Meghan Mcgurl License Portfolio Part 1
Meghan Mcgurl License Portfolio Part 1
Meghan Mcgurl License Portfolio Part 1
Meghan McGurl
Spring 2024
Portfolio Part One 1
Being a learner and actively learning has different meanings to me. Learning allows us
to grow in our knowledge of course content, but it also helps us to understand ourselves and
how we learn better. Allowing ourselves to learn will ultimately expand the opportunities
growth, being a learner will help us to become more open-minded. Learning about various
cultures and beliefs will help us see others who are different from ourselves from a new
perspective. Throughout our lives, we will continue to be learners, expanding our knowledge
through experience and learning about others’ cultures and beliefs. Using these experiences to
enrich the perspectives of those around us helps to create a much more understanding and
inclusive world.
Candidates use understanding of learning theory (in areas such as cognitive, linguistic, social emotional
and physical) to design appropriate learning experiences.
In various aspects of teaching, we often have to adapt to the needs of each of our
students. Throughout my placements in various districts and personal work experience, I have
seen how students can grow in the classroom when teachers are willing to adapt to practices that
will work best for the student. Determining the ways students learn best and are the most
engaged will not only benefit the amount students are learning, but it will also significantly
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In my placements, I have seen various special education and general education teachers
adapt to their students. These adaptations include changing the ways information is presented,
accommodations to students with disabilities, and understanding various situations students are
going through. Considering all student’s needs when teaching allows students to feel comfortable
in school, ultimately creating an inclusive environment for each student to flourish to their full
In my work experience, I have learned to work with the students to create lessons that
best suit how they learn. While working as a summer school teacher at a rural New York school
district, I had the opportunity to teach both special education and history. In this experience, I
was able to grow very much as an educator. On the first day of my classes, I had each of my
students fill out a survey in which they could express which ways they have learned the best and
what has not worked for them. After reading through the data, I was able to create lesson plans
that would be much more educationally beneficial to each student in the classroom. Working
with the students rather than going against what worked for them was beneficial for each of the
student’s learning targets when taking the class. In addition, adapting to students’ needs who
have disabilities has also helped aid students' overall experience in the classroom. Meeting
students, whether it is allowing extra time, modifying assignments, and/or providing more
direction, has dramatically helped each of the students I have had the pleasure of working with.
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Learning theory helps to create new skills and concepts for students to learn in class.
Throughout the research, I chose, The Influence of Service Learning on Students' Personal and
Social Development (Simons, 2004). This article speaks about students participating in
community-based educational opportunities. The study showed that students who participated in
this type of learning were more aware of diversity, political awareness, and community
self-efficacy. In addition, these students did better on civic engagement exams. I believe
community-based learning is very important to show students the real-world problems they will
face once they leave high school. Giving students this set of skills will allow them to be more
prepared for the future and what they may encounter down the line in terms of their community,
While working as a substitute teacher, I have noticed the importance of learning beyond
the classroom in order to have students make connections to real-world situations. I have had the
opportunity to work alongside the Granville High School Future Farmers of America program.
While working with this program, I judged competitions based on public speaking skills and
attended field trips where the students taught young children about the animals they worked with
(FFA Rubric). During the public speaking competitions, students are encouraged to speak about
policies and laws that have heavily affected the farming communities in their area and
nationwide. Seeing how students can thrive in these environments and connect what they have
learned in school to the real world has been eye-opening. Seeing students who have grown their
confidence in class to finally public speaking in front of an audience is inspiring. Public speaking
is a forever communication skill that is linked to self concept and self confidence. Working with
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this competition showed me how the teachers used not only modeling and practice, but an
understanding of learning theory and individual learning needs to help each student be
In the future, I plan to have my students participate in civic engagement activities in order
to better develop their thinking beyond the classroom setting. By doing this, students will be
better able to relate what they have learned to real-life scenarios and learn why what they learn in
school really matters. Students will benefit significantly from civic engagement activities
mature political debates (Debate Prep Worksheet). By having students debate in a classroom
setting, they will learn how to speak and portray their beliefs effectively without discrediting
someone else’s beliefs. Creating an environment for students to expand their knowledge outside
the classroom will greatly help students thrive within their educational experiences.
It is imperative that teachers create an inclusive learning environment for all students
within the classroom and outside the classroom. Many students have varying needs that must
be addressed in order to allow students to thrive within their educational experience. Part of
the job of a teacher is to develop skills and strategies that not only meet individual needs but
address the larger learning community and allow people to be included at their own level
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and capabilities, while sharing their ideas and building new skills. This is especially relevant
in the middle school graders where the friendships and role of the peer group are so much a
part of the identity of the student. Being able to work with friends and develop ways to share
and communicate are high interest goals for this age group. A successful teacher balances
not only creating an environment where everyone can be included, but all can participate.
The second article, which discusses assistive technology and how it can benefit students
in the classroom, is entitled Helping Teachers Make Informed Decisions When Selecting
Assistive Technology For Secondary Students With Disabilities (Satsangi, 2019). This article
comments not only the importance of assistive technology but also ways to choose the best
technology based on each student’s needs. As teachers, it is crucial that we work with each
student to find their personal preference in order for the student to be as successful as possible.
In addition, when choosing what assistive technology should be used in the classroom, it is
essential to consider how each piece of technology will affect the lessons being taught in class
Finally, the social implications of assistive technology are also discussed in the article.
Being conscious of social implications and working with the student to see their comfort level in
the classroom will significantly help in the selection process. A survey is included on page three
of the article to determine what technology would benefit the student at hand for the upcoming
school year. It is very important that we work with our students in order to support them properly
While working and observing in classrooms, I have noticed the importance of assistive
technology across multiple disabilities and needs of varying severity. Through my experiences, I
have seen how assistive technology can significantly enhance a student’s educational and social
experiences in the classroom. For example, a student I had the opportunity to work 1:1 as a
paraeducator during the 2021-2022 school year benefited greatly from the use of assistive
technology. Some strategies that worked for this student were fidgets and a sensory sack, which
helped the student relieve stress and self-regulate. When this student was not present in school, I
also had the opportunity to work with other students who used assistive technology. The students
I worked with used TouchChat technology, which allowed me to see how more advanced
technology helped within the classroom. The TouchChat technology allowed these students to
communicate more effectively with their peers and educators (TouchChat Document). Through
my experiences, I recognize the importance of using assistive technology within the classroom in
In order to ensure inclusive classrooms run smoothly, it is important to make sure the
teachers, paraeducators, and students are all on the same page. In order to do this one helpful
tool can be a checklist used to ensure each step of the students daily routine is achieved. I
created a checklist intended for paraeducators to use each day (Para Checklist Assignment).
Creating checklists will help the learning of students with differing abilities and ensure each
create an inclusive classroom for students with varying needs as well as students of diverse
cultures. Creating an inclusive classroom environment will allow all students to have a safe
space in school where they can express their needs openly. Through my work experiences and
observations, I have been able to receive a better understanding of how to create an inclusive
classroom for all. Although I have had many experiences that helped me better understand how
to make this environment, I will need to continue to work on this as times continue to change.
Attending professional development opportunities and researching new practices and assistive
Creating an environment in which students are able to become actively engaged in the
classroom will vastly improve their educational experience. Many students need this type of
engagement and activity in order to understand the content at hand fully. Working with the
students to find ways to help their engagement will benefit their learning greatly. For example,
a lesson I taught involved World War I propaganda and having the students interpret the
photos. Through this lesson there were multiple stations the students went to with various
examples of propaganda. The students then answered a set of questions at each station before
moving onto the next. This activity helped the students work together to interpret the
propaganda and allowed the students to move throughout class which continuously kept their
attention. The lesson taught caught the attention of students. The students became much more
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engaged due to their movement and ability to work with peers to solve questions.
Through research, I have found two articles that pertain to helping students become
actively engaged in the classroom. The first article is “ Effective Classroom Management at the
Beginning of the School Year (Emmer, 1980). As we know, the first day of school can be a day
full of challenges and anxiety. However, this article explores why creating structure in the
classroom is imperative on the first day. By creating a sense of structure on the first day of
school, students are able to know what to expect in the days, weeks, and months following. In
addition to creating structure, it is also vital that we are able to create an environment in which
every student is able to reach their highest potential throughout the year. The article discusses
that this kind of environment is achievable with the use of classroom rules. Although you can
make these rules and expectations on your own, it is also important to consider involving the
students in this discussion in order to verify that they understand why specific rules and/or
expectations are put in place. This article focuses on elementary students; however, many of the
lessons translate very quickly into a high school classroom setting (Emmer, 1980).
Creating a positive classroom environment in which every student feels valued has been
very important. While working as a summer school teacher, I had three rules previously set for
the classroom and displayed for the students as they walked in (Classroom Rules). Each of these
rules created were not only for the students but for myself as the educator. I then spent time the
first day of class asking the students what the expectations for class should be. After we were
done, I hung the classroom rules on the wall so the students were constantly reminded of the
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rules they helped create. In doing this, the students listened to the rules more and were able to
hold themselves accountable if a rule was broken. In addition, by creating expectations on the
first day, the students were able to know what to expect in the days and weeks following.
Finding ways to include students in their learning will help to engage them more in what they
In addition to knowing the rules and feeling involved in their creation, activities that
allow students to make predictions, work collaboratively and share input engages them and lets
them communicate with friends and peers. In a recent lesson, we were working on the simulation
that if the earth’s population was reduced to 100 people that would represent the whole earth and
we made predictions about language, population, access to health care, access to fresh water,
religions and more (If The World Was Only 100 People Worksheet). Teaching this lesson went
very well with very little redirection needed. The majority of students were very shocked by the
statistics they learned through a video watched in comparison to their previous answers on the
worksheet. In the future, I would love to teach this lesson again. However, I would like to
expand upon this and have the students pick a statistic that they were surprised by to research.
This would allow the students to further delve into their curiosity of the topics and learn more
implement classroom management. Including the students in the process of creating rules and
expectations will also help to ensure they are holding each other and themselves accountable for
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their actions. Although classroom management can take time, it is incredibly important to ensure
there will be a safe, inclusive, and productive classroom environment for all students.
Creating environments in which students are able to learn from hands-on experiences
greatly helps the students to find their passions. Finding students' passions will help the students
to find their niche for post-high school life. In addition, Adapting teaching methods and styles to
support students of differing needs. Whether students have language barriers, educational
barriers, or need redirecting, we must adapt to ensure that students are able to thrive in their
ensure that all students feel they are in a safe learning environment. Remembering the importance
of inclusivity, civic engagement, and classroom management will substantially help me in the
future to encourage students to participate actively in their learning. Ensuring students feel
represented within the classroom will help to build a strong rapport with each student, thus
creating a cohesive classroom. As an educator, I will always strive to help my students thrive
within and outside of the classroom to develop them as learners and individuals.
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Works Cited
Emmer, E. T., Evertson, C. M., & Anderson, L. M. (1980). Effective classroom management at
the beginning of the school year. The elementary school journal, 80(5), 219-231.
Satsangi, R., Miller, B., & Savage, M. N. (2019). Helping teachers make informed decisions
when selecting assistive technology for Secondary students with disabilities. Preventing School
Simons, L., & Cleary, B. (2004.). The influence of service learning on students’ personal and