisiT 1970 AUSTRALIA IOC 20 10 270 The Duigan
aa. Yellow omitted £2250
248 Australian Pavilion, Osaka 251 Australian Flag Brothers (Pioneer
a. White fluorescent pap’ 20
(Des A. Cook (No. 480), T. Adams (No. 482), Note Ptg Branch SB11 2s. booklet containing twelve 2d. (No. 63) in ca. Front cover inscr “IN MOST MONEY
(others). Recess (background litho)) blocks of 6 (3.22) £4250 ORDER OFFICES” (1936) £450
1970 (16 Nov). Famous Australians (3rd series). T 270 and similar a. Black on orange cover (7.22). £3750 cb. Ditto with waxed interleaves (1938) £550
vert designs. P 15x14. b. Black on pink cover... £3500
479 6G DlUcireaccsscpteantoniatcete scenario sencenstise Sy 20 c, Brown on buff cover £3750 1938 (Dec). Black on green cover as No. SB26c but 70x46 mm.
a. Booklet pane. Five stamps plus one d. Brown on pink cover... £3750 Postal rates on interleaves.
printed label... oa 1:60 SB12 £1 booklet containing one hundred and SB27 2s. booklet containing twelve 2d. (No. 184 or
480 6c. black/cinnamon . 35 20 twenty 2d. (No. 62) in blocks of 15 (1.21)... £18000 184w) in blocks of 6. £500
a. Booklet pane. Five stamps plus one a. Black on pink cover.. a a. With waxed interleaves.
printed label ee 1:60 $B13 £1 booklet containing ninety 2d. an een on back cover £850
481 6c. purple/palep: 35 20 4d. (Nos..63, 65) in blocks Of 15 (3.22) serrsessssee b. Black on buff cove £700
a. Booklet pane. Five stamps plus one SB14 £1 booklet containing one hundred and
printed label..... 1-60 twenty 2d. (No. 63) in blocks of 15 (8.22)....... £17000
482 6c. brown-lake/flesh 35 20 1942 (Aug). Black on buff cover, size 73x47% mm. Postal rates on
a. Booklet pane. Five stamps plus one interleaves.
1923 (Oct)-24. Black on rose, 80x60 mm (No. SB15), or green on SB28 2s.6d. booklet containing twelve 2%d. (No.
printed label zs 1:60 pale green, 80x60 mm (No. $B16) or green on pale green,
479/82 Set of4... 1:25 75 206 or 206w) in blocks of 6, upright
155x90 mm (Nos. 17/18) covers. Within the DOOKet.....ssssuesssssssccsssssesssseesssssseeneeeese £110
Designs:—No. yp quarie (Governor SB15 —2s.3d. booklet containing eighteen 1d. (No. ay
of N.S.W,); No. 481 Adam Lindsay Gordon (poet); No. 482 EJ. Eyre a. With waxed interleaves. Postal rates
in blocks of 6 £3000 on back cover...
a. Black on pale green cover... £3000
Nos. 479/82 were only issued in 60c. or $1.20 booklets, Nos.
b. Green on pale green cover. » £2500
$B46/8a, with the outer edges of the pane imperforate so all stamps
have one or two adjacent sides imperforate.
SB16 —_2s.3d. booklet containing eighteen 1’d. (No. 77)
INDIOCKS(ONG (5.24) saeracetcceertteret
serene £2250
SB17 £1 booklet containing one hundred and sixty
STAMP BOOKLETS 1¥ad. (No. 61) in blocks of 20 (3.24)... . £15000
SB18 £1 booklet containing one hundred an ixty
Illustrations of booklet covers are reduced to size, unless otherwise 1¥ad. (No. 77) in blocks Of 20 (5.24)... £15000
All booklets from 1913 to 1949 were stapled. 1927 (Jan-June). Green on pale green covers, 82x57 mm (Nos.
SB19/20) or 150x100 mm (No. $B21).
1913 (17 Jan). Red on pink cover, 75x60 mm as New South Wales $B19 2s.3d. booklet containing eighteen 1'4d. (No. 87)
Type B 1 (SB1) or blue on pink cover with map of Australia on in blocks of 6. . 6
front and picture of State G.P.O. on back, 150x175 mm (SB2). $B20 2s.3d. booklet containing eig!
SB1 2s. booklet containing twelve Yad. and in blocks of 6
eighteen 1d. (Nos. 1/2) in blocks Of 6.000 £2250 SB21 £1 booklet containing one hundred and sixty Bid ~
SB2 £1 booklet containing two hundred and forty Vad. (No. 96) in blocks Of 20 UNE)... £13000
Td. (NO. 2) IN DIOCKS Of 30 vresssssssssssssersnssseeeesssesee £18000 1949 (Sept). Black on buff cover, size 79¥2x42%2 mm as Type B 1d.
1914 (6 Oct)-18. Red on pink cover, 75x60 mm (Nos. $B2a/3), SB29 _2s.6d. booklet containing twelve 2'd. (No. 206) in
black on red cover, 80x60 mm (No. $B4) or blue on pink blocks of 6, sideways within the booklet........ 80:00
cover with map of Australia on front and picture of State
G.P.O. on back, 150x175 mm (No. SB5).
SB2a 2s, booklet containing twelve Yad. and ComMonWEstit or AUSTRALIA
eighteen 1d. (Nos. 1, 21c) in blocks of 6......... £4000
SB3 2s. booklet containing twelve Yad. and eighteen BOOKLET OF
1d. (Nos. 20, 21c) in blocks Of 6 (1915)... £3500 CANBERRA COMMEMORATIVE STAMPS }
SB4 2s. booklet containing twenty-four 1d. (No. Issued 9™ May, 1927.
21) in blocks of 6 (10.5.17). £3500
a. Black on green cover £4000 SIXTEEN |e" stames
b, Red on green cover... ee £3750
SBS £1 booklet containing two hundred and forty
1d. (No. 21¢) in blocks of 30. . £17000
a. Back cover without G.P.O. picture (1918)......... £19000
Records show that a £1 booklet containing one hundred and
twenty 2d. stamps was issued in very limited quantities during 1914.
No examples are known to have survived. Ble
B 1b (I/lustration reduced, Actual size 115x75 mm) 1952 (24 June). Vermilion and deep blue on green cover as
Type B 1e.
1927 (9 May). Opening of Parliament House, Canberra. Green on
SB30 3s.6d. booklet containing twelve 3'd. (No. 247) in
pale green cover 115x75 mm, as Type B 1b with picture of
blocks of 6 meee 700.
H.M.S. Renown on back (2s.).
i 90:00
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, SB22 2s. booklet containing sixteen 1¥2d. (No. 105) in
BIO CKS OF, 85rereactssetrereecsrteatooscoresehreeptusneseetcasteccer 90-00
Examples of a 10s. booklet containing eighty 1¥2d. (No. 105) are
EIGHTEEN known without a front cover and with the back cover blank. There is
no record that this was an official issue.

THREE HALFPENNY STAMPS 1928 (Nov). Green on pale green cover, 83x58 mm.
SB23 _2s.3d. booklet containing eighteen 1%d. (No. 96a
OF YEW) IN DIOCKS OF 6 vrssscssssessssseessnsssereernseseeeenens £450
VALUE, 2s, 3d,
Twelve Air Mail Stamps 1953 (8 July)-56. Vermilion and deep blue on green cover,
80x41 mm, as Type B 1f.
B 1 (Illustration reduced. Actual size 80x60 mm) and Labels ze Price, 3/4 SB31 3s.6d. booklet containing twelve 3d. (No. rien in
blocks of 6 11:00
1919 (Jan-Apr). Black on pink, 80x60 mm, as Type B 1 (Nos. a. With waxed interleaves. . 30-00
SB6/7), black on green, 80x60 mm (Nos. SB8/9b) or black on
green, 165x120 mm (Nos. 9c/d) covers. AIR MAIL SB32 3s.6d. booklet containing twelve 3d. (No. 262a).
in blocks of 6 (7.56) . 23-00
SB6 2s.3d. booklet containing eighteen 1'd. (No. 58) \
a. With waxed interleaves 85-00
in blocks of 6. & £3000
a. Black on green cover. £3000
SB7 2s,3d. booklet containing eighteen 1d. (No. 51) SAVES TIME
in blocks of 6........00 ft £3000
a. Black on green cover. £3000 Information covering conditions and fees applicable
SB8 2s.3d. booklet containing eighteen to air mail is shown on inside and back of covers,
in blocks of 6 (Apr).. £3000
a. Black on pink cover .. £3000
B 1c (Illustration reduced. Actual size 85x60 mm)
SB9 2s.3d. booklet containing eighteen 1'd. (No. 52)
in blocks of 6 (Apr)..... . £3000 1930 (July)-35. Air. Black on blue cover inscr “AIR MAIL. SAVES
a. Black on pink cover TIME” and biplane, 85x60 mm, as Type B 1c.
b. Black on blue cover..... . £3000 SB24 3s. booklet containing twelve 3d. (No. 115) in
SB9c £1 booklet containing one hundred and sixty blocks of 4 plus two panes of air mail labels £850
T¥ad. (NO. 51) 1M BIOCKS OF 20 sresssoseesssssersersnnsseee £19000 a. Black on pale green cover but inscr “USE 1957 (13 Mar)-59. Vermilion and deep blue on green cover,
SB9d £1 booklet containing one hundred and sixty THE AIR MAIL’ and monoplane (5.35)... 80x41 mm, as Type B 2.
1d. (No. 52) in blocks Of 20 (Apr) .-vcsssssssesese £17000 SB33 4s. booklet containing two panes of 6
1930 (9 Sep)-33. Green on pale green covers inscr “USE THE AIR 4d. (No. 282ab) 16:00
MAIL" on the back (2s), 83x58 mm (Nos. 25/ab), 160x115 mm a. With waxed interleaves. 55-00
COMMONWEALTH 0F AUSTRALIA (Nos. 26/a). SB34 4s. booklet containing two panes of 6 4d.
SB25 2s. booklet containing twelve 2d. (No. 99a or (No, 313ab) (18.3.59). 38-00

120 SB25a
99aw) in blocks of 6
2s. booklet containing twelve 2d. (No. 127 or
£425 a. With waxed interleaves. 90-00

127w) in blocks of 6 (1.32) £425
ab. Cover with parcel rates on back (1933) £550
VALUE ONE POUND SB26 £1 booklet containing one hundred and
twenty 2d. (No. 99) in BIOCKS OF 20... £11000
wy THe SB26a £1 booklet containing one hundred and
POTHASTERGENERAL twenty 2d. (No. 99a) in blocks Of 20 wns £11000
SPECIAL NOTE.—The rate onlotters toAmerioa /e3d.perhalt ounce
ractionof halt ounce
1934 (June). Black on cream cover inscr “Address your mail fully..’
B ia (Illustration reduced, Actual size 157x90 mm) on front, 81x55 mm.
SB26b 2s. booklet containing twelve 2d. (No. 127 or
1920 (Dec)-22. Black on blue, 80x60 mm (Nos. $B10, $B12), black PZ TW) MS DIOGKSI ORG trcserentencteeesmerrrameserccesare £650
on white, 157x90 mm, as Type B 1a (No. $B11) or black on
brown (No. $B14) covers. 1935-38. Black on green cover with Commonwealth Savings 1960 (23 Mar). Vermilion and deep blue on green cover,
SB10 2s. booklet containing twelve 2d. (No. 62) in Bank advertisement on front inscr “WHEREVER THERE IS A 80x41 mm, as Type B 3.
blocks of 6. £3500 MONEY ORDER POST OFFICE” 78x55 mm. SB35 5s. booklet containing two panes of 6
a. Black on pink cover £3500 SB26c 2s. booklet containing twelve 2d. (No. 127 or Sd. (No. 314d) 22-00
b. Black on orange cover (3.22) £4000 127.W)/ TA IDIOCKS: OF .6sccsccccscssecccczprcstesssccratacsczczeroncees £475 a. With waxed interleaves. 50-00

uae it 7 (Des B. Young. Eng S. Reading. Typo J. B. Cooke) D26
TWELVE S™ POSTAGE STAMPS Si 1970 (16 Nov). Famous Australians (3rd series). Multicoloured on 75-00 20-00
75:00 22-00
white covers, 41x80 mm, as Type B 8.
60c. booklet containing two panes of 5 6c, and 1 D27
‘| label (NOS. 479a, 4808) vrsmminenennensmnisnse 14.00 D029 |.
emerald-green (3.04)... £140 55-00
+) SB47 60c, booklet containing two panes of 5 6c. and 1
D30 10d. emerald-green or dull gree £120 19-00
TA M P Ss a label (NOS, 4814, 482) ..sssssssssesnseseensssnesetnesne 14-00 D31 1s.emerald-green..... £100 27-00
AUSTRALIAN POST OFFICE SB48 $1.20 booklet containing four panes of 5 6c. and D32 2s.emerald-green..... .. £180 27-00
‘ 4 1 label (Nos. 479a, 480a, 481a, 482a)
D33 5s.emerald-green or dull green
: el a. With waxed interleaves. (503) e- ccscsesseseeap
ete eereeeeneee £425 23-00
1962 (1 July)-65. Rose and emerald on green cover, 80x41 mm, Military Post Booklets D34. D3 ‘ad. emerald-green or dull green
as Type B 4. ; (wmk inverted) (3.04) wc £550 £300
Klet containing two panes of 6 . Chie D35 1d. emerald-green or dull green
aoe a oe 314d)... oe ” 50-00 Issued for the use of Australian Forces in Vietnam (10.02) £150 30-00
a. With waxed interleaves (1963). £130 < % w. Wmk inverted.. £200 40:00
SB37 5s. booklet containing two panes of 6 5d. D36 2d. emerald-green (3.03) £225 29-00
(No, 354a) (17.6.64)..... 50:00 w. Wmk inverted . £225 29-00
a. With waxed interleaves.. £120 AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE FORCES D37 3d. emerald-green or dull green

Phi lene
(3.03) i
SB38 5s. booklet containing two panes of 6 5d.
(No. 354cb) (13.7.65)...... 60:00 w. Wmk uprigh .- £150 60-00
a. With waxed interleaves. £150
D38 4d. emerald-green or dull green |
(5.03) ~- £250 70-00
w. Wmk uprigh’ £250 70-00
D39 5d. emerald-green £375 55-00
D40 6d. emerald-green (3.04) £110 16-00
D41 1s. emerald-green...... £475' 38-00
p42 5s. emerald-green (5.03) £1500 | £275
D043 10s. dull green (10.03)... £2000 £1800
MB 1 D44 20s. dull green (10.03, £4250 £2250
D13/44 Set OF 14 serosescsere £6500 £4000
1967 (30 May-Sept). Yellow-green and black on white cover as D13s/44s Opt “SPECIMEN” Set of £1100
Type MB 1. Pane attached by selvedge. The 10s. and 20s. values were only issued in New South Wales.
MBI 50c. booklet containing 5c. (No. 386) in block The used prices quoted for Nos. D43/4 are for cancelled to order
BS of 10 examples.

1966 (14 Feb). Greenish blue and black on yellow-olive cover,

80x41 mm, as Type B 5.
SB39 e 60c. booklete containing three panes of 5 4c. and 1968 (1 Mar). Yellow-green and black on white cover as Type MB
1 label (No. 385a)........ 45.00 1, Pane attached by selvedge.
a. With waxed interleaves. £130 MB2 50c. booklet containing 5c. (No. 386c) in block
i OF 10 acscnsccsesessttsuce
settssrenenetcaper cee 50-00
1967 (29 Sept). Greenish blue and black on yellow-olive covers,
80x41 mm, as Type B 5.
(a) Surcharged covers POSTAGE DUE STAMPS
SB40 50c. booklet containing two panes of 5 5c. on
Ac, ANd 1 label (NO. 414a)......sssessessssssessecsevseeersnnees POSTAGE DUE PRINTERS. Nos. D1/62 were typographed at the New
SB41 $1 booklet containing four panes of 5 5c. on South Wales Government Printing Office, Sydney. They were not used D6
4c, and 1 label (No. 414a). in Victoria.
a. Normal cover as Type B 5. 1906 (Jan)-08, Chalk-surfaced paper. Wmk Type D 4.
ab. With waxed interleaves
(a) P- 11%, 12, compound with 11
D45 D3 _ ‘ad. green (1.07) 15-00 17-00
(b) Normal covers w. Wmk inverted. 15:00 17-00
SB42 50c. booklet containing two panes of 5 5c. and 1 D46 Id. green......... 27:00 4-75
label (No. 386ca).... = of w. Wmk inverted... 27-00 5:50
SB43 $1 booklet containing four panes “Of 55c. and D47 2d. green.. 75:00 9-00
1 label (No. 386ca). 23-00 w. Wmk inverted... 75:00 9:00
a. With waxed interleaves. . 75:00 D48 3d. green (7.08).. £700 = £325
Booklets SB40/1ab were intended as provisional issues until D49 Ad. green (4.07). 70:00 23-00
supplies of the new 5c. became available in booklet form, but in the w. Wmk inverted. 70:00 23-00
event these were put on sale on the same date. D50 6d. green (3.08). £300 25-00
w. Wmk inverted... £300 25-00
Type D 1 adapted from plates of New South Wales Type D 1. No D45/50 Set of 6 £1000 £350
letters at foot.
(6) P11
1902 (1 Jul). Chalk-surfaced paper. Wmk Type D 2 (inverted on DS1 D3 1d. dull green.
1d,, 3d. and 4d.). aw. Wmk inverted...
DS1b 2d. green...
(a) P 11%, 12 DS52 4d. dull green (4.07)..
D1 D1 Yad. emerald-green or dull green...... 3-50 6:00 No. D516 is only known pen-cancelled.
D2 1d. emerald-green. 24:00 12:00 Shades exist.
w. Wmk upright 45:00 26-00
D3 2d. emerald-green. 65:00 15:00 1907 (July-Sept). Chalk-surfaced paper. Wmk Type w 11
B6 w. Wmk inverted... £130 over double lined A) (inverted on Yd.). P 11%x11.
D4 3d. emerald-green. 50:00 30-00 D053. D3 Yad. dull green 35:00 75-00
1968 (6 Nov). Famous Australians (ist series). Black, red, white w. Wmk upright 55:00 38-00 w. Wmk upright 55:00 £100
and blue cover, 80x41 mm, as Type B 6. DS 4d. emerald-green. 50-00 14-00 DS4 1d. dull green (Aug).. £140 75:00
SB44 $1 booklet containing four panes of 5 5c. and w. Wmk upright 65.00 25-00 w. Wmk inverted. £140 75-00
1 label (Nos. 432a, 433a, 434a, 435a). 4.00 | 06 eew. eerie acer He ealy DS5 2d. dull green (Sept). £275 £160
. With d inter| e , Wmk inverted... 2 i
Sag Waeee IMLCKcaes B50E D7 8d. emerald-green or dull green w. Wmk inverted. £300 =£180
£100 85-00 D56 4d. dull green (Sept). £275 £150
Ds 5s. emerald-green or dull green £200 70-00
w. Wmk inverted...... £275 £160
D1/8 Set of 8 £475 £200
y. Wmk inverted and reversed. £700
D1s/7s Opt “SPECIMEN”
Set of £350
D57 6d. dull green (Sept). £325 £225
E cs = (b) P.11%, 12, compound with 11
w. Wk inverted.. — £375
Z Prime Ministers D9 D1 1d. emerald-green. £350 £160
D53/7 Set of 5 £900 £600
‘ w. Wmk upright £375 £150
TES 262 STAGE STAM ERAS 379 1908 (Sept)-09. Stroke after figure of value. Chalk-surfaced paper.
D10 2d. emerald-green. £500 £180 Wmk Type D 4 (inverted on 10s.).
w. Wmk inverted... £225
(a) P11%x11
B7 (P11 DS8 D6 1s. dull green (1909) £120 15-00
D12 D1 1d, emerald-green (wmk upright)... £2500 £850 DS9 5s. dull green £250 48-00
1969 (22 Oct). Famous Australians (2nd series). Olive-green, gold (b) P11
and black cover, 80x41 mm, as Type B 7. Stamps may be found showing portions of the marginal watermark D60 D6 2s. dull green (1909). £1000 £17000
SB45 $1 booklet containing four panes of 5 5c. and “NEW SOUTH WALES POSTAGE”. 061 10s, dull green (1909). £2500 £26000
1 label (Nos, 446a, 447a, ae se! 5:00 062 20s. dull green (1909). £7000 £50000
1902 (July)-04. Type D 3 (with space at foot filled in). Chalk- Nos. D61/2 were only issued in New South “Wales. The used
a. With waxed interleaves. essere 65:00 surfaced paper. Wmk Type D 2 (inverted on 3d., 4d., 6d., 8d. prices quoted for Nos. D60/2 are for examples with verified postal
and 5s.). cancellations from the period of issue.
(a) P 11%, 12
D13 D3 1d. emerald-green (10.02) £275 £130
D14 2d. emerald-green (3.03)... = £170
D15 3d. emerald-green (3.03)... £350 £100
D17 5d. emerald-green. 65:00 17:00
D18 10d. emerald-green 90:00 22-00
D19 1s. emerald-green. 75:00 18-00
D20 2s. emerald-green. - £130 18-00
(b) P 11%, 12, compound with 11
D22. D3 ‘ad. emerald-green or dull green
(3.04)... 19:00 16-00
w. Wmk in 20:00 18-00
D23 1d. emerald-green or dull green
EF opee = 18:00 4.50
mmmmrarona 600 w. Wmk inverte 184
D24 2d. emerald-green or dull green eee:
(3.03)... 48-00 3:
K amous
w. Wmk inverted . 48-00
Australians D25 3d. emerald-green
(3.03) sevens 85:00 17:00
w. Wmk upright £110 32.00
(b) P11 Two Dies of 1d. to 10d.:
0105 D7 _ ‘ad. carmine and yellow-green (4.34) 12-00 18-00 Die |. Numeral, “D” and stop, generally unoutlined.
D106 1d. carmine and yellow-green Die II. Clear white line separates numeral, etc. from background.
ra D107
2d. carmine and Yellow- green
hee 7:50 3-25
1958-60. No wmk. P 14x14.
(1933). 2:00 D132 Yad. carmine and dp green (I) (27.2.58)... 4:75 475
D108 3d. carmin y g 70:00 a. Die II (6.59)... =. 2:50 1:25
D109 4d. carmine and yellow-green D133 1d. carmine and W (2s.2.58)... 2:50 3-00
15-00 475 a. Die II (6.59) 2:50 75
Die | Die Il 0110 6d. carmine and yellow-green (4.36) £375 £325 D134 3d. carmine and dp green (ll) (255.60). 2.00 3:00
2d. 0111 1s. carmine and yellow-green (8.34) 55-00 35-00 D135 4d. carmine and dp green (I) (27.2.58)... 8-50 7:00
Rantcads denen atari £475 £400 a. Die II (6.59) = 2:75 4-00
(Typo J. B. Cooke, Melbourne)
D136 Sd. carmine and dp green (I) (27.2.58)... 11:00 20-00
1909 (1 Jul)-10. Wmk Crown over A, Type w 11. a. Die II (6.59) 60:00 70-00
(a) P 12x12¥% (comb)* D137. 6d. carmine and dp green (Il) (255.60). 250 2.00
D63 D7 _ ‘ad. rosine and yellow-green (8.09). 16:00 32-00 D138 8d. carmine and dp green (II) (25.2.58).. 6:00
D64 1d. rosine and yellow-green (I)....... 14:00 4-00 D139 10d. carmine and dp green (Il) (9.12.59).. 3:50 1-75
DU DIEIINZATO) betccccrecrsersnccerces 35:00 2:00 D140 1s. carmine and deep green (6.5.58) 5:50 1-50
D65 2d. rosine and yellow-green (( 38:00 5:00 a. Deep carmine and dp green (6.59) 6-50 1-00
a. Die Il (8.10)... z 0141 2s. dp carmine and dp green (8.3.60) 12-00 2:50
aw. Wmk inverted 5 D132a/41 Set of 10 45:00 60-00
Dé6é6 3d. rosine and yellow-green (9.09)... 40-00 18-00 Nos. D140a and D141. Value tablets are re-~engraved and have
D67 4d. rosine and yellow-green (8,09)... 42:00 5:00 thicker and sharper printed lines than before.
D68 6d. rosine and yellow-green (8.09)... 27-00 2:75 The use of Postage Due stamps ceased on 13 January 1963.
D69 1s. rosine and yellow-green (8.09)... 30-00 3-25
D070 2s. rosine and yellow-green (8.09)... 70:00 10-00
D71 5s. rosine and yellow-green (10.09) 90:00 12-00 OFFICIAL STAMPS
D72 10s. rosine and yellow-green (11.09) £250 £150
D73 £1 rosine and ee oy 1.09) £500 £300 From 1902 the departments of the Commonwealth government were
D63/73 Set of 11... Say arses £950 £475 B. issued with stamps of the various Australian States perforated “OS" to
) Pp11 line) denote official use. These were replaced in 1913 by Commonwealth
D74 D7 1d. rose and
yellow-green (Il) £3500 £1400 Type A. Solid rectangle inside “D” (ptgs of ’2d., 1d., 2d., 4d. and 6d. of Australia issues with similar perforated initials as listed below.
D74a 2d. rose and
yellow-green (Il)... . £24000 £15000 from 1909 to 1945)
D75 6d. rose and
yellow-green... . £35000 £24000 Type B. Shaded area inside “D” (ptgs of 3d. from 1909 to 1945) During the same period the administrations of the Australian States
*Nos. D64/b and D65a are
also known perf 12% (line). Type C. Solid segment of circle inside “D” (ptgs of all values below used their own stamps and those of the Commonwealth perforated
Only one unused example, without gum, and another pen- 1s. from 1946) with other initials for the same purpose. These States issues are outside
cancelled are known of No. D74a. the scope of this catalogue.
The 1d. of this printing (No. D74) is distinguishable from No. D78
Most shades listed under the postage issues also exist perforated
by the colours, the green being very yellow and the rose having less
“OS". Only those which are worth more than the basic colours are
of a carmine tone. The paper is thicker and slightly toned, that of included below.
No D78 being pure white; the gum is thick and yellowish, No. D78
having thin white gum.
All later issues of the 1d. and 2d. are Die Il.
(Typo J.B. Cooke (later ptgs by T.S. Harrison)) o°e ef%,
oo €@8e @ rs
e ee
1913 (Jul)-23. Thin paper. White gum. W w 11. o.) Ke °° ete Bee % aaate
(a) P 12% (line) e e e aa. = oon
D76 D7 _ ‘ad. scarlet and pale yellow-green e ae e ° e e a
Type D. Six lines of shading above numeral and four below (ptgs of ® ee e ° e e eet Ge ED
(7.13) 32:00 27-00 1s. from 1909 to 1945) @o% O20 0° are o* eye
w. Wmk inverted £100 £100
Type E. Larger “1” with only three background lines above; hyphen (0 1) (O 2) (11 holes in (O 3)
(b)P 11 more upright (ptgs of 1s. from 1946 to 1953) “S". Examples with
D77-——-—D7__s ‘ad. rosine and bright apple-green 12 holes in “S” are
(10.14) - 19:00 20-00 (Frame recess. Value typo J. Ash (to 1940, N.S.W. state issues)
a. Wmk sideways.. é 650 12:00 then W. C. G. McCracken))
D078 1d. rosine and bright apple-green 1938 (Jul-Sept). W 15. P 14%x14. 1913 (Jan-Apr). Nos. 1/16 punctured as Type O 1. W 2. P 12.
(8.14)... . 20-00 3:50 01 1 ‘Yad. green (Die |) 26:00 18-00
D112 D8 ‘ad. carmine and green (A) (Sept)... 3-00 5:50
a. Wmk si YS... 26:00 2-50 w. Wk inverted.. t £150
0113 1d. carmine and green (A)... 15-00 1-75
w. Wmk inverted... £100 75-00 02 1d. red (Die ))........ 16-00 4.75
0114 2d. carmine and green (A)... 23:00 3-25
() P14 D115 3d. carmine and green (B) (Aug) 60:00 26-00 cw. Wmk inverted... £150 25-00
D79. D7 ‘ad. rosine and bright apple-green D116 4d. carmine and green (A) (Aug) 11-00 1-00 GE Die ll ite ces 35:00 15-00
NAIA) bet ncar,Seasetesaccactcaepsatsivackendscioce £225, £275 D117 6d. carmine and green (A) (Aug)... 75-00 48-00 da. Wmk sideways. + £1100
a. Carmine and apple-green D118 1s. carmine and green (D) (Aug)..... 45-00 12:00 dw. Wmk inverted. £150 25-00
(Harrison) (1919) ....csessesccssccssscesscesee 9:00 17-00 D2 /18' St OF7aisomccemare
erecta cate meee £200 85-00 03 2d. grey (Die ))...... 55:00 21-00
D8o 1d. rosine and bright apple-green Shades exist. 04 2¥ad. indigo (Die |!) £325 £140
TID) fe tid oer ae eo oe £170 16-00 O5 3d. olive (Die |)... £190 50-00
a. Scarlet and pale yellow-green 1946-57. Redrawn as Type C and E (1s). W 15. P 14%2x14. ca. In pair with Die I! £1800
(2.18)... 20:00 14-00 D119. D9 %d. carmine and green (9.56).. 1:50 4:00 dw. Wmk inverted .. £325 £130
aw. Wmk in’ t+ £1300 D120 1d. carmine and green (17.6.46) 1-25 80 e. Die Il........... £650 £225
6. Carmine and apple-green w. Wik inverted... £6500 ew. Wmk inverted... £1600 £375
(Harrison) (1919) ...cessssesssssssecececcenee 18-00 3-75 0121 2d. carmine and green (9.46)... 6-00 1:25 06 4d. orange (Die Il). £275 22-00
D81 2d. scarlet and pale yellow-green w. Wk inverted. + £6500 a. Orange-yellow.. £650 £160
COUT EPLOZA)KcvassonnestSsoace-‘ssnnsecassosysteesvessecisovs 17:00 10-00 D122 3d, carmine and gre: 6-50 1:25 O7 5d. chestnut (Die II £250 50-00
a. Carmine and apple-green D123 4d. carmine and green (0. 7 52 cen 8-50 2:50 08 6d. ultramarine (Die Il)... £200 20-00
(Harrison) (11.18)... 29-00 6-00 D124 5d. carmine and green (16.12.48)... 20:00 10-00 w. Wmk inverted. £1700 £600
D82 3d. rosine and apple-g 16)... 85:00 32-00 D125 6d. carmine and green (19.8.47). 13-00 2-00 09 9d. violet (Die 1I).. £300 65-00
&. WIMK SiIdDQWAYS...ssssssscessesssssetensnseeeee £7500 £4500 D126 7d. carmine and green (26.8.53). 275 1:50 w. Wmk inverted.. + £9500
D83 4d. carmine and apple-green 010 1s. emerald (Die Il) £325 28-00
D127 8d. carmine and green (24.4.57). 450 15:00
(Harrison) (4.21) 55:00 w. Wmk inverted... £2500 £1000
D128 1s. carmine and green (9.47).. 17-00 1-75
6. Carmine and pale yellow-green... 50-00 O11 2s. brown (Die II) £600 £160
70:00 35-00
ba. Wink Sideways ..evvsvssscssssessseteuensssee £475 a. Double print. + £5000
D85 1s. scarlet and pale yellow-green 012 5s. grey and yello £1500 £700
ISWAES etaterieassoar
rere testa tetccescercrie 25:00 15-00 013 10s. grey and pink... £5000 £2750
D86 10s, scarlet and pale yellow-green 014 £1 brown and ultramarine.. £9000 £7500
(S77) fee eR Se cere
a £1400 O15 £2 black and rose - £48000 £40000
D87 £1 scarlet and pale yellow-green
(5.21) £950 £2750 1914. Nos. 1/16 punctured as Type O 2. W 2. P 12.
D79a/87 Set of 8
016 1 Yd. green (Die }).. 24:00 10-00
(d) Perf 14 compound with 11 w. Wmk inverted.. t £160
D8s8 D7 1d. carmine and apple-green............ £11000 O17 1d. red (Die })... 50-00 25-00
d. Die Il... 40-00 3-75
(Typo T. S. Harrison (to Feb 1926), A. J. Mullett (to June 1927) D10 e. Die IIA 38-00 3:75
and J. Ash (thereafter) 018 2d. grey (Die |). 85-00 4-50
1922 (Feb)-30. W 6. 1953 (26 Aug)-59. W 15. P 14%2x14. w. Wmk inverte £190 50-00
D129 1s. carmine and yellow-green (17.2.54) 8-50 1-50 019 2ad, indigo (Die II) £375 = £150
(a) P 14 a. Carmine and deep green... 12:00 5:50
D91 D7 ‘ad. carmine and yellow-green 020 3d. olive (Die })..... £160 16-00
D130 2s. carmine and yellow-green.. 14-00 5:00 dw. Wmk inverted £375 75-00
3-50 8-00
a. Carmine and deep green.. £375, £130 e. Die Il............ £750 £275
p92 1d. carmine and yellow-green. 4-00 1:00
D131 5s. carmine and green....... 14-00 2:25 ew. Wmk inverte: £1300 £450
w. Wmk inverted £5500 a. Carmine and deep green (6.59) . . 12-00 1-00
D93 1’d. carmine and yellow-green (3. 25) 1-50 9-00 021 4d. orange (Die || £425 95-00
0129/31 Set of 3... 32:00 8-00 a. Orange-yellow £850 £300
w. Wik inverted... t+ £5500
D129a/31a Set of 3 £350 £120 022 5d. chestnut (Die II) £325 60-00
D094 2d. carmine and yellow-gree! 3-50 2:25 A new die was introduced for No. D131a. This differs from the
D95 3d. carmine and yellow-green. 9:50 4:50 023 6d. ultramarine (Die Il)... £225 14-00
original in having a distinct gap between the two arms of the “5”. On w. Wmk inverted t £900
D96 4d. carmine and yellow-green 35:00 22-00 No. D131 these two features are joined.
D97 6d. carmine and yellow-green (8.22) 26-00 16-00 024 9d. violet (Die Il). £300 48-00
Two Dies of Y2d.: 025 1s, emerald (Die Il). £300 22-00
‘ (b) P11 026 2s. brown (Die I))..... £950 £140
D98 D7 4d. carmine and yellow-green Die |. Six dots in base of “2”
027 5s. grey and yellow :
(22.9,30).. 15-00 7:00 Die ||. Seven dots in base of “2”
028 10s. grey and pink . £11000 £8000
D91/98 Set of 8 85:00 60-00 029 £1 brown and ultra ie . £16000 £11000
All values perforated 14 were printed by Harrison and all but the 030 £2 black and rOse ...cscssese . £42000
1d. by Mullett and Ash. The 4d. perforated 11 was produced by J. Ash.
There is a wide variation of shades in this issue. }i 1915. Nos. 24 and 26/30 punctured as Type O 2. W 5. P 12.

(Typo J. Ash) 031 1 2d. grey (Die |) £200 12-00
1931 (Oct)-36. W 15. 033 6d. ultramarine (Die II £425 17-00
(a) P 14 if 034
Die IIA...
violet (Die |!)..
D100 D7 1d, carmine and yellow-green aN
Bios0)meenaeres 7:00 11-00 ji Vv, 035
blue-green (Die I!)
brown (Die II)...
a. Imperf between (horiz pair) + £20000 037 5s.grey and yellow... £1900 £225
D102 2d. carmine and yellow-green a.Yellow portion doubly printed.. t+ £4750
(19.10.31)... 7:00 11-00 W. Wk inverted eerccvosssescesserseeesnsarneese £2000 £325

AUSTRALIA British Commonwealth Occupation Force (Japan), Australian Antarctic Territory
1914-21. Nos. 20/3 punctured as Type O 2. W 5. P 14%x14 084 4’Ad. violet. £275 17:00 No. 0128a and probably the other inverted overprints were caused
w. Wmk i
5 t+ £14000 by the insertion of a stamp upside down into sheets repaired before
038 5a__‘ad. bright green... 21-00 2:75 surcharging.
(b) W6a
a. Perf 14% (line) + £3500 085 5a — 1h. SAG]-GTCNMssssssssscrcscrennnessnnsncennssensnne 38:00 29-00 Issue of overprinted official stamps ceased in February 1933 and
w. Wmk inverted.. 28:00 9:00 remaining supplies were withdrawn from sale on 1 October 1935,
(c) No wmk
039 1d. carmine-red (I) (No. 21¢ 14-00 1-00 O86 1d. sage-green 85-00 Thereafter mail from the federal administration was carried free.
ow. Wmk inverted. 27:00 6-00
087 1d, scarlet 85:00
h, Die Il..... £550 65:00
079/87 Set of9 £225
041 ad. orange. 85-00 3-50
a, Yellow-orange..
b. Pale orange-yellow..
18-00 1926-30. Nos. 85/104 punctured as Type O 2. W 7.
c. Lemon-yellow.. £650 95:00
w. Wmk Inverted. £130 28-00
042 5d. brown (P 14% (line)).. 85-00 4:50 088 5a ad. £400 £160
089 1d. sage-green 12:00 275 Nos. J1/7 were used by the Australian forces occupying Japan after
aw. Wk inverted ...... -- £1300 £700 the Second World War. Initially their military post offices supplied
b. Printed on the gummed side 090 ad. scarlet... 38-00 4:25
a. Golden s 50:00 7:50 unoverprinted Australian stamps, but it was decided to introduce the
(wmk inverted)....... £8000 overprinted issue to prevent currency speculation.
c. Perf 14%4x14 (comb). 85-00 4:00 w. Wmk inverted . 55:00 11:00
cw. Wik inverted ...... £1200 £650 092 2d. red-brown (Die |) £250 45:00
093 3d. dull ultramarine...
w. Wik inverted .
90:00 BC.O.F.
1915-28. Nos. 35/45 punctured as Type O 2. W 6. P 12. 094 4d. yellow-olive. £275 50-00 JAPAN B.C.O.F. 5
043 1 2d. grey (Die )).... 60:00 11-00 095 4yad. violet. £275 40-00 JAPAN
bw. Wmk inverted. £160 75:00 096 1s.4d. pale greenis
OB B/SE'SEH Of: G errccctn tessnrrat tectnsskeconsenesernace
1946 1946
d. Die IIA... 85:00 24:00 (1) (2)
da. Printed double t+ £3500 (b) P13%2x12%

044 2’ad. deep blue (Die Il 90:00 26-00 097 5a ‘ad. orange... 10-00 1:25
w. Wmk inverted. t £140 098 jd, sage-green 7:00 1:75
045 3d. yellow-olive (Die 65:00 5:50 b. Die Il. £150 £160
cw. Wmk inverted £120 60:00 0100 1'Ad. scarlet 17:00 2:50

1946 AN AN
d. Die Il. £350 £120 a. Golden scarle 17:00 4:75
dw. Wmk inverted. £550 £250 w. Wmk inverted .. 20:00 5:50
e, Die IIB... 75:00 27-00 0102 Wad. red-brown 32:00 5:00
ew. Wmk inverted. £200 £110 0103 . red-brown 55:00 16:00
046 6d. ultramarine (DI 80-00 9:50 0104 21-00 4:50 Wrong fount “6” Normal Narrow “N” (right
a. Die IlA.. £5500 £1700 omen 25:00 5:50 (left pane R. 9/4) pane R. 1/8)
d. Die IIB... £150 40:00 aw. Wmk inverted. 35:00 11:00 1946 (12 Oct)-47. Stamps of Australia optd as T 1 (1d., 3d.,)
dw. Wmk inverted. £700 £250 0106 3d. dull ultramarine (Die )).. 50:00 5:50 or T 2 (others) at Hiroshima Printing Co, Japan.
047 9d. violet (Die Il) 95:00 28-00 b. Die Il. Deep ultramarine.. 21-00 1:50
b. Die IIB... 85:00 32:00
ji 27 ‘Yad. orange (No. 179) 9:00 14-00
bw. Wmk inverted. £16000 £13000 a. Wrong fount “6”. £190 £200
bw. Wmk inverted. tf | £130 0108 4d. yellow-olive. 35:00 3:75
048 1s, blue-green (Die 50-00 3-50
b. Narrow “N’. £200 £225
0109 ANAad. Violet... £250 £170 c. Stop after JAPAN” (right pane.
aw. Wmk inverted. £1200 £800 0110 5d. orange-brown (Die |!) 90-00 7:00
b. Die IIB........ 55:00 5:00 R.5/5) £275 £300
0111 1s.4d. turquoise... £500 32:00 J2 46 ~— 1d. brown-purp) 7-00 8:50
049 2s. brown (Die Il).. £475 17-00 097/111 Set of 11... ah £225
b.Red-brown (aniline) £2000 £750 a. Blue-black overprint ae 60:00 £110
w. Wmk inverted. £3750 £850 J3 31 3d. purple-brown (No. 187) . 5:00,
1927 (9 May). Opening of Parliament House, Canberra. No. 105 a. Opt double
050 5s. grey and yellow.. £700 65:00
w. Wmk inverted. £2000 £1300 punctured as Type O 3. J4 34 6d. purple-brown (No. 189a) (8.5. ig 29:00 23-00
051 10s. grey and pink... £1200 75:00 0112 B1Vad. DrOWMISH LAKE v.esssssssssssssssssseerssconseee 24-00 850 a. Wrong fount “6”. £300 £325
52 £1 chocolate and dull blue £8000 £5000 b. Stop after JAPAN” (right pi
ab. Wmk sideways. Chestnut and £425 £425
bright blue... . £160000 1928 (29 Oct). National Stamp Exhibition, Melbourne. No. 106 G £300 £325
aw. Wmk inverted £9000 £6000 punctured as Type O 2. J5 36 —_1s. grey-green (No. 192) (8.5.47)... 20:00 25-00
053 £2 black and rose £5000 £2500 0113 SS DUG Ferccsessecteesticssosssrrostsieronesenroveectnveveersnaeeeee OO) 9.00 a. Wrong fount “6” 2 ESD) eas
b. Stop after JAPAN” (right pane
R. 5/5) ssrssse £550 £600
1916-20, Nos. 47/f and 5d. as No. 23 punctured as Type O 2. 1929-30. Nos. 107/14 punctured as Type O 2. W 7. P 12. c. Narrow “N £425 £350
Rough paper. W 5. P 14. 0114 1 6d. chestnut (Die IIB) 40-00 6:00 d. Roller flaw... £225 £190
054 Sa__—_1d.. scarlet (Die| 40-00 7:00 0115 9d. violet (Die IIB)....... 90:00 7:00 J6 1 2s. maroon (No, 212) (8.5.47) 65:00 45:00
40:00 7:00 0116 1s. blue-green (Die IIB) 25:00 9-00 J7 38 . claret (No. 176) (8.5.47)... £140 £180
40:00 7-00 0117 2s, maroon (Die Il) .... £200 8:50 £110 £180
£130 22:00 0118 5s. grey and yellow.. £750 45-00 J1/7a Set of7... £190 £275
£100. 21-00 0118a 10s. grey and pink... £12000 £13000 The ‘d., 1d. an . values were first issu on 12 October 1946,
. Die Il. Rose-red £450 38-00 0118b £2 black and rose £30000 £28000 and withdrawn two days later, but were re-issued together with the
f. Die Il. Rosine £750 £120 other values on 8 May 1947.
fw. Wmk inverted re The following values with T 2 in the colours given were from proof
060 5d. bright chestnut (P 14% (line)) 1929 (20 May). Air. No. 115 punctured as Type O 3. sheets which, however, were used for postage: Yd. (red) 1d. (red or
(9.20)... £4750 =£180 0119 BAH GTCRN ie cse-ssetacectetesncamnercncerervatnattcrernescy 32:00 12-00 black) and 3d. (gold, red or black). (Prices for black opts £100, each,
Ali examples of the 5d. on this; paper were perforated SOSt and for red or gold from £325 each, all un).
The use of B.C.O.F. stamps ceased on 12 February 1949.
1929 (28 Sep). Centenary of Western Australia. No. 116 punctured
1918-20. Nos. 48/52 punctured as Type O 2. W 6a. P 14.
as Type O 3.
O20! O13. dull scarletccssmcessesssessssscesssousrthsapneesss 26:00 21-00
061 Ba Vad. Gre CN vesssesessses 28:00 2:00

w. Wmk inverted
1d. carmine-pink (1).
£2000 1930 (2 Jun). Centenary of Exploration of River Murray by Capt.
063 1d. carmine (1)... £200 75-00 Sturt. Nos. 117/18 punctured as Type O 2.
064 1¥ad. black-brown 20:00 11:00 For use at the Antarctic bases of Casey (opened early 1969: used Wilkes
0121 11 1%d. scarlet 23-00 8:50
a. Very thin paper. £140 60:00 postmark until early 1970), Davis (closed from 1965 until early 1969),
0122 3d. blue... 27:00 8-50 Heard Island (seasonal occupation only), Macquarie Island, Mawson
w. Wmk inverted £110 55:00
065 1'ad. red-brown... 38:00 2:50 and Wilkes (closed January 1969). Stamps of Australia were used from
w. Wmk inverted £130 60-00 the bases before 27 March 1957 and remained valid for use there after
O6I/SSetof Ane emnninien £250 80-00 the introduction of Australian Antarctic Territory issues.
The following are also valid for use in Australia, where they are put
1918-23. Nos. 56/9 and 61/6 punctured as TypesO2.W5.P 14. on sale for a limited period when first issued.
066 5a ad. orange 17:00 10-00 (04)
067 1d, violet... 45:00 14-00 DATES OF ISSUE. The dates given refer to release dates in Australia.
w. Wmk inverted + £20000 1931 (4 May). Nos. 121/2 optd with Type O 4. Local release dates are usually later and where known they are|
068 1¥ad. black-brown.. 45-00 5:50 0123. 13 2d. rose-red 85:00 27:00 given in footnotes.
w. Wmk inverted £110 35-00 0124 3d. blue... £275 27:00
069 1¥ad. deep red-brown 45-00 2:50 For No. 139 overprinted with Type O 4, see No. }39a,
aw. Wmk inverted.... £130 60:00
069b 1¥ad. bright red-brown... — £120
070 Tad. Green verses 38-00 3-75 1932 (Feb)-33. Optd as Type O 4.
071 2d. brown-orange. 16:00 3:00
w. Wmk inverted... £325 85-00 (a)W7
072 2d. bright rose-scarlet. 38-00 4:00 (i) P 13%x12%
w. Wmk inverted £1300 £200 0125 5a 2d. golden scarlet (Die Ill). 24-00 1:50
073 Ad. violet....... 90:00 13:00 a. Opt inverted... + £70000
074 4d. ultramarine 80:00 11-00 w. Wmk inverted. £4500 £3000
O75 1s.4d. pale blue £110 18-00 0126 4d. yellow-olive (3.32). 24:00 3-00 1 1954 Expedition at Vestfold Hills
6. Deep turquoise. £4250 £3500 (ii) P12 and Map
O66/75!Set OF 0 Nencesarntnstotcnctrensenncn £450 75-00 0127 1 6d) chestnut (3.32) trcmcucmmamns 55:00 55:00
(Des. T. Lawrence: adapted by artist of the Printing Branch. Recess)
(b)W15 ie (27 Mar). P 14%.
1923-24. Nos. 73/5 punctured as Type O 2. W 6. P 12. (i) P13%2x12% 1 2S. UltrAMALIME vesssssssseecessssssnssunsesssseneees 1.00 65
076 1 6d. chestnut (Die IIB). 42:00 2:50 0128 Sa _ Yad. orange (11.7.32).. mi 9:50 1:50 Issued Macquarie Island 11.12.57, Davis 6.2.58, Mawson 18.2.58,
077 2s. maroon (Die Il). £180 12:00 a. Opt inverted £28000 £20000 Wilkes 1.2.59.
078 £1baer Oe Bi £1800 £1000 0129 1d. green (3.32) 4:25 45
076/8 Set of3... £1900 £1000 w. Wmk inverted £1300 £800
x. Wmk reversed £2250 £900
0130 2d. golden scarlet (Die III) . . 23:00 55
1924. Nos. 76/84 punctured as Type O 2. P 14. a, Opt inverted... t £45000
0131 3d. ultramarine (Die II) (2.33) 7-50 475
079 5a __—_1d. sage-green 22:00 475 0132 5d. orange-brown (7.32) 50:00 27-00
080 ad. scarlet..... 12:00 70 (ii) P12
w. Wmk inverted £130 30:00 0133 1 6d. chestnut (9.32). 38:00 20-00
wa. Printed on the gummed side £375 a. Opt inverted... t+ £70000
081 2d. red-brown...... 24:00 18:00 (c) Recess. No wmk, P11 2 Members 3 Weazel and Team
a. Bright red-brown. 70:00 35:00 0134 18 2d, scarlet (3.32) 10:00 2:00 of Shackleton
082 3d, dull ultramarine 55-00 6:00 0135 3d. blue (3.32)... 17:00 5:00 Expedition at South
083 4d, olive-yellow........ 60:00 6-00 0136 «617 1s. green (4.32) 50:00 30:00 Magnetic Pole, 1909
Australian Antarctic Territory, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling Islands) AUSTRALIA
(Currency. 100 cents = 1 Malayan dollar) 1965. 50th Anniversary of Gallipoli Landing. As T 184 of Australia
but slightly larger (22x34% mm) and colour changed. Photo.
P 13%.
2) 10c. sepia, black and emerald (I) (14.4)... 30 1:50
a. Black-brown, black and light emerald
CU) 24-4) eesesesscusessconseseccvcssvacensentecessscnvSachu 2:50 2:50

(New Currency. 100 cents = 1 Australian dollar)

1 Queen Elizabeth II
4 Dog team and 5 Map of Antarctica (Des G. Lissenden. Recess with name and value typo in black.
iceberg and Emperor Penguins Note Printing Branch, Commonwealth Bank, Melbourne)
1958 (15 Oct). No wmk. P 14%.
1959 (16 Dec). T 2/4.T 3. Recess; new values surch typo (5d., 8d.).
P 14% (5d.), 14%x14 (8d.) or 14x14% (others). 1 1 2c. yellow-orange. 55) 80 CHRISTMAS ISLAND 1 CHRIgiMA is)LAND
2 4c, brown... 60 30 1WorAnm oc EAR (NOIAN OCEAN
2 2 5d, on 4d. black and sepia... 60 15
3 3. 8d. on 7d. black and indigo.. 1:75-2:25 3 5c.deep mauve 60 50 12 Golden-striped Grouper 13 “Angel” (mosaic)
4 44 1s. deep green 2:25 2:00 4 6c. grey-blue.. 1-00 30
5 5 2s.3d. gree 7:00 3-00 Bi 8c. black-brown 1-75 50 (Des G. Hamori. Photo)
2/5 Set
OF 4vesseessee 10-50 6-75 6 10c. violet..... 1:00 30
7 12c, carmine 1:75 1:75 1968 (6 May)-70. Fish. T 12 and similar horiz designs.
Issued Macquarie Island 26.12.59, Davis 30.1 ‘60, Mawson 10.2.60, Multicoloured. P 13%.
Wilkes 13.2.60. 8 20c. blue........ 1-00 1:75
9 50c. yellow-green 2:00 1:75 22 1c. Type 12..... 45 45
10 $1 deep bluish green.. 2:00 1:75 23 2c. Moorish Idol 60 20
1/10 Set of 10... 11:00 8-75
24 3c. Long-nosed Butterflyfis 60 30
25 Ac. Pink-tailed Triggerfish..... 60 20
a. Deep blue (face value) omitte £3000
PRINTERS. Nos. 11/32 were printed by the Note Printing Branch, 26 5c. Regal Angelfish... 60 20
Reserve Bank of Australia, Melbourne. Nos. 33/82 were printed in 27 9c. White-cheeked Surg 60 40
photogravure by Harrison and Sons, Ltd, London. 28 10c. Lionfish.... 60 20
28a 15c. Saddle Butterflyfish (14.12.70) 4:50 2:50
29 20c. Ornate Butterflyfish.... 1:50 55
29a 30c. Giant Ghost Pipefish (14. 12.70 4:50 2:50
7 Sir Douglas Mawson 30 50c. Clown Surgeonfish 275 275
(Expedition leader) 31 $1 a oe 275 275
22/31 Set of12.... es 18:00 11:50

(Des G. Hamori. Photo)

1969 (10 Nov). Christmas. P 13%.
32 13 5c, red, deep blue and gold.........08 20 30

Normal Weak entry

Weak entry at left (R. 1/5 and 2/5)
14 “The Ansidei
1961 (5 July). Recess. P 14%. Madonna” (Raphael) !
6 6 5d. deep blue. 1-40 20 (Des Harrison)
a. Weak entry...... 26-00
Issued Macquarie Island 6.12. , ilkes 1 1.62, Davis 20.1.62, 1970 (26 Oct). Christmas. Paintings. T 14 and similar vert design.
Mawson 30,1.62. Multicoloured. P 14141.
33 3c. Type 14... 20 15
1961 (18 Oct). 50th Anniv of 1911-14 Australasian Antarctic 34 5c. “The Virgin and ‘Child, St. John the
Expedition. Recess. P 14%. Baptist and an Angel” (Morando).... 20 15
7 7 5d. Myrtle-Qreen......cccscsssssssssssssssesseseee 45 20
Issued Macquarie Island 6.12.61, Wilkes 10.1.62, Davis 20.1.62,
Mawson 30.1.62.

(New Currency. 100 cents = 1 Australian dollar) COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS

The Cocos (Keeling) Islands, which had been settled by the Clunies
Ross family in the 1820s, were annexed by Great Britain in 1857. In
1878 the group was attached to Ceylon, but was transferred to the
SV 8 Flying Fish Cove 9 Loading cantilever Straits Settlements on 7 February 1886. During the Second World War
ANTARCTIC TERRITORY the islands were under British military control exercised from Ceylon.
_ CHRISTMAS oa BIRG el At the end of hostilities administration from Singapore was continued
until the islands were transferred to Australia on 23 November 1955.

RALIAN The stamps of the STRAITS SETTLEMENTS were used by a postal

agency operating on Cocos (Keeling) Islands from 1 April 1933
until 1 March 1937. The postal agency reopened on 2 September
SIL: FRIGATE BIRD” CHRISTMAS 1952 and used the stamps of SINGAPORE until the islands were
8 Aurora and Camera 99 Bell 47G Trooper Helicopter transferred to Australia in 1955. From 1955 until 1963 stamps of
10 Christmas Island 11 White-tailed Tropic Bird AUSTRALIA were in use.
Frigate Bird Nos. 1/31 were also valid for use in Australia.
(Des J. Mason. Photo)
(Des G. Lissenden (2, 8c.), P. Morriss (4, 5, 10, 20c.), B. Stewart
1966 (28 Sept)-68. Vert designs as T 8 (1c. to 15c.) or horiz as T 9 (others). Recess)
(20c. to $1). Multicoloured. Helecon paper (5c.). P 13%. PRINTERS. All the following stamps to No. 31 were printed by
8 1c. Type 8 (shades) 70 30 1963 (28 Aug). T 2/11. P 14% x 14 ($1) or 14% (others). the Note Printing Branch, Reserve Bank of Australia, Melbourne.
9 2c. Emperor Penguins (shades) 3-00 80 11 2 2c. orange 1:25 35
10 Ac, Ship and iceberg... 3 1:00 90 12 3 4c. red-brown. 50 15
13 4 5c. purple. 50 20 cocos ree
11 5c. Banding Elephant-seals (25.9.68)...... 2-25 1:75
12 7c. Measuring Snow Strata........0 80 80 14 5 6c. indigo... 30 35
13 10c. Wind gauges 1:25 1-10 15 6 8c. black 2:50 35
14 15c, Weather balloon 500 2-00 16 7 10c. violet... 40 15
lef 8 12c, brown-red. 40 25
ZO TY PODesescrsoran
25c. Radio operator...
2-25 18 9 20c. blue. 1:00 20 Whe. ae
19 1050c. gree 1-00 20 a
17 50c. Ice compression tests... 2:50 4-00
18 $1 Parahelion (“mock sun’) . 19:00 12-00 20 11 $1 yellow. 1:75 35
2 “Super Constellation”
8/18 Set of 11..... 42:00 25-00 11/20 Set of 10. 850 2:25
Nos. 13/15 an jave parts Of} e esigns printed in bright
orange fluorescent ink.
Nos, 8/10 and 12/18 placed on sale locally at Macquarie Island on
11.12.66, Wilkes 9.2.67 and Mawson 16.2.67.
No. 11 issued Macquarie Island 4.12.68, Mawson 13.1.69, Wilkes/
Casey 9.2.69 and Davis 20.2.69.

CHRISTMAS ISLAND | Thick lettering

Formerly a part of the Straits Settlements and then of the Colony
of Singapore, Christmas Island was occupied by the Japanese from
31 March, 1942, until September, 1945. It reverted to Singapore
after liberation, but subsequently became an Australian territory on
15 October 1958.

p s ofthe STRAITS SETTLEMENTS were used on Christmas

from 1901 until 1942. Following liberation issues of MALAYA
| MILITARY ADMINISTRATION) and then SINGAPORE were (Zee 292 ies [Wve
from 1946 to 1958. ll Thinner lettering 5 Dukong (: 6 White Tern

AUSTRALIA Cocos (Keeling Islands), New Guinea
(Des K. McKay and E. Jones (5d.), E. Jones (others). AUSTRALIAN OCCUPATION c. “1” with straight top serif (Settings
Eng E. Jones. Recess) «= £140 £170
Stamps of German New Guinea surcharged £1500 £1800
1963 (11 June). T 1/6. P 14%x14 (5d., 2s.3d.) or 14% (others).
f. Surch double, one inverted... £8000

1 3d. chocolate 1:50 1:50
g. Surch inverted........ £6000
2 5d. ultramarine.. 1:75 80
h. Error. Surch “G.R.I. 4d! £17000
3 8d. scarlet... 1:00 1:75
4 1s. green..... 1:00 Ts 17 1d. on 5pf. green........ 32:00 50-00
b. Short “1” (Setting 2 we £ISO £190
2d. fics]
5 2s. deep purple 8:00 2:00
c. “1” with straight top serif (Setting 2) 50-00 80:00
6 2s.3d. deep green. 9:00 1:75
e. “d" inverted... t+ £3750
WGiSetorG sence cause 20-00 7-50 (1) (2) (3) f. “1d” inverted... t+ £11000
g. "G.R.I.” without stops or space £11000
ga. "G.R.I” without stops, but with
SETTINGS. The “G.R.I” issues of New Guinea were surcharged on a
normal spaces — £11000
small hand press which could only accommodate one horizontal row h. “G.I.R” instead of “G.R. £13000 £14000
of stamps at a time. In addition to complete sheets the surcharges i, Surch double... £5000
were also applied to multiples and individual stamps which were first
18 = 2d. on 10pf. carmin 45:00 60-00
lightly affixed to plain paper backing sheets. Such backing sheets
e. No stop after “d” (Setting 2). £180 £250
could contain a mixture of denominations, some of which required f. Stop before, instead of after,
different surcharges. (Settings 4 and 5 . £11000
Specialists recognise twelve settings of the low value surcharges g. Surch double........ £16000 £16000 »«
(1d. to 8d,): h. Surch double, one inverted. — £13000
| Thick lettering Setting 1 (Nos. 1/4, 7/11) shows the bottom of the “R” 6 mm i. In vert pair with No. 20. £20000
from the top of the “d” j. In horiz pair with No. 20 £28000 !
Setting 2 (Nos, 16/19, 22/6) shows the bottom of the’“R”5 mm k, Error. Surch “GR.I. 1d” £12000 £11000
from the top of the “d” |, Error. Surch “G,I.R. 3d.” £13000
Setting 3 was used for the Official stamps (Nos. 01/2) 19 2d. on 20pf. ultramarine. 48-00 70-00
Setting 4, which included the 2%d. value for the first time, e. No stop after “d” (Setting 2). £9130' £190
and Setting 5 showed individual stamps with either 6 mm or 5 mm f. No stop after “I” (Setting 11) £1500 |
spacing. g. “R” inverted (Settings 4 and — £9000
Hh, Surch ouble.....csscssseeeeessees £3500 £4500
These five settings were for rows of ten stamps, but the remaining
i, Surch double, one inverted... £4750 £6000
seven, used on odd stamps handed in for surcharging, were applied as
j. Surch inverted . £10000
strips of five only. One has, so far, not been reconstructed, but of the
k. Albino surch (in horiz pair with
Il Thinner lettering remainder three show the 6 mm spacing, two the 5 mm and one both.
normal)... £23000
On the shilling values the surcharges were applied as horizontal |. In vert pa F
rows of four and the various settings divide into two groups, one £18000 £21000
1965 (14 Apr). 50th Anniv of Gallipoli Landing. As T 184 of m. Error. Surch “G.R.I. 1d...
with 3¥2 to 4% mm between the bottom of the “R” and the top of £13000 £14000
Australia, but slightly larger (22x34% mm) and colour 20 2¥ad. on 10pf. carmine (27.2.15) £225 £350
changed. Photo. P 13%. numeral, and the second with 5’%2 mm between the “R” and numeral.
21 2%d. on 20pf. ultramarine (27.2.15).. .. £2000 £2500
7 5d. sepia, black and emerald (I) was. 60 45 The first group includes the very rare initial setting on which the
a. Error. Surch “G.R.I. 3d.” (in vert pair
a. Black-brown, black and light emeral with normal). £40000
(Ul) Receassersrettencest rere 3:00 2:25 22 £190 £250

No. 7a comes from a second printing, ‘using a new black cylinder,
£600 £750
which was available from the end of April.
G.R.L g. Surch inverted.
£11000 £13000
- £11000 £13000
With the introduction of decimal currency on 14 February 1966, h. Surch omitted (in horiz pair with

Australian stamps were used in Cocos Islands, until the appearance normal)... £13000 ub
of the new definitives on 9 July 1969.
"4" for
2d. id. 23
i. Error. Sure -Rul.
3d. on 30pf. black and orange/bu
1d! £20000
£170 £200
Short “1” Large “S”
(Setting 1) (Setting 1) (Setting 1) e. No stop after “d” (Setting 2)... £800
(New Currency. 100 cents = 1 Australian dollar) f. Thick “3”... £550
1914 (17 Oct)-15, Stamps of 1901 surch. g. Surch double £4000 £4500
h. Surch double, one inverted... £4500 £5500
(a) AsT 1. “G.R.1.” and value 6 mm apart i. Surch double, both inverted £13000 £14000
1 1d. on 3pf. brown £750 £850 j. Surch inverted. £10000
a. "1" for”. £2000 £2250 k. Albino surch.
b. Short “1”. . £2000 |. Surch omitted (in vert pair with
c. "1" with straight top serif (Setting 6) £2000 normal) :
d. “I for “1” (Setting 12) £3500 m. Error. Surch “G.R.I. 1d.” £12000 £15000
2 1d. on 5pf. green. 85:00 £110 24 4d. on 40pf. black and carmine.. £180 £275
a. "1" for “I”. £350 £425 @. Surch GOuble....ccsseseseeees £3500
b. Short “1”. £350 £425 f. Surch double, one inverte £5000
c. “1” with straig p g. Surch double, both inverted. £13000
(KEELING)ISLANDS ANGi9) pecans £475 £550 h. Surch inverted....... £9500
3 2d. on 10pf. carmine.. 90:00 £120 i. Error. Surch “G.R.I. 1d”. £9000
7 Reef Clam (Tridacna 8 Great Frigate Bird ‘ay “Afornelessrs £400 £500
derasa) ia. Surch“G.R.I. 1d.” inverted... £19000
4 2d. on 20pf. ultramarine 90:00 £110 j. Error. Surch “G.R.I. 3d.” double... £27000
(Des L. Annois (1c. to 6c.), P. Jones (10c. to $1). Photo) ae Mifare £375 £425 k. No stop after “I’ (Setting 11). £3250
1969 (9 July). Decimal Currency. T 8 or designs as T 7. e. Surch double, one “G.R.I.” albino. £5500 25 5d. £325 £400
Multicoloured. P 13%, f. Surch inverted........ . £16000 e £1100 £2500
8 1c, Lajonkaines Turbo shell (Turbo 5 2¥ad. on 10pf. carmine (27.2.1 95:00 £200
£4500 £5500
IGJOMKGirii) (VOLE) ceossesscssssssssesoossvessssesessesees 30 60 a. Fraction bar omitted (Setting 9) £3500 £3500 g. Surch double, one inverte: £10000 £10000
9 2c. Elongate or Small Giant Clam 6 2¥ad. on 20pf. ultramarine (27.2.15)... £110 =£225
h. Surch double, both inverted. £13000 £14000
(Tridacna maxima) (vert) “ 75 80 a. Fraction bar omitted (Setting 9) + £9500 i, Surch inverted.......... £10000
10 3c. Type 7... 40 20 7 3d. on 25pf. black and red/yellow £375 £450 j. Error. Surch “G.I.R. 3d". £22000
11 Ac. Floral Blenny m 30 50 Bs TE TONS strc ctcaacnscinsceencasen £1100 £1300 26 8d. on 80pf. black and carmine/rose...
a, Salmon-pink omitted. £2750 8 3d. on 30pf. black and orange/buff. £475 £500 @. Surch GOuble....cessssseseeee
12 5c. Porites cocosensis (coral) 35 30 as “fora... . £1300 £1500 f. Surch double, one inverted
3) 6c. Atrisignis Flyingfish 75 75 e, Surch double... . £15000 £15000 g. Surch triple...
14 10c. Buff-banded Ra 75 70 9 4d. on 40pf. black and carmine - £475 £500 h. Surch inverted..
15 15c. Java Sparrow... 7/5} 30 a. "1" for “I”. £1500 i. Error. Surch “G.R.I. 3d”.
16 20c. Red-tailed Tropic Bird 75 30 e. Surch double... . £4000 £4750
7 30C. SOOLY TOF srrssssssssesees 75 30 f. Surch inverted . £16000
18 50c. Eastern Reef Heron (vert)... 75 30 10 5d. on 50pf. black and purple/buff.. £850 £1000 (6) As T 2. “G.R.I.” and value 5% mm apart
19 $1 Type 8 1:50 75 Ae eon alec . £2250 £3000 27 1s. on 1m. carmine £5000 £7000
8/19 Set OF 12 vissssesen 7:25 5:25 e. Surch double... £16000 a. No stop after “I” (Setting 7) . £12000
f. Surch inverted 28 2S. OM 2M, DIU vcrccsssssssorcnsssseses . £5000 £8000
11 8d. on 80pf. black and carmine/rose £1000 £1500 a. No stop after “I” (Setting 7) - £12000
QTE TON camer £3250 £4250 29 3s. on 3m, violet-black... - £10000 £15000
d. No stop after“d £4250 a. “GR. double . £45000
NEW GUINEA e. Error, Surch “G.R.I. 4d £15000 30 5s. on 5m. carmine an - £40000 £45000

1915 (1 Jan). Nos. 18 and 19 further surch with T 3.

Stamps of Germany and later of GERMAN NEW GUINEA were used (6) As T 2. “G.R.1.” and value 3% to 4 mm apart 31 1d. on 2d. on 10pf... . £28000 £28000
in New Guinea from 1888 until 1914. 12 1s. on 1m. carmine.. £3500 £4250 32 1d. on 2d. on 20pf... - £28000 £17000
During the interim period between the “G.R.I.” surcharges and a. Large “sss £13000 £13000
the “N.W. PACIFIC ISLANDS” overprints, stamps of AUSTRALIA 13 2s. on 2m. blue £3250 £4000
perforated “OS" were utilised. a. Large “s”....... £12000 £14000
c. Error, Surch “G.R.I. 5s” £45000 German New Guinea Registration Labels surcharged
d. Error. Surch “G.R.I. 2d.” correcte
handstamped “S”... £50000
PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER 14 3s. on 3m. violet-blac £5500 £7000
. 1/30 from x 3 ANILATGG "Stren £16000
. 31/2 — b. No stop after “I” (Setting 3). £13000 £13000
. 33/49 from x 3 15 5s. on 5m. carmine and black.. £14000 £16000
- 50/9 from x 2 a . Large “s”... £29000
- 60/2 — b. No stop a ing 3). £18000 £20000
- 63/4 from x 2 c. Error. Surch “G.Rul. 18... £85000
. 64¢/q =
. 65/81 from x 5
from x 5
G.R.I. G.R.I.
. 99 —
. 100/16
- 117/18
from x 4
— 3d. od.
. 119/24 from x 4 Thick “3” Thin “5”
. 125/203 from x 2 (Setting 2) (Setting 2)
. 204/5 =—
. 206/11 from x 8 1914 (16 Dec)-15. Stamps of 1901 surch.
. 212/25

. 01/54
from x 2

from x 8
(a) As T 1. “G.R.I.” and value 5 mm apart
1d. On 3pf. DOWN ves
a. “I” for “1” (Setting 11),
£100 3d.
b. Short “1” (Setting 2).. £325 Sans serif “G”
and different “3”
1915 (Jan). Registration Labels surch “G.R.I. 3d.” in settings of i. Surch inverted . £10000 cb. In pair with Die |.
five or ten and used for postage. Each black and red on j. Error. Surch “G.R.I. 1 £17000 78 6d. ultramarine (Die II). £110 £120
buff. Inscr “(Deutsch Neuguinea)” spelt in various ways as k. Error. Surch “G.R.I. 3d”. £17000 a, Retouched “E” £7500 £8500
indicated. P 14 (No. 43) or 11% (others). 57 5d, on SOpf. black and purple/buff £300 £375 w. Wmk inverted £300 £400
|. With name of town in sans-serif letters as T 4 Qs THAIN ES? seesectesvessntarcontas £3750 79 9d. violet (Die II).. 55:00 65:00
33 Rabaul “(Deutsch Neuguinea)’. £275 £325 f. “d” omitted (Setting 2 £2000 81 1s. green (Die Il). 60:00 70-00
a. “G.R.I. 3d.” double wu... £5000 £6500 g. Surch double..... £10000 83 5s. grey and yellow (Die I!) (3.16) £2750 £3750
b. No bracket before “Deutsch”. £900 £1300 h. Surch inverted.. £16000 84 10s. grey and pink (Die I!) (12.15)... £150 £180
ba. No bracket and surch double . £16000 58 8d. on 80pf. black and carmine/rose.. £475 £700 85 £1 brown and ultramarine (Die II) (12.15) £550 £700
d, “(Deutsch-Neuguinea)” £425 £550 e, Surch double. £10000
da. “G.R.I. 3d.” double . . £16000 £16000 f. Surch double, £13000 £14000 eeT 1. W5 ofAustralia. P 12 (Oct 1915—July 1916)
db. No stop after “I” £900 g. Surch triple... £16000 86 d. grey (Die |)... » 18:00 45-00
dc. “G.R.I. 3d” inverted . £16000 h. Surch inverted.. - £11000 87 one indigo (Die il)(7.16) £28000 £28000
dd. No bracket before “Deutsch”. £1500 £2000 88 6d. ultramarine (Die II).. 10:00 12-00
(b) As T 2. “G.R.1.” and value 3-4 mm apart 89 9d. violet (Die II) (12.15) 16:00 21-00
de. No bracket after “Neuguinea’ £1500 £2000 59 1s. on 1m. carmine £4000 £5000
34 Deulon “(Deutsch Neuguinea) ” ve £26000 £28000 b. No stop after “I” £6000 £8500
90 1s. emerald (Die II) (12.15 11:00 24-00
35 Friedrich-Wilhelmshafen 91 2s. brown (Die II) (12.15)... £110 £130
e. Surch double... £45000 92 5s. grey and yellow (Die 1! 75-00 £110
“(Deutsch Neuguinea)”, £250 £800 f. Error. Additional surch “1d. £45000
a. No stop after “d”. £450 60 2s. on 2m. blue.. £1900 £4000 (iv) T 1. W 6of Australia. P 12 (Dec 1915-1916)
b. “G" omitted... £7500 b. No stop after £3500 £6000 94 2d. grey (Die |). - 650 30-00
c, Sans-serif "G". . £16000 e. Surch double... £45000 96 3d. yellow-olive (Die |).. 5:50 11:00
d. Sans-serif “G” and different “3 . £14000+ £42000 £42000 a. Die Il... £110 £170
e. SUICH INVErtYEM ..asessessssee £16000 61 3s. on 3m. violet-black.. £6500 £9500
f.. “(Deutsch-Neuguinea)’ ab. In pair with Die |.. £325
LATS £800 b. No stop after “I” . £8500
fa . No stop after “d”” 97 2s. brown (Die II) (8.16) 35:00 50-00
£475 e. Surch double. - £40000 £45000 w. Wmk inverted... - 30:00 90-00
36 Herbertshohe “(Deutsch 62 5s. on 5m. carmin: . £14000 £15000 99 £1 chocolate and du 16) £350 £450
Neuguinea)” £300 £750 e. Surch double, one inverted... + £65000 Dates for Nos. 67 and 74 are issue dates at Rabaul. The stamps were
a. No stop after “d” £500 in use from 2 January 1915 on Nauru. All other dates are those of
b, No stop after "I. £900 £1800 1915 (Jan). Nos. 52 and 53 further surch with T 3. despatch. Nos. 65/6, 68/73, 76/81 were despatched on 15 March 1915.
C.. “G" omitted..., £8500 63 1d. on 2d. on 10pf. carmine.. eeee200) £275 For Die IIA of 2d, see note below Australia No. 45.
d . Surch omitted (in horiz pair with a. "1" double.. . £16000
normal) £18000 . "1" inverted . £19000 £19000
e. “(Deutsch Neu-Guinea)”... £500 £1000
SETTINGS. Type 6 exists in three slightly different versions, illustrated
£650 above as (a), (b), and (c). These differ in the letters “S” of “ISLANDS”
f. “(Deutsch-Neuguinea)’... 64 pf. ultramarine.. £4000 £2500
37 Kawieng “(Deutsch-Neuguinea)”. as follows:
£9000 £4000
a, No bracket after “Neuguinea”’ "1"inverted " £19000 £19000 (a) Both “SS” normal.
b, “Deutsch Neu-Guinea’. £650 The surcharged “1” on No. 63c is just over 4 mm tall. Type 3 is (6) First’S” with small head and large tail and second "S" normal.
ba. No stop after “d”. 6 mm tall.
bb. “G.R.I.” double (c) Both“SS” with small head and large tail.
be, “3d.” double 1915. Stamps of 1901 surch.
Type 11, which also shows the examples of “S” as the normal version,
bd. “G” omitted (a) As T 1. “G.R.I.” and value 6 mm apart can be identified from Type 6 (a) by the relative position of the second
38 Kieta “(Deut: ig £800 64c 1d. on 3pf. brown... sue £3500 and third lines of the overprint. On Type 6 (a) the “P” of “PACIFIC” is
a. No bracket before “Deutsch”. £2750 ce. “1” with straight top ‘serif (Setting 6) exactly over the first “S” of “ISLANDS” On Type 11 the “P” appears over
b. No stop after “d” cd, “I” for “1” (Setting 12: £4250 the space between “I” and “S"
c. Surch omitted (right hand stamp of ce. Surch inverted.. . £16000
horiz pair) It has been established, by the study of minor variations, that there
64d 1d. on Spf. green. £3500
. No stop after “I”. are actually six settings of the “N.W, PACIFIC ISLANDS” overprint,
dc. “1” with straight top serif (Setting 6 £4250
oa). “G" omitted... including that represented by T 11, but the following are the different
dd. “I” for 1” (Setting 12) £4250
39 Manus “(Deutsc £900 arrangements of Type 6 (a), (6), and (c) which occur,
de. Surch inverted.. . £16000
eC SU OUDIE seccetsnscseccere df. Surch double.. . £16000 A. Horizontal rows 1 and 2 all Type (a). Row 3 all Type (b). Rows 4
ow . No bracket before “Deutsch”... £2500 64e 2d. on 10pf carmine - £4500 and 5 all Type (0).
40 Stephansort “(Deutsch Neu- ea. Surch sideways. . £16000
Guinea)’..... £4250 B. (Ad. green only). As A, except that the types in the bottom row
64f 2d. on 20pf. ultramarine . £4000 run (¢) () (©) (©) (6) (©).
a. No stop after “d” £8500 fe, Surch inverted... . £16000
Il. With name of town in letters with serifs as T 4a 64g 2¥ad. on 10pf. carmine.. . £27000 C. As A, but bottom row now shows types (a) (¢) (c) () (6) (0).
41 Friedrich Wilhelmshafen 64h 2’ad. on 20pf. ultramarine £40000 Horizontal strips and pairs showing varieties (a) and (c), or (b) and
“(Deutsch-Neuguinea)” £275 £750 64) 3d. on 25pf. black and red/yellow £6500 (c) se-tenant are scarce.
b. No stop after “d”. £450 £1100 64) 3d. on 30pf. black and orange/buff. £6500
c. No stop after “I”. £850 £1600 je. Error, Surch “G.R.I. 1d/...... £18000 The earliest printing of the 1d. and 2¥2d. values was made on sheets
d. No bracket before “Deutsch”... £1600 £2250 64k 4d, on 40pf. black and carmine. £6500 with margin attached on two sides, the later printings being on sheets
e. No bracket after “Neuguinea”’ £1600 £2250 ke. Surch double.. £18000 from which the margins had been removed. In this printing the vertical
42 Kawieng “(Deutsch Neuguinea)”.. £250 £650 kf. Surch inverted £18000 distances between the overprints are less than in later printings, so
a. No stop after “d”. £475 64/ 5d. on 50pf. black and purple/buff.. £6000 that in the lower horizontal rows of the sheet the overprint is near
b. No stop after “I”. le. Surch double. £18000 the top of the stamp.
43 Manus “(Deutsch £4250 £5000 64m 8d. on 80pf. black and carmine/rose.. £7500 The settings used on King George stamps and on the Kangaroo
a. No stop after “I”... £8500 £8000 me. Surch inverted... £18000 type are similar, but the latter stamps being smaller the overprints
Examples of Nos. 33db, 36b, 38e, 41¢ and 43a also show the stop are closer together in the vertical rows.
after “R” either very faint or missing completely. (b) As T 2. “G.R.L.” and value 5% mm apart
64n 1s. on 1m. carmine.. £17000
na, Large “s” (Setting 5 £21000 PURPLE OVERPRINTS. We no longer differentiate between purple and
Stamps of Marshall Islands surcharged nb. No stop after “I” (Setting 7) £21000 black overprints in the above series. In our opinion the two colours are
640 25. ON 2M. DIVE ......00000 £14000 nowadays insufficiently distinct to warrant separation.
SETTINGS. The initial supply of Marshall Islands stamps, obtained from a. Large “s” (Setting 5 £19000
Nauru, was surcharged with Setting 2 (5 mm between "R” and “d”) on b. Surch double, one inverted £55000 PRICES. The prices quoted for Nos. 65 to 101 apply to stamps with opts
the penny values and with the 3% to 4 setting on the shilling stamps. 64p 3s. on 3m. violet-black.. £27000 Types 6 (a) or 6 (c), Stamps with opt Type 6 (6) are worth a 25 per cent
pa. Large “s” (Setting 5)... £38000
Small quantities subsequently handed in were surcharged, often on premium. Vertical strips of three, showing (a), (6) and (0), are worth
pb. No stop after “I” (Setting 7). £38000
__ the same backing sheet as German New Guinea values, with Settings from four times the prices quoted for singles as Types 6 (a) or 6 (c).
| 6,7 or 12 (all 6 mm between “R” and “d”) for the penny values and with pe. Surch inverted... £65000
)- a5¥% mm setting for the shilling stamps. 64q 5s. on 5m. carmine and ‘black. £38000
qa. Large “s” (Setting 5) £50000 N. W.
1914 (16 Dec). Stamps of 1901 surch. Stamps of Australia overprinted PACIFIC
(a) As T 1, “G.R.I.” and value 5 mm apart
N. W. N. W. N. W. One Penny ISLANDS.
50 TUOMAS PEs LOW sscescassscoosesecosenartnssessesssssivese £110 £170 (10) (11)
c. “1” with straight top serif (Setting 2) £180 £300 PACIFIC PACIFIC PACIFIC 1918 (23 May). Nos. 72 and 81 surch locally with T 10.
d. “GR.I’ and “1” with straight top serif
(Settings 4 and 5).. + £14000 ISLANDS. ISLANDS. ISLANDS. 100 1d. on 5d. brown 90-00 80-00
| e. Surch inverted £9000 (a) (b) (9) 101 1d. on 1s. green £100 80-00
} 51 1d. on 5pf. green... = 80-00 85-00 Types 6 (a), (6), (c) occur o Pp:
| c. “1” with straight top serif (Settings (6)
2 and 11) ee £140 £160 1915-16. Stamps of Australia optd in black as T 6 (a), (b) or (c). 1918-22. Stamps of Australia optd with T 11 (“P” of “PACIFIC” over
d. “I for “1” (Setting 11) £1200 space between “I” and “S” of “ISLANDS").
e. "1" and “d” spaced . £300 £325 (i) T 5a. W 5 of Australia. P 14’4x14 (4 Jan-15 Mar 1915)
65 Yad. green 3-00 9:00 (i) T 5a. W5 of Australia. P 144%4x14
f. Surch double... £3750
a. Bright green 3:00 10-00 102 Yad. green 1:75 3-50
g. Surch inverted £5000 w. Wmk inverted £3500
52 2d. on 10pf. carmine 26-00 45-00 aw. Wmk inverted £2250
67 1d. pale rose (Die 7:00 6:50 103 1d. carmine-red (Die |) 3-75 1-60
e. No stop after “G” (Setting 2) £850
a. Dull red..... 7:00 6:50 a. Substituted cliché (PI 2 rt pane
Ff, Surch COUbIe.....ecessessssessseeee £3750 R. 6/5) £1000 £650
. Surch double, one inverted £5500 b. Carmine-red 7:00 6:50
ba. Substituted cliché (PI 2 rt pane ab. Dot before 1” 80:00 70-00
. Surch inverted £7000 ac. “Secret mark”. 80:00 70-00
- Surch sideways... £10000 REG/5) cece £1900 £1500
bb. Dot before “1” £110 £120 ad. Flaw under neck 80:00 70:00
53 2 . on 20pf. ultramarine 27-00 50-00 ae. “RA” joined... 80:00 70-00
. No stop after “d” (Setting 2) £110 be. “Secret mark”. £110 £120
bd. Flaw under nec! £110 £120 b. Die Il..... £110 80-00
» SUCH COUDIE......ssessesssssesssen £5000 ba. Substituted cliché £1000 £650
. Surch double, one inverted £10000 be. “RA” joined...... £110 £120
c. Die Il. Carmine-red. £110 £140 104 4d. yellow-orange (1919) 4:00 16:00
. Surch inverted... £11000 a. Line through “FOUR PENCE” (PI 2 rt
. on 25pf. black an ly £550
ca. Substituted cliché (PI 2 rt pane
£1900 £1500 pane R, 2/6)... .. £850 £1300
. No stop after “d” (Settings 2 and ")
00-50 £1100 105 5d. brown (1919).. 3:75 12-00
70 400 15:00
f. Thick “3”. £1400
g. Surch doubl £4750 28:00 55-00
(ii) T 1. W6 ofAustralia, P 12
h, Surch double, one inverted. . Chrome-yellow..... £250 £275
106 2d. grey (Die |) (1919).. 0 750 25:00
c. Line through “FOUR PENCE” (PL 2 rt
i, Surch inverted... a. Die Il. 12:00 50-00
pane R. 2/6) (all shades).. £425 £700
55 3d. on 30pf. black 9g £600 107 2’ad. indigo 550 16-00
72 5d. brown (P 14% (line)) 275 17:00
| e. No stop after “d” (Setting 2). £1200 a. “1” of "”” omitted.. £14000 £17000
(ii) T 1. W 2 of Australia. P 12 (4 Jan 1915—March 1916) b. Blue (1920)....... 15:00 48-00
g. Surch inverted £9500 73 2d. grey (Die |). 20:00 65:00 109 3d. greenish olive (Die |) (1919) 23:00 26-00
h. Surch double... 74 2%ad. indigo (Die Il) (4.1.15 275 16:00 a. Die Il... 75:00 85-00
| 56 4d. on 40pf. black and carmine. £250 76 3d. yellow-olive (Die |) 21-00 55-00 ab, In pair with Die | £425 £650
e. No stop after “d” (Setting 2). £650 a. Die Il. £350 £550 110 6d. ultramarine (Die Il) (1919) 475 14-00
f. “d” omitted (Setting 2)... £7000 ab. In pair wi ie £800 £1200 a. Greyish ultramarine (1922)... 42:00 65:00
g. Surch doubl £8000 c. Greenish olive.. £200 £275 b. Die IIB, Greyish ultramarine — £750
h, Surch triple... ca. Di £1300 112 9d. violet (Die IIB) (1919). 9:00 50-00
. vermilion... OFFICIAL STAMPS
113 1s, emerald (Die Il)...» 6:50 30-00

a. Pale blue-green (Die IIB)
2s. brown (Die Il) (1919).....
38-00 0. S.
116 5s. grey and yellow (Die Il) (1919) . 0. . 65:00 70-00
10s. grey and bright pink (Die Il) (1919)...
£1 bistre-brown and grey-blue (Die |!)
£170 £250
0 So
(1922) .. £4500 £5500

(ili) T 5a. W 6a, of Australia (Mult Crown A). P 14
Yad. green (1919) a 5:00
. pale blue-green..
dull spas
1d. Ss :
w. Wmk inverted. £130 £275 175 10s. bright pin xO) xo 2) ea
(iv) T 5a. W5 of Australia. Colour changes and new value 176 £1 olive-grey 1915 (27 Feb). Stamps of 1901 surch as Type O 1. “G.RI” and
120 1d. violet (shades) (1922) ei 2:50 6:50 | 163/76 Set of14 value 3% mm apart.
a. Dot before “1”. 65:00 £120 QO1 1d. on 3pf. brown 32:00 75-00
b. “Secret mark”... 65-00 £120 1932 (30 June)-34. T 14 (redrawn without dates), P 11. a. “1” and “d” spaced... 85:00 £170
c, Flaw under neck 65:00 £120 177 1d. green. Y e b. Surch double... £5500 ~
d. “RA” joined... 65-00 £120 178 1’ad. claret. js 02 1d. on Spf. green ' £100 £140
121 2d, orange (1921). 8-00 2:50 179 2d. vermilion... . a. “1” and “d” spac £200 £300
122 2d. rose-scarlet (1922) . 9:50 . Yad. green (14.9. x
123 Ad. violet (1922) wr 20-00 aes be ae ees 5 5 1919-23. Stamps of Australia optd with T 11 and punctured “O S” a
a. “FOUR PENCE” in thinner letters 180a —-3%d. aniline carmine (14.9.34) 13:00 20-00 (8x15% mm with eleven holes in the perforated “S”).
(PI 2 rt pane R. 2/6) £800 £1400 181 4d, olive-green........ 6:50 6:50 (i) T Sa. of Australia. W 5. P 14%4x14
124 4d. ultramarine (1922). 11-00 60:00 | 182 5d. deep blue-green. 7-00 70 | 03 1d, carmine-red (Die 1). £250 55-00
a, “FOUR PENCE” in thinner letters 183 6d. bistre-brown 750 4:50 ab. Dot before 1”... ey ee)
(PI 2 rt pane R. 2/6) £900 £1800 184 9d. 9:50 25-00 ac. “Secret mark"... — £250
120/24 Set OFS.crsrssssesseees 45:00 £100 185 Is. 650 10:00 ad. Flaw under neck. £850 £250
Type 11 differs from Type 6 (a) in the position of the “"P" of “PACIFIC’, 186 2s. 5:00 17:00 | o4 4d. yeliow-orange (19.5.19) .. £300; £100
which is further to the left in Type 11. 187 5s. 30:00 45.00 a. Line through “FOUR PENCE” (PI 2 rt i
For 1d. rosine Dies | and Il on rough unsurfaced paper see Nos. 188 10s. 55:00 70-00 pane R. 2/6). —) £4250
016/b. 189 £1 olive-grey. £120 £100 05 5d. brown (1921). £400 £100
177/89 Set of 15. . £250 £300 - :
The Yad. orange redrawn wi ates exists without overprint, but (ii) T 1 of Australia. W 6. P 12
MANDATED TERRITORY OF NEW GUINEA it is believed that this was not issued (Price £100 un). 06 2d. grey (Die I)... ~ £400 80:00
O07 2ad. indigo (Die I! £600 £425
-34, Air. T 14 (redrawn without dates), optd 08 3d. greenish olive (Die I) (1921). £650 £140
A civil administration for the Mandated Territory of New Guinea was
established on 9 May 1921.
bi a Al ara mee 09 6d. ultramarine (Die Il) (1921) £700 £200
190 Yad. orange 60 1-50 a. Greyish Ultramarine ror . £600 £200
191 1d. green. 1:25 3-25 b. Die IIB. Greyish ultramarine.. =< PEN)
PRINTERS. See note at the beginning of Australia. 192 1d, claret.. 1750 OO 010 9d. violet (Die IIB) (1921)... £275 = £150
193 2d, vermilion, 175 30 011 1s. emerald (Die Il) (1921 £375 £160
193a ad. green (14,9.34) 8.50 2.50 a. Pale blue-green RST £425 £170
194 3d. DlUC secccoesecns 3.25 3.00 012 2s. brown (Die Il) (1922)... £650 £325
194a 34d, aniline carmine (14.9.34) 475 325 | O13 5s. grey and yellow (Die Il) (1922) — £1500
195 Ad. olive-green.en 450 10:00 014 10s. grey and bright pink (Die Il) (1921)..
196 5d. deep blue-green. TOO PLO (iii) T 5a of Australia, W 5. Rough unsurfaced paper, locally gummed. P 14
197 6d. bistre-brown pe OO OIG 1d, rosine (Die |) (1920) £1100 £1908
198 9d. Violet... 6:00 9:00 b. Die Il £4750 £950
199 1s. pale blue-green 6:00 11:00
12 Native Village 200 2s. dull lake. 12:00 50:00 (iv) T 5a of Australia. W 5. Colour changes and new value. P 14
201 5s. olive-bro 50:00 60:00 O17 1d, violet (shades) (1923). . £350 50-00
(Des R. Harrison. Eng T, Harrison. Recess Note Printing Branch, 202 10s. pink... 95:00 85-00 018 2d. orange (1921)...... £150 48-00
Treasury, Melbourne, from 1926 Note Ptg Branch, Commonwealth 203 £1 olive-grey.. 85:00 55:00 019 2d, rose-scarlet (1923). £350 35-00
190/203 Set OF 16... £250 £275 020 Ad. violet (23.7.21) os £110
Bank of Australia, Melbourne)
a. “FOUR PENCE” in thinner letters (PI
1925 (23 Jan)-27. P 11. 2 rt pane R. 2/6)... = — £4250
125 12 ‘Yad. orange....... 2:50 7:00 021 4d. ultramarine (1.23) m £350) SE150:
126 2:50 5:50 Dates quoted for Nos. 03/21 are those of despatch from Australia.
126a 1d. orange-vermilion ( 2:75 The earliest postmark date recorded is 2 April 1919 on No. O3. Their
127 2d. claret 4:50 continued use on mail from government departments after the
128 3d. blue... 400 establishment of the civil administration is confirmed by a notice in
129 4d. olive-gree! 23:00 the official New Guinea Gazette of 1 August 1921. ;
130 6d. brown-ochre 50:00 Australian postal archives indicate that nine sheets of the £1 Type 1
a. Bistre (11.25)... 50:00 perforated “O S” were sent to New Guinea in September 1921. There
6. Yellow-brown (7. 48:00 is a pane of 30 of this stamp in the Royal Collection, but as no other
131 9d. dull purple (to violet) 45.00 examples are known it may not have been issued for postal purposes.
132 1s. dull blue-green (6.4.25) 27-00 (Recess John Ash, Melbourne) ,
133 2s. brown-lake (6.4.25) 48:00 1935 (1 May). Air. P 11. 1925 (6 Apr)-31. Optd with Type O 2. P 11.
134 5s. bistre (6.4.25).
135 10s. dull rose (6.4.25)
oi 204 16 £2 bright violet £350 £140 032 12 ale aH Bra
rane 205 £5 emerald-green. £750 £450 024 Dd.
136 £1 dull olive-green (6.4.
TZ5/3GSEC OFS veermansrntan aes tes £650 TL j O25 3d. 6-00 10-00
NeWiEUIWeA | 026 4d. 450 850
1931 (8 June). Air. Optd with T 13. P 11. ay 027 6d. 26:00 35:00
137 12. Yad. orange...
138 1d. green seo
5 oF2 9he 028 od.? has
25 “3500
139 1¥ad. orange-vermilion lace ce 029 1s. 5:50 35:00
140 2d. claret 7.00 JUBILEE. eee 030 2s 40:00 65-00
141 3d. blue... 13:00 1910 — 1935 022/30 Set of 9 70:00 £190
142 4d. olive-gree 9.00 (17) , Type O 3. P 11.
143 6d, light brown... 14:00 1931 (2 Aug). Optd with
144 9d. violet... 17-00 1935 (27 June). Silver Jubilee. As Nos. 177 and 179, but shiny 031 14 = ‘1d. green. 12:00 13-00
145 1s. dull blue-green... 17-00 paper. Optd with T 17. 032 Tad. vermilio 12:00 12-00
146 2s. brown-lake 48-00 206 1-00 65 033 2d. claret... 12:00 7-00
147 5s. olive-bistri 65-00 207 3:25 65 034 3d. blue. 7:00 6:00
148 10s. bright pin £110 035 4d. olive-green 750 850
149 £1 olive-grey £250 036 5d. deep blue-green. 10:00 12:00
137/49 Set OF 13 vucccccscssseeresnre
£500 037 6d. bistre-brown 14.00 17-00
038 9d. violet... 16:00 28-00
039 1s. pale blue-green. 16:00 28-00
040 2s. brown-lake.... 40:00 70-00
041 5s. olive-brown.. £110 £180
O31/41 SEROFAN aeaunmeecctees £225 £350
== 1932 (30 June)-34. T 14 (redrawn without dates), optd with
Re-entry (design completely duplicated) (PI 2a R. 5/2) Type O 3.P 11.
AIR. 042 18:00 19-00
MAIL (Recess John Ash, Melbourne)
043 18:00 19:00
14 Raggiana Bird 1937 (18 May). Coronation. P 11. 044 18:00 3:25
of Paradise (Dates 208 18 2d. scarlet 1:50 045 9:00 11-00
either side of value) 209 3d, blue 1:75 046 11:00 40-00
210 5d. green... 1-75 £1000
(Recess John Ash, Melbourne) a. Re-entry £130 047 9:00 9-00
1931 (2 Aug). Tenth Anniv of Australian Administration. T 14 (with 211 1s. purple 2:25 048 19:00 30:00
dates). P 11. 208/11 Set OF A.cssccssseesn 6-50 049 . deep blue-gree 9:00 30-00
150 14 ~~‘ 1d. green 6:00 050 . bistre-brown.. 24.00 55:00
151 1¥ad. vermilion.. 10-00 (Recess John Ash, Melbourne) 051 9d, Violet oc 15:00 48-00
152 2:25 1939 (1 Mar). Air. Inscr “AIRMAIL POSTAGE” at foot. P 11. O52 1s. pale blue-green 15:00 30:00
153 475 212 16 = ‘d. orange 850 053 2s. dull lake.......
4:00 30:00 75-00
154 28-00 213 450 054 5s. olive-brown £120 £180
1d. green.. 3-25
155 21:00 214 17.00 042/54 Set of 13 £275 £475
vad. claret... 4:00
156 6d. bistre-brown 19:00 215 . vermilion,
157 9d. violet... 9.00
19-00 216 18:00 seen Civil Administration in New Guinea was suspended in 1942,
158 1s. pale blue-green... 15:00 217 I eas 8.50 following the Japanese invasion.
159 2s. brown-lake... 15:00
48.00 218 5d. deep green... 14-00
160 5s. olive-brown. 4.00 Various New Guinea stamps exist overprinted with an anchor and
55-00 219 6d. bistre-brown 45-00
161 10s. bright pink 29.00 three Japanese characters in a style similar to the Japanese Naval
£140 220 9d. Violet esses 45:00 42.00 Control Area overprints found on the stamps of Netherlands Indies.
162 £1 £275 221 1s. pale blue-green 45.00 30-00 These overprints on New Guinea are bogus. Two different versions are
150/62 Set of 13 £550 | 222 2s. dull lake..... 90.00 75:00 known, one produced in Japan during 1947 and the other in Australia
1931 (2 Aug). Air. Optd with T 15. 223 5s. olive-brown... £190 £160 during the late 1980s.
224 10s, PINK... £600 £425 On resumption, after the Japanese defeat in 1945, Australian
163 14 ‘ad. orange.. 3-25 225 £1 olive-green. £140
164 1d. green 7:00 212/25 Set of 14
£150 stamps were used until the appearance of the issue for the combined
£1100 £850 territories of Papua & New Guinea. 4
Norfolk Island AUSTRALIA
NORFOLK ISLAND (Des and eng F. Manley)
1956 (8 June). Centenary of Landing of Pitcairn Islanders on |
Norfolk Island, first settled in 1788 from New South Wales, was Norfolk Island. P 15x14.
transferred to Tasmania on 29 September 1844. It became a separate 19 8 3d. deep bluish green 75 40

= 25
settlement on 1 November 1856 under the control of the Governor 20 2s. violet (I). 175 1:00
of New South Wales. The island was declared an Australian Territory a. Type Il... 1:75 1:00
on 1 July 1914. Unlike the other External Territories it retains an 6. Deep violet (I). 2:75 1:75
independent postal administration. (23) (24) (25)
ba. Type I sso 275 1-75
1960. As Nos. 13/15 but colours changed, surch with T 23/5.
was opened on Norfolk Island in 1832. The stamps of d NORFOLK 2) 1s.1d. on 3¥d. deep ultramarine (26.9.60). 2:00 1:50
rues on lorfolk Island from July 1854 until May ISLAND 38 2s.5d. on 6¥2d. bluish green (26.9.60) 3.00 1:75
uchusebeingidentified by the “72” numeral cancellation. 39 2s.8d, on 7%d. sepia (29.8.60).. 7:00 8-00
NEW SOUTH WALES were first used on the island in 1877, 37/39 Set of 3... 11:00 10-00
jot regularly available until 1898. The first “NORFOLK 84
=—— = 6
lation was suppliedin 1892, but not used until 1898.
AUSTRALIA were in use from 1913 to 1947. ——
(9) (10) (11) LOCAL
1958 (1 July). Nos. 15/16 surch with T 9/10. 1960
21 7d. on 72d. deep blue... 1:25 1:00
22 8d. on 8Yd. chocolate... 1-25 1.00

1959 (7 Dec). 150th Anniv of Australian Post Office. No. 331 of 26 Queen Elizabeth Il and Map 27 Open Bible and
Australia surch with T 11. Candle
23 ds! 40. 1slate (Ri) ecrceseaneemeresenss-csseeeien 35 30
(Des and eng P. Morriss)
1 Ball Bay
1960 (24 Oct). Introduction of Local Government. P 14.
(Des and eng F. Manley. Recess Note Printing Branch, 40 26 2s, 8d. reddish Purple... 4:00 7-00
Reserve Bank of Australia)
(Des K. McKay. Adapted and eng B. Stewart. Recess)
1947 (10 June)-59. Toned paper. P 14.
1 1. Yad. orange 85 60 1960 (21 Nov). Christmas. P 15x14¥.
a. White paper (11.56). 3:00 15:00 41 27 ~—_‘5d. bright purple... 40 75
2 1d, bright violet....... 50 60
a. White paper (8.57, 5:00 30:00
5 lad, emerald-green...... 50 70
a. White paper (11.56). 9:00 28-00 13 Lagunaria
4 2d. reddish violet......... 55 40 patersonii
a. White paper (11.56).. £130 £190
5 2¥ad. scarlet..... 80 30
6 3d, chestnut. 70 70
6a 3d. emerald-green (white paper)
(6.7.59) 15:00 11-00 28 Open Prayer Book and Text 29 Stripey (Atypichthys
7 4d. claret 1-75 40 latus)
8 5¥ad. indigo... 70 30
9 6d, purple-brown 70 30 (Des G. Lissenden. Eng P. Morriss. Recess)
10 9d. magenta...... 1-25 40 1961 (20 Nov). Christmas. P 14%x14.
11 1s. grey-green.. 70 40 42 28 6 Sd: slate=bl Weise tatteissantscasssdventsene 30 70
12 2s. yellow-bistre.. 1:25 1:25
12a 2s. deep blue (white pap.
15:00 11-00
35:00 26-00 PRINTERS. All the following issues to No. 233 were printed in
Stamps as Type 1, some in different colours, perforated 11 were photogravure by Harrison and Sons, Ltd, London, except where
prepared in 1940 but never issued. Examples exist from sheets stolen otherwise stated.
| prior to the destruction of these stocks.
1962-63. Fish. Horiz designs as T 29. P 14%x14.
43 6d. sepia, yellow and deep bluish green
(G762) leereeitassnrespececetreetoensevasassnesteerateces 60 25
Ae 11d. red-orange, brown and blue
17 Queen Elizabeth (OSI2 G3) ert erecting 1-00 80
ll and Cereus 45 1s. blue, pink and yellow-olive (17.9.62) 60 25
46 1s.3d. blue, red-brown and green (15.7.63) 1-00 2:50
47 1s.6d. sepia, violet and light blue (6.5.63). 1-25 80
ds a 48 2s.3d. deep blue, red and greenish yellow
(23.9.63).. 2:50 1:25
43/48 Set OF 6 cesses 2 6-25 5:00
Designs:—11d. Gold-mouthed Emperor (Lethrinus chrysostomus);
1s. Surge Wrasse (“Po‘ov"); 1s.3d. Seachub (“Dreamfish”); 1s.6d. Giant
Grouper (Promicrops lanceolatus); 2s.3d. White Trevally (Carangidae).
18 Fringed 19 Solander’s Petrel a


30 “Madonna and 31 “Peace on

Child” Earth...”
Di (Des and eng G. Lissenden. Recess Note Ptg Branch,
20 Passion Flower 21 Rose Apple Reserve Bank of Australia)
1962 (19 Nov). Christmas. P 14%.
49 30 = 5d. ultramarine.... 45 80
6 Salt House 7 Bloody Bridge
(Des R. Warner. Eng B. Stewart. Recess Note Ptg Branch,
(Des B. Stewart, eng. G. Lissenden (3'%d.), D. Cameron (7¥2d.). Reserve Bank of Australia)
Des and eng D. Cameron (6¥2d.), P. Morriss (82d., 10d.)
1963 (11 Nov). Christmas. P 14%.
or G. Lissenden (5s.))
50 31 ‘5d. red... 40 70
) 1953 (10 June). T 2/7. P 14%x15 (vert) or 15x14% (horiz).
13. 2 3%d. brown-lake 1-00 90
14 3 6%d. deep green... 2:25 4:00
15 4 7d. deep blue 1:50 3-00
|} 16 5 8¥ad. chocolate. 1:75 4-75 (Des G. Lissenden, eng P. Morriss (5s.). Des and eng G. Lissenden
117 6 10d. reddish violet.. 100 75 (10s.), P. Morriss (others). Recess and typo (2s.8d.), recess (others))
18> +7. 5s. sepia... 35-00 8:50 1960-62. T 6/7 and 12/22. P 142 or 14%2x14 (10s.). OVERLOOKING KINGSTON ps d
13/18 Set of 6... 38:00 20-00 24 12 — 1d. bluish green (23.5.60) sess 15 10 <i
o he oe
25 13 2d. rose and myrtle-green (23.5.60) 20 10
26 14 — 3d. green (1.5.61). 70 15
27 15 5d. bright purple (20.6.60). 55 20
28 16 = 8d. red (20.6.60)....0000 80 50
29 17 ~=9d. ultramarine (23.5.60) 80 45
30 6 10d. brown and reddish violet (as
No. 17) (27.2.61) 1:50 1:00 32 Overlooking Kingston
31 18 1s.1d, carmine-red (16.10.61). 80 35
32 19 2s, sepia (1.5.61)... 4.00 1:00 1964 (24 Feb-28 Sept). Views. Horiz designs as T 32.
8 Norfolk Island Sea Multicoloured. P 14%x14.
33 20 2s.5d. deep violet (5.2.62) 1-00 40
and Pitcairners Landing 51 5d. Type 32... 60 1:25
34 21 2s.8d. cinnamon and deep green (9.4.62).. 2:25 55
35 7 5s. sepia and deep green (as No. 18) 52 8d. Kingston... 1:00 1:50
Two types of 2s.: (27.2.61) 2:75 75 53 9d. The Arches (Bumboras) (11.5) 1-00 30
36 22 10s. emerald-green (14.8.61).. 26:00 38:00 54 10d. Slaughter Bay (28.9). 1-00 30
s, Optd “SPECIMEN”. 42:00 51/54 Set of 4 3-25 3-00
24/36 Set of 13 38:00 38-00
Nos. 30 and 35 are redrawn. (Photo Note Ptg Branch, Reserve Bank of Australia, Melbourne)
The SPECIMEN overprint on No. 36 is from sets sold by the 1964 (1 July). 50th Anniv of Norfolk Island as Australian Territory.
Australian Post Office. P 13%.
Alternate stamps on each horizontal row are with or without a dot For Nos. 25 and 28 with face values in decimal currency see 55 33 5d. black, red and orange 40 15
in bottom right corner. Nos. 600/1. 56 8d. black, red and grey-gree 40 1:10

AUSTRALIA Norfolk Island, Papua (British New Guinea)
81 5c. Norfolk (Sloop), 1798 (14.8.67) srr 20 10 101 30c. multicoloured 50 1-00
82 7c. H.M.S. Mermaid (survey cutter), a. Inscr “VAN DIFMEN’S LAND”
1825 (14.8.67)... 20 10 (RG B/S ciramendensorccmmrcaecenteaonetoee
ceeee 16:00
83 9c. Lady Franklin,1 20 10
84 10c. Morayshire, 1856 (14.8. 67) 20 50
85 15c. Southern Cross, 1866 (18.3.68).. 50 30
86 20c. Pitcairn, 1891 (18.3.68) 60 40
87 25c. Black Billy (Norfolk Island whaleboat,
1895 (18.3.68) 1:50 75
NORFOLK ISLAND 88 30c. Iris (cable ship), 1907 (18.6.68). 1:50 2:00
34 Child looking at 35 Nativity Scene 89 50c. Resolution, 1926 (18.6.68)... 2:50 275
Nativity Scene 90 $1 Mee 1931 (18.6, eat 5 2:75
77/90 Set of 14... Paar 9:00
(Des P. Morriss and J. Mason. Photo Note Ptg Branch, Reserve
Bank of Australia)
1964 (9 Nov). Christmas, P 13¥2.
57 34 5d, green, blue, buff and violet........ 30 40
63 “The Nativity” 64 New Zealand Grey Flyeater
(carved mother-of-
1965 (14 Apr). 50th Anniv of Gallipoli Landing. As T 22 of Nauru.
pearl plaque)
P 13%.
58 5d. sepia, black and EMerald ..sssssssssseeses 15 10 (Des J. Cowap)
1969 (27 Oct). Christmas. P 14%2x14. i
(Des J. Mason. Photo Note Ptg Branch, Reserve Bank of Australia) 102 63 SE. MUILICOIOULED ...essesssessesereerenne ree 10 10
1965 (25 Oct). Christmas. Helecon paper. P 13%. “apt
Nartotk Istand (Des G. Mathews)
59 35 5d. multicoloured iS 10
1970-71. Birds. T 64 and similar multicoloured designs. Chalk-
45 Lions Badge 46 Prayer of John Adams and surfaced paper. P 14. j
and 50 Stars Candle 103 1c. Scarlet Robins (22.7.70). 30 10
104 2c. Golden Whistler (24.2.71).. 30 40
(New Currency. 100 cents = 1 Australian dollar) 105 3c. Type 64 (25.2.70)..... 30 10
(Des M. Ripper. Photo Note Ptg Branch, Reserve Bank of Australia)
106 4c. Long-tailed Koels (25.2.70 60 10
1967 (7 June). 50th Anniv of Lions International. P 13%. 107 5c. Red-fronted Parakeet (24.2.71) 1:50 60
91 45 4c. black, bluish green and olive- 108 7c. Long-tailed Triller (22.7.70 45 10
EHOW srestsstscsserrcartoarecectee teeeertaetronte 10 10 109 9c. Island Thrush (25.2.70).. 70 10
110 10c. Boobook Owl (22.7.70).. 1:50 275
(Des B. G. W. McCoy)
111 15c. Norfolk Island Pigeon (24.2. 1:00 65
1967 (16 Oct). Christmas. P 14. 112 20c. White-chested White Eye...... 500 3:00
92 46 5c. black,pane ya -olive and 113 25c. Norfolk Island Parrots (22.7.70) 1:00 40
red... Eco unrecrenieninire tecomaette 10 10 a. Error, Glazed, ordinary papel £400
114 30c. Collared Grey Fantail (16.6.71) 5-00 1:50
115 45c. Norfolk Island Starlings (25.2.7! 70 60
38 Hibiscus insularis 39 Headstone Bridge 116 50c. Crimson Rosella (24.2.71).. 1:00 1:75
117 $1 Sacred Kingfisher (16.6.71) 650 9:00
1966 (14 Feb). Decimal currency. Various stamps surch in black on 103/17 Set of 15 23:00 19-00
silver tablets, which vary slightly in size, obliterating old value Nos. 105, 106, 109, 112, 114, 115 and 117 are horizontal, and the,
as in T 38. Surch typo. remainder vertical designs.
60 38 1c. on 1d. bluish green (value It is believed that only one sheet of No. 113a was issued.
tablet 4x5 mm)... sar A 20 10
a. Value tablet larger, 5¥4x5 mm 40 30
61 13. 2c. on 2d. rose and myrtle-green 47 Queen
(No. 25) a 10 Elizabeth ||
(Photo Note Ptg Branch, Reserve Bank of Australia)
62 14 3c. on 3d, green 1:50 1:00 1968 (5 Aug)-71. Coil stamps. P 15ximperf.
a. Silver tablet omitted... £700
93 47 3c. black, light brown and
63 15 4c, on 5d, bright purple (No. 27). 25 10
vermilion..... es 10 10
64 16 = 5c. on 8d. red... oni 30 10 94 4c. black, light brown and blue-
65 6 10c. on 10d. brown ‘and reddish
green.. oth 10 10
violet (No. 30) 1-00 15 95 Sc Blacks light brown and deep
66 18 15c. on 15.1d. carmine-red (No. 31).. 50 1:25 MOIEtrcerescennercascenttsssnscessetserorerensnrsesse 10 10
67 19 —20C. OM 2s, Sepia (NO. 32) servrssssssessressseee 275 3:50 95a 6c. black, light brown and lake-
68 20 25c. on 2s,5d, deep violet (No. 33)... 1-00 40 brown - 30 60
69 21 30c, on 2s.8d. cinnamon and goer
93/95a Set of4... 55 80
green... ae 1:00 50
70 7 50c, on 5s, sepia and ‘deep green. 65 Capt. Cook and Map of 66 First Christmas
(No, 35). 1:75 75 Australia Service, 1788
71 22 $1 on 10s.e1 ie]
tablet 7x6%2 mm) 2:50 2:50 (Des R. Bates)
a, Value tablet smaller, 6%2x4 mm 2:00 3-25 1970 (29 Apr). Captain Cook Bicentenary (2nd issue). Discovery
60/7 1a Setof 12 chenpea & “4 11:00 9:00 of Australia’s East Coast. T 65 and similar horiz design.
No. 61a shows the black figure of value ‘omitted, but the silver Multicoloured. P 14.
tablet is present. 118 5c. Type 65. 15 10
119 10c. H.M.S. En 40 10
1966 (27 June). Horiz designs as T 39. Multicoloured. P 14%2x14.
72 7c. Type 39 40 15 Bon SKYMASTER (Des R. Bates)
73 9c. Cemetery Road 40 15 = QANTAS AIR SERVICE, SYDNEY- “Nop,
ite 1970 (15 Oct). Christmas. P 14.
120 66 SC. MUILICOIOULEM” .....ssseccssssssssososeneconnene 10 10

59 Avro Type 691 Lancastrian and 60 Bethlehem Star
Douglas DC-4 Aircraft and Flowers

(Des Harrison)
1968 (25 Sept). 21st Anniv of QANTAS Air Service, Sydney-Norfolk
Island. P 14. Kulumadau (Woodlarks) (1899), Nivani— P
41 St. Barnabas’ Chapel 96 59 5c. bluish black, carmine-red and Samarai (1888), Sudest (1899) and Tamata (1899).
42 St. Barnabas’ Chapel
(interior) (exterior) Wohtnltenttijaccrcansroresntecmstoons 15 10 cancelled “N.G." (at Port Moresby from 1885)
97 7c, blackish brown, carmine-red at Samarai or with stops at the other offic
ANG LUPQUOIS Csccrcrsorccossssertocsresessrsaese 15 10 stamps were replaced in Papua by the issu
1966 (23 Aug). Centenary of Melanesian Mission. P 14x14.
74 41 4c. multicoloured. 10 10 (Des Betty Laing)
75 42 25c. multicoloured. 20 20 1968 (24 Oct). Christmas. P 14x14. PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER
98 GO SC. MUITICOLOUTEM ..rsssseereessssssssnnensesenssee 10 10 from x 15

x 20

from x6

HD from

from x8
43 Star over Philip Island 44 4.MS. Resolution, 1774 61 Captain Cook Quadrant 62 Van Diemen’s Land,
and Chart of Pacific Ocean Norfolk and Sailing Cutter from
x 10
Island from
(Des B. G. W. McCoy)
1966 (24 Oct). Christmas. P 1412.
76 43 AC, MUITICOIOULEM ....cerserssessssssecsscccnneevees 10 10 (Des V. Whiteley from sketch by J. Cowap) from
1969 (3 June). Captain Cook Bicentenary (1st issue). Observation from
of the transit of Venus across the Sun, from Tahiti. P 14. from
x 12
(Des V. Whiteley) 99 61 10c. multicoloured... fs 10 10 from
1967 (17 Apr)-68. T 44 and similar horiz designs showing ships. See also Nos. 118/19. Further sets wer subsequent years. from
Multicoloured. P 14141.
Pe, 1c. Type 44 ieee 10 10 (Des Mrs. A. Bathie and Mrs. M. J. McCoy) from x 10
78 2c. La Boussole and UAstrolabe, 1788. 15 10 from x7
1969 (29 Sept). 125th Anniv of the Annexation of Norfolk Island
79 3c. H.M.S. Supply, 1788. 15 10 to Van Diemen’s Land. P 14x1414,
80 4c. H.M.S. Sirius, 1790... 75 from x8
10 100 62 SC. MUITICOIOUTEM ....rssssessrsesssssesecerseneene 10 10
Papua (British New Guinea) AUSTRALIA
1907 (May-June). Optd with T 4 (small opt), at Brisbane. 58 1s. black and Orange (1.09) srseessssss0 75:00 £100
A. Wk horizontal. Thick paper. Line ad Il. Wmk sideways
34 1 Yad. black and yellow-green
(a) P11 (1909-10)
a. Thin paper... sti 75:00 90-00
35 2%ed. black and ultramarine £2000 59 6 Ad. black and yellow-green (12.09) 2:50 3-00
a, Black and deep green (1910). 28:00 42:00
a. Thin paper... 80:00 85-00
60 1d. black and carmine (1.10) 9-50 8-00
ac. Black and dull blu £325 £325
61 2d. black and purple (1.10). 25-00 8-00
b. Thin “d” at left...... £700 £750
62 2%ad. black and dull blue (1.10) 450 26-00
36 1s. black and orange £300 £400
a. Thin “d” at left........0 80:00 £160
37 2s.6d. black and brown.. 50:00 75-00
63 4d. black and sepia (1.10) 4-75 9-00
a. Opt reading downwards £7000
a. Deformed “d” at left £120 £150
1 Lakatoi (trading canoe) 2 (Horizontal) c. Opt double (horiz’ + £6000
64 6d. black and myrtle-gr 09) 10:00 22:00
with Hanuabada Village d. Opt triple (horiz). t £4500 65 1s. black and orange (3.10)... 55:00 75:00
in Background B. Wmk vertical. Thin paper (Y2d., 1d., 2d., 4d., 6d) or medium to
(b) P 12% (1909-10)
thick paper (2!4d., 1s., 2s.6d.). Line or comb perf (2¥%d.), line perf
66 6 ‘ad. black and yellow-green (12.09) 3:50 4-00
(1s., 2s.6d.) or comb perf Oper)
38 1 Yad. black and yellow-green 22:00 27:00
a. Black and deep green (1910)....... 32:00 45-00
67 1d. black and carmine (12.09) Z 7:50 12:00
a. Opt double... £3500
68 2d. black and purple (1.10). 8:50 12-00
39 1d. black and carmine xx 10-00 5:00
69 2¥ad. black and dull blue (1.10). 10:00 45-00
a. Opt reading upwards. £7500 £4250
a. Thin “d” at left... ee £1 20250)
40 2d. black and violet 7-00 2:25
70 6d. black and myrtle-green wu.09) £5500 £13000
a. Opt double........ £4250
71 1s. black and orange (3.10)... 18:00 60-00
41 2¥2d. black and ultramarine 19:00 20-00
a. Thin “d” at left... £180 £200 (c) Perf compound of 11 and 12%
42 4d. black and sepia 50:00 70:00 72 6 = ‘”d. black and yellow- aa . £5000 £5000
a. Deformed “d” at £650 £750 73 2d. black and purple... £1700
43 6d. black and myrtle-green . 50:00 45-00 (d) Mixed perfs 11 a 12%
a, Opt double........ £6500 £12000 74 6 4d. black ANd SCPIAwesc £15000
Normal Thin “d” at left (R. 4/2) 44 1s. black and orange 80:00 90-00 Compound perforations on the 4d. are fakes.
b. Thin paper (comb perf) 45:00 40-00 The only known examples of No. 74 come from the top row of
ba. Opt double, one diagonal . £20000 £13000 a sheet perforated 11 and with an additional line perf 12% in the
45 2s.6d, black and brown - £17000 £9500 top margin.
a. Thin paper (comb perf) 55:00 90-00
38/45a Set of8... £225 £250 (Litho Stamp Ptg Branch, Melbourne, by J. B. Cooke, from new
In the setting of ‘this ‘overprint Nos. 10, 16, and 21 have the “p” of stones made by fresh transfers)
“Papua” with a defective foot or inverted “d" for “p’, and in No. 17 the 1910 (Sept)-11. Large “PAPUA” W w 11 (upright). P 1212.
“pua” of “Papua” is a shade lower than the first “a”.
75 5 %d. black and green (12.10). 4:25 13-00
No. 37a comes from a single sheet on which the overprints were
76 1d. black and carmine....... - 12:00 14-00
sideways. Examples exist showing one, two or four complete or 77 2d. black and dull purple (shades)
Deformed “d” at left (R. 4/3) partial overprints.
(12210) ce saces e 6:50 5-00
a. “C" for “Orin “BOS ) £130 £120
(Recess D.L.R.) PRINTERS. All the following issues were printed at Melbourne by 78 2%ad. black and blue-violet (10. 10) - 11:00 18-00
1901 (1 July)-O5. Wmk Mult Rosettes, W 2. P 14. the Stamp Ptg Branch (to 1928) or Note Ptg Branch. a. Thin “d” at left... £110 £160
A. Wmk horizontal. Thick paper. Line perf 79 4d. black and sepia (10.10) a 11:00 11-00
1 1. Yad. black and yellow-green... 24:00 26-00 WATERMARK VARIETIES. The lithographed issues Nos. 47/83 were a, Deformed “d” at left... £180 £180
a. Thin paper.......... £350 £250 printed using a “print-and-turn” technique. Thus, after one half of the 80 6d, black and myrtle-green. 7 8-50 11-00
2) 1d. black and carmine 20:00 19-00 sheet had been printed it was turned 180 degrees and the second 81 1s. black and deep orange (12.10). 11-00 20-00
3 2d. black and violet.... 26:00 9-00 half printed. As a result, upright and inverted (or sideways and 82 2s.6d. black and brown (B) - 60:00 60-00
4 2ad. black and ultramarine 38-00 10-00 sideways-inverted) watermarks were produced in equal quantities. 83 2s.6d, black and brown (C) (1911 75:00 75:00
a. Thin papet.......... £400 £225 Nos. 51/3, 57, 62 and 69 are known with watermark reversed and 75/82 Set
of 8... £110 £140
ab. Black and dull blue £900 £475 others may well exist. A variety showing awhite line or “rift” in clouds occurs on R. 5/3
b, Thin “d” at left... £350 £120 in Nos. 49/74 and the “white leaves” variety mentioned below No. 16
5 4d, black and sepia. 65:00 35-00 occurs on the 2d. and 2%d. values in both issues. They are worth
a. Deformed “d” at left. £750 £475 about three times the normal price.
6 6d. black and myrtle-green.. 65:00 35-00
7 1s. black and orange...... 75:00 70-00
8 2s.6d. black and brown (1.1 be £650 £550
1/8 Set of 8... £850 £650
B. Wmk vertical. Medium to thick paper. Line or comb perf
| 9 1 Yad. black and yellow-green we 23:00 3:75
a. Thin paper (comb perf) (1 905)... 28:00 40-00
10 1d, black and carmine 11-00 2:00 5 Large “PAPUA”
11 2d. black and violet... 13-00 4:25
a. Thin paper (comb perf) (1905)... 65:00 16-00 Three types of the 2s.6d.:—
A. Thin top to“2” and small ball. Thin “6” and small ball. Thick uneven
12 2¥ad. black and ultramarine (shades).
a. Thin “d” at left...
8 £130 stroke. ONE PENNY
13 4d. black and sepia. 40:00 55-00 B. Thin top to“2” and large, round ball. Thin “6” and large ball. Very (9)
a. Deformed “d” at £600 £700 thick uneven stroke. Every stamp in Type B varies slightly. (Eng S. Reading. Typo J. B. Cooke)
b. Thin paper (comb perf) (1905 £350 £1300 C. Thick uniform figures with large oval balls Thin even stroke.
{| ba. Deformed “d’ at left... £3250 1911-15. Printed in one colour. W 8 (sideways*).
Type A is not illustrated as the stamp is distinguishable by perf
) 14 6d. black and myrtle-green e 65:00 90-00 and watermark. (a) P 12% (1911-12)
a. Thin paper (comb perf) (1905)... £1200 The litho stones were prepared from the engraved plates of the 84 6 ‘Ad. yellow-green. 2:00 3:75
15 1s. black and orange. 65:00 £100 1901 issue, value for value except the 2s.6d. for which the original a. Green... 70 2:25
| a. Thin paper (comb p. £950 £4250 plate was mislaid. No. 48 containing Type A was prepared from the w. Wmk C1 22:00
16 2s.6d. black and brown (1905)... £5500 £3750 original ‘2d. plate with the value inserted on the stone and later 85 1d. rose-pink..... 2:00 75
| a. Thin paper (comb perf) £600 £1300 a fresh stone was prepared from the 1d. plate and this contained w. Wmk Crown to right of 60:00 60-00
9/16a Set of 8 (cheapest) £750 £1400 Type B. Finally, the original plate of the 2s.6d. was found and a third 86 2d. bright mauve.. 3-50 75
The paper used for Nos. 1/8 is white, of consistent thickness and stone was prepared from this, and issued in 1911. These stamps w. Wmk Crown to tight of A £150 £110
| rather opaque. The thin paper used for the horizontal watermark show Type C. 87 2’ad, bright ultramarine... 6-50 8-50
| printings is of variable thickness, readily distinguishable from the a. Dull ultramarine..... 8-00 8-50
| thick paper by its greater transparency and by the gum which is aw. Wmk Crown to right o' £150
thin and smooth. 88 4d. pale olive-green... 2:25 11:00
Nos. 9/16 were initially printed on the same thick paper as the w. Wmk Crown to right of A £180 £140
stamps with horizontal watermark and were line perforated. Values 89 6d, orange-brown... 3-75 5-00
from Yad. to 22d. were subsequently printed on medium paper on w. Wmk Crown to right of A £200
which the watermark was more visible. These were comb perforated. 90 1s. yellow.. 9:50 15-00
| The thin paper with vertical watermark, produced in 1905, is much w. Wmk Crown to right o £225
more transparent and has smooth gum. Printings were made on this 91 25.6d. TOSE-CAFMINE.....cssssesssvee 42:00 50-00
paper for all values except the 2%2d., but only the ad. and 2d. were w. Wmk Crown to right of A £425
| issued in Papua although used examples of the 4d., 1s. and 2s.6d. are 6 Small "PAPUA" BA /DVS OF. OF:8saves crsccsssacassscscsvsacesipscussveccrazeucecrsecnsses 60:00 85-00
also known, The entire printing of the 1d. on thin paper with vertical (b) P14
| watermark was used for subsequent overprints. (Litho Stamp Ptg Branch, Melbourne, from transfers taken from 92 6 1d. rose-pink (6.15) 35-00 7-00
The sheets of the Yad., 2d. and 2¥2d. show a variety known as “white original engraved plates)
a. Pale scarlet.. 20-00 2:00
leaves” on R. 4/5, while the 2d. and 2%d. (both R. 6/2) and the 2d. and 1907-10. A. Large “PAPUA”. Wmk Crown over A, W w 11. w. Wmk Crown 9 — £150
| 1s. (both R. 6/3) show what is known as the “unshaded leaves” variety. *The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of A, as seen
(a) Wmk upright. P 11
Papua. Papua. 47 5 Yad, black and yellow-green (11.07)
(b) Wmk sideways. P 11
4.25 3:50 from the back of the stamp.

(3) (4) 48 5 2s.6d. black and chocolate (A) (12.09) 75:00 90:00 (Typo J. B. Cooke (1916-18), T. S. Harrison (1918-26), A. J. Mullett
1906 (8 Nov). |. Optd with T 3 (large opt), at Port Moresby. a. “POSTAGIE” at left (R.1/5)......0 £1500 £1700 (No. 956 only) (1926-27), or John Ash (1927-31))
B, Small “PAPUA” |. Wmk upright 1916 (Aug)-31. Printed in two colours. W 8 (sideways*). P 14.
| A. Wk horizontal. Thick paper. Linepot
93 6 ‘ad. myrtle and apple green
166 2¥ad. black and ultramarine.. ty 4 (a) P11 (1907-8) (Harrison and Ash) (1919)... 80 1:00
|) 17 1.
4d. black and sepia....... £250 £170 49 6 1d. black and rose (6.08).... 650 5:00 a. Myrtle and pale olive-green
a. Deformed “d” at left.. £2000 £1600 50 2d. black and purple (10.08). ee EOS 4:50
(1927) 1:75 3-00
| 18 6d. black and myrtle-green 60:00 48-00 51 2%ad. black and bright ultramarine
w. Wmk Crown to right of A 22:00 24-00
| 19 1s. black and orange... 25:00 45-00 (7,08) .... w. 30:00 35-00
94 1d. black and carmine-red.... 1:75 1:25
20 2s.6d. black and brown... £170 £190 a. Black and pale ultramarine.. 16-00 7:00 aw. Wmk Crown to right of A
B. Wmk vertical. Thin paper (Yd., 1d., 2d.) or medium to thick paper b. Thin “d at left... £140 80-00
b. Grey-black and red (1918) 175 1:25
(others). Comb perf (4d. to 24d.) or line perf (others) 52 4d, black and sepia (20.11.07)... 650 15-00
bw. Wmk Crown to right of A... 5:50 50
21 1 Yad. black and yellow-green 10:00 20:00 a. Deformed “d” at left....... £120 £200 c. Intense black and red (Harrison)
22 1d. black and carmine 18:00 19-00 53 6d. black and myrtle-green (4.08) 13-00 16:00 (wmk Crown to right of A) (1926) 2:50 2:50
23 2d. black and violet..... 17:00 94-75 54 1s. black and orange (10.08)... 50:00 20-00
95 1’ad. pale grey-blue (shades) and
| 24 2ad. black and ultramarine.. 9:50 15:00 (b) P 12% (1907-9) brown (1925)... 1-50 80
a. Thin “d” at left.. £110 £140 55 6 2d. black and purple (10.08)........0000 40-00 9:00 aw. Wmk Crown to tight ofA 22-00 8:00
| 25 4d. black and sepia... £225 £160 56 2¥ad. black and bright ultramarine b. Cobalt and light brown (Mullett)
| a. Deformed “d” at left... £1900 £1500 (7.08) .... £180 £190 (wmk Crown to right of A) (1927) 9-00 3:25
26 6d. black and myrtle-gree 42:00 60-00 a. Black an 65:00 85-00 c. Bright blue and bright brown
27 1s, black and orange.. £1800 £1400 b. Thin “d” at left £550 £650 (1929)... : 3-00 2:00
28 2s.6d. black and brown £16000 £12000 57 4d. black and sepia (20.11.07).. 9-00 8-00 d. "POSTACE” at tight R.iN) ‘all
19/26 Set of 8 £450 £450 a. Deformed “d" at left...... £150 £140 printings) From 40:00 40-00

AUSTRALIA Papua (British New Guinea)
96 2d. brown-purple and brown-lake (b) Ash printing
(1919)... 3 . 75 122 6 2d. on 1'4d, bright blue and bright
a. Deep bro! brown = 1-00 2:00
(1931) ‘ 1-75 a. “POSTACE" at right (R. 1/1) 28-00 42-00
aw. Wmk Crown to right Of Aus. 42:00 5:00
b. Brown-purple and claret (1931).. 2:00 75 1931. Surch as T 13 by Govt Printer, Port Moresby.
97 24d. myrtle and ultramarine (1919). 475 12:00
98 3d. black and bright blue-green (a) Cooke printing
(12.16)... 4:25 1:75 123 6 1s.3d. on 5s, black and deep green... 6:00 12:00
a. Error. Bla (b) Harrison printing. Yellowish paper
Prussian bluet £1300 £1300 124 6 9d. on 2s,6d. maroon and pale
b. Sepia-black and bright blue- PIPIK (DOC) Sriscsercerrernrteremmsesercercunttse 6:00 27-00 29 Lighting a fire 30 Delta house
green (Harrison) 5 19:00 (c) Ash printings. White paper
c. Black and blue-green (1927). . 8.00 125 6 5d. on 1s. brown and yellow-olive (Des F. E. Williams (2s., £1 and frames of other values),
99 4d. brown and orange (1919)... 2:50 5:00 (2652) recscnonsrossemtonerertennereteemerec 1:00 2:00 E. Whitehouse (2d., 4d., 6d., 1s., and 10s.); remaining centres from
a. Light brown and orange (1927).. 19:00 18-00 126 9d. on 2s.6d. maroon and bright photos by Messrs F. E. Williams and Gibson. Recess J. Ash (all
aw. Wmk Crown to right Of A... 16:00 28-00 (o})
cies cari eat 5:50 9:00 + values) and W. C. G. McCracken ('4d., 1d., 2d., 4d.)) td
100 5d. bluish slate and pale brown 1932 (14 Nov)-40. T 15/20. No wmk. P 11.
(URS Darren Sree ee ee Sie 425 16-00 (Typo J. Ash) 130 15 = ‘ad. black and orange... 3:75 3:75
101 6d. dull and pale purple (wmk
Crown to right of A) (1919) 4:25 9:50 1932. W 15 of Australia (Mult “C of A”). P 11. a. Black and buff (McC
aw. Wmk Crown to left of A..... 30-00 127 5 9. Ni}aC ANA Vile srscessosssosecesseee ze 7:00 38:00 (1940) 19:00 35:00 “!
128 1s.3d. lilac and pale greenish blue.. 9-00 38-00 131 16 = 1d. black and green... 3-25 60
6. Dull purple and red-purple
(wmk Crown to left of A) (1927).. 16:00 23-00 127s/8s Optd “SPECIMEN’ Set of 2. . £700 132 17 1%d. black and lake. 3:75 8-00
c. "POSTACE” at left (R. 6/2) (all 1335) 918) mead rede awe 1200 30
printings) From 90:00 £140 134 19 3d. black and blue 3-75 6-50
102 1s, sepia and olive (1919 5:00 7:00 135 20 = 4d. olive-green... 12:00 9-50
a. Brown and yellow-olive (1927) ... 850 14-00 136 21 5d. black and slate-green 50, 3-00
103 2s.6d. maroon and pale pink (1919)... 23:00 40-00 137 22 ~~ éd. bistre-brown.... 750° | 5:50
a. Maroon and bright pink 138 23 9d. black and violet... 11:00 21-00
(Shades) (1927).sassersorseesersnnee 20:00 55:00 139 24 1s. dull blue-green... 900 8-50
104 5s. black and deep green (12.16)... 55:00 48-00 140 25 1s.3d. black and dull purple. 17:00 28-00
105 10s. green and pale ultramarine 141 26 ~—2s. black and slate-green 15:00 24-00
(1925) £180 £190 2s.6d. black and rose-mauve 25:00 38:00
93/105 Set OF 13 sresssssssesses £250 £300 70:00 55-00
*The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of A, as seen £150 £120
from the back of the stamp. £275 = £180
+Beware of similar shades produced by removal of yellow pigment. £550 £450
No 98a is a colour trial, prepared by Cooke, of which, it is believed,
five sheets were sold in error.
The printers of various shades can be determined by their dates of
issue. The Ash printings are on whiter paper.
For 9d. and 1s.3d. values, see Nos. 127/8.

1917 (Oct). Nos. 84, 86/9 and 91 surch with T 9 by Govt Ptg
Office, Melbourne.
106 6 1d. on Yad. yellow-green. 1:50 1-60
IE GVOC eee nem nm tran 1-00 1:25 31 Hoisting the Union Jack 32 Scene on H.M.S. Nelson
w. Wmk Crown to right ofA.. 7:00 11-00
107 1d, on 2d, bright mauve. 12:00 15-00 (Recess J. Ash)
w. Wmk Crown to right o' £275 1934 (6 Nov). 50th Anniv of Declaration of British Protectorate. P 11.
108 1d. on 2%d. ultramarine . . 1:25 3:75
18 Raggiana Bird of
Paradise 146 31 ~—‘1d. green... 2:25 3:50
109 1d. on 4d. pale olive-green.. 175 450
147 32 2d. scarlet 2:00 3-00
w. Wmk Crown to right of A. £150 £120
148 31 2:25 3:00
110 1d. on 6d, orange-brown.. 850 23-00
149 32 11:00 21-00
111 1d. on 2s.6d. rose-carmine.. 2:75 6:00
146/49 Set of 4. 16:00 27:00
a. Wmk upright (inverted) £2000
NOG/ATSCEOF G.rarostaantnnrrmmoesnem ernst 24.00 48-00

agia: 1935 1910 — 1935
AIR MAIL 20 Native mother and
(33) (34)

1929 (Oct)-30. Air. Optd with T 10 by Govt Printer, Port Moresby.
(a) Cooke printing. Yellowish paper
112 6 3d. black and bright blue-green...... 2:25 17-00
Normal “Accent” flaw (R.5/4)
a. Opt omitted in vert pair with
NOMal ics wee neapseasceen | £8000 1935 (9 July). Silver Jubilee. Nos, 131, 133/4 and 136 optd
(b) Harrison printing. Yellowish paper with T 33 or 34 (2d,).
113 6 3d, sepia-black and bright blue- 150 1d. black and green 150 3-25
50:00 75-00 a. “Accent” flaw . 45:00 75-00
a. £4250 151 2d. scarlet... 7:00 6:50
b. Opt double, one albino £2500 152 3d, black and blue.. 425 3:25
(c) Ash printing. White paper ¥iPL aif a. “Accent” flaw.. 80:00 90:00
114 6 3d, black and blue-green...... % 1-75 9-50 153 5d. black and slate-green. EVAY civs)
aa. Opt double (one albino) £2500 21 Masked dancer :
a. “Accent” flaw. 85:00 £100
a. Opt omitted (in horiz pair wi 150/53:Set Of Arrives 15-00 14:50
rae} patel herrea £8000
b. Ditto, but vert pair. £7500
c. Opt vertical, on back... £6500
d. Opts téte-béche (vert pair) .- £12000

1930 (15 Sept). Air. Optd with T 11, in carmine by Govt Printer,
Port Moresby.
(a) Harrison printings. Yellowish paper
115 6 3d. sepia-black and bright blue-
£3750 £5500 35 36 Port Moresby
116 6d. Oa T= Se
Crown to right of A)........ 3:00 12-00 24 Dubu—or (Recess J. Ash)
a. “POSTACE" at left (R. 6/2 | £150 fish ceremonial platform 1937 (14 May). Coronation. P 11.
117 1s. sepia and olive 20-00
a. Opt inverted... = 154 35 = 1d. green... 45 20
155 2d. scarlet 45 1-25
(b) Ash printings. White paper 45 1:25
118 6 3d, black and blue-green i 2:00 6-00
45 1:75
119 6d, dull purple and red-purple. 5:50 18-00
‘ 160 4-00
a. “POSTACE” at left (R. 6/2 £100 £180 Some covers franked with these stamps and posted on 2 June 1937
120 1s. brown and yellow-olive 450 13-00 were postmarked 2 April 1937 in error.
ANS (2OSCK OFS Kener 11:00 32:00
The rare Harrison printing with this overprint, No. 115, should not (Recess J. Ash)
be confused with examples of the Ash printing, No. 118, which have pee Sept). Air. 50th Anniv of Declaration of British Possession.
been climatically toned. 11.
158 36 3-50
159 2:50
160 3-75
161 24-00
162 27-00
158/62 Set of 5 55:00


12 (13)

1931 (1 Jan). Surch with T 12 by Govt Printer, Port Moresby.

(a) Mullett printing
121 6 = 2d. on I'd. cobalt and light
brOWM\.antutrecuressos 12:00 24:00
a. “POSTACE"at right (R. 1/1) £1500 £225) 27 Pottery making 28 Native policeman
Papua (British New Guinea), Papua New Guinea AUSTRALIA
(Recess J. Ash) O55 6 ‘’d. myrtle and apple-green 300 4:75
1939 (6 Sept). Air. P 11. 056 1d. Intense black and red... 3 8:00 18-00
163 37 2d. rose-red - 400 8-50 057 1’ad. bright blue and bright brown... 160 12:00
164 3d. bright blue 4:00 14-00 a. “POSTACE” at right . 75:00 £200
165 5d. green 350° 2:50 058 2d. brown-purple and clare 8:00 19:00
166 8d. brown-lake 800 6.00 059 3d. black and blue-green... 2:75 22:00
167 1s. mauve... 14:00 10-00 O60 4d. light brown and orange
(No. 99aw) 275 18-00
(Recess W. C. G. McCracken) w. Wmk Crown to left of A
1941 (2 Jan). Air. P 11%. 061 5d, bluish slate and pale brown. 6:00 38-00
168 37 15s.6d. olive-green 30:00 42-00 062 6d. dull purple and red-purple 4.50 8:50
163/168 Set of 6... 55:00 75-00 a. “POSTACE” at left £160 £325
063 9d. lilac and violet (1932) 30:00 48-00
064 1s. brown and yellow-olive 9:00 30-00
OFFICIAL STAMPS 065 1s.3d. lilac and pale greenish blue 12 Sepik dancing
(E932) etasuansescereatcratantcn 30:00 48-00 masks
1908 (Oct). Punctured “OS” 066 2s.6d. maroon and pale pink
01 1 2s.6d. black and brown (No. 37).. £1200 38-00 (Harrison).. 95:00
02 2s.6d. black and brown (No. 45 £5500 £3750 a. Maroon an 95:00
a. Thin paper (No. 45a)... £1500 £1500 O55 /66 SOP OR 12 rec teesecrsc cast somnquancomeemneinae £325
1908 (Dec)-10. Nos. 49/71 punctured “OS”.
Civil Administration in Papua was suspended in 1942. On
|, Wmk upright resumption, after the Japanese defeat in 1945, Australian stamps
(a)P 11 were used until the appearance of the issue of the combined territories
04 6 = 1d. black and rose 45:00 13-00 of Papua & New Guinea.
05 2d. black and purple. . 60-00 5:00
06 2ad. black and bright ultramarine.... 95-00 40-00
a. Black and pale ultramarine. 55:00 5:00
b. Thin “d’ at left... £475 £100
07 4d. black and sepia 55:00 5:00 Stamp Duty. 6 =e
a, Deformed “d” at £475 £120 Fl POSTAGE
08 6d. black and myrtle- green. £120 55-00 14 Map of Papua and New Guinea 15 Papuan shooting
09 1s. black and orange £120 21-00 1912 (May) No. 85 Optd with T F 1 by Govt Printer, Port Moresby. Fish
04/9 Set of6. £400 95-00 Fl 1d. rose-pink 48:00 65-00
(b) P 12% a. Pair, one pt.. £3750 (Recess Note Printing Branch, Commonwealth Bank, Melbourne)
010 6 2d. black and purple... ww. £100 26-00 b, Opt double... £1400 1952 (30 Oct)-58. T 1/15. P 14.
011 2¥ad. black and bright ultramarine e £3258 e140 c. "Samp" for “Stamp” (R. 1/1) £1000 1 1 Vad. emMerald.......sssessecssen . 30 10
a. Black and pale ultramarine. £160 95-00 The use of No. F1 was authorised at Samarai in May 1912 and in 2 2 ‘1d. deep brown 20 10
b. Thin “d” at left... £1200 £700 early 1913 during shortages of 1d. stamps. Other values, including the 3.773.) -2debluens 35 10
012 4d, black and sepia £100 9:50 1d. with a curved sans-serif overprint are known used at other offices 4 4 2d. orange 3-00 50
a, Deformed “d" at left. £800 £190 and at other times, but such use was not authorised. 5 5 3d. deep green 50 10
. black and orange. £300 £100 6 6 3'd. carmine-red 50 10
£600 £200 6a 3¥ad. black (2.6.58). 5:00 1:00
Il. Wmk sideways PAPUA NEW GUINEA 7 7 6d. dull purple. 1:25 10
(a)P11 a. Maroon (195 8-50 25
AUSTRALIAN TRUST TERRITORY 8 8 7d. blue...... 2:50 1-00
O14 6 = Yad. black and yellow-green... 45:00 4-75
a. Black and deep green 80:00 38-00 Stamps of Australia were used in the combined territory following 9 9 9d. brown. 2:50 40
O15 1d. black and carmine £100 25-00 the defeat of the Japanese in 1945. They remained valid for postal 10 10 1s. yellow-green. 1:50 10
016 2d. black and purple. 28-00 2-50 purposes from Papua and New Guinea until 1 March 1953. 11 11 1s.6d, deep green 2:75 60
O17 2¥ad. black and dull blue... 65:00 6-00 The name of the combined territory was changed from “Papua 1212 2s. indigo... 2:50 10
a. Thin “d” at left... £550 £100 and New Guinea’ to “Papua New Guinea” at the beginning of 1972. 13 13 2s.6d. brown-purp! 2:50 40
018 4d. black and sepia. 45:00 11-00 14 14 10s. blue-black. 32:00 13-00
a. Deformed “d” at left. £450 £200 SPECIMEN OVERPRINTS. These come from specimen sets in which 15 15 £1 Caebrown 40:00 15-00
019 6d. black and myrtle-green.. 85:00 6-00 the lower values were cancelled-to-order, but stamps above the value 85:00 29-00
020 1s. black and orange. £300 90-00 of 10s. were overprinted “SPECIMEN”. These overprints are listed as 90-00
014/20 Set of 7 £600 £130 they could be purchased from the Post Office.
1 (b) P 12% —
O21 6 ‘ad. black and yellow-green...
a. Black and deep green
A — a
| O22 1d. black and carmine 85:00 425 (16) (17)
_ 023 2d. black and purple... 55-00 3-25
024 2%ad. black and dull blu 95:00 15-00 1957 (29 Jan). Nos. 4 and 10 surch with T 16 or T 17.
a. Thin “d” at left......... £750 £160 16 4d. on 2d. orange..... 1:25 10
, 025 6d. black and myrtle-green.. — £1300 17 7d. on 1s. yellow-green... 40 10
| 026 1s. black and orange £120 32-00
No. 07 is known with watermark reversed. 1 Matschie’s Tree 2 Buka Head-
| 1910. Nos. 47/8 punctured “OS”
Kangaroo dresses
027 5 Yad. black and yellow-green (wmk
UPUREA) eereecersenctecten eteescsntees cesbcceece 45:00 16-00
) 028 2s.6d. black and chocolate (wmk
! sideways) £275 £140
1910-11. Nos. 75/83 punctured “OS”.
) 029 5 Yad. black and green 45:00 23-00
» 030 1d. black and carmini £110 18-00 18 Case Plant
» 031 2d. black and dull purp 45:00 23-00
a. “C" for “O" in “POSTAGE £450 £250 4 Greater Bird 5 Native 6 Papuan Head-
032 2¥ad. black and blue-viole 65:00 8:00 of Paradise policeman dress
} a. Thin “d” at left £550 £140
033 4d. black and sepia.
a. Deformed “d” at
034 6d. black and myrtle- gree 75:00 7:00
035 1s. black and deep orange £110 10-00
| 036 2s.6d. black and brown (B). £140 35-00
037 2s.6d. black and brown (C). £160 80-00
CPI ATE ASE (00) Ra cr £600 £120

) 1911-12. Nos. 84/91 punctured “OS”.

| 038 6 ‘Ad. yellow-green. 27:00 892-25
| w. Wmk Crown to right o' — 75-00
| 039 1d. rose-pink...... 32:00 1-50 20 Cattle 21 Coffee Beans
040 2d. bright mauve.. 32:00 1:50
w. Wmk Crown to right of A — 95-00 (Recess Note Ptg Branch, Commonwealth Bank, Melbourne)
) 041 24d. bright ultramarine 42:00 21-00 8 Kiriwana Yam
042 4d. pale olive-green 55:00 28-00 house house 1958 (2 June)-60. New values. P 14.
043 6d. orange-brown 55:00 7:00 18 18 = 4d. vermilion......... 60 10
044 15. YEHOW wassssor 80:00 16-00 19 Sd. green (10.11.60) 60 10
| 045 2s.6d, rose-carmine.. £140 £110 20 19 7d. bronze-green...... 2-25 10
| 038/45 Set of 8 £400 £160 21 8d. deep ultramarine (10.11.60 60 1:00
22 20 13.7d, red-brown uses 5:50 3-00
| 1930. Nos. 93/6a and 98c/103 punctured “OS" 23 2s.5d. vermilion (10.11.60). 1:50 1-00
046 6 ‘4d. myrtle and apple green 22:00 32-00 24 21 . crimson and olive-green 3-00 1:00
| 047 1d, intense black and red 35:00 10:00 18/24 Set
of 7.. 13:50 5:50
048 Vad. bright blue and bright 25:00 35-00
4 a. “"POSTACE" at right £225 £275
9 Copra making
049 2d. deep brown-purple and lake... 42:00 55-00
050 3d. black and blue-green £120 £140
| O51 4d. light brown and orange.. 60:00 65-00
052 6d. dull purple and pale purple 32:00 55-00
a. “POSTACE” at left....... £375 £600
053 1s. brown and yellow-oliv 85:00 95-00
054 2s.6d, maroon and pale pink... £190 £250
£550 £650 (22) 23 Council Chamber, Port Moresby
1959 (1 Dec). No. 1 surch with T 22. =
25 1 SALOMMAA @Me4alds.ccsoresoresscosesesoreseeres 75 10
(Photo Harrison)
(Typo T. S. Harrison (1d. and 2s.6d.) and J, Ash) PAPUA ano un
1931 (29 July)-32. Optd with Type O 1. W 7 or W 15 of Australia NEW GUINEALO 1961 (10 Apr). Reconstitution of Legislative Council.
26 23 5d. deep green and yellow... a
P 15x14.
75 25
(9d., 15.3d.). P 14 or 11 (9d., 15.3d.). 10 Lakatoi 11 Rubber tapping 27 2s.3d. deep green and light salmon... 2-00 2-00

AUSTRALIA Papua (British New Guinea), Papua New G uinea
(Recess Note Ptg Branch, Reserve Bank of Australia, Melbourne)
1964 (5 Aug). Health Services. T 46 and similar vert designs. P 14.
57 5d. violet 10 10
58 8d. bronze-green 10 10
59 1s. blue...... 15 10
60 1s.2d. brown-red .. 20 35
57/60 Set of4 50 60
Designs:—8d. “Schoo jschild and maternal
health”; 15.2d. “Medical training”.
24 Female, 25 Tribal elder,
Goroka, New Tari, Papua
Guinea d oa A
36 Rabaul 37 Queen Elizabeth I!

(Des S. T. Cham (10s.), A. Buckley (photo) (£1). Photo Harrison (£1),

Courvoisier (others))
1963 (13 Feb-3 July). P 14% (£1) or 11% (others).
42 34 5d, yellow, chestnut and sepia
(O7AN aN) remstecnemiesiccererretere: 70 10
43 35 6d, red, yellow-brown and grey “
(27 Mar) 50 1:00
44 36 10s. multicoloured (13 Feb) 950 4:50 50 Striped 51 Emperor of Germany
45 37 £1 sepia, gold and blue-gre Gardener Bowerbird Bird of Paradise
A (3 July) 7-25 1-75
a. Gold ptd double. (Photo Courvoisier)
42/45) SCl OF Asemementssancomncsinnts 11-00 6:50 1964 (28 Oct)-65. Vert designs as T 50 (1d. to 8d.) or 51 (others).
44s/5s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 2. Multicoloured; background colours given. P 11% (ad. to 8d.)
or 12x11% (1s. to 10s.). |
61 1d, pale olive-yellow (20.1.65).. 50 10
62 3d, light grey (20.1.65) 50 30
63 5d, pale red (20.1.65).. 55 10
64 6d. pale green. 60 10
65 8d. lilac...... 1:00 20
66 1s. salmon 1:50 10
67 2s. light blue (20.1.65) 60 30
68 2s.3d. light green (20.1.6 60 85
69 3s. pale yellow (20.1.65) 60 1:25
28 Traffic Policeman PAPUA 70 5s. cobalt (20.1.65). 6:00 1:00
&® NEW GUINEA 71 10s. pale drab... 175 650
(Des Pamela M. Prescott, Recess Note Ptg Branch, Reserve Bank of s. Optd “SPECIMEN”, 85:00 |
Australia, Melbourne) 61/71 Set of 11.. 13:00 9-50
Designs:—3d. p rd of Paradise; 6d.
1961 (26 July)-62. T 24/8. P 14x14 (1d, 3d., 3s.) or 14x14%2
Lawes's Parotia; 8d. Black-billed Sicklebi .2s. Brown Sicklebill; 2s.3d.
Lesser Bird of Paradise; 3s. Magnificent Bird of Paradise; 5s. Twelve-
28 24 ~— 1d, lake... 70 10 wired Bird of Paradise; 10s. Magnificent Riflebird.
29 25 3d. indigo 30 10
30 26 1s. bronze-green.. 1:00 15 ub
3il 27 2S. MAFOON seeccesee 45 15 ah
32 28 3s. deep bluish green (5.9.62) 1:00 2:00
28/32 Set of 5. . ses 3.00 2:25 INEA
39a Piaggio P-166B Portofino
aircraft landing at Tapini

(Des G. Hamori. Photo Note Ptg Branch, Reserve Bank of Australia,

1963 (1 May), Red Cross Centenary. P 13%x13.
is 46 38 5d. red, grey-brown and bluish
61 Canoe Prow

BS ‘ G [CSSNir etnies 75 10 (Des Pamela M. Prescott. Photo Courvoisier)

1965 (24 Mar). Sepik Canoe Prows in Port Moresby Museum. T 61
| yr
a <n
+ =
(Des J. McMahon (8d.), Pamela M. Prescott (2s.3d.). Recess Note and similar horiz designs showing carved prows. P 11%. :
Ptg Branch, Reserve Bank of Australia, Melbourne)
29 Campaign 30 Map of South Pacific 72 4d. multicoloured... 30 10 4
1963 (8 May). T 39 and similar horiz design. P 14x13. 73 1s.2d, multicoloured 100 1:75
47 39 = 8d. green....... 30 15 74 1s.6d. multicoloured 30 10 |
(Recess Note Ptg Branch, Reserve Bank of Australia, Melbourne) 48 39a 2s.3d. ultramarine 30 30 75 4s. multicoloured 40 50 |
72/75 Set of 4 175 2:25 |
1962 (7 Apr). Malaria Eradication. P 14. :
33 29 5d. carmine-red and light blue... 30 15 1965 (14 Apr). 50th Anniv of Gallipoli Landing. As T 22 of Nauru.
34 1s, red ANd SEPIA sevice 50 25 P 13%, ,
35 2s. black and yellow-green 60 95 76 2s.3d. sepia, black ANG EMerAlM cecessscscseseareres 20 10
33/35! Seth Snuntanantatoncesscmroneas
ears 1:25 1-25

(Des Pamela M, Prescott. Recess Note Ptg Branch, Reserve Bank of

Australia, Melbourne)
1962 (9 July). Fifth South Pacific Conference, Pago Pago. P 14%2x14.
36 30 5d. scarlet and light green....... 50 15 363
37 1s.6d. deep violet and light yellow 85 1-25
38 2s.6d, deep green and light blue 85 1-40 PAPUA
36/S8iSeb Ofss Gisucanttaecssonttseeveeterseanmecenee 2-00 2:50 40 Games Emblem 41 Watam Head 65 Urban Plan and Native
(Des Pamela M. Prescott. Recess Note Ptg Branch, Reserve Bank of
Australia, Melbourne) (Des G. Hamori. Photo Courvoisier)
1963 (14 Aug). First South Pacific Games, Suva. P 13%2x14%.
TN GAMER 1965 (7 July). Sixth South Pacific Conference, Lae. T 65 and similar
49 40 5d. bistre 2 10 10 horiz design. P 11%.
50 1s. deep green 30 60 77 6d. multicoloured... 10 10
BRITISe 78 1s. multicoloured : 10 10
(Des Pamela M. Prescott. Photo Courvoisier) No. 78 is similar toT65 but with the plan on the right and the house
€ostnanad 1964 (5 Feb). Native Artefacts. T 41 and similar vert designs. on the left. Also “URBANISATION” reads downwards.
PAPV AR NEW OUINEA Multicoloured. P 11%.
51 11d. Type 41 25 10
31 Throwing the Javelin 33 Runners 52 2s.5d. Watam Head (different) 30 1:75
53 2s.6d. Bosmun Head 30 10
(Des G. Hamori. Photo Courvoisier)
54 5s. Medina Head.. 35 20
1962 (24 Oct). Seventh British Empire and Commonwealth Games, 51/54 Set of 4 110 9 1:75
Perth. T 31, 33 and similar design. P 11%.
39 5d, brown and light blue. 20 10
a. Pair. Nos. 39/40..... 40 50
40 5d. brown and orange... 20 10
41 2s.3d. brown and light gree 70 75
39/41 Set OF3seosesseesser 1:00 85
Design: (As T 31)—5d, High jump.
Nos. 39/40 are arranged together se-tenant in sheets of 100.

67 Globe and UN.

(Photo Courvoisier)
1965 (13 Oct). 20th Anniv of U.N.O. T 66/7 and similar vert
design. P 11%.
PAPUA: NEW GUINEA 79 66 6d. sepia, blue and pale turquoise-
45 Casting Vote 46 “Health Centres” DIUGs cecscencmsameeecen tea 10 10
80 67 1s, orange-brown, blue and
(Photo Courvoisier) FEAISH Violet .ssssssseeseesssenseesssenee 10 10
81 2s. blue, blue-green and light
1964 (4 Mar). Common Roll Elections. P 11%.
34 Raggiana Bird 35 Common 55 45 5d. brown and drab 10 10
10 10
of Paradise Phalanger 56 2s.3d. brown and pale blue. 20 25
25 25 |
Papua (British New Guinea), Papua New Guinea AUSTRALIA
(New Currency. 100 cents = 1 Australian dollar) 85 5G 40 10
86 10c. Type 71..... 50 30
86a 12c. Euploea callithoe (12.10) 4-50 2:25
87 15c. Papilio euchenor... 1:00 80
88 20c. Parthenos sylvia 50 25
89 25c. Delias aruna...... 70 1:25
90 50c. Apaturina erminea.. 10:00 1:25
91 $1 Doleschallia dascylus (Plate |).. 2-75 2:50
a. Plate Il (8.67)... 450 2:50
92 $2 Ornithoptera paradises (Plate l).. 4-00 9:00
a. Plate Il (8.67). 8-50 9-00
82/92 Set of 12 23:00 18-00 103 Air Attack at Milne Bay 107 Papuan Lory

(Des R. Hodgkinson (2c.), F. Hodgkinson (5c,), G. Wade (20c., 50c.).

Photo Courvoisier)
1967 (30 Aug). 25th Anniv of the Pacific War. T 103 and similar
SOUTH PACIFIC GAMES multicoloured designs. P 11%.
117 2c. Type 103. 10 50
118 5c. Kokoda Trail (vert) 10 10
VvaWnON 119 20c. The Coast Watchers. 25 10
120 50c. Battle of the Coral Sea. 80 70
117/20 Set of 4. 1:10 1:25
(Des T. Walcot. Photo Courvoisier)
1967 (29 Nov). Christmas. Territory Parrots. T 107 and similar vert
GUINEA PAPUA&NEW GUINEA designs. Multicoloured. P 12¥2.
80 “Molala Harai” 84 Throwing the Discus 121 5c. Type 107 20 10
122 7c. Pesquet’s Parrot 25 90
(Des Rev. H. A. Brown. Photo Courvoisier) 123 20c. Dusky Lory... 30 10
124 25c. Edward'sSHOParrot. 35 10
1966 (8 June). Folklore. Elema Art (1st series). T 80 and similar

121/24 Set of 4... ecto 1:00 1:10
vert designs. P 11¥2.
93 2c. black and carmine ot 10 10
$1 Plate | 94 7c. black, light yellow and light blue.. 10 65
95 30c. black, carmine and apple-green 15 15
Black line through left blue patch on wing consists of two dots 96 60c. black, carmine and yellow 40 65
only. There are two blue lines extending from upper right edge of 93/96 Set of4... 65 1-40
right wing towards two small patches of blue. Designs: —Tc."Marai ; 30c."“Meavea Kivovia”; 60c. “Toivita Tapaivita’.
Nos. 93/6 were supplementary values to the decimal currency
definitive issue.
See also Nos. 152/5. A further set was issued in 1977.

(Photo Courvoisier)
1966 (31 Aug). South Pacific Games, Nouméa. T 84 and similar 111 Chimbu Head- 112
vert designs. Multicoloured, P 11%. dresses
97 5c. Type 84.. 10 10
98 10c. Football. 15 10 (Des P. Jones. Photo Courvoisier)
99 20c. Tennis. 20 40 1968 (21 Feb). “National Heritage’ T 111/12 and _ similar
97/99 Set OF 3 sesssossoes 40 55 multicoloured designs. P 12x12¥2 (5, 60c.) or 12%x12 (10, 20c.).
125 Sc. Type 111. 10 10
126 10c. Southern Hig
(horiz)... ron 15 10
127 20c. Western ‘Highlands Head-dress
(horiz).... 15 10
128 60c. Daal112. 40 45
HIGHER EDUCATION 125/28 Set of4.... = 70 65
$1 Plate Il
The black line through left blue patch on wing is continuous. 3]
Blue lines at upper right edge of wing are omitted. There is an extra 5
short faint blue line extending from edge of lower right wing which ®
is absent in Plate |. NOVOGUINEENSIS
87 Mucuna 91 “Fine Arts” z
novoguineensis >Oc
(Des Mrs. D. Pearce. Photo Courvoisier) 115 Hyla thesaurensis 119 Human Rights Emblem
1966 (7 Dec). Flowers. T 87 and similar vert designs. and Papuan Head-dress
Multicoloured. P 11%. (abstract)
100 5c. Type 87... 15 10
101 10c. Tecomanthe dendrophil 15 10
(Des and photo Courvoisier)
102 20c. Rhododendron macgregoriae.. 20 10 1968 (24 Apr). Fauna Conservation (Frogs). T 115 and similar horiz
103 60c, Rhododendron konori 50 1-40 designs. Multicoloured. P 11%.
100/3 Set of4 90 1:50 129 5c. Type 115.. 15 10
130 10c. Hyla iris 15 20
131 15c. Ceratobatrachus guentheri. 15 30
(Des G. Hamori. Photo Courvoisier) 132 20c. Nyctimystes narinosa 20 60
1967 (8 Feb). Higher Education. T 91 and similar horiz designs. LLY ED ISS3 (0)fe,Sa mer es a 60 1:10
Multicoloured. P 12%x12.
104 1c. Type 91. 10 10 (Des G. Hamori. Litho Enschedé)
$2 Plate | 105 3c, “Surveying 10 15 1968 (26 June). Human Rights Year. T 119 and similar horiz
106 4c. “Civil Engineering”. 10 15 design. Multicoloured. P 13%x12¥2.
107 5c. “Science” 10 10 133 5c. Type 119. 10 10
In the lower left of the butterfly there are two short black lines from 108 20c. “Law”... 15 10
the edge to the yellow part. 134 10c. Human Rig
NOA/S!S CHORE cercscreetsncarse seeeakamsemecseennente
potnas lene tater 45 45 CAD StHAGE) Seerssccsartesectoestsaesersneanceaseenccsss 10 10
In the lower part of the upper right wing there is a series of
indeterminate short lines and dots.

H Ss :


121 Leadership (abstract) 123 Common Egg Cowrie
(Ovula ovum)

(Des G. Hamori. Litho Enschedé)

96 Sagra speciosa 100 Laloki River 1968 (26 June). Universal Suffrage. T 121 and similar horiz design.
Multicoloured. P 13%2x12%.
(Des Pamela M. Prescott. Photo Courvoisier) 135 PAE UN Oy LA inet eee rr 15 20
1967 (12 Apr). Fauna Conservation (Beetles). T 96 and similar vert 136 25c. Leadership of the community
designs. Multicoloured. P 11%. (AB SHAGE) Rata eresecrsecvessseassorenctoraternestovassove 15 30
109 Sc. Type 96... 15 10
$2 Plate Il (Des P. Jones. Photo Courvoisier)
110 10c. Eupholus schoenher 15 10
111 20c. Sphingnotus albertisi 25 10 1968-69. Sea Shells. Multicoloured designs as T 123. P 12x12¥2
The two black lines at lower left are lacking. 112 25c. Cyphogastra albertisi... 25 10 ($2), 12%x12 (1c. to 20c.) or 11% (others).
There are clear fine lines of shading in place of the thicker lines. 109/12 Set of4 70 35 137 Te Type B23 (29:1.69) a concerstarcssnitoeteenrect 10 10
138 3c. Laciniate Conch (Strombus sinuatus)
There are numerous other minor differences between the two plates (30.10.68) 30 1:25
of each value and also slight variations in the shades. (Des G. Wade. Photo Courvoisier) 139 4c. Lithograph Cone (Conus litoglyphus)
1967 (28 June). Laloki River Hydro-Electric Scheme, and “New (2OX1R69) eee eceemecenteterenentacs
aecemeeca 20 1:25
(Photo Courvoisier) Industries”. T 100 and similar vert designs. Multicoloured. 140 5c. Marbled Cone (Conus marmoreus
1966 (14 Feb)-67. Decimal Currency. Butterflies. Vert designs P 12%. marmoreus) (28.8.68).... Hen tere 25 10
as T 69 (1 to 5c), or horiz as T 71 (others). Multicoloured. 113 Sc. Type 100..... 10 10 141 7c. Episcopal Mitre (Mitra mitra)
P 11%, 114 10c, Pyrethrum. 10 10 (29.1.69) 35 10
82 Ic. Type 69... 40 1-00 115 20c. Tea Plant 15 10 142 10c. eomblol (30.10.68).. 45 10
83 3c, Cyrestis acilia 40 1-00 116 25c. Type 100. 15 10 143 12c. Checkerboard Bonnet (Phalium
84 4c. Graphium weiskei 40 1-00 113/16 Set of4...... 45 35 areola) (29.1.69) .... 1:25 2:00
AUSTRALIA Papua New Guinea
(Des P. Jones. Photo Courvoisier)
144 15c. Scorpion Conch (Lambis scorpius)
(30.10.68)... 60 1.00 1970 (28 Oct). Native Artefacts. T 170 and similar multicoloured
145 20c. Fluted Giant Clam orScale Tridacna designs. P 12%x12 (30c.) or 12x12% ape:
(Tridacna sqamosa) (28.8.68).... 70 10 187 5c. Type 170. 10 10
146 25c. Camp Pitar Venus (Lioconcha 188 10c. Lime Pot 20 10
castrensis) (28.8.68). 70 1:75 189 15c. Aibom Sago Storage Po 20 10
147 30c. Ramose Murex (Mur ONBNVL 190 30c. Manus Island Bowl (horiz). 25 30
(28.8.68)... ond 70 1.00 187/90 Set of 4. 65 55
148 40c, Chambered orPearly ‘Nautilus. 151 Tareko 155 Prehistoric Ambun
(Nautilus pompilius) (30.10.68)... 75 1:25 Stone
149 60c, Trumpet Triton (Charonia ttons) STAMP BOOKLETS
(28,8.68)... - ia 70 50 (Des G, Hamori. Photo Courvoisier)
150 $1 Manus Green ‘Papuina (Papuina
1969 (29 Oct). Musical Instruments. T 151 and similar horiz
pulcherrima) (30.10.68). 1:00 60
151 $2 Glory of the Sea Cone (C designs. P 12x12.
gloriamaris) (vert) (29.1.69) 10-00 1:50 165 BE) MUIMCOLOUPER Siesssssesssassssssseqaiessporecyestrsears 10 10
137/51 Set
of 15... 1600 11-00 166 10c. black, olive-green and pale yellow .. 10 10
The 1,'5, 7, 15, 40,“60c. and $1.‘exist with PVA gum as well as gum 167 25c. black, yellow and brown 15 15)
arabic, 168 30c. multicoloured 25 15
165/68 Set of 4 55 45
Designs:—10c, Garamut; 25c. Iviliko; 30c. Kundu.
(Des R. Bates, Photo Courvoisier) ~~
1970 (11 Feb). “National Heritage” T 155 and similar horiz
designs. Multicoloured. P 12/2x12. BI
169 5c, Type 155... 10 10
170 10c, Masawa canoe “ofKula: circui 10 10 1970 (28 Jan). Green on olive-yellow cover as Type B 1, but
171 25c. Torres’ Map, 1606... 40 15 "POSTAGE STAMP” in seriffed type. Stamps attached by
172 30c. H.M.S. Basilisk (paddle-“sloop), 1873. 65 25 selvedge.
169/72 Set of 4, 5 1:10 55 SB1 50c. booklet containing 5c. (No. 140) in 7;
block of 10.... | £375
1970 (25 May). Green on cream cover as Type B 1 with “POSTAGE
STAMP” without serifs. Stamps attached by selvedge.
SB2 50c. booklet containing 5c. (No. 140) in
block of 10... 18:00
No. SB2 shows “GP-P&NG/B112” imprint on reverse.
An example of No, SB2 has been reported containing No. 187 in
block of 10.


159 King of Saxony CHARGES
Bird Paradise

6d. rosie we
140 Luvuapo Myth 141 Miro Myth
(Des T. Walcot. Photo Courvoisier)
(Des from native motifs by Revd, H. A. Brown. Litho Enschedé) 1970 (13 May). Fauna Conservation (Birds of Paradise). T 159 and
1969 (9 Apr). Folklore. Elema Art (2nd series), P 12%2x13%xRoul 9
between se-tenant pairs. 173
similar vert designs. Multicoloured. P 12.
5c. Type 159. 40 15
152 138 5c. black, yellow and red 10 60 174 10c, King Bird of Paradis 40 45
a. Pair. Nos, 152/3....000 20 1:10
153 139 5c. black, yellow and red 10 60
15c, Raggiana Bird of Paradise..
25c, Sickle-crested Bird of Paradise.
154 140 10c. black, grey and red 15 60 (1173 /LO SEU Oka rurcertinessacreerreenenteesrveiee
penisseronro 1-75 1:75 (D 1) (D 2)
a. Pair. Nos, 154/5... 30 1:10
155 141 10c. black, grey and red 1960 (1 Mar), Postage stamps surcharged.
(a) No. 8 with Type D1
D1 6d. on 7d. blue (R.). £850 £450
separated by a line of roulette. a, Surch double...... £4250 £2250
(b) Nos. 1, 4, 6a, 7/8 as Type D2
PAPUA & NEW GUINEA D2 1d. on 62d. maroon.. 2:50 400
agt 5 D3 3d. on Yad. emerald (B.) 4:25 1:25
a, Surch double... £1100
163 Douglas Dc-6B and Mt 164aloetheed L.188 Electra
D4 6d. on 7¥ad. blue (R.).. 40:00 5:50
“AWOd Wilhelm and Mt. Yule a, Surch double..... £1200
GAMES DS 1s, 3d. on 3%d. black (O.).. 2:50 1:25
D6 3s, on 2¥%d, orange. 1000 2:25
D2/6'Set of Simcasste mucins 55:0013-00
Genuine used examples of be postmarked at
Goroko or Kawieng.
SOUTH PAPUA & NEW G Examples of Nos. D1, D1a, D3a and D4a should only be purchased
if accompanied by an expert committee's certificate.
142 “Fireball” class 145 Dendrobium
Dinghy ostrinoglossum
(Des J. Fallas. Recess Note Ptg Branch, Reserve Bank of Australia)
1969 (25 June). Third South Pacific Games, Port Moresby, T 142 165 Boeing 727-100 and 166 Fokker F.27 Friendship
and similar designs, P 14x14¥2 (5c) or 14%2x14 (others). Mt. Giluwe and Manam Island
156 5. DIaCK.....ssees 5 10 10
157 10c. deep bluish viole 10 20 (Des D, Gentleman. Photo Harrison)
158 20c. myrtle-green 15 30 1970 (8 July). Australian and New Guinea Air Services. T 163/6
156/58 Set of3... 30 50 and similar horiz designs. Multicoloured. P 14%x14.
Designs: Horiz—10c. ‘Swimming pool, Boroko; 20¢, Games arena, 177 5c. Type 163. 25 30 (Typo Note Ptg Branch, Reserve Bank of Australia, Melbourne)
Konedobu. a. Block of 4, 100 2-00 1960 (2 June). W 15 of Australia, P 14.
178 5c. Type 164 25 30 D7 D3 1d. ofange sree 50 75
(Des P. Jones. Photo Courvoisier) 179 5c. Type 165. 25 30 D8 3d. yellow-brown 50 60
1969 (27 Aug). Flora conservation (Orchids). T 145 and similar 180 5c. Type 166 25 30 D9 55 30
vert designs. Multicoloured. P 11%. 181 25c. Douglas DC-3 and Matupi Volcano. 35 40 D10 SS £150)
159 5c. Type 145... 25 10 182 30c. Boeing 707 and Hombrom’s Bluff..... 35 60 D11 i 55 35
160 10c. Dendrobium lawesii 25 70 177/82 Setof 6. 1:50 2:50 D12 1s.3d. violet 75 1:00
161 20c. Dendrobium pseudofrigidum 30 90 Nos. 177/80 were issue ‘ogether, ‘se-‘tenant, in blocks of four D13 1s.6d. pale blue 250 4-50
162 30c. Dendrobium conanthum 30 70 throughout the sheet. D14 : 75 35
DS9/G2)SCH OF Ascrrersssescsctsrscuvarsseesrenrnties 1:00 2:25 D7/14 Set OF 8 vcs 600 850

The use of Postal Charge stamps was discontinued on 12 February

1966, but they remained on sale at the Philatelic Bureau until
31 August 1966,


169 N. Miklouho-Maclay 170 Wogeo Island
(scientist) and Effigy Food Bowl
149 Bird of 150 Native Potter
Paradise (Des D. Gentleman. Photo Courvoisier)
(Des G. Hamori, Photo Note Ptg Branch, Reserve Bank of Australia) 1970 (19 Aug). 42nd ANZAAS (Australian—New Zealand
1969 (24 Sept)-71. Coil stamps. P 15ximperf. Association for the Advancement of Science) congress, Port
Moresby. T 169 and similar horiz designs. P 11%.
162a 149 2c. blue, black and red (1.4.71) ws. . 10 65
163 5c. bright ee brown and red 183 5c. multicoloured... 10 10
orange... Racaclehtiaesdeccasstheomss
sre 10 10 184 10c. multicoloured 20 10
185 15c, multicoloured 70 25
(Des G. Hamori, Photo Courvoisier) 186 20c. multicoloured 40 25
183/86 Set of4..... 1:25 60
1969 (24 Sept). 50th Anniv of International Labour Organization. Designs:—10c. B.“Malinowski (anthropologist) and native hut;
15, T, Salvadori (ornithologist) and Double-wattled Cassowary; 20c,
164 150 SC, MUILICOLOULE vrecssssssssssssesssnssseseseess 10 10 F.R.R. Schlechter (botanist) and flower.
(Recess D.L.R.)
1862. No wmk.*
Bahamas 1d. carmine-lake
(a) P-11%, 12
ee a a £3750
2¥ad. Sloping “2” (R. 10/6) 6d. Malformed “E”
6d. lavender-grey.. £11000
The British Post Office at Nassau was established during the early days
of the West Indies packet system, and was certainly operating by 1733. (6) P- 11%, 12, compound with 11 (Typo D.L.R.)
The first known local postmark dates from 1802. d. carmine-lake ae £2250 1884-90. Wmk Crown CA, P 14.
. lake... £2500
The crowned-circle handstamp No. CC1 was issued in 1846 and 47 5 1d. pale rose....... 90:00 14:00
was generally replaced, for the public mails, by various stamps of £21000 48 1d. carmine-rose 7:50 2:00
Great Britain in 1858. £21000 49 1d. bright carmine (aniline 5:00 5:50
Local mail deliveries were rudimentary until 1859 when Nos. 1/2 50 2’d. dull blue (1888). 85:00 18-00
were issued by the colonial authorities for interisland mails. Examples £900 51 2Y%ad. DIUC....sces00 50-00 8-00
used for this purpose are usually cancelled in manuscript or with a £750 a. Sloping “2 £450 £120
“27” postmark, The “local” 1d. stamp became valid for overseas mails . dull rose... £2750 52 2%ad. ultramarine.. 13-00 1-75
in May, 1860, when the colonial authorities took over this service I lavender-grey.. £3250 a. Sloping “2"... £160 70:00
from the British G.P.O. un £2750) s. Optd “SPECIMEN 65:00
For illustrations of the handstamp and postmark types see BRITISH *Stamps exist with part of papermaker’s sheet w. Wmk inverted. £250 £120
and date). 53 4d. deep yellow 950 4:25
1863-77. Wmk Crown CC. 54 6d. mauve (1890)... 650 38-00
a. Malformed “E” (R. 6/6 £200 £400
NASSAU (a) P 12% s. Optd “SPECIMEN”, 65-00
CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS 20 1d. brown-lake £100 56 5s. sage-green.. 90:00 £100
w. Wmk inverted. £190 57 £1 Venetian red 279) £225
cc1 CC 2 BAHAMAS (Nassau) (18.5.1846) (R.) x. Wmk reversed. £350)» £325,
Priceon cover £2250 y. Wmk inverted and reversed — Examples of Nos. 54/7 are known showing a‘forged Bahamas
No. CC1 was later struck in black and used as an Official Paid mark 1d. carmine-lake... £120 postmark dated “AU 29 94”.
in 1865 and between 1897 and 1937. Handstamps as Types CC 1 w. Wmk inverted.. £190
and CC 3 (only three known) struck in black were used for the same x. Wmk reversed. £130
purpose from 1933 until 1953; but it is believed that these were 1d, carmine-lake (aniline £150
never employed during the pre-stamp period. Price on cover from £50. w. Wmk inverted. £250
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 05” as Type 2. x. Wmk reversed.
1d. rose-red 70:00
w. Wmk inverted.. £140
Z1 1d, rose-red (1857), perf 14 £2500 x. Wmk reversed. 70:00
Z2 2d, blue (1858) (Plate Nos. 7, 8).. £1600 1d. red... 70:00
Z3 Ad, FOSC (1857) ssessssssssesssees £475 h Wmk inverted.
Z3a 6d. purple (1854), embosse £5500 . Wmk reversed.
Z4 6d. lilac (1856)...... £375 . vermilion, 75-00
ZS 1s. green (1856)... £2750 6 Queen's Staircase,
. Wmk inverted. £130 Nassau
. Wmk reversed. 75:00
PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER TO 1945 y. Wmk inverted an £190 (Recess D.LR.)
. bright rose... £300
No, 1 from x 10 1901 (23 Sept)-03. Wmk Crown CC. P 14.
. Wmk inverted. _
No, 2 _ . Wmk reversed. 58 6 1d. black and red.. 15-00 2:00
Nos. 3/6 from x 8 Dull rOSE sce £400 w. Wink inverted. £170 = £170
No. 7 — . Wmk inverted.. — y. Wmk inverted and reversed £300
Nos, 8/11 from x 10 . Wmk reversed.. £375 59 5d. black and orange (1.03) 8:50 50:00
Nos. 12/15 from x 4 y. Wmk inverted and reversed £1000 x. Wmk reversed. £300
Nos. 16/19a from x 6 . brownish rose (wmk reversed)... £475 y. Wmk inverted £225 £350
Nos. 20/5 from x 15 . Wmk inverted. _— 60 2s. black and blue (1.03) 29:00 60:00
Nos. 26/8 from x 4 . rose-lilac. — x, Wmk reversed... £425
No, 29 — . Wmk inverted. £6500 61 3s. black and green (1.03). 50:00 65:00
. lilac (shades) £425 w. Wmk inverted .....s
Nos. 30/2 from x 15
. Wk inverted. _ y. Wmk inverted and reversed £140 £140
No. 33 from x 30
. Wmk reversed. 58/61 Set of 4.. 90:00 £160
Nos, 35/7 from x 6 58s/61s Optd “S £150
Nos, 38/9 from x 10 . deep violet... £160
. Wmk inverted. For stamps in this design, but with Mult Crown
CA or Mult Script
No, 396 from x 30 £650
. Wmk reversed. CA watermarks see Nos. 75/80 and 111/14.
No. 40 from x 50 £180
No. 41 from x 6 y. Wmk inverted ani (Typo D.L.R.)
No. 42 from x 15 . Violet (aniline). £250 1902 (18 Dec)-10. Wmk Crown CA. P 14.
No, 43 from x 5 . Wmk reversed. £250 62 7 1d, carmine.... 1:50 1:50
Nos. 44/a from x 10 (b) P14 63 2¥ad. ultramarine... 10-00 1:25
No, 45 from x 40 . scarlet-vermilion (1877) 70:00 a. Sloping “2”. £250 £120
Nos. 47/57 from x 4 . Wmk reversed... 85-00 64 4d. orange....... 15:00 60-00
Nos. 58/89 from x 2 . scarlet (or scarlet-“vermilion) 65 4d. deep yellow (3.10). 28:00 75:00
Nos, 90/130 from x 3 (aniline)... £1000 66 6d. brown... 7:00 32:00
Nos. 131/2 from x 10 . Wk reversed. a. Malformed “gnR. 6/6) £170 £300
Nos. 141/5 from x 4 . bright rose (1876) £400 67 1s. grey-black and carmine.... 22:00 55:00
Nos. 146/8 from x 6 w. Wmk inverted. £950 68 1s. brownish grey and carmine
4d. dull rose £1500 (6.07)... 22:00 55:00
Nos, 149/57 from x 3
w. Wmk inverted.. 69 5s. dull purple and blue. 80:00 95:00
Nos. 158/60 from x 4 70 £1 green and black.. £300 £350
4d, rose-lake... £450
No, 161 from x 8 No, 29 is believed to be the ‘shade of the first ‘printing only and 62/70 Set of7... £375 £550
Nos. 162/75 from x 5 should not be confused with other lilac shades of the 6d. 62s/70s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 7... £300
No. 34 is not known postally used, although manuscript fiscal Examples of most values are k g a forged Nassau
Nos. $1/3 from x 20 cancellations on this shade do exist. postmark dated “2 MAR 10”.
(Typo D.L.R.) 1906 (Apr)-11. Wmk Mult Crown CA. P 14.
1863-80. Wmk Crown CC, 71 7 ‘ad. pale green (5.06)... 5:00 3-25
(a) P 12% 72 1d. carmine-rose... 27-00 1:25
38 3 1s. green (1865) £2750 £300 73 2’Ad. ultramarine (4.07 27:00 26:00
(b) P14 a. Sloping “2".... £350 £400
39 1s. deep green.. £400 50-00 w. Wmk inverted. £170 + =£170
aw. Wmk inverted... 74 6d, bistre-brown (8. 17:00 48-00
DB, GreEN vsesssssssien £120 30:00 a. Malformed “E” (R. 6/6) £275 £475
ba. Thick paper (188 8:50 10:00 71/4 Set of 4 65:00 70:00
bw. Wmk inverted (thick paper)........ £150 1911 (Feb)-19. Wmk Mult Crown CA. P 14.
1882 (Mar). Wmk Crown CA. 75 6 1d. black ANA FEM vessssssseceseeeeerenes 25:00 2:75
(a) P12 a. Grey-black and scarlet (1916) 475 2:75
(Eng and recess P.B.)
40 1 1d. scarlet-vermilion.. b, Grey-black and deep carmine-
1859 (10 June)-60. No wmk. Imperf. red (1919). 10:00 7:00
x. Wmk reversed..
(a) Thick, opaque paper 41 4d. 76 3d. purple/yell
1 1 Id, reddish lake (ShadeS)...sssssssssseee £5000 £2250 (TSISE17) even erntconcsneatiseancesneanererraten 6:00 45-00
(b) P14 a. Reddish purple/buff (thick
(b) Thin paper 42 1d. scarlet-vermilion. paper) (1.19)... 7:00 11-00
Z V1. Aull Lake (4.60) ..rcsssscssssssssserssnssseen 65:00 £1500 . Wmk reversed.. s. Optd “SPECIMEN”. 50:00
No, 1, the printing on thick opaque paper, is very rare in unused 43 4d, x. Wmk reversed...... + £500
condition. Unused remainders, on medium to thick, but slightly . Wmk reversed.. 77 3d. black and brown (23.3.19) 3:00 2:25
transparent, paper are worth about £250. s. Optd “SPECIMEN”. 50:00
Collectors are warned against false postmarks upon the remainder 1882 (Mar)-98. Wmk Crown CA. P 14.
w. Wmk inverted..
stamps of 1d,, imperf, on thin paper. 44 3 1s. green. x, Wmk reversed... + £500
44a 1s. blue-g 78 5d. black and mauve (18.5.17) 3-75 5:50
1860 (Oct). No wmk. Clean-cut perf 14 to 16.
3 1 1d. lake (H/S “CANCELLED” in oval s. Optd “SPECIMEN”... 50-00
ESE) Sececesertnnrecseiat
appearoreetarneeeincase £5500 £750 79 2s, black and blue (11.16 35:00 55-00
For notes on “CANCELLED” examples see Catalogue Introduction. w. Wmk inverted... £500
Examples with this handstamp on No. 3 are imperforate horizontally. x. Wmk reversed.. £500
80 3s. black and green (8.17 70:00 55-00
1861 (June)-62. No wmk. W. Wk inverted ...sese £350 £350
(a) Rough perf 14 to 16 y. Wmk inverted and reversed. £170 £160
4 1 1d. lake. £650 £325 FOURPENCE 75a/80 Set
of 6 £110 £110
5 2 = 4d. dull r £1400 £400 (4)
a. Imperf between (pair) £38000 (Typo D.L.R.)
6 6d. grey-lilac (Dec, 1861).. £600 1883. No. 31 surch with T 4, 1912-19. Wmk Mult Crown CA. Chalk- surfaced paper (1s. to £1).
a, Pale dull lilac £500 45 2 4d. on 6d. deep violet... : £550 £400 P14.
(b) P11 to 12% (1862) a. Surch inverted. . £18000 £10000 81 8 ‘”d, green 80 12:00
J. UML RAL AKO etcacesteresrcnereptzcomrctemeteetartnaaterscnse £2250 x. Wmk reversed... £600 £450 a. Yellow-green. 275 17-00
No. 7 was a perforation trial on a new machine at Perkins, Bacon. Type 4 was applied by handstamp and occurs in various positions. 82 1d. carmine (aniline). 3-50 30
It was not sent out to the Colony and is also known part perforated. Caution is needed in buying Nos. 45/x. A, DOOD LOSE veessscsse 8-00 2-25
1919 (14 July). b. Brownish black and indigo
(GSAS) Fecrroceresstcsbossetceantcisieas elseanree 15-00 9:50
w. Wmk inverted. (a) Optd with T 14 by DLR.
y. Wmk inverted and reversed. + c. Brownish black and steel-blue
102 8 Yad. green (R. (6.44)... 19:00 3-75
83 2d. grey (1919)... 2:25 103 1d. carmine. 132 3s. slate-purp y’ 9! 38:00 32:00
84 2)ad. ultramarine.. 475 104 = 1s. grey-black and carmine (R a. Brownish black and green
a. Deep dull blu 18-00 (b) No. 77 optd with T 15 (USA43) ecemeeerennerentetonoamet 13-00 4:50
b. Sloping “2”... £275
105 6 3d. black and brown.. ab. “A” of “CA” missing from wmk.... £1800
85 4d. orange-yellow. 5:50 w. Wmk inverted... b, Brownish black and myrtle-
. YONHOW crsessese 2:50 ws. Ditto. Optd “SPECIMEN”. green (1.10.46). 8-00 9-00
86 6d. bistre-brown 1-75 x. Wmk reversed. 131s/2s Perf “SPECIMEN" Set of 2. 95-00
a. Malformed “E” (R. 6/6) £130 y. Wmk inverted a Most of the stamps from the September printing (No. 131a
87 1s, grey-black and carmine 1-75 102/5 Set of 4... and further stocks of the 3s. similar to No. 132) were used for the
a. Jet-black and carmine.. 15:00 :
102s/5s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of4 1942 “LANDFALL’ overprints.
88 5s. dull purple and blue.. » 40:00
a. Pale dull purple and deep blue... 55:00 1935 (6 May). Silver Jubilee. As Nos. 91/4 of Antigua.
89 £1 dull green and black.. 141 Yad. deep blue and carmin: 100 3-50
a. Green and black h, Dot by flagstaff £130 £200
81/9 Set of9.... i. Dash by turret... £3252»
81s/9s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 9,

142 = 2\4d. brown and deep 500 950
f. Diagonal line by turret £180 £250
g. Dot to left of chapel... £375
143 6d. light blue and olive-green, 7:00 16-00
g. Dot to left of chapel £250 £325 ~
h. Dot by flagstaff £350
144 1s. slate and purple 7:00 15:00
17 Great Seal of the h. Dot by flagstaff £325 £400
1.1.17, WAR TAX Bahamas. i. Dash by turre
141/4 Set OF4sescsstesssrscsssesenserseres
(9) (10) (Recess D.L.R.) 1415/4s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of4.
1920 (1 Mar). Peace Celebration. Wmk Mult Crown CA (sideways*). For illustrations of plate varieties see Omnibus ‘sectioh fallowing
P14, Zanzibar.
106 16 = Yad. green... a 1:00 6-00
a. “A” of “CK” missing from wk... £850
x. Wmk sideways reversed £350 £350
107 dear heacunsannwnnseare 2:75 1:00
a. “A” of “CA” missing from wmk.... TeeoD0
Long stroke to”7” (R. 4/6) x. Wmk sideways reversed £375
y. Wmk Crown to right of CA and
1917 (18 May). No. 75b optd with T 9 in red by D.L.R. reversed . £375
90 6 1d. grey-black and deep carmine- 108 2d. slate-gre ; 275 8-00
a. “C" of “CA” missing from wmk.... £850
19 Greater Flamingos in flight 20 King George Vi
red.. 40 2:25
a. Long 75-00 109 3d. deep brown... 2:75 9:00
(Recess Waterlow)
s. Optd “SPECIMEN”. a. “C" of “CA” missing from: wm £950
w. Wmk Crown to right of CA £300 1935 (22 May). Wmk Mult Script CA. P 12%.
It was originally intended to issue No. 90 on 1 January 191 7, but the
stamps were not received in the Bahamas until May. Half the proceeds 110 1s. deep myrtle-green.evcrs 15:00 38-00 145 19 = 8d. ultramarine and scarlet... 9-00 3:25
from their sale were donated to the British Red Cross Society. a. Substituted crown in wmk £1800 s. Perf “SPECIMEN” 75:00
b. “C" of “CA” missing from wm £1800
1937 (12 May). Coronation. As Nos. 95/7 of Antigua. P 14.
1918 (21 Feb-10 July). Nos. 75/6, 81/2 and 87 optd at Nassau x. Wmk sideways reversed £650
with T 10. 106/10 Set of5... 22:00 55-00 146 Yad. green
91 8 Jad. green. 14.00 50-00 106s/10s Optd "SPECIMEN" Set of 5. £170 147 1’ad, yellow-brown
92 1d. carmine (aniline). 1:00 70 *The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CA, as 148 2¥ad. bright blue.
w. Wmk inverted... £300 seen from the back of the stamp. 146/8 Set of 3
x. Wmk reversed.. £400 For illustration of the substituted watermark crown see Catalogue 146s/8s Perf “SP!
93 6 1d. black and red (10 July). 4:25 9-50 Introduction.
a. Opt double, one inverted. £850
b. Opt double... £1700 £1800 1921 (29 Mar)-29. Wmk Script CA. P 14.
c. Opt inverte £1500 £1600 1 6 1d. grey and rose-red 3:75 4:00
x. Wmk reversed.. £350 x. Wmk reversed....... £350
94 3d. purple/yellow (thin paper). 2:75 2-50 112 5d. black and purple (8.. 3-75 45-00
a. Opt double... £1600 £1700 13 2s. black and blue (11.22) 22:00 22:00 Yad. Accent flaw (right 2d. Short “T” in “TWO”
b, Opt inverted £1100 £1200 114 3s. black and green (9.24), 55:00 70-00 pane R. 1/5) (1938 ptg (right pane R. 3/6)
c. “W" of “WAR” inserted by hand. £5000 111/14 Set of 4... 75:00 © £130 only) (Retouched on No, 152c,
95 8 Is. See and carmine £110 £160 111s/14s Optd or‘Perf (5d.)"SPECIMEN" Set of £225 although bottom of letter
91/5 Set
of 5... £120 £200 Examples of all values are known showing a forged Nassau is still pointed)
No. 93 was only «
on 1 sale for ten ‘days. postmark dated “2 MAR 10”.
No, 94c occurred on R. 1/1 of one sheet, the original “W” having

been omitted as a result of a paper fold.
Examples of Nos. 91/2 with overprint inverted, and of Nos. 91/2
and 95 with overprint double, are now considered to be forgeries.

WAR Yad. Elongated “E” (left pane 3d. “RENCE” flaw (Right pane
CHARITY R. 9/6) R. 9/3. Later corrected.


1921 (8 Sept)-37. Wmk Mult Script CA. Chalk-surfaced paper (3d., (Typo D.L.R.)
3.6.18. 1s., 5s., £1). P 14. 1938 (11 Mar)-52. Wmk Mult Script CA. Chalk-surfaced paper (1s.
(11) (12) (13) 115 8 tad. green (1924).. 50 40 to £1), P 14.
a. Elongated “E”. 90:00 95-00 149 20 = ‘Ad. green... 3-25 1-25
1918 (20 July). Optd by D.L.R. in London with T 11 or 12 (3d). 116 1d. carmine....... 1:00 15 a. Elongated “E”. £180 £200
96 8 ad. green...... 1:75 1:75 117 1d. brown-red (1934). 13:00 1:00 b. Accent flaw... £500 £250
w. Wmk inverted... 118 2d. grey (1927)... 1:50 2:00 c. Bluish green (11.9.42) 3:75 3-50
x. Wmk reversed... 119 2¥ad. ultramarine (1922 1:00 1:75 ca, Elongated “E”..... £225
97 Td. CarMiNe .....0.. 4:25 35 y. Wmk inverted and reverse t £800 d. Myrtle-green (11.12.46) 12:00 13-00
a. Wmk sideways. £200 120 3d. purple/pale yellow (1931)... 650 13-00 da. Elongated “E”..... £425
w. Wmk inverted... a. Purple/orange-yellow (1937 13:00 25-00 149e Yad. brown-purple (18. : 1-00 3-75
y. Wk inverted ai £325 121 4d. orange-yellow (1924).. 1:50 2:25 ea. Error. Crown missing... . £15000
98 6 3d. purple/yellow... 1:00 1:50 122 6d. bistre-brown (1922). 70 1:25 eb. Error. St Edward's Crown £4250 £3000
w. Wmk inverted... £170 a, Malformed “E” (R.6/6) £100 £140 ec. Elongated “E". £180 £300
x. Wmk reversed.. £200 123 1s. black and carmine (1926)... 8-00 5:50 150 1d, carmine....... 8:50 1:50
99 8 1s. grey-black and carmine (R 13:00 7-00 124 5s. dull purple and blue (1924) 42:00 65-00 150a 1d. olive-grey (17.9.41).. 3-50 3:50
96/9 Set of4.... 18-00 9-75 125 £1 green and black (1926) £180 £375 ab. Pale slate (11.9.42) 60 70
96s/9s Optd "SPECIMEN" Set Of 4, £170 115/25 Set of 11... et £225 £425 151 Vad. red-brown (19.4.38).. 1:50 1:25
115s/25s ee or Perf. rm)ad 3d) “'SPECIMEN”
* a. Pale red-brown (19.4.48).. 10:00 3:00
1919 (21 Mar). No. 77 optd with T 12 by D.L.R. Set of 11.. Crtererog traces meer £550 152 2d. pale slate (19.4.38) 19:00 3:50
100 6 3d. black and brown... Mo
1:75 6:00 a. Short “T"...... £950 £375
(Recess B.W.)
a. “C" and “A” missing ‘from wmk...
£1800 152b 2d. scarlet (17.9.41) 1:00 65
z Optd “SPECIMEN”. 50-00 1930 (2 Jan). Tercentenary of Colony. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 12. ba. Short “T". £140 £120
w. Wmk inverted... 70:00 126 17 ‘1d. black and scarlet........ 3:75 275 bb. “TWO PENCE” p t+ £16000
No. 100a shows the “C” omitted from one impression and the “A” 127 3d. black and deep brown 5:50 15-00 bc. Dull rose-red (19.4.48) . 7:00 3-25
missing from the next one to the right (as seen from the front of the 128 5d. black and deep purple 5:50 16-00 152c 2d. green (1.5.51) 2:25 80
stamp). The “Cis badly distorted in the second watermark. 129 2s. black and deep blue 18:00 50:00 153 2¥ad. ultramarine 3.25 1:50
130 3s. black and green 48:00 85-00 153a 2¥ad. violet (1.7.43) 1:25 1:50
1919 (1 Jan). No. 75b optd with T 13 by D.LR. 126/30 Set of5... 70:00 £150 ab. “2% PENNY” printed doubl £5000
101 6 1d. grey-black and deep carmine- 126s/30s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of5 £180 154 3d, violet (19.4.38) 16:00 3-00
red (R.) wun... 30 2:50 154a 3d. blue (4.43). 2:50 1:25
a. Opt double £2000
aa, “RENCE” flaw... £3750
s. Optd “SPECIMEN”. 55-00
ab. Bright ultramarine (19.4.48) 9:00 6:50
w. Wmk inverted.. 80:00
154b 3d. scarlet (1.2.52)..sss 2:50 3:25
x. Wmk reversed.. 85:00 95:00
y. Wmk inverted and reversed... £160
154¢ 10d. yellow-orange (18.11.46) 2:50 20
155 1s. grey-black and carmine (
The date is that originally fixed for the issue of the stamp. The
year 1918 was also the bicentenary of the appointment of the first
paper) (15.9138). cccnsconesieateeeae 32:00 6:50
Royal Governor. a. Brownish grey and scarlet (thin
striated paper) (4.42) ...ccssssens £900 £100
warR WAR b. Ordinary paper. Black and
Carmine (9:42) \cicsesecarccsntetenteateee 27:00 7:00
c. Ordinary paper. Grey-black and
bright CrIMSON (6.3.44) ccccsssseveeeee 19:00 75
(Recess B.W.) d. Pale brownish grey and crimson
1931 (14 July)-46. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 12. (19.4,48) cosssnctossntutmanenateatea 1900 1:50
156 5s. lilac and blue (thick paper)
TAX TAX 131 18 = 2s, slate-purple and deep
ultramarine 27:00 35:00
(19.4138) cossconsnecamaseeseeeee £170 £100 ©
14 (15) a. Dull rose-lilac and blue (thin
a. Slate-purple and indigo (9.42)... £110 50-00 striated paper) (4.42)...
b. Ordinary paper. Purple and blue 175 £1 deep grey-green and blk (thick 1948 (1 Dec). Royal Silver Wedding. As Nos. 112/13 of Antigua.
(9.42). 40:00 25-00 POPE?) cance Weer Sackoss sca 80:00 £150 194 1¥ad. red-brown.. 20 25
c. Ordinary paper. Dull mauve a. Ordinary paper. Grey-green and 195 £1 slate-green 45:00 32-00
nd deep BIUC (11.46) crvssssssssessseees £130 75-00 5 25-00
d. Brown-purple and deep bright b. Broken “OF” and “US”... £900
OLDE (AU OA AB) ierscaccomteoscessctasecensx 45:00 19-00 162/75a Set OF 14 i ccrmerscecesnscrarre 80:00 60-00 1949 (10 Oct). 75th Anniv of Universal Postal Union. As
e. Red-purple and deep bright blue 162s/75s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 14.. £600 Nos. 114/17 of Antigua.
i . 2400° 24-00 These stamps replaced the defi ies for a period of six 196 2%ad. violet 35 75
157 months. Initially stocks of existing printings were used, but when 197 3d. deep blue... 2:25 3-50
(thick paper) (15.9.38)...ccssseseee £250 £150 further supplies were required for overprinting a number of new 198 6d. greenish blue 55 3:25
a. Ordinary paper. Blue-green and printings were produced, some of which, including the new colour of 199 1s. carmine.. 55 75
DIGCK!(43,4:43) ok ectuesscceesenten 60:00 55-00 the 3d., did not appear without overprint until much later. 196/9 Set of4 3:25 7-50
b. Ordinary paper. Grey-green and No. 167 perforated “SPECIMEN”isknown with the overprint double.
black (3.44) £140 (Price, £900).
149/57a Set OF V7 crssscsssssvessssseee 85-00 (Des and eng B.W. Recess D.L.R.)
149s/57s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 14. 1946 (11 Nov). Victory. As Nos. 110/11 of Antigua. 1953 (3 June). Coronation. As No. 120 of Antigua.
Nos. 149/50a exist in coils, constructe 176 ad. brown . 10 60
No. 149eb occurs on a row in the watermark in which the crowns 200 6d. black and pale DIUC sss 1-75 60
177 3d. blue...... 10 60
and letters “CA” alternate. 176s/7s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 2. 90-00
The thick chalk-surfaced paper, used for the initial printing of the
1s,, 5s. and £1, was usually toned and had streaky gum. The April 1942
printing for the 1s. and 5s., which was mostly used for the “LANDFALL”
overprints, was on thin striated paper. Printings of the three values
between September 1942 and November 1946 were on a thick,
smooth, opaque ordinary paper.

42 Infant Welfare Clinic 43 Queen

Elizabeth II
27 Agriculture (combine
harvester) (Recess B.W.)
1954 (1 Jan)-63. Designs previously used for King George VI
issue, but bicoloured with portrait of Queen Elizabeth II as
in T 42, and commemorative inscr omitted. Wmk Mult Script
CA. P 11x11%.
201 42 Yad. black and red-orange 10 1:50
202 27 1d. olive-green and brown... 10 30
203 32 1%ad. blue and black. 15 80
204 29 2d. yellow-brown and myrtle-green 15 30
a. Yellow-brown and deep myrtle-
green (23.1.62)
205 31 3d. black and carmine-red
206 37 4d. turquoise-green and deep
TEMMISH PULPIe....eecssssssscssessnsceesense 30 30
a. Turquoise-blue and deep reddish
23 Greater ora inaren (24) DUMPIC( 2351-62) remancssccrssesesiens 27:00 23-00
207 30 Sd. red-brown and deep bright
(Recess Waterlow)
blue. 1-40 2:25
1938 (1 July). Wmk Mult Script CA. P 12%. 208 39 6d. light blue and black 2:50 20
158 21 4d. light blue and red-orange . 1:25-1:00 w. Wmk inverted... — £1000
159 22 6d. olive-green and light blue. 1:25 1:00 209 34 ~~ 8d, black and reddi 1:25 40
160 23 ‘8d. ultramarine and scarlet 16:00 3-75 a. Black and deep reddish lilac
TSB160 SEC OF 3iecsstscrmccvereeniviscesreset 17:00 5-25 (21.11.56) 8-50 275
158s/60s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 3 £150 210 35 10d. black and ultramarine 30 10
a. Black and deep ultramarine
Recmenscynrcctomsteanecantaneute 8:50 275
1940 (28 Nov). No. 153 surcharged with T 24 by The Nassau 211 36 1s. ultramarine and olive-brown..... 2:25 10
Guardian. a. Ultramarine and deep olive-
161 20 3d. on 2%d. blue 1:50 3-25 sepia (19.2.58) 8-00 1-00
212 28 2s. orange-brown and blac 4-00 70
a. Chestnut and black (19.2.58).. 18:00 2:00
213 38 2s.6d. black and deep blue........ 3-50 1:50
214 33 5s. bright emerald and orang 23-00 75
a. Bright emerald and reddish
orange (14.1.59) sess. 90:00
COLUMBUS 215 40 10s. black and slate-black.. 40:00
1942 216 41 £1 slate-black and violet.. 32:00
(25) 201/16 Set of 16 £100 18-00
Nos. 201/2, 205, 208 and 211 exist in coils, constructed from normal
See also No. 246.

(Recess Waterlow)
1959 (10 June). Centenary of First Bahamas Postage Stamp.
W w 12. P 13%.
217 43 1d, black and scarlet...... 50 20
218 2d. black and blue-green. 50 1:00
219 6d. black and blue...... 60 40
220 10d. black and chocolate 60 1:00
217/20 Set of4 2:00 2-40
Broken “OF” and “US’ (R. 2/6, late printing)

1942 (12 Oct). 450th Anniv of Landing of Columbus in New

World. Optd as T 25 by The Nassau Guardian. CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL - NASSAU
162 20 = ad. bluish green.. 30 60
a. Elongated ” 80-00
b. Opt double £2250
c. Accent flaw £600
163 1d. pale slate 30 60
164 1’d. red-brown... 40 60
165 2d. scarlet... 50 65
a. Short “T".. £130
166 2’ad. ultramarine 50 65
167 3d. ultramarine 30 65 44 Christ Church Cathedral
a. “RENCE” flaw... £3500
168 21 = 4d. light blue and red-orange... 40 90 (Photo Enschedé)
a. “COIUMBUS" (R. 5/2)...... £1200 £1400 1962 (30 Jan). Nassau Centenary. T 44 and similar horiz design.
169 22 ~~‘6d. olive-green and light blue... 40 1:75 P 14x13.
a. “COIUMBUS’ (R. 5/2)...... 221 8d. Green neers 65 55
170 23 ~~ 8d. ultramarine and scarle 222 10d. bluish violet. 65 25
a. “COIUMBUS" (R. 5/2)... 40 Salt production a Parliament buildings Design:—10d. Nassau Public Library.
171 20 1s. brownish grey and scarlet (thin (Recess C.B.N.)
Striated PAPel)...cssscsssassssssensesseesseees 12:00 5-00
a. Ordinary Paper. Black and 1948 (11 Oct). Tercentenary of Settlement of Island of Eleuthera. 1963 (4 June). Freedom from Hunger. As No. 146 of Antigua.
COTEE) [Sagres ee 12:00 16-00 T 26/41. P 12. 223 BCS alwerteecarsrsesssecnseconeccnronnter 40 40
b. Ordinary paper. Grey-black and 178 26 = Yad. orange... 40 1:75 a. Name and value omitted... £1200 £2000
bright crimson 23:00 15:00 179 27 ~—‘'1d. sage-green.. 40 35
c. Broken “OF” ani £300 180 28 =1%d. yellow. 40 80
172 18 2s. slate-purple and indig 21:00 29-00 181 29 = 2d. scarlet. 40 40
a. Brownish black and indig 9:00 10-00 182 30 =2%4d. brown-lake.. 70 75 BAHAMAS TALKS NEW CONSTITUTION
6. Brownish black and steel-blue..... 42:00 35-00 183 31 3d. ultramarine 2:50 85 1962 1964
c. Stop after “COLUMBUS” 184 32 4d. black......... 60 70 (46) (47)
(R. 2/12)... 185 33 6d. emerald-gree 2:50 80
173 3s, slate-purple and myrtle-green., 10-00 6:50 186 34 8d. violet... 1:25 70 1963 (15 July). Bahamas Talks, 1962. Nos. 209/10 optd with
a. Brownish black and green sore... 55:00 50-00 187 35 10d. carmine 1:25 35 T 46.
b. Stop after “COLUMBUS” 188 36 1s. sepia... 3-00 50 224 8d. black and reddish lilac 65 75
UREN) Kacey ctatecteeesesteer cameron £2500 189 37 2s. magenta... 5-00 8:50 225 10d. black and deep ultramarine 65 TS
174 20 5s. reddish lilac and blue (thin 190 38 3s, blue... 13-00 8:50
Striated PAPE) ..cccsssesssssnsssseesonssees 50:00 24-00 191 39 5s. mauve. 20:00 5:50
a. Ordinary paper. Purple and 192 40 10s. grey... 17:00 13:00 1963 (2 Sept). Red Cross Centenary. As Nos. 147/8 of Antigua.
blue 23-00 15-00 193 41 £1 vermilion.. 17:00 17-00 226 1d. red and black. 50 75
b. Broken £650 178/93 Set of 16..... 75:00 55:00 227 10d. red and blue 110 2-50

SELF GOVERNMENT (Queen's portrait by Anthony Buckley. Litho and recess (portrait
and “BAHAMAS") B.W.)
1964 (7 Jan). New Constitution. As Nos. 201/16 but W w 12, optd 1965 (7 Jan-14 Sept). Horiz designs as T 49/63. W w 12. P 13%.
with T 47, by B.W. 247 49 Yad, multicoloured 15 2:50
228 Yad. black and red-orange... 15 1:50 248 50 1d. slate, light blue and orange 70 = -1:25
229 1d, olive-green and brown 15 15 249 51 1%d. rose-red, green and brown........ 15: 4:00
Tad, blue and black...
2d. yellow-brown and deep myrtle-
70 1:50 250
slate, green and turquoise-blue
red, light blue and purple...........
QTOOM .cacsaccsnsssnsen 15 20 67 Oceanic
252 «54 4d. green, blue and orange-brown. 5-00 3-75
232 3d, black and carmine-red. oe 2:00 1:75 2540 o5 6d. dull green, light blue and rose... 1:50 10
233 4d, turquoise-blue and deep reddish 254 56 8d. reddish purple, light blue and
70 55 $2 CONGH SHEL
bronze green... co 50 30 Ya
234 5d. 70 1:50
255 57 10d. orange-brown, g
235 6d. light blue and black.. 3:50 30 WIE iiceccectarotramesttont areca 25 10
236 8d. black and reddish lilac. 70 30 256 58 1s. red, yellow, turquoise-blue and
237 10d. black and deep ultramarine. 30 15 CeEEP CMELAIA .orsscscscsesssssnsnsenrseneeser 2:00 20
238 1s. ultramarine and olive-brow 1:50 15 a. Red, yellow, dull blue and
239 2s. chestnut and black... 2.00 1-75 @MELAIA (14.9.65) sssscsssssorerseersessssssee 1:50 10 BAHAMAS
240 2s.6d, black and deep blue. 3:00 275 257 59. 2s. brown, light blue and emerald. 100 1:25
241 5s. bright emerald and orange. 7:00 3-25 - 68 Conch Shell
258 60 2s.6d, yellow-olive, blueandcarmine. 2:50 3:00
242 10s. black and slate black. 700 5:50 259 61 5s. orange-brown, ultramarine
243 slate-black and violet. (Portrait by Anthony Buckley. Litho and recess (portrait,
and green 2:75 1-00 “BAHAMAS” and value), B.W.)
260 62 10s. rose, blue and chocolate.. 1600 3-50
261 63 £1 chestnut, blue and rose-red 22:00 11:00 1967 (25 May)-71. As T 49/63 and additional design (T 67) but ™!
247/261 Set of 15 50:00 28-00 values in decimal currency, as T 68 and colours changed.
No. 244 of Antigua. Toned paper. W w 12. P 13%.
244 6d, turquoise... 30 10 Nos, 247/8, 251, 253 and 256 exist in coils, constructed from normal
sheets. 295 49 1c, multicoloured (as Yd.).. 10 3:25
w. Wmk inverted. a. Whiter paper (1970).. 45 4-00
1965 (17 May). |.7.U Centenary. As Nos. 262/3 of Antigua. 296 50 2c. slate, light blue and deep
262 1d. light emerald and orange.. 15 10 emerald (as 1d.)...... 50 60
W. Wk inverted .vsssesseess a. Whiter paper (1970). #40! 11.00

8 T
263 2s. purple and yellow-olive 90 297 52 3c. slate, green and violet (as 2d.) 10 10
W. Wink inverted sss a. Whiter paper (1970) .rvsscsssseessscenee 42:00 5-00
298 53 4c. red, light blue and ultramarine
ee (as 3d.).. 475 50
a. Whiter pap LO") 12:00 18:00
(48) 299 67 _ 5c. black, greenish blue and
(64) purple 20 100 3-50
1964 (1 Oct). Olympic Games, Tokyo. As No. 211 but W w 12, a. Whiter paper (1970).. «« 225 10:00
surch with T 48. 1965 (12 July), No. 254 surch with T 64. 300 55 8c. dull green, light blue and sepi
245 8d. on 1s, ultramarine and olive-brown.... 45 15 264 9d. on 8d. reddish purple, light blue (as 6d.)... 3-25 10
and bronze-green... 30 15 a. Whiter ce £160 20-00
1964 (6 Oct). As No. 204a, but wmk w 12.
1965 (25 Oct). International Co-operation Year. As Nos. 168/9 of 301 56 10c. reddish purple, greenis
246 2d. yellow-brown and deep myrtle- and carmine (as 8d,).. 30 70
1:25 30 Antigua.
265 Yad. reddish purple and turquoise-green 10 1:10 a. Whiter paper (1970)... =, 1:00 4:25
266 1s. deep bluish green and lavender....... 30 40 302 51‘ 11c. rose-red, green and blue (as
LWAb ecresmtncerteare 25 80
1966 (24 Jan). Churchill Commemoration. As Nos. 267/70 of a. Whiter paper (1970)... 1:00 2:50
Antigua. 303 57 12c. orange-brown green
267 Yad, NEW DIVE... 10 75 H 25 10-'
w. Wmk inverted. 60:00 a, Whiter paper (4.71) 12:00 29.00
268 2d, deep green 50 30 304 58 15c. red, yellow, turquoise-blue and
BAHAMAS 269 10d. brown... 85 85 carmine (as 15.) wes... a 55 10
49 Colony’s Badge 270 1s. bluish violet. 85 1-40 a. Whiter paper (1970)... eat £250 27400
267/70 Set of 4 2:00 3-00 305 59 22c. brown, new blue and rose-red
(AS 525.) mecarecsnanrn 70 65
1966 (4 Feb). Royal Visit. As Nos. 174/5 of Antigua, but inscr “to a. Whiter paper (1970)... 150 10-00

the Caribbean” omitted. 306 60 50c. yellow-olive, new blue and
271 6d. black and ultramarine 1:00 50 emerald (as 2s.6d.).. rhe 3:00 1:00
ern costes
re way sat
272 1s. black and magenta 1:25 1:25 a. Whiter paper (1970)... ath 2:25 7:00
307 61 $1 orange-brown ultramarine and
BAHAMAS Via BAH AMAS (New Currency. 100 cents = 1 Bahamas dollar) slate-purple (as 5s.)
a. Whiter paper (4.71).
50 Out Island regatta 51 Hospital 308 68 $2 multicoloured....... 13:00, 3-00
a. Whiter paper (4.71). «- 35:00' £100
309 63 $3 chestnut, new blue and purple
ae ico af (QS!21) Socrercereemereyar
a. Whiter paper (4.71)
on 3:75
aaa a
“ae psi wer
(65) (66) 295/309)SCtOP IAS scrrrsiccaserssereceesteees 30:00 15:00
295a/309a Set of 15 (whiter paper) os. £500 855375,
4 eee ee “PERRIN 1966 (25 May). Decimal Currency. Nos. 247/61 variously surch *This is the earliest known date recorded in the Bahamas.
BAHAMAS @¥ BAHAMAS as T 55/6, by B.W. The 3c. has the value at right instead of at left as on No. 250.
273 1G. ON Yad. MUIICOIOULEM sasssssssnsssssensesneee 10 30 The 1970-71 printings on whiter paper were released as needed,
52 High School 53 Greater Flamingo
274 2c. on 1d. slate, light blue and orange.. 75 30 the 12c., $1, $2 and $3 only a week or two before the issue was
275 3c. on 2d. slate, green and turquoise- withdrawn. Due to the marked difference in paper and the use of
2]Lee eromemesnaeeeooacrrr enemies mare 4 10 10 ans new plates there are marked differences in shade in nearly
iar 276 4c. on 3d. red, light blue and purple...... 2:00 20 all values.
am 277 5c. on 4d, green, blue and orange-
a. Surch omitted (vert strip of 10)
278 8c. on 6d. dull green, light blue and
BAHAM AS ist rose. 0 20 20
54 RMS Queen Elizabeth 279 , lig

280 11¢. on 1¥2d. rose-red, green and brown 15 30

281 12c. on 10d. orange-brown, green and
violet 15 10
282 15c. on 1s. multicoloured 25 10
283 22c. on 2s. brown, light blue and
emerald.. iaeetamearn 60 1:25 69 Bahamas Crest
BAHAMAS BAHAMAS 4 284 50c. on 2s.6d. y olive, blue and
(CANINE eccasperreeeecesteacacesspireeserscsorstaosee
soe 1:00 1-40 (Des R. Granger Barrett. Photo Enschedé)
56 Yachting 57 Public square

285 $1 on Ss. orange-brown, ultramarine
1967 (1 Sept). Diamond Jubilee of World Scouting. T 69 and
Faviovee ANG 'GHEOMseessrrcccsecssssessosigrcrsssseanatons 1:75 1:50
D(a silat horiz design. Multicoloured. W w 12 (sideways*).
I’; es
$2 on 10s. rose, blue and chocolate......
$3 on £1 chestnut, blue and rose-red...
273/287 Set of 15 . . 310 3c. Type 69 35 15 wi
The above were w. Wmk Crown to left of CA 42:00
311 T5C. SCOUt DAdGE...rssssssesesseenee 3 40 15
a — pe “The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to right of CA, as
BAHAMAS MPA seen from the back of the stamp.
58 Sea Gardens 59 Old cannons at Fort No. 277a, One sheet exists and the stamp can be distinguished
Charlotte from No. 252 when in a vertical strip of ten as these were printed 5x
in sheets of 100 whereas No. 252 was printed in sheets of 60 (six
st er (ie °
qe ath
a Ny
rows of ten across).
1966 (1 July). World Cup Football Championship. As Nos. 176/7 of

288 8c. violet, yellow-green, lake and
YOHOW=DROWIN creescarsconinimcreiocorcansitonte 35 15
ee eat ome gp
289 15c. chocolate, blue-green, lake and
YellOW=DFOWMNsisrescantncncettsemerseentreans 40 25
60 Sikorsky S-38 flying boat, 61 Williamson Film Project, 1914 1966 (20 Sept). Inauguration of W.H.O. Headquarters, Geneva. As
1929 and Boeing 707 airliner and Undersea Post Office, 1939 Nos. 178/9 of Antigua.
290 11c. black, yellow-green and light blue... 50 90
(Oks de 81° 291 15c. black, light purple and yellow-
brown .. 50 50
wre fl Sr ag | ba 1966 (1 Dec). 20th Anniv of U.N.E.S.C.O. As Nos, 196/8 of Antigua.
292 3c. slate-violet, red, yellow and orange.. 10 10
Bos ti oats . heer 293 15c. orange-yellow, violet and deep
VIVE sssciecccesosecrestescorsaenetea
$1 black, bright purple and orange..
62 Queen or Pink Conch 63 Columbus's flagship 292/4 Set of 3 140 2.00 71 Globe and Emblem
(Des R. Granger Barrett, Litho D.L.R.) (Des V. Whiteley. Litho Format)
1968 (13 May). Human Rights Year. T 71 and similar horiz designs. 1969 (30 Jan). 50th Anniv of Bahamas Airmail Service. P 14.
Multicoloured. W w 12 (sideways*). P 14x13”. 331 89 12c. multicoloured.. 50 50
312 3c, Type 71... 10 10 332 90 15c. multicoloured... 60 1:75
313 12c. Scales ofJ 20 10
314 $1 Bahamas Crest and emblem.. 70 80
312/14 Set of3 90. 85
*The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to right of CA on
the 12c. and Crown to left of CA on the others, each when seen from
the back of the stamp.
ABEUAN ee enone

(Litho B.W.) "BA HAMAS

1968 (20 Aug). Tourism. T 74 and similar vert designs. 96 Nurse, Patients and Greater 97 “The Nativity” (detail,
Multicoloured. P 13. Flamingo Pittoni)
315 5c. Type 74... 1:75 1:75
316 1c, Yachting 1:25 50 (Photo Harrison)
317 15c, Horse-racin 1:75 55 1970 (1 Sept). Centenary of British Red Cross. T 96 and similar
318 50c. Water-
eee 2:50 7:00
BAHAMAS horiz design. Multicoloured. W w 12 (sideways*). P 14%.
315/18 Set of4... ” 650 875 B52 3c. Type 96 1:00 50
91 Game-fishing Boats 92 “The Adoration of a. Gold (EIIR’, etc) omitted £700
the Shepherds” (Louis w. Wmk Crown to right of CA 42-00
le Nain) 353 15c. Hospital and Blue Marlin 1-00 1-75
w. Wmk inverted. — £150
(Des J. Cooter. Litho Format) *The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CA, as
1969 (26 Aug). Tourism. One Millionth Visitor to Bahamas. T 91 and seen from the back of the stamp.
similar horiz designs. Multicoloured. W w 12 (sideways). P 141. (Des G. Drummond. Litho D.L.R.)
333 3c. Type 91 25 10
1970 (3 Nov). Christmas. T 97 and similar vert designs.
334 11c. Paradise Beach.. 35 15
Multicoloured, W w 12. P 13.
335 12c. “Sunfish” sailing boats... 35 15
354 3c. Type 97... 15 15
1965 336 15c, Rawson Square and Parade 45 25
355 11¢. “The Holy Family
BAHAMAS — 5° 333/6 Set of 4... 1:25 60
Raphael Mengs).... a 20 25
MS337 130x96 | mm. ‘Nos. 33/6 2-75 4:00 356 12c. "The Adoration of the Shepherds”
78 Racing Yacht and Olympic Monument
(detail, Giorgione)..... sy 20 20
(Photo Harrison) 357 15c. “The Adoration of the Shepherds”
(Des G. Drummond. Litho D.L.R.) (detail, School of Seville) 30 75
1968 (29 Sept). Olympic Games, Mexico City. T 78 and similar
horiz designs. No wmk. P 14%x13%. 1969 (15 Oct). Christmas. T 92 and similar vert designs. W w 12. 354/7 Set of4.... : 75 1:25
P12, MS358 114x140 m plus two labels... 1-40 4.25
319 5c. red-brown, orange-yellow and blue-
green 40 75 338 3c. Type 92... 20 20
320 11c. multicoloured 40 25 339 11¢c. “The Adoration ‘ofthe Shepherds”
321 50c. multicoloured 60 ~=1:00 (POUSSIN) ssisssasosstnustsreeckterteersttretitinerts 30 30
340 12c. “The Adoration of the Kings” 1938. Black on pink cover with map and “BAHAMAS ISLES OF
322 $1 olive-grey, greenis| 2:00 2:00 JUNE” on reverse. Stapled.
319/22 Set of 4. 3:00 3:50 (Gerard David) wv... 30 20
341 15c. “The Adoration of the Kings” SB1 2s. booklet containing twelve 1d. (No. 150)
Designs:—11c, Long-jumping and Olympic Monument; 50c. in blocks of 6and sn Vad.Ae: oy in
Running and Olympic Monument; $1 Type 78. (Vincenzo Foppa). 30 65
338/41 Set of 4 1:00 1:25 folded block of8... o . £11000
It is understood that the above were released by the Philatelic
Agency in the U.S.A. on 1st September. 1961. (15 Aug). Brown-purple cover (3s.) or green cover (6s.) Stitched.
SB2 3s. booklet containing eight each of 1d, 1’2d.
and 2d, (Nos. 202/4) in blocks of4.... i 28:00
SB3 6s, booklet containing four of each of ad,‘6d.
and 8d. (Nos. 206, 208/9) in blocks of 4. 35:00
1965. (23 Mar). Pink cover (3s.) or green cover (6s.).
SB4 3s. booklet containing eight each of 1d., 12d.
and 2d. (Nos. 248/50) in blOcKS Of 4 weiss 19:00
SB5 6s. booklet containing four each of 4d., 6d. and
8d. (NOS. 252/4) in DIOCKS Of 4isssssseerenne 19:00


81 Legislative Building

(Des J. Cooter, Litho Format)

93 Badge of Girl Guides
1968 (1 Nov). 14th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference. DELIVERY
T 81 and similar multicoloured designs. P 14. (Des Mrs. R, Sands. Litho Harrison) (S 1)
323 ROY fap orp 10 30 1970 (23 Feb). Girl Guides Diamond Jubilee. T 93 and similar
324 10c. Bahamas Mace and Westminster 1916 (1 May). No. 59 optd with Type S 1 by The Nassau Guardian.
designs. Multicoloured. W w 12. P 14%.
Clock Tower (vert) on 15 30 $1 6 5d. black and orange 7:50 45-00
342 3c. Type 93... 30 30
325 12c. Local straw market (vert). 15 25 w. Wmk inverte a. Opt double......... £800 £1200
326 15c. Horse-drawn Surrey. 20 35 b. Opt double, one inverted.. £950 £1300
343 12c. Badge of Brownies. 45 40
323/6 Set of 4 55 1:10 c. Opt inverted. . £1300 £1400
344 15c. Badge of Rangers. 50 50
w. Wmk inverted 17-00 d. Pair, one without opt.. . £27000 £35000
X, Wk reversed... £800
342/4 Set of 3 1:10 1:10
No. $1 was issued as a result of a reciprocal arrangement between
the Bahamas and Canadian Post Offices, whereby the application of a
special delivery stamp from the country of destination would ensure
special treatment on arrival. Canadian special delivery stamps were
supplied to the Bahamas Post Office, but, there being no equivalent
in Bahamas, the current 5d. definitive was overprinted “SPECIAL
DELIVERY” and sent to Canada.
There were three printings from similar settings of 30 (6x5), and
each sheet had to pass through the press twice, The first printing
of 600 was on sale from March 1916 at four post offices in Canada;
85 Obverse and reverse of $100 Gold Coin Ottawa, Toronto, Westmount (Montreal) and Winnipeg; and was used
in combination with Canadian stamps and cancelled in Canada.
(Recess D.L.R.) Towards the end of 1916, however, the Canadian authorities decided
1968 (2 Dec). Gold Coins commemorating the first General 94 U.P.U. Headquarters and Emblem to leave the Bahamas stamps to be cancelled on arrival in Nassau.
Election under the New Constitution. T 85 and_ similar The second printing of 6000 was released in February 1917 and the
“boomerang” shaped designs. P 13%. (Des L. Curtis, Litho J.W.) third, estimated to be 1200 to 1800, in March the same year. They were
327 3c. red/gold. 40 40 1970 (20 May). New U.P.U. Headquarters Building. W w 12 both on sale only in the Bahamas. In August 1917 the Canadian Post Office
328 12c. blue-green/gold. 45 50 (sideways). P 14. became aware of the later printings and ordered all remaining stocks at
329 15c. dull purple/gold.. 50 60 345 94 3c, multicoloured... 10 40 the four offices in Canada to be sold off, bringing the facility to an end.
330 $1 black/gold, 1:25. 5:00 346 15c. multicoloured It is not possible to identify the three printings with certainty
20 60
327/30 Set of 4. 2:40 6-00 without plating both the basic stamp and the overprint. The first
Designs:—12c. Obverse and reverse of $50 gold coin; 15c. Obverse printing was applied to stamps from vignette plate 1 only, while the
and reverse of $20 gold coin; $1 Obverse and reverse of $10 gold coin. second and third were applied to stamps from both plate 1 and plate
2. In general, the word “SPECIAL” is further to the right in relation to
“DELIVERY”inthe second printing than the first or third, but this alone
should not be considered conclusive.
Our prices for No. $1 are for the second printing and any stamps
which can be positively identified as being from the first or third
would be worth about ten times (first) or four times (third) as much,
either unused or used. Examples on cover, posted at one of the four
eligible Canadian offices and with the special delivery stamp cancelled
in Canada, are very scarce.
All the errors appear to be from the second printing.


89 First Flight Postcard of 1919 (Des G. Drummond. Litho B.W.)
1970 (14 July). “Goodwill Caravan” T 95 and similar horiz designs. peLivery DELIVERY
Multicoloured. W w 12 (sideways*). P 13%2x13. (S 2) (S 3)
347 3c. Type 95 85 20
w. Wmk Crown to right of CA.. 1917 (2 July). As No. 59, but Wmk Mult Crown CA, Optd with
348 11c. Diesel train and globe....... 1-60 60 Type S 2 by DLR.
349 12c. Canberra (liner), yacht and globe... 1-60 60 $2 6 5d. black and orange.. 60 10-00
w. Wmk Crown to right of CA... 3:50 s. Optd “SPECIMEN”. 70-00
350 15c. B.A.C. One Eleven airliner and ‘globe 1-60 1:75 1918. No. 78 optd with Type S 3 by DLR.
347/50 Set of4. 500 275
BAHAMAS#usN33IS" MS351 165x125 mm. Nos. 9:50 17:00
$3 6 5d, black and mauve (R.
s, Optd “SPECIMEN”,
*The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CA, as Nos. $2/3 were only on sale in the Bahamas.
90 Sikorsky S-38 Flying Boat of 1929 seen from the back of the stamp.

SOWA Me GaS Nae mee RNa | OFFICIAL STAMPS Z83 2a. purple 30-00
Z83a 2a, reddish purple. 30:00
1902-09. King Edward VII (Nos. 054/65). Z83b 2a. bright reddish viole’ 30:00
Bahrain 237 ZA, TAUVE sacservesssecavesstocsnernvoesveesverrovantovevevesoneronsserosonsuszsnniaas Z84 —_2a.6p. ultramarine (No. 171). 23-00
Z85 3a, OFANGE -..oss0e 45:00
1906-07. King Edward VII (Nos. 066/7).
ING a sorccecssstnever craveanceanrertomine
ersteseseetnnacersbeee 90:00
Z86 6a. yellow-bistre.. 65:00
Z87 1r. brown and green (shades) 90-00
An independent shaikhdom, with an Indian postal administration Stamps of INDIA cancelled with Type Z 4 (double circle with date band
from 1884. A British postal administration operated from 1 April 1948 and black lines in centre) (1902-24)
1922-26. King George V. Wmk Star (Nos. 197/200).
to 31 December 1965. Z88 1a. chocolate...
1876. Queen Victoria (Nos. 80/2). Z89 3a, ultramarine
The first, and for 62 years the only, post office in Bahrain opened Z40 Gass Poel LOW Mcssaceccrenstectcvea tetancenvaneortareerctststacseessetanchends 90:00
at the capital, Manama, on 1 August 1884 as a sub-office of the
Indian Post Office at Bushire (Iran), both being part of the Bombay 1882-90. Queen Victoria (Nos. 84/101). 1926-33. King George V. Wmk Multiple Star (Nos, 201/19).
Postal Circle. Z40a Yaa, blue-green. 28:00 Z90 3p. slate
Unoverprinted postage stamps of India were supplied to the new Z41 3a. brown-orang 40-00 Z91 Yaa. green... 13-00
office, continuing on sale there until 1933. 242 4a. slate-green. 48-00 Z92 Ja. chocolate... 11:00
Z43 8a. dull mauve. 65:00 Z93 2a. bright purple (No. 80-00
Z44 12a. purple/red.. £120 294 2a. purple (No. 206) 23:00
Z95 ~ 3a. ultramarine 42:00
1892-97. Queen Victoria (Nos. 103/6). Z95a 3a, DIVE... 38-00
Z44b Tr, green and aniline CarMIN..nuseennen £130 Z96 4a. sage-green (No. 211).. 28-00
297 8a. reddish purple....... 45-00
1895. Queen Victoria (Nos. 107/9). Z98 Ir. chocolate and green 55:00
Z45 2r. carMine aNd yellOW-DLOWN wasn £400 Z99 2r. carmine and orange. £100
Z45a 3r. brown and green... £425 Z100 5r. ultramarine and purple... £180
246 5r. ultramarine and violet. £425 The 1a. is known with inverted water!

Z1 1899. Queen Victoria (No. 111). 1929. Air (Nos. 220/5).

Z47 Spc aralllne@: Canale icrecrercroonesececsn trerrnnmnremnessverreet oerearoesss 22:00 Z101 2a. deep blue-green. | 38:00
Stamps of INDIA cancelled with Type Z 1 (this was normally struck
elsewhere on the envelope with the stamps obliterated with “B” Z102 3a, DIUC.. es ' 35-00
1900-02. Queen Victoria (Nos. 112/18). Z103 4a, olive-green.. i
enclosed in a circular background of horizontal! bars) (1884-86)
Z48 Yaa. pale yellow-green 18-00 Z104 6a. bistre......
1882-90. Queen Victoria (Nos. 84/101). Z48a Yaa. yellow-green.. 20:00
ZI Yaa, deep blue-green... £500 Z49 la, carmine.. 22:00 1931, Inauguration of New Delhi (Nos. 226/31).
Z2 2a. pale blue... £500 Z50 2a. pale violet... 60:00 Z105 Yaa. olive-green and orange-brown 55:00
Stamps of INDIA cancelled with Type Z 2 (squared-circle) (1886-1909) Z51 2a.6p. ultramarine 45:00 Z106 1a. mauve and chocolate . 32:00
1882-90. Queen Victoria (Nos. 84/101). Nos. Z101/6 come with watermark sideways to left or right.
1902-11. King Edward Vil (Nos. 119/47).
z5 Yaa. deep blue-green. 15:00 Z52 BP. GFE verre 14:00
Z5a Yaa, blue-green... 16:00 Z52a 3p. slate-grey. 16:00
Z6 1a. brown-purple 17-00 Z53 Yaa. yellow-green... 9:00 OFFICIAL STAMPS
Z6a la. plum 17-00 Z53a Yaa, green... 9:00
Z7 1a.6p. sepia... 60-00 254 Ja. carmine 11-00 1902-09. King Edward VII (Nos. 054/65).
Z8 2a. pale blue 23:00 Z55 2a. violet 25:00 Z107 2A. MAUVE cccrcssesesvssceestassuasaes
ensrersanreeieSS eae eee 70-00
Z8a 2a. blue..... 24-00 Z55a 2a. mauve. 25:00
Z9 3a. orange 65:00 Z56 2a.6p. ultramarine 14:00 1912-13. King George V. Wmk Star (Nos. 073/96).
Z9a 3a, brown-orang 25:00 Z57 3a, orange-brown 32:00 Z108 Yaa. light green..
Z10 4a. olive-green 50:00 Z58 4a. olive...... 38:00 Z109 1a, rose-carmine.. 5
Z10a 4a, slate-green 48-00 Z59 6a. olive-bistre. 60:00
Z11 8a. dull mauve 75-00 Z110 2a. TEAMISH PULTE seacs carsc esntecosn se neutaen ten 55:00
Z60 8a. purple... 80-00
Zila 8a. magenta. 70:00 Z60a 12a. purple/red.. £130

1891. Surch on Queen Victoria (No. 102). Z60b Ir, green and carmine £110
Z12 2Yaa. ON 4a.6P. YEHOW-GrON secs 50:00 Z61 2r. rose-red and yellow-brown £250

1892-97. Queen Victoria (Nos. 103/6). 1905. Surcharged on King Edward VII (No. 148).
Z13 2a.6p. yellow-green... 18-00 Z62 Vaal ON aah NEED csmeeranentniecrecnsntirccceciesccstseetionae,, EES OTOU.
Z13a_—_2a.6p. pale blue-green 20-00
Z14 Tr. green and aniline carmine. 95:00 1906-07, King Edward VII (Nos. 149/50).
Z63 Yaa. green... 11:00 9 JAN 28
1900-02. Queen Victoria (Nos. 112/18). Z64 Ja. carmine 18:00
Z15 Yaa. pale yellow-green 21:00
Zi5a Yaa. yellow-green 23:00 1911-22. King George V. Wmk Star (Nos. 151/91).
Z16 la. carmine.. 22:00 Z65 BP. GPeY.nnsesssnss 20-00
Z17 2a. ultramarine 42-00 Z66 Yea. light green.. 11:00
Z67 Ja, carmine... 13:00
Z67a la. 13-00 Z6
Z69 2a. PUPPIE -.sssscccsssreree 28-00 Stamps of INDIA cancelled with Type Z 6 (double circle with black arc
1883-99. Queen Victoria (Nos. 037a/48). Z70 2a.6p. ultramarine (No. 171 20-00 in lower segment) (1924-33)
Z18 Yaa. blue-green... 90-00 271 3a, orange. 38-00 1911-22. King George V. Wmk Star (Nos. 151/91).
Z19 la. brown-purple 95:00 Z72 6a. yellow-b 50-00 Z115 . 26-00
Z116 Yaa, light green. 16-00 |
1922-26. King George V. Wmk Star (Nos. 197/200). Z117 la. aniline carmine. 18-00 ||
273 la, chocolate 23-00 Z118 2a. purple...... 28-00 |
273b 3a. ultramarine. 65-00 Z119 6a. yellow-bistre.... 42:00

1921. King George V. (No. 192).

OFFICIAL STAMPS Z119a 9p. on 1a, rose-carmine

1902-09. King Edward Vil (Nos. 054/65). 1922-26. King George V. Wmk Star (Nos. 197/200).
274 2a, mauve... 70:00 Z120 la. chocolate. 17-00
Z74a Aa, olive...... £130 Z120a__2Yaa, orange. 55:00
1906. King Edward VII (Nos, 066/7). Z121 3a, ultramarine 35:00
Z75 Ja. carmine... 55-00
Stamps of INDIA cancelled with Type Z 3 (single circle, principally 1926-33. King George V. Wmk Multiple Star (Nos. 201/19).
intended for use as a backstamp) (1897-1920) 1912-13. King George V (No. 085). Z122 3p. slate...... 8:50
1882-90. Queen Victoria (Nos. 84/101). Z77 Tas Carmine Srsenccrmnesseesensers 50-00 Z123 Yaa. green... 9:50
221 Yaa. blue-green 40-00 Z124 la. chocolate. 8:50
Z22 3a. brown-orange. 45-00 1921. King George V (No. 097). a, Téte-béche (pair).
278 OP. ON 1a. FOSE-CALMING wrcissasancmserniserciucemun 80-00 Z125 1%aa. rose-carmine.. 55:00
1892-97. Queen Victoria (Nos. 103/6). Z126 2a. bright purple (No. 205) 60:00
Z23 Tr. green and aniline CarMine...ccssseseneseen £110 Z127 2a. purple (No, 206).. 15-00
Z128 Bay DlUeiernanteres 18-00
1899. Queen Victoria (No. 111). Z130 4a. 21:00
Z24 BP. ANIME CAPMINE serverosssssssesssnsserssesesssssnsersssssteonnenne 42:00 Z131 8a. 32:00
1900-02. Queen Victoria (Nos. 112/18).
Z131a_ 12a. 70:00
Z1316 Tr. green. 55:00
Z24a SON OEY icaescarectteeastervenveariourorttanienienses £120
The Yaa. and 1a. are known with watermark inverted,
18 JUN.21
Z25 Yaa, pale yellow-green 32:00
Z25a Yaa. yellow-green. 35:00 1929. Air (Nos. 220/5).
Z26 la. carmine.. 32:00
Z26a 2a. pale violet... 80:00 Z132 2a. deep blue-green 22:00
227 2a.6p. ultramarine 55-00 Z133 3a. blue. 23:00 —
Z134 4a. olive-gree 27-00
1902-11. King Edward VII (Nos. 119/47). Z135 6a, bistre 30-00
228 Yaa, green... 30:00
Z29 2a, mauve. 35-00 1931. Inauguration of New Delhi (Nos. 226/31).
Z30 2a.6p. ultramarine 25-00 rele Z136 Yaa. violet and green 35-00
Stamps of INDIA cancelled with type Z 5 (double circle without arc) Z137 2a. green and blue... 40-00
1906-07. King Edward VII (Nos. 149/50).
(previously intended for use as a backstamp) (1915-33) Z137a 3a. chocolate and carmine 65:00
Z31 Yaa. green... Soi eeranes 18-00 Nos. 2132/5 and Z136/7a exist with watermark showing stars
Z32 la. carmine... 20-00 1911-22. King George V. Wmk Star (Nos. 151/91). pointing left or right.
279 BP. GTO rrvsssssees 28:00
1911-22. King George V. Wmk Star (Nos. 151/91). Z80 Yaa. light green... 18:00 1932-36. King George V. Wmk Multiple Star (Nos. 232/9).
233 25-00 Z80a Yaa. emerald... 19:00
Z34 Yaa. light green .. 20:00 Z81 la. aniline carmine.. Z138 la. chocolate. 21-00
21:00 Z139 1a.3p. mauve... 18-00
Z35 2a. purple....... 42:00 Z81a la. pale rose-carmine.. 22:00
Z36 —.2a.6p. ultramarine (No. 171)... Z140 2a. vermilion.. 32:00
42:00 Z82 1%a. chocolate (Type A) 65:00 Z141 3a, carmine.... 38:00
OFFICIAL STAMPS 1948 (1 Apr)-49. Surch as T 3, 4 (2r. and 5r.) or similar surch with The word BAHRAIN is in taller letters on the 1¥2a,, 2%a,, 3a. and 6a.
bars at foot (10r.). In early printings of No. 80 the "2" was printed in a separate
1926-31. King George V (Nos. 0109/20). 51 128 Yaa. on Yad. pale green... 50 1:25 operation to “BAHRAIN” and “ANNA. Later printings of the Ya. and
Z145 Was ChOGolate Secret scan. cietrcsrnccpstersesescsstasseistosoancscsevonite 52 la. on 1d. pale scarlet... 50 3-50 all printings of other values were printed in a single operation.
53 1%a. on 1¥ad. pale red-brown 50 5:50
54 2a. on 2d. pale orange 50 20
55 2¥a. on 2%ad. light ultramarine.. 50 6:00
56 3a. on 3d. pale violet. 50 10 2} BAHRAIN
Nos. 1/14
Nos, 15/19
from x 5 57 129 6a. on 6d. purple... 50 10 ANNAS
from x 6
Nos. 20/37 from x 2
58 130 Tr. on 1s. bistre-brown 1:25 10 (8)
59 131 2r. on 2s.6d. ager bia 5:50 5:50
Nos. 38/50 from x 6 60 5r. on 5s. red... sarin 5:50 5:50 1953 (3 June). Coronation. Surch as T 8, or similarly.
60a 132 = 10r. 95:00 80-00 90 161 = 2%a. on 2%d. carmine-red 1:25 75
51/60a Set of 11... £100 95-00 91 162 4a. on 4d. ultramarine.... 2:25 8-00
(Currency. 12 pies = 1 anna; 16 annas = 1 rupee) 92 163 = 12a. on 1s.3d. deep yellow-green. 6:00 6:50
93 164 Ir. on 1s.6d. “eee eybie 7:50 50
90/3 Set of4... 1500 14-00
(1) (2)
Stamps of India overprinted with T 1 or T 2 (rupee values). BAHRAIN
1933 (10 Aug)-37. King George V. Wmk Mult Star. T 69.
1 55 3p. slate (11.33). 3-50 45 ANNAS =

2 56 V2. GFECM cesssssres 8-00 5:00 (5) (6)

w. Wmk inverted. 80:00 45:00
3 80 9p. deep green (litho! 4.00 5:00 BAHRAIN 2 RUPEES
a. Typo ptg (1937) 21:00 21-00 1948 (26 Apr). Silver Wedding, surch as T 5 or 6.
4 57 ‘1a. chocolate...... 11-00 3-25 61 137 2%a. on 2¥ad. ultramarine 1-00 2:75
w. Wmk inverted... 45:00 12:00 62 138 = 15r. on £1 blue 32:00 50:00
5 82 1a.3p. mauve........ 18-00 4:50
w. Wmk inverted... 18:00 4-50
6 70 2a. vermilion... 10:00 19:00 BAHRAIN 2 RUPEES
1948 (29 July), Olympic Games, surch as T 5, but in one line (6a.)
w. Wmk inverted.. 21:00 19-00 ema
if 62 3a. blue......... 19:00 75-00
or two lines (others); the 1r. also has a square of dots as T 7.
139 2%a. on 2¥ad. ultramarine 1-50 475
8 83 3a.6p. ultramarine 3:75 40
a. Surch double. £3500 £4250 (9) Ill
w. Wmk inverted.. 20:00 60
64 140 3a. on 3d. violet.. 1:00 4:25
reddish purple.
65 141 6a. on 6d. bright purple 150 4:25 BAHRAIN 5S RUPEES
66 142 Tr. on 1s, brown. 2:75 4:25
11 66
w. Wmk inverted..
12a. claret.
63/6 Set of4...
Fifteen used ‘examples of No. 63a are known, of which thirteen,
600 16:00 —
w. Wmk in a t £130
including a block of 4, were postmarked at Experimental P.O. K-121
12 67 1r. chocolate and green.. 16.00 15-00
(Muharraq), one on cover from F.P.0. 756 (Shaibah) on 25 October
carmine and orange..
ultramarine and purple.
1948 and one apparently cancelled-to-order at Bahrain on 10 October BAHRAIN S RUPEES
1949. PS. 2a a
w. Wmk inverted. £170 £190
1/14w Set of 14. £300 £400
(10) I
1934-37. King George V. Wmk Mult Star. T 69.
15 79 =a. green (1935). 10-00 2:75
w. Wmk inverted... 17-00 2:00 3 ANNAS Ey
16 81 la. chocolate....... 11-00 40 CnEEEDY
w. Wmk inverted (from booklets) 32:00 65-00
17 59 2a. vermilion (1935)... oes 50:00 7:50 (7)
17a 2a. vermilion (small die) (1937). £100 25
18 62 3a. carmine.. 5:50 60 1949 (10 Oct). 75th Anniv of U.P.U., surch as T 7, in one line (2¥a.) BAHRAIN 10 RUPEES
19 63 4a. sage- green(1935). 5:50 40 or in two lines (others). ceunmez9
£170 =:10:00 67 143 2%a. on 2¥ad. ultramarine 60 3-00 ex
a. Lake in India... £130 (11) Il
1938-41. King George VI. 68 144 = 3a. on 3d. violet.. 70 5-50
69 145 6a. on 6d. bright purple 60 3-00
20 91 3p. slate (5.38) 22:00 8-50 TYPE | (T 9/11). Type-set surch by Waterlow. Bold thick letters with
21 Yaa. red-brown (5.38). 10:00 20 70 146 Ir. on 1s. brown. 1:25 4-00
sharp corners and straight edges.
22 9p. green (5.38)... 17:00 17-00 67/70 SCE OF 4 ss ccnsusccneaascccryeatirs 2:75 14-00
TYPE Il (T 9/11). Plate-printed surch by Harrison. Thinner letters,
23 1a. carmine (5.38)... 18-00 20
rounded corners and rough edges. Bars wider apart.
24 92 2a. vermilion (1939)... 5:00 8-00
26 94 3a. yellow-green (1941).. 12:00 16-00 TYPE Ill (T 9). Plate-printed surch by Harrison. Similar to Type II as
27 95 3a.6p. bright blue (7.38)... 6:00 13-00 =—_ BAHRAIN = BAHRAIN regards the position of the bars on all 40 stamps of the sheet, but the
letters are thinner and with more rounded corners than in II, while the
28 96 4a. brown (1941), £190 75-00
30 98 8a, slate-violet (1940)... £325 35:00 ink of the surcharge is less black.
31 99 12a. lake (1940)..... £170 55-00 The general characteristics of Type II of the 2r. are less pronounced
32 100 ir. grey and red-brown (1940)... 9.00 275 than in the other values, but a distinguishing test is in the relative
33 2r. purple and brown (1940). 21:00 12-00 position of the bars and the “U" of “RUPEES”. In Type B (except for the
34 5r. green and blue (1940)... 15:00 13-00 1st stamp, 5th row) the bars start immediately beneath the left-hand
35 10r. purple and claret (1941 95:00 70-00
36 15r. brown and green (1941 £325 £350
2 RUPEES 2 RUPEES edge of the “U” In Type | they start more to the right.
; w. Wmk inverted } 90-00 (7a) Type | Type Il In the 10r. the “1” and the “0” are spaced 0.9 mm in Type | and only
37 25r. slate-violet and purple (1941)... £130 £110 0.6 mm in Type Il.
LOIS EGGS aro er a £1000 £450

1942-45. King George VI on white background. BAHRAIN 1955 (23 Sept)-60. T 166/8 (Waterlow ptgs) surch as T 9/11.
94 2r. on 2s,6d. black-brown (Type |) 5-50 2:25
38 100a = 3p. slate. 3:50 2:50 5r. Extra bar (R. 6/1) a. Type Il (13.5,58)... = 14:00 18-00
39 Yaa. purple. 475 4.75 b. Type Ill (No. 536a, DL. R) (29,1.60). 26:00 70:00
40 9p. green 18:00 25:00 Three Types of 2r.:
95 5r. on 5s, rose-red (Type |). 20-00 2:75
41 la. carmine 8-00 1-00 Type |. As Type 7a showing “2” level with “RUPEES” and “BAHRAIN”
a. Type Il (19.8.57) 8-00 7-00
42 101 1a.3p. bistre 10:00 24-00 sharp. 15 mm between “BAHRAIN” and “2 RUPEES”.
96 10r. on 10s. ultramarine 20:00 2:75
43 1’/a. dull viole 7-00 8-00 Type Il. “2" raised. “BAHRAIN” worn. 15 mm between “BAHRAIN” and a. Type Il (13.5.58) ... 50:00 £120
44 2a, vermilion. 7:00 1:50 “2 RUPEES”. ab. Type Il. Surch on No. 538a (D.L.R.
45 3a, bright viole 22:00 7-50 Type Ill. As Type II, but 16 mm between “BAHRAIN” and “2 RUPEES”. ptg) (1960) £120
46 3%a. bright blue. 650 24-00 Value is set more to the left of “BAHRAIN”. 94/6 Set of 3 40:00 7:00
47 102 4a. brown... 9-00 2:00 94a/6a Set o 65:00 £130
48 6a. turquoise-green 20:00 12-00 1950 (2 Oct)-55. Surch as T 3 or 7a (rupee values). Designs:—No. 94, Carrickfergus Castle; No. 95, Caernarvon Castle;
49 8a. slate-violet. 14:00 7-50 71 128 a. on ‘ad. pale orange (3.5.51)... 2:50 4-00 No, 96, Edinburgh Castle.
50 12a. lake 20:00 8-50 72 la. on 1d. light ultramarine
38/50 Set
OF V3.rccesssssssoves £130 £110 (3.5.51)... 3-00 20 1956-57. QE. Il (W 165), surch as T 3 (in two lines on 6a.).
73 1¥”aa. on 1¥ad. pale green (3.5.51). 3:75 13:00 97 154 ‘2a, on ad. orange-red (20.3.57).... 10 15
Unoverprinted India Victory stamps, Nos. 278/81, were placed on 74 2a. on 2d. pale red-brown (3.5.51). 1:50 30 98 156 = 4a, on 4d. ultramarine (8.6.56)........ 5:50 23.00
sale in Bahrain on 2 January 1946 (Ya. and 3¥2a.) and 8 February 75 2%a, on 24d, pale scarlet (3.5.51). 3:75 17:00 99 155 6a, on 6d. reddish purple (5.12.56) 50 75
76 129 4a, on 4d. light ultramarine. 5-00 1:50 100 160 12a. on 1s.3d. green (2.8,56).... 5 750 11-00
(9p. and 12a.).
77 147 2r. on 2s.6d, yellow-green (3.5.51) 45:00 17:00 101. +159 Ir. on 1s.6d. grey-blue (1.4.57). 11-00 10
_ Although the stamps of Pakistan were never placed on sale in a. Surch Type Il (1953). £140 55-00 a. Surch double. t £4750
_ Bahrain examples of the 1947 “PAKISTAN” overprints on India can b. Surch Type III (1955) £1600 £140 97/101 Set of 5... 22:00 32:00
be found cancelled in Bahrain from air mail originating at Dubai ba. “I” inverted and raised (R. 2/1)... £9000 £950 The two surcharges on No. TO1a are almost coincident.
or Sharjah. 78 148 5r. on 5s. red (3.5.51). 16:00 7:00
a. Extra bar...... £900 £650
79 149 = 10r. on 10s. ultramarine (3.5.51 42:00 11:00
THIF D SCRORO!: neccowaniccmcaecnnatnten ees £110 60-00 New Currency. 100 naye paise = 1 rupee.
Stamps of Great Britain surcharged
For similar surcharges without the name ofthe country, see BRITISH BAHRAIN BAHRAIN BAHRAIN
~ POSTAL AGENCIES IN EASTERN ARABIA. 1952 (5 Dec)-54. QE. Il (W153), surch as T 3 (in two lines on 2%
=z foes and 6a.).
| as aaa 80 154 =a. on Yad. orange-red (31.8.53) ..... 10 1-00

a. Fraction “Y2" omitted...
Ja. on 1d. ultramarine (31.8.53)..
82 1%a. on 1¥2d, green 10 30 3 75
84 155
2d. red-brown (31.8.53)
2%d. carmine-red
1:75 NP] NP Np NP NP
85 3a, on 3d. deep lilac (B.) (18.1.54).. 3-00 10 (12) (13) : (14)
86 156 4a. on 4d. ultramarine (2.11.53)... 18-00 30
87 157 6a. on 6d. reddish purple (18.1 54) 3-75 10 1957 (1 Apr)-59. QE. Il (W 165), surch as T 12 (1n.p., 15n.p.,

= 12a.
15.3d. green (2.11.53)...
1s.6d. grey-blue (2.11.53).
10 102.)
25n.p., 40n.p.,
157) 1n.p.
and 50n.p.), T 14 (75n.p.) or T 13 (others),
on Sd. DOWN weessee cs 10 10
(3) (4) 80/89 Set of 10. 29-00 3-25 103 154 3n.p. on Yad. orange-red. 50 3.00

6n.p. on 1d, ultramarine
iS a
105 9n.p. on 1¥ad, green ...... The following stamps were issued primarily for postage within
155 15n.p.
on 2d. light red-brown
on 2'4d. carmine-red (Type |)
Bahrain, but apparently also had franking value when used on external
a. Type Il (1959). 1:00 5:50
108 20n.p. on 3d. deep lil » 30 10 WSERIERRCAS NSNESSans) Ra ees hs TOSS Ma Raa
109 156 25n.p. on 4d. ultramarine... 1:25 2:50
110 157 40n.p. on 6d, reddish purple... 40 10 Regular mails between Barbados and Great Britain were established
a. Deep claret (1959)...... 65 10 at an early date in the island’s development and it is believed that
111 158 50n.p. on 9d. bronze-green 3-75 4:50 the British Mail Packet Agency at Bridgetown was opened in 1688 as
112 160 75n.p. on 1s.3d. green... 2:50 50 part of the considerable expansion of the Packet Service in that year.
102/112 Set OF 11 s.csessessene 925 16:00 From 1 August 1851 the colonial authorities were responsible for the
internal post system, but the British G.P.O. did not relinquish control
of the overseas post until 1858.
Baso onhe For illustrations of the handstamp types see BRITISH POST OFFICES
BAHRAIN L1 Shaikh L2 Shaikh ABROAD notes, following GREAT BRITAIN.
Sulman bin Sulman bin
15 NP Hamed al-Khalifa | Hamed al-Khalifa CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS
(Types L 1/2. Recess De La Rue) CC1~ CC 1 BARBADOES (3.10.1849) (R.)... Price on cover £475
1953-56. P 12x12'. Combination covers exist with the local postage paid by a Barbados
iy L1 Ya. deep green (1.10.56) 3:75 1:00 1d. stamp and the overseas fee by an example of No. CC1.
L2 1a. deep blue (1.10.56 3:75 1:00 During shortages of ¥2d. stamps in 1893 (17 February to 15 March)
L3 1%a. carmine (15.2.53 50 4:25 and of the %d. in 1896 (23 January to 4 May) No. CC1 was utilised,
L1/3 Set of 3 7:25 5:50 struck in black, on local mail. Price on cover from £100.
1957 (16 Oct). As Nos, L1/3 but values in new currency.
1957 (1 Aug). World Scout Jubilee Jamboree. Surch in two lines L4 3p. deep green.. 4:25 1:25 PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER TO 1945
as T 15 (15n.p.), or in three lines (others). U5 6p. carmine....... 4:25 1:25 . 1/35 from x5
113. 170 15n.p. on 2%4d. carmine-red 35 35 L6 9p. deep blue. 4.25 1:25 . 43/63 from x 4
114 171 25n,p. on 4d. ultramarine 35 35 L4/6 Set OF B srsssssssssssesssens 11:50 3:25 . 64/6 from x 10
115 172 75n.p. on 1s.3d. green.. 40 45 1961 (20 Mar). P 12x12¥2. . 67/83 from x 5
113/15 Set
of 3... 1:00 1:00 . 86/8 from x 3
L7 L2) | Spagreeninc-s.s. 1:25 30
L8 10p. carmine-red 3-75 30 . 89/103 from x 4
1960 (24 May). QE. Il (W179), surch as T 12. Lo 15p. gre’ 1-50 25 . 104 from x 20
116 155 15n.p. on 2'4d. carmine-red (Type Il)... 2-25 8-00 L10 20p. blu 2:50 25 . 105/15 from x 4
L11 30p. sepia. 2:00 25 - 116/24 from x 8
L12 40p. ultramarine. 9:00 30 - 125/33 from x 5
LF /V20S CC OF Ohrcnncssstoresntssinantansesen . 1:50 . 135/44 from x 4
- 145/52 from x 6
ees from x 8
STAMP BOOKLET . 158/62 from x 5
- 163/9 from x 3
1934, Red and black on tan cover. Mysore Sandal Soap'
. 170/96 from x4
advertisement on front.
. 197/8 from x 10
SB1 Ir. booklet containing sixteen 1a. (Nos. 16 and/
. 199/212 from x 6
OF TOW) IM DIOCKS OF 4 sssssscsssssssssssssarsssssserssssessensensee
. 213/39 from x3
. 240 from x 10
The Bahrain Post Department took over the postal services on . 241/4 from x 5
1 January 1966. Later stamp issues wil be found in Part 19 (Middle . 245/7 from x 6
16 Shaikh East) of the Stanley Gibbons catalogue. . 248/56a from x 4
Sulman bin . 257/61 from x 5
Hamed al-Khalifa
. D1/3 from x 25
(Des M. Farrar Bell. Photo Harrison (T 16). Des O. C. Meronti.
Recess D.L.R. (T 17)) PERKINS BACON “CANCELLED”. For notes on these handstamps,
1960 (1 July). P 15x14 (T 16) or 13%x13 (T 17). showing “CANCELLED” between horizontal bars forming an oval, see
117 16 5n.p. bright blue.. na 20 10 Catalogue Introduction. ||
118 15n.p. red-orange. 20 10
119 20n.p. reddish violet. 20 10 CROWN COLONY |
120 30n.p. bistre-brown... 20 10 a BAREADO ST
121 AON.P. GreYssssssessseee 20 10
122 50n.p. emerald-green 20 10
123 75n.p. chocolate 30 15
124 17 Ir. black..... 3:00 30
125 2r. rose-red 3:00 2:50
126 5r. deep blu 5.00 3-50
127 10r. bronze-green. 5 ed 2-1
AAT/V27 SEU OF ccerccercesenresectsceertecs 11-00 1 Britannia 2 Britannia

(Recess Perkins, Bacon & Co)

1852 (15 Apr)-55. Paper blued. No wmk. Imperf.
Shaikh Isa bin Sulman al-Khalifa
1 1 (‘2d.) yellow-green (1855).. = £700;
2 November 1961-6 March 1999 2 (‘Ad,) deep green. £150 £3258
(1d,) blue....... 60:00 £190
4 (1d.) deep blue 42:00 70-00
4a (2d.) greyish slate «- £300 £1300
b. Bisected (1d.) (on cover) (1854) + £8500
5 (4d.) brownish red (1855) sss £120 £275
The bisect, No. 4b was authorised for use between 4 August and
21 September 1854 during a shortage of 1d. stamps.
Prepared for use but not issued.
5a 1 (No value), slate-blue (shades)... . 28:00
5b (No value), deep slate 7 £250
Nos. 5a/b were never sent to Barbados and come from the Perkins
Bacon remainders sold in the 1880's.
18 Shaikh Isa bin 19 Air Terminal, Apart from the shade, which is distinctly paler, No. 4a can be —
Sulman al-Khalifa Muharraq distinguished from No. 56 by the smooth even gum, the gum of
No. 56 being yellow and patchy, giving a mottled appearance to the
back of the stamp. No. 5a also has the latter gum.
1855-58. White paper. No wmk. Imperf.
7 1. (%d.) yellow-green (1857).. £550 £110
8 (‘’Ad.) green (shades) (1858) £190 £200
9 (1d.) pale blue «« £170 70:00
10 (1d.) deep blue (H/S “CANCELLED”
in oval £12000)... «» 90:00 60:00
No. 8 exists in a yellowish green ich should not be
confused with No. 7.
1858 (10 Nov). No wmk. Imperf.
11 2 6d. pale rose-red.... £750 £120
20 Deep Water Harbour lla 6d, deep rose-red.. £750 £180
12 1s. brown-black £250 £110
(Des M. Farrar Bell. Photo Harrison (5 to 75n.p.). Des D. C. Rivett. 12a 1s. black £225 75:00
Recess B,W, (others))
BISECTS. The various 1d. bisects recorded between Nos. 14a and 73a
1964 (22 Feb). P 15x14 (T 18) or 13x13 (T 19/20).
were principally used for the ‘4d. inland rate, covering newspapers
128 18 — 5n.p. bright blue.. a from 1854 onwards. Prices for Nos. 24a, 52a, 66a and 73a are for
129 15n.p. orange red.. examples on dated piece, undated pieces being worth considerably
130 20n.p. reddish violet.. less, Nos. 14a, 15a and 19a are only known on undated piece and the
131 30n.p. olive-brown Prices for these bisects are for items in this condition.
132 40N.p. slate vse
133 50n.p. 1860. No wmk.
134 75n.p. brown..
135 19 Ir. black (a) Pin-perf 14
136 2r. carmine-red 13 1 (’d.) yellow-green £425
137 20 5r. ultramarine.. 14 (1d,) pale blue........ £150
138 10r. myrtle-green.. a. Bisected (‘2d.) (on piece £750
WZO/1SE\SEK ORM mstnarecamesen tacnter 15 (1d.) deep blue. £180
a. Bisected (Yd, £750
(b) Pin-perf 12% 1874 (May)-75. Wmk Large Star, Type w 1.
16 1 (%d.) yellow-green
(a) Perf 14
16a (1d.) blue......... 65 2 Yad. deep green. 17-00
(c) Pin-perf 14x12% 66 1d. deep blue 5-50
166 1 (%d_.) yellow-green... — £7500 a. Bisected (2d. p t £600
1861. No wmk. Clean-cut perf 14 to 16.
7 1 (‘4d.) deep green (H/S “CANCELLED” (b) Clean-cut perf 14% to 15% HALF-PENNY
666 2 1d. deep blue... a t+ £20000
in oval £12000), ~- £180 22-00
c. Imperf (pair) (5)
18 (1d,) pale blue £750 85-00
19 (1d.) blue........ £850 90-00 (Typo D.L.R.)
a. Bisected (Yed.) (on piece) + £550 (Recess D.L.R.) 1882 (28 Aug)-86. Wmk Crown CA. P 14.
1861-70. No wmk. 1875-80. Wmk Crown CC (sideways* on 6d., 1s.). 89 4 Yad. dull green (1882) 2-00
(a)P 12% w. Wmk inverted.
(a) Rough perf 14 to 16 90 Yad. green..... 38-00 2:00
20 1. (%d.) deep green... 48-00 67 2 ‘ad. bright green... 90-00 8-50
x. Wmk reversed...... £110 13-00 91 1d. rose (1882 90:00 =2:50
21 (Yad.) green...... 35-00 a. Bisected (Yad.) (on cover). t £1700
21a (‘Ad.) blue-green 75-00 y. Wmk inverted ani
68 4d. deep red....... £350 26-00 w. Wmk inverted. t £225
b. Imperf (pair) 92 1d. carmine........ 60:00 1:25
22 (‘Yad.) grass-green.. 48-00 w. Wmk inverted.. £475 55-00
x. Wmk reversed. £350 28-00 93 2¥ad. ultramarine (1882) £120 1-50
a. Imperf (pair) w. Wmk inverted.. — £140
23 (1d.) blue'(1861)... ~ 2:25 69 6d. bright yellow (aniline) . . £950 £100
70 6d. chrome-yellow... £650 70-00 94 2%ad. deep blue... £140 1-50
a. Imperf (pair) (pale blue, worn 95 3d. deep purple (1885) £120 50-00
a. Wmk upright... t+ £3000
w. Wmk Crown to right o £750 80-00 96 3d. reddish purple... 850 32:00
24 (1d.) deep blue. 23 4-00 97 4d. grey (1882)... £350 4-50
a. Bisected diag (Y2d.) (on piece) x. Wmk sideways reversed
71 1s. Violet (AMiliMe) prsssssessee £500 4:50 98 4d. pale brown (1885). 32:00 5-00
(1863) t+ £500 w. Wmk inverted.. — £140
25 (4d.) dull ro: £160 70-00 x. Wmk sideways reversed = £500) 4-00
y. Wmk sideways inverted and x. Wmk reversed. te? £275
a. Imperf (pair).......... £1100 y. Wmk inverted and reversed + £425
26 (4d.) dull brown-red (1865) £190 80-00 reversed ... — 13-00
99 4d. deep brown 16-00 2-00
a. Imperf (pair)...... £1600 100 6d. olive-black (1 75:00 48-00
27 (4d.) lake-rose (1868)... £190 £100 (b) P14
72 2 Yad. bright green (1876) .....csesenssersseee 26-00 50 102 1s. chestnut (1886)... 29:00 21-00
a. Imperf (pair) £1700 103 5s. bistre (1886) £170 £200
28 (4d,) dull vermilion £110 s. Handstamped “SPECIMEN” in
(a beanie osHT ph £110 89/103 Set of 9... £750 £275
a. Imperf (pair) = 96s/103s (ex 4d. grey) Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 5 £475
29 2 6d. rose-red (1861) (Handstamped sa. Handstamped “SPECIMEN”in
“CANCELLED”in oval £12000)... £375 24-00 black
w. Wmk inverted.. 25-00 1892 (July). No. 99 surch with T 5 by West Indian Press.
30 6d, OrANGe-red (1864) vrrcerssssseceeeseeeeene £180 32:00 104 4 ‘Ad.on 4d. deep brown ~* 2-25 6-00
31 6d. bright orange-vermilion (1868) £160 35:00 x. Wmk reversed. S 75
y. Wmk inverted and reversed £180 &.
No AYPhen verses 20:00 40-00
32 6d. dull orange-vermilion (1870) £180 29-00 b.Surch double (R.+Bk. £900 £1200
73 1d. dull blues eee £140 2:00
a. Imperf (pair)...... £750 ba.Surch double (R.+Bk.) both
33 6d. orange (1870)... £200 50-00 a. Bisected (¥d.) (on piece) (3.77).. t £300
s. Handstamped “SPECIMEN” in without hyphen £3500 £4000
34 1s. brown-black (1863) 75:00 11-00 c. Surch double, one albino..
a. Error. Blue...... £18000 [i ¢ eet wnt eS, £110
sa. Handstamped “SPECIMEN"in d. Surch “PENNY HALF” £375 9 £225
35 1s. black (1866). 65:00 11-00 Nos. 104b/ba come from a sheet with a tria surcharge iin red which
a. Imperf between (horiz pair)....... £9000 black £140
w. Wmk inverted. was subsequently surcharged again in black and put back into stock.
(b) Prepared for use, but not issued. P 11 to 12% x. Wmk reversed. £150 2:50 No. 104c is known in a horizontal pair (Price, £2500, unused) with
-- £15000 74 1d. grey-blue. £140 1:50 the left hand stamp showing the first two letters of the second
: - £2000 a. Wmk sideway: fe £750 impression inked. The right hand stamp shows a complete albino
The (1d.) deep blue No. 24, also exists imperforate, from a new w. Wmk inverted. £225 30-00 surcharge.
plate, but examples cannot readily be distinguished from No. 10. x. Wmk reversed. £150 1:75
The bisect, No. 24a, was first authorised for use in April 1863 and y. Wmk inverted and reversed — 55:00
further examples have been reported up to January 1869 during 75 3d. mauve-lilac (1878) -- £170 16-00
shortages of Yd. stamps. s. Handstamped “SPECIMEN”in
No. 34a was an error on the part of the printer who supplied the black... £150
first requisition of the 1s. value in the colour of the 1d. The 1s. blue w. Wmk i t £140
stamps were never placed on sale, but the Barbados Colonial Secretary 76 4d. red (1878) . £150 14-00
circulated some samples which were defaced by a manuscript corner- s. Handstamped “SPECIMEN” in
to-corner cross. A number of these samples subsequently had the black. £150
cross removed. . Wmk reversed. £180 18-00
Nos. 36/7 were never sent to Barbados and come from the Perkins 77 i £225 4:25
Bacon remainders. It is believed that the imperforate pairs came t 95-00 6 Seal of Colony
from the same source. . Wmk reversed. £225 6:50
1870. Wmk Large Star, Type w 1. Rough perf 14 to 16. 78 4d. crimson-lake.... £500 4:25 (Typo D.L.R.)
79 6d. chrome-yellow (1876) a GETSO 2:25 1892 (July)-1903. Wmk Crown CA. P 14.
43 1 (%d.) green £170 10-00
s. Handstamped “SPECIMEN” in
43b (‘ad.) yellow-green £225 50-00 105 6 ‘ad. slate-grey and carmine (5.5.96) 2-50 10
black =, <v£150 w. Wmk inverted.. —
44 (1d.) blue......... £2500 70-00
w. Wmk Crown to right ofCC £160 3-00
a. Blue paper, £4000 £140 106 Yad. dull green..... 2:50 10
x. Wmk sideways reversed £190 3-00
b. Wmk sideways.. t £1400 w. Wmk inverted.. — £140
80 (20 EY |[oa £350 11-00
45 (4d.) dull vermilion £1600 £120 107 1d. carmine 475 10
w. Wmk Crown to right ofC — 1400
46 2 ‘6d. orange-vermi £1000 90-00 108 2d. slate-black and orange (5.99)... 12-00 75
81 1s. purple (4.78) E170 8-50
47 1s. black £450 19-00 s. Handstamped “SPECIMEN” in
109 24d. ultramarine... 17-00 20
No. 43 exists imperforate (Price £1300, unused pair). 110 5d. grey-olive.. 7:50 450
red... £150
111 6d. mauve and carmine.. 16-00 2-00
1871. Wmk Small Star, Type w 2. Rough perf 14 to 16. w. Wm g £150 8-50
112 8d. orange and ultramarine. 4:25 32-00
48 1 (1d.) blue. £180 4:25 x. Wmk sideways reversed — 12.00
113 10d. dull blue-green and carmin 11:00 10-00
49 (4d.) dull rose-red.. £1300 70-00 82 1s. violet (aniline) (6.77)...... £3750 46-00
114 2s.6d. blue-black and orange... 48:00 65-00
50 2 6d. orange-vermilion £700 27-00 w. Wmk Crown to right of CC — 40:00
w. Wmk inverted ........ £170 £200
51 1s. black... £250 18-00 x. Wmk sideways reversed — 45-00
115 2s.6d. violet and green (29.5.03) £150 £300
83 1s. dull mauve (1879)...... £500 5:50
1872. Wmk Small Star, Type w 2. a. Bisected (6d.) (on piece) (1.80)... t — VOS/ TS SOt OF 1 creceeccesccsacsastessiosi £250 £375
105s/15s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set
of 11. £275
(a) Clean-cut perf 14% to 15% x. Wmk sideways reversed ......s.ssee — 13:00
See also Nos. 135/44 and 163/9.
52 EBERLE DL LNO ss csssccoscovseaoecosserssomrarvsovederivacccones 3-00
a. Bisected diag (¥d.) (on piece) £750 (c) P 14x12% (Typo D.L.R.)
53 2 ‘6d. orange-vermilion 90-00 84 AGS TOC seen
nn eee £6000
1897 (16 Nov)-98. Diamond Jubilee. T 7. Wmk Crown CC. P 14.
54 SINAC conc cscs 18-00 *The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CC, as
seen from the back of the stamp. (a) White paper
(b) P11 to 13x14% to 15% 116 Yad. grey and carmine 10-00 1-00
56 1 (‘%d.) green £375 65-00 Only two examples, both used, of No. 70a have been reported.
Nos. 72sa/3sa were from postal stationery and are without gum. sa. Opt “SPECIMEN” double. £275
57 (4d.) dull vermilion £800 £110 117 Yad. dull green.. 10-00 60
Very few examples of No. 84 have been found unused and only
1873. Wmk Large Star, Type w 1. one used example is known. 118 1d. rose....... 12-00 60
119 2%ad. ultramarine 16-00 1-00
(a) Clean-cut perf 14% to 15% w. Wmk inverte — £200
58 1 (%d.) green £450 28-00

igen Greet he
120 5d. olive-brown.. 38-00 20-00
59 (4d.) dull rose-red. £1400 £250
121 6d. mauve and carmine 48:00 25:00
60 2 6d. orange-vermilion £900 95-00 122 8d. orange and ultramarine. 24.00 27-00
a. Imperf between (horiz pair)........ £10000 123 10d. blue-green and carmine 75:00 55-00
b. Imperf (pair). £100 (3a) (3b) (3c) 124 2s.6d. blue-black and orang £110 65-00
61 TS. DIACK noose 2 £150 23-00 w. Wmk inverted
a. Imperf between (horiz pair)....... 1878 (28 Mar). No. 64 surch by West Indian Press with T 3a/c
116/24 Set of 9. £300 £170
sideways twice on each stamp and then divided vertically by
(b) Prepared for use, but not issued. P 11 to 12 116s/24s Optd et oO £250
62 2 6d. OFANGE-VEFMIIIOM.....oesesenssreeeeeeseene £10000 11% to 13 perforations. The lower label, showing the original
Only eight mint examples, in two strips of four, are known of No. 62. face value, was removed before use. (b) Paper blued
Two used singles of No. 60b have been seen. (a) With T 3a. Large numeral “1” 7 mm high with curved serif, 125 Yad. grey and carmine 30-00
and large letter “D’, 2% mm high 126 Yad. dull green.. 30-00
1873 (June). Wmk Small Star, Type w 2 (sideways = two points 127 1d. carmine. 40-00
86 3 1d. on half 5s. dull rose . £5000 £650
upwards). P 14. a. No stop after “D”...... - £16000 £2000 128 2¥ad. ultramarine 45-00
63 2 3d. DOWN-PUTPIE.......sscsccsssssnssssenssesenees £325 £110 129 5d. olive-brown... £250
b. Unsevered pair (both No. 86)... £26000 £2500
c. Ditto, Nos. 86 and 87..... — £5000 130 6d. mauve and carmine £140 £140
ca. Pair without dividing perf. + £40000 131 8d. orange and ultramarine. £140 £150
d. Ditto, Nos. 86 and 88 . £42000 £8500 132 10d. dull green and carmine.. £200 £225
133 2s.6d. blue-black and orange... £150 £150

(b) With T 3b. As last, but numeral with straight serif 1905. Wmk Mult Crown CA. P 14.
87 3 1d. on half 5s. dull rose - £7500 £950 135 6 ‘ad. slate-grey and carmine. 13-00 275
a. Unsevered pair + £4250 136 Yad. green (shades) . 27-00 10
137 1d. carmine...... 28-00 10
(¢) With T 3. Smaller numeral “1% 6 mm high and smaller *D*, 139 2¥ad. blue (shades) ~- 29-00 15
2% mm high 141 6d. mauve and carmine 38-00 35-00
3 88 3 1d. on half 5s. dull rose 2 £9000 £1000 142 8d. orange and ultramarine 6500 £130
1873 (June). Wmk Small Star, Type w 2 (sideways). P 15%x15. a. Unsevered pair . £38000 £5000 144 2s.6d. violet and green.. 65:00 £150
64 3 ~~ 5s. dull rose . £950 £300 All types of the surcharge are fou! |g upwards as well as 135/144 Set of7... £225 £275
s. Handstamped “SPECIMEN’ £350 downwards, and there are minor varieties of the type. See also Nos. 1
W. WOK InVErted veasssssssesernssseeeesnnseeeeer 80:00 £150
wa. “C" of “CA” missing from wmk.... £1800
wb. Substituted crown in wmk
209 17 ‘ and bright green... 55:00
a. "C" of “CA” missing from
w. Wmk Crown to left of CA...
x. Wmk sideways reversed ....
y.Wmk sideways inverted and

88 Nelson Monument
WAR TAX 210 2s. black and brown.
w. Wmk Crown to let fi
(15) x. Wmk sideways reversed... £250
(Des Mrs. G. Goodman. Recess D.L.R.) y. Wmk sideways inverted and
(Recess D.LR.) reversed
1906 (1 Mar). Nelson Centenary. Wmk Crown CC. P 14. 1916 (16 June)-19. Wmk Mult Crown CA. P 14. 211 3s, black and dull orange. a - 95:00 -
145 8 Yad. black and grey. 4 18:00 1-75 181 14 Yad. deep brown... 75 40 a. “C” of “CA” missing from wmk.... £1500
w. Wmk inverted... 55:00 65-00 a. Chestnut-brow 1:50 35 c. Substituted crown in wmk £1500
146 Yad, black and pale green. 11-00 15 b. Sepia-brown (4. 18), 4-25 3-00 w. Wmk Crown to left of CA... £160
w. Wmk inverted... w. Wmk inverted... - 17:00 18-00 x. Wmk sideways reversed... £300 _ £300
x. Wmk reversed.. £225 £120 y. Wmk inverted and reversed...... 50:00 60:00 ¥ y. Wmk sideways inverted and
y. Wmk inverted and reversed. £300 182 Yad. green... 3:75 15 FOVOTS
OG sscscciccsrecsssscsiavenncntecreninnete
147 1d. black and red... 12:00 15 a. Deep green (9. 17). 1-60 15
w. Wmk inverted... £100 (b) Wmk Mult Script CA
+ 6. Pale green (4.18) 2:25 80 212 16 1d. black and vermilion (22.8.21).... 17-00 30
x, Wmk reversed.. £120 w. Wmk inverted 40:00
148 2d. black and yellow... 3:50 4:50 201/12 Set of12 £150 £275
x. Wmk reversed... £130 201s/12s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 1 £275
149 . black and bright blue 4:25 1:25 y. Wmk inverted and reversed... 75:00 75-00
w. Wmk inverted....... £350 £300 “The normal sideways watermark on Nos. 209/11 shows Crown to
183 1d. deep red... 17-00 6:00 right of CA, as seen from the back of the stamp.
150 6d. black and mauve. 19:00 28-00 a. Bright carmine-“red 6.17). 2:50 15
151 1s. black and rose. 23-00 50:00 For illustration of the substituted watermark crown see Catalogue
6. Pale carmine-red (9.17) 6-00 65 Introduction.
145/51 Set of7.... 75-00 75-00 w. Wmk inverted... 42:00 50-00
145s/51s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of i, £160 x. Wmk reversed... £130
Two sets may be made of the abo’ k, opaque, creamy y. Wk inverted and reverse 45-00
white paper; the other on thin, rather transparent, bluish white paper. 184 2d, grey... 14:00 38-00
See also Nos. 158/62a. a. Grey- black (. 19) 60:00 80:00
x. Wmk reversed — £600
y. Wk inverted
185 2’ad. deep ultramarine... 7-00 3-50
a, Royal blue (11.17).. 11-00 4-50

Kingston w. Wmk inverted...
y. Wmk inverted and reverse 50:00 50:00
186 3d. purple/yellow (thin paper). 12:00 16:00
Fumna. a. Dp purple/yell (thick paper) (9. 45:00 60-00
(Recess D.L.R.)
PONE PENN, ad. 187
8:50 1921 (14 Nov)-24. P 14.
9 Olive Blossom, 1605 (10) 189 1s. black/green 14:00 12:00 (a) Wmk Mult Crown CA
190 2s. purple/b/ue 18-00 7:50 213 18 3d. purple/pale yellow... 2:00 11-00
(Des Lady Carter. Recess D.LR.) y. Wmk inverted and reversed £225 a. “A” of “CA” missing from wm
1906 (15 Aug). Tercentenary of Annexation. Wmk Multiple Crown 191 3s. deep violet. 75:00 £180 x. Wik reversed... fie eeS25
CA (sideways). P 14. w. Wik inverte 214 4d. red/pale yellow. 1:75 25-00,
152 9 1d. black, blue and green. 18-00 25 y. Wmk inverted and reverse £1700 £2250 215 1s. black/emerald 6:00 23-00
s. Optd “SPECIMEN...... 70:00 TSA/SALSCE OFM cstecsrecovecsoanvcse £140 £250 w. Wmk inverted t £475
181s/91s “SPECIMEN” Set of1 £275 x. Wmk reversed... £425 £375
1907 (25 Jan- 25 Feb). Kingston Relief Fund. No. 108 surch Dates quoted for shades are those of despatch ‘from Great Britain.
Examples of the Yad. and 1d. values can be found perforated either (b) Wmk Mult Script CA
with T 10 by T. E. King & Co., Barbados.
by line or by comb machines. 217 18 Yad. DFOWN ...erosee 25 10
153 6 1d. on 2d. slate-black and orange
No. 191y is gummed on the printed side. x. Wmk reversed 30:00
(Roe a 800 14:00 y. Wmk inverted an 70-00
a. Surch inverted ‘G5. 2 07).. 1:75 6:50 See also Nos, 199/200a,
219 Yad. green 1:50 10
b. Surch double. £850 £950 1917 (10 Oct)-18. War Tax. Optd in London with T 15.
c. Surch double, 220 1d. red... 80 10
£850 197 11 1d. bright red 50 15
d. Surch téte-béche (vert pair, aw. Wmk inverted 25:00 32-00
£1800 s. Optd “SPECIMEN 55:00
e. No stop after “1d. esse
ax. Wmk reversed... —- £180
70:00 £110 w. Wmk inverted... as ——) VP
ea. Do., surch inverted (25.2.07). ay. Wmk inverted and re — £180
42:00 £100 198 1d. pale red (thickerbluish
eb. Do,, surch double... 6. Bright rose-carmine.. 9-50 1-00
— £2250 (4.18)... “ecto 7:50 70
f. Vert pair, one normal, one bw. Wmk inverted 27-00
surch double. — £1200 1918 (18 Feb)-20. Colours: agen Wmk Mult Crown CA. P 14, 221 2d. GreYsesssssssenssens 1-75 20°
The above stamp was sold for 2d. o which 1d. was retained for the 199 14 = 4d. black and red. 2:00 3-75 y. Wmk inverted and reversed f
postal revenue, and the other 1d. given to a fund for the relief of the x. Wmk reversed £325 222 2’ad. ultramarine.... 1:50 900
sufferers from the earthquake in Jamaica. y. Wmk inverted and reversed.. + £500 225 6d. reddish purple... 3-50 7:50
An entire printing as No. 153a was created after a sheet of inverted 200 3s. green and deep violet...... 29:00 £110 226 1s. black/emerald (18.9. 55:00 £150
surcharges was found in the initial supply. a. Green and bright violet (1920). £250 £375 227 2s. purple/blue 10:00 23-00
199s/200s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 2.... £130 228 3s. deep violet. 27:00 85-00
The centres of these are from a new 9 no circular border y. Wmk inverted and reverse
1907 (6 July). Nelson Centenary. Wmk Mult Crown CA. P 14. 213/28! SEUOPN 2 carccmennensteessesscccoen 95:00 £300
158 8 Yad. black and grey... 6:00 213s/28s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 12 £225
161 2d, black and yellow 30:00
x. Wmk reversed... £325 1925 (1 Apr)-35. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 14.
162 2’ad. black and bright 8-00 229 19 Yad. brown... 25 10
a. Black and indigo £700 230 lad. green... 60 10
158/62 Set of 3 40-00 a. Perf 13%x12% (2.32) 9:50 10
231 1d. scarlet 60 10
1909 (July)-10. Wmk Mult Crown CA. P 14. a. “A” of “CA” missing from wmk.... t £1000
163 6 Yad. brown... bx. Wmk reversed t+ £500
165 1d. red... c. Perf 13%x12% (2.32) 12:00 50
166 2d. greyish slate (8.10)... 231d Tad. orange (1933)... 1400 3-25
168 6d, dull and bright purp' da, Perf 13%2x12%2 (15.8.32: 7:50 1:00
169 1s. black/green (8.10). 16 Winged Victory 17 ictory from Victoria 232 2d. grey... 15) 23:25)
163/9 Set ofS..... from the Louvre Memorial, London 233 2)ad. blue... 50 80
163s/9s Optd "SPECIMEN". Set ‘Of 5 a. Bright ultra 21:00 = 2:50
(Recess D.L.R.) ab. Perf 13%x12% (2.32) 20:00 10:00
1920 (9 Sept)-21. Victory. P 14. 234 3d. purple/pale yellow..... 1:00 45
a. Reddish purple/yellow (1935)... 650 7:00
(a) Wmk Mult Crown CA (sideways* on T 17) 235 4d. red/pale yellow 75 1:00
201 16 Yad. black and bistre-browN .c s s en 30 70 236 6d. 1.00 90
a. “C" of “CA” missing from wmk... £400 237 Is. 250 8-00
c. Substituted crown in wmk.. £450 a. Perf 13%2x12% (8.32) 70:00 50:00
w. Wmk inverted... £160 . Brownish black/bright yellow-
x. Wmk reversed. 75-00 green (1934) 7:00 10-00
y. Wmk inverted and reversed....... 80-00 238 2s. purple/blue.. 7-00 9:00
202 Yad. black and bright yellow-green.. 2-25 15 238a 2s.6d. carmine/blue (1.9.32) 30:00 48-00
a. "C" of “CA” missing from wmk... £450 £400 239 . deep violet... c 22:00
b, "A" of “CA” missing from wmk.... £450
c. Substituted crown in wmk.. £650
(Typo D.L.R.) w. Wmk inverted. — £170 of 13 £225
x, Wmk reversed. £160
1912 (23 July)- 16. Wmk Mult Crown CA. P 14. y. Wmk inverted and reversed £150 £150
170 11. ad. brown... 203 Td. black and Vermilionesunnen 4:00 10
a. Pale brown (1916). a. "A" of “CA” missing from wmk.... £600 £500
aw. Wmk inverted b. “C" of “CA” missing from wmk.... £600
171 Yad. QTEON ....ceesne c. Substituted crown in wmk.. £500
w. Wmk inverted... tore 65-00
172 1d, red (13.8.12) wa. Substituted crown in wmk..
a. Scarlet (1915)... y. Wmk inverted and reversed
173 2d. greyish slate (13.8.12 204 2d. black and grey.....
174 18-00
. bright blue (13.8.12). a. “C" of "CA" missing. from wmk... £500
175 12 3d, purple/yellow (13.8.12) 205 2%d. indigo and ultramarine....
= 2:75 28-00 20 King Charles | and King 21 Badge of the
4d. black and red/yellow (13.8.12)... a. “C” of “CA” missing from wmk.. £500 George V
177 6d. dull purple and purple Colony
W. Wk inVerted .esssssssesssseecnns = £180
178 13
y. Wmk inverted and reversed £160 £180 (Recess B.W.)
1s. black/green (13,8.12) 206 3d. black and purple wuss
179 3:50 6:50 1927 (17 Feb). Tercentenary of Settlement of Barbados, Wmk Mult
2s. purple and blue/blue (13.8.12).. a. “C" of “CA” missing from wmk.... £500
180 3s. green and violet (13.8.12) Script CA. P 12¥2.
w. Wmk inverted .. 35:00 55:00
170/80 Set of 11 207 240 20 ‘1d. carmine.... 1:50 75
4d, black and blue-g 3:50 7-00
170s/80s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 11 208 6d. black and brown-orange.. a. Perf 12x12¥ 375 3:00
5:50 24-00 s, Optd “SPECIMEN 55:00
1935 (6 May). Silver Jubilee. As Nos. 91/4 of Antigua, but ptd by 256 2s.6d. purple 10-00
Waterlow, P 11x12. 256a 5s. indigo (3.6.41). 10-00
241 1d. deep blue and scarlet. 2:25 20 ab. “A” of “CA” missing from wmk.... £2250
j. Damaged turret........ £650 £350 248/S6a Set of 16 45-00
242 1’ad. ultramarine and grey. 5:00 850 248s/56as Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 16. £450
j. Damaged turret....... £750 No. 249a was perforated by two m gauging 13.8x14.1
243 2¥ad. brown and deep blue 2:75 6:50 line (1938), the other 14.1 comb (October 1940).
m. “Bird” by turret.. £300 £400 Nos. 248/c and 249/c exist in coils constructed from normal sheets.
244 1s. slate and purpl 24:00 35-00
|. Kite and horizontal log.. £750 £800
DANY ESOC OF A ecssessarsesecrsonseveounctceass 30:00 45-00
2415s/4s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 4. £140
For illustrations of plate varieties see Omnibus section following

1937 (14 May). Coronation. As Nos. 95/7 of Antigua, but printed

by D.LR. P 14.
245 1d, scarlet 15
246 "ad, yellow-brown 75 22 Kings Charles |, George VI,
247 2%ad, bright blue 75 Assembly Chamber and Mace
245/7 Set OF 3 cesssssssssvesorees 1:50
(Recess D.LR.)
245s/7s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of3.
1939 (27 June). Tercentenary of General Assembly. Wmk Mult
Script CA. P 13%2x14.
257 22 ~~ Yad. green.
1d, scarlet
vad. orange..

Yad. Recut line (R. 10/6)

Cranes ian
-W nocd Flying Fish 31 Old Main Guard Garrison

12d. Twoflags on tug (R. 5/2)

AMM Ont)

32 St. Michael's 33 Greensge


2d. Extra frame 2d. Mark on 3d. Vertical line 3d. “Kite” (R.10/4)
line (R. 11/9) central ornament over horse's head
(R. 1/3, 2/3, 3/3) (R. 4/10) (corrected 1946 (18 Sept). Victory. As Nos. 110/11 of Antigua.
on Dec 1947 ptg) 262 lad. red-orange 8
a, Two flags on tug...
263 3d. brown
CUE UTRRECTY RPRE: a, Kite flaw..
262s/3s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 2.

ONE 34 Map of Barbados

and wireless mast
35 Seal of Barbados

PENNY (Recess B.W.)


1950 (1 May). T 24/35. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 11x11% (horiz),
13% (vert).
4d. “Flying mane 4d. Curved line at 4d. Scratched plate 271 24 1c. i
(R. 4/1) (corrected top right (R. 7/8) (extends to top 272 25 2c. emerald-green
on Dec 1947 ptg) (corrected on Dec right ornament) 273 26 3c. reddish brown and blue-“green 1:25 4:00
1947 ptg) (R. 6/10) 274 27 4c. carmine... “1
Short “Y” (R. 6/2) Broken “E” (R. 7/4 and 11/4) 275 28 ~~ 6c. light blue. =
(Recess D.L.R.) 276 29 = 8c. bright blue and purple-brown.. 2:25 3:75
1938 (3 Jan)-47. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 13%x13.
248 21 15
ONE 277
12c. greenish blue and brown-olive..
24c. scarlet and black.
A ¥
b. Perf 14 (8.42)
ABC. VILE rrserssessssesee
60c. green and claret...
ba. Recut line... £650 95-00 Broken “N's (R. 2/8, 281 34 $1.20 carmine and olive-green... 13-00 4:50
248c Yad. yellow-bistre (16.10.42). 15 30 later sheets only) 282 35 $2.40 black.. 26:00 42:00
ca. “A” of “CA” missing from wm £1100 271/282 Set of 12 . 75:00
cb. Recut line... 23:00 35:00 (Surch by Barbados Advocate Co.)
1951 (16 Feb). Inauguration of BWI. niet College. As
249 1d. scarlet (9.39). £275 5:00 1947 (21 Apr), Surch with T 23. Nos. 118/19 of Antigua.
a. Perf 14 (3.1.38). 17:00 10 (a) P14 283 3c. brown and blue-green 30 40
249b 1d. blue-green (194: 5:00 1:50 264 21 . ON 2d. carMine (NO. 250) srs 2:25 284 12c. blue-green and brown-olive. 1:25 2:25
c, Perf 14 (16.10.42). 15 10 . Extra frame line ~ £110
ca. “A” of “CA” missing from wm £1100 £1100 . Broken “N's e 2180)
cb. Printed double, one albino. £900 £1000 . Short “Y” 5 £110
250 DYBOOLANGE escssessstsorsissonavoansveses 20 40 . Broken “E”. » 70-00
a. “A” of “CA” missing from wm £1100
b. Perf 14 (11.41), 8-00 1:00 (6) P 13%x13
250c 2d. claret (3.6.41). 1:25 2:50 . on 2d. carmine (No. 250d) 3-00
ca. Extra frame line 80:00 £140 . Extra frame line e e200
250d 2d. carmine (20.9.43).. 1:50 70 . Broken “N's ee S25:
da. Extra frame line... 60:00 65-00 . Short “Y” . £200 36 King George VI and Stamp
db. “A” of “CA” missing from wm ie — . Broken “E”, - £140 of 1852
e. Perf 14 (11.9.44)... 60 1:75 f. Surch double. £3000
ea. Extra frame line 50:00 £120 The relationship of the two word rge differs on each (Recess Waterlow)
251 2¥ad. ultramarine........ 1-00 60 position of the sheet. 1952 (15 Apr). Barbados Stamp Centenary. Wmk Mult Script CA.
a. Mark on central ornament. 55:00 55:00 1948 (24 Nov). Royal Silver Wedding. As Nos, 112/13 of Antigua.
P 13%.
B, BIUC (17.2.44) vresssssesssessssvees 2:25 6-00 285 36 3c. green and slate-green 40 40
ba. “A” of “CA” missing from wm £1000 265 1d. orange 30 50 286 4c, blue and carmine 40 1-40
bb. Mark on central ornament. . £160 266 5s, indigo... 17:00 13-00 287 12c. slate-green and bright g 40 1:00
252 ESE FOWM) wcersocrccseetnssectsroesessaeen 3-75 1949 (10 Oct), 75th Anniv of Universal Postal Union. As 288 24c. red-brown and brownish black. 50 55
a. Vertical line over horse's head... £250 Nos. 114/17 of Antigua. 285/8 Set of 4 1-50 3-00
ab. “A” of “CA” missing from wmk.... £1000 267 1d. red-orange ? 50 2:00
DB. Perf 14 (4.41) .ssssssssessnsnsssrsnsees 30 60 268 3d. deep blue A 2:50 7:00
ba. Vertical line over horse's head... £110 £140 269 4d, grey. 50 3:50
252¢ 3d, DIUC (1.4.47) seresssssnessseesssseeseee 1:00 1:75 270 1s. olive 50 1-00
ca. Vertical line over horse's hea: £130 £170 267/70 Set of 4 3:50 12:00
253 30 10
£160 70:00 (New Currency. 100 cents = 1 West Indian,
. Curved line at top right. £140 70:00 later Barbados, dollar)
c. Scratched plate £160 80-00 37 Harbour Police
d. Perf 14 (11.9.44) 1:25 6:50
da. Flying mane....... £170 £375 (Recess B.W.)
db. Curved line at top right.. £160 £350 1953 (13 Apr)-61. Designs previously used for King George VI
dc. Scratched plate £150 £375 issue, but with portrait or cypher ($2.40) of Queen Elizabeth II,
254 6d. ViOlet ssosssesee 1:00 40 as in T 37. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 11x11% (horiz) or 13% (vert).
254a 8d. magenta (9.12.46) “ 1:00 2:00 289 5 MbSa) GoiACAI)Ossiteeanta tameshcutmtasal (ccvecztancassoncizen 10 80
ab. “A” of “CA” missing from wmk.... £1200 290 25 2c. orange and deep turquoise
255 15. OLVE-GFEOM eressscosesnssccseersnereees - 1600 2:50 (15.4.54) on 15 1:50
a. Deep brown-olive (19.11.45)... 2-00 10 24 Dover Fort 25y Stigarcane breeding 291 26 3c. black and emerald (15.4.54). 1-00 1-00

292 27. ~— 4c. black and orange (15.4.54) ...... 20 20 349 12c. multicoloured (31.1.67) 2 45 10
a. Black and reddish orange 350 15c. black, greenish yellow and red... 2:25 10
(18.3.59) ... 3s ns 5:00 2:25 351 25c. ultramarine and yellow-ochre 2:25 40

293 37 5c. blue and deep carmine-“red aw. Wmk Crown to right of CA me 950 9-50
(4.1.54)sce 1:00 60 ow,
b. Deep ultramarine and yellow-“ochre
294 28 6c. red-| brown (15.‘4.54). 3-00 60 (26.9.66) ccc vontapccerssaccnseremticnieeliete
tana 10:00 2:25
352 35c. brown-red and deep green
295 29
w. Wmk inverted
‘8c. black and blue (15. = © 2:00 40 BARBADOS cents BARBAI OS (23866) \estrecemaek eee eee 4-00 65
296 30 12c. turquoise-blue and brown- a. Chestnut and deep green (26.11.68).. 16-00 3-50
44 Staghorn Coral 45 Spot-finned Butterflyfish
olive (15.4.54).... pe 1:00 10 353 50c. bright blue and apple-green.. 1:75 4:25
a. Turquoise-green ‘and brown- w. Wmk Crown to right of CA. 85-00
olive (18.3.59)... Sees 17-00 3-00 354 $1 multicoloured (23.8.66) 6-00 1:00
b. Turquoise-blue and bronze- 355 $2.50 multicoloured (23.8.66) 7-00 3-00
green (13.6.61).... 19-00 2:00 355a $5 multicoloured (9.1.69). 21-00 17:00
297 31 24c. rose-red and bla 1:25 10 342/55a Set of 15 42:00 27-00
298 32 48c. deep violet (2.3.56) rm 8:00 1:00 *The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CA, as
299 33 60c. blue-green and brown- -purple 2a seen from the back of the stamp.
(3 AG) Ge esteche cteerrerseecncotrmnerteanenicer 40:00 5:50 BARBADOS cents The 3c. value is correctly inscribed “Hippocampus”.
a. Blue-green and pale maroon AlLyvalues except the 50c. exist with PVA gum as well as gum-arabic
(ZB G0) jaccrarccssssnenssctensees Miape entation 70:00 11-00 47 Porcupinefish (“Balloon but the $5 exists with PVA gum only.
300 34 $1.20 carmine and bronze-green Fish”) The $5 was released by the Crown Agents on 6 January but was
(3.4.56)..... 650 not put on sale locally until 9 January.
301 35 $2.40 black (1.2. 1:75 =
289/301 Set of 13 18-00
See also Nos. 312/19. INDEPENDENT
1953 (4 June). Coronation. As No. 120 of Antigua. (Des. V. Whiteley. Photo Harrison)
302 Ac, black aNd red-OFrange .......csssscsseessseseeeees 1:00 20 1966 (2 Dec). Independence. T 54 and similar multicoloured
1958 (23 Apr). Inauguration of British Caribbean Federation. As designs. P 14.
BARBADOS 356 4c. Type 54 #10, 10
Nos, 135/7 of Antigua.
303 3c, deep green. 55 20 49 Brain Coral 357 25c. Hilton Hotel (horiz) 154) 10
304 6c. blue... 70 2:25
358 35c. G. Sobers (Test cricketer).. 1-50 65
305 12c. scarlet... 70 30 359 50c. Pine Hill Dairy (horiz) 70 1:10
303/5 Set of 3 1-75 2:50 356/9 Set of 4. 2:25 175
1967 (6 Jan). 20th Anniv of U.N.E.S.C.O. As Nos. 196/8 of Antigua.
360 Ac, slate-violet, red, yellow and orange. 20 10
361 12c. orange-yellow, violet and deep
olive 45 50
362 25c. black, bright purple and orange 75 1-25
360/2 Set of 3 1-25 1-60

1G Governor-General
38 Deep Water Harbour,
(Recess B.W.) S(oe
1961 (6 May). Opening of Deep Water Harbour, Bridgetown. 73)
W w 12. P 11x12.
Ps .
38 4c. black and red-orange..
8c, black and blUC........0
60 BARBADOS $/00 Zz
308 24c. carmine-red and black 60 60 52 Queen or Pink Conch Shell 53 Fiddler Crab 4 <
BOG/S\SCKOLS Snacaecienmnrearenearoncnteercied 1:50 1-50 > ~— iv
ee ee ro) =
(Des V. Whiteley, from drawings by Mrs. J. Walker. Photo Harrison)
1965 (15 July). Marine Life. T 40/53. W w 12 (upright). P 14x13%. BARBADOS x
SELF-GOVERNMENT 58 Policeman and 62 Governor-General Sir
322 1c. black, pink and blue... 20 30
323 2c. olive-brown, yellow and magenta.. 20 15 Anchor Winston Scott, G.C.M.G.
324 3c. olive-brown and orange... 45 60
325 4c. deep blue and olive-green 15 10 (Des V. Whiteley. Litho D.L.R.)
a. Imperf (pair) £325 £250 1967 (16 Oct). Centenary of Harbour Police. T 58 and similar
w. Wmk inverted... — 24-00 multicoloured designs. P 14.
326 5c. sepia, rose and lilac 30 20 363 4c. Type 58 25 10
327 6c. multicoloured. 45 20 364 25c. Policeman with telescope 40 15
w. Wmk inverted... 1-25 1-00 365 35c. BP1 (police launch) (horiz) 45 15
328 8c. multicoloured.. 25 10 366 50c. Policeman outside H.Q... 60 1-60
w. Wmk inverted... 475 363/6 Set of 4 1:50 175
329 12c. multicoloured... 35 10
a. Grey printing double. 65:00 (Des V. Whiteley. Photo Harrison)
BARBADOS w. Wmk inverted.......... t+ £160 1967 (4 Dec). First Anniv of Independence. T 62 and similar
330 15c. black, greenish yellow ani 4.00 30 multicoloured designs. P 14%x14 (4c.) or 14x14% (others).
39 Scout Badge and 331 25c. ultramarine and yellow-ochre. 1:00 30 367 4c. Type 62 15 10
Map of Barbados 332 35c, brown-red and deep green.. 1:50 15: 368 25c. Independence Arch (horiz).. 25 10
w. Wmk inverted... Bi t+ 85:00 369 35c. Treasury Building (horiz)... 30 10
(Recess B.W) 333 50c. bright blue and ‘apple- green 2-00 40 370 50c. Parliament Building (horiz) 40 90
1962 (9 Mar). Golden Jubilee of Barbados Boy Scout Association. 334 $1 multicoloured... 3-50 2:00 367/70 Set of4
W w 12. P 11%x11. 335 $2.50 multicoloured... 2:75 8-00
309 39 = 4c, black and orange...... 85 10 322/35 Set
of 14... 1500 11:50
310 12c. blue and olive-brown 1-40 15 The 3c. value is“wrongly inscribed “Hippocanpus" the correct
311 $1.20 carmine and olive-green. 2:00 3-75 spelling “Hippocampus” was used for subsequent printings, see
B09/11)-Setons -.sasvakesremennmmeoreee + 3-75 3-75 No, 344,
See also Nos, 342, etc.
1964 (14 Jan)-65. As Nos. 289, etc., but wmk w 12.
312 24 Ic. indigo (6.10.64). 50 600 1966 (24 Jan). Churchill Commemoration. As Nos. 170/3 of
313 27 ~~ 4c. black and orange... 30 50 Antigua.
314 29 8c. black and blue (29.6.65).. 70 35 336 1c, new blue........ 10 3-75
315 30 12c. turquoise-blue and brown-olive w. Wmk inverted... 38-00
(29.6.65).... ae 50 50 337 4c, deep green 60 10
316 31 = 24c. rose-red and ‘black. 6.10.64) 2:25 70 338 25c. brown... 1-50 50
317 32 48c. deep violet... ie 6:00 1:50 339 35c. bluish violet... 1:50 70
318 33 60c. blue-green and ‘brown,-purple 336/9 Set of 4.. 3-25 4-50
(6.10.64) ..- 10:00 4:00
1966 (4 Feb). Royal Visit. As Nos. 174/5 of Antigua. 66 U.N. Building, Santiago, Chile 67 Radar Antenna
319 35 $2.40 black (29.6.65). 1:25 1:75
312/19 Set of8... = 19:00 14-00 340 3c. black and ultramarine a, 75 1:00 (Des G. Vasarhelyi. Photo Harrison)
The above dates are “for Crown Agents releases. The 14.1.64 341 35c. black and magentia...... 2:25 1:00
printings were not released in Barbados until April 1964, the 6.10.64 1968 (27 Feb). 20th Anniv of the Economic Commission for Latin
printings until December 1964 and ofthe stamps released in London America. P 14%.
on 29 June 1965 the 8c. and $2.40 were released from about 15 June 371 66 15. MUILICOIOUTE” ...ssecsssececsceeesenennnessnnee 10 10
1965, but the 12c. value was never put on sale in Barbados. (Des G. Vasarhelyi. Photo Harrison)
1965 (17 May). |.T.U. Centenary. As Nos. 166/7 of Antigua. 1968 (4 June). World Meteorological Day. T 67 and similar
320 2c. lilac and red... = : 20 40 multicoloured designs. P 14x14% (25c,) or 14%x14 (others).
321 48c. yellow and grey-“brown. 45 1-00 372 3c. Type 67 10 10
373 25c. Meteorological Institute (horiz) 25 10
374 50c. Harp Gun and coat of arms... 30 90
372/4 Set of 3... 55 1-00

BARBADOS |ccs 53a Dolphin 54 Arms of Barbados
1966 (15 Mar)-69. As Nos. 322/35 but wmk w 12 (sideways*).
40 Deep Sea Coral 41 Lobster New value and design (as T 53a).
342 1c. black, pink and blue....
w. Wmk Crown to right ofCA :
10 20 BARBADOS 3°)
343 2c. olive-brown, yellow and magenta 70 Lady Baden-Powell, and Guide
(16.5.67)..... or se¢5 30 80 at Camp Fire
344 3c. olive-brown and orange (4.12.67) . 30 2:75
Aaj 345 4c. deep blue and olive-green 50 10 (Des. V. Whiteley (from local designs). Photo Harrison)

Wmk Crown to right of CA
sepia, rose and lilac (23.8.66)
45 10
1968 (29 Aug). SOth Anniv of Girl Guiding in Barbados. T 70 and
similar horiz designs. P 14.
347 6c, multicoloured (31.1.67)..
42 Lined Seahorse 43 Sea Urchin 348 8c, multicoloured (19.9.67)..
70 10 375 3c, ultramarine, black and gold. 20 «60%
75 10 376 25c. turquoise-blue, black and go 30 60
yz 35c, orange-yellow, black and gold 35 60 393 5c.
Type 84... 15 10 STAMP BOOKLETS
375/7 Set of 3 75 1:60 394 25c.Sea Scouts rowing... 45 10
Designs:—25c. Lady Baden-Powell and Pax Hill; 35. Lady Baden- 1906 (Feb).
395 35c.Scouts around camp fire 55 10
Powell and Guide Badge. 396 50c.Scouts and National Scout SB1 —_2s.0%d. booklet containing twenty-four 1d.
Headquarters 1-25 (NON137)! Ini DIOCKS!OF 6 savaustvecascesstapveceasecre
INTERNATIONAL I 393/6 Set of 4... 1-40 1909. Black on red cover. Stapled.
HUMAN RIGHTS MS397 155x11 13-00 SBla__1s,6d, booklet sorting, eee 1d.wee 165)in
blocks of6....
1913 (June). Black on red cover. stapled.
SB2 2s. booklet containing twelve Yad. and eighteen
1d. (NOS. 171/2) iN DIOCKS Of 6. £3000
1916 (16 June). Black on red cover. Stapled.
SB3 2s. booklet containing twelve Yd. and eighteen
73 Hands breaking Chain, and TANMNOS. 1852/3) In DallStnandatonunamurens £1000,
Human Rights Emblem
1920 (Sept). Black on red cover. Stapled.
(Des V. Whiteley. Litho B.W,) SB4 2s. booklet containing twelve Yad. and eighteen
1d. (Nos, 202/3) in pairs... on £3000
1968 (10 Dec*). Human Rights Year. T 73 and similar horiz
designs. P 11x12. 1932 (12 Nov). Black on pale green cover. noes Cars and Post
378 4c. violet, brown and light green... 10 20 Office Guide advertisements on front. Stapled.
379 25c. black, blue and orange-yellow . 10 25 SBS 2s. booklet containing Yad. and 1d. (Nos. 230a,
380 35c. multicoloured 15 25 231a) each in block of 10 and 1%2d.
(88) 89 Lion at Gun Hill
378/80 Set of 3 30 60 (No. 231ba) in block of 6... £2250
Designs:—25c. Human Rights emblem and family enchained; 35c. 1970 (11 Mar). No. 346 surch locally with T 88. 1933 (4 Dec). Black on pale green cover. Advocate Co. Ltd.
Shadows of refugees beyond opening fence. 398 Ac. on Sc. sepia, rose and lilac 10 10 advertisement on front. Stapled,
*This was the local release date but the Crown Agents issued the a. Vert pair, one without surch. 60:00 70:00 SB6 2s. booklet containing Yd. and 1d. (Nos. 230/1)
stamps on 29 October. b. Surch double. 30:00 38-00 each in block of 10 and 1¥4d.ane 2316) in
c. Vert pair, one block of 6.... ses = £2500
double... 85:00 95-00
1938 (3 Jan). Black on Wahe bite cover. haiocabs Co. Ltd.
d. Surch triple £300 £160 advertisement on front. Stapled.
e. Surch normal on front, inverted on.
DaCK scsscrssssscssssthsrenusten
tetanus ncmancired 20-00 SB7 2s. booklet containing Yad. and 1d. (Nos. 248,
f. Surch omitted on front, inverted on 249a) each in block of 10 and 1¥2d. (No. 250)
back . 26:00 in block of 6... eathesontateae £2750


1970 (4 May)-71. Multicoloured designs as T 89. W w 12
76 Racehorses in the Paddock (sideways on 12c. to $5). Chalk-surfaced paper. P 12%.
399 1c. Type 89... 10 250
(Des J. Cooter. Litho Format) a.Glazed, o} y paps 10 1:50
1969 (20 Mar*). Horse-Racing. T 76 and similar horiz designs. 400 2c, Trafalgar Fountain........0 30 1:25
Multicoloured. P 14, a.Glazed, ordinary paper (15.3.71).. 10 1:75
381 4c. Type 76 25 15 401 3c. Montefiore Drinking Fountain . 1-00 1:00
382 25c. Starting-gate. 25 15 a.Glazed, ordinary paper (15.3.71).. 10 1:75
383 35c. On the flat... 30 15 aw. Wmk inverted........ 9-50
384 50c. Winning pos 35 2-40 402 4c. St. James’ Monument.. 1:00 15
381/4 Set OF 4 ceessssssssssrscensseeee 1:00 2-50 a.Glazed, ordinary paper (15.3.71) . . 30 10
MS385 117x85 mm. Nos. 381/: 2:00 2:75 403 5c. St, Anne's Fort... ob 2 10 10
*This was the local release date but the Crown Agents issued the a.Glazed, ordinary paper (15.BIA)en 10 10
stamps on 15 March. 404 6c. Old Sugar Mill, Morgan Lewis 35 3:00
405 Bc);Cenotaphirssactnernccon ceo : 10 10 Missing top serif on “c" (R. 2/4)
a.Glazed, ordinary paper (15.3.71)...... 10 10
406 10c. South Point Lighthouse...... 3-50 50 (Typo DLR.)
a.Glazed, ordinary paper (15.3.71).. 1:25 15 1934 (2 Jan)-47. Wmk Mult Script CA, P 14.
407 12c. Barbados Museum (horiz)...... 1:75 10 D1 D1 Yad. green (10.2.35) 1:25 9-00
a.Glazed, ordinary paper (13.12.71)... 8-00 30 D2 1d. black.......... 2:25 1:25
408 15c. Sharon Moravian Church (horiz)......6 30 15: a. Bisected (12d.) (on cover, + £1800
a.Glazed, ordinary paper (13.12.71)... 2:50 30
D3 3d. carmine (11.3.47) 20:00 23-00
409 25c. George Washington House (horiz).... 25 15 D1/3 Set of3... 21-00 30:00
a.Glazed, ordinary paper (15.3.71)....... 50 35 D1s/3s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 3.. £110
410 35c. Nicholas Abbey (horiz).... fi 30 85 The bisected 1d. was officially authorised for use between March
ANNIVERSARY a,Glazed, ordinary paper (15.3.71)...... 45 70
OF 1934 and February 1935. Some examples had the value “Yad.” written
411 50c. Bowmanston Pumping Station
across the half stamp in red or black ink (Price on cover £2250).
(horiz).. 40 1:00
a. Glazed, y pap care 70 4:50 (Typo D.L.R.)
ba Le
soaqvauvad 1969 412 $1 Queen Elizabeth Hospital (horiz).. . 70 2:50 1950 (8 Dec)-53. Values in cents. Wmk Mult Script CA. Ordinary
80 Map showing 81 “Strength in Unity” a. Glazed. ordinary paper (15.3.71)....... 4:00 11:00 Paper. P 14.
“CARIFTA” Countries 413 $2.50 Modern sugar factory (horiz) : 1:50 4:00 D4 D1 1c. green... ae 5:00 45-00
a. Glazed, ordinary paper (13.12.71)... 32:00 16:00 a, Chalk-~ surfaced paper. ‘Deep
(Des J. Cooter. Photo Harrison) 414 $5 Seawell International Airport (horiz) 600 11-00 green (29.11.51)... s 30 3:00
a. Glazed, ordinary paper (15.3.71)...... 13-00 15:00 ab. Error. Crown missing, Wames £900
| 1969 (6 May). First Anniv of CARIFTA (Caribbean Free Trade Area).
399/414 Set of 16...... 14:00 24-00 ac. Error. St. Edward's Crown,
| W w 12 (sideways on T 80). P 14.
399a/414a Set of 15. 55:00 48:00 W 9b... £450 £650
386 80 5c. multicoloured... 10 10 Stamps in this set were re-issued between 1972 and 1974 with DS 2c. black... 7:00 20:00
387 81 12c. multicoloured 10 10 watermark w 12 sideways on 4c. to 10c.; upright on 12c. to $5. a. Chalk-surfaced paper (20.1.53). 1:00 6:50

| 388 80 25c. multicoloured 10 10 ac. Error. St. Edward’s Crown,
| 389 81 50c. multicoloured 15 20 W 9b... £800
386/9 Set of 4 30 30 D6 6c. carmine. - 22:00 22-00
a. Chalk-surfaced paper (20.1.53). 1:00 8:50
ab. Error. Crown missing, W 9a...... £325
\RBADOS. 4e ac, Error. St. Edward’s Crown,
W 9b. £180
D4/6 Set of 3. 30:00 80:00
1919 D4a/6a Set of 3.
The 1c. has no dot below “c’”.
2:10 16-00


1965 (3 Aug)-68. As Nos. D4/6 but wmk w 12 (upright), Chalk-
105 Primary Schoolgirl
surfaced paper.
(Des V. Whiteley. Litho J.W.) D7 D1 1c. deep green... o 30 4-00
82 |.L.O. Emblem and “1919-1969”. (83) a. Missing top serif on "C” (R. 2/4). 8-00
1970 (26 June). 25th Anniv of United Nations. T 105 and similar
b. Green... 3-00 8:50
horiz designs, Multicoloured. W w 12. P 14.
(Des Sylvia Goaman. Litho Enschedé) c, Centre inverted £26000
415 4c. Type 108.... 10 10 D8 2c, black 30 5:00
| 1969 (12 Aug). 50th Anniv of International Labour Organisation. 416 5c, Secondary Schoolboy. 10 10
P 14x13. D9 6c. carmine. 50 7:00
417 25c. Technical Student. 40 10 a. Carmine-red (14.5.68)... 1-40 12:00
} 390 82 4c. black, emerald and turquoise- 418 50c. panna 2Bales 55 1:50
blue.. 10 10 D/O SOb OfsSineretecescrarsrersrcesesssraesaenasastsssoreys 1:00 13-50
415/18 Set
of 4.... “tr 1:00 1-60
391 25c. black, 20 10
Although released by the Crown Agents on 5 August, the above
were not put on sale in Barbados until 12 August.
| Barbuda (see after Antigua)
| 1969 (30 Aug). No. 363 surch with T 83.
392 Ic. on 4c. Type 58 10 10

106 Minnie Root

(Des and litho JW.)

1970 (24 Aug). Flowers of Barbados. T 106 and similar designs.
Multicoloured. W w 12 (sideways on horiz designs). P 14%.
419 1c. Barbados Easter Lily (vert) 10 3:00
84 National Scout Badge 420 Sc. Type 106...... 40 10
421 10c. Eyelash Orchid 175 30
(Des J. Cooter. Litho Enschedé) 422 25c. Pride of Barbados (vert! 1:25 75
| 1969 (16 Dec). Independence of Barbados Boy Scouts Association 423 35c. Christmas Hope 1:25 85
and 50th Anniv of Barbados Sea Scouts. T 84 and similar A19/23)Set Of bate uamence 4-25 4:50
horiz designs. Multicoloured. P 13x13. MS424 162x101 mm. Nos. 419/23. Imper' 2-00 6-50

RU a e 1937 (12 May). Coronation. As Nos. 95/7 of Antigua, but printed
by D.L.R. P 14.
15 1d. scarlet 1:25
Basutoland 16 2d. bright purple. 1:25
7 3d, bright blue 1:25
S/ATISEE ONS enecascestsrred 3:25
Peoria alseaiisctini ssUa NCA aOR Soa a RTT 15s/17s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 3.
Stamps of CAPE OF GOOD HOPE were used in Basutoland from 11 Basuto household
about 1876, initially cancelled by upright oval with framed number
type postmarks of that colony. Cancellation numbers known to have
been used in Basutoland are 133 (Quthing), 156 (Mafeteng), 210
(Mohaleshoek), 277 (Morija), 281 (Maseru), 317 (Thlotse Heights) and
688 (Teyateyaneng).
From 1910 until 1933 the stamps of SOUTH AFRICA were in use.
Stamps of the Union provinces are also known used in Basutoland
during the early years of this period and can also be found cancelled-
to-order during 1932-33.

The following post offices and postal agencies existed in Basutoland 2 King George VI, 1d. Tower flaw 13 Herd-boy playing
before December 1933. Stamps of Cape of Good Hope or South Africa Nile Crocodile and (R. 2/4) lesiba
with recognisable postmarks from them are worth a premium, For Mountains
a few of the smaller offices or agencies there are, as yet, no actual =
examples recorded. Dates given are those generally accepted as the (Recess Waterlow)
year in which the office was first opened. 1938 (1 Apr). Wmk Mult Script CA. P 12%.
18 2 ad. green... 30 1:25
Bokong (1931) Motsekuoa (1915) 19 1d. scarlet 1:50 70
Butha Buthe (1907) Mount Morosi (1918) a, Tower flaw. £170 = =£250
Jonathan's (1927) Mphotos (1914) 20 Vad. light blue... 75 50
Khabos (1927) Peka (1908) 21 2d. bright purple 75 60
Khetisas (1930) Phamong (1932) 22 3d. bright blue 75 1:25 r SUTOLA
Khukhune (1933) Pitseng (1921) 23 Ad. grey.. 2:75 3-75
24 6d. orange-yello' 3-25 1:50 14 Pastoral scene 15 Aeroplane over
Kolonyama (1914) Qachasnek (1895) Lancers Gap
Kueneng (1914) Qalo (1923?) 25 1s. red-orange 3-25 1:00
Leribe (1890) Quthing (1882) 26 2s.6d. sepia 19:00 8:50
Mafeteng (1874) Rankakalas (1933) 27 5s. violet 45:00 9-50
Majara (1912) Roma Mission (1913) 28 10s. olive-green 48:00 23-00
Makhoa (1932) Sebapala (1930) NSV28'SeCOn lilkercsseremerecn £110 45-00
Makoalis (1927) Seforong (1924) 18s/28s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 11 £375
Mamathes (1919) Sehlabathebe (1921)
Mapoteng (1925) Sekake (1931)
Marakabeis (1932)
Maseru (1872)
Teyateyaneng (1886)
Thaba Bosigo (1913)
Maseru Rail (1915?) Thabana Morena (1922)
Mashai (1929) Thabaneng (1914) 1945 (3 Dec). Victory. Stamps of South Africa, optd with T 3, inscr
Matsaile (1930) Thaba Tseka (1929) alternately in English and Afrikaans.
Mekading (1914) Thlotse Heights (1872) Used Used
Mofokas (1915) Tsepo (1923) Un pair pair single ub
Mohaleshoek (1873) Tsoelike (1927) 29 55 1d. brown and carmine 50 80 10
Mokhotlong (1921) Tsoloane (1918) a. Barbed wire flaw.. 15-00
Morija (1884) 30 56 2d, slate-blue and viole 50 60 10
31 57 3d. deep blue and blue 50 85 15
For further details of the postal history of Basutoland see The 29/31) SCHOf Sheccattccn centro ane 1-40 2:00 30
Cancellations and Postal Markings of Basutoland/Lesotho by A. H. Scott,
published by Collectors Mail Auctions (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town, from which
the above has been, with permission, extracted.
18 Mohair (Shearing
Nos. 1/19 from x5
Nos. 11/14 from x6 (Recess D.L.R.) |
Nos. 15/17 from x 10 1954 (18 Oct)-58. T 8/18 Wmk Mult Script CA. P 11% (10s.) or
Nos. 18/28 from x 6 13% (others). |
Nos, 29/31 from x 10 8 Yad. grey-black and sepia
9 1d. grey-black and bluish green.
Nos. 01/4 from x 4 10 2d. deep bright blue and orange
11 3d. yellow-green and deep rose-red.......
Nos.D1/2 from x 25 PAs a AND a a. Yellow-green and rose (27.11.58)
5 King George VI and Queen 12 4d. indigo and deep ultramarine
Elizabeth 13 6d. chestnut and deep grey-green.
14 1s. bronze-green and purple...
CROWN COLONY 15 1s.3d. brown and turquoise-gree
16 2s.6d. deep ultramarine and crimson.
a. Bright ultramarine & crimson-lake
52 17 5s. black and carmine-red
53 18 10s. black and maroon
43/53 Set of 11

Princess, and Princess Margaret

7 The Royal Family 2d
1 King George V, (19)
Nile Crocodile and (Recess Waterlow)
Mountains 1947 (17 Feb). Royal Visit. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 12%.
1959 (1 Aug). No. 45 surch with T 19, by South African Govt Ptr, —
Pretoria. :|
32 4 = 1d. scarlet... 10 10 54 Yad. on 2d. deep bright blue and orange. 35 20
(Recess Waterlow)
33 5 2d. green... 10 10
1933 (1 Dec). Wmk Mult Script CA. P 12%. 34 6 3d. ultramarine 10 10
1 1 Yad. emerald. 1-00 1-75 35 rf 1s. mauve.. 15 10
2 1d, scarlet... 75; 1:25 32/5) Set OF 4 iersseeucrosies 40 30
3 2d. bright purple. 1:00 80 32s/Ss Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of4 £140
4 3d. bright blue 75 1:25
5 4d. grey........ 2-75 7-00
6 6d. orange-yellow. 2:25 1-75 1948 (1 Dec). Royal Silver Wedding. As Nos. 112/13 of Antigua.
7 1s. red-orange 400 4-50 36 Tad. ultramarine. 20 10
8 2s.6d, sepia 40:00 55-00 37 10s. grey-olive. 50:00 50:00
9 5s. violet... 75:00 95-00
10 10s. olive-green £225 £250
LUO) Set OFM OS cercatecnt ince £300 £375 1949 (10 Oct). 75th Anniv of Universal Postal Union. As
1s/10s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 10... £350
20 “Chief Moshoeshoe |”
Nos. 114/17 of Antigua.
(engraving by Delangle)
38 Tad. blue... 20 1:50
1935 (4 May). Silver Jubilee. As Nos, 91/4 of Antigua. P 13x14.
39 3d. deep 2:00 2:00
11 1d. deep blue and carmine.... 75 3-50 40 6d, orange........ 1-00 5:50
f. Diagonal line by turret £180 £275 41 1s. red-brown 50 1-40
h. Dot by flagstaff.......... — £600 38/41 Set of 4 3-25 9.50
12 2d, ultramarine and grey 1-00 3-50
f. Diagonal line by turret £180 £275
g. Dot to left of chapel. £300 £350 1953 (3 June). Coronation, As No. 120 of Antigua.
i. Dash by turret........ £375
42 2d. black and reddish purple... 65 40
13 3d. brown and deep blue.. 4:00 8-00
g. Dot to left of chapel. £325 £400
h, Dot by flagstaff. £425
i. Dash by turret. £475 21 Council house 22 Mosuto horseman
14 6d. slate and purple 4-25 8:00
g. Dot to left of chapel. £550 (Des from drawings by James Walton. Recess Waterlow) f
h. Dot by flagstaff. £425 £475
1959 (15 Dec). Basutoland National Council. T 20/2. W w 12.
i. £500 £600 P 13x13’.
11/14 Set of 4 9:00 21-00
115/145 Perf"! £150 55 3d. black and yellow-olive...... 60 1
For illustrations of plate varieties see Omnibus section following 56 1s, carmine and yellow-gree! 60
Zanzibar. 57 1s.3d. ultramarine and red-orang 1-00 50
8 Qiloane 9 Orange River 55/7 Set of 3 2-00
(New Currency. 100 cents = 1 rand) 1964 (10 Mar-10 Nov). As Nos. 70, 72, 74, 76 and 78, but W w 12.
84 1c. grey-black and bluish green (11.8.64) 10 20
86 2¥ac. pale yellow-green and rose-red
(103,64) iccsseseonesocccrerptesssambssonestecentcoresety 25 25 5c 5c
ac. Ic. 2c
88 Sc. chestnut and deep grey-green (I) (I)
(10.11.64)... 40 50
90 1204c. brown andt g c 14-00 2:75 1961 (14 Feb). Surch as T 24, but without stop.
(23) (24) (25) 92 50c. black and carmine-red (29.9 64) 7-25 16:00 D5 D2 TC, ON 1d. CALMING weve 10 35
84/92 Set of 5 20:00 18-00 D6 1c. on 2d. deep reddish violet 10 1-25
D7 5c. on 2d. deep reddish violet

(Il) D5/7 Set of3.
(Type })....
. Type Il

1961 (1 June). No. D2a surch as T 24 (without stop).

5c 5c 10c 10c
D8 D1 5c. on 2d. violet 1:00 7-50
a. Error. Missing Crown, W 9a £2000
b. Error. St. Edward’s Crown, W9b £375
() (il) () (i) c. Large “d” 22:00
1964. As No. D3/4 but values in cents and W w 12 (sideways on

(Hl) 28 Mosotho Woman and Child 29 Maseru Border Post
D2 1c. carmine
5c. deep reddish violet

1965 (10 May). New Constitution. T 28/9 and similar horiz

designs. Multicoloured. W w 12. P 14x13%.
25c 25c 25¢ 94 2%ac, Type 28...
w. Wmk inverte
(Il) (Ill) 95 3¥ac. Type 29....... 60 20 In July 1961 the 10s. stamp, T 9, surcharged “R1 Revenue”, was used
96 5c, Mountain scene 60 20 for postage at one post office at least, but such usage was officially
w. Wmk inverted... 30:00 21:00 unauthorised.

97 12%c. Legislative Buildings
94/7 Set of4...
1:10 Basutoland attained independence on 4 October 1966 as the
Kingdom of Lesotho.
1965 (17 May). |.T.U. Centenary. As Nos. 166/7 of Antigua.
98 1c. orange-red and bright purple 15 10
1961 (14 Feb). Nos. 43/53 surch with T 23 (%c.), 24 (1c) or 99 20c. light blue and orange-brown 50 30
as T 25 (others) by South African Govt Printer, Pretoria.
58 Vac, on Yad. grey-black and sepi 10 30 1965 (25 Oct). International Co-operation Year. As Nos. 168/9 of
| a. Surch double.. £800 Antigua.
59 1c. on 1d. grey-bla uish green. 30 10 100 Yac. reddish purple and turquoise-green 10 1:50
60 2c. on 2d. deep bright blue and 101 12¥ac. deep bluish green and lavender....... 45 35
orange 1:50 1:75
a. Surch inverted £225 1966 (24 Jan). Churchill Commemoration. Printed in black, cerise,
61 2¥ac. on 3d. yellow-green and rose (Type D 15 10 gold and background in colours stated. As Nos. 170/3 of
a. Type II (central on vignette) + 15 10 Antigua.
ab. Type II (higher to left, fracti 102 1c. new blue..... 15 1:75
dropped) 30 15 103 2’ac. deep green 60 10
b. Type II inverted... t+ £4250 104 10c. brown... 1-00 60
62 3¥ac. on 42d. indigo and deep 105 22%4c. bluish viole 1-60 1:75
ultramarine (Type | 45 20 102/5 Set of 4..... hgh 3-00 3:75
a. Type Il 4:50 9-50
63 5c. on 6d. chestnut and deep grey-
| green (Type })... 1:00 10
a. Type Il aor 50 10
64 10c, on 1s. bronze-green and purple
(Type |)... 50 10
a. Type Il... £180 £200
| 65 12¥ac. on 1s.3d. brown and turquoise- (01)
green (Type ))... 15-00 5:50
a. Type Il sy 6:50 2:50 1934 (Feb). Nos. 1/3 and 6 optd with Type O 1, by Govt printer,
| 66 25c. on 2s,6d, bright ultramarine and Pretoria.
crimson-lake (Type |). 2:25 1:00 01 1 Yad, emerald £16000 £8000
a. Type Il... 65:00 17:00 ey) 1d, scarlet. £6000 £4000
b. Type Ill... 2:25 3:00 03 2d. bright purple. £6500 £1400
67 50c. on 5s. black and carmine-red (Type ) 9-00 6-00 04 6d. orange-yellow. £16000 £5000
a. Type Il... 5:00 7:00 01/4 Set of 4 £40000 £17000
| 68 Tr. on 10s. b ack and maroon (Type !) 75:00 30:00 Collectors are advised to buy these stamps only from reliable
j a. Type Il... 35:00 75:00 sources. They were not sold to the public.
b. Type Ill... 35:00 30:00 300 of each value were supplied in January 1934 for use by the
58/68b Set of 11 (cheapest). 48:00 38-00 Secretariat in Maseru. Limited usage is recorded between 28 Feb 1934
Examples of the 2c. surcharge are known ina fount similar to and 8 June 1934. The issue was then withdrawn and the remainders
| Type 24 (Price £275 unused), destroyed. Only the following numbers appear to have been issued:
Yad. 24, 1d. 34, 2d, 54, 6d. 27, from which a maximum of ten mint
sets exist.


26 Basuto Household

(Recess D.L.R.)
) 1961-63. As Nos. 43/53 but values in cents as in T 26. Wmk Mult
Script CA. P 13% or 11% (14). Large “d.’
69 Yac. grey-black and sepia (as Yad.) (25.9.62) 25 20 (R. 9/6, 10/6)
PITT E(Ball) scoecoxssscsevenseosecnssorontestavenstson £400
70 1c. grey-black and bluish green (as (Typo D.L.R.)
] (25.9.62) 35 40 1933 (1 Dec)-52. Ordinary paper. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 14.
71 2c. deep brig D1 D1 1d, carmine... 375 16:00
| 2d.) (25.9.62) 3:00 1-75 a. Scarlet (1938).. ~» 50:00 60-00
72 2c. yellow-green and deep rose-red b. Chalk-surfaced paper. Deep
WM aI0) asec coasecmaveis carpsfax seesocecctoroscensans 2:00 1:00 carmine (24.10.51) 2:25 9-50
a. Pale yellow-green and rose-red ba. Error. Crown missing, W 9a £425
d RRR IETO 2) eraserstrenyresnrsortnarettreabitssee 19:00 2:00 bb. Error, St. Edward’s Crown,
73 3¥ac. indigo and deep ultramarine (as W 9b £170
4Yad.) (25.9.62) 100 1:75 D2 2d, violet 11:00 25-00
74 5c. chestnut and deep grey-g! aa. Large “d”. . 70-00
SENN EISS.2) nner cszcsssctevanect ceeconcesesdee 70 75 a. Chalk-surfaced paper (6.11.52). 30 25-00
75 10c. bronze-green and purple (as 1s.) ab, Error. Crown missing, W 9a........ £425
Me EEOO2 atten ceonstontcroamitaeent rete 50 40 ac. Error. St. Edward’s Crown,
| 76 12¥ac. brown and turquoise-green (as £170
See) L((1212,02) cactormsoatnzsnessesrconesooecceesanea 26:00 14-00 ad, Large “d”... 8-50
77 25c. deep ultramarine and crimson (as D1s/2s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 2 75-00
| BESHESCR): (255! ,62) coe cesceecccssussceccertneernssors 650 6:50
78 50c. black and carmine-red (as 5s.)
(22.10.62) 21:00 26-00
| 79 Ir. black and maroon (as 10s.)(4.2.63) 55:00 28-00
a. Black and light maroon (16.12.63)... 90:00 48-00
URES La erecta serey cesses insnccosomucasiescacoytivooysversace £100 70-00

| 1963 (4 June). Freedom from Hunger. As No. 146 of Antigua. D2

| 80 12%ac. reddish violet... : 40 15
(Typo D.L.R.)
| 1963 (2 Sept). Red Cross Centenary. As Nos. 147/8 of Antigua. 1956 (1 Dec), Wmk Mult Script CA. P 14.
81 2¥ac, red and black 30 10 D3 D2 1d. carmine 30 3-00
82 12¥ac. red and blue 1:10 60 D4 2d. deep reddish violet... 30 ©6600

Selling Your Stamps?
Summary Tip #19:
5 Different Ways to Sell your Stamps: Choose with Care
by Andrew McGavin

Dear Colleague,
Following the first article (page 42) in the that dealers compete to purchase your a small ex-gratia payment. Fortunately a
‘Selling your Stamps?’ series we present collection ... happy ending for the client — amazingly,
the advantages and disadvantages more than her Sister ... it could so easily
inherent in each of the 5 different ways 45% MORE was paid for have been a different outcome.
to sell your stamps. the public auction to sell But what if that collection had been
the collection to a stamp auctioned as one lot or 7 volumes +
1. Direct Sale: To a Dealer — or residue? For the client to have been
dealer. £2,556 more was paid better off — the trade would have had
Stamp Auction buying on their
that the collector did not to pay more than £40,000 ... an unlikely
own account.
receive. scenario. The moral — know the strength
The merits of ‘direct sale’ are often
under-estimated by collectors. Direct
of your collection and ‘pick’ the right
BUT — there are imaginative ways people to participate in its purchase.
sale, intelligently handled, may yield that you can obtain more from dealers
considerable benefits. For example we without going to auction — and have In our next article we'll discuss
recently purchased a modest collection the benefit of certainty too, whilst not alternatives
at a major London auction which waiting up to 6 months for your money Happy collecting from us all,

was estimated at $4,000 to &5,000. ... for example — ... a valuable collection
Remember in our last article #18 when was offered to us earlier this year.
we talked about ‘know the strength of We're allowed to write what happened
your collection’ ... this collection was without revealing any confidences. PS. If you find this ‘tip’ interesting
the kind that no public auction house Unfortunately the Father had died
could afford to ‘break’ on behalf of
please forward it to a philatelic friend.
leaving one of his two Daughters £25,000
the owner — so it was offered intact as and the other Daughter his Stamp Andrew McGavin
one lot. Inevitably no collector would Collection — a very difficult situation Managing Director: Universal Philatelic Auctions,
purchase such a diverse collection — as you might imagine. Believing the Omniphil & Avon Approvals, Avon Mixtures,
so the ‘trade’ was bidding against each collection may be valuable, unusually, 3
Universal Philatelic (Ebay)
other in order to purchase. Finally we different dealers visited to value it. All
purchased the collection for $8,158 3 dealers incurred costs — in our case 6 To read the rest of this series ‘SELLING YOUR
including 20% buyer’s premium. The travelling hours and 260 miles — so none STAMPS?’ see the relevant pages listed below:
collection actually sold for $6,800. The was happy to leave an offer on the ‘table’ Summary Tip 18 — e 42 (Australia
auction’s commission charged to the for the next dealer to pay £50 more and Summary Tip 19 — page 92 (Bechuanaland) _|
buyer was £1,358. purchase the collection — what was the Summary Tip 20 — page 206 (Egypt) _ : ;
Summary Tip 21 - page 264 (India)__ aa:
But that’s not the end of the story. Did client to do allowing fair play to all? We
To read the final instalment, Summary Tip 22 —‘Sell- _
the seller receive £6,800? ... NO. The suggested an ‘auction’ monitored by ing via Online Auction’ simply e-mail and request to: —
seller received $6,800 less the seller's the owner of the collection — not hard rtiacly
commission which unless _ specially to conduct in the age of landline and Also, at the back of this catalogue to seehow UPA _
negotiated was a further 17.62% inclusive mobile phones... and opened the bidding can pay you upto 36% more for your collection _
of VAT. That’s a further $1,198 to be with a £20,000 bid.
deducted from the £6,800 sale price. The The 3rd Dealer dropped out — the
owner will have received $5,602 upon a 2nd dealer had just finished viewing
collection sold to us for which we paid the collection so was actually on the
&8,158 ! client's premises. He bid $21,000, we bid
I can hear you saying that Auctions £22,000 ... and so it went on until bidding
exist so that buyers compete to pay ‘narrowed’ to $500 increments and finally
more for your stamps - it’s true — but we purchased the collection for £27,500
some collections simply are not suited and travelled 260 miles again to collect it
to being sold via public auction. All you and pay for it. The client thanked the 2nd
are doing is paying an auction to ensure

STAMPS! WE LOVE THEM! Buying or selling your stamps? Collectors — we have four
different departments that can help you fi nd all the stamps you want.
REQUEST Your FREE Catalogue and yes it’s true -— we do give collectors your
Ist £55 Auction Winnings FREE if you are new to U P A, aged 18+ and live in the UK, US A,
West Europe, Australia, Canada, New Zealand so You CAN TEST UPA
Visit www.upastampa when you want to buy or sell stamps.
ee me If you'd like to receive the rest of the series, why not sign up
* for our FREE Stamp Tips of The Trade via our website

If you'd like to discuss the sale of your collection

please contact Elaine or Andrew on 01451 861111
‘OFF:DoYou Qualfy?
(PART1) 4 The Old Coalyard, West End
creIDE: See pages 15/16, Northleach, Glos. GL54 3HE UK
i~ REQUEST MY TIPSTIE Tel: 01451 861111 - Fax: 01451 861297
BATUM - Stellaland, British Bechuanaland BECHUANALAND
Le ee Se (b) Perf
23 50r. on 2k. yellow-green... £850 £1000
Batum 24
50r. on 3k. carmine-red
50r. on 4k. red.
£950 Bechuanaland
26 50r. on 5k. brow Gar £450 £550
Pa ES GE 27 50r. on 10k. deep blue (R. £3000 £3000 EE
ee PS ke eee
28 50r. on 15k. blue and red-brown £850 £1000
Batum, the outlet port on the Black Sea for the Russian Transcaucasian

Before the 1880s the only Europeans in the area which became
oilfields, was occupied by the Turks on 15 April 1918. Bechuanaland were scattered hunters and traders, together with
Under the terms of the armistice signed at Mudros on 30 October the missionaries who were established at Kuruman as early as 1816.

1918 the Turks were to withdraw and be replaced by an Allied
Tribal conflicts in the early years of the decade led to the
occupation of Batum, the Baku oilfields and the connecting
intervention of Boers from the Transvaal who established the
Transcaucasia Railway. British forces arrived off Batum in early
independent republics of Goshen and Stellaland.
December and the oblast, or district, was declared a British military
governorship on 25 December 1918. The Turkish withdrawal was eos
complete five days later. BRITISH
The provision of a civilian postal service was initially the
responsibility of the Batum Town Council. Some form of mail service
was in operation by February 1919 with the postage prepaid in cash. The Boer republic of Stellaland was proclaimed towards the end of
Letters are known showing a framed oblong handstamp, in Russian, 1920 (30 Jan-21 Feb). Russian stamps (Arms types) handstamped 1882. A postal service was organised from the capital, Vryburg, and
to this effect. The Town Council was responsible for the production of as T 6. stamps were ordered from a firm in Cape Town. These were only valid
the first issue, Nos. 1/6, but shortly after these stamps were placed on within the republic. Until June 1885 mail to other parts of South Africa
sale a strike by Council employees against the British military governor (a) Perf was sent through Christiana, in the Transvaal, and was franked with
led to the postal service being placed under British Army control. 29 25r. on Sk. brown-lilac (21 Feb) 55:00 75:00 both Stellaland and Transvaal stamps.
Ay BIUC!SUPCH ccasesasssscccvovcriseres 55:00 70:00
30 25r. on 10 on 7k. blue (21 Feb) £150 £160 No date stamps or obliterators were used by the Stellaland Post
SURCHARGES. Types 2 and 4/8 were all applied by handstamp. Most Office. Stamps were initially pen-cancelled with the date only and from
values from No. 19 to 40 are known showing the surcharge inverted, a. Blueisurchizsatecetiowascst 90:00 £100
31 25r. on 20 on 14k. deep carmine and August 1884 to May 1885 by the date and the postmaster’s initials.
surcharge double or in pairs with surcharge téte-béche. Inverted After May 1885 they were generally cancelled by a pen stroke or
surcharges are worth from 2xnormal, téte-béche pairs from four times blue (21 Feb) £100 £130
a. Blue surch. £100 = £130
cross or left uncancelled. Postmarks found on Stellaland stamps were
the price of a single stamp. applied in transit; those known being ‘3’ (Rustenburg), ‘6’ (Christiana)
32 25r. on 25k. deep
(21 Feb)..... £180 £190
and 8’ (Zeerust) of Transvaal, ‘27’ (Hoopstad, Orange Free State) or‘232'
FORGERIES. Collectors are warned that all the stamps, overprints and (Barkly West, Cape Colony).
surcharges of Batum have been extensively forged, Even the Type 1 a. Blue surch. £120 £150
stamps should be purchased with caution, and rarities should not be 33 25r, on 50k. green and copper-red
acquired without a reliable guarantee. (21 Feb) £130 £140 PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER
a, Blue surch. 95:00 £130
34 50r. on 2k. yellow-green £140 £170 The issues of Stellaland are very rare on cover.
BRITISH OCCUPATION 35) 50r. on 3k, carmine-red. £140 £170
(Currency. 100 kopeks = 1 rouble) 36 50r. ON 4k. red vss £130 =£150
37 50r. on 5k. brown-lilac £100 £130
Nos. 1/6 from x 50 38 50r. on 2k. yellow-green £450 £500
Nos. 7/10 from x 15 39 50r. on 3k. carmine-red. £550 £650
Nos. 11/18 from x 50 40 50r. on 5k, brown-lilac... £1700 £1800
Nos, 19/20 from x 15 1920 (10 Mar). Romanov issue, as T 25 of Russia, handstamped
Nos. 21/44 — with T 6.
Nos. 45/53 from x 75 41 50r. on 4k. rose-carmine (B.) £130 £150
1 Arms of the Republic

ary B sei R.OOR,

(Litho by Van der Sandt, de Villiers & Co., Cape Town)
1884 (29 Feb), P 12.
BATYM. OB. 1 1 1d. £200 £325
BRITISH a. Imperf between (horiz pair)
b. Imperf between (vert pair)..
OCCUPATION 2 BASLOLANIGG vercercoresesesrtszsereettrrnc 38:00 £375

25Py6.29 PY6,
a. Imperf between (horiz pair) £900

Py0.10 Py0. b. Imperf between (vert pair)...

c. Imperf vert (horiz pair).
1 Aloe Tree (2) 3 Ad. OLIVE-Grey .crcsseseseen 32:00 £400
a. Imperf between (horiz pair) £800
1920 (1 Apr). Nos. 3, 11 and 13 handstamped with T 7 (Nos. 42/3)
1919 (4 Apr). Litho. Imperf. b. Imperf between (vert pair).. £2250
or 8 (No. 44).
1 1 7:50 27:00 4 6d. lilac-mauve.. 38:00 £400
42 25r. on 5k. yellow-green 55:00 65-00 a. Imperf betw p £1600
iz 950 27-00 a, Blue surch. 75:00 90:00
3 50k. yellow..... 9:00 15:00 43 25r. on 25k. orange-yellow 42:00 45-00
b. Imperf between (vert pair)... £1800
4 Tr. chocolat 13-00 9:50 5 1S. Qre@N vse 85:00 £800
a. Blue surch.. £170 =£190 In 1884 the British Government, following appeals from local
5 3r. violet. 11:00 20-00 44 50r. on 50k. yellow... 35:00 40:00
6 5r. brown 10:00 45:00 chiefs for protection, decided to annex both Goshen and Stellaland.
a. “50" cut... 23:00 25-00 A force under Sir Charles Warren from the Cape reached Vryburg
1/6 Set of6.... » 55:00 £130 b. Blue surch... £120 £130
Nos. 1/6 were printed in sheets of 198 (18x11). on 7 February 1885 and continued to Mafeking, the principal town
ba. “50” cut... £275) £275 of Goshen.
Nos. 44a and 44ba show the figures broken by intentional file cuts On 30 September 1885 Stellaland and other territory to the south
1919 (13 Apr). Russian stamps (Arms types) handstamped
applied as a protection against forgery. The “5” is cut at the base and of the Molopo River was constituted the Crown Colony of British
with T 2.
on the right side of the loop. The “0” is chipped at top and foot, and Bechuanaland. A protectorate was also proclaimed over a vast tract
if 10r. on 1k. orange (imperf) 80:00 90-00 has both vertical lines severed.
8 10r. on 3k. carmine-red (imperf) . 35:00 42-00 of land to the north of the Molopo.
9 10r. on 5k. brown-lilac (perf)..... £450 £500 1920 (19 June). Colours changed and new values. Optd with 7 3. Stellaland stamps continued to be used until 2 December 1885
10 10r. on 10 on 7k. deep blue (perf £550 £600 Imperf. with external mail, franked with Stellaland and Cape of Good Hope
A similar handstamped surcharge, showing the capital letters 45 1 Ir. chestnut... 2:25 18-00 stamps, postmarked at Barkly West and Kimberley in Griqualand West.
without serifs, is bogus. a. 90-00
46 2r. 2:25 18-00 1885 (Oct). Handstamped “Gott” sideways in violet-lake.
BRITISH a. £110 6 1 2d. 01 4d. OliVe-grey wasn £3500
47 3r. 2:25 18:00
OCCUPATION a. £110 On 2 December 1885 Cape of Good Hope stamps overprinted
(3) 48 Sr. 2:25 18-00 “British Bechuanaland”
were placed on sale at the Vryburg post office,
a. £110
1919 (10 Nov). Colours changed and new values. Optd with T 3. 49 7r. 225 18-00
11 1 ‘5k. yellow-green - 32:00 18-00 a. £110
12 10k. bright blue 16:00 23-00 50 10r. 2:25 18-00 BRITISH BECHUANALAND
13 25k. orange-yello 30:00 24-00 a £110
14 ir. pale blue 9:50 24-00 51 15r. vi 2:75 23-00 CROWN COLONY
15 2r. pink...... 1:00 8-50 a. £250
16 3r. bright violet... 1:00 10-00 52 25r. scarlet... 250 22:00
17 Si. DOWN wescssee 1:25 10-00 a. “BPITISH” £190 PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER
a. “CCUPATION’” (R. 5/1 £400 53 50r. deep blue. 2:75 25-00 . 1/8 from x 12
18 i 7:00 14-00 a. “BPITISH” £425 yet) from x 80
11/18 Set of 8 85:00 £120 45/53 Set OF 9 sessersssssees 19:00 £160 . 10/21 from x 8
Nos. 11/18 were printed in sheets of 432 (18x24). Nos. 45/53 were printed in sheets of 308 (22x14). The “BPITISH” . 22/8 from x 10
error occurs on R. 1/19 of the overprint. 29 from x 10
5 eh) from x 10

. 31/2 from x 12
When Nos. 7/10 were issued on 13 April 1919 a similar 35k. surcharge . 33/7 from x 20
was applied to stocks of various Russian postcards held by the post . 38/9 from x 25
P 10P. P.15 P. office, The majority of these had stamp impressions printed directly

on to the card, but there were also a few cards, originally intended for
OCCUPATION overseas mail, on which Russia 4k. stamps had been affixed. BRITISH
OCCUPATION OBA. PRICES. Those in the left-hand column are for unused examples on
complete postcard; those on the right for used examples off card.
(4) (5) Examples used on postcard are worth more.
1919 (27 Nov)-20. Russian stamps (Arms types) handstamped 1919 (13 Apr). Russian stamps handstamped as T 2. British
with T'4 or 5. Imperf. Pl 35k. On 4k, red (AFMS type)... £9000 £9000
19 10r. on 3k. carmine-red 30:00 32:00 P2 35k. on 4k. carmine-red (Romanov issue) £17000 £17000 Bechuanaland BECHUANALAND
20 15r. on 1k, orange. £100 £110
a. Red surch.... 85:00 90:00 Batum was handed over to the National Republic of Georgia on (1) (2)
b. Violet surch (10.3.20) £100 £140 7 July 1920.
Nos. 20a/b have the handstamp in soluble ink. 1885 (2 Dec)-87. Stamps of Cape of Good Hope ("Hope” seated)
optd with T 1, by W. A. Richards & Sons, Cape Town.
| 1920 (12 Jan), Russian stamps (Arms types) handstamped as T 4. (a) Wmk Crown CC (No. 3) or Crown CA (others)
(a) Imperf 1 Yad. grey-black (No. 40a) (R. 35:00 40:00
21 50r. on 1k. orange £650 £800 . Opt In lake .....csssssssssssssees £5000 £5500
H 22 50r. on 2k. yellow-green (R. £900 £1100 b. Opt double (Lake+Black) £750

BECHUANALAND British Bechuanaland, Bechuanaland Protectorate
2 3d. pale claret (No. 43). 60:00 70-00 No. 29 was produced from a setting of 60 (12xS). BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE
a. No dot to 1st “i” of “Britis £800 No. 29a shows the letter “f” almost completely missing and occurs
3 4d, dull blue (No. 30) (2.6.87). 95:00 85:00 on R. 5/11 of the setting. Five examples are known, one being in the
Royal Collection. PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER TO 1945
(b) Wmk Anchor (Cape of Good Hope. Type 13) Errors of spelling on this surcharge are bogus. The normal Nos. 40/51 from x 10
Jj Yad, grey-black (No. 48a) (24.12.86) 14:00 27-00 surcharge has also been extensively forged. Nos. 52/71 from x 6
a, Error. “ritish” £2750 Nos. 72/82 from x 5
b. Opt double... £3500 Nos. 83/98 from x 4
w. Wmk inverted . Nos. 99/110 from x 6
5 1d. rose-red (No. 49). 27-00 9-00 Nos. 111/17 from x 10
a. Error. “ritish”..... £4250 £2250 British Nos. 118/28 from x 4
b. No dot to 1st “i” of “British £475 £300 Nos. 129/31 fromx 10
c. Opt double....... t £2250
6 2d. pale bistre (No. 55:00 8-00 Nos, D1/3 from x 50
Nos. D4/6 from x 60
a, Error, “ritish” weve £8000 £4000 British
b. No dot to 1st “i” of “British £850 £275 BRITISH No. F1 from x 5
c. Opt double... t £2250 No. F2
w. Wmk inverted... t £800 Bechuanaland. Bechuanaland, No, F3 from
7 6d. reddish purple (No, 52). £200 38-00 (9) s Ss (11)
a. No dot to 1st “i” of “Britis! £2250 £750
8 1s. green (No. 53) (26.11.86) £375 £190 This large area north of the Molopo River was proclaimed a British
a, Error, “ritish” . £24000 £15000 1888 (27 Dec). No. 48a of Cape of Good Hope (wmk Anchor) optd
Protectorate on 30 September 1885 at the request of the native chiefs.
Nos, 1/8 were overprinted from settings of 120, The missing “B” with T 9, by P. Townshend & Co, Vryburg.
A postal service using runners was inaugurated on 9 August 1888
errors are believed to have occurred on one position for one of these 30 Vad. grey-black (G.).sereessesreeese 3:25 35:00
and Nos. 40 to 55 were issued as a temporary measure with the object
settings only. The ‘No dot to 1st “i” variety occurs on R, 10/3 of the a. Opt “Bechuanaland British” £3000
of assessing the cost of this service.
left pane. ab. “British” Omitted... . £7000
Overprints with stop after “Bechuanaland” are forged, as are b, Opt double, one inverted, inverted
overprints on the 1s. Wmk Crown CC and the 5s. Cape of Good opt “Bechuanaland British” ........sse £3000
Hope stamps. ba. Opt double, one inverted, inverted
“British” omitted Protectorate le !
1888 (19 Jan). No. 197 of Great Britain optd with T 2, by D.L.R. c. Opt double, one vertical (12) 15%’ mm (13) |
9 Yad. vermilion... 2:00 1:50 ca. Se-tenant with stamp without opt... £10000
a. Opt double £2500
No. 30 was produced using a setting of 30 (6x5).
s. Handstamped “SPECIMEN” 85:00 The overprint was misplaced upwards on at least one pane, giving
the overprint “Bechuanaland British” (No. 30a) on rows 1 to 4 and
“British” omitted on row 5 (No. 30ab). “British” was also omitted on
R. 5/1 of the setting on some sheets only. 13a Small figure “1i 13b Small figure
On one pane on which the overprint was applied double, one (R. 7/2) "V(R, 10/2)
inverted, the inverted overprint was misplaced downwards, giving
No. 30b on rows 7 to 10 and “British” omitted (No. 30ba) on row 6.

Normal “2” Curved foot

to “2” (42b)
(BRITISH | 1888 (Aug). No. 9 optd with T 12 and Nos. 10/19 surch or optd
| BECHUANALAND Normal “n” Inverted “u” only as T 13 by P. Townshend & Co. Vryburg. Mf

3 40 = ad. VEFMIIION.....ccssesseeeseee 13:00 55-00

1891 (Nov). Nos. 49a/50 of Cape of Good Hope (wmk Anchor), a. “Protectorate” double £350
(Typo D.L.R.) optd with T 10, reading upwards. s. Handstamped “SPECIMEN 90:00
31 Td, CAFMINE=FEd rcscsssssssessesneees - 13:00 18-00 41 3 1d. on 1d. lilac and black......... 20:00 16-00
1888 (19 Jan).
a. Horiz pair, one without opt . £26000 a. Small figure “1” (R. 7/2, 10/2) £425 £500
(a) Wmk Orb (Great Britain Type 48). P 14 b. Optd “Bechuanaland. British”. : b. Space between “1” and “d”
10 3 1d. lilac and black. 25:00 ~ 4:00
c. “Bechuanaland” omitted £3500 (R. 10/9)
11 2d. lilac and black. £120 2:25
d. Inverted “u" for 2nd “n” E225 £275 42 2d. on 2d. lilac and black. 18-00
a. Pale dull lilac and black... £120 25-00 32 2d. bistre (Shades) .......s0 7-00 2-25 b. Curved foot to “2”... # £550
12 3d. lilac and black. 850 8-00 43 3d. on 3d, pale reddish lilac and
a. No stop after “Bechuanaland £350 £350
a. Pale reddish lila 80:00 25-00 black £275
b. Inverted “u” for 2nd “n’ £300 £300
13 Ad. lilac and black. 65:00 2:50 44 4d. on 4d. lilac and black.. £475 £500
315/25 H/S “SPECIMEN” Set Of 2..sssssssses £130
14 6d. lilac and black. 80:00 2:50 The overprint on Nos. 31 and 32 was of 120 impressions ih two a. Small figure “4”... £6000 £6000
(b) Wmk Script “V R” (sideways, reading up). P 13% panes of 60 (6x10). That on No. 32 was applied both by a stereo plate 45 6d. on 6d. lilac and black. £120 55-00
15 4 1s. green and black.. 30:00 11:00 and by a forme made up from loose type. No. 31 was overprinted 46 4 1s. green and black... £140 60:00
16 2s. green and black... 70:00 60:00 only with the latter. No. 32a is from the stereo overprinting (left pane, a. First “o” omitted... £6500 £3750
17 2s.6d. green and black.. 80:00 - 80:00 R. 3/3), 31d and 32b are from the typeset overprinting (left pane, s. Handstamped “SP £130
18 5s. green and black... £130 £170 R. 10/4). 47 2s. green and black.. £750 £1100
19 10s. green and black.. SRS /5 eee 00, A single example of No. 31 with “British” omitted is known; it is in a. First “o” omitted £18000
(c) Two Orbs (sideways), P 14x13% the Royal Philatelic Collection. 48 2s.6d. green and blac! £600 £950
20 5 £1 lilac and black (f.c. 50-00). ~ £900 £800 See also Nos. 38 and 39. a. First “o” omitted £20000
21 £5 lilac and black (f.c. £200) £4000 £1700 49 5s. green and blac! £1300 £2250
10s/21s H/S “SPECIMEN” Set Of 12ssessssssssssssessse £1000 a. First “o” omitted £25000
1891 (1 Dec)-1904. Nos. 172, 200, 205, 208 and 211 of Great 50 10s. green and black.. £5000 £7500
Nos. 10/21 were produced by overprinting a series of
Britain optd with T 11, by D.L.R. Nos. 40/5 were produced from a basic setting of 120 (12x10)
“Unappropriated Die” designs originally produced by the Board of
Inland Revenue for use as Great Britain fiscal stamps. 33 WLM aG. cerctecaesecateic 7:00 1:50 on which a faulty first “o” in “Protectorate” occurred on R. 5/12. For
Several values are known on blued paper. No. 11a is the first 34 2d, grey-green and carmine. 23-00 4-00 Nos. 46/50 the setting was reduced to 84 (127) and on many sheets
printing of the 2d. (on safety paper?) and has a faded appearance. 35 4d. green and purple-brown 4:25 60 the first “o” on R. 5/12 failed to print.
When purchasing Nos. 20/21 in used condition beware of copies a. Bisected (2d.) (on cover) (11.99) t £2500 There were two distinct printings made of No. 40, the first in
with fiscal cancellations cleaned off and bearing forged postmarks. 36 6d. purple/rose-red.. 9-00 2:25 1888 and the second in 1889. The overprint setting used for the first
For No. 15 surcharged “£5” see No, F2. 37 1s. dull green (7.94) 13:00 18:00 printing was broken up and had to be remade for the second. The
a. Bisected (6d.) (on cover) (12.04) on — first printing used a matt ink which produces a cleaner impression
33/7) SCH Of Sic acssaantesnatont 50:00 24-00 than the second, which is printed with a black glossy ink giving a
33s/6s H/S “SPECIMEN” Set of 4. £170 distinctly muddy appearance.
No. 35a was used at Palapye Station and No. 37a at Kanye, both There are a number of smaller than normal “1's in the setting,
in the Protectorate. usually identifiable by the upper serif of the “1” which is pointed
and slopes sharply downwards at the left. R. 7/2 and 10/2 are quite
ld. Is. @ 1893 (Dec)-95. As Nos. 31/2, but T 10 reads downwards. distinct and are as shown.
(6) (7) Curved foot to “2” 38 id. carmine-red.... 4:00 2:25 The normal space between 1” and “d” measures 1 mm. On No. 41b
it is 1.7 mm.
b. “British” omitted £4250 £4250
1888 (Sept-20 Nov). Nos. 10/11 and 13/15 surch as T 6 or 7, by c. Optd “Bechuanaland. British”. £1500 £1600 It should be noted that, like No. 23b, the “2” on No. 42b is distinctly
P. Townshend & Co., Vryburg. d. Inverted “u" for 2nd “n” £160 £160 shorter than the “d” and has a distinctive curl to the upper part of the
22 3 1d. on 1d. lilac and black. 8-00 8-00 “2', not present on No. 23.
e. No dots to “i” of “British £160 £160
23 2d, on 2d, lilac and black (R. 65:00 4-00 f. “s" omitted... £700 £700
A single example of No. 50 with the first “o” omitted is known; it is
a. Pale dull lilac and black g. Opt reading up, in the Royal Philatelic Collection.
£150 65-00 “British” £4500 Nos. 40/50 were first placed on sale in Vryburg on 23 June 1888. The
£350 £150 39 2d. bistre (12.3.95) 13-00 3:25 August issue date refers to the start of the Runner Post.
c. Surch in green...... t+ £4009 a. Opt double....... £1400 £700 See also Nos. 54/5.
25 4d, on 4d. lilac and black (R.) b. “British” omitted £850 £500
(205TH) Exceccreres creer £425 £600 1888 (10 Dec). No. 25 optd with T 12 by P. Townshend & Co.,
c. “Bechuanaland” omitted. — £700 Vryburg.
26 6d. on 6d. lilac and black.. £150 12.00 d. Optd “Bechuanaland. British’. £500 £300
a. Surch in blue... 4 + £13000 51 3. 4d. on 4d. lilac and black.. £150 60:00
e. Inverted “u’ for 2nd “n’ £275 £170
28 4 1s. on 1s. green and black... £250 90-00 f. No dots to “i” of “British we £275 £170 a. Opt (T 12) double... t £2750
Nos. 23c and 26a are from two sheets of surcharge trials g. Opt reading up, no dots to “i” of
subsequently put into stock and used at Vryburg (2d.) or Mafeking SBMitlshtreeatenetsuinatetennatereea £4750 Bechuanaland
(6d.) during 1888-89.
It should be noted that, in addition to its curved foot, the “2” on
No. 23b is distinctly shorter than the “d”.
A single example of No. 23c with the ‘curved foot to “2” variety has
The same typeset overprint was used for Nos. 38 and 39 as had
been employed for Nos. 31 and 32 but applied the other way up; Protectorate
the inverted “u” thus falling on the right pane, R. 1/3. The no dots
been recorded (Price, £18,000, used).
to “i” variety only occurs on this printing (right pane, R. 1/4). Some
sheets of both values were overprinted the wrong way up, resulting
in Nos. 38g. and 39g. Protectorase F ourpence
One No. 38f. developed gradually on right pane R. 10/8. The variety is (14) (15)
Half- not known on Nos. 31, 32 or 39,
1888 (27 Dec). No. 48a of Cape of Good Hope (wmk Anchor),
Penny On 16 November 1895 British Bechuanaland was annexed to the
optd with T 14 by P. Townshend & Co., Vryburg.
Yad. grey-black (G.) 650 55:00
Cape of Good Hope and ceased to have its own stamps, but they a. Opt double. a £500) £750)
1888 (8 Dec). No. 12a surch with T 8, by P. Townshend & Co,
remained in use in the Protectorate until superseded in 1897. The ab. Ditto, one reading “Protectorate
Vryburg, Postmaster-General of Cape Colony had assumed control of the Bechuanaland” stasesaceesssanestsestenoeeet £1200
Bechuanaland postal service on 1 April 1893 and the Cape, and ac. Ditto, one reading “Bechuanaland”
29 3 ‘ad. on 3d. pale reddish lilac and
black subsequently the South African, postal authorities continued to be only...
he His EYE) ernie for the postal affairs of the Bechuanaland Protectorate
a. Broken “f” in “Ha - £17000 b. “Bech' E
until 1963. c. Optd “Protectorate Bechuanaland"...
Bechanaland Protectorate BECHUANALAND
1889 (Mar). No. 9 surch with T 15 by P. Townshend & Co., Vryburg. a. Orange (Die |) (1921 3:00 1937 (12 May). Coronation. As Nos. 95/7 of Antigua, but printed
53 4d, on Yad. vermilion 45-00 6:00 aw. Wmk inverted........ by D.L.R. P 14.
a. “rpence” omitted (R. 9/2) 5 + £6000 77 2d. orange (Die II) (1924)... 50:00 2-75 115 1d. scarlet ....... 45 40
b. “ourpence” omitted (R. 9/2 . £10000 78 2¥ad. cobalt-blue 3-50 29:00 116 2d. yellow-brown 60 1:00
c. Surch (T 15) inverted...... + £4000 a. Blue (1915) 27:00 24-00 117 3d. bright blue 60 1:25
cb, Ditto. “ourpence” omitted .. + £17000 79 3d. bluish violet... 6:00 16:00 115/17 Set
OF B...cccsssssssssses 1:50 2-40
s. Handstamped “SPECIMEN’.... £150 - 80 4d. grey-green... 6:50 38-00 115s/17s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of3... £140
The lines of the surcharge are normally 6 mm apart, but 5 mm and 81 6d, reddish purple (shades)... 950 27-00
4.5 mm spacings are known. a, Opt double, one albino.. £325 (Recess Waterlow)
Examples of No. 53c are postmarked "679" (Tati). 82 TSE DIST sarscssctterrssseacses 22:00 42:00
The surcharge is known printed in green, due to faulty cleaning of 1938 (1 Apr)-52. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 12%.
a, Bistre-brown (1923). 55:00 32:00
the inking roller. All examples known were cancelled at Shoshong. 118 23 = ‘ad. green 4:25 3:75
b. Opt double, one albino. £350
(Price £1500 used). Ss.or"SPECIMEN"... a. Light yellowish green (1941).. 15:00 13-00
73/82 Set of10... £130
b. Yellowish green (4.43). 18-00 6-00
c. Deep green (4.49) 5:00 14-00
Protectorate Protectorate “b) With T 21 119 1d. scarlet... 75 50
(16) 15 mm (17) 19 mm (i) Waterlow printings (Nos. 399 and 401) ¢
1914-15) 120 1¥ad. dull blue 15:00 2:50
83 2s.6d. deep sepia-brown (1.15) £275 a. Light blue (4.43 100 1-00
1890. No. 9 optd. a. Re-entry (R. 2/1)... £1400 £2000 121 2d. chocolate-brown 75 50
54 16 ‘ad. vermilion......... £225 £250 b. Opt double, one albino . £300 122 3d. deep ultramarine 1-00 2:50
a. Type 16 inverted. 85:00 £120 84 5s. rose-carmine (1914)... £160 £375 123 4d, orange... 2-00 3-50
b. Type 16 double... £130 £180 a. Opt double, one albino. £375 124 6d. reddish purple. 9:50 3:00
c. Type 16 double and inverted... £750 £850 83s/4s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 2 a. Purple (1944)... 5-50 2:50
d. Optd “Portectorate” inverted... £20000 (ii) D.L.R. printings (Nos. 407/8 and 409) (1916-19) ab, “A” of “CA” missing from wmk.... t —
w. Wmk inverted 85 2s.6d, pale brown (7.16) 20 e250, 125 1s. black and Drown-OliVe «recesses 5:50 9-50
55 17 Yad. vermilion........ £275 £450 a. Re-entry (R. 2/1) £1200 £1800 a. Grey-black and olive-green
86 2s.6d. sepia (1917) ss. £130 £225 (21.5.52)... 27:00 48-00
a. Type 17 double £1600 £1700
b. Optd “Protectorrte”. a. Opt treble, two albino 126 2s.6d. black and s 14:00 20-00
c. Optd “Protectorrte” double......... £20000 b. Re-entry (R. 2/1)... £1400 £1700 127 5s. black and deep ultramarine. 48:00 32:00
These were trial printings made in June 1888 (No. 55) and 87 5s. bright carmine (8.19)... £300 £425 a. Grey-black and deep
subsequently (No. 54) which were later issued. a. Opt double, one albino. £450 ultramarine (10.46)... 90:00 75:00
The 15 mm measurement of the overprint on No. 54 should not be 128 10s. black and red-brown.. 30:00 38-00
(iii) B.W. printings (Nos. 414 and 416) (1920-23) 118/28 Set of 11... £110 £100
relied on as a sole diagnostic, since the overprint on a few positions 88 2s.6d. chocolate-brown (7.23)... 90:00 £160 118s/28s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set“of11 £375
within the setting of No. 40 similarly measure 15 mm. No. 54 is a a. Major re-entry (R. 1/2) £2500
cleaner, more even overprint and the out of line letters so frquently b. Opt double, one albino. £550

encountered on No. 40, especially the raised ‘P’ of ‘Protectorate’ and c, Opt treble, two albino £550
its consequent greater separation from the first ‘r’ are not found 89 5s, rose-carmine (7.20). £110 £275
on this stamp. a. Opt treble, two albino £375 (24) ~
b. Opt double, one albino...
In June 1890 the Bechuanaland Protectorate and the Colony of Examples of Nos. 83/9 are known showing ‘a forged Lobatsi 1945 (3 Dec). Victory. Stamps of South Africa optd with T 24.
British Bechuanaland came under one postal administration and postmark dated “6 MAY 35” or “6 MAY 39”. Inscr alternately in English and Afrikaans.
the stamps of British Bechuanaland were used in the Protectorate Un Used Used
until 1897. 1925 (July)-27. Nos. 418/19, 421, 423/4, 426/a and 429 of Great pair pair single
Britain (wmk Block Cypher, T 111) optd with T 20. 129 55 1d. brown and carmine.. 75 1-50 10
BRITISH 91 Yad. green (1927). 1:50 1:75 a. Barbed wire flaw.. 15-00
92 1d, scarlet (8.25). 2:00 70 130 56 2d. slate-blue and violet 50 1:50 10
w. Wmk inverted £350 131 57 3d. deep blue and blue. 50 1-75 10
93 2d. orange (Die I!) 2:25 1-00 a. Opt omitted (in vert pair
94 3d. violet (10.26).. 475 29-00 with normal)... £17000
Opt double, one albino...
Wmk inverted...
129/31 Set
of 3..... cs 1-60
No, 131a comes from a‘sheet on which the overprint was displaced
425 25


grey-green (10.26)
Printed on the gum
9:00 55:00 downwards so that it is omitted from stamps in the top row and
shown on the sheet margin at foot.
(18) (19)
96 6d. reddish purple (chalk-surfaced
1897. No. 61 of Cape of Good Hope (wmk Anchor), optd as T 18. paper) (12.25)... 75:00 £110 (Recess Waterlow)
97 6d. purple (ordinary paper) a 926) Pa 50:00 55:00 1947 (17 Feb). Royal Visit. As Nos. 32/5 of Basutoland. Wmk Mult
(a) Lines 13 mm apart, bottom line 16 mm long, 98 1s. bistre- brown (10.26) 9:00 26-00 Script CA. P 12%.
by Taylor & Marshall, Cape Town w. £350 £300
56 Yad. yellow-Qreen (JULY?) ..ssssssssssseeseeeees 2:50 20-00 132 1d. scarlet. 10 10
91/8 Set
of 8... £140 £250 133 2d. green... 10 10
(b) Lines 13% mm apart bottom line 15 mm long, No. 94w. also usually shows jouble, one albino. 134 3d. ultramarine 10 10
: by P. Townshend & Co, Vryburg 135 1s. mauve. 10 10
57 Yad. yellow-green (APFil)...csssene 42:00 £110 132/5 Set of4... 35 30
(c) Lines 10% mm apart, bottom line 15 mm long, 132s/5s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 4.. £150
by W. A. Richards & Sons, Cape Govt Printers
58 Vad. yellow-green (JULY?) ..ccccsssssssssssssessseees 19:00 75-00 1948 (1 Dec). Royal Silver Wedding. As Nos. 112/13 of Antigua.
Although issued only in the Protectorate, the above were 136 ad. ultramarine 30 10
| presumably overprinted “BRITISH BECHUANALAND" because stamps 137 10s. black......... 42:00 50-00
bearing this inscription were in use there at the time.
1897 (Oct)-1902. Nos. 172, 197, 200, 202, 205 and 208 of Great 1949 (10 Oct). 75th Anniv of Universal Postal Union. As
Britain (Queen Victoria) optd with T 19 by D.L.R. Nos. 114/17 of Antigua.
59 Yad. vermilion 2:25 2:25 138 1d. blue........... 30 1:25
60 Yad. blue-green (25.2.02).. 1-40 3-50 139 3d. deep blue 1-50 2-50
61 DWC e ccscscrncsesscssnscseso 4:00 75 22 King George V, 23 King George VI, 140 6d. magenta.. 60 4-75
|) 62 2d. grey-green and carmine.. 13-00 3-50 Baobab Tree and Baobab Tree and 141 1s. olive. 60 1:50
63 3d. purple/yellow (12.97) 600 12:00 Cattle Cattle 138/41 Set of4...... 2:75 9-00
| 64 4d. green and purple-bro' 26:00 25-00
65 6d. purple/rose-red 24.00 14-00 (Des from photo by Resident Commissioner, Ngamiland, Recess 1953 (3 June). Coronation. As No, 120 of Antigua.
59/65 Set of 7 70:00 55:00 Waterlow)
142 2d. black ANd DrOWN....sssssecssssssssseeeeesesesee 1-50 30
59s/65s Optd or H/S (No. 60s) “SPECIMEN”
Set of 7... £275 1932 (12 Dec). Wmk Mult Script CA. P 12%.
99 DBDs | VEO ORGGM Sercresssrttvevsertvgenrscssessoces : 2:75 50

5 3 100
a. Imperf between (horiz pair)........ £32000
1d. scarlet. 3 2:00 40

= cr}
2d. brown.
3d. ultramarine

3 3 103
4d. orange
6d. purple..
3 > BECHUANALAND 105 1s. black and olive-green. 5:50 8:50
2s. black and orange...
2s.6d. black and scarle
(20) (21) 108 3s, black and purple.. 48:00 65-00 bocyi my
109 5s, black and ultramarine £120 £130 PROTEOTORAEE
1904 (29 Nov)-13. Nos. 216, 218/19, 230 and 313/14 (Somerset 110 10s. black and brow £300 £325 25 Queen 26 Queen Victoria, Queen
House ptgs) of Great Britain (King Edward VII) optd with T 20, 99/110 Set of 12... £475 £600
by D.LR. Elizabeth II, Baobab Elizabeth I] and Landscape
99s/110s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of12.. £425 Tree and Cattle
66 Yad. blue-green (3.06) 2:75 3:50 Examples of most values are known showing a forged Lobatsi
67 Yad. yellowish green ( 3:75 eo 7S postmark dated “6 MAY 35” or “6 MAY 39”. (Des from photo by Resident Commissioner, Ngamiland. Recess
68 1d. scarlet (4.05)... 11:00 30 Waterlow)
s. Optd “SPECIMEN 65:00 1935 (4 May). Silver Jubilee. As Nos. 91/4 of Antigua but ptd by
69 2yad. ultramarine....... 12:00 9-00 1955 (3 Jan)-58. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 13%x14.
B.W. P 11x12. 143 25 ‘ad. green... 50 30
a. Stop after “P” in “PROTECTORATE”... £1000 £1300 111 1d, deep blue and scarle 1:75 7:00
70 1s. deep green and scarlet (10.12) 55:00 £170 144 1d. rose-red.. 80 10
a. Extra flagstaff.......... £275 £500 145 2d, red-brown... 1:25 30
a. Opt double, one albino... £225 b. Short extra flagstaff... £500
71 1s. green and carmine (1913) 60:00 £140 146 3d. ultramarine 3-00 2:50
c. Lightning conductor. £400 a. Bright ultramarine (16.1. 18-00 5:50
£110 d. Flagstaff on right-hand turret £600
No. 69a occurs on R. 5/9 of the lower pane. 146b 4d. red-orange (1.12.58). 13:00 15-00
e. Double flagstaff. £600 147 4Ad. blackish blue. 1-50 35
1912 (Sept)-14. No. 342 of Great Britain (King George V, wmk 112 2d. ultramarine and grey-blac 275 6:50 148 6d, purple... 1-25 60
Crown) optd with T 20.
a. Extra flagstaff......... £140 £225 149 1s. black and brown-olive 1:25 1-00
b. Short extra flagstaff. £200 £300 150 1s.3d. black and lilac 16-00 9:50
72 1d, scarlet 3:75 60
c. Lightning conductor £170 = £275 151 2s.6d. black and rose: 1300 10-00
a. No cross on crown. £150 75-00
113 3d. brown and deep blu 425 11:00 152 5s. black and violet-blu 19:00 19-00
6. Aniline scarlet (No. 343) (1914) £190 95-00
a. Extra flagstaff. £180 £350 153 10s. black and red-brown 45:00 19-00
1913 (1 July)-24. Stamps of Great Britain (King George V) optd. b. Short extra flags’ £275
£100 65-00
c, Lightning conductor £200 £350
(a) Nos. 351, 357, 362, 367, 370/1, 376, 379, 385 and 395 114 6d. slate and purple. 950 12-00
(wmk Simple Cypher, T 100) optd with T 20 a. Extra flagstaff...... £200 £300 (Photo Harrison)
| 73 Yad, green (shades) 1:25 1-50 b. Short extra flagsta' £250 1960 (21 Jan). 75th Anniv of Bechuanaland Protectorate. W w 12.
| 74 1d. scarlet (shades) (4.15) 2:75 75 c. Lightning conductor. £225 £300 P 14%2x14.
a. Carmine-red (1922) 40:00 3-75 TTTMVASS
OL OF sserccrreccrecreccsseservonsevers 16:00 32:00 154 26 ~—_1d. sepia and black.. 50 50
| 75 14d. red-brown (12.20)... 7.00 2:50 111s/14s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 4 £140 155 3d. magenta and blac! 50 30
| a. Opt double, one albino £325 For illustrations of plate varieties see Omnibus. section following 156 6d. bright blue and black... 55 50
76 2d. reddish orange (Die })... 13-00 3-25 Zanzibar. 154/6 Set of 3 1-40 1-10
Stanley Gibbons TO

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Bechanaland Protectorate BECHUANALAND
(New Currency.
100 cents
= 1 rand) 1966 (24 Jan). Churchill Commemoration. As Nos. 170/3 of
194 1c. new blue... 30 3-00
195 2’ac. deep green 40 10
Cc Ic Ic 2
IC t¢ 196 1212C. Brown sna i 75 35
197 20c. bluish viole’ j 75 55
(27) () (ll) (tl) NQAIT: Set OF Ais csccmnsormacs . 200 3:50

333 5c i RIRI
(I) ay) (I) (I) () (Il)


Spaced “c”
(R, 10/3) 43 Haslar Smoke Generator
cespsiens ts , (Des V. Whiteley. Photo Harrison)
1; | Panera set | BechuaniaOx 1966 (1 June). Bechuanaland Royal Pioneer Corps, T 43 and
ats g 9 similar horiz designs. W w 12. P 14%.
—_ 198 2¥ac. Prussian blue, red and light emerald.. 25 10
2 2 199 5c. brown and light blue & 30 20
N Bold “e” 200 15c. Prussian blue, rosine and emerald... 1:50 25
lormal ‘old '¢ 201 35c. buff, blackish brown, red and green 30.» -:1:25
/2 ONESCROLS wercenacctmrtccrsessccssercarempretstorarnratopecbssesteasieeseed 2:10 1:50
The Bold “c” variety occurs on the Type II surcharge (R. 9/3) and Designs:—5c. Bugler; 15c. Gun-site; 35c. Regimental cap badge.
Type Ill (R. 7/3).
1961 (14 Feb-26 July). Nos. 144/6a and 148/53 surch as T 27 by
South African Govt Printer, Pretoria. POSTAGE DUE STAMPS
25 ~—1c. on 1d. rose-red (Type 1). 10 S reaGNGes Ms
a.TypeIl (6 June)..... 10 sEGHUANALAND e
158 2c. on2d, red-brown 10 pee CT OR ATE 2 5 s
159 2¥ac. on 2d, red-brown (Type |) 10 40 Lion 41 Police Camel =< R
a. Type I (26 JULY) -ssrsnsnssen 3-00 Patrol = 3
iy Beet iene owns é 14.00 (Des P. Jones (1c. to 12%c,). Photo Harrison) S 5 * BECHUANALAND
. Spaced "c"(R. 10/3) seuss £225 1961 (2 Oct). T 28/41. W w 12. P 14x14 (25, 50c.) or 14x14% o = PROTECTORATE
161 50 3:75 (others). (D1) (D 2)
18:00 42-00 168 28 1c. yellow, red, black and lilac......... 1:50 50 oe ;
. Typ 3:00 14-00 169 29 2c. orange, black and yellow-olive. 2:00 4:50 1926 (1 Jan). Nos. D9/10 and D13 of Great Britain, optd with
£120 £180 170 30 2%c. carmine, green, black and Types D 1 or D2 (2d). ’
. Bold “c”(Type Il).
c. Wide surch (II).. 65:00 £100 este
Distreknretarenamerntes 1-75 10 | 01 Yad. emerald (wmk sideways - inverted). 14:00 £130
d. Type III (6 June) 20 60 171 31 3%ac. yellow, black, sepia and pin 2:50 5:00 02 1d. carmine.. - 14.00 80-00
19-00 172 32 _ 5c. yellow, blue, black and buff 3:25 1:00 03 2d. agate. 14.00 90:00
da. Bold “c” (Type Ill). 10:00
2:25 3:25 173 33 7¥ac. brown, red, black and apple- 01/3 Set of 3 38:00 £275
162 5c. on 6d. purple (Type |)
a. Type Il (12 May)... 20 10 Neen carantanerre ccs teor venasect 2-25 2:25 The watermark shows Crown to the left of GvR on D1 and to the
10c. on 1s. black and brown-olive.... 20 10 174 34 = 10c. red, yellow, sepia and right of GvR of D2/3, as seen from the back ofthe stamp.
a. Horiz pair, righthand stamp TUPQUOISS-QHEOM .cecseecnscesereserrssees 2:25 60
without surch 175 35 12%ec. buff, blue, red and grey-black 18:00 6-00
164 12%. on 15.3d, black and lilac 65 20 | 176 36 20c. yellow-brown and drab 400 4-75
165 25c. on 2s.6d, black and rose-red 150 1:00 | 177. 37 25c. deep brown and lemon 500 2-75

166 50c. on 5s. black and violet-blue....... 2.00 300 | 178 38 35c. deep blue and orange. 450 6:00
167 1r. on 10s. black and red-brown 179 39 S0c. sepia and olive........
KUN OG)tarenetersanonerumiests £350 £170 180 40 Ir. black and cinnamon.
a. Type Il (surch at bottom left) 181 41 2r. brown and turquoise-blue... 32:00 16:00
NIZAM AN Neresestesestceastecescersaeessscnsazcstvres(3 27:00 38-00 80:00 50:00
b. Type II (surch at foot, either to =
.. 26:00 20-00 1963 (4 June). Freedom from Hunger. As No. 146 of Antigua. D3 Normal Large “d.”
right or central) (Apr)
of11 (cheapest)
157/67b Set 35:00 182°" “A2iee!bluishigreenncesnenecsen cores: 30 15 (R. 9/6, 10/6)
Nos. 161/c occur from the same printing, each sheet containing
33 examples of Type |, five of Type | with wide spacing, 19 of Type II 1963 (2 Sept). Red Cross Centenary. As Nos. 147/8 of Antigua.
and three ofType I! with wide spacing. The wide surcharge measures 183 2¥ac, red and black i 30 10
9% mm overall (with “C” spaced 1% mm from “¥2”) and comes on 184 12’%c. red and blue 70 50
_ eight of the ten stamps in the last vertical row. The surcharge on the
remainder of the sheet varies between 8% and 92 mm. 1964 (23 Apr). 400th Birth Anniv of William Shakespeare. As
No. 163a was caused by a shift of the surcharge so that the last No. 164 of Antigua.
vertical row on the sheet is without “10 c”. 185 ADAGE Dt OW Mletrcarstsanestpssesteee-eseccsrsvensccreee 15 15
A later printing of the 12%c. on 1s.3d. was from a fresh setting of
type, but is insufficiently different for separate listing. Later printings
of the 10c. and 25c. were identical to the originals. 2d. Serif on “d” (R. 1/6)
Examples of No.167 with the surcharge central at foot are believed INTERNAL SELF-GOVERNMENT
to be from a trial sheet. (Typo D.L.R.)
1932 (12 Dec)-58. Ordinary paper. Wmk Mult ees CA. P 14.
D4 D3 ‘ad. sage-green.. 6:00 60:00
DS 1d, carmine.. 7:00 9:00
a. Chalk-surfaced paper (27.11.58) 150 30-00
D6 2d. violet... 9:00 60:00
a. Large “d”... £160
b. Serif on “d £250
c. Chalk-surfaced paper (27.11.58) 1:75 22:00
ca, Large “d".... 50-00
cb, Serif on “d 70-00
| D4/6c Set of 3 (cheapest) ov...» 8:50 80-00
BECHUANALAND | D4s/6s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 3 £110
28 African Golden 29 Hoopoe 30 Scarlet-chested
Oriole Sunbird

Bay flaw (R. 4/1) Lake flaw (R. 5/5) Ic

| (Small)
IcIl (Large)
Narrow “C”
(Des Mrs. M. Townsend, adapted V. Whiteley. Photo Harrison) (R.3/6)
1965 (1 Mar). New Constitution.
Ww 12. P 14x14. 1961 (14 Feb—Apr). Surch as T 27. Chalk-surfaced paper (Nos.
186 42 2%. red ae gold... 30 10 D7/8).
a. Bay flaw... 1100 10:00 | p7 D3 Ic.on 1d. (Type!) 25 50
b. Lake flaw. 11:00 10:00 a. Type Il (aon) 15 1-75
w. Wink inverted... 22:00 2-50 ab. Double surch.. £375
BECHUANALAND 187 5c. ultramarine and 9: 30 40 ac. Ordinary paper.. 21:00 65-00
ATE PROTECTORATE a. Bay flaw... 11:00 13-00 ad. Narrow "c"... 12-00
32 Swallow-tailed 33 African Grey b. Lake flaw. 11:00 13-00 Ds 2c. on 2d, (Type |) 25 1:50
31 Yellow-rumped 12:00
Bishop Bee Eater Hornbill 188 12%’c. brown and gold 40 40 a. Large “d”..
a. Bay flaw... 13:00 14-00 b. Serif on“d 21.00
b. Lake flaw. 13:00 14-00 c. Type Il. 15 2.00
189 25c. green and g 45 55 ca. Large “d 8-50 25-00
a. Bay flaw... 14:00 16:00 cb. Serif on“d 15-00
\ b, Lake flaw. 14:00 16-00 d. Ordinary paper. Type II £170 £180
186/9 Set of 4 1:25 1:25 da. Large “d”... £800
D9 5c, on Yad.. 20 60
1965 (17 May). I.T.U. Centenary. As Nos. 166/7 of Antigua. D7/9Set OF Ske nensmamnsncni 45 2-40
190 2’c. red and bistre-yellow. on 20 10
191 12'%2c, mauve and brown. 45 30 1961 (15 Nov). As Type D 3 but values in cents. Chalk-surfaced
paper. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 14.
1965 (25 Oct). International Co-operation Year. As Nos. 168/9 of D10 1c. carmine 30 2:00
‘PROTECT Antigua. D11 2c. violet 30 2.00
192 1c. reddish purple and turquoise-green 10 1-00 D12 5c. green 50 2.00
34 Red-headed 35 Seon paca 36 Woman
193 12¥ec. deep bluish green and lavender....... 60 55 D10/12 Set of 3 1:00 5:50
Weaver Kingfisher Musician
Victoria Stamp Company (. (Op

Auctioneers of fine, rare, interesting and unusual Br. Commonwealth stamps, postal history and collections.
Do you receive our catalogues? Want lists also welcomed. Private treaty sales.


Phoebe A. MacGillivary
P.O. Box 335, Sharon Springs, NY 13459
Tel: 201-652-7283 Fax: 201-612-0024
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1620 - Bermuda - 2016

and the British Commonwealth
Quality pieces for the specialist
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Essay overprint. = ;
Only four known 1902 Rare colour trial
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Only 36 exist.

Excellent Credit facilities available.

LPL L Mal Pe fn TEL: 01297 444128 « MUSCOTTS@BTINTERNET.COM ° FAX: 01297 444129
S.G. 18e Dented frame
S.G. 29a
flaw. 15 exist PTS EST. 1947 APS Inverted ‘One’
BECHUANALAND Bechanaland Protectorate - BERMUDA
POSTAL FISCAL STAMPS 3 2 2d. dull blue (14.3.66). £475 38:00
w. Wmk inverted £1700 £700
The following stamps issued for fiscal purposes were each allowed to
be used for postal purposes for a short time. No. F2 was used by the Bermuda 4 2d. bright blue (1877).
w. Wmk inverted.....
public because the word “POSTAGE” had not been obliterated and No. 5 3 3d. yellow-buff (10.3.73) £475 65-00
F3 because the overprint did not include the words “Revenue only” as it ase VRE Ns ADEE OE SSN NG BS | aw. Wmk inverted £1400 £325
did the contemporary fiscal overprints for Basutoland and Swaziland. ax. Wmk reversed £2500 £1200
The first internal postal system for Bermuda was organised by Joseph 5b 3d, orange (1875) £2000 £160
Stockdale, the proprietor of the Bermuda Gazette, in January 1784. 6 4 — 6d. dull purple (25.9.65). £1000 75-00
This service competed with that of the colonial post office, set up in w. Wmk inverted... — £1600
Bechuanaland May 1812, until 1818. i? 6d. dull mauve (2.7.74 23:00 12:00
Control of the overseas postal services passed to the British G.P.O. w. Wmk inverted £180 £275
in 1818. The internal delivery system was discontinued between 8 5 1s. green (25.9.65 £350 70-00
Bechuanaland w. Wmk inverted... £900 £350
1821 and 1830. The overseas posts became a colonial responsibility
in September 1859. (b) P- 14x12%
Protectorate & 5 Protectorate. 10 3 3d. yellow-buff (12.81)... £180 60:00
(F 1) (F 2) (F 3) For illustrations of the handstamp types see BRITISH POST OFFICES 10a 4 6d. bright mauve (1903) 17:00 22.00
1910 (July). No. 266a of Transvaal optd with Type F 1 by Transvaal ABROAD notes, following GREAT BRITAIN. w. Wmk inverted £1400 £1500
Govt Ptg Wks, Pretoria. 11 5 1s. green (11.93). «- 17:00 £120
FI 6d, black and brown-orange (BI-BIk)...... £190 £375 CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS a. Imperf between (vert strip of
No. F1 was supplied to Assistant Commissioners in January 1907 .. £12000
for revenue purposes. The “POSTAGE” inscription was not obliterated, cc CC 1 ST. GEORGES BERMUDA (R.) (1.8.1845) w. Wmk inverted £1300
however, and the stamp is known postally used for a period of a year Besinestcsnceeercereee elena eee Priceon cover £8500 No. 11a occurs from Rows 8, 9, and 10 offour panes, possibly from
from July 1910. cc2 IRELAND ISLE BERMUDA (R.) (1.8.1845) a single sheet. Some of the stamps have become partially separated.
. Priceon cover £7500 One used vertical pair is known (Price £18000).
cc3 HA .) (13.11.1846) Although they arrived in Bermuda in March 1880, stamps
1918, No. 15 surch with Type F 2 at top.
Pictnassestrnicesciiecesmreapenia annsesseeemnrtnernt Priceon cover £4000 perforated 14x12% were not issued until the dates given above.
F2 4 £5 on 1s. green and black (F.C. For Nos. CC1 and CC3 used as adhesive Postmasters’ Stamps see
HEQ5O) leceaareotecee
eeterttinssscereecceese £60000 Nos, O7 and 06,
1921. No. 4b of South Africa optd with Type F 3, in varying (6) (6a)
F3 1d. scarlet
a. Opt double, one albino
£150 Nos. 1/11
Nos. 12/17
from x 5
from x 10 One
Nos. 19/29a from x 8

Bechuanaland became the independent republic of Botswana,

Nos. 30/a
Nos. 31/4
from x 10
from x 4
within the Commonwealth, on 30 September 1966. Nos, 34/55 from x 3 (7) (8)
Nos. 56/8 from x 10 1874 (12 Mar-19 May). Nos. 1 and 8 surch diagonally.
Nos, 59/76 from x 4
MILITARY TELEGRAPH STAMPS Nos. 76a/93 from x 3 (a) With T 6 (“P” and “R’ different type)
Nos. 94/7 from x 4 12 1 3d. on 1d. rose-red.. .. £18000
Nos. 98/106 from x 3 13 5 3d. on 1s. green... £2500 £850
Military Telegraph Stamps were provided for the pre-payment of
non-official messages sent via the army telegraph system. They were Nos, 107/15 from x 4 (b) With T 6a Sesameeee as “R")
used by army personnel for private communications, newspaper Nos. 116/21 from x 5 136 5 3d. on 1s. green... the £2000 £800
reporters and the local population when the army was in control No. 122 from x 20
(c) With T7 (19 May)
of the telegraph system. They were supplied to the Bechuanaland 14 5 3d. on 1s. green... £1500 £650
Expedition in late November 1884. The 3d. on 1d. was a trial surcharge ‘which was not regularly issued,
though a few examples were postally used before 1879. Nos. 13,
136 and 14, being handstamped, are found with double or partial
double surcharges.
(Surch by Queens Printer, Donald McPhee Lee)
1875 (March—May). Surch with T 8.
15 2 1d. on 2d. (No. 3) (23 Apr). ee eELOOn £375
a. No stop after “Penny £25000 £13000
16 3 1d. on 3d, (No. 5) (8 May).. £450 £350
17 5 1d. on 1s. (No. 8) (11 Mar). £500 £250
a. Surch inverted....... — £50000
b. No stop after “Penny £40000 £18000
It is emphasised that the prices quoted for Nos. 12/17 are for fine
examples. The many stamps from these provisional issues which are
in inferior condition are worth much less.
TiN 1848-61. Postmasters’ Stamps. Adhesives prepared and issued by
the postmasters at Hamilton and St. Georges. Dated as given
(Typo D.L.R.) in brackets.
1884. (a) By W. B. Perot at Hamilton
O01 O01 1d. black/bluish grey (1848)... — £180000
(a) Wmk Orb. P 14 02 1d. black/bluish grey (1849) — £200000
MT1 =6©711 1d. lilac and black. 90:00 £250 03 1d, red/thick white (1853)... — £180000
MT2 3d. lilac and brown. 90:00 £250 04 1d. red/bluish wove (1854).. — £400000
MT3 6d. lilac and green... 90:00 £250 OS 1d. red/bluish wove (1856) .. — £250000
(b) Wmk script “VR’, sideways reading up. P 13/2 06 O2 (1d.) carmine-red/bluish laid (1861).. £140000 £100000
MT4 T2 1s. green and black. 90:00 £400 (b) By J. H. Thies at St. Georges. As Type O 2 but inscr “ST. GEORGES” (Typo D.L.R.)
MTS 2s. green and blu £130 £500 O7 — (1d,) carmine-red/buff (1860)... + £85000 1880 (25 Mar). Wmk Crown CC, P 14.
MT6 5s. green and mauve.. £180 £650 Stamps of Type O 1 bear manuscript value and signature, the dates 19 9 ”d. 8:50 4:75
M17 10s. green and red soe 04325. 72750 being those shown on the eleven known examples. The stamps are w. Wmk inverted £130 £225
(c) Wmk Two Orbs (sideways). P 14x13% distributed between the dates as follows: 1848 three examples, 1849 y. Wmk inverted and reversed £2250
MT8 13 £1 lilac and black = £950 £1200 two examples, 1853 three examples, 1854 two examples, 1856 one 20 10 4d. orange-red...... 20-00 1-75
For use of Nos. MT1/8 in Egypt a Egypt (British Forces) example. w. Wmk inverted — £1600
Nos, MT1/8. It is believed that the franking value of Nos. 06/7 was 1d., although x. Wmk reversed...
For similar stamps inscribed “ARMY TELEGRAPHS" see South Africa this is not shown on the actual stamps. Four examples are known of
(Vill, British Army Field Offices During South African War) Nos. AT3/15. this type used from Hamilton, from March 1861 (and one unused), (Typo D.L.R.)
The stamps were either cancelled in manuscript or by an “ARMY and five used from St. Georges between July 1860 and January 1863, 1883-1904. Wmk Crown CA. P 14.
TELEGRAPHS" datestamp incorporating a code letter at either end both issues being cancelled by pen. 21 9 ”d. dull green (10.92) 8:50 4:50
of the date to identify the office of despatch. The codes used were: Prices shown reflect our estimation of value based on known 21a Yad, deep grey-green (1893). 4:75 80
copies. For instance of the two copies known of No. 04, one is in the 22 1 1d. dull rose (12.83) £170 475
BL Barkley B K Bank's Drift B R Brussels Farm Royal collection and the other is on entire. w. Wmk inverted £750 £400
It is possible that a fourth postmaster’s provisional was used by 23 1d. rose-red....... 90-00 3:25
DH Dry Hartz G C Groot Choing GL Barkley West
Robert Ward at Hamilton in late 1862 when two examples of Type O 2 w. Wmk inverted — £375
GU Gunning’s Store LP Leeuw Pan MF Mafeking on laid paper are known cancelled by blue crayon.
ML Muller's Store MZ Maritzani S A Saanies 24 1d. carmine-rose (3, 60:00 1:00
S H Setlagoli TS Taungs VR Vryburg w. Wk inverted ...... — £375
24a 1d. aniline carmine (1889). 20:00 20
aw. Wmk inverted £500 £200
25 2 2d. blue (12.86).... 70-00 7:50
eqs x. Wmk reversed t £1300
Military 26 2d. aniline purple (7.93). 16-00 5:50
26a 2d. brown purple (1898) 5:50 2:25
27 11. 24d. deep ultramarine (10.11.84) 30-00 3:75
aw. Wmk inverted... £1000 £300
27b 2¥ad, pale ultramarine 21:00 40
bw. Wmk inverted £600 £250
28 3 3d. grey (20.1.86) 23-00 11-00
Telegraphs 28a 10 4d. orange-brown
ax, Wmk reversed...
(18.1. 35:00
(T4) 29 5 1s. yellow-brown (1893) 24:00 23-00
ax. Wmk reversed £1800 £1100
1885, Nos 52 and 26 of Cape of Good Hope optd with Type T 4. 29b 1s. olive-brown... 14:00 23-00
MT9 6d. purple - 55:00 32:00 bx. Wmk reversed £1800 £1200
MT10 1s. green. 70:00 38-00 21/9b Set Of 8 (CHEAPESt) srseresssessesses £170 95-00
The above were overprinted in Cape Tow for use in Vryburg, 21s, 26s & 29s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of3 £375
following its occupation by Sir Charles Warren’s forces on 7 February (Typo D.L.R.)
1885. 1893 PROVISIONAL POSTCARD. Following the reduction of the
1865-1903. Wmk Crown CC. overseas postcard rate to 1d. in 1893 existing stocks of postal
1885. (July-Aug). Nos. MT1, MT7, MT6 and MT8 surch in (a) P14 stationery postcards, including some from the September 1880
manuscript. 1 1 1d. rose-red (25.9.65) . £100 1-25 issue franked with Nos. 19 and 22, were surcharged “One Penny”.
MT11 “6d" on 1d. lilac and black... 1 = A. IMPerf ..rsseoee £75000 £27000 This surcharge was applied by the Royal Gazette press. It is generally
MT12 = “6d" on 10s. green and red if = w. Wmk inverted £550 £200 believed that an individual in the Post Office acquired all the examples
M713. “1/-" on 5s. green and mauv: t — 2 1d. pale rose...... £140 7-50 showing Nos. 19 and 22, but provisional postcards are known used to
M714 = “1/-" on £1 lilac and black. t _— w. Wmk inverted £600 £275 Europe or locally (Price from £600 unused, £1600 used).

Bermuda and the British Empire 1840-1936 Bought & Sold

SG #54

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Est 1856
STANLEY Stanley Gibbons Limited
§ 7 Parkside, Christchurch Road,
c Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 3SH
+44 (0)1425 472 363
ca. Break in scroll..... £950
cb. Broken crown and scroll.. £950
ce, Break in lines below left scroll... £1000
cf. Damaged leaf at bottom right.. £1000
ONE cw. Wmk inverted... + _—
FARTHING 55 £1 purple and black/ £325 £550
a. Break in Scroll... £850
b, Broken crown and scroll... £1000
(12) 13 Dry Dock c. Nick in top right scroll. £1000
d. Break through scroll £2250
1901. As Nos. 29/a but colour changed, surch with T 12 by D.L.R. e. Break in lines below left scroll... £1600
30 5 Yad. on 1s. dull grey (11.1.01).. 5:00 1:00 f. Damaged leaf at bottom right.. £1200
as. Optd “SPECIMEN 80:00 g. Gash in fruit and leaf £2250
306 Yad. on 1s. bluish grey 0 5:50 1:50 w. Wmk inverted £2000 £2750
ba. “F” in “FARTHING” inserted by 51b/5 Set
of 6... £600 £1100
FRALAS CAIN savsercccesesreesteperestsvstecsecs £8000 £10000 51bs/5Ss Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of6 £900
Ten examples of No. 30ba are known, eight unused (one being in Beware of cleaned copies of the 10s. with faked postmarks.
the Royal Philatelic Collection) and two used (one on postcard). It Examples of Nos. 516/5 are known showing a forged Hamilton
would appear that the “F” in position one of an unspecified horizontal double ring postmark dated “22 JAN 13”.
row was damaged and an additional impression ofthe letter was then Break i
in aie R 1/12) Broken crown and scroll (R. 2/1 2
See also Nos. 88/93.
inserted by a separate handstamp.

(Typo D.L.R.)
(16) (17)
1902 (Nov)-03. Wmk Crown CA. P 14.
31 13 ‘ad. black and green (12.03) 14:00 4:25 1918 (4 May). Nos. 46 and 46a optd with T 16 by the Bermuda
32 1d. brown and carmine... 8-00 10 Press,
33 3d. magenta and sage-green 56 14 50 1:25
(9.03) 2:50 1:25 2:00
BAT SCEOL seseocctoscosseccsens 5 6-00 ay. Wmk inverted and reverse £3000 £2000
31s/3s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 3 £150
1920 (5 Feb). No. 466 optd with T 17 by the Bermuda Press.
58 14 ~— ‘1d. carmine.. aeeiee 4:00 3:50
1906-10. Wmk Mult Crown CA. P 14. The War Tax stamps represented. a‘compulsory levy on letters to
34 13 Yd. brown and violet (9.08)..... 1:75 1:50 Great Britain and often Empire Countries in addition to normal postal
35 Yad. black and green (12.06) 21:00 65 fees until 31 Dec 1920. Subsequently they were valid for ordinary
36 Yad. green (3.09)...... 25:00 475 postage.
37 1d, brown and carmine (4.06) 42:00 20
w. Wmk inverted. £700 £350 Nick in top right scroll (R. 3/12) Break through scroll (R. 1/9.
38 1d. red (5.08). 24-00 10 (Some printings from 1920 Ptgs from June 1929, Some
39 2d. grey and orang 7:50 10-00 onwards show attempts at show attempts at repair)
40 2’ad. brown and ultramarine (12)06). 29-00 7-00 repair)
41 2Yad. blue (14.2.10) ...crsecssssssrsees 27:00 9:50
42 4d. blue and chocolate (11.09). 300 16:00
‘SVEDDST212) (ASes oO nee £160 45-00
34s, 36s, 385/425 Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 7 £400

“SnN3A (Des by the Governor (Gen. Sir James Willcocks). Typo D.L.R.)
1920 (11 Nov)-21. Tercentenary of Representative Institutions (1st
issue). Chalk-surfaced paper (3d. to 1s.). P 14.
(a) Wmk Mult Crown CA (sideways*) (19.1.21)

59 1B Yad. BLOWN . .s s s es s0 s ay 3:50 28-00
a. "C" Of "CA" missing ‘from wmk.... £800
"Flag” flaw (R. 1/8) b. “A” of “CA” missing from wmk.... £800
w. Wmk Crown to right of CA. £300 £350
(Recess D.L.R.) x, Wmk sideways reversed... £350 £450
1910-25. Wmk Mult Crown CA. P 14. y. Wmk sideways inverted and
reversed .. £450 £600
44 14 “ad. brown (26.3.12).. 1:75 2:50
60 Yad. green... 950 19-00
a. Pale brown... 2:50 1-50 a. "C" of “CA” missing from wmk.... £1100
45 Yad. green (4.6.10)... 3-75 25 b. “A” of “CA” missing from wmk.... £1300
a. Deep green (1918).. 15-00 1-25 Bree in fines pelos left scroll Damaged leaf at bottom right w. Wmk Crown to right of CA. £450 £500
x. Wmk reversed. £800 £550 (R. 4/9. Ptgs from May 1920) (R. 5/6. Ptgs from April 1918) x. Wmk sideways reversed... £475 £500
46 1d. red (I) (15.10.10). 20:00 30 y. Wmk sideways inverted and
a. Rose-red (1916) 26:00 30 reversed .. £550 £550
6. Carmine (12.19) 60-00 8-00 61 2d. grey. 18:00 55:00
ba. “Flag” flaw..... £375 75-00 a. “C” of “CA” missing from wmk.... £1100
w. Wk inverted. £750 £500 w. Wmk Crown to right of CA. £650
x. Wmk reversed. £1200 £850 y. Wmk sideways inverted an
y. Wmk inverted and reversed £800 £800 REWEUSOC Brsrireccanerenesssrnsesamserisunre £850 £900
47 2d. grey (1.13) 600 20-00 62 3d. dull and deep purple/pale
48 2’ad. blue (27.3.12).. 3-50 60 yellow «12:00 55:00
w. Wmk inverted... £650 £550 w. Wmk Crown to right of CA.. £1100
x. Wmk reversed.. — £600 x. Wmk sideways reversed . £1200 £1200
y. Wmk inverted and reversed £475 = £325 63 4d. black and red/pale yellow... 12:00 40-00
49 3d. purple/yellow (1.13; 3:00 6-00 a. “C" of “CA” missing from wm! £1800
49a 4d. red/yellow (1.9.19). 14:00 16-00 x. Wmk sideways reversed . £900
50 6d. purple (26.3.12)... 19:00 20-00 64 1s. black/blue-green cs. 18:00 48-00
a. Pale claret (2.6.24).. 11-00 8:50
51 1s. black/green (26.3.12). 600 4-50 (6) Wmk Mult Script CA (sideways*)
a. Jet black/olive (1925). 6:00 22-00 65 18 = 1d. carmine 4:50 30
ax. Wmk reversed.. £1700 w. Wmk Crown to right Of CA... ee £790
44/51 Set of 9.. 60:00 50-00 y. Wmk sideways inverted and
44s/51s Optd “ £475 Gash in fruit and leaf (R. 5/12. reversed ...... + £750
Nos. 44 to 51a are comb- -perforated 13.8x14 or 14. No. 45 exists Ptgs from November 1928) 66 2%d. bright blue. » 19:00 20-00
also line-perforated 14 probably from the printing dispatched to 67 6d. dull and bright purple (19.1. 21) 30:00 95-00
Bermuda on 13 March 1911. (Typo D.L.R.) 59/67 Set of 9 £110 £325
See also Nos. 77/874. 59s/67s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of9 £375
1918 (1 Apr)-22. Wmk Mult Crown CA. Chalk-surfaced paper. P 14. *The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CA, as
516 15 2s. purple and blue/blue (19.6. a 22:00 55-00 seen from the back of the stamp.
ba. Break in SCrOll...sssssssesseee er £275) 5 e350:
bb. Broken crown and scroll. £225 (Des H. J. Dale. Recess D.L.R.)
bc. Nick in top right scroll £275 1921 (12 May). Tercentenary of Representative Institutions (2nd
be. Break in lines below left scroll... £275 £400 issue). P 14.
bf. Damaged leaf at bottom right.. £275 (a) Wmk Mult Crown CA (sideways*)
bx. Wmk reversed .. £2000 £2500 68 19 2d. slate-grey. »» 12:00 55-00
52 2s.6d. black and red/blue 38:00 80:00 a. “C” of “CA” missing from wmk... £1000 £1000
a. Break in scroll...... £325 £400 w. Wmk Crown to left of CA £700
526 4s. black and carmine (19.6.20) 60:00 £160 69 2%ad. bright ultramarine 15-00 7-00
ba. Break in scroll. £300 £650 a. “C" of “CA” missing from wmk.... £1000
bb. Broken crown an oll... £300 £650 b. “A” of “CA” missing from wmk.... £1000
bc. Nick in top right scroll. £325 £650 w. Wmk Crown to left of CA — £750
be. Break in lines below left scroll... £350 £650 x. Wmk sideways reversed . £1100 £700
bf. Damaged leaf at bottom right.. £350 70 3d. purple/pale yellow 5:50 19-00
HIGH VALUE KEY TYPES. The reign of King Edward VII saw the 53 5s. deep green and deep red/ w. Wmk Crown to left of CA
appearance of the first in a new series of “key type” designs, initially yellow... 75:00 £140 71 Ad, red/pale yellow -erssevov» 19:00 38-00
for Nyasaland, to be used for high value denominations where a a. Break in £425 x. Wmk sideways reversed. £275 = £425
smaller design was felt to be inappropriate. The system was extended c. Nick in top rigl t scroll. £425 £550 Ippe 6d. purple... Syeene 19:00 65-00
during the reign of King George V, using the portrait as Bermuda d. Green and carmine-red/pale a. "Cl of "CAN missing from wmk... £1400
Type 15, to cover Bermuda, Ceylon, Leeward Islands, Malaya — Straits yellow (1920)... 60:00 £120 b. “A” of “CA” missing from wmk... £1500
Settlements, Malta and Nyasaland. A number of these territories da. Break in scroll. £375 £550 c. Substituted crown in wmk. + £2750
continued to use the key type concept for high value King George VI db, Broken crown and scroll.. £375 £550 73 1s. black/green.... - 25:00 65-00
stamps and one, Leeward Islands, for stamps of Queen Elizabeth II. de. Break in lines below left scroll... £400
In each instance the King George V issues were printed in sheets of df. Damaged leaf at bottom right.. £400 (b) Wmk Mult ScriptCA
C A (sideways*)
60 (125) on various coloured papers. The system utilised a common dw. Wmk inverted... £475 £650 74 19 Yad, brown 4.25 3-75
“head” plate used with individual “duty” plates which printed the dx. Wmk reversed... £8000 w. Wmk Crown to left of CA £550 £550
territory name and face value. dy. Wmk inverted and reversed....... £6000 x. Wmk sideways reversed . asp £750, £650
Many of the major plate flaws on the King George V head plate 54 10s. green and carmine/pale bluish y. Wmk sideways inverted and
occur in different states, having been repaired and then damaged £180 £350 reversed .. = £750
once again, perhaps on several occasions. Later printings of R. 1/12 £750 75 Yad. green 3-50 8:50
show additional damage to the crown and upper scrolls. The prices c. Green and red/pa le bluish green w. Wmk to left of CA £250 £325
(HOD) 5 cacsscscscatsoscpoatscenespe
rons £275 £425 x. Wmk sideways reversed . £750 £650
quoted in the listings are for examples approximately(Re
Stanley Gibbons
Commonwealth Department “2:

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Est 1856

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y. Wmk sideways inverted and . Break in scroll
reversed £475 . Broken crown and scrol
ys. Optd “SPECIMEN” £170 . Nick in top right scroll...
76 1d. deep carmine... 11-00 35 e. Break in lines below left scroll...
a. “C" of “CA” missing from wmk.... £750 f. Damaged leaf at bottom right..
w. Wmk Crown to left of CA... £700 £600 g. Purple and blue/grey-blue
x. Wmk sideways reversed... £500 £650
y. Wmk sideways inverted and : ga. Break in scroll...
reversed £1000 £700 gb. Broken crown and scrol
68/76 Set of 9 £100 £225 gd. Break through scroll
68s/76s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of9.. £350 ge. Break in lines below left scroll... £350
*The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to right of CA, as gf. Damaged leaf at bottom right.. £350 22 Lucie (yacht)
seen from the back of the stamp. 9g. Gash in fruit and leaf ....ssssossecsees £350 Parish
For illustration of the substituted watermark crown see Catalogue 89 2s.6d, black and carmine/pale blue
Introduction. (4227) ersesccnsece f £100
Examples of most values of Nos. 59/76 are known showing part a. Break in scroll. £300
strikes of the forged Hamilton postmark mentioned below Nos. 516/5. b. Broken crown and scrol £300
e. Break in lines below left s = $Y)
f. Damaged leaf at bottom right. £350
g. Black and red/blue to deep blue
a £110
ga. Break in scroll...
gb. Broken crown and scrol £350
gd. Break through scroll... £400
ge. Break in lines below left scroll... £400
gf. Damaged leaf at bottom right. £400
gg. Gash in fruit and leaf... £400 24 Point House, Warwick 25 Gardener's
h, Grey-black and pale orange- Parish Cottage, Par-la-Ville,
vermilion/grey-blue (3.30). £2750 £2750 Hamilton
ha. Break in scroll. £5500
hb. Broken crown a £5500 (Recess B.W.)
hd. Break through scroll £5500 1936 (14 Apr)-47. T 12. Wmk Mult Script CA (sideways on horiz
he. Break in lines below left scroll... £5500 designs).
Three Types of the 1d. hf. Damaged leaf at bottom right.. £5500 98 20 = ‘ad. bright green..... 10 10
hg. Gash in fruit and leaf.....ssssessee £5500 99 21 1d. black and scar 65 30
|. Scroll at top left very weak and figure “1” has pointed serifs. i. Black and carmine-red/deep 100 1¥ad. black and chocolate... 1-25 50
I. Scroll weak. “1” has square serifs and “1d” is heavy. grey-blue (8.30) £100 £140 101 22 2d. black and pale blue 5:00 1:50
Ill. Redrawn. Scroll is completed by a strong line and “1” is thinner ia. Break in scroll... £500 102 23 = 2%ad. light and deep blu 1:00 25
with long square serifs. ib, Broken crown and scrol £500 103 24 3d. black and scarlet...” 6:00 275
id. Break through scroll £600 104 25 6d. carmine-lake and violet 80 10
ie. Break in lines below left scroll... £600 a. Claret and dull violet (6.47 8-00 275
if. Damaged leaf at bottom right.. £600 105 23 1s. green 18:00 22.00
ig. Gash in fruit and leaf £600 106 20 1s.6d. brown 50 10
j. Black and scarlet-verm 98/106 Set OF Q.....ccccsssvseseesees 30:00 24-00
deep blue (9.31 90:00 £130 98s/106s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of9. £325
ja. Break in scroll. £450 All are line-perf 11.9, except printings of the 6d, from July 1951
Two Types of the 22d. jb. Broken crown and scrol £450 onwards, which are comb-perf 11.9x11.75.
|. Short, thick figures, especially of the “1”, small “d”. jc. Nick in top right scrol £500 £600
jd. Break through scroll. a £590
I. Figures taller and thinner, “d” larger. je. Break in lines below left scroll... £550
1937 (14 May). Coronation. As Nos. 95/7 of Antigua, but printed
1922-34. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 14. jf. Damaged leaf at bottom right.. £550
by D.LR. P 14.
77 14 = Yad. brown (7.28) 1:50 3-00 jg. Gash in fruit and leaf .....csssssseeee £550
k. Black and brt orange-vermilion/ 107 1d. scarlet 90 1:50
77a Yad. green (11.22) 1:50 15 108 ad. yellow-brow 60 1:75
aw. Wmk inverted... £850 £500
deep blue (8.32) .. £3250 £3000
kb. Broken crown and scrol 109 2¥ad. bright blue 70 1-75
ax. Wmk reversed... £850 £500 107/9 Set OF3..ccseessesesens 2-00 450
kc. Nick in top right scrol £6000
78 1d. scarlet (I) (11.22).. 17:00 60 107s/9s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 3. £225
kd, Break through scroll. £6000
aa. “Flag” flaw... £150 40:00 ke, Break in lines below left scroll... £6000
a. Carmine (7. 24).. 18-00 60
kf. Damaged leaf at bottom right.. £6000
ab. “Flag” flaw...... £150 40-00
kg. Gash in fruit and leaf... £6000
bx. Wmk reversed... £600 £500 92 10s. green and red/pale emerald
78c 1d. carmine (Il) (12.25). 55-00 8-00
(12.24)... £140 £250
d. Scarlet (8,27)..... 35-00 4:00
a. Break in £800 £1000
79 1d. scarlet (III) (10.28) 16:00 30
b. Broken crown. an scro £700 £1000
a. Carmine-lake (1934) 25:00 2:25 e, Break in lines below left scroll... £800
796 1d. red-brown (27.3.34) 10-00 35 f. Damaged leaf at bottom right.. £800
80 2d. grey (12.23)... 1-50 1:50
g. Green and red/deep emerald
x. Wmk reversed.. 75-00 (1930) So Se #1509 £275
81 2¥ad. pale sage-green (12.22) 3-75 1-50 ga. Break in scroll. £800
a. Deep sage-green (1924). 3-75 1:50 gb. Broken crown and scro £700 ~=£900
aw. Wmk inverted... — £550 gc. Nick in top right scrol £750
ax. Wmk reversed.. £800 £500 gd. Break through scroll... £850 £1000 26 Ships in 27 St. David's
ay. Wmk inverted and reversed. £800 £500 ge. Break in lines below left scroll... £850 Hamilton Harbour Lighthouse
82 2'ad. ultramarine (I) (1.12.26). 5:50 50 gf. Damaged leaf at bottom right.. £750
aw. Wmk inverted...... £300 £325 gg. Gash in fruit and leaf £750
82b 2iad. ultramarine (II) (3.32). 2:00 70 93 12s.6d. grey and orange (8.32).. £250 £375
83 3d. ultramarine (12.24) 19:00 26-00 a. Break in SCrOM sss. £700 £900
w. Wmk inverted... £160 £200 b. Broken crown and scrol £750 £950
84 3d. purple/yellow (10. 400 1-00 c. Nick in top right scrol £800 £950
85 Ad. red/yellow (8.24).. 2-50 1-00 d. Break through scroll. £900
x. Wmk reversed.. £475 £600 e. Break in lines below left scroll... £900
86 6d. purple (8.24)...... 1-50 1-00 f. Damaged leaf at bottom Was £800
87 1s. black/emerald (10.27) 9-00 9-00 g. Gash in fruit and ‘leaf... £800
a. Brownish black/yellow-green h. Break in scrolls at right. £900
50:00 i. Error. Ordinary paper
77/87 Set of 12. 40-00 88/93 Set of 4 £450 £700
77s/87s Optd or Perf (1¥2d.) “SPECIMEN” Set
of12.. £650 88s/93s Optd or Perf (12s.6d) “SPECIMEN” Set of 4. £600 28 White-tailed Tropic Bird, 29 King George Vi
Both comb and line perforations occur on Nos. 77/87a. The true No. 89h is the only stamp on grey-blue paper, other Arms of Bermuda and Native
Detailed gauges are as follows: deeper orange-vermilion shades exist on different papers. No. 89k Flower
was despatched to Bermuda in July/August 1932, but is not known
13.7x13.9 comb — Nos. 77a, 78/a, 80, 81/a, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87 used before 1937. (Des Miss Higginbotham (T 28). Recess B.W.)
13.75 line — Nos. 77a, 77, 78c/d, 79/a, 79b, 80, 82, 826, 84, Beware offiscally used 2s.6d. 10s. and 12s.6d, stamps cleaned and 1938 (20 Jan)-52. T 22, T 23 (but with portrait of King George VI)
85, 86, 87/a bearing faked postmarks. Large quantities were used for a “head tax” and T 26 to 28. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 12.
13.75x14 line =— Nos. 77a, 78c/d, 79b, 80, 826, 86, 87a levied on travellers leaving the country. 110 26 — 1d. black amd red (2) (6) ...-sssecssssorsseees 2:75 20
14x13.75 line — Nos. 79/a For 12s.6d. design inscribed “Revenue” at both sides see No. F1 111 1¥ed. deep blue and purple-brown
14 line Nos. 81/a under POSTAL FISCAL. (a) (b) .» 11:00 1:50
a. Blue and brown (a) (3.43)... 17:00 8:50
1935 (6 May). Silver Jubilee. As Nos. 91/4 of Antigua, but ptd by
b. light blue and purple-brown (a)
Waterlow. P 11x12.
(GOLA ie creeerarrerorean
maeenel eeereeners 2:00
94 1d. deep blue and scarlet 1-00 2:50 ba, “A” of “CA” missing from wmk.
j. Damaged turret... £850 112 22 2d. light blue and sepia (@).....:ssss . 10-00
m. “Bird” by turret. £200 £225 112a 2d. ultramarine and scarlet (a) (6)
95 Ad. ultramarine and grey.. 1-00 3:50 (8.11.40) 2:25
m. “Bird” by turret.......... £200 £275 113 23 2%d. light and deep blue (a) oan 1-25
96 2%ad. brown and deep blue 1:50 2:50 1134 21d. light blue and sepia-black (a)
m. “Bird” by turret. £275.» £325 (18.12.41) 6-00 6-00
97 1s. slate and purpl 22:00 50-00 6. Pale blue and sepia-
k. Kite and vertical log... £275 =£425 (SEAS) Biccnncanecmmtonestcrarantna 4-50 3:75
|. Kite and horizontal log.. £650 £800 c. Bright blue and deep sepia-
OAT TiSCb Offa cmaceneattorrisesetenty 23:00 50-00 black (b) (23.9.52) 8-50
94s/7s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of4... £225 114 27 (3d. black and rose-red (a)... 6:00
For illustrations of plate varieties see Omnibus section following 114a 3d. black and deep blue (a) (6)
Zanzibar. COTA
-AI) east natsettcencnssceseeteerneae 3-25 40
1146 =-28 =-7%d. black, blue and bright green
CA) (SE1241) reresssesaececsrecorsentesstard 12:00 4:75
c. Black, blue and yellow-green (a)
(3.43) ous 8-50 2:75
Breaks in
i scrolls at right (R. 1/3. Ptgs of 115 23 1s. green (a) (6). 2:00 50
12s.6d. from July 1932) a. Bluish green (b) (20.6.52, 12:00 7-50
Perforations. Two different perforating machines were used on the
1924-32. Wmk Mult Script CA. Chalk-surfaced paper. P 14. various printings of these stamps: (a) the original 11.9 line perforation;
88 15 2s. purple and bright blue/pale (6) 11.9x11.75 comb perforation, introduced in July 1950. These
BIEN 9227) pose reste eens 50:00 75-00 20 Red Hole, Paget 21 South Shore perforations occur as indicated above.

Murray Payne Ltd « pg v
British Commonwealth & King George VI Specialists

We hold an extensive stock of King George VI keyplates, :

both basic stamps and varieties.

SG 116db
“blank scroll’ SG 120d
SG ouerese
118et sled ae: c
/ SCfiesta
1i9bd ‘
2 f
bronze-greenand = =— broken top
carmine-red on right scroll
yellow paper

Find these and over 600 other Bermuda items at

nrinaninrecinralininnniinnccterctenrtinnncnsiteannannnctnmi tab)thininset ipctoitsseineninhiennines
sretniiinboattipeinbantotettiitinanapntaniitinntees erinineneeaecnrintnasy pinnae onan bata nacinininponnoconpeste noose natnoin eneeeissotetabainnes

Murray Payne Ltd, PO Box 1135, Axbridge, Somerset,

BS26 2EW, United Kingdom , Tel: +44 (0) 1934 732511 GIBBO
Part of the Stanley Gibbons Gi
ad. Broken top right scroll... £2750 £1100 1948 (1 Dec). Royal Silver Wedding. As Nos. 112/13 of Antigua.
ae. Broken lower right scroll... £2750 £1100 125 1d. red-brown 30 50
af. Gash in chin »» £3250 £1500 126 £1 carmine..... 45:00 55:00
b. Ordinary paper. Black and red/pale (Recess B.W.)
blue (5.3.43) » 22:00 13-00
be. Broken lower right scroll... £650 £650 1949 (11 Apr). Centenary of Postmaster Perot’s Stamp. Wmk Mult
Script CA. P 13%.
bf. Gash in chin. £850 £750
c. Perf 13. Ordinary pap: 127 31 2%d. blue and brown 35 35
orange-red/pale blue(10. OS) 17:00 11-00 128 3d. black and blue... 35 15
d. Perf 13. Ordinary paper. Black and 129 6d. violet and green 40 (5
red/pale blue (18.6.52).... »- 1600 25-00 127/9 Set of3 1-00 60
118 5s. green and red/yellow.... £150 45-00 1949 (10 Oct). 75th Anniv of Universal Postal Union. As
a. Pale green and red/yellow (14.3. 39)". £375 85-00 Nos. 114/17 of Antigua.
b. Perf 14% line. Dull yellow-green and
red/yelloW (11.10.42)* .rsccssscsesssesssnessssese £300 40-00
130 DVod DIUGS BLACK serscescerassnrresonrertvesvessaceoceecooseeese 30 2:00
be. Lower right scroll with broken tail £3500 £1100 a. “C" of “CA” missing from watermark. £1200
Shading omitted from top bd. Broken top right scroll. £1300 £550 131 3d. deep blue 1:75 1-25
Lower right scroll with
132 6d. purple.. 40 75
right scroll (R. 1/1. March broken tail (R. 2/10. Line be. Broken lower right scroll... £1300 £550
1943 ptgs of 2s. and £1) 133 1s. blue-green. 40 1-50
perforated printings only) bf. Gash in chin. «- £1600 £750
c. Ordinary paper. Bronze-green and 130/3 Set of 4 2:50 5-00
carmine-red/pale yellow (5.42)* £1500 £180 1953 (4 June). Coronation. As No. 200 of Bahamas, but ptd
ce. Broken lower right scroll... £9000 £2750 by B. W.
cf. Gash in chin -. £9500 £2750 134 T¥ad. black ANd DIUC............sssesssesesessenseessnsnreness 1-25 60
d. Ordinary paper. Pale bluish green
and carmine-red/pale yellow (5.3.43) £100 50:00
de. Broken lower right scroll.. £1100 £800
df. Gash in chin.. £1200 £800
e. Ordinary paper.
yellow (5.45)*.... 50:00 27-00
ea. Missing pearl... £1000
f. Perf 13. Ordinary paper. Yellow-
green and red/pale yellow (15.2.50)... 35-00 35-00
g. Perf 13. Green and scarlet/yellow 32 aie ‘lilies: 33 Postmaster Perot's stamp
(chalk-surfaced) (10.10.50)... 60:00 75:00
119 10s. green and deep lake/pale em £450 £325
a. Bluish green and deep red/green
(BBO) Feeecmittesncentan
chascecuscts £225 £130
b. Perf 14% line. Ordinary paper.
Broken top right scroll Broken lower right scroll Yellow green and carmine/green
(R. 5/11. Line perforated (R. 5/12. Occurs on (1942)*.. £550 £130
ptgs only. A retouched printings made between bc, Lower right ‘scroll with broken tail... £5000 £2250
state of the flaw is visible May 1941 and March bd. Broken top right scroll. £2500 £1300
in later ptgs up to March 1943) be. Broken lower right scroll... £2500 £1300
1943) bf. Gash in chin. £3250 £1400
c. Ordinary paper. Yellowish green and
deep carmine-red/green (5.3.43)... 70:00 65-00
ce, Broken lower right scroll. £2750
cf. Gash in chin - £3000
d. Ordinary paper. Deep green and dull
red/green (emerald back) (11.12.46)... 85:00 70:00
e. Perf 13. Ordinary paper. Green and
vermilion/green (19.9.51)... 48:00 50-00
f. Perf 13. Ordinary paper. Green and
dull red/green (16.4.53).. 50:00 65:00
120 12s.6d. deep grey and brownis £550 £450
a. Grey and brownish orange (shades £225 75-00
6. Grey and pale orange (9.11.40)*.. £110 55-00
c. Ordinary paper (2.3.44)*.. £120 70:00
ce. Broken lower right scroll. £2250 £2500 36 Sir George’ Somers and 37 Map of Bermuda
cf. Gash in chin «. £2500 Sea Venture
d. Ordinary paper. Grey and yellowt
RV ZES AT) eaeseeertaase or eccaroeaceoertcvarcertaaes £700 £500
Gash in chin (R. 2/5. Ptgs Missing pearl (R. 5/1, Nov e, Perf 13. Grey and pale orange ar
between May 1941 and 1945 ptg of 5s. only) surfaced) (10.10.50)... £100 85-00
March 1943) 121 £1 purple and black/red. £275 £100
a. “ER” joined..... £1100 £600
b. Pale purple and black/pale red
(13.5.43)*. 90:00 80-00
ba. “ER” joined £700 £600 38 Sea Venture (galleon), coin 39 White-tailed Trople Bird
be. Broken lower right scroll.. £2000 £1500 and Perot stamp
bf. Gash in chin... . £2250 £1700
c. Deep reddish purple | and black/pale
red (5,3.43)* .. 60:00 75:00
. "ER" joined £650 £700
“ER” joined (R. 1/2. Occurs in its complete state on 1938
ptg only. Subsequent ptgs show it incomplete) £4000
ce, Broken lower right scroll. £1800 £1500
cf. Gash in chin £2000

55:00 85-00
b £4500
e. Perf 13. Bright violet & black/:
(10.12.52). £180 £300
110/21d Set Of16 wuss £350 £225
110s/21s Perf “SPECIMEN”
Set of 1 £2000
Following extensive damage to their printing works on
29 December 1940 much of De La Rue’s work was transferred to | POSTAGE)
other firms operating under their supervision, It is understood that
Williams Lea & Co produced those new printings ordered for the
Bermuda high value stamps during 1941. The first batch of these SRP
Damaged left value tablet iS
printings showed the emergency use, by Williams Lea, of a 14%
(R. 1/11. Part of 1951 ptg only)
line perforating machine (exact gauge 14.15) instead of the comb
(Typo D.L.R.) perforation (exact gauge 13.9x13.8). POSTAGE EREVEN)
Dates marked * are those of earliest known use.
1938 (20 Jan)-53. T 29. Wmk Mult Crown CA (£1) or Mult Script In No, 116c the coloured surfacing of the paper is mottled with
CA (others). Chalk-surfaced paper. P 14 (comb). white specks sometimes accompanied by very close horizontal lines.
116 2s. deep purple and ultramarine/grey- In Nos. 116d, 117b and 118c/d the surfacing is the same colour as the
PIMC RR Uae iss tcrarstorancentcoenseosesacpoamonsssbe. £110 18-00 back, sometimes applied in widely spaced horizontal lines giving the
a. Deep reddish purple and appearance of laid paper.
ultramarine/grey-blue (21.11.40)*...... £350 50-00 tNo. 120d is the so-called “lemon” shade.
b. Perf 14% line. Deep purple and
ultramarine/grey-blue (14.11.41)* £100
bc. Lower right scroll with broken ta £1800 HALF
bd. Broken top right scroll... £900 PENNY 44 Obverse and reverse of 1 45 Arms of Bermuda
be. Broken lower right scroll... £900
bf. Gash in chin £1300 tog coin
c. Ordinary paper. Purple and blue/
deep blue (7.6.42)... 11-00 1:50
ce. Broken lower right sc £225" £120.
cf. Gash in chin £325 £150
d. Ordinary paper. Purple and deep
blue/pale blue (5.3.43)...
db. Shading omitted from top right
wow 15:00 2:00 Xx 30 31 Postmaster Perot’s Stamp
scroll £2000
Die | “Sandy's” Die II “Sandys”
' de. Broken lower right scroll.. £700 1940 (20 Dec). No. 110 surch with T 30 by Royal Gazette,
df. Gash in Chin... £850 Hamilton. (Des C. Deakins (Y2d., 3d., 15.3d., 5s,), J. Berry (1d., 1¥ad., 2¥%d., 4d.,
e. Perf 13. Ordinary paper. purp. 122 26 = ‘ad. on 1d. black and red (shades)... 1-75 3-75 1s.). B. Brown (2d., 6d., 8d,), D. Haig (4'%d,, 9d.), Pamela Braley-
and blue/pale blue (15.2.50) ..vssssssssse 14:00 18-00 The spacing between “PENNY” and “X" varies from 12% mm to Smith (2s.6d.) and E. C. Leslie (10s.) Recess (except £1, centre
f. Perf 13. Ordinary paper. Reddish 14mm. typo), B.W.)
purple and blue/pale blue (10.10.50). 16:00 35-00
117 28.6. black and red/grey-b1Ue .asssssssssssssseeee 70:00 14-00 1946 (6 Nov). Victory. As Nos, 110/11 of Antigua. 1953 (9 Nov)-62. T 32/45. Wmk Mult Script CA-P 13%.
a. Perf 14% line. Black and red/grey- 123 1d. brown 15 15 135 32 ‘ad. olive-green... 1-00 5:00
blue (21,2.42)* £600 £120 124 3d. blue 40 65 a. Yellow-olive (19.5.54) 40 2:75
ac. Lower right scroll wi £4250 £1900 123s/4s Perf “SPECI £170 136 33 1d. black and red 2:00 75

a. Black and deep red (19.5.54) ww... 8:50 1:50 172 60 1s.3d. lake, grey and bistre 75 15
137 SA VAC QT RON neseatimenreseroiracrorstans
oiain 30 10 w. Wmk inverted... t+ £2500
138 35 2d. ultramarine and brown-red 50 40 173 58 15.6d. violet and ochre. 75 1:00
139 36 24d. TOSE-FED.rcsesss 2:00 50 174 61 2s. red-brown and orange 3-00 1:25
140 37 3d. deep purple (! 30 10 175 62 2s.3d. bistre-brown and yellow-green 1:00 7:00
140a 3d. deep purple (I!) (2.1. 1.00 20 176 63 2s.6d. bistre-brown, bluish green &
141 33 = 4d. black and bright blue... 55 1-75 olive-yellow... 55 50
142 BE 4Vad. EMELAlG..sscssssoseeeeeereres 1:50 1:00 177 64 5s. brown-purple a 1:25 1-50
143 39 = 6d. black and deep turquois 6:50 60 a. Broken “P" ssc. 35:00
143a 8d, black and red (16.5.55) 3-25 30 w. Wmk inverted £300 £300
143b 38 9d. violet (6.1.58) 13-00 2:50 178 65 10s. magenta, deep bluish green
144 40 1s. orange 50 15 5-00 7-00
145 37 15.3d. blue (|) 3-75 30 £650 £750
a. Greenish blue (21.9.54). 13-00 1:50 179 66
1456 1s.3d. blue (Il) (2.1.57)... 7:00 50 1400 14-00
be. Bright blue (14,8.62).. 24.00 9.00 163/79 Set of 18 40:00 35:00
146 41 2s. brown. 4:00 85 We Three examples of No. 164b are known, all used on piece. The 3d.
147 42 2s.6d. scarlet. 11-00 45 value with the yellow-brown omitted, previously No. 165a, is no longer
148 43 5s. carmine 23:00 1:00 listed as this is believed to be a dry print. All reported examples show
149 44 10s, deep ultramarin 21:00 9.50 traces of the yellow-brown. =
a, Ultramarine (13.2.57) 80:00 19-00 See also Nos. 195/200 and 246a.
150 45 £1 brown, blue, red, green and |——— t Ss }
bronze-grn. «- 4800 21:00 55 Perot'’s Post Office, 1848 1963 (4 June). Freedom from Hunger. As No. 146 of Antigua.
135/150 Set of 18 : £130 40.00 180 1s.3d, sepia. at 60 40
Nos. 136, 138 and 143 exist in coils, constructed from normal sheets.
1963 (2 Sept). Red Cross Centenary. As Nos. 147/8 of Antigua.
1953 (26 Nov). Royal Visit. As No. 143 but inscr “ROYAL VISIT 1953”
in top left corner. 181 3d. red and black.. 50 25
151 6d, black and deep turquoise... 1:25 20 182 1s.3d. red and blue.... 1:00 2:50

Three Power Talks Three Power Talks

December, 1953,
December, 1953.
(46) (46a)

First setting (Type 46). First line 2472 mm long.

Second setting (Type 46a). First line 25%4 mm long.
1953 (8 Dec). Three Power Talks. Nos. 140 and 145 optd with T 46
by Royal Gazette, Hamilton.
152 37 3d. deep purple (Type 46) (B. 20 10
a. Optd with Type 46a. 1:75 30
153 1s.3d. blue (Type 46) (R.). 20 10
a. Optd with Type 46a.. 8.00 7:50
67 Tsotsi in the Bundu
(Finn class dinghy)

(Des V. Whiteley. Photo D.L.R.)

1964 (28 Sept). Olympic Games, Tokyo. W w 12. P 14x13%.
SOtH ANNIVERSARY 183 67 3d. red, Violet ANG DIUC .....sscsssssssserenne 10 10°
OCEAN RACE 1956 1965 (17 May). I.T.U. Centenary. As Nos. 166/7 of Antigua.
(47) 48 Perot's Post Office 184 3d. light blue and emerald 35 25
185 2s. yellow and ultramarine 65 1:50
1956 (22 June). 50th Anniv of United States-Bermuda Yacht Race.
Nos. 143a and 145a optd with T 47 by the Bermuda Press.
154 8d. black and red (Bk.). 30 45
155 1s.3d. greenish blue (R)).... 30 55

(Des W. Harrington. Recess B.W.)

1959 (1 Jan). Wmk Mult Script CA. P 13%.
156 48 6d. black and deep MAUVE .......esess0 1-75 15 |

68 Scout Badge and St. Edward’s
62 Bermuda house, circa 1710 63 Bermuda house, early 18th Crown
(Des W. Harrington. Photo Harrison)
1965 (24 July). 50th Anniv of Bermuda Boy Scouts Association.
W w 12. P 12%.
186 68 2s. multicoloured. 50 50
49 Arms of King James | and w. Wmk inverted. 55:00 65:00
Queen Elizabeth II
1965 (25 Oct). International Co-operation Year. As Nos. 168/9 of ;
} Antigua.
ie 187 4d. reddish purple and turquoise-green 40 20
188 2s.6d. deep bluish green and lavender....... 60 80
64 Colonial Secretariat, 1833 65 Old Post Office, Somerset,
1966 (24 Jan). Churchill Commemoration. As Nos. 170/3 of Antigua.
"4 189 3d. new blue... 30 20
190 6d. deep green VA KPIS
Sostage 191
10d. brown...
1s.3d. bluish violet..

189/92 Set of4 250 4:25
1966 (1 July). World Cup Football Championship. As Nos. 176/7 of —
193 10d. violet, yellow-green, lake and
YON OW-DFOWN vesssessssescsnssessnseesnsnsesnsestee 1:00 15
3d. and 8d. A horizontal red registration line shows in the SW 66 The House of Assembly, 5s. Top loop of “P" of 194 2s.6d. chocolate, blue-green, lake and
section of the right garter (R. 4/8) 1815 “Postage” broken. (PI. 1A-1A, yellow-brown. 1:25 1:25
R. 1/1). Corrected on No. 246
(Des W. Harrington. Recess; arms litho D.L.R.) 1966 (25 Oct)-69. Designs as Nos. 164, 167 (1s.6d.), 169, 170a/1
(Des W. Harrington. Photo Harrison) and 174 but W w 12 (sideways*).
1959 (29 July). 350th Anniv of First Settlement. Arms, red, yellow
and blue; frame colours below. W w 12. P 13. 1962 (26 Oct)-68. T 50/66. W w 12 (upright). P 1212. 195 51 2d. lilac, indigo, yellow and green
157 49 1%ad. grey-blue.. 35 10 163 50 1d. reddish purple, black and (20.5.69).... 6:50 8-00
158 3d. drab-grey.. 40 50 10 75 w. Wmk Crow ig — £375
a. Registration line.. 25:00 w. Wmk inv wu 6 — £750 196 56 8d. bright blue, bright green an
159 4d. reddish purple 45 55 164 51 2d. lilac, indigo, yellow and green. 1:00 35 orange (14.2.67) 50 ~—-1:50
160 8d. slate-violet... 45 15 a. Lilac omitted... - £1000 £1000 197 58 10d. violet and ochre (1.11.66) 75 60
a. Registration line.. 25:00 b. Green omitted. t £7500 w. Wmk Crown to right of CA... £1400 £1400
161 9d. olive-green 45 1:25 c. Imperf (pair) £2250 198 59 1s. black, emerald, bright blue
162 1s.3d. brown 45 30 d. Pale lilac, indigo, yellow and and orange (14.2.67).. 1:00 1-40
157/162 Set OF 6 ...scsssssese green (22.10.68). 7:00 4:25 199 54 1s.6d. grey-blue and rose (1.11, 1:00 30
2:25 2:50
w. Wmk inverted... — £325 w. Wmk Crown to right of C. £130 £140
165 52 3d. yellow-brown and light blue 10 10 200 61 2s. red-brown and orange.. 1:25 60
166 53 4d. red-brown and magenta 20 40 195/200 Set of 6 10:00 11-00
167 54 5d. grey-blue and rose. 75 3-00 *The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CA, as
. grey-blue, emerald and light
BIUC. ssessceees 30 30
w. Wmk inverted £200 £225
169 56 8d. bright blue, bright green ani
orange 30 35 1966 (1 Dec). 20th Anniv of U.N.E.S.C.O. As Nos. 196/8 of Antigua.
170 57 9d. light blue and brown. 30 60 201 4d. slate-violet, red, yellow and orange...
170a_ $8 10d. violet and ochre (8.2.65) 15-00 1:75 45 15/9
202 1s.3d. orange-yellow, violet and deep
aw. Wmk inverted £1500 £1100 olive
50 The Old Rectory, 51 Church of St. Peter, St. 71 59 1s. black, emerald, bright blue 75 65
St. George's, circa 1730 203 2s. black, bright purple and orange.. 1:00 1-40
George's and orange... 30 10 201/3:Set OF3 incase eee 2:00 2:00
(Des V. Whiteley. Photo Harrison)
1968 (24 Sept). Olympic Games, Mexico. W w 12. P 12%.
220 77 3d. multicoloured ws 15 10
a. Red-brown (“BERMUDA" and
value) omitted. .. £4750 £5000
221 1s. multicoloured... 25 10
222 1s.6d. multicoloured.. 50 30
B ERMUDA 3 223 2s.6d. multicoloured... 50 1-40
220/3 Set of 4. 1:25 1:75
69 G.P.O. Building 83 Spathiphyllum

(Des G. Vasarhelyi. Photo Harrison) (Des W. Harrington. Photo D.L.R.)

1967 (23 June). Opening of New General Post Office, Hamilton. 1970 (6 July)-75. Flowers. Multicoloured designs as T 83. W w 12
W w 12. P 14%. (sideways on horiz designs). P 14.
204 69 3d. multicoloured 10 10 249 Ic. Type 83..... 10 20
205 1s. multicoloured 15 10 250 2c. Bottlebrush... 20 25
206 1s.6d. multicoloured 30 25 251 3c. Oleander (vert) 15 10
207 2s.6d. multicoloured 35 70 252 4c, Bermudiana.. 15 10
204/7 Set of 4 75 1-00 253 5c. Poinsettia. 2:50 20
254 6c. Hibiscus. 30 30
255 9c. Cereus 20 45
256 10c, Bougainvillea (vert) 20 15
257 12c, Jacaranda....... 60 60
258 15c. Passion-Flower 90 1:00
258a 17c. As 15¢. (2.6.75) 2:75 5:50
259 18c. Coralita...... 2:25 1:00
A} < 259a 20c. As 18c. (2.6.75) 275 4:00


24c. Morning Glory
25c. As 24c, (2.6.75)
BERMUDA 78 Brownie and Guide 80 Emerald-studded 261
30c. Tecoma.......
36c. Angel's Trumpet.
70 Mercury (cable ship) and Chain Links Gold Cross and Seaweed
262a 40c. As 36c. (2.6.75) 2:75 5:50
(Des Harrison. Litho Format) 263 60c. Plumbago...... 1-75 1:25
1969 (17 Feb). 50th Anniv of Bermuda Girl Guides. P 14. 263a $1 As 60c. (2.6.75 3-25 6:50
224 78 3d. multicoloured... 10 10 264 $1.20 Bird of Paradise flower. 2:25 1:25
264a $2 As $1.20 (2.6.75). 10:00 10-00
225 1s. multicoloured... 20 10
265 $2.40 Chalice Cup.. 4-50 1:50
226 — 1s.6d, multicoloured... 25 40
265a $3 As $2.40 (2.6.75). 12:00 11-00
227 — 2s.6d. multicoloured... 35 1-40
249/65 Set Of 24.0 50:00 50:00
224/7 Set of 4 80 1:75
Design:—1s.6d., 2s.6d. Guides and badge.

1s. Broken cable above “R” of “BERMUDA” (Des K. Giles adapted by V. Whiteley. Photo Harrison)
(R. 12/1) 1969 (29 Sept). Underwater Treasure. T 80 and similar vert design.
Multicoloured. W w 12 (sideways). P 14%2x14.
(Des V. Whiteley. Photo Harrison) 228 Ads WPaASO enw e enc meee 20 10
1967 (14 Sept). Inauguration of Bermuda-Tortola Telephone 229 1s.3d, Emerald-studded gold cross and
Service. T 70 and similar horiz designs. Multicoloured. seabed... 35 15
W w 12. P 14%x14. a. Green (jewels) omitted.
208 BORIV OGIO bacctttatcatastatasicecideus a 15 10 230 2s. Type 80... 45 90 84 The State House, St. George's
209 1s. Map, telephone and microphone.. 25 10 231 2s.6d, As 1s5.3d 45 1:75
a. Broken cable 12:00 228/31 Set of4... 1:25 2:50 (Des G. Drummond. Litho Questa)
210 1s.6d. Telecommunications media 535 25 25 1970 (12 Oct). 350th Anniv of Bermuda Parliament. T 84 and
211 2s.6d. Mercury (cable ship) and marine similar horiz designs. Multicoloured. W w 12 (sideways). P 14.
fauna 40 70 266 4c. Type 84.. 10 10
208/11 Set of4. 1:00 1:00 267 15c. The Sessions House, Hamilto: 30 20
(New Currency. 100 cents = 1 Bermuda dollar) 268 18c. St. Peter's Church, St. George’ 30 25
269 24c. Town Hall, Hamilton.. 40 1-00
266/9 Set of4... 1-00 1-40
MS270 131x95 | mm. ‘Nos. 266/9 1:10 1:50

1948 (5 Apr-10 May). Pink (No. SB1), or light blue (No. SB2)
covers. Stapled.
SB1 5s. booklet containing six 1d., 1¥%d., 2d., 22d.
ES 2c and 3d. (Nos. 110, 111b, 112a, 113b, 114a)
74 Human Rights Emblem and
(82) Tall “2” (PI 1A. in blocks of6 (10 May)... ttc VETAO
R. 2/2) S$B2 _10s.6d. booklet containing six 3d. and ‘eighteen 6d.
(Des M. Farrar Bell. Litho Harrison) (Nos. 114a, 104) in blocks of 6 with twelve
1970 (6 Feb). Decimal Currency. As Nos. 163, 165/6, 168, 170, 172,
1968 (1 Feb). Human Rights Year. W w 12. P 14x14%. falbimMalliaDelS\waneacnahernntncmurctarauerenstn 150
175/9 and 195/200 surch as T 82. W w 12 (sideways* on 2, 5,
212 74 3d. indigo, blue and dull green........ 10 10 10, 12, 15, 18, 24, 30, 60c., $1.20 and $2.40).
213 1s. yellow-brown, blue and light 232 1c, on 1d. reddish purple, black and
10 10 orange 10 1-75
214 1s.6d. black, blue and rose. 10 15 w. Wmk inverted 50:00 50-00
215 2s.6d. grey-green, blue and yellow.. 15 25 233 2c. on 2d. lilac, indigo, yellow and green 10 10 1937 (1 Feb). As T 15, but inscr “REVENUE” at each side. Wmk
212/15 Set of 4 30 55 a. Lilac omitted. . £1000 Mult Script CA. Chalk-surfaced paper. P 14
b. Vert pair, one £7500 Fl 12s.6d. grey and orangeé......... £1100 £1500
Go Tallin2ee.. se 10:00 a. Break in scroll (R. 1/12). £4250 £6500
d. Surch double, one “albino... b. Broken crown and scroll (R. 2/12). £4250
ew. Wmk Crown to right of CA £120 =£150 d. Break through scroll (R. 1/9)... £4250
f. Wmk upright (No. 164) 250 6:00 e. Break in lines below left scrol £4250
fa; TalliZ2?eerectecs 38-00 f. Damaged leaf at bottom righ £4250
g. Wmk upright (No. 164d) 6:00 8-00 g. Gash in fruit and leaf............ £4250
ga. Tall “2”... ao: h, Breaks in scrolls at right (R. 1/3) £4250
234 3c. on 3d. yellow ‘brown ‘and light blue.. 10 30 No. F1 was issued for fiscal purposes towards the end of 1936. Its
235 4c. on 4d. red-brown and magenta (Br.) 10 10 use as a postage stamp was authorised from 1 February to April 1937.
236 5c. on 8d. bright blue, bright green The used price quoted above is for examples postmarked during
and orange 15 2:25 this period. Later in the same year postmarks with other dates were
237 6c. on 6d. grey-blue, emerald and light obtained by favour.
blue 15 1:75 For illustrations of No. Fla/h see above Nos. 516 and 88.
a. Horiz pair, one with albino surch,
75 Mace and Queen's Profile the other with albino bar..
W. Wk inverted oversees. £190
(Des R. Granger Barrett. Photo Harrison) 238 9c, on 9d. light blue and brown (Br.) 30 2:75
1968 (1 July). New Constitution. T 75 and similar horiz design. 239 10€, ON 10d. Violet ANG OCH ccesvssssssrseeeeeeere 30 25
W w 12. P 14. 240 12c, on 1s. black, emerald, bright blue
216), 75 3d, multicoloured. 10 10 and orange f 30 1:25
217 1s. multicoloured. 10 10 241 15c. on 1s.3d. lake, grey and bistre.. 2:00 175
218 - 1s.6d. greenish yellow, black and 242 18c. on 1s.6d. grey-blue and rose 80 65
TUFQUOISE-DIUC....sesccccsssssassesssoneeceees 10 20 243 24c. on 2s. red-brown and orang 85 4:50
219 - 2s.6d. lilac, black and orange-yellow 15 75 w. Wmk Crown to right of CA £150 £225
216/19 Set of 4. 30 = 1.00 244 30c, on 2s.6d. bistre-brown, bluis| green
Design:—1s.6d., 2s.6d. Houses of Parliament and House of and olive-yellow.... 1:00 3-00
Assembly, Bermuda. 245 36c. on 2s.3d. bistre-brown and yellow-
green 1-75 8-00
246 60c. on 5s. brown-purple and blue-“green 2:25 4-00
a. Surch omitted t.... .- £1500
247 $1.20 on 10s, magenta, deep bluish. green
and buff oe 5:50 12:00
248 $2.40 on £1 black, yellow-olive and
yellow-orange. r 6:50 15:00
232/48 Set of 17... ae . 20:00 50-00
*The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CA, as
seen from the back of the stamp.
+No. 246a differs from the normal No. 177 by its watermark, which
is sideways, and its gum, which is PVA.
The surcharge was applied typo on the Ic., 2c., 3c., 6c. and 36c. and
77 Football, Athletics and Yachting photo on the remaining values.
SSvamep aot baits PeCin akan See | BOTSWANA

67 Bushbuck

(Des G, Vasarhelyi. Photo Harrison)

1967 (2 Oct). Chobe Game Reserve. T 67 and similar horiz Teen!
designs. Multicoloured. P 14.
238 3c. Type 67 10 20 81 Woman, Child and 82 Diamond Treatment
239 7c. Sale Antelope.. 15 30 Christmas Star Plant, Orapa
240 35c. Fishing on Chobe River. 90 1:10
238/40 Set of 3. 1:00 1-40 (Des A. Vale, adapted V. Whiteley. Litho Harrison)
1969 (6 Nov). Christmas. P 142x14.
47 National Assembly Building 256 * 81 Ic. pale blue and Chocolate. 10 20
257 2c. pale yellow-olive and
CHOCOMALE ..reresssorsseese 10 20
(Des R. Granger Barrett. Photo Harrison)
258 4c. yellow and chocolate. 10 10
1966 (30 Sept). Independence. T 47 and similar horiz designs. 259 35c. chocolate and bluish violet 35 20 we
Multicoloured. P 14%. 256/9 Set of4 50 60
202 2%ac. Type 47....... 15 10 MS260 86x128 mm. Nos. 256/9. P 14% (shades 1-00 1:10
a. Imperf (pair). £450
203 5c. Abattoir Lobats 20 10 (Des J.W. Litho Harrison)
204 15c. National Airway: 65 20
205 35c. State House, Gaberones 40 30
1970 (23 Mar). Developing Botswana. T 82 and similar designs.
70 Arms of Botswana and Human Multicoloured. P 14x14 (3c., 7c.) or 14x14% (others),,
FLOPI NDT 5)fC.emote cree Rien ie 1-25 55 Rights Emblem 261 3c. Type 82... 805; 20
262 7c. Copper-nickel mining 1-00 20
(Litho D.L.R.) 263 10c. Copper-nickel mine, Selebi-Pikwe
1968 (8 Apr). Human Rights Year. T 70 and similar horiz designs (horiz).. 1:25 15
showing Anniv of Botswana and Human Rights emblem 264 35c, Orapa diamond mine, and
arranged differently. P 13%2x13. diamonds (horiz)... 3:00 1:25
241 3c. multicoloured . 10 10 261/4 Set of 4 550 1-60
242 15c. multicoloured. 25 45
243 25c. multicoloured. 25 60
241/3 Set of 3 50 1:00

(51) 52 Golden Oriole

1966 (30 Sept). Nos. 168/81 of Bechuanaland ai asT 51.

83 Mr. Micawber (David
206 Ic, yellow, red, black and lilac... 25 10
207 2c. orange, black and yellow-olive 30 1:75
208 2¥ac. carmine, green, black and bistre 30 10
(Des V. Whiteley. Litho Walsall)
209 3%c, yellow, black, sepia and pink 1:50 40
a. Yellow, black, sepia and flesh. 11-00 2:25 73 Eland and Giraffe Rock 75 “Baobab Trees” (Thomas 1970 (6 July). Death Centenary of Charles Dickens. T 83 and
210 5c. yellow, blue, black and buff. 1-75 1:50 Paintings, Tsodilo Hills Baines) similar horiz designs. Multicoloured. P 11.
211 7¥2c. brown, red, black and apple- green | 50 1-75 265 3c. Type 83 25 10
a, Yellow background.. — £1000 266 7c. Scrooge (A Christmas Carol) . 25 10
212 10c, red, yellow, sepia and turquoise- 267 15c. Fagin (Oliver Twist 45 40
green... 1-00 20 268 25c. Bill Sykes (Oliver Twist) 70 60
213 12%c., buff, blue, red and. grey-‘black. 2:00 3-50 2655/8) SCLOFA cramercsenrmncmtcatent 1:50 1:00
214 20c. yellow-brown and drab. 20 1:00 MS269 114x81 mm. Nos. 265/8.. 2:75 4.00
215 25c. deep brown and lemon. 20 2-00 NATIONAL MUSEUM AND ART GALLERY |)
216 35c. deep blue and orange 30 2:75
217 50c. sepia and olive....... 20 70
218 Tr. black and cinnamon 40 1:25 76 National Museum and Art Gallery
219 2r, brown and turquoise-blue 60 3-25
206/19 Set of 14 8:50 - 19-00 (Litho D.LR.)
No. 2094 was a special printing pro uced to‘make up quantities, 1968 (30 Sept). Opening of National Museum and Art
It does not exist without the overprint. Gallery. T 73/6 and similar multicoloured design. P 12% (7c.),
No. 211a shows the background in yellow instead of apple-green 12¥%2x13% (15c.), or 13X13% (others).
and may have come from a trial printing. Most known examples 244 3c. Type 73... se 20 20
come from first day covers but at least one unused example has 245 7c. Girl wearing ‘ceremonial beads
been reported. 84 U.N. Building and Emblem
(30x48 mm).. 25 40
246 10c. Type 75. 25 30 (Des J. Cooter. Litho Walsall)
(Des D. M. Reid-Henry. Photo Harrison) 247 15c. Type 76. 40 1-50
244/7 Set OF 4 vrocrsssssenes 100 2-25 1970 (24 Oct). 25th Anniv of United Nations. P 11.
1967 (3 Jan). Birds. Vert designs as T 52. Multicoloured. P 14x14.
MS248 132x82 mm. Nos. 244/7. P 13 1:00 2:25 270 84 15c. bright blue, chestnut and
220 Ic. Type 52.. 30 15
SHIVEM cessacopecorsvaneceseecanrtcecte
po RRR 70 50
a. Error. Wmk. 105 of‘Malta t £800
221 2c. Hoopoe... 60 70
222 3c. Groundscraper Thrus 55 10
4c, Cordon-bleu (“Blue Waxbill
5c. Secretary Bird........
225 7c. Yellow-billed Hornbill. 60 1:00
226 0c. Burchell’s Gonolek (“Crimson-
breasted Shrike’)...... 60 15

227 15c. Malachite Kingfisher 8-50 3:00
228 20c. African Fish Eagle...... 8-50 2:00
229 25c. Go-away Bird (“Grey Loerie”) 4-00 1:50
230 35c. Scimitar-bill 6-00 3:50 77 African Family, and Star over
231 50c. Comb Duck 275 275 Village 85 Crocodile
232 Tr. Levaillant’s Barbet 5:00 3-50
233 2r. Didric Cuckoo 7:00 17-00 (Des Mrs M. E. Townsend, adapted J. Cooter, Litho Enschedé) (Des A, Vale. Litho Questa)
220/33 Set of 14... 40:00 32:00 1968 (11 Nov). Christmas. P 13x14.
1970 (3 Nov). Christmas. T 85 and similar horiz designs.
A used copy of the 20¢. has been seen with the pale brown colour 249 77 1c. multicoloured.. 10 25 Multicoloured. P 14.
missing, resulting in the value (normally shown in white) being 250 2c. multicoloured. 10 25
omitted. 271 Ic. Type 85 10 10
251 5c. multicoloured. 10 10 272 2c. Giraffe 10 10
The 1, 2, 4, 7 and 10c. values exist with PVA gum as well as gum 252 25c. multicoloured. 15 50
arabic, 273 7c. Elephan 15 15
249/52 Set of 4.. 30 1-00 274 25c. Rhinoceros... 60 80
271/4 Set OF4serssrsosssscssee 80 1:00
MS275 128x90 mm. Nos. 271/4 1:00 3:00


66 Students and University
(Des V. Whiteley. Photo Harrison) 78 Scout, Lion and Badge in Frame
1967 (7 Apr). First Conferment of University Degrees. P 14x14%. BOTSWANA
234 66 = 3c, sepia, ultramarine and light (Des D.L.R. Litho Format)
(D 4)
orange- yellow. 10 10 1969 (21 Aug). 22nd World Scout Conference, Helsinki. T 78 and
235 7c, sepia, ultram and It greenish ‘bl 10 10 similar multicoloured designs. P 13%. 1967 (1 Mar). Nos. D10/12 of Bechuanaland optd with Type D 4.
236 15c. sepia, ultramarine and rose.. 10 10 253 BC TYPO) 7B iscscveasosccressnatssesseccgorsoossecveohvcoentaies 35 30
237 35c. sepia, ultramarine and light D013 1c. carmine 15 1:75
254 15c. Scouts cooking over open fire (vert) 35 1-00 014 2c. violet. 15 175
violet 20 20 255 25c. Scouts around camp fire i 40 1-00 D15 Sc. green.
234/7 Set of4 30 30 253/5/SOt OFS imrenennssscnonasauneiereiun
20 1:75 —
D13/15 Set of3 45 475
12 12 25s.6d. blue... 22:00 15-00 BEA
ee ee
13 135s. red-orang! ose-re » 22:00 19:00
British Antarctic Territory 14
deep ultramarine and emerald.
black and light bIUC cscs
48-00 British Guiana
15a 16 £1 red and brownish black
ae ee EE (1.12.69) £130 £120 aeTe
1/15 Set OF 16 ..sessscsesesse E27 ON Piezo
1963. 12 pence (d.) = 1 shilling; 20 shillings = £1. 1966 (24 Jan). Churchill Commemoration. As Nos. 223/6 of The postal service from what was to become British Guiana dates
1971. 100 pence (p.) = £1 Falkland Islands. from 1796, being placed on a more regular basis after the final British
16 Yad. new blue.. 80 3-25 occupation.
For use at the following bases;
17 1d. deep gre 3-25 3-25 An inland postal system was organised in 1850, using the adhesive
Adelaide Island (Graham Land) (closed 1977) 18 1s. brown... 19-00 6:50 stamps of British Guiana, but, until 1 May 1860, overseas mails
Argentine Islands (“Faraday” from 1981), (Graham Land) (closed 19 2s. bluish violet. 20:00 7:00 continued to be the province of the British G.P.O. The stamps of
8 February 1996 and transferred to Ukraine) 16/19 Set of 4 40:00 18-00 Great Britain were supplied for use on such letters from 11 May 1858
Brabant Island (Graham Land) (opened 1984, closed 1985) and examples of their use in combination with British Guiana issues
Deception Island (South Shetlands) (closed December 1967, opened have been recorded.
4 December 1968, closed 23 February 1969) For illustration of the handstamp and postmark type see BRITISH
Halley Bay (Coats Land)
Hope Bay (Graham Land) (closed 12 February 1964) CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS

Port Lockroy (Graham Land) (opened 25 November 1996) The provision of a handstamp, probably as Type CC 1, inscribed
Rothera Point (Graham Land) (opened 1977) “DEMERARA; is recorded in the G.P.O. proof book under 1 March 1856.
Signy Island (South Orkneys) No examples have been reported. A further handstamp, as Type CC
Stonington Island (Graham Land) (closed February 1975) 6, recorded in the proof book on 17 February 1866, is known used
as a cancellation in at least three instances, including one on cover
7 female Channel and Icebergs dated 8 November 1868.
(Des R. Granger Barrett. Litho Format)
1969 (6 Feb). 25th Anniv of Continuous Scientific Work. T 17 and GEORGETOWN (DEMERARA)
similar horiz designs. W w 12 (sideways). P 14. Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 03” as Type 2.
20 3%ad. black, pale blue and ultramarine....... 2:50 2:75 1858-60.
21 6d, multicoloured... ar 1:00 2:25 Z1 1d. rose-red (1857), perf 14. £350
22 1s. black, pale blue ‘and vermilion 1-00 1:75
Z2 4d. rose (1857) £180
23 2s. black, orange and turquoise-blue... 100 2-75
Z3 6d. lilac (1856) £120
20/S'Set ON ae te rancor enunmermen mummers 5:00 8:50
Designs:—6d. Radio Sonde balloon; 1s. Muskeg pulling tent a. Azure paper.
equipment; 2s, Surveyors with theodolite. Z4 1s. green (1856) £1800


Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 04” as Type 2.
British Columbia and Vancouver 1858-60.
Z5 1d. rose-red (1857), perf 14.. £850
; rrREGIE Island see Canada Z6 2d. blue (1858) (Plate Nos. 7, £1300
3 Muskeg (tractor) Z7 4d. rose (1857) £450
Z8 6d. lilac (1856) £325
British East Africa see Kenya, z9 1s. green (1856) £2250

Uganda and Tanganyika PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER TO 1945

No. from x 1
Nos. from x 4
Nos. from x 3
No. t
Nos, from x 3
Nos. from x 5
Nos, 116/24 from x 20
Nos. 126/36 from x7
Nos, 137/59 from x 8
Nos. 162/5 from x 15
Nos. 170/4 from x 8
Nos. 175/89 from x 10
No, 192 from x 30
Nos, 193/210 from x 5
Nos. 213/15 from x 8
Nos. 216/21 from x 5
Nos. 222/4 from x 10
Nos. 233/50 from x 4
No, 251 —
Nos. 252/7 from x 4
Nos, 259/82 from x 5
Nos. 283/7 from x 8
Nos, 288/300 from x 5
5 nie Nos. 301/4 from x 6
9 Sledging Nos. 305/7 from x 8
Nos. 308/19 from x 5

Nos. D1/4 from x 15

Nos, 01/12

(Currency. 100 cents = 1 dollar)

Out vicissim.

(Set up and printed at the office of the Royal Gazette,

Georgetown, British Guiana)
1850 (1 July)-51. Type-set. Black impression.
(a) Medium wove paper. Prices are for—l. Cut square. I. Cut round
[Used Il Used
1 1 2c. rose (1.3.51) — £325000
2 Ac, orange...... £100000 £16000
15 Pitaectic map 16 H.M.S. Endurance 3 4c, lemon-yellow (1851). £130000 £24000
4 8c, green £70000 £16000
(Des B.W. (No. 15a), M. Goaman (others). Recess B.W.) 5 12c. blue. £35000 £11000
963 (1 Feb)-69. Horiz designs as T 1. W w 12. P 11x11¥%. 6 12c., indigo... £45000 £13000
: 1. %ad. deep blue. 1:25 7 12c. pale blue (1851) . £40000 £13000
2 1d, brown... 1:25 a. “2” of “12” with straig . £110000 £25000
‘3 1d. orange- “red and brown- -purple.. 1:25 D1 OF AQ” OMMIRTOD scsssscscoossconcseosss + £250000
4 2d. purple... fs 1:50 (b) Pelure paper (1851)
5 2d. myrtle-gr 3-25 8 1 4c, pale yellow. - £130000 £24000
6 3d. deep blue. 3:75 These stamps were usually y the postmaster, or the
7 «4d. sepia....... 2:75 Post Office clerks, before they were issued. The initials are—E. T. E.
8 Gd. olive and deep ultramarine.. 475 D(alton), E. D. W(ight), J. B. S(mith), H. A. K(illikelly), and W. H. L(ortimer).
9 9A. OLIVE-GreeMerereresssesseens 3:50 There are several types of each value and it has been suggested that
10 1s. deep turquoise-blue.. ée 4:25 the setting contained one horizontal row of four slightly different
11 2s. deep violet and orange-sepia... 20-00 impressions.

Ten examples of No. 1 have been recorded, including three pairs 81 24c. blue-green (perf 122-13) £350 22-00
on separate covers. 82 48c. pale red.... £375 75-00
83 48c. deep red.. £425 75-00
(Litho Waterlow) 84 48c. carmine-ros £425 75-00
1852 (1 Jan). Surface-coloured paper. Imperf. The 4c. corresponding to this issue can only be distinguished from
5 2 1c. black/magenta..... »- £15000 £5500 that of the previous issue by minor plating flaws.
» £25000 £12000 There is a variety of the 6c. with stop before “VICISSIM”
10 4c. black/deep blue...
Varieties of most of the values of issues of 1863-64 and 1866 are
There are two types of each value.
Reprints on thicker paper, and perf 12¥2, were nade in 1865 (Price to be found on both very thin and thick papers.
£24 either value).
Such reprints with the perforations removed are sometimes offered LENS (b) P 10 (1866-71)
as genuine originals.
(Glonz ‘cENT(O 85 8 Ic. black (1869) 23:00 8:00
86 1c. grey-black. 25:00 16-00
87 2c. orange (18 60:00 475
88 2c. reddish orange 75-00 6-50
CONDITION. Prices for Nos. 9 to 27 are for fine copies. Poor to medium 89 Ac. slate-blue. £150 13-00
specimens can be supplied when in stock at much lower rates. (Glrour C ENTS 90 Ac. blue... £130 = 900
Cc a. Bisected (on cover) + £7500
b. Ditto. Imperf (on cover) + =

elxir CeNTS
a1 Ac. pale DIUC...cscsesece £110 ~ 9:50
92 9 6c. milky blue (1867 £190 35-00
E 93 6c. ultramarine.. £200 60-00
94 6c. dull blue... £190 38:00
(Dies eng and litho Waterlow) 95 8 8c. pink (5.71) £275 38-00 =
96 8c. brownish pink. £350 45-00
1860 (July)-63. Tablets of value as illustrated. Thick paper. P12.
96a 8c. carmine........ £425 55-00
7 Tc. pale rose £3500 £275 97 12c. pale lilac (1867).. £325 25-00
2G deep orange (8.60) £300 55-00 98 12c. grey-lilac....... £300 24-00
4 2c. pale orange........ £325 60:00 99 12c. brownish grey. £300 26-00
Ac. deep blue (8.60). £800 £120 100 Tela £300 26-00
(Dies eng and stamps litho Waterlow) 4c, blue............. £425 75:00 101 9 24c. deep green. £350), 9-50
1853-59. Imperf. 8c. brownish rose. £1000 £160 102 24c. bluish green £325 | 8-00
8c . pink. £750 90:00
(a) Original printing 103 24c. yellow-green £275 7-50
12c. lilac. £850 50-00
11 3 1E VerMillON........rcrcrcesssecriserernenctieen £7500 £1700 104 48c. crimson (1867). £425 42:00
12c. grey-lila £700 50:00
This 1c. in reddish brown is probably a proof (Price £1500). s. Handstamped “SPECIMEN”... £325
24c. deep green (6.63 £2500 £150 as. Perf “SPECIMEN”. £275
24c, QUEOMRresseccctecen £1600 80-00
105 48c. red. £400 35-00
The 1c. was reprinted in 1865 on thin Paper, P41 2%-13, and ina
$4 ONE. CENT 3) different shade. Price £22. (c) P 15 (1875-76)
A B The 12c. in both shades is frequently found surcharged with a large 106 8 7-50
“5d’ in red; this is to denote the proportion of postage repayable by 107 16:00

3 the colony to Great Britain for overseas letters. 108
1861 (3 Aug"). Colour changed. Thick paper. P 12. 111 9 £150
40 7 ike TEACISH DOWN vsssssesssssssrscsssesrssersees £475 £110 112 8 £110
A.“O" large and 1 mm from left corner. “Earliest known postmark date. 113 95-00
B,“O” small and %4 mm from left corner.
114 9 35-00
C.”O" small and ¥% mm from left corner. “NT” widely spaced. 1862-65. 115 24c. deep green.. £1600 £120
D. “ONE” close together, “O” 1% mm from left corner.
(a) Thin paper. P 12 There is a variety of the 48c. w in “PETIMUSQUE”.
(b) Fresh lithographic transfers from the 4c. with varying labels 41 7 ute © DFOWN .ssroee Imperforate stamps of this and of the previous issue are considered
of value. White line above value (1857-59). 42 Ic, . black (1863). to be proofs, although examples of the 24c. imperforate from the**
12 3 1c. dull red (A).. £7500 £2000 43 2c. 1869-73 period are known commercially used.
13 1c. brownish red £15000 £2500 44 Ac
14 1c. dull red (B)....... £8500 £2250 45 4c, NOTE: Prices for stamps of the 1862 issue are for good average copies.
15 1c. brownish red (B) £16000 £2750 46 8c Copies with roulettes on all sides very seldom occur and do not exist

16 1c. dull red (C) ....... £10000 £2500 47 12c in marginal positions.
16a 1c. brownish red (C) — £3500 48 12c
17 + £25000 49 12¢. . lilac,
The four types (A to D) occurred within the same sheet and exist 50 24¢, . green.
se-tenant (Prices, for se-tenant pair from £25,000 unused, £7000 used).
(b) Thin paper. P 12%-13 (1863)
1853-55, Imperf. 51 7 Ic. black... a 4
18 4 4c. deep blue £5500 £1100 52 2c
a. Retouched £8000 £1600 53 4c.
19 4c. blue (1854 £3000 £800 54 8c,
a. Retouched..... £4500 £1000 55 12¢,
20 4c. pale blue (1855)... £2250 £700 56 24c. + GERM sccseersnneees
a. Retouched......... £3250 £1000 Copies are found on pelure paper.
The 4c. value was produced from transfers from the original 1c.,
with the bottom inscription removed, teamed with a new face value, (c) Medium paper. P 12%-13
The join often shows as a white line or traces of it above the label . black (1864)
of value and lower corner figures. In some stamps on the sheet this . deep orange (1864)
line is missing, owing to having been retouched, and in these cases OMAN GGe eintacern
a line of colour usually appears in its place. . greyish blue (1864).
The 1c. and 4c. stamps were printed in 1865 from fresh transfers blue, .
of five varieties. These are on thin paper and perf 12% (Price £21 pink .
each unused). .
brownish lilac (1865)... (Type-set and printed at the Office of the Royal Gazette, Georgetown)
green (1864). 1862 (Sept). Black on coloured paper. Roul 6.
1860 (May). Figures in corners framed. Imperf
24c. deep green... 116 10) leyrosen £5500 £850
21 5 AC DUG. cctimeansert senate eae eT OOO) meeSOO
a. Unsigned... £650
(d) Medium paper. P 10 (Nov. 1865) b. Wrong ornament (as
72; QreY-LAC ceeccecsssssonee £800 left (R. 1/1) rar — £1300
RINSE c. "1" for “I” in “BRITISH” (R. 1/5)... — £1300
as, Pots |3 d. Wrong ornament (as T 13) at
2 U right (R. 2/6). £9500 £1300
3 8 117 11 1c. rose. £7000 £1000
Hs & a. Unsig £750
b. Narrow “Tin (R. 3/1) serve — £1300
Que Vicissim. 2
c, Wrong ornament (as T 15) at
GUIARA. ROP) (Ri3/3) aerrevseccmsctesschecaeenee — £1300
6 d. "1" for “I in “BRITISH” and italic
“S" in "POSTAGE" (R. 3/5) = — £1300
(Type-set and printed at the Official Gazette by Baum and Dallas, 118 12 ‘Ic. rose.. £9500 £1400
Georgetown). a. Unsig £1200
fh ASSIS ote
b. k es — £1400
c. Wrong ornament (asT 15) at
(a) Surface-coloured paper G Veft) (Ri 4/5) oc ccsaccenssesesssoreeeneee meee — £1400
23 6 Ic. black/magenta....... £2) a - d. “C" for “O” in “POSTAGE” (R. 4/6) — £1400
oe, ,
24 4c. black/magenta (Jan £100000 £25000 119 10 2c. 5 £450
25 4c. black/rose-carmine (Aug + £40000 (6)
26 4c, black/blue (Sept)... + £150000 . Wrong orn:
left (R. 1/1) £800
(b) Paper coloured through New transfers for the 1c., 2c., 8c., and 12c. with the spaces between c. “1” for “I”in“BRITISH” (R. 1/5) £800
27 6 4c. black/deep blue (AUG) .asesssssses + £225000 values and the word “CENTS” about 1 mm. 120 11 2c. yellow...... £550
Since only one example of No. 23 is known, no market price can be a. Unsigned
given. This celebrated stamp frequently termed “the world’s rarest”, 1863-76. Medium paper. b. “C" for"O” in "TWO" and
was last sold in New York in June 2014 for nearly £6 million. It is (a) P 12%-13 (1863-68)
narrow “T” in “CENTS” (R. 3/1) .... _ £800 —
initialled by E. D. Wight and postmarked at Demerara on 4 April 1856. c. Wrong ornament (as T 15) at
~ black (1866)... 38-00
These stamps, like those of the first issue, were initialled before . orange-red (1865)
top (R. 3/3) % — £800
9:50 d. Italic “S”in“CENTS" (R. 3/4) s ns es e £800
being issued; the initials are—E.T.E.D(alton), E.D.W.(ight), C.A.W(atson), + OFANGE sarees 9:50
and W.H.L(ortimer). C.A.W. only appears on stamps postmarked . blue (1865)
e. "1" for “I" in “BRITISH” and italic
65-00 “S" in “POSTAGE” (R, 3/5) i £800
between 14 March and 4 April and also 16-20 May. E.T.E.D. is only - greenish blue 70:00
known on stamps between 1-5 July and on 1 August. All examples . deep blue..
f, Italic “T” in “TWO” (R. 3/6)... _— £800
95-00 121 12 £900
on the rose-carmine or blue papers show E.D.W. . milky blue. 65:00
Stamps as Type 6 were printed in sheets of four (2x2) each stamp . pink (1868) 25-00
differing slightly in the position of the inscriptions. There is evidence . Carmine. ' £900
27-00 c. Wrong ornament (as T 15) at
that the setting was re-arranged at some point before August, possibly . grey-lilac 45:00
to accommodate the production of the 1c. . brownish purple... left (R475 econo — £900
50:00 d. “C" for “O” in “POSTAGE” (R. 4/6) — £900
. green (perf 12).. 21-00 122 13 ; : £950
PAPERMAKERS’ WATERMARKS. Seven different papermakers’ . yellow-green (perf 12) 13-00
watermarks were used in the period 1860 to 1875 and stamps bearing . yellow-green (perf 12¥%2-13).. 13-00 b. Wrong ornament (as T 15) at ;
portions of these are worth a premium. green (perf 12%-13) (1864)... 13-00 Ne fte(Ri 1/6) =. Scicnscotomee reer £1600
c. Wrong ornament (as T 15) at (b) On Official stamps (including unissued 48c. optd with Type O 2) 180 8c. dull purple (8.89) 2:00 60
top and italic “S” in “CENTS” 153 21 1 on 12c. brownish purple (04)... £140 75-00 181 10c. dull purple... 7:50 2:50
(R. 2/2) — £1600 154 1 on 48c. red-brown £200 £130 182 20c. dull purple 26:00 23-00
d. Ornament omitted at rig| 183 40c. dull purple 48:00 35-00
155 23 2 on 12c. pale violet (011)... 90:00 50:00
(R. 2/4)... £1600 a. Pair. Nos. 155/6. £1600 £1800 184 72c. dull purple (1.10.88). 80:00 65-00
123 14 Ac. blue... £1400 185 $1 green (1.10.88) £500 £600
b. Surch double. £850 £475
a. Unsigned. £1300 186 $2 green (1.10.88) £250 £300
c. Surch double( ) £6000 £3750
b, With inner frame lines (as 187 $3 green (1.10.88) £250 =£300
d, Extra bar through OFFICIAL’ i
inT10/13) (R, 2/5-6)... * £1900 156 24 2 on 12c. pale violet (011) £700 =£475 188 $4 green (a) (1.10.88). £600 £700
ba. “1” for “I” in “BRITISH” (R. £1900 a. Larger figure “4” (b £2250 £2750
157 23 2 on 24c. emerald-green (O12)... £100 65-00
c. "1" for “I” in “BRITISH”
and 189 $5 green (1.10.88) £375 £425
a. Pair. Nos. 157/8 . £1900 £2000
“GUIANA" (R. 4/1). — £1600 175/89 Set of 15. £1900 £2000
124 15 4c, blue... £8000 £1400
b. Surch double... £1100
158 24 2 on 24c. emerald-green (O12)... £900 £900 Nos. 175/89 were surcharged in settings of 60 (6x10). No. 178a
a. Unsigned . £1400 occurs on all stamps in the third vertical column, No. 179a in the
159 19 2 on 24c. green (05) £375 = £180
b. Wrong ornament (as fourth and sixth vertical columns and No. 188a in the second vertical
On Nos. 149/59 the bar is found in various thicknesses ranging
foot (R. 3/1) : — £1600 column.
from 1 to 4mm.
c. Italic “S”in“CENTS” (R. 3/2).e.sss00 — £1600
d. Italic “S” in “BRITISH” (R. 3/3)....... — £1600 It is believed that the same composite surcharge setting of 60
Stamps were initialled across the centre before use by the Acting (6x10) was used for Nos. 155/6 and 157/8. Type 24 occurs on R. 7/2,
4-6 and R. 8/1.
Receiver-General, Robert Mather. Black was used on the 1c., red for
the 2c. and an ink which appears white for the 4c. One
The three values of this provisional were each printed in sheets of
24 (6x4). The 1c. and 2c. were produced from the same setting of the 9 Cent
border ornaments which contained 12 examples as Type 10 (Rows 1
and 2), eight as Type 11 (R. 3/1 to R. 4/2) and four as Type 12 (R. 4/3-6).
The setting of the 4c. contained ten examples as Type 13 (R. 1/1 to (29) 30 (31)
R. 2/4), eight as Type 14 (R. 2/5-6 and Row 4) and six as Type 15 (Row 3).
1889 (6 June). No. 176 surch with T 29 in red by Official Gazette.
192 “2” on 2c. dull purple... 6:50 75
The varieties with figure “2” inverted ordouble were made privately
266 27 by a postal employee in Demerara.
(Type-set, Baldwin & Co. Georgetown) 1889 (Sept). Wmk Crown CA. P 14.
1882 (9 Jan). Black impression. P 12. Perforated with the word 193 30 1c, dull purple and slate-grey 9.00 3-25
“SPECIMEN” diagonally. 194 2c. dull purple and orange.. 7:00 10
162 26 TG RAG CHE creresevesnnceneessacremrcatae 75:00 30-00 w. Wmk inverted wc — £300
a. Imperf between (horiz pair) iF — 195 4c. dull purple and ultramarine. 450 3:75
b. Without “SPECIMEN”... £1400 £550 w. Wmk inverted... £300
c. “1” with foot £180 85-00 196 4c. dull purple and cobalt. 21-00 3:75
163 2c. YEHOW verse £110 55-00 197 6c, dull purple and brown... 35:00 28:00
a. Without “SPECIMEN”. £1200 £650 198 6c, dull purple and maroon 750 25-00
(17) £110 55-00
199 8c. dull purple and rose. 20:00 3:75
164 27 75:00 30-00
w. Wmk inverted — £300
(Typo D.LR.) 200 12c. dull purple and bright purple... 18-00 4:50
£1400 £550
1876 (1 July)-79. Wmk Crown CC. £275 = £110
200a 12c. dull purple and mauve... 8:50 3:75
201 24c. dull purple and green... 6-00 3-75
(a) P 14 + £10000
165 95:00 50-00 202 48c. dull purple and orange-re 35:00 12:00
126 16 2:75 1-40 w. Wk inverted £750
w. Wmk inverted £250 £250 x. Wmk reversed £700
127 2C. OFANGE veveesee 85-00 3:75 cover) iy —
£1200 £650
xs. Ditto. Optd “SP £275
w. Wmk inverted + £300 203 72c. dull purple and red- brown 28:00 50-00
128 Ac. blue... £140 9:00 £180 £100
These stamps were perforated “SPECIMEN”as a precaution against 204 72c. dull purple and yellow-brown. 65:00 75-00
129 6c. brown £100 13-00 205 96c. dull purple and carmine 65:00 70:00
w. Wmk inverted + £400 fraud, The letters may be upright, inverted, reversed or inverted and
reversed and stamps are known with “SPECIMEN“ double or treble. x. Wmk reversed £650 £650
130 8c. rose.. 2 £150 75 206 96c, dull purple an 75:00 80-00
w. Wmk inverted + £300 The 2c. is known printed double, one albino.
The 1c. and 2c. stamps were printed in separate sheets, but utilising 193/205 Set of10.... £170 £150
131 12c. pale violet... 75:00 2:50 193s/205s Optd “SPECIMEN”
Setof 10. £200
w. Wmk inverted if? £550 the same clichés, these being altered according to the face value
132 24c. emerald-green 80:00 3-50 required. Two settings were used, common to both values:— 1890 (15 July), Stamps of 1888-89 surch locally “One Cent’, in red,
w. Wmk inverted it £550 1st setting. Four rows ofthree, T26 being Nos. 5, 6, 7,8, 11 and 12, as in T 31.
133 48c. red-brown... 45-00 and T 27 the remainder. 207 Ic, on $1 (No. 185) 3-25 35
134 96c. olive-bistre.. £250 From this setting there were two printings of the 2c., but only a. Surch double... £275 = £150
126/34. S€t OF 9 ..-sercovncsoocrsssscosse £275 one of the Ic. 208 Ic. on $2 (No. 186) 2:25 1:25
126s/32s, 134s Handstamped “SPECIMEN” Set of 8 £1200 2nd setting. Six rows of two, T 26 being Nos. 3, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12, a. Surch double... £110
131sa/2sa Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of2... £300 and T 27 the remainder. 209 Ic. on $3 (No. 187 3-50 1-25
There were two printings of each value from this setting. a. Surch double £150
(b) P 12% (1877) Se-tenant pairs are worth about 20% more.
135 Wl ell £1200 £200 210 1c, on $4 (No. 18 7:00 13-00
The “1” with foot occurs on T 27 on No. 9 in the first setting and a. Surch double... £140
(o) Perf compound of 14x12 (1879) on T 26 on No. 7 in the first printing only of the second setting. b. mice! i des“A" (b) 13:00 42:00
136 lo (Sh — £200 The small “2” appears on T 26 in the first setting on Nos. 6, 7,8 and 207/10 Set of4... fess 1450 14:00
1878. Provisionals. Various stamps with old values ruled through 12 in the first printing and on Nos. 7, 8 and 12 only in the second
printing: in the second setting it comes on Nos. 3, 9 and 12 in the first 1890-91, Colours changed. Wmk Crown CA. P 14
with thick bars, in black ink, the bars varying in depth of
printing and on Nos. 9, 11 and 12 in the second printing. On T 27 the 213 30 1c, sea-green (12.90). ‘i 1:00 10
variety occurs in the first setting on No. 9 of the second printing only w. Wmk inverted... 7 f225)
(a) With two horiz bars (17 Apr) and in the second setting on No. 10 in both printings. 214 5c. ultramarine (1.91). 4-50 10
137 RAG) ROT. OG BLOWN c-..cnecensscccccnvesseconsocssees 50:00 £130 215 8c. dull purple and greenish black
(Typo D.L.R.)
(6) Official stamps with horiz bars across “OFFICIAL” (end Aug) (10.90). 950 2:50
138 8 1c. black £300 80:00 1882. Wmk Crown CA. P 14. 213/15 Set of3... 13-50 2:50
a. Imperf between (horiz pair) + £30000 170 16 1c. slate (27 Jan)... 30 2135/15s Optd “SPECIMEN Set of3... 85:00
139 16 Ic. slate... £200 75-00 w. Wmk inverted..
140 2c. orange... £450 75-00 x. Wmk reversed.. — £250
171 2c. orange (27 Jan) 60-00 15
(c) With horiz and vert bars as T 17 (6 Nov) a. Value doubly printed t+ £9000
141 9 (ic) on 6c. ultramarine (93) £225 75-00 w. Wmk inverted... £400 £325
142 16 (1c,) on 6c, brown... £425 £110 x. Wmk reversed... — £300
a. Optd with vert bar only... + £8500 172 4c. blue.. £110 5-00
(d) Official stamps with bars across “OFFICIAL” (23 Nov) 173 6c. brown 5:00 6:50
(i) With two horiz bars and one vert w. Wmk inverted...
144 16 (1c.) on 4c. blue... £400 £110 174 BC. POSE sraessssoore £140 40
145 (1c.) on 6c. brown £700 =£110 x. Wmk reversed.. = £300
146 8 (2c.) on 8c. rose £5000 £375 170/4 Set of 5... £275 11-00
(ii) With one horiz bar and one vert
170s/4s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 5. £500
32 Mount Roraima 33 Kaieteur Falls
147 16 (1c.) on 4c. blue + £5500
148 (2c.) on 8c. rose £550 £140 (NLAND
(Recess D.L.R.)
1898 (18 July). Queen Victoria's Jubilee. Wmk Crown CC
(sideways* on T 32). P 14.
216 32 1c, blue-black and carmine-red.. 9-00 2:25
w. Wmk Crown to left of CC 10-00 2:50
(18) (19) (20)
2 CENTS x.
Wmk sideways reversed.
Wmk sideways inverted and
1881 (21 Dec). No. 134 with old value ruled through with bar in REVENUE reversed...
black ink and surch. 217 33 2c. brown and. indigo 35:00 4:25
149 18 1 on 96c, olive-bistre.... 5:50 11:00
(28) a. Imperf between (horiz pair)....... £16000

a. Bar in red. w. Wik inverted £500
b. Bar omitted.. x. Wmk reversed... tie £425 £225
150 19 2 on 96c. olive-bistre 20:00 25-00 (a) (b) y. Wmk inverted and reversed, £475
a. Bar in red. 218 2c. brown and blue... 42:00 4:25
b. Bar omitted... Two types of “4” 219 32 5c. deep green and sepi. 55-00 6:00
151 20 2 on 96c. olive 80:00 £150 a. Imperf between (horiz pair)...
a. Bar in red
In the setting of 60 Type 19 occurs on the first five vertical rows
6 6 220 33
Wmk Crown to left of CC...
blue-black and brown-red.
(c) (d) x. Wmk reversed...» £650
and Type 20 on the sixth.
Two types of “6” 221 32 15c. red-brown and blue 32:00 26-00

12 2
x. Wmk sideways reversed. £650
1888-89. T 16 (without value in lower label) optd “INLAND REVENUE’, 216/21) SCt OffSixcesmesccstin wosesrccierc £130 60:00
and surch with value as T 28, by D.L.R. Wmk Crown CA. P 14. 216s/215 Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of £160
(21) (23) (24) 175 1c, dull purple (8.89)... 275 20 *The normal sideways watermark on Type 32 shows Crown to right
176 2c. dull purple (25.5.89) 300 3-00 of CC, as seen from the back of the stamp.
1881 (28 Dec). Various stamps with old value ruled with bar and 177 3c. dull purple....... 2-25 20 A second plate was later used for the 1c. on which the lines of
surch, 178 4c. dull purple (a) 12:00 30 shading on the mountains in the background are strengthened, and
(a) On No. 105 a. Larger figure “ 21:00 6:50 those along the ridge show distinct from each other, whereas, in the
152 21 1 on 48c. red 50:00 5:50 179 6c. dull purple (c).... 16:00 7-00 original, they are more or less blurred, In the second plate the shading
a. Bar omitte — £600 a. Figure 6 with straight top (d) 20:00 9:00 of the sky is less pronounced.

254 4c. brown and purple. 5:50 1:25
255 5c. ultramarine..... 20:00 7:00
256 6c. grey and black 13:00 7-00
257 12c. orange and mauve 4:00 6:00
DDS al SCOR Sversucurcoreemomeen 45:00 19-00
253s/7s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 5 £100
In No. 253a the flag at the main truck is close to‘the mast, whereas
Two CENTS. Cc E in the original type it appears to be flying loose from halyards. There
(34) Shaved “E” are two background lines above the value “2 CENTS” instead of three
and the “S” is further away from the end of the tablet.
(Surch at Printing Office of The Daily Chronicle, Georgetown)
1899 (24 Feb-15 June). Surch with T 34. 44 Gold Mining
222 32 2c, on 5c, (No, 219) (15 June) 3-75 3-50
a. No stop after “CENTS”... » £180 £140
b. Comma after “CENTS” (R. 7/2) 75-00
C. “CINTS” (R. 4/1) soos £180 £200
d. Shaved “E" (R. 6/2). 65:00 65-00
w. Wmk Crown to left of CC. 475 3-50
223 33 2c. on 10c. (No. 220)... 4:25 2:25
a. No stop after “CEN b
D9) rectearectsecteactoatoieaoneotsasset .. 22:00 60-00
b. “GENTS” for “CENTS” (R. 5/7) 65:00 90-00
c. Surch inverted... ae £700 £800 (Typo D.L.R.)
ca. Surch inverted and stop omitted £7500 Stabroek Market At
d. Shaved “E” (R. 4/2 OF 3/8)... 40:00 1913-21. Wmk Mult Crown CA. Chalk-surfaced paper (4c. and 48c.
x. Wmk reversed... £200 to 96c.). P 14.
y. Wmk inverted an £325 259 37 Ic. yellow-green 5:00 80
224 32 2c. on 15¢, (No. 221)... 4:25 1:25 a. Blue-green (1917)... 2:25 25
a. No stop after "CENTS" ® 9/2). 75:00 75:00 ay. Wmk inverted and ip BRS
b. Surch double... swe £1000 £1300 w. Wmk inverted t £450
ba. Surch double, one without stop £12000 260 2C. CAFMINE .....00 1:50 10
d. Surch inverted... a £800 £950 a. Scarlet (1916, 3-25 10
da. Surch inverted a b. Wmk sideways + £3000
omitted . £10000 w. Wmk inverted t £475
f. Shaved “E” (R. 6/2). 55:00 261 4c, brown and brig 7:50 25
222/4 Set of3... 11:00 6-25 aw. Wmk inverted £275
No, 222c was caused ‘by damage to the first “E” of “CENTS” which b. Deep brown and purple.. 3-75 25
developed during surcharging. The listing is for an example with only 262 5c. bright blue....... 2:00 1:00
the upright stroke of the letter visible. 263 6c. grey and black 3:75 3-00
There were two settings of No. 223 with the no stop and shaved 264 12c. orange and violet... 1:50 1:00
“E" varieties occurring on R. 5/5 and R. 4/2 of the first and on R, 2/9 265 24c. dull purple and gre 3-25 5:50
and R. 3/8 of the second. 266 48c. grey and purple-brown (1914).. 23-00 17:00
No. 224b occurred on the first five vertical columns of one sheet, 267 60c. green and rosine (1915) ws 17:00 60:00
the surcharges on the right hand vertical column being normal. 268 72c. purple and orange-brown
Only two examples of No. 224ba are known. (1915)... en 55:00 £100
There is only one known example of No. 224da. 269 96c. black and ‘vermilion/yellow
(1915)... 30:00 60-00
1900-03. Wmk Crown CA, P 14. a. White ba 28:00 50-00
233 30 IC. grey-green (1902)....sser-« 2-00 6:50 b. On lemon (1916). 20:00 50-00 49 Victoria Regia Lilies 50 Mount Roraima
234 2c. dull purple and carmine.. 3:25 30 bs, Optd “SPECIMEN 38:00
x. Wmk reversed... — £325 c. On pale yellow (1921) 22:00 60-00
235 2c. dull purple and black/red cs. Optd “SPECIMEN” 38-00
(1901)... 3:00 10 259/69a Set of 11 £120 £200
w. Wmk in — £150 259s/69as Optd “SP £225
236 6c. grey-black and ultramarine Examples of Nos. 267/9c are known wit part strikes of forged
(1902)... 7:50 11:00 postmarks of Grove dated “29 OCT 1909” and of Georgetown dated
237 48c. grey and ‘purple-‘brown. (1901).. 50:00 50-00 “30 OCT 1909",
a. Brownish grey and brown, 35:00 32:00
238 60c. green and rosine (1903)... 70:00 £250 1918 (4 Jan). No. 260a optd with T 38, by The Daily Chronicle,
233/8 Set of 6... £110, £275 Georgetown.
233s/8s Optd "SPECIMEN" Set £140 271 37 = 2c. scarlet... 1-50 15
No. 233 is a reissue of No, 213 in non-fugitive ink. The relative position of the words "WAR" and TAX" vary considerably
1905-07. Wmk Multiple Crown CA. Ordinary paper (1c. to 60c.) or in the sheet. 51 SirWalter Raleigh 52 Botanical Gardens
chalk-surfaced paper (72, 96c.). and his son
240 30 1c. grey-green... 9-00 30 1921-27. Wmk Mult Script CA. Chalk-surfaced paper (24c. to 96c.).
aw. Wmk inverted — £250 P 14. (Recess Waterlow)
b. Chalk-surfaced paper. 12:00 1:25 272 37 1c. green (1922)... 475 30 1934 (1 Oct)-51. T 40 (without dates at top of frame) and 43/52.
c. Blue-green (1907)... 16:00 2:75 273 2c. rose-carmine 7-00 20 Wmk Mult Script CA (sideways on horiz a P 12%.
241 2c. purple and black/red. 18-00 10 w. Wmk inverted. £375) 288 43 Ic, green... 60 2:00
a, Chalk-surfaced paper. 7:00 10 274 2c. bright violet (1 2:50 10 289 40 = 2c. red- brown 1:50 1:75
242 4c. dull purple and ultramarine 17:00 23-00 275 4c. brown and bright purple 290 44 3c, scarlet....... 30 10
a. Chalk-surfaced paper. 8:00 14-00 (1922) 475 10 aa. Wmk error. Crown missing.. £4000 £2500
243 5c. dull purple and blue/blue 276 6c. bright blue (1922)... 3-00 30 a. Perf 12%x13% (30.12.43) 1:00 =‘1-00
(1.5.05 22:00 24-00 277 12c. orange and violet (1922).. 2:75 1:50 b. Perf 13x14 (28.4.49).. 1:25 50
a. Chalk- pap 3-50 7:50 278 24c. dull purple and green... 2:00 4:50 291 41 Ac. slate-violet ......00 2:00 3-50
s. Optd “SPECIMEN’....... 27-00 279 48c. black and purple (1926) 9.50 3-50 a. Imperf between (vert pair). + £40000
244 6c. grey-black and ultramarine. 23:00 48-00 280 60c. green and rosine (1926)... - 10:00 55-00 b. Imperf horiz (vert pair). £20000 £21000
aw. Wmk inverted... £400 £350 281 72c. dull purple and orange- -brown 292 45 6c. deep ultramarine 6:50 7-00
b. Chalk-surfaced paper. 15:00 42-00 (1923)... . 38:00 80-00 293 46 12c. red-orange........ 45 20
bw. Wmk inverted........ 282 96c. black and ‘red/yellow | (1927) 29:00 48-00 a. Perf 14x13 (16.4.51). 50 1:00
245 12c. dull and bright purple.. 48-00 272/82 Set of 11 £100 £170 294 47 24c. purple 3:75 13:00
a. Chalk-surfaced paper... / 50-00 272s/82s Optd “SPECIMEN”
Set of 11 £225 295 48 48c. black.. 11:00 10:00
246 24c. dull purple and green (1906).. 5 21-00 296 41 50c. green 16:00 23-00
a. Chalk-surfaced paper... 5 6-00 297 49 60c. red-brown 28:00 32:00
247 48c. grey and purple-brown 32:00 48-00 298 50 72c. purple 2:00 2:75
a, Chalk-surfaced paper. 14:00 25-00 299 51 96c. black. 40:00 42:00
248 60c. green and rosine... 5 £110 300 52 $1 bright 50:00 48:00
a. Chalk-surfaced pap 95-00 288/300 Set Of 13 ..rsrssssesscesssneeeen £140 £170
249 72c. purple and orange-brown 288s/300s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 13. £250
(1907)... wee 40:00 75-00 Examples of Nos. 295/300 are known with forged Georgetown
250 96c. black and ‘Vermilion/yellow postmarks dated “24 JY 31” or “6 MY 35"
(20.11.05)... i 50:00
Op 40:00
240/50 Set of 11... ee £150 £325 1935 (6 May). Silver Jubilee. As Nos, 91/4 of Antigua.
1905. Optd “POSTAGE AND REVENUE” Wmk Multiple Crown CA. 39 Ploughing a Rice Field 301 2c. ultramarine and grey. 4 40 20
40 Indian shooting
Chalk-surfaced paper. P 14. f, Diagonal line by turret... 50-00
251 35 $2.40, green and violet £190 £450 h. Dot by flagstaff £130 £130
s, Optd “SPECIMEN’ 85-00 i, Dash by turret... £200
302 6c. brown and deep blue 2:00 5:00
f. Diagonal line by turre' £120
g. Dot to left of chape £140 £190
h. Dot by flagstaff £180
303 12c. green and indig 9:50 850
f. Diagonal line by turre £160 £180
h. Dot by flagstaff £300 £325
i, Dash by turret... £375 3
304 24c. slate and purpl 15:00 20:00 —
h. Dot by flagstaff £325
i. Dash by turret... £450
41 Kaieteur Falls 42 Public buildings, 3B01/4 Set OF 4 serssssssssessssssessessens 24:00 30:00
Georgetown 301s/4s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 4 £130
For illustrations of plate varieties see Omnibus "section following
(Recess Waterlow) Zanzibar.
1931 (21 July). Centenary of County Union. T 39/42, Wmk Mult
Script CA. P 12%.
283 39 1c. emerald-green. 2:50 1-25 1937 (12 May). Coronation. As Nos. 95/7 of Antigua, but ptd by
No. 253a 284
40 =.2c. brown...
41 4c, carmine.
45 305
D.L.R. P 14.
2c. yellow-brown 15 10
1907-10. Colours changed. Wmk Mult Crown CA, P 14 286 42 6c. blue... 2:50 1:25 306 4c, grey-black... 60 ~=—-1:00
253 30 2c. rose-red .. 20:00 1:00
287 41 $1 violet
283/7 Set OFS neccecssseesssnssste
55:00 65-00 307 6c. bright blue 75 2.00.
8-50 10 283s/7s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 5.
65:00 3305/7! SCC OffS bmccetrencenn 1-40 275 \
305s/7s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 3. £120
*All the Waterlow printings and early De La Rue printings of the
horizontal designs are perforated 12,3x12.8, but De La Rue printings
from 22 May 1962 (including those on the Block CA watermark) are
perf 12.3x12.6.
The 1c. and 2c., printed by Waterlow, exist in coils constructed
from normal sheets.
See also Nos. 354/65.

53 South ibarica 54 Victoria Regia, water-

(Recess Waterlow)
1938 (1 Feb)-52. As earlier types but with portrait of King
George VI as in T 53/4. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 12%
308 43 1c. yellow-green... 23-00 1:25
a. Green (1940)... 30 10
ab. Perf 14x13 (1949).. 1:50 80
309 41 2c. slate-violet.. 60 10
a. Perf 13x14 (28. 55 10
310 53 4c. scarlet and black... 70 30
a. Imperf horiz (vert pair).. £38000 £29000
b. Perf 13x14 (1952)... 1:25 15
311 40 6c. deep ultramarine... 2-25 10
a. Perf 13x14 (24.10.49) 275 30 71 Weightlifting
312 47 24c. blue-green... 26:00 10-00
a. Wmk sideways 4-00 10 (Photo Harrison)
313 41 36c. bright violet (7.3.38). 6:00 20 1961 (23 Oct). History and Culture Week. W w 12. P 14%2x14.
a. Perf 13x14 (13.12.51) 3-00 30 346 70 Sc. sepia and orange-red. 20 10
314 BB ABC. OFANGE™ -eesessssssssssses 1:50 50 347 6c. sepia and blue-green.. 20 15
a. Perf 14x13 (8.5.51*) 1:75 2:50 348 30c,poe and tae Sah 45 45
315 45 60c. red-brown 21-00 9-50 67 Channel-billed Toucan 68 Dredging Boe 346/8 Set of3... soul eaiendinetiaatadtels ca 75 60
316 51 96c. purple........ 1400 2-75
a. Perf 12%2x13% (1944) 15:00 15-00 1963 (14 haeFreedom from aeons As No. 146 of Antigua.
b. Perf 13x14 (8.2.51) 650 12:00 349 20c. reddish violet... Semanreoneen ria 30 60
317 52 $1 bright violet..... 27-00 35 1963 (2 Sept). Red Cross Gehan As Nos. 147/8 of Antigua.
a. Perf 14x13 (1951 £550 £650
318 50 $2 purple (11.6.45).. 21:00 26:00 350 5c. red and black.. 20 20
a. Perf 14x13 (9.8.5! 26:00 40:00 351 20c. red and blue... 55 35
319 54 $3 red-brown (2.7.45) 38:00 42.00 1963-65. As Nos. 333/44, but wmk w 12.
a. Bright red-brown (12.46) 60:00 32-00 354 57 3c. brown-olive and red-brown
b. Perf 14x13. Red-brown (29. 1052) 42:00 50-00 (12.65) 4-75 2:00
308a/19 Set of 12 £110 65-00 356 59 5c. scarlet and black (28.5. 1-00 10
308s/19s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 12. £375 w. Wmk inverted...
*Earliest known postmark date. 69 Arms of British
Guiana 359 62 12c. black and yellowish brown
(GST O64) oisccar itscpeanbepre seeavoneeiors 2:00 10
1946 (21 Oct). Victory. As Nos. 110/11 of Antigua. 360 63 24c. black and bright orange
320 3c. carmine. "a 25 40 (10.12.63) ea 400 10
321 6c. blue..... 75 85 361 64 36c. rose-carm
320s/1s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 2 £100 (10.12.63)... ante See 1:50 60
362 65 48c. bright ultramarine and
1948 (20 Dec). Royal Silver Wedding. As Nos. 112/13 of Antigua, Venetian red (25.11.63) 2:25 2:25
but $3 in recess. w. Wink inverted...
322 3c. scarlet... 10 40 363 66 72c. carmine and emerald
323 $3 red-brown 22:00 28-00 (25.11.63) 5:00 24-00
364 67 $1 pink, yello
1949 (10 Oct). 75th Anniv of Universal Postal Union. As (10.12.63)... rn 8-50 1.00
Nos. 114/17 of Antigua. 365 68 $2 reddish mauve (10. 12,63) 15:00 14-00
324 4c. carmine 10 60 3c. Green flawon lily below second “I” 354/65 Set of9 40:00 40:00
325 6c. deep blue. 1:75 1-75 of “BRITISH” resembling weed (R. 3/10) There was no London release of No. 354.
326 12c. orange... 15 60 The 5c. exists in coils constructed from normal sheets.
327 24c. blue-green 15 70 For 1c. value, see Guyana No. 429a.
324/7 Set of4... 1:90 3-25
(Photo D.L.R.)
1951 (16 Feb). University College of B.W.I. As Nos. 118/19 of 1964 (1 Oct). Olympic Games, Tokyo. W w 12. P 13x13%.
Antigua. 367 71 5c. orange. 10 10
328 3c. black and carmine.. 50 50 368 8c, blue... 15 35
329 6c. black and blue 50 65 369 25c.
mas 25 40
367/9 Set of3... seen 45 75
1953 (2 June). Coronation. As No. 120 of Antigua.
1965 (17 May).|.T.U, Centenary. As Nos. 166/7 ofpee
330 AG Dlacksand|SCarlety...:.-sccssssssececsesrcscsssesnse 60 10
370 5c. emerald and yellow-olive 10 15
3c. Green spot on claw of right- 371 25c. light blue and magenta... 20 15
hand bird appearing as clubbed 1965 (25 Oct). International Co-operation Year. As Nos. 168/9 of
foot (R. 4/1) Antigua.
372 5c, reddish purple and turquoise-green 15 10
(Centre litho, frame recess ($1); recess (others). Waterlow (until
373 25c. deep bluish green and lavender....... 30 20
1961), then D.L.R.)
1954 (1 Dec)-63. T 55/69 and similar designs. Wmk Mult Script
CA. P 12%x13* (horiz) or 13 (vert).
331 55 1c. black.. 20 10
55 GPO, Georgetown 56 Botanical Gardens 332 56 = 2c. myrtle-gree 20 10
333 57 3c. brown-olive and red-brown 3-50 20
a. “Weed” flaw...... 60-00
b. “Clubbed foot’ 60:00
w. Wmk inverted
334 58 4c, violet 1-75 10
a. D.L.R. ptg 13-00 4-00
72 St. ecoriesCathedral
ab. Deep violet GB.1 ‘63) 2400 4:25
335 59 5c. scarlet and black. 1:75 10
w. Wmk inverted
(Des Jennifer Toombs, Photo Harrison)
336 60 6c. yellow-green... 1:50 10
a. D.L.R. ptg. Green (22.5.62) 4:50 5:00 1966 (24 Jan). Churchill Commemoration. W w 12. P 14x14%2.
337 61 8c. ultramarine.......... 80 20 374 72 5c. black, crimson and gold.. 1:25 10
58 Amerindian a. D.L.R. ptg. Blue (19.9.61 19:00 2:50 375 25c. black, blue and gold 2-75 50
lilies shooting fish 338 62 12c. black and reddish brown 1:50 40 1966 (3 Feb). Royal Visit. As Nos. 174/5 of Antigua.
a. Black and light brown (13.6.56).. 1-25 10
b. D.L.R. ptg. Black and brown
376 3c. black and ultramarine mm 75 15
377 25c. black and magenta... 1-50 60
339 63 =24c. black and brownish orang 5:00 10
a. Black and orange (13.6.56) 8-50 10
340 64 36c. rose-carmine and black 12-00 1-25 STAMP BOOKLETS
w. Wink inverted ...v.sssss 1909 (14 June). Black on pink cover without face value. Stapled.
341 65 48c. ultramarine and brown-lake...... 1-75 1-00
a. Bright ultramarine and pale SBI 49c. booklet containing twelve 1c. and eighteen
brown-lake (13.6.56).. 1-25 1-00 2c. (NOS. 252/3) in DIOCKS Of 6 cesses £2750
ab. D.L.R. ptg (19.9.61) 42:00 28-00 1923. Black on pink cover without face value. Stapled.
342 66 72c. carmine and emera 19-00 2-75 SB2 30c. booklet containing six 1c. and twelve 2c.
a. D.L.R. ptg (17.7.62)...... 17:00 24-00 (Nos. 272, 274) in DIOCKS Of 6rrsssssssssssessersereesrese
343 67 $1 pink. yellow. green and black. 20:00 4-00
344 68 $2 AEOD MAUVE iorccercsereseessrssrreeseroresoere 35:00 9-00 1923. Black on pink without face value. Stapled.
a. D.L.R. ptg. Reddish mauve SB3 48c. booklet containing twelve 1c. and eighteen
15:00 2c. (Nos. 272, 274) in blocks of6 £2000
345 69 38-00 a. With face value on front cover,
50-00 1923. Black on red cover without face value. Stapled.
331/45 Set of 15 50-00
SB4 72c. booklet containing twelve 1c., six 2c. and
On the Waterlow printings there is always a ‘single wide-tooth
twelve 4c. (Nos, 272, 274/5) in blocks of 6..... £3000
perforation on each side at the top of the stamps. For the De La
Rue stamps these teeth can occur either at the top or the bottom. 1934, Black on orange cover. Stitched.
61 Sugar c
cane entering 62 Felling Geenheat Those listed De La Rue printings, which do not differ in shade, are for SB5 24c. booklet containing eight 1c. and eight 2c.
factory examples with the wide-tooth perforation at the bottom. (Nos. 288/9) in blocks of 4.....

(New Currency. 100 cents = 1 British Honduras dollar)
1934. Black on orange cover, Stitched.
SB6 36c. booklet containing four 1c, eight 2c. and
four 4c. (Nos. 288/9, 291) in blocks Of 4 .......
1938. Black on orange cover. Stitched.
British Honduras 2 2
SB7 36c. booklet containing four 1c., eight 2c. and
four 4c. (NOS. 308/10) in DIOCKS Of 4 -seessossssesess £850
[Rene ere URS RAPNS Te crc MCLE Dect DN att Ay CENTS TWO CENTS
(2) (3) (4)
1944. Black on red cover. Stitched. It is recorded that the first local post office was established by the
SB8 24c. booklet containing eight 1c. and eight 2c. inhabitants in 1809, but Belize did not become a regular packet port 1888 (1 Jan). Stamps of 1872-79 (wmk Crown CC), surch locally
(Nos. 308/9) in DIOCKS Of 4 ssrseesssssssseseeeeensee £600 of call until December 1829. The post office came under the control as T 2.
1945-49, Black on red cover. Stitched. of the British G.P.O. in April 1844 and the stamps of Great Britain were (a) P 12%
SB9 24c. booklet containing 1c., 2c. and 3c. (Nos. 290, supplied for use on overseas mail from May 1858. 23 1 2c. on 6d. rose cat SGU T
308, 309), each in block of4 = The colonial authorities took over the postal service on 1 April 1860, 24 3c. on 3d. chocolate - £18000 £6000
a. Containing Nos. 290, 308a, 309.. 70:00 the Great Britain stamps being withdrawn at the end of the month.
(b) P14
b. Containing Nos, 290, 308a, 309a 70:00 There was no inland postal service until 1862.
25 i 2c. on 6d. rose. £190 £170
c. Containing Nos. 290a, 308a, 309. 70:00 a. Surch double.. £2500
d, Containing Nos. 290b, 308a, 309 95:00 For illustrations of the handstamp and postmark types see BRITISH
b. Bisected (1c.) (on cover)... + £300
e. Containing Nos. 290b, 308a, 309a. 90-00 POST OFFICES ABROAD notes, following GREAT BRITAIN. c. Slanting “2” with curved foot... £3250
f. Containing Nos. 290b, 308ab, 309a £100 sn w. Wmk inverted... — -£650
BELIZE 26 3c. on 3d. chestnut. £110 £110
There are very dangerous forgeries of these surcharges, particularly
POSTAGE DUE STAMPS cc CC 1 BELIZE (R.) (13.11.1841). . Price on cover £4000 No. 25c may be a trial.
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 06” as Type 2. 1888. Stamps of 1882-87 (wmk Crown CA), surch locally as T 2,
Z1 1d. rose-red (1857), perf 14.. £1200
27, 1 2c. on 1d. rose..... 13:00 45-00
a. Surch inverted £7500 £5500
Z2 4d. rose (1857) b. Surch double... £900 £900
Z3 6d. lilac (1856) c. Bisected (1c.) (on cover). + £200
Z4 1s. green (185 28 10c. on 4d. mauve. 76:00' 19-00
29 20c. on 6d. yellow... 30-00 |50-00
30 50c. on 1s. grey... =n eafoo | £700
“5” for “50". . . .-
(Typo D.LR.) Nos. 1/4 from x 50 Various settings were used for the surcharges on Nos. 23/30, the
1940 (Mar)-55. Wmk Mult Script CA. Chalk-surfaced paper (4c.). Nos. 5/16 from x 30 most common of which was of 36 (6x6) impressions. For No. 29 this
P 14. Nos. 17/22 from x 20 setting was so applied that an albino surcharge occurs in the margin
D1 D1 Ic. green... coasts 650 13-00 Nos. 23/6 from x 10 above each stamp in the first horizontal row.
a. Chalk- surfaced. paper. ‘Deep Nos. 27/30 from x 15 The same setting was subsequently amended, by altering the “2” to
green, (30.4.52)... 2:00 22:00 Nos. 35/42 from x 20 “1" to surcharge the 4d. value. As this was in sheets of 30 it was only
ab. W 9a (Crown mis £600 Nos. 43/4 from x 30 necessary to alter the values on the bottom five rows of the setting.
ac. W 9b (St. Edward’s Gol, £150 Nos. 49/50 from x 25 Albino surcharges once again occur in the top margin of the sheet,
D2 2c. black... 28-00 2-00 Nos. 51/69 from x 15 but, as the type in the first horizontal row remained unaltered, these
a. Chalk-~ surfaced paper -(30.4.52). 450 10:00 Nos. 80/100 from x 6 read “20 CENTS” rather than the “10 CENTS” on the actual stamps.
ab. W 9a (Crown missing)... £425
Nos. 101/10 from x5 1888 (Mar). No. 30 further surch locally with T 3.
W 9b (St. Edward's Crown) + £160
Nos. 111/20 from x 15 35 1 “TWO” on 50c. on 1s. grey (R.)..... cc 60:00 £100
D3 4c.
bright blue (1.5.52) 40 14-00
W 9a (Crown missing). £400 Nos, 121/2 from x 8 a. Bisected (1c.) (on cover)... t £300
W 9b (St. Edward’s Crown). £160 No, 123 from x 10 b. Surch in black.....sssee £16000 £15000
D4 12c.
scarlet - 7:50 Nos. 124/37 from x 6 c. Surch double (R.+BIk.).. .- £16000 £16000.,
Chalk-surfaced paper (19.7.55). 20-00 48-00 Nos. 138/42 from x 10
D1, D2, D4 Set of 3 - 65:00 20-00 Nos. 143/9 from x 8 1888 (July)-91. Surch in London as T 4. Wmk Crown CA. P 14.
D1a/4a Set of 4.. 24:00 85-00 Nos. 150/61 from x 5 36 1 1c. on 1d, dull green (212.91 80 1:50
D1s, D2s and D4: £100 37 2c. ON 1d. CAFMINE .....sccesee0 60 2.25
Nos. D1/3 from x 30 a. Bisected (1c.) (on cover)... t £110
w. Wmk inverted... £325
38 3c. on 3d. red-brown... 4.75 1-40
CROWN COLONY 39 6c. on 3d. ultramarine (?4.91 600 25-00
40 10c. on 4d. mauve.. 27-00 50


a. Surch double..
20c. on 6d. yellow (2.89)...
19:00 14-00
(O 1a) 42 50c. on 1s. grey (11.88). 38-00 85-00
36/42 Set OR Ticcmenermooer ee 85:00 £110
1875. Optd with Type O 1 (1c) or O 1a (others) by litho. P 10. 36s/42s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of7.. £375
O1 8 Ic. black (R.)... noe .- 75:00 26-00
a. Imperf between (horiz pair) + £30000
02 2c. orange. £450. 14-00
Q3 8c. rose... £350 £150
04 7 12c. brownish purple £3500 £500 (Typo D.L.R.)
OS 9 24c. green... £2750 £275
Two types of the word “OFFICIAL” are found on each value. On the 1865 (1 Dec). No wmk. P 14.
ic, the word is either 16 or 17 mm long. On the other values the chief 1 1 1d. pale blue 70:00 65:00
difference is in the shape and position of the letter “o” in “OFFICIAL” In a. Imperf between (pain)...
one case the“o” is upright, in the other it slants to the left. 2 1d. blue... £100 75:00
3 6d. rose £425 £170 (5)
1877. Optd with Type O 2 by typo. Wmk Crown CC. P 14. 4 1s. gree £400 £130
06 16 1c. slate... £375 65-00 a. In horiz pair with 6d.. £50000
a. Imper + £30000 b. In vert pair with 1d... £65000
O07 2c. orange. £170 ~=—-15-00 In the first printing all three values were printed in the same
08 4c. blue... £140 27-00 sheet separated by horizontal and vertical gutter margins. The sheet
o9 6c, brown... £5500 £600 comprised two panes of 60 of the 1d. at the top with a pane of 60 Gn Edom ees Quine
010 8c. rose... £2000 £450 of the 1s. at bottom left and another of 6d. at bottom right. Copies (6) (7)
of 1d. se-tenant with the 6d. are not known. There were two later
Prepared for use, but not issued. 1891. Stamps of 1888-9 surch locally.
printings of the 1d. but they were in sheets without the 6d. and 1s.
O11 16 = 12c. pale violet £1800 (a) With T 5 (May)
012 24c, green... £2250 1872-79. Wmk Crown CC.
43 1 6c. on 10c. on 4d. mauve (R.) 1:50 2:00
(a) P 12% a. “6" and bar inverted. £600 £600
5 1 1d. pale blue. 32-00 b. “6” only inverted... t £6500
The “OFFICIAL” overprints have been extensively forged. w. Wmk inverted. 44 6c. on 10c. on 4d. mauve (BIk.) 3-00 1:50
y. Wmk inverted £450 a. “6” and bar inverted. £4500 £1100
The use of Official stamps was discontinued in June 1878. 6 id. deep blue (1874) £110 28-00 5 “6" only inverted... t+ £6500
7 3d. red-brown........ £170 80-00 Of variety (b) only six copies of each can exist, as one of each of
British Guiana became independent as Guyana on 25 May 1966. 8 3d. chocolate (1874) £190 £100 these errors came in the first six sheets, and the mistake was then
9 6d. rose.. au £450 55-00 corrected. Of variety (a) more copies exist.
9a 6d, bright rose- carmine (1874). £600 65-00 Essays are known with “SIX" in place of “6” both with and without
10 1s. green... £700 45-00 bars (price £140 and £550 respectively). Although not issued we
10a 1s. deep green (1874) . £550 30-00 mention them, as three contemporary covers franked with them
b. Imperf between (horiz pair) + £26000 are known.
w. Wmk inverted — £250 (b) With T 6/7 (23 Oct)
(b) P 14 (1877-79) 49 1 Sc, on 3c. On 3d. red-brOWN ..eesseseeeee 1:25 1-40
11 1 1d. pale blue (1878). . 29-00 a. Wide space between “I”and“V”.. 60:00 75-00
12 Tdi blUelntrcostcer 90:00 24:00 b. “FIVE” and bar double £375 =£425
50 16:00 28-00
13) 28-00
14 . Mauve (1879).. 9:50
x. Wmk reversed..
iS 6d, rose (1878)... £475 £200
w. Wmk inverted. — £550
16 1s. green... £325 14-00
a. Imperf between (pair).
1882-87. Wmk Crown CA. P 14.
17 i 1d. blue (4.84)... 25-00
18 1d, rose (1884 15:00
a. Bisected (Yd. _—
s. Optd “SPECIMEN”. £275
19 1d. carmine (1887) 60:00 30-00
20 4d. mauve (7.82)... 95:00 475
w. Wmk inverted . — £200
21 6d. yellow (1885 £225
22 1s. grey (1.87) £160
s. Optd "SPEC
1908 (7 Dec)-11. Colours changed. Wmk Mult Crown CA. Chalk- 129 3c, orange (1933)... 38-00 4-00
surfaced paper (25c.), P 14. 130 Ac. grey (1.10.29) 22:00 85
95 14 1c. blue-green (1.7.10). 21:00 131 5c. ultramarine... 1-75 5)
96 2. CAFMINE .erescsee 17-00 a. Milky blue (1923). 5:50 4-25
w. Wmk inverted... 132 10c. dull purple and sage-green
97 5c. ultramarine (1.6.09) 3-25 (1.12.22) 4-00 30
100 15 25c, black/green (14.10.11) 8-00 133 25c. black/emerald (1.10.24)... 3-25 8-50
Q5/TOO;SCHOFAsssssncomcscevsssacransvoecen 45-00 134 50c. purple and blue/b/ue (1.11.23)... 8-00 16:00
96s/100s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of3. 95-00 136 $1 black and scarlet (2.1.25).......0« 23:00 32-00
137 $2 yellow-green and bright
purple . £130
124/37 Set of 13 5 £350 £500
124s/37s Optd or Perf (1c., 3c., 4c.) “SPECIMEN” Se
OF U3: A £375

1932 (2 May). Belize Relief Fund. Surch as T 23. Wmk Mult Script
CA. P 14.
Normal Malformed “S” Repaired “S” 138 22 1c.+1c. green 3:00 16-00
139 2c.+2c, rose-carmine 300 16-00
The Malformed and Repaired “S” occur on R. 7/3 of the left pane ISH HONDURAS
Saal 140 3c.+3¢. orange... 3:00 32-00
from Key Plate 2. 141 4c.+4c. grey (R.) 17:00 35-00
(18) 142 5c.+5c, ultramarine.. 8:00 14-00
(Typo D.L.R.)
1913-21. Wmk Mult Crown CA. Chalk-surfaced paper (10c. to $5). 138/42 'SCt OFS .r-.catececssertcasescocoove 30:00 £100
1891 (July)-1901. Wmk Crown CA. P 14. 138s/42s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of5 £150
51 8 1c. dull green (4.95 2-50
a. Malformed “S” 101 16 1c. blue-green 5-50 1:50
£400 1935 (6 May). Silver Jubilee. As Nos. 91/4 of Antigua, but ptd by
w. Wmk inverted + a. Yellow-green (13.3.17) 13-00 275
w. Wmk inverted £275 B.W. & Co. P 11x12.
52 2c. carmine-rose. 4:25
102 GAO srecvecevctestveses 6:50 1:00 143 3c. ultramarine and grey-black 2:25 65
a. Malformed “S” £425 a. Extra flagstaff......... 80:00 £100
b. Repaired “S” a. Bright scarlet (1915) 10-00 1:00
£375) b. Short extra flagstaff. £140 £170
53 3. DOWN wesseore b. Dull scarlet (8.17)... 7-00
10-00 c. Lightning conductor... 90:00 £110
c. Red/bluish...... 15-00
w. Wmk inverted £300
w. Wmk inverted t d. Flagstaff on right-hand turre’ £250
54 5c. ultramarine (4.95) 12:00 e. Double flagstaff... £275
103 3c. orange (16.4.17, 2:00
a. Malformed “S”... £650 144 4c. green and indigo.. 5:00 450
104 5c. bright blue... 3-50
55 11 5c. grey-black and ultramarine, a. Extra flagstaff... £180 £225
105 17 10c. dull purple and yellow-green... 6:50
blue (10.00)... 22:00 c. Lightning conducto £200 £225
56 8 6c. ultramarine.... a, Dull purple and bright green
15-00 d. Flagstaff on right-hand turret £375
(1917) A
57 9 10c. mauve and green (4.95). 14:00
106 25c. black/green f 1-50 e. Double flagstaff......... £400 £425
58 10 10c, dull purple-and green (1901) 12:00
59 9 12c. reddish lilac and green..
a. On blue-green, olive back (8.17). 5-00 145 5c. brown and deep blue. 2-50 3-00
2:50 146 25c. slate and purple 11:00 14-00
6, On emerald back (1921).. 2 2.00
60 24c. yellow and blue... 7-00 a. Extra flagstaff... £250 £350
107 50c. purple and blue/blue.. 30-00
a. Orange and blue... 30-00 b. Short extra flagstaff. £500
108 16 $1 black and carmine.. 32:00
61 25c. red-brown and green (3.98)... 95-00 c. Lightning conductor £325
109 $2 purple and green 90:00
62 10 50c. green and carmine (3.98)... 30-00 d. Flagstaff on right-hand £450
110 $5 purple and black/re: £275
63 11 $1 green and carmine (12.99)........ 95-00
64 $2 green and ultramarine (12.99)... £150
101/10 SehoniOneee mee £400 e. Double flagstaff £475
101s/10s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 1 £275 V4B/O/S CE OFA ccccsssssssersaseovececcis 19:00 20-00
65 $5 green and black (12.99). is £325 143s/6s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 4. £120
AY GOYSCLO TANSeecrtscsceccseancoricsiscnnssons £700 1915-16. Optd with T 18, in violet. For illustrations of plate varieties see Omnibus section following
51s/65s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 15.. £400 111 16 1c. green (30.12.15)... 475 Zanzibar.
Most values are known with a forged Belize postmark dated “OC a. Yellow-green (6.6.16) 50
23 09". 112 2c. scarlet (3.11.15)... 3-50 1937 (12 May). Coronation. As Nos. 95/7 of Antigua, but printed
113 5c. bright blue (29.7.1 30 by D.LR. P 14.
1899 (1 July). Optd “REVENUE” 12 mm long. 111s/13s Optd “SPECIMEN" Set of 3 £140
66 8 5c. ultramarine 147 3c. orange... 30 30
These stamps were shipped early in the 1914-18 war, and were 148 4c. grey-blac 70 30
a. “BEVENUE”. thus overprinted, so that if seized by the enemy, they could be
b. Malformed “S” at right 149 5c. bright blue.. 80 1:90
distinguished and rendered invalid. WAZ]9 SCE ORS )sccocescosesssorees 160 2:25
d. Opt 11 mm long..
67 9 10c. mauve and green. 147s/9s Perf “SPECIMEN” 95-00
a. “BEVENUE”...
b. “REVENU”....
c. Opt 11 mm lon
cb. “REVENU”............
68 25c. red-brown and green.
a. “BEVENUE”..
b. “REVE UE".....
c. Repaired “S” at right
d. Opt 11 mm long
war WAR
(19) (20)
69 1 5S0c. on 1s. grey...
a. “BEVENUE”... 1916 (23 Aug). No. 111 optd locally with T 19.
c. Opt 11 mm long of £425 £650 114 16 1G. Gree Meessssersss 10 275
Two minor varieties, a small “U” and a tall, narrow “U" are found in
the word “REVENUE”.
a. Opt inverted. £300 £350 ui
1917-18. Nos, 101 and 103 optd with T 19. 25 Chicle Tapping
The overprint setting of 60 (6x10) contained 43 examples of the
12 mm size and 17 of the 11 mm. The smaller size overprints occur 116 16 ‘1c. blue-green (6.17). 1:50 8-50
on R. 8/1, R. 8/3 to 6 and on all positions in Rows 9 and 10. aw. Wmk inverted... £250
The “BEVENUE” error appears on R. 6/4 and, it is believed, “REVE ax. Wmk reversed... £300
UE” comes from R. 6/6. Both occur on parts of the printing only. b. Yellow-green (3.3.17) 20 4:75
The missing “E” developed during the overprinting and damage to 118 3c, orange (12.3.18) 5:50 16-00
this letter can be observed on at least eight positions in the setting. a. Opt double... £400
1918. Nos. 101 and 103 optd with T 20.
[aarsmiprouas) 119 16 1c. blue-green (25.4.18) 20 30
a. Yellow-green... 4-50 6:00
120 3c. orange (9.18) 7 80 3-75
y. Wmk inverted and reversed....... £225
119s/20s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 2 £120
(Recess D.L.R.) 27 Local products
1921 (28 Apr). Peace Commemoration. Wmk Mult Crown CA
(sideways). P 14.
121 21 2G KOSOT CA rartventscasesbensseonttentenrerserreees 6:00 50
(Typo D.L.R.) a. “C" of “CA” missing from wmk.... £400
1902 (10 Oct)-04. Wmk Crown CA. P 14. S. Optd “SPECIMEN?”.....csssssecsssscosssesseee 60-00
80 14 1c. grey-green and green (28.4.04) 2:50 27-00
81 2c. purple and black/red (18.3.03).. 2:25 25 1921 (26 Nov), Wmk Mult Script CA. P 14.
w. Wk inverted ....... £200 £110 122 16 1c. green 9:00 13-00
82 5c. grey-black and blue/blu 19-00 30 s, Optd “SPECIMEN”. 55:00
w. Wmk inverted 1922 (4 Jan). As T 21 but with words “PEACE” omitted. Wmk Mult
83 15 20c. dull and bright purple (28.4.04). 14-00 18-00 Script CA (sideways). P 14.
80/3 Set of 4. 35-00 40-00 123 14:00 50
80s/3s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 80-00 50-00
1904 (Dec)-07. Wmk Mult Crown CA. Ordinary paper (1, 2c.) or
chalk-surfaced paper (others). P 14. BELIZE
84 14 ‘1c. grey-green and green (8.05)...... 20:00 21-00 we

a. Chalk-surfaced paper (1906).
2c. purple and black/red.........
4-00 2-25
wi c [258]
3:50 or z
a. Chalk-surfaced paper (1906). 3:00 20 ° 31 Dorey
86 5c. grey-black and blue/blue = plus
(5.2.06) 2:50 20
87 15 10c. dull purple and emerald-green
DXO EUV cease tna Re asec 4:00 19-00 (23)
89 25c. dull purple and orange
PLIERS pSa-ah em Sar ee aes 12:00 60-00 (Typo D.L.R.)
90 _ 50c. grey-green and carmine 1922 (1 Aug)-33. Ordinary paper (1c. to 5c.) or chalk-surfaced
(20.9.07) . 30:00 £100 paper (others). P 14.
91 14 $1 grey-gree| (a) Wmk Mult Crown CA
(POA Nee pee 75:00
re £120 124 22 25. black/ermerald wrssersorerersesessrnennsresseee 9-00 50-00
92 $2 grey-green and blue (20.9.07)...
£160 £275 125 $5 purple and black/red (1.10.24) £225 £300
93 $5 grey-green and black (20.9.07).
£375 £450
84a/93 Set of 9 £600 £900 (b) Wmk Mult Script CA
£250 126 22 ‘Ic. green (2.1.29)... 19-00 6:50 in — =
87s/93s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 6
Examples of most values are known showing a forged Belize 127 2c. brown (1.3.23)... 1-50 1:50 32 Chicle industry 33 Court House ‘
postmark dated “OC 23 09”. 128 2c. rose-carmine (10.12.26). 12:00 1:50 Belize


55 Great Curassow

(Des D. R. Eckelberry. Photo Harrison)

1962 (2 Apr). Horiz designs on T 55. Multicoloured. W w 12
(upright). P 14x14”.
Mahogany felling 35 Arms of Colony 47 Nine-banded Armadillo
46 Maya Indian 202 Ic, Type 55. 1:50 75
(Recess B.W.)
a. Orange-y: £800
w. Wmk inverted
1938 (10 Jan)-47. T 24/35. Wmk Mult Script CA (sideways on 203 2c. Red-legged Honey-creeper.. iz 2:00 10
horizontal stamps). P 11/2x11 (horiz designs) or 11x11¥% (vert a. Turquoise-blue (bird’s head) omitted £750
designs). 204 3c. Northern Jacana 4:50 3-25
150 24 1c. bright magenta and green - a, Blue-green (legs) omitted. £700" =
(14.2.38) 70 1:50 205 Ac, Great Kiskadee wees ‘| 375 425
151 25 2c. black and scarlet (14.2.38) 1-50 1:00 206 5c, Scarlet-rumped Tanager 275 10
a. Perf 12 (1947) s.r. 3-75 1:50
w. Wmk inverted.
152 26 ~=—3c. purple and brow! 2-25 1:75 207 10c, Scarlet Macaw 4:50 10
153 27 ~~ 4c. black and green... 2.00 70 a. Blue omitted £850
154 28 5c. mauve and dull blue... 3-50 175 w. Wmk inverted... t _
155 29 10c. green and reddish brown 208 15c, Slaty-tailed Trogon... 1:50 10
(14.2.38) 4:50 60 w. Wmk inverted ..... 42:00 17:00
156 30 15c, brown and light blue (142.38). 850 1-50 209 25c. Red-footed Booby. 4:50 30
157 31 25c. blue and green (14.2.38)... y 2-00 48 Hawkesworth Bridge 49 Mountain Orchid w. Wmk inverted...
158 32 50c. black and purple (14.2.38) . 475 210 50c, Keel-billed Toucan aN 6:00 , 35
159 33 $1 scarlet and olive (28.2.38). ( 10-00 (Recess Waterlow (until 20.6.1961), then D.L.R.)
a, Pale blue (claw and beak) omitted = £1 100 | £1100
160 34 $2 deep blue and maroon (28.2. 38) 55:00 35:00 1953 (2 Sept)-62. T 38/39. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 13%. 211 $1 Magnificent Frigate Bird aa 9:00 2-00
161 35 $5 scarlet and brown (28.2.38)...... 50:00 55:00 179 38 1c. green and black 10 40 212 $2 Rufous-tailed Jacamar 24:00 7:00
150/61 Set of 12.. £190 £100 a. Perf 13%x13 (3.10.61) 275 2:00 €: SHAGO ncsntteaes 70:00 20-00
150s/61s Perf “SP. £300 180 39 2c. yellow-brown and black 1:75 3:00 w. Wmk inverted £130
a. Perf 14 (18.9.57) ss. 2:50 50 213 $5 Montezuma Oropendola 28:00 18-00
1946 (9 Sept). Victory. As Nos. 110/11 of Antigua.
b. Perf 13%2x13 (20.6.61). 2:25 1:25 202/13 Set of 12.. 80:00 32:00
3c. brown
5c, blue.
181 40 3c reddishvioletand bright purple. 45.—«=S «45 *On No. 212a, t Mi 9g d-brown instead of
a. Perf 14 (18.9.57) 20 10 yellow-green and orange-brown.
162s/3s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 2. 95:00 b. Perf 13x13 (20.6.61) . 12:00 24-00 Nos. 202, 206 and 207 exist in coils, constructed from normal sheets.
1948 (1 Oct). Royal Silver Wedding. As Nos. 112/13 of Antigua. ba. Reddish lilac and pale magenta See also Nos. 239/45.
(S162) ererssscus 2:25 3-00
164 4c. green.. 15 60 182 41 4c. brown and green. 1:50 30 1963 (4 June). Freedom from Hunger. As No. 146 of Antigua.
165 $5 brown 27:00 50-00 183 42 5c, deep olive-green and scarlet 40 20 | 214 22c. bluish green... 30 15
a. Perf 14 (15.5.57) .
ab. D.L.R. ptg (3.10.61)... 3 24-00 1963 (2 Sept). Red Cross Centenary. As Nos. 147/8 of Antigua.
aba. Imperf three sides (horiz pair)... £7500 215 4c, red and black og 20 1:40
184 43 10c., slate and bright blue... 1:75 10 216 22c. red and blue. 40 1-40
a. Perf 13%2x13 (19.1.62) 1:50 10

185 44 15c. green and violet 65 10
186 45 25c. bright blue and yellow-brown 750 3-75
187 46 50c. yellow-brown and reddish SELF-GOVERNMENT
UIPTE eerccresreascressesessvosaomteneetieeeg 20:00 4-00
36 Island of St. George's Cay 37 H.M.S. Merlin a. Pale yellow-brown and pale DEDICATION OF SITE
purple (22,3.60) 5 15-00 SELF GOVERNMENT NEW CAPITAL
(Recess Waterlow) 188 47 $1 slate-blue and red-brown. 11:00 5.00 1964 9th OCTOBER 1965
17949 (10 Jan), 150th Anniv of Battle of St. George’s Cay. Wmk 189. 48 $2 scarlet and grey....... 11:00 4:50
190 49 $5 purple and slate. 48:00 17-00 (56) (57)
Mult Script CA. P 12%.
166 36 Ic. ultramarine and green.. 20 1:25 179/90 Set of 12 90:00 30-00
1964. New Constitution. Nos. 202, 204/5, 207 and 209 optd
167 3c. blue and yellow-brown... 20 1:50 Nos. 179/90 were released a day earlier by the Crown Agents in
T 56.
168 4c, olive and violet 20 1-75 London.
217 1c. Type 55 (20.4) 10 30
169 37 5c. brown and deep 2:00 75 Stamps from the Waterlow printings perforated 13x13 or 14 have
a very fine perforation tooth at the top of each vertical side. On the De a. Opt inverted..
170 10c. green and red-brown 2:00 30 b. Orange-yellow (knob) omitted £275
171 15c. emerald and ultramarine.. 2:00 30 La Rue printings this tooth is at the bottom. Stamps perforated 13%
have “normal” perforation teeth at top and bottom. 218 3c. Northern Jacana (20.4 45 30
TOG/PASOROR Giricanscrateicanasresscssscoseccereet
rene 6:00 5:50 219 4c. Great Kiskadee (3.2) 45 30
220 10c. Scarlet Macaw (20.4 45 10
71949 (10 Oct). 75th Anniv of U.P.U. As Nos. 114/17 of Antigua.
221 25c. Red-footed Booby (3. 55 30
172 4c. blue-green 30 1:00 217/21 Set of 5 175 1-10
173 5c, deep blue.. 1:50 50
174 10c. red-brown. 40 3-50 1965 (17 May). |.T.U Centenary. As Nos. 166/7 of Antigua.
175 25c. blue. 35 50 222 2c. orange-red and light gree’ 10 10
172/5 Set of 4 2-25 5:00 223 50c. yellow and light purple... 35 25
1951 (16 Feb). Inauguration of B.W.I. University College. As 1965 (25 Oct). International Co-operation Year. As Nos. 168/9 of
Nos. 118/19 of Antigua. Antigua.
176 3c, reddish violet and brown 45 1:50 224 1c, reddish purple and turquoise-green 10 15
177 10c, green and brown 45 30 50 “Belize from Fort George, 51 Public Seals, 1860 and 225 22c. deep bluish green and lavender....... 20 15
1842” (C. J. Hullmandel) 1960
1953 (2 June). Coronation. As No. 120 of Antigua.
1966 (24 Jan). Churchill Commemoration. As Nos. 170/3 of Antigua.
178 Ac. black ANd GreeM vevsessscssssssssseesssecseesssesses 75 30
226 1c, new blue... 10 75
227 Ac, deep green 70 10
228 22c. brown... 1:10 10
‘BRITISH HONDUR? 229 25c. bluish viole 1:25 45
226/9 Set OF4 srersssssseesesserees 4 275 1:10

1966 (1 July). Dedication of New Capital Site. As Nos. 202, 204/5,

207 and 209, but wmk sideways, optd with T 57 by Harrison.
230 Ic. Type 55 15 i
52 Tamarind Tree, Newtown a. Orange-yellow (knob) omitted
39 Baird's Tapir (“Mountain Barracks w. Wmk Crown to right of CA 70
Cow”) 231 3c. Northern Jacana.. 60 40
(Recess B.W.) 232 4c, Great Kiskadee.. 60 40
1960 (1 July). Post Office Centenary. W w 12. P 11%x11. 233 10c. Scarlet Macaw... 60 10
234 25c. Red-footed Booby. 85 35
191 50 2c. green 65 1:25 230/4 Set of 5 250 1:50
192 51 10c. deep carmin 65 10 *The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CA, as
193 52 15c, blue. 65 35 seen from the back of the stamp.
191/3 Set
of 3 1:75 1:50

: A“pasvace SReviNce |44

40 see and feqicevel 41 Pine industry
(53) (54)
1961 (1 Mar). New Constitution. Nos. 180a, 181a and 184/5 optd
with T 53 by Waterlow, 58 Citrus Grove
194 2c. yellow-brown and black 25 40
195 3c. reddish violet and bright purple.. 30 40 (Des V. Whiteley. Photo Harrison)
196 10c, slate and bright blue 30 10 1966 (1 Oct). Stamp Centenary. T 58 and similar horiz designs.
197 15c. green and violet 30 20 Multicoloured. W w 12. P 14x14%.
N94/7|SCRORA: canner. eee 1:00 1:00 235 Sc. Type 58... 10 10
236 10c. Half Moo 10 10
237 22c. Hidden Valley Fa 10 10
1962 (15 Jan). Hurricane Hattie Relief Fund. Nos. 179a, 184a, 186 238 25c. Maya Ruins, Xunantunich... 15 45
and 187 optd with T 54 by D.LR. 235/8 Set of 4 30 65:9
198 1c. green and black... 10 1:25
199 10c. slate and bright blue 30 1967. As Nos. 202, etc, but W w 12 (sideways).
. 10
a0 Passprone blue and yellow-brown eres 1-75 80 239 1c. Type 55 (16.2)
a E ic. yellow-brown and reddish . : 240 2c. Red-legged Honey-creeper (
44 Maya frieze, Xunantunich 45 Morpho peleides 198/201 Set of 4Shai cot al hasito ele nee 241 Ac, Great Kiskadee (16.2)
2 eS ai
242 5c. Scarlet-rumped Tanager (16.2).. 60 10 270 22c. Lycaste cochleatum....... 95 15 STAMP BOOKLETS
243 10c, Scarlet Macaw (28.11)...... 40 10 271 25c. Coryanthes speciosum 1:10 1:10
244 15c. Slaty-tailed Trogon (28.11). 40 10 1920. Black on pink cover inscr “British Honduras-100-Two Cent
268/71 Set of 4 3-00 1-40
245 50c. Keel-billed Toucan (16.
ee 2:50 3-50 See also Nos. 287/90.
Stamps" Stapled.
239/45 Set of7... SB1 $2 booklet containing one hundred 2c.
(No. 1026) in blocks of 10 (5x2)....... £4000
(Des V. Whiteley. Litho D.L.R.)
1920. Grey-blue cover inscr “British Honduras-100-Three Cent
1969 (1 Sept). Indigenous Hardwoods (1st series). T 65 and similar
Stamps” Stapled.
vert designs. Multicoloured. W w 12. P 14.
SB2 $3 booklet containing one hundred 3c.
272 5c. Type 65....... 10 40
(No. 103) in blocks Of 10 (5X2).ssssssosseeseerueese
273 10c. Rosewood . 10 10
274 22c. Mayflower.. 20 10 1923. Black on pink cover inscr “British Honduras—100-Two Cent
275 25c. Mahogany. 20 50 Stamps". Stapled.
272/5 Set OF 4 vss 45 1-00 SB3 $2 booklet containing one hundred 2c. brown
See also Nos. 291 (No, 127) in blocks of 10 (5x2)
1927. Black on pink cover inscr “British Honduras-100-Two Cent
1969-72. As Nos. 257/8, 261, 267 and new value and design (2 Stamps”. Stapled.
c.), but W w 12 (sideways). SB4 $2 booklet containing one hundred 2c. rose-
276 Yac. Mozambique Mouthbrooder carmine (No. 128) in blocks of 10 (5X2) ......
(“Crana") (ultramarine background)
(VED.9)errestrete casererntictscse
tsseoos comments 10 10
59 Sailfish 60 Schomburgkia 277 Yac. Mozambique Mouthbrooder
(“Crana”) (yellow-olive background) POSTAGE DUE STAMPS
(E2271)eas 2:50 2:50 BRITISH HONDURAS,
(Des R. Granger Barrett. Photo Harrison) a. Black (inser and value). omitted .. £500
1967 (1 Dec). International Tourist Year. T 59 and similar horiz bw. Wmk Crown to right of CA... 4-00
designs. W w 12. P 12%. 277¢ 2c, White-tipped Peccary (5.5.72). 7:00 5:00
246 5c. deep violet-blue black and light 277d 3c, Misty Grouper (5.5.72) 7:00 5:00
277e 10c. Paca (5.5.72). 7-00 5:00
yellow..... 20 30
247 10c. brown, black and orange- red 20 10 278 $5 Puma (12.5.70). 250 10-00
248 22c. yellow-orange, black and bright 276/8 Set of6... 23-00 25:00
green... 35 10 *The normal ‘sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CA, as D1
249 25¢, light greenish blue, blackand seen from the back of the stamp.
greenish yellow... (Typo DLR.)
246/9 Set of 4 1923-64. Wmk Mult Script CA. Ordinary paper. P 14.
Designs:— D1 D1 1c. black... a6 2:25 13-00
(Des Sylvia Goaman. Photo Harrison) a. Chalk- surfaced paper (25: 9. 56). 50 27-00
b. White uncoated paker (9.4.64). 18:00 38:00
1968 (16 Apr). 20th Anniv of Economic Commission for Latin D2 2c. black... oe 2:25 7:50
America. T 60 and similar vert designs showing orchids. a. Chalk- surfaced paper (25. 9,56). 50 22.00
Multicoloured. W w 12 (sideways). P 14%2x14. D3 4c. black... 0 1:25 6:00
250 Sc. Type 60... 20 15 a. Missing top serif on "C” (R. 6/6). 55-00
251 10c. Muxillaria tenuifolia 25 10 bw. Wmk inverted...
252 22c, Bletia purpurea... 30 10 c. Chalk-surfaced pap 5 1:00 22-00
253 25c. Sobralia macrantha 40 20 ca. Missing top serif on mC" (R, 6/6). 45.00
PBSO/ SCUOLA Nosatsoccctsecsescersiescrerecvoess 1-10 40 D1/3 Set
of 3... 5 5:25 24:00
D1a/3c Set of 3 1:75 65-00
CENSUS 1970 D1s/3s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 3. 80:00
The early ordinary paper printings were ye jowish and quite distinct
66 “The Virgin and from No. D1b.
Child” (Bellini)
1965 (3 Aug)-72. As Nos. D2a and D3c, but Wmk w 12 (sideways
(Des adapted by G. Drummond. Litho Format) on 2c.). P 13%x13 (2c.) or 13%x14 (4c.).
1969 (1 Nov). Christmas. Paintings. T 66 and similar vert design. D4 D1 2c. black (10.1.72). 3-50 8-00
Multicoloured. W w 12. P 14x14%. DS 4c. black... 2-00 8-00
279 5c. Type 66... oiarenyaucncgganr cosine 10 10 The missing top serif onc variety of R. 6/6 was corrected before
280 15c. Type 66... arr cetcesheter 10 10 No, D5 was printed.
281 22c. “The Adoration ‘ofthe Kings”. Although the design size is the same, No. D4 measures 22x26 mm,
OU (Veronese). 10 10 while D2/a and D5 are 21x24%2 mm.
279/82 Set OF 4..ssssove 30 30
61 Monument to 62 Monument at Site
Although released by the Crown Agents o October this issue
Belizean Patriots of New Capital was not put on sale locally until 1 November.
(Des G. Vasarhelyi. Litho B.W.)
1968 (15 July). Human Rights Year. W w 12. P 13%. 1970 (2 Feb). Population Census. As Nos. 260 and 262/3 but
W w 12 (sideways) and No. 277e optd with T 68.
254 61 = 22c. multicoloured 15 10
255 62 50c. multicoloured 283 5c. Bonefish. 10 10
15 20 284 10c. Paca..... 15 10
285 15c. Dolphin 20 10
286 25c. Kinkaiou.. 20 15
283/6 Set OF 4 sressssssveee 55 30

(Des G. Drummond. Litho Format)

1970 (2 Apr). Orchids of Belize (2nd series). As T 64.
Multicoloured. W w 12. P 14.
287 5c. Black Orchid 35 15
63 Spotted Jewfish
288 15c. White Butterfly Orchi 50 10
(Des J. W. Litho D.L.R.) 289 22c. Swan Orchid... 70 10
290 25¢. pee Orchid 70 40
1968 (15 Oct). Wildlife. Horiz designs as T 63. Multicoloured. No 287/90 Set of 4. 2:00 60
wmk, P 13x12”.
256 Ic. Type 63... 30 10
257 2c. White- Tipped Peccary (Warree Ne 10 10
258 3c. Misty Grouper. 20 10
259 Ac. Collared Anteater 15 1-25
260 5c. Bonefish 15 1-25
261 10c. Para (“Gib 15 10
262 15c. Dolphin...... 2:00 20
263 25c. Kinkajou (“Night Walker”) 30 20
264 50c. Mutton Snapper. 70 1:25
265 $1 Tayra (“Bush Dog’). 2:50 1-25
266 $2 Great Barracuda... 2:50 2-00
267 $5 Puma... 14.00 6:50
256/67 Set of 12 21:00 12-00
See also Nos. 276/8. British 1
The 3c., 5c. and 10c. were re-issued in 1972 with watermark
W 12 upright.
69 Santa Maria 70 “The Nativity”
(A. Hughes).
(Des Jennifer Toombs, Litho Questa)
1970 (7 Sept). Indigenous Hardwoods (2nd series). T 69 and similar
vert designs. Multicoloured. W w 12 (sideways). P 14x14.
291 5c, Type 69... 25 10
292 15c. Nargusta . 40 10
293 22c. Cedar 45 10
294 25c. Sapodilla. 45 35
291/4 Set OF 4 vrsssssessssseee 1-40 55

(Des J. Cooter Litho J.W.)

1970 (7 Nov*). Christmas. T 70 and similar vert design.
Multicoloured. W w 12. P 14.
295 Vac, TYPO 70 .nrccvssssssess 10 10
64 Fe aciolaela 65 Ziricote Tree 296 5c. “The Mystic Nativity” (Botticelli) . 10 10
digbyana 297 10c. Type 70 15 10
298 15c. As Sc..... 25 10
(Des Sylvia Goaman. Photo Harrison) 299 22c. Type 70 30 10
1969 (9 Apr). Orchids of Belize (1st series). T 64 and similar vert 300 50c. As Sc. 40 85
designs. Multicoloured. W w 12 (sideways). P 14%2x14. 295/300 Set of 6... 1:00 1:10
268 5c. Type 64... 60 20 *These stamps were released by the Crown Agents iin London on
269 10c. Cattleya bowringiana. 65 15 2 November.

LAE | 27 21.25 Yellow-edged Lyretail and Areolate «| Ao
Grouper (“Rock Cod” 10:00 10-00

British Indian Ocean 28

3r.50 Black Marlin.
5r. black, blue-g} g
4-00 3:75
British Levant
blue (Whale Shark) (vert). 24-00 16-00
Territory 30 10r. Lionfish......
a. Imperf (pair)
6:50 EE
ae ae ee EE)
16/30 Set of 18. 65:00 50-00 The term “British Levant” is used by stamp collectors to describe
LALLA The 5c. was re-issue paper with watermark w the issues made by various British Post Offices within the former
12 upright. Turkish Empire.
This Crown Colony was created on 8 November 1965 when it Arrangements for the first such service were included amongst the
comprised the Chagos Archipelago, previously administered terms of a commercial treaty between the two countries in 1832, but
by Mauritius, together with the islands of Aldabra, Farquhar and BRITISHINDIAN & the system did not start operations until September 1857 when a post
Desroches, previously administered by Seychelles.
OCEAN TERRITORY = office for civilian use was opened in Constantinople, replacing the
Army Post Office which had existed there since June 1854,
Eventually the number of British Post Offices grew to five:
(Currency. 100 cents = 1 rupee). Beyrout (Beirut, Lebanon). Opened March 1873, closed 30 September
B.1.0.T. Constantinople (Istanbul). Opened 1 July 1857, closed 30 September
4914, re-opened 4 February 1919, finally closed 27 September
(1) 1923.
Salonica (Thessalonika, Greece). Opened 1 May 1900, closed October
1968 (17 Jan). As Nos. 196/200, 202/4 and 206/12 of Seychelles, 1914. The city was captured by Greek troops on 7 November 1912
optd with T 1. W w 12 (sideways* on 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 3 Sacred Ibis and Aldabra Coral Atoll and incorporated into Greece by the Treaty of London (July 1913), =¢
75c. and 10r.). Smyrna (Izmir). Opened December 1872, closed 30 September 1914,
1 BC MU tiCOl OU eC ciecrcceesrrecteseretettetenerrnerarsecte 1-00 1:50 (Des and litho D.L.R.)
re-opened 1 March 1919, finally closed September 1922. Between
a. No stop after “I” 18:00 21-00 1969 (10 July). Coral Atolls. W w 12 (sideways). P 13%2x13. 15 May 1919 and 8 September 1922 the city was under Greek
b. No stop after “O’ 650 10-00 31 By 2F25 MUltlCOlOUred ceceecsecsssnsssssstsersersesseass 1:75 1:00 occupation.
w. Wmk Crown to right of CA 75:00 Stamboul (a sub-office of Constantinople). Opened April 1885, closed
2 10c, multicoloured... 10 15 25 August 1896, re-opened 10 February 1908, finally closed
a, No stop after “I” 32:00 32:00 30 September 1914. or} ;
b. No stop after “O 5:50 12:00
3 15¢. multicoloured 25 20 Stamps from the two British Post Offices in Egypt still technically
a. No stop after “I” 16:00 19:00 part of the Turkish Empire, are listed under EGYPT.
b. No stop after “O 5:50 9:50
4 20c, multicoloured 20 15
a. No stop after 17:00 17:00
b. No stop after “O”... 7:00 8-50 A. BRITISH POST OFFICES IN TURKISH
5 25c.
No stop after “I”
EMPIRE, 1857-1914
b. No stop after “O 5:50 10-00
6 40c. multicoloured 20 20 4 Outrigger Canoe
a. No stop after “I 20:00 20-00
(Des Mrs. M. Hayward adapted by V. Whiteley. Litho D.L.R.)
b, No stop after “O 850 13-00
7 45c, multicoloured... 20 30 1969 (15 Dec). Ships of the Islands. T 4 and similar horiz designs.
a. No stop after "I” 24:00 18:00 Multicoloured. W w 12 (sideways). P 13%2x14.
b. No stop after “B 40:00 27-00 32 45c. Type 4
c. No stop after “O”.. 75:00 55-00 33 75c. Pirogue..
8 50c. multicoloured... 20 30 34 ir. M. V. Nordvaer..
a. No stop after “I 19:00 19-00 35 11.50 Isle of Farquhar.
b. No stop after “O", 7:50 9:50 32/5 SOE OF Aa trorcesscsouesssocse
9 75c. multicoloured 3:00 35
10 Ir. multicoloured 2:00 35
a. No stop after I” 27:00 24-00
b. No stop after “O’ 8-00 11-00
11 11.50 multicoloured... 2:00 1-50
a. No stop after “I” 50:00 50-00
b. No stop after “O 26:00 17:00
12 2r.25 multicoloured 3-00 3:75
a. No stop after “I” £110 £120
b. No stop after “O 80:00 80:00
13 3.50 multicoloured 3:00 4:50
a. No stop after “1” £100 £100
b. No stop after “O 45:00 42.00
14 5r. multicoloured 10:00 6:50
a. No stop after “ £150 £140
b. No stop after “O 60:00 55:00
15 10r. multicoloured 20:00 15:00
a. No stop after “B” £190 £180
b. No stop after “I”. £250 £250
c. No stop after “O' £110 £110

seen from the back of the stamp.

These were issued by the Crown Agents on 15 January but owing
to shipping delays they were not put on sale locally until 17 January.
The positions of the “no stop” varieties are as follows:
After “I: R. 2/4 on horiz stamps except 45c. where it occurs on
R. 3/3, and R. 8/5 on vert starnps except 10r. where it occurs on R. 4/3.
After “O”; R. 3/2 and 5/1 on vert stamps, R. 2/1 and 4/4 on horiz
stamps (only occurs on R. 2/1 for 45c.), and R. 2/7 and 5/9 on 10r. value,
After “B”: R. 10/4 (45c.) or R. 1/8 (10F,).
As sheets of all values from 5c. to 50c. are known with all stops in
place the no stop varieties either developed during printing or their
omission was discovered and replacements inserted.

From 1 August 1885 letter and registered charges were prepaid with
surcharged stamps (No. 1 onwards). Until 14 August 1905 postcards
and parcels continued to be franked with unoverprinted Great Britain
stamps. Only a limited range of values were stocked for this purpose
2 Lascar and these are listed. Other values exist with Levant postmarks, but
these stamps did not originate from the local post offices. j
(Des G. Drummond, based on drawings by Mrs. W. Veevers-Cartor. After 15 August 1905 the post offices were supplied with Great
Litho D.L.R.) Britain stamps overprinted “LEVANT”. Subsequent examples of —
1968 (23 Oct)-70. Marine Life. Multicoloured designs as T 2. unoverprinted stamps with Levant postmarks are omitted from the
White paper (Nos. 20a, 23a, 24a) or cream paper (others). listing. Such stamps used during 1919-22 at Constantinople and
W w 12 (sideways on horiz, inverted on vert designs). P 14. Smyrna are listed as Z176/201 and Z282/95.
16 Sc. Type 2 1:00 2-50
17 10c. Smooth Hammerhead (vert). 30 1-25
18 TSG MlgeriSharkveressncsscoerecmnrs 30 1:75 BEYROUT (BEIRUT)
19 20c. Spotted Eagle Ray (“Bat Ray”). 30 1-00 Between 1873 and 1876 much of the mail from the British Post
20 25c. Yellow-finned Butterflyfish and Office in Beyrout sent to European addresses was forwarded through
Earspotted Angelfish (vert) 80 1-00 the French or Italian Post Offices at Alexandria. Such covers show Great
20a 30c. Robber Crab (7.12.70).. 3:50 2:75 Britain stamps used in combination with those of French or Italian
21 40c. Blue-finned Trevally (“Caranx 2:25 40 P.0’s in the Turkish Empire.
22 45c. Crocodile Needlefish (“Garfish”)
(vert) 2:25 2:50 Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “G 06” Type Z 4 or with circular
23 50c. Pickhandle Barracuda.. 2:25 30 postmark inscr “BEYROUT” as Types Z 6 or Z 8.
23a 60c. Spotted Pebble Crab (7.12.70). 3-50 4:00 1873-81.
24 75c. Indian Ocean Steep-headed Z1 Vad. rOS@-FEd (1870-79) eessccsccssecsssessennserseesnee From 65-00
Parrotfish 2-50 2:25 Plate Nos. 12, 13, 14, 19, 20.
24a 85c. Rainbow Runner (“Dorado”)
Z2 1d, rose-red (1864-79) .. From 27-00
(7.12.70) 3-00
b, Magenta omitted. Plate Nos. 107, 118, 130, 140, 145, 148, 155,
157, 162, 167, 177, 179, 180, 184, 185, 186,
25 1r. Giant Hermit Crab : 35
187, 195, 198, 200, 203, 204, 211, 213, 215,
26 11.50 Parrotfish (“Humphea 2:50 3-00
218, 220, 222.
I'd, lake-red (1870-74) (Plate 3)...... £400 Plate Nos. 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15. POSTAL FISCALS
2d. blue (1858-69) 30:00 Z78 2¥ad. rosy mauve (1875-76) (blued paper) (Plate Z175 1d. purple (wmk Anchor) (1868).
Plate Nos. 13, 14, 15. Nos. 1, 2)... ... From 60:00 Z175a 1d. purple (wmk Orb) (1881 £600
2¥ad. FOSY MaUVe (1875) (blued PAPE) ..rrserseseeeseesessesse 80-00 279 2’ad. rosy mauve 2 (1875-76) ..From 32:00
Plate No. 1. Plate Nos. 1, 2, 3.
2nd, rosy mauve (1875-76) 35-00 Z80 2¥ad. rosy mauve (Error of Lettering)...
Plate Nos. 1, 2, 3. Z81 2¥ad. rosy mauve (1876-79) 24-00 SALONICA
2’ad. rosy mauve (1876-79)... .. From” 26:00 Plate Nos. 3 to 17. Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled with circular postmark as in
Piate Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9,10, 11,iB “ily 14, Z82 2Yads |DIU el(1B80=81) eracssasscccssssscssonteseanaeeeserseeres From 12:00 Type 18 or double-circle datestamp.
15, 16, 17. Plate Nos. 17, 18, 19, 20. 1881.
2!ad. blue (1880) 16-00 Z83 2¥ad. blue (1881) (Plate Nos. 21, 22, 23) 8-00 Z202 Yad. vermilion (1887)... 26:00
Plate Nos. 17, 18, 19, 20. Z84 3d. carmine-rose (1862) (Plate No. 2). £150 Z203 Yad. blue-green (1900) 28:00
2¥ad, blue (1881) From 12-00 Z85 3d. rose (1865) (Plate No. 4)...cssss 90:00 2204 1d. lilac (1881)... 26-00
Plate Nos, 21, 22, 23. Z86 3d. rose (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 4 to 10)... 85:00 Z205 6d. purple/red (1887) 42:00
3d, rose (1867-73) (Plate No. 10) Z87 3d. rose (1873-76). 30:00 2206 1s. green and carmine £300
3d. rose (1873-76) 65-00 Plate Nos. 11, 12, 2207 5s. rose (white paper) (1883)... £1300
Plate Nos. 12, 15, 16, 18, 7 Z88 3d, rose (1881) (Plate No.21)
3d. rose (1881) (Plate Nos. 20, 21) Z89 3d. on 3d. lilac (1883) (Plate No. 21 1902.
Ad. Vermilion (1865-73) ..erssssssssssssssssesssessssssssssss From 48-00 290 4d. rose (1857)... 48-00 Z208 Yad. blue-green... 30:00
Plate Nos. 11, 12, 13, 14. a. Rose-carmine Z209 Yad. yellow-green 24-00
4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15).. £190 291 4d. red (1862) (Plate Nos. 40-00 Z209a 1d. scarlet... 24-00
4d, sage-green (1877) £130 Z92 4d. vermilion (1865-73) From 27-00 Z209¢ 1s. green and carmine 75:00
Plate Nos. 15, 16. Plate Nos. 7 to 14...
4d. grey-brown (1880) wmk Large Garter Ne 293 4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15). £160
No. 17) Z94 4d. sage-green (1877) £110 SMYRNA (IZMIR)
4d. grey-brown (1880) wmk Crown... 75:00 Plate Nos. 15, 16... a
Plate Nos. 17, 18. Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “F 87” or circular postmark as
Z95 4d. grey-brown (1880) wmk Large Garter (Plate Types Z4,Z5o0rZ6.
6d. mauve (1870) (Plate Nos. 8, 9 INOS 112) ss scetescscrcccegeestesss rppeestentborsteneseaaurescoctinstoeeres
6d, buff (1872-73) weeeccseccscsssssesesee From 95-00 Z96 4d. grey-brown (1880) wmk Crown (Plate Nos. 1858-83.
Plate Nos. 11, 12. 17,8) ssccs ..From 60:00 Z210 Yad. rOS-FEd (1870-79) ersssesesseesesenenscenseseseeneene FFOM 38-00
6d. chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11) 50:00 Z97 OG AAG TSS6) een cue cence ce ce eties tsaniter 65:00 Plates 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.
6d. grey (1873) (Plate No. 12) £160 298 6d, lilac (1862) (Plate Nos. 3, 4) From 40:00 2211 1d. rose-red (1864-79)... 17-00
6d. grey (1874-80) onsen 42:00 Z99 6d, lilac (1865-67) -rcccssssssssseserees 38-00 Plate Nos. 120, 124,
Plate Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. Plate Nos. 5, 6. 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152,
8d. orange (1876)... £550 Z100 6d. lilac (1867) (Plate No. 6).. 42:00 153, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162,
|. red-brown (1867).. £170 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172,
Z101 6d. Violet (1867-70) ......sss00 35-00
1s. green (1867-73)... 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 183, 184, 185,
48-00 Plate Nos. 6, 8, 9.
Plate Nos. 6, 7. 186, 187, 188, 191, 193,194, 195, 196, 198,
Z102 Gdn DUFF (1S 72=73) Rerercsesesssesecetpsscserpecasrace 60:00
200, 201, 204, 210, 212, 215, 217, 218.
MSHGECEM O23 717) scrtcctscecscerestcurerreevasssvensstnsoeses From 65-00 Plate Nos. 11, 12.
Plate Nos. 8, 9, 10, 12, 13. Z212 ‘14d. lake-red (1870-74) gee”Nos. 1, ee From = £275
Z103 6d. chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11) 32:00
Z214 2d. blue (1858-69)... aE »» From 20-00
1s. orange-brown (1880) (Plate No. 13). Z104 6d. grey (1873) (Plate No. 12) 80-00
Plate Nos. 13, 14,isi
1s. orange-brown (1881). 90:00 Z105 6d. grey (1874-76) 35-00
Z215 2’. rosy mauve (1875) (blued paper)...
Plate Nos. 13, 14. Plate Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.
Plate No. 1.
2s, blue (1867) £180 Z106 6d. grey (1881-82) (Plate Nos. 17, 18) 42:00
Z216 Vad. FOSY MAUVE (1875-76) ...esscssseesssserseeeees FrOM 29-00
5s. rose (1867) (Plate Nos. 1, 2) £800 Z107 6d. on 6d. lilac (1883). £100 Plate Nos. 1, 2, 3.
a. Dots slanting (Letters £225
Z217 ~—2’ad. rosy mauve (Error of lettering)
Z108 Bd. OFANGE (1876) crssssssssssssessscansseee £500
. deep green 16-00 Z218 =.2%ad. rosy mauve (1876-79) 23-00
Z109 10d. red-brown (1867), wmk Emblems £35000
. pale green... 17:00 Plate Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
Z110 10d. red-brown (1867).. £170 15, 16, 17.
1d, Venetian red 26-00 Z111 1s. green (1856).. £120
. Venetian red £250 Z219 =.2%ad. blue (1880)... nen From 12:00
Z112 1s. green (1862).. 65-00 Plate Nos. 17, 18, 19, 20.
80-00 Z113 1s. green (1862) (“K” variety)
80:00 Z220 2'ad. blue (1881).
Z114 1s. green (1862) (thick paper)...
£140 Plate Nos. 21, 2,
Z115 1s. green (1865) (Plate No. 4).. 70:00 Z221 3d. rose (1867-73) asad teree tees iseaccaas nrcisreomsciCantee 55-00
Z116 1s. green (1867-73)... 22:00 Plate Nos. 5, 7, 9, 10.
1d, lilac (14 dots). Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7. Z222 3d. rose (1873-76) (Plate No. 14)
1d. lilac (16 dots)... 750 Z117 1s. green (1873-77)... 32:00 Z223 4d. vermilion (1865-73)
Plate Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
Plate Nos. 12, 13, 14.
Z118 1s. orange-brown (1880) (Plate No. 13). £200 Z224 4d. vermilion (1876) (Plate No. 15)...
23-00 Z119 1s. orange-brown (1881) 55:00
£140 Z225 Ad. SAGe-GreeN (1877) sersssvsssseeeee
Plate Nos. 13, 14.
£100 Plate Nos. 15, 16.
Z120 2s. blue (1867) corn £100 2226 4d. grey-brown (1880) wmk Large Garter ee
12-00 Z121 5s. rose (1867-74) From = £275
£275 No. 17)... a of
Plate Nos. 1, 2. 2227 4d. grey- brown (1880) ‘wmk Crown ‘(Plate Nos.
5d. dull green... £120 Z122 5s. rose (1882) (white paper)... £900 17, 18) .. From 50:00
1s. dull green £450 Z123 5s. rose (1882) (blued paper)... £1600 Z228 6d. buff (1872-73 .. From 75-00
Plate Nos. 11, 12.
. vermilion. 11-00 1880. Z229 6d. chestnut (1872) (Plate No. 11)
. dull purple and green. Z124 Yad. deep green 10-00 Z230 6d. grey (1873) (Plate No. 12 80-00
3d. purple/yellow Z125 Yad. pale green... 12:00 Z231 6d. grey (1874-80) cesses From 28:00
6d. purple/rose-re 30:00 Z126 1d. Venetian re 17:00 Plate Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.
1s, dull green... £225 Z127 2d. pale rose.. 48-00 Z232 6d. grey (1881-82) (Plate Nos. 17, 18) 65-00
Z128 2d. 48-00 Z233 6d. on 6d. lilac (1883). £130
Z129 Sd. i Z234 8d. orange (1876)
Yad. blue-green 13-00 Z235 9d, straw (1867)... £450
1s. green and carmine £225 1881. Z236 10d. red-brown (1867). £160
1902-04. De La Rue ptgs. Z130 1d, lilac (14 dots). Z237 1s. green (1867-73) (Plate Nos. 6, 7).
Z58 Yad. blue-green........ 6-00 Z131 1d. lilac (16 dots). 3-00 2238 1s. green (1873-77). 40-00
Z59 . yellowish green.. 6:50 Plate Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
Z60 1d, scarlet... 5:50 1883-84. Z239 1s. orange-brown (1880) (Plate No. 13)..... £200
Z61 . dull purple and green. Z132 Yad, slate-blue 10:00 Z240 1s. orange-brown (1881) (Plate Nos. 13, 14) 60:00
Z62 3d. dull purple/yellow. Z133 1d. lilac. £150 Z241 5s. rose (1867-74) (Plate No. 2) ..ccsssssssssessessesseeessssee
263 6d. pale dull purple... Z134 2d. lilac 80:00 1880.
Z64 1s. dull green and carmine 48-00 Z135 21d. lilac 7-50
Z242 Yad. deep green 12:00
Z136 3d. lilac... £200
Z243 Yad. pale green.. 12:00
Z137 4d. dull green £300
Z244 1d. Venetian red.. 19:00
Z138 5d. dull green 95:00
CONSTANTINOPLE Z245 Tad. Venetian rei £150
Z139 6d. dull green £250
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “C” or circular postmark, Types Z Z246 2d. pale rose. 50-00
Z140 9d, dull green £550
1/2, as Type Z 3 or Type Z 7. Z247 2d. 50-00
Z141 1s. dull green... £350
Z248 Sd. i 90-00
1857-83. Z142 —_2s.6d. lilac (blued paper). £750
Z68 Yad, TOSC-TED (1870-79) .resssssssessssssessnssssnssserserenses From Z143 —_2s.6d. lilac (white paper).. 95:00 1881,
Plate Nos. 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20. Z144 5s. rose (blued paper). Z249 Mel! WAGE GA OtS)sescerecsoseecscstectsttercorncccectttrecesesnsonctrvopoene 5:00
Z69 1d. red-brown (1854), Die |, wmk Small Crown, Z145 5s. rose (white paper).
OSE Ti Giereccesioreaspm eens array Siena epee cote
270 1d. red-brown (1855), Die Il, wmk Small Crown, 1887-92. Z250 Yad. slate-blue 20-00
perf 14... 2251 2d. lilac........ 95-00
Z146 Yad, vermilion.... so 3-75
Z71 1d. red--brown, (1855), Die i,wmk Large Crown, Z252 2A. MilAC.rrsssssnes 11:00
Z147 ——‘1%d. dull purple and green.
perf 14 Z253 4d. dull green
Z148 2d. grey-green and carmine.
Z72 1d. cated (1857 Z254 5d. dull green £110
Z150 3d. purple/yellow..
273 1d, rose-red (1861) Alphabet IV Z255 1s. dull green... £450
Z154 6d. purple/rose-red.. 15:00
Z74 1d. rose-red (1864-79) Z157 1s. dull green £120 1887.
Plate Nos. 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, Z256 Yad. vermilion 7:00
85, 87, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 101, 1900. Z257 ——‘1%ad. dull purple and green.
102, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 116, 118,
Z158 Yad. blue-green 7-00 2260 3d. purple/yellow......
119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 129, 130,
Z159 1s. green and carmine £180 Z263 6d. purple/rose-red.. 21-00
131, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 143, 144,
2Z263a 9d. purple and blue
145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 155, 156,
1902-04. De La Rue ptgs. Z264 1s. dull green £160
157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166,
167, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, Z160 Yad. blue-green 3-50 1900.
179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, Z161 Yad, yellowish green. 4-00 Z265 Yad. blue-green. 9-00
191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, Z162 Td. Scarlet .esssseses 3:00 Z266 1s. green and c
201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210, 211, 212, 2163 1¥ad. dull purple and green .
214, 215, 216, 220, 222, 224. Z166 3d. purple/yellow. 1902-04. De La Rue ptgs.
275 Vad, rose-red (1870) (Plate 1) sassssesssscssssseesevnsessesenssssee £250 Z169 6d. purple.......... 15-00 Z267 Yad. blue-green 5:00
276 2d. blue (1855), wmk Large Crown, perf 14. Z172 1s. green and carmine 25:00 2268 Yad. yellowish green. 6:00
(Plate Nos, 5, 6)... Z173 —_2s.6d, lilac... Z269 Td. SCarlet ssessssssee 4:50
277 2d. blue (1858-69)... 15-00 Z174 5s. carmine Z270 ‘14d. dull purple and green.

2273 3d. purple/yellow.... 11 94 12pi. on 2s.6d. lilac (29.8.03).. . 42:00 38-00 1913 (Apr)-14. Stamps of King George V, wmk Royal. Cypher,
Z276 6d. purple... 18-00 a. Chalk-surfaced paper. Pale dul surch as T 1 (30pa.), 9 (1pi.) 7 or 2 (4 and 5pi.).
2279 1s. green and carmine 35:00 purple... .. 75:00 80-00 35 105 30pa. on 1'%d. red-brown (4.13) 3:50 14-00
Z280 2s.6d. purple... b. Chalk-surfaced paper. a. Surch double, one albino £120
Z281 5s. carmine.. PUPIC apsasarcrsscncctscepeemoosearommscr
ears 42:00 38-00 36 104 = 1pi. on 2'%d. cobalt-blue (6.13)... 15-00 10
12 95 24pi. on 5s. bright carmine (15.8.05) 32:00 42:00 . Bright DIVE «.assseoreessneene =a, aS-UO. 15
8/12 Set of 5 £110 75-00 37 106 1%pi. on 3d. dull reddish violet (9.13) 9:00 4-25
9s/11s Optd “SPECIMEN”
Set of 3 £160 Qs VICICbscccnscrrsacesescerpsorectctictas -- 14-00 7:50
STAMBOUL (CONSTANTINOPLE) No. 9a only occurs on the first printing of 80pa. on 5d. b. Surch double, one albino.......... £300
38 1%pi. on 4d. deep grey-green (7.13).. 400 8-00
a. Thin, pointed “4” in fraction... 45-00 90-00
Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “S” as Type Z 3, or circular postmarks
on 10d. turquoise-blue (12.13)
- 12:00
“BRITISH POST OFFICE STAMBOUL’as Type Z 6. (4) 40 5pi. on 1s. bistre-brown (1.14)... 45:00 75-00
1905-08. Surch in “PIASTRES” instead of “PARAS” as T 4 and 2. 35/40 Set of 6 75:00 £120
Z296 Yad, slate-blue... 30:00
Z297 1d, lilac. 13-00 13 86 Ipi. on 2¥4d. ultramarine (17.4.06).. 32-00 10
Z298 2d. lilac. a. Surch double... : + £2000
Z299 2vad. lilac. 16-00 w. Wmk inverted. £750 £750 Il. BRITISH CURRENCY
Z300 5d, dull green. £160 14 89 = 2pi. on 5d. dull purple and
ultramarine (11.11.05)... 50:00 2:50 Stamps overprinted “LEVANT” were for use on parcels, with the
a. Chalk-surfaced paper (1.08). 30-00 475 Yad. and 1d. principally used for printed paper and post cards. They
1887-92. ab. Slate-purple and ultramarine..... 50-00 9.50 replaced unoverprinted Great Britain stamps, Nos. Z58/64, Z160/74,
Z306 Yad, vermilion 16:00 Z208/9c and Z267/81, which had previously been used for these
Z314 6d. purple/rose-re 38:00 purposes.
Z317 1s. dull green......
The “S” cancellation was in use from 1885 to 1891 and the
1 PIASTRE From October 1907 the three lowest values were also used for

certain other amended postal rates until Nos. 16/21 were introduced.
“Stamboul” mark from 1892 to 1896, when the office was closed, 1 Piastre 10 PARAS
and from its reopening in 1908 to 1914. The “CONSTANTINOPLE S”
handstamp was normally used as a back stamp, but can be found
cancelling stamps in the period 1885 to 1892. 1906 (2 July). Issued
at Beyrout.

No. L4 surch with T 5 by

American Press, Beyrout. ?
15 85 1pi, on 2d. grey-green and carmine £1500 £700 1905 (15 Aug)-12. Stamps of King Edward Vil optd with Type a
1909 (16 Nov-Dec). Stamps of King Edward VII surch as T 1
Nos. 1/3a from x 8 (30pa.) 6, and 2 (5 pi). Ordinary paper (No. 19) or chalk- ul 83 ad. pale yellowish green. 8-50 15
Nos. 4/6a from x 5 surfaced paper (others). a. Yellowish green. 8:50 15
Nos. 7/40 from x 3 16 84 30pa. on 11d. pale dull purple and L2 1d, scarlet... 14-00 15
GCI meta teniers . 20:00: 1:25 a. Bright scarl 14-00 90
Nos.L1/10 from x 6 a. Surch double, one albino.......... L3 84 1%d. dull purple and g on 650 2:50
Nos.L11/17 from x 3 17 87 1pi.10pa. on 3d. dull purple/orange- a. Chalk-surfaced paper. Pale dull
12:00 50-00 purple and green re - 24:00 3:50
18 88 1pi.30pa. L4 85 2d. grey-green and carmine-red..... 16:00 50-00
reo 5:00 20-00 a. Chalk-surfaced paper. Pale
19 1pi.30pa. ge grey-green and carmine-red.. 425 8:50
(40 paras = 1 piastre) . 22:00 70:00 ab, Dull blue-green and carmine 4:25 8-50
20 83 2pi.20pa. E - 26:00 70-00 LS BE 2V2d. UltrAMALINE ...rreeessssccsesessee 8-50 20-00
Following the depreciation of the Turkish piastre against sterling in 21 93 Spi. on 1s. dull green and carmine 425 17:00 L6 87 3d. dull purple/orange-yellow. 7:00 12:00
1884 it was decided to issue stamps surcharged in Turkish currency s. Optd “SPECIMEN... 80:00 L7 88 4d. green and grey-brown. 10:00 70:00
to avoid speculation. During the early period unsurcharged stamps 16/21 Set of 6 75:00 £200 a. Green and chocolate-brown.. 26:00 75:00
of Great Britain remained on sale from the British Post Offices at Examples of Nos. 17/21 are known showing forged Constantinople L8 89 = 5d. dull purple and ultramarine.. 16:00 38-00
the current rate of exchange until replaced by “LEVANT” overprints. postmarks dated “MR 1 10’, “AP 1 10” and “AP 18 10”, or a forged L9 83 6d. Slate-PUFPIe ...vreseeesenseeeee 12:00 25-00.»
Smyrna registered oval dated “24 OC 10” L10 93 1s. dull green and carmine 42:00 55-00
. Chalk-surfaced paper. 42:00 55-00
£110 £200
(1) (2) (3) (6) Harrison ptgs optd at Somerset House

PRINTERS. Nos. 1/24 were surcharged or overprinted by De La Rue,

PIASTRE a 4 L11 83 Yad. dull yellow-green (p. 14) (1.12).
a. Dull green.......
b. Deep dull green
unless otherwise stated. Normal “4” Pointed “4”

1910 (24 Jan). Stamps of King Edward VII surch as T 7. Chalk- On 28 December 1909 all values, except for the Yad., 1d. and 2d.
surfaced paper (Nos. 22 and 24). were withdrawn from sale. Subsequently dated cancellations on
Stamps of Great Britain (Queen Victoria) surch as T 1 to 3 22 87 1%pi. on 3d. dull purple/orange- the withdrawn values are philatelic, being worth much less than the
1885 (1 Aug)-88. YONOW aessceresssesesesssees 1:00 1-00 used prices quoted.
23 88 1%pi. on 4d. pale orange. 50 60
1 64 40pa. on 2%d. lilac. £140 1:25 G. OFANGE-LEM wsccssssscr 7:00 7:50
2 62 80pa. on 5d. green.. £225 9-50 b. Thin, pointed “4” in fraction... 5:50 26-00
3 58 12pi. on 2s.éd. lilac/b £550 £300 24 83 2%pi. on éd. dull purple 3-75 65
a. On white paper (4.88) 65:00 26-00 22/4 Set OF 3 ...cccsssssvee 4:75 2-00
Nos. 3, 17 and 33 were surcharged from a horizontal setting of No. 23b occurs in the first and seventh vertical rows of the sheet.
eight clichés of which three showed a small final ‘S‘ The variety also occurs on No. 38, but not on No, 38b. Distorted “N” (R. 2/12, 12/12)

1911-13. Stamps of King George V optd with Type L 1 at

(8) (9) (a) Die A. Wmk Crown
L12 98 ‘ad. green (No, 322) (12.9.11)... 3:00 4-00
TYPE DIFFERENCES. In T 4 the letters are tall and narrow and the a. Distorted “N” - 45:00
Ee foe’ Bo space enclosed by the upper part of the “A” is small. L13 99 1d. carmine-red (No. 327) (1.1.12)... 75) 8:50)
Large wide “4” (R. 1/2, R. 1/4) In T 8 the opening of
the“A’ is similar but the letters are shorter and 5 be eee pe
broader, the “P” and the “E” being particularly noticeable. s ea aii Bueller
be OE Fae A enneee InT 9 the letters are short and broad, but the “A” is thin and open. ©) Raion iaedee ;
5 ad. 'edrawn types. Wmk Crown
5 78
a, Surch double...
80pa. oe 24 purples blue (7.90 18-00 30 1911-13. Stamps ofeae
ptgs, Biren King Edward
eeeVil, Harrison
rrison or or S Somerset tH House 114101 %d.0 Yellow
green (No. 339) (19.3.12)
green. mune 329-20
: 125
a. Small “0” in “80” £375 95-00 : . Distorted “N”.
6 81
w. Wmk inverted... == 5650 _ _(@) Surch with T 4 (20 July) L15 102 1d. bright scarlet (No. 341)
4pi. on 10d. dull purple and 25 86 Ipi. on 2d. bright blue (perf 14)... 24:00 10:00 (CLOONnee 2-75 1:60
carmine (10.10.96)... 45.00 8-00 a. Surch double, ONE AIDINO.....00000 £225 a. Scarlet (No. 342 2-75 1-60
a. Dull purple and deep brig 26 pi. on 2¥d. bright blue (perf 45-00
Carmine meee sonaee 45.00 11-00 ead (14.10.11).. Bee, see 35-00
b. Large, wide
“4”(R.1/2, 1/4) mum £225 70-00 Ce aoe : :
No, 5a first appeared on the June 1895 printing when the size of b. Surch double, one albino L116 105 en Or
the surcharge plate was increased from 60 to 120. On the Victorian
a Cypher (7-13) 225 350
(b) Surch with T8 oe: ai Pea ; 450 475
stamp the variety comes on R. 4/1 and 4/7. The same setting was | 37 86 1pi. on 2%d. bright blue (perf b. Dist ee aN : :
used for the first printing of the Edward Vil surcharge, but here the 15x14) (3.1 een eae 2600
sheet size was further increased to 240 so that No. 9a occurs on a. Dae: cs woe es ES EA oni sane. 357) FONE 720
R. 4/1, 4/7, 14/1 and 14/7. ‘ a. Vermilion 19:00 20:00

1893 (25 Feb). Roughly handstamped at Constantinople, as T 1.

(¢) Surch with T9 (7.12) ae b. Distorted 'N". Pee
28 86 Ipi. on 2%4d. bright blue (perf 15x14) 90-00 75 P un a abe ed ea yess the BritishiRost Offices
7 71 40 pa. OM Vad. VErMIION sessssscsecereresseee £425 £100 Gi: Dull DIUC irescrsecccresocticemmecnereneen 90:00 75 Geleceet Un , and are listed below.
This provisional was in use for five days only at the Constantinople

arnt eeaaeces Asauaulet ‘opiswere made withthe |25 a4 30paon ie reddlh pune and
i a
J on pi cancelle brigh 8.11)... x
by fraudulent use of the usual canceller, this stamp should only be a. Serna en xe B. BRITISH POST OFFICES IN
purchased from undoubted sources. ; b. Surch double, one albin =) 55:00 CONSTANTINOPLE AND SMYRNA,
The handstamp became damaged during use so that by 1 March 30 89 2pi. on Sd. dull reddish purple and
the top of the “S" was broken. Used examples dated 25 or 26 February bright blue (13.5.12) 25:00 3-25 1 91 9-1 923
showing the broken “S” must be fraudulent. It is also known with a. Deep dull reddish purple and
genuine handstamp inverted (Price £850 unused, £325 used). bright blues ce nehe 28 OO MES OS CONSTANTINOPLE
1902-05. Stamps of King Edward VII surch as T 1 to 3. 31 92 4pi. h . =
PI ees purple/and scarlet 6000 24.00 Following the occupation of Constantinople by Allied forces a British
8 86 40pa. on 2%4d. ultramarine (3.02)....... 24:00 10 il reddis a Military Post Office was opened for civilian use on 4 February 1919.
a. Pale ultramarine 26.00 10 i steele teAas Maes a £325 £140 During the period of its existence stamps of Great Britain with face
; i a Surch double + £2500 6. Dull reddish purple and carmine 17-00 11.00 oan 1sMere available and such se Caner
i fi urp C, NO CrOSS OM CLOWN vescsssscssssesesesenses
ultramarine (5.6.02). 1600 200 | 32 93 Spi. on1s.greenand carmine (1913) 2300 10.00
“FIELD POST OFFICE H12" (4 February 1919 to 18 March 1919)
Fr a, Small “O" in “80"..... £325 £200 a, Surch double, one albino.......... £250 ‘(ARMY POST OFFICE Y" (20 March 1919 to June 1920)
2 4pi.on 10d. dull purple and 33 94 12pi. on 2s.6d, dull reddish purple “ARMY POST OFFICE S.X.3” (March 1919 to April 1920)
P even peat 24-00 4-00 (3.2.12) sssenrnsennne » 60:00 38-00 “British A.P.O, CONSTANTINOPLE” (July 1919 to July 1920).
D Changes £180 90:00 a. Dull greyish purple. 60:00 38-00
ee ae als pape 600 10-00
Of these four marks the first two types were also used for military
34 95 24pi. on 5s. carmine (1912 80:00 £100 mail.
2 Baris
e :
00) oo Sierra a. Surch double, one albino.
£325 The office reverted to civilian control on 29 July 1920, Nos. 41/50
Sp atin ek se oc CLOT Ovvssssssessnersnssssssansnsserennsntssnasenansnnsn £190 £140 and L18/24 being intended for its use.
ba. Joined figures........ 75-00 REIT eR
49 90pi. on 5s. rose-carmine 25:00 30-00

Surch double, one albino.
on 10s. dull grey-blue....
45:00 40-00 British Occupation of
Italian Colonies
a. Surch double, one albino.. £250
41/50 Set of 10 90:00 £130
47s/50s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 4 £275
Eaa Re
1921. Stamps of King George V optd as Type L 1.
Nos.M1/21 from x 4
L18 106 2d. reddish orange (Die |) 2-75 45-00 Nos. MD1/5 from x 10
a. Bright orange 2:25 45-00
L19 3d. bluish violet., 7:50 10-00 Nos. $1/9 from x 4
L20 4d. grey-green 5:00 24-00
L21. 107 5d, yellow-brown 12:00 28-00
L22 6d. dull purple (chalk-surfaced The above prices refer to covers from the territories concerned, not
PAPEL) cssecssosvess 24:00 42-00 examples used in Great Britain.
a. Reddish purpl 38-00 8-50
L23 108 1s. bistre-brown 21-00 8-50
a. Olive-bistre...... 21-00 8:50
L24 109 2s.6d. chocolate-brown. 38:00 £100
a. Olive-brown 65:00 £130 For use in territory occupied by British Forces in Eritrea (1942), Italian
Somaliland (from 13 April 1942), Cyrenaica (1943), Tripolitania (1943),
s, Optd “SPECIMEN”. £140
and some of the Dodecanese Islands (1945).
L18/24 Set OF 7 vrs £100 £200
On No. L24 the letters of the overprint are shorter, being only
3 mm high. PRICES. Our prices for used stamps with “M.E.F.’ overprints are for
Z11 Nos. 41/50 and L18/24 were used at the Constantinople office only. examples with identifiable postmarks of the territories in which they
were issued. These stamps were also used in the United Kingdom
1919-20. Used at the Army Post Office. Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN with official sanction, from the summer of 1950 onwards, and with
cancelled with Types Z 9, Z 10, Z 11, Z 12. U.K. postmarks are worth considerably less.
Z176 Yad, green... 2:50
Z177 1d. scarlet. 2:50 When the office re-opened on 1 March 1919 existing stocks PRINTERS. Considerable research has been undertaken to discover the
Z178 Tvad. brown......... 3-75 of surcharged or overprinted issues were utilised until they were origins of Nos. M1/10, It is now suggested that Nos. M1/5, previously
Z179 2d. orange (Die | 3:00 exhausted in mid-1920. During this period examples of Nos. 24, 29a, assigned to Harrison and Sons, were produced by the Army Printing
Z180 2d. blue.......... 450 30a, 33a/7, 39/40, L4ab, L14/17 are known with commercial postmarks. Services, Cairo, and that the smaller printing, Nos. M6/10, previously
Z181 4d. grey-green 12:00 These stamps were supplemented and finally replaced in mid-1920 identified as the work of the Army Printing Services, Cairo, was from
Z181a Sd. yellow-brown by ordinary stamps of Great Britain, GHQ, Middle East Land Forces, Nairobi.”
Z182 6d. purple. 6:50 1919-22. Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled with circular

M.E.F. M.E.F.
Z183 9d. agate 30-00 postmark as Type 18 or with “REGISTERED” oval.
Z184 1s. bistre 7:00 Z282 Yad. green 3-00
Z185 —_2s.6d. brown. 65:00
Z283 1d, scarlet 3:00
Z186 5s. rose-carmine £100
Z284 Wad. brown 4:00
Z187 10s. dull grey-blue £180
Z285 2d. orange (Die 1). 3:50 (M 1) Opt. 14 mm long. (M 2) Opt. 13% mm long.
1920-21. Used at the Civilian Post Office. Stamps of GREAT Z286 2d. orange (Die I!) 35-00 Regular lettering and upright Regular lettering and square
BRITAIN cancelled with Type 18 or double-circle datestamp. Z287 2’Ad. blue (shades).. 5:50 oblong stops. stops.
Z188 Yad, green... 2:50 Z288 2d. dull Prussian blue.. £500
Z189 1d, scarlet. 2:50 Z289 4d. grey-green .. 13-00

M.E.F. M.E.F.
Z190 = 1%”. brown. 3-75 Z290 6d. purple........ 9:00
Z191 2d, orange (Die |) 3-00 Z290a 8d. black/yellow-bu
Z192 21d. blue.. 4:50 Z291 10d, turquoise-blue. 42:00
Z193 3d. violet 8:50 Z292 1s. bistre. 10-00
Z194 4d. grey-green. 12:00 (M 2a) Opt. 13% mm long. Sliced “M" (R. 6/10)
Z293 = 2s.6d. brown £110 Rough lettering and round
Z195 5d. brown. 18-00 Z294 5s. rose-carmine.. £180
Z196 6d. purple.. 6:50 stops.
Z295 10s. dull grey-blue £325
Z197 10d. turquoise-blue.. 30:00
(Illustrations twice actual size)
Z198 1s. bistre oo... 7-00 Turkish forces entered Smyrna on 9 September 1922 and the British
Z199 = _.2s.6d. brown 65-00 postal service was suspended shortly afterwards. 1942 (2 Mar). Stamps of Great Britain optd. W 127. P 15x14.
Z200 5s. rose-carmine.. £100
Z201 10s. dull grey-blue £180 (a) With Type M 1
M1 128 = 1d. scarlet (No. 463). 3-50 475


C. BRITISH FIELD OFFICE IN SALONICA a. Sliced “M’”....... £160 £190
M2 2d. orange (No. 465) 3-00 6-00
Nos. 41/50 from x 2 These overprints were originally prepared for use by a civilian @. SLICE” “M" .sesessssesssseee £120
post office to be set up on Mt. Athos, Northern Greece. When the M3 2%ad. ultrarnarine (No. 466) 3-00 2:00
Nos. L18/24 from x5 project was abandoned they were placed on sale at the Army Field a. Sliced “M"....... £160 £180
Office in Salonica. M4 3d. violet (No. 467) 2:75 30
a. Sliced “M"..
Stamps of Great Britain surch at Somerset House PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER MS 129 5d. brown... 2:75 1:00
Nos. $1/8 from x 3 a. Sliced “M’... £160 £160
(b) With Type M 2

15 15 Levant
M6 128 1d.
scarlet (No. 463)
Optd with Type M 2a
Nos. M6/a se-tenant vert..
M7 2d. orange (NO. 465)... 90:00 £160
(10) (11) 1916 (end Feb-9 Mar). Stamps of Gt. Britain, optd with Type S 1 a. Optd with Type M 2a.... 80:00 £140
by Army Printing Office, Salonica. b. Nos. M7/a se-tenant vert.. £425 £650
$1 105 Yad. green 70:00 £325 M8 2%ad. ultramarine (No. 466) 70:00 11-00
a. Opt double £4500 £5000 a. Optd with Type M 2a 65-00 9-00
b. Vert pair, one without opt £2250 £3000 b. Nos. M8/a se-tenant vert .. £325 85-00
1 $2 NOAM AM SCarletrrcnsnansonctrteemiom 70:00 £325 M9 3d. violet (No. 467)... £140 60-00
a. Opt double............ £3000 £3500 a, Optd with Type M 2a £130 55-00
$3 106 2d. reddish orange (Die |). £200 £475 ab. Opt double... + £6500
Short fraction bar S4 3d. bluish violet... £160 £475 b. Nos. M9/a se-tenant vert . £600 £325
(R. 4/12, 14/12) SS 4d. grey-green « £190 £475 M10 129 5d. brown £500 £130
S6 107. ~—6d. reddish purple (chalk-surfaced a. Optd with Typ £450 £110
1921 (Aug). Stamps of King George V, wmk Royal Cypher, surch [DAD OU)mareatacets, . £110 £400 b. Nos. M10/a se-tenant ver! £1800 £950
asT 1 (30pa.), 10 and 11 (15 and 18%pi.). a. Vert pair, one without opt £2250 £3250 See note after No. M21.
41 105 30pa. on Yad. green 75 17-00 S7 108 9d. agate.......... £400 £750 Nos. M6/10 were issued in panes of 60 (6x10), rows 2, 3, and 7
| a. Yellow-green. 475 19-00 a. Opt double £17000 £12000 being overprinted with Type M 2 and the other seven rows with
42 104 1%pi. on 1d. bright scarlet. 1:75 2:00

ay a
S8 1s. bistre-brown . £350 £650
a. Vermilion 23-00 7-00 S1/8) Set Of Borcrssssssessness £1400 £3500
b. Scarlet-vermilion. 20-00 8-00 There are numerous forgeries of this overprint.
43 3%pi. on 2d. blue... 1:25 25 All values can be found with an additional albino overprint, inverted
a. Dull Prussian blue 60:00 4-00 on the gummed side. These are worth a 25% premium.
44 106 4%pi. on 3d. violet 2:00 3-75
a. Bluish violet. 7:50 3-75 (M 3) Optd 13% mm long. Regular
45 107 7¥api. on 5d. brown... 50 10 lettering and upright oblong stops.
a. Yellow-brown.... 3-50 50
46 108 15pi. on 10d. turquoise-blue 70 15 British New Guinea (Illustration twice actual size)
47 18%4pi. on 1s. bistre-brown... 4:25 4:50
a. Short fraction bar. 60:00 see Papua after Australia 1943 (1 Jan)-47. Stamps of Great Britain optd with Type M 3 by
Harrison & Sons. W 127, P 15x14 (1d. to 1s.); W 133, P 14
b. Olive-bistre....... 10-00 6:50 (others).
ba. Short fraction ba £100
M11 128 — 1d. pale scarlet (No. 486) 1:50 10
No. 41 is known with inverted surcharge, but the status of this
variety is uncertain.
i British Occupation of Iraq see Iraq M12 2d. pale orange (No. 488) 2:25 1:25
M13 2¥ad, light ultramarine (No. 489)... 2:25 10
M14 3d. pale violet (No. 490)... 1:50 10
M15 129 5d. brown 4-00 10
M16 6d. purple 65 10
130 9d. deep olive-green
1s. bistre-brown
(12) Joined figures M19 131 2s.6d, yellow-green 7:00 1-00
(second stamp in M20 5s, red (27.1.47). 30:00 17-00
each horiz row) M21 132 10s. ultramarine ( 45:00 10-00
IMG 2ASOlOF Tieaueetnnercneenese 85:00 27-00
1921. Stamps of King George V (Bradbury, Wilkinson printing) M18s/21s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of ‘ £650
surch as T 12. The overprint on No. M15 should not be confused with the other
48 109 45pi. on 2s.6d. chocolate-brown........ 22:00 45-00 overprints on the 5d. value. It can be distinguished from No. M5 by
a. Joined figures. . 35:00 70-00 the 2 mm difference in length; and from No. M10 by the more intense
b. Olive-brown.... 55:00 65-00 colour, thicker lettering and larger stops.

E4 25c. on 2%Ad. light ultram 2-00 60 : f= :
M.E.F. ES 30c. pale violet... 250 4:50 patna gaat y ee :
(MD 1) £6 129 40c. on Sd. brown... 275 4:25 1948 (27 May). Stamps of Great Britain surch B.M.A./SOMALIA\
E7 50c. on 6d. purple.. 0 ve 1-00 and new values, = ey E 1 and E 2 of Eritrea. eee
E7a 130 65c. on 8d. bright carmine (1.2.49). 7-00 2:00 $10 128 5c. on Yad. pale green a : 5
owt ae sasrere Type MD tn ble bck Nee cee E8 75c. on 9d. deep olive-green = 3-75 75 $11 15c. on 1¥d. pale red-brown. 1-75~ 15-00.
MD1 D1 ‘ad. emerald 40 13:00 E9 1s. on 15. bistre-brown.... 2:50 50 $12 20c. on 2d. pale orange... 300 6-50
MD2 1d. carmine 40 1-75 E10 =:131 2s.50c. on 2s.6d. yellow-green. 1300 12:00 $13 25c. on 2%ad. light ultramarin 2:25 450
WNC sideways inverted". — 95.00 a. Misplaced stop (R. 4/7). £170 £200 S14 30c. on 3d. pale violet... 225 9-00
MD3 2d. agatesaunns. 2:00 1:25 E11 BS1 ONS Sanecacaecteta 14:00 24-00 $15 - 129 40c. on 5d. brown. 1:25 20
MD4 BaKTiGIen e 50 4-25 E12 132 30:00 24:00 | S16 50c. on 6d. purple... 50 200
MDS 1S deep blue 4:00 13-00 E1/12 Set of 13 - 75:00 70-00 S17. 130 75c. on 9d. deep olive-green.. 2:00 28-00
s. Optd "SPECIMEN". £190 $18 1s. on 1s. bistre-brown.. 1-25 20
MD1/5 Set of 5... 6:50 30-00 S19 131 2s.50c. os ie eM ute 25.00
ee ‘the Crown pointing to the left, as seen from the BROCHIADMINIGTRATION ae a.Rae Misplaced
cay! stop (R. 4/7). oo
$10/20 Set of 11 - £140
1950 (6 Feb). As Nos. E1/12, but surch “B.A. ERITREA” and new For illustration of No. $19a, see above No. E1 ofEritrea.
values instead of “B.M.A” etc. - F
E13 +128 5c. on Yad. pale green... 1-50 8-00
June 1949 the British authorities recognised the leader of the
Aree15 ee ee
Ic. on 2d, pale orange
; =
ee Amir Mohammed Idris Al-Senussi, a Amir of Cyrenaica with | E16 25c. on 2%d. light ultramarine 1-00 60 | 1950 (2 Jan). As Nos. $10/20, but surch “B.A/SOMALIA” and new
autonomy in internal affairs. E17 30c. on 3d. pale violet. 40 2.25 values, instead of “B.M.A” etc.
E18 129 40c. on 5d. brown... 3:00 1-75 | S21. 128 Sc. on 'ad. pale green. 20 3:25 |
ore - E19 50c. on 6d. purple... 40 20 S22 15c. on 1!d. pale red-brown.. 75 17-00
(Corrency 1a =a emesis
100 piastres Upiastrey
1 Egyptian pound) £20
130 65c. on 8d. bright carmine
75c. on 9d, deep olive-green
650 1:50 | $23 20c. on 2d. pale orange... 75 750
2.00 25 | $24 25c, on 2%ed. light ultramarine 50 14-00
E22 1s. on 1s. bistre-brown.... 40 15 $25 30c. on 3d. pale viole 1-25 9.50 |
E23 131 2s.50c. on 2s.6d. yellow-green. 10-00 5:50 $26 129 40c. on 5d. brown... 60; 2:50 !
E24 55. OM 5S. FOC asersen 10:00 12:00 | S27 50c. on 6d. purple... 60 } 100
E25 132 10s. on 10s. ultramarine 80:00 70-00 | S28 130 75c. on 9d. deep olive-g 200 1300 |
ELS (25: SRO sect ewectestetconmecertsnsbavpoatons £100 95:00 $29 1s. on 1s. bistre-brown.... 70 1:75
$30 131 2s.50c. on 2s.6d. yellow-green. 8:50 38-00
1951 x Nos. 503/4, 506/7 and 509/11
(28 May*). ety
of Great Britain $31
$21/31 Set of 11 5s. on 5s. red. 22:00
aaa 55:00
ee —
surch “B.A, ERITREA” and new values.
E26 128 5c. on Yad. pe Oelieies 325 450 Somalia reverted to Italian Administration on 1 April 1950 later
f | E27 10c. on 1d, light ultramarine: 2:75 75 | becoming independent. Later issues will be found listed in our Part 8
. E28 20c. on 2d. pale red-brown... 3:25 30 (Italy and Switzerland) catalogue. \
24 Mounted 25 Mounted Warrior E29 25c. on 2%d. pale scarlet... 3-25 30 i
Warrior E30 147 2s.50c. on 2s.6d. yellow-green. 22:00 30-00 E
R Waterlow) £31 148 5S. ON 5S, FEC. cccsssesscees 23:00 35-00 |
ecess Waterlow, E32 10s. on 10s. ultramarine 30:00 35-00
1950 (16 Jan). P 12%. E26/32 Set of7... 75:00 95-00 TRIPOLITANIA ]
136 24 1m. brown... 5:00 9.00 *This is the local release date. ‘The stamps were placed on sale in 1 ARY AD
137 Sa Carmi, 5.00 9.00 London on 3 May. BRITISH MILIT, ADMINISTRATION
138 3m. orange-y 5:00 7-00 (Currency. 100 centesimi = 1 Military Administration lira)
139 4m, blue-green 5-00 9:00 ; q
140 5m. grey-black. 5-00 8:50 th
141 8m. orange 5.00 4-50 POSTAGE DUE STAMPS
142 10m. violet. 5:00 2:50
143 12m. scarlet 5:00 4-00 :
144 20m. blue... . 500 2:50 E e oat
145 25 50m. ultramarine and purple-brown.. 21:00 10-00 EA
146 100m. carmine and black. : E 12-00 ® tC t e e e@
147 200m. violet and deep blue.. 42:00 42.00 10 CENTS Normal Misaligned surcharge (R. 8/8,
148 500m. eles yellowand areas 65:00 95:00 ED1 1)
(ED 18/8)
136/148 Set of13... erenpierimrenesetstener £180 £190 2.5 i, 5
1948 (27 May). Postage Due stamps of Great Britain Nos. D27/30 1948 (1 July). Stamps of Great Britain surch B.M.A./TRIPOLITANIA
and D33 surch as Type ED 1. and new values, as Types E 1 _and E 2 of Eritrea, but —
POSTAGE DUE STAMPS EDI D1 Sen isdleneraldes 10:00 .22.00 expressed in MEST) A(dministration) L(ire).
a. No stop after “A — £475 71 128 Il. on ‘ad. pale green... 100 4-50
ED2 10c.a. on 1d, carmine.
No stop after ’B
| J2
231. oni dspaleiscaplets
on Vad. pale red-brown
ED3 20c.a. onNo 2d. agate...
stop after “A’
16:00 14
a. Misalignedising)
4. on 2d. pale orange.
ED50 |TER70
b. No stop after
"B”(R.1/9) £225 £300 a. Misaligned SUICH os ; 65:00 85-00
ED4 30c. on 3d. violet. 1300 1700 | 1 Sbeinert Tei leenietilne ae
EDS 1s. on 1s. deep b 21.00 3200 | Jé 61. on Sd.
ED1/5 Set of 5 65-00 £100 7 129 101. on 3d. brown
pale violet. Sy
50 Sl
iRececs Waterlow) T8 121, on 6d, purple 50 20
T9 130 181, on 9d. deep olive-green 1:50 1:75
1950 (16 Jan). P 12%. 1950 (6 Feb). As Nos. ED1/5, but surch “B.A. ERITREA” and new T10 24I. on 1s. SiGe rORE 250 3-00
D149. D26 2m. brown... 60:00 £110 values instead of EIS etc. T11 131 601. on 2s.6d. yellow-green 9:50 17-00
D150 4m. blue-green 60:00 £110 | ED6 D1 5c. 0n%d. emerald ~~ 16:00 65:00 | 712 1201. OM 55. FOC erresnsssee 29:00 30:00
D151 8m. scarlet. 60-00 £120 | ED7 10c. on 1d.carmine. 16:00 21-00 | 113 132 2401, on 10s. ultramarine 32:00 £150
D152 10m. orange 60:00 £120 a. "C"of“CENTS” omitted £5000 T1/13 Setof13. 7000
D153 20m. orange-yellow. 60:00 £140 ab. i eck vertical oblong pas £180
D154 40m. blue. 60:00 £180 ne
D155 60:00 £200 ED8 20c. on 2d. agate.. 16:00 25-00
A rONEaSe fe feos a. No stopafter £450 BRITISH ADMINISTRATION
ED9 30c. on 3d.violet... 20:00 50:00 | 1950 (6 Feb). As Nos. T1/13, but surch “B.A. TRIPOLITANIA” and
On 24 December 1951 Cyrenaica united with Tripolitania, Fezzan | e149 re yaks pualetecies SY) new values, instead of ’B.M.A”" etc.
and Ghadames to form the independent Kingdom of Libya, whose S: Ne S: ae aCGL oh 21:00 50-00 T14 (128 Il. on Yad, pale green... 6:00 13:00
issues are listed in our Part 13 (Africa since Independence F—M) EDE/TOSen er aie ojstopialter An (Ri 2/15 £650 715 2l. on 1d. pale scarlet...
catalogue. , ore 5 5:00 40
80:00 % pe T16 31. on 1¥4d. pale red-brown 400 13-00
He 10. ED7a, iad p ee : , occurred on R. 7/17, but the a. Misaligned surch.. £140 £325
ror was quickly correcte T17 4|. on 2d. pale orange. 425 4-50
No, ED9w shows the Crowns pointing to the left, as seen from a. Misaligned surch £150 £180
ERITREA the back of the stamp. T18 SI.; aelight ultramarine..
on 2¥ad. ;
2:25 70
T19 61. on 3d. pale violet. 3-75 3-25
From early 1950 examples of Nos. E1/32 exist precancelled in Stamps of Ethiopia were used in Eritrea after 15 September 1952 | T20 129 101. on 5d. brown...
manuscript by a black or blue horizontal line for use by British troops following federation with Ethiopia. 375 4-00
T21 12I. on 6d. purple 5-00 50
on concession rate mail. T22 130 = 18!I. on 9d. deep olive-green 800 2-75
T23 24l, on 1s. bistre-brown 750 3:75
BRITISH MILITARY ADMINISTRATION 724 = 131 601. on 2s.6d. yellow-gree! 19:00 12:00
(Currency. 100 cents = 1 shilli 725 1201. OM 5S. FEC. sesssssssessee
¥ He Ue) SOMALIA 126 132 2401. on 10s. ultramarine .
_—_ =_ BRITISH OCCUPATION late Oi eu Ae
OLEERN aa 1951 (3 May). Nos. 503/7 and 509/11 of Great Britain surch “B.A.
B. M.A. F TRIPOLITANIA” and new values.
E R IT R A B.M. A. E.A. e 127. 128 on ‘ad. pale orange 55 10-00
. , T28 2I. on 1d. light ultramarine. 55 1:00
ERITREA Ses Africa T29 3l. on 1¥ad. pale green....... 55 8-00
T30 Al. on 2d. pale red-brown 55 1:25 ©
1943 (15 Jan)-46. Stamps of Great Britain optd with Type S 1, in | 131 SI. on 2%d. pale scarlet... CO a0
10 blue. 732-147 «601. on 2s.6d. yellow-green 20:00 40-00
Si 128 1d. pale scarlet. 1-50 2.50 733-148-1201. on 5s. red... 20:00 40-00
CENTS 5 SHILLINGS 52 2d. baleorange 175 «1-75 734 = 149-2401. on 10s. ultramarine.. 50:00 85:00
(1) (E 2) 53 2Ad. light ultramarin 200 3.50 | 127/34 Setof8
S4 3d. pale violet... 1:75 15
80-00 £170
S6 6d. purple. 2:25 1:50
S Hi. 50 S a .50 56 ie ed purple POSTAGE DUE STAMPS
S7 130 9d. deep olive-g 225
2:75 30
lorma Misplaced Stop 58 1s. bistre-brown....... 3.75
15 1948 (1 July). Postage Due stamps of Great Britain Nos. D27/30
een May)-49. Stamps of Great Britain surch as Types E 1 or s9 131 2s.6d. yellow-green (14.1.46). 38:00 14.00 and D33 surch “B.M.A/TRIPOLITANIA” and new values,
S1/9 Set of9..... 50-00 25-00 as Type ED 1 of Eritrea, but expressed in Miilitary)
Fl 128 5 iedepal S8s/9s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of: £350 A(dministration) L(ire).
4 sete - palearene 2:75 65 The note re used prices above Type M 1 of Middle East Forces also
c. on 1d. pale scarlet... 200
| TD1 D1 1l.on‘d.emerald 6:00 65:00
250 applies to the above issue. a. No stop after “A” 90:00
TD2 2I. on 1d. carmine... 2:50 55:00
a. No stop after “A”. 50:00

No stop after “M” (R, 1/17) . .
on 2d. agate........
13:00 50:00 British P.Os in Crete British P.O. in Siam
a. No stop after “A” (R.
R. 3/8)
b. No stop after “M” (R, 1/17)...
ara ae a ee (Bangkok)
TDS 24l. on 1s. deep blue 29:00 £110 EERE eo ae ee we
TD1/5 Set of 5 50:00 £275 Crete, formerly part of the Turkish Empire, was made autonomous,
under Turkish suzerainty, in November 1898 with British, French, Italian An overseas postal service for foreign residents was operated by
1950 (6 Feb). As Nos. TD1/5, but surch “B.A. TRIPOLITANIA” and and Russian troops stationed in separate zones to keep the peace. the British Consulate at Bangkok from 1858. Mail was despatched
new values, instead of “B.M.A”’ etc. Overseas mail franked with Nos. B1/5 was forwarded through the by steamer to Singapore and from 1876 onwards was increasingly
7D6) D1 1l. on Yad. emerald 15:00 £110 Austrian post office at Canea, being additionally franked with stamps franked with Straits Settlements stamps. These were initially cancelled
a. No stop after “B” (R. £250 of the Austro-Hungarian Post Offices in the Turkish Empire. on arrival at Singapore, but later an oval postmark inscribed “BRITISH
TD7 2I. on 1d. carmine..... 9:50 35-00 CONSULATE BANGKOK’ was used. In 1883 a circular “BANGKOK”
a. No stop after “A” (R.11/2).. £250 datestamp was introduced for use with Nos. 1/23. Both cancellations
b. No stop after “B” (R. 11/10). £130 (Currency. 40 paras = 1 piastre) can also be found used on Hong Kong stamps between 1881 and
TD8 4. on 2d. agate 11:00 50-00 1885.
a. No stop after £140 PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER
TD9 6l. on 3d. violet res 19:00 80-00 (Currency. 100 cents = 1 Straits dollar)
No. B1 from x 8
a. No stop after “B” (R. 11/10). £275
Nos. B2/5
w. Wmk sideways-inverted*, 35:00 £150 Stamps of Straits Settlements (see Malaysia) cancelled with oval
TD10 24I. on 1s. deep blue. ae 55:00 £180 postmark inscribed “BRITISH CONSULATE BANGKOK’ around Royal
a. No stop after “A” (R. 11/2) £700 Arms.
b. No stop after ”B” (R. 11/10). £700 1882. Wmk Crown CC (Nos. 11/15, 33, 35).
TIDG/TO|SCP OF 5 svccsrseseeseses 95:00 £400
Z1 2c. brown, £450
*No. TD9w shows the Crowns pointing to the left,as seen from the
back of the stamp. Z2 Ac. rose... £500
23 6c. dull lilac... £500
Tripolitania became part of the independent kingdom of Libya on Z4 BC. OFAMGE-YElOW....cceccsscssecseseseeeeee £450
24 December 1951. Z5 10c. on 30c. claret (thin “0”) (No. 33).. £1300
Z6 10c. on 30c. claret (thick “10") (No. 34)... £1300
27 10c, on 30c, claret (thin “1”, thick “0”) (No. 35). £1600
Z8 A 2CUDIUG irestecrassacasetartehrdarcaniaitn
Siow pronation £700

1898 (25 Nov). Handstruck locally. Imperf. Subsequent Straits Settlements values to 8c. watermarked Crown
Bi B 1 20pa. bright Violet... £450 £225 CA are known used at Bangkok in 1883 and 1884. During this period
the stamps overprinted “B” were on sale at the British Post Office.
1898 (3 Dec). Litho by M. Grundmann, Athens. P 11%.
B2 B2 10pa. blue = 11-00) 25:00
a. Imperf (pair). £250 PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER
B3 20pa. green........ 20:00 23-00 The issues of the British Post Offices in Siam are worth from x 100
a. Imperf (pair)... £250 the prices quoted for used stamps when on cover.
1899. P 11%.
B4 B2 10pa. brown...... 11:00 35-00

a. Imperf (pair, £250
BS 20pa. rose........... 20:00 19-00
a. Imperf (pair. £250
Forgeries exist of Nos. B1/5. g examples of type (1) (2)
B 2 show a full circle in the ornament above the figures of value.
Forgeries with a broken circle in this position are frequently met with. 1882 (May)-85. Stamps of Straits Settlements optd with T 1.

The British postal service closed at the end of 1899. (a) On No. 9 of 1867
1 32c. ON Za. YEllOW (1885) ....ssssssssssseseseeeeecesess £35000
(b) On Nos. 11/13, 14a, 15/17 and 19 of 1867-72 and Nos. 48/9
of 1882. Wmk Crown CC
2 2c. brown, £4000 £1600
3 Ac. r0se..... £3750 £1400
a. Opt double — £7500
4 5c. purple-brown £475 = £550
5 6c. lilac... £325 £150)
a. Opt Type t+ £1800
6 8c. orange £3750 £275
i 10c. slate..... £700 £200
a. Opt double t+ £4750
b. Opt Type 2. + £1700
8 12c. DIVE... £1500 £550
a. Opt Type 2. t+ £1000
9 24c. Green... £800 £170
a. Opt Type 2. + £1500
10 30c. claret £45000 £30000
11 96c. grey.. +» £7500 £3000
(c) On Nos. 59/60 ofApril 1883
12 2c. on 32c. pale red (Wide “S”)..... Tere SUES 250
13 2c. on 32c. pale red (Wide ”E”)..... £4000 £4000
(d) On Nos. 50/3 of 1882 and Nos. 63/7 of 1883-84. Wmk Crown CA
14 2c. brown £750 £400
a. Opt Type 2. t+ £1600
15 2c. pale rose (1883) 75:00 55-00
a. Opt inverted.. t+ £16000
b. Opt double £2750 £2750
c, Opt treble £10000
16 4c, rose (1883). £900 £375
a. Opt Type 2.. t £1500
Ws 4c. pale brown (1883) £100 85-00
a. Opt double £3500
b. Broken oval £1800 £1600
18 5c. blue (1884). £375 £200
19 6c. lilac (1884).. £325 £160
20 8c. orange (1883) _ £250 75:00
a. Opt inverted.. . £30000 £16000
b. Opt Type 2. t £1400
c, Opt double + £4250
21 10c. slate (1883) £225 95:00
22 12c. brown-purple (1883 £400 £180
23 24c. yellow-green (18847)... £8000 £3250

(1) (2)

Opt Type 2 differs from Type 1 in having the two loops of the
“B” almost equal in size with wider internal dimensions. The Type 2
overprints are generally placed higher than Type 1. It is believed that
the two types were both supplied to Bangkok in May 1882.
The prices quoted for the overprint double errors, Nos. 3a, 15b,
17a and 20c, are for stamps showing two clear impressions of the
overprint. Examples showing partial doubling, on these and other
values, are worth a small premium over the price quoted for normal
No.1 7b shows the edge ofthe central oval broken above the “O” of
“POSTAGE” It occurs on R. 10/5 of the lower right pane.
The use of these stamps ceased on 30 June 1885. Siam joined the
Universal Postal Union on 1 July 1885.

37 1%a. on 1%d. pale green (I) (3.5.51). 19:00 45:00 68 ON.P. ON Td, GreEN -evereseere 1:25 2-50
a. Type Il..... 19:00 45-00 69 12n.p. on 2d. light red-brown 30. 2-75
70 15n.p. on 2¥d. carmine-red (Type |) 30 10
British Postal Agencies in 38
Vert pair. Nos. 37/a
on 2d. pale red-brown
40 8-50
a. Type Il (4,59)...
20n.p. on 3d. deep lilac (B.).
20 10
39 2’a. on 2d. pale scarlet (3.5.51)..... 40 16:00
Eastern Arabia 40
= 4a.
on 4d. light ultramarine...
on 2s.6d. yellow-green (3.5. i)
25n.p. on 4d. ultramarine
40n.p. on 6d. reddish purple...
i £400 65:00 a. Deep claret (3.59)... 35 10
Riiieitiae Ves esse teRIssua TLpI ee aa 35/41 Set of 7.... 65:00 85:00 74 50n.p. on 9d. bronze-green 125 2:75
75 75n.p. on 1s.3d. green 3-75 40
Certain Arab States in Eastern Arabia, whilst remaining independent, 1952 (5 Dec)-54. Stamps of Queen Elizabeth II. Wmk Tudor 65/75 Set OF V1 vnesecssesce: 7-75 24-00
had British postal administrations replacing Bahrain, and subsequently Crown, surch as T 3 (in one line on 2!a. and 6a.).
Indian, post offices at Dubai and Muscat. 42 Yea. on Vad. orange-red (31.8.53) 10 275
Bahrain and Kuwait (from 1948) and Qatar (from 1957) used British
stamps overprinted and surcharged in local currency. Abu Dhabi
Ja. on 1d. ultramarine (31.8.53).
1¥a. on 1¥d. green...
2:25 15 NP
(from 1964) and Trucial States (from 1961 and used only in Dubai) 45 2a. on 2d. red-brown (31.8. 20 10
had definitive issues made under the auspices ofthe British Agencies. 46 2¥2a. on 2%ad. carmine-red..... 10 10
47 3a. on 3d. deep lilac (B.) (13.1.54). 20 1:25
In addition, British stamps were surcharged with value only for
48 4a. on 4d. ultramarine (2.11.53). 3-00 4-00
use in Muscat and certain other states. They were formerly listed
49 6a. on 6d. reddish purple (18.1.54 35 10
under Muscat as they were first put on sale there, but in view of their
50 12a. on 1s.3d. green (2.11.53). 9-00 30
more extended use, the list has been transferred here, retaining the
51 Tr, on 1s.6d. greyblue (2.11 we 2:25 10
same numbering. 42/51 Set of 10. 14:00 11-50
The stamps were used in Muscat from 1 April 1948 to 29 April (12)
1966; in Dubai from 1 April 1948 to 6 January 1961; in Qatar: Doha 1953 (10 June). Coronation. Nos. 532/5 surch with new values.
from August 1950, Umm Said from February 1956, to 31 March 1957; 52 2ZVaa. ON ZVAd. CAFMINE-TED vrorv s s serse reserse eses 1:75 5:00 1957 (1 Aug). World Scout Jubilee Jamboree. Nos. 557/9 surch in
and in Abu Dhabi from 30 March 1963 (Das Island from December 53 4a. on 4d. ultramarine.. 1:75 1-00 one line as T 12 (15np.) or in two lines (others).
1960) to 29 March 1964. 54 12a. on 1s.3d. deep yellow-green 4.25 1-00 76 T51.p. ON 2V2d. CAPMIMNE-FEM vereses es sase re es ne e 35 85
Nos. 21/2 were placed on sale in Kuwait Post Offices in April and 55 Ir. on 1s.6d. deep grey-blue. 4:25 50 77 25n.p. on 4d. ultramarine 35 85
May 1951 and from February to November 1953 due to shortages of 52/5 Set OF 4.crsersssseeses 11-00 6:75 78 75n.p. on 1s.3d. green Ao. 85
stamps with “KUWAIT” overprint. Isolated examples of other values can 76/8 Set of3 100 , 2:25
be found commercially used from Bahrain or Kuwait. Designs:—No. 76, Scout badge and “Rolling Hitch"; No. 77, “Scouts
coming to Britain’; No. 78, Globe within a compass.
(Currency. 12 pies = 1 anna; 16 annas = 1 rupee)
eed 1960 (26 Apr)-61. Stamps of Queen Elizabeth Il. W 179, Mult
Stamps of Great Britain surcharged Foe) Crown, surch as T 9 (1, 15, 30, 40, 50n.p,), 11 (75n.p.), 3 (1r),
7 (2r., Sr.) or 10 (others).
2 RUPEES 79 1n.p. on5d. brown (30.8.60).... 10 20
Prrssccta) Fig) 80 3n.p. onYad. orange-red (21.6.60).. 55 80
81 5n,p. on1d. ultramarine (8.4.61) 2:00 5:00
82 6n.p. on1d. ultramarine (21.6.60. 1-25 90
83 10n.p. on1¥%4d. green (8.4.61)... 150 2:75
2 RUPEES 84 12n.p. on2d. light red-brown (21.6.60)
Eas 85 15n.p. on2%d. carmine-red (Type Il
ome 86 20n.p. on3d. deep lilac (B.) (28.9.60)
(7) 87 30n.p. on 4'd. chestnut (8.4.61)...
88 40n.p. on 6d, deep claret (28.9.60
on 9d. bronze-green (8.4.61)
on 1s.3d. green (8.4.61)...
ANNA 2 RUPEES st] 91 Ir. on 1s.6d. grey-blue (8.4.61)
(3) (4) a 92 2r. on 2s.6d. black-brown (No. 595)
(8.4.61)... 16:00 55-00
93 Sr. on 5s. rose-red (No. 596) (8.4.61)... 32:00 70-00
5 RUPEES TO]O3 SCE OF WS s.ccrtectcoassssonssceeesooserntvon
omnes’sosateem etree 85:00 £140
Larter] Designs:—Nos. 79/91, Queen Elizabeth II; No. 92, Carrickfergus
qe Castle; No. 93, Caernarvon Castle.
Two types of 1a. surcharge: (8) The “5” on No. 93 differs from that on Nos. 57/b, being the same
|. "13% mm high and aligns with top of “2” in “2” (Rows 1 to 10). height as “RUPEES”
ll. “13% mm high with foot of figure below top of “2” (Rows 11 to 20).
Types of surcharges
1948 (1 Apr). Surch with T 3 (2a. to IF.) or 4 (2r).
16 128 a. on ‘ad. pale green... 3-00 9:50 2 rupees.
17 la. on 1d. pale scarlet 3-00 30 Type |. On Waterlow ptg. Top of “R” level with top of “2” and other
18 1%a. pale red-brown (I 20:00 10-00 letters of “RUPEES” Bars 7 mm long.
a. 1¥2a. on 1¥ad. Type Il... 20:00 10:00
b. Vert pair. Nos. 18/a £500 Type Il. On Waterlow ptg by Harrison: “R” dropped out of alignment
19 2a. on 2d. pale orange 2:25 3:25 with 2” and other letters of RUPEES”. Bars 6% mm long.
20 2'”a. on 24d. light ultramarine 3-50 9:50 Type Ill. On De La Rue ptg by Harrison. Top of “R” below level of top
21 3a. on 3d. pale violet. 3:50 10 of “2” Bars 7-7% mm long and with left sides aligned with
22 129 6a. on 6d. purple... 4:75 10
23 130 1r. on 1s. bistre-brown 6-00 1:25
24 131 2r. on 2s,6d. yellow-green.. 13:00 50-00 5 rupees.
16/24 Set of 9... 5500 75:00 Type |. On Waterlow ptg by Harrison. Ends of letters square and
One example. “of‘No. 22 is known with the archarce almost sharp. There were two printings made in March and May
completely omitted from position R. 20/2 in the sheet. 1957.
Type Il. On De La Rue ptg by Harrison. Type is thicker and ends of
letters are relatively rounded.
RUPEES For differences between Waterlow and De La Rue printings of the
basic stamps see notes in Great Britain after No, 539.
2: =
ANNAS co 1955-60. T 166/7 (Waterlow ptgs) (W 165, St. Edward’s Crown)
(5) (6) surch with T 7/8.
56 2r. on 2s.6d. black-brown (Type |)
1948 (26 Apr). Royal Silver Wedding. Nos. 493/4 surch with T 5 or (23.9.55) ws 10:00 70
6 a. Type Il (2.57). 10-00 475
25 137 2%2a. on 2%ad. ultramarine. 275 5:50 b. Type Ill (No, 536a D.L.R.) (6.60) 28:00 80-00
26 138 156. ON £1 DIUC cesses 25:00 35-00 57 5r. on 5s. rose-red (Type|) (1.3.57)... 10-00 2:25
1948 (29 July). Olympic Games. Nos. 495/8 surch with new values a. Wide surcharge... £550 £425
in “ANNAS” or “1 RUPEE”, as T 5/6, but in one line on 2%a. b. Type Il (No. 537a DL. R) (27.1.60).... 20:00 65-00
(vert) or 6a. and 1r. (horiz) and grills obliterating former Designs:—No. 56, Carrickfergus Castle; No. 57, ‘Caernarvon Castle.
values of all except 2a. No. 57a (“5" and “R” spaced 2% mm instead of 1% mm) occurred
on R, 8/4 of the first surcharging of No. 57 only.
27 139 2Yaa. on 2ad. ultramarine. 45 2:50
28 140 = 3a. on 3d. violet 55 2:50 1956-57. Stamps of Queen Elizabeth Il, W 165, St. Edward's
a. Crown flaw... 95:00 Crown, surch as T 3 (in one line on 2¥%a and 6a.).
29 141 6a. on 6d. bright purple.. 65 275 58 Ja. on 1d, ultramarine (20,3.57) sss 35 1-00
30 142 Tr. on 1s. brown 1-40 425 58a T%a. on 12d. green (1956)... ae £1200
a. Surch double £1800 59 2a. on 2d. red-brown (8.6.56) 70 2-50
27/30) S€T OF 4 cesccessesctascosvunsneaseteoees 2:75 11:00 60 2¥2a. on 2¥ad. carmine-red (8.6.56). 80 7-50
61 3a. on 3d. deep lilac (B.) (3.2.57 1:00 11-00
1949 (10 Oct). 75th Anniv of Universal Postal Union. Nos. 499/
62 4a. on 4d. ultramarine (9.12.56)... 7:00 23-00
502 surch with new values in “ANNAS” or “1 RUPEE” as T 3/4,
63 6a. on 6d. red-purple (10.2.57)... 1:25 7:00
but all in one line, with grills obliterating former values.
64 Ir. on 1s.6d. aie Pie (2.8.56). 16-00 15
31 143 22a. on 2’ad, ultramarine. 60 3-00 58/64 (ex 58a) Set of7... 24:00 48:00
a. Lake in India £110 No. 58a came from. a “few ‘sheets of the St. Edward’s Crown
32 144 = 3a, on 3d. violet 60 4.00 watermark included, in error, with a printing of No. 44. Most examples
33 145 —_ 6a. on 6d, bright purple.. 60 2:75 were used in Dubai, but two are known from Muscat, a pair and a
34 146 Ir. on 1s, brown 2:25 7-00 single on separate covers from Bahrain and a single postmarked F.P.O.
31/4 Set of 4... 350 15:00 936 (Sharjah). A single mint example also exists.

== 2RUPEES == 2 RUPEES 3 75
(6a) (6b) NP ]NP we NP” NP
Type 6a. “2” and“RUPEES’ level and in line with lower of the two bars. (9) (10) (11)
Type 6b. “2” raised in relation to “RUPEES”
and whole surcharge below
the lower bar. 1957 (1 Apr)-59. Value in naye paise. Stamps of Queen
Elizabeth Il, W 165, St. Edward’s Crown, surch as T 9 (1, 15,
1950 (2 Oct)-55. Nos. 503/8 surch as T 3 and No. 509 with T 6a. 25, 40, 50n.p.), 11 (75n.p.) or 10 (others).
35 128 = Yaa. on Yad. pale orange (3.5.51)... 1:00 9-00 65 1n.p. on 5d. brown... 10 1:00
36 Ja. on 1d. light ultramarine
66 20 2:50 3n.p. on Yad. orange-red.
(3.5.51). 40 7:50 67 20 275 6n.p. on 1d. ultramarine..
ee eae eh
. brown-purple and olive-green
(ZAUA) ecretes meeghemosssatatienats ww 24:00 30-00

British Solomon Islands 32

6d. dull and bright purple (7.14).
1s. black/green (7.14)
a. On blue-green, olive back
ae eee (1923) 7:50 24-00
34 2s. purple and blue/blue (7.14) 8:00 10-00
35 2s.6d. black and red/blue (7.14) 9:50 20:00
The first British Resident Commissioner, Charles Woodford, was 36 5s. green and red/yellow (7.14) 48:00 48-00
appointed in 1896 and an administrative centre established at Tulagi. a. On orange-buff (1920)... 55:00 70-00
37 10s. green and red/green (7.14). 95:00 65:00
Mail was initially sent unstamped by sealed bag to Sydney where 38 £1 purple and black/red (7.14) £250 £120
New South Wales stamps were applied and cancelled. Later the 22/383SCLOF | Antutunesamiecenci £425 £425
Resident Commissioner kept a stock of New South Wales stamps 22s/38s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 14... £425
which were still not cancelled until arrival at Sydney. From April 1906 Variations in the coloured papers are mostly due to climate and do
Mr. Woodford used a vertical oblong “BRITISH SOLOMON ISLANDS not indicate separate printings.
PAID” handstamp in place of New South Wales stamps which were
then added to many of the covers by the postal authorities in Sydney. 1922-31. Chalk-surfaced paper (4d. and 5d. to 10s). Wmk Mult 15 Bismarck Scrub Fowl 16 Malaita Canoe
Script CA. P 14,
39 Vode Green (11022) cr c c sersc snscerse ne a 50 3-50 (Recess D.LR. (2d., 3d., 2s. and 2s.6d.), Waterlow (others))
PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER TO 1945 40 1d. scarlet (4.23)... 7:00 11-00 1939 (1 Feb)-51. T 5/16. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 13% (2d., 3d., 2s.
Nos. 1/7 from x 12 41 1d, dull violet (2.27) 100 7-50 and 2s.6d.) or 12% (others).
Nos. 8/17 from x 25 42 3 1%d. bright scarlet (7.24) .. 2:25 60 60 5 Yad. blue and blue-green... 15 1-25
Nos. 18/36 from x 6 43 4 2d. slate-grey (4.23).... 600 15-00 61 6 1d. brown and deep violet 30 1:50
Nos. 37/8 = 44 3d. pale ultramarine (11.23). 70 4:50 62 7 1%d. blue-green and carmine.. 2:00 1-75
Nos. 39/51 from x 6 45 4d, black and red/yellow (7.27) 3-50 25:00 63 8 2d. orange-brown and black. 3:50 2:00
No. 52 _ 45a 4d. red-brown (1931). 3:00 20-00 a. Perf 12 (7.11.51) cesses 75 1-50
Nos. 53/6 from x 2 46 5d. dull purple and olive-gree 64 9 22d. magenta and sage-green. 4.00 2:25
Nos. 57/9 from x 6 (WOT on etasyinnten
reg ae fs 3:25 30-00 a. Imperf horiz (vert pair) £26000
Nos. 60/72 from x 2 47 6d. er and bright purple (12. 27) 3-75 30-00 65 10 3d. black and ultramarine. 3-25 2:00
48 1s. black/emerald (12.27)... 2:75 12:00 a. Perf 12 (29.11.51). 1:50 2:50
Nos. D1/8 from x 5 49 2s. purple and blue/blue (2.27 25:00 48-00 66 11 4)Ad. green and chocola 5:50 13-00
50 2s.6d, black and red/blue (12.27). 8:00 60-00 67 12 6d. deep violet and reddish purple 2:75 1-00
51 5s. green and red/pale yei 68 13 1s. green and black... 1:00
(QP voces 40:00 60-00 a. "A" of “CA” missing from wmk
52 10s. green and red/emerald (1.25) £140 £110 69 14 2s. black and orange. 14-00 6:50
BRITISH PROTECTORATE 39/52 Set of 15 £200) £375 70 15 2s.6d. black and violet ... 32:00 4-50
39s/52s Optd or Perf (4¥2d,) “SPECIMEN” Set of 16... — £425 7a 16 5s. emerald-green and scarlet......... 32:00 13-00
72 11 10s. sage-green and magenta
1935 (6 May). Silver Jubilee. As Nos. 91/4 of Antigua. P 13¥2x14. (27.4,42) . 4-00 8:50
53 lad. deep blue and carmine. ma 1:00 1:00 60/72 Set OF 13 .ressssssssseeeses 90:00 50-00
a. Frame printed double, one albino... 60s/72s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 13 £500
f. Diagonal line by turret 90:00 £100 Examples of No. 64a from the first two rows of the only known
h. Dot by flagstaff. £180 sheet are perforated between stamp and top margin.
i, Dash by turret... £275 1946 (15 Oct). Victory. As Nos. 110/1 of Antigua.
54 3d. brown and deep blue... 6-50 7-50 73 1¥ad. carmine 15 1-25
f. Diagonal line by turret £160 £200 74 15 20
(Des C. M. Woodford. Litho W. E. Smith & Co. Sydney) h. Dot by flagstaff... £300 £350 73s/4s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set
of2 £110
1907 (14 Feb). No wmk. P 11. 55 6d. light blue and olive-green.. 16:00 12:00
a. Frame printed double, one albino
1 1 'ad. ultramarine.... 9:00 14-00
b. Frame printed triple, two albino £1300
2 1d. rose-carmine.. 23:00 25-00
h. Dot by flagstaff. £425 £425
3 2d. iNdigO......0000 48:00 32-00
a. £15000
i. £600
56 1s. 7-50 24-00
4 2Yad. OraNGe-YEllOW....-ssssesseesssees 32:00 50:00
a. Frame printed double, one albino... £1800
a. Imperf between (vert pair) £7500
f. Diagonal line by turret £300
b. Imperf between (horiz pair) £12000 £7000
h. Dot by flagstaff. £425 £500
5 5d. emerald-green... 60:00 70-00
i. Dash by turret. £550
6 6d. chocolate........ 55:00 70:00
53/6 Set of 4... 28:00 40-00
a. Imperf between (vert pair) £7000
7 1s. bright purple. 80:00
53s/6s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set “of 4 £130
The second albino impression on No. 55b is sometimes almost co-
1/7 Set of 7 £275 £300
incidental with the inked impression of the frame.
Nos. 1/7 did not become valid for international postage until early
For illustrations of plate varieties see Omnibus section following
September 1907. Overseas covers before that date show additional
New South Wales values.
Three types exist of the %2d. and 22d., and six each of the other
values, differing in minor details. 1937 (13 May). Coronation. As Nos. 95/7 of Antigua. P 11x11%.
Forgeries of Nos. 1/7 show different perforations and have the boat 57 1d. violet... 30 1:25
paddle touching the shore. Genuine stamps show a gap between the 58 1Yad. carmine 30 60
paddle and the shore. 59 3d. blue... 50 50
57/9 Set of
3... 1:00 2:10
(Recess D.L.R.) 575/9s Perf “S £120
1908 (1 Nov)-11. Wmk Mult Crown CA (sideways). P 14. Pocket handkerchief
8 2 ‘”d. green 1:50 1:00 flaw (R. 1/6)
9 1d, red... 1:25 = 1:25
10 2d. greyish slate .. 1:25 1-00 1949 (14 Mar). Royal Silver Wedding. As Nos. 112/3 of Antigua.
11 2¥ad, ultramarine... 3-75 2-00 75 2d. black... 50 50
11a Ad. red/yellow (6. 3,11) 3-50 9-00 a. Pocket ‘handkerchief flaw 60:00 60-00
12 Sd. olive 10-00 5-00 76 10s. magenta... Se 10-00 8-50
13 6d, claret 10:00 5:50 1949 (10 Oct). 75th Anniv of U.P.U. As Nos. 114/7 of Antigua.
14 1s. black/green 8-50 5:00
77 2d. red-brown... 50 1:00
15 2s. purple/blue (7.3.10).. 50:00 55-00 78 3d. deep blue 2:25 1:50
16 2s.6d. red/blue (7.3.10)... 60:00 70-00
79 5d. deep blue-g 50 1:75
17 5s. green/yellow (7.3.10) 90:00 £110 80 1s, blue-black. 50 1-75
8/17 Set of 11 £200 £225 6 Native Constable 77180 Set OF 4 .sosssoressessseessee 3-25 5-50
8s/17s Optd “S| N” Set of 11 £325 and Chief
The ‘ad. and 1d. were issued in 1953 (2 June). Coronation. As No. 120 of Antigua.
with brownish gum. 81 2d. black and grey-black.essssssssseseesessnereees 1-50 1:25


(T 3 and 4. Typo D.L.R.)

1913. Inscribed “POSTAGE POSTAGE”. Wmk Mult Crown CA. P 14.
18 3 Jad. green (1.4). 1:00 3-50
19 1d, red (1.4)... 650 17:00
20 3d. purple/yellow (27.2) 1:75 4-00
a. On orange-buff.. 11:00 24-00
21 11d. dull purple and 3:00 12:00
18/21 Set of 4 11:00 32-00
18s/21s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 4 80-00

1914 (Mar)-23. Inscribed “POSTAGE REVENUE”. Chalk-surfaced

paper (3d. to £1). Wmk Mult Crown CA. P 14.
22 4 ‘ad. green 1:75 12:00
23 Yad. yellow-green (1917) 650 20-00
24 1d. carmine-red... 1:75 1:25
25 1d. scarlet (1917) 7:00 6-50
26 2d. grey (7.14). 450 9-00
27 2¥ad. ultramarine (7. 4-75 4.00
28 3d. purple/pale yellow (3.23 28:00 £140 ISH. =
29 4d. black and red/yellow (7.14 2:00 2:50
30 5d. dull purple and olive-green 11 Native House, 12 Coconut
Reef Islands Plantation 22 Voyage of H.M.S. Swallow
(7.14)... 24:00 30-00
(Des M. Farrar-Bell. Litho D.L.R.) 151B $1 on 10s. black, olive-green and
1965 (24 May). Horiz designs as T 33. W w 12. P 13x12%. YONOW (6.66) .ocervensierseennrosecnntntenresnesrivenne 9:00 1:25
152B $2 on £1 black, deep reddish violet
112 Yad, black, deep slate-blue and light and pink (6.66).. 9-00 2:00
blue..... 10 1-40 135B/52B Set of 18 40-00 9:00
113 1d. black, orange ‘and yellow 70 60 The positions of the bars in the surcharge vary considerably from
114 1¥ed. black, blue and yellow-green 35 65
stamp to stamp within the sheets.
115 2d. black, ultramarine and light blue. 60 1:75 The stamps with sideways watermark are all from new printings and
116 2%d. black, light brown and pale yellow- in some.instances there are marked shade variations from Nos. 112/26
brown 10 1:25
117 3d. black, green and light green... 10 10
which were used for making Nos. 135A/152A.
No. 142Ab comes from the bottom left-hand corner of the sheet
118 6d. black, magenta and yellow-orange . hs 80
119 9d. brownish black, deep bluish green
and was covered by a paper fold. The bottom stamp in the pair is
ANd pale yellOW. sss 40 15 completely without surcharge and the upper has the surcharge value
23 Mendana and Todos los 24 Native Constable and one bar missing.
Santos and Malaita Chief 120 1s. black, chocolate and magenta... 1-00 15
121 15.3d. black and rose-red vss 4:50 2:25
1966 (1 July). World Cup Football Championship. As Nos. 176/7 of
122 2s. black, bright purple and lilac. 7-50 275
123 2s.6d, black, olive-brown and light brown 1-00 70 Antigua.
124 5s. black, ultramarine and violet. 13-00 4:50 153 8c. violet, yellow-green, lake and il
125 10s. black, olive-green and yellow... 17-00 3-00 ~ yelloW-brOWN sersnssstsessesesnisssneneneesee 15 15
126 £1 black, deep reddish violet and p 11:00 4:50 154 35c. chocolate, blue-green, lake and
112/126 Set of 15... 50:00 22-00
YeHOW-DrOWN vvvssesssessssseeessssonsserssnnnseneeee 30 15
Designs:—1d. Dendrobium ‘veratrifolium (orchid); Vad. Chiragra
Spider Conch; 2d. Blyth’s Hornbill; 22d. Ysabel shield; 3d. Rennellese 1966 (20 Sept). Inauguration of W.H.O. Headquarters, Geneva. As
club; 6d. Moorish Idol; 9d. Lesser Frigate Bird; 1s. Dendrobium Nos. 178/9 of Antigua.
macrophyllum (orchid); 1s.3d. Dendrobium spectabilis (orchid); 2s. 155 3c. black, yellow-green and light blue... 20 10
25 Arms of the Protectorate Sanford’s Sea Eagle; 2s.6d. Malaita belt; 5s. Ornithoptera victoreae 156 50c. black, light purple and yellow-
(butterfly); 10s. Ducorp’s Cockatoo; £1, Western canoe figurehead. BROW) iccrtrssecossestncinasuanaeernitastan
enn 60 20
(Des Miss |. R. Stinson (‘2d.), R. Bailey (2Y2d,), R. A. Sweet (5d.,
1s., 15.3d,), Capt. J. Brett Hilder (6d., 8d., 9d., 5s.). Recess B.W. 1965 (28 June). I.T.U. Centenary. As Nos. 166/7 of Antigua. 1966 (1 Dec). 20th Anniv of U.N.E.S.C.O. As Nos. 196/8 of Antigua.
(‘d., 2%d., 5d., 6d., 8d., 9d., 1s., 15.3d., 5s,), DLR. (1d., 2d., 2s,), 127 2d, orange-red and turquoise-blue....... 20 15 157 3c. slate-violet, red, yellow and orange. 15,,, 10
Waterlow (1¥d., 3d., 2s.6d., 10s., £1), until 1962, then D.L.R.) 128 3d, turquoise-blue and olive-brown....... 20 15 158 25c. orange-yellow, violet and deep
1956 (1 Mar)-63. T 17/25 and similar horiz designs. Wmk Mult OMIVG i tstsesevassomladicuatacn
onlcosacehenmeens 30 15
1965 (25 Oct). International Co-operation Year. As Nos. 168/9 of
Script CA. P 12 (1d,, 2d., 2s.), 13 (1%d., 3d., 2s.6d., 10s., £1) or 159 oPblack, poli! Pupe and orange... 75 70
11% (others). 157/9 Setof 3... 1-10 85
129 1d. reddish purple and turquoise-green 10 10
82 17 Yad. orange and Purple... 15 50
130 2s.6d, deep bluish green and lavender....... 45 20
83 10 ~— 1d. yellow-green and red-brown 15 15
84 7 1¥ad. slate-green and carmine-red... 15 1:00 1966 (24 Jan). Churchill Commemoration. As Nos. 170/3 of
a. Slate-green and brown-red Antigua.
(31.7.63) .... 4:00 75 131 2d. new blue..... 15 10
85 8 2d. deep brow 30 30 132 9d. deep green 25 10
86 18 2Yad. black and blue 1:50 60 133 15.3d. brown... 35 10
87 16 3d. blue-green and red 85 15 134 2s.6d, bluish violet 40 25
88 19 5d, black and blue... 60 55 13 1/4 Set OF 4 srsssssosseesseres 1:00 50

89 20 = 6d. black and turquoise-green 60 25
90 21 8d. bright blue and black... 1:00 30
90a 9d. emerald and black (28.1.60), 3-25 80 (New Currency. 100 cents = 1 Australian,
91 22 1s. slate and yellow-brown 3.00 50 49 Henderson Field
later Solomon Islands dollar)
a. Slate and orange-brown
(Des V. Whiteley. Photo Harrison) as
(13.6.61).... 10:00 3-75
91b 19 13d, black and blue | (28.1‘60) 6:00 1:75 8 c. 8% 1967 (28 Aug). 25th Anniv of Guadalcanal Campaign (Pacific
War). T 49 and similar horiz design. Multicoloured. W w 12.
ba. Black and pale ultramarine Normal “8” Inverted “8”
(11.12.62) 14-00 3-75 (No. 142Aa) P 14x14”.
92 14 2s. black and carmine.. 13:00 6:50 (R. 9/2. Later 160 8c. Type 49... 15 15
93 11 2s.6d. emerald and bright purp 7:50 45 corrected) 161 35c, Red Beach landings. 15 15
a, Emerald and reddish purple
(19,2.63).... 27:00 = 400 1966 (14 Feb)-67. Decimal Currency. Nos. 112/26 variously surch
94 23 5s. red-brown 15-00 5:50 as T 48 by De La Rue. QUATERCENTENARY fabio; BS
95 24 = 10s. sepia....... 25-00 9:00
Sfthe Solomon Islands
A. Wmk upright
96 25 £1 black and blue (5.11.58) 32:00 38:00 135A 1c, on Yad, black, deep slate-blue and
82/96 Set of 17. 95:00 60:00 light blue... ice 10 10
See also Nos. 136A 2c. on 1d. black, ‘orange vand yellow 10 10
137A 3c, on 1¥ad. black, blue and yellow-
green... ne 10 10
138A 4c, on 2d, black, ‘ultramarine and light
LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL blue... parties “ 15 10
139A 5c. on 6d. ‘black, magenta ‘and yeliow- 51 Mendaha’s Todos is Santee off
orange... ithe 15 10 Point Cruz
BRITISH SOLOMON. 140A 6c. on 2¥d. black, light brown and
pale yellow-brown... on 15 10 (Des V. Whiteley. Photo Harrison)
141A 7c. on 3d. black, green and light: green. 15 10
324 1968 (7 Feb). Quatercentenary of the Discovery of Solomon
142A 8c. on 9d. brownish black, deep bluish
green and pale yellow. 25 10
ls. T 51 and similar horiz designs. Multicoloured. W w 12.
a. Inverted “8” css 55:00 20:00
b. Surch omitted ‘(vert pair with 162 3c, Type 51.. 20 10
normal)... ieee £5000 163 8c. Arrival of | 20 10
32 Great Frigate Bird
143A 10c. on 1s. black, “chocolate and 164 35c, Pacific Campaign, Worl 40 10
(Litho Enschedé) MAGENtA...csssssserees 30 10 165 $1 Proclamation of the Protectorate 0 60 1:50
145A 13c, on 1s.3d, black and rose-red.. 2:50 15 6.2/5 SOt OFA rccsicessncoetsessseseneecesecssoesuersessetsG3i1t
pL REM 1-25 1-60
1961 (19 Jan). New Constitution, 1960. W w 12 (sideways*).
P 13x12%”. 147A 20c. on 2s. black, bright purple an: 2:50 25
148A 25c. on 2s.6d, black, olive-brown and
97 32 2d. black and turquoise-green......... 10 30
light brown... s 60 40
w. Wmk Crown to right of CA 10 30 150A 50c. on 5s. black, ultramarine ‘and Violet
98 3d. black and rose-carmine..... 10 10
(R.)ws Presi 4:50 1:50
w. Wmk Crown to right of CA 10 10 151A $1 on 10s.“black, “olive-green and
99 9d. black and reddish purple.. 15 30 ellow .... 3:00 1:50
w. Wmk Crown to right of CA 15 30 152A $2 on £1 black, ‘deep reddish viole
97/9 Set of 3... 30 60 and pink... 2:25 3:00
*This issue ‘with ‘watermark ‘sideways |exists in almost equal 135A/52A Set of 15.1... 15:00 7:00
quantities with the watermark showing Crown to left or right of CA. BRITISH SOLOMON ISLANE
B, Wmk sideways 55 Vine Fishing
1963 (4 June). Freedom from Hunger. As No. 146 of Antigua. 135B 1c. on Yad. black, deep slate-blue and
100 TS SEU AMM ANTE vrctessortonsyostaccutesssservtstesnttuseeoee 75 35 lightiblies(6.66) Retcanocncnirasncencures 10 10 (Des R. Granger Barrett. Photo Harrison)
136B 2c, on 1d. black, orange and yellow
1963 (2 Sept). Red Cross Centenary. As Nos. 147/8 of Antigua. (6.66)... fete 10 10 1968 (20 May)-71. Horiz designs as T 55. Chalk-surfaced paper.
W w 12, P 14%.
101 2d. red and black 25 20 137B 3c, on 14d. ‘black, blue and Yellow-
102 9d. red and blue, 50 1:25 green (6.66)... brats 15 10 166 1c, turquoise-blue, black and brown.. 10 10
138B 4c, on 2d. black, ultramarine & flight a. Glazed, ordinary paper (9.8.71). 1-00 1:00
1963-64. As Nos. 83/5, 87, 89, 90a and 91a/3, but wmk w 12. blue (6.66).. 15 10 aw. Wk inverted wre 1:50
103 10 1d. yellow-green and red-brown 139B 5c. on 6d, black, 167 2c. apple-green, black and ‘brown. 10 10
(9.7.64)... eth 25 30 orange (6,66) 15 10 aw. Wmkinverted. Glazed, ordinary
104 7 1%d. slate-“green ‘and red (07. 64)... 3:00 1:00 140B 6c. on 2d. black, light brown and Paper ( scecccecsereannccenesesn 1:75 1:00
105 8 2d. deep brown and dull green pale yellow-brown (6.66)... nocoth 10 10 168 3c. green, myrtle-green and black.. 10 10
(9.7.64)... feta we 20 20 141B 7c, on 3d. black, green and light green a. Glazed, ordinary paper (9.8.71). 1:00 1:00
106 16 3d. light blue-“green and scarlet (6.66)... ty 10 10 169 4c. bright purple, black and brown 15 10
(16.11.63)... 2:25 15 142B 8c, on 9d. brownish ‘black, ‘deep bluish a. Glazed, ordinary paper (9.8.71). 1:00 1:00
a. Yellowish green ind 5:00 4:00 green and pale yellow (6.66). 15 10 170 6c, multicoloured... 30 10
107 20 ~~ éd, black and turquoise (7.7. 64) an 60 40 143B 10c. on 1s. black, chocolate and 171 8c, multicoloured... 25 10
108 21 9d. emerald and black (7.7.64. c 1:25 35 magenta (6.66)... paittaareceechtrerten 40 10 a. Glazed, ordinary paper (9.8.71).. 1:50 1-60
109 19 1s.3d. black and blue (7.7.64)... 60 70 144B 12c. on 1s.3d, black and rose-red 172 12c. yellow-ochre, brown-red and black. 65 50
110 14 2s. black and carmine (9.7.64) 1:00 5:50 (1,3.67).... a 65 10 a. Glazed, ordinary paper (9.8.71). 2:25 2:50
11 11 2s.6d, emerald and reddish purple 145B 13c, on 1s.3d. black and rose-“red . 66). 4:50 1:75 AW. WOK INVErtE” vresssssccssssseeteesessene 4-00
146B 14c, on 3d. black, green and light green 173 14c, orange-red, chocolate and black.. 2:50 3-50
103/11 Set
of 9. (1.3.67) 40 10 174 15c, multicoloured... 80 80
147B 20c, on 2s. b a. Glazed, ordinary p per (9.8. 250 3-75
(6,66)... ae 3:25 30 175 20c. bright blue, red and black... 450 3-00
148B 25c. on 2s.6d. ‘black, ‘olive-brown ‘and a. Glazed, ordinary paper (9.8.71).. 475 8-00
light brown (6.66)... i 2:50 35 176 24c. rose-red, black and yellow.. 2:00 3:25
149B 35c. on 2d. black, ultramarine and light 177 35c,
multicoloured... 2.00 30
blue (1.3.67)... atitox 2:50 25 178 45c, multicoloured 1:50 30
a. Surch omitted ‘(horiz ‘pairwith 179 $1 violet-blue ligneg 250 1:50
£4250 180 $2 multicoloured... 850 3:50
b. y w. Wmk inverted £140
150B 50c, on 5s. black, ultramarine and violet 166/80 Set of 15
33 Makira Food Bowl
(R.) (6.66)... 12:00 4.00 166a/75a Set of

Designs:—2c, Kite fishing; 3c. Platform fishing; 4c. Net fishing; 6c. (Des L, Curtis. Litho Questa)
Gold Lip shell diving; 8c. Night fishing; 12c, Boat building; 14c. Cocoa; 1970 (17 Aug). Centenary of British Red Cross. T 83 and similar
15c. Road building; 20c. Geological survey; 24c, Hauling timber; 35c.
Copra; 45c. Harvesting rice; $1, Honiara Port; $2, Internal air service. 197
horiz design. W w 12 (sideways). P 141412.
3c. multicoloured... i i 10 10 British Virgin Islands
The stamps on glazed, ordinary paper exist with PVA gum only. 198 35c. blue, vermilion and black. 25 20
The 1c. to 12c. and 20c. on chalk-surfaced paper exist with PVA gum Design:—35c. Wheelchair and map. PR a a ee
as well as gum arabic, but the others exist with gum arabic only.
Apart from the 1951 Legislative Council issue, the word “BRITISH” did
not appear regularly on the stamps until 1968 when it was introduced
to avoid confusion with the nearby Virgin Islands of the United States
(the former Danish West Indies).
UNIVERSITYofthe SOUTH : Most mail from the early years of the islands’ history was sent via
PACIFIC: INAUGURALYEAR BR the Danish island of St. Thomas.
British Solomon Islands It is not known exactly when the first post office, or agency, was
established on Tortola, but an entry in a G.P.O. account book suggest
86 Reredos (Altar Screen) that it was operating by 1787 and the earliest letter postmarked
“TORTOLA’ dates from June of that year. The stamps of Great Britain
(Des L. Curtis. Litho J.W.) were used from 1858 to May 1860, when the colonial authorities
1970 (19 Oct). Christmas. T 86 and similar design. W w 12 assumed responsibility for the overseas mails from the British G.P.O.
(sideways on 45c.). P 14x13¥% (8c.) or 13%x14 (45c).
70 Map of Australasia and Diagram 71 Basketball Player 199 Bc. ochre and bluish Violet ...csecssssssseeessenee 10 10 For illustrations of the handstamp and postmark types see BRITISH
200 45c. chestnut, yellow-orange and POST OFFICES ABROAD notes, following GREAT BRITAIN.
(Des R. Gates. Litho Enschedé) BlaCKISH} DROWN) srressrcscnsssveenaveiaeieroartssness 25 20
1969 (10 Feb). Inaugural Year of the South Pacific University. Design: Vert—8c, Carved angel.
P 12%x12. TORTOLA
181 70 3c. multicoloured. 10 10
182 12c. multicoloured . 10 10 CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS
183 35c. multicoloured. 15) 10 cc CC 1 TORTOLA (R.) (15.12.1842) . Priceon cover £6500
181/3 Set of 3 30 25 1959 (1 Apr). Black on buff (No. SB1) or grey (No. SB2) covers.
cc2 CC 5 TORTOLA (R.) (21.6.1854).. . Price on cover £22000
(Des J. Cooter. Photo Harrison) SBI 4s, booklet containing eight 1d., 2d. and 3d. No, CC2 is known used as an Official Paid mark during the years
1900 to 1918. Price on cover £950.
1969 (13 Aug). Third South Pacific Games, Port Moresby. T 71 (Nos. 83, 85, 87) in blocks of 4 Peneter SO-00
and similar vert designs. Multicoloured. W w 12 (sideways*). SB2 11s. booklet containing eight 1d. and 8d., Stamps of GREAT BRITAIN cancelled “A 13” as Type 2.
P 14%2x14. and four 3d. and 1s. (Nos. 83, 87, 90/1) in
DIOCKS\ OF Aoerrartarencipnabsteteseenctrstecasboadestns ivaustissatcnccrion 40-00 1858-60.
184 3c. Type 71... 10 10
Z\ 1d. rose-red (1857), perf 14 £4250
w. Wmk Crown ‘totight. of CA 65 80 1960 (1 May)-64. Black on green (No. SB3) or orange (No. SB4) Z2 Ad, rose (1857)... £5500
185 8c. Footballer. 10 10 covers. Stapled.
Z3 6d. lilac (1856) £1800
186 14c. Sprinter 10 10 SB3 5s. booklet containing eight 1d., 1¥%d., 2d. and
Z4 1s. green (1856)
187 45c. Rugby pl 20 15 3d. (Nos. 83/5, 87) in blocks of4.... 50-00
NSA TESCROF A crccsssesescscnsoceveson 45 40 SB4 £1 booklet containing eight 1d., 2d., 3d., 9d.
MS188 126x120 mm. Nos. 184/7.. 2:75 8-00 and 1s.3d. (Nos. 83, 85, 87, 90a, 91a) in
*The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CA, as blocks of 4... ween 80:00 PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER TO 1945
seen from the back of the stamp. a. Contents as No. ‘SB4, but Nos, 103, "85, 106a, ly from x 30
Stamps from the miniature sheets differ slightly from those in the 108/9 (1964) . 8/9 from x 40
ordinary sheets, particularly the 14c. value, which has a shadow below 10 _
the feet on the runner. The footballer and rugby player on the 8c. and 11 from x 10
45c. values also have shadows below their feet, but these are more POSTAGE DUE STAMPS from x 30
pronounced than on the stamps from the ordinary sheets.
Ba eas
from x 10
from x 30
from x 40

from x 20
from x 30
from x 25
from x 50
(Typo B.W.) from x 30
from x 15
1940 (1 Sept). Wmk Mult Script CA. P 12. from x 30
D1 D1 1d. emerald-green 28 6:50 7:00 from x 8
D2 2d. scarlet... 7:00 7:00 from x 6
D3 3d. brown... 7:00 11-00
from x 6
D4 4d. blue... 11:00 11:00
from x 3
DS 5d. grey-green . 12:00 21-00
from x 4
D6 6d. purple.. 12:00 15-00
75 South Sea Island with 76 Southern Cross, “PAX” D7 1s. violet... 14.00 29:00 from x 6
Star of Bethlehem and Frigatebird (stained D8 1s.6d, turquoise-green 38:00 48-00 from x2
glass window) D1/8 Set of8... 95:00 £130
D1s/8s Perf “SP! £250
(Des L. Curtis. Photo Harrison)
1969 (21 Nov). Christmas. W w 12 (sideways). P 14x14.
189 75 8c. black, violet and turquoise-
9g 10 10
190 76 35c, multicoloured 20 20

NEW GRO, 1970

BRITISH 1 St. Ursula 2 St. Ursula

ISLANDS (Litho Nissen & Parker from original dies by Waterlow)
PAID 1866 (Dec). No wmk, P 12.
1906 - 1907
1896-1906 1906 - 1907 (a) White wove paper
1 1 1d. green... 50:00 60:00
77 “Paid” Stamp, New South Wales 1896-1906 2 1d. deep green 55:00 65-00
2d, Stamp and 1906-07 Tulagi Postmark 3 2 GC. OSES inccstces 90:00 £110
a. Large “V"in “VIRGIN £375 £475
(Des G, Drummond. Litho B.W.) 4 6d. deep rose £130 £140
1970 (15 Apr). Inauguration of New G.P.O. Honiara. T 77 and a. Large “V" in “VIRGIN” (R. 2/1)... £425 £500
similar horiz designs. W w 12 (sideways). P 13. (b) Toned paper
191 7c. light magenta, deep blue and black 15 15 5 1 Td, Green .vevseue 60-00
192 14c, sage-green, deep blue and black..... 20 15 a, Perf 15x12.. £7000
193 18c. multicoloured . 20 15 6 1d. deep green £120
194 23c. multicoloured. 20 20 if 2 = 6d. rose-red... 5 90-00
191/4 Set of 4 65 60 a. Large “V" in “VIRGIN” (R. 2/1)... £275 £375
Designs:—14c. 1906-07 2d. stamp and C. M. Woodford; 18c. The above were printed in sheets of 25.
1910-14 5s. stamp and Tulagi postmark, 1913; 23c. New G.P.O., 6d. stamps showing part of the papermaker’s watermark (“A. Cowan
Honiara. & Sons Extra Superfine A. C. & S.”) are worth 50% more.
Beware of fakes of No. 5a made from perf 12 stamps.

81 Coat of Arms 83 British Red Cross H.Q,, Honiara

(Des V. Whiteley. Photo Harrison)

1970 (15 June). New Constitution. T 81 and similar design.
W w 12 (sideways on 18c.). P 14%2x14 (18c.) or 14x14% (35c,).
195 VBC. MUITICOIOUTE versssssrverecsssssessensssssensseerenees 15 10
196 35c. pale apple-green, deep blue and Normal
NYSpacer ay Menem nemeeeeetiee are teaT 35 20 1s. Long-tailed “S” in “ISLANDS” (R. 3/1)
Design; Horiz—35c. Map.
(Litho and typo (figure of the Virgin) (1s.) or litho i re superseded on 31 October s. black/emerald (15.6.22) “ 75 16-00
(others) Nissen PP aiindbetc ipotis ai oy reede in 1899, however, a a see black and red/blue (15.6.22).... 5:50 11-00
and Parker from original dies by Waterlow) new special issue, Nos. 43/50, appeared; it did not supersede the 85 5s. green and red/pale yellow
1867-70. No wmk. P 15. 1s, with double-lined frame. general issue for Leeward Islands, but was used concurrently, as were (15.6.2) 48:00 £110
(a) White wove paper all subsequent issues, until 1 July 1956 when the general Leeward B2/5 Set OF Arecrsesssscsssrssscseseresere 50:00 £140
8 11d. yellow-green (1868) 80:00 Islands stamps were withdrawn. 82s/5s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of4. £100
9 1d. blue-green (1870) 70:00 (b) Wmk Mult Script CA. Chalk-surfaced sgn (Sd. to 5s.)
10 2 6d. pale rose wines £600 86 14 ‘ad. dull green.. 85 2-75
1 4 1s. black and rose-carmine.. £375 87 : 1d, rose-carmine 60 60
a. Long-tailed “S”. £900 £1100 88 1d. bright violet (1.27). 1:25 650
89 1d. scarlet (12.28)... 27:00 14-00
(b) Greyish (No. 14) or toned paper feiss 90 Tad. carmine-red (1.27. 175 275 =.
12 1 1d, yellow-green (1868) 85:00 80-00 91 14d. Venetian red (11.2 2:00 1-50
13 2 — 6d, dull rose (1868)... £350 92 Dd. Grey essen 1:25 6:00
14 4 1s. black and rose-carmine 93 2d, pale bright blue 5-50 23-00
(greyish paper). £375 94 2d. dull orange (1.9.23) 1:25 2.00
a, Long-tailed “S”. £1100 95 2d. bright blue (1.27)... 1600 3.50
14b 1s. black and rose-carmine (tone (Recess D.L.R.) 9 3d. purple/pale yellow (2.28)
PAPE?) wseron 2:25 11-00
£375 1899 (Jan). Wmk Crown CA. P 14. 97 5d. dull purple and olive (6. 5:50 48-00
ba. Long-tailed £1100 | 43 B_ Vad. yellOW-QrEEM sersrrssesensernesnerneeeteee 4:00 55 | 938 6d. dull and bright purple (6.22) 1:75. 650
a. Error. “HALFPFNNY”
(R. 10/1)... 85-00 £120 99 1s. black/emerald (2.28)... 2:50 16-00
(c) Pale rose paper b. Error. “HALFPENNY” (R. 8/2) 85:00 £120 100 2s.6d. black and red/blue (2.28 19:00 50:00 ws
15 3 4d. lake-red. 75,00 c. Imperf between (horiz pair)........ £13000 101 5s. green and red/yellow (1.9.23 22:00 75-00
idibuiF dpe? 44 1d. poked Bir a0 86/101 Set of 16 £100 £225
Ad. loke-red..
4d. lake-brown
4500 60-00
6000 |ig M4.a. Drown
Yad, ultramarine
. .
| gun ee
u i }
45:00 Error “FOURPENCF” (R.10/3 £750 £1100 In the 1%d. stamps the value is in colour on a white ground. |
The thin lines of the frame on the 1s. are close together and 47 6d. dull violet... 7:00 3-00 |
sometimes merge into one. , ; 48 7d. deep green 1300 6.00 1935 (6 May). Silver Jubilee. As Nos. 91/4 of Antigua but printed
The 1d. from the 1868 printing was in sheets of 20 (5x4) with 49 1s, brown-yellow ‘ 35-00 by Waterlow. P 11x12. |
narrow margins between the stamps. Later printings were in sheets 50 5s, indigo. 90:00 103 1d. deep blue and scarlet. 1-25 8-50
of 12 (3x4) with wider margins. The 4d. was in sheets of 25; and the 43/50 Set of 8... £140 k. Kite and vertical log £160
remaining two values in sheets of 20 (5x4). 43s/50s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 8... |, Kite and horizontal log £160 £275
The greyish paper used for Nos. 14 and 20 often shows traces Nos. 43a/b and 46a were correcte 104 1%4d, ultramarine and grey 1-25 7:50
of blue. k, Kite and vertical log £170
(Typo DLR.) |. Kite and horizontal log £170 £275
1867. Nos. 11 and 14/b with crimson frames superimposed 1904 (1 June). Wmk Mult Crown CA, P 14. m. “Bird” by turret... £200 £300
extending into margins. P 15. 54 9 ‘ad. dull purple and green 1.00 40 | 105 2¥%d. brown and deep blue... 450 7:00
18 4 1s. black and rose-carmine (white 55 1d. dull purple and scarlet 2-50 35 k. Kite and vertical log £190
90:00 £100 56 10 2d, dull purple and ochre. . 750 3:50 |. Kite and horizontal log £200 £275
£300 £350 57 9 2%d. dull purple and ultramarine...... 3:50 2.00 106 1s. slate and purple.... 20.00 40-00
b. Figure of Virgin omitted ........ £150000 58 10 3d, dull purple and black. 5:00 2:50 k. Kite and vertical log £425 |
19 1s. black and rose-carmine (toned 59 9 6d, dull purple and brown 450 2:50 |. Kite and horizontal log £400 £500
PAPe?) wrerrsn 75:00 85:00 | 60 10 1s. green and scarlet 650 600 | 103/6 Setof4 24.00 55:00
a. Long-tailed “S £225 £275 | 61 2s.6d. green and black 40-00 55:00 | 103s/6s Perf“S ei . £140
20 1s. black and rose-carmine 62 9 5s. green and blue. 50:00 70:00 For illustrations of plate varieties see Omnibus section following |
givisp pane ee pet 54/62 Set of 9... £110 £130 | Zanzibar.
a. Long-tailed “S”... £ ld fF OF
¢ 54s/62s Optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Set of aes 1937 (12 May). Coronation. As Nos. 95/7 of Antigua. P 11x11%.
1868. Nos. 11 and 146 with frame lines retouched so as to make 107 1d. carmine 1-00 325 @
them single lines. Margins remain white, P 15. 108 ad, yellow-brown 75 3:00 @
21 4 1s. black and rose-carmine (white hae Se blue.. ie Ls |
£160 £190 | == |RAVIEVMRIESS) = im == NL 107/9 Set OF 3verses - . |
a tonealiea S = 500 £600 1075/9s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set
of3. £110 i
21b 1s. black and rose-carmine (toned a
POPET) sevsvsee £160 £190 |
ba. Long-tailed “S' £500 £600
; (Litho D.L.R.) (Typo D.LR) j
LED NMinis(e inOE (GEV EVOR AU. 1913 (Feb)-19. Die |. Chalk-surfaced paper (3d. to 5s.). Wmk Mult |
22 1 1d. green... 85:00 £100 C CAP 14, qj
a. Yellow-green.. £170 £130 JANA i ia|
£100 £130 69 11. ‘Yad. green... ae 4:00 6:50 --osneeate
a. Yellow-green (8.16 5:00 15-00 VIRGIN ISLANDS j

‘ Ant ae oe 1:25 6.00 15 King George VI $

70 1d. deep red 9.00 11.00 and Badge of Colony 7
a. Deep red and carmine (10.17) 2:25 14-00 a F
6. Scarlet (10.17). 2:25 14.00 (Photo Harrison) |
c. Carmine-red (3.19) 50:00 27-00 1938 (1 Aug)-47. Chalk-surfaced paper. Wmk Multspace CA. P 14, |
71 12 2d. grey... 7:00 29:00 110 15 Yad. green 3:75 400
a. Slate-grey (1919 7-50 42:00 a. Ordinary paper (10.43) 1:50 100
72 11° 2%ad. bright blue..... 8:50 9:00 11 Te Scarlets cceecunseusee 6:50 2:50 @
6 (Die |) (7) 73 12 3d. purple/yellow 275 650 a. Ordinary paper (10.43) 250 175 @
74 11. 6d. dull and bright purple 9:50 20:00 112 Vad. fed-DrOWN csssssssseesenee 800 8-00
(Typo D.L.R.) 75 12 1s, black/blue-green... 3-25 9.50 a. Ordinary paper (10.43 3-25 1-75
Uae 8S s le k : ue 11 ees. green
fae anand ith el
red/yello 4500
, Feet 113 24,QE
eae 8 - a seer
oe Tapa ee Ba cient | eO77 SetOro £110 £250 a, Ordinary paper (10.43) B25 75
69s/77s Optd “SPECIMEN” ‘Set“of 9 £200 ‘ 114 2%ad. ultramarine... 475 2:50
Stock of the original printing of the Yad., No. 69 was exhausted by a. Ordinary pape! 3:75 2-75
1883 (June)-84. Wmk Crown CA. P14. January 1916 afd Lesuard felands Yad, stamps were used until the 115 Sd VOraANGe accra 9-00 1:50
26 6 ‘ad. yellow-buff.... 85:00 85:00 yellow-green printing, No. 69a, arrived in August 1916. a. Ordinary paper (10.43) 225 1:00
x. Wmk reversed. 116 6d, MAUVE sserscrsorounrenesneen 14.00 3.50
27 Yad. dull green (shades) (11.83) 6:50 16.00 5 Ordinary paper (10.43) 600 2:25
b. Top left triangle detached £325 £475 17 Tstalltecorcumn 24.00 6:00
29 1d. pale rose (15.9.83) 45:00 48-00 a. Ordinary pape : 600 2:25
a. Deep rose (1884)... 60:00 65-00 118 25,6d, S@PIa ccusssesensn 70-00 13-00
31 2d, ultramarine (9.84) 3:50 16:00 5 Ordinary paper (8.42) 17:00 650
b. Top left flan dede
detached £300 119 5s. carmine 70-00 15-00
w. Wmk inverte ~ £180 = | — epiee-eseaane Sem ee atmo
For illustration of “top left triangle “detached” variety see above WAR STAMP 120 roe ene B22) ea oe
No. 21 of Antigua. (13) 121 £1 black (1.12.47 11:00 24-00
(Litho D.L.R.) 11 0a/21: Set Of 12ccusncccenne o
1916 (20 Oct)-19, Optd with T 13 by D.L.R. tonic Fe rspe ene of 12..
1887-89. Wmk Crown CA. P 14. ps mes
78 11 1d, carmine.. 1:75 24:00 The ordinary paper, used as a substitute for the chalk-surfaced
32 ye Sich 3:75 9:00 a. Watermark sideways £1100 for printings between 1942 and 1945, is thick, smooth and opaque.
x. £225 6. Pale red/bluish 50 7:00
33 1d. rose-red. j
3.25 8-50 bw. Wmk inverted... 75:00 1946 (1 Nov). Victory. As Nos. 110/11 of Antigua. i
34 1d. rose vn. 5:50 14-00 by. Wmk inverted and reverse £150 122 1d, lake-brown.. 10 10 Lt
35 3. 4d. chestnut 35:00 65-00 C, Scarlet (11.3.19) sro 250 475 123 3d. orange.
x. Wmk reverse: 10 60
£300 2 a a ook Sry ott pane R. 2500 a 122s/3s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set o1 90-00
3 4d. pale chestnut 5 00 » purple/yellow i i
ae Ad. pare aes ees a. Purple/lemon (12.3.17). 6:00 21-00 1949 (3 Jan). Royal Silver Wedding. As Nos. 112/13 of Antigua. |
38 2. 6d, dull violet... 19.00 50-00 b. Purple/buff-yellow (11.3.19) 8:00 29-00 124 2yad. ultramarine. oa 10 10 a
39 6d. deep violet 19:00 50-00 Ge Wok — oe ae 10:00 50-00 | 125 £1 black
a40 4
TD1s, REE heD Ba
sepia (2.89)
80:0 £100
Wmk inverted and reverse
Gad 1949 (10 Oct). 75th Anniv of U.RU. As Nos. 114/17 of Antigua,
34s/40s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of4... £300 78s/9s Optd "SPECIMEN" Setof 2... we 75:00 126 2%d. ultramarine. 3000275
The De La Rue transfers ofT1 to 4 are new transfers and differ from Nos. 78d and 79c show the overprint 2mm high instead of 2%mm, | 127 3d. orange... 150 2:75
those of Messrs. Nissen and Parker, particularlyT4. No, 78c is known with the “A” of the “CA” watermark sideways. 18 < eee “4
1888 (July). Nos. 18/19. Surch with T 7, in violet, in Antigua. net oe Nee Poe le arse paste as 126/9 Set of 4 2-40 6.00
42 4 4d. on 1s. black and rose-carmine aaivmnkilnverted
(toned paper) £140 £160 81 1d. scarlet and deep carmine 9:00 35-00 (New Currency. 100 cents = 1 B.W.I, dollar)
a. Surch double
b. Surch inverted (in pair with
£8500 80s/1s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 2 85.00
= 1951 (16 Feb-10 Apr). Inauguration of B.W.I. University College. As
nonnet aie are, one (Typo D.L.R,) Nos. 118/19 of Antigua.
c, Long-tailed “S”.. £5
42d 4d. on 1s. black and rose-carmine 130
nz sia is fa eae 131 ie Peck ay neta ba oe
ne ipretaned
(white paper).Ne £180
eee, £225
Cen a 14. a) 3dWmk parpleloale
Mult Crown yellow
CA, Chalk(15.622).
Ip eae ayoe Issue of the 3c. value was delayed when the supplies were sent to
Puerto Rico by mistake.
(Recess Waterlow) 1964 (23 Apr). 400th Birth Anniv of William Shakespeare. As No.
1951 (2 Apr). Restoration of Legislative Council. Wmk Mult Script 164 of Antigua.
CA. P 14%x14. 177 OG Orig EIU ee encteesceseeetceeecsactrceseed 20 10
132 16 6c. orange 70
133 12c, purple. 1:25
134 24c. olive 70
135 $1.20 carmine.. 3:50
132/5 Set of 4 5:50


36 New Idea (sloop) under

17 Sombrero

19 Sheep industry

39 Coronation celebrations, 40 Brown Pelican

Treasury Square

41 Magnificent Frigate Bird

24 Badge of the (Recess D.L.R.) 51 Youth of Tortola, 52 The Towers, Tortola
Presidency Tortola-St. Thomas ferry
1956 (1 Nov)-62. T 29/41. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 13x12% (‘Ac. to
$1.20) or 12x11% ($2.40 and $4.80).
149 29 = ac. black and reddish purple........... 1:25 30 VIRGIN
a. Black and deep reddish purple ISLANDS:
(19.4.60) 3:25 4:75
150 30 1c. turquoise-blue and slate 1:50 1-75
a. Turquoise and slate-violet
(2611.62) errvettestseonee 23:00 25-00
151 31 2c. vermilion and black. 30 10
152 32 3c. blue and deep olive 30 30
153 33 4c, deep brown and turquoise-
green 70 30
154 34 5c. grey-black... 50 10
155 35 8c. yellow-orange and deep blu’ 2-00 40
156 36 =12c. ultramarine and rose-red... 4:00 75
157 37 ©24c. myrtle-green and brown- VIRGIN
OFAN nematic tccrecssn 1:00 65 ISTANDS©
158 38 60c. indigo and yellow-orange... 8:50 8-00
159 39 $1.20 deep yellow-green and
carmine-red 5:50 12:00
160 40 $2.40 lemon and deep dull purple.. 48-00 16-00
27 Road Town 28 Map of Virgin Islands 161 41 $4.80 blackish brown and turquoise-
blue... 48:00 16-00
(Recess D.L.R.) 149/61 Set of 13 £110 50-00
1952 (15 Apr). T 17/28. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 12%x13 (vert) or
13x12% (horiz).
136 17 ‘1c. black 80 (New Currency. 100 cents = 1 U.S. dollar)
137 18 2c. deepg 70
138 19 3c, black and brow 80 VIRGIN
139 20 = 4c. carmine-red.... 70 = 1e SU
140 21 ‘5c. claret and black. 1-50
141 22 ‘8c. bright blue.. 1-00 (42)
142 23 = 12c. dull violet 1:00
1962 (10 Dec). As Nos. 149/53 and 155/61, but W w 12, surch in
143 24 24c. deep brow 70 U.S. currency as T 42 by D.LR.
144 25 60c. yellow-green and blue 6:50
162 1c. on Yac. black and deep reddish
145 26 $1.20 black and bright blue... 5:50
purple.. 30
146 27 $2.40 yellowish green and red-
163 2c, on 1c. turq 1:75
brown 17-00
164 3c. on 2c. vermilion and black.. 70
147 28 $4.80 bright blue and carmine 22:00
165 4c, on 3c. black and deep olive 30
136/47 Set of 12. 50-00
166 5c, on 4c. deep brown and turquoise-
1953 (2 June). Coronation. As No. 120 of Antigua. ORCC eoensmnniuscanttonatcaarameanet 30 57 Badge of the Colony
167 8c. on 8c. yellow-orange and deep
148 2€. black ANA GLOOM wesseesssscsssesssesssssssseeenssees 30 blue... 30 (Des and recess D.L.R.)
168 10c. on 12c. ultr. S 2:00 1964 (2 Nov)-68. T 43/57. W w 12. P 11%x12 ($2.80), 13x13%
169 12c. on 24c. myrtle-green sae brown- (70c., $1, $1.40), or 13x12¥%2 (others).
orange. 30
170 25c. on 60c. indigo and yellow-orange... 2:75 178 43 1c. blue and olive-green..... 30 2:25
171 70c. on $1.20 deep yellow-green and . yellow-olive and rose-re 15 30
. sepia and turquoise-blue 4:75 2:75
carmine-red.... at 35
a. Stop to right o . black and carmine-red.... 80 3:25
instead of beneath it (in pair with . black and deep bluish green. 2-00 2:25
MOMal)ecceecsmeseene eae ete 4:50 . black and brown-orange 30 85
172 $1.40 on $2.40 lemon and deep dull . black and magenta 30 1:00
29 Map of Tortola Punpl Charestetotrncen
sttmannennnea 9-50 185 50 10c, lake and deep lilac... 6:00 1:50
173 $2.80 on $4.80 blackish brown and a, Bright lake and reddish lilac
turquoise-blue (26510568) rane cccmutetsuae
anaenee 20-00 4-00
162/73 Set of 12 186 51 12c. deep bluish green and deep
No. 171a occurs o} e
violet-blue 2:50 3-50
187 52 15c. yellow-green and grey-black. 1:50 2:75
1963 (4 June). Freedom from Hunger. As No. 146 of Antigua. 188 53 25c. green and purple.. 12:00 2:50
174 25c, reddish Violet....ssssssssssessesssorsnseesssssseeee 20 10 189 54 70c. black and yellow-b 4.25 8-50
190 55 $1 yellow-green and chestnut 3-25 3:50
1963 (2 Sept). Red Cross Centenary. As Nos. 147/8 of Antigua. 191 56 $1.40 light blue and rose........ 24:00 14-00
WS 2c. red and black.. 15 1:10 192 57 $2.80 black and bright purpl 28:00 15:00
31 Nelthrop Red Poll bull 32 Road Harbour 176 25c. red and blue 50 20 178/92 Set of 15 80:00 55:00
1965 (17 May). I.7.U. Centenary. As Nos. 166/7 of Antigua. (Des V. Whiteley. Photo Enschedé) (Des and litho J.W.)
193 4c. yellow and turquoise. ; 20 10 1968 (2 Jan). Game Fishing. T 67 and similar horiz designs. 1970 (16 Feb)-74. Horiz designs as T 85. W w 12 (sideways*).
194 25c. light blue and orange-bu' 45 20 W w 12 (sideways). P 12/2x12. P14,
220 2c. multicoloured.. 10 1-75 240 Yac. buff, red-brown and sepia... 10 1:75
1965 (25 Oct). International Co-operation Year. As Nos. 168/9 of 221 10c. multicoloured. 25 10 241 1c. new blue, apple-green and chalky
Antigua. 222 25c, black, blue and bright violet 55 10 blue... rh 15 75
195 1c. reddish purple and turquoise-green 10 15 223 40c. multicoloured. 85 85 a. Perf 13% (12. 11.74) oN 125 2:00
196 25c. deep bluish green and lavender....... 30 15 220/3 Set of4.. 1-60 2:50 242 2c. yellow-orange, red-brown and slate 40 1-00
Designs—10c. . Wahoo; 40c. Fishing launch and map. 243 3c. orange-red, cobalt and sepia... 30 1:25
1966 (24 Jan). Churchill Commemoration. As Nos. 170/3 of
244 4c. greenish blue, chalky blue and
Antigua. bistre-brown 30 50
197 1c. new blue... 10 40 VIRGIN ISLANDSo& w. Wmk Crown to right of CA.. £170
198 2c. deep green... 50 40 245 5c. emerald, pink and black... a 30 10
199 10¢, DrOWN uss. 1:10 10 246 6c. reddish violet mauve and myrtle-
200 25c. bluish violet. 1:50 25 QUOON ssssesansscssvvcssesnsecursocenececeectertsnnnusseuaasayaeen 40 2:25
197/200 Set OF 4 verseovsserssssers 2-75 1-00 1968 247 8c. apple-green, greenish yellow and
1966 (22 Feb). Royal Visit. As Nos. 174/5 of Antigua. INTERNATIONAL sepia 50 6-00
201 4c. black and ultramarine as 40 10 YEAR FOR 248 10c. greenish blue, yellow-brown and
202 70c. black and magenta. 1-40 45 HUMAN RIGHTS red-brown 50 15
a. Perf 13¥2 (12.11.74) 250 2-25
(71) 72 Dr. Martin Luther King, Bible, 249 12c. yellow, crimson and brown. 65 1:50
Sword and Armour Gauntlet a. Perf 13% (12.11.74)... 250 3-25
VIRGIN ISLANDS ® . 250 15c. turquoise-green, orange “and bistre-
1968 (29 July). Human Rights Year. Nos. 185 and 188 optd brown... 5 6-00 85
with T 71, a. Perf 13% (ae 11.74) 3:50 3:25
224 10c. lake and deep lilac... 20 10 251 25c. grey-green, steel-blue and plum....... 4-00 1-75
225 25c, green and purple... 30 40 252 50c. magenta, dull green and purple-
29 July was the date of issue in the islands. The Crown Agents DEWIDiercerecnetsecetactoseecrerseeoreestneciy
eee 3:25 1:50
supplies went on sale in London on 1 July, the local consignment
Sretege StompGarimary
1906ETE being delayed in transit.
$1 salmon, olive-green and red-brown
$2 buff, slate and Grey...
490 3:75
8:50 | 7-00
58 Atrato| (paddle-steamer), 1866 (Des V. Whiteley. Litho Format) 255 $3 ochre, deep blue and sepia.. 275 450
256 $5 violet and grey 2:75 5:00
1968 (15 Oct). Martin Luther King Commemoration. W w 12
(Des R. Granger Barrett. Litho B.W.) 240/56 Set of 17... 30:00 35-00
(sideways). P 14. Designs:—1c. Santa Maria. (Columbus’ flagship); 2c. Elizabeth
1966 (25 Apr). Stamp Centenary. T 58 and similar horiz designs. 226 72 ~~ 4c, multicoloured. 25 20 Bonaventure (Drake's flagship); 3c. Dutch Buccaneer, circa 1660; 4c.
W w 12 (sideways). P 13. 227 25c, multicoloured. 40 40 Thetis, 1827 (after etching by E. W. Cooke); 5c. Henry Morgan's ship
203 5c. black, red, yellow and emerald.......... 35 10
204 10c. black, green and rose-red/cream...... 35 10 (17th century); 6c. H.M.S. Boreas (Captain Nelson, 1784); 8c. H.M.S.
205 25c. black, rose-red and blue/pale green... 55 10 Eclair, 1804; 10c. H.M.S. Formidable, 1782; 12c, H.M.S. Nymph, 1778;
206 60c. black, red and green/pale blue. x 1-00 2:50 15c. Windsor Castle (sailing packet) engaging Jeune Richard (French
203/6 Set of4...... 2-00 2:50 brig), 1807; 25c. H.M.S. Astrea, 1808; 50c. Wreck of R.M.S. Rhone, 1867;
Design:—10c. id.’and 6d. ‘stamps of 1866; 25c. Air mail transport, $1 Tortola sloop; $2 H.M.S. Frobisher; $3 Booker Viking (cargo liner),
Beef Island, and 6d. stamp of 1866; 60c. Landing mail at Roadtown, 1967; $5 Hydrofoil Sun Arrow.
1866 and 1d. stamp of 1866. *The normal sideways watermark shows Crown to left of CA, as
seen from the back of the stamp.


73 de Havilland DHC-6 Twin
IS: The Yac., 3c., 4c., 5c., 10c., and 12c. were reissued in 1973 with
W w 12 upright.
Otter 100 Centenary of Charles Dickens Death 1870-1970

(Des R. Granger Barrett. Litho Format)

1968 (16 Dec). Opening of Beef Island Airport Extension. T 73 and
similar horiz designs. Multicoloured. P 14.
228 2c. Type 73. 25 1:50
eases 229 10c. Hawker S y 40 10
230 25c. de Havilland DH. 14 Heron 2.. 45 10
(62) 231 $1 Rel Eanes oP ol ee 50 2-00
1966 (15 Sept). As Nos. 189 and 191/2 but wmk sideways, surch 228/31 Set of4... 1-40 3-25 102 A Tale of Two Cities
as T 62.
207 50c. on 70c. black and yellow-brown 1:25 90 (Des W. G. Brown, Litho D.L.R.)
208 $1.50 on $1.40 light blue and rose.. 2:25 2-00 1970 (4 May). Death Centenary of Charles Dickens. T 102 and
209 $3 on $2.80 black andSalen purl 2:25 2:75 similar horiz designs showing original book illustrations.
207/9 Set OF 3 snnnmnnnnnnes wen 5:00 5:00 W w 12 (sideways). P 14.
257 5c. black, light rose and grey. 30 1:00
1966 (1 Dec). 20th Anniv of U.N.E.S.C.O, As Nos. 196/8 of Antigua.
258 10c, black, light blue and pale green........ 40 10
210 2c. slate-violet, red, yellow and orange. 10 10 259 25c. black, light green and pale yellow... 70 25
211 12c. orange-yellow, violet and deep olive 40 10 257/9 Set of3... 1:25 1:00
212 60c. black,eae pale aandeons bie 1:10 45 Designs: —10¢. “Oliver Twist; 25c. ‘Great Expectations,
210/12 Set of3... 1:40 60


“Treasure tsland’
77 Long John Silver 78 Jim Hawkins escaping from
and Jim Hawkins the Pirates

(Des Jennifer Toombs. Photo Enschedé)

1969 (18 Mar). 75th Death Anniv of Robert Louis Stevenson. Scenes
British Virg in|slands _
from Treasure Island. T 77/8 and similar designs. W w 12 103 Hospital Visit
63 Map of Virgin Islands (sideways on 10c., $1). P 13%2x13 (4c., 40c.) or 13x13% (others).
232 4c. indigo, pale yellow and carmine-red 20 15 (Des R. Granger Barrett. Litho Questa)
(Des G. Vasarhelyi. Photo Harrison)
233 10c, multicoloured... & 20 10 1970 (10 Aug). Centenary of British Red Cross. T 103 and similar
1967 (18 Apr). New Constitution. W w 12, P 14%. 234 40c. brown, black and. blue. 25 30 horiz designs. Multicoloured. W w 12 (sideways*). P 14.
213 63 =.2c. multicoloured 10 10 235 $1 multicoloured.. 45 1:00 260 Ac. Type 103... 20 45
214 10c. multicoloured 15 10 232/5 Set of4... 1:00 1-40 261 10c. First Aid Clas: 20 10
w. Wmk inverted 22:00 Designs: Vert oriz—$1 Treasure 262 25c. Red Cross and Coat of Arms 50 55
215 25c, multicoloured 15 10 trove, w. Wmk Crown to right of CA 75:00
w. Wmk inverted 9:00 260/2 Set of 3... 1-00 100
216 $1 multicoloured 55 40 *The normal ‘sideways ‘watermark shows Crown to left of CA, as
213/16:Set OF Avcasnserementacte
net 75 55 seen from the back of the stamp.

VIRGIN ISLANDS_ 82 Yachts in Road Harbour, Tortola

64 Mercury (cable ship) and (Des J. Cooter, Litho P.B.)
Bermuda-Tortola Link 1969 (20 Oct), Tourism. T 82 and similar multicoloured designs.
W w 12 (sideways on 2c,, $1). P 12%.
(Des G. Drummond, Photo Harrison)
236 2c. Tourist and Yellow-finned Grouper
1967 (14 Sept). Inauguration of Bermuda-Tortola Telephone Service. (fish) (vert) 15 50
T 64 and similar horiz designs. Multicoloured. W w 12. P 14%. 237 10c. Type 82 30 10
217 AG. TYPO G4 ccncmmcccncinnndepmcenreatl 30 10
104 Mary Read
238 20c, Sun-bathing at Virgin Gorda
218 10c. Chalwell Telecommunications National Park. 40 20 (Des and litho J. W.)
Station... ah 20 10 239 $1 Tourist and P'
219 50c. Mercury (cable ship). 60 30 Virgin Gorda (vert) 90 1:50 1970 (16 Nov). Pirates. T 104 and similar vert designs.
217/19 Set of 3. 1:00 40 236/9'Set OFA wnacusccnsbnsnenacieeon 1-60 2:00 Multicoloured. W w 12. P 14x14%,
263 Yac. Type 104. 10 15
264 10c, George Lowther... 30 10
BRITISH 265 30c, Edward Teach (Blackbeard)... 60 25
VIRGIN 266 60c. Henry Morgan... 80 1:00
ISLANDS f 263/6 Set of 4 1:50 1:40

67 Blue Marlin 85 Carib Canoe

aeae ee EE 17 8c. black and vermilion 15-00 32-00 MALAVA@
a. Line through “B”... £475
Brunei 18 10c. on 16c. green and brown. 7:00 22-00 BORNEO
a. Line through “B"......... £425 £550
19 25c. on 16c. green and brown... £190) £120 EXHIBITION,
Ea ae ee
Ce a. Line through “B’ sss. £1600
20 30c. on 16c. green and brown... £120 £130 - 41922.
Sultan Hashim Jalil-ul-alam Akamudin, 1885-1906 a. Line through “B’... £1600 Retouch Normal (6)
21 50c. on 16c. green and £120 £130
(Currency. 100 cents = 1 Straits, a. Line through “B”....... £1600 RETOUCHES. We list the very distinctive 5c. Retouch (top left value
later Malayan and Brunei, dollar) 22 $1 on 8c. black and vermilion £120 = £130 tablet, R. 1/8), but there are others of interest, notably in the clouds.
For many years the status of the 1895 issue remained uncertain to a. Line through “B”....... £1600
1916. Colours changed. Single plates. Wmk Mult Crown CA. P 14.
such an extent that the 1906 provisionals on Labuan were taken to 11/22 Set of 1on £600 £800
Only one sheet of the 1c ‘received the black overprint. 49 5 SC. OFANGE ......00 26:00 23-00
be the first issue of Brunei. a. “5c.” retouch £600 £700
The surcharges were applied in settings of 50. Nos. 13a/b
The 1895 “Star and Crescent” design stamps were, from their first occur from one sheet on which the surcharge from the second 50 8c, ultramarine 8-00 32-00
appearance, considered bogus or, at best, as an issue made purely impression of the setting was misplaced to give two surcharges on 49s/50s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 2 £120
for philatelic purposes. Research into the background of the events row five and none on row ten.
surrounding the set led to the publication, in 1933, of the original Examples of all values are known showing a forged Brunei MALAYA-BORNEO EXHIBITION OVERPRINTS. These were produced
agreement between Sultan Hashim and J. C. Robertson, dated postmark dated “13 JUL” from a setting of 30 examples, applied twice to overprint the complete
20 August 1894, which made clear that the stamps fulfilled a genuine sheet of 60 stamps. Three prominent overprint flaws exist, each
postal purpose. Although Robertson and his partners intended to occurring on all the stamps in two vertical rows of the sheet.
exploit the philatelic sales for their own benefit, the agreement

testifies, as does other evidence, to the use of the stamps by the Sultan Mohamed Jemal-ul-Alam, 1906-1924
Sultan for his postal service. As Brunei did not, at that time, belong
to any local or international postal union, the stamps were only valid PRINTERS. All Brunei stamps from Nos. 23 to 113 were recess-printed
by De La Rue. Short “I” (all Broken “E” Broken “N”
within the state or on mail to Labuan or Sarawak. Items for further
afield required franking with Labuan stamps in addition. Although stamps in (all stamps in (all stamps in
most covers surviving are addressed to Robertson's associates, enough 2nd and 4th and 10th 6th and 12th
8th vertical vertical rows) vertical rows)
commercial covers and cards exist to show that there was, indeed, a
postal service.
(Optd by Govt Printer, Singapore)
PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER TO 1945 1922 (31 Mar). Optd with T 6, in black.
Nos. 1/10 are rare used on cover. 51 5 1c, green (Il)... 12:00 55-00
Nos, 11/22 from x 30 a. Short “I” 15:00 75-00
Nos. 23/33 from x 25 b. Broken“E 15:00 75-00
Nos. 34/50 from x 10 eeCENT. A c. Broken“N 15:00 75-00
Nos. 51/9 from x 12 52 2c. black and brown 12:00 50-00
5 View on Brunei River
Nos. 60/78 from x 8 a. Short “I”. 15:00 70:00
1907 (26 Feb)-10. Wmk Mult Crown CA. P 14. b. Broken “E” 15:00 70-00
23 5 1c. grey-black and pale green 2:25 11-00 c. Broken “N 15:00 70-00
X, Wk reversed. 15:00 30-00 53 3c. scarlet (Il) 13-00 60-00
g ¢centre of Brooketon, and the stamps of SARAWAK were 24 2c. grey-black and scarle 2:50 3:25 a. Short “I”. 16:00 85-00
inf there from 1893 until the office was handed over to Brunei x. Wk reversed... 32:00 42:00 b. Broken “ 16:00 85-00
in February 1907. j xs. Ditto, opt “SPECIMEN” 50-00 c. Broken “N 16:00 85-00
25 3c. grey-black and chocolate. 10:00 22-00 54 Ac. claret (Il)... 19:00 55-00
x. Wk reversed... 40:00 55-00 a. Short “I” 2400 80-00
26 4c. grey-black and mauv 3 7-50 7:00 b. Broken “E” 24:00 80-00
a. Grey-black and reddish purple c. Broken “N’ 24:00 80-00
(1910) #s, 40:00 55 5c. orange (I) 25:00 65-00
w. Wmk inverted.. a. “5c retouch (and short “I”) £600 £1100
x. Wmk reversed.. 85-00 b. 32:00 95-00
27 5c. grey-black and blue 50:00 95:00 . Broken “E” 32:00 95-00
x. Wmk reversed.......... £120 = £180 . Broken “N” 32:00 95-00
y. Wk inverted and reversed £275 56 10c. purple/yellow (II 10:00 60-00
28 8c. grey-black and orange 7:50 23-00 a. Short “I”.... 14:00 90:00
1 Star and Local 29 10c. grey-black and deep green. 4:50 4-00 b. Broken “E” 14:00 90-00
Scene 30 25c. pale blue and ochre-brown 32:00 48-00 c. Broken “N’....... 14:00 90-00
31 30c. violet and black... 29:00 22-00 57 25c, deep dull purple (II). 14:00 80-00
(Litho in Glasgow) x. Wmk reversed.. £400 a. Short “I”... 30-00 £130
1895 (22 July). P 13-13%. 32 50c. green and deep brown.. 15:00 22.00 b. Broken “E” 30:00 £130
33 $1 red and grey. 60:00 90:00 c. Broken “N” 30:00 £130
5] 1 Yc. brown 7:00 20-00
23/33:SCCOF I isnmssteeteneen £200 £300 d. “C” of “CA” missing from £1300
2 1c. brown-lake.. 650 15-00
23xs/33s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 11... £300 x. Wmk reversed....... £425
3 2c. black.. 450 19-00
The 1c. “SPECIMEN” is normally found with wmk reversed. 58 50c. black/b/ue-green (Il). 45:00 £150
4 3c. deep blue 650 14-00
a. Short “I”... 80:00 £225
5 Sc. deep blue-green 650 20-00 b. Broken “E” 80:00 £225
6 8c. plum...... 6:50 50-00
c. Broken “N’ 80:00 £225
if 10c. orange-red 8:00 50-00
59 $1 black and red/blue 75:00 £190
a. Imperf (pair) £3000
a. Short “I"..... £130 £275
8 25c. turquoise-green.. 85:00 £100
b. Broken “E” £130 £275
9 50c. yellow-green 27:00 £100
c. Broken “N” £130 £275
10 $1 yellow-olive 28:00 £120
51/9 Set of9.... £200 £700
TO essccscsessesee £170 £450 Examples of allvaluesareknown showing a forged Brunei postmark
dated “13 JUL”
Sultan Ahmed Tajudin Akhazul Khairi Wadin, 1924-1950

BRUNE! _TWO_CENTS. 25 CENTS : | Double plate. Lowest line of shading on water is dotted.
ll Single plate. Dotted line of shading removed.
(2) (3) (4) Stamps printed in two colours are as |.

1908 (12 June)-22. Colours changed. Double or single plates.

Wmk Mult Crown CA. P 14.
34 5 1c. green (I) 80 2:25 7 Native houses, Water Village
35 1c. green (Il) (1911) 60 2:00
a. “A” missing from £225 1924 (Feb)-37. Printed from single plates as Type Il, except 30c.
b. “C" missing from wmk £225 and $1 as Type |. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 14.
36 2c. black and brown (5.4.11).. 4:25 1:25 60 5 1c. black (9.26)....... 1:00 75
w. Wmk inverted... £130 a. “A” of “CA” missing from wmk £800
37. 3c. scarlet (I)... 8:00 1:25 61 2c. brown (3.24) 1:25 11-00
a. Substituted crown in wm £700 62 2c. green (3.33) 2-00 1-00
38 3c. scarlet (II) (1916)... £130 38-00 63 3c. green (3.24) 1:75 6-50
39 Ac. claret (II) (17.4.12) 8-00 75 64 4c. maroon (3.24) 2-75 1:25
Line through “B” (R. 5/10) 40 5c. black and orange (1916 7:00 7:00 65 Ac. orange (1929) 2:00 1-00
41 8c. blue and indigo-blue (10.08 7:00 11-00 66 5c. orange-yellow* (3.24). 16-00 2:00
(Optd by Govt Printer, Singapore) 42 10c. purple/yellow (Il) (11.12) 8-50 1:75 a. “5c! retouch £325 £130
1906 (1 Oct). Nos. 117, 119, 121 and 123/4 of Labuan (see North a. On pale yellow (1922). 7:00 4-00 67 5c. grey (1931).. 24:00 12:00
Borneo), optd with T 2, or surch as T 3 or 4 (25c.), in red. as. Optd “SPECIMEN”. 60-00 a. “Sc.” retouch £550 £425
P 13% or 14 (1c). w. Wmk inverted.. EHBIS 68 5c. chocolate (1933) 25-00 1-00
11 1c. black and purple 50:00 55-00 x, Wmk reversed a, “Sc. retouch..... £325 70-00
a. Error. Opt in black £2500 £3000 y. Wmk inverted and reverse: 69 7 6c, intense black** (3.24)... 14.00 10-00
b. Line through “B”... £850 43 25c. deep lilac (II) (30.5.12) ... 29:00 x. Wmk reversed
c. Perf 13%-14, comp 12-13 £300 a. Deep dull purple (1920)... 29-00 70 6c, scarlet (1931). 12:00 11-00
12 2c, on 3c. black and sepia 7:00 21-00 44 30c. purple and orange-yellow 71 5 8c. ultramarine (9.27)... 6:00 5:00
a. “BRUNEI” double. £3750 £2500 (18.3.12) mA 18:00 72 8c. grey-black (1933, 16-00 75
b. “TWO CENTS” double. £5000 45 50c. black/green (Il) (1912) 38:00 65:00 73 10c. purple/yellow (3. 40:00 28-00
c, Line through “B”....... £300 a. On blue-green (1920)... 11:00 42-00 s. Perf “SPECIMEN”. £170
13 2c, on 8c. black and vermilion.. 27:00 80:00 46 $1 black and red/blue (18.3.12). 28:00 48-00 74 7 12c. blue (shades)... 4:50 9:00
a. “TWO CENTS” double 47 $5 carmine/green (I) (1910) £190 £350 75 5 25c. slate-purple (1931) 23:00 13:00
b. “TWO CENTS” omitted (in vert pair 48 $25 black/red (I) (1910).. £650 £1300 76 30c. purple and orange-yellow
with normal)...... S447 SCC OFT D rescccccscssssssecnecntotprentne £250 £450 (1931)... 25:00 16:00
c. Line through “B £750 34s/48s Optd “SPECIMEN” Set of 13. £650 77 50c. black/emerald (1931) 19:00 15-00
14 3c. black and sepia 38:00 85:00 The used price for No. 48 is for a cancelled- -by-favour example, 78 $1 black and red/blue (1931 28:00 75-00
a. Line through “B £800 dated before December 1941; there being no actual postal rate for 60/78 Set of 19... £225 £200
15 4c. on 12c. black and yellow... 850 5:00 which this value could be used, Examples dated after 1945 are worth 60s/78s (ex 10c,) ‘Optd ‘Nos. 60/1, 63/4, 66, 69, 71,
a. Line through “B" ss... £325 much less. 74) or Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 18 £600
16 5c. on 16c. green and brown. 48:00 75-00 For illustration of the substituted watermark crown see Catalogue *For 5 c, orange, see No. 82. No. 66 is a “Wet” printing and No. 82
a. Line through “B” £900 Introduction. a“Dry”.

Sultan Sir Omar Ali Saifuddin-Wasa’adul Khairi Wadin, Printings of the 6 and 15c. issued on 28 November 1969 were
™*For 6c. black, see No, 83. Apart from the difference in shade there 1950-1967 on both ordinary and glazed paper, the 6c. on ordinary producing
is a variation in size, No. 69 being 373%4 mm long and No. 83 39 mm.
a distinct shade.
The 2c. orange and 3c. blue-green in Type 5, and the 6c. greenish
grey (Perf 14x11%4), 8c. red and 15c. ultramarine in Type 7 were No. 124a exists in coils constructed from normal sheets.
not issued without the Japanese Occupation overprint, although The 2c., 3c, 4c, 6¢., 8c., 10c., 12c. and 15c. were reissued between
unoverprinted examples exist. It is believed that these 1941 printings 1972 and 1974 with W w 12 sideways.
were produced and possibly perforated, by other firms in Great Britain
following bomb damage to the De La Rue works at the end of 1940
(Prices 2c., 8c., each £75, 15c. £100, 6c. £130, 3c, £225 unused). 4° BRUNEI
During the life of this issue De La Rue changed the method of G
production from a “Wet” to a “Dry” process. Initially the stamps
were printed on ungummed paper which was dampened before
being put on the press. Once the paper had dried, and contracted in EB iwo CENTS 9)
the process, the gum was then applied. “Dry” printings, introduced 9 Sultan Omar Ali 10 Native houses, Water Village ERUOSMATIOBAC TCLECOMMUNICATION SKION
around 1934, were on pre-gummed paper. The contraction of the Saifuddin
= CEASENARE » S885 < 1965
“Wet” printings was considerable and usually involves a difference
of between 0.5 mm and 1 mm when compared with the larger “Dry” 1952 (1 Mar)-58. Wmk Mult Script CA. P 13.
13 |..U. Emblem
printings. The following stamps occur from both “Wet” and “Dry” 100 9 1c. black.. 10 50
versions: 1c., 2c. green, 4c. orange, 5c. chocolate, 6c. scarlet, 8c. grey- (Des M. Goaman. Litho Enschedé)
101 2c. black and orang 15 50
black, 10c. and 25c. 102 3c. black and lake-brow! 25 30 1965 (17 May). |.T.U. Centenary. W w 12. P 11x11%.
Stamps of this issue can be found either line or comb perforated. 103 4c. black and green. 30 20 132 13. 4c. mauve and orange-brown......... 35 10
The 10c. perforated “SPECIMEN" is listed separately due to its later 104 6c. black and grey. 2:00 10 133 75c. orange-yellow and light |
distribution by the UPU. 105 8c. black and crimson. 1-25 60 inact:|ePesaran ncieeer 1-00 75
a. Black and crimson-lake
Brunei was occupied by the Japanese Army in January 1942 and
(S256) feccerees 17:00 20
remained under Japanese administration until liberated by the 9th 106 10c. black and sepia.. 30 10
Australian Division in June 1945. 107 12c. black and violet. 6:00 10
108 15c. black and pale blue 5:00 10
After the cessation of hostilities with the Japanese, postal 109 25c. black and purple... 2:50 10
services were re-introduced by the British Military Administration. a. Black and reddish purple
From 6 November, military post offices using Australian stamps (8510353) Seeecrreenes 10:00 1:00
. were opened for civilian use, until offices under B.M.A. control 110 50c. black and ultramarine.. 6-00 10
were opened at Brunei Town and Kuala Belait on 17 December a. Black and blue (22.6.55) 15-00 10
1945 where B.M.A. overprints on the stamps of NORTH BORNEO 111 10 $1 black and green 4.50 1-40
and SARAWAK were used until the reappearance of Brunei issues a. Black and bronze-green 14 1.C.Y. Emblem
on 2 January 1947. (23:758) cements 12:00 3:50
112 $2 black and scarlet. 6-50 3-00 (Des V. Whiteley. Litho Harrison)
113 $5 black and maroon.. 38:00 11-00 1965 (25 Oct). International Co-operation Year. W w 12. P 14.
a. Black and brown-purple
134 14 4c. reddish purple and turquoise-
(15.2.56) 11:00
green 20 10
100/13 Set of 14 15:00
135 15c. deep bluish green an
No. 106 exists in coils constructed from normal sheets. LAV ere riteeratem ccrecsctectenr
coreseaten 55 35
See also Nos. 118/31.

weigal 2
11 Brunei Mosque and Sultan
15 Sir Winston Churchill and
(Recess B.W.) St. Paul's Cathedral in Wartime
Redrawn clouds (R. 1/1 of No. 80ab only)
1958 (24 Sept). Opening of Brunei Mosque. W w 12. P 13¥2. (Des Jennifer Toombs. Photo Harrison)
1947 (2 Jan)-51. Colours changed and new values. Wmk Mult 114 11 8c. black and myrtle-green 20 65
Script CA. P 14. 115 15c. black and carmine.... 25 15 1966 (24 Jan). Churchill Commemoration. W w 12. P 14.
79 5 1c. chocolate...... serseactetasotlaatnastepore? 2-00 116 35c. black and deep lilac. 30 90 136 15 3c. black, cerise, gold and new
a. “A” of “CA” missing from wmk. TVAKSSWC) febeee orcas eerie ee See ee 65 1:50 DIG ascssezescecssnreneeseserertea ema 30 862-50
80 Pea (8)fame eee 9-00 137 10c. black, cerise, gold and deep
a. Perf 1414x13% (25.9.50) 475 GLCQBIeconscsesonncsstosen
cactos ate eee 1:50 20
ab. Black (27.6.51).. 6-50 138 15c. black, cerise, gold and brown... 1:75 35
ac. Redrawn clouds.. 139 75c. black, cerise, gold and bluish
81 7 3c. green...... 8-00 violet a 425 4-00
82 5 5c. orange*. 2:00 136/9 Set of 4 7-00 650 |
a. “5c! retouch. £100
b. Perf 14%2x13% (25.9.50) 22:00
c. Ditto “5c.” retouch £275
83 7 ‘6c. black*. 6:50 12 “Protein Foods"
84 5 8c. scarlet 2:50
a. Perf 13 (25.1.51).. 13-00 (Des M. Goaman. Photo Harrison)
85 10c. violet... 30 1963 (4 June). Freedom from Hunger. W w 12. P 14x14.
a. Perf 14% 5:50 117 2 AERSCP el peensen certs eennsssteisracrcanspaaaannsoeiees DTS: 1:00
86 15c. ultramarine.. 70
87 25c. deep claret... 3-00 1964-72. As Nos. 100/13, but W w 12. Glazed paper ($2, 5) or
a. “A” of “CA” missing from wmk. — £1200 ordinary paper (others).
b. Perf 14%x13% (25.1.51) 450 16:00 118 9 1c. black (17.3.64) 50 70
88 30c. black and orange... 2:50 1-00 16 Footballer’s Legs, Ball and Jules
a. Glazed paper. Grey (28. 2-75 4:25
Rimet Cup
a. Perf 14%2x13% (25.1.51 3-25 22-00 ab. Slate grey (30.6.72)..... 15 2:75
89 50c. black....... 650 1:50 119 2c. black and orange (17.3.64) 1:50 20
(Des V. Whiteley. Litho Harrison)
a. Perf 13 (25.9.50). 1:90 23-00 a. Glazed paper (27.5.70)..... 2:50 10
90 $1 black and scarlet 16:00 2:50 120 3c. black and lake-brown 1966 (4 July). World Cup Football Championship. W w 12 (side
91 $5 green and red-orange (2.2. 23:00 26-00 VO!1 1.64) cccccecssosassa 1:50 60 ways). P 14.
92 $10 black and purple (2.2.48). £110 30-00 a. Glazed paper (27.5.70) 2:50 10 140 16 4c. violet, yellow-green, lake and
TO/92 SCtOn 4 ca nansseentrenseer
es £150 80-00 121 4c. black and green (12.5.64, 40 10 YON OW-DFOWN vrsssssssssessnsscesesnsseneseese 20 15
79s/92s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 14. £350 a. Glazed paper (6.3.70)... 50 10 141 75c. chocolate, blue-green, lake
*See also Nos. 66 and 69. ab. Black and emerald (19.11.71). 2:50 4-00 AN yellOW-DrOWN ...-ssssssccssesesseeenees 80 60
The 1, 2, 3,5, 6, 10 and 25c. values utilised the plates of the pre-war 122 6c. black and grey (12.5.64). 3-75 10
issue and were line perforated until the introduction of the 14%2x13% a. Black (28.11.69)... 11:00 11-00
comb machine for some values in 1950-51. The 8, 15, 50c., $1, $5 and b. Glazed paper (28.11.69). 50 30
$10 were from new plates with the sheets comb perforated, The 30c. ba. Light grey (19.11.71)... 2:00 3:75
was initially a pre-war plate, but it is believed that a new plate was
introduced in 1951.
123 8c. black and crimson-lake
(1225:64) canoer 1:50 10
a. Glazed paper (27.5.70) 1:00 1:
ab. Black and brown-red (19.11.71). 5:00 4:50
124 10c. black and sepia (12.5.64) 1:25 10
a, Glazed paper (31.3.70) 2:75 10
ab. Grey and pale brown (coil)
(11.10.71) ieee 4:00 6:50 17 W.H.O. Building
125 12c. black and violet (12.5.64) 1:50 10
a. Glazed paper (5.11.70)... 15:00 1:00 (Des M. Goaman. Litho Harrison)
126 15c. black and pale blue (12.5.64) 55 10
1966 (20 Sept). Inauguration of W.H.O. Headquarters, Geneva.
AA a. Glazed paper (28.11.69)... 65 20
W w 12 (sideways). P 14.
127 25c. black and purple (12.5.64). 7:50 10
8 Sultan Ahmed Tajudin and Water 142 17 12c. black, yellow-green and light
a. Glazed paper (18.5.70).... . 14-00 9-00
Village ab. Glazed paper. Black and reddish BIWG ir crsssintassiscrsnanegersernionaneeceneae 40 65 1]
violet (30.4.71). . 17:00 1:25
143 25c. black, light purple and yellow- |
1949 (22 Sept). Sultan's Silver Jubilee, Wmk Mult Script CA. P 13. 128 50c. black and ultra DROWN) sieessexesseseetesnssteica
dena cea 60° 1-25 4
93 8 8c. black and carmine...... 1-40 1:25 (10.1:1,64) oSiancnsmenaencaretenreees 2:50 10
94 25c. purple and red-orange 1.40 1-60 a. Black and bright ultramarine
95 50c. black and blue 1-40 1-60 (17.3.69) se 8-50 2:25
93/5 Set of 3 3-75 4:00 b. Glazed paper (5.11.70) . 19-00 4.00
ba. Grey and indigo (21.12.71) css 20:00 6-00
1949 (10 Oct). 75th Anniv of Universal Postal Union. As 129 10 $1 black and bronze-green
Nos. 114/17 of Antigua. (14.5.68) 3:00 6-00
96 8c. carmine. 1:00 2:25 a. Glazed paper (5.11.70) 9.00 7:00
97 15c. deep blue. 3-50 1:50 130 $2 black and scarlet (5.11.70). 45:00 20-00
98 1:00 1:50 131 $5 black and maroon (5.11.70)... 45:00 35-00
99 1:00 1:25 118/29 Set OF 12 seoessessrssssees 23:00 7:00 BRUNEI
600 6:00 118ab/29a, 130/1 Set of 14. £140 65-00 18 “Education”
Japanese Occupation of Brunei BRUNEI
OF UNESCO (Des V. Whiteley. Photo Harrison)
1968 (1 Aug). Coronation of the Sultan of Brunei. W w 12
(sideways). P 14%x14.
157 24 = 4c. multicoloured 15 25
158 12c. multicoloured 25 50
{ 159 25c. multicoloured 40 75
| 157/9 Set of 3 70 1-40

19 “Science” 32 Youth Centre and Sultan's Portrait


1969 (20 Dec). Opening of the New Youth Centre. W w 12.
P 15x14’.
175 32 6c. flesh, slate-lilac and black 20 1-00
176 10c. olive-yellow, grey-green an
Dlackish Drown .....sscsssessccsscecseseeseees 25 10
177 30c. yellow-olive, yellow-brown and
black 70 1.00
BRUNEI! 75c 175/7 Set of 3 1:00 1:90
20 “Culture”

(Des Jennifer Toombs. Litho Harrison)

1966 (1 Dec). 20th Anniv of U.N.E.S.C.0. W w 12 (sideways). P 14. JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF BRUNEI
144 18 4c. slate-violet, red, yellow and
OGG Raaes 35 10
BRUNEI 19 sen Japanese forces landed in Northern Borneo on 15 December 1941 and
the whole of Brunei had been occupied by 6 January 1942.
145 19 15c. orange-yellow, violet and deep 26 New Building and Sultan's Portrait Brunei, North Borneo, Sarawak and, after a short period, Labuan,
olive... 75 50 were administered as a single territory by the Japanese. Until
146 20 = 75c., black, bright purple and (Photo Enschedé) September-October 1942, previous stamp issues, without overprint,
2:50 6-00 1968 (29 Sept). Opening of Language and Literature Bureau. continued to be used in conjunction with existing postmarks. From
144/6 Set of 3 3:25 6-00 the Autumn of 1942 onwards unoverprinted stamps of Japan were
W w 12 (sideways). P 13% (10c.) or 12%x13% (others).
160 25 10c. multicoloured z 20 175 made available and examples can be found used from the area for
a. Téte-béche (pa 40 3-50 much of the remainder of the War. Japanese Occupation issues for
161 26 = 15c. multicoloured 20 35 Brunei, North Borneo and Sarawak were equally valid throughout the
Sultan Sir Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzadin Waddaulah, 1967 162 30c. multicoloured 45 90 combined territory but not, in practice, equally available.
160/2 Set of3... 75 275
The above were scheduled for release in 1967, “and when finally
issued had the year altered by overprinting. PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER
Nos. J1/16 fromx8
Nos. J17/20

21 Religious Headquarters
(Des and photo Harrison)
1967 (19 Dec). 1400th Anniv of Revelation of the Koran. W
(sideways). P 12%.
w 12 aN
21 4c. multicoloured...
10c. multicoloured..
10 Emblem and
28 Sultan of Brunei and W.H.O.
Emblem ARDS RAK [2 88 BE} HF
149 - 25c. multicoloured.. 20 30 struggling Man (1) (“Imperial Japanese (2) (“Imperial Japanese
150 - 50c. multicoloured.. 35 1-50 Government”) Postal Service $3”)
147/50 Set of 4. 70. (1-75 (Des V, Whiteley. Litho Harrison)
Nos. 149/50 are as T 21 but have sprigs of laurel flanking the main 1968 (16 Dec). Human Rights Year. W w 12. P 14. 1942 (Oct)-44. Stamps of Brunei handstamped with T 1 in violet
design (which has a smaller circle) in place of flagpoles. 163 27 12c. black, yellow and green. 10 20 to blue. Wmk Mult Script CA (except Nos. J18/19, Mult Crown
164 25c. black, yellow and blue... ‘ 15 25 CA). P 14.
165 75c. black, yellow and dull purple... 45 1:75 Ji 5 1c. 10:00 23-00
1163/5: SetORS cateccecscetcre tercmccccoscacsiece ete seaseee 65 2-00 a. £200 £225
J2 2c. i 50:00 £110
(Des V. Whiteley, Litho Format) J3 2c. orange (1943).. 6-00 9-00
1968 (19 Dec), 20th Anniv of World Health Organization. P 14. J4 3c. blue-green 32:00 75-00
166 28 = 4c. yellow, black and cobalt.........0 30 1:25 a.
167 15c. yellow, black and deep bluish £4250
violet : 55 65 J5 4c. 400 13-00
168 25c. yellow, J6 Sc. 650 13-00
olive.. 65 1:25 a. “Sc.” retouch.. £160 £375
166/8 Set OF 3 .eccssessssssseees 1-40 2:75 J7 7 ‘6c. greenish grey
(1944). 40:00 £325
J8 6c. scarlet £600 £600
J9 5 8c. grey-black. £850 £900
J10 7 8c. red... 950 12:00
a. Opt omitte:
normal)....... £2750
J 5 10c. purple/yellow 10:00 26-00
J12 7 12c. blue...... 35:00 26-00
a. Red op’ £550 £650
22 Sultan of Brunei, Mosque and J13 15c. ultramarine 25:00 26-00
Flags J14 5 25c. slate-purple.. 26:00 50-00
a. Red opt....... £700 £850
(Des V. Whiteley. Photo Enschedé) J15 30c, purple and orange-yellow 95:00 £180
1968 (9 July). Installation of Y.T.M. Seri Paduka Duli Pengiran J16 50c. black/emerald 38:00 60-00
Temenggong. T 22 and similar multicoloured design. P 14x13 a. Red opt........ £850
J17 $1 black and red/blue (1944) 55:00 70-00
(12c.) or 13x14 (others) 29 Deep Sea Oil-Rig, Sultan of Brunei and . REG Optecessesserssesssseses — £1600
151 SRC TRett ete ceer acne eteeee cco scnveccanccouncearoceness 15 80 inset portrait of Pengiran Di-Gadong J18 ss carmine/green (1944). £1000 £3500
152 12c. Sultan of Brunei, Mosque and Flags
J19 $25 black/red (1944). £1000 £3500
(horiz)... é 1:60 (Des adapted by V. Whiteley. Photo Enschedé) The overprint varies in shade from violet to blue, and being
153 25c. Type 22 2-00 1969 (10 July). Installation (9th May, 1968) of Pengiran handstamped, exists inverted, double, double oneinverted and treble.
BERS CH ONS tansesett es sestcrsectclarcsincoctcnsnes 5 F 4.00 Shahbandar as Y.T.M. Seri Paduka Duli Pengiran Di-Gadong Nos. J3, J4, J7, J10 and J13 were not issued without the overprint
Sahibol Mal. W w 12. P 14x13. (See footnote below Brunei No. 78).
169 29 =12c. multicoloured 85 50
170 40c. multicoloured 1:25 2:00 1944 (11 May). No. J1 surch with T 2 in orange-red.
171 50c. multicoloured 1-25 2:00 520 5 $3 on Ic. black .. £9000 £10000
169/71 Set of 3 3-00 4.00 a. Surch on No. 60 of Brunei . £11000
Three separate handstamps were used to apply Type 2, one for
the top line, one for the bottom and the third for the two central

30 Aerial View of Parliament Buildings

23 Sultan of Brunei 24 Sultan of Brunei (Des Harrison. Litho D.L.R.)

1969 (23 Sept). Opening of Royal Audience Hall and Legislative
(Des V. Whiteley. Litho D.L.R.) Council Chamber. P 15.
1968 (15 July). Sultan's Birthday. W w 12 eee P 12. 172 30 = 12c. multicoloured... 20 25
154 23 = 4c, multicoloured.. 10 50 173 25c. multicoloured 30 45
155 12c. multicoloured 20 85 174 - 50c. rose-red and bluish violet... 60 3-50
156 25c. multicoloured 30 1-40 172/4 Set of 3 1:00 3:75
154/6 Set of 3 55 2-50 Design:—50c. Elevation of new buildings.


12 pies = 1 anna;
16 annas = 1 rupee)

Stamps of India were used in Burma from 1854 and, after 1856,
individual examples can be identified by the use of the concentric
octagonal postmarks of the Bengal Postal Grcle of which the following
were supplied to Burmese post offices: 1875 type from Rangoon Cantonment Receiving House
From 1886 the whole of Burma wes united under the Crown and
the post offices were suppiied with Groular date stamps giving the
name of the town.
Most Indian stamps, both postage and official, issued during “
the period were supplied to post offices in Burma. None of the
imperforates printed by De La Rue have been seen however, and
from the later issues the following have not been recorded with
Burma postmarks- a .
Nos. 39a, 66a, 68, 85a, 92a, 110a/b, 148a, 155a, 165, 192a/c, 1S5a/b,
015, 038, 040b, O50a/b, 07 4a,01014, 0102, O7103/a, 0104/5 and 0142.
ype . BIS6 Type 8 No. BS (Akyeb) The value of most India stamps used in Burma coinades
ssh oe we M proportionately with the used prices quoted for India, but some,
especially the provisional surcharges, are extremely rare with Burmese
= ’ postmarks. Stamps of the face velue of 2r and above from the reigns of
85 Akyab 5146 Pequ Victoria and Edwerd Vil are more common with telegraph cancellations
Bi2* Bassein B150 Prome than with those of the postal service.
B22 Nga Thine Khyoung B156* Rangoon
B56 Amherst Bi59 Sandoway PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER
TO 1945
B108 Kyouk Phyoo B165 Sarawah (to 1860) from x6
Bl1l_ Meeaday B165 Henzada (from 1861) — ::
B1i2. Mengyee Bi71 Shoay Gyeen bane
Bi27_ =Moulmein B173 Sittang
B128 = =Mergui Bi79 Thayetmyo from x 15
Bi29— Tavoy Bi8i Toungeo
13 M un B227 Port Blair
Bi36 Namayan s = 3 a
From 1 January 1886 Burma was 2 province of the Indian Empire but
2 was separeted from India and came under direct British administration
*Exists in black or blue. Remainder in black only. on 1 April 1937.

Akyab, Moulmein and Rangoon used postmarks as both TypeAand | | “

Type B, Port Blair as Type B only and the remainder as Type A only. i BURMA BU RMA j
From 1860 various types of duplex cancellations were introduced | (1) ‘le
and Burmese examples can be identified when sufficient of the left- ; : <ae « «
ee= See
portion is visible on the stamp. Such marksPSR
were issued for the 1937 POSTAGE’)
(1 Apr. optd
with ofT 1India.
or 1a [King
(rupee George
values). VW insar “INDIA
69. P 14.
ollowing offices: = te =
1 3p. slate 2-50 10 ,
Akyab w. Wmk inverted sD 325 7
Rangoon iz Yea. green_ 1-00 10 |
Bassein Rangoon CRH. (Cantonment w. Wmkinverted 8 === 1600 325 |
Mandalay Receiving House) 3 9p. deep green (typo) 10
Moulmein w. Wmk inverted 3-25 =
Thayetmyo 4 la. chocolate
Port Blair Toungoo
w. Wmk inverted 33 ws
Prome 3 2a. vermilion {small die) 10 R158)
6 2%a. orenge 10
w. Wk inverted —_____ 3-25
7 2 ane eee 30
we. Wink sweated = 425
| 8 V2 den eS 70
aw. Wmmk inverted 30
b. Dull biue So 13-00
bw. Wmk inverted _—____ 400
5 A SAGE ce 10
w. Wmk inverted = £120
10 6a. bistre 150 35
w. Wk inverted ees £190 «£120
i 8a. reddish purple ee 425 10
1862 Duplex from Toungoo w. Wmk inverted £190
12 i2a. daret —— 17-00 3-75
w. Wmkinverted__...- = 38.00 350
13 ir. chocolate and green____.-===—s-s 70.00 6-00
i4 2r. Carmine and orenge_______._ 4800 27-00
w. Wmkinverted__._.....__ss- 8000 ©32.00
| 15 5r. ultramarine and purple. 6500 32-00
F / w.Wmk inverted ee ee — 235
E 1 5 16 and scarlet a 7S £100
Wmk inverted ee 7 —
17 and olive (wmk inverted). £800 «=£275
i Pe 18 25r.
orange and blue ——— £1500 4
aw.Wmk inverted... == ss £1500 «©£600
22500 £900
= j fe The opt is at top on all values except the 3a.
1865 Duplex trom Akyab The 1a. has been seen used from Yenangyaung on 22 Mar 1937.
During 1875, a further series of duplex marks was introduced in
which the right-hand portion of the cancellation included the
office code number, prefixed by the letter “R” forRangoon:

R-1 Rangoon R-9 Myanoung .

R-1/1 Rangoon Cantonment R-10 ~— Port Blair ss :
R-2. Akyab /R-10 Nancowry = SS

aor hee cose Sn Roan

2-3 B 5 Z D, 2 King George Vis 3 King George Vi
- an 5s
R-5 Kyouk Phyoo R-13 d
Shwegyeen : MA POSTAGE (Des Maung Kyi (226p), Maung (3a), Maung Pe Ga6p)
Soled te =—s and N. K D. Naigamwelia (82). Litho Security Pig Press, Nasik)
R64 Mandalay R-14 Tavoy 1938 (15 Nov}-40.T 2/9. W 10. P 14 (vert) or 13% x 13 (horn).
R-7 Mergui R-15 Thayetmyo 186 2 Ip redorange (18402) SOS
R-8 §_Moulmein R-16 Tounghoo 12 3p. brightviolet_______ 30 «300
1/R-8 Amherst
> aescuion hay pe noe
21 9p. yellow-green FH ODS
22 3 la. purple-brown___ 30 10
4 Karaweik (royal barge) 5 Burma teak 23 1%a. turquoise-green___...-8 225 375
detest 24 2a carmine 400 #100
25 4 2a6p. daret 1600 «3-75
a. Birds over trees
3a.dull violet
27 6 32.6p. light blue and blve 450 350
. 2. Etre trees flaw. £140
™ AY y 2 b. Tick bird flaw. £140
: 28 3 42 greenish bive 4235 20
: 8 H 2 z 8a. myrtle meh 400 35
1875 type from Rangoon — . = ir pu blue 100
6 Burma rice 7 River inawaddy 31 2r. yay purple om 650
32 9 Sr. violet and scarlet. 80:00 70-00 BRITISH CIVIL ADMINISTRATION
33 9 10r. brown and myrtle 85:00 £100 vies
186/33 Set of 16 £225
The 1a. exists lithographed or typographed, the latter having a
“Jubilee” line in the sheet margin.

6'"MAY 1840
1937 (Apr-June). Stamps of India. (King George V inscr “INDIA
POSTAGE") optd with Type O 1 or O 1a (rupee values). W 69.
P 14.
01 SPsSIAC reocssennsase 4:50 10
w.Wmk inverted £140 48-00
02 Va. GLECN sreveresevens 19-00 10
3a, raeCurved plough handle w.Wmk inverted f £110
(R. 8/4) 03 9p.deep green... 5:00 2:50
04 la.chocolate. 9-50 10
1946 (1 Jan). As Nos. 19/33, but colours changed.
O05 2a.vermilion (small die) 20-00 45
51 2 3p. brown... 15 4-00 w.Wmk inverted — 50-00
52 6p. deep viole 75 30 06 2%a. orange. 10-00 4:50
53 9p. green. 1:75 7:00 O7 4a.sage-green.. 11:00 10
54 3 1a. blue 1-25 20 08 6a. bistre.... 10:00 20:00
55 1¥aa. orang 1-00 10 o9 8a. reddish purple (1.4.37) 11:00 4:25
56 2a. claret 60 50 010 12a. Claret (1.4.37)...sssess 12:00 20-00
a 4 2a.6p. greenish blue.. 2:75 9.00 011 Ir. chocolate and green (1.4.37) 32:00 13-00
aa. Birds over trees... 70:00 w. Wk inverted........ £225
57a 5 3a. blue-violet 650 13-00 012 2r. carmine and orange 55:00 85-00
Broken bar (R. 7/8) 57b 6 3a.6p. black and ultramarine.. 4:25 5:50 w. Wmk inverted........ 55:00 85-00
ba. Curved plough handle. £100 013 5r. ultramarine and purpl £225 95-00
1940 (6 May). Centenary of First Adhesive Postage Stamps. No. 25 58 3 4a. purple... 70 1:50
surch with T 11. 014 10r. green and scarlet. £600 £325
59 7 8a. maroon 1:75 7:50 01/14 Set of 14.... £900 £500
34 4 = 1a. on 2a.6p. claret. 4:25 2:00 60 8 Ir. violet an 3-25 3-75
a. Birds over trees. 85:00 75-00 For the above issue the stamps were either overprinted “BURMA”
61 2r. brown and orange 10:00 8-50 and “SERVICE” at one operation or had the two words applied
b. Broken bar. 85:00 75-00 62 9 Sr. green and brown. 12:00 32:00
For stamps issued in 1942-45 see under Japanese Occupation. separately. Research has yet to establish if all values exist with both
63 10r. claret and violet.. 25:00 45-00 forms of overprinting.
51/63 Set of 15.. 60:00 £120 An example of the 4a. in orange is known cancelled at Moulmein.
CHIN HILLS DISTRICT. This area, in the far north-west of the country, No. 54 was printe
remained in British hands when the Japanese overran Burma in May
During the period July to December 1942 the local officials were
authorised to produce provisional stamps and the letters “OHMS” are
1939 (1 Apr). Nos. 19/24 and 28 optd with Type O 2 (typo) and
known overprinted by typewriter on Nos. 3, 20, 22/4, 28/9 and 31
Nos. 25 and 29/33 optd with ie 03 pe
of Burma or handstamped, in violet, on Nos. 25, 27 and 29. The two
O15 2 (3p. bright violet... 20 20
types can also occur together or in combination with a handstamped
016 6p. bright blue... 20 20
a. Medallion flaw. 42:00 42.00
From early in 1943 ordinary postage stamps of India were used O17 9p. yellow-green.. 400 7:50
from the Chin Hills post offices of Falam, Haka, Fort White and Tiddim, 018 3. 1a. purple-brown 20 15
this expedient continuing until the fall of Falam to the Japanese on 019 1%a. turquoise-green 3-50 3-75
7 November 1943. 020 2a. carmine 1-75 20
The provisional stamps should only be collected on Official cover 021 4 2a.6p. claret... 30:00 24:00
(Price, from £2250) where dates and the sender's handwriting can a. Birds over trees £400 £300
14 Burman 022 3 4a. greenish blue 4:50 2:50
be authenticated.
023 7 8a. myrtle-green. 21-00 4:00
(Des A. G, |. McGeogh. Litho Nasik) 024 8 Ir. purple and blue 16-00 5:50
1946 (2 May). Victory. T 14 and similar vert designs. W 10 025 2r. brown and purple 35:00 21-00
BRITISH MILITARY ADMINISTRATION (sideways). P 13. 026 9 5r. violet and scarlet. 26:00 50:00
64 9p. turquoise-green 027 10r. brown and myrtle £140 55.00
Preparations for the liberation of Burma commenced in February 65 1%aa. violet... 015/27 Set
of 13 £250 £150
1943 when the Civil Affairs Service (Burma) (CAS(B)) was set up at 66 2a. carmine Both versions of the 1a. value exist with this overprint.
Delhi as part of the proposed military administration structure. One 67 3a.6p. ultramarine
of the specific tasks assigned to CAS(B) was the operation of a postal 1946 (1 Jan). British Civil Administration. Nos. 51/6 and 58 optd
64/7 Set of 4. 1:00 50
service for the civilian population. with Type O 2 (typo) and Nos. 57 and 59/63 optd with
Designs:—1¥a. Burmese woman; 2a. Chinthe; 3a.6p. Elephant.
Type O 3 (litho).
Operations against the Japanese intensified during the second half 028 2 3p. brown... 4:25 7:50
of 1944. The port of Akyab in the Arakan was reoccupied in January 029 6p. deep violet. 3-25 2:25
1945. The 14th Army took Mandalay on 29 March and Rangoon was 030 9p. green 2:75 8-00
liberated from the sea on 3 May. 031 3 1a. blue.. 40 2-00
Postal services for the civilian population started in Akyab on 032 1a. orange. 3-00 20
13 April 1945, while post offices in the Magwe Division around Meiktila 033 2a. claret 40 2:00
were operating from 4 March. Mandalay post offices opened on 8 June
and those in Rangoon on 16 June, but the full network was only
f32s05 rfc} a}as 034 4 2a.6p. greenis!
a. Birds over trees

completed in December 1945, just before the military administration

was wound up.
saBsqyn saRsou 28101 O35
3 = 4a, purple...
7 8a, maroon
(18 Trans. 18a 18b 037 8 1r. violet and maroon... 425 13:00
“Interim 038 2r. brown and orange 8:50 55:00
MILY ADMN MILY ADMN Government”) 039 9 Sr. green and brown.. 23-00 70:00
(12) (13) 040 10r. claret and violet 23:00 80-00
Type 18a shows the first character transposed to the end of the 028/40 Set of 13 75:00 £250
1945 (from 11 Apr). Nos. 186 to 33 optd with T 12 (small stamps) top line (R. 6/15).
or 13 (others) by Security Printing Press, Nasik. Type 18b shows the last two characters transposed to the front of 1947 (1 Oct). Interim Burmese Government. Nos. 028/40 optd
35 2 ‘1p. red-orange... 10 10 the top line (R. 14/14). with T 18 (small stamps) or larger opt (others).
a. Opt omitted (in|pair with Some sheets of the 3p. show both errors corrected by a handstamp 041 2 3p. brown....... 3-75 40
normal) £1600 as Type 18. 042 6p. deep violet. 6-00 15
36 3p. bright violet. 20 2:00 043 9p. green 8-50 90
37 6p. bright blue.. 20 30 1947 (1 Oct). Stamps of 1946 optd with T 18 (small stamps) or 044 3 Ta, blue... 8:50 80
a. Medallion flaw 32:00 38-00 larger opt (others). 045 1a. orange. 15-00 30
38 9p. yellow-green... 30 2:00 68 2 3p. brown........ 1:75 70 046 2a. claret... 9:00 15
39 3 1a. purple-brown (16.6). 20 10 a. Opt Type 18a... 75:00 047 4 2a.6p. greenish blue 40:00 24-00
40 1¥aa. turquoise-green (16.6) 20 15 ab. Corrected by handstamp as a. Birds over trees. £425 £275
41 2a. carmine 20 15 Type 18 £200 048 3 4a. purple.. 28:00 40
42 4 2a.6p. claret..... 2:25 3-75 b. Opt Type 18! 80-00 049 7 8a. maroon 28-00 4:50
a. Birds over trees.. 60:00 80-00 ba. Corrected by handstamp as O50 8 Ir. violet and maroon 17:00 4-25
43 5 3a. dull violet......... 1:50 30 Type 18.. 051 2r. brown and orange 21-00 23-00
44 6 3a.6p. light blue and blue 20 1:00 69 6p. deep viol 30 052 9 5r. green and brown... 22:00 25:00
a, Extra trees flaw 35:00 a. Opt Type 18a 053 10r. claret and violet 22:00 40-00
45 3 = 4a. greenish blue. 20 70 70 QP. GFEeN ....ssseen 30 O41/5 33Ser F113 vawanttescnnsneittreme £200 £110
46 7 8a. myrtle-green... 20 2:00 a. Opt inverted 38-00
47 8 ir. purple and blue 50 50 71 3 1a. blue. 30
48 2r. brown and purple. 50 1:50 a. Vert pair, one wi TELEGRAPH STAMPS
49 9 5r. violet and scarlet 50 1-50 72 1¥aa. orange 10
50 10r. brown and myrtle. 50 1-50 73 2a, claret... 15 Indian telegraph stamps were used in Burma up to 1910 and
35/50 Set of 16. 7:00 16:00 a. Horiz pair, one with opt subsequently Indian and then Burmese postage stamps, prior to the
Only the typographed version of the 1a., No. 22, received this omitted . £1600 issue of the first Burmese telegraph stamps in 1946.
overprint. b. Opt Type 90-00
The missing overprints on the 1p. occur on the stamps from the 74 4 2a.6p. greenish blue 1-75 1:00
bottom row of one sheet. A further block with two examples of the a. Birds over trees 55:00 55:00
variety caused by a paper fold also exists. 75 5 3a. blue-violet..... 2:75 175
The exact dates of issue for Nos. 35/50 are difficult to establish. 76 6 3a.6p. black and ultramarine 2:75 3:75
The initial stock of overprints is known to have reached CAS(B) 77 3 = 4a. purple 1:75 30
headquarters, Imphal, at the beginning of April 1945. Postal directives 78 7 8a. maroo! 1:75 3-50
issued on 11 April refer to the use of the overprints in Akyab and in 79 8 Ir. violet and maroon. 9-50 4.00
the Magwe Division where surcharged pre-war postal stationery 80 2r. brown and orange.. 11:00 11-00
envelopes had previously been in use. The 6p., 1a., 12a. and 2a.values a 9 Sr. green and brown 11:00 10-00 (Litho Nasik)
were placed on sale at Mandalay on 8 June and the 1a. and 2a. 10r. claret and violet.. 10:00 10-00
at Rangoon on 16 June. It has been suggested that only a limited 65/82 Set of 15... 50:00 42-00 1946 (1 Oct?),
T T1. W 10. P 14.
service was initially available in Rangoon. All values were on sale The 3p., 6p., 2a,2a. 6p., 3a,6p.’and Ir. are also known with overprint Tl 1 1a. carmine-red.... 3:00
by 9 August 1945. inverted. T2 2a. deep dull blue 3-00

BURMA Japanese Occupation of Burma
T3 8a. grey-green... 4-00 B. With Types 2 or 3 (rupee values), in black Other impressions of this seal on different papers, and showing
T4 12a. bluish grey 5:00 On Postage Stamps of King George VI signs of wear, were not valid for postal purposes.
1S Tr. brown 6-00 J12 2 3p. bright violet 22:00 75-00 (Des T. Kato. Typo Rangoon Gazette Press)
T6 2r. deep dull purple... 7-00 J13 6p. bright blue 50:00 £110
Liv 10r,
turquoise-blue. 8-00 J14 9p. yellow-green. 27:00 70-00 1942 (15 June). Value in annas. P 11 or 11x11¥%. Laid batonné
D/P SCE OFT scnoserceese 32:00 J15 3 1a. purple-brown 17:00 65-00 paper. No gum.
Nos. T 1/7 also exist with a one-line “Service” overprint in Burmese J16 2a. carmine...... 28:00 85-00 546 Vas Scarlet tire crdubassmeceecmremmemees 23:00 25-00
script, for official use (Price, £75, for set of 7, unused). Their date of J17 4a. greenish blue 60:00 £120 Some stamps show part of the papermaker’s watermark, either
issue is unknown. a. Opt double “ELEPHANT BRAND"or “TITAGHUR SUPERFINE’, each with an elephant.
b. Opt inverted.. £850
Later stamp issues will be found listed in Part 21 (South-East Asia) c. Opt double, one inverted... £475
of this catalogue. d. Opt double, both inverted £750
J18 1r. purple and blue... . £450 £750
J19 8 2r. brown and purple Ten 2,5eer no 50
The Myaungmya overprints (including No. J44) are usually clearly

1942 (22 Sept).

Nos. J1/44 (a) Nos. 314/17, 320/2, 325, 327 and 396 of Japan surch as T 9/10.
J47 9 Ya. on 1s. chestnut (Rice
Nos. J45/6 Hae x6 harvesting)... 50-00 50-00
Nos. 147/56 rom x 8 a. Surch inverted. . £150 £150 °
No. J56g = b. Surch double, one inverted... £190
Nos. J57/72 from x 6 448
Nos. J73/5 from x 25
. J76 55:00 50:00
from x 8 £140 £150
et 7d from x 20 (4) (6) N £190
. 578/81 from x 25 J49 34a. on 3s. green (Power station) 80-00 80:00
. 82/4 from x 10 Type 5 generally shows the details of the peacock much less clearly a. Surch inverted vss £170 | £170
. J85/7 from x 40 and, due to heavy inking, or careless impression, sometimes appears b. Surch double, one inverte — ‘£200
. J88 ee x12 as almost solid colour. J50 la. on 5s. claret (Admiral Togo) . 80:00 70-00
. 89/97 rom x 30 . - only to postal stationery.
i a. Surch inverted... £250 £250
Type 6 was officially applied However, the L
. 198/104 from x 50 Ratestane arenes Inthe ee of a postal official who used b. Surch double, one inverte £300 = £275
» 3105/11 from x 30 it on postage stamps after the war. These stamps are no longer listed. c Phaeh Aa (in pair with pen ener
i; i, HTT AD) vensoednetnesnnveenounesonsaspeetu
His Halidetamped\ ae CyGDOnL Wits aE Hee senseles J51 3a. on 7s. green (Diamond Mts). £130 £150
experimental ‘ype) a. Surch inverted. £325
BURMA INDEPENDENCE ARMY ADMINISTRATION On Postage Stamps of King George VI. 552 4a. on 4s. emerald (Togo). 60:00 65-00
J194 2 6p. bright blue..... 75-00 a. Surch inverted ...e £225
The Burma Independence Army, formed by Aung San in 1941, took J19b 3 la. purple-brown, £100 £250 $53 8a. on 8s. violet (Meiji Shrine) £150 £150
control of the Delta area of the Irrawaddy in May 1942. They reopened J20 2a. carmine........ £130 £300 a. SUCH INVErTEM corcsseccoseeeeee £325 £325
a postal service in the area and were authorised by the Japanese to J21 4a. greenish blue £700 £700 b. Surch double, one inverte £425
overprint local stocks of stamps with the Burmese emblem of a peacock. Unused specimens of Nos. J20/1 are usually in poor condition. c. Surch in red £275 £300
Postage and Official stamps with the peacock overprints or Il. Overprinted at Henzada with T 5
in blue, or blue-black d. Red surch in £450
handstamps were used for ordinary postal purposes with the probable On Postage Stamps of King George V e. Surch double (black and red)... £1100
exception of No, 44. 22 3p. slate (No. 1). a. 400" 23:00. |) 254 10 ‘Ir. on 10s. deep carmine (Yomei
; q Gate) 29:00 38-00
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES. Type 1. Body and head of Peacock | 53 Be,fees aeen mee TToo heap A SHANG. 95.00 £110 +
always clearly outlined by broad uncoloured band. There are four 4. Opt double...... s 80-00 b. Surch double. 80:00 £100
slightly different sub-types of overprint Type 1. J24 2a. vermilion (No. 5) ue £130 £225 c. Surch double £500 £500
Type 2. Peacock with slender neck and more delicately detailed tail. OnP. 5 f King G Vi d. Surch omitted (in pair with
Clear spur on leg at right. Heavy fist-shaped blob of ink below and | ee ees Ee CHINE MET tp en NOMTNAl) scent £400 £400
parallel to beak and neck. 126 ae ae Sees 48-00 80.00 e. Surch omitted (in pair with
Type 4. No basic curve. Each feather separately outlined. Straight, | 457 Be Biche Ble 25.00 55.00 inverted SUECH) wrrssrssrenes £550
short legs. Pang) ‘ J55 2r. on 20s. ultramarine (Mt Fu) 55:00 55:00
Pie Lr Aer F a. Opt double £100 £150 Surch inverted £150 £150
Type 5. Much fine detail in wings and tail in clearly printed b. Clear opt,on back and front.. £350 Ch SUNN SRSet,
overprints. Thin, long legs ending in claws which, with the basic arc, 28 9p. yellow-green. £1100 b. Surch double, one inverted........ £170
enclose clear white spaces in well printed copies. Blob of colour below | 459 3 1a. purple-brown 9.00 42-00 c. Surch omitted (in pair with
beak shows shaded detail and never has the heavy fist-like appearance EeOnt inverted £2500 £1200 normal black surch). £275 £275)
of thisioartion inTyae oD! } Opt inv! i d. Surch in red.......
P yP wae: , : J30 1’a. turquoise-green 55:00 55:00
Two sub-types may be distinguished in Type 5, the basic arc of one
23:00 70-00 Red surch invert £150 £150
a. Opt omitted (in pair with RSE US US AS
having a chord of 14-15 mm and the other 12%-13 mm. normal) £4250 f. Red oe double £140 £140
Type 6. Similar to Type 5, but with arc deeply curved and reaching J31 2a. carmine 23-00 70-00 g. Sure erie ag: £350 £350
nearly to the top of the wings. Single diagonal line parallel to neck a. Opt double £2750 MEIC PRG scar
below beak. J32 . ga. Surch omitted (in pair with
4a. greenish blue 45:00 £100 double red surch)
Collectors are warned against forgeries of these overprints, often a. Opt double £250 h. Surch double (blackand red)... £500
in the wrong colours or on the wrong values. b. Opt inverted.. i £3750 56 A Gaonsas. turquoise (Torii Shrine) 19-00 27-00
On Official Stamps of King George VI a.Surch inverted... 90-00
J33 2 3p. bright violet... ver £40 £275 b.Surch double..... £120
J34 6p. bright blue.. £160 £275 c.Surch double, one inverted... £160
J35 3 1¥aa. turquoise-green £180 £325 d.Surch omitted (in pair with
J35a 2a. carmine....... £375 £450 normal surch) £325 £325
536 4a. greenish blue £1000 e. Surch omitted (in pair with
inverted black surch).. £425
f. Surch in red on... 30:00 32-00
fa. 95:00 95-00
fb. J56a and J56fa se-tenant £650 £650 —
fe. Surch omitted (in pair with ;
MOrMal Ted SUPCH) .eccscsseessnseesnseee £325 4 4£325 G
(b) No. 386 of Japan commemorating the fall of Singapore ;
similarly surch .
J56g 9 4a, On 442s. green aNd Fe” verses £180 £190
h, Surch omitted (in pair with
normal) £750
ha. Surch omitted (in pair with
(6a) (“Yon Thon” = “Office use”) inverted surch).. £800
V. Official Stamp of King George VI optd at Myaungmya Bene £100 ]
with Type 6a in black. :
J44 7 Ba. Myttle-GreeN..-cunsacorccnseven) £110) £300 3
No. J44 was probably for official use. (New Currency. 100 cents = 1 rupee) :
1942 (May). Stamps of Burma overprinted with the national There are two types of T6a, one with base of peacock 8 mm long
device of a Peacock. and the other with base about 5 mm long. The neck and other details ;
1 oS i) also vary. The two types are found se-tenant in the sheet. Stocks of
|. Overprinted at Myaungmya the peacock types were withdrawn when the Japanese Directorate-
A. With Type 1 in black General took control of the postal services in the Delta in August 1942. ®
On Postage Stamps of King George V.
JI 9p. deep green (No. 3) ire £110
J2 3¥%a. deep blue (No. 8)... “80-00 JAPANESE ARMY ADMINISTRATION 15 C 15 C. 15 f
On OfficialStampiof King'George\ Vises.) | nn nnn ne ce e e
J3 6a. Distre (NO. O8)scrccssessessersssseeesmneenes 80-00 [/ \i (11) (12) (13)
4 2 On yellow-green.
9p. Postage Stamps of King George VI EW RS
£150 pay, = 1942 (15 Oct). Previous issues, with “anna” surcharges obliterated,
45 3 1a. purple-brown £550 Beata handstamped with new value in cents, as T 11 and 12 (No.
16 4a. greenish blue (opt black on IS) ; J57 handstamped with new value only).
Hed) recone
treme et rem EN 60 oo aoe (a) On No. J46
a, Triple opt, black on double red = £450 <i J57 SG ON) Vas /
SCAG Cssessessssonsenvseccasnenystserteeee 26:00 30-00
On Official Stamps of King George VI a. Surch omitted (in pair with normal) £2000
I7 2 3p. bright violet «» 42:00 90-00 (b) On Nos. J47/53
J8 6p. bright blue. 27:00 65-00 7 8 Farmer J58
TC. ON Yaa. ON 15, CHESTMU reressssssneesssesseeee 55:00 55:00
3 1a. purple-brown 28-00 55-00 a. “1 omitted (in pair with normal). £900
J9a 1%a. turquoise-green £900 £1300 1942 (1 June). Impressed by hand. Thick yellowish paper. No gum.
yi0 2a. carmine...... b. “% a.”inverted £275
40-00 £100 Pa2xdie Js9
jn 4a. greenish blue 2c. on Yaa. on 2s. bright scarlet. 55:00 55:00
.. 40:00 80-00 J45 ie (LAD eC nmennttantoun-centuemtem ete ien 5 OOM OOO J60 3c. on %4a. on 3s. green
The overprint on No. J6 was apparently first done in red in 60:00 60-00
This device was the personal seal of Yano Sitza, the Japanese official a. Surch in blue... £225
error, and then corrected in black. Some stamps have the black in charge of the Posts and Telegraphs department of the Japanese J61 Sc. on 1a. on 5s. claret. 85:00 65-00
overprint so accurately superimposed that the red hardly shows. Army Administration. It was impressed on paper already perforated
These are rare, J62 10c. on 3a. on 7s. green £170 =£140
by a line machine. Some stamps show part of the papermaker’s 563 15c. on 4a. on 4s. emerald
Nos. J5 and J9 exist with the Peacock overprint on both the 50:00 55:00
watermark, either “ABSORBO DUPLICATOR” or “ELEPHANT BRAND” J64 20c. on 8a. on 8s. violet...
typographed and the litho printings of the original stamps. £900 £700
each with an elephant. a. Surch on No, J53c (surch in red)... £350 £170
Japanese Occupation of Burma BURMA - BUSHIRE
The “anna” surcharges were obliterated by any means available, [eae
in some cases by a bar or bars, and in others by the butt of a pencil
dipped in ink. In the case of the fractional surcharges, the letter “A”
and one figure of the fraction, were sometimes barred out, leaving Bushire
the remainder of the fraction to represent the new value, e.g. the “1”
of 2" deleted to create the 2c. surcharge or the “4” of “34” to create ea
the 3c. surcharge.
1942. Nos. 314/17, 320/1 and 396 of Japan surcharged in cents BRITISH OCCUPATION
only as T 13.
(Currency. 20 chahis = 1 kran; 10 kran = 1 toman)
J65 1c. on 1s. chestnut (Rice harvesting)... 40-00 20-00
@. SUICH INVEFTEM va essessssssssessssseee £140 £140 Bushire, a seaport town of Persia, was occupied by the British on
J66 2c. on 2s. brt scarlet (General Nogi). 60:00 45-00 8 August 1915. The Persian postal authorities resumed control on
J67 3c. on 3s. green (Power station) £100 65-00 18 October 1915. British forces returned to Bushire during 1916,
a. Pair, with and without surch — £375 but mail from this period was carried by Indian Army F.P.0. No. 319.
b. Surch inverted.. £170
c. Surch in blue. £110 £120 (Des Maung Ba Thit (16), Naung Ohn Maung (17), and Maung Soi
Yi (18). Typo State Press, Rangoon) FORGERIES. Collectors are warned that the Bushire type 1 opt has
d. Surch in blue inverted £325 £350
1943 (1 Aug). Independence Day. No gum. been extensively forged. These stamps should not be purchased
J68 5c. on 5s. claret (Admiral Togo). £100 55-00
without a reliable guarantee.
a. Pair, with and without surch £450 (a)P 11
b. Surch in violet... £180 £190 J82 16 1c. orange...... 15:00 20-00
ba. Surch inverted.. — £350 J83 17 3c. light blue 15:00 20-00 PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER
J69 10c. on 7s. green (Diamond Mts) £140 80-00 584 18 . Carmine... 23:00 11:00
570 15c. on 4s. emerald (Togo) 29:00 29-00 Nos. 1/29 from x 5
a. Surch inverted.. £170 £180 J82/4 Set of 3 48:00 45-00
b. Pair, with and without surc! — £350
J71 20c. on 8s. violet (Meiji Shrine) £200 95-00 (b) Rouletted
a. Surch double. OE EAZS J85 16 1c. orange..... 1:50 1:75
Nos. J67c and J68b were issued for use in the Shan States. b. Perfx rou £150 £150
c. Imperf (pair)... 45:00 55:00
J86 17. ~— 3c. light blue 2:50 4:00
b. Perfx roul.. £120 £120
BURMESE GOVERNMENT c. Imperf (pair) ... 45:00 55-00
J87 18 5c. carmine... 3-50 4:25
On 1 November 1942 the Japanese Army Administration handed over b. Perf x roul.. 70:00 70-00
the control of the postal department to the Burmese Government. c. Imperf (pair) .. 45:00 55-00
On 1 August 1943 Burma was declared by the Japanese to be d. Skyline flaw. - 32:00 38-00
independent. J85/7 Set OF 3 ccccsssssseses hs 6:50 9:00
The stamps perf x rouletted may have one, two or three sides

The rouletted stamps often appear to be roughly perforated
| owing to failure to make clean cuts. These apparent perforations
are very small and quite unlike the large, clean holes of the stamps
Lé perforated 11.
A few imperforate sets, mounted on a special card folder and
cancelled with the commemorative postmark were presented to
officials. These are rare.

14 Burma State Crest

(Des U Tun Tin and Maung Tin from drawing by U Ba Than. Typo
1943 (15 Feb). No gum. P 11.
572 14 ‘5c, scarlet 29:00 35:00 BUSHTRE
a. Imperf. 29:00 35:00
ab. Printed on both sides 95:00 Under British
19 Burmese 20 Elephant 21 Watch Tower,
No. J72 was usually sold affixed to envelopes, particularly those
with the embossed 1a. King George VI stamp, which it covered.
Woman carrying Log Mandalay Oceupation,
Unused specimens off cover are not often seen and blocks are scarce. (Litho G. Kolff & Co, Batavia)
1943. Typo. No gum. P 11%. 1943 (1 Oct). P 12%. 1915 (16 Aug). Nos. 361/3, 365, 367/70, 372, 374/6 and 378/9 of
J73 15 ‘1c. orange (22 March). 600 9:00 J88 19 Ic. red-orange.. 15:00 lran optd with T 1 at the British Residency.
a. Brown-orang@e........ 5:00 10-00 J89 2c. yellow-green... 50 2:00 1 57 1ch. orange and green.. 80-00 85:00
J74 2c. yellow-green (24 March)... 1:50 1-00 J90 3c. deep violet. 50 2:25 a. No stop. £250 £275
a. “3” for’’2” in face value a. Bright violet 1-75 5:50 2 2ch. sepia and carmine. 80-00 75-00
(R. 2/10)... £350 J91 20 5c. carmine 75 60 a. No stop. £250 £250
b. Blue-green... 15-00 J92 10c. blue... 2:25 1:10 3 3ch. green and grey 95:00 95-00
J75 3c, light blue (25 March). 5:00 1-00 J93 15c. red-orange... 1:00 3-00 a. No stop £375 £400
a. On laid paper... 23:00 40-00 J94 20c. yellow-green... 1-00 1:75 4 5ch. carmine and brown £600 £500
b. Imperf between (horiz pair) — £350 J95 30c. olive-brown 1:00 2:00 5 6ch. brown-lake and green 80:00 50-00
576 5c.carmine (small “c”) (17 March) 32:00 21-00 J96 21 Ir. red-orange.. 30 2:00 a. No stop...... £250 £190
577 Sc.carmine (large “C’).. 3:50 8-00 J97 2r. bright violet 30 2:25 b. Opt double t+ £10000
a.Imperf (pair) £110 J88/97 Set of 10 26:00 29.00 6 9ch, indigo-lilac and brown. 90:00 £100
b. “G" for “C” (R. 2/6) ss... £180 . No stop... £300 £375
578 10c. grey-brown (25 March). 9:50 9:50
a. Imperf (Pair) ..........0
b. Imperf between (horiz pair)
— £350 worSEéeors 7 85:00
J79 15c. magenta (26 March 30 4:50 8 £100 90-00
b. On laid paper....... 6:00 23-00 a £375) £375
ba. Inverted “C”invalue (R. 2/3) £200 9 24ch. £200 £110
J80 20c. grey-lilac (29 March) 30 1-00 Cee, £650 £400
J81 30c. deep blue-green (29 March)...... 1:25 3:00 1 ib LCENT 1 N jo au
10 £180 60-00
The 1c., 2c. and 3c. have large “C’” in value as illustrated. The 10c. 22 Bullock Cart 23 Shan Woman = (24 “Burma State” £10000
and higher values have small “c’”. Nos. J73/81 had the face values and value) i £600 £200
inserted individually into the plate used for No. J46 with the original 11 2kr. claret and green. £500 £325
face value removed. There were a number of printings for each value, (Litho G. Kolff & Co, Batavia) a. No stop... £1600 £850
often showing differences such as missing stops, various founts of 1943 (1 Oct). Issue for Shan States. P 122, 12 3kr, black and lilac.. £425 £425
figures orc’, etc,, in the value tablets. J98 22 1c, olive-brown 45:00 48-00 a. No stop....... £1300 £1200
The face value error, No. J74a, was later corrected. J99 2c. yellow-green. 50:00 48-00 13 5kr, blue and red. £350 £275
Some sheets of No. J75a show a sheet watermark of Britannia J100 3c. bright violet 8:00 14-00 a. No stop........ £1000 £850
seated within a crowned oval spread across 15 stamps in each sheet. J101 5c. ultramarine. 3-50 8-50 14 10kr. rose and bistre-brown £325 £250
This paper was manufactured by T. Edmonds and the other half of J102 23 ~=10c. blue....... 17:00 18-00 a. No stop....... . £950 £750
the sheet carried the watermark inscription “FOOLSCAP LEDGER”. No J103 20c. carmine.... 48:00 22:00 Nos. 1/3 and 5/14 were overprinted in horizontal strips of ten and
stamps have been reported showing letters from this inscription, J104 30c. olive-brown 27:00 65-00 No. 4 in horizontal strips of five. Eight different settings are recognized
but a block of 25 is known on laid paper showing a different sheet 598/104 Set of 7 £180 £200 with the “No stop" variety occurring on stamp 9 from four settings
watermark “HERTFORDSHIRE LEDGER MADE IN ENGLAND” Examples The Shan States, except for the frontier area around Keng Tung with 3 mm between “Under” and “British” and on stamp 10 from one
showing parts of these sheet watermarks are rare. which was ceded to Thailand on 20 August 1943, were placed under setting where the gap is 2 mm.
There are marked varieties of shade in this issue. the administration of the Burmese Government on 24 December 1943, 1915 (11 Sept). Nos. 426/40 and 441 of Iran optd with T 1.
and these stamps were later overprinted as T 24 for use throughout 15 66 Ich. deep blue and carmine. wereeDO 700
Burma. 16 2ch. carmine and deep blue. £14000 £14000
1944 (1 Nov). Optd as T 24 (the lower characters differ for each 17 3ch. deep green £950 £900
value). 18 Sch. vermilion.... £13000 £13000
J105 22 1c. olive-brown..... 5:00 10-00 19 6ch. carmine and green £11000 £11000
J106 2c. yellow-green. 60 6:50 20 9ch. deep violet and brown.. £1600 £1200
a, Opt inverted £425 £700 21 10ch. brown and deep green.. £2750 £2750
J107 3c. bright violet 2:50 7-00 22 12ch. ultramarine....... £3000 £3000
J108 5c. ultramarine. 3-00 4-00 23 24ch, sepia and brown.. £1200 £850
J109 23 = -10c. blue... 2 3-25 2:25 24 67 __1kr. black, brown and silver. £1300 £1000
3 o J110 20c. i 2 65 1:50 25 2kr. carmine, slate and silver £1200 £1100
16 Soldier carving 17 Rejoicing Peasant J111 30c. oli . 1:50 1:75 26 3kr. sepia, dull lilac and silver. £1400 £1200
word “Independence” J105/11 Set of 7 15:00 30-00 27, 5kr. slate, sepia and silver. £1300 £1300
a. Opt inverted... — £25000
28 68 1t. black, violet and gold £1100 £1100
29 3t. red, crimson and gold... £8000 £7000
Nos. 15/29 were overprinted in strips of five.
1915. No. 414 of Iran (“1 CH 1915” provisional) optd with T 1.
30 57 Ich. on Sch. carmine and brown......

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Est 1856

+44 (0)20 7557 4444

CAMEROON - British Columbia & Vancouver Island CANADA
3d. on 30pf. black and orange/bu' SR
eenee Pe IN
NOR KAD) Srccesssveasass.te Fas 13:00 60-00
a. Large “3” (R. 3/5, 3/10) £1500
Cameroon b. Surch triple, two albin a £475 Canada
B7 4d. on 40pf. black and carmine
Grier (No. K13) 13.00 60-00 | Tanneaenel
a. Short ae . £1000 £1800
Allied operations against the German protectorate of Kamerun b. Surch triple, two albino... £375 Separate stamp issues appeared for British Columbia and Vancouver
commenced in September 1914 and were completed in 18 February c. Surch quadruple, three albino. £2500 Island, Canada, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and Prince
1916. The territory was divided, under an Anglo-French agreement, | 88 6d. on S0pf. black and purple/bu' Edward Island before these colonies joined the Dominion of Canada.
on 31 March 1916, with the British administering the area in the west (NO. K14) wsssrsnnnnriar ae USO ined
along the Nigerian border. League of Nations mandates were issued BO 4.Surch soublo ene albino mn -£350
for the two sections of Cameroon, which were converted into United 8d. make Kis) and carmine/ GD) COD BRITISH COLUMBIA
Nations trusteeships in 1946. s semerasaet : ‘
Supplies of Kamerun stamps were found on the German steamer B10 B neesealers Aiea ees £900 & VANCOUVER ISLAND
(lie eect eee Seana eaten a. “S”INVEFCEM ressesereree £1000 £3750 Vancouver Island was organised as a Crown Colony in 1849 and
Force at Duala in July 1915. B11 2s, on 2m. blue (No. K17).. 225m £950) the mainland territory was proclaimed a separate colony as British
, "S” INVETTO .eesssssesssssees £1000 £3750 Columbia in 1858. The two colonies combined, as British Columbia,
A French post office opened in Duala on 10 November 1915 using b. Surch double, one albino £2750 on 19 November 1866.
stamps of Gabon overprinted “Corps Expeditionnaire Franco
“ B12 3s. on 3m. violet-black (No. K18)... £225 £950
Cameroun”. Although under the overall control of the British combined Net 5
force commander, this office remained part of the French postal e eo Neher Ae £1000 PRICES LON STAMESONICOVER
; p 900 Nos. from x 6
system. c. Surch double...... £15000 Nos. from x2
ca. Surch triple, two albino... £2750 Nos. from x 6
B13 5s. on 5m. carmine and black (No. Nos. from x 10
PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER K25a GSS) a £275 £1000 Now fone
a. “s” inverted... £1300 £4250 g
The stamps of British Occupation of Cameroons are rare used b. “s” broken at to £1200 Ne on ig
on cover. BMS Set ORB: setenasuccctasn cst se £900 £3750
The 1d. on 10pf. was previously listed with “C.E.F” omitted. This No.
Nos from x 10
was due to misplacement, so that all stamps (except for a pair in the
Royal Collection) from the bottom row show traces of the overprint
1. CAMEROONS EXPEDITIONARY on the top perforations.
Examples of all values exist showing a forged Duala, Kamerun
FORCE postmark dated “11 10 15” Another forged cancel dated “16 11 15”
is also known. This can be identified by the lack of a serif on the
index letter “b”.

The stamps of Nigeria were subsequently used in British Cameroons

and the area was administered as part of Nigeria from February 1924.
For issues of Cameroon under French administration see Part6 1
(Typo D.LR.)
1860. No wmk. P 14.
2 1 2d. deep reddish rose £425 £200
I. CAMEROONS TRUST TERRITORY 3 2ad. pale reddish rose.. £425 £200
Following the independence of the French Trust Territory of Cameroun When Vancouver Island adopted the dollar currency in 1862 the
on 1 January 1960 the United Nations directed that a plebiscite should 22d. was sold at 5c. From 18 May until 1 November 1865 examples
be held in the British Trust Territory whose postal service continued, of Nos. 2/3 were used to prepay mail from Vancouver Island to British
for the time being, to be run by Nigeria. The northern area voted to Columbia at the price of 15 cents a pair.
join Nigeria, but the southern part of the territory decided to join From 20 June 1864 to 1 November 1865, the 2¥2d. was sold in British
the Cameroun Republic. Columbia for 3d. and was subsequently used for the same purpose
The following issue, although ordered by the Southern Cameroons during a shortage of 3d, stamps in 1867.
authorities, was also on sale in Northern Cameroons, until the latter imperforate plate proofs exist in pale dull red (Price £10,000 un).
(1) (2) Joined Nigeria on 1 June 1961, The stamps therefore can be found
with Nigerian postmarks.
SETTINGS. Nos. B1/3 were surcharged from a setting of 100 (10x10)
with the face value changed for the 1d.
Nos. B4 and B6/9 were surcharged from a common setting of 50
(5x10) with the face value amended.
CAMEROONS (New Currency. 100 cents = 1 dollar)

No. B5 was surcharged from a setting of ten in a vertical strip U.K.T.T.

repeated across the sheet. The figures of the surcharge on this are in
a different style from the remainder of the pence stamps.
Nos. B10/13 were surcharged from a common setting of 20 (4x5) as eS
with the face value amended.
“ *"* ~* 4S.

Ee a.
SS ~

(Typo D.L.R.)
Normal Different fount 1865 (19 Sept). Wmk Crown CC.
“dA” (R. 1/10, (a) Im
perf (1866)
6/9, 10/10) "1 2 5c. rose. . £32000 £9000
12 3 10c. blue... £2000 £900
(b) P14
13 2 £350 £200
£1900 £900
t £1100
@ 14 SP MMOCH LUG rcccssresee £250 £170
w. Wmk inverted wes £800) £600
Medium or poor examples of Nos. 11 and 12 can be supplied at

15S 5S.
much lower prices, when in stock.
“1” with thin serifs Short “4” (R. 10/2, 10/7) After the two colonies combined Nos. 13/14 were also used in
: isa jth British Columbia.
6d. Major re-touch consisting of heavy diagonal shading
(Pl. 2-1, R. 2/10)
1960 (1 Oct)-61. Nos. 69/71, 72cd/f and 73/80 of Nigeria optd
with T 1, in red.
T1 18 ‘Ad. black and orange 10 2:75
T2 - 1d, black and bronze-green.. 10 70
a. Grey-black and dull bronze-
“s" broken at top “s” inverted (R. 3/4) green (19.9.61) 100 2:25
(R. 3/1) T3 - 1%sd. blue-green... 10 20
14 21 2d. grey (Type B 75 3-75 Esko
1915 (12 July). Stamps of German Kamerun. Types A and B, surch a. Slate-blue (Type A) £1100 £400 7
as T 1 (Nos. B1/9) or 2 (Nos. B10/13) in black or blue. b. Bluish grey (Type B) 95:00 27:00
Bl A Yad. on 3pf. brown (No. K7) (B.).... 13:00 55-00 c. Pale grey (Type B) (19.9.61).. 3:25 4:50 (Typo D.LR.)
a. Different fount “d” ~ £180 £425 T5 - 3d. black and deep lilac. 20 10 Pe
B2 Yad. on Spf. green (No. K21 wmk T6 = &Adiblack’and blue... a 30 3.00 1865 (1 Nov)-67. Wmk Crown CC. P 14.
lozenges) (B.)........ S 7:00 10-00 17 24 6d. orange-brown and black (P 14) 40 20 21 4 3d. deep blue £120 85-00
a. Different fount “d”. 80:00 £140 a. Perf 13x13% (19.9.61 ws 30. 2-50 22 3d. pale blue (19.7. £110 85:00
b. Surch double....... t £1000 ab. Major retouch... 35.00 w. Wmk inverted... £500 £275
ba. Surch double, one albino... £400 18 - 1s, black and maroon. 40 10 4 y. Wmk inverted and reversed....... + £550
B3 1d. on 10pf. carmine (No. K22 wm! T9 26 2s.6d. black and green. 250 1.00 British Columbia changed to the dollar currency on 1 January 1866.
lozenges) (B.)....... Ss 1-25 9-50 Tio & 5s. black and red-orang 3-50 3.75 Remaining stocks of No. 21 and the supply of No, 22, when it finally
a. “1" with thin serifs... 13:00 70:00 | 111 = 10s. black and red-brown Lc ys) || Cue aecdelewiei ne al seile
b, Surch double...... £425 1 29 £1 black and violet. 21.0 f o
ba. Surch double, one albino.. £160 uhTe Set aoe ie pies ae (New Currency. 100 cents = 1 dollar)
c. "1d" only double ..... £2000 Nos. T2 and T4/b were overprinted on stamps printed by Waterlows’ TWO CENTS 5.CENTS.5
d. Surch triple, two albino £400 subsidiary, Imprimerie Belge de Securité. (5) 6)
e. Surch in black... 1200 55-00 Nos, T2a, T4c and T7a were from new printings produced by De La
lle Tae ce Nacttee See Rue instead of Waterlow. ; 1868-71. T 4 in various colours. Surch as T 5 or 6. Wmk Crown CC.
B4 2d. on vie! fae ACY sali As well as being a paler
; shade,
; No. T4caeis much less
; deeply engraved @e 124 G69) ;
wmk lozenges
Rear aoeele siren ii :
£400 . than 14/6, clearly evident in the shading in the hills and sky. 33 5c. red (Bk) FICOCIE 200

BS 2¥2d. on 25pf. black and red/yellow The above stamps were withdrawn on 30 September 1961, when | 24 10c. lake (B.). £900 £700
(No. K11) = 55-00 Southern Cameroons became part of the Cameroun Republic, 25 25c. yellow (V.).. £600 £600
a. Surch double. although some post offices had been using unoverprinted Nigerian 26 50c. mauve (R.) £850 £700
ab. Surch double, one albino. stamps for some months previously. 27 $1 green (G)... £1300 £1400
| tam ps. Best Pr lee.
de, get high returns

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British Columbi, Colony of Canada, New Brunswick CANADA
(b) P14 18 1 3d. red. £3500
28 2c. brown (Bk.) (1.68)...
£450 33 9 10c. black-brown £18000 £2500
£170 £140 a. Bisecte: .) On cover... + £38000 a. Bisected (5c.), on cove t+ £12000
29 5c. pale red (Bk.) (5.69) £250 £160 b. Major re-entry — £1500 33b 10c. deep red-purple........ £4250 £700
30 TOC. lake (B.) scsstecsesssse £1400 19 2 6d. grey-lilac......... £48000 £2500 ba. Bisected (5c.), on cove! t+ £7000
31 25¢, yellow (V.) (21.7.69) £250 £160 20 6 10d. blue to deep blu £16000 £2250 34 10c. purple (shades)... £1500 80-00
w. Wmk inverted...... t £1200 a. Major re-entry... £27000 £3500 a. Bisected (5c.), on cove + £6500
32 50c, mauve (R.) (23.2.71 £650 £1100
35 10c. brownish purple £1400 85.00
aha Mi la : ziHe C Thin soft horizontally ribbed paper (1857) 36 10c. brown (to pale). £1400 80-00
N ses 21 4 ‘ad. deep rose. si £9500! £2250 a. Bisected (5c.), on cove t+ £7500
los. 30 and 33 were no
a. Vertically ribbed paper £10000 £3250 37 10c. dull violet... £1500 85-00
22 1 3d. red. £4750 £450 38 10c. bright red-purple. £1500 80-00
British Columbia joined the Dominion of Canada on 20 July 1871. a. Imperf (pair, £15000
a. Majo. ry — £1600
39 10 12%c. deep yellow-g £1300 70-00
D. Very thick soft wove paper (1857) 40 12’”c. pale yellow-green £1200 70:00
23 2. 6d. reddish purple............. .. £48000 £4000
COLONY OF CANADA a. Bisected (3d.) on cover.. t+ £35000
41 12’%c.
Imperf (pair.

Bisected examples of the 3d. value were used to make up the 72d. b. Imperf between (vert pair).
The first British post offices in what was to become the Colony of Canadian Packet rate to England from May 1856 until the introduction 42 11 17c. deep blue... £1600 95-00
Canada were opened at Quebec, Montreal and Trois Riviéres during of the 7¥4d. value on 2 June 1857. a. Imperf (pair. £6500
1763. These, and subsequent, offices remained part of the British G.P.O. The 7¥ad. and 10d. values can be found in wide and narrow 43 17c. slate-blue. £1900 £130
system until 6 April 1851. versions. These differences are due to shrinkage of the paper, which 43a 17c. indigo £1800 £100
The two provinces of Upper Canada (Ontario) and Lower Canada was wetted before printing and then contracted unevenly during *Slighter re-entries are worth from £40 upwards in used condition.
(Quebec) were united in 1840. drying. The width of these stamps varies between 17 and 18 mm. As there were numerous P.O. Dept. orders for the 10c., 12%c. and
The listed major re-entry on the 10d. occurs on R. 3/5 and shows 17c. and some of these were executed by more than one separate
strong doubling of the top frame line and the left-hand “8d. stg.” printing, with no special care to ensure uniformity of colour, there is a
For illustration of the handstamp types see BRITISH POST OFFICES with a line through the lower parts of “ANAD” and “ENCE”. Smaller wide range of shade, especially in the 10c., and some shades recur at
ABROAD notes, following GREAT BRITAIN. re-entries occur on all values. intervals after periods during which other shades predominated. The
Examples of the 12d. on wove paper come from a proof sheet used colour-names given in the above list therefore represent groups only.
for postal purposes by the postal authorities. It has been proved by leading Canadian specialists that the
QUEBEC The 3d. is known perforated 14 and also percé en scie 13. Both are perforations may be an aid to the approximate dating of a particular
contemporary, but were unofficial. stamp, the gauge used measuring 1134x113 from mid-July 1859 to
mid-1863, 12x11% from March 1863 to mid-1865 and 12x12 from
1858-59. P 11%. April 1865 to 1868. Exceptionally, in the 5c. value many sheets were
cc CC1 QUEBEC L.C. (R.) (13.1.1842)... Priceoncover £160
A. Machine-made medium to thick wove paper with a more even perforated 12x12 between May and October, 1862, whilst the last
hard texture printings of the 12%c. and 17c. perf 1134x1134 were in July 1863, the
PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER 25 4 ‘ad. deep rose (12.58 £4750 £950 perf 12x11% starting towards the end of 1863.
Nos. 1/23 from x 2 a. Lilac-rose. £4750 £1000
Nos. 25/8 from x 3 b. Re-entry (R. £8500 £2250
Nos. 29/434 from x 3 26 1 3d. red (1.59)....... £13000 £375
Nos. 44/5 from x & a. Major re-entry == £1500
27 2 6d. brownish grey (1.59) £18000 £4250
, Slate-Vidlet.....sccsen - £18000 £4000
B. Thin soft horizontally ribbed paper
27b 4 ad. deep rose-red ee — £4500
28 i 3d redex. eee — £1800
a. Major re-entry a
The re-entry on the imperforate and perforated %2d sheets was (Recess A.B.N. Co)
the same, but occurred on R. 10/10 ofthe perforated sheets because 1864 (1 Aug). P 12.
the two left-hand vertical rows were removed prior to perforation. 44 12 2c, rose-red... £600 £170
1 American Beaver 2 Prince Albert 3 45 2c. bright ros: £600 £170
(Designed by Sir a. Imperf (pair £3500
Sandford Fleming) (New Currency. 100 cents = 1 dollar)
The Colony of Canada became part of the Dominion of Canada
on 1 July 1867.

New Brunswick, previously part of Nova Scotia, became a separate
colony in June 1784, The colony became responsible for its postal
service on 6 July 1851,

(T 1/6. Eng and recess Rawdon, Wright, Hatch and Edson,

New York)
Nos, from x 2
1851. Laid paper. Imperf. Nos. from x 3
1 1 (3d. red (23 Apr) £38000 £1100 Nos. from x 10
la 3d. orange-vermilion £38000 £1100 Nos. from x 30
b. Major re-entry... — £3750 No. ==
2 2 6d. slate-violet (15 May)... £50000 £1300 Nos. from x 2
3 6d. brown-purple........... £50000 £1400 No. from x 5
a. Bisected (3d.) on cover. + £38000
11 Jacques No. from x 100
4 3 12d. black (14 June) £200000 £100000
There are several re-entries on the plate of the 3d. in addition to the Cartier
major re-entry listed. All re-entries occur in this stamp on all papers.
Forgeries of the 3d. are known without the full stop after “PENCE”
They also omit the foliage in the corners, as do similar forgeries of
the 6d.

1 Royal Crown and Heraldic

Flowers of the United Kingdom

(Recess P.B.)
1851 (5 Sept)-60. Blue paper. Imperf.
1 1 3d. bright red £4000 £425
2 3d. dull red £3500 £350
a, Bisected (1¥d.) (1854) (on
COVET) cessecsscsseesees t+ £3000
2b 6d. mustard-yellow.. £7500 £1500
Re-entry (R. 10/12) 3 6d. yellow........ £5000 £900
4 6d. olive-yellow. -» £5000 £800
1852-57. Imperf. a. Bisected (3d. ‘on cover) t £3000
A. Handmade wove paper, varying in thickness (1852-57) b. Quartered (1%d.) (1860) (on
5 1 3d. red £2750 £225 Fo + £42000
a. Bise 4 5 1s. reddish mauve. £18000 £4500
(1856) 5 + £38000 doubling of oval frame lines 6 1s. dull mauve... »» £21000 £5000
6 3d. deep red . £3000 £275 and lettering, particularly at a. Bisected (6d.) (1855) (on cover) + £24000
7 3d. scarlet-vermilio . £3500 £275 the left of the design (R. 3/8) b. Quartered (3d.) (1860) (on
8 3d. brown-red . £3000 £275 COVEN) meereremrrercnernroretteees eaerrertes t+ £38000
a. Bisected (1¥2d.) on cover (1856) t+ £38000 (On 1 May 1858, Messrs. Rawdon, Wright, Hatch and Edson joined Reprints ofall three values were made in 1890 on thin, hard, white
: b. Major re-entry (all shades) from £7500 £950 with eight other firms to form “The American Bank Note Co” and the paper. The 3d. is bright orange, the 6d. and 1s. violet-black.
9 2 6d. slate-violet . £45000 £1100 “imprint” on sheets of the following stamps has the new title of the Nos. 2a and 4b were to make up the 7‘4d. rate to Great Britain,
firm with “New York” added.) introduced on 1 August 1854.
a. Bisected (3d.) on cove’ t+ £20000
10° 6d. greenish grey..... . £45000 £1200 (Recess A.B.N. Co)
11 ‘ 6d. brownish grey... . £48000 £1400 (New Currency. 100 cents = 1 dollar)
12 5 7%ad. yellow-green (shades) (2.6.57)... £13000 £2500
1859 (1 July). P 12.
13 6 10d. bright blue (1.55)... . £14000 £1800 29 7 1c. pale rose (to rose-red)....... 50-00
14 10d. dull blue... - £13000 £1700 30 1c. deep rose (to carmine-rose) 70:00
15 10d. blue to deep blue. . £14000 £1800 a. Imperf (pair)
a. Major re-entry (all shades) from — £3250 b. Imperfxperf.
16 MEMEO DAGK casa pcos ssc sssoctarantaeratreorndnccactons + £150000 31 8 5c. pale red £450 20:00
32 5c. deep red £450 22-00
B. Machine-made medium to thick wove paper of a more even hard a. Re-entry* (R.3/8).. £4000 £450
texture with more visible mesh. Clearer impressions (1857) b. Imperf (pair)...
17 4 Yad. deep rose (1.8.57). £1000 £600 c. Bisected (2¥2c.) with 10c. on 2 Locomotive 3a Charles
a. Re-entry .. £3250 £1500 cover... t £7500 Connell

Eastern Auctions Ltd.
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Eastern‘n A Auctions I > Ea

>. stern Aucctionst 44

British Columbia & Vancou

Thefas Wallace Collect a

June 19°\

Canada’s most trusted auction house

‘Since 1980 we have steadily uilt arep tation for outstanding realizations.
Numerous record prices ha been acl eved for superior quality stamps.
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Eastern Auctions Ltd.

P.O. Box 250 - Bathurst - New Brunswick - E2A 3Z2 - Canada
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New Brunswick, Newfoundland CANADA
PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER TO 1945 23 2 1s. rose-lake (H/S “CANCELLED”in
Nos. 65a/79 from x 3 OVali£12000) Kteunctntcmsaec
ene 50:00 £300
Nos. 83/90 from x 10 a. Bisected (6d.) (1863) (on cover) + £22000
Nos, 91/3 from x 2 Nos. 16/23 come from printings made in July (2d., 4d., 6d., 6Y2d.,
No. 94 from x 50 and 1s. only) or November 1861 (all values), which were received
Nos, 95/141 from x 3 in Newfoundland in January 1862. The paper used was from the
Nos. 142/a from x 1% same manufacturer as that for Nos. 10/15, but was of more variable
thickness and texture, ranging from a relatively soft medium paper,
No. 143 from x 8
which can be quite opaque, to a thin hard transparent paper. The
Nos. 144/8f from x 2 rose-lake stamps also show a considerable variation in shade ranging
Nos. 149/62 from x 3 from pale to deep. The extensive remainders of this issue were
No. 163 from x 1% predominantly in pale shades on thin hard paper, but it is not possible
Nos, 164/78 from x 2 to distinguish between stamps from the two printings with any
Nos. 179/90 from x 3 certainty. Deep shades of the 2d., 4d., 6d., 6/2d. and 1s. on soft opaque
No. 191 from x 1% paper do, however, command a considerable premium.
Nos. 192/220 from x 2 Beware of buying used examples of the stamps which are worth
TS No, 221 from x 1% much less in unused condition, as many unused stamps have been
Nos. 222/9 from x 3 provided with faked postmarks. A guarantee should be obtained.
6 Padd le-steamer 7 King Edward Vil Nos. 230/4 from x 2
Washington when Prince No. 235 from x 1%
of Wales Nos. 236/91
(New Currency. 100 cents = 1 dollar)
from x 2
(Recess A.B.N. Co) Nos. D1/6 from x 10
1860 (15 May)-63. No wmk. P 12.
of 2 1c. brown-purple... 85:00 60-00
8 1c. purple... 70:00 50:00
9 1c. dull claret... 70:00 50:00
a. Imperf vert (horiz pair)... £650
10 3 = 2c. orange (1863) . 35:00 29-00 7 Common Seal on
11 2c. orange-yellow. 42:00 29-00 Ice-floe
12 2c. deep orange 45:00 29-00
a. Imperf horiz (vert pair)... £475
13 3a 5c. brown... £10000
14 4 5c. yellow-green 28:00 18-00
15 Sc. deep green. 28:00 18-00
16 5c. sap-green (deep yellowish
£300 40-00
17 Oc 65:00 75-00
a. Bisected (5c.) (on cover) (1860). + £600
18 6 12Me. indigo. - 70:00 42-00
19 7 17c. black... 42:00 90-00
Beware of forged cancellations.
No. 13 was not issued due to objections to the design showing
Charles Connell, the Postmaster-General. Most of the printing was
New Brunswick joined the Dominion of Canada on 1 July 1867 and
its stamps were withdrawn in March of the following year.

10 Schooner 11 Queen Victoria
Newfoundland became a self-governing colony in 1855 and a
Dominion in 1917. In 1934 the adverse financial situation led to the (Recess A.B.N. Co, New York)
suspension of the constitution. 1865 (15 Nov)-70. P 12.
The first local postmaster, at St. John’s, was appointed in 1805, (a) Thin yellowish paper
the overseas mails being routed via Halifax, Nova Scotia. A regular Royal Crown and Heraldic flowers of the United Kingdom 25 6 2c. yellowish green.. £170 = £110
packet service was established between these two ports in 1840, the a. Bisected (1c.) (on cover, t+ £8500
British G.P.O. assuming control of the overseas mails at the same time. (Recess P.B.) 26 7 5c. brown £600 £180
The responsibility for the overseas postal service reverted to the 1857 (1 Jan)-64. Thick, machine-made paper with a distinct a. Bisected (2¥2c.) (on cover) + £10000
colonial administration on 1 July 1851. mesh. No wmk. Imperf. 27 8 10c. black... et wr £375: £110
1 1 1d. brown-purple.. £160 £250 a.Bisected ( (5c) (on ‘cover) (1869) t+ £7000
a. Bisected (Y2d.) ( 28 9 12c, red-brown me E6508 E1150)
cover) vi t £40000 a.Bisected (6c. t £5000
CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS 2 2 2d. scarlet-vermilion (15 Feb) .. £25000 £6500 29 10 =13c. orange-yellow.. £120 £140
3 3 3d. yellowish green (H/S 30 TT ZAC DIU Cr issscsescseres z 38-00
“CANCELLED” in oval £12000)... £1900 £425 (6) Medium white paper
4 4 4d. scarlet-vermilion. " £3500 31 6 2c. bluish green (to deep) (1870)... £120 50-00
5 1 5d. brown-purpl £500 32 8 10c. black (1870)..... 48-00
6 4 éd. scarlet-vermilion. £4750 33) 9 12c. chestnut (1870) 48-00
64d. scarlet-vermilion.
8d. scarlet-vermilion. en
The inland postage rate was reduced to 3c. on 8 Mav 1870. Until
the 3c. value became available examples of No. 25 were bisected to
a, Bisected (4d.) (1859) (on cover) t £4250 provide 1c. stamps.
9 2 1s. SCarlet-VerMiliOn .reccsecscssesesessseee £27000 £9000
FF Ghis
sos a. Bisected (6d.) (1860) (on cover) + £17000
For the 12c. value in deep brown, see No. 61.
The 6d. and 8d. differ from the 4d. in many details, as does also
roo the 1s. from the 2d.

PERKINS BACON “CANCELLED”, For notes on these handstamps,

CC 1a
showing “CANCELLED” between horizontal bars forming an oval, see
Catalogue Introduction.
UB TG.1 BAG) cicccessccsssccosscsigissnssosess Priceon cover £1000 1860 (15 Aug—Dec). Medium, hand-made paper without mesh.
PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER TO 1945 10 2 2d. orange-VerMiliON seen £600 £700 12 King Edward
No. 1 from x 30 11 3 3d. green to deep green* (H/S”
Vil when Prince
Nos. 2/4 from x 3 “CANCELLED”in oval £11000)... £110 £190 of Wales
No. 5 from x 20 12 4 4d. orange-vermilion (H/S
No. 6 from x 10 “CANCELLED” in oval £14000)... £4500 £1100
No. 7 from x 3 a. Bisected (2d.) (12.60) (on cover) + £20000
No. 8 from x 30 13 1 5d. Venetian red (H/S
b from x 8 “CANCELLED”in oval £13000)... £140 £400
14 4 6d. orange-vermilion » £5000 £800
No. ii} from x 8 15 2 1s. orange-vermilion
“CANCELLED”in oval £17000)... £35000 £11000
No. 12 from x 3
a. Bisected (6d.) (12.60) (on cover) + £45000
Nos. 13/14 from x 20 *No. 11 includes stamps from the July and November 1861
printings which are very difficult to distinguish.

from x 20
The 1s. on horizontally or vertically laid paper is now considered
from x 15
to be a proof (Price £21000).
Stamps of this and the following issue may be found with part of
. from x 30 the paper-maker’s watermark “STACEY WISE 1858”.
No. 26 from x 5
No. 27 from x 8
No. 28 from x 3 BISECTS. Collectors are warned against buying bisected stamps
Nos. 29/30 from x 10 of these issues without a reliable guarantee,
~ No, 31 from x 30
— No. 32 from x 8 1862-64. New colours. Hand-made paper without mesh. Imperf. In Type Il the white oval frame line is unbroken by the scroll
No. 33 from x 5 16 1 1d. chocolate-brown. £350 £450 containing the words “ONE CENT’, the letters “N.F” are smaller and
ry Nos. 34/9 from x 8 a. Red-brown . £8500 closer to the scroll, and there are other minor differences.
Nos. 40/1 from x5 7 2 2d. rose-lake...... . £300 £500
* Nos. 42/3 from x 30 18 4 4d. rose-lake (H/S “CANCELLED” in (Recess National Bank Note Co, New York)
! Nos. 44/8 from x 8 OVALE VSO00) crerctenessncespsansyssvesveqsere 50:00 £110 1868 (Nov). P 12,
No, 49 from x 50 a. Bisected (2d.) (1864) (on hat t+ £38000 34 12 TGS dull pUrpPles() ci cvesssseacercssresseovsesesssts 75:00 60:00
Nos. 50/3 from x 10 19 1. 5d. chocolate-brown (shades). £325
No. 54 from x 4 a. Red-brown (shades) £200 (Recess A.B.N. Co)
Nos. 55/86 from x 10 20 4 6d. rose-lake (H/S “CANCELL 1868 (Nov)-73. P 12.
No. 59 from x 100 OVAL TTOOO) iseccrntsccnrcessvesssnennsrcterer 35:00 £100 35 12 1c. brown-purple (II) (3.71). 70-00
No. 59a from x 10 a. Bisected (3d.) (1863) (on cover) t £9500 36 14 = 3c. vermilion (7.70) £100
Nos. 60/1 from x 4 21 5 6¥ad. rose-lake (H/S “CANCELLED”in 37 3c. blue (1.4.73)... 27-00
from x 8 oval £11000). £100 £450 38 7 5c. black... £110
22 4 8d. rose-lake £130 £650 39 14 ‘6c, rose (7.70)... 30-00
CANADA Newfoundland
1876-79. Rouletted.
40 12 1c, lake-purple (I!) (1877) £120 55-00
41 6 2c. bluish green (1879) £170 50:00
42 14 = 3c. blue (1877) £325 6:00
43 7 5c. blue... £200 4-00
a. Imperf (pair)...

25 Caribou 39 Prince Edward 41 King Edward

hunting later Duke of Vil when Prince
Windsor of Wales

15 King Edward 16 Atlantic Cod

Vil when Prince
of Wales
2 12
42 Queen 43 Queen Mary 44 King George
Alexandra when when Duchess V when Duke
Princess of Wales of York of York

(Recess A.B.N. Co) «i

1897 (4 Dec)-1918. P 12. ‘
( CENTS 83 39 = ac. olive (8.98)... 2:25 1:50
18 Common Seal on a. Imperf (pair)... £650
Ice-floe 84 40 Ic. carmine....... 7:50 7-50
ag) EWFOUNGLAN 85 1c. blue-green (6.98). 18-00 20
(Recess British American Bank Note Co, Montreal) bee
coos FOUR Ceys
Ey\ a. Yellow-green........ 20-00 20
1880-82. P 12. ENES, . Imperf horiz (vert pair) £275
44 15 1c. dull grey-brown 50:00 17-00 86 41 10:00 8:50
a. Dull brown. 50:00 17-00 , ‘ — £500
b. Red-brown.. 55:00 20-00 87 . scarlet (6.98)... 22:00 50
46 16 = 2c. yellow-gree 60:00 32:00 a. Imperf (pair)... £375 £375
47 17 3c. pale dull blue £150 9:50 b. Imperf between (pair) £650
a. Bright blue... 85:00 6:50 88 42 3c. orange (6.98). 30:00 30
48 18 5c, pale dull blue £350 10-00 a. Imperf horiz (vert pair. £450
b. Imperf (pair) £375, £375
c. Red-orange/bluish (6.18) 50:00 3-50
89 43 4c. violet (21.10.01) 35-00 9-50
a. Imperf (pair)... £600
90 44 5c. blue (6.99)... 50:00 3-00,
83/90 Set of 8 £150 28-00
No, 88¢ was an emergency war-time printing made by the American
Bank Note Co from the old plate, pending receipt of the then current
ie 3c. from England.
33 Seal of the 34 Iceberg off 35 Henry VII The imperforate errors of this issue are found used, but only as
Colony St. John’s philatelic “by favour” items. It is possible that No. 86a only exists in
4 x 4 V3 5 this condition.
19 Newfoundland 20 Atlantic Brigantine 21 Queen (Des R. O. Smith. Recess A.B.N. Co)
Dog Victoria 1897 (24 June). 400th Anniv of Discovery of Newfoundland and
60th year of Queen Victoria's reign. P 12.
(Recess British American Bank Note Co, Montreal)
66 22 8:00 11-00
1887 (1 Nov). New colours and values. P 12. 67 23 275 2-75
49 19 ‘ac. rose-red... 15:00 11-00 . Bisected (1c) on cover.. Taetoco
50 15 1c. blue-green. 20:00 13-00 68 24 3c. bright blue 3:50 1-00
a. Green... 6:00 4:25 a. Bisected (11 ip cacpse)
6. Yellow-green 13:00 11:00 69 25 4c, olive-green 12:00 8-50
51 16 = .2c. orange-vermilion.. 27:00 7-50 70 26 5c. violet....... 14-00 425
a. Imperf (pair) £375 71 27 ‘6c. red-brown. 9:50 3:25 WO CLANSLe2 |
52 17 = 3c, deep brown 85:00 2:75 a. Bisected (3c.) on cover... th £350
53 18 5c. deep blue £120 5-50 72 28 = 8c. orange 21-00 9-50 45 Map of
54 20 = 10c. black. 75:00 75:00 73 29 = =10c. sepia... 42:00 15-00 Newfoundland
49/54 Set of 6....... £300 95:00 74 30 12c. deep blue.. 40:00 12-00
For reissues in similar colours, see Nos. 62/5a. 75 31 15c. bright scarlet 26:00 23-00 (Recess A.B.N. Co)
76 32 24c. dull violet-blue. 32:00 35-00 1908 (31 Aug). P 12.
77 33 30c. slate-blue. 55:00 £110 94 45 QC. VANS sacseosscosseasonseieceseon serene near 29-00 1:00
(Recess B.A.B.N. Co) 78 34 35c. red 70:00 95-00
1890 (Nov). P 12. 79 35 60c. black 27:00 22:00
55 21 3c. deep slate 55:00 3-50 66/79 Set OF V4 rssssssssesee £325 eo 25
a. Imperf (pa The 60c. surcharged “TWO— ree lines is an essay
56 3c. slate-grey (to grey, 50-00 3-75 made in December 1918 (Price £450).
a. Imperf horiz (vert pair; £550
57 3c, slate-violet.. 70:00 8-00
58 3c. grey-lilac.. 70:00 3-75
58a 3c. brown-grey. . 75-00 9-00
58b 3c. purple-grey. - 75:00 9:00
There is a very wide range of shades in this stamp, and those given
only cover the main groups. ie a
Stamps on pink paper are from a consignment recovered from the 46 King James | 47 Arms of
sea and which were affected by the salt water. Colonisation Co
(Recess British American Bank Note Co, Montreal)
1894 (Aug—Dec). Changes of colour. P 12.
59 19 Yc. black (11.94) 10:00 9.50 (36) (37)
59a 18 5c. bright blue (12.94) 80:00 5-50
60 14 ~~ ‘6c. crimson-lake (12.94). 32:00 26-00
61 9 12c, deep brown......... 90:00 85-00
The 6c. is printed from the old American Bank Note Company's
49 Endeavour
(immigrant ship), 1610
1896 (Jan)-98. Reissues. P 12.
62 19 ‘ac. orange-vermilio 65:00 55-00
63 15 1c. deep brown... 90:00 55-00 ONE CENT
63a 1c. deep green (1898) 32:00 26-00 PMN SDM Ue}
64 16 2c, green..... £120 70-00
65 17 3c. deep blue 90:00 30-00 (38)
65a 3c. chocolate-brown £120 95-00 1897 (19 Oct). T 21 surch with T 36/8 by Royal Gazette, St. John’s,
62/5a Set OF 6 vessrssssee £450 = £300
on stamps of various shades.
The above were reissued for pos purp . The colours were 80 36 Ic. on 3c, grey-purple. 80:00 40-00
generally brighter than those ofthe original stamps.
a. Surch double, one diagonal... £1300
d. Vert pair, one without lower
51 Sir Francis 52 View of Mosquito
bar and “ONE CENT” £4000 Bacon
81 37, 1c. on 3c, grey-purple £170
82 38 1c. on 3c. grey-purple. £600 £500
Nos. 80/2 occur in the same setting o! ) applied twice to ADLAND
each sheet. Type 36 appeared in the first four horizontal rows, Type WINE OEWy.
on R, 5/1-8 and Type 38 on R. 5/9 and 10, one
Trial surcharges in red or red and black were not issued. (Price:
Type 36 in red £1000, in red and black £1000: Type 37 in red £3000,
in red and black £3000: Type 38 in red £7500, in red and black £8000).
These surcharges exist on stamps of various shades, but those oe 0. 10
brown-grey are clandestine forgeries, having been produced by one 53 Logging Camp, 54 Paper Mills, Grand
22 Queen Victoria 23 John Cabot 24 Cape Bonavista of the printers at the Royal Gazette. Red Indian Lake Falls
Newfoundland CANADA
(1c. to 5c, 10c. eng and recess D.L.R.; others eng Macdonald & Co, 147 34
3c. on 35c. red (15 Sept) 17:00 26-00
recess A. Alexander & Sons) a. Surch inverted... £2750
1911 (19 June)-16. Coronation. P 13x14 (comb) (1c. to Sc., 10c.) b. Lower bar omitted £180 £225
or 14 (line) (others). c. “THREE” omitted... £1200
117 57 1c. yellow-green Our prices for fos 147b and 147c are for stamps with lower bar
a. Blue-green (19 or “THREE” entirely missing. The bar may be found in all stages of
118 58 2c. carmine incompleteness and stamps showing broken bar are not of much
a. Rose-red (blurred impression). value.
Perf 14 (1916 On the other hand, stamps showing either only the top or bottom
119 59 3c. red-brown. of the letters “THREE” are scarce, though not as rare as No. 147c.
The 6c. T 27 surcharged “THREE CENTS”, in red or black, is an
essay (Price £950). The 2c. on 30c. with red surcharge is a colour
122 62 6c. slate-grey... trial (Price £1300).
123 63 8c. aniline blue

124 64
Greenish blue
deep green
to Halifax, N.S.
1c. “NFWFOUNDLAND” 1c. “JAMRS"” (Right
(Right pane, R. 5/1) pane, R. 5/2) 27,
117/27 Set
of 11.
15c. lake... 1921.
6c. (A) “Z” in “COLONIZATION” reversed. (B) “Z” correct. The 2c. rose-re (72)
& Sons. 1921 (16 Nov). Air. No. 78 optd with T 72 by Royal Gazette.
(Litho Whitehead, Morris & Co Ltd) Although No. 123 has a typical aniline appearance it is believed that
1910 (15 Aug). the shade results from the thinning of non-aniline ink. |. 2% mm between “AIR” and “MAIL”
Nos. 117/18, 121 and 126/7 exist imperforate, without gum. (Prices 148 34 35c. red... £150 £100
for 1c., 2c., 5¢., 12¢., £250, for 15¢. £75, unused, per pair). a. No stop ‘after "4921". £130 90-00
95 46 19:00 3-50 b. No stop and first “1” of “1921”
85:00 £110 below “f” of “Halifax”. £375 £275
c. Imperf between (horiz pair)
FIRST c. As No. 148, inverted. £7000
d. As No. 148a, inverted £5000
2c, rose-carmine
3c. olive
TRANS- e. As No. 148b, inverted . . £27000
Il. 1% mm between “AIR” and “MAIL’
Ac. violet...
5c. bright blu
ATLANTIC 148f 34 35c. red... £180 £120
g. No stop “after 921". £225 £150
51 6c.
claret (A).
claret (B)
AIR POST h. No stop and first “1” of “1921”
below “f” of “Halifax”. £375) £275
April, 1919. i, As No. 148f, inverted £9000
68 Caribou (69) k. As No. 148g, inverted £16000
103 54 10c. purple-slate. 75:00 £140 |. As No. 148h, inverted £27000
104 55 12c. pale red-brown 70:00 £100 Type 72 was applied as a setting of 25 which contained ten stamps
(Des J. H. Noonan. Recess D.L.R.)
a. Imperf (pair) £325 as No. 148a, seven as No. 148, four as No. 148f, two as No. 148g, one
105 56 = 15c. black........... 70:00 £130 1919 (2 Jan). Newfoundland Contingent, 1914-1918. P 14.
as No. 148b and one as No. 148h.
95/105 Set of 11 £475 £700 130 68 1c. green (a) (b) 3-75 20
131 2c. scarlet (a) (6).. 3-75 85
(b) P- 12x14 a. Carmine-red (6). 25-00 80
106 46 9:00 17-00 132 3c. brown (a) (6).. 8-00 20
70:00 £160 a. Red-brown (b) 16-00 60
. 70:00 £160 133 4c. mauve (a) S 80
c. Imperf between (horiz pair) £700 £750 a, Purple (b). 4 50
107 47 2c. rose-carmine.. a 9-50 40 134 5c. ultramarine (a) (6) 17:00 1:25 ) "
a. Imperf between (horiz pair) £700 135 6c, slate-grey (q)..... 19:00 65-00 On 2 moe
108 50 5c. bright blue (P 14x12)... 12:00 3-00 136 8c. bright magenta (a)... 19:00 65-00 73 Twin Hills, Tor’s 74 South-West 75 Statue of
(o) P-12x11 137 10c. deep grey-green (a) 8-00 6:50 Cove Arm, Trinity the Fighting
109 46 = 1c. green 3-25 30 138 12c. orange (q).... 22:00 75:00 Newfoundlander
a. Imperf between (horiz pair) £325 139 15c. indigo (q)..... 16:00 85-00 St. John’s
b. Imperf between (vert pair).. £375 a. Prussian blue (a) £110 £150
(e 45:00 60:00 140 24c. bistre-brown (a) 32:00 42:00
e 45:00 60-00 141 36c. sage-green (a) 24:00 50-00
130/41 Set of12...... £160 £350
(d) P12x11% Each value bears with “Trail of the Caribou” the name of a different
110 BT, 2CETOSE-CAFMINE -eervervrcosseessesesrscsesenvesnoe £450 £300 action: 1c. Suvla Bay; 3c. Gueudecourt; 4c. Beaumont Hamel; 6c.
Monchy; 10c, Steenbeck; 15c. Langemarck; 24c. Cambrai; 36c.
(Dies eng Macdonald & Sons. Recess A. Alexander & Sons, Ltd) Combles; 2c., 5c., 8c., and 12c. inscribed “Royal Naval Reserve-Ubique”,
1911 (7 Feb). As T 51 to 56, but recess shay P14. Perforations. Two perforating heads were used: (a) comb 14x13.9;
(b) line 14.1x14.1. 77 Coast at 78 Upper Steadies,
111 6c. claret (B).... 18:00 50-00
Nos. 130/41 exist imperforate, without gum. (Price £350 unused, River Trinity Humber River
112 8c. yellow- brown 50:00 80-00
a. Imperf between (horiz pair). £1100 for each pair).
113 9c. sage-green 50:00 £150
a. Imperf between (horiz pair). £1100 1919 (12 Apr). Air. No. 132 optd with T 69, by Robinson & Co Ltd,
114 10c. purple-black.. 90:00 £150 at the offices of the “Daily News”,
a. Imperf betwee £1100 142 68 3c. brown.. £22000 £12000
115 12c. red-brown... 70:00 70-00 These stamps franked correspondence carried by Lieut. H. Hawker
116 15c. slate-green. 65:00 £130 on his Atlantic flight. 18 were damaged and destroyed, 95 used on
111/16 Set of 6 £300 £550 letters, 11 given as presentation copies, and the remaining 76 were
The 9c. and 15c. exist with papermaker’s watermark”E, TOWGOOD sold in aid of the Marine Disasters Fund. 79 Quidi Vidi, near 80 Caribou 81 Humber
FINE”. St. John’s crossing lake River Canyon
Nos. 111/16 exist imperforate. (Price £250, unused, for each pair). 1919 (19 Apr). Nos. 132 inscribed in MS. “Aerial Atlantic Mail. J.A.R”
142a =68 BGA NOW I eargetriesesnerectiteresctsresseeeesiere £70000 £20000
This provisional was made by W. C. Campbell, the Secretary of the
Postal Department, and the initials are those of the Postmaster, J. A.
Robinson, for use on correspondence intended to be carried on
the abortive Morgan-Raynham Trans-Atlantic flight. The mail was
eventually delivered by sea.
In addition to the 25 to 30 used examples, one unused, no gum,
example of No. 142a is known.
Single examples of a similar overprint on the 2c., (No. 131) and 5c. 83 Mount Moriah, 84 Humber
59 Duke of (No. 134) are known used on cover, the former with an unoverprinted Island Bay of Islands River nr. Little
Windsor when example of the same value. Rapids
Prince of Wales
Trans- Atlantic oD
1919. CENTS
(70) (71)
85 Placentia 86 ; Topsail Falls
60 King 61 Princess 62 Prince 1919 (9 June).
; Air. No. 75 surch with T 70 by Royal Gazette,
George VI when Mary, the Henry, Duke of St. John’s. (Recess D.L.R.)
Prince Albert pancess Royal Gloucester 143 31 $1 on 15c. bright scarlet... £130 =£150 1923 (9 July)-24. T 73/86. P 14 (comb or line).
a. No comma after “AIR Pt £160 £180 149 73 1c, green 20
b. As var a and no stop after 150 7AM lcarnince 10
seesnrnrnsnen £375 £450 a. Imperf (pa
c. As vara and “A” of “AIR” under 151 Os einen 10

These stamps were issued fo!

a” of “Trans il carried on the
£375 £450 152
76 4c. deep purple..
Somes entltrarnarine
first successful flight across the Atlantic by Capt. J. Alcock and 154 78 6c. Rate 18:00
Lieut. A. Brown, and on other projected Trans-Atlantic flights (Alcock 155 79 8c. purple 4.00
10» flown cover, Price £3000). : 7 156 80 9c. slate-green 38-00
The surcharge was applied in a setting of which 16 were normal, 157 81. 10c. violet 10-00
63 Prince George, 65 Queen 7 as No. 143a, 1 as No. 143b and 1 as No. 143c. ; :
Duke of Kent Alexandra a. Purple... 250
1920 (Sept). Nos. 75 and 77/8 surch as T 71, by Royal Gazette (2c. ss He 'ue Hae pees
with only one bar, at top of stamp). 160 SAIS Prussian blue 38.00
A. Bars of surch 10%2 mm apart. B. Bars 13/2 mm apart. 161 85 20c. chestnut (28.4.24) 20:00
144 33 2c, on 30c. slate-blue (24 Sept)...... 7-00 32-00 162 86 24c. sepia (22.4.24)... . £100
a. Surch inverted £1400 £1600 149/62 Set of 14.. £180 £250
145 31 3c. on 15c. bright scarlet (A) Perforations. Three perforating heads were used: comb 13.8x14
(13 Sept) £250 £275 (all values); line 13.7 and 14, and combinations of these two (for all
: : a. Surch inverted £3000 except 6, 8, 9 and 11c).
66 Duke of 67 Seal of 146 3c. on 15c. bright scarlet (B) Nos. 149 and 151/60 also exist imperforate, but these are usually
Connaught Newfoundland (13 Sept).. 35:00 38-00 without gum. (Price per pair from £200, unused)

CANADA Newfoundland
Air Mail (Surch by Messrs D. R. Thistle, St. John’s)

DE PINEDO 1929 (23 Aug). No. 154 surch with T 101.

188 3c. on 6c. slate (R.) 350 11-00
1927 a. Surch inverted
b. Surch in black
£950 £1400
(87) The issued surcharge shows 3 mm. space between “CENTS” and
the bar. The black surcharge also exists with 5 mm. space, from a
1927 (18 May). Air. No. 79 optd with T 87, by Robinson & Co, Ltd. trial setting (Price, £900).
163 35 60c, black (R.). «» £42000 £13000
For the mail carried by De pe 300 stamps were
overprinted, 230 used on correspondence, 66 presented to De Pinedo, Trans-Atlantic
Government Officials, etc., and four damaged and destroyed. Stamps
without overprint were also used. AIR MAIL
By B. M.
September -
Fifty Cents
(102) ‘
88 Newfoundland 1930 (25 Sept). Air. No. 141 surch with T 102 by Messrs D, R.
and Labrador Thistle.
191 68 —50C. ON 36C. SAGE-GFEEM......sererssnersesvese £6500 £6000

90 King George Vv
and Queen Mary Windsor when
Prince of Wales
FIFTEEN G NTS | Gj =~ D3 Ewes
103 Aeroplane and 104 Vickers-Vimy Biplane and early
Dog-team Sailing Packet

92 Express Train 93 Newfoundland
Hotel, St. John’s

105 Routes of historic Transatlantic

95 Cabot Tower,
St. John’s


(Des A. B. Perlin. Recess P.B.)

1931. Air. P 14.
St. John’s (a) Without wmk (2.1.31)
192, TOS — 1565 chocolate crssccerssen 9:00 18-00
a, Imperf between (horiz pair) £1000
b. Imperf between (vert pair)... £1200
c. Imperf (pair) £550
193 104 50c. green.......... 38:00 55:00
a. Imperf between (horiz pair) £1300 £1200
b. Imperf between (vert pair)... £1700
c. Imperf (pair) £850
98 Vickers “Vimy” 99 Parliament House, 194 105 $1 deep blue... 50:00 95:00
Aircraft St. John’s a. Imperf between (horiz pair) £1300
b. Imperf between (vert pair)... £1400
c. Imperf (pair) £900
192/4;SCtOR Sitanatenarccacscenvcnirctess + 85:00 £150
ee cena
fen oceans (b) Wmk W 106, (sideways*) (13.3.31)
195 103 15c. chocolate ~- 13:00 30-00
a. Pair, with and without wm 42:00
b. Imperf between (horiz pair) £1000
D. De La Rue printing c. Imperf between (vert pair)......... £1200
P. Perkins, Bacon printing ca. Ditto, one without wmk (vert
100 Grand Falls, Pair) oss. £1700
Labrador 1929 (10 Aug)-31. Perkins, Bacon printing. Former types re- d. Imperf (pair) £600
engraved. No wmk. P 14 (comb) (1c), 13% (comb) (2, 6c) o e, Wmk Cross (pair, £160
(Recess D.L.R.) 14-13% (line) (20c.) or 13%x14 (comb) (others)*. 196 104 50. Greer arrerssescssecsee 35:00 75:00
179 88 Ic. green (26.9,29).... 6:50 1:50 a. Imperf between (horiz pair) £1100
1928 (3 Jan)-29. Publicity issue. P 14 (1c.) 13%x13 (2, 3, 5, 6, 10, b. Imperf between (vert pair).. £1600
. Perf 14-13% (line 7:00 30
14, 20c.), 13x13¥2 (4c,) (all comb), or 14-13¥2* (line) (others). C. Iperf (Pair)...
164 88 Ic. deep green.. . Imperf between (vert pair £225
4-50 1:50 (CF Imperf (pair) . d. Pair, with and without wmk
165 89 2G, carmine 5-00 £160
50 180 89 2c. scarlet ww... w. Wmk top of shield to right...
166 90 3c. brown... 1:75 40
12:00 2:00 . Imperf (pair). 197, 105 $1 deep ble... caistenssnastseren
80:00 £150
a. Perf 14-13% (line).. £170
4:50 1:75 . Perf 14-13% (line a. Imperf between (horiz pair)
167 91 4c. 6:00 1:25
7-50 425 181 90 3c. red-brown... b. Imperf between (vert pair,
a. Rose-purple (1929)... 1:00 20
14-00 13-00 . Imperf (pair). c. Imperf horiz (vert pair).......
168 92 5c. slate-grey.......... £160
14-00 18-00 182 91 4c. reddish purpl 8. d. Pair, with and without wmk
a. Perf 14-13% (line).. 48-00 2:75 80
15-00 a. Imperf (Pair) css e. Imperf (pair) £800
169 93 6c. ultramarine...... 15-00 55-00 £180
183 92 es deep grey-green (14.9.29). 9:50 5-00 195/7 Set of3 > SOME 225
a. Perf 14-13% (line).. 35:00 48-00
170 94 8c. red-brown
184 93 6c, ultramarine (8.11.29)... 17:00 25-00 The normal sideways wmk on this issue shows the top of the shield
11-00 55:00 a . Perf 14-13% (line to right on the 15c., but top of the shield to left on the 50c. and $1.
171 95 9c. deep green... 3-00 3:50 30-00
27-00 185 96 10c, violet (5.10.29).
172 96 10c. deep violet... 27-00 9:00 5:50
a. Perf 14-13% (line).. 650 35:00
15Sc. blue (1.30)
20c. black (1.1.3
173 97 12c. carmine-lake....... 3-00 27-00 179/87 Set OF Qvscseessssseens
65:00 60-00 No. 195a onwards must have one stamp co
174 95 14c. brown-purple (8.28) 40:00 15-00 LIMOS e270 trace of watermark. . ee
*Exact gauges for the various perforations are: 14 co mb = 14x13.9;
a, Perf 14-13% (line)... 23-00 11-00 13% comb = 13.6x13.5; 14-13% line = 14-13.75; 13¥2 x14 comb
175 98 15c. deep blue. 13-00 50:00 =
13.6x13.8. 1931 (25 March-July). Perkins, Bacon printing (re-engraved types).
176 99 20c. grey-black. 30:00 20:00 W 106 (sideways on 1c.,, 4c., 30c.). P 13% (1c) or 13%x14
a. Perf 14-13% (line). 8:50 12-00
177 97 28c, deep green (11.28) 28:00 70:00 THREE 198
(others), both comb*.
88 1c. green (7,31) 1600 3-00
178 100 30c. sepia... 7-00 25:00 a. Imperf between (horiz pair). £650
164/78 (cheapest) Set of 15
“Exact gauges for the various per
£140 £350
g 4comb = 14x13.9;
CENTS 199 89 2c. scarlet (7.31)..... 11:00 6-00
13%2x13 comb = 13.5*12.75; 14-13% line = 14-13.75. EASTERN UES w. Wk inverted.. 75:00
200 90 3c. red-brown (7.31). 650 425
See also Nos, 179/87 and 198/208. (101)
w. Wmk inverted.. 75:00 j
Newfoundland CANADA
201 91 4c. reddish purple (7.31) .. 6-00 1:25
202 92 5c. deep grey-green (7.31 7:00 20-00
203 93 6c. ultramarine.... 7:00 35-00 WEST TO EAST
w. Wmk inverted 90:00 Per Dornier DO-X
204 94 = 8c. chestnut (1.4.31 48:00 55-00
w. Wmk inverted 95:00° £110
May, 1932.
205 96 10c. violet (1.4.31) 35:00 42:00 One Dollar and Fifty Cents
206 98 15c. blue (1.7.31) 21:00 85-00
207 99 20c. black (1.7.31). 60:00 27-00 (119)
208 100 30c. sepia (1.7.31). 38:00 55-00
198/208 Set of 11 £225 £300 1932 (19 May). Air. No. 197 surch as T 119, by Messrs. D. R.
*Exact gauges for the two perforations are: 13% = 13.6x13.5; Thistle. P 14,
13%x14 = 13.6x13.8. 221. 105 $1.50 on $1 deep blue (R.) we £250 £225
a. Surch inverted... » £21000


| :
107 Atlantic Cod 108 King George V
120 Queen 121 Corner Brook
Mother, when Paper Mills 128 Labrador
Duchess of York
(Des J. Scott. Recess PB.)

1933 (9 June). Air. T 124/8 and similar horiz designs. W 106
(sideways*). P 14 (Sc, 30c., 75c.) or 11% (10c., 60c.).
230 Sc. red-brown... 22:00 22-00
a. Imperf (pair) £190
b. Imperf between (horiz p. £1000
c. Imperf between (vert pair). £1200
4 Four cents 4] 231 10c. orange-yellow. 18:00 35-00
110 Duke of 112 Queen a. Imperf (pair) £160
Windsor when Elizabeth Il when 232 30c. light blue..... 38:00 50-00
122 Loading Iron Ore,
Prince of Wales Princess a. Imperf (pair) £600
Bell Island
233 60c. green... 50:00 £120
(Recess P.B.) a. Imperf (pair) £600
(NEWFOUNDLAND | 234 75c. yellow-brown.. 50:00 £120
1932 (15 Aug)-38. W 106 (sideways* on vert designs). P 13% a. Imperf (pair)... £550
(comb). b. Imperf between (horiz or vert pair). £6000
222 107 Ic. 10 w. Wmk top of shield to left £150
a ; 230/4 Set
of 5. £160 £325
G S 22-00 *The norma y' atermark shows e top of the shield to
d. x 55:00 right, as seen from the back of the stamp.
e. Pair, with and without wm 5
w. Wmk top of shield to right. 65:00 50-00
223 108 2c. green........ 2:50 10
a. Imperf ( 40-00
c. Perf 14 (li 850 22:00
ca. Imperf between (horiz pee £275
d. Perf 14 23:00 50-00 FLIGHT.
e. Pair, wit! 95-00
w. Wmk top of shield to right.. 50:00
224 110 4c. carmine (21.7.34 6:00 40 (129)
a. Imperf (pair)... 70:00
b. Perf 14 (line)... 8:00 15-00 (Surch by Robinson & Co, St. John’s)
ba. Imperf between £350 1933 (24 July). Air. Balbo Transatlantic Mass Formation Flight.
bb. Imperf between (vert pair). £140 No. 234 surch with T 129. W 106. P 14.
c. Pair, with and without wmk £100
235 $4.50 on 75c. yellow-brown ay) £275) 6 £350
w. Wmk top of shield to right. 70-00
a. Surch inverted........ £90000
225 111 5c. violet (Die |) 5:50 1:75
b. Surch on 10c. (No. 231) £75000
a. Imperf (pair)... 75:00
w. Wmk top of shield to left. £2250
b. Perf 14 (line). Si 27:00 55-00
No, 235a. When this error was discovered the stamps were ordered
c. Die Il... 1-00 30
to be officially destroyed but four copies which had been torn were
117 esi Fleet 1
118 Fishing‘Fleet ca. Imperf (pair) 70:00
recovered and skilfully repaired. In addition, four undamaged
cb. Perf 14 (line)... 25:00 50-00 examples exist and the price quoted is for one of these (Price for
(Recess P.B.) cbw. Wmk top of shield to right. 80-00 repaired example, £20000, unused).
cc. Imperf between (horiz pair) £275
1932 (2 Jan). W 106 (sideways* on vert pester) P 13% (comb).
cd. Pair, with and without wmk £180
209. 107 1c. green 3-50 30 cw. Wmk top of shield to right. 75:00
a. Imperf (pair) £180 226 120 7c. red-brown... 3-00 3:75
b. Perf 13 (line) . 55-00 b. Perf14 (line) £250
ba. Imperf between (vert pair)... ba. Imperf between (horiz pair) £650
w. Wmk top of shield to right... c c. Imperf (pair)... £190
210 108 2c. carmine.... 1:50 20 w. Wmk top of sh
a. Imperf (pair) £180 22) eerie 8c. brownish red.. 3-75 2:00
c. Perf 13 (line) 23:00 42:00 a. Imperf (pair) £110
w. Wmk top of shie! 70-00 w. Wmk inverted
211. 109 3c. orange-brown 1:50 20 228 122 24c. bright blue.. 1:25 3-25
a. Imperf (pair) £100 a. Imperf (pair) £350
c. Perf 13 (line)... 27:00 55:00 131 Compton Castle,
b. Doubly printed £1500 Gilbert Devon
ca. Imperf between (vert pair)... £250 w. Wmk inverted 70:00
d. Perf 14 (line). Small holes. 35:00 55-00 228c 118 48c. red-brown (1.1.38) 13:00 10:00
w. Wmk top of shield to right.. 70:00 ca. Imperf (pair) £140
212) 110 4c. bright Violet... sees 11:00 = 2:25 222/8c Set of 8 30:00 18-00
w. Wmk top of shield to right.. *The normal sideways watermark shows the top of the shield to
213 111 5c. maroon....... 8-50 7-00 left, as seen from the back of the stamp.
a. Imperf (pair) £180 No. 223. Two dies exist of the 2c,, Die |was used for No. 210 and both
w. Wmk top of shield to right.. 75:00 dies for No. 223. The differences, though numerous, are very slight.
214 112 6c. light blue...... 4:00 15-00 No. 225, There are also two dies of the Sc., Die | only being used for
215 113 10c. black-brown 1:00 65 No, 213 and both dies for the violet stamp. in Die II the antler pointing
a. Imperf (pair) 70:00 to the “T” of “POSTAGE” is taller than the one pointing to the “S” and
w. Wmk inverted . 10-00 the individual hairs on the underside of the caribou’s tail are distinct. 132 Gilbert Coat 133 Eton College
216 114 == 14c. black.......... 5:50 5:50 For similar stamps in a slightly larger size and perforated 12% or of Arms
a. Imperf (pair) £160 13% (5c,) see Nos. 276/89.
247) 115) 15C Claret sons... 1:25 2:00
a. Imperf (pair) £180
b. Perf 14 (line) 8:00 11-00
218 116 =20€. greeNn.......... 1-00 1-00
a. Imperf (pair) £180
b. Perf 14 (line) £150 £150
w. Wmk inverted... 48-00
219 117 25. Slate rrrvercrees 2:00 2:25
a. Imperf (pair) £180
b. Perf 14 (line) 75:00 90-00
ba. Imperf between (vert pair) £475 135 Gilbert commissioned
220 116 30c. ultramarine... 50:00 42-00 by Elizabeth |
a. Imperf (pair) £600 S0d
b. Imperf between (vert p £1600
c. Perf 14 (line) £500 (123) “L.&S."—Land and Sea
209/20 Set of 12 E 70-00
The Caribou shown on T 111 is taken from the monument to 1933 (9 Feb). No. 195 optd with T 123 for ordinary postal use, by
the Royal Newfoundland Regiment, near Beaumont Hamel, France. Messrs D. R. Thistle. W 106 (sideways top of shield to right
*The normal sideways watermark shows the top of the shield to from back). P 14.
left, as seen from the back of the stamp. 229 103 15c. chocolate... 5:00 21-00
Nos. 209b, 210c and 211c were only issued in stamp booklets. a. Pair, one w 26-00
For similar stamps in different perforations see Nos. 222/8c and b. Opt reading up £5000 136 Fleet leaving 137 Arrival at St. John’s
276/89. c. Vertical pair, one without opt... £7000 Plymouth, 1583

CANADA Newfoundland
d, Imperf (pair) ..
e, Perf 13% (line)... 3 7:00 8-00
ea. Pair, with and without wmk....... £150
eb. Imperf between (vert pair)
f. Perf 13 (comb)... 20:00 28-00
[aowLSOd|~ 148 = 10c. blackish brown.. 7:00 9:00
a. Pair, with and without wmk....... £160
b. Perf 13¥2 (VINE) ...esseseeseeeseene ‘ 9:00 13-00
ba. Pair, with and without wmk....... £160
138 Annexation, sth c, Perf 13 (comb)... 3:25 20-00
August, 1583 cw. Wmk inverted £100
275 400
a. Pair, with and without wm! £140
Bb. Perf 13¥2 (lime) c.cssssssssssseen 3:50 6:00
ba. Pair, with and without wm £140
c. Perf 13 (comb) £25000 £16000
263 = 150) 15. Claret... 21:00 9:00
a. Pair, with and without wm £1Z0ueee
bw. Wmk inverted... £150
c. Perf 13% (line 25:00 13-00
ca. Pair, with and without wmk... £180
WEOUNDLAND cb. Imperf between (vert pair) £1600
140 Gilbert in 141 Map of . Perf 13 (COMD)...sssscssssssnen 45:00 70:00
the Squirrel Newfoundland, 1626 da. Pair, with and without wm £325
264- AST P20Ci Gree ian cacaunnacerennniy 10:00 20-00
a. Pair, with and without wm! £150
. c. Extra chimney... £120
dw. Wmk inverted £170
152 Bell Island ; 153 Sealing Fleet e. Perf 13% (line) 10°00 | 22-00
ea. Pair, with and without wm! £250 |
eb. Imperf between (vert pair). £2500
. Extra chimney... £120 £190
650 9-50
. Extra chimney £110
fw. Wmk inverted £250
142 Queen 143 Gilbert's 265 152 24c. light blue... 275 3:00
Elizabeth statue at Truro a. Pair, with and without wmk £275
c. Perf 13% (line) 275 3-00
(Recess P.B.) ca. Pair, with and without wmk £275
cb. Imperf between (vert pair). £3500
1933 (3 Aug). 350th Anniv of the Annexation by Sir Humphrey d. Perf 13 (comb)
Gilbert. T 130/43. W 106 (sideways* on vert designs). P 13% 48-00 65-00
266, 153" 25G) slates arcs 5:00 4-50
a. Pair, with and without wmk £225
236 130 TC. SlAC sessseone. 1:25 1:50 b. Perf 13Y%2 (VIM) .eccsssecsecseseenes
a. Imperf (pair) 60-00
8-00 6-00
ba. Pair, with and without wmk. £250
237 131 2C. GLEE .essseeee 2:00 70 c. Perf 13 (comb)
a. Imperf (pair) 50:00 50:00 £120
267 154 48c. slate-purple.... 11:00 650
b. Doubly printed £500
a. Pair, with and without wmk £350
238 132 3c. chestnut 2:50 1:25
b. Imperf between (vert pair).. £3500
239 133 4c. carmine.... 1-00 50
C. Perf 13% (VIM) cssssssssercesereen 16:00 13-00
Imperf (pair) 55:00
ca. Pair, with and without wmk £400
240 134 5c.violet......... 2:00 1-00
cb. Imperf between (vert pair). £3500
241 135 = 7c. greenish blue.. 15:00 20-00 Die | Die Il cw. Wmk inverted
a. Perf 14 (line) 19:00 60-00 £350
d. Perf 13 (comb) 65:00 £150
242 136 8c. vermilion.. 950 24-00
257/67 Set of 11 60:00 50-00
a. Brownish r £500 No, 258. In Die Il the shading of the King’s face is heavier and dots
b. Bisected (4c.) (on cover) t+ £425 have been added down the ridge of the nose. The top frame line is
243 137 9c. ultramarine. 7:00 25-00 thicker and more uniform. The line perforations measure 14.1 (14) or 13.7 (13%). The comb
a. Imperf (pair) £300 perforation measures 13.3x13.2. The 1c. 7c. and 14c. values are known
b. Perf 14 (line) 85:00 £110 with compound perforations of 132 and 14.
244 138 10c. brown-lak 750 19:00 The paper used had the watermarks spaced for smaller format
a. Imperf (pai £300 stamps. In consequence, the individual watermarks are out of
b. Perf 14 (line) £120 = £150 alignment so that for instance stamps from the second vertical column
245 139 14c. grey-black. 22:00 50:00 or the bottom horizontal row were sometimes without watermark.
a. Perf 14 (line) 25:00 70:00
aw. Wmk top of shield to right.. £100
246 140 = 15c. claret... 26:00 50-00 EWFOUNDLAND
w. Wmk top of shield to tight. 8:50 35-00
247 141 = 20c. grey-green... 19:00 24-00
a. Perf 14 (line). 32:00 70:00
w. Wmk inverted.. 90:00
248 142 = 24c, maroon... 22:00 35-00 POSTAGE
a. Imperf (pair) £140
b. Perf 14 (line) 42:00 55-00
w. Wmk top of s! 45:00
249 143 = 32c. olive-black.... 18:00 75-00 155 King 156 Queen
a. Perf 14 (line) 22:00 95:00 George VI Mother
w. Wmk top of shield to righ 18:00 80-00
236/49 Set of14... os £110 £275
*The normal sideways watermark ‘shows the top of the shield to 1c, Fish-hook flaw 7c. Re-entry to 20c. Extra chimney
left, as seen from the back of the stamp. (R. 1/7 or 3/3) right of design (R. 6/5)
tExact gauges for the two perforations are: 13% comb = 13.4; (inscr oval, tree v
14 line = 13.8. and value) (R. 4/8)
(Recess P.B.)
1935 (6 May). Silver Jubilee. As Nos. 91/4 of Antigua, but ptd by 1937 (12 May). Additional Coronation Issue. T 144/54. W 106.
B.W. P 11x12.
P 14 (line)*.
250 AC, FOSING ...seonse 1-00 1-75
257. 144 ‘Ic. grey... 3-50 30 157 Queen 158 Queen Mary
251 5c. bright violet.. 1:25 4:25
a. Pair, with and without wmk. 32:00 Elizabeth Il
252 TC. DIUC. vesseee 4:25 7-00
b, Fish-hook flaw. 32:00 20-00 as princess
253 24c. olive-green. 5:00 28-00
cw. Wmk inverted.. 70:00
250/3 Set of4... 10:50 38-00
250s/3s Perf “SPECIMEN Set of 4. £190 d. Perf 13% (line). 5:00 1:25 (Recess P.B,)
da. Pair, with and without wmk.. 45:00 1938 (12 May). T 155/8. W 106 (sideways*). P 13%ees
db. Fish-hook flaw. 45:00 30-00 268 155 ZEA QTECM irsccsescess sateenccanepueceeeeeeee
e. Perf 13 (comb). 38:00 80-00
4-50 1-75
1937 (12 May). Coronation Issue. As Nos. 95/7 of Antigua, but a. Pair, with and without wmk.
name and value uncoloured on coloured background. ea. Pair, with and without wmk..
. Imperf (pair)
P1txX1A, eb. Fish-hook flaw....... £200
. Wmk top of shie
254 2c. green... 1:00 3-00 258 145 3c. orange-brown (I). 32:00 7:00 269 156 Ww . Carmine.....
255 4c. carmine.. 1-60 4-00 a, Pair, with and without wmk. £200 . Perf 14 (line).
256 5c. purple 3-00 4-00 b. Imperf between (horiz pair). £500 . Pair, with and without wmk.
254/6 Set OF 3 vrs 5:00 10-00 c. Perf 13% (line)... : 32:00 10-00 . Imperf (pair)...
254s/6s Perf “SPECIMEN” Set of 3. £150 ca. Pair, with and without wmk.. £200 270 Selby, . light blue...
cb. Imperf between (vert pair) £650
. Pair, with a
d. Perf 13 (comb).. 19:00 4:00
. Imperf (pair)
e. Die II (P 14, line) 16:00 9:50 . Wmk top of shield to righ
ea, Pair, with and without w £200 271 158 . deep ultramarine....... 12:00
@C, Perf 13Y2 (lie) sessssssecseeseeen 14:00 12:00
. Pair, with and without wmk..
eca. Pair, with and without wmk.. £200
. Imperf (pair)..
ecb. Imperf between (vert pair) £750 268/71 Set of4...steam
ed. Perf 13 (comb) : 950 475 9-50 14-00
eda. Pair, with and without wmk...... £180
*The normal sideways watermark shows the top of the shield to
259. 146 = 7c. bright ultramarine.. left, as seen from the back of the stamp.
400 1-25 For similar de: signs, perf 12%, see Nos. 277/81.
a, Pair, with and without wmk.. £140
b. Re-entry at right.. 85:00 85:00
c, Perf 13% (line). 4.25 1:75
ca, Pair, with and without wmk.. £150
cb. Re-entry at right.. 85:00
d. Perf 13 (comb)... £700 £800
db. Re-entry at right.. £4000
260 147 BC, SCAFlet caes s esn 4:75 4:00
bit =) « c Ws LEXIG ak cEN LS 1B) a. Pair, withand without wmk.,, £120
b. Imperf between (horiz pair)... £1200 159 King George VI and Queen
146 Caribou 147 Corner Brook Paper Mills c. Imperf between (vert pair)......... £1300 Elizabeth
eS Newfoundland, Nova Scotia CANADA
(Recess B.W,) 1946 (21 Mar). No. 290 surch locally with T 164.
1939 (17 June). Royal Visit. No wmk. P 13. 292 S162) 2G..ON30C. Carmine sivincna diecast 30 2:50
272 159 5c. deep Ultramarine ..sacsnsssesenee 3-75 1-00 ew Organised postal services in Nova Scotia date from April 1754 when
NEWFOUNDLAND the first of a series of Deputy Postmasters was appointed, under the
F authority of the British G.P.O. This arrangement continued until 6 July
2 !x 1851 when the colony assumed responsibility for its postal affairs.
Eel For illustrations of the handstamp types see BRITISH POST OFFICES
Elal ABROAD notes, following GREAT BRITAIN.
|i q

— SS = "ISRe Sane FECES 14971

165 Queen 166 Cabot off Cape Bonavista GRONDESHEL

Elizabeth Il when cc1 CC 1. AMHERST. N.S.(R) (25.2.1845)...Price on cover £1000

(Recess Waterlow) ST. MARGARETS BAY

1947 (21 Apr). Princess Elizabeth’s 21st Birthday. W 106 CROWNED-CIRCLE HANDSTAMPS
(sideways). P 12%.
293 165 = 4c. light blue............. cc2 CC 1 ST. MARGARETS BAY. N.S.(R)
a. Imperf vert (horiz p. (30.6.1845)... .. Price on cover £10000
Nos, CC1/2 were later used during temporary shortages of stamps,
(Recess Waterlow) struck in red or black.
1947 (24 June). 450th Anniv of Cabot's Discovery of PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER
Newfoundland. W 106 (sideways). P 12%. No, 1 from x 5
294 166 Sc, mauve.. 1-00 Nos. 2/4 from x 2
w. Wmk top 0 rig Nos. 5/8 from x 4
Nos. 9/10 from x 10
Nos. 11/13 from x 2
Nos. 14/15 —
1926. Black on pink cover with Ayre and Sons advertisement on No, 16 from x 4
front. Stapled. Nos. 17/19 from x 10
1939 (20 Nov). No. 272 surch as T 160, at St. John’s. SB1 Nos. 20/5 from x 2
40c. booklet containing eight 1c. and sixteen 2c.
273, 159 = _.2c. on 5c. deep ultramarine (Br.).... 2-50 50 (NOS. 149/50) in BIOCKS Of 8....ssssssesesssssssesseeseeseree No, 26 from x 50
274 4c. on 5c. deep ultramarine (C.)...... Nos. 27/8 _ fromx4
elisa CEN TLEtreecressseseearertvaasstssvescitcssesissve No, 29 from x 10

161 Grenfell on the Strathcona 162 Memeril Unwersiey

(after painting by Gribble) College
(Recess C.B.N.)
1932 (2 Jan). Black on buff cover as Type B 1. Stapled. 2
1941 (1 Dec). 50th Anniv of Sir Wilfred Grenfell’s Labrador
Mission, P 12. SB2 40c. booklet containing four 1c., twelve 2c. Crown and Heraldic Flowers of United Kingdom
273: e161 5c. blue... 30 1-00 and four 3c. (Nos. 209b, 210c, 211¢) in and Mayflower of Nova Scotia.
blocks of 4
a. Contents as No. SB2, but containing (Recess P.B.)
Nos, 209b, 210 and 211c...
b. Contents as No. $B2, but c 1851 (1 Sept)-60. Bluish paper. Imperf.
Nos. 222d, 223d and 211d 1 1 1d, red-brown (12.5.53)... £3000 £475
a. Bisected (Y2d.) (on cover) + £50000
2 2 3d. deep blue £1300 £170
a. Bisected (1¥d.) (on cover) + £2500
3 SON DLIGHE TUGccsscrcscssccsstenctsen £1100 £150
a. Bisected (1¥2d.) (on cover t+ £2500
Baraged “A” (R. 5/9) 4 3d. pale blue (1857). £1000 £150
a. Bisected (1¥%4d.) (o t £2500
(Recess Waterlow)
5 6d. yellow-green... £4750 £550
1941 (Oct)-44. W 106 (sideways* on vert ees P 12% (line). a. Bisected (3d.) (on cover
ct t+ £3250
276 107 Ic. grey (9.42) 20 2-75 b. Quartered (1'd.) (on cover)
w. Wmk top of shield to righ 75:00 a t+ £60000
BIT UBB P2C GTEC |(11-41) ence asecceocecseee 40 75 6 6d. deep green (1857). £10000 £1000
w. Wmk top of shield to righ 55:00 a. Bisected (3d.) (on cover, t £5000
278 156 3c. carmine (10.41)... 40 30 B2 7 1s. cold violet............. £25000 £5500
a. Pair, with and without wmk. £140 7c 1s.
deep purple (1851) £18000 £4000
1932. Black on cream cover as Type B 2. Stapled.
b. Damaged “A"....sscssssseeseu . 50-00 d.
Watermarked .. £25000 £6000
w. Wmk top of shield to righ SB3 40c. booklet containing four 1c,, twelve 2c. and 8 1s.
purple (1857). . £18000 £3500
279 157 4c. blue (As No. 270) (10.41). 40 four 3c. (Nos, 222, 223, 211) in blocks of 4.... £500 a.
Bisected (6d.) (on cover) (1860) + £38000
a. Pair, with and without wmk. b.
Quartered (3d.) (on cover)
w. Wmk top of shield to right......... (TSE8)sscstctees cect cepsccsountersscacasrascoctevoe + £90000
280 111 5c. violet (Die |) (P 13% comb) POSTAGE DUE STAMPS The watermark on No. 7d consists of the whole or part of a letter
£180 from the name “T. H. SAUNDERS’ (the papermakers).
a. Perf 12%, (line) (6.42)... 2:75 1-00 The stamps formerly catalogued on almost white paper are
ab. Pair, with and without wmk. £225 probably some from which the bluish paper has been discharged.
ac. Printed double £750 Reprints of all four values were made in 1890 on thin, hard, white
ad. Imperf vert (ho £650 paper. The 1d. is brown, the 3d. blue, the 6d. deep green, and the
b. Imperf (pair) = 1s. violet-black,
281 158 7c. deep ultramarine (As No. 271) The 3d. bisects, which were authorised on 19 October 1854, are
(3.43) wae 14:00 28-00 usually found used to make up the 7d. rate.
a. Pair, with and without wmk. £350
282, 121 8c. rose-red (9.42) 2:25 4:50 (New Currency. 100 cents = 1 dollar)
a. Pair, with and without wmk.. £225
283 113 = 10c. black-brown (4.43)... 1-75 2:25
284 114 14c. black (1.44)... 9:00 13-00
285 115 15c. claret (7.43 600 8-50
286 116 20c. green (1.44)... 600 8-50
287. +122 = 24c. blue (4.43).. 3:25 25-00
w. Wmk inverted... 90-00
288 117 25c. slate (4.43)...... 11:00 20-00
289 118 48c. red-brown (1.43). 5:00 9-50
276/89 Set of 14 55:00 £110
*The normal sideways watermark shows the top of the shield to 3 4
left, as seen from the back of the stamp. "POSTAGE LUE" (R. 3/3 Stop after ”E” (R. 10/1 and
Nos. 276/89 are redrawn versions of previous designs with slightly and 3/8) 10/6) (Recess American Bank Note Co, New York)
larger dimensions; the 5c. for example, measures 21 mm in width as 1860-63. P 12.
opposed to the 20.4 mm of the Perkins Bacon printings. (Litho John Dickinson & Co, Ltd)
No. 280. For Die | see note relating to No. 225. (a) Yellowish paper
1939 (1 May)-49. No Wmk. P 10.
9 3 Ic. jet black..... 425 18-00
(Recess C.B.N.) D1 D1 1c. green 22:00 a. Bisected (hc.)(on cover t+ £8000
a. Perf11 (1949 27-00 10 Ic. grey-black. 425 18-00
1943 (1 Jan). P 12. D2 2c. vermilion........ 8:50
SOD SOG CALITING sccesvensscsscocaovcseoreecovencareeceapsoteo= 2-00 5-50 11 2c. grey-purpl 11-00 16-00
a. Perf 11x9 (1946). 28-00 1a 2c. purple 17:00 15:00
D3 3c. ultramarine........ 40:00 12 5c. blue..... £475 25-00
a. Perf 11x9 (1949). 65-00 13 5c, deep blue. £475 25:00
b. Perf 9.. 14 4 8c, deep green 500 65:00
D4 4c. orange 30:00 15 8Yc. yellow-green 4:00 65:00
a. Perf 11x9 (May 1948) 70:00 16 10c. scarlet 42:00
DS 5c. brown 42:00 17 5 12%ac. blac! 30-00
D6 10c. violet.. 29-00 17a 12%ac. greyish 30-00
a. Perf11 (W 106) (1949 fs £100
ab, Ditto. Imperf between (vert pair) (b) White paper
163 St. John's (164) 18 3 21:00
ac. “POSTAGE LUE” ‘ £450
(Recess C.B.N.) ad. Stop after “E” £450
D1/6 Set of 6 19 21-00
1943 (1 June). Air. P 12. 20 14:00
291 163 ZC. UITFAMALIME ..oreasecserrsssssessersnnsnsesoonseses 50 1-25 Newfoundland joined the Dominion of Canada on 31 March 1949. 21 14-00

he British Empire 1840-1936 Bought & Sold

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B (416) 363-7777 FAX (416) S6eG-65771
Nova Scotia, Pince Edward Island CANADA
22 2c. grey-purple 475 14-00 (c) Perf compound of 11 or 11% (1869) and 11%-12
a. Bisected (1c.) (on cover’ t £3500 21 4 1d. yellow-orange... £250 90-00 PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER TO 1945
23 2c. slate-purple 475 13-00 22 1 2d. £225 70:00 Nos. 115/20 from x 6
24 SC. DIUC. vee £550 29-00 a. Nos. 121/49 from x 3
25 5c. deep blue.. £550 29-00 23 2 3d. £275 70-00 Nos. 150/65 from x 2
26 4 8iac. deep green 23-00 65-00 24 5 4d. £325 £250 Nos, 166/72 from x 3
27 10c, scarlet . 8:50 42-00 25 3 6d. g £375 £300 Nos. 173/87 from x 5
28 | 10c. vermilio 5:00 42-00 26 6 9d. reddish mauve.. £475 = £325 Nos. 188/95 from x2
a. Bisected (5c.) (on cover) 1 £750) Nos. 196/215 from x 3
29 5 12%c. black 1870. Coarse, wove bluish white paper. P 11%-12.
60:00 32-00 Nos, 219/224b from x 4
27 1 2d. rose (I) - 17:00 21:00 Nos. 225/45 from x 2
a. Die Il... 95:00 £110 Nos, 246/55 from x 8
Nova Scotia joined the Dominion of Canada on 1 July 1867.
28 2d, rose-pink (I) . . 950 19-00
Nos. 256/310 from x 2
a. Die Il... 70:00 85-00
No. 312 from x 20
b. “TWC"(R 90:00 £130
No. 313 from x 10
c. Imperf between (horiz pair). £275
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND d. Imperf horiz (vert pair} £275 Nos. 315/18 from x 2
29 2 3d. pale blue 16:00 23-00 Nos, 319/28 from x 3
Prince Edward Island, previously administered as part of Nova Scotia, 30 3d. blue..... 11:00 23-00 Nos. 329/40 from x 2
became a separate colony in 1769. a. Imperf between (horiz pair). £375 Nos. 341/400 from x 1
31 5 4d. black... 7:00 45-00
Nos. R1/7a from x 5
PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER a. Imperf between (horiz pair)... £225
Nos. R8/9 from x 50
Nos. 1/4 from x 4 b. Bisected (2d,) (on cover)... + £2000 Nos. R10/11 from x 20
No. 5 = (New Currency. 100 cents= 1 dollar)
No. 6 from x 5 Nos. $1/3 from x &
Nos. 7/8 from x 10 No. $4 from x 6
Nos. 9/11 from x 8 No. S5 from x 5
Nos. 12/18 from x 6 Nos. S6/11 from x 3
Nos. from x 10 Nos. $12/14 from x 5
Nos. from x 4
Nos. D1/8 from x 4
Nos. from x 8
Nos, D9/13 from x 5
Nos. from x 40
Nos. D14/24 from x 4
Nos. from x 8
No. from x 30
Nos. from x 20 (Recess British-American Bank Note Co., Montreal and Ottawa)
No. from x 50 1870 (1 June). P 12,
Nos. from x 8 32 7 Ad. (3d. stg), yellow-brown... 75-00 85-00
33 A’ad. (3d. stg), deep brown. 75:00 95-00

Large types
PRINTERS. Nos. 46/120 were recess-printed by the British American
Bank Note Co at Ottawa or Montreal.
1868 (1 Apr)-90. As T 13/15 (various frames).
|. Ottawa printings. P 12
(a) Thin rather transparent crisp paper
46 13. “ac. black (1.4.68). £120 85-00
47 14 ‘1c, red-brown (1.4. £750 85-00
48 2c. grass-green (1.4.68).
49 3c. red-brown (1.4.68)...
50 6c. blackish brown (1.4.68
4 51 12¥ac. bright blue (1.4.68)...
(Typo Charles Whiting, London) 52 15c. deep reddish purple
Two Dies of 2d.: In these first printings the impression is g
Die |. Left-hand frame and circle merge at centre left (all stamps in the lines of the background are less clearly defined than in later
the sheet of 60 (10x6) except R. 2/5) (a) P11%-12 printings.
Die Il, Left-hand frame and circle separate at centre left (R. 2/5). There 34 8 10:00 35:00 (b) Medium to stout wove paper (1868-71)
is also a break in the top frame line. 35 13:00 30-00 53 13. ac. black 80-00 70:00
36 9:00 35-00 54 Yac. grey-blac 80:00 70:00
(Typo Charles Whiting, London) 37 10 40:00 45-00 a. Imperf betw
1861 (1 Jan). Yellowish toned paper. b, Watermarked £25000 £9500
EDWARD”. 85:00 £110 55 14 1c. red-brown... £550 65:00
(a) P9 b. Bisected (1%c.) (on cover a. Laid paper.. £25000 £4000
1 1 2d. rose (I) pee DON £190 c. Imperf horiz (vert pair)... £550 b. Watermarked (1868) £2750 £325
a. Imperf between (horiz pair. £11000 56 1c. deep orange (Jan, 1869). £1600 £130
b. Imperf horiz (vert pair) (b) Perf 12 to 12% large holes 56a 1c. orange-yellow (May (?), 1 £1100 £100
c, Bisected (1d.) (on cover).. + £8000 38 9 = 2c. blue... 27:00 65:00 56b 1c. pale orange-yellow.. £1200 £110
Ge DICH scinssecss a. Bisect t £4000 ba. Imperf......
2 2d. rose-carmine (I). £550 £200 39 11 4c. yellow- green. 12:00 38-00 57. 2c. deep green £750 55-00
a. Die Il. —- £1000 40 4c. deep green... 14:00 35-00 57a 2c. pale emerald-green (1871)... £950 85:00
3 2 3d. blue... £1100 £450 a. Bisected (2c.) (on cover) .. t £4750 ab. Bisected (1c. with 2c. to make
a. Bisected (1%d.) (on cover)... + £8000 41 12 Ges blackcmassresterrmcceccre: 850 35-00 3c. rate) on cover.. + £5500
b. Double print... £4000 a. Bisected (3c,) (on cover).. t+ £2000 ac. Laid paper...... t £150000
4 3 6d. yellow-green... £1700 £750 b. Imperf between (horiz pa £300 57d 2c. bluish green. £800 55:00
(b) Rouletted c, Imperf vert (horiz pair) da. Watermarked (1868) £2750 £300
5 SAM AOSEN (A)Sectsccsetincesuiccnecenssonsenrtsnseseccesiezse t+ £22000 42 13 12c. reddish mauve 10:00 85:00 58 3c. brown-red.. £1300 25-00
The 2d. and 3d., perf 9, were authorised to be bisected and used a. Laid paper... £16000 £600
for half their normal value. (¢) P 12%-13, smaller holes b. Watermarked (1868)... £3750 £250
43 8 a 59 6c. blackish brown (to cho £1400 75:00
1862-69. Yellowish toned paper. 44 38:00 a. Watermarked (1868)... £9500 £1300
45 10 50-00 59b 6c. yellow-brown (1870) £1300 65-00
(a) P-11 (1862) or 11% (1869)
6 4 1d. brown-orange. £120 90-00 ba. Bisected (3c.), on cover + £3250
£130 60 12¥ac. bright blue... £950 60:00
6a 2d. rose (I) (1869). +t £550 45b 12 £250
7 6 9d. bluish lilac (29.3. £170 £100 a. Imperf horiz (vert pair) t £25000
8 9d. dull mauve £170 £100 b. Watermarked (1868) £5000 £300
(d) Perf compound of (a) and (c) 11%-12x12%-13 60c 12%c, pale dull blue (milky, £1000 75:00
(b) P- 11%4-12 (1863-69) 46 8 1c. orange.. - 90:00 65:00 61 15c. deep reddish purple £850 70:00
9 4 1d. yellow-orange (1863) 55:00 70-00 47 10 —_3¢. rose... £120 70:00 61a 15c. pale reddish purple... £650 65:00
a. Bisected (2d.) (on cover). t £5500 a. Stop between ab. Watermarked (1868) — £1400
b. Imperf between (horiz pair) £550 EDWARD" £300 £275 616 15c. dull violet-grey.. £250 35:00
10 1d. orange-buff 60:00 70:00 The Stop between “PRINCE, EDWARD" variety listed as Nos. 37a,
ba. Watermarked (18 £5500 £800
11 1d. yellow ...... 70:00 70:00 45a, 47a occurred at R. 1/2 in the master block of ten clichés (5x2),
61¢c 15c. dull grey-purple £325 35:00
12 12d. rose (I) (1863). 26:00 19:00 which was repeated ten times to construct the plate of 100 (10x10). The official date of issue was 1 April 1868. Scattered examples of
a. Imperf vert (horiz pair). It therefore appears ten times in each sheet at R. 1/2, 1/7, 3/2, 3/7, most values can be found used in the second half of March.
b. Bisected (1d.) (on cover).. + £3750 5/2, 5/7, 7/2, 7/7, 9/2 and 9/7.
The watermark on the stout paper stamps consists of the words“E
C. Die I oss £110 £100
Prince Edward Island joined the Dominion of Canada on 1 July 1873. & G BOTHWELL CLUTHA MILLS,” in large double-lined capitals which
13 2d. deep rose (I) 28:00 23-00
can be found upright, inverted or reversed. Portions of one or two
a. Die Il £120 £110
letters only may be found on these stamps, which occur in the early
14 2 3d. blue (1863 48:00 32:00 printings of 1868.
a. Imperf horiz (vert pair). DOMINION OF CANADA The paper may, in most cases, be easily divided if the stamps are
b. Bisected (1¥2d.) (on cov t = laid face downwards and carefully compared. The thin hard paper is
15 3d, deep blue... 48:00 32:00 On 1 July 1867, Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were united
to form the Dominion of Canada. more or less transparent and shows the design through the stamp;
16. 5 4d. black (1869) 32:00 65:00 the thicker paper is softer to the feel and more opaque.
a. Imperf vert (horiz pair). £350 The provinces of Manitoba (1870), British Columbia (1871),
Prince Edward Island (1873), Alberta (1905), Saskatchewan (1905), Ofthe 2c. laid paper No, 57ac three examples only are known.
b. Bisected (2d.) (on cover + £2000 No. 60a is only known as a vertical strip of five.
c. Imperf between (horiz strip of 3 £550 and Newfoundland (1949) were subsequently added, as were the
7 3 6d. yellow-green (15.12.66) we £170 £120 Northwest Territories (1870) and Yukon Territory (1898). I. Montreal printings. Medium to stout wove paper
a. Bisected (3d.) (on cover) + £6500 (a) P-11%x12
or 11%4X12
18 6d. blue-green (1868)... £170 £120 PRICES FOR STAMPS ON COVER TO 1945 62 13 Vac. black (1873) £110 85-00
19 6 9A. Li1AC (1863) srrerssere £120 £100 Nos. 46/67 from x 2 63 15 5c. olive-green (28.9.75) £850 85-00
20 9d. reddish mauve (1863) £120 £100 Nos. 68/71 from x 10 AsSMEN ale aissstessncrntateee £6000 £800
a. Imperf vert (horiz pair). £950 Nos. 72/89 from x 3 64 14 15c. dull grey-purple (1874) £1200 £225
b. Bisected (4'd.) (on cov + £6000 Nos. 90/100 from x 2 65 15c. lilac-grey (3.77)... £1300 £225
A new perforator, gauging exactly 11%, was introduced iin 1869. Nos, 101/2 from x 5 a. Script waterma £24000 £3750
Apart from No. 6a, it was used in compound with the perf 112-12 Nos. 103/11 from x 3 b. “BOTHWELL" watermar! t £850
machine. 66 (RGaSlate arctan sceecereees £1300 £300

Ganadlan Provinces Newroundaland

Ah pS, Quality
AMICI Y stamps
Jt ve 7. og REVENUES

Weare dGuvely puying Worawide and British Commonwesiin j

std NPs; GOMEGUONS, GEaler,StOcKs, GoMplete estates, etc.Wish
youjare ready, pleaASE Gd OT EMall/US tO GiSGUSS VOUT,fenoldings.
(b) P12 There are four variants of the Strand of Hair, with the strand in the
67 14 =15c. clear deep violet (thick paper) a, Latent entries... £500 £140
same position but varying in length. R. 2/13 and R. 3/16 have been 105 3c. bright vermilion 4 89-97 55:00 1-50
£4000 £700 identified. The illustration shows the “Long Strand”. a. Vampire bite......... £475 £130
68 15c. deep slate (1881) £160 35-00 Examples of paper (a) can often be found showing traces of ribbing, b. Imperf (pair) (1891-937? £550
69 15c. slaty blue (1887) .. £180 35-00 especially on the 2c, value. 106 5c. brownish grey (5.89). £110
70 15c. slate-purple (shades) (7. 75:00 20-00 No. 79a was issued in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
No. 63a gauges 12 or above on all four sides. a. Imperf (pair) (1891-93) £700
*The exact perforation measurement on No. 86c is 11.85x11.6. 107 6c. deep chestnut (10.90 50:00
The watermark on No. 65a is part of “Alex.Pirie & Sons” which
appeared diagonally as script letters once per sheet in a small batch a. “Sc. re-entry’... £4250
of the paper used for the 1877 printing. For a description of the sheet b. Major re-entry. £400
watermark on No. 65b, see note after No. 61. c, Imperf (pair) (1891-93? £750
108 6c. pale chestnu 65:00
Several used examples of the 12¥ac. have been reported perforated
11¥%x12 or 1134x112. 109 10c. salmon-pink.. £325)
110 10c. carmine-pink (4.90) £275
The last printing of the 15c. slate-purple, No. 70, took place at
Ottawa. a. Imperf (pair) (1891-937? £850
111 es brownish red (1894?) £250 42-00
Ill. Ottawa printings. Thinnish paper of poor quality, a. Imperf (pair)... £750
often toned grey or ie P12 On No. 107a the top portion of the 5c. design cuts across “CANADA
6c. Neck dai (‘A” Plate, R. 5/1) POSTAGE’, the white circle surrounding the head, and can be seen
71 14 15c. slate-violet (shades) (5.90)... 75:00 22:00
a. Imperf (pair). Brown-purple.. £1400 1873-79. Montreal printings. Medium to stout on the top of the head itself. Lesser re-entries are visible on R. 2/10
wove paper. and R. 3/1 from another plate.
Examples of No. 71 are generally found with yellowish streaky gum. P 11%x12 or 11%4x12.
21 us bright orange.
There are two latent re-entries recognised on the 2c. The stamp
£300 50:00 with the partial image in the upper margin has been identified as
pG orange-yellow (1873-79) £250 17-00
Ic. pale dull yellow (1877-79)
being R. 10/8, that with the image in the lower margin is from a
£250 21-00 Position in row 9. The plates are not known.
ike lemon-yellow (1879)..... £300 21:00
2c. deep green (1873-78)
The 1c. showed no change in the Ottawa printings, so is not
£400 24-00 included. The 2c. reverted to its previous grass-green shade in 1891.
3c. dull red (1875-79) £300 24-00
3c. orange-red (1873-79).. £300 24-00
5c. olive-green (1.2.76-79) £650 38-00
6c. yellowish brown (1873- £550 55:00
. Neck flaw...... 3 £1800 £275
. very pale lilac-magenta (11.74) £1500 £350
. deep lilac-magenta (1876-79). £1100 £200

(Recess B.A.B.N.)
1893 (17 Feb). P 12.
115 28 == 20c. vermilion.... £250 65-00
a. Imperf (pair). £1700
1882-97. Montreal (to March 1889) and Ottawa printings. 116 50c. blue.. £275 45-00
Thinnish paper of poor quality. P 12. a. Imper £1800
101 27 Vac. black (7.82-97 21-00 13-00 1893 (1 Aug). P 12.
102 Vac. grey-black.... 21-00 13-00
ab. Imperf (pair) (1891-932)... £700
117 29 8c. pale bluish grey £180 9-50
ac. Imperf between (horiz pair) a. Imperf (pair). £950
118 8c. bluish slate £150 9-50
119 8c. slate-purple £130 9-50
120 8c. blackish purple.. £110 9:50
a. Imperf (pair). £900

PRINTERS. The following stamps to No. 287 were recess-printed

by the American Bank Note Co, Ottawa, which in 1923 became the
Canadian Bank Note Co.

(Des L. Pereira and F. Brownell)

1897 (19 June). Jubilee issue. P 12.
121 30 = ac. black 75-00
122 1c. orange.. 6:50
123 1c. orange-yellow 6-50
a. Bisected (2c) (on Railway News) t+ £5500
6c. Major re-entry (PI. A, R. 7/7) 124 2c. ss 11:00
125 2c. 11:00
1870-90. As T 21 (various frames). Ottawa (1870-73) and 126 BG 2-25
Montreal printings. P 12 (or slightly under).

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