12th Class Guess Papers 2024 Chemistry Long
12th Class Guess Papers 2024 Chemistry Long
12th Class Guess Papers 2024 Chemistry Long
Write laboratory and Industrial preparation of Define Zwitter ion. Discuss effect of acidic
acetaldehyde. and basic medium on the dipoler ion
Write a note Cannizzaro‟s reaction. structure of amino acid.
What is aldol condensation? Give example Explain the mechanism of the reaction of
and mechanism. acetic acid with SOCl2.
How does Acetaldehyde react with following How would you prepare carboxylic acid from
reagents? primary alcohols and aldehyde?
i. C2H5MgI ii. HCN Write down any four methods of preparation
iii. NaHSO3 iv. I2/NaOH of acetic acid with reactions?
How 2-4 dinitrophenylhydrazones are Define amino acids? What is the difference
prepared? Write mechanism of reaction of between protein and polypeptides?
ammonia derivatives with carbonyl
compound in general?
Write a brief note on haloform reaction
Write a note on oxidation of aldehydes and