Bluetooth Smart Module
Bluetooth Smart Module
Bluetooth Smart Module
peripheral only mode with The AMB2621 is an ultra-low power 2.4 GHz wireless The module enables distance estimation (localization)
transparent UART interface and module integrating the nRF52832 System on Chip including using RSSI and output power in just one advertise
static passkey pairing a 2.4 GHz transceiver and an ARM CortexTM-M4F CPU with packet for optimized power consumption.
Custom application firmware flash memory. The module is optimized for applications As a second option the module can be switched into
where costs and low-power optimization really matter. peripheral only mode with transparent UART and static
Integrated MCU Several pins with alternate functions are available to e.g. passkey pairing.
32-bit ARM Cortex-M4F Processor with connect LEDs, or realize an SPI, I2C, ADC or handshake for As interface to the host system a 2-wire UART interface
512kb flash + 64kb RAM the UART as well as NFC. is provided with a default data rate of 115200 Baud. OTA
By default the AMB2621 contains the AMBER firmware firmware update via PC or Android / iOS App is
R AN G E O F AP P L I C AT I O N according to option 1. Upon request the customer’s own supported. An Android App supporting the SPP-like
Internet of Things (IoT) firmware (option 2) may be flashed during production. operation is also available on request.
o Home automation
o Building automation By default, the module provides the industry proven, fully Based on the free Nordic Semiconductor SDK and demo
Personal Area Networks qualified Bluetooth® Smart (previously called Bluetooth low examples various BLE-profiles and custom applications
o Health/fitness sensor and energy) stack from Nordic, plus the AMBER firmware. The can be realized and flashed on the AMB2621 module.
monitor devices latter contains an SPP-like profile, which offers a fast The versatile and well documented Nordic stack ensures
o Medical devices secured data transmission of packets with up to 128 bytes quick and easy realization of various standard BLE-
o Key-fobs + wrist watches payload. Furthermore the AMB2621 includes an easy-to-use profiles, such as:
Interactive entertainment devices command interface allowing a convenient configuration and HID services
o Remote controls operation. The module can perform both, an advertising Medical services (BLS, HRS, HTP…)
o Gaming controllers mode in order to be found, or a scan for finding other Alert services (ANS, IAS, PASS …)
Beacons devices, which are advertising. Data transmission can be Information services (CTS, DIS, TPS …)
A4WP wireless chargers executed as soon as a (secured) connection has been set and others
Computer peripherals up. In addition data can be broadcasted quickly using so For full feature list see the nRF52832 documentation .
o Keyboard
o Multi-touch trackpad
AMBER wireless GmbH, established in Interface data rate Typ. 115200 Baud
compact short range RF modules for Power consumption TX: typ. 5.3 mA @ 0dB, 7.5 mA@ 4dBm / RX: 5.4 mA *
rapid implementation of cable-free data Low Power: typ. 0.4 µA (System OFF mode)
Modulation DSSS
Software / App Development * DC/DC converter in use, transceiver only. Complete currents with CPU active: TX 8mA @ 0 dBm, TX 11mA @ 4 dBm, RX 8mA
Hardware Support
products or services please visit our No. Pad Name No. Pad Name
website: 1 RF 1 9 P0.09/NFC1 2
2, 17 GND 10 P0.00/XL1 2
3 SWDCLK 11 P0.01/XL2 2
4 SWDIO 12 P0.02/AIN0 2
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos 5 P0.21/Reset 13 P0.03/AIN1 2
6 P0.05/AIN3 14 P0.04/AIN2 2
are registered trademarks owned by
7 VDD 15 P0.28/AIN4 2
Bluetooth SIG, 2
8 P0.10/NFC2 16 P0.29/AIN5 2
Inc. and any use of such marks by only on AMB2621-1
can be used with customer specific firmware. Refer to AMB2621 manual for function in standard (SPP-like)
AMBER wireless GmbH is under
Ordering Information
Item No. Description