Session Minutes No. 2017-005
Session Minutes No. 2017-005
Session Minutes No. 2017-005
Province of Isabela
City of Cauyan
Victor H. Dy, Jr. Punong Barangay
Reynaldo F. Perez Barangay Kagawad
Ronald S. Dagman -do-
Herbert C. Villegas -do-
Jonathan D. Adam -do-
Ferdausi A. Palteng -do-
Eugenio C. Asirit, IV -do-
Julie C. Arcega -do-
Call to Order:
The Regular Session was called to order by the Honorable Victor H. Dy, Jr., presiding
officer at exactly 10:00 am, opening prayer was delivered by SB member Eugenio C. Asirit, IV
followed by the singing of the national anthem conducted by SB member Julie C. Arcega.
Roll Call:
With the majority of the Sangguniang Barangay members present, the barangay secretary
certified that the body will constitute a legislative quorum.
As the rainy season is fast approaching, the possible problem in flooding will soon arise
at the Purok-6, along Consuelo Lucas Street of this barangay, due to the problem in the drainage
system. So, as requested by the constituents concerned thereat, SB member Reynaldo F. Perez,
Committee Chairman on Infrastructure, together with the Barangay Police took a visit in the said
location to confirm the problem in the said location.
During the regular session, SB Member Reynaldo F. Perez motion to the body to
construct a drainage system at Purok-6, along Consuelo Lucas Street, San Fermin, Cauayan City,
Isabela. It was seconded by SB Member Ronald S. Dagman and unanimously approved by the
2. Brigada Eskwela
As the school days will soon begin in the month of June, 2017, it has been a yearly
practice to conduct a “Brigada Eskwela” which being held earlier than the scheduled first day of
classes to prevent the delays in the starting of classes.
Since there has have been constructed drainage in the majority areas of barangay San
Fermin, its cleaning and maintenance will be needed to prevents future clogs and unnecessary
wastes build-up in the said drainage. SB Member Jonathan D. Adam, Chairman Committee on
Clean and Green, motion to the body to conduct on overall cleaning and maintenance of the
constructed drainage in the barangay. It was seconded by Seconded by SB Member Eugenio C.
Asirit, IV, and unanimously approved by the body.
There was no further business to be taken up, SB member Reynaldo F. Perez, motioned
for the adjournment, the presiding officer adjourned at 12:30 pm.
I HEREBY TO CERTIFY to the correctness of the above minutes of the regular session
held on May 11, 2017 at the Barangay Hall of San Fermin, Cauayan City, Isabela.
Prepared by:
Barangay Secretary