Aguilar LET Major Compilation
Aguilar LET Major Compilation
Aguilar LET Major Compilation
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Aphrodite Goddess of beauty, sex, & love; came from the foam from the castrated Venus
genital organs of Uranus; mother of Aeneas in Aenid by Virgil; gave the trials
to Psyche to be wed to Cupid
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Riddle of the Sphinx: What organism that Man (crawls at infancy-4 legs, bipedal-2 legs, uses a cane to support
walks on 3 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, himself when old-3 legs)
and 3 in the evening?
Prophesized Oedipus to kill his father (Laius) and marry his mother
Oedipus by Sophocles (Jocasta). Went blind and into exile after realizing what he has done
Conventions of a Tragedy by Aristotle
Tragic hero The main character of a tragedy; the one who suffers the tragic events
Peripeteia Sudden reversal of events (e.g., Oedipus became a blind beggar from
being King of Thebes)
Catharsis Purgation; release of emotional tension after an overwhelming
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Transitive Needs a direct object to complete the sentence Maria kissed Jerome.
Ergative Can be both intransitive (no Direct Object) and Maria smokes.
transitive (with Direct Object) Maria smokes a cigarette.
Ditransitive Has a Direct Object (receiver of the action) and an Jerome gave Maria a bouquet of
Indirect Object (receiver of the Direct Object) flowers.
Ascriptive Links the subject to its complement but is not a be- We remain silent.
verb (NOT am, is, are, was, were)
Reflexive Followed by a reflexive pronoun Maria loves herself.
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