Theory of Everything Review

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 Theory of What?

 Very formal introduction: Greetings fellow students, as you might know my name is
Marcus Amoroso and I work for the school’s website. Recently I watched a movie
called “The Theory of Everything” …
 Review of the Week.

Paragraph 1
 Stephen Hawking face a lot of odds during his life, that physically affected... (list of
 But he was able to overcome quite a few of his odds... (list how he overcame them)

Paragraph 2
 Positive

 5 out of 5 stars. Good movie thumbs up.
Theory of What?
Greetings fellow students, Marcus here. As you might already know I’m in charge of making
reviews for our school website. This week I’ll be telling you about a movie called “The
Theory of Everything”, which I watched recently.

The movie is based on a true story. It’s based on the life of Stephen Hawking. As some of
you might know, he recently passed away at the age of 76. As shown in the movie he was
diagnosed with his disease at the age of 21. He was diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis), which causes the death of neurons controlling voluntary muscles. You’re
usually granted 2 years to live, after being diagnosed with the disease, but by some miracle
Stephen Hawking managed to live a whopping 55 years with the disease. When watching the
movie, you’ll be able to see Stephen’s condition get worse, to the point where he can’t even
stand up unassisted. Later, it gets even worse, he practically can’t even stand up, he starts
losing control over the muscles in his arms, making him unable to use a walking stick to
stand up. His body practically turns into deadweight.
Another odd he also faced was the fact that he was unable to live alone, since there were a lot
of things, he would be unable to do on his own. They later had a helper, who would help
Stephen’s wife with taking care of Stephen and the kids, since Stephen’s wife would from
time to time get stressed. Stephen’s wife Jane, and their helper Jonathan fell in love, but they
remained by Stephen’s side.
Stephen faced another odd which made him unable to speak, leaving him unable to share his
thoughts and needs. They later bought him a board with coloured boxes filled with letters that
had different colours. Stephen’s new helper Elaine taught him how to use the letter board.
Elaine and Stephen also fell in love, meaning that Stephen and Jane’s divorce was mutual.
Even though Stephen faced a lot of physical odds, he was still able to overcome quite a few
of them. Of course, he wasn’t fully able to overcome his disease. His disease did stop
developing further after he lost his ability to speak, leaving him in the state he was in. He did
overcome parts of his disease, take for example him being unable to walk, he overcame that
part by using a wheelchair, which could also speak, overcoming the bit where Stephen was
unable to speak. When Stephen and his wife divorced, he didn’t feel lonely since he had
Elaine by his side.

Now I’d like to talk about how great the movie was. The cast did an amazing job acting, and
they probably got as close to the real deal as possible. They looked very similar to the real
people. The editing and SFX (Special Effects) were astonishing. They did very well in
balancing the amount of SFX, so that it wouldn’t become too dull or on the other hand
unrealistic. In my opinion this movie turned out to be the best it could possibly be.
For this week I reviewed the movie “The Theory of Everything”, and I think the movie is one
of the best movies in all of history, therefore I give this movie 5 out of 5 stars.

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