Boe Agenda 2011 10 11

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LOCATION: Capitol Building The Guinn Room 101 N. Carson Street Carson City, Nevada October 11, 2011 at 10:00 a.m.


Below is an agenda of all items to be considered. Action will be taken on items preceded by an asterisk (*). Items on the agenda may be taken out of the order presented, items may be combined for consideration by the public body; and items may be pulled or removed from the agenda at any time at the discretion of the Chairperson.

Pursuant to NRS 41.037, the State Board of Examiners may approve, settle or deny any claim or action against the State, any of its agencies or any of its present or former officers, employees, immune contractors or State Legislators. A. Department of Transportation Administration - $715,470.78


The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) is requesting approval of a settlement and release agreement between NDOT and Road and Highway Builders (RHB). This settlement entails $715,470.78 in compensation for extra work due to alleged contract plan deficiencies at the transition areas associated with a 22 mile long segment of State Route 160. Both parties desire to avoid the cost and inconvenience of litigation and mutually settle any and all claims without admission of liability or fault.
Board of Examiners Meeting October 11, 2011 - Agenda Page 1



Pursuant to NRS 334.010, no automobile may be purchased by any department, office, bureau, officer or employee of the State without prior written consent of the State Board of Examiners. AGENCY NAME Department of Administration Motor Pool Division Department of Administration Public Works Division Buildings and Grounds Commission on Mineral Resources Minerals Total: # OF VEHICLES 36 1 1 NOT TO EXCEED: $745,950 $3,500 $31,578 $781,028



The State Administrative Manual (SAM) is being submitted to the Board of Examiners for approval of additions in the following Chapters: 0300 Contracts. In addition approval is requested for supporting forms.


A. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Care Financing and Policy - $907,888

Pursuant to NRS 353.110 (2), the Board of Examiners may authorize a refund the overpayment of a fee or tax made to a state agency. The Division of Health Care Financing and Policy has requested approval to make a refund to nursing homes in the amount of $907,888 collected during FY 2010 in excess of that allowed by Federal regulation. This fee was collected by the Division pursuant to NRS 422.3375. An audit by a CPA firm concluded that the overpayment has occurred. The Division has received guidance from the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services that a refund is the appropriate course of action. If approved, the Division intends to make refund in the form of credits to fee collections during FY 2012.



BOE # LESSEE Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Water Resources
Lease Description:
Term of Lease:

LESSOR The Terraces #3, LLC

AMOUNT $103,820


This is an extension of an existing lease which has been negotiated to house the Division of Water Resources.
11/01/2011 10/31/2016

Board of Examiners Meeting October 11, 2011 - Agenda Page 2


LESSEE Department of Health and Human Services Aging and Disability Services
Lease Description:
Term of Lease:

LESSOR Pamela K. Russell




This is an amendment to an existing lease to add additional space to house seven additional fulltime employees and programs assumed by Aging and Disability Services.
05/01/2010 04/30/2015


Department of Health and Human Services Mental Health and Developmental Services Rural Services
Lease Description:
Term of Lease:

Nakoma Investments, LLC $259,776

This is an extension of an existing lease to house the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services, Rural Services.
09/01/2011 08/31/2014


Department of Conservation and Natural Resources State Lands on behalf of the Nevada Army National Guard
Lease Description:
Term of Lease:

Cheyenne Air Center $240,000

This is a renewal of an existing lease for Civil Support Team.

09/30/2011 09/30/2013









Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide professional services as attorneys pursuant to NAC 333.150 to the Office of the Attorney General to assist in the investigation and prosecution of all appropriate civil claims against mortgage lenders, servicers, trustees, notaries, and their respective directors, officers, agents, and successors in interest for unlawful acts involving foreclosures on Nevada homeowners.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 08/10/2015 Consultant: NO Contract # 12665

030 2.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide effective project management skills to the participants of the Nevada Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification Project (NV VINE). The Liaison will work closely with Nevada Sheriffs' and Chiefs' and Department of Public Safety. The Liaison will review, monitor and ensure that the Vendor is completing all work product according to the grant and contract requirements and the grant requirements are completed within the time frame stated.
Term of Contract: 09/12/2011 - 06/30/2012 Consultant: NO Contract # 12641

Board of Examiners Meeting October 11, 2011 - Agenda Page 3


DEPT # 030






Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide services as a Statewide Domestic Violence Fatality Review Facilitator by establishing a domestic violence fatality review team in Clark County, Nevada, and coordinating the creation of standard protocols for teams and reviews in Nevada.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2012 Consultant: NO Contract # 12659

030 4.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide expert witness services in the defense of a current potential lawsuit and possible future lawsuits. The vendor will review any/all pertinent documents, records, reports, and provide an expert opinion and/or testimony, as well as assist and participate in the presentation of trial and presentation of evidence.
Term of Contract: 08/09/2011 - 06/30/2014 Consultant: NO Contract # 12662

082 5.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract for the provision of ongoing general repair, rebuild, maintenance and service of industrial motors and pumps and all associated equipment for various State buildings in Southern Nevada.
Term of Contract: 10/11/2011 - 09/30/2015 Consultant: NO Contract # 12522

082 6.
Contract Description:





This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides janitorial services for the Department of Motor Vehicles, Flamingo and Sahara Offices, Las Vegas and includes extra services, as needed and requested by a Buildings and Grounds Section designee. This amendment extends the termination date from January 31, 2012 to January 31, 2013; and increases the amount of the contract from $542,500 to $729,300 for services added as a result of the extended termination date.
Term of Contract: 02/01/2009 - 01/31/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # CONV6021

082 7.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide professional architectural/engineering services to replace doors, locks and control panels in the housing units 2, 3 & 4 at the Southern Desert Correctional Center; Project No. 11-M15; Contract No. 7367.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2015 Consultant: NO Contract # 12588

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082 8.
Contract Description:

This is the fifth amendment to the original contract, which provides professional architectural/engineering services for the Southern Desert Correctional Center Expansion, Indian Springs, NV; Project No. 07-C07(A); Contract No. 2362. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $2,382,726.26 to $2,410,319.26 due to additional security electronics, deletion of dining room ceilings, and reconfiguration of the dining room control officer station.
Term of Contract: 10/08/2007 - 10/30/2011 Consultant: NO Contract # CONV4644

082 9.
Contract Description:






This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides professional architectural/engineering services for the Nevada Army National Guard new field maintenance shop facility on the Las Vegas Readiness Center site located at 4500 W. Silverado Ranch Blvd., Las Vegas, NV SPWB Project No. 09-C13, SPWB Contract No. 5240. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $1,284,486.13 to $1,297,756.70 for civil site improvements incorporated into the field maintenance shop project for the Civil Support Team/Weapons of Mass Destruction Center project.
Term of Contract: 05/11/2010 - 06/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 10780

082 10.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract which provides professional roof services at the Department of Motor Vehicles, East Wing, Carson City, Nevada; SPWD project No. 11-S01H-1.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2015 Consultant: NO Contract # 12651

082 11.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide professional architectural/engineering services for the re-roofing of the Ely Conservation Camp; Project No. 09-S01(7a); Contract No. 7503.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2015 Consultant: NO Contract # 12666

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082 12.
Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide professional code plan checking services as required. Contract No. 7533
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12664

082 13.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide Geotechnical Investigation Services as required.

Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12607

083 14.
Contract Description:


Term of Contract:




This is a new contract to provide cold storage for USDA Foods for the Food Distribution Program in Las Vegas.
11/01/2011 - 06/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12629

089 15.
Contract Description:


Term of Contract:




This is a new contract to provide ongoing interpretation services for administrative hearings.
Upon Approval - 06/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12581

180 16.
Contract Description:


Term of Contract:




This is a new revenue Interlocal contract for rack space in Nye County for Nye County Sheriff's Department
07/01/2011 - 06/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12645

180 17.
Contract Description:





This is the third amendment to the original contract, which provides for DoIT communications services at Apex Peak. This amendment extends the contract termination date from January 12, 2012 to January 12, 2016 and increases the maximum amount due from $68,641.36 to $107,043.55 due to the need to have public safety communications continue at Apex Peak.
Term of Contract: 01/13/2004 - 01/12/2016 Consultant: NO Contract # CONV5275

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180 18.
Contract Description:

This is a new Intrastate Interlocal Revenue contract to provide 6 rack spaces at Mount Brock in Nye County for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
Term of Contract: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2015 Consultant: NO Contract # 12584

180 19.
Contract Description:


Term of Contract:





This is a new contract to provide DoIT with rack space, transitters, and dishes at Fencemaker Peak in Pershing County.
07/01/2011 - 06/30/2015 Consultant: NO Contract # 12630

180 20.
Contract Description:


Term of Contract:





This is a new contract to provide DoIT with rack space, antennae's and dishes at Toulon Peak in Pershing County.
07/01/2011 - 06/30/2015 Consultant: NO Contract # 12633

180 21.
Contract Description:


Term of Contract:





This is a new contract to provide DoIT with rack space, transmitters and dishes at Peavine Peak in Washoe County.
07/01/2011 - 06/30/2015 Consultant: NO Contract # 12636

180 22.
Contract Description:





This is a new Intrastate Interlocal Revenue Contract to provide 15 rack spaces to the Nye County Sheriff's Office within Nye and Esmeralda Counties.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12561

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Term of Contract:





180 23.
Contract Description:

This is a new Revenue lease contract for providing rack space and DS1 circuits for Ormat Nevada at Toulan Peak.
09/01/2011 - 06/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12616

300 24.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide professional development, coordination, technical assistance and monitoring for the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program Childcare Wellness Grant.
Term of Contract: 10/11/2011 - 10/31/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12596

300 25.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract for state mandated writing assessments, for grades 11, 12 and adults to include the design alterations, printing, overprinting of barcodes, and digital print and programming changes necessary to scan/read documents for each assessment at each grade level. The vendor will also prepare reader/scorer data documents and provide answer documents to school districts throughout Nevada.
Term of Contract: 09/19/2011 - 06/30/2014 Consultant: NO Contract # 12667






Contract Description:

This is the first amendment to the original cooperative agreement, which combines the resources of the State of Nevada's new museum (State) and the Las Vegas Valley Water District's (LVVWD) "eco-island" at the Springs Preserve for a shared community cultural experience; identifies support the two parties can provide each other; and coordinates operating hours, parking, marketing and ticket sales. This amendment provides for the LVVWD to reimburse the State 10% of revenue received from each adult general admission ticket sold with a guaranteed annual prepayment of $53,172 in fiscal years 2012 and 2013. The LVVWD also agrees to provide the State the following: 1) Two temporary museum attendants at 32 hours/week/person; 2) Four volunteers; 3) Coordination of educational activities; 4) Marketing and advertising; and 5) General ticketing services. The State will provide the LVVWD with between 900 and 2,500 square feet of climate controlled storage space.
Term of Contract: 06/01/2010 - 06/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12677

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403 27.
Contract Description:

This is the first amendment to the original contract to provide incapacity and disability adjudication decisions and other recommendations necessary for the operation of the Medicaid program. This amendment increases maximum contract authority from $37,000.00 to $62,000.00 due to an increase in case load.
Term of Contract: 01/13/2009 - 12/31/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # CONV6978

403 28.





Contract Description:

This is a new Interlocal agreement for the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy (DHCFP) and the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services (DWSS) to provide the administrative services necessary to operate the Medicaid County Match program. The Counties provide the non-federal share to DHCFP for medical and Medicaid administrative services. Pursuant to NRS 428.010, counties are required to provide medical care to indigent persons who reside in the county. The County Match program provides federal matching funds for indigent long-term care costs, when the indigent is Medicaid eligible.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12593

403 29.





Contract Description:

This is a new Interlocal agreement for the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy (DHCFP) and the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services (DWSS) to provide the administrative services necessary to operate the Medicaid County Match program. The Counties provide the non-federal share to DHCFP for medical and Medicaid administrative services. Pursuant to NRS 428.010, counties are required to provide medical care to indigent persons who reside in the county. The County Match program provides federal matching funds for indigent long-term care costs, when the indigent is Medicaid eligible.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12595

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403 30.

Contract Description:

This is a new Interlocal agreement for the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy (DHCFP) and the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services (DWSS) to provide the administrative services necessary to operate the Medicaid County Match program. The Counties provide the non-federal share to DHCFP for medical and Medicaid administrative services. Pursuant to NRS 428.010, counties are required to provide medical care to indigent persons who reside in the county. The County Match program provides federal matching funds for indigent long-term care costs, when the indigent is Medicaid eligible.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12594

406 31.
Contract Description:





This is a new interlocal agreement to provide genetic clinical and professional development services for treatment of children with inherited genetic disorders.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12563

406 32.
Contract Description:





This is a new revenue contract for the state to promote individual and family health in the county utilizing the State's community health nurses.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12580

406 33.
Contract Description:





This is a new revenue contract for the state to promote individual and family health in the county, utilizing the State's community health nurses.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12565

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406 34.
Contract Description:

This is a new revenue contract for the state to promote individual and family health in the county, utilizing the State's community health nurses.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12604

406 35.
Contract Description:






This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides health related Non-Commercial Sustaining Announcements (formerly Public Service Announcements) throughout the State of Nevada. This amendment extends the termination date from September 30, 2012 to September 30, 2013, and increases the maximum amount from $500,000 to $1,000,000, due to an increased need to provide the public with health related information.
Term of Contract: 09/08/2009 - 09/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # CONV6846








Contract Description:

This is an amendment to the original contract to provide support for psychiatric services to the clients of Rural Services Community Mental Health Centers. Nursing and physician assistant services are necessary to provide direct consumer care, evaluations and screenings, medication prescriptions and management, triage, telephone consultation, training, and other such necessary services at mental health clinics in the rural outlying areas of the state. This amendment adds an additional 576 hours of service to the original contract with treatment by Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services (SNAMHS). This amendment increases the maximum amount from $92,740.32 to $135,940.32 for these services.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2012 Consultant: NO Contract # 12177

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408 37.

Contract Description:

This is a new contract with Mediware to provide the Division with pharmacy medication tracking and consumer delivery services at our mental health agencies.
Term of Contract: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12220

408 38.






Contract Description:

This is an amendment to the original contract, which provides training and reporting necessary for the State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) program. The amendment adds deliverables related to completing the Substance Abuse Prevention Strategic Plan, and is outlined in the amended scope of work. This amendment extends the termination date from October 31, 2011 to September 29, 2012 and increases the maximum amount from $72,000 to $117,750.
Term of Contract: 02/08/2011 - 09/29/2012 Consultant: NO Contract # 11819

431 39.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to remove the deteriorating concrete and asphalt that has become a hazard and to replace it with new concrete and asphalt, to repair the current drainage issues, to construct a walkway and to perform other grading and asphalt work at the Combined Support Maintenance Shop (CSMS).
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 01/16/2012 Consultant: NO Contract # 12620

431 40.
Contract Description:






This is a new contract to provide site analysis, structural engineering requirements, HVAC, power, fire sprinklers and all adopted building codes requirements related to the installation of two mezzanines and modular offices to be located within the North and South hangar of the Army Aviation Support Facility (AASF) in Stead, Nevada.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 12/30/2011 Consultant: NO Contract # 12655

Board of Examiners Meeting October 11, 2011 - Agenda Page 12

BOE DEPT # # 431 41.

Contract Description:







This is a new contract to provide design documents for construction of two level pre-fabricated offices on the North and East walls of the existing drill hall at the Plumb Lane Armory in Reno, Nevada.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 12/30/2011 Consultant: NO Contract # 12609

431 42.
Contract Description:





This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides weed abatement at the Stead Training Center. This amendment extends the termination date from December 31, 2011 to June 30, 2012 and increases the maximum amount from $22,237.00 to $39,787.00 due a continued need for these services. The original scope of work will be completed as indicated and planned by December 31, 2011. Additional weed abatement work is needed and federal funds are available to complete this project by June 30, 2012.
Term of Contract: 10/12/2010 - 06/30/2012 Consultant: NO Contract # 11548

704 43.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide heating and air conditioning repair for all of the southern region parks. This contract may service Regional Headquarters, Mormon Fort, Spring Mountain Ranch, Big Bend and Valley of Fire. Heating and cooling must be maintained in public buildings for the safety and health of both the public and staff.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12628

704 44.





Contract Description:

This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides on-call services to repair and replace lift station sewer pumps at Big Bend of the Colorado State Recreation Area. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $9,999 to $19,999 due to the recent and historical problems with this system.
Term of Contract: 11/23/2010 - 06/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 11756

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705 45.

Contract Description:

This is a new contract for the operation and maintenance of a streamflow gaging station on Maggie Creek and a crest stage gage on Simon Creek. Discharge data are collected, reviewed and made available in the annual publication "Water Resources Data - Nevada" and upon request.
Term of Contract: 09/26/2011 - 06/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12602

706 46.
Contract Description:





This is a new interlocal agreement to establish a working agreement between the Nevada Division of Forestry and the Nevada Department of Wildlife to share pilots and maintenance personnel between agencies to better accomplish the agencies' state mission.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2015 Consultant: NO Contract # 12618

709 47.





Contract Description:

This is a new contract to provide technical support for the National Environmental Information Exchange Network. The Exchange Network is the means by which states can share data with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and other partners.
Term of Contract: 10/11/2011 - 09/30/2015 Consultant: NO Contract # 12639

709 48.






Contract Description:

This is a new contract to develop a web-based platform that combines the functions of existing, independent stormwater tool and associated databases, forms and reports, thereby minimizing the administrative burden of urban stormwater jurisdictions participating in the Lake Tahoe Clarity Crediting Program.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 03/31/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12623

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709 49.

Contract Description:

This is a new contract to maximize the return on the investment required to meet the Clarity Challenge by developing a system that will enable Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) implementation to be managed and operated through a continuous improvement and adaptive management framework. The project will fulfill the outstanding need to link together elements of implementation and accomplishments reporting; status and trends, effectiveness & implementation monitoring; research; and evaluation/assessment in a formalized, transparent and inclusive process with the purpose of informing management and policy decisions.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 12/31/2014 Consultant: NO Contract # 12624

754 50.
Contract Description:





This is a new interlocal agreement to allow the inspection and testing of manufactured homes and commercial coaches within the City of Winnemucca.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2016 Consultant: NO Contract # 12418

754 51.
Contract Description:





This is a new interlocal agreement to allow the inspection and testing of manufactured homes and commercial coaches within Humboldt County.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2016 Consultant: NO Contract # 12419

754 52.
Contract Description:





This is a new interlocal agreement to allow the inspection and testing of manufactured homes and commercial coaches within Lander County.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2016 Consultant: NO Contract # 12416

800 53.
Contract Description:





This is a new interlocal agreement to provide support data and other information which will continue the statewide paid media enhancement, Prevent All Crashes Every Day (PACE) for the youth safety driving program; provide pedestrian safety education and awareness; and expand the high visibility enforcement at high crash intersections.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 09/30/2012 Consultant: NO Contract # 12654

Board of Examiners Meeting October 11, 2011 - Agenda Page 15


Contract Description:






This a new contract to provide the annual maintenance for an existing DMV address/verification system that validates and formats addresses in accordance with the United States Parcel Service. This contract also includes an enhancement to allow customers to verify their address in any Nevada DMV public facing web application.
Term of Contract: 11/01/2011 - 10/31/2015 Consultant: NO Contract # 12674

810 55.
Contract Description:





This is a new interlocal agreement to address air quality related issues in the Las Vegas non-attainment area to include but not limited for: development and maintenance of a perpetual emissions inventory for criteria and hazardous pollutants; development of a Particulate Matter (PM10) re-designation request and maintenance plan; continued monitoring of Carbon Monoxide (CO); development of an Ozone re-designation request and maintenance plan; and the continuance of public outreach information and voluntary participatory programs promoting clean air initiatives.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 06/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12615

901 56.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide regular and emergency plumbing, installations, repairs and maintenance services for all needed projects at all Southern Nevada Business Enterprises of Nevada locations in Clark County Nevada, including the three sites at the Hoover Dam.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 10/31/2015 Consultant: NO Contract # 12589

901 57.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide regular and emergency electrical installations, repairs and maintenance services for all needed projects for the Bureau of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired/Business Enterprises of Nevada facilities located in Washoe County and Carson City.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 09/30/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12500

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901 58.
Contract Description:

This is the twenty-sixth amendment to the original contract, which provides full food service support at the Naval Air Station in Fallon, Nevada. This amendment is to exercise Option Year Three for the period of performance from October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012; incorporate Collective Bargaining Agreement amendment; add Availability of Funds clause; and increase the maximum amount from $2,561,901.79 to $3,398,133.79 for the term of the contract.
Term of Contract: 10/01/2008 - 09/30/2012 Consultant: NO Contract # CONV5816

901 59.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide regular and emergency electrical installations, repairs and maintenance services for all needed projects for the Business Enterprises of Nevada facilities located in the Washoe County and Carson City areas.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 10/31/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12567

901 60.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide pest extermination services on a monthly and as needed basis as requested by the Business Enterprises of Nevada program staff at all Southern Nevada Business Enterprises of Nevada locations in Clark County Nevada, including the three sites at the Hoover Dam.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 10/31/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12587

950 61.
Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide health plan auditing services for the PEBP plan and its selected vendors.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 09/30/2017 Consultant: NO Contract # 12614

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MSA 1.

Contract Description:

This is a new Participating Addendum (PA) to the Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA) contract MA 454 for door-to-door express small package air, expedited ground parcel/pouch, and international delivery services.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 08/27/2015 Consultant: NO Contract # 12653

Contract Description:





This is a new contract to provide non-telephonic translation services, including print, web, and audio translation services for using agencies in need of those services.
Term of Contract: Upon Approval - 10/31/2013 Consultant: NO Contract # 12650


Notice of this meeting was posted in the following locations: Blasdel Building, 209 E. Musser St., Carson City, NV Capitol Building, 101 N. Carson St., Carson City, NV Legislative Building, 401 N. Carson St., Carson City, NV Nevada State Library and Archives, 100 Stewart Street, Carson City, NV Notice of this meeting was emailed for posting to the following location: Capitol Police, Grant Sawyer State Office Building, 555 E. Washington Ave, Las Vegas, NV Hadi Sadjadi: Notice of this meeting was posted on the following website: We are pleased to make reasonable accommodations for members of the public who are disabled and would like to attend the meeting. If special arrangements for the meeting are required, please notify the Department of Administration at least one working day before the meeting at (775) 684-0222 or you can fax your request to (775) 684-0260.

Board of Examiners Meeting October 11, 2011 - Agenda Page 18

October 11, 2011

1. *2. *3.



Pursuant to NRS 41.037, the State Board of Examiners may approve, settle or deny any claim or action against the State, any of its agencies or any of its present or former officers, employees, immune contractors or State Legislators. A. Department of Transportation Administration - $715,470.78

The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) is requesting approval of a settlement and release agreement between NDOT and Road and Highway Builders (RHB). This settlement entails $715,470.78 in compensation for extra work due to alleged contract plan deficiencies at the transition areas associated with a 22 mile long segment of State Route 160. Both parties desire to avoid the cost and inconvenience of litigation and mutually settle any and all claims without admission of liability or fault.



Pursuant to NRS 334.010, no automobile may be purchased by any department, office, bureau, officer or employee of the State without prior written consent of the State Board of Examiners. AGENCY NAME Department of Administration Motor Pool Division Department of Administration Public Works Division Buildings and Grounds Commission on Mineral Resources Minerals Total: # OF VEHICLES 36 1 1 NOT TO EXCEED: $745,950 $3,500 $31,578 $781,028



The State Administrative Manual (SAM) is being submitted to the Board of Examiners for approval of additions in the following Chapters: 0300 Contracts. In addition approval is requested for supporting forms.
Board of Examiners Meeting October 11, 2011 Detailed Agenda Page 1


A. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Care Financing and Policy - $907,888

Pursuant to NRS 353.110 (2), the Board of Examiners may authorize a refund the overpayment of a fee or tax made to a state agency. The Division of Health Care Financing and Policy has requested approval to make a refund to nursing homes in the amount of $907,888 collected during FY 2010 in excess of that allowed by Federal regulation. This fee was collected by the Division pursuant to NRS 422.3375. An audit by a CPA firm concluded that the overpayment has occurred. The Division has received guidance from the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services that a refund is the appropriate course of action. If approved, the Division intends to make refund in the form of credits to fee collections during FY 2012.



Four statewide leases were submitted to the Board for review and approval. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:



Sixty-one independent contracts were submitted to the Board for review and approval. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:


Two master service agreements were submitted to the Board for review and approval. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:

11. *12.


Board of Examiners Meeting

October 11, 2011 Detailed Agenda Page 2


August 15, 2011 The Board of Examiners met on August 15, 2011, in the Guinn Room on the second floor of the Capitol Building, 101 N. Carson St., Carson City, Nevada, at 9:00 a.m. Present were: Members: Governor Brian Sandoval Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto Secretary of State Ross Miller Clerk Jeff Mohlenkamp

Others Present: Mike Torvinen, Department of Health and Human Services Charles Duarte, Department of Health and Human Services, Health Care, Financing and Policy Nancy Bowman, Attorney Generals Office Mike Fischer, Department of Cultural Affairs Debra Scott, NSBN John McCuin, Department of Agriculture Claire Weil, Department of Health and Human Services, Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services Colleen Murphy, Department of Health and Human Services, Mental Health and Developmental Services Al Kenneson, Department of Health and Human Services, Lakes Crossing Center Laxmi Bokka, Department of Health and Human Services, Mental Health and Developmental Services Danette Kluever, Department of Health and Human Services, Child and Family Services Mark Teska, Department of Public Safety Johnean Morrison, Department of Public Safety, Highway Patrol Bernie Curtis, Department of Public Safety, Highway Patrol Curtis Palmer, Department of Public Safety Nancy Bowman, Attorney Generals Office Diane Grass, Attorney Generals Office Kendall Howard, Department of Health and Human Services, Mental Health and Developmental Services Judith Lyman, Department of Health and Human Services, Mental Health and Developmental Services Elizabeth Conboy, Department of Public Safety, Investigations Ryan Miller, Department of Public Safety, Investigations Phil Weyrich, Department of Health and Human Services, Health Tina Sanchez, Department of Public Safety, Investigations Katie Armstrong, Attorney Generals Office Kevin Clifford, Nevada Photo Source Sara Fugii, Nevada Photo Source Dennis Gallagher, Attorney Generals Office
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Norman Allen, Attorney Generals Office Carol Sala, Department of Health and Human Services, Aging and Disability Services Clark Leslie, Attorney Generals Office Wes Henderson, NV Association of Counties Lindsay Anderson, Economic Development Joe Pollock, Department of Health and Human Services, Health Division Daniel Barr?? Office of the Military Mike Chapman, Falcon Capital Wendy Simons, Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Health Care and Quality Control Todd Rich, Department of Business and Industry Bruce Breslow, Department of Motor Vehicles Dawn Rosenberg, Department of Corrections Deborah Reed, Department of Corrections Brenda Ford, Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation Deb Cook, Department of Motor Vehicles Mike Torvinen, Department of Health and Human Services Rebecca Salazar, Department of Administration, Victims of Crime in Las Vegas Kimberlee Tarter, Department of Administration, Purchasing

PRESS Sean Whaley, Nevada News Bureau Cy Ruan, Las Vegas Sun Sandra Cherub, Associated Press Ed Vogel, Las Vegas Review Journal

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Comments: Governor: We'll begin with Item No. 1 on the Agenda, Public Comments. Is there anyone present here today, a member of the public that would like to provide testimony to the Board of Examiners? Is there anyone in Las Vegas who would like to provide public comments? Rebecca Salazar: No.


Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0

Governor: We'll move onto Items No. 2 and 3 of the Agenda, approval of June 14, 2011 Board of Examiners' Meeting Minutes as well as the July 20, 2011 Board of Examiners' Minutes. Has the members had an opportunity to review the minutes? Attorney General: Yes. Governor: Are there any changes, deletions or additions to the Minutes? The Chair will accept a motion. Attorney General: I'll move to approve the minutes of June 14, 2011 as well as the July 20, 2011 minutes. Secretary of State: Second. Governor: We have a motion by the Attorney General to approve items 2 and 3 of the Agenda, and seconded by the Secretary of State. Is there any questions or discussion on the motion? Hearing none, all in favor of the motion please say aye. Motion passes unanimously.


Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:



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Pursuant to NRS 41.037, the State Board of Examiners may approve, settle or deny any claim or action against the State, any of its agencies or any of its present or former officers, employees, immune contractors or State Legislators. A. Department of Transportation Administration - $5,000,000

This is a recommendation, following a judicial settlement conference, for settlement of an eminent domain action, State of Nevada v. Falcon Capital, LLC., that sought to acquire in fee and by permanent easement three small parcels for the I-580 Freeway Extension Project. Settlement entails the acquisition of 31.5 acres for $5 million and submission of the issue of the taking of water rights to binding arbitration. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Secretary of State Comments: Seconded By: Attorney General Vote: 3-0

Governor: We'll move onto Item No. 4 of the Agenda and to possible action, approval to pay a cash settlement. Mr. Mohlenkamp. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. Before you is a recommendation by the Attorney General's office following a judicial settlement conference for the payment of $5 million. This is the acquisition for approval of five acres, and the issue of water rights will be subject to binding arbitration. Governor: Is there somebody here from the Attorney Generals Office? Norman Allen: Good Morning Governor. Governor: Could you give us an overview with regard to the settlement? It would be helpful for me because there's not a map in here exactly where this piece of property is. Norman Allen: This property is located on the western side of Washoe Valley on the interchange or the I-580 Freeway Extension Project. This particular piece is just immediately to the south of that which is three small parcels in that location. In the course of this action, NDOT was in breach of contract for some additional compensation for a certain loss of an access road which would connect a piece of the earlier acquisition to the existing piece. Governor: Now, I had a question. There's an outstanding issue of water rights? Norman Allen: Yes, that is correct. And the reason for that, this particular item is set for a three-week jury day trial that will be associated with binding arbitration that would probably take about two days. There's some new items going with the arbitration. That is for technical engineering issues. Governor: What is the exposure on the water rights? I am sure that it is confidential but are we still looking at a matter of liability here if we were to do this?

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Norman Allen: Well, there's always the possibility of the liability issues. There's a procedural matter of whether or not the existing improvements and its application would be addressed. Construction of the improvements had not been completed so difficult to resolve the entire lawsuit in light of engineering theories. Governor: And there is a pretty good gap between our appraisal and the defendants' appraisal. Norman Allen: There is, but there's two parts. The first part begins with the acquisition of those three pieces, the value would be was appraised the same as commercial value which came out to about 37,000. That was the difference between Nevadas appraisal of three smaller pieces. But I've reached a calculation for 30 plus acres recommended for this settlement. Governor: Where is the property was located? conference. Also who presided over the settlement

Norman Allen: The property is located in Washoe County and the Settlement Judge was Brent Adams. Governor: And finally, did you have the ability during the course of the settlement discussions regarding $800,000 plus? Norman Allen: Yes. For attorney fees, the original estimation was a little over $800,000 prior to the three-week jury trial. Governor: My prior experience there's always a huge difference between the amount of time the Attorney General's office would put in the amount of the other side and this seems like an awful lot of money in attorney's fees for a case proceeded to trial. How long is this case -- when was it filed? Norman Allen: It has been over five year, we're going into the six year with the prior negotiations between our office and the previous attorneys. This part as to the and the present offer is with the new attorney firm. Governor: So this amount of attorney's fees is for the former offer and the new offer? Norman Allen: No, just the last offer with attorney fees for the new firm. Attorney fees for the other firms would bring the fees higher. Governor: And obviously in your opinion this is a good idea. Norman Allen: Yes, it is. As a matter of fact fees over this there is a possibility that if the state would incur attorney fees and costs at trial all of those together after a jury verdict. Governor: What would your outside be for potential disclosure to the state having gone to trial? Norman Allen: The issues related to the interpretation of an earlier contract that will go to trial along with the claimed loss of water rights
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Governor: Do any other members of the Board have questions, concerns? Thank you, sir. I have no further questions. The chair will accept a motion. Secretary of State: I'll move to approve agenda item 4. Attorney General: I'll second the motion. Governor: There's a motion by Secretary of State to approve Agenda Item No. 4 Agenda, and that will be for a payment of $5 million for resolution of the case of State of Nevada v. Falcon Capital, LLC. Second by the Attorney General. Any questions or discussion on the motion? Hearing none, all in favor of the motion please say aye. Motion passes unanimously.


NRS 217.260 requires the Board of Examiners to estimate available revenue and anticipated claim costs each quarter. If revenues are insufficient to pay anticipated claims, the statute directs that claim payments must be reduced proportionately. The Victims of Crime Program Coordinator recommends paying the Priority 1 & 2 claims at 100% and Priority 3 claims at 100% of the approved amount for the 1st quarter of FY 2012. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Secretary of State Comments: Seconded By: Attorney General Vote: 3-0

Governor: The next item on the Agenda, Agenda No. 5, Victims of Crime 2011 4th Quarter Report and 2012 1st Quarter recommendations. Mr. Mohlenkamp. Clerk: Thank you Governor. What you have before you is a summary report, claims that were submitted for 4th quarter and 1st quarter, this would be 2012. They are recommending payment of all Priority 1, 2 and 3 claims based on the estimated revenues versus expenditures that will still allow for a additional we are recommending approval and we have Rebecca Salazar in Las Vegas if you have any questions. Governor: Ms. Salazar, are you present? Rebecca Salazar: Yes, sir, here in Las Vegas. Governor: I'm fine with the report. It's great and thank you for your hard work. I'm always surprised about the amount of money that's involved here, but what's a typical claim that is made and are they always represented by counsel? Rebecca Salazar: No, sir. They are rarely represented by counsel. They simply apply on their own or with the assistance of an advocate from an organization or a police department. The range is very hard to say. It could be something very simple, $100 bill, and that could be it for a

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claim. Or it could go into the hundred thousands or even to a million. It really just depends on the extent of the injury. Governor: So when you say we've had $28 million of total victim bills that are submitted and you've paid $7 million, is that because of your effort in negotiating with the respective medical providers? Rebecca Salazar: There's not much negotiation that occurs. The way that breakdown happens is the fee scales that we apply to each bill. So the amounts that we will pay on a bill are similar to Nevada Medicaid or Nevada Workers' Comp fee scales. As to when we receive a bill, we simple fee scale it according to the codes that are on the bill, and that's how we get the amount that we will pay. Governor: Should I assume that when these claims are made none of that's covered by private insurance? Rebecca Salazar: No. That includes amounts that are covered by private insurance. When someone has private insurance, we pay the co-pays. Governor: Do any other members have any questions with regard to this Agenda item? No further questions. Thank you very much, Ms. Salazar. The chair will accept a motion to approve Agenda Item No. 5. Secretary of State: I would move to approve item 5 as recommended. Attorney General: I'll second. Governor: There's a motion by the Secretary of State for approval of Agenda Item 5 as recommended, second by the Attorney General. Is there any discussion on motion? Hearing none, all in the favor of the motion please say aye. Motion passes unanimously.



Pursuant to NRS 334.010, no automobile may be purchased by any department, office, bureau, officer or employee of the State without prior written consent of the State Board of Examiners. AGENCY NAME Department of Wildlife Fisheries Management Total: Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0 # OF VEHICLES 5 NOT TO EXCEED: $138,937 $138,937

Governor: Agenda Item 6, State Vehicle Purchase. Mr. Mohlenkamp.

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Clerk: Thank you, Governor. We have one purchase item in front of you. The Department of Wildlife Fisheries Management Division requests the purchase of five vehicles. This is being accomplished through the use of Federal funds and reserve dollars that are in the general fund for all these purchases. Governor: And are all these for trucks? I see one example of where there is a truck with over 203,000 miles on it and it was a 2001. I assume that the other four trucks are replacing the five trucks. So it's five replacement vehicles see the example of one, but four others that have high mileage and so we need to bring in some new blood for vehicles. Clerk: I'm not certain of any leases that do with new vehicles. Governor: Do any of the Board members have any questions with regard to this Agenda item? Hearing none, the chair will accept a motion for approval of Agenda Item No. 6. Attorney General: Make motion to approve Agenda Item No. 6. Secretary of State: Second. Governor: There's a motion by the Attorney General to approve the state vehicle purchase as described in Agenda Item No. 6, second by the Secretary of State. Any questions or discussion on the motion? Hearing none, all in favor of the motion please say aye. Motion passes unanimously.


Pursuant to NRS 353.268, an agency or officer shall submit a request to the State Board of Examiners for an allocation by the Interim Finance Committee from the Contingency Fund. A. Department of Agriculture Predatory Animal and Rodent Control $18,500

The Department is requesting an allocation from the Interim Finance Committee Contingency Fund in the amount of $18,500 to support a cash shortfall in FY 11. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:

Governor: Agenda Item No. 7 (A) through (C) - Request for General Fund Allocation from Interim Finance Committee Contingency Fund. Mr. Mohlenkamp. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. First of all, Item (A) is the Department of Agriculture allocation in the amount of $18,500 to deal with the shortfall in fiscal year '11. This is related to the

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shortfall and also term leave and annual payments that were not included in their budget. They have submitted a work program to support this. Governor: I do have one question. Is there somebody here from Agriculture? Mr. McCuin, I think I understand all this. I just need you to help with understanding. This talks about in the first page of our packet you need this money to support a cash shortfall, but it says "a issue and the inability of the agency to realize reimbursements from the Department of Wildlife due to agreement limitations." Could you explain that for me so that I understand what that means? John McCuin: Yes, sir. There's one category that we support for wildlife, and that category we got 100 percent reimbursement from the Department of Wildlife. In addition to that, we get $40,000 to support two mountain lion experts. And then in addition to that, we can allocate up to $26,000 per mountain lion expert in addition to those reimbursed. In this fiscal year, one of those mountain lion experts is one that retired, so then if it's subject to $40,000 and we could get the 26,000 on the other mountain lion expert, with this mountain lion expert retiring we lost that other 26,000. Governor: What's a issue so I know in the future? John McCuin: issue the extra 40,000 and two 26,000 should have been mapped to those two positions, but they were mapped to another category, not the category 15, but another category that has nothing to do with wildlife. And that category is 100 percent funded by general funds and to that category, it reduced the appropriations.. Governor: I have no questions. Why don't we, Mr. Mohlenkamp, go through 7(B) and (C). B. Department of Agriculture Veterinary Medical Services - $43,404

The Department is requesting an allocation from the Interim Finance Committee Contingency Fund in the amount of $43,404 to support a cash shortfall in FY 11. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:

Clerk: Thank you Governor. 7(B) is a request from the Department of Agriculture - Veterinary Medical Services for an allocation of $43,404. Item No. C is for the Department of Public Safety Highway Patrol for a request for $1,886 from the IFC Contingency Fund. Governor: Do the Board members have any questions with regards to Agenda Items 7 (A) through (C)? Hearing no questions, the chair will accept a motion for approval for Agenda Item 7 (A) through (C). Secretary of State: Move for approval of Agenda Item No. 7 (A) through (C). Attorney General: Second the motion.

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Governor: Motion by the Secretary of State for approval of Agenda Items 7 (A) through (C), seconded by the Attorney General. Any questions or discussion on the motion? Hearing none, all in favor of the motion please say aye. Motion passes unanimously. C. Department of Public Safety Highway Patrol - $1,886

The Department is requesting an allocation from the Interim Finance Committee Contingency Fund in the amount of $1,886 to cover costs associated with visiting dignitary protection in FY 11. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Secretary of State Comments: Seconded By: Attorney General Vote: 3-0


Pursuant to NRS 304.230, Governor Sandoval issued a proclamation specifying a special election to fill the Congressional District 2 vacancy will be held on September 13, 2011. A. Secretary of States Office - $539,137

The agency is requesting an allocation of $539,137 from the Interim Finance Committee Contingency Fund to reimburse counties for all costs and expenses incurred by the counties to conduct the special election. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0

Governor: We move onto Agenda Item No. 8, Request for General Fund Allocation from the IFC to pay contingency fund. Mr. Mohlenkamp. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. What we have before you is a request from the Secretary of State's office for an allocation of $539,137 from the Interim Finance Committee Contingency Fund to pay counties for costs and expenses associated with the special election. As you recall, there was a statement from on July 20. The Secretary of State's office subsequently basis provided that the state would provide within 45 days after receipt. This allocation would allow the state to new regulations and we would recommend approval. Governor: Thank you, Mr. Mohlenkamp. Mr. Secretary, I don't know if you want to provide any information for the record? Secretary of State: We will try to reduce the expenditures as much as we can.

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Governor: Mr. Secretary, and I don't know if this would happen, but if it comes in lower, will that reverted back? Governor: And then if it comes in over, you then have to come back through this Board to seek that amount of money? Secretary of State: Yes, sir. Governor: I would if money is short then we come back so that we can go county by county to see what their expenses were going to be and they were very thorough in terms of breaking it down what their anticipated costs were going to be. I know that when this initially came up in excess of a million dollars, a million and a half dollars, and now we're at $539,000. So other than that, everything's on schedule with regard to the special election? Secretary of State: Yes. We explored every avenue we could to try to reduce costs for the election. We went so far as to ask the counties to provide us save a lot of money, and in my estimation probably would have created some budgeted for this election, so be reimbursed with the Contingency Fund. Governor: Mr. Secretary, would this cause a burden with regard to the use of any funds for this? Secretary of State: Yes, Governor. We would recommend Congress is not showing any interest in renewing the funds at this point. The decent chance that we have as a result of that, we have done some preliminary analysis as to what it would take to replace all the machines in the state, and we estimate it's about $18 to $20 million. Eventually we will have so spending this amount of money probably would be short-sighted Contingency Fund. Governor: Thank you, Mr. Secretary. Madam Attorney General, do you have any questions with regard to this Agenda item? Attorney General: No. Governor: The chair will accept a motion for approval of Agenda Item No. 8. Attorney General: Move for approval of Item No. 8. Secretary of State: Second. Governor: Motion by the Attorney General for approval of Agenda Item No. 8 in the amount of $539,137, seconded by the Secretary of State. Are there any questions or discussion on the motion? Hearing none, all in favor of the motion please say aye. Motion passes.



The State Administrative Manual (SAM) is being submitted to the Board of Examiners for approval of additions in the following Chapters: 0200 Travel, 2600 - Claims

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Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0

Governor: Agenda Item 9. Mr. Mohlenkamp. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. Now to State Administrative Manual changes. First has to do with Travel, chapters 0200. What we're doing here is making clear the miles that can be claimed by state employees when they are traveling to locations other than their primary work assignment. What this does is it clarifies that -- it makes it clear because this was done in an audit that we found that there was inconsistencies. Some people were going to the airport in Reno. Some people were charging the miles all the way from their residence even when their normal duty assignment is in Carson City. Others were charging only from Carson City to the airport. This clarifies that that mileage is acceptable and appropriate and applies to where people are living. So we believe this is a good clarification. Governor: Thank you, Mr. Mohlenkamp. Very thorough explanation. Any questions from the other Board members? Clerk: The second item, just to clarify, is Chapter 2600. And this is to clarify that an agency cannot make any direct expenditures in the reserve category. Instead as is supposed to be the case, this is just clarifying what everybody knows is standard practice. We had something where it wasn't handled appropriately, so we wanted to clarify our relation and this makes a clarification in chapter 2600. Governor: Just for my benefit on that travel status, the first one with regard to this new section 7 I guess it would be, is that common or is that just a small issue with regard to mileage claims? Clerk: Governor, I don't have the details on the severity of the issue. I know from my past experience there's been some inconsistency and I think this clarification is definitely needed. Governor: I have no further questions. Any other questions from Board members? The chair will accept a motion for approval of Agenda Item No. 9. Attorney General: I'll move for approval Agenda Item No. 9. Secretary of State: Second. Governor: The motion by the Attorney General for the approval of Agenda Item No. 9 to the State Administrative Manual, seconded by Secretary of State. Questions or discussion on the motion? Hearing none, all in favor of the motion please say aye. Motion passes unanimously.



Approval of tort claim pursuant to NRS 41.037 A. Stephen D. Heslop TC15639 Amount of Claim $89,999.00
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Recommendation: The report recommended that the claim be paid in the amount of $89,999.00. Motion By: Secretary of State Comments: Seconded By: Attorney General Vote: 3-0

Governor: Agenda Item No. 10, Tort Claim. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. There is one tort claim action before the Board for consideration in the matter of Stephen D. Heslop. I believe there's Nancy Bowman, if she's here. Governor: I don't have any questions. It seems to me to be a pretty clear liability case. And this also appears to me to be very in the amount of $89,999 plus that includes the attorneys' fees as well. Do any other Board members have any questions with regard to this Agenda item? The chair will accept a motion for the approval of Agenda Item No. 10. Secretary of State: Item No. 10. Attorney General: Second the motion. Governor: There's a motion by the Secretary of State to approve Agenda Item No. 10 in the amount of $89,999. That would break up the settlement which would be $74,999 for Mr. Heslop for medicals bills and his pain and suffering, and payment of $15,000 for attorney's fees to Mr. Stephen. Mr. Heslop's medical expenses associated with this incident are $73,173. So we have a motion, second. Any discussion on the motion? Hearing none, all in favor of the motion please say aye. Motion passes.


Three statewide leases were submitted to the Board for review and approval. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Secretary of State Comments: Seconded By: Attorney General Vote: 3-0

Governor: Agenda Item No. 11, Leases. Mr. Mohlenkamp. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. There are three leases on the Agenda for consideration by the Board. All are with the Department of Health and Human Services. The first item is Mental Health. This is in the amount of $1,560,438. The second item is Mental Health and Rural Services division, and that is for $259,776. And then the third is the Welfare and Support Services division, and that is $156,921, and we have no concerns. Governor: Thank you, Mr. Mohlenkamp. I will note on that first lease that this was a landlord voluntary retroactive lease rate reduction wherein the state is going to save $86,385. Any other

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questions from Board members with regard to Agenda Item No. 11? The chair will accept a motion. Secretary of State: Ill move to approve agenda item 11. Attorney General: Second motion. Governor: There's a motion by the Secretary of State for the approval of leases one, two, and three, approved within Agenda Item No. 11, second by the Attorney General. Discussion or questions? Hearing none, all in favor of the motion please say aye. Motion passes unanimously.


Seventy-nine independent contracts were submitted to the Board for review and approval. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Secretary of State Comments: Governor: Next Agenda Item, Contracts. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. Before the board are 79 separate contracts for consideration. We have representatives of different divisions and departments are here to answer questions. Governor: I'll go ahead and call out my hold outs 28, 29, 35, 36, 67 through 73, and 75. Do any other Board members have hold outs? Why don't we begin with Contract No. 28. Is there somebody here who can just give me a brief explanation? Do you have any background in this contract? Phil Weyrich: Yes, I do. The bottom line is just consolidation for the claim versus your benefits that were state employees. The staffing provides for essentially consolidation factor to bring in all of the insurance companies instead of having to deal with each claim separately. I thought was going to be here to address the details and the questions on that, but as I understand from her description to me, this is a good rule for the state. It will help us to not only consolidate capture, but also to realize the cost benefits. Governor: Next would be Contract No. 29 - Commission on Economic Development. Could you just provide a baseline and a brief description of what this contract's for? Lindsay Anderson: Of course. We recently concluded a formal purchasing, and those. The marketing contract, because of the way our budget ended up in the legislature through the end of December for economic development in the state of Nevada so we can engage contract as we move forward. Most of the funds are used on marketing for out of state businesses, marketing programs that we offer things like that. Governor: Could you give me like a concrete example of what running a TV ad or a print advertisement?
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Seconded By: Attorney General

Vote: 3-0

Lindsay Anderson: Like I said, the scope is still a little bit in flux. It absolutely could be print advertising our website. We recently launched a campaign called Power of Success which runs their ads that show video testimonials of businesses that are successful. We try to show intended to be. Governor: Further questions? Thank you very much. That moves us to Contract 32. Oh, I didn't call that one, did I? Contract 32. Would you just briefly describe what this contract does. Charles Duarte: Well, it's a long-established contract that we have with Washoe County. It's established with the NRS. Washoe County provides $1.5 million a year in county revenue which eases to pay hospitals Nevada for to provide some level of funding to hospitals low income people. So this takes care of the county obligations. Governor: Contract No. 35. Good morning, sir. I just wanted a description of what brought us here and contract accomplishes. Charles Duarte: Yes, sir. During the last legislative session, there were several cases throughout the state remove the general fund from and allowing the counties to help us. One of those has to do with restaurant and food inspections things like that. And so based on the number of restaurants and facilities in each county, it was determined that each county would provide basically funds to support those inspection efforts. Governor: Thank you. Now, are you also here on Contract 36? This says this is a new contract with the Nevada State Board of Nursing. How were all these functions handled before? Phil Weyrich: Actually, this is not a renewal, but this contract has been in existence for a large number of years. We normally do them for two to four years, so this is a new contract to continue those services. Governor: Thank for the clarification because that was my impression that it's a new local agreement. Phil Weyrich: Normally, yeah. The restriction is normally four years, so every four years we do a new contract. Governor: We move onto 67 through 73. Is there someone here from Department of Insurance? Todd Rich: I was hoping that there would be someone here from fiscal. Governor: And these are all similar contracts where we're seeking to increase the amount for each of these individual entities, are insurance companies Division of Insurance? Todd Rich: That's correct. This is in conjunction with so we contract with a third-party insurance companies that work with the state of Nevada so it's increasing the amount that we can charge and then we're reimbursed by the insurance companies.

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Governor: So why the increase? For example, most of them are from 1.2 million to 1.8 million. Is that just a contract extension? Are you seeking to do more audits? Todd Rich: That's correct. We want to increase the amount so we can increase the number of examinations to meet the thresholds. Governor: So does that mean we're not doing enough now? Todd Rich: Well, it's been an issue in the past. I think the division is at the point where they want to make sure that there are no and we don't fall back to what happened years ago where it was a little dicey. But these are not new appeals. Governor: One other question that I'd ask that you could look into. I know that I've talked to some of the insurers and some of them were concerned and they felt like they were being overcharged by the auditors. I don't know if that's or not, but perhaps somebody could ask them about that. Todd Rich: Absolutely. certainly something we want to stay away from. And would you like us to report back to your office? Governor: Yes, please. Thank you, Mr. Rich. Contract 75. I believe I saw Mr. Breslow. I know we have this letter in here explaining the background on this contract. It is a large number. I think it's a great opportunity for the state, so I wanted to give you an opportunity to talk about the contract and what it does. Bruce Breslow: Thank you, Governor. It's good seeing you all again. This number is very large, but instead of an expense for the state, this is actually a savings for the state. Instead of the state writing a check out of the Highway Fund for the kiosk legislature to change the law to allow us to allow the user to pay at the time of the transaction. So the number that you see here is an estimated number of transaction dollars over the next ten years, so contract. That won't be coming from the Highway Fund in the future. It'll be paid at the time of each transaction. The goal is to put a kiosk instead of making people come to the DMV and spend just a wonderful hour or two of their life, putting them in grocery stores in neighborhoods and things like that. The number you see here isn't the cost to the state. It's actually the estimated amount of transaction dollars. Instead of paying into the Highway Fund, the state won't have to pay that anymore. Governor: Will you take us through some examples of transactions that would be conducted via this kiosk? Bruce Breslow: Certainly, Governor. Right now the kiosk and the number one transaction is a registration renewal, about 99 percent of the transactions. These machines actually have a special printer, and besides your receipt, they print the sticker from the machine. So if you want to register your vehicle, you can do it in north Las Vegas as of two weeks ago at an Albertsons, you can do at a in Sparks, you can do at a Wal-Mart in Las Vegas are interested in partnering with the state. The goal is to do that so transactions and the number one is vehicle registration. What we're working on and we hope to have it in place, well, if this contract is approved, we're gonna probably roll out the new machines in the spring, and they will allow you to do the every four year driver's license renewal as well as the that's what you can do on the Web right now. So
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we're hoping to take about 12 percent of the line, the people that are currently coming to the DMV, and making it a lot more convenient for them not to and to do it in their neighborhood. So if it went perfectly, we would remove 12 percent of the people from our lines, so we have and a lot of the places that want to host these kiosks are doing a lot of money for us. Governor: And that was going to be my next question, you anticipated that. How are we going to let the general public know that they can go to their local grocery store or library to do this transaction? Bruce Breslow: Well, we will with our -- I think we have $5,000 in promotion funds, but luckily the grocery stores are a lot more proactive. They've been putting flyers in the grocery bags. One of the stores had made little footprints on the floor that said, "This way to the DMV," leading to the kiosk. And we make sure that we get a location in the front of the store typically where they would have the video rental or Redbox or some of the other top features in the front, rather than going in the back of the store. Governor: Will you explain to me what 12 percent of a line means? Bruce Breslow: Well, it's an hour wait dropping down to 48 minutes. Is that 12 percent approximately? Governor: I want to compliment you because I know that the wait times have been reduced significantly and you accomplished that through posting online with the wait times at various locations are so that allows folks to go online and be able to choose where they're going to do their transaction. This will reduce it that much more. And as time goes on there will be even more opportunity for more transactions. What is the biggest issue with regard to the wait times at the DMV right now? Bruce Breslow: It's educating the public that they can go online and do almost all the transactions at home. Where all of the education campaigns in the past, we still hit the wall at about 33 percent of people that are using online services. For some reason there's a group that prefers the kiosk even though the kiosk is really an online connected box. But you press a button and it walks you through it and talks to you as you go, so a lot of people that were afraid to do a transaction at home on their computer, don't have a computer.. So we're hoping to penetrate another market. The next big thing for us is working with twisting the arms of the local assessors so that veterans don't have to go to the assessor's office to get an exemption form and have to wait in line at the DMV. If we can get all those veterans to be able to do their transactions kiosk and online services, that's another large percentage of people that don't have to come to our offices. Governor: Thank you, Mr. Breslow. Any other questions from the Secretary? Secretary of State: Can you explain a little bit about having the organ donor program kiosks? I want to thank you for your efforts very important that you be acknowledged for your hard work. So I was curious as to how that'll work. Bruce Breslow: That's really important. There are so many people in Nevada that need a new organ and they go on a waiting list in California, and they're treated almost like second class.
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They take a back seat. The organization in Nevada raises awareness and brings Nevadans first on the list. So making the public aware, and I have a little red heart on my driver's license as to still works. take advantage of it, but the awareness is something that's really important. So I've talked to the kiosk company. And while we want to keep the screen with multiple transactions, I asked them last week if we could put a big heart sticker on the machines so that we could do that, and they said, yes, of course. We're gonna keep working last week 'cause she's on the task force. She tried to get the group to do a little bit more in promotions. For instance, balloon rides in front of the DMV to raise awareness that you can fill out the form right there. Ideally you'll be able to fill out the organ donation card on the kiosks in the future, but when you use the touch screen it may be a little harder and we're not sure if that fits on a kiosk. Attorney General: Mr. Breslow, thank you. And thank you for the briefing on this. Let me ask you, you had talked about 40 additional kiosks than what you have now; is that correct? Bruce Breslow: Forty in the first year or two. And if the numbers hold up, the number of transactions that were companies agree to roll out as many as we -- most of them would be based in Las Vegas because that's where the backlog is. Attorney General: And that was my next question because it sounds like majority of them will be in Southern Nevada. Bruce Breslow: Yes, it's important. The population there has so much expansion of the community physically is to keep the amount of the cars off of the road. Attorney General: And then would you mind talking long term? Because we had talked a little bit about the use of this kiosk long term and DMV purposes, but for maybe other needs and services as well. Bruce Breslow: When we bid, I talked with a lot of other department heads and said, would your department be interested if we end up with 48 kiosks around the state that can do transactions, would you be interested in whether you do your hunting license or pay your fines, and things like that, and I found a lot of from the Department of Public Safety, from others, governmental kiosks are pretty much becoming commonplace around the country. And if these obviously can do a and that's what we have done. There's another state agency, one that uses kiosks. You also asked if we would come back before you all before the two-year renewal cycles, e-mail from the vendor saying, yes, they'd be glad to come before you in the future. Governor: One final question, Mr. Breslow, which was prompted by the Attorney General, are we at the cutting edge in terms of best practices in the country? Bruce Breslow: California's DMV director admitted that they got a late start, but he plans to go past us because he has hundreds of millions more dollars in man power, but we pretty much broke the ice on this. The state of Washington they were looking at kiosk programs. This is not something I started. This is something that was launched previous administration. Governor: Thank you very much. Any other questions from Board members with regard to Agenda Item No. 12, Contracts 1 through 79? The chair will accept a motion.
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Secretary of State: Ill move to approve agenda item 12. Attorney General: I'll second the motion. Governor: Motion by the Secretary of State for approval of Agenda Item No. 12, Contracts 1 through 79, a second by the Attorney General. Any questions or discussion on the motion? Hearing none, all in favor of the motion please say aye. Motion passes.



Two master service agreements were submitted to the Board for review and approval. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0

Governor: We have one more Agenda item and that will be Agenda Item No. 13, Master Service Agreements. Mr. Mohlenkamp. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. There are two agreements for consideration by the Board. Both of these are temporary employment service agreements, and they each are extending the term by a year and $3 million each. These agreements are those that are used by many state agencies when we need temporary employment for labor. So instead of having to go through an arduous process, they go right to the Master Service Agreements and can receive the services they need. So you would have Kelly Services and Manpower contract people. Governor: Is there an issue with these contracts associated with legislation? Clerk: Governor, before you passed and Kimberlee Tartar from the purchasing division is here to provide you a briefing on it if you need. Kimberlee Tarter: With respect to these two contracts and how they are now going to change under 8240, we were required that these contractors provide state agencies notice when an individual comes to that agency as a prospective temporary employee. And if they are a former state employee within that two year window, then an agency has actions that they have to take. There's under 8240 several changes that are going to be enacted. One with respect to direct contracting with current and former employees, and then the relationship with temporary employment agencies and former employees. So through our temporary employment contracts, we put restrictions in place, notifications that the contractors have to provide to the agencies, and then there's policy that's being drafted that will instruct the agencies as to what they need to do in order to bring that individual on as a temporary employment if that is in fact their direction. 8240 as a whole we have drafted policy that would be going out for contracting requiring that they have to be done with the procurement process if you choose to contract. However, those contracts as a result of that assembly bill will require the Board of Examiners' pre-approval of that employment relationship. So there's actually going to be two full Board of Examiners approval process in that instance. So if you're going to contract directly, you have to then come to the Board of Examiners, request pre-approval of that employment relationship with that
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current or former employee. And then if the Board agrees to that, then the agency has to go back and complete the contracting process and then bring their contract forward to the Board of Examiners for actual ratification of the contract. So it will create not only additional checks and balances with respect to this, but the agencies will have to be aware that there's an additional time period that they're going to have to consider when they're anticipating the employment contract. Governor: Do we have state employees who are also contracted with the state via these temporary agencies? Kimberlee Tartar: I don't recall if the audit found current state employees coming back through the temporary employment agencies. That may be the case. I've had some discussions with individuals at Health and Human Services, and it sounds like they have some nurses or other individuals that have come back. The audit that was done prior to 8240 taking place on this situation, contracting current and former state employees, did identify former state employees coming back with different employment agencies. I don't know if they identified current employees, but we're trying to close that gap. Governor: And so how this will work in the future, for clarity, is that if there's a former state employee who separated within two years and that individual wants to contract with the state either through a temp agency or outside with a temp agency, that proposed agreement would have to come to this Board for pre-approval. And then once that's approved then they go back to the state agency which then the contract would have to be formally be approved by this Board after that. Kimberlee Tartar: Yes, that's correct. Governor: Any other questions? Attorney General: Just a couple of clarifications. That is true whether or not they're going through a temp agency, correct? So if they say they contract with the state, they still have to go through the processes that are set up for 8240; is that correct? Kimberlee Tartar: It's slightly different only because the temporary employment agency contracts already have the State Board of Examiners' approval. So it doesn't quite flow the way a contract outside of the temp agencies would flow. But what we have done is require a Board Examiner's pre-approval of that employment relationship before they can employ with a temporary employment agency, so there is no secondary Board of Examiners' approval of the contract itself in light of the fact that the contract has been approved and are in place. But they cannot move forward with any of those agreements to establish that relationship unless they receive pre-approval. And then once the pre-approval is provided, or if it's provided, then they can move forward with the work orders. Attorney General: And so how are the state agencies then made aware of the changes here? my attorneys that represent those agencies would be willing to work with purchasing to make sure we get the information out to the agencies. Kimberlee Tartar: What we will be doing, we're looking to finalize, there are still a few questions that need to be addressed with respect to the and how that affects contracting with
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current employees, that has been elevated to personnel's Deputy Attorney General so we can get a formal opinion and some guidance on that. Once we have those final pieces in place, we'll work through the Department of Administration and issue memo of the policy changes, and we also anticipate doing a workshop and putting information out there so we can actually explain to them what this process is and does. Secretary of State: And just regulatory changes as needed before you in October because there is a legal question.. Governor: Further questions with regard to Agenda Item No. 13? Hearing none, the chair will accept a motion for approval of Agenda Item No. 13, Master Service Agreements 1 and 2. Attorney General: Move for approval Item 13. Secretary of State: Second that. Governor: The motion by the Attorney General for approval Agenda Item No. 13, Master Service Agreements 1 and 2, seconded by the Secretary of State. Any questions or discussion on the motion? Hearing none, all in favor of the motion please say aye. Motion passes.



Comments: Governor: Agenda Item No. 14. First I'll call for any public comment. Is there any member of the public here in Carson City that would like to provide comment to the Board? I don't see anybody in the room in Las Vegas. Are there any Board Member comments?



Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0

Governor: Moving onto Agenda Item No. 15. Is there a motion for adjournment? Attorney General: Motion to adjourn. Secretary of State: Second. Governor: Motion by the Attorney General, second by the Secretary of State. All in favor of the motion please say aye. Motion passes unanimously. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Respectfully submitted, ________________________________________________________________________ JEFF MOHLENKAMP, CLERK

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APPROVED: ________________________________________________________________________ GOVERNOR BRIAN SANDOVAL, CHAIRMAN ________________________________________________________________________ ATTORNEY GENERAL CATHERINE CORTEZ MASTO ________________________________________________________________________ SECRETARY OF STATE ROSS MILLER

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September 13, 2011 The Board of Examiners met on Tuesday, September 13, 2011, in the Annex on the second floor of the Capitol Building, 101 N. Carson St., Carson City, Nevada, at 10:00 a.m. Present were: Members: Governor Brian Sandoval Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto Secretary of State Ross Miller Clerk Jeff Mohlenkamp

Others Present: Dave Prather, Department of Health and Human Services, Mental Health and Developmental Services Roger Miles, Office of the Attorney General Charles Duarte, Department of Health and Human Services, Health Care Financing and Policy Christi Smith, Department of Public Safety, Highway Patrol Tammy Trio, Department of Public Safety, Highway Patrol Richard Wiggins, Department of Public Safety, Highway Patrol Nancy Bowman, Office of the Attorney General Jim Lawrence, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, State Lands Mechelle Merrill, Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation Richard Barthlet, University of Nevada, Reno Sue Smith, Department of Health and Human Services, Welfare and Supportive Services Stacey Woodbury, Gaming Control Board Emily Nunez, Office of Energy Bill Chisel, Department of Taxation Jennifer Bauer, Department of Public Safety Deborah L. Reed, Department of Corrections Greg Cox, Department of Corrections Linda Parvin, Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation Grant Nielson, Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation Daphne Deleon, Department of Administration, Library and Archives Jo Malay, Department of Health and Human Services, Health Julie Butler, Department of Public Safety, Records Bureau Kendall Howard, Department of Health and Human Services, Mental Health and Developmental Services Christine Goetz, Department of Health and Human Services, Mental Health and Developmental Services Barbara Legier, Department of Health and Human Services, Mental Health and Developmental Services Phil Weyrick, Department of Health and Human Services, Health David Olsen, Department of Transportation Jamie Vacek, Department of Transportation
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Liz OBrien, Department of Health and Human Services, Mental Health and Developmental Services Colleen Murphy, Department of Health and Human Services, Mental Health and Developmental Services Rachel Richards, Department of Health and Human Services, Mental Health and Developmental Services Mel Rosenberg, Department of Health and Human Services, Health Care Financing and Policy Joe Pollock, Department of Health and Human Services, Health Sharyn Peal, Department of Education Laura Smolyansky, Department of Information Technology Dawn Rosenburg, Department of Corrections David Gustafson, Department of Information Technology Romaine Gilliland, Department of Health and Human Services, Welfare and Supportive Services Judith Lyman, Department of Health and Human Services, Mental Health and Developmental Services Michael Fischer, Department of Cultural Affairs Katie Armstrong, Office of the Attorney General Harold Cook, Department of Health and Human Services, Mental Health and Developmental Services Mark Costa, Department of Cultural Affairs Clark Leslie, Office of the Attorney General Dennis Gallagher, Office of the Attorney General Mike Torvinen, Department of Health and Human Services Mike Willden, Department of Health and Human Services Patrick Cates, Department of Wildlife Tamara Nash, Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation Marsha Sabori, Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation Kim Morigeau, Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation Brenda Ford, Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation Greg Weyland, Department of Education Tom Macdiarmid, Department of Education Kim Perondi, Department of Administration, Purchasing PRESS Sean Whaley

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Comments: Governor: The first item on the agenda is public comment. Is there any member of the public here in Carson City that would like to provide public comment on any matter in the agenda? Seeing none, is there any member of the public in Las Vegas who would like provide public comment on any matter on the agenda. Seeing none, we'll move onto Agenda Item No. 2.


Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Comments: Seconded By: Vote:

Governor: I am going to remove that item from the agenda, that is For Possible Action Approval of the August 15, 2011 Board of Examiners' Meeting Minutes. Mr. Mohlenkamp, it's my understanding those minutes aren't ready for review yet. Clerk: Governor, thank you. Yes. We will have this and the minutes from today's meeting on the next agenda.



The State Administrative Manual (SAM) is being submitted to the Board of Examiners for approval of additions and/or revisions in the following Chapters: 2900 Tort Claims Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0

Governor: Move onto Agenda Item No. 3, State Administrative Manual Revisions. Mr. Mohlenkamp. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. This modification to the State Administrative Manual provides for an increase in the tort claim payment threshold for the Attorney General's office from 75,000 to 100,000. This is in line with revisions to enter as 41.035 which becomes effective on October 1. Governor: Madam Attorney General, did you have any comment on this item? Attorney General: No. Other than the changes are pursuant to some statutory changes that the legislature made. So other than that, if you're taking motions, I move for approval.
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Governor: There's a motion by the Attorney General to approve Agenda Item No. 3. Is there a second? Secretary of State: Second. Governor: Second by the Secretary of State. Are there any questions or discussion on the motion? Hearing none, all in favor of the motion, please say aye. Motion passes unanimously.



A. Department of Conservation and Natural Resources State Lands

Pursuant to NRS 322.065, the Nevada Division of State Lands is requesting approval for renewal of a 5-year lease for occupancy of a state-owned building in Winnemucca by JOIN, Inc., a nonprofit organization. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0

Governor: Agenda Item No. 4, Approval to Renew Building Lease. Mr. Mohlenkamp. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. You have one lease in front of you. That is Division of State Lands is leasing a facility, billing to JOIN, Inc., which is Job Opportunities in Nevada. This is an ongoing lease that has been in existence since the mid-'90s, and we would recommend approval. Governor: Thank you, Mr. Mohlenkamp. I do have one question with regard to it. It is a belowmarket lease rate, but there's a good reason for that, correct? Clerk: Yes, Governor. This is actually an old BOM facility, and it's outside the commercial zone in Winnemucca. It is below market, but it is also for a non-profit that provides valuable services to the community, and there are very few instances of these in our state. Governor: There is a statutory provision for this type of rate as well, that being NRS 322.065. Clerk: That's exactly correct. Governor: Any other Board members have questions with regard to Agenda Item No. 4? The Chair will accept a motion for approval. Attorney General: I'll move for approval. Secretary of State: Second it.

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Governor: There is a motion by the Attorney General for approval of Agenda Item No. 4, second by the Secretary of State. Is there any discussion or questions on the motion? Hearing none, all in favor of the motion, please say aye. Motion passes unanimously.



Pursuant to NRS 334.010, no automobile may be purchased by any department, office, bureau, officer or employee of the State without prior written consent of the State Board of Examiners. AGENCY NAME Department of Corrections Administration Department of Wildlife Law Enforcement Total: Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0 # OF VEHICLES 7 5 12 NOT TO EXCEED: $222,446 $119,516 $341,962

Governor: Agenda Item No. 5, State Vehicle Purchase. Mr. Mohlenkamp. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. Before you, you have two separate vehicle purchases, one for the Department of Corrections for seven vehicles. This is in line with their budget appropriations, part of that. Then you have the Department of Wildlife, their Law Enforcement division, five vehicles. And this is being paid for with additional grant funds and reserve funds that are available. These vehicles being replaced in Wildlife are 140,000 miles plus. They're used on off roads out in the boonies, and these are needed by the department to ensure safety of their staff. Governor: Thank you, Mr. Mohlenkamp. That was my observation is that that's a large number of vehicles, but they are high mileage, and given the remote places these vehicles go, the last thing we'd want is one of our folks to be caught in the middle of nowhere with a broken vehicle. Any other questions from Board members? The Chair will accept a motion for approval. Attorney General: Move for approval. Secretary of State: Second it. Governor: We have a motion for approval for Agenda Item No. 5, State Vehicle Purchase by Department of Corrections as well as Department of Wildlife, second by the Secretary of State. Is there any discussion or questions on the motion? Hearing none, all in favor of the motion, please say aye. Motion passes unanimously.


Three statewide leases were submitted to the Board for review and approval.

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Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0

Governor: Agenda Item No. 6, Leases. Mr. Mohlenkamp. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. Would you like to take these all three at once or separate them? Governor: All three, please. Clerk: Okay. You have three separate leases on the Agenda. One is for the lessee is the Board of Massage Therapy. The second is Department of Business and Industry and Nevada Department Transportation Authority. And then you also have Health and Human Services Rural Services Section. And all three of these leases are in line with market rates and we have no problems with these leases. Governor: In fact, Mr. Mohlenkamp, Lease No. 2 provides for a $1,000 per month savings over the prior lease rate. Any other questions from Board members on Agenda Item No. 6? Seeing none, the Chair will accept a motion for approval. Attorney General: Sure. I'll move for approval of Agenda Item No. 6. Secretary of State: Second. Governor: There's a motion by the Attorney General for approval of Agenda Item No. 6, a second by the Secretary of State. Are there any questions or discussion on the motion? Hearing none, all in favor of the motion, please say aye. Motion passes.


One hundred and six independent contracts were submitted to the Board for review and approval. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0

Governor: Agenda Item No. 7. Mr. Mohlenkamp. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. On the Agenda are 106 separate contracts for consideration by the Board. Governor: I do have some hold outs. Contract 35, Contracts 45 to 50, Contract 51, which will include questions on some other related contracts, but I'll just hold out 51, Contract 68, 76 and 77, 85 and 100. Do any of the other Board members have any contracts they'd like to hold? Attorney General: No, Governor. You identified the ones I had questions about.
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Governor: So is there somebody from the Department of Education with regard to Contract 35? Tom MacDiarmid: For the record, I'm Tom MacDiarmid with the Nevada Department of Education, Office of Assessments, Program Accountability and Curriculum, representing Contract No. 35. Governor: Thank you, Mr. McDermott. My question is with regard to the soundness of the contract. It is only this, I have heard from some of the schools about their concern about how early the test is administered, and they would like to perhaps -- was there any ability for that test to be administered later so that students have more time to prepare for it? Tom MacDiarmid: Yes. We have adjusted our window for the alternate assessment to be later. I believe it's February 1 through March 15, or maybe that's April 30. We've adjusted to align with the CRT testing, that's been adjusted by 45 days. Governor: So the time has been extended by 45 days than it was before? Tom MacDiarmid: The testing window for the CRT testing, the Criteria and Reference Test, in grades 3 through 8, has been moved 45 days. And this is the alternate assessment that aligns with that assessment, so we've also adjusted this window to be later in the school year. Governor: Does that include the high school proficiency? Tom MacDiarmid: No. The high school proficiency, the testing windows for that test have been set, the windows haven't been changed this year. Governor: Is that any concern to you with regard to high school proficiency? Is there any ability to make that a longer window? Tom MacDiarmid: Right now the window for the high school proficiency exam is -- we administer that test four times a year, November, March, May and July, and each of those windows, except for the May test, is a week long. Governor: That's all I have. Any other questions from Board members for Mr. MacDiarmid? Thank you, sir. We move onto 45 to 50. Mr. Willden, I saw that you were present. Mike Willden: Good morning, Governor. For the record, I'm Mike Willden. I serve as the Director of Health and Human Services. The contracts in question are contracts that the health division has with our community health nursing programs. With me at the table today is Mr. Weyrick, who can answer any detailed questions. But just a couple of things that I think that maybe the line of questioning, I've talked with you Governor that there are a number of contracts that we are negotiating with the counties, that the legislature approved where we're assessing the counties to provide certain services. This is part of that process. We probably will be bringing somewhere up to 120 to 150 contracts to the Board over the next couple Board meetings where we are negotiating these assessments that the counties have to pay for various human services. The Community Health Nursing contracts, the counties have been in partnership with that for a significant number of years. Mr. Wyrick can answer that in detail. What's new with these
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contracts this year is there's new language in here pursuant to Senate Bill 471, passed in the legislature that the counties, in addition to our relationship with Community Health Nursing, also have a fiscal obligation for tuberculosis screening and testing and sexually transmitted disease screening and testing. So the contracts going forward have the traditional Community Health Nursing relationship, and we've also incorporated into the contracts going forward the county's responsibility for TB and STD. The contracts before you are the initial wave that we have got signed. At the next Board of Examiners' meeting we will be bringing additional contracts on Community Health Nursing. Also we'll be bringing contracts dealing with the Medicaid, what we call the County Match program. We'll be bringing in consumer health protection from the Health Division, and the county's and assessments to pay for some of the consumer health protection. We will be bringing in contracts on rural mental health services to mentally retarded children. We'll be bringing contracts for youth parole assessments and rural child protective services. All of those contracts are in various stages of negotiation. These are the first wave of contracts being signed by the counties. Governor: Thank you, Mr. Willden. You've anticipated my question is that in the meantime the state is providing those services? Mike Willden: Absolutely. We are providing those services using our general fund dollars that we had appropriated by the legislature. It will be a concern if we don't get all these contracts negotiated by mid-year that our general funds will be depleted and we'll have problems by midyear. I set a goal that we would have all the contracts negotiated by the end of September. And again, I have a spreadsheet I can provide to the Board. I apologize to Secretary of State Miller, I didn't get one to his office. If you look at the spreadsheet, the yellow on the spreadsheet is where we've been successful in negotiating the contracts with the counties and/or we've received payments from the counties. I've got to get this whole spreadsheet turning yellow, and you can see I have about a third of it yellow and two-thirds of it not yellow. Everyday new contracts are coming in, new negotiations are resolved. I would expect within the next two weeks that we'll have most of this being successful negotiations. The only thing I would report to the Board that I can tell you has been communicated to my office that will definitely be a problem is Carson City on the spreadsheet and the assessments for rural child protective services and the assessment for youth parole. They're about two-thirds of the way down on the spreadsheet. Carson City has sent me a letter that indicates that they will not pay those assessments based on their interpretation of the statute. I am working with the Attorney General's office and the legislative legal counsel to provide additional legal guidance to Carson City hoping to convince them to pay the assessments and not have to have a legal battle of some sort. So that's the only county that has indicated that they don't intend to pay the assessments. Governor: Thank you, Mr. Willden. What is delaying entering into these contracts? Is it the reasonableness of the charge? I mean, when you say you're negotiating, what are the issues that are being negotiated? Mike Willden: Governor, members of the Board, there are several things that maybe I could just kind of briefly identify some of those. With regards to the largest one which is the Medicaid county match, which is the first line, it was some issues over length of the contract and some billing mechanisms and some new issues there dealing with that we're not only billing them for institutional services, people that are in a nursing facility, but also people who are in our waiver programs. So we've had some back and forth with staff. We got to attend 10 or 11 Board of
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County Commissioner meetings, and there's been a high level of discussion. So I think all of those contracts are in the final stages of being negotiated. With regard to world developmental services, which is the third, fourth and fifth lines on the spreadsheet, that's just a whole new paradigm for the counties. There wasn't even a law passed to shift that responsibility to the counties. That's basically a determination that there was a law on the books that the State of Nevada has not enforced for 20 years. And we are now enforcing the law making the counties participate and pay, so we're going through the process of their choices with them as to whether they want to pay for the current level of services that the state provides, negotiate a new level of services or not contract with the state and take over providing the services themselves. And so, again, those negotiations are sort of slow going. Again, we are providing these services until those negotiations are done. With regard to the others on the list, there's a law on the books, NRS I think it's 353, and I want to be specific, NRS 353.203 that was passed in a 2009 session that said if the state or the counties intend to transfer a service that is currently provided by either the state or the county to the other party, that there needs to be one-year planning process. That was passed in 2009. The counties are interpreting that law as applying to these assessments that we are providing. We see a legal difference, at least in my discussions with lawyers, counsel, is that we are not transferring the program to the counties, we are assessing them for a service that is currently being provided, and so that's a legal distinction at least a couple of counties have raised. They believe we can't assess them under the law NRS 353.203. Others have opined that this is not a transfer of the service or the program; this is the charging of an assessment or a fee. And so we're working through that. I hope Carson City will change their mind and we'll all be on board and everybody will pay their assessments soon. If not, we'll be probably coming to the Board or through the unfortunate remedies that we have to say somebody needs to help us enforce receiving this money, or we will not have about $44 million worth of revenue built into the HHS budget for these services on this spreadsheet. Governor: Thank you. And finally as part of that negotiation, you will be able to recover the expenditures you're making now until the time within which a contract is entered into? Mike Wilden: That's my belief. Obviously, we will be bringing you contracts that have the retroactive beginning dates, and we know that's not ideal, but with the legislature passing the laws and us doing those negotiations and just the process to get the County Commissioner to sign the contracts and for us to get them to the Board, you will see all these contracts having retroactive start dates. Governor: Thank you, Mr. Willden. Do any other Board members have questions for Mr. Willden? Attorney General: Governor, I do. Mr. Willden, on the second page there is eliminate spending to community juvenile justice programs. How did that come about? Was that just the State made a determination that we're no longer gonna fund programs and transfer the services to the local governments? And if that's the case, is it a one-year period where there has to be some working arrangements made before the actual transfer occurs, pursuant to the law that you just cited? Mike Willden: Thank you for the question. Page two of this spreadsheet, there's a number of programs that we're just eliminating funding to the counties on. How these all came about was in balancing the budget and closing the budget. During the 2001 session, there were a number of
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programs that were in Governor's recommendation or the final legislative approved budget that there simply was not general funds available to support. In this case that you highlighted, the community juvenile justice block grants, we had traditionally had about $1.4 million a year, and we distribute those dollars to the various judicial districts for programs to keep youth, if you will, out of the deep end of the correctional system and in community programs. There simply was a finding there was not enough general fund available to support all these kinds of programs, so that $1.4 million was eliminated out of our budget. We've notified all the judicial districts that they will no longer get these grants, and you can see by county what the grant amount would be. So we communicated to the local juvenile justice organizations that that grant money will not be available for at least FY12 and FY13, and we'll have to revisit that in the FY13 legislature if there would be funds available. I can report to the Board that in our meetings with the Boards of County Commissioners at least one judge representing White Pine and Lincoln Counties came to the board and said we don't like this, but we have another way of funding these programs and we intend to fund them. And it was basically out of some judicial fee that they currently collect. I don't understand the details of that, but Judge Papez indicated that he was sorry to see this happen, but he was going to step up in his judicial district and make sure these programs stayed funded using court assessments that were already in place, and they must have some sort of reserve available, and that he was going to fund the programs from that source. I would assume other judicial districts will go through some sort of assessment process like that also. Attorney General: Thank you. Governor: Any further questions? Thank you, Mr. Willden. Mr. Willden, are you on the next 51 and 52 with regard to SNAP? Mike Willden: I can be. Governor, coming to the table is Romaine Gilliland from the Welfare Division and Sue Smith. It would probably be best if Mr. Gilliland address the questions. Governor: Good morning, sir. Good morning, ma'am. My questions, I guess I'm looking for a little bit more mechanically how this works. We're sending a million dollars of federal money I understand to the university system to help educate individuals with regard to making healthy food choices. I'm just wondering how the process works and when the money gets there and how that outreach works and the mechanics of it all. Romaine Gilliland: Thank you, Governor. Thank you for the question. And again for the record, Romaine Gilliland, Administrator, Division of Welfare and Supportive Services. Again, both contract 51 and 52 are prepared in conjunction with FNS, and that's the Federal Nutrition Services. It's a federally-sponsored program under CFR 272.2. And what it provides, it provides the states the options to provide education services, which is really designed to educate SNAP participants in healthy food choices to various communities or various organizations throughout the state. And what we do is we provide a plan to FNS which is prepared by, for example, UNR and UNR cooperative extension in the south. Those plans are then submitted to FNS for their approval. Typically, that approval is received late in September for the period beginning October 1 through September 31 of, for example, federal fiscal year 2012. These contracts are on the Board of Examiners' agenda today so that we can avoid retroactive contracts. And they're prepared with budgets that have been submitted to FNS based on plans provided by UNR and UNR cooperative extension, and our anticipation of the approval to be received in the next few weeks.
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Governor: Good. And I get all part of it and I'm not questioning the value of it all. It's just you said they supply a plan. And I'm just curious how does that education, how does that get to the participants? Romaine Gilliland: Thank you very much for the question. Again, more specifically to that, there's a combination of both classroom setting as well as social media. And we've been working with UNR for the last several years and have had a great deal of success in reaching people through an educational environment. And through all the various educational programs, we've touched about 20,000 SNAP participants at an average cost of about $60 per participant in bringing the educational opportunities to them. Governor: So for UNR, is that UNR -- well, because a million dollars sounds like that's a lot of money. And so they were able to educate 20,000 participants? Romaine Gilliland: Thank you, Governor. The 20,000 is through all of the educational programs. So UNR is the largest participant. And, again, UNR cooperative extension provides this education throughout the state including many of the rural counties. Governor: Are there benchmarks for them? Do you follow up and audit in a sense how they're doing with that money? Romaine Gilliland: Thank you, Governor, for the question. Yes. In fact, we have a member on our staff who continually works with them to ensure that they're meeting specific performance measures, and FNS also sends out their representatives to audit these programs as well. So we really have a mutual audit function coordinated between both the state and the federal government. Governor: And I don't mean to sound like I'm picking on the University, because there are several contracts here, so all my questions are (inaudible) to all of the folks that are going to be providing these services. But as I went through this, it's a lot of money, and I know that money can't be put in a different bucket for food, but I just want to ensure that it's all being spent very well and that there is that audit function in the performance measures. Romaine Gilliland: Thank you, Governor. If I could, on the SNAP benefits themselves, the SNAP benefits are provided through a separate funding screening through the federal government, and there's complete separation of the funds so that we're assured that every single participant that presents themselves for eligibility does in fact have the SNAP benefits that they're entitled to. And, yes, we do monitor the program and we do look at the number of dollars that are spent per individual to ensure that we're hopefully accomplishing a use of the SNAP benefits towards healthy food choices. Governor: And there are other contracts, one with the food bank, one with Boys and Girls Club for the community partner interviewers demonstration project. I think translated that means you use those organizations to get people signed up for SNAP. Romaine Gilliland: Again, thank you, Governor, for the question. Yes, those are outreach contracts. And historically the State of Nevada has had a relatively low participation rate in the
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SNAP program with our citizens. So the outreach is a program that allows us to attempt to, through these organizations, reach additional individuals. They accept it on behalf of the division and perform interviews on approximately 5,000 applications last years. And of those 5,000 applications, which we again do the final review and what we might call push the final button of eligibility, 91 percent of those applications were accepted as eligible applications. This both facilitates the individual in obtaining timely SNAP benefits as well as relieves the burden upon our district offices. So those 5,000 individuals did not have to, for example, come into our district offices for eligibility. Governor: And help me understand this, because you made that statement that we have a low participation rate, perhaps the lowest in the country, which is stunning to me given that we are struggling. We lead the country in unemployment. We have our challenges with foreclosures and bankruptcies. Logically there's a disconnect there and I'm trying to understand why we have that challenge. Romaine Gilliland: Historically we do have a low participation rate. The last participation rate that was published by FNS was in 2008 when there was a 51 percent participation rate. If you go back and look at the SNAP participants back in 2008, we had about 150,000 people participating. Today we have about 370,000 participating. We estimate our participation rate to be in the low 70 percent today. And we expect it to be something over 400,000 by the end of the biennium. I will also tell you that for the last several measurement periods, the State of Nevada has been in the top five as far as SNAP participation growth amongst all the states in the country. So in 2008 we did have the lowest participation. I'm hoping that we see a significant improvement in that. Governor: I hope you didn't take my comment as being critical. I just was trying to understand where we're coming from. Romaine Gilliland: Governor, thank you for that. Actually, I consider your comment to be very positive because this is an area that we struggle to be sure that the opportunity is there for those citizens who are eligible. Governor: Thank you very much. Any other questions from Board members? Thank you, sir. Next item is Contract No. 68. Harold Cook: Good morning, Governor, members of the Board. I'm Harold Cook, the administrator for Mental Health Developmental Services. Contract Item No. 68 is a temporary medical services contract for rural mental health for physicians, psychiatrists, advanced-practice nurses and registered nurses. Governor: And, Mr. Cook, my question really wasn't with regard to this contract. As you know, at the internal audits meeting, there was an internal audit that was performed, and there were some issues with regard to physician attendance in Southern Nevada and I saw this as an opportunity to get an update from you on how that situation is going. Harold Cook: Thank you, Governor. Yes. The issues at Southern Nevada Adult Mental Services are being addressed. We have two processes in place right now. We have an RFP on the street for internal medicine doctors. And some of the more egregious problems that we had in the audit were from the internal medicine doctors. We anticipate having responses by next
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month, October 1, and hope to have a vendor selected by the 1st of January of 2012. That will then privatize all of our internal medicine services for Rawson-Neal Hospital and should resolve at least some of those problems. With respect to the other avenue that we're taking, we have begun to require all physicians, and this may sound childish, but we've begun to require them to sign in and sign out. I have the sign-in sheets and sign-out sheets here. We started that earlier this month to try to track better their attendance and their devotion to the job. Governor: No. I thank you for that, Mr. Cook. I saw this again as an opportunity to see -- for you just to tell how conditions have improved with regard to their attendance. And how is that signing in and signing out working? Harold Cook: They are complying with the requirement to sign in and sign out. A brief review of the data that we have would indicate that they are still not consistently working an eight-hour day, or a ten-hour day as required by their schedule, but that is being addressed by management at Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health. Governor: So will these new RFPs cure that situation with regard to getting paid for the hours you actually work only? Harold Cook: That is the intent of the RFP is to get a medical management company which we can hold responsible for the services delivered. If they don't deliver the services, we don't pay them. So it will resolve the issue specifically with internal medicine. The larger issue with the psychiatry staff will remain. Governor: When you say will remain that you still have that issue of people billing for hours that are not working? Harold Cook: We will have the issue of people being paid for hours that they are not working. That is correct. Governor: And you're trying to fix that as well? Harold Cook: We are working on that as well. Yes, sir. Governor: And in what way are we trying to correct that? Harold Cook: The initial effort is the sign-in sheet where physicians, when they walk into the building, they have to sign in and sign out. And the reason for that, Governor, is that the key card method of tracking their time has certain flaws in it that does make it somewhat inaccurate. So our solution to that right now is to have the docs sign in and sign out. The management reviews those sign-in and sign-out sheets and when necessary, they bring it to the attention of the physician that their time on duty is not sufficient according to the contractual obligation. I will have to tell you that the psychiatrists have indicated in writing that they do not believe that they are required to be on duty for 40 hours a week, that their productivity is better measured by other factors such as length of stay in the hospital, recidivism rates, medical records compliance and other issues that reflect on the effective operation of the hospital. And quite truthfully, those measures are improved, but they are adamant that their positions should not be required to be there on duty eight hours a day routinely.
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Governor: We can probably visit about this later. I respectfully disagree. Harold Cook: I do too. Yes, sir. Governor: I'll just leave it at that, because I'm very concerned about that. Not just from a fiscal standpoint, but from a patient standpoint that, I'll use this word again, logically to me, the more often that a physician is there treating his or her patients that -- and it just doesn't make sense to me that somebody should be paid for when they're not there when the contract provides that they're there 40 hours a week. Harold Cook: Yes, sir. Governor: So I'll leave it at that. Any other Board members have any questions for Mr. Cook? Again, I'm not being critical of you. I appreciate the fact that you are taking this issue on. Harold Cook: This is a longstanding issue, Governor, and we will continue to work on it. Governor: All right. Thank you very much. Corrections. Mr. Cox, are you there? Contract Item 76 and 77, Department of

Greg Cox: Yes, Governor, Greg Cox, Director of Department of Corrections. Down there Debbie Reed, Deputy Director of Support Services is up in northern Carson with you. I'll be glad to talk about 76. Basically it's health care services that we provide to our inmates through a preferred provider organization, PPO, through a third-party administrator. I can get in the financial details and Debbie can provide or I can provide you some more information about what this has done to the department's state. Basically what they do is they negotiate contracted rates through our medical providers and these are kind of the network rates. These discounted rates show a savings for us in the north Carson City area and our northern facilities of 1.7 million, which is substantial. And I really want to congratulate my staff and the work that they've done to make that happen. And that's 76 and that's with Hometown Healthcare Providers. We also have a similar contract, it's 77, in the south with Multiplan. And even though the initial cost permit was a little higher, we believe we'll have $600,000 in additional savings as a result of that due to more competitive marketplace here in Las Vegas. Our total payments to medical providers in 2011 were $14,138,000. Without the PPO discount, our payments would have been $32,754,000. So we saw a savings by using the PPO, preferred provider organization, of $18,615,000. To date, savings in FY12 are $2,441,000. We'd like to answer any questions you might have, Governor. Governor: Mr. Cox, thank you. The reason I asked for you to make this presentation is that sometimes you look at this cold booklet that includes all these different contracts and there's a very good story to be told here in terms of patient care as well as the amount of money that the state has saved. So I really just wanted to give you all at the Department of Corrections an opportunity to talk about the fact of how much savings that you have provided, but at the same time maintain the high level of medical care for the inmates. Are there any other questions from Board members? Thank you very much. Greg Cox: Thank you, Governor.
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Governor: Next is Contract No. 85, Department of Public Safety. Good morning. Richard Wiggins: Good morning. Richard Wiggins, Department of Public Safety. Governor: My question here is I wasn't aware of the Badge on Board program. And when I read this, there's just a brief description. We have this Badge on Board program that's been implemented. This contract is with the University to measure how that program did. Richard Wiggins: That's correct. Governor: So would you just provide a brief description of what the Badge on Board program is and then just the analysis of passenger behavior around large trucks? I'm just kind of curious. Richard Wiggins: Yeah, it's a good program actually. We put troopers in the cab of a semitruck and when -- well, let me back up. Federal research shows that 56 percent of accidents with large trucks are caused by passenger cars. And in 70 percent of those cases it's the passenger in the car who's (inaudible). So we recognize that passenger cars are a major issue with truck safety, so we put a trooper in the cab of a truck to observe unsafe moving violations around the trucks. And then they radio back to a trooper on the ground who tracks down the violator and issues a citation. And part of the program also is a media public education program. We do billboards, radio, other means to try to help folks understand the no zone and safe driving around large trucks. As part of the grant requirements we have to do an evaluation so they can see whether or not this is actually a beneficial program. Governor: Thank you, Mr. Wiggins. All I was looking for is more of an explanation because, again, there's a good story to be told here. I know as a member of this Chair that at Board of Transportation there is a goal of zero fatalities in the state, and this is another important piece of reaching that goal. Richard Wiggins: Absolutely. Governor: Are there any other questions from Board members? Thank you, sir. Richard Wiggins: Thank you. Governor: Next is Contract 100 (inaudible). Female: We have staff down in Las Vegas to speak to this contract. We have Lynda Parven who is our Deputy Administrator for the Employment Security Division, as well as Cornelius Eason who is part of the Workforce Connections, Southern Nevada Workforce (inaudible). Lynda Parven: Good morning. I'm Lynda Parven. I serve as the Deputy Administrator for the Employment Security Division. This contract is for the Local Workforce Investment Board of Southern Nevada called Workforce Connections to hire three staff to provide layoff aversion strategies to businesses in Southern Nevada.

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Governor: I know everyone is working very hard to keep people employed, so I just wanted an explanation of what layoff aversion services are and what those three individuals will be doing. Cornelius Eason: Governor, for the record, Cornelius Eason, Director of Regional Strategies for Workforce Connections. Essentially this team of three will act as business consultants, and so they'll interact with businesses through various outreach efforts to understand when a business is experiencing some problems and anticipating either a reduction in sales or increase in expenses that would cause them to lose profitability and ultimately layoff people. So they essentially are business consultants. Their job will be, when they determine that a business is experiencing negative results, to assemble resources and/or subject matter experts from organizations like SCORE or SBA or UNLV, a small business resource center, and try to address those problems and avoid the layoff of people. John Ball: And then, Governor, if I might, this is John Ball, Director of Workforce Connections. This is a model that's been very successful around the country. The Department of Labor and the Employment Training Administration are promoting it aggressively around the country over the last year or two as the economy has continued to bump along near what we hope is the bottom. And it essentially -- the return on investments that this model has gained around the country by getting inside of businesses at the point where they start having trouble and bringing all the assets, both public and private sector assets, that are available into that company to either reduce the layoff or potentially reduce a plant closure or a company closing down, and get workers trained to a higher level of performance and particularly in new markets and new products has been very successful. Governor: And if I'm a small business owner, how is this triggered? How do I know to get a hold of you? Because this sounds like a great service and we do have a lot of struggling businesses. How do they become aware that this resource is available? John Ball: I think a large part, Governor, will be using our traditional contact methods. We work very aggressively with all the chambers of commerce, business associations across Southern Nevada, the Nevada Development Authority and others. We have had over the last several years a rapid response network in place that many employers are familiar with. And so I think that we will have, using all those assets and an aggressive social media outreach strategy, we'll have a large opportunity to contact businesses across Southern Nevada. I think the other piece that will be important are these three positions will be key to the business community in using a variety of intelligent sources that will give them an early indication that a particular company might be able to use some assistance. So everything from Dunn & Bradstreet and Moody's listings to the kind of personal contacts that we maintain with literally hundreds of employers and business agencies across Southern Nevada is the network we will use. Governor: How many businesses have you assisted this year, do you have any idea? John Ball: I think if you take a look at both the state one-stop system and the direct employment training program that we use in Southern Nevada, I think already in this program year, we started July 1, it'd probably be in the range of 300 to 400 businesses. Governor: That's great news, congratulations.
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John Ball: Thank you. Governor: Any other questions from Board members? Thank you very much. I have no further questions with regard to any of the Contracts 1 through 106. If Board members have no questions regarding any other contracts, the Chair will accept a motion for approval. Attorney General: I'll move for approval of Contracts 1 through 106. Secretary of State: Second. Governor: We have a motion by the Attorney General for approval of Contracts 1 through 106 under Agenda Item No. 7, a second by the Secretary of State. Any questions or discussion on the motion? Hearing none, all in favor of the motion, please say aye. Motion passes.



Eight master service agreements were submitted to the Board for review and approval. Clerks Recommendation: I recommend approval. Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0

Governor: Next agenda item, Agenda Item No. 8, Master Service Agreements. Mohlenkamp.


Clerk: Thank you, Governor. Before you are eight separate Master Service Agreements that all have been taken through the standard process with purchasing to come before you for consideration. Governor: Thank you, Mr. Mohlenkamp. Mr. Cox, I see that you're still at the table. I was going to ask you about MSA's 4 and 5, with regard to the kiosks at the Department of Corrections. Greg Cox: Yes, Governor. Greg Cox, for the record, Director of Department of Corrections. The Master Service Agreements between the first one, No. 4 basically allows us to put the kiosk in our units, which the inmates can go and order their store, what we call commissary store, from our store without having to go over there. It also gives us an ability to look at from an operational standpoint what they're buying. It reduces their movement outside the units which provides us, quite frankly, for more safe environment because they're not outside their units. Overall we are looking at how we can provide that one-on-one service more effectively and more efficiently. It's something with this Master Service Agreement that western states such as Wyoming, Hawaii and Arizona, we're actually the lead state. And some eastern board states like Virginia and several others are also involved in this process. We hope to leverage our buying power among the states to be able to provide, quite frankly, more revenue for us in the department as a result of that.

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Governor: Mr. Cox, do those kiosks do more than that though? I mean, does it allow for the inmates to file their grievances, or if they're seeking medical attention that they can do that now electronically which makes things more efficient? Greg Cox: Thanks for the question, Governor. Yes, it does. It's gonna give them the ability to communicate using that kiosk for any grievance purposes or what we call medical requests that are made through our medical service. They can go right there. We can pull that information right at our fingertips, not only determine the amount but whether we're providing a service on a unit in particular or whether we're having issues with grievances, quite frankly, I know that the attorney general's office deals with those issues, and we'll be able to pull that information. I think for a short term being able to provide a quicker response not only to the inmate population, which with our staff working on the unit, it will enable them to better deal with that population because they won't be frustrated that we're not getting back to them as quick as they'd like us too. Governor: And finally, how are these kiosks being paid for, Mr. Cox? Greg Cox: Governor, thanks for the question again. These kiosks are not going to be paid by any taxpayers from our state. They'll be paid through with a contract by going to the vendors that's providing the services.. Governor: And how do they make their money? Greg Cox: Good question, Governor. They make their money through the sale of the store items and then, quite frankly, the profit that they make from that pays for the backbone in those type of systems. Governor: I have no further questions. Any other Board members have questions? Thank you very much. If none of the Board members have any questions with regard to Agenda Item No. 8, Master Service Agreements 1 through 8, the Chair will accept a motion for approval. Attorney General: I'll move for approval of Agenda Item No. 8, Contracts 1 through 8. Secretary of State: Second. Governor: We have a motion by the Attorney General for approval of Agenda Item No. 8, Master Service Agreements 1 through 8, a second by the Secretary of State. Is there any questions or discussion on the motion? Hearing none, all in favor of the motion, please say aye. Motion passes unanimously.


A. Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Division of State Lands

Pursuant to NRS Chapters 111, Statues of the Nevada, 1989 at page 263, the Division of State Lands is required to provide the Board of Examiners quarterly reports regarding lands or interests in lands transferred, sold, exchanged or leased under the Tahoe Basin Act program. Also,
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pursuant to Chapter 355, Statues of Nevada, 1993, at page 1153 the agency is to report quarterly on the status of real property or interests in real property transferred under the Lake Tahoe Mitigation Program. This submittal reports on program activities for the fiscal quarter ending June 30, 2011 (reference NRS 321.5954). 1989 Tahoe Basin Act The agency reports that there were no transfers of lands or interests in lands during the quarter. There were no acquisitions of lands or interest in lands during this quarter. Lake Tahoe Mitigation Program The agency reports that there was one land coverage sales transaction under this program for the quarter. That transaction involved the sale of 2,616 square feet of Class 4 restored land coverage in the South Stateline hydrologic zone and generated $48,396 in proceeds. The agency also reports that there was one acquisition of interest in land under the Lake Tahoe Mitigation Program during the fourth quarter of FY11. The Nevada Land Bank purchased 164,613 square feet of sensitive land coverage from the Incline Lake Corporation at a cost of $800,000. No state funds were used in this transaction. Comments: B. Department of Transportation Administration

A dispute existed as to the responsibility for payment of construction costs arising from a developer agreement entered into between the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) and Syncon Homes. NDOT requested additional payment of $400,000 and Syncon has offered $100,000 in full and final payment of NDOT's demand for payment. No litigation has been filed relative to this dispute. The Agreement provides that payment is to be directed to NDOT by the last day of August. Comments: C. Letters from Clark County and Washoe County demanding repayment of taxes deposited in the State General Fund pursuant to AB 595 passed by the 2007 Legislature and AB 543 passed by the 2009 Legislature

On July 5, 2011, the Clark County District Attorneys office submitted a letter to the members of the Board of Examiners demanding repayment of funds in the amount of $102,533,033. The claim for refund cites the Nevada Supreme Court decision in Clean Water Coalition vs. the M. Resort, 127 Nev. Adv. Op. No 24 and claims that the diversion of funds from Clark County to the State pursuant to AB 543 passed, which became effective July 1, 2009 is unconstitutional. On July 6, 2011, the Washoe County Commission submitted a letter to the Nevada State Controller demanding repayment of funds in the amount of $21,497,617. The claim for refund cites the Nevada Supreme Court decision in Clean Water Coalition vs. the M. Resort, 127 Nev. Adv. Op. No 24 and claims that the diversion of funds from Washoe County to the State General
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Fund and the State Highway Fund is unconstitutional. The Washoe County demand letter cites both AB 543 passed by the 2009 Legislature and AB 595 passed by the 2007 Legislature. The Washoe County demand letter states that the County will withhold payment of any such revenues the County has not yet paid. Comments: Governor: We move onto Agenda Item No. 9, Information Items. Mr. Mohlenkamp. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. On the agenda, the informational items are three separate items. The first is Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Division of State Lands. They're reporting no transfers of lands in the last quarter. There is the Lake Tahoe mitigation program and they have made a report of no state funds used in the transaction that is recorded. And then there's a third and final under the Department of Transportation Administration under Agenda Item No. A -- I'm sorry, that's Item A. Do you want to take these together or you want to separate them? Governor: Let's take them separate. Clerk: Agenda Item A actually is before you if you'd like a report from anything further from the agencies. Governor: The documents I have in here are self-explanatory with regard to Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and the Tahoe Basin Act and Tahoe Mitigation Program. Do any other Board members have any questions with regard to that agenda item? So then we'll move on onto Agenda Item 9 B. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. 9 B is a agenda item for a settlement that has been negotiated between the Nevada Department of Transportation and Syncon Homes, and this is a settlement where the state is receiving $100,000. Is someone from the department if you need any? Governor: I see Mr. Gallagher here. Hello, Mr. Miles. Did you want to provide any brief description of what it's about? Mr. Miles: This settlement arises from a dispute between Syncon Homes and the Department of Transportation. There arose controversy as to who might be responsible for costs arising from change orders. NDOT made a demand for $400,000 for payments of costs. Syncon responded with an offer of $100,000 and indicated that they may be going into bankruptcy. And we believe that the acceptance of the $100,000 was in the public interest and, in fact, that amount has been tendered. Governor: I appreciate the memo. It's very thorough. I mean, essentially you have the authority to enter into this agreement, but I appreciate the courtesy of keeping the Board aware of the settlement that was made in this case. I think that was a good result given the financial status of the other party. Madam Attorney General, I don't know if you had any questions, maybe not. Attorney General: No, I don't. Just a comment because I know -- I'm assuming this particular agenda item will also be brought before NDOT as well so that that Board will have the
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information like we have it. And the only other question I throw out there is because this really would never be an item that this Board would make a decision on or take an action on, whether we want this type of information before us or we just want to strictly limit it to those court litigation action items, that means we really take action on, and that's something I would throw out there. Mr. Miles: Thank you, Madam Attorney General. And that's certainly before the Board for discussion as to whether these types of informational items you'd like to have come before you or whether you would like those items essentially not to be appearing on the agenda. Governor: I guess my only comment would be, as long as it's being reviewed by one or the other, I'm comfortable that it has been reviewed by the Department of Transportation which is probably where it belongs given that those are the folks in the Attorney General's office that are handling it. I don't believe that these DOT-type items, as long as they're on the agenda for the Transportation Board, need to be on this Board of Examiners' agenda. Do you agree, Madam Attorney General? Attorney General: Yes. Obviously this is not an action item for us, but I agree with your comments, Governor. Governor: Do you have any comments, Mr. Secretary? Secretary of State: No, Governor. Governor: Thank you, Mr. Miles. Mr. Miles: Thank you, Governor. Governor: We move onto Agenda Item 9 C. Clerk: Thank you, Governor. Before the Board as an informational item are two separate letters that were received. There was a letter from Clark County that was received on July 5, 2011 to the Board of Examiners for consideration of demanding a repayment of funds in the amount of $102,533,033. Similarly, on July 6, 2011, the Washoe County Commission submitted a letter to the Nevada State Controller who in turn submitted it to the Clerk and the Board, myself, demanding repayment of funds in the amount of $21,497,617. They both have cited the Clean Water Coalition Supreme Court case as the reasoning for their demand. Governor: Thank you, Mr. Mohlenkamp. And I have taken the opportunity to review each of the demand letters that were sent by Washoe County as well as Clark County. And as you say, these arise out of their interpretation of the Clean Water Coalition v. The M. Resort. This has to do with a prior budget cycle and prior budgets in seeking refunds of monies from prior budgets that were approved in the past and were not as connected with the 2011 legislature or legislative budget that was approved. I have had an opportunity to meet with a representative or attorney at the Attorney General's office. As a result of that meeting, I have instructed or asked the Attorney General to seek a meeting with both Clark County and Washoe County to essentially investigate the nature and the specifics of their claim. I think it's prudent at this point before this matter were to proceed to any kind of litigation to begin a dialogue between the state and the respective
Board of Examiners Meeting

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counties. This is obviously a very complex legal matter that includes an interpretation of a very recent Nevada Supreme Court case. Given that these demand letters were sent in the first week of July, we are in the second week of September, as I said, I think it is prudent that a discussion be had. And depending on what the outcome of that is, that information can come back to this board so that it can make an informed decision with regard to the consideration of those requests for a refund from this Board. So I don't know if there are any other Board member comments with regard to this agenda item. Madam Attorney General? Attorney General: Sure. Thank you, Governor. I do agree with the plan of action that you've just suggested. Ultimately it does have to come back to this Board for decision, but it does make sense to open dialogues with the counties beforehand to see what we can work out if anything possible short of coming back to this Board, and most importantly, short of any type of protracted litigation. Governor: I neglected to mention as well that I'm going to be asking Mr. Mohlenkamp to participate in that as well. As I said, I think it is reasonable that the budget director be a part of those negotiations and discussions with the county representatives. Mr. Secretary, did you have any comment with regard to this agenda item? Secretary of State: No, Governor. I have been briefed by the Attorney General's office and will follow your lead. Governor: Any other comments with regard to this agenda item? Hearing none.


Comments: Governor: Are there members of the public here in Carson City that would like to provide public comment with regard to any item on the agenda? Is there anyone present in Las Vegas who would like to provide public comment? This Agenda Item also provides for Board member comments. Do any of the Board members have any comments? Any comments, Mr. Secretary? Secretary of State: No, Governor. Governor: Then I'll close public comment.


Motion By: Attorney General Comments: Seconded By: Secretary of State Vote: 3-0

Governor: Final item on the agenda is adjournment. Is there a motion to adjourn? Attorney General: I'll move for adjournment.

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Secretary of State: Second. Governor: We have a motion by the Attorney General, a second by the Secretary for adjournment. All those in favor of the motion, please say aye. Motion passes unanimously. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. This meeting is adjourned. Respectfully submitted, ________________________________________________________________________ JEFF MOHLENKAMP, CLERK APPROVED: ________________________________________________________________________ GOVERNOR BRIAN SANDOVAL, CHAIRMAN ________________________________________________________________________ ATTORNEY GENERAL CATHERINE CORTEZ MASTO ________________________________________________________________________ SECRETARY OF STATE ROSS MILLER

Board of Examiners Meeting

September 13, 2011 Minutes Page 23

BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12665 Legal Entity BLACK & LOBELLO PLLC Name: Contractor Name: BLACK & LOBELLO PLLC Address: 10777 W TWAIN AVE STE 300 City/State/Zip LAS VEGAS, NV 89135-3038

Agency Name: ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE Agency Code: 030 Appropriation Unit: 1031-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/869-8801 Vendor No.: T27023850 NV Business ID: NV20071658868 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Contingency Fee Contract Agency Reference #: 030 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

08/10/2015 3 years and 314 days Other (include description): Contingency Fee Contract Special Counsel

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide professional services as attorneys pursuant to NAC 333.150 to the Office of the Attorney General to assist in the investigation and prosecution of all appropriate civil claims against mortgage lenders, servicers, trustees, notaries, and their respective directors, officers, agents, and successors in interest for unlawful acts involving foreclosures on Nevada homeowners. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $3,150,000.00 Other basis for payment: $75 - $400 per hour. The maximum amount is an estimate based on value of services only; payment is contingency fee based.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The State of Nevada leads the country in the number of home foreclosures. Efforts to mitigate this foreclosure problem, including loan modification programs, have not been successful. An investigation by the Attorney General's Office (AG's Office) indicates that certain default servicers are utilizing certain practices including so-called "robo-signing" activities. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The Attorney General has determined that it is in the best interests of the State of Nevada to employ private counsel to assist in the prosecution of the afore-mentioned civil claims. These claims involve complex factual and legal issues in the area of real estate and related fields of law. The litigation will require the expenditure of substantial resources and use of manpower. The Attorney General seeks to limit the State's expenditure of resources by having private counsel advance the litigation expenses. The law firm of Black & Lobello have the manpower, resources and expertise to provide essential assistance to the AG's Office in the prosecution of these claims.
Contract #: 12665 Page 1 of 2 1

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This vendor (law office) was chosen in preference to others due to their expertise in this particular field of the law. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: The Foreclosure Mediation Program and the Administrative Office of the Courts is using this contractor as performing professional services. I am not aware of a State of Nevada contract. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: LLC 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval
Contract #: 12665

User dcallens clesli1 chowle shanshew csawaya jmurph1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 09/12/2011 10:17:34 AM 09/12/2011 10:25:48 AM 09/12/2011 11:17:33 AM 09/12/2011 11:18:54 AM 09/15/2011 14:29:48 PM 09/21/2011 13:46:31 PM 09/21/2011 13:46:36 PM

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12641 Legal Entity ADAMS, VERNON F DBA Name: Contractor Name: ADAMS, VERNON F DBA Address: FADAMS ASSOCIATES LLC 1426 PINEHURST DR City/State/Zip MESQUITE, NV 89027

Agency Name: ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE Agency Code: 030 Appropriation Unit: 1042-18 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/379-6591 Vendor No.: T29011539 NV Business ID: NV20051026105 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 030 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 10/2011 09/12/2011

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain Memorandum is attached stating that the contract is retroactive due to the lengthy amendment process. 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 06/30/2012 292 days Contract Liaison SAVIN Grant

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide effective project management skills to the participants of the Nevada Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification Project (NV VINE). The Liaison will work closely with Nevada Sheriffs' and Chiefs' and Department of Public Safety. The Liaison will review, monitor and ensure that the Vendor is completing all work product according to the grant and contract requirements and the grant requirements are completed within the time frame stated. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $24,000.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $50.00 per hour

7. What conditions require that this work be done? This is a new contract to act as a liaison between the Nevada Office of the Attorney General and the Nevada Department of Corrections for a grant awarded to implement a statewide victim notification system. The liaison is necessary to provide project management skills to the participants of this system. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: There is no State employee with the knowledge and experience to complete the tasks required of this liaison. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division?
Contract #: 12641

Yes No

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a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? FADAMS was the only vendor to respond to an Informal Solicitation conducted by the Attorney General's Office. d. Last bid date: 07/06/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 06/01/2012 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: LLC 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dcallens clesli1 chowle shanshew csawaya jmurph1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 09/07/2011 10:47:02 AM 09/07/2011 10:50:32 AM 09/08/2011 08:44:47 AM 09/08/2011 10:33:02 AM 09/21/2011 09:25:10 AM 09/21/2011 13:47:48 PM 09/21/2011 13:47:52 PM

Contract #: 12641

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12659 Legal Entity BOARD OF REGENTS-UNLV Name: Contractor Name: BOARD OF REGENTS-UNLV Address: UNLV OFFICE OF CONTROLLER 4505 MARYLAND PKWY MS 1005 City/State/Zip LAS VEGAS, NV 89154-1005

Agency Name: ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE Agency Code: 030 Appropriation Unit: 1042-19 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/895-1142 Vendor No.: D35000813 NV Business ID: NA To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 030 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2012 273 days Interlocal Agreement Facilitator

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide services as a Statewide Domestic Violence Fatality Review Facilitator by establishing a domestic violence fatality review team in Clark County, Nevada, and coordinating the creation of standard protocols for teams and reviews in Nevada. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $12,000.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $1,333.00 per month

7. What conditions require that this work be done? SB66 was passed during the 2011 legislative session and authorizes the Nevada Office of the Attorney General to organize multidisciplinary teams to review the deaths of domestic violence victims. The faciilitator is necessary to assist the Nevada Office of the Attorney General with this process. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The State does not have any employees that have the requisite expertise to perform these services. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals:
Contract #: 12659

Yes No

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b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This vendor is the only one that responded to the informal solicitation. d. Last bid date: 07/20/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 06/01/2012 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dcallens clesli1 chowle shanshew csawaya jmurph1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 09/08/2011 14:20:48 PM 09/08/2011 14:24:37 PM 09/08/2011 16:28:57 PM 09/08/2011 16:32:38 PM 09/16/2011 09:59:03 AM 09/19/2011 11:42:35 AM 09/19/2011 11:42:39 AM

Contract #: 12659

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12662 Legal Entity Deborah C. Mash Name: Contractor Name: Deborah C. Mash Address: 7552 West Treasure Drive City/State/Zip Miami, FL 33141

Agency Name: ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE Agency Code: 030 Appropriation Unit: 1348-15 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Dr. Deborah Mash 305-243-5888 Vendor No.: T27028607 NV Business ID: NV20111494075 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Insurance Premium Trust Fund 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 10/2011 08/09/2011

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain The request for a retroactive approval is due to the overlapping of time in Dr. Mash starting her services for the State, getting all contract documents signed and meeting the deadlines for getting the contract submitted for placement on the BOE agenda. The nature of the defense of these lawsuits puts the Office of the Attorney General under strict time frames and services of expert witnesses such as Dr. Mash are usually required as soon as possible. 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 06/30/2014 2 years and 326 days Contract Expert Witness

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide expert witness services in the defense of a current potential lawsuit and possible future lawsuits. The vendor will review any/all pertinent documents, records, reports, and provide an expert opinion and/or testimony, as well as assist and participate in the presentation of trial and presentation of evidence. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $25,000.00 Other basis for payment: invoiced when services rendered per Attachment C

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Pending and/or possible complex lawsuit against the State of Nevada 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: This office doesn't have the staff or the expertise that is required 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals:
Contract #: 12662

No No

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Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Per NAC 333.150 2(b)1, Dr. Mash was chosen in preference to others due to her experience and knowledge in neurology and cellular pharmacology with an emphasis on hallucinogenic drugs that will assist the office with pending and/or possible lawsuits. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dcallens clesli1 chowle dgrass jmurph1 jmurph1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 09/09/2011 09:00:32 AM 09/09/2011 13:11:46 PM 09/09/2011 13:22:18 PM 09/09/2011 13:30:29 PM 09/19/2011 11:46:07 AM 09/19/2011 11:46:13 AM 09/19/2011 11:46:15 AM

Contract #: 12662

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12522 Legal Entity RELIABLE PUMP INC DBA Name: Contractor Name: RELIABLE PUMP INC DBA Address: RELIABLE PUMP & MOTOR PO BOX 31115 City/State/Zip LAS VEGAS, NV 89173

Agency Name: STATE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION Agency Code: 082 Appropriation Unit: 1349-12 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/243-5116 Vendor No.: T27007656A NV Business ID: NV20001484286 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % X Fees 100.00 % Buildings and Grounds, building rent income fees Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 10/2011 10/11/2011

09/30/2015 3 years and 355 days Contract Motor/Pump Service

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new ongoing contract for the provision of general repair, rebuild, maintenance and service of industrial motors and pumps and all associated equipment for various State buildings in Southern Nevada. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $20,000.00 Other basis for payment: Regular labor rate $95.00 per hour per technician; Overtime, weekend & Holiday labor rate $142.50 per hour per technician; Shop labor $85.00 per hour; Plasma cutter and welder repair shop rate $85.00 per hour; Generator repair shop rate $75.00 per hour; small crane fee $50.00 flat rate; large crane fee $150.00 flat rate; outside large crane fee $165.00 per hour; confine space entry fee $475.00 - $650.00 flat rate, contingent upon complexity of problem; normal hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday; overtime hours 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. and any hours Saturday and Sunday; materials at cost plus up to 25%.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The services are necessary for safety and sanitation. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Lack of manpower, expertise and equipment. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals:
Contract #: 12522

No No

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Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Per SAM 0338.0 each contractor on file for this service will be contacted to submit bids on projects. d. Last bid date: 07/01/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 07/01/2015 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 2009 - 2011, Buildings and Grounds, Service Satisfactory 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User kaplin cedward2 cedward2 kaplin jborrowm jteska jteska Pending

Signature Date 08/19/2011 11:10:42 AM 08/22/2011 14:16:46 PM 08/22/2011 14:16:50 PM 08/22/2011 15:43:32 PM 08/23/2011 13:41:50 PM 09/21/2011 14:27:01 PM 09/21/2011 14:27:05 PM

Contract #: 12522

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: CONV6021 Amendment 2 Number: Legal Entity Xcel Maintenance Services, Inc Name: Contractor Name: Xcel Maintenance Services, Inc Address: City/State/Zip 8920 Colorful Pines Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89143

Agency Name:

BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS DIVISION Agency Code: 082 Appropriation Unit: 1349-12 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null7023419235 Vendor No.: T81103343 NV Business ID: NV20021426879 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2009-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % X Fees 100.00 % Buildings and Grounds building rent income fees Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 09/2011 02/01/2009

01/31/2012 4 years Contract Janitorial, Building Maintenance and Repair Servic

5. Purpose of contract: This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides janitorial services for the Department of Motor Vehicles, Flamingo and Sahara Offices, Las Vegas and includes extra services, as needed and requested by a Buildings and Grounds Section designee. This amendment extends the termination date from January 31, 2012 to January 31, 2013; and increases the amount of the contract from $542,500.00 to $729,300.00 for services added as a result of the extended termination date. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $504,220.00 $38,280.00 $186,800.00 $729,300.00 01/31/2013

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The need for State buildings to be kept clean. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Lack of manpower.
Contract #: CONV6021 Page 1 of 2 6

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals:

Yes No

b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? The Evaluation Committee for RFP#1060 scored Xcel Maintenance Services, Inc. the highest overall rating. d. Last bid date: 08/01/2008 Anticipated re-bid date: 08/01/2012 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 2008-2011, Buildings and Grounds, service satisfactory 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User kaplin cedward2 cedward2 kaplin jborrowm jteska jteska

Signature Date 09/07/2011 13:13:57 PM 09/07/2011 17:31:52 PM 09/07/2011 17:31:56 PM 09/12/2011 09:28:48 AM 09/16/2011 14:22:46 PM 09/21/2011 14:33:53 PM 09/21/2011 14:33:56 PM

Contract #: CONV6021

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12588 Legal Entity JBA CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC Name: Contractor Name: JBA CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC Address: 5155 W PATRICK LN STE 100 City/State/Zip LAS VEGAS, NV 89118-2828

Agency Name: STATE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION Agency Code: 082 Appropriation Unit: 1551-09 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/362-9200 Vendor No.: T80928382 NV Business ID: NV20091413391 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2015 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % X Bonds 100.00 % Proceeds from Sale of Bonds Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 7367 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 09/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2015 3 years and 303 days Contract PROF SERV AGR

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide professional architectural/engineering services to replace doors, locks and control panels in the housing units 2, 3 & 4 at the Southern Desert Correctonal Center; Project No. 11-M15; Contract No. 7367. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $170,180.00 Other basis for payment: Monthly progress payments on services provided.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? 2011 CIP 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Professional Services are provided by SPWB to support the State Capital Improvement Program. Consultants are selected based on their ability to provide design and engineering services to meet the goals established by the Legislature. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150)
Contract #: 12588 Page 1 of 2 7

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Demonstrated the required expertise for work on this project. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm jrodrig9 cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 08/25/2011 14:31:13 PM 08/25/2011 14:31:16 PM 08/25/2011 14:31:18 PM 08/25/2011 14:36:46 PM 08/31/2011 09:11:38 AM 09/16/2011 08:20:55 AM 09/16/2011 08:21:05 AM

Contract #: 12588

Page 2 of 2

BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: CONV4644 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 5 ARRINGTON WATKINS ARCHITECTS ARRINGTON WATKINS ARCHITECTS 5240 N 16TH ST STE 101 PHOENIX, AZ 85016

Agency Name: STATE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION Agency Code: 082 Appropriation Unit: 1565-43 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: DAVID WATKINS 6022794373 Vendor No.: T29005651 NV Business ID: NV20041116632 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2008-2012 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % X Bonds 100.00 % Proceeds from Sale of Bonds Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 2362 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 09/2011 10/08/2007

10/30/2011 4 years and 23 days Contract Professional Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is the fifth amendment to the original contract, which provides professional architectural/engineering services for the Southern Desert Correctional Center Expansion, Indian Springs, NV; Project No. 07-C07(A); Contract No. 2362. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $2,382,726.26 to $2,410,319.26 due to additional security electronics, deletion of dining room ceilings, and reconfiguration of the dining room control officer station. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $2,456,000.00 -$73,273.74 $27,593.00 $2,410,319.26

7. What conditions require that this work be done? 2007 CIP 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Professional Services are provided by SPWB to support the State Capital Improvement Program. Consultants are selected based on their ability to provide design and engineering services to meet the goals established by the Legislature. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: CONV4644

Page 1 of 2 8

Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Demonstrated the required expertise for work on this project. Currently under contract for this work. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm jrodrig9 cwatson cwatson

Signature Date 08/29/2011 14:51:21 PM 08/29/2011 14:51:25 PM 08/29/2011 14:51:29 PM 08/29/2011 15:27:50 PM 08/31/2011 09:08:32 AM 09/16/2011 08:19:49 AM 09/16/2011 08:19:54 AM

Contract #: CONV4644

Page 2 of 2

BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 10780 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 2 JACOBS ENGINEERING GROUP INC JACOBS ENGINEERING GROUP INC 501 N BROADWAY SAINT LOUIS, MO 63102-2131

Agency Name: STATE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION Agency Code: 082 Appropriation Unit: 1566-18 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null314/335-4324 Vendor No.: T29016435 NV Business ID: NV20001305970 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2010-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 88.00 % X Bonds 12.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 10/2011 05/11/2010

06/30/2013 3 years and 51 days Contract Professional Service

5. Purpose of contract: This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides professional architectural/engineering services for the Nevada Army National Guard new field maintenance shop facility on the Las Vegas Readiness Center site located at 4500 W. Silverado Ranch Blvd., Las Vegas, NV SPWB Project No. 09-C13, SPWB Contract No. 5240. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $1,284,486.13 to $1,297,756.70 for civil site improvements incorported into the field maintenance shop project for the Civil Support Team/Weapons of Mass Destruction Center project. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $1,282,068.50 $2,417.63 $13,270.52 $1,297,756.65

Contract #: 10780 Page 1 of 2 9

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? The agency has verified that this vendor does has a valid and current Nevada business license. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: SPWB, CURRENTLY AND/OR IN THE PAST FOR VARIOUS AMOUNTS WITH SATISFACTORY RESULTS. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm jrodrig9 cwatson cwatson

Signature Date 09/12/2011 16:08:50 PM 09/12/2011 16:08:52 PM 09/12/2011 16:10:23 PM 09/12/2011 16:15:29 PM 09/14/2011 16:27:01 PM 09/16/2011 12:42:46 PM 09/16/2011 12:42:51 PM

Contract #: 10780

Page 2 of 2

BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12651 Legal Entity CROOK, RAY DBA Name: Contractor Name: CROOK, RAY DBA Address: RPC ROOF CONSULTING SERVICES 14370 MOUNT SNOW DR City/State/Zip RENO, NV 89511-9185

Agency Name: STATE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION Agency Code: 082 Appropriation Unit: 1585-14 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/853-7202 Vendor No.: T29013770 NV Business ID: NV20101198067 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2015 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Highway funds Agency Reference #: 7893 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 09/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2015 3 years and 303 days Contract Roof Svcs

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract which provides professional roof services at the Department of Motor Vehicles, East Wing, Carson City, Nevada; SPWD project No. 11-S01H-1. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $29,500.00 Other basis for payment: Monthly progress payments on services provided.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? 2011 CIP 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Professional services are provided by SPWD to support the State Capital Improvement Program. Consultants are selected based on their ability to provide design and engineering services to meet the goals established by the Legislature. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150)
Contract #: 12651 Page 1 of 2 10

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Demonstrated the required expertise for work on this project. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: SPWD, currently, and/or in the past for various amounts with satisfactory results. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm jrodrig9 cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 09/14/2011 16:02:25 PM 09/14/2011 16:02:28 PM 09/14/2011 16:02:31 PM 09/14/2011 16:15:42 PM 09/15/2011 15:05:13 PM 09/22/2011 09:40:09 AM 09/22/2011 09:40:13 AM

Contract #: 12651

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12666 Legal Entity HYYTINEN, ROGER DBA Name: Contractor Name: HYYTINEN, ROGER DBA Address: HYYTINEN ENGINEERING 5458 LONGLEY LN STE B City/State/Zip RENO, NV 89511

Agency Name: STATE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION Agency Code: 082 Appropriation Unit: 1590-23 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/826-3019 Vendor No.: T80814890 NV Business ID: NV20011048245 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2015 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % X Bonds 100.00 % Proceeds from Sale of Bonds Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 7503 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2015 3 years and 273 days Contract Arch/Eng Svcs

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide professional architectural/engineering services for the re-roofing of the Ely Conservation Camp; Project No. 09-S01(7a); Contract No. 7503. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $10,000.00 Other basis for payment: Monthly progress payments on services provided.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? 2011 CIP 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Professional Services are provided by SPWB to support the State Capital Improvement Program. Consultants are selected based on their ability to provide design and engineering services to meet the goals established by the Legislature. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150)
Contract #: 12666 Page 1 of 2 11

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? demonstrated the required expertise for work on this project. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: SPWD, currently and/or in the past for various amounts with satisfactory results. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm jrodrig9 cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 09/12/2011 11:38:29 AM 09/12/2011 11:38:31 AM 09/12/2011 11:38:34 AM 09/12/2011 16:21:21 PM 09/14/2011 13:44:15 PM 09/20/2011 14:32:26 PM 09/20/2011 14:32:31 PM

Contract #: 12666

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12664 Legal Entity NAFFA INTERNATIONAL INC Name: Contractor Name: NAFFA INTERNATIONAL INC Address: 7571 N REMINGTON AVE STE 101 City/State/Zip FRESNO, CA 93711

Agency Name: STATE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION Agency Code: 082 Appropriation Unit: All Budget Accounts - Category 00 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null559/448-9839 Vendor No.: T29007503 NV Business ID: NV20111370940 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % depends upon the project requiring this service Agency Reference #: 7533 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2013 1 year and 273 days Contract Plan Checking Svcs

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide professional code plan checking services as required. Contract No. 7533 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $100,000.00 Other basis for payment: Monthly progress payments on services provided.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? 2011 CIP 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Professional Services are provided by SPWB to support the State Capital Improvement Program. Consultants are selected based on their ability to provide design and engineering services to meet the goals established by the Legislature. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150)
Contract #: 12664 Page 1 of 2 12

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: SPWD, currently and/or in the past for various amounts with satisfactory results. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm jrodrig9 cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 09/12/2011 10:39:14 AM 09/12/2011 10:39:16 AM 09/12/2011 10:39:20 AM 09/12/2011 16:22:12 PM 09/14/2011 16:27:30 PM 09/16/2011 12:43:44 PM 09/16/2011 12:43:48 PM

Contract #: 12664

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12607 Legal Entity WESTERN TECHNOLOGIES INC Name: Contractor Name: WESTERN TECHNOLOGIES INC Address: 6633 W POST RD STE 100 City/State/Zip LAS VEGAS, NV 89118

Agency Name: STATE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION Agency Code: 082 Appropriation Unit: All Budget Accounts - Category 00 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/798-8050 Vendor No.: T80821910 NV Business ID: NV19821000805 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % depends upon the project requiring this service Agency Reference #: 6035 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2013 1 year and 273 days Contract Geo Invest Svcs

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide Geotechnical Investigation Services as required. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $100,000.00 Other basis for payment: Monthly progress payments on services provided

7. What conditions require that this work be done? 2011 CIP 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Professional Services are provided by SPWB to support the State Capital Improvement Program. Consultants are selected based on their ability to provide design and engineering services to meet the goals established by the Legislature. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150)
Contract #: 12607 Page 1 of 2 13

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Demonstrated the required expertise for work on this project. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: SPWD, currently and/or in the past for various amounts with satisfactory results. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm dgrimm jrodrig9 cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 08/30/2011 14:13:02 PM 08/30/2011 14:13:05 PM 08/30/2011 14:13:08 PM 09/01/2011 09:56:25 AM 09/14/2011 13:52:54 PM 09/20/2011 14:42:14 PM 09/20/2011 14:42:20 PM

Contract #: 12607

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12629 Legal Entity Reddy Ice Name: Contractor Name: Las Vegas Ice and Cold Storage Address: 1201 Searles Avenue City/State/Zip Las Vegas, NV 89121

Agency Name: PURCHASING DIVISION Agency Code: 083 Appropriation Unit: 1362-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Craig Call 702-649-8002 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: NV19981309070 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 25.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 75.00 % Program funding. Agency Reference #: RFP 1919 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 10/2011 11/01/2011

06/30/2013 1 year and 242 days Contract Cold Storage

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide cold storage for USDA Foods for the Food Distribution Program in Las Vegas. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $150,000.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The State is responsible for ensuring that USDA food products are stored at the proper temperature common to the product. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The State Agency does not have refrigerated space in the Las Vegas Warehouse. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Yes Yes

b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This was the only vendor to submit a proposal and meets the requirements of the RFP. d. Last bid date: 08/05/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 05/01/2015
Contract #: 12629 Page 1 of 2 14

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?



11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? No b. If "No", please explain: Reddy Ice uses the d.b.a. Las Vegas Ice and Cold Storage to distinguish the cold storage division of the business. 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User kperondi kperondi kperondi jgimlin csawaya jmurph1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 09/08/2011 11:25:59 AM 09/08/2011 11:26:02 AM 09/08/2011 11:26:39 AM 09/08/2011 12:16:51 PM 09/20/2011 11:58:39 AM 09/20/2011 13:07:18 PM 09/20/2011 13:07:22 PM

Contract #: 12629

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12581 Legal Entity MIRIAM JIMENEZ Name: Contractor Name: MIRIAM JIMENEZ Address: City/State/Zip Contact/Phone: Vendor No.: 4616 W SAHARA AVE LAS VEGAS, NV 89102 null702-868-5842 T80953257

Agency Name:

HEARINGS AND APPEALS DIVISION Agency Code: 089 Appropriation Unit: 1015-04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % ASSESSMENTS TO INSURERS 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 09/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2013 1 year and 303 days Contract Interpreter Contract

5. Purpose of contract: This is an new ongoing contract to provide interpretation services for administrative hearings. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $24,999.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $60.00 per HOUR (TWO HOUR MINIMUM) Other basis for payment: $120.00 CANCELLATION FEE FOR LESS THAN 24 HOURS NOTICE.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? THE DIVISION IS REQUIRED BY STATUTE TO PROVIDE INTERPRETER SERVICES TO NON-ENGLISH SPEAKING INJURED WORKERS TO PROPERLY BE REPRESENTED AT HEARINGS. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: THE STATE DOES NOT EMPLOY INTERPRETERS EXCEPT BY INDEPENDENT CONTRACT 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable
Contract #: 12581 Page 1 of 2 15

Yes No

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? CONTRACTOR IS WILLING TO PROVIDE EXPERIENCED AND PROFESSIONAL INTERPRETATION SERVICES TO THE DIVISION. d. Last bid date: 06/01/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 04/01/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: HEARINGS DIVISION AND DETR; BOTH HIGHLY SATISFIED. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User jdagdaga jdagdaga jdagdaga hhufstet leaston sday sday Pending

Signature Date 08/29/2011 07:40:15 AM 09/20/2011 14:50:07 PM 09/20/2011 14:50:17 PM 09/20/2011 14:50:48 PM 09/22/2011 11:49:05 AM 09/23/2011 15:35:47 PM 09/23/2011 15:35:51 PM

Contract #: 12581

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12645 Legal Entity BELLUOMINI, ALFRED JOHN Name: Contractor Name: BELLUOMINI, ALFRED JOHN Address: NYE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT 341 E DOMINGO ST City/State/Zip PAHRUMP, NV 89048

Agency Name: ENTERPRISE IT SERVICES Agency Code: 180 Appropriation Unit: 1388-00 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/513-2660 Vendor No.: T29011905 NV Business ID: Not Applicable To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Revenue Agency Reference #: 5510 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 10/2012 07/01/2011

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain To ensure continous public safety communications remain uninterupted between the expiration of the last contract (6/30/11) and the start of the new contract (July 1, 2011). 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 06/30/2013 2 years Revenue Contract Rack space rental

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new revenue Interlocal contract for rack space in Nye County for Nye County Sheriff's Department 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $24,604.82 Other basis for payment: FY12, $11,880.18; FY13, $12,724.64

7. What conditions require that this work be done? This is a revenue generating contract 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: This is a revenue generating contract 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other?
Contract #: 12645

No No

Page 1 of 2


Not Applicable d. Last bid date:

Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Nye County Sheriff's Department is currently under contract with satisfactory results 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dbaughn capple capple bbohm jmurph1 jmurph1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 09/08/2011 14:33:19 PM 09/08/2011 14:39:32 PM 09/08/2011 14:39:34 PM 09/08/2011 16:20:52 PM 09/14/2011 10:32:58 AM 09/14/2011 10:33:02 AM 09/14/2011 10:38:35 AM

Contract #: 12645

Page 2 of 2






400 W. King Street, Suite 300 Carson City, Nevada 89703-4204 (775) 684-5800

September 7, 2011


To: From:

Janet Murphy Ben Bohm Dept of Information Technology, Communications Contract Manager to request the BOE retroactively approve the attached Intrastate Interlocal Contract with the Nye County Sheriffs Department


The attached Revenue Intrastate Interlocal Contract has been submitted for the BOEs approval. Due to the expiration date of the current contract (June 30, 2011) and the necessity of having continuous coverage to ensure the effective date of this contract is met, we are asking the Board of Examiners to retroactively approve this contract to July 1, 2011. I appreciate your time and assistance. Should you have questions please call me at (775) 684-5859 or email to

Sincerely, Ben Bohm


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: CONV5275 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 3 Diamond Solo, LLC Diamond Solo, LLC 7885 Westwind Road Las Vegas, NV 89139

Agency Name: ENTERPRISE IT SERVICES Agency Code: 180 Appropriation Unit: 1388-06 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Darren C. Petersen 7757349393 Vendor No.: T29013315 NV Business ID: nv20061422995 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2004-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % X Fees 100.00 % Network Transport Fees Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 10/2012 01/13/2004

01/12/2012 12 years and 2 days Rental or Lease Agreements

5. Purpose of contract: This is the third amendment to the original contract, which provides for DoIT communications services at Apex Peak. This amendment extends the contract termination date from January 12, 2012 to January 12, 2016 and increases the maximum amount due from $68,641.36 to $107,043.55 due to the need to have public safety communications continue at Apex Peak. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $31,200.00 $37,441.36 $38,402.19 $107,043.55 01/12/2016

7. What conditions require that this work be done? This site houses the DoIT Microwave system as well as one of our Towers and it provides communications for public safety and other network connections. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: This is a lease agreement 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: CONV5275

Page 1 of 2 17

Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Not Applicable d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: DoIT has had a lease with Diamond Solo for this same property since 2004 with satisfactory results. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: LLC 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User dbaughn capple capple bbohm jmurph1 jmurph1 jmurph1

Signature Date 08/24/2011 12:33:23 PM 08/30/2011 07:36:20 AM 08/30/2011 07:36:24 AM 08/30/2011 08:54:58 AM 09/15/2011 15:09:34 PM 09/15/2011 15:09:37 PM 09/15/2011 15:09:42 PM

Contract #: CONV5275

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12584 Legal Entity Federal Aviation Administration Name: Contractor Name: Federal Aviation Administration Address: P.O. Box 92007 City/State/Zip Los Angeles, CA 90009-2007

Agency Name: ENTERPRISE IT SERVICES Agency Code: 180 Appropriation Unit: 1388-00 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Tamika Crawford 310-725-7584 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: N/A To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2015 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Revenue Agency Reference #: 5462 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 10/2012 07/01/2011

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain To ensure continous public communications remain uninterupted between the expiration of the last contract (June 30, 2011) and the start of this new contract (July 1, 2011). 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 06/30/2015 4 years Interlocal Agreement Rack Rental lease

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new Intrastate Interlocal Revenue contract to provide 6 rack spaces at Mount Brock in Nye County for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $47,676.48 Other basis for payment: FY12, 6 x $1,846.69 = $11080.14; FY13, 6 x $2,033.13 = $12,198.78; FY14, 6 x $2,033.13 = 12,198.78; FY15, 6 x $2,033.13 = $12,198.78

7. What conditions require that this work be done? This is a revenue generating contract 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: This is a revenue generating contract 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable
Contract #: 12584

No No

Page 1 of 2


c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Not Applicable d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: The FAA has been under revenue contract with DoIT since 2008 with satisfactory services 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dbaughn capple capple bbohm jmurph1 jmurph1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 08/29/2011 16:28:54 PM 09/06/2011 07:14:09 AM 09/06/2011 07:14:13 AM 09/06/2011 09:12:16 AM 09/14/2011 10:45:34 AM 09/14/2011 10:45:39 AM 09/14/2011 10:45:44 AM

Contract #: 12584

Page 2 of 2






400 W. King Street, Suite 300 Carson City, Nevada 89703-4204 (775) 684-5800

August 24, 2011


To: From:

Janet Murphy Ben Bohm Dept of Information Technology, Communications Contract Manager to request the BOE retroactively approve the attached Intrastate Interlocal Contract with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)


The attached Revenue Intrastate Interlocal Contract has been submitted for the BOEs approval. Due to the expiration date of the current contract (June 30, 2011) and the necessity of having continuous coverage to ensure the effective date of this contract is met, we are asking the Board of Examiners to retroactively approve this contract to July 1, 2011. I appreciate your time and assistance. Should you have questions please call me at (775) 684-5859 or email to

Sincerely, Ben Bohm


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12630 Legal Entity HIGH SIERRA COMMUNICATIONS INC Name: Contractor Name: HIGH SIERRA COMMUNICATIONS INC Address: 1032 DUCK HILL RD City/State/Zip CARSON CITY, NV 89704-9317

Agency Name: ENTERPRISE IT SERVICES Agency Code: 180 Appropriation Unit: 1388-06 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Dave Metts 775/841-1200 Vendor No.: PUR0002664A NV Business ID: NV19821009100 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2015 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % X Fees 100.00 % Fees Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 5506 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 10/2012 07/01/2011

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain To ensure continued public communications remain uninterupted between the expiration of the last contract (June 30, 2011) and the start of this new contract (July 1, 2011). 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 06/30/2015 4 years Contract Rack Space rental

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide DoIT with rack space, transmitters, and dishes at Fencemaker Peak in Pershing County. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $103,978.08 Other basis for payment: FY12, $25,994.52; FY13, $25,994.52; FY14, $25,994.52; FY15, $25,994.52

7. What conditions require that this work be done? DoIT must provide public commincations equipment at this site for Statewide connectivity. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: DoIT no longer has a microwave site at this location and High Sierra is the only entity available to provide what we need at this site. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable
Contract #: 12630

No No

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b. Soliciation Waiver: Sole Source Contract (As Approved by Chief of Purchasing) Approval #: 110411 Approval Date: 04/21/2011 c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Not Applicable d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Our recently expired contract was with High Sierra for like services and has been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dbaughn capple capple bbohm jmurph1 jmurph1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 09/07/2011 15:15:12 PM 09/08/2011 06:04:21 AM 09/08/2011 06:04:25 AM 09/08/2011 16:04:48 PM 09/15/2011 15:16:06 PM 09/15/2011 15:16:10 PM 09/15/2011 15:16:14 PM

Contract #: 12630

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DAVID GUSTAFSON Chief Information Officer


400 W. King Street, Suite 300 Carson City, Nevada 89703-4204 (775) 684-5800

September 8, 2011


To: From:

Janet Murphy Ben Bohm Dept of Information Technology, Communications Contract Manager to request the BOE retroactively approve the attached Contract with High Sierra Communications, Inc.


The attached Contract has been submitted for the BOEs approval. Due to the expiration date of the current contract (June 30, 2011) and the necessity of having continuous coverage to ensure public safety and the effective date of this contract is met, we are asking the Board of Examiners to retroactively approve this contract to July 1, 2011. I appreciate your time and assistance. Should you have questions please call me at (775) 684-5859 or email to

Sincerely, Ben Bohm




BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12633 Legal Entity HIGH SIERRA COMMUNICATIONS INC Name: Contractor Name: HIGH SIERRA COMMUNICATIONS INC Address: 1032 DUCK HILL RD City/State/Zip CARSON CITY, NV 89704-9317

Agency Name: ENTERPRISE IT SERVICES Agency Code: 180 Appropriation Unit: 1388-06 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Dave Metts 775/841-1200 Vendor No.: PUR0002664A NV Business ID: NV19821009100 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2015 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % X Fees 100.00 % Fees Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 5507 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 10/2012 07/01/2011

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain To ensure continued public communications remain uninterupted between the expiration of the last contract (June 30, 2011) and the start of this new contract (July 1, 2011). 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 06/30/2015 4 years Contract Rack Space rental

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide DoIT with rack space, antennaes and dishes at Toulon Peak in Pershing County. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $150,422.40 Other basis for payment: FY12, $37,605.60; FY13, $37,605.60; FY14, $37,605.60; FY15, $37,605.60

7. What conditions require that this work be done? DoIT must provide public communications equipment at this site for Statewide connectivity. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: DoIT no longer has a microwave site at this location and High Sierra is the only entity available to provide what we need at this site. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable No No

Contract #: 12633

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b. Soliciation Waiver: Sole Source Contract (As Approved by Chief of Purchasing) Approval #: 110409 Approval Date: 04/21/2011 c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Not Applicable d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Our recently expired contract was with High Sierra for like services and has been satisfactory 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dbaughn capple capple bbohm jmurph1 jmurph1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 09/07/2011 15:15:44 PM 09/08/2011 06:06:14 AM 09/08/2011 06:06:18 AM 09/08/2011 16:09:26 PM 09/15/2011 15:21:10 PM 09/15/2011 15:21:14 PM 09/15/2011 15:21:17 PM

Contract #: 12633

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DAVID GUSTAFSON Chief Information Officer


400 W. King Street, Suite 300 Carson City, Nevada 89703-4204 (775) 684-5800

September 8, 2011


To: From:

Janet Murphy Ben Bohm Dept of Information Technology, Communications Contract Manager to request the BOE retroactively approve the attached Contract with High Sierra Communications, Inc.


The attached Contract has been submitted for the BOEs approval. Due to the expiration date of the current contract (June 30, 2011) and the necessity of having continuous coverage to ensure public safety and the effective date of this contract is met, we are asking the Board of Examiners to retroactively approve this contract to July 1, 2011. I appreciate your time and assistance. Should you have questions please call me at (775) 684-5859 or email to

Sincerely, Ben Bohm




BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12636 Legal Entity HIGH SIERRA COMMUNICATIONS INC Name: Contractor Name: HIGH SIERRA COMMUNICATIONS INC Address: 1032 DUCK HILL RD City/State/Zip CARSON CITY, NV 89704-9317

Agency Name: ENTERPRISE IT SERVICES Agency Code: 180 Appropriation Unit: 1388-06 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Dave Metts 775/841-1200 Vendor No.: PUR0002664A NV Business ID: NV19821009100 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2015 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % X Fees 100.00 % Fees Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 5508 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 10/2012 07/01/2011

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain To ensure continued public communications remain uninterupted between the expiration of the last contract (June 30, 2011) and the start of this new contract (July 1, 2011). 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 06/30/2015 4 years Contract Rack Space rental

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide DoIT with rack space, transmitters and dishes at Peavine Peak in Washoe County. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $59,228.64 Other basis for payment: FY12, $14,807.16; FY13, $14,807.16; FY14, $14, 807.16; FY15, $14,807.16

7. What conditions require that this work be done? DoIT must provide public communications equipment at this site for Statewide connectivity 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: DoIT no longer has a microwave site at this location and High Sierra is the only entity available to provide what we need at this site. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable No No

Contract #: 12636

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b. Soliciation Waiver: Sole Source Contract (As Approved by Chief of Purchasing) Approval #: 110410 Approval Date: 04/21/2011 c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Not Applicable d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Our recently expired contract was with High Sierra for like services and with satisfactory results 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dbaughn capple capple bbohm jmurph1 jmurph1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 09/07/2011 15:14:18 PM 09/08/2011 06:00:38 AM 09/08/2011 06:00:42 AM 09/08/2011 16:14:19 PM 09/15/2011 15:37:02 PM 09/15/2011 15:37:05 PM 09/15/2011 15:37:10 PM

Contract #: 12636

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DAVID GUSTAFSON Chief Information Officer


400 W. King Street, Suite 300 Carson City, Nevada 89703-4204 (775) 684-5800

September 8, 2011


To: From:

Janet Murphy Ben Bohm Dept of Information Technology, Communications Contract Manager to request the BOE retroactively approve the attached Contract with High Sierra Communications, Inc.


The attached Contract has been submitted for the BOEs approval. Due to the expiration date of the current contract (June 30, 2011) and the necessity of having continuous coverage to ensure public safety and the effective date of this contract is met, we are asking the Board of Examiners to retroactively approve this contract to July 1, 2011. I appreciate your time and assistance. Should you have questions please call me at (775) 684-5859 or email to

Sincerely, Ben Bohm




BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12561 Legal Entity NYE, COUNTY OF Name: Contractor Name: NYE, COUNTY OF Address: NYE COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE 1520 E BASIN AVE STE 102 City/State/Zip PAHRUMP, NV 89060

Agency Name: ENTERPRISE IT SERVICES Agency Code: 180 Appropriation Unit: 1388-00 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Lt. Jack Hennigan 775/751-7015 Vendor No.: T80044560AF NV Business ID: Not Applicable To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Revenue Contract Agency Reference #: 5496 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 10/2012 07/01/2011

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain To ensure continous public safety communications remain uninterupted between the expiration of the last contract (June 30, 2011) and the start of the new contract (July 1, 2011). 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 06/30/2013 2 years Revenue Contract Rack Space Rental

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new Intrastate Interlocal Revenue Contract to provide 15 rack spaces to the Nye County Sheriff's Office within Nye and Esmeralda Counties. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $58,197.30 Other basis for payment: FY12, 15 x $1,846.69 = $27,700.35; FY13, 15 x $2,033.13 = $30,496.95

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Revenue Contract 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Revenue Contract 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable
Contract #: 12561

No No

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c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Not Applicable d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Nye County Sheriff's Office has been under this same type of contract with DoIT for many years with satisfactory results 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dbaughn capple capple bbohm jmurph1 jmurph1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 08/17/2011 08:47:10 AM 08/22/2011 13:33:18 PM 08/22/2011 13:33:23 PM 08/23/2011 08:54:28 AM 09/14/2011 10:40:13 AM 09/14/2011 10:40:16 AM 09/14/2011 10:40:21 AM

Contract #: 12561

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400 W. King Street, Suite 300 Carson City, Nevada 89703-4204 (775) 684-5800

August 12, 2011


To: From:

Janet Murphy Ben Bohm Dept of Information Technology, Communications Contract Manager to request the BOE retroactively approve the attached Intrastate Interlocal Contract with the Nye County Sheriffs Office


The attached Revenue Intrastate Interlocal Contract has been submitted for the BOEs approval. Due to the expiration date of the current contract (June 30, 2011) and the necessity of having continuous coverage to ensure the effective date of this contract is met, we are asking the Board of Examiners to retroactively approve this contract to July 1, 2011. I appreciate your time and assistance. Should you have questions please call me at (775) 684-5859 or email to

Sincerely, Ben Bohm


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12616 Legal Entity Ormat Nevada Name: Contractor Name: Ormat Nevada Address: 6225 Neil Road, Suite 300 City/State/Zip Reno , NV 89511

Agency Name: ENTERPRISE IT SERVICES Agency Code: 180 Appropriation Unit: 1388-00 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Connie Stechman 775-356-9029 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: NV19921016142 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Revenue Agency Reference #: 5504 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 10/2012 09/01/2011

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain This revenue contract must have a start date of 9/1/2011 in order to collect revenue for use of space and circuits at Toulon Peak. 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 06/30/2013 1 year and 303 days Revenue Contract Rack Space Lease

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new Revenue lease contract for providing rack space and DS1 circuits for Ormat Nevada at Toulan Peak. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $64,449.60 Other basis for payment: FY12, 1 x $1,846.69 + 5 x $583.78 (prorated at 10 months) = $26,057.67; FY13, 1 x $2,033.13 + 5 x $605.98 = $38,391.93

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Thisi is a Revenue contract 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: This is a Revenue contract 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable
Contract #: 12616

No No

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c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Not Applicable d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User dbaughn capple capple bbohm jmurph1 jmurph1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 09/07/2011 11:34:46 AM 09/08/2011 10:47:30 AM 09/08/2011 10:47:33 AM 09/08/2011 12:16:26 PM 09/14/2011 10:37:47 AM 09/14/2011 10:37:50 AM 09/14/2011 10:38:21 AM

Contract #: 12616

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12596 Legal Entity Ann Petrie Name: Contractor Name: Ann Petrie Address: 409 Groft Way City/State/Zip Henderson, NV 89015

Agency Name: DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Agency Code: 300 Appropriation Unit: 2691-21 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702-558-7864 Vendor No.: Pending NV Business ID: NV2011500794 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: 300 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 10/2011 10/11/2011

10/31/2013 2 years and 21 days Contract CACFP Childcare Well

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide professional development, coordination, technical assistance and monitoring for the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program Childcare Wellness Grant. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $96,000.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $32.00 per Hour

7. What conditions require that this work be done? USDA/CACFP Childcare Wellness Grant objectives must be completed within a (2) two year period due to workload issues a project manager is needed to complete this grant. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The grant is additonal workload assignment and due to workload issues grant activities could not be completed in the time period required. Other state agencies do not meet the requirements of the grant. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable
Contract #: 12596 Page 1 of 2 24

Yes Yes

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Ann Petrie was the only proposal received and the evaluation show that Ann Petrie is qualify to perform the service. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User amccalla amccalla amccalla ebarraga sbrown cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 08/30/2011 10:35:34 AM 08/30/2011 10:35:37 AM 08/30/2011 10:35:40 AM 08/30/2011 11:08:34 AM 09/12/2011 15:40:32 PM 09/16/2011 08:28:07 AM 09/16/2011 08:28:10 AM

Contract #: 12596

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)


Agency Name:


Agency Code: 300 Appropriation Unit: 2697-19 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null800 735 2566 Vendor No.: PUR0000745A NV Business ID: Pending To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 10/2011 09/19/2011

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain In the past a contract was not processed prior to ordering the writing assessments documents. It was determined that a contract is needed prior to ordering the documents. The short notice to finalize the contract has made this contract retroactive. The order to Scantron Corporation is due by September 19, 2011 so that they can barcode and distribute documents to the school district's by October 19, 2011 to distribute for November 2, 2011 test date. 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 06/30/2014 2 years and 285 days Contract HSPE Answer Document

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract for state mandated writing assessments, for grades 11, 12 and adults to include the design alterations, printing, overprinting of barcodes, and digital print and programming changes necessary to scan/read documents for each assessment at each grade level. The vendor will also prepare reader/scorer data documents and provide answer documents to school districts throughout Nevada. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $60,448.03 Other basis for payment: Payment upon proper invoicing as work is completed.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? NRS 389.015, Sec. 6 mandates to administer the High School Proficiency Exam. The answer documents are required for administering the exam. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The Nevada Department of Education does not have the necessary staff, resources, expertise, or the equipment to create and process the answer documents. The maintenance contract for the 5000i scanner/image with Harland Technologies specifically states that it will be null and void should Nevada Department of Education have a problem due to services and/or support of operation systems of non-Harland Technology Services software, hardware, or forms. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Sole Source Contract (As Approved by Chief of Purchasing) Approval #: 110901 Approval Date: 09/06/2011 c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Scantron/Harland Technology Services has sole ownership of the production and maintenance of the 5000i scanner/imager which the Nevada Department of Education owns and uses to scan writing assessment documents. Nevada Department of Education currently contracts with Harland for the maintenance on the 5000i scanner/imager. As a part of the Harland Technical Services, Scantron has sole propriety on the entire printing production, including paper and ink, of the documents this machine is guaranteed to scan correctly and accurately. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? No b. If "No", is an exemption on file with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? No If "No", to a. AND b., please explain why the contractor does not have an SBL or an exemption. Application for a Nevada business license has been file with the Nevada Scretary of State's Office, is pending approval. 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval
Contract #: 12667

User amccalla amccalla amccalla ebarraga

Signature Date 09/12/2011 16:30:16 PM 09/12/2011 16:30:18 PM 09/12/2011 16:30:21 PM 09/13/2011 08:04:22 AM
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Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

sbrown cwatson cwatson Pending

09/16/2011 09:47:46 AM 09/20/2011 14:45:30 PM 09/20/2011 14:45:34 PM

Contract #: 12667

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12677 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 1 LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 1001 S VALLEY VIEW BLVD LAS VEGAS, NV 89153-0001

Agency Name: MUSEUMS AND HISTORY DIVISION Agency Code: 331 Appropriation Unit: 2943-00 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/258-3965 Vendor No.: T11944800 NV Business ID: Governmental Entity To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2010-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Admission Charge Revenue Agency Reference #: 050510 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 10/2011 06/01/2010

06/30/2013 3 years and 30 days Cooperative Agreement LVVWD JOA

5. Purpose of contract: This is the first amendment to the original cooperative agreement, which combines the resources of the State of Nevada's new museum (State) and the Las Vegas Valley Water District's (LVVWD) "eco-island" at the Springs Preserve for a shared community cultural experience; identifies support the two parties can provide each other; and coordinates operating hours, parking, marketing and ticket sales. This amendment provides for the LVVWD to reimburse the State 10% of revenue received from each adult general admission ticket sold with a guaranteed annual prepayment of $53,172 in fiscal years 2012 and 2013. The LVVWD also agrees to provide the State the following: 1) Two temporary museum attendants at 32 hours/week/person; 2) Four volunteers; 3) Coordination of educational activities; 4) Marketing and advertising; and 5) General ticketing services. The State will provide the LVVWD with between 900 and 2,500 square feet of climate controlled storage space. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $0.00 $0.00 $106,344.00 $106,344.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The combining of State and Las Vegas Valley Water District (LVVWD) resources at the Springs Preserve is a historic partnership which will benefit both the State Museum and LVVWD "eco-island" and enhance the success of both facilities.
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8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees are participating in this partnership but the LVVWD will contribute additional resources above what the State contributes. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? d. Last bid date: No No

Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User mcost1 mcost1 mcost1 mcost1 knielsen cwatson cwatson

Signature Date 09/16/2011 13:37:55 PM 09/16/2011 13:38:03 PM 09/16/2011 13:38:08 PM 09/16/2011 13:38:12 PM 09/22/2011 09:01:29 AM 09/22/2011 09:50:01 AM 09/22/2011 09:50:07 AM

Contract #: 12677

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: CONV6978 Amendment 1 Number: Legal Entity H Mark Evans, Ph D Name: Contractor Name: H Mark Evans, Ph D Address: City/State/Zip PO Box 11071 Reno, NV 89510

Agency Name:

HEALTH CARE FINANCING & POLICY Agency Code: 403 Appropriation Unit: 3158-04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null7757428550 Vendor No.: T80859830 NV Business ID: NV20101646552 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2009-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 50.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 50.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 10/2011 01/13/2009

12/31/2013 4 years and 353 days Contract Health And Human Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is the first amendment to the original contract to provide incapacity and disability adjudication decisions and other recommendations necessary for the operation of the Medicaid program. This amendment increases maximum contract authority from $37,000.00 to $62,000.00 due to an increase in case load. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $37,000.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 $62,000.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Federal regulations require an independent physician to make determinations for certain Medicaid medical procedures (i.e. 42 CFR 435.540 and 435.541). 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The agency does not have need for physician positions to perform determinations full-time. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Yes

Contract #: CONV6978

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals:


b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This contractor received the highest score by the evaluation committee. d. Last bid date: 09/01/2008 Anticipated re-bid date: 09/01/2012 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: This is an amendment to an existing contract. Performance has been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User llamborn llamborn mtorvine dkingsle nhovden jteska jteska

Signature Date 09/01/2011 15:40:06 PM 09/01/2011 15:40:09 PM 09/08/2011 10:52:54 AM 09/08/2011 15:50:46 PM 09/12/2011 14:00:02 PM 09/21/2011 14:09:59 PM 09/21/2011 14:10:03 PM

Contract #: CONV6978

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12593 Legal Entity Elko County Name: Contractor Name: Elko County Address: City/State/Zip Elko County Courthouse 571 Idaho Street Elko, NV 89801

Agency Name:

HEALTH CARE FINANCING & POLICY Agency Code: 403 Appropriation Unit: 3243-00 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Jerilyn Underwood 775-738-4375 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: Government Entity To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % County provides non-federal share 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 10/2011 07/01/2011

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain This contract is retroactive due to a delay in negotiations that could not take place until after the passage of SB 485 in June, 2011. Since the prior contract expired June 30, 2011, this contract is retroactive to ensure the county is responsible for their share of costs from July 1, 2011 and forward. 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 06/30/2013 2 years Revenue Contract County Match

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new Interlocal agreement for the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy (DHCFP) and the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services (DWSS) to provide the administrative services necessary to operate the Medicaid County Match program. The Counties provide the non-federal share to DHCFP for medical and Medicaid administrative services. Pursuant to NRS 428.010, counties are required to provide medical care to indigent persons who reside in the county. The County Match program provides federal matching funds for indigent long-term care costs, when the indigent is Medicaid eligible. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $1,025,703.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Pursuant to NRS 428.010 counties are required to provide care, support, and relief to the poor, indigent, incompetent, and incapacitated persons who lawfully reside in the county and are not supported by other means. The county match program provides fiscal relief to the counties for indigent long-term care costs for these individuals. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees operate the county match program. DHCFP pays providers and the counties reimburse the State for the non-federal share. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 12593

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? d. Last bid date:


Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: DHCFP has had similar contracts with the county to facilitate the county match program since 1989. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User llamborn llamborn mtorvine dkingsle nhovden jteska jteska Pending

Signature Date 09/01/2011 15:32:46 PM 09/01/2011 15:32:51 PM 09/08/2011 13:34:52 PM 09/08/2011 15:51:19 PM 09/16/2011 08:56:52 AM 09/21/2011 14:08:06 PM 09/21/2011 14:08:12 PM

Contract #: 12593

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12595 Legal Entity Humboldt County Name: Contractor Name: Humboldt County Address: City/State/Zip Humboldt County Indigent Srvcs 50 W. 5th Street Winnemucca, NV 89445

Agency Name:

HEALTH CARE FINANCING & POLICY Agency Code: 403 Appropriation Unit: 3243-00 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Tami Rae Spero 775-623-6343 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: Government Entity To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % County provides non-federal share 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 10/2011 07/01/2011

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain This contract is retroactive due to a delay in negotiations that could not take place until after the passage of SB 485 in June, 2011. Since the prior contract expired June 30, 2011, this contract is retroactive to ensure the county is responsible for their share of costs from July 1, 2011 and forward. 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 06/30/2013 2 years Revenue Contract County Match

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new Interlocal agreement for the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy (DHCFP) and the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services (DWSS) to provide the administrative services necessary to operate the Medicaid County Match program. The Counties provide the non-federal share to DHCFP for medical and Medicaid administrative services. Pursuant to NRS 428.010, counties are required to provide medical care to indigent persons who reside in the county. The County Match program provides federal matching funds for indigent long-term care costs, when the indigent is Medicaid eligible. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $524,164.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Pursuant to NRS 428.010, counties are required to provide care, support, and relief to the poor, indigent, incompetent and incapacitated persons who lawfully reside in the county and are no supported by other means. The county match program provides fiscal relief to the counties for indigent long term care costs for these individuals. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees operate the county match program. DHCFP pays providers and the counties reimburse the State for the non-federal share. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 12595

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? d. Last bid date:


Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: DHCFP has had similar contracts with the county to facilitate the county match program since 1989. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User llamborn llamborn mtorvine dkingsle nhovden jteska jteska Pending

Signature Date 09/01/2011 15:38:11 PM 09/01/2011 15:38:15 PM 09/08/2011 13:32:48 PM 09/08/2011 15:50:14 PM 09/16/2011 08:53:05 AM 09/21/2011 13:54:15 PM 09/21/2011 13:54:19 PM

Contract #: 12595

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12594 Legal Entity Lyon County Name: Contractor Name: Lyon County Address: City/State/Zip Lyon County Human Services PO Box 1141 Silver Springs, NV 89429

Agency Name:

HEALTH CARE FINANCING & POLICY Agency Code: 403 Appropriation Unit: 3243-00 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Edrie LaVoie 775-577-5009 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: Government Entity To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % County provides non-federal share 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 10/2011 07/01/2011

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain This contract is retroactive due to a delay in negotiations that could not take place until after the passage of SB 485 in June, 2011. Since the prior contract expired June 30, 2011, this contract is retroactive to ensure the county is responsible for their share of costs from July 1, 2011 and forward. 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 06/30/2013 2 years Revenue Contract County Match

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new Interlocal agreement for the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy (DHCFP) and the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services (DWSS) to provide the administrative services necessary to operate the Medicaid County Match program. The Counties provide the non-federal share to DHCFP for medical and Medicaid administrative services. Pursuant to NRS 428.010, counties are required to provide medical care to indigent persons who reside in the county. The County Match program provides federal matching funds for indigent long-term care costs, when the indigent is Medicaid eligible. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $1,817,606.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Pursuant to NRS 428.010 counties are required to provide care, support, and relief to the poor, indigent, incompetent, and incapacitated persons who lawfully reside in the county and are not supported by other means. The county match program provides fiscal relief to the counties for indigent long-term care costs for these individuals. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees operate the county match program. DHCFP pays providers and the counties reimburse the State for the non-federal share. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 12594

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? d. Last bid date:


Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: DHCFP has had similar contracts with the county to facilitate the county match program since 1989. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User llamborn llamborn mtorvine dkingsle nhovden jteska jteska Pending

Signature Date 09/01/2011 15:38:49 PM 09/01/2011 15:38:53 PM 09/08/2011 13:38:28 PM 09/08/2011 15:52:24 PM 09/15/2011 17:00:27 PM 09/21/2011 13:28:02 PM 09/21/2011 13:28:05 PM

Contract #: 12594

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12563 Legal Entity UNIVERSITY OF NV SCHL OF MEDCN Name: Contractor Name: UNIVERSITY OF NV SCHL OF MEDCN Address: MEDSCHOOL ASSOCIATES SOUTH 2040 W CHARLESTON BLVD STE 204 City/State/Zip LAS VEGAS, NV 89102-2206

Agency Name: HEALTH DIVISION Agency Code: 406 Appropriation Unit: 3208-50 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Barbara Bell 702/671-2213 Vendor No.: T32000073 NV Business ID: Governmental Entity To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 65.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 35.00 % Medicaid Reimbursement Agency Reference #: HD 12090 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2013 1 year and 273 days Interlocal Agreement Genetic Treatment

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new interlocal agreement to provide genetic clinical and professional development services for treatment of children with inherited genetic disorders. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $55,620.00 Other basis for payment: $2,646 per clinic (total of 16) in Las Vegas, $2,946 per clinic (total of 4) in Reno, and $1,500 for one professional session in Reno.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Genetic disorder analysis is required as part of the Early Intervention Services program. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: There are no State employees with the appropriate expertise in genetic disorders. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable
Contract #: 12563

No No

Page 1 of 2


c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? There is only one group of Genetic providers in the State of Nevada d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User pweyrick pweyrick mtorvine wdemarc1 jborrowm jteska jteska Pending

Signature Date 08/18/2011 16:30:19 PM 08/18/2011 16:30:22 PM 09/08/2011 16:32:39 PM 09/16/2011 14:56:35 PM 09/16/2011 16:20:06 PM 09/21/2011 15:03:54 PM 09/21/2011 15:03:57 PM

Contract #: 12563

Page 2 of 2


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12580 Legal Entity CHURCHILL COUNTY Name: Contractor Name: CHURCHILL COUNTY Address: 155 N TAYLOR ST 182 City/State/Zip FALLON, NV 89406

Agency Name: HEALTH DIVISION Agency Code: 406 Appropriation Unit: 3224-00 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775-434-4092 Vendor No.: T81018856 NV Business ID: Governmental Entity To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Revenue Agency Reference #: HD 12001 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 09/2011 07/01/2011

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain The contract was not able to be submitted to the Board of Examiners in a timely fashion due to legislative actions requiring the counties to pay the costs of the testing, screening and treatment of tuberculosis (TB) and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 06/30/2013 2 years Revenue Contract Family Health

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new revenue contract for the state to promote individual and family health in the county utilizing the State's community health nurses. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $221,040.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $9,210.00 per month

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Nevada State Health Division, Public Health and Clinical Services Program, receives funding from the county to provide direct preventative health care, as well as referrals for medical services, to county residents. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees are providing these services to the county. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable
Contract #: 12580

No No

Page 1 of 2


b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User pweyrick pweyrick mtorvine wdemarc1 jborrowm jteska jburry Pending

Signature Date 09/01/2011 08:42:12 AM 09/01/2011 08:42:23 AM 09/08/2011 10:47:21 AM 09/16/2011 14:55:57 PM 09/16/2011 15:01:26 PM 09/21/2011 15:11:38 PM 09/27/2011 16:06:47 PM

Contract #: 12580

Page 2 of 2




HEALTH DIVISION Frontier and Rural (FaR) Public Health Program

3427 Goni Road #108 Carson City, Nevada89706 Telephone: (775) 687-7550 Fax: (775) 684-3492

August 23, 2011 MEMORANDUM To: John Borrowman Budget Analyst Budget Division Phil Weyrick Administrative Services Officer IV Health Division Administration


From: Subject:

Mary Wherry, Community Health Nurse Manager Request for a Retroactive Start Date for Contract # HD 12001 (CETS 12580)

This memorandum requests that the above referenced Health Division Contract be approved for a retroactive start date effective July 1, 2011. The contract requires a retroactive start date because the revenues cover a two-year period (July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2013). The contract was not able to be submitted to the Board of Examiners in a timely fashion due to the pending passage of NRS 441A.120 requiring the counties to pay the costs of the testing, screening and treatment of tuberculosis (TB) and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The following actions have been taken to prevent the need for future retroactive requests: Prepare contracts further in advance and prepare contingencies contracts when possible.



Colman Schmidt, Management Analyst II Health Division

Public Health: Working for a Safer and Healthier Nevada


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12565 Legal Entity LINCOLN, COUNTY OF Name: Contractor Name: LINCOLN, COUNTY OF Address: LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK PO BOX 90 City/State/Zip PIOCHE, NV 89043

Agency Name: HEALTH DIVISION Agency Code: 406 Appropriation Unit: 3224-00 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775/962-5390 Vendor No.: T40267400M NV Business ID: Governmental Entity To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Revenue Agency Reference #: HD 12009 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 09/2011 07/01/2011

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain The contract was not able to be submitted to the Board of Examiners in a timely fashion due to legislative actions requiring the counties to pay the costs of the testing, screening and treatment of tuberculosis (TB) and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 06/30/2013 2 years Revenue Contract Family Health

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new revenue contract for the state to promote individual and family health in the county, utilizing the State's community health nurses. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $54,744.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $2,281.00 per month

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Nevada State Health Division, Public Health and Clinical Services Program, receives funding from the county to provide direct preventative health care, as well as referrals for medical services, to county residents. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees are providing these services to the county. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals:
Contract #: 12565

No No

Page 1 of 2


Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User pweyrick pweyrick mtorvine wdemarc1 jborrowm jteska jteska Pending

Signature Date 09/01/2011 08:38:28 AM 09/01/2011 08:38:32 AM 09/08/2011 10:30:57 AM 09/16/2011 14:55:38 PM 09/16/2011 14:59:29 PM 09/21/2011 15:09:27 PM 09/21/2011 15:09:34 PM

Contract #: 12565

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HEALTH DIVISION Frontier and Rural (FaR) Public Health Program

3427 Goni Road #108 Carson City, Nevada89706 Telephone: (775) 687-7550 Fax: (775) 684-3492

August 15, 2011 MEMORANDUM To: John Borrowman Budget Analyst Budget Division Phil Weyrick Administrative Services Officer IV Health Division Administration


From: Subject:

Mary Wherry, Community Health Nurse Manager Request for a Retroactive Start Date for Contract # HD 12009 (CETS 12565)

This memorandum requests that the above referenced Health Division Contract be approved for a retroactive start date effective July 1, 2011. The contract requires a retroactive start date because the revenues cover a two-year period (July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2013). The contract was not able to be submitted to the Board of Examiners in a timely fashion due to the pending passage of NRS 441A.120 requiring the counties to pay the costs of the testing, screening and treatment of tuberculosis (TB) and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The following actions have been taken to prevent the need for future retroactive requests: Prepare contracts further in advance and prepare contingencies contracts when possible.



Colman Schmidt, Management Analyst II Health Division

Public Health: Working for a Safer and Healthier Nevada


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12604 Legal Entity NYE, COUNTY OF Name: Contractor Name: NYE, COUNTY OF Address: NYE COUNTY CLERK PO BOX 1031 City/State/Zip TONOPAH, NV 89049

Agency Name: HEALTH DIVISION Agency Code: 406 Appropriation Unit: 3224-00 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775-482-8127 Vendor No.: T80044560T NV Business ID: Governmental Entity To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Revenue Contract Agency Reference #: HD12012 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 09/2011 07/01/2011

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain The contract was not able to be submitted to the Board of Examiners in a timely fashion due to legislative actions requiring the counties to pay the costs of the testing, screening and treatment of tuberculosis (TB) and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 06/30/2013 2 years Revenue Contract Family Health

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new revenue contract for the state to promote individual and family health in the county, utilizing the State's community health nurses. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $190,008.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $7,917.00 per month

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Nevada State Health Division, Public Health and Clinical Services Program, receives funding from the county to provide direct preventative health care, as well as referrals for medical services, to county residents. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees are providing these services to the county. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable
Contract #: 12604

No No

Page 1 of 2


b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User pweyrick pweyrick mtorvine wdemarc1 jborrowm jteska jteska Pending

Signature Date 09/02/2011 10:55:45 AM 09/02/2011 10:55:48 AM 09/08/2011 13:40:05 PM 09/16/2011 14:51:32 PM 09/16/2011 14:56:55 PM 09/21/2011 15:05:13 PM 09/21/2011 15:05:16 PM

Contract #: 12604

Page 2 of 2




HEALTH DIVISION Frontier and Rural (FaR) Public Health Program

3427 Goni Road #108 Carson City, Nevada89706 Telephone: (775) 687-7550 Fax: (775) 684-3492

August 29, 2011 MEMORANDUM To: John Borrowman Budget Analyst Budget Division Phil Weyrick Administrative Services Officer IV Health Division Administration


From: Subject:

Mary Wherry, Community Health Nurse Manager Request for a Retroactive Start Date for Contract # HD 12012 (CETS 12604)

This memorandum requests that the above referenced Health Division Contract be approved for a retroactive start date effective July 1, 2011. The contract requires a retroactive start date because the revenues cover a two-year period (July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2013). The contract was not able to be submitted to the Board of Examiners in a timely fashion due to the pending passage of NRS 441A.120 requiring the counties to pay the costs of the testing, screening and treatment of tuberculosis (TB) and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The following actions have been taken to prevent the need for future retroactive requests: Prepare contracts further in advance and prepare contingencies contracts when possible.



Colman Schmidt, Management Analyst II Health Division

Public Health: Working for a Safer and Healthier Nevada


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: CONV6846 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 2 Nevada Broadcasters Associatio Nevada Broadcasters Associatio 1050 East Flamingo Road Las Vegas, NV 89119

Agency Name: HEALTH DIVISION Agency Code: 406 Appropriation Unit: All Appropriations Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Bob Fisher 7027944994 Vendor No.: T80990324 NV Business ID: NV19941133658 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2010-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Various funding sources Agency Reference #: HD 10031 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 10/2011 09/08/2009

09/30/2012 4 years and 23 days Contract Health Related Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides health related Non-Commercial Sustaining Announcements (formerly Public Service Announcements) throughout the State of Nevada. This amendment extends the termination date from September 30, 2012 to September 30, 2013, and increases the maximum amount from $500,000 to $1,000,000, due to an increased need to provide the public with health related information. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $250,000.00 $250,000.00 $500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 09/30/2013

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The State Health Divsion must be able to promulgate health related information throughout the state in a timely and expeditious manner. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: There is no ability within the state to perform this function.
Contract #: CONV6846 Page 1 of 2 35

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Sole Source Contract (As Approved by Chief of Purchasing) Approval #: 090801B Approval Date: 08/17/2011 c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This vedor is designated by the Federal Communications Commision to perform these services within the state. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Non-profit Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. Not Applicable 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User pweyrick pweyrick mtorvine wdemarc1 jborrowm jteska jteska

Signature Date 09/01/2011 08:40:28 AM 09/01/2011 08:40:32 AM 09/08/2011 10:08:47 AM 09/16/2011 14:58:07 PM 09/16/2011 16:01:32 PM 09/21/2011 15:01:56 PM 09/21/2011 15:02:00 PM

Contract #: CONV6846

Page 2 of 2




BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12177 Amendment 1 Number: Legal Entity Richard Null, APN Name: Contractor Name: Richard Null, APN Address: City/State/Zip 3741 Mormon Flat Road Golden Valley, AZ 86413

Agency Name:

MENTAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Agency Code: 408 Appropriation Unit: 3161-08 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702-236-9462 Vendor No.: T27019379 NV Business ID: NV20111547895 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 92.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 8.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 10/2011 07/01/2011

06/30/2012 1 year Contract Psychiatric Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is an amendment to the original contract to provide support for psychiatric services to the clients of Rural Services Community Mental Health Centers. Nursing and physician assistant services are necessary to provide direct consumer care, evaluations and screenings, medication prescriptions and management, triage, telephone consultation, training, and other such necessary services at mental health clinics in the rural outlying areas of the state. This amendment adds an additional 576 hours of service to the original contract with treatment by Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services (SNAMHS). This amendment increases the maximum amount from $92,740.32 to $135,940.32 for these services. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $92,740.32 $0.00 $43,200.00 $135,940.32

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Pursuant to NRS 433.344 and 436.123, the Division may contract with qualified professional staff to provide services to consumers; this is especially critical in the rural underserved areas of the state. SNAMHS provides outpatient programs requiring the services of nursing staff; when vacancies occur, contract services are required to ensure adequate coverage for consumers.
Contract #: 12177 Page 1 of 3 36

8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Staff nurses typically perform these services; however, when vacancies occur, coverage is required by Joint Commission standards until other staff are hired or return to work from vacations, leave, etc... 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Not selected in preference to others; several practitioners have and will continue to be contracted with in order to ensure adequate consumer coverage and delivery of services in rural areas of the state. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 04/02/2012 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: He has been under contract with Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services since 2007 and provides satisfactory work. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Sole Proprietor 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval
Contract #: 12177

User pripple dprather mtorvine tpollar2 jborrowm jteska

Signature Date 08/31/2011 08:11:14 AM 09/01/2011 13:23:58 PM 09/08/2011 09:57:22 AM 09/08/2011 15:18:36 PM 09/16/2011 15:55:50 PM 09/21/2011 15:16:27 PM
Page 2 of 3 36

BOE Agenda Approval


09/21/2011 15:16:33 PM

Contract #: 12177

Page 3 of 3


BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12220 Legal Entity Mediware Name: Contractor Name: Mediware Address: City/State/Zip 11711 W. 79th Street Lenexa, KS 66214

Agency Name:

MENTAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Agency Code: 408 Appropriation Unit: 3164-12 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null913-307-1000 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: NV20111516864 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 10/2011 07/01/2011

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain This contract was to start on July 1, 2011; however, due to unexpectedly lengthly negotiations with the vendor over contract language concerns, contract preparation and submission was regrettably delayed. The vendor provides our mental health hospital facilities with necessary medication tracking and dispensing software, as a result, services were provided prior to approval of the contract to ensure continuity of care. 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 06/30/2013 2 years Contract Pharmacy services

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract with Mediware to provide the Division with pharmacy medication tracking and consumer delivery services at our mental health agencies. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $231,958.00 Other basis for payment: Total fees for use of pharmacy medication tracking and delivery services at NNAMHS and SNAMHS sites, for 14 concurrent users, not to exceed $231,958 for FY's 12 and 13.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Per NRS 433.514, policies must be in place for the proper administration, storage and handling of medications by nurses and non-professional staff. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The practice management system that is in place with our mental health agencies does not have the capability to manage, track and dispense pharmacy products to consumers. Mediware's WORx system has the necessary built-in capability and customized interface with the Division's practice management system to effectively regulate the delivery of pharmacy products. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 12220

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Sole Source Contract (As Approved by Chief of Purchasing) Approval #: 110501 Approval Date: 05/03/2011 c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Mediware has previously worked with the Division's vendor for the practice management system and is familiar with the Division's procedures for managing medication services. In addition, Mediware has significantly customized the pharmacy management application to fit the Division's needs and redesigned business process. d. Last bid date: 06/01/2004 Anticipated re-bid date: 02/01/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Mediware has been providing this service to Mental Health and Developmental Services for several years. The vendor has provided satisfactory services. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval
Contract #: 12220

User khawkin1 dprather bvale1 khawkin1 jborrowm jteska jteska

Signature Date 08/24/2011 13:49:40 PM 08/29/2011 06:39:38 AM 08/29/2011 08:48:57 AM 09/06/2011 16:27:04 PM 09/16/2011 15:41:07 PM 09/21/2011 15:15:00 PM 09/21/2011 15:15:14 PM
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BOE Final Approval


Contract #: 12220

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 11819 Amendment 1 Number: Legal Entity Coop Consulting, Inc. Name: Contractor Name: Coop Consulting, Inc. Address: City/State/Zip P.O. Box 22822 Santa Fe, NM 87502-2822

Agency Name:

MENTAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Agency Code: 408 Appropriation Unit: 3170-23 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null505-424-4365 Vendor No.: T27020378 NV Business ID: NV20101296222 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2011-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 10/2011 02/08/2011

10/31/2011 1 year and 233 days Contract SEOW - Consulting

5. Purpose of contract: This is an amendment to the original contract, which provides training and reporting necessary for the State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) program. The amendment adds deliverables related to completing the Substance Abuse Prevention Strategic Plan, and is outlined in the amended scope of work. This amendment extends the termination date from October 31, 2011 to September 29, 2012 and increases the maximum amount from $72,000 to $117,750. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $72,000.00 $0.00 $45,750.00 $117,750.00 09/29/2012

7. What conditions require that this work be done? NRS 458.035 allows for the Division to contract in order carry out the provisions of NRS 458.010 to 458.350, inclusive. A condition of funding requires the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency to perform the work, which is directly related to the agencies core mission of preventing substance abuse. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work:
Contract #: 11819 Page 1 of 3 38

The State does not have adequate resources, nor the expertise, to perform the work. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Sole Source Contract (As Approved by Chief of Purchasing) Approval #: 100913A Approval Date: 08/17/2011 c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Coop Consulting, Inc. has developed reports and provided training to Single State Authorities (SSAs) for substance abuse prevention through planning for implementation of the Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG). The SEOW was developed as a result of the SPF SIG. The funding from Synectics is intended to be used to support the continuation of the SEOW until a discretionary grant becomes available. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 2009-2010: State of Nevada, Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency. (Contractor rated as satisfactory) 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval
Contract #: 11819

User gleiss dprather mtorvine rvernon

Signature Date 09/01/2011 08:41:11 AM 09/01/2011 08:49:47 AM 09/08/2011 09:53:14 AM 09/08/2011 14:42:43 PM
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Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval

jborrowm jteska jteska

09/16/2011 15:48:54 PM 09/21/2011 15:13:10 PM 09/21/2011 15:13:14 PM

Contract #: 11819

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12620 Legal Entity A&K EARTH MOVERS INC Name: Contractor Name: A&K EARTH MOVERS INC Address: City/State/Zip Contact/Phone: PO BOX 1059 FALLON, NV 89407-1059 Chris Spross (775-825-1636) 775/4236085 PUR0000363B NV19651001305

Agency Name:

ADJUTANT GENERAL & NATL GUARD Agency Code: 431 Appropriation Unit: 3650-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Vendor No.: NV Business ID: To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: NVMD # 007-2011 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

01/16/2012 107 days Contract Concrete & Asphalt

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to remove the deteriorating concrete and asphalt that has become a hazard and to replace it with new concrete and asphalt, to repair the current drainage issues, to construct a walkway and to perform other grading and asphalt work at the Combined Support Maintenance Shop (CSMS). 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $79,200.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $72,000.00 per invoice Other basis for payment: Progress payments can be made per invoice at the rate of project completion.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The CSMS shop now services tanker equipment requiring the approaches be extended and the drainage issues corrected as they are causing safety concerns. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: We do not have the man power or equipment to do a project of this size. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division?
Contract #: 12620

Yes No
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a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This vendor was chosen by the Evaluation Committee held on September 1, 2011. d. Last bid date: 08/30/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: The Office of the Military has contracted with this vendor in FY 10 and the services provided were satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User criley criley jmcentee criley jborrowm jteska jteska Pending

Signature Date 09/08/2011 13:34:37 PM 09/08/2011 13:34:39 PM 09/08/2011 13:53:14 PM 09/08/2011 14:28:11 PM 09/16/2011 14:16:16 PM 09/21/2011 14:48:10 PM 09/21/2011 14:48:13 PM

Contract #: 12620

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12655 Legal Entity HERSHENOW & KLIPPENSTEIN Name: ARCHITECTS INC Contractor Name: H&K ARCHITECTS Address: City/State/Zip 5485 RENO CORPORATE DR STE 100 RENO, NV 89511-2262

Agency Name:

ADJUTANT GENERAL & NATL GUARD Agency Code: 431 Appropriation Unit: 3650-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: MAX HERSHENOW 775/332-6640 Vendor No.: T80984709 NV Business ID: 19941047730 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: NVMD# 040-2011 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

12/30/2011 90 days Contract AASF Mezzanines

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide site analysis, structural engineering requirements, HVAC, power, fire sprinklers and all adopted building codes requirements related to the installation of two mezzanines and modular offices to be located within the North and South hangar of the Army Aviation Support Facility (AASF) in Stead, Nevada. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $12,350.00 Other basis for payment: as invoiced monthly, not to exceed $12,350.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The AASF UH-60 maintenance program has outgrown the existing office space in the North hangar. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees do not possess requisite skills or certifications to design pre-fabricated modular offices. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150)
Contract #: 12655 Page 1 of 2 40

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Per NAC333.150, vendor has requisite skills and certifications for this type of design work. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: The Office of the Military has contracted with this vendor on numerous occasions and the services provided have always been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? No b. If "No", please explain: The DBA (doing business as) name is easier for the vendor's clients contracting and accounting systems. 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User criley criley jmcentee criley jborrowm jteska jteska Pending

Signature Date 09/08/2011 10:58:15 AM 09/08/2011 10:58:17 AM 09/08/2011 13:53:52 PM 09/08/2011 14:28:38 PM 09/16/2011 13:50:08 PM 09/21/2011 14:46:49 PM 09/21/2011 14:46:54 PM

Contract #: 12655

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12609 Legal Entity HERSHENOW & KLIPPENSTEIN Name: ARCHITECTS INC Contractor Name: H&K Architects Address: City/State/Zip 5485 RENO CORPORATE DR STE 100 RENO, NV 89511-2262

Agency Name:

ADJUTANT GENERAL & NATL GUARD Agency Code: 431 Appropriation Unit: 3650-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Max Hershenow 775/332-6640 Vendor No.: T80984709 NV Business ID: 19941047730 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: NVMD# 034-2011 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 11/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

12/30/2011 59 days Contract Plumb Lane Design

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide design documents for construction of two level pre-fabricated offices on the North and East walls of the existing drill hall at the Plumb Lane Armory in Reno, Nevada. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $31,800.00 Other basis for payment: as invoiced monthly, not to exceed $31,800.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Nevada National Guard's Family Support operations are now housed under one roof at the Plumb Lane Armory and additional office space to support 8-12 2-person offices is needed. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees do not possess requisite skills and certifications to design pre-fabricated offices. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Professional Service (As defined in NAC 333.150)
Contract #: 12609 Page 1 of 2 41

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Per NAC 333.150 vendor has requisite skills and certifications to perform the professional engineered design for the new offices at the Plumb Lane Armory d. Last bid date: 08/24/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: The Office of the Military has contracted with this vendor on numerous occasions and the services provided have always been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? No b. If "No", please explain: The DBA (doing business as) name is easier for the vendor's clients contracting and accounting systems. 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User criley criley jmcentee criley jborrowm jteska jteska Pending

Signature Date 09/08/2011 12:36:01 PM 09/08/2011 12:36:03 PM 09/08/2011 13:54:24 PM 09/08/2011 14:18:07 PM 09/16/2011 13:41:04 PM 09/21/2011 14:43:57 PM 09/21/2011 14:44:04 PM

Contract #: 12609

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 11548 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 2 JBR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. JBR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 595 Double Eagle Court Suite 2000 Reno, NV 89521

Agency Name:

ADJUTANT GENERAL & NATL GUARD Agency Code: 431 Appropriation Unit: 3650-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Brian Boyd 775/747-5777 Vendor No.: T27006724 NV Business ID: NV20101171742 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2011-2012 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: NVMD 19-2010 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 10/2011 10/12/2010

12/31/2011 1 year and 262 days Contract Weed Abatement

5. Purpose of contract: This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides weed abatement at the Stead Training Center. This amendment extends the termination date from December 31, 2011 to June 30, 2012 and increases the maximum amount from $22,237.00 to $39,787.00 due a continued need for these services. The original scope of work will be completed as indicated and planned by December 31, 2011. Additional weed abatement work is needed and federal funds are available to complete this project by June 30, 2012. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $22,237.00 $0.00 $17,550.00 $39,787.00 06/30/2012

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The outbreak of an invasive weed needs to be mitigated to prevent the complete takeover of the area. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees do not have adequate certifications for this type of chemical for weed abatement.
Contract #: 11548 Page 1 of 2 42

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals:

Yes No

b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Per the evaluation committee, this vendor had the highest overall score. d. Last bid date: 07/01/2010 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: This vendor is currently under contract with the Wildlife Department and the services have been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User criley criley criley criley jborrowm jteska jteska

Signature Date 09/08/2011 14:59:21 PM 09/08/2011 14:59:23 PM 09/08/2011 15:33:15 PM 09/08/2011 15:33:20 PM 09/21/2011 15:40:44 PM 09/21/2011 15:54:45 PM 09/21/2011 15:54:49 PM

Contract #: 11548

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12628 Legal Entity LLOYDS REFRIGERATION INC Name: Contractor Name: LLOYDS REFRIGERATION INC Address: 5701 W SUNSET RD City/State/Zip LAS VEGAS, NV 89118

Agency Name: PARKS DIVISION Agency Code: 704 Appropriation Unit: 4162-07 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Steve Martinson 702/798-1010 Vendor No.: T29020196 NV Business ID: NV19781009048 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2013 1 year and 273 days Contract Heating Air repair

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide heating and air conditioning repair for all of the southern region parks. This contract may service Regional Head Quarters, Mormon Fort , Spring Mountain Ranch, Big Bendand and Valley of Fire. Heating and cooling must be maintained in public buildings for the saftey and health of both the public and staff. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $49,800.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $75.00 per hour Other basis for payment: as needed basis

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Heating and cooling must be maintained in public buildings for the safety and health of both public and staff. Climate control must also be maintained to protect equipment and supplies. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Not all park locations have staff with knowledge of high pressure/voltages found in HVAC systems. Repairs can be dangerous if not performed correctly. Some repair parts are only available to licensed contractors, including warranties. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals:
Contract #: 12628

Yes No

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b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Lloyd's was the only one to respond. Lloyd's Refridgeration has done work for the State Parks in the past with satifactory results. 2006 d. Last bid date: 08/08/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 05/01/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User sdecrona sdecrona sdecrona sdecrona jrodrig9 cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 09/06/2011 10:35:04 AM 09/06/2011 10:35:08 AM 09/06/2011 10:35:12 AM 09/09/2011 09:03:26 AM 09/14/2011 15:32:43 PM 09/20/2011 14:26:12 PM 09/20/2011 14:26:17 PM

Contract #: 12628

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 11756 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 2 Reliable Pump Inc Reliable Pump Inc Reliable Pump and Motor 4105 W Bell Rd Las Vegas, NV 89118

Agency Name: PARKS DIVISION Agency Code: 704 Appropriation Unit: 4605-32 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null7022435116 Vendor No.: T27007656 NV Business ID: NV20001484286 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2011-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Utility Surcharge 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 10/2011 11/23/2010

06/30/2013 2 years and 219 days Contract on-call services

5. Purpose of contract: This is the second amendment to the original contract, which provides on-call services to repair and replace lift station sewer pumps at Big Bend of the Colorado State Recreation Area. This amendment increases the maximum amount from $9,999 to $19,999 due to the recent and histroical problems with this system. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: $5,000.00 $4,999.00 $10,000.00 $19,999.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Lift station sewer pumps at the park periodically need repair and/or replacement due to useage. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Do not have qualified/certified staff to perform the work. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals:
Contract #: 11756

Yes No

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b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Only vendor to submit a bid. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval

User sdecrona sdecrona sdecrona sdecrona jrodrig9 cwatson cwatson

Signature Date 09/02/2011 12:05:38 PM 09/02/2011 12:05:42 PM 09/02/2011 12:05:46 PM 09/12/2011 11:42:25 AM 09/14/2011 16:25:46 PM 09/16/2011 12:39:55 PM 09/16/2011 12:40:00 PM

Contract #: 11756

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12602 Legal Entity U.S. Geological Survey Name: Contractor Name: U.S. Geological Survey Address: 2730 Deer Run Road City/State/Zip Carson City, NV 89701

Agency Name: DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Agency Code: 705 Appropriation Unit: 4157 - All Categories Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Linda McCord-Kolsky 775-887-7600 Vendor No.: T80838030 NV Business ID: N/A To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Pass Through Funds 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 10/2011 09/26/2011

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain Documents necessary for the processing of this Joint Funding Agreement were received from Newmont Mining Corporation August 26, 2011. The entire cost of this project is borne by Newmont Mining Corporation. 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 06/30/2013 1 year and 278 days Contract JFA Maggie Creek

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract for the operation and maintenance of a streamflow gaging station on Maggie Creek and a crest stage gage on Simon Creek. Discharge data are collected, reviewed and made available in the annual publication "Water Resources Data - Nevada" and upon request. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $57,800.00 Payment for services will be made at the rate of $7,225.00 per quarter

7. What conditions require that this work be done? This is a program monitoring streamflow dishcharge for Maggie and Simon Creeks for possible impact from activities of major water users in the area. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The U.S. Geological Survey has the scientists, equipment and expertise to provide the products and services. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable
Contract #: 12602

No No

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c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? The U.S. Geological Survey has the necessary equipment in place and experience in delivering the desired product, and the State Engineer is authorized to enter into agreements with the U.S. Geological Survey under NRS 532.170. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: The Division has executed many agreements with the U.S. Geological Survey that have resulted in products widely used by governmental agencies and the public. The results have been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User bkordono bkordono bkordono bkordono jrodrig9 cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 08/29/2011 11:06:35 AM 08/29/2011 11:06:38 AM 08/29/2011 11:06:43 AM 08/30/2011 14:19:09 PM 09/14/2011 13:50:59 PM 09/20/2011 14:40:36 PM 09/20/2011 14:40:41 PM

Contract #: 12602

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12618 Legal Entity Nevada Division of Wildlife Name: Contractor Name: Nevada Division of Wildlife Address: 1100 Valley Road City/State/Zip Reno, NV 89512

Agency Name: FORESTRY DIVISION Agency Code: 706 Appropriation Unit: 4195-00 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null775-688-1500 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: Govenmental Agency To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2015 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. X General Funds 100.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: NDF12-004 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2015 3 years and 273 days Interlocal Agreement Cost share agreement

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new interlocal agreement to establish a working agreement between the Nedava Division of Forestry and the Nevada Department of Wildlife to share pilots and maintenance personnel between agencies to better accomplish the agencies' state mission. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $300,000.00 Other basis for payment: Payment of actual costs will be made on a quarterly basis.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) has a limited number of pilots available and mandated flight requirements. In order for NDOW to carry out it's mission it is necessary for the Nevada Division of Forestry's (NDF's) pilot to assist with flying designated operations. NDOW also does not have an aircraft mechanic on staff so to help keep costs down, NDOW will utilize NDF's aircraft mechanic when available. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The pilot and aircraft mechanic in this contract are state employees. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals:
Contract #: 12618

No No

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Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This is an agreement between two state agencies. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: The Nevada Division of Foresty and Nevada Department of Wildlife have entered into this type of agreement in the past, most recently June 2008 - June 2011. The employees' performance has been documented in evaluations and found to be satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User ssisco ssisco ssisco ldunn cglover jteska jteska Pending

Signature Date 09/01/2011 16:51:55 PM 09/01/2011 16:51:58 PM 09/01/2011 16:52:02 PM 09/02/2011 14:11:39 PM 09/12/2011 11:04:39 AM 09/21/2011 14:24:18 PM 09/21/2011 14:24:25 PM

Contract #: 12618

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12639 Legal Entity Windsor Solutions, Inc. Name: Contractor Name: Windsor Solutions, Inc. Address: 4386 SW Macadam Ave, Suite 101 City/State/Zip Portland, OR 97239

Agency Name: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Agency Code: 709 Appropriation Unit: 3187-60 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Simon Watson 503-675-7833 Vendor No.: T27010424 NV Business ID: NV20111356993 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: RFP #2011 DEP#12-009 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 10/2011 10/11/2011

09/30/2015 3 years and 355 days Contract Technical Support

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide technical support for the National Environmental Information Exchange Network. The Exchange Network is the means by which states can share data with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and other partners. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $300,000.00 Other basis for payment: Contractor will be paid at cost per level of service as outlined in the Contractor?s Cost Proposal, dated 08/23/11.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Exchange network is the means by which States can share data with USEPA and other partners. USEPA has provided grant funds to enable the State to participate. This contact provides technical support to enable on-going development of data exchanges with USEPA. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The Division has a limited IT staff and the skills needed are very specialized. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals:
Contract #: 12639

Yes Yes

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b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This vendor received the highest score in a competitive procurement process d. Last bid date: 07/18/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 05/01/2015 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? Yes


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: NDEP had a contract with the vendor for the following periods: 3/05 - 01/10 06/06 - 12/07 05/10 - 06/11 The vendor's work was excellent. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval DoIT Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval
Contract #: 12639

User lfleming abasham abasham demme lmuelle1 jrodrig9 cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 09/07/2011 08:11:24 AM 09/07/2011 09:06:55 AM 09/07/2011 09:07:02 AM 09/15/2011 15:06:42 PM 09/19/2011 07:21:58 AM 09/25/2011 15:34:40 PM 09/28/2011 11:50:59 AM 09/28/2011 11:51:04 AM

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12623 Legal Entity ENVIRONMENTAL INCENTIVES LLC Name: Contractor Name: ENVIRONMENTAL INCENTIVES LLC Address: 3351 LAKE TAHOE BLVD STE 2 City/State/Zip SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150-7920

Agency Name: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Agency Code: 709 Appropriation Unit: 3193-06 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null530/541-2980 Vendor No.: T27025311 NV Business ID: NV20101203250 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: DEP 12-008 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

03/31/2013 1 year and 182 days Contract Stormwater Tool

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to develop a web-based platform that combines the functions of existing, independent stormwater tool and associated databases, forms and reports, thereby minimizing the administrative burden of urban stormwater jurisdictions participating in the Lake Tahoe Clarity Crediting Program 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $82,000.00 Other basis for payment: Billing will be submitted quarterly, based on work completed.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Clean Water Act, Section 303(d) and 40 CFR 130.7 require that States develop total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) for impaired waters. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency provides CWA Section 106 funds to Nevada to implement the TMDL program. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: NDEP required additional expertise to develop the Lake Tahoe Clarity Crediting Program (a tool that will assist the local jurisdictions in implementing the Lake Tahoe TMDLs). 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals:
Contract #: 12623

No No

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Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Sole Source Contract (As Approved by Chief of Purchasing) Approval #: 110810 Approval Date: 08/23/2011 c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This contractor has the expertise to complete the project. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? Yes


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 2010 to Present, Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, service has been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: LLC 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval DoIT Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User lfleming ksertic ksertic sneudaue lmuelle1 jrodrig9 cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 09/02/2011 15:42:14 PM 09/02/2011 15:48:29 PM 09/02/2011 15:48:34 PM 09/06/2011 07:33:14 AM 09/06/2011 15:40:00 PM 09/14/2011 16:04:23 PM 09/20/2011 14:28:20 PM 09/20/2011 14:28:25 PM

Contract #: 12623

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Purchasing Use Only: il


515 East Musser Street, Suite 300 Carson City, Nevada 89701 Phone (775) 684-0170 Fax (775) 684-0188

GREG SMITH Purchasing AdmInlstiator


1. a. Identll, State agency and the contact persons name, title, telephone number and email address for this request: Jason Kuchnicki Environmental Scientist IV Bureau of Water Quality Planning Division of Environmental Protection Ph:687-9450; email: jkuch( Sondra L. Neudauer Contract Manager Ph: 775-687-9452; email: b. Vendor contact information: Jeremy Sokulsky, PE, MBA President Environmental Incentives, LLC NV Lic #NV2O 101203250 3351 Lake Tahoe Blvd, Ste 2 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 [o] 530.541.2980 [m] 650.283.7997 [e]

c. Type of waiver requested: 2.

Sole or single source

Professional Service Exemption

Description of work/services to be performed or commodity/good to be purchased: Since 2005, the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) has worked with the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and numerous other local, state and federal agencies to develop the Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), which defines the pollutants that are degrading Lake Tahoe, identifies their general sources, and sets an overall strategy for restoring Lake Tahoes famed clarity. The Lake Clarity Crediting Program (Crediting Program) is the overarching program in which municipalities and departments of transportation (collectively referred to as jurisdictions) will participate to implement the TMDL. The Crediting Program incentivizes and standardizes the procedures for jurisdictions to use a suite of stormwater tools to: (1) identi1 and prioritize the most effective opportunities to reduce the amount of these pollutants from entering Lake Tahoe; (2) estimate and document expected pollutant load reductions resulting from implementation of on-the-ground actions; and (3) report ongoing effectiveness of operations.

Solicitation Waiver

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Rev. 03/10


Best Management Practice Rapid Assessment Methodology (BMP RAM); (3) Road Rapid Assessment Methodology (Road RAM); and (4) TMDL Accounting and Tracking Tool. By necessity, these tools were developed independently due to the inability to secure enough funding to develop them In a completely integrated fashion. Therefore, in their current formats each tool operates Independently, requiring jurisdiction staff to enter similarand often redundantinformation into each unique tool. Although the jurisdictions recognize the importance and utility of these tools, the redundant and disintegrated nature of the tools presents a significant barrier toward acceptance of the tools. With strained resources compounding jurisdictions abilities to devote additional resources to stormwater management, the disintegration of these tools presents a real and immediate challenge to the implementation of the Crediting Program, as well as the TMDL overall. To address this problem, this project will develop a single Integrated Tahoe Stormwater Tool that combines the functions of the Accounting and Tracking Tool, BMP RAM and Road RAM, enables direct uploads of PLRM outputs, and automatically populates Crediting Program forms and standard reports. Building from the existing stormwater tools, the Integrated Tahoe Stormwater Tool will: Create a single web-based application that will integrate concepts and data from each of these unique tools and will significantly reduce or completely eliminate redundant data entry. The application will also generate outputs necessary to complete certain requirements of annual stormwater reports. Align the data fields for each existing tool so that the information required for all functions will be consistent and any necessary translation will occur dynamically within the application. Define clear data fields and a data upload processes so that jurisdictions can manage information using their existing asset management databases and submit consistent information to the Integrated Tahoe Stormwater Tool. Enable TMDL administrators, program managers and staff to generate reports showing progress by catchment, jurisdiction, state, or basin-wide. Enable TMDL administrators to efficiently monitor the completeness of information submitted by jurisdictions, award credits, and support adaptive management by developing reports that compare credits to load reductions and TMDL milestones. 3. Describe the unique qualification required for the service or good to be purchased: Unique qualifications include: I. Proposed Vendor was the primary developer of the Lake Clarity Crediting Program, the unh1ing program that integrates all of the tools. Furthermore, the Proposed Vendor is currently contracted with NDEP and the Lahontan Water Board to support jurisdictions with testing and training of the Crediting Program protocols including operation of the existing storinwater water tools. The Proposed Vendor is therefore uniquely qualified to ensure this work is carried out in a coordinated manner and reflects and addresses jurisdictions comments on the existing suite of tools.
2. Proposed Vendor was directly involved and played integral role in the development of the BMP RAM, Road RAM, and Accounting & Tracking Tool. Proposed Vendors detailed and first-hand understanding of the interactions between the Crediting Program and each of the stormwater tools will ensure ultimate alignment and efficiency in development of the Integrated Tahoe Stormwater Tool.

3. During existing contracts with NDEP and previous contracts with partners, Proposed Vendor has provided excellent work in leading each of the jurisdictions through a more than yearlong, hands-on beta-test of the Crediting Program and each of the stormwater tools. As such, Proposed Vendor has intricate and direct knowledge of the problems, issues and socialleconomic/political factors that jurisdictions fuce in using the Crediting Program and associated stormwater tools, as well as first-hand knowledge of errors and challenges in the individual tools.

Solicitation Waiver
Rev. 03110

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Proposed Vendor has entered into a $60,000 contract with the Lahontan Water Board who is also contributing funding to cany out the work described. Because they were the developers of the Lake Clarity Crediting Program, El possesses the unique and intimate knowledge necessary to support lead this stormwater tools integration effort in a coordinated manner which ensures that jurisdiction feedback is addressed and reflected in the final product. The Crediting Program establishes a set of highly-nuanced protocols and processes that integrate these specialized and one-of-a-kind stormwater tools. As the developers of the Crediting Program, Proposed Vendor is best suited to lead this effort to ensure programmatic integration between and amongst all of the tools. Proposed Vendors knowledge of specific issues with the stormwater tools themselves will enable immediate, rapid and efficient development of the Integrated Tahoe Stormwater Tool. Moreover, Proposed Vendor has the direct knowledge of factors that may impede jurisdiction adoption of these tools through excellent work performed through existing contract with NDEP.


What are the potential consequences to the State of Nevada if the waiver request is denied and the service or good is competitively bid: After more than a decade of research and expenditure of millions of dollars, the Lake Tahoe TMDL is quickly nearing full adoption in the Tahoe Basin. The implementation of the TMDL, however, relies heavily on the Crediting Program and the associated stormwater tools. NDEP has identified the greatest impediment to adoption and use of the existing is the confusion and administrative burden resulting from the disintegration of these tools. Denying this request would disrupt important foundational work accomplished with stakeholders, who were informed that NDEP and the Lahontan Water Board would work to address their feedback to improve and make the Crediting Program and associated tools more usable. Without this, support for participation in the Crediting Program and use of the stormwater tools would be significantly diminished. NDEP and the Lahontan Water Board have worked diligently to successfully secure the funding necessary to resolve the largest barrier to implementation of the Crediting Program. Therefore, the consequence of not approving this waiver would be to jeopardize and protract Lake Tahoe TMDL implementation, Ultimately, this would delay restoration of Lake Tahoe clarity according to the schedule that was adopted in the Lake Tahoe TMDL report and agreed to by multiple stakeholders.


What market research was conducted to substantiate that there is no competition for the service or good? Please include an evaluation of other items considered, and provide documentation. This work builds off an existing scope and funding provided through the State of California, for which the Proposed Vendor has already been selected to perform the work. Because the contractor selected was the original developer of the Crediting Program and Handbook, it is doubtful that another contractor would be able to provide the requested services, however even if It were possible, it would require significant time and resources to bring them up to speed to perform the work and the products are unlikely to be as good of quality in comparison. Therefore, staff determined the most cost-effective approach to accomplish the work is to retain the proposed service provider.


How did your agency determine that the price/cost is fair or reasonable absent a competitive solicitation? Contract Coordinator, Contract Manager and Bureau Chief determined that the proposed price is both equitable and reasonable through best professional judgment in consideration of current vendor rates and costs to perform work of similar capacity. Additionally, the leveraging of existing knowledge and experience of Proposed Vendor will result in significant reduction in cost that would be necessary if competitively solicited.


What is the estimated value and length of the contract, amendment or request? a. New contract Y N Q Contract term: March 31, 2013. Maximum contract amount: $82,000.

b. Amendment Y Q N Amendment No. {provide copy of previous waiver(s)}

Solicitation Waiver Rev. 031L0

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Requesthg agency

hereby requests approval for

Environmental Incentives. LLC

Proposed vendor

to provide the service/good for the amount and term as described above. By signing below I hereby certify that the information provided in this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Signed:


Agency Representative Initiating Request AgencQIeadAuthorizinguest

L 3


In an effort to avoid possible conflict with any equipment, system or process already installed or in place by the State of Nevada, State Purchasing has solicited a review of your request from another agency/entity. The signature below indicates that agency/entity has reviewed the information submitted. This signature does not exempt your agency from any other processes that may be required. Signed:

Reviewing Agency/Entity Signature Date


Please consider this memo as my approval of your request. This exemption is granted pursuant to NAC 333.1 50(2)(a)(b) and NRS 333.400. This exemption may be rescinded in the event reliable information becomes available upon which the Purchasing Administrator determines that the service or good sought may in fact be contracted for in a more effective manner. Pursuant to NRS 284.173(6), contracts for services do not become effective without the prior approval of the State Board of Examiners (BOB). If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Purchasing Division at 775-684-0170. Approving Authority:

Admi istrator, Purchasing ivision Date

1 3-/I

Solicitation Waiver Rev. 03/10

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12624 Legal Entity ENVIRONMENTAL INCENTIVES LLC Name: Contractor Name: ENVIRONMENTAL INCENTIVES LLC Address: 3351 LAKE TAHOE BLVD STE 2 City/State/Zip SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150-7920

Agency Name: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Agency Code: 709 Appropriation Unit: 3193-06 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null530/541-2980 Vendor No.: T27025311 NV Business ID: NV20101203250 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2015 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 100.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % Agency Reference #: DEP 11-031 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

12/31/2014 3 years and 92 days Contract Lake Tahoe Mgt syste

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to maximize the return on the investment required to meet the Clarity Challenge by developing a system that will enable Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) implementation to be managed and operated through a continuous improvement and adaptive management framework. The project will fulfill the outstanding need to link together elements of implementation and accomplishments reporting; status and trends, effectiveness & implementation monitoring; research; and evaluation/assessment in a formalized, transparent and inclusive process with the purpose of informing management and policy decisions. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $472,500.00 Other basis for payment: Billing will be submitted quarterly, based on work completed.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Clean Water Act, Section 303(d) and 40 CFR 130.7 require that States develop total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) for impaired waters. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency provides CWA Section 106 funds to Nevada to implement the TMDL program. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: NDEP required additional expertise to develop the Lake Tahoe Clarity Crediting Program (a tool that will assist the local jurisdictions in implementing the Lake Tahoe TMDLs). 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals:


b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This contractor was one of the proposals chosen by the RFP evaluation committee. d. Last bid date: 10/01/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? Yes


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: 2010 to Present, Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, service has been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: LLC 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval DoIT Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User lfleming ksertic ksertic sneudaue lmuelle1 jrodrig9 cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 09/02/2011 15:42:29 PM 09/02/2011 15:51:30 PM 09/02/2011 15:51:34 PM 09/06/2011 07:33:33 AM 09/06/2011 15:40:37 PM 09/21/2011 19:45:30 PM 09/22/2011 09:41:14 AM 09/22/2011 09:41:18 AM

Contract #: 12624

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12418 Legal Entity City of Winnemucca Name: Contractor Name: City of Winnemucca Address: 90 West Fourth Street City/State/Zip Winnemucca , NV 89445

Agency Name: MANUFACTURED HOUSING DIV Agency Code: 754 Appropriation Unit: 3814-04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Sherrie Chaplin 775-623-6319 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: N/A To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Costs will not be incurred by the State 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2016 4 years and 274 days Interlocal Agreement Inspections

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new interlocal agreement to allow the inspection and testing of manufactured homes and commercial coaches within the City of Winnemucca. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $23,500.00 Other basis for payment: The value of this contract is the estimated revenues the City of Winnemucca will collect over the term of the contract to equal approximately $4,700 per fiscal year.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Due to the rural and remote nature of the City of Winnemucca it makes it difficult for the state inspectors to complete inspections located in this area in a timely manner. It is economically sound to let this city and their trained employees do the statutorily mandated inspections. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The division has offices in Carson City, Las Vegas and Elko. Regulations allow the Manufactured Housing Division to charge for time and travel, however it can be extremly costly because of the distance traveled and the consumers are required to pay the additional costs for the time and travel in order to bring an inspector from the office locations to the remote areas of the state. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals:
Contract #: 12418

No No

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Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User sbarkdul sbarkdul jfarle1 sbarkdul kkolbe jmurph1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 08/22/2011 12:35:28 PM 08/22/2011 12:35:32 PM 09/01/2011 11:58:09 AM 09/01/2011 12:00:57 PM 09/06/2011 11:51:11 AM 09/14/2011 10:28:32 AM 09/14/2011 10:28:36 AM

Contract #: 12418

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12419 Legal Entity Humboldt County Name: Contractor Name: Humboldt County Address: 25 W Fourth Street City/State/Zip Winnemucca, NV 89445

Agency Name: MANUFACTURED HOUSING DIV Agency Code: 754 Appropriation Unit: 3814-04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Bobby Thomas 775-623-6322 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: N/A To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Costs will not be incurred by the State 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2016 4 years and 274 days Interlocal Agreement Inspections

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new interlocal agreement to allow the inspection and testing of manufactured homes and commercial coaches within Humboldt County. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $85,000.00 Other basis for payment: The value of this contract is the estimated revenues that Humboldt County will collect over the term of the contract to equal approximately $17,000 per fiscal year.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Due to the rural and remote nature of Humboldt County it makes it difficult for the state inspectors to complete inspections located in this area in a timely manner. It is economically sound to let this county and their trained employees do the statutorily mandated inspections. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The division has offices in Carson City, Las Vegas and Elko. Regulations allow the Manufactured Housing Division to charge for time and travel, however it can be extremly costly because of the distance traveled and the consumers are required to pay the additional costs for the time and travel in order to bring an inspector from the office locations to the remote areas of the state. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals:
Contract #: 12419

No No

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Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User sbarkdul sbarkdul jfarle1 sbarkdul kkolbe jmurph1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 08/22/2011 12:36:23 PM 08/22/2011 12:36:26 PM 09/01/2011 11:58:33 AM 09/01/2011 12:01:13 PM 09/06/2011 11:56:22 AM 09/14/2011 10:27:17 AM 09/14/2011 10:27:20 AM

Contract #: 12419

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12416 Legal Entity Lander County Building Department Name: Contractor Name: Lander County Building Department Address: 315 S Humboldt St City/State/Zip Battle Mountain, NV 89820

Agency Name: MANUFACTURED HOUSING DIV Agency Code: 754 Appropriation Unit: 3814-04 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Joe Lindsey 775-635-2885 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: N/A To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Costs will not be incurred by the State 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2016 4 years and 274 days Interlocal Agreement Inspections

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new interlocal agreement to allow the inspection and testing of manufactured homes and commercial coaches within Lander County. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $32,500.00 Other basis for payment: The value of this contract is the estimated revenues that Lander County will collect over the term of the contract to equal approximately $6,500 per fiscal year.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Due to the rural and remote nature of Lander County it makes it difficult for the state inspectors to complete inspections located in this area in a timely manner. It is economically sound to let this county and their trained employees do the statutorily mandated inspections. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The division has offices in Carson City, Las Vegas and Elko. Regulations allow the Manufactured Housing Division to charge for time and travel, however it can be extremly costly because of the distance traveled and the consumers are required to pay the additional costs for the time and travel in order to bring an inspector from the office locations to the remote areas of the state. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals:
Contract #: 12416

No No

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Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User sbarkdul sbarkdul jfarle1 sbarkdul kkolbe jmurph1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 09/01/2011 10:38:29 AM 09/01/2011 10:38:34 AM 09/01/2011 11:57:45 AM 09/01/2011 12:00:46 PM 09/06/2011 11:55:09 AM 09/14/2011 10:25:54 AM 09/14/2011 10:25:58 AM

Contract #: 12416

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12654 Legal Entity Office of Traffic Safety Name: Contractor Name: Office of Traffic Safety Address: City/State/Zip 555 Wright Way Carson City, NV 89711

Agency Name:

DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Agency Code: 800 Appropriation Unit: 4660-16 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Traci Pearl 7756847482 Vendor No.: NV Business ID: N/A To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % X Federal Funds 95.00 % Bonds 0.00 % X Highway Funds 5.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

09/30/2012 1 year Interlocal Agreement Safety Plan

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new interlocal agreement to provide support data and other information which will continue the statewide paid media enhancement, Prevent All Crashes Every Day (PACE) for the youth safety driving program; provide pedestrian safety education and awareness; and expand the high visibility enforcement at high crash intersections. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $900,000.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? 23 USC ? 104(b)(5) authorizes the Secretary of Transportation to apportion funds for the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). Pursuant to 23 USC ? 148(e), the State may implement a Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) as part of its HSIP targeted at the state?s most serious road transportation safety problems; and allows states to flex ten percent (10%) of those funds for non-infrastructure activities. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: 23 USC ? 148(c)(2) are (1) to develop a statewide-coordinated safety plan that provides a comprehensive framework for reducing highway fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads; (2) to develop the safety plan in coordination with local, State, Federal, and private sector safety stakeholders; (3) to ensure the plan is a data-driven, four to five year comprehensive plan that establishes statewide goals, objectives, and key emphasis areas, and integrates the four E?s ? engineering, education, enforcement, and emergency medical services; and (4) to allow all highway safety programs in the State to work together in an effort to align and leverage its resources; herein after called the PROJECT. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? d. Last bid date:


Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? No If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Not Applicable 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User mstewa10 mstewa10 mstewa10 mstewa10 cwatson cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 09/08/2011 08:45:42 AM 09/08/2011 08:45:47 AM 09/08/2011 08:45:49 AM 09/08/2011 08:45:52 AM 09/20/2011 15:26:14 PM 09/20/2011 15:26:18 PM 09/20/2011 15:26:22 PM

Contract #: 12654

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12674 Legal Entity QAS SYSTEMS LTD Name: Contractor Name: QAS SYSTEMS LTD Address: QAS 1 MEMORIAL DR STE 800 City/State/Zip CAMBRIDGE, MA 02142-1362

Agency Name: DEPT OF MOTOR VEHICLES Agency Code: 810 Appropriation Unit: 4711-26 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null617/218-3299 Vendor No.: T27013907 NV Business ID: 19961198442 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % X Fees 100.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % Other funding 0.00 % 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No or b. other effective date 10/2011 11/01/2011

10/31/2015 4 years Contract Address Verification

5. Purpose of contract: This a new contract to provide the annual maintenance for an existing DMV address/verification system that validates and formats addresses in accordance with the United States Parcel Service. This contract also includes an enhancement to allow customers to verify their address in any Nevada DMV public facing web application. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $207,891.32

7. What conditions require that this work be done? It is necessary for the DMV to record accurate addresses in its data system to perform regular business functions effectively and efficiently. This software provides the DMV a solution to data entry errors and extra costs associated with corrections and additional mailings. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The state does not have the expertise or the resources to dedicate to programming an application such as this to function in the manner that this product is designed to. Additionally the state lacks the staff to provide necessary updates and technical support to keep the data current. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Yes Yes

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b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This vendor recieved the highest overall score by the evaluation committee at the time of the RFP. The software was purchased by DMV on RFP 1560, this contract is for the on going maintenance that is proprietary to this vendor/product. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Currently contracted with DMV-Service has been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User cmunoz cmunoz dcook hazevedo cwatson cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 09/15/2011 14:10:19 PM 09/15/2011 14:10:21 PM 09/15/2011 15:19:06 PM 09/15/2011 16:07:05 PM 09/16/2011 12:48:27 PM 09/16/2011 12:48:52 PM 09/16/2011 12:48:56 PM

Contract #: 12674

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12615 Legal Entity CLARK, COUNTY OF Name: Contractor Name: CLARK, COUNTY OF Address: CLARK CO DEPT OF AIR QUALITY 500 S GRAND CENTRAL PKWY City/State/Zip LAS VEGAS, NV 89155-5010

Agency Name: DEPT OF MOTOR VEHICLES Agency Code: 810 Appropriation Unit: 4722-25 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/455-1649 Vendor No.: T81026920AF NV Business ID: Governmental Entity To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Pollution Control Fees 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

06/30/2013 1 year and 273 days Interlocal Agreement Air Quality Programs

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new interlocal agreement to address air quality related issues in the Las Vegas non-attainment area to include but not limited for: development and maintenance of a perpetual emissions inventory for criteria and hazardous pollutants; development of a Particulate Matter (PM10) redesignation request and maintenance plan; continued monitoring of Carbon Monoxide (CO); development of an Ozone redesignation request and maintenance plan; and the continuance of public outreach information and voluntary participatory programs promoting clean air initiatives. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $920,000.00

7. What conditions require that this work be done? NRS 445B.830, Authorizes the State to award grants to agencies for programs related to the improvement of the quality of air. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: No State Employess available. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable
Contract #: 12615

No No

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b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: No

10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? Yes If "Yes", please explain Clark County is a governmental entity. 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Grants awarded in previous fiscal years. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User csthil csthil dcook hazevedo cwatson cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 09/01/2011 11:18:11 AM 09/01/2011 11:18:21 AM 09/01/2011 12:05:03 PM 09/06/2011 17:02:55 PM 09/16/2011 08:24:03 AM 09/16/2011 08:24:10 AM 09/16/2011 08:24:15 AM

Contract #: 12615

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12589 Legal Entity ANYTIME PLUMBING INC DBA ABES Name: Contractor Name: ANYTIME PLUMBING INC DBA ABES Address: PLUMBING AIR REPAIR FAST WATER 4690 W POST RD STE 130 City/State/Zip LAS VEGAS, NV 89118-4345

Agency Name: REHABILITATION DIVISION Agency Code: 901 Appropriation Unit: 3253-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Keith Jaster 702/362-9300 Vendor No.: T80725910A NV Business ID: NV19991205584 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Business Enterprises of Nevada Agency Reference #: 1676-15-BEN 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

10/31/2015 4 years and 31 days Contract Plumbing Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide regular and emergency plumbing, installations, repairs and maintenance services for all needed projects at all Southern Nevada Business Enterprises of Nevada locations in Clark County Nevada, including the three sites at the Hoover Dam. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $50,000.00 Other basis for payment: Contractor will provide the services specified in paragraph five (5) at a cost $84.95/hr for drain or plumbing problem, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week plus parts; $175/hr for Hydro-Jetter one-time service with a 2 hour minimum; $250/hr up to 2 hours for sewer camera with an additional $125/hr exceeding the first 2 hours; $325/hr up to 2 hours for camera/locator with an additional $125/hr exceeding the first 2 hours; $250/hr up to 2 hours for leak and line detection equipment with an additional $125/hr exceeding the first two hours; $85 per backflow device; and $49.95 for technician to determine problems with heating and air conditioning. Costs for parking at the Hoover Dam will be reimbursed upon approval of submitted parking receipts only. A trip charge will be reimbursed at the State rate not to exceed $30 per round trip to the Hoover Dam sites with total not to exceed $50,000 for the term of the contract.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Business Enterprises of Nevada program has on-going needs for plumbing services at various sites in Southern Nevada. These services are required for the health and safety of customers and staff. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State personnel are not trained or licensed to perform these services.
Contract #: 12589 Page 1 of 3 56

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals:

Yes No

b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? From the five vendors solicited, this vendor was one of two that responded. Contracts are being awarded to both vendors to form a pool of vendors. d. Last bid date: 07/20/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 07/20/2015 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: This contractor has been under contract with the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation since 2010 and performance has been verified as satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval
Contract #: 12589

User tmyler mcol1 tnash bfor1 knielsen cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 08/30/2011 13:17:52 PM 09/12/2011 09:21:27 AM 09/13/2011 16:17:17 PM 09/16/2011 08:31:32 AM 09/19/2011 16:12:17 PM 09/20/2011 14:24:02 PM 09/20/2011 14:24:07 PM
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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12500 Legal Entity COMPLETE ELECTRIC LLC Name: Contractor Name: COMPLETE ELECTRIC LLC Address: 9425 DOUBLE R BLVD STE F City/State/Zip Contact/Phone: RENO, NV 89521-5928 775-8521361 T27025181 NV20061717795

Agency Name: REHABILITATION DIVISION Agency Code: 901 Appropriation Unit: 3253-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Vendor No.: NV Business ID: To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Business Enterprises Set Aside Agency Reference #: 1669-13-BEN 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

09/30/2013 2 years Contract Electrical Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide regular and emergency electrical installations, repairs and maintenance services for all needed projects for the Bureau of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired/Business Enterprises of Nevada facilities located in Washoe County and Carson City. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $25,000.00 Other basis for payment: Contractor will provide the services specified in paragraph five at a cost of $65/hr. Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m and $97.50/hr. for overtime, emergency repairs, weekends, holidays or non-standard work hours. Payment to be made upon approval of submitted invoice. Contract total not to exceed $25,000 for the term of the contract.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Business Enterprises of Nevada program has on-going needs for electrical services at various program sites. These services are essential to the health and safety of staff and the public and are mandated by the health codes and regulations of the city, county and state. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees are not trained or licensed to perform these services. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited?
Contract #: 12500

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Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals:


b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? From the five vendors solicited, this company was one of four that responded and contracts are being awarded to all four vendors to form a pool of vendors. d. Last bid date: 06/09/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 06/10/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: This vendor has been under contract with the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation since June 2010 and performance has been verified as satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: LLC 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval
Contract #: 12500

User tmyler mcol1 tnash bfor1 knielsen cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 07/28/2011 15:08:08 PM 08/10/2011 17:32:39 PM 08/19/2011 12:56:12 PM 08/19/2011 12:57:40 PM 08/30/2011 07:59:31 AM 09/16/2011 08:16:12 AM 09/16/2011 08:16:18 AM

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: CONV5816 Amendment Number: Legal Entity Name: Contractor Name: Address: City/State/Zip 26 Fleet & Industrial Supply Cent Fleet & Industrial Supply Cent er 800 Seal Beach Blvd, Bld 239 Seal Beach, CA 90740

Agency Name: REHABILITATION DIVISION Agency Code: 901 Appropriation Unit: 3253-00 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Cecilia Clouse 5626267365 Vendor No.: INT000000 NV Business ID: Government Entity To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2009-2013 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Revenue Contract Agency Reference #: 1300-09-BEN 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of No Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date or b. other effective date 10/2011 10/01/2008

Retroactive? Yes If "Yes", please explain This amendment was the result of the Navy to exercise Option Year Three from 1 October 2011 through 30 September 2012, add CBA Amendment, add FAR clause 52.2212-18 and increase the contract amount from $2,561,901.79 to $3,398,133.79. Amendments to this revenue contract are effective upon endorsement by the Navy contracting officer. Therefore, submission of contract amendments for approval by the Board of Examiners will continuously necessitate retroactive amendments. 3. Previously Approved Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: 09/30/2011 4 years Revenue Contract Food Preparation & Serving Equipment

5. Purpose of contract: This is the twenty-sixth amendment to the original contract, which provides full food service support at the Naval Air Station in Fallon, Nevada. This amendment is to to exercise Option Year Three for the period of performance from October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012; incorporate Collective Bargaining Agreement amendment; add Availability of Funds clause; and increase the maximum amount from $2,561,901.79 to $3,398,133.79 for the term of the contract. 6. CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. The maximum amount of the original contract: 2. Total amount of any previous contract amendments: 3. Amount of current contract amendment: 4. New maximum contract amount: and/or the termination date of the original contract has changed to: $836,400.00 $1,725,501.79 $836,232.00 $3,398,133.79 09/30/2012

7. What conditions require that this work be done?
Contract #: CONV5816 Page 1 of 3 58

NRS 426.640 and the Randolph Sheppard Act gives priority rights for the operations of vending services in public locations to operators licensed through Business Enterprises of Nevada. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: Per NRS 426.715, agency staff or other State employees cannot legally provide concession services on a commission basis. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? No Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing No Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Not Applicable b. Soliciation Waiver: Exempt (Per statute) c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Revenue Contract per NRS 277.080 through 277.180. d. Last bid date: Anticipated re-bid date: 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: The Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Division, Bureau of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired/Business Enterprises of Nevada has been providing food services to the Fleet and Industrial Supply Center at the Fallon Naval Air Station since October 2002. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is not registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office because the legal entity is a: Governmental Entity 15. Not Applicable 16. Not Applicable 17. Not Applicable 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval
Contract #: CONV5816

User rolso1 tnash tnash bfor1 knielsen cwatson

Signature Date 09/30/2011 09:50:54 AM 09/30/2011 09:55:51 AM 09/30/2011 09:55:55 AM 09/30/2011 11:01:03 AM 09/30/2011 11:07:15 AM 09/30/2011 11:20:24 AM
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BOE Agenda Approval


09/30/2011 11:20:29 AM

Contract #: CONV5816

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12567 Legal Entity NELSON ELECTRIC COMPANY INC Name: Contractor Name: NELSON ELECTRIC COMPANY INC Address: 1410 FREEPORT BLVD City/State/Zip SPARKS, NV 89431-5942

Agency Name: REHABILITATION DIVISION Agency Code: 901 Appropriation Unit: 3253-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Lloyd Nelson 775/358-0643 Vendor No.: PUR0004455 NV Business ID: NV19781008753 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Business Enterprises Set Aside Agency Reference #: 1668-13-BEN 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

10/31/2013 2 years and 31 days Contract Electrical Services

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide regular and emergency electrical installations, repairs and maintenance services for all needed projects for the Business Enterprises of Nevada facilities located in the Washoe County and Carson City areas. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $25,000.00 Other basis for payment: Contractor will provide the services specified in paragraph five: for Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the rate of $78/hr-Electrical Designer; $50/hr-Drafts Person; $78.15/hr-General Foreman; $72.55/hrForeman/Journeyman Electrician; $55.75/hr-Apprentice Electrician; $58/hr-Electronics Technician; $82/hr-HVAC Technician. Any time over an eight hour day up to ten hours and Saturdays up to eight hours will be charged at 1 1/2 times the above rates. Any time over 10 hours on Saturdays, all day on Sundays and holidays will be charged at 2 times the above rates. Materials will be charged at cost plus tax plus 15% overhead and profit. Payment will be made upon approval of submitted invoice with the contract total not to exceed $25,000 for the term of the contract.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Business Enterprises of Nevada program has on-going needs for electrical services at various program sites. These services are essential to the health and safety of staff and the public and are mandated by the health codes and regulations of the city, county and state. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees are not trained or licensed to perform these services.
Contract #: 12567 Page 1 of 3 59

9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals:

Yes No

b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? From the five vendors solicited, this company was one of three that responded and contracts are being awarded to all three vendors to form a pool of vendors. d. Last bid date: 06/09/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 06/10/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: This contractor has been under contract with the State of Nevada Public Works Board in 2011 and with the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation Division in 2011. Performance has been verified as satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval
Contract #: 12567

User tmyler mcol1 tnash bfor1 knielsen cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 08/18/2011 13:29:33 PM 08/31/2011 15:01:34 PM 09/07/2011 16:21:25 PM 09/07/2011 16:22:01 PM 09/13/2011 13:35:35 PM 09/16/2011 08:25:53 AM 09/16/2011 08:25:57 AM
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Contract #: 12567

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12587 Legal Entity WESTERN EXTERMINATOR Name: COMPANY Contractor Name: WESTERN EXTERMINATOR COMPANY Address: 108 W WYOMING AVE City/State/Zip LAS VEGAS, NV 89102-2719

Agency Name:


Agency Code: 901 Appropriation Unit: 3253-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: RAY STRICKLAND 800/937-8398 Vendor No.: PUR0000491B NV Business ID: NV19951057505 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Business Enterprises Set Aside Agency Reference #: 1670-13-BEN 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

10/31/2013 2 years and 31 days Contract Extermination Serv

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide pest extermination services on a monthly and as needed basis as requested by the Business Enterprises of Nevada program staff at all Southern Nevada Business Enterprises of Nevada locations in Clark County Nevada, including the three sites at the Hoover Dam. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $15,000.00 Other basis for payment: Contractor will provide the services specified in paragraph five (5): at a monthly cost of $85 for Government Center Cafe; $55 for Guns and Grubs Cafe; $40 each for Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) snack area at 2701 E. Sahara, DMV snack area at 7170 N. Decatur, DMV snack area at 8250 W. Flamingo, Hoover Dam Sky Cafe; and Hoover Dam Gift Shop; and $15 for Hoover Dam Snack Bar. Additional site service to be completed upon Bureau request and approval of cost. Costs for parking at the Hoover Dam will be reimbursed upon approval of submitted parking receipts only. A trip charge will be reimbursed at the State rate not to exceed $30 per round trip to the Hoover Dam sites. Payment will be made upon approval of submitted invoice with the contract total not to exceed $15,000 for the term of the contract.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The Business Enterprises of Nevada program has on-going needs for extermination services at various food establishments. This service is required for the health and safety of customers and staff. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees are not trained or licensed to perform these services.
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9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals:

Yes No

b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? Of the four vendors solicited, only two vendors submitted proposals. This vendor's proposal was determined by the evaluation committee to be in the best interest of the State. d. Last bid date: 06/12/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 06/12/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: This contractor has been under contract with the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation since 2007. Performance has been verified as satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval
Contract #: 12587

User tmyler mcol1 tnash bfor1 knielsen cwatson cwatson Pending

Signature Date 08/30/2011 13:15:30 PM 09/12/2011 16:54:19 PM 09/13/2011 16:19:29 PM 09/16/2011 08:20:32 AM 09/19/2011 16:20:12 PM 09/20/2011 14:22:50 PM 09/20/2011 14:22:55 PM
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Contract #: 12587

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12614 Legal Entity HEALTH CLAIM AUDITORS INC Name: Contractor Name: HEALTH CLAIM AUDITORS INC Address: 1312 EUROPEAN DR City/State/Zip HENDERSON, NV 89052-4017

Agency Name: PUBLIC EMPLOYEES BENEFITS Agency Code: 950 Appropriation Unit: 1338-10 Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: null702/617-4801 Vendor No.: T81099650 NV Business ID: NV19981303034 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2018 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % 33% Premium Revenue, 67% State Subsidy 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

09/30/2017 6 years and 1 day Contract Health Plan Auditing

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide health plan auditing services for the PEBP plan and its selected vendors. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $1,300,000.00 Other basis for payment: Fixed cost per audit payable upon invoice after completion of audit.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? Terms and conditions of PEBP vendor contracts require periodic audits to monitor compliance and performance. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees do not have the experience or certifications to perform these audits. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: Yes Yes

b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This is the incumbant vendor and has the most knowledge and experience with the PEBP plan and its Board. This vendor received the highest score from the evaluation committee and has been ratified by the PEBP Board.
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d. Last bid date:


Anticipated re-bid date: No


10. Does the contract contain any IT components?


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: Health Claim Auditors is PEBP's current health plan auditor. PEBP is very satisified by the services provided. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Nevada Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User jhager jhager mstron1 mstron1 jstrandb jmurph1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 09/06/2011 21:52:49 PM 09/06/2011 21:52:55 PM 09/07/2011 09:28:32 AM 09/07/2011 09:28:35 AM 09/12/2011 13:08:36 PM 09/12/2011 15:50:21 PM 09/12/2011 15:50:25 PM

Contract #: 12614

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12653 Legal Entity FEDEX CORPORATE SERVICES, INC. Name: Contractor Name: FEDEX CORPORATE SERVICES, INC. Address: PO BOX 1140 City/State/Zip MEMPHIS, TN 38101-1140

Agency Name: MASTER SERVICE AGREEMENTS Agency Code: MSA Appropriation Unit: 9999 - All Categories Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: LINDA FALCH 720-482-0405 Vendor No.: T80058090 NV Business ID: NV20001316427 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2016 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Various Agency Reference #: 1913 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

08/27/2015 3 years and 331 days MSA Small Pkg Shipping

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new Participating Addendum (PA) to the Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA) contract MA 454 for door-to-door express small package air, expedited ground parcel/pouch, and international delivery services. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $1,000,000.00 Other basis for payment: Payment for services will be made in accordance with the schedule included in the attached WSCA Original Contract.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? The State of Nevada requires daily shipping and receiving services of mail and packages to and from various locations. These services must be performed in a secure and efficient manner with known reliablility of past performance, up-to-theminute tracking ability, and the confidence that at least a minimum security level is matained from the time a parcel or letter is received or sent, up to the point that it reaches its final destination. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: The State of of Nevada lacks the facilities and staff to perform these services. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals:
Contract #: 12653

Yes No

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b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? The evaluation committee made its selections based on the submitted proposals, which were evaluated in accordance with the established criteria. d. Last bid date: 04/06/2007 Anticipated re-bid date: 03/02/2015 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: This Contractor as been the primary vendor for small package shipping for the State of Nevada since 2005. Services have been satisfactory. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User kperondi kperondi ktarter mtroesch csawaya jmurph1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 09/07/2011 16:09:01 PM 09/07/2011 16:09:05 PM 09/08/2011 09:23:44 AM 09/08/2011 09:38:04 AM 09/16/2011 10:45:26 AM 09/19/2011 11:56:30 AM 09/19/2011 11:56:34 AM

Contract #: 12653

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BOE Date:

For Board Use Only 10/11/2011

(This form must accompany all contracts submitted to the Board of Examiners (BOE) for review and approval)

1. Contract Number: 12650 Legal Entity TRANSCEND TRANSLATIONS DBA Name: Contractor Name: TRANSCEND TRANSLATIONS DBA Address: TRANSCEND 2043 ANDERSON RD STE C City/State/Zip DAVIS, CA 95616-0672

Agency Name: MASTER SERVICE AGREEMENTS Agency Code: MSA Appropriation Unit: 9999 - All Categories Is budget authority Yes available?: If "No" please explain: Not Applicable

Contact/Phone: Amy Abramson 530/756-5834 Vendor No.: T32000374 NV Business ID: NV20101474598 To what State Fiscal Year(s) will the contract be charged? 2012-2014 What is the source of funds that will be used to pay the contractor? Indicate the percentage of each funding source if the contractor will be paid by multiple funding sources. General Funds 0.00 % Fees 0.00 % Federal Funds 0.00 % Bonds 0.00 % Highway Funds 0.00 % X Other funding 100.00 % Various Agency Reference #: 1435 2. Contract start date: a. Effective upon Board of Yes or b. other effective date: Examiner's approval? Anticipated BOE meeting date 10/2011 Retroactive? If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 3. Termination Date: Contract term: 4. Type of contract: Contract description: No NA

10/31/2013 2 years and 31 days MSA Translation services

5. Purpose of contract: This is a new contract to provide non-telephonic translation services, including print, web, and audio translation services for using agencies in need of those services. 6. NEW CONTRACT The maximum amount of the contract for the term of the contract is: $49,999.99 Other basis for payment: Payment for services will be at a rate per word depending on language utilized for direct document translation, or at a rate per hour for other services.

7. What conditions require that this work be done? In the course of doing business, it's often necessary to communicate with others who do not understand English. 8. Explain why State employees in your agency or other State agencies are not able to do this work: State employees do not have the knowledge, skills, and expertise to communicate with others in 50 different languages. 9. Were quotes or proposals solicited? Was the solicitation (RFP) done by the Purchasing Division? a. If yes, list the names of vendors that submitted proposals: b. Soliciation Waiver: Not Applicable
Contract #: 12650 Page 1 of 2 MSA 2

Yes Yes

c. Why was this contractor chosen in preference to other? This vendor meets or exceeds all requirements and provides excellent value-added services. d. Last bid date: 02/01/2011 Anticipated re-bid date: 01/02/2013 10. Does the contract contain any IT components? No


11. a. Is the contractor a consultant that is providing an opinion or advice as defined in S.A.M. Chapter 300? (S.A.M. states "a consultant is a person that provides information, an opinion, or advice for a fee") No b. Is the contractor a current employee of the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", is contractor planning to render services while on annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time? (Please explain) Not Applicable c. Was the contractor formerly employed by the State of Nevada within the past one (1) year? No If "Yes", please provide employment termination date. d. Is the contractor employed by any of Nevada's political subdivisions or by any other government? No If "Yes", please explain Not Applicable 12. Has the contractor ever been engaged under contract by any State agency? Yes If "Yes", specify when and for which agency and indicate if the quality of service provided to the identified agency has been verified as satisfactory: This contractor has been previously under contract for document translation and has provided satisfactory services. 13. Is the contractor currently involved in litigation with the State of Nevada? No If "Yes", please provide details of the litigation and facts supporting approval of the contract: Not Applicable 14. The contractor is registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office as a: Foreign Corporation 15. a. Is the Contractor Name the same as the legal Entity Name? Yes 16. a. Does the contractor have a current Nevada State Business License (SBL)? Yes 17. a. Is the legal entity active and in good standing with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office? Yes 18. Agency Field Contract Monitor: 19. Contract Status: Contract Approvals: Approval Level Budget Account Approval Division Approval Department Approval Contract Manager Approval Budget Analyst Approval Team Lead Approval BOE Agenda Approval BOE Final Approval

User kperondi kperondi ktarter mtroesch csawaya jmurph1 jmurph1 Pending

Signature Date 09/07/2011 16:14:43 PM 09/07/2011 16:14:59 PM 09/08/2011 09:22:39 AM 09/08/2011 09:38:49 AM 09/16/2011 10:42:09 AM 09/19/2011 11:54:21 AM 09/19/2011 11:54:24 AM

Contract #: 12650

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