Occupancy Construction Classification

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S. K.

Ghosh Associates LLC

International Code Council (ICC)

Webinar on

Occupancy Classification and

Types of Construction Classification
BNBC 2020

20 April 2021

Ziaul Islam
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture
University of Asia Pacific

URP S-09 Training

Module NS1


SEGMENT 01. 30 minutes (Approximately)

A general outline on Occupancy classification and types of construction
classification (from BNBC Part III, Chapter 01)

RECESS. 05 minutes

SEGMENT 02. 60 minutes (Approximately)

Occupancy Classification : Detail Discussion

RECESS. 05 minutes

SEGMENT 03. 30 minutes (Approximately)

Types of Construction classification : Detail Discussion

Q/A SESSION. 15 minutes

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)


Chapter 01. General Building Requirements (Partly)

Chapter 02. Classification of Buildings Based on Occupancy (Partly)

Chapter 03. Classification of Building Construction Types Based on Fire

Resistance (Partly)

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)


General outline on

01. Occupancy classification and

02. Types of construction classification
(from BNBC Part III, Chapter 01, 02 & 03)

01. Occupancy Classification

ƒ Classification of buildings based on occupancy or nature of use

ƒ Deals with the general and specific requirements of each of the

occupancy groups

ƒ A brief description of such occupancy groups is presented in Part III, Chapter 01. Section
1.4 Occupancy and Construction Classification of Buildings, Table 3.1.1. of BNBC 2020

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

02. Types of Construction Classification

ƒ The fire resistance ratings of various types of construction for

structural and nonstructural members are the basis for Types of
Construction Classification

ƒ A brief description of such construction groups is presented in Part III, Chapter 01,
Section 1.4 Occupancy and Construction Classification of Buildings, Table 3.1.2 of BNBC

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Table 3.1.1: Summary of Occupancy Classification

Table 3.1.1 /Continued

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International Code Council (ICC)

Table 3.1.1 /Continued

Table 3.1.1 /Continued

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Mixed Occupancy
(Non-separated use)

ƒ The following occupancies shall not be required to designate as a separated occupancy

classification from uses to which they are accessory to any occupancy Group other than Occupancy
Group J

(a) Assembly rooms having a floor area not more than 75 m².

(b) The administrative and clerical offices and similar offices not exceeding 25 Percent of the floor
area of the major occupancy and not related to Hazardous Buildings as defined in Occupancy J.

(c) Administrative offices, gift shops and other similar uses in Occupancy A provided the uses do
not exceed 10 Percent of the floor area of the major occupancy.

(d) Kitchens associated with a dining area.

(e) Carports having at least two sides entirely open associated with Occupancy A.

Separated Occupancy and Construction

ƒ When two or more occupancies are accommodated in a building, each such occupancy shall be
separated according to the provisions specified in Sec 2.3 Chapter 2 Part 3 and Table 3.2.1.

ƒ When two or more types of construction used within a building, the entire building shall be subject to
the most restrictive construction type and shall comply with FAR restrictions as per provisions of this

ƒ However if the Occupancies within the different Types of Construction are completely separated by
construction that meets the fire-resistance rating requirements for fire separation listed in Table 3.2.1
of Chapter 1 Part 3 then each Occupancy so separated may, for the purpose of this Code, be
considered as separate building section.

ƒ Restriction for mixed construction: In buildings of mixed construction, no structural element shall
be supported by construction having a lower fire-resistance rating than that required for the
element being supported.

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Table 3.2.1: Fire Resistance Rating Requirements for Barrier Walls

and Floor/Ceiling Assemblies between Separated
Occupancies (hours)

Detached Occupancy

ƒ A building separated by distance in a same plot to accommodate

different type of occupancies shall be termed as Detached Occupancy.

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Figure 3.1.1 Detached Occupancy Separation Distance

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Table 3.1.2: Summary of Classification of Buildings

Based on Types of Construction


ƒ Any development permit for a site or a location shall clearly mention the

permitted occupancy and construction type

in accordance to Tables 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 for the existing or proposed building.

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Change of Use
ƒ Without prior permission from the Authorities no change shall be
made in the

ƒ type of occupancy or use of any building that would place it in a

different occupancy group or

ƒ in a different subdivision of the same occupancy group

Terminologies P/1

ƒ Barrier: A wall or a partition or a floor slab or a ceiling within a building which confines and protects flow of
smoke and fire from the exposed side of the barrier. The fire rating of barriers shall be complied with
the provisions of this Code.

ƒ Control Area: A space or a room within a building enclosed by barriers with the fire rated walls, floor and ceiling,
where the quantity of hazardous material shall not be exceeded the maximum allowable quantity per
control area for storing, displaying, handling, dispensing or using as per provisions of this Code.

ƒ Fire Separation A minimum distance which to be maintained between potential sources and/or between
Distance: structures for fire safety. In case of differences between building setback and the required minimum
fire separation distance measurement; the higher value shall be implied.

ƒ Mixed When two or more occupancies are amalgamated in a building shall be termed as Mixed Occupancy.

ƒ Non Separated Walls or partitions between compartments, rooms, spaces or areas within a building or part of a
Space Condition building which are not separated by an approved fire rated barrier walls or partitions shall be
designated as non-separated space condition or effective undivided single space.

ƒ Separated A building or a portion thereof separated by barriers with wall or ceiling slab that into two or more parts
Occupancy to accommodate different type of occupancies in different parts.

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Terminologies P/2

ƒ Separate Rooms, spaces or areas within a building when separated by approved barrier wall.
Space Condition:

ƒ Separation Wall This is a peripheral wall of a building or a building which shall be divided into two or more or a
common wall between two buildings to control spreading of fire as per provisions of this Code.

ƒ Structural Frame All members or elements such as columns, girders, beams, trusses and spandrels which forms a
frame and have direct connections with bearing and transferring as an integral and essential elements
for the stability of a building or a structure as a whole.

ƒ Unprotected The element that shall have no prerequisites of fire protection rating.

ƒ Combustible Any material which burns and enhances the magnitude of fire.

ƒ Party wall A fire resistance rated wall where openings are protected, which is constructed from the ground level
and continued up to at least 1m above the roof of a building to restrict the spread of a fire.

Tables & Figures

ƒ Table 3.1.1 Summary of Occupancy Classification

ƒ Table 3.1.2 Summary of Classification of Buildings Based on Types of Construction

ƒ Table 3.2.1 Fire Resistance Rating Requirements for Barrier Walls and Floor/Ceiling
Assemblies between Separated Occupancies (hours)

ƒ Table 3.2.2 Fire Resistance Ratings in Hours of Exterior Walls for Various Occupancy

ƒ Table 3.2.3 Requirements for Opening Protection Assembly Based on Fire Resistance
Rating of Exterior Walls

ƒ Table 3.2.4 Permitted Types of Construction and Fire Zones for Various Occupancy Groups

ƒ Table 3.2.5 (a) Exempted Amount of Hazardous Materials in Terms of Physical Hazard in a
Control Area

ƒ Table 3.2.5 (b) Exempted Amounts of Hazardous Materials in Terms Health Hazard in a Control

ƒ Table 3.2.6 A- Z List of Occupancy Classification

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

End of Segment 01
Thank you


S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)


Occupancy classification

(from BNBC Part III, Chapter 01 & 02 )


S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Introduction contd/

Occupancy definitions

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International Code Council (ICC)

Occupancy definitions /Continued

Occupancy definitions /Continued

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International Code Council (ICC)

Occupancy definitions /Continued

Occupancy definitions /Continued

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Occupancy definitions /Continued

Occupancy definitions /Continued

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Occupancy definitions /Continued

Occupancy definitions /Continued

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Occupancy definitions /Continued

Exempted amount of Hazardous Material

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International Code Council (ICC)

Exempted amount of Hazardous Material

Exempted amount of Hazardous Material

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International Code Council (ICC)

Occupancy definitions /Continued

Occupancy definitions /Continued

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Occupancy definitions /Continued

Occupancy definitions /Continued

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Occupancy definitions /Continued

Occupancy definitions /Continued

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Occupancy definitions /Continued



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International Code Council (ICC)

End of Segment 02

Thank you


S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)


Classification of Building Construction Types

Based on Fire Resistance

(from BNBC Part III, Chapter 03)

Table 3.1.2: Summary of Classification of Buildings

Based on Types of Construction

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Construction type Introduction

ƒ No building or portion thereof shall be designated a given construction

type unless it fully conforms to the minimum requirements for that
Construction type.

ƒ When a type of construction is utilized which is superior than the

type of construction required by this Code, there shall be no
requirement to upgrade the rest of the construction to comply to that
higher type of construction and the designated construction type
shall be that of the lesser classification, unless all of the
requirements for the higher classification are met.

Construction type Introduction

ƒ The fire resistance ratings of various types of construction for

structural and nonstructural members are specified in Tables 3.3.1 (a)
and (b).
ƒ For hazardous Occupancies involving an exceptionally high degree of
fire risk or an exceptionally high concentration of combustible or
flammable content, the Authority may increase the requirement of
Table 3.3.1 (a).
ƒ Buildings having a height of more than 33 m shall be constructed with
non-combustible materials.
ƒ The fire resistance ratings of various building components shall
conform to ASTM standards.

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Construction type Definitions

ƒ 3.1.2 (Part III, Chapter 3) Group I: Non-Combustible Construction

Buildings or portion thereof in Non-combustible Construction Group I

are those in which the walls, exit-ways, shafts, structural members,
floors, and roofs are constructed of non-combustible materials and
assemblies having fire-resistance ratings specified in Table 3.3.1 (a).

The Non-combustible group consists of Construction Type I-A, I-B, I-C,

I-D and I-E.

Construction type Definitions

ƒ Construction Type I-A

This construction type includes buildings in which the bearing walls and other major
structural elements are generally of four-hour-fire-resistance rating.
ƒ Construction Type I-B
This construction type includes buildings in which the bearing walls and other major
structural elements are generally of three-hour-fire-resistance rating.
ƒ Construction Type I-C
This construction type includes buildings in which the bearing walls and other major
structural elements are generally of two-hour-fire-resistance rating.
ƒ Construction Type I-D
This construction type includes buildings in which the bearing walls and other major
structural elements are generally of one-hour-fire-resistance rating.
ƒ Construction Type I-E
This construction type includes buildings in which the bearing walls and other major
structural elements generally have no fire-resistance rating.

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Construction type Definitions

ƒ 3.1.3 (Part III, Chapter 3) Group II: Combustible Construction

Buildings or portion thereof in Combustible Construction Group II are

those in which the walls, exit-ways, shafts, structural members, floors,
and roofs are constructed wholly or partly of combustible materials
having fire-resistance ratings specified in Table 3.3.1 (b).

The Non-combustible group consists of Construction Type II-A, II-B, II-

C, II-D and II-E.

Construction type Definitions

ƒ Construction Type II-A

This Construction type includes heavy timber construction in which fire-resistance
is attained by
(a) Limiting the minimum sizes of wood structural members and the minimum
thickness and composition of wood floors and roofs;
(b) Avoiding concealed spaces under floors and roofs or by providing fire-stopping
protection for these spaces; and
(c) Using fastening, construction details, and adhesives for structural members as
required by this Chapter and Part 4.
(d) The minimum dimensions for framing members shall be prescribed in this
Chapter and Part 4, except that members are protected to provide a fire resistance
rating of at least one hour need not comply with this requirement.

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Construction type Definitions

ƒ Construction Type II-B

This Construction type includes buildings and portion thereof in which

(a) Exterior walls, fire walls, exit-ways, and shaft enclosures are of non-
combustible materials having the required fire-resistance ratings; and

(b) The floors, roofs and interior framing are wholly or partly of wood of
smaller dimensions than required for type II-A construction, or are of
other combustible or non-combustible materials, having the required fire-
resistance rating.

Construction type Definitions

ƒ Construction Type II-C

This Construction type includes buildings and portion thereof in which

(a) Exterior walls, fire walls, exit ways, and shaft enclosures are of
noncombustible materials having the required fire-resistance ratings; and

(b) The floors, roofs and interior framing are wholly or partly of wood of
smaller dimensions than required for type II-A construction, or are of
other combustible or non-combustible materials, having no required fire-
resistance rating.

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Construction type Definitions

ƒ Construction Type II-D

This Construction type includes buildings and portion thereof in which

exterior walls, bearing walls, floors, roofs, and interior framings are generally of
wood or other combustible materials having the required fire-resistance

Construction type Definitions

ƒ Construction Type II-E

This Construction type includes buildings and portion thereof in which

(a) The exterior walls are generally of wood or other combustible materials
having the required fire-resistance ratings, and

(b) In which the bearing walls, floors, roofs, and interior framing are of wood or
other combustible materials, generally having no fire-resistance ratings.

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Construction Separation

ƒ 3.1.4 Separated Occupancy and Construction

When two or more occupancies accommodated in a building, each such

occupancy shall be separated according to the provisions specified in Sec 2.3
Chapter 2 Part 3 and Table 3.2.1.

When two or more types of construction used within a building, the entire
building shall be subject to the most restrictive construction type and shall
comply with FAR restrictions as per provisions of this Code.

However if the Occupancies within the different Types of Construction are

completely separated by construction that meets the fire-resistance rating
requirements for fire separation listed in Table 3.2.1 of Chapter 1 Part 3 then
each Occupancy so separated may, for the purpose of this Code, be
considered as separate building section.

Separation, Construction elements & fire rating

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Separation, Construction elements & fire rating

Separation, Construction elements & fire rating

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Separation, Construction elements & fire rating

Separation, Construction elements & fire rating

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Separation, Construction elements & fire rating

Separation, Construction elements & fire rating

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Separation, Construction elements & fire rating

Separation, Construction elements & fire rating

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

End of Segment 03

Thank you

S. K. Ghosh Associates LLC
International Code Council (ICC)

Any Questions?

Thank you


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