Review4 6
Review4 6
Review4 6
1 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
Revision Based On Units 4 : 6
Unit Four أهم كلمات
stressed friendship
for granted merits
conversation demerits
personal instead of
tips nasty
expessions bullying
Optional bully
Social media rucksack
canteen reason for
teenager cause of
recipient discussion
connection debate
noticeboard teammate
Unit Five أهم كلمات
decision scams
smartphone credit card
driverless embarrassing
collect creative
experts virus
flexible software
bubbles password
cyberbulling hack
details comment
malware account
phishing properly
advert security
Unit Six أهم كلمات
literature publish
treasure publisher
poem determine
poetry dedicate
poet currant
emotions current
pirates plot
verse fruitful
rhyme dig
rhythm fair
adapt comics
7 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
gardener row
hay imaginary
gravel walk attempt
candlelight review
path serious
language notes
vote for
vote against
Busy + verb+ing
I am busy doing my homework
bully :
We called the police to arrest the bullies.
bully (v)
Older children usually bully younger or weaker ones.
bully (... into) (v)
The manager bullied me into leaving my. job.
Bullying is a big problem in slums.
cheat (V)
He was arrested because he cheated an old woman out of her money .
cheat :
Don‟t trust this cheat.
Cheating is a crime.
connected (to / with / by) (adj)
The computer is connected to the internet.
connection (to / with / between) = link
The connection between the computer and the printer has failed.
Address(n ) /
He changed his address.
The prime minister‟s address was clear and direct.
address (to) (v)
Don‟t address these tourists in French. They are English.
You must address the application to the manager.
address (v)
The President addressed the parliament.
address (v)
This essay does not address the real causes of the problem.
3 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
debate (over / about / between)
The new law is still under debate in the parliament.
There‟s a debate over the solutions of the traffic problem on TV.
debate (with) (v)
He debates with his friends on how to spend the weekend.
She is still a student nurse in the local health care centre.
nurse (v)
He was nursed by a good woman called Hana.
nurse (v)
Mothers nurse their babies until they are two.
Babies nurse until they are two.
She studies nursing at Assuit University
My wife had to find a nursery for our little son David.
He went to the nursery to buy some new kinds of plants
The officer asked for more soldiers to police the city centre.
Policing is the responsibility of the government.
You should agree to our selling policy.
advise (on about / to) (V)
I advised her to work hard.
advice (on / about) (n)
I gave him advice about his future.
I gave him an / one advice. -I gave him some advice.
I gave him a piece of advice -I gave him pieces of advice.
tip tips
I gave him a tip about his future.
He was delighted with the waiter, so he gave him good tips.
My friend contacted me yesterday
decide to
She decided to complete her post graduate studies.
decide on
You should decide on your goals
2 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
make +
He made me write the letter again.
He makes me nervous.
need + ing / need to be +pp
The bins need ( emptying) ( to be emptied )
electric / electric
( light / current / wires / guitar / generator / shock
electrical / electrical appliances / equipment /
power / storm
I get an electrician to fix the lights.
We need to collect information( data )ct money /collect evidence / rubbish
She has gone to collect her son from school .
Tap this link to get onto the website.
click (n)
With a single click on the mouse, you can get the information you need.
The door shuts with a click.
at the click of a mouse
communicate (with) (v)
People from all over the world communicate with each other using emails.
communicate …. to
The manager communicated the decisions to the secretary by email.
communicate (to) (v
His flu was communicated to all his friends.
direct communication
establish communication with
upload (v)
Sama downloaded some educational videos from EKB.
He has uploaded some files on Google Drive.
hack (into) (v)
She was able to hack the password.
hack / hacking (n)
You need to protect your laptop against hack.
The meeting was full of hacks.
5 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
I don‟t know how the hacker could get into the system.
link (v)
Friendship links Mr Nasser and me.
This road links Cairo to Alexandria
link ... to /with (v)
link /linkage (between and...) (n)
Friendship is the link between Mr Nasser and me.
I will send you the link of my blog.
lock (v)
I locked the front door. The front door is locked.
be locked in / into
The player was locked into a three-year contract .
lock in
The policeman locked the criminals in a cell.
lock out
I am locked out because I have lost my keys.
lock + + up / away
The policeman locked the criminals up.
lock + + up / away
My mother locks up/ away her jewellery in the safe.
All the data of the Central computer are password-protected.
He was arrested for phishing.
phisher (n)
He was arrested because he was a Phisher.
scam (n)
There was no flat for sale. It was just a scam.
scam(med) (v)
It is easy for evil people to scam simple people.
scammer (n)
Don‟t believe him. He is a scammer. .
secure (v)
The police secure citizens and their property amt.
secure (v)
He used his farm to secure the loan
9 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
technologist (n)
In our school, Mr Ibrahim is a real technologist.
technological (adj)
Life has become faster thanks to technological development.
Advertisement / advert / ad
Don‟t believe adverts. Ask people who have already bought the products
This web page is full of trailers.
The company spent 2 million dollars on promotions for the new product.
We are waiting for the announcement about the decisions
I bought this antivirus software.
I need some kitchen hardware.
app = application
Google play is full of free apps / applications.
To join this club, fill in this application form.
- favour - favourite
- Can you do me a favour? - Tennis is his favourite sport?
favoured - favourable
- She is favoured at acting.
- She heard favourable news, she must be happy.
- bare : - bear pear
Road route
Road accidents are dangerous
The plane changed its route suddenly
This poem has five verses. Each verse includes six lines.
verse (n) :
The play is written in verse.
rhyme (n)
Traditional poetry always has rhymes.
This poem is written in rhyme.
I liked rhymes when I was in primary school.
0 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
rhyme (with) (v)
The word “night” rhymes with “White”
Plot (n)
I have a small vegetable plot.
plot (n)
My grandfather bought this plot a short time before his death.
plot (against) (n)
There was a plot against the company to make it lose a lot of money.
The plot of the film was exciting.
She always walks to school
She walks her dog in the afternoon.
walk (V)
Don‟t worry. I‟ll walk you home.
The walks around the park are covered with gravel.
poetic / poetical (adj)
My daughter has the talent of poetic expression.
Poetry is the oldest form of Arabic literature.
literary (adj)
I used to read literary criticism.
row In class, I sit in the third row.
raw People can't eat raw meat.
currant (n)
There are some Currant trees in the garden.
current (adj)
I follow current events throughout the internet
strange (adj) People don't like strange things.
I met some strangers while walking in the street .
feel different
His excellent skills make him feel different.
feel differently
Everyone enjoys their time. I don't know Why you feel differently.
8 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
ملخص سزيع للقواعد
Countable / uncountable Nouns
a : ( أٗ شنو عَغa / an ) قجيٖبٜأرٝٗ نُ٘ ىٖب شنو ٍفشدٝ ٜ األعَبء اىزٜٕ رؼذٜاألعَبء اىز
man men / a girl girls / a teacher teachers / an ant ants / an egg eggs
♣sandals صْذه/ scales ُضاٍٞ / tongs هلقاط/ socks شزاب/ shoes حذاء/shorts شىرث/
trousers بٌطلىى/ glassesًظارة/pants بٌطلىى قصيز/glovesجىاًتى/scissors هقص
My shoes are clean / The scissors are sharp / His pants are tight.الحظ اًها تاخذ فعل جوع
♣A pair of Italian shoes is very expensive ( a pair of shoes ) فعل هفزد
ميَبد دائَب عَغ
♣The police اىششغخ/ the clothes اىَالثظ/ people اىْبط/ goods اىجعبئغ/ troops اىق٘اد/ arms
األعيحخ/ remains األغاله/ cattle خٞاىَبش/ poultry ِاىذٗاع
♣The police are looking for two criminals Our goods are going to compete foreign goods
ٙ ثبىيل ٍِ اىنيَبد دٚخي
ش اىَؼذٗدٞ حبىخ اىغَغ) اٗ ٍغ غٚ ٍغ اىَؼذٗد ( فٕٚزٓ اىنيَبد رأر
1- a lot of / plenty of ٍِ شٞ مضWe have a lot ( plenty ) of friends/ juice
4- some ) ثؼط )إصجبدShe has bought some eggs/ meat.
5- any )ً – اعزفٖبٜ( ّفٛ أHave you got any sisters/ rice?
( more – most ) ػذد/ خَٞ ىيَقبسّخ ) مHe has more money / apples than me.
حبىخ اىغَغ) فقػٚ ٍغ اىَؼذٗد ( فٕٚزٓ اىنيَبد رأر
2- many ٍِ شٞ ػذد مضNada can't revise many poems
4- a few ( fewer – fewest ) ٍِ وٞ ػذد قيA few students are absent.
ش اىَؼذٗد فقػٞ ٍغ غٕٚزٓ اىنيَبد رأر
2- much مويت مثيزة هيShe has much sugar in her tea.
3- a little ( less / least ) مويت قليلت هيShe has little salt in her food.
اعٌ عَغ ٗرأخز فؼو ٍفشدOne of ثؼذٜأرٝ
♣ One of my colleagues doesn’t like me .
)ٕزٓ اىنيَبد رأخز فؼو ٍفشد أٗ عَغ ( حغت ارا مْب ّزنيٌ ػْٖب مَغَ٘ػخ ٗاحذح اً أفشاد
Staff طاقه العنل/ universityاجلامعة/ navyاألسطول/ populationٌ السكا/ group جمنوعة/
government احلكومة/Team فزيق/ committee جلية/ family أسزة/ class فصل/ armyاجليش
companyشزكة/couple ًسوج م/ crew الطائزة/طاقه السفيية/crowdحشد/gangعصابة/ public اجلنَور
اىَفشد ٗاىغَغ ٍغ حزف أداح اىْنشح ػْذ اىغَغٜ فٜٕ مَبٜ♣ميَبد رجق
يخٞٗع ٍغيغو ّ٘ع خشٗف غضاه
A means / A series / A species / Species A sheep / A deer /
Means series sheep deer
1 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
a/ an خ ٗ رؼبٍو ٍؼبٍيخ اىَفشد ىنِ ال ّغزخذً ٍؼٖبَٞظ ىٖب عَغ ٗاُ مبّذ رؼجش ػِ مٞ ال رؼذ ىٚاألعَبء اىز
School subjects history / electronics / chemistry / biology / economics /
خٞاىَ٘اد اىذساع
Abstract nouns beauty / confidence / courage / enjoyment / honesty /
خْٝ٘ اىَؼ/األعَبء اىَغشدح
Sportsبظبدٝاىش football /dominos / billiards / tennis / gymnastics/
Give me a glass م٘ةof water , please. -- My windows are made of glass. صعبط
a / an / the
: ً ؼذ اىجبدئ ثحشف عبمِ ّطقبٝ ٛ( قجو االعٌ اىَفشد اىزa) ًّغزخذ
a book / a car / a man / a child
: ِْطق عبمٝ ميَبد رجذأ ثحشف ٍزحشك
a uniform / a unit / European city / a one way street
17 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
خي ٚثبىيل :عٌذها يتشابه حزف uفى ًطقه هع حزف yينىى سامي و مذلل حزف oعٌذها يتشابه هع حزف w
( ( a – e- i – o – u ًستخذم ( ( anقبل االسن الوفزد الذي يعذ البادئ بحزف هتحزك ًطقا ً
خي ٚثبىيل :أو حزف hعٌذها ينىى silent
ٗسٝش an apple / an egg / an idea / an orange / an uncle / an hour / an honest man / an heir
ىيحذٝش ػِ ٗظٞفخ شخص My father is a doctor / She is a nurse / He’s an engineer
ٍغ ثؼط اىزؼجٞشاد اىذاىخ ػي ٜاىؼذد a couple / a dozenدعزخ/ a hundred / a thousand
ف ٜحبىخ اىزؼجٞشاد اىذاىخ ػي ٜاىضَِ ٗ اىغشػخ Two pounds a kilo / sixty kilometres an hour
What a/an+ adj + Noun + s+v ف ٜاىغَو اىذاىخ ػي ٜاىزؼغت:
! What a clever boy he is / What an interesting story it is
ال رغزخذً a / anقجو أعَبء اى٘عجبد إال إرا عجقٖب صفخ ٗفٕ ٜزٓ اىحبىخ رأر ٜاألداح قجو اىصفخ:
I usually have lunch at 2 p.m. He gave us a good breakfast.
اداح اىَؼشفخ
تستخدو أداة التعزيف فى احلاالت التالية
قجو االعٌ اىْنشح اىز ٙعجق رمشٓ /قجو األعَبء اىز٘ٝ ٚعذ ٍْٖب شئ ٗاحذ /قجو األعَبء اىَشٖ٘سح أٗ اىَؼشٗفخ
أٗ اىفشٝذح فّ٘ ٚػٖب /قجو أعَبء االخزشاػبد ٗ االمزشبفبد ٗ األالد اىَ٘عٞقٞخ (ٍغ اىفؼيplay / ِٞ
/ practiceػْذٍب ّزحذس ػِ فصٞيخ أٗ اعٌ ٍفشد ٝصف ٍغَ٘ػخ /قجو أعَبء اىجحبس ٗاألّٖبس ٗاىَحٞطبد
ٗاىصحبسٗ ٙاىغالعو اىغجيٞخ ٗاىقْ٘اد /قجو اىصفبد ىزذه ػي ٚاعٌ عَغ) فزأخز اىصفخ فؼو عَغ)
ٍ -غ األسقبً اىزشرٞجٞخ the first
-قجو عضئ ٚاىَقبسّخ ميَب ...ميَب
( the + )صفة هقاسًة the +صفة هقاسًة
فى احلاالت اآلتية : ال ىستخدو
ٍ -غ األعَبء اىغَغ ػْذٍب ّؼجش ػِ أفنبس ػبٍخ ٍضو اىْبط ٗ اىطؼبً ٗاى٘ظبئف ٗاىْجبربد ٍ /غ
األعَبء اىز ٚال رؼذ ٍضو اىطؼبً ٗ اىششاة ٗ اىَ٘اد اىخبً ٗ األعَبء اىَغشدح ٗ اىَ٘اد اىذساعٞخ ٗ
اىيغبد /قجو أعَبء اى٘عجبد /قجو أعَبء اىقبساد ٗ اىذٗه ٗ اىَذُ ٗ اىقش ٗ ٙأعَبء األػالً ٗ
ٗ اىغجبه اىَفشدح / /قجوschool-prison-hospital- أعَبء اىجحٞشاد اىَفشدح
church-mosqueػْذٍب رغزخذً ف ٚاىغشض اىز ٙثْٞذ ٍِ
خي ٚثبىيل ( حبالد خبصخ )
the Phlibines / the USA ( the -إرا مبُ اعٌ اىذٗىخ ٍشمت أٗ عَغ ّغزخذً قجئ
-ارا مبّذ اى٘عجخ ثْبء ػي ٚدػ٘ح ّغزخذً He invited me to the dinner . the
ّغزخذً theإرا رٌ اىزٕبة إىٕ ٚزٓ األٍبمِ ىيضٝبسح school-prison-hospital- -
ارا ارذ ميَخ languageثؼذ اعٌ اىيغخ ّ ,غزخذً the Arabic language the -
ارا مْب ّقصذ شئ ثؼّ ْٔٞغزخذً The meat you bought is very fatty . the -
ىٞظ مو اعٌ ٍؼشف ثـ ( اىـ ) ف ٚاىيغخ اىؼشثٞخ ٝأخز theف ٚاألّغيٞضٝخ اَّب ّزجغ اىق٘اػذ اىغبثقخ. -
The Simple Future Tense
11 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
Next (year/month/week…) / in the future / soon / in a year,
month, week / tomorrow / this time next week / this time
I'll meet him tomorrow morning.
Will is used:
خ أٗ ػشض ٗغيتٞذ أٗ حقبئق ٍغزقجيٝ أٗ ٗػذ أٗ رٖذَْٚ اىَغزقجو أٗ رٜش ػِ أحذاس ٍز٘قؼخ فٞىيزؼج
am/ is / are + going to +
ٗشل اىحذٗسٚخ ىؼَو اىشئ – شئ ػيٞخ ٍغزقجيّٞ ٗش ػِ خططخ اٞو – اىزؼجٞاىزْجؤ ثذى
I'm going to fail this exam. I haven't done much work.
- am / is / are + v-ing
) خٞجبد اىخبصخ قذ رَذ ىيحذس ( ٍْبعجبد اعزَبػٞش ػِ االعزؼذاد ٗ اىزشرٞىيزؼج
She is travelling to Cairo at 7 tomorrow morning.
ٗ ذ ٗعبئو اىَ٘اصالد ٗ األٍزحبّبد ٗ ثشاٍظ اىزيفبصٞش ػِ ٍ٘اػٞػ ىيزؼجٞغزخذً اىَعبسع اىجغٝ -
خَٞب اىَغزقجيْٞاىغ
The film starts at 9. The course starts in October.
....... وع والحظة ان هناك كمىات اذا اتت فى اجلىمة تكىن ونفًه و بالتاىل يكىن السؤاه
: و ون هذه الكمىات
Hardly ever, rarely, scarcely, seldom, never, rarely / nothing /
no one/nobody
No one will apply for this silly job, will they ?
The future continuous:
I can't see the match tomorrow evening. I'll be revising for my exams then.
will may
I can't visit you because I may be doing my homework this evening.
17 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
ملخوظة ٍامة
She will be revising for the test tomorrow evening, won’t she?
The Future Perfect Tense
will have / shall have + PP.
By (the year) 2100 / By tomorrow morning / by next October
13 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
)3- Verbs + object + (to + inf. ( to + inf.
expect يتوقع teach يُعلن remind يُزكش
want يشيذ tell يُخبش warn يُحزس
order يطلب help يساعذ inform يُخبش /يُبلِّغ
- We ordered her to keep quiet.
) 4- Verbs + object + ( inf.
let يسوح make يجعل see يشى
help يساعذ يُفضل would rather had better يُفضل
- The teacher let me leave early.
recommend يوصي بـ encourageيٌصح advise يُشجع
permit يسوح allow يسوح /يأرى
My teacher advises buying this book.
= My teacher advises us to buy this book.
)5- Verbs + (to + inf.) Or (v.+ing
أفعال يأتى بعدها أو ) (v.+ingأو ) (to+ inf.بدون فرق فى املعنى أو وجود فرق بسيط
ُٝغزخذً Gerundارا مبُ اىنالً ثصفخ ػبٍخ ٗ ٝغزخذً to + inf.ف ٜاىَ٘اقف اىَحذدح
prefer يفضل hate يكشٍ start يبذأ
like يحب dislike يكشٍ begin يبذأ
love يحب intend يٌوى continue يستوش
)6- Verbs + (to + inf.) Or (v.+ing
مع وجود إختالف فى املعنى )(v.+ingأو ) (to+ inf.أفعال يأتى بعدها
ٕزٓ األفؼبه إرا عبء ثؼذٕب ) (Gerundرذه ػي ٚاُ اىحذس قذ اّزٖ ٚأٍب ارا عبء ثؼذٕب ) (to +inf.فزذه ػيٚ
اُ اىحذس ىٌ ٝزٌ ثؼذ
+ + ٝززمش أُ ٝفؼو شٞئب ً ٍب صٌ ٝفؼئ
+ + ٝززمش أّٔ قذ فؼو شٞئب ً ٍب ف ٚاىَبظٚ
+ + ٝز٘قف ىغشض (ىنٝ ٚفؼو شٚء ٍب)
+ + ٝز٘قف ػِ فؼو شٚء ىفزشح قصٞشح أٗ ثصفخ دائَخ
+ + ْٝغ ٚأُ ٝفؼو شٚء ٍب (أ ٙىٌ ٝفؼو اىشٚء)
+ + ْٝغ ٚأّٔ فؼو شٚء ٍب (أ ٙأّٔ فؼو اىشٚء)
+ + ُٝحبٗه (ٝجزه ٍغٖ٘د ىنٝ ٚفؼو شٚء ٍب)
+ + ُٝغشة شٚء ٍب ٗ ,عٞشٍ ٙب ع٘ف ٝحذس
+ + ٝأعف أّٔ ٍعطش أُ ٝفؼو شٚء ٍب
+ + ْٝذً ػي ٚشٚء فؼئ ف ٚاىَبظٚ
12 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
Advanced Exercises on unit ( 4 )
Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1- You need to have legal ....... by a lawyer in order to deal with this case properly.
a) device b) advice c) advance d) reason
2-The boy tried to .................... the little kids into giving him their money.
a) bully b) holly c) pull d) respect
3- Who would do business with him after that? Everyone knows he‟s a …….
a) miracle b) loyal c) cheat d) cheerful
4-I He used some of his father‟s .... to get that job at a well-known company.
a) collections b) collocations c) corrections d) connections
5-There is no use ........... with them; they‟ve already made up their minds.
a) debating b) joking c) sharing d) chatting
6- The speaker‟s words .................... the audience, who suddenly rose out of
their seats and began to shout.
a) existed b) respected c) exerted d) excited
7- These apartments come with many................ , including free parking and
use of the swimming pool.
a) exits b) extras c) passives d) additions
8- The store sells only the highest ...... of clothes, so they are very expensive.
a) grade b) degree c) greed d) regard
9- Her sudden, strange behaviour gave us a .................... , but she was only
joking around.
a) scare b) score c) scarce d) soccer
10- The names of the honoured student will appear on the ....................
during the school party.
a) cardboard b) dashboard c) gate board d) noticeboard
11- Everyone likes talking about .................... and what they have done.
a) himself b) herself c) ourselves d) themselves
12- I was so happy to see that my young daughter did her work .... her own
a) in b) on c) by d) at
13- Surprisingly, the crime was done by a 15.................... -old boy.
a) years b) year’s c) year d) years
14- The test was .................... difficult for many students to be answered.
a) so b) too c) such d) very
15- .................... strong he is, I can beat him at any time.
a) However b) Although c) As d) But
16- We all should avoid .................... at by anyone.
a) laughing b) laughed c) having laughed d) being laughed
17- We usually spend much of our time .................... for our work.
a) preparing b) prepare c) to prepare d) prepared
15 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
18- During the last holiday, I spent nearly hve .................... pounds.
a) thousands b) thousand’s c) thousand d) thousands’
19- Have you found the keys .................... „?
a) which lost b) you lost c) you lost them d) were lost
20- My friend likes watching action films and I like them .................... .
a) either b) so c) to d) too
It is not allowed to park here, but in -----------the place is never empty.
a. practise b. practice c. police d. policing
2.Those bad people have bullied him ............ taking drugs.
a. from b. off c. on d. into
3.The police ............ the explosion with terrorism.
a. point b. points c. connect d. connects
4. Address your question ............ the teacher and he will help you.
a. to b. off c. of d. with
5. Living in a new town ............ so hard because you are away from friends
and everything you know.
a. expresses b. feels c. tries d. informs
6. Getting the Nobel Prize was the ............ of Naguib Mahfouz's life.
a. addressee b. project c. highlight d. punctuation
7. He is still ............ what to do. It isn't easy for him to decide.
a. debating b. preferring c. expressing d. believing
8. The flowers and plants on my balcony have been bought from a nearby ....
a. contraction b. concern c. nursing d. nursery
9. It is the right of a baby to ............ .
a. contain b. nurse c.fight d. host
10- The use of guns and other weapons must be ............ .
a. connected b. closed c. policed d. listed
11. It is known to us all that ............ are usually cowards. They only look
strong against the weak.
a. bullying b. bullies c. teammates d. friendships
12. One can say that one ............ or takes a practice.
a. sells b. makes c. practises d. does
13. A secretary is supposed to have the ability to ...... with all staff members.
a. practise b. pronounce c. connect d. salute
14. We have to ............ ourselves to the problem of water shortage.
a. address b. allow c. list d. practise
15. I used the cursor to ............ the title of the essay
a. experience b. decide c. inform d. highlight
19 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
1- I buy some bread. I hardly have ........... left in the kitchen.
a. much b. any c. many d. some
2. Two hundred pounds ………… enough for today's spending.
a. are b. have c. is d. were
3- Try to reduce the ............ of cups of tea you drink a day.
a. amount b. quantity c. number d. some
4. There is ............ juice for everyone to drink a little.
a. too much b. too many c. little d. enough
5. There aren't ............ in this town. Only two.
a. some hotels b. any hotels c. many hotels d. much hotels
6. The money of the books ............ on the table.
a. are b. were c. has d. is
7. There aren‟t ............ seats for everybody. Some people will have to sit on
the floor or stand!
a. all b. much c. any d. enough
8. How ............ are coming to the party?
a. many peoples b. many people c. much people d. any people
9. The police ............ interviewing some people.
a. is b. was c. are d. have
10. He failed to carry out his duties as a manager as he didn‟t have ............ .
a. many experience b. many experiences
c. enough experiences d. much experience
11. ............ congratulations! I„m very happy to hear your good news.
a. A b. Any c. Much d. Many
12. There wasn‟t ............ traffic on the road. Only a few private cars.
a. many b. much c. little d. a few
13. My ............ are in my bag.
a. a glass b.pair of glasses c. glass d. glasses
14. How ............ coffees do you want in your coffee?
a. much b. many c. little d. few
45 Those sheep ............ fat
a. is b. are c. was d. had
16. There ............ a lot of rubbish in the kitchen.
a. is b. are c. has d. were
17. My reading glasses ............ missing.
a. had b. was c. is d. are
18. This poor woman has ............
a. child b. a few child c. little children d. much children
19. We hardly heard ............ news of him since he left the company.
a. any b. some c. many d. much
10 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
20. Mathematics ............ not very easy to understand.
a. are b. were c. is d. has
21. Khowledge of foreign languages ............ necessary.
a. is b. are c. have d. were
34. Come on, Rodayna. It is ............ time to go to bed.
a. a b. an c. the d. no article
35. We always go on ............ holiday in July.
a. a b. an c. the d. no article
36. They all went to ............ lunch organized by their aunt.
a. a b. an c. the d. no article
37. I remember ............ day we went to the seaside.
a. a b. an c. the d. no article
38. A new spaceship will be sent into ............ space next month.
a. a b. an c. the d. no article
39. ............ space in my room is not enough for my bed.
a. a b. an c. The d. no article
40. The Sun went down ............ horizon.
a. a b. an c. the d. no article
41. Britain is ............ European country.
a. a b. an c. the d. no article
42. You will find the information you need at the top of ......... page .
a. a b. an c. the d. no article
43. Fear is ............ universal weakness.
a. a b. an c. the d. no article
44. I dislike ............ towns, but I love the countryside.
a. a b. an c. the d. no article
45. . ........... pomegranates are good for health. a. A b. An c. The d. No
article 46. Look at ............ oranges on that tree.
a. a b. an c. the d. no article
47. My son has started ............ this year.
a. a b. an c. the d. no article
48. My father went to ............ school to meet my teachers.
a. a b. an e. the d. no article
49. ............ youth play important roles in the progress l'iy of all nations?”„
a. A b. An c. The d. No article
50. ............ teachers in my school work hard.
a. A b. An c. The d. No article
51. For this job, you need ............ experience with the computer.
a. a b. an c. the d. no article
52. I asked ............ professor Mohammed about his early life.
a. a b. an c. the d. no article
18 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
1. Most people think that politics ............ sometimes a dirty business.
a. may b. were c. are d. is
2. Is there life on ............ March?
d. a a. no article b. the c. an
3. A: Dr Alan earns 10,000 pounds a day. B: No. he doesn't earn as.... .. .. as
a. many b. much c. more d. the same
4. Mum has a barn 3,3. where she raises ............ .
a. chicken b. chickens c. some chicken d. the chicken
5. To me, either answer ............ acceptable.
a. are b. were c. is d. has
6. He is ............ HIV patient.
a. no article b. the c. an d. a
7. The teachers, as well as the headmaster, ............ to hold a meeting.
a. is wanting b. want c. wants d. are wanting
8. The team ............ not in agreement on how to ask for their rights.
a. have b. is . c. are d. has
9. This species of animals ............ in danger of being extinct nowadays.
a. is b. are c. was d. has
10. I apologize for being ...... nuisance, but May I go out for a while, please?
a. no article b. the c. an d. a
11. Each student is doing ............ best to pass the exam.
a. his b. her c. their d. its
12. ............ is rich in Vitamin C.
a. Orange b. An orange c. Oranges d. The oranges
13. We didn‟t do ............ shopping last week.
a. many b. a c. some d. much
14. Have you seen ............ one-hundred-pound note on the floor?
a. no article b. the c. an d. a
15. The woman with the long boots ............ on my neighbourhood.
a. live b. lives c. have lived d. were living
16. The dead man‟s ............ include no will.
a. paper b. a paper c. papers d. newspaper
17. Everyone should depend on ………..
a. itself b. himself c. herself d. themselves
18. Be patient, please. We will talk about the matter in just ............ bit.
a. no article b. the c. an d. a
19. The poor ............ from high prices.
a. suffers b. suffer c. has suffered d. was suffering
20. A: How ............ television do you watch a week? B: About ten hours.
a. much b. many items of c. many d. many items of
11 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
21. He was sent to prison for a year for stealing only two ............
a. slices of clothing b. pieces of clothing c. clothes d. clothings
22. I think you can‟t sit in this row as there isn‟t ............ room for you.
a. no article b. the c. an d. a
23. Mandela was in prison for ............ before he became president.
a. time b. a time c. a duration d. years’ of time
24. The new digital camera is a very complex ............
a. item of technology b. technology
c. technology pieces d. bar of technology
25. I can‟t go out with you today. I‟ve got too ............ and it all has to be
finished by nine o‟clock.
a. many tasks b. much work c. many jobs d. many pieces of work
Advanced Exercises on unit ( 5 )
1- The doctor gave me this medicine and asked me to take two ....................
after lunch.
a) tablets b) bottles c) packages d) strips
2- The photographer went into the darkroom to .................... the film.
a) evaluate b) print c) publish d) develop
3- Dickens‟ novel are a .................... on the hard conditions under which the
poor were living at the time.
a ) connect b) ceremony c) comment d) concern
4- Arguing with friends about small things only .................. more problems.
a) creates b) imagines c) vanishes d) prevents
5- She keeps all of her .................... in one folder.
a) downwards b) Savings c) extracts d) downloads
6- I She gave us .................... help with our project.
a) expert b) expect c) suspect d) defect
7- He .................... the wood into pieces to make a small chair.
a) racked b) hacked c) restricted d) swallowed
8- He did not realise he had been ....... until after he had used his credit card.
a) phished b) managed c) advertised d) announced
9- The company ............ any consumers before it was forced to close down.
a) profited b) benefited c) scammed d) scanned
10- There are twelve elementary schools in our city‟s school .................... .
a)discipline b) system c) state d) nation
11- The problem of unemployment .................... worse these days.
a) will get b) got c) is getting d) was getting
12- .................... some free time, Osama went for a walk.
a) Have b) Having c) Has d) To have
13- “Are you tired?” No, I ........... to walking long distances.
a) got used b) used c) am used d) am using
77 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
14- We waved goodbye ................... the car was out of sight.
a) while b) when c) until d) by the time
15- They had .................... that he was still alive not dead.
a) feeling b) filled c) fallen d) a feeling
16- Some parents agree that their children should have a constant contact
.................... the rest of the world.
a) to b) with c) by d) no word
17- The question wasn‟t .................... for students to answer.
a) so easy b) difficult enough
c) easy enough d) enough difficult
18- I asked many people to use ............... useful information to help them.
a) these b) there c) this d) those
19- I don‟t think he is trying his best, .................... ?
a) is he b)do I c) isn’t he d) doesn’t he
20- Always speak with your parents if you .................... bullied.
a)will be b) are c) have been d) are being
1. To join this club, fill in this ............ .
a. programme b. application c. malware d. bucket
2. A device is a machine or tool used for a ............ purpose.
a. particular b. popular c. connected d. online
3. If I don‟t hear the ............ of the lock, you know the door isn‟t locked.
a. comment b. possibility c. post d. click
4. His intelligence ............ itself to us in everything he does.
a. contacts b. connects c. communicates d. receives
5. You are no more than a ............ who frightens people online.
a. cyberbullying b. cyberbully c. phishing d. scam
6. ............ is a giant digital library.
a. An internet b. Internet c. Net d. The internet
7. Love of beauty ............ the two writers.
3. links b. uploads C. bullies d. provides
8. I can‟t leave the club. I‟m.......... in a five-year contract.
a. connected b. linked c. locked d. communicated
9 . My father refused to use the family house to ............ my brother‟s loan
from the bank.
a. borrow b. lend c. secure d. endanger
10. Saudi Arabia buys military............ like tanks and missiles from the USA.
a. software b. hardware c. presentation d. prediction
11. Danger is antonymous with ............ .
a. Safe b. secure c. safety d. security
71 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
12. In a computer, what is the relation between software and hardware?
B: They are……..
a. not related b. malware C. complementary d. creative
13. The suffix ............ means the study of something, especially something
a. –ist b. –ise c. -ology d. -ment
14. He ............ his fear to us all and we soon started to run away.
a. communicated b. locked c. downloaded d. offered
15. Mum didn‟t say a single word. She only ............ her tongue and looked
away from me.
a. locked b. uploaded c. clicked d. shut
16. This research has many practical ............ .
a. evidence b. managements C. communications d. applications
17. The offer ............ only to new members.
a. shares b. applies c. develops d. blogs
18. He looks really ............ .His appearance is attractive.
a. smart b. printed c. amazed d. interested
19. We ............ the responsibility for the children.
a. comment b. signal c. shorten d. share
20. I have a good ............ installed on my computer.
a. software b. softwares
c. piece of software d. pieces of software
1. He is going to catch the bus when it ............ .
a. arrives b. will arrive c. arrived d. arrive
2. When you arrive, ............ me at once.
a. are going to call b. are calling c. will call d. call
3. Don‟t wash the dishes if you ............ in a huny.
a. were b. are being c. are d. have been
4. I can‟t go out with you this afternoon. I ............ my homework.
a. do b. going to do c. will do d. am doing
5. A: When are you going to leave for Rome? B: I ............ tomorrow on the
6:00 o‟clock plane.
a. leave b. am leaving c. am going to leave d. will leave
6. It is raining heavily. Don‟t go out or you ............ wet.
a. get b. will get c. are going to get d. are getting
7. A: Make a prediction about your life ten years from now. B: I ............
a. will be b. am . c. am getting d. am going to get
8. He is brave by nature. He ............ the problem.
a. face b. is facing c. is going to face d. will face
77 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
9. You won‟t leave the office until the manager ............ you.
a. called b. had called c. has called d. call
10. After the manager has called you, you ............ the office at once.
a. will leave b. won’t leave c. have left d. left
11. In ten years‟ time, my father ............ even older.
a. will look b. is looking c. going to look d. looks
12. As soon as my son ............ for school, I „ll do the housework.
a. will leave b. have left c. leaves d. had left
13. Before she returns home from work tomorrow, she ............ the shopping
as she has planned.
a. is being done b. is going to do c. will do d. does
14. After doing the shopping, she ............ home.
a. has gone b. had gone c. go d. will go
15. I ............ my aunt next Friday as I am welcoming some friends at home.
a. am not visiting b. won't visit c. can’t visit d. don’t visit
16.I‟m afraid he ............ his exams.
a. will pass b. won’t pass c. is passing d. isn’t passing
17. She is stubborn. It ............ easy to make her agree to this plan.
a. won’t be b. isn’t going to be c. isn’t being d. is
1- A: The windows are dirty. B: Yes, I know. I ............ them.
a. clean b. cleaning c will clean d. am going to clean
2- A: The windows are dirty. B: Really? I ............ them.
a clean b. cleaning c. Will clean d. am going to clean
3- The car ............. I wonder what‟s wrong with it.
a. won't start b. isn’t going to start c. shan’t start d. is starting
4. She has invited all her friends. She ............ her 26th birthday tomorrow.
a. will have b. is having c. is being had d. is being given
5. She has invited all her friends. Her 26th birthday ............ tomorrow.
a. gives b. is having c. is being had d. is being given
6. She….to the park with us in the evening tomorrow. She knows all about it.
a. goes b. will go c. is going to go d. is going
7. I can see you are busy, so I ............ long.
a. am not staying b. don’t stay
c. won’t stay d. am not going to stay
8. I ............ some old friends at the club tomorrow evening.
a. will see b. am seeing c. am going to be seen d. see
9. I‟ll try to advise her but I know she ............ .
a. doesn’t listen b. isn’t listening
c. won’t listen d. isn’t going to listen
10. You ............ so lazy. Stop it, please. It‟s annoying.
a. will be b. are being c. are going to be d. are to be
73 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
11. Being intelligent, she ............ first next year.
a. comes b. is coming c. is going to come d. will come
12. I ............ here until he returns to tell him the instructions.
a. will wait b. won’t wait c. waited d. didn’t wait
13. Not until the manager calls me ............ the office.
a. I leave b. I have left c. will I leave d. did I leave
Advanced Exercises on unit ( 6 )
1- He .................... his entire savings on the project but he thinks it is hard
to make profit.
a) adventured b) earned c) gained d) owed
2- I Please be .................... and get to the point. We do not have much time
for further details.
a) shorten up b) brief c) shut up d) abbreviate
3- People with .................... skin are more likely to get a sunburn.
a) dark b) black c) fine d) fair
4- They came to ........ the driveway today to make it available for walking.
a) discover b) gravel c) ease d) prove
5- I don‟t go to movies or watch much television, so my knowledge of is
somewhat limited.
a) similar b) infamous c) popular d) unknown
6- Language is a/an .................... for communicating.
a) tool b) equipment c) instrument d) machine
7- .................... his friendship. He is my best friend.
a) treason b) treasure c) build d) make
8- I was against the idea at first, but I .................... to it eventually.
a) refused b) accepted c) disagreed d) warmed
9- Scientists have come up with a/an .................... way of catching fish. I
think this will help in food shortage.
a) electronic b)literate c) novel d) ancient
10- The weather authority .................... a warning to people living near
coastal areas.
a) restricted b) told c) issued d) quoted
11- I like playing tennis and my son likes it .................... .
a) either b) neither c) too d) so
12- He finished his last book while he .................... ill in bed.
a) is b) was c) was being d) had been
13- You must stop ............ other people. I think they would be annoyed.
a) criticising b) criticise c) to criticise d) to criticising
75 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
14. When I lost my keys in the street, I was locked ........ until my Wife
hemmed home.
a. on b. in c. out d. with
15.1he rhythm of the poem makes it easy to …………….
a. speak b. talk c. tell d. say
16. He feels ............ . This means he has a different feeling.
a different b. differently c. difference d. differ
17. At school, the thing I ............ boring is the too many lessons without
outdoor activities.
a dislike b. hate c. love d. find
18. Farmers use a plough to break ……….. the soil
a. in b .down c. up d. out
19.Time goes ............ and nothing changes. I have to try another solution.
a. past b. out c. in d. to
1-I regret …………. but it is the law. Tomorrow is my last day at work.
a. to retire b. retiring c. to retiring d. retire
2. Stop ………. You are giving me a headache.
a. to shout b. shouted c. shouting d. to shouting
3. He found the film quite frightening, so he stopped .
a. to watching b. to watch d. to shouting c. watching d. watched
4. I‟m really sorry ............ that the underground is dirty.
a. see b. to seeing c. to see d. seeing
5. Do you know ............ this tablet?
a. use b. how to use c. how use d. how using
6. I stopped ............ a shower to refresh myself.
a. to take b. to taking c. taking d. being taken
7. If you want to stay healthy, you should try ............ more exercise.
a. did b. to doing c. to do d. do
8. Try ............ the mobile over there, it might get a better signal.
a. to put b. will put c. putting d. put
9. I tried ............ some medicine but I found that the only Chemist‟s in our
area was closed.
a. bought b. buying c. to buy d. to buying
10. I have a stomach-ache, so I tried ............ some medicine.
a. taking b. to take c. to be taken d. taking
11. Please, remember ............ your books with you next time.
a. to bring b. bring c. bringing d. brings
12. I remember ............ the zoo every year when I was young.
a. visiting b. to visit c. visited d. visit
13. Don‟t forget ............ bread on your way home, Ashraf.
a. buying b. bought c. to buy d. to buying
79 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
14. I don‟t forget ............ my wife for the first time.
a. seen b. I see c. to see d. seeing
15. The gardener let us ............ in the bark.
a. cycle b. to cycle c. cycling d. to cycling
16. The gardener allowed us ............ in the bark.
a. cycle b. to cycle c. cycling d. to cycling
17. I can‟t stand ............ to him singing.
a. listened b. to listen c. listening d. to be listened
18. After I had written the essay, I went on ............ some maths problems.
a. to solve b. to solving c. being solved d. solving
19. I went on ............ the maths problems for two hours
a. to solve b. to solving c. being solved d. solve
20. She got used ............ on her own.
a. living b. to living c. to live d. live
21. Can you help me ............ my luggage, please?
a. packing b. pack c. to pack d. b & c
22. It was the third time for Sama ............ to the zoo.
a. goes b. going c. to go d. to going
23. I‟d rather ............ at home in this rainy weather.
a. stay b. to stay c. staying d. not stay
24. Mum ............ me tidy my room before I went out.
a. asked b. advised c. allowed d. made
1- I suggested stopping him ........... that old film as it was a waste of time
a. watching b. watches c. watched d. to watch
2. Why do you go on ............ the same lies again and again?
a. to tell b. telling c. to telling d. be told
3. I recommend ............ meals at home.
a. have b. to have c. having d. to having
4. I recommend my children ............ meals at home.
a. have b. to have c. having d. to having
5. I don‟t allow anyone ............ in my office.
a. smoke b. smoking c. to smoking d. to smoke
6. I don‟t allow ............ in my office.
a. smoke b. smoking c. to smoking d. to smoke
7. I ............ go out late at night.
a. wouldn’t rather b. would rather to
c. would rather didn’t d. would rather not
8. I was made ............ my room before I went out.
a. to tidy b. to tidying c. to tidying d. not tidy
9. It is starting ............ again.
a. raining b. to rain c. rains d. to raining
70 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
10. Fancy ............ you here.
a. seeing b. is seeing c. was seeing d. see
11. He took ............ .
a. smoke b. to smoke c. smoking d. to smoking
12. It‟s a waste of money ............ that house.
a. buy b. to buy c. buying d. to buying
13. The robbers were made ............ themselves up.
a. give b. to give c. giving d. to giving
14. Try ........ the aerial over there, it might work better.
a. to put b. putting c. will put d. put
15. Your grandmother needs help ............ some bags into her flat.
a. carries b. to carrying c. carrying d. carried
16. I suggest Rodayna ............ engineering like her mother.
a. studies b. studying c. have studied d. study
17.1t is no use ............ at him now. It‟s over.
a. shouting b. to shouting c. to shout d . shout
18. You ............ eat too much salty food.
a. hadn’t better b. had not better c. had better not d. would better
19. The thief was seen ............ away.
a. running b. to run c. to running d. a & b
20. He asked Malak ............ lunch.
a. prepares b. prepare c. to prepare d. preparing
Fill in the gaps with word (s) :
Some people find it difficult to make friends. They usually avoid (a) ............
and taking to other people. They prefer (h) ............ on (c) ............ own to
going out and (d) ............ used to being among others.
a ............ b. ............ c ............ d. ............
My sister and I had a job to do at home yesterday. My mother had asked us
(a) ........ ....make (b) ............ beds and (c) ...... to make any noise (d) ...... ,
..... my baby sister was asleep.
a ............ b. ............ c ............ d. ............
I had a bad headache this morning. I (a) ............ taking an aspirin (b)
............ I didn't feel any better. My brother offered (a) ............ take me to
the doctor‟s. (d) ............ . the doctor examined and gave me some medicine.
a ............ b. ............ c ............ d. ............
I have a fixed daily routine. I get up at six (21) ............ morning. I (b)
............ doing exercises soon after getting up. After I shower, I (c) ............
prefer to take (d) …………………………. tea out in the garden.
a ............ b. ............ c ............ d. ............
78 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
My mother has a list of instructions to tell me before I leave for school every
day. “Remember (a) ............ take your sandwiches”, she says. “(b) ............
forget (c) ............ check your school bag and don‟t (d) ............ your friends
have a bad effect on you”. I am a good swimmer.
Our school manager is strict pp. (a) .............. late for school more than five
minutes, you (b) ............ be allowed (0) .............. .(d) .............. , you won‟t
be able to take part in the school activities.
a ............ b. ............ c ............ d. ............
I like going on holidays. I met so (a) ............ old friends during the summer
holiday. Each of (b) ............ had (c) ............ to talk about. Most of us have
achieved their goals, but (d) ............ haven‟t.
a ............ b. ............ c ............ d. ............
The Novel Revision Chapters (4-6) Exercises
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- People who suffer from starvation usually need food ..................
a) supplies b) surveys c) reviews d) analysis
2- Our brave army soldiers .................. our country against enemies.
a) offend b) defend c) attack d) fight
3- When did you .................. to your office?
a) stay b) reach c) arrive d) get
4- I usually .................. my friends by using my mobile phone.
a) communicate b) connect c) contact d) control
5- A .................. is a heavy metal weapon.
a) knife b) cannon c) pistol d) gun
6- What are the .................. and disadvantages sides of the internet?
a) advantages b) points c) sides d) demerits
7- My mother .................. down to take the little girl into her arms.
a) broke b) fell c) knelt d) raised
71 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
8- I used to depend on myself and do the homework .................. my own.
a) on b) of c) from d) with
9- The young man behaved foolishly, so people believed he was ..................
a) wise b) Polite c) active d) crazy
10- Captain Smollett had a ............ to save the ship from Silver and his men.
a) plane b) plan c) plain d) pain
11- Archaeologists try to look for the .................. of the pharaohs.
a) pleasures b) pressures c) treasures d) sessions
12-The referee blew his .................. to end the match.
a) whistle b) fire c) gun d) voice
13- If you have a .................. , you should see your doctor.
a) habit b) disease c) review d) custom
14- I saw a lot of boats near the sea ................
a) shore b) bank c) valley d) canal
15- We ............. our friend Ali because he never tells lies.
a) disagree b) agree c) trust d) distrust
16- In the morning, I usually see a lot of birds on the .................. of trees.
a) roots b) branches c) seeds d) trunks
17- Children played on the .................. and made sandcastles.
a) beach b) bank c) shore d) mud
18- Can I .................. the poetry competition, please?
a) take place b) take part c) go d) join
19- At work, the team has a great ................. who tells each one what to do.
a) fool b) captain c) leader d) fellow
20-The worker used a .................. to make a hole on the ground.
a) saw b) spade c) knife d) hammer
General Exam
1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d: (16 Marks)
1. The company has presented me two options, but I preferred the …………
a. later b. another c. latter d. other
2. The project will be carried out in a ……………… of five years.
a. part b. place c. space d. timing
3. Good swimmers ………………… their powers for the last distance.
a. save b. send c. do d. make
4. The printer has stopped due to paper ……………. in it.
a. cover b. button c. jam d. socket
5. The repeated patterns of sound in music are known as ………………….. .
a. verse b. metaphor c. rhyme d. rhythm
6. His new book shot to the top of the bestseller ……………………. .
a. row b. test c. queue d. list
37 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
7. It is bad for young people to …………………. in the streets at night.
a. fly b. tender c. wonder d. wander
8. He did a lot of exercises in the club. What a ………………. day!
a. long b. hard c. heavy d. short
9. Charitable organizations should help those who are forced to fall in ………..
a. debt b. shift c. drift d. gift
10. “Ambiguous” is the opposite of …………………… .
a. difficult b. courageous c. obvious d. vague
11. He and she offered to help by ……………………….. .
a. herself b. himself c. yourselves d. themselves
12. When mother entered the supermarket, she realized that she ………………
of her money.
a. is robbed b. was robbed c. had been robbed d. had robbed
13. You …………….. panic and try again if you fail to solve any problems.
a. must b. should c. shouldn’t d. can’t
14. If I ……………….… you, I‟d agree to go with them.
a. were b. did c. had d. should
15. He ………………. to the club every day when he was young.
a. has gone b. is going c. goes d. went
16. We have finished …………………. the message.
a. to read b. reading c. to reading d. read
2. Fill in the gaps with one word. (4 Marks)
Love is …… (a) ……most elevated emotion in life. It is a requirement of all
creatures because it controls …… (b) …… relationships. It is given …… (c)
…… parents to their children. True love is …… (d) …… sacrifice for others.
a: ……………… b: ……………. c: ……………. d: …………
3. Read the text and answer the questions: (10 Marks)
Dolphins have become a popular attraction at zoos in recent years. They are
more and more interesting than lions and tigers because they are livelier and
perform tricks like circus animals. But although they are more willing to
cooperate with the trainer than other mammals in captivity, they get bored if
they are asked to do the same trick twice. This is one reason for believing
they are very intelligent.
Dolphins are regarded as the friendliest creatures in the sea and stories of
them about helping drowning sailors have been common since the Romans.
We now have more reliable evidences of their usefulness than sailors‟ tales.
In South Africa, two dolphins have been trained to help swimmers in
difficulties and drive sharks away from the beach. The more we learn about
dolphins, the more we realize that they are better organized and their
society is more complex than people have previously imagined. They look
31 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry
after other dolphins when they are ill, care for pregnant mothers and protect
the weak as we do.
Some scientists have suggested that dolphins have a language system which
is similar to bats‟ one and man cannot hear. It is much more probable that
they have an echo-location. Could any of these mammals be more intelligent
than man? The question cannot be answered.
A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: (4 Marks)
1. Most sharks are …………………………………. .
a. man’s friends b. man’s enemy
c. dolphins’ friends d. as friendly as dolphins
2. Dolphins communicate with each other by using ………………………… .
a. words similar to man’s ones b. sounds like other animals
c. the language of birds. d. movements of the body
3. Dolphins are …………………………….. .
a. as intelligent as man b. more intelligent than man
c. more intelligent than sea animals d. the most intelligent of all
4. In South Africa, two dolphins were trained so as to ……………………. .
a. drown swimmers b. organize society
c. give a hand to others d. tell tales to sailors
B. Answer the following questions: (6 Marks)
5. Do you think bats can live with dolphins together? Why / Why not?
6. Summarize in TWO sentences what you learn from the passage about
dolphins‟ life.
7. Do you like dolphins? Why / Why not?
4. Translate into Arabic: (2 Marks)
1. Building personality of human beings is the axis of progress and
development. We must take care of youth to make more progress in the
5. Translate into English: (2 Marks)
6. Write an essay of about 150 words on one of the following the
topics: (6 Marks)
1. An essay or short story about the statement: “For every joy, there is a
price to be paid”.
2. Setting a goal for yourself is the first step to achieve your ambition.
37 1st year sec. Review 4-6 of the 1st Term / By Mr. Ibrahim Badry