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Aguilar LET Major Compilation

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PRONOUNS substitutes of N
VERBS action; state-of-being
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ADVERBS describe Adj/V/Adv
PREPOSITIONS direction; position; location
INTERJECTIONS extreme emotions
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PROPER N Jose Rizal, Bruno
COMMON N boy, dog
COLLECTIVE people, school, pride
ABSTRACT Love, Pride, Hatred
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CONCRETE chair, hair, phone
NON-CONCRETE air, aspiration, emotion
COUNT person, computer
NON-COUNT sand, sugar, grains
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Refers to the different functions of Nouns.
Nominative Ana is pretty.
Appositive My friend, Anna, is pretty.
Direct Object I like her.
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Refers to the different functions of Nouns.
Indirect Object John sent Ana a bouquet of flowers.
Subject Complement Ana is a dog.
Object Complement Ana chose him my boyfriend.
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PERSONAL He, She, You, him, her
SUBJECTIVE I, He, She, It, We, They
OBJECTIVE him, her, them, us, me
INDEFINITE somebody, anybody, few
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REFLEXIVE Myself, Herself, Ourselves
INTENSIVE myself, herself, ourselves
POSSESSIVE My, her, your, our/s
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GRADABLE pretty, ugly, happy
NON-GRADABLE absolute, complete
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The Three (3) Degrees of Comparison
big bigger biggest
ugly uglier ugliest
beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
good better best
bad worse worst

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Order relating to examples

1 opinion unusual, lovely, beautiful

2 size big, small, tall

3 physical quality thin, rough, untidy

4 shape round, square, rectangular

5 age young, old, youthful

6 colour blue, red, pink

7 origin Dutch, Japanese, Turkish

8 material metal, wood, plastic

9 type general-purpose, four-sided, U-shaped

10 purpose cleaning, hammering, cooking

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a. Classy latest black pure-leather Gibi shoes
b. Black pure-leather latest black Gibi shoes
c. Gibi black pure-leather latest classy shoes
d. Pure-leather classy latest black Gibi shoes

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Intransitive Marie drinks.
Transitive Marie drinks alcohol.
Ditransitive Joe gave Marie a bouquet of flowers.
Linking Marie is happy.
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Auxiliary Marie is drinking now.
Verb phrase Marie is drinking now.
Operator Marie has drunk enough.
Modal Marie won’t drink.
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DEGREE super, very, much
PLACE abroad, overseas, north
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MANNER happily, fast, quickly
FREQUENCY sometimes, always
TIME yesterday, tomorrow
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Coordinating FANBOYS
Subordinating because, while, however
Correlative either or, neither nor
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in general
on specific
at Very specific
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PHONOLOGY study of sounds
MORPHOLOGY study of words/formations
SEMANTICS study of meaning
SYNTAX arrangement of words
PRAGMATICS use in actual settings
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In Medias Res “in the middle of things”
Deus ex machina divine intervention
Hamartia flaw that leads to tragic fall
Peripeteia sudden reversal
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Invocation to a muse Always precedes an epic
Titanomachy 10-year battle between deities
Vast settings Settings that transpire in epics
Flashback use/recall of past events
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Foreshadowing Hints to infer the future
Flash-forward Jump forward in time
Flashbacking NOT the correct term
Hubris extreme pride/arrogance
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• Mary eats like a pig.
• Rob is as brave as Superman.
• Pry is sly like a fox.

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• Mary is a pig.
• Pry is a fox.
• Roby is Superman in (terms of) strength.

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• The baby lays in the cradle.
• Faye ate the cake.
• Fe beat the bees with his feet.

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• Little sorrows sit and weep.
• The flowers danced with the wind.
• The dish ran away with the spoon.

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• The pen is mightier than the sword.
• From the cradle to the grave.
• I love Dan Brown.

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•O happy dagger! ...
•“Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird!
•“O Captain! ...
•“Twinkle, twinkle little star.

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• He’s got tons of money.
• I would die if Jungkook kisses me!
• I travelled a thousand miles to get to you.

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• All hands on deck.
• I have to feed four heads everday.
• Roy bought a new pair of wheels.

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• visible darkness
• Let us slowly make haste.
• loving hate

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• War is war.

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Chaucer Father of English Literature
Maupassant Foremost French Short Story Writer

Edgar Allan Poe Father of Horror Stories

Edgar Allan Poe Father of Detective Stories
Mark Twain Father of Adventure Stories
Samuel Clemens Mark Twain’s real identity
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Dead Stars Love of Alfredo for Julia
Dead Stars Paz Marquez-Benitez
Nick Joaquin Filipino-Spanish Writer
Shakespearean Sonnet 3 quatrains; 1 heroic couplet
Shakespearean Sonnet a-b-a-b-c-d-c-d-e-f-e-f-g-g
Shakespeare Father of English Sonnets
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Francis Bacon Father of English Essays
Maupassant The Necklace
pulchritude beauty; loveliness; prettiness
Foreshadowing Trojan Horse
Achilles’ Heel weakness; weak spot
Olympian Spring Carl Spitteler (1919, Nobel Prize)

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John Milton Paradise Lost
Paradise Lost Fall from God’s grace
Robert Frost The Road Not Taken
Sphinx Greatest riddle about a human

Oedipus Oedipus Rex; swollen foot

Sophocles One of the Greek tragedians
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haiku 5-7-5; 3 lines; 17 syllables
kami deities in Shintoism; haiku
kigo seasons in Shintoism; haiku
Manuel Arguilla How My Brother Leon Brought
Home A Wife
Kalidasa Indian Shakespeare
Frame Story A story within a story
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Frame Stories Canterbury Tales; Arabian Nights
Iamb unstressed-stressed
Trochee stressed-unstressed
Mahabharata The descendants of Bharata
The Divine Comedy Dante Alighieri
Chaucer Morning Star
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The Little Prince Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
“It is only with the heart
that one can see rightly:
what is essential is
invisible to the eye.”

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Ad Hominem Personal attacks
Straw Man misdirection
Appeal to Ignorance No evidence; proven false
False Dichotomy Limited options
Slippery Slope Chain of [possible] future events
Circular Argument Repetition of arguments
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Hasty Generalization Based on a few examples
Red Herring Confusion or distraction
Appeal to Hypocrisy Tu quoque; hypocrisy
Causal Fallacy Incorrect conclusion
Sunk Cost Doing something one’s begun
Appeal to Authority Misuse of an authority’s opinion

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Equivocation Saying one thing but meaning another

Appeal to Pity Provoking one’s emotions

Bandwagon Many = true
Prolepsis Flash-forward/Flash forward
Analepsis Flashback

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GTM: Grammar Translation Method  Deductive grammar practice; translation
ALM: Audio-Lingual Method  Behaviorist; drills; repetition; speaking-listening
Suggestopedia: Suggested Pedagogy  Students feel relaxed and generally positive
Grouping students by group based on  Placement Test/Exam
intellectual ability
William Shakespeare
Bard of Avon  William Shakespeare
Othello  Tragedy of Jealousy (Othello to his wife)
King Lear  Tragedy of Parental Love
Anthony & Cleopatra  Tragedy of Love & Duty
Macbeth  Tragedy of Ambition

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Greek gods and a.k.a. (also known as) Roman equivalents
Zeus God of thunder; god of guests; god of all gods Jupiter
Hera Wife of Zeus; goddess of marriage & womanhood Juno
Hades God of the Underworld Pluto
Hestia Goddess of the hearth; one of the three virgin goddesses (Athena, Hestia, & Vesta
Demeter Goddess of Agriculture; mother of Persephone; responsible for the 4 seasons Ceres
of the world
Pallas Athena Goddess of wisdom, war, & craftsmanship; one of the three virgin goddesses; Minerva
turned Arachnae into a spider, and Medusa into a gorgon

Aphrodite Goddess of beauty, sex, & love; came from the foam from the castrated Venus
genital organs of Uranus; mother of Aeneas in Aenid by Virgil; gave the trials
to Psyche to be wed to Cupid

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Greek gods and a.k.a. (also known as) Roman
goddesses equivalents
Hermes Messenger of the gods; patron of thieves; fastest god Mercury
Hephaestus Forger of the gods; god of fire and volcanoes; crippled god; Vulcan
husband of Aphrodite; brother of Ares; son of Hera
Artemis Goddess of the moon & hunting; one of the three virgin Diana
goddesses; twin sister of Apollo
Phoebus Apollo God of the sun, medicine, prophecy, music, poetry; twin Apollo
brother of Artemis
Dionysus God of wine; gave King Midas his golden touch Bacchus
Ares God of war; brother of Hephaestus; lover of Aphrodite Mars
Poseidon God of the sea, earthquakes, & horses; caused Minos’ wife Neptune
to have lust after a bull and soon bore the Minotaur
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Three Greek tragedians Sophocles, Aeschylus, & Euripides

Riddle of the Sphinx: What organism that Man (crawls at infancy-4 legs, bipedal-2 legs, uses a cane to support
walks on 3 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, himself when old-3 legs)
and 3 in the evening?
Prophesized Oedipus to kill his father (Laius) and marry his mother
Oedipus by Sophocles (Jocasta). Went blind and into exile after realizing what he has done
Conventions of a Tragedy by Aristotle

Tragic hero The main character of a tragedy; the one who suffers the tragic events

Hubris Extreme arrogance (of the character)

Hamartia The tragic hero’s tragic flaw/error; oftentimes, his hubris

Peripeteia Sudden reversal of events (e.g., Oedipus became a blind beggar from
being King of Thebes)
Catharsis Purgation; release of emotional tension after an overwhelming

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Functions/Cases of Definition (Nouns that function Example
Nouns as…)
Nominative Subject (answers “who” Maria cries.
Who cries? Maria.
Vince likes Maria.
Accusative Direct Object (answers “what” or Whom does Vince like? Maria.
“whom”) Maria likes dogs.
What does Maria like? Dogs.
Dative Indirect Object (answers for/to whom?) Jerome wrote Maria letters..
To whom did Vince write (the) letters? To Maria.
Adjective Subject & Object Complement Maria is a girl.
(descriptors) “girl” describes Maria.
Appositive Specifies the subject; placed between Maria, my girlfriend, is here.
2 commas Which Maria? My girlfriend, Maria.
Vocative Indicates the person being addressed. Good morning, Maria!
“Maria” was called/addressed in this sentence.
Genitive Shows possession Maria’s toys are everywhere!
Whose toys? Maria’s.

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Type of Verb Definition (A verb that…) Example

Linking Links the subject to its complement Maria is beautiful.

Helping Helps a main verb by adding information such as Maria is playing.

or Auxiliary tense and case number (playing is the Main Verb)
Intransitive Does not need a direct object to complete the sentence Maria cried.

Transitive Needs a direct object to complete the sentence Maria kissed Jerome.

Ergative Can be both intransitive (no Direct Object) and Maria smokes.
transitive (with Direct Object) Maria smokes a cigarette.
Ditransitive Has a Direct Object (receiver of the action) and an Jerome gave Maria a bouquet of
Indirect Object (receiver of the Direct Object) flowers.
Ascriptive Links the subject to its complement but is not a be- We remain silent.
verb (NOT am, is, are, was, were)
Reflexive Followed by a reflexive pronoun Maria loves herself.

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Type of Verbal Definition Example
Gerunds • -ing verbs that function as • Playing basketball is my
Nouns hobby.
• Maria likes playing with her
Infinitives • to + base form, vb.; function • To play basketball is my
as Nouns hobby.
• Maria likes to play with her
Participles • Present participles (-ing) of • The crying baby is annoying.
verbs that function as • Walking down 29th and park, I
Adjectives/Modifiers saw you in another’s arm.
• Past participles (-ed/-d/-en) • I already submitted my written
of verbs that function as output.
Adjectives/Modifiers • I am motivated today.

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LEVEL III Jargons; germinate, malignant, pedagogy,

LEVEL II Highfalutin words;

magnanimous, benevolent


LEVEL I Basic/Common words that we use in everyday


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of according to function
• Declarative I am happy. Maria does not like pets.
• Interrogative Are you happy? Does Maria not like pets?
• Imperative Be happy. Fetch me a glass of water.
• Exclamatory Oh, I’m so happy! Oh! I’m so happy.

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of according to structure
• Simple 1. I am happy.
2. Maria and I are together.
• Compound (2 or more simple 1. Maria is intelligent, but nobody likes her.
sentences) 2. I am a Filipino, and so is she.
• Complex (1 simple 1. While Jerome works (DC), Maria watches TV.
sentence/independent clause + 2. Because Maria was short (DC), she couldn’t
dependent clause) reach the ceiling.
• Compound-Complex (compound 1. While Jerome works (DC), Maria watches TV, and
sentence + dependent clause) Lucy washes the dishes (Compound Sentence).

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Hypernym (generic) Hypernym (generic)
Shampoo Banana

Hyponyms of “shampoo” (specific) Hyponyms of “banana” (specific)

sab-a morado latundan

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