Boucca Wicca Ritual of Planets by Jean de Cabalis
Boucca Wicca Ritual of Planets by Jean de Cabalis
Boucca Wicca Ritual of Planets by Jean de Cabalis
Boucca Wicca
This work has been released to its original title Boucca Wicca Ritual of Planets.
For a short time it was re-titled under the author names of Woden Hawk and
Shivarsi. If you have a copy of one of these, keep it, they are rare edition and I
expect will go up in value.
This Ritual of Planets is based upon the core materials from Alex Sanders 'Ordine
Della Luna - Nova'. One of the sources used is the 30 page Alexandrian Book of
Planets which is a work itself which was compiled from the: 'Initiation as recorded
by the sacred Zodiacal language by a Seer'. From the section of the 'Restored New
Testament the Hellenic Fragments and other sections with some artistic license as
used by Alex Sanders during the mid 1970's.
I have much more greatly expanded upon and re-imagined Alex Sanders' early
core document into a working ritual. I have done this recompiling, expansion and
re-imagined into ceremonial format also with the assistance of other Ordine Della
Luna materials.
The Ritual of Planets
devised by Jean de Cabalis from the original Alex Sanders materials.
This book is the for the guidance of degree initiates who have been charged
with the Mystic Circle preparation of candidates to the Wicca.
South: A Chalice is full with Red wine and placed upon the left leg of
southern side of the altar. Along with the scourge is placed the short-sword
(if you have one) within the right leg of the pentagram. It is best that the
chalice is silver or silver painted. The Sacred Flame or Sun candle is then set
at the southern side of the pentagram between the legs of the pentagram.
The Sacred Flame is not yet lit.
And finally a hand winnowing-fan and an unlit while candle is placed in
the centre of the pentagram with a box of matches or lighter.
The Mystic Circle is set up as such (assuming a large enough Mystic Circle) with
seven candles in the Mystic Circle. If free space is limited you may use the altar
to serve as the eastern light - the Sun planetary. The Nova Flower needs to be
set up as drawn for the ceremonial.
Position of planetary candles for Ritual of Planets ceremony.
The Ceremonial
Note: Casting the Mystic Circle. Either HPS or HP cast the usual Casting of the Mystic
Circle. That is per custom the usual Consecration of elements. Ensure to mix Salt and
Water together per the cleansing of the for quarters. IE using the athame over the cup
“Oh thou creature of water, let all phantasms and illusions of the spirits of the worlds of
fantasy be cast from this place.” Sprinkle the four directions and about Mystic Circle.
Perform pentagrams and invocation to the four Watchtowers. IE Summon, stir and call...
and so forth. Remember in our tradition the Mystic Circle is really a magical dome or
bubble. For further information see either our Book of Shadows and/or the introductory
training manual. The Mystic Circle hence opened establishes the Yesod influence in
Assiah and its overlap into the Sphere of Yetzirah. For this reason the initial Casting of the
Mystic Circle is performed. However during the Ritual of the Planets the Mystic Circle is
raised into vibration into the Sphere of Briah.
The Raise of Light
After the HP/S has cast the Mystic Circle and the coven enters the stead or temple, and
is greeted with a kiss on the cheek by the High Priest (HP) and the High Priestess (HPS).
Males are kissed on the right cheek and women on the left cheek. Each coven member
in turn also kisses the HP and HPS on both cheeks. Upon entering the temple the coven
members take positions and stand silently around the Mystic Circle - however not in front
of the altar.
HPS then anoints the HP with the saluting sign of the Horned God. HP then anoints the
HPS with the Triple Sign. The HP goes before the altar and kneels down facing the altar in
the east. HP crosses his arms over his chest, with left hand over this right arm. Similar to
the Slain God position though kneeling and without scourge and athame. HP maintains
kneeling position for between 30 seconds and a minute and then stands up.
HP lights the white-candle positioned in the centre (the central candle) of the pentagram.
Then with this white-candle HP lights each candle on the altar in the following manner.
Starting from the bottom east, HP lights the four eastern candles. HP lights the Sacred
Fire Sun candle in the south. After lighting the altar candles, HP then carries the white-
candle around the Mystic Circle in deosil direction making a complete circuit and
stopping at each quarter of the Mystic Circle, East, North, West and South. Facing
outwards HP bows and holds his candle aloft but does not light the quarter candles
positioned on the Mystic Circle. Whether there are 3 or 4 quarter candles will depend
upon the size of your Mystic Circle and whether or not the altar is within the Mystic Circle.
Remember the altar candles in the east are already lit. HP returns before the altar and
places white-candle back to the centre of the pentagram.
Note: 'The Celebrant of the ceremony is either the HP or the HPS depending upon the
season the ceremony is performed. It is the Celebrant that speaks with the voice of the
Planetary deity after the invocation of the sphere. During Autumn and Winter the HP
officiates the lexicons of the planets; while during Spring and Summer the HPS officiates
the lexicons of the planets.
This is because the priest personifies the Horned God of death and resurrection
and all that is between. Whereas the HPS is the embodiment of life, birth, growth and
fruitfulness. Both these deities had many names through out history. So they are referred
to as the Ancients Ones.
In the lower craft degrees the Horned God is called Cernnunos and the Goddess is called
Aradia. As members advance in Wisdom and Understanding, the Soul of Nature, the
creative essence of the Solar Flower is revealed to them.
This has been called Ararita a word that connects to the seven planets, to signify
the combination of the all the planets working in mysterious harmony. The positive and
negative aspects of male and female principles, as the regenerative energy inherent
throughout the universe, is known in our tradition as Arianrhod. Similarly another
conception of this perfect great force rendered as Baphomet by Eliphas Levi is another
symbol we use throughout many of our rituals.
The coven must be barefooted, however wearing socks only is allowable, especially
for the elderly. The coven may be clothed or unclothed. Though preferable to be skyclad,
it is not completely necessary. The shedding of clothing of course signifies the removal of
all worldly concerns. And the Goddess said as a sign that we are truly freed, that we be
naked in our rites and dance in ecstasy of the spirit. So clothing hampers dancing
somewhat'. - Verbius (edited).
The Opening
HP then casts the circle using the following
method.The order of the pentagrams is different
because we are opening up to the zodiacal and using the planetary pentagrams
Angelic of t
Art. This is done by:
HPS stands before the altar and says:
HPS: “By the sign of the Sacred Cross by which Kronos makes allI to
be equal.
and consecrate this Mystic Circle.”
All present perform the Sacred Cross. Raise both hands above head and say:
Leaving your left hand on your belly, palm facing in raise your right hand. With ind
middle fingers erect, touch left shoulder and say:
All: “Ve Geburah the power.”
Draw a line across your body from left shoulder to the right shoulder. Touching yo
shoulder say:
All: “Ve Gedulah the glory.”
Then with both hands gasp the fingers interlocking them before the centre of chest an
The Cleansing
HPS passes athame to HP who performs banishing earth pentagram to the
four quarters in the following manner. Facing east before the altar, draws
the banishing pentagram to earth and thrusts athame into centre and
draws the sign of Aries.
HP: “With this sign I banish the foul shades of the east. Let this circle be freed from
evil influence. Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the zodiacal east, Yea Lord of
Zomilak thou art the Guardian of the eastern portals and of the Angels of Fire.
summon, stir and can call thee up to witness the rite and guard the mystic circle
Note: Zomilak is usually in the South (N. Hemisphere) and North (S. Hemisphere) ho
this ceremony uses the zodiacal east. I.e places Aries on the horizon. The god
Cernnunos, Aradia and Azarak have also been moved to accommodate the ceremon
zodiacal wheel.
HP goes deosil to the northern quarter of the Mystic Circle. HP facing the north, dr
banishing pentagram to earth and thrusts athame into the centre, drawing the
HP: “With this sign I banish the foul shades of the south. Let this circle be freed from
evil influence. Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the zodiacal north, Yea Lords of E
Cernnunos, thou art the Guardian of the northern portals and of the Angels of Ea
do summon, stir and can call thee up to witness the rite and guard the mystic ci
HP goes deosil to the western quarter of the Mystic Circle. HP facing the west, dr
banishing pentagram to earth and thrusts athame into the centre, drawing the Sign o
HP: “With this sign I banish the foul shades of the west. Let this circle be freed from
evil influence. Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the zodiacal west. Yea Lords o
Azarak, thou art the Guardian of the western portals and of the Angels of Air.
summon, stirand can call thee up to witness the rite and guard the mystic circle.”
HP goes deosil to the southern quarter of the Mystic Circle. HP facing the south dr
banishing pentagram to earth and thrusts athame into the centre, drawing the Sign o
HP: “With this sign I banish the foul shades of the north. Let this circle be freed from
evil influence. Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the zodiacal south, Yea Lords of W
Aradia, thou art the Guardians of the western portals and of the Angels of Wate
summon, stir and can call thee up to witness the rite and guard the mystic circle
Note: Unlike the doing a ceremony to the quarters when you face outwards, towa
directions invoked etc. during the Planetary ritual you face towards the Mystic Circle
because like the gods who can exist outside the physical universe, they can also e
operations of the material realm. So in a sense the Nova flower and Mystic Circle has
a microcosm of universe. And you are yourself training as young gods, in a k
kindergarten witch school.
HP leads the procession holding the Fan in three circuits around the Circle repeatin
waves the fan.
HP: “Cleansed be we all, of mind and heart. For the realm of starry spaces has drawn
Behind the HP is the HPS holding the sword upright and erect in front of her. Foll
behind the HPS is the maiden holding a candle. HP returns to the position at the easte
(to the left of the altar) replaces fan with athame. Holds the athame stretched out i
him in his right hand.
Invocation of Sol
All stop at the eastern quarter and face towards the Magick Circle Nova flower. Fr
point of view of facing the altar; then Maiden is to the right of altar, the HPS at the ce
HP to the left of altar.
HP and maiden raises candle. Both at about a 45 degree angle.
draws the opening for the planetary pentagram of Sol.
HPS: “With these signs I invoke thee Great Sunna of the Heavenly Light and Bel
obedient servant and King of Fire. Bless ye this magick Circle and aid its consecration
The Maiden already facing the magick Circle and kneels. She lights the Planetary So
This candle represents the physical Sun in front of her. The altar candles represent th
Sun and the lights of the higher worlds. Maiden bows and maintains a short silence
10 seconds. The maiden then stands up holding the candle to the left of her.
The Hierarchy of Helios (Sol)
“To Helios Sol who rules among the powers of Light.
The sun-like Regent of the Green Lodge write:
Thus saith the Self-born whose all-seeing eyes,
Shine with the golden fire that glorifies,
The solar orb, and who has feet that glow,
Like liquid silver pure and bright.
I know your works, and your devotion, faithfulness,
Your drudgery and patience under stress,
And that your final deeds shall far outshine,
The first ones when you rule by right divine.
Against you, though, I make this one complaint,
That you have failed to place in due restraint.
Your wife that wanton witch, who falsely claims,
To be a seeress, teaching she inflames,
My followers with lust, and they partake
Of demon-food, and my pure feast forsake.
I gave her time from evil ways to turn,
But she prefers with lustful fires to burn.
Behold, this vile and shameless charlatan,
I cast upon a bed Procrustean,
And all who dally with her doctrines lewd,
Unless they turn again to rectitude,
I shall condemn to weary lives on earth.
Bound, like Ixion, to the wheel of birth.
And in the world of mortals I shall kill.
The demon-brood engendered by her will.
The Lodges all shall know that I am He.
Who searches loins and hearts, to oversee,
All works creative, and all works that find,
Treasures of knowledge in the cosmic mind.
And I shall give to each his rightful share,
Of knowledge, weighing all his works with care.
But this I say to you, to all the rest,
Who in the Green Lodge lag in learning's quest,
Who have not sounded, as the saying goes,
The depths of mind on you I shall impose,
No other load; yet if you have one crumb,
Of learning, hold it fast until I come.
The Conqueror, and he who watches o'er,
My rites arcane till time shall be no more.
Shall have authority, by me conferred,
To rule all nations o'er the human herd,
Who now are being crushed like things of clay,
He shall with golden wand hold gentle sway,
Even as I my Father's kingship keep.
And am the loving shepherd of my sheep;
And on the Conqueror I shall bestow
The star that heralds the Auroral glow.
Hear, ye who can, the words the Breath of Heaven,
Is saying to the mystic Lodges seven.”
Positions about the Mystic Circle for the Planetary Hierarchies.
Invocation of Luna
While HPS and maiden stand guard. HP turns to the altar and swaps the
athame for the cup (not wine Chalice) which he holds in his right hand. HP
HP leads the procession holding the cup, sprinkling water, for near one circuit
to about 5 O'clock position around the Magick Circle. Holding the cup
stretched out in front of him. Behind HP is the HPS holding the sword
upright and erect in front of her. Following behind the HPS is the maiden
HP raises cup and maiden raises candle. Both at about a 45 degree angle.
HPS draws the opening for the planetary pentagram of Luna.
HPS: “With these signs I invoke thee Great Michael Lord of the Heavenly
Water and and Necksael your obedient servant and Queen of the Undines.
Bless ye this magick Circle and aid its consecration.”
The Maiden then kneels to lights the Luna candle in front of her. She bows
and kepts a short silence of about 10 seconds. The maiden stands up and
once again, holding the candle to the left of her.
Invocation of Mars
While HPS and maiden stand guard. HP returns to the altar and swaps the
cup for the short sword (use athame if no short-sword) which he holds in his
right hand. HP returns to his place in beside the HPS.
HP leads the procession holding the athame, for about 3/4 circuit to the 10
O'Clock position around the Magick Circle. Holding the short-sword (or
athame) stretched out in front of him. Behind HP is the HPS holding the
Sword (long-sword) upright and erect in front of her. Following behind the
HP and maiden raises candle. Both at about a 45 degree angle. HPS draws
the opening for the planetary pentagram of Mars.
HPS takes Sword off the altar. HP raises athame and maiden raises candle.
Both at about a 45 degree angle. HPS draws the opening for the planetary
HPS: “With these signs I invoke thee Great Gabriel Lord of the Heavenly Fire
and and Djiniel your obedient servant and King of the Salamanders. Bless
ye this magick Circle and aid its consecration.”
The Maiden then kneels to lights the Mars candle in front of her. She bows
and kepts a short silence of about 10 seconds. The maiden stands up and
once again, holding the candle to the left of her.
Invocation of Mercury
HPS and maiden stand guard. HP walks deosil returning the short-sword (or athame
altar and swaps it for the wand, which HP holds in his right hand. HP returns to h
beside the HPS.
HP leads the procession holding the wand, for about 1/2 circuit to the 3 O'clock
around the Magick Circle. Holding the wand stretched out in front of him. Behind HP
HPS holding the Sword upright and erect in front of her. Following behind the HPS
maiden holding the candle. All stop at the Mercury position.
HP raises wand and maiden raises candle. Both at about a 45 degree angle. HPS d
opening for the planetary pentagram of Mercury.
HPS: “With these signs I invoke thee Great Taranis of the Heavenly Clouds and Lou
your obedient servant and King of the Storms. Bless ye this magick Circle and
The Maiden then kneels to lights the Mercury candle in front of her. She bows and
short silence of about 10 seconds. The maiden stands up and once again, holding th
the left of her.
The Message to the Hierarchy of Hermes
To Him who holds the gold caduceus,
The Regent of the Orange Lodge, write thus:
These words are his, the chaste Reality,
The keeper of the portal's golden key,
Who opens Wisdom's door, and none can close.
To those on whom his welcome he bestows,
And closes it to minds unpurified.
And none can open who are thus denied.
Invocation of Jupiter
HPS and maiden stand guard. HP walks deosil returning the wand to the altar and sw
the staff, which HP holds in his right hand. HP returns to his place beside the HPS.
HP leads the procession holding the wand, for about 3/4 circuit to the 8 O'clock
around the Magick Circle. Holding the staff stretched out in front of him. Behind HP
HPS holding the long-sword upright and erect in front of her. Following behind the HP
maiden holding the candle. All stop at the Jupiter position.
HP raises staff and maiden raises candle. Both at about a 45 degree angle. HPS d
opening for the planetary pentagram of Jupiter.
HPS: “With these signs I invoke thee Great Taranis of the Heavenly Clouds and Lou
your obedient servant and King of Lightening. Bless ye this magick Circle and
The Maiden then kneels to lights the Jupiter candle in front of her. She bows and kep
silence of about 10 seconds. The maiden stands up and once again, holding the can
left of her.
Zeus Jupiter
HP leads the procession holding the Chalice, for about 3/4 circuit to the 10
O'Clock position around the Magick Circle. Holding the short-sword (or
athame) stretched out in front of him. Behind HP is the HPS holding the
Sword (long-sword) upright and erect in front of her. Following behind the
Maiden on the left of the HPS leads procession to the western quarter
holding the candle out in front of her. Behind the maiden is the HPS holding
the sword upright and erect in front of her. Following behind is the HP
holding the censer. Stop at the western quarter. Maiden to the left, the HPS
HP raises wand and maiden raises candle. Both at about a 45 degree angle.
HPS draws the opening for the planetary pentagram of Mercury.
HPS: “With these signs I invoke thee Great Rafael Lord of the Heavenly Air
and and Paraldael your obedient servant and King of the Sylphs. Bless
ye this magick Circle and aid its consecration.”
The Maiden then faces east towards the magick Circle and kneels to lights
the quarter candle in front of her. She bows and after a short silence of
about 10 seconds. The maiden stands up and once again faces the west
The Message to the Hierarchy of Aphrodite
HPS and maiden stand guard. HP returns the athame to the altar and
swaps it for the pantacle which he hold in his right hand.
Maiden on the left of the HPS leads procession to the northern quarter
holding the candle out in front of her. Behind the maiden is the HPS holding
the sword upright and erect in front of her. Following behind is the HP
holding the pantacle disc. We stop at the northern quarter. Maiden to the
left, the HPS at the centre and HP to the right.
HPS: “With these signs I invoke thee Great Uriel Lord of the Heavenly Earth
and and Ghobiel your obedient servant and King of the Gnomes. Bless ye
this magick Circle and aid its consecration.”
The Maiden then faces south towards the magick Circle and kneels to lights
the quarter candle in front of her. She bows and after a short silence of
about 10 seconds the maiden stands up and once again faces the north
holding the candle in front of her.
The Blessings
HP places wand back on altar at its position. Takes white-candle from
maiden and returns it to the centre pentagram position.
All remain in front of the altar but at the following positions. HP goes to the
north of the altar and faces south. Maiden goes to the south of the altar
HPS collects chalice from the altar and holds in her left hand and turns to
face the west from in front of altar. HPS holding the chalice aloft says:
HPS: “I summon Ye O Ancient One's to bless ye this wine and infuse it with
your limitless love. Let it become for your children, the life blood that
flows in all things. The manifested essence of the blessed element. With
this blessed wine, we seal the omnipresent powers of Ararita within us.
The HP kneels before the HPS and does not stand until instructed to do so
by the HPS. HPS gives chalice to the HP who sips wine. HPS does not do the
Triple Sign blessing upon the HP. HP returns the chalice to HPS. HPS then in
turns sips the wine from the chalice while HP still kneeling. HPS instructs
HP to stand. HP stands in the Sign of the Slain God facing south.
Note: Nogahel bless your children refers to the angel before the throne
of God who is given the spirit names of the planets. Line refers to the
Members of the coven approach HPS one at a time - in this manner maiden,
to male to female and so forth as much possible depending upon coven
size. Each coven member must kneel before the HPS and before the altar
on one knee (as did the HP). Each asks for the blessing of the Goddess:
Maiden, approaches HPS and kneels before her. Recognizing the HPS as the
leader of office and the representative of the Goddess, the Queen of
HPS: “Receive then, the sign of the Goddess, the mark of Her clann.”
HPS blesses the maiden by dipping her forefinger into the chalice and
tracing the Triple Sign on the forehead of the member and draws the Triple
Sign )0( with her index-forefinger.
Note: Draw the Triple Sign by this manner: Left crescent, right crescent,
then at the centre the Full Moon upon third-eye region.
Upon accepting the blessing drawn, the maiden is offered the chalice.
Maiden has a sip of wine while kneeling and then the Chalice is returned to
HPS commands maiden to stand up and join the HP at the south. The
maiden stands walks before the altar to join the HP and holds his right
Members of the coven approach HPS one at a time - in this manner female
to male to female and for forth as much possible. Each kneel before the
HPS before the altar on one knee. And each asks for the blessing of the
All (one a turn): “Goddess bless me. For I am your kin. Oh great Arianrhod.”
HPS: “Receive then, the sign of the Goddess, the mark of Her clann.”
HPS blesses the coven member by dipping her forefinger into the chalice
and tracing the Triple Sign on the forehead of the member and draws the
Triple Sign )0( with her index-forefinger. Upon accepting the blessing drawn,
the coven member is offered the chalice. Each coven member in turn has a
HPS commands coven member to stand up and join the other coven
members at the end of line of other coven members. Around and facing
inwards towards the magick Circle. The coven member stands and walks
before the altar and around to join hands with the last coven member in
Then the next member and so forth. This process is continued until all have
partaken of the mark and blessing. Depending upon the size of the coven,
the circle shuffles around to face as much as practically possible the Sacred
HPS returns the chalice to its position on the altar and turns west facing the
magick Circle and the coven. HPS stands in the position of the open
Goddess, with both elbows bent, hands raised and palms out facing the
Note: There are several Goddess positions. The Open position is shown
above. Most usual is the Moon pose with hands above (most common in
Wicca rites) and the Goddess open arms Mother position.
HPS: “O Ancient Ones, find us all here Merry Meet in Perfect Love and
Perfect Trust. Blessed Be your children who have gathered here to
manifest your power. Let them know the delight and fulfillment that is
HPS: “All here gathered will now breathe the in the Sphere's blessed
elements. Breathe deeply though the nose. First the strength and power
inherent in the blessed element Air. Feel its power swell within your body
with each successive breath. Feel the rising vitalizing power of Air fill
your body. Feel its lightness upon your body. Feel your whole being
“Now all gathered here will close their eyes and breath deeply to the
All the coven closes their eyes and breaths in unison, as the leader counts
the breathes for the planets. Each in and out breath should take about
After the count of the seven planets coven opens its eyes and the HPS says:
“Now all gathered here will close their eyes and breath deeply to the
All the coven closes their eyes and breaths in unison, as the leader counts
the breathes for the planets. Each in and out breath should take about
HP: “Earth of Sol. In ... Out ...
“Earth of Diana. In ... Out ...
“Earth of Mercury. In ... Out ...
“Earth of Venus. In ... Out ...
“Earth of Mars. In ... Out ...
“Earth of Jupiter. In ... Out ...
“Earth of Saturn. In ... Out ...
After the count of the seven planets coven opens its eyes and the HPS says:
“Now all gathered here will close their eyes and breath deeply to the
After the count of the seven planets coven opens its eyes and the HPS says:
“Now feel the strength and power inherent in the blessed element Fire. Feel
its power swell within your body with each successive breath. Feel
the rising energizing power of Fire fill your body. Feel its heat upon your
body. Feel your whole being vibrate with each breath. And with each
exhalation release all the negative and energy from your body.”
“Now all gathered here will close their eyes and breath deeply to the
All the coven closes their eyes and breaths in unison, as the leader counts
the breathes for the planets. Each in and out breath should take about
After the breaths for each element to each planet are completed the HPS
HPS: “Now the coven will soon move quickly in a deosil direction around
this magick Circle of power. While moving in this manner, we gather
the limitless power of our imagination enforced by the strongest
energy of our combined will to will the elemental forces that we have
assimilated within us, being released from our body's. While we whirl faster
and faster inside this Circle we will all picture this combined elemental
energy as a swirling tornado of creative and positive energy,
roaring with incredible speed within the centre Sun of the Planetary
“For in this manner the forces are released from us in coven circles.
When I intone the name ARIANRHOD we will all drop quickly to the
ground and raise both our hands high in the sign of the Horned God.
Projecting outward the energy we have gathered. Knowing in doing this
with the sacred name of the Goddess, sends the Cone of Power to the
Akashic streams. Where it is on the way to achieve the result which
Coven repeats the chant over and over; dancing with increasing energy and
at the peak of the raise of power. Usually before the coven begins to show
signs of exhaustion and wane. HP shouts out the name ARIANRHOD. Coven
quickly drops down to the ground and projects energy using the sign of the
After a short time (less than a minute) the HPS stands up and the coven
stands also around the magick Circle. The Celebrant (whether HP or HPS)
performs the next closure of the ceremony.
The HP then closes the ceremony by facing east at the west of the altar. HP
before kneels down facing the altar in the east. HP crosses his arms over
his chest, with left hand over this right arm. Similar to the Slain God
position though kneeling and without scourge and athame. HP maintains
“After this the feat is eaten in a merry atmosphere by candlelight. At the end of
the feast the members relax until the stroke of midnight when they rise to
perform the Ritual of the Raising of the Cone of Power” - Simon Goodman
“After the ceremony, we feast, smoke, drink and dance. The ceremonial work is
complete. The Cone of Power has already been performed.” - Jean de Cabalis
“The Aspergillus is placed on the north side of the pentagram with the handle
facing west. The Aspergillus consists of four evergreen sprigs about four inches
long. Tied together with red thread. It is not used during this ceremony but is
placed on the altar” - Simon Goodman
“What is it, magic mushrooms?! I don't know. The aspergillus is not used in our
system. I am informed Alex did not take mushrooms nor drugs.” - Jean de Cabalis
Cone of Power
“This ends the ceremony of 'Raising the Cone of Power' and all members may
now amicably depart. Taking care not to talk about the ceremony just performed.
Because indiscriminate discussion of the ritual, even among members may
weaken its power. It must be accepted as a complete positive act.” - Simon
“Yes, in the Senatorius Sacerdos Harpyiae the Cone of Power is done during the
Blessings, this is towards the end of the ceremony.” - Jean de Cabalis
Cover of Book of Planets
as published by Ordine Scatere Stellae from 2005 to 2010
Book of Planets - the Tabula Rituum documents
Craft business
The craft like all religions is organised around a central kernel. The aspects of
philosophy, dogma including the pantheon, worship, ethics, magick and the
organization. To ensure collective working and single purpose of mind, to
strengthen coven workings, the senior coven members should meet at least once
monthly outside of the Esbats and Sabbats to perform the planetary magicks.
Meetings should start in the evening when the Sun is no longer present and last
until early next morning. The actual ritual of raising the Cone of Power begins at
the stroke of the witching hour. First there is the usual informal meeting where
old and new business is discussed. The previous coven circle and also the next
Esbat / Sabbat should be covered. This should include discussion of helpful books
that members have read and any other matters that are of concern to the coven.
The coven is the representative of the God and Goddess and of the Craft. The
Craft reflects its early origins by throwing emphasis on the feminine aspect of the
Creator. And in view of its descent from nature worship, the Kernel of the Craft
today is of necessity, the worship of the Creator through His/Her creation.
Because the coven represents the God and Goddess, the coven then must be in
harmony with one another, all members of the coven and oneself. If there is a
personal problem to be solved, the problem is made known to all present so that
they may all concentrate upon the positive power within the coven as being
directed towards the recipient. If the person is not there, then a photo of the
person to be aided is of tremendous help in forming an Akashic link between the
group soul and the individual. All of this is very informal and is presided over by
the HP/HPS of the coven.
A scribe is necessary to keep a record of current coven business. A
treasurer should be appointed to handle any due or donations received at each
meeting. In our day and time, a donation per person, per month will contributed
to cover covenstead expenses. Such as rent, gas, electricity for example. As well
as a portion of the dues being set aside for wine, regalia, robes, oils, herbs,
candles, incenses and perfumes.
Donation dues are arranged by coven discussion and vary to each coven.
Dependent upon the means of the members and also the whether or not a
temple area has been set aside. Every member is obliged to bring something for
the shared feast, whether fasting or not to the Esbats and Sabbats of the coven.
These are held after ceremony during the celebration of Cakes and Ale. During
the Planetary magicks workings and others, a small supper is held before after
the ceremony. The food can be a great variety, but it is always eaten with red
wine and/or beer that is blessed before the meal. After the business meeting is
brought to closure and the the coven has eaten should move into the temple area
for the magicks to be worked. In the case of the regular Esbats and Sabbats, the
coven should leave the circle after the ceremonial to partake in the feast.
Scan of page 2 Book of Planets
Ordine Scatere Stellae version
From the Book of Planets - the Tabula Rituum documents.
Alex Sanders used materials for the Alexandrian Book of Planets sourced from the 'Initiation
as recorded by the sacred Zodiacal language by a Seer' section of the 'Restored New Testament the
Hellenic Fragments' for inspiration with some artistic license.
Alex Sanders used materials for the Alexandrian Book of Planets sourced from the 'Initiation
as recorded by the sacred Zodiacal language by a Seer' section of the 'Restored New Testament the
Hellenic Fragments' for inspiration with some artistic license.
Alex Sanders used materials for the Alexandrian Book of Planets sourced from the 'Initiation
as recorded by the sacred Zodiacal language by a Seer' section of the 'Restored New Testament the
Hellenic Fragments' for inspiration with some artistic license.
Now, I your brother — I who with you share,
Initiation's ordeal, striving e'er.
To conquer self and wait with patience fine.