Heat Transfer

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Heat Transfer


Heat is energy in transit which flows due to temperature difference; from a body at higher temperature
to a body at lower temperature. This transfer of heat from one body to the other takes place through
three processes.
(i) Conduction (ii) Convection (iii) Radiation
The process of transmission of heat energy in which heat is transferred from one particle of the medium
to the other, but each particle of the medium stays at its own position is called conduction, for example
if you hold an iron rod with one of its end on a fire for some time, the handle will get heated. The heat is
transferred from the fire to the handle by conduction along the length of iron rod. The vibrational
amplitude of atoms and electrons of the iron rod at the hot end takes on relatively higher values due to
the higher temperature of their environment. These increased vibrational amplitudes are transferred
along the rod, from atom to atom during collision between adjacent atoms. In this way a region of rising
temperature extends itself along the rod to your hand.


x dx
Consider a slab of face area A, Lateral thickness L, whose faces have temperatures T H and TC(TH > TC).

Now consider two cross sections in the slab at positions A and B separated by a lateral distance of dx.
Let temperature of face A be T and that of face B be T + T. Then experiments show that Q, the
amount of heat crossing the area A of the slab at position x in time t is given by
Q dT
= –KA
... (2.1)
Here K is a constant depending on the material of the slab and is named thermal conductivity of the
 dT 
material, and the quantity   is called temperature gradiant. The (–) sign in equation (2.1) shows
 dx 
heat flows from high to low temperature (T is a –ve quantity)
If the temperature of a cross-section at any position x in the above slab remains constant with time
(remember, it does vary with position x), the slab is said to be in steady state.
Remember steady-state is distinct from thermal equilibrium for which temperature at any position (x) in
the slab must be same.
For a conductor in steady state there is no absorption or emission of heat at any cross-section.
(as temperature at each point remains constant with time). The left and right face are maintained at
constant temperatures TH and TC respectively, and all other faces must be covered with adiabatic walls
so that no heat escapes through them and same amount of heat flows through each cross-section in a
given Interval of time. Hence Q1 = Q = Q2. Consequently the temperature gradient is constant
throughout the slab.
dT T T f  Ti TC  TH Q T Q  T  TC 
Hence, = = = and = –KA  = KA Q  H  .... (3.1)
dx L L L t L t  L 
Here Q is the amount of heat flowing through a cross-section of slab at any position in a time
interval of t.


Heat Transfer

Example 1 One face of an aluminium cube of edge 2 metre is maintained at 100ºC and the other end is
maintained at 0ºC. All other surfaces are covered by adiabatic walls. Find the amount of heat
flowing through the cube in 5 seconds. (thermal conductivity of aluminium is 209 W/m–ºC)
Solution : Heat will flow from the end at 100ºC to the end at 0ºC.
Area of cross-section perpendicular to direction of heat flow,
A = 4m2
Q (T  TC ) (209W / mº C )(4m 2 )(100º C  0º C )(5sec)
then = KA H Q= = 209 KJ
t L 2 m

If you are interested in insulating your house from cold weather or for that matter keeping the meal hot
in your tiffin-box, you are more interested in poor heat conductors, rather than good conductors. For this
reason, the concept of thermal resistance R has been introduced.
For a slab of cross-section A, Lateral thickness L and thermal conductivity K,
Resistance R ... (4.1)
In terms of R, the amount of heat flowing though a slab in steady-state (in time t)
Q (TH  TL )

t R

If we name as thermal current iT

then, iT  ....(4.2)
This is mathematically equivalent to OHM’s law, with temperature donning the role of electric potential.
Hence results derived from OHM’s law are also valid for thermal conduction.
More over, for a slab in steady state we have seen earlier that the thermal current i L remains same at
each cross-section. This is analogous to kirchoff’s current law in electricity, which can now be very
conveniently applied to thermal conduction.

Example 2. Three identical rods of length 1m each, having cross-section area of 1cm2 each and made of
Aluminium, copper and steel respectively are maintained at temperatures of 12ºC, 4ºC and
50ºC respectively at their separate ends. Find the temperature of their common junction.


[ KCu = 400 W/m-K , KAl = 200 W/m-K , Ksteel = 50 W/m-K ]
L 1 104
Solution : RAl = = =
KA 10 4  209 209
10 104
Similarly Rsteel = and Rcopper =
46 385


Heat Transfer
Let temperature of common junction = T
then from Kirchoff;s Junction law.
iAl + isteel + iCu = 0
T  12 T  51 T  u
 + + =0
RAl Rsteel RCu
 (T – 12) 200 + (T – 50) 50 + (T – 4) 400 = 0
 4(T – 12) + (T – 50) + 8 (T – 4) = 0
 13T = 48 + 50 + 32 = 130
 T = 10ºC Ans.

5.1 Slabs in series (in steady state)
Consider a composite slab consisting of two materials having different thickness L1 and L2, different
cross-sectional areas A1 and A2 and different thermal conductivities K1 and K2. The temperature at the
outer surface at the ends are maintained at T H and TC, and all lateral surfaces are covered by an
adiabatic coating.

L2 L1

Heat reservoir
K2 K1 at TC

Heat reservoir
at temperature TH adiabatic coating

Let temperature at the junction be T, since steady state has been achieved thermal current through
each slab will be equal. Then thermal current through the first slab.
Q T T
i= = H or TH – T = iR1 ... (5.1)
t R1
and that through the second slab,
Q T  TC
i= =
t R2
or T – TC = iR2 ....(5.2)
adding eqn. 5.1 and eqn 5.2
TH – TL = (R1 + R2) i
or i=
R1  R2
Thus these two slabs are equivalent to a single slab of thermal resistance R 1 + R2. If more than two
slabs are joined in series and are allowed to attain steady state, then equivalent thermal resistance is
given by
R = R1 + R2 + R3 + ....... .....(5.3)


Heat Transfer

Example 3 The figure shows the cross-section of the outer wall of a house built in a hill-resort to keep the
house insulated from the freezing temperature of outside. The wall consists of teak wood of
thickness L1 and brick of thickness (L2 = 5L1), sandwitching two layers of an unknown material
with identical thermal conductivities and thickness. The thermal conductivity of teak wood is
K1 and that of brick is (K2 = 5K). Heat conduction through the wall has reached a steady state
with the temperature of three surfaces being known. (T 1 = 25ºC, T2 = 20ºC and T5 = –20ºC).
Find the interface temperature T4 and T3.
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5

L1 L L L4
Solution : Let interface area be A. then thermal resistance of wood, R1 =
K1 A
L2 5L1
and that of brick wall R2 = = = R1
K2 A 5K1 A
Let thermal resistance of the each sandwitched layer = R. Then the above wall can be
visualised as a circuit
iT R1 R R R1 iT

25ºC 20ºC T3 T4 –20ºC

thermal current through each wall is same.
25  20 20  T3 T3  T4 T  20
Hence = = = 4
R1 R R R1
 25 – 20 = T4 + 20  T4 = –15ºC Ans.
20  T4
also, 20 – T3 = T3 – T4  T3 = = 2.5ºC Ans.
Example 4 In example 3, K1 = 0.125 W/m–ºC, K2 = 5K1 = 0.625 W/m–ºC and thermal conductivity of the
unknown material is K = 0.25 W/mºC. L1 = 4cm, L2 = 5L1 = 20cm and L = 10cm. If the house
consists of a single room of total wall area of 100 m 2, then find the power of the electric heater
being used in the room.
(4 10 2 m)
Solution : R 1 = R2 = = 32 × 10–4 ºC/w
(0.125 w / mº C )(100 m 2 )
(10 102 m)
R= = 40 × 10–4 ºC/w
(0.25W / mº C (100m 2 )

the equivalent thermal resistance of the entire wall = R1 + R2 + 2R = 144 × 10–4 ºC/W
 Net heat current, i.e. amount of heat flowing out of the house per second =
TH  TC 25º C  ( 20º C ) 45 10 4
= = = watt = 3.12 Kwatt
R 144 10 4 º C / w 144
Hence the heater must supply 3.12 kW to compensate for the outflow of heat. Ans.


Heat Transfer

5.2 Slabs in parallel :

Consider two slabs held between the same heat reservoirs, their thermal conductivities K 1 and K2 and
cross-sectional areas A1 and A2

K1 A1

K2 A2
Heat reservoir
at temperature TH adiabatic coating
Heat reservoir
at temperature TC
then R1 = , R2 =
K1 A1 K 2 A2
thermal current through slab 1
and that through slab 2
Net heat current from the hot to cold reservoir
i1 
1 1 
i1  i2  (TH  TC )   
Comparing with i =
 R1 R2 
T  TC 1 1 1
i= H , we get, = 
Req Req R1 R2
If more than two rods are joined in parallel, the equivalent thermal resistance is given by
1 1 1 1
=  + ..... .... (5.4)
Req R1 R2 R3

Example 5. Figure shows a copper rod joined to a steel rod. The rods have equal length and equal cross-
sectional area. The free end of the copper rod is kept at 0ºC and that of steel rod is kept at
100ºC. Find the temperature of the junction of the rod. Conductivity of copper = 390 W/mºC
Conductivity of steel = 46 W/m ºC
0ºC Copper Steel 100ºC
390  A( A   )
Solution : Heat current in first rod (copper) =

Here  is temperature of the junction and A &  are area and length of copper rod.
46  A(  100)
Heat current in second rod (steel) =

In series combination. heat current remains same. So,

390  A(0   ) 46  A(  100)
= – 390  = = 46  – 4600

436  = 4600  = 10.6ºC


Heat Transfer
Example 6. An aluminium rod and a copper rod of equal length 1m and cross-sectional area 1cm are
welded together as shown in the figure. One end is kept at a temperature of 20ºC and other at
60ºC. Calculate the amount of heat taken out per second from the hot end. Thermal
conductivity of aluminum is 200 W/mºC and of copper is 390 W/mºC.
20ºC Aluminium

200  (1104 )
Solution : Heat current through the = .(60 – 20)
390  (1104 )
Heat current through the copper rod = .(60 – 20)
–4 –4 –4
Total heat = 200 × 10 × 40 + 390 × 10 × 40 = 590 × 40 × 10 = 2.36 Joule
Example 7. The three rods shown in the figure (1) have identical geometrical dimensions. Heat flows from
the hot end at the rate of 40W in arrangement (1). Find the rate of heat flow when the rods are
joined in arrangement (2). Thermal conductivity of aluminum and copper are 200 W/mºC and
400 W/mºC respectively.
0ºC A Cu A 100ºC 0ºC A 100ºC
(1) (2)
Solution : (a) In the arrangement (1), the three rods are joined in series. The rate of flow of heat,
d KA(1   2 )   2
= = 1 But, R = R 1 + R2 + R 3 [In series]
dt R
100  0 100 100
 40 =  40 = 40 =
R1  R2  R1   2 1 

K1 A K2 A KA 
A  K1 K 2 
 2 1  100
  

A  200 400 
= = 200 per m
40 A
(b) In figure (2) two rods all in parallel and resultant of both is in series with the first rod
dQ 1   2 1
 = But R = R1 +
dt R 1 1

R1 R2
dQ 100  0 100  0 600  100
= = = = 75W
dt 1  1 1  200  4
 
K1 A K1 A  K 2 A A  K1 K1  K 2 

Example 8. A metal rod of length 20cm and diameter 2 cm is covered with a non conducting substance.
One of its ends is maintained at 100ºC while the other end is put at 0ºC. It is found that 25 g of
ice melts in 5 min. Calculate the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the metal. Latent heat of
ice = 80 cal gram
Solution : Here, length of the rod, x = 20 cm = 20 × 10 m
Diameter = 2cm, Radius = r = 1 cm = 10 m
2 –2 2 –4
Area of cross section a = r = (10 ) =  × 10 sq. m
T = 100 – 0 = 100ºC Mass of ice melted, m = 25g
As L = 80 cal/ g
 Heat conducted, Q = mL = 25 × 80 = 2000 cal = 2000 × 4.2 J
t = 5 min = 300 s
Q T 2000  4.2  20 102 –1 –1 –1
From = = KA  K= = 1.78Js m ºC
t x 300 10  100


Heat Transfer
Example 9. Two thin concentric shells made from copper with radius r 1 and r2 (r2 > r1) have a material of
thermal conductivity K filled between them. The inner and outer spheres are maintained at
temperatures TH and TC respectively by keeping a heater of power P at the centre of the two
spheres. Find the value of P.
Solution : Heat flowing per second through each cross-section of the sphere = P = i.
Thermal resistance of the spherical shell of radius x and thickness dx,

dx x

1 1 1
dx dx
dR =
K .4 x 2
 R=
 4 x .K
=   
4 K  r1 r2 
T  TC 4 K (TH  TC ) r1 r2
thermal current i=P= H = .
R (r2  r1 )
When atmospheric temperature falls below 0°C the water in the lake will start freezing. Let at any time t,
the thickness of ice in the lake be y and atmospheric temperature is –°C. The temperature of water in
contact with the lower surface of ice will be 0ºC.
the area of the lake = A
heat escaping through ice in time dt is
Now due to escaping of this heat if dy thickness of water in contact with lower surface of ice freezes,
[0  ( )]
dQ1  KA dt
dQ2 = mL = (dy A)L [as m = V = A dy]
dy K 1
But as dQ1 = dQ2, the rate of growth of ice will be  
dt  L y
L y 1 L
and so time taken by ice to grow a thickness y, t 
K 0
y dy 
2 K

It is clear that time taken to double and triple the thickness will be in the ratio t 1 : t2 : t3 : : 1² : 2² : 3², i.e.,
t1 : t2 : t3 : : 1 : 4 : 9 and the time intervals to change thickness from 0 to y, from y to 2y and so on will be
in the ratio t1 : t2 : t3 : : (12 – 02) : (22 – 12) : (32 – 22), i.e., t1 : t2 : t3 : : 1 : 3 : 5.

Can you now see how the following facts can be explained by thermal conduction ?
(a) In winter, iron chairs appears to be colder than the wooden chairs.
(b) Ice is covered in gunny bags to prevent melting.
(c) Woolen clothes are warmer.
(d) We feel warmer in a fur coat.
(e) Two thin blankets are warmer than a single blanket of double the thickness.
(f) Birds often swell their feathers in winter.
(g) A new quilt is warmer than old one.
(h) Kettles are provided with wooden handles.
(i) Eskimo's make double walled ice houses.
(j) Thermos flask is made double walled.


Heat Transfer

When heat is transferred from one point to the other through actual movement of heated particles, the
process of heat transfer is called convection. In liquids and gases, some heat may be transported
through conduction. But most of the transfer of heat in them occurs through the process of convection.
Convection occurs through the aid of earth’s gravity. Normally the portion of fluid at greater temperature
is less dense, while that at lower temperature is denser. Hence hot fluids rises up white colder fluid sink
down, accounting to convection. In the absence of gravity convection would not be possible.
Also, the anamalous behaviour of water (its density increases with temperature in the range 0-4ºC) give
rise to interesting consequences vis-a-vis the process of convection. One of these interesting
consequences is the presence of aquatic life in temperate and polar waters. The other is the rain cycle.
Can you now see how the following facts can be explained by thermal convection ?
(a) Oceans freeze top-down and not bottom up. (this fact is singularly responsible for presence of
acquatic life is temperate and polar waters.)
(b) The temperature in the bottom of deep oceans is invariably 4ºC, whether it is winter or summer.
(c) You cannot illuminate the interior of a lift in free fall or an artificial satellite of earth with a
(d) You can Illuminate your room with a candle.

The process of the transfer of heat from one place to another place without heating the intervening
medium is called radiation. The term radiation used here is another word for electromagnetic waves.
These waves are formed due to the superposition of electric and magnetic fields perpendicular to each
other and carry energy.
Properties of Radiation:
(a) All objects emit radiations simply because their temperature is above alsolute zero, and all
objects absorb some of the radiation that falls on them from other objects.
(b) Maxwell on the basis of his electromagnetic theory proved that all radiations are
electromagnetic waves and their sources are vibrations of charged particles in atoms and
(c) More radiations are emitted at higher temperature of a body and lesser at lower temperature.
(d) The wavelength corresponding to maximum emission of radiations shifts from longer
wavelength to shorter wavelength as the temperature increases. Due to this the colour of a
body appears to be changing. Radiations from a body at NTP has predominantly infrared
(e) Thermal radiations travels with the speed of light and move in a straight line.
(f) Radiations are electromagnetic waves and can also travel through vacuum.
(g) Similar to light, thermal radiations can be reflected, refracted, diffracted and polarized.
(h) Radiation from a point source obeys inverse square law (intensity  ).
According to this theory, all bodies radiate thermal radiation at all temperatures. The amount of thermal
radiation radiated per unit time depends on the nature of the emitting surface, its area and its
temperature. The rate is faster at higher temperatures. Besides, a body also absorbs part of the thermal
radiation emitted by the surrounding bodies when this radiation falls on it. If a body radiates more than
what it absorbs, its temperature falls. If a body radiates less than what it absorbs, its temperature rises.
And if the temperature of a body is equal to the temperature of its surroundings it radiates at the same
rate as it absorbs.


Heat Transfer

A perfectly black body is one which absorbs all the heat radiations of whatever wavelength, incident on
it. It neither reflects nor transmits any of the incident radiation and therefore appears black whatever be
the colour of the incident radiation.


In actual practice, no natural object possesses strictly the properties of a perfectly black body. But the
lamp-black and platinum black are good approximation of black body. They absorb about 99 % of the
incident radiation. The most simple and commonly used black body was designed by Fery. It consists of
an enclosure with a small opening which is painted black from inside. The opeining acts as a perfect
black body. Any radiation that falls on the opening goes inside and has very little chance of escaping
the enclosure before getting absorbed through multiple reflections. The cone opposite to the opening
ensures that no radiation is reflected back directly.
Qr Qt Qa
Q = Qr + Qt + Qa  1  
(Incident) Qr (Reflected)

Qa Qt (Transmitted)
where r = reflecting power , a = absorptive power
and t = transmission power.
(i) r = 0, t = 0, a = 1, perfect black body
(ii) r = 1, t = 0, a = 0, perfect reflector
(iii) r = 0, t = 1, a = 0, perfect transmitter
10.1 Absorptive power :
In particular, absorptive power of a body can be defined as the fraction of incident radiation that is
absorbed by the body.
Energy absorbed
Energy incident
As all the raditions incident on a black body are absorbed, a = 1 for a black body.
10.2 Emissive power:
Energy radiated per unit time per unit area along the normal to the area is known as emissive power.
A t
(Notice that unlike absorptive power, emissive power is not a dimensionless quantity).
10.3 Spectral Emissive power (E) :
Emissive power per unit wavelength range at wavelength  is known as spectral emissive power, E. If
E is the total emissive power and E is spectral emissive power, they are related as follows,

E E
 d and
 E


Heat Transfer

10.4 Emissivity:
Emissive power of a body at temperature T E
e= =
Emissive power of a black body at same temperature T E0
The ratio of the emissive power to the absorptive power for the radiation of a given wavelength is same
for all substances at the same temperature and is equal to the emissive power of a perfectly black body
for the same wavelength and temperature.
E (body )
 E (black body )
a (body )
Hence we can conclude that good emitters are also good absorbers.
If a body emits strongly the radiation of a particular wavelength, it must also absorb the same radiation
(1) Let a piece of china with some dark painting on it be first heated to nerly 1300 K and then
examined in dark room. It will be observed that the dark paintings appear much brighter than the
white portion. This is because the paintings being better absorbers also emit much more light.
(2) The silvered surface of a thermos flask does not absorb much heat from outside. This stops ice
from melting quickly. Also, the silvered surface does not radiate much heat from inside. This
prevents hot liquids from becoming cold quickly.
(3) A red glass appears red at room temperature. This is because it absorbs green light strongly.
However, if it is heated in a furnace, it glows with green light. This is because it emits green light
strongly at a higher temperature.
(4) When white light is passed through sodium vapours and the spectrum of transmitted light is seen,
we find two dark lines in the yellow region. These dark lines are due to absorption of radiation by
sodium vapours which it emits when heated.
Fraunhofer lines are dark lines in the spectrum of the sun. When white light emitted from the central
core of the sun (photosphere) passes through its atmosphere (chromosphere) radiations of those
wavelengths will be absorbed by the gases present there which they usually emit (as a good emitter is
a good absorber) resulting in dark lines in the spectrum of sun.
At the time of solar eclipse direct light rays emitted from photosphere cannot reach on the earth and
only rays from chromosphere are able to reach on the earth surface. At that time we observe bright
fraunhofer lines.

Light e
by gase

Moon Earth
Photo sphere



From the energy distribution curve of black body radiation, the following conclusions can be drawn :
(a) Higher the temperature of a body, higher is the area under the curve i.e. more amount of
energy is emitted by the body at higher temperature.
(b) The energy emitted by the body at different temperatures is not uniform. For both long and
short wavelengths, the energy emitted is very small.
(c) For a given temperature, there is a particular wavelength (m) for which the energy emitted (E)
is maximum.


Heat Transfer
(d) With an increase in the temperature of the black body, the maxima of the curves shift towards
shorter wavelengths.

From the study of energy distribution of black body radiation discussed as above, it was established
experimentally that the wavelength (m) corresponding to maximum intensity of emission decreases
inversely with increase in the temperature of the black body. i.e.
m  or m T = b
This is called Wien's displacement law.
Here b = 0.282 cm-K, is the Wien’s constant.

Example 10. Solar radiation is found to have an intensity maximum near the wavelength range of 470 nm.
Assuming the surface of sun to be perfectly absorbing (a = 1), calculate the temperature of
solar surface.
Solution : Since a =1, sun can be assumed to be emitting as a black body
from Wien’s law for a black body
0.282 (cm  K )
m . T = b  T= = ~ 6125 K. Ans.
(470 107 cm)

According to this law, the amount of radiation emitted per unit time from an area A of a black body at
absolute temperature T is directly proportional to the fourth power of the temperature.
u =  A T4 ..... (13.1)
where  is Stefan's constant = 5.67 x 10-8 W/m2 k4
A body which is not a black body absorbs and hence emit less radiation then that given by equation
For such a body, ue  A T 4
where e = emissivity (which is equal to absorptive power) which lies between 0 to 1
With the surroundings of temperature T0 , net energy radiated by an area A per unit time..
u  u  u0  e  A (T 4  T04 ) ....(13.3)

Example 11. A black body at 2000K emits radiation with m = 1250 nm. If for the radiation coming from the
star SIRUS m is 71 nm, then the temperature of this star is .......
Solution : Using wien's displacement law
T2 (m )1 2000 1250 10 3
=  T2 =  T2 = 35.211 K
T1 (m ) 2 71109
Example 12. At 1600 K maximum radiation is emitted at a wavelength of 2µm. Then the corresponding
wavelength at 2000 K will be -
m T1 2 106 1600
Solution : Using T1 = T2  = 2
=  = 1.6 µm
T2 2000


Heat Transfer
Example 13. If the temperature of a body is increased by 50%, then the increase in the amount of radiation
emitted by it will be
Solution : Percentage increase in the amount of radiations emitted
E2  E1 (1.5T1 ) 4  T14
 × 100 = × 100
E1 T14
E  E1 E2  E1
  2 4
× 100 = [(1.5) – 1] × 10 × 100 = 400%
E1 E1
Example 14. A blackened platinum wire of length 5cm and perimeter 0.02 cm is maintained at a temperature
of 300K. Then at what rate the wire is losing its energy ? (Take  = 57 × 10 units)
Solution : The rate of radiation heat loss is
dQ 4
= eAT (watts)
for blackened surface e = 1
and A = (2r) = Perimeter × length
 A = 0.02 × 5 × 10 Thus
dQ –4 –8 4 dQ
 = 0.02 × 5 × 10 × 5.7 × 10 × (300)  = 46.2W
dt dt
Example 15. A body of emissivity (e = 0.75), surface area of 300 cm 2 and temperature 227ºC is kept in a
room at temperature 27ºC. Calculate the initial value of net power emitted by the body.
Using equation. (13.3) P = eA (T4 – T04)
= (0.75) (5.67 × 10 W/m –k ) (300 × 10–4 m2) × {(500 K)4 – (300 K)4}
–8 2 4

= 69.4 Watt. Ans.

Example 16. A hot black body emits the energy at the rate of 16 J m –2 s–1 and its most intense radiation
corresponds to 20,000 Å. When the temperature of this body is further increased and its most
intense radiation corresponds to 10,000 Å, then find the value of energy radiated in Jm –2 s–1 .
Solution : Wein's displacement law is :
m .T = b i.e. T
Here, m becomes half.
 Temperature doubles.
Also E = T4
4 4
e1  T1  e T 
    E2 = .E1 1   1  e1= (2)4 . 16
e2  T2  e2  T2 
= 16.16 = 256 J m –2 s–1 Ans.

For small temperature difference between a body and its surrounding, the rate of cooling of the body is
directly proportional to the temperature difference and the surface area exposed.
 (   0 ) , where  and 0 are temperature corresponding to object and surroundings.
From above expression   k (   0 ) , ...(14.1)
This expression represents Newton's law of cooling. It can be derived directly from stefan’s law, which
4 e  30
k A ... (14.2)


Heat Transfer

d d
  k [  0 ]  
i (   0 )
=  k dt

( f   0 )
where i = n initial temperature of object and 
(i   0 )
  f = final temperature of object.
 = –kt f= (i – 0) e–kt
f = 0 + (i – 0) e –kt ... (14.3)
14.1 Limitations of Newton's Law of Cooling:
(a) The difference in temperature between the body and surroundings must be small
(b) The loss of heat from the body should be by radiation only.
(c) The temperature of surroundings must remain constant during the cooling of the body.
14.2 Approximate method for applying Newton’s law of cooling
Sometime when we need only approximate values from Newton’s law, we can assume a constant rate
of cooling, which is equal to the rate of cooling corresponding to the average temperature of the body
during the interval.
= –k(<> – 0) ...(14.4)
If i & f be initial and final temperature of the body then,
i   f
<> = ...(14.5)
Remember equation (14.5) is only an approximation and equation (14.1) must be used for exact values.
Comparision of specific heat of two liquids using Newton's law of cooling :
If equal volume of two liquids of densities and specific heats 1 , s1 and 2 , s2 respectively are filled in
calorimeters having same surface area and finish, cool from same initial temperature 1 to same final
temperature 2 with same temperature of surroundings, i.e., 0, in time intervals t1 and t2 respectively
and water equivalent of calorimeter is w. According to Newton's law of cooling
 dQ   dQ 
 dt    dt 
 liq.  water
 0 

Water Out

Water Liquid

Const. Temp. 0
Water In


Heat Transfer

 w  m1s1  1   2    w  m2 s2  1   2  w  m1s1 w  m2 s2

or 
t1 t2 t1 t2
m1s1 m2 s2
If water equivalent of calorimeter w is negligible then 
t1 t2
m1s1 t1 1s1 t1
So,  or  (v1 = v2, volume are equal) with the help of this eqn. we can find
m2 s2 t2  2 s2 t2
specific heat of liquid.

Example 17. A body at temperature 40ºC is kept in a surrounding of constant temperature 20ºC. It is
observed that its temperature falls to 35ºC in 10 minutes. Find how much more time will it take
for the body to attain a temperature of 30ºC.
Solution : from equation (14.3.)
f = i e–kt
for the interval in which temperature falls from 40 to 35º C.
(35 – 20) = (40 – 20) e–k. 10
3 3
 e–10 k =  K=
4 10
for the next interval
(30 – 20) = (35 – 20)e–kt
2 3
 e–10k =   kt = n
3 2
 4  3
 n  t  n 
 3  2
 = n   t = 10 minute = 14.096 min Ans.
10  4
 n 
 3
Alternative : (by approximate method)
for the interval in which temperature falls from 40 to 35ºC
40  35
<> = = 37.5ºC
from equation (14.4) = –k(<> – 0)
(35º C  40º C )
 = –K(37.5ºC – 20ºC)
 K= (min 1 )
for the interval in which temperature falls from 35ºC to 30ºC
(30º C  35º C )
<> = = 32.5ºC
from equation (14.4)
= – K(32.5ºC – 20ºC)
 required time, t=  35 min = 14 min Ans.


Heat Transfer
Example 18. Two liquids of same volume are cooled under same conditions from 65ºC to 50ºC. Time taken
are 200sec and 480 sec. If ratio of their specific heats is 2 : 3 then find the ratio of their
densities. (neglect the water equivalent of calorimeter)
Solution : From Newton's law of cooling
 m1s1  w1   m2 s2  w2 
  (1 – 2) =   (1 – 2)
 t1   t2 
ms ms Vd1s1 Vd 2 s2 d1 ts 200 3 5
here w1 = w2 = 0 = 1 1 = 2 2  =  = 1 2 = × =
t1 t2 t1 t2 d2 t 2 s1 480 2 8
Example 19. A calorimeter of water equivalent 5 × 10–3 kg contains 25 × 10–3 kg of water. It takes 3 minutes
to cool from 28°C to 21°C. When the same calorimeter is filled with 30 × 10 –3 kg of turpentine oil
then it takes 2 minutes to cool from 28°C to 21°C. Find out the specific heat of turpentine oil.

Solution : Rwater = Rturpentine

 m1  w    m2 s2  w 
 25 10 3
 5 103 

30  103 s2  5  103
t1 t2 3 2
30 s2  5
10  , 20 = 30 s2 + 5 
   specific heat of turpentine s2 = 1/2 = 0.5 kcal/kg/°C
Example 20. A man, the surface area of whose skin is 2m², is sitting in a room where the air temperature is
20°C. If his skin temperature is 28°C, find the rate at which his body loses heat. The emissivity
of his skin = 0.97.
Solution : Absolute room temperature (T0) = 20 + 273 = 293 K
Absolute skin temperature (T) = 28 + 273 = 301 K
Rate of heat loss = eA (T4 – T40)
= 5.67 × 10–8 × 0.97 × 2 × {(301)4 – (293)4} = 92.2 W
Example 21. Compare the rate of loss of heat from a metal sphere of the temperature 827°C, with the rate of
loss of heat from the same sphere at 427 °C, if the temperature of surroundings is 27°C.
Solution : Given : T1 = 827 °C = 1100 K, T2 = 427 °C = 700 K and T0 = 27 °C = 300 K
According to Steafan's law of radiation, =  Ae (T4 – T04)
( )1
(T 4  T 4 ) [(1100)4  (300)4 ] dQ dQ
 dt  14 04  = 6.276 ;k ( )1 : ( ) 2  6.276 :1
( )2 (T2  T0 ) [(700) 4
 (300) 4
] dt dt
Example 22. Two spheres of the same material have radii 6 cm and 9 cm respectively. They are heated to
the same temperature and allowed to cool in the same enclosure. Compare their initial rates of
emission of heat and initial rates of fall of temperature.
r1 2
Solution : Given : r1 = 6 cm r2 = 9 cm,  
r2 3
According to Stefan's law of radiation, the rate of emission of heat by an ordinary body,
 dQ 
Rh =   = AeT or Rh  r² (A = 4r²) 

 dt 
 r  2 4
R RFT 1 r2 3
   h1   1       
Rh 2  r2   3  9 RFT 2 r1 2
d  Ae(T 4  T04 ) A 1
[Rate of fall of temp. RFT , , = or RFT  or RFT  ]
dt msJ m r
 Initial rates of emission of heat are in the ratio 4 : 9 and initial rates of fall of temperature
are in the ratio 3 : 2.


Heat Transfer
Example 23. The filament of an evacuated light bulb has a length 10 cm, diameter 0.2 mm and emissivity
0.2, calculate the power it radiates at 2000 K. ( = 5.67 × 10–8 W/m² K4)
Solution :  = 10 cm = 0.1 m, d = 0.2 mm, r = 0.1 mm = 1 × 10–4 m,
e = 0.2, T = 2000 K,    = 5.67 × 10–8 W/m² K4
According to stefan's law of radiation, rate of emission of heat for an ordinary body (filament),
E = AeT4 = (2  r ) eT4 = 5.67 × 10–8 × 2 × 3.14 × 1 × 10–4 × 0.1 × 0.2 × (2000)4
= 11.4 W
 Power radiated by the filament = 11.4 W [A = 2r]
Example 24. The energy radiated from a black body at a temperature of 727°C is E. By what factor the
radiated energy shall increase if the temperature is raised to 2227°C?
E2  T2   2227  273   2500 
4 4

     39
E1  T1   727  273   1000 
Solution :

Problem 1. An ice box made of 1.5 cm thick styrofoam has dimensions 60 cm × 30cm. It contains ice at
0ºC and is kept in a room at 40ºC. Find the rate at which the ice is melting. Latent heat of fusion
of ice = 3.36 × 10 J/kg. and thermal conductivity of stryrofoam = 0.4 W/m-ºC.
Solution : The total surface area of the walls
= 2(60 cm × 60 cm + 60 cm × 30 cm + 60 cm × 30 cm)
= 1.44 m
The thickness of the wall = 1.5 cm = 0.015m
The rate of heat flow into the box is
Q KA(1   2 ) (0.04W / m º C )(1.44 m 2 )(40º C)
= = = 154 W.
t x 0.015 m
The rate at which the ice melts is = 0.46 g/s
2 5 2
Problem 2. A black body emits 10 watts per cm at 327ºC. The sun radiates 10 watt per cm . Then what is
the temperature of the sun ?
E 
1/ 4
Esun T  105 
Solution :  =  sun   sun =   Tsun = 6000 K
Ebody E Tbody  10 
 body 
 Tsun = 6000 K

Problem 3. A bulb made of tungsten filament of surface are a 0.5 cm is heated to a temperature 3000k
when operated at 220V. The emissivity of the filament is e = 0.35 and take  = 5.7 × 10 mks
units. Then the wattage of the bulb is .....(calculate)
Solution : The emissive power watt/m is
E = eT
Therefore the power of the bulb is
P = E x area (Watts)
 P = eT A
–4 –8 4
 P = 0.35 × 0.5 × 10 × 5, 7 × 10 × (3000)  P = 80.8 W
Problem 4. In the above example, if the temperature of the filament falls to 2000k due to a drop of mains
voltage, then what will be the wattage of the bulb ?
Solution : Now the power of the bulb will be such that
P2  T2 
2 16
=   Thus P2 = P1 ×    P2 = 80.8 × Thus P2 = P1 ×
P1  T1  3 81
 P2 = 80.8 ×  P2 = 15.96


Heat Transfer
Problem 5. A liquid takes 30 seconds to cool from 95ºC to 90ºC and 70 seconds to cool from 55 to 50ºC.
Find the room temperature and the time it will take to cool from 50ºC to 45ºC
95  90  95  90 
Solution : From the first data =k   0  = k .........(1)
30  2 
55  50  55  50 
From the second data =k   0  = k .........(2)
70  0 
7 92.5  0
Dividing (1) and (2) we get =  0 = 22.5º ..........(3)
3 52.5  0
Let the time taken in cooling from 50ºC to 45ºC is t, then
50  45  50  45 
= k  0  ........(4)
t  2 
Using 0 = 22.5ºC, and dividing (1) by (2) we get
t  92.5  22.5 
 t = 84 sec
30  47.5  22.5 
= 

Problem 6. A blackened metal disc is held normal to the sun rays, Both of its surfaces are exposed to
atmosphere if the distance of earth from sun is 216 times the radius of sun and the temperature
of sun is 6000K, the temperature of the disc in steady state will be
Solution : In the steady state the heat received from sun will be equal to heat radiated out. Heat received
from sun will be on one side only and it will radiate from both sides.
 Rs  4 4 Rs 1 T 6000
 A    T = 2AT , d = 216  T = (216)1/ 2 21/ 4 = 14.7  1.189 = 343 K
 d 
 T = 70ºC
Problem 7. Behaving like a black body sun emits maximum radiation at wavelength 0.48µm. The mean
8 –8 –2 –4
radius of the sun is 6.96 × 10 m. stefan's constant is 5.67 × 10 wm k and wien's constant
is 0.293 cm-k. The loss of mass per second by the emission of radiation from sun is -
Solution : Using wien's law
b 0.293 10 2
T=T= = = 6104 K
m 0.48 10 6
Energy given out by sun per second
4 8 2 –8 4 25
= AT =4 (6.96 × 10 ) × 5.67 × 10 (6104)  49.285 × 10 J
Loss of mass per second
E 49.285 1025 9
m= =  m = 5.4 × 10 kg/s
c2 9 1016
Problem 8. 50g of water and an equal volume of alcohol (relative density 0.8) are placed one after the
other in the same calorimeter. They are found to cool from 60ºC to 50ºC in 2 minutes and
1 minute respectively if the water equivalent of the calorimeter is 2g then what is the specific
heat of the alcohol ?
Solution : Given tw = 2min, talco = 1 min
mw = 50g, malco = 50 × 0.8 = 40g
Sw = 1 in cgs units, w = 2g
1  talco 
Salco =  [mw  W ]  W 
malco  tw 
1 1  24
 Salco =  [50  2]  2   Salco = Salco = 0.6 cgs units = 0.6 cal/gºC
40  2  50


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