Lp10 Constellations
Lp10 Constellations
Lp10 Constellations
The relationship between the visible constellations in the sky and earth’s position along its orbit.
A. Content Standards
B. Performance The learners should be able to discuss whether or not popular beliefs and practices with regard to constellations and
Standards astrology have scientific basis.
C. Most Essential Show which constellations may be observed at different times of the year using models.
Learning Competency S9ES-IIIj-35
At the end of the class discussion the grade 9 students must be able to perform the following task with 75%
Objectives Define stars.
Identify characteristics of stars
Explain factor that may affect the brightness of the star.
Topic: Constellation
A. References
3. Textbook pages
Who can explain how topography affects climate? Mountainous areas greatly affect the amount of
precipitation in a certain region. The area in
which the wind blows is called windward side.
The air moves down towards the opposite region
A. Reviewing previous called leeward side. The cold air mass starts to
lesson or presenting absorb heat and becomes warm and dry. As a
the new lesson result, area near leeward side becomes dry and
has less precipitation.
Who can differentiate windward and leeward? The area in which the wind blows is called
windward side. The air moves down towards the
opposite region called leeward side.
Very Good!
Before we proceed, let us first read our objectives”. At the end of the class discussion the grade 9
students must be able to perform the following
task with 75% proficiency…
“Now, are you all ready to listen and participate in Yes, ma’am.
our class discussion, my dear students?
C. Presenting
examples / instances
of the new lesson
Activity 1. 4 Pics 1 Word.
Teaching Strategy:
What word can you draw out of the picture? Student’s answer may vary.
Very Good.
D. Discussing new Do you think colours of stars affects its temperature? The students will answer.
concepts and
practicing new skills Which do you think is hotter? A red star or a blue
#1 (ENGAGE) star?
Science Process Skills: Do you think location affects brightness of the star?
Which do you think is brighter? A star located near
Teaching Strategy: or far?
E. Discussing new
concepts and Activity 1: Characteristics of Stars The students will perform the activity.
practicing new skills
#2 (EXPLORE) DIRECTION: Group yourselves into 2 and do the
activity entitled “Characteristics of Stars”, refer to
Teaching Strategy: your books on page 214-215. Answer the guide
Differentiated questions.
and Cooperative
Learning Choose a leader, secretary and a reporter. Kindly
Making read and follow the procedures. I will give you 20
conclusions minutes to answer and after that, the reporter will
present your answer in the class.
Now, report the answers from your activity. The students will discuss their answer in their activity through
their reporting.
After doing the activity, have you learned
F. Developing
Mastery Can you now define stars?
(Leads to Formative
Assessment) EXPLAIN Can you now identify characteristics of stars?
Very Good.
G. Finding practical
application of Stars are huge celestial bodies made mostly of Students will read and explain some of the
concepts and skills in hydrogen and helium that produce light and concepts and answer some questions.
daily living. heat from the churning nuclear forges inside
(ELABORATE) their cores
Is everything clear?
A. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Select the best answer.
1. It is a huge celestial body made mostly of 4. what is the color of the brightest star?
hydrogen and helium: a. orange
a. sun b. red
b. moon c. white
c. stars d. blue
d. asteroids
5. which star is the least luminous?
2. A star is an astronomical object comprising a a. Blue
luminous spheroid of plasma held together by b. White
its ____. c. Red
a. magnitude d. orange
b. magnetic field
c. force
d. gravity
H. Evaluating learning
Ideas Ideas are clear, Ideas are slightly Ideas are messy.
understandable and unclear,
related to the topic. understandable
and related to the
I. Additional activities I
for application or For your assignment,
(EXTEND) Draw your own representation of star, name it
according to your choice. Specify its color and
brightness then relate it into your personality.
Creativity- 10 points
Relevance to the topic-10 points
Time of submission- 10 points
Prepared by:
Student Teacher
Approved by:
Cooperating Teacher