Emprendimiento Plan Empresarial y Paginas

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Gimnasio Moderno San Francisco ‘El Tintal’

Business plan
Tanya María Pereira Arcos

Karen Daniela Pachon Ramírez

Table of Contents
Workshop pages ............................................................................................................................................ 3
1. What are the elements of a plan? ..................................................................................................... 3
2. How does planning influence the success of a project? .................................................................. 3
Bavaria .................................................................................................................................................... 3
EPM Colombia ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Postobón.................................................................................................................................................. 4
3. Make the organizational structure of your school .......................................................................... 4
4. Investigate what a schedule is and carry out a practical example ................................................ 5
5. What is time management? .............................................................................................................. 5
Business plan .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Diagnosis of the present ............................................................................................................................ 6
Goal setting: ............................................................................................................................................... 6
General Objective: .................................................................................................................................. 6
Specific Objectives: ................................................................................................................................. 6
Establish premises: .................................................................................................................................... 6
Define the lines of action: .......................................................................................................................... 6
Workshop pages

1. What are the elements of a plan?

• Objectives
• Strategies
• Actions
• Controls
2. How does planning influence the success of a project?

Planning is the basis of the structural prototype of a project

Research the mission, vision and organizational values of 3 important companies in your

Bavaria mission: Bavaria's mission is to grow in the market with an annual consumption
per capital of 60 liters, ensuring the leadership of our portfolio of national and international
brands in each of the beverage categories and in all market segments.
Bavaria vision: Bavaria's Vision is to be the most admired company in Colombia and a great
contributor to SABMiller's global reputation.
- For the effectiveness of our marketing.
- For the quality of our products.
- As the best source of employment.
- As the best partner.
- For our social responsibility
EPM Colombia

Mission We are a subsidiary company of Grupo Empresarial EPM that contributes to

improving the quality of life of the population through water and energy services with
environmental sustainability.
Vision In 2022 Ticsa will be a leading company in Mexico in operational excellence,
reputation and transparency, offering customers and the market a comprehensive portfolio
of water and energy solutions, based on socially responsible practices with all stakeholder
groups and contributing to multilatina consolidation of the EPM Business Group.
I am transparent, I act to build an environment of security and trust between the company
and its stakeholders, providing them with timely, relevant and quality information. I
understand the public nature of my work and take care of the public goods for which I am
I am responsible, I anticipate and answer for the consequences that my actions and decisions
may have on others, as well as on the environment and surroundings.
I am creative, I share and promote new ways of thinking and doing to anticipate and achieve
the desired changes.
I am committed because I identify myself with the aims and purposes of the company, I put
effort into what I do and I go beyond my obligations.
I am warm, I respect the differences, I care about the other and I try to understand their
circumstances to help them find solutions, without arrogance and always with respect and
I am competent, I work with parameters of quality and efficiency, to generate trust. I comply
with the offers of action that I make and respond to the requirements and needs of others.

MISSION Strengthen leadership in the development, production, marketing and sales of

non-alcoholic soft drinks, to satisfy the tastes and needs of consumers, exceeding their
expectations through innovation, quality and excellence in service. We generate
opportunities for professional and personal development relying on human talent organized
in teams around the processes. We work with suppliers to make them our business partners.
We contribute decisively to the economic growth of the Ardila Lülle Organization and of the
Country, acting responsibly towards the environment and society.
VISION To be a Multilatina Company, with its own operations in the continent, recognized
for its dynamism in innovating, developing and offering quality non-alcoholic beverages,
penetrating other markets and entering other product categories.
3. Make the organizational structure of your school

1. Rector
2. Academic and disciplinary coordinator
3. Subject coordinator
4. Teacher of each subject
5. Parents and students
4. Investigate what a schedule is and carry out a practical example

Graphical representation of a set of events as a function of time.

5. What is time management?

It is a managerial ability consisting of the adequate distribution of this resource to develop tasks
and projects. Optimizing and using your time well is essential because time is limited: 24 hours a
day and a life with the days numbered.
Business plan

Diagnosis of the present

The company has its clear objectives and knows how to achieve them, it has an innovative product
that it is willing to make the most of, it knows the market and although it recognizes that it is difficult to
stand out in it, it has strong strategies as a large organization in addition to knowing and pleasing your

Goal setting:

General Objective:

Design through gelatin candles of flavors and shapes, a

strategy that makes our product an unforgettable detail; to publicize the

creativity of an innovative project.

Specific Objectives:

➢ Identify the needs and favoritism of the client to satisfy it Have

products within the reach of the consumer's pocket

➢ Be recognized for our innovative product and quality.

➢ Take advantage of the versatility of our product to attract attraction and profits that exceed
investment and expenses.

Establish premises:

Logically we must foresee (assume) what is going to happen, probably, regarding the situation of
the company and its environment. It is about considering the variables that we cannot control and
that will affect the activity of the company and the objectives that we have set, to be prepared.

Define the lines of action:

Determine the viability of the product and the acceptance of the product monthly in order to
develop and evolve according to the market, never lose focus on quality and hygiene, be recognized for
your style through advertising and attention to the client.

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