Vocabulario y Expresiones Esenciales
Vocabulario y Expresiones Esenciales
Vocabulario y Expresiones Esenciales
También tenemos plurales que terminan en - be, was/were, been go, went, gone
ves cuando el sustantivo termina en -f.
can, could, been able
one half, two halves one leaf, two leaves
put, put, put set, set, set cost, cost, cost
one loaf, two loaves one knife, two knives
shut, shut, shut cut, cut, cut
one shelf, two shelves one life, two lives
hit, hit, hit
one thief, two thieves
hurt, hurt, hurt let, let, let
read, read, read (aquí lo que cambia es la
They say that cats have nine lives, but I pronunciación)
think mine has more.
become became, become come, came,
Could you take the forks and knives out to
the table? I donʼt know where to put it, all the
shelves are full. drive, drove, driven fall, fell, fallen write,
freeze, froze, frozen get, got, gotten money where your mouth is = obrar de
hide, hid, hidden give, gave, given acuerdo con tus opiniones
speak, spoke, spoken know, knew, known put your cards on the table = revelar
información importante
fly, flew, flown
I know sheʼs hiding something, now I just
throw, threw, thrown know, knew, known have to wait for her to put her cards on the
see, saw, seen
put your feet up = relajarse
make, made, made find, found, found sell, He likes to come home and put his feet up.
sold, sold He usually watches TV or a film. put on
tell, told, told have, had, had pay, paid, paid weight = ganar peso
spend, spent, spent win, won, won The shop is putting all its prices up again.
sit, sat, sat Inflation like this will ruin us all! put an end to
think, thought, thought buy, bought, bought something = poner fin a algo
fight, fought, fought teach, taught, taught When he said that, it put an end to the
argument quick!
catch, caught, caught
La palabra put se usa para hacer muchas Vamos a ver unas expresiones con la
expresiones. Muchas veces (pero no palabra get. Se dice que get significa
siempre) se traduce siempre como “poner.” “conseguir,” pero realmente aparece en
tantas expresiones distintas que tenemos
put someone to bed = acomodar a alguien que ver el asunto de otra manera.
en la cama
Algunas de estas expresiones las
Have you put the children to bed yet? Theyʼll conocemos ya, algunas no. Algunos son los
famosos phrasal verbs. Verlos todos juntos
nos da mejor idea de los varios usos de get. flu etc)
He usually gets up at 8 oʼclock. On sick. If you go out with wet hair, youʼll get a
weekends he gets up at ten.
cold. get better = mejorar, recuperarse
get around = moverse por la ciudad, llegar
adonde uno tiene que llegar My English is getting a lot better.
How do you usually get around Madrid? I had a cold last week, but Iʼm getting better
sometimes by car. get rid of = deshacerse If the economy gets worse, people are going
Iʼm getting rid of some old clothes. Did you something = interesarse por algún tema
get rid of your black jacket? get over = He got into jazz music when he lived in
Even though my father loved it, I never really
Iʼm finally getting over my cold, itʼs been four got into baseball.
Éstas tienen, a veces, traducciones directas seguir con algo después de una pausa Letʼs
al español, pero a veces no las tienen. En
estos casos se trata de “empezar a sentir get on with the meeting. Weʼve got work to
algo.” Se usan especialmente en el continuo.
Iʼm getting tired. = Me estoy cansando.
get drunk = emborracharse
Iʼm getting angry = Me estoy enfadando.
He got drunk at the party and couldnʼt drive
The baby is getting hungry. = El bebé está home.
empezando a tener hambre.
Finalmente, usamos get como arrive:
do your homework = hacer los deberes Sheʼs going to the supermarket. Weʼre going
to the party.
Have you finished doing your homework?
Así, unas frases con estas expresiones son:
do a good job = hacer un buen trabajo He
did a very good job on his last project. do I always go shopping on Saturday mornings,
your best = hacer lo mejor que puedas
because I work the rest of the week. I used
It doesnʼt matter if you win, what matters is
to go camping every summer, but now I
that you do your best. do an exam = hacer
never do.
un exámen
Do you want to go bowling this weekend?
When are you doing your biology exam? do
They go clubbing every weekend, thatʼs why
your hair = peinarse
theyʼre always broke. My father likes going
Arenʼt you going to do your hair before we
go out? fishing when he visits his hometown.
do your own thing = ir a tu bola/hacer lo que
Más expresiones con GO
Ya hemos visto la explicación de unas
expresiones básicas con go. Entonces vimos
El verbo go se usa en muchos contextos. que podemos decir go shopping, go hunting,
Todos sabemos que se usa literalmente go camping, go clubbing, ¡etc sin
como ir, para hablar de un desplazamiento preposición porque no hablamos de sitios!
de un sitio a otro. Pero además se usa en
Cuando hablamos de ir a un sitio, usamos, (al principio)
por supuesto, la preposición to.
You have to go around the hotel, youʼll find have a drink = tomar algo
that restaurant on the other side.
go over = cruzar por encima. También es importante saber que muchas
expresiones que en español usan
There are several bridges that go over the tener se traducen sin have.
Tengo 27 años. = I am 27 years old.
go across = cruzar
Tienes hambre? = Are you hungry?
First you have to go across the square, then Tengo sed. = I am thirsty.
turn right and itʼs on your right.
Tengo frío. = I am cold. o bien I feel cold.
go in = entrar
Estoy resfriado, en cambio, se traduce con
Iʼm just going to go in the bar to buy some have: I have a cold.
Este tipo de expresiones se usan así solo
go out = salir (normalmente de fiesta o porque se usan así. Tenemos que aprender
romanticamente) a usarlas con la práctica, porque una vez
más, las traducciones literales no funcionan!
Sheʼs been going out with Pablo for several
on holiday. Her car was stolen while it was You win playing, you earn working.
parked outside her house. Win se usa con dinero (u otra cosa) que
ganas en una competición o concurso.
En español, tanto miss como lose se The money he won as part of the Nobel
traducen por “perder.” En todo caso, es fácil
diferenciar las dos palabras. Prize was donated to charity. She won a trip
me? Will you miss me when Iʼm on holiday? GO OUT, GET OUT, GET OFF, GO
Además, es el título que damos a una
señorita. Todo el mundo ha visto Miss Estas expresiones tienen significados
America, Miss Universe y cosas al estilo.
parecidos, pero hay diferencias importantes.
How may I help you, Miss Hudson?
Aquí tienes las definiciones y unos ejemplos.
WIN, EARN AND GAIN Go out = salir de marcha, ir a una fiesta,
hacer algo social.
Ahora hablaremos de 3 verbos parecidos:
win, earn and gain. Los tres pueden
traducirse como ganar en español, entonces,
This Friday weʼre going out for a drink. and hasnʼt been back since. The bus is
Would you like to come? She doesnʼt go out leaving at 10:30. Donʼt be late.
She got out of the car and went into the Una cosa que vale la pena mencionar es
que leave no se pronuncia con /f/, sino con
shop. /v/—un sonido que no existe para la mayoría
de los hispanohablantes y que tienen que
The fireman got out of the building just practicar bastante. Es parecido a la /f/, pero
before it collapsed. vibran las cuerdas vocales cuando lo dices.
NO se cierran los labios, porque entonces lo
Get off = salir del trabajo
que sale es /b/.
What time do you get off work this evening?
La otra es que leave a veces significa dejar
He usually gets off work at 5, but yesterday y abandonar y a veces significa otra cosa.
he got off at 7. He escrito sobre los verbos go out, get out,
get off, go abroad and leave en otro artículo,
Go abroad = ir fuera del pais, ir al extranjero hoy me dedico sólo a leave.
My cousin wants to go abroad when he Primero, estas instancias en las que leave
significa dejar y/o abandonar:
finishes his studies. Have you ever been
Oh no! I left my tickets at home!
(Dejé las entradas en casa.)
More and more Spaniards are going abroad
to work. She left her husband for another man.
Cuidado! No usamos “go out” para este tipo (Dejó a su marido para estar con otro
de frase, pero podemos decirlo para salir de hombre.)
la ciudad.
Donʼt leave me!
Iʼm going out of town this weekend. Iʼll be in
(No me abandones!)
Granada until Sunday night. Leave = irse,
Please leave the window open. (Por favor,
partir (concretamente cuando decimos de
deja la ventana abierta.) Leave me alone!
donde partimos) If we leave home at 3
(Déjame en paz!)
oʼclock, weʼll arrive by 4.
leave home, leave work, leave town
He left Barcelona when he was just a child,
En la mayoría de los casos, en cambio, stay = hospedarse
leave no es ni dejar ni abandonar, sino partir
o irse. Stay se usa para hablar de hospedarse en
un sitio.
He left work at 11 oʼclock because he had a
dentistʼs appointment. Q: Where did you stay when you were in
(Se fue del trabajo para volver más tarde, Paris? A: I stayed with my cousin.
que no es igual que dejar el trabajo.)
Q: Did you stay in the Ritz when you were in
Iʼm leaving for Los Angeles in the morning. New York?
(Parto hacia Los Angeles por la mañana.) A: No, I didnʼt. I stayed in a hostel in Harlem.
I spent a lot of money, I only have 20 euros Iʼm leaving for Boston. Stay here for a
minute. Iʼll be back.
Lo cual llega a significar que solo me
quedan 20 euros. Como mucha gente ha aprendido que stay
debería traducirse como estar, cuando
La forma que se usa es have/has + un tienen que preguntar cosas como “Dónde
complemento + left. estuviste?” lo intentan poner. Muy mal! Lo
correcto es:
We only have a little bit of coffee left.
Dónde estuviste? = Where were you?
They have a couple of hours left before their
También hay un par de expresiones con
flight. We have a few days left before we go stay que valen la pena de mencionar.
output — rendimiento
Como escribí hace un par de días en el
articulo de sustantivos y adjetivos offspring — los críos
compuestos, hay varias maneras de hacer
las palabras compuestas. Hoy quiero dar shakeup — una situación caótica
más ejemplos.
upkeep — mantenimiento
sustantivo + sustantivo bodyguard —
His sister, on the other hand, is quite When do we have to be at the airport?
overfed. = demasiado alimentado
(gordo) When did you finish university?
How many people came to your party? I donʼt have a lot of books.
How big can a sunflower grow to be? La otra forma sigue las pautas del
presente perfecto. Have/has se trata
como verbo auxiliar, que en negación
HAVE AND HAVE GOT es havenʼt/hasnʼt. Got aparece en
todas las frases.
Este último es importante. Lo voy a
En inglés tenemos dos maneras de repetir. Got aparece en todas las
expresar posesión. frases! Decir simplemente I havenʼt a
cat suena muy mal.
I have 2 cats.
Iʼve got 10 minutes.
Iʼve got 2 cats.
I havenʼt got 10 minutes. Living in New York is more expensive
Heʼs got a very good job. Iʼm happier today than I was yesterday.
Has he got a very good job? (Yes, he Oslo is smaller than Berlin.
has. // No, he hasnʼt.) What kind of job Así vemos las dos formas: adjetivos
cortos con un sufijo, y adjetivos largos
has he got? que van procedido de more. Y todo
seguido de la palabra comparativa
Sheʼs got a new car. than.
She hasnʼt got a new car. Has she got Más adjetivos cortos: big, bigger than
a new car? small, smaller than happy, happier
What kind of car has she got? than soft, softer than hard, harder than
El tema no tiene mucho misterio. Lo dark, darker than light, lighter than
único que tenemos que hacer es igual
que en la mayoría de las frases: usar heavy, heavier than cheap, cheaper
un verbo auxiliar en la negación y en
la pregunta. than hot, hotter than
better than last year. Los adjetivos largos usan the most + el
adjetivo en forma base
Her cold is worse than yesterday.
expensive, more expensive, the most
The train is faster than the bus, but itʼs
expensive beautiful, more beautiful,
a lot slower than going by car. The red
the most beautiful interesting, more
dress is more fashionable than the
interesting, the most interesting
black one.
entertaining, more entertaining, the
SUPERLATIVOS most entertaining Los irregulares son
El comparativo, como ya vimos, es los mismos que en comparativo: good,
para comparar dos cosas. El
superlativo compara una cosa con better, best
toda la categoría.
bad, worse, worst, far, further, furthest
Así formamos muchas frases:
Madrid is bigger than Valencia.
William is the happiest person I know.
(compara 2 cosas: Madrid y Valencia)
That was one of the most entertaining
books Iʼve ever read. The Lakers are
Madrid is the biggest city in Spain.
(compara Madrid con todas las demás having their worst season ever.
ciudades en España)
The oldest person in my family is my
Formamos el superlativo con el
articulo definido “the” que se utiliza grandfather, heʼs 89. The summer
para cosas únicas. Luego tenemos
dos formas superlativas, dependiendo solstice is the longest day of the year.
de si el adjetivo es largo o corto.
The Godfather was Marlon Brandoʼs
Adjetivos cortos (que en comparativo best role.
tienen el sufijo -er) usan el sufijo -est
en superlativo. Por ejemplo:
Mas ejemplos del comparativo
big, bigger, the biggest small, smaller, y superlativo
the smallest old, older, the oldest Las preguntas y las negaciones en
comparativo y superlativo se forman
young, younger, the youngest fast, según los tiempos verbales.
faster, the fastest Presente Simple:
(+) Tea is healthier than juice. is much less construction and some
people are moving away.
(-) Pepsi isnʼt healthier than juice.
The biggest state in the US is Alaska,
(?) Is tea healthier than juice? and the one with the most people is
California. Alaska is much bigger than
(?) Which is healthier: tea or juice? California, but the population is much
smaller. California is a little bit smaller
Pasado Simple: than Spain, and Texas is a little bit
bigger. Alaska is more than 3 times
(+) She was much thinner when she
bigger than Spain!
was younger.
(-) My cousin Pepe has never been El famoso refrán “de perdidos al río.”
the handsomest guy at the party. Viene del juego, dice que si vas a
apostar un penique, puedes también
(?) Have you seen the latest Woody apostar una libra.
Allen film?
The straw that broke the camelʼs
(?) Who has had the best results so back.
Se traduce como “la gota que colmó el
Para ver eso con un poco más de vaso.” Viene de una historia de un
contexto, he aquí un pequeño texto: señor que iba al mercado a vender
paja (straw) y se dio cuenta de que su
My city is called Phoenix, itʼs in the camello podía cargar más. El señor
state of Arizona. It isnʼt the biggest city empieza a poner más paja sobre la
in the USA, and it isnʼt one of the most espalda del camello, y al final, rompe
cosmopolitan, but it is definitely one of la espalda del camello con un solo
the hottest. Itʼs cheaper than a lot of trozo de paja.
other cities: probably the most
expensive places are New York and Donʼt look a gift horse in the mouth.
San Francisco. What Phoenix used to Se traduce como “a caballo regalado
have was one of the fastest growth no le mires el diente.” Y hablando de
rates of any city in the US. It was able caballos…
to grow faster than other cities
because of all the construction. But You can lead a horse to water, but
now in the economic recession, there you canʼt make it drink.
No sé si tiene traducción. Significa que add insult to injury, the mechanic
por mucho que intentes enseñar a charged me
alguien el buen camino, no puedes $1200.
obligarles a seguirlo.
alive and kicking = still healthy.
Many hands make light work.
“Howʼs your grandfather these days?”
Significa “Con muchas manos el
trabajo es mas ligero.” Y expresando “Oh, you know. Alive and kicking.”
un sentimiento totalmente opuesto…
Cat got your tongue? = used when
someone is expected to speak but
Too many cooks spoil the broth.
doesnʼt say anything.
Traducción literal: demasiados
cocineros arruinan el caldo. Significa Whatʼs the matter? Why are you so
que si tienes demasiadas personas quiet? Cat got your tongue?
trabajando en algo, es más difícil y el
forgive and forget = move on past a
resultado es peor.
difficult interpersonal situation.