Officiating Minister: Good morning, everyone! Today is a memorable day for all of us because the Lord has given us the
privilege of witnessing the celebration of the wedding vows of Jonathan and Audrey. With joyful hearts, let us join them in
prayer for this event. Let us all be seated for the processional.
(The bridal entourage will walk towards the platform and will be ushered to their assigned seats. They will remain
standing until the minister tells them to take their seats.)
Officiating Minister: Doubly blessed is the couple who comes to the marriage altar with the approval and blessings of
their families and friends. Who has the honor of presenting this woman to be married to this man?
Officiating Minister: We are now gathered here today as God’s family, because Jonathan and Audrey, together with their
beloved parents, want us to share with them the joy of this celebration and to solicit the blessings of God and His Family –
the Church, which is their spiritual family, upon their union.
To this we all say…
Congregation: Amen.
Opening Prayer
Officiating Minister: Our most gracious heavenly Father, we thank you for all the privileges of being in the Body of
Christ. We have come together to watch the Miracle of Your Love and the Power of Your Spirit working in the lives of
these two people. We give you praise, honor, and glory for the power of the Holy Spirit working in our lives, which brings
us into a place of union with you our Father, union with the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, union with the Holy Spirit, and
union with other believers. Make your Presence felt by everyone in attendance as you bless the entrance of Jonathan and
Audrey into this new kind of union.
We ask this in Jesus’ Mighty Name.
Congregation: Amen.
Exchange of Vows
Officiating Minister: If you, Jonathan and Audrey, have freely come and have deliberately chosen each other as partners
for life, would you please join your right hands and express to God and this congregation your intention.
Jonathan, do you take Audrey as your wife, as your own flesh, to love her even as Christ loves the church, to protect her
and to care for her for the rest of your lives?
Jonathan: I do.
Officiating Minister: Then turn to her and declare your vow.
Jonathan: ____________________________________________________________________
Officiating Minister: Audrey, do you take Jonathan as your husband, submitting yourself to him?
Audrey: I do.
Officiating Minister: Then turn to him and declare your vow.
Audrey: _____________________________________________________________________
Jonathan and Audrey: Grant us Lord to be one heart and one soul, from this day forward, for
better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.
Officiating Minister: A ring is a very precious thing – a token of your faith and love. This is made out of precious metal. It
is a never-ending circle that indicates the continuing love of God, from which our love is patterned – a love that never fails,
never presents itself haughty nor puffed up. I want you to wear these rings as a continuing reminder of God’s love, and a
continuing reminder of the vows you have made to each other before God.
Jonathan: Audrey, with this ring I marry you. It is a token of my love and loyalty.
Officiating Minister: Jonathan, a ring can mean two different things. It can be a never-ending sign of love, or it can be a
shackle. I am going to charge you with a memory that you should remember always: This woman stands by your side, not
under your feet. You have the responsibility of being the head of this union, but I want you to wear this ring in
remembrance that she is your helpmate. It must never be a shackle of dominance, but always a reminder of love.
Officiating Minister: Audrey, I want you to place this ring on his finger with these things in mind. There is no place in the
Word of God that gives people the right to dominate one another. Your vows have stated that you will submit to one
another in the responsibilities of this life, expecting God and His grace to always make the difference. So, place this ring on
his finger, and as you do, say this to him:
Audrey: With this ring, I marry you. I give it as a token of my love and loyalty. I believe with all my heart that this is
Sponsor: The cord speaks of oneness. It is the union in marriage to which the heavens agree and which none on earth could
and should break.
Sponsor: God loves to bless. It is His nature to bless. He will certainly give you treasure to live by and to share
with others. As you take this symbol, we pray that our Father may find you, now and always as good stewards of his
Sponsor: Our true treasure is the Word of God. It produces faith that remains, along with hope and love. The Bible is our
manual for living – yes, our marriage manual. Together, take the Bible as a token of your faith in God and a pledge of your
loyalty and obedience to Him who will surely guide you throughout your life together.
Prayer to Begin Life Together (Instrumental Music- “He has chosen you for me”) Background music/ Instrumental lang
Officiating Minister: Jonathan and Audrey, everything in your marriage is dependent on God, its beginning, sustaining,
and ending. In acknowledgement of this truth, please kneel and say this prayer together.
Teach us the fine art of living together unselfishly that, loving and being love, blessing and being blessed, we may find life
ever filled with a deeper harmony as we perfectly share it together through the years. Help us keep the candles of faith and
prayer always burning in our home. Be our guest at every meal, our guide in every plan, our guardian in every temptation.
We do not know what the future holds. We ask only that we may love, honor, and cherish each other always and so live
together in faithfulness, and patience, that our lives may be filled with joy, and the home which we have this day
established may become a haven and a place of peace.
May your blessing and the benediction of your love rest upon us now and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Unveiling:” Photograph by Ed Sheeran(Saxophone version) mabilis lang ito, so the song does not have to be sung til the
Officiating Minister: Before you get married, you were considered two in all aspects. Now you are “one flesh”. You may
now light the center candle symbolizing your oneness in marriage and your union with Christ. Do not put off the light on
your candles because each of you does not plan to snuff out the other’s individuality. Whenever one of you loses his/her
light, you should remember that the other could always share his or hers. And, when both of you seems to have lost it,
Christ makes the light of His Presence always available for you.
Officiating Minister: By the authority given to me as ordained minister of the Gospel of Christ, according to the ordinance
of God and the Laws of the Republic of the Philippines, in the Name of the Father of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, I now
pronounce you husband and wife.
Officiating Minister: (To the Congregation): Ladies and Gentlemen, brothers, and sisters, on this joyous occasion, it is my
pleasure to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan and Audrey Merto.
(To Jonathan): You may now give your wife, Audrey, a kiss of love.
Pronouncement of Blessings
Congregation: Amen.