12th Class Guess Papers 2024 Chemistry Long

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Guess Paper Annual 2024 CHEMISTRY 12

a. Give the formulas of: i. Formaldehyde ii. Acetaldehyde

35. What is Formalin?
36. Prepare acetone from calcium acetate.
37. Give Industrial preparation of Formaldehyde.
38. How acetaldehyde is prepared in industry?
39. How will you distinguish between ethanol and Benzaldehyde? Give respective chemical reaction.
40. What is “Haloform Reaction” Give its uses.
41. Give reactions of Aldehyde with:
a. i. HCN ii. CH3-CH2-OH
42. What is Canizzaro‟s reaction? Write one example.
43. How iodoform is prepared from acetaldehyde and ethyl alcohol?
44. How HCHO and CH3CHO are polymerized? Give chemical reaction?
45. Write composition of Tollen‟s reagent? and which organic compound are usually identified by it?
46. What is “Fehling‟s solution test” of aldehyde?
47. Benedict‟s solution reacts with Aldehydes to give red-ppt. Justify it?
48. Write down four uses of formaldehyde?
49. Write four important uses of acetaldehyde?
50. Write formulae of Melonoic acid and Phthalic acid.
51. What are fatty acids? Give an example.
52. Write the mechanism of Amide formation.
53. How acetic acid is obtained from methyl cyanide?
54. What is glacial acetic acid?
a. Write any four uses of acetic acid.
55. What are amino acids? Give two examples.
56. What are essential and Non-essential amino acids?
57. What is Zwitter ion? How it is formed?
58. Explain acidic and basic behavior of Amino acids?
59. How amino acid is synthesized give one method.
60. What is Ninhydrin Test?
61. What is peptide bond? Write down formula of a dipeptide?



 What is Mendeleev‟s periodic table?  Explain peculiar behavior of Beryllium.
Discuss improvements in Mendeleev‟s  Describe the process for the preparation of
periodic table. sodium metal on industrial scale by Down‟s
Guess Paper Annual 2024 CHEMISTRY 12
 Define ionization energy. How does it vary cell? What are advantages of the process?
in a group and period of the periodic table?  Describe commercial preparation of sodium
 Define hydrides give their classification? hydroxide by diaphragm cell or Nelson cell.
 Explain similarities of hydrogen with  What is the role of Gypsum in industries
halogens and dissimilarities with Alkali  Give role of lime in industries? Write only
metals. eight points.
 Discuss the position of hydrogen over VII a
group elements.
 
Write four points which show the peculiar behavior Write essential qualities of a good fertilizer.
of fluorine from other halogen. (3 Time)  „Nitrogenous fertilizer is an important class
 What happens when bleaching powder reacts of fertilizers for crops‟. Discuss.
with?  Write commercial uses of Halogens and their
i. dil.H2SO4 ii. compounds?
Conc.H2SO4 iii. NH3  Write the application of noble gases.
iv. HI
 What is Bleaching powder is prepared by
Hasenclever‟s method? Give its reaction with
HCl and NH3.


 Explain cracking of hydrocarbons giving its  Explain the structure of Benzene on the basis
two types. of atom orbital treatment? (10 Time)
 Explain reforming of petroleum with the  Discuss two industrial and two laboratory
help of suitable example. methods to prepared Benzene.
 Explain any four features of organic  What are Friedel and Craft‟s reactions? Give
compounds. one example in each case with mechanism.
 What is orbital hybridization? Explain sp3-  Describe nitration and sulphonation of
hybridzation of carbon. benzene with mechanism.
 What is sp- hybrization ? Explain structure  Convert Benzene into:
of acetylene according to this theory. i. Cyclohexane ii. Maleic acid
 Define four types of isomerization with one iii. Glyoxal iv. Benzene sulphonic
example. acid


 Prepare Ethane from Kolbe‟s Electrolytic  Explain the structure of Benzene on the basis
method? of atom orbital treatment?
 Give reactions of Ethene with:  Discuss two industrial and two laboratory
 (i) S2Cl2 (ii) methods to prepared Benzene.
HOCl (iii)  What are Friedel and Craft‟s reactions? Give
O3 (iv) one example in each case with mechanism.
KMnO4  Describe nitration and sulphonation of
 Describe with examples the acidlic nature of benzene with mechanism.
Alkynes?  Convert Benzene into:
 Write the Kolbe‟s electrolytic method for i. Cyclohexane ii. Maleic acid
the preparation of Ethyne along with iii. Glyoxal
mechanism. iv. Benzene sulphonic acid
 Convert Acetylene into:
Guess Paper Annual 2024 CHEMISTRY 12
 (i) Glyoxal (ii)
 How ethyne reacts with:
 Alkaline KMnO4
 (ii) 10% H2SO4 in the presence of
 (iii) HBr (iv)


 Write laboratory and Industrial preparation of  Define Zwitter ion. Discuss effect of acidic
acetaldehyde. and basic medium on the dipoler ion
 Write a note Cannizzaro‟s reaction. structure of amino acid.
 What is aldol condensation? Give example  Explain the mechanism of the reaction of
and mechanism. acetic acid with SOCl2.
 How does Acetaldehyde react with following  How would you prepare carboxylic acid from
reagents? primary alcohols and aldehyde?
 i. C2H5MgI ii. HCN  Write down any four methods of preparation
iii. NaHSO3 iv. I2/NaOH of acetic acid with reactions?
 How 2-4 dinitrophenylhydrazones are  Define amino acids? What is the difference
prepared? Write mechanism of reaction of between protein and polypeptides?
ammonia derivatives with carbonyl
compound in general?
 Write a brief note on haloform reaction
 Write a note on oxidation of aldehydes and

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