Esmeralda Sound Waves For Pre Demo 1

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DAILY Jose Diva Avelino Jr.

School 7
LESSON PLAN National High School Level
PERLIE ANN A. Learning
Date and Quarter 3RD

A. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of waves as a carriers of
Standards energy.
B. The learners shall be able to conduct a forum on mitigation and disaster
Performances risk reduction.
C. Learning At the end of the lesson, the students should be able
Competencies / to: CODE:
Objectives. a. Describe the characteristics of sound using the S7FE-
concepts of wavelength, velocity and amplitude. IIId-7
Write the LC code
for each
II. CONTEN Topic: Waves: Sound Wave
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1. Describe the characteristics of sound.

2. Explain how pitch, loudness, and quality of sound vary

from one person to another.

A. Reference
1. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s 204- 219 pages
3. Textbook 204- 219 pages
4. Additional
from Learning
(LR) portal

5. Other

Preparatory Activities

 Always start the day with

a prayer.
 Request everyone to pick
up pieces of paper under
their chairs and arrange
them properly.
 “Good “Good morning/afternoon,
morning/afternoon, Ma‟am!”
 “Before we proceed with The teacher will then check the
our lesson, allow me to attendance.
check your attendance
A. Reviewin “How are you feeling today “We‟re okay, Ma‟am, we‟re Targeting
g previous class?” doing fine, Ma‟am” Indicator 1
lesson or Apply
presentin “That is good to know. But knowledge of
g the new going back to our discussion
lesson content within
yesterday, we distinguish the and across
different types of waves in “Yes, Ma‟am”
(Drill/Rev curriculum
iew) the electromagnetic spectrum teaching areas

“So now, who can enumerate

the different parts of the
“Radio wave, microwave,
electromagnetic spectrum
infrared radiation, visible light,
according to the decreasing
ultraviolet radiation, x-ray, and
“Very good, class”

B. Establishi “It seems that you are really

ng a listening to our discussion
purpose yesterday, so now we are
for the done in distinguishing the
lesson two main types of wave, “Mechanical and
(ELICIT) which are again the what?” electromagnetic wave”
“That is right, now it‟s time
to move forward to yet
another city in the world of
physics, welcome to the city
of sound waves. But before
we proceed with our
discussion I have prepared
here a short activity that
would guide you towards our
new lesson. Let‟s divide the
class into two groups.”
“What I have in my hand are
materials that we need for
this activity.”
 Plastic Bottle
 Scissors
 Ruler
 Transparent Tape
 Sketch Pen
 Paper Cutter
“Presented on the screen is
the procedure that you need
to follow enable for you to
accomplish this task.”
1. Cut the bottle at the
point where the straight
portion starts. Initially,
make a slit using a
paper cutter and then
use scissors to cut
evenly along the
circumference. Handle Students are working on their
the paper cutter/scissors task
2. Start cutting the bottle
by placing the blades of
scissors inclined at an
angle of 3-5 degree
approximately from the
cut edge.
3. Continue cutting it till
you get the 2 cm width
of the cut strip.
4. Using scissors cut the
strip from the bottle’s
edge to the point where
you stopped cutting.
5. Start to mark in helical
manner, from the
corner that you have
curt in the previous
step, along the bottle’s
circumference such that
the marking continues
that path of cut you
followed in the previous
6. Start cutting the bottle,
from the start of
marking along the
helical path of line you
have drawn.
7. You now have a spring
8. Now place the model on
the floor or table with
the smooth surface such
that the strip-circle
touched the floor.
9. Hold the free end with
your hand and give it a
hard push. Continue
pushing it hard for a
few times. Observe
what happens.
C. Presentin “What can you say about the
g activity that you‟ve done?” “We made a spring bottle or a
examples “That‟s right, somehow you DIY slinky”
/ instances were able to create a spring
of the new bottle or a DIY slinky. But
lesson what happened as you
(ENGAG pushed the other end of the
“A wave was formed”
E) spring?”
“Correct, and based on its
movement and structure
“A longitudinal wave because
what do you think is the type
of wave it represents?” it moves back and forth or side
“Very good, so the model by side”
that you‟ve made is an
example of a longitudinal
wave. Since we already
discussed about the types and “The part wherein they are
parts of your waves can you
apart is called rarefaction,
identify the parts of a
longitudinal wave?” while the part of the wave that
they are close with each other
or compressed with each other
is compression.”
“Very good, this time try to
observe this short video clip,
what do you think is the type
of wave does the guitar
“A longitudinal wave”
“Very good, how about the “Also a longitudinal wave,
“Correct, but do you observe
something with this
examples? Do they have “They both produces sounds”
something in common?”
“Very good, the given
examples both produce
sound, and these instruments
are also capable of producing
longitudinal waves as what
we have discovered a while
ago. So when we add sound
and longitudinal wave, what “Sound wave, Ma‟am”
is produced?”
“Very good, therefore sound
wave is what type of wave?” “Sound wave is a type of
longitudinal wave.”
“That‟s right, but on a much
wider perspective, your
longitudinal wave is just a
part of a much bigger “Mechanical wave”
concept right? It is just one
type of what wave?”
“Very good, therefore what
“A type of mechanical wave in
is a sound wave?”
which it requires a medium to
“Correct and going back to propagate. Specifically it is a
our example earlier what do longitudinal wave.”
you think is the medium that
carries energy enable for a “The guitar and the drum”
sound wave to be produced?”
“That‟s right, so the medium
is the guitar and the drum,
mediums that can be able to
produced sound waves can
be in the form of solids,
liquids or gases. Now let us
talk about the speed of sound
for each medium. The speed
of sound can differ in various

Medium Speed of

Solid 6,000 m/s The Activity

Target Indicator
Liquid 1,481 m/s 1 Applying
Gas 343.2 m/s knowledge of
content across
Another illustration will be curriculum in
shown showcasing the Mathematics
difference between the
different mediums in terms of
the arrangement of particles.
“In which medium do you
think sound will travel the “In a solid medium, Ma‟am”
„Correct, so if we will based
it on the table it will travel
fastest in a solid medium or
material, it will be then
followed by liquids and then
gases. But why is this so?
Why do you think sound “It is because of the
travel fastest in solid arrangement and spacing of
materials?” particles in each medium.”
“That is right, so if you will
observe this illustration, you
will notice the difference
between the arrangements of
particles in each medium. So
because of this arrangement,
sound waves travel more
quickly in solids because the
particles in it are closely
packed with each other,
compared to the liquids or

D. Discussin “Sound waves have its own

g new characteristics which
concepts includes pitch, loudness and
and timbre.”
new skills “Try to listen to these sounds
#1 and share to the class what “The sound is high and low”
(EXPLO have you observed.”
“Very good, therefore we “The highness or lowness of
can define pitch as what?” sound”

“Very good, in addition to

that the frequency of a wave
dictates the pitch of a sound.
This means that the higher
the frequency the higher the
pitch of the sound. With that
we can say that they
relationship is what?” “Directly proportional”

“Why do you think so?” “Because both of the variables

are increasing or decreasing at
the same time.”
“Very good, can you still
remember the definition of “Yes Ma‟am, it is the number
frequency from our previous of complete cycle that the
lesson?” wave takes place in just one
“Now try to observe the
follow pictures, which do
“Picture B, Ma‟am”
you think has the higher

Pictures will be presented to

the class
“Correct it is picture B since
it has a higher number of
vibrations per second, which
means it has a higher
frequency therefore; it has
higher sound and higher
pitch compared to the sound
waves of picture A.”
“There is a certain range in
which our own ears can only
bare to hear and it is with the
range between 20 Hertz (Hz)
to 20,000 Hz.”
Range Type of

Huma 20 Audible
n Ear Hertz range/frequency The Activity
(Hz) to
Target Indicator
Hz 1 Applying
above Ultrasonic knowledge of
20,000 Frequencies
content across
curriculum in
below Infrasonic
20 Hz Frequencies Mathematics

“Animals like dogs can hear

sound as high as 50,000 Hz.
While bats can detect as high
as 100,000 Hz.”
“This time try to observe
these following sounds.
What can you say about it?” “The sounds where a bit
“Correct, which means that different. One sound is loud
they vary in loudness. And while the other is soft”
with that being said do you
have any idea as to what “How loud sound is”
loudness can be?”
“Yes, we can considered it as
a measurement of how loud
sound can be but in a more
detailed explanation.
Loudness refers to how soft
or how intense the sound is
as perceived by the ear and
interpreted by the brain.
Loudness can be determined
by the amplitude of the
sound waves.”
“Yes Ma‟am, it is the height or
“So do you still remember
the definition of amplitude?” size of the wave.”
“Correct, a high amplitude
sound usually carries large
energy and has higher
intensity, while low
amplitude sounds carries a
low amount of energy and
have lower intensity. And
with this we can say that “Directly Proportional”
their relationship is what?”
“Why can you say so? What
“It is because when one
makes you conclude that
their relationship is a direct variable increases the other
relationship?” one also increases resulting to
a direct relationship among the
“Very good, this time try to 2 variables.”
observe the following sound
wave, which sound wave do “Picture B, Ma‟am”
you think is more pleasant to
the ears?”
“That is right; since picture
B has lower amplitude
therefore it has a lower
intensity. The sound it
produced is softer as
compared to sound wave in
picture A.”
“Sound intensity can be
measured using these
devices. Just like the
Oscilloscope. Unit of
intensity level for sound is in
Decibel (dB). Human ears
can withstand sound
intensity levels from 0 dB –
120 dB, the threshold of
hearing is at 0 dB, whereas
the threshold of pain is 120
“Loudness is also
considered as a
psychological sensation that
differs from different people.
Try to listen to these
following sounds. What have “A rock song/band, Ma‟am”
you heard?”
“Correct, but maybe some of
you may consider rock music
as a soft sound while your
others consider it as a loud
sound, and they may even
interpret this sound as a not “Noise, it is a distorted sound
pleasing type of sound which wave that is not pleasing to the
is known as?” senses.”
“Contrary to noise we have
“It‟s music or a special sound
here another set of sounds.
This time what have you that forms a pattern and is
observed?” appealing to our sense of
“Since you have a MAPEH
subject are you familiar with “Yes Ma‟am, it is the tone
the term timbre?” quality and used in
differentiating two different
sounds that have the same
“Given the illustration a flute pitch and loudness.”
and a guitar are playing the
same note does it mean that
their timbre is also the “No Ma‟am, their pitch may be
same?” the same but their timbre is
different since the two
instruments produce different
sounds even they are playing
“Very good, class.” the same note.”

E. Discussin “It seems that you can now

g new distinguish the different
concepts characteristics of sound
and waves, and differentiate one
practicing among the others. So it‟s
new skills time now to test your
#2 abilities in making your own
(Activity) sounding box. Kindly seat
with your respective groups
and prepare the materials that
I‟ve asked for you to bring.”

“But before we proceed with
the activity proper. First let
me set ground rules in which
you must follow: Indicator 5
Established safe
1. Handle the paper cutter and secure
or scissors carefully. learning
2. Everyone should
contribute to this activity. environments to
Group leaders should enhance learning
assign someone who will through the
work on the construction consistent
of the sounding box. implementation
While others should of policies,
focus on answering the
guidelines and
guide questions.
3. Each group must assign a procedures
designated representative
to present their work here
in front.
4. You are only given 7
minutes to construct the
sounding box and 3
minutes for answering
your guide questions.
5. Then each group will
have another 2 minutes
each to present their
works in front of the
6. Leaders kindly get your
activity sheets and other
materials here in front.
7. Rubrics will be presented
enable for you to be
guided in doing this


Output 40

Content 20

Presentation 20

Collaboration 20

Total: 100%

Activity Proper:
Activity 1: My Own
Sounding Box
After performing this
activity, students should be
able to construct a sounding
box to: Students are participating in
the activity
1. Demonstrate how sound
is produced; and
2. Identify factors that
affect the pitch and
loudness of the sound The Activity
produced. Target Indicator
1 Applying
Materials needed:
knowledge of
 Shoe box content across
 Rubber bands of various curriculum
thickness teaching areas
 Extra cardboard –
 Pair of scissors or cutter
 Ruler Targeting
 Manila Paper (will be Indicator 4
provided for each group) Managed
 Pentel Pen (will be Classroom
provided for each group) structure to
Procedure: engage learners,
individually or in
1. Cut the bottom part of groups, in
your shoe box unevenly
to the upper part just
like what you see in the exploration,
image. discovery and
2. Give best to be creative hands-on
as possible in designing activities within
your box. the range of
3. Then place the rubber
physical learning
bands around the box.
Make sure that the environments.
rubber bands are almost
equally spaced and that
it is arranged according
to increasing thickness
from the lower end up to
the other end of the box.
4. Now you have your own
sounding box.
5. This time, use your
finger to pluck each
rubber band. Listen to
the sound produced.
6. Last step is to answer
the following guide

F. Developin Post-Activity: Students answers may vary Targeting Indicator

g mastery Guide Questions: Possible answers: 2 Use a range of
teaching strategies
(EXPLAI 1. What physical signs did 1. The elastic bands vibrate that enhance learner
N) you observe when you when plucked. Sound is achievement in
plucked each rubber produced by vibration of literacy skills
band? Did you hear any the elastic band.
sound? What produced 2. The sound produced by Targeting Indicator
4 Managed
the sound? each elastic band is Classroom structure
2. How different are the different from the others. to engage learners,
sounds produced by each The thinker the band the individually or in
rubber band with louder the sound produced. groups, in
different thickness? The thicker the band, the meaningful
3. Are there changes in the lower the tone. discovery and
note when you plucked 3. When the elastic bands are hands-on activities
the stretched band? stretched then plucked, within the range of
4. Arrange the rubber bands sound increases in pitch. physical learning
in sequence from the 4. Highest note –thinnest, environments.
highest note to the lowest Lowest note - thickest Targeting Indicator
note produced. 3 Apply range of
teaching strategies
to develop critical
thinking, as well as
other higher-order
thinking skills.
G. Finding “Kudos for a job well done Students answers may vary Targeting
practical class, but since we are Indicator 3
applicatio talking about the different Possible answer/s: Apply range of
ns of
characteristics of sound “My mom‟s voice is much teaching
and skills waves, aren‟t you curious of louder compared to my dad‟s strategies to
in daily as to how do you sound? Can voice meaning to say my develop critical
living you be able to distinguish the mother‟s voice has a higher thinking, as well
(ELABO voice of your mother from frequency than of my father‟s. as other higher-
RATE) that of your father? Can you order thinking
In terms of the pitch my dad
describe the sound of your has a lower-pitched voice skills.
mother and father‟s voice in contrary to my moms who had
terms of loudness, pitch and a high-pitched voice. The
quality?” qualities of the two voices are
also different for my father has
a rougher articulation
compared to my mom who has
a gentler articulation.”

H. Making “Very good observation Targeting

generaliza class, can you now Indicator 3
tions and distinguish a sound wave?” “Yes, Ma‟am. Sound waves
Apply range of
abstractio are longitudinal waves created
ns about from vibrating source. It is a
the lesson strategies to
type of mechanical wave
(Generali develop critical
which means that it needs a
zations) thinking, as well
medium to propagate”
“Can you enumerate the as other higher-
different characteristics of “Pitch, Loudness and Timbre” order thinking
sound waves?” skills.
“Pitch refers to the highness or
“Who can differentiate the lowness of sound. The
three characteristics of sound frequency of a wave dictates
waves from each other? the pitch of a sound. While,
loudness refers to how soft or
how intense the sound is as
perceived by the ear and
interpreted by the brain.
Loudness can be determined
by the amplitude of the sound
waves and timbre on the other
hand, is the tone quality and
used in differentiating two
different sounds that have the
same pitch and loudness.”
I. Evaluatin “Excellent job class, and to
g learning test your knowledge about
(EVALU our discussion for this
morning/afternoon, kindly
get a ¼ sheet of paper and
answer the following

Direction: Modified True

or False: Write Green Flag
if the statement is correct and
Red Flag if otherwise.

1. Sound wave is a type of

mechanical wave. “Green flag/Correct”
2. Sound travels faster in
solids compared to gases. “Green flag/Correct”
3. Pitch refers to the softness
or intensity of the sound. “Red flag/Wrong”
4. Pitch can be determined
by the amplitude of the “Red flag/Wrong”
sound waves.
5. Loudness refers to the “Red flag/Wrong”
highness or lowness of
J. Additional “For your assignment, draw a creative image of a rainbow with
Activities distinct colors, because it is connected with our next
Application topic/lesson.”


A. No. of
learners who
learned 80%
in the

B. No. of
learners who
activities for

C. Did the
lesson work?
No. of
learners have
caught up
the lesson?
D. No. of
learners who
continue to

E. Which of the
well? Why
did these

F. What
did I
which my
principal or
superior can
help me

G. What
or localized
materials did
which I wish
to share with

H. Notes:

Prepared by: Noted by: Checked by:


Student Teacher T-I – Cooperating Teacher HT I- Department Head
 Plastic Bottle
 Scissors
 Ruler
 Transparent Tape
 Sketch Pen
 Paper Cutter
1. Cut the bottle at the point where the straight portion starts. Initially, make a slit
using a paper cutter and then use scissors to cut evenly along the circumference.
Handle the paper cutter/scissors carefully.
2. Start cutting the bottle by placing the blades of scissors inclined at an angle of 3-5
degree approximately from the cut edge.
3. Continue cutting it till you get the 2 cm width of the cut strip.
4. Using scissors cut the strip from the bottle‟s edge to the point where you stopped
5. Start to mark in helical manner, from the corner that you have curt in the previous
step, along the bottle‟s circumference such that the marking continues that path of
cut you followed in the previous step.
6. Start cutting the bottle, from the start of marking along the helical path of line you
have drawn.
7. You now have a spring bottle.
8. Now place the model on the floor or table with the smooth surface such that the
strip-circle touched the floor.
Hold the free end with your hand and give it a hard push. Continue pushing it hard for
a few times. Observe what happens.
Name: _______________________ Grade & Section: ________________


After performing this activity, students should be able to construct a sounding box to:
 Demonstrate how sound is produced; and
 Identify factors that affect the pitch and loudness of the sound produced.
 Shoe box
 Rubber bands of various thickness
 Extra cardboard – optional
 Pair of scissors or cutter
 Ruler
 Manila Paper (will be provided for each group)
 Pentel Pen (will be provided for each group)
1. Cut the bottom part of your shoe box unevenly to the upper part just like what you
see in the image.
2. Give best to be creative as possible in designing your box.
3. Then place the rubber bands around the box. Make sure that the rubber bands are
almost equally spaced and that it is arranged according to increasing thickness from
the lower end up to the other end of the box.
4. Now you have your own sounding box.
5. This time, use your finger to pluck each rubber band. Listen to the sound produced.
6. Last step is to answer the following guide questions.
1. What physical signs did you observe when you plucked each rubber band? Did you
hear any sound? What produced the sound?
2. How different are the sounds produced by each rubber band with different
3. Are there changes in the note when you plucked the stretched band?
4. Arrange the rubber bands in sequence from the highest note to the lowest note

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