Presented by
Qualifications to be MD
1. Min age 21 yrs, Max age 70 yrs
2. Not insolvent
3. Not convicted and jailed for 6 months or more
Appointment of MD
1. Obtain Consent and Declaration of the person to be appointed as
2. Meeting of Nomination and Remuneration Committee: This is a
committee of certain directors who decide the
remuneration of KMP
3. Meeting of BOD: Initially MD can be appointed by BOD.
A person can be MD for a max of 2 companies. If the
person to be appointed is already MD of another
company, then all the directors present in the BOD
meeting must approve the appointment.
4. Approval at GM: The MD appointed at BOD meeting
must be approved by shareholders at the next GM.
5. Form MR-1: The appointment of MD must be filed with
RoC in MR-1 within 60 days of appointment
6. Making Necessary entries in Statutory Registers: Company
shall make necessary entries in the Register of Director
and Key Managerial Personals
Term of Managing Director:-
• A person can be appointed as a Managing Director
not for a period more than 5 years at the
• However, it can be extended after the completion of
the term.
Section 149(6)- Independent Director, means a
director other than a managing director or a whole
time director or a nominee director -
(a) who, in the opinion of the Board, is a person of
integrity and possesses relevant expertise and
(b) who is or was not a promoter of the
company or its holding, subsidiary or
associate company;
20 companies, excluding
one person companies,
dormant companies
small companies and
private companies having paidup share capital
less than ₹100 crore
12) SEC 144 disqualification - prescribes certain
services not to be rendered by the auditor
(i) accounting and book keeping services;
(ii) internal audit;
(iii) design and implementation of any financial
information system;
(iv) actuarial services;
(v) investment advisory services;
(vi) investment banking services;
(vii) rendering of outsourced financial services;
(viii) management services;
Rights of Auditors