FoundationOnlineFormsFAQs June2021
FoundationOnlineFormsFAQs June2021
FoundationOnlineFormsFAQs June2021
You can carry out the following transactions on the students portal:
Apply for the exam and pay the exam fee online, during the specified period.
Apply for change of centre, medium, group or syllabus through the Correction Window during
the specified period
View, download and print admit cards, relevant for a specific exam.
View the status of exemptions in a paper/s valid for the forthcoming exams, during the
specified period.
View examination results.
View, download and print your mark sheets ( applicable only to Foundation and Intermediate
candidates) in respect of the immediately preceding examination.
Apply for verification of marks or certified copies of answer books, after the declaration of
results, during the specified period and also pay the applicable fee
Apply for issue of duplicate mark sheets and pass certificates and also pay the applicable fee
8. Can I start filling in the on-line exam form and complete the same later?
Yes, you can do so, until you make successful payment, after which stage you cannot make
10. I am already registered with ICAI in the on-line exam registration portal, when I applied
for an earlier attempt. Can I use the same log in ID and password this time?
Yes. In case you have created login under this site from November /
December 2016 Exam onwards, there is no need to recreate the login even if you have
converted to New Course. You may just login using your SingleSignOn credentials (ie; Login ID
& Password) and avail of all the services under one umbrella. However, The login particulars are
displayed on the screen when login is created.
12. I am not able to login and fill up the form even after getting the login-ID and password.
Check the opening page to see if there are messages or alerts that inform you that the on-line
system is temporarily unavailable.
Check that you are using the correct login-ID and password to access your account.
Check your acknowledgement e-mail for your login-id and password to ensure that you are
using the correct one.
13. While creating the user ID, I am directed to submit a provisional application? Why is it
Your identity as a student of ICAI is validated through your ten digit registration number ( like
NRO0123456) , name of the course and your date of birth that you had entered while creating
the User ID. If these fields do not match with those in the Institute‟s database, the system would
not provide you User ID and password against the student registration number entered by you.
Instead the system will allot a login against a system generated Pxxxxxxxx number for submitting
your on-line exam form.
Hence, please ensure that you fill in your student registration number as per the registration letter
sent to you. You are advised to keep a copy of the letter from Board of Studies, ICAI registering
you as a student of ICAI ready on hand so that you can fill your registration number correctly.
Also ensure that you fill in your date of birth, as per the documents submitted by you to the
Institute at the time of registration.
In case your details do not match with our records, we shall still issue the User ID and password,
you will be permitted to submit a provisional application, subject to verification of documentary
Some of the errors committed by candidates while filling the on-line forms are as follows:
Your unique registration number typed on the on-line form may be different from the one that is
communicated to you by the Board of Studies of the Institute.
The date of birth you enter in the form may be different from the date of birth on the records of
the Institute.
Those whose registration is under process and have not been allotted the registration number
OR those who are still using the old registration numbers such as BB0123456,DD0123456,etc.,
may select OTHERS in the “Select Prefix”. The submission will again be provisional in such
15. I logged into my application and find that in my dashboard Exam appearing is CPT
and Not Foundation Or "Intermediate(IPC) / ATE" whereas I have now qualified and
can apply for Final Exam or the Exam Appearing is Intermediate(IPC) whereas I am
now a student of Intermediate. What should I do ?
Candidates who have cleared converted from CPT to Foundation within due dates but in their
dashboard CPT is appearing and no exam form is available may immediately write
to quoting their Registration Number at least two working days prior to the last
date of the exam form. Alternately, you can create a provisional login for the relevant exam and
apply. Please read “In my Dashboard, under my registration number, the level of the Exam is not
appearing correctly. What should I do ?” on the home page of
In case you have converted to the New/Revised scheme of education as per cut off dates
given in respective Guidance Notes ie; from CPT to Foundation, Intermediate(IPC)(Old) to
Intermediate(New) or Final(Old) to Final(New) and find that the exam form of the Old
scheme is appearing, you may create a provisional login under the desired exam and
Please read the steps for creating provisional login to address non authentication of data /
incorrect course code in the exam dashboard given on the homepage of
under the link "In my Dashboard, under my registration number, the level of the Exam is not
appearing correctly. What should I do ?"
16. Can I change my profile details after I started applying for an exam?
No. You will have to ensure that you have made all changes in the profile before you apply for
the exam. Once you clicked on “Apply Now”, your profile information will be updated against your
application form. Hence any change done to your profile, after you started applying for an exam
will not be reflected in the application.
17. My photo and signature are displayed on the screen, while I apply for the exam on-line. I
want to change my photograph and signature. Can I do so? How do I do it?
No. You cannot change it during this exam cycle.
18. Can I apply for an exam without verifying email ID and/or mobile no?
Yes. There is a declaration in the “Apply & Track Your Application” section for email ID and
mobile number. You can agree to it and proceed to apply for the exam by clicking “Not Now”. But
we strongly recommend that you verify both your primary email ID and mobile number against
your registration before you proceed. This will ensure that all electronic communications from
ICAI exams reach you.
For candidates who applied for May2020 exams but did not apply for Nov2020 exams and have
not sought refund of this fee, the fees paid for the exam of May2020 or fee paid for any changes
applied thru correction window(s) for May2020 exams have been brought forward and will be
adjusted for June2021 exams when the candidate applies for the same however, the candidates
have to fill the exam form for June2021.
The fee for candidates who applied for Nov2020 exams and have opted out for May2021 exams
has been brought forward alongwith any fee paid for corrections sought through the correction
window. This will be adjusted for the June2021 exams when the candidate applies for the same.
If the brought forward fee is less than the fee payable for June2021 exams, then the system will
charge differential fee.
If the brought forward fee is more than the fee payable for June2021 exams, then the system will
not charge any fee but the candidate has to press “Final Submit” button to complete the process.
There is no provision to refund any fee / part fee.
The fee portion paid as bank commission and GST will not be brought forward.
20. Apart from the applicable examination/verification/certified copies or other fee payable to
the Institute towards exam related services, are there any other charges to be paid by the
Yes. In addition to the applicable fee payable to the Institute by the candidate towards exam
related services, they will be required to pay bank charges at the following rates, while paying the
said fee, online through the payment gateway. These are charges payable by the candidate to
the bank and will be recovered along with the applicable fee payable to the Institute:-
23. Can I make payment of exam fees by DD along with on-line forms?
No. Payment of exam fees by DD is not permitted along with on-line forms. You have to make
on-line payment by using master/visa/maestro/Rupay credit/debit cards only. Payment through
Net Banking or BHIM UPI are accepted.
25. I filled in the on-line form and also paid the exam fees. However, when I saw the credit
card/bank statement, I realized that the amount of the exam fees has been debited more than
once in my account. It appears that I might have paid the exam fees more than once. Can I get
a refund of the excess amount paid by me? What is the procedure for claiming the excess
exam fee payment arising on account of multiple payments/lost transactions etc?
Multiple payments received by us, if any, for a single student (with same registration number),
will be identified by the system and are refunded for the credit of the respective accounts from
where they originated, by the office, within 21 days of the last date for submission of forms.
In case you have made payment of exam fees more than once and that is received by us for the
same student registration number and you do not get a refund within 30 days from the last date
for submission of forms, you can claim a refund of the excess amount paid by you, by writing to
us within 45 days from the last date for submission of forms, along with documentary evidence,
such as bank/credit card statement, of having paid the exam fees more than once. ICAI will verify
the same and refund the excess amount, if any, paid by you.
Important dates
26. What is the last date for physical submission of forms?
Last date for receipt of the on-line PDF document – 11-05-2021
It may be noted that candidates whose photographs and signatures are printed on the
PDF form need NOT submit physical copies of their exam forms(PDF) at the office/s of
ICAI . However it is advised that they keep a printout or softcopy of the form for their
Before submission of the PDF, candidates are advised to check that the BarCode is appearing
on the PDF. In some cases, it may not get printed. This may arise due to low bandwidth etc at
that point in time. Hence candidates should login later to download and print the PDF. Please
note that your on-line application is recognized and processed through the bar code. Hence, if
the bar code does not get printed on the PDF, your application will not be processed.
27. Does on-line registration close at 5.30 P.M. on the last date or at midnight on the last
The online registration and payment continues till 23:59 hrs (IST) of 07-05-2021. It is however
advised to register any pay early to avoid any last minute technical glitches or difficulty in
reaching the helpdesks for guidance required in filling the form.
In absence of guidance in registering etc. you may register as provisional candidate as prompted
by the system. Be sure that you meet the eligibility criteria for appearing in the test as given in
the respective guidance notes before applying for the exam.
As the payment is an automated process, in case the payment gets deducted and the pdf is not
generated and you are not able to reach the helpdesk, please do not panic, make another
payment to generate the pdf in time. As given in guidance notes, the extra payments made will
be reversed at the end of the application process as per timelines indicated therein.
Generation of PDF
28. The word PROVISIONAL is appearing on the PDF. Why is it so?
The word provisional is appearing because while creating your login-id the date of birth did not
match with particulars in our database. for now, you just need to attach the copy of latest
registration letter with the PDF for us to verify your registration number. Do get in touch with ssp
helpdesk team to confirm and get your particulars corrected in the database so that you do not
face this issue next time
29. How do I know that my on-line registration is successful? Do I get any acknowledgement
upon submission of on-line form?
Upon successful completion of on-line registration, a message appears on the computer screen
stating that your transaction is successful and giving further instructions on how to take a print
out of your on-line application and send us. You can take a print out of the same and keep on
your record. You can also check the status of your application on-line.
Final candidates and Direct Entry through graduate/post graduate route candidates of
Intermediate (IPC) are required to upload a scanned copy of their certificate of service, duly
signed by their Principals.
Foundation Course candidates are required to upload the scanned copy of declaration
Unless scanned copy of the certificate of service (wherever applicable) is uploaded, the
examination form will be deemed to be incomplete.
Formats of the certificate of service are available on the said portal. You are advised to get the
same duly signed by your Principals (if applicable) and keep it handy, before you start filling the
examination application form online.
30. I have filled the on-line form and paid the exam fee on-line. Do I still have to take a print
out and send it to ICAI and if yes, where should I submit it?
Those candidates whose photographs and signatures are printed on the PDF form need
NOT submit physical copies of their exam forms(PDF) at the office/s of ICAI .
Candidates whose photographs and signatures are not in examination data base, i.e. those
whose photographs and signatures are not displayed on the screen, are REQUIRED to take a
print out of the exam form, affix their photographs and signatures at the designated place, get the
form attested by a Chartered Accountant or Gazetted officer or Head of an Educational Institution
and send the same to Examination Department at the following address, by Speed Post or
Registered Post only, on or before the last date for submission of exam forms with late fees
stated above in Q26.
Submission by Hand : You may submit the print out of the application (PDF) within the given
dates as above at any of the following offices on working days between 10am to 5:00pm.
Reception Counter,
Annexe Building,
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
ICAI Bhawan,
Indraprastha Marg,
New Delhi - 110002
(Telephone-011-3989 3989).
Reception Counter,
Northern Regional Office,
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
52-54 Institutional Area,
Vishwas Nagar,
Near Karkardooma Court Complex,
Delhi – 110032
(Telephone-011-3989 3990).
Reception Counter,
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
ICAI Tower,
Plot No. C-40, G-Block,
Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra East,
Mumbai – 400051
(Telephone-022-33671400, 33671500).
Reception Counter,
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
ICAI Bhawan,
122, Mahatma Gandhi Road,
Chennai - 600034
(Telephone-044-3989 3989).
Reception Counter,
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
ICAI Bhawan,
382/A, Prantik Pally, Rajdanga, Kasba
(Near Acropolis Mall and Garden High School),
Kolkata - 700107
(Telephone- 033- 30840203 / 30840210).
Reception Counter,
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
ICAI Bhawan,
16/77-B, Civil Lines (Behind Reserve Bank of India),
Kanpur - 208001
(Telephone-0512-3989 398).
Reception Counter,
Ahmedabad DCO* of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,v ICAI Bhawan,
123, Sardar Patel Colony,
Near Usmanpura Under Bridge,
Navjivan PO,
Ahmedabad - 380014
(Telephone-079-2768 0946, 2768 0537, 39893989).
Reception Counter,
Bangalore DCO* of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, ICAI Bhawan,
No. 16/0, Millers Tank Bed Area,
Bangalore - 560 052
Reception Counter,
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, ICAI Bhawan,
11-5-398/C Red Hills,
Hyderabad - 500 004
(Telephone-040-233 17026, 233 17027, 233 17028, 23393182, 30638600).
Reception Counter,
Jaipur DCO* of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
ICAI Bhawan,
D-1, Institutional Area,
Jhalana Doongri,
Jaipur - 302004
(Telephone-0141-3044200, 3044214, 3989398).
Reception Counter,
Pune DCO* of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, „ICAI Bhawan‟,
Plot No. 8, Parshwanath Nagar,
CTS No. 333, Sr. No. 573,
Munjeri, Opp. KaleHospital,
Near Mahavir Electronics, Bibrewadi,
PUNE 411 037 (Telephone-020- 24212251/52,32335306).
Reception Counter,
Nagpur DCO* of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, 'ICAI Bhawan'
201, Behind Vijayanand Society,
Dhantoli, NAGPUR-440012
(Telephone – 0712- 2443 968, 2441 196).
Reception Counter,
Surat DCO* of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
2nd Floor, Saifee Building,
Opp. Dutch Garden, Near Makkaipul,
Nanpura, SURAT - 395 001 (Telephone – 0261- 2472 932, 2464413).
Reception Counter,
Baroda DCO * of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, 'ICAI Bhawan',
Kalali-Tandalja Road, Atladara,
VADODARA - 390 012. (Telephone-0265-2681 115,2680593).
Reception Counter,
Thane DCO* of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
Flat No. 1 & 2, Ground Floor,
Monica Society, Dandekar Colony,
Opp. Gurukul Soc., Dharmaveer Marg, Cross Road,
Near Yashwant Tower, Panchpakhadi, Thane (W) 400602
Reception Counter,
Ernakulam DCO* of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,'ICAI Bhawan',
57/3146, Diwan's Road,Ernakulam,
KOCHI - 682 016 (Telephone- 0484- 2369 238, 2372 953, 2369 258).
Reception Counter,
Indore DCO* of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
'ICAI Bhawan',
Plot No. 19-B, Scheme No. 78,
Part-II, (Near M. P. Pollution Control Board),
INDORE - 452 010
(Telephone- 0731- 2570 052,2570 053,4298 198).
Reception Counter,
ICAI Bhawan,
Opp. Community Centre,
Sector 35 B,
Near Gurudwara,
CHANDIGARH - 160 036
(Telephone- 0172- 5067 756)
* Decentralised Office
Submission by Post : You may send printout of the form by SpeedPost/Registered Post (not
courier) without folding and Superscribing the envelope as "Exam Application Form for
Foundation – June2021" so as to reach us before the cut-off dates given above. The address for
posting is as under:
Additional Secretary (Exams)
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
ICAI Bhawan, Indraprastha Marg,
New Delhi - 110 002.
31. Incorrect particulars are appearing in the PDF. What do I do ?
The PDF reflects what is filled up. We request you to be careful while filling and saving the form.
If you have made the successful payment you can seek correction of the same. You can highlight
the area wrongly entered/appearing in the PDF and mark the correction without disturbing any
other area. Also ATTACH a signed application quoting the registration number and control
number intimating the correction required. Superscribe the envelope with as ""Request for
Correction Foundation June,2021. This is only for such case where centre/medium are not
wrongly entered hence please do not take is as general correction procedure. The
corrections/changes in Centre/Medium have to be applied online thru the Correction Window
32. Myself and my friend were applying from the same computer and now my details are also
appearing in my friend’s PDF
You have been advised on the portal, in the registration email and in the guidance notes to not to
open more than one session at the same time on the same computer. Though abundant
precaution is taken to avoid such mishaps, you will now have to get in touch at 0120-3054851,
3054852, 3054853, 3054835, 4953751, 4953752, 4953753, 4953754 to have this resolved
before you send the corrected and signed PDFs to the Institute.
33. My payment was successful. But I am not able to generate the PDF document? What
should I do now?
In the internet payment channel loss of payment happens for a small number of cases due to
many issues like bandwidth, response time from bank, students refreshing the page frequently
etc. Eventhough the amount may have got deducted from your account, due to above reasons it
has not got reflected in our account.
Please pay again and successfully get the PDF. You can send the email for the refund of fees.
However, any multiple payments received by us for the same student (applying more than once
with the same Registration Number) will be refunded by the office on its own at the end of the
online forms process.
You can check the status of your application on the link given on Mere
deduction of fee from your account does not mean successful form submission.
34. What does submitting a provisional application mean to me, as a candidate? Will I be able
to sit for the exam?
In case you have submitted a provisional form, you will still be permitted to sit for the exam,
provided you are eligible otherwise to write the exam. In case you are ineligible, ICAI will send
you a separate communication.
35. What happens if I forget/omit to send the print out and the annexures required through
Absence of your photograph and signature, will create difficulties in issue of your admit card,
statement of marks and pass certificates.
In case, your photo & signature are not appearing in your PDF, you are advised to send us the
PDF affixing your photograph & signature duly attested. This will help us to create your full profile
with photo & signature.
36. Can I change the particulars ( such as centre opted or medium opted) after submission of
the on-line form?
Yes. The change of centre/medium can be applied thru Correction Window after the close of
exam forms process from 08-05-2021 to 10-05-2021 or as per dates given under the Important
Dates at
37. Is it alright if the print out of the on-line form is attested by any member of the Institute?
Your photo and signature and data on the on-line form submitted by you have to be attested by a
member of the Institute or Head of Educational Institute or a Gazetted Officer.
General questions
38. What are the exam dates?
You may refer to the announcement in this regard in the Students/Examination section of our
website or the Guidance Notes on this site, for complete details.
41. What do I do, in case the details in the admit card differ from those in my application
On downloading of admit card, please do verify your name, registration number, photograph,
signature, centre, medium, group etc. In case of any discrepancy, you can contact us at following
phone numbers / email-ids :
Helpline Numbers: 0120-3054851, 3054852, 3054853, 3054835, 4953751, 4953752, 4953753,
For Intermediate (IPC)E/ATE/Units :
For Final:
For Foundation:
42. What are the rules regarding verification of marks?
You may refer to the announcement in this regard in the Students/Examination section of our
website or the Guidance Note on this site, for complete details.
43. I am a candidate with disability. Can I get relaxation in time or can I appoint a
scribe/writer for writing the exam?
You may refer to the announcement in this regard in the Students/Examination section of our
website or the Guidance Notes on this site, for complete details.
44. I am a candidate with disability. Can I also apply for extra time or assistance of a
writer through the portal?
No. You are required to apply for the same, in the prescribed format, in physical form and send
the same separately along with the requisite annexures at the following address:
Details in this regard along with the requisite formats are available on the portal for your use.
45. I am a candidate with disability and a holder of the permanent concession card. Should I
pay the exam fee online or am I exempt from payment of exam fees?
You are exempt from payment of exam fee. You will be allowed to submit your exam application
form online without paying the exam fee. However, in case you are a candidate with disability
and are not holding a permanent concession card issued by ICAI, you will be required to apply
for issue of the permanent concession card, by following the prescribed procedures, hosted on Meanwhile, you will be required to pay exam fee online while applying for the
exam. In case, you are eligible for issue of permanent concession card, exam fee paid by you will
be refunded.
46. Contact details
Please raise your queries sufficiently well in time. The helpdesk services will be available
on all working days between 9:30am to 6:00pm
a) E-mail:
0120-3054 851
0120-3054 852
0120-3054 853
0120-3054 835
0120-4953 751
0120-4953 752
0120-4953 753
0120-4953 754
c) By post: