MCQ - Financial Services
MCQ - Financial Services
MCQ - Financial Services
(Specialization – Finance)
VI Semester
1. allocates saving efficiently in an economy to ultimate users either for
investment in real assets or for consumption
a. Economic system c. Financial system
b. Banking system d. Market system
4. ————— represent claims for the payment of a sum of money sometimes in the
future and/or a periodic payment in the form of interest or dividend.
a. physical asset c. financial asset
b. fixed asset d. none of these
8. ————— has the statutory powers to regulate and promote the Indian capital market.
a. Registrar of issue c. SEBI
b. Merchant banks d. RBI
9. Any company making a public issue of value of more than Rs. ———— is required to
file a draft offer document with SEBI.
a. 100 lakh c. 50 lakh
b. 25 lakh d. 10 lakh
10. ————— Committee was constituted by SEBI for deciding about derivatives trading.
a. L.C.Gupta c. Vaghul
b. R. L. Gupta d. Malhotra
21.….are drawn by contractors on the Govt. departments for the goods supplied to
a. treasury bills c. bill of lading
b. supply bill d. documentary bill
22. According to SEBI guidelines.
a. all the new issues should be in c. all the B group shares should be
depository mode traded trough NSDL
b. all the A group shares should be d. All of the above are true
traded through NSDL
23.The sensex has ….stocks
a. 25 c. 50
b. 30 d. 40
25. These are instruments, which give a fixed rate of interest for a fixed period of maturity
a. Debts c. Mutual funds
b. Equities d. Lease fund
26. An investor becomes the owner of a company to the extent of the capital invested by
a. Debts c. Mutual funds
b. Equities d. Lease fund
37. The device adopted to make profit out of the differences in prices of a security in
to different markets is called.....................
a. cornering c. arbitrage
b. prise rigging d. margin trading
38. The central depositary ...................... the security on behalf of the investors
a. hold c. both a & b above
b. transfer d. none of these
48. This fund is one that is available for subscription all through the year.
a. Open end fund c. Close end fund
b. Growth fund d. Income fund
63. The process of managing the sales ledger of a client by a financial service company is
a. forfaiting c. leasing
b. factoring d. None of these.
72. Money lent in the inter-bank market for 15 days or more is called -----------
a. Call money c. Money at short notice
b. Term money d. All the above
73. Which out the following is not a service provided by factor in factoring?
a. Management of recievables c. Collection of debts
b. Production of goods d. Maintaining
sales ledger
74. A merchant banker can claim a charge …..% as the commission for the whole issue
a. 10 c. 5
b. 2.5 d. 0.5
75. CBLO stands for
a. Collateralised Borrowing and Lending Obligation
b. Central Banks Lending Obligation
c. Commercial Bank and Lending Option
d. None of these
83.….is a product whose value is derived from the value of underlying asset
a. Repo c. G.sec
b. T-bills d. Derivatives
97. The small investors’ gateway to enter into big companies is —————
a. Equity shares c. Bonds
b. Preference shares d. Mutual fund
99. ————— fund invests in highly liquid securities like commercial paper.
a. Open ended fund c. Balanced fund
b. Close ended fund d. MMMF
100. The idea of providing factoring services in India was first thought by —————
a. Vaghul committee c. Tanden Committee
b. Malhotra Committee d. None of these
101. In india, the company which deals with the corpus of mutual fund is called
a. Sponsor company c. Asset management company
b. Trustee company d. Mutual fund company
102. Trade debts have to be assigned in favour of the financing company under…..
a. Discounting c. Factoring
b. forfaiting d. All of these
105. The first Indian bank to start merchant banking division in India
a. UCO Bank c. SBI
b. Canara Bank d. ICICI
109. The market which helps commercial banks to maintain their SLR requirement is
a. Call loan market c. Acceptance market
b. T-bills market d. Commercial bill market
110. The corpus of funds and its duration is fixed in case of ….find
a. Income funs b. close ended c. open ended d. balanced
112. The certificate which evidences an unsecured corporate debt of short term maturity
a. Certificate of Deposit c. Secured Premium Notes
b. Commercial paper d. Interbank participation Certificate
119. -------- is a permission to quote securities officially on the trading floor of stock
a. Origination c. Distribution
b. Underwriting d. Listing
122. The facility to carry forward a transaction from one settlement period to another is called
--------- transaction
a. Hand delivery c. Cornering
b. Badla d. Arbitrage
123. The device adopted to make profit out of price differences in two different markets
a. Cornering c. Rigging
b. Wash sales d. Arbitrage
124. A person appointed by a stock broker to assist to him in the business of securities trading
at trading floor of stock exchanges is
a. Sub-broker c. Authorised clerk
b. Commission broker d. Remisiers
127. Speculator who neither buy nor sell securities in the market, but still trade on them are
a. Wolves b. Stag c. Bull d. Bear
128. The process of holding the entire supply of a particular security with a view to dictating
terms is called
a. Cornering c. Rigging
b. Wash sales d. Arbitrage
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129 -------------market deals in unlisted securities
a. Blue chip market c. Grey market
b. Bear market d. Bull market
130. When purchases of securities are more than sales of securities, the market is called
a. Bullish c. Grey
b. Bearish d. Odd
131. When sales of securities are more than purchases of securities, the market is called
a. Bullish c. Grey
b. Bearish d. Odd
132. --------- is the charges paid by a bull speculator to the other party for obtaining carry
over facility
a. Backwardation c. Spread
b. Contango d. Margin
133. --------- is the amount paid by bear to facilitate him to renew a bargain until next
settlement date
a. Backwardation c. Spread
b. Contango d. Margin
138. Those who provides finance for carry forward transactions in securities is called
a. Tharawaniwalas c. Mandiwalas
b. Tejiwalas d. Badliwalas
139. The speculator who observes very fast the trends and changes in market is
a. Bull c. Stag
b. Bear d. Wolves
140. ------is the bear speculator who struggling to complete his commitments because of
wrong foot
a. Bull c. Stag
b. Lame duck d. Wolves
143. Financial markets can be classified as money market and ….. markets.
a. Secondary c. Securities
b. Capital d. Primary
150. Odd lot shares are coming under --------- of listed securities
a. Group A c. Group C
b. Group B d. Any of the above
156. Over the Counter Exchange of India commenced operation in the year
a. 1988 c. 1995
b. 1992 d. 1989
158. The whole sale market segment for NSE is meant for
a. Corporate securities c. Securities of MNCs
b. Govt.securities d. Securities of Financial Institutions
159. As per SEBI guidelines, a new company which has not completed 12 months
commercial productions has to issue shares at -------
a. Discount c. Par
b. Premium d. any of the above
162. The term ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐refers financial investment in a highly risky and growth
oriented venture with the objective of earning a high rate of return.
a. Venture capital c. Merchant banking
b. Leasing d. None of theses
166. In depository system, ----------is a link between depository and the owner.
a. Depository participant c. Issuer
b. Register and Transfer Agent d. Custodian.
168. The group of shares which are not permitted for short selling are
a. A group c. T group
b. B group d. None of these
169. The purpose of valuation is to assess the profitability & ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ of the venture
a. Accesibility c. Validity
b. Marketability d. None of these
172. In a stock exchange where the ownership, management and trading are concentrated in a
single group, it is called
a. Mutual exchange c. Dominant exchange
b. Recognised exchange d. Un -recognised exchange
177. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ is a financial intermediary who helps to mobilize and transfer capital from
those who possess it to those who need it
a. Lease finance c. hire purchase
b. Venture capital d. merchant banker
180. All type of activities which are of a financial nature are called
a. Financial market c. Primary market
b. Capital market d. financial services
183. The process in which illiquid assets are converted into marketable securities is known as
a. Mutualisation c. Rematerialisation
b. Dematerialisation d. Securitisation
186. In financial circle, the name “Dalal Street” is used synonyms to.........
a. BSE c. NSE
195. The corpus of funds and its duration is fixed in case of ------- fund
a. Open ended c. Close ended
b. Balanced d. Income fund
196. The market performance of mutual fund can be judged on the basis of
a. Net asset value or intrinsic value c. Regular / stable income
b. Capital appreciation d. Any of these
198 … the venture capital assistance at the stage where the project started to fetch profit
but not reached in its full efficiency
a. Start up capital c. Bridge capital
b. Mezzanine capital d. Seed capital
202. A merchant bank can claim a charge ------- % as the commission for the whole issue
a. 5% c. 0.5%
b. 2.5% d. 0.25%
204. Which of the following is /are example of Secondary or indirect financial instrument
a. Equity share c. Post office saving deposit
b. Preference shares d. Bond
205. Currency notes of rupee one and other lower subsidiary coins are issued by
a. RBI c. Ministry of Finance
b. Commercial banks d. Bank Note press
207 ------------is the process of converting security in electronic form into physical form
a. Rematerialisation c. Demutualisation
b. Dematerialisation d. Mutualisation
208. ----------- is dealing in securities done by those who having access to price sensitive
a. Margin trading c. Price rigging
b. Insider trading d. Wash sales
209. --------- is a calculated move with an expectation to reap huge profit from market
a. Gambling c. Genuine investment
b. Speculation d. None of the above
212. The scheme in which company can allot shares not more than 15% of the issue size, to
the public in addition to the shares already offered- is called
a. Right issue c. Green shoe option
b. ESOPs d. Bonus issue
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213. The merchant banker coordinating a public issue is called as
a. Syndicator c. Post issue manager
b. Lead manager d. None of these
215 ……is an offer document is used in public issue made under book building method.
a. Red herring prospectus c. Statement in lieu of prospectus
b. Abridged prospectus d. Shelf prospectus
218. A system of security trade in which one is allowed to invest in excess of his financial
capacity by borrowing funds
a. Margin trading c. Rigging
b. Cornering d. Arbitrage
219. Which of the following speculative transactions are unfair and prohibited?
a. Margin trading c. Rigging
b. Option deals d. Arbitrage
Q No Ans Q No Ans Q No Ans Q No Ans Q No Ans
1 C 37 C 73 B 109 A 145 B
2 B 38 C 74 D 110 B 146 A
3 B 39 D 75 A 111 A 147 B
4 C 40 B 76 A 112 B 148 D
5 A 41 D 77 B 113 C 149 D
6 A 42 B 78 B 114 A 150 C
7 D 43 B 79 C 115 D 151 C
8 C 44 B 80 A 116 D 152 A
9 C 45 B 81 B 117 A 153 C
10 A 46 B 82 B 118 B 154 C
11 D 47 C 83 D 119 D 155 D
12 C 48 A 84 B 120 B 156 B
13 C 49 D 85 C 121 B 157 B
14 C 50 B 86 D 122 B 158 B
15 C 51 B 87 B 123 D 159 C
16 A 52 A 88 C 124 C 160 B
17 B 53 C 89 D 125 A 161 C
18 B 54 A 90 C 126 A 162 A
19 A 55 B 91 B 127 B 163 A
20 A 56 B 92 C 128 A 164 C
21 B 57 A 93 C 129 C 165 C
22 A 58 B 94 C 130 A 166 A
23 B 59 B 95 A 131 B 167 B
24 D 60 D 96 C 132 B 168 C
25 A 61 C 97 D 133 A 169 C
26 B 62 B 98 C 134 A 170 D
27 D 63 B 99 D 135 B 171 D
28 A 64 A 100 A 136 C 172 A
29 B 65 C 101 A 137 A 173 A
30 C 66 B 102 C 138 B 174 D
31 C 67 B 103 D 139 D 175 D
32 B 68 A 104 B 140 B 176 B
33 B 69 B 105 C 141 C 177 B
34 C 70 A 106 B 142 C 178 C
35 A 71 C 107 D 143 B 179 B
36 A 72 B 108 C 144 A 180 D
Prepared by:
Dr P Siddeeque Melmuri
Assisant Professor
School of Distance Education
University of Calicut